#peter can see reflection of himself in her
frog-with-no-therapy · 5 months
That villain scientist peter parker au won't leave my head
Worst of all is that it's evolving to something more, much more, and there are some twists?? And character development?? Found family that may end up tragically??
Also somehow Felicia Hardy, Johnny Storm, and Miles Morales become something of a main characters themselves in this, and their interaction with peter is sweet, funny, a bit tragic, and found family vibes over all
And listen I love this a lot but I also know that if I let this be any deeper I may start taking things into my own hands, and I absolutely can't afford nor the time nor the effort for that so please for the love of god someone take this off my hand and write something for it please
0 notes
lxkeee · 7 months
—Lucifer Morningstar x Alastor's Mom! Reader
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Genre: Romance
Warnings: Love at first sight, fast paced romance and mentions of domestic ab*se.
Notes: to the anon who requested the platonic Alastor x Mom! Reader it would be part of this:)
Synopsis: In which Alastor's mother went down to hell to oversee the hotel's progress and met the king of hell.
Word count: 4.6k words
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[Y/n] lived a good and honest life, a simple housewife with one son. After finally separating with her abusive husband, her life with her son, Alastor had become better. Alastor promised that he'll support her through his radio hosting, the boy has become quite popular amongst the folks—with his wits and charm, he was able to make a reputation for himself and earn money better for him and her.
[Y/n] was finally happy, proud of what she and her son have accomplished. She doesn't have to worry about her ex-husband coming home to hurt her or her son.
After the divorce, not a few weeks later, her husband was found dead with several of his body parts missing. She and her son were questioned about it but nothing could connect them to the crime and was proven innocent.
Alastor comforted her about it, promising to protect her if the killer ever hurt her. Which calmed her down as the whole situation did affect her, despite her harboring hatred towards her ex-husband, she felt bad he got murdered in a brutal way possible.
Peace and happiness didn't last long for her unfortunately, some fight happened in the city when she was out for an errand and she got in the middle of the crossfire, getting herself shot twice—on her shoulder and one in her stomach. She bled to death.
[Y/n] briefly remembers a tall black haired man walking towards her, black wings on his back while carrying a large golden scythe on his hand.
“[y/n] [l/n], age is 44 years old, destination is heaven.” the man says with an amused tone in his voice. A smile found its way to her lips, this must be death then? I am sorry Alastor, I can no longer watch over you. She thought sadly, and then suddenly darkness.
[Y/n] woke up with a gasp, her eyes staring at the bright blue skies. Blinking, disoriented about what just happened. She looked at her side to see clouds, clouds everywhere. Even the ground she's lying on is clouds.
“Where... Am I...?” she mutters as she sits, finally turning around to see the gates that are shining ever so brightly, the radiant rays of the sun reflecting against the golden gate.
“Am I... In heaven...?” she asked herself softly, eyes widening as she remembers what happened. The fight in the city, getting shot—twice, bleeding to death.
Tears were streaming down her cheeks, as the reality that she died finally settled in. “No, no, no, no, no!” she said to herself, her hands covering her mouth to stop herself from crying. Her smile now lowering, already tired of keeping it up. She was the one who taught her son to always smile in any situation, but this...? She can't keep it up any longer. So she cried, hysterically. Her cries echoing throughout the skies.
She's dead, that means she won't see her son ever again. Her son will be alone, she can't be there for him!
It took a while for her to finally calm down, with a shaky breath she got off the cloudy grounds and approached the gate. An angel sitting behind the counter at the side of the gate is what she saw.
“Welcome to heaven, can I get your name please?” the man says with a smile, [y/n] stood there nervously, “[y/n] [l/n].” she says softly and watched as the male flipped through his thick book, “[y/n] Alberich, [y/n] Gunnhildr, [y/n] Lawrence [y/n] Kreideprinz, [y/n] Ragnvindr...” the angel mutters as he flips through his book, [y/n] stood awkwardly as she watches him.
The angel's finger finally stopped at a name and his smile became brighter, “Aha! There it is, [y/n] [l/n]... Please, come inside. I Saint Peter, officially welcome you to heaven.” the angel also known as Saint Peter says with a smile, the gates of heaven opening up for her.
[Y/n] nodded and hesitantly walked to the gate, passing by it and finally got inside the heavenly city.
Her new life after death. She hopes her son will join her here when his time comes, for now, she'll enjoy her new life.
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It has been a few years, decades even. Still no sign of Alastor, she wonders if Alastor was gifted with a long life, something she didn't have? After getting inside heaven, they are not allowed to check up on their remaining loved ones on earth as they are not allowed to and [y/n] respected that, she'll wait for her son to join her here. She does miss her son, she wonders how he's doing, especially after her death. She can't imagine the pain he felt after her passing. She wonders if he's in purgatory if that place ever exists, she prays that her beloved son isn't in hell. Not her Alastor.
During her time here, she somehow became a well respected angel, becoming a seraphim angel and helping around heaven, overseeing important matters around the heavenly realm. [Y/n] befriended another seraphim angel named Emily, the girl is wonderful to be around with! Very positive and such a kind girl. [Y/n] enjoys having her around.
Recently, a secret has just been revealed during a court meeting with hell's princess, the daughter of Lucifer Morningstar, [y/n] read about him and she believes that the angel didn't do anything wrong, just misunderstood but this belief is something she keeps to herself, in fear of the others throwing her out for that small reason.
All throughout the trial Charlotte Morningstar expressed valid arguments, showing that souls can really improve their ways.
It was revealed that the exorcists were going down to hell to cleanse them, a sugar coated word for killing. The fact that Sera agreed to it was ridiculous but [y/n] can't do anything about it, she is just a mortal soul after all. She can't argue with the high seraphim and risk herself getting thrown out of heaven.
[Y/n] can only pray that Charlie's plan will work.
After that meeting, [y/n] can sensed that high ranking angels trust on Sera significantly lowered.
[Y/n] and Emily spent most of their free time researching, finding ways to help Charlie achieve her dreams for her people.
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It has been a day since the cleansing started, [y/n] was in the seraphim office together with Sera and Emily doing important paperwork when suddenly a bright light fills the room and out emerged a familiar snake they [y/n] saw during the court meeting when Charlie was showing Angel Dust, she could briefly remember this snake man to be one of Angel Dust's and Charlie's friend. The one who announced he'll have sex with everyone at the club, she definitely didn't forget about that. The only difference is that the man's color themes changed.
“Huh? Wha...? Where am I?” he says as he looks around the unfamiliar place.
[Y/n] covers her mouth in disbelief while Emily squeaked beside her, turning around to look at the other two seraphim, Sera was in disbelief, [y/n] can't tell what the older woman is feeling right now.
Turning back to look at the new guest, [y/n] gave the man a small wave and the man gave her an awkward smile while waving back, “Oh... Hello!” he says and [y/n] giggles and Emily squeaks beside her.
“Hi! Welcome to heaven!” Emily cheers, the man's eyes widened. “I'm in heaven...?” he says in disbelief and [y/n] nodded, “Yes, this is heaven and you're currently in the office of the Seraphims. It is a pleasure to meet you, Sir Pentious or dare I say... Sir Redemptious?” [y/n] says with a small and gentle chuckle, chuckling at her own joke. Emily giggled at the joke while Sera remained flabbergasted.
Sir Pentious blinks in confusion, “You know me?” he asked, tilting his head slightly.
Emily nodded, a bright smile on her face, “Yes! But it is a long story.” she says with a large smile.
“But first, let us introduce ourselves.” [y/n] says with a small smile, a smile that seems awfully familiar to Sir Pentious but less... Threatening.
[Y/n] clears her throat, “It is an honor to meet you, Sir Pentious. I am [y/n] [l/n] one of the seraphims.” she introduces and Emily follows after, “Hi! I am Emily but you can call me Em, Emmy, Ly... It is a pleasure to meet you!” Emily says excitedly, approaching Sir Pentious' side and admiring him, circling him and taking in his new appearance.
“And this,” [y/n] says, extending her arms towards Sera, “This is Sera, the head Seraphim.” [y/n] says which snapped Sera out of her thoughts. Sera cleared her throat, finally back to her authoritative self.
“Greetings, Sir Pentious. I am Sera, the head Seraphim. I would like to formally welcome you to heaven, I hope you'll enjoy your stay.” Sera says and Emily nodded excitedly while [y/n] just gave a small nod with a gentle smile on her face.
“I'm not dreaming...?” Sir Pentious says in disbelief and [y/n] shook her head, “I can assure you that you are not dreaming right now.”
Emily tilts her head in confusion, finally realizing something. “How come he arrived immediately here and not at the gates...?” she asked and [y/n] hummed, she too was baffled by this, placing a hand on her chin as she began to think.
“Perhaps... He's another Seraphim?” [y/n] asked, snapping her fingers and she smirked as she noticed Sera's eye twitches. Interesting... [Y/n] thought, a subtle smirk on her face, finding the situation interesting.
“How about I show you around? I'll let the grownups handle your stay here.” Emily says, Sir Pentious looked at the girl, “I hope that my egg bois are here.” he says with glassy eyes and Emily let's out a small 'aweee' and patting the back of the man, “I am sure they are here.” Emily says as she pulls the man out of the office.
[Y/n] turned to look at Sera, a mischievous grin on her face. Sera sighs, a frown on her face. “Don't say it.” Sera muttered and [y/n] chuckles, “What...? I am not saying anything yet.” she says with a mischievous tone. Sera rolls her eyes at the woman.
“I was in the wrong, the hotel does work.” Sera says, disbelief that it does. “[y/n]. I want you to go down there and make sure that the hotel runs smoothly.” Sera says and [y/n]  blinked, confused on what the woman was planning, “Why me?” she asked, raising an eyebrow, her smile not leaving her face.
“Just do it.” Sera deadpans and [y/n] shrugs, still has a small smile on her face, “Alright, whatever the boss says.” she shrugs.
“Make sure it runs smoothly but don't tell them he's here, I fear it will influence the sinners. I want them to work hard for it, and work hard for something that they are unsure of.” Sera says, walking out of her table, walking across the room and stood in front of the window, gazing outside the office of the Seraphims.
[Y/n] looked at the woman's back, Sera's wings neatly folded behind her. [Y/n] nodded in agreement, understanding where she's coming from.
“Understood, when shall I start?” [y/n] asked, tilting her head in confusion.
“Next week, let them rebuild the hotel. Do you understand your mission, [y/n]?” Sera says, turning around to look at her, [y/n] kneels down gracefully, a hand over her heart.
“Affirmative.” [y/n] says softly and Sera nodded, “Good.”
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[Y/n]'s head peaked through the small gap of Sir Pentious' door as she opens it, her eyes soften as she sees Emily and Sir Pentious talking and multiple egg boys asleep on the bed. Knocking to catch their attention, the two looked at the very tall angel woman standing by the door, a gentle smile on her face.
“Hello, Sir Pent. I hope you're comfortable with your new room. I see that Emi is warming up to you which isn't surprising.” [y/n] giggles and Emily smiles and nodded excitedly.
“Speaking of [y/n], she's like a mom to everyone! She's so nice, I hope you two will get along!” Emily says happily, [y/n] presumes that Emily was talking about other angels before she came inside the room. [Y/n] smiles and gives the two a gentle nod, “That is me, if you have any problem... Feel free to approach me okay?” [y/n] says with a closed eyed smile, Sir Pentious eyes sparkled and a small blush on his cheeks as he could literally feel the gentle warmth of the woman.
[Y/n] just smiles and tilts her head before looking at Emily, “Anyways, I just came to check up on you two on how you two are doing. I'll be leaving now, you two have fun okay?” [y/n] says softly and Emily nodded, “Okay! I'll see you later Miss [y/n]!” Emily says and then Sir Pentious nodded and gave a wave to the woman. The two watched the older and taller woman leave the room.
[Y/n] walks away from Sir Pentious' room, walking past multiple doors that decorated the hallway—these are rooms that souls occupy and sooner, Sir Pentious' room will be upgraded since the man is a seraphim after all.. Entering the elevator, [y/n] presses a button—a button to her floor. The door closes.
[Y/n] sighs as she feels the elevator moving upwards, her mind buzzing with multiple thoughts. Taking mental notes on what to bring for her time in hell, she'll have to oversee the hotel after all.
The door opens, [y/n] steps out of the elevator, walking past by multiple doors (but the doors are much lesser than the floor Sir Pentious was in), these hallways are the rooms of the Seraphims.
Her feet stopped, coming to a halt. Holding the doorknob, the symbol of the doorknob glows, signifying that the owner of the room returned and in turn, and unlocked the door.
Stepping inside, she closes the door behind her. Time to pack.
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Timeskip a few days later.
[Y/n] stood at the opposite side of Sera's table, her hands holding her luggage, Sera the high Seraphim sat on her seat looking at the taller woman. Emily standing beside Sera, the smaller girl looked at [y/n] with a slight worried look but still had a smile on her face. [Y/n] is proud that Emily continuously applied her teachings, you're never fully dressed without a smile, as what she always tells the girl.
“Goodluck, Miss [y/n]!” Emily says with a grin on her face, [y/n] chuckles at the girl's enthusiasm and nodded nonetheless.
“Do not disappoint us.” Sera says, [y/n]'s eyes narrowed slightly but her smile never faltered. [Y/n] nodded, a charming tone in her voice, “No promises.” she says with a grin and Sera rolls her eyes and then snaps her fingers, opening a portal for the taller angel.
[Y/n] waved goodbye at the two and stepped into the portal.
The bright blue scenario was replaced with a dark red one, a door was in front of her, a glass tinted door depicting apples and snakes.
Placing down her luggage, she curls up her fingers and then knocks on the door.
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Loud knocks were heard against the tinted glass doors of the hotel, the sounds momentarily cutting off the conversation the hotel dwellers were having.
Angel Dust raises his eyebrows as he looks at the door, Husk stopping midway of drying up a freshly cleaned glass. Niffty just resumes cleaning the lobby of the hotel, Vaggie and Charlie were on the couch with Charlie's head on Vaggie's lap, Cherri is passed out drunk on the counter of the mini bar, and Alastor was just grinning as he sat on the cushioned chair.
Getting off Vaggie's lap, Charlie Morningstar walked towards the door, getting a very strong sense of deja vu. Opening it and seeing a very tall smiling angel looking down on her, a familiar angel that she saw when she had the court meeting in heaven, she remembers that this woman stood at the opposite side of Emily. Charlie never got to actually meet her or know her.
“Good eveni—” the angel started but was cut off as Charlie closed the door.
Turning around to look at her friends, a look of disbelief on her face. There's an angel in her front door, there is a SERAPHIM ANGEL IN HER FRONT DOOR.
“Vaggie?” Charlie calls out to her girlfriend nervously, Vaggie gave her a raised eyebrow, “What?” she asked.
“There's a seraphim angel at the door.” Charlie says, pointing towards the door. This promptly made everyone freeze.
“Oh my fucking god... I swear, what do they want this time..?” Angel sighs loudly, Vaggie standing up and getting her angelic weapon.
Charlie took a deep breath and opened the door once more, the same tall angel looking down on her with a gentle smile on her face, “May I speak now?” she asked and Charlie nodded nervously with a smile, the angel laughed, though she is experiencing major deja vu at the moment, “Relax, I am not here to cause trouble. Keep smiling darling, you're never fully dressed without one~!” she says with a giggle and Charlie nervously puts a smile on her face.
“Hi... My name is Charlie and you are...?” Charlie introduces herself shyly, a little flustered. The woman was very gorgeous and... Tall...
The angel shakes the girl's hand enthusiastically, “I know, my name is [y/n], it is a pleasure to meet you, Princess Morningstar.” [y/n] says with a giggle but quickly stopping as an angelic spear was pointed at her, Vaggie muttering something in Spanish underneath her breath.
