#sometimes with other people around. as a treat
kingofbodyrolls · 3 days
7 Summers at the Sea | bts | series masterlist
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Spending the summer by the sea might bring with it more than just the sweet summer breeze of the salty ocean.
→ AUs: mermaid!au (they are mermen!), fantasy, magical → Genres: slice of life, humor/crack, drama, smut and fluff → Rating: mature/explicit/R18 (this is mature/explicit content, so minors, please do not interact.) → Taglist: do you want to be added to the taglist? Just drop a comment or send an ask (remember to tell me if you want to be tagged in all, one or more members). → Read on AO3 → Author’s note: hi!!!! I love mermaid stories, and I don’t think there’s enough out there, so here’s me creating my own 🧜 This is a collection of mermaid stories for each member of bangtan! They are one-shots and stand-alone, but operate in the same universe ✨
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🌊Namjoon You’ve been searching for gemstones deep on the seabed— having found a broken piece of blue calcite. Searching for the missing piece, you find it and much more with the blue tailed merman Namjoon while on a deep dive in a hidden cave. → Deep Dive [TBA]
🌊Seokjin Life as a mermaid is wonderful, especially when your merman boyfriend, Seokjin, treats you just right. But you’re beginning to recall memories that you don’t think are yours from life on land— from a past life maybe? When you do realize that the memories are in fact your own, the world comes tumbling down around you, questioning your very existence. Are you even a real mermaid? → When it Sinks In [TBA]
🌊Yoongi TBA → The End Will Come [TBA]
🌊Hoseok TBA→ Forelsket [TBA]
🌊Jimin You don’t really enjoy your work on a trawler, but it pays the rent. When you hear some ruckus out of the deck, you go out to investigate, only to be met by an unreal sight: a blonde merman with a sparkly golden tail caught in the net, struggling to get free. → To Catch a Merman [TBA]
🌊Taehyung TBA → Moonglade [TBA]
🌊Jungkook When your childhood friend that you had a crush on, moved away out of the blue— you never thought you’d see him again. A night swim in the ocean will have you feeling delusional, but the voice that fills your ears— sweet like cotton candy, you’d recognize that voice anywhere, it’s Jungkook. → Till We Meet Again [11.4k]
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I don’t plan to have them all ready this summer, lol 😂 But they are all in the works, with my other 100+ wips (I really don’t have that many, I’m just exaggerating).
The list will be updated as I post them ✨ 
Also, please, do let me know if you’re excited— I’m struggling with posting and sometimes I feel like there’s no point in posting, because people don’t engage (= I’m losing motivation is what I’m saving).
Are you ready to take a swim? 🌊🧜
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wordsvomit101 · 2 days
I would put him as a "sad old man" on my contact list if I were MC.
Sometimes I gotta be a bit petty for MC cause they don't do it for themself. Credits to @shyanimeboi and their friend on X: https://x.com/shyanimeboi/status/1795183592961655077/video/4
Warnings: Sexual content, complicated brainstorming about guilt and legacy.
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Of course, you would say that- No but honestly, I would be pissed as hell if he said that to me directly, cause sir your brother lowkey put MC's parent on the news, made their friend see his ancestor temporarily, and then almost put them in the casket as well. It's a miracle that they do not blindly hate everything relating to angels at this point. (Although I'm glad that you at least find closure from it you dismal oldster ╮(─_─)╭)
It's a little heartwarming that he shows that he still loves his brothers a lot, given how he said: "traces that Gabriel is alive and well". It got me thinking about how it could very likely mean that he believes at some point in the future, either the other kings kill his brothers or Lucifer will have to choose between Hell (repentance) and his love for them when put in a corner he cannot back out, and with him being the Sin of Pride, I don't think he would either.
Also, if he is happy just by seeing the brand alone then his brothers either avoid attacking Paradise Lost personally or he didn't face them directly after he told off Michael more than 100 years ago and he did say that he "can no longer meet to ask how he is doing".
