#someone get this poor boy a snack and a hug
transboysokka · 10 months
so sokka's problems mostly swept under the rug because he doesn't have time to deal with huge and heavy emotions when he has to step up and keep his tribe and his sister and then later the gaang safe. i keep thinking about what that must mean after the war is over, how sokka would get the first real calm in his life for years and suddenly be hit by a train of trauma that needs unpacking. maybe not directly after the war, but a few years later, when things have stabilized, he just emotionally collapses and needs help from the gaang (and specifically zuko cmon now) in order to pull himself back up
YES I obsess over this concept.
WOULD he deal with it in a healthy manner? Ever? Or would he just keep himself busy, keep moving onto the Next Big Thing because that’s all he knows how to do? Would he throw himself into his work? Massive engineering projects to improve the world? His new version of saving the world, and we’ve SEEN the changes between the first show and Korra. Did he do all of that? To keep himself from thinking about his trauma? Does he become a workaholic? Does he end up spending less time with loved ones than he ought to because he’s so busy giving them a better world to live in??
I DON’T KNOW but I do know that boy wouldn’t WILLINGLY go to anyone else about his issues because HE is supposed to be the responsible one and burdening anyone else with his insignificant problems (from his perspective) is UNTHINKABLE
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charliedawn · 1 month
slashers(Jason,Michael and Brahms only) with beautiful undead yet friendly bride Reader who is like Emily(from Corpse Bride) and She refers them as Her "Victor" (btw,are you fan of Tim Burton? if not then that's okay)
(Here you go ! Thank you for the request and indeed, I am a big fan of Tim Burton. Hope you’ll like it 👍)
Jason Voorhees:
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Jason was scared half-to-death (see what I did there ? 😂) when he saw that rotten bride just sprang out from the very earth he usually buries the bodies of his victims in. Not gonna lie, he kinda ran back to his cabin when he saw you—‘cause if his mama taught him anything ? It was that dead people don’t come back to life for no good reason. The poor boy locked himself up twice. But, it wasn’t enough to stop you. You eventually came in and started haunting him. He tried to shoo you away at first because Jason likes his loneliness, his space. Actually, he doesn’t like people in general—dead or alive. So, Jason tried everything to get rid of you. He swung his axe at you and tried to catch you or trap you, but all his efforts were fruitless. He finally gave up and let you haunt him. But, he didn’t regret it. As you are a ghost, you could guard his home and warn him of any danger nearby. It was nice having someone watching over his back for once.
…But then, you saw it.
The machete that killed you.
On his wall.
You looked back at Jason and your undead heart squeezed in your chest. Had he…? Was he the one who had killed you ? On your wedding day nonetheless ? Wasn’t he your Victor ? And if not. Who was he ?
Brahms Heelshire:
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Brahms likes to play pretend. He dreamt of having that special someone he could one day propose to and have his happy ever after moment. He was thinking about it and had one of those gummy rings he had saved from his snack time. He was in the forest and had decided to have himself a little repetition for the unforeseeable future and that’s when he saw one peculiar branch that looked like a finger. He didn’t think more about it and did his little game of pretending…and when he put the ring on the finger. Well…He certainly didn’t expect some half-rotten bride to spurt out of the earth and shout:
"I DO."
But it did. That happened. And then, you wouldn’t leave him—not that he minded. Far from it. He was happy to have a wife (even though the kisses and hugs were a lil’ cold) He wondered about telling people about his…well…new ‘bride’. But, he thought better of it when he realised how lonely and sad you were. It didn’t matter that you called him Victor. Or Marvin. Or Hector. Or Derek for that matters…He would take any name if it meant you would stay and love him. And you had said ‘I do’. No takebacksies now.
Michael Myers:
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Michael was confused when he first saw you sprang up from the earth. Weird. His victims usually stayed dead. He tried to stab you but…Oops. Already dead. He quickly realised that you must be like Jack Torrance—a ghost. He also understood that stabbing you would be a waste of time. He tried to ignore you, but you would then appear at random times and tell him that you were married and that he was your Victor. As Michael doesn’t speak, he couldn’t rectify you.
Hence, he became ‘Victor’ to you.
At the end, he learnt to tolerate your presence. Especially at night when he would normally sleep alone with his regrets, he would feel your hand stroking his head and your voice singing him lullabies…Maybe having a dead bride wouldn’t be that bad…?
One day, you showed him an old picture of you. He looked at it and you could see that something was bothering him. You asked him about it, but he didn’t say anything. He didn’t tell you he remembered you. He didn’t tell you he remembered your wide frightened eyes when he plunged his knife deep into your heart the day you were supposed to marry…or the way he mercilessly beheaded your betrothed.
That was a story he would rather never share with you.
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ivrxquack · 3 months
Lame, okay.
Toxic! Tokyo revenger headcannons
(Back in my Tokyo revenger era 😭)
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Too clingy.
Acts like you’re his life support…literally.
One time you woke up in the middle of the night to get water, you were gone for about 5 minutes and in that short time Mikey was able to have a full blown panic attack.
“Y/N, where did you go?” He whined as you sighed shaking your head going to hug him, as he wiped his tears on your pajamas. “Mikey, I just went to the kitchen it’s ok.” You said as he rubbed his cheek against yours, pulling you back into bed with him burying his face in your chest mumbling about how you should never leave his side again.
Every time you guys go in public like the store, mall, out to eat or anything like that he has a death grip on you. You’re always to hesitant to tell him that it feels like you’re hand is about to snap due to his unnecessary grip.
The first red flag in the relationship was in the first few weeks of dating. You and an old guy friend spotted each other at the park you two were at, you didn’t realize it but Mikey was shaking like a mad man his eyes wide and full of rage. Mikey, didn’t want to beat him to death especially infront of you so he “politely” excused himself from the situation.He was gone for about 30 minutes you and your friend were only talking for about 5 or 7 minutes, you couldn’t believe what he said he was doing when you asked him about it.
“Mikey!? Where did you go!?” You asked spotting him sitting by the lake throwing pieces of bread, “I was feeding the ducks!!” He said smiling widely hoping you wouldn’t notice the giant hole in the tree beside you with blood stains on it. You’ve thought about breaking up with him but he’s honestly so sweet to you, so you’ll learn to deal with his behavior but it naturally will get old soon.
Very very very overprotective.
“Babe, I don’t think you should be around here.” Baji said holding onto your arm pressing your body against yours, as you two walked around downtown which was surprisingly kind of empty. “Baji, my aunt needs these” You said holding the bag of different medicines your aunt lived in one of the neighborhoods downtown.
“Yea, ok.” Baji said rolling his eyes hardly as you two turned a corner to see a homeless man “ma’am..do you perhaps have some money?” He asked as Baji’s guard was immediately up. “No, get lost” Baji said tugging you away from him only for to you push him away, as you pulled your wallet out and handing the homeless man a few dollars. Baji couldn’t believe his eyes and before you could even blink the homeless man was knocked out on the ground, Baji standing on his head.
What the fuck?!” You said pushing Baji off him. “Sorry…..I thought he was about to punch you.” Baji said as you stared at the poor man before tucking the money in his coat pocket, and storming off making sure to give your boyfriend a lethal death glare.
He’s like your own attack dog if you were crazy enough and ordered him to fight someone for you, he definitely would and wouldn’t stop until they couldn’t walk. He doesn’t care if it’s a old man, old lady, kid, girl, woman, boy, man, cat, rat, bat he’ll fight them cause he’ll do anything to protect you!
“Y/N, why are you crying?” Baji asked rushing up to you as you fell into his strong arms sobbing. “A-Abby” he heard you whisper as his adrenaline started to race(idk if I worded that right). Abby was your bully who so happened to have a “crush” on Baji, she had been so rude to you at work normally you would ignore her but today…she really got under your skin. After calming you down and making you a big comfy spot on the couch, Baji said he was going to go get your favorite snacks.
Later that night you and Baji were sitting on the couch watching a movie. Baji was half asleep laying his head on your lap, as your phone dinged from an unknown number You hesitantly clicked it. What you saw made your jaw drop it was Abby getting jumped by 4 guys. “What the freak” you muttered quickly deleting and blocking the number throwing your phone across the room onto a different couch.
Completely unaware of the wicked smile on Baji’s face.
He babies/ enables you.
He has child proofed certain things in the house.
“Mistuya, are you serious.” You said in disbelief as you stared at the plastic knifes and forks in the drawer. “Safety first!” Mistuya said patting your head as you saw him put the actual knifes and forks into a drawer with a lock on it. You felt more like one of his little sisters then girlfriend, sure he was the definition of perfect but damn. You wished he’d understand that you could do most things by yourself.
“Oh, your shoes are untied, here let me get that for you.” Mistuya said as you two stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, he smiled at you softly patting his knee gesturing for you to put your foot up.
“I can do it myself!” You bending down as you quickly tried to tie your shoes somehow tangling the string. “Come on don’t be silly, you still do bunny ears!” Mistuya said bending down pushing your hands away as you watched his cute little delicate hands undid the strings.
Sometimes without knowing he would embarrass you especially infront of his friends. “Remember that one time you tripped on the baby gate? I had to put up cause you’re so clumsy” Mistuya asked laughing as Mikey and draken started to laugh at you. “Baby gates? I didnt know Y/n was a toddler!” Mikey teased as Mistuya chuckled but quickly stopped seeing the way you were staring at him like you wanted to murder him.
Despite the fact you always check him on what he does, and how much he apologizes and promises not to do it again he obviously still keeps doing it.
But at the end of the day he’s still YOUR man so you can’t say too much since you’re choosing to date him!
Wayyyyy to obsessed with you.
At first you thought it was adorable how often he checked up on, how often he hung out with you, how often he was thinking and talking about you. Until it became weird and weirder.
“There’s motion at your front door.” The notification on your phone said as you sat up out of your bed, checking the camera to see two big indigo eyes peering into the camera scaring you to death. “Y/N, its me Hakkai” Your boyfriends soft voice said as he revealed his jaw dropping stunning gorjus smile. You quickly rushed downstairs and let him in as he hugged you, when you questioned him he nervously explained on how he had just been in the area and wanted to see you.
He clearly has the mind of a bed bug cause after he left after a few hours of talking, something was telling you to check all of the cameras you had around your house and when you did boy his ass was grass. You saw Hakkai, walking around your house his eyes glowing in the night vision camera like he was a wild animal or something. He was peering into all your windows as you heard your dog barking. ‘That’s why she was barking?!’ You thought as you saw Hakkai jump at the noise as he ran to the back of the house where your bedroom was.
It turns out he was actually taking pictures of you while you were sleep, you were a little nervous but the next morning you two met up at a cafe and you brung it up as soon as you two sat down at your table.
“What? I would never do that.” Hakkai said as he took a bite of the cake he had, as you tried showing him the footage only to not find it all. And you knew that you saved it to your camera roll.
“You feeling ok, baby? Are you sick?” Hakkai asked with a worried look as he cupped your cheeks in his hands, and you nodded sighing.
‘She didn’t realize I hacked into her phone!’ Hakkai thought happily
The first time you went over his house probably should’ve been the last….
“Wow, your room is cute.” You said looking around it was surprisingly neat and smelt like lavender, you were pretty sure he only cleaned up for you thought. “Thanks!” He said as you looked at the posters on the wall of many different things like sports and stuff. “I’ll be right back, I’ll go get you something to drink make yourself at home” Hakkai said excitedly as you nodded sitting down on the bed to see a picture of you framed on the nightstand next to his bed. There was also a picture of you and him together, him and his sister, and of course him and Mistuya, and a few with him and his other friends. You smiled widely at the thought of the love and devotion he had for his friends and family, before you noticed light shining behind a door. It wasn’t his closet cause his closet was one of the first things you saw when you walked in.
You walked up to it cracking the door open slightly as your jaw dropped. You saw a few dim lights surrounding pictures…:pictures of you, what really got you were the pictures from last night of you sleeping.
