#someone PLEASE get mk a good mentor
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mk is literally FEARING FOR HIS LIFE and all this fool has to say is "totally"
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
Where's Wukong in LSO? Is he like retired and far away? Just doesn't want to butt into how MK is mentoring his student? Sorry if I'm being too noisy. Just curious about the au ^^'
(No worries, dear! I love answering questions about the things I write anyhow! 💕 I’ll go into a few characters here!)
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Let’s Start Over
Friends and Family
After many, many long years… Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equal to Heaven… has retired, actually!
Our lovable Sage is kicking around wherever he pleases (with a strange shadow following him about), leisurely traveling the world and enjoying everything that it has to offer. He stops for fans and scholars alike, signing autographs and answering questions.
The ginger-furred simian especially enjoys visiting different zoos and aquariums to admire the animals- and they seem to like him, too. Old Sun also stops by local pastry shops pretty often, looking for something sweet and made of peaches. He’s got his photo hung on at least two dozen walls by now.
He’s got a pretty good thing going now. Wukong is more than content- he’s happy.
Of course, our powerful King’s not just going to leave an entire life behind.
He’s got a new kiddo to dote on, after all!
Yeah, this man adores you. Every other week or so he’ll come zooming in on his mystic cloud, blazing into view with a shower of vaporous mist trailing behind him.
‘Sun Yeye’, as he’ll frequently call himself, comes bearing gifts and stories. He’s in a better place both mentally and socially, and he’s grown more comfortable with physical contact- somewhat. He’ll ruffle your hair and ply you with something expensive or unhealthy, then bound off to chat with his loyal monkey subjects.
And… there’s someone with him?
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As ever, this little rat is mostly unrepentant and prone to lurking about in the shadows. Still training and eavesdropping and scheming, just a little less cruel about it.
He’s slowly becoming a better person, off journeying with Wukong and learning about everything he’d missed while stuck in the underworld.
But Macaque doesn’t get to have ‘cool uncle/granddad’ title that the Monkey King has been bestowed, I’m afraid. After all, where Wukong was willing to accept his wrongs and shortcomings and actively work on them, Mac just kinda… gets away with his bullshit without ever trying to making amends.
MK keeps him at a full arm’s length from you, considering the sable simian to be not only a bad influence, but a dangerous one.
But, theoretically, if Macaque were to:
1. Apologize to every person he’s hurt
2. Make reparations for all the destruction that he’s caused
3. Acknowledge his own shortcomings and mistakes and try to become better
Then he might consider allowing you and ‘Uncle Macaque’ to meet up. Just for an hour.
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As always, Pigsy maintains his grumpy fervor for cooking and serving, but in a far more lowkey fashion than before. Mei helped to hook him up with topnotch streaming equipment, allowing the chef to start a personal channel where he teaches beginner’s to prep basic meals and take care of their equipment.
He’s found some degree of fame with it, spreading his culinary skills across the internet, which quickly comes to love him.
And speaking of love- Y/N. Oh, how this man cherishes you.
MK gave him a grandbaby.
Ok, so he was a little worried at first. Pigsy thought that his son had gotten someone pregnant (irrational, but he was still worried!) and now was raising the kiddo as a single father.
Once all that has been cleared up, our favorite chef settles into the “granddad” role admirably, tending to you as he did to little MK.
He comes over every Friday to make a family meal for the three of you, and Tang always tags along- usually with a book that he thought you might like.
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Although MK’s relationship with Mei has grown notably… strained, the two still keep in touch. She’s grown to be a massive streamer, and frequently competes in city-wide races as something of a celebrity. A decent chunk of her hard-earned cash goes to local charities or is spent sponsoring young racers that she sees worth in.
Mei is super dedicated to seeing the city grow healthier and happier, opting to visit and buy from only local stores and restaurants. She gives very fair reviews and often causes surges of growth for whatever business she stops in to check out.
She still finds time to game with MK on occasion, trying to bridge the gap that’s grown between the two in recent times. It’s not a phenomenal success, but they have fun and part on decent terms.
For what it’s worth, they’d both still go crazy if the other was injured.
Also, Auntie Mei??? Bringing you fun games and snacks and getting you a custom motorcycle helmet for the rides she takes you on (away from the crowded city streets, of course) and telling you embarrassing stories about MK.
(Also also, Goldendragon?? Moving apart from being friends and then reconciling into being lovers? Or even Chimera? In that final case Y/N is absolutely screwed.)
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Mr. Tang, as always, remains a dedicated scholar and mooch. He’s still spending every day by Pigsy’s side and sampling his food, but now he’s got an audience eagerly watching his every bite. The internet loves this man, both for his honest enthusiasm for food and for his interesting historical lectures.
Tang switching from calmly explaining the history of jajangmyeon to outright squealing about how damn good the dish is the moment he takes the first bite.
Him and Pigsy have moved in together at this point, sharing the streaming equipment for both cooking videos and history lessons. They absolutely share the same channel.
(I cannot think of a name for what that channel would be called. Delicious History? Culinary Chronicles? Past and Produce? Freenoodles?)
I think that Tang would read to you as he did MK, sharing stories both old and new to keep you updated on the dangers you might face.
So much bonding over food. With MK’s permission, he takes you out to different stalls and shops to broaden your horizons. It also helps to build your social skills and the sense of community you feel with the locals.
Also, those Golden Cicada powers? He busts them out whenever you’re in danger, wrapping you in a sphere of glittering light. Actually pretty good at keeping you safe, all things considered.
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The pacifistic view that Sandy has inherited is explored a bit more in this AU, with MK coming to view it as selfish, if not outright stupid.
If an enemy needs to be fought, pacifism is pointless. It’ll only get you and your friends hurt, refusing to fight when your assistance is needed the most.
If an enemy doesn’t need to be fought, every sane person becomes a pacifist temporarily to solve the issue in a non-violent way.
And in a world like Lego Monkie Kid? When fighting is frequent and necessary?
People are absolutely going to look at explicit non-combatants in a certain way.
The real value that Sandy finds in pacifism isn’t strictly for himself- he also doesn’t want to hurt anyone else or go too far in a fight, which are both reasonable. There’s nothing inherently wrong with his refraining from violence.
The main problem is that MK just doesn’t believe that Sandy would be able to protect you if you were in actual danger. Would he run away with you in his arms? Yes. Would he stuff you somewhere safe and force you to hide? Also yes. Would he take someone on, hand-to-hand for your safety?
It’s way harder to be sure. All visits are supervised just in case of a surprise attack
You, on the other hand? You adore this man. Sandy is great for the soul, giving you a chance to drop the training drills and stretches and pick up a paintbrush and put on some music. Also, kitties? Falling asleep on his couch and waking up covered in therapy cats with a cup of tea left within reach.
He’s just so good to you, and a perfect display of what healthy familial behavior actually is.
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Here’s another person MK has soured his view of- Red Son. Given that he falls square into the “instead of actually becoming a better person, I gave up on being evil” category, our hero doesn’t have much fondness for the fiery demon.
Red has settled into life on the outskirts of Megapolis, working as an engineer/mechanic. If you’ve something strange/dangerous to build or fix, he’s your man. A fair price, and he doesn’t even ask questions.
His parents, who often visit, absolutely will. DBK leering down at you as you try to explain that an enemy threw a brick through the window of your tuk-tuk and if your mentor finds out he’s going to go full demon-hunter. PIF raising one eyebrow slowly as you trudge in covered in bruises, a new set of blueprints tucked under your arm.
The evil->helpful but menacing pipeline is real.
If you doesn’t know how to drive, Red’s a good bet for a teacher… if you can handle the yelling. Hit him with an ‘Uncle Red’ and he’ll loosen up a bit.
Also, taking into account his little insulting nicknames he has, like Noodle Boy?
Give that MK treats you like his own child, and may well even outright adopt you under certain circumstances-
You are absolutely getting called ‘Noodle Baby’.
(I’m admittedly not a fan of Spicynoodles, but that dynamic would be somewhat interesting to explore here. MK giving this one villain the ‘redemption’ card, not because Red Son has earned it, but simply because… MK likes him. It would be one hell of an angle for Y/N to attack him with.)
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fawnfictions · 1 year
Can I request general hcs for Wukong and Red Son crushing on a reader who uses a female reader?
little crushes
— wukong & red son x fem!reader
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yessir, yesSIR !! apologies if red son is ooc, still not confident in writing his character <//3
;; romantic, no warnings.
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- he is in DENIAL at first.
- he's found people attractive before, sure, but he's never had a crush on someone.
- doesn't know how to act, and may distance himself in an act of rash panic—he's scared of losing you as a friend, or getting too close and dealing with the loss of a mortal loved one.
- once he starts coming to terms with the fact that he likes you, he's scared.
- scared that getting too close to you will have you in danger of people that he regrets messing with, scared of eventually losing you and dealing with that pain, scared that you don't like him back.
- thankfully, he only really gets lost in these thoughts when he's alone.
- around you, he'll be a lot more touchy than he already is.
- loves wrapping an arm around your shoulders, or picking you up on his somersault cloud.
- if you're around when the Spider Queen attacks, or the Demon Bull King goes on a rampage, he's hauling your ass to safety.
- but when its more calm, and he has nothing else to do, theres a good chance that he'll drop by your house to freeload off of your snacks—definitely not because he desperately wants to spend more time with you.
- we all know that this monkey is LAZY, so he will be laying across your couch, packet of chips in hand, watching a movie based off his self, and living his best life while you're sitting there like,,, 'man? don't you have humanity-saving to do?'
- MK will absolutely notice how clingy his mentor is to you, and will not be ashamed to bring it up during one of his training lessons.
- Wukong will deny everything he says with an obvious blush across his face.
- but the young successor will try his best to play wingman, but he's not exactly subtle about it.
- cue him slyly walking up to you, like, "so, uh... what're your thoughts on Monkey King? brave, cool, handsome guy, right?"
- he will probably be the reason you two ever get to together, he'll accidentally end up confessing FOR Wukong.
- this monkey is so obvious, no one understands how you DON'T realise his crush on you.
- the way his face turns red when you wear a dress for a fancy occasion, or when he tells a joke and that harmonious laugh you have captures his heart.
- he will do ANYTHING to keep a smile on your face.
- unintentionally uses pet names on you, "hey, peaches—" "what did you call me?" "uh, n-nothing, nothing."
- if you let him, he'll love playing with your hair and styling it.
- human hair feels so different to monkey hair, it feels more fragile and delicate, soft and silky—plus, it smells nice.
- you get bonus points if your shampoo/conditioner is fruit scented, you'll catch him sniffing your hair and holding himself back from rubbing his face in it.
- please brush his hair, too, he'll fall more in love with you since its common for monkey's to show affection by picking through each others hair.
- he gets a little protective sometimes, as once certain demons realise his feelings for you, you'll become a target of kidnapping and being used as bait for their attempts at attacking the Monkey King.
- but, since you two haven't acknowledged your feelings for each other, you aren't as protected as you would be if you were his outright girlfriend.
- so enemies like the Spider Queen or the Lady Bone Demon, possibly even Macaque at one point, would definitely take their chances in taking you in their grasps to get a one-up on Wukong.
- and its probably during one of these moments, after he saves you, that he'll properly confess how he doesn't want to lose you because he loves you :))
- this spicy boy—oh my goddd.
- immediately assumes he doesn't like you.
- thinks his crush on you is a feeling of annoyance, it will take him a while to realise its quite the opposite.
- since he thinks he 'hates' you, he'll spend a lot of time bickering back and forth with you, uselessly throwing insults around.
- its not until he doesn't see you for a while, whether its because he's busy with a project, or you've taken some sort of vacation, that he realises he misses his interactions with you, that he misses you.
- he'll be a lot nicer to you afterwards, which gives you a bit of whiplash.
- i feel like he'd be the type to buy you gifts and nice things, like he'd anonymously drop a pretty red dress off at your doorstep, or he'd give you a necklace claiming he just "happened to find it, and thought that it complimented your eyes".
- way to not be obvious, red boy.
- but he'd still playfully argue with you, he just wouldn't outright insult you as much.
- if you're friends with MK and go on his adventures with him, whenever Red Son goes to insult that group as a whole, he'll be like, "you guys are all insolent peasants... except you".
- i reckon he'd be reluctant to tell his parents about his feelings, and probably has a hard time on himself, thinking that he should've fallen in love with another demon, powerful enough to assist his family.
- but he forgets about those worries when he's around you <3
- when neither of you are busy, he just 'so happens to be in the same place as you, at the same time', an excuse he uses too many times for it to be a coincidence.
- you're out in the markets, just wandering around? he was in the middle of shopping there, himself!
- taking a stroll in the park? oh, he had just taken a step outside to clear his mind!
- at Pigsy's Noodles? he was on his way to conduct an 'evil plan' on Monkey King's successor!
- during the Spider Queen's attack, when the Demon Bull King was possessed by the Lady Bone Demon, he might come to you for comfort at first.
- definitely focuses on keeping you safe, though—no way in hell is he letting you be turned into a spider.
- you're definitely one of the very few people who help him with his temper.
- he doesn't lose it as quickly around you, instead, finding you rather calming, and often seeks you out when MK has gotten him particularly annoyed, or if his parents have upset him.
- will shy away from your physical touch, but deep down he does kind of crave it.
- is the type to blush if you brush hands walking past each other, or if your fingers touch when passing him an object.
- and my god—if anyone dared to flirt with you or look at you a little too non-platonically... he'd go off at them, yelling at them to respect a lady such as yourself, calling them a peasant for their advances on you, etc.
- and you're standing there like,, 'all he did was compliment my dress and wink at me'.
- if anything, you'll probably have to be the one to confess to him that you love him, but i can see him confessing his love after some pushing from other people ahem, MK, ahem...