“What is a seraphim angel doing here? Last time I checked, you guys hated us.” Vaggie sneers and [y/n] just smiled, using her pointer finger to push away the spear gently away from her, “Hate you...? No, no, no dearie... It's just Sera, she's... How to say it... An old time bitch.” [y/n] deadpans with a chuckle.
Charlie and Vaggie blinked at her words, in disbelief at how a seraphim can easily say something like that quite easily.
[Y/n] flicked her hand dismissively, “Ugh, I don't like her that much.” she sighs and chuckles, her eyes returning back to look at the two shorter girls.
“Let us forget about her for a moment, the reason I am here is that Sera wanted me to oversee the hotel and keep track if it makes any progress.” [y/n] explained, her pointer finger pointed up as she nodded to herself.
Vaggie narrows her eyes at her but decides not to question it but still held some suspicion of the woman. Vaggie thought that the angel reminds her of someone, but who?
Charlie just looked at the woman, in disbelief that Heaven changed its mind. Though, she too held some slight suspicion but decided not to think too much of it, moving to the side to allow the woman to pass through the tinted glass doors of the hotel.
“Very well then, please come in.” Charlie says and [y/n] gave the girl a curt bow and invited herself in.
[Y/n] admired the interior of the hotel, her eyes sparkling in admiration as she appreciates the design of the building. The interior is filled with so many red, white, gold, and black hues—a contrast to what she was used to in heaven. Charlie closes the door behind them and starts leading the taller woman back to the lobby.
“My, this hotel is very beautiful.” [y/n] says genuinely as she follows the shorter girls as they lead her towards the lobby of the Hazbin Hotel.
Finally arriving at the lobby where the other hotel members were staying, [y/n] surveyed each one of them carefully. The man who resembled a red deer oddly reminded her of someone.
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Alastor was quite interested in who the person Charlie was talking to by the door.
His eyes widened, his smile faltering slightly as he saw the woman he's long last seen and the most he has missed.
“Everyone, heaven decided to send someone to oversee the hotel's progress. This is [y/n], she is a seraphim. I hope you treat her with respect.” Charlie says with a small smile. The name makes Alastor's ears ring.
He couldn't stop himself as the words left his lips, “Mother...?” Alastor says with wide eyes and a smile still on his face.
Angel Dust's and Husk's jaw dropped. Seeing a new facial reaction of the always smiling man.
[Y/n]'s eyes widened as she covered her mouth with her hands, she was right. Why was he here? Why was her beloved son here in hell?
“Alastor...? My sweetie is that you...?” [y/n] asked shakily, her hands trembling, in disbelief.
Alastor hesitantly nodded, nervous. He didn't expect to reunite with her. How can he explain this to her? How can he explain the reason why he ended in hell?
“No fucking way...” Angel Dust muttered, in disbelief.
Tears began to stream down [y/n]'s cheeks as she let go of her luggage and quickly hugged her son, he looked so different.
“My sweet son, it really is you... Why are you here?!” She asked, cupping Alastor's face comfortingly. Alastor avoided her gaze.
“Mother... It has been awhile, I have done things that lead me down here.” Alastor explained calmly, a smile still on his face but he is fighting back tears. He missed her so much, after her death he was miserable. He found out the reason she died and killed the two men who caused her death.
[Y/n]'s eyes soften and she placed a gentle kiss on her son's forehead, Alastor instinctively closing his eyes at the contact. Warmth, he forgot what comforting warmth felt like.
“Now, now... I'm sure it couldn't be that bad...?” [y/n] says with a small chuckle and failing to notice the other hotel members giving each other a side eye.
Well... It was fun being an overlord. Alastor thought to himself as he took a deep breath and began to explain it to his mother, the reason why he's in hell.
“ALASTOR [L/N] WHAT IN HEAVEN'S NAME DO YOU MEAN YOU KILLED PEOPLE?!” [Y/n] seethes as she chases after her son, holding her shoe in her hand. Alastor trying to save his own life from his seething mother.
“Mother I can explain—!”
The others just watched as the angelic woman chased the most terrifying demon they know around the hotel.
“This is so fucking funny.” Cherri mutters beside Angel Dust, Husk having a smirk on his face as he watches his boss getting chased around by his mother.
“Well... I hope they'll stop soon or dad will come down to see what the ruckus is about.” Charlie says, nervous that they are causing too much ruckus. She knows her dad needs the quiet time to make his rubber duckies.
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Lucifer was in his room writing something on his desk, he just finished making a rubber duckie sometime ago and now he's currently writing plans for the hotel.
Well... Trying to.
His eye twitched as he heard the loud ruckus happening downstairs. With a sigh, he lets go of his fountain pen. Standing up from his seat, curious on what is happening downstairs, he left his room and went downstairs.
What the king of hell didn't expect to see was the annoying radio demon getting scolded by... An angel? And good lord, she's... Tall. Though, he couldn't see her face as her back was facing him.
“I thought I raised you better than this? Good heavens, I thought you were better than this?” the woman sobs and leans against the radio demon, sobbing into his shoulder while Alastor hesitantly comforts her. Lucifer was trying not to laugh as the radio demon gave him the middle finger.
“Who's this?” Lucifer asked and his daughter nervously approached him, “Well, this is [y/n] and heaven thought it would be a good idea to send someone to oversee our progress of the hotel.” Charlie explains and Lucifer's eyebrows are raised in confusion, confused on what changed their mind.
“I am truly sorry mother, it won't happen again,” Alastor says softly, still smiling while his mother lets go of him and flicks the radio demon's forehead making the taller man yelp in pain.
Charlie smiled and clapped her hands together, “Miss [y/n], this is my father and you might as well know him as Lucifer Morningstar.” Charlie says and the woman turns around to look at them.
And oh my devil, none of these thoughts are in the bible.
Lucifer thought as he finally took a good look at the very tall angel. She's gorgeous. Very gorgeous. The white dress she was wearing perfectly captured her figure, complimenting her skin. Her halo glowing above her head like the rays of the sun shining down on her. Absolutely divine. Lucifer blinks, trying to comprehend the beauty of the woman in front of him.
Angel Dust looking at him with a smirk, without him realizing.
[Y/n]'s eyes sparkled, quickly shoving Alastor away as she approached the shorter man, “Oh my stars, really? It's an honor to meet you, I've read about you and quite frankly I don't believe you got the justice you deserved.” [y/n] explains, she has to kneel down as her neck was starting to hurt at looking down.
Lucifer's eyes widened, surprised that an angel held him in such high regard.
“Wait... Huh??” Lucifer says in disbelief making the woman chuckle, and goodness, even her laugh sounds so beautiful.
“I am grateful that you gave us free will, if it weren't for you... Humans couldn't control their own fate, their own actions and for that, thank you.” she says sincerely and unexpectedly, a single tear streamed down Lucifer's cheek. Nobody really cared to say their thanks to him, he just assumed that humanity hated him for his actions, as heaven hated him for it. To see and hear someone say their thanks to him for the first time, may have healed some wounds he was desperately trying to heal with a bandaid.
The angel panicked when she saw the tear, “Oh my stars! Did I offend you?! Oh gosh, I didn't mean to.”
Lucifer began to chuckle and laugh. Amused at the woman's personality.
Charlie wonders if her dad finally went insane.
“Since when did angels be so nice to me?” Lucifer asked in-between chuckles, finally calming down as he offered his hand for a handshake.
“My name's Lucifer, darling. It's a pleasure to meet you...?” Lucifer says with a toothy grin but his charm and confidence were replaced by shyness and embarrassment as the angel opted to kiss his knuckles instead.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Lucifer. I am [y/n], a seraphim angel.” she says with a smile, almost smirking, her tone almost sensual.
Lucifer was flabbergasted, flustered. Blinking animatedly, his mind is still trying to comprehend what just happened. So many things are happening at once, the warmth of his cheeks, the loud thumping of his heart against his own ribcage, he prays that she couldn't hear it.
Angel Dust nudges Charlie, giving the girl a knowing smirk. Charlie just gave him a confused look, unsure what he meant, saying something to angel along the lines of, my dad's reaction is valid, have you seen her?
The apple doesn't really fall far from the tree, Angel Dust thought as he cackles in amusement.
Alastor's eyes narrowed slightly at the interaction. Vaggie cautious at the radio demon's reaction.
Well, this is interesting. Husk thought to himself, already prepared of the chaos that's going to happen now with an additional member of the hotel.
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@adaizel @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @thedarkkitten @selvyyr @froggybich @brithedemonspawn @kottenox @totallymitya @many-fandoms-lover @dou-dou @mezzyb0nb0n @n1chxyaaenthusiast @cherry-4200 @koirb @galaxyj3lly @crystalplays28 @luleck @scootinonyourmom @rory-cakes @mixplara @crescent-z @bitchyzombienacho @kalisha2004 @altervex @nehy019 @napbatata @kouyoumarryme @sxgacxbe @kooidoom @yukichan67 @apple-pop @akiralovespenguins @storydays @kaurochika @amphiroxx @lil-writer-523 @punching-pentagrams @moonlovers34
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hurtspideyparker · 6 months
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One night in the lab Peter finds an old prototype of the EDITH glasses and puts them on.
"Look Mr. Stark! I am Iron Man," he says with a deep voice.
"C'mon kid, that's the best impression you got?" Tony says before looking up.
He sees Peter with those rectangular frames and big grin. For a moment he thinks he's looking at old publicity photos of himself. A confident Tony Stark, tinted glasses and cocky smile, hair fluffed up and oozing manly charm.
Tony's easy smile drops a bit at the thought of Peter being anything like who he used to be.
"Oh sorry for talking over you Ms. Potts I just like the sound of my own voice more than hearing about the safety of our company. I'm too cool to apologize so I'll buy you a zoo for endangered species later honey," Peter tries again with the mocking deep voice.
Tony is quick to recover from the odd deja-vu feeling of seeing the teenager in the frame of a mirror, focusing back on his hologram.
"Yeah because I call the love of my life by her last name. And for your information it was an alpaca sanctuary, and she loved it." Tony corrects, pointing a pen at Peter in rebuke without looking up from his work.
"I chose to be respectful over accurate. Also I saw those alpaca photos and one of them was trying to chew on her skirt, she didn't look very impressed." Peter replies with a matter of fact press of his lips.
Tony glances back at the boy only to find himself unable to look away. He can't help but hear echoes of "I just wanted to be like you!" when he sees the boy wearing frames reminiscent of Tony's classic fashion sense.
Tony thinks about Howard, how he used to run laps to prove he was good enough, better than, worthy of being his son.
He was never enough for Howard.
"You're always better at remembering that kind of stuff than me anyways kid."
Peter is taken back by the earnest tone the older man suddenly possesses. His mouth opens but no words come out in reply, Tony looking at him as if he can see right through the spiderling.
"Now stop playing with my old crap and c'mere, we have some important decisions to make," Tony waves him over to look at something on his phone.
When Peter gets close enough he sees that it's a food delivery app, Tony's fingers hovering between an Indian and Thai restaurant.
Peter shoots him another grin, "I vote for samosas!"
Tony rolls his eyes but clicks on the Indian restaurant anyways.
Peter notices in the reflection of the phone that he still has the glasses on, reaching up to remove them before Tony puts a hand on his wrist to stop him.
"Keep em on, it's the first time you've ever looked cool enough to hang out with me. The tech in those is useless anyways, they're just a pair of sunglasses now."
Peter looks up at his mentor with such awe and admiration that Tony nearly melts like butter under the sun.
Tony may not do many things right when it comes to people, but he knows that even when he was still young and naive he'd known better than to ever look at Howard like that.
So maybe there's one thing he hasn't screwed up.
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ellecdc · 4 months
Happy Mother’s Day 💐🌷🤭
Anyways, the marauders brainrot continues….I know shocking 😮 , my obsession will never end at this point in time. Oh well, art is kicking my ass and I need something to bring back my spirt lol.
Sooo, could I perhaps, if possible, request a poly!wolfstar? In which;
There’s a party in the commons, after a quidditch match or sm (idk 😭?) and shy reader (preferably female) dresses in only Remus and Sirius’s clothes but somehow finds a way to make her own twist on it and she look beyond gorgeous, all decked out. She doesn’t tell Sirius or Remus and the two don’t realise how much of their clothes and ect. Untill the spot her at the party talking with the girls, and are both shunned because their shy girlfriend is all dressed up, showing skin, confident and all, and in their clothes only, not a single thing of hers.
firstly, thank you so much for your mothers day wishes hahahaha I was spoiled for sure. secondly, thank you for your request!!
poly!wolfstar x shy!reader who surprises her boyfriends
CW: mention of drunk friends but no description of drinking?, sexual implications at the end but nothing described and SFW
Remus felt slightly guilty that he wasn’t downstairs to greet you when you arrived at the Gryffindor after party following their latest quidditch win.
The reason he wasn’t there wasn’t even a very good one; it was simply that Sirius always came back to the dorms to shower instead of showering in the team’s locker room and was always riled up (just the way he liked him).
In other words, it was selfish and self-serving.
Which was perhaps why he was currently rushing his boyfriend as he painstakingly styled his hair to look perfectly un-styled.
“Pads, you’ve flipped your hair seven times already, can we go?”
Sirius flipped his hair four more times as he let out a scoff. “Easy bubs; you know I like to be fashionably late.” He responded as he righted himself, shooting Remus a salacious wink in the reflection of the mirror on his dresser.  
“We’re going to miss the party altogether at this rate.” Remus muttered petulantly.
Sirius let out a noncommittal hum as he pulled the collar of his buttoned-up shirt lower in order to show off the new love bite on his neck from Remus, and a few older ones on his chest that you had given him in hopes no one else would see them there.
How wrong you would be.
“I could think of other things we could do instead.” Sirius offered as he stalked towards the chair Remus was currently pouting in and straddled his lap.
“You were the one who wanted to attend the party.” Remus pressed as he allowed Sirius to press lingering kisses along his jawline. “Neither me or your girl were very keen.”
“I’m sure she’d be happy if we took a raincheck.” Sirius responded as he continued his assault down Remus’ neck.
“Perhaps if she wasn’t already downstairs.”
That seemed to snap Sirius out of his ministrations as he looked at Remus incredulously. “Then what in the buggering fuck are we doing up here? Merlin’s saggy balls, let’s go Moony.” He barked as he stood abruptly and yanked Remus’ arm, forcing him to follow.
Remus was only slightly embarrassed that he had to adjust his trousers as they exited the dorm room.
As Remus had predicted, the party was in full swing by the time they made it down to the common room.
Peter was maybe three sips of whatever was currently in his red solo cup away from spending the rest of the night hunched over the toilet bowl, James was already completely ignoring everyone else around him in favour of staring love-drunkenly at Lily as she spoke emphatically to Mary, Alice and Frank were snogging to near pornographic levels in the corner of the room, and Marlene was passed out in Dorcas’ lap as she conversed with…you.
Just when Remus was certain he couldn’t love you more, your sweet, timid, lovely self showed up to a Gryffindor party on behalf of your extroverted boyfriend after they took their sweet ass time to join you when both he and Remus knew quite well that there were probably several hundred other things you’d rather be doing 
And not to mention when you show up looking like that.
“What is she wearing?” Sirius whispered on an exhale; his steps faltering as he took you in.
What were you wearing?
You looked to be wearing – “is that your button up shirt?” Sirius finished Remus’ thought.
And based on the fit and length, it appeared you were, in fact, wearing Remus’ dress shirt.
Though it was cinched at the waist by – “that’s your belt, Sirius.”
“That little minx is stealing our clothes, Moony.” Sirius laughed; equal parts exasperated and lovesick.
You chuckled at something Dorcas said before you turned your gaze to the rest of the party where you spotted your boyfriends.
