#I guess I ended up giving a long answer after all 😭😭😭 sorry
caluski ¡ 1 year
If you were cooking for a dinner party (and money/space is not a problem), what would you cook? Would you make a playlist? Or maybe put some flowers on the table?
Ah I wishhhhhh I had more time to get into writing a long answer rn instead of getting ready for work bc I love planning imaginary parties so much........ But since money wouldn't be an issue, I'd definitely make baked salmon as main entrĂŠe. Just plain salmon I think, with tomatoes most importantly, but also other veggies that taste good baked on their own bc I think it's always fun to put up a plate where guests can just grab whichever veggie they like, as opposed to like... Them being mixed together, so u just grab a spoonful and then someone has to pick out something that they don't like (I always have that issue with onions...). Definitely a dressing on the side, maybe like a herbal/dill one since that goes well with salmon.
And then as an alternative meal, I think I'd serve a huge bowl of tagliatelle (it's such a dinner party pasta!!!) but sauce on the side (I feel like that's always more considerate of guests preference) , probably something with spinach and chicken and mushrooms? Id definitely have to think about what my guests like, and then think of something they'd enjoy too, obviously.... But I think I'd avoid meat in general. Definitely as little dairy as possible, too, so people don't feel too heavy after the meal. Nothing too spicy, either (unless I'm the only one in the company that doesn't like it).
And ah, obviously would prepare a bit of soup, too. I guess that depends on the season, but a good one is always green pea cream soup. It tends to feel a bit too bland in excess, but in small servings it's absolutely delicious, and so perfectly warm for the tummy. Maybe with croutons? I'm not sure.
And when it comes to dessert, that also depends on what my guests would enjoy bc I don't really eat cakes or whatever. If I really don't have the time/money limit, i think I'd like to try making the little tapioca puddings! I think they're fun and delicious, especially if I could serve them in like large shot/gazpacho glasses. Maybe alternate between fruity fillings at the bottom, perhaps cherry, raspberry, bilberry....
I think when it comes to alcohol, id make it vodka/beer-free :) if it's like my dream party then it would be probably a celebration of maybe a big promotion I'd get, or getting engaged, maybe welcome party to an apartment of my own.... And idk i just always found that vodka and beer don't really work with it you know? I'd serve wine. MAYBE coctails if there's space to make them (I guess then a little vodka would be okay but like, you know, no pure shots) bc it would be so much fun to make mojitos or margaritas for my loved ones. Everything in the fanciest glasses I could afford, looking lovely, stocked up on ice and slices of lemon on the rim.... Obviously non alcoholic drinks too, I think that goes without saying.
When it comes to music, i have my love and food playlist always ready to go :-) by now it's I think 13 hours long though, so I'd queue my favorite songs, like the more romantic/jazzy ones and avoid the tracks that are too sad. But with decor i am so so so bad 😭 so I'd probably just settle for something simple, like candle sticks in a cute color sticked into the two holders I bought on sale a while ago, and with flowers I'd probably end up asking for advice my mom or sister since they're so much better at this than I am.... Oh, I love how many different napkins they are in home decor stores tho, and I never get a chance to buy them and use them!!!! Sometimes they're like in rainbows or with kittens and puppies or with cute messages like "have a great day" and such..... I even bought a pack once, with a bus that was full of puppies, it was soooooo adorable and SO much more fun than the regular plain white/cream colored napkins. Even if they are cheaper :/ but again, this is like a big occasion so I'd splurge a little.
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strnlio ¡ 3 months
Can you write about matt being your first boyfriend ever so you're always worrying and nervous around him and him comforting you?
PAIRING: matt sturniolo x fem!reader
SUMMARY: matt comforts you after you admit to being nervous as he’s your first bf
WARNINGS: none just some fluff !!!!
a/n: i haven’t proofread this yet lmao😭 english isnt my first language so don’t mind any spelling errors i’ve made😭 sorry this took so long hope u like it anon!!
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you had never been in a relationship before. its not like you didn’t want to; you’d see your friends talk about their partners and feel a pang of jealousy in your stomach. sure you’d had situationships, but nothing close to an actual boyfriend. you didn’t want anything meaningless, or to be with anyone just for the sake of it. you wanted genuine attraction, like how they portray in movies, even if it meant you had to wait for years before you found the right one.
this was all before you met him. his name was matt. matt was different, different than all the boys you had ever had liked. you had been introduced by some mutual friends, and you quickly formed a close bond with him and his brothers. you loved hanging out with them, whether it was impromptu lunches, drive-through car dinners, gaming over the computer or karaoke nights.
chris and nick were great, but it was different with matt- anytime you talked to him you felt nervous, butterflies swarmed in your stomach and your cheeks felt hot. you’d catch yourself smiling like an idiot everytime he talked in that silly high pitched voice, laughing at his lame jokes and grinning like an idiot as you talked with him over the phone for hours on end.
guess he felt the same way, because he asked you out a fine tuesday evening. the first date led to another one- and a handful more before he officially asked you to be his girlfriend.
you were excited. this was something new, something you had yearned for, wanted for so long; and now you had it. however, there was a feeling of uncertainty bubbling through your chest everytime you thought about this. you had never been someone’s girlfriend before- you were inexperienced at this. you didn’t want to mess things up- especially with matt. everything was going perfectly and you were terrified of ruining it all.
the other day matt had texted you that he would be picking you up for a lunch date. you were excited, you got ready and waited for him outside your appointment. his black van pulled into your driveway and you got into the car, glancing at him. god he looked so pretty.
his brown hair looked extra fluffy today, resting on top of his forehead. his blue eyes looked like crystals in the sunlight, like glistening waves in the ocean. his face broke into a happy smile as he saw you come in, his lips were a perfect hue of pink- they looked so kissable.
theres was nothing more you wanted than to cup his soft cheeks and place a kiss on his lips. obviously you had kissed before, but you were never the one to initiate the kiss, it was always matt. his eyes flicked down to your lips and a wave of anxiety hit you- does he want me to kiss him? what if he doesn’t? what if my brain is making it all up?
negative thoughts filled your brain as you looked away from him. he let out a sigh as he started the car. he tried to make conversation- but you just kept giving short abrupt answers, overthinking every word. eventually he gave up as the car was filled awkward silence while frank ocean played in the background .
all your dates with matt before were romantic but casual- it was more of two friends hanging out and talking. now there was this label of ‘boyfriend- girlfriend’ you were scared because you felt like you had an obligation to be the ‘ideal’ girlfriend.
as you sat in the restaurant, you both talked and you felt a little more calmer than before. matts sweet laughter and light blue eyes peering into yours made it much better. that was until you noticed his hand inch closer to yours from across the table.
you felt your heartbeat go faster as you stared at your own hand wondering if you should move it to meet his or not. what if hes doing it subconsciously? what if he doesn’t want to hold my hand? what if he gets uncomfortable if i do so? all you wished for was the voices in your head to stop talking.
with much contemplation you decided against it as you took your hand off the table and folded your arms while attempting to continue your conversation.
matt noticed. he noticed your unusual silence, lack of eye contact. he was an observer, and it was weird to see your usual talkative this closed off. assuming you had a bad day, he decided to ask you about it when they reached the triplets house.
“hey,” he said stopping in front of her abruptly, looking into her eyes, “is everything all right?” your face scrunched up in confusion replying, “what do you mean?”
“its just…. you’ve been so quiet today. its not like you so… did anything happen? did i say something?” he asked letting out a soft sigh and putting his hands over your shoulders. “you know you can talk to me right?”
you broke eye contact as you stared at the floor. “oh matt- its not you. its just …. i dont know its quite stupid really” he brought up one of his hands towards your chin and tilted it upwards, so that you both held eye contact again. “tell me,” he whispered. his low voice and icy blue eyes staring into yours sent shivers down your spine.
“i don’t know. i just… you’re my first boyfriend and i just…. get nervous around you. i don’t want to mess this up i don’t want to mess us up. i feel like i’m so unexperienced that i’m going to do some stupid shit and ruin it all. and i don’t want this to end… ever. so… this is just kind of scary ,” you confessed.
“heyyy- come here,” he said, his eyes softening. he took your arms and slung them over his shoulders while wrapping his around your waist as he pulled you in for a hug. you rested your head on his shoulder, a feeling comfort spreading throughout your body as he held you in his arms. you stayed like this, holding each other in a tight embrace for a few seconds. matt broke the hug, his hands still on your waist, caressing your exposed skin slightly.
“i understand. but you dont have to be nervous- not around me. you’re doing so good and you’re already a great girlfriend. god i like you so much- nothing you do will ever piss me off ever. i know its scary… but try not to think about that alright? if i’m taking things too fast you can talk to me sweetheart,” he said while studying your face with his eyes. “can i kiss you?” he whispered, his eyes now looking at your lips.
you grinned as you both leant in and your lips connected. you pressed your body against his as your soft lips moved against his. you felt goosebumps cover every inch of your skin and butterflies in your stomach. god you were so grateful for someone like him.
a/n: i always rush the endings because idk how to end ts properly sorry 😭😭✊ lowkey hate thjs but whtev next one will b better trust
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msbigredmachine ¡ 1 month
Kitty Kat (Roman Reigns)
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After a lifetime of searching, the Tribal Chief may have finally found the woman of his dreams. Post Summerslam 2024.
Warnings: SMUT (yes i know its excessive im sorry 😭)
Word Count: 5.3k
A/N: This got way too long bc I talk too much. I tried to shorten it I promise but I just couldn't. I do hope you like it either way...
Song inspiration: Again - Lenny Kravitz
Credit to the owners of the pics and gifs
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He could get used to this.
As he stepped off the plane, Joe discreetly adjusted the bulge in his pants and exhaled deeply, allowing himself a giddy smile in anticipation for what was to come. 
He couldn’t wait to see her again. His Kitty Kat. The interesting part was that this time, she’d flown him out to come spend the week with her, in First Class, no less. “It’s a five-hour flight from Cleveland to L.A., so I want you to be as comfortable as possible, Daddy,” she’d told him. Never in his wildest dreams did he envision being ‘flewed out’. He’d been the one flying her out in his private jet, chartering luxury vehicles to bring her to him. The reverse felt strange and would take some getting used to, but it did feel nice to be pampered and taken care of for once.
Seated comfortably in the back of the Cadillac Escalade driving him through the City of Angels, he reminisced about last night in Cleveland. It was fun to hear the crowd again, the adrenaline rush of his entrance music blaring all around the Browns Stadium. It was a long absence from wrestling for him, darkened by the passing of his father, followed by the whirlwind preparation and execution of his funeral, grand, exhausting and emotional. Kat being by his side for all of it was a precious elixir he could never repay her for, but perhaps he could start tonight.
His thoughts were interrupted by his phone ringing. It was an unknown number, but against his better judgment, he answered and hoped it wasn’t some weirdo fan. “Hello?”
“You left town without telling me? I saw you all over Summerslam last night!” the shrill, familiar voice responded.
Scratch that. Now he wished it was a fan. “I know I blocked your ass. This is stalking,” was his cold greeting. 
“I just want us to talk, Joe! We can’t just end things the way we did!”
“Ain’t nothin’ to talk about, Ebony. I got the DNA test I wanted. Go find your baby daddy and leave me the fuck alone.”
“Are you ever gonna forgive me? I made a mistake!” Ebony pleaded. “You didn’t even invite me to Sika’s funeral. That hurt my feelings, Joe.”
“Bitch, don’t piss me off!” Joe countered angrily. “Blurting out that I’m not Josiah’s daddy was not a mistake! I also found the messages in your phone, remember? You and your little group chat laughed at me, laughed about me raising a kid that ain't mine!”
“That’s a female ass trait, y’know, lookin’ through my phone and invading my privacy!” Ebony complained.
“You can invade these nuts,” Joe dismissed, “You cheated on me and lied about the paternity of your son! That’s enough for me to wash my hands off of you and that’s exactly what I’m doing.”
For a second, Ebony was quiet. Then, “Let me guess. You’re with that uppity rich bitch. She was at your dad’s funeral, both of y'all looked so cozy in the videos. She's the reason you don’t wanna work things out, right? Weren’t you seeing her before we broke up? Who’s the cheater now, huh?”
Joe scoffed in disbelief. After all she’d done to make his life a living hell, she was still gaslighting him. “We were over long before I started seeing her. I only hung around cuz I thought the kid you were carrying was mine. Don’t act like your whorish toxic ways didn’t drive me into her arms in the first place! You broke us up, so I’ve moved on from your evil ass. Simple.”
Ebony kissed her teeth. “You are so disrespectful to me, always have been. You never cared about me. It was all about your fucking wrestling. You were always gone! I was lonely! I needed you and you didn't give a shit!”
“So that’s why you opened your legs for some bum, got knocked up, and lied that I was the father? You disrespected yourself!” He felt himself getting riled up and had to compose himself. He would not let his ex ruin his day. “Imma make this clear so even you can understand. We. Are. Done. Call me again and it’s my attorney you’ll be talking to.” Cutting off the call, he then blocked the number and deleted it for added measure.
Fuck that ho.
Anyway, back to his girl, Kat. It had been an amazing few months so far with her. Of course, he’d googled her in the beginning, asked Heyman to run a background check to make sure she was legit and not a psychopath like his ex. Katrina Sullivan was one of the most famous music producers in the world and the top executive at her renowned publishing label. She was a big time player in her industry just like he was, a star in her own right, and it was a match made in Heaven.
Not only was she incredibly beautiful, but sex with her was a wild ride. She gave him a run for his money whenever they fucked. She was all about new experiences and wasn’t too prissy to fuck inside a car or suck him off outside a dive bar. He blushed every time he remembered the freaky shit they got up to after his loss at Wrestlemania. Long story short, she made him feel much better about dropping the belt. He loved that she loved sex as much as he did, and if he wasn’t hooked on her before, he was completely addicted after that night. 
And it wasn’t all about the physical. There was an emotional bond they shared, a connection that he’d never felt with anyone else before her. Talking with her felt like talking with a friend. He would unload his good days and bad days on her and she would listen to all of it without passing judgment. He did the same for her and was proud to be the one she learned to trust after her own past heartbreaks. Joe wished he’d had the courage to leave Ebony earlier. Perhaps he would have found the woman who had become his peace, his safe haven, and closed the hole in his heart much, much sooner.
A Google Map search helped him find the best florist in town. The ladies in the shop ooh'ed and ahh'ed over the beautiful bouquet of roses he bought and how lucky his lady was. But he thought he was the lucky one. As he took a deep breath and inhaled the flowers, he felt his stomach flutter at the thought of her beautiful face, her smile, her warm embrace. Joe knew he was in love, but he didn’t quite know how to tell her yet. It was weird enough that he lowkey felt like a thot being flown out. He really didn’t mind, though. All he wanted was to be with her and just be in her presence, in her aura. He would tell her when he was ready.
Kat’s mansion was the stuff of dreams. Isolated on the hills of the Pacific Palisades overlooking lush Californian greenery, it was one of her rewards as the most in-demand producer in music today. The living room segued into the kitchen, which welcomed him with the smell of freshly cooked food. Pasted to her stainless steel refrigerator by a small circular ‘Acknowledge Me’ magnet, was a note from her saying that she’d just headed out for a last-minute meeting and directed him to the oven where a warm skillet of sirloin steak and seasoned roasted potatoes waited for him. She had also stocked her fridge with his Megafit meals along with C4 Energy drinks and a few bottles of her own branded tequila. His baby was spoiling him rotten and he was digging it.
He first put the fresh flowers in a vase he filled with water before settling down to eat. He wished she was here with him, but he understood more than anyone how busy things could be when you were at the top of your game. He was proud of her and wanted her to get all the coins she deserved. Halfway through his meal, he pulled out his phone and checked on her.
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After dinner, he embarked on a little tour around her breathtaking abode which ended up taking several minutes to complete. Joe had some nice homes of his own around the globe, but this floored them all. The edifice dripped with luxury and was crafted to perfection, just like his Kitty Kat was. He enjoyed the gorgeous city view from her balcony as he sipped on some tequila. Her bathroom was spacious and had a waterfall shower that he luxuriated in when he stepped inside. One side of her walk-in wardrobe was lined with an assortment of brand new t-shirts, pants and dress shirts all for him. Of course she knew his size; she’d ripped his clothing off of him on many occasions. His stomach was doing flips as the time continued to tick by. It was hilarious that the big bad Tribal Chief was acting all giddy at the mere thought of a woman, but here he was, entangled in her expensive satin sheets, counting down the minutes until she was back in his arms.
The sound of running water jerked him awake. The plane ride must have worn him out more than he thought; he didn’t even realize when he fell asleep. The sky outside was now pitch black but the bathroom lights were switched on. As he sat upright in the bed, something rolled down his bare chest and onto his lap. He looked down and his breath hitched. A sheer, baby pink-colored thong, just removed. Unable to resist, he held it up to his nose and shivered as her sensual aroma filled his nostrils and sent all his blood rushing south. With newfound enthusiasm, he climbed out of the bed and padded over to the bathroom. 
Katrina’s back was turned to him, standing over the tub as she drained the bath. Draped in a fluffy lilac bathrobe that barely covered her backside as she bent over, Joe chose to stand there and admire her, letting his eyes follow the rivulets of water that trickled down her long shapely legs. He trailed his gaze along the backs of her knees and her oh-so-sexy thighs, stopping at her luscious derrière where he found her pussy lips, slick and glistening, winking at him. He groaned out loud at the sight, feeling his bulge stir in his drawstring shorts.
Alerted by the noise he made, Kat spun around and sighed. "Oh, damn," she frowned and bounced her fist against her thigh.
Joe raised an eyebrow at her reaction. “Did I frighten you?”
“Not really. I wanted to wake you up by sucking your dick.” 
