#someone give me requests or smth idk what to draw
z4-rk · 5 months
Here I am, drawin this PATHETIC, UGLY, twink once again.
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rafecameronssl4t · 3 months
Can I please get smth with rafe x thorton!reader where shes confronted by topper’s ex girlfriend or something bc she got cheated on
Ruined Heels || Rafe Cameron x Thorton!reader
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A/n: kinda sorta dislike this but thank you for the request!!
Warnings: vomiting? swearing idk what else lmk
Word count: 952
MASTERLIST (rafe x thornton!reader au masterlist)
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Divider by @yoonitos
mood board “You ain't never had the feds investigate you. You ain't never had the bad hoes wanna date you.”
Your heeled foot taps rhythmically on the polished wooden floor, perfectly in sync with the pounding beat of the music that fills the house, the bass reverberating through every room.
“And then she started a hissy fit like she always does,” Sarah says, rolling her eyes dramatically as she recounts Kiara’s latest outburst. Her voice carries a mix of exasperation and amusement, a combination that makes you snort with laughter. You tilt your head back, letting the cool liquid slide down your throat before setting the empty glass on the table beside you.
“Hey,” Rafe’s voice cuts through the chatter and music, drawing your attention. He strides over with a confident smirk, “Wanna go upstairs?” He asks, his fingers drumming lightly on your crossed knee, sending a shiver up your spine as you look up at him.
“Gross,” Sarah mutters under her breath, clearly unimpressed with Rafe’s suggestion. You glance at her, “Will you be okay?” you ask, concern lacing your voice as you prepare to stand. Rafe reaches out to help you, his hands gentle yet firm as they grasp your waist, pulling you to your feet. His fingers brush against your dress, tugging it back into place as it rides up slightly.
“Yeah, I think I saw Kaycee in the kitchen,” Sarah replies with a sigh, her expression softening as she gets up from the sofa. She gives you a reassuring nod, her eyes briefly meeting yours before she turns towards the kitchen.
You nod back as Rafe leads you away. His hand remains on the small of your back, as you both weave through the crowd to get to the stairs. Just as you’re about to step onto the first stair, a blonde girl suddenly grabs your arm, pulling you back with unexpected force.
“Excuse me?” you say, furrowing your brow at the girl, your confusion evident. Rafe pulls you protectively against him, his grip tightening as his anger flares. “What the hell is your problem?” he demands, his voice sharp and furious.
The girl stands before you, her appearance a stark contrast to her fury. Tears stream down her face, her hair a tangled mess, and her lipstick smeared across her chin. Her hands tremble as she points a finger accusingly at you. “Your brother is the biggest fucking douche I’ve ever met!” she shouts, her voice cracking with emotion.
You and Rafe exchange incredulous glances, both stunned by her outburst. The disbelief in your eyes mirrors Rafe’s as you struggle to process the situation. “I’m sorry, who exactly are you?” you ask, raising an eyebrow. She scoffs, “Caroline, your brother’s girlfriend! Or ex-girlfriend now, since he just dumped me for someone else!” she yells furiously.
You never supported your brother’s behavior of sleeping around and breaking up with girls left and right, but practically everyone on the island knew what kind of person he was. Topper was notorious for his inability to maintain a relationship for any length of time.
“What’s that got to do with me?” you ask, shrugging nonchalantly as her eye twitches in frustration. Rafe stands behind you, his hand resting on your hip, watching the scene unfold with amusement. “He’s—” Caroline begins, her voice rising in anger, but you cut her off sharply, “You knew what kind of guy my brother was, so why did you even bother?”
Caroline stands there in silence, her eyes darting around as the partygoers watch. She takes a hesitant step forward, and you raise an eyebrow, curious about her next move. Suddenly, her face contorts with a pained expression. She brings the back of her hand to her mouth, but it’s too late. She bends over, vomiting on the floor, causing a collective gasp from the crowd.
“Oh my god,” you mutter, stepping back quickly to avoid the spreading mess. Rafe, standing behind you, looks like he’s about to gag, his hand covering his mouth. You instinctively reach out and pat Caroline’s back, offering what little comfort you can as she remains hunched over.
“What’s going on here?” Topper’s voice booms as he pushes through the crowd. He reaches you, his eyes scanning the scene before landing on Caroline. He sighs loudly, fingers pressing into his temples as if to ward off a headache. “Shit,” he mutters under his breath.
Caroline slowly lifts her head, her eyes meeting Topper’s with a mix of anger and embarrassment. Without warning, she swats your hand away, straightens up, and runs off, disappearing into the crowd of partygoers. The crowd parts for her, whispering amongst themselves, while you and Rafe exchange a bewildered glance.
Topper stands there, rubbing his forehead, clearly frustrated. “Great, just great,” he mumbles. “Did you really have to break it off tonight?” You mutter, giving your brother an annoyed look as he rolls his eyes “Oh, I’m sorry, Princess. Did she ruin your shoes or something?” Topper lifts his hands up in mock surrender, his tone sarcastic. “Get fucked, Topper,” You scoff, “let’s go,” You pull Rafe with you.
"Good to see you, Top," Rafe pats his shoulder, a smile gracing his lips before he lets you walk him upstairs (walk him like a dog sis).
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sentientgolfball · 1 year
can u pls do ummmm um dew/reader/rain :3 mayb a little jealousy smth smth ....... and like ummmm mayb things get a little wild or smth like idk ! hope this helps thank u champion <3
Next time you want me to write smut ask me out loud instead of sauntering into my ask box as an anon (jk ily but if you don't give me more substance next time i'll beat u <3)
Anyways possessive Rain is the best and you cannot boo me cause I'm right
MDNI 18+ my requests are open !
“And what’s this lovely Sibling doing all alone?” 
“Working, Dew. Ever heard of it?” 
You grabbed another crate of books and moved between the rows of shelves hoping to put some distance between you and the fire ghoul. You pushed the row on the shelf in front of you to make room for the newest editions and sighed when you were met with Dew’s smug little face peeking back at you. 
“What a shame. I was looking for someone to play with and all that came to mind was you.” 
“How romantic.” 
You rolled your eyes and shoved the stack in your hand into place obscuring his face. You felt a small smile creep onto your face hearing the softest little whine from him, but it quickly fell when he rounded the corner. You crossed your arms as he closed the distance between you two. He was so close you could feel the heat that seemed to always be rolling off of him. 
“Come on, all work and no play makes you a bad Sibling.” He trails a claw up your forearm. You have to fight the shudder you can feel pricking just under your skin. You’d be damned if you gave him the reaction he wanted. 
You look at him with your best bored expression “If you want to fuck someone so bad I’m sure Phantom would be delighted to have you.” 
You watched his eyes start to glow with the mention of the quintessence ghoul’s name. You felt a little proud of yourself for knowing just how to get under Dew’s skin. He stepped back from you with a dramatic sigh, throwing his head back. 
“You really are no fun. Explains why Rainy took such a liking to you.” 
That little fucker. 
You don’t get the chance to reply before he walks past you towards the main doors of the library. You tense feeling the spade of his tail brush the side of your thigh. You swear you hear a snicker before you’re completely alone again. You groan and lean against the shelf you were working on when you hear the heavy doors open and then close. For the past few weeks, you have been having encounter after encounter with Dew that pretty much follows the exact same formula. He annoys you, asks you to fuck, and then leaves when you say no, but not before he gets some type of reaction out of you. It’s a game to him and despite constantly turning him down you couldn’t help but feel like you were the one losing. You had no idea what you did to gain the little fire ghoul’s attention, but you did know he was starting to draw you in. You hated yourself for even thinking that, but there was no denying it.  
Actually, scratch that. 
You knew exactly what you did to get his attention. It’s because you had gotten Rain’s attention. The water ghoul tends to spend a lot of his free time split between the lake and the library. A few months ago he had begun to appear during the shifts you worked. He didn’t do anything out of the ordinary, just sat in his usual spot and flipped through whatever he was currently reading. That didn’t stop you from staring, though. You had always thought he was a sight to behold, the way his blue-grey skin rippled like a pool when the sunlight hit him just right or how his fangs would poke out from under his lip when he was wholly absorbed in his story. You were enamored by him. All your feelings came to a head one day when he caught you throwing glances in his direction. He came over to you and you were sure he was going to call you out or tell you off, but all he did was introduce himself and ask if you wanted to know what he was reading. 
From that point on, you and Rain had started to hang around each other more often. At first, it was innocent enough. Simply gushing to each other about the latest books you’ve read or sharing the gossip heard around the Ministry, but then hands started to wander. He’d give these little touches that would make your stomach flip and skin feel electric. He’d say these little things that made you overanalyze every conversation later that night in the shower. You’d squirm and he’d go on like nothing was happening, as if he didn’t know exactly what effect he had on you. It all tipped over the edge one night when he pulled you into an alcove after midnight mass panting about just how badly he needed you. The thought was quickly interrupted by a pair of ember-like eyes burning holes into your soul. 
 That was about the time Dew started to pop into your life. That was also the last time Rain tried for secrecy. Ever since then, he had been very outward about his affection, about his fondness for you. He even began taking to staying in your room a few nights out of the week. Your life soon became overrun with the near-constant presence of two ghouls. At first, it was almost like a dream come true, but now it was just your personal nightmare. As Rain got more possessive Dew got more insistent. It was getting to be a bit overwhelming if you were being honest. 