“What are you wearing? Or should I ask who since you look like you ought to be on a red carpet or something?” Sirius asked in way of a greeting as he made for you, causing your shoulders to migrate upwards as you smiled timidly at them.  
“Hi, dovey.” Remus greeted you as he pressed a kiss to your cheek and shot a wink at Dorcas who was already looking at the two of them knowingly.
“Your girl looks smashing tonight, boys.” She commented; taking a sip of her drink from one hand as she used the other to pet Marlene’s hair.
You, for your part, turned to Dorcas with a look of unadulterated betrayal.
“She looks smashing, always, Meadows; but I have to agree that I like this look, baby girl. Stand up! Give us a spin.” Sirius said as he pulled you up by your hands.
“Sirius…” You chided pleaded quietly as your eyes nervously darted to Remus as if screaming ‘help’.
“Humour me.” Sirius pushed; twirling his finger in a circle to reiterate his earlier demand.
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms protectively around your middle but acquiesced to his wishes.
After a few wolf whistles and an actual round of applause from Sirius, and ooh’s and aah’s from Remus, you turned back towards them and Remus could almost feel the heat radiating off your face.
“You played a good game, Siri.” You commented instead of hello, or thank you, or sod off you wankers, which made Remus all the more smitten with you.
“That’s old news, gorgeous.” Sirius dismissed quickly, eyes still darting over your form as if committing this sight to memory. “I’d rather talk about you.”
“I’d rather not.” You argued quickly.
“Tie breaker votes talking about you, sweetheart; sorry.” Remus responded, not particularly sorry at all if it meant he got to keep looking at you.
You harrumphed quietly and looked down at your converse which seemed to be the only article of clothing you were wearing that belonged to you. “You guys are being mean.”
Both boys immediately started cooing and apologising profusely; Remus pulling you protectively into his side as they fussed over you.
“Can’t believe I was upstairs all this time staring at Sirius when I could’ve been down here looking at you.” Remus commented quietly into your hair, but from Sirius’ indignant squawk, he was clearly overheard. 
Your responding smile was well worth it though. 
“Are these my earrings?” Sirius asked then, pushing hair behind your ear to expose the dangly star and moon earrings that Sirius had bought back in fifth year when he and Remus first started dating. 
“I thought it looked good with the ‘fit. I had a vision.” You admitted; tone still shy but words far braver than Remus thinks he’s heard from you with this many people around. 
“And you were right.” Remus agreed readily. 
“The vision was great babes; it’s like I picked it out myself.” Sirius said with a wink. “The only thing better would have been if you showed up in only your knickers.” He stated with finality; seemingly proud of his proclamation and of his girlfriend. 
Remus was expecting you to flush horribly at that as your eyes darted nervously around you.
Except you didn’t.
Instead, a mischievous grin spread across your lips as you looked up at the boys in front of you.
“They didn’t go with the vision.”
Both boys stared at you with varying levels of bemusement as Dorcas let out a snort behind you. 
“What didn’t go with the vision?” Sirius accused quickly. 
“Knickers, you tosser.” Dorcas answered from behind you. 
Remus felt a blush of his own take over his face as he realised you had been waiting down here for your boyfriends looking like that without anything underneath your ensemble.
“Are you serious?” Sirius asked stupidly.
“No, you’re Sirius.” You giggled as if you made a truly funny joke, cluing Remus into the fact that you had these boys exactly where you wanted them.
In the palm of your hand.
“Better make a move quick, Black.” Marlene slurred as she rose from the dead sleep and blinked at the boys owlishly - one eye beginning to open before the other had even shut. “Otherwise we w- we will.” 
Remus barked a laugh as Dorcas lovingly rolled her eyes and tried to tame Marlene’s now unruly bedhead, but Sirius appeared to take the threat earnestly as he quickly picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, ignoring your surprised squeak and subsequent protests as he raced up the stairs to the boys’ dormitory. 
“Quickly now, Moony.” Sirius called as he took care to cover your arse with one of his hands lest your ‘Remus’-shirt-turned-dress’ were to ride up. “Can’t believe I let you waste all that time getting ready when our beautiful, gorgeous, lovely girl was waiting for us.” 
Remus rolled his eyes as he followed the sounds of Sirius’ faux chiding and your squealing laughter, wondering if Sirius’ diligent eleven flips of his hair was worth attending a party for four and a half minutes.
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improbable-outset · 7 months
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📂 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎’𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭.𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞
I think it’s about time I post the SFW version of this HC collection. Just like the NSFW version, I’m going to try and make this as accurate to his character as possible while putting my own input too. I wrote the NSFW back in September so there might be some HC that will be slightly different. My interpretation on Miguel’s character will evolve.
Also since the NSFW alphabet was written with a gn Reader, it’s only fair I do the same here too. Fair warning, going through these head cannons is NOT going to be a walk in the park 😭 just a heads up
𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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📄 𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.𝐝𝐨𝐜
There’s a lot to cover here but I’m going to try my best to summarise this headcanon. Given the fact that Miguel has experienced a complex family dynamic in the comic books, especially from his mother ridiculing him, I think he’ll have a hard time expressing affection
And on top of that, he’s been isolating himself to keep the multiverse in balance. So having receiving affection like that will be foreign to him since it’s not something he grew up with
I mean you could point out that he showed Gabriella devotion and affection as a father because he didn’t want her to experience the same shitty childhood he did growing up
After the dimension collapse, he’s more closed off and reserved. It’ll take a lot of effort to build that trust in someone again and openly express his emotions
Going back to his background now, even after Miguel tried to fix his relationship with his mother, he was always brushed off and was seen as self-centered. This would definitely reflect in his relationship having grown up being misunderstood
📄 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I think this depends heavily on the timeline on when you actually meet him. We’ve all seen the post credit scene in the first movie when he was testing out the gizmo for the first time
I know we've only seen a glimpse of his character but I can’t imagine him being as cold and bleak back then as he is now, after he broke the canon
That being said, I think it would’ve been easier to be friends with him back then. Sure, he would’ve been a sarcastic asshole sometimes (affectionate) but at least he wasn’t closed off and easily irritated as he is now during ATSV
But if you’ve met him after the incident of Gabriellas’s dimensions collapse, let’s just say it’ll be a rocky road. It’ll take a while for him to break that outer shell (do not underestimate when I say a while). I think Jess is probably the only person that could get through to him, possibly Peter too.
It’ll take time. It’ll always take time… you can understand why he’s angry and stressed
📄 𝐂𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
We can collectively agree that this man is touch starved and I don’t just mean sexually. As much as he hates to admit it
Once you both made your relationship official, it’ll be you that would rest on his chest first whenever you would need comforting. He’s used to being relied on— whether it’s serving his partner or when leading the Spider Society— not the other way around. He can’t bring himself to be dependable on someone just yet
But later on, when he does break down that barrier and swallow his pride for once, you’ll get him to rest on you. Initially he does deny that he needs such comfort but if you coax him enough, he’ll give in
He’ll be stiff at first with his head on your chest and your arms wrapped around him, but with each passing second he slowly relaxes his muscles under your embrace
Sooner or later, he’s melted under you and if you're lucky, he’ll fall asleep. Poor guy needs a break
📄 𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Deep down, underneath that hard exterior he secretly desires to settle down with someone. He yearns to come home to someone that will be excited to see him and just be present in his life. I haven’t read the comics yet so I’m basing this off ATSV Miguel but, he hasn’t experienced anything like that. I feel like he has fantasised to be in Peter B Parker’s shoes a few times where he can go home to a family
He’s grown accustomed to coming home to an empty apartment with nothing but his AI assistant to keep him company. But just because he’s used to it, doesn’t mean he likes it that way
After he lost Gabriella, the gravity of his loneliness really hit him. Especially given the fact that it wasn’t his official family, it was his variant’s and he was just replacing him
The grief still stayed though. He knows he’s never going to have that family again and now he’s back to everything being hollow
Once he does finally get to settle down I can imagine him struggling to adjust to his new lifestyle, now that he’s living with his partner
At first he’s barely home, always in HQ and busting his ass keeping everything in order because that’s what he’s used to
But after he realises his old habits, he tries to amend himself. He’ll try and put more effort in domestic tasks just to be around you more. Sure, he still has that underlying stress and he’s still getting used to not being cooped up in his office. But that feeling will subside once his habits change
📄 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I think this depends on who’s at fault here, the reason why your relationship has ended. But it’ll highly likely be because of Miguel’s overworking habits and not putting priority on the people he cares about
Sure the multiverse is important but he can get another Spider Person like Jess or Peter to take care of it while he takes a break. But he doesn’t
Throughout your relationship, you try to help him change his habits and his routine so he can live a healthy and more fulfilling life. Even grow a family together if that’s what you want. Unfortunately there’s only so much you can do and everything just feels like one step forward, two steps back— even after you communicate that with him and give him so many chances
He’s probably too blinded by his stress to even realise the harm he’s causing in your relationship. He finally gets that wake up call when he comes home to see you pack your bags
It’s up to you where you want to go from there…
📄 𝐅𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I know in the comics, he did propose to Dana and as much as I’d love to see him as a husband and be his pretty little housewife, he can’t make that sort of commitment unless he heals from his past
If he wants something solid with a healthy and long lasting marriage, he needs to sort himself out otherwise there will be consequences later on down the line. Unresolved emotional baggage can lead to him being emotionally distant and unexpected outbursts
Even if he doesn’t mean to hurt you, there’s still a part of him that’s still wounded and he’ll bleed onto people that don’t deserve to be on the receiving end of his heated outlet. He needs to be able to be open with his partner if he wants to commit to them
Didn’t expect this sort of turn lol. It will take time but I think Miguel might want to settle down and if he truly wants it to happen, he’ll put in the effort
📄 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Miguel knows that he is a big man and he’s aware of his strength which is why he’s always careful with you. Obviously the last thing he wants is to hurt you physically
However, when it comes to emotional, I think he’s the one that needs to be handled with care. Like I mentioned before, he’s living a post tragedy so it will be hard for him to be vulnerable at first
There are times where he’ll have outbursts but he’ll never in a million years resort to hurting you. He’ll regret even reaching his tipping point afterward though. You don’t deserve that when all you’ve been doing was looking out for him
📄 𝐇𝐮𝐠𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I wouldn’t say he’s much of a hugger. Not openly anyways. He’s not good with PDA and would rather show his affection, both physical and emotional, privately
But if you do initiate the hug, he wouldn’t refuse. He probably needs it anyways. He would slowly wrap his arms around you and gently embrace you. I think he does squeeze a little after
With his big broad arms, he can easily wrap around your body. His hugs are warm and they always make you feel secure in his arms. His height makes it easy to envelope you too
📄 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Oh boy….I could see this go either two ways.
One: he’ll either have a barrier around himself that will prevent himself from being emotionally vulnerable to avoid getting hurt. So he would have a hard time expressing his love vocally but will show you through other ways like act of service or being protective over you. He won’t directly say I love you unless you initiate it first.
Or two: he’s so distraught from his grief that the fear of loss still lingers. So he’ll take every chance he can get to remind you that he loves you with all his heart
“Te amo mucho.” “Te quiero.” “Eres el amor de mi vida.”
There’s that underlying fear that he’ll lose you, either by being snatched away from him like Gabriella or you’ll leave him one day. But at least you’ll know how much you mean to him while you were together. That will give him a sense of ease
Either way, both situations are driven by his tragic past. Though personally, I’d prefer the latter
📄 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I think Miguel’s jealousy will stem from the fear of loss again and the desire for stability in the relationship. Sure, he has support from his colleagues from the Society but that’s not the same as receiving devotion and love from a romantic partner
And because of that, he’ll be more vigilant about perceived threats to your relationship, driven by the fear of losing you. The vigilance could exhibit as jealousy if it means preserving that special emotional connection you both share and a tinge possessive over you too. It’s possible that this could be a defence mechanism for him after everything he’s been through
Not saying that he doesn’t trust you or anything, but I know that he will give anybody a death glare if they even look at you the wrong way. He knows his height and physique can be intimidating. This does go hand in hand with security that we will cover more on later
📄 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Awhh my absolute favourite prompt. I know Miguel loves kissing his partner on the forehead, giving his height and all. It’s just so sweet and tender and he’ll probably do it throughout the day when he can’t vocally express his love
He loves watching you try kiss his cheek especially if you’re shorter and stuggling to reach. He just finds it so endearing. He’ll bend a little so you could reach his face and peck his cheek of course. He loves your kisses too
The first time you both shared your first kiss was after the third or forth date. He bent over to reach your eye level while you lifted your head up
He held your face gently and titled his head before he leaned in. God bless Kris Anka for giving this man such smoochable lips by the way
📄 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
You would think that after he lost his daughter, Miguel would be eager to be a father again. He would love to have children of his own.
Yeah…think again. I don’t think he’ll agree that easily. You can’t tell me that the idea of having children again wouldn’t trigger some sort of relapse. He’ll either think he wouldn’t be a good father or he wouldn’t want to replace Gabriella.
Call me bleak, but he just watched his daughter disappear in his arms (and committed omnicide) and is left emotionally traumatised.
Even if we all know he’s not at fault and he was unaware of the consequences at the time, that’s not going to stop him from blaming himself.
Initially he would probably abstain from having children until you came into his life. Seeing your character, not only as a partner but your personality in general, will probably shift his perspective a little
The thought of being the father to your children will probably motivate him into being better for your sake. He can’t imagine having children with anyone else now especially seeing the way you interact with other babies like Mayday
An added bonus if you’re carrying his child. He will place his hand on your bump to feel the baby kick and I think that momentary bond with his unborn baby will resonate with him.
📄 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Morning routines can be pretty peaceful, especially with you around now. Waking up next to you makes everything better for him ten folds
He’s usually the first to wake up (no surprise) and goes to the bathroom to get ready for the day
By the time you’re up he’s already in the kitchen. Unless you’re an early riser too. Before you got together, he’s breakfast would consist of instant coffee and maybe a toast if he’s lucky
But now with you around, you make sure he has a proper meal before he starts his day. And he has noticed that he’s more alert and aware after a nutritional breakfast. He’ll always be grateful for that
📄 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Night routines aren’t as blissful though. There are some nights where he wouldn’t be home, probably in another dimension tackling an anomaly again. It comes to no surprise being in a relationship with a superhero
But that doesn’t make it any less lonely for you. Your heart does ache for him and you’re always worried about his safety. Some missions take days and it’s hard to predict when he’ll be back home
But when you finally do get to share a night together, things are more content. You would either spend the evening cooking together or watching a movie. Either way, you’re grateful that he’s safe at home
📄 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Initially, Miguel was reluctant on expressing himself with you. He doesn’t want to put his burden on you even though he constantly remind him that you’re his partner. You’re there to support him, yet he still insists that he’s fine
And because he bottles everything in, his behaviour is effected whenever you’re together. Easily irritated, uncharacteristically quiet and only giving one word answers
He quickly realises that keeping everything in is doing your relationship more harm than good and you’re only getting hurt in the process
Slowly but surely, he eventually opens up, revealing layers of himself to you overtime. This could include sharing his past, his fears and his dreams which builds a deeper connection between the two of you
📄 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞.𝐝𝐨𝐜
You know, the first time I was introduced to Miguel, I saw him as a ticking time bomb. Ready to burst any second. But it didn’t take long to realise his perspective on things
The only reason he was pissed off in the movie was because he was challenged. Imagine busting your ass trying to keep the multiverse in order so you wouldn’t have to repeat one of the biggest mistakes you’ve done and then someone comes in and puts it at risk
Sure, the way he acted out was uncalled for but like I mentioned before, unresolved emotional baggage
However, when if comes to his partner, he’ll put more effort into being more patient with things. Building that trust and intimacy will take time but it’ll be worth it. When it comes to your relationship, he’ll avoid rushing into expectations and let things happen organically
I know he’ll be good when it comes to respecting boundaries, especially the fact that there will be moments where he would want to be alone to collect himself. He will know you would follow through and it’s only fair that he would respect any of your wishes too
📄 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐞𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I think he’s pretty good when it comes to remembering what you like. I know that later on in the relationship, he’d love to learn more, what makes you tick, the good and the bad, and what will instantly boost your mood. I wouldn’t say he would remember the nitty gritty details about you but he will remember the important things.
