#sometimes even in your own fandom you couldn't work out who the hell was in the fic from the initials
grissomesque · 1 year
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G/S UST, PwF vignette. Please R&R!
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aliteralsemicolon · 2 months
Been seeing a lot about writing Spencer "accurately" online and idk where this wave of criticism is coming from, but I need every single one of you to be so fucking for real rn. Yapsesh below the cut.
Spencer Reid is a fictional character. Fiction means he's not real. He's a not real character from a not real universe. There's no "wrong" way to write a fictional character.
There is no canon guideline on how to write every part of him. Yes there are certain traits and characteristics we're shown, but people are complex. What we see the character do on screen isn't a complete representation of how they live every aspect their life.
Even the show runners couldn't get him "right" all the time, Hell, Mathew himself deviated from Spencer's canon traits sometimes. For example: his birthday, the fact that he's a germaphobe but you can still see him shake hands with characters when he normally wouldn't and there's SO many more if you just watch the show and pay attention.
Also there are things about Spencer that the fandom has deemed canon when they are not, in fact, canon. Like the converse: it's commonly believed that Spencer has a preference for wearing converse, which is wrong. That's a purely MGG thing. Spencer only wears converse in a few episodes through out the whole show. Most of the time he wears formal/work footwear, like loafers.
Now, there are definitely aspects you can't take away from a character in your writing because that's what makes the character who they primarily are. You'll notice that even in most alternate universe stories, Spencer still has the traits he's known for. IQ of 187, eidetic memory, socially awkward genius. That's literally how he was intended to come across during the initially seasons.
We only got new traits as the show progressed. Like how he's a sassy little shit who isn't scared of authority. The reason we can deviate from those is because they're not his core traits. His personality changes throughout the show. At times he appears like his same socially awkward self, but we also get to see his confident side with strangers at times.
It's literally impossible to label him a black and white character because there's so much we don't get to see. We don't get to see how he acts with love interests in every season (every season is a slightly different version from the last), we don't get to see how he acts when he's home alone, how he changes in so many aspects of his life. I think I'm just repeating myself now, but I think you get the point.
I find comfort in Spencer Reid's character, which is why I write about him. He acts however I want him to act in my writing because that's how I see him. Everyone has their own interpretation of the character. A lot of the interpretations share similarities with each other, so they're deemed as "the right way to write Spencer" by us, but that's not possible because there is no right way.
All this to say: Please stop criticising writers for how they write a character. You don't have to agree with their interpretation. There are other writers out there who you may agree with more. Engage more with them and disengage from the content you don't want to see.
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megachiraztfs · 8 months
Story index
Here you can find a list of my transformations series and other stories with a short summary of what they are about. If you’re curious about one and want more details or want to participate in one, just write me! I'll do my best to keep this list up to date!
Single stories
Family: A story about a poor young man living on the streets who was given a new life by fate.
Unworthy: A story about a young man who couldn't fulfill his family's exspectations and had to pay a price.
Stories from the Grave: A story about why you shouldn't listen to every voice on old graveyards.
The heir of Milton: This is a story about a faithful butler of an old English family who had earned a special promotion.
Forever Together: Being with an immortal warlock made Alec think about his own aging and how he could stop that (Fandom: Shadowhunters).
For each other: Sequel to Forever Together. Mag and Alec get a new addition to their new lifes.
Going To Hell: Robin Hood, Kilian Jones and Prince Charming start a life-changing trip to hell with some monstrous changes.
Becoming a family: This is a story about Harry Potter and his four best friends as they actually become his family (Fandom: Harry Potter).
A preference for Bolts: This is a story about a young man in Scandinavia being blessed by a certain northern god (Fandom: Marvel).
Welcom Home: This is a story about grief and the use of magic to ease that pain for Magnus Bane (Fandom: Shadowhunters).
Watch Out: This is a story about two friends who shouldn't have put on the stuff of two missing guys...
Cold As Ice: This is a story about a cloak that makes his wearer non only loose his emotions (Fandom: Harry Potter).
Love Again: This is a story about a young man who lost everything, but find the love he longed for (Fandom: Harry Potter).
Duty: This is a story about a young man getting a little bit too much into his fantasies about his favourite character (Fandom: Guild Wars 2).
Creation of Friendship: This is a story about a misunderstanding that lead to a brand new and quite thick friendship.
Spin Around: A demon's work can be quite... changing (Fandom: Supernatural).
Reuinited Love: This is a story about a forbidden love that even conquers death.
A New Prince: This is a story about Merlin and Arthur Pendragon with a magical twist (Fandom: Merlin).
New Position: For the first Harry cannot play as a seeker - and needs help for getting ready for a entirely new position (Fandom: Harry Potter).
Filling the Gap: This is a story about two best friends who would've better stay away from a magical crime scene (Fandom: Harry Potter).
Deserved: This is a story about an unlucky guy who gets dumped by his boyfriend.
Spicy Pies: This is a story about a man, lending a helping hand to an old neighbour and is rewarded for his kindness.
Twice the Thunder: This is a story about two roommates without a costumes on Halloween - beware: if you're late, you might feel the consequences (Fandom: Marvel).
The Pumpkin Field: Beware of the magical pumpkins, dear friend - they could be after you! (Fandom: Harry Potter)
Tombola: Original props are the best gift for a fan - they always go deep under your skin! (Fandom: Once Upon a Time)
Push the Buttons: Some games are made to be an experience (Fandom: Assassin's Creed)
Wishes, requests, exchanges
Life-Changing Game for soul-controller: A story about a caught-up college experience in the digital age. Let the game begin!
Learning some manners for an anonymous requester: A story about a macho man who has to learn that not everything always goes his way. With a touch of magic. Dimensional travel. And elves!
Beware of the mirror for musclebishop: As you may know, the Magic Mirror is able to grant wishes. Even those you don’t know. But don’t be rude. Sometimes even the changes are changing.
Beer Up for mcbrute: Zoro (One Piece) has lost his way again and has been invited to the jock pirates’ ship. It’s not just the beer that’s special there.
Green On Birthdays for jungwoosong: Carl really leaves no stone unturned to convince his best friend Noah to watch his favourite anime, One Piece. But it’s only with a birthday present that things get moving.
A New Look for a user on Furaffinity: What started as a pity purchase at a festival out of niceness turned out to be extremely life-changing for Nat.
The Found Jacket for a user on Furaffinity: Timothy just wanted to buy a small ball for his brother, but instead of a stall, found only a stray red jacket.
Old Rivalery for thegeneralguy: Despite unwillingness, a visit to the gym began quite differently than expected - with a very special, haunted prize from a bygone era.
The Risk of Curiosity for itsrainingdilfs: Basic rule: Don’t read out funny-sounding words from old books. You might have company sooner than you’d like.
No More Stress for transformee: In the attic of an inherited house, you can probably find some special things when cleaning up. Even a hidden old mirror.
Good old Australia for changingmen: As a reward for a good deed, a young man is given a little something from the homeland of the man he has helped. With the prospect of a beefy future.
Magnissimus for malebodyandshoeswaps: On the way to his graduation ceremony, a young man’s shoes are destroyed in a chemical accident. But with the replacement pair, he takes his first step into his new phase of life.
Happy birthday for writer-ofstuff: Stiles’ (Teen Wolf) birthday preparations for his steady boyfriend Derek are not going really well. But whether the help from his book was really the right thing to do?
Secret Santa Lottery for bizzhideaway (great story exchange 2020): After Brody had taken part in a Christmas lottery and the notification of the winnings failed to arrive, his winnings were able to surprise him in every way.
Through Your Veins for begon1: If Batman only saw that this was a trap.
Confidence for
TF Captions
A New Curse Part One and Part Two
Back to your roots
Ho, ho, ho!
Special Blanket
Himbo Hemispheres
Temple of Amor
Tempting Tapestry
Rental Conditions
What about Green?
Well-minded spirit
Something in the water
The wrong souvenir
Kinda poisoned
The perfect example
Special Edition
New clothes, new man
Shortage of staff
By the lake
Smell Like a Hero
For Transformation series click here!
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fictionalreads · 2 months
Hello do you think you could do this one the reader and Mike are married and she knew about Lockwood but Mike didn't believe her because of Rita, reason, and they had an argument he said something that he should never said and she got kidnapped while being months pregnant 😦😦😦😦
A/N: HIIIII!! I'm so sorry this took so long, I was out of town and then had to get back in the rhythm of things once I got back. Writing for Mike (where it's his story and he's not playing the role of narrator for the sake of Armando) was different. I included Rita but I just couldn't make her the reason he didn't believe reader, I just felt like she and the reader wouldn't have beef so that was changed but I tried to stick to the rest of your request. I hope you enjoy this! 🥰 Title from Forget How to Love by Meghan Trainor
I Know Your Words Shouldn't Hurt Me, But They Hurt Me
Fandom: Bad Boys Movie
Pairing: Mike Lowrey x reader
Warnings⚠️: Um... Relationship issues? canon typical violence even though its mostly talked around
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You knew when you married Mike Lowrey that he was used to doing things alone, that moving as a unit didn’t come naturally to him. Sure he had Marcus and they were a well oiled machine, but it didn’t start that way and at the end of the day Marcus had a family that was his priority no matter how much he loved Mike.
But Mike was your priority, you’d go through hell for him.
He knew this, but after relying on himself for so long, he didn’t always come to you first. His initial reaction to anything was to internalize and figure out a solution, only coming to you after he failed on his own. You were used to it, but it didn’t make it less hurtful every time he did it.
You on the other hand, preferred talking it out with him. You liked to explain the issue to him, not looking for him to fix it, but rather to vent it out to someone you trusted, someone who would let you think through it all out loud, sometimes offering his own two cents. You usually were able to solve the issue on your own while talking it out, but having him as a sounding board made you feel less alone. Mike was good at listening to what you had to say.
Which is why you were so surprised when he was dismissive about your concerns.
“I’m telling you, something is off with Lockwood,” you insisted.
“The man is one of the best U.S. attorneys I’ve ever worked with. He’s part of the reason AMMO exists and has tried a lot of high profile criminals that nobody else would touch cause they were afraid of the blowback.”
You shrugged, having already thought of this too. “The best criminals hide in plain sight, gain your trust and make sure you’d never think of them.”
“This ain’t Scooby Doo, alright? This is the real world, let’s get back to reality please.” You knew he didn’t mean anything by it, not really, but it felt like a dig.
“You don’t believe me? You think I’m making it all up?” You were defensive, ready to 
“I never said you were making it up, I’m just not convinced. What proof do you have?” He placated.
He had you there. There was no concrete evidence, nothing specific that made you feel like Lockwood was hiding something, but you just knew he was.
“I don’t have any, it’s just a gut feeling. Intuition or whatever you want to call it.”
“Intuition? You want me to investigate a man who will probably be the next mayor of Miami cause you feel something?”
He was being dismissive at best, belittling at worst. It irked you, especially because you knew he had done exactly that for others before. So why not for his wife?
“Would you do it if it was Rita?” It was a bit bitchy to ask, considering Rita had been nothing but kind to you despite being Mike’s ex. You had thought she’d be a point of contention for the two of you when you first started dating and you found out he worked with her all day, but it wasn’t. You weren’t using her now to pick a fight, just to prove a point. You knew if any of the AMMO team had come to him with the same amount of information you had, he’d chase every lead until there was nothing left.
