#some good people food music and id make it out on the other side
ikigaisvt · 1 year
rewatched in the soop 2 and now i have the its song stuck in my head... also restarting in the soop 1 :D life is fun fun fun
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peaceisadirtyword · 2 years
Pull the trigger II (Modern!Ivar/Reader)
A/N: Hello! This is the second chapter to the new fic♥️ thank you so much for reading and for all the nice comments you've sent!🫶🏼
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, a small argument, ableist comments, a bit of jealousy maybe?
Words: 2632
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read it on AO3
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Thora did make it up to you. At least Ingrid was more than happy with her plan to make it up to all of you, or it looked like that when the limousine stopped in front of you as you waited for the Uber Thora promised you. You raised an eyebrow and looked at her with a suspicious glare, she bit her lip, amused by Ingrid's excited gasp.
“Courtesy of Hvitserk" she giggled “Only his brothers' girlfriends use it sometimes, but he thought it would be fun" she winked at you “And... We're invited to the Valhalla VIP with free drinks" she looked proud of herself when she finished. Ingrid groaned and hugged her.
“I love you, I love you, I love you" she repeated “You're the best!"
You sighed, already regretting putting on your favourite top and skirt to go out that night. You supposed you'd end up in your local pub, with some pints, maybe a group of guys that would pay for your drinks and go home at half past two.
“And, as I anticipated the faces Y/N would make" Thora giggled “I invited Erik".
You couldn't help but chuckle then. Erik, a blonde guy from university, had been messaging you like crazy for the past few weeks, and your friends were completely convinced that he liked you.
“Shut up, get in" Thora shook her head, pushing you inside the car when the driver opened the door.
You admitted it was cool. Thora opened a champagne bottle and it was warm and cosy inside, even if the LED lights were a bit annoying for you. The music and your friends' laughs relaxed you enough to start laughing with them, taking pictures and videos to send to Astrid, who stayed at her girlfriend's house that day and couldn't be with you.
But as soon as the car stopped your mood dropped again, as the one that opened the door wasn't the driver.
Hvitserk offered his hand to a giggly Ingrid, who smiled widely and jumped out of the car, looking at the club with widened eyes. To be fair, Valhalla was one of the most exclusive nightclubs in town, you had only entered once, and it had been pretty cool, but...
Once Thora was out of the car and after Hvitserk kissed her softly, he turned to offer you his hand, which you ignored as you got out by yourself, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Hello, Y/N" Hvitserk laughed, far from being upset or bothered “You look especially good tonight"
You opened your mouth but closed it again when you saw Thora's pout. She had made you promise you'd behave that night.
“Hello, Hvitserk" you sighed in defeat “Thank you for the..." you looked back at the limousine, and Hvitserk smiled widely.
“It was my pleasure" he winked at Thora “I hope it warmed you girls up for tonight"
You rolled your eyes when they started making out.
“Come on" Ingrid elbowed you “Let her enjoy! Besides, if Erik is inside..."
“She should have brought Henry Cavill to outweigh all of this"
She giggled.
“Well she did bring us to the Lothbrok's local" she raised an eyebrow “They are closer to Henry Cavill than Erik"
“Hell no" you frowned.
It was the first time a doorman let you inside without looking you up and down and narrowing his eyes at your ID. Hvitserk just nodded at him before pointing at the three of you, and you entered the club feeling everyone's eyes on you.
“You have free drinks and food over there" Hvitserk pointed at the other side of the club, behind a velvet rope and some of the biggest men you had ever seen. The VIP had its own bar and some couches with low tables. It had a pool table, a dartboard, some slot machines and an entrance to its own private terrace.
You could see some people inside, but couldn't see their faces properly.
“This is great" Ingrid muttered “But I need to go to the toilet first"
“We'll be at the terrace" Hvitserk put his arm around Thora's shoulders. And before you could say anything, Ingrid dragged you away as you narrowed your eyes at the couple.
“You look ready to murder half of the people in that place" she giggled as she pushed you into the toilet “Thora looks ready to enjoy her night, I already am enjoying it and you have to try and do the same"
“I'm trying" you groaned, leaning onto the sinks as she locked herself in one of the stalls “I swear I am, but I just can't believe it! How many people you know that send a fucking limousine to pick up the girl you're hooking up with and her friends and then invite them to a club with free drinks? It's like they own this place! Did you see how much people were queuing at the door? We would be with freezing our asses off out there if Hvitserk hadn't decided to have sex with our friend!"
You could hear Ingrid laughing inside, but she had the decency to try and hide it.
“I'm sure they own at least a bit of this place, they own half of the city" she replied “As long as we're on their good side, we'll be okay, they're practically royalty! Think about how well they'll treat us tonight!"
You scoffed, raising an eyebrow.
“Am I the only one that thinks that's really unfair? Just because they have money they can do whatever the fuck they want?"
“Life is unfair, Y/N" Ingrid sighed as she left the stall, walking to the sink to wash her hands “Listen, they're not that bad, okay? Hvitserk is pretty nice! We don't even have to mingle with them, just enter the VIP zone and chill with a couple of drinks until Erik comes to cheer you up a bit"
Ingrid's plan was good, you couldn't deny that. It didn't sound that bad to stay away from them, you even felt like you were robbing them of their own space, which felt good.
But, that wasn't the doorman's plan.
When Ingrid tried to cross at the other side of the velvet rope, she was stopped by that man's arm.
“No one can enter without an invitation" he said dryly. He had long, white hair and a white beard, and he looked very annoyed when Ingrid smiled politely at him.
“We do have an invitation"
He rolled his eyes, sighing and crossing his arms.
“I don't see anyone inviting you"
“We came with Hvitserk, he said..."
“I said that I don't see anyone inviting you" he stopped her again when she tried to look inside for Hvitserk, but this time he pushed her away, making you gasp and grab her to help her stabilise.
“Hey, don't you even think about putting your hands on my friend again!" you yelled at him, narrowing your eyes. Ingrid widened her eyes and grabbed your arm, trying to pull you away from him.
The man looked down at you, clenching his jaw.
“Disappear. Now. Or I'll kick you out of this place myself"
“I'd like to see you trying" you scoffed “Who the fuck do you think you are? You can't go around pushing people around, especially when my friend was asking you nicely"
“Who the fuck are you?" he narrowed his eyes at you.
“We" you replied, ignoring Ingrid as she tried to push you away “Are Hvitserk Lothbrok's guests, and he probably won't like you treating us like..."
“I couldn't care less about the feelings of two of Hvitserk's whores" he interrupted you “I just know you're wasting my time, and if you keep bothering me I will make sure you don't enter this place ever again"
“Oh, sorry for interrupting such a busy and interesting job, I'm sure you have so many things to do" you rolled your eyes. The man opened his mouth to speak again, but he was interrupted by someone else stopping next to him.
“Is there any problem, Whitehair?"
You turned your head to see Ivar Lothbrok standing there, leant on his crutch and looking directly at you. He looked different, dressed all in black and with his hair braided instead of the simple bun he usually wore for university. His bright eyes looked even more blue than you remembered, and he raised an eyebrow in amusement when you glared at him.
“These two" Whitehair nearly spat at your feet “Want to enter, sir, they say they're your brother's guests"
“Is that so?" He raised an eyebrow “I'm sorry, love, but my brother overbooked his night, he's kind of busy out there" he pointed at the terrace “Me, on the contrary..."
“We're Thora's friends" Ingrid insisted, her voice trembling softly and her hand tightening around your arm.
You clenched your jaw, trying to avoid slapping him and erasing that amused smirk off his face. Ivar didn't stop looking at you.
“I know you" he frowned slightly “I've seen you in class"
“Yes" you shrugged “It surprises me that you know me, I thought that you couldn't be bothered by mere commoners that sit around you in your classroom"
Ingrid gasped behind you, but Ivar laughed, shaking his head as Whitehair clenched his fist.
“Don't worry, Whitehair, this little girl is not a threat"
“What did you just call me?" you stepped closer to him, narrowing your eyes and pressing your lips together, hoping you looked a bit more intimidating than you felt. But Whitehair stepped between the two of you, pushing you away softly as Ingrid called your name so you'd step back.
“You can let them in" Ivar shrugged, amused by your reaction “They are fine, even if I have my doubts they'd fit in"
“I don't want to enter your stupid VIP zone, I'm not interested on spending my night surrounded by the peaky blinders wannabes that think they're better than us for having money, you can shove your money and your free drinks up your ass"
“Y/N please let's just go" Ingrid muttered. Ivar's smirk faded slowly.
“My brother told me you didn't like us" he tilted his head “I thought he was exaggerating, but you clearly have something against me, strange knowing we've never talked before... In any case, don't worry love, you can turn around and leave to mingle with your people... What did you call them? Oh yes, the commoners"
“Fuck off" you raised your voice, and just stopped when Ingrid pulled you away. Ivar laughed as you stepped away, following your already nervous friend. You would have loved to spat, slap and kick him until he stopped smirking in that annoying way.
“What's your problem?" all colour had disappeared from Ingrid's face, she widened her eyes and shook her head “Are you crazy? You can't yell at Ivar!"
“Why not? His stupid bodyguard pushed you! And he was making fun of us, he's a fucking asshole, he deserves way more!"
“It's Ivar!" she scoffed in disbelief “He's literally the worst in that family, Hvitserk might find you funny and he might not mind you acting like a bitch, but Ivar? He can destroy you, and he will"
“He's just a kid with money that has watched The Godfather way too many times" you rolled your eyes “He's what, one, two years older than us?"
“He's killed people, there are rumors about him torturing people until they beg to die, don't play with fire, Y/N, you can hate on him all you want, but try not to tell him directly"
“See? Everyone treats them like royalty and they end up believing they're royalty, he's a normal guy like you and me, he just believes he's the king because people treat him like it, that's what has to change"
Ingrid rolled her eyes.
“Fine, but neither you nor me are going to change that, so now let's order a drink and forget about him okay?"
She looked almost relieved when Erik arrived. He had brought a couple of friends with him and that was more than enough to distract Ingrid. You were already on your second drink and ranting about how much of an idiot Ivar Lothbrok was, and Ingrid seemed more than happy to push you into Erik's lap to keep talking.
Erik was cute. Blonde hair and grey eyes, with pink lips and a nice body, the only problem was that he was unable to have a proper conversation. He wouldn't argue nor make interesting points to what you were saying, he would only nod and smile with a simple: Sure! Whatever you say! accompanied with a small smile. A smile that showed you he wasn't paying attention.
“I honestly think he's a dick" on your third drink and after he invited you to a shot, you were now more angry than ever, and kept glancing to the private zone in which he smoked and drank, surrounded by girls and big men that looked even more unpleasant than him. He had met your eye a couple of times, and both times he had smirked in that infuriating way that made you see red “He's even fucking smoking! No one is allowed to smoke inside!"
“No one but him" he chuckled “He's the boss, he can do whatever he wants"
“That's so unfair! Am I truly the only one that thinks this?"
“Probably not, but you're the only one bold enough to say it out loud" he winked at you, and his lips came way too close to your neck “That's what I like about you, you're feisty, that's sexy"
You frowned at him just when he started kissing your neck. It wasn't unpleasant, but you weren't particularly distracted by it.
“I'm not feisty nor sexy, I just have common sense" you rolled your eyes. Erik ignored you, his lips travelling up to try and meet yours, even if you turned your head to look at Ivar again.
What shocked you the most was to see he didn't have a girl on his lap, nor he seemed interested in any of the girls that sat on the velvet couches around him. He almost looked bored, sipping on his beer while his blue eyes scanned the room.
“Should I be jealous?" Erik chuckled into your ear, startling you.
“Many girls say Lothbrok is hot" he shrugged, scrunching his nose. You almost rolled your eyes again at him, some straight boys seemed to feel an aversion for talking about other men, maybe thinking that would affect their masculinity “I do not see it, personally, it would be bad for my reputation if you rejected me for a boy that can't walk" he laughed, and you raised an eyebrow.
“First of all, he can walk" you scoffed “With crutches but he can walk, I do not care about his legs or his disease, I can see why people could find him attractive, he has nice eyes and his face is..." you interrupted yourself, shaking your head “He's an asshole, an idiot, an infuriating, stressing dickhead that believes he's the king of the world, that has nothing to do with his legs or anything like that, you can be Mister Norway for all I care, but being an idiot invalidates any physical attractiveness you might have"
Erik smiled politely, his lips getting closer to yours.
“Sure, beautiful, whatever you say"
He kissed you then, and even if you were tempted to push him away, you let him kiss you. It wasn't the best kiss of your life, but at least it wasn't unpleasant. When his lips travelled down your neck again, you turned your head again, just to meet Ivar's eyes, fixed on you.
Tags: @istorkyou @barnes-lothbrok @naaladareia @youbloodymadgenius @southernbe @yummycastiel @nothingtolosebutweight​ @noway4u​ @cdauni @heavenly1927​ @ivarhoegh​ @biancathecool​ @helleiaiwritting​ @marvelsangels​
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caluski · 1 year
If you were cooking for a dinner party (and money/space is not a problem), what would you cook? Would you make a playlist? Or maybe put some flowers on the table?
Ah I wishhhhhh I had more time to get into writing a long answer rn instead of getting ready for work bc I love planning imaginary parties so much........ But since money wouldn't be an issue, I'd definitely make baked salmon as main entrée. Just plain salmon I think, with tomatoes most importantly, but also other veggies that taste good baked on their own bc I think it's always fun to put up a plate where guests can just grab whichever veggie they like, as opposed to like... Them being mixed together, so u just grab a spoonful and then someone has to pick out something that they don't like (I always have that issue with onions...). Definitely a dressing on the side, maybe like a herbal/dill one since that goes well with salmon.
And then as an alternative meal, I think I'd serve a huge bowl of tagliatelle (it's such a dinner party pasta!!!) but sauce on the side (I feel like that's always more considerate of guests preference) , probably something with spinach and chicken and mushrooms? Id definitely have to think about what my guests like, and then think of something they'd enjoy too, obviously.... But I think I'd avoid meat in general. Definitely as little dairy as possible, too, so people don't feel too heavy after the meal. Nothing too spicy, either (unless I'm the only one in the company that doesn't like it).
And ah, obviously would prepare a bit of soup, too. I guess that depends on the season, but a good one is always green pea cream soup. It tends to feel a bit too bland in excess, but in small servings it's absolutely delicious, and so perfectly warm for the tummy. Maybe with croutons? I'm not sure.
And when it comes to dessert, that also depends on what my guests would enjoy bc I don't really eat cakes or whatever. If I really don't have the time/money limit, i think I'd like to try making the little tapioca puddings! I think they're fun and delicious, especially if I could serve them in like large shot/gazpacho glasses. Maybe alternate between fruity fillings at the bottom, perhaps cherry, raspberry, bilberry....
I think when it comes to alcohol, id make it vodka/beer-free :) if it's like my dream party then it would be probably a celebration of maybe a big promotion I'd get, or getting engaged, maybe welcome party to an apartment of my own.... And idk i just always found that vodka and beer don't really work with it you know? I'd serve wine. MAYBE coctails if there's space to make them (I guess then a little vodka would be okay but like, you know, no pure shots) bc it would be so much fun to make mojitos or margaritas for my loved ones. Everything in the fanciest glasses I could afford, looking lovely, stocked up on ice and slices of lemon on the rim.... Obviously non alcoholic drinks too, I think that goes without saying.
When it comes to music, i have my love and food playlist always ready to go :-) by now it's I think 13 hours long though, so I'd queue my favorite songs, like the more romantic/jazzy ones and avoid the tracks that are too sad. But with decor i am so so so bad 😭 so I'd probably just settle for something simple, like candle sticks in a cute color sticked into the two holders I bought on sale a while ago, and with flowers I'd probably end up asking for advice my mom or sister since they're so much better at this than I am.... Oh, I love how many different napkins they are in home decor stores tho, and I never get a chance to buy them and use them!!!! Sometimes they're like in rainbows or with kittens and puppies or with cute messages like "have a great day" and such..... I even bought a pack once, with a bus that was full of puppies, it was soooooo adorable and SO much more fun than the regular plain white/cream colored napkins. Even if they are cheaper :/ but again, this is like a big occasion so I'd splurge a little.
