#someone just sent me an ask like don’t pull billy joel into this
hellcheeriest · 6 months
i bet he's never had a backstreet guy
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Twitch Streamer!Eddie x Single dad!Steve
Masterlist | Next Chapter
Summary: Introductory Chapter where we meet Steve and his son Dustin, and Eddie and his group of friends.
Content Warnings: Slight age gap (Steve is 31, Eddie is 26), bullying.
A/N: I wrote this almost two years ago and the full first chapter ended up being almost ten thousand words... and then i never finished writing the second chapter. Here's a heavily re written first chapter! I'm splitting this up much more, and this chapter is shorter than the rest will be as its mostly an intro chapter to introduce characters and their dynamics :)
w/c: 2,017
January, 2023
“Fuck, dude!” A voice blared from Dustin’s phone. The kitchen was warmly lit as Steve flipped a pancake. It was a Monday morning, and the sun’s light peaked through the crack between the curtains. The smell of bacon cooling on the counter wafted through the air, and Steve turned to give his son a disapproving glare.
“Hey, what’s with the language?” Steve asked, turning over hashbrowns in a separate, smaller pan.
“Sorry, dad. Just a streamer I’m watching.” Dustin replied as he took a sip of his orange juice. “He and his friends are like, super funny.” Steve stalked over, a full plate of breakfast in his hands. He placed it on the counter in front of Dustin, leaning over Dustin’s shoulder to view the gameplay shown on the screen. They were playing a game he vaguely recognized as something Dustin had shown him while saving up his allowance money.
A different voice sounded from the phone. A lighter one, belonging to someone who the first person referred to as ‘Chrissy.’
“Who are they?” Steve asked as he returned to the stove. Dustin took a bite of his pancakes.
“The guy is Eddie. He’s the one playing the game.” Dustin began, pausing only when his dad scolded him for talking with his mouth full. “The girl is Chrissy.”
Steve smiled as his son ranted. Dustin was typically very passionate about his interests, and Steve loved seeing his son so happy. It was too often that Dustin came home from school deflated and downright miserable. He was nerdy, and the type of kid that was bullied even back when Steve was in school. Apparently times haven't changed.
“You really like these guys, huh?” Steve asked, thoughtful, as he turned off the burners and brought the now empty pans to the sink.
“Yeah!” Dustin began, practically bouncing in his seat. “Their friend group is all super cool, and Eddie-” He took a moment when the man- Eddie, cracked a joke that made Chrissy laugh. “Eddie used to be bullied, too. And he’s super cool, so…” Steve sent his son a small, sad smile. He walked over to Dustin, and pulled him into a hug. “He just makes me feel better.”
“Well,” Steve ran a hand through Dustin’s curly hair. “I’m glad he makes you feel better. As long as you don’t get a swearing problem, got it?” He asked, smirking.
Dustin broke into a smile, nodding.
“Yeah, yeah.” Dustin gulped down the rest of his orange juice. “I'm finished eating, can we get going? I don't want to be late for school!”
Eddie @/hellfyre
streaming among us with friends :)
Chris @/bluefille
Can’t wait! :)
Rob @/rockinrobin
im here against my will.
Eddie’s room was dark, the light of his monitors casting a shadow behind him. He sighed and slid down in his chair. He was deafend in the discord call with most of his friends and he loaded up the game, his cursor hovering over the ‘Go Live’ button. He ran a hand through his slightly unkempt hair, thankful for the fact he hasn’t shown his face yet. He wasn't even sure he owned a camera minus the one built into his monitors. Taking a deep breath, Eddie presses the button and lets his ‘Stream starting soon’ screen play out.
Quickly the viewer count rose from a few hundred to a couple thousand, and after five minutes Eddie unmuted his microphone.
“Hey chat!” He grinned at the spamming of emotes in the chat. “Today, as you know, we’re doing among us with corroded coffin and friends. Robin and Chrissy, my personal favourites, but don’t tell the guys that.” He laughed. “Jeff and Gareth just got back from vacation so hopefully they suck, and Austin has yet to join us.”
Eddie pulled up a picture of his guitar and shrank it down to cover where the room code would go.
“Among us in 2023?” He read from the chat. “You know it.”
Eddie undeafened in discord, the loud voices of his friends instantly shot through his headphones.
“Gareth, you prick!” Robin shouted down her microphone. “Take that back you heathen.”
“God, Robin. Mind telling me what the hell is going on?” Eddie asked.
“Gareth’s flaunting his relationship with Jeff! Practically rubbing it in my face! He’s basically making fun of how I don’t have a girlfriend.” Robin whined and Gareth laughed.
“Can we please just start the game? I don’t want to deal with this debate anymore!” Jeff pleaded.
“You’re just asking that because you get all flustered whenever Gareth gushes about you.” Chrissy added, her voice soft as ever.
“Yeah, Jeff, we get it. You’re in a happy relationship and you hold hands and blah blah blah.” Eddie joked, putting on a New Yorker accent.
“Hey, leave my mans alone.” Gareth said and Jeff groaned, causing everyone else to laugh. “I’m making the room.”
“Sorry guys, my mom just called. I gotta go.” Robin said, her raspy voice wavering as she tried not to laugh, giving her away.
“Fuck you Robin.” Gareth retorted and Robin cackled. “I’m posting the code in the discord, assholes.
“I’m too sober for this.” Austin said, finally deciding to speak up after joining to the pandemonium.
It had been an hour and a half straight of playing among us, and Eddie was starting to get a headache. His throat was sore from the accent he chose to do in the last round they played.
“Well, guys. I still have to eat dinner so I should get going.” Eddie confessed, rubbing his eyes.
“Okay, Eddie! Enjoy your dinner.” Chrissy yawned. It was eight PM for the both of them, and Chrissy’s childhood habit of going to bed on time carried over to adulthood and it was her wind down time by now
“Night man.” Gareth said, and wishes of a good rest from Jeff, Robin and Austin followed. Eddie returned the gesture and hung up. He bid farewell to his viewers before shutting down his stream and turning off his computer. He stretched, before standing up and leaving his small bedroom and heading to the small kitchenette of his apartment. He grabbed one of the TV dinners that sat in his freezer and threw it in the microwave for a few minutes.
He walked to his bathroom and grabbed an elastic off of the counter, wrapping it around his hair before leaning over the sink and splashing water over his warm face. After rubbing a towel down his face, he leaned on the counter and stared into the mirror, taking in his appearance.
He wouldn't say he was insecure of his looks, but it was a daunting thing to think about when his side of the internet were constantly talking about how devastatingly hot he must be.
What if they didn't like how he looked?
That was a thought that rarely crossed his mind. He prided himself on the fact that he didn't care what others thought, and really, after years of bullying he'd grown a tough shell. So no, he wouldn't care about what others thought. He only thought like this when he was drunk or tired, and he wasn't drunk. The dark purple of his under eyes confirmed it was the latter.
They stood out against the pale skin of his face, similar to how the black of his self-cropped Metallica shirt he'd gotten at a concert and dark tattoos that ran all down his torso clashed with his almost fragile looking flesh.
Thank you iron deficiency. And college.
He'd just skimmed by and managed to graduate on his third attempt at senior year, so he wasn't sure why he decided to torture himself further by becoming an English major, especially since his streaming career seemed to be kicking off and who knew if he would even end up needing it?
After the beep of the microwave went off, he went back to the microwave and grabbed the plastic dish and went to the reclining arm chair in his small, plain living room. It was always a shock stepping into the modern bright white walls of his apartment after living his whole life in the cluttered comfortability of his uncle's trailer. They didn’t have much then, but he was happy. 
Eddie put on an anniversary re-run of some old, popular sit com. The laugh track filled his otherwise quiet apartment and Eddie started chewing on the tough, TV dinner steak.
He’s still happy now, he supposes. A bit bored, maybe. He didn’t see his uncle much anymore, and he lived alone. The only friend he lived close to was Chrissy, and even she lived an hour out of the city Eddie was in. He loved streaming, loved providing content for the people who’d watch it, and he knew it was selfish to wish for more when so many would kill to have what he has.
But sometimes he can’t help it.
Steve was worried. He was parked outside of Dustin’s high school. Band ended fifteen minutes ago and there was still no sign of his curly headed son. It wasn’t often Dustin stayed behind this long, not unless he was getting pestered by some moron. After another moment Steve huffed and got out of his car, walking into the school.
It was somewhat nostalgic to walk the halls of the highschool, the same one Steve went to way back when. The walls were a different colour now, and banners hung from wall to wall to announce different events. Steve wasn't here to reminisce, though.
He was a few feet away from Dustin’s locker when he saw two larger teenagers cornering his son into the metal of the lockers, spitting harmful words to Dustin’s already terrified face. The guys seemed to be older, maybe even in their senior year, and Dustin was small, only in the ninth grade.
“Hey!” Steve called out, his pace increasing in speed as the guys turned to look at him. “Hey, what’s going on here?”
“Dude, is that who I think it is?” One of the guys asked. Oh great. Steve thought. Jocks.
Steve wasn’t proud of who he was in highschool. He was a loud, ignorant asshole just like the two here that were harassing his son. The thought made his heart hurt. 
“Steve Harrington? What are you doing here?” The other asked, laughing as he held Dustin by the collar of his shirt.
“Well, I’m here to pick up my son, but it seems he’s been held back.” Steve said through gritted teeth, hoping that his visceral hatred spilled through into his tone, and the two older boys' faces paled before they scrambled to get away from the two. Steve scoffed, and was quick to kneel down in front of his son whose face was red and wet with tears. His shirt was soaked, and his nose was bloodied, and Steve’s chest felt heavy with anger. 
Calming himself down, Steve held Dustin’s shoulders.
“Hey, bud.” He started softly. “Let’s getcha home, hey?” A small sob broke through Dustin’s lips as he nodded and Steve brought his son in for a hug.
Soon they were outside and walking to the car, Dustin under Steve’s arm.
“Do you want to talk about what happened?” Steve asked after getting in the car and Dustin shook his head, facing out the window. Steve sighed quietly and looked at his hands where they gripped the steering wheel. “I saw a notification on your phone this afternoon,” This seemed to catch Dustin’s attention. “I think that streamer you like posted something. Maybe you’ll have something to watch when you get home?”
Finally, Dustin smiled. It was small, but Steve was grateful. Dustin nodded.
“I still want to hear about what happened today, kay?” He asked gently, and Dustin nodded again, but slower this time. Steve put a comforting hand on his shoulder and squeezed.
After a moment he started the car and drove out of the school parking lot.
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pencilscratchins · 4 years
as a new yorker i am SO sorry you live in jersey you don't seem like the kind of person to deserve something like that
enjoy your piss city
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Thought You Liked Me Too
Part 1 of Not the One series.
Summary: Blaine is just starting at NYADA, spies Kurt Hummel, and promptly falls in love. One issue, Kurt is dating the lead singer of the acapella group Blaine wants to join. 
Notes: Partly inspired by Maisie Peters’ song “John Hughes Movie”
Read Part 2 here
Blaine tells his friends that the first time he saw Kurt Hummel was at the club they frequent.
When they tease him about his little crush, it’s everything straight out of his daydreams. Dancing with Kurt in the middle of a dancefloor not caring who’s watching, foreheads pressed together breathing in each other’s air, and being able to lean in anytime he wants to kiss him.
Except none of those daydreams are true and none of those friends are really Blaine’s friends.
Sam made friends with a bunch of upperclassmen who had connections to get the pair of roommates fake IDs. Callbacks was a primarily NYADA scene so the NYU students wanted nothing to do with it. Blaine had spent the last weeks of summer hanging out with Sam’s NYU friends exploring the city by day and clubbing at The Lion’s Den at night.
He knew once he started school some of his weekend nights would be spent here and others at Callbacks. Hopefully, Blaine Anderson could make friends at NYADA as easily as Sam had at NYU.
It had only taken two days before Sam came back to their apartment talking Blaine’s ear off about a group of guys he spent orientation with, “seriously dude, Dante and I are like long-lost twins.”
Blaine thought the same thing about him and Sam.
“That’s great, Sam.”
“We’re going out tonight. They want me to meet the rest of the group.”