- he'd act like it was a proposal, getting down on one knee or something <//3
- i said it before and i'll say it again, his love languages are gift giving and acts of service!!!
- expect plenty of gifts (probably more expensive ones, too), and inventions that will either, 1.) look really cool, or 2.) protect you in some way.
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SWK being so flawed is like one of LMK's strongest bits. I feel like a different show would just have him be infallible or have him be like a twist villain or irredeemable or something. But he's neither of those, he's just incredibly flawed. It's also interesting that even though Mei and Pigsy are critical of him, they're still shown to care about him.
All in all, hes a more complicated character than people give him credit for :/
I 100% agree!
Honestly, if Sun Wukong wasn't flawed I'd find him a bit boring. You remove his flaws and you remove the meat of his character. Even all the way back in season 1 you get the feeling he's withholding information and concealing his past ("Show me the real Sun Wukong! The old you would have leveled this whole mountain range to stop me!"), and that only becomes more and more prevalent as the show goes on.
Wukong is first introduced as a hero, as the King who defended the world from DBK. Next he's introduced as a mentor, planning to make MK his successor (which I think is pretty debatable at this point, as I've said I personally think he just needed an excuse to train MK).
Slowly we learn SWK is pretty terrible at both of those things. He's not the hero or mentor anyone thought he would be—he's not even the mentor he thought he would be:
Macaque: “Haha, you saw a story about a hero who got handed everything, who didn’t have to work for anything, and you thought you were the other guy? The second the hero got real power, he couldn’t care less about his friends.” [ - ] "You know, I meant what I said—you really are a good kid. A good kid, with a really terrible teacher." (2x07 Shadow Play)
Pigsy: "Back from what? Your vacation? No- what could have been SO important you'd leave MK alone to face that- that thing! You're supposed to be his mentor!" (2x10 This is the End!)
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Sun Wukong: "I know I can never make it up to you. Honestly I- I never thought I'd live as long as I have let alone be someone's mentor—turns out I'm not very good at it. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry MK, for all of it." (3x14 Destiny Fulfilled)
(he's staring sadly at a bowl of soup, never a good sign.)
s1 of Monkie Kid, as well as the Revenge of the Spider Queen special, establish a baseline. We meet Wukong as we're meant to know him—the legendary yet cheeky hero. Now that he's retired, Monkey King is training the next generation to protect the world and be the heroes in his place.
Well, just like our perception of Wukong, our perception of the role of the hero slowly degrades as well:
Lady Bone Demon: “Heroes? Please, you’re mere agents of chaos, the very thing I aspire to eradicate in this new world. No more destruction, no more disorder, I WILL HAVE PERFECTION.” (3x12 The Corrupted King)
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Curse MK: "We’re just like Wukong. A fraud! A trickster! Destructive! Why would our legacy be any different? Actually, no no- the chaos and destruction we’ll bring upon the world will make Wukong’s past look like nothing." (4x07 Pitiful Creatures)
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MK: "That can't be true! Monkey King's a hero he wouldn't just—" Azure Lion: "You saw it with your own eyes! His betrayal, his brutality—he took the only friends I had from me." (4x08 The Brotherhood)
Heroes aren't people fighting for the side of good, or even for what they think is right—they're agents of chaos. Destructive. "All doomed to play a role in tearing this world apart." Heroes are introduced as one thing, and then slowly revealed to be another.
Heroes, just like Wukong and anyone else, are flawed. They still make wrong choices. They still hurt people. Of course Wukong isn't a twist villain or irredeemable, because ultimately he IS a hero with plenty of the positive traits that come with that. But heroes are also flawed, and this is something I think is at the core of Lego Monkie Kid.
You can love someone, and that someone can do plenty of good, but that doesn't mean they're not broken, or that they aren't capable of causing suffering. This isn't something that only applies to Wukong either—pick any character and I'm sure you could apply this to them.
Now, all this to say that Wukong's two fatal flaws are his lack of communication and his self-sacrificial tendencies. Like Azure Lion says—he has a habit of keeping people at arms length, and more often than not doing that to protect them. These tendencies lead to his downfall.
So! Let's make some lists of where we see these flaws in the show.
Wukong's lack of Communication:
"Look, I'm going to come clean—um, I've been kind of watching you."
Leaving MK and lying to him during s2 (this includes lying about both going on vacation AND that LBD had returned)
Keeping his plan to stop LBD a secret during s3
"Where I got my staff!" "Got or took, right? You took it?"
Not telling the gang about the 4th ring
Other lies I'm sure have yet to be revealed (such as the truth about MK's origins, if that's the direction the plot's going)
Him and Macaque's past
Wukong's Self-sacrificial tendencies:
Leaving during s2 to find a way to stop LBD on his own
"What!? You're not going I'm going!" "Yeah so, here's the problem, you guys have this thing called mortality, so-"
Gravely injuring himself to get the samadhi fire Map
Blocking the brunt of the samadhi fire to protect MK in 3x10
Originally planning to put the Samadhi Fire in himself
Going off to fight the Lady Bone Demon alone
Protecting MK from the curse in 4x01
(and this post here that travels into theory territory)
Now, most, if not all, of these decisions lead to something bad happening. It's very in line with MK's words in 4x08:
MK: It doesn’t matter if I want to help people or not! Everything I do just- it just makes things worse!”
Wukong, even if he has a very questionable way of going about it, is truly motivated by protecting the people he cares about. However, these choices also hurt those same people. Not to reference samadhi fire Mei another time, but this is EXACTLY what she points out:
Mei: "We trusted you! All of us! How could you lead us into the fight without a real plan? Time and time again I've watched you put MK in danger leaving him to figure out EVERYTHING on his own. Don't you realize you're hurting the people who care about you the most?" (3x10 The Samadhi Fire)
But that's the point, isn't it? Even with all these flaws and after all these mistakes, Wukong still tries (he's very much like Mei in that regard):
Sun Wukong: “Point is, mistakes happen, but so long as you leave the world in better shape than you found it, then it’s all good. Right?” (4x01 Familiar Tales)
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Sun Wukong: “We can’t change who we were yesterday or in a past life, or a hundred life times ago! We live with the choices we’ve made, for what matter is the choices we make RIGHT NOW! Only we decide who we are and what we do with the power we have.” (4x07 Pitiful Creatures)
This is who Wukong is. He's not a hero or a mentor, but he's someone who cares (and maybe that's what a hero is). That's the tragedy of his character, really. That's the tragedy of both him and MK. They're people doing the best with what they have, but still failing anyways.
"Nice hero speech bud, but I know better—deep in your hearts, you don't believe a word of that."
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But people still love you anyways.
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mksbigg3stfan · 2 months
Guys, before you comment or anything PLEASE read the whole thing I'm begging !! (¯ . ¯٥)
I've noticed some people saying that MK's found family father figures are shadowpeach, or they include shadowpeach in the group with Tang and Pigsy, but I honestly just don't see it. Like, out of all of them, I see Pigsy as the best father figure there.
He's always stressed about MK's well being, has given him a job, an apartment, keeps him safe, and tries to protect him from the consequences of Wukong's actions even though he's a mortal, not as strong as even MK himself, and could die. Even though he's not good at it and apprehensive, he still helps MK with training and allows him to train with Wukong and Macaque because it is a decision MK made as an independent individual that he respects, but he still worries over him.
Also, during MK's whole childhood, Tang helped Pigsy raise MK. He's been alongside MK that whole time as well and helped him gain his interest in Sun Wukong. He probably even told MK excerpts from JTTW as bedtime stories. Mei is very present in MK's life, too, and a very good support for him to lean on. They're almost like siblings at this point.
While Wukong and Macaque do care for MK in their own ways and are trying to improve as people, I don't think it's possible for either of them to be father figures. They are too scarred and likely to unintentionally hurt others still. In fact, they already have over the course of the show. They're always stressing MK out and getting him put in danger. They do help him, but they aren't exactly the best protectors or reliable people.
Wukong and Macaque are people present in MK's life, yeah, and they are important to him, but they are not father figures. The two of them can barely even sort things out between themselves and overcome their own issues. I don't think they would be able to properly take care of and guide MK, no matter what. MK is grown, at the very least in his late teens, and Wukong and Macaque struggle to bond with MK and take care of him.
Not to mention Wukong's tendency to try and sacrifice himself, or Macaque and Wukong lashing out and trying to hurt people before they're hurt first, or to keep someone they care about away so that they're "safe." Wukong also withholds things from MK and lies to him for the same reason.
It doesn't matter that they are in the act of improving and/or overcoming their flaws. Those flaws are still there, and they are still not mentally well off or healed. In those conditions, you can not possibly be a proper healthy mentor or father figure, no matter how much love and care and good intentions you have to spare.
This is not hate on Wukong, Macaque, or anyone who likes this dynamic, by the way, just to be clear !! I think it's cute and they should enjoy it if they like it !! ദ്ദി(。•̀ ᗜ^) I love all the LMK fanart and aus based off this kinda thing, and also don't let my opinion ruin your enjoyment of something !! ^_^
Anyways, I like hearing other people's thoughts and perspectives, so if you agree or disagree, please feel free to add on !! Just please stay respectful and don't be rude !! (╥﹏╥)
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absurd-ash · 10 months
OKokok I love your writing and I've had this idea boiling in my brain for like a week and I need to share it
Any character you want, with an s/o who's the host to some super powerful entity, and has to sacrifice themselves (or at least their ownership of the body) to it in order to win a fight and protect them(character of choice)? I've been imagining a scene where s/o is holding their injured lover as hell seems to rain down around them, and tearfully, they realize what they have to do if they want to make sure at least one of them gets out alive. S/o kisses them one last time, hands them off to someone, and steps back to wave a final goodbye while they relinquish control and launch into the fray. Maybe afterward, the entity now in place of s/o tries to offer some words of comfort? I love angst and I thought you might like this idea!
Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!
Only A Vessel
{Sun Wukong x GNReader}
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When you told him that you were a vessel for a higher being, the fears started to creep in his mind
He didn't say it out loud, no, but sometimes he couldn't even sleep at night, fearing that the higher being would take control of you for good
Whenever he couldnt sleep because of this, you would be waken up by a certain monkey tapping your bedroom window, silently asking permission inside
"Wukong! What are you doing here!?"
"Just wanted to see your face peaches..." he would say, already falling on your bed face first, tugging you down with him
Instead of the usual sleepy banter you two had whenever he stayed the night, he was completely silent. Just hanging you from behind, not wanting to let go
That why when the whole gang was fighting a demon and you had this look on your face, his blood went cold
Even though he was immortal, fighting for long periods of time can tire him out, thats why he needed to lean on you to not fall
So when he saw that look on your face, he tried standing up taller and grabbed your shoulder
"Peaches, whatever your thinking about doing, don't do it."
It didn't sound like a command like he had meant it to, it sound more like he was begging
Instead of answering him, you only gave him a soft smile and gently pushed him onto Mk, making Mk having to help his mentor stand
"Peaches, don't. Don't, please....Y/n please!"
He absolutely hated how Mk was able to hold him back from grabbing you as let the higher being take control.
After the higher being defeated the demon Wukong and the others weren't able to defeat, Mk let Wukong sink to the ground
He was just staring at you...no, not you...your body
That wasn't you anymore.
That wasn't his peaches...his Y/n...
The higher being in your body walked over to him, tried to comfort him, but all he could do was stare at them, utterly defeated.
Sorry if this is bad, I really liked the idea but I really do suck at angst, but I tried my best.
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Anyway saw someone say that macaque always will defend wukong because if he didn't he could have just told mk everything that happened and just ruin wukong relationship with the kid and his mental health but he didn't
And while I totally agree, I always want to say that macaque did try and ruin wukong.
because his first introduction was literally macaque trying to ruin wukong reputation and relationship with mk by telling people that the monkey was an ass, just in a version of little stories and yk, the whole hurting mk. Because, if he went to mk, at random, and said ALL the shit that wukong did, without proof (aka: the scroll memory.) Would mk believe macaque?
After macaque manipulating, hurting, and going against mk, would mk believe anything that the guy said?
mk would have sided with wukong in general because who trusts a random monkey antagonizing his mentor?
but with the right proof, mk would believe macaque. With the scroll, macaque didn't even say anything and mk thought (more in denial than anything) that wukong was bad, because all he saw was people telling him that wukong was bad and they were right (in some cases.)
But they have reached the point where macaque himself understood that he was wrong, that wukong during the whole four seasons of lmk was never bad, he had changed for the better LOOONG ago thanks to Tripitaka
So, he corrected mk and said that no, wukong IS NOT (present sentence) a bad guy, and all the thanks go to Tripitaka.
But before? he wasn't bad either, he was reckless and let's face it, if it wasn't for the sworn brothers he would have never gotten the idea of going against heaven
He wasn't evil that's for sure, he was just doing reckless actions and didn't thought of the consequences before, and the consequences were all the shit he got
During the journey? Wasn't evil either, but that's because we see his point of view, but from an outsider? That guy is fucking terrifying. you just need to find him on a bad day and you're DONE for. In every sense of the word. Duh, of course I'm gonna think that guy is bad, if you tick him off you're DEAD, dude. And I'm not exaggerating.
+ macaque probably didn't even know about WHY wukong was in the journey, so obviously be would think of the worst
I just know for a fact that macaque had to read jttw to actually understand wukong and why he was on a journey because there's no way the guy just said "yeah trip helped him" because both him and the sworn brothers thought wukong sided with trip and the gang and betrayed them, not that he was FORCED into it (I mean he did agree with guanyin to go with trip but it was just a desperate yes to get out of the mountain)
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sketching-shark · 11 months
Hello! I know you aren't a big fan of LMK, but there's a sideblog run by @digitalagepulao named @digitaldoeslmk that is doing a rewrite of the show by following book canon, and their ideas and art is FIRE so please have a look if you have the time. Also, I remember seeing a few lines that Sun Wukong has medical training during his years of learning. Would he count as having a degree in medicine in modern terms? How is he during childbirth? Do you think he'd be able to do a human childbirth successfully? Have a great month, enjoy your food, and don't forget to sleep early regularly!