Chuckling heartily, he stepped closer. "You still can, baby. Don’t let me stop you,” he said, sealing their lips together in a kiss he’d been thinking about for weeks. He held her tight, molding their bodies together as time seemed to stop all around them. The anticipation had been building all day and just this moment alone was worth the long wait.  
Joe sighed happily against her lips, his fingers massaging the back of her neck. “Mmm, I can tell you missed me. Did you miss me, baby?”
“You know I did, Daddy,” she whispered back. It had been months in the making, but Kat was thrilled that he was finally here in her humble abode. She pulled back to regard him, marveling at the sheer height and width of him, his bare, broad chest showcasing that beautiful tattoo and all those muscles. Fuck, he was so hot. “I saw the roses in the kitchen, they’re beautiful,” she said.
“Not as beautiful as you are, baby,” Joe answered, brushing his thumb along her bottom lip. “How was your meeting?”
Kat huffed and rolled her eyes. “Waste of my time. Don’t really wanna talk about it,” she added, changing the topic to a more exciting one. “You looked so good last night, babe. I could see how happy you were to be back.”
“I was,” he admitted, his light brown eyes lighting up. “Bro, hearing the fans go bananas when my music hit was insane. And all those fingers in the air, too. Four years of bustin' my ass finally paying off.”
“Huh. I had one finger out too, but it wasn’t in the air, and I was layin’ in bed. Naked,” Kat teased, fluttering her long eyelashes at him.
The thought of her writhing around in bed aroused by his show of violence caused another tightening in his shorts. With a growl in his voice, he responded, "Show me." 
“Wait.” She put up one hand before he could grab her. “Before we get started…I never got to ask you because we were so busy with the funeral…But did you take the DNA test?” she asked, watching with dismay as his face fell. He looked away with a heavy sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose, something she learned he did when he was reeling in his emotions. 
“Yeah. Josiah’s not mine,” he replied sadly.
Two distinct emotions of her own rushed through Kat at this news. Relief, that he was no longer tied to Ebony and he could now, finally, move on with his life. Move on with her. Disappointment, on his behalf, knowing that he had enjoyed getting to know the baby boy he’d thought was his child. “I’m so sorry,” was all she could muster.
“Don’t be. At least I know the truth now. I care about the kid, but he’s not my responsibility any more,” he choked out, the sting of losing that sweet little boy still raw and painful.
“Oh, baby.” Kat rubbed her hands up and down his broad back to soothe him. She regretted downing the mood and sought to fix it. “What can I do?” 
Joe shook his head and sank into her embrace. “Just be with me, like this. I wanna be with you. Thank you for bringing me out here, it’s exactly what I needed.”
“Of course. You know I gotchu,” she assured him, butterflies sprouting inside her belly as he dropped feather-light kisses on her neck, trailing along her shoulder which was soon bare as he slipped off her robe and dropped it to the floor. She tugged down his shorts and her hungry gaze zeroed in on that other part of him that she missed. All those FaceTime calls and selfies did very little justice to the real thing. This was his first time on her turf, and she was determined to use this week wisely, especially as this extended period didn’t quite exist before. 
In the beginning, their meetings were brief and eventful, a couple of hours’ escape from the madness going on in their individual lives. Meet up, scorch the sheets, and wake to the sound of the rustle of clothes pulled from the floor, the sharp zipping of bags, quick kisses goodbye followed by the front door quietly clicking open and shut. At each other’s mercy at sunset then disappearing before dawn to resume reality. It was a thrill at first but as time passed, Kat realized she wanted more with him. She wanted to begin and end her days in his sturdy arms. Wanted them to shower together, to eat together and spend much more time together. Simply put, she wanted to be a real couple, and she was ecstatic when he confessed that he wanted the same. Coming to L.A. was a great start and it excited Kat to no end.
Hand in hand, they walked together, naked, out of the bathroom. She giggled as he followed closely behind her, kissing her neck and touching her body along the way. As they reached the bed, Joe noticed the bottle of champagne sitting in a bucket full of ice on the nightstand. Kat read his mind. “Just a lil’ sumn to celebrate your arrival,” she clarified, as he sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her to stand between his legs. His gaze was soft, yet beautifully intense as he ran his hands up her thighs and her hips, cupping her backside and bringing her even closer to him. He pressed his lips to her stomach, adorning her belly with gentle, open-mouthed kisses that felt so good she moaned pleasurably in approval.
“I’m in love with you,” he whispered against her brown skin, his voice clear yet filled with a vulnerability he’d never felt before.
Kat smiled down at him. “Took you long enough. I’ve been waiting for you.”
“For real?” His heart pounding so hard in his chest he was sure she could hear it.
Her smile widened as she loosened his ponytail, letting the long dark locks fall and frame his breathtaking features like the angel he was. Her angel. “Yeah. I mean…After everything we’ve shared, after getting to know the beautiful person that you are, of course I’m in love with you too.”
They were words he’d been hoping to hear from her for a while now, and now that he had, he was robbed of every sensation other than joy and peace and the burning need to make love to her nonstop for the rest of his stay in the West Coast. “You’re beautiful too, baby girl,” he rasped, drawing her back in, “So fuckin’ beautiful…”
They clung to each other, making out with increasing passion, both of them extremely aroused and more desperate than ever in the wake of this wonderful revelation. As they kissed, he slipped one hand over her breast, kneading gently, eliciting from her those purring sounds that earned her sexy little nickname. He missed his Kitty Kat so much. The last time they were together was at his father’s funeral, and he couldn't be with her the way he wanted to be. Now that they were all alone there was nothing stopping him from having his way with her.
But apparently, she had other plans. 
She pushed him hard in the chest, smirking at his surprised grunt as he hit the mattress rather unceremoniously. “Get in,” she instructed him.
He frowned petulantly at her, but did as he was told, dragging himself backwards up the bed with his eyes on her at all times. He felt his mouth go dry as she crawled towards him on all fours like the sexy ass kitten she was. As she reached the space between his open legs, she surprised him by picking up her thong and winding it around his wrists, securing it tight before pushing his arms over his head. 
“Baby…” he pouted.
“Shhhh,” Kat shushed him quietly, thrilled by the submission in his eyes, the surrender in his soft moan, his dick hard and erect in anticipation. Having control over a man like him felt so empowering. Though sexually submissive to him, Kat always enjoyed it when the roles were switched. It never lasted long though, so she planned to make the most of it.
Climbing back down his body, she rubbed her hands on the expanse of his thighs, his caramel skin warm beneath her fingers. She moved higher, coming dangerously close to the pleasure between his legs but avoiding it, for now. She wanted to touch it but the wait was more exciting. Her hands disappeared to squeeze his ass cheeks, and then reappeared over his hips, traveling along the sharpened ridges of his six-pack abs and up to his broad chest. Her body followed suit, sliding up until her thighs bracketed his sides. The little hiss that escaped him as she sat on his torso thrilled her; she knew right away that he could feel her warm moistness against his skin. Her fingers found his nipples next, toying with them before leaning in to lick them, and giggled with amusement when his dick sprang high enough to smack against her backside.
“Fuck, baby, feel what you do to me?” Joe hissed, his cock jumping again as her mouth warmed his neck, nibbling on the shell of his ear as she whispered to him in the softest, deadliest timbre: 
"I’m just getting started, big guy."
Sitting upright on top of him, she reached for the ice bucket, scooping out an ice cube in the shape of an exquisite diamond. The ravenous look in Joe’s eyes matched hers as she sipped on the cube, letting the cold melt on her tongue and travel down her throat. Then, she bent down and kissed him, her cold tongue quickly warming up from the heat of his mouth. The wet muscles moved together in a sweet dance, delightedly intertwining, obsessed with the taste of each other. Kat pressed the ice cube to his chest, giggling when he jerked from the cold, and drew figure eights with it, watching rivulets of water trickle down the sides of his body. She put the ice cube on his right nipple and watched it harden. Then she replaced the ice with her warm mouth on his cold nipple.
“Shit, baby you killin’ me,” he moaned, looking on with hooded eyelids as she kissed down his body. She stopped between his legs, bowing her body in front of his erection, long and thick and hard, precum glistening on his slit. Her tongue darted out to taste it, licking her lips with pleasure. Giving him a sly wink, she took the tip of his dick in her mouth and sucked, winding her tongue around the head like a hungry snake. The moan that escaped his lips was needy and borderline painful, causing her eyes to light up in triumph. 
“When I get my hands on you…” he growled, his expression almost pissed, but Kat knew better. His frustration mingled with his lack of control, control she’d taken from him all day by calling the shots from his travel to the food he ate. The sensual power play continued as she massaged his dick, the thick velvety flesh twitching in her hands as his hands twitched in his makeshift binds. Using the flat of her tongue, she licked up and down his shaft, making slurping sounds that were drowned out by his groans as she spread her saliva all over his dick. She was addicted. He tasted so good and she craved to have her fill.
Putting a smaller ice cube in her mouth, she chewed it, crushing the ice with her teeth. From there, she hugged his dick with her lips, dousing the heat of his flesh with the coldness of her throat. Tiny bits of ice melted against his shaft as she sucked and tongued every inch of him. She could feel his chest heaving and his abs crunching, could hear his strangled moans as he got warmer and got harder in her mouth. He was right where she wanted him. Resting her weight on his burly thighs, she moaned to him to let go, and smiled when seconds later a shout burst from him, his hips arching off the bed as he unloaded down her throat. She drank her fill of him, glancing up to watch the pleasure ravage his huge body, giving a little smile as he floated down back to earth. 
“Oh my god…” he breathed, his body jerking when she pulled away, letting his dick, slick with her spit and his cum, plop down on his thigh. With one more long, soft kiss to his length, she slithered back up his body, pressing her lips to his for a sweet, delicate kiss which heavily contrasted with the heaviness of his dick brushing along her now-wet opening. Pleasing him turned her on in a way her notoriously composed self could never comprehend.
“You came so hard for me, baby. The look on your face was everything,” Kat gifted him a teasing lash of her tongue against his as she ran her hands up his arms to toy with the sheer material holding him hostage. Lifting her body up, she slowly sank down on his dick, a gasp slipping from her when the smooth tip pierced through her soft, slick folds, enabling her to wind her hips to take him all the way in. They both moaned as the thickness of him nudged her sweet spot, coaxing a whine out of her as she wrapped her arms around his neck, wanting him close, making out with him while slowly rocking her body back and forth, grinding her clit on him. It stunned her to this day, how she was able to take him all, his length and girth filling her and hitting her most sensitive spot right away. The power that coursed through her at making him succumb to her will, no different from any pinning combination or submission move, was intoxicating. Her moans and his groans reverberated through the bedroom, the air thick with the scent of sex as she loved on him.
“Untie me. Now,” Joe commanded out of nowhere, the roughness of his tone surprising Kat. One look at the power and pleasure on his beautiful face told her he was not taking no for an answer. Obediently, she  reached up and unraveled the underwear from around his wrists, and she had barely tossed it aside when his hands came around her, finding her backside and thrusting deeper into her. Finally, he could touch her the way he wanted. He loved her ass, enjoyed the feel of it gyrating against his palms. He landed a heavy-handed slap on it, making her burrow her face in his neck with a soft cry, the sound growing more desperate as his fingers caressed the supple flesh of her ass while grinding up into her, making her feel so good.
“Such a badass bitch, yet so weak for me. Weak for this dick,” he purred to her with a kiss to her shoulder. The wicked gleam in his eyes had Kat both frustrated and aroused, but the unmistakable glimpse of lust clouding those eyes showed he was just as weak for her. With every downward motion of her hips, she could see him become more mesmerized, his breaths huskier, his face contorting with unbridled bliss as her pussy squeezed his length in deep, throbbing pulls. Sensing him trying to regain control, she beat him to it, pushing up and steadying herself on top of him. With both hands planted on his strong chest, she adjusted her legs in a squat and began bouncing on his dick, up and down, fucking him, taking from him what she wanted, giving him what he needed. 
“Fuck, that’s it, kitten, ride the shit outta my dick,” Joe groaned, his huge hands now clamped around her waist. “I’m here now, baby. I gotchu. Take it out on me, take all that stress out on me.” It was a wonder to watch her, her knees up and wide apart, treating him to the sight of her moist flesh gliding all the way down his turgid flesh and back up, leaving the base of his dick a wet, slippery mess. It looked incredible and felt even better. “You so wet for me, baby girl,” he rasped, reaching up to massage her bouncing breasts. “I love it when you use me. You love using Daddy’s big dick, huh?”
"Yes, Daddy I love it...Shiiit, oh my goddd!" Kat threw her head back, her moans shaky, her body trembling on top of him as waves of ecstasy washed over her thanks to the orgasm wracking her from head to toe.  
“Unnhh yeah, come for Daddy, come on my dick,” he moaned back to her, his full lips parted and panting, his eyes boring into hers as he watched her come undone. Overcome with passion, he sat upright and tugged her flush against him, his breath hitching as the action sank him even deeper into her. He needed to hold her to him, needed to make her all his. “I ain’t pullin’ out,” he announced, moving her on him again, “I'ma come all up inside you, baby.”
His words sank in, but any coherent answer she had disappeared with another rake of his dick against her g-spot. Wordlessly, Kat snuggled into his warm embrace, locking her arms and legs around him as she continued to grind on him in a deliciously erotic rhythm. Wrapping his arms around her waist, Joe planted a big kiss upon her throat, her jaw, then her lips, enjoying the taste of her moans as his hips rolled along with hers like a choreographed dance. Emotions were high as they joined as one, surrounded by the sounds of the newfound love they were finally expressing to each other. The mattress bounced beneath them, the legless bed rocking in tune with their heated bodies rocking on top of it. Every worry they had was gone and replaced with a hunger and need for the other that they both knew they would never be able to satiate.
"I love you," Joe whispered, pushing her hair out of her eyes to gaze into them.
“I love you too, baby...oh fuck,” Kat panted, burying her face in his shoulder, her hands sliding down to grip his ass as she bucked her hips like a mad woman. Joe moved with her, not missing a single beat. His own release was building fast within him, too fast. The blood was pounding in his head and tightening his balls as her pussy squeezed his cock so tight he was having a hard time catching his breath. They soon realized they were climaxing together, both shaking from the intense, throbbing waves of pleasure. Kat’s toes curled into the sheets as she felt his warm fluid gushing into her pussy just like he wanted, felt his body pulse as hard as his dick pulsing deep inside of her. No piece of music, no music video she created could ever compare to the magic she made with this incredible man, ever be as beautiful as the sight of his face scrunching up helplessly as his orgasm consumed him. So she kept her eyes on him for as long as she could, watching all the emotions sweep his gorgeous visage like an unforgettable movie. 
An eternity later, their movements slowed, their breathing calmed, their hearts racing as one as the world returned to normal. Joe felt light as air as he fell back onto the bed, Kat melting into him with her head on his chest, where his heart beat for her. He was still inside her and she kept him there, wanted to be filled with all his love in the very best way.
“Welcome home, my love,” she giggled, soothed by his own throaty chuckle vibrating against her skin. Her eyes fluttered shut as his lips pressed her forehead. She wished she could bottle the sound of his laugh, the feeling of his soft lips, bottle this very moment forever.
“Glad to be home, my love,” he answered, his fingers caressing her back as he kissed her mouth. “I can tell my time in L.A. is gonna be fun.”
"Mm-hmm. We got all week, Daddy," Kat eyed him with a sly smile, tracing her manicured index finger along his tattooed pectoral, "Like I said, we're just getting started."
A/N: This is the only story I've had the energy to complete. I'd love to know your thoughts!
🏷️: @wrestlingprincess80 @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @harmshake @tribalhoochie @alyyaanna @jstarr86 @murrylove @thewarlordsworld @mzv11 @cozyaliensuperstar7 @nayys-world @hunnidmilly @cyberdejos2 @papireigns-05 @niknakbucks92 @captainwithoutmakingitlove @sovereigngoth @aisharmi @kennedi0818 @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @herwickedlittlesins @questionable-behaviour @tribalchiefreigns @2-muchsauce @thatbxtchsblog @raya-hunter01 @marchi36753 @lovelysuccess @christinabae @wooahmiri @thatonecarebear @tabletheofhead @rheaanddamianfan @vebner37 @hanley1577 @princessesareforsuckers @-naturally @joannasteez @bbygirlky18 @lilucey @theninthwonder @melaninsugababy @chocovibesonly @msbluehaz3 @scarlettnoir01 @heerah34 @empressdede @tbmotw @darkangelchronicles @visionarymode @marasdeathnote @aintnorainbows @meggylynnloves @shantinextdoor @femdisa @harlemblipster  @trc-punzel @afterdarkprincess @nbanenefrmdao @sassginaswanmills @purplehairgawdess @holisticcoach @girlwhogaf @royalkay23 @heyitsnajabrinee @stoner2k @reci1996 @catxo @iamimanim @lookmais @ts1mp0ne @lizzyd1ish @m3llowww @skyesthebomb @final1miya @kia1996 @randomuser0711 @yourtribalqueen @caramelcleopatraa @katymae12344 @that-one-anxious-mango @yana3sworld @ajenae @truefant4sy @thetribalqueen @bhjszsdxc @christinabae @justazzi @maknaehyucks @mindairy @headoftheetable @truefant4sy @mscarter213 @ariiaeltheedonn @sageispunk @xbriexx @shamaness11 @whatdoeseverybodywant @paigereeder @heauxvibez
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goosita ¡ 9 months
first of all i love you. really. everything that you're writing is making my life so much better, so thank u <3 if that's okay for u, could you write something where reader is a single mom, she has a little girl and her daughter is very attached to billy? and it's the most sweetest thing ever cause billy loves her, calls her little princess (very sweet tooth 😭) one night, her daughter asks billy to read a storie for her to sleep and he does so and in the end, she says something like "i wish you were my dad" and it's just so cute and funny cause she gagged everyone, reader is like "babe!!!!" while billy is in shock but at the same time his heart is melting 🥺🥺 (sorry if this is too much, just write if u want!)
oh im. gonna cry and sob and piss everywhere this is the sweetest softest thing ive ever read yes oh my god
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billy would be so so sweet with your daughter, especially if she was around 4-6 years old. at first you were worried that a man like him wouldn’t want anything to do with a single mother, especially one as young as you. but he never asked you to explain, and never judged you for it. all he ever did was treat you like a queen, and your daughter like a princess.
and your little girl is just enamored with him. she follows after him like a little duckling, so much so that billy starts to call her “ducky”. it makes her giggle every single time, always makes billy smile all warm and fond. they get on like a house on fire, your man and your baby girl. billy teaches her things like how to ride a horse, how to tie all kinds of knots, how to rope a little goat even. your daughter tells you one evening, her little face very serious, that she thinks “billy knows everything, mama. everything!” you want to let her believe it for as long as possible.
on this particular day, all 3 of you had spent the day together. billy had showed up bright and early to take you for a picnic out in a meadow behind your house, a daylong excursion that lasted until the sun slowly set. it was late spring, cicadas beginning to sing in the tall grass. once it got dark outside, billy pulled out a jar and showed your daughter how to catch fireflies. once they had about 10 of them, they sat on the blankets with their heads ducked together to observe them, giving each one a unique name.