His surprise was warranted so you clarified, “would you look into it if Rita came to you and said she felt something off about Lockwood?” 
“Why are you bringing Rita into this?” His evasive answer made the hairs on your neck stand up. Why wouldn’t he answer the question? You were prepared for him to say yes and for you to point out the hypocrisy of his answer, but him refusing to answer? It put you on edge.
“Why are you ignoring the question?”
“I’m not.”
“Then answer the question. Yes or no?”
“Where is this coming from?” Another avoidance.
“Yes or no Mike?”
“Yes! Okay? Yes I would.”
“Why what?” He knew exactly what you were asking and honestly you were almost afraid of what this was leading to, but you couldn’t seem to stop yourself, to diffuse and come back with a calmer head so you pushed some more.
“Why would you do it for her and not me?”
“Don’t do that.”
“Is it because she’s a cop?”
“Or because you’ve known her longer?”
“Is it because she’s dating him and therefore closer to him?”
“Because I trust her!”
And wasn’t that a slap in the face.
“And you don’t trust me?” You whispered.
“What are we even doing if you don’t trust me Mike? What was the point in exchanging vows and being together if you can’t trust me?”
“I didn’t mean that.”
“You still said it.” Mike was at a loss for words, staring at you, hoping you’d understand but you couldn’t. The man you loved just told you he didn’t trust you. You had never felt so unmoored in your life. Everything about your relationship had just shifted in your view. “I’m gonna go stay in the guest room for the night,” you managed before turning away from him.
That had been the last time you saw him before he became a wanted man and you were kidnapped by McGrath. What you wouldn’t give to go back to that night and talk it all out instead of allowing hurt feelings to run the conversation. Now you could be killed before you got the chance to fix things.
You had faith in your husband’s abilities but McGrath held you and Marcus at gunpoint, blocking Mike’s view of himself.
“What you don’t know is one of ‘em can’t die.”
What the hell? Since when did one of you become immortal? What the hell was he doing? You missed his and Marcus’ exchange because you were so confused by the first statement, only jolted out of your thinking by the gun going off. Mike had shot Marcus to get him down and then shot McGrath. It was over, and Mike was running to you.
“I trust you, and I love you. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you before,” were the first words out of his mouth. He cut your restraints, pulling you into his embrace.
Too high off the adrenaline of the past day, you couldn’t have a real conversation about it with him so you let him know it was okay with a joke. “Bet you’ll never doubt my intuition again.”
He laughed and went to say something when you both heard Judy over the comms saying she’d found Armando. He looked at you in a panic, clearly not wanting to leave you but needing to get to Armando. “Go, I’ll check over Marcus and get us back to the team.” He didn’t waste another second, running to find his son.
It was later when you were escorted to an ambulance that you saw him again, rushing to get to you.
“Everything alright?”
The medic looked at you for permission to speak. “It’s okay he’s my husband.”
The medic nodded, answering his question with, “Its just a precaution sir. We just want to make sure there’s no hidden wounds that are being masked by the adrenaline.”
You were helped onto the back of the ambulance and the medic began her examination, checking your head for wounds and asking if you were hit at any point, blacked out or fell into something hard. You answered in the negative, stating you were pushed around a bit but not hit or thrown into anything. Any falling was the result of trying not to get hit by a bullet or the chopped that crashed. When it seemed she was about done with her examination you spoke up.
“Is it possible to do an ultrasound?”
“Ultrasound?” “Of course.” Mike and the medic spoke at the same time.
You reached out to grab Mike’s hand, tears in your eyes. “Yeah, an ultrasound.” Mike looked dumbfounded and you continued to look at him even as you spoke to the medic, “My OB said I was about nine weeks.”
The medic noted the information and readied the ultrasound. Before long the sound of your baby’s heartbeat filled the air and the fear you’d been holding back burst through you in the form of relief. Uncontrollable sobs wracked your body knowing you had managed to keep your baby safe. Mike held you closely, trying to calm your breathing.
You knew the two of you had some tough conversations in your future but right now all that mattered was that your little family was safe.
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imbeingchokeholded · 1 year
Getting Clean
I need to be put into jail, stupid Scottish bitch.
Anyway this is probably lowkey just gonna be smut completely lmao.
I promise the soap pun titles will end.
Also so sorry this took so long because my mind is an enigma and writing for either the COD fandom or the RDR2 fandom has been deleted out of my mind.
Lets go lmao
WARNINGS!: female reader because im a woman and soap makes me yell real loud (nothing against him being shipped with male readers or 141, good for him what a king), NSFW, fuckin, im so bad at warnings just know its gonna be fuckin happenin, choking?? Voice kink???? Breeding kink for SURE. Just major NSFW basically porn with negative plot. Like... .5 plot.
Scottish slang/words may be inccorect due to using google, so please lemme know if its wrong, I'll happily fix it.
I am so sorry for spelling mistakes i finished this at like 2am
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The mess hall seemed way too empty, everyone was out on missions, covert, recon, whatever, and while there was a shit ton of others there on base, without most of the 141 team it just felt....wrong.
You sigh and look at your food. It's not that it's bad food. In fact, it looks delicious, but sitting alone, at this massive table that usually you shared with Ghost, Gaz, Rudy and Alejandro, as well as Soap, just made you feel...down.
They were easily the people you were closest too on base. Working so closely with them it was only a matter of time before it happened. All of you were close friends, it was rare for any of you to stray from the group and talk to anyone else.
So today, sitting in the mess hall, was no different.
You stare at the food a little longer, and poke it around with your fork, that strange foreign feeling in your chest.
"Aye Lass, lookin' at it like tha' cannaé change how it tastes."
You smile and twist your head to look at Soap as he nears the table, a tray of food of his own in his hands.
"Johnny! I didn't know you were here!" You smile wider as he takes a seat next to you, and chuckle as he takes a bite of food from his tray.
"Ah, I jus' got back from a mission not too long ago, Price is givin' me a wei break."
You nod and smile at him, your heart seems a little lighter now, someone who you're far closer to now with you.
Plus it was Johnny, how could you not be happy around him? He was the obnoxious fun loving one of the group, he could be serious yes, but it was rare. Most days he joked, laughed, spat out witty sarcastic comments at everyone who passed.
You supposed that was part of the reason you'd grown to have such deep feelings for him in the first place.
Of course you'd never tell him that, you were far too nervous to do that.
Handsome, sweet, a deep voice, which had a Scottish accent on top of it? You could listen to him speak about nonsense for the entire day.
Sometimes missions with him were absolute hell.
He did his job, he was a good Sargent, he knew what he was doing, trained properly, getting things done the way they needed to, but his commentary....
That damn voice of his, he didn't even need to be next to you, all he needed was that voice and his stupid little sarcastic quips.
Hell, sometimes it wasn't even in comms.
He'd yell out something simple, that shouldn't have been attractive, yet it was.
Something as simple as "Changing mags!" Could make your face heat up and turn a violent red, hell, he basically growled at the end of the sentence whenever he said it. Being near him was almost like having a bomb strapped to your chest. Threatening to go off at any second.
Everytime he said "Steamin' Jesus" you couldn't help but imagine him using it in a far more intimate senario, with a slight change of tone, and that never failed to send a flood of warmth between your legs.
You swore that he knew what he was doing too, like he could sense the tension between the two of you, or see the red on your face, but if he did he never brought it up, and for that you were thankful.
Trying to explain fraternization to Price would not be a fun experience. Not only that but bringing it up would probably make you flustered beyond speaking ablity.
"Hey, Y/N. I been talkin' yer fuckin' ear off, you still listenin'?"
You shake your head and look at him, your face feels hot and you're sure you're crimson.
"Ye alright Lass?"
That stupid nickname makes the blush worsen and you simply clear your throat.
"I'm fine Soap. Thinking."
"You can call me Johnny off duty." He laughs. "You usually do....ya nervous about something? Just a wei bit?"
His voice carries a bit of teasing tone and you can't help but feel a bit if irritation at the smug bastard.
"Not nervous, no."
"Ah, not nervous, yet red in the face....Aye...I got yer number bonnie."
He snorts and then continues to eat.
"Really?" You cross your arms and look at him. "Do you now MacTavish?"
"Pretty obvious if you ask me." He shrugs.
"Okay, so tell me then."
Your face burns at the sudden burst of confidence, and as a smirk crosses over Johnny's face you suddenly feel very foolish about what you've just said.
"Lass...tha's not very appropriate for me to say here, where anyone could hear....now is it?"
That smirk stays on his face as he lowers his voice to a low whisper as he gets the last few words out.
You swallow, and your face burns deeper.
"I don't know what you mean Johnny."
"I'm sure." He offers you a laugh and then stands, the look in his eyes makes your body shiver. "I think I'll head to my room...feel free to...visit, if you'd like."
You watch as he walks off as though nothing had happened and your entire body seems to shiver.
He sticks his hands in his jean pockets as he walks away, which you obviously noticed, because of course you did, with an ass like his.
What the hell are you gonna do? Follow him? How the hell did he figure you out so quickly? Did he mean what he said?
Little did you know Johnny was thinking similarly.
"What the hell were you thinkin'? Saying somethin' like that? Y/N does NOT feel that way about you, you probably just fucked somethin' up, fuckin' idiot."
It takes you only a matter of minutes before you stand from the table and head after Johnny, towards his room in the base.
Your heart is thumping so loudly its the only thing you can hear.
Your body seems to be reacting on its own though, your thoughts, while dirty and definetly in need of some....cleaning....ironically, are wondering what'll happen to your friendship afterwards, but your body doesn't seem to care.
Your mind races with the thought of what would happen if you were caught too, it wasn't exactly professional to fuck your coworker in the military.
When you reach his door you breathe deeply, hesitant as you raise your hand to the door. You stopped for a moment and then, you knock on the door.
Johnny opens the door nearly instantly, only a matter of seconds pass before the door knob clicks and he stands in the doorway before you, leaning against the doorframe as he looks down at you.
"Tha' was quick Lass."
"Shut up, let me in."
"Aw...c'mon now...be nice..." He lowers his voice, whispering the last two words, a smug smirk coming over his mouth.
You feel a rush of heat through your chest and look to your feet, your entire face seems to burn, your ears even feel as though they're burning.
"Please Johnny?"
You feel his hand come under your chin and he lifts your head to look him in the eye, not gently but not rough either.
"Try again Lass, look me in the eye."
Fuck fuck fuck fuck
"Please let me in, you stupid Scottish fuck."
"Tha's not very nice...thought I said be nice..."
You clench your jaw and stare at him, that smug grin on his face somehow managing to irritate you and make you horny all at the same time.
"Please Johnny? Let me in?"
"Ye really do want me, don't ye? Dinnaé know you felt so strongly towards me.." He smirks at you and the moves aside, dropping his hand from your chin to let you in.
You look around his room, staring at all the posters and things he has lined up on the walls. Considering this was Johnny's room....you expected it to be far dirtier, less organized, yet as you looked around at the rest of his room you noticed everything had a place, everything was neat, he didn't even have dirty clothes on the floor.
Neat and organized....despite his very chaotic and uncooridinated nature.
You're busy looking this over, viewing his room when he comes up behind you.
He leans in close.