“Y/N?” Hakkai asked as you quickly back away from the door as he had a tray of drinks and snacks on it. “What were you doing?” He asked as you put on a fake smile . “I was just curious to what was in there, I didn’t see anything” you said as he tilted his head to the right as you sat down on the bed.
“Whatever you say, love” Hakkai said as you thought about ways to distant your self from him. (It doesn’t work and it never will.)
What’s not toxic about his bitch ass🙄 there’s a lot of things but let’s only go through the worst one, the way he’s roasts you like his life depends on it.
“You kind of look like a cracked out ferret in that jacket, take it off” Smiley said as you side eyed him zipping up the jacket that was actually cute asf. “Shut up for once, damn” You said frowning as you and angry stared at him like he was crazy.
No matter how many times you(really just angry) try to check him it just plays it off as joking, you’ve always been skeptical if he was. But angry always reassures you that’s his brother means no harm if he did he would’ve been made you bite the curb.
“Babe, you look like you eat mattresses for a living.” Smiley said as he helped you put on eyeshadow. “Are you kidding me? Why do you have to say things like that?” You said as his smile only seemed to get wider. “Like what?” He said snarkiliy as you rolled your eyes standing up to stare at your perfect face in the mirror. “You always make fun of me for everything I do…” you said walking out to the living to see angry sitting on the couch, you guys were going out to eat. “Don’t be stupid. You know I love you” Smiley said following you throwing his arm around your shoulder as angry stared at you with sad eyes.
A good thing is if anyone were to try to come for you he’d be very quick to put them in their place!
When you two were in the beginning stages you were getting picked on and smiley was the only one to help you out. “You wanna come for my, Y/N? First of all your lace front is literally lifting up, your underwear is probably crusty and musty just like your mom. Your built like a watermelon” Smiley went on and on until the girl finally went away tears in her eyes.
You can always count on him to have your back!
He got on smileys nerves so bad when he had a crush on you. Everyday smiley had to hear “she looked at me she must love me!” “She waved at me in the hall ways she wants to get married!” If smiley was out of his mind he would lay hands on angry, but he has some self control and he loves his brother a lot so he learns to silence him out. Angry’s delusional got 1000”x worst once you guys started to date.
“Y/N, told me to pick a box up I picked it up and she said thank you, she’s clearly madly obsessed and in love with me.” Angry said with a lovesick look as a few of the other members of Toman stared at him like he nuts.
Usually his delusionals are harmless but one time they got WAY Too out of hand.
You were going to the mailbox and the way your house is positioned, the window to your room is facing the whole front yard. Angry was watching you like a hawk with love in his eyes, well the love quickly turned into sadness as he saw a man a friendly looking man approaching you.
“Hi, Mr. Ronald! Long time no see” You said as you two started talking. Mr. Ronald was your old babysitter he was always kind to you and a joy to have around. Angry wasted no time in calling his brother “bro, I think Y/N is cheating on me!!!” Angry hollered as soon as smiley picked up the phone. “What?” Smiley said in confusion anger in his voice already planning on how he was going to beat you until your face was unrecognizable.
You were making your way inside when you heard angry yelling on the phone but is ceased once he heard the front door open. “Baby, is everything ok?” You asked walking up the stairs to see him with the most hurt look ever. “You’re cheating on me, aren’t you?” He asked as you saw him fighting back tears in his eyes. “My Little cotton candy head, is this about Mr. Ronald?” You said sighing as you made sure to keep your distance since you knew his alpha came out when he crowd.
“I love you please don’t leave me for him, I-i promise I’ll change!!” He said as he ran up to you hugging you extremely tight, it felt like your lungs could burst any minute. “Angry, he’s like family to me, let me go” You groaned out trying to shove him off you as he kept sobbing about how you and your neighbor were getting married, and all types of dumb stuff. “Angry…” you said feeling life slowly getting further and
Further from you, as you heard thundering footsteps racing up the stairs.
“Woah, angry! Chill” Smiley said as he rushed over using all his strength to pull his brother from you, normally he wouldn’t interfere with stuff like this but he knew that his brother would never be the same if you died especially from his own hands. “Y/N? Honey? What have I done?!” Angry yelled out crying as he let you go watching as you gasped for air on the ground. “I’d never cheat on you angry…” you said coughing as smiley roughly patted your back as angry stared at his hands before running out wailing hysterically smiley following instantly.
Let’s just say you couldn’t bring yourself to even look at angry. Let alone speak to him after this(you guys got back together cuz you love you’re little blueberry)
He’s. Such. A. Crybaby
It’s like every little thing that goes slightly wrong sets him off.
You got a paper cut? He’s already crying a river. You passed a test? He’s crying while planning a special suprise for you, it’s honestly just ridiculous.
“Takemichi, why are you crying?” Mikey asked watching his friend cry while staring at his phone.
“Y-Y/N, only put one heart in her message!” He said wiping the snot off his face showing Mikey the message you sent him. ‘Have a great day I love you♥️’ the message said as Mikey stared at him in confusion.
Ngl that about it for him cause there’s really nothing wrong with him but being with a crybaby is mad toxic trust me I know😭 (I was going to make it he still clings into Hina but I passed on that cuz yeaaa)
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gh0stxp · 1 month
Ticci Toby sfw and NSFW headcanons? :3
Ticci Toby SFW and NSFW headcanons
🧸ྀིEnglish is not my first language, so sorry for the grammar mistakes !! 🤍
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! Warning ! -> It has NSFW, which means it has 18+ in writing ‹𝟹
༉‧₊˚. SFW:
🪓⋆.˚彡 He really likes cuddling with you, especially when you caress his cheeks while telling him how beautiful he is ♡‧₊˚
🪓⋆.˚彡 When he hugs you, he doesn't know if he's squeezing you too hard, so I think it's better to warn him about it ♡‧₊˚
🪓⋆.˚彡 He loves your kisses, he says your lips have a different flavor... and he loves it ♡‧₊˚
🪓⋆.˚彡 In public, he may end up not liking very much when you kiss him, but don't be mad at him, he's just nervous about being in public ♡‧₊˚
🪓⋆.˚彡 Well, he likes to follow you while you're shopping or just taking a walk, not in a strange way, since you know he's doing it to protect you in case someone tries to harm you ♡‧₊˚
🪓⋆.˚彡 At the beginning of your relationship, he didn't take off his mask much because he thought you would leave him because of the injury he has on one of his cheeks, but after seeing that you didn't even care about it, he started to take off the mask more when he was with you ♡‧₊˚
🪓⋆.˚彡 When you flirt with him, he blushes and giggles, poor boy is not used to compliments ♡‧₊˚
🪓⋆.˚彡 While you talk to him, his tics may appear, but you find it cute and not strange, and he is really grateful for you not finding it strange ♡‧₊˚
🪓⋆.˚彡 In his free time, he likes to watch movies with you, play with you, go for walks, cuddle, and talk about how the day went ♡‧₊˚
༉‧₊˚. NSFW:
🪓⋆.˚彡 He can be a little possessive (a lot) while having s3x with you, he does it so rough and fast, he will moan and smile at you moaning and squirming while he f#cks you ♡‧₊˚
🪓⋆.˚彡 Oh, yes he can be a good boy who likes you to please him or a possessive man who likes to see you squirm ♡‧₊˚
🪓⋆.˚彡 He's a good boy, he is, at least that's what he says while you masturbate him ♡‧₊˚
🪓⋆.˚彡 If you're going to give him head, he'll probably grab you by the hair and make you go deeper on his d*ck ♡‧₊˚
🪓⋆.˚彡 About giving head to him, oh he won't stay quiet, he'll moan loudly and whimper ♡‧₊˚
Toby: "U-use that b-beautiful m-mouth of y-yours..mhm! Y-yes..g-good-...just l-like that!"
🪓⋆.˚彡 Either the bro is very sensitive when you're top, or he only acts sensitive when he's bottom ♡‧₊˚
🪓⋆.˚彡 When he wants to have s3x, he won't say, he will hug you from behind, caress your hips, kiss your neck, and press himself against you, for you to know that he's hard ♡‧₊˚
🪓⋆.˚彡 If you refuse to do s3x with him, you have two options, either he begs you or he pulls you to the nearest place (table, sofa, bed or any place to lie you down) and starts teasing you to see if you accept it, if you don't accept, he will go to the bedroom and he will probably do it with his own hands (literally) ♡‧₊˚
🪓⋆.˚彡 After s3x, he will take care of you, prepare a relaxing bath for you, get snacks for you, and while you're in the bath he will prepare the bed, so that it's comfortable for you to lie down and sleep while you cuddle together ♡‧₊˚
(I tried my best in NSFW, even felt cringe but what matters is if you guys liked it (。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡)
Byee!! ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱
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milksuu · 11 months
❀. │GIRL DINNER (O1)│. ❀
❥ prompt: You're hungry. You want food. You want a snack. You just want SOMETHING. You send your HEARTSTEEL boyfriend(s) on a food-run adventure. Let's see what each boy brings back. ❥ content/warnings: sexually suggestive themes, profanity, fluff ❥ characters/pairings: v!Heartsteel (aphelios,kayn,ezreal) / f!reader
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sour patch kids and ariZona tea
Aphelios sneaks behind you, and presses the cold can against your neck. He can't help but enjoy how much you pout and whine about it.
He also can't help enjoying every expression you make: the first satisfied sip of your tea, the excitement of opening up the candy bag, and your mouth pursing from the sour taste. Then smiling once the sweetness settles.
But what Aphelios can't help most, is pulling down his mask, and tasting the sugar sparkling your lips. Smiling to himself when you're lost for words, cheeks stained pink, and nervously drawing cute circles against his chest.
It's enough to make him come back for seconds. And when he does, you taste even sweeter than the first. He was planning for a third but...he can wait till later.
Most likely past midnight underneath his sheets. When everyone's asleep but you two. And only he can hear the even sweeter noises you make—just for him. Only for him. Like an exclusive confectionary shop, and he's the only one allowed inside.
Until then, he’ll just savor the moment of watching you enjoy your snacks.
Aphelios likes his sweets. Even though he'll never admit it to anyone. But you're the only exception.
flamin' hot fries and cherry coke
Kayn devoted his precocious time to get you something you could obviously get yourself, because he tolerates 'likes' you. (Whatever that means.)
He tosses the chip bag and drink in your lap, and plops down next to you. Pretending not to care whether or not you like his choices. Not his problem if you don't like it. He did you a favor, after all.
But all of that's a lie. He cares, like a lot. More than he wants to admit it. Because he values your opinion. And wants your validation. He scuffs to himself. Like he would ever beg or ask for it. He probably would.
You pause, staring at the snacks without a word. The anticipation is driving him damn near crazy.  And if you had to be honest with him…the combo is your total favorite!
You show your appreciation with showering praise, a hug around his neck, and love pats to his hair. He hates it. He fucking loves it.
Kayn doesn't easily show his joy. His happiness at your reaction starts off with a simple smile. Not so commonplace for someone like him. But then it curls into that all infamous smirk of his that only spells trouble.
Kayn was hungry himself. This whole time, didn't you know? Silly (and naive) of you not to have noticed. His gaze devours you till you find yourself caught by his lips. The nips and bites tell you the poor boy is starving. And he deepens the kiss till....
Well, guess your snacks can wait.
happy meal and sprite
Ezreal is excited to give you this happy meal. Why? Well, that's a surprise! And he loves surprising you.
He first covers your eyes and asks you to guess who it is. He does this all the time. You giggle at how silly it is. But you wouldn't want it any other way.
He then presents the box with the famous 'Ta-Da!' reveal.
You absolutely LOVE the happy meal from PoroKing! Not only is the food good, but the box art is always a cute treat to see.
Oh, but that wasn't the best part about it. The surprise was still inside. When you open the box, the toy inside is what makes you absolutely go crazy. It's the limited edition PoroKing keychain!
It's the only one you don't have in the entire collection, and somehow, Ezreal managed to get it for you.
You can't help yourself. You bounce onto his lap, and press your body and lips against his. He really wasn't expecting this much of a reaction! Afraid you might bounce away from how giddy you are, he takes your hips and presses you closer. Closer to the point where…
Looks like there's more than one surprise happening tonight.