As a matter of fact @angstandhappiness I am recently familiar with @digitaldoeslmk and let me just say WEH @digitalagepulao has done an amazing job at creating one of the most fun and interesting Monkie Kid aus out there!
I'm honestly really appreciative of the though and care they've put into a version of the lego show where JTTW happened according to Wu Cheng'en's version, and particularly the way this means that A) Sun Wukong is a genuinely good mentor & that therefore there's many a lovely shifu-tudi moment between him and MK (plus SWK is his book canon size here so that's an automatic improvement over LMK canon lmao), B) Red Son gets more time in the spotlight both as a character and as a source of insights into the histories of the JTTW canon characters, and C) the stakes aren't of the constant end-of-the-universe levels & therefore MK gets a Fucking Break from the Horrors & also gets to make a lot more friends in stuff like a theater group.
tbh I was pretty delighted by this plot idea @digitalagepulao put out where MK is getting ready for a theatrical production of Havoc in Heaven where he's playing Sun Wukong but then both the actor and the understudy who played Erlang Shen got ill, & that this was resolved by MK getting SWK to play his one-time nemesis. That's a really fun idea for a number of reasons, not the least being it seems like a great scenario for the Monkey King to have actually understandable stage fright & some genuine conversations about his past & what he learned from his experiences BUT ALSO for it being a great way for Monkie Kid to give a respectful nod to past retellings of Xiyouji even while letting MK & co. shine.
In conclusion people should definitely check out @digitaldoeslmk.
As for the second part of this ask, you probably couldn't say that the Monkey King has anything like a contemporary medical degree going strictly by Xiyouji canon, but he does prove himself to be a clever primate when it comes to medicine! Honestly it could make for a kind of funny JTTW future story where SWK goes through medical school to get an MD so that he can be an officially licensed doctor in the 21st century lol. And while we never see SWK helping someone with pregnancy or childbirth in the og classic (discounting the mpreg arc lmao), his status as both an extremely old communal grandpa who's seen a lot and a protector of children seem to both suggest that he'd be pretty good at assisting in childbirth for humans, monkeys, and yaoguai alike.
Enjoy your food and sleep too!
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kitofawriter · 2 months
Spoilers for LMK Season 5 Episodes 1 and 2 (again) below the cut!!
Better audio! Let’s go!
The intro, my beloved!
Tired MK, nap now or you may never get the chance.
“Way batter monkey mountain” I missed that before.
SpongeBob style zoom in is hilarious
“I already said the thing!”
SWK wants MK to be as immortal as he is, of only so they can play fight without him holding back at all. I can feel it.
They destroy mountains in the show more than anything else.
MK, The Small Sage of ignoring his problems until they go away except they never go away.
“A surprise?” The fact that this many thousands of years old monkey is so excited for surprises is adorable.
Mac doing his lurking.
“You really are the worst mentor” Mac, I love you, but you are not any better. Remember the anime style video game?
“We” will get me every time.
I kinda wonder is LBD was actually the one to like, fully bring Mac back or if someone else did and he doesn’t remember.
“You need to do better” you’re not being super fair there, like SWK is trying. Maybe step up and also be a monkey mentor if you’re so concerned.
Pigsy doing his fast little hammer trying to get it finished faster.
MK, if you weren’t ready why did you call him over?
The house!! Genuinely hope nothing happens to it this season. (Tell me it’s not gonna become this shows version of the Bounty)
I was so distracted my the pictures I didn’t notice the drawings!!! OMG!!! MK you’re the best!!
Love Mei in those overalls BTW, super cute.
It’s funny that MK can activate Tangs power for him.
It’s interesting to see that the only major difference with the animation is the characters. Like the cinematography is still really similar. It’s just rigged animation now.
If anyone has any insomniac!MK getting comforted by Pigsy (or any of his dads) fic recs, please share them because this is the good stuff.
Also MK is the anti Steven Universe. Steven collects moms and MK collects dads. (But obvs Pigsy is like number 1 Dad. Pigsy gets the worlds greatest dad mug and Tang, Sandy, and SWK all get mugs that say “backup dad” and then a number in order of when he met them. Because I think it’s funny.)
I love how Pigsy knows forcing him to bed is 100% the wrong thing to do here. Like this is something he’s dealt with multiple times.
MK cooks like I do. It’s okay MK, I don’t know how to freestyle either, that’s why I’m the baker of the family.
The animation shift of the food that’s missing something and the finished thing is so nice. I lost how it shifts from looking bland to looking SOO GOOD.
I want those noodles.
Baby MK!!
I would die for Pigsy. Like, he’s such a good character.
I wonder if the burning of FFM is canon and if Mac helped save all the baby monkeys. That would make sense as to why they cling to him.
Every season MK gets further and further for a good nights sleep, for only pennies a day, you could sponsor a monkie kid and help him receive a nap. In return, he will be well rested to prevent monsters from destroying the city.
Team Let MK Rest!
Little monkeys are scared. It’s okay little monkeys, they won’t destroy your mountain this time, probably, maybe.
Episode 2 time!
Took a break because internet was being mean to me. (Wouldn’t load)
Have I mentioned how much I love the new intro?
SWK is unimpressed with the lords of the underworld’s intimidation tactics
I love how MK still uses/wears Monkey King merch even though they’re friends now. Do you think SWK has a closet full of unreleased merch he has saved to give MK as gifts? Because MK would love that.
Mac is also unimpressed. Very “been here done this before”.
Ace attorney MK!!!
“We have brought a power even greater than yours” *brings out Nezha and Li Jing* did you guys read JTTW? Because like…beating these guys was how SWK got recognized as the Great Sage Equal to Heaven.
Cheeky monkey
The panic in Mac’s eyes when he realizes what’s happening is fascinating.
I kinda wonder where they got the fillet, cause in the book they were given to Guan-Yin by Buddha. I doubt Buddha was like “you need to subdue the Monkey King again? Yeah sure, have this super powerful thing”
Also SWK still trying to comfort MK even when dealing with this thing.
Your honor, they are divorced.
Tang is the only one who can teach MK anything.
Painted style sections my beloved.
“It’s his lawyer bit.” They’re both so used to MK’s antics
SWK’s obnoxious younger brother vibes whenever Nezha is present are my favorite.
Heaven getting flashbacks to SWK’s last rampage
I think there should be a running gag that MK’s style and Sandy’s style are total opposites so every time MK rebuilds something of Sandy’s there’s a little chibi Sandy mourning the new look. It’s be funny.
You know Mac, if you just portaled Wukong into the truck sooner you probably wouldn’t have gotten caught.
Also sad SWK face will always get me.
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'Royal loss'' AU chapter 4.
The king, while following the kid, realized that times must have changed. Everything has changed. He saw technology he had never seen before. People were dressed differently. How long have I been locked up? And who are you? The kid's friends, I guess, but why do they look like pilgrims, the monkey king mused. He used a golden vision and stated that these must be the reincarnations of the pilgrims. He debated between helping the kid or staying put and watching. Things didn't look too good, but the kid manages to make it. But wait, why does the kid have this devil's crown on his head? - the king was surprised. Okay, I'm getting in on the action, or I'm not. MK is doing really well. He won. He saved the world. And he cared so much about it hah .. - thought the king - good job. Well, I can go home and have peace of mind. The king in the form of a bird flew away. He immediately went to the warrior's grave and talked about what had happened and thought about how it was possible for a mortal to have his powers it was suspicious to him. She needs to get to know this kid better.
Whereas in the restaurant at Pigsy's. The heroes celebrated the victory.
“So what is Monkey King like?” asked Tang.
"He's uh how to say different from the legends," replied MK.
“What does that mean?” Mei asked.
''he looked like he had been alone for a long time.''
"So he's kind of a loner?" added Pigsy.
"I don't think it was his choice."
"She'll bring him here sometime." Said Tang.
“And since you have his powers and you are a Monkie kid, shouldn't he be your mentor?” Mei asked.
''We haven't discussed this issue yet. It will be rather hard to convince him to teach me after our meeting, but I will go to him tomorrow,” said MK.
A new day has come. MK has returned to the mountain of receipts and fruit. He hadn't noticed before how the mountain was destroyed and the cave was full of dirt.
“Monkey King?” he called, but the king was nowhere to be seen. He thought maybe he was in that cabin. He walked over and knocked, but still nothing. The door was open. He walked in hoping that maybe a king would be there, but found only piles of notes scattered everywhere. It seemed strange to MK. He turned to see the furious king standing in the aisle.
“What are you doing here?” asked the king.
''I didn't want... you were gone and...''
"Get out of here right now"
MK left quickly. ''What were those notes?''
''It's none of your business.. what are you doing here?''
"I.. I thought since I have your powers, maybe you could teach me how to use them."
The king laughed. MK did not understand the behavior of the king.
“Wait, are you serious?” Wukong asked. MK nodded. The king sighed.
"Kid how do I tell you... I'm out of shape."
''No'' and walked away.
"Wait, let's talk about it." MK ran after the king. They were back in the same place as last time. The king was kneeling before what looked like a tomb.
"Maybe you'll think again.. I need a mentor," said the kid.
"How could I be a mentor to someone. I barely fit to be a hero..." he said sadly.
''What are you talking about. You are the greatest hero I know"
"Maybe I used to be who you think I am, but everything has changed."
"Kid, you're not going to let go?"
''NO'' MK said. The king looked at the kid, whose eyes were full of hope
"Um.. okay, but I don't know what will come of it, so don't expect too much". 
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
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A Brand New Journey:
Part Four
(Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) (Part Four) (Part Five) (Part Six)
Your mentor’s dojo is pretty far out, but you’ve gotten used to the trek. This part of Megapolis is… gloomy, to say the least. It seems like a dark cloud falls over every building here, leaving the atmosphere sluggish and tense.
Your mentor’s dwellings especially fall into the pitch hands of darkness, tucked uncozily between crowded buildings.
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With no greenery and little color, this part of the city has always left you with a slight sense of unease. Once, you had attempted to amend this in some small way, potting up freesia and yellow roses to try and add a splash of brightness around the house.
Only a few days after the flowers had bloomed, someone had come by in the night and sliced them to pieces, leaving the shredded stems and petals scattered across the concrete.
Taking pity on your efforts, your mentor had dragged those pots inside and planted something more to his liking- tansies and black dahlias.
“At least they left the pots alone,” you had said, sighing at the pointless destruction of something utterly harmless. You’d been misting the new flowers, ensuring they’d grow healthy and vibrant even when deprived of direct sunlight and fresh air.
“How do you stand living in this part of town when people pull things like this?”
“Heh. No one’s ever bothered me before, kiddo. Could just be that you look like an easy target for some of the freaks in this part of town.”
“Actually… you know what? I think we’ve gotta get something that leave you looking a little fiercer. Cause, uh… no offense, kiddo… but you look like a baby.”
“I do not,” you had quickly insisted, putting the spray bottle down to fold your arms and frown at him.
“You keep telling yourself that, kiddo. And hey, maybe one day it’ll be true, but, as it stands… you’re adorable and no one is scared of you.”
His hand comes to rest over your hair, ruffling the strands out of place.
“Look, we’ll have to fix you up something that’s more intimidating than endearing. Next time you come over, alright?”
“…next time sounds good.”
Even though the weather is still decently warm, coming all this way out leaves you fighting chills as you traverse the shadowed streets. Something about this place feels wrong.
Maybe that was; in part, what had driven you to wearing concealer. Not only to prevent the concern of kind souls like MK and Mister Pigsy, but to prevent yourself from looking weak in front of dangerous enemies or opportunistic freaks that lurked in dirty alleyways.
Picking up the pace just enough that you don’t seem to be running (another sign of weakness), you hurry to the house- you’ve always referred to it as a ‘dojo’, but the man training you has always liked calling it a ‘lair’. Given the location, it doesn’t seem like too much of a misnomer.
He’s always had a knack for the dramatic, acting at times almost like a theater major.
Another chill, like you’re being watched or followed.
Now, you start to run. Maybe it’s childish, maybe it’s outright stupid. But you’re actually scared.
Moving just fast enough that you won’t jostle the mooncake boxes, you throw one hand upon his door, hoping that he’s home.
From a nearby alleyway, two faces of pitch black, golden eyes with leering expressions. Arms and hands and ears painted red.
Oh, god.
With a shared laugh, they move forward. Their eyes do not leave yours.
Oh, god.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
You smash your fist against the sturdy barrier, uncaring if your frantic banging draws more attention. You need to be inside and away from this awful, awful neighborhood and whatever the hell is approaching.
“C’mon, c’mon! Open the door! Please!”
At the sound of even a slight pleading in your tone, the wood in front of you flies open, a powerful black-furred arm reaching to snag you.
Macaque drags you inside without hesitation, slamming and bolting the door shut.
“Kiddo, what the hell?”
You throw yourself into his arms, breaking into tears. The Mystic Monkey takes a moment to regard you, just barely able to bite back a knowing smile.
“See something scary, huh?”
He breaks up your sobs and hiccups with a few firm back thumps, using his free hand to take the pastry bags from your arms and set them aside. The simian loops both of his arms around you, hugging you tight to his chest.
“Easy, easy. C’mon, kiddo, deep breaths.”
But you can’t seem to stop the frightened crying, no matter what you do or what he says. Instead, you cling to Macaque and quake, staining his ru with tears of fear.
“I can’t, I can’t! I’m s-sorry, but I can’t! Macaque, I can’t! My- I- I can’t! In the… in the alleyway, there’s, there was- augh!”
All your frantic cries are cut with a particularly sturdy thump to your back, leaving you to sharply gasp for the breath that’s been knocked out.