"So, you were havin' thoughts then?" He smirks, you can feel it without even looking at him. "You? Havin' thoughts...innocent little Y/N always focused on the job Y/N....havin' thoughts like those....and about me..."
His voice lowers, it's nearly a growl, and a hand wraps around your waist, his fingers slide gently under the bottom of your shirt, touching the bare skin of your stomach, only just barely.
You look down, your face is completely red, scarlet, and it burns hotter than you thought possible.
By looking down you didn't really account for the fact that, that would only leave your neck open, and it takes all your will power you have not to make a sound when you feel Johnny's lips agains the skin there.
"I'm suprised it took you this long to notice Johnny." You breathe out, hoping your voice wouldn't give out on you.
He stops, his lips still gently placed against your skin as he speaks.
"Really now....been very noticable has it Hen?"
The nickname sends a shiver though your spine, though you know the word itself isn't the issue.
"I think so..." You breathe. "Can't you tell when my voice changes over comms sometimes?"
"Ye get that flustered...over comms? Ye don't even see me.."
He chuckles and presses another kiss to your neck, you're sure the next one he offers will be brusing.
"Not my fault..." You mumble. You've almost collapsed against him, leaning your body weight onto him, though he doesn't mind in the slightest.
"Really now...now...can ye explain to me what it is on comms that makes things so hard to focus then Hen?"
"Why must you make things difficult?"
He laughs at you and then stands up straight, his hand leaving the skin of your stomach.
He moves to his bed and takes a seat, nearly plopping down, he sits with his legs open and slaps both hands on his thighs, leaning forwards.
"It isn't difficult, it's a really easy question now Lass."
You cross your arms and look at him, watching as he leans back a little a simple smirk on his face.
"If ye really want somethin' tonight Y/N, yer gonnae have to tell me."
That smug look doesn't leave his face, rather it seems like it only gets worse as he utters out your name, emphasising it, lowering his voice as he does. To add to this you watch as his hands leave his thighs, palms upwards in a sort of shrug gesture.
He knows what gets you flustered over comms. He knows, you know he knows, but you also know he's gonna make you say it.
"You damn well know what it is Johnny."
"Oh I do, but it'll be much better when it comes out of yer mouth, preferrably with your face all red."
You swallow and look to the floor, keeping your arms crossed as you speak.
"I swear sometimes you do it on purpose. You do those damn jokes, say those fucking statements and you always lower your voice, especially if you know I'm listening. I told you how I liked your accent ONCE and now you use it everytime you can."
"Aye, I do." Again, as before, you can hear that smirk on his face. "I'll admit it. I take every chance I can."
You scrunch up your nose, refusing to look up at him.
Theres silence for a moment and then you hear him shuffle, only then do you look up.
He simply catches your gaze and makes a motion towards himself with his two middle fingers, pretty much beckoning you towards him.
Despite the stubborness you've shown earlier you can't help but follow his silent command.
As you reach him and stand inbetween his legs his hands creep over your thighs, fingers curling around the back of them, squeezing the meat of them, tightly, firmly. Just the right amount of pressure.
He looks up at you, his face a little more serious now, the smirk from earlier still lingers, but it's far less noticable.
"Ye know Y/N, I've thought about having you in here....a lot."
"Really?" You stop a moment, your body tingling, stemming from his fingertips outwards. Your mind seems a little fogged. "I thought....I thought maybe you'd invited me in here today just to...well honestly I thought you were just fucking with me Johnny, but...I couldn't just ignore it."
"Nae, no fuckin'with you, no this time."
"So...does...um...does that mean..." You swallow, struggling with your words. "Look....Johnny I think it's obvious I've liked you for a while now...are...if we're really gonna do this...I...what does it mean? Anything? Just...are we fuck buddies, or something more because...."
Your words trail off, you can't help but cross your arms, a sudden burst of what you can only assume is nearly shame creeps up through you.
Johhny's face changes, subtly, but you catch it, and you don't miss the squeeze he gives your thighs either.
"Hen, once I get a taste of you I don't think I could have anyone else."
He's quick with his movements as he slides his hands up towards your ass, and pushes you slightly closer to himself.
The action he does next is a simple one, yet it sends all kinds of feelings through you.
His tongue touches the skin of your stomach, his hand gently pushing your shirt up out of the way. He licks a stripe upwards, keeping eye contact with you as he does.
"Jesus Johnny...."
He offers a chuckle and grips your hip with his free hand just a little tighter.
"I'm gonna ask this once Bonníe," he looks at you, only a small trace of a smile on his lips. "Are ye sure ye wanna do this? I'll stop if ye say stop, but after this I won't ask again."
Your thoughts swirl in your head for a moment. Wondering if it is what you wanted. If it was worth chancing your friendship, chancing your job, getting caught fraternizing is no small penalty.
In the end your body decides for you.
You nod.
"I do."
That smile of his fits on his face slowly, showing off those pearly whites. His surprisingly sharp canines.
His tongue comes out once more, again licking up your stomach, this time he stands as he moves himself upwards, only bringing his mouth away when he reaches the area just below your breasts, letting your shirt fall back to its original place.
When he finally stands his mouth goes into good use, his lips meeting yours with a feverancy, practically a need. He fists your hair, and darts his tongue into your mouth without any hesitance.
His free hand snakes around your body, finding purchase on the plump of your asscheek.
You let out a moan against his lips which in turn pulls one from him.
Your hands wrap around the back of his neck, grabbing onto any part of him you can.
His hand nestled within your hair offers a tug, pulling your head back, taking your lips from his and exposing your neck to him.
His lips latch onto your throat, open mouthed hot kisses against your skin, making your body shiver, tingle. His tongue licks along your skin, warm, and again...hungry.
"Johnny..." You whine out his name, and your body flames up, a part of you is curious as to how he'd gotten you so needy so quickly.
The other part did not give a shit.
"So pretty when you whine like that Bonníe..."
He smiles against your skin, moving towards your jaw, still dragging his lips along your neck, refusing to leave it.
"Maybe we should see if I can get any more out of ye..."
"Johnny...we have to be careful..." You mumble. "We...we can't be caught-"
"Yer right Lass...that might even be more fun..."
He pulls back to look at you, his eyes seemed to darken with the idea that begins to plauge his mind.
"Let's see if ye can keep from screamin' huh?"
He cuts you off as his hand come up around your throat, offering a gentle squeeze to the sides as he begins to push you down to the bed.
"Do yer best for me Love." He gives you that goddamn smirk again. "Stay quiet...Can ye do that?"
You nod, your breathing becoming heavier as he stares down at you, hand still wrapped around your throat.
"Atta girl."
He coos out the words and everything in your body seems to be completely englufed in flame.
"You this charming to every girl you fuck Johnny?"
You breathe out the words, hands moving to his chest as you settle against the mattress.
"Jus' you Lass."
Rough hands slide under your shirt, over your stomach, bringing the shirt along with him.
His thumb glides up the center of your torso, pushing down slightly as he continues his movement, his other hand only leaves your throat when he needs to remove the shirt fully.
Your bra is taken off with seemingly expert practice, your breasts exposed to the air, but quickly they're found by hands and mouth.
A rough palm on one and a wet mouth sucking and licking the other.
It takes all your power not to moan, your back arching up into the feeling.
You hadn't been aware of just how touch starved you'd been.
One of your hands tangles into his mohawk, attempting to hold onto something of him.
He looks up at you, pulling away from your breasts.
"Nae, I dinnae say ye could touch lass."
"Shut tha' pretty mouth lass...see if ye can be quiet yeah?"
You nod, swallowing as he reaches for your pants. His fingers hooking under the waistband as he unbuttons them with the other.
With one swift movement he's pulled both your jeans and panties down, leaving you bare to him.
"Would ye look at tha'...such a bonnie sigh', Love..."
He smirks and moves in, hands finding your inner thighs, bringing a sigh from your lips.
Before you can say much else you feel a swipe of his tongue over your heat, already you were slick, this was certain to make the problem worse.
His grip on your inner thighs gets a little tighter as he continues with you, he moves his tongue with expertise, eating you out as though he's a man starved.
You can't help but let his name slip out, grabbing the sheets beneath you, squirming your hips against his face.
He looks up at you from his position, and even in his eyes you can see the smirk he'd wear.
It's far too soon that he pulls away, you'd been so close to your climax, so close to having that release, until he'd denied you that.
Again you whine his name, and he moves, climbing over you, grabbing your face with one hand, firmly holding your cheeks.
"Aw lass...wei bonnie...are ye feelin' a wei bit needy?"
You nod, the best you can in his grip, moving your hips against his clothed arousal, hoping for even a little bit of friction.
You give a nother small whine, this one more of a sound than that of a noise, again reaching for him, only for his other hand to pin your wrists above you.
"Ah...I told ye, nae touchin' lass"
You simply look at him, unable to do much in your senario. It's then that he kisses you, deeply, his tongue gliding against yours, the taste of your own slick in your mouth.
He lets go of your face, only to rushedly un button his pants, his problem suddenly a bit more annoying than it had been.
The moment he's free, his pants and boxers disgarded he simply looks down at you, seemingly thinking.
Its then that he grabs you by the hips and easily, effortlessly, flips you onto your stomach, running his pointer finger and thumb down your spine for a moment.
"Ye look so good from this angle love..."
He leans over you, his chest to your back, head angled right next to your ear.
He lowers that damn voice of his again.
"Can ye be a good lass fer me and arch jus' a wei bit... chest down love, ass up."
Of course you do as he asks, or rather tells, like its instinct, pressing your chest further into the bed, raising your rear higher into the air.
He leans back, taking a look at the sight in front of him, his hands going to the flesh of your ass like magnets, squeezing gently, your ass and hips, as though he can't decide which he likes better.
"Look at ye...such an obediant little lass...ye like doin' what yer told do ye? Is tha' why ye like rankin' under me? Enjoy the way I order ye around on the field? Makes ye think..."
You don't answer, focused on the feel of his hands, its only when he moves one of those hands to the back of your neck.
"I need an answer lass."
"Yes, yes I do Sir."
You can nearly feel the smirk on his face, he squeezes the back of your neck a little tighter.
"Yes sir."
"Oho...I like tha' lass..."
He grabs both of your asscheeks again for a moment before you feel one leave only to feel him push into you.
You let out a groan as he pushes in, as much as you can take, to the base, you feel incredibly full. He's girthy.
"Fuck Johnny..."
You murmer.
"Nae...yer gonna call me sir from now on Love..."
You swallow, waiting for him to move.
"Do ye understand me?"
"Yes Sir."
"Good lass."
He gices you this praise and gently he moves his hips, his hand pushing your spine back into that arch you'd subtly moved away from.
His hips move slow, almost painfully so, and he knows this, teasing you with his hands gliding over your back.
"Ye look so good lass...all this jus' fer me..."
"Johnny please...."
"Aw lass...what did I jus' say?"
"Tha's better....use yer words bonnie...what is it ye want?"
"Faster sir, please?"
You hear the small beg in your voice, sure that by the end of all this you'd be begging a lot more.
"Tha's a girl."
His hand moves to your hip, gripping hard as the other moves to your hair, grasping the roots of it, giving a tug as he moves his hips a little faster, filling you with his size, over and over again.
It's only a minute or so before he seems to loose that idea of torturing you, his pace picking up, hips snapping against yours, that slap of skin on skin, the squelch of your arousal ringing in your ears.
