#something which he also acknowledges as wrong btw when he apologised for it so you can't say i'm wrong for that
kittyvolvox · 9 months
me when i see ronance being critised yet again bc robin is steve's best friend who wouldn't "break bwest fwiend code" and nancy is steve's ex who bwoke poor stevie's heart uwu.
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first of all, nancy and steve have been broken up for TWO YEARS already. steve has already forgiven nancy for the break-up. and let's not forget that a big part of why the break up happened was bc nancy was actively mourning the loss of her best friend.
am i saying she handled things perfectly or that her grief is an excuse? no of course not. but i am saying people do not have nearly as much empathy for nancy's trauma and how it affects her as they do for other (male) characters, they just jump straight to calling her an evil bitch. first it's her fault that barb's dead bc she dared to be blinded by romance as a teenage girl then it's her fault when she pulls away from the same guy bc of what happened like... what do you want from her, genuinely?
i'm begging you to stop centering male characters for once in your fucking lives omg. if you don't ship ronance, that's fine but don't bring up this bullshit as a reason not to ship them. robin buckley and nancy wheeler are so much more than their proximity to steve harrington.
btw i'm not hating on steve okay. sorry for the rant i just saw a tiktok that pissed me off so much about how steve would/should be mad about ronance
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
Alright, last one, I hope. The actually apologies.
So the fact that Tommy and Wilbur left actually gave Phil and Techno the wake-up call they needed. That and probably Tommy being traumatised by killing dream. Plus Tommy not telling them he has his memories back. So now they realise the shot they’ve done. And they apologise.
First, being clearly very supportive because fear of rejection is what made Tommy hide the fact that his memories were back in the first place. Secondly, recognising that they should have expected Dream to pull some shit and should have realised that they weren’t they most vulnerable people on that roof. Which is a step in the right direction, but still not accepting that they were just plain ignoring their wishes for their own revenge. As you said, we might not get there cuz they are stubborn bastards.
But where we did get, is apologising to Wilbur, for knowing he didn’t like being a part of the syndicate, for 5 years mind you, and never telling him no or making it clear that they would be fine. Which is what they should have done, just not let him join. Cuz my guy has had several near-death experiences. Also, Wilbur, accept that something isn’t your fault for once in your life. Then go get apologies for all the times they ignored you because one definitely isn’t enough.
But all in all, baby steps, eventually they will get somewhere that is healthier than where they started, for all sides involved. And I absolutely love that you recognised that they need that break and that separation because they just don’t agree and didn’t force it. I really like this ending. Ramble ended.
yuppp wilbur and tommy leaving was the wake up call phil and techno desperately needed. that was their come to jesus moment of realizing that they couldn't just keep doing the same thing as always and trust that wilbur and tommy would get over it. they have to compromise and make an effort to support the two younger members of the family, even if they don't all agree with each other all the time
the apologies were a careful balance because yeah, phil and techno aren't going to admit they were in the wrong for what they did because they're both insanely stubborn and refuse to admit when they've made a bad choice. but they can acknowledge ways they could've done better, and want to make sure both the boys know they still love and support them
wilbur DEFINITELY deserved an apology. like, more so than tommy in my opinion because wilbur has been dealing with this shit for years. phil never realized just how badly it was affecting his youngest (at the time) son, and should've been more aware of what wilbur was going through being part of the syndicate. phil and techno both owe him a lot of apologies for how many times they've ignored his feelings or misgivings about things, so hopefully with time they come to acknowledge that and wilbur can realize and ask for those apologies himself.
i'm so so glad you liked the ending spruce anon, it felt like the most realistic and logical ending given the arcs all the characters went through but I was definitely worried people wouldn't be happy since it's not a typical happy sbi ending. but I'm satisfied with it and it seems a lot of people are too, so that's good enough for me :D it's been great hearing your thoughts on this fic btw, ty for all your lovely messages <3
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everythingblreview · 3 years
Slow Damage review 2.0 Part 2
Fujieda Towa’s route (True route)
I said before that Fujieda’s route is my favourite and the reason why is simple, because this route is actually Towa’s route, and Towa was for me, always the most interesting character in this game. The god endings of the other routes never left me satisfied, something always felt wrong.
Like it normal in bl games the other 3 routes were focused on the love interested, but this was different. From the beginning Towa was always different compared to other bl protagonist, and it was easy to tell that he had suffer some kind of a trauma. The Towa we met in the beginning is a broken person, he is not interested in other people, he doesn’t care when or if he dies, he lets himself get violated and raped (which he apparently “likes”) and he is not interested in any form of love. From the beginning on I wanted to know the reason for it and the reality of it was a lot darker than I could have ever imagine.
(For this review I’m going to summaries the route and write my opinion while I go on)
 The route starts out completely different, Towa “killed” someone the first time using [euphoria], and this changes the flow of the story (chapter 0)
Towa gets a package with things that are connected to his past. Looking at it Towa health condition imminently gets bed, his way of dealing with it is like always, getting violated and raped by guys. Some short time later we learn that Taku knows something about Towa past that he won’t tell, even going as far as to burn his mail so Towa doesn’t look into it future (Not really nice of you Taku). Towa feels really lost in this moment, because he can’t trust his friends and his nightmares he always has, get worse to the point he is scared of them.
In these hard times he first meets Fujieda for the first time. At first neither Fujieda or Towa trust each other, for Towa he and Fujieda live in completely different worlds, but after Towa finds out that Fujieda has information that could have a connection to his past, the two of them decide to work together. (It interesting that Fujieda still doesn’t trust Towa at this point while Towa does, he also acts like a very serious person like you imagine a megane to be but I find it funny that he never used polite language with Towa while he does it with anyone else) Anyway Towa mentions that he can’t read Fujieda at all, because his smoke is completely white (something Towa never seen before) and doesn’t show any kind of distortion.
The two then proceed to do more research about Towa’s past and at some point the end up in Fujieda’s apartment because of heavy rainfall after being chased and nearly shot. Here we learn that Fujieda is maybe not that all different from Towa because his body is also full of scars like Towa’s.
For Towa it changes everything, because he never seen someone with a body like his, and for the first time he begins to show interested in Fujieda and his secrets. (We also learn that Fujieda is not a real megane, and a total hottie) After they watch some TV show involving a red room Towa remembers his nightmare (the one he always has about a dark red room) and decides to talk to Fujieda about his nightmare. (At this point you can see that he trust Fujieda enough to talk about his nightmares)
Later they return to the clinic and here we see Taku being called out by Fujieda, for keeping the things he knows a secret even though he knows that Towa is suffering. (Finally, someone that acknowledge that Towa is suffering from his current lifestyle, it was always hard to see them just ignoring the horrible stuff Towa does to himself), after some discussion Taku tells them Towa’s real name (yes his name is fake btw), hearing it triggers Towa so much that he passes out (imagine how traumatized one must be to pass out only by hearing his real name).
The next day they find out from a woman that worked with Towa’s mother in the past, that she was involved in some dark business involving child traffic and that the child Fujieda is looking for was a victim of it and was killed in the process. (Later we learn the „sister“ that Towa thought he had, was this girl and actually the sister of Fujieda) This information breaks Fujieda, who was looking all his life for his sister, after her mother sold her, and he completely flips and attacks Towa after they meet in the park again, even going as far as choking and raping him. Which only amuses Towa who is used to it (and wants that kind of treatment).
(Honestly I was not really happy that they included rape, while I understand that Fujieda doesn’t get at this point yet that Towa was also a victim and that he is devastated because his sister, he has been searching for was dead all along, was it really necessary to include rape? The only thing I can say what was not all too bad about it, is that we saw that he is also not a perfect human being and makes mistakes too. Still there was no need to include rape, beating Towa would have been enough but I guess this is a bl game after all …)
Anyway, here we see for the first time that Fujis smoke is changing and is now turning pink/red (whatever you call it).
Some stuff happened, Fujieda’s office get attacked, Towa finds a picture in it after sneaking into it, of the girl (and please look at baby fuji), Fujieda is looking for and he gets a headache from it again. After he meets Fuji (Fuji tells Towa that he will not apologise for his doings and I was not really happy with that statement and only forgive him because I know that he is not that kind of a person and he regrets it, [will explain more later on], also please notice that Fujieda’s smoke is now a pastel pink colour) and they decide to continue to work together. (Towa likes that this is relationship is only based on cooperation without any feelings involved oh honey you got a big storm coming)
The next day, Taku gets kidnapped by Madarme all of the love interested meet up in the deathmatch area, Madarame who is here of course to fuck shit up, fights Fuji for whatever reason, which is not really to Towa’s liking because Madarame is overpowered, so he tries to protect Fuji and gets hit in the process. (look at Towa trying to protect his future boyfriend) Madarame loses all interested, tells Towa he changed and leaves into the sunset to be never seen again, but not before telling Towa that if he want to know about his past he should look in that western style mansion he shows him (this scene annoyed me because Madarame tells Towa that he “changed” but he is not that all different from Towa in Madarame’s route the only difference is that Madarame could not manipulated Towa into thinking he is like he was in the past) After that Fuji and Towa decide to visit the western style mansion, where Towa finally remembers his past, that he was treated as a tool by his mother and sold to customers that did all the horrible things to a child no one even wants to think about, and Fujiedas sister was with him at the time, and she was the one that tried to help him and they tried to escape together but failed, which led to her getting killed. Remembering his past really broke Towa, because his reason to stay alive was his wish to see and draw the desire of people, but it turns out that this was all manipulation by his mother and that he had been doing the same horrible stuff she done (fulfil the desire of disgusting people, that abuse children) without even knowing it and he, for the first time in his life feels guilty because the girl that was helped him and was his only light in the dark please was dead while he is still alive. He wishes that she was alive instead of him. (You can see how much Towa liked her, probably the first person Towa had strong feelings for, she is the one that helped him in this horrible time. Towa was a really quiet kid, and he never went against his mother but she was the reason he tried to break free from her chains). After he understands he goes out trying to completely distract himself like he always does by getting raped and violated. (This scene was so horrible I could barely deal with it)
Towa’s mind works completely different how a healthy person would react. He was abused as a child and the only thing he could do was to accept it, after he lost his memory he stills to continue to get abused because it’s the only thing he know, it’s his way to deal with his trauma, by repeat it again and again. From the beginning he tells us that he doesn’t want love, he only wants to be treated as a tool, because this is what was always done to him, his love for violence is not real, it’s only a reflection of the abuse he went through. He has no desire to use violence on others, he only wants it for himself. (I really like the writing in the parts where Towa got violated because while Towa himself sells us that he likes it, the writing makes it sounds like deep down he actually doesn’t like it) A big part of his personality is not real, it something made up but his mother and the question is who is the real Towa, what makes Towa, Towa? This is something he probably wonders himself in the moment. And since he was confronted with his past, his way of dealing of it, does not work anymore and the only thing that could satisfy his desire is… death. (From the beginning of the game I always had a feeling that at some point, he will break at will try to kill himself, and sadly it came true. The scene is probably saddest in the game because you can really feel how he reached an end, nothing is holding him back anymore, he is all calm when he is confronted with idea of dying…luckily never happens because in the moments Fujieda burst in the room.
(He is the only person who could save Towa in this moment) Fujieda tells him that he should not throw his life away because this isn’t something his sister wanted, who tried to protect Towa and that her last wish before being killed was for Towa to live. He also tells Towa that he was attracted to him from the beginning, but he was scared because he knew that he and Towa where the same but he didn’t want to admit it because it would mean admitting his existence is miserable like Towa’s, but he just could not leave Towa alone. (This confession)
After making sure Towa is not trying to die anymore, he put him in the bath, because Towa tried to light himself on fire using oil on himself and he is all beaten up from before. (I like how atmosphere changes here, the music changes the room gets brighter, you can really feel like the heavy weight is lifted from them).
Fujieda washes Towa hair and talks about the time he did with his sister  (you can really feel that Towa already became an important person to him already) he treats him very gentle and asked him if anything hurts, and gets really angry when he says the “traces” left by the men that raped him, and tells him not to do it anymore (finally someone said it) after Fuji tries to wash Towa’s body, Towa pulls him close and asks him to show him his scars, and he does (this scene is really beautiful because they standing facing each other naked bodies covered in scars, like a mirror) and Towa touches his scars and say they are the same, (like he finally found someone that he can related to, he also looks very vulnerable in this scene) after looking at his scars, he just kissed him, not even knowing why. Lucky for him Fujieda returns his kiss and this leads to them having a passionate moment on Towa bed. (Normally I don’t talk about the sexy times on in my reviews, because it’s more of a fanservice moment in games, but here it’s different)
Normally Towa only goes for violence during sex and doesn’t like gentleness (because he feels nothing), but with Fujieda who has sex skills over 9000 it was the first time that gentleness felt good to him, (Probably because it was the first time, he did it with someone he is attracted to) he also never experienced painless sex and doesn’t even know it can feel good and was really surprised by this unknow feeling. I also like that they keep on kissing each other’s scars, like they wanted to comfort each other (even though Fujieda didn’t like Towa doing it because he, unlike Towa, hates his scars). The scene is really focused on what they are feeling rather than just the actual act itself, and it’s just really wholesome and cute.
After they are done the sit awkwardly on the bed, thinking about what they just did (They sure didn’t expect it to happen, but the moment was right and they just let their feeling go).  Fuji asked him about his love for scares, because he himself can’t understand it, he also asked if it felt good for Towa lmao no confident in his over 9000 sex skills, Towa tells him that it was the first time he felt like that and that it scared him, but it also felt extremely good. (Love a honest man) After that he tells Towa about his past that he and his sister were abused by their parents and his sister later sold by their mother, and Fujieda did everything to search for her. He worked as host in the beginning, earning enough money from his rich costumers to study (he basically was a male prostitute) and later become a lawyer. That’s why they he understands Towa so well because they share the same horrible past and are directly linked to each other by his sister. Also Fujieda’s name is fake like Towa his real name is Yuzuki Minato(first name) Fujieda also suggest for them to support each other rather than licking each other wounds (so it doesn’t sounds like they are just using each other), and when Towa asks him if he want to have this kind of relationship with him he gets all blushy. (Look at him who would have thought that behind this serous looking guy is a gently but very shy man).
