#went on an accidental hiatus again my bad
lover-of-mine · 3 days
On the question of the new viewers. Let me preface with after getting burned bad I made a promise I would never ship Canon straight characters as queer ships ever again. It just comes into play to understand the readers digest version of this. Yes I was always aware of the Buddie ship and the actors but that was it
I accidentally started season 6. It just came on, and I just didnt look away. Here's how it went.
I actually saw the lasagna dinner scene and thought wait they went Canon? That's them right? Then quickly realized. Nope 2 straight besties. Bucks a cool uncle (didn't know about will scene forgive me). And proceeded to not get attached.
Actually easy because they separated them a bit. But then there was the lightening strike and poker date and I was like oh somethings happening. I was wrong they had the dopey ass ending and I was like bless me for not getting invested.
Then.... It was a year wait!!!!!! So it was a boredom tune back in. I was pleased to see Bucks bi story. I thought the first kiss was charming. Then he was just there. I left the season thinking Eddie was tragically in love with his dead wife and Buck was experimenting.
If I didn't go back to binge I would have gone into 8 with these expectations. Eddie either excepting he was a tragic single father forever. Buck, yes probably seeing Tommy, but no I was not a shipper. Firstly because of appearance. I have no problem with age difference but with them I just don't like it. Tommy seems older and rougher. On the flip side personality. That Tommy wasn't what I pictured Bucks end game as like at all. I wanted someone like Spencer Reid if it wasn't Eddie.
But... . I did go back and binge. S1 was a trip. Got to S2. Saw the opening. Went duh I get why they ship them, but you ain't getting me. Until the elf scene. I really was good. But right after the elf scene I remembered hearing how Tim wrote it as a nod and double checked.. Remember, it would be weird to see the scene and know Tim knows after knowing full well yes Buck would come out queer. So it really was a no brainer after that. No way Tim created this in S2 if they weren't end game if there was ever a chance.
Then came the well, tsunami, shooting, will reveal, break ups, co dependant idiots and finally caught back to the lasagna and lightening. Also seeing how much Eddie isn't a reliable narrator about his relationship with Shannon. The version I got at the end of 7 is not what was happening on my screen in 2. I would almost label it a red herring depending on how this plays out in 8. Also after watching the begin episodes I understood anyone's frustration that Tommy was just white washed.
Final conclusion. Not even trying to sound condescending but I don't know why the other side even thinks this is a "ship war". I was late and I never hated Tommy but I would have never shipped them as end game. I couldn't even tell if Tommy actually liked Buck. I was left with the ick of Buck was a consolation prize or second choice and Buck was trying way to hard. Taking scraps and being grateful. Maybe because I binged it was more fresh but it was more of how little self respect Buck had for himself in trying to be in a relationship.
And if anyone finished reading that you deserve an award.
This is an interesting view of things, I think if you only have the s7 context, you will see them differently because the whole Kim thing really messes with the perception of Eddie and love, thank you for coming and telling me this, really.
But this kinda made me talk about my experience with buddie, so I'm gonna do that, because I think it's funny. I didn't know much about the show, but I knew of buddie, I started watching during the hiatus between 5a and 5b and during that time there was some big talk about queerbaiting going around and I know of them next to ships like destiel and stucky and destiel, I had just read an article on queerbaiting that had a section talking about them, so I kinda assumed buddie would be the same as they had enough context to create a ship but not enough for it to have a real chance of going canon, so I was set on not shipping them. Like, I was legit ready to roll my eyes and see that Buck and Eddie with their respective female love interests and be like "okay they are never going anywhere" but then an elf pretty much calls them gay as Eddie justifies sleeping with his wife 10 episodes in and I was like "oh oh" because they have a compelling friendship and I'm a sucker for best friends to lovers, but I was fighting it, until the tsunami, because seriously, I watched Eddie go "there's nobody in this world I trust with my son more than you" after a situation where no one would blame Eddie if he needed time and I was done for. Then they just kept getting more insane about each other. I remember watching the will reveal and being like "wait, fuck me, are they gonna go there?" because they follow all the basic procedural slowburn tropes, and I started s5 being like 👀 about everything that was happening to them. Now that Buck is bi, I'm seriously 95% sure buddie is happening because all the elements are there. There is something very compelling about Buck and Eddie together when you look at the whole show and s7 really added to that. Settling for Buck in a relationship with someone who's clearly not that into him just because it's a queer relationship doesn't feel right when Eddie is right there.
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wholeheartedwonders · 2 years
hi can you assign me a kin assignment (no pressure). i kin chara undertale and vee vfrom the owl house. iiii am a pre law psychology statisticsstudent who is really good at deceiving people into thinking im good at coding. i love esoteric programming languages and Worms. but i dont understand either of them. #girlgboss (i am a boy but also a girlboss also i dont care what gender my kin is). i am a drama queen but i play it to my favor so its fine. ymy favorite triangle is the isoceles. and my favorite number is 2 becuase its the only even prime. i write my own music and i make paintings sometimes. i can do everything PRETTY well (except sports i cannot run) but nothing really great. buti am vibing. i am the therapist friend. my friends describe me as "unpredictable" and "hot" and "full of various rocks" and "that is an extremely dense question you cant just tell me to describe you". my fgood qualities is that im creative adn perseverance. my bad qualities are that i am very bad at focusing and overly emoitonal and i have eaten salt packets with the paper on. thanks and i i hope you have a FABULOUS day pchooo (<- blasting off)
heya! very sorry for the delay. i’ve been all over the place recently, but i have your request ready now!
i kin assign you…
sollux captor and karkat vantas!
i think this because:
your interest in programming languages, your favorite number, your unpredictably, and your perseverance remind me sollux. (also one of your kins being chara. that just seems related to me for some reason)
your “drama queen”-ness, your ability to deceive people to think you’re good at coding, you being the therapist friend, your friends’ descriptions of you, your perseverance, and your emotional personality reminds me of karkat. (and also your reason for 2 being your favorite. that…feels fitting.)
a few other names that come to mind are:
roxy lalonde (programming, worms, drama queen-ness, your unpredictable nature, creativity, perseverance)
eridan ampora (“girlgboss”, drama queen, unpredictable nature, perseverance, over emotional)
if you're interested in possible swaps, id consider sollux maryam, any ampora swaps, and perhaps any strider/lalonde ones? i feel like a lot to these traits may line up with these.
hope this helps!
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dearestkong · 4 months
reflections // end-of-year exams🍓
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it's the return of dearestkong~~ i finished my last exam yesterday, and i'll begin daily updates soon!! it's nice not to be in panic-study mode, but I still have a ton of work to do for university applications. here are some things on my mind.
the good (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
when it came down to it, i could face the inertia head-on. during the short hiatus i was studying 6 hours a day, most days.
utilising resources: notion has been a godsend!! it used to scare me, but then i realised i was putting too much pressure on myself to make it look nice. a bare-bones table is fine.
it was a tough week (weeks), but i got through it and only cried a few times.
tried to take good breaks. saw a lot (!!!!!!!!!!!!) of beautiful things and ate delicious food.
today i had the whole day free; that's incredibly rare because there's always some sort of obligation going on. so i spent the morning reading, i took a walk, i finished my book in a cafe. i went back to my tutoring job and saw the kids again. i watched tv while cleaning my room. i turned off my phone-- i was determined not to waste the gift so i ended up having a much more fulfilling time than i normally do. and as i think back on it, i was being so stupid. there's nothing that special about today. every day is a gift! if i can do that once, i can do it always.
the not-so-good (.◜ᯅ◝)
felt burned out within the first week of revision but i didn't feel like i was working hard enough. i never feel like i work hard enough, and the problem is that's backed up with fact in my head because i never managed to complete my to-do list-- i went into exams knowing that i didn't do enough question practice or only briefly skimmed some topics.
was overconfident on some exams and underconfident (?) on others. cried before one because all the stuff felt alien to me, but it wasn't even that bad fr. i need to chillax
accidentally met someone incredibly beautiful and was struck with longing during the whole week which is not exactly what you want uring a time of academic pressure, you know?
realised that even when i'm not actively relapsing, i'm still doing a lot of self-destructive things. sleeping at midnight before an exam, choosing my phone over the book i really want to read. staying in bed too long or skipping exercise to rot.. i know all those things will make me feel bad, but i do them anyway. i'm too mean to myself.
in conclusion I MISS POSTING. idgaf if this takes time out of my day, the self-examination really helps me. in the process of writing a new introduction because my pinned has kind of aged out of relevance, but we'll see how it goes. !!! onwards!!!