"Fuckkk y/n...." It comes out in nearly a growl, and he pushes your upper half further into the bed.
"Yer doin' so good bonnie...so fuckin' good..."
Another maon crawls its way out of your throat, the others you'd managed to quell, small sounds here and there, but you can't stop this one.
You push your hips against his, letting your knees spread further apart trying to get him in at a deeper angle.
"Please sir, please, fuck-"
The words tumble out of your mouth before you can register what you're even trying to beg for, your figers clench at his sheets beneath you, they smell like him, everything smells like him.
His voice is a groan, it's all you hear as he shifts your position, yanking you up by your hair, bringing your back to his chest, thrusting himself upwards into you.
You find your arm going over your shoulder, wraping around the back of his neck, trying to find purchase on something
His lips latch onto your neck as though he's drawn to it, his tongue swiping over your skin and his teeth leaving bites along your throat and shoulders. He breaths hard against you, inhaling your scent.
"Steamin' bloody Jesus..."
He groans, his pace picking up a little further, one hand still brusingly on your hip, the other slides down your front, fingers finding your clit easily.
It brings a moan to the surface of your lips, and rather than being scolded Johnny simply murmers another praise of 'good lass' in your ear, his hips snapping against yours, rythmic.
"Y/N..." He huffs, his fingers going faster against your bud. "'M close...need ye to tell me where..."
"Inside Johnny, please...fill me up..."
"Jesus Y/N..."
His voice is breathy, heavy against your skin as he continues, his hips getting erratic, until finally he gives a groan, shoving his face into your shoulder, riding out his climax, the feeling of his cum hitting your inner walls pushing you closer to yours.
He rides out his, moving his hips slightly, much slower than before, and keeps his hand going, trying to keep his previous pace.
"C'mon lass...ye can let go now...it's yer turn..."
He mumbles, breatheless.
It's not much longer of this praising and the movement of his fingers before you do just that, squeezing around him and moaning out his name as you finally reach that high.
As the two of you come down, breathing hard, Johnny still inside you, head leaning against your shoulder, he slips an arm around your waist and offers a gentle kiss to your shoulder.
"Thank ye lass..." he murmers. "Tha' was fun."
"Thank you Johnny."
"Ye ain't gotta thank me...I've wanted to do tha' for god knows how long."
"Maybe we can do it again sometime."
"Oh trust me lass...we will be."
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thesimpsbasement · 2 years
Hello! May I request Vil, Kalim, Malleus and Azul with a male! s/o who’s like Sherlock Holmes or William Moriarty? As in reader is very intelligent and stuff
Hello anon and sure! I sorta alternated between the 2 cuz didn't know how to incorporate both but I hope this is to your liking!
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Characters: Vil Schoenheit, Kalim Al Asim,Malleus Draconia,Azul Ashengrotto
Author:Mod Betty
Warnings/tags: slight spoilers for book 3,5 ( mainly spoilers on book 5) ,not proofreaded yet
Reader is male
Word count:1,300 words 
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-The first time he noticed your high intelligence was when you actually memorized every item for the skin routine he recommended you
-It took Epel forever to memorize them all and still forgets some
-During VDC he knew you'd be problem because he knew you'd probably see right through his plan and his concerns were correct as you were the one to inform Jamil way before he himself noticed Vil's odd behaviors
-Vil does care a lot about things being perfect, one minute mistake could end in a catastrophe
-You agree with Vil on that but sometimes you rather study than do a self care routine, maybe on your breaks you could add a couple products but not enough to meet Vil's standards
-Vil did admire your determined to adapt to this strange world by learning about it as much as possible, but what he doesn't admire is your lack of self care
-Sometimes he drags you out of your room to do a proper self care regiment
-Like the one you are currently doing
-" For someone who's such a genius you can be quite a forgetful potato" Vil says as he rubs some sort of cream on your face
"Apologies by I can't help but simply indulge of the common things in thought world taht would be deemed impossible in mine" you replied hoping to somewhat justifying your actions every though you knew it wouldn't
" I understand your excitement but you do need to take proper care of yourself,you may deem this unnecessary but I disagree completely and as your lover I'm even more complied to do this" he retorted continuing to apply product to your face
"Oh how lucky i am to have someone to spoil me like this, I'm moved" you tease,smile on your face
" The real lucky one is me to have a brilliant and sometimes forgetful boyfriend like yourself "
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-When he found out about your intelligence he was in awe
-you were so cool and not mean like Riddle and you were easier to approach Unlike Malleus
-Jamil is wary of you for a good while knowing how easily Kalim is influenced but you weren't heartless to use someone's kindness
-Kalim is the type to brag about you like " Look how smart my boyfriend is so if you ever need help go ask him!"
-And he wasn't lying,ever since hanging out with(and dating) you he's been improving in his academics and would always would go to you if he needed assistance, saving Jamil from extra work( which he thanks you for)
-Being in a new world made everything surprise you but also defied the logic of your own world so when Kalim offered you a ride on a magic carpet you were skeptical
-I mean a carpet couldn't hold the weight of well anything so it being able to carry 2 people is already taboo and also how can you control it's direction and spee-
-Before you could finish your train of thoughts and how the pure concept contradicts basic physics Kalim pulled your arm and seated you on the carpet
-The first minute you were nervous as hell,who could blame you, you were literally flying on a carpet!
-After the initial shock the ride was actually relaxing and fun
-You never thought you'd ever find yourself flying around on a magic carpet flying around but you don't mind it
-Turning to Kalim who was looking at you the whole time to make sure you're enjoying yourself, you put a hand on his cheek before saying "thank you for showing me something I would never have thought of" and pulling him for a kiss
-Kalim was overjoyed knowing he actually managed to 1) surprised you and 2) make you feel happy
-Safe to say there's never a dull moment with Kalim
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-He knew you were smart by simply observing how well you performed in class
-A magicless human from a completely different dimension did better than most of the NRC students
-What caught him by surprise was when you knew his true identity almost as soon as you saw him
-What confused him was that you were still referring to him as that silly nickname you came up with
-Even if you're smart and probably have some combat abilities you still couldn't stand a chance
-When confronting you about it all you did was smirk ad say " Don't worry I know a foe when I see one "
-Also good luck having to deal with Sebek since he's suspicious of you and your wits. Who knows maybe you were trying to fool the young master!!
-Would often come by Ramshackle and talk about each other's lives
-He was quite fascinated by your life back home,always solving mysteries and how capable you were in dire situations
-He doesn't necessarily need help in academics especially being the next heir of Briar Valley but would often ask you for help with other stuff ((*cough* technology ))
-For a mere child of man and from a foreign land you have a lot of knowledge to almost rival some fae
-Despite knowing you can handle yourself just fine you're still a fragile human with no magic so he will occasionally loom around the shadows,sometimes your sharp tongue could easily infuriate students from a certain dorm,After all Savanaclaw students don't settle arguments with words,but with their fists but when they pull their magic pens Malleus quickly steps in to stop the fight before you got hurt because of some buffoons
-After the students ran off, you turned to him a smile on your face " I could've handled them myself you know, even if they can use magic they're still brainless" Malleus chuckled " I suppose so however I don't think I'd forgive myself if you did end up hurt" he said sighing
-" How about we go to Ramshackle after class for a cup of tea? My treat" you suggested
-"Anything for you ,my brilliant child of man"
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-The first thing he noticed about you was how calm you were when you signed that contract about bringing that painting from the museum, it was almost as if you had a plan already and were confident it'll succeed
-Seeing how brilliant you were and how you could easily make things go your way he actually suggested working in Mostro Lounge
-Would sometimes challenge you to see who's better,be it who'd give a better offer on contracts or who'd finish homework quicker
-During closing hours he'd offer you a cup of tea and discuss whatever topics you thought of
-When dating your counseling started coming into play
-After some time Azul started getting comfort with being vulnerable around you, often pouring his insecurities as he stared at his lap
-" Sometimes I feel like you deserve better" he muttered not making eye contact with you
"Why do you say that love?" You ask him ,serious look on your face
"I mean someone as brilliant as you shouldn't stick around a stupid,fat,clumsy octopus" he said slight irritation in his voice
You sighed as you placed your hands on his shoulders " Azul look at me" ,hesitantly he did as he was told,teary eyes looking right into your
"The fact I'm your boyfriend should be telling you enough that I'm not going anywhere, I don't stick with people that I don't want too, so if I didn't like you I wouldn't be sitting in this very room now would I?" You said trying to comfort your partner without any sort of sugared words but with pure logic
-"Yeah I guess you're right" Azul said wiping his tears
-Smiling you kiss his forehead has you bring him into a hug " so please cease these idiotic thoughts for both our sake ,you know it pains me to see you this upset"
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
as a post-pandemic arrival to fandom who hadn’t really given much thought to the inner workings of OTW till current events… something I’m genuinely curious about: were you guys friends? (otw board, chairs, people who were setting up/running other fandom platforms like DW, too.) are you still? very aware you can largely only give your own perspective, and I totally understand that you might want to keep things vague!
I was a fan of shalott from before we all moved to LJ (and she couldn't get shalott and had to change to astolat), but I've never been actual friend friends with her. A lot of the early people were like 10 years older than I and went to cons I didn't, so I saw them around on the internet, but we weren't really buddies. I was also in anime fandoms and/or just not in the particular fandoms a lot of the early staff/volunteers were.
But yes, plenty of people who were there early on were friends prior to founding OTW. Even more were people who knew each other from in-person events but may not have been super close.
I think that became less true as OTW grew. That incestuous little LJ world has opened up a lot as fandom has changed and/or wider fandom has found AO3.
At this point, I barely remember who all I interacted with over my years with OTW. Offhand, I think the only person I'm close friends with now is someone I don't even remember interacting with, though apparently, I was the only one to answer an e-mail she sent asking for help, so she did remembered me. We became friends because we live near each other.
I do hang out with other local fans sometimes, and some of them have been tag wranglers and such. A hell of a lot of people have volunteered in some capacity at some point.
I also don't always know the fandom names of people who were using their real names for OTW, so IDK if I still know them.
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maple-the-awesome · 1 year
We'll Meet Again...I Know When || Chapter 26
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x GN Reader
Words: 3,544
Overview: Given your old-fashioned personality and obsession with all things 1940s to 1980s, it’s no wonder that most people refer to you as an ‘old soul’ who would’ve rather lived back then than in the modern era. Little do they know, you already did, but with your previous life as Hollie Stark cut short, you’ve been left with some…unfinished business, to say the least. Top of your list? Finally getting to marry your thought-to-be-lost fiancé.
Series Masterlist 🤎 Marvel Masterlist 🤎 Fandom Masterlist
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T'Challa shows you all to where Vision will be kept in one of the safest and best hidden facilities within Wakanda. Even if his location is discovered here, this lab rests on a tall mountainside, so in theory at least, no massive spaceships will be able to land. They'll instead be forced to go miles out into some fields where your own army will be waiting, effectively putting a comfortable distance between enemy and friend (if all goes according to plan, that is).
"Shuri, this is (Y/n)," Although the overall mood of the room is rushed and laced with stress, Bucky seems to find a temporary distraction from it all as he drags you over to the Wakanda Princess seconds after she finishes talking with T'Challa. You've seen her before, of course, sometimes in the background of your shared video calls with Bucky, yet this is the first time you've officially gotten to speak directly to each other.
