#sometimes chaotic neutral and sometimes neutral evil
thecrowandtheraven08 · 9 months
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I’ve been thinking about how unhinged my lovely Tav, Cassian the Lolth Sworn Cleric, can be. So for fun, I thought I’d share some of the fun, weird and mostly fucked up things they’ve done along their journey. Spoilers for Baldur’s Gate 3 from Act 1 to Act 3 under the cut. They’re normally making better decisions I swear. Also general warning for violence and some sexual themes
- Said “fuck it” and agreed to letting the hag take their eye because surely they could kill her either way. If she could take the tadpole, and all they lost was their eye, they figured it would be worth it. They chose to lose their pink eye due to it reminding them of their mother
- After saving Mayrina, they offered to say a few words for her dead husband. They proceed to say how this was Lolth’s will and that he basically would have died no matter what. Mayrina, in fact, did not like this
- Used the wand to bring back her husband as a zombie, only to refuse to give him to her and has decided to find uses for him (aka brought him into battle as a meat shield)
- They did not bat an eye when Astarion wanted to kill the monster hunter in the swamp. In fact, they knew the moment that this man brought up hunting a vampire that he had to die. Uses his cross bow to this day while still not being proficient
- Got Loviatar’s Blessing
- Gave Astarion the Necromancy of Thay book because why not
- Persuaded the ogre’s to work for them for food and occasionally gold. Every time they asked for gold, Cassian would convince them that they’d get it “next time”. When confronted by them later before leaving, Cassian then threatened them into leaving. They never gave them any gold
- Stole the Githyanki egg and gave it to the lady wanting it
- Argued with Vlaakith and nearly got everyone killed because of it
- Helped Mol cheat against Raphael in chess and managed to get away with it
- Could tell that Jahira had put a truth serum in their drink, and decided “I’ll still drink this. Why not”
- Decided to help He Who Was bring judgement upon Madeline. How they decided to do this was to intimidate her into stabbing herself repeatedly. It was the punishment her friends had gotten, so they deemed it fair that she do the same. He Who Was took back his body and was upset at the new stab wounds, so they fought. By all this, Cassian was only upset that they had to kill the raven
- Stuck their hand in a weird, fleshy wall
- Convinced the Orthon to kill his whole group, his displacer beast and then himself somehow. They aren’t sure how that one worked themself
- Somehow managed to convince the weird doctor guy and his nurses to also kill themselves. They just didn’t want
- Also convinced Ketheric not to fight them when down in the colony. Went straight to the Myrkul boss fight after confronting him down there
- Stole so much from the temple they offered to help in Wyrm’s crossing
- Immediately got into shenanigans by trying to steal shit from the nobles, but only Gale got caught
- Helped a little girl use a necromancy spell to try and resurrect her brother. Instead the whole graveyard was resurrected. The first of many graveyard shenanigans
- They sex in the graveyard. They do not regret this
- Dug up a grave in front of the child of said dead person. Stole from the grave. The child and the lady watching over the graveyard weren’t pleased
- Stole from someone’s family mausoleum because if they’re looting graves why not
- Again tried to steal from a grave and got attacked by Kobolds??? Cassian is no longer welcome in the graveyard
- While wearing the gloves they promised to get for a lady, they convinced her that they didn’t have them and when she asked them to pay, they threatened her. They did not have to pay
These are just the ones that I remember. This game has been so fun and wild. The drow options can be so wild
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maegalkarven · 9 months
So my boys' main themes are:
June: Religious guilt and delusions of sainthood, i.e. "doing good because he IS good, good intentions vs atrocious actions to achieve good goals." Good intentions paving a road to hell kind of thing.
Levi: Body horror and being the monster who stands between the lives of civilians and the fate worse than death, i.e. "Murderous lunatic who somehow ends up being the only one being able to save you and you're both terrified of the fact of his single existence and grateful he happened to exist in this exact place at this exact time."
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morticianmagic · 2 years
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hey check out my jellyfish alignment chart
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omniversentertwined · 8 months
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Chaotic Neutral people believe that there ultimately is no order to anything, including their own actions. With this as their guiding principle, they tend to follow whatever their fancy tells them to. Good and evil are irrelevant when making a decision. Chaotic Neutral people are often extremely difficult to deal with. Although they promote the ideals of freedom, it is their own freedom that comes first. Chaotic Neutral individuals are free-spirited and do not enjoy the unnecessary suffering of others, but if they join a team, it is because that team's goals happen to coincide with their own at the moment. They resent taking orders and can be very selfish in their pursuit of their personal goals. Yet their methods of achieving their goals are often disorganized, unorthodox, and almost entirely unpredictable.