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octo-hyacinth · 1 year
Characters: Floyd Leech
Summary: Floyd with a reader who is prone to shivering a lot (from temperature sensitivity mainly)
Content Warnings: None, except for an obligatory warning of very much Floyd
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Before Floyd got to know you real well, like right after you made your lovely flashy entrance in the Hall Of Mirrors™️ and started attending classes, he had… mixed feelings about you
Things like, “Why are they even here?” “I don’t like how much attention this weird new Prefect is getting”, but at the same time, he’s also very intrigued by you
So, like any predator does with their prey, he starts stalking you. Just. Not in the traditional, hide-in-the-shadows sense
He starts sitting next to you in every class you share, likely by forcibly removing anyone who was there before, just to talk to you
As you walk through the halls and across the courtyard every day, you began to expect the habitual singsongy “Shrimpyyy!~” rapidly approaching you multiple times a day
After a while, you just kinda stopped fighting it and let him hang around you
But because of all his hovering, of course he started to notice things, things like how easily you started shivering like you were about to catch hypothermia every time the rickety window in Trein’s accidentally blew open with every gust of wind
He found it odd, of course, being so accustomed to the cold. He’s never seen someone who’s so sensitive to it in comparison.
Buuut the more time went on, the more he got used to it.
He started offering you his jacket every class period, with you then giving it back to him at the end of the last class you shared
Then he just refused to take his jacket back one day, shoving it into your hands with a cheery smile as he insisted you keep it, saying something about swiping Azul’s money to buy a new one
The accommodations just for you sometimes went a little further, with Floyd even getting up from his seat just to shut the window for you, which was odd in itself considering how pointless he saw the action before
Sometimes, he’d sneakily grab your hand and gently rub it in between his to try and generate more warmth for you (whether of not it worked is up for debate)
But of course, for all the care he showed through his actions, he still teased you over it sometimes
“Awww, is my widdle Shrimpy cold again? Look at you, always needing me to help you from bein’ cold all the time,” he’d say as he ruffles your hair.
“‘S okay though, I don’t mind being generous every once in a while. Yer welcome.”
Gotta take the good with the insufferably obnoxious though, I guess.
But congratulations! You’ve won yourself a clingy, affectionate eel, complete with a fully-functioning annoyance feature (now with extra teasing)
Sorry but he doesn’t take refunds, have fun
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laprimera · 11 months
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alrighty so after some reflection and getting some outside stuff prioritized Im done some blog housework so I can get comfortable here again.
im still gonna continue my hiatus until november cause the rest of October still has a lot of rl appointments and stuff going on. ill be nuking my ask and drafts to get into maximum turtle plot overdrive and just start things clean, but here's the skinny under cut:
. Ive went and cleaned up my followers list. mostly of inactive blogs, non-mutual or blogs that haven't reached out or interacted at all. I use to think I liked a busier dash but I think trying to keep up with it had been giving me anxiety even if my muses weren't involved in anything plot wise. FOMO has been really killing my vibe more then anything and I need to cut that habit out.
you're a-okay to refollow though! I'll do the same. none of this was done out of malice or a personal dislike, and I get being so busy w/ life and personal plots that you cant interact with everyone in a convenient moment. but if you see this as an opportunity to reach out then by all means! that and I might've accidentally unfollowed one or two of you cause side-blog deal, clumbsy thumbs, and uuh, dont mind me realizing that later down the line-my bad!
. unless carefully plotted otherwise, anything outside my own canons, affiliated blogs/mains or plots is no longer canon to my own. any interaction or thread initiated towards my muses will default fall into my lore/verse unless vice versa or its plotted and etc etc. It's no longer just hanging there in the void so to speak. I need to feel more in control of my own narrative I think and trying to puzzle a lot of contradicting outside plots, dash events, etc has been mentally taxing when rp shouldn't be occupying so much space or anxiety to begin with lol.
this isn't to say everything thats happening in the dash or w/ other characters isn't important ofc! and I still want to participate; it'll just fall under a crack/non-canon tag. if things end up lining up p' well with whats going on here then I might take it into canon. This is p' much what I've been doing to begin with, it's just more concrete now and Im being more careful of what Im willing to accept now. Im ofc open to discussing stuff! DMs and disco for those who have it are open always even if I take a moment to get to it!
. Im no longer answering anon asks that are personal in some way, ie, around subject matters that aren't general headcanons asks or 'hey how do you feel about-' sorta deal. I dont feel comfortable taking it to public and while I understand having the fear of being identified, it's not fair if I'm the only one bearing the subject so to speak. If you want to talk to me through DMs you can either tell me your UN (no burners either) so I can bypass permissions here to chat or you can reach me at @shiny-miltank where my IMs are not barred to mutuals only. I don't bite really! and my discord is not public. tbh Im still very anxious about being on disco to begin w/ cause social anxiety flare ups. idk tumblr dms always seemed easier to chat until I know you on a personal basis-its just worked that way.
. making it more strict that you dont? put my geeta in place of plots, events, etc that I havent participated or plotted with, nor can you make assumptions for them based on said events. as slapped on every piece on my about/rules/pinned/etc shes heavily canon-divergent to begin with so no one knows her intentions/actions (save for me ofc) and wont act in what presumed canon-geeta would do or your own version so to speak. easy enough to slap me an IM for "is it okay to-", plotting, or just make a nebulous npc stand-in.
. things that havent changed are the use of my lore and headcanons into your own! I love seeing it integrated or adapted into other lore and seeing just how much it inspires and changes over time!
this all seems rigid but really it's just reiterating whats already in my rules and no one here has been a huge offender at all :' ) this is more for me to follow and I cant thank everyone enough for their patience and creativity for as long as I've been here. Im loosey goosey and go with the flow 90 out of 100 times.
this goes for the rest of my muses, which Ill probably clean up when Im back-but yeah! miss ya'll! hope you've been doin' good! the terrapagos plot will continue then and Ill resume reaching out and leaving details! hopefully in time for dlc ; >
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steve0discusses · 1 year
Episode 47 S5: Mana Runs too Slow and it Kills 2 People
Tumblr decided to change the way it does image posts so this is going to be my hell. I can only have max 30 "blocks" of images (yikes) and uploading all your images at once and then just adding text in between is actually not possible! (least it's a nightmare on browser. I have not figured out how to drag my text in between images, so I'm just uploading every image one by one and hoping I don't forget one)
thanks, I hate it!
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Peeking up at us over the horizon, our end of the world apocalypse has reached the next step of his rampage: which is to shoot glowing missiles out of it's Dragon crotch until Egypt is destroyed.
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Seto is doing his best to look productive, but unfortunately this is Sad Seto, who is still buffering.
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Just uh...give him a minute. He has to remember how to be Seto.
(read more under the cut)
I'm pretty sure Kissara told him straight up to call her whenever, and considering how few words they've ever said to each other, you'd think he'd remember the words she said like half an hour ago. Then again, he was kind of...sleeping when that happened. Or hallucinating, or dreaming, or all three.
Bakura and Yami are watching this pan out from the Shadow Game Zone, Bakura kind of nodding slowly while Yami becomes overwhelmed with embarrassment over how much everyone around him is screwing it. This is not meant to be funny, but it was very funny to me.
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I have brought this up before, but Bakura does bring up a good point, that this entire arc was kind of against the grain of who Yami became over the course of the last 4 seasons.