Maybe I’ll talk to Rain about it…oh fuck Rain!
You checked the time on the grandfather clock that sat near the fireplace in the library and cringed when you heard the bells chime before you even finished reading the face. You were late. It was supposed to be one of your little date nights, something he insisted on doing recently, but you completely missed the meeting time. You hadn’t realized just how long you’ve been unpacking all the new books that were ordered. You groaned and moved the half-empty crate behind the front desk deciding it’ll be easier to just deal with the rest tomorrow. You left the library in a hurry to get back to your room. You’d be quick. You would just change out of your uniform and sprint to the lake no problem at all. 
You paused when you were outside of your door. You leaned in closer and furrowed your brow in confusion. Either you were crazy or someone was in your shower. You carefully opened the door and crept in. You immediately sighed in relief when you saw Rain’s clothes draped over the chair at your desk. Of course he wouldn’t go to the lake without you first. You flopped onto the bed after changing out of your habit, idly scrolling your phone waiting for him to finish. You didn’t dare open any of the messages from Dew. The sound of the shower turning off made your head pop up. It wasn’t long before the door opened with a puff of steam and Rain walking out with nothing on but his sweatpants and a towel around his neck. He didn’t look surprised to see you sitting there in the slightest. 
“Did you use all the hot water?” 
“You could’ve joined me.” He shrugged with a smile before sitting down next to you, pulling you to his side. 
“I take it we’re not going to the lake anymore?” 
“Nah it’s too cold for that now.” 
“I’m sorry I got caught up at work and–”
“Don’t be sorry sweet thing. We still have the rest of the night together.” 
You were cut off by him leaning down to nuzzle into the crook of your neck, planting a light kiss there. You tensed when you felt him pull away and sit up. His expression was unreadable.
“You smell like Dew.” 
Here we go.
“Yeah he came to visit me at work…like always.” 
“What did he want?”
“Oh, the usual. Asking me to fuck him and then making fun of you.”
He looked at you expecting you to continue. It wasn’t hard to tell you had something else on your mind. You played with his fingers as you spoke the next part. 
“Rain what is going on with you two? He hasn’t left me alone since you started spending more time with me.” 
Rain rolled his eyes “That’s just how he is. He has to have everything I have. He wants everything I want.” 
“So it really is just a game to him?” 
“More or less, why do you ask?” 
You couldn’t explain it. The quick sinking feeling you got when Rain said this. Of course, you had always had that thought in your mind that Dew was just toying with you, but having it confirmed by the one who knew the fire ghoul better than anyone else made you feel strange. You shook your head trying to shrug it off, but Rain didn’t let it go. He turned fully towards you, putting a hand over yours. 
“You wanted it to be more than a game, didn’t you?” 
You floundered for a response, not entirely sure how to answer that. He laughed and it sends a shiver down your spine. You meet his gaze and you see something dark, almost predatory there. 
“I hate to burst your bubble, but he’s not going anywhere near you” he leaned in close and dragged his fangs over your pulse point “I’ll make sure of that.” 
Everything only got worse from there. Rain now spent all of his free time in the library pretending to read while he watched you work. Any time Dew showed up you could hear the low growl from across the room. This only spurred Dew on. He would talk to you louder than necessary while making eye contact with Rain the entire time. You were mortified the day he commented on the fresh bruises and bite marks that peaked above the collar of your uniform. You were entirely prepared to see Rain attempt to kill him. That day didn’t come for a while, though. 
It all happened so quickly. Dew has been uncharacteristically quiet all day. Simply watching you and occasionally actually helping you. Rain had been on the same page for ten minutes. And then it happened. You almost fell carrying the last of the massive crates of books and Dew was right there. He caught you just before you face-planted into the nearest shelf, holding you closer than needed asking if you were alright in a low voice. You didn’t get the chance to answer before you heard a chair scraping against the floor and Dew was yanked off of you. You watched Rain drag Dew out of the library by the back of his neck, tail lashing as he went. 
That was the last you saw of both of them for the next 24 hours. The only thing that stopped you from believing Dew was dead at the bottom of the lake was that no new announcement regarding ghoul summonings was made. Your last straw was when you went to the feast hall and the ghoul table was noticeably empty. You decided that you were going to march down to the ghoul den, find Rain and Dew, and demand an explanation. But that was easier said than done. 
You found yourself standing outside of the den. You had been standing for about ten minutes now. All your confidence drained the moment you saw the ornate doors with various claw marks on them. You were about ready to say fuck it and turn around when you heard shouting. The voices very clearly belonged to Dew and Rain. Well, you assumed it was Rain because all you could hear was the angry snarls of the fire ghoul. You pressed closer to the door to make out what they were saying.
“I don’t understand why you’re so pissy about this! It’s not like this is the first time we’ve shared a Sibling!” 
“Oh please. Don’t act like you don’t know what you’re doing. Sharing. The great Dewdrop doesn’t share. He takes what he wants without considering for a moment anyone or anything but himself.” 
“Aww you think I’m great.” 
You jump back when you hear the sound of feet stomping closer to the door. 
“Yeah Yeah go run and hide at the bottom of the lake. Maybe I’ll visit your sweet thing while you’re moping.” 
The door flies open and you stare dead ahead at Rain’s chest, too scared to meet his gaze. You can feel him staring down at you. Your face flushes when you hear Dew cackle. 
“Or maybe they’ll visit me.” 
Rain hisses and there’s a moment of silence before his hand brushes your cheek. It trails down under your jaw as he tilts your head up to look at him. You feel your stomach drop to the floor when you’re met with that blank face that’s impossible to read. Just over his shoulder, you can see Dew staring at you with his head slightly tilted and a grin plastered on his face. Rain’s voice pulls your attention back to him. 
“What are you doing here?” he says softly, genuinely.
“I…came to find you and Dew. I was worried when you both disappeared after what happened in the library.” 
“Aww did you hear that Rainy? They were worried about me.” 
Rain’s eyes narrow as he removes his hand from your face and grabs your wrist. He begins to leave the den and you have to dig your heel in to not be dragged along with him. When he feels the resistance he stops to turn and look at you confusion written all over his features. 
“No” You’re feeling a lot bolder than you were five minutes ago “No. That’s not all. I have no idea what’s going on between you two but you need to kiss and make up. I’m tired of being dragged into the middle of this.” 
“What’s going on is Dew cannot fathom the idea that I have interests that aren’t him.” 
“I think what you mean to say is ‘I’m a possessive bitch who can’t stand it when the great Dewdrop looks at anything that’s not me’.” 
Dew’s words and the glare from Rain make you have a sudden realization. This was never Dew’s game. It was Rain’s.  You think back to all the encounters you had with Rain before the day he pulled you into that alcove and realize Dew had always been there. You now understand why he became a presence in your life after that moment. At this point though, you couldn’t care less about which ghoul wanted who or what. You were tired of their petty little pissing contest. 
“Okay,” You rub the bridge of your nose “What’s it going to take to get you two off my ass and to treat each other like friends again?” 
“You really don’t have to do anything. It’ll cool over like it always does.”
“Rain I am sick and tired of being in the middle of this.” 
“You know, I have an idea. But I don’t think Rainy will be too thrilled about it.” 
Rain growls at him and you too have an understanding of what that idea is. 
“Lord’s below Rain if all it takes is letting Dew get his dick wet then what's the problem.”
“The problem is he can’t stand when it’s anyone else but him.”
“Can it Dewdrop,” you turn to look at Rain who looks ready to break something but the slight blush on his face betrays his thoughts “Would it help if you were there?” 
“Ooo we picked a freaky one! Come on wet boy they’re literally asking for it.” 
Rain sighs “You really wanna do this?”
“If it’ll get things back to normal then yes. Very much so.” 
You did not realize how fast it would all move when you said those little words. The doors to the ghoul den were slammed shut as Rain stalked close to you with that hunter’s gaze. You were suddenly very aware of how easily it would’ve been for Rain to just get rid of you if he really didn’t want Dew around you. You start to back away from him but you end up bumping into Dew’s chest. You feel his hands wrap around your middle and his breath against your ear.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Rainy’s always liked the chase. Why do you think it took him so long to fuck you? It wasn’t just because of me.” 
You yelp feeling yourself be quickly lifted off the ground by the little ghoul. He taunts Rain the whole way to his bedroom. You briefly wonder how many times this exact situation has happened when you see the look on Rain’s face. You don’t have much time to consider it before you’re being thrown rather unceremoniously onto a bed. You barely have enough time to blink before Dew is sitting between your legs. 
“Alright dear Sibling, last chance. If you wanna leave just say the words and that’ll be it.” 
You feel the mattress dip as Rain sits against the headboard. You look up at Dew and see his burning gaze and you come to find you want this a lot more than you previously thought. You gave Dew the go-ahead and that was all he needed. He practically pounced on you the moment ‘yes’ left your mouth. He kissed you harshly before nipping your bottom lip with his fangs. You gasped and he used this to slip his forked tongue into your mouth. He licked into you feverishly before making an attempt at shoving his tongue down your throat. His mouth never left yours as his hands traveled from your hips to your neck. He flexed his claws against your skin each time you moaned into his mouth. 
You reach for him, trying to bring him closer to you, but the moment you do he is ripped from you. You whined in confusion as Rain pulled him off of you and onto him. You watched the way Rain pulled his head back by his hair exposing his neck. He squirmed and gasped as Rain kissed and bit at the scars on his neck. Dew reached a hand out and pushed lightly on Rain causing him to stop and gaze at him. 
