#something akin to a condition or something idk
lily-ohfally · 10 months
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Emotes of my WoL's I made for me and my friend's server!
From top left to bottom right: Waga, Lily, Nanami Y'aela, Lobster, Risé
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the-garden-mud-blog · 3 months
i ddont have a whole lot of symptoms but liks
could we have a mud based off of permanently feeling like you're on a road trip? or something like that ☹️☹️ (ive never asked for a mud before so idk what im doing im sorry)
Disorder Name: Perpetual Journey Syndrome (PJS)
PJS is a condition where individuals constantly feel as if they are on a never-ending road trip. This sensation permeates their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, leading to a unique set of symptoms that affect their daily life and interactions.
Restlessness: A constant need to move or travel, feeling uncomfortable staying in one place for too long.
Disorientation: Frequent feelings of being lost or unable to recognize familiar surroundings, as if always on a new leg of a journey.
Sensory Sensitivity: Heightened sensitivity to sounds and sights associated with travel, such as car engines, road signs, and maps.
Time Distortion: Difficulty keeping track of time, often feeling as if days blend together like continuous driving hours.
Detached Reality: A sense of detachment from reality, perceiving everyday life as transient and temporary, much like a stop on a road trip.
Wanderlust: An intense, uncontrollable desire to explore new places, even if it disrupts routines and responsibilities.
Diminished Concentration: Trouble focusing on tasks or conversations, as the mind constantly drifts to thoughts of traveling.
Fatigue: Persistent feelings of tiredness, akin to the exhaustion felt after long hours of driving.
Social Strain: Difficulty maintaining relationships, as the individual may seem emotionally distant or preoccupied with their internal sense of journey.
Chronic Motion Sickness: Constantly feeling motion sick, experiencing nausea and dizziness similar to being in a moving vehicle.
For the flag: (Anyone is welcome to create a flag, alt flags, or TransID versions of the MUD all we ask is please @ us if you make one) Color Theme: The color theme for PJS is a mix of sunset orange and twilight blue. Sunset orange symbolizes the endless horizon and the excitement of travel, while twilight blue represents the sense of the journey continuing into the unknown night. Visual Representation: A visual depiction of PJS would depict a winding road stretching into the horizon, blending with the sky at sunset. Road signs, maps, and a car dashboard can be included. The background might feature a gradient of sunset orange fading into twilight blue, with light effects mimicking the blur of motion and the passage of time. This would capture the perpetual sense of being on a road trip, constantly moving and never settling.
Another one here we go!!!
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remcycl333 · 1 year
“whenever you are not imagining well or feeling well, you are simply not imagining what you want. give yourself EXACTLY what you want. don’t care about what the world would think of it.”
I have a question about this because its something I’ve thought of since i saw the original. What if what you want is bad? Like p*dophili or murder (just examples of things that are like. Objectively bad)
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here's a quote from at you command by neville goddard that kinda explains that!!
as i talk about in this post, we don't really desire physical things. our inner man is the one who desires, and our inner man only desires feelings. so when you desire something "bad" such as killing someone, you aren't really desiring killing someone. maybe, as neville says, you just want that person gone and the only way your limited outer-man can think to achieve that is by killing them. or maybe you want payback or revenge, and that's why you think you want to kill someone. but there's ways that you can satiate your inner man and give yourself the feeling you desire that isn't doing as something as awful as killing someone (or some other crime). you can give yoruself the feeling of freedom or control or justice or superiority over that person in your mind, or even forgiveness. your inner self is always desiring a feeling, and the limited outer-man is conditioning that desire and thinking they can only achieve that feeling by doing something awful.
as for pedophilia, i dont pretend to know a pedophile's innermost desires or the way their mind works. maybe they want control? power? love? to be wanted? i have no idea. but at the end of the day, their inner self is desiring a feeling, and their limited outer-man has wrongfully decided that the only means in the 3d to achieve what they want is to ... prey on children? idk how to word that. either way, the true desire is not to be a pedophile. that's just the only way their limited minds can think of to get the feeling they want. i hope this makes sense 😭
pedophilia and murder and other things akin to that are wrong and objectively bad. and no one truly desires those things. they simply desire a feeling and have wrongfully decided the only way to achieve the feeling they want is to do awful things. i hope u guys dont read this as me justifying or defending them at all bc im not 😭 im just trying to explain that no one's inner man truly desires stuff like that and you are not entitled to bad things such as that. it's obviously a sensitive topic but i hope i've provided some clarity!
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beemers-hell · 12 days
building on my previous ask, according to the timeline you made, Bank is 4 years old when her dad explodes himself with a bomb. That’s presumably gonna put him out of commission for a while. So, was she like, told what happened, or at least a less brutal version to f what happened that’s easier for a kid to understand? Like “oh, yeah, um, your dad’s uuuuuhhhhhhh… sleeping! yeah, he’s just sleeping!”
“he’s been sleeping for five days.”
Idk man, I kinda fixated on that specific moment in the series, probably because I’m pretty sure it’s the most destroyed we see Hank’s body get. Like, 90% of his body was gone. So many parts would need to be reattached, and like, reattached limbs never really work as well as they did before, like, this guy just got so much nerve damage. That’s not gonna be fun for Doc to repair. Like, good luck solving the world’s goriest jigsaw puzzle.
That’s so much damage. How long did she have to wait to see him? What condition was he in when they let her see him?
I don’t know why I’m so invested in this one specific time frame.
I was gonna draw something for this but its not coming to me rn, apologies lol. anyway, doc was straight up with her! he didn't talk down to her much as a child and would tell her when hank got fucked up and needed to be in recovery for a while.
when that specific incident occurred, obvs he described it in a less gory detail, more akin to the second quote you provided, like "your dad blew himself up and he has to sleep for a while to get all better." I imagine Hank was probably out for like a week at most, and when he did wake up he was still bed ridden for a few more days since, yanno, dude blew himself up, if that shit can be fixed I think his body needs a lot of time to bed rest for it lol. when they did let her see him, he was awake, and able to talk to her, but still restricted to the bed! Doc didn't know of she'd be upset seeing him immobile and unresponsive so he waited until Hank was up and chatting to let her see him again. But she could've handled it, she was a tough cookie!