“let’s call this one tommy,” she says, pointing at a bug near the bottom.
“perfect name, ducky. how’d you get so good at this?”
your little girl giggles, shrugging and letting billy name the next one. it makes your heart so happy to see a man with so much patience and love for your daughter.
when you finally return to the house, it’s time to get your kid ready for bed. tired and pliant from her long day outside catching bugs and weaving flower crowns (that of course billy taught her how to do), she goes down without much of a fight. she does ask billy to stay and tell her a bedtime story, though, and he’s never been one to deny that sweet little face whatever she wants.
you half-listen as billy spins some wild tale about a princess who slay dragons herself, one who doesn’t need a prince to come and rescue her. she’s strong and brave and guess what? she looks just like your little girl, same hair color and little lilac colored dress. his story makes her smile, even as her sleepy eyes begin to blink more slowly. when he finishes, he leans down to kiss her forehead softly and tuck her blanket around her small little body.
“i wish you were my daddy,” she murmurs sleepily, rubbing her eye with one small fist. you see billy freeze and slowly look to you, unsure what to say.
“oh, baby—“ you start, taking a step forward. billy gently cuts you off, which you welcome, not sure what to tell her.
“you know, ducky, sometimes i wish that too,” he whisper conspiratorially. her eyes light up curiously.
“really?” she asks, looking up at him.
“mhm,” he says with a nod. “but i think this little thing we have going here is even more special. you know why?”
she waits for an answer, eyes full of curiosity and wonder at the man sitting on the edge of her bed.
“because i didn’t help to give you life, life gave you and me to each other. and that’s pretty special, don’t you think?”
your little girl smiles, nodding her head. you swallow hard, your eyes feeling a little misty at the way he loves your baby and she loves him. it’s so pure, so unconditional the way they’ve attached themselves to each other.
billy smiles at her and brushes her hair away from her face, giving her chubby cheek a soft caress.
“sweet dreams, baby girl.”
“goodnight billy,” she says with a little yawn, snuggling down into her pillow. billy blows out the oil lamp beside her bed, following you out of her bedroom and closing the door softly.
“i’m sorry if i overstepped, i didn—“ he’s cut off by you grabbing his face and pulling him down into a dizzying kiss. you smile against his mouth when he doesn’t hesitate for even a second to kiss you back, his arms winding around your waist to pull you closer.
“thank you,” you whisper when you finally break away for air. “for loving both of us, for taking care of us.”
“sweetheart, you don’t have to thank me for that. i’ll always be here to take care of my two best girls,” he says with a grin, tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear. “and who knows? maybe one day soon you’ll let me put a ring on that pretty little finger and that little girl in there can call me whatever she wants.”
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xoioel ¡ 7 months
EXCUSE ME DO U WRITE FOR XG???? can i pretty pls request something w mean dom gp!jurin??? there's literally no content for her it's insane she's so hot 😭😭🫦🫦🫦
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parings: Jurin x 8th! Member Reader
genre: SMUT and Fluff
warnings: SMUT, mommy kink, semi-public sex, fingering, creampie, spanking, crying, overstimulation, edging, humiliation, mirror sex
synopsis: You never know when enough is enough and Jurin teaches you a lesson ;)
authors note; jurin is so sexy, i just want her to use me till i pass out. I made sure jurin was just evil and her not giving 1 fuck about things… sorry this is like so late!! also ive been looking for some xg moots on here too
see you tonight, its a bad idea right?—
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It was a Saturday evening and all of the girls decided to play truth or dare. The game was going smoothly until Chisa asked a question that made you reget even playing the game in the first place. “N/n, truth or dare” Chisa asks you, and since youve picked dare a few times already you decided to pick truth. “Is it true that your the top and Jurins the bottom of the relationship” Chisa questions you and you could just feel Jurins eyes buring into you.
It was either you admitting your a bottom or admitting Jurins a bottom which was a hard choice because your a switch but sub leaning and shes fully a top so it was difficult. “Yes,” Thats all you said which left everyone confused. “Yes what? Your a top or a bottom” Harvey says to you. “Im a top” You could just see that Jurin was pissed. She knew that was a lie and you did too. “I would of never thought that Y/n is a top” Juria said as everyone agreed but Jurin. She just stayed silent but nobody questioned her silence at all.
“Cocona! true or dare?” Jurin says to change the topic. “dare.. i guess” She says as she’s second guessing herself. “i dare you to do a one breath challenge” Jurin replied as Cocona prepared herself to do the challenge. She lasted about 1 minute before backing out.
The game continued for another 20 minutes before everyone basically said everything before everyone agreed that the game should come to a end. “Guys what should we eat for dinner?” Chisa said. As everyone suggests something that they would like to eat, Jurin gets up and sits next to you instead of her sitting across from you.
“Just know that Ive had enough with the act youve been pulling.” Jurin whispered in your ear before going to scroll on TikTok. You stopped breathing for a second to process what she just said. But you know exactly what shes talking about too, how for the past week youve been testing her.
How you would would flirt with the other members right infront of her. When practicing you would wear either very short shorts or very very tight shirts just to show your tits. And you did that just to see her reaction. And she never did anything to you since you all had to preform the day after so she just told you to stop and you would give her the same answer everytime.
“N/n what should we eat.” Cocona said since you always have the best ideas which took you out of your thoughts: “Maybe we should have pizza and hot wings with whatever else you want to eat” You replied. “Yeah we should have that for dinner” Juria added before they all agreed on who would go and get the food.
Cocona, Harvey, Hinata and Maya all went to get food, which left Jurin, Chisa, Juria and you in the dorm. You got up to go get something to drink but you where quickly pulled back down to sit on the couch. “What was that for?!” You say raising your voice at Jurin.
“Dont yell at me,” She said, “Why not!!”
You snatch your hand from Jurin’s grip before getting up to go into your room that is shared with her. You hear foot steps behind you signaling that she’s following you.You opened the door and in seconds, Jurin has you pinned to the back of the door. Her long fingers grab your ass and your tits as you bite your lip trying not to moan.
You only hesitate and become aware of your action when you hear Jurin sigh in your ear. She’s told you time and time again not to hide yourself from her, and you shouldn’t be testing her patience right now. “Y/n. So you think you can talk to me in that tone?” She questioned you. “N-No I-“ You couldn’t even speak since you finally realized your mistake, you’ve pushed the limits and now karma is coming back to you.
She crashes your lips onto hers as you hands go into you hair, pulling and tugging at it. Your whining and moaning into the harsh kiss as Jurin bites your lip to push her tongue in your mouth. A few seconds you pulled back to get some air. “Sit infront of the mirror. Now.” Jurin said to you in a very demanding tone.
You sat in front of the glowing floor mirror patiently waiting for her. “You better be undressed when I come back,” Jurin says before leaving the room. You began to undress and you were dripping wet. You never realized how turned on you were just from Jurin making out with you. So you began to slowly touch yourself.
You put your hand over your mouth to silence your moans since you didnt know when Jurin was going to come back. Getting close to your orgasm your moans start to get significantly louder as you cum all over the floor as you didnt even notice that Jurin walked into the room and sat down behind you. Thats when you feel someone grabbing your wrist making you whine from the lack of your fingers. “So have you forgotten about the rules, Y/n? Because i think i need to reteach them to you” Jurin questions you.
“I haven’t forgotten..” You replied to her looking down at the floor. She didnt like that you weren’t looking at her. Thats when you feel a vibrator turn on and its directly on your clit. “Jurin.. please-” You moan out. “Look at me as i make you a mess, you slut,” She says forcing you to keep eye contact with her through the mirror. She grabbed your right hand and made you hold the vibrator on your clit.
Jurin begins to pump her fingers in and out of your needy cunt, each thrust punctuated by the wet squelch of your gratuitous arousal. Heat spreads under your skin under her thorough exploration of your narrow, saturated channel, gingera curling to meticulously stroke a spot that has you gasping her name. Legs slowly began to shake since you haven’t got to calm down from the orgasm you just had.
Your hand quickly cover your mouth from your porn like moans. She removed her hands from your cunt for a second, “I want to hear your pretty moans,” She whispered in your ear before you removed your hand from your mouth.
And the moment you do, Jurin decides to put the vibrator on the highest speed and you can feel yourself on the verge to cum. “Mommy~ i-im gonna cum!!” You whine out to her. You didnt even realize that you called her mommy, Jurin had expressed that she had a mommy kink a few weeks ago and you never used the term until just now.
“Fuck—soon, m’ gonna—” You croak, scratching your nails into Jurin’s thighd and the pain makes her groan against your back. “p-please, please oh my god i’m gonna cum, please—” You cry to Jurin.
Thats when she turned the vibrator off and took her fingers out of you. Whining from the lack of sensation. “Do you think you deserve to cum?” Jurin says into your ear. “Y-yes..” You say as she turns back on the vibrator and went back to fingering you.
Even after Jurin stopped for a few moments, you continue to twitch and whine under her touch, squirming from the sensation. “F-fuck Jurin, fuck m’ so, hngh!” You groan, “Please, more, s-so good.”
Jurin’s lips detach from your marked-up neck and you mutter against her skin, “You sound so pretty for me, what a good girl.” Her voice is hot against your skin, yet it makes you shiver.
Your panting gets heavier and now your reaching your climax again not so long after your first. She thrust in and out again, circling her thumb on your clit and one last pump pushes air out of your chest; you cum all over Jurin’s fingers and vibrator once again.
instead of giving her a little break, your fingers continue to thrust in and out. she’s overwhelmed and still trying to recover, but you don’t give her a chance. with the added stimulus of you sucking on her tit, with your free hand that isn’t fingering her massaging and pinching the other breast, her vision starts to blur again. “f-fuck, baby w-wait, ngh— so much—” you cry, tears welling up in your eyes. “p-please w-wait,”
"Mommy! I-Its t-too much" She ignored you but kept going faster having you cum in no time. But anyways she kept going not stopping one bit, leaving you overstimulated.
"I c-cant take it anymore~" You whine at her. "You can and you will. Shut up and keep still." Jurin spits out as youve reached your third orgasm in a row and she finally stopped. She gave you a sloppy kiss and said "That was just the beginning. Don't you think you deserve a punishment for lying to me?”
She didn't like what happened earlier, not one bit. Her brown eyes narrow as she pins you beanth she, her cock teasing your entrance. "Think you're cute huh? Telling the girls that you can top me? because it seems to me you on getting dicked down right?" You try to explain yourself but before you can speak, Jurin pushes her hips forward, entering you fully.
A gasp escape your lips, eyes rolling at the back of your head as she starts to thrust fast. Her cock slides in and out of you, her hands gripping onto your hips, lips marking your neck, you're her and only her. That's what she showing you now.
"Levi! Mhhhh why are you mad?" Your hips buck slightly as he fucks hard into you, hands gripping his hair. It's clear that he is pissed, she doesn't know at who she is and more exactly.
"Shut up, you know what you fucking did." She mumbles leaving open mouthed kisses on your jaw, his hands go down to your thighs spreading you wider for him as his hips snap into you. Those gray eyes of his stare at your face, your mouth is wide open, moans of her name fill the room. "That's right, hear that? My name off your lips, but im a bottom right y/n” She questions you.
Her voice is at a higher tone but is still very harsh, Jurin doesn't let many things go to her but even the slightest thought of you lying to the girls about something you both know isn’t true and right to her face makes her blood boil. She moves his hips even faster which makes your hands go to his back, nails digging into his skin. Smacking your ass when you realized you didn’t reply to her. But you know better to not answer her.
"Fuuuck....y-your not a not a bottom" You say moaning loudly. She isn't goiong easy on you but you love every second of it, especially when she gets possessive. "Yeah? You love this don't you? Getting fucked like the naughty girl you are." She takes your jaw into her hands and opens your mouth spitting in it, your eyes go wide slightly.
"Swallow." You do as she says, swallowing her spit as her cock thrusts roughly into you. "That's my good girl." There's a slight spark in her eyes, she loves seeing you this way. Loves making you moan over and over again.
Your pussy starts to clench around her dick, a burning sensation start to build up in your navel, you're close and by the look on Jurins face, she knows it too. "You gonna cum for me? Gonna show me who owns you?"
You nod your head, your nails draghing down his back leaving scratches behind. Jurin starts to fuck you ruthlessly, her cock pushing deep into you making you sure you feel all of it. Her thruths are unforgiving as she feels your warm and tight walls clamp down on her.
"Cum all over my dick." She demands, her tone as of when she uses her leader card. "Cuming Jurin....shit...." Your back arches and you cum all over her making her cum together with you. Her head falls onto your shoulder and she bites, leaving another mark behind as proof that you're hers, her cum fills you up.
Panting you groan feeling her teeth on your skin. "Ow....it hurts Jurin.." Jurin pulls back, a string of salvia connecting her lips to your shoulder. "Good, now..."
Jurin switches the position, her cock still inside of you, she rolls your bodies so that your on top of her, she is still hard inside of you. "You better ride my cock, show me that you're my bitch,"
You turn you head and kiss her on the lips before you starts to move your hips on top her. Jurin grabs your ass as you ride her, moaning into your mouth while your tongues dance with each other.
The room is filled with sounds of skin slapping as your body moves on top of hers. Pulling back from the kiss, you lean back enjoying the feeling of her inside of you but Jurin doesn't like the pace so she takes your hips into her hands and starts to fuck up hard into you.
"Mhhh yes! Harder! Mommy!" You beg for her but she instead stops moving, cockwarming you. "Do you think you deserve it? You don't...." Her eyes rest on your beautiful breasts. "...but because your pussy feels too good, I'll give you what you want." She restarts her fast pace, your tits bounce with her rough thruths.
"Mine...Mine...Your're fucking mine." Her hips snap faster and faster, her cock pushing deeper into you. Despite the fact that you're on top, it's clear that Jurin is the one who is in control, she pulls you against her body, your back and her tits are pressing together.
You move your hips in sync with hers, her lips passionately kissing your own. She into your mouth, her cock twitching inside of you. Jurin stops you from moving, grips your hips even harder and starts to move in and out of you in a relentless pace.
"Oooh~ Mommyy!" Your back arches as your feeling her hit your cervix with her hard thrusts. "My pretty girl, my little slut, say your mine," Her cock hits your sweet spot repeatedly making you almost scream her name. "Yours Jurin, I am yours!!" Jurin pushes your legs apart, her hips snap brutally against yours. Her hand reached down to tease your clit.
"Do you think another woman can make you feel like this huh? Can they make you this wet and desperate?" Tears starts to roll down your face from the intsese pleasure your feeling as your stomach starts to feel tight. “Ohh! im cumming!”
You squirt all over her and Jurin began to play with your clit even harder as she feels herself cumming. Your hands grip Jurins thighs tightly, she leaves a couple of hickeys on your neck as her cum fills you to the brim.
After she is done coming, her head falls on top of yours and she breaths heavily. "Don't pull another fucking stunt again or I'll make you cum twice as much next time.." Jurin whispered into your ear before you both hear the front door close and voices fill up the house…
“Oh? the girls are back, how would you like them to see you like this,” Jurin says to you. “Them seeing you all fucked out by me” She continued as she ever so slightly thrusted up. “Dont do that,” You say as you try to get off of her cock.
Looking the mirror you see the amount of marks Jurin left of you. Fuck. Thats all you think as you now as you told them you were the top and you look most definitely not top looking. “Why did you leave so many marks..” You ask Jurin as you go and put on some different clothes.
“You look so much like a top now, pretty” She said very sarcastically. You flip her off as she starts to laugh at you. Knock. Knock. “The foods here”
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© xoioel — do not copy or translate my work.
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keenzinemugstudent ¡ 3 months
Trafalgar Law x Black reader. Let me mend your broken heart. (WARNING THIS IS LONG 😭 I'M SORRY)
You had feelings for your best friend Ace but he gets together with your stepsister Vivi Main while her ex-boyfriend Law sees this as a win-win situation. ⚠️ warning Angst, rejecte⚠️
Everyone is in University
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You were in your room lying on your bed staring up at the ceiling, you feel your phone vibrate but you don't bother to pick it up, you already knew who it was, you just didn't want to answer, you just wanted to be left alone why didn't anyone understand that?
you look at the stuffed teddy bear that you got from Ace and throw it across the room near the trashcan hiding your face in your pillow.
"Y/n come on you're going to be late for work!"
Speak of the devil herself. You get out of bed opening the door, There stood your stepsister Vivi looking at you with a frown on her face.
"Vivi I took the day off why are you knocking on my door?"
