#something is wrong with my Y axis
neiptune · 7 months
it’s valentine’s day, you clown
cw: 1.2k wc, blank blogs don't interact, something something your volleyball superstar boyfriend tooru flies home to surprise you only to pass out on your bed, this is my first ever hq fic and it's a complete coincidence that it's about him please be nice and don't make any assumptions
thank you @moondust-lore for reading this 🤍
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His breathing stays regular and quiet as you crawl onto the mattress. Your bed is still somehow comically small and far from ideal to accomodate that unique ensemble of long limbs, sturdy muscles and swooping brown hair. Yet his sleep is serene, features relaxed that fill your chest with warmth that almost prompts your fingers to run through smooth locks. How have they not been rendered thicker or dry by the sea salt yet?
You’re careful as you snuggle closer to his broad back, not really wanting to wake him up. A small smile creeps onto your lips at the thought of how tired he must’ve been, couldn’t even bother to properly slip underneath the covers, knocked out in seconds. Flying all the way to Japan, travelling for almost 24 full hours to surprise someone must do that to a person.
The shock has worn out, the sensation of your heart being one second from bursting and exploding into a million golden confetti has dimmed. Now your head feels clear enough for your mind to be focusing on the important stuff, the mundane thoughts you didn’t have the luxury of dwelling on for months are a messy but colorful vortex. Would he like the usual for dinner? Does the uniform or any shirts need some ironing? Yes, yes, Tooru favors dry cleaners because they’re practical and he’s rich but you desperately want to contribute. You want proof that he’s home, actually home. With his big designer suitcases and wrinkled shirts and ridiculously expensive glasses and a smile that still shifts your world’s axis.
You allow yourself to scoot closer, until your nose brushes against his shoulder. He radiates a comforting  warmth and smells nice as always. Of sunscreen, beaches, the cologne you have bought for his birthday. As you shut your eyes, memories from the previous night start slowly blurring the edges of your consciousness and lull you to sleep.
“Shit! Fuck!” you jolt awake at the unexpected profanities, the last thing you remember dreaming about including tanned skin and a much more peaceful scenery made of rolling waves and golden, powdery sand.
“What… what’s wrong?!”
Oikawa Tooru is looking at your with what could be only defined as a glare. Eyes squinted, accusatory worry lines and all.
“You let me sleep? Why were you sleeping too instead of waking me up? It’s late!” his pitch gets higher with each word and by the end of the fully formed sentence you’re grimacing. The awfully old digital alarm clock on your nighstand flashes a red 11:05 PM.
“I’m sorry!” you panic “I didn’t mean to fall asleep! I know it’s late but I can probably put something together for dinner anyway? Are you that hungry? Wait, actually, let me get something delivered and…”
Now he’s staring with an openly outraged look on his pretty face, which makes you think finishing the thought probably isn’t the smartest idea.
“You… don’t want me to order in? I mean, fine, you can pick any local restaurant or takeaway, I don’t really ca-”
“Are you stupid?”
Ok, well. That feels unfair.
“I already apologized for falling asleep, no need to be a jerk” now you’re squinting your eyes at him. One eye. The other is being relentlessly rubbed.
“You’re right” he sighs and his massive shoulders slump, head hanging low like a wounded animal “it’s not your fault. I’m the dumb one. Couldn’t even set an alarm”
“I think you’re blowing this out of proportion, we can still eat something. If you’re worrying about your sleep schedule, I’m sure I can find some sleeping pills or…”
Oikawa looks at you, exasperated.
“That’s definitely not what I’m worried about”
“What the hell are you worried about, then?”
“It’s valentine’s day, you clown”
You blink back your surprise, his fond eye roll not easing the heat that takes over your face as realization finally dawns on you. “That’s… that’s why you flew here?”
Tooru leans forward to lightly flick your forehead. A car passes down the street, the light bleeding through your shades brightens the room for a moment and you catch the sincere amusement in his eyes.
“Yes, darling dearest. That’s exactly why I flew here. I was also supposed to make plans, take you out on a proper date, rob a flower shop from the inside out instead of passing out and drooling on your favorite duvet”
You stare back at his comical frown for a few seconds more before falling back into your pillows with a chuckle.
“Glad you think this is funny and not irredeemably gross. Stop giggling, let me think. I’m gonna go buy the most expensive champagne bottle and pick dandelions along the fucking sidewalk if I have to, and then-”
“What?” he’s already swinging one leg over the edge of the bed “I’ll be quick”
“You’re here”
Oikawa snorts.
“Yes, I’m still here. Now, if you could kindly let go of my shirt…”
“I don’t want any of those things. You know I don’t want them”
He huffs and air comes out of his nose. “Yeah, I know. But I wanted it to be special” his tone is petulant but you recognize the real thing vibrating underneath, the genuine disappointment.
“It’s already special because you’re here. The only thing that could make it extra special is you filling this cold, empty spot next to me” you pat the covers with a lenient smile and Oikawa allows himself three seconds, three entire seconds to sulk and flash you those big, wet, sopping eyes with a pout that makes him less of a volleyball superstar and more of a kicked labrador puppy.
You welcome his painfully heavy body on top of yours, sharp angles and hard muscles that somehow melt perfectly in your embrace. He’s holding you so tight, head buried in the crook of your neck, soft hair tickling your cheek.
“I’m sorry” Tooru murmurs the apology quietly and seals it into your skin. You know he truly is, devastated as he always gets when something doesn’t go according to the plan. Always one for grandiose gestures and loud displays of affection, chasing whatever it takes to validate how he feels just in case the other person needs proof, always additional proof heaven forbid they feel neglected or get bored. His confidence wavering, his mind always running 100 miles an hour. Am I doing enough? Am I still enough?
“I love you” you reply for good measure and his arms tighten around your body.
But do I deserve it?
“Thank you for flying across the planet to get to me” you smile into his hair before kissing the side of his head “I missed you”
“I’d fly across the solar system to get to you” he’s smiling too, it’s in his voice.
“Corny” with a grin, you pinch his cheek until he looks up with an exaggerated, pained groan. But before he has the chance to protest, you take his disgustingly pretty face in your hands. 
“Wherever you fly from, I’ll be there to welcome you home”
Tooru smiles into the kiss, chases your lips when you relax back into the pillows.
And I’ll spend my life trying to deserve it.
Good thing he has at least five different Havanna Alfajores variety boxes somewhere in one of those suitcases. And two tickets to fly back to Argentina.
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pickingupmymercedes · 2 months
I need you to let me go - Lewis Hamilton
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Sequence: Not just a pretty face / I need you to let me go / Fly on my own / Leap of faith (bonus)
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader!
warnings: angsty
wordcount: +2K
a/n: It's not even a slowburn atp, just pure longing and angst. Anyway, do we want a happy ending or just pure heartbreak and right person wrong time trope?
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
The air thrummed with a deafening bass beat, the pulsating lights painting the faces in the opulent ballroom with a kaleidoscope of colors.
Y/n felt the familiar unease crawl up her arms. Parties like this were a necessary evil, a way to keep her father's business connections happy. But that night, the forced smiles and meaningless conversations felt unbearable. Her eyes flitting across the room, searching for the familiar dark hair she had seen before, a hint of that easy swagger that always seemed to draw her gaze.
Lewis stood laughing to a corner, his arm casually draped around the waist of a blonde model. Y/n recognized her from his Instagram baddies rounds; someone with a penchant for fame, fast cars and the medal that was having Lewis Hamilton for a weekend.
A sharp annoyance twisted in her stomach, but not jealousy, not exactly. It was more a bitter disappointment, a confirmation of something she'd always knew but had been trying to ignore. Lewis, the man who often made her world tilt on its axis, was just like the others and their list of conquests.
She straightened her back, forcing a smile onto her lips as a group of her father's associates approached. They were a predictable bunch – men with oil money dripping from their tailored suits, wives adorned with enough diamonds to blind those who didn’t know any better.
The conversation followed a familiar script – pleasantries about the weather, questions on her father, on who would take after his business, about her "jet-setting lifestyle." Y/n answered with practiced ease, her mind already a million miles away.
But then a voice cut through the monotonous drone. "Y/n! Looking as radiant as ever."
She turned to see Francis Chrysler, heir to a automobile empire and carrying his family name on that party, much like Y/n. They had known each other since they were kids, Y/n would travel up north to spend summer in the Hamptons with her grandmother and Francis would meet his parents in the US, back from his bordering school in the UK.
Y/n couldn’t deny he was something. Tall, impeccably dressed, and with a smile that could charm the birds from the trees, Francis was exactly the type of man everyone hoped she’d marry – stable, successful, from a “good family” and undeniably the type to merge her family’s fortune to even deeper riches.
But that night, he was also the perfect tool for the job at hand.
"Francis" she replied, a touch of coolness in her voice. "Lovely to see you."
The blonde took her hand, his fingers lingering a beat too long. "I must say, I didn’t expect to see you in the city so early in the year."
" You know me too well. I’d much rather stay in California until it’s warm enough up here" she said, her eyes scanning the room again. Lewis was gone, the blonde model nowhere to be seen.
“But duty called?” Francis focused his gaze on her, trying to get her to look at him before he touched her arm “Something like that” she finally conceded, looking up at him with a warm but emotionless smile.
The rest of the night was a blur of champagne flutes and hollow conversations. Francis, was attentive, even charming in his way. But his attentions only served to highlight the hollowness that echoed inside her.
Lewis's fleeting stares, the way his eyes seemed to see right through her meticulously facade - those were the things she craved, the things she couldn't have.
As the party started to wind down, Y/n found an excuse to slip away. She needed air, needed a moment of sanity away from the suffocating atmosphere and maybe some fresh air from her own mind.
Stepping outside onto the balcony, she took a deep breath of crisp night air. The city lights shimmered below, a glittering reminder of everything she was supposed to aspire. But all she could think about was how her mind and heart could never reach an agreement.
A sudden movement near the edge of the balcony caught her eye. Lewis stood there by himself, leaning against the railing, his face hidden in the shadows. A surge of conflicting emotions coursed her as she noticed he too studied her face – relief, anger, hope.
"Lewis," she said, her voice barely a whisper.
"Enjoying the company, Y/n?" His voice was a low murmur, his hands gripping a bit too tight against the metal bar.
The question was laced with a playful challenge, a reminder of her earlier display with Francis as they talked and his hand rested a bit too low on her waist. "I manage" she replied, forcing a lightness that didn't quite reach her eyes.
"So, I see," he said, his gaze dropping to where the blonde’s hand had been. A flicker of something dark crossed his face before it was quickly masked by a charming smile. "He seems...familiar with you."
"He's harmless" Y/n said dismissively, the lie bitter on her tongue.
"Didn’t look like that" Lewis countered, his voice taking on a serious edge.
They stood there, the unspoken tension hanging heavy in the air. Y/n, unable to bear the weight of his gaze any longer, broke eye contact.
"Jealousy doesn't suit you, Y/n" Lewis said, his voice laced with amusement.
She scoffed. "Jealousy? Don't flatter yourself, Lewis. You can have your little arm candy."
His amusement vanished, replaced by a coldness that made her shiver. "Is that what he was then? Your arm candy?"
Silence stretched between them, thick and suffocating. Y/n knew she was playing a dangerous game, one that probably wouldn’t end well.
"Why the charade, Y/n?" He took a step closer, the air crackling with unspoken tension. "Why the forced smiles?"
"Maybe," she countered, her voice holding steadier than she felt "because I'm tired of the stolen glances and the late-night texts that lead to nothing."
Lewis stared at her; his expression unreadable. She could almost hear the cogs turning in his mind, processing her outburst.
A bitter laugh escaped her lips. "Don't tell me you haven't felt it too, Lewis. The frustration, the longing. We dance around each other like moths to a flame, but neither one of us dares to get burned."
He remained silent; his jaw clenched tight. Finally, he spoke, his voice hoarse. "What do you want, Y/n? Because honestly, I have no idea anymore. It was never a secret how I feel about you."
Her heart hammered against her ribs. Here it was, the question she both dreaded and craved.
The answer, however, remained a tangled mess of emotions.
"I..." she started, then stopped.
There was the comfortable life she'd always known, the endless jet-setting, the security of her family's wealth. The power she carried with her from a very young age. A power her mother had taught her to never take for granted. To never trade for a man.
But then there was Lewis, her very own whirlwind of passion and ambition who challenged everything she thought she knew and wanted. He was exhilarating and terrifying in equal measure. And she couldn’t stand the possibility of changing a single inch of him, even if he offered.
