#but also have fun trying to catch/ bomb each other
frog-with-no-therapy · 5 months
That villain scientist peter parker au won't leave my head
Worst of all is that it's evolving to something more, much more, and there are some twists?? And character development?? Found family that may end up tragically??
Also somehow Felicia Hardy, Johnny Storm, and Miles Morales become something of a main characters themselves in this, and their interaction with peter is sweet, funny, a bit tragic, and found family vibes over all
And listen I love this a lot but I also know that if I let this be any deeper I may start taking things into my own hands, and I absolutely can't afford nor the time nor the effort for that so please for the love of god someone take this off my hand and write something for it please
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alastor-simp · 7 months
Hugging Them Out of Nowhere - Lucifer Morningstar, Cherri Bomb, Vox and Valentino
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Here is the second part of the hugging headcanon with the other hazbin characters. I am going to try to make Valentino be a bit more approachable in this story since I know he is on this fandoms hit list.Will contain spoilers from some episodes. Enjoy!
Lucifer Morningstar🐥
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🐥"OH! Ummm.....something wrong? Did you want to play with one of my rubber ducks?” Lucifer would have no idea what is going on. He will be stood like a statue, while holding one of his signature ducks. Despite being the king of hell, this man is an awkward softie.
🐥Lucifer was officially staying at the hotel now after its renovation after the fight with Adam. It was nice that he was finally making an effort with Charlie’s dreams and acting like a father.
🐥However, this poor man suffered from depression, due to being stressed being the king of hell and also thinking about his wife leaving. Man couldn’t catch a break.
🐥His bedroom is where he would stay when he was like that, crafting another duck figurine at his desk. He hadn’t noticed you coming into his room to see how he was. The minute he felt arms wrap around him is when he realized your presence.
🐥 “Ummmmmmmm….hi there?” Lucifer just remained in the position he was in, staring at you, trying to figure out what was happening. Soon, you had let him go, wearing an apologetic smile.
🐥 “I’m sorry, your highness.” Lucifer jumped when he heard that and waved his hands. “OH! Just call me Lucifer or Luci! Don’t need to be formal with me!” You smiled at him and nodded your head. The both of you stared at each other for a bit before he broke the silence and asked why the sudden hug.
🐥Feeling shy, you rubbed the back of your neck, “Well, I noticed you seemed more melancholic than usual today. Usually when I am sad, a hug always makes me feel better so I thought maybe that would help you.” Red pupils continued to stare at you making you feel nervous, wondering if you had upset him
🐥Your body was met with a strong impact, as Lucifer tackled you in a hug, squeezing you tightly to the point it was hard to breathe. His face was in the crook of your neck, as he continued to squeeze. “C-can’t br-eath.” Gasping out an answer, you felt Lucifer let you go, by still placed his hands on your shoulder.
🐥 “S-sorry! Sorry! I forget my own strength sometimes haha! You okay? No broken bones?” He kept moving his head to peer at you, making sure you were alright. His actions caused you to laugh, surprising him. “You’re such a dad.” Lucifer then smiled at that, placing a hand on his chest, “Of course I am! I am hells number one daddy!” That sentence caused you to cackle, confusing Lucifer even more. “Hahahaha! Don’t ever say that again!” Lucifer tilted his head at you: “Wait, what did I say?”
🐥His clueless side to him was quite cute at times. You managed to calm down. “Lucifer, if you ever need someone to talk to or have another one of your depressed episodes, come find me okay. I’ll be there to listen and also provide comforting hugs." He wore a shocked expression, before he broke into a kind smile, patting your head. "Thank you."
🐥The relationship the both of you had improved a lot. He was more open with you and would discuss his problems. He was kind enough to bring you to his workshop, showing you how to make his prized ducklings. You received a nice surprise when you went into your room and saw a duck figurine that resembled you, with a red rose lying next to it.
Cherri Bomb🍒
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🍒"Woah! Hey bit✪✪!! Why the sudden tackle? You looking to throw down?" Cherri is very hyperactive and fun-loving, you almost never see her depressed about anything. She is either throwing bombs during turf wars or partying at the club with Angel Dust. She wasn't close with everyone at the hotel except Angel, but she was friendly as long as you didn't do something to piss her off.
🍒However, she does have a sensitive side to herself, but she puts up a tough guard to hide it. The three of you, yourself, Cherri and Angel were partying at a popular sex club, chugging down shot after shot. It took you a while to notice, since you were slightly buzzed, that Cherri had a more sad expression on her face then usual. You were about to question what was wrong, but she got up quickly from the bar, saying she was going out for a quick smoke.
🍒Sensing something else was going, on you let Angel know that you would be right back, before following after Cherri. Looking everywhere, you were able to find her on the patio deck of the club, smoking a cigarette while leaning on the metal bar. She didn't noticed you until she heard the sound of the door sliding and saw you walking towards her.
🍒 "Oh! Hey hoe! Whatcha doing out here? Craving a smoke too?" She was smiling wide at you, but you can tell that it was forced. Walking closer to her, you threw her arms around her, causing her one eye to stare at you in shock. ""Woah mate! Whats wrong with ya?" She patted one of your arms, wondering what was going on. "Cherri, drop the act already. I saw that look on your face in the club. There is obviously something going on. So come on, spill it."
🍒 Cherri's eye just widen further and the smile on her face dropped. She turned her head down, not saying a word to you as you kept holding her. "AGH! I'm just pissed with myself at the moment! I'm trying so hard to obtain the level of overlord, but it's not working. I need that status, so I can help Angie to be rid of that moth fu✪✪face!!" Cherri yelled out, as she threw the cigarette from her hand, while punching the metal bar with her fist. You continued to listen to her, and hugged her tighter.
🍒You both stayed like that for a bit, before you spoke: "You will do it Cherri Bomb! I believe in you and so does Angel Dust. Its gonna be hard in the beginning, but you can do it. I want the same for Angel too and I'll try to help in anyway I can." After that little speech you gave, you felt Cherri shaking with laughter. "AHAHAHA! Sorry mate, but you fighting in turf wars? I'm sorry, but your baby face is way to sweet to be considered a threat!" Her words cause you to pout. "Still, thanks mate for coming out here and making me feel better." She moved her body, positioning herself so she could hug you back.
🍒The both of you let go after that, just in time for Angel Dust to come, wondering where the both of you went. "Cherri? Toots? What's going on? Y'all been gone for a while, I thought you bailed on me!" The both of you laughed and walked closer to Angel. "Nothing Angel. Just having some girl talk." You didn't want to tell Angel what had happened before since you probably expected Cherri didn't want to worry him. You felt an arm wrap around your shoulder, and pulled you closer to them. Cherri smiled down at you before looking back at Angel. "Sorry Angie, got distracted. Lets get back to the party! I owe you a drink Y/N!" Cherri looked down at you when she said that before pulling you to the bar, with Angel following behind, wearing a smirk.
🍒Cherri exchanged numbers with you after that. She chatted with both you and Angel on the regular. Her messages were very wild and enthusiastic, either sending a picture of herself in a fight or just making funny inappropriate jokes. She had invited you to her crib to hang out at one point. You should consider yourself lucky, cause she only invites the people she cares about to her place, so the fact that she did that means she considers you a very close friend. She has offered to help train you too, since she noticed your lack of skill in combat, so she wanted to help prepare you. She knew that it would help you in the long run and also allow you to tag team together in a turf war.
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📺Hugging Vox was not as simple as you think. He had a reputation to uphold as one of the three Vee's. Also he didn't like being touched.
📺He was an alright guy despite his massive ego. You had been in his business for a while, so you knew quickly how he function and acted in certain situations. His mood had been very sour lately, since he had just realized his arch enemy, the radio demon was back after disappearing for seven years. His great plan was to call Alastor out during one of his video podcasts, only to be mocked down by Alastor, causing him to short circuit and cause all the power to be cut off.
📺Vox remained in his office after that, fuming. His screen was flickering every once in a while, as blue sparks kept popping up around him. You hesitated a bit, as you stood at the door to his office, contemplating if you should go in a calm him down or just let him cool off on his own. Finally reaching a decision, you walked in.
📺He was sitting in his large red chair, in front of his multiple screens. The back of the chair was facing you, as you walked closer to wear he was. Having reached closer to him, you look at him, seeing if he was okay. He was leaned back against the chair, hands covering his screen. It was mumbling something to himself, which was hard to make out, but you heard some words like "alastor" and "a✪✪hole."
📺Clearing your throat, you allowed your presence to be know to him. Vox jumped a bit, before removing one of hands to look at you. He was clearly irritated, given the scowl on his face. "The hell you doing in here? I made in clear I was not to be disturbed." You bounced back a bit at his tone, but you stood strong. "I apologize, sir. I had come to see if you were alright, since you have been in here for a few hours." Vox continued to glare at you before putting his hand back to cover his face. "Argh! That old fashion radio di✪✪head still has me pissed off!" You listen to him rant, and wanted to at least find a way to ease his emotions. "Will you allow me to help calm you down?"
📺Vox removed his hands from his face, his screen eyebrows arched up a bit. He gave a sigh and just waved his hand in the air, saying to do whatever. Taking a deep breath, you walked closer to Vox, leaning down to wrap your arms around him. Vox just froze, hands raised up in shock. He wasn't expecting something like this. After a few seconds, you let him go and stood back up, rubbing your neck. "Sorry! I- That always use to make me feel better whenever I am upset about something, so I though that would help you." You continued to look down away from Vox, afraid that you overstepped.
📺You slowly look back at him, hoping he wasn't more enraged. He surprisingly wasn't, but was more stumped then anything. Soon his screen face lit up with his blue-teethed smile. "Well that was a surprise! Didn't expect you to do that?" He continued to smirk at you, which made you twiddle your fingers. "Sorry." Vox just gave a huff, turning his face away. "Well I didn't hate it." That comment surprised you. You weren't able to see his face,, but his screen looked a tad pinkish, but it was hard to make out. Letting out a cough, he turned back and stretched. "Well time to get back and do some overlord work. You can head back and do whatever." Smiling, you bowed your head a bit, "Very well, sir." You turned around, beginning to walk back to the sliding doors. "Vox." You stopped and turned back, "I'm sorry?" Vox spun his chair, around facing you, "You can call me Vox." His face was hard to read, since you never seen him with that kind of expression before. He slowly turned back around, back of the chair facing you now.
📺He was a bit different after that whole interaction. Yes, he was still the egotistical Vox, but he acted a bit softer when he was with you behind closed doors. He would ask how your day was and how the new Voxtech sales were coming along. He tried to have you around more, whenever he was doing his podcasts or having a meeting with the other Vees. You noticed his eyes staring at you, with a sort of soft look, but he would quickly turn around like nothing was happening.
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🦋It wasn't easy to offer Valentino a hug. He was one of the the three V's, the overlords that dominated most of Pentagram city. Valentino was a busy man, since he controlled a lot of the lustful side of the city, so he was either surrounded by hot demons or working as the director for his porn videos.
🦋 However, he was prone to hissy fits, that would result in him either breaking multiple things in his office or injure one of Velvette's models. You weren't sure what caused this tantrum, but you could hear Valentino's squeaks of rage from his office.
🦋After a couple minutes, it began to quiet down, giving you a sign that it was safe to enter his office now. Opening the door to his office, you saw the mayhem that was now his office space. Papers had scattered the floor, some clothes were throw on the ground and broken pieces of glass were scattered everywhere on the floor. In the middle of the room was a giant red smoke cloud, likely containing the moth himself. You could see him a bit through the smoke, wearing a scowl, but his eyes were closed.
🦋You didn't say a word, and just started to clean up the mess. Valentino peeked his eye out to look at you, and closed it again. After fixing his clothes and throwing away the shards of glass, you picked up the papers, assembling them in a stack and walk over to his desk. Placing them down, you looked up at the moth man in front of you. He was still wearing a scowl, while muttering little curses under his breath. "Umm..Mr. Valentino?", calling out his name, you approached a bit closer, to where you were standing near his chair. Valentino opened his eyes, flashing crimson at you. "What is it?" his tone was still agitated, and his eyes were glaring at you.
🦋You fiddled with your fingers for a bit, then you slowly got closer to him, wrapping your arms around him in a hug. He was very tall, but since he was sitting down, it was easier for you to place your arms around his back, putting you head next to his neck Valentino let out a little squeak in shock, his multiple arms jumping up, which caused the pipe in one of his hands to drop to the ground. "Oh~ You looking to play gatita?" You could tell he was smirking at what you were doing. You shook your head, "I'm not doing this to have sex with you. I'm giving you a hug to cheer you up." Valentino was quiet after you said that. You were about to let go, thinking you made him more upset, but you felt his arms pull you closer, lifting you up to have you sit on his lap. His head bent down as well, leaning closer to your neck.
🦋None of you had said a word, as you continued to hug each other. You felt a pair of lips kiss your neck, giving you goosebumps. Slowly Valentino removed his head from your neck. His two hands moved to push you back, before placing the both of them on your cheeks. He was wearing a very tender expression, it was quite a surprise to see since you only saw him with a smirk or glare. "Gracias hermosa." Leaning down, he placed a kiss on your forehead, causing you to blush.
🦋His attitude with you change entirely after that. He was still a horny bastard, but he cooled it down for you. He wanted you with him at all times, either next to you or sitting on his lap. Vox took a notice to how different Valentino was being, but he didn't question it, since it saved him time and prevented him from having to come and calm Valentino down himself. Valentino began to send you little gifts as well, you expected something erotic like vibrators, but surprisingly, you got roses and beautiful jewelry. He started addressing you by your name more, or he would called you "hermosa" like he did when he kissed your forehead. Welp, looks like you have a giant moth demon attracted to you now.