Don't get me wrong, Yami LOVES to make bad choices that end the world. But why would he continue to go back here and destroy the world of the future he knows and loves so much? Especially since it already went SO south with Dartz the last time he opened pandora's box?
He has a new identity now, he has so many friends, last arc was just so many women throwing themselves at Yugi. His life is really good! I think they could have developed more of a line of logic between last arc and this arc, but like with a lot of things in this arc, it was rushed.
So him giving up his newfound modern identity that he made all himself through hard work and friendship first off feels kinda bad. Like I'm OK with him being a new guy, he worked hard for that! Lets not go backward now.
And then him coming here to regain his old identity is sort of like the show knew what it must do, but the characters were like "nah." and then went and did it anyway seemingly at gunpoint.
And I kind of wish there was any contrast between who Yami's new identity is in the future and who Yami was in the past. It would be fascinating to dive into the fact he's now two people yet again, even though Yugi is no longer in that bean. but eh save it for the fanfiction, because they needed to end Yugioh in a certain number of episodes.
And that happens sometimes. Stories are character driven, and when you try and drive the characters, they become less like people and more like iconic symbols. Here's our hero. He must do this because he's the hero. That's it, that's the reason. Welcome to Shonen Jump.
Problem is, Yami isn't that meta. He's dumb though, so in a way it does make a little sense why he had to open the box. He dummy thin.
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Dummy thin and still can't read.
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And like in case you've jumped in here after my accidental hiatus (hello!) and not realized this, I had to binge watch the rest of the season before we cancelled our Hulu subscription. There was the option of watching it for free on the Yugioh website, but I didn't want to change my Photoshop actions.
So get ready for me to talk about how the ending of this show bothered me, for like 8 episodes. I'll try to keep it in, so we can get there when we get there.
But you can't say lines like "We were meant to be together." in the context of this arc, you can't DO that, show.
Apparently the creator of Yugioh got hospitalized while he wrote this arc, hence the dick king demon. But also it got....messy. We have like 3 seasons of development in like 8 episodes, buckle up. They did the best that they could do with the resource's given, and we'll even get to meet my favorite character a few times before it's over (the Storyboarding God that occasionally guest stars on Yugioh, love that guy)
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Back on the playing field, Yami is running out of options, when Isis informs us we can just go to McDonald's and get more McGuffins.
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Out of basically no where, Mana zips onto the screen because she's ready to have at least one girl's night before the end of the world. The contrasting energy from both Mana and Isis is peak goth babysitter vs the parrot that hides behind the couch and bites your feet.
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Back near Pharaoh's tomb, Yugi is still dueling over a deathpit with the child who these kids think is Ryou bakura.
This is not however, Ryou Bakura. It's sideways adjacent evil Bakura.
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And it didn't really matter that this plot point ever happened because it's not like Yugi, Joey, or Tea ever catch on that this isn't Ryou anyway. But at least I, the audience can feel a little bit better about the weird twist by the dub there.
Ryou is still passed out on some stone steps. He's fine.
You might be wondering "Oh so what asinine thing is Isis going to have to do to get the items back?" and uh, you're wrong actually.
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Turns out we could have just picked up the items in the desert at any time but I guess we forgot. I'll blame it on Shadi.
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Joey Wheeler, who can punch out probably anything but a ghost, chooses to hide behind Tea because he knows she can punch a ghost and I believe it, too.
Back on the surface, is a scene that would have been emotional if it hadn't been 3 minutes. it was NOT enough time to give a proper send off to our girl Isis here, and they tried, but if you imagine the Yakety Sax song playing under this death here, that's about the speed at which this girl biffed it.
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speaking of Yakety Sax theme, this is what was happening while Mana was crying her eyes out.,
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And you may ask, was it really that goofy? and yes, yes it was.
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and like I get it, animation and pacing are really, really hard. Parts of me wonder if maybe on paper this seemed OK. If maybe even as a storyboard this seemed OK. But something you learn quickly when doing any sort of narrative art, is that you need like 2x as much space as you think you do. Pause is an underrated godlike skill that takes a lifetime to master.
However, it still had good stills going on, it still had some lovely direction just...I mean they dropped Isis from top to bottom of that frame so freakin fast it was like she was a dropped banana hahaha.
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They still have to carry these items physically to the Pharaoh, and so becuase Mana is a slow runner, 2 people freakin died this episode distracting Zorc. Which is also the title of this episode because I want to send home howfreakin funny that is to me.
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Ah, back to Episode 1.
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So how breathtaking and epic is the Kaiju fight you ask? Well good thing for you, I capped it.
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The look on Seto and Yami's faces about sum it up.
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And as quickly as he showed up to do a few silly punches, the great Exodia was cut exactly in half. Don't ask me how the card logic works for that, I have forgotten how this game works already.
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Mana finally makes it to Yami, cursed puzzle in hand, and that ends this episode.
Can you imagine adding 7 characters to a story knowing you have to kill all of them individually before the anime arc is over? Breakneck deaths going on here.
Sorry for all you people that were so deeply attached to Shimon, the guy who isn't even Grandpa, by the way. A moment of silence for all 4 of you.
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And we get back this thing. This horrible thing made out of thousands of dead people's souls. The thing that trapped him for 5000 years and launched him into the future. The only thing that can save mankind.
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(If I have used this Mokuba joke like this before forgive me it was like a different lifetime before I caught covid, and I will not be able to regain those memories because I cannot curse myself with a rude ass puzzle.)
The abusive relationship with the Millennium Puzzle is a whole anime college essay I would write if I had half a brain, but alas I have the immune system and fatigue of a sickly gerbil or a goldfish that feels a little bit chilly. So I will not be writing that in depth episode but like...
Think about how far we've come with this jackass puzzle. And yet, I'm supposed to forgive it? Nah I don't think I have yet. Go to hell, puzzle.
This puzzle can go straight to hell.
Anyway, if you just got here you can read these recaps in chrono order at the link here:
PS I had to do so much assholery to get that to go to my chrono link and not my main link. They would just. Change my link. They would just change my link every time I pasted it. Tumblr you have GOT to give me my old post editor back omg.
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vknq · 1 year
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hello everybody.
i realise i accidentally went on a bit of an impromptu hiatus. oops.
a lot of things happened in my personal life that have greatly affected me emotionally and it catapulted me into a depressive state that i have since come out of again. expectedly so, it stripped me of motivation and inspiration, and forced me to just take a break and tend to my wounds.
while i was off taking care of my mental health and prioritising emotional healing, i’ve also had time to think about my blog and more specifically my experience in the fic community.
NOTE: i’m not here to take a jab at readers or mindlessly complain about notes. that’s not at all what this is. i think enough people have talked about overall reader engagement and the lack of it. i see no reason to repeat their words, nor is it where the issue lies for me personally.
during the 6 or so months i’ve been here, i’ve experienced very empty support from fellow writers (no i ain’t gonna single anyone out bc it’s been a general issue of mine). i’ve had my upcoming works hyped up, my released fics supposedly saved to people’s tbr lists, i’ve had people ping me saying they’re totally gonna read my fics, whether that be on tumblr or discord, however less than half of said fellow writers went through with reading less than half of what they claimed to have very great interest in. and it’s not like they haven’t had the time. it’s been sitting there for months.
but okay, hear me out: i wanna make it very clear that i have absolutely no problem with people not reading my fics. i’d never force anyone to, i’d never expect my fics to be for everyone. if it’s not for you, then it’s not for you, and honestly it’s all good bro. but the thing that makes me feel great disappointment is when i’m being told to expect engagement... and then to not get any. expecting to hear from all the people that expressed to me they were gonna read my fics, only to hear nothing for months on end.. i don’t think it’s shocking that it left me feeling very disappointed. and the support and interest just feels empty, fleeting, and not genuine.
it has puzzled me ‘cause it comes from fellow writers who are very aware of the importance of engagement, even if it’s just a little. i am of course okay with someone not reading my fics and showing no interest in them. like i said; if it’s not for you, it’s not for you. it’s all good bro i’d never force it down anyone’s throat.