"I don't know," she finally admitted, a tear rolling down her cheek. A truth so raw and honest it took her by surprise to being able to say out loud.
Lewis reached out, brushing the tear away with his thumb. His touch a reminder of their connection that transcended words. For a moment, they were lost in each other's eyes, a silent peace hanging in the air.
"But you want something" he pressed gently.
She nodded, unable to speak through the lump in her throat. Part of her yearned for a life intertwined with his, a life with the adrenaline he came intertwined with. The other though, craved stability, a future that she could plan about.
"Why are we doing this, Lewis?" she blurted out, finally turning to face him fully again. "This game of… of pretending we don't care."
His jaw clenched briefly, a flicker of frustration mirroring her own. "Because," he began, his voice low and controlled, "because it's easier than this. Easier than admitting what this is."
He gestured vaguely between them; the unspoken truth thick in the air.
"And what exactly is this, then, Lewis?" she challenged, a tremor in her voice finally showing the faltering of her walls.
He took a step closer, his eyes searching hers, and with each step, the temperature between them seemed to rise, Y/n not backing the slightest.
"It's frustrating, isn't it?" Y/n spoke the words hanging in the air, her voice barely a whisper.
"It's torture," he corrected her, his voice raw with emotion. "Seeing you with someone else..." He trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished. The implication hanging heavy. Y/n felt his pain echo within her, a bittersweet recognition.
His eyes searched hers, a silent plea hanging between them. He wanted her, she knew that much. But the fear of disrupting their fragile equilibrium, of sacrificing their comfortable charade, held them both captive.
A wave of despair washed over Y/n. They were caught in a never-ending loop, dancing around their desires, afraid to take the leap.
"Then why do we keep doing this?" she whispered, her voice cracking. "Why do we keep pretending?"
He reached out, his thumb tenderly brushing at her hand.
"Because," he said, his voice barely above a murmur, "because even this… even this agonizing dance is better than not having you at all."
"Is it?" she questioned, the tears she had tried so fiercely to keep in finally spilling over. "Because all this yearning is slowly breaking me."
He flinched at her words, the pain in her eyes mirroring his own. They stood there, bathed in the city’s lights, the weight of unspoken desires and the reality of their relationship created a suffocating silence between them.
Finally, Y/n took a step back, pulling away from his touch. The physical distance mirroring the emotional chasm that seemed to be growing between them.
“I can keep you in the dark, Lewis. You deserve love. And I can’t give you that. Not right now” The look of raw vulnerability on his face tore at her heart, but she knew she was right. They couldn't keep living in this state of perpetual longing.
"Y/n, I’m not a child, I know what I’m getting myself into" he began, his voice laced with annoyance. But she held up a hand, silencing him.
"I need to go" she choked out, turning away from him before she crumbled completely.
Without another word, she walked back inside, the party lights blurring with the tears that she fought so valiantly to hold in.
Weeks later y/n found herself sneaking into a european f1 paddock late at night on a Friday.
The roar of the engine had long been replaced by the sterile hiss of the garages closing around them. It was a sound she would normally hate, a constant reminder of the world that made Lewis impossible to her.
But that night, it was a chilling and fitting melody to accompany the hollowness in her chest that threaded to swallow her.
They hadn't spoken in almost a month. Not since the party and since their talk, the one that shattered the fragile peace they'd managed to balance.
His silence was a language she knew all too well, a tapestry woven with disappointment and unspoken blame, his and hers.
She watched him from across the dimly lit garage, the harsh overhead lights glinting off at his temple. He looked beautiful, untouchable, a goddamn champion shrouded in the shadows.
It was a sight that would've probably lighten something in her, a reminder of why she kept coming back.
But tonight, all she felt was a cold dread.
"I need your help Lewis.” she whispered, the words a plea and a surrender all at once. The air hanging heavy, thick with the unspoken truth that both refused to accept it.
His eyes flickered to hers, surprise quickly replaced by a steely glint. He opened his mouth to retort, but the words died on his lips as she continued. “I need you to let me go”
Maybe he saw it too, the raw vulnerability etched on her face, the fear that threatened to consume her.
"Because honestly," she murmured, her voice barely above a choked sob, "I haven’t been able to do it on my own”
The words hung in the air, a desperate confession that shattered the carefully constructed walls around her heart. Lewis took a hesitant step towards her, his brow furrowed in confusion.
"Y/n?" His voice was rough, laced with something that sounded suspiciously like hope.
She shook her head, tears blurring her vision. "Nobody gets me like you" she choked out, the words echoing the hurt in the duty she felt to follow her better judgment instead of her heart.
It was a messy confession, a tangle of contradictions and unspoken desires. But in the quiet of the garage, under the harsh glare of the lights, it felt like the only truth that mattered.
Lewis closed the distance left between them, his arms enveloping her in a warmth that chased away the chill that had settled in her bones since that NYC night.
There were no answers, just the echo of a question hanging in the air, a question that they both knew neither had the answer to. But for those moments, in the fragile space between letting go and holding on, they hung to a sliver of solace, a flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe, they could find a way out.
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wlntrsldler · 5 months
poisoned mercury | long way home
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a/n: poisoned mercury is officially over :( but i will be adding small blurbs in between chapters and adding post-chb five star and luke to the masterlist because i'm not ready to say bye to them just yet. enjoy pm's sophomore album cover, optimism don't come easy (unless it's with you). also no tags for this one because tumblr has been super weird and the tags haven't been working for everyone.
x. long way home by 5sos
series masterlist | previous | next
“thank you all for your participation this summer at camp half blood,” mr. d said into the microphone. he was finishing up his end-of-the-year speech and there was no dry eye in the house. all the campers were sniffling as they reminisced on all the memories they made this summer. your dad cleared his throat, “if any of you tell anyone that i cried, i will never forgive you.” 
annabeth giggled, rubbing the tears from her eyes, “your dad makes that joke every year, i swear.” 
“oh, i’m sure,” you replied, laughing along with her. “above all, he is a dad and that means he recycles the same jokes over and over again.” 
“and they’re never funny,” percy added, though he was laughing at what mr. d was saying. “but i feel like i gotta laugh or else i won’t be accepted next year.” 
“you have my permission to not laugh, perce,” you nudged him. “he gotta get some new material.” 
“hey,” clarisse said from beside you. you turned to her, letting annabeth, percy, and grover fall into their own conversation. she was no longer adorned in her camp counselor outfit, opting to wear something from her own closet now that her duties for the summer were finished. “thanks for getting me this job, y/n. kinda changed my life with this one.” 
your eyes darted between clarisse and chris, who was waiting by the wings of the stage ready for his cue to close out the farewell celebration. you placed a hand on clarisse’s knee, giving it a squeeze, “thanks for always having my back, clar.” 
“always,” she nodded, “you’re my sister.” 
you were feeling a lot of things at once. there were a lot of emotions coursing through your veins. you always knew that there were people who cared about you. your parents had a funny way of showing it sometimes, but you never doubted that they loved you. your friends, clarisse, silena, charlie, were always there for you, even during the most stressful times of your life. the poisoned mercury boys who welcomed you with open arms like you were a part of their dysfunctional family the whole time. 
and luke. 
where do you even start with luke? luke castellan was the boy you had promised yourself never to fall for again. the heartbreaker, the player, the musician, and yet, here you were, completely eating your words. everything you thought you knew about him was wrong and since you let your guard down, your world was turned on its axis. he was so much more than what people made him out to be. he was so much more than you expected him to be. 
and you were lucky enough to have him. who knew a summer in montauk would lead to this? 
“to close out our incredible summer, welcome poisoned mercury!” your dad said, clapping wildly as the boys entered the stage. he placed the mic back on the stand, giving short hugs to the band as they walked up to him. luke was the last to hug your dad and their interaction lasted longer than the rest of the boys’. when they pulled away from their embrace, luke had a slight blush on his face and a goofy grin as his eyes scanned the crowd to find you. 
he sent you a shy wave from the stage as he adjusted the mic to his level. you blew him a kiss, which he returned and that made the crowd go wild. to them, luke was blowing a kiss into the ether, a message with no recipient, but you knew it was meant for you. something about it made your heart constrict in your chest. it was still hard to believe he chose you, but luke spent every waking moment making sure you believed it. 
“camp half blood,” luke said, eyes twinkling under the lights. travis picked up his drumsticks from the floor, giving the left one a twirl, as he got situated on his stool. connor and chris played their guitars experimentally, tweaking the strings to get the right key. “man, i don’t even think we can explain just how thankful we are to have spent the summer with you all.” 
luke turned around to face the boys who all nodded in agreement.luke faced the crowd again, sighing, “i learned a lot of things here. one being, there are a lot of talented people out there in the world. getting to work with y’all was such an amazing experience. many of you guys are aspiring musicians, and i’m here to tell you to keep going. i know it seems like sometimes your dreams aren’t worth chasing, but i promise you they are.” 
“some of you kids are so talented,” luke said, shaking his head in disbelief. “little beth, i’m talking about you when i say this. you’re brilliant and i know i’m gonna be seeing your name in the charts in a few years. you got more talent in your pinky finger than we four up here have combined.” 
the rest of the boys laughed, but agreed. luke narrowed his eyes, searching for a few more faces to give a shoutout to, “oh! and our boys percy and grover! we love you guys. keep in touch. you guys have to join us in the studio one day.” 
“did luke castellan just give us a shoutout?” grover asked, turning to percy with his eyes as wide as saucers. 
you laughed, patting him on the back, “i believe he did.” 
“holy shit,” percy mumbled. 
“come on, counselor clarisse,” the blond boy groaned, “camp is over.” 
clarisse huffed, smiling teasingly, “fine. i’ll give you a pass this one time.” 
“not many people know this, but i went to camp half blood when i was younger,” luke continued, looking down at his feet. “it was my favorite place in the world. some of my best memories involved me sitting right where many of you are sitting right now, but then life happened and things went sideways for me for a while. it took me a while to pick up a guitar again, but man, i’m so glad i did.” 
“if it wasn’t for music, i wouldn’t be here in front of you guys today,” he smiled, locking eyes with you, “and i wouldn’t have had the best summer of my life.” 
“holy shit,” clarisse said, mimicking percy. she turned to you with a wide grin, “castellan is talking about you up there.” 
“he is not.” 
as if he read your mind, luke leaned into the mic, “thanks, five star.” 
your heart swelled as memories of this summer flooded your mind; the smoke sessions in your secret spot that soon became luke’s as much as it was yours. hours sitting on the creaky bench as you both got lost in the fog of vices and genuine conversations. the bench where you learned about luke and he learned about you, something more than just introductions and superficial answers; the countless impromptu jam sessions in your cabin that started with you playing records on your speaker and ended with the boys playing their instruments as they screamed out lyrics to their favorite songs with you and clarisse. constant noise complaints from neighboring cabins because you were being too loud so late at night with melodies and laughter escaping through your open window. luke pulling you into his lap as he whispered cheesy love songs into your ear as you giggled; the days in your room, locked away with luke, enjoying his company. his lips always finding their way back to yours like a promise that he’ll always be around. luke. luke luke. 
you were glad the lights were focused on the stage so nobody could see your red cheeks. the boys cheered from behind luke, unabashedly voicing their approval of your relationship. the crowd cheered along, even if none of them knew what the situation was. luke rolled his eyes at his friends for the commotion they started, “the song we’re playing for you today is not yet released, but we decided that it’s the perfect song to end the perfect summer. this song is called long way home, we hope you like it.” 
“did you know you had a dimple on your back?” you asked, letting your finger linger in the crevice on luke’s skin. goosebumps raised on his tanned flesh as you lightly grazed his exposed back. “right here.” 
“mhm,” he replied, off-handedly. he didn’t really know what you were saying. he was too dazed by the feeling of your touch on him. you two were on the grass on the hill by the lake, a reprieve, a plead for time to stop even just for a few minutes. tomorrow summer would officially be over. tomorrow the two of you would be leaving camp half blood. tomorrow you would no longer have empty hours to fill with each other. 
luke didn’t want to think about it too much. he’d gotten too used to finding you lounging in your room or in the living room where he could join you to do nothing. to do everything. he didn’t know how he’d survive the next few months without you. your coach gave you the all-clear to resume practice once you were back on campus, which meant that visits during short breaks were no longer an option. luke was happy that things worked out for you, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t disappointed that you could no longer visit him during thanksgiving break. 
droplets of water from your hair trickled down his back. he was face down with his head facing you, eyes fluttered shut as a sign of peace, while you leaned over him, tracing shapes on his back. you’d both just emerged from the water, checking off items on your “summer goodbye bucket list.” that’s what you’ve been up to this last week, revisiting memories and places that you weren’t ready to leave yet. 
you chuckled softly, pressing a light kiss on luke’s spine. he smiled at the feeling of your lips, eyes hazily opening to meet yours. you took your place beside him, propping yourself up on an elbow as you watched luke come back to his senses, “are you even listening to me?” 
