#sometimes I remember oh yeah I'm not just a writer I can do art too
pokimoko · 2 years
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I was reminded recently of how much I loved the Moon Knight SG Poster series and so I thought I’d take a crack at the style and make some posters for my own MK fanfic series, Eternal Sunshine of the Absent Mind. Consider these the official posters of my very official fic series ;). 
[Image ID:  First Image: A silhouette-style monochrome minimalistic style poster inspired by Pokimoko's Moon Knight fanfic 'The Absence Of Fear', the first fic in the ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Absent Mind’ series. The poster depicts a black background with white at the bottom; at the centre nearing the top there is a circle which has been made to represent a simple shield; the shield is cracked in the top right corner, and at its centre are two silhouettes, one of Steven who is facing us and is dark grey, and one of Marc, who is facing away but looking back over his shoulder, and is a lighter grey. Steven has a black line over his eyes, and there are more black lines across the shield, imitating black out poetry. Above the shield are stars and constellations (Cassiopeia, Pegasus, Ursa Minor, Pisces and Cygnus). Under the shield is a white pigeon to the left and a pile of books to the right. At the bottom of the poster, the title of the fic is written.  Second Image: A silhouette-style monochrome minimalistic style poster inspired by Pokimoko's Moon Knight fanfic 'In the Absent Place' , the second fic in the ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Absent Mind’ series . The poster depicts a black background with white at the bottom; at the centre there is a white house that merges with the white at the bottom of the poster. Inside the house sits the black silhouette Steven at his computer, the light of which beams out behind him and lights up the edges of Jake's white silhouette which merges into the house. He is reaching out to Steven, and behind him Khonshu—who is a black silhouette and merges with the black background—has a hand on Jake's shoulder, with the tendrils of his costumes also reaching out to Steven. Above all of them is the dial and display of a old time radio. Above the house is a grey circle that has rain cometing through it. The roof of the house is shaped like a pyramid, and there is a sword going into it, which has a handle that is in the shape of Khonshu's ushabti. Around the circle is a scattering of Scrabble letter which spell out 'DON'T GO INTO THE BASEMENT STEVEN'. At the bottom of the poster, the title of the fic is written.  Third image:  A silhouette-style monochrome minimalistic style poster inspired by Pokimoko's Moon Knight fanfic 'In Your Absence', the third fic in the ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Absent Mind’ series. The poster depicts a black background with white at the bottom; at the centre of the poster there is a white round fishbowl that merges with the white at the bottom of the poster. Inside the fishbowl is a layer of sand, upon which is a black sarcophagus; a poppy grows out from its stomach. Standing to the right of the sarcophagus is Steven, who is looking over to the distant silhouette of the house, which is the same shape as the one shown in the Absent Place poster. Inside the house are four doors at different heights, one of which is open. Above the fishbowl are two white goldfish swimming through a scattering of forget-me-not flowers. Below the poster is a black goldfish swimming in the opposite direction of the other fish and who is followed by a trail of black shards. At the bottom of the poster, the title of the fic is written. Note: The white at the bottom of all these images flow together to create a seamless flow between the posters. /. End ID]
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altraviolet · 7 months
Oh man now that I've seen TWO asks this day about Soundwave dying, is that the inevitable conclusion to this fic? Did I miss this big spoiler somewhere or all the clues to it? I don't remember seeing a "Major character death" tag, either.
Or is this people speculating and doing "what if"? ...not that I'd be adverse to it, especially if it made sense to do so!
Also I completely understand about work sapping all creative juices. While I don't write (I've dabbled in the past, but little 3k words or less things for OC's way back in the LJ days), I used to sketch, draw, paint nearly every day for hours before I ended up in a corporate 9-5, full time job. Even doing customer service jobs, I was able to sketch on napkins and scrap receipt paper and sticky notes.. and now I just.. can't. Its unbelievable how mentally draining full time jobs can be. Every now and then I'll get the sketch pad or watercolors out,but it's maybe once or twice a year now.
I've seen writers who do ko-fi for tips or writing commissions for certain stories (I remember a tf author I used to follow did this - where a story was only continued if the chapters were commissioned) - or even patreons, where they set up an early access to the newer chapters, and the cut scenes, additional content - have you thought about those? I think you've got a big enough following where it could be feasible to go part time! And maybe fund a self publishing of an original work sometime down the road!
>is that the inevitable conclusion to this fic? Did I miss this big spoiler somewhere or all the clues to it? I don't remember seeing a "Major character death" tag, either.
The major tag on the fic is "Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings." You haven't missed a big spoiler or clues. The influx of "WHAT IF HE DIES" was puzzling to me, too, but I rolled with it.
I'm curious why people think Soundwave is going to die, when one of the major themes of the fic (at least to me, inside my head) is bringing people back from the dead. Not literally, of course. But... but did they see the whole point of what Rodimus is doing? Trailbreaker, Ambulon, and Mirage? Skywarp? Literally pulling Soundwave from the shadow zone, where life is not worth living?
There's actually a lot more I want to say on this, but I don't want to spoil the story. I have a FAQ planned for when the fic is done and I address death in it, and my approach to writing it vs JRO, and the aforementioned major theme.
I'm guessssssssinnnnnnng people are going the doom route because of the Scavengers, and because Soundwave keeps getting injured and can't be healed, and because... ? I feel like stakes have been high in the past, so maybe that's part of it, too. I won't say anything else for now, though.
This post got long so I'll put the rest under a cut.
>Its unbelievable how mentally draining full time jobs can be.
good god, yeah. low key, I used to be an artist (mostly hobbyist, a few pro jobs). I gave up and went back to writing because it's much easier/comes more naturally to me, and that's all I have energy for. I fuckin' mourned stopping art, to be honest. but you know what, I'd rather have Echo Garden than slog through commissions. I learned I'd rather create my own things than do things other people want me to do. so I guess learning that about myself was ... good. it's absolutely unbelievable how draining a 9-5 job is. I will admit I am jealous of people who have spouses or understanding parents that allow them to do art full time by providing a safety net in the form of housing and health insurance. jealousy is very human, you know :D surely there is a better balance out there for us ;A;
>I remember a tf author I used to follow did this - where a story was only continued if the chapters were commissioned
oooohhhhhhhh you know... I get it. I get people need money. but that doesn't sit right with me. I would not withhold fic like that.
>patreons, where they set up an early access to the newer chapters, and the cut scenes, additional content - have you thought about those?
I've thought about it only in the fanciful sense. To be honest, unless I was getting enough support to quit my job, it's not really going to change my life. Like, how do I say this. I won't have any more additional time in the week to write if I make $50 extra/month through patreon. I'll still be doing my full time job AND I'll have an obligation to write for people. Does that make sense? Unless a patreon offsets the actually draining thing in my life, it's just another thing I have to do.
Although 'early access to chapters' sits way better with me than denying future chapters UNLESS funded. Though paying for fic is a huge gray area and I don't think it's wise to poke that beast...
>I think you've got a big enough following where it could be feasible to go part time!
thank you, I appreciate your kindness here :D I don't think my following is big enough, though. I think the readership is maybe 1400 people? and a bunch of those are minors and most of the adult fandom is fucking broke, lol. (the tf fans with the money tend to be the major toy buying ones, not the fanfic reading ones. Stereotype, but that's my observation)
and part of the problem is my place of employment. I asked, years ago, if I could go part time (so I could practice art) and my boss said no. it's a full time only position ;A; which is why I say, unless patreon can fully support me, it's not really feasible. freelancing incurs a higher tax rate and you don't have any health insurance, so I'd actually have to make more than I am now... and given the number of absolutely fantastic fan artists I see struggling to make it with patreon, I know I can't (since fan artists make more than fan writers)
I hope that my answers don't sound dismissive. Thank you very much for your empathy and kind ideas. I don't think the fandom can support me monetarily in the way I would need, and I think their interest in me will drop as soon as Echo Garden is finished. I base this statement on the fact that TEG has exponentially higher stats than any of my other fics.
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The people clearly want only one thing, and it will eventually end xD
If you or anyone else thinks I'm looking at this wrong and there may actually be a way I can write without dying, please let me know. I've thought about this for years and the above is what I've concluded.
Thank you again for the kind ask! <3
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positivelybeastly · 5 months
Sometimes I feel like beast gets treated more harshly for some things than other characters are for almost identical actions. The time travel stuff especially, but the collective actions of the Illuminati as well
Heh. You know, it's funny, I was literally just grabbing a cap of some Stuart Immonen art from All-New X-Men #2, of a really pretty X-Jet, and, because I'm a glutton for punishment, I clicked the comments. Do you wanna read them? No? Too bad, I had to read them, so now, so do you.
"Hank is so self-absorbed it's incredible. No wonder the Watcher thinks he's garbage."
"Also, i think Beast should be lobotomized for his crimes against children and the space/time continuum."
"That said: f**k you, Hank. You are so weak and arrogant that you would risk destroying your oldest and dearest friends because you can't handle Scott helping mutants? You risk destroying the timeline and destroying your friends' relationships and their very minds and spirits."
Like . . . fuck, man.
It really is all just Bendis' fault. He made Hank do something so mind-numbingly stupid, and it was presented slap bang in people's faces, and LITERALLY NO-ONE stopped to question if it was even in-character for him to do this.
It wasn't, by the way.
Be warned, disturbingly hot, smart, and urbane Hank McCoy incoming.