Blaine was still scrolling through his phone, checking his emails again to make sure he hadn’t missed anything from school. They sent out orientation day schedules when he and Sam went grocery shopping yesterday. Ever since Blaine’s been slightly on edge. Maybe he should update his email notification preferences?
“You have to come!” Sam exclaimed, jumping onto the couch. “Please, Blaine! You’re my best bud. I want you to meet them.”
“I don’t know Sam…they’re your classmates.”
“Come on! It’ll be fun.”
It never took much to cave to Sam. Not when he made his lips so pouty.
“Fine, when and where?”
“Yes!” Sam did an air fist bump. “9 at the Lion’s Den.”
Then, Sam disappeared into his bedroom.
“The Lion’s Den,” Blaine murmured. “Doesn’t sound threatening at all.”
Blaine came to learn that The Lion’s Den was always crowded. Even on weeknights. From trivia night to karaoke to wing specials, everyone had a reason to be here. Not to mention their cheap drinks. If you wanted a fun, inexpensive buzz this was the perfect place.
Their lenient ID policy helped too.
The story of his first Kurt Hummel sighting went something like this: Spinning around on his barstool, after ordering himself a vodka coke and getting a weird look from the bartender, to admire the decor. Dark blue walls with high ceilings. Metal lion heads at every corner. Plenty of multicolored lights dancing over the patrons.
That’s when he saw him.
Bright blue eyes in a sea of dancers. Pushing his way out of the center of the dance floor.
He tells their friends for weeks to come that it was Kurt’s silver shirt that caught his attention that night. Blaine hadn’t known anyone could pull off such a color. It appeared to be made of silk and doused in glitter with the way it shined under the colorful lights in the club.
But that’s all fiction. A story he created because he was laughably bad at hiding his feelings. It took four days after he spun this tale for Tina and Angie to ask questions over lunch. By this point, Blaine had already had his heart broken by Kurt but kept up pretenses for the girls.
What’s his name?
Who’s got you smiling like that?
Someone put a twinkle in your eyes.
Tell us. Tell us. Tell us.
Even when Blaine knew there was no hope, his heart held on. Kurt Hummel had left his mark on him from just one measly conversation. So, he lied and told them he had a crush on some guy he saw at the club. A guy he didn’t speak to and would never see again. A guy whose name would never leave his lips.
Tina called him a hopeless romantic. Angie insisted Blaine would see him again.
If only she had known how right she was. Kurt Hummel wasn’t just some guy he saw in passing. Kurt had actually been at the bar that night dressed in that exact shirt but it wasn’t the first time Blaine had seen him.
Actually, Kurt went to his school. Not that any of Sam’s friends knew that—they all attended NYU. Blaine’s pretty sure they’re just tolerating him tagging along to their hangouts because of Sam. With the exception of Tina and Angie. They were the only ones who sought Blaine out—asked him to lunch. But even their friendship wasn’t solid. They had just met a few weeks ago when Sam started orientation.
A bunch of freshmen all desperate for friends in the big city. Who knows if it would last ‘til Thanksgiving. Now that school had officially started for them, they would surely get busy and Blaine’s feelings would be lost in the hustle and bustle of student life. The girls would forget about him and if he was lucky, Blaine would forget about Kurt.
Except, the real first time Blaine saw him was at NYADA. It was actually on the first day of school, four days before he saw Kurt’s silver shirt amongst the dancers at The Lion’s Den. He was using his space between class times to tour the school, trying to figure out where the rest of his classes for the week would be. Kurt had found him in the hallway where he had been studying the bulletin board filled with organizations you could join.
From chess to anime to superheroes, Blaine couldn’t choose which interests of his to pick. The only thing he knew he wanted to be involved in was Glee Club. Of which, NYADA had a ton. Luckily, Blaine already had his interests in a glee club narrowed down.
All of the brightly colored flyers had tabs to pull so you had the information to contact them about joining. He pulled the tab for the Apple’s Adams; the only acapella glee club on campus. Blaine had just finished his three years as the lead singer for the Dalton Academy Warblers and was pretty sure he’d get invited to join the Apples.
That’s when Kurt approached him though Blaine didn’t know his name at the time.
“The Apples?” he asked.
Blaine looked down shyly at the green tab in his hand. He met the man’s eyes and nodded. “I love to sing.”
“Me too,” he said, “I’ll see you at auditions, break a leg.”
That was it. No hello, no introductions, just a ‘good luck’ and a promise of seeing the most handsome man Blaine had ever seen again. If Blaine was going to daydream about someone at least he knew Kurt and he already had something in common.
He couldn’t wait for auditions.
The second time he saw Kurt Hummel wasn’t at the club either. This time Blaine was getting coffee. Standing in line debating if he should get another cronut or should he just stick to a medium drip and be on his way. Then he heard this voice coming from a table behind him.
Since their encounter the day before, Blaine had been replaying that melody of “I’ll see you at auditions.” It was getting him through his first week of school.
Friday’s auditions couldn’t come soon enough. Though, in reality, Blaine needed all the time he could get rehearing his audition song. The Lion’s Den karaoke nights these last two weeks had kept his vocals strong but Blaine wanted everything to sound perfect. He had more than just the judges to impress.
He quickly looked over his shoulder and noticed a girl sitting across from that blue-eyed man.
“Come on,” she was saying, “that’s not the Kurt Hummel I know!”
That’s how he learned his name. It was fitting. Sounded like a name that could very well be up in lights someday. Blaine hoped he was there to see it when it happened.  
“Rach, it’s only the second day of classes please contain your crazy for another week at least.”
She huffed dramatically. “Kurt, you need to put yourself out there.”
The girl, Rach went on to talk about how she was auditioning for as many off-Broadway productions as she could this year. After all, “we’re almost graduates”. Kurt had scoffed at that remark, “we have another 2 years.”
It was obvious then Kurt was an upperclassman. A junior. Blaine had to stand out at auditions to even be a blip on his radar. He moved up in line, ordered his coffee, and mentally going through his closet for the perfect outfit. Surely tight pants and a bowtie were enough to get someone’s attention but what combination of patterns and colors would appeal to one Kurt Hummel?
When Blaine turned back around, coffee in hand, Kurt was already gone.
Okay, he thought, he already had some practice getting along with upperclassmen. Tina and Angie seemed to like him. Chad and Dante tolerated him—Blaine was cool because he liked college football. Bryant and Xavier were the toughest to crack. He wasn’t sure they’d ever really like him.
But Kurt went to NYADA. He liked to sing, obviously enjoyed glee club and theater. They had to have tons in common.
The third time Blaine saw Kurt was at auditions. He was sitting as one of the judges in the audience. This time dressed in a green army jacket and a tight black tank top underneath. Kurt had his feet up on the seat in front of him showing off his white Doc Martens.
In his wildest dreams, Blaine might’ve wished for Kurt to remember him, give him a teasing wink before he began to sing. Of course, nothing happened. Kurt barely looked his way at all when he walked onto the stage.
It was during the last few notes of Billy Joel’s “Just the Way You Are”, Blaine found out Kurt Hummel was taken. For a second, Blaine was glad the reason Kurt hadn’t given him a second look was that he was already in a relationship but in the next, he felt his heart sink to his stomach.
The man he had just seen Kurt kiss on the cheek was now talking to him. He was British. And taller than Blaine.
“I’m Adam,” he said, extending a hand, “we’ll let you know by Monday.”
Blaine can’t remember if he shook his hand before nodding and bolting out of the room.
Fuck fuck fuck.
There was no way he could stand to be in that group with Kurt and his lead singer, group founder, and British boyfriend.
That night Blaine had camped out on the living room couch, binge-watching the Star Wars movies knowing he had the day off tomorrow, and eating his heart out Sam found him covered in used tissues and Hershey kiss wrappers, with a half-eaten pint of Ben and Jerry’s cookie dough in his lap.
“Bad audition?” Sam asked.
He didn’t answer. So naturally, he just sat next to Blaine on the couch.
“At least tell me you’re watching them in order.”
Blaine shook his head.
“Fuck dude, it’s worst than I thought if you don’t care about the order!”
Sam reached over his roommate to grab the remote control and paused the movie. Even though both boys had seen them over and over again, they insisted on pausing it for conversation.
“Talk to me,” Sam said.
When Blaine couldn’t make the words come out of his mouth, Sam pulled his roommate to his side in a half hug, half cuddle. That’s all it takes for Blaine to start crying, murmuring about his perfect guy being taken.
“I made it all up in my head, Sam,” Blaine whined.
All that’s heard from their apartment is sobbing and gentle condolences from Sam, who is still confused as to why he’s consoling Blaine at all.
He may have only known about Kurt’s existence for four days but Blaine had been dreaming about him for years. Blaine Anderson had their whole life planned after their first interaction. His middle name was “too much, too soon.” When the Andersons wanted something, they just knew. The depths of his soul knew Kurt was his perfect man.
The fourth time Blaine saw Kurt Hummel was at the club. That Saturday in September after auditions Sam pulled Blaine out of bed to meet up with their friends.
“You’re friends,” Blaine had said, head buried under a pillow.
“OUR friends,” Sam corrected. “Tina loves hanging out with you.”
Sam took the pillow off his face and forced Blaine to sit up by pulling on his arms.
“Because she’s got a crush,” he sighed.
“She knows you’re gay.”
“Gay and depressed,” Blaine told him before pulling the pillow back over his face.
Sam ripped the pillow off and tossed it onto the floor this time and sat Blaine up again.
“Let’s go, you gotta get out of this room. It’s been forever since you’ve seen the world!”
“I was at school yesterday.”
Sam ignored him. “I picked your outfit.”
He held up his choice. The mismatched patterns are enough to get Blaine up and out of bed.
Thank god Sam only wanted to model clothes and someone else would be choosing them.
The rest of the night had been going fine until Blaine caught sight of Kurt. At first, he was captivated by him. Did Kurt Hummel always look like he stepped out of a painting? For a second, Blaine could forget that he wasn’t allowed to want him.
Then, Blaine caught sight of who Kurt was pulling behind him. It all came back full force like someone slapping him across the face.
They were laughing together, probably drunk off each other. What he wouldn’t give to know what he was like to have a man like Kurt look at him like he was currently staring at Adam.
All his earlier feelings, everything Sam hoped he’d drink away, came flowing back. Blaine downed his vodka coke, paid his tab, and asked the bartender to call him a cab.
That was that.
Blaine walked home alone, texting Sam when he got back to their apartment so his roommate wouldn’t worry too much. Then, he locked himself in the bathroom and sunk to the floor.
If this was a movie, Blaine knows there would be heartbreak music playing as a camera zoomed in on his breakdown. It’s not Kurt’s fault that Blaine can’t help but picture a happy ending with every crush he has. They just had so much potential to be a great love story.
Now it was clear that was a story never to be written. If Kurt doesn’t want to be with Blaine then he’s just not the one.
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honkhonkrichard · 5 years
21 with reddie
 21. Best Friends Sibling AU
This got way longer than I thought and I’m calling it ‘Get it right the First Time’ after the billy joel song okay ‘njoy! (WC: 1600+)
“He’s adopted. We all are.” Stan said out of the blue, after dinner. 
“What?” Richie asked.
“Eddie. He’s adopted. So is Ben. Bill is too.” He said again, louder this time. 
“I-I mean.. I guessed.” Richie shrugged. “Cause they’re white and you’re-” Richie threw a hand over at Stan. “Not.” 
“I forgot the word.” 
“I-I didn’t have to know, dude, it’s not a big deal.” Richie stammered.
“You were staring at Eddie the entire meal.” Stan said loosely, eyes never leaving his book. 
Richie shifted. He was staring at Eddie. How could he not? He was… gorgeous. Big grey eyes, freckled, tan skin, wavy blond hair and the cutest little face. He had a look of perpetual surprise and annoyance, like someone just stole his parking space. 
He sat a the table quietly nearly the whole meal, watching the conversation with curiosity and every now and then, his eyes shifted over to Richie. 
Richie couldn’t take his eyes off of the younger boy. He was so… pretty. The light from the dining room was framing his face this side of perfect, and his sweater was too big and it gave him the sweetest little sweaterpaws- 
“I wasn’t staring at Eddie.” 