(Sorry no Velvette in this headcanon. It is hard for me to write her character. Maybe i'll do a separate headcanon for just Velvette when I have time)
Tag List:
@pepperycookie , @yourdoorisunlocked, @ghostdoodlen, @aceofcards0-0, @jyoongim, @saturnhas82moons, @unholycheesesnack , @luujjvi , @forbidden-sunlight, @pinkcrystal44 , @veethewriter , @rains-sleeping , @danveration , @demoarah, @cookiekyo , @iiotic, @delectableworm , @91062854-ka , @alastorsgoldie , @lokis-imaginary-friend , @themysteriousslenderman , @huntlowfan , @pawstrey , @futureittomainn , @christinaatyourservice92 , @littledolly2345 , @just-trash-yeah-thats-it , @angelinevalentine89 , @yunimimii , @staryosh1 , @mihawksdemoness , @crystalreads , @blahblahbruhmeow , @madam-strawberryrose , @inkslayer , @azazel-nyx , @lixanjewel , @ainsliemac
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evanpeterswhoresblog · 8 months
Cherry Bomb (pt. 3)
Remus Lupin x f!reader, James Potter x f!reader (mentioned), Sirius Black x f!reader (mentioned)
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warnings: smut, p in v, i think it’s protected atp idk, fingering, underage smoking, very dom remus, long af but omg i’m so in love with it
summary: the last part of your plan is far harder to achieve than the first two and it’s far more complicated.
word count: 5k
a/n: ahhh here’s the last part (i think?) anyway sorry it’s long i got carried away but ugh i love remus so much. sorry if my characterization is off, ever since atyd i see him as sarcastic. yeah i love this, hope you guys do too :)
Out of all the marauders, Remus Lupin was by far the most liked. He was quiet, but not invisible. He was the most sensible out of all the boys and the most polite. Though he did tend to be witty and sarcastic, he was kind at heart. But he was also the hardest one to get close to. Quiet, reserved, beautiful Remus with his nose always stuck in a book. There was always something about him that made girls fall fast. But that was the thing. It was always so easy to fall in love with him. So, if one ever wanted to shag Remus Lupin, they would have to deal with the consequences of loving him. Because he was nothing like his mates. He didn’t shag just anyone. No. He had to choose you. And to be chosen by him was the biggest accomplishment and the biggest curse. Because once you get him, you will never want to let him go.
Avoiding two of the marauders is nearly impossible. Each corner you turn it seems you run into one of them, or both. And each time their eyes find you they show the same expressions. Confusion. Frustration. Perhaps even a bit of sadness. You debate throwing away the entire plan daily. It’s unfair, the way you’re playing with their minds. But the lingering knowledge that you’re so close to completing the plan entirely keeps you going. Because surely, all your hurt feelings can’t be for nothing.
You speak to James only once after your shag in the broom closet. It’s a week or two after, he’s been chasing you around, and you’ve been avoiding him. But you decide he deserves some amount of closure. Sweet, lovely, innocent James. You find him alone in the library and take your opportunity. The way he smiles when he sees you approaching makes your heart ache terribly and regret fills your stomach.
“Y/n I’ve been trying to catch you, how are you?” He asks once you’re close enough to hear his quiet tone.
He looks so happy, you feel sick.
“Yeah, I just you know… haven’t been feeling too great,” you lie.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Sit if you’d like, I’ve been attempting to study for the potions test. Aren’t you good with potions? Could you help me possibly?”
You inhale deeply. You could really use a cigarette right now. You’ve broken things off with guys before, but this feels different. In the other cases, you’ve had reasons. For this case though, you have none. James is innocent in all of this. It makes you nauseous.
“Listen, James,” you start, your voice soft. “What happened was great, I enjoyed it a lot, but it was a mistake. I like you, you’re very sweet, but I don’t think we should do anything else.”
Watching his face fall is by far the most horrid sight you’ve ever seen. All the happiness fades fast and leaves behind a bitter frown. He looks down at his papers, toying with his quill.
“I see…” He looks back up, a fake smile on his lips. “That’s alright, it was fun. I’m not really looking for anything serious like that either, so I understand.”
You swallow hard. “I really do like you James, believe me, but it’s just not the right time for this.”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s fine.”
“And...” You pause for a second. “You won’t tell anyone?”
He nods. “Not a soul. This will be our little secret.”
“Thank you.”
“Of course.”
“Well then, I’ll let you get back to your potions. Thanks for... everything.” You give him one last smile before turning on your heels and making your way out of the library.
You almost put an end to it right then and there, but then you see the tallest marauder walking down the hall with Peter. His hands are in his pockets, his book bag slung over one of his shoulders. For a split second his eyes meet yours as the two of you pass each other.
He gives you a small awkward smile.
To catch Remus Lupin alone you must take the risk of losing your house some points. You wait a week before making your move, for safety. After your conversation with James, the only marauder to pay attention to you is Sirius. He’s still set on telling everyone that the two of you shagged, but thankfully, not many people believe him. Not even his best mates.
It’s a very quiet night when you sneak out after curfew. A night you know one particular prefect is doing rounds on his own. You wander through the castle quietly, making sure to avoid the areas in which teachers lurk. Goosebumps form on your skin, you should’ve worn more than a tee-shirt and sweatpants, but you needed to look casual.
As you’re about to turn a corner, you spot Filch. Panic surfaces inside you and you quickly turn around and run as quietly as you can down the hall. You take a few turns and just as you’re about to relax, you hear a voice.
“It’s past curfew, what are you doing out here?”
Your heart stops for a completely different reason.
It’s him.
You turn to face him and shyly smile. You watch his face change as he recognizes you.
“Oh, it’s you.” He narrows his eyes. “Off to shag my mate again, are you?”
“I never shagged him,” you reply, crossing your arms over your chest. “And I’m out for a completely different reason.”
“What reason is that?”
You shrug. “Personal reason.”
“Ah well, hope it was worth losing your dear Ravenclaws ten points. Get back to your dorm before someone else catches you,” he says, turning away from you.
You watch as he walks down the hall, not giving you another thought. You would’ve replied sarcastically if you could speak for that matter. Once he disappears, all you can do is shamefully make your way back to your house's common room, now understanding why James likes being a chaser.
Some time passes before you get Remus alone. Each time you see him during the day, he’s accompanied by one of the marauders and you can’t sneak out during his rounds again because your fellow Ravenclaws were not pleased. You’re smoking behind the castle when you happen to finally catch him walking alone. You immediately take your chance.
“Lupin!” You call out to him. You get up from the bench you were sitting on and walk to him.
Thankfully, he stops walking and turns back to face you. “Y/l/n. Is there something I can help you with?”
You can tell from the tone of his voice he’s trying to be polite; it makes your insides warm.
“Yeah, actually there is. I was wondering if you could help me with my transfiguration essay. You’re the smartest lad in the year,” you answer, taking a small puff of your cigarette. You hold it up to offer him a hit, he shakes his head.
“Those things will kill you,” he says. “But I suppose I can help a bit. I assume you’re free right now?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Let me take a look.”
A smirk forms on your lips, and you let out a breath of smoke purposely into his face. “Take a girl to dinner first.”
He swats the air, fanning away the smoke. “Are you going to show me or not? I have things to take care of.”
“Sorry.” You hate the way your face burns. “Come see.”
The two of you make your way to the bench and you take out your essay. Truthfully, you are already finished with it, and you think your work is good. But much to your dismay, only a few seconds after he starts reading it, Remus takes out a muggle pen and begins crossing things off.
“What’s wrong?”
“Your spelling is shit, and you’ve contradicted your argument at least twice already and I’m only on the second paragraph,” he answers, his eyes glued to the paper. “Maybe if you spent more time studying than shagging and smoking, you’d have this information down. We reviewed it a few weeks ago.”
You scoff. “I have not been shagging.”
“Sure,” he mumbles, crossing off another sentence.
“I swear, Sirius is mistaken.” You lie.
He turns his head, his green eyes meeting yours. “Who said I was referring to Sirius?”
Your breath catches in your throat, and you cough due to the smoke. Is he talking about James? Your heart rate increases, and anxiety flows throughout your body. Did James tell? You catch your breath, your eyes meeting his again. He looks unamused.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I haven’t shagged anyone in months, not that it’s your business,” you say.
“You should really practice more on your lying; you are shit at it.” He hands your essay back to you and stands. “I left a few notes of some things you should change, but my biggest suggestion is that you reread the textbook, and perhaps find some more... enticing quotes. Is that all then? Like I said, I’ve got some other business to tend to.”
For a few seconds, all you can do is stare up at him, your mouth hung open ever so slightly. You previously thought Remus Lupin to be a timid boy who went along with the rest of the marauders because he couldn’t say no. Now though, you realize all those assumptions are wrong. He’s quiet, but not timid.
“What do you know?” You question.
“Quite a lot, thanks for the chat.”
Before you can even think of a response, he’s already walking away. You can’t let him slip away again.
“I’ll get it out of you Remus Lupin if it’s the last thing I do!”
He turns his head over his shoulder and chuckles, the sound sending warmth straight to your core. “We’ll see.”
And just like that, he’s gone, and you’re left flustered with rosy cheeks.
You did save the best for last.
Falling for the third marauder is easier than anything. Almost unconsciously, you begin to fail classes so that he can help you with work, you learn his route around the castle to see him at least once a day, and you sneak around the castle some nights, but he always ends up finding you somehow.
One night, a little over a month after you’ve started your game, something unexpected happens. You’re out after curfew once again, tiptoeing around the castle to see where the tallest prefect is when he appears from behind you. Like usual, he crosses his arms and clears his throat, making you quickly spin on your heels to face him. How does he always sneak up on you?
“How many times am I going to catch you before you start following the rules? I’m sure your fellow Ravenclaws aren’t too pleased with you,” he says. You look up at him, a genuine blush on your face. He narrows his eyes. “You want me to catch you, don’t you?”
“You heard me.”
You look away nervously. The plan never involved gaining real feelings for any of the marauders, yet here you were. Standing in your sleepwear after curfew with your heart racing in your chest at the mere sight of one of them. Though you try to deny it, you know deep down you’re crushing hard, and you know it will only end badly.
“I uh... I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m just on a little stroll back from a smoke that’s all,” you reply after a few seconds, your hands anxiously fiddling with one another.
He rolls his eyes. “Listen, I don’t know what your objective is or has been, but whatever it is it’s not going to happen.”
“Remus I-”
“Sirius, I understand, he would sleep with the giant squid if it had tits. But James, really? He may be more of an... active person than myself but he has far more feelings than you think.” He takes a step forward; he towers over you. You swear you can’t breathe. “You may have fooled them, but you don’t fool me. I can see right through you y/l/n and you’re sick.”
You move backward; he follows each step. “You... you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t I?”
Your back hits a wall, panic rises in you. Your eyes fall to his hands, and a bit of relief washes over you when you see he’s not holding his wand. But then another thought takes over. Is he going to hit you? When you look back up, he’s only inches away from you, his hazel eyes piercing down into yours. He places one of his hands on the wall next to your head. You can hear your heartbeat in your ears.
“I didn’t mean to cause any trouble, really. I’m sorry,” you mumble, your words genuine.
“So, what was your goal then? To shag all of us and take your pick of who’s best? Peter would’ve been far easier than James you know,” he replies.
“It was just a stupid idea, I don’t know. It didn’t mean anything deeper I swear.” You’re rambling now, the threat of tears evident in the burning of your eyes. You try your hardest to keep any from falling, you can’t cry in front of Remus.
He sighs. “You’re lucky Sirius is oblivious, and James is trusting. If they knew the truth, you’d have the whole school against you.”
“Wait, they don’t know?”
He rolls his eyes again. “Of course not. If they knew you’d be getting hexed almost all day every day.”
“Then how do you know?”
“I notice a lot more than people think. Did you honestly think no one saw you go up to our dorm with Sirius that night at the party? And did you honestly think none of us would notice James’s change in attitude? You think you know more than you actually do,” he explains.
For a few seconds, the two of you only stare at each other. You don’t know what to think. You should’ve known this would happen. Someone was going to catch on. You wish you had never done it. Any of it. Everything would be so much simpler if you’d simply stayed the quiet Ravenclaw girl who never interacted with the marauders. But you can’t go back, no matter how much you wish you could. You can only make it right moving forward.
“I’m sorry, truly Remus.” There’s so much more you want to say, but you can’t. You can’t fathom the words.
“If you’re truly sorry, stop. I won’t be the next pawn in your game,” he says, his voice slightly lower than before. You watch the way his eyes shift, the way he licks his lips, and moves his head down so he’s almost eye level with you. Your breath catches in your throat. “I suppose I pity you though because you and I both know this has become more than a game to you now.”
You turn your head, but he grabs your chin and forces you to look him in the eye.
“You fancy me.”
“Don’t try to deny it. Like I said, I can see right through you.”
“It doesn’t matter. It’s over now,” you whisper, a tear nearly escaping one of your eyes.
He inhales deeply and you notice his eyes trail over your body for a moment before meeting your gaze again. “You’re right. It is over now.”
He lets go of you and backs away and for the first time since encountering him tonight, you feel like you can breathe normally. You stay on the wall, silently catching your breath as he walks further down the hall. But just before he’s about to turn a corner, he looks back at you.
“Or perhaps it’s simply my turn to play with you. Oh, and that’s twenty points from Ravenclaw. Goodnight.”
You fall asleep with his words burning in the back of your mind, and an ache between your thighs.
After that night, everything is different. You try to avoid them all and go back to the way things were before, you really do. You scribble out the page in your journal with their names, you keep your head down in the halls, and you skip the parties they host. It’s Remus who’s begun playing. Somehow, he continues knowing where you are and appears at random times. Whether you’re studying in the library, and he just so happens to need a book from that section, or you’re out by the lake with your friends and he walks by. You know it’s intentional, but it still manages to leave you hot and bothered each time.
“I thought you said the plan was off?” Your friend says one particular day when the two of you are eating lunch.
You look at her, confused. “It is.”
“Then why has Lupin been staring at you this whole meal?”
Instinctively, you look across the Great Hall and immediately catch those all-too-familiar hazel eyes. He doesn’t look away, at least, not for a moment. He stares at you with no shame, and even from the distance you can sense something different from the look in his eyes. Before you can fully figure it out though, he turns his attention back to the other three marauders.
“Did you shag him?” Your friend asks.
“No, I told you what happened,” you answer, focusing your attention back on the food on your plate. “I wish he’d stop.”
Your friend laughs. “Nah, you don’t.”
You hate how she’s right.
Nearly two months have passed when you finally confront Remus.
You’re sitting in the astronomy tower, a cigarette between your lips, and a scowl on your face. You can’t take it any longer. Wasn’t he the one who told you off? Wasn’t he the one who told you to stop the games? He was. You know it. So, why has he kept it going? He had said that it was his turn, but that was many weeks ago. How long did he plan to keep this going? You let out a cloud of smoke, frustration taking over your body at the thoughts.
“How many points shall I take off tonight? Forty? Fifty?” You feel him sit next to you, but you refuse to look at him. “You haven’t been out after dark in a while though, I’ll give you that.”
“What do you want Lupin?” You ask, annoyed.
He chuckles. “What do any of us want really?”
