#somehow became something of a leash to peter??
frog-with-no-therapy · 5 months
That villain scientist peter parker au won't leave my head
Worst of all is that it's evolving to something more, much more, and there are some twists?? And character development?? Found family that may end up tragically??
Also somehow Felicia Hardy, Johnny Storm, and Miles Morales become something of a main characters themselves in this, and their interaction with peter is sweet, funny, a bit tragic, and found family vibes over all
And listen I love this a lot but I also know that if I let this be any deeper I may start taking things into my own hands, and I absolutely can't afford nor the time nor the effort for that so please for the love of god someone take this off my hand and write something for it please
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Adam Warlock x Peter Little Sister!Reader
her realizing that she’s like pregnant again but with a boy this time? I need more of this
Thank you so, so much for the request! Here is the one shot! I hope you enjoy! Also I will make this my author's note so here is the LINK to the master post of all the links to the one shots in this series! -Jen
What's One More
Prompt: When you discover that you are pregnant again while visiting your grandfather on Earth, you and Adam are elated over the news. And Adam's name suggestion makes you realize for the billionth time how much you love him. Word Count: 2,405
You were pretty sure it was hotter than the sun in your grandfather’s house--or, at least it felt that way. When his air conditioning unit decided to quit in the middle of the summer and your brother, Peter, had only made things worse trying to fix it himself, the rest of you were left to suffer the consequences. In the midst of it all, there was something that had been distracting you from the discomfort of it all. Or rather, someone.
Sleeping in the twin sized bed in the guest room by yourself was one thing. Adding your significant other into the mix was another. Throw in your three year old daughter and it was a crowd. Your eyes opened right as a tiny foot kicked you in the face. Carefully, you forced yourself to sit upright and looked over to see the culprit. Aydith, though tiny as she was, had somehow managed to take most of the space. Somehow she had wriggled her way on top of Adam, her golden locks of hair hiding his face. How the guy had stayed asleep, you were unsure. But you were glad both were still lost to the world.
Sleepily, you glanced over at the digital clock on the bedside table. 4:00 A.M. That was just great. Even if you wanted to fall back asleep, you highly doubted you could. Especially with your kid being the early bird that she was. Give her another hour or two, she would be zooming around the room. Literally. Thank Gods Adam came to visit with you all this time around. You sighed and turned your attention to the bathroom door, an unsettling feeling forming in the pit of your stomach.
Back on Knowhere, you had begun to expect something was up. A gut feeling you had only experienced one other time in your life. Part of you wondered if perhaps it was just stressed. You and the rest of the Guardians had been on back to back missions. Between splitting your time on those and raising your child, life was chaotic. But when the exhaustion and mood swings became paired with nausea, you knew there was more at play than just pressure.
The sound of Peter snoring from the couch in the living room follows you as you walk into the bathroom and close the door behind you. Earlier that day when you had taken Aydith with you to pick some groceries up at the store, you had also picked up a pregnancy test box in the pharmacy aisle. The damn thing had cost over twenty dollars, but it was a two pack and the reviews had been great--and you wanted the best when it came to accuracy.
Where are you? You muttered to yourself, fishing around the back of the sink drawer. You knew you hid them well, but not to the point where even you couldn’t find them. Dammit…
Finally, the tips of your fingers touched the glossy surface of the box and you pulled it out quickly. Immediate Detection, 99% Accuracy. Weird name, but okay. You opened it and took one out, studying it carefully. Looked quite similar to what you had used over three years ago, couldn’t be that difficult to figure out…
You and Adam had the occasional talk about the prospect of having more kids. Aydith was a handful and a half, but she was the greatest joy of both of your lives. Her powers were something you were still getting used to and neither you nor Adam had any indication to what extent she had inherited from him. Thank gods for those toddler backpacks with the little harnesses and leashes. But you had always seen children in your future, just not exactly when.
Your mind wandered as you set the used test of the edge of the tub. Three minutes. Three whole damn minutes. This was the 2020’s, how weren’t pregnant test results instantaneous? You bounced your leg as you tried to find something to focus on. Random dark spot on the wall? Maybe mold, probably should point that out to your grandfather. That rubber ducky you really needed to make a mental note of as to not forget. Aydith standing in the doorway…!
Aydith smiled at you from where she stood at the threshold clutching her beloved stuffed toy raccoon, Rocky, that Peter had bought for her as a joke at Rocket’s expense. Without a single ounce of consideration for your privacy, she waltzed in.
“Hi, Mama!” She grinned as you quickly stood up and fixed your pajamas. “Rocky says good morning, good morning!”
You exhaled softly, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “Good morning, Aydith. Rocky.” You quickly glanced over your shoulder trying to see the test. Still nothing. “You’re up early.”
“Mhm!” She bounced with the energy you wished that you had. “No more sleep! Daddy’s sleeping and Grandpa sleeping and Uncle Pete sleeping, not me though! And not you! Rocky’s not sleepy too.” Aydith held the toy toward you and said in a squeaky voice. “No sleep! Time to play!”
Her smile could light up an entire galaxy. You took Rocky from her and looked him over. Well, if you really squinted your eyes, you kinda did see Rocket… Handing the toy back over to her, you knelt down so you were at her eye level.
“Daddy’s still sleeping, huh?” She nodded vigorously in response. “Mama wishes she could have it that easy.”
Aydith suddenly tilted her head and pointed. “What’s that, Mama?”
You turned your head and your stomach did a somersault. The pregnancy test. When you look back at your daughter, she was staring at you expectantly. And in some strange way, it felt like Rocky was too.
“…It’s a test.” You told her honestly.
“A test?” She inquired innocently.
“Yes, a test.” And you hadn’t realized that you’d been chewing on the inside of your cheek until it began to sting. “Mama had to take a test.”
That was a good question. A very good one. Your mind raced as you tried to think of a decent, but vague answer. How did one respond to something with such importance? By now, the three minutes had long since ended and you were just itching to grab the damn thing and get it over with. Heart pounding, you reached over and picked it up. You looked down at the tiny screen and almost instantly your breath hitched in your throat.
“Mama?” Aydith’s voice sounded distant as you felt her tugging at your arm. “I wanna see! I wanna see!” She pleaded as if she knew what the thing was. “I wanna see, please!”
You didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Or possibly even throw up. The two pink lines were as solid and visible as they could be. You were pregnant again. It didn’t even feel real. Aydith would be a big sister, and you and Adam would have another daughter or son. A baby…Gods, two kids…
“Mama!” Aydith’s voice snapped you out of your trance. You met her stare and noticed she looked worried. “Don’t cry, Mama. Why are you sad?”
You hadn’t even realized there were tears streaming down your cheeks until that moment. You set the test down and wiped away at them. Aydith was still watching you with concern as you took one of her hands in your own and gave her a watery smile.
“Oh baby girl, I’m not sad.” You assured her. “Mama’s very happy. These are good tears. Happy tears.” You paused, trying to decide if it was okay to announce it to her so early on. Would she even understand it? “I’ve got something special to tell you. Would you like to hear it?”
Your daughter bobbed her head up and down. “Mhm! A secret?!”
“Well…maybe not exactly.” If you told her, all of Knowhere would know the moment you all stepped off the ship. “But it is very important.” You ran your thumb across her knuckles. “You’re going to be a big sister. Mama’s going to have a baby.”
Her eyes lit up. “A baby?!”
You gave her a nod. “Mama has a baby in her belly.” Well, not in your stomach, but you weren’t in the mood to give an anatomy lesson. “But it will still be a long time before they’re here.”
“Five days?”
You couldn’t help but snort at her concept of time. Shaking your head, you pressed a kiss to her forehead. “A little longer than that. But I promise you, it’ll be well worth the wait. You were.”
Your daughter seemed to consider this. After a moment, she gave you a firm nod. Sometimes the expressions she made reminded you so much of Adam. She really did take after him. You couldn’t help but wonder if this baby would too.
“Rocky wants to tell Daddy!”
Before you could stop her, Aydith made a beeline out of the bathroom and towards your bed. She was a good foot or so off the ground when she landed right on top of Adam. By some miracle, even in his half asleep state, he managed to catch her right as she began to roll off the bed. Your daughter squealed in delight at his trick and you let out the breath you didn’t realize that you were holding.
“And a fine morning to you as well, my little comet.” Adam yawned, giving her a smile. “Rocky.”
“Rocky wants to tell you something, Daddy!” Aydith practically sang, shaking the stuffed raccoon in his face. “Something veeeeeery important!”
“Oh?” And Adam looked over at you in amused curiosity. “What news does Rocky have for me?”
“Aydith’s mama is having a baby!” Aydith declared in his voice. “She told me and Aydith!”
Adam’s eyes went wide and you watched as he sat up. Aydith clung to her father’s back as you walked over to the two of them.
“Y/N, is it true?” He asked softly. “Are you with child?” Sometimes he had a really odd way of putting things. Just another quirk of his that you loved, you supposed. “We’re going to have another baby?”
You held out the positive test. “According to this, yes. I wasn’t exactly planning on breaking the news through Rocky, but I oh--”
Suddenly Adam’s arms were around and the test dropped to the floor. You couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction. His own excitement and joy intermingled with your own as he beamed at you with such love and pride you could’ve melted right then and there.
“So I can safely assume that you are excited then?” You teased, leaning in when he kissed you. Aydith made a noise of disgust at the scene of your affection. “That you’re ready for round two?”
“Absolutely nothing would make me happier.” Adam smiled broadly. “To become a father once more and to give our little Aydith a sibling!”
“I’m not little, I’m a big girl!” Aydith argued as she plopped down onto the bed. “I’m three!”
“My apologies, so you are.” Her father replied, winking at you. “And a wise big sister you shall be.” Adam reached over and took your hand. “I believe this news is cause for celebration. Perhaps a breakfast feast is in order?”
Now that he mentioned it, you really could go for some waffles. Also pancakes. Bacon? Some sausage links? Eggs! Now some berries also sounded nice… Ooh, and a nice, oversized cinnamon roll. Your free hand rested on your stomach. It would be awhile before you showed in the slightest, even longer before you’d feel the first flutters. You longed for those coming days.