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hwaightme · 1 year
Cat named Mars (catboy!hwa hcs)
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(masterlist) (perma-taglist)
😻 pairing: catboy!seonghwa x gn!reader 😻 genre: headcanons, fluff, crack, demon? to cat? to roommate? to lover? 😻 summary: the longest bulletpoints about what it would be like to have catboy!hwa as your bf - the whole story 😻 wordcount: 4.5k 😻 warnings/tags: editing? who is she, unhinged crack part nyah, catboy!hwa, cute catboy!hwa, soft and polite catboy!hwa- okay i will stop |, language, food/eating, mention of others not treating animals well, sweater paws, mention of adorable nerdy hobbies, domestic, cuddle, a surprise about how hwa ended up being a cat in the first place, both past and present tense used, mainly lowercase 😻 taglist: at the bottom of the fic~ 😻 a/n: let me drift in the soft and fluffy catboy!hwa lands until waterbomb strikes, for my own healing; my braincells are out of service but i hope you enjoy <3 all reblogs, thoughts and notes appreciated! big hugs!
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once upon a time he was a cat
there was never a moment to think about anything except work, and maybe about groceries and bills (but even those things normally hit you at two o'clock in the morning, leading you to check your phone and make make amendments to your schedule in a panicked state). there was never any room for a cat. until there was.
of course there just had to be an adorable kitty, at most maybe a couple of years old, lean and with jet black fur that was surprisingly shiny for an abandoned cat, sitting square in the middle of a cardboard box on the side of the street that formed a part of your regular path and commute to and from work. in the morning, you had locked eyes with the cat, heart bleeding and hurting for the poor creature but secretly hoping that someone else would take it - you couldn't take care of it, could you? in the evening, you were huffing and puffing with the cardboard box in your hands and the cat happily meowing, its tail stretched out upwards into a chimney pipe, slightly tilted to the side at the very end. you read somewhere that it meant the cat was happy, so you were going to take that as a good sign.
sat on the floor at the entrance to your apartment, you eyed the beautiful creature as it kept on purring and trying to hop out of the box and towards you, while you were insistent on keeping it in, lifting a cardboard flap repeatedly in an effort to prevent it from jumping. so. now you had a cat. there was nothing in the box, and on the outside, in horrific scrawl was a message suggesting whoever took the kitty either "kept him, or throw him away, whatever". non-humans. "that's who your previous owners were, right kitty?" you mumbled to no one in particular, but it seemed that the cat picked up on your speech and inched closer to you, ears moving like disks to pick up signals. "so you are a he, yeah?" a meow. so you were right. at least the beasts from this cat's past got one thing right. "do you have a name? actually… you know what do you want a… new name?" you were fast on the attachment scale, you realised. it had been barely a few minutes and you were already trying to name the cat who you had not even checked for diseases, nor had any basic facilities to take care of him. but he was more than excited by the prospect, and mewled in what sounded like gratitude. you began to list off names, eventually boring the kitty, and he started to falter in his enthusiasm. all until one name rang a bell.
and that was how you ended up with a black cat named Mars.
by the power of actually having to shake paws with a cat, and you promising to get him quality snacks, you managed to get Mars checked at the vet who confirmed everything was fine, and was equally as amazed as you that he was so well groomed and neat. while you knew you did not have much of a right to do this, your inner pride still swelled and, to yourself, you said that 'yes, my Mars is really neat and handsome'.
you took to addressing Mars as 'your handsome boy' and that seemed to wake him up and get him speeding towards you faster than anything else could. also 'the prettiest star' and 'my universe' and 'marvellous Mars' all worked wonders.
at the same time, he was shy, as if he did not want to disturb you with his antics. always tip-toeing around you as silently as a cat could (which was very silent, to the point where he jumpscared you a couple of times but that is okay because excuse me did you see his precious face????) and never taking up much space, even though… hello? Mars? you are a cat?? he would rarely ever hop on any surfaces unless you explicitly told him to do so - this had left you convinced that your cat was well-versed in human-speak. he never meowed for food until you had told him to vocalise and tell you if he was very hungry, and gave him a rundown of his eating schedule and how it was important that he drank water. he was the politest cat you had ever met, while at the same time his timidness made you wonder if you were in any way intimidating. not once did Mars ever enter your bedroom, even though you left the door wide open for him, preferring to crash on the couch or on the floor of some other room. the first couple of times you joked about it saying "are you scared you'll see something, Marsy?" but when your cat actually looked away and hunched over, you were convinced that you hit the nail on the head, and that you were probably either hallucinating or were slowly turning into Doctor Dolittle.
but you were persistent. and insistent. and you took the little blanket with kuromi decor on it from him (yes this was that extreme of a situation) and put it at the edge of your bed. climbing in and covering yourself in the many layers, you looked at the terrified figure hovering at the entrance to the room, boba eyes as wide as saucers. he kept on looking at the blanket, then at you, then again at the blanket, then again at you, probably wondering if he could snatch the thing and make a run for it. you were on the verge of giving up at this point. sleepy, with work tomorrow, you were not about to engage in a whole war with your cat.
"you know what, if you want to stay, you can stay. i promise i will not hurt you, nor will i push you out. if you want to come closer, do. if you just want to take the blanket and leave, you can do that. your choice. i won't be hurt. i promise. you are already super brave and i love you either way. okay, Mars?" he did not respond, frozen in place. "my handsome boy?" his head twisted towards you. "precious?" a blink. another blink. one paw in front of the other. "are you actua- wow! I am so proud of you my baby! my brave boy!" you were cooing praises at him like there was nothing else in the world that existed as soon as he hopped onto the bed, foregoing the blanket and making a beeline towards your face, as though that was his read source of comfort. he was afraid to look away, focusing on your every expression as you patted his head and let him nuzzle into you. "you are so so brave, you know that? i know this is hard, so if at any point you want to leave, you can, okay?" purring louder than a powerdrill was the response you received. along with kitty cuddles through the whole night. because apparently, your cat was a koala all along.
and even in his cuddles he was gentle. you did not think you had ever seen him use his claws… ever. except maybe on a few toys but as soon as you were in sight poof gone, soft Mars activated. he was like your personal heater, careful to wrap himself closer to you not to push you out, but to instead complete whatever curled up position you were lying in. if you were stretched out to the side, he would find a place. if you were in a ball? he would find a place again. if you were lying down straight for whatever reason? give him a couple of nights to get comfortable, and now you had the ultimate cat comforter either on you, or around your head. and yes, you were blessed with a cat who barely shed, somehow. some of your friends who had cats almost cursed you when they found out, but you only smiled, looking at your lockscreen. nowadays, even during the workday you were thinking of Mars at least a little bit.
maybe you were spoiling him a little bit, but it was too adorable to see him watching you play legend of zelda or animal crossing on your nintendo switch. and when he saw that you got a gift from a friend in the form of a lego set? well. you were literally afraid to open the box because of how hyper your cat got - perhaps not today…
you fell into the most pleasant routines with Mars, from waking up and going to bed together, to eating breakfast and then 'parting ways' for you to attend to human business and him to his 'cat business'. it was cute. it made your head sing. you were happier than you had ever been. all thanks to that one random day. one random box. and one black haired kitty who radiated sunshine.
it was the eve of the one year anniversary of you being the proud owner of, or how you preferred to say it, the best friend of 'L/n Mars', and you were as sure as his ears were pointy in wanting to go all out with your celebration - minus the guests (because the last time you had invited a male friend of yours over your cat turned into a whole other creature and then sulked for at least three days until you took a day off work and called it 'Mars day', but you just assumed it was some territorial thing). you had set up little themed decorations, found a cute little headband with the number '1' that is suitable and safe for a cat and would not hurt his head, got a matching, human-sized one for yourself, made a whole dinner for your favourite kitty from scratch - the ingredients all checked with the vet who you now casually called by first name because you did not dare ever give Mars anything that might harm him and would rather panic call the doctor.
you were sat at the coffee table, so that it would be easier for Mars to reach the food (you set pillows on the floor for extra comfort, for which he thanked you with a loud meow), and had your respective mini-cakes set out in front of either of you. you had given up on making him ever eat kitty food - another peculiar quirk of your cat, so the 'cake', which was more a protein gift than anything, was fully home made. but Mars was happy. more than happy. if cats could smile, that was exactly what he was doing, right at you, squinting his eyes, threatening to hop over the table. you told him to wait, and quietly whispered your gratitude to him. much to your delight, he waited and listened, clinging onto every word.
"you know, i really think you are an angel. before you i was quite… how do i say this… life was just passing by. and now i look forward to it. and to be able to see you every day, to have fun days with you, to talk with you… all of that brings me so much joy and i hope that i can make you at least a little bit happy too. i wish you could tell me what you want, of course, but i really do think you know what i am thinking, what i am saying. and i hope that i am right in saying that i can understand you a bit too. you really are the smartest, most precious Mars. light of my life. i love you so much, my gorgeous, and here is to many years more, cheers~" you clinked your glass with orange juice with his water bowl, and giggled when he took a couple of neat laps to match with your gulps, only to lick his lips and hop off the pillows and go under the table.
in a matter of seconds, he reappeared at your side of the table, and poked at your lap with his paw, looking up at you with his bead-like eyes that seemed to contain the whole universe in them. you pat him between his ears, scratched under his chin, delighting him, and then stretched out your legs, gesturing towards your legs to signify that lap-napping season was open. Mars did not need to be told twice, and soon enough you had a black cat curled up on your lap, purring away, mewling a couple of times when you started eating to remind you that he was hungry too.
"so you want me to feed you now, too? aren't you cheeky-"
as if you could refuse him. you would be lying if you said you could. so there you were, on the floor and feeding Mars, quiet music playing from your phone, not quite sure if you could be any happier.
"i love you."
quite the contrast to what happened the next morning.
suddenly he is a catboy
when you wake up, Mars is nowhere in sight, and even when you call him, to which he would reply with at least a meow, you are only met with silence. you are alarmed, but wait in bed for just a little longer to see if Mars would come to you. nothing. you call again, 'pspspsps' him, all to no avail. only the breeze and the birds outside, along with inexplicable rustling from another room in your apartment. you raise an eyebrow and prop yourself up on your elbows. more rustling. a door opening, which sounds like the closet where you kept your warmer clothes. what is going on? another door closing. footsteps? you are on high alert. grabbing your phone and the light saber model which you had made a while back and kept safe by your bed, as it turned out exactly for this kind of moment, you head out to face whatever, or whoever is the source of the sound.
you are stealth itself, rounding the corner with weapon in hand, ready to face the attacker - or so you thought. until you come face to face with the tall, young man dressed head to toe in your clothing, namely a tracksuit that you had accidentally gotten in the wrong size and then somehow ended up being refunded for without returning the item, and a beanie that he had pulled over his head. spikes of jet black hair are poking from under the hat in all directions, and his deep brown eyes are widened in shock as he freezes on the spot and stares back at you.
"so, what the hell are you doing in my clothes?"
"y/n- i-"
"i can explain-"
"nope do NOT get closer what-"
"Mars…. i…. it's me… your uh… cat."
he looks embarrassed beyond belief, and crumbles to the floor, sliding until his back is against the wardrobe. wrapping his arms around his knees, he is scared to look up at you, worried that you would never recognise him, never accept him. this is exactly what he has been dreading all this time, and was heartbroken when the curse was finally broken, despite him technically being free now. he does not want to be away from you. this is his home. you are his home. you are the one who showed him true love.
"if it is okay… may i take this beanie off for a second?"
"i didn't even let you put it on in the first place," he winces. you feel a little bad, but hold your ground. his eyes sparkle in a way that is a little too familiar, reminding you of a certain someone. the cat who he mentioned. your precious cat. Mars.
"okay… here goes…" he slides the material off, making you gasp. hidden under the beanie is a pair of cat ears, fluffy, the same colour as his hair, and twitching as he adjusts after having flattened them to minimise their visibility.