but don’t tell me you’re gonna read ‘em, if you’re not gonna read ‘em. it builds up expectation that is then never met. it’s a set-up with no pay-off.. and it has been particularly bad with my fic series, astral combat.
speaking of astral combat, it’s officially dropped. i have no desire to continue it. both for the reasons mentioned above, but also simply because of my own mistake of putting months of work into a fic that little to none will care about. that one is my own fault, like i shouldn’t have put my all into it, i was definitely doing too much. i know. the amount of effort and work i had to do on it... gosh, it’s just not worth it when the engagement is barely there. the imbalance is too harsh for me to continue it.
anyway, all these things have drained me of motivation, inspiration, and honestly it’s drained me of a wish to continue writing. ‘cause of empty support, fleeting interest, and a massively lacklustre sense of community.. even from fellow writers.
you are more than welcome to disagree and disregard this post, shrug it off, and keep scrolling. you have every right to do so. it’s 100 percent valid if your experience on this platform has been different from mine. this is simply me voicing how my experience has been. i think it’s very telling that i got tired after only 6 months lol
if you do disagree and feel the need to voice your opinion, i won’t stop you, you are free to do that, however i will ask of you to please not be rude, dismissive, or disrespectful about it. this post was not made to spark debate, but rather to just convey my reasoning as to why i’m gonna take a step back from writing fics... for now.
vsualitae is officially on a semi-hiatus.
i might write, i might not. i don’t know yet. i just know that right now i can’t be assed. excuse my french. i’d rather focus my energy on other goals i have in my life. i am a bit sad, ‘cause i have so many ideas for fics, however time will tell if i decide to write them or not. i guess you’ll know if i randomly pop in and jumpscare you with a release lmao
i do wanna say thank you to all of you that have read my published fics, especially those of you who have reblogged with reviews, i am beyond thankful for your kind support <3 know that i’ve taken it to heart and i really, really appreciate it!
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plleeeepppyyyy · 1 year
UHHHH hiii (o_O)
soooo ,, quick lil update guys!! uh, so sorry i was gone for like what two months or so, 😭 i accidentally went on a bit of a sudden hiatus due to life and whatnot,,
i’m already almost finished wit the requested time for my work tho,, so after next week i think i’ll be able to post some drafts i haven’t rlly posted unfortunately. but i’ve noticed how even after a few months my posts are getting likes and stuff!! so thank you!!!!
and im so sorry to the people who requested and i jus left them on an empty page, i wrote down some drafts that i can hopefully post soon after checking it and whatnot,,,, maybe about this weekend or earlier??? i canr make any promises i’m a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to writing!! (╥_╥)
but tysm guys for liking my posts even after such a while!!! i still got an interest for welcome home thankfully so i will be posting about it still,, but i MIGHT write for spider verse?? since it was such a good movie!! yet again so sorry for being on a sudden hiatus but hopefully im legit back this time
( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
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kynrki · 2 years
if your moots met Enhypen what do you think would they do? will the members appreciate them? Love trope oop-
HI!! im so sorry this is late!!! you sent this jus as i went into hiatus😓😓😓
001. @hikyeom
felt like they met enha they would be chill about it. like i feel yes they would be like screaming on the inside but ik on the outside they woukd appear calm and collected. def get along with jay i feel….but if it was svt on the other hand……
002. @ox1-lovesick
LOLOL OKAY SO SAV LMAO i feel they would do dumb shit idk man. like accidentally trip in front of them and like idk make them laugh with out even trying to😭,, i also feel like niki would def like them bc they funny and have a good vibe to be around!!!
003. @luvhooniez
KAE MY DAY 1 BAE😓💓💓so i feel like kae would be so cute fr. like they would look at her so softly and like kinda care for them (esp jungwon i feel),, LOLOL would 100% say something they weren’t supposed to tho☠️ but overall make them smile!!!
004. @hyeki
#FURRY4LYF 100% would also say dumb shit.😭😭and like be so random, they would look at them like ‘what are you even on?’ but they couldn’t careless i fear. would also talk about furries……….LMAO IM JKJK but in general will have a good funny vibe around them and kinda makes jake laugh (i never said that tho)
005. @deeznutsriki
MY BAE HI!!! again i feel vv soft vibes from her!!! like i feel like she wouldn’t say anything, ONLY bc she doesn’t wanna hurt anyones feelings or say something wrong,, but i think she would get along with them vv well and have a entertaining conversation.
006. @delcakoo
LMAO EMA😭😭😭i feel ema would literally drool for them. like she would literally stare at them for a good minute before actually saying anything…..also blurts out random things that makes them think ‘okay?’ LMAO IM SORRY EMA BUT IDK ESP FOR HEESEUNG😭😭😭
007. @haknom
AYLA 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 i feel ayla would lowkey be vv cool about it all. like in the sense that the way she carries herself, they would be like ‘woah who is that’ sorta?? and would immediately smile if she started talking with them!!! vv positive and all!!
008. @completelyrain
MALI 🤭🥰 LMAO ANOTHER PERSON WHO WOULD BE SO CHAOTIC!!!! like literally the words will jus keep flying out of her mouth non stop. im talking about mali talking x10 normal speed, ☠️LMAOAOA I LOVE MALI SM😭😭😭
009. @yenqa
YENI🤞🏼🤞🏼yen i feel like would be dying on the inside and outside. (sorry not sorry😘🤭) LIKE??? hands would be shaking, sweat forming on her forehead and hands. literally about to like pass out or something esp if they look concerned at her,, but will regain herself again and introduce herself properly,, sunoo would 100% feel bad and try to comfort her!!!
010. @trsrina
INA💓imy😓 BUT i think ina would be vv much like frozen. they would literally stand in one spot and you would literally have to force them to talk/move bc they will not budge a single bit😭😭😭like they would think its all in their imagination bc how is it even real (same) LMAO😭
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vinbee631 · 2 years
Learning the Proper Way
Roman doesn't know how to dance, and he doesn't want to learn. Too bad he has to.
after a teensy hiatus, I'm back! I will get all the logince week fics written at some point lmao
quick warning, there is a mention of character death here, and the grief process. if you would like to skip past that, I left a little warning where that section starts and ends. safe reading, my friends! <3
thanks for being here, and enjoy my silly thing for day 5: dancing
In just under a month, the King had plans to host a celebration, crowning both of his sons as the heirs, ruling together as a team whenever their father eventually abdicated the throne.
Of course, Roman was thrilled about this development. While under a technicality he was the eldest male and eligible for the throne, the idea of ruling an entire kingdom by himself was ridiculously daunting. Having Remus as a guaranteed presence, and getting to make decisions with his input, sounded much more manageable.
However, he had to get through the party first.
And parties, for the traditional royal, meant ballroom dancing.
The twins’ father, Thomas, was usually all about breaking the harmful traditions and stereotypes of leaders past, but he truly enjoyed the dancing, the live music, and the intense amount of people to talk to.
Roman typically enjoyed these, too. As children, there hadn’t been any pressure to participate in anything that made them uncomfortable, so they mostly spent time talking to aunts and uncles and cousins or copying the dancing of the adults around them, and ultimately failing at it and settling for spinning around the room at speeds that probably could have taken a group of dancers out if they weren’t careful.
This time, however, as the future kings, there would be an expectation for at least a bit of traditional dancing.
This meant Roman needed to learn how.
Both of the boys did, but they would be receiving individual lessons, considering the trouble they could get up to if they were working together.
That was probably the best idea, to separate them, but it also meant that Roman was completely alone, doing something he really did not want to do.
Well, perhaps not completely alone.
“I’m going to step on your feet the whole time. This is going to be miserable,” he warned Logan, his best friend who had nobly volunteered to assist him in learning for the next few weeks.
Logan rolled his eyes, beckoning for Roman’s hands. “The whole point of these sessions is to teach you. I do not expect you to be prodigious, but you have to at least appear to be able to dance by the last of the month, yes?”