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phxtotaxis · 7 months
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TW: mentions of self-harm
Name: Lyoka (real full name unknown)
Nickname/fighter alias: Moth
Age: ~21 (estimated, unknown)
Gender: Woman, she/her (by AGAB, actually gender apathetic)
Orientation: Ace (mildly repulsed), grayromantic
Species: Human (no magic, no anything)
Height: 5'3
Eye color: Amber
Hair: Brown (covered in cheap magenta dye)
Likes: Birds, sun, food, loud music (esp. metal and anything with a booming bass), good days
Dislikes: Cops, silence, judgemental pricks, feeling not in control, her episodes (bad days)
Lives in: In the poorest sector of a nameless city (not actually nameless). Said N city is broken into four sectors: A for the rich neon-lit center, B for the middle class, C for the poorer working class and those struggling by, and D for the ruined outskirts pronounced unlivable. It's populated by the homeless and rejected. That's where Lyoka lives, on a second floor of a crumbling building in an empty room with a hole in the wall.
Otherwise assume any ruined unlivable neighborhood that works for your character's world/location.
Legal status: None. She doesn't have an ID, she's not in the system, as far as officials are concerned she's just a cockroach.
Bio: It's short. She does not remember where she was born or who her parents were. One day she just appeared at the outskirts of the D sector, no more that 5 years old, wailing her heart out. The locals did their best to get her food and keep her warm, taught her to read and count, but other than that she mostly grew up like a weed. She sees D sector as her home and doesn't really feel any envy or regret — it's her turf, she knows it well, no one tells her what to do and she doesn't need much to be happy. The only shame she might feel is when shamed by others.
Has recently joined an underground fighting team, so you might've heard of her as Hyenas' new wildcard, but not too much.
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Fighting. Fighting well, but chaotically, dirty if needed, no rulebook or particular style to follow.
Good at reading other people in a fight, due to sheer experience. Also good at estimating people's danger level. Says it's all in the eyes. (BAD at reading anything else about people.)
Stealing. Pickpocketing and shoplifting.
Climbing. She's not much of a free-runner, but vertical parkour elements are very much her thing.
Fighter specialty: The more damage she gets, the stronger and better she fights back. Where others become tired or lose focus due to the pain, she's the total opposite. To a point. Her body is still human and can't keep the pace up forever.
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A small, clearly malnourished woman in dirty clothes which often don't fit her very well. Her hair is colored with a cheap dye that makes it look magenta-ish, her brown roots are showing and the hair itself is messily cut and sticks out.
She's perpetually scuffed and bruised and tousled to a various degree — a shiner under one eye, a bloody nose, a busted lip, the list of what she might be sporting on any given day is endless.
Her knuckles are either bloody, or, on a rare occasion, healed but forever discolored from the constant scarring.
Her left ear is torn, there's a scar on the right side of her lower lip and she's visibly missing the left lateral incisor (the tooth right before the canine).
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Doesn't own that many clothes, and her favorites include a big oversized black hoodie that she drowns in, short black bike shorts and neon green sneakers without any laces to speak off, or a slightly oversized gray t-shirt, ripped jeans, a very old leather jacket, red converse (with laces, wow) and an orange scarf.
By default, Lyoka is a mix of chaotic and pretty indifferent.
Because of being a concrete jungle Mowgli who never really tried to enter the society of other city sectors, she seems to be more immature and ignorant than appropriate for her age. Stuff like history, biases and privileges, all those important nuances are lost on her, she lacks some of the emotional maturity and a lot of social skills.
She dislikes cops 'cause they're always on her ass — but they don't like anyone from the D-sec, so it's a given. Dislikes any person who gives her shit for her dirty look just as much. Zero political compass, zero care in the world — get food, get sleep, find some joy in the middle, who gives a shit about the rest.
Very self-confident, brash, no filter. Prone to dark humor. No real awareness of how fucked up her situation is — it's the only life she ever knew.
Curious by nature, likes climbing up to high places, loves people-watching.
Is very often confused and a lot of stuff whooshes over her head, but she's always willing to learn if you're willing to teach. As long as it's not something boring and she doesn't have to sit in one spot for too long.
Fidgety, trigger-happy (with her fists). Does not quickly trust people and values her independence a lot. ESPECIALLY her personal space. Touch-repulsed and WILL make it your problem. That being said, if you grow on her, you're basically gaining a scary dog privilege for life. Granted, the dog is very small — but indeed quite scary.
Lyoka's big character trait is that she suffers from a mental condition I hesitate to slap an official name on. It's based on my own experiences with depersonalization, derealization and dissociation, but taken to an extreme for cathartic storytelling purposes.
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On any given day, especially when she hadn't fought in a while, her brain flips out:
Sometimes she randomly stops recognizing her own body parts, instead seeing them as disgusting and/or mutilated, like something is wrong with them. It's not a delusion, she sees them properly, but it feels like they are alien and wrong.
Sometimes the world around her stops feeling real to the point of almost TV static, and then that static also starts swallowing her, and each time she's deadly afraid that it will consume her whole. Even if she doesn't exactly know what that would entail.
If her brain decides that it doesn't want to be in a particular situation, it fully checks out, leaving her body on autopilot, sometimes to the point of seeing herself in third person even. She does not like that loss of control.
As mentioned in all three cases, these episodes terrify her. Due to her living situation she's unable to afford any medication or other help, not that she would trust someone to mess with her head even more (not at this stage of her life anyway).
Which is why she figures her coping mechanisms herself, and the most efficient (and unhealthy) one is... you guessed it. Fighting.
If a body part gets hurt, it gets anchored to the reality (the pain makes her feel it at all times and reminds her of the shape, while the bruise marks it visually). The more she hurts, the more present she is. That's why she fights better after taking damage — her mind becomes clear.
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Now, because of all that, depending on a day she can be either a funny chaotic gremlin or a pathetic wet rat who will try to take your eye out, so here's a handy guide:
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The worst of the worst. She's out of it, she's scared and panicking, she's self-harming by scratching herself and punching walls (or hitting her head on them, etc) in an attempt to ground herself, and she's looking for a fight, at any cost.
In this state she's mostly non-verbal (except for "fight me" and such), hunched over, eyes wild, looking for a target. She almost resembles a wild animal — ones she grew up among. Lot's of desperate animals in her sector, not just people.
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She's chilling. Not too talkative (although fully verbal), but curious, poking her nose everywhere. Loves observing — people, animals, especially birds. Down for vibing and parallel playing (aka just being in the vicinity while you do your thing).
Will definitely be grateful if you include her in some chill activity or give her something to fidget with.
GOOD DAYS (adrenaline edition)
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A short-term alternative to pain — adrenaline. There's some big fight brewing, or some illegal activity, or simply something fun, anything that gets her blood pumping. She's hyped, she can't sit still, she's talkative and loud and ready to go go go.
This is why she's always down for some sketchy or dangerous shit. Self-preservation does not matter if there's fun to be had.
(Note: "fun" does not include alcohol and drugs, because they make her MORE disconnected from the reality and her body, which freaks her out. Not that she can't do that — but be prepared for a meltdown.)
A subset of this is when someone she cares about is hurt. That makes her blood boil in a different way and she gets clear-headed and focused.
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Everything is great. She got her dose, she's present, she's fully in control, the world is beautiful and people are cool. She's casually chatty, snarky, somewhat cocky. Always smiley and in a good mood (unless something significant ruins it).
Arguably her default personality, what she would've always been if she ever got help with her condition.
Note on roleplaying: unless we talk about it beforehand, I'm generally rolling a dice on how she's feeling at the moment of any given interaction — or decide on a whim/context. You're welcomed to request a specific "state" to interact with!
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ranposgirlboss · 1 year
woo!! hopefully you’re okay with this!! id like a bad matchup!! is it okay to ask for one girl one guy? if not just a boy then, lolol
hi, i’m ruru, i’m feminine androgynous, and i use they/them pronouns. i actually am super closeted due to my gender crisis and ability to connect with others. i can’t seem to have both of them lolol
i’m an estp/esfp? i have a lot of conflicting personality traits, ex: sensitive and blunt, attached and distant, so i just accepted to have all these feelings, instead of choosing one so i can stay true to myself!!
people in my ethnicity tend to be dark, but i had the recessive gene of being fair. i have black hair that sets on my shoulders, that curl at the ends, bangs framing my face. i really like my eyes and eyelashes. i got compared and treated like a doll a lot when i was little, i don’t think that stopped, haha. i’m a bit on the small side, almost 5’3.
for the feminine/androgynous part, i always wear timeless pieces, like chanel. or dior, when im feeling feminine, or simple casual clothings i pair up together to make me stand out more from uniqlo. i also like making my own clothes!! i always have myself shopping and pairing things up in a way to best present myself so i can walk with confidence. i love some cute jewelry too, whether it be from FRED or even Vivianne Westwood.
i’m also don’t understand when others get upset, but i say how i see things and how they really are. this is good for giving advice, for friends!! it’s hard for me to consider people friends, since i do test them a lot and over analyze things, and mostly drop people so i don’t get hurt and because i care about myself.
caring for myself includes taking myself on dates! getting food i like, in clothes and makeup i like and feel good in, i get called narcissistic but many people don’t know how to love themselves, and it’s a foreign concept to them. it’s so hard to be nice, but the pretty people stay aloof and unbothered <33
oh my god. i’m selectively mute, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to socialize!! i tend to respond non verbally, nodding excessively, using hand gestures, all that!! i tend to tease people a lot and try to irritate them, clearing awkward air for when people first meet. quips can let out a bit sometimes, surprising people.
i love marine biology. when it comes to those topics, even selective mutism can’t stop me from talking about them!! sharks, whales, crusteans!! i also use them in text too, mostly 🐋🦈🦭🐟🦑.. the whale looks like it’s a smiling, the shark looks disgusted, the seal looks funnily seductive, the fish shocked, and the squid about to hit someone. i use those more, haha
i also love the arts. music and art, things like those are a nice hobby for me. i enjoy mass cleaning and i’m very task oriented, i don’t let myself stop if there’s something to do. and when i finish, i give myself more things to do. i just cant simply sit down, haha.
if i were to have a partner, they’d have to stick with me and be able to read me through. i tend to push people away due to bpd, no matter how much i want them to stay. i need someone who can read my body movement nonverbally, due to mental illnesses and things that stop me from communicating, the selective mutism and bpd.
my love languages are quality time!! words and gifts, actions and touch can have ulterior motives, but time is money and valuable, so i really appreciate those things. but i give gifts and often get physically affectionate with people no matter how close, simply getting things that remind me of them is how i show i care.
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FOR ME...SELF-CONFIDENCE IS KEY FOR HIM!! if you don't love yourself, i don't think you would be able to catch his eye!! and dazai would VERY MUCH be able to read through you, and he would appreciate the things that are unexpected for normal people (because his ass is NOT normal). also yall would have mad chemistry in the office...i can SENSE that shit.
THANK YOU FOR REQ!!! ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
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iheartmalewives · 2 years
First Dance
Royal AU: Prince!Malleus x Servant!reader
You and Malleus have your first dance at the Royal Ball.
A/n: My followers are probably tired at the amount of Malleus FFs im making, but I honestly cant help it 😭 All of my Malleus FFs are for my dearest friend, Xav. Also, this fanfic is highly inspired by "Unang Sayaw by Nobita", its a filipino song and I highly suggest people to listen to it!! Even if its a language you dont know much about.
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Getting invited in a Ball was stressful, you have to learn proper eating and talking manners and you have to walk delicately in heels.
Thankfully, your outfit was provided by your dearest crush friend, Malleus, who was a young prince. A servant like you meeting up with a royal like him was really odd but for some reason, you find comfort around a person like him.
After putting on your gown/suit, fixing your hair, putting on make up and making sure you smelled good, you dashed outside your little house and ran straight to the carriage that was waiting for you.
You had to admit, wearing such rich clothing was really uncomfortable since you're much more used to wearing your big "shabby" clothes, but it gave you a faint of excitement.
The horse clattering their heels and the woosh of the wind made you impatient as time goes by slowly but surely.
When you arrived at the enormous castle, you felt yourself getting struck by a wave of anxiousness, you were all alone with no one as your partner, the only thing you have so far is an envelope which contained the invitation that was given by yours truly.
You gulped before walking inside, showing the envelope to one of the guards. When they finally said you were good enough to go, you sprinted towards your way to the bathroom, in hopes to come yourself down.
You breathed in and out, closing your eyes before letting out a big sigh. Once you were done, you quickly got out of the bathroom, making your way towards the main hall.
The crowd made you feel small as you desperately tried to scoot over towards the food. Once you finally got a glance of the food, you licked your lips before grabbing a plate.
While deciding what food you were gonna get, you felt a light tap on your shoulder. You turned around and jumped as you see Malleus right in front of you.
"Malleu- I meant Prince Malleus! You look fantastic!" You grinned, heart rapidly beating as you watched him go closer. "You look fantastic as well. I see you wore the clothes I gave you?" He asked while grabbing a cupcake from one of the trays.
"Of course I will wear them! They look amazing." You replied, glancing at Malleus who was scanning you. You felt your cheeks heat as you watched him grin at you, "They suit you well." He continued, giving you a small simple nod.
You thanked him for his compliment, ignoring the small pink tints on his cheeks as you were too focused on the food. You stopped as you felt the upbeat music turn into a slow and romantic one.
You stiffened at the romantic aura immerging from within the crowd. You heard Malleus chuckle alittle before pulling you softly by your hand, "Shall we dance, dearest?" He asked, bowing at you.
You bowed back, giving him the same energy as you spoke, "Id like that, Prince Malleus." He smiled as he pulled you towards him, the crowd's eyes gazing at the two of you.
He placed his hand on your hips while the other guided your hands around his neck. "This is your first dance, yes?" He slowly mustered out, "Yes. Well um, first royal dance." You giggled alittle before placing your head on his shoulders, putting your body closer to him.
After a moment of brief silence and swaying, Malleus pulled away. You turned your head to the side, raising one of your eyebrows up. "Lets go somewhere more quiet." He spoke, intertwining his hand together with your own, guiding you towards god knows where.
When you two finally arrived at the Castle's balcony, you gasped in awe at how beautiful the moon was tonight. The stars were twinkling and the wind howled, right now, you were alone with Malleus.
You looked at him as he gazed upon the stars, smiling at how gorgeous it is. He then finally looked at you, his hands once again, pulling you into a dance.
The scene was really romantic and it made you gush over at how cheesy you both looked right now. You two slow danced while the moon shined over you two, Malleus's eyes were fixated unto yours, you couldnt help but admire his green orbs.
"Y/n, i.. um." He quietly mumbled, enough for you to hear. You waited patiently for his words, swaying and matching his slow rhythm.
He stopped for a bit before slowly grabbing something out of his pockets, a red rose that signifies love. You softly smiled at his action, taking the flower that he offered to you without hesitations.
Malleus coughed for a moment before speaking once again, "I have something to confess.." As soon as those words left his mouth, you felt time stopped around you. You hummed, waiting for his confession, your heart was practically pumping out of your chest.
"I love you so much and I want to be yours." He finally continued, his cheeks were painted red as he looked at you with shiny eyes. You were fighting the urge not to kiss him but you soon gave in to the urge the moment you wrapped your arms around his neck.
The kiss was calm, soft and delicate. You fluttered your eyes open when you two finally pulled away, you couldnt help but giggle alittle, "I love you too, my prince."