“Come on Rainy don’t be rude to our guest. I thought you liked your sweet thing?” 
You looked away when Rain’s eyes landed on you. He smoothed a hand over your head, letting it continue down your back and under your shirt. You shudder at his cool touch and finally look up at him. He grins when he has your attention before darting forward and biting hard into Dew’s neck. He gasps and ruts ever so slightly onto Rain’s thigh as the water ghoul laps at the wound before any blood can dribble down. He pulls back and hums in satisfaction at the mark. 
“Now you can play with him.” 
He practically dumps him back on top of you. He doesn’t move from his spot sitting next to you against the headboard as Dew straddles your hips and pulls your shirt off. He latches himself to your neck as he drags the tips of his claws down your body to rest just above your hip bone. You can feel his tail snake into the bottom of your shorts, the tip of the spade creeping closer and closer to your clit. You gasp when it pushes past the fabric of your underwear and slides so slowly through you. He kisses up your neck and jaw as his tail flicks small circles over you. 
You squirm as the spade traces gently over your hole before pushing in. Your moan is immediately swallowed by Rain bringing his lips to yours. He reaches over you and cups one of your breasts in his hand, rolling your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. You try to concentrate on kissing Rain back but all you can focus on is the feeling of Dew’s tail dragging against your walls. Rain gasps and pulls back from you squeezing your chest harshly. You crack open an eye to Dew’s hand shoved down Rain’s sweats jerking him as he fucks you with his tail. You see something dangerous flash across Rain’s face as his eyes flick from you to Dew. 
He swats the fire ghoul’s hand away and shoots up, grabbing him by the wrists. You yelp as he’s quickly pulled off of you when Rain flips their positions. He pulls Dew’s ass up by the hips and pulls his pants off him. 
“I still think you’re being mean Rainy.” He wiggles his ass back against Rain’s dick. Rain peers over at you before pulling Dew flush against his chest by his hair. 
“Get under him.”
You shift around until you’re laying on your stomach looking up at the two ghouls. 
“Now suck it.” 
You slowly bring your lips to the head of his cock and push the tip into your mouth. You swirl your tongue around the slit before taking more of him. Dew’s breathy pants turn into moans as the slick sounds of Rain pushing into Dew fill the room. You had no time to prepare before Rain thrusts brutally into Dew causing him to be pushed to the back of your throat. You gag and the fire ghoul whines as your muscles contract around him. His hand shoots to the back of your head, threading his fingers through your hair guiding you up and down his dick. 
He barely has to move you as Rain keeps up a devastating pace. Dew’s head is thrown back against Rain’s shoulder with his tongue hanging out of his mouth too blissed out from getting fucked from the back and the front. You have to focus on breathing through your nose as every thrust from Rain pushes Dew to the back of your throat. You work your tongue over the vein on the underside of his cock. It’s all you can do feeling the ache in your jaw and your forearms from holding yourself up. 
You hear Rain hiss something in Infernal and it’s the only warning you get before you feel Dew spill hotly down your throat. You fight off a gag at the suddenness of it. 
“You better swallow all of it. Don’t waste a drop of him.” 
You do just as you're told and pull off of him with an obscene pop unable to hold yourself up anymore. It doesn’t take much longer before the sound of skin slapping against skin stutters and Rain grunts biting into Dew’s neck again as he cums deep inside of him. Dew flops forward next to you when Rain pulls out of him. The water ghoul runs his fingers through his hair and wraps his tail loosely around your wrist. Dew reaches over and squeezes your hand before turning his head to look at you. 
Eventually you all roll around until Rain is between both you and Dew, holding you close. You feel yourself drifting off soothed by the sounds of the ghoul’s purrs, that is until you feel Dew squeeze your hand again. You look across to him and get a bad feeling from the glint in his eye. He slowly untangles himself from Rain and crawls over to you. He runs his claws over your thighs. 
“Dew…” you warn, glancing up at Rain who appears to be sound asleep. 
“Oh don’t worry about sleeping beauty. Just focus on me.” 
You slap a hand over your mouth when his hand dips into your shorts. You closed your eyes and send a quick prayer to whoever was listening that Rain wouldn’t wake up to Dew doing his absolute best to pull you closer to your own edge. 
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unifi3dtheory · 2 months
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Mari Lam (left) is @bunvie ‘s OC
Host (right) is my OC
[Click picture for higher quality]
Yall idk what to draw please give me requests or smth idk
At this point if someone makes a Zalgo OC theres a pretty good chance I’m going to draw them GHEHEHEH
I’m so glad to see other people making OCs that are working under Zalgo
These two are silly
Incredibly cool
I love Zalgo argaghddhgaafst
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the-mystical-phoenix · 2 months
I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be so I have been trying to send about an ask a week. Now I send this ask first anytime I follow someone as I really don't want to bother anyone, so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Not having energy for asks or being comfortable with them is perfectly okay.
The categories I have in my ask notebook that I file under are in colour. Please feel free to make your response as long as you want or private (the asker cannot directly respond to private responses).
Self, Job/Work: please let me know what you are comfortable with from eh idk just ask it to nothing personal at all.
Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Please let me know what fandoms. I think my main fandoms and ships are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ships I don't engage with the canon of at all are: Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie , The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier.
OC's, art/drawing, their writing, blog specific only
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Do you like receiving them?
Pets: I'd love to know all about them
Garden and Hobbies: What type of gardening and/or hobbies?
Like being tagged in things: If so what kinds of things?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Ooooooo I love this style, let's get to answering shall we!
Self, Job/Work: Meh, usually fine about most stuff, but I'm iffy about locations, politics, and other similar categories. Nsfw stuff is alright I guess, if possible try to keep it to a minimum
Main fandoms and ships that come with them:
The Hobbit
Bagginshield/Thilbo/Oakensting (Bilbo/Thorin)
Kiliel (Kili/Tauriel)
Bilbo & Any of the Company, Bilbo & Thranduil, Dwalin and Balin, Fili and Kili, Dis and Thorin, etc.
Hazbin Hotel
Chaggie (Charlie/Vaggie)
Huskerdust (Husker/Angel Dust)
CherriSnake (Cherri Bomb/Sir Pentious)
Zestmilla (Zestial/Carmilla Carmine)
Lucilith (Lucifer/Lilith)
Don't actively ship but aren't opposed to: RadioApple (Lucifer/Alastor), RadioRose (Alastor/Rosie), RadioDust (Alastor/Angel Dust)
Pretty much good on everything but have a certain fondness for Lucifer & Husk, Lucifer & Alastor, and Angel Dust & Cherri
DSMP (on and off, mostly off now it's over)
Open to other fandoms/ships
OC's: Many, but would most likely never post on here
Art/Drawing: I mostly draw traditional, but have been trying digital, and am at the very least willing to try drawing any requests
Writing: I love writing and write for any of the ships listed above, as well as others (maybe, it depends)
I might write requests, don't be scared to share, will write nsfw to an extent but if you wish for that you will get a list of yes's/no's about what I will and will not write
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Love. Them. They give me smth to focus on, and even if it's not smth I would usually write/entertain on my own, I like to hear them
Pets: An 8-ish yearold void kitty named Tara, last of the original litter we had; a 14/15-ish year old beagle/malamute mix named Butterball, recently passed over the rainbow bridge 🐕🪽🌈
Hobbies: Mainly writing, occasional drawing, love D&D
Tags: Stuff like the ships mentioned (art/story/hc/etc.), writing critiques
Thank you very much for this ask, it gave me something to do and helped clear things up :)
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cooketu · 1 year
Anyways, welcome to the official Poptale (page? Idk what to call it honestly) below I will be listing standard information so that you’ll know that (y’know, I don’t bite)
Standard Information
Q: How old are you, what can we call you?
A: My age range is 16-18, you can call me MCanthom (or anything along those lines). Don’t worry about pronouns (I don’t really care what you use to refer to me as)
Q: Are you a frequent poster/updater?
A: No, drawing takes some time and I don’t wanna just make this (page?) just words. Plus I’m going to be posting about Poptale and that’s going to be pretty lengthy and taxing.
Q: What should be avoided on this page?
A: Racism, discrimination, and anything along those lines are not welcome here. If I were to commit one of these I would want someone to tell me. So, in order to prevent any (bad negatives) on this blog, don’t do any of the stuff mentioned above (this also applies for jokes).
Q: Are requests allowed?
A: yes, but they’ll switch between being opened and closed.
Q: What can I expect to see?
A: You can expect to see drawings of Poptale, my (probably multiple Fnaf aus cause why not?), and sometimes other things (not too much though).
Ok, so that’s that. Now here’s the rules:
1.) DONT repost my art (if it’s to share with others then fine, but give credit or smth at least)
2.) DONT request for art (nothing against y’all, but I have my own stuff I need to do)
3.) DONT be racist, homophobic (or the likes), harass, etc.. to other people on this page
4.) (Not really a rule but) please don’t request anything 18+ related
(what do I mean by that?):
(1) Gore, blood, angst, violence, and anything along those lines are fine
(2) I will not be drawing s3x scenes, nudity (for sexual intention purpose), fetish art, or hate art because it’s uncomfortable to draw
And I’ll just put this here as a disclaimer:
Some ships will be included (because I like to have the best of both worlds) so if you feel uncomfortable with the ships that I will list, don’t worry because they won’t appear often (and I’ll probably make most of them platonic), also you can just skip over them.