"yo what."
"i have… a tail too."
he is not joking. a black tail to go with the black ears, sliding out from under the oversized hoodie. you are not sure what happened next, but you wake up on the sofa with the man, who you are now guessing is some human cat hybrid version of Mars fanning you with a magazine.
"I AM SORRY, Y/N PLEASE WAKE UP I AM SO- oh you are awake thank goodness i missed you i am really so sorry…" he drops the magazine almost instantly, leaning towards you and wrapping you in a warm embrace, much to your surprise. you yelp, but the softness, as well as his ears moving in the cutest way while he hugs you make you accept the gesture, and return it.
you never thought you would hear a grown man purr exactly like a cat, but here you are. well, you never thought you would have a catboy in your apartment either, but this is already happening so...
"so, Mars?"
"you have some explaining to do."
after what turned out to be at least two hours of you and him going back and forth about what had unfolded and what was the history of the young catboy's state, you find out that, in reality, his name is Park Seonghwa, and that he is a demon, of all things. that is right, a demon. set out to curse and haunt and spread sin. but no, he is cast out of hell because he is too kind and soft. and so he had been cursed to be a cat, until for a full year, someone could give him their whole heart, their full love. while he explains this to you with a fondness unlike anything you had ever seen before in your life (except in what you perceived from cat Mars's eyes), you begin to blush, realising that all this time, you were talking to and confessing to him. Seonghwa. this handsome man who was always by your side and-
oh. and he was sleeping in the same bed as you. just great. you flush an even deeper shade and cover your face. and he had been jealous, not territorial, when your friend had come over.
"are you okay?"
"so okay."
"i, uh-"
"you give really good hugs."
"Park Seonghwa do you really want to make me suffer?"
"no you are too cute. come here"
catboy!hwa headcanons
is initially cautious because well… you got used to him being a cat and now suddenly you have a whole man with cat ears and a tail walking around your house. he catches on to the fact that you are kind of shy around him too, but he does not push it, at least not straight away.
because that would mean that he has to get over his own shyness towards you extra quickly, and that proves to be difficult when it hits him that, well, he is now a person too, and you are a person, and he fell in love with you, and you told him you loved him before - on occasion he just walks around blushing with his ears pressed flat to his head but don't point it out he is already struggling ;~;
you might have to be the one to initiate the contact again because he is literally too scared to overstep anything and everything - even when you bought him his own first few sets of clothes as a 'human edition anniversary gift'. you approach him to give him a hug and he groups up as if he is about to dive into a pool, hands to his chest, eyes wide. but is he moving anywhere? no. does his purring give him away? yes. after that the two of you gently reintroduce physical touch and it makes you realise just how much you miss Mars, particularly because Seonghwa is still a little distant for understandable reasons. But you both are trying your best.
if you massage his head and scratch behind his hears he will melt - his favourite thing in the world is having his head rest on your lap with his eyes closed while you ruffle his hair really slowly and run your fingers through it.
desperately misses the times when you would call him handsome and pretty and smart, and every single affectionate word in the universe so he tries his damn hardest to get you to do that again, first by trying to be nice and helping you around the house, and when the results are not to his satisfaction and when cuddle sessions are pretty much the norm, but words of affection aren't… he pouts and openly asks you why you don't call him that anymore. you squeak the words out but the reaction makes every next attempt easier than anything.
he is scared to approach your room again, though, and this time you say nothing because well, this is a whole other territory. a couple of months pass before you consider and that is because you find him sleeping on the floor a couple of times, curled up with is tail covering his face a little, and he said it was because "he is scared otherwise and here is safe". so you take out a futon for now, but he is more than happy with this progress.
he learns how to cook both from you and from tutorials online, and then starts remembering what he used to cook a long time before - you basically stop cooking altogether because now he is insistent on waking you up with breakfast, packing you lunch and greeting you with dinner. he sometimes gets a bit too experimental, but you do not mind it too much because at least he cleans everything up.
you think you can ignore the lego in the corner of your living room? no :) it is a date now. a lego building date. for four hours straight. on the floor. him running this ship like you run your team at work. and his focus, his professional approach to the matter is a little too attractive, you admit to yourself. and somewhere along the way that translates into you planting a kiss on Hwa's cheek. this is the only time over the whole four hours that he drops the pieces he is holding in his hands, gazing at you, not quite sure if what he felt just now was real or not.
but nope, judging by your attempts to avoid his gaze this was very real. so he gets real bold real quick and guess who finds themselves trapped by two tones arms on either side of you, back on the floor, a curious and mischievous face a mere inch away? that's right, you. wants to build a starship, accidentally builds a relationship along with it - a major win.
there isn't ever a platonic stage really. an extensive awkward stage? sure. a roommates-maybe stage? sure. two people who like each other? sure. and now, after many months of you settling into a new routine, two people who love each other and keep telling each other that.
he finds a job that he can do remotely, and in this way remains mainly at home and around the neighbourhood with his beloved hobbies and balancing you out. in this way he now starts to sneak support to pay bills and to buy you little gifts (as a little apology for taking your clothes sometimes - read often)
it is not Hwa's fault that he misses you very quickly. it just happens. then one thing leads to another and he is lying on your shared bed hugging a hoodie of yours. eventually that leads to him dragging a couple more items out of your wardrobe and making a little nest out of them - only then does his worry go down and he goes for a nap while curled up in a ball.
when he knows that you should be arriving soon he starts walking up to the window, then away then back to the window, and away again. cycle repeats itself until he can spot you from a distance, and then he just stays by the window.
he helps you redecorate and rearrange your apartment, considering that you now have a 5'10'' human cat instead of one you can hold with two hands, and shocks you with just how many details he remembers about you, down to allergies, what colours irritate you when it comes to interiors, what plants you had to give away to keep him 'in cat form' safe - even though yes, he would not eat them, but how were you to know that?
he remembers all your special days, and hopes you remember his, too. thankfully, he knows his own birthday and using cat mathematics, converted from demon to cat to human. and so, now you can celebrate him wholeheartedly, only this time that also involves you taking him to go have a picnic under the cherry blossoms.
you and Seonghwa go to pick out and buy him a phone together, and you spend a whole day teaching him how to use it. soon enough your own phone goes off with notifications from him. he sends you fun things throughout the day and if he is busy, he sends you a selfie or a heartfelt message.
likes to curl up and read poetry with you. doesn't matter if out loud of in silence. what matters to him is that you are close. and good luck trying to get away - he has a tail and it is wrapped around your leg like an alert system so that he can tackle you right back to the couch or the bed. because it is you and Seonghwa time.
occasionally sings you lullabies that he either overheard somewhere or remembers, breaking into a smile when you wriggle closer to him and fall asleep, stress melting away from your every feature.
overall you are now living with a catboy Hwa cast out of hell for being too nice, who also turned out to be a big nerd, with heart eyes for you, sweater paws instead of actual paws, the occasional feline habits still coming through (like him rubbing his face against your shoulder, or your own face, or him hissing when frustrated or threatened, or him having the widest stretch in the morning, or… actually he is still part cat so, you have to deal with it), and all the love to give. thankfully not in the form of something he hunted. he buys birds at a store now. meant to be cooked. human-friendly.
he brings you a limited edition starship instead. if you display it he will look at you like he is falling in love with you all over again - if that is even possible because that would mean stopping loving you now, and that is the one thing he cannot do <3
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😻 taglist: @acciocriativity @justhere4kpop @byuntrash101 @shakalakaboomboo @starillusion13 @hongthoven @cqndiedcherries @uwuheeseungie @cheollipop @frankenstein852 @charreddonuts @miriamxsworld @mingigoo @michel-angelhoe @innsomniacshinestar @foxinnie8 @preciouswoozi @wooyoungjpg @nebulousbookshelf @wowie-hockey @hongjoongs-patience @ssaboala @jaehunnyy @kitten4sannie @maddkitt @pocketjoong-reads @lightinyreads @ren-junwrld @burnmepls @pyeonghongrie-main @archivesummer @little-angel-k @marsstarxhwa
thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please leave a kind reblog, much love!
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icarusredwings · 1 month
Does anyone else think about how chill Lucy Saxon is? They were together for about a year before the Doctor showed up.
Imagine you move in with your boyfriend and he does some kinda weird stuff like watches kids cartoons, eats you out of house and home, probably doesn't sleep much, is obsessed with hurting people and some dude named the Doctor and when you ask "Oh in what?"
"Hes not even a real doctor!!"
"...then why dont you call him something else?"
"You wouldn't get it." And he just starts pouting?
Or one of his favorite things to do is sit in a big fancy desk in a full suit and watch shows for 2 year olds with you on his lap but Oh it makes him so happy, and everone has their quirks right? So he cant be THAT bad?
But then you come home the next day and hes trashed the apartment and is rocking in the corner about the voices in his head?? Most people would leave there. But not my girl Lucy, she fr said "Sickness and in health. And you sir. Are very sick. But thats okay. Lets go get snacks and you can yell at the maid to clean it up"
"Yay! And were gonna get ice cream."
"Ooh ice cream :)"
Maybe this is a hot take, but I can see him just grabbing her and kissing her like all the time. Whether someone is around or not, just because he can. Obviously as a power move but eh. Poor thing was always so confused and SUNK into his affection like MAN if you don't start treating your wife right marthas sister is going to STEAL her from you. You big meanie.
I think about how loyal she is to him despite being told about him and shes like "Bitch do i look stupid? I've watched him eat his chicken nuggets with spicy peach jam and have a billion melt downs because he hears stuff other people cant."
I really like the scene where theyre watching that one woman get killed by the toclafane. The one where they keep opening the door and even the master is like "oof that's messy" then hugs her? I dont know. Him genuinely being like 😬 was kinda funny.
I have a headcanon that at some point Lucy admits she's infertile and can't have kids, and being the way he is, the Master is like, "Okay! We'll adopt!" And then the man brings home some murder cyber spheres like "Tada!! Kids!" She just sits and blinks like "What the actual?"
"I got us 6 billion kids!"
"...when I said 6.. I meant the age.. not the number.."
"Oh. Well too late now. Kids go say hi to mommy!"
She just swallows and gets tense like "Oh... hello.."
Not at all saying he didn't mistreat/abuse her (and literally everyone else) a shit ton, and he deserved getting shot so don't think im trying to do that but thinking about how WEIRD this dude must be and she really stuck it out seeing how looney he must have been.
Lucy " Till death do us part mother fucker" Saxon.
We support loyalty in this house. Lucy Darling you did nothing wrong *gentle head kiss* 😌
Master go sit in the fucking corner and think about what you've done. *agressive head kiss* Go on! Get! You very bad boy ☝️🤨
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svt-rosalie · 1 year
. . . ♡ HYUNG ! ? 🌷 LINE ★ ゚๑
ׁ ׅ ୨ ❪ relationships! ❫ ୧ ⊹ ࣪
© 2023 , svt-rosalie rosalie masterlist!
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ POPULARITY — 80%
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ SHIP NAME — seungcheol + jihye ❪ JICHEOL ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ DESCRIPTION — jihye is seungcheol’s literal child. doesn’t matter if they are only 5 years apart, he raised that child since she was a baby (at least that’s what he tells everyone).
seungcheol adores jihye, in every sense. he feels very overprotective of her and always tries to steer her in the right direction. ever since they met for the first time in the ugly green training room back in 2013, he’s been very protective of her in a fatherly sense. honestly, he thought she was adorable with her chubby face (from all the pastry’s she would bake and eat) and how enthusiastic she was to finally be living in south korea and getting to learn more about her culture.
as the two grew older, seungcheol became less overbearing you could say but was always 2 steps behind the girl. he’s there when she needs a hug, when she needs someone to jump for joy with, or when she needs a shoulder to cry on. seungcheol would never let his daughter sister think she was alone in this world.