At least you’ve stopped crying.
“Better, kiddo?” As he asks, your mentor sits you on the couch and wraps his tattered red scarf around your shoulders. In a better mindset, you might’ve seen it and thought of the scrap he gave you a few months back. You might’ve thought of your book.
But right now, there’s more important things to think about. Like what you want to do next.
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thestarfilledsea · 2 years
Golden hour
Word count: 6,427
This fic is apart of the sleeping sun au! Please read this beforehand for a better understanding of what’s going on :D
When MK begins to suspect something is up with his mentor, it might just be too late for MK to help him.
Wukong had been exhausted since MK had met him, energy drinks were a common sight on FFM, typically the remnants were used to create wind chimes that were littered about the forest.
It’s up to MK and his friends to find out just what’s happening to the Monkey King and try to help before the world looses it no.1 protector.
It was almost sundown.
The monkeys of flower fruit mountain watched from trees, grass and bushes in amazement at how much energy the heir seemed to have, watching him run up to the lush forest where his mentor was waiting.
The sunlight dappled the ground in front of him as MK went onwards, enjoying the feeling of it on his skin as he went.
In the clearing that Wukong had directed him to go to the night prior was a few discarded peach pits, and a sage who seemed to be staring into space even after MK had moved to just a few paces away from him.
That’s odd.
“Monkey King?”
The familiar title seemed to stir MK’s mentor from whatever sort of reverie he was in.
“Oh! Hey bud. Sorry I didn't see you there, aren’t you a bit early for training?”
Now MK was getting a bit more concerned. “Actually, I'm half an hour late. Are you..?”
Wukong, for as long as MK had known him, had always been very..quiet? Tired? At times MK could see him nodding off during training only to jolt himself awake moments later.
But right now the king looked exhausted. MK had never seen someone with such dark eye bags.
“Pfft, yeah! I’m totally fine. Let’s start your training, okay?”
Monkey King said, pushing himself up to his feet with what MK could see was a badly veiled struggle.
By the time MK could meet his teacher’s eyes once more, the bags beneath them had vanished.
Today during training, Monkey King had MK practice balance and agility, vital skills for evading enemies. This was done by Wukong showing MK an obstacle course that had been created an upkept for centuries by a very bored Monkey King.
Fear and excitement swirled together in a haze of adrenaline as MK relished the feeling of freedom jumping from one platform to another.
Finishing the course in one last leap of faith, MK whirled around to face his master, words of excitement bubbling to his lips, only to see Wukong asleep on his cloud.
Normally, MK would just be relieved he was sleeping and would’ve retreated to leave him be, but something was off today.
MK could clearly see the king’s form starting to dimly flicker into a glow.
He opened his mouth once more, unsure what words would fall from his lips when Monkey King jolted upright with a grunt of effort. The bags under now reddish eyes were back. Being quite honest? He looked like a wreck. Like he hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in years.
He didn’t seem to notice or recall MK’s presence, rather Wukong opted to rub his temples with his hand and let out one of the most weary sounding sigh’s MK had ever heard.
“Monkey King?” MK asked, for the second time that day. Worry now clumping in his gut.
In his attempt to scramble upwards and appear normal, Wukong miscalculated where his foot would land and fully fell off his cloud, falling a few feet before landing onto the waiting earth.
Only a small groan exited his throat before he pulled himself upright with speed MK had not seen the king use in weeks-–maybe more.
“Heyy Kid! I uh–”
“Didn’t see me there?”
“Yep, exactly. Sorry for falling asleep on you, bud, it won’t happen again.” Wukong’s attention seems to have been caught by something else halfway through the sentence, because he stared off in the direction of a bush and trailed off into a mumble.
“What’s going on? I mean, I saw you glowing. What's happening to you?”
Wukong snapped himself back into reality with the slap of his tail harshly hitting the ground.
“I’ll be fine, I just need to sleep something off soon, no big deal. Did you finish your training?”
“Yes, but if you need me to stay–”
“Go home bud, I'll be okay.”
There was a kind firmness to his voice, like he was telling MK it wasn’t up for debate.
There were so many things MK wishes he could say, but none of them he doubted would make the sage change his mind. So, after bidding Wukong goodbye, he left.
When he came back the next day, MK rushed up the trail yet again. This time, not because he was late, in fact he had gotten off his shift early in an attempt to go see if his mentor was okay.
He had tried all day to convince himself that he was overreacting but MK couldn’t shake the bad feeling that something terrible was going to befall his teacher.
The glow reminded him of when demons hibernated. MK had been taught what hibernation was from a young age, educated where humans usually only had vague guesses as to what actually went on around and during a demon’s hibernation.
He had seen Pigsy do it a few times! The glow that emanates from one's form while they regenerate energy is unmistakable.
What had MK worrying all day though, was how the king had violently fought against it, all while seemingly forgetting MK was present.
It was probably nothing.
Pushing past the waterfall that separated the cavern from the rest of the world, MK flat out sprinted to the cottage Wukong called home. Giving up on keeping himself composed, MK quickly knocked on the door, spitting out the words “Monkey King? If you’re in there I'm coming in.”
No response.
MK slammed open the door, not waiting to step inside before he started scanning the bigger-on-the-inside-cottage.
No trace of the Monkey King could be seen. He wasn’t here.
MK’s breaths came in short puffs of air. He knew he should’ve pushed more, something was wrong he could feel it.
A warm hand suddenly settled on MK’s shoulder from behind him, to which MK stayed completely calm. Mhm, yep. He totally without a doubt didn’t let out a undignified shriek of terror and jump out of his skin. That would be embarrassing.
A worried sound erupted from Wukong’s chest at MK’s “‘silence.’” The sage lifted his hand from where it lay on MK’s shoulder and effortlessly picked MK up.
MK, who at this point is going through a system reboot’s worth of confusion, doesn’t fight the king who was currently climbing a big tree with MK tucked half on his chest and under his arm.
The tightness of Wukong’s grasp hinted that maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t exactly the most awake at the moment.
“Hey uh, I appreciate the concern but I feel like maybe we should gently descend to ground level. Just a thought.”
No response.
“Cool cool cool, I didn’t like not dying anyways. Totally chill—when can we get down? Cause I mean this is really high up and I’m not the best per say at climbing…if this is a training thing I’d really appreciate a smaller start? You know, not faced with imminent demise if I make the wrong move.”
MK rambled, trying not to focus on how far up he was. He wasn’t scared of heights exactly, but he, like any sane human, was wary of them. Especially when he hadn’t the faintest clue why Monkey King was lugging him up here.
Lugging wasn’t the most accurate term, Wukong was skillfully weaving through leafy branches up to a particular branch that was thicker than the rest.
It’s almost like his body had gone into a sort of survival mode, regressing to base instincts to process the world around him—oh shit, that’s exactly what’s happening.
MK had heard tales of animalistic demons in survival situations getting in such bad shape that only base instincts kept driving them to stay alive.
“Are you dying or something? Blink twice if you’re in there!”
MK pressed his hands to Wukong’s cheeks awaiting the blinks but only got shoved off and onto a branch.
“I’m fiiine.” a slurred voice answered.
“Then why on earth did you drag me uP A TREE?”
“...You were hurt?”
“No? I mean, I don’t think I’m hurt. Oh wait, is this some mystic monkey business where I’ve been cursed and only the gold vision can see it because that would be cool—hey, are you okay?”
Monkey King had slumped back against the trunk, his eyes half lidded and actively drooping.
“I think you need to sleep. I can go and give you space to hibernate if you—“ MK had begun the motion of climbing downwards, intent on giving the monkey king room to sleep. But the moment MK had begun doing so Wukong’s arm darted out from where it formerly lay limply at his side to grasp MK’s wrist.
A small shake of the head was all Wukong gave, his grip growing more lax with each moment passed.
The shout wasn’t enough of a warning for the giant, as he still jumped when the door to his house boat was violently kicked from its hinges.
However the sight of MK with a very not-well looking Wukong slumped over his shoulder was enough for any form of emotions about the now destroyed door to dissipate in seconds.
Wukong practically passed out the moment he was in range of the sofa, already asleep before he even touched it.
Muffled voices go in and out of Wukong’s perception, the darkness all encompassingly holding him close.
Drifting further and further away from the bright surface, Wukong let himself relax in the peaceful dark.
And then the dreaded feeling returned, the feeling of his body beginning to succumb to hibernation, beyond that of normal sleep.
The rush of adrenaline that accompanied the knowledge that if he let himself fall into hibernation he wouldn’t wake up for another five hundred years, leaving the world defenseless, was enough for the sage to rip himself out from his slumber and onto a floor he didn’t recognize.
The world around him felt like it was morphing and bending depending on what angle he peered around at.
Trying to clear his mind, Wukong used the couch that he had ever so gracefully fallen off of like a pile of wet cement to heave himself upwards.
With words Wukong couldn’t make out, big hands reached towards him, helping him situate himself once again on the couch.
Wukong noticed that they were gently but firmly pushing him down again, willing him to lay back and sleep once more.
Another spike of fear struck his core. Shoving the hands away harshly, he once more struck his tail against the ground as hard as he could muster in that moment. Even the small but sharp pain of hitting his tail against an end table corner helped him focus.
Blinking rapidly in an attempt to clear his blurred and hallucination ridden vision. He was in a… a living room? On a soft couch with thick blankets over. There was a slow rocking and the sound of the ocean all around him, replacing the bustling noise of the city.
Where on earth was he?
Before the thought could ruminate, MK’s voice drifted through the fog of exhaustion. He was talking to someone in a quiet voice. Wukong had never known MK to be quiet.
Why was MK quiet?
Wukong dragged himself upright and off of the couch. better to be upright than sitting, it’s less easy to fall asleep that way.
Hardly processing that MK was walking towards him, Wukong just barely avoided startling when his successor asked him if he felt any better than he did before.
The answer, of course, was no. The hallucinations were relentless, warping the view of objects into something completely different. Wukong could swear the leaves on the tree outside a nearby window were breathing and that the vase on the mantel was being molded into something new like clay being sculpted by an unseen force.
He could barely even focus on MK’s face.
“Yeah. I do. Thanks for the help bud. And you too…”
He tried to discern who the other person in front of him was, the one with the big hands, no name came to mind (excluding the tiny part of him that cried out the name of an old friend.) Quick. Think of something, anything.
“Blue thing..?”
Nailed it. He totally just played that off.
MK didn’t seem to agree, but just before he says what he clearly was thinking a knock sounded at the door. Or well, the door frame. As the door was currently still on the ground.
There standing now a bit awkwardly in the doorway were Tang and Pigsy.
Ignoring the burning feeling of deja vu, Wukong stood very still. Reminding himself that he had to appear not at all affected by the still ever present need to hibernate that was building behind a weakening dam.
With murmurs of greeting, Tang set down a plastic bag—presumably filled with noodles before noticing Wukong.
Act natural. You got this.
Attempting to casually drape his arm over the nearby mantel, Wukong was opening his mouth to say something to excuse himself back to Flowerfruit Mountain.. when the vase that had been moving on it’s own not just a few minutes prior was knocked off of said mantel and onto the floor below with the resounding sound of breaking glass.
His first thought was “god I hope that wasn’t an urn.”
The second was blind panic.
“Oh heavens here let me—“ Tang moved closer, reaching down to scoop up bits of the flower vase when Wukong, who had also lowered himself, clawing at Tang’s robes, his knuckles turning white with the grip.
Tang opens his mouth to ask if he was okay but he had already become very much not okay.
Wukong wasn’t keeping track of the words that poured from his mouth at that moment. His mind running circles around the 3 concepts of “don’t say it, it was a mistake, I’m sorry”
Wukong was in and out of awareness for the next few minutes. Or rather, he was only aware of a few things and nothing else for the next few minutes.
A warm hand on his back, the feeling of being half walked half carried somewhere, fresh air coming from off of the sea, and MK sitting next to him where he sat on the deck.
“When was the last time you slept?” MK asks, a little more forceful than Wukong had ever known him to sound like. A little more urgent and concerned.
“I don’t know.”
Which was a fair answer. his memory was failing him and Wukong couldn’t tell you if he had napped on Sandy’s couch three weeks ago or three minutes ago. Time felt distorted for him.
Wukong can almost feel the disapproving and worried look MK must have given him.
“Stay here, I’m going to go ask one of the smartest people I know how to help.”
Wukong didn’t resist when MK got up, instead he was pouring his effort into staying awake.
He’s not ready yet.
He’s not ready yet.
He’s not ready yet.
He’s not ready yet.
You can’t.
“Who?” He rasped, surprised by how ragged his own voice sounded.
“Uh. Well..hm. He’s a friend?”
Wukong managed a look.
“..Ookay got to go, we’ll get you better in a jiffy—BYE!”
And he was gone.
Wukong rested his head against the railing, admittedly enjoying the ocean breeze.
He admired the kid’s tenacity. Maybe this friend of his would have some sort of super caffeine or something.
Which wouldn’t solve the problem per say, but might give him enough time to really focus on training MK up to be the best successor he could be, so he could leave the world In capable hands.
“Well you see i sort of just climbed through that open window, which is shocking because i thought all windows have screens nowadays so it was actually pretty easy—“
“Nevermind that. What on earth makes you think it would be a good idea to sneak into my lab?”
“I—well. I have a favor to ask.”
“A favor. For you. HAH! this oughta be rich.” Red Son mused, sitting back down once more into his desk chair.
MK peered around, spying a swivel stool.
“It’s about Monkey King, he’s acting really weird. It’s like he’s sick but not, and it’s like whenever he does sleep—which isn’t much—doesn’t seem to count.”
Settling onto the swivel stool, MK continued.
“And then one day i think i saw him fighting hibernation but it could’ve just been me seeing things—“
“What? He fought hibernatio—woULD YOU STOP THAT?”