“of course,” he lied, grinning at you in the boyish and charming way that always had your knees buckling. he squinted as you moved your head, the heat of the sun hitting his face, “‘m always listening to you, five star.” 
he laughed then, letting the sound echo into the air, “i try my best, at least. but i’m no multitasker. i can’t concentrate when you’re sitting here all pretty in front of me and touching me like this.” 
“you’re such a flirt,” you grimaced, though the smile on your face gave away your true feelings for the boy. luke looked pretty like this. there was no tension in his shoulders, like he was finally letting himself breathe. you wondered when you’d see him like this again. just last night after the celebration, you two had stayed up talking until deep into the night about how nervous he was to come back to the spotlight. he’d found solace in camp half blood, in not having to look over his shoulder every day in fear of the world. he didn’t know how the public would react to him being back again, especially since he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep up his facade now that it’s all crumbled since he met you. 
maybe it was his lack of sleep that was making him vulnerable and a little delirious, but he shared with you that he felt like he’s changed. the luke that walked into camp half blood who was too scared to be himself in fear of rejection and failure was no longer there. a few months ago, he wouldn’t be caught dead like this, all soft and gentle for a girl. he couldn’t remember the last time he wanted to see a girl more than once. but with you, he couldn’t help it. the luke that he truly was became his default state when he was with you. all he wanted to do was hold you in his arms and be with you for as long as you’d let him. 
“you say that like it’s a bad thing, baby,” he grumbled, raising a hand to shield his eyes from the sun. “you don’t like it when i flirt with you?” 
you rolled your eyes playfully, adjusting your head until you fully blocked the light from his face again. you laced your fingers with his, letting out a hum when he squeezed your hand. “i didn’t say that.” 
“so, let me flirt with you,” luke said. “i like flirting with you. you blush every time i do it and i think it’s fucking adorable.” 
“stop,” you whined knowing that the blush he was referring to was starting to show on your skin. maybe you could blame it on the heat, but you both knew that that would be a lie. it was because of him. it was always because of him. “you like teasing me, don’t you, castellan?” 
“a little bit,” he admitted, scrunching his face up in a way that brought out the creases between his eyebrows. his lips curved into a lopsided smile. his arms reached out to snake around your waist, pulling you on his body as he laid on his back. he placed his hands along the expanse of your bare thighs as you situated yourself on his abdomen. your fingers played with the silver chain around his neck. luke massaged your thighs, sighing out, “i like knowing i have that effect on you.” 
“me and half the female population,” you snorted, “as much as you act like you know just how amazing you are since you have a gigantic ego, i feel like you also don’t give yourself enough credit.” 
luke quirked an eyebrow, “was that a compliment, five star?” 
“don’t get used to it,” you smacked his shoulder lightly, making him let out a chuckle. his chest rumbled from under you as his hands made their way up your waist. luke’s hands were always warm. he had callouses on his fingers from playing guitar and bumps on his palms from lifting at the gym. there were characteristics about his hands that made you believe that you’d know his touch even if you were blindfolded. there was something different in the way he touched you, even in the most innocent ways, you knew when it was luke. there was a light in your brain that would go off every time he was around, like your body, mind, and heart knew when he was there. 
“i’ll take what i can get,” he conceded.
“does it bother you that i don’t compliment you as much as you compliment me?” 
“nah,” he replied, looking up at you. the sun was framing your face in a way that made his breath hitch. you looked ethereal like this. it was like you were a figment of his imagination. luke had to place his hand flat on your ribcage to feel you breathe just to convince himself that you were real. “makes these little moments even sweeter.” 
“but you know, right?” you questioned, eyes not once leaving his own. a shadow of doubt flashed across your irises. “you know what i think of you?” 
luke castellan had a way with words that left you speechless. perhaps it was because he was a songwriter, trained to string together words in a way that you could never achieve. he made a living by writing, by voicing how he felt, and turning it into art, into music. there were many moments where luke would say things so poetically that it made your head spin. he says things so casually, so easily like he didn’t just utter out the most romantic things you’ve ever heard in your life. 
you envied him for it, a little bit. you wished you could tell him how you felt about him as easily as he said it with you, but anything you tried to say felt like it would pale in comparison. luke didn’t mind. you had your own way of showing him how you felt. it was in your touch, taking your time to admire his imperfections. it was in the way you kissed him, smiling so wide like you couldn’t help it whenever he would press his lips to yours. it was in the way you paid attention to him, the little things that he didn’t even realize he did. 
“‘course, i do,” luke tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear. he took his time bringing his hand back to your waist. he liked seeing you nuzzle your face into his palm as you kissed his wrist. “but i wouldn’t be opposed to hearing you say it, either.” 
“i’m not good at saying how i feel,” you said, shoulder hunching as you spoke. it felt like you were letting him in on a secret that you’d never told anyone else. luke could feel his heartbeat in his chest. you dropped the poisoned mercury pendant back on his chest as you leaned down to bury your face in the crook of his neck. “i’m working on it, though. might just take me a while.” 
luke smiled at you. his voice was earnest as he placed a kiss on the top of your head, “we got all the time in the world, five star. there’s no rush.” 
you furrowed your eyebrows at his words, “we leave tomorrow, luke.” 
“mhm,” he repeated, thumb running across your lower back. it made you shiver, the realization of his words hitting you. “like i said, we got all the time in the world.” 
you pulled away from him, cradling his face in your hands as you placed a kiss on his lips, “yeah, we do.” 
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merthosus · 27 days
Hi! Do you mind doing like an angsty fluff with Diego where you finally meet him again in the 60s at Elliot’s after he’s been stuck at the mental institution, but somethings off, he’s got someone else glued to his hip.
Meeting again
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Summary: You were the last sibling, landing onto your feet, infront of a usual looking ally. The first thing, which came to your mind was finding the others, especially Diego. But little did you know, after finding him you wish you never did.
Thank you for your lovely request, even tho it broke my heart! Also, here a sexy poster from Five I fell in love with! With every purchase you automatically support me :) https://amzn.to/3yGK6Fm
“She’s… we’ve been through a lot together”
After getting brutally teleported into a different timeline, falling out of two meters onto hard concrete and getting cat-called by multiple old man on the streets, your day already was ruined. Thinking that it couldn't get any worse was understandable but at the same time so wrong. It got worse, it got incredibly worse.
You were on a hunt. `your prey?', you may ask. A six foot tall, handsome (you would never tell him that, his ego is big enough), and amazingly accurate knife throwing man. It was difficult to overlook him. You were kind of disappointed, that he didn't make you a trail out of knifes like in Hensel and Gretel. Something like that would have made it easier to find him. But as you knew him, everywhere he stepped a foot, he left a mark. Involuntary most times.
34 days later...
You’ve been searching for Diego for what feels like forever, a gnawing worry in your gut that only grew with each passing day. When you finally heard that he’d been taken to a mental institution after landing in the 60s, your heart dropped. The relief of knowing he was alive was quickly overshadowed by the fear of what he’d been through.
The day you finally walk into Elliot’s place, you spot him immediately. Your heart leaps at the sight of him—alive, whole, and so achingly familiar. But something’s off. He’s not alone. There’s a woman glued to his side, her hand resting on his arm as if it belongs there. She’s talking to him, and he’s smiling down at her, a softness in his eyes that you’ve only ever seen directed at you.
You freeze in the doorway, the world tilting on its axis. The Diego you know would have come running to you, would have swept you into his arms without a second thought. But this Diego just glances up, his eyes widening in surprise, then flicking back to the woman beside him. It’s like a punch to the gut, leaving you breathless and disoriented.“Diego?” Your voice is small, uncertain, as if you’re not sure if this is really happening. His gaze finally locks onto yours, and for a moment, you see the Diego you know—the one who fought for you, who would do anything to keep you safe. But then he steps back, putting a small distance between the two of you, as if he’s unsure of how to bridge the gap that’s formed between you.
“Y/N,” he says, your name coming out in a breath, like he’s been holding it in this whole time. But his tone is guarded, almost hesitant, and it breaks your heart a little more. The woman at his side looks between the two of you, confusion and maybe a hint of understanding dawning on her face. You force yourself to smile, but it feels brittle. “It’s good to see you,” you say, even though every part of you is screaming that this isn’t right. That something has changed, something you don’t know if you can fix.
Diego glances at the woman beside him, then back at you. “This is Lila,” he introduces, and there’s something in the way he says her name that makes your stomach churn. “She’s… she helped me get out of the hospital.” “Helped?” The word comes out sharper than you intended, and you see Diego flinch. Lila doesn’t seem to notice, or maybe she just doesn’t care. She smiles at you, and it’s almost too easy, too friendly. “Yeah, helped,” Diego replies, his voice softer now, like he’s trying to ease you into something you’re not ready to hear. “She’s… we’ve been through a lot together.”
The unspoken words hang in the air between you, and you can feel your heart cracking just a little more with each passing second. “I’m glad you’re okay,” you manage to say, even though your voice trembles. Diego’s eyes soften, and for a brief moment, it’s just the two of you again, like it used to be. “I’m glad you’re here,” he says, and you know he means it, but there’s still that barrier between you, the one you’re not sure how to cross.
Lila touches his arm, and the moment shatters. “We should go,” she says, looking up at Diego, and he nods, though he looks back at you as if he wants to say something more. “Yeah,” he agrees, and the word feels like a goodbye. “We’ll talk later, okay?”
You nod, unable to trust your voice. You watch as they walk away, side by side, and it feels like your heart is being wrenched out of your chest. But just before they disappear, Diego glances back at you one last time, and in his eyes, you see it—the regret, the confusion, the love he’s trying so hard to push down. And you know, deep down, that this isn’t the end. But it doesn’t stop it from hurting like hell.
Alright I will go cry now but still thanks for the request :)
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elryuse · 2 months
Omg I love your yandere stuff, I would like to request some yandere seoyeon from triple s
Yandere Seoyeon (TripleS) X Male Reader
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Seoyeon's POV
My heart hammered against my ribs like a trapped bird. Y/n's smile, meant for everyone during our class presentation, felt like a spotlight burning straight into my soul. Today, I practiced confessing a million times in the mirror, but the words still felt like clumsy birds, refusing to take flight in front of him.
Later, after practice, I practically ran to Xinyu, our TripleS dorm room a whirlwind of scattered clothes as I changed. "Xinyu, Xinyu! I need your help!"
Xinyu, ever the reliable friend, looked up from her phone. "Whoa, slow down, Seoyeon. What's wrong?"
"It's Y/n! I need to tell him how I feel, but I'm scared he won't like me back." Tears welled up in my eyes.
Xinyu squeezed my hand. "Hey, Seoyeon, you're TripleS's Seoyeon! He'd be lucky to have you. Here's what we'll do. How about I get to know him better, then create an opportunity for you two?"
Relief washed over me. "Really? You'd do that for me?"
"Absolutely! Now, spill the details about him."
The next few days were a blur of stolen glances at Y/n and Xinyu's enthusiastic reports of their "study sessions" at the library. A flicker of unease ignited in my chest, but I pushed it down. Xinyu was my friend, and she was just helping.
Then, one evening, Xinyu burst into our room, her eyes wide. "Seoyeon, you won't believe it! Y/n and I almost kissed!"
The world seemed to tilt on its axis. My breath hitched, and a cold dread seeped into my bones. "Almost kissed? What do you mean 'almost kissed'?"
Xinyu's smile faltered. "It was just a moment, Seoyeon. Honestly, I think he likes you more."
But the seed of doubt was sown. Images of Xinyu, my best friend, and Y/n, my love, flashed before my eyes, a horrifying kaleidoscope. The love I felt for Y/n morphed, twisted by jealousy and possessiveness. He was mine, only mine.
That night, I dreamt of a world painted crimson, where Xinyu was a fragile doll, her porcelain mask shattered. I woke up with a gasp, a newfound resolve hardening my heart.