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ㅤㅤ" Gehehe.. Checks out! "
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postersofleon · 2 months
Honey Has Value
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In Leon's first mission, everyone warned him about the merchants that come every once in a while during dangerous situations. Nobody knows them. But everyone trusts them enough. Even Krauser, who was very sensitive in whom to trust with his weaponry. The merchants are the most chaotic neutral people who would sell to any person who had enough gold or anything in value. During one of his missions, Leon finally saw one of the merchants.
content: smut
notes: pre resident evil four; afab fem!reader; he forgot to socialize thanks to working in the military; reader is pretty femme by wearing a black dress; sexual frustrations coming from leon; small mentions of rotting flesh, leon is an awkward flirt; guys, even though i write smut, i hate booktok, does that make sense or i'm giltching in the system. smallish smut, little story.
taglist: @argreion
Leon could believe in Umbrella's cruel experiments. He had seen these monsters who are kindly called bioweapons, and even though Leon isn't forced to fight against them. He sometimes saw the creatures they turned into, and that was enough for a young rookie cop to see. He then had to mistrust his own government for wanting to harm a young child. Leon panicked and immediately a blackmail was tied around his throat.
A perfect noose around him. A traumatized man can't go back to his old life. Leon had to help a girl he barely saw in the tragedy of Raccoon City.
All because of his stupid want to help people. He was sinking in this damn hole depression, and he wasn't even allowed to go to therapy. When he was excited to talk to Claire, she wasn't there because she was still searching her missing brother.
Leon was alone. Leon didn't even have time with Sherry.
He believed in all of these faults of the world. It was a nasty cruel world that could barely be saved. Leon didn't even save Sherry. That was thanks to Claire. In that night, he didn't save anyone, and he trusted a bad person who fell to her death. Every inch of Leon's body knew guilt, the disappointment of the world, and bioweapons.
But why couldn't Leon didn't believe in this random ass Merchant? Merchants sounded like scumbags and fake to the bone yet everyone in his section of soldiers swore up and down that they are real and good enough.
They only appear in missions. The government doesn't pay for them to help. And none of them are the same person over and over. One had a handsome man with a bow tie; another had an elder woman, and lastly, Krauser even said he had dealt with a pair of twins. That's what made Leon struggle to believe this was real.
None of these people were truly scared to show their faces, but they all had the same name of merchant.
They had no true agenda. No sense of good or bad.
Leon hoped to never see them in his own missions. He didn't care if they had helped them before, Leon wasn't interested in them no matter how much.
His mission was down south. He had to learn Spanish in case the issues came to his language, but he knew the main part of the mission. A couple of normal soldiers came here, and we were murdered by a couple infected by the T. Leon was the next best option.
And Leon came ready. If a merchant was going to be there, he'll ignore them, no matter who it is.
Once he entered the place, it was a lonely village that was nearby an Umbrella lab, so he had already concluded who was going to be here. His heart beaten fast when he saw a person infected by the T. A poor woman whose skin was rotted away. Leon killed her without a second doubt. Even if Leon had the cure in his hand, he wouldn't want to use it on her, especially with the heat of the brutal summer.
Not only was her skin rotted. There was hole in skull that he didn't even make.
"How unfortunate," Leon immediately turned to whom it belonged to, "Seeing death is always unforgivable." A woman with a black dress was behind a desk of items. Due to the circumstances, she was hauntingly beautiful with the death surrounding her. It took a moment for Leon to realize it. She is a merchant.
"Hi, stranger." She smiled politely at Leon.
"Hi." Leon said firmly.
She played with string of pearls around her neck, "I'll be helping you with.... your situations." She seemed so nonchalant, her voice was relaxed as if the danger could never harm her.
"Situations..." Leon looked around her store of items. She had almost everything in this little place, a small box with a strange symbol planted on the center. "I'm sure you are betting for to get into those situations." Leon muttered. But she shook her head. It was almost automatic.
"Goodness, no!" She exclaimed loudly. "My services are here to help you. To assist you." She placed her gloved hand between him and her. "May I? Free of charge."
There was a silence between them. Begrudgingly, Leon handed his gun to her, "Careful with it." He muttered.
She grabbed the gun, "SG-09 R. Quite impressive." She clocked it and checked the modifications in the gun. "Fast, strong, and made by Kendo." She pointed the gun towards a section and shot a glass bottle. "But I can make better. Especially with the control of the government." She broke up the gun and grabbed a small bottle of oil to ease up the details of gun. "Do I permission to change the glock?"
Leon nodded his head.
The merchant got into work, she brought out the small tools to work on the gun, and changed very small details of the gun. After a couple of short minutes, she twirled the gun back into place. "Here you go, stranger." The merchant handed the gun back to its owner.
Leon lifted the gun and noticed the differences. She didn't change the drastic differences of the poor gun, but it made it functional for the monsters. He pulled on the trigger and shot the a piece of wood. The gun shot faster.
She grabbed a rag and cleaned her gloved hands. "It's easy as they come." She smiled. Her fingers returned back to her pearls, dragging the details bit by bit. "I love helping the new."
Leon wished he was normal. His dumb mind entered cave man for like three seconds. Maybe it was the small praise he got from her or how the merchant spoke to him without belittling him. He felt his cock twitch, "Yeah, thanks." He awkwardly put his gun back to its holster.