It’s the least he can do after everything you’ve done for him and giving him the safe space he needs
However, he’s not very good when it comes to keeping up to date with special events. I’ll get into more details later on so you can understand where I’m coming from
📄 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫.𝐝𝐨𝐜
This is going to sound a little corny but Miguel’s favourite memory with you is when he finally built the courage to be emotionally vulnerable with you for the first time
You can imagine how this was a massive step since it’s all foreign to him. He was hesitant when he was venting to you for the first time, with his head resting on your lap and your hands running through his hair
That was when he felt the weight being lifted from his shoulder. Being a leader and having people rely on him for everything was draining but you saw past all of that. You managed to see the man inside him after unravelling the hard exterior. A momentary bliss in his blaring background noise of his life
That was the first time he realised he had found his person. Someone who saw the gray instead of seeing things as black and white
📄 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Being a superhero and a leader of an elite force, Miguel will naturally be protective over you. His commitment to you also means keeping you safe from any danger not just as a civilian but as a devoted lover too
This also ties in to his fear of loss just as I mentioned earlier about his jealousy. Except this extends beyond mere jealousy with a genuine desire to shield you from harm
There are different ways he will express his protective nature such as creating a safe space for you or anticipating potential threats that could put you at risk before it could even happen
📄 𝐓𝐫𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Does this man put effort into your relationship…
You guys might hate me for making him look like a terrible partner. I’m just trying to be realistic here… but I think he won’t be best when it comes to remembering special events like anniversaries, birthdays and whatnot. It’s not that he doesn’t try
This guy is literally dimension hopping throughout his daily routine at work as well as keeping the Spider Society together.
I know that going to different dimensions is probably gonna fuck up with his internal clock and he’ll lose track of the days very easily
I’m not trying to make excuses for him or anything. He’s a busy man and overworked (like I didn’t reiterate that enough). But if it really upsets you, I think you should really communicate with him. Remind him of those special days because I know it’ll probably slip his mind. If he cares about you he should try to make time for you, right?
But on the other hand, he might even surprise you when you least expect it. You’ll probably assume that he’ll be in another dimension that special day and you come home to see him surprise you with gifts and such. I can imagine that happening too
📄 𝐔𝐠𝐥𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Wouldn’t really call this ugly but this is a huge flaw that isn’t talked about enough
After the broken canon incident we already know he’s left traumatised but I think he has some untreated PTSD too and he refuses to get the help he needs
He doesn’t want to be seen as a ‘broken leader’ (his words maybe) when he has so many people from the Society relying on him (toxic perfectionism?)
Unfortunately for him, if he doesn’t tackle these issues now, it will affect his relationship in the long run
📄 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I think we can all agree that Miguel naturally does put effort in his look, whether he’s single or not. He’s clean shaven and his hair is slick back everyday. So I can imagine a morning routine with him making himself look good. And I think he knows he looks good too
But when it comes to going out on dates and stuff, he will definitely put more effort in his appearance
I can see him asking Lyla for advice on what to do on the first date and how to make himself look more presentable, especially if you’re someone he wants to take seriously. He’s a little rusty with these things but he’s a quick learner too
📄 𝐖𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I can’t see Miguel having the whole “my partner is my other half” belief. I think it’s an overstatement to him.
But if you’re both compatible enough, he will be aware that you bring out the best in him. Whenever he’s on the verge of overworking or overly stressed out, you’re always there to keep him grounded and give him the pep talk he needs to hear. He’s never been supported and loved while simultaneously reprimanded for his bad habits like this
Without you he realises that he’s a mess but now that you’re here, he has that drive to be better not just for the sake of your relationship, but for himself too. He has somebody special to look forward to seeing after work now
So sure, his partner doesn’t make him ‘whole’ but you do make him a better man and that’s all he needs
📄 𝐗𝐭𝐫𝐚.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Finally, I can say something wholesome about this man. So I know that he has a personal gym near HQ where he would train and keep in shape.
I have a strong feeling that he enjoys it when his partner watches him work out. It’s a serious ego booster for him. At first he was a little weirded out that you would just stare, it wasn’t something he wasnt used to, but now he loves it when you admire him from afar.
It gives him that extra motivational boost to do better. He loves it when you steal quick kisses between each sets too.
Speaking of which, you can’t tell me that one scene in the movie when he flawlessly destroyed those grenades from the vulture that he didn’t do it with a smirk under his mask. He knew he ate that.
📄 𝐘𝐮𝐜𝐤.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Something that he wouldn’t like in his partner. I can’t lie, it was pretty hard to pinpoint with this one but after brainstorming, I think I know what he wouldn’t like
This might be controversial since this trope is pretty popular but I don’t think the whole sunshine x grumpy trope will work with him
Maybe in a different universe where he’s not responsible for the stability of the multiverse, something that is a life and death situation, while leading the Spider Society and already has a lot on his plate. But unfortunately that’s his life now. He’s given up too much to stop now
The last thing he needs is a partner who’s overly optimistic and doesn’t see from his perspective. The fate of the multiverse is in his hands after all
He’s been misunderstood his whole life. He needs his partner to just be present and listen to him and not tell him to keep his chin up when he’s not in the right state of mind for it. He needs someone who understands the gravity of his responsibilities
📄 𝐙𝐳𝐳.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I’ve mentioned this before but I’ll say it again. Miguel suffers from insomnia and gets repetitive nightmares of the multiverse collapsing one day. Sometimes his mind constantly relives the moment of his daughter fading away in his arms.
He just can’t get a rest from that.
But after being with you, they do eventually calm down. Listening to your steady breathing as you sleep, nestling in his arms or on his chest really helps calm his nerves.
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Call me Miguel’s psychologist the way I yap about his fucked up mental state. I wanna write Miguel having some sort of melt down while reader comforts him but I know no one wants to read that 💀 properly will post it on ao3
Here’s the NSFW version if you’re interested
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬: @patchesofwork @monarchberrysblog @miguelbaby @swiftyangx12 @tarjapearce @smokeywhalee @lazyjellyfish300 @ghost-lantern @jadeloverxd @scaleniusrm @wandasfifthwife @ultravioletrayz @theorphicangel
Anyways, I’m logging off and going to bed
- Ayrus xox
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hobiebrownismygod · 11 months
Headcanon that Hobie Brown struggles with conveying his emotions/is emotionally unavailable
When we were introduced to Hobie, he seemed like a very outgoing, funny guy who's friends with the optimistic, friendly Spider-man India, and we assume that he's the same way, what with all the jokes he makes, the slightly high-pitched voice and the vibrant color-changing nature of his animation. However, when he takes his mask off, he immediately reverts to a deeper tone of voice, no longer cracking as many jokes, not really expressing any visible emotions. He keeps a straight face for most of the movie, only managing a smirk or a slight smile when talking to Miles. He doesn't talk much, and all his lines have a deeper meaning behind them or a specific goal in mind.
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"eh what of it?"
This scene specifically is what fuels this headcanon. We see all of the Spider-men reflecting over their canons, showing visible anguish at these past events, ex. Peter B. Parker looking away from Miles and kissing Mayday on the forehead, and Jess Drew adding on her little "and me" when Miles asks if the canon happened to them.
However, Hobie seems to be looking at the canon event with a completely straight face, showing very little emotion at the death of his police captain. Now its completely plausible that since he is most obviously ACAB, he killed his police captain himself and doesn't feel much guilt for his death, but if we look closely, he does look a little sad before he turns his attention back to Miles. He then proceeds to say, "what of it", brushing off the incident, and acting as if it wasn't a big deal. This, plus his fairly emotionless behavior from the rest of his scenes made me feel as though he might be emotionally unavailable, especially in the specific emotions of sadness, guilt, regret, etc...
We do see Hobie laughing, smiling, being cocky and sarcastic, but we never see him sad or regretful, compared to the rest of the Spider-men who are all shown experiencing some kind of negative emotion. (This includes even Ben Reilly, Spectacular Spider-man, Pavitr, etc...)
Being emotionally unavailable can also result from trauma, which we can be pretty sure Hobie has. Canonically, he was homeless before being bitten by a spider, and considering most Spider-people get bit from the ages of 13-16, we can assume that he spent most of his teenage life homeless. Being a homeless black teen in a fascist dictatorship in the 70s most definitely would have left some kind of impact on him, making the headcanon that he would be emotionally unavailable even more valid.
Either way, headcanons are headcanons and they don't need to be 100% accurate or even really have to make sense, but I like the idea of Hobie not really being the type to open up to people and I think it would be an interesting concept to explore in fanfictions, Hobie x readers or even Hobie x OCs!
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g1rld1ary · 4 months
lifeguard!james x reader 2
wc: 1587
cw: nowhere near as horny as the first one (my period ended), still mentions of sexual feelings, swearing
you went back to the pool the next day. was it for james? no. was it not for james? you weren't answering that. but there he was when you and the girls walked in just after lunchtime, sunglasses on to avoid the reflection from the water. you had to admit you were glad he was working, you'd forgotten your book at home and needed something fun to look at when you were tanning.
you were allowed to observe him shamelessly for a minute and a half whilst he was preoccupied explaining something to hilda, one of the old ladies who possibly spent every day of summer at the public pool (she was big on aqua aerobics). it was even better when he did see you all, though, his face breaking out into a boyish grin as he waved. the girls all waved back and you pulled your sunglasses down past your eyes with one hand, raising one eyebrow with a smile. he responded with a silly exaggeration of his heart beating against his chest with his hands, drawing an unwilling giggle out of you. he looked pleased with the reaction.
james left you all alone for a little, actually doing his job while you soaked up the sun, discussing your summer readings with lily. marlene and mary were filling out magazine quizzes next to you, occasionally asking for opinions. about a half hour later james approached you with an excited "ladies! it's good to see you back again!" mary laughed with a polite greeting in return, twisting in her beach chair to face him. you all followed, and you couldn't resist teasing him.
"hope you don't think it's because of you, baywatch." james shook his head sagely.
"i would never dare. i mean, clearly, this is the place to be." he gestured around the facility, obviously referring to the fact that you and your friends were the only people there aged between 15 and 30. lily laughed then, pushing her sunglasses up into her hair to look at him properly.
"is this your way of asking where people actually hang out?" james shrugged. "to be completely honest, most of our age group sleep through the day to do dumb shit at night, it's the best way to escape the heat," she explained.
"the few that are awake usually hang around the arcade," marlene added, "or the village -- that's the shopping centre. usually our group hang out there if it's horrid weather, there's a decent cinema and a music shop, passable food as well." james nodded, looking genuinely interested in what marlene had to say about it.
"maybe you'll all have to show me around it one time," he said cheekily, and you all made entertained noises at his forwardness.
"desperate for our company, are you?" you teased, but james just shrugged easily.
"i told you yesterday, i literally have zero friends here." there was something charming in his openness about being a complete loser, and you could tell the others felt similarly.
"don't be silly, james, we'll be your friends," lily said kindly, using the same tone she did when talking to the kids she tutored.
"yeah," marlene agreed, "you can't be any worse than the other tossers we're friends with." you all laughed at that, thinking of the boys who refused to accompany you to the pool.
"and they've not come with you?" james asked, catching onto the unsaid easier than he probably should as a relative stranger.
"they wouldn't be caught dead. sirius cares about his hair too much to even be around all these germs, and remus tries not to be in the sun if he can avoid it. poor peter refuses to be the only guy hanging out with us, I think we still scare him a little after all these years," mary joked, and james looked utterly delighted to be hearing about your lives.
he excused himself not long after to get back to the job he should've been doing the whole time, and you admired the way his arse looked in the swim shorts as he left.
"he seems nice," you muttered, and the others agreed. lily raised one perfect red eyebrow.
"are we talking about his personality or the body you can't stop staring at?" you gasped, not offended at her statement but more than willing to pretend.
"are you calling me a whore?" you asked with a hand over your chest.
"you said it," marlene quipped and you cried out in protest, lines of mock outrage spilling from your lips.
you got bored of bickering quickly, the heat taking most of the fight out of you. you sat in relative silence for a while until lily declared it time for more water, taking marlene to go buy you all bottles from the corner shop down the street. the ones at the tragic pool bar were never cold and she wanted ones from the fridge. that left you and a sleeping mary on either side of your line of chairs. you pushed yourself up to a sitting position, leaning over to grab the magazine lying on marlene's towel.
you flipped through it lazily, but couldn't stop your eyes from drifting up to where james sat in his lifeguard's chair, wiping sweat from his brow. there was something about him that interested you (aside from the god-like body). he had an easy openness that you scarcely found in guys your age; he wasn't afraid to be lame or honest and didn't seem to be interested in making himself sound any better than he was to a group of four hot girls -- if you did say so yourself. he was refreshing, and not just visually.
as if he could read your mind james started approaching, and you quickly busied yourself in an article you couldn't care less about.
"hi," he said, standing in front of your chair. you looked up, feigning slight surprise, as if you hadn't been listening to his flip-flops grow closer.
"couldn't stay away?" you asked, closing the magazine in a way you hoped didn't look eager.
"you caught me," he sighed, smile making its way onto his face.
"shouldn't you be working?"
"i'm taking my break. thought i'd come keep you company."
"how generous," you mused, "would've thought you'd gotten enough of a view of me during your shift from up on that seat of yours." james had the decency to look mildly embarrassed for a moment, but it passed quickly and he took it in stride, sitting on the edge of your deck chair, careful not to drip water on your belongings.
"i'm only appreciating the natural beauty of this town. besides, someone's gotta do it if your boyfriend won't bother coming here with you, wouldn't want such a nice bikini to go to waste." you felt hot at the compliment and you knew it wasn't just the sun. you tried to play it off.
"are you asking if i'm single?" james paused for a moment, possibly thinking through his options, then nodded, unashamed. "you don't even know my name."
"you won't tell me."
"touché." you let yourself smile a little, loving the way james' eyes crinkled when he returned it. "done anything to earn it yet?" you could see him genuinely thinking and wondered whether he'd make up a miraculous story about an epic save he made just before you arrived at the pool.
"no, guess not." he settled on, disarming you again. the near-constant earnestness in his way of speaking hadn't stopped catching you by surprise yet, and you wouldn't be shocked if it never did.
"and what, no girlfriend up north to scold you for staring at my tits?" you teased as james' eyes flew back up to yours, only relaxing when he saw you weren't upset.
"free as a bird," he confirmed quietly, "though I'm sure it's of no interest to you." the air felt electric between you, had he always been this close? you were face to face, only a few inches between you. you could feel butterflies erupting not just in your stomach.
"obviously," you answered, similarly quiet. the moment felt inappropriately intimate despite the people around you. you were equal parts glad and furious when lily and marlene returned, unsure of what you might have succumbed to right there on the deck chair if you hadn't been interrupted. james looked equally worked up, hazy look in his eyes making him appear already fucked out. he stood with a start, excusing himself to get back to work.
"see you around, baywatch," you said, strategically reapplying some lipgloss. you didn't miss his glance at your lips.
"hope so, dollface." you were glad james was leaving because the nickname made you falter, going straight to your ovaries. you'd done it to yourself yet were no more prepared, staring dumbly after him.
you tried to play it off quickly, picking the magazine up where you left off and flipping through noncommittally. you could feel your friends' eyes on you and pointedly ignored it, eyes trained down at some 'best-dressed' list you'd found.
"just your luck that you get first dibs on the hot new guy," mary complained, but you could tell she wasn't all that bothered.