You look at him with a straight face, hating the way butterflies take over your stomach at the sight of him so close to you. Despite the scars on his face, you find him more beautiful than any boy. More than James, even more than Sirius. There is something so extraordinary about Remus you can’t explain. You wish it would go away.
“Why can’t you leave me alone?” You question after taking another drag from the cigarette.
“I haven’t spoken to you in over a month, I don’t know what-”
“Yes, you know what I mean.” You cut him off. You exhale your last breath of smoke and throw the cigarette off the tower. “I’m trying to leave this all in the past and move on like you said but you’ve made it quite difficult.”
“Seems you don’t like the taste of your medicine love. It’s hard, isn’t it? Trying to avoid someone when they always seem to end up exactly where you are. It gets rather annoying, doesn’t it? Especially when you secretly enjoy it,” he replies.
Your eyes meet again and that familiar trouble to breathe begins. He’s looking at you in a way you don’t know how to feel about. It’s not like Sirius’s drunken stare or James’s needy stare. No. This one, though the same lustful, is far deeper.
“Just tell me what you want Remus,” you eventually say, your voice lower than before. “What do you want?”
“I want you to get out of my head. I want to look at you and feel nothing. I want everything to go back to how it was before you decided to fuck with my friends and me,” he answers.
You swear your heart stops for a few beats. “Then let all of that happen.”
“You think I haven’t tried?”
You stay silent.
“I never wanted this, any of it.”
You look down. “I know.”
“Don’t do that.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Merlin, I give up, you win y/n. You bloody win.”
You’re about to ask what he exactly means, but he acts faster. In the blink of an eye, his lips are on yours. You can’t grasp it at first. You’re kissing Remus Lupin; Remus Lupin is kissing you. The boy who unintentionally caught your heart is kissing you. It’s unbelievable, it’s undeniable, and it’s far from underrated. You don’t hesitate to kiss him back, even through your initial shock.
His hands cup your cheeks, his thumbs stroke your skin ever so gently. You wrap your arms around his neck, one of your hands toying with the hair on the back of his head. He’s a good kisser, very good. That’s why when he parts your lips, you protest.
“Why did you-”
“If we’re going to do this, you have to promise me it’s not a game anymore y/n.”
Your head is fuzzy from how intently he’s looking at you. “I promise Remus, that game has been over for a while.”
“You swear it?”
“I do. Do you?”
“Of course.” There are a few seconds of silence before he sighs, one of his fingers now playing with a piece of your hair. “We have to keep it secret.”
“I know,” you say.
He brushes the piece of hair behind your ear, the intimate gesture sending tingles throughout your body. “I don’t want it to be a quick shag either,” he adds.
“What do you want it to be then?”
The smile he gives you makes your stomach flip. “More.”
More from Remus Lupin is everything.
After that night, the two of you begin something you don’t exactly know how to name. You would call it a secret relationship, but the thought of that gives you a stomachache. The two of you don’t interact during the day, at least not where anyone else can see. He passes you in the hall as if you’re a stranger, but the second he catches you around a corner in an empty hallway he showers you with affection. And at night when the two of you sneak off, he touches you in ways you never thought possible.
He shows you so many new places in the castle you never knew of. Secret passages, secret rooms, all of it. You never question how he knows all of it, you only hold his hand tighter as he guides you. When he suggests a more secluded place to meet, you of course agree. Though, you never expect that place to be the shrieking shack.
“There’s no way you’re serious,” you say. The two of you are outside, near the Whomping Willow. You make sure to stay out of its reach. “The shrieking shack? That place is haunted, the ghosts don’t even go there because of how scary it is.”
“Obviously I’m not Sirius love, you only shagged him once,” he sarcastically replies, rolling his eyes to emphasize his joke.
“The shrieking shack is not haunted, believe me, that’s only a silly rumor made so that people won’t go to it. Me, James, Sirius, and Peter go all the time. It has a bed, and given our activities I say we utilize that,” he explains.
You bite your lip. “Are you positive?”
He moves a bit closer to you and places a hand on your shoulder, leaning down so he’s at eye level with you. “You know I would never let anything hurt you, you can trust me.”
“Alright, but how are we supposed to get there so late? It’s in Hogsmeade,” you question.
He chuckles. “Haven’t you learned by now the marauders have many secret ways?”
“Yes, but we’re not in the castle right now how are we to- Remus don’t go any closer you’re going to get hurt you-” You pause, your mouth hung open as you watch the whomping willow go completely still. “How did you...”
“Secrets love, now come, it’s getting late,” he says, holding a hand out to you.
You don’t hesitate to take his hand and follow him into the tree, nothing else is said.
Surprisingly, the walk isn’t too long. It’s dark, gloomy, and a bit cold, but it’s not terrible. At the end of the tunnel, there’s a door. Something in Remus’s posture shifts, almost as if he’s anxious. You squeeze his hand to try to reassure him of whatever he needs, he gives you a smile through the dark that makes your cheeks warm.
The shrieking shack isn’t big, not at all. It’s a simple building with a few rooms and a short staircase. Remus brings the two of you to what you presume is the bedroom though the only indicator is a mattress, blanket, and pillow on the floor. There’s a small fireplace in the room as well, shockingly full of wood and some candles placed near the mattress. The entire shack is creaky and dusty, but you don’t mind. As long as there’s no ghosts, it’s perfect. Remus lets go of your hand and moves to start a fire. You sit down on the mattress and light the candles around.
“What do you guys use this place for?” You ask.
“It’s just a place we come to sometimes when we don’t want to be around other people,” he answers. His back is still turned to you, you could stare at it all day. “Sirius was the first one to discover it wasn’t haunted.”
“Oh? How did he find that out?”
“He’s always been the bravest out of us, though I think he just wanted another rule to break.”
You chuckle. “That sounds like him.”
He finally stands and turns to face you, a bright fire burning behind him. “You would know, you shagged him.”
“Oh, shut up,” you say as you slide off your shoes.
He begins to walk to you. “Can I ask you a question?”
“This context doesn’t seem good, but yes you can,” you reply.
“Be completely honest, out of the three of us, who’s the best?”
He’s standing right in front of you now. You look up at him, a coy smile on your lips, and begin to untie his shoelaces. “You are of course.”
“For some reason, I think your answer is biased,” he says with a laugh.
You trail your hands up his legs after he steps out of his sneakers, stopping once you reach his belt buckle. It quickly gets undone. “What would make you say that?”
He laughs again. “Just a hunch I guess.”
Your moment of control is taken fast when he pushes you down on the mattress, his lips attacking yours. It isn’t a lie though; he is the best. Unlike with Sirius and James, you share such deeper feelings for Remus. Each time he touches you, you practically melt into the palm of his hand. He’s caring. He’s gentle, but rough when need be. Though the two of you argue sometimes, it always is resolved with a hug, a kiss, or a shag. So, in the simplest of words, Remus Lupin is the perfect boy in every way.
All your clothes are discarded quickly, his too. He kisses you deeply as he uses his fingers on you. Sometimes you wonder where he’s learned all his skills from, but even thinking about him with another girl has started to make your stomach hurt. Instead, you focus on how good two of his fingers feel inside you. They’re so long, so slender. More than once in class you’ve been completely distracted by the sight of his hands, specifically his fingers, even more specifically when he’s wearing rings on them. They feel just as you imagine, extraordinary.
When you cum, you’re moaning a mess into his mouth, your body shaking. He milks every last bit of your orgasm out of you before stopping. You watch through heavy lids as he sucks his fingers clean of your cum, the sight makes you audibly groan.
“I need you,” you whisper, running one of your hands through his hair.
“Do you?” There’s something in the tone of his voice mixed with the way he’s looking at you that makes your heart ache in your chest.
You nod. “In so many ways Rem.”
He moves inside you slowly at first, but he finds a decent pace after a few minutes. Because of his height, you weren’t at all surprised at the size of his cock. It’s by far the biggest you’ve ever encountered and the best. Though sometimes it leaves you sore, it always leaves you in a daze of dopamine.
Remus struggles to keep his head at your level as he fucks you. He presses soft kisses to your forehead, one of his hands intertwined with yours. You’ve never felt such intimacy in your life, it almost makes tears form in your eyes.
“Tell me you’re mine,” he says, his voice shaky. “Even if it’s not true.”
“I’m yours, Rem, completely,” you reply. His hips meet yours harder, and you moan. “All yours I’m all yours.”
Neither of you lasts much longer than that.
In the aftermath as the two of you hold each other, he rests his head on your chest. You run your fingers through his hair softly, the sound of his breathing like music to your ears. It’s at this moment you realize just how deeply you care for him. You hate what you did with that silly plan, but you don’t think you’d change it. If ending up in this moment only came from the plan, you’d do it over a million times.
“Is this real?” Remus asks after some time.
You sigh and press a kiss to the top of his head. “Yes. This is real.”
And so, it is.
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Agere age guide
3 years addition
Hi every tiny and big! Make sure to check out my previous age guides!
Intro post
One year babies
Two year babies
I also want to add that not everything here will be accurate to all toddlers that regress to the threes and age regression is very fluid and individual to each and every tiny!
Traits And Behaviors
☠︎︎This is about the age that tiny tots start to identify with gender, they may gravitate towards certain styles and colors now
☠︎︎They can follow simple and short instructions
☠︎︎Now is about the age that these tiny tots start to like playing with other kiddos, instead of parallel play, they may enjoy playing together in games like dolls, they may build blocks together, simple puzzles are good too
☠︎︎Along side with being more interested in companionship, these kiddos may have a hard time sharing and need to be taught how to share
☠︎︎Usually in the two to three age range, these tots are just figuring out their emotions and learning how to manage their big feels, that being said, they may have a lot harder time regulating their emotions and they may have tantrums and meltdowns.
☠︎︎These babies are speaking in full sentences and are starting to express their needs with words and actions
☠︎︎Tots in their threes are starting to spring and walk around freely, you may catch them starting to climb things, jumping about, and running around the house. Even with these teeny toddlers starting to run about, their balance isn't the best yet, so make sure to be there in case they fall
☠︎︎These babies are starting to use the potty by themselves! Babies anywhere from 1.5-3 are starting to potty train, you may want to have these tots in pull ups when they go to bed but slowly, they'll become fully potty trained and need less and less help in the bathroom!
☠︎︎These tots are well on their way to doing most anything else any other kiddo can do! Big kid games may not be the best fit but most other things are on the table!
☠︎︎Sensory toys are tons of fun for these little babies, play-doh, sensory cubes, rattles and new textures to experience are lots of fun for these babies
☠︎︎Water play is a new and fun thing for these babies! Set up a fun bath with toys and bubbles and bath bombs and it'll sure be a blast for your regressor
☠︎︎These tiny tykes are starting to have more fun playing outside, mud pies and playing in the sprinkler are a must outside in the summertime and snowmen and Snowball fights will be tons of fun in the winter
☠︎︎Babies this age are starting to enjoy puzzles, playing puzzle games and putting together puzzles can be great fun for tots in their threes
The Foooddsss
These lil ones enjoy simpler tasting food, not many threes enjoy elaborate meals, a turkey sandwich with apple slices will do just fine. These babies are starting to figure out what they like and don't like, they've been eating solid foods for a bit now and they're trying new foods everyday. It's also important to note that these teenies are at a snacking age, they're rarely interested in sitting down to have a big meal three times a day, it's better to offer a bunch of small snacks throughout the day.
Shows And Movies
Similar to the ones and twos, these tiniest enjoy animated shows, maybe shows with shorter episodes since now these babies are up and running around. Movies may be a little too long for these tiny tykes but short shows are great, turning on shows like bluey, Daniel tiger or doc mcstuffins are great shows for these babies.
Boundaries And Safeties!
I think the most important note I could give everyone cg reading this post is just to get to know your tot, it can be awkward to bring up their tiny space especially if your baby is shy but the awkward conversations are important! Ask your baby what shows they like, what makes them feel safe, whether they like pull ups or they're potty trained, what foods they like, if they like to sleep with cg or they like to sleep in a crib, important questions
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bihanspookies · 8 months
Okay Jin and Hwoarang are rivals when it comes to fighting, how about them also being rivals when it comes to the reader’s heart? Do you think you can write something about that, and how they each would try to win the reader’s affection in their own way🤭
Omg yes of COURSE
The first Tekken ask 👹
Okay so actually I think they would attempt to woo you the same way just done differently. Jin is more quiet stoic, calculated while Hwoarang is loud, cocky, and not reckless per say but you know, he’s willy nilly.
Jin brings you your fav drinks, takes you out to lunch, will give you his coat if it’s a little too chilly outside. He will reprimand you for not being fully covered but it’s not mean in anyway, he just cares about you. He prefers to show his interest in you with actions rather than words.
Hwoarang will bring you stuff and then add on a “That’s your favorite right? I just know you so well.” But it’s not snarky or annoying, especially when he gives you that smirk, you find it endearing. It’s cold out? Puts his jacket on you but grumbles about how you should’ve worn something warmer.
Give them a thanks and appreciative smile and you’ll have them right in the palm of your hand.
They’d both ask you out on a date, just bc it’s common courtesy but also I think they’d both be the type to just show up at your house and be like “🧍 so… date?”
Jin I think would take you somewhere peaceful like maybe a botanical garden OR a drive on his motorcycle to the beach. Anywhere where you two can be around each other without many distractions. He wants to focus on you.
Hwoarang would take you for a ride on his motorcycle as a date. Take you around the city for sightseeing or to see this local rock band that’s in town. He wants to spend time with you and he wants to see you having fun doing things he enjoys. Of course he’ll do things you like too but he wants to show you his world first.
When it comes to actually flirting like with WORDS, they’re diff in that category.
Jin’s admiring you in silence, how you carry yourself and how you make him feel so at ease. He feels safe around you and wants to convey it with a protective arm around your shoulders or locking your pinky with his. He may not be like Hwoarang who isn’t afraid to to be flirty but when Jin DOES flirt, he’s very smooth with it and it always catches you off guard. Says you have something on your cheek and very casually wipes it off and holds the side of your face for a few more seconds longer than needed.