Roman grumbled, taking Logan’s hands reluctantly. “This is so stupid. Can’t I just- hover on the edge of the ballroom like Virgil so loves to do?”
“Virgil is Captain of the Guard,” Logan replied in exasperation, “and is typically under strict orders to be surveillance, not a dance partner. Besides, you are one of the Crown Princes. If you would like to explain to your father why one of his heirs is going to be hiding away from people all night just to avoid the fact that he doesn’t know how to dance, you are welcome to.”
“Alright, alright, I get it,” Roman groaned. “Doesn’t mean I’m going to be happy about it, though.” He let out a put-upon sigh, beginning to sway along to the music with Logan.
“Somehow, I was not expecting you to enjoy it,” Logan gently teased, fighting laughter at the sight of Roman’s pout. “You’ll be alright. We’ll take it slow, if nothing else, to avoid you stepping on my feet as much as we can.”
Well, Logan may have jinxed himself with that, considering Roman then went on to accidentally step on his feet.
Four times, in fact.
Roman sighed again, breaking away from Logan’s grip to fold his arms over his chest. “I hate this. I’m not any good at it, and that’s obviously not going to be changing anytime soon!”
Logan waved a hand, pausing the music. “Roman, dear, we’ve been practicing for ten minutes. I was not expecting you to be passable on your very first try. Dance is an art, a skill, and it required practice, proper practice, to excel at it. You still have over three weeks to learn, and you will get there by then, I am certain of it. But you will never get there if you choose to give up at the start.”
Roman rolled his eyes, unfolding his arms and holding them out for Logan to take. “Stop being so smart and right and whatever and just start the damn music.”
“If you say so, my prince.”
The rest of the lesson would continue similarly. They continued to work at half speed, and they had some pretty good moments where everything was going smoothly and there seemed hope for Roman yet.
And then, he would make a mistake, step on Logan’s foot again, get caught up in the moves and miss something, and they’d be back to square one.
Logan, despite the calm front he was putting up, was beginning to get frustrated. He understood that Roman was having a hard time, but it wasn’t like him to give up so easily, and so frequently. Yet, once Logan began to talk, it was easy to coerce him back into trying again.
By the fifteenth time the two had separated in the first hour, Logan desperately needed a break from this behavior (and perhaps some headache medication).
“Is there a particular reason you are being so difficult about this?” Logan waved the music away once more and pulled up a chair to sit for a moment. “I do not mean that in a judgemental way, and I am not… too upset about it. I am merely curious why you seem so- disinclined to learn properly.”
“I just- I really hate dancing, okay?” Roman grumbled, his pout slightly hidden from the way his head tipped downward. “I’m not interested in learning properly because I am not interested in learning, that’s all.”
It didn’t seem like Roman was even convincing himself of that.
“I hope you’ll forgive me for not believing that. You do not have to talk about it if this is making you uncomfortable, but I would like to know the cause of your distress. It will likely make these lessons easier, and… it is not pleasant, seeing you upset.”
“Aww, he does care after all!” Roman teased, his grin not quite meeting his eyes. “But uh, I guess I should talk about it, yeah? Might make things easier than if I just avoid it forever.”
“Possibly,” Logan responded, frowning out of concern for his friend, “but again, you do not have to talk about it if you are not ready. There is no pressure here for you to share anything too personal.”
“You are making quite a big deal of me being pissy about dancing lessons,” Roman continued to tease.” Seriously, though, I am going to talk about it. I just… I could use some time to figure out how to explain it. Perhaps at the next lesson?”
“Sounds good. I suppose this would be a good spot to wrap things up, anyway. I should have some more tips for you then, but if you have any questions before then, please do not hesitate to come and find me.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Now, I’ll see you later. I want to see how Remus is doing.” Logan nodded, waving to Roman as he closed the door behind him.
He hoped that, perhaps, Remus would be able to lift Roman’s spirits a bit. The two could get up to all kinds of things if left to their own devices, and that may be a good distraction from whatever was bothering him.
Oh shit, wait.
"Roman! Get back here! The two of you had better be supervised!"
By the time their second lesson rolled around, it seemed Roman wasn’t actually ready to talk.
Logan was far from upset. He was still a bit concerned about his friend, but if he had something going on and felt a need to talk about it, Logan continued to remind him that he would be available to listen whenever Roman needed it.
At least their next practice went a lot more smoothly. Roman was still ridiculously upset whenever he made a mistake, but he was still receptive to Logan’s reassurance, and their breaks between working out the moves became smaller and smaller.
This time, they were able to make it to about two hours of dance before they called it for the day.
Logan was beginning to feel a lot more optimistic about their end result.
Until Roman showed up to their third session, being dragged along by the ear by his brother.
“Ro, you have to get this over with. It’s not gonna be any easier if you hide.” Roman whined, swatting at his brother’s hands. “Let go of me! I’m going, I’m going, dammit!”
Remus rolled his eyes. “You’re just behaving now cuz Logan’s here. Go on, show me what you’ve learned so far?”
“You’re going to be disappointed,” Roman grumbled, but he met Logan’s hands on the ballroom floor without any further complaint.
Logan blinked, searching Remus’ face for any sort of explanation for their behavior, and ultimately receiving none. “If… if now is a bad time for you, we… we can always postpone for-”
“No. Now that I am already here, I would like to get this done as quickly as possible, please.” Roman’s voice was clipped, slipping slightly into the more formal speech he adopted for council meetings and talking to other rulers. It certainly didn’t provide Logan any reassurance, but he didn’t get another chance to question it, as Remus had already started the music.
He had planned to introduce Roman to full-speed dancing today, but he had a feeling that wouldn’t be a very well-met suggestion. Instead, they stuck with what they’d been doing, dancing at a slower pace, with Logan offering tips and reminders as they went.
All things considered, Roman did a very good job. He only made one small mistake, and instead of getting upset and throwing himself out of Logan’s arms with a huff, he simply sighed and kept going.
Logan wasn’t sure if that was supposed to be concerning or not.
About twenty minutes into their practice, Remus stood, gently tapping his brother on the shoulder.
“May I have this dance?”
Roman nodded, smiling slightly as Remus took his hands, swinging him around way faster than his previously established speed. Roman yelped, giggling as he tried to keep up with his brother.
Logan watched with a smile on his face, discreetly increasing the pace of the music and watching the twins laugh as they tried to keep up. Inevitably, it got too fast, and one tripped over the other and they fell to the floor, bright, genuine smiles on their faces.
“See? Told you we’d have fun.” Roman smiled, a bit sadly, and the two shared a conversation in their expressions that Logan couldn’t interpret. Not that he needed to, it seemed the two had something important and private to work out.
“Alright, I’ll quit takin’ up poor Lo-Lo’s time. Good luck with the rest of it, I’ll be with Dad when you’re done if you wanna join us.” Roman nodded, allowing Remus to hoist him off the floor before he left.
“Shall we continue, then?” Roman nodded, meeting Logan a bit more reluctantly than he had his brother, but Logan would have been a bit surprised if he hadn’t.
He just wished he knew the source of Roman’s hesitance. Whatever it was, it was a great deal to him, and Logan wanted more than anything to find a way to help make things easier for him.
However, he couldn’t do anything if Roman didn’t tell him how to help. So instead, he continued working with him, teaching him ways to make complicated moves look easy, ways to conserve his energy so he could dance for hours if needed without getting too out of breath, and so much more.
He pretended not to notice how Roman became more and more closed off the closer they got to the date of the dance.
Maybe everything would work itself out.
Logan was much less confident of those things working themselves out when, just a week from the fateful day, Roman didn’t shop up to the ballroom at his assigned time.
Well, it wasn’t too abnormal for him to be a minute or two late, especially lately. Logan gave him the benefit of the doubt and stayed, wandering around aimlessly while he waited.
After fifteen minutes of waiting, he eventually gave in and went looking for the missing prince.