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This first option seems like something Solomon would say. As his descendant, how MC presents themself in the daily chats and some of their options are probably the closest we get to see how Solomon would act when he was still around. An example would be how they question the goofy 3 rules policy in Paradise Lost that was set by the nobles, I will admit, I didn't think of that either. I was affected by the devoted behaviors of the nobles from both the event and the beginning of the prologue, in turn, I put Lucifer on an unreachable pedestal and I love that MC boldly questioned it and presented their opinions and rationale that bring Lucifer closer to the player and shows more air-headed sides to the nobles. They bring new perspectives and challenge the assumptions albeit in a small but significant way. I love it, I hope they do it more in the future.
He also finally said it, the holy words of every prideful bastard I know on media, "How dare you", it took 4 chats but we finally got here.
How he process his brothers' wrongdoings and his own? Very understandable and something, in my opinion, most victims would rather want to get from their offenders' family members, acceptance and acknowledgment of the issues and the damage that was done, and a genuine effort to do the right things. Familial love is very complicated, and it is… difficult to hate and condemn someone you come to love first naturally in your life. I think Lucifer, besides God (but also not really), first loves his brothers, probably the first angel to do so for their kind, and by reading the Seraphs’ comics it clearly shows how they either don’t care or hate each other guts yet still capable of loving Lucifer. He raised them, he's both their brother and their second parental figure, and he show them love outside of their devotion to God.
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And how he addresses them in the chat, he calls each one of them a "child", he was being very quietly affectionate by focuses on their well-being when he saw the brand on MC. He also only does this with them and Gamigin, so it is clear how he sees them from a caretaker standpoint (the allegation of him being born in his 30s and raising his brothers is not so far-fetched now, honestly, he is the true dilf here, not God). He knows his brothers ruining other people's lives but when they turn around and love and treat him so dearly that it can feel like what they have done to others is an illusion.
When that illusion doesn't cloud his judgment and beliefs anymore? It will hurt and it can feel like his perception of his brothers are lie. It can be easy to deny the first time but since it happens again and again he has to accept the change and it ain't gonna feel great to realize how he is not the bystander here and directly or indirectly enable his brothers' atrocities (maybe join them in it too at some point, but this is just my thoughts). It gonna rewire how he views a lot of things and it gonna run back from the beginning to the current time, and with how long Lucifer lived? That's rough buddy.
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Now, humans are insignificant in these guys' eyes and a single death is nothing to them in the vast universe, yes, but like Lucifer said, God made humans and with how he said it after that, humanity is a part of God's legacy. Legacy is fundamental to what it is to be human to many, something to be carved on their graves and will at the end of their time, it also helps people who live beyond them to remember and let their spirits or unconscious presence remain on the world. So despite humanity in the grand scheme of things, humans are still the work of God. By referring to God as "Our Father," besides asserting his connection, he also indirectly extends that connection to humans. It suggests a shared lineage and inherent value in all of God's creations.
If I interpret what Lucifer said correctly, then the duty of the Seraphim has always been to protect and care for all beings created by God, ensuring the preservation of His legacy. This duty encompasses all creations, whether great or small, beautiful or flawed. To destroy these creations and leave only themselves as His legacy would be a betrayal of their responsibility. A legacy, regardless of its nature, is not to be forcefully erased. Those who seek to erase it tarnish the very legacy they are meant to safeguard and were entrusted to honor.
So if they can't even accept all of God's legacy, no wonder why they can easily go hunt down every single child of one (1) man they are jealous of. Perhaps this is my speculation on what they did with Solomon, who seemed resigned to being forgotten by the devils in chapter 5. They sought to erase his entire bloodline, his descendants, and his legacy, ultimately aiming to make him extinct from the world (like how poachers do it toward endangered animals). For someone like Solomon, this, in my opinion, could be the most terrible fate for him. I honestly wouldn't put it past God's plan to make MC a part of this war for Solomon.
