#some are more obvious than others
superiorsturgeon · 7 months
Nora: Even though Pyrrha didn’t tell us outright that she and Jaune were dating, everyone figured it out immediately.
Nora: There were…signs…
Pyrrha: *reclining like a Greek goddess from a renaissance painting on her bed, but wearing Jaune’s hoodie instead of flowing robes* 😌
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secret-keeper-speaks · 4 months
what's your favorite thing to do when you have free time? (and a villain isn't attacking)
my favorite thing to do? huh. havent gotten any free time lately, so im not entirely sure. i like to invent...but that one was obvious. um, i write sometimes. i like to listen to my music while i do that. but that's typical of me, really. if your looking for a hobby of mine you WOULDN'T entirely expect... ...well, i like to bake, if that counts.
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hello can you help me get reblogs for my cat? thanks a bunch! ♡
Hey, I’m sorry, but I tend to avoid asks asking for donations/reblogs because often times bots will do the same thing, plus these people followed me for silly videos and not posts asking for donations.
I’ll reblog your post on my main account and any of my followers here are open to reblogging it as well, but do know I’ll probably delete any other asks like this (this isn’t for you specifically, but for everyone) simply because I don’t want this blog to turn into just donation posts. Best of luck my friend, I do hope your cat gets well :)
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risingphoenix761 · 9 months
Kicking off Spooky Season and Witch Bitch Autumn the right way, with a shiny new Rowena playlist. 🥂
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murcielagatito · 1 year
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they belong to me now <3
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feed-the-roses · 2 years
No context Goncharov spoilers
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omni-scient-pan-da · 2 years
I have not met one single person with glasses that has not been somewhere on the aroace spectrum
Therefore, all characters with glasses are now canonically on the aroace spectrum, prove me wrong
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olessan-lokenosse · 28 days
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A medley of noodles ⁽ᵃⁿᵈ ᵐʸ ᵇᵉˢᵗ ᵍᵘᵉˢˢᵉˢ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵖᵉᶜᶦᵉˢ ᵗʰᵉʸ'ʳᵉ ᵇᵃˢᵉᵈ ᵒⁿ⁾
Rose of Brightshine (Brazilian rainbow boa) | Larkspur of Thundercrack (diamondback rattlesnake) | Poppy of Flameforger (spiny bush viper)
Aster of Starfall (Indian cobra) | Marigold of Rot (rhinoceros viper) | Peony of Rockbreaker (hognose) | Snowdrop of Crystalline (green tree python) | Violet of Trickmurk (racer)
Daffodil of Mistral (garter snake?) | Sweet Pea of Wavecrest (banded sea krait) | Lily of Greenskeeper (green tree snake)
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sweeneydino · 3 months
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Bath time.
Unlike his brothers, Dai despises water.
And baths.
Water dampens his feathers and nullifies his strength, bringing him to a scary disadvantage. While he can swim, he's not built for it, so the little dragon avoids being in water at all cost.
Fortunately, this problem is less worrisome when you remember who exactly is the world's most badass mystic warrior.
Separate vvv
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luciennelune · 3 months
I'm supposed to be sleeping but my brain has decided to list out all of the Chain's deepest fears instead :) So here's each boy and the thing he's most afraid of:
Time - Being forgotten or abandoned. Specifically because of how often this happened in his adventures, how he constantly made connections with others only for it all to be undone and get treated like a stranger by people he considered friends.
Legend - Losing his loved ones. He's suffered the deaths of so many people he cares about, he's not sure he could handle it again. Emphasis on the fact that he's scared of them dying, not just being separated from them or parting ways. It's the finality of death that scares him, the idea that he'd never be able to get them back.
Four - Losing his sense of self. He heavily values his identity and all the things that make him himself. Everything from his flaws to his skills to his habits. He dreads the thought of being put into a mould or forced to fit in with everyone else. Even something like wearing a uniform can make him uncomfortable because he feels like it's stifling his personality.