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two-red-lungs · 2 years
i love your content with every fibre of my being,, you're a literal god and i am currently on my hands and knees begging for more lost boys eddie content,, i never thought id need that specific thing so badly omfg
I'M SO GLAD U LIKE THAT EDDIE!!! I think about him all the time and have a lot of ideas/headcanons concerning him. Here's some backstory drabble.
LostBoys!Eddie Munson:
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I think it all started with graduation. Eddie GOT IT. Got his diploma, scraped up all his fucking money, and blew out of Hawkins flipping the bird the whole way
He hops across the country, stopping at places to busk/flip burgers just for long enough to scrounge up some more cash for gas and food as he travels
And then he ends up in Santa Carla. He decides "fuck it", stops at the boardwalk, because it's shiny and big and cool and he sees a lot of punks milling around: a foreign concept to him
He's there for one night. ONE NIGHT. That's all it takes to change his life forever.
I think David collected the lost boys through 'pinging' their energy: they were wild, and wanted adventure/to enjoy life, but most of all I think they were lonely and desperately wanted kinship. Eddie reeks of that even as he's trouncing past boardwalk rides with stars in his eyes, guitar case on his back.
At first the boys were absolutely going to eat him. They swoop down, overwhelm him with their outfits and smiles and amicability, and he's so fucking sunk for them the second he saw them. He thinks they're so cool, even if they make him nervous.
They whisk him away to a CRAZY night
We're talking bonfire drinking on the beach, scream-singing the songs on Dwayne's radio, then hitting a Santa Carla bar and quickly getting kicked out for rowdiness, roaring to the underpass on their bikes and graffitiing as much of the concrete as possible
And at first they think he's like all the other alternative shitheads. Just there for the high, the adrenaline, mean and selfish.
But Eddie's thoughtful. Actually kind to them. He doesn't treat them like the shithead punks they've earned the reputation for being.
Marko wipes out on his bike and instead of cackling with the rest of his brothers, Eddie mutters "shit" and jumps off David's bike, running over to him to help him up. Dusting his jacket off, asking if he was good.
David pops a cigarette between his teeth and Eddie is already patting his pockets for a lighter, moving to offer it without even really thinking about it
And Dwayne's a total fan of darker, heavier, slower metal, always playing it on his radio he keeps strapped to his bike: Eddie has a side-conversation with him, wildly appreciative of the music choice and insanely well-versed in his knowledge of the bands, nodding and smiling when he gets the bigger vampire to discuss his musical interests
By the time they get him where they were going to tear his throat out (the bluffs) they're all looking at one another, mentally asking do you guys all like this dude as much as I do?
It's when Eddie is smoking and peering over the cliff edge, talking aloud and admitting that he's never met people like them because he was so used to getting harassed and alienated and shit on for who he was, that David realizes oh. I think we have a keeper.
David gives him the rare honor of being candid. He asks him if he wants to live forever. Have a family that will never betray him.
And Eddie says yes.
The change is good for Eddie. Not good for other people, but great for him because the vampiric morphing erases the lingering fear and sadness and resentment he had. Alleviates the frustration. Allows him, for the first time, to be completely wild and free and crazy and self-pleasing in a way he has always desperately pretended to be for years.
And now he's got kinship. Actual die-hard kinship. Marko is cacking and clapping him on the shoulder and saying "you're one of us now, Munson!" and he means it. David is staring at him, warm and satisfied, knowing in his gut that four had just become five, permanently.
Eddie meshes with the Lost Boys like he was born for it
Walking side-by-side on the boardwalk, grinning, permanently reveling in the camaraderie, feeling metal as FUCK. Getting into play-fights with Paul, sharing a cigarette with David, standing on the pier guardrail and howling into the wind with Marko.
They encourage his alternate style to an extreme. Picture eighties thrasher on steroids: he's all ripped jean fabric and a million pins/patches, bullet casings tied in his hair and enough spikes on his shoulders to set off metal detectors
After years of being blown off by girls he's got them hitting on him almost relentlessly. Paul leans his weight against him and smiles ear-to-ear when the hottest little thing approaches Eddie with a blush on the boardwalk and asks if he's doing anything that night
His ego. Oh my god. The BOOST
Eddie, let me be clear, wants to lose himself in this new reality. He's intentionally ignoring all the downsides because the brotherhood and the power and the fun is so intoxicating. He shuts his brain off.
Sometimes he'll have these moments of painful, human clarity: watching gaggles of senior high-school students wandering around, their whole lives ahead of them. Seeing Marko, chest heaving with exertion and the high of the hunt, hurl a corpse off a cliff with a whoop with the others laugh. The lurch of pain in his chest when he accidentally flies over a church's consecrated ground.
But he buries it. He buries it in the rowdy way Dwayne slings an arm over his shoulder like he's his favorite person in the world. Buries it in the hot chick he's kissing drunkenly in front of the arcade. Buries it in the fact that when their bikes roar through the night, parting the crowd, he's bringing up the rear of the procession.
He's loved. He's feared. He has it all.
And then maybe one day, ten years in the future, when the Lost Boys are living the exact same lives they've lived forever, Steve Harrington shows up. He's on vacation. He's got a beard. He's more muscular, more weathered. Alive.
And Eddie looks exactly the same. And it just feels like a shotgun to the fucking chest, Munson hiding behind pillars and rides and watching an older Steve wander around eating cotton candy and talking to his married partner, looking like he's lived his life to the fullest
It takes David bumping his leg with his foot, them astride their bikes, to remind him that he chose this. This is his life. And he loves it.
So it hurts sometimes. But the pain isn't as strong as the pleasure. And Eddie Munson becomes just Eddie, like Paul is just Paul and Dwayne is just Dwayne.
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diedbutterflies69 · 3 years
Who are you?- Bang Chan imagine
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Synopsis: you had a sex worker knocking on your door, sended to you by someone.
Word count: 3.2 k
Warnings: dom! Chan x femreader, angst, oral sex, fingering, , mentions of infertility.
Minors don't interact.
It's imagination doesn't describe anyone in real life.
The aur gets thick with loneliness after party ends. The empty bottles on the floor, confetti, glitter things that once were props of happiness and excitement becomes mess that you are too tired to clean. Being left alone despite throwing a grand celebration just to get rid of feeling of loneliness but still that empty feeling is only thing that stayed with you instead of all your friends, strangers. The speakers playing no music, no sound of people laughing, screaming or fucking each other you were glad for the last situation though. Your luxurious apartment with grey walls looked like garbage dump and you were the only one who will be cleaning up this mess.
It was ironic how you had zero percent of alcohol flowing through your veins despite being the one who paid for it, the smell of it made you sick. What you were doing since last few weekends was so unlike of you, throwing parties in home or sometimes spending nights in pub in serach of one night stand but not finding anyone, going to shopping and emptying your own card, visiting fancy restaurants and leaving food untouched. Trying to buy happiness with money.
You never knew a break up could mess you in such a cruel way.
You were lost in thoughts while staring at the ceiling when you heard your door bell ringing, you tried to ignore the person on the other side of door thinking it was probably some random human who forgot something But the rings didn't stopped , you reluctantly got up feeling annoyed of the constant sound. Not even bothering to see who is behind the door, gripping on the knob and hastily pulling it inside and finding someone you didn't expected or knew.
"Who are you?" You questioned the man who is now infront of you, you swore this was man has to be the hottest stranger you ever saw. Blonde hair with black roots appearing like silver lines in darkness, plump kissable almost red lips and intimadating black eyes with an eyebrow slit. In your memory you didn't remember having such a visual as your friend or co worker. He was caught off guard by your question not expecting you to be so oblivion.
" Look I am sorry for being late but cancelling appointments after payment and playing dumb isn't allowed as you must have read all of the terms and conditions " the man rambled on like he was nervous or he spoke like he a employee who fucked up badly in his job but whatever reason it was you understood nothing of whatever he said.
"I am not playing dumb or anything I really don't know you" you defended yourself, feeling exhausted the least thing you wanted to do was argue with someone you barely know who looked gawking hot. The man ran a hand through his hair in frustration and he suddenly let out a gasp that scientists make when epiphany hits them on the face. He looked at you with judging wide eyes, and you know whatever he realised wasn't good.
" Maybe you didn't know but your ex contracted my agency yesterday and said to be here at this address so ... Nice to meet you I am Chan from milf morning moaning here at your service mam" the stranger namely Chan gave you somewhat detailed explanation and showed you his ID, milf morning moaning was one of the most famous and expensive satisfactory agency out in the town.
Knowing purpose of his visit made you choke on the non-existent rope that tightened around your neck. Your ex fucking him whom you are trying to forget by doing all types of fancy shits just sended a sex worker to satisfy you while he was probably living his best life with his wife right now. What was he trying? Making fun of your high sex drive or just saying you to get a dick instead of uploading shit tons of party manic pics on insta? Whatever the reason was you couldn't bring yourself to close the door on his face and just say to go back. Maybe a good fuck may be all you need to come out of emo lady phase and get back on track also who were you to deny your body desires.
"You...clean?", You asked in a quiet voice hesitant clearly laced up, Chan looked at you again with judging eyes like what you asked is the most stupidest thing in universe.
"Obviously mam" Chan replied a little sarcasm and frustration in his tone. You internally cringed at the formality with what he was calling you, did he thought you really are milf? are there any fine lines on your face ? Such senseless questions arised up in your brain but your logical side brushed them off and signalled the man to come inside, backing away , giving him space to walk inside.
The man was too shocked to speak when his eyes fell on the messy condition of your living room, it was a obvious reaction but no reason you found it a little exaggerating.
" Don't worry, I won't make you clean this up" your voice echoed as you closed the door and walked to the spot where he was standing, his eyes were still fixed on the floor he was probably a big clean freak.
"You had a blast.." Chan muttered more to himself than you, you sighed at his words thinking about how you really had nothing but not really.
" Whatever" you continued "bedroom is this way come" you said and started walking in the direction of bedroom kicking away the bottles that were in your way while Chan just looked at you little confused by your sudden bold decisions he thought he was about to get interrogated and then yeeted away with blue balls.
"You really want this? I mean your ex already paid us... So" Chan trailed off, halting your footsteps. So fucking considerate of him you thought. You turned around, looking at him with infuriating eyes which made him back away a little even if he meant no damage and his point was something else it hitted your dead pride.
"Why? do I look like an unfuckable bitch to you? you fucking asshole" you screamed tugging your hair in frustration , you just wanted to have the free fuck that asshole gifted you and then get over it tommorow morning like nothing ever happened but here you were arguing with a complete stranger due to mere misunderstanding. Chan rushed towards you, he understood what you took his words for.
"Hey, sorry I thought you were forcing yourself for this I didn't meant that you and you are the sexiest women I ever saw" Chan explained, his last statement extremely unnecessary for you just empty flattering You noticed how there wasn't much distance between two of you and your eyes caught up a closer view of how really well built God sculpted body Chan has.
"You must say the last sentence to all of your clients " you said rolling your eyes and fixing your hair . Chan leaned on you, his breath hitting your shoulders and you don't quite remember when you last felt your heart doing back flips.
"yes but this time, it's only your turn to hear that" Chan whispered, you laughed back ironically , gasping a ouch with fake hurt in your tone, the tension in air suddenly ceasing.
"Let me open the door for you , mam" Chan suggested , putting up the nice gentleman act but again that formality fucking mam, you didn't liked that as you felt he really thinking that you are in 40s something.
"Stop calling me mam" you stressed on that word 'mam' with a passionate hatered in your voice causing Chan to be confused and think what mistake he made now.
" You didn't told me your name yet and I thought you must like me calling you with superiority" Chan explained by now he was really sure that the way to your bedroom will be longer than his explanations. On the other hand you started to think he thinks about you as a manipulative power hungry women.
" Didn't my ex told your milf morning moaning my name?" You asked your brain screaming at you to just shut your mouth and stop arguing and look stupid but you paid no attention. Chan looked at you in daze and suddenly he again got epiphany but now he had to suppress a smirk that was forming at corner of his lips.
" Y/N, right ? By your dislike towards being superior one makes me conclude that you are submissive, aren't you?" Chan asked you raising his slited eyebrow his aura completing changing, like he threw away the persona he was wearing a few minutes ago, he looked so intimadating right at this moment. His question obviously caught you off guard but the way your name was rolled off by his tongue was absolutely stimulating your brain.
" well ... Yes YeAhh" you mumbled trying to look cool with this random fact but infact you were really not cool, being looked down was something you hated but am but at bedroom it was your top turn on. Chan's smirk only grew wider as he noticed you avoiding eye contract and looking everywhere but him.
"Your stupid ex..", he took a step closer and as cliché you took one step back, his one hand reached your face, and softly cupped it and by the other he pulled you closer to himself, wrapping the arm around your waist, his hot breathe hitting you your nape,
"He fucking told us 'let her use your men as she wishes' but here it .. seems like you are the one who likes to be used" can't quite remember when you were last time this much under control of any man or you threw out all your sanity out of window, Chan's mere words did wonders on you. All you were able to say was low pitched 'yes'.
" So now will you zip out your useless mouth and get into your damn bedroom " Chan fired, his true colours finally showing, you would have slited away mouth and soul of anyone who spoke to you like this but being treated like this by Chan made you lose your mind and wetness gush out on your panties, which Chan didn't found out, yet. You mindlessly nodded and started walking towards your bedroom, your legs shaking from nervousness and anticipation, you twisted the door knob in haste wondering why even you locked the damn door at first place, oh yes to save it from horny human population from party you effortlessly opened the door finally entering inside the room and tried to get Chan's pov of the space. He entered after you locking it again and coming closer to you.
"Can I kiss you?" Chan asked the previous coldness from his voice disappearing, you thought he will just throw you on bedroom and get leave after a quick fuck but he was seriously taking great time, you would definitely rate him 5 stars for his excellence work performance. You nodded your head in affirmation but from inside your body was screaming to feel his lips against yours .
Chan cupped your left cheek and slowly leaned in closer until his lips touched against yours, you felt butterflies fluttering inside your stomach right this moment. Your fingers reached his semi blonde locks twirling them softly. The kiss started off slow and sensual but none of actually really liked being slow it was clearly visible in increasing pace of your actions, both trying to slander each other's tongue and be messy as hell not minding the saliva that was oozing out of corner, too focused on devouring each other's taste in brain. You pulled back as your lungs begged you for air, wiping the sweat from forehead and oozing spit. Chan again crashed his lips against yours but with more roughness this time, your leg hit the bed edge , he pushed you back on the mattress gently, still not breaking the kiss, his hands undid your shirt buttons, cold hands pressing against your raw skin leaving goosebumps, as you wore no bra.
"You go around like a slut, displaying your tits to everyone?" He humiliated while squeezing your right boob without much mercy, pinching nipple inbetween index and middle finger you just shook your head in denial, causing Chan to left a hard slap against your breast, your body jerked upwards at the sudden contract , a whiny moan tearing your throat. Chan settled himself above you, his knees on either side of your thighs, he removed his shirt and threw it somewhere, he pulled your body towards him by your ankles, unbuttoning your shorts and tugging it down along with panties cold air hitting you and Chan noticed a wet string of wetness attached to the fabric , he bites his bottom lip at the filthy view of your cunt.
" So fucking wet , just for me" Chan boosted , going down in between your thighs, his fingers parting your folds , rubbing the precum evenly, while his thumb stimulated your clit, he spitted inside you , causing your pussy to be louder than it already was, his fingers moments were uneven and unfair, one moment he shoves two of his long digits inside you without much thought and at other teases you with just light taps, despite that you were getting closer and closer to your high, your moans echoing in room along with squeaky sounds.
"Chan.. " you whimpered, feeling like you could break apart by just his long digits. Your noises acted as fuel for him, to increase his pace, his own erection painfully screaming for freedom, but for him customers satisfaction first.
"You want to cum? " Chan asks you, two fingers scissoring you down while he forcefully entered a third one, twisting and turning them like sadist, slick keeps dripping down from your thighs to ass and soaking to sheets. Your stomach turns in pleasure, you were close so damn close he knew.