MK paused mid spin, his face morphing into faux disappointment.
“Fiiine. have it your way where i don’t use the swivel stool as the way the gods intended them, mom.”
There were several muffled violent emotions that seemed to pour out of Red before they composed themself.
“Are you sure he was fighting hibernation?”
“I just said it might’ve just been me seeing things. But..it looked pretty real. He fell asleep normally and then glowed for a few seconds before he woke up gasping and stuff.”
If MK had been paying attention to Red’s face he would’ve noticed the dawning horror spreading over it.
Mei had been having a normal day.
Notice the use of a past tense.
“MEI! HOP IN!” MK’s voice called out, just before a familiar car pulled up just beside the sidewalk where she had been walking.
“Is that Red Boy’s...”
“Get in dragon horse girl, we’re going to need backup.”
“You aren’t going to try and kidnap us, right?” Mei asked, resting a foot on the inside of the car, clearly just remembering the years of her parents telling he not to get into cars with murderous demons.
“No, I'm not going to try and—just get in the car.”
Mei shrugged her shoulders. “Eh, good enough for me.”
After being vaguely briefed on the situation, Mei settled into the surprisingly comfortable seats.
MK was trying and failing to give directions to Red on where Sandy’s boat was, and Red was getting frustrated by MK’s vague guesses of answers to his questions.
Ignoring the bickering in the front seat, Mei cast her gaze out the side window, hoping to see the sunset.
That’s something.
“Uh, guys?”
“Yes, now if you have any idea where this ‘houseboat’ is it would be greatly appreciated if you gave me actual directions.”
“Hey! I was trying—“
“And if we look to the right of us we can see the giant monster destroying the city!” Mei interjected in the best tour guide voice she could manage.
Macaque stretched out his arms. He had pulled a muscle climbing something and it just wouldn’t settle right. After being annoyed with it for around fifteen minutes he had finally gotten up to do some actual stretches. Instead of just stewing in resentment of the pain that he could actually fix if he just got up.
You know, like he usually does.
He supposed he had some equipment down in the dojo he could use, so he started walking in that direction, pausing to pop some freeze dried bananas he had gotten at the store on a whim into his mouth.
There was no warning that Wukong would come quite literally crashing through his apartment.
One moment he was enjoying a snack, the next he was staring at a Monkey King shaped hole that was made just a few paces to the left of him.
Following the line of trajectory Macaque's eyes landed on a pile of rubble.
And who should pop their head out but a disheveled Wukong.
“What in heaven's name are you—“
“The kids fightin’ a guy. I gottaaa go.” Wukong slurred out, trying to pick himself out of the various pieces of wall he had just crashed through.
“...are you drunk?”
“No! I’m not drunk…what kind of m e n t o r do you think i am?”
“A shit one.”
“Wooah, ah, there are children.” Wukong seems to try and cup the ears of very nonexistent baby monkeys.
Macaque was three seconds away from punting him while Wukong looks at his hands and realizes he’s in fact, not on flowerfruit mountain.
Something catches Wukong’s attention though.
On a nearby end table sits a perfectly two untouched non descript energy drinks.
“No. Wukong don’t—“
But the monkey king had already poured the entire can down his throat before Macaque could even process what was happening.
“Byeeee, I hafta go. MK’s fighting a monster.”
“Hey wait—“
Wukong had already made another hole in Macaque’s walls before the words even left his mouth, taking the other energy drink with him.
“Hey kid iS thiss guy boTHernG you?”
“No please. Wukong please just go back to the house boat.”
Wukong downs the other energy drink he had snagged from Macaque’s place, crushes the can and throws it at the demon.
The non descript demon bad guy rumbles with laughter, streaking forwards to hit the Monkey King at the weakest the sage has ever been…only for Wukong to punt the challenger through a building within a matter of seconds.
MK’s jaw dropped.
“Should we help him?” Mei questioned, resheathing her sword.
The trio watched as the formerly thrown demon pulled itself up to face Wukong once more.
“I dunno..” MK replied. “I mean, despite the fact he can’t walk straight he seems to be winning…so.”
“How on earth is he even standing? From what you made it sound like, noodle boy, he could barely walk.”
“He couldn’t!”
“He stole two of my energy drinks so that might be a contributing factor.” A fourth voice chimed in from behind the three.
The trio all remained calm and turned to face the shadow monkey—oh who am i kidding? they all screamed and tumbled forwards. Red and MK hiding behind Mei, who had her sword already pointed at the potential aggressor.
A crash sounded to the right of them all and a disgruntled Wukong stopped from the mini crater he had created.
Without hesitation, he beelined for MK and enveloped him in a hug, tail lashing behind him.
The sky was dimming, the colors of light fading into a noticeably darker hue.
Macaque reached out a hand to Wukong, but it must’ve been just a bit too close to MK for Wukong’s liking because the next thing the six eared Macaque knew, his hand had been slapped away with actual force behind it and Wukong’s glamours around his eyes dropped.
And just like that, he was being stared down by the great sage equal to heaven again.
Macaque didn’t want to back away, but he most certainly did not move to try again. Instead, he stood frozen, his eyes narrowed as if questioning what the sage would do next.
However, the unmistakable feeling of fear that had been welling up from deep within Macaque dissipated the very moment Wukong spoke.
The only words Wukong uttered were “No touchy.”
And then he proceeds to nearly nod off on his feet. Only just barely shaking himself out of it, his tail hitting the cement below a few times while he steadies himself.
“MK, how long has he been like this?” Macaque inquired, uncharacteristically concerned.
“Uh…a couple of days? But he’s been nodding off like that sometimes since I met him.”
Macaque looked like he wanted to hurl Wukong into a black hole in that moment.
“Wukong.” Macaque’s voice was stern, not to be trifled with. “When was the last time you hibernated?”
Macaque ignored the faint indignant “that’s what I was going to say!” That sounded from Red Son in the background followed by frustrated gestures of a cool moment lost. (Mei patted him on the back.)
MK from within Wukong’s warm hold and Macaque both noticed the sheepish grin. The grin he did when he was lying or knew he was guilty of some petty crime. The grin.
There was a mumble.
“Like…five hundred years give or take? But I’m fiine, I’ve made it thiss far haven’t I?”
“Are you fucking kidding me—“
Nobody but Macaque had time to react before Wukong’s legs buckled and he fell forwards onto MK.
“Monkey King?!”
“Keep him awake.” Macaque barked out, helping Wukong to a standing position once more.
“What’s going to happen to him?” Mei asked, her hand still lingering close to the hilt of her sword, clearly untrusting.
“Well if i may—“ Red Son began.
“If he hasn’t hibernated in five hundred years and hibernates now, he’ll stay in hibernation for five hundreds years plus to make up for lost sleep.” Macaque interrupts, already summoning the shadows created by the low sun to his feet, getting ready to warp.
“That’s what I was going to say you worthless simian!” Red fumed in the background.
A world without Monkey King? For five hundred years?
“Is there any way to help? There must be some sort of cure, right?”
“That’s what I'm trying to do right now. So if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go do that—“
MK cut him off. “Let me help. Please. He’s my mentor.”
“I was already going to, I’m going to need the help anyways. I know a way to minimize magical effects and split the now miniature versions of what was and give it to others.”
“So. uh, just to explain it for people who might not understand what you just said—couldn’t be me but I doubt Red has the capacity—“
“In other words.” Macaque glowered, “if we all make it to the safe spot we can split and compress pieces of sleep debt and hibernate ourselves.”
“..and we won’t be asleep for hundreds of years?” Mei inquired, her hands now comfortably in her pockets.
“No. We won’t. But we need to do the splitting of the debt before he succumbs to it, otherwise it’ll be too late so if we can please—“
“How can we trust you? How do we know this isn’t a trap?” MK spoke up, eyes narrowing.
“Now isn’t the time for suspicion, MK. Do you want your mentor back or not?” Macaque asked gruffly, slinging the now half conscious Wukong over his shoulders, an unusual sharp edge to his movements.
Worried. Macaque was worried and very much so.
MK spared a look to the Monkey King, who’s features were twisted with concentration while the now dreaded glow began flickering on and off as he fought to stay awake.
“Yes—I mean okay. Okay. We’ll trust you.”
“We are?” Mei whispered “I mean he’s kind of…”
“Don’t say it.” Red groaned.
“I’m going to cremate you.”
“Guys Monkey King is practically dying. Can we please stay on task?” MK practically begged the two.
“Hold on.” Macaque gave no other warning to the shadows enveloping the group. Being pulled along through the fraying darkness, MK opened his eyes again to see himself not where he last stood in the near center of the city, but just beyond the western edge, where the finely littered trees began to strengthen in numbers until a forest with size to behold loomed before them.
Glancing around to make sure sure both Red and Mei had safely made the trip, MK was satisfied to see the two of them pulling themselves up from the ground they had landed on
“Come on, kid lets go.” Macaque barked from the forest's edge, already on the move.
MK started running after Macaque, meeting a bleary Wukong’s eyes as he hung over Macaque’s shoulder.
MK could feel Red and Mei trying to keep up behind them, but thanks to training and overall experience MK and Macaque began gaining ground, the rift between the four growing wider with each desperate stride made forwards.
“Go! We’ll catch up!” Mei shouted after the two.
MK gave a nod and willed himself to go just that little bit faster, his feet pounding deep into the forest floor as he attempted to keep up with Macaque.
“Why can’t we just warp all the way then?” MK puffed, leaping over a fallen tree.
The wandering light of the city was now nothing more than a distant glow, the dusk sky giving virtually no light to guide the effort.
“Because I need my magic intact to make up for this idiot’s mistakes, now can you please keep him awake?”
“Uh, uh okay! Monkey King, what day is it?”
“Kid. Do you even know what day it is?”
There was a mumble from Wukong.
“Okay that was a shit question. I can admit that. Uhh what color is the sky right now?”
Wukong tore his eyes open again and casted his gaze upwards for just a little bit too long before muttering the ever so quiet words of “Purple and blue.”
MK nodded, trying to keep his face null of the fear that was cluttering his thoughts.
“Good. Favorite food?”
“Where do you live?”
“Not the answer I was hoping for but you know what? I’ll take it.”
There was a. hum of acknowledgment from Wukong and nothing more.
“Here’s an easy one, what’s my name?”
Wukong knew his successor. He knows his magic, his voice, his laugh and the feeling of pride Wukong felt bloom in his chest every time he accomplished something.
But his name fell away from Wukong like sand through loose fingers.
He should know this.
“I don’t know.” He choked out, trying to ignore the unmerciful feeling of surrender digging its hands into his flesh in an attempt to pull him asunder.
“I don’t know.”
If Wukong was ever asked if he could pinpoint the look on someone’s face that hurt him the most, he would pick the look on MK’s face at that moment.
“Keep up kid!” Snapped Macaque, “We’re almost there.”
When did Macaque get here?
Regardless of everything else, MK did just that, hurrying up to match Macaque’s strides just behind him.
Wukong can’t stand the look on MK’s face, the hurt he just caused. Reaching out, Wukong tentatively placed a hand on MK’s cheek.
“I’m sorry.” He managed.
MK met Wukong’s eyes, he had never seen Monkey King so distressed before.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m so sorry.” The words spilling from the king’s mouth spiraling into some sort of desperate prayer of remorse.
“It’s—It’s okay Monkey King. Just stay awake okay? Stay awake, just please stay awake.”
“We’re in the homestretch.” Macaque informed, stopping just before a sheer uphill climb of rocks and roots. “My spot’s just up there.”
“Oh. That’s nice but how on earth are weEE-“ MK didn’t have time to finish his thought before Macaque’s tail wrapped around his waist and pulled the mortal up the hill with him at shockingly high speeds considering the terrain and the fact he only had one arm free.
MK let out an unwilling ‘oof’ when Macaque threw him into the cave mouth, darting in himself not a second later.
Lights lined the walls, leaving the cave surprisingly well lit. The only thing more frequently placed on the walls than soft lights were protection seals. Loads of them.
Setting Wukong down in the center of the cavern, (which MK now noticed was filled with moss, blankets and cushions) Macaque flipped his tail, motioning for MK to go to him while Macaque busied himself frantically looking through the lone chest for a certain book.
MK settled beside his mentor, and began rambling about his week. About how a Karen had tried to get him fired and how Pigsy had ‘dealt’ with it by yelling at her and banning her from the restaurant.
Or how he had finally beat Mei’s winning streak at the arcade with totally legit means. The list goes on.
He only ever faltered when Red Son’s head appeared in the view from the cavern, riding on an exhausted looking Mei’s shoulders as she pulled herself and Red up against the last overhang.
The triumphant call of “aha! Found it.” Was followed by Macaque knelting to the floor beside MK, an old and battered book laying open on his lap.
Mei sat close by, dragging an unwilling Red Son closer as well.
The flickering of the lights on the walls now flickering in time with Wukong’s glow.
The complex looking runes that all seem to intertwine with one another lifted clean off of the page, purple magic stirring them to life as they began to swirl in out and around each other.
The air around it felt electric, like MK could reach out and touch the very energy and actually feel solidity beneath his fingers.
“Everyone stick out your pointer finger, quickly.” Macaque instructed, moving the swirling spell just over Wukong’s chest.
Without so much as a second thought, Mei, Red and MK all offered their hands to the mix of magic.
After doing the same, Macaque used his other hand to seemingly pull magic out from the Monkey King’s very core.
The swirling gold magic that erupted from Wukong’ chest in the same manner a flower would bloom. The golden light danced in the air like beautifully wild storm of undefined magic, only to compress itself into tight ball like a star moments before destruction, just as Macaque said it would.
MK watched before his eyes the golden magic get smaller and smaller, until no larger than a golf ball. And just below it, Wukong started to steadily glow for the first time in centuries.
There was a moment of nothing. The only sound being the wind outside and the pulsating of the magic’s.