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ POPULARITY — 71%
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ SHIP NAME — jeonghan + jihye ❪ JEONGHYE ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ DESCRIPTION — when roaslie first came to pledis entertainment and korea, she was a sweet girl who was very innocent and such a peaceful aura to her. don’t get anyone wrong she still is that way but if you put jeonghan into the mix, little peaceful rosie turns into menace to society rosie.
if jeonghan wants something from somebody else, he’ll make rosie go get it and flutter her eyelashes because he KNOWS nobody will say no to her, not the managers, the the boys, even the fans. of course jeonghan never wants to get rosie in trouble, that’s his little sister but that doesn’t stop him from wreaking havoc in all of pledis/hybe entertainment.
regardless of the trouble these two get into rosie really is like a mini me of jeonghan. she’ll copy him and get a lego set to build with him and even try and learn to play the same games as him just so she can spend some time with him, even when they are together a lot of the time. it’s cute, a mini little jeonghan.
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ POPULARITY — 87%
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ SHIP NAME — joshua + jihye ❪ JOSHYE ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ DESCRIPTION — her best big brother joshua. never let rosalie hear ANYONE talking shit about this man or there will be hell to pay for. in the most platonic way ever, they are IN LOVE, i kid you not — jihye wishes joshua was born into her family or that they were related somehow.
he’s one of her best friends and a person that rosie looks up to in life. jihye has always been a little sensitive when it comes to the world despite her extravagant personality, and joshua is the one who can see behind the facade but never discourages her when it comes to expressing herself!
honestly jihye finds everything that joshua does is amazing. he makes a joke that the other boys don’t laugh at, instead of silence you’ll hear rosie laughing the loudest you’ve ever heard — if you can’t find jihye she’s probably in joshua’s room making bracelets with him.
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ POPULARITY — 61%
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ SHIP NAME — junhui + jihye ❪ JIHUI ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ DESCRIPTION — these two did not know how to act around each other. poor babies, they were so awkward when they first met, what with little 13 year old rosie being stood at 5’6 at that time, junhui called her his big little sister.
junhui gives love to jihye and takes care of her in silence. when jihye was in middle and high school she would always have a lunch packed for her with her favorite snacks by none other than jun, junhui would make jihye’s bed for her when she left for school knowing she was always in such a rush to get out the door and knows she loves coming home to a freshly made bed, even when she would fall asleep at her desk from staying up too late studying — junhui would tuck her in for bed and make sure she had her favorite stuffed animal, clementine the cow.
jihye always thought jun was the coolest person. he spoke chinese and was learning how to speak korean at the time they met, he was one of the tallest people she met at that point (excluding mingyu) and he just had the coolness she thought was extremely awesome. she never thought he was awkward or weird and always loved to be around him and be around him.
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ POPULARITY — 55%
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ SHIP NAME — soonyoung + jihye ❪ JIYOUNG ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ DESCRIPTION — the tiger and the cow (she is not an actual cow or looks like one for that matter she is just obsessed with them. do not argue with rosie on this though. . . it will not end well — just ask jihoon how it ended for him). a chaotic mess you can’t tell if you need or not, it’s 50/50 thing.
soonyoung and jihye are like one person when they are together. rosalie already has an extroverted big personality but you put hoshi in the mix it turns into one big chaotic loving mess (jihye is usually the one who starts the chaos).
jihye was always the one to keep hoshi up at night talking about her most recent interest (the latest one being snakes) and usually fell asleep cuddling him with a smile on her face. the next morning usually involved the member next door to them to shut up because they could hear jihye’s squeals about snakes from next door. hoshi would very much defend her and stay up the next night again talking, just cause.
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ POPULARITY — 49%
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ SHIP NAME — wonwoo + jihye ❪ JIWOO ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ DESCRIPTION — wonwoo is obsessed with jihye, he literally looks at her like she holds the stars in the sky (platonically of course). she was such a (not so) little baby back when she came to korea and met wonwoo that he just wanted to hold her close and never let go. he calls her his little squish because of how chubby her cheeks were when she showed up and the nickname has stuck.
wonwoo helps jihye win when they play mario kart and any other game they play weather it be a video game or a board game or even when they have a mission during going seventeen, wonwoo will help jihye first before he tries to win.
so much love is put into their friendship and wonwoo always knows that he has jihye by his side with everything he goes through and the same goes for jihye. sometimes jihye’s social battery just runs out and when she needs some cuddles and just a quiet place to go to she will seek out wonwoo and he loves it. it’s the greatest thing.
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ POPULARITY — 98%
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ SHIP NAME — jihoon + jihye ❪ JIJI ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ DESCRIPTION — jihoon is jihye’s biggest hater. YOU’VE HEARD IT HERE FIRST PEOPLE, jihoon is a rosalie anti. i’m just kidding, jihoon loves jihye just as much as he loves picking on her.
ever since the two met it’s been like a tom and merry friendship — rosie will do whatever just to annoy the older boy and claim “you can’t do anything i’m younger than you!” and then woozi would do whatever he can to get on the girls nerves and say “you should respect your older brother, stop being a brat”.
i promise, they love each other — but come on it’s so much fun to see rosalie get frustrated and try not to curse at jihoon because he knows she doesn’t like to use profanity. it’s funny though because jihoon is usually one of the first person the defend jihye if someone try’s to pick on her because only he can say that she’s not a miniature cow (more like a giraffe) but those are his words and if you try to bully her, he’ll bully you.
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viamia · 3 months
How would the boys from sunny day jack (and more games) be in jealous behavior, who would be more jealous and how would they behave?
Saludos desde MEXICO 😁
Thanks for the request buddy! I hope you like it
How snaccpopstudio guys act when jealous
Tw:jealous or envious behavior, mild sexual themes, but mostly wholesome fluff.
Jack:Alright, so we all know how jack is that of manipulative. I feel like if he were jealous of someone, he'd mostly like try to use manipulation tactics to make you only love him, similar to ian. He's not one to get that obvi possessive jealous, more like the subtle easy to miss type.
Ian: Lil pouty insecure baby. Poor guy thinks you leave him like that. He knows you love him, but he's just a nervous bean. For example, let's say a guy came up to talk to you, Ian's senses would immediately be goin off. When yall get home, you cuddle and console him that you won't leave him.
Nick: Now for nick, he'd probably show said flirty who you belong too. For example, man would give u Lil nibbles and love bites on your neck. After that he just takes you home, and yall just chill on the couch and play with his pomeranians.
Shaun: Grouchy baby. Mam would hug u from behind and look like a big baby. Man's wants his hugs and he wants u all to himself to hug and give smooches too. Man would probably pick u up cause he like that, take u home, and yeet u onto the bed and watch movies and eat snacks with you while moonpie vibes with yall.
Bo:mf ain't hesitating for shit to let the person know your his. Man Will glare them down like he'll tear them to shreds at the mere second they even gets a inch closer to you. The moment they get close he just picks u up and walks away, keeping u all to himself. He does some, certain things to you when yall get home as a reminder of who u belong too *wink wink ;3*
Taylor: Poor Lil nerd baby. You immediately notice his pouting face and reassure him everything is fine. You take him home and watch ghost movies together and binge eating snacks. Pls give him reassurance otherwise he'll be a mess. He loves your attention and care.
Elias:So when elias gets jealous, you'll clearly see his upset/pouty expression. He'd be kinda questioning about it but when you explain that your not interested in said person, he Calms down. When you return to the mansion (I'm going off by ending A for the truth if I'm right so) he bakes you some goodies and yall read and have tea together.
This took, WAY TO LONG TO DO. Srry for the immense delay and I hope u like it
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aesthetixhoe · 1 year
random ethan landry head cannons — E.L.
warnings: some nsfw ones, nothing too bad, maybe slightly queer coded ethan? (some thoughts)
word count:
pronouns used: this is about ethan >:(
authors note: this is just to get something for ethan out while I work on my very long ethan fic :) nsfw in red <3
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loves spider man
his fav holiday is halloween
he loves dressing up for it.
He had a short-lived cosplay phase. While that didn't work out, he still loves making costume parts, and takes Halloween very seriously.
his favorite color is blue <3 (regardless of what i say in later things)
he is such a movie nerd, omg
he will skip his classes to go see a movie the day it comes out, at the first showing. or if it's on a streaming service he will wake up early so that way he is one of the first people to watch it so he doesn't get anything spoiled.
he loves emojis. he will use all the hearts, the "aesthetic ones", and the ones like 😭😃😈 ironically
he doesn't post anything to instagram, snapchat, tiktok, anything. he just uses it to talk to people, take pictures with filters for fun, or to watch things
he's really oblivious to flirting.
unless you flat out say "I like you" or "you're really cute and I want to date you," he probably won't pick up on it.
he used to wear glasses, but got bullied, so he started wearing contacts :(
he loves syfy
he secretly loves romcoms and reality tv but he would never tell anyone
snack lover. his favorite being cheetos ofc
can cook "depression meals," and that's the end of his cooking expertise
definitely likes star wars
has star wars pajama pants
math is his favorite subject
wanted to have an emo phase but was too scared he would be bullied
likes COD and halo, but doesn't play it with people he knows cause he's scared he's bad :(
he is so insecure about everything. poor boy </3
loves pet names!!
he doesn't have a preface for him, but he loves using baby and sweetheart for his s/o
has for sure thought about chad in a sexual way.
he would never act on anything.
once told chad how he was insecure of his body, so chad started taking him to the gym with him
says he hates when chad is a hype man, but actually loves it
used to want to be an engineer when he grew up, but actually did it in middle school and didn't like it
was an honor roll student
has always wanted to travel somewhere outside the US, but doesn't know where
is an amazing cuddler
give great hugs
his hands are warm all the time
it makes him self-conscious when holding someone's hand, but he tries to ignore it
is a potato enjoyer
has a cat back home that he misses a lot
is awful at bowling
and most sports
it's not that he's not fit enough, he just has bad hand eye coordination
jackets >> hoodies
brushes, flosses, and uses mouthwash 2 times a day, EVERYDAY.
can eat 😼 like no other
takes pictures straight out of the shower, with just a towel around his waist to "see his gym progress"
catches on super quick to things his partner likes
is inexperienced, but still very skilled somehow??
knows where the clit is
is submissive, but he also wants to be dominate
will take whatever his s/o gives
love language is touch, even though he's scared in the beginning
once he gets used to his s/o he loves touching them
he likes hickeys.
whether they're on him or his s/o. he doesn't care. he likes them on him because it shows people he has someone who liked him enough to do that to him. and he likes them on the other person because it shows that they're his.
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ria-ragdoll · 11 months
small things
small things that they do
cw: mentions of narcissism & the red flags of them
feat; bsd characters. (ada ver.)