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THE MAN IS FUCKING SMART. And then Bendis just has him do something so mind-numbingly stupid, and no-one even blinks an eye at whether or not it even made sense for him to do it.
And do you know what makes me fucking laugh? Is that other writers were actively mocking the plotlines as they were going on, but because so many comics readers are as dumb as fucking rocks, they didn't even realise.
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Oh yeah, it IS almost as if people in the Marvel Universe regularly fuck the timestream without taking it for dinner or applying lube, I almost fucking forgot! But because Bendis decides that there are ramifications this time, suddenly Hank is the destroyer of all of space time.
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Which of the three is it? Was this something that was always meant to happen, or not? If this is something that can happen when you meddle with space-time, why did Hank do it? Why? Is? Bendis-Hank? So? Fucking? DUMB???
And you know what, I need to bring this up, because LITERALLY FUCKING NO-ONE ELSE IN THE FANDOM EVER WILL
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This was not a decision he made in his right mind? He was dying? His brain is seizing? He's having heart palpitations, in agonising pain, his mentor is dead and one of his oldest friends was the one who killed him, and he's in such a depressive spiral that he doesn't even want to tell the people around him that he's dying because he doesn't want to worry them.
But no, this is a decision that we're never, ever, ever going to let Hank live down. In fact, this decision is SO AWFUL THAT
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Fucking blow me.
I know that I'm, like, seemingly the one X-Men fan that actually reads fucking comic books rather than going off panels I see posted on Twitter (this slight is aimed mostly at Reddit, not here, don't worry), but, like . . . god, I'm just so fucking furious that I had to sit, and watch a targeted character assassination, in real time, of my favourite character, and the fandom just fucking lapped it up.
Even now, the era from the end of Avengers vs. X-Men to Krakoa is called the Lost Era in mutant history. There are SO MANY THINGS that have been completely forgotten.
Hey, remember when Emma Frost did this?
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Oh yeah, what consequences did she face for this?
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The amount of shit that sticks to Hank makes me fucking sick. Everyone gets a pass for what they did, except for Hank.
The New Avengers/Illuminati stuff is the one that gets my goat, because do you know how Hank spent that time?
Buckle the fuck in.
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Hank lacks the constitution for hard decisions.
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Hank believes in the power of good men to change the world with ideals.
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Hank will take the coward's way out, every time. The way that saves lives.
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Hank will spend the time to talk, every time.
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"We should help if we can. How could we not?"
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Oh hey, Bruce Banner, I think everyone kinda forgot you were in this Illuminati too and you get a free pass!
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That last one REALLY makes me laugh because it really does just kinda read to me as Hickman pointing out that Hank's actions in All-New X-Men make no fucking sense.
And Hank has to just.
Sit there.
And take it.
And every.
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Someone tries to put him back on the path to being who he is meant to be, some.
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Ruins it again.
Shit sticks to Hank like it doesn't stick to anyone else.
I'm fucking sick of it.
I ain't even touching the Percy stuff. That's just - phwaoooooah. Not to mention, I'm out of images.
Just sucks, man.
Just sucks.
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firstelevens · 4 months
hi zainab!!!! 2, 3, 6, and 29 for the fic writer ask???
Hi Mak! Thank you for sending these in!
2. Do you read/reread your own fics?
Yes, because I am absolutely my own biggest fan!
On a much more practical note, sometimes I reread because it's part of a series and I'm checking a canonical detail (although if it's in the Bake Off AU I'm better off just asking @sesamestreep, who is the official lorekeeper and knows that universe's canon better than I do.) Other times, there's a fic where I just really like what I did with a character's voice or the general tone of a scene and I'll go back just to get a feel for what I did the last time.
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I mean, the Bake Off AU has my whole heart and there's so much of me in it that it will always be special to me BUT!!! I really love the Thunderbolts-era epistolary fic counted days, counted miles because I think it's an exercise in me managing to show writerly restraint, which is a skill I'm still working on. (And also I got to come up with so many fun spy tricks for hiding letters; it was great.)
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
How fortuitous that you picked this question when I have reread wish that i could wind (like a spiral stair through time) FIVE TIMES in the past month. That fic is a work of art. I am also never far from rereading and never ever watch the ten o'clock news, which is Emma's phenomenal Psych AU of Rogue One which is just so wonderful and funny and it continues to hold up. Oh also! There's don't read the last page, which is a Brooklyn Nine-Nine fic that is short and sweet and just so warm and cozy and I go back to that one a lot just for the mood of it.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic.
Okay so this question reminded me that there's a 1200 word scene from the Formula 1 AU that was originally going to be the epilogue but got canned which SUBSEQUENTLY reminded me that there's a whole scene that I wrote for the Bake Off AU that got cut from Chapter 6 because things ended up going another way!
The beginning will looks familiar if you remember anything from that chapter, but then there's a sharp left turn that involves the lost plot point of Becca Barnes creeping on Joaquín's thirst trap and restaurant review filled Instagram in order to figure out where Bucky could go for dinner. I was sad to lose it tbh but the restaurant still made it into the fic as the place where Sam and Bucky go out on their definitely-not-a-date in Chapter 10.
A peek at the alternate timeline under the cut!
Bucky is starfished on his bed, trying to muster the energy to get up when his phone rings. His eyes are squeezed shut, but he opens one to peer at the screen. He only answers because it’s Becca, but he’s too tired to do more than grunt into the phone when he picks up.
“Good day, huh?” she asks, laughing when he just groans in response.
“Hope yours was better than mine,” Bucky says, when he finally manages to talk. “How’s day shift treating you?”
“I’m discovering that there’s this thing in the sky called the sun, and it provides light? And makes people happy? Do you think other people know about it? Should I be telling them?”
He laughs tiredly. “You can use all this newfound energy to make a TikTok about it.”
“I’ll get on that,” Becca says. “What about you? You okay?”
“Yeah,” says Bucky, bringing his hand up to his face. “I just need to lie down for a while.”
Not that lying down for the past half hour has helped, but he’s got high hopes for that sixty minute mark.
“No, what you need to do is eat something,” Becca says, sounding remarkably like their mother. “Tell me your head isn’t hurting right now.”
Bucky freezes, his fingers still pressed into his temples. “It’s creepy when you do that, you know.”
She laughs. “I know. Hey, why don’t you go to that place that you and Steve went to all the time, the one with the waffles?”
The last time Bucky had been there, four years ago, he’d spent the entire evening bickering companionably with Sam while Steve dealt with a work emergency. It had felt remarkably like flirting, and he’d even thought about asking Sam to get a drink sometime—and then Bucky had been eliminated after the next day’s Showstopper, and that put an end to that.
He shakes his head to clear it. “I’m tired, Bec, and they pick us up at like, six AM. I think I might just grab something from the convenience store.”
“Buck, I spend half my time listening to newborn babies cry and that is still the most pitiful thing I’ve heard this week. You are not eating yogurt for dinner alone in your hotel room.”
Bucky huffs. “Well, I’d grab a random stranger off the street to join me, but I’m not looking to get murdered today, Rebecca.”
He can hear the sound of Becca typing, doing the thing where she studiously ignores his asshole behavior until he comes around and starts acting a more like a person. It’s annoying how well it works. 
After a minute or two of typing and what he assumes is scrolling, she lets out a, “Huh.”
When he waits for her to elaborate and she doesn’t, Bucky sighs. “What is it?”
“Do you know a Joaquín Torres?”
It’s far from the question he was expecting but Bucky answers in the affirmative. “He’s a baking consultant on the show.”
More typing. “Does he have good taste?”
There’s a tiny, childish part of Bucky that wants to say no, because Torres is chirpy and bright-eyed and his unfailing enthusiasm is exhausting at times, but that would be a lie. “Yeah, he knows his stuff. Why?”
“He lives in Atlanta; he posts about a lot of local hidden gems. There’s a Tunisian restaurant a couple blocks from your hotel, apparently? Kind of looks like a hole in the wall but he says the food is amazing.”
“I don’t know, Bec. It’s late and eating out alone is depressing.” His limbs feel heavy, and his shoulder is starting to hurt from having the prosthetic on for so long, and he knows that food would make his headache go away, but he just can’t drag himself off the bed.
Like Becca knows what track his mind is on—and honestly, she probably does—, she chooses this moment to go for the knockout. “Come on, Buck; it’s my job to look out for you, and you’re too far away for me to drag you out to dinner and make sure you eat. Throw a girl a bone here.”
She’s too powerful for her own good.
Bucky drags a hand down his face, sighing again. “You know, I hear some people don’t let their baby sisters tell them what to do all the time.”
“Poor them,” says Becca.
“Poor them,” echoes Bucky, and asks her to text him the address.
When she does, he looks it up and realizes that it really is only two blocks away: completely walkable, even in Atlanta’s late spring heat, and only a little further than the convenience store where he’d planned to grab his apparently pathetic dinner.
It’s only when he gets to the door of the restaurant that he remembers it’s a Saturday night and he probably should have thought to make a reservation. The place only has a handful of tables to begin with, and they’ve all got people at them. The host already has an apologetic look on his face as Bucky walks in, but they both turn in surprise when they hear someone inside the restaurant call out to him.
“Bucky!” says Joaquín, as brightly as ever. “Come sit with us.”
Because the universe has a sense of humor, ‘us’ is of course Joaquín and Sam, who are having dinner together. Alone. On a Saturday night.
It can’t be a date, Bucky reasons. No one would invite a random acquaintance to third-wheel their date, right?