He promised himself the less impossible thing ever. Leon was spending a lot of time with the merchant, he saw her how her knife formed small knick knacks from wood. "Look." The merchang leaned to show him. It was small wooden figure of him. Leon took in a sharp exhale.
"Nice." He whispered softly.
"I give them to the other merchants so they can sell them." The merchant smiled. Her painting was very gentle, every brush was made with love. "Why sell them?" Leon asked. "It's like discount. If you have this." She lifted a small shield-like charm, "You'll have an upgrade with any merchant."
"Oh, that's great." Leon eyed her face, "So, if another merchant sees it, they'll automatic give you that help."
The merchant smiled, "Exactly." She continued the paint and Leon was just looking at her, "So, what perks will I get if I buy my small keychain?" He whispered softly. The merchant sighed softly, "Mm, well, how about 30% off when I fixed that knife of yours."
Leon nodded his head as he continued to look.
As time passed and such, Leon did his job and then immediately went to her section to 'buy' stuff. All that time of bothering the merchant, he finally got what he wanted as she pumped his cock.
She was on her knees as she pumped his cock into her mouth, Leon's hips moved up, "Fuck." The merchant rubbed the red tip and sucked it gently. He needed this after so long. Leon's hands covered his face, his cheeks were red and he was ultra sensitive over everything. The merchant rubbed Leon's tip around her lips and left his pre cum around them.
He chewed on his lips trying to keep quiet in case an infected could find them. The merchant's hand pumped his length, "I do the first time free." She teased him. Her hand slide down his cock and massaged his balls. He didn't know if she spoke the truth, but he was willing to pay for this again. The merchant's tongue dragged against his shaft and kissed the tip. "Just fuck me. Please."
The merchant shook her head, "You'll need your energy for the fights." She looked at his cock and placed his needy self inside of her mouth. She gagged weakly, his hips weakly moved against the merchant's mouth. He needed to cum and go back to work. His hands traveled around his pecs and squeezed them, he noticed the merchant noticing those details. Leon blushed but didn't stop himself as he played with nipples.
Flicking them a bit trying to help the simulation. She bobbed her head faster and he groaned. "Fuck, fuck-" His cum erupted into the merchant's mouth and it slowly fell out, she licked the mess without an issue. Leon groaned loudly feel his body relax bit by bit. His eyes completely soften and gently caressed her face, "Mm, thank you."
When Leon was back on his feet, he felt her hands smoothing out the wrinkles of his shirt. He felt too easy, but he liked her touch.
As the sun set above him, the merchant waved politely a goodbye to Leon; He simply nodded his head, his legs were a bit weak, but he had to go back to his job.
The next time he was with the Merchant, he was between her dress. He licked her pussy, his hands opened her thighs to shove himself deeper. Her cunt was keeping him sane after the brutal fights, her hands grabbed his hair and pulled his straight blond hair. Leon growled weakly, "Please, I just need your cum." No extra steps, he wanted it. His tongue moved around her clit and once he heard the merchant's moan he focused on it more.
His fingers shoved inside of her pussy and pumped them in and out. His tongue licked the wetness that poured into his hand. His finger curled up and fucked her up. The merchant's legs squirmed around Leon. He licked up the pretty hole and removed his fingers again, her thighs clenched around his face as he fucked her with his tongue. Flicking it over and over, he pulled it out and sucked her clit. She groaned loudly, her legs opened a bit, and Leon kissed her thighs over and over. The merchant released, Leon's fingers rubbed gently her cunt and licked the mess.
He was thankful for the merchant's services.
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kinsey3furry300 · 2 months
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Disney's Robbin Hood marries Maid Marian at the end of the film. Since marriage between commoners and aristocracy were illegal in the time period, we can infer then that Disney's Robbin Hood uses the cannon from Richard Grafton's 16th century Chronicle at Large or latter, when Robbin Hood goes from a yeoman to a member of the aristocracy, either the Earl of Huntingdon, or the later lord Locksley.
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This fox is, and always has been, a member of the aristocratic 1% defending his inherited wealth, power and privilege. His vendetta against Prince John and his denouncement of him as a tyrant is personal as Prince John infinged on the rights and privileges of the Nobles, which was illegal, and lead to him taking up arms abd leading a guerilla campaign, and as soon as a Absoulute monarch he personality agrees with returns, he bends the knee in exchangefor a pardon, the restorationon his estates, and a policaly benifical marrage.
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Behold the friendly face of Absoulute hereditary power!
In DnD terms, this verson of Robbin Hood is Lawfull Evil, fighting to uphold his own legal power and staiuts against an usurper.
Sad to say it given, he gave me my sexual awakening, but this fox is, and always has been, a fascist.
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I mean I'd still fuck both of them but the sex with Rob would be far angrier.
This fox, this guy right here:
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He's just a depressed millennial with childhood trauma running a gig economy job. He's not even doing anything particularly illegal, as shown by the only thing Judy (a frighteningly effective cop) can find to charge him with is tax evasion. He's a high functioning borderline genius level guy running street scams due to racial profiling barring access to higher education and better jobs, and once someone gives him an in he proves very very good at solving crimes. He had no ideological stake in this, he's in DnD terms true neutral tending towards chaotic neutral, but he does risk his life to stop and actual fascist coup that was happening hidden behind a facade of public safety (looks at canera), which is something. He's an everyman antihero who sells out for a job with helthcare and/or bunny boobies at the first chance he gets, very relatable.