Stan’s eyes looked up from his book, sharp and intelligent as usual. “Liar.” 
“So what If I was?” Richie said, probably too defensively. “What’re you gonna do about it?” 
“Give you my blessing.” Stan said from behind his book, light green eyes still locked on Richie. 
“I don’t think I get you, Uris.” Richie lied, because he was quite sure he did. Rich hadn’t been subtle with his idiot grin and enthusiasm with trying to talk to Eddie, who didn’t reciprocate in the slightest.
“I think you do, Tozier.” 
“Stanley?” Someone said from the door. 
Richie looked up to see Eddie clamped around the door frame, sweater paws and cute grumpy surprise in full swing. Turns out he was wearing little shorts too. Richie gulped. 
“Yes Eddie?” Stan said innocently, putting his book down.
Eddie shifted uncomfortably and looked Richie over, the frown in his lips grew. Richie felt a blush rise to his cheeks. “Can I talk to you for a second? Alone?” 
“Sure.” Stan blinked, and stood up. He looked considerably older than his siblings, Richie decided, trying not to imagine his hands around Eddie’s thighs. “Rich, you’ll give us a minute?” 
Stan left the room, and Eddie disappeared with him, leaving Richie alone with himself to think about how much Eddie licking his lips after dinner had drove him crazy. 
I gotta stop. Richie thought, rubbing his face. Gonna go half chub thinking about it too much. He decided to mindlessly fiddle with his bracelets. 
Stan strutted back into the room not longer later, sunk back down into his desk chair, handed Richie a small slip of paper and tucked his hands behind his neck, stretching out like a cat. 
“Get out.” 
Richie’s eyes widened. “Eddie doesn’t like me, does he?” 
Stan shrugged ominously. “It’s me that wants you out.” 
“You have a crush on my baby brother.” Stan said simply.
“Baby.” Richie grinned.
“Out please.” 
Richie huffed and grabbed his backpack. “I’ll see you tomorrow though yeah?” Stan nodded in response, and Richie left the room, closing the door behind him (He may be a douche but he wasn’t a barbarian.)
Richie silently gazed into the hallway. All the doors were labeled. Ben’s door was closed, Bill’s was half open (Though loud horror movie noises were coming from behind it.) and what Richie assumed was Eddie’s was wide open; the quiet sound of tapping the only sound from it. 
The horror movie paused and Bill swung his door open, eyeing Richie curiously. 
“Sup man?” Richie waved. 
“W-What’re you doing?” Bill asked, voice lower and more angry than it had been at dinner. 
“Uhhhhh I just left Stan cause he kicked me out and then I got lost in thoughts. What’s up with you?” Richie admitted. 
Bill glared him up to down. Richie wasn’t sure why he was angry. They got along fine at dinner, joked about how they had no idea they both worked at the same place (Charlie’s vinyls, Bill had the day shift, Rich took the night shift) and now he was being judged. 
“If you fuck over my brother, I’ll slaughter you.” Bill promised, and then closed the door. 
“What?” Richie mumbled as the horror movie clicked back on. 
Richie made a face and went down the hall, and couldn’t stop himself from peering into Eddie’s room. 
There were lots of knick knacks everywhere, succulents, a big desk and Eddie curled up in his too big sweater, typing away on a laptop. He noticed Richie, clearly looking at him through the corner of his eye (still surprised and annoyed) and took a deep breath, trying to continue typing. 
Richie gave a him a toothy smile. Eddie did not respond. 
“So… Uh… Do you.. like… Did I- Um.” Richie tried. Words weren’t working. 
Eddie sighed and got up from his chair and then-
closed the door. 
Richie snapped some finger guns at the closed door. “Cool.” He said. “Dope I’ll uhhhhh see you later.” 
That night, Richie nodded along to the music blasting through his headphones, and emptied his pockets. Wallet. Phone. Rings he forgot to put on after he washed his hands for dinner. Piece of paper Stan gave him that he never read. Pop can tab. Wait.
Richie picked up the paper and unfolded it. It had a small message written in red pen on it; it looked like it had been scribbled over relentlessly. It also had a snapchat username.
Snap: KasperEddie youre rly hot attractive and it makes me nervous but i wanna keep talking 2 to you - eddie (the small blonde one of stan’s brothers who gets really nervous around you)
Richie didn’t bother fighting the smile off his face. His day was looking up. Even though it was 11:26 at night. 
He nabbed his phone and collapsed on his bed, adding Eddie’s username, and taking a quick photo of him lying in bed and sent it to the cutie patootie. 
Tozier Boy🤙 (Trashrecords): Heyyyyyyyyy got ur message closing the door on me was rly sex c of u
The response was almost immediate. It was a photo of Eddie’s computer. Looks like he was writing an essay.
Eeeeeeee: Sorry you make me nervous I didn’t know what else to do
Richie grinned wildly and stuck his tongue out at the camera, still lying in bed
Tozier Boy🤙: ill let it slide cause youre cute as hell xox
Then he texted Stan.
You to Stealink my NOTs (11:29): you BASTART whyd u kick me out if eddie liked me
And got a snap from Eddie: A photo of his keyboard:
Eeeeeeee: oh!!! 
“Holy fuck.” Richie whispered. “You are fucking adorable.” 
and he sent Eddie a photo of his ceiling saying just that.
Stealink my NOTs to You (11:35): Because Eddie told me to. Said you made him nervous. He also told Bill he liked you and if you started speaking to Eddie Bill would put 30 rounds in your chest.
You to Stealink my NOTs (11:35): hot damn 
Stealink my NOTs to You (11:36) Also; Ben wants you to come back over and give him “Romance Advice” because you seem “With it” 
You to Stealink my NOTs (11:37): u never told me ben was a grandpa
The next image was of Eddie’s face, which was cute enough, except he had drawn blush onto himself. Eeeeeeee: thank you
Immediately following it was a black screen: omg im covered in acne and im sweaty im so sorry
Richie took a photo of him making a desperate face. 
Tozier Boy🤙: can we go out i need to get you comfortable with me holding your cute little face as soon as fucking possible also can u go call Ben a grandpa its very important
A photo of a confused bed tucked into a beanbag chair: Eeeeeeee: he said stan JSUT called him that fjkdhflkjdhfjdkhjkd
Richie smiled against his pillow, trying to breath slowly to calm himself down. Holy fuck this fucking kid. 
Stealink my NOTs to You (11:45) We’ve made Ben very sad. 
You to Stealink my NOTs (11:45) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Stealink my NOTs to You (11:46) He told me Eddie called him a grandpa too and made the “:(” face and then told me you just “Walk with.. uhm.. swagger and stuff. [You] just seem to know what he’s doing..” Little does he know-
You to Stealink my NOTs (11:46) who’s gonna tell him im dumbass
Then Richie went back to Eddie, trying to pull himself together, took a photo of his dog. 
Tozier Boy🤙: so…. did u…… wanna …..hmmmmmmm… go out sometime.?
The next photo was of Eddie’s wide eyes, it was blurry, like he was moving as he took it. 
Eeeeeeee: !!!!!! CAN U BRING UR DOG
“God damn.” 
Tozier Boy🤙: which one I got 2 an old man corgi (Amante/Ames) and this baby (Bellissima/Belle) 
Then Eddie sent another black screen. 
Eeeeeeee: Fr though I would like a date. Do you like ice cream?
Tozier Boy🤙: im lack toes and taller ants i love ice cream how about this saturday at noon?
Stealink my NOTs to You (11:53): Eddie’s cackling madly what the fuck did you do
You to Stealink my NOTs (11:53) lack toes and taller ants dude
Stealink my NOTs to You (11:54): Cool. Stop it.
Eeeeeeee: sure!!
Richie dropped his phone to the side and danced against his bed. Waving his hands to The Safety Dance. Dates, dogs and cute boys. Okay. 
He spent the rest of the night talking with Eddie, grinning widely the whole time. 
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glasyasbutch · 4 years
playlist: nissy
link to playlist (on spotify)
1. We R Who We R by Kesha
It’s about damn time to live it up, I’m sick of being so serious, it’s making me delirious
listen. i could pull some shit out of my ass or I could say that i wanted the first words on this playlist to be HOT. AND. DANGEROUS.
Oh, what do you care who I’m kissing / Oh my god you’re suck a dickhead, can’t you let me live the weekend?
anthem for bi people who just want to be left alone to be horny. bonus points for the use of the word dickhead in the exact context nissy would use it. he’s a child like that.
3. Nails, Hips, Hair, Heels by Todrick Hall
Ass fat, lips real, full purse, big bills
I debated on adding this song for him, bc it’s not super his vibe. Like he’s not quite as ‘strut into the room and check to make sure everyone’s staring at me’ as Zier, and he’s not quite as effeminate as this song would make you think. but i do think this is the kind of carefree, self-loving atmosphere he tries to escape to when he’s not being trained on the social graces necessary in political meetings.
4. Fabulous from High School Musical 2 OST
I need something inspiring to help me get along / I need a little fabulous is that so wrong?
He’s a fucking spoiled ass rich bitch tho, no matter what, and he like. Wants His Stuff. And he wants it to be Nice.
5. Girls Just Want To Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper
I come home in the morning light, my mother says “when you gonna live your life right?” / Oh momma dear, we’re not the fortunate ones
Nissy’s had this exact conversation more times than he can count; getting yelled at after he’s sneaking back in his own bedroom window and makes a little too much noise. You’d think his parents remember a bit more about youth, having each had two of them. 
6. Blind Leading the Blind by Mumford & Sons
Running from the weight of ancient labels and leaving what identity there was / Well, my generation’s stuck in the mirror / “Forget about the poor, cause I don’t like the word”
Oh you thought it was gonna be all meme-y songs, huh? You thought I was gonna let you get a whole playlist without getting even a bit emo? Fools.
This song sticks out for me in a lot of ways. There’s a lot to be said about the classism inherent in the Den system (correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe consecution is exclusive to the Dens? People not born into them pick a Den when they go through the process?), and as much of a bastard as Nissy is, he realizes this and isn’t a huge fan of it. Especially when the den members keep getting reborn, he knows that the leadership of this country is getting really insular, really quick, and its. Not Good. So I suppose this song’s about his relationship with his identity as a Den member, and his attempt to sort of break the cycle, and to actually like. Know and understand the rest of the country he’s been raised to fight and die for. 
7. Heirloom by Sleeping at Last
It is the consequence of living in between the weight of family and the pull of gravity / You are so much more than your father’s son, you are so much more than wars you’ve won
Building off the last song, this one digs deeper to his problems with his family on a more personal level. He and Leth are easily the babies of the den, and grew up feeling like the one un-dried out tub of play-doh at preschool. Everyone around them trying to mold them into some pleasing shape. 
Leth did great! She became a skilled dunemancer, and she’s got the wit and cleverness to make her an asset to any political negotiation. And Nissy’s sort of just floundering around, trying to find somewhere to stand that’s not in someone’s shadow - including his own. He doesn’t particularly like being an echo knight. Kinda fucked up that his entire profession is based on staring his wasted potential in the face. He wants to be more than his den, more than his knighthood, and this song’s a full on tribute to that. 
8. My Life by Billy Joel
I don’t care what you say anymore, this is my life / Go ahead with your own life, leave me alone 
This song and the next one are basically there to describe Nissy’s breaking point at which he decided to leave home. This one’s more personal, his anger at his family and the way they constantly critiqued his every move, comparing him to his sister and his elders, asking why he refuses to measure up.
9. Not Gonna Take Me by BAILEN
You took my mother, you took my father, oh, but you’re not gonna take me
And this one’s more the anger he feels at the entire system. At the dens and the Luxon and the selectivism of consecution. He wants out (in principle. He’s still too much of a coward to walk out all by himself). I also like to think that the “she” in this song is Mavy. She certainly wasn’t the first or only person to cement in Nissy the idea that Kryn little fucked up maybe, but she was the one who convinced him to actually leave it behind.
10. Do What We Wanna Do by Zayde Wolf
We won’t stop now, we do what we wanna do, just like we wanted to
So this song fits more to Craving and Manic’s vibes, but I also think its trash music and neither of them deserve it, but Nissy himself is kinda trash so its ok for his playlist. Consider this the song that plays over the montage of him and Mavy running from the city and finding their way across the plains of Xhorhas to Uthodern.