The next day, I cornered Xinyu in the practice room. The fear in her eyes when she saw the glint in mine was delicious. Her apology was a whimper, lost in the roar of my own voice.
"Y/n is mine, Xinyu. And if anyone tries to take him from me..." My voice trailed off, but the unspoken threat hung heavy in the air.
Later that day, I found Y/n alone on the rooftop. The city stretched out beneath us, a glittering tapestry of indifference. Tears streamed down my face as I confessed my love, a torrent of words laced with a terrifying intensity that left him speechless.
Seizing his moment of stunned silence, I leaned in and kissed him. It was a kiss that tasted of desperation and a kind of love that was all-consuming and suffocating.
As we pulled apart, Y/n's eyes were wide with a mixture of fear and something else I couldn't decipher. But in that moment, it didn't matter. He was mine, and no one, not even Xinyu, would ever take him away from me.
The kiss was a dam breaking within me. The possessiveness that had been simmering beneath the surface erupted into a blazing inferno. Y/n was speechless, his surprise a mixture of confusion and something else I desperately hoped was reciprocation.
"I love you, Y/n," I blurted out, the words tumbling over each other in a rush. "You have no idea how much."
He didn't reply, his gaze flickering between me and the approaching figure of Xinyu. Her smile faltered slightly as she neared us, her brow furrowing in confusion.
"Seoyeon? Everything alright here?"
I squeezed Y/n's hand a little too tightly, my voice strained. "We're just... catching up," I said.
Xinyu's smile vanished completely. "Oh," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "Well, I'll just... leave you two to it then."
She turned to walk away, but before she could take a step, I lunged forward. My intention was to steal another kiss, to assert my dominance, but Y/n surprised me. He gently placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Seoyeon," he said, his voice laced with concern. "Look, I appreciate your feelings, but-"
His words were cut short by the sound of my choked sob. Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision. "Don't you like me, Y/n?" I hiccuped. "Xinyu said-"
"Xinyu?" He frowned. "We were just studying together. Seoyeon, I—"
"Because you like her, don't you?" I wailed, my possessiveness twisting into a heartbreaking insecurity.
Y/n sighed, his eyes filled with a warmth that melted the ice around my heart. "No, Seoyeon," he said softly. "You're the one who makes me nervous, the one who makes my heart race."
He cupped my face in his hands, his thumbs gently wiping away my tears. "I do care about you, Seoyeon. But maybe not in the way you want me to."
A flicker of disappointment flickered through me, but it was quickly extinguished by the sincerity in his eyes. "Then how?" I whispered, a sliver of hope peeking through the cracks of my despair.
He smiled, a gentle, understanding smile. "Like a friend, Seoyeon. A very special friend. You're funny, talented, and kind. And maybe, just maybe, if we take things slow..."
A blush crept up my cheeks as he leaned in, his voice barely a murmur. "We could see where this goes."
The world seemed to tilt on its axis, but this time in a wonderful way. Maybe having Y/n in my life as a friend was the best place to start after all. Besides if I got closer to him, I might just finally have him under my fingertips. Soon he will be mine. And There would be nobody who can stop itit.
The End
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The Art of Subtlety
Summary: You were quiet, almost shy, but Bradley suspected there was more to you than meets the eye. When Jake claims that it’s impossible for a woman to successfully fake an orgasm, you prove him wrong (while proving Bradley absolutely right) right there in the middle of the Hard Deck. With his world tilted on its axis at your little display, he’s left wondering: why are you so good at faking it, and how would you really sound if he’s the one bringing you pleasure?
Word Count: 2.7K
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Reader (no use of y/n, so can be read as unnamed OC)
Warnings: Language, allusions to smut, I guess public acts even though it’s faking?
Notes: I found this buried in my WIP list and decided to finish it. Hope y’all like it!
“She has an Oscar. Of course she can fake it.” 
“What exactly is it that you’re implying, Hangman?” 
Bradley wasn’t sure what he was walking up to, but it was surely something interesting, because Jake was only Hangman to Phoenix when he was doing something irritating, Bagman being her name of choice. The way it fell out of her mouth laced with venom wasn’t to be overlooked, either. 
He settled into an open seat at one of the high tops in the corner they tended to take over in the Hard Deck. You met his eyes and sent him a small smile from your seat across the table, twirling the small black straw in your drink. You looked pretty tonight, in tight denim jeans and an off the shoulder black shirt. But you always looked beautiful; it was one of the first things he had noticed about you. 
“I’m saying it would be noticeable to a man if a woman fakes it!” Jake exclaimed, before a slow smirk made its way onto his lips. “Not that I would know. I never leave a woman unsatisfied.” 
There’s a mixture of groans and laughter at his cocky response, Coyote even going as far as fist bumping his best friend for his comment. Bradley doesn’t do either, simply shaking his head and taking a sip of his beer. The same can’t be said for his table partner.
You snorted into your drink, which immediately drew all eyes your way. You had been quiet up until now, which wasn’t unusual for you; sometimes you rivaled Bob with how much of a wallflower you could be. But Bradley had a hunch it was just because you were still adjusting to the group, not so much because shy was your default setting; he had been fortunate enough to witness a quick wit and a snarky sarcasm that kept him on his toes a handful of times since you transferred to Top Gun three months ago. 
“Something to add, sweetheart?” the blonde aviator asked, an eyebrow raised in a clear challenge. To his surprise, you scoffed lightly and rolled your eyes. 
“Nothing that you would probably like to hear,” you responded easily. Bradley hid his smirk by taking another drink. There was the snark that intrigued him so much.
“Well now you need to tell us,” Phoenix said, waving at you to continue, clearly wanting whatever advantage she could get at Hangman’s expense. The rest of the group agreed and jeered at you to continue. You sighed with a roll of your eyes. 
“I fake it all the time, and you would never know,” you shrugged, and Bradley almost spat out his draft at the words. “But then again, it’s not surprising for a man to overlook the art of being subtle.”
Jake furrowed his eyebrows, clearly still recovering from your blunt statement. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“It means that it’s not all loud moans and screaming of a guy’s name when a woman orgasms,” you explained, bringing your straw to your lips and finishing off the rest of your drink. After you set the empty glass on the table, you cleared your throat and rolled your shoulders. It was only a moment later, right there in the crowded bar, that Bradley noticed the shifting in your breathing. It came out slightly heavy, shaky in a breathless kind of way. You drew your bottom lip between your teeth and your eyes fluttered shut before they opened again, hooded and dark. 
Bradley was entranced, feeling a flush creep up his neck as a barely audible gasp escaped from the back of your throat. 
You rolled your neck to the side as you panted almost silently, like you were experiencing an ardent kind of pleasure you were trying to keep hushed. When you arched your back, he couldn’t help but wonder what it would look like if you were doing that while perched in his lap. It wouldn’t be the first time he had thought of you that way since meeting you, and after this little display you were putting on, it certainly wouldn’t be the last, either. 
“Oh,” you let out quietly, touching a hand lightly to your heaving chest, “yes.” 
It was subtle, like you had said, but oh, was it convincing. Bradley thought he could watch you like this all day, but it was over far too soon. 
With one more soft moan, you returned your breathing to normal and a smirk appeared on your face as you opened your eyes fully. You sat back in your seat like you hadn’t just titled his world on its axis and tightened his jeans with your little display. 
“So,” you drawled nonchalantly, “would you have known?”
A loud laugh broke the silence that had overtaken the group. There were tears in Phoenix’s eyes at the gobsmacked looks on everyone's faces, and you started giggling right alongside her, though much softer and tinged with embarrassment. Bradley found himself still unable to look away even now that the facade was over. 
When he was finally able to pick his jaw off the floor, Jake cleared his throat almost awkwardly. The smirk on his face was half hearted and a blush covered his cheeks; it’s not hard to see that maybe he’s questioning his satisfaction rate, afterall. Or maybe he, like all the guys are looking to be, was just as flustered by you as Bradley was. Still though, that cocky persona of his shown through. He lets out a long whistle as his eyes raked up and down your body, almost like he was seeing you for the first time. Bradley’s grip tightened around his glass as jealousy crept up in him.
“Okay,” the blonde started, “you’re right. Subtlety is not my strong suit. Maybe I need some more lessons. Private ones, perhaps?”
The confidence you had been showing faded just the slightest bit, embarrassment heating your cheeks, but Bradley didn’t let you stutter out a response for long before he was interrupting on your behalf.
“The Navy doesn’t pay her enough to teach you how to find the clit, Hangman. Sounds like it might be a lost cause anyway.”
“He’s right, Bagman. Some men just don’t have that special touch,” Nat snickered, and Bradley thought she looked downright gleeful at the turn of events and the absolutely affronted look she got in return. 
Laughter rang out throughout the corner again, but it had the desired effect of taking everyone’s attention off of you for the moment. Bradley turned back only to see your gaze fall to your empty glass.
“Thank you,” you murmured without looking at him, twirling your straw again. He knocked his foot gently against yours under the table. He waited until you raised your pretty eyes to his before he spoke for your ears only. 
“Buy you another drink?” 
You looked relieved at his offer of escaping, hopping down from the chair you had been sitting in with no hesitation. 
“Yes. Please.”
The Hard Deck was crowded tonight, as it typically was on the weekends, and it allowed him the excuse to guide you to the bar with a hand at the small of your back. He let it remain there when he placed your order. You raised your eyebrows when he didn’t have to ask you for your drink of choice, to which he shot you a wink. 
“Maybe you aren’t so subtle afterall,” he joked with a playful smirk. 
You huffed out a laugh that broke into a groan. “I can’t believe I did that.”
“I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you,” he suggested. 
“Why not?”
He thanked Jimmy when he handed him two fresh glasses, passing you your vodka and Sprite. You immediately brought the small black straw to your lips. It distracted him for a moment before he shook himself out of it and took a drink of his IPA. He spotted a couple leaving a table behind you and instead of heading back to the rest of the group, he led you there. “You just gained all of their respect.” 
You gave him a clearly skeptical look. “How do you figure?” 
“They appreciate it when people bite back. Challenging each other is kind of what we all do, you know? You've been here for three months, but you haven’t really let anyone get to know you. Showing that you can take what they dish out and return it back like that was bold.”
You hummed in response, moving the straw between your fingers. He wondered if it was a nervous tick of yours, a way to keep you centered. He could tell you were mulling over his words but weren’t entirely convinced. He leaned a little closer. 
“Plus, anyone who can make Hangman turn that shade of red and stutter like you did gets instant bonus points.” 
He got a smile for that one, accompanied by a soft giggle that had his heart racing. You looked at him from under your lashes and when you drew your bottom lip between your teeth, he felt that same flush from earlier starting under his collar. Damn, you were something. 
“Can I ask you something?” he asked. 
“You just did.” 
Bradley chuckled with a shake of his head. You laughed again but motioned for him to continue with his question. 
“Why do you…” Bradley cleared his throat, suddenly realizing just how personal his question was in nature. You arched an eyebrow, clearly wondering why he paused.
“Why do I…?”
“Why do you bother with guys you have to fake it with?”
You choked a little on the drink you just taken a sip of, slamming the glass back on the table a little harshly as you coughed. Bradley scooted closer and extended an arm to pat your back in sympathy, wincing at the consequences of his words. You sputtered for a moment and when you caught your breath, he kept his hand on your back, rubbing soothing circles. 
“Sorry,” he murmured. You met his eyes again and he could see specks of colors he hadn’t noticed before; they were even more enchanting this close. 
“Why do you care?” you rebutted, your voice adopting that same shy tone from before. Bradley shrugged, trailing his fingertips up and down your spine. He was so close he could smell the scent of your perfume and see the goosebumps raise on your arms. 
“A woman like you…she shouldn’t have to ever fake her pleasure.” 
“A woman like me?” you asked in surprise.
He let his fingers twirl the strands of your hair for a moment. It’s silky soft and he wanted to know what it would feel like to be able to really thread his fingers through it and tug.  
“Mmm. A woman like you. Beautiful. Smart. Witty. Kind. Beautiful.”
Bradley saw the shiver go through your body and heard the little gasp that you let out. “You said that one already.”
A smirk tugged at his lips and he nodded. “I know.”
You stared at each other for a long moment. Your pupils were slightly dilated and your breathing just a little uneven, and the look taking over your face made his jeans feel a little snugger. He risked getting even closer, rising from his stool and standing so his front was nearly flush against your side. He noticed how your eyes flickered down to his mouth.