He realizes that he still hasn’t responded when the host assures him that of course they’ll be able to add another place setting to the table, and before he knows it, Bucky is being whisked over to their table.
Whatever mood had settled over Sam after the signature today seems to have dissipated, and he turns to Bucky with a grin on his face. “I hope you trust Torres over here, because he ordered way too much food for us and didn’t let me see the menu.”
Joaquín shrugs. “I come here a lot,” he says. “Not enough people know about it, but it’s amazing.”
“Which is why he’s on a mission to be their one-man marketing team,” says Sam. “We got here half an hour ago and he’s already posted on Instagram like, ten times.”
Bucky thinks of the sound of Becca on her computer as she’d talked to him earlier, how she’d pivoted from suggesting the diner he’d probably have ended up at to this specific restaurant, and suddenly, this coincidence feels markedly less like a coincidence.
He’d probably feel more annoyed about it if he didn’t spend the meal close enough to Sam for their shoulders to constantly be brushing. Torres is right; the food is great, but if anyone asks, Bucky’s pretty sure the only thing he’d be able to recount is how many times Sam touched his arm to ask him to pass things, or dished some more food onto his plate, or gently nudged him while telling Joaquín stories of their time filming season two.
When the check comes, Bucky insists on paying, to make up for crashing Sam and Joaquín’s dinner, and as they stand on the sidewalk outside the restaurant, Joaquín offers to drop them off at the hotel on his way home. He’s about to accept when Sam waves it off. 
“I think we’ll just walk back,” says Sam. “It’s so nice out, and the hotel’s probably closer than your car is.”
There’s a moment where all three of them silently commiserate over the trials of city parking, and then Joaquín says he’ll see them tomorrow and heads off.
Bucky glances sidelong at Sam, whose eyebrows are knitted together as he looks down the street towards their hotel. He can see the entrance from where they’re standing, but Sam gently touches his elbow and nods down the street to their left—the long way, Bucky realizes, a moment too late.
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danielfeketewrites · 8 months
Not Normal About Doctor Who
Back in June, I went to a fae-themed picnic with my girlfriend and my girlfriend's girlfriend (not an official title, they're not dating (or are they?)) and my girlfriend's girlfriend confessed that next month she's not going to be normal about Good Omens. She just knew it. I guess a large portion of tumblr can relate.
I replied that I am definitely going to be less and less normal about Doctor Who when we get closer to November.
Well, I was right. It's like a full moon is for a werewolf. For the past month, there hasn't been a single hour when I haven't thought about Doctor Who for at least a little bit. Maybe when I'm asleep. Maybe. Sometimes, I'm just lying in my bed, thinking about Doctor Who for hours and hours.
I've started reading two Doctor Who books. The first is an eighth Doctor book called Alien Bodies by Lawrence Miles. The second is an anthology - The Target Storybook.
I've also been writing my own short story for a small Czech fanfic competition. I picked a more recent Doctor rather than a classic one, which is quite unusual for me. (It's a Thasmin story set in the Land of Fiction. Yeah.)
I've been scrollig through the eyespider website (check it out if you haven't already), spotting stories that I would place elsewhere. Thinking about making my own version. Again. I once tried to make my own version as a Czech translation of the original website, but now I actually want to do it as a way to track which Doctor Who stories from the EU I've experienced. Also, fixing the placements that I disagree with. That's a big reason as well.
Also scrolling through Altered Vistas again. And TARDIS Wiki, but that one's obvious. Although I do recommend checking out the old classics like Fire, Grass, and, of course, the best one.
I've obviously rewatched some stuff. Outside of The Mind Robber and Shada, I'm watching series four with my mum and my girlfriend in preparation for the 60th anniversary trilogy, because they haven't seen the episodes with Donna before.
I've also been listening to some Big Finish. Mainly Once and Future, but I'm also thinking about listening to 10th Doctor and Donna boxsets, as well as the Companion Chronicles stuff featuring Sara Kingdom.
Probably gonna read more comics very soon, it seems inevitable. Maybe that digital scan of Abslom Daak - The Dalek Killer that somehow appeared on my external harddrive? Some 13th Doctor comics too. I desperately need to find more stories with her that I actually like.
I can name every Doctor Who TV story in order. But the other day, I caught myself trying to also remember every writer to all of the stories in the 60s Who. I'm gonna have to memorise that one properly, I still have some gaps. The Space Museum was written by Glyn Jones.
I've been thinking about sharing my top 10 favourite stories for each Doctor here, on tumblr. And yes, those top 10s are gonna include EU stories. Some of them will have more EU stories than TV stories. I will obviously have to update them next year. Could be my new November tradition!
Oh, and I'm also writing a Doctor Who fanzine for a Czech Doctor Who by-fans-for-fans convention. I am also one of the organisers of said convention.
So yeah. I'm not normal about Doctor Who right now. And The Star Beast hasn't even aired yet! Meep meep!
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art by Dave Gibbons
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henrioo · 2 months
No yea I’m kinda slow so I didn’t realize but I was just so surprised and happy, cus to me it’s like a god touching my account lol but if you would allow me to rant about my art and OC to you I would be so happy
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Hahahha lol I'm not some kind of god
I'm just like you guys, another boy that is frustrated about the lack of male readers
The difference is I'm an author and writer so I can do something against that lack
And I actually like a lot of my followers blogs because sometimes you guys have some funny post and stuff
But even the blank blogs I have affection for
I'm always remembering the blogs that are always reading my stuff
It's common I open the liked to do the blocks and be like "this blog? Oh this xxx, cool, oh this is xxx yeah ik"
Sometimes I memorize your bios or pfp and stuff hahahah
But yeah you are totally free to message me, I have the discord and here so talk where is best for you
I love seeing some ocs and talking about art too, I'm a failed artist but I still love this hahahha so yeah just go and talk to me whatever you want to talk hahah
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timandlucy · 10 months
Everything with a 4, pluuuuuuuus... hmm.. 7, 13, 20, 27, 35, 56, 68 😘
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
They literally come to me all the time. I get most of them in the show or when I'm driving to and from work, or walking to work. I literally have too many ideas for my own good.
14. how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
Absolutely, always! I always cry during the most emotional scenes because I definitely make myself feel whatever the character is supposed to be feeling.
24. Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
I don't remember really any advice that was super bad, but someone once told me to edit as I go, and like... wrong.
34. Five years from now, where do you see yourself as a writer?
I'd like to see if I can eventually write a book and get it published, so five years seems like a reasonable timeline.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Oh man! I'd literally love it for anything, I don't even care. How awesome would my fic inspiring further art be. But let's just say I'm currently writing something I'd love it for.
41. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
I re-read fics all the time!
42. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
So I recently read right then your eyes were healing by @thatiranianphantom and it hit all the sweet post finale nace spots for me! It's been an incredibly busy week at work (bts season), so I'm looking forward to catching up with all the nace fics over the weekend.
43. Do you take a sadistic joy in whumping your characters, or are you more the "If you hurt them I would kill everyone and then myself" kind of person?
Yeah I like writing angst, so I like to hurt them, but mostly emotionally. Like I don't enjoy them being too injured hahaha.
44. What mistakes do you keep making no matter how many times your beta corrects you?
Um. You'd know that better than me? But like, I think, using certain words, over and over again.... Like using press 6 times in one paragraph. Also I can't spell seargent.
45. Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
Ideally both, but yeah let's go with breaking their hearts hehe.
46. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
I'd say it's a mix of all of them, but maybe less action driven, because I can't be bothered with actual plot usually.
47. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
A lot of times usually. But sometimes I will be soooo sick of looking at it, I won't even read through and send it to you ma'am.
48. What do you look for in a beta?
Nothing, because I already found all of it in you!
49. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
Not lately, but when I wrote for Linstead fandom I got some pretty nasty anons. I mostly just cry.
54. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
The feeling when you finish it and post it and it feels so.... accomplished. Like I made a thing. How cool is that. Of course right after it's like "what if the thing I made sucks".
64. Something you love to see in smut.
Some against the wall action... gimme.
74. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
Nothing! I'm a pretty basic bitch. No special style or anything.
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
Well 1st pov is a big NO. 2nd pov is an even biggest NO NO. So that leaves 3rd person pov. Easy.
13. what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
One that constantly lives in my head is the best piece of writing advice I've gotten: "you can't edit an empty page." Write, even if it sucks, you can edit later. But you can't edit if you don't write anything.
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
I use "murmur" a lot, it's one of my favorite words to use in writing. Like how soft is this word. I like to write domestic scenes, small moments that have a lot of meaning, missing scenes that can easily fit in with the canon episodes.
27. What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
Most favorite - the feeling of accomplishment when I write something. Least favorite - seeking external validation and crumbling if I don't get it.
35. What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain?
I think every villain should be relatable and readers should even be able to empathize with them.
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
@queseraone I hate you for this question alone. I pride myself on my amazing beta. How about that. But really if I had to pick a think, I guess I feel my dialogue usually sounds kind of genuine and not forced or unnatural.
68. What, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
I talk to my best friend and beta. Rewatch original content. Fanmade videos always give me great inspiration as well! Or even other fics :)
I was just kidding, I don't actually hate you. Thanks for this!
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oblivions-dawn · 10 months
Hi Senufriend <3
Excuse me marching in here unannounced. I decided to send some asks, and well, I thought that perhaps you might also like these questions. (Feel free to answer in your own time or ignore as your spoons allow. <3)
I know we love to talk about breaking the rules in writing and obviously, that not every piece of advice is one-size-fits all, but there is a lot to say about being able to speak with each other about what we have learned during our journey. I was wondering if you wouldn't share. (I also plan on poking some of the others to see what more we can shake out. The more the merrier, no?)