This Fox, is and always has been, Moray grey.
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and he fucking knows it, the sexy beast.
In conclusion, Disney has always been a Conservative company filled with left leaning creators, and Sometimes thier furry kink critique of the current system leaks out and they are at their best when it does.
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margotoo0 · 23 days
Random thought
1. Sukuna would definitely get you hooked on human flesh. Quietly, secretly.
2. If you are a woman, then his favorite days of the month are your menstruation. Forgive him.
3. Sukuna would also give you a try. Oh, he would be happy if you tasted his flesh. The highest degree of love from him to you. Accept this as a gift, as a blessing, as a heart ripped from his chest to be placed in your beautiful hands.
4. He would giggle like a damn girl if you accidentally made some mistake/tripped/hit yourself and said obscene words. No, he would openly laugh at you, because you are so angry, irritated and serious.
5. She becomes a gossip very quickly. The most important thing is that something terrible happens.
6. Cats. He had been neutral towards animals all his life, but cats followed him. Luckily, you were also cursed by cats. One day you couldn’t restrain yourself and bought a short-fur cat so that there would be no problems with the fur. You had your own house, so the cat lived there. When you returned from work, the following picture took you by surprise: A huge man is sitting on your bed, and a cat is hanging from one of his four arms. Black cat grabbed Sukuna's hand and falls into his other hand. You watched this little game for a minute until you started coughing.
– Well...
Now, you have a son-cat that Sukuna fights with for bed space, lmao.
7. Sukuna loves to chat about philosophy, life and jujutsu. He will be very happy if you are of the same opinion as him. Both are so evil and destructive...
8. You found some kind of bundle of paper on his table, where things were written in a chaotic order and in quick, careless handwriting, which you fleetingly recalled as “tasty, beautiful, interesting, favorite...”. He doesn't remember things like that well.
9. A man definitely has taste, but sometimes you can take the initiative and choose something nice for him. Kimono color, painting, something for the interior...After a while, he began to consult with you. It's not because he can't decide for himself, he's just curious to know if you'll actually argue with him. He deliberately took a different position to see how ardently you would defend your tastes. He likes it, I don't know why. Little moment.
He so tiger, cat coded 🤲🏻
look how handsome he is
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helpful-writing-tips · 11 months
Lawful: Rules matter more to me than individuals.
Chaotic: Individuals matter more to me than rules.
Good: Other people's well-being is more important than my own.
Evil: My own well-being is more important than other people's.
Neutrals: My opinion of what is more important is determined on a case-by-case basis.
So a Lawful Good character would be "I follow the rules because the rules keep the people safe, even if they are sometimes inconvenient or harmful to me or other individuals."
A Chaotic Evil character would be "Screw the rules and screw you."
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wilchur · 1 month
It always makes me feel so ehh when people use chosen!Durge when they strictly mean this bloodthirsty cruel person because be honest, what choice did they really have? Unless you play Durge as being incredibly suicidal and unhealthily self-sacrificing, telling Bhaal they will do his bidding is for the most part a survival choice. Durge as a character doesn't know Withers will just swoop in and bend the fabric of the universe to his will to save them, they have no idea that their refusal won't be the last thing they do. So it makes perfect sense for someone who is not necessarily an Evil person to go along simply because they're scared of dying (and being tortured in the Bhaal's domain forever), but both the game and a large portion of players refuse to acknowledge it.
Chosen Durge is always the baddie, a lost cause, and while that can well enough be true for some characters to me it's just.. boring? Unless you play/write them evil from start to finish, it really falls flat. Where are the blurry lines? Where's the moral complexity? Not everything is binary, but it feels like in Durge's case everyone from the characters in-universe to a lot of people engaging with the story only believe they can be one or the other. Completely different, changed person who would rather die than to endure Bhaal's hold on them or a monster so soaked through to the bone with Bhaal's taint, even amnesia wasn't enough to save them. That's what the "redeemed" and "chosen" shorthands look like to me. Even using [alignment]!Durge is better. Someone saying they made a redeemed!Durge tells me nothing. Yeah they let Bhaal kill them, great. What are they like, though.
Ezra could very well fall under the Chosen category, but he is SO far removed from what that means in the fandom, using it for him would be doing him a disservice. I refuse to simplify him that way, he has too many layers and is too complex as a character to put him in a box like that. Even alignment does a shoddy job at summarising him to me. People don't work like that. They're often self contradictory and don't think before they act. Okay his baseline is chaotic neutral, but sometimes he borders on evil and other times he's so incredibly selfless you could call him chaotic good even. Circumstance and emotions can affect people greatly!