He wasn’t in his room, nor Remus’ (who had thankfully agreed to help Logan search for his brother) nor the number of guest rooms scattered around the palace. Remus checked the kitchens, the courtyard, and the garden, and came up Roman-less.
Well, that left them with just one option left.
The two hesitantly made their way to King Thomas’ chambers. They knew once he found out, there would be a whole battalion of guards searching the palace and surrounding area for the prince. They had tried to avoid that outcome as long as possible, for Roman’s sake, but they did need to actually find him.
In the end, it was Logan that pushed the door open, Remus clinging to his heels and peering over his shoulder.
They were surprised, but mostly overwhelmingly relieved, to see Roman with King Thomas, the King smiling gently at the two boys in the doorway.
“Roman, I believe you have some visitors if you are up for it.”
Roman sniffed (sniffed?) and turned to face where his father was looking. “O-oh, hi.” Logan wasn’t quite sure he felt a twinge in his chest at the sight of looking so- small, but he pushed that aside for now.
“Hey, Ro. Not doing so great, huh?" Roman nodded, and Logan swore the twinge was growing stronger. "S-sorry for makin' you worry. I probably- s-scared you by not showing up to lessons."
Logan shook his head instantly. "That's not your fault, Roman. Yes, I was a bit worried, but only because I feared something had happened to you. I'm not upset that you made me worry, and you shouldn't be either."
"And look at that," Remus joked, "you proved the nerd does actually care about us, congrats!" When Remus' attempt to lighten the mood barely moved the corners of Roman's lips, they knew they were dealing with something big.
"Alright, Ro, no more jokes for now. Do you need to talk about it? Lo and I are great listeners."
Roman hesitated, and Logan didn’t miss how his eyes briefly flickered toward him, before his gaze settled firmly in his lap, the question still unanswered.
“I can leave if you would like to speak in private, Roman. I will not be offended if you need space.” Roman quickly shook his head, letting out a frustrated huff.
“Having a hard time with words?” Remus asked, and he seemed completely unsurprised when Roman nodded in return. “That’s fine, take your time Ro, I won’t let him go anywhere.”
Logan let out a small huff of laughter as Remus pulled him to sit on Thomas’ bed next to Roman, and then planted himself firmly in Logan’s lap, mirroring their father and Roman’s position.
The four waited in comfortable silence, and Logan listened as Roman’s breathing slowly relaxed, the sniffling from earlier vanishing.
“I… well, I’m having a hard time explaining because this is something I’ve only talked about with my family. I’ve never told Logan… and I want to! But it’s… it’s anxiety-inducing, very much so.”
Logan nodded in understanding, reaching out a hand to hold one of Roman’s. “I know you already specified you did not want me to leave, if at any point it gets too overwhelming, I can give you space. Regardless, you are safe here, and you may take as much time as you need to figure out how to express your feelings.”
“Are you out for my job, Logan?” If Thomas were any other type of ruler, that kind of statement likely would have terrified Logan. But he had been used to Thomas’ light-hearted teasing for a long time. After all, he was the one the twins had picked it up from.
Roman nodded, taking a deep breath to collect himself. “It’s… this is related to the dancing stuff before. I may be making a bit too big of a deal about it, but as soon as we first talked about the obligation I have, it’s been… I guess, hanging over my head.
<character death + grief mention starts here>
“When me and Re were really little, when… when Papa was still around, we spent a lot of time learning all kinds of stuff from him. He had a… more difficult time expressing in words how much he loved us, so we’d do things with him, instead.
“He used to take us on trips outside the palace, he taught Rem how to hold a sword, but I was too scared to, and…
“He used to dance with us.
“It wasn’t really… I never properly learned how, and I probably would have sooner if he didn’t… yeah. But, whenever I’d really get into learning how, it just… I couldn’t think of anything else but him, and…”
Remus had gently moved out of Logan’s lap so he could wrap Roman in a tight hug, and Logan would have joined him if there were any space.
“Oh, Ro-bro. I wouldn’t have made ya do all that practicing if I’d-”
“No,” Roman cut him off gently, wiping his tears on his sleeve, “I’m glad you did. I wanna learn, I think it’s a good thing that I’m processing all this now, too. If you hadn’t pushed me, I probably just would have ignored it for an even longer and even unhealthier amount of time. I think this is what Papa would have wanted. So, thanks."
“You’re awfully quiet over there, brainiac. Wanna share what’s on your mind?” Logan nearly smiled at the old nickname. Thomas had been using it since he was a boy, and he found it didn’t get old, however juvenile it was.
“I… well, I too wish I would have known sooner, but I’m glad you felt comfortable enough to share that with me. I’m just… I’m very sorry, Roman. King Nico left us far too soon, and I... I wish there was more I could say or do to help.”
Roman rolled his eyes, nudging his brother out of the way. “Re, budge, I gotta knock some sense into our resident brain cell.” Roman scootched himself out of his dad’s lap to sit in Logan’s, pressing their foreheads together.
“You did help, dummy. You are helping, just by listening to me. I… probably wouldn’t be going through with this if the lessons had come from anyone else, even Dad or Remus. So, quit being all bummed, that's supposed to be my job right now.”
<character death + grief mention ends here>
Logan huffed, lightly flicking him on the arm. “I’m not ‘bummed,’ I’m upset for your sake, although that is reassuring. I am… glad you are feeling better, though, and if there is more I can do, please do not hesitate to ask.”
"Gee, do you like me or something, Lo?” Roman teased, pulling Logan in for a tight hug. “And I thought I was a dummy about feelings, geez. So silly.”
Logan scoffed, but he didn’t break away from the hug. “I am not silly. I do not know what you are trying to insinuate, Crown Prince.”
“I’m insinuating that you are silly, and I will die on this hill! The silliest ever! A positively goofy guy!”
Logan rolled his eyes, pulling back from Roman just enough to make eye contact with Remus and Thomas. “Please, back me up here. He is being entirely unreasonable.”
“Hm, I dunno, I think I agree with him. You can be kinda silly. What kinda goofball reads books for fun? Seems pretty silly to me.”
“Don’t forget all the research projects and presentations he’s made to prove a point. Those have to be included,” Thomas added, much to Logan’s embarrassment. Oh, gods, they were all going to gang up on him, weren’t they?
“Yeah! And there’s all the formal talking he does, even when he’s just with us. It’s like, that’s his normal way of speaking, so goofy!”
“And the telescope we installed in the balcony of the library just so he could tell us about the stars?”
“Y’know how he’ll distract pushy nobles from bugging me by talking about crazy stuff, like how he spent an hour talking to Lord Cassius about modern agricultural developments because he was pushing me to get remarried?”
“Oh my gods, yes! We can’t forget how many times he’s literally run into us because he’s thinking too hard or reading something.”
“And how many times have we caught him up working at 2 am because he got swept up in it?”
“Yeah, the jury’s out, Lo, guess you’re just the goofiest ever, no contest. Oh, oops, we broke him.” When the three of them finally finished picking on him, Logan was bright red, hiding his warm face firmly in his hands.
“Our bad, sorry Lo. You doing alright down there?” Logan let out an embarrassing squeak, the other’s laughter doing nothing to help him calm down.
“I… I am fine. You… you all are- incredibly mean. How do I ever put up with you?” The three nobles laughed, and Logan found that actually, he didn’t mind all the teasing. It was just how this crazy family showed they cared about him.
And he cared about them, too.
The party itself went well, the preparations going a lot smoother without the cloud of dread hovering over Roman’s head.
He even seemed excited about it now, which made a very happy feeling settle comfortably in the chests of his family and friends.
All in all, the party was a large success. The announcement went over well, and not a negative word was heard about the unconventional choice of the king, only hopeful and positive remarks about the twins’ future reign together.
The rest went off without a hitch as well. Thomas was an incredible host, it almost seemed as if he was talking to ten people at once with all the socializing he did. The twins followed suit, happily accepting all the prattle from excited royals and citizens alike about their future prospects.
And at last, closer to the end of the night, the band set up and the music began.