“I could go for some food.” You gave his hand a squeeze. “But maybe we should wait until my grandpa and Peter are awake--”
“I’ll go get Uncle Pete!” Aydith declared, leaping off of the bed and zooming out of the room before either of you could stop her. “Uncle Pete! Uncle Pete! Guess what?!”
And from down the hall you heard the couch creak and a loud groan presumably from brother as his niece's body slammed him full force. A wakeup call indeed.
You stared down at the set of sonogram photos you had gotten when you went to visit your grandfather on Earth. While your pregnancy was being monitored on Knowhere, you still had wanted your grandfather to witness seeing his great grandchild on an ultrasound. So you found one of those places that did that sort of thing and took him along with Adam, Peter, and Aydith. Now as you waited for Rocket to return with the ship, you couldn’t stop looking at them.
“Look at him and tell me that isn’t Aydith’s nose.” You said to Adam, pointing at one of the pictures. “He looks just like her. When we get home, I want to find her ultrasound pictures to compare.”
Adam’s hand rested on the small of your back as he studied the images too. “He does…” He held out his other hand and you gave him the pictures. “We should decide upon a name.”
You looked at him. “Do you have any suggestions?”
He thought for a minute. “Well, Aydith wanted to call him Rocky.”
You rolled your eyes. “Ever since Peter got her that damn stuffed animal, it’s her favorite name. But no, even though I am sure Rocket would be thrilled to be his namesake.”
“I suppose you’re right.” Adam chuckled softly.
“What about Adam?” You suggested, watching for his reaction. “Adam Junior? We could call him AJ for short. That’s kinda cute.”
He shook his head. “I’m not the greatest fan of that.” Adam fell quiet for a moment. “What about Jason?”
“Jason?” You repeated. “Jason as in my grandfather, or as in my brother’s middle name? That Jason?”
Adam gave you a small smile. “I know how important they are to you, Y/N. And it is a family name. It would mean a lot to me to call our son a name that has great significance to you.”
You blinked back tears. Of all the sweet things, and there were many, that Adam had done for you, this by far was the greatest. You rested your hand on the small swell of your stomach, feeling the tiny movements from within.
“Jason…I love it. We’ll call him Jace.” You smiled, resting your head against Adam. “Jason Warlock.”
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thesolarangel · 1 year
I dreamt something really cool and funny last night, I have to share this 😂
I was on a walk when I suddenly arrived at a Scottish girls' house (why was she Scottish, I have no idea, but somehow I knew in my dream. She was really cute and friendly but I don't remember anything about her appearance) and she had a pet pigeon on a leash and the pigeon flew on my head and pooped on me, yay.
We became friends and the girl invited me into to her house and I laid down comfortably on a sort of chaise with a blanket and she put some pigeon eggs under the blanket under my bare feet for me to keep them warm so they will hatch soon.
Then we went for a walk and suddenly we walked into a area that looked like Hobbiton and there was music and Hobbits and it was amazing and then we saw elves (Elrond, Galadriel and 2 others, I can't remember who they were) and they were kinda hovering over the ground instead of walking. And we followed them, but they went faster and then we started flying (like Peter Pan) after them and I wanted to meet Elrond so bad (it was book Elrond, in my dream he looked like that one fanart- I can't find it, dammit-)!! But they were gone and then we ended up at a museum like building again in Hobbiton and there were costume pieces on a table that you could put on, like elf ears and a robe and stuff and there were other people there and we went outside and realized it wasn't Hobbiton, it was a theme park... None of it was real. And then our parents found us and they were really mad and we explained everything and I held the girls hand and told them that they shouldn't be mad, bc we're great friends now!
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queennicoleinboots · 5 years
I Hate This Planet, part 1
(I started this story six months ago)
I was so pissed when I walked into Peter's house that day. Once again, Godiva was pissed off with the universe and got short with me over the phone as a result. I had my own issues that day. Jasper, my 69-year-old client with back issues, was mad at me because I wasn't supporting the government shutdown. Joebear, my husband, was mad at me because I wasn't at the latest government shutdown protest. I couldn't win for losing.
"What's up with you?!" Peter asked in a pissy tone.
I laughed. "Well, I made it to work to put up with your stupid bullshit. What's up with you?!"
"Ha ha ha. I had the strength to answer the door for your BITCH ASS!" Peter said as he poured himself a cup of coffee.
I poured my own. "So what the fuck is your problem?!" I asked him.
"Oh I don't know! My mom is in extreme pain, and my DAD is asking her to do 50,000 things. I I I have to HEAR about it, and you come in with a pissy attitude like you have been for the last two fucking weeks!" Peter started as he stared at me with glowing red eyes.
"Sorry, but it's not *my* fault she's in pain or that your dad suffers large. Also, I'm in a pissy attitude because every every every decision I've made in the last three fucking weeks has been the wrong one! The government had been shut down for a month. Jasper hates that I go to rallies, and Joebear is pissed that I'm not in the front lines for every single one of them!" I said as I took a sip of my coffee.
"Well, fuck, Xara, get it together! The fuck are you taking it out on me FOR?!" he asked as he sipped his coffee.
"Because you're a curly-haired JERK and the bane of my mere existence!" I yelled as I gulped mine and poured myself another cup.
"Ooooh! So you're mad at me for publishing one novel and trying to publish the other?!" Peter said with a guffaw sound as he drank more coffee. "Jesus. Get over it. God Forbid I accomplish something besides be in 1,200,895 porn videos, model for 15,000 clothing companies worldwide, paint 2,000 masterpieces, sketch 5,000 legitimate drawings, and make 30,000, THIRTY-THOUSAND original photoshop illustrations, all of which are AMAZING! And not to mention I've published and written 20 screenplays!"
I stared at him for a few seconds as I sipped my coffee. "You are a pretentious ass, Peter," I said. "Thank you, Peter. I was in two amateur porn videos, never modelled in my life because I'm not as attractive as you are, only painted 20 paintings, most of which are complete shit. Thank you, Peter. And only did about 567 sketches, but they weren't as good as yours are, PETER. Well, I have another reason to hate this planet now. You fucking ass."
"I'm sorry for being amazing. But I still hate my life. I tried so hard. I'm still broke. Thank you, Trump. Thank you, ever-failing healthcare system of America. Thank you, pretentious ass literary agents that would rather publish bullshit like Danielle Steele and James Patterson. Thank you, Republicans. YOU ASSHOLES have the greatest political party ever. Fuck you. I also hate this shit my parents are going through..." Peter started to say before his mother named Godiva walked out of her bedroom with her shoulders near her ears, a strained face, and her arms to her sides.
We looked at her and said, "No."
"EXACTLY!!!!" she said with gritted teeth and poured herself a cup of coffee. She grunted and gritted her teeth some more. "Why is this the last cup of coffee left in the pot?! Why? I worked hard all my life... well, minus when I homeschooled Peter. That was awesome." She said that last sentence as she batted her eyes at Peter.
Peter grinned. "Sorry. I'm pissy today," he said as he got up. "I'll make you some more coffee because you're the only person I'm not angry with."
"Thank you," she said as she drank her coffee. "But seriously. My husband has driven me to the point of insanity. Has he lost his senses? I'm 80 years old. I don't HAVE the strength and patience like I used to to deal with his ever-sinking health. And everyone else in the world is incompetent!"
"Oh boy do I agree!" Peter said as he poured water into the machine and managed to spill half of it on the counter. "I'm incompetent as fuck!" He said as his eyes widened and as his smile became bigger. He added a stupid chuckle at the end of that sentence.
I laughed and managed to projectile spit coffee on the floor. Peter was cracking me up with his stupid bullshit. I went to use a napkin to clean up my coffee spill while I was still laughing.
Godiva stared at him like she wanted to kill him. "My Goodness. Everything's a joke to you two!" she said with red glowing circles around her blue eyes. She threw a paper towel roll at Peter.
Peter took some paper towels and cleaned the counter. "Like I MEANT TO DO THAT!" he said as he widened his eyes at her.
She poured some more water into the pot and handed it to him. "Don't spill it this time, huh!" she said as she glared at him.
"I don't plan to!" he said in a whiny, childish voice as he poured the water in the pot normally. He then turned the coffee pot and waited for it to brew.
"GODIVA! PETER!" Jamie, Peter's bedridden father, called from his bedroom.
"WHAT?!" Godiva and Peter yelled. Godiva stomped her right foot, and Peter slammed his right fist into the counter.
"I need you two to get me out of bed!!" he yelled. "My back is KILLING me!"
Godiva marched over to him. "Mine is, too, but nobody cares about that," she said quietly.
Peter just walked over with this "Fuck my life" look on his face. He stuck his tongue out in disgust.
I tried to get myself ready to clean house, but I laughed and cried the whole time. I hated my life as much as they did. I managed to get myself to work, but I was still frustrated with everything.
My phone buzzed. It was none other than an angry old man named Jasper. I sighed loudly and picked up the phone. "Hello?" I said in an agitated tone.
"Hi Xara," he said with a sigh.
"What happened to you?" I asked.
"I'm building a space ship to get off this planet. I'm fucking done with these people. I can't deal with society. I can't deal with my family full of primates. I can't deal with the banks. I'm done with it all. I'm taking Gabby and Murphee with me. You want to come?" he asked as he was banging on shit in the background. Gabby was his old cat, and Murphee was his middle-aged dog .
I sighed in relief. "Yes. I'd love to get off this planet! When is the space ship going to be done?" I asked.
"Two weeks unfortunately," he said. "Good thing I don't plan to sleep. I'm ready to fly away now."
"No kidding. Fuck today. Please get back to work," I said.
Peter walked out of the room and attempted to have some more coffee.
"Peter! I forgot! I need help with fixing my alarm clock. Your mother's in the bathroom!" Jamie called.
"Ugh!!!!" Peter said as he made an air gesture of choking someone. He had those angry red circles around his eyes.