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livelaughlovesubs · 9 months
Hey Nini! Idk if you have the time to do this but could you write a fluff were a bsd character (any that you wanna pick!) comforts reader that is starting to feel insecure about the way they look and also worrying that theyre being a bad partner? You can ignore this if youre too busy!
Hey~ sorry for the wait love, I’ve been… on motivation reserving modus haha
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It was ironic, really. You, who was equivalent to nothing, dating someone like them. They were so pretty, so beautiful and handsome in your eyes. Not only that, so talented too, as if they were good at everything. While you on the other hand were barely keeping yourself above the water and owning a sickly looking conditions as if you never knew what sleep was. Maybe it was due to your adoration for your partner, but they were perfect, and you weren’t.
You have always wanted the best for them, tried your utmost with everything to keep them satisfied, yet it all seems futile in comparison to what they can do. What you did wasn’t grandios enough, wasn’t special enough, not enough efforts, not good enough, you didn’t deserve them. This thought crossed your mind so often, how they were so much better at everything then you, how they would be better off without you, but you were egoistic and still wanted to keep being by their side. Such a terrible partner you were, weighing your significant other down, they are losing their potential by hanging out with someone like you, someone who can’t even do half as well as them.
Good lord, you were truly egoistic, even now you wanted to keep being with them. Whenever you looked into the mirror the, first thought filling your senses would be a complain, about single body parts that just aren’t satisfactory. You were dreading your own body more and more, it was awful. Of course you didn’t want to hate yourself like that, but you couldn’t help it. Not when they were so good, not when you were so bad.
You were cuddling with them on your couch, limps tangled together. Ah, they smelled so nice.. their akin was very soft and tender too, not to mention how gorgeous they look today too. You wondered if you looked alright, maybe you shouldn’t let yourself be seen with them in public. Their arms wrapped around your body, holding you tightly while sighing in content. “Y/n, I really like you.” They uttered, breath hitting your skin, it tickled you slightly. “You are really too good for me, I love you too.” “What do you mean too good? It’s more the other way around!” Your lovely partner was giggling, watching them having fun felt so nice. “I mean it, you are so perfect and beautiful in comparison to me.” Somehow the mood dropped after you finished your sentence, their eyes also widened a little. “What do you mean in comparison? You are amazing too.” “No way, me? I mean, I’m at best average, but you…” you stopped yourself from speaking, because them seemed somewhat uncomfortable now. “Is.. something wrong?” There you go again, ruining everything, it must have been something you said… how clumsy can one even be?
They opened their mouth, about to say anything, before pressing their lips together. An awkward silence broke out, none of you moved. Luckily for you, they attempted to do the first move again, whispering, “do you always think like that?” This took you by surprise, so you answered, “what?” “That I’m so much better than you? That you don’t deserve this?” The look in their eyes seemed bitter, it made your heart ache. “Ah, well..” you knew that they would worry if you told them the truth, about how depressed your thoughts have been lately.
“There is no need to feel that way, you know that.” Your darling told you, a firm and serious expression now present on their features. You were such an indict, then wasn’t something they needed to know, it was a you problem, and a pathetic one at that. “I know I know, let’s just put that matter aside for now, okay?” “No, don’t talk your way out of this now. Tell me, what is it that you are worrying about?” Ah, if they use that tone, you know you have to tell them or they will keep bothering you. “Well, I wondered if I’ve been a good partner.” “Why are you doubting yourself? You have been great.” “I don’t know, it’s just compared to you-” “but you know I love you a lot.” “That.. I-” The discussion was going nowhere, you didn’t want to burden them with your useless problems, how did it come to this?
“Y/n, there are so many things I love about you, so many aspects of you that are far more superior to mine. I really admire you. For example the way you look at me, the way you talk, smile, how you make my heart beat faster. I always wonder if I have the same effect on you, and worry if I’m being sincere enough, but that’s why I want to keep being with you, to learn and to show you how much I adore you. Everyone has their own struggles, sometimes it’s not about overcoming them but accepting them and making the best out of it.”
It was weirdly philosophic, and so detailed, as if they prepared years for this speech, but it was also strangely comforting. It would be an understatement to say you were speechless afterwards. After another break of utter silence, you chuckled, then started laughing. “What a grandiose speech, it really suit your personality, pff.” Now they were a little embarrassed, why were you laughing so much? “And here I was, trying to comfort you.” They sighed, almost looking hurt. “Alright, sorry, heh.. thank you, I appreciate it, really.” Even though it was funny and all, you couldn’t deny the effort they poured into it. “Ah.. you truly are too good for me.”
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youredreamingofroo · 8 months
The Roo-seum...
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group pics and other stuff under the cut! (just to avoid flooding the dash lmao)
CAS pics in the NEXT POST
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Now onto me ranting.
The Roo-seum is a 16 sim project that's consumed me for the last couple of days (in a good way), this explores most of Roo's lifespan (not implying he's dead LMAO), from the age of 9 years old, up to now, 28 years old, talking about what he went through for each year (for the most part anyways), of course, I didn't start at 1 or 2 years old, mainly because, way back when I made all of these Roo's (roughly back in July '23, this is not an idea that suddenly sparked, I only acted on it because I have a way to show off each age that isn't a Picrew lmao... I can't draw well so I just used TS4), I made them in Picrew, which... at the time couldn't find a Picrew with kids/babies so the youngest I went was around 9 years old, and just built up from there.
Roo is my persona gone OC, around 5 or 6 years ago, I put on this persona of "Roo", which started as "The Unfortunate Roo" and Roo's (or Mine, since this was technically a Persona, doubling as an OC) design was COMPLETELY different back then, He wasn't a he, the design was a sucubus I think, I don't really recall and I really couldn't care for it, it's embarrassing 💀 I don't remember how he came to fruition, but I remember finding this one picrew that I LOVED, and I used that picrew to create ~Roo~, his initial design was akin to the 22-23 year old Roo, there's a lot about his design that I could talk about but will avoid doing so, but just know that his Sims design isn't super on the dot to what his actual design is supposed to look like.