It really just boils down to.. PLEASE try to get out of the black hole of Larian's rushed "Oh shit we need to put a bhaalspawn origin in this" black and white narrative and see just how many galaxies there are to explore. Don't constrain yourself to the story forks they established, you're just hurting your character writing in the long run and putting a big ass sign on them that pretty much makes them get lost in the sea of all the other "redeemed" and "chosen" Durges. They might make good descriptors if you're just crafting characters to play as, but I wish we dropped them entirely. It's not OC language, it's AU language for canon characters who already had all the work done on them by writers and that people at large know well enough to tell there's more to them than that. In here it doesn't work.
And I also consider it kind of TikTok lazy and uncreative to use, but that's just me.
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scullysflannel · 3 days
hiiii apologies if i'm sending you too many asks lol, don't feel pressured to reply right away or at all tbh, but there's this thing ive been turning over in my head about the x files that's like... so in many ways it has these conservative ideas kind of baked into the premise and format of the show. these fears of monsters and monstrous others that have to be investigated and neutralized by our heroes who are these beautiful professional looking white people. and then there's the looming fear of alien invasion that comes up in the myth episodes. so theres a lot that could and should and does feel reactionary and conservative about it. but theres also such a palpable love for the strange and unknown? the "i want to believe" poster represents this so beautifully. i think this love tends to be expressed visually rather than in words so it's kind of hard to concretely describe but i'm sure you know what i'm talking about. and then the show also relies on us the audience having an interest in the paranormal and unexplainable, not because we want to see it defeated, but for its own sake. so i guess i want to ask how you square those two ideas, that the x files has all these anxieties about weirdness but also loves and yearns for weirdness? as i said ive been kind of ruminating on this for a while and having trouble reconciling the two ideas so i'd love to hear your thoughts!
Ooh I kind of just want to give you a reading list. Have you read “In the Dark” by Brian Phillips?? It’s a Grantland essay written for the 20th anniversary in 2013. It’s my favorite piece of X-Files journalism (actually my favorite piece of entertainment journalism in general) — kind of an essential text to me. It gets into all of this. But for me I don’t feel like reconciling the tension is the goal, or that it’s even possible. The tension is the show.
Likely thing for me to say, but I think the structure of The X-Files as a procedural is a big part of how and why it moves between fear and love. Phillips describes Mulder and Scully as representatives of a doomed but still operational status quo, “figures of a weird reactionary beauty, struggling to understand and then prevent the profound transformation breaking out across their world.” I’d say that last part (prevention) is especially true of the mythology, with the monster-of-the-week episodes giving space to sometimes complicate that. 
The X-Files is traditional in its basic formula; it makes assumptions about who gets to be the hero and what kind of job they should have. There are some assumptions it doesn’t interrogate, like its default whiteness. But its critique of the government can be shockingly pointed, even if it holds itself back in later seasons by keeping Mulder and Scully in the Bureau well past the point where they should go rogue. (Not that I think the show actually could have done that.)
Does The X-Files love its boundaries or want to blow them up? Both. The appeal of a procedural is typically that it gives neat answers, so being a procedural that denies easy answers is the point, which is to say that both sides of the show are dependent on each other. The whole show is sort of an experiment in fitting some of the strangeness of Twin Peaks into a procedural. I think it’s meant to be a go-between, the same way Mulder and Scully are. 
Phillips also writes, “In this show about not knowing, the agents confronted two distinct sets of frightening unknowns. On one side was the shadow government represented by the Cigarette-Smoking Man. On the other was the evil that lurked beneath the surface of every American hamlet. Often, Mulder and Scully’s role was simply to act as interpreters between their own antagonists, rendering chaotic eruptions of small-town horror comprehensible to men in marble corridors in D.C.” I think The X-Files works like that too — interpreting between what’s regimented and what’s odd — and in that sense it has to yearn for the same things it’s afraid of. And really, I prefer the honesty of that to something more ideologically consistent. 
I always think about “Home” as an episode that sums up a lot of The X-Files’ attitude toward progress (more on this here): It isn’t immune to the romance of the myth of Mayberry, even as it’s aware that it’s a grotesque lie built on violence, and that people are committing perverse acts to hold on to it. The show allows for progress to be scary but insists that it’s not as scary as what people will do when they fear it. Weirdness on The X-Files isn’t perfectly analogous for righteous deviance only. I believe the show sees what is weird coming from all sides, past (like the Peacocks) and future, so what’s weird isn’t inherently good or meant to signify inherent goodness; it only can be good. 
One of my favorite things about The X-Files is the way it respects the integrity of doubt. (I’ve written about this! But hold off on reading if you don’t want any spoilers.) I don’t think the show could be about the bravery of questioning your beliefs without letting those old beliefs be a little bit comforting to Mulder and Scully, even the ones that turn out to be lies. There’s a great New Yorker essay by James Wolcott written in 1994, near the end of the first season. He writes that in The X-Files, the Cold War-era obsession with UFOs and alien invasion gives way to the more inward-looking fear of alien abduction: “The X-Files is the product of yuppie morbidity, a creeping sense of personal mortality.” Later on, the mythology incorporates shapeshifters and alien colonization plans, but it never commits. That’s never the emotional core of the show in the way abduction is. The core of the show is personal annihilation: the fear of death and losing loved ones, and the fear of tearing yourself apart to get to the truth.