"Please let me" your voice broke , begging pitifully, Chan absolutely adored you, loving how you were begging from past minutes, throwing every ounce of self respect or sanity out of window, you fitted the mould he preferred for sex. Giving full control of your body to him.
"Wanna cum so bad right? Then take it" Chan asked, removing his fingers from you, leaving you empty but that feeling didn't lasted long, he slapped your clit harshly one two and three then putting his mouth against the drenched cunt, sucking you like he was starving, it was impossible for you to hold in your orgasm nor you wanted, with loud scream, you splashed against his mouth, your liquids gushing out rapidly which were devoured by Chan almost immediately, sucking you dry while still stimulating your clit overstimulation hitting your veins, tears pulling at corner of your eyes.
"Gonna fucking destroy you" Chan breathed out detaching himself from your pussy, coming up and reaching his back pocket for condom but you stopped him immediately.
" No need for that" you protested, voice hoarse due to previous orgasm.
"you on birth control?" Chan asked you, placing the packet back from where he removed.
" I can't give birth" you answered, not something you Chan expected nor you thought you will say, you were sure that the mood was either ruined or awkward but to your suprise, Chan looked at you with a soft gaze , lust still sitting in corner of them though.
" Isn't it good baby? I can fuck you everyday without caring about popping out useless humans" Chan said, his hand petting your hair gently , his words suprised you, everyday.. means he will come again. He undid his belt and removed denims and boxer, throwing them at side, his size left you wide eyed, man was so fucking big and veiny, precum already oozing out of tip.
Chan slapped his cock against your enterance few times before finally deciding to press cock head inside your folds and in one swift motion, he enters your walls, slick coming out of you, while his hand wrapped around your neck, cutting your airflow , leaving you light headed and drunk in pleasure.
"You will come here everyday?" You asked choking inbetween your moans and harsh thrusts, gazing at Chan with hopeful eyes,he just gave you a smirk, increasing his pace, hand reaching at back of your knee and folding you up in position from where he could ruin your walls even deeper.
" if you really want me book me for just yourself everyday?" Chan grunted , getting distracted by feeling of your pussy sucking his cock like no other, you were already his favourite client by now, he never felt this much pleasure by anyone else.
"I want you so bad" you cried out, feeling like your body was on fire, pleasure clouding your head each time, Chan's hip hitted against yours, you were just a sobbing mess at this point, tongue out like some cock hungry whore, in which Chan didn't mind to spit again and again. Before you knew, your orgasm ripped through you, leaving you sensitive and overreactive to every thrust and touch.
" You make perfect cocksleeve, good fucking slut" Chan almost screamed, getting dizzy by the orgasm that was about to hit him like a truck, it had been ages since, he fucked someone for his real pleasure and now he already felt addicted to this feeling. His cock twitched inside you, he tugged your hair back, kissing you harshly , before his cum painted your walls , cum sputtering out with each of lazy thrust, stuffing his load too deep inside you .
"Let's clean up" Chan said , removing his cock from you and plopping to your side, hugging your exhausted frame lovingly.
" isn't your job over?" You questioned voice fully broken from past actions. Chan just tightened his grip around you, softly moving his fingers through your hair strands.
" I decide when my job is over" Chan asserted with authority, you had no energy in protesting further. Letting yourself get lost by soft touches and peaceful silence.
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miekasa · 3 years
okay but what about airport!levi? he gives quiet businessman vibes sitting in his slacks and turtleneck
IN HIS TURTLENECK 😭😭 He would also be quiet and to himself, but not in the emo way. You got me thinking about all of them now, so here are my other thoughts about the boys at the airport.
He thinks the idea of separating classes on an airplane is beyond stupid, but if the flight is particularly long, or particularly packed, he’s not above paying for business class for a little extra personal space for the two of you.
When he doesn’t do that, tho, he never picks your guys’ seats ahead of time, so sometimes you’ll be separated. Good thing he’s also not above lying at the check-in desk, “I’m in Zone 1, could my wife be seated next to me so that we can board together?”
They respond with an “of course,” and move your seats together, and Levi walks back with a content nod of appreciation. You are not married, and marriage sucks about as much as class separation on a 30 foot long plane, but it has its benefits.
Masks on, regardless. No debates. Pandemic or not, the mask stays on. Do not perceive him, keep the pressurized air sharing to a minimum.
Doesn’t wander much in the airport. There’s nothing in there that he hasn’t seen already, except for the marked up prices on touristy t-shirts.
And if you wander, he’ll usually just sit in the waiting area to watch your bags while you window shop and do your thing. If you’re gone for more than 30 mins, he might call, under the pretenses of, “Making sure you didn’t get lost. You know that Starbucks was near gate 41 to the left, not the right, right?” Like he’s a comedian or something 🙄
He does encourage you to get snacks before you board, tho. Airplane food is gross, and he would much rather pay for a $13 sandwich that you can snack on later, than for you to have to eat mush.
He’s got a little portable mug he takes with him for when he’s wants to buy a hot drink before getting on his flight. It’s cute.
Doesn’t fall asleep on the plane ever. No matter how long the flight is—at most, he’ll take a quick power nap somewhere in the middle if it’s over 9 hours, but other than that, he’s good to go.
Doesn’t mind if you fall asleep, and he always adjusts your neck pillow to make sure you don’t get cramps.
Travel champion. This man loves being in the airport even though he’s convinced it’s a time capsule, he fucking loves it.
King of “your airport fashion matters, babe.” Not necessarily wearing a whole three piece suit, but he does put in a little effort; it’s not just the first pair of sweats he has laying around.
Swears coffee tastes better in the airport. It does not. That does not stop him from buying it. He should learn to quit tho, especially for someone who hates airplane bathrooms as much as he does.
Charming with all the security personnel and desk assistants. You could be checking in for a flight at 4am, and Jean’s got people smiling and cheery for their shifts.
Bitches about the selection of movies on the flight, and learns to just download his own ahead of time. Gets really startled when he’s watching something and the flight attendants try to grab his attention for food or drinks—the very loud, classic, Jean Kirstein “HUH?”
On that note, he also gets startled by the loudspeaker announcements in the airport. He doesn’t know why he has to hear about American Airlines flight 2170 to Cancun, when he is not on American Airlines flight 2170 to Cancun.
Not opposed to paying extra for better airplane food or drinks on the plane if it’s the right time of day. He always finds something to toast to, plus he likes to treat you whenever and wherever he can.
Takes care of your overhead luggage and helps out the people around him if he sees they’re struggling. Gets shy when you call him a gentleman for it, and he rubs his neck, grumbling, “I was just helping the line move a little faster.”
Great timing, generous, will pick up your checked bags for you, and already rented a car a week in advance: 10/10 travel buddy.
He doesn’t like planes and there’s no solid reason why—nothing bad happened to him as a kid, and it’s not even that rare unfortunate incidents freak him out or anything—something flying just makes him a bit uneasy.
He won’t say it though, and he tries to keep it together when you’re checking in, but you can tell he’s anxious once you’re sitting and waiting for your flight to board.
He’ll ask to switch seats if you have the window seat, because somehow the feeling of being boxed in between the plane wall/window and another person makes it feel more like a car than a plane and he’s okay with that.
Going to the airport is one of the few times he hair won’t be styled, and falls in his face a bit. He usually throws on a beanie to cover it up, but you think he looks pretty cute either way.
Can’t usually fall asleep and he hates it because he just sits there thinking about the worst for the entire duration of the flight. But when you travel with him for the first time and coax him into taking a nap it’s so much better.
It’s about the only time he’ll let himself be publicly babied by you; but it makes everything so much easier that he doesn’t even mind.
So now, whenever you get on flights, he just puts his hood up, lays his head on your shoulder and waits for the magic to happen.
Bonus: you’re traveling with his friends, and Pieck and Marcel past to your seats, surprised to see Porco fast asleep on your shoulder. Pieck squeals, going on about how you must be a wizard to have gotten him to nap, to which Marcel just shakes his head, “Nah, he’s just really in love with her. Look at his face, that’s the calmest he’s been since he was five.”
Loves the airport. Not an ounce of organization in his soul though. By that I mean, yeah, he’s probably forgotten his passport at home, or forgotten that a full size bottle of body wash cannot go into his carry-on luggage.
Forgets to wear shoes that easy to take off and is fumbling over himself after the security check trying to lace them back up or put them back on.
Likes for you guys to have coordinating sweatsuits, and even though you don’t travel super often, Connie’s got at least 3 pairs of them lined up for you guys.
Sweet enough to drop plans or rearrange his schedule to travel with you if you were originally gonna be alone. He knows you can handle yourself, but he doesn’t want for you to travel alone if you don’t have to, especially if you’re going someplace far and/or for an extended period of time.
He always finds breakfast food to eat before he gets on his flight (if you two even have time to spare for food that is). It could be 9pm, but Connie’s asking for a breakfast wrap.
Hates waiting in the little pre-flight area. Claims it’s boring as hell and that’s why there’s no reason to get there 3 hours early 🙄🙄
He always spends at least 30 minutes browsing all the movie and TV show options available on-board, loudly exclaiming in excitement when they have something cool to watch—only to fucking fall asleep 10 minutes later. Right on top of you when he was oh-so-excited to watch Madagascar 2.
Always steals the aisle seat, even if it’s yours. It’s probably for the best though, because he has to get up to pee at least twice, no matter how short your flight is.
Makes some cheeky remark about you meeting him in the bathroom. He doesn’t mean it... unless he does. Unfortunately, you’ve never... successfully been able to do that out of fear of being caught by the flight attendants, but there have been a few quickies in the “family” (“It’s ethical, because technically we’re participating in the act of making a family, babe”) bathroom before you boarded. It’s his fault, not yours.
He really likes planes, and traveling in general. I think trains would be his favorite mode of transportation, but airplanes are good too.
I hate to say it but he claps when the plane lands. I will not elaborate or defend my stance on this.
Prefers the window seat because he likes to look out at the clouds as he’s in the sky.
He took his passport photo a little before he cut his hair, so the security personnel always hold it up and flicker between his ID photo and his current appearance a few times before stamping it. It makes him a little embarrassed because he can’t tell if they think he looks better or worse and sometimes he’s really fighting for his life convincing them that that’s him in the picture 😭
Listens to music rather than downloading a movie or watching a show, and always brings wire headphones to the airport so that it’s easier to share and listen with you.
If you fall asleep on him first, he’ll likely fall asleep on you shortly after. If he’s tired enough, he’ll fall asleep first, though he’s somewhat embarrassed and disappointed because he wanted to see the descent and skyline outside.
When he’s not asleep or window-watching, he’s somewhat fidgety out of excitement, rather than nervousness. He’s excited to be traveling and looks forward to wherever you’re going, even if it is just a weekend long work trip.
Hates traveling alone, though. It just feels particularly lonely to him to be going someplace foreign without company by his side. So, he’ll call you at every checkpoint and send you updates.
He only ever buys two things in duty free: shot glasses with the name of the city/country you’re traveling to, and whatever variety of button down short-sleeves are available to him.
You knew this was coming, but this man is absolutely at the airport 18 hours before your flight takes off, and he’s driving like a manic getting there, like you don’t have all the time in the world.
Fascinated by anything and everything in duty free. Definitely spends more money than necessary on your return flight on the grounds that he was getting a good deal.
Exchanges money in the airport and keeps cash in his fanny pack. There’s no traveling without the fanny pack.
Plays crossword puzzles on his phone on the plane, and it’s just about one of the only games he has. That and Candy Crush—I get the feeling he’d be on level 500+ of that game and he always knocks out at least 10 levels on a flight.
Always a little surprised when he feels his your head on his shoulder, but he says nothing, and acts like he didn’t even notice, but there’s a telling little smile on his face.
Takes the most foul selfies of him and your sleeping self. In his defense, he had the best intentions; but that angle was flattering nobody. It’s too bad he’d already paid for the in-flight wifi and sent it to Hange because now you’ll never live them down.
You could probably get him to put on a (skincare) face mask during your flight. He forgets to take it off tho, and if you don’t tell him, he’d fully walk through customs with it on his face.
Accidentally gets drunk because he doesn’t understand that just because he can handle several glasses of whiskey in his favorite bar on a Friday night, does not mean it will translate on a plane.
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Lucas (mafia leader) x Reader (female)
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A/N: I had this thought for days now and was like, ya know, just let it out. This is my first NCT (?) WayV (?) fanfic? Scenario? Yea XD For those who have read my past fanfics/scenarios, you know how horrible I am in explaining XD but yea, essentially I just imagine that you, the reader are a uni student whilst Lucas is part of the NCT mafia, "leader" of the WayV unit (I know Kun is technically the leader, but just for the sake of the story), okie, leggo
Sighing in defeat, you gathered all your books, stationery and some clothing before sneakily going out of your dorm and to your boyfriend's apartment since he gave you the spare key, saying that it was for emergencies or whenever you wanted to come over.
After texting Lucas that you were heading to his apartment, you went to grab a cab and head there. Truth be told, you never really went there and only got the address from Lucas. Which is why upon arriving, your jaw nearly dropped when you saw his apartment; even making sure whether the address Lucas gave last time was the exact one and making a mental note to yourself to look up things beforehand.
Upon arriving, you felt like you just came from the countryside to the big city. You went to the front desk and inform them who were you looking for, handing in your ID card and was immediately directed to the elevator, one of the securities pressing the highest floor of the elevator and left you in the elevator on your own.
Just when you thought that it couldn't get any fancier, the minute you stepped out of the elevator, you were amazed at the decor and the fact that there was only one door made it even grander. Taking out the key Lucas gave you, you were actually hoping that it wasn't the correct one and Lucas just sent you the wrong address but as it turns out, the key fits and you took a deep breath, walking into the room.
But on Lucas' side, he actually didn't receive your text message. So, the second he heard someone coming into his suite, he was already reaching for his gun because he wasn't really expecting anyone to come. But as soon as he heard your signature nervous voice, he felt relieved but worried at the same time. Did something happen to you?
"Lucas? Ar-are you in here? The people at the front desk just directed me here. I uh sent you a text" you called out
"I'm here sweetheart. Now, what brings you here at this late hour? Is there anyone I should be concern with?" Lucas stated, coming out of his bedroom
"Huh? Wow. I mean, no. Sorry, it's my first time here. I uh, I was just wondering if I could stay for the night. The dorm was so loud that I couldn't study nor sleep" you admitted, trying to avoid eye contact with Lucas, thinking that it was a lame excuse to come over
"Of course you can. I gave you the spare key for a reason, didn't I? Uh, sorry about the mess and all. I didn't expect you to come. I didn't receive any messages. C'mere sweetheart" Lucas mentioned, giving a hand motion for you to go to him
"Really?! I could've sworn I...(looks at your phone) I forgot to click the send button" you sighed, hitting your head as you went over to Lucas
"Hey, hey. Don't do that. You'll hurt your brain even more. No harm sweetheart. My place is yours. Come. I'll order some McDonalds as well if you'd like" Lucas cooed, bringing you into his office
"Damn. Two desktops?! Bro and this processor is the latest one?!" you commented, placing your bag down and immediately inspecting his desk
"Sometimes I play some games with the guys. Feel free to use it if you'd like. Lemon tea or coke?" Lucas asked, scrolling through his phone
"Lemon tea, no ice. It's worth the money better. Are you sure I can study here? Am I not disturbing you?" you questioned, sitting on the chair
"Not at all, sweetheart. It's almost 10pm. I'm done with work. You're free to use my computer. I've ordered your favourites already. I'm going to go for a shower for a bit. Feel free to turn on some music as well, alright? And please don't study for too long. I worry you'll hurt that gorgeous head of yours" Lucas chuckled, kissing your forehead before leaving you in his study room
After settling, putting on some music with your account (which was already in Lucas' Spotify), you grabbed your books and stationery then started to study for your finals. In the midst of it, you heard Lucas coming in with McDonalds; wearing a plain T-shirt and sweats.