So... what's Piametia?? Why did you come up with that?? How did you come up with that?? To be honest, I never actually came up with a name up until yesterday when writing the note for 10-12 year old Roo, I don't really remember what sparked me to come up with a condition that "has the Patient suffer a sudden loss or gain in pigmentation and melanin in the eyes and hair," I guess 17 year old me thought it was cool, and it is! It opened up a new story for him, where I couldn't provide story (for someone without Piametia), like how being affected by Piametia caused him to go from extremely accepting of himself, to getting bullied into "normalizing himself," While he achieved this, it was really in vain, because he was still bullied for his condition, but as he grew older, out of his teen years and into adulthood, it bothered him less and less, because, well, shit like that doesn't fucking matter, sure it still bothered him, sure it still traumatized him to some degree, but it's just what some stupid kids say, it doesn't determine what his worth is, and he understands that, so after recovering from almost ending his life, he realized that something had to change, he couldn't live in this wallowing ball of agony because some kids determined "hey! That kid is different! They're no longer as cool as we are! Get him!!"
I should also mention that he didn't develop Piametia til he was around 9 years old, which is exactly what the condition does, it's genetic (although it never occurred in Reese or Virginia, the only reasonable conclusion was that it skipped a generation) and it's drilled into the person's DNA and only takes effect before puberty (in the average kid). So Roo was considered a part of the other kids' little cliques and stuff, but only until his hair and eyes changed color.
I kind of hyped this up to be something extravagant and maybe it is, idk, I don't have the eyes of the audience, I'm just a guy who made this and I have a rather critical view of my work sometimes, I try not to, but force of habit lmao. I really liked making this because Roo is an OC who has grown with me, mainly because he's both a persona of me while also being an OC, so where I change and grow, he often reflects that change and growth, in his own ways of course, I often wish he was real, but he's not and that's the harsh reality. Also gonna clarify that his life does NOT completely reflect mine, I'm only 18, he's ten years older then me lmao, where he was 8 I was 10 years to be conceived- Roo is still his own character, he's had his own relationships, all of which have went poorly (reflecting my own), and even had his own stalker (which escalated)- But parts of his life like when he became extremely homophobic of himself and who he truly was is not reflective of myself, I never had that stage in life (whether you did or not however is not a bad thing unless your actually just homophobic, then gtfo like?? 😭).
I went on a rant there, and I probably could've kept going, but figured I should stop at some point lol, but I hope you guys like this, I sure LOVED making this and I love doing Roo related things and posts. I also provided text in the image descriptions in case it's hard to read in the images (I tried to keep it as clear and readable as possible), and in case anyone who uses a screen-reader finds this post :)
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Last one for now. What's your 3rd favorite sbg character and why? You're not allowed to compare how much you like them with how much you like other characters (such as their rank, or even if you like them more or less) in the explanation
You bastard you gave me conditions for this I'll try but sorry if I bend the rules a little. I'm going to try to handle this as a pros and cons rather than a numbered list.
I'd say Tyler is my third favorite.
Pros: I do enjoy that he is the "protector" and it's gotten him hurt really bad at one point for him to have to take a step down and realize that he has to also let other people take care of him too. That trope always made me think "ahh yes a baybeee" for characters. His idea that he has to take on a parental role only to realize he is a kid is something that I always felt akin to? (I took care of my brother and mom for a while so...Tylercore ig) I do enjoy that he is a sarcastic bastard sometimes! The humor makes him well rounded and I know that he is "Just A Kid" so watching him be a little silly sometimes is reason that I always look for him in the background too. Little guy (he's so much taller than me) has a lot to learn and it's like a little brother that you can't wait to watch him get his heart broken for the first time, smile the biggest smile youve ever seen at graduation, and finally get a taste of adult freedom when he gets his license after painfully teaching and getting frustrated. Cons: Though, I sometimes roll my eyes and smack the wrinkles off my forehead a little bit when he decides that instead of working together as a team, he just immediately goes into pointing fingers, trying to find someone to blame. The anger and wanting answers for a situation where its very obvious that no one has answers is the most frustrating part about him. I jsut wanna grab his shoulders and scream "CALM DOWN PLEASE JUST LISTEN BEFORE YOU GAIN STRONG OPINIONS" soo bad but unfor he is but a comic character. I did respond to a post earlier that I really wish he would play to his own strengths (use a baseball bat as a weapon instead of almost immediately getting a gun) and planning for the worst with all the other characters in his mind. As someone who tends to protect the other people in their life, I'm always constantly thinking of the worst case scenarios and it makes me come back and basically wrap everything in bubblewrap so no one else gets hurt. I'm constantly checking the ground for glass and I wish that Tyler would do that too instead of being such a "I'm shrugging my shoulders cause I dont care about you but if you get hurt I'm going to tell you how useless you are" LIKE???? BROTHER???? HELP THEM THEN! <- which makes me say "uuughhh SHUT UP!!" sometimes soooo idk
I'll leave it at that for now but I can honestly do this for each character if I had the time to (plus no one would actually read it so eh)
(Also this is absolutely not dogging on Red's writing whatsoever. I love how rounded a lot of her characters are, even the side ones, they feel more human than some of the other webtoons I've read. They're flawed!! I like that about all of them. In the end, they're just teenagers. They're gonna suck! You're gonna like parts of them! They're teenagers in a really really shitty and unfortunate situation. They are constantly being lied to and gaslit into what is true and what isn't. They are literally fighting for their life ALL. THE. TIME. Give them - and Red - a break! PLEASE! )
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solomons-poison · 1 year
As someone who had pet rats, I LOVE rats they are such sweet gentile creatures
Knowing barb tho he is terrified,, how do you think he would react if he found out mc had pet rats/likes rats? (I think he would use that to his advantage in some way) but also I wanna help him get over his fear of those lovely babies💗💗
(Idk if requests are open atm, if not you can ignore, but if you do end up doing this, thank you!)
Also good way to brighten up your day is to look at dumbo rats, cutest little fellas
Finding Out MC has Pet Rats
A/N: This is such a funny prompt, thank you for sending this in ahaha. I've always wanted to get rats, they are such funny curious creatures, but I come from a family that always had cats, and I ended up with cats of my own as well by a random rescue suggested by my roommate. One day though... 🐀
Featuring: GN reader || Barbatos x reader
Warnings: talking about pet rats ?? none
Upon finding out about Barbatos' great dislike of rats (hatred might really be the more appropriate word), it might seem tempting to keep quiet on the subject to prevent his discomfort. But Barbatos is perceptive, and it's easy for him to see that something is bothering you, especially when it happens right after a random discussion with the brothers about your life back in the Human Realm.