"Sounds like you have work to do, too," Jasper said. "Peter sounds like he is in the mood to be an asshole."
"Well, that's typical for him," I said.
"My point exactly. I need to get some more horsepower on these jets. Talk to you later," Jasper said.
"Talk to you later," I said.
He hung up.
Peter walked over while he was beating the alarm clock against his head. "Did I hear something about you getting off this planet?" he asked as he still banged the clock against his head.
I chuckled. "Yes," I said as I began dusting his office. "You want to come?"
He bashed the alarm clock off his head and somehow managed to get it back to normal. "Dad, I fixed your alarm clock!" he called to his father. "Yes, please. My dad literally drives me crazy. Look at me. I just beat his alarm clock against my head. Ha ha. It fixed the damn thing. Teeheehee! I need to get the fuck out of my house! Please help me. Ha ha ha." He left the room.
I called Jasper.
"Hello? What do you want? I'm not done with my space ship yet?" Jasper growled over the phone.
"I knew that, asshole. I wanted to know how much room was on your space ship," I said.
"I can fit like 10 people on here. Why the fuck not? I'm sure we aren't the only ones sick of this shit. But anyone but you will have to pay," he said.
Tug, Peter's basenji, charged down the stairs. "Did you say 'space ship'?"
"Well, we'd have to put a gold backing on the currency if we go to another planet," I said to Jasper. "Can Tug come along?"
"Who the fuck is Tug?" Jasper asked.
"Peter's very intelligent basenji. The dog is smarter than Peter," I said.
"Well, yeah. Animals are free, but jackass Peter has to pay. I'll give him a discount if I can tie him up." Jasper said.
"Thank you, Xara. If I could, I'd provide the rope. I'd like to put that jackass on a leash once in a while," Tug said.
"No worries. I can provide rope," I said.
"Fuck you guys," Peter said as he went past us to go to his computer.
Tug followed him and sat on his feet. He looked up at Peter and said, "Because fuck you, too."
"You knew I was going to take you with me if I left the planet. Stop this bullshit," Peter said as he looked down at Tug.
Tug laid out and put more weight on Peter's dainty feet. "I would hope so, fuckface," he said as he bared his teeth at him.
"Peter owes me $300 for getting on my ship. It can be $200 if he lets us duct tape his mouth shut," Jasper said as he built his space ship.
"Oooh. Can it be $100 if he is naked?" I asked.
"Hmmmm... very tempting, but I don't think he'd go for it," Jasper said with a chuckle.
Peter flicked me off before going back to trying to publish his novel.
I giggled. "I think he'd like the idea," I said with a big smile.
Peter snorted angrily and had steam coming from his ears.
"Only if he agrees. Otherwise, it's $200 to have duct tape over his mouth," Jasper said.
"All right. I'll put duct tape over his mouth and pay you $200 to let him on the ship," I said.
Peter smirked.
"Sounds good!" Jasper said. "I need to go back to working on my ship."
"Okay," I said. "I am going to buy duct tape soon."
"Good idea! See you later today," Jasper said.
"See you, Jasp," I said.
We hung up.
"Duct tape? Jasp?" Peter asked with a smirk.
"Jasper will charge only $200 if you let me duct tape over your mouth. And Jasp is my nickname for Jasper. My nickname for you is Peetie. And BaeWhuhh is my nickname for Joebear," I said. I only called Peter Peetie in rare occasion.
"Peetie?" he asked with a grin.
"Mhm," I said as I walked over to him and ran my fingers through his curls. "Peetie seems to suit you."
He grinned. "That might be my new name when I leave this planet," he said.
Joebear called me.
"Hold on, Peetie," I said as I answered the phone. "Hello, BaeBaeWhuhhh?"
He growled over the phone in frustration. "Ughhhhh! Fuck this planet. Satanists are at full force trying to brainwash everyone again. SIGH!!!!" Joebear growled.
Peter was laughing in the background. He snorted.
"Jasper is building a space ship to get off this planet. You want to get on it?" I asked.
He growled in bear language. "Yes!!! For the love of humanity, I'm done with people and this fucking planet. Fuck society. Fuck everyone and their 401k. Fuck these self-centered assfucks! I'm done. Get me on first class on a plane THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!" Joebear screamed. "Garfield and Cupid are coming, too." Garfield and Cupid are our orange cats.
Peter belly-laughed.
"Oh. Apparently Peter's done, too. He's fucking laughing hysterically. He's hysterical. He's fucked up," Joebear said.
I laughed. "Yes, bae. You are technically an animal, so you can get on for free," I said.
"Fuck that logic. I'm a goddamn giraffe then. I'm fucking tall enough. Two hundred bucks. Of all the chances to get off this goddamn planet, it has to be with some old fuck who hates me," Peter muttered. "I'll take it. Fuck this planet."
I laughed at Peter's comment.
"I won't keep you, Little Bae. Peter sounds like he is having a mental breakdown," Joebear said.
"He is," I said. "I love you, Buh Buh Huhhhh!!!"
"Love you, too. See you tonight, bae," he said.
"See you tonight, BIG BAAAEEE WHUHHH," I sung.
He hung up.
"My mind is fucked," Peter said as he went back to his bullshit activity on the computer. "I can't figure out this damn website. How the fuck do you design your own website? This is bullshit."
"I don't know. Do you want me to call Bae back?" I asked.
"No. I want off this God-forsaken rock of planet. How long do I have to wait to get the hell out of here?" he asked.
"Two weeks," I said.
"Jesus fuck," he muttered. "I don't know if I am going to make it two weeks. I do know I'm putting in my two weeks' fuck you notice tomorrow." He was a disgruntled drywall installer who hated his job more than life itself.
"Good idea," I said. "I get to keep my job because I am going to convince Mr. Williamson to come with us. He's a nice guy."
"Oh God no. Then I have to deal with Ted the Alligator and Jack the Crocodile. Ugh. Those two give me lung cancer from a the screaming I do at them," he said. He sighed.
"Come on, Peter. I have to make a living, and I still have to put you through bullshit," I said. "At least you won't have to do drywall for the rest of your life in two weeks."
"Fine! I'd rather drill my own teeth than keep my drywall job!!!" Peter exclaimed.
Godiva came in the room. "Why are you ridiculous, Peter?" she asked as she folded her arms.
"Because I don't give a fuck anymore, Mother," he said with an emphasis on 'Mother.' "I'm leaving the planet."
"No you're not. At least not without me, douchebag," she said.
"Fine. You can come with. We can leave together and say fuck this world," he said.
She grinned. "When?!" she asked with bright eyes.
"Two. Agonizing. Painful. Drawn out. Weeks," Peter answered.
"How will we leave?" Godiva asked excitedly.
"My other client is building a space ship to get off the planet," I said.
"Really?! Awesome. How much is he charging?" she asked.
"Hold on. Let me call him," I said as I called Jasper. The phone rang a few times and went to voicemail. I hung up because leaving a voicemail is awkward.
My phone buzzed. I answered. "Hello," I said.
"What do you need? I'm still building my space ship. I'd like to get the hell out of here as soon as possible," Jasper said.
"I'm well aware. How much for a human to get on the space ship if she is not tied up or has duct tape over her mouth?" I asked.
"Oh man. $500. $400 if she gives me a blowjob," he said.
"$500, but $400 if you are willing to do an unspeakable act," I said to Godiva.
"Sure! I stimulate my husband's bowels, and I don't have a poop fetish," she said.
"You're probably one of the only humans in my fucked-up life who doesn't," Peter muttered.
I chuckled. "She'll give you a blowjob," I said to Jasper.
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pitubea1910 · 6 years
A new chance
Pairing: Tony Stark x Pepper Pots + Puppy
Words: 2412
Warnings: anxiety attack and animal abandonement. 
Request: requested on Wattpad 
Tags: none
Notes: this imagine has been first posted on Wattpad. If you want to follow me there my nickname is PadfootImagines94
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She was walking down the Street. Her head down trying not to be noticed. Her whole body was in pain, she even had a mild limp and her hair, once snowy white, now was a dirty shade of grey. Yet, she was glad she had managed to escape that house and those people. She still remembered the day she had been adopted, almost two years ago. Probably the happiest day of her life.
Her owner, Lyla, a seven years old girl, was the best thing that ever happened to her. She was caring, playful. They would sleep together every night, even when the man of the house – ‘daddy’, Lyla called him-, didn’t allow it. Both of them would go down to the park every day, they would run together, play together, she would fetch the ball, the stick, whatever toy Lyla threw. And the way she called her name: Hazel. Always cheerful, always lovingly. Hazel thought she had finally found her home.
Until the accident. From that moment everything changed and her life became a living nightmare and believe her when she says that, for a dog, days can be awfully long.
It was a normal Sunday. Lyla had been doing her homework while Hazel had been lying on the carpet next to her, sleeping or just watching her owner. When she finished, Lyla looked down at her with the brightest of smiles and got off the chair.
“Ready?” She said, stroking her hair. Hazel knew what the meant. They were going out.
Hazel got up immediately, making the girl laugh as they both walked out of her room. While Lyly put on her coat and scarf, saying the nice woman – ‘mummy, Lyla used to say- she was going for a walk with Hazel. As usual, the nice woman told her to be careful while Lyla took the leash and opened the door. If Hazel only knew what would happen, she would have tried and stay at home that morning.
Everything happened so fast. They were playing with the ball when Lyla threw it too far that it landed on the road. As a seven years old kid she didn’t see danger. Not real one at least. And she just ran towards the road, not looking around while Hazel kept on barking when she saw the car coming. When Lyla saw it too, it was too late. She was dead on the spot.
From that day, Hazel felt guilty. She should’ve stopped Lyla. Unfortunately, the man of the house and the nice woman also blamed her for her daughter’s accident and soon the beating started. It didn’t matter if Hazel did something wrong or not, somehow she would always end up laying in the corner of the kitchen after a beating, trying to find a way to get out of there.