Because there was only one chair in his office, with your consent, Lucas placed you on his lap as he was feeding you McDonalds whilst scrolling through his phone, occasionally leaning his head on your back as he does so.
After finishing the food, Lucas was about to get up and cleaned up so you could study a bit better since he knew you didn't like a messy space but when he felt your head slightly leaning backwards, he questioned whether you were already sleepy or not.
"What's wrong love? Tired?" Lucas murmured as he placed his chin on your neck, wrapping his long arms around your waist
"Huh? Oh? Sorry. I didn't realise I was leaning back" you yawned, scrubbing your eyes but Lucas stopped the motion
"Don't. Your eyes will get irritated. I think it's about time you sleep, hmm?" Lucas commented, tucking a hair behind your ear as he kissed the side of your cheek
"Hmm. I guess so" you sighed, leaning onto Lucas's chest
"Alright princess, let me just shut everything off. Kay, let's go to bed" Lucas chuckled, carrying your small figure in his arms and tucking you into his bed before going to the other side of the bed
The next morning, you were woken up by the sound of your phone's alarm but just stayed in bed whilst scrolling through your phone until you realised that you had exams that starts in 45 minutes. Immediately, you got up and went back to the study room to grab your clothes, without even calling out to Lucas and head to the bathroom to get ready.
After getting ready, you were so ready to rush out the door and call a cab until Lucas finally called out to you. Once you told him that your exam was starting in literally 15 minutes, he just chuckled and told you that he'll drive you there; which was a first since all this time, you guys just have dates near your campus since your dorm had strict rules and Lucas would just walk you there (A/N: how you guys met is a story for next time, lol).
After packing some food for you, Lucas grabbed his car keys in one hand and your hand in the other, making your way down to the parking lot where your jaw also almost dropped again since the car Lucas owned is probably enough to pay your whole entire undergraduate life.
Whilst in the car, Lucas told you to eat so you wouldn't be hungry during the exam. He also mentioned that he'll come to pick you up to celebrate finishing your finals since he knew that you've been stressing over this last final for weeks; saying that he'll treat you out.
Once you've arrived, Lucas pulled you to give a slight peck on your forehead, encouraging you to do well in your finals and that he'll see you right after you're done. You smiled and thank him. Getting out of the car, you saw nearly the whole campus that was by the front gate staring at you; even your friends were stunned before rushing to you, managing to get a glimpse at Lucas who just smiled before leaving.
"Gurl!! I knew your boyfriend was hot, but well off? You definitely hit the jackpot!!" one of your friends blurted
"Sis!! Can we save the conversation for later? I need to get this exam over with first" you bargained
"Okay, okay, good luck with your exams!! I'll see you later!!" your friend exclaimed as you went to your exam hall
Thankfully, the exam wasn't as hard as you'd thought. You didn't know if it's because Lucas actually helped you study since he actually knew the subject or something else but you were glad to finally be done with it. After the exam, you got a text from Lucas, saying that he'll be running a bit late which you didn't mind. Your friend, who was also done with her exam, came to your exam hall and didn't spare a second before plastering with all sorts of questions.
Asking you where you've been the night before since you weren't at your dorm; and when you told her you were at Lucas' place, she squealed, asking if you guys did anything spicy which you immediately cut her off, saying that you just went there to study because the rooms near yours were getting too loud and rowdy.
You also explained how kind and caring Lucas was; despite the amount of work he had to deal with, he was still soft when it came to you. Ordering your favourites from McDonalds, letting you just barged into his apartment whenever and even using whatever he had; hearing this, all your friend can do was just squeal, saying that Lucas was the perfect boyfriend.
And right on cue, Lucas texted you saying that he's almost at the front gate. Your friend saw your smile and teased the heck out of you before letting you off just because she supported your relationship; knowing that you had a rough past and it was nice to finally see you happy with someone; someone that genuinely cares about you.
But of course, life ain't that easy. Because just as you were skidding along the halls to the front gate, you accidentally bumped into someone and dropped your phone. You immediately apologised about to get your phone when the person you bumped into stepped on your phone. Looking up, you met with the campus' miss popular with her boyfriend.
"Can you please let go. I really have to go now" you sighed, looking up
"Can't your boyfriend get you another one? Oh wait, is he the one that you're meeting? Honestly, I dunno what he sees in you. Oh wait, I think I do. He's probably just in it to play around or probably did it because of a bet" the girl scoffed but you were just not having it and shoved her feet off, nearly falling if it weren't for her boyfriend being there
After getting your phone, you were about to make a run for it before she grabbed your hair, pulling you back and making you fall; calling you names and all. When you got back to your feet again, she nearly slapped you when you got ahold of her hand about to push her back when her boyfriend came and took your hand, twisting it behind your back, allowing an opening for her to get a good punch out of you.
It felt like forever since you were trapped between the two "bullies" of your campus and for Lucas, it meant something was wrong. It's been almost 30 minutes since he arrived and called you but there was no answer at all. Frustrated, he called Winwin to track your phone as he went in to find you; thinking that you were held captive by one of NCT's enemy.
When he did see you, he felt a slight relief that it wasn't one of NCT's enemy but he was still very much pissed at the sight. When the girl was about to hit you for like the 15th time, Lucas grabbed ahold of her arm, throwing her to the floor before looking at her boyfriend who turns out to be one of the bartenders in one of NCT's bars.
"B-boss..." the man stammered, letting go of your hand as you almost dropped if it weren't for Lucas catching you
"You better come to work tonight. We'll have a lil discussion about respect? Hmm? Make sure everyone comes. Or I'll just have to report Taeyong about this" Lucas growled, making the man cowered in fear
"N-no sir. Everyone will come tonight" the man stuttered as Lucas stood up, holding your figure firmly in his arms
"Good. Wouldn't want to make a big deal out of this hmm? Oh, and do bring your girlfriend while I take mine to treat the wounds you both caused" Lucas scoffed, bringing you out of the campus
Once you've reached his car, he gently placed you and put your seatbelt on before going to the driver's seat. Once he was in, he called Kun, telling him what happened and that he's planning to have a meeting later tonight in the bar. After the call, Lucas took your hand in his, stroking your knuckles as he drove back to his apartment.
Upon arriving, he helped you get out of the car and into his apartment. Inside, he brought you to his room before going to the bathroom and grabbing some medicine for your bruised face and cut on the lips. Lucas treated all your wounds as gently as possible, worrying that he might accidentally hurt you, treating you as if you're as fragile as an egg.
After he was done, he threw all the cotton buds and ordered some food for the both of you; knowing that you will tell him whenever you're ready. He put his hoodie onto you before bringing you to the living room to cuddle and just watch the whole day. Occasionally, food will come and it was all from your favourite restaurants.
After the next 5th Disney movie ended, you told Lucas that you wanted to take a shower and he told you that you can borrow any of his clothes. He even said that he'll run you a bath but you told him that you were just going to take a light shower which Lucas didn't mind. Whilst you were showering, Lucas prepared a T-shirt and shorts along with the hoodie you were just wearing.
After your shower and putting on the clothes Lucas prepared, Lucas came and redid the medicine on your wounds before going back to watching some heart-warming movies on the bed. Feeling better, you decided to tell Lucas what happened and whilst it seemed that he was calm, his mind was off wondering the endless possibilities of teaching the two that harm you; whether it'd be physically or mentally.
Either way, Lucas listened to all your rambles, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, leaning you onto his chest, giving kisses on your forehead, cheeks and occasionally your neck, chuckling when he saw you flustered; basically making you 10x better, treating you like a queen up until you fell asleep.
When you did fall asleep, he gently tucked you into bed, kissing your forehead, smiling at your sleeping figure before leaving the room to the bar where he was more than ready to make the two-person harmed you suffer; not forgetting to ask Hendery and Yangyang to come over to watch over you.
"Sleep tight sweetheart. I'll be back before you know it, alright? No one treats my queen like trash and gets away with it" Lucas mumbled, kissing your forehead as he left as quietly as possible
and let's just say that everyone in the bar that night experienced a side of Lucas that no one would like to see or hear ever again.
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"Try and lay a finger on her again, I won't be so nice next time" Lucas scoffed, seeing all the staff looked down, especially the two-person who hurt you
A/N: I hope that this was alright but yea, this fanfic has been stuck in my head for days
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duskamethyst · 3 years
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a/n: a remake so some might have read this but i switched up a bit because i wasn't particularly happy with it.
word count: 2.2k
genre: mature, nsfw
warning tags: implied noncon at the end, stalking, yandere behavior
pairing: yan!iwaizumi x f!reader
summary: you find out that you are your best friend's obsession.
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iwaizumi has always been a good friend to you; more like a doting brother that’s always looking out for you, cheering you up as he listens to you cry over the phone over a bad and sudden break up or helps you when you need a hand– whether it’s from studying or changing the light bulb and he never expects anything in return. he’s amazing and it’s rather strange that he never had someone special as long as you’ve known him.
you’ve asked him about his love life plenty of times before but he often finds a way to avoid the topic. though it’s unusual, you only think that he probably has a shy side to him despite how tense he usually looks. you couldn’t find anything wrong with him that could drive others away– from his looks to how he treats people around him. and honestly? he is too good to be true.
but when something seems too good to be true, chances are, it really is.
you know iwaizumi more than anyone else– with oikawa as an exception. you cling onto each other almost every day and you often go out together to finish up an assignment. your friends are always poking fun at you about liking iwaizumi whenever you’re with him but you’re always quick to get defensive, afraid of making him feel awkward and also because it isn’t true– you don’t really feel that way about him.
he’s aware that they’re just teasing but he couldn’t help the blush creeping up on his cheeks each time he hears the untasteful joke and his heart breaks over how you get quite uptight about it because boy, he actually feels happy at the thought of you having feelings for him.
as much as you think you know the guy, to iwaizumi, you don’t actually know him.
you don’t know how he feels about you, but he understands that. it’s his fault for not confessing to you directly but he also wants to protect the relationship you both currently have. iwaizumi doesn’t want to ruin it. he doesn’t want the probability of losing you when he knows he’s nothing more to you than just a friend. you don’t know that you’re the only person that fills his mind day and night, jerking off to the image of you before going to sleep. and you don’t know how he spends so many hours at the gym, letting out his anger and frustration to the punching bag when you tell him that you’re seeing someone.
iwaizumi is mindful of the fact that he won’t ever get to be your boyfriend; let alone the one to spend the rest of your lives together and it pains him for having someone so close but couldn’t quite reach for.
little that he realizes, he begins to have an unhealthy obsession over you.
he usually pretends to find interest in your relationships and hookups just so he can use it to his advantage just so that in a couple of months, you will run back into his arms and talk about how sad you are over it and blame yourself about how you aren’t good enough to anyone.
he feels bad when he sees your sorry state. it hurts him more than it hurts you but he keeps reminding himself that even though he is the cause of your breakup, it’s for your own good. of course he can’t say that out loud, he’ll just coax you with sweet words, things you want to hear like how you deserve someone so much better. he will tell you that you should look closer, find that person who has went through thick and thin with you but god– it’s a shame that you’re just so blind.
iwaizumi begins to stalk you at night. using an excuse to ‘watch over you’ when he only wants to see you at your most vulnerable state which he believes to be the ‘real’ you, unraveled. he wants to see how you are when you’re alone and unmindful of the presence of others, including him.
your schedule for your night activities differs each night so he finds himself lucky when he’s just in time to see you strip off your clothes piece by piece until you have nothing on before hopping into the shower. a loud gulp downs his throat when he watches you turn to the full length mirror, bare and perfect ass conveniently facing the window when you observe your figure from the side– probably to see the progress from that work out he has been telling you about.
his jaw clenches at how careless and oblivious you are of your surroundings (but can he really blame you, though?) but it gives him all the more reason to stick close to you so he can protect you. he can already feel his cock throbbing inside his pants and if it’s not for the fact that you don’t know that he’s stalking you, he’d say that you’re purposely teasing him. iwaizumi quickly fishes for his phone and takes the opportunity to take a picture of you.
he can’t help to imagine how you smell like after a nice, long shower. that mere thought alone makes blood rush to his dick. a whiff of you from each time you’re sitting next to him is never enough. he already memorizes your nightly routines; you skip two days to wash your hair, you have a separate towel to wrap your wet hair and the steps of your skin care routine and then you will proceed to turn on the music as you do your assignment on your desk.
that reminds him that he has better things to do too, but he can’t and won’t walk away until he makes sure that you’re asleep peacefully in your room. he wants to make sure that you’re not inviting some guy to your place because who knows who you’ve been texting when you’re not next to him? he still trusts you though, there’s no way you’ll keep it a secret from him. even if you won’t tell him, it’s not like he can’t go through your phone when you leave for the bathroom, and it’s not like you’ll notice the extra face ID in your phone’s settings.
it’s just a precautionary measure, he thinks.
but iwaizumi’s favorite part from his immoral activity is when you’re laying down on your bed, legs spreading as one of your hands disappear between your thighs and lips parting in inaudible whines. the look of your fucked out face as you cum makes his own body flush with primal heat.
if only you’d ask, he’d be more than glad to help you with your sexual needs. he’d give you the best fuck of your life until your little hole can only remember the shape of his fat cock; not anyone nor anything else would make you feel stuffed full and satiated. he often wonders how sweet you’d taste and how nice the sound you’d make when you moan his name.
oh how he wishes that you’re getting off to the thought of him. a guy can only dream.
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“iwa, i’m in front of your house!” you say through your phone while pressing his doorbell at the same time. the door opens to a half-asleep iwaizumi, a phone in his hand and another rubs his eyes before inviting you inside.
“were you asleep? jeez, you look bad. did you stay up or something?” you whine, putting your bag down on the couch.
“hah, you could say that,” he snickers. “but you’re early.”
“why not? i bought breakfast too. let’s eat!” you chime as you walk to the kitchen and start to take out the food from the container and place it on the plates.
“sure, i’ll wash up and brush my teeth. hold on.” he mindlessly puts down his phone on the counter and strides to the bathroom.
after setting up the table, you sit down and play with your phone as you wait for him to come out. his phone suddenly vibrates and you glance to see that his mom is calling. you hate to pry but you innocently think that it may be urgent so you run to his room to where the bathroom he’s in.
you can hear the running water through the door, thinking that he would still be inside the bathroom. “sorry, you have a call from your mom so i’m coming in!”
though you’ve been to iwaizumi’s house plenty of times, you’ve never gone inside his room to study or finish up a project and he’d always keep the doors closed while you both do work in the living room. you were never really curious anyway, nothing would be interesting coming from a guy in his 20s. you’re willing to bet that it would just be a messy bed and clothes laying around on the floor.
but you’re dead wrong.
your heart almost drops to the floor as your eyes are greeted with a pair of your own from across the room. it’s placed nicely as if it serves to greet anyone that opens the door to the room. it’s one of your selfies that you posted on instagram from some time ago and it is one of the biggest pictures on the wall so there is no denying that it doesn’t immediately catch your nor anyone’s attention.
he has other pictures posted neatly on the wall, next to where he lays his head on the bed and the biggest one is in the center while the smaller ones surround it, built like a shrine that’s usually made by an obsessive fan for their idols.
as you walk closer, you realize that they are all pictures of you taken when you were idle and your stomach churns when you notice that they are all taken while you’re in your own solitude. it has one of your many expressions, from how happy you looked as you sing to how your face displayed lewd expressions when you were enjoying yourself during your sinful moment.
your breathing starts jagging and the voice inside your head tells you to run. and as you turn your heels around and reach for the exit, a pair of hands suddenly close the door shut in front of you– instantly having you pinned between the door and the tall figure towering from behind you.
the room falls silent for a second, you can hear your own heart pounding in your ears. you quickly try to collect yourself, though not daring to turn and look at him as you speak.