Ships (I’ll be abbreviating them, you’ll find out what they are later):
Florida (yes, I’m being serious, that’s the name I chose)
Roll n’ Rock
And no, I will not be shipping minors (only if it’s a platonic pairing) because it kinda creeps me out
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carnival-core · 3 years
Me knowing I have to finish my PkMn gijinkas eventually vs me getting another idea for art and frothing at the mouth
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crabonfire · 2 years
hi . twirls hair nervously . idk if you're still taking requests but it would be so Awesome to see how the mercs would react to their s/o being an artist, like they see em painting or smth . preferably amab if That's ok .. (ngl im mainly doing this for more scout stuff .) + I LOVE YOUR WRITING SM makes me kick my feet with joy
heyyyyy!! giggles like a schoolgirl
TOTALLY! I'm always down for requests, just as long as they aren't too specific / out of my comfort zone :)
also I'm so glad you like my stuff!!!! it makes me very happy that you do heheheheh :) I'm also an artist so I'd love to write this!
ps I love scout so I understand we need more scout stuff tbh!!!
Mercs reacting to an artistic S/O!
warnings: none!
characters: all mercs
note: reader is amab in this one, gender isn't specified much but just wanted to let u know :)
oke so the situaaation ‼️‼️
Merc had noticed that for some reason you would be in your room all day, before and after matches. He didn't really ask about it, because you still spoke to him a ton. One day though, he walks in on you...doing art??!?!?!?! Wow!!!!
• omg!
• without saying anything, he comes closer to see what your painting. he admires it for a moment, it's so...wow
"Woah, this is amazin'...you neva told me you could paint!"
"Well...yeah! I do paint. It's just a hobby to release some stress, you know?"
"A hobby??? I thought Picasso made this or somethin...this is so good!"
• Hes also pretty artistic himself! He draws a ton, so he's very excited to find out that your just like him fr!
• He will be so enamoured by your art, asking if he could see more and even ask if you could teach him. The way you so delicately work on the canvas with that glimmer of creativity in your eyes, he can't help but be head over heels by it.
"That painting is so cool babe, just like you."
"Man, what's up with you today? Your so corny."
He pulls you close to him, wrapping his arms around your waist making your hands rest against his chest.
"Yer so handsome too, you know? Even more than the painting."
"You dork. Your just egging me on."
"Nah, I really mean it. Your the real masterpiece here."
He peppers you with kisses making you giggle at the sensation. What a guy.
• when he enters your room to find you sitting at your desk, he thinks your working at first.
• but when he steps closer to see your drawing, oh my lordie lord
"OHFUCK-solly you scared the living shit outta me- I'm uhh...drawing."
• he takes the paper and inspects it carefully, a grin on his face. wow! this is so cool S/O :)
"It's just a sketch, but I've been meaning to practice more on my anatomy."
"Ah, thanks but nah. I'm not finished with it...plus I think my art kinda sucks."
"Huh...thank you Jane. I appreciate it."
• he watches you draw a lot, and gets so happy when he finds out you draw him. if you give him any of your art, he will frame it in his room and show it off like a trophy. he finds it so cool you draw, wow.
• oh m gosh...u draw...like...like he does..??? OH MH GOOOOODSSSHHHHHHHSH
"mmmfhh mffhh mmhfhh mmmfhhd!!" (This is so cool!!"
"Oh thanks man! I appreciate it."
"Mmmh mmh mmhhhf mmhd mmh? mmhfh??" (Can I draw with you? Please??)
"Yeah! That'd be nice. I've always wanted to draw with someone."
" the happiest squeal that has ever come out of any man "
• you two draw together all the time, heck youll even collaborate on the same drawing and it always makes him so happy when you do. if you ever draw you two together, he will cherish it forever and just like soldier, frame it. Though he wouldn't show it off, he would wanna keep it to himself :)
• hold up wait a minute
• you paint? oh my god you paint?? you...you paint???!?!?!?!??!??!?!?!?!?!!??!
• he's very surprised and very proud, he's like "HELL YEAH MY BOYFRIEND PAINTS LETS GOOOOOO!!"
• "Lad, you did this?"
"Oh-pff yeah. I don't paint as much as I used to but it's fun to do."
"This is amazing. Your so amazing, why haven't ye told me ye painted?"
"I didn't really think it was a big deal, nobody really knows."
"Big deal? This is gorgeous. You should show off some more."
"Hahdhfh thank you."
• talks about it a lot, practically shows you off like a medal when the topic is even related to it. He loves watching you paint and will even ask if you can paint him so that he can keep it and show it to his mother. He's so supportive of it and buys you the best art supplies, encouraging you to paint more. he's so proud of u omg.
• when he finds you drawing he's very interested! he doesn't ask much about it, but watches you sketch. how you lightly press onto the paper when you want a soft feel to it, and when you press rougher for a thicker line, it fascinates him how you can be so talented.
When your done, he'll ask about it.
"May I see?"
"Oh, of course!"
He inspects the drawing, admiring how well you cleaned the linear and how well the shading blends in. He smiles softly
"This is beautiful. You are very talented."
"Aw-thats sweet, thanks babe."
"Da. Do you have any other drawings?"
"Oh totally! Wait lemme get my sketchbook."
• he let's you ramble on each piece, listening intently as he carefully flips the pages over. he's so amazed by it all, even asking if he can keep some of them.
• if he ever finds out you drew him, he will be so so soooo happy! he will have a very big smile and give you a big big hug. he will keep it secure, and tell his family about it. even giving some pictures of your art to show them in letters. he's very into your art, please draw for him more.
• woah, you draw? that's so cool.
• he's very happy, he draws himself but it's mostly blue prints for his machines. your art is so sick! my guy this is like...the shit that belongs in like...a fuckin museum. so...so cool
"Darlin'...this is amazing! Did you draw this?"
"Oh yeah, I draw when I got the time to."
"I had no idea, this is wonderful. Whyd ya never tell me?"
"Oh, I thought it wouldn't be interesting."
"Sweetheart this is too good to not be talked about, its an amazing talent and I guarentee I'd love to hear about it."
"Aww, Dell..."
• show him your art please. he loves to just admire your stuff, inspecting every single like and so appreciative of how much time you put into each drawing. even if it's a small doodle or an unfinished piece, he will cherish it and motivate you to do more.
• draw for him? actually freaks out. Will keep a special folders full of all the drawings you give him, keep it in the special safe he made just for stuff you give him. draw any of his machines? bro will actually smooch you so hard man...pucker up LMAOOOO
• fascinating!
• he watches your painting, your quite focused on the strokes and he finds it very cool. he doesn't say anything, just watches you. it feels a bit awkward but he's honestly just really into it.
"Zhis is wonderful! Jou should sell zhem. I bet zhey would be bought by anyone who saw zhem."
"That's sweet Medic, but I don't think I'm that good."
"NONSENSE! Jou are an excellent painter, I am delighted to know jou have talent in such fine arts. Zhis is not a small thing, mein liebe."
"Haha, thank you Ludwig."
• he will ask if you can paint for him, not forcing or anything but he is obsessed with your style. if you ever paint him something, anything at all, it will be in somewhere safe, probably his room. By his desk, so he can look at it while he works.
he thinks it's awesome you can paint, will ramble to heavy about it.
• WOAHHHHH BUDDY YOU DRAW???@??!?!?@?@!?!?!?!?!?!? that's so fucking cool!!! Holy smokes
• he will be amazed, how did he end up with someone as hot and talented as you? My GUYYYYYYY he's even more in love with you than before which he thought wasn't possible.
"Roo...this is...amazing. I didn't know you could draw."
"Well-yeah! I just do it in my spare time."
He sits by you and continues to watch you draw, he likes the expressions you mimic when your drawing it on the paper. he thinks it's adorable.
if you ever draw him or for him, he will be a bit flustered.
"For...for me?"
"Yeah! I know it's sorta random but I really wanted to draw you something. Sorry if this is uh...weird and stuff."
"NO! no no, it's...its amazing. Thank you love."
He will be so red and so honored, he will have a bunch of your drawings lying around in the camper, one pinned to the wall of the van for him to look at. He keeps a doodle you made of the both of you in his pocket and looks at it whenever he misses you. He loves you soo much ughhhshhdfhfhf SNIPER MY BELOVEDDDD
• mf
• just when he thought he couldn't adore you even more than he already has, and you decide to be incredibly cool and awesome by your art
• you fucking DRAWWWW???? OH MH GODDD
He sneaked into your room to surprise you but he's the one surprised to find you drawing him. He stands by you as you smile at the finished product. Dammit you fucking KILLED HIM
the smile you have on your face at the drawing you made of him is actually fucking murderous it's so fucking cute he's going into cardiac arrest
he reveals himself, leaning into the table and taking a look at your drawing.
"Ma cher, this is wonderful. I never knew you had such a talent."
"OH-uh yeah! I draw...but also my fucking god dude your gonna kill me one day."
"I apologise, I merely wanted to surprise you. But it seems you have surprised me with your artwork. Do you draw me often?"