What is the most useful/helpful pieces of advice you ever received during your formal education in relation to writing?
Once you started to write, what was the most important thing that you learned about writing or its process?
Has your real life had any influence on your writing? If so, how?
What advice would you give to aspiring writers (be it fanfiction or original)?
Awwww hello Winter!! It's always a pleasure to see you in my inbox uwu These are all very good questions to ask and you'll have to forgive me if they're not very thorough--or not quite the answers you were expecting.
I think I've mentioned this before, but the best piece of advice I ever learned in college was, really, one I learned from myself, and that was essentially that I was good enough. I'm not going to please everyone and that's okay. I can also pick and choose what critiques actually help me and which ones are . . . more of a suggestion than anything else. I built confidence in my writing while in college after watching students struggle to give me solid advice and was often told that they couldn't find anything to say--that it was good enough. Believe it or not, that's a very, very hard lesson to learn, and sometimes I still struggle with my writing. But I'm all about dismantling this obsession with perfectionism and striving for an actual mountain I can reach, and that really has helped me immensely.
Oh boy. I think my first story I ever wrote . . . I was nine-years-old, and wrote a story about my friends and I unravelling the secrets of a ghost house. And I remember having so much fun. I didn't get into the realm of fanfiction until I was about twelve, I think? Now I can almost say that I've been writing for half of my life, which is wild to think about. I think the most important thing I have learned all this time--and why I still write to this day--is learning to have fun! It's my passion and I would rather die than give up writing. It's a lot more work than people believe it to be, but the reward is so worth it. Writing worlds and characters that come to life on a page or screen just from WORDS ALONE . . . To me, that was always magic. And I wanted to be a part of that magic, too. So loving my craft and having immense passion for it was the most important thing to learn about writing--at least to me.
OH ABSOLUTELY. From something as small as a nervous habit to something as large as a major life event has significant impact/influence in lots of different ways! I also have a habit of studying people and myself so yeah there's. Bound to be influence from my life in my stories perhaps more than I'd like to admit. My interests of course also influence what KIND of stories I write! I tend to stay in the same tropes/genres because I never get tired of them and I never will uwu
Hmmm! This may sound silly, but just keep writing! Don't give up! Writing is ART and you will only continue to improve if you keep at it!! Also write whatever you fucking want!!!! There is someone out there who wants to read and love your story, I promise!! There are never enough stories in this world and there's no harm in adding your own! The more the merrier I say!! Write as many as you like as often as you want! Your writing is fucking AWESOME and I know you can do it!! I believe in you!!!!
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casspurrjoybell-26 · 2 months
Too Old For This - Chapter 21 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
"Why are you so fucking smart?" 
The older man frowned a little for a bit before he realized Leroy was complimenting him before laughing.
"I studied writing... then focused on copywriting. That's my job... well, sometimes it is."
"Well, fuck, someone needs to hire you clearly since a whole department carried along with this for a month and didn't notice and you did," Leroy said, looking back at his screen.
"I guess I can structure the project proposal around the brand image and projection and how it's affecting consumer reach?"
"Go for it..." Zachary trailed, still riding the high from Leroy's compliment.
The younger man worked for the next hour before closing his laptop and sighing.
"Dinner's in ten minutes. We should probably head down," Leroy said, checking his watch before sliding his laptop under the bed.
"Remember, if you don't want it you don't have to eat it."
"I'm pretty sure I'll be fine," Zachary said as Leroy got up and straightened his sweatpants.
The two made their way downstairs and sure enough, Leroy's mum was setting the table, as Emilia typed away on her cell-phone.
"Oh, you're here. I was about to go up and get you guys," Emily said as the two men sat down.
Zachary sat beside Emily and Leroy sat on the other end of Zachary.
"I hope you guys like it," Leroy's mum said, sitting across from all three of them.
They served themselves and ate in mostly silence until Leroy's mother spoke up.
"Zachary, what do you do for work?"  
The older man blinked.
"Err..." he trailed then stopped, starting to feel the world spin as the embarrassment started to set in.
How would he explain he didn't work without coming off as a bum?
He didn't want Leroy's mother to look at him like before... the skeptical, confused look was always enough to send him into a spiral.
"He freelances sometimes but he can't do it too much because of medical issues," Leroy said, pulling Zachary out of his panic.
"He's a writer and fucking good at it. Pretty much copy-edited my whole proposal upstairs."
"Oh, so a writer? Did you go to school for that?" Emily asked.
"Was it worth it? I want to go to art school but I'm having a hard time justifying the tuition. Leroy has a fuck ton of student debt, holy moly..." Emily trailed and Zachary rolled his eyes.
"Sorry. Some of us are talentless and need to go to college."
Leroy's mother chuckled and the whole table went silent.
It seemed that even siblings weren't used to that.. well, not anymore.
The awkward silence that followed after, settled for a bit before Zachary chipped in.
"I did go to school for writing but most of it was online and for a cheaper college. Honestly, most arts-related degrees and certificates are about your portfolio..." Emily nodded.
"Yeah, I guess that's true."
Soon the table was chatty again, with most of the conversation coming from Emily's lips.
Leroy's mother chipped in a few times, mentioning her time in the air force and asking Zachary if the chicken was okay.
The initial shock from her laughing had worn off, so the conversation carried on as normal when she did it a few more times.
When dinner was over, Leroy helped Emily with the dishes and Zachary just sat with Leroy's mother.
The two didn't say anything to each other but Zachary could swear he heard her say 'Thank you for coming' just as he got up to head upstairs with Leroy when he was done with the dishes.
He didn't dwell on it too much and instead focused on the man in front of him that seemed to be speed walking all the way upstairs.
When the two got upstairs, Leroy started the PlayStation and handed Zachary a controller when they climbed into bed.
"Err, what's going on?"
"We're going to play a game," Leroy said, getting on the bed with Zachary.
"Cuphead, not sure if you've heard of it."
"I have but I think we're kind of ignoring something," Zachary said, gesturing to himself.
"I don't know how to use a PlayStation controller. I've never had one."
Leroy stared at the older man and the older man stared at him.
"Yes. really."      
"I guess, change of plans, then. You're learning today," Leroy said, scooting closer to Zachary.
"I'll help you."
"Okay," Zachary's voice was low, more because most of his attention was on hyper-focusing on Zachary's hands.
After playing for what seemed like hours, the two abandoned the game, laughing at Zachary's painful attempts of at navigating the game camera while getting killed on the spot.
"It wasn't that funny," Zachary said, chuckling as Leroy brought up one of his fails for the hundredth time as they lay in bed together.
He didn't even believe his own words.  
"Sure, it wasn't," Leroy chuckled, catching the time on the clock on the wall.
He noticed it was getting late.
Zachary might start asking to leave but the younger man didn't want him to yet.
He started wondering what he could do to have Zachary stay longer.
"Should we order Vietnamese take-away?"      
Zachary chuckled, looking at Leroy from the side of his eyes.
"I had two chicken breasts."
"And now you can have 'Pho on the side'," Leroy offered.  
Zachary shook his head.
"Maybe we can have 'Pho on the side' tomorrow after the movie."  
The room was silent for a bit until the older man spoke up.
"Hmm?" the younger man mumbled, unable to get over how comfortable to be tangled with Zachary on his bed.
"I think I'm going to stay over tonight," the older man whispered, brushing hair away from Leroy's eyes as he stared at him.
"I don't think I can leave now... your bed's super comfy."
Well, it was that and just being in the presence of Leroy gave him a comfort he couldn't quite express.
The thought of heading back to his bedroom, where he was alone in the darkness, didn't sit well in his chest.
He'd enjoyed today... loved today.
He wanted to sleep next to Leroy and wake up to the man's big brown eyes staring at him in the morning.    
"You sure it's just my bed?"
Zachary felt his stomach twist up with nerves at Leroy's sentence.
Just his bed?
Of course, it wasn't but Leroy wasn't going to make him say that out loud, was he?
"No. Not just that," Zachary mumbled, just high enough for Leroy to pick up.
"I don't want to leave. I'd miss you."
Leroy rolled on his stomach and reached out to pull the hem of Zachary's shirt.
"You look really good in this. Green's your color."  
Zachary swallowed back a breath.
He could feel his heart in his throat and a feeling of lightness in his head. Really?
Leroy touching his shirt was making him feral.
He was so whipped.
"Your bedhead is the cutest thing I've ever seen..." Zachary rattled off as Leroy snuck a hand under his shirt.
The younger man placed his open palm over his lover's stomach, letting his icy fingers send tingles through Zachary's body and concentrate on his groin.
"I've wanted to kiss you all day."
Leroy smiled, edging up just enough that their faces were right beside each other's Zachary could feel Leroy's breath on his cheek and when he turned the younger man quickly pressed their lips together, igniting the most toe-curling sigh from them both.
Soon, the two were tangled together, making out in the watching distance of their enthusiastic audience of figurines.
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satans-codpiece · 6 months
I was not expecting EY epilogue to be so short or come out so quickly and neither was I prepared for it. Tbh you should rename it to "How to fuck up an audience in 600 words or less" because HOLY SHIT. I knew it wasn't going to be pretty™ but did you really have to go this hard??? The 2 being all cutesy romantic on a cruise with a burning harbour literally in front of them???? THAT RAM SET ON FIRE????? The tea vendor?????? READER FEELING GUILTY AND RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESTRUCTION????????
