#sollux maryam kin
jayesprite · 8 months
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nepeta nitram, vriska vantas, feferi leijon & sollux maryam at yalls service (pt 1 of 2)
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hskinhome · 2 years
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An aesthetic for a Sollux Maryam (Kanaya-ways) using red, gold, green, minor blood, two-headed snakes, and themes of revenge
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meupurr · 2 years
Hii! Ii Was Wonderiing Iif Ii Could Get A Sollux Maryam Pesterquest Spriite Ediit? Wiith Hiis Glasses Beiing Jade, A Sliight Mullet, A Sleeveless Turtleneck (Wiith Hiis Gemiinii Symbol Beiing Jade), And A Red Skiirt Siimiilar To Kanaya's. Iif You Need Me To Send Iin A Reference Ii Can!! - Sollux Maryam Iintroject :)
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hope these are good enough!!!!
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wholeheartedwonders · 2 years
hi can you assign me a kin assignment (no pressure). i kin chara undertale and vee vfrom the owl house. iiii am a pre law psychology statisticsstudent who is really good at deceiving people into thinking im good at coding. i love esoteric programming languages and Worms. but i dont understand either of them. #girlgboss (i am a boy but also a girlboss also i dont care what gender my kin is). i am a drama queen but i play it to my favor so its fine. ymy favorite triangle is the isoceles. and my favorite number is 2 becuase its the only even prime. i write my own music and i make paintings sometimes. i can do everything PRETTY well (except sports i cannot run) but nothing really great. buti am vibing. i am the therapist friend. my friends describe me as "unpredictable" and "hot" and "full of various rocks" and "that is an extremely dense question you cant just tell me to describe you". my fgood qualities is that im creative adn perseverance. my bad qualities are that i am very bad at focusing and overly emoitonal and i have eaten salt packets with the paper on. thanks and i i hope you have a FABULOUS day pchooo (<- blasting off)
heya! very sorry for the delay. i’ve been all over the place recently, but i have your request ready now!
i kin assign you…
sollux captor and karkat vantas!
i think this because:
your interest in programming languages, your favorite number, your unpredictably, and your perseverance remind me sollux. (also one of your kins being chara. that just seems related to me for some reason)
your “drama queen”-ness, your ability to deceive people to think you’re good at coding, you being the therapist friend, your friends’ descriptions of you, your perseverance, and your emotional personality reminds me of karkat. (and also your reason for 2 being your favorite. that…feels fitting.)
a few other names that come to mind are:
roxy lalonde (programming, worms, drama queen-ness, your unpredictable nature, creativity, perseverance)
eridan ampora (“girlgboss”, drama queen, unpredictable nature, perseverance, over emotional)
if you're interested in possible swaps, id consider sollux maryam, any ampora swaps, and perhaps any strider/lalonde ones? i feel like a lot to these traits may line up with these.
hope this helps!
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fanonical · 4 months
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bloodswapkinfessions · 8 months
i swear 90% of my kins are sollux or sollux ways !! i have 2 canon similar timelines, two beforus, one no sgrub, Sol vantas, leijon, maryam, serket, zahhak, AND peixes, a humanstuck tl, THREE SEPARATE sprite timelines(erisol, vrisol, soldavesprite^2), a dave captor, vriska captor, karkat captor, and two roxy captors(one beforus sollux, one beta sollux) and one where im a ROBOT??? sollux swap heaven....
omg beforancestors hi. come be my friend
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fr0ntstuck · 10 months
Intro Post
Hello, This Is A Blog For A Lot Of In A D.I.D System!
We Are Minors (17) Bodily and most of us (Except For Mom, Bro And The Condescence) Are Too
If You Are A Sourcemate Feel Free To Interact Weather You Are A Kin, Fictive, Or IRL. Kanaya Is The Most Likely To Respond.