"you are going to eat him alive," marlene laughed and lily nodded, the two of them already sharing condolences for james. you didn't say anything, but judging from the coil still wound tight in your lower belly, maybe it wasn't james they had to be worried about.
i need him fr
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mistress-violence · 1 month
Prompt: Lipstick from @into-the-jeggyverse (August 26)
Word count: 740 words
Pairing: Jegulus (modern AU)
⚠️ Warnings: alcohol consumtion, gender identity issues
Regulus finally managed to get out of the argument about what kind of cheese was the best, which started a whole fight between Sirius and Dorcas, with Remus, James, and Peter as collateral victims. He was out of the madness until they started throwing wine at each other like last time and staining his white shirt again. He walked out of the kitchen of the apartment he shared with James, wanting to go to the balcony to get some air. Instead, he found Marlene, Lily, and Pandora in the living room, on the couch, passing a mirror back and forth and talking about something. Pandora was the first to notice him, and she greeted him with a big smile.
"What are you doing here?" Regulus asked, sitting down in one of the armchairs.
"Marlene brought a whole box of lipsticks from Paris!" Lily said excitedly, pointing to the black round box on the table. "It’s Chanel, can you believe it?".
Lily had a deep red lipstick in her hand, an extremely alluring and elegant shade. For a few seconds, Regulus had been absolutely spellbound. It was beautiful. The shape reminded him of his mother's expensive lipsticks, but she always preferred dark and sober colors. When he was little, Regulus would go to Walburga's room to watch her do her beauty routine, but he would immediately be kicked out. "Boys don't need to concern themselves with women's business," was what he was told before he was sent to his father's office to learn how to be "a proper gentleman." Marlene, with an enviable tenacity, immediately noticed the twinkle in the boy's eyes.
"Do you want to try one too, Regulus?" she asked, but she didn't wait for an answer but directly handed him a small rectangular box.
Regulus hesitated at first, but curiosity tingled through his body. Pandora gave him the mirror, and Lily showed him how to use it. Regulus gulped. He didn't know why he was so nervous; maybe it was because he could hear Walburga's voice in his head again, telling him to stop with this nonsense. Swallowing hard, he opened the lid, rolled off the lipstick, and revealed an even more intense shade of red than Lily's. His hand was shaking slightly, but he placed the mirror in front of him and carefully applied a layer to each of his lips before pressing and rubbing them together.
An even stranger feeling crept up inside him as he looked in the mirror. It was something hard to explain, but it felt warm and nice, like it was meant to be. The girls complimented the perfect color match with his pale skin and his glossy black hair, but the boy couldn't really hear anything around him. He just wanted to touch that reflection a little, to feel its closeness as if it were another human in front of him, not himself. It had been James' voice that had woken him from his reverie.
"Reg, honey, I don't know where I put the corkscrew for..." James said as he was walking into the living room, stopping in mid-sentence when he got a better look at his partner. "Oh, wow... I see I'm interrupting. Sorry, it's just... this shade really suits you well."
Regulus lost himself again, looking James straight in the eyes. He didn't seem disgusted that he, a man, was wearing something so feminine. His chest filled with heat again. Would he have reacted the same if Regulus grew his hair longer as he had wanted for some time? Or if he would wear that skirt he bought a long time ago and kept hidden in the back of the closet, fearing that someone would find out about it? Regulus took a napkin from the table and hastily wiped his lips.
"We were just fooling a little," he said, getting up from the armchair while wiping the last traces of red. "The corkscrew is in the top drawer; I'll go get it."
Regulus wanted to hand the lipstick back to Marlene, but she waved her hand in the air, insisting on keeping it.
"It catches you better than me, Reg; just take the bloody lipstick," she said with a knowing smile on her face.
Regulus gave her a confused look but chose to just nod and put the lipstick in his pocket, thanking Marlene for the gift before heading back into the kitchen to look for the missing corkscrew.
P.S: This microfic is inspired by my experience as a genderfluid person. Everyone's journey in discovering their own gender identity is different and unique. You can read this how you want. Just remember to love yourself even if you don't feel like you don't belong anywhere.
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lovelytsunoda · 9 months
tell me something girl (are you happy in this modern world) // tom “iceman” kazansky
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summary: after thirty years of marriage, heather kazansky reflects on the time she spent and the love she shared with tom as she prepares to write her eulogy and say goodbye to her husband.
pairing: tom kazansky x wife!oc (named heather)
warnings: canon character death (Tom) and mentions of gooses death from the original movie, depictions of grief, mentions of mental health and medication,
authors note: this is the fic I firmly believe I was put on this earth to write. I wanted to do so much more with it, but honestly would have ended up with like 16k words or something like that.
April 2022, Miramar, California.
“is that the admirals wife?”
“jake, shut the fuck up.”
heather kazasnky had never thought of herself as an impressive woman. she always found herself timid, shy and a little anxious. it wasn’t until the first offshoots of gray started to sprout in her hair, and she’d watched all three of her children grow up that she truly thought sh had done something impressive with her life.
she sat alone at a table in the corner of the hard deck, oblivious to the wandering eyes of her husbands trainees as her slender fingers navigated the keyboard of her MacBook.
she started at the voice, cheeks marred with the flush of someone who had just been sobbing as she turned to look at the speaker.
“peter,” she hummed. “it’s good to see you, maverick.”
heather got to her feet, pulling the other pilot in for a tight hug. “nice to see you too, heather. how are you doing.”
“the best I can. the kids are supposed to be coming up tonight to help with the funerals.”
there were always going to be two funerals. the first was the formal military funeral, where her husband would be buried in the same cemetery as nick bradshaw, and the other was more like a reception, something more human and less structured. for the people who knew him not as admiral kazansky, but as tom.
“I miss him, mav. the house feels strange without him in it. I’ve spent so long being heather kazansky, I don’t know how to go back to being just heather.”
maverick shook his head, taking a seat next to her. “you’re still you, heather. you’re still a mother to three incredible kids, and grandmother to two.”
“with another on the way.” she coughed, somehow managing a smile. “joshua’s new girlfriend is expecting. he told tom before he died.”
“congratulations, heather. how are the kids doing?”
“as well as can be expected. as usual, mitchell is the glue holding us together. cassie’s a wreck. she always was her father’s daughter. and for it to happen so soon after she had jamie just seems cruel. tom was going to retire, did you know that? he was ready to put his papers in, we were going to go to greece. it was finally us time again. he gave so much of himself to this country, and I was so excited to finally have him back.”
pete rested a hand on heathers shoulder, squeezing it through the fur of her cardigan. she was strong despite her age, still well built and sturdy, face marred with laugh lines but not a single telltale old woman wrinkle. “I’m so sorry, heather.”
“thank you.”
she turned back to her laptop, showing the other pilot what she was doing. “I’m gathering pictures for the reception. but most of them are of me. tom always had his fucking camera with him. I should have let the kids do this part. all I’m doing is making myself cry.”
she cast her eyes back to her laptop screen, resisting the urge to reach out and run her finger over the photo, soaking in the good memories as they came flooding back. in the picture, she and tom stood on one side of the kitchen counter, laughing with each other as they cut gingerbread cookies.
it had been their first christmas together.
“oh my god,” maverick laughed. “is that iceman in a cable knit?”
“he was so nervous about meeting my dad for the first time. I had to talk him out of wearing his dress whites.”
December 1985, Richmond, Virginia.
they had been together for six months, give or take the few weeks his team had spent deployed in the gulf, and nothing had intimidated tom kazansky more than meeting his girlfriends father. he had wanted to wear his navy dress whites in an attempt to make a good impression before heather had laughed and made him change into jeans and a sweater before they left the apartment.
even then, he had changed sweaters four times before setting on the white cable knit he was currently wearing.
iceman knew how stressed his girl got during the holidays. her family could bring out the worst in her, and they were both highly strung when they walked in the door.
now, she was off to the side with her sister, cradling a mug of hot coco in her hands as she watched him with a smile, chuckling as he dropped a cup of flour down the front of his jeans.
“you really like him, don’t you?”
heather looked back at her sister, who raised her eyebrows as she took a sip of her hot chocolate.
“I do. I really do, abigail. he makes me feel like I’m worth loving, if that makes sense. everything with tom is just so…easy.”
abigail frowned. “he’s a lieutenant, isn’t he? that means he’s going to be deployed a lot. are you sure you can handle that?”
heather sighed, taking a sip of her drink. “we’re trying. he was out in the gulf for a few weeks in september, and we got through it.”
“he’s barely taken his eyes off you since you got here. and when he looks at you, I don’t see anything other than pure, unfiltered love. I bet he’s got a polaroid of you in his cockpit.”
heather laughed, a warm and giddy feeling in her chest. it was clear how much her family loved iceman, and how quickly they were welcoming him into the fold.
“you know I’m losing him for two months in the new year. he’s off to california, got into some fancy fighter jet training program.”
“you can still go see him, right?”
“yeah, I’ve got a few vacation days saved u- oh fuck.” heather cursed, thrusting her mug into abigail’s arms as she saw what her boyfriend was doing. “give me one second, I’ve gotta stop him from screwing up the gingerbread.”
she pushed up the sleeves of her jacquard sweater, socks skidding across the kitchen tiles as she loosely knotted her hair behind her head.
“kaz, sweetie, give me the rolling pin. you’ve gotta knead the dough.” she smiles softly, putting herself between the pilot and the counter.
one of tom’s flour coated hands came to rest as her waist, his chin on the top of her head as she watched her dip her hands into the bowl of flour, and proceed to knead the gingerbread dough by hand. her lovers hands came to rest over hers, his lips soft and warm against her skin as they kneaded the gingerbread dough together.
“see, you don’t always know everything, lieutenant.” she hummed giddily, running her thumb over his wrist.
“yeah, but I know I love you, and that’s all I need.” Tom laughed, gently using his finger to guide her head towards his and placing a soft kiss on her lips.
April 2022, Miramar, California.
heather paused, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. "i loved that man so much, pete."
the hard deck was getting busier, off-duty pilots and seamen flooding in from the base at miramar as shifts changed for the day. heather knew all about the dagger squad and the hazy series of events that brought pete mitchell back to the academy, often having to speak for her husband in meetings once his first cancer operation had left him unable to speak for himself.
"auntie heather!" a familiar face looked over from the pool table. bradley bradshaw was a spitting image of his father, right down to the way that his moustache was trimmed.
for heather, it sometimes felt like seeing a ghost.
"brad!" she perked up, waving him over to the table. "how are you?"
when she first came to visit her husband at miramar, somethign about carole bradshaw had pulled heather in. she hadn't known the bradshaw's long, but by the time that goose's accident happened, she felt like she had known that family her whole life.
she did what she could to help carole out afterwards, especially when it came to raising bradley, but as rooster got older and time flew by, it was so easy for carole and heather to fall out of touch.
"you look just like your dad." she hummed, hugging the pilot. "it's like seeing nick again."
bradley nodded solemnly. "i was sorry to hear about admiral kazansky."
"thank you. it had been a long time coming, but there's no way to properly prepare to lose the man you love."
rooster gestures to the group behind him, the mismatched group of people coming to meet him at the table. “aunt heather, I’d like you to meet the dagger squad: jake, natasha, robert, reuben and javy. we knew the admiral well.”
“hi.” heather said weakly, introducing herself. “I’m heather, the admirals wife. or, widow, I guess. I’m still not used to saying that.”
“are you getting ready for the funeral?” jake asked, promptly getting jabbed in the rib cage by natasha.
“what hangman means to say is: we all respected your husband very much, and we would be honoured to help you plan his memorial service.” phoenix corrected, taking heathers hand between both of her own.
“thank you for the offer, natasha.” heather smiled. “bradley, I want to show you something.”
she sat back in front of her laptop, using the touchscreen to pull up a video taken the first summer she came to visit miramar. she had timed the visit to coincide with her birthday, a small selfish part of her unable to fathom spending her birthday without tom.
bradley pulled up a chair next to the table, watching as the screen crackled to life, the date stamp in the corner reading june of 1986. they were inside the o bar, the video opening with heather resting her head on tom’s shoulder, then panning over to the massive birthday cake and sparklers set in front of her. carole bradshaw sat on one side of her, and charlie blackwood was at the head of the table, sitting next to maverick.
“is that my mom?” Bradley smiled fondly. “she looks so full of life.”
“she was.” heather laughed. “and you might remember charlie, she was one of mavericks many lovers.”
“hey!” pete scoffed. “things just didn’t work out.”
“she was always too good for you, pete.” heather laughed, pointing to another space on the screen. the group was singing happy birthday, supported by a rockabilly piano backing track. “bradley, there’s your dad.”
goose was sitting in front of the grand piano, a toothpick hanging between his teeth as he hammered away at the ivory keys, aviator glasses over his eyes.
“happy birthday dear heather, happy birthday to you.”
the camera panned back to heather and tom as she blew out the cake candles. tom pulled her in to a soft kiss while the rest of the table cheered, and then the video cut to black.
“mitchell has been digitizing all of this stuff for us. I caught tom watching our wedding videos before he died.”
“remember when slider and wolfman got absolutely shitfaced at your wedding and tripped down the reception stairs?” maverick laughed to himself “did anybody ever get that on video?”
heather shook her head, a bright smile on her tear stained face as she hunted through the original wedding folder. “I’ve got you one better.”
September 1987, Monterrey, California.
mrs. heather kazansky. she could get used to that.
she was sitting with her sister and tom’s parents, the former two who were conversing with each other in polish. she twirled her wedding band on her finger, face flushed and spirits high as she looked on at her husband.
tom was with maverick and slider, the group of aviators dressed in their best white uniforms, beer bottles lifted high as they drunkenly hollered the words to an old rod stewart song.
“and I know your name is rita, because your perfume smells sweeter.”
abigail was filming, zooming the camera lens in on heather as she asked: “are you sure you don’t wanna back out now? till death do you part, you’re bound to this dumbass now.”
heather laughed, playfully smacking at the camera. “yes, I’m sure!”
“stay with me, come on stay with me!”
sliders voice was three decibels louder than everybody else, and he was also significantly drunker. one of the bridesmaids had her eyes on him, and there wasn’t a doubt in anybody’s mind that ron kerner would have somebody in his bed that night.
iceman’s face was flushed, his arm thrown around maverick as they rocked on their feet, skin sweaty and hair mussed.
but in the midst of all this chaos, he still managed to look over at his new wife, blowing her the softest kiss. she smiled, catching the kiss in her hands and pressing it to her heart, a moment her sister was able to capture frame for frame on digital video.
tom had watched the video hundreds of times as he sat alone in his office, struggling to come to terms with the fact that he’d be leaving not just the love of his life, but his three beautiful children as well.
April 2022. Miramar, California.
“that’s the kind of love that people only dream about.” natasha smiled softly. “you’re lucky you got to spend as much time with him as you did. most couples don’t make it as long as you guys did.”
heather smiled shakily, reaching for her drink. she’d left the sprite so long that the ice had half melted, condensation dripping down the glass.
“he was so good with the kids, you know. I was on and off depressed for a while after joshua was born. my mental health had never been perfect and I was on a low dose anti-anxiety medication for a long time. but after Josh was born, everything just got so much harder and I could barley get out of bed in the mornings. tom would take the kids to school, make their lunches. he was teaching full time at top gun by then, so he took a few days off to stay with me, make me feel like myself again.”
“he was a good man.” robert smiled, rubbing her shoulder.