But some of the most affecting episodes are the ones that love and yearn for the weirdness in spite of it all. Like you said, it’s always in the atmosphere and the visuals (the poster, or Mulder looking up at the stars), but I think the show puts words to it pretty often, too, like “I guess I see hope in such a possibility” in “Quagmire” and especially all of “Humbug”: “Imagine going through your whole life looking like that.” There’s so much affection for peculiarity in that episode. Still, I love that ultimately it’s just a fact: “Nature abhors normality.” It doesn’t actually matter whether you like what’s “freakish” or not; it’s just nature. I think all of The X-Files kind of evens out into a neutral judgment like that, which is nice and even kind of radical in its own way. What is weird doesn’t have to be beautiful and desirable; it just has to be seen and accepted.
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imogenkol · 11 days
I was tagged by @rhettsabbott @simonxriley and @kyberinfinitygems to do this picrew and this quiz for a couple of ocs! Thank you lovelies 💕💕💕
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A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable. If he is simply out for whatever he can get, he is ruthless and brutal. If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse. Thankfully, his plans are haphazard, and any groups he joins or forms are poorly organized. Typically, chaotic evil people can be made to work together only by force, and their leader lasts only as long as he can thwart attempts to topple or assassinate him. Chaotic evil is sometimes called demonic because demons are the epitome of chaotic evil. Chaotic evil is the best alignment you can be because combines self-interest and pure freedom. However, chaotic evil can be a dangerous alignment because it represents the destruction not only of beauty and life but also of the order on which beauty and life depend.
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A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order. However, neutral good can be a dangerous alignment when it advances mediocrity by limiting the actions of the truly capable.
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @tommyarashikage @shegetsburned @voidika @voidbuggg @inafieldofdaisies @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @carlosoliveiraa @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree @cassietrn @jackiesarch @a-treides @shellibisshe @loriane-elmuerto @katsigian @captastra @simplegenius042 @theelderhazelnut @g0dspeeed @strangefable @jacobseed
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apurpledust · 5 months
the marshalate :falling in love: alignment meme
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made by percival.lorraine ! (who accidentally deleted her tumblr 😭) they gave me permission to post this here since it'll be fun to share *u* from L to R ->
Lawful Good: Davout - The Model Husband Neutral Good: Lannes - I just don't like getting along with women, I'm not a bad man ((on a unrelated note Lannes' Chinese character name is quite fitting for him: La 拉 = to destroy; to break; to snap Na (the "es" has no character) 纳 = to receive; to accept; to pay (taxes etc) Chaotic Good: Berthier - I know you have a husband, nevertheless I still love you and I am willing to spend a lot of francs on you
Lawful Neutral: Soult - I'm talking to other women, what's wrong with that True Neutral: Saint-Cyr - I love my wife, what are you doing? Chaotic Neutral: Napoleon - sometimes will say outrageous remarks, but is correct (2nd line) Is really responsible
Lawful Evil: Bessieres - Dear, I absolutely have no mistress, he absolutely did not give his mistress a big house, I "love" you" Neutral Evil : Massena - You think I "love" you? Chaotic Evil: Murat - Which one should I "love" today?
note: sorry if there's any mistranslations and also thank you @patheticnapoleonicfanggirl0521 (tina) for helping me with some phrases!! 🫶
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thebibutterflyao3 · 6 months
Marauders/Emeralds Era Characterisation/Builds/Backgrounds in my fics
-I’ve seen a few newbies looking for head-canons to try out in their fics. Feel free to use any of these.
-there is some variation, of course, plus some of my fics are set at the younger Hogwarts ages, but usually in this order from tallest to shortest as adults:
Remus Lupin (6’ 1”-6’4”) - typically an inch or two taller than James, but rarely quite tall. Lanky, long-limbed with curly dirty blond/light brown hair. Sometimes, he’s stronger than he looks, other times he’s a wet noodle. Disabled (usually physically, but sometimes with Tourette’s or Epilepsy). Introvert. Classic literature/fantasy novel buff. Neutral Good. Welsh. Bisexual with a preference for men. Smokes occasionally, prefers weed.
James Potter (around 6’) - athletic with strong upper body, solid but rarely super muscular. Wears glasses, intelligent, and has ADHD. Chaotic Good. Messy curls. Wide open music taste, but always Queen and a sucker for a ballad. Deep voice. Extrovert. Deeply romantic. Usually Desi via Euphemia, but love the Latinx James hc. Bisexual>Pansexual (used interchangeably for James). Non-smoker.
Barty Crouch Jr. (around 6’) - athletic, but slim. This man has no arse. Stronger than he looks. British, but love the hc that he’s Italian. Burnt out gifted kid, occasionally tech savvy. Heavy-metal and emo fan. Usually has ODD. Extrovert. Chaotic Evil. Omnisexual or Bi with a preference for mascs. Often with tattoos and/or piercings. Heavy smoker.