It took her two months and the nice woman to be distracted during their daily walk around the block to manage it. The woman was looking at some magazines and the least was hanging loose from her hand. Hazel took the opportunity and started running. Luckily, the nice woman – who hadn’t been so nice lately- didn’t realise what was going on until it was too late and Hazel was running down the street.
She ran, and ran, and ran until she couldn’t hear her name being called anymore and then she kept on running. Many people looked down at her. Some of them with pity, others confused. None of it mattered. She just had to hide. Little did she knew that her luck would change again soon.
“I’m telling you”, Tony said while he and Pepper walked out of the store. “That boy will be the end of me.”
“He’s just a kid, Tony”, Pepper smiled. “He just wants your approval”, she added.
“And he can get it without giving me a heart attack every single week”, he said back, making Pepper laugh.
They had spent the morning shopping. They needed new outfits for Natasha’s and Bruce’s wedding. Tony had insisted and having everything delivered at home, but Pepper said that Tony needed some fresh air before he started developing some kind of sickness for not getting enough sunlight. Of course, Tony argued, but more out of habit. He knew he would end up doing whatever Pepper wanted.
“You have everything?” He asked when they put all the bags into the back of the car. Pepper nodded while she checked her phone and it was then when Tony noticed the tiny figure walking down the street. He frowned until he recognised what it was. “Hey, look”, he said pointing at the dog.
“What?” Pepper turned around and looked at the animal. A small smile forming on her face. “So cute”, she said.
“Maybe we can keep it” Tony said out of nowhere. By then, Pepper was used to those things. Tony would always just whatever it came to his mind, never thinking about it first.
“Not a good idea, Tony”, Pepper shook her head. “But we can take him to the shelter”, she suggested.
“But I want to keep her”, he frowned. “We’re keeping her. And yes, I bet it’s a she”, he added quickly, knowing what she would say.
“We can’t keep her Tony” Pepper sighed. “You can’t even take care of a plant”
“I was away for two days and no one watered it!” He defended himself.
“It was a cactus, Tony” Pepper pointed out. Tony narrowed his eyes and looked at the dog again. She looked so sad and lonely, her fluffy hair all dirty. He really wanted to keep her. “No”, Pepper repeated.
“Yes”, he stubbornly said.
Hazel had been walking for most of the day. She had crossed a park, or two, or one big enough to look like two. She didn’t even know. She was hungry and thirsty. But she didn’t stop walking.
“Hey there, girl”, a soft said by her side. She looked to her left and saw a man kneeling on the floor, stretching out a hand. “Come here, c’mon” he kept on saying.
“Tony, we can’t” the woman standing next to him said. She was right. But the man looked nice and there was something in his eyes that reminded her of Lyla.
“I’m keeping her, Pepper”, Tony said not taking his eyes off Hazel. “C’mon, girl, I won’t hurt you. I promise”, he smiled.
Slowly, Hazel made her way towards the man, sniffling his hand. When he moved it to touch her, she took a step back quickly.
“Okay, sorry” he quickly said, still smiling. “No touching”
He stretched out the hand and Hazel sniffled it again. It smelled nice and it looked a roughed up hand. Hazel looked up at his friendly eyes and felt like she could trust this man, so she gave him a small lick.
“She likes me!” He exclaimed.
“Oh God”, the woman sighed.
“C’mon, Pepper”, he sighed as well and got up. “She’s obviously abandoned and in need of food and water, we can’t leave her here”, he insisted.
“Fine!” She exclaimed. “Just for two days”, she said before opening the door of the car and getting in it.
The man – Tony was it? – kneeled down again and smiled at Hazel, who was now moving her tail slightly, like she hadn’t done in a very long time.
“So you want to come with us?” He asked, stretching out his hand again.
As a reply, Hazel nudged his hand and Tony smiled widely, getting up and opening the back door of the car for her. Still a bit hesitant, she jumped in it, hoping this would be the second chance she had been waiting for since Lyla died.
When Tony and Pepper arrived back at the Tower that day with Hazel, everyone was shocked at first. They never thought Tony would be the kind of person who would just take home a dog he saw on the street. But Peter was the first one with a huge grin on his face as the little dog sniffed his hand cautiously.
“Are we keeping him?” He asked with a big smile after Hazel licked his hand.
“It’s a her and yes”, Tony smiled widely after taking off his coat.
“We’ll see about that”, Pepper sighed looking at the puppy playing with the boy.
“How do you know it’s a her?” Rhodey asked with a frown.
“I checked”, Tony shrugged making his way towards Hazel. “We should name her…”
“No names!” Pepper exclaimed from the kitchen. “You name her, you’ll start loving her. So I don’t want any names until we decide if we keep her.”
Tony rolled his eyes and picked Hazel up, scratching the back of her head as the she licked his hand. Tony smiled widely.
“We should keep her”, Steve said with a smile as he approached Tony. When he was about to pet her, Hazel barked at him. “Or not…”
“I like her even more” Tony smiled widely. “Back off, old man” he added smirking.
Hazel looked around, curious about the place where she was. The time in the car had been… odd. She had never been on a car before, and she didn’t know where they were going, which just made her feel more anxious. But the voice of the man, Tony apparently, calmed her down. She didn’t know why but it did.
The place where they were looked expensive, fancy, way fancier than her previous home. And it was crowded. She had never seen so many people in one room. She felt nervous. Everyone was looking at her, talking about her, but all she wanted was to be with Tony. She felt safe with him. Although she also had to admit that the young boy seemed nice too. But she didn’t like the tall blonde one. His teeth were too white so she barked at him, which apparently amused Tony. Maybe they weren’t friends and she had to protect him from the white teeth man.
“She’s adorable, I must say”, a man with a parch on his eye said. “A bit small for my liking”, Hazel barked again. What did he mean? She was small but fierce and she would prove it.
“And you don’t like Fury, either?” Tony smiled. “We’re definitely keeping her”
“I think we should keep her”, a redheaded woman said with a warm smile. “But she needs a bath”, she added.
Hazel looked up at Tony who was already nodding and walking towards an elevator. Hazel snuggled against his chest. She loved baths! And she didn’t remember the last time she got one, probably when Lyla was alive.
 When the night came, everyone already loved Hazel. They all wanted to keep her and everyone was trying to change Pepper’s mind about it. But she still wasn’t too sure about. Not after losing her own puppy when she was 15. She had suffered a lot and she didn’t want to go through that kind of pain again. Still, she had never seen Tony smiling like that since the attack on New York.
“Oh, no, she’s not sleeping on the bed, Tony”, Pepper said when she walked into their room that night and found Tony with the puppy laying on the bed. Hazel was curled up on Tony’s stomach.
“C’mon, Pepper! Just for tonight!” Tony complained. Pepper sighed and walked into the bathroom. “Just tonight, Tony” she said when she crawled up in bed.
 Hazel fell immediately asleep when the lights went out. After a warm bath and a succulent dinner, she had never been so comfortable. At least not in a while. Tony’s constant breath kept her calmed and helped her sleep. Sadly, soon the nightmares appeared.
They were always the same: she would see Lyla running towards the road, Hazel tried to stop her but she couldn’t even more from her spot, becoming the first witness of her owner’s accident. Those nightmares had been constant ever since Lyla’s death and they would keep her from having a peaceful sleep. That night wasn’t the exception.
She woke up startled and looked around, looking for Lyla and her sleepy face. Instead, she found Tony frowning in his sleep. He was mumbling, sweating, moving around in dreams. Obviously, he was also having a bad nightmare. Quickly, Hazel got up and stumbled over his chest until she was licking his face.
“NO!” He yelled sitting up all of sudden, causing Hazel to fall on the other side of the bed, where Pepper got up as well.
“Tony!” She exclaimed when she saw him awake, breathing in and out with shaky breaths. “Again?” She whispered wrapping her arm around his back. He nodded with his eyes closed.
Slowly, Hazel climbed back on Tony’s lap and curled up there, licking his hand slowly, trying to give him the comfort he needed.
Those damn dreams were always haunting him. He kept on seeing the city on flames and everyone he cared about dead. He would always get up with anxiety or panic attacks. That night, nonetheless, was different. When he was starting to hyperventilate, he felt a warm figure on his lap. The puppy. He opened his eyes, feeling how his heart and his breath calmed down.
“Hey girl…” he mumbled stroking her hair, calming down.
“Are you okay?” Pepper asked after ten minutes, in which Tony just stroked the dog and Pepper rubbed his arm slowly, not believing what she was witnessing.
“Yeah… I think so”, Tony whispered and looked at Pepper.
“I guess we’re keeping Faith” she smiled a little. Tony raised both eyebrows.
“Faith?” He chuckled. Pepper shrugged.
“I always had faith that this nightmares and anxiety attacks would stop”, she explained looking down at Hazel –Faith now-. “Turns out all we needed was her, so…” she shrugged.
“Faith…” Tony said looking down at her, who was looking at both of them. “You like it?”
The dog turned her head to the side. Faith? She was used to being Hazel. But that always reminded her of her old life, a life full of misery and pain, a life where Lyla used to be. Now she had a new road ahead of her, a new family… Faith seemed appropriate. She barked happily as a response, making them smile.
“I think she likes it”, Tony said looking at Pepper, who smiled and pecked his lips.
“Of course she does”, Pepper said, now stroking Faith’s head. “I choose it”
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speechlessxx · 7 years
Show Me The Ropes...er...Webs. (Peter Parker/Spider-Man Imagine)
Request: uhhh maybe where the reader is spider girl? and they meet when fighting crime? Pete gets hurt and she saves him? I'm bad at coming up with ideas, gods. and ummm just ditch the whole sister thing though. thanks
I’m so sorry that this took me forever to fulfill. 
Requests are Open (just bear with me)
I hope you enjoy!
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It was creepy. Peter will admit that him staring at the new girl at Midtown High was a tad bit creepy. But he couldn’t help it. You just intrigued him even if all you were doing was looking straight at the board. 