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This option is more like the canon MC than the Solomon option from before. They felt more personal here in their anger.
The desensitization for guilt and emotional detachment is strong in this. Lucifer acknowledges the gravity and permanence of the sins he and his brothers have committed and accepts that he must coexist with his guilt and remorse, but how he goes around with it is mostly for himself. Lucifer mentions that he "voluntarily fell to Hell", a form of self-punishment despite his brothers' protests (but also calling Hell the starting point of sadness is wild cause honestly? Not that wrong, I can't see truly happy devils, and if there is, their development happened off-screen).
Lucifer’s remark that the MC is "not that meaningful enough yet" is his emotional detachment from others. His focus remains on his own internal experiences rather than on the perspectives or forgiveness of others. This detachment suggests that his pursuit of guilt is inward-focused, rather than being about seeking forgiveness or redemption through the eyes of others. Selfish and very prideful, very fitting for the Sin of Pride. The idea that Lucifer is almost addicted to the feeling of guilt points to a self-destructive aspect of his personality. It indicates that he may be using guilt as a way to continually punish himself or a way to keep feeling alive through suffering.
Now this leads to my next point:
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Lucifer's search for guilt and remorse indicates a need for intense emotional experiences. Witnessing someone cry, especially if he has caused the tears, could provide a powerful emotional release or catharsis for him. This could momentarily alleviate his own feelings of guilt by transferring some of that emotional burden onto others.
Control. By inducing tears in others, he might be exerting a form of control that he lacks in his own life. This dynamic could satisfy a deep-seated need to reclaim some semblance of power over emotional outcomes.
Witnessing tears might serve as a mirror to his own inner turmoil. It externalizes the pain and suffering he feels internally, allowing him to confront it more tangibly. This externalization can create a twisted sense of connection or empathy, aligning with his need to constantly grapple with guilt.
Lucifer's enjoyment of seeing others cry could be intertwined with his own cycle of punishment and redemption. Inflicting emotional pain might be a way for him to project his self-loathing and need for atonement onto others. It creates a scenario where he can experience the aftermath of guilt without direct self-harm.
Causing others to cry could validate Lucifer's sense of guilt and reinforce his belief that he is deserving of punishment. This validation can be perversely satisfying, as it confirms his self-perception as someone who commits unforgivable sins.
Tears are often a sign of vulnerability. Seeing someone in a state of emotional rawness might create a sense of intimacy that Lucifer finds alluring. This intimacy could particularly appeal to someone who feels isolated by guilt and sins.
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Imagine Raider!Cult!Joel...
Dub con, public sex, ritualistic sex, bukake, Tommy watches <3 gay shit ahead if you want more
We love raider Joel don't we??
So many wonderful version of him!!!
I've written a few, playing with different dynamics and I've seen sooooo many cool ideas. Such a creative and fun fandom
but imagine Joel as a raider doing pretty well for himself. He finds people respect him. He's capable, smart, calm... and handsome.
Maybe Tommy is his right hand man. Definetly the most personalable while Joel remains mysterious. He gathers a small following, mostly of men but some families. Maybe they settle somewhere, but they never stop raiding.
Thing is theres just sooooooooo many helpless people out there!!! Orphans he finds families to take care of them, and they contribute to the group in their own ways. Young men he trains so they can be raiders. Most are able to learn, to push aside that guilt in exchange for a warm bed... some simply aren't cut out for the job, and Joel tell the others they descided to leave. No goodbyes and all that.
Women depend. Many have special skills, especially older women. Medical is important, farming, clothes making etc. Hell, a handful became raiders too. Some who are younger and seem useful, Joel will play a little matchmaker. Keeping the world alive and repopulating... well he didn't exactly need a love match.
Sometimes, though, Joel would come across a young lady who was just... useless. Little to no skills, nothing of use...