“What?” you asked, clearly distracted. Bradley’s smirk grew. 
“Why bother? With them?” 
“I…don’t really know,” you answered honestly, “It’s not like I seek out the disappointment intentionally. it just…happens that way, I guess.” 
“And no one has ever caught on?” 
“Once or twice,” you murmured, gaze lingering on his lips for another few seconds before looking back up into his eyes that he’s sure are even darker than normal. “I give it away if they actually eventually make me come.” 
He raised an eyebrow, two fingers rubbing circles into the small of your back. He can’t help but wonder what they’d feel like curled inside of you instead. “What do you mean?” 
With the hand not touching your back, he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, tracing the shell of it until you shiver under his touch again. Your breath hitched and this time it was you that shifted closer, almost like you were learning into his touch. 
“You’re what?” he asked. His voice dropped, coming out raspier than he intended. You were making him feel hot all over, only made worse with your next words. 
“I’m pretty loud,” you revealed quietly, a perfect juxtaposition. 
Bradley froze, processing this new information. A hundred different scenarios played through his head but all of them came back to you, screaming his name in pleasure as he devoured you. His cock hardened in his jeans and he swallowed thickly. 
“And I know it’s not me,” you continued, and if he wasn’t so turned on, he would think that your nervous babble was one of the most endearing things about you, though the list has grown exponentially tonight, “I can get myself off just fine. So it must be them. Right?” 
Your voice trailed off at the end, like you were realizing what you were sharing for the first time. But it was too late, and now there was brand new imagery in his head. 
Bradley groaned and let both of his hands fall to your hips. He moved your body until you were teetering on the edge of your seat, your legs falling open so he could stand between them. He raised one hand to your face, cupping your jaw and tilting your head back in a way that ensured you couldn’t look away from his gaze. 
"It's definitely not you. Some guys try to rush to the finish line instead of enjoying the scenery along the way."
“And is that what you would do?” you asked, setting your hands gently on his stomach. The muscles flexed under your touch. He wanted to feel it without his clothing working as an unwanted barrier. “Enjoy the scenery?”
“Let’s just say I like to take the long way. And despite what our friends may say, sweetheart, sometimes going slow is best. I’d take my time with you, baby.”
A tiny whimper escaped you before you clamped down on your bottom lip with your teeth, but Bradley shook his head and tugged it free with the fingers still cupping your jaw. He traced it with his thumb, marveling at how soft and full it was. He wanted to feel your lips against his to see if they would be just as soft. You watched him with wide eyes, your hands clenched in his white undershirt.
“You’d have no choice but to be loud with me, because I’d make sure you felt so good.”
“Do you promise?” Your voice was breathy and tinged with what he thought might be desperation - he desperately wanted to hear more of it from you. 
“I do,” he swore, and your eyes fluttered shut for a moment before focusing back on him. He was almost certain he was reading the situation and your reactions correctly, but still, he swallowed down the urge to throw you over his shoulder and take you home with him, or even to the bathroom right down the hall. He let his knuckles caress your cheek as he pulled on his self-restraint. 
“Is that something you would want?” he rasped. Instead of answering, you run your hands up his body to wrap around his neck. He went willingly when you pulled his mouth to yours. He groaned against your lips; they were even softer than he thought it would be. He doesn’t hesitate to pull you closer, but before he could deepen the kiss, you pull back. When you slide off the stool you had been sitting in the whole time, your entire body is flush against his. Peering up at him through your lashes, you give him your answer. Your voice is as confident as he’d heard it in the last three months of knowing you. 
“Take me home, Bradley. I want to see if you keep your promises.”
Without a second thought for any of your friends or the open tab he had, Bradley grabbed your hand and pulled you behind him to the exit.
He was a man of his word, and he’d prove it to you. 
-------- Notes: Hope you like this one!! As always, any feedback is so greatly appreciated💚
Thanks Mak and Em for your help as always!
Tag List (please let me know if you’d like to be removed or added!) :  @roosterforme - @mak-32 - @hoyaharper - @wildxwidow - @gretagerwigsmuse - @bradshawburner - @iamaslytherin0 - @lilyevanswhore - @too-fangirl-to-fuction - @fav-fanficssss - @benhardysdrumstick - @fandomxpreferences - @acatwriteshere - @1234-angelika - @double-j - @cocoskween - @sunflowersteves - @teacupsandtopgun - @littlezee80 - @sometimesanalice - @je-suis-prest-rachel - @khaylin27 - @infamous-reindeer - @hotch-meeeeeuppppp - @sarahjoestewy-blog - @sunnysidesidra - @notroosterbradshaw - @yanna-banana - @inthestars-underthesun -@avengersfan25 - @wkndwlff - @zbeez-outlet - @lt-spork - @indynerdgirl - @loveforaugust - @mssleepy876b
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polarisblitzwing · 13 days
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Ford's World - Dimension Fri3nds46/’
◇ Alternative Earth Variant ◇
● Humans have wings and feathered tails
● Alternative Pines family decisions timeline
◇ Stanford Pines ◇
● Ford is a minor god of dreams and a self-proclaimed god of anomalies
● 30 years old here (Young Immortal)
● Met Bill when he was 5 due to him attempting an interdimensional dreamwalk link, with Bill trying the same thing by chance, something that wouldn't work at their age without each other
◇ Gods Among Them ◇
● Most gods were mortals whose power was drawn to them like a magnet due to their personality in some way
● Fairly secretive and prefer to hide their works
● Rely on their believers to notice their efforts, resulting in an increase in power
● Can reveal themselves to the public, but building up power from faith alone is more sustainable for less powerful gods
● Stop aging between 25 and 100 (depending on what age someone wants to live forever)
Bill's World - For3verEuclydia
◇ Alternative Euclydia Variant ◇
● 360 years is the average lifespan of a Euclydian in this au
● No massacre
◇ Bill Cipher ◇
● Bill is a minor god of dreams and a self-proclaimed god of weirdness
● 30 years old here (Young Immortal)
● Met Ford and Stan when he was 5
◇ Gods Among Them ◇
● Only gods have wings and tails as a power symbol
● Their wings and tails are invisible to anyone that doesn't believe in them specifically
● “Omnipotent” Euclydian gods only know everything about their own world. Bill's knowledge of the third dimension is seen as false teachings to even them.
◇ Bill’s Family ◇
● Scalene is a goddess of Truth and Euclid is a god of Reality
● No one believes Bill is a god except his parents, as godhood is a power grant at birth to someone who the power is drawn to here. It can skip generations.
Bill: So here's my problem - I need to show them the stars. It gets real flat to hear “you're delusional, Bill” and “stop talking about a third dimension!” “Shh, you're gonna get arrested!” “It's not real!” Over and over again. It's time to change up the law and their perspectives.
Ford: Hmm.. that'll be quite the endeavor. You might need more power for that.
Bill: Ohh-ho-oh, definitely. Some of my ideas get real difficult along the way. The kind of stuff only a god with twice my power could pull off. 
[ Pulls up a holographic board with his first idea. ] 
Bill: If I could turn their eyes towards the stars and give them the same vision as I do, that'd be ideal. 
[ Ford manifests a danger sign over Bill's board; a buzzer sounds in warning. ]
Ford: Doing that to the entirety of Euclydia could potentially be devastating. Even if you get that newfound power, without centuries of diligent practice, you could end up permanently mutilating thousands of people in the process. Too risky. 
Bill: Uuugh… even if the people I wanted to show the most were immortal too, I don't think I could put up with more of their talk for that long. It has to be this century.
Ford: I get where you're coming from. I’ll do my best to make sure it happens when we figure out a plan that won’t have too many risks involved.
Bill: I could probably have the world dream of stars if you help, but that isn’t real enough to me. It drives me crazy that I can’t see you in real life. 
Ford: We’ll meet one day, I promise it. 
Bill: I sure hope so, Sixer. 
[ Pulls up two more holographic charts. ] 
Now.. back to my list of extremely great ideas.. what if I put really tiny stars in the world and contained the heat? Or flipped the world on the y-axis just to prove a third dimension exists first?
[ Ford manifests two more warnings in succession. ]
Ford: Could easily start a fire if anything went wrong, and for all we know, flipping the world vertically could cause everything to fall bottom to top infinitely until it’s fixed. Also runs the risk of killing a lot of Euclydians. Not to mention there could be other forces in your space that could affect the world.
Bill: Yeesh. Alright then, you got any ideas?
Ford: Actually, come to think of it.. 
[ Ford summons a hologram with a vision of his own forming. ]
Maybe instead of dreams, we tried something just a step up from multi-dimensional dream-walking, something like astral projection. We bring them out of their bodies, but tethered to their world, into space. Without the limitations of their physical forms, their eyes should be able to see more than what they could before.
Ford: Hah, well, I try.  
Bill: NOW THAT'S SOMETHING I COULD ACTUALLY PULL OFF RISK FREE! It might take splitting up the days people get to see it, but, they’ll finally see.
Ford: Well, hold on, splitting up the days could be risky for the groups who see versus who don’t on the first day, so, here's what I'll do. I'll give you my powers for as long as you need them for this. I would like to help personally, but I’d need to physically be there. This will be my contribution to your paradigm shift for Euclydia.
Bill: ..you really trust me that much? 
Ford: (smiles and nods) Of course. You're my best friend, my muse, the sun in my galaxy, Bill. I want you to be happy.
[ Ford offers his hand and godly powers out to his partner. ]
Bill: (chuckles, smiling) You’re the best, Fordsy.
[ They shake on it. ]
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happyhauntt · 6 months
𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖆 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖘!
sentence prompts from the webseries 'carmilla'.
• "what makes them any different than i am?" "what makes any person sacred to another?"
• "they aren't mine. you are. to annoy, or not. to love, or not. to save, or not."
• "a certain amount of murder just comes with the territory."
• "do you miss me?" "like someone cut a hole in me."
• "you think i hid you here after everything because i don't care? because the thought of something happening to you doesn't make me feel like i can't breathe?"
• "maybe the world is about to end, but if it is, i want us to have something good to hold on to."
• "i mean, the story goes: you fall in love with a monster and then they stop being all monster-y! the story isn't just... fall in love with a monster. that would be a stupid story."
• "behold! vampire bait."
• "i know krav maga. i am a weapon."
• "is it some kind of terrifying chicken demon?"
• "i know you're not just doing it for me, but..." "don't be an idiot. of course i'm doing it for you."
• "i don't want to pretend that what i feel about you is some stupid, frothy thing that doesn't matter, because it is like the axis that my world turns on."
• "you did something terrible to her, didn't you?" "define terrible."
• "don't you look like a virgin sacrifice."
• "you kiss me and it cracks me open and all of my stupid, messy hopes come tumbling out in maybes and somedays and how is that fair?"
• "well, sorry my post-traumatic revelation was inconveniently timed for you."
• "have you ever considered that maybe 'hero' isn’t one thing that one person was supposed to be by themselves? that maybe, in this story, you are my hero and i'm your hero."
• "i don’t want that to be our story. okay? our story is that we made each other better. so we go together."
• "i love you so much. i'm sorry it took me so long to say it."
• "we've had kisses and cocoa and stars and dancing. that's so much more than nothing."
• "dream on, creampuff."
• "i wouldn't want to be doomed with anyone but you."
• "don't take this the wrong way or anything but why am i not dead?"
• "even if the whole world burns, i won't lose you."
• "worst. crush. ever."
• "i don't want you watching me die."
• "this isn't, like, 'yesterday dead' or 'three weeks ago dead.' this is like 'predates opposible thumbs' dead."
• "i think i'd like to be dead now."
• "how sweet. doomed, clearly, but still very sweet."
• "pg13, how incredibly dull."
• "you were sleeping at the desk and doing adorable twitchy things that i can only imagine involves sleep-murdering a ball of yarn."
• "they were going to kill them, i get it, you saved them. but you can bring them back now. they're safe now. god! bring them back! JUST BRING THEM BACK TO ME PLEASE!"
• "you must think i'm ridiculous, what, with your sex, blood and rock'n'roll attitude."
• "could we pretend, just for tonight, that if i asked we'd run away?"
• "my feelings are not squishy."
• "comrades working shoulder to shoulder. with no desperate kissing or lusty sexual undertones. no awkwardness. just good, old fashioned platonic buddies."
• "did you pick a fight with a god?!"
• "those are bloody footprints! we do not run in the direction of bloody footprints!"
• "all I know is that in more than a century, you’re the only person I ever found worth saving. you and no one else."