Many excited couples flocked to the ballroom floor, along with Thomas, as he was happily tugged along to dance with whoever asked politely.
Remus quickly followed his father, dancing surprisingly cleanly for someone with a reputation for much more chaotic and silly things than traditional ballroom dancing.
Unlike his brother, Roman was a bit more hesitant. He stayed behind for a while, keeping up the socializing instead of diving right into dancing. Logan wasn’t surprised, but he had an idea to ease his friend’s nerves.
He gently tapped the prince on the shoulder, politely interrupting Roman’s conversation with a noble Logan hadn’t been introduced to before.
“What’s up, Lo? Enjoying the party so far?” Logan nodded, gently squeezing Roman’s hand. “Of course, your father organized it after all. It wouldn’t be anything other than perfect. Although, I have a quick proposition for you if you aren’t busy.”
“Anything, Lo.”
“May I have this dance?”
Roman blinked, and his surprise quickly melted away into a small smile. “Yes, Logan, yes you may.”
ahh h/c my beloved
my ao3 :)
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fountainpenguin · 2 years
Where do you watch Tuff Puppy?
Hello, I'm sorry for the long delay in answering this message; I was on Tumblr hiatus last year, but wanted to come back and answer in case you're still interested.
I watched it via Hulu 30-day free trial back in early 2019 I think. It might still be there, if it's not it might be on Paramount+
Thanks for reaching out, and good luck in your future pursuits!
I definitely went into it thinking the target audience was probably 7-year-olds and that I wouldn't like it, but I honestly think it's my first or second fave of the Hartman show quartet. I love worldbuilding and writing 'fics for FOP, but that also makes watching FOP episodes "work" for me, as I feel like I need to be in "on" brain in case I catch something new.
Ergo I rarely turn on FOP episodes when I'm feeling down or want to turn off my brain, but I watch TUFF all the time. It makes for a fantastic "comfort and uplift" show. It also has some fantastic worldbuilding elements, some of my favorites being:
The multi-species bathroom set-up
Endangered species rights
Toy stores that sell actual pet toys
Weird hamster tunnels between skyscrapers are an actual part of the city's design
Still have to wear the cone of shame to avoid chewing on your butt
Flea collars are legal, but deadly, and the ambulance will still treat insect patients with full respect
The boss in the show is a flea and there's one scene where an employee has a bug bite and the boss just mumbles an apology for the bite because "He got hungry"
Snaptrap is actually a capable villain but he lives in a city of people who put yarn and tissue boxes in their safes
POV: You're an ectothermic prisoner so you beg your warden for snuggles because you're on a train with no blanket
It is made explicitly clear that the anthro bees still transfer nectar mouth to mouth like real bees and for some reason I find it hilarious, they very easily could have anthro'd this to be bees handing nectar to each other via basket, they just chose not to
There's an episode where Snaptrap opens a dance studio and all his dance moves are named after actions he does while committing crimes
The character who accidentally destroyed his home universe has a fear of being hunted down by orphans, these came up in completely separate episodes and I think about this a lot
Keswick swore an oath that he wouldn't work for villains and that's the excuse he gives when they try to recruit him, it's not "I choose not to do crime because it's bad," and he even says once that if he "didn't work for the good guys then nothing he does would be legal" and he's also been known to sadistically laugh when random civilians get hurt from his own inventions, and sometimes hurts people with inventions that aren't even part of the plot and I think about him a lot, I love Keswick and I'm glad he's so weird despite being on Team Good Guy
Also unrelated to worldbuilding, but there's one scene where two members of an evil villain squad can't show up to a crime because they have jury duty so their third member has to commit the crime by himself and it's my favorite joke.
Also one of the villains has the power to break out of jail any time he wants, but he chooses not to because being locked up with a cellmate is the only time someone will willingly hang out with him. He's also an unpublished pop-up book author.
The worldbuilding is really fun and there's a ton of quirky, silly dialogue, so I hope you get to watch and enjoy! Sorry again for the delay!
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shadowbends · 1 year
4, 23, and 30!
30: Your favourite journal RP memory? :D (if more than one pick one I guess)
4. mythical creature you think/believe is real?
When I was a kid, I used to think mermaids were real! I don't think there's anything I still believe in, though. 8|a
23. do you wear jewelry?
If I'm dressing up! I love sparkly things (especially necklaces), but in practice I find most jewelry uncomfortable to wear, so I only break them out for special circumstances or when I'm in the mood. I have a few rings and necklaces, but you'll only see me wearing them a couple times a year.
30. Your favourite journal RP memory? :D (if more than one pick one I guess)
Oh that's a fun one! Well for newer followers (or ones who don't know me as well), I'll start by explaining that I used to RP on Livejournal and Dreamwidth! I was a bit of a one-hit wonder—could only ever really manage one character at time, despite how many years I played—but I had a lot of fun with it.
As for choosing a favorite memory... Hm. Just choosing one is too tough, so I'll go with one for each of the three characters I had most fun with! That would be Brook from One Piece, Nara Shikamaru from Naruto, and Rin Tohsaka from Fate/stay night.
Brook — Luceti
God we had so much fun back in our early Luceti days, so many Strawhat shenanigans. There's a number of crew threads in particular I could pick, but! I think I'm going to go with that time Katie (your lovely OC) accidentally made Brook see everyone's dream echoes, because that was just like... It was so fun! For me, I should stress—Brook thought he was going insane (again, oops)—but I had a lovely time. 8D
Seriously, though. The dream echoes everyone tagged in with were so diverse. I had lovely little memories, like Zeff watching over Sanji and Kuina with Zoro, to scary ones like Katara's memory of her mother's death, and so on. The reactions to it were really interesting too, like oh gosh, I remember having a totally heartbreaking thread with @angeldormante's Chopper.
And then Katie herself! She and Brook had some darling CR. I still remember her mustering up the solemn nerve to tell Brook what was really going on, even though telling the truth literally hurt her. If I remember right, she also followed him up into the mountains to keep an eye on him? That was in hiatus-land, but I loved it. They had such a good friendship. ;;
Nara Shikamaru — Luceti
Ahh, my son. I played him for the longest of all my characters, so Shikamaru by far has the most material for me to choose from, but I think I can solidly go with the time the Asuma we had went home. A lot of other bad things had already happened in game around the same time (including Temari getting killed!), so Asuma's departure was the straw that broke the camel's back, and Shikamaru...
Well, he just kind of shut off and threw himself into his work. Processing by way of refusing to process, yadda yadda. This lead to two separate but amazing threads of some of his closest CR confronting him on it, though—Masaomi from Durarara!! and Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender, respectively.
Masaomi was first, and got Shikamaru's backstory with Asuma and Hidan out of him (a story I don't think he actually told anyone else in full for the five years I played him, surprisingly?), and managed to provoke an angry response out of him as well by being a little shit. It was a good move though, because it made him feel something, so when Katara came around the next day with a more heartfelt approach, she had a crack to work with because he was still emotionally raw and on edge.
And, uh. Boy did she open that crack wide open. There was a lot pf pain and grief, but healing too; Katara's player (@somescribblybits) and I still talk about that thread to this day, because it's one of the Big Moments of their friendship that still sticks with us.
Rin Tohsaka — Trustfell 5
Pfft, this one's going to be by far the silliest. Largely because I wasn't actually involved for the most memorable parts! It's impossible not to include, though, because it's the "Troy coming back with pizza to everything being on fire" moment of my RP history.
So! I played Rin in a murder game; I was very active with her up until the sixth week, when she, well. Got murdered! Actually a lot of people got murdered that day, it was a bloodbath week, but Rin's death in particular is the domino that sets everything into motion here.
See, when the mods rolled who was dying that week, the RNG gods picked Kogami from Psycho-Pass as her murderer. Rin actually had close CR with Kogami; they got off on the wrong foot at first, but worked together well at trials, often leading the conversations to determine who killed who each week. After a while, respect turned to friendship, and from there to a more unique relationship. Kogami was a dog without a master, and Rin was a Master without a Servant—it became natural for them to rely on one another and keep each other in check.