That was you. He was certain he'd kill you or leave you for dead after taking everything you had... but he was merciful
Joel offered you a choice. You coul come with him, join the small group of women in his home. You would be used as stress relief for him and sometimes the other men if he felt they deserved it or needed a moral boost. He assured you they wouln't partake in violence, you wouldn't end up like so many others with raiders... just be good, and you'll remain fed and warm
First he's gotta make sure you're up to standard.
But Joel doesn't just take you to the house, he had Tommy gather up the men
Joel makes sure to make it slow. Piece of clothing by piece, inspecting your body. He treats you like a lamb, deciding to buy you or not. Makes sure you're tender and clean and sensative. Makes sure the meat is right where it needs to be. He must've liked what he saw.
You're naked and bare to all the men with hungry eyes, but Joel keeps your focus and he manipulates your body to where he wants it to be.
Joel doesn't shy away from keeping his cock in full view. He doesn't care that the men see it. He wants them to see. The physical manifestation of his power.
He fucks you there, while everyone watches, stroking their cocks. Porn videos had been gone nearly 20 years, this is what they had.
Joel fucked you with no shame, chosing positions that put both you and him on full display. When he put you on your back, Joel made no attempt to cove you up. Instead, he let the men see as every thrust of of his hips made your breasts bounce.
He took your legs, grabbing you by the ankles and spreading your feet wide in the air. He wanted to make sure everyone could see how he stretched you open.
Joel invites them closer. Tommy, the boldest, reaches out to wipe a tear from your eyes. But you aren't sad, you're intoxicated, overwhelmed with thankfullness to be chosen as you cum on his cock
Joel makes sure to let everyone know you came.
After he comes inside you little hole with a growl, Joel disengages from you, stepping off the twin bed
the men swarm in around you
They all cum on your body (but not your face), when one man finishes another takes his place, coating your skin in the cream
You must've taken 30 loads when it was all done
Joel pinches your cheeks. "You belong to me now"
You couldn't be happier
This got much longer than I anitipated so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh more to come lol. I was initially thinking Joel with a harem but then things went cray
Reblog, comment, send asks if you wanna hear about the actual harem part
if you like culty joel please check out Devotion by @noxturnalpascal !!!!
And of course, shout out to @toxicanonymity for raider Joel, which is what got me into writing dark in the first place
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damiansgoodgirll · 24 hours
Can i request a Damian Priest x girlfriend reader where reader gets mad with Damian and the rest of judgement day for the way they treat R Truth. so she defends Truth much to Damian's dismay.
pls i love r-truth so much
damian priest x reader
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not fair
“i’m just saying, the way you guys are treating him it’s not fair” you tried to excuse damian’s behaviour towards r-truth.
you’ve always liked him.
he was fun. a gentle soul to be around and he always treated you right. he had nothing against you even if you were damian’s girlfriend.
he wanted to be part of the judgment day too. you didn’t know why. why someone kind and honest like him wanted to be part of the most cheating faction.
yet, it would have been fun to see him with the group but the way they were treating him, especially your boyfriend was making you mad.
“we don’t need new members in the group…” he tried to explain himself.
“yet you let jd in” it’s not that you didn’t like jd, you just didn’t see the value of having him in the group when there were more talented wrestlers in the business.
“just because finn wanted him, he’s part of the team and he wanted jd in…no one in our team wants r-truth in tho…” damian said again.
“i want r-truth in! do you know how funny that would be?” you tried to explain again.
“but y/n, you’re not a part of the group…not anymore”
“so my opinion doesn’t matter?”
yes, due to an injury sustained while you were still one of the original members of the judgment day along side with damian, rhea and edge, you had to quit wrestling to give your body time to recover.
only fact it’s been years now and your body hasn’t recovered yet.
you didn’t leave the wwe. you were still ringside to every member’s match, helping them as you could. you were backstage interviewing other wrestlers when you could, so, a part of you was happy that you didn’t have to leave but you wished that your group would consider your opinion a little more.