"Sooo, I take it you're the one I have to thank for going through the torture of teaching this old man how to FaceTime?"
"Unfortunately. It was a true test of patience if I've ever had one!" The young girl groans dramatically, but her mocked annoyance quickly melts away into a similar smile as your own, "Although I must say, that hell was preferable compared to listening to him mope about you all the time."
"Mope, eh?" You smirk, glancing at Bucky who grumbles.
"...I didn't 'mope'..."
Shuri takes no shame in embarrassing him, in fact she's eager to keep it up, "Yes, he moped aaall the time! Day in and day out, just wandering about my lab pouting about 'his (Y/n)' and how much he misses you. It was to the point that I couldn't get any work done! Finally, I got so tired of it that I gave him that tablet to talk to you with - just like turning on cartoons to distract a toddler!"
Bucky glares at Shuri, his cheeks a red hue, but you simply laugh while snuggling up to his arm, "Well, I suppose I can't judge. I was pretty mopey myself back then. I'm honored to be missed."
This makes him smile bashfully, however you don't miss the way his shy joy fades into a more dejected stare as soon as you look up with a teasing flutter of your eyelashes only for him to quickly dodge your gaze.
While he makes no attempt to move his arm away from you, that distant look on his face doesn't exactly make your actions feel welcomed, thus you're quick to step away, putting a safer space between the two of you. If it wasn't for a more dire situation being at hand and the fact that this room is filled with people, many of whom you either don't or barely know, you would've asked him what's on his mind, yet you end up storing the question in the back of your mind for later instead.
There, you nearly forget about it while trying to focus on Vision's neutron connections as Shuri scans them. In her opinion, while Tony and Bruce did well enough to make Vision functional given the whole 'Ultron time-crunch' they were racing against, in a moment like this where the stone needs to be fully removed, they did a pretty...shit job, to be nice. Even Shuri, with her seemingly endless intelligence, estimates that it'll take her quite a bit of time to get this task finished without accidentally causing any circuit failures.
"How long do you need?"
"As long as you can give me."
Sometimes it feels like the universe truly is against all of you. Seconds after Shuri's sentence, Okoye receives an alert that something has entered the atmosphere. You swear, you can hear a collective inhale as everyone already assumes what 'something' must be, however no one reacts too outwardly aside from that, in fact the whole room is rather calm as they move to the large windows overlooking a vast amount of land beyond the mountainside, eyes tilted towards the sky in preparation for an attack to rain down upon your heads.
"Isn't there a dome covering most of the city?" Bucky asks, appearing to be relatively relaxed given the situation. He must have faith in their systems. Going off all the wonderful technology you've seen thus far in Wakanda, you wouldn't be surprised if they do have some super high-tech way to keep Thanos out.
"Yes, but it stops just before those trees out there," T'Challa answers.
Outside, giant ships collide with seemingly nothing in the air hundreds of feet above; the dome Bucky must've been referring to. This facility itself must have excellent soundproof walls, though, because even as those massive spacecraft crash into an explosion of flaming pieces that would surely be booming enough to make your heart leap, you hear nothing. Regardless, your heart does spin a bit as you witness several ships safely land in the forest where the dome ends one after another until you can no longer care to keep counting; that won't make you feel any better.
"We're out of time. We must destroy the stone now," Vision decides, or at least attempts to.
"Vision, get your ass back on the table," Natasha orders, her voice stern which makes it clear she won't be taking any objections.
"We'll buy you time," T'Challa announces calmly, glancing at Steve who gives him a slight nod before turning to the rest of you.
"(Y/n), you stay here and help Shuri get that stone out of Vision's head as quickly as possible. Wanda, once they do that, you blow the thing to hell, got it?"
You both nod without hesitation, after which you turn on your heel, accidently walking directly into Bucky's chest. His hands find themselves on the sides of your arms, pushing you back to look into your eyes, "Don't leave this lab."
"I won't," You almost follow with a snarky remark, something along the lines of you being capable enough to follow simple commands, but by the time you take in a deep breath, you find yourself with no strength to be ornery, "Preferably you wouldn't either...but I'm guessing that's not an option here?"
He frowns and shakes his head, "...I gotta help."
"...I know you do," You whisper before throwing your arms over his shoulders and bringing him into a tight embrace only comparable to the one you gave him not even an hour ago upon reuniting...It hasn't even been a full hour yet and he's already going off on his own again, "You come back to me, James."
Bucky scolds into your hair, his warm breath brushing your skin, "Didn't I come back the last time?"
"I think I technically came to you," You close your eyes and sigh, "...But I'm sure there must've been some point where you've come back to me...Let's just make it a habit. You'll go off for a little bit then get your ass your right back here so that I don't have to start missing you too much."
"How about I return so quickly you don't even have the chance to start missing me, huh?"
You shake your head, the movement restricted due to your face being pressed so closely to his chest, "...Impossible. I'ma gonna miss you the second you step away from this hug, Sarge..."
Bucky frowns, holding you a bit tighter. Everyone else is filing out of the room one by one in a hurry. He should really be following them, however there isn't a single bone in his body that actually wants to. He'd much rather stay here in the labs even if he wouldn't be of any help. At least he'd be able to keep a watchful eye over you to ensure no harm comes your way.
Truthfully, he doesn't like that Steve brought you here. You'd be much safer in New York, not mixed in with all this 'possible end of the world' crap. Now you're right in the middle of it and will be working in the exact same spot Thanos will be aiming for. Bucky wouldn't want to offend you or anything, but you're not exactly going to be a threat to any of those aliens if they come knocking. Then again, that's exactly why Steve brought you here. Your skill lies with your smarts. You can help get that stone destroyed without costing Vision. Bucky just prays it doesn't cost you any. He's already lost Hollie. He can't lose you, too.
"This is absolutely adorable and all - I'm really happy for you both, but we're kinda in the middle of something here," Shuri rolls her eyes while tapping away at her hologram to get everything set up.
Clearing your throat, you reluctantly step away from Bucky, although you keep your hands together and give him a serious look, "I mean it, James. Come back or else I go out there looking for you, and if it comes down to that, you know I'll be pissed. Between Tony and you, my hair might turn completely white by the end of the day."
"Trust me, darling. I already spent two years away from you. I ain't looking to add to that any time soon," Bucky whispers, slightly dipping his head yet stopping himself short during the action.
Oh, how much he wants to just kiss your forehead at the least. That's not so bad, is it? One could argue it's merely a display of platonic care, understandable given these stressful circumstances. Still, it feels a bit too intimate to justify. He's tempted, but not confident. Ashamed, but somewhat selfish. He hasn't seen you for two years, after all - Well, he's seen you over video calls, however that hardly counts.
Maybe you've come here because Steve asked. Maybe you're here to save the world because despite your nonchalant attitude, you've always had an heroic heart. Of course, Bucky likes to believe you just came here for him. He wanted to believe that, anyways, when you first ran over with that beaming smile and leap right into his arms.
You've stuck by his side, rarely giving anyone else the time of day despite being in this miraculous country that's right up your alley. It's all been obsolete in comparison to Bucky who you look at as if he holds your entire world - a glittering to your eyes and dreamy grin upon your lips that make up an expression he hasn't seen in decades.
It makes Bucky bitterly wonder if you look at your fiancé the same way. No, that look would surely be different. Whoever that man is, he must not hold your entire world, he must be it. After all, he has to be truly something spectacular if you love him. You choose him, after all, judging on the fact that you've proudly been wearing a ring on your finger since arriving here.
Bucky can't ignore his hate for that cold chill whenever it brushes his skin when holding hands. Forget Steve bringing you, what kind of fiancé lets his one-of-a-kind partner risk their life in a place like this? If it were him, even if an ordinary civilian with no powers whatsoever, he would still be following you to the pits of hell just to ensure your safety...Some fiancé you have...
"Hmm?" He blinks, realizing that he's been spacing out a bit.
You're frowning at him, your eyes holding a precious amount of concern for your 'friend', "...You're certain that you're okay? You don't have to go out there if you don't want to. I won't let anyone make you -"
"- No...No, I'm good. I just..." He trails off, finally saying 'to hell with it' and lifting your hand to press a gentle kiss to your knuckles. Fuck what your fiancé might think. As far as Bucky's concerned, he's been through enough with you to at least earn a knuckle kiss, "Be safe."
"I will. I'll stay right here until you get back," You then let your famous smirk tug at your lips - the one that never fails to strike his heart, "This would be a good point to remind you: you owe me an in-person tour of Wakanda and I expect to be able to pet every single goat you own."
"I look forward to it."
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From bad to worse is how the whole ‘fighting Thanos and protecting Vision’ fiasco went, although in the beginning, you focused primarily on the task of helping Shuri with whatever she needed. A double check of her calculations? An extra hand? The passing of a specific tool? You were there, glad to have something better to do than chew on your nails. Together, you worked fast - as fast as you both could without risking a mistake that could possibly harm Vision.
Despite the room being covered in windows and the pull you continuously felt towards them, you refused to take a peek at the commotion outside. You kept your back turned to them instead of giving into that desire, not daring enough to concern yourself with the others because that would only make you worry and worry only results in mistakes; mistakes you couldn’t afford.
As much as you attempted to ignore it, you could tell the war out there wasn’t going well based on Wanda’s actions. She was possibly the only person in the room more anxious than yourself, being rather fidgety from the start while fretting every second over the robot she loves. Her pain was understood, but you did have to shoo her aside eventually when her hovering became a nuisance. After that, she took to standing by the windows, growing increasingly concerned about the battle happening outside until she suddenly rushed out of the room with little explanation. You didn’t truly need one to conclude her reasoning, though.
They’re struggling out there. Even from the mountain lab, you could hear the distant echo of war growing louder…Bucky and all your friends were in danger and all you could do was suck it up while continuing to work, hoping Shuri and your own efforts wouldn’t be in vain. So much for that…
It became impossible not to worry when shouts and grunts were heard right beyond the lab doors, alerting everyone inside that you, yourselves, were officially in harm's way. As the attacker fought his way into the room, you had drawn your taster and rushed at him as soon as he passed through that doorway. Unfortunately, if trained warriors couldn’t stop that alien soldier, then you probably should’ve known then that your own chances were very low, yet that didn’t stop you from trying your best to land a hit.
As anyone could’ve predicted, each attempt ended in failure as his movements were just too quick and skilled compared to yours. Within a few swings, you were thrown back into Shuri who was about to abandon her work and help the fight. Instead, her mission was put on pause as both of you hit the ground hard. Even when she pushed herself up and tried shooting at him with her own advanced weapon, the blasts were simply swatted away like mere flies until she was knocked over yet again.
The attacker raised his sword, attempting to swing at her, however you managed to grab her waist and pull her out of the way in the nick of time, although to spare a deadly slash of an alien’s blade, the two of you tumbled off the balcony where you luckily took most of the impact.
It wasn’t much distance considering all the other heights you’ve had to leap from and you’d rather protect the young princess than yourself any day, but after sitting up, you were quick to realize you have at least one broken rib from that experience. Still, a broken rib is better than either of you sustaining life threatening injuries.
You aren’t sure what happened with Vision or the battle after that. When you were finally able to stumble to your feet with Shuri’s help, you could only see a destroyed battlefield outside, being too far to make out any specific fighters in it. Seeing as the window glass had been shattered, you could assume Vision went out there, but whether that was by his own freewill or forced by the alien attacker, you were left guessing; the answer would be unknown for a stretch of time that felt like hours.