"Oh well I wanted to see if you were feeling okay."
"I'm fine."
"You sure? Because Nami said you haven't been answering your phone and everyone was kind of worried?" You let out a tired groan.
"My phone was off didn't want to be bothered today." You say hoping she'd leave you alone but she just stood there still staring at you with a frown.
"You know if something is bothering you-"
"Like I said before I'm fine Vivi! So just leave me alone already damn it!"
She flinched at the tone in your voice, before she could say anything you closed the door in her face leaning on the door and letting out a loud sigh.
" Great now you've done it she's probably already texting Mom and telling her that I yelled at her for no reason."
You glance at your mirror and there is a picture of you and Ace at the fair making you feel sad all over again, there is a reason why you didn't want to answer any of your phone calls from your friends or from Ace
You stare at Ace who has a big grin on his face with a blush.
"I asked out Vivi isn't that great?"
When...when did you even-?
"After I got off work I asked her if she wanted to be my girlfriend and she said yes I was surprised that she'd even consider a guy like me!
You just stare at him like not know how to process this information the feel your whole world go crashing down
"Y/n? Hey, you okay?"
"Uh yeah, I'm sorry but when did you even start liking Vivi?"
"I've kind of always liked her when she first moved into your place but I was too scared to really say anything."
Okay, that just made you feel even worse he's liked her since we were kids? When you first met Vivi and her dad, she was 14, you were 12 and Ace was 13 during those whole years growing up Ace never showed any interest in liking her at all at least that's what I thought.
"Does anyone else know?"
"Huh? Oh well, I guess everyone knows I told Marco, Sabo, and Luffy who then probably told his friends."
"And when was this? "
He looked at you with a nervous look on his face.
Monday?! So last week?!
I got up from the table Ace looked at you concerned.
"I'm sorry Ace I just remembered something really important came up I got to go oh uh but congrats on your new relationship!"
You give a thumbs up with a forced smile and speed walking out of the cafe he calls out to you but you are already out the door when you are out of sight of the cafe you hide in an ally way holding your chest and trying to breathe that's when the tears started to fall down your face the worse part it started to rain.
End Flashback
Maybe if you would have told him your feelings sooner but then again this was you vs Vivi we were talking about here. She was beautiful while you were just plain and boring, Nami said you were pretty too even the guys would say you were cute and any guy would like to have you as their girlfriend, pretty sure they just said all that to make you feel better. Even your own mom would boast about how great, smart, and beautiful Vivi was it would always hurt your feelings a bit because she made it clear she would wish Vivi was her real daughter instead of you she never said it but she sure as hell didn't try to hide.
"Hey! Y/n!"
You turn to see Nami running towards you with a really pissed-off look on her face if you got a closer look you could steam coming out of her ears.
"You idiot why the hell didn't you answer your phone?!
"Sorry, my phone wasn't working."
"For five days?! Bullshit!" She says stumping her foot on the ground you frown as people pass by seeing the two of us yelling some even whispered making you embarrassed.
"Okay, okay I'm sorry Nami look I didn't get any sleep last night and I'm here now so please let's just forget about it."
she didn't like that reply and grabbed your shoulders shaking you back and forth and making you dizzy.
"Forget? Are you kidding?! You hade us all worried and don't get me started on Ace-!"
"Not now Sanji I need to hey where'd she go?!" She stared at the spot you were standing in and noticed that you were gone.
"Y/N!!!!!!" People backed away from fear as the ginger was surrounded by fire she was pissed
((Now back to you))
You ran into a classroom hiding from the raging ginger-haired woman who definitely would kill you if she found you. As much as you loved Nami she was scary as hell when angered!
"I should have stayed my ass at home." You say not noticing the other person in the room until they spoke.
"Me and you both..."
you turn your head and see a man wearing a fur hat and a uniform sitting at the front desk holding a medical book your eyes widen when you realize who it is.
Yep that right people the one and only Trafalgar Law another University student who you've seen around campus a couple of times but you also knew him as Vivi's ex-boyfriend.
"Hi." You gave an awkward wave still sitting on the floor.
"Let me guess hiding from your friends?
"Yeah, I kind of pissed one of them off sorry for interrupting."
"I haven't seen you on campus or at the music store, everything good?"
"Oh uh yeah just need to take a break from everything ya know? Wait how did you know I worked at the music store?" You didn't even think he would even notice you not show up to class let alone at your job. Hell, how did he know where you work?! He just gives you a shrug getting up from his sit walking towards you.
"I've passed by there a couple of times on my way home from the hospital."
"Oh, that makes sense!" You stood up dusting yourself off trying to look halfway decent.
I'd forgotten he worked at the hospital which is a couple of blocks away from your job Law had a name for himself at the hospital and on-campus people called him the surgeon of death which was pretty cool you didn't understand why Vivi broke up with him he was smart, cool and pretty hot if I do say so for myself. I mean the dude was tall had tattoos on his chest and arms pierced ears and a tan he also had bags under his eyes probably from lack of sleep but he was cute.
"Ah, so my reputation has reached that far huh?"
"Oh yeah! Luffy wouldn't stop talking about how awesome you were helping his grandpa at the hospital pretty impressive."
"Thanks even though you're not the first person to say that it's nice to hear it from you Y/n ya."
You feel your cheeks get warm at his comment which causes him to smirk at your flustered expression.
"W-well it's just I always thought you were pretty cool!"
"Oh really? Was that before or after I was dating your stepsister?" He asks leaning on the wall next to you you look at him surprised a bit that he didn't refer to Vivi as your sister like everyone else does even Ace does it he tries to get you to warm up to the idea of Vivi being your sister but you just really all up to it you respected her sure but you didn't see her as a sister.
"Before. Honestly, I was surprised that she broke up with you I mean you're a doctor for God's sake, and...." You glance up at him his grey eyes already looking at you.
"You're...kind of attractive."
You shyly look at the ground trying not to let him see how flustered you were he just gave a chuckle.
"Well thanks and don't worry you're not the first to say that, my friends also said the same thing but I didn't really care that much to be honest."
"What do you mean?"
"We only went out for 3 weeks it was fun but we weren't that serious."
"Huh but weren't you the one who asked her out?" He gave you a confused look crossing his arms.
"No, she actually asked me out."
He let out a scoff getting closer to the point where you could feel the warmth coming off him.
"I want to ask you something."
"Well I'll be stuck here for a while so ask away!"
"Is the reason why you just disappeared off the face of the earth because of fire fist right?" You flinch at the question and glare at him.
"No and last I check my relationship with Ace is none of your business."
he held up his hands in defense backward a bit.
"What do you know about me and Ace anyway?"
"I know you've had feelings for him for a while and now his dating Vivi."
Your face went from anger to embarrassment looking away from him he then gave a sigh.
"I don't blame you though when I found out I was kind of annoyed." You looked back at him confused.
"Why would you be annoyed? I thought you said it wasn't that serious so why do you care about who she dates?"
"You're right if it was anyone else I wouldn't have a problem with it but because she's with Fire fist knowing your feelings for him puts me in a bad mood."
He stepped closer now into your personal space, what he did next made you freeze. He moved his hand up and touched your cheek moving a braid from your face to see your eyes which were still puffy from crying all week.
"You shouldn't be crying over that idiot."
You didn't say anything but look at him feeling your heart beating fast he was making you feel nervous and his hand touching you didn't make it any better.
"Instead of wasting your time on him, you should find someone more suitable."
"Oh and who do you suggest Mr surgeon of Death?" You ask him in a mocking tone to cover up uneasiness. He looks into your eyes his thumb rubs your cheek leaning down a bit to the point both your noses touch my eyes widen thinking he is going to kiss me but he just backs away from you walking back to his desk to pick up his bag and books.
"After classes are over me meet me at th front gate yeah?"
all you could do was nod your head face still on face, he give a smirk walking passed you. Leaving you standing there like a statue.
What the hell was that?!?!
The whole day you couldn't get what happened out of your head. Why did he do that? Why did he touch my cheek? Was...was he flirting with me? No way!
"Y/n? Hey, pea for brains answer me!"
"Is she dead?"
"What? No, she's probably just exhausted!"
"Maybe she needs meat?"
"Luffy not everyone is a greedy glutton like you!!"
you felt someone flick your forehead making you snap out of your thoughts you looked up to see Luffy and Zorro standing in front of you.
"Finally the princess awakes from her slumber."
"Yeah, you were really out of it Y/n!"
Luffy wrapped his arms around you in a hug you just pat his head. You always thought of Luffy as a little brother and always used to babysit him when Ace and Sabo couldn't he even called you big sis once in a while. So he was probably bored that you weren't around to play with him or give him food.
"Sorry just haven't been getting any sleep."
Zoro gave you a frown arms crossed.
"That's why you didn't show up for the last couple of days?"
You nod
"Or answer any of our calls?"
Again you give a nod not looking him in the eye, he gives an annoyed sigh making you look at him he holds his head in his hand.
"Hey Luffy? Sanji said he had food waiting for you."
With that Luffy ran out of the room leaving you and the green-haired man alone he sat down next to you.
"I didn't want to say anything in front of Luffy but is this because of the whole Ace and Vivi thing?"
You hesitated but gave a nod no point in lying to Zoro of all people he could read you like a book.
"Geez Y/n I knew you were upset but-"
"I'm fine really it's just I'm still not sure how I didn't see it. "
"And you're upset we didn't tell you?"
"Maybe a little? I mean I know it's partially my fault too for not confessing my feelings sooner but it just had to be Vivi of all people like seriously?!"
"Yeah I was a little surprised too "
"So we good?" He looks back at you bumping against your shoulder you give a grin.
"Yeah just need a bit of space for a bit." He give a nod understanding he let out a yawn getting up from his seat.
"Okay, fair enough but fair warning Nami is still very pissed."
That made me shiver in fear of the image of Nami rage coming your way.
By the end of the day you turned and felt your heart drop to your stomach there at the gate stood Ace who was laughing and grinning at Vivi who stood there blushing with a smile on her face holding his arm tightly. You debating on walking towards them or trying to walk past them but then Ace would probably try to bomb you with multiple questions on why you didn't answer any of his texts or calls or why it didn't show up on campus you honestly did not want to deal with any of that today before you can turn around and head back the other way you heard someone called me for you.
"Oi! Y/n ya!"
You turn to see Law standing there waving his hand at you, you glance and see your friends (the straw hat crew Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Chopper, Nami, and Luffy) looking at you as well as the happy new couple. You nervously speed walk over to Law holding your books in your chest.
"Ready to go?"
"Uh, where are we going exactly?"
"You'll find out when we get there.
"Wow, what a subtle answer."
He noticed your hesitation it looked back behind you raising an eyebrow.
"Or would you rather be here and get a ride from the lovely couple?"
"Bike ride on the death trap it is then!"
You took the helmet out of his hand put it on then got on wrapping your arms around his waist. You stared back and you saw Vivi's confused and red face possibly from anger, your friends were also shocked but Ace's face looked lost and his mouth was open. That was the last thing you saw before Law sped off in an unknown direction far away from campus, away from your friends. The whole time he was going fast making you hold onto him tighter he glanced over at you.
"Alright then just try to hang on tight okay?"
You give a nod holding him tightly with eyes closed, you could have sworn you heard him give a small laugh over the wind. An hour went by before you knew it you were at the beach.
"You brought me to the beach?"
"Seemed like a great idea at the time." He helps you off the bike holding your hand you can't help but notice how warm his hand is or how much bigger they are compared to your own.
"Want some ice cream?"
"I didn't bring any money with me."
"I'm paying don't worry."
We got some ice cream and talked for a bit it was nice to clear your mind of everything and the ice cream was so good it was sweet of him to take you here but couldn't help but wonder why? I mean this is Law we are talking about here he's not nice for no reason right?
"How you feeling?"
"I'm okay, thank you for bringing me here, it was really sweet of you Law." You smile at him he gives a hmm looking to the side so you won't see him blush.
"I'm glad I could help but there's actually a reason why I wanted to bring you here."
We stopped by the shore you could hear the waves and feel the wind on your cheek it was nice.
"I have something to confess." You turn to look at him and he looks a bit nervous?
"Is everything okay Law?"
"Yeah just I know this is gonna sound a little bit weird but..." He rubs the back of his neck not looking at you he was silent for a couple of minutes before clearing his throat.
"Y/n I like you, will you go out with me?" You stood there silently blinking up at him.
"Huh? Huh?!?!
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"I'm guessing you weren't expecting that?"
"Of course I wasn't expecting that!" You stared up at him face flustered from his bold confession, like come on what kind of guy asks out his ex-girlfriend's step-sister? It's like I'm in a TV drama or something!
"Yeah, sorry guess that was stupid."
"Oh no no of course It's not stupid! It's just a bit of a surprise!" You rub your arm looking down at the ground face getting even more warm than before this was a lot to handle.
"We don't have to go out right this moment but I want to get to know more about you, if that's okay with you?" He took off his hat so you could get a better look at his face he had a soft expression and a look of determination, your heart was beating fast from this like super fast, were you having a heart attack? No of course not! But you didn't know what to say to him and besides it would be so awkward.
"You don't have to say yes...But I want you to know one thing." He took a step closer to you gently grasping your hand into his own.
"I'm not doing this because of Vivi. What I said before was true I don't care about her or who she dates."
"But...why? Why me of all people?"
"Because I like you Y/n, I know it's not much but please just give me a chance."
"I just don't know, don't get me wrong I'm flattered that you decided to confess your feelings but aren't you worried about what everyone else will say?" He let out a small laugh.
"I could give a damn about what they say but let me guess you're worried about what Vivi will say? Or is it because of Ace?" You frown at the mention of Ace.
"Ace is someone I care about and I know I may sound pathetic when I say this but I can't help but still like him."
"It's not pathetic. You have a right to feel that way, no one has the right to tell you otherwise." You couldn't help but give a tiny smile at his words.
"Though I'm still a bit upset about him and Vivi I have to accept the fact that he will never see me in that way."
"So I'm willing to accept your offer." You stared at him with a shy smile. He raised an eyebrow staring down at you with a smirk on his face.
"Oh really?"
You give a nod still holding his hand but this time having a tighter hold.
"Mmh I want to get to know more about you too Law, so please let's get to know each other okay?" He lifts up your hand to his lips and gives your knuckles a gentle kiss causing you to blush.
"Sounds good to me Y/n."
"Woah there boy you keep this up and I might pass out!"
"Don't worry sweetheart I'll take care of you I wouldn't be a good boyfriend or doctor if I let you pass out."
"B-Boyfriend?! Hey now I thought we were supposed to be taking things slow!"
"We are and I'll start by mending your broken heart."
Wow I guess I am now in a relationship with Trafalgar Law, oh boy something tells me this year is going to be crazy I just wonder how everyone's gonna react to this
(with the crew)
"Hey Nami?"
"What's up Usopp?"
"I bet you 50 bucks Law took Y/n on a date."
"Eh? Nah make it 200!"
"I don't have that much! I'm broke!"
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To be continued maybe? I honestly have a lot of fun writing this I kept having a lot of writer's block cuz of Life kicking me in the ass so I'm happy I was able to finish this it took me a couple of months but it's done I hope everyone who reaches liked it so far sorry if there's a couple of grammar and spelling mistakes
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angelizs ¡ 1 year
Hi hi I read your rules and I couldn't see if you were doing reqs or not so if your not just ignore this! :] /gen
Could I perhaps ask something with Leona or Ruggie? Reader is just very tired from NRC's usual craziness and wants to go to one of them as a recharge.
Gn!reader please and thank you :))
hiii nonie!! sorry for the long wait 😭 as mentioned in this other request, I do take them, it just takes me a while to get to it! I hope you like it 🫶
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Summary: Leona and Ruggie with a tired reader that wants to recharge!
Notes: gn!reader, fluff, I did short scenarios since there wasn't a specified format, I guess their relationship is kind open to interpretation? they could either be dating or close friends, you chose!
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You were exhausted. Seriously, after having to deal with NRC students' antics for days on end, babysit Grim, Ace and Deuce, do Crowley's chores and study for subjects you've never even heard of some months ago, you felt like you were at your wits end.
Eyes dropping and body tired, you just wanted to rest for a bit, maybe take a nap to recharge your energy. You really felt like you were about to drop on spot if you had to do one more thing without getting some sleep in first. 
That's why you found yourself at the botanical garden in the middle of the day. After leaving Grim with your friends and trusting them to take care of him (may the Sevens have mercy on NRC), you've wandered to a place you knew would be quiet enough that nobody would disturb you.
Not only that, but you were also looking for someone. Scanning the temperate zone, you perk up a bit once you spot the figure of Savanaclaw's housewarden lazily dozing off on a sunny spot.
Quick steps approach him, stopping in their tracks once you're right in front of him. You kneel down, waiting for his deep rumble as he lazily opens one eye to peek at you
"It's you, herbivore. What do you want?"
His blunt words may sound rude, but you knew he didn't mean any harm by it. Instead of answering him, you silently worm your way into his arms, nuzzling your face against his neck. 
If it where anyone else, they would have been sent to the infirmary in the blink of an eye, although no one else had the courage to do what you just did. Since it is you, Leona only lets out an amused chuckle and wraps his arms around your body, head resting on the top of yours. 
"The brats are giving you trouble, hm?" 
Your groan is confirmation enough for him, making him let out a huff of laughter. 
"Then lets forget them for now. You can stay as long as you don't stir too much, I want to be able to sleep too, you know."
A prolonged hum is his only answer, your drowsiness taking over as your eyelids feel heavier and heavier. The warmth of his body, the comfort of his arms securing you, the smell of his faint cologne and the nature around you, the sound of his calm breathing and the little river running nearby, the feeling of being safe all allowed you to relax for the first time in weeks.