• "you're in this mess because i am anything but a hero."
• "okay maybe let’s not throw ourselves at the centuries old, supernatural murder machine."
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thebadgerclan · 1 year
Pairing: Nikolai Lantsov x reader
Requested by Anonymous
Summary: Someday, you will be his...
For as long as you could remember, you and Prince Nikolai had been the closest of friends.  You were the daughter of a nobleman, your position at court placing you close to the younger Prince from birth.  Your connection was innate and instant, your friendship growing fast.  And as you aged into a young lady and he into a young man, your friendship remained intact, the one sure thing in the chaos that was life in Ravka.
Then you’d enlisted, surprising everyone in your family.  Nikolai had pulled some strings to put you in the same unit as him, and for the next five years, you served at his side.  You were there when he took his first bullet, and when your feelings for your dearest friend began twisting into something more.  But he was a Prince, and you were…you.  He would wed for alliance, and you would wed for your family’s strength.  Love didn’t factor into the equation for either of you; it didn’t matter that you had fallen deeply and irrevocably in love with Prince Nikolai Lantsov.
Life had been turned on its axis.  The Darkling was in open revolt, the Grisha were fractured, and the Sun Summoner had returned to Ravka.  Prince Nikolai had returned to the Spinning Wheel with Alina Starkov in tow, both of whom were clearly ready for a fight.  You’d only had a few moments to reunite with your closest friend before all residents of the Spinning Wheel were summoned for a dinner, to celebrate the Prince’s return, as Queen Tatiana said.
As Nikolai’s lieutenant, you were seated at the Head Table, Alina to his left, and you to her left.  The meal had barely begun when Vasily made a comment about the Grisha, to which Alina quipped, “We are all Ravkan here.”  Nikolai rolled his eyes.  “It doesn’t need to be us versus them.”  The tension could be sliced with a dull knife, Alina stating that she would lead the Second Army if they needed a leader loyal to the Crown.
“Why should I believe you have any loyalty to my family?” Vasily asked, and Nikolai and Alina shared a heavy look.  Then he stood, raising his glass.  “Today marks the start of a new era of cooperation between Lantsovs and the Grisha,” he announced, and something in your stomach plummeted.  “I’m delighted to announce my engagement to Alina Starkov, the Sun Summoner, and new leader of the Second Army.  Together, we will build a better future for Ravka.”
He called for a toast, but you couldn’t bring yourself to raise your glass, much less force a smile.  The man you loved, unrequitedly, but loved nonetheless, was no longer yours, as if he ever had been.  Nikolai was engaged, he was Alina’s, and she was his.  The cheers of the crowd were suddenly too much to stand, and you stood, fleeing the room as you fought tears.  Vasily had left too, as had Alina’s tracker friend, but Nikolai only saw that you had left.
“Excuse me,” he said, both to his mother and to Alina, before following you.  “Y/N?  Y/N!”  Tears were flowing now, and you kept walking, wiping at your eyes.  “Y/N, stop!”  You didn’t, continuing until you met a dead end, resting your forehead against the stone wall.  Nikolai jogged to your side, laying a hand on your shoulder.  “What’s wrong?”
You sniffled.  “So that’s it?” you said.  “You’re engaged?”  “Y/N, you’ve got to understand, I-”  “You barely know her,” you shot, turning to face him.  “Alina is a good person,” he replied.  “She is kind, she…she will be a good wife.”  You wiped at your eyes again.  “I’m happy for you,” you said, and Nikolai cocked his head.  “Then why are you crying, Y/N?  Talk to me.”
You nearly growled.  “Why am I crying?  Because it hurts, Nikolai!”  Immediately, his eyes were scanning you for some injury, something that was causing pain.  “What?  What hurts?”  You spoke so softly, Nikolai did not hear.  “What was that?”  “Loving someone that doesn’t love you!”  The Prince was stunned by your words and he blinked.  “W-what?”
“I love you!” you cried, desperation filling your voice.  “I’ve loved you for years!  And you never saw me, and that was fine!  I could live with being your friend, even when I knew you’d have to marry someone who wasn’t me and leave me!  But now we’re at war and you’re engaged to the Sun Summoner!  And it hurts, Nikolai, it hurts!  And I…I…”
“Saints, Y/N,” Nikolai whispered, striding forward and pulling you into his arms, kissing you deeply.  You gripped him tightly, never wanting to let go.  He kissed you until your head was swimming, until your lungs were burning, until you were trembling in his arms, until you had to pull away for air.  “Y/N, I love you.”  You blinked at him, your noses bumping together.  “You do?”  “I do.  I’ve been in love with you since we were 14!  Since that boy told you that you should wear your corset tighter and you socked him in the nose.”
You barked out a laugh, unable to resist leaning in for another kiss.  “I’ve loved you since I watched you take a bullet and keep fighting.”  Nikolai smiled, kissing you again, and again, and again.  “But now you’re engaged,” you said.  “Sweet girl, that engagement is for alliances and appearances and we both know it.  I have no doubt that Alina’s in a corridor consoling her tracker right now.  Once we’ve won the war, we can break off the engagement and I’ll be free to court and woo you.  Which I fully plan on doing, by the way.”
You laughed again, pressing your forehead against his.  “I love you, Nikolai Lantsov,” you whispered, cupping his cheek.  “And I will always love you.”  “And I love you, Y/N L/N,” he whispered back, snaking an arm around your waist.  “Mark my words, I will make you my bride.  Someday.”  Someday, you liked that.  It was a promise, and it steadily became your mantra, as the war progressed.  Someday.
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osped · 10 months
🌟 Good Morning, Bachelor Nation! 🌟 by @elvinaa
You have a big ass by @pedros-husband
How about 7 Pedros for a minute each? by @oonajaeadira
scary movie typa guy ; genre of movies pedro boys are into by @creedslove
Having Triplets: by @absurdthirst
reader calls, telling him they had to go to the emergency room by @judysxnd
he hated the feeling or thought of reader ever leaving ; protective pedro ; blind date ; comforts him ; none of that really matters ; him just loving being a girl dad ; pedro x sick!reader ; whole pregnancy by @talaok (at this point I sould've just put her masterlist link here, lol)
it's not that kind of cold shower (pedro x gn/m!reader) ; 🎯MASTERLIST🎯pedro pascal x gn/m!reader by @pedge-stuff
Pero Tovar and his Guerrera by @prolix-yuy
friend sets Pedro and (y/n) on a blind date by @talaok
take my hand - pero tovar x fem!reader by @pedrito-friskito
Temple of Love ; Grumpy Pumpkin by @sirowsky-stories
Window Shopping by @the-dendrophile-bookdragon
Birfday - Oberyn by @writeforfandoms
I’m Here by @davnittbraes
Forgive These Bones I'm Hiding (Part 2 of 2) by @whataperfectwasteoftime
I know that I shouldn't... but I love you. by @odetodilfs
Nᴏᴛ Iɴᴛᴏ Bᴏʏs (Jᴀᴠɪᴇʀ Pᴇñᴀ) by @obsessedwithpedritoofc
Crossroads (Javier Peña x AFAB!Reader) ; Narcos Masterlist by @ithebookhoarder 
wait, what? by @plentyoffandoms
Trick and Treat by @jobean12-blog
tolerate it [javi peña x gn!reader] by @mandoalorian
quickie at the party ; LA LLUVIA 🌧️ by @creedslove
the sun will shine again by @foli-vora
loads of hickeys by @talaok
doing a million steps nightly skin care routine ; The Millers 💖 by @creedslove
Joel Miller Masterlist by @jobean12-blog
sated by @softlyspector
Feral Masterlist by @ohraicodoll
"a gentle hand" — joel miller by @louswrld11
All Good Things [a Joel x f!reader fic] by @criticallyacclaimedstranger
a sheep in wolf's clothing by @jupiter-soups
Halloween Special by @strang3lov3
I wanna show you off by @joelscurls
crying for the first time ever by @joels-shitty-puns
grumpy!husband!joel by @cruelfvkingsummer
Skinny Dipping by @second-axis-point
Kinktober Day 13: Javi Gutiérrez w/overstimulation and bondage. by @odetodilfs
In The Silence by @dindjarindiaries
D.D. - "Then we'll find out together." by @missredherring
Uncut by @beskarandblasters
the cantina by @spctrsgf
trying boba tea for the first time by @toxic-seduction
50. Nothing is wrong with you. 55. I’m not going anywhere. ; Soft!Din by @ezrasbirdie
Familiar & Unfamiliar by @theidiotwhowritesthings
2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #10: Dieter Bravo - A Kiss While Baking by @something-tofightfor
Surrogate Love {Dave York x F!Reader} by @absurdthirst
Broken by @musings-of-a-rose
sweet treat (frankie morales x f!plus-size!reader) by @mrsmando
Kɪʟʟ ғᴏʀ Yᴏᴜ (Fʀᴀɴᴋɪᴇ Mᴏʀᴀʟᴇs) by @obsessedwithpedritoofc
Telltale Heart by @astroboots
fading ; something new [plus size fem reader] by @ezrasbirdie
pretending to be him ; RE-ENCOUNTER 🎨 by @creedslove
used by you by @foli-vora 
Tʜᴇ Oᴛʜᴇʀ Mᴀɴ (Sɪʟᴠᴀ) by @obsessedwithpedritoofc
PS : I reblog all this amazing fanfic on my other tumblr account on @uwiuwi. I just like to reread, but it got me so stressfull when my main blog so full with reblogs, so I make this masterlist for my future self. I hope none of the authors of the fanfics I put in here mad. Sorry and Thank you for your hardwork guys.
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atom-writings · 1 year
If you don’t mind me asking, what would it be like if the Axis (including Prussia and Romano) were the reader’s next door neighbor. And how would they try to romance the reader?
(Hetalia Axis x Reader) Next Door Neighbor!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N thank u for giving me a reason to write romano i love him so soososos much. Also whoopsies i did not write japan if u guys want me to do japan i will do it separately and then it will be longer thank u for ur undertsanding <3
Trigger Warning: Men being incredibly insistent, other than that none!
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Feliciano has never been subtle. Especially with those he wants to romance. As soon as you move in, and he lays eyes on you, he’s completely enraptured. It wouldn’t even occur to him to take it slow. You’re cute, so he has to have you.
Anytime he sees you coming out of your apartment, he immediately strikes up a conversation. Of course, this would become very irritating for you, if it weren’t for how charming he was. Originally he tries to line up when he works with when you do, but he’s always late for everything anyway. That plan doesn’t last long.
“Y/N!” Feliciano calls from down the hall, sprinting towards you, “W-Wait up!”
Obliging him with a huff, you turn around to greet him. As he catches up, he immediately keels over, out of breath and panting desperately.
“Feliciano, good to see you. “
“Y-yeah…” he sputters out, still trying to catch his breath, “Good to see you too…”
He takes a moment to regain his composure. While you wait, you set down the luggage you had down on the floor outside your apartment door.
“Listen, listen, I wanted to ask you something before you disappeared. Which, wait, where were you? Did you leave or was I just missing you?”
“Ah, yeah, it wasn’t anything big. Just visiting some family out of town.” He perks up at the mention of your relatives.
“Oh, great! B-but, uh, I wanted to ask… Will you go on a date with me?” As he asks that, you look at him in shock, clearly taken aback.
“Seriously?” You ask, incredulously.
“Yeah! I’m cute, you’re cute, why not?”
You jump a little bit in excitement, “Of course, Feli!”
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Oh, Ludwig would absolutely despise this scenario. He thinks you’re absolutely adorable… and now he has to see you around every day? Why can’t anything be easy…
He’s definitely very aware of the complications that could come with dating someone you have to see all of the time. He’s never been the most smooth… and now, if he messes up, he has to hear you through the wall all the time. What if you started dating someone else then too? He’d have to move… oh dear, oh no… clearly the best route is to just not talk to you at all! If he can take it…
Immediately spinning around from opening his door, pressing his back against the wall when he makes eye contact with you, he responds, “Y-yes?”
You step back in surprise at his extreme reaction, “Woah, something wrong?”
“Nein, nein, nothing is wrong. What is it?” As he says that, he tries to pose casually.
You calm yourself down, pulling out a letter from your pocket and unfolding it. His eyes immediately widen at seeing it, and your suspicions are immediately confirmed.
“You wouldn’t happen to know anything about this love letter I got, would you?”
He stutters, “N-No! I mean… a little, but no! Yes! Maybe!”