Hwoarang on the other hand, like I said is not afraid to be a flirty little creature. Compliments your looks, says one liners, tells you you should hold onto him tighter while you’re on the back of his motorcycle. BUT! He’s not over the top about it. He knows the limit and the fine line between genuine flirting and just love bombing you. He’ll test the waters to see if you’re okay with physical touch by wrapping his arm around your shoulders or a hand on your back to guide you through a crowd and once you’re out he’ll leave it there to see if you push him off. If you don’t then he’ll slide his hand down to hold yours. Says nothing and laces your fingers together as if nothings changed
When it comes to CONFESSING
Jin wouldn’t outright say “I like you”, he’ll tell you how you make him feel though. Safe, happy, calm, and all those emotions he’s not used to feeling. He says he wants to spend more time with you and hopes you can accept his feelings (even tho he knows exactly how you feel about him)
Hwoarang would tell you he likes you but then immediately add on how much fun you two have, how there’s never a dull moment, and how you make him feel like there’s more to life than just fighting (and his rivalry with Jin lmao)
Jin asks you if he can kiss you, hand to your cheek and giving you A Look™️. He’ll put a hand on the small of your back and guide you towards him as he leans down for a smooch.
Hwoarang I think unfortunately will be like those guys who wait for you to look at him so he can make the move 💀 but he’s looking at you with such tender eyes that you can look past it. He def grabs your chin (softly) and leans in slow enough for you to pull away if you want.
Overall they have their own ways of showing their affection, it just depends who calls to your heart more 🫶
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noctilucous-sunni · 1 year
game developer!creator in sagau that can play around with glitches and bugs, make things spawn or disappear instantly, which everyone perceives as magic or godly powers so therefore you must be the all creator if you can play around with the world as you wish, similar to the matrix in a way :))
(junior?) developer!creator in sagau thinking it must be a dream because how else can you play around with teyvat’s physics as if you’re coding in unity?
developer!creator in sagau saying their thoughts of fixing glitches or adding code out loud and its as if a big code editor pops up in the sky that only you can see which directly allows you to change the world as you see fit (you can even change it to a smaller one)
developer!creator in sagau having too much fun by creating a pen of boars and having them spawn continuously for xiangling and doing the same thing with fish and happily allow klee to go fish blasting forever without even changing the landscape because they can put it back together seamlessly
developer!creator in sagau having too much fun with bombs and spending time with albedo and sucrose in their lab
developer!creator in sagau teasing childe/ayato/cyno during a sparr by making their weapons disappear by muttering lines of code which instead looks like a incantation for a magic spell
developer!creator in sagau drinking with kaeya and venti in angel’s share, only buying one drink but constantly refilling it with their coding prowess causing diluc to frown and later kick kaeya and venti out, but not you, oh not his precious all-creator (that was mildly getting on his nerves)
developer!creator in sagau bonding with layla and kaveh over how stressful university is, complaining and encouraging each other
developer!creator in sagau struggling to figure out how to make themselves fly just so they can try to catch wanderer every time he flys off in a huff or with a teasing mark
developer!creator in sagau being head over heels for dain and trying to spawn a farm of khaenri'ahn flowers, the inteyvat, hoping that he doesn’t hate you because you’re somewhat a god yourself
developer!creator in sagau playing tcg with cyno and tighnari and kaveh and alhaitham and yet completely cheating with their powers just to mess with cyno because they think it’s hilarious and eventually apologize, creating a special deck personalized for him
developer!creator in sagau chatting with alhaitham about the language of code because he’s a little language nerd and learning about how you can literally change the world anytime you want
ALSO i added this real quick, but developer!creator working with albedo to make glasses/contacts because they can’t handle seeing the world in code constantly, they want to experience the world too, plus it gives them headaches
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kellycataclysm · 4 months
How does harvey seduce lyra? What's his favourite way to bang her?
Okay so this was absolutely the most fun to write.
Here’s a little list of all the things he has in his repertoire, other than simply existing, with a few bonus head canons and thoughts thrown in. 
Setting the Scene. Lyra’s Harvey is romantic, polite, gentlemanly. The cliches work. He’d light candles, play soft music, bring her flowers, slow dance, watch the stars with her, open the door for her. Some may see this as old-fashioned, he just sees this as being sweet and attentive to the person he loves the most.
Words - Part One. Flirty banter. They’re smart dorks. The words are part of the attraction. Bonus points if there are bad jokes, puns, nerd chatter. 
Visual stimulus. Harvey will catch her eye with cliches that he knows work for her. The tie loosened, the rolled up shirt sleeves, a little peek of that chest hair, a spark in his eye from behind those glasses, and Lyra is FLUSTERED. Plus, he likes to look smart, even when he’s casual Harvey. So, if they’re out on a date you can be sure he’s looking smart and that moustache will be perfect.
Eye contact. The way he looks at her, like he’s still trying to figure her out but, goodness me, if he wasn’t entirely smitten from the second she walked into the clinic and awkwardly asked him for a neighbourly coffee. Plus, you can be sure he's going to do the finger hook under the chin for this, which leads to...
Physical touch - Part One. Harvey is all about the gentle caresses; he’ll hold her hand intertwining their fingers, touch her waist or the small of her back, brush her hair behind her ear, his fingertip lingering on those star earrings Lyra wears. The man is straight up handsy, especially first thing in the morning when they have just woken up.
Words - Part Two. Harvey has no problem telling Lyra that he loves her and saying things he knows will make her melt. We also know that she loves his voice. Deep, calm, firm but gentle. He’s well-spoken and to be honest, she’d listen to him read the phone book. 
Physical presence. Our man is tall in a way that makes her giggle and twirl her hair and he will use this to his advantage. He is 6'4. She is 5'3.
Slow. Sure, he’s ready to rock and roll with little more than a suggestive look from Lyra, because when he knows that she wants him, that definitely gets him going. However, Harvey loves to take his sweet time, setting the mood, making her feel like she is the only person on the planet for him, completely worshipping her. Then let’s also acknowledge that once he gets started, he is a massive tease. Yes, there are plenty of moments in which my spicy dorks are positively desperate for each other, but he loves to hear her begging for him.
Control. He’s bossy in the bedroom and she gets the full benefit of this. Making her feel good does it for him.
Physical touch - Part Two. Harvey really does have lovely hands and he knows exactly how to use them. You can guarantee she is getting off more than once. Don't look at me. I don't make the rules.
Words - Part Three. He loves to whisper things in her ear. Our girl has a HUGE praise kink and he knows this. He also loves to talk dirty to her. If the man drops an F Bomb in the heat of the moment, she will straight up dissolve. Readers may also have noticed that he only ever calls her Lyra when they are in adult situations. It is like she is in trouble. The best kind of trouble. 
By this point, Lyra is a mess and absolute putty in his hands. He can do absolutely anything he wants to her and whatever he chooses will make her feel incredible.
(Okay, did someone say soft dom Harvey?)
So, his favourite position. Lyra’s Harvey isn’t afraid to be a little adventurous. There was the time with the mirror. The video call when he was away. The time in the woods. The other time she made him watch. The time in front of the fire. The time of Harvey’s birthday in which there were many interesting things explored. Plus, you just know the desk in his office has seen more than just paperwork. He would eat her out for days and is also more than happy to try new positions. However, while he isn’t averse to bending her over the armchair, his favourite are the more intimate positions. The ones where he can hold her close (the man loves to spoon) and where he can look into her eyes and kiss her senseless. So, while he absolutely loves to pin her against a wall or have her on top of him so he can ogle her, his favourite and most frequently used is missionary. He’s in love with her and wants to watch as she falls apart for him, because of him. 
Thank you so much for sending this positively delightful question! It was so fun to answer! <3
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momotorin · 11 months
need some exhibitionist!gp!momo x reader hcs stat 😓 (please 🫶)
exhibitionist!gp!momo x reader
Tumblr media Tumblr media
she didn't really know that she had a thing for it until that one night going home from the bar
you two had a good night, some bomb ass drinks, and just enjoyed each other's company with you clinging to her the whole night
"hmm, momo," you said, walking to the park with her to take a breather as you were too drunk to even walk. she let's you sit on the bench, but you were really so lightheaded that your head was on her lap now. "can i stay like this for a little?"
"sure," she laughs at you as you situated yourself on her lap. "you're so cute." she mentions, smiling dearly at you.
"thanks," you chuckled, literally hugging one of her thighs now as she continued brushing her fingertips through your hair. "you're not so bad yourself, baby."
and shit, the way that 'baby' came out of your mouth got her all worked up not to mention, your dress was definitely one for parties, and it reveals a lot.
"sh-" she stutters, feeling her cock strain through her pants. "hey, um."
"i know." you teased, still with your eyes closed. you feel up her semi-hard cock under her dress pants. "shit," momo shifts in her seat, trying to avoid you from making her harder. you chuckled as you were already palming her through her pants. "baby, fuck."
"you want it?" you teased, zipping down the slit of her jeans, fishing out her hard, straining cock. "you're so big," you pumped her length, adoring her little moans as you touched her. "i bet you make a lot of cum, hm?"
momo got impatient, and held you by the chin to open your mouth "fuck, just take me," you choked on her length as she thrusted inside of your mouth. "can't fit it?" she teases as she pushes your head down further.
you were really choking, crying, and salivating at her dick, but it was deliciously grazing at the roof of your mouth.
she pulls out after a little while, and kisses you, with her taste still abundant on your tongue.
"need to cum in you," she whispered, her cock still out of her pants, the thought that someone could just pick them up from the sidewalk makes her harder. "baby, please."
"nngh," you moaned, feeling her go under the slit of your skintight dress, her fingers hooking to remove your soaked panties. "momo we-"
"ride me," she says, holding you in her arms for you to sit on top of her. "i need you, please," she kisses your neck, nipping on it a little and leaving a mark as she was too eager. your wetness finally got in contact with her cock and she grunted as she was inside of you. "mmgh, you're so fucking tight."
you two left the park a little after 1am, just fucking each other there.
it sparked something in momo, and the next week, she fucked you in her car, windows fogged.
you two made an absolute mess of the interior of her car, with your bodily fluids almost spurting everywhere.
it always ends up like that with momo. wet, loud, and crazy. she just likes it when you shake underneath her and when you're so loud that everyone could hear you.
the best place, in her opinion, is in the middle of nowhere. momo likes to go on long drives, and likes to stop at an empty space. she loves it when she pounds on you seeing spans of land, not knowing if someone could catch the both of you or not.
she also loves it when you're the one who initiates, especially when she gets blowjobs in mall comfort rooms.
you two tried it once in a dressing room. momo got too fun with the belt that you were about to fit, and used it on you that the workers got alarmed. eventually, you bought it and momo thinks it's the best decision ever. she uses it to tie you up and it lives in her car.
momo hates to fuck you in pools. it's just so not it. she doesn't feel you wet and her every thrust is rippling with the water. she also hates it that you have to wear swimsuits or bikinis. she doesn't like to share her girl, hello?
momo often gets jealous, and if she can, she fucks you in front of that person. but the best she can do is film her pounding into you and sending it to that person. with you knowing of course
she also likes filming you. especially when she cums a lot and your pussy drips her cum? that's her favorite.
her aftercare.. oh my god. after doing the deed, she always makes sure that you're safe, and no one catches you two, and places a couple of kisses on your thighs, saying sorry if she spots a bruise she made.
she always makes sure that you're alright with whatever she's been doing. she knows it might be overboard sometimes
if you fucked in the car, she'd probably stop by a fast food chain to get you something to snack on because she knows that you get tired
if anything, momo babies you as much as you baby her
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southparktegreity · 1 year
♡ what they look for in a girl
[stan marsh x reader] ; [kyle brof. x reader]
[kenny mc. x reader] ; [leopold butters stotch x reader]
[tolkien b. x reader] 🟊
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gender : female cws : minor nsfw
requested : yes! thank you anon ! relationship : none mentioned
authors note : i wanted to write what they look for in personality traits, instead of appearance, hope that was okay!
NOTICE : as always, these characters are aged up to be in college 19/20+!
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stanley marsh :
♡ i feel like he'd really want someone who is comfortable with silence, like being alone together in the same room doing separate things, yet enjoying each others presence. i think quiet time/being able to be around each other while being quiet is important to him, since he has to deal with so much talking in south park in general.
♡ i also think he's want someone who's really stable in his life. like he wouldn't necessarily want a girl who's always mentally stable, but more like he wants to be able to depend on someone especially during harder moments when he's struggling. he’d want to find stability in your relationship.
♡ definitely wants a girl who can take their relationship seriously but also who can kind of be playful at times. since stan is kind of a ticking time bomb, he'll want someone who's kind of also emotionally smart enough to tell when something is off with him because he struggles with expressing those same emotions.
♡ trust. this one is probably the biggest one for stan, he needs stability and trust in a relationship with anyone. he needs to be able to trust you'll be honest with him.
♡ i think all of this combined with support and love for him is what he looks for in a partner :)
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kyle broflovski :
♡ as i'm sure everyone knows, he'd want someone very family oriented! even if you aren't close with your own family, as long as you care about having a family in the future, or are close to his own family i think that's good enough for him.
♡ would also really want someone to be on good terms with his mom and ike, since his dad is fairly easy to get along with and his mom is very much the head of the household - he'd want a girl to get along with her - even if that means looking at his baby photos with her.
♡ also would want someone who might be interested in religion, or at the very least doesn't make fun of him for his own.
♡ looks for communication in relationships, especially if he did something wrong? he’d want to know as soon as it happened. he’s probably a bit worried of losing you, or being abandoned by you because of heidi and that whole situation, so someone who can easily communicate their issues are reassure him everything is okay and stable in their relationship is perfect for him.
♡ i get the impression that his standards are kind of on the floor, with his mistreatment from cartman and heidi both, he just wants someone who won't leave him or make fun of him or his insecurities.
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kenny mccormick :
♡ definitely wants a girl who will try anything once, if you catch my drift. especially if you'll initiate it as well? or seem invested in trying something new with him :)
♡ i feel like he’d really like someone to crack jokes with. i think he shares eric’s similar sense of humor but doesn’t actually want to full blown do the whole ‘eric’ thing all the time (ie dealing with cartman). sometimes i think he just wants to make a lil bit of fun with you! you know?
♡ he’d probably also want someone who’s a little more on the adventurous side, who’s probably a bit ambitious, again someone who’d be willing to try anything once. he probably really wants someone around who can also have their own wild side!
♡ also probably looks for someone who is kind to karen, especially if it means her crashing your guys dates.
♡ overall i feel like he doesn't have a huuuge preference, but more like he just wants someone he can get along with! definitely someone with a sense of humor similar to him.
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leopold butters stotch :
♡ this is just my totally personal opinion but i feel like he'd really like someone also outgoing and also understanding? he might always be worried he's messing up or something while being with you, but would want you to be understanding when he makes a mistake.