"I...uh...well-i mean-"
He finds it sweet you drew him, watching you get nervous and tounge tied. He will stop the teasing though, to admire your artwork. he's so...ighdhdhfhf why do you do this to him he's literally freaking out internally rn
like bro might be all cheeky and sly abt it but he's so...he's so jsjjf..HEHSHSHDHD... the urge to kiss you is strong
• he will buy you the best art supplies. after all, you deserve only as such. he will actually frame every single drawing you give him. I'm serious like they're gold plated, some are in his smoking room for him to admire and some are in his room to wake up to. bro is so INTO YOUUUU UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH stop it!! stop being so fucking cool!
I hope u enjoyed this! Sorry if its shorter than my usual ones, but yea!!!!!
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honklore · 3 years
hello! i just found ur blog and omfg i’m in love with your writing style! may i pls have some soulmate au hc’s for a reader who’s an artist? (i’m indecisive so you can choose who the hcs are with!) so like (insert cc u write for here) has got paint stains on his hands and like assorted sketches and stuff on his skin all the time from his soulmate. ty so much!! :]
masterpiece | quackity
(gn reader, quackity is the loml, reader is so talented but v messy, chat teases q to no end, quackity is the biggest softie in the world but refuses to acknowledge it, plantain slander)
listen to: rainbow connection (cover) by sleeping at last
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sweet quackity :((
it starts when he’s eighteen, and it happens like almost immediately
he got these splotches of purple on his hands and his mom was like ?? are u getting into fights ?? are you okay???
and q rlly doesn’t mind aside from the weird questions when the colors are a little too close to red or purple
but!! nowadays mostly you just sketch w a pen
it’s during your classes usually,,, ur an art history major and you need something to occupy your hands (which is actually why you started drawing in the first place)
so during the day quackity will acquire lil sketches of famous paintings,,, or sometimes originals,,, but they’re always washed off before the day is done
sometimes random art facts/theories/studies but he has no idea why someone would write him about van gogh’s use of color
*cue u aggressively scrubbing your skin in the shower bc you always forget how permanent the ink is*
quackity is sort of... hesitant when it comes to writing on his skin. esp with streaming, he’s scared that fans will react badly ,, that negative thought keeps him at bay most days
but sometimes he writes lil notes on his legs,,, where chat won’t see anything ,,,, and they’re always either rlly sweet or rlly weird
(hope ur having a good day)
(hey bestie :P )
(soulmate my beloved)
(will u be the howie mandel to my dr. phil)
that last one made you genuinely worried for your future
badly drawn picture of a duck holding a briefcase (this is me)
which confuses you but as he draws more, you begin to associate him with ducks, and sometimes the duck wears a tie, and sometimes a beanie, and one time he had a giant blue axe which kind of concerned you
but you digress
when you get stressed u finger paint
and it’s just a way to create chaos and feel the cold paint on your skin like idk it’s relaxing yknow :)
quackity is streaming
and he doesn’t realize what’s happening. he’s reacting to attaway general,, and he’s kind of invested
it’s only when he pauses it to make a point that he notices
and he tries to hide it but chat notices right away
it’s not that he doesn’t trust chat he just knows things can get negative quickly and he wants his space to be free of that
but someone donates “artist q?”
and quackity lets the joke run
he stands up and pulls the mic super close to his mouth
“i’m in my artist arc chat! nihachu watch out >.>”
it’s literally so silly bc q knows that chat knows but they’re letting him do his bit
and later that night he checks twitter and artist q is trending, but quackity’s soulmate is also trending
it’s all mostly supportive, and there’s already some rlly endearing fan art of quackity with paint all over his hands
quackity private tweet: ❤️❤️❤️
and he gets a lil confidence boost after that
answers questions abt u on his alt
tells the story of his mom thinking he was getting into fights
“guys paula is still my number one and my soulmate will just have to understand that”
“we already agreed we would both reject each other for taylor swift chat it’s fine”
answers donos and doodles on his hand
which he can do now bc chat knows!!!!
(you’re so talented your honor)
(have you ever seen attaway general?)
(charli d’amelio is in it)
(charli d’amelio is in it shit dixie sorry)
and you’re like !!! it’s on my hand !!!! it’s not hidden at all !!!
this image is so endearing to me like you’ve got paint stains all over your hands and quackity’s scrawl is filling in the empty spaces like he didn’t want to interrupt your work
duck with a beret, a mustache, and a paintbrush (this is me now)
ik he is going to share the most mundane things in a way of showing his love
(i listened to this song the other day)
(i bought a literal plantain today those things are big as shit)
(update: not good :/)
(i’m writing lore)
(i have an exam tomorrow)
just :(( sweet quackity wants u to know every little detail abt his life bc he wants u to know him
and you reply when u can
(added to my playlist!)
(i like plantain chips but i’ve never had the fruit alone)
(rip buddy :/)
(lore? like fnaf?)
quackity finds out you know extensive fnaf lore and the two of you stay up arguing about which is worse: the bite of ‘87 or the bite of ‘83
both of your legs look like newspapers that night and it takes a lot of scrubbing to get all of those off
one day you’re painting smth and quackity randomly gives you his discord
(add me and we can watch game theory together and see who is right)
the two of you end up watching it and getting in call with each other
when you hear his voice it’s like everything falls into place
he fills in all the empty spaces,,, answers all the questions you didn’t realize you had,,,, and he’s so wonderful that you find yourself missing him dearly whenever he’s not on call with you
you join him in calls on his streams sometimes like for jackbox or when he’s cooking
you stop joining him on calls on his stream /s
but chat loves you and always takes ur side over q’s
you get tons of followers on your art account and you even get to sell some of your paintings!!
ur new favorite colors to use are blue and yellow i don’t make the rules
but everyone starts to catch on and they find it really sweet
you catch up on quackity lore solely for him and declare yourself a c!quackity apologist
you’ve definitely retweeted the meme that’s like “if villain bad why hot”
when u guys meet quackity kisses your forehead :((((
when you
a drawing of two ducks holding hands (this is us)
thank you for the kind words and for requesting !!!
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barsformars · 3 years
req: hiii, idk if you are still accepting requests, but im trying anyways. How about an headcanon of ateez as types of soulmates bonds/ which type of soulmate bond will suit them? Bye have a nice dayyyy
a/n: this one is kinda just like what soulmate aus remind me of them & what i think would wanna write if it was soulmates au and them hehet i hope i interpreted the request properly lmao
ot8 / w.c 1.1k / t.w none
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reincarnation soulmates au
look ik everyone has been hyping up the seonghwa's first life thing so it's my turn to talk about it
the soulmate au where one is immortal and the other is mortal
seonghwa is the latter
and you just watch him from afar everytime he reincarnates, only talking to him once he is of age
and isn't the thought of being with him from his first life to his,, maybe 100th life,, just so,,,, bittersweet
bittersweet because damn obviously it hurts everytime he goes
dreaming of your soulmate au
you're in every dream of his and his in yours anytime the two of you are asleep at the same time
dreams with each other in it always feel so warm and fuzzy and you're always having a good time with each other
and sadly, nightmares when the two of you are not together in the dreams
but thing is you always wake up remembering everything except how he looks like and what his name is; same thing goes for him
*cue draw&draw lyrics*
he misses you and he wants to 'draw' you but he doesnt even know who you are physically
you can hear your soulmates thoughts au
but when you make eye or physical contact, you can't hear those thoughts
so imagine the two of you are seated across each other on the train and the thoughts go like
"omg they have nice shoes"
"why are his hands so pretty"
and those kinda thoughts just keep going and the both of you are just laughing internally at your soulmate because like "honey, im your soulmate, not whoever you're probably drooling over right now"
and then "wait im also drooling over someone else right now,,,"
and then the both of you just decide to lift your heads to meet each other's eyes and suddenly everything is quiet!!!!!!
also imagine later on when youre in a relationship with him and the two of you are just sharing a romantic moment and it's like:
"come on, you have to say it out loud because i can't hear you right now" AND THEN BEING ALL SHY BECAUSE OF THE NON-EXISTENT DISTANCE WHILE SAYING SMTH CHEESY
your soulmate’s face is blurry to you au
this can be kinda sad because you will never really know how each other looks
but i think the sweetness lies in that the feelings you have for each other is genuine and purely because of their personality and all
and of course physical attraction is still important to a certain extent but think this:
the both of you are so familiar with each other through touch and a lot of experiences that you just know exactly where his lips are so you can kiss him pretty effortlessly
you know exactly where his nose ends so you know how to tilt your heads when you kiss so as to not bump noses
AND because you just are that familiar with him, you can kind of form a picture of each other's faces in your heads, like you have a rough idea how big his eyes are, how widely spaced, what his eye shape is etc.
idk but that just sounds really beautiful to me despite all the inconveniences that could arise
PLUS its so easy to spot each other in crowds because only one face is blurred to you lmao
you have a mark wherever your soulmate first touches you au
you are very disturbed because like half of your body is marked
like so much so that it's definitely not like an accidental bump on the streets or smth
so you're just there thinking "who in the right mind would touch a stranger to this extent and why!"