Hyrule - Death. He's spent so much of his life in survival mode that he struggles to switch out of it. He can be overly sensitive to minor threats, always anxious about basic things like food, shelter, water. If he feels like he's in a dire situation, there's about a 50-50 chance he'll either hyper focus or panic about what to do. Either way, he will desperately fight to stay alive, no matter what methods he has to resort to.
Warriors - Lack of control. He needs to know what's happening at all times. He needs to know what might happen, what he can do about it, and what the outcome could be. The minute something happens that he genuinely can't predict or change in some way, he starts to shut down.
Wild - Confinement/Lack of freedom. He has an innate need to travel and explore, constantly moving from one place to another whenever he feels like it. In a less physical sense, he also values his freedom to make decisions for himself. Being denied this freedom will cause him to lash out and rebel.
Sky - Wasting time. He values every minute and every second of the day. If he's not able to be working towards a goal or putting time towards things he cares about, then he's spending it resting to preserve his energy. While he doesn't have to be moving constantly, he does feel a lot of pressure to use his free time on important people or hobbies. He gets restless and impatient when he can't.
Twilight - Being useless. He was raised to help others whenever he can, and he almost always can. As a result, though, he feels like he needs to step in and help all the time. Being unable to do so makes him anxious and overbearing. It doesn't matter how small the task, he needs to have some kind of burden he can carry to make life easier for somebody else.
Wind - Disappointing the people around him. Wind is an overachiever. He strives to exceed the expectations placed on him. He goes out of his way to do big, incredible things, because he desperately wants to make his loved ones proud. The thought of doing the opposite: upsetting them, or disappointing them, makes him withdraw into himself.
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socksandbuttons · 11 months
More tiny eclipse pls 🙏🥺
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BEAN ECLIPSE THERE YA GO. Also just Sun's whole behaviour about it. He's Winning. Sun's kinda fixed up the timeout corner cause Eclipse is there a lot (surprisingly he DOES stay there. Lunar say's it Eclipse's brooding corner now.) Lunar makes funny faces at him until eclipse either throws something at him or Earth takes Lunar away. Eclipse: Denies Uppies and Attention, Gets the Corner for Crimes. Lunar: And you thought me wrong for Uppies brother. Perish in the pits of fluff and playbars. Relinquish your vertical memoirs. They cannot help you now.
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ALSO UH BONUS BEAN'D OTHERS??? Sun and Moon were suppose to be the Swap Au's boys. Then I was tasked with Bloodmoon and then Earth.
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the-huxler · 13 days
lard nar in lava lamp if ur feelin it? 👀
ummmm those color palettes are incredible!!! you made them all??? They are so neat seriously 🥺
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tumblr user gibblegabber/spacegoathours asking for lard nar art? im quite surprised
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fallinglikemagic · 4 months
Compilation of screenshots of Weiss looking at Penny
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because I noticed in my most recent rewatch that there's a certain level of softness in these expressions that I haven't seen Weiss express towards anybody else and it's been driving me insane /pos
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dekusleftsock · 7 months
Mha fandom when you say that Izuku’s biggest fic mischaracterization isn’t making him twinky:
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Like yes, twinkifying one male character in a ship can be annoying—it can perpetuate heterosexual roles onto same sex relationships (“who’s the woman in the relationship/who wears the pants in the relationship?”), BUT LET US BE CLEAR:
WHEN in the ever loving FUCK did that somehow translate into “the twink has to be the stereotypically aggressive one so it doesn’t abide by queer stereotypes”. HOW DID WE GET HERE.
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Go work off that debt Xie Lian! ....with an extra babysitting job.
Meme template for y'all under the cut + examples I made.
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Anyway hopefully next episodes won't take too long. The thing is. The Ghost Groom arc is a lot longer than I remember. I'm still racking my brain over how the hell I'm gonna summarize it because I am not going every single instance
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