Important thing to notice here is, that Fujieda’s smoke changed after this scene and is now completely pink/red and it’s the exact colour that Towa has, Towa also tells him that he can see smoke of people in this scene (I loved how they include this colour transformation, the more his smoke got pink/red the more we saw his real personality, and that his and Towa colour is the same, it’s like they are fated to be). They agree to start this kind of relationship and Towa gives him a little kiss to seal this promise. (Btw Towa always initiates everything, all their kisses and even the sex, Fujieda stop being shy)
The next day Taku asks Towa if he eat something delicious, because his face that looks dead normally, now has colour to it (thanks Taku, he had the best food you can have:love and affection), later on they decide to look for the person, who sent Towa the package and Towa ends up with Rei at Sakakis apartment, where Towa gets kidnapped by Sakaki and Eiji (never trusted him). They bring him back to the mansion, where Towa was abused by his mother, and Sakaki (who is a big piece of trash and adores his trash mother) tortures him by playing his mother voice recording, telling him because he killed his mother, he has to become his mother now. Apparently, Towa pushed her down the stairs, after she attacked him with a knife because he tried to escape with Fujieda’s sister. (I really like how small Towa who never went against his mother, for the first time in his life went against her, you can really see how much influence Fujieda’s sister had on him, even breaking him free from the chains of his mother. And that Fujieda and his sister both had an important role in Towa’s life) Before something can happened Fujieda shows up (our hero) to save Towa, the situation escalates and Fujieda ends up fighting Sakaki, who pulled out a gun try to shoot him.  I loved how Towa, who normally never cares for people tries everything even though his hand are tied up, to protect Fujieda from being shot, you can really see how important he is now to Towa). The scene ends and with Towa acting like his mother tricking Sakaki (he got this idea from Fuji, who he can understand perfectly now even without a lot of communication) and Sakaki falling down the stairs to his death (yay happy end <3). Towa and Fujieda can finally both go home and get treated because they both got shot. Some days later they went back to the mansion, after getting a hint from Eiji, to look for his mother diary (some pages of the diary were sent to Towa). Here we find out Towa birthday (he didn’t know it himself) and that his mother did love him but she was a monster that could not control her horrible desire and that she always felt alone, after reading it Towa end up crying (this poor child) and Fujieda hold him to comfort him. Credit roll
Fast forward half a year later, Towa now lives with Fujieda (yay happy husband life) because he now helps Fujieda with work so they decide that living together would be better and totally not because they are interested in each other of course, also Fujieda is a bad cook, so bad that he even burns scrambled egg (lol). Towa also stops painting after completing Fujieda’s painting, but Fujieda, who is a supportive and loving boyfriend, encourages him to draw more, because his painting will be now free from his mother influence. Towa also ends up losing his ability to see the smoke of people and the colour that he always saw in his vision are also gone (so the colour was always something his mental state projected and not real) Around a month later the visit the beach together because they never went to the beach, and Fujieda tell him since both of their childhood were so horrible they never had such experience and now he want them to experience it together (asdfd why is this so cute) he also accidentally ends up implying that they are married but doesn’t understand it of course because he is a social awkward person and his way of speaking too hard lol. Anyways it ends with them playing in the water and plashing water at each other faces like small children. Still not the end, in the last scene Towa (with his husband of course) visits the shop of the grandma (best side character btw), who sells snacks. And there is this one painting that for Towa was always a black canvas, but it all colourful now. Turns out this painting was bought by his mother for him, and it inspired him to start drawing and all the time he could not see it. He wonders if the sky is such a colour and that he sees the true colour of it now, and most important, for the first time in his life he really feel alive. The end
At this point I was really crying, imagine how horrible your life must be if you never even felt like you were alive, this end scene really shows the greatness of the game, because here you finally understand what you just saw and how great this experience was (at least for me it was like that). I love this scene so much.
When you play the game the first time, after this last scene and the credit roll the room in the start menu that always been dark will turn completely bright like it tells you that Towa is finally free from the darkness. There are more metaphors with darkness and brightness in the game I noticed, Towa’s room is dark in the beginning, and he never opens his windows, but guess who does in one scene, Fujieda. Opening the windows bringing change in the room, also everything in Fujieda’s apartment is dark or just black, his windows are shut with black curtains, but we see in the end when they stared living together that their home is bright with white furniture and big open windows. And one more thing I notice, the credit roll has a black background but in the true route it’s white. I really like it that they made it like this.
Next up for the character analysis
We know a big part of Towa’s personality is an influence by his mother or something made from his trauma, but what part is the real Towa we see? And I want to talk about the part what make Towa such a great character not involving his trauma. A big part why I like him has to do (and I noticed it even more in the replay) with him being extremely smart. He has that what other protags are missing: a brain. I loved how smart he was, there is no scene in the game where I would say he acts dumb, he knows what he is doing. In Rei’s route he knew something was wrong with Mizuno, and he even tricked him into revealing his true self. In the first chapter he knew that Ikuina sent him the flower, in Takus route he knew that he was kidnapped to blackmail Taku, and what to do to get out of the situation. In the true route after he remembered his past, he understands instantly that he was manipulated by his mother. I really respect him for it. Another part I like about him is that he is honest, he is not a tsundere, he will always say his honest opinion, he also has no shame and no problem with admitting he likes and wants sex. Even when he has a problem with liking people, he does cares about the one that are close to him in his own way. Also, he is a fun person and likes to make jokes with his friends. Because of his trauma he has no understanding the feeling of “love” and “like” and almost never says he likes something (he only ever said he likes scars), him actually starting a relationship with people only worked because it was always someone that has been close to him a long time. (In Fujieda’s case it was because their similarities, because of that they could understand better than anyone else from the love interests, and their past is connected through Fujieda’s sister, so they are indirectly linked from the beginning). Unexpectedly he can be really cute sometimes, I didn’t expect him to blush at all but he did. From the beginning you may not think it, but Towa is a really calm person. He never screams, never curses, he avoid fights and is not extremely social, still he does seems to enjoy hanging out with his friends. He is a great artist and I enjoyed his paintings.
One last thing I really like about Towa and what differentiates him from a lot of other protagonists, he acts and feels like an adult. Compared to N+C last main character Aoba who is still very childish, Towa does not feel like a child at all, giving him a totally different atmosphere.  
Fujiedas personality is not that all different to Towa, they are similar any many ways and it’s a reason why they work together. It’s funny how they tried to make him look like he is the serious megane even introducing him as someone who looks down on Towa and you really think in the beginning, he is liked that, but he is completely different. He is a hardworking person that doesn’t like to lose and sometimes comes of a little hard in the way he speaks, but in reality, he is just a very social awkward person with trust issues. From his backstory we can assume he probably didn’t have anyone that was close to him beside his sister like in no friends, and that since he has this trust issue he never let anyone near his heart. He is just not used to talking open with someone and this shows in the way he speaks and if really funny sometimes, he is also a little shy because of it. I love how gentle and caring he is after he finally opened up to Towa. Like Towa, he is honest person and also doesn’t understand the feeling of love I read that some people say that Fujieda feels like a side character and the story would work without him, I completely disagree with it. The feeling of him of a side character comes from the fact that people are just not used for the story to focus on the main character of the game and is always dealing with the problem of the love interest, but here it’s focused on Towa also on Fujieda but Fujieda’s only problem in life is his missing sister, nothing else is there to “fix” about him. In the first place the story was always about Towa, in the routes before you could reach happiness for the other characters and not Towa but this time everything is focused on Towa’s happiness. Because there is so much story in the true route the part where it’s focused on the relationship between them is short. The most important part is the before and after sex talk if you really want to understand their relationship.
The true route would also never work with the other characters, it only works because of Fujieda. He is the main key for the story and for Towa. He is someone Towa can relate to, he understands Towa and Towa understand him, no one else can related to Towa on this level. He pushes Towa to go forward and calls all the other out for not helping Towa, he is the support Towa needs in his life to get over his past, without him everything would fall apart in this route. The theme of the route is “equal”, and it fits them so well because they are always equal, no matter what they do. There is no one that is standing about the other, no top/bottom dynamic, they always do everything to be equal to each other. They have the perfect healthy relationship. Important to mention here is that we may thing Fujieda saved Towa, but Towa also saved Fujieda, fitting their theme. If you replay the game, there is a scene in the beginning where Fujieda tell that for him this world is nothing more than hell for him, and Towa frees him from it.
Last I would like to say that I like how the hinted at the story from the beginning on in every route (which you don’t notice the first time you play it) like with Towa’s nightmare and how he always felt drawn to children but he didn’t know why and that every aspect of the routes connected in the end. I really like games that keep the secret of the story hidden until the end, (some may say that it’s stupid that only the true route had it but that’s the point of a true route) and while all other pairings are also canon, I’m glad that they are the true pairing and the true end of the game. For me there is no better happy end I could have wished for.
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mionemymind · 3 years
That’s so good to hear! I’m so glad you’re taking good care of yourself!
Now my thoughts on chapter 10 were wow. A rollercoaster. It went from angsty to fluff to guilt to bad bitch vibes all in the span of 20 minutes.
I can’t tell you how happy I was when Steve said all those thing to Tony because finally someone has the courage to admit their faults. Though one thing I’m wishing for is that Tony won’t apologise just cause of what Steve said, you know? As if he’s being ‘forced’ to apologise just to get it over with. Like not out of pity either but out of respect and sincerity. I want him to admit and understand what he did wrong, but all I’m seeing is that ego of his increasing day by day.
Let’s talk about Natasha now. She’s finally waking herself up and realising what her actions have caused Y/N to do to herself which is good. But this question always lingers on me: if y/n never attempted to commit would anyone have admit to their faults and feel guilty? My answer is no. Because they tortured, and starved, and mistreated Y/N so badly for months and didn’t even acknowledge the fact that y/n was dying physically and mentally. Even after Vision told Wanda Y/N’s complications I think i remember Wanda finally realising whats wrong but she kind of let it slide because of what the team kept saying about Y/N. I might be wrong about that part but I really don’t remember.
Also Bucky and Beth huh? Even though i felt it platonic, part of me also felt it intimate? But if you bring Estell back, forget Bucky and Beth 😂 but I guess if she isn’t, I don’t think I’d be mad if they ended up together. I mean living together? Comn, something is definitely gonna happen. Just give it time and you’ll see.
Btw when you said next chapter is out I thought you were talking about ‘her mistake’ or is it ‘her choice’ (wait if one of them isn’t the correct title of the story I’m gonna feel so embarrassed I’m sorry!) came out and I was so excited but when I checked to see if chapter 2 was out, it wasn’t. 😂 but take your time of course!! And have an amazing day and stay safe!
~Assistant General Manager.
Hello AGM!!!!
1. Honestly, I'm so sorry to the Tony stans because I swear, that man is hardly developed and is constantly going to be used as the bad guy.
2. I remember the scene you're talking about. Wanda and Vision were talking in the kitchen about Y/n's declining health. Wanda never knew about the mistreatment of Y/n and assumed she would be fine since she had healing regeneration. But this only works if Y/n is eating well. But Wanda never knew she was starving. And honestly, I doubt any apology would ensue if Y/n never attempted suicide. They wouldn't see it as harsh.
3. They are platonic soulmates till the end. If that changes, I don't mind (I love how I talk like I'm not the author of this series). I can see something happening but not any time soon that's for sure.
But eat a meal, drink plenty of water, and take your vitamins. I love you :)))
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loyally-unfaithful · 4 years
—; don’t run from me river
word count: 2605
pairing: upgraded connor | rk900/gender-neutral!reader
genre: hurt/comfort
summary: nines filed the results of the system check to the back of his mind, to be analysed later, and sighed. he wasn’t originally programmed to sigh, but he sure did it alot nowadays. he sighed once more. this check would most likely return like the previous few, [ all systems optimal; functionality: 100% ]. so why does his processor stutter, causing him to freeze and catch his voice in his throat, when he was around you? there was only one logical explanation: he was broken.
a/n: ya boi is an idiot who made more wips than he could handle,,,, but anyway i wanted to write a nines fic because,,,,,,,,,,,, idk inspiration struck? i must admit i had no idea where i was going w this fic skfksfjaskdfhjk btw nines is deviant in this fic, i just have a hc that since he was forced into deviancy (unlike the 3 protagonists who reached some sort of catharsis) he isn’t as familiar with emotions as those 3, hence his difficulty identifying and expressing them. also rk800-60 and rk900 have assigned names, being colin (nickname sixty) and conan (nickname nines) respectively. connor is just connor lmao,,,,, i am god in my fics and i decide that my 3 bois are bros and happy lil deviants,,,, mk, go!
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the ambiance inside the bar was loud and suffocating. many people came to celebrate an officer’s promotion to detective, and while nines wasn’t particularly close to them, he showed up regardless (although a certain duo of rk800 models may or may not have had something to do with his decision). mere formalities; he politely congratulated them and stepped away to ruminate on his own in a corner, absently watching the scene in front of him. for a reason that escaped him, he was (disappointed?) (hurt?) that you got along with colin. he still experienced anomalies in his system when near you, even after being told that he was perfectly fine at the maintenance centre. if the problem wasn’t from within, then there was only one probable cause: an outside factor. a recurring event. one that triggered these anomalies. you.
so he requested to change partners. now, he really wished he didn’t.
while you have taken to your new partner wonderfully, he wasn’t as gracious with his. between reed’s incessant snide remarks and overall unwillingness to cooperate, he’d much rather be deactivated. he found himself missing your partnership. for one, your cooperativeness was a relief. you were determined, passionate and kind. truthfully, he missed you. the shine in your eyes when you find a lead, your composure and professionalism, the soothing quality of your voice, the way you’d let you hand linger in his, how your features softened when you smiled—smiled at hi— he caught himself. why did that last part come to mind? how did you still manage to affect him when you’re so far away? he was about to check why when a laughter caught his attention. your wonderful  laughter. One he was oh so familiar with. you were laughing with his brother, probably at another of his bad jokes. seeing you happy with him stirred an ugly feeling inside him. one that he did not recognise nor acknowledge. one that caused him to glare at his older counterpart.
he was miserable after parting ways from you, having to deal with reed’s complaining. he was hurt, he was away from you and it didn’t feel right. this distance between you two manifested as physical pain on his part, so how come you were fine? how were you able to move on in your life as if nothing happened? sadness and hurt turned into something more despicable: how dare you not feel the same pain he did? seeing you so happy twisted the knife deeper in his heart. how could you? conflicting emotions; he wanted to see you happy. he also wanted to see you suffer with him.
his glowering must’ve been pretty obvious as connor “addressed” him, asking if he was alright, to which he replied with a curt « all systems fully functional ». clearly the wrong answer as the rk800 frowned slightly and asked him to follow him. nines did as told. you watched him as he left, but he’d never know that.
the alleyway wasn’t the cleanest of places, but it was private and quiet enough that the two could converse verbally. connor watched his younger brother, concern in his eyes, and tentatively threaded the topic of his relationship with you. nines squinted his eyes fractionally as he observed his brother, pausing before dismissing anything connor may have assumed: « i don’t know what you’re trying to insinuate. the older model raised a brow in as he doubted his younger counterpart’s words. – you’ve been scowling at them for the past few minutes. – everything is perfectly fine between the detective and i. he forced out, probably more defensive and harsh than he meant it to be, as his brother’s eyes widened slightly, flashing with something akin to recognition. there was a pause before connor spoke up. – are you… jealous? he finally asked. »
nines looked a bit more than scandalised as the thought of being jealous, face contorted to slight disgust: « that’s preposterous. he scoffed. jealous? jealous of what? connor thought back about the scene before he intervened: nines was glaring intensely at you and colin, just after you laughed at one of his quips. – well for one, of collin. how he managed to get the detective’s attention. maybe you’re yearning for theirs, for their affection. his proposition has certainly made nines realise something as his eyes widened, making him look like a deer caught in the headlights. – what are you trying to say? his voice wavered in unsurety. – what i’m trying to say is tha— » he didn’t manage to finish his statement as another voice, not too dissimilar to his own cut him off, announcing how “nines had the hots” for you. connor looked slightly irked at being interrupted while nines quickly dismissed the statement before fully processing it. colin was slightly taken aback by the quick rejection, before smirked mischievously: « great! then you wouldn’t mind if i asked them out right? – colin! exclaimed his twin. »
a sudden rage took over nines’ body as he pushed colin out of the doorway and stormed back inside the bar. a few beats passed before connor threw a chastising look at his twin, which colin shrugged nonchalantly to.
yes, nines knew what dating was. he knew that if two individuals were to harbour romantic feelings for each other, they would come together and be “dating each other”.
date /dāt/ verb gerund or present participle: dating 3. go out with (someone in whom one is romantically or sexually interested).
technically, it was fine. logically, it was fine. he didn’t own you. if you were to date his brother, then that would be your choice. but the thought of you being close and loving someone other than him felt so incredibly wrong. he wanted to leave. he needed to leave. this is all too much. he had feelings for you? he needed time to digest that statement. in his rush to get out, he accidentally bumped into another person, who made a small « oof » and an apology. he was about to apologise as well when you both realised who you were talking to.