♡ a little bit of chaos goes a long way. someone who will be able to create a little chaos with him from time to time would definitely be something he wants in a girl.
♡ playful intimacy, he doesn't wanna feel insecure with those intimate moments he has with you, but i think a little bit of playfulness with each other would totally brighten his day.
♡ i feel like he'd really look for a sense of belonging in a girl, somewhere where he fits in, and feels safe. since he doesn't get a lot of that at home, he'd really want to feel far from his home around a girl.
♡ to be honest i don't think butters thinks too much about what he wants, it just kind of happens for him.
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tolkien black :
♡ i feel like tolkien probably looks for someone who's really good at communicating. he'd want to avoid any and all drama, considering he's got enough of it just living in south park normally.
♡ this one is kind of a given, but i feel like he'd want a girl who's more on the mature side, similar to stan but in a different way. he'd want a girl with more of her own interests and things that she enjoys. he really wants someone who's able to talk to him about mature things and not have to be worried too much that you won't take it seriously.
♡ someone self confident i imagine, i think he already has enough going on that he doesn't necessarily want to be worried about you on top of his family and everything else. which isn't to say he won't support you during your down moments, but being confident in yourself is probably a big one for him.
♡ this all ties in with the other ones, but self reliance and being good to yourself is probably big for him, again he doesn't wanna be in charge of you but will definitely take care of you when you need it - you know?
♡ overall, he just wants someone who's a bit normal or at least a bit less hectic or crazy than the rest of south park.
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maleyanderecafe · 4 months
Oh also!! the visual novel M3nticid3 also has a really cute male yandere character, though you only realize he’s a yandere if you get the bad ending too. It was a really surprising twist!
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Oh, I did actually see this on tumblr a while back and was planning on playing it (along with my ginormous list of backlog games.) The art style looked fun but boy was I not expecting it to go into that kind of dark territory. It's a pretty fun short game though and I really hope to see more from this creator and world. If you are interested in it please check it out at @gr33n-schema and you can play the game here.
The story starts out with Inari having a flashbacks of sorts. While in New York, the entire world basically went under a bomb attack, with her last memories of her trying to call her dad. The game continues suddenly with an automated screen, telling the patient, Inari to take a morality dilemma test, involving questions relating to various morality questions. After answering them, she wakes up to the two scientists who are observing her. After pretending to swallowing some pills, she is about to go back to her room when suddenly she sees a fight break out between patients. It seems that one of them had some sort of bad reaction with the medication and has started killing other patients and doctors. After the patient is sedated, Inari is sent to a new part of the facility where she is grouped with three other patients: Kzkr, an aloof and a bit rough patient, Oorr, a sedated patient that pretty much lives in a vegetable state and Fefo, a really shy and skiddish patient. After meeting her roommates, she finds a keycard under her gown which she keeps a secret and plans her escape.
We go to the next day at the cafeteria where Inari watches as Fefo gets bullied and drops his food. To prevent Fefo from attempting to eat pizza off the floor, Inari gives Fefo her portion of the food. The two talk about what little they can remember or recall from the outside world, with Inari remembering there is better pizza, though not recalling the specific things relating to it. Oorr gets taken by the scientists to get medication and as the days go on, Inari must take a surpression therapy, essentially repeating phrases from a book. At night, Kzkr talks to Inari about his nightmares that he has, stating it's one of the only things he remembers. The two of them talk about how important memories are despite the ones they remember being bad. The next day, they get jenga and play together. Afterwards, Inri talks to Fefo about his bullying as well as Kzkr's treatments, as he is being drugged, causing him to be much more complacent.
At night, Inari catches Fefo and Kzkr trying to escape, with Kzkr threatening to kill Inari with a makeshift knife if she rats them out. Inari instead tells them off about how their plan won't work without her, and uses her card to get them out and aim for the laundry chute to escape. Thanks to Kzkr's knowledge of the guard schedules, they are able to get down to the basement level no problem. The basement is rather disgusting and Inari even finds mounds of flesh, which are presumed to be discarded patients and a strange being before running back into the group. After checking in the rooms, they come across a strange green triangle that makes them feel painful, before Inari is able to shut it off. While getting lost, Kzkr and Fefo talk to each other and we find out that Fefo has a habit of stealing things, which is why he ends up getting bullied. He ends up even stealing a pair of Inari's panties which she does not appreciate and takes back. In one of the rooms they unlock, they find a map of the facility, but soon after must hide after a giant monster comes into view. They are able to avoid it and head to the kitchen next where they find a shotgun with a single shell. Soon after, the monster comes back and Inari shoots it, only to realize that the monster itself seems to be a patient that has been stitched together with other patients, leading it to be in agonizing pain. They are able to hide in the fridge, but Kzkr ends up getting hurt, and Inari has no choice but to use her panties to help bandage the wound.
After wandering around again, they come across another green sign. After painstakingly unlocking it, they end up in a room with three guards. The guards use a remote to shock collar Oorr. Inari tries to bluff that she'll shoot them with her empty gun, but the guards don't buy it. This leads to Fefo killing and slitting the guards throats, stabbing them multiple times in the process. This is where Inari can either decide to help the others or herself.
If she decides to help herself, she will end up eating the drugs she refused to do so before, leading her into a sedated state. Because of this, Fefo continues to kill and stab the guards long after they're dead. Kzkr tries to stop him, but he turns on him, getting jealous and annoyed at his previous counting to check the guards and how he actually enjoyed life in the facility. He gets incredibly jealous that Inari apparently spent more time with Kzkr than him, even believing that the two slept together when Inari was comforting Kzkr that one night. We learn that the memory that Fefo remembers is killing his bullies, threatening to kill Kzkr the same way, getting angry at Inari touching him and even having her panties wrapped around his wound. All this escalates to Fefo slitting Inari's throat and stabbing him multiple times. Meanwhile, the shocks to Oorr's collar don't stop, eventually leading to his head exploding. Kzkr uses the last of his strength to cuff Fefo to himself so he can't attack Inari, with Fefo having a complete meltdown afterwards. The creature ends up coming due to the noise and killing Fefo, eating his insides. The last one remaining, Inari takes the knife to stab out both of her eyes before dying herself.
If she decides to help the others, she will use the drugs on Fefo, forcing him to swallow them down. Kzkr is able to grab the remote to unlock Oorr's collar and throwing it away before it explodes. Oorr, now finally have shaken off the drugs is able to carry Fefo as the sprinklers go off. The monster starts to go after them and they all flee the facility and outside. They are greeted by the two scientists that aided Inari during the trials, as it seems that they had planned this escape for a long time. They talk about how they are dedicated to stopping the terrorist group, the one that caused the explosions in New York that Inari remembers and they all escape the facility.
I will say that I was not expecting this game to go that dark, especially on the bad ending. The character sprites themselves have a pretty cute look to them, which adds to the charm of the story itself. The whole thing is a cool take on the sort of experimentation and the whole endeavor seems to still be shrouded in mystery. Even based off what we learn in the game, we have no idea why these guys were captured. It's implied that they were taken to use and become terrorists as well, likely bombing other areas too, which is likely what the drugs and the various tests are, but why they chose these specific patients are pretty unknown. We barely know the backstory of most of these characters either or even their real names, much less the strange monster that was found under the facility itself and what's going on with the green light. These kinds of questions are not really related too much the main plot of the story, which is just these four trying to escape the facility, but it does make for pretty cool world expansion, especially since we don't know anything about this terrorist group and it makes me want to learn more. I also wonder if the animal choice will be relevant in the future as well since it does seem to be a specific decision with each type of animal. Like I said, a lot of mysteries that I would love to see more of.
Now let's talk about Fefo. Fefo as a yandere seems to have basically come out of left field, but there are a lot of small hints this was the case even from the beginning. The most obvious one is Fefo stealing things, specifically from Inari, something that he wails and moans about when Inari forces him to give it back to her. In terms of his memories, while we don't really know for certain, it seems that each patient has a core memory that they dream about, as we see with Inari and Kzkr, though they don't tend to be particularly pleasant memories overall. Fefo's memory seems to be of killing his old bullies, making him dangerous indeed. It is ironic that even at current he wasn't even aware he was being bullied until Inari pointed it out. We do see that Fefo does have a crush on Inari in very brief moments, seeing him blush a lot compared to someone like Kzkr, who Inari seems to spend more meaningful time with. Unfortunately for Fefo, Inari seems to be the type of person who finds Fefo annoying, especially since she views him as cowardly most of the time. I think as well Fefo only has a good relationship with Inari out of the three of the other members. I'm not sure if the sudden bloodlust came out of the desire to keep Inari for himself or not, or if it was something he kept inside for a while. It does make me wonder in the good route when he's knocked out by Inari if this yandere behavior will persist in the future, seeing that none of the characters are aware with his obsession with Inari at that point. Kind of fun to think about. The bad ending on the other hand is completely brutal, with Fefo directly or indirectly getting everyone killed thanks to Inari's choice to drug herself. Fefo himself also meets a cruel fate at the hands of the monster who not only guts him but eats his brains as well. How terrible. He is definitely incredibly jealous and capricious, possessive over Inari and the fact that he could try to keep her here in the facility afterwards and completely paranoid. The off the rail yandere action caught me off guard, since besides some brief creepy moments with the panties, he seemed pretty shy and meek, very cute in my opinion. I do like more meek yanderes that turn completely crazy so that kind of stuff is up my alley.
In any case, it's a very good game and something I wish to see more about. It was very interesting doing the various morality tests in the very beginning and seeing how everything unravels, given that the characters themselves are not completely aware of what's going on, only the idea of getting out. I really am excited to see more of this as it comes out!
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cottonpuffmouse · 2 years
Warm Nights
More or less the Vash smut people were waiting for. You two get together for some late night fun. While this is not my first fanfic by any means, it is my first x-reader. Constructive Criticism is welcomed and encouraged. Also if anyone knows how to structure posts like this in a cuter way, please tell me how.
Tags: Lemon, L-bomb, Fem!Reader(if there’s a push for GN readers, I’ll start next fic), Light Body Worship, Light Praise.
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Whether or not true love existed on Gunsmoke was usually left to the poets. Friendships, family, alliances, all of that existed plenty. But the feeling of being pulled to someone, of your heart trying to reach out through your rib cage, that was rare.
Did you love Vash?
You liked to think so. It had to be love if you were creeping down the hotel's hallway to his room. If you were just friends, you could walk right up to his door and bang on it until he answered. Instead, he'd begged that you sneak out of the girl's room quietly after they'd fallen asleep and go to him.
Despite your attempt at secrecy, the floorboards creaked under each step. You passed more rooms, each door one more closer to Vash's, until you reached the end of the hallway. Vash's door was identical to the ones you passed, except for the light shining out from under it.
You didn't knock so much as tap on the door quietly, feeling the wood grain under your nails. And silently it opened for you.
Vash stood on the other side, hushing you with a cheeky smile. He had changed out of his usual uniform into sweatpants and an old cotton shirt that was more hole than shirt. Through the Swiss cheesed fabric, you could catch glimpses of old puckered skin and dark grey scars. You briefly thought that this shirt and Vash had quite a bit in common before he pulled you inside.
You watched him peek outside, checking to ensure the hallway was clear before he closed the door. Then he gave you that cheeky boyish smile, like you two had just escaped a punishment together, and whispered, "Thanks for coming."
"Of course, is everything okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine," he assured, making a soothing gesture with his hands. "I just figured..."
Vash paused. His face scrunched up as though he'd just done something incredibly embarrassing.
"You figured what?" You pressed.
"Well I just thought we could hang out..."
Without the group? Alone? You thought as your heart started to beat in your ears.
You suddenly realized you were the only two people in the room. It felt a lot smaller than it was, as if the walls themselves were pushing you and Vash closer. Maybe it was imaginary but you could just barely feel the heat coming off him. You rolled up your sleeves.
"Um, what do you want to do?" You asked slowly.
Vash swallowed and suddenly couldn't keep eye contact with you. He would briefly stare at you like you were on fire before glancing at the ceiling or walls. It dawned on you that perhaps a young man asking to meet in the middle of the night had less than pure intentions.
But this was also Vash. Infamous for his inability to make an actual move.
Not that you would mind him making a move. You'd traveled together long enough to see him shed that coat and show off the black undersuit. More specifically the way it showed off his chest and the endless scars running down his arms. One could just imagine tracing their fingertips over each one, riding the ruined flesh down to his hand.
Vash had held you before, though usually just to save your life or help you into a Tomas. He had warm and rough palms but rather delicate and slim fingers. The way they wrapped around your arm or waist was always gentle, always polite. Even now, when you could see his hand twitching out of ache to touch something, they stayed by his sides.
"We could play cards?" You offered.
"We...could," he said slowly.
"Is there something on your mind? Maybe something not so group friendly?"
Vash nodded like a child who'd been caught stealing.
"And maybe it doesn't have anything to do with Knives?" You questioned a bit more. Vash nodded again, his head hanging even lower. "Maybe it has something to do with me?"
"You're really good at this!" He said in shock. "Are you able to read my mind?"
"No, or I'd be able to see all your dirty thoughts," you teased.
To your surprise, a blush started to fill his entire face. Red spread from his cheeks all the way to his forehead until he was pure pink. Vash looked away and found a spot on the floor to stare at.
"I was just teasing!"
He huffed. "Fine, let's just play cards."
"Did you call me here to play cards?"
"Well I don't want you to think I invited you here for that!”
You blinked. "Invited me here for sex? Is that what you mean?"
Vash covered his face with a scream. "No! No, I mean-I just wanted to spend some time together!"
"Okay, okay," you soothed. "Let's just have a seat."
Without uncovering his face, Vash stumbled onto the bed. Then he peeked through his fingers at you - the blush still lingering.
There was a moment where the air shifted and a look of sadness wiped the rest of the blush away. His hands fell into his lap limply. Vash had that blank smile you'd come to dread when his hand came away. You felt your shoulders sink.
"Sorry," he said, a blanket apologize for his entire life.
"It's okay. Maybe we could just talk?" You sat with him on the bed. "How have you been?" You had only been next to him two-thirds of everyday for the past year. Vash shrugged, eyes staring at the peeling wallpaper.
You planted yourself in his lap. Vash could always stop you if he wanted. And with the way his hand reached for you, he wanted you to stay. “Just kiss me, Vash.”