You know that, really, he is willing to learn everything and anything about you and respect it. He's an adult, he knows and is willing to put in the work to make your relationship as cohesive as possible. But when it comes to your lover's greatest enemy... it's easy to understand why you'd both be hesitant.
When you first break the news to Barbatos, he is shocked, to say the least. Utterly speechless. His brain and his heart had never battled so strongly before than when he heard that you loved, and even voluntarily owned, the very creatures he loathed.
You will have to be very patient with him. Logically, he knows that Human Realm rats and Devildom rats are two different beings. The latter is more akin to Human Realm cockroaches but without the wings, difficult to eradicate and hardy in most conditions. So it might be good to start with just going over the things you like about rats, whether it's general information or about your specific pets.
Really, the best thing to do will be to set up a date with him to introduce him to your rats. Let him see their set up in your home, tell him about their quirks, show silly photos. And once all conditions have been met and Barb has had a chance to steel himself, you can bring the rats to him.
It will take several tries for him to come anywhere close to accepting them tbh. As much as he loves you, and as adorable as your pets are, the hatred is deep-seated and very difficult to get over. But he is willing to try, for the sake of your love and relationship. He never wants to hurt you or look down on the things and creatures that you love. It's just a personal battle that he'll have to fight and win.
If you do manage to win over his heart, he's quick to get very attached. But only to your rats, mind you. Any others, even if it's someone else's pet rat, the awful feeling he gets around them will be back full force. In fact, he may even be protective of your pet rats against any other rats he encounters.
He's one of those reluctant adoptive father types, who takes forever to win over. But once you've got him in the palm of your hand, he gets along with your rats very very well, teaching them little tricks and giving them treats on occasion, maybe even holding them when he's feeling brave.
Introducing Barbatos to your pet rats is really the ultimate relationship challenge. If you two manage to surpass that, nearly nothing is standing in your way from a long-lasting relationship. But it's definitely a barrier that will need some careful consideration and lots of mutual respect.
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generic-whumperz · 1 month
Waylon (Character sheet)
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Playlist | Masterlist | Character Info
Wyatt’s older brother and Eleanor’s and Waylon Sr.’s crowned golden child, Waylon Jr. (Lon), is a cunning businessman with a folksy “cowboy Don” exterior who has climbed his way to the top of Apocamerica's underworld. Masking behind a stoic demeanor lies a ruthless opportunist who will stop at nothing to maintain power and control, sight set on building an empire through tactical manipulation and calculated brutality. A master of playing all sides, he uses his charm and wit to get what he wants. Waylon's loyalty and protection are renowned but conditional, and he'll discard anyone who becomes a liability. Nevertheless, he has a deep sense of fidelity to his close circle of those he cares about, but good luck on peeling back his multi-layered façade to reveal his complex web of allegiances that crown him as leader of the remaining free world. His bond with his younger cousin Vinny is unbreakable–Vinny selflessly often acts as the mediator between Waylon and Wyatt.
Meanwhile, Waylon's circumstantial partnership with The Aid—whom he sees as a vital asset in his quest for power—has been a double-edged sword. The Aid’s insights grant him an unparalleled advantage but ensnare him in a cycle of violence, deceit, and jealousy with his business associates. His relationship with Wyatt has been fraught with tension since childhood. He struggles to reconcile their glaring differences–made all the worse by Wyatt’s persistent abuse of Waylon’s most coveted advisor–The Aid.
Full name: Waylon Hugo Weston Sullivan Jr. (Lon)
Role: tertiary antagonist, Whumper, Wyatt's foil character
Date of Birth & sign: January 18, 1972 (60), Capricorn (story takes place in the year 2032)
Gender: cis-male
Sexuality: hetero
Height: 6'4"
Weight/body type/build: 60-year-old dad bod, tall, board-shouldered, barrel-chested, built like a linebacker. Don’t make me guess weight…idk, like 280lbs-ish?
Hometown: San Diego, CA
Family Members: Sullivan family tree. Devoted husband and family man and has four children. Oldest sibling out of the Sullivan trio, the only brother with a relationship with his and Wyatt’s younger sister, Winny. Lives with his wife and two youngest kids—Emma (13) and Waylon Ⅲ (AKA Lonnie) (11). Eldest daughter, Rachel (29), is his protégé groomed to take over the business and engaged to the Governor’s son. Second eldest daughter, Taylor (24), is in and out of rehab.
Left/right handed: right
Fav genre of music & anthem: oldies, especially classic country. Doggone Cowboy by Marty Robbins
Occupation: head of the family-owned livestock farm, Oasis Farms, and the Sullivan and Bellmont fortune beneficiary. While Wyatt received The Aid after Eleanor's passing, Waylon received more responsibility and Eleanor's running business contracts. Although he runs a legitimate business, he also deals in illegal, black market slave trade and labor and business racketeering. He is part of a cabal of business associates that have taken over the resource and trade markets of Apocamerica. He's become politically and professionally advantageous despite his desire for retirement to maintain his family's standing. He attributes a fair amount of his success to The Aid's involvement and cooperation in weeding out untrustworthy and scheming (ex)partners that were out for the Sullivans’ spot as top distributors of meat and produce. He's in the trenches of organized crime and has taken on the role of something akin to a Mafia boss or Don. While he enjoys the power and status, deep down, he just wishes he was out on the ranch competing in rodeo events. Valedictorian, Harvard Alumni, business and economics major.
Ethnicity (+ American): Italian, French, Greek, North and West European, English
Hair color & length: silver fox. Was a dirty blonde when he was younger, but now he's sporting a full head of gray. Cut short, longer on the top, and brushed to the side. Facial hair: has a full, nicely groomed beard. Body hair: on the hairier side with chest hair.
Hygiene: excellent hygiene. Meticulously groomed. Skincare king who is not afraid to pamper himself. You will not catch him looking sloppy or underdressed. He lives to impress his wife and be the best-dressed and best-smelling man in every room he enters.
Eye color: deep-set, almond-shaped, sapphire blue eyes. Wears contacts and readers. Has a severe, unflinching stare that can turn into a scowl just as quickly as a smile.
Skin tone: peachy, neutral undertones. Moisturizing king, skin is glowing.