11. Songs I Can’t Listen To by Neon Trees
And its all because of you, I’ve got a list of songs I can’t listen to / And it’s all because we’re through, I’ve got a list of songs I can’t listen to
Morgan sent me this and was like “its a breakup song but upbeat” and I vibed with it. It’s on here more because it slaps than because it’s extreme Nissy vibes. I do have it on here to mark his breakup with Mavy, and I do think that the focus being on the material things that are ruined for him because of memory, rather than like. Actually being sad. Is pretty accurate to how he’s handling being left.
12. Fight the Dragons from Big Fish OBC
So I fight the dragons, and I storm the castle, and I win a battle or two / Then comes the day, it’s time, I’m packing up and bringing all my stories home to you
This is a really sweet song about a dad trying to be a man his son can be proud of. And I’m fulling appropriating it to make it be a song about the grandiose lie that Nissy’s trying to put on when he does get home, where he’s gonna pretend that he was a totally valiant hero who killed a BUNCH of cool shit ALL BY HIMSELF so his family will be proud of him.
13. Grace Kelly by MIKA
I could be brown, I could be blue, I could violet sky / I could be hurtful, I could be purple, I could be anything you like / Gotta be green, gotta be mean, gotta be everything more / Why don’t you like me, why don’t you like me, walk out the door
MANDATORY MIKA KIN SONG! This was the first song I put on this playlist, actually. It perfectly sums up his vibes. Fairly righteous anger at not being loved without having to change everything about himself, but himself is simultaneously an absolute dipshit. 
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bewitchingwitch · 6 years
Constellations pt. 12 (2/2)
Tumblr media
Word count: 3148
“She can kill with a smile, she can wound with her eyes. She can ruin your faith with her casual lies. And she only reveals what she wants you to see...
~ Billy Joel, She’s Always a Woman
Wow honey that's a lot to take in." You we're with Queenie at the dress shop telling her all about this morning. After your endeavor with Adonis the group called it quits and went their separate ways. Newt had bid you a goodbye and said he was looking forward to seeing you tonight. Theseus couldn't bring himself to look at you. He gave you a stiff goodbye and left.
Theseus had trusted you. He had let you in and let you see a part of him he never showed anyone. He thought that that night in the hotel meant something to you.
It had meant everything to him. He had never dated throughout his years at hogwarts because all the girls wanted was a good lay. They didn’t care about his personality they only saw his looks. But you didn’t care about just his looks, you had listened to him tell you about how he always cared for Newt.
You had been laying next to him in bed caressing his hair and after you had kissed him. And he had felt his heart swell, how could you do that to him. An engaged woman charming someone who couldn’t help but fall for you. But you truly did like the Scamander Brothers especially Theseus and his hard working yet tender personality. They were the reason why you were questioning your marriage.
“Adonis sounds.... hm.. nice.” Queenie was looking at you with a forced smile.
“You don’t have to pretend to like him if you don’t want to Queenie. I’ll try not to be too terribly offended.” You turned to her as you held out a yellow gown in front of you. “What do you think.”
“Too flashy. You’ll blind everyone at the dance club. And thank Merlin.” She let out a sigh of relief. “Because to tell you the truth honey he seems like bad news to me.” She tsked at you as she went back to rifling through the dress rack.
“Oh he’s not too bad.” You defended as you moved away from her and made your way through the store, Queenie began trailing behind you.
“Not that bad. Darling cheap pastries are not that bad, he however is something much worse. He came to get you three months early, he was sent by your grandmother, he was rude to Newt, he almost didn’t leave when you asked him and...” Queenie was listing many things that she found distasteful about your fiancé.
“Alright that’s enough.” You didn’t want to defend him because what she said was true but as his fiancée you felt obligated to. “He really is a good guy despite all of that.” You pulled out a blue gown that Queenie just shook her head at.
“You say that but you know I’m right.” And a part of you knew it you just didn’t want to admit it yourself. “You don’t love him like you used to.” She said smugly and you just knew that she had been reading your mind.
“Queenie!” You cried out. “I do love him.”
“Then why aren’t you wearing your wedding ring?” She glanced at the leather cord around your neck. The minute Adonis had left you had tied it back onto your necklace, an action that didn’t go unnoticed by the brothers.
“That’s none of your business.” You shot back rather coldly as you turned your back on her.
“As your friend and as Newt’s friend I think it is.”
You just kept looking through the racks as Queenie kept on. “He’s bad for you (y/n), at a time he may have been a perfect fit but now it seems forced. He’s making you out to be the bad guy like he didn’t come here against your wishes in an attempt to bring you back home.”
“But I am the bad guy. I did go around with other men and did end up falling for them. “ You pulled out a greenish blue dress and ran your hand over the fabric.
“But you knew before hand that you had doubts about your engagement, Newt and Theseus just helped you realize how much you truly doubted it.” She moved so she stood in front of you and you were forced to look at her.
“That doesn’t justify me falling for them. Adonis has a right to be mad.” You looked down ashamed at yourself. You weren’t naive, you knew what you were doing, playing with those poor boys hearts and yet you kept doing it. Leading them on because you liked them even though you knew you could never be with them.
“Honey he’s trying to make you feel like a bad person so he can justify why he came to get you. Because in reality it was uncaused for, and rash. He’s doing this so he doesn’t feel guilty about doing it. “ She took your hands in hers looking at you with a soft motherly smile. “You’re not a bad person you’re human. We can’t control who we like and who likes us back. It’s not our fault if we fall out off love with them. It’s not our fault if we realize that what we thought was love was just superficial and that it was hurting us. And it’s not our fault if we decide to leave for our own well being. Even though it may seems unfair it’s life and there’s nothing we can do about it.”
You looked at her for a moment wondering how she could be so wise and know so much about the world around her. “Queenie you may be the smartest person I’ve ever met.”
“Oh honey I’m just human. Well I’m a witch but potato, tomato. It’s a simple concept that all should be able to understand by now. I mean come on it’s the 20’s.” You two giggled at her.
“What do you think of this one.” You laid it out of front of you and held your head high.
“That one is simply marvelous!” She ran her hands along the outline of the dress. “Go try it on!”
She ushered you into the changing room. You looked at yourself in the mirror as you readjusted the top. It was a shade in between blue and green. It had a deep neckline and a decorative pattern that was located on your waist. The pattern below that was done in black sequence like material that hung in loose loops. When you twisted is loops moved with you, it gave a very flapper like appearance as if every movement meant something.
You moved the curtain out of the way as you stepped out so Queenie could see you. She practically squealed in delight as she rounded you complimenting the dress. “It’s simply marvelous and if I pin your hair up like so... yes! It would be perfect he’s gonna love it!”
“He who?” You raised an eyebrow at her accusingly.
“Well whichever one you decide on darling. Judging from the color I’m guessing that you’re still stuck on choosing one of the brothers.”
Queenie wasn’t wrong. You had seen the dress and thought that at different angles it looked green and then if you shifted the color seemed to be become a blue. The green matching Newt’s eyes and the blue matching Theseus’. The dress however did not apply to any aspect of Adonis and Queenie made a mental note of this.
“This is the one. You have to get it!”
You agreed and wet back into the room to take it off. And you thought it was the one until you found the price tag and your eyes nearly bugged out of your head when you saw how much it cost. “Queenie it’s cute but it’s not that cute.”
“Oh pish posh you’re not paying I am!” She rolled her eyes at you as if this was already so painfully obvious.
“Queenie no this is too much I-“
“Don’t think anything of it. I invited you dancing and I want to get this for you. Don’t even try arguing this with me, you’ll lose honey.” She winked at you and took the dress from your arms as she sauntered over to the counter to pay for your dress and hers.
She had found her dress practically the minute you guys had stepped into the place. It was a coral pink with layers of tassels, it looked like a cute flapper dress. It had designs done in silver. She always managed to incorporate pink into everything she wore.
Queenie payed and then dragged you out of the store so you two could get ready. You weren’t supposed to go dancing until 9 but Queenie wanted to make sure you looked perfect. And there was no way you were going to try and get out of it.
Newt was standing on the doorstep of his brothers apartment hesitant to knock. He needed to talk to him. Not just about what had happened at the Quidditch match but what he was going to wear for dancing.
Normally he would go to Jacob for this kind of thing, but Newt could feel himself drifting further away from his brother. And he needed to stop that. He could hear the sounds of breaking glass within the apartment and constant cursing.
Theseus had gotten home from the match only to find himself consumed with anger. Not just at Adonis but at you. You played with his feelings and you played with his brothers feelings. But was worse is that he knew that you liked him, you had to. That you did like him but he also knew that you’d probably never leave your fiancé and that you putting that stupid engagement ring back on the necklace was all for not.
He had grabbed the glass bowl that was on his kitchen counter and he had thrown it at the door with all of his strength. And it felt good to throw something. To be allowed to feel something instead of having to pretend he was okay. And once he started he couldn’t stop.
He had smashed flower pots and picture frames until he was leaning against the counter out of breath and his hands bleeding from stray shards of glass that had sliced his hands up. By the time he was done there was only one picture left, it was of him and Newt. Newt wasn’t looking at the camera he was looking at Theseus, looking at his brother, his hero. And Theseus couldn’t bring himself break it.
But he was mad at Newt at how he just had to like the one girl Theseus had ever felt anything for. The one girl who made him feel that he was something more than the war hero every one saw. He pulled back as if to throw it on the floor but he couldn’t. Instead he sunk to his knees on the floor and dropped the picture to the ground. He buried his face him his hands and cried.
His whole body consumed in the grief he had been holding in. Newt could hear his sobs from the other side of the door. He was about to knock but this stopped him. How could he ask his brother to give him advice on how to empress you tonight. How could he be so stupid as to ask his brother for love advice. Theseus loved you and Newt couldn’t believe that he was about to ask him how to win you over. Because he knew that Theseus would have helped him. He would have dropped everything, he would have pushed aside his feelings if Newt had asked. Newt just laid his head against the door frame before turning to walk home.
He heard the sobs echoing from inside and he knew that he should check on his brother but at the moment he couldn’t. He knew he didn’t want to see him. And what would he say that even though he loved his brother he couldn’t stop loving you. So he left walking along with the muggles on the sidewalk, he could have apparted home but at this moment he didn’t want to use magic because what good was magic if it couldn’t help him win you over and make his brother still love him.
Theseus laid his head back he was stitting on the floor surrounded by shards of glass as he ran a hand through his hair. He picked up the picture of Newt and him and noticed the slight crack that was forming between them. And he began to wonder where they could go from here. There was going to be a choice that needed to be made soon. If the brothers would chose each other or compete for you.
And the minute Newt had left he had made his decision. And Theseus knew that for the first time in his life Newt had not chosen him. And this broke him. Theseus picked himself up and went to his bathroom to clean himself up. He looked in he mirror and he saw the same thing he saw everyday. A person he didn’t like, someone who no one ever wanted to know unless it could provide personal gain. He wiped the blood from his hands and wrapped them up wincing. If you were here you would have done it for him with gentle hands, kissing his cheek very time he’d wince. Joking that it didn’t hurt that bad. Messing with his untamed hair which was now mangled the gel wearing off. He didn’t even bother to fix it. You liked his hair messy.
He could see himself living here with you. How you would stop him from overworking and make sure that he knew how much he meant to you. And he’s spend each day getting to wake up to see you in his arms. He would get this instead of dreaming durning lonely nights that you were here with him. Dreaming that you were here and that you loved him only to wake up and find it all to be a dream.
His eyes were still bloodshot from crying. He grabbed his glasses and slipped them on, he remembered that you had said he looked good in them. Merlin he was pathetic. “ I need a drink.” He whispered to himself and he ran a hand down his face. He went back into the living room to grab his coat before leaving.
He walked in the rain to the closest place that serviced alcohol. It was a dance club as he stumbled in a couple of girls flocked to him, “Hey handsome are you here alone?” One asked him.
“Yes. But I’m just here for a drink.”
“Oh come on! Wanna dance I could show you a good time.” Another one spoke, her sickly perfume engulfing him.