“So what now—“
Mei never got to finish her sentence. Ever so suddenly the small sphere of energy split into six separate pieces and quicker than her eyes could track, darted to her finger and—
She woke up.
She woke up from what felt to be one of the best sleeps of her life, dreaming of swirling colors unlike anything she had ever seen before.
Mei had hibernated before of course, but if this is what hibernating among others felt like, sign her up—wait. The others.
Bolting upright, Mei scanned the room. Blankets and cushions wet ruffled and strewn about, her friends were slowly coming too, yawning and stretching.
The most notable part however was Wukong groggily rubbing his eyes.
It worked. It actually worked!
With a quick check of her phone and today’s date…she had not been asleep eighteen years! That was a relief. Rather, she had been asleep for a week and a half.
A week and a half? Her parents must be worried sick—no wait. she had called them.
While she was running behind with Red the two of them had taken the liberty to inform each of their parents to kindly not file a missing person’s case. Who do you think she was? Some dumbass protagonist who forgot to mention to anyone that they’d be gone for a while? No! She was a responsible adult who totally forgot to give her parents any clues to where she was—oooh she’s going to be in big trouble when she gets home.
Shuddering at the prospect of that future conversation, Mei let her gaze wander.
She tuned out what sounded to be a joyful reunion of mentor and student and opted to turn her attention to Macaque.
That’s odd, she had heard that when people hibernate together they typically woke up at the same time. Macaque was still sound asleep, his chest rising and falling in a slow—scarily slow—rhythm.
“Hey guys? Is it normal for Macaque to still be asleep?”
Everyone stopped breathing, suddenly wide awake, the cave went dead silent. One by one, everyone turned to look at Macaque. The purple glow of hibernation still shone around him, never faltering.
The memory of the ritual flashed in her mind. Just before she had fallen asleep she remembered the splitting of the magic.
“There were six.” She murmured.
“Dragon horse girl what are you on about—“
“There were six orbs. We each must have only gotten one; except for him.”
MK’s wide eyes fell on Macaque once more, a silent understanding dawning between the pair.
“What are you two even talking about?” Wukong faltered mid way through his thought, his voice cracking as he called bits and pieces of shattered memories from that night.
Oh no.
Wukong moved to his side with more speed than MK had ever seen him muster.
Macaque didn’t stir when Wukong snapped his fingers next to his face. And he didn’t so much as twitch when MK leaned over Wukong’s hold on Macaque and started trying to shake him awake in his own act of desperation.
“He’s gone.” Red whispered.
“What?” MK’s grip on Macaque’s loose sleeve was tight, trying to mask his shaking hands as he willed Macaque into waking up again.
“He’s gone.” Red repeated.
“No.” Monkey King had been quiet until now. His voice was loud and firm, although still clearly groggy from the deep sleep in contrast to none. “I mean, you guys saved me, right? There’s got to be a way to save him too.”
“Mr King I really think—“
“Macaque said it himself.” The fire demon said, an uncharacteristic note of sympathy in his voice. “The magic was supposed to be compressed in separate pieces. If he did absorb two fragments they would destabilize eachother and cease to be compressed, returning to one’s state even if fragmented.”
“No no no no—this wasn’t how this was supposed to go! This wasn’t—there has to be something we can do. There has to be.”
Red stepped back from the grieving monkey, clearly trying to avoid the outpouring of emotions yet to come. “I don’t like it either, but I think everyone here knows it’s nigh impossible to wake someone up from hibernation.” He paused. “But, I’m more than willing to stand corrected. I’ll do some research and see what I can do.”
Wukong didn’t look convinced. Neither did anyone, really.
MK’s eyes hadn’t left Macaque’s form. His breaths, like all mammals in hibernation, came once every few minutes. Every time the next slow breath came, MK felt like it could be his last.
Was this it?
Was last night the last time he’d ever see Macaque awake? Hear his voice and see him move?
MK knew he wouldn’t live long enough if the ritual truly had malfunctioned and given a hundred years of sleep debt to Macaque.
He didn’t want this to be it.
Inwardly he begged Macaque to just open his eyes and shove MK off of him.
But Macaque’s eyes remained closed, the glow of hibernation lightly pulsing in time with the far between breaths he took.
And closed they stayed, for a very long time.
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lunar-wandering · 3 years
@smallpwbbles happy birthday, take some delirious Wukong-
Word Count: 2k
Read on Ao3
MK paused in a mixture of shock, horror, and awe as he took in the sight before him.
Pigsy had his head in his hands, looking for all the world like he was totally done with the situation. Tang was standing beside him, trying to hide his increasingly obvious laughter. Mei had no such qualms, and was laughing out loud, practically on the verge of literally rolling around on the floor. Red Son stood next to her, holding up Mei's phone, which seemed to be recording, the fire demon trying desperately to look neutral to the situation, but a small smirk on the edge of his lips betrayed him, revealing his amusement. Sandy stood slightly off to the side, holding a blanket, ready to step in at any time.
And Macaque stood ramrod straight, appearing to be somewhere between 'embarrassed' and 'would somebody please strike me down already'- as Wukong leaned against him, saying a series of sloppily put together compliments.
MK took a deep breath, speed-running all five stages of grief in under an instant. (Possibly a new record for him.)
"I left. For five minutes." He said, taking note of how some places on the deck seemed to be dented, and was that smoke coming from over there? "How, exactly, did things end up like this?"
He received no answer, the others having jumped and turned to stare at him when he had spoken, having not noticed his return.
...Wait, where did Wukong-
"MK." Wukong said, and MK did his best not to jump as the delirious Monkey King appeared beside him out of nowhere and put a hand on MK's shoulder. "My, my dear su- ......succulent.....?"
"Successor." MK corrected, trying to ignore how the others were barely restraining their laughter. (Macaque, at least, looked somewhat sympathetic, but he also looked far more grateful for the fact that Wukong's attention had shifted away from him.)
"That's, yes. That's the word, yes." Wukong said, before grabbing hold of MK's cheeks, squishing them a little as he made sure MK was looking at him. "I am so proud of you."
"...Thanks?" MK said, questionably, pulling himself out of Wukong's grip. Wukong briefly glanced at his hands, seemingly confused as to where his successor had gone. "Monkey King- I'm right here. You should really be resting, until whatever this is gets out of your system-"
"Red Son!" Wukong exclaimed, the aforementioned fire demon making an audible noise of terror, slipping to hide behind Mei as Wukong spun around to face him-
Only to trip over his own two feet, slamming into the deck, denting it ever so slightly.
...For about the twenty-third time that day.
Sandy took this as his time to move forwards, gently laying the blanket down on top of Wukong, before announcing that he was going to try and make some more healing tea, (Wukong had dumped the first pot of it over the side of the ship, claiming that it was 'too bitter', 'wouldn't work anyways', and complaining that it didn't 'taste like peaches'), and the river demon left, going back down inside of the airship, leaving the others without his calming presence.
"...Okay guys, while Monkey King is....asleep..." MK wasn't even actually sure if Wukong was asleep, but he'd stopped moving and had become utterly silent since slamming into the deck, so- "I suggest we make it so that he doesn't hurt himself or us with anything on the ship." 
"What, are you suggesting we should baby-proof the entire ship?" Pigsy asked.
"...More like 'Monkey King-proof', but yes, actually, that is exactly what I am suggesting." MK said, "We're going to need to cover all of our bases-"
"Uh, kid?" Macaque interrupted, grabbing MK's attention by lightly tapping on his shoulder. "If you're going to Monkey King-proof the ship, you uh, might want to start with the railing."
He pointed to the edge of the ship, and MK followed his gaze to see-
"Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me." MK said, just catching the barest, tiniest glimpse of Wukong, wearing the blanket around his shoulders like a cape, leaping over the side of the ship. "That's the fifth time he's done that today."
It wasn't all that hard to find him again. All they had to do was follow the destruction a delirious, overpowered monkey leaves behind.
Or at least, that was MK, Mei, and Macaque's strategy, up until they stumbled upon a perfectly normal, entirely untouched clearing.
"...What do we do now?" Mei asked, and Macaque made to give an answer-
Only to have to jump back, barely avoiding being impaled as Wukong suddenly appeared out of the surrounding woods, carrying a rather large tree. He had twigs, leaves, and dirt all throughout his fur. The blanket was seemingly missing, but neither MK, Mei, nor Macaque really wanted to find out where it had gone. The group of three took a cautious step back as Wukong locked eyes with them.
"Wanna see how up I can lift this tree?" He said, already lifting said tree above his head. (Everyone ignored how he'd seemingly forgotten the word 'high'.) MK and Mei shared a look as Mei slowly pulled out her phone, opening up the camera.
"I mean, we really shouldn't, but..." MK said, and Wukong beamed, shifting to hold the tree with one hand, taking the chance to show off. MK and Mei 'ooh'ed and 'awe'd appropriately, but Macaque rolled his eyes and looked away.
Which cause him to miss seeing the exact moment when Wukong's strength faltered, the tree falling upon the Monkey King's back, pinning him to the ground.
Macaque certainly didn't miss Wukong's screech of terror though.
MK and Mei had froze in shock, but Macaque reacted instantly, running over to the pinned monkey. The panicked mutters of "Not again, not again, please not again-" left little doubt as to what was currently going through Wukong's mind.
Macaque practically sent the tree flying in his rush to get it off of the other, and, not knowing was else to do when that didn't immediately quell Wukong's panic, flipped him over, desperately hoping that seeing the wide open sky, with no mountain in sight, would calm the Monkey King down.
And, well, it must've done something, as Wukong quieted, blankly staring up at the sky, without blinking.
"...Are you....okay?" Macaque asked, fearing that he had made things worse as he kneeled down beside him.
"...Have I... ever told you that you have beautiful eyes?" Wukong muttered, and Macaque paused.
"Ah- no. No." Macaque said, standing up. "No, we are not doing this again- MK, come get your stupid mentor, we're going back to the ship."
"MK- hey- hey kid-"
"What is it now, Monkey King?" MK sighed, tired. It had been unanimous that Wukong could no longer go even seconds without being supervised, and now had to be watched at all times. MK, unfortunately, had gotten the short end of the stick and had been chosen for the first watch, (They had drawn straws, and he had not missed the sighs of relief from the others, nor had he missed how Macaque had magically changed the length of the straws. He swore he'd get that shadow monkey back somehow), which of course meant that he was the first to have to put up with the delirious Wukong's complete and utter bullshit.
"Um- Would, do you think Macaque's fur tastes bitter like his rationality?" Wukong asked, from where he was laying on his back, on the couch, yet another of Sandy's blankets set on top of him. (They'd tried to cocoon him, but after enough protesting they'd given up on it for now).
"Wh-" MK started, confused, turning the sentence over in his head to make sense of it before responding. "...First of all, no, I think it would just taste like hair, second of all, did you mean to say personality?"
"....Yes...." Wukong said, slowly, before a wicked smirk came over his face, and MK felt fear settle into his bones. "Do you wanna see me make a hair buddy-"
"No!" MK yelled, and he may have lost all his powers, including his enhanced speed, but you wouldn't have known it from the way he practically flew to stop Wukong from blowing on his hair. "You are not going to be making any clones any time soon, okay? Monkey King I need you to look at me and confirm that you will not make any hair clones while you're delirious."
"...I will not make hair buddies while I'm serious." Wukong said, and MK sighed.
"Good enough, I guess." He said, sitting back down in his chair, slumping, momentarily closing his eyes in exasperation.
When he opened them again, Wukong was gone.
"Fuck-" MK said, jumping up and spinning around-
Only to see Wukong on the other side of the room, curled up on top of the other couch. He'd somehow gotten more blankets than before too, MK was certain there had only been two in the room before, but now there appeared to be at least seven.
MK didn't want to question where and how Wukong had gotten them.
What he would like to know though, was-
"...Why did you move to the other couch?" MK dared to ask, prompting Wukong to stick his head out of the pile of blankets he had buried himself in.
"Cause this one's more soft! The other one's too....too..." He seemed to blank on the word 'stiff', and instead said; "Boney. Boney couch. Bouch."
MK took a deep breath, trying to keep himself from breaking down then and there. It was, of course, at this moment, that he noticed Red Son try to sneak pass the open the door and down the hallway.
MK didn't let him.
"Red Son!" He said, rushing over (never taking his eyes off of Wukong), and looping his arm around the demon's. Red Son squeaked, but MK ignored it as he dragged him over to stand in front of Wukong. "Perfect timing, I think it was about time for me to have a little break, y'know? Would you mind watching him for me for a moment?"
Red Son was about to say no- but the look on his face, the look of someone who was oh so close to Losing It made him reconsider.
"...Sure..." Red Son said, slowly, "So long as it's only for a bit-"
"Cool! Thanks!" MK said, immediately letting go, turning and practically sprinting out of the room. "Good luck!"
Red Son had the ever looming sense that he had just doomed himself.
(He should have never accepted their offer to join them on the ship. But dammit, MK had offered some of that spicy candy he knew Red Son liked, and the fire demon just couldn't have refused.)
For a few blissful minutes, it was silent, Red Son staring at Wukong in apprehension, while Wukong hardly seemed to have noticed that anything had changed at all, still snugly wrapped in his nest of blankets.
And then Wukong lifted his head, a questioning expression on his face.
"...Does blue exist?" He asked, and a look that was somewhere between exasperation and pure terror made it's way onto Red Son's face.
"Noodle Boy, hurry up with your break and get back in here, your mentor's going existential!" He yelled, looking in the direction MK had gone, desperately hoping that the other would come back and save him from this fate.
"You can handle it!" MK's voice called faintly.
"...If blue doesn't exist......Then red doesn't exist......so does that mean you don't exist?" Wukong asked, under his breath, looking at Red Son with fear.
"I most certainly can not handle this!" Red Son yelled, "Could somebody please get over here?"