“Ok, yeah, because I looked it up… and the only place that makes these kinds of seals is in some obscure German village. And I thought, who would know about an obscure German village? Probably my neighbour, right?” You smile at his reaction, noting his blush.
“Ja, ja, I do… I… um…”
You cut him off, “Did you send it?”
He freezes, his face flushing more, “Y-Yes…” he gulps nervously, “I-I’m sorry! I did not want to make you uncomfortable!”
“No… no, it’s really cute.” 
He looks at you in surprise, “Really?” He continues as you nod, “Well then um… would you like to go out with me next Friday?”
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Romano falling for someone super quickly? Someone who, if he dated them, could create lots of awkward situations? Shocker. Fortunately, reality has never stopped him before.
You’re gonna immediately realize what’s going on. Considering that he trips over himself every day to say good morning and try to strike up a conversation, he is just as subtle as his brother. Except he can’t help but add at least one compliment every day. If he wasn’t so handsome, it would definitely be a bit creepy.
“Bella.” Romano greets you simply. He stood before you awkwardly, sweating but trying to hide it smoothly. Although he was the one who knocked on your door, it seemed as if he was waiting for you to speak first.
You pause, “Yes?”
“As you may have noticed, I have been trying to get your attention since you moved in.” He continues, trying to keep his composure.
“Yeah… I noticed.”  Multiple occasions in which he had almost cornered you to talk to you, for only a moment, come to mind immediately.
“Well… that is because I like you quite a lot.” You struggle to respond before he quickly takes out a bouquet of flowers out from behind his back. He thrusts them against your chest awkwardly, returning to crossing his arms and huffing.
“Oh… um… thank you.”
“Yeah, yeah. You're welcome. All of this… and that…” He cringes as he remembers his overly drastic behaviour, “was just because I think you’re really… attractive… and interesting. So go out with me, alright?”
You look back up at him, amused, “Not much of an offer there, is it?”
He freezes, wringing his hands and looking away, “S-Scusami… will you go out with me? There’s a new French place that opened down the road, I thought… maybe we could go there together sometime…” his voice trails off.
“I’d love to, you weirdo.”
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Gilbert is very aware of how awkward this is going to be. Unfortunately for you, he does not care. He can’t stop himself from slipping little gifts under your door all the time, with a note proclaiming his entire full name, title, job history, and every reason you should date him. 
But… every time you try to actually talk to him, he panics, yells, and runs away. A couple of times he’s told you he doesn’t speak English… after he just spoke English. It’s cute how he gets so flustered, but also incredibly frustrating if you actually like him.
Just one simple word makes Gilbert desperately press himself against the wall to get away from you, but he quickly recovers, pulling a comically awkward pose.
“Funny seeing you here!”
“Outside… your apartment? …That I live right next to?”
“Yes, that’s what I said.” His tone rises nervously.
“Listen, I’ve been getting all your little gifts and-”
“WOW! Would you look at the time! I have to be going, tschüss!” He yells, his strong accent coming through. He tries scooting past you to escape, but you grab his shoulder quickly, stopping him.
“Gilbert. Listen, you always run away-”
“Me?! Running away?! I can tell you, I have never done so! Ask any Danish soldier from before 1700!” He says, laughing nervously.
“Gilbert.” Your tone becomes sterner, and he deflates, his tone and face dropping, “Are you really in love with like you say you are?”
His face flushes and he brings his hand up to cover his cheeks, “Ja… Yes… I am.”
“Then, let’s go out already! I’ve been waiting for you to ask me on a date for months!”
“What, the notes were not enough?” He jokes.
“Not when you keep running away from me!”
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natureismynature · 1 year
I'm finally home and ready to talk about The Book!!
So, this book I've been talking about was found by Roier yesterday when he was looking for Cellbit in the castle. I don't think anyone thought much of it since Grandma's room is kind of a hotspot for almost all of Foolish's pranks. But I'm telling you, this one is NOT a prank. Especially not when said book was found accompanied by a VERY illegal gun.
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Now. Here's the contents of the book.
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i hope this finds the right person... hide it for now, be careful who you tell.
7 space 27
no one suspects a thing
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that was a giant middle finger... asshole
no meaning. just for fun :D
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3000 cielo 0
could someone find this first (alternatively: someone could find this first)
Ok, now that we've laid that all down, I'm gonna start rambling and theorizing under the cut
If you guys remember, Forever tried to barter Foolish's gun for his silence/lesser aggression. But Foolish told him he already had other plans for the gun... and I guess this was it.
I suspect he did this during that time Aypierre was doing a 24-hour stream and he randomly logged on. He usually logs on offline nowadays if he was hiding something from chat and other people... anyway, that's not the point! The point is the binary code on the first page and whatever the hell that was on the last.
The binary code translated to "7 space 27" which means. Literally nothing. Or DOES it?
Because I refuse to believe Foolish just randomly typed out binary code on a secret book handing over his gun to whoever finds it (most likely assumed to be Cellbit) which ACTUALLY translates to something. So I dug around and bullshitted my way to find a SOMEWHAT acceptable conclusion because I am not delusional and will never be as smart as Cellbit.
Keep in mind I have no fucking clue how enigmas work and used a chart for this bullshit. Specifically this one:
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According to this chart, if we take the translated code and refer to them as our decimals, we've got 7 and 27 to look at. Now, if we look at our decimals' rows, we will get BEL and ESC as our ASCII symbols.
I searched up what they meant and they are literally:
BEL - bell, alert
ESC - escape
Now if we take those and complete the "sentence" that was there originally it would become "Alert space Escape" which is... something... but don't quote me on this, I could be 100% wrong.
But enough of that because my brain is already mush. Let's check the next one!
Next one being "3000 cielo 0"
I looked up what cielo meant, and it had various different meanings, but the common denominator was that it was high up. (i.e. sky, heaven, roof) But it could also be used as a term of endearment like mi cielo (my heaven) or something along those lines. And 3000 is some kind of angel number or something that means love and stuff.
My immediate thought upon searching up these two is the phrase "I love you 3000" but I might be grasping straws here. This might just be cords to a place somewhere up high with 3000 and 0 as the x and y axis. But you know, I like to make things harder for me.
Honestly, if you're still here and reading this paragraph, then I applaud you for being smart enough to understand whatever the hell I just wrote down.
There are two wolves inside me. One that thinks Foolish didn't really mean anything by these codes and the other that KNOWS he's smart enough to do this (AND would absolutely get help from the admins if he didn't)
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novelyst · 9 months
Skyrim Female Head UV: The Definitive Post
We begin as like a cooking blog's recipe, with a sort of vaguely related yet unnecessary anecdote. I've been thinking about putting modding stuff up on this blog, lately. I used to run into the problem on Discord where I'd be like: man, I'm spamming this channel, who even cares about this stuff anyway? So I made my own dev thread in which to spam these posts. As more and more people started joining, though, and still not replying to anything I wrote, I ran into the same issue where I've now become hesitant to post whatever I want in my own dev thread for fear that people will find it annoying. Silly, I know, but I figure that this here, tumblr, is the option with which I cannot go wrong, right? So long story short: this might turn into a mostly modding blog now.
I'm about to do an explanation of UV mapping as an introduction to this post, for those who know very, very, little about it. Many of you reading this may already be modellers or texturers who don't need this dumbed down, so you are welcome to skip to the big red UV map if you wish.
Without further ado: this is Nur.
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Nur is what I would call a 'chatterbox', but she was made in the same way as any paper fortune teller. One thing that you should note about her: she is three-dimensional. I have power over Nur's state of being, and I can unfold her.
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Unfolded Nur looks very different. We can see that her mouth, usually a triangular bipyramid minus a couple of faces, is now four separate triangles. We could also conceivably understand this as a '2D' version of Nur. It's flat, but it has all of the colour information that ends up on the surface of her 3D self; the area painted red is the 'mouth' part, the top squares on the left and right are the upper part of the 'face'.
Now, if we were to make a 3D mesh of Nur, we could use something like the second image for her texture and tell the computer which area of it should be shown on the surface of a given polygon. We'd do this by giving every point two dimensional coordinates, instead of inventing some kind of new format where every voxel in 3D space is assigned a colour—after all, it's only the surface that matters, right? This process of giving 3D vertices 2D-coordinates on a texture is called UV mapping. What you should really take away from this is the UV map holds the information of how to wrap a texture on to a mesh.
And, since all vertices already have X, Y, and Z coordinates, (and W is used for something else,) their two-dimensional texture coordinates are U and V.
Now, UV maps can be different from a piece of paper you fold in a few ways. What you mainly need to remember is that in UV Maps, we aren't bound by angles, length, or area – the lines making up a UV map are 'stretchy'. This mapping allows, then, for you to 'stretch' the texture over the surface of the mesh.
Now that everyone is (hopefully) on the same page, let's move on to the subject of the post!
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This is the UV map of the female head mesh in Skyrim. Right away, a few weird quirks are going to stand out about it.
It is not truly vertically symmetrical along any X-coordinate.
It is kinda symmetrical along a line a short ways to the left of the centre.
Even along that line, the eye sockets are not symmetrical.
The symmetry along that central line starts falling apart towards the boundaries of the image, where there is not really very much symmetry whatsoever and what there is seems to fold more along the actual central vertical axis.
Now, if none of that stuff stood out immediately to you, or you are having trouble seeing it, that's absolutely fine! This image here should help to clarify the things I just mentioned.
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The white line in the middle highlights the true centre of the image, from which (as you can see) the UV of the mesh's 'central line' is offset. The sort of lens-shapes either side of it trace the UV map's eye sockets, which are quite different.
Now, is all of this stuff fine? I mean, kind of. No, it's not really a good UV map (there are serious issues, for example, at the back of the scalp) and the symmetry problems all suck for working with it as a texture, but it's still useable and, for a high-poly to low-poly workflow, won't really impact things all that much for the creator. Painting on to the mesh, baking from a sculpt – all these will suffer for a worse UV map, but are still essentially the same process as with a different UV. The game's textures were made for this UV map, and Bethesda seem to have been able to manage fine with it.
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Credit to Bethesda Game Studios. A section of the 'FemaleHead_MSN.dds'.
The issues come in more for people working on a 2D level. Making textures in photoshop? Painting some tintmasks? Then these things are going to annoy you, especially those darned eye sockets. So, is there a better way?
A Better Way
Sorry, that section header is kind of misleading. There's an extent to which this is subjective but, honestly, I don't think there really is a better way. I firmly believe that you can't fix Bethesda's UV because it's not broken. A little annoying to work with? Sure. But it wasn't meant to be another way, and it works with the textures provided by the game. There is nothing to fix.
On the 15th of March of 2012, Enhanced Character Edit (ECE) was published on Nexus Mods, in its description claiming thus:
Fixed asymmetry head mesh for Female.
Enhanced Character Edit had not 'fixed' issue of the off-centre axis of symmetry. What it had done was make the eye socket on the right symmetrical to the one on the left in the UV map. Behold, the ECE head mesh with the vanilla game's texture.
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On the left: the ECE head mesh with the vanilla textures. On the right: the vanilla head mesh with the vanilla textures, as Todd intended.
ECE needed its own textures, made for the 'symmetrical' eye socket UV. There were already existing texture sets made this way (even reflecting the same eye; I suppose people preferred the left side), so it wasn't too great a problem—ECE was providing a fix for existing mods, really!
Except, well, it's a little more complicated than that. You can change the mesh, and the textures along with it, which works. This only affects the player character, however—generated face data for NPCs must be regenerated or, in the case of NPC overhauls, manually changed by the user, a thing few users actually know how to do. Pretty soon, though, people were using ECE in their character creation, and then for the NPC overhauls that they put on Nexus. Skin mods were being made specifically with use of this head mesh in mind, like SG Female Textures Renewal, which actually includes ECE as a requirement for this reason.
So everything is great and we can just use ECE, right? Sure, we have to regenerate all of our NPCs' faces which requires the creation kit and a lot of time, but that's workable. Well, not quite. Some mods have mismatched diffuse maps and normal maps when it comes to eye sockets, like Tempered Skins, which has ECE's eye sockets in its diffuse, but bases its normal maps mostly off of vanilla, including keeping its asymmetry. Mods like Mature Skin don't even use the ECE sockets, which means that those textures will look wrong on NPC overhauls based on the ECE head meshes. This issue ends up happening both ways, too—users of ECE-based textures have an even worse issue when using a mismatched mesh, to the extent that Enhanced Female Head Mesh was created, a mod that solves an issue that isn't in the base game. The ECE sockets are that ubiquitous.