He leaned forward slowly, giving you plenty of time to change your mind. When you didn’t, he cupped the your head and pulled you towards him. Vash's kisses were something cheeky. Gentle pecks at first, he kissed the corners of your mouth before meeting your lips proper. A heat soared through you as excitement filled your body.
Vash's lips were a little chapped, a slight drag on yours as he pushed another kiss onto you. Your hands touched his chest, thumbing through the holes in the cotton to his blazing skin.
A sparkling sensation ran down your spine as his hands touched your back and pulled you further into his lap. You couldn't help arching into Vash a little as you felt something hard press into your thigh. You were so aware of the layers between you two as his hand continued to brush across your shirt.
"You can go under my shirt-" You snuck out between kisses.
While he kissed you, his hands were very polite about slipping under your shirt and pressing across your stomach. You gasped at the contact, hot and cold all at once. His hands were still rough but they slid up your sides in a smooth manner. Vash stopped just below your breasts, thumbs rubbing the soft tissue there.
You were sure he could feel your heartbeat, especially when he pulled away to look you in the eyes. He was breathing a bit heavier but his gaze was serious.
"Are you okay with continuing?" He asked.
"I was the one who said we should kiss," you said.
Vash smiled a bit. "Yeah but...that's just kissing. And I was kinda hoping to do more than kissing."
"Yes, I want to go further. Much, much further."
"And you know you can tell me to stop at anytime?" Vash reasured.
Damn him for being so nice. The only thing you wanted was more of that simmering heat and he was being so steadfast in his morality.
You nodded, hoping the questions ended there as you drew him in for another kiss. He got the message, helping you out of your shirt before grabbing your waist again. You eased into him, letting your bodies press against each other. Vash managed to get your bra off, leaving you bare before him.
His eyes combed over every inch of you with wonder, followed soon by his hands. He ran his hands down your back as he brought you in for a kiss.
"You're beautiful." He nuzzled your chest to send the point home.
“You're beautiful," you swore to him, leaving no room for argument. To prove your point, you started to pull off his shirt. He let out a whimper of disapproval but otherwise let you rip it off him, helping you get his arms through.
It was quite a scene.
Despite your excitement, your soul sighed at the sight of the scars. Third degree burns left bright pink patches on his arms and his chest had been gouged by all manner of weaponry. He was lucky to be alive and you were grateful to have him there.
There was an artistic side of you though, one that traced your finger in loops along the ruined skin. Brushing your thumbs against what were once great gashes without hesitation. Even if Vash twitched at every touch, you didn't flinch at any bump or rough edge.
Vash's face was red again as he looked away. "Sorry. I know it's a lot."
"Yeah it is hot," you teased. He let out a yowl, hiding his face. "Oh stop it! I'm serious, I love it!"
"...Yeah?" He curled out a bit.
"Yeah," you whispered, settling in his lap again. You brought his hands back to your sides as you kissed him again.
Perhaps emboldened by your touching, Vash finally brushed against your breasts. He was gentle in massaging them, never squeezing for a moment or two. His thumbs brushed over your nipples, releasing a gentle buzz through your system.
He leaned down to kiss your breasts lightly. Each kiss made your nipples tingle. Vash licked one, his tongue sliding over the mound to elicit a twitch from you before sucking lightly. Your hands met his shoulders to keep control of him as he continued to kissand squeeze your breasts.
Without thinking, you sat back against him, looking for a bit of fiction and finding it in his hips. Vash released your chest to wrap an arm around your waist. He pulled you down against his cock straining in his sweatpants with a soft moan.
The first contact was something intense. A shudder ran through you as you felt his cock press against your underwear. Even through your panties, you felt the length press against your folds, meaning it must be quite something.
As the thought was flooding your mind, Vash switched breasts. You felt him gently bring his teeth over your nipple and a soft rush flooded you to your fingertips. It was natural for you to sigh and cradle his head as you two moved together.
You became very aware he still had pants on as you tried to grind down just a little harder, to have more of his thigh brush against your tingling heat. Finally, as just the right angle, you could feel him brush your clit. Vash's grip became insistent as he pulled your hips together.
He kissed you again and a warmth blossomed between you two. It was like Vash wanted to consume you, rolling your hips together and pressing his lips to yours.
"Ah-" Vash let out a small moan before he bit his lip. You kissed him again to open him up and were rewarded with a soft, "Yes..."
Vash stopped suddenly, reaching between you two and under your skirts to tug on your underwear. You helped him get them off you without breaking the kiss. He rubbed your inner thighs with long smooth strokes until you were pushing against him.
Between your skirt, Vash stroked your pussy. Your thighs clamped around his hand as you felt yourself clench around nothing. He gently pulled your legs apart to rub his thumb against your clit. He kept your thighs open as they tried to twitch closed, lavishing your clit in soft strokes.
You bit your lip, rolling your hips into his hand. For a fraction of a second, you thought you saw Vash smirk.
"That's it," he whispered. Vash kissed your neck as you pressed against him. The heat was building in you as he kissed up to you ear. "You're doing so well for me."
"Kn-knock it-" You tried to tease back but he pushed the tip of a finger into you. Something in you squeezed around it hopelessly before he returned to massaging your clit.
A warmth crept up your neck like the flame was trying to escape you. Your body twisted and bounced trying to feel something more than the petting touches. Your breath came in pants as you mewled against him.
"Are you going to cum?" Vash smiled down at you. You blushed and hid your face in his shoulder as you shuddered at a particular swipe of his thumb. He pet your back with his other hand, the soothing gesture in contrast with the wicked way his fingers kept pressing into you.
Just as your pussy tightened again, he slid his middle finger into you. It was an absolutely blissful pressure and feeling it slide in and out of you was delightfully dirty. It was Vash's hands after all and it felt safe to just melt in them.
So you let yourself rest against him with a happy sigh. He added a finger, testing with a few pumps before looking at you for approval. You wanted something more than his hands but two fingers were a good start.
Vash was doing a good job of keeping your mind free of anything but him, dragging the pads of his fingers against your walls. The hand on your back melted you into a puddle as he kept fingering your dripping core.
With a soft sigh, Vash pulled away and you got to see how his blue eyes contrasted with his bubblegum blush. He kissed your lips gently and whispered, "Guess it’s about time we do this.'"
"Yes," you moaned back. "Yes, it is!"
"Heh, sorry. I just wanted to make sure you were ready," he said bashfully. Vash shimmed out of his sweats a bit. Just enough to pull himself free of his boxers and let his cock slap against your thigh.
As you fought down the blush, you were a bit intrigued by it. The head of his cock was a similar color to his blush and preceded a thick pale shaft. It was maybe six or seven inches, quite large by most standards. You wrapped your hand around it, just getting your fingers around the girth. A single pump and Vash was bucking wildly into your first.
"I'm getting kinda-ah-I thought we said it was time!" He stammered as you stroked his cock.
"I'm getting a feel for it."
Vash laughed awkwardly. "You'll feel it, I'm sure."
Your eyes meet. There was a silence with nothing but you two breathing. The whole world stood still to be with you two in the moment before.
Then you got on your knees, shuffling some of the blankets away, and guided his cock to your soft pussy. The tip of his cock slipped against your folds and on your aching clit. You steadied yourself and let the tip slide into you.
His hands flew to your hips to help balance you and his fingers dug into the flesh of your ass. With a deep breath, you sank down onto Vash's cock slowly. It filled you inch by satisfying inch. Your pussy welcomed it with a tight hug as you settled into his lap.
It was clear Vash could take it from there, holding you with one arm and letting you fall back onto the bed. With Vash on top, it was easier for him to roll his hips into you and give you that last bit of his cock you’d missed.
He thrust into you slowly and pulled out even slower, languishing in the way you squeezed him. Each slow fuck was better than the last. Vash's cock rubbed deep inside you before pressing against somewhere enlightening.
Your entire body lit up like the dashboard of a dying car as he thrust again. You grabbed his shoulders before pulling him down for another kiss. His hands gripped your hips as the thrusts came faster. Tapping against your core harder and without relent, his cock was gliding against all the nerves of your pussy.
The sound of your hips meeting became audible with a shift of Vash's hips. A tight knot formed in your stomach. Through the haze of pleasure, you could hear Vash softly moaning in your ear. Your pussy squeezing around him as hot bright pleasure fluttered your middle. You were gasping for air as he continued to make that pressure build in you.
"Good, this feels so-" Vash cut himself off with gasping cry. "This is! I love you!"
He didn't seem to notice the confession, slamming against your G-spot without care for if you'd like to respond. The bed scrapped against the floor with each movement as you two lost yourself in each other.
In your stomach, fluttering with delight, you felt that knot start to become a little too tight. You started to lose your grasp on anything but his cock thrusting in and out of you. Your head started to blur into nothing but Vash and the pleasure he was wringing from your pussy.
"Vash-" You whimpered softly in his arms.
Vash nodded and released your hip. He dragged one hand down your side and over your stomach to your twitching core. His thumb started rubbing your clit in contrastingly slow circles. Your back ached, desperate to feel more of him against you.
He kissed you for the final time as that knot snapped and washed his love over you. Your body hummed as he continued rolling your hips together. Then Vash let out a high whimper before you felt something hot gush inside you. It was just enough to make your toes curl as he rode out his orgasm with long strokes against your gripping pussy.
He pulled out with a shuddering sigh. "I-"
You rushed to carass his cheek. "I'm not worried about that...just...hush."
In a boneless heap, Vash collapsed beside you and pulled you to his chest like a lifelong security blanket. In turn, you relaxed into him, throwing a leg over his. As you both tried to quietly catch your breath, you could feel Vash's warmth like it was sunshine on a cool day.
WIth his arms wrapped around you and the lingering high making you feel a bit silly, you buried your face into his chest. In the moment Vash smelled like sweat and basic body soap. Sensory bliss engulfed you as easily as sleep did.
As you let your eyelids slide shut, you felt Vash stroking your back again, softly petting you before whispering, "I meant it, you know."
You snapped awake. You sat up before reaching down and holding his cheeks. "I was distracted before. I love you too...I mean it. I love you, Vash. Genuinely and truly and not just because we had great sex."
He gave you a tired smile that reached his eyes. "Thank you, I love you too." Vash's cheeks got red again and he looked away before he asked, "You're gonna stay and cuddle though, right?"
"Yes, oh yes!" You settled back into Vash's arms comfortably. The moon peeked through his curtains at the lovers nestled together. A sigh you'd been holding for years came off your chest as you wrapped your arms around him.
There was a lot of trouble ahead of you both but fear held no captive in your heart. Maybe things weren't going to be okay. Maybe there's isn't love on Gunsmoke.
You decided start making Vash wear chapstick anyways. Even if he demands you kiss him to put it on.
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thedeerman · 6 months
RadioApple Fic:
Do You Want To Know?
Hey all, this is the first chapter of my little slow burn radioapple fic. Please let me know what you think, I don’t write much!!
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Ch1: A New Idea
It’s been three weeks since the attempted extermination. Three weeks since Lucifer just barely saved the life of his daughter in a fight that nearly killed everyone she cared about. Three weeks since he helped to build the new hotel and moved into his very own suite. It’s been both terrible and beautiful for Lucifer. He had hardly spoken to another soul for years and now was thrown into daily gatherings with sinners he didn’t know. Some of which he certainly didn’t care to know. But those gatherings also included his daughter. His wonderful, smart, passionate, forgiving daughter. I don’t deserve her, Lucifer thinks constantly. He spent years neglecting their relationship, burying himself in his own sorrow, and yet Charlie welcomed him in without a second thought. Without even asking for an explanation or apology for his years of absence. He’s not sure where she got such a big heart, but he’s beyond grateful that she has it. And as an attempt to show her just how dedicated he is to helping her see out her dream, he’s been showing up for every morning meeting. Every ‘family’ dinner. Every chore list, cooking schedule, errands run, nearly anything that could be signed up for, he does. Lucifer didn’t mind chores much. Cooking was fun and he could be experimental (in a way that didn’t include human remains, much to the other residents’ delight). Doing dishes or laundry was something as monotonous and calming as making ducks and other little trinkets. And on the days when he really just wasn’t in the mood to deal with it, he simply used his magic to help him get it done quickly. No matter how emotionally taxing, how time consuming, or how frustrating the task was, Lucifer was ready and willing to do anything he could to help his daughter succeed.
It’s because of this that Lucifer ends up on the attendance list for all of Charlie’s ’family’ activities for the hotel. It doesn’t seem too bad at first, but as the activities get to be a little more personal, Lucifer ends up regretting how agreeable he was to his daughter’s every request. A bit too late to be kicking myself for that now... Lucifer thinks as he sits in yet another hotel ‘family’ meeting. The ‘family’ being Charlie of course, her girlfriend Vaggie, the spider demon/porn star Angel, the grumpy bartender Husk, the scary little maid (the one that killed Adam, no less) Niffty, Angel’s one eyed bomb loving friend Cherri, now Lucifer, and... Ugh. This guy, the fallen angel thinks, as the final ‘family’ member graces them with his presence by appearing from the shadows. Alastor... What a pain in the ass. Lucifer doesn't actually have much reason to hate the demon aside from his frustrating theatrics and his need to always be the one Charlie pays the most attention to. Whatever game you’re playing, I’ve got my eye on you, he’s always thinking.
“Alrighty everyone!” His daughter’s voice catches Lucifer’s attention. “Now that we’re all here, I’d like to announce that we will be trying a new activity!” There are a series of groans from the group. None from Alastor, of course. But his creepy, always there smile seems strained, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly as Charlie continued. “So! You all know how we’ve been trying out some new ideas as test runs for new residents,” she starts. Yes, and it’s been excruciating. No one involved has been enjoying being guinea pigs for Charlie’s therapy experiments. The only silver lining being that the new residents wouldn’t have to suffer the same fates, as each and every “new activity” so far has been tossed out after a resounding failure of some kind or another. Fights, tears, broken furniture, and excessive day drinking have occurred both during and after a few of these sessions. Her ideas weren’t terrible in concept, but in practice, with demons and fallen angels and souls under contract, they just weren’t working. Lucifer’s attention is once again brought to the front of the room as Charlie continues.