« nines! i’ve been looking for you! can we… uh, talk? » he realised from this distance that he could smell your scent: lavender, fabric softener, and something pleasant that was unmistakably you. he nodded and followed you absentmindedly. how did you have this power to erase all thoughts from his mind, make him think of you and only you? has he really fallen for you? you both went outside, a distance away from the bar’s entrance when you finally restarted the conversation: « nines. – detective. » you bit your lips at that reply, and he realised now you looked tired, that radiant smile absent. « look, nines, i- i’m not dense, okay?... i-i know when someone’s avoiding me. – what do you mean detect— – i thought i told you that it was alright to call me by my first name… look, i… by “avoiding” i mean this. acting like you don’t know me. speaking to me as if we were just “coworkers”. acting like we aren’t friends. you sounded tired, the lilt in your voice that he has grown accustomed to sullen. – i’m not avoiding you. he lied, but he knew you were smarter than that. – nines please don’t lie… this distance… between us. i don’t understand, nines. your voice cracked. what happened? Why are you doing this? »
watching you hurt inside because of him was worse than any punishment he could’ve received. any and all previous wishes for you to suffer was quickly erased. he’s much rather suffer alone than watch you break. he took hesitant steps back. away from you. distancing himself from you. you noticed his actions and whispered a desperate « nines… please… » he wanted to run away. he wanted to stay. he wanted to leave and pretend this conversation never happened. he wanted to hold you and tell you everything: his fears, his doubts, his growing affection for you. in the end, he found himself running away from his problems like a coward. you didn’t bother to chase after him, desperately crying out « please… please don’t run from me conan. », last part choked out as you tried to hold yourself together. hearing your voice crack and waver because of him was awful. he wanted to turn back. comfort you. But his body didn’t obey him. when he finally stopped to pay attention to where he was going, he was right back at his shared flat. he swallowed dryly and moved to enter his house, a solemn air around him.
the next few days were absolutely torturous. he increased his initiative to avoid you, never seen in the same place as you, much to your chagrin. an act so blatant than someone as ignorant as reed noticed, an act that become the core of his recent round of taunts. avoiding you hurt. so why did he continue to do it? the thought of approaching the subject made him go cold. it immobilised him, stopped him from uttering a single word. a quick search told him he was scared. nervous. for rejection. he doesn’t know if his heart could take much more. he does resolve to tell you one day… just… not today…
but maybe he should’ve taken the chance when it was presented to him, as he may never get one again.
you died. well, you almost did. his mind jumping to the worst case scenarios as anxiety filled his system. arrest gone wrong. gunshot. 9mm bullets embedded within your abdomen. what if it hit your vascular system? you were rushed into the er. he knew that in this profession, the chances for an individual to get shot rises. but he didn’t expect to grow so attached to one of them. so as the surgeons work to quickly remove all bullets from your body, he sat, rigid, as he waited for the procedure to be done. he fiddled anxiously with his coin when your partner placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. he mechanically glanced at its owner, who told him to not worry, that you’re “too much of a stubborn ass” to die from this event. he didn't acknowledge colin’s input as he continues to play with the quarter. he should’ve told you. told you when he had the chance.
the clock ticked. and ticked. and ticked. when finally, the surgeon informed the two that you were alright. they managed to take out all the bullets. your condition was stable. you were ok. heavily sedated and going to be in a lot of pain. but you were ok. nines didn’t stop the heavy sigh of relief that escaped him. the doctor told them that visits will be allowed as soon as you were settled in recovery. he was going to tell you. he told himself, like an unspoken promise. he was going to tell you then. it’s the least you deserve. he was going to apologise and come clean. hopefully you’ll have it in you to forgive him.
when you finally came to, your body ached, you didn’t want to move, so you settled with eyeing your room. what happened? you were chasing this guy… and he pulled out a gun… pain and then darkness. and now you’re here. the recovery room was filled with gifts and get-well soon cards. balloons of assorted colours filled the room, bouquets of diverse types of flowers adorned the table.
« you’re awake. »
you turned your head at the source, seeing connor at the doorway. « how—you cleared your throat—how long was i gone for? you asked, voice raspy. – around 3 days and a half. you’d gain consciousness a few times, but you were too heavily sedated to be fully coherent. he explained as he took a seat near the bed. you groaned. – gosh that long? connor nodded. how’s colin? – doing pretty well all things considered. he does, however, feel immensely guilty about failing to protect you. – well, tell him it’s not his fault and that i forgive everything he’s blaming himself with. you worried about him. despite sixty’s mischievous exterior, he had a tendency to get himself stuck in a depressive loop of self-deprecation. connor smiled graciously. – will do… he placed a paper cup filled with what you assumed was thirium on the floor. how are you feeling? – everything hurts but i’ll live, you quipped. » the android chuckled and was about to reply when a knock caught both of your attention. the door creaked slightly open, as nines peered in. he hesitated before asking if he may speak with you. the “alone” part being left unsaid as connor bid you farewell and left.
you and your former partner were locked in an intense stareoff, you on the bed on one end and him glued to the door on the other. he took tentative steps towards you. closing that distance. when he was besides your bed, he nervously called out your name. you parroted him, mustering out a curt « conan. » he took a deep breath that he technically didn’t need and whispered out an apology: « i… i’m sorry. for everything i’ve caused—for all the hurt i’ve caused… for what it’s worth… i never meant for all this to happen. » his voice was clipped as guilt overcame him. you watched him, silent as ever. he wished you would say something, anything. the silence was deafening.
« then please tell me why… he promised himself that he’d come clean. – i… i don’t… i don’t think i know... for sure… i experienced anomalies in my system when i was around you.. you’d consume my every thought, i’d feel immobilised and i… i’ve been told that i’m being nervous… i’ve been told that i harboured romantic feelings for you… i-i don’t know. i… i yearn for your attention, your touch, your affection… but is it right for something like me to desire such a thing? am-am i broken…? his voice was barely a whisper when he choked out the lay part, and he waited for his response, growing more anxious as each second ticked by. what if you didn’t want him? what if he wasn’t enough? – no, you aren’t broken. you shook your head. just human. »
nines. confident and assured nines was an insecure and trembling mess as he poured out all of the doubts that plagued his mind. your heart aches as you wished to comfort him, so you do. you reached out, best you can, and grabbed him into a bone crushing hug. an action that took him by surprised as he stiffened at your touch. but he soon relaxed and carefully snaked his arms around your waist, returning the hug. you slowly caressed his hair as he nuzzled into your neck.
you both stay like this for a moment, relishing in each others presence, before you spoke up again: « it’s okay to be unsure, you know. he stopped his nuzzling, indicating to you that he was listening. if you don’t feel ready at the moment… if you just wanna be friends for the time being, i’m ok with that. and if one day you decide that you want to be more, just remember i’ll be right here. » you pressed a gentle kiss on the crown of his head and stayed in that position for a while, neither wanting to part ways, but this awkwardly positioned hug took a toll on your back so the both of you half heartedly pulled away from each other. hands holding the other’s, you asked for one more request: « just promise me one thing. – anything, he breathed out. – please… don’t ever run from me again. – never. he promised, fully intending to fulfill said request. »
« thank you. »
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My two cents worth for the first six chapters and some reasoning around IC and Nesta. All my own personal opinion. Read if you want but it's just my general thoughts. Please, please don't flip if you disagree. I love Nesta and the darkness she is in right now and her behaviour is taking over this sassy no nonsense Queen and it needs to change.
Is the House of Wind a prison...technically no. Nesta just does not have the ability to fly or winnow. And no one is on standby to be her taxi. She can leave by walking. Amren threw her that challenge on purpose. She's not alone, Az and Cassian live there. And the Priestesses. Yes it has dark memories. Yes. I know that and I take it on board.
On a side note, it's irritating to hear 'I'm not your prisoner" from Nesta (who I like!!!!) I think of Azriel, Feyre, all the Fae Under the Mountain, even Elide 💗. Then again everyone's idea of prison is different. But the fact remains. She CAN leave. It's just bollocks hard. For a reason
But we know it's what she needs. We know that. We don't have to like it. Not one likes the reality. The ultimatum is uncomfortable and harsh. Our way or fuck off. They are not suggesting manual labour or degrading her. They suggest training, food, working in a library, purpose, being part of something. This doesn't sound bad to me. It just sucks it comeing across as an order. But this is Nesta's POV and she doesn't do requests or pretty please. The fact I got riled up reading it is a compliment to Mass. I had to take a major step back and reassess. Nesta sees everything as an attack. And no that is not her fault. Stay with me! I agree people enjoy provoking Nesta ( Rhys, Morrigan, Cassian) and then get affronted when she bites back. At some point I'd enjoy her retaliation akin to her ripping their head off :) And their vow to never go there again.
The IC 'review' is what annoys me. The "we" will decide where you go from here if you play ball. My hope 🤞 is that Nesta will TELL THEM where she will go/what she will do with sass. But right now sitting on a rock instead of trying to train is fucking juvenile (Again I stress I like Nesta). She hates her power as far as I can tell. But she is so low she can't see the wood from the trees. Or the hand that is been given to her.
Does Feyre have a right to be embarrassed. Yes. I'd die of shame if my sister (I have 3 btw) kept at that again and again and again all on my families dime. Without even being polite or respectful to anyone. She's only ever provided for Nesta. Period. Not to mention being a high lady with all the responsibilities that entails. Living her own life (well earned) and well life in general! I mean Jesus, Nesta is not her only priority. She maybe ours lol! But Feyre has 101 things going on. Give her credit. She tried with Nesta several times. Gave her space and time which Nesta wanted while still making the effort to reach out. Nesta needs to acknowledge that. Feyre was bankrolling her self destructive lifestyle and it had to stop.
The whole "your behaviour reflects badly on us". Well yes it does. Nesta doesn't get a free pass. The whole of Pyrithian is rebuilding and our girl is pissing away money. That's not even hers! Her behaviour does undermine the Court, folks must eye roll when IC lay down the law when your sister/ sister in law is prancing around being a with a big fuck you. Everyone is broken and rebuilding. And it's a slap in the face. Is the saving face irrelevant to Nestas issues, yes! But is Feyre allowed to feel fucked over, yes! Sisters say shit when they fight. Arguments are not flawless debates. Their emotive and bring out the worst in people. Feyre darling is feeling the pressure of being high lady and it came out all wrong. Especially when it's your sister acting up.
And Nesta never tried (as far as Feyre can tell) WE know Nesta IS trying, and surviving every day is a battle. But Feyre doesn't. Why would she. Nesta doesn't speak to her. But their relationship is so toxic that it's beyond Feyre to get it. And that is not her fault. NO ONE is perfect. There is only so much responsibility Feyre can CONTINUALLY take.
Rhys being there. I have a feeling that a male will not let his pregnant mate anywhere near someone he is afraid of. It's instinctive. Someone who hasn't trained to control their powers especially. He is on High Lord mode cause guess what he is a High Lord. This is his court and the people in it his responsibility. Not to mention the oncoming drama with the queens on the horizon and general court bullshit. Does he abuse his position of power.... well in this world the HL have the power. Everyone is answerable to one. Even Amren obeys the rules. Nesta doesn't/won't recognize that. Which is rare. They tricked and lied to get her "consent" surprise surprise a dick move from Rhysand/Feyre. We know they will do that for the "greater good". Lie, steal etc all in the name of saving the day. He screwed Morrigan over in front of her ass Father for flip sake! My point is the NC stability is his priority now more than ever if impending fatherhood is on the way. It's no surprise he wants Cassian to take on more responsibility. Nesta is a liability cause she is AWOL. It's worth noting he had this plan for months but Feyre refused preferring to give Nesta space and the opportunity to decide for herself what she wanted. So we could assume if Rhys had his way Amren and Nesta would have still been friends and it would have been far different. Amren would have been by her side. Do I condone his domineering behaviour, no not in a million years. And neither did Feyre. Will he apologise? Probably not he's an arrogant ass. And wanted to control the room. Fact. He wants/needs Nesta on board the team to bolster his ranks. She is that powerful. We KNOW he will do anything to protect his family (baby on the way).
Morrigan and her nasty comment on sending Nesta to The Court of Nightmares. Cassian acknowledges it's an insult but also the truth. That's a harsh fact on how Nesta is percieved right now. But I believe she wouldn't just thrive there, she would CONQUER ;) I don't know if Morrigan is referring to the people that abused her or the "type" of people that live in Hewn City...? Will we give HER the benefit of the doubt... hmmm.
Morrigan and that comment on good people giving Nesta the benefit of the doubt...that's Morrigans issue. She never gave Eris the benefit of the doubt and yet he proved her wrong with Keir. She's all over the place as a result . And she's been lying for 5 centuries. To her family. Cassian said he values the raw honesty that he has with Morrigan. Wow is he going to get a shock some day. Nesta may be a bitch but at least she's an honest one. And Morrigan knows it which must rattle her to no end. Point is Mor isn't supposed to be in this story very much and Nesta never really cared for her opinion anyway. So neither should we. I've checked out of Mor. Knowing she won't give Azriel closure or honesty just makes me not consider her opinion. It suits her to keep Nesta down in the gutter so her lie can continue.
Amren - her behaviour. I have to remind myself Amren is OLD, a stint in the Dungeon is probably a standard response! Her idea after the Summer Court fiasco and the jewels was to go there and crush them. Amren is by nature harsh. Which is why she gets on with Nesta the most. Cassian tells us she cares. Nesta can't see this. Her comment on Nestas sex life in ACOFAS. People ran with that. Fae lifestyles always kind of disgusted her. She wasn't Fae so bodily functions were an alien concept. Now she's Fae she's slightly horrified. Also no one else has much to say on Nesta's bedroom antics. Cause it's a non issue Mass doesn't do slut shaming. So neither should we. Speaking as a woman also here.
Elaine - we know Elaine craves peace and quiet. Confrontation is not her thing. Being there would mean Nesta would use her as a crutch, and I'm not sure Elaine wouldn't cave. Nesta pushed her away on purpose and Elaine choose to try and find some sort of contentment. That's her right and choice. Agree or disagree. She walked away or decided she can't deal with Nestas difficult behaviour. I don't know. Or is she oblivious to the situation ?! Who knows. Elaine is an enigma! It's the first 6 chapters! Right now they are two different people and have been drifting apart since ACOWR. Nesta is a dichotomy of pushing people away and hurt when they stop trying. It's exhausting for the people that have to deal with it. Who are not perfect and have their own issues and lives. Elaine has stepped back from this situation. Because either she recognizes it needs to happen or cannot sway the majority. Though I think Elaine did say something to Feyre, cause when Nesta pressed her she refused to say what Elaine thought. Just that she wasn't there and not part of the issue. Feyre is high handed when it comes to her sisters. Because that's the role they allowed her. Nesta is fighting back. And Feyre takes it personally. Which is only natural. They're sisters.