until one day you're minding your business while walking around and someone runs up from behind you and literally just engulfs you into a hug while resting their head in the crook of your neck
and of course, because you're panicking, you turn your head back to look who the hell it was
AND how coincidentally,,, your lips made contact with their brow bone
he releases you when he realises that you were not the friend he was supposed to meet around here
and because your long sleeves rolled up a little, you see the mark slowing fading away, and it just clicks,, he was the one
"this is truly unfair, i gave you a cute little mark and you give me that big ass mark"
you see your soulmate's memories when you touch something they have touched before au
and fate is cruel because it always seems like one of you is always a little later than the other
like if you or him walked a little bit faster and reached the same place a little earlier, maybe the two of you would have met
until one day maybe one day mingi is keeping the change after paying at the cashier and he drops some coins
and you're behind him so you help him pick it up and you suddenly get flashes of his memories
and so does he when you hand the coins back to him
fate is so stupid sometimes but it's cute ig
whatever you write on your skin shows up on your soulmate's skin as well
and wooyoung being wooyoung, loves to share things that makes him happy and things that he wish you would try out as well
and so you can expect his own food recipes, or maybe some lyrics that he's been trying to write, or like ideas for his vlogs and all
let's be real, it's 2021, the two of you could really just share social media handles and meet irl easily but both of you just love the comfort of anonymity
and knowing that someone out there is always listening, or rather, reading, whatever you want to say
when your soulmate gets hurt, flowers bloom at the same exact location
i think this one's kinda cute even tho it can be scary at times i guess
like imagine both of you just wanting to bubble wrap each other up because
i think it is the beauty of taking care of someone as much as you would take care of yourself or reversely, taking care of yourself as much as you wanna take care of someone else
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moonandflowersfairy · 3 years
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match up request: hihi!! im not sure if your match-ups are still open but if not feel free to ignore this! My name's Ink(not really my name but i just like the word ink soo) my mbti is ENTP ennegram 7w6 and im a scorpio i dont rlly know about my uhh the other zodiac thingies(*°∀°)=3 appearance???I am 160cm tall! my hair is like Venti's/Lumine's(genshin im srry if you dont play (◞ ‸ ◟ㆀ)) but it's only black ohh did i mention that im pan and (any pronouns) nonbinary?? also the things i like to do?? i like tooooo draw,play games,read manga and watch anime sometimes i like to play piano,as for the things i dislike! the only things i dislike are bugs‼️ any type of bugs theyre all so icky for me. what i look for in someone/relationship? im not really sure myself (*´∇`) but someone who's fun to be around with the type who knows when its time to joke around and when it isn't or someone really caring and gentle. i think i have to say some stuff for what my personality is or smth?? I space out alot my ways of coping with things is humor٩( ᐛ )( ᐖ )۶ i can get annoyed pretty easily but i won't really show it uhh idk i think thats it?? i cant really think if anything else. ANYWAYS thats all thank youu ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)♡ (apologies if some just dont make sense)
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I match you with...
¡! Ryuguji Ken [Draken] ¡!
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he is your balance, your stability and security, he keeps you in reality and you keep him more laid back, you bring out what you lack and that is the besg for you two
general headcanons :
¡! SFW ¡!
you met at his bike store.
you were looking for a shelter because of the heavy rain, all of your clothes were wet and maybe you were soon to catch a cold, a door of a store was open with a person standing there trying to close it, you ran towards him trying to not slip in the way, he saw you and let you enter, no words exchanged until he asked if you wanted something, lending you a towel and a jacket for you to get a bit warm again, hours passed by and you left after the rain stopped, leaving behind your jacket and taking with you the jacket he gave you, without noticing you had the wrong one.
days later you came again to the shop and exchanged numbers with him, somehow it was easy to mantain a conversation with a total stranger.
and since then you have been talking, a serious man in the outside but a total sweetheart in the inside
on your last unofficial date you went to a fancy restaurant, he confessed when he left you at your door entrance, giving you a passionate kiss when you said you reciprocated him, and left to his place a blushing mess.
a long lasting relationship for sure, if you wanna get married and have kids then he is the one for you
but if you don't then he all in too, as long as he is by your side he'll be very happy ^^
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with love, for: anon ♡
I hope you enjoy your domesticity with this man, he will be the best for sure
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nerdyfangirl67 · 4 years
Requests Masterlist
Studying You
(Female reader) “Could you please write an imagine where reader is Gibbs’s best friend from childhood, knew his mom, was there for him when she killed her self but au where there’s no Shannon and kelly and they get married and reader names their daughter Ann after Gibbs’s mom”
My Mark
(Gender-neutral reader) “If requests are in fact still open, could you pretty please do something about the reader giving Gibbs’ hickeys just to mess with him?”
Please Don’t Leave
(Gibbs x little girl (fatherly relationship), very slight reference to a McGee x fem!reader relationship) Gibbs discovers a little girl at a crime scene who is deaf, and upon learning more of her backstory, he begins to bond with her. The guardians she was staying with were killed in a break and enter, both her actual parents were killed while deployed.
I Won’t Leave
(Gibbs x little girl (fatherly relationship), McGee x fem!reader relationship, Mother!reader) This is a continuation of the storyline from the fic Please Don’t Leave, with a time skip.
Forget About Me
McGee x fem!reader/mom!reader, Gibbs x reader (platonic/fatherly relationship) “I was thinking that McGee and reader find out their expecting a baby, and Anastasia finds out and runs away, because she’s scared that Tim and reader won’t want her anymore, and Anastasia gets lost and is all alone, and Tim is in full panic mode, and Gibbs won’t rest until he finds Anastasia, and Gibbs finds her, but she refuses to go home, and clings to Gibbs”
Rare Jewel
(Female reader) “Can I please request a Gibbs x plus size reader? Maybe they have to go undercover to a gala or smth together and the reader walks out in this figure hugging dress feeling and looking FLY AS F**K and Gibbs is like hot damn. You get where I’m going?”
I’m Here
(Female reader)  Request using the prompt - “Don’t be scared. I’m right here.”
What Family is For
(Female reader) “Could you do a Gibbs x Reader were the female reader gets beaten up by a group of boys (broken ribs, bruises, blood…) and just manages to stumble into Gibbs’ house were he will take care of her? A little kind of father-daughter relationsship but workwise. Just him getting very protective, comforting her and patching and cleaning her.”
The Peace Out Here
(Female reader)
“Hey you! I really liked your Tony x Reader one were he comforts her bc she found out she’s pregnant from rape? I was wondering how Gibbs would react to the same?”
With a Little Help From the Team
(Female reader) “Hello! I saw your post from this morning saying you didn’t have any requests for ncis at the moment and I wanted to make a request. If for some reason you don’t want to write it that’s okay but here’s my prompt,(Idk what to call it) The reader and McGee have been dating for years and McGee has to tell the whole team (Tony, McGee, Bishop, Gibbs. That team please!) including her dad (Gibbs, cause why not?) when he wants to propose. You can decide on if they say yes or no but I hope you’ll write it. Sorry if I’m overwhelming you I just wanted to make a request”
NCIS team:
Helping Hands
(Gender-neutral reader) “Could you do a one shot with NCIS where reader has a panic attack and the team comforts the reader and they validate the reader’s emotions? I just really need something like that”
Aaron Hotchner:
Dream Come True
(Female reader) “Hi sweetie!! I saw that you’re taking requests for reader inserts? I could I request one of either Hotch or Morgan where they have a dream about having a daughter with the reader. (The reader and him aren’t dating or seeing each other at all) but he really wants this dream to come true. Thank you in advance!”
In Your Corner
(Female reader) “can you make an aaron x fem reader where reader has an e.d?”
Spencer Reid:
The Way She Walks
(Female reader) “Can you write something for Spencer (or whoever) where you are Hotch’s assistant. One day you are bringing Hotch coffee and Reid is staring at you and Derek tells Reid not to stare cause it will freak you out. Thank you so much!!!”
The Way She Loves
(Female reader - sequel to The Way She Walks) “Helloo😌😌 could you do a follow up to “the way she walks”? I loved it😩💗”
The Raging Fire Within
(Female reader) “Hi! Could you write a modern au fic with Erik Destler where they’re in a relationship but hes still an awkward muffin and decides hes not having it any longer and tries to flirt with her using (sexual) innuendos but hes still a muffin and she loves it? Thank you so much!!!! (I hope it makes sense)”
An Angel to Me
(Gender-neutral reader) “Erik’s s/o being an artist who loves to draw him but does it in secret in fear of upsetting him but Erik finds one specific drawing. The drawing is a charcoal drawing of him with angel wings (shirtless or not, either one works) and the drawing is of how his s/o sees him. In the drawing he’s radiating like an angel and he’s beautiful despite his scars and that’s when he realizes how much his s/o loves him and that he is worthy of her love (or something like that) and he starts crying. When his s/o comes back, she find him curled up in a corner crying clutching the drawing to him. When he sees her, he tells her how much he loves her and needs her (even tho she already knows) and they end up going through all her drawings of him together”
When You Are Hurting
(Female reader) “hi love! ❤️ i was wondering if i could request an erik x reader? just a hurt/comfort with some soft Erik, maybe set in poto?? maybe one where the reader is having a tough day?? please take your time!!! i know you’ve got a busy schedule :)”
A Modern Lady
(Female reader) “Hello! Can I please request a fic or HCs where erik is in a relationship with the reader but shes really modern and vulgar for someone living in the 19th century and keeps making him blush? But he really loves it?“
(Female reader) “Can I make a Phantom x reader where the reader is the phantom’s wife or somethin’ and the Phantom wakes up from a bad nightmare but she is there to comfort him”
Dark Until I Met You
(Female reader) “Hello, I just want to say first of all that I adore your writing! I haven’t been able to find a story with this particular idea, so I thought I’d make a request. It’s completely your choice whether you want to write a fic of headcanons, but what do you think Erik’s relationship with a blind reader would be like?”