Nobody answered his call. Red Son honestly hadn't expected them to.
After all, he would've made the exact same choice.
He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, trying to figure out how to respond to the monkey that currently seemed to be having an existential crisis.
Only to jump as he heard an ear shattering scream of frustration ring through the ship.
This had the fortune of snapping Wukong out of his crisis, instead having him simply look confused. Red Son ignored the faint shouts from Macaque's room (something about 'fuck you've got a serious pair of lungs' and 'warn a guy next time') as he tried to calm himself down from the sudden scare.
Geez. MK had seriously needed that break.
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mysticchessecake · 2 years
Leftover cake 1/?
This takes place in season 2 before the "Shadow play". I spelling mistakes will be common! Unfortunately my phone is weird and Im new into writing fanfics I will be adding P! as past and M! as monster . Multiple complications due to my stupidity lol. Macaque follows Mk alot. To the point where he knows who his friends are.
Also I apologize if the timing is weird- I accidentally deleted my progress multiple times. Im also sorry if the characters aren't accurate. Tried my best!
Mk's friends decided to plan a birthday party for Mk! But they basically left Mk alone in his birthday. Leaving Mk vulnerable for someone else...to help him...
Mk wakes up in the warm sunny day. As Mk got up to check the time, he realized that it's his birthday! As excited as Mk is, he froze when he checked the time and it was already 9:03 AM. OH NO! He's already late! He got his work attire on and rushed in the noodle shop. But the noodle shop was close... The doors are closed with a note "important event! Be back tomorrow!"
Aww did Pigsy think that Mk's birthday was important to him? How sweet. He looked at the back to see somethings because Pigsy sometimes does that, It said "Your friends will always be by your side" Mk thinks to himself that it's nice. He decideds to call Mei but she didn't pick up. Neither did Tang or Pigsy or even Sandy who always picks up even in the middle of the night! Maybe they left a note in his room? Because Mei does go in Mk's room without notice sometimes...
Mk checks his room, he sees nothing! Maybe they're at Mei's house? Odd but nothing really weird- He checks Mei's parents who are still slightly salty about their machine but they said "Mei isn't here, She left at 5 AM and she was carrying some candies and some ping pong paddles, she also took her Jet." Mk thanked them and left, he checked Sandy's boat but they are not there. Have they need something for Mei to leave her house at 5 AM? Even the 0 gravity arcade or even a farmers market. Then he recalled over hearing them say.
P! Pigsy - So ya got the table?
P! Mei - Yeah but I still need the find the ping pong paddles-
P! Pigsy - I won't forgive you for losing my precious paddles
P! Mei - I didn't lose it. It's just not in my room probably
P! Pigsy - Yeaa SURE. But what abou-
That's all he can remember. So Mk dosent know where they are. Until he gets a notification from Mei social media. Mk surprised he didn't thought of that sooner since Mei is pretty active there. He checked to see nothing..? He's blocked.. ? What's happening?
Did his friends abandoned him? You would think after the events of thats happened, he wouldn't think such a thought but. After Sun Wukong left him. He's issues gotten worse. You see, Mk knows that sometimes he's dosent understand things that are frustrating for others. He done it multiple times to his friends. And his past friends. They left him.
Mk got sad. How could his friends, his parental figures. LEAVE HIM? He thought that maybe because he's annoying. He led them to danger. Your friends would leave you right? Maybe this is a good thing? His friends don't need to suffer anymore.
He went home sad and alone. He felt like he was abandoned scrap. Until he saw "Monkie king"
Mk - Monkie king? I thought you were at vacation?
"Monkie king" - I left early bud. So what's the problem?
Mk - I just. Today is birthday! But my friends aren't here. I think they just forgot abou-
"Monkie king" laughs
Mk - What's so funny?
"Monkie king" laughs
Mk - Are you the actual Monkie king?
"Monkie king" laughs
Mk - Can you stop laughing?
"Monkie king" laughs
Mk - I said stop please?
"Monkie king" laughs
Mk -...
"Monkie king" laughs
Mk -...
"Monkie king" laughs
Mk - I said STOO
Mk got frustrated and punched "Monkie king" he can't handle his mentor laughing at his face about his friends abandoning him. That Monkie turned out to be Macaque.
Macaque - Im checking in my favorite student as your mentor
Mk - Im NOT your student AND YOU AREN'T MY MENT-
Macaque - Then who is your mentor? The monkie king who ABANDONED you?
Mk - H-he didn't abandon me- Uh he went to vacation
Macaque - Kid, Are you REALLY believing the same guy who would lead you into danger? And making YOU figure out everything on your own?
Mk - This is just gonna help me be independent!
Macaque - Sure kid. Hey where's your friends? Did they abandoned you too?
Mk - DONT say they abandoned me. They just forgot about my birthday-
Macaque - Some friends they are
Mk - What do you want?
Macaque - Don't you wanna continue our lessons?
Macaque - Unfortunately Wukong did some mystic crap that makes me unable to take your powers AGAIN
Mk - How do I know you're not lying?
Macaque - Because I would have took them already
Mk - Ok sure. But either way NO
Macaque - Fine by me! Love to see near your friends that ABANDONED you.
Mk not wanting to feel abandoned a 2nd time decideds to do something
Mk - Wait!
Macaque - Hm?
Mk - Don't leave me please...
Macaque - Finally grew some eyes hm?
Mk - mmm sure.. Anyways what training you are gonna even do?
Macaque shadow portals his way out of Mk's bedroom. Then Mk shortly followed forcefully! By Macaque putting a portal underneath him.
Macaque - I don't know kid. IS IT?
Mk - You bitc-
Macaque - Anyways we are gonna learn how to use your emotions into a weapon.
Mk - What?
Macaque - Do I have to spell everything out for you? UGHH! You are TOO emotional kid. Use as a weapon
Mk - I AM NOT TOO emotional
Macaque - You are doing it right now!
Mk - >:(
Macaque - Sit down and close your eyes. Then think of the bad things that happened to you.
Mk - Nothing bad happ-
Mk suddenly remembered the time he stupidly accidentally helped LBD. The time Monkie king abandoned left him alone. T H E M. Does words started to pop up in his head.
"Can't focus"
Mk - S-stop
"Never listening"
Mk - I stop
"Bad friend"
Mk - Please?
Mk - P-please?
Mk - S-shut up.
"Abandoned scrap"
Mk - Shut up!
"He chose the wrong successor"
Mk in suddenly in a dark room with a dark figure. Is this Macaque tricks again? But shouldn't the dark figure be purple? Why is it a deep red? And resembles Mk? Is this his anger? his bottled up emotions?
As he thought that, that thing. It comes near Mk. Mk tried to use the staff but its not there. He tried to scream but no one can hear him.
Mk's eyes starred glowing blue remembering LBD. Then everything turned pitch black. He felt a sharp pinch but that's it. He can hear shouting but it's muffled. He's in a black void. He tried screaming. But nobody can hear him. Nobody can hear his cries for help. It feels cold. It feels welcoming. He deserves this. He deserse.. th.. is
In the not void world, Macaque sees Mk's eyes is filled with tears ... his eyes... it feels like darkness... a void.. its like build up stress and anger and frustration.. Macaque knows it's not Mk..
As Macaque open his mouth to start the "Big baddie gets his enemy's successor turned against what his enemy was training him for until"
Mk screams in pain. He grows something. And turns into a monkie monster. It kinda resembles the form Monkie king demonic form. but it also has some elements of Macaque's shadowy form. Must be result after Macaque trained him.
M! Mk smashes Macaque on the ground with great speed. And looks like he's going for the others. Macaque nearly died a second time. Because it seems that M! Mk's power greatly enhanced. But he escaped with a shadow portal.
Back with the other people. It looks like Tang and Pigsy and the others are preparing Mk's birthday. They're at flower fruit mountain with the help with Mei's jet.
As they get ready to get Mk for his birthday. They feel like something bad happened...But they glossed over that. As they got on Mei's ship (Sandy decideds to stay just incase) Pigsy tells Mei.
Pigsy - So did ya leave a note or a text to Mk saying "we are doing something secret"? Because I forgot to ask that.
Mei - Since when did you ask that?
Pigsy - You forgot to send him a text.
Mei - Look to my credit I did block him is it wouldn't ruin the surprise.
Mei - Block him?
Pigsy - Mei you dum- THIS ISN'T A SURPRISE PARTY
Mei - Oh yeah.
Mei - I knoww
Pigsy - YOU BEEN HIS FRIEND FOR YEARS?! HOW IS THIS DIFFERENT? (in fact, why every week, someone suddenly forgets their development for like one day???)
Mei - WELL you did leave him.
Pigsy - To my credit we needed your jet and you would have probably woke him up at 6AM to go. Even though I told you not to because he went partying with you last night.
Mei - Why not Tang? SANDY? YOU?
Pigsy - I didn't need Tang to mess up my recipe. Plus I trust Tang to know where Flower fruit mountain is. We aren't strong enough too carry all the stuff we got.
Mei - Fair. *sigh* Let's just get Mk.
Sandy - Hey I should stay here just in case!
Pigsy - Sure. (Why does it feel convenient)
Mei's jet is an amazing jet. They got to the city seeing a monkie monster with sharp ropes near its head. The eyes look angry and sad. The monster's color is a deep red and the eyes are a golden yellow. The monster has sharp claws. And sharp teeth
Mei - We left for 7 HOURS AND THIS IS WHAT I SEE.
Tang - Interesting-
Tang - And that monster kinda looks Monkie kings demonic form!
Pigsy - (Always the voice of plot convenience)
Mei - Are you saying this is Monkie king?
Macaque - No its the kid
Macaque - Im the-
Tang - Its the six eared Macaque!! The best friend of Monkie king
Macaque - *sign* sure.
Macaque - Kid's friends are as dense as him, hm
Mei - You little bas-
Pigsy - WHAT the HELL happened to the KID Macque
Macaque - Macaque. Idk maybe just maybe HE GOT SAD THAT YOU ABANDONED HIM?
Macaque - REALLY? Because he looked like he was abandoned by YOU
Macaque - And you couldn't drop a text?
M! Mk almost hits the jet. Fortunately Mei manages to dodge him in time to flee. M! Mk knows that they are there now. They aren't safe. They're best bet is to lead him far from the city. Maybe the ocean or the desert is the best bet.
They chose desert because just incase M! Mk suddenly pops open to see not M! Mk. They can get him safely and land. (As good as the Jet is. It can't stay on the air without moving somewhere . It needs a path then it can drive it self)
Mei somehow turned on the invisible thing on but its only limited. They started talking about wtf happened to Mk. Everyone mentioned how he acted strange. Pigsy mentioned when he asked if Mk was good because he was quiet (S2 Ep5) Pigsy said that he
"Just some mystic monkie business"
Tang mentioned how Mk generally slowed down for a while. When Tang asked if he's doing good. Mk said
"Just some issues, nothing I can't handle"
Mei mentioned when she took him to a movie about a girl getting possessed. Mk looked genuinely terrified. Not the usual scared. But something else. Mei asked if he's doing well and Mk said.
"Im fine!"
Pigsy also recall Sandy saying that Mk got a bit jumpy than usual. Like if you mention the fight with (NOT) DBK, Mk would freeze up. Sandy asked if he's been good after the fight, Mk said.
"Doing better!"
Macaque - interesting...
Mei - Soo how do we help Mk?
Macaque - uh hm.
"We can save him"
Tang - hm?
"he's inside that monster thing"
Tang - what?
"We go to his heart"
Tang - I-I know!
Macaque - Alright glasses. What we do
Tang - M-maybe we somehow go in the M! Mk's heart and try to save him there! Mk is inside of it.
Mei - And how did you come up with this?
Tang - It felt like destiny
Pigsy - Ok ok. How do you think we can detract the M! Mk enough we somehow get into his heart?
Macaque - I may have a plan
Back in the void world. Mk made a coping mechanism dream world. Where he didn't get abandoned!
In the dream world, he's having his birthday! With everyone! Although they're eyes are blacked out. As he started to sing the birthday song.
In the not dream world.
Mei - Im still shock that you, yes you, turned into a massive shadow monster and somehow destroyed it
Macaque - Yeah, yeah
Pigsy - Ok. So do we like fly the jet into his heart or somethin? Cause what if it hurts the kid?
Macaque - Oh please, kid's been thrown against the ground at full force multiple times.
Tang - And how is potentially driving a jet into his heart can compare to that?
Macaque - Hmm. What if I throw something at him an if it's solid then we abort and think of another plan
Mei - What are you gonna throw at him?
Macaque - Probably a building
Macaque - You aren't.
Pigsy - Listen here you smart a-
Mei - How about a car or something? I heard car prices are dropping
Macaque - Sure.
Tang - Wait even if w- Macaque. What if it actually hurts Mk inside?
Macaque - Kid can handle it.
Pigsy - Oh sh-
Tang shushed Pigsy.
Mei - Okay. So. Macaque goes demon shadow form and "distracts" M! Mk. While we fly through his heart?
Macaque - Pretty much
Mei - hmm. Seems like a perfectly good plan!
Macaque - Alright let's go.
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skellebonez · 3 years
Hey! This is my first time doing this ! But can you wirte a scenario where in Winter's cursed AU where MK's parents try to come back and get custody again?( With prompt 14 and 45) With protective monkey dads? Have a great rest of your day! 💕
Thank you so much, I hope you like this as your first fill! It was very enjoyable to write since I had this idea months ago but never had the chance to put it down. But you’re gonna get a little more than just protective monkey dads! This is set pretty far into @winterpower98 's AU so he has a lot of people behind him.
Am I scaring you?/You may technically be an adult, but you’re still my child.
It didn’t take much guessing to figure out exactly what had made MK look like he wanted to run for the hills the second he picked up his phone. There were only a few very specific scenarios that could make him react like that now. But it was the way his face hardened and his whisper yelled into it that made Pigsy realize exactly who they were dealing with without the young man saying who it was.