“Not really.”
“I’m sure after a couple of drinks you’ll change your mind.” He turned to look at her. In the low light she sort of looked like you. She had the same hair color but it looked dyed. Her face shape was the same but her nose was too big and she was wearing too much makeup. She held onto him, dragging him to the bar. She ordered something for him and he didn’t bother to listen.
“Here you are.”
It was something bitter in a small glass. He took and drank it in one gulp. “Someone’s having a rough night.” She sat on the bar stool next to him puffing our her chest.
“You don’t know the half of it doll.”
She kept ordering shot and after shot and he kept drinking every one. Each one making him a little more numb. He knew he shouldn’t but the more he would drink the more the girl with the sickly perfume would look like you.
“You’re not as pretty as (y/n).” Theseus spits out after another drink. “You’re nose is to big and you’re too much of a slut.” Theseus was never one to drink heavily because he knew he didn’t have a filter when he drank. The girl got up and threw a drink in his face.
“Your a dick do you know that.” She stalked off her heels clicking on the hardwood.
“Whatever.” He mumbled as he turns to the bartender. “I’ll take another of whatever the hell this is.” Theseus says showing him one of the small glasses he’s been drinking out of all night.
“I think I should cut you off sir. You’re already drunk as hell and it’s barely going to be nine.” The bartender said as he scanned the numerous shot glasses in front of Theseus.
“Please I need something. I just need to get her out of my head if just for a minute. I need to get rid of this pain.” Theseus pleaded and the bartender looked at him with pity. This man was too young to be squandering his life’s spending on drinking.
“Alright I’ll give you a beer but after that I can’t help you mate.” The bartender gave Theseus the bottle. Theseus took it and broke the cap off on the counter before turning around in his bar stool, so he could watch the crowd.
They were all dancing with one another in blissful pleasure. He looked over the crowd and he sees the girl from before the one who looked like you. Except this time she’s wearing a blue dress and someone who looks like his brother his escorting her through the crowd. It takes him a moment but his vision clears and he sees that it’s really you holding onto his brother.
Theseus watches leaning back sipping his beer as Newt takes your hand as you lead him to the center of the dance floor as a slow song comes on. You don’t notice him he’s just another face in the crowd among the drunks at the bar.
But he can see you. He watches as you both sway side to side with one another. How you garb Newts hands to show him where to place them and he wishes that it was him that was dancing with you. His eyes are locked on you the entire time noticed how stunning you look.
Queenie sees Theseus from across the room and noticed how he stares. His thoughts surrounding her, all of them making her realize that he doesn’t just like you, that you aren’t some prize he’s trying to win to rub in in Newt’s face, he loves you. And he wants a life with you, that’s he’s so painfully alone and wants nothing more than for someone to love him. For someone to truly love him, not just pretend to because of who he is. And she can see why he is they way he is and she can see how much he’s given up for Newt. And for the first time in her life Queenie Goldstein feels bad for the golden boy Theseus Scamander.
Taglist: @hearteyesmotherclucker @theroyalbrownbarbie @hoodedbirdie @annyinlovewithkpop @c8n10n4o2-geek @martarosado @nanjaeminie @nanjaeminniee @moisoverennyi-thestarlessone @profangirllex @gaenahelleborus @melodramaticmelon2118 @michellekstr @nctyong-xo @preppy-by-the-c @sweetlyshinylady @emo-plaidin @dreacantsleep @theetherealbloom @lily2089 @mywckdmind @barbarachern @imbiandiwanttocry @ollyoxenfrees @newtslatte @pettylady @februarycalum @justanotherenglisheducationmajor @feelthefeelingsinsideyou @ombriescent @ztinge @liloefuru @babywizardoll @heckin-kat @thewitchmadness @bunnie-kookie @the-fandom-life-forever @missanonyma @frozen-blue-eyes @newletas @sassycassyhoneybee @spookysunflowr @arosewithdaisies @spreaded-butter @dreacantsleep
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dylanobrusso · 6 years
Billy Meets Your Ex
Not requested by any one person but have had people ask me about billy meeting her ex so hereeee weeee go!!!!!
This takes place after the last few requests I’ve posted. This is about a month after “Is He Better Than Me?” (And don’t worry, I will do a lil part 2 to that to fill in the blanks here-the tension between tnem will make sense when I finish it)
Y/E/N = your ex’s name ;)
Trigger warning: fighting? Physical violence? It’s quick tho.
Sorry for the angst 🤧
Taglist: @suchatinyinfinity @something-tofightfor @thebutterflyxx @geeksareunique @holamor @thoughtcrime-101 @sssilverssserpent @editboutique
You hadn’t talked to Billy since the night you went out with Joel. Near the end of your date Billy had showed up to confront you. You tried to go back to talk to him once the date ended, but....well, that’s another story for another day. It had been at least a month since you’d seen or heard from him.
Your ex hadn’t been a current problem for a while now. Thankfully once you blocked his number - after he called you to curse you out when you were snowed in - he hadn’t bothered you with calling from other numbers.
He used to do that quite often and you were grateful he finally decided to leave you alone.
Or so you thought.
It was a Friday when it happened. Your manager had just finished his morning meeting when a coworker who you hadn’t talked to before came up to you.
“Hey, um...is it true you suck at giving head?” The guy snickered and another guy nudged him in the side.
“Excuse me?” Your eyes widened ready to throw hands with this scumbag.
“Hey, don’t get mad at me. Was just trying to get clarification,” the two guys smirked before walking off.
What the fuck was that?
You were still fuming from that comment when your friend Ellie jogged over to you. “Hey, Y/N, I’m sorry to bother you but-“
“Not now, Ell. I need to find out who the fuck that guy is.” You glared still watching his back as he turned into another department.
“That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about...” her voice trailed off as she showed you her phone.
Apparently a mass text was sent out around the office of a screenshot between your ex and his current on and off girlfriend.
You snatched the phone out of her hand and skimmed over it quickly.
Ex: Baby I promise Y/N was nothing to me
Ex’s girlfriend: Don’t lie to me! I’m sick of your bullshit. You still love her don’t you
Ex: I swear I don’t. She wasn’t shit. Always complaining about some bs.
Ex’s gf: You’d still hit it tho
Ex: nah I fucked better bitches than her
Ex: she can’t even give good head
Ex’s gf: Prove to me you’re done with her
Ex: bet
Apparently his way of “proving” his loyalty to her was by sharing these messages and letting it travel around work.
You didn’t know if you were more upset by your ex downplaying you...or if you were more upset that you dated this guy in the first place.
This was the most high school thing you’d witnessed happening at work. As someone in your upper 20’s you couldn’t believe there were people going around sharing this and gossiping about it.
“You should go to HR, hon. This isn’t right,” Ellie frowned. You could tell she consciously took a step back from you. You probably looked like you were about to rip someone apart with your bare hands.
“Fuck HR. Where is he?” You spat. You were seeing red. You were going to confront him. Face to face.
“I-I don’t know,” Ellie stutterer putting her hands out. “Last I saw him was at the meeting a little bit ago.”
You marched out of your departments doors, feeling everyone’s eyes on you. You could hear the murmur of whispers as you walked by. You wanted to scream. You wanted to destroy him.
You found your ex heading to the bathroom and you snatched his arm to pull him back roughly. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“Going to take a piss,” he rolled his eyes trying to shake his arm free.
“Don’t play coy with me, smartass.” You had him pushed against the wall of the hallway, pinned by his arm, and some coworkers walked by staring.
“I don’t know who you think you are grabbing me like this. You’re a cry baby remember? When I spit in your face and you ran home to bitch about it? Or when you ratted me out to our manager?” He smirked at you. You couldn’t even recognise this guy now. This was definitely not who you fell for. He used his free arm to backhand you and spat in your face. “Remember how my spit tastes? Bitch.”
“I will end you, Y/E/N.” You snarled baring your teeth. You felt like a wild animal ready to attack. You didn’t know what came over you. But you were going to snap.
You kneed him in the groin just as his hand covered your face to push you back. Suddenly one of the Anvil security members pulled you away. “Okay, Y/N, that’s enough,” Dane said, trying to get you to let go of his arm.
“Stay out of this, Dane,” you argued before Dane lightly jabbed you with his elbow to get you to let go.
You released your ex’s arm and stepped back when Dane grabbed a hold of your ex and escorted him into HR. “They’ll handle it from here,” he called back to you. You were still shaking from the adrenaline and pushed past the now staring crowd to go into HR’s department. By time you got there, though, another member of Anvil guarded the door.
“Let me in, I’m not fucking around,” you breathed. The guy only shook his head. Your manager had heard about the commotion and came out of your side of the building to pull you aside.
“Care to explain why I just heard that you were seen harassing another employee?” She asked with wide eyes. She was pissed but not nearly as upset as you.
“Because that employee spread inappropriate messages about me to the whole office,” you put your hands on your hips and narrowed your eyes.
“This is completely unacceptable-“
“It is! He should be reprimanded!” You cut her off.
“I meant of you, Y/N. Now he’s in HR and your job is very much on the line. You don’t put hands on someone. You should have came to me first,” she argued with you. You were ready to cuss her out before you heard a familiar voice behind you. “Y/N?”
You turned around to see Billy walking in through the doors of your building. “What’s going on? Dane said you got in a fight,” he slanted his eyes at you before quickly shaking hands with your manager. “Excuse me, ma’am, Anvil will be taking it from here.”
“I beg to differ. HR will be handling it.” Your manager argued with him.
“Excuse me,” Billy glanced at you before pulling your manager to the side to talk to her. You don’t know what he told her but she did decide to back off.
Billy was quickly back at your side. “Tell me everything.” He was in business mode. He knew it made Anvil look bad to have had a fight break out where they were supposed to be working as security.
“Why should I tell you?” You retorted. “You think I’m going to trust you to fix this?” You glared at him.
He tapped his foot getting impatient. “Look, i don’t give a damn about what happened that night. Right now? I’m doing my job. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt by talking to you first but I guess I’ll go speak to whoever left that mark on your face.” His voice was cold and it left a shiver down your spine.
“Great, well have fun meeting my ex,” you smiled when he tensed.
“He-he did that to you?” He turned his head to get a better look at your face and you nodded. “Heh...can’t tell if I’m more disappointed in him putting his hands on you or your taste in men,” he scoffed before walking into HR.
You were on the brink of hysterics. You squeezed your eyes shut, wishing your hardest all of this was just a bad dream. The defeat you felt when you opened your eyes again was overbearing.
How dare he?
You decided to sit outside HR’s office and wait till you could go inside and share your side of the story.
When the door opened, your ex walked out frowning. But when he looked at you, he plastered a shit eating grin on his face. “Fuck you.” He snarled before walking outside.
The director of HR came out then to look for you and jumped when she realized you were sitting right there. “Y/N, come in.”
She opened the door for you just as Billy walked out. You figured it was for the best. You didn’t want him in there with you.
But your eyes followed Billy outside heading toward your ex. You saw him confront him before the director called for your attention again. You began to get anxious having flashbacks of the guy on the bus. Him laying there, motionless, bleeding out beside you. All because he had came on to you.
Your ex had done a lot more damage than that. He never put a knife to your throat but he was abusive to say the least. And Billy knew that. You shuddered thinking about what could be happening outside.
You recounted the events to the director. From the texts to the “fight” in the hallway. You were just mindlessly telling her, unfocused. You couldn’t stop thinking about seeing Billy with your ex. He’d never met him before but he knew all about him.
Once the director cleared you, she told you to take a leave of absence. They were going to have to form and review a case for both you and him before letting you two return to work.
If he’s still alive...
You bolted out the front door and paced the parking lot trying to find any sign of your ex or Billy.
“You looking for me or him?” Billy had sneaked up behind you and was glaring down at you.
“What did you do to him? Where is he?” You panicked looking for any sign of answers in his eyes.
“I didn’t do anything to him. I talked to him,” he replied walking past you to go back inside.
“I’m not fucking stupid, Billy. I know what you’re capable of. Where is he?” You tugged on his arm to get him to stop walking away.
“God. I’m not a monster, Y/N. Everything I did was to protect you. You clearly still care about him. Why don’t you go check on him?” He furrowed his brows.