Cassian! Ah Cassian. He was spectacularly rejected and being around Nesta is a constant reminder. That's enough to make me cringe in a corner. He acknowledges he stayed away cause it hurt too much. He's a soldier and has serious self discipline. He has no idea how his behaviour/comments hurt her until she confronts him. Deliver him a few home truths. Another well deserved kick in the balls. Flirting with Mor, not sure his behaviour there has ever changed. He keeps it normal cause being around Nesta gives him the shakes!! Lol. He is slack jawed after Nesta and wants her badly, passion we know is big thing for them. It ignites them. Raw and real. Recognising Morrigan is aesthetically beautiful is just a fact. We know she's a looker. So what. Meh to this issue some people have.
We know from spoilers they start training and communicating and Mass is a Nessain ship so I'm excited to see this grow and flourish! I've read spoilers here on these two so I've no qualms.
Cassian for me is right. He and others have been through similar situations before so can empathise. But until she answers him back without snapping he won't be able to be that shoulder to lean on or turn too. He's not going to be her Prince though. Nesta is her own Queen!
I've read some spoilers on her friendships and I'm so happy. I've no idea how it will go but it says to me that the IC have a block when it comes to Nesta and don't see her the way others do and Nesta opens up to people who don't have a predisposed prejudice.
Also the IC have no idea how Nesta is going to react at any stage. It's like walking around on eggshells. Why would anyone actively choose to be around someone like that. That and very obvious fact they are BUSY AF. They don't have time to have a daily bollicking from Nesta. Yet all fall in when the plan is announced. Make what you will of that.
Some further musings:
Nesta being reminded she has to be respectful to Clotho and the priestesses is sobering. Like wow, people can't trust you will have basic manners. Again I know this is Feyre saying it but Christ to worry about that. Will be interesting with Gwyn and that friendship and a nice reality check for the IC.
I spent 4 God damn books understanding Rhys motives. He's a prick yes. Which I enjoy. But the bastard people are making him out to be I don't agree. Half of Pyrethian hates/hated him, Nesta hating him won't stress him. Or her for that matter. They have a 2 people they both care about in common and will just have to deal.
Training in Illyria, well Nesta is powerful, training in the mountains is probably damage control if she explodes. And a change of scenery from her prison!
Rhys was controlled for 50 years, Amren escaped worlds to be free. I don't believe they want to control Nesta.
Families are messy and fucked up. The intervention is a perfect example of how arseways it can get.
Azriel being Azriel I'm not sure about anything with him right now. I've read the snippets and spoilers and I'm all over the place. He is one of my favourites. FYI when I say IC I never mean Azriel I don't know why but I always imagine he finds it just plain drama and avoids it at all costs. Nesta is drinking and gambling away her life. Okay! Nesta is now training and we are all on board to help. Okay! Nesta is a powerful Queen and we are all afraid. Okay! Nesta has turned Cassian into a drooling mess and hes ass is hers. Excellent ;)
Sisters! They need to deal and respect each others independence. They are all in the wrong. It's just annoying at this stage. Personally I'll rip into my sisters when I need to but usually get a red mist when anyone else does. Even if they are in the wrong. I have a habit of always defending them.
So overall the angst killed me in the first 6 chapters. Did Rhys dominant shite irritate me? Yes. Do I want Nesta to make it clear she's not a pawn in his/their world? Yes. In spectacular fashion please.
Did Feyre handle it well? No. Does she ever deal with Nesta well? No. Perhaps only when Nesta is more inclined to talk. Which is rare. The ultimatum we know from Cassian sickened Feyre she recognizes it for what it is it but really cannot see any other option. Her fault or a combination of factors you decide. It was hyper tense situation we all just wanted to get through.
Would we be so angry if this was a soft approach headed by Elaine/Feyre/Amren? Would Nesta even react?
Cassian compared Nesta to a sleeping dragon who has just been woken up. Nesta needed a kick in teeth. A major reality check. Life in Pyrethian is hard. This a fae world. She is angry and incensed they have dared to 'interfere' and 'assume' she will be controlled. I want her to tackle her demons, confront her fears her issues with herself and others and live! Live! I've no idea what she wants and can't wait to find out.
***I've read some spoilers on the end. The rumours and the actual basic plot ending. I'm like Mass I love a HEA. And am hopeful I'll be satisfied. I had a similar theory when I heard the pregnancy rumour. A move by Nesta that would never have anyone doubt her.
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pointedly-foolish · 4 years
[ dσn’t run frσm mє rívєr ]
word count: 2605
pairing: upgraded connor | rk900/gender-neutral!reader
genre: hurt/comfort
summary: nines filed the results of the system check to the back of his mind, to be analysed later, and sighed. he wasn’t originally programmed to sigh, but he sure did it alot nowadays. he sighed once more. this check would most likely return like the previous few, [ all systems optimal; functionality: 100% ]. so why does his processor stutter, causing him to freeze and catch his voice in his throat, when he was around you? there was only one logical explanation: he was broken.
a/n: ya boi is an idiot who made more wips than he could handle,,,, but anyway i wanted to write a nines fic because,,,,,,,,,,,, idk inspiration struck? i must admit i had no idea where i was going w this fic skfksfjaskdfhjk btw nines is deviant in this fic, i just have a hc that since he was forced into deviancy (unlike the 3 protagonists who reached some sort of catharsis) he isn’t as familiar with emotions as those 3, hence his difficulty identifying and expressing them. also rk800-60 and rk900 have assigned names, being colin (nickname sixty) and conan (nickname nines) respectively. connor is just connor lmao,,,,, i am god in my fics and i decide that my 3 bois are bros and happy lil deviants,,,, mk, go!
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the ambiance inside the bar was loud and suffocating. many people came to celebrate an officer’s promotion to detective, and while nines wasn’t particularly close to them, he showed up regardless (although a certain duo of rk800 models may or may not have had something to do with his decision). mere formalities; he politely congratulated them and stepped away to ruminate on his own in a corner, absently watching the scene in front of him. for a reason that escaped him, he was (disappointed?) (hurt?) that you got along with colin. he still experienced anomalies in his system when near you, even after being told that he was perfectly fine at the maintenance centre. if the problem wasn’t from within, then there was only one probable cause: an outside factor. a recurring event. one that triggered these anomalies. you.
so he requested to change partners. now, he really wished he didn’t.
while you have taken to your new partner wonderfully, he wasn’t as gracious with his. between reed’s incessant snide remarks and overall unwillingness to cooperate, he’d much rather be deactivated. he found himself missing your partnership. for one, your cooperativeness was a relief. you were determined, passionate and kind. truthfully, he missed you. the shine in your eyes when you find a lead, your composure and professionalism, the soothing quality of your voice, the way you’d let you hand linger in his, how your features softened when you smiled—smiled at hi— he caught himself. why did that last part come to mind? how did you still manage to affect him when you’re so far away? he was about to check why when a laughter caught his attention. your wonderful laughter. One he was oh so familiar with. you were laughing with his brother, probably at another of his bad jokes. seeing you happy with him stirred an ugly feeling inside him. one that he did not recognise nor acknowledge. one that caused him to glare at his older counterpart.
he was miserable after parting ways from you, having to deal with reed’s complaining. he was hurt, he was away from you and it didn’t feel right. this distance between you two manifested as physical pain on his part, so how come you were fine? how were you able to move on in your life as if nothing happened? sadness and hurt turned into something more despicable: how dare you not feel the same pain he did? seeing you so happy twisted the knife deeper in his heart. how could you? conflicting emotions; he wanted to see you happy. he also wanted to see you suffer with him.
his glowering must’ve been pretty obvious as connor “addressed” him, asking if he was alright, to which he replied with a curt « all systems fully functional ». clearly the wrong answer as the rk800 frowned slightly and asked him to follow him. nines did as told. you watched him as he left, but he’d never know that.
the alleyway wasn’t the cleanest of places, but it was private and quiet enough that the two could converse verbally. connor watched his younger brother, concern in his eyes, and tentatively threaded the topic of his relationship with you. nines squinted his eyes fractionally as he observed his brother, pausing before dismissing anything connor may have assumed: « i don’t know what you’re trying to insinuate. the older model raised a brow in as he doubted his younger counterpart’s words. – you’ve been scowling at them for the past few minutes. – everything is perfectly fine between the detective and i. he forced out, probably more defensive and harsh than he meant it to be, as his brother’s eyes widened slightly, flashing with something akin to recognition. there was a pause before connor spoke up. – are you… jealous? he finally asked. »
nines looked a bit more than scandalised as the thought of being jealous, face contorted to slight disgust: « that’s preposterous. he scoffed. jealous? jealous of what? connor thought back about the scene before he intervened: nines was glaring intensely at you and colin, just after you laughed at one of his quips. – well for one, of collin. how he managed to get the detective’s attention. maybe you’re yearning for theirs, for their affection. his proposition has certainly made nines realise something as his eyes widened, making him look like a deer caught in the headlights. – what are you trying to say? his voice wavered in unsurety. – what i’m trying to say is tha— » he didn’t manage to finish his statement as another voice, not too dissimilar to his own cut him off, announcing how “nines had the hots” for you. connor looked slightly irked at being interrupted while nines quickly dismissed the statement before fully processing it. colin was slightly taken aback by the quick rejection, before smirked mischievously: « great! then you wouldn’t mind if i asked them out right? – colin! exclaimed his twin. »
a sudden rage took over nines’ body as he pushed colin out of the doorway and stormed back inside the bar. a few beats passed before connor threw a chastising look at his twin, which colin shrugged nonchalantly to.
yes, nines knew what dating was. he knew that if two individuals were to harbour romantic feelings for each other, they would come together and be “dating each other”.
date /dāt/ verb gerund or present participle: dating 3. go out with (someone in whom one is romantically or sexually interested).
technically, it was fine. logically, it was fine. he didn’t own you. if you were to date his brother, then that would be your choice. but the thought of you being close and loving someone other than him felt so incredibly wrong. he wanted to leave. he needed to leave. this is all too much. he had feelings for you? he needed time to digest that statement. in his rush to get out, he accidentally bumped into another person, who made a small « oof » and an apology. he was about to apologise as well when you both realised who you were talking to.
« nines! i’ve been looking for you! can we… uh, talk? » he realised from this distance that he could smell your scent: lavender, fabric softener, and something pleasant that was unmistakably you. he nodded and followed you absentmindedly. how did you have this power to erase all thoughts from his mind, make him think of you and only you? has he really fallen for you? you both went outside, a distance away from the bar’s entrance when you finally restarted the conversation: « nines. – detective. » you bit your lips at that reply, and he realised now you looked tired, that radiant smile absent. « look, nines, i- i’m not dense, okay?... i-i know when someone’s avoiding me. – what do you mean detect— – i thought i told you that it was alright to call me by my first name… look, i… by “avoiding” i mean this. acting like you don’t know me. speaking to me as if we were just “coworkers”. acting like we aren’t friends. you sounded tired, the lilt in your voice that he has grown accustomed to sullen. – i’m not avoiding you. he lied, but he knew you were smarter than that. – nines please don’t lie… this distance… between us. i don’t understand, nines. your voice cracked. what happened? Why are you doing this? »
watching you hurt inside because of him was worse than any punishment he could’ve received. any and all previous wishes for you to suffer was quickly erased. he’s much rather suffer alone than watch you break. he took hesitant steps back. away from you. distancing himself from you. you noticed his actions and whispered a desperate « nines… please… » he wanted to run away. he wanted to stay. he wanted to leave and pretend this conversation never happened. he wanted to hold you and tell you everything: his fears, his doubts, his growing affection for you. in the end, he found himself running away from his problems like a coward. you didn’t bother to chase after him, desperately crying out « please… please don’t run from me conan. », last part choked out as you tried to hold yourself together. hearing your voice crack and waver because of him was awful. he wanted to turn back. comfort you. But his body didn’t obey him. when he finally stopped to pay attention to where he was going, he was right back at his shared flat. he swallowed dryly and moved to enter his house, a solemn air around him.
the next few days were absolutely torturous. he increased his initiative to avoid you, never seen in the same place as you, much to your chagrin. an act so blatant than someone as ignorant as reed noticed, an act that become the core of his recent round of taunts. avoiding you hurt. so why did he continue to do it? the thought of approaching the subject made him go cold. it immobilised him, stopped him from uttering a single word. a quick search told him he was scared. nervous. for rejection. he doesn’t know if his heart could take much more. he does resolve to tell you one day… just… not today…
but maybe he should’ve taken the chance when it was presented to him, as he may never get one again.
you died. well, you almost did. his mind jumping to the worst case scenarios as anxiety filled his system. arrest gone wrong. gunshot. 9mm bullets embedded within your abdomen. what if it hit your vascular system? you were rushed into the er. he knew that in this profession, the chances for an individual to get shot rises. but he didn’t expect to grow so attached to one of them. so as the surgeons work to quickly remove all bullets from your body, he sat, rigid, as he waited for the procedure to be done. he fiddled anxiously with his coin when your partner placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. he mechanically glanced at its owner, who told him to not worry, that you’re “too much of a stubborn ass” to die from this event. he didn't acknowledge colin’s input as he continues to play with the quarter. he should’ve told you. told you when he had the chance.
the clock ticked. and ticked. and ticked. when finally, the surgeon informed the two that you were alright. they managed to take out all the bullets. your condition was stable. you were ok. heavily sedated and going to be in a lot of pain. but you were ok. nines didn’t stop the heavy sigh of relief that escaped him. the doctor told them that visits will be allowed as soon as you were settled in recovery. he was going to tell you. he told himself, like an unspoken promise. he was going to tell you then. it’s the least you deserve. he was going to apologise and come clean. hopefully you’ll have it in you to forgive him.
when you finally came to, your body ached, you didn’t want to move, so you settled with eyeing your room. what happened? you were chasing this guy… and he pulled out a gun… pain and then darkness. and now you’re here. the recovery room was filled with gifts and get-well soon cards. balloons of assorted colours filled the room, bouquets of diverse types of flowers adorned the table.
« you’re awake. »
you turned your head at the source, seeing connor at the doorway. « how—you cleared your throat—how long was i gone for? you asked, voice raspy. – around 3 days and a half. you’d gain consciousness a few times, but you were too heavily sedated to be fully coherent. he explained as he took a seat near the bed. you groaned. – gosh that long? connor nodded. how’s colin? – doing pretty well all things considered. he does, however, feel immensely guilty about failing to protect you. – well, tell him it’s not his fault and that i forgive everything he’s blaming himself with. you worried about him. despite sixty’s mischievous exterior, he had a tendency to get himself stuck in a depressive loop of self-deprecation. connor smiled graciously. – will do… he placed a paper cup filled with what you assumed was thirium on the floor. how are you feeling? – everything hurts but i’ll live, you quipped. » the android chuckled and was about to reply when a knock caught both of your attention. the door creaked slightly open, as nines peered in. he hesitated before asking if he may speak with you. the “alone” part being left unsaid as connor bid you farewell and left.
you and your former partner were locked in an intense stareoff, you on the bed on one end and him glued to the door on the other. he took tentative steps towards you. closing that distance. when he was besides your bed, he nervously called out your name. you parroted him, mustering out a curt « conan. » he took a deep breath that he technically didn’t need and whispered out an apology: « i… i’m sorry. for everything i’ve caused—for all the hurt i’ve caused… for what it’s worth… i never meant for all this to happen. » his voice was clipped as guilt overcame him. you watched him, silent as ever. he wished you would say something, anything. the silence was deafening.