Do Not Interact If You Fit The Basic DNI Criteria, Are A Proshipper, Or Anti-Fictive/System. Also As A Personal Thing For Dave, Please Do Not Interact If You Are Bro Strider In Any Way. (Vriska specific, Eridan dni with me)
If You Want We Can Do Icon Request, But We Do Not Know How To Do Sprite Edits Or Stuff Like Stimboards, Sorry
List of members of the blog and pronouns (Links with typing quirk explanation w.i.p):
Dave "Dove" Strider (She/They/Disc)
Jade Harley (They/Paw)
Jane Crocker (He/Her)
Dash Strider (She/It/Prince)
Jasprose Lalonde (She/Meow/Paw)
Roxanne "Mom" Lalonde (She/Her)
Dirk "Bro" Strider (He/It)
Aradia Megido (She/Time/Skull)
Damara Megido (Her/It)
Tavy Nitram (She/Bull)
Sollux Captor (He/She)
Kankri Vantas (They/Her/It/9)
Nepeta Leijon (She/He/They/Meow/Claws)
Meulin Leijon (She/Meow/Ship)
Kanaya Maryam (She/They/Space/Vamp)
Porrim Maryam (They/It/Maid)
Latula Pyrope (Her/It/Skate)
Vriska Serket (She/Sh8/Fang)
Aranea Serket (She/Light)
Vrissy Maryam-Lalonde (They/It)
Gamzee Makara (He/She/Bard)
Eridan Ampora (She/Her)
Cronus Ampora (He/Him)
Feferi Peixes (She/They)
Meenah Peixes (They/She/Trident)
Her Imperious Condescention (She/Sparkle/Gold)
Calliope (She/It/They)
Caliborn (He/It/They)
Rose Strider (She/Her)
Jade Strider (They/It)
Roxy Crocker (She/Kiss/Bake)
Nepeta "Helmepeta" Captor (She/5h3/Bite/Color)
Feferi Maryam (She/Vamp/Witch)
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TG: Flowers my awesome gf June gave me
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gmanwhore · 5 months
Fuck it. Gender + Sexuality headcanons for some of my Homestuck kins:
Jade Harley = Transfem Nonbinary, Lesbian.
Dirk Strider = Unlabeled in both, not straight or cis tho.
Lil Hal = Transfem woman, butch lesbian.
Sollux Captor = Bigender, bisexual (fem lean).
Nepeta Leijon = Nonbinary, lesbian.
Kanaya Maryam = Transfem woman, Lesbian.
Vriska Serket = Trans woman, aceflux, lesbian.
Gamzee Makara = Bitgender, unlabeled.
Eridan Ampora = Masc transgirl, bisexual.
Feferi Peixes = Transfem Nonbinary, pansexual.
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2ollux-and-company · 10 months
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(credit to Vim_des on twitter for our icon.)
(credit to benkeibear on tumblr for our dividers.)
CURRENT HOST: Dualscar Vantas
We are the Silly Billy system! We are a fictive-heavy system with a variety of sources, but this blog is for the Homestuck fictives!
We will occasionally post sprite edits, which most of us love doing! They’re very fun and we wouldn’t be opposed if someone requested some from us!
PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT if you are a syscorse blog, a proshipper, or a Cronus fictive/kin!
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Sollux Captor: II go by any pronoun2 but II prefer iit/iits. II am not 2ure of my age, 2o tread liightly iif you want to talk flu2hed wiith me. II’ll mo2tly po2t and reblog art and 2tiimboard2. My tag ii2 #twinarmaggedons.
Gamzee Makara: I LiKe GoIn By ClOwN/ClOwNsElF. I’m DeFiNeTlY A MiNoR So DoN’t TrY To GeT It On ReD StYlE. I’lL MoStLy PoSt RaNtS, SoUrCe MeMoRiEs, AnD My VrIsKa ObSeSsIoN. My TaG Is #terminallycapricious.
Vriska Serket: hi! ::::) i go by she/her (but i’m experimenting with he/they!!!!!!!!) and i’m an adult! i’ll mostly just re8log shit like fanart (mostly of me ::::)) 8ut i’ll also make appreciation posts a8out my darling girl nepeta! my tag is #arachnidsgrip
Nepeta Leijon: :33< i go by kitty/cat!!! i’m vrhisska’s kid and i’m thirteen! i lovelovelove reblogging silly posts and i’ll post my own someclimbs! i’ll also post a lot about karcat and equihiss (they were my moirails!) my tag is #arseniccatnip!
Dave Strider: i go by he/crab (in honor of karkat my silly rabbit) and i’m a grown man B) i’ll mostly talk about karkat and sollux, and i’ll totally reblog shit about them too. my tag is #turntechgodhead.
Bro Strider: I go by he/him. I’m 28. I won’t post much, probably, but I’ll reblog anything about my dope ass lil bro. My tag is #timaeustestified.
Kanaya Maryam: I Go By She/Buzz/Flower. I Love Rose Very Much, So Most Of My Posts And Reblogs Will Be Rose-Centric And I Will Subject You To Each Post Twelve Times A Day. My Tag Is #grimauxiliatrix.