Dorcas Meadowes (5’9-5’11) - athletic, or slender with some curves. Black, British, and the most intelligent of the group. Long braids. Ambivert. Love her characterisation as a good Slytherin. True Neutral. Listens to R&B, but secretly loves pop music, mostly sapphic artists. Occasionally has Depression. Neither butch or femme exclusive, bit of both. Bisexual or Lesbian. Non-smoker.
Evan Rosier (5’9”-5’10”) - painfully average floppy-haired blond white boy with a tan. Neutral Evil. Solid build. Grunge music fan. Piercings rather than tattoos. French or British. Ambivert. Demisexual. Prefers edibles or shrooms to smoking.
Regulus Black (5’7”-5’10”) - usually a hair taller than Sirius, but he was shorter by a bit once or twice. Chin-length wavy hair. French. Writer (poetry) and/or musical prodigy. Introvert. Slim to average build. Lawful Evil. Anxiety, OCD, and/or Autistic. Classical music or jazz, nothing with lyrics. I have written him as intersex (or trans in a few WIPs), but usually a gay cis man. Non-smoker, mostly. Social drinker, but overestimates his tolerance.
Sirius Black (5’8”-5’10”) - most attractive amongst the guys. Usually slim, but strong and flexible. Highly intelligent, but easily bored and uninterested in academics. Artistic (painter) and/or musical (percussion instruments). Rock/grunge junkie. Shoulder-length hair and tattooed. Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral. Sometimes ADD, often emotionally stunted with abandonment issues. Heavy drinker, occasional smoker.
Mary McDonald (5’8”-5’10”) - depends on the fic, but always in heels so she seems taller. Curvy queen. Most attractive and socially aware of the entire group, extremely trendy, designs/sews a lot of her own clothes, high-femme. Prefers soulful music and light pop. Popular, but keeps her emotions buried. High expectations. Does not suffer fools. Lawful Neutral. Black, British, and extroverted. Natural hair. Social smoker and drinker. Neurotypical. Aromantic or lesbian.
Lily Evans (5’6”-5’8”) - very curvy to plus-size. Super long dark red hair, often braided with a fringe. Academic overachiever, Lawful Good, pretty, and fiery/defensive when confronted. Fantasy book nerd. Introvert. Neurotypical with anxiety. Pop music girlie. Artistic (usually sketching). Welsh/British. Non-smoker. Bisexual>Pansexual (used interchangeably for Lily) or Femme Lesbian, but rarely wears make-up.
Marlene McKinnon (around 5’6”) - athletic/ stocky queen with thick thighs. Blonde, usually in a ponytail and shoulder-length with fringe. Scottish/British. Music-obsessed (mostly 70-80s rock) and lives in band tees and Docs. Tattooed. Extrovert. Chaotic Neutral. Social smoker, but rarely. ADHD. Butch lesbian who loves eye-liner. Occasional short skirt to break Dorcas’s brain.
Peter Pettigrew (5’5”-5’7”) - stocky/plus-size, straight blond hair. British. Logical and strategic, but struggles with abstract concepts. Chess player, comic book collector, video game/movie buff, and weed fiend, but non-smoker. People-pleaser and supportive of his friends, but ambivalent around strangers. Ambivert. Asexual, unlabeled, Questioning.
Pandora Lovegood (5’-5’3”) - always petite and slim. Long blonde hair, usually loose or in elaborate half-updos (like Phoebe Buffet in Friends). Hippie vibes and high-femme. Usually Autistic. Ambivert -depends on who she’s with. French. Animal lover, compassionate, high-strung, a gossip but rarely maliciously, collects crystals. Pansexual. Non-smoker, but open to experimentation. Rarely drinks.
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know-it-all-and-all · 4 months
Cathin : The diva.
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New member in my server of Tadc, a proud Otaku with a venous tongue, she wants the spotlight in every adventure, she thinks that she is the protagonist of her own Isekai anime and that each adventure is a episode (she is no wrong at that) she act soft and cute during the adventures but when Caine announce the adventure of the day is over she act full of herself and rude with almost everyone, she doesn't care for anyone but herself and don't want them near her perfect fantasy, except Gangle and Coiom they talk about anime sometimes.
Personally: she can change depending on the situation, she can act cute and kind, but she often just comes as rude and offensive.
Gender = female
Age irl = 18
Moral compass = chaotic neutral (evil maybe)
Relationship with the other members.
In adventure:
Jax = love interest, co protagonist.
Pomni = another secondary character, rival of spotlight.
Ragatha = support character.
Zooble = Zooble.
Gangle = nerd of the cast.
Kinger = the odd one of the cast.
Coiom = background character.
Martin, Tether and Harley = obligatory children of the cast.
Storky, Caine, Bubble, and other npc = the plot givers.
Out of adventures:
Jax = prick, jerk, punching bag, attempt of sexy man, pet.
Pomni = tone off Jester.
Ragatha = Raggedy Ann ripoff.
Zooble = Zooble (yes she just doesn't care to think about them)
Gangle = fellow Otaku, she is cool in her eyes.