In less than a minute you were already sleeping, little huffs of breath ghosting over his skin, the rise and fall of your chest accompanying his own. Leona's tail swished from side to side, pleased with your company, even if he wouldn't admit to it. 
He wouldn't let anyone disturb your sleep, enjoying this moment between the two of you for as long as he could. If you end up waking up hours later than you intended to, he'll just shrug and tell you he was sleeping too. Besides, you needed the extra rest, so you better thank him. 
Leona isn't the best with words of comfort, hence his actions will speak louder. He tends to pay attention to you, more than you'd think, so if he sees you're getting too tired again, he might subtly suggest another nap. He'll make sure you'll be able to get all the rest you might need, as nobody would dare to disturb him and, by extension, you.
Your shoulders sagged and you dragged your feet through the floor, the fatigue catching up to you after a handful of stressful days. All the responsabilities that were throw your way and your concern of whether you'd be able to go back to your home, your world, were taking their toll on you. 
The thing you needed the most was somewhere to rest, both your mind and body. You've been wanting to spend some time with Ruggie, as you two were very close and you guessed he also could take a break, but he's always busy, running errands for Leona and taking on side jobs.
You sigh dejectedly as you open the door of Ramshackle, preparing yourself to try to actually get some hours of sleep instead of tossing and turning around the bed, mulling over your troubles.
Jumping in surprise, you lift your head to see Ruggie laughing at your reaction, his giggles making his shoulders shake in mirth, tail swishing back and forth.
"Oh, you had to see your face! Weren't you expecting to see me here?"
You stutter something, so jumbled not even you could understand, and he only laughs harder, hand covering his mouth in a signature gesture.
"Sorry, sorry, I couldn't resist it. You looked so cute, like a scared rabbit." It's clear he isn't sorry at all, the grin on his face being proof enough. Though you don't get mad at his antics. In fact, they even made you feel a bit better, a small smile gracing your face in return as you gently shake your head
Gesturing to the couch, you make yourselves comfortable. Leaning onto Ruggie, you let the weight of your preoccupations wash away from you, focusing on how the touch of his side against yours feels grounding, how his arm wrapped around you and hand rubbing circles on your skin feels soothing, how you're finally able to relax.
"Sorry, I know I've been too busy lately, but you know I'll always find time for you, right?" Gazing at him, you can tell he's genuine this time, the sincerity in his tone and expression reassuring you. You nod and let out a hum, closing your eyes and letting your head rest against his shoulder. 
Ruggie laughes affectionately, head resting against yours. One of your hands finds his hair and starts playing with it, you mumble a request: "Tell me about your day."
Ruggie's voice is quiet as he tells you what happened in his classes that day, what ridiculous tasks Leona had given him, what trouble the Savanaclaw students got into, and so on. His voice lulls you into relaxation, your breath slowing.
Soon enough, both are making use of this moment of quietness and peace in your usual hectic lives, recharging your energies.
As someone who tends to overwork himself as well, Ruggie knows how to recognize when you're in need for a break. If he notices more prominent eyebags or sluggish movements coming from you, he'll do his best to make sure you can relax for a moment and reassure your worries. You do the same for him, after all, you take care of each other.
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loveephia ¡ 2 years
the miya twins having a crush on the same girl.
content: (🦷) tooth-rotting fluff, my poor humor (i'm sorry 😔), them fighting over you, you can pick who you end up with, suna is in the scenarios, timeskip.
⚠ warning/s: manga spoilers.
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they're like two puppies when it comes to you and your love RAAAAAAHGHHHGH
whatever you're interested in, they're trying to learn more about it so that they can see your eyes sparkle when the topic is brought up
when you're at their games and cheering for one twin, the other gets MADLY COMPETITIVE
when you want to watch atsumu warm up, he exclusively lets you!!
what i mean by "exclusively" is that he doesn't let his fangirls in the gym. LOL
he does all these cool tricks, flexes his muscles, and goes all out in practice matches, just to see your adorably shocked face
when you forget your lunch, osamu would be willing to share his with you!!
osamu can't keep his mind off of the fact that you're eating from the same chopsticks as him, which means that that's an indirect kiss 😭
down atrocious
when they're both sitting next to you on the bus and you've drifted off to sleep, the twins are wondering whose shoulder you'll rest on for the entirety of the trip
if you've lost something, say, as something as simple as a pencil or eraser, the boys come running to your side in a flash with the needed item
both of them never ended up confessing, in chance of hurting the other twin, so you never knew about how they felt
until one day, suna had tattle-taled on them a few years after graduating
one twin ended up losing feelings
while the other's remained
"wait, what?" you said as suna instantly closed his mouth shut. even osamu's jaw had slackened at the middle blocker's little slip-up.
"well.. i—!" atsumu panics, trying to find the words, while osamu drags suna away to give you two some privacy. osamu knew atsumu's feelings. he just hopes it's requited. atsumu merely sighs, "it was just a li'l crush from a while back, nothin' major!"
"how long ago?"
"..high school."
your eyes widen at his hesitant answer.
then came silence. silence, which was slowly killing atsumu. it's unlike him to stay this quiet for so long, osamu may think.
"what a shame.." you start, staring at your glass of water in the slightest hint of sadness, "i guess you could say that i had a little crush on you from a while back, too."
now it's atsumu's turn to be shocked, "huh, since when?!"
"high school." you smile.
"oh." were the first words suna muttered after he had let out one of the twins' most trusted secret on (an honest) accident. atsumu was nonetheless, frozen like a brick in place. while osamu's expression was mortified.
atsumu's eyes flickered rapidly from osamu to you, worried for what's about to happen between you two's relationship. suna had read the room, so before atsumu can worry any further, suna drags him away against his own will.
you turned to osamu, "judging from suna and atsumu's reaction.. i'm gonna assume that it's true?"
"..maybe." he meekly replies, wiping the table with a used rag to ease his nerves. "are you disappointed?" osamu asks a bold question that even he doesn't want the answer to.
osamu's heart drops.
"because i had also liked you back." you confess, mischeviously poking his cheek in the process, "too bad that you don't like me now, though. otherwise, we could've been dating, then happily married, with a nice little family of our own."
you've never seen osamu's face redden this fast before. it's amusing. "now, hold on—!"
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Š lowercase intended | loveephia
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sleepingpillscosmos ¡ 1 year
Please do suguru with "simple shared nightly routines". This is so domestic omg. Preparing and having dinner together, washing each other's hair omg I live for this 😭😭😭❤️‍🔥
SHARED ROUTINE — suguru getō
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pairing: suguru getō x fem!reader.
warnings/content: reader teaches the second years. gojō is a little shit as always. getō and reader shower together but not in a sexual way.
wc: 1.2k.
requested: yes, by anon.
a/n: I know I said I would have posted on monday, but they postponed my exam and I preferred to study a bit more for it, I'm really sorry! hope you enjoy <3
prompt: simple shared nightly routines.
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You entered your apartment after a long day at work, leaving your shoes and keys at the entrance.
You stepped in the living room, finding Suguru on the couch with his phone in his hands. Getō was already looking in your direction, his smile widened when he finally saw you.
You mirrored his expression lazily, walking towards him, then you threw yourself atop of him before snuggling into his chest.
"Long day?" he asked chuckling, taking one of his hands in your hair and the other one around you. You nodded, sighing contently at the feeling of his arms around you.
"What about we make dinner together, then take a shower and go to bed?" he asked softly. You pretended to think about it for a second, even if you both knew that this was your favourite way to end a long and tiring day, then you nodded giving him a big smile.
You both got up, and walked together to the kitchen. Getō opened the fridge to see what you could make tonight while you sat on the counter looking at him. Unfortunately the fridge was nearly empty so you opted for some instant noodles you kept for these types of emergencies.
You waited in front of the microwave while both cups were in there, and when they were done, you went back into the living room to sit on the couch.
"How was work?" he asked, as he did every other day, before taking a mouthful of noodles. His gaze was on you, waiting for you to tell him about your day.
"It was tiring. My students were supposed to train with the first years 'cause - you know - the exchange event is in a few weeks.." you stopped to take a bite of your dinner and swallow it before continuing, "It was as simple as that, and it was going well.. until Gojō suddenly decided they weren't training correctly and that they needed a demonstration.."
You stopped again to take another bite while Getō hummed, showing you that he was listening.
"And you would say 'what's wrong with that'," Getō nodded while you continued your speech, having a feeling he might know what happened next.
"What was wrong is that he chose me to demonstrate with him. I obviously refused because I'm not the one who needs training, but then all the first years and second years started to fucking beg because they wanted to see us sparring and I didn't have the strength to tell them no." Your boyfriend chuckled, his predictions were right.
"And the most infuriating part is that Gojō knew it, he did it on purpose and just stared at me grinning while the students all begged me" you continued your story. One day you were going to murder that stupid ass white haired boy.
"So we started, he said 'I'll go easy don't worry', and guess what?" you said, imitating the voice of Gojō, at which Getō let escape another chuckle before answering your question, "He didn't go easy."
"Exactly, he fucking didn't! The only technique that asshole didn't do was domain expansion! I'm surprised I'm still alive and in one piece!" you exaggerated, or perhaps not, it didn't matter.
You proceeded to tell him about your sparring match with Gojō and by the time you finished telling your day both of you had already finished your dinner, so you threw away the empty cups and went directly to the bathroom to take a well earned shower.
You took off all your clothes while the water warmed up and Getō did the same. Once the water was the perfect temperature, you entered the shower, waiting for Suguru to follow you. He didn't, instead he picked up both your clothes and his from the ground. You gave him a confused look.
"I'm going to put them in the washing machine, I'll be back in a second." he said, you nodded and he proceeded to do as he said.
You waited for him, enjoying the feeling of the warm water running down your skin, soothing your sore muscles. You closed your eyes, relaxing after a long day of work, and didn't open them even when you heard Getō entering the bathroom again.
The first thing Getō saw when he was back was you under the shower head hugging yourself, which made him smile a little. He wasted no more time and joined you in the shower. Once he entered, you hugged him, pressing your wet skin and his dry one together. Your arms were around his waist and your head was on his chest, the little smile on Getō's lips widened as he reciprocated your embrace, bringing both arms around your frame. After some minutes like this, you started to wash yourselves.
As usual you washed each other's hair, which you both loved. It was probably your favorite part. You loved when Getō massaged just the right spots, plus he did it with such delicacy that it almost made you fall asleep every time. On the other hand, he loved seeing you struggling to wash his hair properly because it was difficult for you to reach his height, as he was taller than you. He always teased you for this, but deep down he loved it with all his heart. You weren't as good as him, which you both knew, but you always tried your best and he really appreciated that, it made him feel cared for.
When you were finished you both stepped out of the shower. The temperature difference made your skin shiver, so you covered yourself with a towel immediately. Much to your surprise, Getō already grabbed a change for the both of you, he probably did it on his way back to the bathroom when he put your clothes in the washing machine. You dried yourself and changed, your pajamas consisting of an old shirt that previously belonged to Getō and your underwear, while Suguru's consisted in a pair of boxers and sweatpants.
You dried each other's hair, and when it was your turn to dry his, he sat on the toilet so that you didn't have to be on your tiptoes the entire time. Then you proceeded to brush your teeth together in front of the sink, with your hips attached. Once your night routine was done, you made your way in your shared bedroom.
You climbed onto the bed, and Suguru soon followed you after switching off the lights. You moved towards him once he was laying under the covers, wrapping your arms around him and tangling your legs with his, as you did every other night. One of his arms was under your head, probably he wasn't going to feel it in the morning, but he didn't care at all, while he slipped the other under your shirt, wrapping it around your waist.
"Goodnight, love you." you said, sighing contently, ready for a good night of sleep in the arms of your lover.
"Love you too, goodnight." Suguru's answer came soon after as he kissed your head smiling.
He wouldn't trade this for anything in the world.
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abbysbitch ¡ 2 years
could you write abby as a power bottom and the reader as a service top? i would gratefully pass away because my need for her to suffocate me between her thighs is greater than my will to live
oh my god yes i 100% can😵‍💫😵‍💫
a/n: thank u anon, im so sorry this took so long to answer, and i also have no idea if i even wrote this right, i'm not too familiar with the power bottom x service top trope so😭😭 def not my best work..
cw: oral (a receiving), pet names, grinding, ass groping? thats ab it i believe
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you, who just wanted to relax for the day after being out on patrol for the entirety of the past two days and abby who had made it apparent she had other plans when she came home from her own.
watching tv on the couch when you heard your front door open, and who else would it have been other than abby walking through into your shared house.
"hey abs, how was patrol?" you start, slowly walking up to her and embracing her in a warm hug. "shit." she sighs into your back, "wanted to just take a hammer and bash everyone's fucking faces in." "god babe, aggressive much?" you giggle back.
"i guess so" she shrugs, snaking her hands behind you and rubs your back, slowly going down to grab at your ass with both of her hands.
"abby!" you squeal and she gives your ass a slap, before looking back at you with a smirk. "what?" she questions like nothing happened, and she starts kissing your neck and biting at the skin of your earlobe and goes
"seein' you between my thighs would make me feel better though."
so that's how you ended up here, with abbys naked form underneath you, her breaths ragged and uneven as you trail back and forth up her body, kissing her everywhere you could. sliding your hands to her hips and squeezing hard enough to leave purple bruised marks.
"c'mere," she says as she pulls you up from your spot on her chest to press her lips against yours, your tongues dancing in sync with each other like they were meant to be. the kisses are so messy, the clashing of your teeth and spit mixing made you desperate with want, that want being her, and making her feel good.
"wannna ride your tongue, 's that okay baby?" she asks and without a beat you're nodding and already making your way back down her body, reaching her heat in no time. taking your hands and spreading her thighs apart, you delve into her cunt, taking everything she has for yourself. her moans and especially her touches as she grabs fistfuls of your hair, pulling you impossibly closer into her to grind into your mouth.
"sh-shit, atta girl, stick your tongue out f'me."
You do as your told, and she uses her hands that had previously took purchase in your hair to ride your tongue, your gaze meeting hers and at the eye contact you feel a rush of slick drip out from her cunt in which you immediately swallow mercilessly.
"harder, shit, fuck me with your tongue harder." she continues and you follow her lead, licking into her sopping hole and rubbing your nose just perfect against her clit, and she lets out the loudest moans you've ever heard come out of her.
she whines as you back away for a second to pull her clitoral hood up- exposing her sensitive puffy bud to your relentless nose. and you start rubbing back and forth all over again. shes grinding even harder up into you now, finally chasing her high and getting the right amount of friction she needed from you.
"shit, like this baby? does this feel good?" you go and she groans again, with a "yes, yes oh-fuck, 'm gonna cum soon-" and her words with her moans combined make you so needy that you start grinding against the duvet beneath you. you just can't help yourself, her moans are so pretty and making her feel good turns you on so much you cant take it anymore.
"fuck, are you getting yourself off from between- shit- between my legs?" she questions and you just mumble nonsense against her cunt in response, the vibrations going up and through her causing her to let out a strangled moan.
"yeah, that's it, get yourself off between my thighs, wanna cum with you baby."
Yeah, you could live between this womans thighs forever.
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hueningchu ¡ 1 year
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Never again.
Genre: Heeseung+Jake x Cheater!Reader
Parings: Smut, Angst, Established relationship
Song: “Unfaithful” by Rihanna
Warnings: Smut, Angst with a sort of happy ending, Mentions of cheating on partners, Established relationship, Toxic friendships and Toxic relationships, Gaslighting, Manipulation, Spanking, fingering (I apologize in advance if any of this is cringy)
Summary: After one more month of sneaking behind Heeseung’s back, You and Jake are beginning to get messy with covering it up. It all comes crumbling down when Heeseung receives a text from someone. What is the text about? Who sent it? How will they explain themselves? Who will Heeseung blame in the end?
Pt. 1
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You would like to say those hours a day you spent with Jake was not worth it but..my god it was. You did not regret a single minute that you spent with Jake. Heeseung was so sweet and so attractive but Jake was just something else to you. He made you feel good but so bad at the same time. The electricity and the heat you feel between you and Heeseung was nothing compared to how you feel with Jake. People say girlfriends are supposed to have butterflies of excitement when their significant other walks in the room. However, when yours walks in the room you feel guilt and nervous butterflies. Nervousness that at literally any moment Heeseung can ask you..
"So you and Jake have been getting along pretty well?" Hee asked with his back turned to you while he stirred his drink. Distracted by your phone, you almost missed the question, so he cleared his throat and repeated it. "You and Jake have became good friends, no?"
Getting asked that so out of the blue made your voice a tiny bit shaky but you were hoping Heeseung did not notice that."J-jake? Oh! Yeah he's uh..really cool. That's probably why he's your best friend huh?" You tried to give a normal answer that wouldn't sound suspicious but that sort of failed.
"Why is your voice so shaky? Geez, I'm only asking a question." He giggled and flashed you a smile. His sweet smile was a sign that you were off the hook.  "But really quick.." Hee got up and walked into the bedroom to fetch his phone that was charging. "I got this text today." When he walked past the couch, He tossed the phone to you so you could read over the text. "Take a look at it. It'll make you laugh." Heeseung giggled again before walking back in the kitchen.
You felt your heart stop the minute you saw the contact name of the person who the text was from. It was a very long paragraph to Heeseung, from none other than...Jake.
Jake: Hey r you up?
Heeseung: It's like 3 in the morning.
Jake: You answered tho..
Heeseung: Well no shit. I'm awake
Heeseung: I'm just pointing out that it's late as hell and you're texting me
Jake: when has this ever been a problem in our friendship?? You used to text me at 5am to get ready for school together😭
Jake: Don't think I forgot lmao
Heeseung: Shut up
Heeseung: what did you text me about tho?
Jake: oh yeah
Jake: It's kind of a lot so like should I tell you in person?
Heeseung: why did you even text me if you weren't gonna tell me until later..