And although he thought he was being discreet about it, you knew exactly what he was doing. He intrigued you too. But you weren’t about to admit to that, so you simply played with your web-shooter and your web as you attempted to pay attention to the teacher. 
All day it was like this. Peter and you never got each other’s names.You never spoke to each other. But you both knew there was something about each other that seemed just so desirable.
After school, you suited up to patrol the city. Of course, you knew that Spider-Man was around and your assistance was probably unnecessary, but you also noticed something has changed with your fellow web-slinger. He would only be taking on petty crimes or helping old women. He would never run into the dangers of fighting against the illegal weapons users/dealers or those worse. It was almost as if he was on a leash. And if the city’s hero won’t go head to head with those villains, then someone has to.
You thanked the heavens that your former nanny that was hired by your father was a seamstress and you were taught  from a young age and it eventually became a hobby. If it weren’t for all those years of pricking yourself with needles, then you wouldn’t have been able to create your own suit. Wanting to make it different from Spider-Man’s, your suit was white, pink, and black. Your good deeds somehow goes unnoticed, but you knew you were making a difference, you were semi-okay with it. 
You swung from building to building, never really getting tired of the feeling. It was freeing. It was relieving. It was simply spectacular. 
Then you heard the ruckus and maneuvered your way closer to it. You saw Spider-Man having trouble as two gunmen shot at him. You figured it was because of lack of practice and that’s why Spider-Man was having a rough time. You got ready to take down the gunmen, but your eyes focused in more towards the action and saw a bullet hurling through the air. You gasped  and as if it were instinct, attempted to stop it, jumping out from your secret location. 
But you were too late. The bullet shot Spider-Man, in what you assumed was your arm. He began to plummet to the ground. And you shot your web towards him and shot it up at tower crane. You prayed that the impact wouldn’t snap his neck or break his back. That would instantly kill him. Your prayers were answered seeing as he was able to regain himself and climb up your web.
“Hello there, Miss Webby.” He said as you swung the both of you to the top of a sky scrapper. You only nodded. “Uh... Thanks. But I got it from here. Don’t want a girl like you to get hurt...”
“Exactly. So stay here, Spider-Woman.”You scoffed as you jumped off the building, swinging your way towards the gunmen, apprehending them in record time. 
Peter swung his way down with astonishment on his face though you couldn’t see it through the mask. “I didn’t mean you couldn’t handle it.” He clarified. “I just wanted to Mr. Stark I can handle these things on my own. And your Spider-Woman.” 
You adjusted your white hood and rolled your shoulder, kicking the gun away from one of the men. “So that’s why you’ve been M.I.A. on big heists and big threats. You don’t want Stark to be upset with you.” 
Spider-Man nodded. “Exactly. But-”
“The lack of actual training is evident. I’m guessing he wants you to focus on being a kid?” You asked, knowing exactly what the feeling was like. You got ready to leave. “Well. Nice meeting you.” You said before shooting a web and heading straight to a sky scrapper. 
“Wait!” Peter called back and that’s exactly what you did as you climbed on the rooftop. “Train me.” You crossed your arms and jutted out a hip. “Please. I need the help and Mr. Stark won’t give that to me. Show Me The Ropes... er... Webs.” He took off his mask and your stance faltered as you took a step back. “My name is Peter Parker.” It was the same boy from school. No wonder your first instinct was to save him rather than take down the men. You were so intrigued by this teenage boy that turned out to be Spider-Man.
“Fine. Meet me here tomorrow seven sharp.” You said. You were getting ready to leave, but it didn’t feel right. He showed you his identity, it was only fair. You took a deep breath and took off your mask and hood. “(Y/N) Stark.” Was all you said before jumping and swinging away. 
The next day Peter rushed into the Avengers Tower for his “internship.” And who would’ve known he’d bump into. 
“(Y/N)! Er... Sorry.” He apologized. You gave him a soft smile and he felt his heart flutter. 
“My dad’s upstairs with Happy.” You said. Peter recognized the voice behind the mask and smiled. 
“Where are you going?” Peter asked. 
“Well...” You stepped closer towards him and brought your voice down to a whisper. “If Spider-Man’s in here with Iron Man, who’s out there protecting the city? Someone’s gotta get cats out of trees and beat up bad guys right?” 
“Yeah.” Peter nodded a smile on his face. “I’ll join you.” 
“You gotta learn first, Parker.” You joked, lightly punching his shoulder. You started running out the door.before stopping. “We’re still on for seven right?” You called out.
“It’s a date.” Peter responded.
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BruiserPup! (Part I)
Summary: Having some time back home in Birmingham, Pete tends to his newest addition to the family. Little does he know, he’s about to meet a vet assistant by the likes this Bruiserweight has never seen!
Word Count: 2,000+
A/N: I have a serious hate for Pete Dunne but yet... I have fanfic ideas for him, so let me know what you think!
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Domesticated animals have become an anchor. We rely on them for comfort, for love, for companionship. To become a vet, a lot of school and a lot of money have to be invested. Instead, becoming an assistant was the next best thing.
Working with animals was a joy I found always peeked my interest, however, working with the people on the other end of the leash, was not.
To think that I could do the thing I loved most and get paid for it? Dreams no longer seemed liked an unachievable hope.
But then, compared to the men and women who had trained and learned to run their own practice, I have pennies to my name.
And while scrubs aren’t the most fashionable of things, they are comfortable. Though some of my own are often ruined, the amount of excrement produced by the daily train of animal is a downer.
I love my team, everyone’s positive and nice. Functional is not a word I would use to describe them though. We only engage in small talk, limiting my chances of having workplace friends.
Doing this job made me realize my potential in this medical field. I get a glimpse at something I could be, something that the world would always need. It’s a touching thing to find when you see the diverse levels of love people have for their animals, and the lengths at which they’ll go to keep their best friends beside them.
Six years after chasing after my career, I ended up here. In Birmingham, England.
In the early mornings, such as this one, I walk around my neighbourhood, enjoying the crisp cool air. The sky was a rosy pink, just shying along the horizon line. The sun wasn’t yet in view, and a few stars still hung in the early sky.
A few cars whisked by now and again, early birds getting to work and running errands. I bid ‘Good Morning!’ at strangers that wandered past, earning either a grunt, smile or ‘Good Morning’ back.
It was silent, save for a few birds chirping and cars and such.
A small brown Dachshund came scampering up to me, placing a puppy paw on my work shoe. I couldn’t help but let a grin creep onto my face as I leaned down to gently rub its head, cooing at its cuteness. It had a collar, but wasn’t attached to a leash. My brow raised in confusion.
“Where is your owner cutie?” I tut. It peers up at me with it’s loveable big eyes and licks my hand with its small tongue. A bulky, average height man comes barrelling up to me, face flushed with embarrassment.
“Sorry ‘bout that. Littl’ bugger managed to get off its leash…” He grumbled. His hand shot up to run through his dirty blond locks, tugging lightly on the hairs. Cracking a shy smile, I stood picking up the puppy slowly. He watched with wide eyes as I held the dog in my arms, rubbing its ears with affection. I realized the awkwardness I’d created by not replying to the man.
“It’s alright. It did no harm. This little cutie made me swoon.”
He chuckled and rubbed his jaw with his thumb, looking down at the canine.
“Yeah, I hear that a lot when I’m out with ‘em.”
The Dachshund yipped and squirmed in my arms, making me pout. It was obvious it wanted to go back to its master.
“’m supposed to be takin’ ‘em to the vet, but the adventurous tyke musta figured it out and decided it didn’t wanna go!” He huffed, moving closer to me to glare at the dog. He leaned down and got at eye level with the pooch. Once he was within breathing distance I felt my heart beat skip. He was an attractive man, I’ll give him that.
He must’ve felt my awkwardness as his eyes trailed up to meet mine. I felt my body freeze, the only movement being that I handed the dog back to him. I spun on my heel and started to walk away, not before catching a flash of a smirk on his face.
My head turned and my wide eyes met his confident ones again.
“M’ name is Peter. Peter England. Though, I’d prefer if ya called me Pete.” He said, in an almost taunting way. It didn’t help that my face wasn’t getting any less flushed.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Huffing, I smoothed out my work pants and strode on. He took a few heavy steps towards me.
“Aren’t ya gonna tell me your name?” A chill ran up my spine, the cool air brushing my neck lightly. I considered telling him, but then I thought-
Let the mystery linger.
Arriving only a few minutes late, I took off my coat and headed to my shared office. There was only two people in the waiting area, meaning it might be a slow day. Our secretary stood tiredly at the printer, resting her hand gingerly on her forehead. Her eyes shot up as she noticed me stride past, giving me a quick smile before staring gravely at the machine in front of her. One of the vets strolled past, catching me in the corner of his eyes and giving me a smile.
“Mornin’” He chirped quickly. The corners of my mouth creaked upward, and I gave a curt nod.
“Mornin’” I mirrored back. He bowed his head awkwardly and shuffled on. Sighing, I ducked into a checkup room, pulling out my laptop, getting ready for my appointments. I prepped the equipment and opened my door so I could hear the secretary tell me when someone showed up. People usually went through me, and if it was serious enough, I’d hand them off to a vet.
The front doors of the building opened, the little bell jingling lightly. The hard clunk of boots making their way up to the desk told me it was someone who was a bit more laid back than most. I could practically visualize the forced smile on the secretary’s face.
“Hello sir, how may I help you today?” She asked cheerily. I leaned back in my chair and listened for the response.
“Ya uh, ‘m here for an appointment.” A familiar voice droned dully. I groaned, praying to god that I didn’t end up with him. ‘Please’, I thought. ‘Please god, let him be seeing someone else. I’ve already had one awkward encounter with him today…’
“Oh, well, I’ll need your name so I can direct you to the person you’ve scheduled your appointment with.” The clerk replied, the exhaustion evident in her tone.
“Peter England.” Running my fingers down my cheeks, I hoped that I’d be pitied and he’d be sent off to some other than myself. I’d only just met the man a few hours prior and I didn’t want such an early run-in to happen again so soon. I nearly jumped as secretary drummed her fingers against the keyboard, obviously checking for his name. She hummed pleasantly as she found it.