“yeah, he was.” heather bit her bottom lip, pulling a photo up on her laptop that had the dagger squad letting out a chorus of ‘awe’s’
the picture was taken in 1989. tom was dressed in a gray waffle knit shirt, a pair of pit viper sunglasses on his forehead as he held a smiling baby in his arms. mitchell’s wide eyes looked up at his dad, his tiny fingers wrapped around in of tom’s larger ones.
his name was mitchell ronald kazansky, because tom had made a lame bet with maverick and slider (that he lost) and had to name his firstborn after both of them (because he was a fucking idiot at times, but she loved him anyways).
the boys were both easy children, but cassandra? she was a daddy’s girl through and through, and tom would have moved heaven and earth for his little girl. whatever cassie wanted, she often got, well into adulthood even. she was the spitting image of her father, from her honey blonde hair right down to the birthmark on the underside of her jaw.
when tom walked her down the aisle at her wedding three years ago, he cried all the way to the altar. but not half as much as he sobbed when he held his granddaughter for the first time, cancer-stricken and barely able to speak, but still brimming with joy as he held jamie to his chest.
“he lead a good life. one he was proud of. he used his last words to tell me as much.” heather choked out, overwhelmed by emotions. “I just wish we’d had more time.”
pete placed his hand over hers, squeezing it reassuringly as natasha rubbed her back, and rooster gently squeezed her shoulder.
there was still so much love that heather kazansky still had to give.
still so much love that she was surrounded by.
and maybe that was tom’s way, even from the grave, to tell her that everything would still be alright.
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @httpiastri @sidcrosbyspuck @twinkodium @sidcrosbyspuck @oconso @thatsdemko @lorarri
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I know everyone remembers The Exorcist for Regan’s possession by the demon Pazuzu and the crazy head-spinning, projectile vomiting scenes, but for me it’s all about Father Damien Karras’ struggle with faith, belief in God, and being a Jesuit psychiatrist in a cold, modern, secular world full of evil and pain. Jason Miller’s performance is nothing short of epic, and he brings Karras to vivid life.
The character is basically just an autobiographical projection of author William Peter Blatty, who came from a similar ecclesiastical background and was also full of guilt irt to taking care of his Lebanese immigrant, poverty-stricken single mother who suffered from mental illness and as such, his childhood consisted of 28 apartment evictions and constant homelessness and deprivation.
Karras also deals with the pain of a dependent, difficult mother, as well as his ambiguous feelings towards humanity, as he constantly wonders how it is possible to love the most horrible, seemingly unredeemable, and downtrodden individuals, as the Catholic religion and the teachings of Jesus instruct one to do.
The question of human suffering also plagues him, as he wonders how God can allow it to exist. When he comes in contact with the demon-possessed Regan, he finally realizes that Good cannot exist without Evil, and that faith in God often requires an extreme amount of sacrifice and humility.
Through his philosophical and religious struggles, the audience sees their own reflected within. For example, Father Karras feels repelled when people constantly burden him with their own suffering. A homeless man begs him for money, a lonely young Jesuit seeks company in him, Regan’s mother confesses a murder on the part of her daughter, a police chief unloads his guilty conscience, and so on. Finally, Karras sacrifices himself in a Christ-like manner at the end.
Blatty acknowledges that it’s often easier for humanity to hate than love. That’s our real tragedy. Hatred comes so easily, but it’s unrequited love that’s the most painful thing, yet that’s the first tenet of the Christian faith and what most of us are stuck on. But Karras’ allegorical tale somehow shows that redemption and love for humanity are technically possible within everyone. And that’s why it’s such an amazing book/film that goes way beyond the surface label of being just an average cliched horror movie!
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Another case for Mild!Miguel:
HOBIE is the reason I think Mild!Miguel exists. Hear me Out:
Inversions & Parallels in ATSV
[A post where I talk about how the existence of Hobie's arc backs up and/or proves my Mild Miguel theory.
MEDIUM length, I talk about plot connections and writing stuff as well as my predictions for Miguel in BTSV.]
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Subversions: Character Building in ATSV
One thing that sets ATSV apart from a lot of other Superhero movies is that it's centered around not 'heroing', but the characters and the relationships they hold.
Each character in ATSV has a Subversion in their arc.
Subversions being the defying of the audience's expectations pre-conceived notion of a character. Almost every character we see experiences a conflict with how we first understand them.
Gwen goes from being closeted and closed off both emotionally and literally in terms of her Spider-identity. She starts the movie pushing away her close friends, and ends her arc embracing her dad.
With Jess, she is introduced as a family woman, who talks about her husband and child openly. When in reality, she's not a familial or a parental figure in the slightest.
Pavitr is introduced as a confident guy, who can effortlessly save everybody and still have time for school, a relationship, and a collection of streetdogs. But in reality, he's still just a kid who hasn't taken an L yet. He needs help, panics and sucks at hiding his secret identity.
Peter is shown as a happy comfortable new father who has perfected the art of being a full time dad and changing avocado poop pampers. But later, we see he's just a guy, still figuring this whole dad thing out.
With Rio & Jeff, they start the movie literally grounding Miles, and by the end, they're forced to trust him out there in the big world.
Even Miles experiences this, as he goes from a kid who wants to be apart of something bigger - before realizing that he only needs himself.
The writers of ATSV use these subversion in order to make three dimensional characters.
And Hobie Brown, may be the best example of this. The Writers preying on our pre-conceived notions of punk, and love triangles to give us a vision of Hobie before he even appears on screen.
In the film Hobie, is the only subversion that is purposeful. He's the only one doing this behavior on conscious effort.
Hobie is an outlier. His subversion is intentional - and doing this gives him enough power to exercise a lot of influence over the plot going forward.
Hobie Brown is the king of Subversion.
But who doesn't have a Subversion? Miguel.
But let's hold that thought for a second.
Parallels: Relationship Building in ATSV
All of the subversions are what cause conflict in plot. And in ATSV, ever character and their conflict, as an a equal reflection of their situation - A Parallel.
And the same way each character experiences a subversion, that leads to conflict -
Each Conflict has a Parallel situation that mirrors theirs.
And these parallels can help us predict the story.
Gwen & Miles Parallel each other:
Miles' family is desperate to be apart of his life, while Gwen's family - her father, openly rejects her. And in the end: Miles ends up as far away from his parents as possible, around the same time Gwen returns to her fathers arms.
Jess & Peter Parallel each other:
Jess begins the story with a hands-off mentoring approach - while Peter's is more emotionally driven. And in the end: Jess begins questioning her callousness towards Gwen, meanwhile Peter questions if his approach and babying of Miles is actually what he needs.
Rio & Jeff Parallel each other:
Rio starting the film being more stern on Miles - the last one in the guidance consolers office and the one to remind him of the cake. Meanwhile, Miles' dad is the one trying to cut Miles some slack. And in the end: Rio is the more open one - she's the one who lets Miles go with Gwen, and the one who hears when out at the end. Meanwhile Miles' dad is the opposite - ready to jump at the accusation of drugs. (lmao)
Hell, even characters that we see on screen for less than ten minutes could be considered parallels:
Pavitr & Margo Parallel each other:
Pavitr is inexperienced, but loving life. He's out in the field enjoying himself and his universe. While Margo is more experienced. She works the Go-Home Machine. But unlike Pavitr, she's not out in the field, and she doesn't enjoy her universe. By the end of their arcs: Pavitr is humbled and realizes there's some dark moments that come with Spider-man, and some close calls. While Margo regains her motivation and spark through Miles, heading out in the field again.
Every character has a subversion - Ever subversion causes conflict - and every conflict leads to a parallel. And through that, the story is made.
Just one problem:
Hobie doesn't have a Parallel. Neither does Miguel.
Why does Hobie - the only one who purposely uses subversion - not have a parallel?
If Hobie is 'The guy playing a pretentious fake punk based on people's preconceived notions of his ideology and appearance, who uses it to his advantage only when he wants to, and uses it for good - that results in a growth in community'
Where is 'The guy playing a pretentious authority figure based on people's preconceived notions of his ideology and appearance, who uses it to his advantage only when he wants to, and uses it for evil that results in a loss of community.'
Where is that guy? Can you find him?
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Oh, damn it's Miguel.
Story Structure in ATSV:
If we look at the story structure of ATSV not only do we see that there's subversions and parallels, but we see a hole in the story.
With each character going on an arc the completely subverts audiences expectations - Why doesn't Miguel? (he does.)
And with each subversion, in Hobie's case, if everyone has an reflection of themselves and their situation that tie them into the story by common themes - Why doesn't Hobie? (he does.)
Why is Hobie the face of 'fake rebel that leads to great purposeful action' - and there's no 'fake leader than leads to horrible un-purposeful action'? (there is)
Did the Writers just leave this hole, and not tie Miguel and Hobie's arc in the same way as everyone elses?
No. There is a connection there.
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Hobie is Miguel's reflection. Miguel is his parallel. Miguel's subversion is that he's not mean. He's putting on a persona.
Their parallel is - that they're both putting on an act. One for rebellion, one for order.
The difference is - Hobie enjoys his act, he uses it for good, and good things come of it. When he drops his mask as the 'fake punk', he does it out of the urge to empower himself.
Hence why he demasks himself in the comics.
And on Miguel's hand - He doesn't enjoy his act, he uses it for bad, and bad things come of it. When Miguel drops his mask and tells Miles two days, that is his mask dropping. It happens not out of empowerment, but vulnerability.
The whole scene in the lair is a purposeful ACT. That's why when he looks at Hobie (ironically, his parallel) he is able to turn it off immediately. Within seconds.
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Whereas Hobie drops his mask in times of trust or action and rebellion - Miguel drops his in times of apathy or vulnerability - aka HIM SHOWING MILES GAB'S DEATH.
Miguel's conversation with Miles here - is the only time we see him not putting on the 'evil, angry, grumpy boss' mask.
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He's vulnerable. This is Miguel unmasked. MILD MIGUEL.
While they were walking - Hobie takes his 'fake punk' mask off to be candid with Miles. He speaks honestly and offers empathy - and that is the GOOD inciting incident for Miles' rebellion.
Miguel is the parallel.
He purposely strips his 'fake mean boss' mask off in order to be candid with Miles. He speaks honestly and offers empathy - by telling him how long his father had to live (something he didn't have to do). And that empathy that Miguel gives is the BAD inciting incident for Miles' rebellion.
And when Miles is faced with the parallel of both Hobie and Miguel in rapid succession - it's enough to spawn him to escape.
Hobie and Miguel are opposing but mirrored forces on Miles.
Every character has a subversion. Every subversion causes conflict. Every conflict causes a parallel that spans action.
If Miguel doesn't have a subversion - and Hobie doesn't have a parallel, then how can those conflicts meet? Why this gap in the writing.
If Hobie does have a parallel, the only one left is Miguel.
But, if we're to believe that Hobie does have a parallel, and Miguel is that parallel - then naturally, they're mirrors of each other - and just like Hobie is - Miguel is putting on an act too.
And because the strongest representation of Miguel we see is anger, we know the anger is a mask for something else; aka MILD!MIGUEL
Which is what we see at the climax scene, the real Miguel.
Miguel and Hobie reveal their true colors at the same time, because they're parallels.
Hobie chuckles - the next shot - Miguel snaps.
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It's meant to show in that moment in those two shots, these two characters are at their emotional peak. A battle between the two of them - convincing Miles - that Miguel doesn't even know about.
Hobie wins in this moment, Miguel loses, and we see them completely demasked, come to find out - we were wrong, Hobie the one in control and calm - and Miguel is not, he's grasping for control in anyway possible and it's literally slipping from his hands.
There stories are linked, and they barely share any lines at all.
Mild!Miguel exists because Anarchist!Hobie exists.
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And all of this is why I think the following:
My predictions for BTSV:
Looking at Hobie's arc:
Fake Persona - Persuasive Set-Up (Talk with Miles) - Inciting Incident around Miles that leads to action (Miles breaks out, Hobie leaves to give Gwen the watch) - Self evaluation and commitment to the cause (joining the gang)
I think Miguel's is gonna follow the same thing
Fake Persona - Persuasive Set Up (This is Everything Speech) - Inciting Incident around Miles (Miles breaks out, Miguel snaps) - Self evaluation and commitment to the cause
Miguel re-evaluates himself and changes sides, turning the Societies resources on Spot.
Based on the subversions, parallels and plot arcs we see in ATSV, my most honest guess is:
Miguel is gonna redeem himself by choice very early into the film.
You know how the first half of ATSV is writen so when you rewatch it again, you'll see the complexities of Hobie's character?
I think the whole movie is written that way. So when you rewatch it AFTER Beyond the Spider-Verse, you can see the complexities of Miguel's character as well.
THAT'S WHAT I MEANT I'm so relieved to finally make sense of it. GOSSSSHHH
If you read this far, thank you for your time and entertaining me I'm SO SERIOUS THANK YOU
Please let me know what you think I'm DYING to know
Anyway closing RANT BELOW
[Warning: I go Miguel Mode below]
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Thats why this WHOLE TIME I've been like he's RIGHT THERE HJSGDGKDS Cause like -- the story calls for it. if hes not faking why does he have that platform???? Why doesn't Hobie have a paralllel?? Like why is Hobie just this random ass OP character randomly dropped in for funsies - he isn't he's there to reflect Miguel's fake power. Hobie hides his true power the way Miguel hides his powerlessness AHHHHH
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I was watching the movie and feeling like somethings missing in the story - that there's a whole connection that's MISSING There's SOMETHING we're not getting - there's something there. Something that can tells us SO much about the next movie
and seeing peoples interpretations of Miguel made me be like no.... he cant be the only 3 dimensional one. Everyone is the OPPOSITE of what we think they are. Everyone.
And everyone has a parallel. And this is the connection that is missing.
When I say 'He's in the room with us, he's standing right there' - I mean 'His existence as a character is what completes the plot. Mild!Miguel HAS to be there logically speaking'
Anyway if you're still here after THAT Hello hi I love you - Please tell me your thoughts and if you think it makes sense!
Here's Hobie for your travels!
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delcakoo · 2 years
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pixie dust ⋆ ˚。⛧ ˚ l.hs
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SUMMARY ! when the boy you've been telling stories about your whole childhood magically shows up in your bedroom, it only makes sense for him to take you and your brother to neverland instead of letting you grow up.
PAIRING ! peterpan!heeseung x f!reader ft. brother!riki
WC ! 1.8k
GENRE ! fantasy, fluff, crack (?)
a/n: i have no explanation for this i just randomly thought of rewriting peter pan so!! hee fic nobody asked for <3
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throughout your whole life, only one boy has ever been inside your bedroom.
who may that be? the suspense is heart pounding, isn’t it?
it’s your brother, riki.
though, you’re not too sure if that embarrassing fact is the case anymore considering the sound of an young, unfamiliar male voice has trampled its way into your peaceful slumber and forced your eyes open at what feels like way past midnight.
“it has to be in here somewhere, i swear on it.” first he opened your toy box, then started searching through your drawers all with strange little jingling sounds to accompany the hunt. you felt petrified, too scared to even move and find out who this boy was. even worse, you couldn’t forget about the fact that your little brother was fast asleep in his bed across from you, unaware of the stranger lurking around the room.
“gotcha!” you nearly let out a yelp at the sudden raise of volume. ”see, i knew i’d find it, tink.”
it couldn’t be.
your body snaps up in bed, gripping the silk sheets tightly while reaching over to turn on your night lamp. immediately, the room illuminates, revealing a pale skinned boy in a peculiar green outfit. his face was strikingly handsome — cute pointed nose, bambi-like eyes and soft black bangs that framed his face even nicer under a small green hat.
he looked much better than in the nursery’s books, for one.
though, you’re slightly caught off guard by the way he’s grabbing onto a dark reflection of himself, along with a bar of soap in a desperate pursuit of scrubbing the bottom of his brown boots.
flashing back to the night before, you do recall catching a shadow with your brother and trapping it in a drawer, and guilt rushes through you at how it all went down.