“You didn’t touch him?” You asked meekly and he slowly shook his head. “What did you tell him?”
Billy looked up, stretching his neck. “I threatened him. Is that what you want to hear?” He stepped closer to you, “You want to hear how I told him that if he ever put his hands on you again, that I’d rip him to pieces?” He was taunting you. “That I’d kill him for you?” He narrowed his eyes waiting for you to say something. “Because I would.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t,” You sneered.
“Believe me, I would. If you didn’t still love him, I would.” He shook his head slowly before turning back around.
“Billy,” you whispered.
“What?” He snapped barely glancing back at you.
“Thanks.” You walked off to your car before he could say anything else.
That night you tried calling Billy. You wanted to see if you two could meet in person to talk but he continued to let your calls go to voicemail.
Finally before you fell asleep he sent you a text.
B. Russo 🤔: I’m not ready to see you.
You threw your phone on the floor before you cried yourself to sleep.
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aneonbullet · 7 years
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            ‘ Y’know I’m gonna tell your dad, right? ‘ he was watching her closely, almost studying the purple taint that surrounded her left eye, but he noted the sadness buried there as soon as he said those words. ‘ Alright, I won’t say anythin’, but you should. ‘
            Helene knew full well he was only trying to help, to offer some support and get as much help as possible, to be around her at all times, but she felt that was suffocating. The more people who knew, the longer it’d take all the nightmares to go away, because everyone would smother her with care and concern. Whilst a little was nice and she didn’t mind it; appreciated it above all else, she didn’t want anyone feeling sorry for her, or threatening to murder the man who did it. Joey had done that already, and her worry for him grew above her worry for herself, and in order to stay sane and safe, she had to fixate on protecting herself from harm.
           ‘ Josh——you know I can’t do that. I don’t want you tellin’ your own dad either, ‘cause that’ll just end up as another route for my own finding out and I can’t deal with all of that right now, ‘ she was firm in her belief that the best thing for her to do, at the moment, was lay low.
            Her best friend, her boyfriend and her cousins knew, now, and that was plenty to keep her strong, to pull through the traumatic experience. The guy she had been with for three years before meeting Joey, had taken too powerful a swing at her before bailing some days ago and he had barged into her apartment, the smell of alcohol flowing off of him. It was never a common problem when they were together, but the last two or three months of their relationship had been so dark and dangerous, she had tried to get away several times. Jesse was in town - thankfully, the first time she had run, fearing for her life and she tracked him down at a friends months ago. She’d answered the door to Joshua over an hour ago on this night, because Joey had sent him over while he went out to grab a few bits and pieces so she wouldn’t have to worry about going out much during the week.
            ‘ Hel, you need to tell him what’s happened. It’s only fair he knows; my dad is more likely to kill the son of a bitch than yours, so I wouldn’t worry. You know how mellow yours is . .. how fist fights don’t solve shit, ‘ he had been amused by this for many years, but he recognised soon after he said it that, if Harvey was to find out that it was his daughter whom had gotten into some trouble and found herself smacked about, he would kill someone.
             ‘ ——you just realised what you said? ‘ a grin settled over her face and she shook her head, but he was right either way. If the scenario wasn’t as bad, her dad would try to talk things through calmly, but Billy would just outright send his knuckles flying into someone’s face if they so much as said the wrong thing.
            Jesse, her eldest cousin, had adopted that particular trait, but Joshua was much more calm and collected, which was why she figured he would be a little more understanding. Even though he had only just been told and Jess had actually found out months before how bad things were, he was more of one to talk her through it all as opposed to getting aggressive and starting in on the fighting talk; making threats and fuming. Hel understood - but that was never going to make anything right and it took her long enough last time to calm his rage.
            ‘ Your brother was ready to bury him when he found out .  . I’m not so sure telling anyone else is too good of an idea, at least not right now, ‘ she stated, moving forward and reaching for his hand to give it a squeeze, but he immediately pulled her into an embrace and held her there for a long while.
            ‘ We’re only lookin’ out for our favourite girl, ‘ he was grinning now, too, but as he lifted his head off of her shoulder, he pressed a kiss to her forehead and gave her one last cuddle. ‘ If he comes back around, you call me and we’ll both come ‘round, ‘ he added, eyes fixed on her face until she gave him a sad smile and nodded.
            ‘ I have Col and Joey around whenever I need them, y’know . . . but I can call you, that’s no problem. Jess is still living in Pensby? ‘ she asked, moving across the room to the small kitchen unit and pulling out two mugs.
             ‘ Yea, over an hour away. I know I’m at least ten minutes away, but if you really need anything, I can step on it to get here, ‘ he chuckled, leaning back against the counter with a bright smile. ‘ West Kirby is a nice place. I need to get dad to move a bit nearer but he seems too stuck in his ways and doesn’t wanna move. ‘
             ‘ Well, you’re all more or less within driving distance of one another, ‘ she offered a gentle smile in return, allowing his tea to brew for a minute or two and focusing on the conversation instead. ‘ You’re closer to my dad than I am. Do you ever pop in to see him? ‘
            ‘ Now and then. Sometimes he’ll pass by in the car, see me pottering ‘round the garden and come in to say hello, ‘ he was happy himself being so close to the shore because like Joey he enjoyed going for a dip whenever he got the chance and Helene remembered that from when they were only little.
            There had been a few incidents where he had chased her around the beach with a crab in his hand, but always would she get him back for it, somehow. That mischief was still present in his eyes when they twinkled - but he had pulled away from most of that behaviour now and it seemed Jesse was more for causing trouble. Her lack of siblings had never bothered her, for the company she had and how much fun her cousins were. She had a sister in her best friend as well, so loneliness was never a problem. It just got a little chaotic when she met Joel and he, eventually, wound up being too much for her to handle on her own.
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sinsiriuslyemo · 8 years
Hi :) Is it possible to have a sequel to the Yelina story? Not with her but like... him a few years after the story with someone new who push his walls down little by little? I don't know, I don't really have a prompt sorry :( I was just imagining him being paranoid at the beginning of the relationship, not taking anything the other person said as true (because of all the things yelina lied about) and wanted to read that in a happy ending kind of way :) ♥
I tried to find the best way to do this, and it sort of got away from me in a hurry. I actually almost considered making this into a chapter fic. Perhaps I will eventually, but for now I hope this imagine will suffice. The actress featured on the banner is Liv Tyler. I hope you like it!
For those who would like to read the imagine that this one is based on, you can find it here
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“The strongest of all warriors are these two ---Time and Patience.” - Leo Tolstoy, from War and Peace
Silence. It was what he preferred these days over the various sounds he encountered throughout the day; the soft resonance of conversation had by nearby people in a room, the racket of cars communicating through a series of honks and angry drivers for one reason or the other, even the typical noise of a New York City day was sometimes too much hubbub for his taste. Ever since Yelina had left him in Boston one long summer night four years ago, he’d been craving silence, which was ironic considering he’d moved back to the city that never slept after graduation. But on his day off from Meagher & Flom, one of the highest ranking law firms in Manhattan, he found himself in the basement of the Barnes and Nobles on Broadway and 66th street, reading book after book. Sometimes he would let his eyes look over the other shoppers sorting through CD’s and Blu Rays when he wanted a break from the written word.
Today was no different. Another summer afternoon reading War and Peace, a book he’d been determined to finish by the weekend. His hand blindly reached for the coffee he’d procured at the bodega on the corner earlier, and he brought the styrofoam to his lips, taking a tentative sip as his eyes glanced up just as a tall, dark haired woman sauntered towards the rack of music closest to him. With an iced coffee in one hand, she picked out a Billy Joel CD with the other, full lips parting as she read the selection on the back.
She was beautiful, creamy skin, delicate nose, a classic beauty, a rare thing for a city filled with actresses willing to change their physical appearance at a moment's notice if it would land them on Broadway. For a while he stared, wondering what color her eyes were, what her voice sounded like, whether her name was as flawless as she seemed to be. Trying to focus once more on Tolstoy, Rafael set his coffee down, holding the book with both hands closer to his face, and attempt to hide. It wasn’t long before he was shifting his gaze back to her, the woman who evidently was a fan of Billy Joel. Her gorgeous mouth wrapped around the straw that was dropped in her iced beverage, and he had never wanted so badly to be an inanimate object as he did right then.
Her head turned and suddenly her orbs were fixed on him, glancing down at his book momentarily, and lips curling in the loveliest way he’d ever seen before she shyly placed her eyes back on the CD in her hand.
“Is it good?” she asked. He looked back up at her, smiling softly. Her voice was a sound he would listen to every single day for as long as she would let him, and he found himself wanting to hear it again. “The book.” She clarified her question.
He nodded, swallowing a lump that had gathered in his throat.
“Yes,” he whispered, not wanting to taint the sweet melody she had offered with his own pain filled mouthpiece.
“I’ve always wanted to read it, but I think the size intimidates me a little,” she replied, taking a measured step towards the table where he sat.
“Billy Joel,” he blurted out and she chuckled in a soft breath. He cleared his throat and tried again. “You...like Billy Joel?” She nodded, taking another step closer.
“I do, very much. Do you?”
He nodded, not fully trusting himself to form a coherent sentence. She made a final move to close the space between herself and the empty chair across from him, and he saw that her eyes were blue. And not just blue, these were crystal-like sapphires that he longed to be lost in, if only for a moment.
“What’s your name?” he asked in whisper.
“Fayth,” she answered. “What’s yours?”
“Rafael,” she said in her breathy, soft voice that emanated serenity with every syllable. “Have a nice day, Rafael.”
She smiled again, that smile, which warmed his heart that had for four long, silent years been all but frozen in his chest. When she turned, he found himself closing his book, standing up.
“Wait…” She looked back at him curiously. “Um…” If only he could spend a few more minutes near her, listen to her voice, stare into those sparkling sapphires just a while longer. “Would you...like to get a coffee?” he asked.
Why was it that the go-to date request for New Yorkers was always getting coffee?
“I already have coffee,” she answered softly, smiling at him  “But...so do you. If you’re not busy. We can take a walk and drink our coffees,” she suggested. Again he nodded, not hesitating to gather his belongings.
Four weeks later…
Rafael paced his living room, waiting for Fayth to arrive so they could go to dinner like they’d planned. She had sent him a message earlier that she would be running late. Something about having run into an old friend, and his mind had been spinning since. He’d stopped getting dressed, remaining in a pair of khakis and an undershirt.
It had been so obvious four years ago, so painfully obvious, and he’d allowed his ex-girlfriend’s beauty to hypnotize him into believing he was being paranoid. Not this time. Even if he had to wear a blindfold and earplugs while he confronted her, he would not be made to think he was crazy. At the very least they hadn’t slept together yet, something they’d both agreed was a step they would take their time with.
Finally her gentle knock broke the silence in his apartment, and he took two long strides to open the door, being greeted by that sweet, angelic smile that had thawed the muscle beneath his ribcage.
“I’m sorry, I ran into an old friend on the subway platform, and I lost track of the time,” she said, stepping over threshold.
“What friend?” he asked.
“Oh just a friend from college. I hadn’t seen him in years, and then there he was at Union Station,” she answered.
Him. Her ‘old friend’ was a him.
“Why aren’t you ready yet?” she asked, smiling at him and moving to lay a tender kiss on his jaw. “Not that you don’t look handsome. You always look handsome,” she added.
“Did your friend look handsome too?” he heard himself ask, and she giggled, shrugging her shoulders.
“He looked about the same, a little older obviously, but...same as in college,” she answered, one hand running through his hair as she looked up at him with a dream-like expression. Her fingers settled over his chest and she leaned in and kissed his lips, humming softly. “We can always order in,” she suggested, kissing him again.
Oh God. Was this ‘college friend’ an ex of hers? More importantly was he her way to get back at said ex-boyfriend?
“Baby, what’s wrong?” she asked, sensing his tension and running her fingers through the hair on the back of his head.
“Nothing” he whispered, looking into those crystal blue eyes, the same pair that he had longed to be lost in from the moment he saw them. “We can order in.”
She bit down on her bottom lip, a soft smile stretching them gently. Kissing him another time, she hummed again his mouth, delicate hands running over his broad chest before drifting a bit lower to his stomach.