« then please tell me why… he promised himself that he’d come clean. – i… i don’t… i don’t think i know... for sure… i experienced anomalies in my system when i was around you.. you’d consume my every thought, i’d feel immobilised and i… i’ve been told that i’m being nervous… i’ve been told that i harboured romantic feelings for you… i-i don’t know. i… i yearn for your attention, your touch, your affection… but is it right for something like me to desire such a thing? am-am i broken…? his voice was barely a whisper when he choked out the lay part, and he waited for his response, growing more anxious as each second ticked by. what if you didn’t want him? what if he wasn’t enough? – no, you aren’t broken. you shook your head. just human. »
nines. confident and assured nines was an insecure and trembling mess as he poured out all of the doubts that plagued his mind. your heart aches as you wished to comfort him, so you do. you reached out, best you can, and grabbed him into a bone crushing hug. an action that took him by surprised as he stiffened at your touch. but he soon relaxed and carefully snaked his arms around your waist, returning the hug. you slowly caressed his hair as he nuzzled into your neck.
you both stay like this for a moment, relishing in each others presence, before you spoke up again: « it’s okay to be unsure, you know. he stopped his nuzzling, indicating to you that he was listening. if you don’t feel ready at the moment… if you just wanna be friends for the time being, i’m ok with that. and if one day you decide that you want to be more, just remember i’ll be right here. » you pressed a gentle kiss on the crown of his head and stayed in that position for a while, neither wanting to part ways, but this awkwardly positioned hug took a toll on your back so the both of you half heartedly pulled away from each other. hands holding the other’s, you asked for one more request: « just promise me one thing. – anything, he breathed out. – please… don’t ever run from me again. – never. he promised, fully intending to fulfill said request. »
« thank you. »
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starwarsgirl10884 · 4 years
A Suprise, to be Sure, But A Welcome One!
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x Fem!Reader x Obi Wan Kenobi
Warnings: Slight sexism, Make-up sex, Dom!Anakin, Sub!Obi Wan, Switch!Reader, Mommy kink
Word count: 2,251
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You were chilling in Tatooine and your boyfriend of five months, Obi Wan, had brought you here. He told you this is where he picked up his padawan Anakin, but you don't really care about you and anakin don't get along that well. (You think Anakin has a thing for Obi Wan). But while you're chilling in Tatooine you see your future husband Obi Wan(Authors note, isn't Obi Wan so handsome *drool*). Anyways Obi Wan enters the room and you greet him with a kiss, but then Anakin walks in and also gives Obi Wan a peck on the Cheek.
“Anakin stop it! My girlfriend is here!” Obi Wan giggled
“Well I have to express my brotherly love Obi Wan!” Anakin replied pouting. I rolled my eyes.
“ANYWAYS, I made dinner Obi, your favorite stewed cuisine. (What do people in star wars eat :d). As I said that I started walking towards the kitchen to get him a bowl. He works so hard its the least I could do.
As the two men began to sit down Anakin yelled, “That's where you belong y/n in the KITCHEN HAHA”. I was shocked at how he could have said that.
"H.. how dare you say that Anakin!? You know how sexist that remark was?" I looked over to Obi and he was too enveloped in TV to have paid attention to what Anakin said(are there TV's in Star Wars? O.o). I wanted to see how Obi would react to his padawan's sexism.
"Obi did you hear what Anakin said, it was really rude and uncalled for" I said in a sad tone.
"Ah he's just joking y/n, don't take it to heart. It was just a little jab." And with that I left with a huff. How could Obi side with Anakin and not me. I think there is something more between those two, I'm going to spy on them to see if they're doing something fishy. And see if my sweet Obi is really cheating on me.
Later that night I followed Obi and Anakin to some weird hotel. Anakin and Obi ordered a room and went to it. I had to figure out a plan to get in, and in being so smart I did. I walked into the hotel and told the man at the desk to give me a key to the room. He asked if I knew who was up there and I said my boyfriend Anakin. He asked for some identification of that being the case, and I showed him photos of me and Obi on Instagram.(Oh btw you should follow me on Instagram @starwarsgirl0884 :3). The man at the table said we looked cute together, which made me blush, and gave me a key.
Before I opened the door to their hotel room I listened to see if I could hear anything. And I did(😳😳😳).
I heard a lot of heavy breathing and semi loud moans, it made me kind of wet. But then I realized that it did confirm my fears, Obi Wan was cheating on me with Anakin!
Then there was another noise. Between the moaning. And what was uttered made my stomach plummet, "I hate y/n so much Anakin, I'm so glad I can be with you instead."
My head started to spin and my stomach hurt. I was so embarrassed I had to leave.
As I ran for the stairs I heard the room door open behind me. I was hopeful. I thought my lovely Obi Wan would run up and embrace me in his arms, telling me it was all a big joke. But as I turned around I saw Anakin. I was so mad with tears streaming down my face yelling at him, asking how he could take me Obi from me. I called him other abusive names like homewrecker, whore, slut, I had no filter.
I was about to hit him, but he grabbed my arm before he could. He then spun me around and held me tight to his body. I was oddly aroused. As he held me to his chest he said, "Hey y/n I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have fucked Obi Wan, I did it to spite you and frankly I'm really sorry." I was shocked at this answer, I didn't know how to reply, but he continued. "I knew you loved Obi Wan and I knew how much that would upset you, but now that I've seen you cry it really hurts me and really made me start to acknowledge your beauty…" I didn't know how to react, was Anakin flirting with me, was he actually apologizing, I didn't know what to think or how to feel. He then interjected, "also, those were some very hurtful names you called me, could you apologise for that and maybe suck my cock?” I was shocked by how abrasive the question was. Where the hell did that come from. I thought he hated me?
"S… suck your… cock??" I stuttered. Anakin started to grin and put his hand on my ass; it made me wet. Before I could say anything else Obi Wan came out of the room and asked Anakin what happened.
"What's all this then?" Inquired Obi Wan. "Why is your hand on my girlfriend's ass?" Anakin looked between me and Obi Wan, neither of us knew how to reply.
"Uhm, I was just catching y/n she tripped and almost fell haha." Anakin continued, "We don't like eachother but I couldn't just sit here and watch her embarrass herself!" He started laughing awkwardly.
"Well y/n what are you even doing here in the first place?" He said even more inquisitively, "Didn't you say you were gonna stay home?" I could feel Obi's eyes burn a hole through mine, I know he knows that this was no accident. As I went to come up with a false story Anakin jumped in.
"I invited y/n over, I didn't like the thought of her being lonely in Tatooine, I spent too many nights the same way, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone!" Quite frankly I was shocked at Anakin's thoughtfulness and generosity towards my situation seeing as how we had been at odds with each other ever since we first met.
"Well why didn't you tell me you invited her Anakin?"
"I wanted to surprise you, y/n is your girlfriend after all I'd assume you'd be excited if I secretly invited her!" With that Obi Wan had nothing more to say and told both me and Anakin to join him in his room.
Not gonna lie, having heard both Anakin and Obi Wan moan loudly and having Anakin grab my ass, I was very horny. Not to mention when we entered the room the men made me sit sandwiched between them. Not that I'm complaining but let's just say, you could waterboard someone with my underwear.
As I sit in-between the two men I felt a hand rub against my thigh, I was quite delirious still after hearing what Obi Wan said about me, but I think he said that in passion but his post but clarity made him realize he still likes me. So I wasn't sure about whose hand it was caressing my thigh. I looked at both of their faces to see if I could tell who it was by their reaction, but it was to no avail.
While I was lost in thought, I failed to realize that the hand was now further up my leg and right below my crotch. Before I could inquire the two men about whose hand it was, the aforementioned hand began to rub my crotch! I didn't know what to say or ask, but I knew it would feel good so I let the hand do its thing.
I felt the hand slide up my thigh, closer to my dripping core. I won’t lie, I wanted them to both fuck me sensless against the bed frame, using their jedi powers to hold me down.
“Mnnn” I moaned, a blush dusting my cheeks. Obi looked at me quizzically, then inquires, “Anakin, are you doing the egg drop thing?”I glance at Anakin and see his chest heave, he was definitely enjoying the thrill of this situation.
“Yes haha” he replied, his voice hoarse.
“Oh okay, hehe. It’s so funny when you do that! It tickles!” He said while giggling like a schoolgirl.
I look at Anakin out of the corner of my eye, grinning. “We can continue now.” I whispered, throwing him a cheeky wink.
He then proceeded, moving his hand further up my thigh, grazing a digit on my aching bundle of nerves. I try my best not to moan as Obi was watching Friends, however his laughing was distracting me from the real task at hand. It was the Episode in which Ross says Rachel’s name instead of Emily’s. Ironic. It seems that Ani and I are the Ross and Rachel of this sitcom (Wonk Owo).
Anyway, I could feel an unknown force push against my clit. It didn’t surprise me that Ani would use dirty{;)} tricks while touching me. I stifled another moan, this was so wrong, but so right!
Suddenly, I felt empty. Anakin had retracted himself from my dripping core, grinning like a maniac. I glared at him angrily. Cheeky Bastard I thought.
It was silent as the Friends episode had stopped and Obi Wan wasn’t laughing anymore, he sat staring at us. Anakin chuckled darkly and glared back.
“Dutch Oven” He cooed as he pulled the blankets over our heads. Obi Wan giggled playfully as the scent overwhelmed us.
“You cheeky bastard” He cried, tears of laughter clouding his vision.
I was still wet under the covers, praying he wouldn't notice the smell. I don't know what Anakin thought this would achieve. As I went to look at Anakin I heard Obi Wan pipe up.
"This was quite funny Anakin, but I don't smell a fart? It smells more fishy and I know you don't eat fish?"
I glared at Anakin, now Obi Wan knows how fishy I smell and I didn't want him to find that out.
Before I could explain away the smell Obi connected the dots, the moans he heard, the shuffling under the sheets, and the smell. He stared at both me and Anakin a small glint in his eyes.
"Would I be able to join you two?" He said coily as he ran his hand up and down my leg.
"I'm fine with it!" Anakin beamed, he then looked at me with hope in his eyes.
I nodded “I always wondered what it would feel like to be double penetrated.”
They both grinned and pounced. Both men started to kiss my neck sloppily, their eyes filled with hunger. I moaned freely, relishing in the fact that I had two men at my will. Anakin was slightly more dominant than Obi as he sucked on the nape of my neck and pulled my hair. The latter was currently kissing the crest of my ear and whispering about how long he has wanted this.
Anakin looked at me darkly
“You wanna suck my cock now?” He questioned, out of breath.
“Actually, I had something else in mind.” I cooed into his ear. I stood up and made my way to the bed, splaying myself across its cumstained sheets.
Both men sauntered toward me, it was so hot(😩😩😩). We all undressed, exposing ourselves to one another. Oh my force, Anakin is so big! I could see the precum slick on his throbbing cock, it made me hungy.
Shortly after, Obi Wan's erection sprang out of his undergarments, it was surprisingly small. (omg obi is such a bottom bitch O///O) Nonetheless I wanted both of them inside of my sopping core. They both stood in front of me, their hands on their hips as if they were inviting me toward their meat.
“Well then” Anakin teased, “get on with it.”
I kneeled in front of the men and grasped their veiny hardons. Obi let out a small whimper, I could tell he wasn’t going to last long. I started to stroke both of them at the same pace, but only maintained eye contact with Anakin, for he was clearly the most dominant of us. His hips rocked with the rhythm of my strokes, a smirk on his face.
“Hey stop that, naughty boy.” I chided with a wink.
Anakin begrudgingly complied, “Yes mommy.”
I grinned and went back to work.
As this conversation went on, Obi looked between us and my hand that was wrapped around his leaking member.
“Keep going, then.” He urged, trying not to sound impatient. I glared at him playfully and squeezed his cock. Obi yelped and nodded his head.
“I want you both to fuck me.” I said “At the same time.”
They both nodded obediently, though Obi Wan was slightly more eager to please, which made me laugh.
Obi Wan positioned himself in front on me, his erect cock glistening with precum. I felt Anakin’s hands on my hips, positioning long ani with my tight ass.
I continued to stroke their cocks for a few minutes, not letting them cum and completely overstimulating them both.
It made me wet thinking about the power that I held over them in these erotic moments.
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1/8 I really wanted to ask you a question, anonymous because I don't have an account, and anons are off on your main blog so I'm asking on this one! There are no spoilers in this, I promise you. KoA is coming out very very soon, and that means I'll have to do a reread of Tower of Dawn, my favourite in the series. How should I read it? ToD is my favourite because I really love the new characters and worldbuilding. But the main reason is because of Chaol. This book meant a lot to me
its below a cut because its long... 
2/8 because of his healing arc. I didn't even love Chaol that much before this book, though I never really thought he was that annoying. I did think his actions toward Aelin and Nesryn were crazy. But the thing I loved most about the book was the message to stop hating yourself for your mistakes, to forgive yourself, and get up when you fall. It was the Valg darkness that had injured him, wasn't it? And it was feeding off of his pain and regret.3/8He had to face all of it to finally be completely healed when Yrene realised that the Valg weren't just an enemy to fight against, they were something to be healed from. I think his insecurities and regrets, and his feeling that he was a failure, were also just like a parasite. That message that this darkness that doesn't let us go forward, that tells us we're not good enough, is like a parasite, and can literally and figuratively paralyse us, and we have to let go of it, really helped me.4/8 I think we all have those feelings in us sometimes, and they are the real enemy, just as much as the Valg are in this series. Tower of Dawn showed me how to fight them. When I first read the book, I was in a bad place and felt like I had failed everyone, and this book let me heal. Now I'm rereading this series and I'm back in a less-than-healthy place, and this year hasn't been that easy. But I've been thinking a lot about the characters—more specifically, Chaol.5/8 He became my favourite character in this book, but I've read so many reasons why I shouldn't like him, and many ways in which he's problematic. I don't condone all of his actions, but I never really read him as annoying. I can see where they're coming from, though. One of the most well-known metas on Chaol is the one about how ToD wasn't his redemption arc and he didn't really change, and mostly stayed the same idiot. I never really read the book to see him redeemed.6/8 I just liked the message of his healing. Heir of Fire is a very close second to ToD as my favourite, because of both Aelin and Manon's change of view. (Side note: Aelin went through so much in the series and triumphed, so it seemed a really crazy idea to put her in an iron coffin, and give her that feeling that she's failed everyone again. But I think it shows that the path to complete self-acceptance in anyone's journey is never linear. But I digress! Enough about my love for healing arcs.)7/8 The point is, there are many, many valid reasons to dislike Chaol, and so many of the things he's done—not just to Aelin and Nesryn, but throughout the whole series—are pretty stupid. But can't I like the good parts and learn from the bad parts, without condoning them? Are the people who like Chaol better at excusing problematic things or something? The reasons to hate him are all such good reasons, and I acknowledge them. I feel like I should probably start reading him that way too.8/8 I'm sorry for all the rambling in your asks, but my question is: should I do my reread looking for all the reasons why I shouldn't like him, or is it okay to read it my way? I acknowledge the wrong things he's done, but does it make me a bad person to like him anyway? Does liking problematic characters make me a bad person? Is it all right if I didn't read his character as that annoying? I feel very conflicted about this, and that's why I'm asking you.
I am so sorry I only just saw this as I came back to tumblr today! My asks are back open on my main btw - or they are supposed to be. :) So I’m first going to say that we all take in books, movies, stories differently.
Sure over time some are deemed to be "less than great" while others triumph and are called the best books of a generation. (and I disagree with a few of those lol).
I like to listen to a lot of different point of views in the tumblr world. But I have learned that people will see what they want to see. 
Read Tower of Dawn how YOU want to read it. 