And then you have the nerve to answer that other anon's ask about Ram saying I love you with "haha no he loves you but he has too many issues to admit it out loud" ONLY to then turn out the next day and use it HERE of all places is. God. You bastard-
Oh shit uh.... I kind of realized I don't really have anything laying around in the horny Ram art department (that isn't a total disaster or way, WAYYYY too self-indulgent) sooo.... may I offer you a WIP in these trying times??? Entirely SFW but I feel like it's plenty horny still, just in a different way ;) (Link in another ask again. Btw, you can post the WIP publicly if you feel like the Ramattra nation should see it. I still have no goddamn idea if I should try to revive my abandoned art blog or start a new one or if I should even commit to posting semi-regularly in the first place why are my feelings so fucking complicated on something so basic-)
OH I FEEL YA MAN, same story here, don't care about the game I care about the universe, except I left the franchise entirely ages ago only for Blizz to be like "hey you liked Zen right? Here's his hot angsty younger brother" and I'm like FFFFFFFFFFFFFFfffffffffuck you Blizzard, and fuck me for falling for that eye and brain candy...
Heard about that "sometime in 2024" release date, THAT AIN'T IT MATEY, could be in December for all we know, I NEED it sooner- But hey, I guess Blizz's laziness means the fans can go wild???
And oooooh you say shit like this keeps you active? Guess I gotta bother you some more then :P Also NEEEEEY you an SSS+ tier writer the heckle you talking about-
HAHAH YEAH FKDJSG So my original draft of it was actually even darker, with more of Reader "waking up" on being released from their room, then spiraling and feeling guilty and only being maintained by the feeling that they have to keep Ramattra in check. So, I think this one's a bit kinder in that Reader's still feeling guilty, but it's easier for them to push away the darkness.
fjdhsgks listen! Again! My original epilogue was darker (I think I didn't have him use it, but I also don't think Reader prompted him to say it?) And to be fair it's more that he has too many issues in that moment at the end of Ch5... and he's kind of settling into accept that you do love him and want ("want") to be there with him by the epilogue... so he can choke it out sometimes.
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Like, yeah idk, it certainly is... difficult to know how to engage with fandom. More than a few times I've wondered if just being in a small, dedicated discord would be a better choice (but then I'm awful at engaging with people directly, so I tend to lurk in discord servers...)
Hah, see, I completely missed Ramattra's release. I played a little bit at OW2's release, so a bit into season 1, then I just stopped playing. I don't think it was intentional quitting. But I somehow completely missed Ramattra's entire existence until I randomly started playing Overwatch again in March/April (I don't even remember why? I think the Minecraft server I was playing revealed itself to be run by morons and I was looking for a game to spend most of my time and just ended up back with Overwatch).
Only to, bam, load into a game with someone playing him and for me to immediately go "oh my god" (and also he gave me headpats and i...... I wonder if that person has any clue what they've done. but then I think most Ram players who give headpats are also Ram Enjoyers.)
gjkhgsd You know that um. that chart that depicts "art quality vs perceived art quality over time"? to show how artists' perception of their work changes as they develop it? I feel like I'm permanently stuck in a "I'm sure my work is fine given the time I've spent working on it as a craft, but it still doesn't look/behave in the way I want it to." groove for like. at least a year.
The last time I genuinely 100% liked something I wrote was uhhhh probably in Februaryish with an unpublished DBD!Wesker/Reader WIP. (The WIP title is Boon: Wesker's Worms LOL)
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tolbachik · 6 months
Hi! Sorry for not sending an ask yesterday, I got caught up in school work, but luckily I’m all caught up now :D
I try to get as much sun as I can when I get the chance. Luckily the sun rises right before I have to walk into the building, so at least I get to watch that :]
Thank you so much for your kind words! Sometimes I can kinda lose sight of how far I’ve gotten since I first started learning. It’s kinda weird, but I can’t exactly put into words why I like Latin. Like, have you ever been drawn to something for no explicable reason? “It scratched an itch in my brain,” is the best way I can put it lol. It just sorta clicked haha
Also yeah, we use the Cambridge Latin Course :D The characters are always so memorable. My friend group was obsessed with Bregans and Grumio lol
I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who gets intimidated by the scale of things sometimes! Still, being able to see Andromeda through a telescope seems really cool! I’ve only used a telescope once or twice, but it’s a way different experience than seeing a picture of it. You realize just how real all of it is. Do you have any favorite things about astronomy? Favorite planets, galaxies, phenomena, anything really :D
I’m glad to hear you’re excited to check them out! I hope you like them. :D I always find it really comforting to see musicians helping each other, it’s sorta like a reminder that there’s good in the world, y’know? It probably sounds a little parasocial, but it just makes me happy to see them happy haha
Also, I’d love a copy of the extended release, if it isn’t too much hassle! I could also keep checking YouTube, it seems like things like that seem to just pop up and then go back down at random haha
I do a little art here and there. I can definitely relate to having a lot of ideas, but not the time or energy to create them haha. I do a little writing, but more research style stuff than narratives. I’m always rotating an idea for an essay around in my head, but I always drag my feet when it comes to actually writing it lol
By the synopsis of your novel, it sounds like something I’d really enjoy reading! I’ve always admired sci-fi writers, it takes a lot of creativity, skill, and knowledge to be able to craft a story like that! Once you finish the book I’d love to read it, if you’d be comfortable with that. What would you say is your favorite part of the writing process? I know some people prefer worldbuilding, while others enjoy crafting the narrative more. Do you prefer one over the other, or do you like something other than one of these two? :D
Sorry again for not sending yesterday’s message! I hope that you’re doing well, and that you have a great day/night! :]
- 🎲
Hello again, no worries! Both anons, please take all the time you need in between asks, ok? It's ok if you can't reply ASAP; I totally understand! Also, I hope your work went well for you! Aww, that's good at least! I know it can be so rough without it 😭 Of course, I'm so happy you found a passion like that and stuck with it! What do you think you'll do once you get through this next bit with it? Oh yeah, I absolutely get that. It's weird how the mind works, but hey; at least you're enjoying it! Those books were the best! I'd like to try to find ours again at some point, I loved learning more and being able to understand more of the story, it was always so exciting! Oh god, I almost forgot about Grumio, Bregans too! Me and my sister liked Quintus and Clemens (who we actually had a cat named after!), and haaaated Salvius from what I can remember lol It's all very hard to comprehend, and when you're forced to reckon with it, it can be so unpleasant! I agree, though; seeing stuff up close is really exciting, even if it is a little scary at first! It really does help you realize that everything is, well, real like you said. When I first saw Jupiter through my telescope, it really was so different from just seeing a picture! Also, personally? I really love Uranus and its moon system, Venus, Mercury, and Saturn and its moon system as well! I don't really like too much outside of our system aside from a few stars, mainly just because of the whole scale thing again lol. What about you?
Thank you again; I appreciate it! I've gotten into a bit of a musical rut, so between you and the other anon, I'll have a lot to get through! And I totally get that; it's nice to see other people happy! It's not an example of musicians working together, but one of my favorite musicians is a good example of seeing other people happy. In a lot of Norma Tanega's songs (like here), you can just hear her smiling as she sings, and that always makes me feel so happy too!
Of course, no hassle at all! I'll keep that in mind for after all this, then. I'll get it uploaded to my dropbox for you after all this!
Ooh, nice! What sort of essays do you like to write? Back when I was in school, I loved writing essays and doing all the research for them. Actually, what other sort of things are you interested in? I'd love to learn more about you! Aww, thank you for the kind words! Sorry again for not sharing much; it's something I'm incredibly passionate about, but worried about showing to the world yet. It's hard sometimes, y'know? And, y'know, I'm actually going to be looking at getting beta readers a few months from now! It'll be once I reach a decent spot, so I'd love to pay you to give some feedback! Ooh, my favorite part? That's tough! I think researching, as well as just letting it marinate in my mind. I don't like not writing, but in the times where I can't write much, it's really refreshing to just run over concepts and ideas I've had. Sometimes, I get big breakthroughs that way! Just recently I was struggling with how to tackle life at the extreme ends of the poles, but after doing a little research, I think I finally got a few leads. It's nice just letting things end up where they end up, y'know? Thank you again for the lovely ask, I really appreciate the time and energy you both put into these. I mean it; it makes my day! Please take care, take all the time you need, and have a great day tomorrow! Talk to you soon!
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c4x5 eye of the beholder
I'm so freaking excited it has been so long since I've been able to bingewatch & liveblog!
Heist film ok! Fellow's just playing with wires & having fun. Love the music.
Thank goodness for subtitles I like how her first thought is "excuse me" before she realizes he's dead
Castle is in the groove. Point for the adhd headcanon. I'm adhd I get to decide which characters have adhd & the answer is most of them. RC: Too late. He just went kersplat. Now…how can I help you? Hey A Doll's House was a... an interesting & tragic but beautiful play & I got to play the audio version while my brother was talking to his friend named stella. "Stella! Stella!"
MR: Fiasco? You married her. Well he has the occasional poker club, he played with The Team & capt montgomery a while back, he had a gotham city crew with the judge, the mayor, & montgomery, he has his writer's poker club...
Sometimes art is about emotional response not looking pretty. It is about intrigue, anger... Tho sometimes the real art is the essay the artist writes explaining it not the art itself.