“h-here... your m-mom called.” you extend your arm back so iwaizumi can take the phone from your hand. “i... um... have to go.” you gulp, “i left… my stove on.”
classic, nice going. who even uses that excuse anymore? he’ll never fall for that.
you can feel the hair behind your neck start to prickle when he chuckles from your back. he’s so close, you can feel his breath when he speaks and how his voice echoes throughout the silent room.
“you didn’t even cook this morning.”
“j-just let me go, iwa.” at this point, iwaizumi notices you begin to lose your composure as you try to pull the door open but to no avail as he pushes his arms harder to keep the door closed. damn him and his strong arms.
“i’ll have to thank my mom later for bringing you here.” he laughs, wrapping his arms around your smaller figure and easily lifts you up to his bed before proceeding to trap you underneath his muscular body and grabbing a pair of metal cuffs from the drawer next to his bed.
it’s almost like he has been planning this all along.
“iwa, please– you don’t want to do this.” tears are forming in your eyes as you feel the cold metal graze your skin and hear the locking sound from above your head to restrain your hands from fighting back, as if you would have succeeded in the first place anyway.
“why not?” his grin is maniacal as he watches you wriggle helplessly underneath him. “when i can have you all for myself now? baby, this is all i’ve ever wanted.”
“you– you’re scaring me.” the metal rattles against the headboard as you struggle to free your hands, but of course, to no avail. iwaizumi’s eyes bore through your panic stricken face; your eyes are glazed and he can make up the reflection of himself in them. he feels rather accomplished– he’s finally everything and the only one that you see.
“iwa..” fat tears start to roll down your cheeks as you sob helplessly. iwaizumi seems to be startled a bit, then his face softens.
“how are you so beautiful,” he leans down to kiss both corners of your eyes. “even when you’re crying like this?”
you thrash your head side to side in a sign of protest but he gently cups your face in his large hands so you can look back at the pair of dark eyes that are filled with longing and desperation for you.
“i’m sorry. i’m sorry for making you cry.” he kisses your forehead. “i don’t wanna be like those guys.” he kisses your nose before letting you go and draws himself back to be on his knees.
what once your comfort has quickly become a nightmare. his height and taut physique has never been deemed to be daunting until now; when he’s propped between your legs while his hand reaches down to caress your soft thigh and up to undo the zip of your skirt.
“please, let me make up for it– make you feel better. i promise i can.”
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duskamethyst © 2020 • do not modify, translate or repost anywhere.
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love-amihan · 3 years
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amihan's note: oh god this is so embarrassing, some of this may or may have not how i acted towards my crush, out here exposing myself- bear with my humiliations i bought upon myself, happy reading!
summary: modern au wherein you have this crush on inumaki toge and you cannot function right whenever he's around. what can i say? he just takes away your words with his mere existence 🥴✋
crush!toge x gn!reader
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the first time you noticed him was when he accidentally bumped to you yes it's cliche i know shhh
your friend happen to know him! would you look at that, luck's on your side
but it was a mistake asking your friend, yuta
he won't stop teasing you whenever toge's around
saw him passing by? yuta pokes your side and starts calling for toge, "toge c'mere!" then off you go to 'meet' your teacher to talk about that non-existent project you were gonna have.
your actions didn't go unnoticed by toge
he even joins yuta for the fun of it
oh you're having a good day? let's ruin that and make you humiliate yourself:
you inform your friends that you're having a great time so far, currently munching on your food happily.
all the stress gone along with the projects and homework that was piled up. until yuta thought it would be fun to ruin your streak.
he apparently just so happen to tell toge, out of all people, that it's alright to have lunch on your table.
surprise, surprise, the only available seat was beside you. "you little shit" you glare at yuta sitting across you who have the biggest smile on his face.
you gulp nervously as toge takes the seat beside you, "hey, i hope you don't mind" his soft voice making you feel fuzzy inside, oh that dreamy voice of his.
yuta gets all giddy, he chuckles at your state. he really thinks this will be the good time to introduce you, like c'mon you haven't even got time to fix yourself properly!
you're still recovering from the all-nighters you pulled. "i'm sure y/n is more than okay to have you here~"
yuta gestures to you, "l/n y/n, inumaki toge" toge turns to you smiling sweetly, "nice to meet you" he holds out a hand.
your throat becomes dry, looking back at him, trying not to look away because goddamn he looks good, who gave him the right?!
you snap out of your daze when you hear yuta's snickers, you feel heat rushing up your cheeks.
subtly rubbing your sweaty palm on your uniform before shaking his hand, "y-yeah, nice to meet you."
you mentally slap yourself for stuttering, quickly letting go of his hand and going back to your food. doing your best to pretend your crush is not beside you also eating his lunch.
after that faithful day, toge never fails to tease you with your little crush on him
oh did i forget to mention he's your classmate?
on top of that, you didn't even know how it ended up with having him as your seatmate
you can't help but give him side glances whenever the lesson starts
he will always catch your eyes on him making him smirk a little
one time, he straight up turns to face you staring right into your eyes small smile on his face, you squeak turning your head to the side quickly. you hear him chuckle at this before going back to writing down his notes.
if you're wearing glasses;
he playfully flirts with you if the teacher gives you a little break. he will nonchalantly pull your glasses off your face and try it on.
"woah, kinda high but not so far from mine" he said while scrunching his nose cutely. let's just say he wears contacts
he cocks a brow at you still wearing your glasses, "you think i suit this frame?" you nod your head hesitantly, looking away, face feeling hot.
"need my glasses please," you manage to mumble out. he chuckles nevertheless giving your glasses back.
there's this event on your school wherein toge was pulled from the sea of students
making him the center of attention, it was the usual event that the school hold every year wherein they teach you about relationships and such.
"what about you, young man?" the host points at toge's direction after giving a heartfelt speech about relationships.
"come and join me," your eyes zeroes on toge as he stands beside the host hands on his back, looking all polite and kind.
"anyone you fancy in these school?" the host puts his mic in front of toge gesturing at the crowd, toge smiles after getting the question.
"yes," a simple answer that have you a little disappointed because damn you're wishing that's you.
the host's smile gets wider, "oh we have a lucky one, such a fine handsome young man they would have."
the host continues the event letting toge go back to his seat after the little interview.
'indeed, lucky them' you thought to youself.
however, before toge could sit down. his eyes locks with yours, your breath hitch and busy yourself with your id looking at it like it's the first time you've seen it. yuta laughs at your crisis and shakes his head "you're hopeless."
yuta most likely forced you to have the courage to hit that follow button
you know what happened next? only a few seconds passed, he already accepts your follow request
of course, you come and check his profile right after
there's also that day when you encourage yuta to send a message to his crush
but yuta got an idea of making this fair for the both of you
he really likes the idea of you and toge working out
this is a great opportunity to push you towards him
he tells you to send a message to toge, so that it would be equal for you two
how stupid of you to agree with this boy
as soon as you hit send, you toss your phone to yuta wanting the floor to open up and just fall down on the bottomless pit
yuta gasp loudly seeing the response
he smacks your stomach which was closest in his reach and shoves your phone to your face, laughing loudly.
you: hey, i just wanna tell you that you're really smart and i can't help but also admire your pretty handwriting :>>
inumaki.mp3: oh thank you, thought you would compliment my face considering you stare more to it ;DD
your mouth hangs open looking back to yuta who's still laughing
to say that you're embarrassed and not wanting to exist right at this moment would be an understatement
last embarrassment for this headcanon
yuta just loves messing with you
there's this sports event in school wherein lots of students gets a chance to have an excuse to take picture with their crush if u're from philippines u know the feels
yuta takes this chance to get you one, of course he's that great of a friend like that
a little context for this, there's this kind of like a party for the students to enjoy after the long sports week that happened. with deejay and all plus the loud music blasting! -well our school provides one i dunno bout urs-
toge's sweating slightly after getting out of the crowd, still laughing from the little showdown they had in the center of the little crowd his friends gathered.
this day of the sports week is definitely his favorite part, his friends pats his back as they shout to each other over the loud music.
staying back where it's more calm and less people compare up in front where the students are jumping up and down restless.
yuta happen to pull you out just in time of finding toge with his friends chatting. he grins at you, you look back at him scared not knowing what's going on.
he drags you to where toge's group are standing, once you arrive you bite your bottom lip eyes widening after seeing toge.
you begin to turn on your heel and just straight up ditch yuta, however, luck's not on your side today. "togeee~!" yuta shouted patting his shoulder.
toge turns and sees yuta, smile still on his face. his eyes widens in recognition, "oh yuta!" he nod at him.
he moves his gaze to your back seeing you're about to flee the scene. yuta pulls you back making you face toge, "you remember them right?" toge nods giving you a smile.
you quickly look away, palms already sweating. your mind working on how to kill yuta in so many possible ways, "they wanna take picture with you, if that's alright?" yuta asked waving his phone, your plan scratching to killing him right now.
before toge could reply, his group of friends notices the little interaction and teases him.
"oh what do we have here?" nobara looks at the scene with a knowing smile, yuta pushes you to stand beside toge readying his camera.
yuji whistles seeing you two together, "c'mon~ put your arm around them!" yuji ushers, as toge's friend cheers in the background.
toge looks at you, his smile comforting you before wrapping an arm around your shoulder. you inhale deeply from your nose, trying to calm down yourself.
"smile for the camera!" yuta shouted having fun with this as he clicks away on his phone capturing every moment. yep, you're definitely gonna kill him later.
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copyright © 2021 by love-amihan all rights reserved. do not repost in other platforms. reblogs are welcome and highly appreciated! <33
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hitoshisbabygirl · 4 years
Author's Notes ♡: Hi there hey! Welcome back to another collab piece!! This round I try to have him in his pro hero line of work and being his usual soft and caring self. It’s a bit soft but also heated at the end sooo, I love making a softer Kiri so enjoy!! I hope I did this justice~ bunny ❥
Warnings : NSFW again! (◎_◎;)
A use of pet names like twice, if you squint you’ll see a bit size kink and Soft Dom Kiri, fingering, Light cursing, pussy job, Kiri is a soft but huge lover
Word count : About 3.3k!
Paring(s) : Pro hero!Eijiro Kirishima x F!Reader
Summary : Kirishima was used to saving people, and having the joy that comes with it and completing his job, so what happens when he falls for the girl that is his main link to a case?
Enjoy ♡
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Kirishima knew taking this mission with Fatgum would be one of their more challenging ones : A drug ring filtered out throughout a high end hotel with an escort and stripping service. Supposedly they'd traffic with the girls, under trays of food or other masked ways. The menus were keys to what each drug was, and each service was a different type of delivery. They were so close , so very close to understanding what was happening but...they also hit a bump. Most of the investigation was focused on the owner of the hotel but they soon found out that they were barking up the wrong tree. The owner of the hotel wasn't who controlled the flux in the drug ring but a patreon, a wealthy real estate manager for a mob. Sighing, Kirishima rubbed his face, glancing at Fatgum who was writing like a madman at the desk in their jointed room “Hey Taishiro..” Kirishima called as the blonde let out a hum,still jotting notes “We have that other lead right? Uh..” He started as he flipped through his own notes, running over a name “Peaches, the cage dancer?” “Yeah what about her?” Fatgum said as he looked to his red haired subordinate “Why don't we see if we can find her? She should be working tonight right? The other dancer said she only comes in on certain days, and she seems tied to Mr.N'' He siad as Fatgum joined him at his side , reading over his notes “Yeah! If we're lucky we’ll find some more about our lovely friend here”
And with that they headed downstairs and to the giant double door, the sound of thumping music seeping through the crack “Well Red, let's head in yeah?” Taishiro said as Kirishima followed behind. He knew undercover work was difficult, and it didn't help that both had to disguise their identities to the best they could : Fatgum and him both using colored hair spray to hide their hair colors. Taishiro opted to stay in his smaller form more often and wore clothes that were more fancy while under the name “Yuri”. Kirishima on the other hand was his makeshift “Bodyguard” , opting for all black looks and tended to hide his mouth with a black mask, going by the simple nickname “J”. The purpose was for Fatgum to look like another high end boss with security , and that's how it was. As the two entered they were greeted with half dressed to bare women with only covers asking them what they needed or wanted , some handing them drinks and allowing them to wander. The lights were bright and strobing , almost too much to the sober person, so the intoxicated had to be worse. Heading to the back they passed through a curtain into the higher end of things. Men with people at their hips, smoking cigars and watching as more dancers did their usuals, money being handed over , thrown and placed on their person. “Alright how about we split up, il take this seat, see if you can find the cage dancers” Fatgum said as he sat to an approaching girl, the women threw herself to his lap as Kirishima sighed watching him start up as he saw a red light behind another side curtain. Catching his attention Kirishima walked forward, into a darker room with a string of red lights illuminating a cage-like stage. Before he could get far a man stopped him
“Excuse me sir do you have a reservation with Peaches?” Bingo. He found her “Uh no sorry i don't , i didn't know i needed one for her '' He said shyly as the man looked up to him before sighing “Well, then sir i can't help you” Sighing Kirishima looked at the stage again when he saw one of the most beautiful sights he could see. A woman, covered in a red and black piece popped into the stage “Whats the issue Moby?” The women said as her eyes widened to the tall male in her usual empty room “Ah nothing miss Peaches, this guy i guess thought he'd get a show” The security said as the girl still looked to him and smiled waving him in “He does now, put him on my list yeah?” She said as the security stuttered , letting the towering man past “Ah miss, is it okay if my friend comes along as well? He went to a different stage but he would be meeting back up with me” He admitted as th e woman strolled to him , pressing a hand to the cage “He can come too, tell Moby to put him on the list sweetheart” She said before walking away, yelling to the security “Put his friend on the too!”
Soon Fatgum came into the room with him, sitting beside him as more paterons surrounded the stage “the other dont know them, it seems our girl is the one were with now” He whispered as they all looked up to the stage , the setting being set for the act who was coming out. If the hush whispers were anything he knew the girl they were waiting for would be something great.
All of a sudden Kiri could feel his heart in his throat, the woman he had spoken to came out , still dress the same as she waved to the whistling people below, goting to her pole with a jump and started spinning effortlessly, the sight was absolutely stunning ; he'd never seen such a beautiful display before. No one told him that stripping was a form of art, no matter how people tried to look down on it, this was art to him. He now knew why she was so sought after, the grace she had as she moved closer to him through the cage made his heart unironically thump and all of a sudden the throb in his chest moved to between his legs , an embarrassment he wish he wouldn't admit outright until a shove on the arm from his senior “Its alright, i think she likes you” Fatgum whispered as Kirishima looked up, seeing in fact that her eyes were glued to him.
Moving to the front she leaned against it, eyes locked on him as she beckoned him closer, the desperate others trying to reach for her as she smirked , reaching to Kirishima “Why dont you cmre big boy” She said as they whooped and hollered , all smacking him in the back as he gave fatgum a wide eyed look, the hidden blonde, giving him a thumbs up. “U-uhm I-” Before he could say much she tapped the cage , pointing to Kirishima as the security took him around to the opening “You're a lucky guy ; its rare she does a lap dance with fresh faces” The guy said, confusing the hidden redhead “How's that?” He ask “Well whoever spends the most on her usually just gets a leg tap or such, a lapdance is the highest thing she'll do with a crowd” He said before giving him a chair and opening her door “Have fun, she might spoil ya” And withthst he was face to face with the beauty. Walking up to Kirishima she gave him a smile, her smaller hand running over his chest before she took the chair from him , sitting it in the red light. “What should i call you cutie” She whispered before he felt the knot in his stomach tighten again “ Uh..how about..Jay..” He whispered back as she pushed him lightly into the chair “Well then Jay, ill give you a nice show hm?” she giggled, before moving into his lap. Kiri felt himself freeze , she smelt very good, and was too close for comfort. She was warm, and the way she looked at him made him feel like a highschooler all over again “C-can i touch you sweetheart?” He whispered as she settled , her eyes wide as she buried her face in his neck “A real gentlemen, I knew it was a good idea to trust you.