Just a Touch
(Female reader) “Hello! This is my first time requesting, so I’m not quite sure how things work. I was wondering if I could get a Phantom of the Opera x female reader, where he’s touch-starved and they’re just cuddling together. Thank you!”
So Much More
(Female Reader)
Prompt - “You didn’t deserve that…you deserved so much better.”
Promise I Make to You
(Gender neutral reader)
“As I've myself struggled with sh (I am 1 month clean, lemme just flex a lil bit) I've just had this scenario in my head where Erik in a way or another sees the readers sh scars/cuts for the first time and it's just pure fluff with a hint of angst. Also this is my first request ever, I've just fallen in love with the way you portray our not so local (unless u live in france) sewer man. Um ye <3 I shall go to sleep now”
Dancing in the Rain
(Gender neutral reader)
“Can u do poto Erik x reader with a reader who loves walking in the rain, even tho they get absolutely soaked Bc they don’t use an umbrella… so their hair is just absolutely drenched but reader doesn’t give a damn”
One Love, One Lifetime
(Gender neutral reader)
“Could I get a phantom of the opera x reader where the reader is the soulmate of his. The reader has a line of one of his songs. Maybe music of the night? The 2004 version of phantom of the opera. Do you do smut? If not that's fine. It can be fluff too.”
Meg Giry x Phantom:
Leading Woman
(Meg Giry x Phantom) Meg being willing to do whatever the Phantom suggests, even though his attention is on Christine. Finally, Meg has had enough and decided to meet the Phantom on his turf. Although he is upset at the disrespect and blatant neglect of his privacy, he is impressed by her lack of fear towards him and her gumption. Meg makes a case for herself, and the Phantom finally sees Meg for who she is, a leading woman.
Christine Daae:
You Can
(Female reader implied but could be read as gender neutral) Prompt - “I know you can.”
Winchester Brothers:
It’s in the Eyes
(Winchester brothers x gn!reader) “… At the moment I’m sort of dating a guy who was broken up with fairly recently and he’s not sure of his feelings (I think he’s really just scared to open up again). Anyway I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind could you write a happy ending/fluff for us with one of the criminal minds/spn guys?”
Dean Winchester:
Something Good
(Gender neutral reader) “Something Good” from the musical The Sound of Music as inspiration for the fic
Care for You 
(Female reader) “Hello !!! Can I have Dean Winchester x reader? Reader has been so caught up in her work that they forget to eat. They get extremely lightheaded and stumble a little. Dean steadies them and he is worried when he finds out they forgot to eat. While he is making food they faint and land (luckily) on the couch. When he’s done, he comes back,at first he thinks that they’re just laying down but he kinda freaks out when he realizes that reader is unconscious. ( I forget to eat sometimes) THANK YOU🥺💚”
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chanzicoup · 6 years
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A/N: I got this template from tenseoyong and I could not find the original creator to give proper credit to. I was waiting for someone to FINALLY request this for V. Like he's the most fatherly (?) of them all in my opinion!!! And he's all in for having 3-5 kids so don't even fight me there.
A = Announcement.- How do you tell him and the world that you’re expecting?
You didn't know you were pregnant until you were about four months in. It was rare but it happened for you two and you had felt no symptoms the entire time. He'd be so pumped for the arrival of twins but he's lowkey stressing because he feels like he has less time to prepare and that he "lost four months."
B = Books.- Did he read the books?
He doesn't read the books and he never will. He's more like a 'wing it' person so he'll go with the flow of things. Somehow he knows everything about the process of birth??? Did he study this before or something bc he really knows his stuff?!?!
C = Cuddles.- Who cuddles the baby more?
He definitely would. He's just so happy to finally have a little version of him and you running around. Whenever he holds the baby he daydreams about things they'll do together. Until he gets soft when it's time for them to go to school for the first time, leave for college, get married and oml take the baby away from him he's crying and smiling at the same time.
D = Daddy.- His reaction to being called Daddy and it setting in.)
You know that gummy smile? Exactly his face when he's called 'daddy' for the first time and it's not in bed ;)))
E = Empty.- Who goes to the store when you guys run out of supplies?
He would volunteer to babysit while you go out but when you come home with your arms full of bags he'd scold you for not letting him help. He didn't know you all needed that much and if he had known he would've went along to make it easier for you.
F = Feeding time- Who does feeding time?
He's all for it. Pretending the food is an airplane and the baby's mouth is the airport. Little plane noises and loud cheers when the baby eats well. All him.
G = Grumpy baby. - Who is better at dealing with a grumpy baby?
There are just some times a grumpy baby can't be calmed so you two go back and fourth to try and but your baby back to sleep while the other is doing something productive like cleaning, laundry, sleepinggggg.
H = How?- how many kids does he want?
"3 if we don't have time but 5 if we do have time" my ass. V wants at least five but that's probably not going to stop him from having more.
J = Jokes.- best dad joke?
Probably stole it from Jin but its, "What do you call a fish with two knees? A two-knee fish!!!"
K = Kisses.- His favorite place to kiss the baby.
He kisses their hands while they are laying on their back and he's just tickling their stomach and they giggle so loud; it's just really cute how v and his children are so close.
L = Little.- How he feels when he holds the baby for the first time.
Literally his world freezes and all he can focus on is his first born in his arms; how they instantly stopped crying when the doctor put them in his arms, how tiny they really are, their hair, eyes, nose, mouth, their teeny tiny fingers and toes. He soaks it all in and he'll never forget how the baby looked. Not even when he is old and frail.
M = Mommy.- what does he call you?
V would definitely call you "momma" along with the baby but he'll bump up the couple pet name game a lot bc he falls in love with you more nd more everyday and the kids are absolutely disgusted by how much skinship you two do. Like V is always hugging you from behind and kissing your cheek and he'll kiss your lips when the kids groan how gross it is when he kisses your forehead. A smirk on his face.
N = Nappies.- who deals with the really bad diapers?
It's all a team effort. He'd act like a doctor in surgery, even pulling out a face mask if it was that bad. You'd hand him the diaper, wipes, etc. when he asked for one; like an assistant would. Lowkey it's just really funny watching you two do childcare because it's always fun for you guys and you make a game out of it.
O = Onesies- Who likes to dress the baby in ridiculous outfits?
He will make sure his kid is fly as hell, but you draw the line at a gucci belt. Why would a baby need a belt???
P = Pet names- names he calls the baby.
"Chubs" bc of their chubby baby cheeks that grandma's love to pinch. Each kid gets a new nickname, one that relates to their personality, traits, etc.
Q = Questions.- How many questions does he ask the nurse?
He wouldn't ask the nurse anything, the only questions he have he'll ask his own mom. She did such a good job raising him and his siblings why would it be different for his own child?
R = Rely- what is the biggest thing you rely on each other for?
(This one is always so hard for me to write for idk why but it is) Ok so I guess you both would want the other to side with you on how to raise your child? Let me explain a bit. Let's say you tell the kid 'no' about something but then the kid goes to v and he says 'yes' to whatever it is. You two want to be on the same page as the other and want proper communication through out the entire family.
S = Sleep duty. - who gets up when it’s really late at night?
Teamwork makes the dream work. You both would take turns but if for some reason one of you is sleeping through the baby's cry the one that is awake will so it. Let's be real one of you will wake the other up and plea that they do it.
T = Trepidation.- fears as a new parent.
He'd be really nervous about saying the wrong thing here and there and scaring the child in some way. He'd be looking at the big picture about everything, how his actions now could affect his child's future. He really just worries his child will be unhappy because of him.
U = Ultra sounds.- His reactions to the ultrasounds.
He points out the baby before the nurse does and she's just like "Okay no one ever sees the baby first bc it's difficult to see but I guess this dad has some super powers or smth" and he marvels at the photos for weeks, printing extra out just to give them to his managers, the other members, his family. And if it's around the holidays, the baby's first picture is being printed on to Christmas cards.
V = Values.- what is the most important value he wants to teach your child.
One of the many things he hopes his children take from him is that he doesn't want them to have to depend on anyone for anything when they grow up. He wants them to have their own backs and to be able to take proper care for themselves for when he is gone and can't do it for them.
W = Water.- Who gives the babe the baths?
Man V is in the bath with the babe in a pair of swimming shorts and washing his and the baby's hair simultaneously. He has no other time to shower since he's busy being a dad and a celebrity at the same time.
X = X-mas- what do you guys plan for the holidays?
It would really depend on how old your baby is or if you were still pregnant. If you were still preggers he'd prefer to stay at home, just in case the baby wants out. But if the baby was a newborn he'd also prefer staying at home, his first Christmas with his new family would be special to him. but if the baby was more like a toddler he'd go and visit your and his parents, letting his son or daughter run around with their cousins whom they only met for the first time that same day. Either way he wants to get professional pictures done and they are hella cheesy at that.
Y = Yelling.- How many fights do the two of you get in?
It's not like loud arguing fights but when you guys are mad at each other you guys only talk when you have to. It sucks for V bc he values communication but when the baby is there he doesn't want to argue in front of them. If the fight started in the beginning of the day most likely it'll end at night when the baby is asleep and you guys are talking quietly in bed, trying to figure out the source of the problem. He hates going to bed angry so it will get resolved or else he is not sleeping a wink that night.