“I’ve been thinking,” she murmured, taking his lips in another intoxicating kiss, and he felt himself melt against her frame. “About us...taking the next step in our relationship.” Another mesmerizing smooch, this time a bit more French as her fingertips trailed down to settle atop his belt. “I know it’s only been a few weeks but...I want you. I’m ready to make our relationship physical, and I was wondering if you are, too…”
Her eyes were unsure as she looked up at him from beneath her thick, long lashes, and she smiled shyly, waiting patiently for his response.
“Um…” He swallowed the lump of uncertainty in his throat, nodding his head after a moment. “Okay,” he whispered.
“You are?” She wanted him to be certain, just as certain as she was.
Again he nodded, humming when she surged forward and claimed his lips again, fingers sliding under his shirt to touch his skin. He settled his own hold around her waist as he guided them towards his bedroom. The mattress was set on a box spring now, no longer resting against the cold, hardwood floors.
“You’re too slow. You’re a tease.”
Yelina’s words mocked him as Fayth’s tongue mingled with his own, fingers grasping at the hem of his shirt to pull it over his head.
“I want a real man who just...ravishes me.”
Turning her abruptly, he bent her over the bed, reached under her dress and yanked down her panties as his free hand unbuckled his belt.
“Wait, wait…” she breathed, standing up to face him when he loosened his grip on her. “Slow down,” she whispered, smiling at him and pulling him into another kiss.
Her hums against his mouth were intoxicating and he felt himself slowly begin to sink in every bit of Fayth there was. Before long they were on the bed, kissing and touching every inch of each other, as though mapping out an adventure of the other’s skin. He was beginning to relax until her hand drifted to slide down the front of his underwear, and suddenly, in a matter of microseconds, Yelina’s words taunted him from four years ago.
“You’re way too...big.”
“Wait…” His hand closed around her wrist gently, chest heaving from the heavy breaths their activities had produced. She looked up at him, a light sheen of sweat forming on her brow. “Um...you don’t have to...do that,” he offered with a soft smile.
“I want to,” she answered, smiling back and craning her neck up to find his lips. “I want to worship every inch of you, Rafael Barba.”
Her words took him by surprise, but somehow the ridicule he’d endured with Yelina overpowered the sincere words of the woman in his bed. She simply hadn’t seen all of him yet, maybe if he showed her she would decide that she wasn’t ready after all. Nodding his head, he released her wrist and kissed her, one last smooch while everything was still perfect, untainted by the size of his sex. He whimpered when she wrapped her sweet, delicate fingers around him, and waited for the concern and the rejection he knew would soon follow.
Much to his surprise, she moaned and began to stroke him from base to tip, letting her index finger run over his slit. Her hips rolled against him in search of her own stimulation, whimpering against his mouth as fingertips danced over the skin of her stomach until they were gently sliding over her swollen bud. She arched her back, panting heavily as her own hand moved slightly faster on him. His mouth fell open, hips rocking gently against her movements as he tentatively sunk a finger deep inside her.
“Oh my God,” she sighed sweetly, biting down on her bottom lip. His digit slid in and out slowly, lips tangling soundly with hers as their tongues mingled with one another. “Rafael...more, baby. I want more of you,” she whispered against his mouth, her small hand giving him a firm squeeze and earning a groan from him as he slid a second finger to join the first. She gave an elated cry, smiling as she rubbed her thumb in gentle circles over the v just beneath his crown.
“Oh Fayth...oh my God, Fayth--”
“Are you going to…?” He nodded his head vigorously. “Should I slow down?” she whispered, and again he nodded his head, sighing as his breathing began to slow down when she reached further and massaged his balls briefly before sliding her hand over his torso while she kissed him. “I wanna taste you,” she hummed, kissing along his neck.
His eyes popped open; Yelina had never wanted to do that after her first attempt. She’d gagged, delicately told him that she wasn’t fond of the taste, and maybe it was just something she didn’t like. He would surely lose Fayth in every way if he let her try.
“No,” he breathed. “I mean...I um...I just need to be inside you,” he added nervously.
Fayth smiled, kissing him sweetly again and pulling him on top of her, nodding her head.
“I’m on birth control,” she whispered to him, wrapping her legs around his waist. He looked absolutely terrified and she ran fingers through his hair lovingly. “Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah,” he stumbled, moaning when she reached between them and placed him against her entrance. “Are you sure?” he asked.
“I’ve never been more sure about anything. I want you,” she answered in the most angelic voice. Nodding softly, he tentatively pushed into her, stopping about halfway and looking up at her.
“Fayth,” he whispered, a prayer that tumbled from his lips effortlessly. Thrusting shallowly into her, their eyes met and in hers he saw a hunger he had never seen. Her lips were parted, soft pants escaping with every gentle thrust inward. She whimpered when she looked between them and saw that he wasn’t even remotely completely inside her.
“Baby, I want all of you,” she pleaded, looking back at him.
He shook his head. He would not lose her the way he saw Yelina.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he answered sincerely. No, he would deny himself the full stimulation if he could keep her. She smiled up at him, mirroring his previous initial response.
“You could never hurt me,” she whispered, kissing him again. Her hand was on his hip, urging him closer to her. “Please, Rafael.”
“I can’t.” He was close to tears. He couldn’t lose Fayth.
“Hey…” Her tone was so gentle it almost hurt him, and he paused his movements as her fingers combed through his tresses. “Baby, what’s wrong?” she asked.
Oh where to begin.
“Tell me,” she said softly.
“My…” No, he would not mention Yelina midcoitus. “It’s too big...I’ve been told it’s...uncomfortable,” he mumbled. She smiled. That same beautiful, angelic smile that melted him and made him want to immerse his soul in every ounce of Fayth.
“Not by me,” she whispered, turning her head to kiss his bicep before she reached up to kiss his lips. “If you...want to stop--”
“No!” he exclaimed and she giggled. “No, I don’t want to stop,” he said again, softer.
“Then make love to me, Rafael.”
Slowly, tentatively he slid further inside her, watching her carefully for any signs of discomfort. Her mouth opened a little wider as a breath was pushed from her, and a soft moan followed. She nodded in encouragement, and he sank deeper. She arched her back, another whispered moan mingled in her heavy breaths. Her hips undulated under his, a silent plea for more, and he felt more tears prickling in anticipation of her agony from his body. Tucking his face against her neck, he closed the remaining space between their hips.
Again, she cried out in ecstasy, her arms and legs tightening their grip around him as he move in and out of her slowly.
Suddenly her sheath was pulsing around him, a fresh rush of fluids coating his shaft. He looked down at her with concern. What was happening? The look on her face was one of rapture, her lips smiling softly up at him as moan after throaty moan passed through her.
“Don’t stop, I’m coming,” she begged, eyes boring into his.
The contractions of her muscles crescendoed and then gradually tapered off as his release took him by surprise, and he continued to thrust gently inside her, emptying himself as she pulled him down to capture his mouth in a series of passionate kisses. When the last aftershock passed through them, he slowed to a stop.
“Stay with me,” she whispered, stopping him from pulling out just yet. “You feel so good,” she added, trying to catch her breath as she kissed him again and again.
This time he didn’t doubt her words, didn’t sink back into the fear and paranoia that was still desperately trying to clutch at his soul. With every smile, every kiss, every bit of Fayth that she offered, he melted deeper and deeper against her. She guided his head to lay against her chest, fingers caressing his hair, lips finding the skin of his forehead, gentle, angelic sigh blowing in a glorious warm breeze against the spot she’d kissed.
“Are you okay?” He couldn’t help but ask, though he was almost afraid of her response. She hummed inside of a smile, cheek resting against his sweaty skin.
“More than just okay,” she whispered. “Are you?”
He lifted his gaze to look down at her, nodding his head gently and kissing her lips. The look in her eyes was new, nothing like he’d ever seen from Yelina after a roll in the sheets. It was that look that allowed him to fully accept what she said next.
“I love you, Rafael.”
“I love you too,” he heard himself whisper, pressing his lips against hers again, then over her neck.
“Baby?” He lifted his head to meet her sparkling sapphire eyes anew. “Do you think it’s possible that anyone else in the world is doing this very same thing in this very same moment?” she asked in that melodic, soft voice that he loved to be lost in. He smirked gently at her.
“I hope so,” he replied in a whisper.
For all the turmoil, all the agony and the hurt he’d faced four years ago at the hands of his first love, he was surprised and relieved to find that Fayth was all he needed to become whole again.
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funface2 · 5 years
110 of the funniest ever jokes and best one-liners from comedians – iNews
Here are 110 of the best jokes and one-liners of all time, compiled from our own selection of round-ups, and taken from the mouths of comedy legends past and present.
Best jokes from comedians
“Crime in multi-storey car parks. That is wrong on so many different levels.” – Tim Vine
“Do you know what I love most about baseball? The pine tar, the resin, the grass, the dirt. And that’s just in the hot dogs.” – David Letterman
“I like a woman with a head on her shoulders. I hate necks.” – Steve Martin
“I have a lot of growing up to do. I realised that the other day inside my fort.” – Zach Galifianakis
“I used to work at McDonald’s making minimum wage. You know what that means when someone pays you minimum wage? You know what your boss was trying to say? ‘Hey, if I could pay you less, I would, but it’s against the law.’” – Chris Rock
“Love is like a fart. If you have to force it it’s probably s***.” – Stephen K. Amos
“I like an escalator because an escalator can never break. It can only become stairs. There would never be an ‘Escalator Temporarily Out of Order’ sign, only ‘Escalator Temporarily Stairs’.” – Mitch Hedberg
“If I was an Olympic athlete, I’d rather come in last than win the silver medal. You win the gold, you feel good. You win the bronze, you think, ‘at least I got something.’ But you win that silver, that’s like, ‘Congratulations, you almost won! Of all the losers, you came in first! You’re the number one loser! No one lost ahead of you!’” – Jerry Seinfeld
“We weren’t very religious. On Hanukkah, my mother had our menorah on a dimmer.” – Richard Lewis
“My girlfriend is absolutely beautiful. Body like a Greek statue – completely pale, no arms.” – Phil Wang
“If God had written the Bible, the first line should have been ‘It’s round.’” – Eddie Izzard
“I bought myself some glasses. My observational comedy improved.” – Sara Pascoe
“Trump’s nothing like Hitler. There’s no way he could write a book.” – Frankie Boyle
“You know you’re working class when your TV is bigger than your book case.” – Rob Beckett
“Most of my life is spent avoiding conflict. I hardly ever visit Syria.” – Alex Horne
(Photo: Pexels.com)
“A spa hotel? It’s like a normal hotel, only in reception there’s a picture of a pebble.” – Rhod Gilbert
“Life is like a box of chocolates. It doesn’t last long if you’re fat.” – Joe Lycett
“My Dad said, always leave them wanting more. Ironically, that’s how he lost his job in disaster relief.” – Mark Watson
“Apparently smoking cannabis can affect your short term memory. Well if that’s true, what do you think smoking cannabis does?” – Mickey P Kerr
“How many philosophers does it take to change a lightbulb?…. none. They’re not really into that sort of thing. If it’s that dark, light a candle.” – Phil Cornwell
“The first time I met my wife, I knew she was a keeper. She was wearing massive gloves.” – Alun Cochrane
“As a kid I was made to walk the plank. We couldn’t afford a dog.” – Gary Delaney
“Two fish in a tank. One says: ‘How do you drive this thing?’” – Peter Kay
“I saw a documentary on how ships are kept together. Riveting!” – Stewart Francis
Read more:
100 of the best knock knock jokes (some of which are actually funny)
“People who like trance music are very persistent. They don’t techno for an answer.” – Joel Dommett
“I used to go out with a giraffe. Used to take it to the pictures and that. You’d always get some bloke complaining that he couldn’t see the screen. It’s a giraffe, mate. What do you expect? ‘Well he can take his hat off for a start!’” – Paul Merton
“Normally you have news, weather and travel. But not on snow day. On a snow day, news is weather is travel.” – Michael McIntyre
“Here’s a picture of me with REM. That’s me in the corner.” – Milton Jones
“Someone showed me a photograph of my local MP the other day. ‘Would you buy a second-hand car from this man?’ they asked. ‘Would you buy a second-hand car?’ I replied.” – Miles Jupp
“With stand-up in Britain, what you have to do is bloody swearing. In Germany, we don’t have to swear. Reason being, things work.” – Henning When
“I’m learning the hokey cokey. Not all of it. But – I’ve got the ins and outs.” – Iain Stirling
“Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m a schizophrenic, and so am I.” – Billy Connolly
“My mother told me, you don’t have to put anything in your mouth you don’t want to. Then she made me eat broccoli, which felt like double standards.” – Sarah Millican
“My therapist says I have a preoccupation with vengeance. We’ll see about that.’” – Stewart Francis
Stewart Francis is a master of the one-liner
“I’m sure wherever my Dad is, he’s looking down on us. He’s not dead, just very condescending.” – Jack Whitehall
“‘What’s a couple?’ I asked my mum. She said, ‘Two or three’. Which probably explains why her marriage collapsed.” – Josie Long
“The easiest time to add insult to injury is when you’re signing somebody’s cast.” – Demetri Martin
“I was in my car driving back from work. A police officer pulled me over and knocked on my window. I said, ‘One minute I’m on the phone.’” – Alan Carr
Read more:
115 of the best bad jokes
105 of the funniest short jokes that will have you laughing in seconds
“My phone will ring at 2am and my wife’ll look at me and go, “Who’s that calling at this time?” I say, “I don’t know. If I knew that we wouldn’t need the bloody phone.” – Lee Evans
“I doubt there’s a heaven; I think the people from hell have probably bought it for a timeshare.” – Victoria Wood
I said to the gym instructor: “Can you teach me to do the splits?” He said: “How flexible are you?” I said: “I can’t make Tuesdays.” – Tommy Cooper
“A man walks into a chemist’s and says, ‘Can I have a bar of soap, please?’ The chemist says, ‘Do you want it scented?’ And the man says, ‘No, I’ll take it with me now.’” – Ronnie Barker
“It’s really hard to define ‘virtue signalling’, as I was saying the other day to some of my Muslim friends over a fair-trade coffee in our local feminist bookshop.” – Lucy Porter
“If we were truly created by God, then why do we still occasionally bite the insides of our own mouths?” – Dara Ó Briain
“Do Transformers get car, or life insurance?” – Russell Howard
“Alright lads, a giant fly is attacking the police station. I’ve called the SWAT team!” – Greg Davies
“A good rule to remember for life is that when it comes to plastic surgery and sushi, never be attracted by a bargain.” – Graham Norton
“My father drank so heavily, when he blew on the birthday cake he lit the candles.” – Les Dawson
“I’ve been feeling suicidal so my therapist suggested I do CBT. Now I can ride a motorbike, how’s that going to help?” – Eric Lampaert
Classic one-liners
A lorry-load of tortoises crashed into a train load of terrapins. What a turtle disaster!