Mituna Captor: H1 1’M M17UN4 1’M 8 5W33P5 0LD 4ND 1 G0 8Y 8UM8L3/833 1’M G0NN4 83 P0571NG 480U7 L47UL4 4ND M33N4H 4 L07 MY 74G 15 #twiceannihilated
Gamzee Nitram: yO, i’m gamzee nitram, i’ll prOlly nOt use this blOg Often, but if i dO pOp up feel free tO say hi, i’ll reblOg things that remind me Of sOurce, i gO by any prOnOuns, my tag is #gnefariousguffaw
Doublespirit: i’m duwalscar vantas! i go by he/it/sor and im a duwalscar sufferer-wways kin! no, not a fictive, i knoww. buwt anywway i’ll probably post art n shit ya my tag is #doublespirit
Kerpop Makara: yO yO YOOOO it’S thE GRAND MOTHERFUCKING HIGHBLOOD iN thE FUCKING HIVE YO! I gO bY hE/honK/snorT anD I FUCKING LOVE MEN. I mighT noT posT mucH, buT iF I dO I MOTHERFUCKING RECKON i’lL posT abouT mY sourcE. mY taG iS #ghb
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blazingphantasm · 2 years
Wait who’s Spix?
Hiya, uhh, that’d be me. An idiot obsessed with their little fandoms. I also make games, but uhh, those take forever. I also make music for those games, but uhh, I usually forget to upload those works in an easily accessible form. You probably don’t care a bit about me or my blog and that’s completely understandable! But I’ll spew some self promotion anyways:
YouTube, itch.io
My other less noteworthy accounts are easily linked to these, you’ll find ‘em no problem. It’s scary how easily these all connect isn’t it? Anyways… go along with your day!
Still here? ...really?
um ok those scary labels:
- transgender
- non-binary
- demi-girl
- panromantic
- homosexual
- gay
- lesbian
you can go harass me over this shit now
ok fine the fandoms im into (currently):
- im making a metroid fangame but i dont often post about the series
- shin megami tensei, has my favorite way of handling angels and demons in any media. also the best fucking jrpg series ive touched. (only touched 4 tho lol: smt as mentioned, final fantasy, dragon quest, and the obligatory pokemon)
- MEGA MAN!!! but mostly x and zero series + archies take on classic. oh also the protomen but thats an aside (i dont like the classic games that much. im sorry ok. i played through 1, 2, 3, and 7 and like they were like ok.)
- oh how could i ever forget fnaf? well its here now. not as in it as i used to be but its coming back with a vengeance
- i played through and finished portal 2 how did i not add that here before anyways i love wheatley
- bonus thing for tma fans, my friends assigned me as avatar of the web and it totally fits
um blorbos too why not (and some ranting for certain ones because favoritism):
- protoman (the archie comics… im literally crying), ZERO (he is literally my perfect character… other than the constant death fakeout thing yeah thats probably why i like the zero series’ story better than the x series’) [mega man]
- sonic (but like- but also… its complicated.), shadow (hes the coolest thing alive also a bunch of other stuff but uh ill save that for another time), silver, BLAZE (ok im literally a blaze kinnie <33 (and also “indirectly” named myself after her (i only use that name with friends, publicly im still spikira/spix) dont give your name to strangers on the internet yeah but also fuck it) also i ship sonaze i wonder why hmm. IWONDERWHY.) [sonic the hedgehog]
- kris (the gender envyyy THE GENDER ENVYYYY), frisk, chara, susie, undyne, mettaton, berdly (what do you mean he reminds me of a certain someone? no he doesnt he doesnt at all no thats such a weird claim to make it could never be true), jevil, spamton [undertale/deltarune]
- wheatley (he is such a moron i love him) [portal]
- june egbert (ngl my friend assigned me as her and like… you know what maybe i also do kin her kinda), dave strider (what no i dont have a crush on dave strider no i dont like him at all no thats absurd what accusations are you making stop that no), JADE HARLEY, jack noir b1, sollux captor, karkat vantas, nepeta leijon, kanaya maryam, terezi pyrope, VRISKA SERKET (i stan her vriska did everything and nothing wrong), roxy lalonde, dirk strider [homestuck]
- im still missing a bunch probably
…still want more? wow you must be obsessed with me or something… im flattered 😏
i mean you can have some more of my names i guess: other than blaze, i have dyne/megido but no one really uses those anyways… then theres void, which is the name i exclusively use to refer to my previous queer identity (what that was is none of your fucking business) it would’ve totally been the name i’d have gone by back then (instead of deadname) if not for “factors”
too bad thats all the info youll get on me! hah! (unless you wanna like scrounge my blog for iddy tidbits like a creep)
ok idk have this tag for stuff i maek
oh also i have a webcomic now i guess
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jayesprite · 7 months
could you make a sollux maryam with jade eyebags and with a tuxedo w/ purple bowtie?