Kinger = she doesn't get near him.
Coiom = bird lover, he sings sometimes, fellow Otaku.
Storky = waifu of Coiom.
Martin, Tether and Harley = children, don't care/bother about them, has bad experience with them irl (she worked as a babysitter)
Caine, Bubble, and other npc = annoying, insufferable, don't care.
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bitethedevil · 15 days
Just read your general thoughts about Haarlep and this stuck out to me, "They’re so chaotic. I can never not love characters that are chaotic and starts shit just for the hell of it."
One, hard agree. Two, I always saw Haarlep as being chaotic 'for a devil' (similar to how Lae'zel is considered very humorous/lenient among githyanki). Like, Haarlep still has certain rules that they adhere to (they keep their word) and deal in deals (their little game), but it sorta reminds me of how fey are sometimes portrayed in certain media; adhering to their own rules and holding others to those rules despite not really bothering with making it clear exactly what those rules are. Raphael and other devils tend to list out the conditions and stipulations of their deals, even if there is a lot of loopholes, double speak, and intentional convolution to better ensnare their victims. Haarlep engages in a bit of that too, but it all seems more spontaneous when compared to the other fiends.
Those are my thoughts, anyway. I'd be interested in hearing what you think of it.
For sure! The fun thing about Incubi is that up until the 4e of DnD they were actually demons. In the fourth edition they were considered devils and then in the fifth edition (current one) they are simply considered fiends, which just means a creature of the Lower Planes (both demons and devils are thus considered fiends).
They’re neither devils nor demons now, but rather they are just under the subtype “shapechanger”.  They are considered neutral evil instead of lawful evil (like devils) or chaotic evil (like demons), so you saying that he is chaotic compared to a devil is spot on, I think. I was super confused for the longest time trying to figure out wtf Haarlep was because some were saying that incubi were demons and others were saying devils.
It’s super confusing, but the way I understand it, they currently work for devils and their jobs are basically to lure mortals into sin on behalf of Asmodeus. The way that they are created is by an Archdevil just making them (I don’t know either…As I said, confusing as hell)
It’s kind of fun that our dear lawful evil Raphael who longs for order, has to put up with Haarlep who is of a whole other alignment than him. Mephistopheles has gifted his little control freak of a son the world’s most horny and chaotic roommate that he can’t just get rid of.
I think you are definitely right that that Haarlep does follow some rules. I mean, I think they kind of have to, since their kind works for devils. But compared to devils, I think Haarlep does it in a less orderly way. I think they just sort of wing it, and if they have to bend the rules, I don’t think they are too fussed about it. I think you are spot on with the fey comparison actually.
(Thank you for the ask <3)
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How to Romance Astarion: A Guide to Everyones Favorite Vampire Boyfriend
A lot of people seem to be having issues romancing Astarion, and as the resident Astarion expert, I am here to help.
Many people are scared of the consequences of Astarion-favored choices. In reality, you DO NOT have to be evil to romance him.
I would characterize Astarion as chaotic-neutral. He is self-serving, but he can stray to the path of good later on.
I use an approval mod, which showcases the amount of approval and or disapproval from a choice. Download here.
Many people fret over the evil choices that will only net Astarion +1 approval, those can be safely ignored and still retain high approval.
The major approval you want to aim for is +5 and +10, which mostly comes from personal dialogue.
My advice is to say what he wants to hear, please his ego in personal conversation, be a little mean sometimes. He is a snarky and egotistical man. His shell is hard to break but you can get there. Be playful with him.
A WORD OF NOTE: Using the mod above, you can see there are some dialogue options that don't grant either approval or disapproval, if you're unsure on which to choose, go the neutral route.
Act 1
Let him bite you. For those scared of the debuff, use lesser restoration and he can bite you all he wants without repercussion.
For easy approval early on, make Lae'zel say "please" when you rescue her.
When Mattis gives you the ring, just take it for yourself, and if you don't want to be evil to a child here, look at Mattis' stock.
Help Astarion to decipher his scars.
Agree with him in private conversation, you don't even have to do what you say you will do.
Let him read the Necromancy of Thay, this gives a +5 approval.
Avoid talking to Zevlor, you will be presented with the option to promise you'll save the grove. If you do not talk to him, you won't lose approval.
Let Abdirak beat you, this nets you +5 approval.
Make crusher kiss your feet.
Accept his advances during the Tiefling party.
Act 2
Help him with his proposal to Raphael. Slay the Orthon. There is a chance he will leave the party permanently if you do not.
DO NOT let Araj bite him at Moonrise. This will open up his Act 2 romance.
When talking to Disciple Z'rell and she is invading your mind, distract her with your lusts for Astarion.
Drink with Thisobald Thorm in the Waning Moon.
Act 3
Defeat Cazador, you do not have to let him ascend. If he doesn't ascend, he begins to sway towards the path of good.
DO NOT BECOME A MINDFLAYER. He will no longer kiss you.
I will update this list later with more approval choices, but these are the biggest and most important.
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