“And yes, I understand that the past few exercises we’ve tried... haven’t exactly ended well.” Lucifer hates the sad look in her eyes as she considers her failures, but it’s gone as quickly as it arrived. “But after a lot of discussion and thinking about how and why our previous activities went so....” She pauses, looking for the right word. “Awful? Terrible? Destructive? Shitty? Depressing?” Angel adds. Vaggie glared his way but the demon wasn’t paying any attention. “Yes, thank you Angel,” Charlie says hesitantly. “So! I took those... experiences... into account while creating this one!” Lucifer shifts uncomfortably in his seat. He was a huge fan of Charlie living out her dream, but he wasn’t a huge fan of having to be this close to the action. He lets out a small sigh. I can’t abandon my place as her dad again. Charlie paused for a moment to reach into a bag and hand a bundle of items to Vaggie. Small strips of paper and markers. As Vaggie started passing them out to each of them, Charlie explains. “First thing’s first, I need everyone to write their names down. Once you’ve written your name, please give your paper to Vaggie.”
Lucifer’s anxiety starts up, as it always does when he’s involved in one of his daughter’s ‘family’ activities. He just hopes whatever comes of this involves less property damage than before. He hands his paper back to Vaggie as she walks around to collect them. Giving the papers back to her partner, Vaggie continues the instructions. “You will now each receive a randomly chosen name. The name on your paper will be for your eyes and your eyes only. Do not tell anyone else the name that you got.” Charlie excitedly passes the papers back out, now folded shut. “Except for me!” she interrupts. “I’m going to make a note of who gets who for the sole purpose of understanding the effectiveness of this activity. Don’t worry, no one else will get to see!” Her smile is infectious, Lucifer just can’t help it. He always smiles when he sees his daughter this way, so full of hope and joy. Vaggie hands him a folded strip of paper. Before he can open it to see who he was assigned, Charlie speaks again.
“Now, unlike some of our previous attempts, this activity will not be done as a group.” Multiple sighs of relief are heard, and Lucifer notices that Alastor seems to relax ever so slightly. At least that’s one thing we can agree on... “However,” Charlie continues, “This will be a week-long exercise-” multiple groans again, “that will involve a prompt each morning. That prompt will be a question or instruction that each of you will respond to in a letter. The letters don’t have to be long, but must include a full response to the prompt. They don’t have to be short either, just go for whatever your honest answer is!” She’s practically bouncing up and down with excitement as she says “The recipient of what you’ll be writing for the week will be the name on the paper youve been given. You’ll have a full 24 hours to write your letters. Tomorrow you’ll hand them in to me during the morning meeting, and will then be given the next prompt. Any questions so far?”
All of them are silent for a long moment. Vaggie breaks the silence. “Here are the rules. Rule number one: You MUST be respectful. OUR version of respectful. No insults, no petty jabs. Just answer the prompt. Rule number two: No discussing who each person is writing to. I mean NO discussion. Do not ask, do not tell. If we find out that this rule is broken, the offending parties will be sitting in on Charlie’s hotel-wide group therapy sessions for a month.” Lucifer’s eyes went wide at this. Several others did as well. Group therapy wasn't an uncommon ‘punishment’ (though Charlie wont ever call it that) but the sessions are held four days out of the week and last for one to two hours at a time. And with new arrivals slowly trickling into the hotel to be redeemed, the sessions were getting larger. Lucifer tensed, thinking of the last time he was forced to participate after getting into a spat with the only sinner in the building he just couldn’t stand to be around. Lucifer was not meant for group therapy, that was for sure. The most any of them have been forced to attend for bad behavior was one week. None of them wanted a whole month.
Vaggie looked amused at the group’s reaction to this. She spoke again. “This also includes revealing yourself to the person you’re writing to. These letters are supposed to be anonymous.” Charlie speaks up. “This exercise depends on honesty and anonymity, and I have really high hopes that this one can be used by new residents learning to redeem themselves.” She pauses. “Okay. So now that we’ve gone over everything, I’m going to call each of you over to note down who you’ll be writing to. I’ll then give you a paper with today’s writing prompt and an envelope to put the letter in once you're done. Make sure to seal it! After that, bring your envelope with you for tomorrow’s meeting and I’ll mark the intended recipient on the front. At the end of our meeting you’ll get the letter addressed to you and the next writing prompt.”
All of this information takes a moment to register in Lucifer’s head, but after he’s gone over it all in his mind he’s left with a sense of pride for his daughter. Out of all of her experiments so far, this one is the first that Lucifer doesnt think would turn into an all out war. It seems... feasible. He smiles as she makes eye contact with him, clearly ecstatic with her plan. Vaggie calls each one of them over to the desk that Charlie has against the room’s far wall. One at a time, each member of the ‘family’ does as they’re told and then leaves the meeting room. Lucifer spends a moment wondering who got his slip of paper, the one with his name written on it, until he suddenly remembers that he never looked at his own intended letter recipient. With no one close enough to peer over his shoulder, Lucifer slowly opens up the folded paper to see whose name is written.
Of course. Go figure. Yeah, why not just make the next week my own little slice of Hell? I mean honestly- His thoughts are interrupted by Charlie’s voice. “Dad! It’s your turn!” He looks up and realizes he’s the last one to be called. Everyone else, save Charlie and Vaggie, have already left the room. He attempts to smile as he stands and faces his daughter, but she sees through it immediately. And it's obvious. “Come on Dad... I know who you got.” This surprises him. Was his face really that revealing? “Everyone else’s name has already been marked on my chart, so...” She smiles awkwardly. “Listen, I think this will be good for you! Please, just try your best?” Lucifer slowly walks to the desk and sighs heavily. “Anything for you, sunshine. I’ll try my hardest.” He hands the strip of paper to his daughter and she gives him the paper with the prompt and envelope in exchange. “I dont think I’ve got you on the chores schedule today, but I’m gonna be pretty busy so I probably won’t see you until dinner.” She smiles at him, that glowing warm smile that he’d missed out on for so many years. She encourages him with an “I love you, Dad. You’re gonna do great!” and gives him a thumbs up.
He leaves the room smiling, just loving being in his daughter’s presence, until he walks into the lobby and sees him. Sitting on one of the many comfy chairs, sipping black coffee out of a mug that says “Oh Deer” on the side. The asshole. The worst demon in the hotel. The piece of shit that loves to torment Lucifer to no end. The name on his strip of paper. He strides by as quickly as possible to avoid any contact. Damn it... He thinks on the way back to his side of the hotel. Why, of all people... He can’t get the vision of the neat, cursive handwriting out of his head. His mind focuses on one name and one name only.
Read Chapter 2!
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blacklegsanjiii · 2 months
Clown!Sanji probably gets really creative with everyone’s meals and such … in canon he’s already the sort of person to carve flower shapes out of carrot slices and etc but I think he’d go even crazier in this AU.
Meal prep probably becomes the sort of thing crewmates will stick around to look at on occasion bc Sanji absolutely makes a performance out of it. He’s out here juggling ingredients and making a spectacle out of slicing this or whisking that— stuff that Zeff would ABSOLUTELY have his head over if he did it with him, but damnit if he doesn’t take after his dad! Besides, it’s his galley, so he can get as flashy with it as he wants, especially since it’s got an audience that appreciates it .
It probably extends to presentation as well, like him making little “confetti” poppers that chopper can use to put sprinkles on his deserts and things like that. Mealtimes are fun with the strawhats .
- Wine
Clown!Sanji is definitely a showman and definitely goes over the top with presentation, the crew loves it though. Robin is probably the first one to actually sit through meal prep with him, just looking for some quiet on the Merry to read her book but is pulled in by Sanji just making a show out of his prep. Chopper definitely gets sprinkle poppers and he watches Sanji form cotton candy into fun shapes and he watches the cook's dexterous hands cut intricate shapes into fruit and vegetables. He juggles plates and bowls and obviously he's also flexible so he can contort his body into weird shapes and inhuman poses that only Luffy could also do. Eventually a lot of the crew will be around to watch, lingering in the galley after meals to help clean and watch the blond pull weird stunts like catching dishes Luffy's dropping his feet or twisting unnaturally to yell at the swordsman. He's constantly over the top and flashy and he just gets more extra after the time skip. Everyone is glad to still see the cook do over the top performances and be more extravagant with his presentation and gimmicks the crew do so love.
But damn if after WCI and Wano it gets to an extreme because even though he's so well adjusted because he was just shown so much love and care by so many people who weren't in and out of his life and didn't mince their words or were gruff in training, he still has a lot of guilt for leaving the crew and asking for the death pact and putting those burdens on the crew. He somehow goes more over the top as a way to make up for it and he knows he's not being rational, he does, but he just feels like he has to make it up to them somehow. Whether the crew remembers he's Buggy's kid or not depends on the member, but when they team up with the guild and watch him with the Buggy Pirates and see just where he came from it kind of clicks anyway. They're all over the top and performative and trying to outdo each other. Chopper shows Buggy the sprinkle poppers Sanji has for him and he makes bigger ones just to fuck with his kid. That's how the crew finds out he knows how to build bombs, the poppers should have been a clear indication but they weren't.
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bronx-bomber87 · 9 months
Happy Monday Lovely fandom. Not a ton in these episodes for them. Gonna combine these two. Thank you for idea D ❤️ These are my least fav of the season. Not gonna lie whenever I reach the Simone eps in a rewatch I skip around her stuff LOL Never resonated with me. So it’s funny the first ep is called Simone and I won’t really be covering her much at all. Probably be a shorter one with some crumbs. Let’s get going though shall we?
4x19 Simone/4x20 Enervo
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We start off with an actual bang. John and Lucy respond to a suspicious activity call. It's near a power station in Griffith Park. They find a bomb and get out just in time but not before they’re thrown to the ground by the blast. They get thrown pretty damn far and are fairly banged up. It's insane how much damage they took even clearing the building.
Tim shows up to the scene and does a worried husband look I love. Checking in on her by doing a once over once he makes it to them. Does a silent check in as he reports it’ll take 12 hours to fix the damaged power station. The silent check in is everything. Once again it’s the little things I cherish especially in low content episodes. It's subtle but noticeable once you know it's there. Trying to contain his concern with her all banged up. It’s ok love your wifey is fine hehe
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I love these two shots for quite a few reasons. One you know I love the tall/smol shots. I wish I could put into words why I love it so very much. It’s just aesthetically pleasing is one of the reasons I suppose. All I know is I’m a sucker for it. Second how in-sync they are in their movements and how they mirror one another in the second one.
Third the lack of personal space. Especially in that first gif. Theme of this season I adore so much. Always that gravitational pull of theirs. Lastly look at them. They’re gorgeous just standing next to one another. Also it is unfair Lucy is covered in dirt and soot and looks amazing still. Not fair haha
Oh right there’s a SL too LOL Not me just gawking at them haha The feds show up because this is a terrorist attack. They ask Nolan and Lucy about what they remember about the bomb. Nolan of course is no help. Smh Lucy is able to describe little better for them. FBI says they’re taking over from here. Grey fights it since John and Lucy were almost killed discovering the bomb. Garza concedes and they’re able to work together on this one.
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We rejoin our ship headed towards National Guard Armory. They’ve deduced this guys real target was this. Reason he shut down the power was to gain access inside there. They’re en-route to catch him. They find out he’s already on the move and they’ve gotta catch him. Which leads us to this car chase. First off let’s note Lucy getting to drive in this intense moment. It is more common these days for them. I just love seeing Tim trust her so implicitly nowadays. That this is new normal for them. *heart clutch*
Control freak in him has eased up quite a bit with her at least. Maybe not with anyone else LOL Once again it's the little things to love. The spurts of growth. They make me happy. Anyways dude stole a friggin Humvee so taking him down will not be easy. Nolan says they need to stop this guy. No shit John...What do you think the purpose of this chase is? To have fun at a high speeds in a shop for kicks?
Sometimes the words out of his mouth floor me..and not in a good way. Tim is using his military experience in this moment. (Yum) Explains why that’s not going to be easy. He’s basically encased himself in a mini tank. Their usual pit maneuver isn’t going to work on this guy. Nolan offering up another solution. I adore the silent communication and the look. That automatic instinct to check in with each other. I'll never be over it. I love watching them in the field so very much. Just a well oiled machine. Tim is considering Nolan’s suggestion then checking in with wifey before executing it. Love it.
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Tim explains their plan to Nolan while Lucy listens in. Tim advices they both hit the doors. Tells them it has to be at the same time though. To avoid the wheels at all costs. Lucy needing to know the why of course. Asks why they can’t hit the tires? Tim explains they’ll die and be a cautionary tale for future rookies LOL Gotta love Lucy questioning why they can't in the middle of a high speed chase. I'm sure she wasn't expecting that to be his answer ha.
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Her comment about her mom cracks me up. Anything to prove to her mother she’s wrong and she is right about being a cop. Her first thought not being she’ll die. No it’ll be about her mother being right about her career choice. Lmao Oh Lucy Chen I love you. Also I relate to this train of thought all too well sadly. I do love her saying they’ll be disgraced together. Be more married please.
Tim doesn’t even fight her on this thought. Lucy basically saying if I’m going down you’re coming with. Tim isn’t fighting her at all. His silence is saying lead the way. They’re in this together and I love that so very much. Being a literal ride or die right now in this moment.
I love me some crumbs in a low content ep. Also only they could banter during a high pressure situation and still get the job done. I love them so much. They are successful but find out the driver isn’t their guy but a decoy. Wah Wah.
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They regroup at the station after their chase. Nolan asking Lucy if she got any sleep? She then calls out Tim for getting some. Not only does she call him out but nicknames him 'Sleeping beauty.' Looking directly at him the entire time. Making sure he know she is talking about him and only him. All aboard the flirt train Nolan is an unwilling participant in the matter haha
Such blatant flirty flirts. Tim fires back a sassy reply to her jab. Just openly flirting and doing heart eyes out in the open. Ain’t no thang this season lol Shoots back not to be jealous he was allowed to sleep and she hasn’t. Lucy’s reaction is the best. That fond exasperation they’ve had all season long. So used to her husband antics at this point but has to let him know she’s annoyed at him. Damnit I love them sfm.
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They end up finding his base of operations. Lucy of course breaking the case. Cause she’s brilliant finds a word he’s written down by doing an etching off a wall he used. ‘Enervo’ Garza telling them it means 'To deprive of power.' John asks Tim what the military’s first target is? I love watching Tim flex his military background again. It’s sexy af. Seriously gets me hot and bothered *fans self* Tim and Lucy cracking this case right open. You’re welcome everyone haha That’s it for this one. Low content one since it was meant to launch rookie feds. Next one has even less so this is why we’re combining them.
Side notes-Non Chenford
I do love when Nyla and Angela work together. Two bad ass woman just doing their jobs like confident BAMFS.
4x20 Enervo.