Facial features: rectangle-shaped head with a high dome. Thin, bow-shaped lips. Fleshy nose. Bushy but well-manicured and sculpted arched brows. Ears. Heavy jaw, rounded protruding chin. Regularly gets "natural looking" Botox injections to erase his face lines and fill in any sagging. Broad-lobed ears.
Mannerisms: he keeps his cards close to his chest and doesn't reveal much. He's a very still and impassive guy with minimal mannerisms and only makes calculated moves. One could argue that's a mannerism of its own right. Moves with an air of confidence. Employs slower and more fluid movements to convey that things happen on his terms when he wants them to. Steeples hands when thinking. Maintains eye contact. Holds head high. He walks with confidence and determination, his arms either fixed at his side or clasped behind his back. Maintains a stoic expression with little to no smiling; most you get is a smirk. Doesn't laugh a lot. Has a dry sense of humor that is easily missed. Figure-4 leg cross when seated. Generally unapproachable. Very hard person to read and gauge.
Nervous ticks: doesn't get nervous
Posture: relaxed and straight in a way that lets you know he's comfortable and in control.
Style: old-school gentleman vibes. Lots of dry-cleaned Dior suits, imported cashmere and vicuña wool sweaters, and diamond-encrusted cufflinks. He looks forward to events where he gets to pull out a Dolce & Gabbana 3-piece suit. He is very concerned with looks and first impressions. Lets his wife dress him. (Spent too much time picking out The Aid’s wardrobe with Eleanor and was very hands-on with The Aid’s introduction into the family…had to sus him out, as any good son would, of course).
Health: very healthy with no ailments or allergies. Eats well-balanced meals and exercises regularly (easier when you have personal chefs and a personal trainer). Doesn't drink or smoke often but will partake socially and will enjoy a cigar from time to time. Doesn't do hard drugs and is anti-junk food. Takes a shit ton of vitamins. Says living a mostly stress-free life is the secret (again, easy to say when you have a whole house staff and a whole team under you doing the leg work). Started to get arthritis but changed over to an anti-inflammatory diet and eating edibles to manage the pain.
Piercings/tattoos: nada
Birthmarks/scars: has a birthmark on his left shoulder blade but has gotten every scar lasered off with dermal regenerator treatments.
Language(s): English, some Italian, some Spanish, some Russian, some German, some French
Personality: controlling. Intelligent. Natural leader. Paternal. Subtly condescending (but obviously patronizing to Wyatt). Responsible. Prideful. Vain. Disciplined. Judgmental. Provider. Classy. Vengeful. Greedy. Possessive and protective. Organized. Narcissistic. Careful. Considerate. Calm and collected. Focused. Thoughtful. Educated. Charismatic. Confident. Honest. Efficient. Fearless. Logical. Polite, respectful, and mannered (and expects to be treated the same back). Observant. Comes across as emotionless and cold-hearted as he’s not expressive (tough shell to crack and a hard person to read). Sociable. Wise. Sincere. Decisive. Devoted. Conscientious. Independent. Perfectionist. Direct. Reserved. Rivals regard him as arrogant and smug. Well-read.
Vices: shooting practice, spending time with his horses, and taking his kids to the family ranch (he just wants to decompress with his family). Date night with his wife. Drinks occasionally. Enjoys a pipe of packed weed.
Voice: speaks with authority, voice rings modulated and smoky. Everything he says has more than one meaning. Tends to talk in riddles and rhymes but is still straight to the point. He is a man of few words when he's not ranting to Vinny or spewing aphorisms at Wyatt.
Smells like: CLEAN. Signature scent—Sauvage Dior cologne (fragrance profile below for other weirdos like me who are way too into scents). Black tourmaline and musk vibes.
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Face claim(s): Bill Pullman
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Character inspiration: Tywin Lannister (GOT), Detective Harry Ambrose (The Sinner), Kingpin/Wilson Fisk (Daredevil—TV series), most villain roles played by Harvey Keitel and Christoph Waltz
Other: Admittedly, Waylon is my favorite Sullivan, despite Wyatt taking center stage as The Aid's antagonist and rival. Don't let his lack of trigger warnings fool you—Lon is just as deadly, if not more so, than his younger brother. Waylon is a force to be reckoned with, making cold and calculated kills without breaking a sweat or getting a speck of blood on his suit. Cross him or his family, and he'll make you dig your own grave while confessing your sins—all while he watches emotionless with a solemn glare, executioner-style. And if you're lucky, your family might survive...but don't count on it. In typical Sullivan fashion, Waylon has a perverse relationship with The Aid, taking advantage of The Aid's desire to serve a greater purpose and gain the respect and admiration of Eleanor's favorite son in exchange for his psychic abilities.
Moodboards: where he is ~vs~ where he wants to be
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Main Four (HxH) with a friend who has Nene's
For anyone who doesn't know what Nene's is, neither did I until I got this request so you're not alone! It's basically a fictional condition akin to the sea monsters in Luca where they transform into sea monsters in water.
-When he first saw your scales, he simply asked about them.
-“Why are there scales there?”
-After you explain your condition, he continues to ask questions.
-He doesn’t mean anything bad by it, he’s just a curious guy.
-He tries to be inconspicuous when helping you hide the scales, but he ends up drawing more attention to it.
-He'll freak out when they appear and attempt to hide them from everyone then laugh nervously when asked about it.
-He means the best of course.
-When you finally show him your sea creature form, he’s mesmerized.
-Even though he’s still a small boy, he has seen a lot of beauty in this world, but none of it compares to the way the scales glimmer in the light.
-Wonderful friend, please help him be better at keeping secrets.
-When he first saw your scales, he immediately tensed up.
-“Who are you really? Why do you have scales?”
-After you explain it, he calms down and then laughs it off.
-He’s much better at helping you hide the scales than Gon.
-When they appear, he’ll discreetly rub his clothing where they appeared until they dry.
-Showing him your sea form for the first time was a little nerve wracking, but you did anyway.
-He was just as wide-eyed as Gon when seeing it, but instead of thinking “beautiful”, he thinks “super cool”.
-Asks you to do cool tricks as well.
-Wonderful friend, don’t be alarmed by his alarm he’s just not used to people keeping secrets because they’re self-conscious about it.