Oh yeah beckett never told castle she was a model
RC: Somebody stole The Fist of Capitalism? Anyone check up the ass of socialism? ASDFHSKLJDFHAKLDSJFAKJSDFJKALSDFJ MY POOR MOTHER WAS NOT PAYING ATTENTION WHEN WE WATCHED IT SO I REPEATED IT FOR HER & SHE WAS CSO DISSAPPOINTED WITH ME BUT IT WAS SO FUNNY. ANYONE CHECK UP THE ASS OF SOCIALISM XD XD XD I'M LEGITIMATELY LAUGHING OUT LOUD & I HAVE HEARD IT BEFORE IT'S JUST SO GOOD. Some ppl are probably thinking "what's so funny? It was just a little comedic comment, nothing more" but I say f you it's funny to me. Wait what anticapitalist would make an art piece called the fist of capitalism worth 50mil & sell it to wealthy capitalists? You know what? I don't care, they can make money off of it then let them. They can spend the money buying land for their community garden.
If I remember correctly, why was she so shocked when she found him dead? Ryan is not wearing a tie but still has a green button up shirt & a brown double breasted coat what hehas undone except I think it is designed to LOOK double breasted but it is not since I can see both buttons on one side & it is not done up... I like how RYAN at least takes notes. Must have a good shorthand to be able to record it. of course he was worried someone would steal it bro maybe he WAS paranoid & his paranoia turned out to be right. I'm paranoid that doors will lock behind me (too much dnd) but sometimes I'm right so that paranoia pays off
How sharp are those spikes? I feel like it would take A Lot of force to get him impaled & it would be difficult to get him stuck on there that far back w/o you yourself getting impaled
I wanted to do vulnerability assessment at some point. Still, I wouldn't mind. That's one of the reasons I learned how to pick locks. BECKETT'S job is proof, so you should help HER find the proof. becks is so territorial, just let the gal help
it is not a lucky guess it was an educated hypothesis (that "mno" ryan said <3) [Gates pokes her head out of her office.] GATES Beckett! [Gates returns to her office.] RYAN Oh, great, what'd you do now? BECKETT (whisper) Shut up. So is this the next day or smth? bc castle went from red to blue, ryan went from green shirt no tie to thinly striped red/purple/grey (i can't tell) shirt WITH a tie this time. Becks is wearing a cute tie too today. Castle *spits drink in a mist* Ryan *looks up at it*
Girl he has expertise at writing, at getting into the mind of a killer.
Castle & ryan watching them but as soon as becks looks over just *quick get back to work* Girl shut the up she wants her finder's fee & she is helping!
Ryan *explaining the case* sericka (serena/rick) *googoo eyes* Ryan *uncomfy* Exceot she took the flash drive didn't she? why doesn't she give it to them if she's trying to help? She's right, too hot. Espt: *yo info!* *stops when seeing a pretty lady* Castle: "she's with us" Espt: *uncomfy* ok. Anyhow. *to beckett* [info]
SK, being just a little bit smug & a-hole-like: Now that we have some direction, I can get us some leads. KB: Great. Let’s go. SK: You can’t come. KB: I’m sorry, you might have misunderstood the word “consultant”. This is my case. SK: The people there won’t talk to cops. But they’ll talk to me. RC: *starts following* KB: Where are you going? RC: Uh…I’m not a cop either… He's right transript: "Ryan makes an "ooh, dangerous territory" look."
Finn: Busy with what? Jason Bateman over here? RC: Hey, that got me out of a speeding ticket once. Castle u don't know NOT to tell that!
JE: Serena was right. Falco’s a badass. Look how phat his Interpol file is. She just comes in out of nowhere interrupts them in the breakroom, which reminds me, I need to talk to my coworker about his legally required breaks. He needs to take them & clock out for that time. Grab a drink. Sit outside for a few. Yeah a good apartment is SO divorce worthy lol Becks he said any means necessary, Joy it does not necessarily mean theft
Why doesn't he have a lawyer? Ryan playing with his pen point for the adhd hc He knew falco was a person! How?
Ryan *walks all swaying* *sees sericka* *walks straight* Hayes was paranoid that it would be stolen & fenced, he was probably asking for the same reason sericka asked "the usual" Becks is so jeally. She told castle she's a one writer girl & isn't cheating on him by working with alex conrad but now rick is cheating on her with another sexy muse. it's the fbi agent again.
psychologist moments <3 Martha moments <3
Basically asking her permission. espt looks like he's wearing pyjamas. (long sleeve pyjama looking shirt with only a few buttons on the top & a lighter grey breast pocket.) & then ryan is wearing a nice v light grey dress shirt with a nice square patterned tie & darker grey coat.
Hostess: That’s right. She was in her 30s, but still really hot.
KR: No, no, thank you. (hangs up) Hey, just got off with the insurance company. Guess what Serena did before she worked for them? RC: Kindergarten teacher? JE: Art thief. KR: Alleged art thief. JE: Whatever. Vulnerability assessment bro! Check her hair gel tho! I like gates. *stink eye*
Ah yes, heist movie style. I like castle's square patterned coat
Where is ryan? Esposito talking feelings with beckett <3 She just readily admits she was a thief Indigenous rights! Heck yeah screw nazis screw the ss, steal back that painting babe! Return the mummy from the previous episode to the indigenous people it belongs to! Go to england & take back that totem pole for my wetsuweten cousins! Give kookum's blanket back to her grandbabies! I'm glad I was not eating cereal at that whip comment Tha'ts a giant hotel room WITH EXTRA WHIPPED CREAM-- Why does she have her phone out? Why does she have it on the table? what if she LEAVES it? oh those are some sexy tools. Oh at least becks got her phone & texted him back. You know what? Good on him. Now sneak away behind him quickly now hsakjhhsdjfh why did you say "hey" to her bro!?? Espt just there & castle has lipstick on his face now lol
KB: Yeah, well, you’re thinking with the wrong body part. He's thinking with his head, not his heart, the head of his dick eyoo! SHe's right, don't let him in on the investigation. Still, where is ryan? Castle don't make that gesture, that's how u get arrested for murder RC: I was only doing--! [The interrogation room door slams in his face.] RC: …what you asked! [Castle turns away from the door then turns back around and makes a strangling motion. He pulls down his suit coat as he enters Observation.] [Ryan and Esposito look at Castle.] RC: I thought I’d sit this one out. (bro they heard) [Esposito nods "Uh-huh." Ryan moves over some files for Castle to have a seat on the desk. I wish I could describe what they look like, the way ryan moves the files is so Something. Castle sits Right Beside ryan & it reminds me of that time castle was sitting on the desk & ryan pushed him half off in 3x1]
SK: And here I thought Rick was the only writer on your team. KR: Rick? You guys on a first name basis, now? JE: Well, he was making out with her in the hotel hallway. KR: *looks at rick shocked* RC: Beckett told me to stall her. JE: She also tell you to use tongue? KR: *shakes his head* Her eyes are really pretty. A nice dark blue. KR: Yeah, like, strangely calm. Maybe she didn’t do it. Either that, or she’s a psychopath. In which case, *hits castle gently* you sure can pick ‘em. Yeah SK is really hot tbh, & not just in a physical sense She's right: Because in my experience the police just get in the way. My job’s to recover the sculpture, not play nice.
Hotels are insane. *intense music* *Ryan, Esposito, and three S.W.A.T. members stand in the elevator with a hotel manager while ditty elevator music plays.* *intense music & breaking down doors*
I swear man didn't do it Oh nvm he def did. But I like him. How did he get the name falco btw? Who gave it to him? I love him. Hair gel is perfectly manly bro, the only women I know who use hair gel are punks. Then again punks often get called fags so idk. Oh he is falco. I really like him
*sees sexy lady* Whoa. Bad cop struck out, good cop gets a turn? they totally are thief flirting. See? Vulnerability assessment! You didn't catch her skin colour?
it CAN be paranoia
Castle you can OPEN it you don't need to Kick It Open! Yeah lol if it was her why did she flip when she found the body?
Oh nvm it's this lady
U missed the "t"
I like how serena actually thanks becks. I also like how castle flips that cup. Made them each a coffee <3 She doesn't steal things that belong to someone else aaaaaaah Well castle that's what u get for breaking their stuff! Date night! nice music! thank god I'm rich
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years
This isn't unique to MHA at all but it feels like spending too much time interacting with the fandom compared to the source material ends up ruining the experience. Like I got the Team Up Mission books for Christmas and ended up crying at Melissa's story and it reminded me of why I fell in love with the story in the first place. It feels like the fandom is determined to nitpick everything to death and suck all the joy out of the story.