“Ah, here it is. One ‘Peter England’. I’ll pass you over to (Y/N) (L/N), she will be helping you out today and will inform you on what’s to be done and anything you need help understanding.” I inwardly groaned, again, and felt my lips press firmly together before letting out a frustrated huff.
“Lovely” I breathed crossly. A few seconds later the secretary’s head poked into my doorway as she leaned on the hinge.
“I have your first appointment ready.” Sighing again, I wave passively at her.
“Ok, thank you. Send him in.” I grumbled. She chuckled and slinked back to her desk.
“She’s just right in that room over there, she’s all ready to go.”
As the boot steps came closer, my fingers drummed faster against my countertop. My island was faced toward the door but I couldn’t bring myself to look anywhere but my shoes. The thumping stopped at the door and I could hear an excited yipping. Managing to gather enough courage, I looked up through my lashes at Pete. His dog was tucking securely in his arms, surprisingly happy to see me.
“Well, well, well” Pete cooed teasingly. I bit the inside of my cheek as I saw a cocky smirk make its way to his face. “We meet again, (Y/N).”
“Mr. Peter, how wonderful to see you again.” I drawled, trying my best to resist screaming from the discomfort of this situation. He raised a brow and strode over, taking a seat at the chair across from me. The Dachshund puppy barked quietly and reached its paws up to the countertop. Pete scowled and lightly removed his paws.
“Rude littl’ pup” He growled. My eyes traveled from Pete’s to the dogs as soon as he looked up to meet my stare. Pulling the laptop in front of me, I kept my eyes glued to the screen, hoping not to lock eye contact with the Englishman in front of me yet again.
“Let’s see what you’re here for, shall we?” I ask, more so to the dog than to Pete. My scrolling became nerve racking as I could feel Pete’s eyes on me. He made me extremely nervous, and I couldn’t explain why. Just his presence left such a dominating air, and his piercing eyes were like a bear’s.
Gentle yips continued as the dog somehow managed to hop its way onto the table. I smiled and pat its head as it plopped down next to my laptop. Pete glared at the dog and leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms across his broad chest.
“It seems to be a check up. Making sure it has all its shots and routinely things like that” I confirmed. Pete turned his look towards me and nodded. A lump appeared in my throat and all I could do is nod back and duck behind my computer again. I reached over to my printer, grabbing the dog’s medical history that I had faxed over last night.
“Everything looks good. I’ll just check his temperature and gums and you’ll be off” I said merrily. Pete grinned and tilted his head from side to side, cracking his neck menacingly.
“By all means, doctor” He snickered. I snorted and stood from my chair, grabbing the thermometer from the counter. Pete watched and gave me a surprised look when I stood next to him.
“I’m going to need you to help me hold your dog. It might be more comfortable if you hold ‘em while I do this” I explained. He smirked and nodded, pulling the dog closer to him, holding his small frame. He stood and while he wasn’t huge beside me, he still towered over my short stature. The closeness was nerve racking, his breaths sounding almost like a slumbering beast. He leaned in close, his chin just hovering over my shoulder.
“Whatever you say” He blows.
The Dachshund didn’t even seem phased as I ran all the routinely tests, its tail wagged and it stared at Pete with big doe eyes throughout the entire process. Pete placed it on the floor and it ran around happily on the pads of its paws.
“Everything is perfect!” I say with relief. Pete flashes a kind smile and rubs the stubble on his chin.
“Tha’s good…” He mumbles. We stood in awkward silence for a few moments, just staring into each others’ eyes.
The puppers pawed at my feet and I instinctively looked down at it. Pete trudged over and scooped it up, cradling it in his muscular arm.
“Well, thanks…I guess” He stuck out his free hand and offered a knowing simper. Hesitantly, I took it and felt a blush creep up my neck to my apple cheeks. Without processing it at first, he pulled my hand up to his lips and delicately pressed his pink lips to my knuckle, nibbling on it slightly.
“No problem…” I breathed quietly.
And that was it, he left me in a state of flustered heat. I swear I was about to have a heart attack. If he keeps this up, he’ll be the death of me.
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ninjakitty15 · 3 years
Chapter 4: Like Death Warmed Over (Loki x OFC Pairing)
"Supernatural ended?! What the actual fuck?! Why?!" I exclaimed while catching up on the shows I missed in the five year absence. "That show was supposed to go till I die...again! My life is over!" I curled up on the couch, hugging my knees to my chest and burying my head in my arms.
"It was quite an entertaining show," Loki agreed, having grown curious early on in my catching up what I was bitching about missing so much. "Is any of it true? The monsters and the ways to kill them?"
"I only know about ghosts and spirits and most kinds of salt does act as a ward against them, rock salt especially. As I don't get rid them by force but by coercion if anything, I don't know if burning the bodies or pieces of the body left would send them away. Not about to try either."
"And the other monsters of legends in there, do they exist?"
"Almost every culture has their monsters on this planet, some overlapping between werewolves and vampires, I wouldn't be surprised if they do but I've not personally seen any beyond my area of expertise. Not my problem."
"What about angels and demons?"
"Those two are a bit different as they were primarily created by only one such religion, and a shady one at that, people somehow have different ideas of what those are. There have been cases of demonic possession in the past but its not like in the show where they're black smoke forcing themselves into your mouth, you don't see it happening, it just happens. Angels on the other hand...bit more complicated, ancient literature depicts them as benevolent  guardians of God to carry out his will and guide us lowly humans. Modern media however depicts the majority of them as dicks with an agenda of their own that doesn't involve helping us at all."
"What do you believe then?"
"I have no one religion to believe considering I'm talking to a god right now and was given more power from beings that claim they're gods as well, everyone  wants to be king of the mountain."
"And what do you want?"
"A cottage by the shores of Salem, where death and dark magic is strong but not shunned and the weird are welcomed more than the mundane."
"That place sounds intriguing, tell me more about it."
"Centuries ago when my ancestors first settled, people were even more religious nuts than they are now and they were crazy superstitious. They were also just plain crazy and got the idea of obtaining other people's land and property by accusing the owners of being evil witches after watching their daughters dabble in a bit of voodoo magic with their slaves. That's when the infamous Salem Witch Trials started which was a horrific dark mark in this country's history. Hundreds of innocent lives were ended as women and children and even the occasional man was accused, tortured, and locked away for life or executed horrifically."
"And you wish to live there?" he asked incredulously.
"There might be some unrest still from the victims and I want them to be at peace. Also, while the history of the place was terrible to say the least, it has become a bit more whimsical and touristy which I usually hate but they make it so fun there. You might even like it yourself if you ever wanna visit, assuming Tony lets me off the leash and I'm not stuck living here forever. Nowadays its a place that celebrates and capitalizes on magic."
"What if I were to convince Tony to let us have a day trip to there?"
"You'd do that?"
"Why not?"
I shrugged but smiled at the idea. "I'd say you're living up to the nickname Silvertongue."
"Oh that's not the only reason I'm called that," he purred into my ear.
I'm pretty sure if I could still bring color to my skin, I'd have the slightest blush of excitement from his voice alone let alone the suggestion. "Promises promises."
"Tell me something, you say you're dead inside and only the necromancy itself keeps you going, but do you still feel or are your nerves dead too."
"I don't think I'd wanna be alive if I couldn't feel or taste things so yes intense pain and strong levels of pleasure, kinda like a succubus I guess, pleasure keeps me alive, reminds me I'm still kicking." I paused then, trying to read if he was just gonna dump naughty images in my head or actually follow through. I do something totally impulsive then and rest my head on his lap, reaching up and touching the razorsharp jawbones of a god. Though he's cool to the touch, the second I come in contact with him I feel alive again.
"Do you miss being completely alive?" he asked, seeing the sudden but fleeting change from my touch.
"I'm not sure, the life I had before the change was almost complete hell from what I remember and I'm not one of those protagonists that wishes they could just be normal again, I like being what I am. I'd probably have died for real at Hydra, always finding new methods to get the same result of me not doing anything, I think a normal human would've died from the pain or blood loss then."
"That would make you an immortal, staying alive when you should be long dead, unaffected."
I shrugged. "I am what I am. Doubt I'm immortal though, a blade through the heart might not work but most creatures are killed by beheading including zombies which apparently Stark thinks I am. Jokes on him though, I don't eat brains, that's the least appetizing part of the body."
"You know from experience, do you?" he asked in bemusement. "Is it the heart then?"
I wrinkled my nose at this, recalling a certain show where a horse heart was devoured raw. "Have you ever eaten a muscle? It's like eating a wet squishy piece of leather, your jaw starts to ache after a few bites of a chewy chunk. Everyone assumes its the heart or brains thats best because we think since thats our best quality alive, it should be that in a meal." My hand slid from his face to his heart then though was blocked by his green asgardian leisure robes so the feeling of being alive was a bit lost though I still wanted to feel his heart, so many people seemed to think he didn't have one. I wondered if I could survive pulling his lifeforce from him, not that I'd want to of course when just touching him gave me a taste of life, but an immortal with immense power meant he wouldn't be dead for a while and that meant he was a potential atomic bomb in my hands. I was quiet for once, feeling his heartbeat, his power under my hand, so many different thoughts between naughty and dangerous running through my head then. I could feel him watch me just as quiet as I was, ever the curious god observing his new catch.
"What are you thinking that's stayed your tongue suddenly?" he asked me then.
I smirked. "I'm wondering what true power tastes like."
"Lean up and find out," he challenged smoothly.
Both my eyebrows popped up then, usually when people find out I'm a walking magical corpse they're instantly turned off due to that pesky little thing called necrophilia. I didn't need to be told twice though and did just that, our lips connecting softly. The second it did, my entire body warmed and tingled back to life, causing me to moan into the kiss in the rush of long missed feeling I didn't want to end. What started out as a tasting, testing the waters kiss quickly became one of lust and hunger he was matching just as greedily. I pushed myself up to get even closer to him and his hands snaked around my hips without breaking the kiss. Of course something had to at least give Loki some air to breathe and it was a soft thump coming outside the room followed closely by, "Mr. Stark, are you here?"