You know. Until said murder thing. LET ME GET BACK TO THAT.
So Kogami's killed Rin. Trial starts to determine her murderer (as well as those of the other three victims). This is the part where I need to mention the real star of the show here:
Sakura Matou. Aka. Rin's (secret) younger sister who was adopted out to another family, and who she has an extremely complicated relationship with.
Oh yes, she's here too. If you know Fate, you can already see how this could go wrong.
If I tell you that Sakura also had a close friendship with Kogami, and the sisters confided in him a great deal, you can see how this is about to get even worse.
SO. TRIAL IS GOING IN CIRCLES. Part of this is because there's just too many dead bodies and it's confusing, but it doesn't help that the usual people leading the investigations at this point are either dead or hiding they're killers. Of all people, Mikoto from K steps up the plate?? In his own special way.
By which I mean when people start being difficult and things get heated, he decides to hand Sakura a LOADED CROSSBOW (brought in as evidence), which she starts threatening people with even as the other characters at the trial are trying to calm her down. This works up until about the point Kogami admits he killed Rin, and Sakura fires on him in a grief-fueled rage, shooting him dead in the courtroom.
Sakura then starts screaming to the mastermind, because they had a deal! YEAH AS IT TURNS OUT, SAKURA WAS A MOLE AND WAS FEEDING THEIR CAPTORS INFO ON EVERYONE IN EXCHANGE FOR RIN'S SAFETY.
SO THE COURTROOM IS A DUMPSTER FIRE AT THIS POINT. All communication has broken down, five people are dead instead of four, Sakura (a person most of the community loved) are devastated not just at her betrayal, but in having to vote to kill her for their own survival—enough so that several of them start voting for themselves out of protest.
Have I mentioned that if the majority of the characters in this game didn't vote for the correct killer(s), everyone dies? IT WAS A REALLY CLOSE THING, TOO, ASDFGHJKL. They managed to survive by one vote, thanks to Wheatley from Portal 2 as the game's unlikely savior.
TL;DR: SO, UH. YEAH. That was the time my character nearly bad-ended a game, just by dying! If you're still here, thanks for reading! 8Db
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heyo-soul · 7 months
You know what, no. I'm not staying fucking quiet this time. I went on hiatus to keep silent. I stopped touching everything. To keep quiet. I wanted to forget it, too. So why am I suddenly the bad guy for returning to MY platforms 100% nearly a YEAR later. "You reblogged before," yes. Sparsely. Never a full return. I am FINALLY back. Just now. And you IMMEDIATELY come out the gate bitching at me. I will explain it time and time again. I'M thinking about YOU? No. You changed the name of a playlist that I don't TOUCH to communicate that you want nothing to do with me. On Spotify. I'm sorry, are we stooping so low that you go to SPOTIFY to bitch to me? I've been over you. I have a life outside of you. It's not my fault you were so fucking toxic that someone realising it sent you SPIRALING. Have the day you fucking deserve, because I ACCIDENTALLY liked a post of your SIDEBLOG. Because how dare I. I didn't realise we were Children.
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flyingsailor22 · 1 year
"Long live, the walls we crashed through."
I realized that I have arrived at that point in my life when 10 years ago, our teachers in high school asked us to imagine ourselves what we would be a decade from when were still in 4th year high school.
I imagined myself as a military officer who graduated from the Academy or an aeronautical engineer who is probably working for Boeing or some foreign engineering firm—or heck, a US citizen and is probably serving in the US Air Force or Navy.
The thing was, I never really was able to answer that question, or had any straight answer up to that point.
I graduated high school back in 2013, went on a one-year hiatus, and from then on, worked in various BPO companies, finished an associate degree for aircraft maintenance with PhilSCA, got my heart broken, unfortunately broke some hearts as well, made decisions, some good, other bad, and here I am finally in the service as an Apprentice Aviation Machinist Mate.
It was, indeed, a fruitful decade for me, albeit not the one that I ideally hoped for.
But I guess that WAS the answer. You don't know what's going to happen. Nothing you planned for will survive the moment you go out to the world and become an adult.
All you can do is control whatever you can, and endure whatever you do not.
There are still so many things that I want to do, so many things I want to try. Faces I'd love to see again, and some, I want to see, accidentally punch—and those who we lost along the way, to tell them that I somehow made it through.
May their memories break my fall.
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wanderingandfound · 1 year
So on Sunday I caught the final final moments of Charlie McDonnell's stream of her 100% completing BotW, as a naked Link teleported from a shrine to his decorated house and went to bed. And she said that she was expecting to feel more celebratory than she did. That she actually felt rather melancholy. And like, that's nearly always how I feel finishing video games. I think in Wind Waker I'm up to the final boss battle (maybe?) and then I stopped playing, because I wasn't ready to say goodbye.
And then yesterday I started listening to Bluff City 45: Give Way to Open Sky Pt. 1. And I don't know when this episode was recorded, but it was released in April 2023, following up a game they rolled characters for back in May 2018 and haven't played since. Even though they wanted to get back into it immediately! It was a completely accidental hiatus! But again, it usually takes me years to finish a game. I'll put in 30 hours in a month and then not touch it for eighteen more months and when I come back I have no idea what I'm doing. I've lost my embroidery box with my game of A Mending, so even though I want to go back to it I can't.
I don't know why I didn't play the side missions in season 1 of Zombies, Run! back in 2017. I did the Abel Races and New Canton Races but not The Brunswick Incident. So since I haven't finished relistening to what I've ran so far, but I had finished the Couch to 5k, I ran S1ES1–ES2 on Wednesday, and S1ES3–ES5 on Saturday (treated myself to three episodes even though I was only running forban hour). I was giggling SO much during S4 - Guts that I was worried about getting weird looks at the track. And even though I know it's a zombie apocalypse story, and that this specific happiness couldn't last because this was a side mission and one of these characters really wasn't mentioned at all in the rest of season 1 or the half of season 2 I've played, I still wasn't expecting the tragedy that would befall in ES5 - Brains. But of course it was perfectly predictable. And when it became obvious to me that these characters were doomed, I wondered if this is why I hadn't run these episodes back in 2017. Had I been spoiled? Had I known that they had a Bad Ending and I wasn't up to facing it? I had assumed that I had just been so caught up in the plot of the main season that I didn't want to waste time on the side missions, but as I said before I did the New Canton Races and the Abel Races which each took me five runs because they are distance-based 35k each, The Brunswick Incident only took me two runs!
Speaking of ZR! and having no idea what I was doing with a video game when I come back years later, I know I had a strategy with how I was building up my town, but I certainly can't remember what it was. So I'm just adding onto it without a clue, and hoping past!Nicole is alright with it.
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thatdemiboymess · 2 years
Also, I know before I sort of unintentionally went on hiatus on here again I mentioned that my partner and I were having to move because our last landlord was a queerphobic religious conspiracy theory nut and a convicted murderer and we were uncomfortable and scared of getting the Highest Degree of hate-crimed...I did mention all that, right???...anyways our original move-in date for our new place was supposed to be October 1st!!! And you'll never guess what shit luck we have. Sometime last week my partner got an email from management saying there was storm damage to Our Unit Specifically and so our move-in date got postponed!!!
I am losing my marbles. We've been staying with his sister at her and her partner's place since we left ours and it's killing me. With my partner and I here there's an entire 7 (seven) people here and I'm not doing great. Very bad environment for me. I'm constantly on the verge of sensory overload or a meltdown here and the only things keeping me sane are my partner and being able to blare a media of my choice through my headphones to block everything else out while I disconnect from my body and surroundings. Doesn't help that I keep missing social cues and accidentally proverbially stepping on his sister's feet because of that combined with just...not knowing unspoken social rules to begin with? I dunno. She's been pissed at me the past couple of days and it has me on edge because something about how she's been handling it reminds me of my mom and that's. Hm. Really Not Great.
Anyways. That's an update on all that, I suppose.
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