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hskinhome · 11 months
:oD -> heyy just curious: could i get a pendulum on whether or not terezi megido was blind? (im pretty sure eridan pyrope wasnt, hence why im. not asking) :oD -> and uh, do you think i could maybe also get a pendulum on if my ideas for terezi megido, kanaya captor, vriska vantas, eridan pyrope. tavros serket and karkat makara are right/close? :oD -> and uh! two more on if feferi leijon and aradia ampora were in a quadrant and if sollux maryam and i end up in any sorta quadrant? :oD -> sorry ive just found moodboards and stuff that seem WAYY too close and wanna ask to be sure its not. like. actually related to my tl lol. its unlikely but! its worth asking abt yk?
:oD -> thanks :o)
-gamzee zahhak
Hey, Gamzee! So. According to my pendulum, Terezi Megido was blind, Terezi is right, Kanaya is wrong, Vriska is close, Eridan is close, Tavros is right, and Karkat is wrong, and neither pair ended up in a quadrant!
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stupidkinbs · 1 year
i now realize that making a kin carrd was pointless bc when you’re trying to make it look all fancy while figuring out tls it is very easy to run out of space without the membership.
so. plan b! tumblr post
MAJOR KINS: lots of memories and/or strong relation
🕶️🎸 jade strider - she/he - witch of time, prospit - swapped with dave - 3 canonmates found
🌷🌱 john harley - he/any - heir of space, prospit - swapped with jade - 1 canonmate found
💀🪻 meulin makara - any - prince of heart, derse - swapped with kurloz
💘🌀 dirk lalonde - he/they - prince of void, derse - swapped with roxy
MINOR KINS: little to no memories and/or small relation
♥️🪦 aradia megido - any - no sgrub au - canon divergent
🔷👻 john egbert - any - humanstuck/no sburb au
🧷📌 kanaya megido - she/it - idk if we played sgrub - swapped w/ aradia
🪽🧡 davesprite - he/any - considering the fact that i was a sprite it would only make sense that we played - canon divergent
🐾🍃 jade harley - she/any - witch of space, prospit - canon divergent
💬🍀 john english - he/him - heir of hope? still working this out
🕸️🟦 karkat serket - he/they - also working this out
⚖️ 🍬 terezi pyrope - she/they - yeah definitely but im. pretty mem-less. maybe no sgrub?
🌊☔️ im on a DNI now - he/they - humanstuck/no sburb au
🐙💕 agent 8 - any - canon divergent-ish
🗡️❓ kris dreemur - they/he
🌊⚓️ “veri” - he/any
⭐️🏹 claude - he/him - canon divergent
QUESTIONING: maybe i kin them, maybe i don’t. i still need to figure that out. this is more so a personal list so i can keep track since i am. very forgetful.
🔩❓ dirk - there HAS to be one more. strider? crocker?
💾🔌 some kind of sollux - which? hell if I know. maybe maryam? i knew a dave egbert here i think
💜♟️ roseways lalonde swap - I KNOW ITS OUT THERE
👒🐈 this one is awful to explain
❄️🍃 bec harley (guidestuck)
💗🍷 mom lalonde - for some reason? what
pearl… (SU)
still in persona hell (❌,🔎,🕸️,💥, 👓)
this list will probably get longer at some point and some kins may turn into major ones. only time will tell and what not.
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simply-windy · 3 months
Bc I'm bored so like- Just gonna list some favs/kins/mains n shit from various shit I like [Which is like... Three things mentioned atm but oh well~]
Mains: Banhammer, Rocket, Slingshot, Hyperlaser, Medkit Kins: Rocket, Medkit Favs: Banhammer, Rocket, Slingshot, Medkit, Sword, Subspace, Broker, Zuka, Valk/Dom, Venomshank, Windforce
Kins: Infected, Pest Favs: Wallter, Mark, Bive, Spilt, Infected, Lampert, Prototype, Scag, Pest
Kins: Karkat/Kankri, Sollux, Kanaya, Terezi/Latula, John, Jake, Rose, Roxy Favs: Vantas bloodline, Captor bloodline, Maryam bloodline, Pyrope bloodline, Eridan, Cronus, John/Jake, Rose/Roxy, Jade
Kins: Marcille Favs: Laios, Falin, Marcille, Senshi
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vriska-serket-official · 11 months
HIIIII my name is Bibi and or Cupid!! I am a Beatrice Luna Reden (I Love Amy) fictive and this is my kin blog!! I'm gonna be reblogging stuff and sometimes making canon calls or other stuff here so yeah B)
Proshippers and homophobes/transphobes dni!!!!!