If Chaol is your fav that’s valid. Even if Maeve was your favourite - that’s Valid too. We can like characters without condoning what they do. We can like stories while knowing that they might contain controversial topics. I loved Tower of Dawn when I first read it. And I Loved it the second time as I read it simultaneously with Empire of Storms.
I'm sure I’m going to go off on a tangent so I apologise if I do.
But its important to read for your own enjoyment. Decide what you think. Decide what you like or don’t like. Its fine. Then if you decide you want more ideas and perspectives then look for them. But don't beat yourself up if you don’t completely agree.
And if your mind changes after a second read - that’s fine too. Opening ourselves to more experiences and stories is what makes us more accepting as a whole - I believe.
So I'm going to focus on your questions before I go on a meta Tangent.
Should I do my reread looking for all the reasons why I shouldn't like him, or is it okay to read it my way? - READ It however you want hun
I acknowledge the wrong things he's done, but does it make me a bad person to like him anyway? NO You are not a bad person Example. My grandfather cheated on my grandmother with another person. He was still my grandad. I still had a relationship with him. I use this story a bit. He did some dumb shit but it never made him a bad person. He did some worse shit to some other people which def could make him a bad person, but he was still my grandad and I loved him. He lived his life and made mistakes and spent a lot of his life trying to atone. WE ARE HUMAN. And I think it actually says a lot about SJM's storytelling abilities to make such complex characters. The older I get - the more I seem to forgive people for some things and condemn them for others. When I was 15 I told my uncle he was going to die if he kept smoking - I was blunt and brutal and didn’t care. Now I wouldn’t say that - but I also wouldn't let my kids be around him while he smokes and I would say that to him instead. He can do what he wants - i’m not there to police his choices. So I guess perspectives change, or how we go about enacting change changes. Anyway You are not a bad person. I am not a bad person.
Does liking problematic characters make me a bad person? um short answer - NOI really like Lorcan. A lot of people don’t and that’s fine. But he's my problematic character I'm stuck on hahaha 
it all right if I didn't read his character as that annoying? Yes because we all make friends with different sorts of people.My best friend is not going to be your best friend. We cant all be the same. Different backgrounds and morals, beliefs etc are going to mesh together and we form friendships. So you can have your best friend and not need everyone else to love them too - the world doesn’t work like that. So loving a book character that other people don’t love is fine too. 
I feel the conflictedness- (I just made that word up its now a word) but honestly. Do what you enjoy. Do what you want to do. Don’t let it get you down. Remember Dorian and Chaol are BFF's so he's gotta be the right best friend for someone and maybe you are just more like Dorian than other people are - ;) right!  hahaha. 
Sorry I’m not sure when u sent this ask, hopefully its not been answered too late. :) 
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annashipper · 6 years
Sorry Anon
Sorry, I find it hard to be sarcastic or facetious in a text. I was saying that I think the BS about rigging RT is just that, BS. I won't go so far as to say the rumor was started in the PR department of Marvel, but fuck, that got everyone's dander up didn't it? There's a gazillion "woke" people on Tumblr (I'm one), who would rise up ready to battle for a movie that's being ruined by a bunch of racists. If somebody on earth (hiding under a rock) had not heard about BP, or was  iffy about seeing it, what better way to get them interested about the movie and decide to go see it for themselves? If Marvel’s PR department didn’t start the rumor, paid some interns mess with RT (or say they were) to get the public's awareness of it, well, they should have. And if I can think of that, I’m sure Marvel could have as well. After the shit casting of Dr. Strange, they know the backlash of anger at anything that smells of racism. I'm not saying it was good, it was gold!
I know that the RT attack was reported on a lot of news pages, and even RT tagged in, but all of that can be faked, and I can't find that FB page anywhere (but even if it did exist, how hard is it to start a new FB page?). As I said, Marvel may not have started it, but they couldn't have had any better publicity if they paid for it (which, I'm still not convinced they didn't). FWIW, that didn't make me buy a ticket, the trailers and story did.
Sorry, I just wanted to be clear that I'm not writing any of this to hurt BP, embarrass or shame anyone. It's just that I have been coding for 40+ years now and I know how easy it is to start any rumor about anything on social media, which RT now is. ONE bad joke on a tweet ruined a life and caused a suicide. So don't get me wrong, I LIKE that this is making so much publicity for the movie. I HOPE it gets a million more people to watch it 'cause I WANT to see BP II, III, IV etc. 
OK, to make up for the confusion on my other posts I'm giving you this link. "Emergency Awesome" is a GREAT YT site. He does all the geek reviews (as well as GOT), he has an "in" with all the big studios and sees shows before they're released 'cause he has 2.2M followers. I promise you will love this video, in it he calls BC, RDJ, & JG the "3 of the most interesting people in the room". www(.)youtube(.)com/watch?v=agU0twlESYM. Love to my favorite blogger, enjoy!
Just to say, I really do spend my life saying "I'm sorry". My big old foot never leaves my mouth. I'm not good at judging when my words might have a negative effect. In person you can see I'm a big dufus, goofy and never take myself seriously. My tongue, also, never leaves my cheek. But reading something flat can make a difference in interpretation. So, sorry, again, I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings, I really, really don't mean to.
You might like this list of Emergency Awesome's videos on both Dr. Strange and Sherlock. He does all the geek things, "easter eggs", etc. www(.)youtube(.)com/user/emergencyawesome/search?query=%22Dr.+Strange%22. He's also the #1 fan of Dead Pool - you can search his site here: www(.)youtube(.)com/channel/UCDiFRMQWpcp8_OK, I know I'm being hyper tonight, you might want to put all these asks into one post, that's if you want to post them at all. You'll still be my favorite blogger.
BTW, Charlie (EA) calls BC "one of the greatest actors in the world. In this teaser breakdown of Dr. Strange way before it was released. So I kind of think of him as "one of us" skeptics but he NEVER goes into any of the actors' private lives, he comments on work only. www(.)youtube(.)com/watch?v=LmfKqIpyNUY
Last one, I promise. This was a really interesting video about some of the "behind the scenes" story of how we almost lost RDJ, Spide-rman, and Dr. Strange. Whew! I'm glad the movie fans won. www(.)youtube(.)com/watch?v=ZK516xj6VkU
Sorry Anon, although I wouldn’t put anything past anyone, Marvel had no reason whatsoever to go to such lengths to promote Black Panther.  
The way I see it, people have been excited to see a standalone Black Panther movie since it was first announced.  For good reasonS.
Also, Marvel is not really in the business of creating negative press about their movies in order to get people talking.  If anything, they don’t like controversy when it comes to what they put out, which became more than obvious with the way they basically ignored the minimal backlash they got for casting whitewashing The Ancient One character.
MFA told me she heard Kevin Feige acknowledge their mistake on a podcast he was featured on, but I haven’t heard it myself, so I can’t offer any more information on that.
Anyway, having gotten that out of the way, I discovered Emergency Awesome when I was geeking out on Game Of Thrones last year and have been subscribed to his channel ever since  ;o)
P.S.  Are we related?  Cause I tend to apologise about 10 times in the course of an hour in real life.
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notafeeling · 7 years
‘Growing Up’ Video Analysis
(( Video analysis/take aways from @thatsthat24‘ new video, “Growing Up”, co-written with @jonerstrokes! Happy very belated birthday btw. ))
-          0:25 Morality popping up all excited. “Amazing!”
-          0:27 This is immediately followed by the three others making noises of disagreements and you can tell that Anxiety isn’t alone for once on a topic. Thomas picks up on this and figures that this must mean something bad.
-          0:33 It looks like Anxiety barely hid a smile as he said nice, but it might have been my imagination. He glances around as if he’s unsure that they are actually agreeing. “I’m not alone on this one? Nice.”
-          0:45-0:58 When Anxiety is being all menacing, Logan cuts in and takes what he’s saying literally and so quickly reassures him that that’s not the problem here (in the literal sense), making Anxiety explain himself. It breaks his harsh negativity for a second. Once it clears up, he agrees.
-          0:59 Roman takes the time to show that he still does not like Anxiety, the darker side seems exasperated with the nicknames. He’s also resigned to them, but doesn’t appear to be too offended by it. “How many of those have you got?”
-          1:04 Princey looks as if though he’s disappointed in himself when he tells Thomas that they haven’t accomplished their dreams. Kind of like he blames himself… *coughs*
-          1:08 Logan participating in the animal noise association game instinctively. Patton even points to him because he knows Logic will do it. The seriousness is replaced with a brief few seconds of banter and it’s just heart-warming okay? “Baa.”
-          1:18 Logic having a list on things Thomas needs to improve on. It fills up multiple pages and he even goes far as to mention that he has included detail on it. Makes me wonder if he keeps lists on everything. How many does he have? “Oh those are just the categories, we haven’t even gotten into specifics yet.”
-          1:33-1:50 Anxiety getting to go off on his negative spiel without being interrupted by Logic or Prince until Morality stops him. (Unlike the others, he doesn’t tell Anxiety to shut up or insult him, but I digress.) Patton makes the slightest of jabs at him, but it doesn’t seem to be intentional or aimed to harm Anxiety, more so to reassure Thomas. “I know we tend to overthink a couple of things.”
-          2:10-2:18 Morality doesn’t sound as if though he’s taking Thomas seriously, but I feel like that’s also unintentional. He’s probably trying to lighten the mood the way he normally does it because it usually works. He also confuses the word adultery again. “Look who needs another lesson in adultery!” “For the last time, that is not right.” “I’m sorry, look whom needs another lesson in adultery.”
-          2:27 Prince admits to thinking about Thomas’ friends and their accomplishments and comparing that to their own. He’s worried because like the others, he wants what he thinks is best for Thomas. In his mind, that would be making sure Thomas doesn’t fall behind achievement-wise. “When comparing yourself to your friends and what they’ve accomplished, how do you stack up?”
-          2:34 Anxiety makes a joke (albeit a negative one) without thinking in response to Morality’s. This messes with my Anx and Mo friendship theory a little, but Morality isn’t shown having a negative reaction so… “Like pancakes, you fall flat.”
-          2:48-3:03 Patton steps in when Thomas is getting picked apart by the others. He’s quick to support him whilst, once again, not insulting a particular side (harshly/personally). *coughs aggressively*
-          3:06 When Logic is in… wherever Morality put him, you can see ‘LOGAN IS THE BEST TEACHER’ scrawled on the whiteboard. Seeing as this is Morality’s imagination, I assume that he wrote that there. The rest of the doodles on the board is cute also.
-          3:44 Thomas has done all of those scenarios Patton shows. I’m kind of curious about that shirt one. Especially since it looked like Thomas was just about to collapse before it moved on to the next scene. “They were all real events in my life.”
-          3:54-4:04 Anxiety seems approving of Thomas staying up until 5am as long as it has a cool name. When Logic tells him that neither the “witching” nor the “devil’s” hour is at 5am, he doesn’t see the point in staying up that late (early?). What else would he do as long as it had a cool name? “Well then it’s just 5am and you need to go to bed.”
-          4:58 Roman expresses extreme disgust at Thomas not watching his shirt. Perhaps he’s the one who hates dirt/germs the most out of the sides? That does make sense considering he’s a prince, although I would’ve thought it’d be Logic. “Did you ever wash that shirt? You’re wearing it right now.” “I did not.” “Ewww!”
-          5:07-5:17 Logan shuts down Patton when he suggests that what they do is a playful banter thing. Prince outright says that he’s the problem. Anxiety makes another negative joke/observation but also joins in. “I love this playful teasing, back-and-forth that we do!” “No, I am serious.” “You are holding Thomas back!” “His heart’s just not in the right place.”
-          5:18 Logan takes Anxiety literally again. There was a theory that it was so Anxiety is forced to explain himself and how he thinks, making it easier to understand the problems, which I like. “Again, that is not the issue. Anatomically, Thomas is fine.”
-          5:41 Thomas snaps at Patton, who is surprised. Morality apologises softly, and it sounds like his voice cracks slightly. He also looks like he’s about to cry, or at least nearing that point. “That’s just it, I’m not a ‘kiddo’ anymore!”
-          5:54 Logic and Prince start teaming up against Morality more noticeably now. Anxiety keeps quiet, looking between the two. He doesn’t seem to approve of their actions at all.
-          6:38-6:46 Anxiety doesn’t find it appropriate when Roman goes off on a Disney spiel at that time. Of course, this could have just been his hatred of Disney showing, but it seemed like he was just being mindful of Patton and kind of resented Prince slightly for being so joyful whilst picking on another. “No Mulan lyrics right now, man, come on.” / “Into the Woods is not better!”
-          7:21 Anxiety completely avoids insulting Morality at all at this point, instead he chooses to keep Logic and Prince at bay. “Okay, pocket protector.”
-          8:28-8:36 & 10:49 Logic is protective over his ‘look’. Despite having told Thomas to wear it, he doesn’t like it on him. “This… This is just my look, you stole my look.” / “Plus I wear it so much better than you. Objectively.” / (much later) “Careful with it. Careful!”
-          8:39-8:46 Logan then dabs and you can see Anxiety just go ‘wHAT’. “Is no one going to acknowledge that he just dabbed?”
-          8:47 Morality, the heart, is (forgive my wording) broken-hearted over the fact that Thomas decides to give up the things he love. I don’t mean to fuel the angst writers here, but like, what if Patton fades the longer Thomas goes without enjoyment? “But you’re giving up all the things that you love!”
-          9:14-9:33 Logan takes into consideration that Thomas isn’t happy with the changes. He goes so far as to admit that he was wrong, and proceeds to figure out that Morality’s opinion is needed to find out how to solve this. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. “Morality? What are we doing… wrong?”
-          9:49-10:05 Thomas quickly realises that he can’t give up everything that he and Morality love and says such, making Patton smile again. “I can’t sacrifice everything you bring to the table.”
-          10:58 Roman, too, apologises in his own way. “That is – wow, I am ashamed of myself.”
-          11:03 Anxiety jumps in. He says that he thought of exactly what Thomas was saying when defending Morality, but brushes it off, using his ‘I’m lazy’ excuse. He might not have wanted the others to bombard him with insults if he were to defend Morality back then? Either way, he doesn’t fool me, that softie. “I was gonna bring that up… but it would have been too much work.”
-          11:39-11:54 Roman teleports them into the first “mind palace” which is just an empty white oasis. Anxiety isn’t used to the sudden light change and is physically bothered by it. Roman fixes his mistake and then the background changes to a new setup. Each little spot corresponds to a side’s own interests/personality.
-          12:02 Anxiety makes a Winnie the Pooh reference when Morality points out that there’s something specifically for Anxiety, which is just really sweet. “Thanks for noticing me.”
-          12:14-12:23 Everyone compliments Morality apart from Anxiety who seems to really love his corner. Anx monologues for a bit, which is both funny and cute, that edgy emo whom I love. “Small, dark and empty… like the cavity where my heart would be… if I had one…”
-          12:24-12:36 No one wants to talk about their issues. Instead, Prince, Logic and Anxiety choose to sink out. Anx wishes Thomas a “happy birthday” with no malicious intent. Notably, he’s the only one who does this throughout the whole video.
-          12:57-3:18 ‘Patton-cake’ is mentioned, and Morality reveals his name as Patton! Finally. Also on the subject of patton-cake, what is it? Why does it need tuna? I’m so confused someone help me.
-          13:50-4:15 Thomas shows his Shorty Award for being the best YouTube comedian! AHHHH, CONGRATULATIONS!
-          14:16-14:23 Patton somehow convinces the others to play and gather the materials, which only adds to the confusion. Why do you need two tennis rackets? Why are Roman’s hands covered in candle wax? W H Y?