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We find out he’s rented U-Haul’s and it’s going to take out the biggest roads with them. Crippling the city and killing thousands. They can't get a warrant right away to track them so everyone is in on the hunt. As always I love watching them in action in the field. That second gif their cop eyes have been activated. You can see them combing the street together. They’re so in-sync as they search the streets for one of the five U-Haul’s. I could go on and on about how much I love their work dynamic I really could. But I'll stop there ha
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The trucks are divided up into states. Cause well that’s U-haul haha if you’ve ever driven one you’d know. Always got graphics or other states on them. One has already exploded unfortunately so they're down to 4 trucks that need to be found. Lucy and Tim spot ‘Florida’ and are in pursuit of it. I love how calm they look. They’re chasing down a bomb and look determined af. Like I said before well oiled machine. The gifs above represent that. They are poetry in motion in the field. What made 5x22 battle scene so epic. Was that on steroids ha
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That’s kinda it for them in this one. I can add this last lovely gif of them in the field. Seeing how they move in motion together. It is impressive to see how in-sync they always are. Shared brain thing I love so much. I’m sorry there isn’t more. I mean it’s not my fault but I’m still sorry LOL
We shouldn’t hit this again. Even the light one in S5 is really good and would fill a review well so this will be the last scant ep for them. Probably won’t combine them again ha
Side notes-non chenford
Smitty reporting in he got ‘Utah’ Grey being ecstatic and saying he took back every negative thing ever said about him. Poor Smitty is all sad ‘You’ve said negative things about me?’ LMAO
Thank you as always for those who like, comment and reblog these reviews. You’re all amazing and I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know. Shall see you all in 4x21 :)
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silverflqmes · 1 year
notes. reposted from wp!
genre. fluff + crack
ft. tooru oikawa, yuji terushima, atsumu + osamu miya, shigeru yahaba, keiji akaashi, shoyo hinata
gender neutral! reader
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➫    𝓞𝗜��𝗔𝗪𝗔   𝓣𝗢𝗢𝗥𝗨   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ sleepovers with oikawa are wILD LIKE GIRL GET READY OMG —
⌗ lots of snacks and y'all would bake cookies together after running to like, walmart in pajamas
⌗ cuz you guys have sleepovers so offen you practically have clothes at each other's houses. oikawa has matching alien pajamas for y'all istg — imagine walking into the store at 10pm lookin like a bunch of dorks searchin for cookie mix-
⌗ FACIALS — girl you already know oikawa has all that good shit that just — wOrKs wOnDErs. expensive asf too, but he has money🧍‍♀️
⌗ jamming to boybands; i don't make the rules, he does😻
⌗ sleep? with all the sci-fi movies he wants to watch? honeyyy😪
⌗ cUdDLinG cuz oikawa KNOWS how to hug istg like he's so wARm AND GIRL THOSE ARMS PLEASE-
➫    𝓣𝗘𝗥𝗨𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗠𝗔   𝓨𝗨𝗝𝗜   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ TIKTOKS — istg yes y'all are makin tiktoks cuz teru do b famous🤾
⌗ pictures too — terushima would prolly also try n vlog your whole sleepover for you guys to watch later and just rEmiNisCe✨ he would totally edit the whole thing too and make it bomb asf
⌗ deadass feel like yuji would bring up the idea of going on omegele to screw w ppl a lil bit —
⌗ the girls would lose their shit and tbh if i saw him, me too😐
⌗ fuck tons of soda n pizza; no sleep🤩
⌗ ngl y'all would definitely pull up on wp or tumblr n make fun of sum nsfw posts
➫    𝓜𝗜𝗬𝗔   𝓣𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗦   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ they're kind of a packaged deal- so you get both unless you wanna sit n watch them argue for 368393 years over you😐
⌗ you make them both sleep on the floor BAHHAHAHAHAHAHA as you should.
⌗ they have loads of gaming consoles so i can see y'all playing a couple rounds of smash maybe or pulling up on the wii to play either just dance, mk or mario party
⌗ each time atsumu loses he throws a fit n starts complaining, asking for rematches every five minutes until samu kicks him🧍‍♀️
⌗ at some point after knocking out, you'll wake up to get a glass of water and that's when you catch those two hugging each other in their sleep 😶 you take pictures for the team-
➫    𝓨𝗔𝗛𝗔𝗕𝗔   𝓢𝗛𝗜𝗚𝗘𝗥𝗨   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ ahem, for my underrated crackheaded son- Y'ALL WOULD HAVE THE SOFTEST YET MOST CHAOTIC SLEEPOVER EVER
⌗ too much tea and too little sleep
⌗ because of his horrible strategies when it comes to picking up girls, you end up giving him a few tips, he needs them-
⌗ i feel like earlier in the day, you'd end up going shopping together and take some really pretty pictures later under some flowers
⌗ you guys would totally bake toooo, cream puffs cuz you were teasing him about his hair zhsjskslldl you save some for makki🙈
⌗ deep conversations about future stuff cuz he's worried about the third years leaving and nervous; please hug him-
➫    𝓐𝗞𝗔𝗔𝗦𝗛𝗜   𝓚𝗘𝗜𝗝𝗜   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ you guys would have such a relaxing sleepover omg
⌗ facials and manicures cuz boy needs to keep his own nails nice n taken care of for those smooth ass sets
⌗ i feel like akaashi would have a pool so bring a bathing suit with you🥰
⌗ i headcanon him being able to play piano tbh, he just seems like that kinda classy guy to me- but ofc really shy and maybe a pinch self conscious abt playing, so he'll reluctantly play something for you but it'll sound sooo good
⌗ deep conversations as well because yk he's mostly close with the third years and well as draining as bokuto can be, he doesn't want him to go, or konoha and the others🙁
⌗ please reassure him hdjsksk he needs it.
⌗ studio ghibli movies🥺 i feel like his favorite would be spirited away cuz the visuals and him empathizing with haku??
➫    𝓗𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗧𝗔   𝓢𝗛𝗢𝗬𝗢   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ he'd probably come to your house and pick you up at the crack of mf dawn to go to morning practice with him first before going to his house😐
⌗ natsu would be home and she prolly wants sum attention🥺🥺 shoyo would get jealous of her for hogging you at some point xhsjsksls
⌗ he tries to bake with you-
⌗ he would talk your ear off all night about stuff which tbh you wouldn't mind cuz he's so mf cute and it's admirable how passionate he is about what he does and his teammates, opponents too; we stan a sweet lil birb who respects everyone💘
⌗ he lets you sleep on his bed while he takes the floor because he wants you to be comfortable😭 love you sm sho<3
notes. honestly these could either be platonic or romantic now that i think abt it
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unicyclehippo · 2 years
ooh more one word prompt time?! I always love these! maybe ‘collar’?
michael’s hair and collar are rumpled and his eyes are brighter than she’s ever seen them. ava ignores that it’s a little bit because he’s trying not to cry and focuses on his smile, big and broad and warm and excited and ten thousand other things beside that and she gets it. she gets it, of course she does. that’s why she said no, that’s why she stood from the shadowed corner of her room and took his hand in hers and snuck them both out to the bar on the outskirts of madrid, a city she’ll never explore because tomorrow she’s going to die for her best friend and—
fuck. so much for forgetting about all that.
‘you alright?’ he asks, with a rueful curl to his smile. she can’t really hear him over the noise—music and people screaming, people happy—but she can read the words off his lips and the warm, sad-worried rumble of concern in his chest when she leans up against him.
ava rolls her eyes. ‘what did i say about questions? drink!’
she takes two whiskey shots from the bartender and pushes one over to him. when the sweet sting of it hits the back of her throat, it occurs to her—not for the first time, and not for the first time tonight—that there’s something funny about this. halo in her back, half angel now maybe, and everything she loves is temptation, everyone she loves she brings to this same edge with her. she wonders if it’s kinda not fair, and then michael’s face twists and he gags at the taste and shakes his head like a dog getting water out of his ears and she has to laugh.
‘why does it taste so bad!’
‘that’s another question!’
‘no, ava, wait!’ he begs, but he’s smiling again and when the shot comes he throws it back with less hesitation. a heavy arm lays across her shoulders as he catches his balance. blinks blearily down at her. they’ve been drinking half the night and should be way more drunk than they are but hey, divine pals or. something. ‘you know, getting to know you is pretty hard. without questions.’
‘we don’t need to know more about each other. have you ever tried rum?’ he hasn’t. he’s tried exactly the drinks she’s bought for him tonight and never anything else, because he likes to keep a clear head, because he doesn’t drink, because he’s half-boy half-bomb and who knows what happens when alcohol joins the mix? ‘i’m gonna get us some rum!’
‘ava.’ michael holds her in place, shifts his weight just enough that she would have to throw off his arm. she doesn’t want to do that. she doesn’t want to hurt him. fuck. she doesn’t want to hurt him. ‘ava, hey. it’s okay. it’s okay.’
‘fine,’ she pouts. ‘no rum. but we should dance!’
he looks like he watches to argue. ava waggles her brows, tilts her head sideways, lets him be tempted—men and women and people crushed together on the dance floor and everything a bit too much, sweat and noise and boots sticking to the alcohol-dripped floor and all the colours are hazy in this foggy room, no space for the clarity of divinium blue—and when he relents, she twines their fingers together and pulls him to dance.
people flirt with michael and he grins, a lot. dances, a lot. drinks when people buy him drinks. ava keeps an eye on him, which she didn't think would be fun but ends up having a different kind of joy to it, knowing that someone trusts her, knowing that he's safe with her tonight.
it's a couple of hours before they stumble out of the bar, his arm over her shoulder, her arm around his waist. she knows what they would look like to anyone watching but can’t bring herself to care; michael doesn’t think it about her, or rather, he would never let himself because he’s dying tomorrow, because he’s been dying the whole time he’s been alive and people like him, people like them, don’t get to be in love with someone else. also she thinks she’s made it pretty clear who she l- well. who she cares about the most.
michael presses a hand to his stomach. 'i'm never drinking again, by the way.' ava laughs. he joins in after a second, sheepish and sad. of course he won't. 'cant believe i let you - uh - talk me into that.'
'oh please, i barely had to offer,' she scoffs, and leads him to over to a bin because he looks like he's about to puke. he braces against it. 'you had fun, didn't you?'
'so much,' he grins. his face falls and ava worries they're about to have another big talk but he just groans and bends over double, almost burying his head in the bin as he pukes. ava pats his back. 'don't look,' he says from somewhere inside the bin. 'oh god.'
'i'm not looking,' she laughs, and fixes her eyes on a flickering streetlight instead.
dozens of little grey moths battering against it. ava wants to hit the lights, deaden them, so maybe the moths can have a fucking chance, but what's the point in that? either they kill themselves trying to get close to the light, maybe burning up, or they get eaten by a bat or something.
'oh,' michael says, standing up and following her eyeline. 'pretty.'
ava smiles. he's right too. it really is pretty.
'can i ask you a question now? or does that earn a different punishment now that there’s no alcohol around to shut me up?’ she sneaks a look sidelong at him; he’s already watching her, eyes gentle. knowing.
‘are you going to tell her?’
ava rips her hand from his back with a hiss, turns away. she strides off down the road but she’s a little drunk and he’s tall and she doesn’t get far before he’s at her side again. doesn’t say anything, only shoves his hands in his pockets and sways down the street with her. she hooks her arm around his when he trips on the cobblestone, leans her head on his shoulder.
they walk for a long time. there’s a long, long road that winds up into the foothills outside the city; jillian’s estate is somewhere ahead of them, is all ava can really recall right now, so they just keep walking. there’s no street lights the further they get out and the road is silent. they walk at the edge just in case—it wouldn’t be useful to die before the ordained moment and that’s what they are, now, useful—and look at the road and the dirt and the trees and the stars and the moon and everything is really, really pretty.
‘i never know what to say around you,’ he admits. ‘around anyone, really. no one much to talk to on the other side so when i come out here i try to make it sound like i know what i’m doing but i don’t, really.’
ava nods. ‘i know what that’s like. stuck in a room with almost no one to talk to.’
‘we really are so alike,’ michael muses. he sounds pleased.
ava thinks of the look in his eyes when he held out his hand and invited her to kill him, of being alive and dead at the same time, walking steadily toward it, of the calm that accompanies him every time he says what will be and she wishes she were a little more like him because right now she’s the most scared she’s ever been and she wants to run away, wants to never ever think about being dead and the nothingness to follow. but tomorrow they’ll both be dead, so. yeah. they’re pretty alike.
‘obviously beatrice is a sore subject,’ he says and ava has to laugh because okay, they are kinda alike, because she would keep pressing too even though it hurts. ‘but i think you should tell her. i told my mother.’
‘it’s different.’
‘you love her.’
‘it’s different,’ ava snaps, and shoves him over into the low scrub at the side of the road.
he grunts when he lands and stares up at her, like he’s surprised to be laying down, like he doesn’t know how he got there. ava laughs. throws her head back and laughs until she has to stumble away and throw up, the last drinks finally getting to her.
the bushes rustle and twigs snap and michael swears but finally picks himself up off the ground. his hand is big and warm on her spine, rubbing in circles like she had for him.
‘feeling better?’
‘less drunk, anyway.’
‘yeah. did you push me?’
‘huh. you’re mean when it comes to beatrice.’
‘what! no i’m not!’
‘yes you are,’ he insists, looking pointedly at her balled up fist. ‘remember at the bar? that girl who flirted with her?’
ava scowls. ‘i remember.’
‘i thought the broken glass was for her,’ he says, and it takes a second for ava to realise he’s teasing her. she shoves him and he laughs, pushes her back, and they’re rough-housing like that when a black van turns down the bend in the road, lights slicing through the dark and stopping with them caught in the glow.
‘hope that’s the good guys,’ michael mutters out of the side of his mouth to ava.
she snorts. ‘are you kidding? i hope it’s not—bea’s gonna kill me. us. you first,’ she says, and michael tries on a pout but has to laugh, ‘then me.’
the lights flash. when they dim, ava sees camila behind the wheel and lifts a hand in hello. she wraps an arm around michael’s waist, takes most of his weight and drags him and his clumsy feet forward. the van door grinds open. camila’s smile is a kindness, just as bright as the lights.
‘hey you two,’ she says. ‘have fun?’
michael smiles back. crawls into the empty back of the van and lays on his back. ava pushes him onto his side, pats his head, and clambers over into the passenger seat.
‘do you think i can sneak past bea?’ ava says as camila drives them home.
camila laughs softly. ‘good luck.’
‘that was a no, ava.’
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