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nakajima atsushi.
dear darling over here will show his love to you through the little things, like simply asking if you're okay or if you need a hug. usually most of the time when he asks if you want any sort of affection, it's his silent way of saying that he wants your affection as he's just too shy at times to voice his love to you. but at times he will get enough courage to say that he loves you, but with him it's like sharing a secret in the dark night, where it's simply just the two of you and sappy feelings that make his heart jump in excitement. sometimes he'll even crack a joke if he feels up to it, sweet boy thrives off of seeing that people feel better because of him. he wants to see just how much he can do to help others, even in the expense of his own happiness, so as long as you're with him and happy, he wouldn't need anything else in the world. atsushi is hurt, causing him to be needy and clingy, he'll stick around you for a while but then suddenly distance himself, not wanting to be a nuisance. it's an annoying process, but it's a way that shows that he cares and loves, even if it's manipulative in a way. he'd do anything for you to the point of leaving you if it made you happier. so if you show your love to him in a faint way, a faint touch or simply just a smile, it's going to remind him that he's doing the right thing, and that he's doing good. atsushi is simple but sweet, a true romantic at heart, some flaws too, poor boy is trying his best. but, atsushi would do anything for you, you're truly the only thing that matters to him
dazai osamu.
dazai is a very narcissistic person, manipulating others for his own gain, it's in his port mafia black blood. but he's been trying to better himself, ever since he was given the chance to abandon the port mafia for a better life. the love he tries to show you is like being vulnerable with someone who won't criticize you for it, it feels good, maybe even a little forbidden at some times, but you enjoy it. dazai will whisper sweet nothings in your ear as you pass each other during work, he'll annoy you as you work, but it's his way of showing love, very tough love. there will be scarce touches throughout the day, sometimes even risque ones, another way of his love. but there will be times where in the comfort of your home will his heart be shown barren to you, blood, guts and all the other crap he has piled on him. he'll wear less layers as your relationship progresses, leaving him in his striped blouse and khakis and less bandages. it might not seem like much, but it's like walking around naked, you'd have to be comfortable to do that, it's a silent way for dazai to show that he trusts you. his way of love is truly silent, it might seem like he would scream out to the world that he loves you, but he also loves you enough to say it to the person who matters, the person who gave a faint reason to live in his dull life.
edogawa ranpo.
ranpo is obviously very clingy and high maintenance from first impressions, believing that just because he's smarter than everyone else he then deserves special treatment. he's very narcissistic in his own way as well, but it's mainly unintentional, he lacks the normal amount of care and love he should have been given. that then causes his over clinginess and over exaggerated personality, he lacks attention and he found that being like that then gave him the attention he looked for. he's not above becoming better either, it's how he's grown up and still has that child like mentality, but there are times when he's truly vulnerable and acts like his age. when he puts on his childish front, he'll cling to you as if you're the thing keeping him tethered to the world, maybe even share a snack if he deems that you're deserving of it. he'll drag you away from your work, so days like these are never productive, even when you whine and beg for him to let you go he won't listen at all, throw some praise in the mix and he might think about it, only if you promise to praise him more. but then during the times of solitude when it's just the two of you alone, no longer in the agency for the day, he becomes silent, quietly doing things and staring blankly at walls or even his snacks. the atmosphere of being around others fuels him, causing his loud and childish nature, but the moment he's alone he then acts his age. he'll actually be more bold as well, telling you softly to not go when you're about to go grab something from the kitchen. it's almost like he's in a state of depression, but it's just how he truly is, silent and soft. it's like watching the sunset with the person you love most, it's a soft moment, sometimes even useless to some, but in the end it's a sense of vulnerability where you share secrets without any words. his true love is like that, quietly looking out for you, using his insight to subtly help you. love is a very foreign topic for him, he used to view it as useless and unnecessary, but with you he's slowly warming up to the idea of loving someone.
i was gonna add fukuzawa but i gave up .⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠(>⁠▂⁠<⁠,)⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠.
— r
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mioyeo · 2 years
Watch your back : chapter 1
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Once you don’t value what you have someone else learns how to take care of what used to be yours
Synopsis : 8 men supposed to give her all the love they promised end up leaving her behind without a valid reason
Pairing : girlfriend Reader x PolyAteez !
Warnings : this chapter contains mentions of, mean Ateez , neglecting , poor behavior, a lot of crying , being stood up, being left out , broken promises , heartbreak, etc Please reminding me if I forgot something
This series is going to be posted together with the Psychiatric series, which means one chapter after another
Word count : 1,1k
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She walked slowly towards the kitchen carefully to not make any noises , that could wake up the boys who where sleeping peacefully with their new girl
Everything was going way to fast for Y/n to comprehend what was happening lately
The girl opened the fridge pulling out her mini water bottle and drank it feeling at ease as the cold liquid poured down her hot throat
Closing up the bottle she sat down on the kitchen counter to relax the body that unknowingly tensed up
She hugged herself and teared up at the memories invading her mind again
Why can't you be like her ? She's not clingy and annoying like you are
You need to give us some space too stop being a nuisance and find yourself something else to do other than bothering me
It was never her intention to bother San that day , all she ever wanted was for him to help her with the groceries since nobody else was home at the time she arrived
Whenever she cooked she had to eat it on her own, but when one of her boyfriends made it or bough it there was never enough left for her
Guys dinner is ready please come eat it before it gets cold !
No one responded to her so she went up to knock on the door where noises came from that seemed like people laughing
Guys dinner is ready let's go eat-
We already ate outside after school so you can have dinner by yourself
Oh ok , I guess I'll eat by myself than
It was painful for her sometimes to revive everything again
She walked down the hall entering the kitchen where she saw everyone eating and chatting as they had fun
Im sorry im late , whats today's dinner ?
It was take out , since you where sleeping we didn't order for you
Her stomach growled signaling her that she was hungry
It's ok I'll just eat bread or something
She stood up and took a bottle of actimel from the fridge and went back towards Yunho's bedroom that she shared with him currently
She wiped her tears only for them to fall again after today's event
Guys the new Spider-Man movie came out and I got us tickets
Being a huge fan of  Marvel films in general Y/n got exited and jumped around like a child who just got a huge bar of candy for dessert
But the excitement died down when they arrived at the cinema
Ok we all are sharing a row together since we have the numbers 451 to 458
She frowned seeing her ticket , it said 578
Seonghwa, but my ticket says 578 so that means I'm not sharing a seat beside you guys
Yeah that seat is at the far back , it's ok that means you don't have to share your popcorn or drink with anyone consider yourself lucky
She wasn't going to consider herself lucky, she loved to share the snacks with them and loved the feeling of their hands touching when they grabbed into the bowl at the same time
As they got inside she went to her seat where nobody else was beside her just the pure darkness surrounding the girl
They all giggled and chatted not even paying attention to the movie, she wished she could be beside one of them but someone else was already getting the affection she wanted
She wiped the tears and tried to concentrate on the movie, but that didn't work as they all stood up and left her there to go somewhere
The girl knew why they where leaving so she didn't even want to go home at this point to have to hear them do it
She only waited some more hours for the film to end so she could finally go home
There was nothing more than just her being the other girlfriend at this point
She put her drink back inside the fridge but stopped when she heard someone waddle towards her direction tiredly
" Honey? Why are you still awake ? "
It was Hongjoong who than tiredly wrapped his hands around her neck
" I just couldn't sleep so I came for a quick drink, let's get you back to bed "
" Come back to bed with me please "
He whined humming into her neck
" But I'm supposed to share with Yunho "
" Please , I didn't get to see you today "
She sighed and helped him walk towards his room where he laid down making grabby hands for her to hold him
" You shouldn't overwork yourself Joong , you know how much I detest to see you tired "
He wasn't sleeping enough due to him composing music all the time at night
" Mhm I'll stop , I'm sorry for worrying you "
" You always say that but you never do , it honestly upsets and makes me doubt you "
" I'm sorry for not taking care of myself like I should, I just love music that I tend to forget about the real world sometimes "
" I know Joong but please get some rest today "
" Don't worry I'll try at least "
" Promise me ? "
" I promise, love "
The elder kissed her and fell back asleep into her warm soft embrace
She caressed his hair knowing he promised a lot of things he couldn't keep , he'd probably just end up yelling at her like he always did and crawl back to her crying wanting to try again
Y/n knew her boyfriends more than they knew themselves , that's just how they were
When he was asleep she slowly got out of bed to return into her shared room with Yunho but someone already took her place
Sighing she went back into the living room and slept there on the couch with her blanket instead not wanting to disturb the others
She closed her eyes tiredly and let herself get taken slowly into dreamland
School was the only thing that worried her , the way they would ignore her again till they come home or exclude her from their lunch table since there wasn't "enough" space for her
She feared that Seonghwa would forget her in the rain again , Mingi pretending not to know her in science class , San and Wooyoung go rough on her at PE again , Jongho preferring someone else as his singing partner even tho they were assigned together, Yunho letting the girls from his class flirt with him again , Yeosang being mean to her , and Hongjoong tell her to stop caring about him at school
These where just simple actions in their eyes but it hurt her a lot to the point she'd want to give up on them , but she loved them a lot
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reiisworld · 1 year
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Too close...
Synopsis: their s/o is getting a little too close with someone else...
Luffy He noticed that you weren't by his side when he finished eating his meal. He went around the thousand sunny searching all over for you (prob just the kitchen and the aquarium) and he was about to ask ussop and he finds you talking and laughing with him.
"Ussop have you seen y- " "stop! " he heard y/n laugh. 'Y/n and ussop? What are they doing together..? ' luffy felt his heart became heavy. He immediately barges in ussops work shop "Y/n you don't love me anymore?! " "speaking of the devil. Told ya' " you and ussop giggles. " now get out of my work shop! " ussop said pointing to the door.
"Y/n...?" "Yes lu? " "you don't love me anymore? " he asks " what ya' mean by that lu? " "you where hanging out with ussop instead of me... Do you like him more than me? " luffy said with teary eyes.
"Oh no! Don't cry lu! " she says immediately hugging the boy. " poor baby, no lu I don't like ussop more than you! I was just asking him for help. " you explain. " Then why didn't you ask me for help...? " he said with a sadden voice. " baby it was for my sword, you couldn't help with that" you explain " still.... You could've asked me... " he said still sad. "Next time baby ok? I'll ask you first... Now come on let's get you something to eat" you said standing up. " You promise? " " Yes lu I promise "
Zoro, he saw you getting to close with the shitty love cook. He pulls you aside without any context.
" oi y/n! " he shouts. He finally realized that you weren't at the crows nest. So he went down and searched for you. (Getting lost) but eventually he finds you in the kitchen talking to the shitty cook.
' what the fuck does the cook thinks talking to MY girlfriend. '
Grabbing your hand and dragging you outside. " Oi! What ya' think you're doing marimo! " sanji shouts, " taking what's rightfully mine! " he shouts back. When you two were both outside, he looked around to see if there was anyone looking. When he checked there was no one. Then he suddenly hugged you. Mumbling something in the lines of "you're mine. Mine only"
"Yes zo I'm yours. "
Sanji. The cook noticed that you weren't with the other girls so he searched around the ship, finding you talking to the surgeon of death. Trafalgar d law.
"And what do you think your doing lovely? " he says snaking his hands around your waist. "Talking to my friend ji. " you said continuing your conversation with the swordsman. "Friend? Last time I checked you weren't friends. Come on love I prepared you a snack. " he whispered in your ear, starring daggers at law. When you heard the word snack you excused yourself to law and dragged sanji to the kitchen. Without noticing the words sanji was mouthing to law.
"She's mine. "
(I honestly think sanji is a very jealous man.)
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wheels-of-despair · 1 month
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Under Pressure | Eric x You vs. The Apocalypse | Series Masterlist
Chapter Three: It's A Christmas Miracle Summary: Eric comes back for Christmas, and experiences all the joys that the most wonderful time of the year has to offer. Words: 3.8k
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"Hey!" you beam as you open the door for the fiftieth time tonight. Finally, someone you're actually happy to see. "I'm so glad you're here!"
"Thanks for inviting me," Eric says shyly, hesitating in the hallway at the sight of all the people milling around inside your apartment.
It's December 23rd, and you're having a Christmas party. Well, your husband is. Evan is leaving for a fellowship at a hospital on the other side of the country in January, and this is his last chance to get all his coworkers and friends together before they go off and spend the rest of the year with their families.
"You can come back tomorrow when everyone's gone if you're having second thoughts," you tease, and he finally steps inside. "Your room is doubling as the coat room at the moment, but I promise it'll be all yours again before the night's over."
Eric scans the room, looking intimidated and out of place. Turnout had been a tiny bit higher than you'd expected, but it was no reason to panic. If you can survive, so can he.
"You wanna go dump your stuff?" you prompt.
Eric nods and flees toward the bedroom. You follow slowly, waiting by the door for him. He drops his backpack and his coat, and stands there with his back to you and his face in his hands for a minute.
"Eric?" you ask quietly.
He whips around with wide eyes, not realizing you were watching. You step inside and close the door, leaning against it to provide another barrier between the two of you and the rest of your guests.
"Are you okay?"
"M'fine," he mumbles, running a hand through his hair. "Just wasn't expecting so many people, is all."
"Neither were we," you smile. "But they're good people, for the most part."
"I don't know any of them," he says nervously.
"You didn't really think I was going to set you loose in a room full of strangers, did you?" He stares, so you keep talking. "I'll introduce you. Stick with me, babe. You'll be alright."
Eric nods, takes a deep breath, and walks toward you.