We pulled away reluctantly, allowing Loki to catch his breath and me to lose mine returning to my current corpse form. "You'll be the life of me, Loki," I mused. "Did a kid just interrupt this?"
"That must be the Spiderling then," loki replied, waiting for me to get off him before getting off the couch and offering me his hand once more.
I took it curiously and followed him out of the living to where a teenager was looking around wearing a high tech spider themed suit that looked like an offshoot of Deadpool's suit though the mask part was pulled off. He's cute though a bit young. "That has Stark written all over it."
The kid whirled around as his back had been turned to us watching him look for his sugar daddy. "Hi Loki, who are you?"
"Who am I? Who are you?" I countered. "I was here first."
"I'm Spider Parker- I mean Peter Man," he stumbled in answer. "Dammit."
I couldn't hide the laughter at his failed attempt to cover one if not both identities and looked over at Loki who was smirking just the same. "Isn't he just precious?"
"I think you caught him by surprise, not an easy feat as he claims he has a sixth sense for that sort of thing," Loki commented.
I shrugged. "Occupational hazard. Tony's not here right now, but if you'd like to leave a message you can do so elsewhere."
Peter as I guessed his actual name was scowled at me and appeared to get in a defensive stance but once more we were interrupted by something entering the building followed by. "Loki, you guys here?"
"Maybe," I called back.
Tony walked into the room we were all standing in and grinned seeing Peter there as well. "Hey kid, what brings you here?"
"Mr. Stark, I heard rumors theres a horde of zombies at the hydra base and wanted to help," Peter replied quickly.
It was my turn to frown then. "So much for keeping that under wraps, I'm blaming you on this, Stark. You just had to know, didn't you?"
"Me? I'm pretty sure you volunteered as you hate them as much as we do."
"I was hoping you'd handle most of it, you're the Avengers after all, but once more a woman has to clean up a mess made by lousy men."
"You know her, Mr. Stark?" squeaked Peter between the bickering.
"We found her in the second to last base we raided, well Loki did anyway," explained Tony. "I let you into my compound as a guest I know almost nothing about and this is how you thank me."
"You could've just let me go back to where I was before I got caught but noooo, you had to know why I was there."
"She's got a point there, Stark," Loki noted.
"Who's side are you on?" he demanded.
"Hers, clearly. I thought that much was obvious as I'm standing right next to her this whole time."
Tony rolled his eyes but returned his attention to Peter. "Don't worry about it, kid. The zombies don't work for Hydra."
"They don't?" he asked in disbelief.
"They work for me," I chirped. "Well not worked so much as follow since its free of charge and labor."
"You? What are you, the Night Queen?" Peter asked.
Tony chuckled at the reference. My eyes went snow white then and I gave him a look that matched the lead wight walker. "Winter is coming," I told him in a hollow voice.
"M-Mr. Stark, I don't think it's a good idea to have her on the team," Peter told him quietly.
"Are you questioning my judgment, kid?"
"No, sir."
"Good, because she's staying here."
"Actually," I interjected. "I have a request on that note."
Tony turned back to me then with an arched eyebrow. "You're not moving out till I can fully trust you."
"She wants to go on a field trip with me somewhere, just for a day," Loki spoke up.
Tony crossed his arms and looked expectantly at the god. "Where?"
"Only the most magical place in the east coast," I answered.
"Disneyworld?" Peter asked hopefully.
I wrinkled my nose in disgust. "Hell no, that's the most nauseating place in the east coast. So full of families with kids they can't hope to control, and all that noise noise noise. That place ain't magical, it's mechanical and made of money and memories. No, this place isn't in the south and doesn't require commercial airlines to get there."
"Hm, well you proved you can handle yourself on the battlefield and Loki will be with you on this trip but as I still don't trust him completely we'll have someone else with you two to make sure you don't get into too much trouble," Tony stated. "Clint will go with you as he's the only one free at the moment and wasn't fighting off hydra like the rest of us did. Family outting or whatever at his farm."
"Is that a yes?"
"Yup, don't make me regret it either or you'll be on a tighter leash than Loki is."
"Oooh a leash, kinky, what's the safe word?"
"Bananas," he quipped right back, making me cackle before I thanked him for letting have some fun on my own.
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ramialkarmi · 7 years
NASA astronaut Scott Kelly on his poor grades in school, his biggest fear when he's away from Earth, and how SpaceX fits into the future of interplanetary travel
Retired NASA astronaut Scott Kelly had four missions in space, including a 340-day trip aboard the International Space Station in 2015-2016.
On our "Success" podcast, he describes himself as a distracted kid who figured out his life later than his identical twin brother Mark, who also became an astronaut.
He shared some of his best moments in space, like seeing the entirety of planet Earth, as well as the worst, being helpless when his sister-in-law Gabrielle Giffords was shot in 2011.
When Scott Kelly talks about flying into space, he sounds like a guy talking about his favorite hobby, with the same tone someone would use for golf or fishing.
As a NASA astronaut, Kelly made four trips to space, including spending 340 days onboard the International Space Station. Meanwhile, his identical twin brother — and fellow astronaut — Mark was on Earth. Since then, scientists have been watching how differently the two have aged. In March, they said that Kelly's DNA had changed by 7% following his year-long trip.
Since retiring in 2016, Kelly wrote a memoir last year about his year in space called "Endurance," and he's become an advocate for improving science and math education in the United States.
In our conversation, Business Insider talked with Kelly about what he saw in space, what he missed back on Earth, and how he went from a kid who couldn't focus into one of the most celebrated astronauts of our time.
Listen to the full episode here:
Subscribe to "Success! How I Did It" on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or your favorite podcast app. Check out previous episodes with:
Flatiron Health founder and CEO Nat Turner
XPRIZE founder Peter Diamandis
Facebook cofounder Chris Hughes
KPMG chairman and CEO Lynne Doughtie
The following transcript has been edited for clarity.
Richard Feloni: Scott, thank you for being here.
Scott Kelly: My pleasure.
Feloni: Just over two years ago you came back from a 340-day trip aboard the International Space Station. What was that even like? How do you begin to process that at this point?
Kelly: First thing is it's a privilege, but, you know, a year is a long time to be anywhere. But it was a great experience, I mean the highlight of my professional career. And I think it's important what we're doing there, on the International Space Station.
Feloni: When you're aboard there for so long, did you have struggles with trying to stay sane?
Kelly: You know, I was lucky that I had previously flown a flight that was 159 days, so I kind of knew what I was getting into. And being the first American to spend that time in space, I didn't have a whole lot of people that had a similar experience to talk to about it, so I went into this with my own preconceived notion of what it would be like. I think I gave it enough thought and a had a good plan, that when I got to the end, I didn't feel like I was just climbing the walls to get out of there.
Feloni: You didn't feel like you had to escape.
Kelly: No, I think I handled it. My goal was that when I got back, I wanted for the flight director that I had in the beginning of the flight to talk to the flight director at the end of the mission. For the two of them, when they shared notes on their experience working with me in space, that they had the same exact comments on how I was as a crew member.
Twin brothers, fellow astronauts
Feloni: Your identical twin brother Mark is also an astronaut. What dynamic did you guys have, growing up in New Jersey?
Kelly: So between each other, we were either like the best of friends or the worst of enemies. And we would like beat each other's brains out until we were about 15, and then I realized that was pointless.
We came from a middle-class family — both our parents were police officers. They gave us a very long leash, which I think is a good thing and a bad thing. But somehow we managed to survive and later, both had the privilege of flying in space four times.
Feloni: Did you guys have a sibling rivalry, or is it more you want to do the same things together?
Kelly: Yeah, I think it was more having the same genetics and being exposed to the same things growing up. We happened to have the same interests later. And it wasn't that we were in competition with each other, it was more — I think we're competitive people, but not really with each other.
Feloni: And so Mark, he figured out where he wanted to take his career before you did, right?
Kelly: I was this kid that could not pay attention. Was not a good student. Always wondering how in the ninth grade my brother went from being like me to getting straight A's — I never knew how that happened.
But apparently, what he tells me, is that our dad sat us down in like the eighth grade, and said, "Hey, guys. You know, you're not good students, not college material. We're going to start thinking about a vocational education for you." And my brother thought, "Whoa! I want to go to college and do something more."
I, on the other hand, had no recollection whatsoever of this conversation. Probably only because there was like a squirrel running outside the window and I was like, "Squirrel!" Otherwise, I probably would have been a straight-A student, too.
How a book inspired him to do something with his life
Feloni: When you were 18 you had like a pivotal moment thought, right, you read Tom Wolfe's book. Can you explain that?
Kelly: Yeah, I read "The Right Stuff." Happened to find it by accident in college, in the bookstore, and picked it up. It was the spark I needed to motivate me to do more with my life than I was currently doing.
Feloni: So this was a book about military test pilots who ended up becoming the first American astronauts. Did you see yourself in them?
Kelly: Well, you know, I read this book, and I could relate to a lot of the characteristics these guys had, with regards to their personalities, their risk-taking, their leadership abilities, ability to work as a team. That made me think.
I related to a lot of those characteristics with one exception, and that is I wasn't a good student, especially in science and math. And I thought, "Wow, you know, if I could fix just that thing, then I could maybe be like these guys."
At the time I was thinking you've got to be really smart to be an engineer or scientist. What I realized is really what it takes is just hard work, and it's not any particular gift you might have.
As a student, it's just really hard, especially at first, when you don't have the habit-patterns to study and pay attention. But once I got over that, I was able to go from a kid at 18 years old that was always like a very average, underperforming student and then fast forward almost to the day 18 years later, I flew in space for the first time. It was a pretty remarkable comeback, I think.
Feloni: And so looking at your own, kind of evolution as a student — is that weighing in on your advocacy now, for science education?