Go right ahead cutie, be gentle with me” she answered as she started to rock, rolling her hips with the thumping of her music. Slowly he put his own hand on her waist, following her constant moving as the group below yelled, telling him to do more or for her to strip even more. He felt her get close to his face before their noses touched, the heat in his chest blooming more as she pulled away. Feeling brave he gripped her hips, pulling her closer and with a gasp her arms moved back to his chest , the two in their own world before realizing there were eyes on them both still. Slowly she crawled down his lap, eyes on his as she ran her hand back on his thighs , her face on his lap as they screamed for more before the curtain dropped, covering them and the guys outside of it begged for more. Sitting back on her legs and letting kirishima catch his breath he held a hand to her , helping her up “T-Thank you for the show Miss Peaches , I feel honored“ Kirishima said as she blinked, before feeling her body heat up “O-Oh uhm why thank you for thanking me, i don't get much appreciation, and most would want your place. I….felt drawn to you so” She admitted before giving him a look “OH and you can call me [ ], but try not to around patreons, they'd be upset they don't know yet and i just told some newbie” [ ] teased as he laughed , agreeing “Yeah definitely. I hope to see you uh, more often” He said before he could stop himself, giving her the same shocked look her face had “I guess you're who've been asking for me.
Here, I'll give you my number and you tell me whenever you need something” She said, holding her hand out for his phone. Fumbling he took his phone out, taking her number in his phone as they walked to her dressing room. Shyly [ ] looked up at the tall boy who insisted on walking her back to her room. Standing ther awkwardly he gave her a shy look back “Uh i know this is random but when is your next show? I love how beautiful you look and i'd...wished to be able to..i'm not sure what id want to do being there” Starting to ramble he laughed and rubbed his head before [ ] grabbed his hands “Hey that's fine, i'll come around more often if you're around i feel safe with my new shield” She teased.
And thats how it was for a few weeks, them seeing her every day she danced and her even coming to see them on her off hours. Kirishima explained why they were really there and it made her heart happy to see change. She decided to help them, giving more information to them, helping them along with their case as it started to close. Before long Kirishima and [ ] had gotten closer, the two of them growing to love the others attention , so much so Fat gum called them out for it “Yknow, when this goes down, you should get [ ] to follow us , she's quite smart , and she could do wonderfully as a partner. She would benefit better from a safe environment” Fatgum said one day while they were finishing their report “Ya think? I do care for her, and I can't stand her coming over and crying about the abuse…...but i dunno what if she doesnt like me like that…”
Kirishima whispered as he felt a hand smack him on the shoulder “Ask her. Can't hurt to ask right? And the way you both give eachother puppy eyes even when she's on stage i'm pretty sure she likes you the same way you like her.” He teased as the red head beside him sighed, hearing a knock at their door. Opening it he was face to face with the girl in question, [ ]. Her eyes glowed as she came in, greeting the two males in front of her. “Hey guys! How's everything going?” She said as she sat on the edge of one of the beds in the room , dressed more casually which made them both have a sense of joy “Ah well we should be arresting him tomorrow once he gets here, I know you work tomorrow night so ill have Kiri be with you, he’ll make sure everything runs smoothly , we’ll all go back to the headquarters and regroup okay?” Fatgum finished as [ ] shook her head, agreeing with the plans as she sighed “I'm nervous but it needs to be done... I , well all of us can't take this anymore...constantly being in fear all the time yknow?” she sighed as she laid back, a comfortable silence falling between them as they all laid around the room “Uhm [ ] can I ask you something?”
Kirishima said as she hummed, cracking an eye open to look at him. Knowing what was to come Fatgum gave him a thumbs up before claiming he had a call to go investigate downstairs, leaving the two of them together. “[ ] I cant stand you in pain...I dunno what i can do for you but...please, let me help you out , come with me , with us. I want you to be happy y'know and ive enjoyed every second we’ve had together..maybe im being selfish, or maybe its silly but...I” Trailing off he looked up to [ ] giving him soft puppy like eyes. Reaching out she placed her hand on his , rubbing her thumb on the back of his hand as she took in a breath to start her own comment back “Kiri...Ejirou, I care about you, so so very much, I wouldn't want to be a burden to you, but I'd love to go with you. Question is , is tit the both of you who want me around or a certain red head who cant take his eyes off of me” She teased as the color in his face flushed to his ears , stuttering as [ ] laughed “Its okay Kiri, Fatgum told me too, that we both care so much for eachother and should admit it, its why im here now actually” [ ] said as she meekly met his wide eyes, not fully thinking he understood her “W-wait say that again?” Kirishima croaked, meeting her gaze as she smiled , tracing his hand that sat beside her leg. Before he could stop himself he tackled her to the bed , pushing his lips against hers. With a gasp she kissed him back, wrapping her hands around his neck as they laid there, sealing their promise to eachother with a kiss. Soon, Kirishima pulled away, but not before tugging her bottom lip in his mouth. Gently he placed his hands beside her face, looking into her [ ] colored eyes, his heart fluttering once more as he kissed her forehead “Im sorry [ ] i just couldnt help it… Uhm am I moving too fast? I can definitely wait until youre ready” He spoke out as the girl under him sat up, gripping his cheeks “Kiri, honey ive waited for us to confess and now youve gotten me riled up, take good care of me yeah? Later on we can be more intimate but for now..I need you” She said, seeing he way the red heads eyes darkened at her comment “Then let me tak good care of you my love”
And with that he slide a large hand down between her thighs, rubbing at a wet patch forming against her panties as he pushed passed them, entering her with teo plump fingers “I gotta get you to relax, i wont fit if youre this tight” Whispering in her ear he picked up the pace, kissing right under her pulse as [ ] sucked in a breath, grabbing onto a strong arm “K-kiri I-” Shushing her , Kirishima leaned over to kiss her lips, speeding up his fingers as he felt her drip between them “Cum for me sweetheart, let me open you right up” He begged. Feeling her stomach tense at his choice words [ ] whimpered, her high hitting her as the sound of him pumping her though it echoed throughout the room. Pulling his hand out from her fluttering pussy and short he smirked, licking her orgasm from his fingers. Giving her a lopsided smile he spoke ‘Cant wait to eat you out..but thatll have to wait. I need to be in you” Sittin up from her Kirishima pulled his shirt off and with a toss threw it uncerimosily into a corner, as well as his pants and her clothes. [ ] couldnt help biting her lip as she saw the bulge under his boxers, a spot of precum at the tip as he palmed himself before pulling them off slowly, the red tip smacking his stomach
“ Like what you see?” He teased as he ran the tip between her sopping folds, a gasp as soft ‘Yes’ falling from her lips “Ill be gentle okay? If its too much tell me, alright?” he said as [ ] agreed , opening her legs more as he started to rub around her clit, catching it with his swollen head. In a trance he kep that up, bucking between her lips as it started to make them both sticky and hot. Soon she couldnt take it anymore, grabbing his hand as she pleaded with him “Please Kiri, put it in already, I can take it” Letting her words sink in he smiled before flipping her to her stomach, pressing his tip against her wet hole “Hold on to something then” was his last warning before pushing in, his tip sliding by with ease as the smaller girl under him moaned, arching her back to take more in his first push. Slowly he kep rocking his hips, pushing more and more in before finally bottoming out, a satisfied groan spilling from both parties lips. Leaning down to her neck Kirishima bit down gently before picking up his pace, holding her hips in place as [ ] whined , reaching back for a hand “W-wait please its too much” She whined as he slowed his hips only a bit , feeling her clench over his own thick member “Youre close again...is me pounding you from behind too much” He cooed, biting a new post on her neck as he sped up again, making the girl squeal “I-i dont wanna cum yet! I dont w-want it to end” She spilled out as she felt the knot in her stomach return, warming her lower body as he kept up his pace, sliding a hand to go between her legs as he searched for her nub, tracing it as he drilled in her from behind. Too quickly [ ] felt it snap, the little bit of control over her rapid orgasm faulting as she came overhim, grabbing the hand on her hip as she weakly rocked back “Thatta girl, keep going you got it...fuck im close too, where d-do you wnat me to cum” He asked as his own hips got sloppy but never slowing down, in fact they picked up more pace as he chased his own high “Im on the pill, please fill me up baby, Eijirou i need you to fill me up” [ ] pleaded. Hearing his name unexpectedly was his demise. He felt himself quiver as thick ropes of cum spilled from hsi tip inside of her spasming and warm walls, a low growl falling from his lips as he rocked the last of his oragsm out, small ‘Thank yous’ and ‘I love you’ falling from his lips. With care he wrapped his arms around her torso, holding her to his chest as he pulled them sideways “Well...i didnt expect the night to go like this” [ ] giggled as Kirishima kissed her shoulder before agreeing “I don mind it...but I meant it...i didnt just use you fro sex or anything..”He said again as she hummed, kissing the hand the laid on her chest “I know...i meant it too..” As the comfortable silence filled the room [ ] felt something hot stir her again. Looking down she could see Kirishima getting hard again> Before she could say anything he spoke “Whenever youre ready, I could go for another round sweetheart” Slightly pushing her hips back [ ] knew she was in for a long night
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tea-and-spoons · 3 years
What happens when... I develop a new food allergy?
Whether this is your first food allergy, or the most recent in a long list, it can still be a rough adjustment and overwhelming amount of change.  But as someone who has gone through this more than twenty times, I promise you it’s not the end of the world.
The majority of this post is related to severe, anaphylactic food allergies, but I’m of course always going to advocate for being careful, and some of this will apply to milder allergies too.  This advice also works if you were just diagnosed with celiac disease, or another condition that makes you sensitive to cross contamination.  I’m going to let your doctor handle the medical side of this, but I’m hoping this post will cover all the other things you need to know!
I made some pretty thorough lists of things to check, replace, or clean to make sure you’re safe from allergens- I’ll put those at the end of this post.  It is a lot- recruit a non-allergic friend to help if you can!
But before I get into the lists, here are some other things I’ve learned about getting a new food allergy.
-Update your doctors, including your dentist.  And also update any emergency info you have around, like your medical ID in your phone.
-Research other names for your allergen and what it might be found in.  Food labelling can be very sneaky, which is Not Cool, but you get really good at reading ingredient labels once you know what to look for.  I would stay away from googling too many other allergy related things though, it’s an easy way to get into a panic.
-Talk to the people you live with.  Hopefully they’re good about it, but they might take a while to understand, or might even be angry and resistant, which honestly is beyond me.  If this is your situation, I am so so sorry.  You deserve to feel safe in your own home, no matter what.  If you can set some ground rules and get people on board even a little bit, that will help, and hopefully everyone will come around eventually.
-You should also talk to your partner, or anyone you might be kissing (or who might be kissing you, even on the cheek.  Hi grandma.)  Their foods, medications, reusable water bottles, and toothbrush are all possible ways you could get sick.  So even if they haven’t eaten allergens in hours, it could still be on their toothbrush and that can be enough to cause a reaction.  This research article (Maloney JM, et al. Peanut allergen exposure through saliva: assessment and interventions to reduce exposure. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2006; 118: 719-724.) found that waiting at least an hour and having something allergen free to eat was the best way to de-poison-ify for someone you want to kiss.  I’ve also heard from other allergists that 3-4 hours is the right number.  So I would ask your allergist what they recommend for you.
(note:  I would like to keep this blog safe and friendly for spoonies of all ages, but if you are in need of more information about dating and allergies, feel free to message me and I’ll send you some links!)
-One thing that surprised me with some of my food allergies was the cravings.  Sometimes I never want to even hear the word “pineapple” again, but especially if it was something like eggs that are more a hidden ingredient, I struggled with cravings for foods I couldn’t have anymore, like French toast.  And I’m not even someone who likes food that much!  So I’m here to tell you that the cravings are normal, and will subside in a few weeks.  It also helps to just not be around things you can’t eat for a bit.  And to look for replacement recipes for your favorites- there’s so much out there, it’s really impressive.
-The other common (emotional) reaction is anxiety.  Anaphylactic food allergies can be life threatening, of course you’re scared!  It is 100% normal to be worried and afraid and anxious and terrified, especially after an allergic reaction.  That response happens to help keep you safe!  But it’s also exhausting, and can get out of control.  My best advice here is to follow the concrete steps you need to be safe, and then tell yourself that you’ve done everything you can, you know what you’re doing, and even if something goes wrong, you know you are prepared.  You can be prepared and careful AND not have to be scared all the time.  There is zero shame in seeing a therapist about this too, they can really help.  (My advice here is borrowed from my lovely therapist!)
And here are the lists I mentioned earlier!  I hope this helps you feel safer and more prepared.  Severe food allergies are a big change, but you got this!
Things to replace:
-Toothbrush (and maybe toothpaste too)
-Any food that is still safe but might be cross contaminated (like flour, sugar, spices, things that go on toast… basically any open containers)
-Kitchen sponges and rags and anything else that gets used to hand wash dishes
-Chapstick and lipstick
-Stim toys that go in your mouth
-Cast iron kitchen equipment
-Cutting boards
-Reeds (if you play a reed instrument)
-Ice cubes, if you have a tray in your freezer that people reach into
Things to clean:
-Kitchen itself, including all appliances and countertops
-Anywhere else food is kept or eaten (such as pantry, dining room, couch, in your purse, desk, locker)
-All cooking supplies (plates, pans, silverware, crockpot, basically everything)
-Potholders and oven mitts
-Dish towels
-Light switches
-Cloth napkins
-Reusable water bottles
-Kitchen drawers that might have gotten crumbs or residue in them
-Retainer or mouthguard
-Toys and fidgets
-Writing utensils
-Car steering wheel, controls, and handles (especially if you’re the driver)
-Inhaler, spacer, nebulizer, CPAP mask, and other related equipment
-Oral thermometer
-Face masks
-Phone, computer keyboards, touch screens
-Hand or wrist braces
-Video game controllers
-Any musical instruments you play, but especially if it’s a wind instrument.  Plus the case, and any cleaning equipment.
-Whatever your toothbrush is stored in
Things to check the labels on:
-All your food (what you have at home, and anything new you buy)
-Shampoo and other hair products
-Hand soap and dish soap
-Makeup and chapstick
-Pet food (if their food turns out to contain your new allergen, you might want to clean or replace their toys as well.  And a bath for the pet themselves!)