Jake: I'm sorry
Jake: I feel really bad about it. So I guess I'm avoiding the topic..
Jake: I'll just tell you now then
Heeseung: Are you trying to make me nervous or sum??
The next text Jake sent to Heeseung was the last of the chats for that conversation. It was a lengthy paragraph explaining how you and him have been together without Heeseung knowing. You could start clapping on the spot because of how good of a show Jake put on. God, he acted like such a quiet and innocent little boy in front of Hee but if only his best friend knew the things jake would do while he kept Heeseung completely oblivious. All of those little moments you had with Jake were coming back.
"Yo. Wanna ride with me to go get snacks. When I come back the three of us can go." Heeseung said to Jake as he grabbed his keys out the dish near the front door. "Y/n is still getting ready so by the time I get back she should be ready to go."
"Nah, I'll stay here and keep y/n company. I don't mind keeping an eye out for her." Jake smiled at his bestie before Heeseung quickly left out the door. "Hey, y/n!" Jake yelled out for you as he hopped off the couch to walk into you and Heeseung's shared bedroom, where you were currently getting ready. "Hey." He poked his head in the doorway and smirked at you.
"Hey?? Did Hee come back already? You guys ready to go?" You we're sitting on the bed, putting on lipgloss and adding the finishing touches on your makeup.
"He actually just left. I wanted to come see what you were up to. Maybe we have some time to fool around a bit." The sneaky boy started to walk over to you and smiled. "You look so sexy with all that makeup on." Jake leaned down and went in to kiss you.
"Are you crazy? He could walk in at any minute. Besides, I just finished my makeup!"
Jake grabbed your chin. "Come on. I didn't say we had to screw or anything. Let's just.." he shrugged and sat down next to you. "Makeout or something before he gets back."
When he tried to kiss you on your freshly made lips again you moved back and rest your elbows on the bed. "Stop it! It's obvious when people get done making out. Especially with the way you do it."
"Come on. We are gonna be with Heeseung all day. I need something to think about while we watch the movie." He sounded so desperate for you. He started to use the baby voice he uses when he wants something. When you shook your head again which caused him to groan and put his head in your lap. "Please babygirl..I can't go a whole day without kissing your pretty plump lips." That's what got you. The second you leaned down to give him a deep kiss, you both heard the front door open. "Awe that's him. Well, let's get this day over with.” Jake hopped up and stood with his back facing the door. “And don't say anything stupid that'll get us caugh-"
Jake could barely finish his stupid sentence before Heeseung walked in and leaned on the doorway. "Let's get going. Y/n, Put the snacks in your bag."
All the flashbacks and memories were running through your head while you read the text message. "Heeseung.." Before giving him an explanation you realized there wasn't one and just started thinking of which excuse you should go with. "What is this?" Oh. That's really how your instincts decide to play it? The oblivious act was not gonna work on Heeseung and the way you were executing it, that act wouldn't work on anyone.
"That's exactly what I'm asking you. Why do I have my friend texting me at 3am, telling me that he's been fucking my girl behind my back?"
"Jake is a dirty liar. I don't even know why he would tell you that. Let alone why you would believe him."
"I don't know. I've been friends with him for almost 15 god damn years and he's never slept with any of my girlfriends so.."
You tilted your head, waiting for him to finish his sentence. "So?..."
"So I'm guessing it's true." Heeseung walked over to you. "I should have known." He shook his head. "I should have known the minute I caught you leaving the house in the middle of the night." Heeseung was getting himself worked up. You could tell he was slowly boiling over. "I'm so fucking stupid. You told me.." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "You fucking told me you were going out for gas and I believed you. I can't believe I trusted you."
"What about Jake?" You quietly said.
Heeseung tilted his head and raised his eyebrows. "Did you seriously just ask me that? What about him?"
"Why is it all my fault and why is none of the blame on him?" Just as you said that you both heard a doorbell ring, causing your heads to turn towards the front door.
Heeseung chuckled and started to walk over to the door. "Funny you ask that. Cause I actually called him earlier and asked if he was busy. Told him that if not then he should come over so the three of us could talk." When Heeseung went to open the door you couldn't take it. You wanted to leave but there was no where to run. So you ran up to Heeseung and tried to convince him otherwise.
"Please Hee. Don't do this." You pleaded for him to just ignore it or tell the person on the other side to go away. You knew it was Jake and your heart couldn't take anymore stress or heartbreak.
"Don't call me that. I don't ever wanna hear you use that nickname again." Heeseung replied before pulling away from you to open the door for the visitor. Of course, it was just who you expected.
When the door swung open and you were both met with the main manipulator himself, You looked away and ran into the kitchen to get away from what was awaiting you. While Heeseung on the other hand faced his best friend head on. The minute he opened the door, Heeseung gave Jake the most bold and serious stare possible.
Jakes 'sincre' eyes met Heeseung's serious ones and he only said three words. "I'm sorry, man."
"Yeah. You said that already." Heeseung said as he leaned a arm on the door frame. "Don't just stand there, come inside."
Heeseung shut the door after Jake walked in. "So.." Jake took his coat off and started to walk towards the living room. "Where is she?"
"I don't know. She probably ran upstairs." Heeseung just stood near the front door, covering his face with one of his hands as he let the other rest on his hip. He was thinking about how hard this whole conversation was gonna be. "She's embarrassed."
Jake chuckled and started walking up the stairs to go find you. "Embarrassed? What is she embarrassed for? She did this to herself."
When you overheard Jake say such lies you came out of the kitchen. You were almost just as mad as Heeseung now. "I did this to myself?!"
You scanned the room for Jake and tears almost fell when you seen him and his shit eating grin standing at the top of the stairs. "There she is. There's the bell of the ball. Or should I say the lying cheating slut." Your eyes widened when Jake came at you with such vigor. He walked over to you and then pointed at Heeseung. "Look at him." When you wouldn't turn your head to face Heeseung's, Jake grabbed your chin with his other hand and forced you to. "Look at how hurt you've made him. All because you wanted one night of fun with me."
"It was more than one night, you asshole!" There goes the tears. You pushed Jake away from you and shook your head to get his grip off of you.
That's when Heeseung decided to jump back in on the argument. "How many nights exactly was it, Y/n?" He took Jake's spot and stood right in front of you. "Was it a special occasion type thing or was it every other weekend?" Heeseung pulled out his cellphone. "Oh, how about this? Let's go through our messages and see just how many times you have used a shitty excuse to blow me off."
Jake walked over and leaned on Heeseung's shoulder. "Should we make a game out of it? Try to guess which excuses are real and which ones are fake."
When Heeseung pulled up the messages he scrolled back a bit and then let out a giggle. "What about this one?" He showed Jake and kept it hidden from you. "Was she telling the truth?"
Jake took time to read it and then he giggled too before shaking his head. "Sorry but she was lying. It’s what women do, Heeseung. They lie and cheat.”
Gosh this was SO ironic coming from him. The fact Heeseung hasn’t called him out yet surprised you but it seemed most of his anger was towards you. "Who do you think you are? Don't try to pin this all on me." You turned to Heeseung and threw your hands in the air. "How can you let him stand here and talk about you like this? How can you let him come into our home and disrespect us?!"
"Us?! No y/n, I don't think you understand. There is no more us." Heeseung pushed you out of the way and walked up the stairs. He was gone for a bit before walking back with two suitcases. "And this home is no longer 'ours'."
"Are those my things? Are you throwing me out?!" You started to run up the steps but before you could Heeseung threw the bags over the stairs. You stood there shocked for a moment before the anger struck. "What the fuck! I'm not just a animal, Heeseung! You can't just throw me out onto the streets whe-"
"I can and I will. Do you expect me to keep you here after what you've done to me?"
"So let me get this straight." You pointed to Jake who was standing at the bottom of the stairs so innocently. "You'll kick me out and never speak to me again but there's no repercussions for Jake?" You gave Heeseung an exasperated look. "Am I the only one who this falls on? What's so special about Jake that you just can't bring yourself to lay the iron fist on him?
"What do you want me to do Y/n?! Want me to get in a fist fight with him because my girlfriend made a move on him?"
"He was the one who made a move on me first!"
Jake shook his finger. "Uhh actually no. That's a lie because if I remember correctly you told me that you had been wanting to hook up with me for months before I even brought it up to you."
"Ah ha!" You pointed at him again. "So you do admit that you're the one who made a move on me first!"
When Jake realized you caught him he switch the topic so no blame could fall on him yet. "I told you the first time we did it that it would never happen again. I made it clear that it was a mistake and that I never wanted to continue contact after that."
"I never asked for you again after the first time."
"So explain to me how you and Jake became a casual thing. If neither of you contacted the other after the first time then how did this become an item."
"Jake called me a two weeks after and told me he couldn't control himself. He said he knew it was wrong to go behind YOUR back but he couldn't help it and needed me in his bed again."
Heeseung looked hurt by this information and sent Jake a perplexed look. You knew he was secretly hurting and was trying to keep it together but he asked for the truth. So you gave it to him.
Jake definitely noticed the look Heeseung gave him so he took that as the cue to start explaining himself.
Only he didn't explain himself. Instead he shifted the blame again and somehow made Heeseung even more mad at you. "Oh? Was I the one who hit you up on Valentine's day and practically begged you to come over and fuck me?"
"Wait..Valentine's day?" Heeseung turned back to you with his brows furrowed. "Didn't I have to spend Valentine's Day in the ER with my brother?" You seen Heeseung start walking down the steps towards you. "I thought you were sick in bed all day and couldn't come with me to the hospital.
When Heeseung said that Jakes eyes widened and he held a smirk on his face. A smirk that made it obvious that he was trying not to laugh. "So..how is it possible that you were sick at home AND over my house on Valentine's Day?"
More tears found their way in your eyes when Jake fed into the fire that was burning in Heeseung. "I n-never went over Jake's house. Heeseung, I swear. I was at home on Valentine's Day." Your emotions started taking control and you started falling apart inside. The lying was a clear sign of that.
"Heeseung." Jake looked over at his best friend. "Why would I lie about something like this? Shit, I even have pictures in my camera roll that me and her took on Valentine's Day."
When Heeseung got quiet Jake knew it was the perfect time to convince him. "Take a look. They aren’t dirty pictures or anything. Just some pics we took at dinner." Jake pulled out his phone and started tapping and scrolling until he found the picture he was referring to. "Check the date."
Heeseung's face got even more sour when he seen this piece of evidence. "Seriously, Y/n?! While I was at the hospital with my brother?!" You jumped when he got loud. You don't know why. Heeseung never hit you but you were so scared. "To think that my girlfriend would rather fuck my best friend than come with me to the hospital to care for my brother is...a wake up call." He started to walk over to you. "I'm surprised I didn't find out earlier. Love makes you so blind and oblivious sometimes."
When you thought Heeseung would zero in on you some more for the horrible truth he just found out, he turned around. "And you." He looked straight at Jake and shook his head. "I can't even begin to tell you how hurt I am."
Jake put his head down in false shame and nodded at Heeseung's words. "You're right. I'm sorry I let me and y/n's  relationship get this far."
Heeseung waited to hear more from Jake but that was it. Heeseung raised an eyebrow. "So why did you do it?"
"I'm sorry?" Jake was a bit confused by the question.
"You said you knew your relationship with y/n shouldn't have gotten that far. So why did it? Why did you call her back and tell her you needed more."
Jake rubbed his arm. "I honestly couldn't tell you. Heeseung..You know I'm not the best with girls and so when y/n showed me the passion and love that she did I couldn't just let her go. I wanted more of that passion in my life."
"So what.." Heeseung shrugged and tried to hold in the tears that were threatening to fall. He didn't wanna cry. He wanted to be a man and face this situation with a cold attitude but it was too much..even for him. "Are you like..in love with her or something?"
Jake whipped his head up at Heesung and quickly shook his head. "N-No. I don't love her but I-"
Heeseung walked down the steps, walking past you until he reached Jake. "Are you saying you wanna steal her love and passion away from me?"
"Heeseung, I-"
No matter what Jake tried to say, Heeseung wouldn't let him get one word in. "Because that's exactly what you did. You stole her from me and ruined a perfectly good relationship. I can't even live in the same house as her anymore because all I can think about when I look at her is how you defiled and ruined her."
"He didn't ruin me, Heeseung." You tried to speak to him and get him on your side. "I'm still your perfect angel." You couldn't stop sniffling. "I'm still your baby."
Heeseung shook his head. "No. It's not the same anymore. God, I can't believe this is ending like this." You could see a tear fall onto his cheek but before you could wipe it for him, he turned away from you and Jake.
"It doesn't have to end like this!" You followed him into the living room and sat down on the couch in front of him with your hands together. "Please. Please give me another chance. I'll be better to you, I promise."
"No." Heeseung sat down next to you and took one of your hands into his. "I can't do that y/n. If I take you back then I'll have to break it off with Jake." Heeseung said this quietly to you so that Jake wouldn't hear.
I nodded my head and leaned closer to whisper to Heeseung. "Do it. Break it off with Jake and keep me. Jake was the one who started all of this turmoil. You should hear the things Jake used to say about you when we were alone."
"What type of things did he used to say?" Heeseung asked as he looked up at you and held your hand.
Just then Jake slowly stepped into the living room and you could see a scowl creep across his face when he caught glimpse of the hand holding you and Heeseung were doing. "Ask him yourself. Jake tell him about the things you used to say."
Heeseung let go of your hand and stood up to question Jake. "You gonna explain?"
Jake chuckled and wore that stupid smirk again. "Explain what? Explain how y/n used to scream out about how she wanted me and how i fucked her better than you?"
Before Jake could speak anymore a loud smack echoed throughout the room. "Could you have at least some respect. Is this situation not serious to you?"
The slap from Heeseung immediately made Jake go wide eyed. "I was just quoting what your so-called girlfriend said about me."
Heeseung went for another smack but Jake managed to block this one. "Did you just say 'so called' girlfriend? She was my very serious girlfriend who I loved very much.” Hearing Heeseung speak in past tense broke your heart and stunned your hope of a second chance.
"Listen. I'm sorry if you think I'm being disrespectful about this but you need to wake up and realize that she's the problem here." He put his hand on Heeseung's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "Our friendship was perfectly fine before she came along."
"Our relationship was perfectly fine before YOU came along!" You stood up behind Heeseung and put your hand on his back.
"Get your hands off of him, slut." Jake pulled him away from you.
"He's my boyfriend."
"Didn't you hear him earlier? He's throwing your ass out."
"No. He said he's reconsidering giving me a second chance." You grabbed Heeseung's hand. "Right?"
"Go on. Tell her no." Jake’s grip on his shoulder tightened.
Heeseung broke away from the both of you and he put his hands up defensively. "Both of you need to back up." He stammered. "I don't even know what to think anymore. All of this is too exhausting."
"It's an easy answer." Jake stood near Heeseung. "She's out of the picture."
"Jesus, Jake. Why are you being so overbearing?"
"Because you are having sympathy for this girl who backstabbed you."
"Oh, that's rich coming from you." You said under your breath.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh, Come on Jake. You're not a very innocent soul in this." Heeseung let slip.
"So what? You're on her side now?"
"I'm not on anyone's side! There are no sides in this!"
You sat back down and started to suddenly cry again. Both of the boys stop and looked at you. One of them came to comfort you and the other didn't.
Can you guess which one comforted you.
"Baby.." Heeseung kneeled down and rushed to your side. "Why are crying again?” He brought a hand up to rub your knee.
Of course it was Heeseung. It was always him. How could you not tell that Jake never truly loved you. Jake was only using you for pleasure. If anyone is to blame for this, it’s you for trusting Jake. With his dumb smile and empty words.
"You're gonna leave me Heeseung." You sobbed. "Aren't you?"
"I'm.." He paused and looked away from you. Trying to figure out the answer to that question for himself. He still hasn't decided what he wants to do. "I don't know, Y/n. I just know I love you."
"So you are basically saying you're taking her back?" Jake scoffed. "Gosh, you're so stupid."
That's when Heeseung snapped even more. "Seriously? What is your problem?! Do you have no shame or remorse?!"
"I have remorse but I'm just telling you this girl is not worth fighting for."
"You just stumble in and ruin my relationship. Do you even feel bad about what you did?”
Jake shook his head. “If it means I saved you from wasting your time on her.”
Heeseung stood up again. That was it. He couldn’t do anymore of this back and forth. "Get out. This is our home and I need you to leave right now." Heeseung raised his voice and pointed to the door.
You've never seen Heeseung yell at Jake like that. They are best friends so you have never seen them really argue. Unless it was over the video game. When Jake stood in silence for a while he eyed the two of you and both, you, and Heeseung could tell he had so much more to say. He looked like he wanted to blurt out a thousand things at once. "Do you really want me to leave?"
"Yes. Want me to walk you out?"
Jake widened his eyes and shook his head. "Nah. That's fine." He waved his hand in the air and turned around to walk to the front door.  "I've been here a thousand times. I know my way out."
Heeseung waited until he heard the door open and close. He let out a sigh he never knew he was holding in. "It's just you and me now." Heeseung had a sort of disgusted look on his face as he turned to eye you up and down. "How could you let him do that." He shook his head and walked up to you, bringing his hand up to cup your cheek. "You let him see and touch all of the places that were meant for me." His other hand started to travel up your t-shirt as he wrapped his arm around your waist. "I was your first and I was supposed to be your last."
"I'm s-so sorry." The tears were still running from earlier. You couldn't tell if the mood was more or less tense since Jake left. You looked up at him and leaned into his chest. "Please don't make me leave. I'm sorry I caused this."
He sighed and put the hand that was cupping your face behind your head, holding you close to him. God he wanted to scream and scold you but he just couldn't bring himself to truly kick you out. He loved you and all the chaos that came with you. It's not like you did this on the daily or anything and he knew that. That's why he was seriously considering taking his girl back. He wanted his sweet princess back.