Hours of sitting around wondering whether you should go down there to warn anyone. Hours of praying everyone you love and hold dear to yourself are safe, not among the rumble or flames you fear below. Hours of just waiting for something, anything…Then it came…
It happens quickly, allowing you no time to process the events as dreadful and terrifying as they may be. You’re not even sure Shuri or anyone else had a chance to realize it. One minute you were back at the window biting your nails while hopelessly waiting for any sign of good fortune. Maybe a voice on your earpiece - one sweet and whispered belonging to Bucky as he assured you of his safety. Hell, you would’ve also taken Tony butting-into the scene, giving some cocky joke to announce his arrival before magically showing up to tip the scale in everyone’s favor…What you got instead was a sound - you’re not sure what - that turned your head just in time to see floating dust particles disappearing in the faint light right in the place Shuri had been standing seconds ago.
You don’t know what actually happened - how can you? You’re confused, wondering where she went and why she left without saying anything. Then, when you hear cries from the hallway and you fear something else is wrong - possibly another attacker here to finish you all off - so you round the counter cautiously to see with your taser in hand.
You’re horrified to see a man disappear into dust before your very eyes, gone within a flash without so much as a peep from himself, only the screams of his fellow guards who watch on with as much terror as you do. Witnessing such a thing makes reality sink in. A silent voice connects the dots and makes your heart drop completely into your stomach…Vision -…Thanos…He won…
It’s instinctual after that - racing down the halls with cheeks drenched in tears as you realize you just can’t get your legs to run fast enough no matter how much you try to work them! Maybe you’re sobbing, maybe you’re screaming. To be honest, you can’t hear anything let alone yourself, your ears are too numb against the thoughts that overwhelm your head.
'Gotta find Bucky! Gotta find them all! I can't lose them again! I can’t stand to lose them again - not when I just got them all back!’
Of course, luck has never been on your side, has it? Here you are, trying to get somewhere as quickly as possible so it only makes sense that you have to trip on the way. Being so muddled and scared, your reaction time is delayed, too, causing you to almost hit the floor before catching the wall just in the nick of time to save yourself from a nasty faceplant.
Preferably, you would’ve gotten right back to your feet and started running again without any concern of scraped knees, however while suffering the worst spell of dizziness you think you’ve ever felt in your life (including both of them), you’re forced to instead kneel there for a second or two, shakily catching your breath to heal your nauseous stomach. You do recover eventually, though, and waste no more valuable time standing. You practically throw yourself up onto your feet then, hurrying around the corner to -
- Hitting a solid body, some of your worst fears leap to the controls, pulling you backwards where you instantly reach for your taser in preparation of fighting this assumed enemy. Be it that alien guy, Thanos himself - you don’t care! Terrible fighter or not, you plan to risk it all, not willingly to let anyone stand between you and finding your loved ones.
The gentleman in front of you doesn’t appear violent; probably a fortunate thing for you since it only takes him - or rather his cape - a half a second to rip the taser from your grip. After that, the man merely gazes down at you with a tired expression, “I take it you’re (Y/n) (L/n)?”
“Ummm -” You look behind yourself as if the shadows stretched on the floor will answer for you. When they don’t, your eyes cautiously return to this strange man who doesn’t dress like any of those Children of Thanos guys. Compared to their dark gothic tones, he wears too bright of colors to be a dictionary definition villain - then again, Thor has happily shown you pictures of his brother, so who knows?
“- Great!” The man, whoever he may be, doesn’t even wait for your answer. He just claps his hands together with sarcastic joy before turning slightly. With his back half facing you and hand held out, he makes a circular motion, leading bright sparkles a few feet in front of you both which soon make an opening to a settling completely different from this cold hallway.
As if such a magic trick is the least bit impressive, he turns back to you and nods his head towards the portal rather simply, “Your help is needed.”
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darksidesuguru · 16 days
hi >:)
3, 17, and 18 plz and thank uuu 🫵😈
thank u for the inaugural ask <3333
3. What would be your cursed technique/domain expansion in JJK?
"I'll go easy on you" *asks me this question* Okay so I actually have a self-insert JJK character, her name is Ren and she's Grade 1. The problem is, I am having so much trouble coming up with a cursed technique that isn't cringy as hell. I'm a very musical person so I was thinking something to do with music or sound - like a siren song that can manipulate others to bend to her will or a high-frequency pitch that immobilizes opponents. But hey, I'm here for the trauma, not the fight scenes, and I can barely follow the cursed technique jargon, so. I'll keep working on it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
17. Match your favorite JJK character with a song.
Now this, I can answer. Gojo is my favorite JJK character (if you couldn't tell) because I'm basic like that. But we also have so much in common it continues to astound me. We both push ourselves to be the best because we know it's our responsibility to do so, and if we aren't the best, then we're aren't worth anything. People think we're assholes but it's all part of our defense mechanisms, and if you look past the flippant exterior, we are hopeless optimists. We both care deeply for our friends/family and want the best for them--even those of them that have forsaken us. Which leads me to my last point: the abandonment issues. Anyway. I am Gojo, Gojo is me, etc etc. There are so many songs that could work here but my song for Gojo since I joined the fandom has been Eyes Closed by Imagine Dragons. At first it reminded my of him just because the main lyric is "I could do this with my eyes closed," which. He literally can, but. I kept listening and the lyrics just keep on going--"I was born I was made for this" (he was literally raised to be the strongest and nothing else) -- ""lock me up inside a cage, just throw away the key don't worry about me" (the whole sealing thing and the fact the Gojo sacrificed himself so those he loved could survive) -- "killed and resurrected cause I'll never be dead" (okay maybe I just wish he was still alive, rip). But sometimes I let myself have a little "Gojo is the strongest and everyone lives happily ever after," as a treat.
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18. Share a headcanon about your favorite character.
Okay so it's Gojo yap hours ig @supportingwomenswrongs i scrolled all the way through our texts to try to find a good one because suddenly my head is empty So one that's more canon than headcanon is that Gojo collects strays. And I will also reference punk baby: revival here because that one does the strays thing so well. But yeah, canonically Gojo takes in Megumi and Tsumiki but I love the headcanon that he takes in Inumaki as well, and anyone else who needs guidance. He has such a caring soul and is trying to fill a void by helping these kids and I'm obsessed with that idea. But something that I totally made up on my own? Well @supportingwomenswrongs you know this one already, it's that Gojo is weirdly good at massages. He's probably touched starved yeah but he's also dextrous and fidgety and has huge hands and long fingers and knows a lot about physicality so I headcanon that he's good with his hands and... Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, he gives a mean massage after a hard mission. I know there's a fic out there with Geto giving Gojo a massage but I think it could work really well the other way around too.
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(from this post)
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aangelinakii · 1 year
in which the fruits and the cat cross paths
chapter : three
character : tangerine
fandom : bullet train
song : pretty girls make graves , the smiths
date : 18th june 2023
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the first three or so minutes of the train's departure had gone smoothly. black cat was almost a quarter way through her box of pocky, and she had convinced herself that the time it had taken for her to choose a flavour as simple as strawberry was completely valid. if she'd chosen a flavour she ended up disliking, her whole mood for the rest of the mission would've been ruined, and therefore throwing her off track and negatively altering her performance. all this just to feel better about taking five minutes to make a decision on japanese snacks at a train station.
but things started to feel... iffy, when the two men who'd previously sat diagonally behind her, moved themselves to sit in the four-seater directly behind her. when she'd walked down the aisle looking for her seat before the train departed, she'd noticed a man in a furry brown jacket already sleeping, his head against the window. sure, she found it odd how he was already sleeping, and the train wasn't even moving yet, but she had greater things to worry about, so sat promptly in her seat without batting an eye.
"you're safe now," the same voice, whom she'd heard swear at the tall shaggy man before, spoke up, and black cat's chewing of strawberry-flavoured pocky slowed down in order to eavesdrop. "your father sent us."
"you idiots work for my father?" a groggy russian accent returned, a tone of exasperation apparent in his voice.
in black cat's line of profession, anyone who "works" for someone's father is never doing innocent business. unfortunately, some people's fathers are just into some crazy, messed up shit, and hire money-hungry men to do their dirty work. and if you were to say she was a hypocrite, she would disagree; if someone's father hires her, she does it for the experience, not for the money... but sometimes the money, too.
"technically, we're outside contractors."
that line was definitely a red flag.
black cat swallowed her mouthful of pocky and packed up her snacks, tucking them away in the pockets of her coat once again. "outside contractors" weren't a good sign, either. sure, she was one; in fact, she was completely independent in her line of work, until someone were to hire her. but when you're on a mission of your own, and in such a tight space where escapability is limited to one-minute stops every ten-or-so minutes, hearing the phrase, "outside contractors" was not a good look.
"i'm tangerine, and he's lemon."
and that was the confirmation.
before, she'd given the men the benefit of the doubt. you know, maybe they worked under a prestigious company owned by this man's father, or they'd been hired by someone's father to do some building work on their house. but those names, lemon and tangerine, weren't names a kind mother gave their children. they were codenames.
black cat knew well of codenames and aliases. i mean, you didn't think her parents named her that when she popped out the womb, did you? she'd heard all types of things: the white death, batman and superman, the chomper – hell, she'd even been paid to kill a gang member who went by the name of "peter piper." and now there was tangerine and lemon to add to the mix. these guys weren't going to make this mission easy for her, she suspected.
"right. your daddy hired us to get you out of the trouble you got yourself into, didn't you, naughty boy—"
the cockney man situated right behind black cat was cut off by the russian person, who was stuck wondering why these two fully grown men had such childish nicknames. you could sense the tension growing in the air between the trio as their nicknames were repeatedly pulled up as the topic of conversation.
"oh, fuckin' hell!" the man scoffed, and black cat felt his seat wobble against the back of hers. he clearly had a temper he couldn't control. not a good trait when you work in the art of espionage, or whatever it was he called himself, black cat thought. "it's not important, is it? what is important are the seventeen dead bodies we left getting you back from the triad that kidnapped you with the plans to ransom you to your extremely psychotic fucked-up father."
what a mouthful.
"actually, it's sixteen," the other man black cat recognised from the train station chimed in. his voice was calmer, lower, and in more control, compared to his yapping partner.
after a pause, filled with tension so thick in such a short period of time it would take a chainsaw to gnaw through it, the first man – tangerine – replied, his voice audibly tougher than before. "what's that, now?" it was clear to black cat that he didn't like being told he's wrong.
"sixteen kills, mate—"
"no, it was seventeen."
black cat rolled her eyes as she folded the train route map into the netting before her. these two partners seemed to be very comfortable talking about their kill count on a very public train.
rule number one of contract killing: don't talk about your job in a public area where people are bound to hear. people don't want to hear about that shit while they're trying to get to the place they need to go, talk to the people they need to talk to, do the things they need to do. and, quite obviously, it could possibly breach their operation, by disclosing such information, the wrong people could get involved. for all she cared she could use this against them, and devise her own plan to ruin their mission.
if the train ride got too boring, for the long ten-fifteen minutes she'd be there, she could mess with them a little, and maybe put some sense into their puny little brains that maybe they should be more cautious about the information they're talking about so loudly.