-When he sees your scales for the first time, his reaction is a lot like Killua’s except bigger.
-He immediately uses Judgment Chain on you and demands to know what’s going on.
-“I’ll ask this calmly and politely: are you on our enemy’s side?”
-After you swear you’re not and Judgment Chain doesn’t kill you, he lightens up and apologizes for his overreaction.
-Idk why I feel like Kurapika just has something similar to a handkerchief with him at all times, so he gives it to you when you accidentally get splashed with water or something.
-Super discrete about it too.
-When you showed him your sea form, he gave a warm smile.
-He forgets about all of his troubles and all of his hate for a small moment to fully appreciate your beauty.
-Wonderful friend, please help him go to therapy it’s not healthy to be this anxious.
-When he sees your scales for the first time, he freaks out, but not in the same way that Kurapika and Leorio did.
-It’s more of a happy way.
-“Woah! Scales? What sort of a creature are you?”
-Just because he’s not a biologist doesn’t mean that sea creatures amaze him any less.
-After you explain your condition, he asks a bunch of questions, but they’re different from Gon’s.
-He asks more scientific questions since he works in scientific fields.
-He never tries to help you hide your scales from others, because he doesn’t know that you think it’s worth hiding.
-In fact, if someone asks what’s up with them, he’ll gladly tell them all about it.
-Unless you stop him.
-When you show him your sea form for the first time, he loses all of the words he was going to say when he was preparing to see it.
-All he can really say is “Wow”.
-Wonderful friend, please let him show you to his biology classmates if you feel up for it.
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
As a psychotic person with (harmful) delusions and hallucinations, I'd like to chip in and say the way people are responding to your switching + imposition guides with "but they're delusions and hallucinations, obviously these are bad" really rubs me the wrong way. Because it feels like they're trying to support people like me, but they speak about delusions/hallucinations in a way that doesn't really make me feel safe around them. Like, they feel like the kind of people to try and reality check me or tell me to "get help" instead of just letting me exist as a psychotic person, y'know? Shuffle me off to the side because anything related to what I experience (including I, myself) must be hidden away until it doesn't exist "like that" anymore. They're making such a huge deal out of this that it makes me wonder how they'd react if a psychotic person like I confessed to them about having delusions/hallucinations. Would they freak out? The way they talk about these things makes me feel like they'd freak out. And then try to tell me they "know what's best" for me and force onto me their own ideas about how I should manage my psychosis. It's something in how they talk about delusions without actually talking about or with delusional people. Arguing over what we experience without listening to the people experiencing it. Inadvertently promoting the idea that delusions and hallucinations can't be managed and gotten to a healthy level that sometimes people just live with, no need to panic about it. Idk, it's hard to put into words
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I very much agree.
These posts often come off as very dismissive and othering.
They cast certain conditions and experiences as these just... objectively terrible things all the time... and then dive straight into trying to police how people are allowed to relate to them.
And while the bulk of this latest discourse has been focused on the dissociation aspect, it's not been exclusively that, as the hallucination subject has been brought up too.
See this post for example:
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(Fact check: I have no idea what they mean about me "encouraging dissociation" outside of the switching guide, and I've never said schizophrenia is healthy nor do I believe every person with Schizophrenia to be a system though I do think there is overlap and this is one way systems can form. There's a ton of nuance being intentionally and maliciously cut out but that I don't have the time to bother with.)
This feels a lot more like what you're talking about.
The quoted line about treatment for hallucinations being akin to conversion therapy is something attributed to Dr. Romme of the Hearing Voices Network.
The Hearing Voices Movement started in the 1980s in Europe when a patient confronted Romme about the limitations of the psychiatric care being provided. Why, the patient asked, was it OK for Romme to believe in a God whom he could not see or hear but not OK for her, the patient, to believe in voices that she really did hear? To learn more about the voice-hearing experience and to try to help his patient, Romme had the woman’s story told on TV and asked for other voice hearers to contact him. Approximately 550 reached out. Remarkably, many of the people who heard voices did not need clinical help. Writing in the Journal of Mental Health in 2011 after conducting a literature review, Vanessa Beavan, John Read and Claire Cartwright asserted that it was safe to say that 1 in 10 people in the general population will hear voices. Romme eventually compared psychiatric treatment to eliminate voice hearing to conversion therapy for sexual orientation.
What I love about this story is how it shows a psychiatrist who was actually willing to listen to and learn from their patients instead of simply assuming they know what's best.
Psychiatry has a long history of starting with assuming something is just inherently bad and needs to be gotten rid of from the start and building treatment models around that. In this case, Romme was willing to re-evaluate generations of tradition and develop new treatment methods for the needs of the actual patients instead of trying to force people to fit into society's idea of normalcy.
And I think that's what we need more of in the world. To focus on people's own needs and their health first instead of trying to "fix" undesirable traits.
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ghastigiggles · 5 months
they (furi & arle) could relate so much because of the curse, the love for their people (and in arle's case her children as well) which is kept under wraps as well as a possible feeling of loneliness (i dont know about arle but it's possible because of her friend from when she was younger and the fact that she's the sole survivor or something like that)
arlecchino inviting furina on a casual platonic kind of date (furina wants to deny but also she's scared of what'll happen if she denies lol) but it turns out to be a very nice experience for them both, and furina returns home that evening confused but also with slightly lighter spirits when it comes to the harbinger
this begins a small cycle - every so often, arle would stop by (not too often at all because she's busy - furina's glad about that, because while she's warming up to arle she'd still be a bit overwhelmed with too much of her presence) they'd begin warming up to each other, and eventually furi can call arle something akin to a friend (she still gets a bit spooked or startled when arle, for example, raises an arm or something but it's good progress nonetheless!!)
idk i just like them :) Everyone's like "toxic yuri pog" and while you're RIGHT. Toxic yuri pog. May we also consider: two cursed mfs being cursed together and understanding one another
Raises my hand. I'd like to build on this with conditional arlenavifuri.
Navia has closer relations to Arlecchino through business - the Hearth and Spina have been in close cahoots on similar goals for awhile, after all, and while Navia knows better to fully let her guard down around a Harbinger, she does have a level of trust in Arlecchino - at the very least, she believes that they both want the best for Fontaine.