“riki, you’re being ridiculous. it can’t be peter’s shadow.”
your brother grips onto the shadows ankle tighter while it attempts to fly away, holding it close like a balloon. “i swear it is, sis. look at the pointy hat, it’s just like in the storybooks! you’re the one who always tells me to use my imagination, now look at you. maybe you really are growing up,” he mumbles the last part, pink lips turning into a hurt pout.
hastily pulling open the closest wooden drawer, your eyes soften for a second before it turns into frustration. “that’s enough. we’re putting it in here and figuring this out tomorrow. i don’t want another word from you.”
speaking of your brother, he quickly wakes up at the bright glare of your lamp, eyes squinted and raven hair sticking up in all directions. a dramatic gasp escapes his lips that you can hear even from across the room as he meets the eyes of the intruder. “peter pan?”
peter blinks, seemingly unphased by being caught. “riki?”
“i knew it was you! i told her it was your shadow,” your stupid brother points right over at you, and you blush at all the attention now being narrowed down on you in your measly nightgown, “but she wouldn’t believe me!”
the magical boy puts the hand that isn’t gripping his shadow on his hips, head tilting to the side as he inspects you up and down. “that doesn’t sound like you, y/n.”
“i- how do you know our names?” you blurt.
he smirks, leaning against your dresser before going back to scrubbing his shoe. “me and tink stop by for your stories every night.”
you decide then and there that this couldn’t get any more embarrassing. “but.. my stories are always about you.”
“yeah, that’s my favourite part,” he replies swiftly. you never imagined peter pan to be such a bratty narcissist, though you suppose going off children’s books isn’t the most trustworthy source. “also, my real name’s heeseung. since you’re even prettier up close, i think i’d prefer if you call me that instead.”
you freeze up, mouth parting uselessly as your brother swoops in to save the day. “what about me, what about me?”
he gives the younger boy an annoyed look, pretty eyes rolling back a bit. “you too, i guess.”
while riki blabbers on about how excited he is to meet him, heeseung starts pressing the bottom of his shoe against his shadow, as if using soap would magically glue them back together.
snapping out of your daze, you hop out of bed, rushing over to find your sewing kit. “you can’t attach your shadow back with a bar of soap.” when you pace over to the boy, his eyes furrow down curiously as you grab his shadow and kneel down to his boot. “don’t move.”
you’ve sewn socks, scarves, mittens, and even a ugly hat for your brother as your parents were too cheap to get him a nice one for winter. even with all this experience, you most definitely haven’t sewn a shadow before.
while you begin with your work, your brother plops out of his own bed, suddenly jumping and closing his hands together in a tight ball. he grins proudly, looking over at you with eyes turned into crescents. “sis, i caught a firefly!”
“good job, ki,” you reply absentmindedly. just as you finish up with heeseung’s shadow, offering him a thumbs up to tell him he could move, your brother yelps in alarm.
“y/n! i- i caught a girl!”
your lips part as you try and process his words. “you what?!”
luckily, heeseung quickly rushes over, pulling your brother's hands apart to release a small, pale girl with wings and a mini green dress. her hair was tied in a neat blonde bun, and she’d look like an angel if it wasn’t for the angry scowl painted on her face. “tink, there you are,” he smiles, chuckling as the miniature fairy attempts to smack him with squeaks of anger.
“she’s real too!?” riki hollers, and you mentally thank your parents for constantly leaving the house all mysteriously most nights, or else you’d definitely be more than grounded by now.
“everything in your stories are.” heeseung shrugs. “i tell em’ to the lost boys. jungwon and sunghoon are especially big fans of you both.”
“the lost boys.. they’re like.. your right hand men, right?” riki beams excitedly, earning a nod from the taller boy. tinkerbell is busy tapping her foot stubbornly, as if the both of you taking heeseung’s attention from her was the most annoying thing imaginable.
meanwhile, you gulp in debate of whether you should ruin the bright atmosphere of first introductions. “i’m glad you came back for your shadow, heeseung.”
raising a brow, he stares down at you with an unreadable gleam in his eye. “why?”
“y/n’s growing up today,” riki cuts in.
heeseung freezes, even tinkerbell lets out a jingle in surprise. it’s almost as if he was just given the worst news of his life, soft deer eyes now gaping wide and cluelessly. you bite your lip. seeing his reaction only made you feel more sick at the thought. “growing- growing up? but that means..”
“no more sleeping in the nursery, no more stories,” you finish with a frown. heeseung pauses for a moment, huffing before grabbing your wrist and leading you to your window in determination.
your brother immediately follows. “what’re you doing?”
“taking her to neverland,” he announces with quick steps. at his words, tinkerbell seems enraged, jealous perhaps as she begins flapping around and jingling widly despite heeseung paying her no mind.
in the background, riki gasps. “hey, i wanna come too!”
you’re busy yanking the male’s hand from your wrist, giving him a stern gaze. “i can’t just go to neverland and be your personal storyteller!” heeseung flinches, completely taken aback by your raise of volume. “my mother will freak out, i have to take care of my brother and-“
“what’s a mother?” he asks.
“it’s.. someone who loves and cares for you-“
“good, you can be our mother,” he decides. “and we can bring him too i guess.” grabbing your brother's hand, heeseung marches towards your windowsill without another ounce of hesitation.
during your panicking, riki is busy smiling brightly, following the older boy with ease. “c’mon sis, you don’t wanna grow up, do you?”
well.. he had a point.
it was either growing up, getting a job and having responsibilities, or taking the hand of peter pan, flying off to some magical island with your little brother and being young forever. the choice wasn’t too difficult.
“how.. how do we get to neverland?” you inquire, watching as the taller boys share a victorious glance. just as tinkerbell processes his words and begins flying away, heeseung grabs her in the palm of his hand, already shaking pixie dust across the floorboards.
“we fly, of course. what do i say in your stories again?” he ponders, pointy nose scrunching slightly. “oh, right. think of a wonderful thought.”
“any wonderful thought?” he nods again, and you begin to wonder how that silly hat of his doesn’t fly right off.
closing your eyes in sync with your little brother, you begin picturing neverland. the ethereal, otherworldly island with rainbows hovering over mermaid’s lagoon, and plush ferns and greenery complimenting the earthy soiled ground of the neverwoods. you imagine flying by captain hook’s wretched ship and shooting it down with the lost boy’s trusty slingshots, and what kind of conversations you’d have with the beautiful woman that inhabited the sea.
amidst your daydreaming, you barely make out the quiet sounds of tinkerbell’s jingling nearby before small, golden sprinkles begin raining onto you. when they meet your bare skin they burn slightly, not enough to hurt, but enough to remind you of what exactly you were doing.
it has you gulping in anxiousness that only increases as your feet begin lifting off the ground. snapping your eyes open in shock, you nearly lose your balance while experimenting with your new form of travelling.
“y/n, look at me!” riki giggles midair, performing a somersault playfully.
heeseung chuckles along with you both before grabbing your hand, soft fingers resting against your knuckles gently. while you’re distracted by the new contact, the boy pushes his other arm as if he was swimming, efficiently lifting you both higher in the air. he flew with so much ease that only motivated you to learn faster.
at last, he offers you a charming smile that immediately pulls any doubts off your mind. “let’s get out of here before your parents come back, hm pretty?”
you reach down to grab your brother’s hand, gripping it tightly to ensure there isn’t a chance of him being left behind before nodding. “lead the way.”
“so like.. are the girls in neverland pretty?” you’d barely even made it out the window, and of course and your brother already managed to ruin the peaceful experience.
“wait til’ you see the mermaids.” heeseung sends your brother a wink, and you watch in disgust as they sneakily fist bump right in front of you.
you close your eyes. “i despise the both of you.”
“the stories you make about me every night say otherwise, pretty girl.”
if you enjoyed, reblogs n’ comments are always appreciated <3
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© delcakoo on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not rewrite, cross-post, translate, copy, etc.
perm taglist: @duolingofanaccount @strawberry-sunset-skies @scented-morker @koshinene @boowoowho @sultrybaby @yunjinlvrr @kynrki @yujiecho @monstaxdirtywonk @dekusgirl @taejays @luvhyun3 @yjjungwon @miou45 @rosie-is-everywhere @yenqa @rosenatorfirst @millsielovesgyu @syrxiee2 @ily-cuz-i @soobin-chois @wtfhyuck @hoonvrs @gyuuberryy @bucketofhiros
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voxmortuus · 1 year
Can i request a roman godfrey x plus!size reader. Maybe she is the new girl or Peter's sister or cousin that moved there because of her Father’s job or something and roman becomes obsessed with her or something and he dose all this because he is in love with her and just a really fluffy ending pls
I just want to say I am SO sorry for this taking as long as it did to produce! I have been feeling so out of sorts with my writing and I had taken a super long hiatus. I found this half written in my drafts and felt I NEEDED to finish this! So, Here it is! The finished piece!!! I hope it finds you well.
PAIRING: Roman Godfrey x Fem!Plus Sized!Reader - Reader is 18+
UNIVERSE: Hemlock Grove
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Obsessive Roman | Stalking Insinuated | Fluff | PLEASE TELL ME IF I FORGOT ANYTHING!!! I want to make sure readers are fully aware of what they are getting themselves into when they read this…
NOTE: Sorry if this isn't what you expected, or had envisioned yourself, I apologize. But I hope you enjoyed my vision.
IMAGE CREDIT: Google I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP OF THESE IMAGES. If these are yours or you know who the creator(s) is please INBOX me and let me know. Thank you.
DIVIDER CREDIT: @firefly-graphics
My Master Masterlist | Taglist
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Welcome to Hemlock Grove - That's what the sign read as you entered the town. Remote, and almost nothing here. Rubbing your face you look around and take in the bare land from the death of winter. Your father had gotten a job working at The Godfrey Institute. Unknowing what was in store for you you take this as a new opportunity to reinvent yourself, to start fresh in the way of hoping for a new beginning.
Making your way inside your new home with the last box for your room, you place it down on your bed and look out the window that looks over the street that leads to Godfrey Manor. Making a small face in slight disgust, you let off a small sigh and start putting things away.
It wasn't long before you hear a knock at your bedroom door, and it was your father asking you if you'd like to go with him to see where he works. Shrugging you had agreed to go. The way you saw it was it got you out of the house and around civilization. Grabbing your coat you throw your hair up into a loose bun and follow him to the car.
Your father didn't work far from your new home, so it was less than a few moments before you found yourself in the elevator on your way to the top floor to look around your father's new place of work. Looking around for a moment you look up at your father and tell him you're going to look around.
As you wander off you find yourself in the rather large conference room. Little to your knowledge you are being watched, by Mr. Godfrey himself. Watching you as your fingers graze against the solid wood table, across the leather backing of the chairs. Watching you as you look so unamused and so done with today that you're ready to go home.
You weren't like the others that had come in and out of here, you were shaped differently, you were a snack, in a matter of ways. While you questioned yourself sometimes, you were truly a beautiful person. Even when you didn't see yourself that way. Looking at your reflection off the surface of the table, he let out a breath, push the loose stray hairs back into place, and look around once more before wandering out.
He follows you and watches you. It was that moment he knew that you, you were it. That something different in his life, that spark he felt he's been missing. That itch he's been needing to scratch and could never find the right tool to scratch it. Roman knew that you were going to change his way of thinking when it all boiled down to it.
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Spring is here, it's been five months since the move, and you've become settled, relatively. But something's been going on. You've been getting flowers and other little gifts off and on for the past three or so months. It's regular, on queue, and it never changes, once, every two weeks, a fresh bouquet of something different, and either a card, or a little trinket, be it a charm, a piece of something to wear, or a small stuffed animal accompanies this bouquet. Today, was no different.
Lurking in the distance, as he always had from the moment you met, you let out a soft yet slightly heavy breath and you look down at the flowers that sat on your doorstep. "What the heck…" you say softly. Pushing your lips to one side you look around and you pick up the sunflower and rose bouquet and pull it to your face and take in a deep inhale and smiled with a slightly somber look on your face. "THANK YOU!" You call out before you walk in and close the door.
The flowers become a regular thing, and you start visiting the office a little more, the light anonymous things putting you in a mood of happiness and genuine love. You feel this love and you don't know how to channel it, so you start bringing your father lunch at work, and you start talking to his co-workers. But it's when you meet his boss that your own heart begins to beat a little funny. You give a slightly goofy giggle, clear your throat, put your head down, and walk away.
It was his scent, you knew that scent. It was on the stuffed bear you had received with a bouquet of peonies not long ago. You excuse yourself and make your way out of the building. Running your hands down your thick thighs you lean against your little beat-up volkswagon bug and you feel your heart beating miles a minute. Shaking your head you look up at the building and burst into laughter. Why? No? Really? Was it him?
You look back down, and you lean against your car a little more, and before you had a moment to really recall everything you see him approaching from your peripheral vision. Licking your plump lips you look over at him and draw in a deep breath.
"Has it been you?" you ask. "Since the beginning." He stated "But why?" you ask him. "Why couldn't you tell me? I come in to bring him lunch every day and you couldn't tell me?" "I didn't know how. I was in awe of you." Roman admitted. "Mr. Godfrey--" "Roman, please, call me Roman." He stated. "Roman." you pause a moment. "I am nothing to be in awe about, my curves have curves, I'm far too out of your realm of normal woman, I'm just--" "Perfect. You're perfect and you don't see it Y/N. You won't see it, but I want to help you see it… if you'll let me." He smiled. "Let me take you out tonight. There's this cute little coffee shop in town, join me?" He asked.
Charming, he was charming, and he was sweet. Nodding your head you had agreed to his proposal of coffee. He holds out his hand and you place yours in his. Your hand feels so small in his, you feel like you're about the size of a damn munchkin from The Wizard of Oz. But it feels good. You feel good.
Sitting in the coffee shop after you two walk a little ways from the building you find yourself enthralled in each other, in the conversation, the mindless nothing of conversation that has led to laughter, and genuine raw emotions between you. Nothing but calm, cherished moments. Sure, people stared, but he never took his eyes off you, his attention was on you. You were important to him.
What really made you feel on top of the world, was when he reached forward and tucked some hair behind your ear, helped you up, and walked back to the building with you. From that day on, you realized that you are perfectly imperfect and that no matter what, you are beautiful, and because of Roman, seeing yourself as anything less, that's just not possible anymore.
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petalsthefish · 8 months
Toe Rag (Affectionately)
Read on A03
"Did you see Lily delivering a swift kick to Arnold Palmer’s balls in divination this morning?" Sirius inquired, dropping onto the bench beside James in the grand hall during lunch. "Fucking metal."
Peter and Remus glanced up from their seats across the table, mouths full, sporting amusing grins. Remus hastily swallowed, wiping his mouth with his sleeve as he enthusiastically nodded.
"I'm surprised she hasn't landed herself in detention by now," Remus remarked. "Palmer was on the ground, in tears."
"Any idea what Palmer said to provoke her?" Sirius questioned, loading his plate with meat pies.
"It doesn't matter what he said to her," James replied, rolling his eyes. "He probably had it coming."
"You'd defend her even if she kicked you in the balls," Peter chuckled, prompting Sirius and Remus to conceal their knowing grins behind their food.
"I'm a strong supporter of women's rights," James hastily defended himself, "including Lily's right to beat the shit out of anyone who irritates her."
Remus's eyes sparkled with amusement. "Then how do you manage to escape Lily’s wrath? You irritate her everyday."
James feigned disgust. "Moony, how dare you. I am her favorite person."
Sirius stared at James as though he had sprouted two heads. "She called you a ‘toe rag’ yesterday at dinner."
"Yeah, but lovingly," James retorted.
"I've never heard anyone called a 'toe rag' lovingly," Remus raised an eyebrow at James.
"Hey, guys," Lily interjected herself between Sirius and James, planting a kiss on James' cheek. James raised himself a bit higher in his chair, sporting a proud smirk in response.