"hey, listen," the russian sighed, distracting the two fruits from their mini argument about how many people they'd killed, and if the civilian who'd been blown up by a car was their fault (which, if you asked for her opinion, black cat found extremely unprofessional; you're not supposed to get anybody else hurt who isn't worth the money you're getting at the end of the operation). "i'm just gonna get off at the next stop."
there was some rustling from the four-seater behind black cat as he was pushed back into his seat, followed by lemon telling him to get back into his seat, which was followed by another round of silence.
"do you know what they call your papushka?" tangerine asked, resetting the tone from the previous argumentative one.
"of course i fucking do."
"the white death," lemon stated, despite the russian man already explaining he knew.
the white death? these men worked for the white death, and this russian boy they had with him was his son?
big red flag.
black cat glanced down at her coat, pressing on the material softly as if to check the briefcase was still sitting beneath it. she tried to control her breathing, but nothing could stop her heart from increasing in pace. her mission just became ever so more difficult.
"our job is to keep you safe, and to recover the briefcase with the ransom money inside," tangerine began to explain. "and i plan on completin' my job, and keeping..." black cat felt him lean forward in his seat as he lowered his voice. "lemon?"
lemon hummed in reply.
"where's the briefcase?"
right next to me, black cat thought, blinking as she turned her head around to the seat beside her.
"oh, i stashed it," lemon replied casually, and black cat could picture him shrugging and crossing his arms, sitting more comfortably in his seat as his increasing confidence seeped through his veins.
tangerine's seat shifted again from behind her. "the case, lemon," he repeated, tone now serious and authoritative. "go get me the fucking case."
lemon sighed, clearly frustrated that his partner didn't trust him, and stepped down the aisle to the baggage storage between carriages two and three, where black cat had stolen their briefcase from.
as he approached the sliding automatic door, black cat craned her head into the aisle in curiosity, leaning out of her seat to watch him go. she was unsure whether to take her leave now, or to wait for him to get back with the decoy and leave discreetly with the real case.
a phone began buzzing, and black cat pressed a hand to the breast pocket of her blazer, making sure it wasn't her mobile, but tangerine stepped out of his seat, and answered the call.
he stood with his back to her, and she managed to take in the royal blue of his suit, and how perfectly tailored it was to his proportions. his hair was of a dark brown, slicked back well enough in a natural manner so that no strands came astray, but not in a way he looked overly-crisp, as though he'd applied countless amounts of hairspray to keep it looking perfect – you wouldn't believe the amount of greaseballs the woman had had to deal with who all thought that image was the peak of mens fashion.
"do you have white death's son?" a deep russian voice crackled from the other end of the line.
tangerine glanced behind him at the man that still remained seated. "what, you mean this dickhead with the silly face tattoos? yeah, he's sat right here."
"and the briefcase?"
"yes, of course i've got the case." tangerine dug his free hand into his tailored trouser pocket, and he swivelled his body to the door lemon had exited out of, and black cat peered into the aisle to follow suit.
through the window in the automatic door, a large brown bag was thrown to the wall with a bump, and lemon appeared, punching the air in a fit of anger, an outraged glint in his eye.
as the line beeped to an end, tangerine slowly removed the mobile from his ear. he'd seen lemon, too, she knew. and he set off down the aisle as a muffled voice chimed through the compartment, indicating the train's soon arrival to shinagawa station.
black cat decided this would be the perfect time to take her leave, and she pulled her coat off the case and took the handle in her hand. she stood up and pulled on her overcoat, holding the briefcase close to her body as she stepped out into the aisle.
she took a moment to shake her head, running a few fingers through the curls of her ponytail, and adjust her clothing so that she looked presentable and to avoid suspicion. the woman let out an exhale, glancing back at tangerine as he disappeared through the sliding door to see to his partner, and walked down the aisle in the opposite direction, and kept walking, until she was far enough down the line to not have any run-ins with the fruits.
she'd reached the end of the economy compartments, and the train came promptly to a stop.
but as she stepped on the pressure plate, and the automatic door zipped open, allowing her entry into the small purgatory between compartments, two figures fell into her; one dressed in all white, with curly brown hair and an arm raised over his head as he charged the other man, lengthy dirty blonde hair covered by a cream bucket hat, and a khaki overcoat.
the case flew from her grip as she was shoved into the other door, her temple pounding into the strong glass from the weight of the two men against her. with a huff, black cat pushed off the slick surface, her strength and momentum sending them off of her.
with the roar of a tiger, the man in white, taken with the momentum of her retaliation into the next door, grabbed the material of black cat's long coat as he fell. and black cat, taken with the white man, grabbed the material of the other man's khaki trench coat, dragging him into the mix as they all flew back-first through glass.
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
Thankyou for explaining about Kabuki’s background with homosexuality. People’s prejudice of thinking all Japanese people are ignorant of homosexuality therefore they can’t write about gay romance is annoying. I’ve been reading a collection of modern Japanese literature recently but there’s alot of stories which includes gay romance. Like a Japanese person writing a gay romance with full intention is nothing new at all, it’s tiring that a lot of people doesn’t understand. (This is not exclusive to Japan of course though) People really out there thinking lgbtq+ is a forced western concept or something. The sad thing is even people who ships SNS shows this attitude by saying stuff like “Kishimoto wrote SNS on accident”.
Yeah it's quite sad isn't it? There's a reason why I say people who deny SNS with such insistence, who make a full fledged crusade out of it, are guided by heteronormativity and ingrained homophobic bias, sometimes even without their conscious knowledge. Lack of self awareness and introspection combined with lack of knowledge and instinct inform these beliefs.
How do you counter it? Talk about it. Educate. Inform. A lot of fans, western or not, suffer from these types of biases. For Western fans, euro centrism, which again is such an ingrained thought pattern, plays a major role in their assumptions about eastern or Asian countries, their socio cultural backgrounds and history. There was a time when a large number of academic anthropological papers were discredited because of this same reason. That these western academics would willy nilly judge and measure every other culture that they couldn't relate with, with their own socio politico cultural yardsticks. Which invalidated these research and findings. A hell lot of academic ethical discourse was published on this issue.
It's so easy to project what you think and believe on things that are different from your reality. It's an important issue, a crucial one. In order to understand and judge how other cultures and societies function. It's not to say that one has to agree and approve everything that others believe or do. But what is certainly the most basic requirement is to know. First and foremost. To learn about them grounded in their own reality. To be an impartial spectator. To intervene or not is another matter, which requires deep thought, leading to another set of deeply moral and ethical queries that need to be answered first.
But at least, find out. Learn. Read. It's so easy to find out. Everything is just one click away. This is a fandom. What a great conglomeration, what a great platform to learn and imbibe. In theory. But instead of taking advantage, fans stick to their guns mindlessly. It's sad, yes. SNS who think it's accidental simply don't want to learn how storytelling works. How narrative and visual language work. That storytelling can be implicit and layered. And not everything needs to be said in the exact words that they want to hear. All one needs is an inclination to learn. Like my dude Socrates said - "It's better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied."
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 2 years
Hello again! It's dragonfly anon here! And after reading more about Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian's relationship, I ccouldn't help but notice that their relationship is pretty much what me and a friend of mine had going on for 3 years until I eventually decided to cut ties with her.
I was Wei Wuxian in this scenario, and, by the heavens do I understand his feelings more than ever. Where you are the only person who gives and gives more of yourself just to please others until eventually you are nothing more than an emotional slave, being tied to whatever genuine feelings you once had for the person that now tries to keep you in a leash, living in a perfect fantasy to suit their needs.
Much like Jiang Cheng, this friend of mine was only ever satisfied when i did things her way, and if i was better than her, or didn't reach her expectations, I was suddendly the one in the wrong. I couldn't have more friends, otherwise i was picking others over her, I couldn't do better in classes, because then I was shaming her, and oh boy dare I like someone romantically.
This is kind of a vent but also just me understanding Wei Wuxian more than ever and just being happy that he also got to be free. Specially with someone who loves and is the to support him like Lan Wangji!
I still haven't found my own Lan Zhan, but I have time and I have new friends and my family to support me, but I still wanted to share this little piece here because as someone who was in a similiar situation to Wei wuxian, it pains me to see people belittle his feelings over Jiang Cheng. I don't really mind if people create AU's and such, these are fictional characters after all, but when talking about canon JC as if WWX was in the wrong? People gotta be ready to catch my fucking fists because I'm coming for them, no one hurts my son in my presence.
But yeah your post yesterday was also a very enlightening and I truly had to lay down and have my onw "Oh" moment because, oof it hit right in the feels. Anyways love you and your posts and they always bring me so much joy! (Tho I have to read SVSSS now to help fend off your blog against nasty haters, gonna start my research soon!)
Dragonfly out! - 🐉🦋
I am very happy about this, Dragonfly!
I do think what keeps Mo Dao Zu Shi so great as a reread over and over is because it has such a great underlying social commentary through it's characters on very human relationships and how none of those can really be neatly tied up for endings. I do see how those ends can be lackluster, since the end of a fall out of an extremely bad relationship is not supposed to always be cathartic. Sometimes you just have to move on yourself and live even if they're stuck in the past.
I do think Wei Wuxian is an amazingly written literary character, he wouldn't be as magnetic in fandom if it wasn't for how well written he is as a protagonist. The work meticulously works it's way through to show, that whatever mistakes that yes, Wei Wuxian may have made, he learned and grew from that and became more world aware without letting that jade his optimism for people. It takes a lot of strength to go through hell and still say you want others, and yourself, to remember the happy times over the hard. His mistakes and regrets are there, but he doesn't let them keep him from being levelheaded or realistic about the world he is in.
Vindication is very easy to feel, but he is just not that type of character to try to attempt that through by the end.
I'm glad my posts keep you entertained! For as moody and sarcastic as I can be, I try to let that be the crux of what I post here without the filters of fandom lenses. Fandom is fun to explore the what if's for! But maybe I'm a little bit old school and like to separate it from the canon of the texts and what we are given to actually decipher from that. As writers say plenty of times, sometimes don't think too much about a certain part since it's not the part meant to be focused on for the themes.
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Jjk isn't really one of my favorite manga, mostly just following it because of "I already got this far" mentality, and I can't really say I recommend it to anyone. But still the fandom is just so unpleasant to be around, it really seem almost everyone actually just hate this series and it's author and not in a fun, jokey "curse you writter" way, like genuinely they don't like any of it and that is just not a good felling to fell each and every week.
Oh, I completely understand. It's not a good feeling. I find that I don't interact much with anyone in any fandom I'm in because sometimes there's attitudes like that. (In the case of JJK, I haven't really followed or talked to anybody like that since I'm just picking it back up.)
I totally get being upset about your favorite character going through really bad times, I myself get upset when it happens. But sometimes, the unpleasantness gets too much to handle.
I thought fandoms were an escape from the unpleasantness of real life, you know. An escape to actually enjoy something.
But nowadays, it seems a lot of people are too quick to wish death on and send threats to someone.
Maybe it's just me, but I couldn't spend my time going into Gege Akatumi's inbox with threats (which, sadly, I'm sure some people have done within the past two or so days) because I know I wouldn't like it done to me.
What's crazy is, I'm sure people who have done that have written fanfics where they pretty much torture those same characters they "care about", even in worse ways than that character's original creator. It kinda gives me "It's okay if I do it, but not you" energy.