She knows Furina wants that too. Furina and Navia have a relationship based far more in trust post-story, so I truly believe setting the scene with all three of them sharing the room diffuses the tension a bit.
I feel like this polycule is a bit more of a situationship than anything - at this point in her life, I doubt Arlecchino would let herself be truly vulnerable around anyone, but she can be more candid and soft around these two after a time, a relationship forged on mutual, deep respect rather than trust.
A betrayal is always anticipated. They're all prepared for it, and with candor, they're prepared to respect it at least - even if they have to stand against each other again. For now, they'll enjoy the good times together.
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1800duckhotline · 6 months
vampirism is such a fun topic like i love both the physical chronic blood illness idea of it and the generic fantasy and when people get funky with it and decide it has something to do with bugs maybe not in a parasitic way (like darkest dungeons vampires). its also fun to mix them i have a character that lives in a fantasy world but routinely denies all fantastical elements of it (gods, curses, etc) and treats vampirism like a disease when everyone else treats it like a magical curse . and they end up being half right! idk i love how normally you 'break' curses but with vampirism and lycanthropy its almost always referred to as being 'cured'...
yeeee all of this is very much what makes me so enraptured with the concept of vampirism as an illness. im sure there's some reasons and pieces of media that like influenced my preference for this take on it, but its also why im like, forever going to be tainted in the sense that i dont really see the appeal of the dnd approach to it with sires and spawns etc (it just ends up waltzing in territory idgaf about and doesnt make vampirism as a concept richer. To Me. not that it is bad in of itself, its just not what i would do with it)
i just love the approach to it that is pseudoscientific akin to how comic books approach it sometimes, like superhero comics. like if you follow me since a while im a OG morbiushead (i like morbius IN THE COMICS . i think this should be obvious but im clarifying) and the way vampirism is done for his character is like so fawking cool and sexy etc.
in my lore vampirism is kind of like, fucked up to explain the exact origin of it (like its not ahrd. im just bad with words. lmao) but in my mondoverse (its called mondo vuoto and shit) it is basically a chronic illness you can catch through infected bites - aka folks affected by vampirism driven to madness by lack of blood - or through inhaling accidentally 'angel dust' which is derived from specific special geode rocks that come from antarctica. etc etc etc. again it'll make sense if i explain more but that'd just get long
vampirism in my world is just another condition you ought to live with and it currently has no 'cure'. my OC jenica, who's struck by a more grave degree of it (mind you...their situation is quite COMPLEX to say the least hence the gravity of it) has been battling for it for the best half of their life, and they are disabled to full effect due to the debilitating physical effects vampirism can have on the body, as it is a literal deficit of red blood cells production in the body and to sustain a stable condition, one must receive blood transfusions as often as their unique case requires. this is why there's clinics specialized in taking care of patients affected by vampirism... because it is unfortunately a common thing.
its just fun. i also like the silly fantasy goofy vampirism, but power imbalance has never been my cup o tea so i never go that way
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l1qu1dsm00th · 2 years
"Behold! The Ultimate life form!"
Kars is the leader of the Pillar Men, and also the creator of the Stone Masks.
The Stone Masks are Masks which if put on with blood splattered on it will turn people into fricking vampires.
His so to say "evil" plan is to evolve from his natural form to become immune to the sun's rays, and for this he needs to find the Red Stone of Aja to make his masks more powerful, to do this he tries to beat a lot of people and one of them is Joseph Joestar(obiviously the jojo of that time).
He is absolutely the smartest and strongest of all the Pillar Men. He created all the Stone Masks aaaand because of that, "artificial" vampires too so Kars is one of the more important characters in all the anime and manga!
Basically his invention, in the long run, caused all of the shit that happens in jjba lmao. It will affect the Brando, Joestar and Zeppeli families.
And to think a lot of people skip this season. Respectfully, go watch the fucking thing, this shit's important
He has *a lot* of abilities both in his Original form and his Ultimate form!
Original form
Near-Immortality. My boi Kars is immune to age and disease and has lived for approximately 102,000 years
Enhanced Senses Kars can see people thanks to the heat their body produces
Teleportation Kars was shown to be able to teleport during his meeting with Lisa Lisa and Joseph.
Body Manipulation Kars has the same body manipulation capabilities shared by his friends I guess? Their either that or smth along hose lines. When he became the Ultimate Being, Kars' shapeshifting abilities were enhanced and he had access to all the genetic codes of Earth's known life forms along with reactive evolution.
Ultimate Life form
Biology Manipulation As the Ultimate Life Form, Kars' body contains the DNA of everything to ever live on the Earth. He can manipulate his entire body to replicate the traits of any life-form
The ability to fly I guess? Cause when his arms transformed into a weird kind of bird wings, Kars can fly at approximately 240 km/h!! (I searched it up and that's acutally so fast what)
Reactive Evolution Kars can also alter his body to withstand extreme conditions... and turn his hands into squirrels I guess.
Superhuman Intelligence Kars is an extremely intelligent and cunning individual, even by the high standards of his species. He was the one who created the Stone Mask, studying the Pillar Men's brains to unlock untapped power. After he transformed into the Ultimate Life Form, his IQ is estimated to be 400. Much higher than that of even the most intelligent person
Superhuman Senses He is able to hear anything from whale calls to bat screams. His vision is akin to an astronomical telescope (can you imagine that? That's so cool tbh)
Superhuman Strength Kars possesses incredible strength, estimated to be almost 900 kg/cm2 (mmm I'm having feelings about this idk what that meant but yes)
Regeneration Kars can heal any wound in a very short time I'M FAST AS FUCK BOIIII
Immortality Kars is immortal, invincible and nearly indestructible it seems. He doesn't age and he can survive only having himself as a source for everything (he's even ecologic would you look at that/hj)
Personal rambling and praising of the subject
I LOVE HIM. No no no no no. Love is too weak of a word. I ADORE his character. He's just so perfect, every time i see him on screen I flap my hands so much because of how excited I am, I know he's a mass murderer, I know he doesn't care for humanity, I know he's a dick but he's also my comfort character.
Every time I see something about him I freak out. I feel so connected to him for some reason. He's such a self assorbed bustard but I love it tbh. If I could draw anatomy well i'd draw myself with him a lot more but I could draw him decently like once or twice so yea... wryyy...
There are no words able to describe his character as beautiful as I see him fr.