-          14:24-14:31 Anxiety tells Patton that he didn’t do whatever he was asked to do, but Patton congratulates him on a job well done nonetheless. What a supportive dad. “And Anxiety, you-“ “No, I didn’t. Whatever you asked me to do, I didn’t do it.” “-are standing there sulking in the corner, yes! Look at what a good job he’s doing, everyone!”
In conclusion, I spent over three hours on this because I have no life and really like TS videos.
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naireides · 7 years
Okay so I'm kind of late to the party here but back in my day this was actually fashionable so. The thing with Jo a while back, I just can't shake. Like this goes beyond Bob and Tasya, this issue needs to be addressed. A person well into adulthood knows that words have immense impact, I think a lot of the times the younger generation feels like what is said is washed out by the amount of nonsense tweeted every day but Jo knew when she'd been called out for something that was wrong -
I have kids myself, living in a place where racism, sexism and all kinds of fucked up discriminations are very much alive and I have to check myself for blind spots every day because we are all responsible for making this shit better. Starting with leading with a good example. So when she not only failed to acknowledge her mistake but also started to play the victim it invalidated everyone who was actually right.
Like, admitting when you’re wrong is the first step to making this world a better place. I don’t know jo any more than I know bob and they may well be such close buddies and whatever but the fact is, when he was attacked she did nothing and whatever her reasoning for this privately, is besides the point. The point is, publicly she made a statement which was wrong and then went and knocked those down that simply pointed out hypocrisy BY GETTING AWAY WITH IT.
She knows. She knows what it looked like from the outside and yet her ego wouldn’t allow to say, you know what, my bad, I should’ve stood up for Bob when he was being attacked, he’s a friend and I simply didn’t feel the need because he doesn’t let comments get to him. Which may well be the case but again it’s not about Bob! Sorry Bob. This whole thing can only send one possible message to more impressionable youngsters and that is that their voice doesn’t matter enough even when they’re stating-
even when they’re stating facts. That’s not what I want anyone to continue to live in or even worse, think it’s fucking normal. Anyway, I’m terrified of tweeting, often delete stuff because, omg the Internet is forever and people need to realize that shit you say on there means something. Btw, I love your work, your writing is fab you’ve got a great gift. And I hope this bloody essay doesn’t come across as patronizing because that’s not what I’m doing I swear.
All of this tbh. Like no one is going to be 100% unproblematic. We all fuck up, we all make mistakes, even unknowingly, but what shows who you really are is how you respond when someone calls you out on it. If someone calls me out on something that i say on here, i ask them to explain why it’s problematic and how to fix it. There’s no shame in admitting that you said something wrong, own up to your mistakes, it’s fine, we’re all learning. But if your immediate response is to cry victim and block someone without even listening then. Well.
And it’s not just Jo, it’s actually pretty common with a lot of the ‘older folk’ out there because they’re being corrected by teenagers/ people in their 20s. Eric whatshisface was also involved in the whole ‘tru.mp is a blarke supporter’ and when people called him out on that, he just blocked them and moved on, pretending that it was just a joke. The whole whitewashing scandal with Zach and the movie where he’s playing a native Hawaiian, Tiffany didn’t know people were kicking up a big fuss and when we tried to explain that pirate and grounder aren’t races that are already sidelined in media, she blocked us (myself included).
Just admit that no one is infallible and own up to your mistakes. Apologising isn’t HARD.
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fxckmebuck · 7 years
You are more.
Request: “Request Hey! Was wondering if I could get a request? It’s where the reader is Tony’s girlfriend (they’re really in love) and has been for a while but Bucky is completely in love with her? If you could write about Bucky seeing them doing random stuff that you think they would do and his thoughts on it all? Also, Bucky is super confused because she is not his type at all as she likes heavy metal and basically everything Tony does? Btw adore your writing :) ❤” -@y0ulo0ksoco0l
Summary: Bucky had never experienced true love until he met you.
Word count: 3,154
Warnings: Mild swearing
A/N: Thank you so much for the request, I had SO much fun writing it! By the way, I adore you :)
For some unknown reason, Bucky had woken up this morning knowing something was different: today was going to be good.
Loud laughter filled the air, every nook and cranny overflowing with the echo of happiness. The sun seemed to burn brighter as rays of sunlight gleamed off every surface and danced across Bucky’s skin. The darkness that normally marched around the back of Bucky’s mind had been lifted, gloom no longer infected his thoughts and a deep, dark mist was no longer sewn onto his eyelids.
Walking into the living area, which could be frequently mistaken for a youth club, Bucky rubbed the last remaining fragments of sleep out of his eyes. The laughter he heard from his bedroom had grown into a roar of hollering and Bucky certainly wasn’t a fan but, at least, it woke him up.
Despite being comfortably settled in and used to city life, large social interactions still wrecked havoc on Bucky’s anxiety and, therefore, he certainly didn’t want to somehow wind up being asked to ‘join in’ as, after that, there would be no escape. But, he certainly wasn’t helping himself, the longer he stood there, the higher the risk of being caught and reeled in.
All he needed to do was get into the kitchen, get something to eat and get out, a couple more minutes and he’d be able to slip back into the comfort of his room Yet, his feet stayed firmly planted in the doorway, his body turned to ice.
As he desperately attempted to calm his mind and slow the frantic beat of his heart, he took in his surroundings. However, while observing the theatrical setting before him, he noticed a person that he had not seen before.
Every pair of eyes were latched onto her image, confidence dripped off the end of her slender fingers, long blonde hair rippled down her back in waves of delight and elegance, fused with an overwhelming sense of sexiness. She was mesmerising.
Bucky’s heart lost control, once again, and a faint blush climbed upon his cheeks. Never in his life had he seen someone so beautiful. For all Bucky knew, she could have been a model. Her body was perfectly proportioned, her smile sparkled and she was surrounded by an aura of happiness and light. With a flick of her finger, she was able to capture the interest of the people surrounding her; she made them smile and laugh, her confidence was intimidating, to say the least. She reminded Bucky of Tony, well except for the fact Tony was an asshole and the woman before him looked like the complete opposite.
Like the rest of the Tower’s occupants he felt hypnotised by her presence, his body begged to join in, to reach out and touch her…
But, Bucky had to keep away. In the silent corners of his day, demons would creep under his skin and plague his mind –he was still dangerous, he had never stopped being dangerous. Whenever he got close to someone, fate would dangle them before his eyes then rip them away. He did not belong with people of such beauty, he did not deserve to.
Ripping his eyes from her figure, he trekked back to the comfort of his bedroom and begged his mind to forget the addictive smell of her fragrance.
A few hours later the laughter had died down and Bucky assumed the coast was clear. So, he got up and he headed to the gym, desperate to relieve the tension that pulled at his heart strings.
As soon as he opened the door, he sensed the gym was not empty like he had hoped. As he looked around, searching for the intruder, a sea of blonde hair flashed at the corner of his eye. Shit.
Taking a deep breath, Bucky vowed to ignore her. All he had to do was stay for twenty minutes to reduce the suspicion that he was avoiding her then, leave. What could go wrong?
Heading in the opposite direction of where she was positioned, Bucky put in his earphones and turned his music up to full volume, praying that the authoritative lullaby of an orchestra would settle his nerves.
After twenty minutes had flown by, he silently thanked the Gods. He could leave and, oh, he planned to as quickly as possible. Hastily, he turned off the machine, wiped the sweat gathering at his brow and turned around. But, of course, he happened to collide with a body much smaller than his, throwing the person to the ground.
A deep red sprung upon his face as he apologised profusely, helping the young woman up, whom after brushing herself off and gathering her wits, thrust her hand forward, a look of embarrassment flushed through her cheeks.
“I’m really sorry; I shouldn’t have been standing so close. I guess I just grew incompetent in my excitement to finally meet you, Steve has said the most wonderful things.” Her voice flowed like honey and her eyelashes fluttered as she sent a sweet smile Bucky’s way.
Stupefied, Bucky searched for something to say. He longed to shake her hand but she’d held up the wrong one, he’d have to shake it with his metal arm and he wasn’t quite ready for that. Just as he’d formed a sentence that was somewhat coherent within the mess that was his mind, the woman in front of him filled the empty silence instead.
Dropping her arm, her smile faltered as a realised her mistake. “Anyway, it’s lovely to meet you even if I’m currently drenched in sweat. My name’s Rosemary, maybe we could hang out sometime? It was a real shame that you couldn’t join us this morning.” Giving Bucky one last smile, Rosemary turned around and started to leave the gym. Thinking that she’d upset Bucky, she deemed it best to just give him some time; maybe she could try again later.
On cue, Bucky’s stomach growled and gathering all the courage he could find, he blurted out the sentence that led to the blossoming of a beautiful friendship. “Do you to get McDonald’s?”
Stopping in her tracks, a smile burst onto Rosemary’s face. “I’m not a big fan of fast food but, after we’ve cleaned up, we could cook something? There’s no point Tony having a massive kitchen if no one uses it.” Turning round to see Bucky’s reaction, her smile grew even as she was faced with a warm smile and Bucky’s sparkling, grey eyes.
“That sounds good!” Bucky agreed.
Every day since then Rosemary and Bucky cooked together: sometimes it was for the whole team, sometimes it was just for them and sometimes they used their impressive skills to microwave some popcorn as they sat down to watch a movie. It gave Bucky, the release he needed. For that small part of his day, he could relax and forget every worry-
“Buck! The plums! You’re burning the plums.” Rosemary shouted as she rushed over to save the day. Well, every worry except burning the food in front of him.
“Are you doing okay today? You look very distracted.” Her voice turned soft as the turned towards Bucky, giving him her full attention.
The truth was that he was more than alright: he felt like he was on cloud nine. He and Rosemary had grown exponentially closer as they spent more and more time together, he woke up looking forward to seeing her and feel asleep still laughing at the mischief they wound themselves up in that day. His nightmares were fading and his face frequently wore a smile, a major improvement since when he’d first arrived.
Day by day he also felt himself falling further in love with her. He now noticed the way Rosemary’s hair shone white in the sunlight, how her blue iris’ were surrounded by a ring of emerald green, how her love of rock music (much to Bucky’s disgust) fuelled her shower sessions in the morning and how, despite her confidence, she often got embarrassed when given compliments.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Bucky sighed, a smile written upon his face. If only he had the confidence to show her how he really felt.
“Good,” Rosemary replied, her voice almost a whisper as she doubted Bucky had told her the truth. “However, I have some bad news: I won’t be able to make our sessions anymore. Tony gets back from his mission tomorrow so, from now on, I’m going to be one very busy lady.”
Bucky’s body tensed up, what was he going to do? How could he get through her day without the smell of her sweet perfume or her infectious laughter? How dare Tony steal his happiness from him!
Much to Bucky’s disgust, Rosemary wasn’t lying or even exaggerating. She always seemed to be doing something or going somewhere and elevator conversations turned into quick nods of acknowledgement as she flew past him on the way to an important meeting, hugs turned into small smiles as they connected eyes from different sides of a room. It was killing Bucky.
His nightmares blazed throughout the night, scorching his mind and covering his skin in a thick layer of sweat. His room became his sanctuary once again, as he missed movie nights and stayed away from the smallest sign of human contact.
But Bucky wasn’t the only one his isolation was affecting, Steve’s heart hung heavy in his chest as he watched his best friend fall backwards into a pit of sorrow. Steve had to do something.
“What the hell happened to you, Buck?” Steve exclaimed, his throat dry and sore. Seeing Bucky like this filled him with so much pain and he couldn’t take it anymore.
Turning his head to look straight into Steve’s eyes, Bucky’s own eyes filled with tears. “I think I fell in love,” he croaked out. The look in Bucky’s eyes was indescribable; they were coated with a raging insufferable ache that turned his grey eyes dark with despair.
“Buck…” Steve sighed, reaching out to comfort his friend, his breath full of unease.
“Go on. Tell me that my feelings aren’t real, that I’m imagining them.” Bucky taunted, his voice laced with spite.
“I wasn’t going to say that,” Steve replied, averting his gaze to the floor.
“Yes, you were! You were going to say exactly that, just in the overly polite language that comes out of your mouth. I’ve had enough of people telling me what to feel and what not to feel.” The volume of Bucky’s voice increased as his body turned to stone; the only inclination of his true emotions was that sad look in his eyes.
Just as Steve was about to bombard Bucky with questions about his strong feelings of affection, it all fell into place. One word explaining it all: Rosemary. Without realising it she had strung Bucky along, every time they met he had latched more of himself onto her until Tony came back and she left. Steve would understand if Bucky had described it as a crush but love? How could you feel such strong feelings towards someone who was dating your enemy?
That was the thing: Bucky had no idea. Not wanting Bucky to hate her like he hated Tony, Rosemary had kept it from him. Her intentions were innocent but she’d wound up breaking Bucky’s heart into a million pieces. There was so much Bucky didn’t know that he’d filled the gaps with his own explanations about his arm driving Rosemary away, how she grew scared of him, how she got bored of his company and would now do anything to stay out of his way.
How was Steve going to explain the truth to Buck?
“She’s not the one for you, Buck, and you know it. There’s a difference between being in love with a person and being in love with the idea of that person. Or, maybe it’s the idea of having someone but she’s not yours to have.” Steve didn’t know how else to say it. But Bucky obviously didn’t take it the right way as he quickly stood up, mumbling phrases of hatred directed towards the world under his breath.
Steve was lost, he didn’t know what he could say nor do that would make it better. Maybe there wasn’t anything he could do.
“She’s dating Tony.” The words left his mouth before he could stop them tumbling out, he didn’t want to say it but someone had to tell Bucky and if Rosemary wouldn’t then it was up to Steve.
Bucky stopped, each word slicing a fresh wound into his heart.
“They’ve been dating for what seems like forever. Yes, that time has been filled with breaks here and there but at the end of the day, they always manage to wind up in each other’s arms. I’m not trying to manipulate your feelings, or whatever you’re accusing me of but, Buck, do you even know what you’re feeling?”
Bucky gathered his broken pieces together and kept walking.
“She’s truly a lovely person; she’s intelligent, kind, confident and normal. She doesn’t have a dark past or a hidden super power, the world doesn’t plaster her face in every museum known to man and a secret organisation doesn’t try and take her down. But that doesn’t mean she’s the right person for you. Someone is out there waiting for you to be their hero in shining armour but that girl isn’t Rosemary. She already her hero, she has Tony.”
Bucky was soon out of sight as he rushed away, fearing the words would blow out the small flame of happiness he felt inside him.
“I just don’t want to see you get hurt.” Steve cried, consumed with grief at the sight of his friend falling apart right before his eyes and he realised it was too late. Bucky was already torn into pieces.
Days and night soon merged into one as time was not a concept that interested Bucky anymore, he had to let himself grieve and he didn’t care how long it took. Steve’s words had brought him a sense of comfort and he realised the images that he made up in his head were thankfully just a product of his imagination. Bucky had no choice but wait till his body fixed itself, there was no cure for heartbreak or way he would speed up the process but he was willing to wait. It would all work out in the end.
Bucky no longer isolated himself from his friends; he joined in on games night and had frequent competitions with Sam in the gym. He laughed and let himself enjoy the comfort of his closest companions. Of course, the itch inside his chest remained but with every passing moment, it started to fade.
Then, finally, one day it clicked.
The feelings Bucky had once felt were not love, they were just as complicated but not the same. More than anything, it was a sense of admiration that consumed him. He was awestruck by her confidence and charisma but didn’t want them for himself.