Oh yeah definitely
I feel like with fandom, you have to pick your battles, because it can escalate really quickly. Not necessarily with other people, but just like, your perception of the story, characters, even your perception of the writer
I mean, I remember loads of times where people went off about Hori being an abuse apologist or a misogynist. I think there were a few that called him racist, but I can't be sure of that so take it with a pinch of salt (if I remember correctly, they were about Hori's choice for Satou's design but mostly with the Ujiko name thing)
And there were a lot of times where I bought into that kind of thing. Where I started to think, actually, Hori is bad and horrible. I started to lose faith in his ability to write and tell a story because people kept harping on about Endeavor and Hawks and the kids and just everything
Even just the negativity in general effected the way I saw the story. It sucked
Fandom can really mess with your perception of things. You kinda have to take a step back and realize that maybe your opinions are being influenced by a collective mindset
And it is hard to separate yourself from fandom sometimes. You have to be able to decide what is good and bad in your own opinion, and not as a collective one
Of course you can take bits and pieces from other people's opinions. Sharing what you think and being open to other perceptions is a good thing! But you also have to be able to say "I don't agree with your view but I accept that you have it", go off and do your own thing
Also, you don't even have to agree or disagree to an opinion. You can just say "That's interesting to think about" and take it into consideration if you want
That's one of the reasons I don't do leak nights. The whole "collective mindset" thing with the first impression of a chapter really messes with what I'm supposed to personally think, so instead I just filter the tags, read the chapter on the friday and then read what everybody else thinks afterwards. If my impression was positive and the fandom's was negative, I can at least know that I have my own opinion of it and that it wasn't influenced by anyone else
Anyway, point is: I think you're absolutely right that the fandom nitpicks so many things
It's a shame, really, because bnha is a good series. I like that it's different. I've wanted "different" for years now, and Hori delivered
That's my opinion on it, and I'm sticking to it
If I'm to give you any advice, it would be
1) Have faith in Hori.
It sounds a bit too hopeful, I'm sure, but the guy does know how to round things out. Trust that he knows what he's doing, even just the littlest bit. Hang onto that little bit of hope. I say this as someone who has seen the up-and-down phases of the fandom
2) Be sure of your own opinion on the series.
Take a step back once in a while, even just briefly, and ask yourself if the fandom is effecting your view negatively. If it is, and it's in a very intense way, it may be time to take a break from the fandom. That doesn't mean you have to stop reading bnha! Just enjoy it away from all of the hate for a while, however long you want
If you decide to be interactive about avoiding the negative stuff, you can also make your own posts about what you like about the series. Even just something about the art. Personally, that works for me and it's improved how I look at the manga. Obviously, there's no shame in staying away from the fandom for a while, but it's an alternative if you'd rather not take a break🙂
3) Above all, remember that the series isn't over yet.
A lot of discourse and hate, I've noticed, is about current problems in the story. Please remember that any of those problems can still be fixed. There's still time to change the situation. There's still time to address it. Don't write off about how Hori has portrayed so-and-so as such-and-such-a-thing, this is the worst - it can still be changed.
4, and this is a personal thing I go by but I want to share if it helps) Hori is Just A Guy.
The vibe I get from Hori is that... he's just someone who wants to tell a story. And he wants to do it in his own way. That's literally it. Fandom treats him like he's the worlds last hope at a good story but it isn't true. He's just a guy who sits in his office, draws and writes a story he wants to tell. He is simply vibing (also stressed but like. in terms of story and laying things out, he is vibing)
I hope this helps, at least
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cinnaminsvga · 2 years
yeah i don't interact with fandoms i never really have, so i get how easy it is to lose interest in it. but with bts it's easy i can go and rewatch and remind myself why i loved them in the first place. (besides music their personalities are>>) and the only fics i ever read or actively waited or looked for were yours. but i also don't like consume content like i used to so i feel like maybe i've grown. but someone way older than me told me that as people get older they don't just lose "interest" life would be boring and sad usually it's switched to something else or depression acting up, and i had a theyre right moment (the were 50, and used a bunch of different things, actors, movies, video games (theirs), shows, anime, even binging netflix, knitting, they said the gym too, basically everyone has a something that they focus on or interested in, in some way and that it's okay. not to be pathetic but i broke down and was crying about how nothing interests me and i can't find new ones either (and it had been a year for me too) but maybe that's what's being a grown up and what it's like. and they were like sweetie no. *rant* and i was like oh they're right) there was more to it. but yeah lmao
i'm glad you realized the love you still have for that little cat man<3 i hope you always have love for something or someone no matter how crazy or sad or numb or happy or exciting life gets for you! yeah! sometimes a frog video post or something pops up and i'm like "didn't zee once like frogs?? i wonder if she'd like /this/ frog" all i remember now was a frog that was living its best life!
well if you're writing again that's good for you! (you were always a writer, personally i think if you can world build and actually get it into words you get to claim your a writer) it takes talent! no matter how long it takes. i've sent asks of wishing you well before but it's been awhile, but i still always wished you the best and hope you're doing alright/taking care of yourself!
a yoongi fic? sounds interesting. hey though.... if you ever feel down remember you had so many asks of people letting you but as yoongi wanting him to have a happy ending! and loves your characterization of him which means by extension....🤪
YEAHHHH like what i mean by interact with fandom culture, it's more like "consuming" fandom culture, yenno? like reading fics, looking at art, etc. so with bangtan, i don't really do much of that anymore, but i do still watch their videos and sorta keep up with their schedules and stuff, which is all fine and dandy but GOD i miss being obsessed ig??? maybe that's just my adhd talking but somehow i've forgotten how to enjoy media a normal amount instead of being unhealthily fixated HAHAHAH
and what that person said is true!! unless you're like, going thru something, people don't totally lose interest in everything - often times, they just move on to the next thing. and that's exactly what's happening to me tbh!! lately i've been really deep into this other fandom (cough) and i know that's the main reason i've lost interest in bangtan :-( but yeah!! we grow and we go as i like to say,,,
but i'll always like bangtan!! which is why i'm still adamant to write some fics for them, but just not with the same excitement as before. it's like... dialing down from a 100% to a 80%, yenno? mayhaps i'll write froggie!yoongi because i'm insane... who knows...
and thank you for reading my fics btw HJASDHJSA idk how i became your go-to bangtan fic writer, but that genuinely means a lot!! i just hope that when i drop my next fic, there will be some people who are bothered enough to read it LMAO exciting times ahead!! cinnaminsvga is not dead, just resting!!
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johns-prince · 3 years
TW for eating disorders, etc.
John OP here. Thanks for the beautifully written answer. I appreciate the honesty and in fact, you make very good points. I doubt I'd be the best influence on someone like John when it came to body image because we seem too alike in that department. I was a teenager in the size zero hysteria of the early 00s and this probably shaped my sense of aesthetics. I'm more relaxed about that now but my eye still responds to a certain look on people. I can't help it. I had my own "Fat Beatle" episode and I could tell how it all changed when I shed the weight. It didn't really matter how or whether I was miserable, I just looked the "right" way and people would let me know. It's possible I projected it all on poor John. But I know he'd relate to that in many levels.
I'm not a fan of the "rat man" thing either. I know people mean well and I try to look at it with humor but it does bother me. Mostly because the stans of the other boys are very positive about them and I'd like that for John too. His looks were a major part of his struggle so I know he'd be crushed watching everyone praising his mates (especially Paul) while he gets to be the fucking rat, you know? As I have mentioned before, you can feel it even on fanfiction. Even the writers who seem more John inclined will go on for pages about how pretty Paul (which he is, of course) and how lucky John was to be with him. Like it was a favor or something. That when the stories don't keep pushing that tired trope about Crazy John crushing on pretty but Immovable Sexuality Paul. That's not really my cup of tea tbh.
In the end I'm just happy to start this discussion
with intelligent people who will bring their opinions to the table respectfully. I hope my previous comment didn't trigger anyone or came across as worse than I hoped. If that was the case, I'd like to apologize, it really wasn't my intention.
Darling, don't fret. You've really nothing to be sorry about. One reason why I relate to John is because I have issues with bulimia to this day, and can experience hardcore body dysmorphia at the worst of times dues to my insecure and self hatred towards my body. I get it.
I remember that, vaguely at least, the whole size zero thing. I do, that was such a strange phenomenon, because it takes a certain body type to fit it naturally, or... Y'know, starving yourself.
Anyway, I think we all sort of project on our favorite boy, and we all sort of see ourselves in them too. You wouldn't be the first, and certainly won't be the last.
Yeah, I completely understand how you feel. Maybe I'm just overreacting, maybe I don't have a sense of humor, but I'm inclined to feel protective over John, and I feel like if you know about John's insecurities and struggles with himself in regards to his physical appearance, why... Would you yourself find it a silly and relatively harmless thing to apparently joke about calling him things like that, idk like I said I don't see anyone else really making such snide comments and quips when it comes to the other three. So at what time did the bandom just agree it was an acceptable thing to do towards John?
Whatever, people can do and say what they like y'know free country an' all, but I don't have to approve of it or like it.
Real talk, I low-key I am guilty of writing in that way but I primarily do it as if John feels that way, or thinks it, or feels it. Due to his insecurity and self doubt, the fear that he'll always be abandoned by those he holds dear and loves, the fear that it's all just too good to be true for him-- that's why I ever write a scene when it comes to Paul, that it's just John's way of thinking, not seeing his own worth, and ends up sort of idolizing those individuals (listen John once compared Paul to a religion that he knew/had so I feel like he idolized and saw Paul in this 'oh God he's too perfect oh no' sort of light, which both terrified and fed into the 'paul's going to leave me one day he'll figure it out that he doesn't need me I'm not enough' sort of mindset too) he just had a bit of a habit doing that to those he held intimately dear, until... They let him down or proved his insecurities and doubts right, that in the end they all leave him and don't actually love him. It's a cruel self fulfilling prophecy in a sense, since John, either consciously or subconsciously, put relationships and people through tests to see if they could withstand him and his antics, if they'd stay loyal, if they'd still love him. Sometimes he'd just push people away, and then feel like they just up and abandoned him...