Lily rolled her eyes at his reaction and remarked, "Eat your food, toe rag." Despite her words, a smile betrayed the affection in the term, causing the other boys to reconsider their earlier remarks.
"Do you have detention tonight?" James inquired of Lily.
"No," Lily replied as she buttered a scone, "Palmer was convinced to accept his punishment without snitching on me to the Professor."
"What did he say?" Peter asked, his curiosity evident.
Lily’s green eyes glowed with exasperation as she explained, “he said the tea leaves told him that I should show him my tits.”
All four boys erupted in outrage, drawing confused looks from those around them. Lily shushed them all, laughing at their indignant reactions. James couldn't fathom why she remained so composed; he was ready to seek out Palmer and transform him into a slug.
Lily likely noticed the fiery determination in his eyes, prompting her to toss her scone at his forehead, causing it to bounce off and land back on the table. "James," she warned, "sit down before I make you."
Grumbling, James reluctantly took his seat, exchanging a meaningful glance with Sirius, signaling that their business with Palmer was far from over. Sirius nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting anger.
"Anyways, I'm pretty sure I made his chances of procreating 90% less likely than before," Lily declared, picking up the scone that had fallen onto James' plate.
"I hope you uninvited him to your birthday party tonight," James said, slinging an arm around Lily's shoulders and glaring towards the Ravenclaw table in search of Palmer's brown, buzzed hair.
Lily shrugged in his embrace. "I doubt it. He learned to value his life this afternoon, and he knows you and Sirius will be there."
"I don't see why James and I being there has anything to do with it," Sirius remarked, his tone deceptively calm.
"Please," Lily snorted, "don't act like the two of you aren't already telepathically planning your revenge on my behalf."
"Sirius and I don't communicate telepathically," James insisted, "and even if we did, we're well aware that you can handle yourself."
"Keep lying, Prongs," Lily patted his chest with the back of her hand, her tone lighthearted but her eyes full of knowing suspicion, "I've known you long enough to recognize when you're contemplating making someone barf slugs all night."
James chuckled, a warmth spreading through his chest at her remark. Her ability to read him like an open book was both a source of amusement and admiration. She had recently acquired the skill of distinguishing between the Marauders using their nicknames, and the fact that she used his without hesitation was a small delight that never failed to make his heart race. His hand slid down her back lovingly, tracing her sides until he was holding her at the dip in her hip, reveling in the comfort of her presence.
As they sat there, the great hall buzzing with the energy of fellow students eating their lunch, James found himself contemplating the idea of persuading her to spend the remainder of the evening curled up by the crackling fireplace in the Gryffindor common room. The dancing flames and the cozy ambiance seemed like the perfect setting for some quiet moments together, away from the boring classes they were subject to that Tuesday.
"I was actually considering turning him into a slug," James admitted with a mischievous glint in his eyes, savoring the way she blushed when his thumb brushed enticingly across her upper thigh. "But your idea is much better."
Lily turned her head to face him, her green eyes locking onto his with a mixture of amusement and something deeper. Her pupils were slightly wider than usual, perhaps a result of the intimacy of the moment or the thrill of his touch. She whispered, her voice a soft murmur that only heightened the intimacy of their conversation, "It's my birthday, and I don't want you in detention for it."
The air between them crackled with unspoken understanding, and James couldn't help but smile. He was more than willing to comply with her birthday wish, even if it meant putting aside his plans for revenge with Sirius.
He leaned closer, teasing, "Why? Do you have plans for us tonight, Evans?"
She licked her lips, replying carefully, "Well, Mary's making cake."
"I can think of something sweeter." James whispered, winking. 
Remus, with a half groan of annoyance, extended his arm across the worn wooden table, brandishing a succulent drumstick like a playful weapon. He thrust the piece of chicken into James' unsuspecting mouth, prompting an immediate protest from the latter. Startled, James leaned back, his eyes widening as he hastily spit out the uninvited mouthful onto his plate. 
In an attempt to regain composure, Lily took a deep breath, filling her lungs with air, and shifted her attention to her lunch, feigning an intense interest in her food choice to divert any lingering feelings someplace else. James’ hand dug tighter into her side, refusing to let her get too far in response to Remus’ action.
“Can I flirt with my girlfriend in peace, please?” James asked with a snap. 
Dryly, Remus remarked, "You two disgust me sometimes."
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sasheneskywalker · 6 months
dc/marvel crossover fic recs
Dark Matter by mysterycyclone The last thing Peter sees is Tony's horrified, heartbroken expression leaning over him. The guilt in his eyes is almost worse than the burning pain that's taking Peter apart piece by piece. The world starts to go dark.
There's a flash of gold and green. For one moment, he finds himself standing amongst the Guardians and others. And then darkness again. It feels like blinking; an extended period of nothingness that ends as abruptly as it begins. One moment there’s nothing, the next there’s light.
“Easy,” a woman says. Her words are gentle, and carry a slight accent that he can’t place. "I'm called Wonder Woman. What's your name?"
Not Rated | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Avengers Team, Clark Kent & Peter Parker, Diana (Wonder Woman) & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Peter Parker, Gotham City & Peter Parker, Tim Drake & Peter Parker, Batman & Spiderman
Revenge is a Word I Haven't Yet Defined (I’m not sure I’m worthy of such theatrics) by OliOcelot After the Lazarus Pits and a year of training with the League, Talia sends Jason to Gotham for revenge. Except Jason isn’t as deep as she thinks. The thing is, he expected to see Bruce - Batman - and be livid. He let him die, replaced him. He should be mad.
He isn’t.
In the end, it’s hard to think of yourself as being replaced when you died. So yeah, he’s angry, but he’s not angry enough for revenge. Not like Talia wants him to be.
So he focuses on Red Hood and cleaning up Crime Alley, and scraps any ideas of revenge he had left. They’re unnecessary. Counterproductive, in fact, because now that he’s actually seen Bruce, all he really wants is to go home. Maybe have a conversation or two about how bad Bruce and Dick messed up, but at home.
Instead, he gets caught up in world altering magic from some criminal in over his head, and Jason finds himself tumbling through universes into a New York filled with heroes that he’s never even heard of and a lack of Gotham and Metropolis that can only mean one thing. This isn’t the world he knows.
All he wants is to get home, to make amends, to try again. Too bad none of them know he’s gone. Not that anyone would think to look for a dead boy.
T | Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Batfamily Members & Jason Todd, Peter Parker & Jason Todd, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tony Stark
To Dig a Grave in Winter by OliOcelot The Winter Soldier isn’t the only Asset that Hydra has. This will be their downfall.
Or, Jason Todd rose from his grave only to be taken by Hydra and turned into a living weapon, known as the Gravewalker. Meeting the Winter Soldier might just make it worth it.
T | Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply | James Bucky Barnes (Marvel) & Jason Todd (DCU), James Bucky Barnes (Marvel)/Jason Todd (DCU)
in labyrinths of reflections by blackkat With the incursions imminent, Khonshu steals his avatar away to another dimension, where there's little risk of the universes colliding.
Marc is unprepared for Gotham, but it's probably safe to say that Gotham is equally unprepared for Marc.
M | Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Bruce Wayne/Marc Spector, Marc Spector & Jason Todd, Roy Harper/Jason Todd, Marc Spector & Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne/Steven Grant
no map to my own treasure by blackkat “I think this is yours.”
Bruce doesn’t even have to look up. He already knows precisely what this is about. Containing a sigh, he rubs the bridge of his nose, and says, “If he bit you, I can pay for the emergency room visit—”
“I did not bite him,” Damian says, outraged.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Marc Spector/Bruce Wayne
Knaves All Three by Ginevra_Benci After Ultron, Avengers Tower hosts a good-will gala to fundraise for post-Incident NYC.
Local lawyers Nelson & Murdock, fresh from saving Hell's Kitchen from the ravages of Wilson Fisk, get an invite.
Bruce Wayne’s in town.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Tony Stark & Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark & Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers & Bruce Wayne, Steve Rogers/Bruce Wayne, Matt Murdock & Foggy Nelson
The Spider and the Samovar by Ginevra_Benci There's a new player in Eastern Europe: the Spider has been making a name for himself and has caught the attention of the Outlaws.
Jason Todd makes contact.
Well. He tries to.
G | No Archive Warnings Apply | Roy Harper & Koriand'r & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd & Natasha Romanoff
Bats Out of Hell by Jedi_Olympian Dick and Tim find themselves in a bit of trouble. Multiversal trouble. Needless to say, their boyfriends are not happy about it, and the universe they find themselves in is unlike any they've found themselves in before.
Or Dick and Tim get thrown into the MCU and meet the Avengers.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne
If It's A Highway by there_must_be_a_lock Bucky’s been running for a week when the supposedly-untraceable burner phone he stole from a HYDRA warehouse starts ringing. He’s in a gas station bathroom off a remote highway close to the Croatian border, getting ready to bleach his hair; the ringtone bounces shrilly off the bare tiles and makes his jaw clench tight.
[Or: the one where Bucky is hired to train Jason, and he ends up learning a thing or two himself.]
E | No Archive Warnings Apply | James "Bucky" Barnes/Jason Todd
There but for Grace go I by AutumnHobbit Frank Castle comes to Gotham on the trail of some human traffickers who picked the wrong city. Imagine his surprise to find he isn’t the only one out for their blood. When things turn sour he decides to get involved, which leads to a lot of unexpected drama.
And he thought New York’s costumed paraders were bad.
Not Rated | Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Bruce Wayne & Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne & Frank Castle, Dick Grayson & Frank Castle, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Frank Castle
The Five Stages of Neighborly Affection by AlannaLioness, phonecallfromgod, youshallnotfinditso Between Matt being back from the dead, Nelson & Murdock 2.0 and a fancy Manhattan apartment from his (former) sharky boss, Foggy feels like he's doing pretty well keeping the vigilante nonsense in his life to a minimum.
Or he was until he moved next door to Tim Drake.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Matt Murdock/Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake (Minor), Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent (Minor), Minor or Background Relationship(s)
running in the shadows by dukeaubergine Jack Drake dies during one of Tony Stark's "taking responsibility" phases. The Bats aren't happy about this.
Tim is pushing to come home, and in the meantime be an NYC vigilante right under Stark's nose, when the Sokovia Accords knock over the whole board.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Batfamily Members & Tim Drake, Avengers Team & Tim Drake, Tim Drake & Tony Stark, Tim Drake & Wanda Maximoff
Shake the Devil Out of Me by thepartyresponsible The first time Jason sees Phil Coulson, he sees him in the soft, flickering light of a warehouse fire. It’s romantic, he thinks, later. Like candlelight.
E | Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Phil Coulson/Jason Todd
The Dawn Will Break Before You by thepartyresponsible “Okay, heartbreaker,” he says, “how much to put the tires back on the car?”
Jason rolls his eyes and gestures at him with the lug wrench. “Why don’t I just beat you up and steal your money? Is this the first time you’ve been to a bad part of town? Don’t show me your wallet, asshole. Come on.”
The man heaves a heavy, aggrieved sigh and starts pulling out bills. “Five hundred?” He tries. “Six? We can go to an ATM.”
“You are mugging yourself,” Jason says, oddly impressed. “Holy shit.”
M | No Archive Warnings Apply | Tony Stark/Jason Todd
Give Thanks to Broken Bones by thepartyresponsible The bodyguard is incredibly well-respected in the superhero single parent community. He is also, Tony’s realizing, something of an asshole.
M | Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Tony Stark/Jason Todd
birds fly (why can't I?) by SafelyCapricious The apartment in Gotham that Natasha gets — all cash and no ID required — is a shithole.
But it’s her shithole.
Well, hers and the cockroaches’, she supposes, as she turns on the flickering light in the bathroom and at least a hundred of them scurry out of view.
M | No Archive Warnings Apply | Natasha Romanov (Marvel) & Jason Todd, Natasha Romanov (Marvel)/Jason Todd
Five Supersoldiers Walk Into a Bar by bittercape He spots him through the binoculars, far away and disappearing fast. Logan is, more than anything, a hunter. He knows how to watch, and he watches the sniper moving away, after a single well-placed shot. He moves just like Barnes did. Everyone has a particular way of moving, if you know how to watch. And Logan, as mentioned, knows how to watch.
Logan knows it cannot be him, knows he died, falling from a train. No normal human could survive that. And yet …
He drops down from the watchtower. He’ll catch hell for this, sure. But he has to know.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Logan (X-men) & James "Bucky" Barnes, Logan (X-Men) & Natasha Romanov, Logan (X-Men) & Slade Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes & Slade Wilson, Natasha Romanov (Marvel) & Slade Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes & Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers & Slade Wilson
five, six, just for kicks by bittercape “Good evening,” Jason says, because he does have manners when he wants to use them. “Talia al Ghul sent me for training.”
“Right,” the man says. “You’re here for training with Deathstroke.”
“Yeees,” Jason says. This seems more than a little eccentric. “And you are Deathstroke?”
“Yes indeed!” the man says. “It is I, Deathstroke!”
M | No Archive Warnings Apply | DCU (Comics), Red Hood: Lost Days, Deadpool - All Media Types, Deathstroke the Terminator (Comics) | Jason Todd & Wade Wilson, Jason Todd & Slade Wilson, Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
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kay-elle-cee · 8 months
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@jilymicrofics January Prompt 10: Bedraggled || 493 words || Read on Ao3 MICROFIC MASTERLIST
James pokes at the eggs on his plate, head cradled in his other hand as his elbow rests atop the table. The throbbing behind his eyes won't stop, assisted in their torture by every outburst of laughter, every scrape of a fork, and every slide of a bench in the Great Hall.
Perhaps, James reflects, it's time to ease up on the Quidditch after-parties.
Around him, Sirius, Peter, and even Remus are hunched over in a similar manner—not to mention the occasional sixth-and-seventh year Gryffindors who had made it down to breakfast—and he can practically feel the pointed stare of Professor McGonagall from the teacher's table as he focuses intently on the running yolk of the egg (it makes his stomach turn a little).
Peter snickers. "Get a load of Evans."
Dreadfully predictable, James heeds Peter's instructions, heavy eyes looking towards the doors of the Great Hall and spotting Lily—looking better than the bedraggled lot of them, though still a bit peaky from imbibing. She looks normal (which is to say, beautiful), with the exception of—
"Oi! Four Eyes, over here!"
James winces at the shout and slaps Sirius upside the head, earning himself a shove in return. The other boy chuckles as Lily approaches them, arms crossed as her eyes narrow behind a pair of round glasses.
"Go on then," she sighs.
"I thought you knew better than to take fashion cues from this bloke, Evans," Sirius prods, grabbing James by the shoulders and shaking him. "When did this happen?"
"I've actually had them for a few years now," she shrugs. "Normally wear my contacts but my eyes are a bit irritated after I fell asleep in them."
James' question draws her attention, and the raise of her brow kicks his brain into overtime. Contacts?
"Contact lenses. It's like putting the frames directly on your eyeball," she explains with a quick gesture to her face. "They're dead convenient, but haven't caught on in the wizarding world yet, apparently. The first time Melanie saw me put one in she screamed."
Remus shudders at the thought, and James merely blinks as his brain continues to process this information. Lily Evans needed glasses. How had he never noticed?
Also…contact lenses. All the perks of vision without the hassle of glasses? He'd be unstoppable at Quidditch if he didn't have to worry about the blasted things falling off his face.
"These contacts…" James starts, leaning forward with interest. "Where would one get a hold of some?"
"Afraid you'd need to see a Muggle Optometrist for that, Potter, so you might be out of luck." She pours a glass of pumpkin juice and takes a contemplative sip. "Count yourself lucky, though. At least your glasses add to your appeal." Leaning over, she takes a rasher of untouched bacon from his plate with a smile and turns on her heel as Dorcas and Mary drag themselves through the doors, leaving a stunned James Potter in her wake.
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