"I'm not gonna kick you out."
You leaned back and looked up at him with wide teary eyes. "Really?"
He nodded.
"Does this mean you are gonna break it off with Jake?"
"You know I can't do that, baby." He kissed your head. "He's my best friend and I can't abandon him. Just like I can't abandon you."
"Oh Heeseung.." you wrapped your arms around his neck and jumped up into his arms. "I'm so sorry. I'll do anything to prove myself to you and show you that I'm gonna be better."
"You keep saying that but you are gonna have to show me now." Heeseung lightly pushed you down on the couch. "How about you take your pants off." With no hesitation you listened to him and took your pajama pants off. You then took your shirt and bra off to get it out of the way.
"You a little excited?"
Nodding, you spread your legs for him.
He chuckled. "Jake's right. You are a fucking slut. I never seen this side of you before." Heeseung leaned in, reached his hand down and started to harshly rub your clit. "You're always so incredibly innocent for me." He swears when he took your virginity and you looked at him with that doe like gaze he fell in love with you and you're pure like aura. He couldn't lie that he sort of liked this side of you too. You were just as submissive as before but a tad bit more straight forward.
Just when he got you wet enough, Heeseung stopped rubbing you and leaned back again. "Turn around for me."
Once again, you did as he said and turned around on your stomach.
"You gotta understand that I can't let you off too easy, baby." Heeseung started rubbing your clothed ass before he landed a hard slap on it. "If I don't show some assertiveness then you're gonna think it's okay to go around whoring yourself out." Another smack landed on one of your cheeks.
You let out a helpless yelp. "I promise. I'm never gonn-"
That landed you another hard smack "Don't speak. I'll tell you when you can talk to me."
He started undoing his belt and he swung it out of the loop holes before folding it. "Get over here and lean over my lap." Before he could say anything else, you bent over his knees. “Should I give you the pleasure or pain first?” He started to rub your ass again where he smacked earlier.
Not wanting to piss him off anymore, you waited a bit to answer because he told you not to speak unless he said so. “You can talk now, honey.”
“Pleasure!” You blurted out. “Give me pleasure. I’m begging you.”
He thought about it and nodded. “Alright baby. Whatever you want.” Heeseung set aside his leather belt for now and quickly pulled your panties down. He grabbed your hair and pulled your head up to whisper in your ear. “I’m gonna finger fuck you until you beg me to lay my cock into you.”
Ughh why was he so irresistible. Every word slipped off his tongue like a symphony and it incited the heat in your lower abdomen. Slowly you felt his hand creep right between your thighs and you opened your legs best you could. Heeseung slipped two wet fingers past your folds. Your man knew exactly what you wanted because he wasted no time pumping and pistoling his fingers in and out of your plush cunt.
Since Heeseung was getting tired of waiting for his turn he decided to speed up the process of you getting yours. The way he decided to do this however was something you were a bit scared for. He let go of your hair and reached over to grab his belt. “I’ll show you what dirty cheaters get.”
A loud wham filled the room, followed by a yelp from you. He continued fingering you roughly as he hit your ass with his belt ever so often. "Did I not fuck you good enough? Or did you just get tired of me? Is that why you went and had Jake take over for a while?"
"No Heeseung. I could never get tired of you."
"Then why did you do it darling?"
You stayed silent and looked down in shame when you had nothing to say. "It's okay. I'll make sure he never gets in your pretty little head again." Heeseung grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you off of his lap as he stood up. "Make sure you stay dumb for me and my cock only."
Heeseung pushed you down by your shoulders and you looked up at him, while getting on your knees. Watching as he pulled his layers of clothes down and let out his unbelievably hard dick. “I gave you pleasure then pain. You put me through so much pain and so now you have to give me my pleasure.”
You moaned as you took him in your mouth. Letting him do as he pleased. You were so pliant for him. The safe feeling you got from Heeseung made you start to think. You couldn’t believe you ever took this for granted. “Your pussy is probably gushing wet while sucking my cock. Isn’t it?” Heeseung kept a fistful of your hair in his hand while he thrusted his hips towards your face. “You wanna touch your pretty pussy, don’t you?”
When he could feel and so he pulled your head back and made sure you looked up at him. “Go on. Play with yourself while I cum on your face, gorgeous.” He took his other hand and started jerking right in front of your face, groaning when he caught a glimpse of you actually moving your hand down to begin playing with yourself.
You whimpered as one of your fingers slipped past your entrance. Heeseung could feel his first orgasm of the night coming and you were trying to finish what Heeseung started earlier.
Your whole body tensed up to give you a warning that your orgasm was here. As if all this wasn’t enough, Heeseung groaned loudly while his cum dripped onto your face and lips.
Heeseung bent down and grabbed your chin roughly. “Look at that face. So cute.” He leaned so close that his lips were almost touching yours. "This is your last chance, you little whore. Don't fuck with me again."
Everything was still so fuzzy but you managed to nod slowly. "Of course. Never again."
He kissed you deeply like he's never kissed you before.
"Never again."
word count - 5.6k
Notes: I’m so happy I am finally in a mood to start writing again. This is not very good for my first work back but it’s something light. Hope it’s okay and please ignore any grammar or English mistakes!
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midnightsnyx ¡ 1 year
that angst 😭 could write a part two where reader calls back a few weeks later to see if there’s a chance or something but another girl answers the phone? 😳
original prompt here. i freaking loved this idea and it's been in my drafts unfinished forever but i finally finished it. hope u like it <3 requests are open!
The funny thing is that you know what Taryn’s voice sounds like. You know it like the back of your hand because in the 4 years you and Matt had been together, Taryn became like a sister to you. 
Except, you panicked the moment you called Matt back a couple weeks after his drunk call and hung up as soon as you heard a female voice because you can’t. You can’t handle having your heart broken again, just because Matt drunk dialed you and you were dumb enough to call him back. So you ignored when he called you back an hour later, when he called you that night and ignored all the texts he sent, not even bothering to open them. 
It’s not until 2 in the morning while you’re laying in bed unable to sleep because there’s a nagging voice in the back of your mind wondering why that voice sounded so damn familiar that you open Matt’s texts. 
From Matty: hey call me back plz
From Matty: taryn answered my phone cuz she’s visiting with mom.
From Matty: i’m only speculating why u hung up as soon as she answered
From Matty: is it cuz u thought it was a random girl?
From Matty: sry taryn said that sounds bad 
From Matty: plz call me. taryn wants to talk to u too but she doesn’t want to bother you
From Matty: sry she told me to stop blowing up ur phone. I understand if u don’t want to call me back and i'm sorry 4 drunk dialing u. I’ll leave u alone now
You can’t help but smile at the string of text messages. Matt was always bad for sending multiple texts instead of just sending what he wanted to say in one text. It’s kind of comforting to see that hasn’t changed. 
You start to write a message, but pause, unsure what exactly to say. It’s too late in the night to call him although you’re certain he would answer it if he saw your number despite what time it is. But, he has a game tomorrow, and you don’t want to interrupt his sleep so you settle on sending a text message.
To Matty: hey
30 seconds later, your phone rings. 
You hesitate, only for a moment before answering the call. 
“Hi,” you say quietly.
“Hey,” he replies, a little breathlessly, like he didn’t think you would answer. “I didn’t think you’d call back.” 
Neither did I, you think to yourself. 
Instead you say, “well, I did call you first.” 
He chuckles at that and you realize how much you missed that sound. It makes you want to cry a little.
“Yeah, there was a little miscommunication, I guess. Taryn felt bad, she’ll probably call you tomorrow… if that’s alright.”
“Of course.” You’d never say no to talking to Taryn, especially if she’s feeling bad for something that’s not her fault. 
Another pause and then: “why did you call me?”
The thing is, you weren’t going to call him but an opportunity arose that gives you the chance to move near him but you didn’t want to make any assumptions considering he was drunk when he called and told you he missed you. 
“I got a job offer at a Firm in Fort Lauderdale and I wasn’t going to take it, but then you called and I thought,” you pause, realizing you’re rambling. “Well, I thought maybe the reason you called wasn’t just because you were drunk.”
He hasn’t said anything so you take a deep breath. “Look, I - we can’t just pick up where we left off but I thought, maybe this could be a refresh button.”
He’s been quiet too long that you’re starting to panic when he lets out a breath like he’s been holding it in. 
“You’d really move out here?” he asks quietly, probably remembering the last argument the two of you had that essentially ended your relationship.
“It’s a good job opportunity… and I miss you too,” you admit.
It’s a risk, taking the job and moving to another country, leaving everything you know here in Calgary. It’s a leap of faith and you can’t help but wonder what will happen if it doesn’t work out but when you arrive at the airport in Fort Lauderdale and see Matt’s smiling face waiting, you begin to think about what will happen if it does work out.
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thedivineflowers ¡ 1 year
HII!! My first time requesting so I feel a little silly, I love your works and as a former middle schooler I love thinking of these silly dudes as my brothers and I can imagine it really well through your writing and your humor is just like mine! In your parental terms fic I read Azul offer us a job at Mostro lounge and I honestly wanna know the daily activities and goofiness that happens on our work shifts😭 feel free to decline this I can’t wait for you deuces mom fic!<3🙈
Ofc ofc and I won't decline this masterpiece bb.
School night:
Clocking in at work:
When you clock in at work you gotta be early and then go to Azul's VIP room so you can tell him about the bitch who stole your test answers and eat your snack.
If you don't clock in at the right time you will be called and texted multiple times and hunted down by the twins who are just as worried about you as Azul.
When you're done with your snack you go change into your work uniform which is the dorm uniform but you have a lounge pin on your bowtie which has a tracker so Azul can keep an eye on you. And you also get your own version of Azul's coat because I know it's cold as fuck in that damn lounge.
Near beginning of shift:
If at any point you have to take a break not even one madol will be taken off your payment no matter how long your break is.
And ofc you goof off and you're allowed to be mean to the customers.
"Hey, I wanted clams not crabs!" A customer shouted at you. "AND I WANTED A SEA PONY, LIFE AINT FAIR." You shouted at the customer and threw a knife and fork on their plate.
You and Floyd are allowed to throw people out of the Lounge and you two mostly throw people out together.
You hold the person by their hands and Floyd holds them by their feet. You start swinging the person towards the opened lounge doors. "One..." You started "Two..." Floyd said "THREE!!" You both shouted at the same time and threw the ex customer out and closed the door with a satisfied sigh.
And sometimes if you can or want to Azul would host shows for you to entertain the audience and get more Madol 😈😈😈. And to make the school fear you. 🧍‍♂️
Middle of shift:
At this time you get a thirty minute break. You mostly get your breaks with the twins so they mostly take you to go feed the sea animals and try to help you with your homework if you have any. Or if you have nothing to do you go bother the other workers and scare them. More than half of them bitches are scared of your feral ass so you just gotta do some oogly boogly shit and theyll be saying sorry.
When your break ends you have to go back to work. But you are left in charge of the lounge when Jade and Floyd have to go observe a deal with Azul. So you mostly have customers complain to you while the twins are away and you get this time to mess with them if it's something stupid.
And most of the time is stuff about how they did not like the food when they just wanted to not pay for their food. They say this while they're paying and then demand a whole ass refund so you go into the secret monopoly money stash and give it to them saying it's limited edition madol. 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
And sometimes Azul himself will come in to see how things are doing and will chat with the guests but he's just watching and making sure that you're alright and don't need a break cause dawg you're a fucking kid working a whole ass job trying to get paid more than what Crowley gives you and you got all this stuff to do bro you couldn't even enjoy being a kid anymore when you first met the old ass man😔 😒.
Near the end of the shift:
At this time it's when the lounge starts closing up and people start leaving and this means extra money and coins to snatch 😈😈. You find about 500 madol lying around throughout the lounge and Azul says you can keep it most of the time.
And around this time Azul has you eat your dinner and calm down after working and you change out of your uniform right when the clock hits 9 (idfk so ima take a guess and say nine through ten at night). And when Azul makes sure your homework is completed and correct you'd be allowed to do whatever.
And sometimes it's too late to be walking out by yourself so Azul and the twins have you sleep in your own dorm room over there and if Grims with you he has his own bed and blankets next to yours. (It was demanded that the cat gets a bed by you or else you'd go bat shit around Azul's office. 🧍‍♂️) and you have your own matching pajama set that's similar to Azul so after you're done getting ready for bed you'd go in Azul's office sometimes to keep him company and drag him to his room because his eyebags look this close to being able to hold a whole fucking Walmart.
Clocking in:
It's morning time and you're ass is waking up at fucking 10 in the morning because you slept at 4 and almost pulled an all nighter.
You have to go to Azul's office when you wake up or else Azul will give you the day off to sleep and gaggle around.
And when you finish eating your breakfast and waking up you get to change into your uniform and choose what you want to do, paper work, keeping Azul company, or working with the twins.
You still get paid so 💃.
But sometimes Azul will have you turn into a merfolk by drinking a potion and you get to swim around the aquarium and spook the customers.
Middle of shift:
You get your break and your lunch to eat and it's free because you were able to say hello to Lucious the other day during the animal speech class.
And after that you get to do whatever you want or you could go and observe one of Azul's contract agreements thingies with the twins.
And if they try to like swing at Azul you get to go batshit and drag them outside while Azul cleans up his office for his next contract.
Near end of shift:
This time it's a little later which is 10 at night and you all clean up yiddy yadda but you get more extra change because you performed earlier.
Then you get to change out of your uniform once Azul tells you and you immediately have to take a shower then get ready for bed because you don't know when you're gonna sleep.
And obviously have no homework (🤮🤮 EEWWWWW) so you get stay up worh Azul and the twins watching national geographic, cooking shows, extreme cheapskates, boxing matches or basketball games. One of those. And you all end up sleeping on the couch in your room where the TV is (you're fucking spoiled) and sometimes you all would just sit around and gossip but no one knows what goes on in your room but the lights are always on until morning 😨. So far Floyd has taught you how to give a hug bigger than his 🤗. You've sent three people to the infirmary in less than two hours in school.
You obviously stay over because no one wants to go out that fucking late unless you're getting paid to go and rock someones shit 😒.
Anyways I hope you like it. I know i was like kinda late I'm still working on the other ones so def look forward to those 😘😘😘
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heyidkyay ¡ 2 years
Who can say no to bridezilla? |
Part Five
This one’s a little shorter than the last but what can you do? I can’t believe that this was meant to be a oneshot, a two parter MAX, and has somehow spiralled😭 Anyway, thank you so much for all the love on this series, really glad you’re enjoying it💗
Summary: With no date to your sister's wedding, what are you to do? No worries though, she's already got it covered, well, sort of...
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I felt my eyes slip closed at the sound of him calling my name. Silently allowing myself a brief second to regain some sense of decorum before I had to face him yet again.
I couldn’t believe how this night had turned into such a disaster. It was the very last thing I’d wanted, alongside the notion that I’d be leaving here tonight having probably lost Matty before I’d ever even really found him. And wasn’t that a thought. 
I inhaled, one.. two.. then turned to him, wearing what I hoped resembled something short of a smile. I didn’t have the energy to argue with him any longer.
He was staring right at me when I mustered up the courage to meet his eye. George was stood just to his left, and he glanced between us both in obvious confusion but there was also a little sheen of weariness to his stare. I silently wondered what he made of all this.
“You two gonna be alright here?” The drummer asked in a low voice, eyebrow quirked upwards in question.
“Yeah, mate.” Matty breathed out an assurance, dipping his chin just the once. “Thanks for, you know.”
George clapped him heartily on the shoulder which shook Matty slightly, the taller man just smirked, “Don’t mention it.”
Then he looked to me, probing for an answer of my own.
I was quick to nod, and gifted him a small but genuine smile in retort. He returned the gesture and I watched him squeeze the juncture of Matty’s shoulder, giving him an odd look I couldn’t quite decipher, before walking away.
Time seemed to sort of still then- not in the crappy romantic kind of way, where the two main characters from some shitty hallmark film suddenly realise all of their mistakes, converse in a parade of silent longing looks, only to then kiss and make up. 
No, it was a lot more awkward than that, unfortunately. 
But not ‘unfortunately’ as in I was actually beyond desperate to kiss him! No. No, I just meant it in the sense that… well, let’s just say that if it was a life or death situation- or something a little less severe than that, Christ- I wouldn’t be so quick to wave away the idea. I just… 
Oh, for fucks sake. 
Now wasn’t the time for it, is basically what I meant!
I sighed inwardly. 
Though, I guess I’d sooner kiss the idiot than have to spend the next however long stood here in this uncomfortable standstill. 
I chewed at my bottom lip, unsure on what to say now that George had removed himself as a buffer. 
I almost wanted to look around for something to distract myself with, but I couldn’t, not when Matty was looking at me with that glum expression of his. The sort a little kid would tend to make when gazing longingly out the car window at the McDonalds you were driving by.
And even though Matty had been the one to call out for me, I still felt as though I’d ultimately been left with the honour of continuing this painful encounter of ours.
Sighing again, I decided to bite the bullet. “Look it’s getting late, Matty... And I’d really like to try and miss all the traffic that’ll hit once this whole thing finally ends. So, can we just leave it here? I’ve had a good night, all things considered, and don’t really mind ending it off on a less than sour note.”
The crease between Matty’s eyebrows seemed to deepen at my words, and he blinked at me stupidly before he made a face. 
“I’m sorry, what? It’s been-“ He glanced down at the sleek wristwatch he wore, “It’s barely even gone nine, and there is no fucking way we’re just leaving shit like it is! Not after all the blatant texting and shitting anxiety I’ve put myself through to be here tonight.” He shook his head, “Nah, we’re gonna have to sort it out now, ‘cause I already know if we leave things be, you’re just gonna end up pieing me off later.”
Now it was my turn to frown.
“Pie you off?”