Kelly: Oh, absolutely. So 3M did this study, the "State of Science Index," that did a poll of 14 different countries and people's opinions about science and the importance of science, and how much it affects their daily lives. It focuses on kids and getting kids the science education they need.
And one of the things they learned is that a lot of people think that to be a scientist or to work in a science field you have to be a genius. I'm the perfect example of this kid that was bad at science and math — I was actually bad at all of the subjects — and prove that, well, you don't have to be a genius. What it takes is some hard work. But also it takes an awareness that you don't have to be the smartest kid in the class to work in a science field, and I think to get kids interested, that's important.
It's also important to show them the importance of science and how it can change the world. We have a huge challenge ahead of us. In the next 30 years the population of the Earth is going to increase to nine billion people. The challenges that we face with that ever-increasing population with regards to climate change, food and water availability, sustainability — those problems are going to be solved by science, and they're going to be solved by the kids today.
Feloni: So what would you tell the kids today who were like you, and they don't like school?
Kelly: I hated school, and I learned to like it. And if you find the thing that inspires you to learn, you can do it. If I could do it, you can do it. And there's so many important fields out there that are science-related right now that will help change the world, and they can be a part of it. Absolutely — if I could do what I did, they can do it.
Feloni: When did you tell your brother that you wanted to be an astronaut, too?
Kelly: You know, we never actually talked about it. We were both test pilots in the Navy. And test pilots at that time, when the space shuttle was flying, most of them would apply to become astronauts, and we did, too. He actually interviewed before I did, so I thought he was going to get an interview and maybe have a chance to become an astronaut and I would never get called. I just didn't think I was really prepared.
But I was willing to take the risk of rejection, send in an application — which I think a lot of people don't like to do that for some reason, but I didn't care.
Feloni: Did you guys motivate each other?
Kelly: No, not really. Like I said, I think we're competitive in nature, but not with each other. We're pretty supportive of each other.
Feloni: Actually, ahead of your last flight, he broke protocol and got on the bus, to meet you before you got on board.
Kelly: Yes, he was there actually every time I flew in space. But the last two times the Russian space program, very nice of them, let him get on the bus — despite us being quarantined — and ride out to the rocket, as I got in.
Feloni: So having this same career path has allowed you to be closer than ever?
Kelly: Yeah, I'll tell you what: Flying in space is a privilege, and even more so when you can share that experience with this person that I've known my whole life.
Getting addicted to flying into space
Feloni: How old were you when you first went into space, and what was that experience like?
Kelly: I flew my first time in December 1999, when I was 36 years old — which is actually pretty young for an astronaut to fly in space for the first time — and it was an incredible experience.
I tried to describe to my brother, who was also a test pilot — we had the same astronaut training, I just happened to fly in space about two years before he did — and I tried to explain to him for a couple year, "Hey, this is what this is like. This is what to expect." When he got off the space shuttle, I was there waiting at the hatch, the first thing he said to me when he got off was, "I had no idea what that launch was going to be like."
I mean, it is seven million pounds of thrust, and it hits you instantaneously. You recognize that the vehicle itself weighs five million pounds. You know you are just part of this controlled explosion, basically, and you're on the top of it, and it is launching you. You're busting a hole through the atmosphere at impossible speeds.
It really is an incredible experience. I wish I could do it again. I wish I could do it every day.
Feloni: Really?
Kelly: Oh yeah, amazing, launching on a rocket. It's the funnest —
Feloni: That you're favorite part of the whole thing?
Kelly: Yeah, launching, coming back, spacewalks — those are all very similar in their appeal.
Feloni: With Mark, like no matter what you could do to explain the experience , it wasn't going to capture it.
Kelly: Yeah, if I couldn't explain it to him, it's kind of hard to put it into words to other people that don't have a similar background and understanding of the space program.
Feloni: I know it's difficult to explain, but what goes through your head when you see all of planet Earth from space?
Kelly: A few things. The planet is incredibly beautiful, breathtakingly beautiful. Having said that, parts of it are polluted, like with constant levels of pollution in certain parts of Asia.
You see how fragile the atmosphere looks. It's very thin. It's almost like a thin contact lens over somebody's eye, and you realized all the pollutants we put into the atmosphere are contained in that very thin film over the surface. It's a little bit scary actually to look at it.
And then you realize looking at the Earth, that despite its beauty and its tranquility, there's a lot of hardship and conflict that goes on. You look at the planet without borders, especially during the day. At night you can see countries with lights, but during the daytime it looks like we are all part of one spaceship, Spaceship Earth.
And we're all flying through space together, as a team, and it gives you this perspective — people have described it as this "orbital perspective" — on humanity, and you get this feeling that we just need to work better — much, much better — to solve our common problems.
Feloni: Did it change your perspective as an individual?
Kelly: Oh, absolutely. I think it makes you a more empathetic person. More in touch with humanity and who we are, and what we should do to not only to take care of the planet but also to solve our common problems, which clearly are many.
Part of that science survey is identifying, "Hey, these are things that we can do to improve our chances as we continue to go forward through time, to having a sustainable planet, and to deal with the challenges ahead."
Coping with the difficulties of floating above the planet
Feloni: You've said that of all the things that could go wrong, the biggest fear for you was that something bad would happen to your family.
Kelly: Yeah. You can't come home. I experienced that on the flight prior to my last one. And that was my sister-in-law, congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, was shot in Tucson, Arizona. Six people killed in this shooting, and I was halfway through a mission and couldn't come back.
So when I was going into space for a year, my big concern is if something happens to my family members, dealing with them. And that concerns me the most, much more than my personal safety.
Feloni: So when that happened during that previous mission, did it feel like, "This is my worst fear coming true?"
Kelly: Yeah, Gabby getting shot was a significant event.
Feloni: What ran through your head?
Kelly: "I wish I could be home to support my family, but I can't, and I recognize that." I mean, that's part of when you go into space for a long periods of time, you're signing up for that.
My worst possible fear would be something happening to [my fiancée] Amiko or my kids. You cannot be physically there for them.
Feloni: Do you miss the physical presence of having your family there? Did it ever become something that you really just missed?
Kelly: You know, on the space station, we have an extraordinary ability to stay connected to people on Earth. We have email, we have a phone that works most of the time, video conferences.
You look out the window, Earth is pretty close, so there is a very good way to stay connected with folks. So even though you're in space, you still don't feel like you're really, really far away.
You understand the physics, so in a practical sense you're really far away, but in a visual sense you're relatively close. Which, when we go to Mars someday it's gonna be a much different experience.
Feloni: Why?
Kelly: Well, because in a few days you're gonna lose the ability to have a phone conversation because of the time delays. You're not going to be able to look out the window and see your home. I mean, I could get a long lens, and a pair of binoculars, and I could see my house from space, which you know, pretty soon, on the way to Mars, the planet's basically gonna look like a star at some point. So I think people feel much more isolated on those kind of trips.
Feloni: So it's kind of tricking yourself into thinking that 'I'm closer than I actually am'?
Kelly: Yeah, absolutely. But then again, you're flying at 17,500 miles per hours, it's not like you can just open a hatch and jump out with a parachute and be home.
The politics of space
Feloni: You've said like how remarkable it felt as someone who was trained during the Cold War to be cooperating with Russian cosmonauts on your mission. What do you think of the revival of tensions with Russia?
Kelly: Well, we were in a Cold War with the former Soviet Union, and tensions with Russia occur, from time to time. My personal experience working with Russians in the space program, and my other friends in Russia, even some of them that had nothing to do with the space program, they've always been very, very generous people. Great friends.
We've had a great partnership with them, with the International Space Station. And that's one of the great things about the space station, it's an international space station — different countries, cultures, languages. And that is one of the things that makes this such an extraordinary accomplishment, is the international part of it.
So I understand that at times we can be in conflict, hopefully that won't always be the case, but we should also look to the International Space Station as an example of things that we can do together in a positive way.
Feloni: And what do you think of the current private space race, and how that interacts with government space programs?
Kelly: You know, I think that people have a different perception of what private spaceflight, privatization, means. I think it means something different to everyone.
People often look at a company like SpaceX, a private entity that is doing some incredible things in space, and I think sometimes they don't recognize that for some of what SpaceX does, NASA's in partnership with them, supports them.
Feloni: So they're allies?
Kelly: Yeah, we're cooperating with SpaceX.
This is not the first time that private industry has been involved in the space program. Even if you look to the Space Shuttle, Rockwell built it, not NASA. NASA was involved in design, managing, and construction. So private space exploration, private space flight is not something new, but the way we're doing it, managing it, is different.
We're giving SpaceX some requirements and then letting them figure out how to do it, so it's a little different than the traditional way we have done things. But it's great, because maybe they can do things cheaper, and allow NASA to save money and resources to go and fly to Mars some day.
Why he thinks if he can do it, anyone can
Feloni: And what would you tell a young person who's considering going into space?
Kelly: What I tell them is if you want to be a NASA astronaut, make sure you know what the minimum qualifications are (and that is generally a bachelor's degree in science or engineering or math) but then choose a field you like. Because if you like it you're going to do better at it, and NASA likes people that have done good in their current careers because that's a very good indication of how they will do in a new one.
But then also be a well-rounded person able to do other things. On the space station, you're not just the commander or the scientist, you're the plumber, you're the electrician, you're the IT person, you're the doctor, you're the dentist.
Feloni: So you have to do everything all at once?
Kelly: You're the garbage man, you're the janitor! I mean you do everything, so they want people that have all these different skills and abilities to do other things, and work well together as a team. Because that's what makes a good crew member. Even that's what makes a good teammate on Earth — people that are willing to help out when required.
Feloni: Are you hopeful for our future in space?
Kelly: I hope I can fly in space again, with all of you. Yeah, I'm very hopeful. I think it's a privilege to do it, and I think it changes people for the better, having that experience. It's exciting, it's fun, and some day there will be more people flying in space. Hopefully it will be like getting on an airplane. It will happen some day, it's just a matter of when.
Feloni: Great. Well, thank you Scott.
Kelly: Oh, my pleasure.
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