His hair is perfect, I adore it, like bitch you been in there for 100,000 years and you're hair is majestic points to you for sure. He's elegant, petty and arrogant and A LOT of other things that just make him Kars and they are all so spot on. He's so well written I could feel him through the manga if I wanted to.
His powers are great, just great. I'd let him experiment with them on me fr. Example... super strength? Crush please and thank you.
I love his eyes, they're so cool, aswell with his makeup ofc.
I'd let him treat me like a fricking puppy. Imma be real with y'all, if it's him I have no problem with that, where do I sign up. Tell me.
Photo & GIF dump!!
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dragonskyheart · 1 year
Glitch Pokémon Inspired Ultra Beast Penny
Basically what it says on the title. This is a Ultra Beast design of Penny.
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Art Created: IDK the properties window says it was created on December 25, 2022 so around that I guess
Inspiration came from the Glitch Pokémon ♀ . or as it is known: Female Symbol.
For those who DON'T know... This is Female Symbol
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(Enlarged because the original image was too small)
This Pokémon is well known for playing a glitch song without any end in sight.
The Bulbapedia Article for this majestic haunting beast here:
The other things that inspired this design and story is the Glitch City Ghost of Gen 2 infamy and UB Character AU/Wicked AU (And Ultra Beasts in general).
(That and the fact that Penny's dream is to become an idol singer and generally likes to sing. Female Symbol's tendency to create an endless song that softlocks your game due to never entering the battle options screen makes it perfect for a character that is known for aspiring to be a great singer.)
So, what's the story? The story is that she finds a odd bug in one of the games that have yet to be released that affects it in a way that completely destroys the functionality of the game. Everybody is busy with something and she doesn't want to bother anyone. No normal bug-fixing methods work so she enters the game to resolve the issue or otherwise analyze it. (This is after WarioWare Get it Together.) The bug turns out to be a digital entity akin to a virus and attacked her. She manages to get away from the virus and the virus then sets up a digital field in the cyberspace. Penny attempts to leave the digital realm but finds out she can't. As she waits for someone to find her, she notices her body is presenting some minor visual glitching and decides to scan herself to be safe. She then finds out that the digital field is slowly but surely corrupting the data that is currently making up her body and effectively "mutating" her in horrific ways. Scared by this she attempts to find any method possible to escape and when that doesn't work, she pleads for someone to hear her and help. Sadly, nobody in the WarioWare office at the time due to everyone being on a break due to Wario getting sued for something he did and having to go on one of his treasure hunting expeditions in order to pay back the fines and make money back. As time goes on, she gets worse and worse as the glitching alters her body in horrifiying and tragic ways. By the time someone comes across the game, she's glitched so badly that the program can't glitch her to be any worse. Any attempt to cry for help gets warped into strange glitchy sound that sound unearthly and haunting. Unfortunately, the aforementioned 'Someone' happened to be Wario, who when he found the game and saw Penny's pitiful state, sees the damage done to the game and thought that Penny was the cause of the glitched condition of the game, felt disgusted and went to delete the game entirely and start anew. Penny, realizing that Wario wasn't going to get help but effectively erase her from existence panicked and finds a opening in the field created by the computer. Seeing her chance to escape, she goes through the opening and into the computer. Wario, angry at the fact the "stupid virus thing" escaped the game and entered his computer, attempts to delete her. She evades this fate and jumps across other computers, away from Wario. Wario winds up accidentally breaking his computer in the process of all of this and walks away, grumbling about how he now has to fix his computer and curses her out, forgetting about the game entirely. Meanwhile, Penny realizes into the analog world and finds a pond. Having not seen herself since the beginning of the whole ordeal, she curiously peers at the pond. When she stares into the water, she sees a terrifying creature staring back at her. Upon the realization that the creature staring back is her, she cries loudly and feels huge amounts of despair. After she wipes away her tears, she decides to find someone to help her. She is willing to cross the land seeking aid to fix the problem.
So, yeah.. That is alot. The story continues after that but that's the beginning of it all. Lots of angst to go around but it does get better, believe me.
There are ideas to make Ultra Beast designs for the other characters but I only have the codenames for them.
Version with Black Lines
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Headshot for anyone interested (Made around the same day as the main image)
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And one with background
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Look I really like Glitch Pokémon, man.
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keyoflorelei · 2 years
Finally got my English copies of “The Other World's Books Depend on the Bean Counter” which I’m really happy about and love them dearly, but Yen Press’ localization was, not my fave? In regards to shying away from using 社畜.
To an extent, I can kind of understand changing the title from 異世界の沙汰は社畜次第 to something that is relevant to his profession/is “safer” to market (even if I do think it does make the title sound less relatable/more childish), but then purposely shying away from using it in favor of a fairly antiquated word that isn’t commonly or ever used to refer to an employee’s experience was, a choice,,,
社畜 are people whom are severely overworked and treated as an expendable resource. Like yes, the translation “corporate slave” isn’t pretty, but neither is the reality of how companies treat their employees. It’s supposed to make you feel uncomfortable and reinforce just how terrible Kondou’s work experience has been, especially since he tends to downplay it a lot. Companies mistreat their employees so badly, that 過労死 (death from being overworked) is common. (If anything, Kondou was certainly well on his way to that, given his physical condition at the time of being summoned.)
The choice to use “workstock,” doesn’t really capture the meaning/vibe of 社畜 imo,,,  Workstock were the prized possessions of the family that they relied on - draft horses, mules, etc. Like yes, they did do manual labor, but they also had to be well cared for because the families depended on them for survival back in the day. Losing their workstock could devastate families - they weren’t something easily replaceable. It also makes the saint’s explanation a little weird/funny to read through like you expect me to believe that a prime minister/captain of the guard,,, whose society still uses workstock,,, would not be able to make the connection?
idk I just think that: “He’s a corporate slave.” “A corporate slave?” “Yes, you know like the livestock you own that slave away for you?” is more meaningful than “He’s like, workstock” “Like workstock...?”  “Yes! You know how you keep livestock on farms to help out with some of the work...?” Like you mean to tell me that the working conditions of a man, one who didn’t even realize that magic was poisoning him because he thought having terrible stomach pains from not eating well in his previous life were the norm, is akin to “helping out with some of the work”???
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