Rosemary was an excellent cook but his plum pies were better. Rosemary was a good fighter but Bucky’s metal arm always gave him the upper hand. Don’t get it wrong, it was not a competition to Bucky but he realised all he’d done was put himself down by comparing himself to Rosemary. He’d instilled his happiness in the thought of her and that was dangerous, it had caused him to lose himself. He was too focused on her excellence to appreciate his own. It was impossible to truly compare himself to someone else as, that person had not experienced the same things as Bucky, not had to deal with the same grief and happiness Bucky had been through.
He realised that now and he realised how Steve was right all along: Rosemary was not the girl for him.
Months had passed and Bucky’s heart had healed, he certainly wasn’t ready for another heartbreak but was, somewhat, putting himself out there. He’d gone on a few dates ranging from bad to beyond terrible and maybe it was because he wasn’t used to modern dating or maybe it was Sam whispering (the worst) advice into his ear but he’d decided to ‘go with the flow’. It would happen when the time was right and Bucky was prepared to wait.
To Bucky, dates felt staged and unnatural. The women always seemed to be both kinky as hell and extremely bad at hiding it or scared. Two things Bucky was certainly not ready for.
Walking into the coffee shop, he was caressed by the warm smell of cappuccinos and hot chocolates. The store had recently opened up and, despite its popularity, the queues were short and the drinks were of the highest standard- according to Scott anyway, not that the man needed coffee anytime of the day. But the thing that interested Bucky the most was that upstairs was a library, anytime from 6am-11pm you could waltz into the store grab a coffee, sit down and read your favourite book.
Once Bucky had grabbed his drink, he practically ran up the stairs in order to get his favourite seat in the house. Stuck in the corner next a massive window, Bucky could sit peacefully in silence while admiring the views of upstate New York.
Bucky read in order to calm his mind, the words were a lullaby to his soul that slowed the erratic beating of his heart and transported him to another reality. He could spend days pouring himself into the pages as the dusty old smell sung his mind to sleep. A mind that overworked and over thought, haunted by the taste of blood and the screams of innocents.
“Sir, would you like some more coffee?” Your quiet voice questioned, rescuing Bucky from his thoughts. Looking up Bucky was awe-struck and with a quick nod of his head, he drank you in.
There was a shyness to the woman before him and a softness in your voice, your beauty was not regular like super models but gleamed furiously in the delicate edges of your face and the swell of your lips. It was as if the stars had decided to rest inside the beauty of your eyes, wrapped up in the warm hues of your soul.
Your beauty was not something that could physically be held, it was not determined by the size of your jeans or the colour of your hair but flowed through the warm winds that rippled through your clothes and intertwined with the fiery passion that raced through your veins.
You were neither a model nor someone who walked down red carpets and men would not stare as you walked through the street, due to the fact you were not the embodiment of society’s twisted definition of beauty.
And you were simply not what Bucky had wished for, you were more.
A/N: Constructive criticism is always appreciated! REQUESTS ARE OPEN!
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pointedly-foolish · 5 years
[ dσn’t run frσm mє rívєr ]
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word count: 2605
pairing: upgraded connor | rk900/gender-neutral!reader
genre: hurt/comfort
a/n: ya boi is an idiot who made more wips than he could handle,,,, but anyway i wanted to write a nines fic because,,,,,,,,,,,, idk inspiration struck? i must admit i had no idea where i was going w this fic skfksfjaskdfhjk btw nines is deviant in this fic, i just have a hc that since he was forced into deviancy (unlike the 3 protagonists who reached some sort of catharsis) he isn’t as familiar with emotions as those 3, hence his difficulty identifying and expressing them. also rk800-60 and rk900 have assigned names, being colin (nickname sixty) and conan (nickname nines) respectively. connor is just connor lmao,,,,, i am god in my fics and i decide that my 3 bois are bros and happy lil deviants,,,, mk, go!
the ambiance inside the bar was loud and suffocating. many people came to celebrate an officer’s promotion to detective, and while nines wasn’t particularly close to them, he showed up regardless (although a certain duo of rk800 models may or may not have had something to do with his decision). mere formalities; he politely congratulated them and stepped away to ruminate on his own in a corner, absently watching the scene in front of him. for a reason that escaped him, he was (disappointed?) (hurt?) that you got along with colin. he still experienced anomalies in his system when near you, even after being told that he was perfectly fine at the maintenance centre. if the problem wasn’t from within, then there was only one probable cause: an outside factor. a recurring event. one that triggered these anomalies. you.
so he requested to change partners. now, he really wished he didn’t.
while you have taken to your new partner wonderfully, he wasn’t as gracious with his. between reed’s incessant snide remarks and overall unwillingness to cooperate, he’d much rather be deactivated. he found himself missing your partnership. for one, your cooperativeness was a relief. you were determined, passionate and kind. truthfully, he missed you. the shine in your eyes when you find a lead, your composure and professionalism, the soothing quality of your voice, the way you’d let you hand linger in his, how your features softened when you smiled—smiled at hi— he caught himself. why did that last part come to mind? how did you still manage to affect him when you’re so far away? he was about to check why when a laughter caught his attention. your wonderful laughter. One he was oh so familiar with. you were laughing with his brother, probably at another of his bad jokes. seeing you happy with him stirred an ugly feeling inside him. one that he did not recognise nor acknowledge. one that caused him to glare at his older counterpart.
he was miserable after parting ways from you, having to deal with reed’s complaining. he was hurt, he was away from you and it didn’t feel right. this distance between you two manifested as physical pain on his part, so how come you were fine? how were you able to move on in your life as if nothing happened? sadness and hurt turned into something more despicable: how dare you not feel the same pain he did? seeing you so happy twisted the knife deeper in his heart. how could you? conflicting emotions; he wanted to see you happy. he also wanted to see you suffer with him.
his glowering must’ve been pretty obvious as connor “addressed” him, asking if he was alright, to which he replied with a curt « all systems fully functional ». clearly the wrong answer as the rk800 frowned slightly and asked him to follow him. nines did as told. you watched him as he left, but he’d never know that.
the alleyway wasn’t the cleanest of places, but it was private and quiet enough that the two could converse verbally. connor watched his younger brother, concern in his eyes, and tentatively threaded the topic of his relationship with you. nines squinted his eyes fractionally as he observed his brother, pausing before dismissing anything connor may have assumed: « i don’t know what you’re trying to insinuate. the older model raised a brow in as he doubted his younger counterpart’s words. – you’ve been scowling at them for the past few minutes. – everything is perfectly fine between me and the detective. he forced out, probably more defensive and harsh than he meant it to be, as his brother’s eyes widened slightly, flashing with something akin to recognition. there was a pause before connor spoke up. – are you… jealous? he finally asked. »
nines looked a bit more than scandalised as the thought of being jealous, face contorted to slight disgust: « that’s preposterous. he scoffed. jealous? jealous of what? connor thought back about the scene before he intervened: nines was glaring intensely at you and colin, just after you laughed at one of his quips. – well for one, of collin. how he managed to get [ ᶠᴵᴿˢᵀ ᴺᴬᴹᴱ ]’s attention. maybe you’re yearning for theirs, for their affection. his proposition has certainly made nines realise something as his eyes widened, making him look like a deer caught in the headlights. – what are you trying to say? his voice wavered in unsurety. – what i’m trying to say is tha— » he didn’t manage to finish his statement as another voice, not too dissimilar to his own cut him off, announcing how “nines had the hots” for you. connor looked slightly irked at being interrupted while nines quickly dismissed the statement before fully processing it. colin was slightly taken aback by the quick rejection, before smirked mischievously: « great! then you wouldn’t mind if i asked them out right? – colin! exclaimed his twin. »
a sudden rage took over nines’ body as he pushed colin out of the doorway and stormed back inside the bar. a few beats passed before connor threw a chastising look at his twin, which colin shrugged nonchalantly to.
yes, nines knew what dating was. he knew that if two individuals were to harbour romantic feelings for each other, they would come together and be “dating each other”. date1 /dāt/ verb gerund or present participle: dating 3. go out with (someone in whom one is romantically or sexually interested). technically, it was fine. logically, it was fine. he didn’t own you. if you were to date his brother, then that would be your choice. but the thought of you being close and loving someone other than him felt so incredibly wrong. he wanted to leave. he needed to leave. this is all too much. he had feelings for you? he needed time to digest that statement. in his rush to get out, he accidentally bumped into another person, who made a small « oof » and an apology. he was about to apologise as well when you both realised who you were talking to.
« nines! i’ve been looking for you! can we… uh, talk? » he realised from this distance that he could smell your scent: lavender, fabric softener, and something pleasant that was unmistakably you. he nodded and followed you absentmindedly. how did you have this power to erase all thoughts from his mind, make him think of you and only you? has he really fallen for you? you both went outside, a distance away from the bar’s entrance when you finally restarted the conversation: « nines. – detective. » you bit your lips at that reply, and he realised now you looked tired, that radiant smile absent. « look, nines, i- i’m not blind, okay?... i-i know when someone’s avoiding me. – what do you mean detect— – i thought i told you that it was alright to call me by my first name… look, i… by “avoiding” i mean this. acting like you don’t know me. speaking to me as if we were just “coworkers”. acting like we aren’t friends. you sounded tired, the lilt in your voice that he has grown accustomed to sullen. – i’m not avoiding you. he lied, but he knew you were smarter than that. – nines please don’t lie… this distance… between us. i don’t understand, nines. your voice cracked. what happened? Why are you doing this? »
watching you hurt inside because of him was worse than any punishment he could’ve received. any and all previous wishes for you to suffer was quickly erased. he’s much rather suffer alone than watch you break. he took hesitant steps back. away from you. distancing himself from you. you noticed his actions and whispered a desperate « nines… please… » he wanted to run away. he wanted to stay. he wanted to leave and pretend this conversation never happened. he wanted to hold you and tell you everything: his fears, his doubts, his growing affection for you. in the end, he found himself running away from his problems like a coward. you didn’t bother to chase after him, desperately crying out « please… please don’t run from me conan. », last part choked out as you tried to hold yourself together. hearing your voice crack and waver because of him was awful. he wanted to turn back. comfort you. But his body didn’t obey him. when he finally stopped to pay attention to where he was going, he was right back at his shared flat. he swallowed dryly and moved to enter his house, a solemn air around him.
the next few days were absolutely torturous. he increased his initiative to avoid you, never seen in the same place as you, much to your chagrin. an act so blatant than someone as ignorant as reed noticed, an act that become the core of his recent round of taunts. avoiding you hurt. so why did he continue to do it? the thought of approaching the subject made him go cold. it immobilised him, stopped him from uttering a single word. a quick search told him he was scared. nervous. for rejection. he doesn’t know if his heart could take much more. he does resolve to tell you one day… just… not today…
but maybe he should’ve taken the chance when it was presented to him, as he may never get one again.
you died. well, you almost did. his mind jumping to the worst case scenarios as anxiety filled his system. arrest gone wrong. gunshot. 9mm bullets embedded within your abdomen. what if it hit your vascular system? you were rushed into the er. he knew that in this profession, the chances for an individual to be shot rises. but he didn’t expect to grow so attached to one of them. so as the surgeons work to quickly remove all bullets from your body, he sat, rigid, as he waited for the procedure to be done. he fiddled anxiously with his coin when your partner placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. he mechanically glanced at its owner, who told him to not worry, that you’re “too much of a stubborn ass” to die from this event. he didn't acknowledge colin’s input as he continues to play with the quarter. he should’ve told you. told you when he had the chance.
the clock ticked. and ticked. and ticked. when finally, the surgeon informed the two that you were alright. they managed to take out all the bullets. your condition was stable. you were ok. heavily sedated and going to be in a lot of pain. but you were ok. nines didn’t stop the heavy sigh of relief that escaped him. the doctor told them that visits will be allowed as soon as you were settled in recovery. he was going to tell you. he told himself, like an unspoken promise. he was going to tell you then. it’s the least you deserve. he was going to apologise and come clean. hopefully you’ll have it in you to forgive him.
when you finally came to, your body ached, you didn’t want to move, so you settled with eyeing your room. what happened? you were chasing this guy… and he pulled out a gun… pain and then darkness. and now you’re here. the recovery room was filled with gifts and get-well soon cards. balloons of assorted colours filled the room, bouquets of diverse types of flowers adorned the table.
« you’re awake. »
you turned your head at the source, seeing connor at the doorway. « how—you cleared your throat—how long was i gone for? you asked, voice raspy. – around 3 days and a half. you’d gain consciousness a few times, but you were too heavily sedated to be fully coherent. he explained as he took a seat near the bed. you groaned. – gosh that long? connor nodded. how’s colin? – doing pretty well all things considered. he does, however, feel immensely guilty about failing to protect you. – well, tell him it’s not his fault and that i forgive everything he’s blaming himself with. you worried about him. despite sixty’s mischievous exterior, he had a tendency to get himself stuck in a depressive loop of self-deprecation. connor smiled graciously. – will do… he placed a paper cup filled with what you assumed was thirium on the floor. how are you feeling? – everything hurts but i’ll live, you quipped. » the android chuckled and was about to reply when a knock caught both of your attention. the door creaked slightly open, as nines peered in. he hesitated before asking if he may speak with you. the “alone” part being left unsaid as connor bid you farewell and left.
you and your former partner were locked in an intense stareoff, you on the bed on one end and him glued to the door on the other. he took tentative steps towards you. closing that distance. when he was besides your bed, he nervously called out your name. you parroted him, mustering out a curt « conan. » he took a deep breath that he technically didn’t need and whispered out an apology: « i… i’m sorry. for everything i’ve caused—for all the hurt i’ve caused… for what it’s worth… i never meant for all this to happen. » his voice was clipped as guilt overcame him. you watched him, silent as ever. he wished you would say something, anything. the silence was deafening.
« then please tell me why… he promised himself that he’d come clean. – i… i don’t… i don’t think i know... for sure… i experienced anomalies in my system when i was around you.. you’d consume my every thought, i’d feel immobilised and i… i’ve been told that i’m being nervous… i’ve been told that i harboured romantic feelings for you… i-i don’t know. i… i yearn for your attention, your touch, your affection… but is it right for something like me to desire such a thing? am-am i broken…? his voice was barely a whisper when he choked out the lay part, and he waited for his response, growing more anxious as each second ticked by. what if you didn’t want him? what if he wasn’t enough? – no, you aren’t broken. you shook your head. just human. »
nines. confident and assured nines was an insecure and trembling mess as he poured out all of the doubts that plagued his mind. your heart aches as you wished to comfort him, so you do. you reached out, best you can, and grabbed him into a bone crushing hug. an action that took him by surprised as he stiffened at your touch. but he soon relaxed and carefully snaked his arms around your waist, returning the hug. you slowly caressed his hair as he nuzzled into your neck.
you both stay like this for a moment, relishing in each others presence, before you spoke up again: « it’s okay to be unsure, you know. he stopped his nuzzling, indicating to you that he was listening. if you don’t feel ready at the moment… if you just wanna be friends for the time being, i’m ok with that. and if one day you decide that you want to be more, just remember i’ll be right here. » you pressed a gentle kiss on the crown of his head and stayed in that position for a while, neither wanting to part ways, but this awkwardly positioned hug took a toll on your back so the both of you half heartedly pulled away from each other. hands holding the other’s, you asked for one more request: « just promise me one thing. – anything, he breathed out. – please… don’t ever run from me again. – never. he promised, fully intending to fulfill said request. »
« thank you. »
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