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Credit to DomainWolf. A comparison image from the mod Enhanced Female Head Mesh, showing the issue that ECE-based textures have when using the vanilla mesh.
Incidentally, this user has also created tintmask mods. Many of the textures included in those would have to be manually edited in order for them to look right on the vanilla head mesh.
We can see that the effects of ECE's change ripple outward without ever really becoming understood by the common modder. When installing High Poly Head, users are presented with the option of Symmetrical Eyes (Female). The average user probably doesn't know what this means, let alone whether the texture that they're using is based on ECE. If they choose the wrong option, many won't think to go back to the FOMOD. ECE itself has been far surpassed in popularity by RaceMenu on SSE—how many people would think to install it for its head mesh alone? Even Enhanced Female Head Mesh, which is specifically mesh-only and for SSE has only ~25 k downloads as of writing. Popular skin mods with symmetrical eye sockets have millions.
This whole thing impacts almost all modders. Most of them know barely anything about it. So, this stubborn ass who refuses to use the 'fixed' eyes and manually converts all of their NPC mods by painstakingly fixing things in NIFSkope wanted to write a post aggregating everything they knew about the subject, endeavouring to maybe improve people's awareness of it.
If you read all of this, thanks! I'm honestly surprised at how long it got. I hope you enjoyed my writing.
Hello, future me here. If you read this before this message was added, please note what I had earlier said about ECE not working on SSE was wrong. I have updated the previous sentence to reflect this information.
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emptymanuscript · 11 months
One of the essays sitting and percolating in my brain is about how much (and more importantly WHY) I loathe the idea of Hard vs. Soft magic systems and how terribly these concepts are for thinking about magicbuilding.
While also in no way objecting to Sanderson's 3 Laws of Magic which I actually love because they are so clever and usable. I'm all for them.
It's a dialectic. Sue me. I just don't think that the 3 laws actually necessitate the hardness scale of magic. At all. And in some ways the two ideas actively work against each other.
I just know it is a HUGE essay, involving a lot of work and data gathering. And I feel like I can't be bothered to expend that much effort within even the medium term. So... it just kind of sits there and occasionally I'll run into something that reminds me: oh, yeah, I kinda wanna do that. Like, this is pretty good but it would be ten times as brilliant if you weren't hampered by the idea of a hardness scale of magic.
I ran into somebody today trying to talk about a pyramid of magic users that was partly dependent on this idea of a chart of Magic Hardness on the Y axis and Diversity of Magical Expression on the X axis. For four fundamental quadrants of Hard Diverse, Hard Same, Soft Diverse, and Soft Same. The last of which he couldn't think of any examples of and I'm just sitting here thinking: yeah, because one of your axes is wrong and its getting in the way of you saying something brilliant.
Think instead of several diversities: Sources of Magic, Types of Magic, Expressions of Magic, and User Variability as a 4D model. Each converging at 0, no magic. Each going to ∞, meaning each kind is entirely individual to the caster and is measured by the number of casters instead of the number of magics. And useful numbers for fiction falling somewhere in the relatively low range of numbers.
So, for the favorite Hard Magic (grumble) example, AtlA, you would have 1 source of magic: Chi. 5 types of magic: Water, Earth, Fire, Air, and Spirit. Then 2 basic expressions of magic: Elemental Control and Spiritual Control. And finally a relatively low (numbers aren't very useful but expectations are) amount of user variability in that expression. This can be shown to the audience with any level of clarity, without altering the system itself.
For the favorite Soft Magic (still grumbling) example, LotR, you would have an unknown number of sources of magic because it is never really delved into. However, it is possible to count what actually appears, and that is a low number, with some possible overlap: There's magic in the race you belong to, there's magic in the divine plan, there's magic in words and speech, there's magic in things sublimely crafted, there's magic in your intent, there's magic in birthright (not your race but your family lineage), there's magic in herb-lore and nature, there's magic in corruption, and there's magic in knowing/wisdom. It is possible to divide all those into separate categories or to unify all those into the singular Divine Will with many offshoots. The types of magic, again, are not enumerated and delved into but can be counted. There seems to be mostly the use of (un)natural phenomenon, communication/command/seduction, knowing/wisdom/fortune telling/working with fate, crafting things to do magic for you, necromancy/corruption, and oaths. Again there is overlap or not depending on opinion since the story doesn't delve into it. And user variability is fairly high in that it isn't particularly useful to know what one magic user can do in order to predict what another magic user can do. And this is really what makes it a "soft system" that whatever rules underlie the system are not only not communicated to the reader directly but aren't communicated in such a way that the underlying system is deducible. It is entirely possible to make a "Hard Magic System" (just ugh) that would produce exactly what we see in LotR. What makes it soft is the information we get, not the system itself.
And that really is my basic issue with Hard/Soft Magic as an idea. It conflates multiple different bits of information into a single bit that isn't dictated by any one of the original bits.
The Idea of Hard vs. Soft Magic relies on the idea that the perception of the Magic System is the same in the Imagination of the Author, their Expectations of the Audience and that Audience's Reception, their intentions, the Encoded piece of Art - the text itself, the Consensus Audience's Interpretations, the Individual Audience's Interpretations, AND the cultural interpretation of story as applied to this whole mess.
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While literally none of that has to be true.
It is (accidentally?) doing the precision opposite of what the Artist Philosophy does at its worst. It is elevating the audience experience of Story over every other factor. It is essentially saying that every other position on the map must accept "my" interpretation and play to it. It's flipping the script - ex: men are good so women are bad but now we've had our glorious revolution so now women are good so men are bad - instead of actually addressing the problem inherent in the script - one gender is portrayed as superior to another.
BUT that's like two examples out of... hundreds? Thousands? Per year! >_<
Two texts aren't a sufficient corpus of material to talk about these sorts of things. Neither is one figure to illustrate the issue out of one textbook. And I just DON'T want to deal with that level of work. Especially since no one will really particularly care. And the minority that would be interested are generally pretty happy with the Hard / Soft divide because they're the readers whose views are being reflected. So...
No point.
And this is why I shouldn't write essays anyway. I just wrote an essay about NOT writing an essay >_< I have issues >_< it's just... so much thought on how to do things on the back end (writing and worldbuilding advice) which is growing excellently right now would be so much better without that Hard-Soft conceit which is just... *sigh* an entire essay on why it is an issue. With half probably devoted to soothing egos and rough reactions of 'but it works for me.' Which is the point. The entire point.
And ugh.
And I'm probably only putting work into this in this way here so I won't feel the need to lash out at my sister quite so intensely. Again >_< I have issues.
And thanks for reading / sorry for writing. You know. Me and essays :/
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salemsimsrender · 1 year
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Beginner Blender Tutorial Basic Render: Part Two (Posing Our Sim, & Setting up a Scene)
(Continued from Part One)
Welcome back!
In this tutorial, we'll be posing our sim & setting up our scene!
For this tutorial, you'll need Sims 4 Studio, which you can download here!
Step 1: Exporting Poses for Blender
Before we can pose our sim in blender, we need to prepare the pose. I'll be using this pose set by @roselipaofficial for this render! Download your pose and open it in Sims 4 Studio. Click "Clips" at the top
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For my render, I'm going to use Pose #3 When you select your pose, the Clip Name will change (Each creator names their poses differently) Before we export, make sure you're set to the right rig! Blender does terrifying things if you export to the wrong rig. I'm posing an Adult Female sim, so we're good to go! Export the pose and save it somewhere that's easy to find! Now let's go back to Blender
Step 2: Posing Our Sim
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In Blender, click on "Pose" in your Outliner Then hover over your sim/3D viewport area and hit I on your keyboard (not L) to open the Keyframe menu Select "Location & Rotation"
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In your right-side workspace, change your editor type (window) to Nonlinear Animation This is where we'll pose our sim!
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You'll see rig and rigAction. Click the little dropdown arrow next to rigAction, then you'll see a highlighted orange track
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Now let's add in our pose Click File -> Append and navigate to where you saved your pose Double click your pose file, then elect the "Action" folder Double-click the file that comes up under "Action," that's your pose
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It'll appear as though nothing happened... but it did! In your Nonlinear Animation window, click "Add" and select "Add Action Strip" Make sure your rigAction line is highlighted orange like mine is!
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Select the Roselipa pose we added from the list, and TA DA! Our sim is posed!
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Step 3: Setting up our Scene
I always add in my camera before doing anything else, that way I can adjust as necessary based on what I want the final render to look like. To add in a camera, you can either select "Add" in the top bar of your 3D viewport window, or hit Shift+A on your keyboard and select "camera"
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You'll see that a camera has been added to our Outliner, and we can see it in our 3D Viewport (If you still have a lamp in your Outliner like I do, go ahead and delete it now, we don't need it)
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I personally like to move my camera around in real time so I know where it's going. To switch to camera view, click the little camera icon in the right toolbar of your 3D Viewport You'll see that our camera is in a weird spot, but that's ok we're going to fix it
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I want a portrait, so I'm going to switch the resolution settings. To do this, go to Output Properties and change the resolution values. The default is 1920x1080, but I like higher resolution renders personally, so I'm changing mine to 2080x2920. Only go up in resolution if your computer can handle it!
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Now let's move our camera I like to use the Axis directions on my keyboard to get the camera where I want it Select your camera in the Outliner, then hover your mouse over the 3D Viewport Using the "G" key (the shortcut for move), combine G and "X, Y, or Z" on your keyboard to move the camera where you want it This will be fiddly at first but you'll get better with practice! I've set my camera up like this:
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For basic portrait renders, I like to just use lights and a simple cube Remember the default cube we deleted in the beginning, we're going to bring it back now Add it in the same way as the camera, either by selecting "Add" in the top menu and choosing Mesh -> Cube, or by pressing Shift+A on your keyboard and selecting Mesh -> Cube I use keyboard shortcuts, so I'll add mine with Shfit+A like so:
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You'll probably have something like this, your sim floating in a box
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Use the same method you did to move the camera ("G" plus axis directions (X,Y,Z) to move it up and use "S" on your keyboard to scale it up To scale up, hit "S" then move your mouse outward Then center the box over your sim We want to have something like this:
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Click into Camera view (click the camera on the right) and you should have something like this:
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In Part 3, we'll adjust our render settings, add lights, and render!
I'd wanted to include those in part two, but Tumblr is yelling at me about my photo limit.
If you have any questions, please leave a comment below and I'll help as best I can!
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gameloops14 · 16 days
How I Made An Endless Runner #3
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Open the master tile blue print and go to the view port from there select the default séance rout and add an arrow with these location points  X = 1000.0, Y = -330.0, Z = 50.0
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Then duplicate the arrows so that you have three of them this will be the players three lanes.
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This step is crucial because the Y-axis locations for each of these Arrow components (-330.0, 0.0, and 330.0) are the positions we will use to switch the player character between the three lanes. Additionally, we will use these locations later for spawning collectables. With these locations established, we can now proceed to set up the player movement.
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Go to BP thirdperson blue print and disconnect a wire within the code. Then add a input node.
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Now we will need to make some variables the first two will want to both be integers and the last one will want to be a Float.
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Change the variable from a single to an array.
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Compile the project, then select the LaneY variable. In the Details panel, navigate to the Default Value section, add three elements to the array, and enter the lane positions we identified earlier: -330.0, 0.0, and 330.0.
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Now we need event "A" and "D" plug a clamp node in and get a node for lane subtract. Make sure to put D key but swap the Subtract node for an Add node.
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Add a set actor location and make sure to Add a Get Actor Location node and split the structure pin on this as well. Then plug in just the X and Z locations. Then add get node for the Y lane variable once this is done add a set Lane and plug in Newlane into this. This will help to allow the player to swap from lane to lane when running.
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You should end up with something that looks like this. This is an adaptation to make the lane switching more smooth.
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We will then want to add time line nodes.
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We should set this to 10 on the time line.
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We then need do the code for the time line. We will need to add in a lerp we will need to connect the lerp to the Y pin on the set actor location.
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This is what it should look like in the end. However it was at this moment I found I had a problem my character would move to the right of the screen but not the left. I tried to adapted some of my code however doing this would only result in the same thing happening just on a different side. It had trend out that I did not aline my time line right. But once I did this the game still would not work. I found that looking deeper I had accidently gotten the wrong "GET" once I replaced it with the right version the game worked fine.
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