Matty was nodding away again, seemingly on a bit off a roll now.
“I was dead nervous, yeah? Like proper fucking nervous for today- to see if it all felt the same in person. Because, from the moment we started talking it felt as though I’d already known you for ages. Like, we just instantly clicked. And that made me so much more wary of whether or not that would suddenly change things between us once we met. But it didn’t. No, 'cause you were just like I’d imagined! All funny and snide, but in the best fuckin’ way. And that gorgeous face of yours was only the cherry on the cake, really. But I reckon I’d've stuck around even if you were a bit of a minger.”
His eyes flickered away for a mere moment, as though he was spatially aware of the utter tit he was making of himself, rambling away but unable to stop. But then they found mine again and it was like he just had to get the rest of it out before he lost the nerve. I didn’t know what to make of any of it.
“I thought this would be a right laugh.” He shrugged forcefully and I could already tell that he was dying for another smoke just from the way his hand seemed to twitch. “I didn’t want to show up to Hann’s wedding all alone, looking like a complete twat. And then your sister offered up this whole idea, and I’d already heard a bit about you- snippets, little things, you know? Just here and there. And I couldn’t refuse. I mean, how could I? Why would I?”
Matty ran a fretful hand through his unruly hair, then scratched at the side of his neck apprehensively. 
I couldn’t seem to find the words to stop him, completely baffled by him, actually.
“The shit I’ve heard… about how you support your mum and your siblings. How you go out of your way for everyone and everything. The utter crap you’ve had to put up with. I mean…” Matty dragged his hand over his face at that, rubbing his eyes before deciding to shake his arms out towards me. “God. We started messaging and you were like- you were just this girl on a screen that I couldn’t stop talking to, or about! And I swear, Ross has gotten so sick of me these last few weeks, mentioning you nonstop, worrying about us finally meeting and all the pulavar of it. I’m actually fucking surprised he hasn’t ended up following through on a few of his threats. ‘Cause believe me, there were a couple dozen.”
My mouth had sort of gone dry by this point. 
I stared back at the man I’d originally thought had given zero shits about me, let alone this night, and openly fish-mouthed.
I’d truly believed it must’ve all been sort of jovial to him. The texts, the date…
But now it was all coming out. And I couldn’t quite manage to wrap my head around it.
“Fucking hell!” Matty laughed brazenly, mouth quirked to one side as he shook his head at himself incredulously. “If he only knew how bad I’d end up fucking this all up.”
“You haven’t.” I immediately replied, my mouth moving before my brain could even comprehend it. And Matty’s gaze snapped back towards mine, his brown eyes wide. 
I cleared my throat slightly, unable to dither my attention from him, unsure if I even wanted to. “I- You haven’t fucked it all up, Matty.”
“I haven’t?”
“No,” I allowed a small smile to creep across my face as I breathed out a faint chuckle. “Not after… whatever that was. Your big speech.” 
Matty groaned, suddenly abashed, and his chin fell to meet his collarbones as his shoulders shook slightly with unrepressed laughter. “I’m a fucking mess.”
I grinned, feeling a little lighter now. “You are, but so am I.”
“How very playground of us, huh?” Matty commented, peering back at me through dark lashes.
“Beyond trivial. A proper cliche.” I agreed wryly, smiling all the while. “Reckon we have some making up to do.”
I watched the way Matty’s face brightened significantly and couldn’t help the sudden rush of warmth that pooled in my chest.
“Oh, yeah? Think we could get it over with quick then? Kiss and makeup- or you could just let me grab you another drink and offer a decent shag ‘round the side of the chapel.”
I snorted, unable to help myself, before rolling my eyes at him. 
Look at that, I thought, we were already back to basics.
“You can offer, but I seriously doubt I’d accept, not after all that manly assertiveness George just displayed.” I fanned myself, feigning a flush at the reminder.
“Oh, leave off.” Matty laughed in reply, swatting my hand away. Though, he slipped his fingers into mine as he did, holding my hand so that he could keep me close. Neither of us decided to comment on it and I smiled quietly to myself as I looked down at where our bodies were now intertwined.
Still, if we weren’t going to acknowledge the whole hand holding ordeal, then I was definitely going to bring up a topic of Matty’s previous ramble.
“So… a rockstar like you still gets nervous then? Feeling a little bit honoured here, Healy.”
Matty casted his eyes towards me, slitted as he exaggerated his irritation. “You’re really gonna lord that over me? Bet you were shitting bricks just as much as I was.”
I shot him a cheeky smile as I chuckled, “‘Course, but I never bigged myself up to be this massive egotistical prat.”
He rolled his eyes at me, the beginnings of a smile tugging at either sides of his lips, then hummed as he shrugged. “Not gonna deny it. The thought was daunting as fuck.”
I grinned, only noticing then that I’d begun to move my thumb against his own. “Oh yeah?”
He grinned right back at me. “Yeah.”
“You know you’re a bit of an idiot for not saying anything sooner, right?” I couldn’t help but mention, and the expression Matty made had me struggling to withhold my rising amusement.
“Uh, when the fuck should I’ve mentioned it? Somewhere between the vows, or would you have preferred me to casually drop it outside whilst we were mid-row?”
The small mention of our earlier argument had my mind wandering again, and so I just shrugged a shoulder at him in reply, casting a glance out at the rest of the room.
I heard him exhale before he reached out to knock the underside of my jaw, regaining my attention. He was closer now, much closer, his nose just a breath away from mine.
“I am sorry, about the shit that happened with Alexa.” Matty told me quietly, and the look he gave me was earnest. “I like the attention sometimes, get lost in it. Didn’t realise what had been going on until you said it.”
I chewed on the inside of my cheek, staring up into those eyes of his again. They were warm. Like chocolate. 
“Well, as we said, there’s a lot of making up to do.”
He smirked down at me then and I had to hide my face in the crook of his neck when I chuckled.
Once I’d composed myself somewhat and pulled away, my gaze met his again. I found myself enjoying our newfound position, my body flush against his, our hands still linked whilst my fingertips grazed loosely at his undone tie.
“I’m sorry too, I suppose.” I murmured to him, liking the peaceful atmosphere we’d created for ourselves. Like we were in our own little bubble.
But the noise Matty made then surely burst it, it was nothing short of incredible and I could only really describe it as something akin to a squawk.
“You suppose?” He demanded dramatically. My eyes widened in joy.
“Yes, I suppose!” I replied instantly, laughing away, “What the hell was that sound you just made?!”
By some miracle, a slight flush blessed Matty’s cheeks and he had to look away in a casual sort of nonchalance (that was far from) to shrug at me. 
“No idea what you’re talking about, sweetheart.”
I was still giggling.
“No, no, no! You definitely do. It sounded like someone had set a chicken loose!”
“Oh, piss off.”
I was all but cackling now, leaning against Matty to steady myself, but even though I was ripping into him he still held me up, smiling whilst he shook his head at me, marginally exhausted.
“Yeah, yeah. So fucking hilarious.” Matty rolled his eyes before they turned to me with a teasing glint. “That laugh of yours though, definitely outranks whatever noise I just made. Mental.”
I gaped at him, “You really wanna go there? Because if we do, I can promise you now that you’ll be walking away with your tail between your legs, mate.”
Matty grimaced, pulling away from me to lean back, and groaned. “Don’t call me your fucking mate. Feels weird.”
I grinned brightly, chuckling as I tugged him back. “What ever do you mean? Thought we were the best of mates now.”
Matty wrinkled his nose in distaste, and I was just about to continue on with my teasing when he inclined his head downwards so that his mouth brushed against the shell of my ear. I stilled.
“I don’t typically tend to want to fuck any of my mates, darling. Always makes for an awkward situation.”
My breath hitched and our eyes immediately locked as he casually pulled back.
And of course that would be the very moment my sister would choose to make her grand reappearance.
For fucks sake.
Part six>
Taglist: @real-actual-human-person @wurldisavampire @partoftheairforce @kurdtbean
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thesmallworldofsamizayn ¡ 3 months
Hiii since you said you were interested in what others think about the whole Sami/Bron/MITB situation.... I have thoughts and it's a bit much to write in the comments so, Here goes... (this isn't even all the thoughts BTW 😂
@thesmallworldofsamizayn I got to agree a bit there, with your statement of Bron being unstoppable and Sami being the underdog, as well as getting sick of the comments being made about Sami being the Champ. Usually I don't really give into or pay much attention to all the talk, and if I do, it only makes me want to fight harder, but I'll be honest; this time round, Sami doesn't NEED the belt...
He's good enough on his own and he's proven it time and time again. It was a nice icing on the cake type situation (having the belt), but, the point is that there is and was plenty of delicious cake already there! (if that makes any sense) So bottom line, he'll survive without it, he can survive without it. If anything, it'll probably light a bigger fire under him, reigniting that fiery passion of his. The one that keeps drawing us to him and into his world.
Honestly, this is going to sound so bad, but I won't be overly upset if/when Sami drops the belt (note I too am an avid Sami fan and I'd be a bit sad, but not devastated). To me (personally), before he won the IC championship, and even though he had more loses than wins, he was more intriguing to watch. Idk why, and may be it's just me atm, after that long drawn out (weeksss of) Alpha Academy saga - may be that's what's got me feeling this way fn...
A few weeks ago I would have said that they are building up to Chad winning it, but now that Bron and Sheamus are involved who knows the hands the title will eventually fall into. Also, it's going to be hard to get Sami to drop the belt this quick (even though it's been what? A couple of months now already?) when it clearly (you can SEE it) means so much to him... It'll be hard but they'll eventually have to do it. So may be MITB will be it.
Also got to agree a bit here with @shanie too, I would love to see Sami get involved in the BL saga and if there's anyone who believes in redemption, always seeing the good in people, fighting for the greater good, and what's good and right AND against all odds, it's Sami Zayn. He's got the innate need to rescue people out of toxic situations and to fix said situation. So he would definitely fit the narrative if they decide to insert him into it.
BUT the big issue is with the fans. Again. There's quite certainly going to be a LOT of hate if this happens. I'm already hearing rumblings of people unhappy with just the mere thought of it. Saying he's not family so why is he involving himself in it, as much as that's true, have they completely forgotten that he in fact was a THE 'honorary Uce'? The closest an 'outsider' has ever gotten to the family or being 'family'? Heck he almost became 'Sami Uso'.
So in the end people can and will make up their own minds and there nothing anyone can do about it. And also in the end each to their own I guess... (BTW people need to chill out and remember this is fiction NOT real life 😭)
Anywayy just a few of my thoughts....sorry about the long winded answer 😂😅
(no pressure to to respond to this BTW 😊
hello! thank you very much for these detailed thoughts. youve actually articulated a lot of what i was feeling. first, the fact that a) i dont like seeing fans bitch about sami and b) i especially dont like it when they're kind of right. it is someone else's turn, and maybe yeah that person should have been chad. i was more than ready for it to be chad at catc personally. im not too mad that it's gone in a different direction cause it does actually look like they have other storyline ideas for chad now, but as far as sami's concerned, yeah the belt isn't doing anything more for him now than it has till this point. it's weird to think he hasn't held a title as a face since the nxt championship 10 years ago. but thinking back on that, and everything since, everything he's been so good at - yeah, im not sure that long term champion is the right look on him! he won it in 2014 and lost it devastatingly to kevin 2 months later, and i would not have wanted that to happen any other way.
thing is, i will be sad if sami loses to bron at mitb. especially if he loses clean, not unlike he did to kevin all those years ago, futilely continuing to kick out long after he should have quit until he's physically incapable of doing so. what's maybe harder to explain as a wrestling fan is that i want to be sad about sami zayn. i like those heavy emotions, i like feeling like my favourite character can't catch a break. that's the entire essence of the underdog appeal. further to that, this is kind of the state im most used to and therefore most comfortable in when it comes to characters im invested in. in the words of mitski, i bet on losing dogs. and sami winning was an incredible feeling and so deserved, but i really don't mind him losing! he's both more compelling overall and gets more interesting stories, and just inspires so much sympathy in that position. (look i also like seeing him in pain i'll say it. he clearly likes acting being in pain just as much so everyone's happy i think)
then there's the bloodline and yeah, i'd sit up to watch sami back with those guys especially roman. im apparently one of the few people who really doesn't want roman to come back as a face no matter how much the fans cheer him, but if he is going to have a face turn, it's got to involve sami god damn it. i was just talking with @milk-crater about this, how it makes more sense with sami being a bit more removed, because that makes him a better person to forgive roman, and to be his moral guide. also it's sami, if anyone in all pro wrestling would reach out a hand to a genuienly remorseful roman reigns it's him. all that and the two just have such great chemistry, and it was the baseline for everything that made the honorary uce arc so fantastic and beloved, and it'd be nice to come back to some of that. maybe show these smarks what they've forgotten about why sami is the absolute best again.
thanks again for hopping in my inbox and never worry about being long winded. anyone who's ever been in a conversation with me knows im the last person to take issue with that!
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luvly-writer ¡ 2 years
“You are my Sunshine”
Part 9: Dancing with recognition
Jason Todd x Latina! Reader
Social Media Au
Warnings: none
Series: Finished
Author’s note: Soooooo I wrote a long ass part and had to cut it for it to be two parts cause tumblr didn’t let me post😭. but hey, TWO POSTS A DAY!! Thank you for all the support, I love reading your comments, they make my day!! Hope you enjoy!!
Series Masterlist:
Taglist: @lorosette @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @screeching20s @milas-teapot @izukuisbaby @alecmores
You decided to mingle and chat, no one know who anyone was so it made it a little bit more thrilling. After all, for one night you’d be just like the rest of the high class, so fuck it. Why not enjoy it. You kept on looking around, cautious of who you talked to because you knew that there were many possibilities of you running into them. And even with that, you kept on longingly looking at the dance floor. You are reminded of all the parties with your cousins, tias, and tios. How music was always a constant and how lively it was. Your aunt was the one that taught you how to dance in the first place. Although there is a huge difference between the dances of your family, which are bomba, plena, merengue, bachata, and your absolute favorite, salsa; you were still yearning for the dance floor. Of course, it was a very different setting, there you were in your grandma’s house with all of your family, and here you were amongst most of Gotham’s socialites with classical music. The fluid movements of the waltz mesmerized you and took you way back to when your cousin Pamela and you learned how to dance the waltz just because you wanted to feel like royalty for once. Fun times. Your desire to dance must have been quite clear seeing as a gentleman with a black and white suit and a white mask invited you to dance. You thought about it and accepted. What better way to hide than in plain sight. Before the music began, you excused yourself to the man and said “Sorry if my waltz is a little rusty, it’s been a long time”. A lie. Nola had you practicing the dance the days coming up to the gala but it was good to give a heads up just in case, you know? The man laughed and said, “No worries, I can assure you that you will be fine” and began to lead when the music started.
To be honest, you were actually having fun. In the end, the man congratulated you because of your dance skills, expressing that he believes you had outdanced him and that you had nothing to worry about. Then another man came and decided to ask for a dance. You felt as if you were on that show that Nola and you like to watch, Bridgeton, and as silly as it may seem, you were loving it. You changed partners twice more after that dance until one very familiar man decided to interrupt the chat you were having with a blonde man with a dark grey tuxedo and a pink mask and ask for a dance. Lo and behold, Bruce Wayne was standing there, with a black suit, white button-up, a sparkly black tie, and a light grey mask. And just like before, the music began and he began to lead. You decided to start a conversation by teasing him a little. “Love the tie, Mr. Wayne. Was it of your choosing or your daughters?” you ask with a sly smile. At that, he looks a little taken aback but laughs either way. “Thank you, and it was the girls, they planned the gala and insisted on me wearing it to fit with the theme as they put it” he explains making you laugh. His eyes suddenly become skeptical. “Now, how did you guess it was me, miss?”, he questions very intrigued. With a light smirk, you answer, “well, did you think you would go unnoticed at your own party? Quite the opposite, mister Wayne.” He hums in response and asks again, “and who might you be?” You panic a little. Jason has warned you that Bruce was in on the bet and you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. So, instead, you answer his question with another question. “Mister Wayne! Do you not know the people you invite to your home?”, you fakely gasp and say “the horror, the shame!” You take the hand that was on his shoulder and place it on your chest as if you were clutching your pearls. At this, you cause the billionaire to laugh quite loudly. He hadn’t expected you to turn the tables on him, especially in such a comedic way. To this he responds with a light smile, “and what if you were someone’s plus one? There I wouldn’t know?” Shit. If you confirm you are someone’s plus one, he would be able to connect you with Jason.  Thankfully, the song is coming to an end, he spins you and when you turn back to him, you tell him, “We will never know” with a coy smile and a small laugh. He smiles at your answer, seemingly confirming what he believed. “I have been dancing for a while now, so if you excuse me, I will go to the refreshment table.” you say as you start to leave and he answers, “Alright, Miss Y/n, enjoy yourself” with a knowing smirk. To that, you fakely gasp again and he laughs, so as a small act of revenge, you say a little TOO loudly, “Thank you for the dance MISTER WAYNE” to which he widens his eyes and looks around. Quite a few women and some gentlemen turn to him and he knows he might be fucked because the small sense of peace he had while wearing the mask and being unrecognizable might be gone. He understands what you did and why and laughs whilst he watched you giggle and escape. As he moved around to try and escape people again, he couldn’t help but think of the girl. One conversation and he already approved of her. She was smart, cunning, charming, and had an energy that was just healthy.  She definitely was going to bring light into his son’s life and that gave him hope that Jason would finally start healing. Although their relationship was getting better, he still had a long way to go. He shared an amused look with Alfred and he could tell both were thinking the same thing, She was going to be a handful for Jason in the best of ways and both couldn’t wait to see it. 
Back at the refreshments table, you drank some water. Damn, were you thirsty AF. Looking down at your phone, you decided to text Jason and see how he was.
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