If I missed anything on my lists, please feel free to add on in the replies!  If you need someone to talk to or have questions, you’re welcome to message me.  And I promise this gets easier 💙
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schlaggot · 4 years
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OKAY you seem to want to hear more so i will provide :] i am so sorry the formatting is so fucct i wrote this in apple notes and pasted it here LMAO
philza is a god. this is a popular fan theory and i know a lot of people subscribe to this!! its very good. we also know wilbur and likely tommy are his biological children, and techno is adopted. heres where my headcanons come in! im putting it under a cut cuz its a lot
wilbur and tommy weren't born like normal humans were. they were created from something existing, as philza had the power to do so. but, said power was draining, and difficult to do. the way that zeus created athena from his head and dionysus from his thigh? thats how wilbur and tommy were born.
wilbur was born from a fish. PLEASE STICK WITH ME,,. phil had caught this fish in a bucket, intent on starting an aquarium in his hardcore world. he decided to name the first fish wilbur. it was just supposed to be a joke- a small aquarium in his base with a single fish. when he'd pass by to get materials he'd greet said fish. interact with it, feed it, talk to it when he was feeling particularly lonesome. then, something happened. he mightve broken the glass, something might've gone wrong with a creeper explosion- but the fish got out of the water, and there was no realistic way for philza to save it.
so, using his powers, he incorporated the fish into his body. id imagine it was either his chest (because he was so attached to this fish that he wanted it close to his heart) or his throat (so that it could finally have a voice to speak to him). using his power, he was able to (please dont kill me for using this term) 'birth' the child using his god powers. no i wont elaborate <3. this would explain wilbur's whole. um. fish theme. (i know milo and new milo arent canon but also please give me this. also sally.) wilbur was born with a voice meant to lead and comfort, a voice he didnt have before.
techno was a piglin from the nether. a baby piglin, training to become a piglin brute. when phil got to the nether, he found a baby piglin all alone. deciding to care for it wasn't really his first thought, but it was curious of him, and he'd see it every time he entered the nether. eventually, they started interacting. philza would bring it some food or gold from the overworld, and the piglin would give him small gofts in return. a broken sword, an ender pearl, a glass bottle- little things the baby piglin had found while scavenging. phil would realize after a bit that this piglin had been abandoned by the rest of its clan, and he figured he'd take care of the little guy when he'd see him. getting bolder, philza would eventually venture further into the nether. he'd come upon a bastion, and the piglins inside obviously weren't too happy about seeing someone from the overworld there. they attacked him, and funnily enough, this little piglin, brandishing a dull golden sword, tried to defend him. philza likely wouldve died without the little guy's help, so he decided to make a plan to bring the piglin to the overworld.
unfortunately, piglins do turn into zombies when they enter the overworld. its an unfortunate fact. and philza knew this. so, in order to stop this from happening, he gave the piglin a vial of his own blood. the blood of a god. it would keep him rejuvinated for awhile- but it came with an unfortunate side effect. if the piglin didn't consume the blood of a living being for long enough, he'd begin to rot, starting the process of becoming a zombie all over again. he could always recover from this if given blood fast enough, but once he was fully transformed, it would no longer be possible for him to recover. so, philza was thankful that this piglin had an innate instinct for killing. named him technoblade since he thought it sounded cool and fit the little piglin. taught him english, sparred with him, and provided him with enough blood to keep him healthy until techno could reliably hunt for himself. blood for the blood god
now, for the youngest. tommy was born from something not physical, but a song that philza and wilbur had come up with off the top of his head. wilbur was only 7 or 8 at the time, but had a talent for coming up with tunes that philza would hum throughout the day. one particularly nice one was actually a bit of an earworm. philza found himself humming it regularly, patting out the rhythm to it when he wasn't paying attention, and singing nonsense words in place of actual vocals when he was preoccupied with building. "what's the name of the song you sung the other day?" philza'd asked the young wilbur. wilbur hadn't named the songs he'd made before, and didn't quite understand what 'naming a song' meant.
"tommy!" he'd replied.
it was endearing, a human name for a tune he couldn't get out of his head.
it had him thinking for awhile. it took a lot of effort. a redstone contraption, noteblocks, a blank music disc he'd happened to procure from a creeper. wilbur's musical knowledge was especially handy when philza was trying to get the notes just right.
in the end, he'd created what he'd set out to- a recording of his son's song onto a music disc, named Tommy.
creating another life with it like the one he'd created before was even more difficult the second time around- but in the end he had a healthy baby son. tommy. tommy's discs aren't just some useless pieces of music- they're part of who he is.
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Book Club - 90s!Luke Patterson
Summary: Reggie books a gig at a suburban mom’s book club and Luke takes full advantage of the situation to flirt with you. 
A/N: I’m literally writing two other Luke fics right now 😭😭
Julie and the Phantoms Masterlist
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The third Thursday of every month belonged to your mother. It was her day, when she demanded not to be bothered, when she spent hours out of the house socializing with the women’s group that she belonged to. And, out of all those Thursdays, there were always the very special few when it wasn’t her leaving the house but everyone else. The group rotated their meeting time, everyone for a blue moon meeting at your house, meaning, of course that you were expected to stay out. Staying out was not a difficult thing to do, in fact you relished the opportunity to spend a few more hours with your friends. 
It was one of those Thursdays, when all the ladies that your mother loved to lunch with were spending the afternoon at your house and you were making yourself scarce, that arguably the weirdest but maybe best thing happened. Your mom had told you before you left for school that morning that she expected you to stay out, and you would have, if you had remembered your wallet. But you’d left it in your room, on the edge of the vanity, and you didn’t want to be the one owing money when your friends went to lunch. A quick stop home should’ve been easy, the stairs were right off the kitchen and the side door was right there, giving you the opportunity to shoot upstairs and grab your wallet without her being the wiser to it. 
The whole thing would’ve gone off without a hitch except that when you walked through the side door and into the kitchen you came face to face with four boys from your school. You recognized them more for the fact that you didn’t hang out in the same circle; most of your friends held a certain level of contempt for the four guys that made up Sunset Curve. You didn’t necessarily dislike any of them, you didn’t necessarily even know them, though you would be lying if you said that the lead singer, who occasionally sat in front of you in math, was seriously making you rethink a deep dive into all this rock music. Luke, Reggie, Alex, and Bobby were standing in your kitchen. They were the Green Day/Nirvana worshipping, head banging rockers that ditched school regularly and got into worlds of trouble and they were standing in your kitchen.  
Bobby was the only one who looked up from snacking on leftover hors d’oeurves, saying your name in surprise as the other three all stopped to look at you too. Alex gave an awkward little wave as he set down the small sandwich he was eating.  
“Uh...what are you guys doing in my house,” you asked, looking between the four of them.  
“Your mom tapped us to perform for her ladies club.” Luke explained, dropping his food on the plate and wiping his hands against his black pants.  
Your mom had invited these four to sing for her conservative ladies’ group? You tried not to but you couldn’t help the smile that crossed your face when you thought about it. Whatever your friends said about the guys, you weren’t ashamed to say you had taken one of the free demos that Reggie handed out and had been listening to it on repeat for a while now. “My mom wanted you guys to play a gig for her and her friends?” You clarified.
“Until we started playing,” Reggie replied, and you couldn’t help laughing.
“I bet...you guys aren’t exactly...suburban mom rock.” You joked, “though I totally would’ve loved to see their faces when you guys started singing.”  
The grin on Luke’s face was unmistakable though you missed it as you nabbed one of the sandwiches on the plate near Alex. It was probably some really stupid cliche, him liking one of the popular girls. Cute, cheerleader, future prom queen. You hung out with people who listened to Britney Spears and Spice Girls, any knowledge of the rock scene they might’ve actually had was only for the sake of making dumb jabs at him or his friends. Still, Luke had a massive crush on you and he wasn’t so embarrassed to admit it. Bobby joked that he wanted to “bring you over to the dark side” and maybe that sounded cynical but he thought he wouldn’t mind seeing you look a little less perfectly put together if it had something to do with him. Hearing you mention his music almost had him doing a back flip from excitement.  
“So you’ve listened to our music?” Luke asked, moving closer to you, leaning on the counter beside you. Behind him, Alex rolled his eyes.
“Reggie gave out demos like...last month.” You shrugged, trying to play it off. You’d been excited to listen to their music, see if it was any good and had discovered that you actually loved it. They were talented guys and you felt surprisingly connected to the songs. “I might’ve listened.”
“I did!” Reggie piped up, “I gave demos to all the-” he stopped, mouthing instead, as if you wouldn’t understand him when he said ‘all the cute girls’.  
“I hate to ask but...don’t you think like, actual clubs would be better places to promote your music? I don’t think the middle-aged moms are really a target audience, unless you’re into that kind of thing?” You said, peering down the hallway when you heard the familiar squeak of a floorboard. If the boys were still here than there was no doubt in your mind that your mom had told them to stay for some reason or another.  
“You gotta start somewhere.” Luke replied, unfazed by the hint of judgement in your voice.  
“My living room?” You asked, jokingly.  
He smiled, “actually, we’re playing a club on the strip tomorrow night, we could, maybe, get you on the guest list?”  
“We’re opening for someone else,” Bobby cut in, bringing Luke back down to reality, “I’m pretty sure no one’s ever even heard of the band we’re opening for.”  
Luke glared at Bobby, sticking his finger in his mouth and then jabbing it into Bobby’s ear, a smile of success immediately lighting up his features when Bobby recoiled in disgust. “So what’d ya say?” Luke asked.  
“I mean, I guess technically every band deserves girls screaming for them, so sure…I’ll go.” You agreed, eyes on Luke the entire time.  
The last concert you had been to wasn’t even for you, your mom had dragged you to a Beach Boys concert up in San Francisco for her birthday weekend when your father refused to indulge her so-called ‘terrible taste in music’. “There are just some things we will never agree on and music is one of them.” He had insisted back then. It was the same thing you felt like telling your friends when you declined a party invitation in favor of heading down to the strip to see the guys play. You could’ve maybe played it off casually, as if you were heading down there anyway and Sunset Curve just happened to be opening but Bobby was right, you’d never heard of the band that was performing after them.  
Not to mention Luke decided to show up for a least a quarter of the day just to mess with your head. You had spotted him in the hallway between classes and smiled when he looked your way, a split second before the sea of students scrambled to get to their lockers. Your own best friends appeared by yours, looking more and more like carbon copies of the Heathers every day. You kind of hated them, truth be told, but you didn’t have too many other options.  
They were badgering you about the party as you tried to wrack your brain for an excuse that sounded convincing when Luke stopped, right in front of the three of you.  
“Hey, I’ll see ya tonight?” He asked, whole body turned to face you and completely ignoring the looks of disdain and shock cloaking your friends faces.  
You felt like a deer in headlights. Say yes and your friends would probably ostracise you, say no and you could just imagine the look on Luke’s face. Anything but this absolutely sincere and hopeful smile was something you didn’t want to be responsible for. You really liked him looking at you like that.  
“Yeah, can’t wait.” You nodded.  
When he stepped back out into the traffic of the hallway he touched your waist, as if he was anchoring himself for a second and you bit your lip, letting yourself watch him disappear before turning to face the firing squad.  
“Luke Patterson?” Both of your friends spoke in unison, one breaking off to elaborate, “you’re ditching a party at Max Turner’s house for Luke Patterson?”  
“His band is playing at some club on the strip.” You replied, shutting your locker and heading toward your next class. “They invited me to come watch the show.”
“And you’re going?”  
You hadn’t been to anything smaller than a stadium concert before and the implication of a concert at a local club venue, right on the strip with all the ‘riffraff’ that were hanging around trying to make it big like their 80’s punk rock idols wasn’t exactly your scene but, Luke had looked so cute asking you to go and you had the tiniest, maybe delusional, feeling that he’d come to school just to remind you that tonight was the concert. How could could even consider some suburban house party to that?  
“Yeah, why not,” you shrugged, trying to play it off like it was nothing, you could see your social status flashing before your eyes and your mom’s voice desperately begging you to reconsider. “Besides, Luke’s hot.”
“Did you have some kind of Freaky Friday switch when you woke up this morning? Luke is not hot.”  
“Okay,” you drew the word as if disbelieving. He wasn’t some 90210 reincarnate but he was definitely one of the hottest guys in school, not to mention the sleeveless shirts were an added bonus. “Well, I said I was going, so I’m going.”
And, despite the continued protests of your friends throughout the day, you did go. You promised your parents you were spending Friday night studying at Terri’s house and took the bus down to the strip to wait in line for Sunset Curve and whoever was headlining. You stood there twirling your fake ID in your hands, listening to the two girls in front of you (who didn’t need fakes) talk about some drummer that wasn’t anyone you’d ever heard of and tried to look as mature as possible. If Luke, Alex, Reggie, and Bobby could play this venue, surely you could get into it.  
Whether the ID worked or the bouncer at the front door just didn’t care, he let you through, admitting you into a pulsing crowd of people making their way through the small vestibule and into the venue. You slipped your way through the crowd until you made it to the front, pressed against the railing and inches away from another bouncer who seemed just as disinterested in you. The drumkit that was already on the stage had the Sunset Curve logo on it. You ran a hand through your hair and fixed your shirt, maybe it was silly but you were sort of hoping that even in the silhouetted lighting of the venue you Luke might see you. Maybe a little pathetic groupie on your end but he had invited you.  
And he did see you. Halfway through Now or Never when he looked down over the crowd, he caught you, dancing along to their music, the smile on your face as you mouthed the words was infectious. It was the combination of seeing someone singing all the songs back to them and that person being you, mixed with the adrenaline of the performance, that had him pushing to give his absolute all. You’d actually come and he was determined to make this a great concert for you.  
Alex was the one to announce that they would be in the vestibule during the lull between bands, they got the occasional straggler who dared to leave their post long enough to say hello or great job but usually it garnered nothing more than the four of them splitting some pizza and relaxing by their merch table. Tonight, as they headed off stage to an enthusiastic crowd, Luke chanced a glance back but he couldn’t find you in the sea of people. Reggie grabbed his arm, pulling him the rest of the way off the stage and throwing an arm around his shoulder, going on about how awesome the show was, Luke quickly returning the jovial compliment.
“We were fire, man, that sounded so rad tonight!” He cheered, following Alex and Bobby as they made their way through the small hall that wove back into the vestibule.  
“It was insane!” Reggie agreed.  
You had made your way back through the venue after Luke mentioned being at the merch table, slipping back passed the bouncer at the inside door, flashing your stamped hand. Their table was set up in the corner, a little way away from the headlining band’s. You stepped into the vestibule at the same time as the boys, waving at Alex when he looked your way. He nodded, reaching over to tap Luke’s chest with the back of his hand.  
“That was incredible.” You admitted, walking over to their table. Luke’s smile instantly widened as he walked around to your side, not even thinking as he hugged you, your shoulders hunching at the feeling of sweat that encompassed you. “Ew.”
“Sorry, sorry.” Luke apologized, pulling away and putting his hands on your upper arms for a second before dropping them to his sides. “Still going off the adrenaline.”
“That’s okay,” you promised, “you’re cute enough to get away with it.”
“Yeah?” He leaned against the table, trying to look cool. He felt like he was grasping for words and he didn’t want to start stuttering or sounding dumb, Bobby would never let him live it down if he made a fuck up of himself. The other three tried not to laugh and ruin his moment.  
You seemed to recover from the moment first, glancing at the other three before landing on Luke again. “You guys are totally a live band though...like that was so good.”  
Reggie came in with a save, letting Luke off the hook for a moment, “Are you heading back in to see the headliner?”  
You grimaced, “don’t really know them...not really interested.” You replied, keeping your eyes on Luke, hoping that was hint enough that you’d come just to see him.  
It clearly was because, as a few girls stepped into the vestibule and looked like they were coming your way, Luke grabbed your arm, nodding toward the doorway for you to follow him. You did, walking with him into the hallway so that it was quieter, the sounds of the house music and the chatter of people outside being drowned out in the small corridor.  
“So, uh, sorry I’m still wigging out that you came.” He admitted.  
“I said I was going to, twice. Did you seriously think I was lying?” You asked.  
“I mean, I heard your friends giving you a hard time when I walked away, figured you might back out.”  
“Well, I’m glad I didn’t, seriously Luke, you guys are amazing. You’re so talented.” You replied.  
“Guess I was right when I told Reggie to take that book club gig huh?” He said, fiddling with the rabbit’s foot on his keychain.  
“Why’s that?”  
“I thought maybe if I was lucky, I’d catch a glimpse of you...having you come here and watch us though? Better than I could’ve imagined.” He replied, grinning at you.  
“You wanted to see me?”
“Yeah, don’t act so surprised.” He said, “you gotta know how insanely cool you are. And you look beautiful tonight, by the way.”  
“Thanks,” you bit your bottom lip to try and keep your composure, “I uh...damn, you’re making me super nervous.”  
“Yeah?” He stepped a little closer to you, his hands brushing against yours as if he was going to hold them. You couldn’t help wishing he would.  
“I should probably let you get back to your fans,” you pointed out, glancing back out the door to where a few more people had gathered. If you stayed in this hallway with him any longer there was no way you were letting him back out.  
“Hang out? We could grab some pizza or something after?” He asked.  
“Yeah, absolutely.”  
When he walked back through the door you followed behind him, hanging back so you weren’t hovering around them as they chatted with and signed stuff for the group of people that had ventured out between sets. It didn’t matter though, as he talked, he kept looking back at you smiling as if you were both in on some sort of secret.  
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