I backed a horse last week at 10 to one. It came in at quarter past four.
I went down to my local supermarket and I said: “I want to make a complaint. This vinegar’s got lumps in it”. He said: “Those are pickled onions.”
A man entered a local paper’s pun contest. He sent in 10 different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in 10 did.
I was having dinner with a world chess champion and there was a check tablecloth. It took them two hours to pass the salt.
Four fonts walk into a bar. The barman says: “Oi – get out. We don’t want your type in here.”
(Photo: Pexels)
I’m in a great mood tonight because the other day I entered a competition and I won a year’s supply of Marmite – one jar.
I saw this man and woman wrapped in a barcode. I said: “Are you two an item?”
I cleaned the attic with the wife the other day. Now I can’t get the cobwebs out of her hair.
Read more:
51 Best Man jokes that will work for any wedding
48 of the funniest Donald Trump jokes
I sent my girlfriend a huge pile of snow. I rang her up and said: “Did you get my drift?”
A sandwich walks into a bar. The barman says: “Sorry, we don’t serve food in here.”
A jumplead walks into a bar. The barman says: “I’ll serve you, but don’t start anything.”
I met a Dutch girl with inflatable shoes last week, phoned her up for a date but she’d popped her clogs.
I went to buy camouflage trousers but I couldn’t find any.
Went to the doctors and said: “Have you got anything for wind?” He gave me a kite.
A man walks into a bar with a roll of Tarmac under his arm and says: “Pint please, and one for the road.”
I’m on a whisky diet. I’ve lost three days already.
“Doc, I can’t stop singing The Green, Green Grass Of Home.” He said: “That sounds like Tom Jones syndrome.” “Is it common?” I asked. “It’s not unusual,” he replied.
Two aerials meet on a roof, fall in love and get married. The reception was brilliant.
Police arrested two kids yesterday. One was drinking battery acid, the other was eating fireworks. They charged one – and let the other one off.
Went to the zoo. There was only one dog in it. It was a shitzu.
(Photo: Flickr)
A skeleton walks into a bar. The bartender says, “What’ll you have?” The skeleton says, “Gimme a beer and a mop.”
A grasshopper walks into a bar and the bartender says, “Hey, we have a drink named after you.” The grasshopper says, “Really? In that case, give me a Kyle!”
I went to the doctors the other day and he said: “Go to Bournemouth, it’s great for flu.” So I went – and I got it.
Went to the corner shop – bought four corners.
I met this gangster who pulls up the back of people’s pants. It was Wedgie Kray.
I’ll tell you what I love doing more than anything – trying to pack myself in a small suitcase. I can hardly contain myself.
My next-door neighbour worships exhaust pipes, he’s a Catholic converter.
I’ve got a friend who’s fallen in love with two school bags. He’s bisatchel.
Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly. But when they lit a fire in the craft, it sank, proving once and for all that you can’t have your kayak and heat it.
About a month before he died, my uncle had his back covered in lard. After that, he went downhill fast.
Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He’s all right now.
Cringe-worthy (but amusing) puns
Read more:
105 pun-based jokes that will make you laugh and cringe
A man just assaulted me with milk, cream and butter. How dairy.
Did you hear about these new reversible jackets? I’m excited to see how they turn out.
My colleague can no longer attend next week’s Innuendo Seminar so I have to fill her slot instead.
I’m a big fan of whiteboards. I find them quite re-markable.
(Photo: Shutterstock)
I’m reading a horror story in Braille. Something bad is about to happen… I can feel it.
I bought some shoes from a drug dealer. I don’t know what he laced them with, but I’ve been tripping all day.
Just burned 2,000 calories. That’s the last time I leave brownies in the oven while I nap.
Did you hear about the two silk worms in a race? It ended in a tie!
Thanks for explaining the word “many” to me, it means a lot.
The future, the present and the past walked into a bar. Things got a little tense.
My cross-eyed wife and I just got a divorce. I found out she was seeing someone on the side.
I recently heard about a mannequin that lost all of his friends. He was too clothes minded.
Did you hear about the kidnapping at school? It’s okay. He woke up.
My girlfriend told me she was leaving me because I keep pretending to be a Transformer. I said, “No, wait! I can change.”
And some jokes for the kids
Why do bananas have to put on sunscreen before they go to the beach? Because they might peel!
What do you call a cow on a trampoline? A milk shake!
Where do cows go for entertainment? To the moo-vies!
How do you know if there’s an elephant under your bed? Your head hits the ceiling!
What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef!
Read more:
110 of the best jokes for kids that are actually funny
What do you call a pig that knows karate? A pork chop!
Why are ghosts bad liars? Because you can see right through them!
Why do bees have sticky hair? Because they use honey combs!
What do you call an alligator in a vest? An investigator!
Why did the man run around his bed? Because he was trying to catch up on his sleep!
What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping? A dino-snore!
Why did the teddy bear say “no” to dessert? Because she was stuffed.
What has ears but cannot hear? A field of corn.
What did the left eye say to the right eye? Between us, something smells!
What did one plate say to the other plate? Dinner is on me!
More jokes:
Paul Merton’s 36 best jokes and funniest one-liners from Have I Got News for You 38 of the funniest cat jokes and memes Jeremy Hardy: remembering the comedian’s funniest jokes and quotes 34 of the best Valentine’s Day jokes and funniest one-liners 30 of Michael McIntyre’s best jokes and funniest one-liners Best father of the bride jokes for a wedding speech to remember 100 best Christmas jokes and funniest festive season one-liners 100 of the funniest dirty jokes that will make you laugh and gasp Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer’s 41 best jokes and most surreal quotes 30 of the best jokes about Theresa May 25 of Dara Ó Briain’s best jokes and funniest quotes 38 of the funniest Russell Howard jokes The 28 funniest Greg Davies jokes and quotes The best Graham Norton jokes and most scathing put-downs Here are 10 of the funniest jokes written by kids 35 of the funniest jokes by Northern comedians The 31 funniest South Park jokes and quotes 100 of the funniest ever jokes and best one-liners 100 of the best knock knock jokes (some of which are actually funny) 26 of Seann Walsh’s greatest jokes 16 of Barry Chuckle’s greatest jokes 34 of Lee Evans’ funniest jokes and quotes 30 of Romesh Ranganathan’s funniest jokes and quotes 26 of Sara Pascoe’s funniest jokes and quotes 41 of Eddie Izzard’s funniest jokes and quotes 41 of David Mitchell’s funniest jokes and quotes 21 of Rhod Gilbert’s funniest jokes and one-liners 45 of the funniest 8 out of 10 Cats jokes 41 of Stewart Francis’ most ingenious jokes and one-liners 19 of the funniest World Cup jokes from stand-up comedians 30 of Jack Whitehall’s funniest jokes 43 of the funniest Donald Trump jokes 100 pun-based jokes that will make you laugh and cringe 50 Edinburgh Fringe one-liners that deserved to win Funniest Joke 31 Best Man jokes that will work for any wedding 100 of the funniest short jokes that will have you laughing in seconds 105 of the best bad jokes 105 of the best clean jokes and one-liners 50 football jokes to make you laugh – or groan 100 of the best jokes for kids that are actually funny 25 of Peter Kay’s most ingenious jokes and one-liners 26 of Stewart Lee’s most gloriously acerbic jokes 49 of Monty Python’s funniest jokes 45 of Ricky Gervais’ funniest jokes 17 of Ken Dodd’s most ingeniously funny jokes 27 of Sarah Millican’s laugh out loud jokes 50 of Jimmy Carr’s funniest jokes and one-liners 50 of Milton Jones’s most ingenious jokes and one-liners 50 of Tim Vine’s most ingenious jokes and one-liners 50 of Frankie Boyle’s funniest (and darkest) jokes 25 of Charlie Brooker’s most cutting jokes and insults 25 of Lee Mack’s wittiest jokes and one-liners 75 of Billy Connolly’s best jokes, one-liners and quips 30 of the best-ever jokes about Scotland – from Scotland
And some hilarious quotes:
29 best Gavin and Stacey quotes and funniest jokes from James Corden and Ruth Jones’ comedy 38 of the funniest Ron Swanson quotes that made Parks and Recreation unmissable 31 Richard Madeley quotes, gaffes and surreal moments that prove he truly is Alan Partridge Valentine’s poems: 32 most romantic quotes from history’s greatest poets 38 of the most darkly funny League of Gentlemen quotes 41 of the funniest quotes from The Good Place about life and death 30 of Stephen Fry’s funniest jokes and quotes Burt Reynolds’ greatest quotes – remembering the actor’s wit and wisdom following his death aged 82 23 of Outnumbered’s funniest (and possibly unscripted) quotes) 35 of Blackadder’s most cunning quips and insults 29 of the most outlandishly funny Mighty Boosh quotes 20 of the most absurdly funny quotes from Nathan Barley 39 of the greatest Brass Eye and Day Today quotes 25 of the most outrageous Summer Heights High quotes 25 of Rik Mayall’s greatest quotes 25 of the funniest ever Still Game quotes 50 of the funniest Father Ted quotes Red Dwarf: 30 of the funniest quotes and one-liners Derry Girls: 35 of the funniest quotes and one-liners 25 of the most cantankerous Martin Crane quotes from Frasier 25 of the most ‘textbook’ Alan Partridge quotes 50 of the best lines from Peep Show 20 of The Young Ones’ most gloriously silly quotes
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