You catch him in a hug instead of opening the door.
"I really am glad you're here," you whisper. "To be honest, I don't know half of these people either. They're mostly your brother's doctor friends. If I hear one more joke involving a body part tonight, I'm going to fling myself off the roof."
Eric chuckles, and you let him go.
"Ready for this?"
He nods, and you leave the room together. You walk around the living room with him, introducing him to people in between conversations. He's polite, but so nervous. Before every handshake, he tries to subtly wipe his palm on his pants. Poor boy. After you make the rounds, you reward him with a visit to the snack table. You load up a plate of appetizers, glance around the room, and grab his sweater to pull him into his brother's bedroom.
"What are we doing?" he asks when the door is closed.
"Taking a break," you answer, sitting on the foot of the bed and surveying your snacks. "You earned it."
"Sorry," he mumbles.
"What are you sorry for?"
"Being so bloody awkward," Eric says pitifully, looking like he's about to cry.
"C'mere," you order, moving the plate of snacks further up the bed and patting the place next to you. His lip quivers, and he walks the few steps to you with an air of dread. What does he think you're going to do to him? When he sits, you wrap an arm around his back and rest your chin on his shoulder.
"I know this isn't your idea of fun," you say quietly. "It's not really mine either. But your brother wanted one last get-together before he goes, and I love him, so I will tolerate these nerds for a night. After that, it'll be just the three of us. Then we can relax."
"And you can stop baby-sitting me," he mumbles.
"Are you kidding me?" you ask, pulling away. "Sneaking away with a treasured confidante is the best part of any party."
You reach back and drag the plate of snacks closer to you.
"You've gotta try one of these sausage rolls," you order, holding a bite-sized bit of heaven between your fingers. Eric takes the treat from your hand and pops it into his mouth. He grins while he chews. "See?" you smile. "Best part of any party. We have snacks, we have comfy seats, and you haven't old one joke that's made me want to shove a grape up your nose."
Eric laughs and reaches for another appetizer.
You return to the party after you clear your snack plate, grateful to see that it's winding down. You resume hostess duties, never straying far from Eric. All three of you sigh in relief when the last straggler finally leaves. You perform a quick clean-up, and once the pile of dishes becomes a mountain, unanimously vote to go to bed and deal with the rest of the mess tomorrow.
On Christmas Eve, you wake in an empty bed to the sound of dishes clanking. You contemplate going back to sleep and letting Evan do all the work, as punishment for leaving you behind for his "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity", but your conscience gets the better of you. You don't bother getting dressed before following the noise, mildly surprised to find the brothers washing and drying together at the kitchen sink. They're not talking, but that's the closest you've ever seen them outside a one-second handshake.
You don't get to observe them for long.
"Oh, look! Sleeping Beauty has decided to join us! After the bulk of the work is done, of course. Wonderful timing as always, darling," your husband snarks.
"Thank you, thank you," you respond with a curtsy. "Have you eaten yet?"
"No, we were waiting for you," Evan answers.
"Waiting for me to to cook for you?" you tease.
"You see what I have to live with?" Evan asks his brother indignantly. "Listen to her! Working my fingers to the bone in here, and this is how she talks to me. Unbelievable."
You raise an eyebrow and wait for an answer.
"Pancakes and sausages are fully cooked and in the bloody oven," he says with phony exasperation, throwing the dish rag into the sink dramatically. "Eric, would you please?"
Eric grins and grabs an oven mitt, pulling out a pile of pancakes and a stack of sausage links.
You cross the kitchen to get the plates and silverware, stopping to kiss your husband on the cheek.
"You could've woken me," you say quietly.
"S'alright," he smiles. "We had a good talk."
Your face splits into a grin. It's a Christmas miracle.
"Oh, go on," he says with a roll of his eyes, pushing you away playfully. You grab the plates and silverware and set the table with a little help from Eric while Evan gets the drinks. After an excellent breakfast, you spend the rest of the morning cleaning up the party debris. In the afternoon, when all the work is done, you reward yourselves with showers and relaxation.
You're lying on the roomy sectional under a fuzzy blanket, your head in Evan's lap while you watch an old Christmas movie, when his phone chirps. You feel your spirits sink before he even picks it up.
"Bloody hell," he complains, throwing his phone onto the couch with a thump. He picks it back up and reads the text again. "I have to get to the hospital," he sighs, patting your shoulder. "It shouldn't take too long."
You sit up to release him. Evan scrambles to the bedroom to change, then stops by to kiss your forehead on his way out. You stare at the door emotionlessly.
"It must be hard," Eric observes from the other side of the sofa, "loving someone who has to be away so much."
"I'm told that absence makes the heart grow fonder," you deadpan. Evan had joked about it after informing you that he would be leaving for a year. You still don't find it funny. "Do you want to finish this movie?"
"Not really," he admits, scrunching one eye.
"Me either," you smile, turning off the TV. "I only tolerate this one because Evan loves it. Why he loves it, I couldn't tell you."
Eric chuckles.
"I think…" you muse, racking your brain for a distraction, "I'm gonna make some Christmas cookies."
"Okay," Eric says quietly.
"Wanna join me?"
Eric nods. You stand and reach out your hands, which he takes, and pull him off the couch. The recipe book is located, the supplies are lined up on the table, and you get to work.
Baking cookies is supposed to be classic holiday fun, but Eric takes it a little too seriously. He checks each recipe repeatedly, terrified that he's going to get a measurement wrong. They're just cookies, you remind him. They're for personal consumption. Half of them will probably be gone before the night's over. Very low stakes. But he waves you off, determined to get everything right. It's sweet.
Just like the cookies he proudly pulls from the oven the second the timer dings. You sit at the table for tea while you wait for them to cool.
"How've you been?" you ask.
"Okay," he answers, eyes on his cup now that there are no distractions in place. You know the feeling. You take a drink while you wait for him to elaborate. He doesn't.
"How's school?"
Worry clouds Eric's face, just like when you'd asked him at Thanksgiving.
"Hey," you say quietly. He looks up. "We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."
Eric shakes his head and focuses on his tea, then looks up at you like he wants to say something. You wait patiently.
"School is…" he licks his lips. "It's hard."
You wait a beat before prodding.
"Well, if you wanted the easy route, you should've become a doctor," you wink. He gives you a weak smile. "What's hard about it?"
"It's just… it's a lot," he answers slowly. "It's a lot of classes… and a lot of work… and everything's so different here. And I'm trying so hard, and it's still…" Eric looks to the ceiling, eyes filling with tears. "I'm going to fail at this, just like I've failed at everything else in my life. Everyone knows it."
"I don't."
Eric scoffs. "Surely you've heard about what a loser I am."
"You want to know what I think?" He eyes you warily. "I think you're trying your best, and that's very brave." Eric shakes his head, but you continue. "You came to a new country, all alone, and created a whole new life for yourself. If that's not brave, I don't know what is."
"I'm not brave," Eric protests. "I'm a bloody coward. I'm scared of everything. Every time I have to leave my room, I…" His tears spill. "It's so stupid." He crosses his arms and puts them on the table, hunching over to hide his face in them.
"It's okay to be scared," you say quietly. "Fear is what keeps you alive. You've heard of fight or flight?" Eric lifts his head to look at you, then nods. "You're fighting. You're scared, and everything is new, and school is hard, but you haven't packed up and run home. You're still fighting. And I'm so proud of you for that."
Eric covers his mouth, but the sob escapes anyway.
"Can I hug you?" you ask, on the verge of tears yourself.
His tear-filled eyes widen in shock. But he nods. It makes a new wave wash down his face.
You scoot your chair closer and lean in, and he buries his face in your neck. You hold him tight, rubbing his back in light circles. His tears soak into your sweater.
"You're gonna be alright," you tell him gently. "If you're struggling in school, we'll find you a tutor. If you're uncomfortable in the city, call me, and we'll explore together. You're gonna get through this. It's gonna be okay."
Eric lets you hold him until he calms down. When he pulls back and dries his eyes on his sleeves, you give him a smile.
"You ready to decorate some cookies?"
The conversation turns lighter while you decorate. Eric takes his time, sticking his tongue out adorably as he concentrates on making each cookie look perfect. The evening flies by.
"You made cookies without me?!" is the first thing your husband says when he gets home. You point to a plate containing several undecorated cookies, saved just for him, and he kisses the top of your head on his way to the sink to wash up. Evan decorates and fills you in on the hospital drama of the day while Eric helps you make dinner, which pairs nicely with easygoing conversation. After cleaning up the dinner dishes, you all settle back onto the couch for another movie before bed. A better one, this time. With cookies to munch on.
Christmas morning is nice. The three of you exchange gifts (Eric is quite happy with a new sweater and pair of tickets to that show people won't shut up about) and eat a light breakfast together. It's calm, and it's quiet, and it's just what all of you need.
And then Evan throws you out of the kitchen.
"Get a move on, no Yanks allowed, I'll not have you interfere with our proper English Christmas!"
"Pudding should not have raisins in it!" you call from the doorway.
"You leave my pudding alone!"
"What pudding? You're making FRUIT CAKE!"
"Silence, uncultured swine!"
You cackle and head back to the couch, reaching for the remote and leaving the Englishmen to their feast.
About an hour later, Eric joins you.
"Have you been thrown out, too?"
"My services were no longer required," he says seriously.
"Don't take offense," you smile. "He's very particular about Christmas dinner. I thought you were a great help on Thanksgiving. When we had REAL FOOD!"
"I didn't hear that, and I won't respond to it!" Evan yells from the kitchen, making you both laugh.
"This is almost over," you gesture to the movie on TV. "You get to pick the next one."
Eric looks through your Christmas options, most of which he's never heard of, and chooses It's A Wonderful Life. (After you assure him it's not a musical, like the one you gave up on yesterday.) You're almost asleep, cloaked in a warm blanket and enjoying the delightful smell of the Christmas dinner being cooked by your loving husband, when the sound of a sniffle makes your eyes fly open.
Eric's crying. He's so invested in the movie, he doesn't realize you've seen him. Tears stream down his red face, and he hugs his knees to his chest while he watches the plight of George Bailey. You rise slowly and quietly, grabbing a box of tissues from the end table and sitting next to him. He takes a few sheets and dries his face. You wrap an arm around him, and he leans into you. By the end of the movie, he's melted into your lap. One of your hands strokes his hair absentmindedly. You can feel the occasional teardrop soak through your jeans from where his head rests on your thigh.
"Should've picked a bloody musical," he gripes as the end credits roll.
You chuckle and tousle his curls.
"Can we do a happy one next?" he asks.
"You got it, babe," you smile as you stretch for the remote, not wanting to get up and disturb him. You select a lighthearted family comedy and resume stroking his hair.
You're both asleep when Evan comes in and announces that your Christmas feast is ready. The kitchen table looks like it belongs in a magazine. You are married to a miracle worker. You take your seats and eat together, keeping the conversation light and positive.
"It's not bad… for English fare," you tease when you finally put down your fork. Evan glares. "It was great, sweetheart. You did amazing, as always."
"Thank you," he grins.
"Yeah, it was really good," Eric echoes. Evan gives a bow, then gets up to grab dessert.
"So which dinner was better, Thanksgiving or Christmas?" you ask Eric, leaning forward with a devilish look in your eye.
"Do not answer that!" Evan barks.
You all laugh and eat your dessert, then start the clean-up process… again.
"It's almost time," Evan says mournfully, looking at the clock when the last dish goes in the drainer.
Fifteen minutes to go until the video call Evan has scheduled with his father and step-mother in England. You start stacking books on the coffee table to put the laptop on, and Evan rushes around to make sure everything in the background looks perfect. Eric looks on nervously.
"Why don't you just put the computer on the coffee table?" he asks, while you sit on the couch to test the camera height.
"Because last time Dad saw me from that angle, he asked when I was going in for chin fat reduction surgery," Evan seethes from the Christmas tree, where he's decided that an ornament has been placed a few centimeters away from its optimal location.