Look, I may get upset at what I see my faves go through, but those characters are not mine and the original creator can do whatever they want with them. I say this because as someone with her own characters, I don't want anyone telling me what to do with my characters. If I hate it so much, I just write fanfiction and call it a day. I can hate the creator that way.
Again, just me I'm sure, but it seems nowadays in fandoms there's more hostility towards creators and fans being produced than fun headcanons, fluff and fix-it fics.
I'm more of a "here's some fun times" writer because I don't want to think about what the hell canon is putting me through and I just want to smile and I want the same for others who read my fics.
Not saying everyone should go this route. Not saying no one should be complaining. Do that, sometimes those frustrations need to be let out. I can see wishing someone make better writing decisions, alright. Sometimes, there are bad writing decisions due to shock value and other reasons and it's a hit or miss. Not saying people shouldn't be mad at Gege or any other mangaka or writer or director or any other creator.
It's how that anger is being directed.
It's just... wishing harm to someone over fiction seems extreme to me. I think I would just rather drop the series. I rather write fix-it fics. I rather even write a whole complaint post.
But imagining fans sending me threats or opening up social media to see posts of people going "wish the creator off themselves for killing my fave" constantly... that would discourage me from even working on my story and probably end said story. Or make even worse writing decisions.
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plumbus-central · 1 year
How did you develop your art style? Like how did you find your own voice in your art?
Oh what an interesting question, I never expected to asked abt my art!
Honestly i took a while to think abt this question, and I think a lot i've done about developing my own art style came from seeing things i liked in other people's art and copying it lol.
For instance when i was in the [REDACTED] fandom when i was a young teen there was a very popular artist who used gradients in their work to add depth and color and i liked it a lot, so i started doing it in my work too.
A few years ago i started following an artist and really liked their work bc they had such a strong grasp of color, shape, gesture, and line. And they used these strong, thick lines to fill out the form of their work, but i noticed that the lines often didn't touch and that it didn't matter bc you could still understand and make out the form of whatever they drew just fine. So i decided to stop worrying abt MY lines touching either lol. which is how i ended up with those sort of ghost constructions of figures and shapes i do sometimes.
I can vividly remember seeing a comic on tumblr ONCE where i saw a character have just a line for a mouth that went off their face and i just stared at that panel for a while trying to figure out why i liked it so much lol until i realized it was their expression that i liked. So i kept that in my head, and a few years later i realized that i had started using it in my art too.
Another aspect that has influenced my art is exploring other media and being challenged by my own interests. Like when i was a teen i was very into steven universe and my own ocs. which was fine but didn't challenge me too much artistically. Then in college i got into bojack horseman, and specifically my favorite character was herb kazzaz, a short, fat man with a beard. Completely out of my comfort zone to draw, but i wanted to draw him so bad! so i figured it out!
(some of u might actually be familiar w/ my boajck horseman sideblog @hambone-fakenameington , it hasnt been updated in a while cause im on that rick and morty shit right now lol). But now i have to skills to draw these things by way of my interests in the character.
My fixation with rick and morty was actually so strong at first that i was drawing like crazy, which eventually taught me to focus on and hone my skills with gesture, thumbnailing, and composition bc i wanted to draw so many ideas at once that i couldn't spend too long on each one. (and it also gave me lots of practice). Thanks to my interest in R&M ive also developed skills in drawing very skinny bodies lol, but also on pushing expressions and gestures to extremes that i never used to!
Hell even just trying to figure out how to take features and details from characters in something and translate them into YOUR style can be a big learning and growing experience. (u can see in my old art it took me a while to get rick to look right)
So i guess the overall is that seeking out and consuming media is always important bc you can take a lot of inspiration from something without even realizing it. (honestly if ur feeling stagnant in ur art watching/reading something new can be a good way to jog ur brain). And taking a good look at the art you enjoy and trying to figure out WHY u like it, and what elements are stick out to u. Then seeing if you can bring those elements into ur own art and see if it's successful to u to explore it.
as far as voice goes um.... i guess what's become important to me is that u gotta know when to cut corners lol. like a hand doesn't ALWAYS need to be perfectly formed, like it can be a squiggle and it might even look better for it. sometimes loose and sloppy looks good for what ur doing and sometimes heavily defined and carefully lined work is necessary but i gotta remember that the clean art is built on the back of the sloppy studies. and stray lines, warped perspective, and unaligned facial elements can give a lot of character to a work that might otherwise seem bland and stiff.
thank you so much for the question it was fun to take a look at my work and reflect on how i got to what i have as a style now! R&M has honestly done A TON for my art style and drawing abilities that i didn't realize till now.
Also worth mentioning bc i forget how much of my life i share w/ you guys but i also have BFA in Illustration with a focus in Animation Arts and Sequential Art.
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sparepartsthrowaway · 2 months
Intro Post Thingie
Hi! If you can't read the bio this is a spam account :3
I will be reposting the fuck out of everything I like bc I need to stop being a pussy and actually show the brilliant creative people of this hell site that I LOVE THEM bc I know that even if just one of them simply stopped making art and fanfics I'd mourn them like a lost loved one bc I would know I killed them
Anyways away from that dramatic ass paragraph (it's currently 01:24am as I make this post forgive me)
I'll also maybe perhaps post my own art. Maybe. BC I love drawing and I wanna actually make friends and interact with the fandoms I'm in instead of being that freak in the corner who is Just There but doesn't talk.
I forgot I haven't actually introduced myself! My name is Lars (not really but also my name is unique as fuck I do not want to have some old pervert on my door BC I didn't like a popular ship not that any of you are old perverts but you get my drift) (I would love to use my irl name especially with he/him pronouns BC I love it but also I'm not sharing my uncommon ass name here 😭 although you'll never find me BC all my online accounts HAVE CRAZY WEIRD NAMES MWUHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAH)
I use she/her/he/him/they/them pronouns :3
I'm aroace and autistic :3 (just like Thrawn 😈)
I love Star wars soooo much (my favourite character is Thrawn if you couldn't tell.) so that'll be mostly the thing I'll repost and also I literally did my college exam for graphic communication on making a star wars comic with my evil lesbian oc so I'm that insane.
Um I'm 18 and Scorpio but idk why you need that please don't curse me
and I'm in uni rn so I'll either be dead as hell or here 24/7 begging for friends BC I'll have none irl especially BC I'm moving so fucking far away from my irl friends (minus one hallelujah but she's still 2 hours away booooooo) ALSO ILL BE GOING ABROAD FOR A YEAR SOMEWHERE BC I'M STUDYING HISTORY SO LIKE...IF WE'RE BESTIES ILL LATCH ONTO YOU LIKE A LOVABLE LIMPET IF YOU LIVE THERE :D (please speak to me I feel like I'm missing out on the fun of having online friends but I deadass don't know how to make them especially if I've followed you for ages like that's like I'm constantly at your parties, ignoring you, and then coming over to tell you that I want to be friends (it's probably not that dramatic but still))
Fuck me I am RAMBLING!!!!!
All this to say this is my junkyard of love please enjoy and also I'll have a tagging system if this hell site actually works for once :3
Tumblr media
Love you pookies 😘
Also I made a kin post somewhere so ig look at it and decide if you wanna talk to me lol (please talk to me)
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theminecraftbee · 3 years
i am on my knees and holding your hands in my own shaking ones and im trying to kiss ur knuckles but i cant see shit through the tears. im so happy. im so so happy im gonna be freaking out for literally months. you dont Know how happy i am theres literally no way to describe this happiness god. god. good god god god i love you i love your work. your thoughts. black box has my whole heart you don't get it im gonna cry. fuck
also i would love to know why its never getting finished if u dont mind talking abt it. which u dont cause u alluded to asking abt it in the tags but yk.
i am so glad you are happy. honestly a bit worth it to post the scary unfinished thing to post for the fact that a few people are happy about it (and getting to hear a few friends ramble at me about it one last time, hahaha.)
as for why i won't finish it... the easy answer is "sometimes i just stall out on writing/doing something and often when that happens i cannot get the machine to start again". however there are also several like... concrete reasons. reasons i'm going to put under the cut with a warning of "there are a few fandom salt-y things that are happening here so if you don't want to see that, look away".
so the easiest to identify reason this won't be long? yeah it'd have to be WAY longer than black box. you saw how glacial the early pacing is, and there was still a lot i needed to get through. the length started getting daunting and like... that chilled me a bit on writing it, especially as i started getting distracted by other things.
the next reason is... hm. i don't know if i like how it plays next to the actual prison arc. something something, i played it dead straight and dark in ways that the actual prison arc did not... which is wild, given that the prison arc is one of the darkest arcs of the dsmp. but you know, somehow i did. and i knew i was doing it when i wrote it! i knew it would be way darker than the dsmp itself would actually play! but at the same time, the combination of "i am taking this really seriously" and "but the character who was actually in the prison is the villain of this fic" makes it all play... weirdly. it's weird. i have mixed emotions.
i have mixed emotions about some of my writing too that i won't get into just know "i like parts a lot i don't like parts a lot". i will say that i am still the only person who can write techno's chat even reading this now,
but also... honestly? the tommy stuff.
so i like c!tommy. i also like c!techno. i am aware black box is mostly popular with techno enjoyers. i know tommy is not currently well-liked by a lot of techno enjoyers. i know i couldn't write some of techno and tommy's relationship here - ESPECIALLY the argument they have when tommy leaves, in which both of them are meant to be wrong to some extent - without having a few people yell at me for it. and like... maybe no one would have yelled at me. lord knows that my fears of people yelling at me for daring to put character death in stuffed bird have not come to pass. but at the same time... the way the fandom acts around tommy and techno is exhausting.
and the only way to rectify that would have been to gut something kinda core to what i was writing, which is to say, that everyone's messy, fucked-up relationships as a result of what had happened were core and tommy and techno's was one of them. and that their relationship is messy. and neither of them are wrong, they're just messy, a thing that i don't trust people to like, get. so that... soured me on writing it, a little bit.
(god i wish c!techno wasn't the single biggest lynchpin of controversy on the dsmp. god i wish that my funny little blorbo was someone i could talk about in this fandom without it becoming a lightningrod of. whatever the hell techno discourse has become at this point. alas. ...you may be getting a sense for why i'm not super interested in the dsmp anymore, alongside the fact that i flat out do not believe them when they say they're going to do things anymore.)
uh, other than that, some of the other ones include "i disagree with what wilbur did with ghostbur and was going to just ignore that and am still just going to ignore that into the future, but that was important", "sbi in general is sure a thing", "i have some mixed emotions about the fact that parts of the ending of this universe arguably end up better than the dsmp does given the catalyst for it", and "canon after i started writing suggests ranboo should be somewhere but hell if i know where".
anyway that's all probably STILL secondary to "this thing would probably need at least another 30k words and that's probably what ultimately stalled me out in the end, glacial pacing and the needed length". but as you can see, there are also... other things.
ultimately i did end up taking your anon suggestion, i think sharing what i had was a good idea and i'm glad people liked it (and seem to like what i was planning on doing with it), even if i can't really bring myself to finish writing it anymore! so that's good.
(finally, disclaimer: please don't use this to bounce off and ask me any dsmp discourse-y questions, because i just won't answer them on this blog. lol. i just figured i could give this answer and explain a bit of where my dsmp stuff went.)
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