I am these characters, don't try arguing with me about it <3
KIN LIST!!! (If they are Orange then they are Important, Red means interact with care)
Sayaka Maizono (Danganronpa)
Mondo Owada (Danganronpa)
Junko Enoshima- Ult. Gambler (Danganronpa)
Junko Enoshima- Ult. Fashionista/Ult. Hope (Danganronpa)
Kyoko Kirigiri (Danganronpa)
Mahiru Koizumi- Ult. ???/Ult. Hope (Danganronpa)
Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa)
Sonia Nevermind (Danganronpa)
Kaede Akamatsu (Danganronpa)
Kirumi Tojo (Danganronpa)
Korekiyo Shinguji (Danganronpa)
Dr. Coomer (HLVRAI)
Benrey (HLVRAI)
Noelle Holiday (Deltarune)
Garou (One Punch Man)
Kris Dreemur (Deltarune)
Toriel (Undertale)
Chara Dreemur (Undertale)
Ragatha (Amazing Digital Circus)
Marceline (Adventure Time)
The Star (Fionna and Cake)
Jonathan Joestar (JoJo's)
Josuke Higashikata (JoJo's)
Yukako Yamagishi (JoJo's)
Bruno Bucciarati (JoJo's)
Diego Brando (JoJo's)
Dell Conagher (Team Fortress 2)
Metal Sonic (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Rouge The Bat (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Modeus (Helltaker)
Pandemonica (Helltaker)
Dave Strider (Homestuck)
Jade Harley (Homestuck)
Dirk Strider (Homestuck)
Hal Strider (Homestuck)
Davesprite (Homestuck)
Davepetasprite^2 (Homestuck)
Sollux Captor (Homestuck)
Kanaya Maryam (Homestuck)
Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
Eridan Ampora (Homestuck)
Feferi Peixes (Homestuck)
Nepeta Leijon (Homestuck)
Gamzee Makara (Homestuck)
Beta Kankri Vantas/The Signless (Homestuck)
Porrim Maryam (Homestuck)
Latula Pyrope (Homestuck)
Aranea Serket (Homestuck)
Kurloz Makara (Homestuck)
Jade Strider (Homestuck- Jade Harley Dave Ways)
Roxy Crocker (Homestuck- Roxy Lalonde Jane Ways)
Feferi Maryam (Homestuck- Feferi Peixes Porrim Ways)
Nepeta Captor (Homestuck- Nepeta Leijon Mituna Ways)
Callie Oohpee (Homestuck- Troll Au)
Power (Chainsaw Man)
Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
Sanji (One Piece)
Najimi Osana (Komi Can't Communicate)
Omoharu Nakanaka (Komi Can't Communicate)
GLaDOS (Portal)
Lindsay (Total Drama)
Gwen (Total Drama)
Ella (Total Drama)
Julia (Total Drama)
Scary Girl (Total Drama)
Wilford Warfstache (Markiplier Cinematic Universe)
Wally Darling (Welcome Home)
Maggie (Hazbin Hotel)
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
Rosie (Hazbin Hotel)
Carmilla Carmine (Hazbin Hotel)
Lute (Hazbin Hotel)
Angel Gabby (Angel Hare)
Pest (Regretevator)
Lampert (Regretevator)
Mach (Regretevator)
Falin Touden (Dungeon Meshi)
Doorwoman (That's Not My Neighbor)
Heather Chandler (Heathers: The Musical)
Nene (Pico School/Friday Night Funkin')
Serial Designation J (Murder Drones)
Serial Designation N (Murder Drones)
Doll (Murder Drones)
Tessa James Elliot (Murder Drones)
Son Goku (Dragon Ball)
Son Gohan (Dragon Ball)
Ivy (Lackadaisy)
Mitzi (Lackadaisy)
Zora Salazar (Epithet Erased)
Susie Campbell/Alice Angel (BATIM)
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)
Franziska Von Karma (Ace Attorney)
Himiko Toga (My Hero Academia)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
Joy (Inside Out)
Logan Sanders (Sanders Sides)
Janus Sanders (Sanders Sides)
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