“This is the third time you’ve gotten a new number for this,” he said, trying to keep his voice down. “I’ve told you already, the answer is no.”
"Tang," Pigsy whispered, nudging his favorite freeloader to get his attention better. "Go keep an eye outside. The last time they did this they showed up an hour later. If they do we're shuttering the shop early."
"On it," Tang said with a nod, standing with another nod to MK as he left.
"I am an adult, you cannot do anything to- yes I'm sure. Yes... yes, because I have a lawyer now mom!"
MK’s tone of voice made Pigsy smirk proudly. Had this been a few years ago MK would have had so much difficulty even just talking back to his parents, going quiet and shrinking into himself. Now?
He was standing up straight, speaking firmly and calmly, raising his voice a bit even. In the years Pigsy had known the young man he had changed drastically when it came to his parents. His and Tang’s attempts to raise his confidence and teach him to speak up for himself had certainly helped in that regard, but his attained abilities and strength as the Monkie Kid had no doubt given him a boost as well.
Not to mention the knowledge that not only did he have two father figures behind him... he had four (granted, Pigsy had mixed feelings for many reasons about both of them, but he’d warmed up to them when he saw how much MK had grown attached to them). Add Sandy, Mei, and Red Son to the mix?
He had a powerful group behind him to support him in whatever he needed.
"What do you mean you're already here?" MK said suddenly, drawing Pigsy's attention back from his inner thoughts.
"Whoa, hey, I said you can’t go in there!" Tang's voice suddenly rang through the entrance as someone pushed him backwards into the shop. He stumbled, almost falling flat on his rear and just barely catching himself on the counter. "You've been banned from this establishment and you know i-"
"MK," the woman who entered said as she closed her flip phone shut with a snap.
A man entered behind her, matching her in simple modern fashion. He shared MK's hair while the woman shared his eyes. It was obvious who they were to anyone seeing the three of them together.
Tang turned, shooting Pigsy a quick sorry that was met with an easy smile and a nod before the chef scowled at the two of them.
"... mom, dad," MK replied, slipping his phone into his pocket. He stood at his full height, back straight and no sign of hesitation on his face. "I told you, I'm not coming home."
"And we told you that we realized we made a mistake," his mother said, voice soft but with a softly uncertain undertone to it. Like she didn't quote believe her own words but was convincing herself otherwise. "Please, let us make it right."
"You had plenty of time to make it right all the times I tried to contact you before I became the Monkie Kid," MK said easily, practiced and firm. "Besides, I'm an adult now. You can't force me to do anything I don't want to do."
"You may technically be an adult," MK's mother said with a sigh, reaching out to grab his shoulder. "But you’re still my child."
Pigsy jumped in front of her, a sharp glare his only weapon. He knew better than to threaten these two, much like some of his more rowdy customers, but he would still put himself bodily between the young man he viewed as a son and anyone making him uncomfortable when he had the ability to do so.
"If you so much as breathe on my kid-"
"But he's not your kid now is he, pig man," MK's father sniped back, venom dripping from ever word and making the entire restaurant freeze in response.
"Excuse me," a new voice called out from behind them, a figure pressing a firm hand on his shoulder. "What were you saying to my brother?"
The reaction was instantaneous. MK’s father jumping to the side with a yelp, turning to come face to face with a less than pleasantly smiling Sun Wukong and a scowling Macaque behind him, neither bothering to keep up any semblance of a human disguise at the moment.
"I believe my student made it clear to you multiple times that he is an adult who can make his own decisions about who he wants to live with," he said coldly, moving to stand beside Pigsy with his fur raised and teeth barred in a way that could be mistaken for a smile. It certainly wasn't one if you knew anything about monkeys, though.
"Scram," Macaque chimed in, voice lower and far more threatening than anyone else in the building as he took a step forward. Though his words were fewer his tone was stronger and held just as much weight.
MK's parents took a step back in turn, stepping back into the entryway itself.
"Y-you may be his mentor," MK's mother started, her tone losing the odd uncertainty under it and gaining a frustration and confusion instead. "But I'm his mother."
"Who left him to his own devices and didn't even try to show interest in reconnecting until he made something of himself," Macaque snapped, snapping his teeth together in a warning bite as he took another step forward with a growl.
His parents stumbled back out of the shop, eyes wide and watching as MK was surrounded on either side by 4 others. Pigsy and Tang on his right, Wukong and Macaque on his left.
"Am I scaring you?" Macaque asked with a chuckle, letting out a noise of surprise when Wukong's tail touched his arm.
"I think he's got this now," Wukong said with a soft smile.
"Mom, dad," MK said with his voice still firm and sure. "I'm not coming back home with you. I'm an adult and you can't force me to come back. And if you keep trying like this I'll never give you the chance to let me chose to on my own."
The duo looked at their son, his father's eyes wide in shock and disbelief and his mother's eyes much the same with an undercurrent of... something. Something none of them could really place.
"I think we s-"
“You are not good people!" MK's dad snapped, standing up to his full height to tower over everyone else. "I caution you against this! This is your last chance to accept the damage you’ve caused! And if MK does not go back with us I will have no choice but to take further action! I will be contacting my lawyer to open a lawsuit against you and further more this will ruin your life with insurmountable debt!”
He smirked, crossing his arms over his chest in his assured victory as everyone else stared at him in shock and disbelief. Including his wife, who looked even more incredulous than any of them.
"D-debt?" MK eventually managed to get out, an unbelieving smile forming on his face. Before he started to laugh and march forward. "Debt? DEBT!? FUCK your debt! We'll take our chances DAD, Monkey King has a treasure trove and the best lawyer in all of China so take your debt and STUFF IT!" He raised both middle fingers toward his parents before jumping up to grab the handle of the shutter door and slam is shut before either of his parents could rush back in.
"INSURMOUNTABLE DEBT!" He yelled one last time, almost manically before sitting at a nearby table and covering his face with his hands as he burst into laughter. "I-I just- you can't threaten the Monkey King of all people with financial problems how am I related to this man!?"
The two pairs of parental figures looked at each other before laughing themselves, finding it difficult not to follow in MK's lead given how ridiculously that tense situation ended.
"You handled that pretty damn well, MK," Wukong said with proud smile as he ruffled his student’s hair.
"It's a lot easier when I know I have a bunch of dads and pops to back me up," he replied with a smile.
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bogsbet · 3 years
The Jeweler
Y'know, it's not easy looking for a gift, especially if it's for your mentor and his former enemy, who is now his lover.
Yup, the gifts he's looking for are for the great sage of heaven and the shadow demon themselves, Monkey King and Six-eared Macaque. Shocking, ain't it?
They both started dating again after MK and the gang rescued him from Lady Bone Demon, following her defeat. After finally talking and admitting their mistakes, they both slowly became allies, to friends, to best friends, to lovers.
 And finally, After a few years of dating, The great sage finally popped the question when they were on a date by the waterfall, and the demon said yes. After they announced to the gang their engagement, obviously they're happy for them, especially MK, he wished them nothing but happiness for both of them.
Even though the wedding was planned for next year, MK is already looking for gifts for them. But what? He wants the gifts to be perfect for the two monkeys. Which leads him to the situation you're seeing right now.
"Ugh, this is harder than I thought!" MK exclaimed while walking with Mei by his side. "Well it was never easy to begin with, MK" She said while comforting the successor. "But I know you will find the perfect gift for them. Oh! What about the one I showed you?" She looked at him as MK looked up to her with the 'are you serious' look. "First of all, no, Second, they looked too way cliche, and third, If my wallet dies, you're paying for the funeral."
"Oh come on, I find them cute" Mei pouts, disagreeing with MK's statement. After walking around town with no luck, they both decided to called it a day and just try again the next day. "I gotta go pick something up first, it might take a while so don't wait for me and just do whatever you want. I'll be back, MK!" The small dragon waved at her monkey friend before leaving. MK waved back and sighed before he started to walk around again in defeat.
What could be the perfect gift for Monkey King and Macaque? It needs to be nice and perfect, and does not make the wallet cry. MK kept thinking before hearing a small giggled passed by. MK turned to see who it was and saw the figure dropped something on the ground. MK picked it up to what it seemed to be some kind of bracelet. The way it looked is quite beautiful, despite it looking so simple.
"Hey, you dropped this!" He ran after the figure. He had a bit of a difficulty due to so many people blocking the way but he managed luckily. He followed the stranger to a alley. He notice the figure wasn't in the alley. That's odd, he could've sworn the figure was here.
"Hello, my dear~" MK yelped by the sudden voice and felled on his butt. He looked up to see it was the stranger from before, the stranger giggled a bit before lending out his hand, offering to help him up. "I'm sorry for startling you, sweetie. Are you okay?" MK stared at the figure for a bit, the stranger appears to have a hat, covering half of his face, and seemed to be wearing some kind of cloak. The only thing he could make out is the gentle smile across his face. Mk glared at the figure before shooking his head, accepting his help and got up, patting the dust off of him.
"Sorry about that, I was going to give this back to you and-" MK cut off when he noticed the stranger isn't in front of him until he looked down...the stranger..is actually shorter than him. "Ah-OH! I'M SORRY, I DIDN'T SEE YOU, I MEAN, I MEAN I DID BUT-!" MK panicked and tries not to be awkward until the figure suddenly laughs at him. "It's okay, sweetheart. I'm used to it. And I see you got my bracelet." "Oh! Right! The bracelet, I was just gonna bring it to you since you dropped it."
MK gave the bracelet to the stranger. "You know, the bracelet is really pretty, where did you get it?" MK questioned, thinking he might help him for the gift. "I made it." The stranger replied. "Woah, really?! That's some talent you got there." The stranger smiled by his compliment. "You know, I heard you were looking for a gift for someone, I can be of help." "R-Really?! Can you really help me?!" MK eyes filled with hope while looking at the stranger. "Anything for the Monkie kid."
"Oh, you've heard of me?" "My child, if you lived in a society where piece is no longer the option, you got to know your information. Like, how you fought the demon bull king and nearly buried him with half of a building." "Oh...well I guess you know since it's all over the news." MK chuckled as he scratch the back of his head. "Or, what about the time where you squash the spider queen despite your fear of spiders." "Wait, wha-" How did he know that? There's no way other people know that. "Or maybe that one time where you finally gave the Lady bone demon her dreadful fate.." "..H-How did you know that..?" MK looked at the stranger with a shocked and confused look, there's no way this guy knows what happened. The stranger chuckled before tilting his hat up. "I have my ways, my dear."
The stranger revealed himself to be a monkey just like Wukong and Macaque, except he's shorter, has black and brown fur with markings on his face and pale yellow green eyes. This doesn't surprised MK since he met a few monkeys like him before but he kept his guard up. Knowing what happened before, once he trust someone he's not familiar with, things go wrong. "I heard you're looking for a gift, yes?” "Y-Yeah...For my mentor and his fiance.." "I see, well, if it's jewelry you're looking for, why not wedding rings?" The monkey questioned the mortal.
"Wedding rings?" MK looked at him with confusion. "Why wedding rings?" "Why not? Everyone has courtship bracelets so why not wedding rings? It's a good gift and they don't have to go to get them." The stranger smiled as his tail gently sway a bit. "I mean, I guess so....Okay, well go with that." MK agree to the idea, however he knows that everything is not for free.
"However, they don't come free, my darling" Of course they don't, well there's no going back now MK thought. "Just get on with it, please, just tell me what you want." The stranger chuckled by his response.
"What I want."
Oh god..
Here it comes..
"I-I'm sorry, what?" MK asked. "I wanted some chocolate." "C-Chocolate?" "Yes, chocolate" "Chocolate.." "Mhm" "....Chocolate..?" "Did I stuttered, dear?" He looked at MK while smiling. "Oh no no no no! That's not it!" MK denied while shooking his head and hands. "It's just....that's it?" "Mhm" "That's all you wanted..?" "Yes" "Just chocolate?" "That's right" "No money, or blood sacrifice or anything?!" asked the confused MK as the monkey laugh by his confusion. "Oh you mortals are so adorable with your imagination. But no, that is all I wanted. No money, no blood sacrifice, no offering of your sweet soul. Just some simple chocolate that you can find in a candy store. Can you do that, my dear?" The monkey looked up at the confused successor.
"I mean- I can, it's just...why chocolate..?" Asked the successor before hearing the monkey giggled. "My sweet little chimp, is it a sin to crave for something so sweet and irresistible? The moment you bite into it, the sweet creaminess mixed with the cacao really just filled your mouth with flavor~" The monkey giggled while thinking about it as MK just stood there, silently.
"Now do we have a deal?" The monkey looked at MK, offering him a handshake. MK looked at the monkey's hand, having second thoughts and doubts about this.. Should he really trust this monkey? He doesn't want to repeat the same mistake again.. But since the monkey looked harmless and does not seem to be some kind of threat.. I guess he can give him trust. "Deal." The Monkie kid shook his hand, accepting the deal as the monkey give out a small grin. "Good, now, I'll be on my way to get the materials, I already have ideas on my head. Meet me back here after a few days, okay?"
"O-Okay...Oh! I haven't got your name yet!" said MK as he looked at him, the monkey give him a gentle smile before replying. "Just call me Bogs, dear" The monkey smiled as MK waved at him and was about to leave. But before he leaved he turned to see and notice the short monkey is gone. MK got quiet before he left the alley and went to his best friend. And just as he left, Bogs was just standing on the roof and looked up at the sky. "So you finally did it, Sunny? Heh...I hope you and Moonlight are happy together.." Bogs smiled before walking off. o wow i actually did it, holy smokes, was this okay? idk, its my first time and i kinda did good? im sorry if it looks confusing, i just dont know how to do this thing, uhh hope u like it?
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