Z = Zoo- How crazy is the house after the birth?
It's just a mess. Somehow there is baby food on the ceiling. Dried wipes are everywhere. Toys all on the floor. It gets even worse when the baby learns how to walk.
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powerwordsleep · 6 years
A - Your current OTPships come and go but sasusaku is forever
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mindmaybe kakasaku???
C - A pairing you have never liked and probably never willsasunaru
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’tthere’s no pairing that I wish to like if I don’t like it
E - Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, whati once wrote a fanfic about team 7 getting high
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandomam i still “in” the naruto fandom?? idk but like a good 10 years with nardo
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in itit was robstar :’)
H - Do you prefer characters from real action series or anime serieswhat kind of question is this what
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and whythere are.... so many i hate....
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblrtumblr did get me into sense8! and critical role
K - How do you feel about the other people in your current fandommy “current” fandom would be star wars i guess and it’s terrible even as a r*ylo shipper most other r*ylo shippers annoy the shit out of me
L - Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask fori ask @baasama to draw all her ss feels and to grace me with some of it too
M - Your favorite fanart or fanartist@baasama
N - Your favorite fanfiction or fanauthor@pastelnoctis
O - Choose a song at random, which OTP does it remind you offor whatever reason Drake’s In My Feels is stuck in my head at this moment and that reminds me of..... idk kiba or smth being a fuccboi somewhere
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)naruto!DnD idk they play dnd or smth idk im not creative
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and whyi used to like shikaino but that was before i realized shikamaru is a dick
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else shipsso i know people “””ship””” team 7 ot3 but i literally don’t trust/believe anyone else when they say that bc usually it’s just sasunaru shippers who want to pretend they don’t hate sakura OR it’s sakura stans who want her to beat up on/have all the attention from naruto and sasuke (aka if the dicks don’t touch it’s not gay bro)
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanonsasuke keeps a picture of sakura and sarada in his coat pocket that he looks at every night while he out traveling/on missions 
T - If you mostly have homoships, do you have any heteroshipswhat the fuck is a “homoship”
U - If you mostly have heteroships, do you have any homoshipswhat the fuck is a heteroship what are yall 12
V - Are you one of those fans who can’t watch anything without shipping....... perhaps
W - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandomssakura, rey, beauregard, 
X - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandomsTHE OTPs AREsasusakuzutarareylo
Y - A fandom you’re in but have no ships fromhmmMMMmmm idontthinkihaveone
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go gookay listen the RIGHT way to ship team 7 ot3 is for it to Actually BE POLYAMORY okay it’s a THREESOME so that means THREE PEOPLE are all in a relationship with EACH OTHER and love each other EQUALLY. and since sarada is team 7 baby lets say naruto does marry henrieta but it goes south fast and he’s always over at ss house helping take care of sarada and then eventually sasusaku convince him to leave his wife/seduce him and he goes to live with them okay wait some pls i need this -
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kpoptionate · 6 years
stray kids ⇾ s/o is a cheerleader
stray kids masterlist // official masterlist
requested:  waywardcookiefriendmuffin
a/n: me ? posting ? what’s that (also i tried a new format ? lmk if it flops) ______________________________
woojin ♡
ok so for the sake of the writing pretend they’re all in high school mkay
drives u to and from all ur games and practices
holds ur bag for u
makes sure all his friends know u cheer
carries u bridal style to the car after the games bc he knows ur tired
massages ? deffo
n when u get home he draws u a bath and makes u ramen (or a healthier meal if u want) and watches a movie w u until u fall asleep on his shoulder uwuwu
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chan ♡
tbh idk it’s hard 2 think of nine different scenarios where they’d all basically do the same ass thing
gets u ready beforehand
like putting ur hair up for u or makeup if ur coach makes u wear it
drives u everywhere
if it’s cold or chilly idk y u would be he makes u wear his sweatshirt
!! food !!
makes sure u eat lotsss afterwards
probably feeds u too
n gives u a bath
and puts on a movie and cuddles w u
like him laying back n u on his side w his arm wrapped around u and ur head on his chest
fuckin d i e s if u fall asleep like that
like his heart burts so much he could literally cry
idk when this turned into cuddling w stray kids but
he just likes taking care of u so much :(
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minho ♡
deeeep sigh everyone
thinks ur uniform is sexy
takes lots of pics of u in it
@ home deffo asks u to do a routine for him
aka splits and shakin ur booty
even if ur a dude
also probably smacks ur ass in front of the whole squad n everyone on the bleachers
other than his pervertedness
always makes sure ur okay after games, he knows what it’s like to overwork urself
brings u healthy snacks n gatorade even tho it tastes like watered down fruit punch but u gotta keep up those electrolytes sis
if u have a headache after the game he read somewhere that if u rub limes on ur head it’ll go away so he makes u do that
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changbin ♡
thinks it’s super duper hot that you’re a cheerleader
like yknow how in the movies it’s always the super hot cheerleader and the super hot jock together
it’s like that except this time it’s a super hot cheerleader and a super hot rApper
while watching u he’s all !! hell yeah !!
but then he thinks !! hell no !!
bc if he’s watching u do all this nice ass shit then that probably means someone else is too
so he probably looks around to see who’s watching u
then when he realizes most everyone’s focused on the actual game he kinda calms down
but if he hears someone talking about u more than they should binnie finna square up
takes u out to dinner afterwards, wherever u want but probably like mcdonald’s or smth
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hyunjin ♡
sshGHSGAlkHHSjd idek ??
also thinks it’s rlly hot that you’re a cheerleader
and he makes sure eVeryone knows it
kisses u during all ur breaks
provides u w water and small snacks
cheers for u more than he does the actual game what good boyfriend wouldn’t tbh
takes vids of u cheering and keeps them in an album
after the game
lots !! of !! kisses !!
like he just went four hours w/o kissing u that’s basically torture >:(
gives u a bath then snuggles w u while watching a movie
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jisung ♡
comes to ur practices when he can
ends up learning the routines and when ur cheering at the game he’ll goof around behind u
and when he’s not goofing off he’s in the stands with the boys screaming rllyyyyyy loud
like excessively loud
hugs n kisses n praises !!!!!!!
“u did such a good job 2nite bby !!!’” n then smooches u real nice
carries u on his back to the car afterwards
makes chris go through the drive thru n feeds u french fries in the backseats
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felix ♡
you know that meme of spongebob naked while leaning against the wall
that’s felix minus the naked
probably tries on ur outfit at some point and does ur cheers
n gets rllyyyyyy awkward when he gets caught
probably wants u to teach him jumps and positions
confuses arm positions for left n right k and the difference between hurdler and herkie & expects u to be just as excited as him when he finally gets it
yeah boi i went to cheer conditioning u can’t touch me
i never tried out tho, i couldn’t raise my legs high enough and even then there were like ninety other girls there wtf
during the game he’s right up by y’all
gives u little kisses every time u walk by him
u better drink lots of water or he’ll be pissed >:((
afterwards takes u for milkshakes !!
if u don’t like milkshakes then idk sis y don’t u like them
cookout has the best ones don’t @ me
it’s also come to my attention that cookout is just a southeast coast thing ?? y’all rlly missin out smh it makes me sad :(
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seungmin ♡
packs ur bag for u
deffo leaves little notes on your snacks and drinks
“don’t forget to stay hydrated !! <3”
buys u concession stand food
especially if they have funnel cake but @ my school it’s like five dollars ?? for one plate ?? sis wyd
carries a bag of essentials w him at all times
aka extra shoes, hair ties, bandaids, deodorant, stuff like that
if u don’t have time to finish ur homework he’ll do it for u
after u shower he’ll tuck u into bed and snuggle w u
he seems like such a good cuddler like seungmin just looks
so comfortable
i’m jealous of the guys they get to hug him all the time >:(
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jeongin ♡
he thinks it’s !! so cool !!
like yeah boi my s/o a cheerleader suck it
comes to all ur games w the guys to watch u
gets really excited !! when u do anything, even if it’s just a toe touch or smth
you know that smile he does !!! yeah that one
does that while clapping rlly fast
if u turn around and wink at him
his heaRT
gives u cheek kisses after the game
maybe on the lips if he thinks u did a v good job
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request or ask anything here !
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matakyou · 7 years
C, L, W, X pls :)
thanks Vicky ^^
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can't.ah that would be Sakuraiba & Tennen. I mean I don’t have anything against those ships in particular and their interactions are really cute, but I can’t see them in a romantic way no matter what
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?omfg this is too hard~ hmm for fanart I’d love to have someone draw me Ohmiya as a lesbian couple or all of Arashi as girls having a sleepover or smth??? how dreamy~ as for a fanfic idk maybe something age gape-y, idk I like age gaps for some reason??? preferably Ohmiya, Sakumiya or Matsumiya, with Nino being the younger one? with loads of pining and a tiny bit of angst on the side but with a happy ending. oh and turning that fanart into a fic would be hella cool too
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms.
Yukito/Yue from Cardcaptor Sakura
Nuriko from Fushigi Yuugi
Kuro Bara/Keith from Ashita no Nadja
Cho Hakkai from Saiyuki
Makoto (Sailor Jupiter) from Sailor Moon
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms.
Ohmiya from Arashi
Yukito/Touya from Cardcaptor Sakura
Chichiri/Tasuki or Miaka/Nuriko from Fushigi Yuugi
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