I'm rambling. Anyway the point, your point, still stands! Their relationship shouldn't be written as one doing the other a favor for liking them and being with them! Maybe in reality people did think Paul was doing not only John a favor for being his partner but also a favor to everyone else, because John had Paul and Paul could be seen as the one handling John's lead. It's kind of like how some peer at John's art school thought Cynthia had done them all a favor for taking John.
I don't like that. John isn't some problem to be passed onto someone who must then bear the burden of him. That's just... Wrong. And I think both Cynthia and Paul would think so too. John could be challenging but geez, it shouldn't be made out like anyone who loved John and wanted to be around him and be with him was just some sort of favor to the world or to him.
If anything John and Paul were both extremely lucky to have found each other-- it's not exactly common for soulmates to find each other, especially at such a young age? Please. Most of us will never, which is common.
Like the crushing went both ways lol if anything it's Paul who crushed first-- while John never mentioned it, Paul had brought up how he'd noticed John long before meeting him at the Fete. They had even briefly talked at a newspaper shop which Paul had been working at. He'd see John on the streets, he'd notice him riding on the top deck of buses, or in line at the fish and chips-- he'd try and steal glances at John when he'd notice him on the same bus! Paul was instantly drawn to this tough looking teddy with big sideboards and greased hair and the drainies and a roguish air about him. He was like a schoolgirl with a crush, and he didn't even know this boy. Yet.
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If anything it's Paul who noticed John first, and started crushing on John first. Then they finally were introduced at the local Fete, and that was it for both of them.
And let's be real John might've been a bit crazy, but Paul loved him, loved his touch of crazy. And Paul might be immoveable heterosexuality, but that goes straight out the window when it comes to John, and only John it appears.
So yeah, I get where you're coming from, and your grievances and perspective.
I'm glad you decided to share it with me! Sorry about my rambling (• ▽ •;)
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Hi Colour! How are you doing today? I don't know about doing meaningful things with my life, feel like I've just been surviving this entire time lol. However I am trying to figure it out and working on building the life I want to live and hopefully I will be able contribute to this world in some way.
I don't think I've ever played a game of trivial pursuit. Have never been to a pub either, not like the ones you have in the UK anyway. Just been to very dirty bars where me and my friends used to drink as much as we could afford, shared questionable food that could potentially make us sick the next day and there were no quizzes or games really haha. So your exp sounds way more fun! 😂
I'm glad you're giving the song a chance! Only Spotify knows how many times I've listened to it lol. I reckon Hozier's going to be my artist of the year for 2021. I love attributing works of art to Dani x Jamie, have a whole ass Pinterest board full with images of paintings, poetry, music and anything that I think relates to them really (yeah I know, I have a problem).
I love everything you've said about how Dani, Viola and the lady in the lake are alike, I hadn't really thought about their similarities before, but everything you've said makes perfect sense. I always saw Viola as a narcissist, even her drive to protect her child felt selfish in a way, don't know if you know what I mean. And when she fades away and becomes the lady she's just pure (almost animalistic) instinct while on auto pilot, bc she only remembers rage and abandonment, she takes anything on her path aggressively unless they're a child. So what she sees in Dani is not processed logically, right? It's pure instinct and emotions, so what she recognizes in her when Dani invites her in is the desperate need to protect this child, so she sees her as deserving. Perhaps she also saw in Dani and opportunity to escape this nightmare. Despite all her faults she didn't deserve what happened to her either.
And don't get me wrong, Jamie is so, so strong and solid and she is my favorite mostly bc I identify with her personality more than Dani's. But we know Jamie is all that even before we learn her story, and I feel like it is expected that she'll be the strong and brave one bc she's had to be that her entire life albeit unwillingly. But Dani? We expect her to break at any given point, I mean she is reaching her limit after all that's happened, with all the weight she's carrying. I remember thinking "Jesus, this girl needs help" when I first watched the show hahaha. But she fights every damn time, she doesn't run away and that's why I find her so fascinating. That's why I thought this song was so fitting. Even if Dani would never see herself that way. But it's Jamie's perspective (and fire signs tend to exaggerate everything 😂) so it feels fitting that she thinks so highly of her baby haha. Ugh I just wanted them to stay together forever. 🥺
Omg yes! I love how you refined this idea, good thing you're a writer and I'm not hahaha. And yeah I'm absolutely here for sapphics with weapons like holy shit imagine Jamie fighting with a sword? 🤤 I'm weak. Hahaha would be cool to see them in a pirate AU too! Maybe someone's already done it? Idk. But aaaah I want to see them in every possible universe hahaha. Makes me want to get back into drawing too. 😩
Aww you two sound like you have a lovely bond going on. Your niece sounds like the coolest! I started out drawing anime too when I was a kid and ended up doing graphic design for a living! How did learning how to draw anime style go for you today?
Hey I'm doing great thank you I hope you are too? I know that feeling because I feel like that's how I have made it to 27 just surviving (barely) and taking things one day at a time to get me to this point and hopefully I can contribute in some way even it its just a small way... so I totally get that feeling but I am sure you contribute so much without you even realising it!! Oh it's great but depending on how competitive the people you're playing with are it can get pretty heated... I've been in some heated games of it before because people just refuse to believe I know the answers to some of the questions and they think I've been cheating and have all but demanded I have another question asked instead of the one I got right... and pub quizzes can be fun again depending on the team you're in and how seriously you wanna take it I have been in teams where its been a serious thing and we have all desperately wanted to win and then I've been in teams and we've just had fun with it... all the pubs I go in are dirty bars too but sometimes they have pub quizzes... I have had many nights where I have drank what I can afford... one night me on my roommate went over board though and we ended up spending ALL our money even our taxi fair and we had to walk home in the dark along country roads with hardly any lights to guide us... because of how drunk we were it too us around 3-4 hours and I fell over a road sign and ended up in a ditch... I've had a lot of fun experiences but some really stupid ones as well... your experiences sound great though!! I would love that!! I listened to the song and I loved it so much!! I don't even wanna know what my most listened to artist will be this year... my money is on it being the Six musical soundtrack... probably All You Wanna Do from that musical I'll be surprised if it's anything else. I would love for it to be someone like Hozier, but ever since I have done my Spotify wrapped thing it's always been a musical of some kind that's been my number 1 song / artist haha I love doing the same thing. If I can make something fit Dani x Jamie I will like it doesn't even matter what it is haha... I don't think you have a problem I think that sounds so cool!! I have nothing like that. I just have a head full of random ideas screaming to be let out I agree Viola is definitely selfish and narcissistic and everything she did came from a place of anger and rage over the things that happened to her she fell in love and got married and had a child and saw her sister try and take that from her while she was ill and in the end her sister killed her. Like yeah, I do feel sorry for Perdita with the way she was treated but I do think everything Viola did was out of frustration over what was happening to her. Like you said she acts on auto pilot and only knows rage until it comes to children- because all she knows is she is looking for a child so when she saw Dani so selfless sacrifice herself for a child she saw a little bit of herself in Dani she knows Dani is a good person and she can relate to that protective streak and I think she did see Dani as deserving I definitely agree with everything you've said here. Viola might have had faults and flaws and who doesn't? But I definitely think she had it rough and did deserve better than she was given. I agree, you can tell looking at Jamie that she is strong and brave while Dani comes off as the exact opposite. But I think you see fully how brave they both are when Dani sacrifices herself for Flora and when Jamie offers to keep Dani company and loves her despite knowing she won't be able to love her forever. I love Jamie but definitely relate to Dani's personality more, there are a lot of things Dani does that I see myself in her because I have done those types of things myself and the whole beast in the jungle speech resonates with me so much and every time I watch the last episode and hear that speech I am a crying mess from that point on. It's funny that you thought that about Dani when you first watched it, because me and my sisters got my mum to
watch it and she said the same thing about Dani "she needs help" but then once told me she liked Dani because she reminded her of me that was an interesting conversation to be a part of "Dani needs help... but I like her she's like you." I was like "Thanks?" I agree this song is definitely more how Jamie would see Dani, I think Dani just has a very blasé view of herself, like I don't think she's self conscious or self deprecating in anyway but I think she sort of walks around like "this is me and this is just how I am" where as Jamie just sees Dani for how brave and strong and amazing she is- maybe even if as a fire sign she exaggerates a little bit haha Jamie just thinks Dani is the most amazing person in the world and I just know that Dani saw her the same way!! I really wanted them to be together forever... I am never going to emotionally recover from Bly Manor. Your idea was incredible and I think it would be a great story to read honestly that's the type of thing I live for!! OMG Jamie with a sword is just 🤤 🥵 I am all for sapphics and weapons of any kind!! There's this pirate AU which is absolutely amazing!! I don't know if you've read it or not but iamalekza writes some really great fics!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/28631598/chapters/70179306 ^^ Pirate AU I really wish I could draw I would love to be able to draw scenes from fics I have read and even ones I have written but I just don't have the skill set for that!! I would love to see other fan arts though I think drawing is such an incredible talent to have and I am in awe of anyone that can do it!! Me and my niece have a great bond, she's like a little mini me (despite almost being as tall as me). She is honestly such a cool kid I have a hell of a lot of fun with her- I'm looking after her again tomorrow and I have no idea what we're gonna do but we will figure something out... she's such a good drawer she's only just started doing it at the beginning of the year and she's really progressed with it... I however have not so I am definitely gonna need more practice. That's so cool that you started out doing anime drawing and then ended up going into a career in graphic design. Again that's a talent that I am just in awe of because it's just something I have never been able to do!!
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