"It's a five-minute catch-up," you remind them, "it'll be over before you know it. Get her talking about her dogs, and all you have to do is smile and nod. Don't stress."
"Don't stress, yeah, thanks, all better now," Evan grumbles, dropping onto the couch next to you. You smack him with a pillow, which he then fluffs and sets aside carefully.
"C'mon," you urge Eric, who sits on your other side. You turn the camera on and make sure you're all in frame and lighted to your husband's approval.
"Is that bloody ornament still--" Evan growls and tries to get up, but you grab his sweater and stop him.
"Stop. Those ornaments are perfect. Sit your ass down."
He sighs and leans in front of you to check his appearance on the screen, taking a few seconds to straighten his sweater and smooth his perfectly fine hair. Eric sits quietly the whole time, like he's awaiting sentencing.
"Polite, happy, quick," you remind them. "Then you can be yourselves again."
"Eric, fix your hair," Evan orders.
"What's wrong with my--" You turn to him and smooth it down with your fingers before he can even finish his question.
"Okay, boss, how are we looking?" you ask.
"Dreadful," Evan mourns.
"Thanks," you smile sarcastically, lightly smacking his thigh. He grins, then looks at the clock and lets out a deep breath.
You can see his blood pressure spike when he presses the button that makes that old man and his child bride appear on the screen.
"Hi, Dad! Hi, Camille!"
"Is that Eric?" their father's fourth wife asks, leaning closer to her screen.
"Hi, Camille," he smiles.
"What are you doing there?!" she asks.
"I…" he looks to you for help.
"We thought we'd make it a family affair," you smile, reaching for his hand where the camera can't see. "Hi, Camille! How are the dogs?"
Camille rambles about her pure-bred ankle-biters for a few minutes, and then the old man - and sitting next to her, he does look hilariously old - decides to interrogate Eric about his grades. Eric stutters through a recap and is berated for not getting better marks. He passed, you want to scream! He's doing fine! But you sit quietly until Camille interrupts to hold one of her prized pups up to say hi. The girl grates on everyone's nerves, but her one-track mind makes for a great distraction from the old man's glare. The boys each have one of your hands in a death grip by the time the call ends.
Evan reaches out to close the laptop when it's over, and leans back against the couch with a groan of exhaustion. Eric looks miserable.
"I need a drink," Evan says suddenly, heading for the liquor cabinet.
"Make that two," you mumble, flexing your hands.
"Three?" Eric asks.
Evan brings the bottle back.
An hour later, the boys have deepened their bond by unloading on the awfulness of their father and his last several wives. Between the ranting and the alcohol, they've both unwound significantly.
You've got your head on Evan's shoulder, holding him around the middle, legs stretched out across the couch cushions and tangled together. He's got one arm around you and one holding a nearly empty liquor bottle. Eric faces you from the other end of the couch, his arms spread wide across the backrest. Their feet almost touch in the middle of the long sectional.
"What was your favorite Christmas ever?" you ask, looking up at Evan with all the love in your heart.
"I was around five, I think," he says, the story already on the tip of his tongue. "And all my older brothers were down with the flu. Guess something good came from them never letting me play with them after all. Anyway, on Christmas morning, it was just Mum and I. And Eric, but he was so small, I think he slept the whole time. But Mum watched me open my presents and gave me sweets. Just the two of us. And the rest of those bastards spent the day in bed."
You nuzzle your cheek into his chest. He doesn't talk about his mother much, but you know he misses her. He squeezes you with the arm he's got wrapped around you and takes another swig from the bottle.
"What about you, Eric?" you ask, turning your sleepy eyes to your brother-in-law.
Eric purses his lips and thinks for a moment, before answering: "This one."
You can't decide if that's more sweet or sad, but you know you have to hug him. Right now.
"Awwww," you coo. His face turns red immediately. You untangle yourself from Evan and crawl to his baby brother, not realizing how drunk you are until you nearly lose your balance on all fours. Eric watches you in surprise as you straddle his lap and pull him to you for a hug. "I'm so happy you're here with us," you say, squeezing him. "You deserve so much better, you both do, because you are sweet and wonderful and perfect and I love you so much, even if--"
"OKAY, I think it's time for the Little Drunkard Girl to go to bed," Evan laughs, pulling you off of Eric and hauling you to the bedroom.
The next day, you wake with a pounding head and a vow to never drink again.
Eric leaves that afternoon, after a lunch of leftovers, with a quick hug and another reminder to call if he needs anything. You'll see him again… wait, when's the next holiday?
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frickingnerd · 1 year
hajime with an affectionate s/o
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pairing: hajime hinata x gn!reader
tags: fluff, established relationship, flustered hajime
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you are so sweet and affectionate, it's absolutely killing hajime!
hajime isn't really used to someone so kind and openly affectionate as you are, so when the two of you start dating, it takes him quite a while to get used to it
everything you do is flustering him and hajime wonders if you even notice the effect you have on him
you're always so supportive of him, believing even more in his dreams of becoming an ultimate than he does!
you are already convinced that someone as great as him must have a hidden ultimate talent and your encouragement is what keeps hajime believing in it himself
you're also so caring, always making your boyfriend bentos or bringing him snacks, making sure he's drinking enough or that he doesn't forget anything important
hajime always gets really flustered when you do that, which shows in the form of him complaining that you're babying him, though he does actually think it's really sweet of you
but the thing that gets hajime the most is the physical and verbal affection you give him
he'll never get used to you holding his hand without even warning him, always blushing and trying to hide it from you
hugs and kisses are even worse! the poor boy stops functioning when you kiss his cheek or forehead – and don't even get me started on a kiss on the lips! 
you are so casual and open with affection, which always flusters him, especially when you two are out in public and people can see you two holding hands or hugging
even small compliments from you are enough to turn hajime's face red! 
telling him how fluffy his hair is, how good his clothes look on him or just reminding him how much you love him
hajime might complain about how easily you get him flustered, but the truth is, he's really grateful he has you! 
he never met someone as sweet and affectionate as you and he wouldn't want to date anyone but you…
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cunt-dracula0 · 1 year
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pairing; randy meeks x gn!reader
summary; when randy turns up at your door appearing to be a tad bit down in the dumps, he tries not to make the reason behind it known. that is, until you can tell the poor love needs a little extra comfort.
author’s note: some randy content seeing as this fandom lacks in it!! also this is more platonic than romantic!
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If I live to see, the seven wonders!
I’ll make a path to the rainbow's end..
You were slowly swaying to the soft beat of Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Seven Wonders’ through your headphones. God, you loved Stevie Nicks.
I'll never live to match the beauty, again..
You’d only came down to the kitchen to get a snack, but why not take the voice of Stevie with you at the same time?
The music was only playing faintly in your ears, enough for you to hear a knock at the door. Multiple friends had gave you advice on not having your volume up too loud, ranting about how you wouldn’t be able to hear shit as you grew up.
You weren’t exactly one for caring, but whatever..
Removing the headphones, you quickly turned the song off, wondering why the hell someone was at your house at 11:30pm on a Saturday night.
Plus, you were home alone. So that really didn’t make the eerie feeling any better.
You opened the front door to see Randy shivering under your porch, soaked to the bone. His nose was bright red and his eyes looked rather watery.
“Jesus, Randy! Why aren’t you at home? It’s pissing down outside!” You scolded, ushering him into your house.
“Sorry,” He sniffled, following behind. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”
You laughed. “Me? Being asleep by this time? Please. I’m an insomniac for god’s sake.”
You cocked your head to the side, squinting your eyes slightly. Something was off about him. Very off..
“Are you sick?” You asked.
Somehow, Randy just wasn’t Randy tonight. He wasn’t as loud as usual. Not even that, you were still surprised he was here stood in front of you. Randy would never turn up to your house unexpected and uninvited. The thought of disrupting other people’s privacy made him awkwardly uncomfortable. Especially at this time of night.
“Cmon up to my room, it’s cosier in there.” You motioned for him to follow you upstairs. Yes, your snack and headphones were both being abandoned back in the kitchen, but curiosity was getting to the best of you on behalf of why Randy had showed up like this.
When the two of you finally reached your room, you took his drenched coat from him, hanging it up nearby.
“So, what’s up?” You said, flopping down onto your back. Randy just quietly sat down on the foot of your bed.
He just sort of shrugged his shoulders, anxiously not really knowing what to say.
Now you definitely knew something was up. It was one thing if he was slightly awkward, but Randy Meeks giving someone the silent treatment? Nah, shit was getting weird.
You watched as he fiddled around with his rings, his hands beginning to shake.
He finally looked up at you, ready to break at any moment. Tears began to spill out of his crystal blue eyes. Your heart sank when you saw his little lip quiver. It was obvious the poor love was desperately trying to keep everything in, but it was no use.
“Oh, Randy.” You whispered, sitting up and pulling the distraught, younger boy into a deep hug.
His sobs were muffled as he cried into your shoulder, just hearing them made you want to burst into tears yourself. Randy was never one to cry, ever.
He was willing to listen to other people when it came to them being upset, but no one had ever wanted to give him the same sort of action back.
Your friend group always saw him as some geeky idiot, following you guys around during all this years for whatever reason. Though, you would never bring yourself to agree.
Randy was only a regular teen, trying to enjoy himself most times. Whether it be making his best attempt to get people to laugh, or blabbing on about all movie genres he loved, you liked having his presence nearby you.
No matter the joke, he sure as hell always managed to get a giggle out of you. You’d remember that.
Pulling away from you, Randy wiped at his eyes furiously. “God, fuck.. i’m so sorry Y/n. You shouldn’t have to put up with this shit. I better go-”
“Randy Meeks don’t you dare apologise for being a human in front of me, boy!”
He chuckled slightly, still rubbing away at his now tired eyes. You offered him a tissue from the box nearby, motioning for the flustered male to take some.
He took a couple and thanked you, dabbing them around his nose. Now was your chance to get to the bottom of why he was in this current state.
“Okay stinker, spill. What’s wrong with ya?” You blurted out in a goofy tone regularly used by your other friend, Stu, rather than yourself. It didn’t matter. If it was willing to make Randy happy again, you’d do it.
On cue, Randy let a small laugh escape his lips. “If I do tell you, you won’t say anything to them, right?”
By them, you knew he was referring to Billy, Stu and Tatum. Sidney would never judge, but you and Randy both knew better than to trust the others with keeping their mouths shut about drama. Especially when it involved tears.
“Course I won’t.” You smiled softly at him, placing your hand on top of his larger, yet shakier one.
Randy sighed, scratching his chin. “You uh- you know Leslie from Science class?”
You bit your lip as you already knew what was coming. “Yeah, your… um- girlfriend?”
“I guess that term didn’t age well..”
‘Man, this kid would be in a grave before anyone would allow him to settle down and be happy..’ You said to yourself, internally. You’d always pitied him. He never seemed to get a break.
“Eh, her loss. In two years time she’ll be flashing her shit all over town. You deserve better, Randy. Much better.”
He perked up a little at your words. “You mean that?”
You giggled. “Why wouldn’t I? You’re a good kid. Plus, I think Sid might have her eye on you.”
Randy raised both his eyebrows with surprise. Billy and Sidney were over one another and had broken up quite a while ago. The only couple still surviving in the gang was Tatum and Stu. But even at that, it was only really constant playfulness and flirting. Nothing the rest of you were sad that you had to miss out on.
“Hell, i’d never even thought of that.” He smirked.
“See!” You beamed. “There’s plenty of fish in the sea for you horror nerds.”
He rolled his eyes and snorted at your snarky joke, but he’d always feel comfortable knowing that when you added in little comments like that, they would always be nothing but a JOKE. Nothing more, nothing less.
You took a brief look at your watch. “Oft, it just hit midnight.”
“Shit!” He cried. “I gotta get back! I only told my Mom and Martha that i’d be home within an hour.”
“Relax, i’m home alone for the weekend, just crash here. We’ll order food from wherever the hell is open right now. You can call your mom from the house phone and explain. Perhaps we can have a late movie night?” You offered.
“I’d like that.” Randy smiled.
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