“no love its not that…your opinion matters…”
you scoffed “to who? it doesn’t seem like that it matters to you damian…i’m just saying you should consider the idea of having someone like in the group…people love him, he’s fun and hilarious and he makes people laugh…”
“we are the judgment day y/n, we don’t need to make people laugh, i’m pretty sure that adding him in the group would only make us look ridiculous…” damian said.
“whats going on here? we’ve been hearing you talking all the way down to the corridor…is everything okay?” finn said entering the locker room along side with dom and rhea.
“y/n was just trying to convince us or just me, to have r-truth in the group” damian said making the other two guys laugh.
you didn’t think it was that funny. they just didn’t want to see your point of view.
“why would we have to y/n?” rhea said. she was your best friend but sometime she couldn’t understand why you would get such weird ideas.
“for the millionth time…he’s a likeable person, people love him, i like him too, he’s funny and kind and he would bring a different tone to the group…i just think that he would be perfect as a new member of the group…he’s different and he proved to you many times he wants to be a part of the group…so why not?”
“that’s absolute nonsense y/n” rhea said, finn and dom agreeing with her. damian too.
“okay fine, do what you want. i’m tired of talking with ghosts…” you said leaving the room.
you’ve been supporting their crazy and nonsense ideas since you’ve left the group. but having them laughing on you just because you had a good idea wasn’t fair.
that day you talked to r-truth, explaining him that you tried your best to have him in the group but that they wouldn’t listen as they thought that your opinion didn’t matter anymore.
you loved the group.
damian was your boyfriend. rhea was your best friend. but sometimes you couldn’t go along with their ideas and most of the times you ended up fighting over stupid things.
“why don’t you join me and the miz ringside?” r-truth proposed to you “you’re too funny for the judgment day anyway” he said making you laugh.
“that’s a complete different role from what i had in the judgment day…”
“i know. you had to help them win, cheating of course. you had to cover for their lies and mistakes and even if that’s what the group is about, even if you can’t wrestle anymore, i’m pretty sure that there’s still something more than you could do…i’m not saying you should officially leave the group, i’m just saying, come ringside in one of our matches and see what happens, maybe that would change your mind” he said smiling at you before leaving.
once you were back at the hotel, you thought about the proposal.
maybe you should have given a try.
“hey…i’ve been looking for you everywhere” damian said before sitting next to you on the bed.
“yeah…i talked with r-truth…”
“i imagined it…” he whispered.
“he said that maybe i should leave the judgement day and join him and the miz…”
“what did you say?” he asked you.
“ that I have to think about it…but damian please, think about that too. my opinions are no longer welcomed in the group and honestly i just feel like a burden and you’re my boyfriend and we keep constantly fighting over stupid things and…and if leaving the group means that you and i or rhea and i are not gonna fight anymore then i’m okay with that…” you explained.
damian was watching you. “i don’t like the idea of you leaving the group honestly…but i can tell you are no longer happy with us…so if that makes you happy then go for it”
“you guys make me so happy, but i don’t feel respected anymore…”
“we’ve been hard with you, i know that. honestly i’m not fond of jd too” he said making you laugh “and your ideas are always brilliant it’s just that maybe they aren’t brilliant for our group? you are my girlfriend and in these years i kinda got to know you…you’re always looking for new things, new adventures and that’s something i love about you…don’t let our ideas discourage you to do so mi amor” damian said, trying to justify his shitty behaviour of before.
“i just wished we could do those brilliant ideas together as a group but sometimes my idea aren’t meant for everyone and i get that…i just wished you guys had a better way to express that tho…” you said, still offended by how they treated you before.
“i know and i’m so sorry about that. our tones hadn’t been nice and i apologise for that mi amor, disculpame…” he apologised, softly taking your hands in his bigger ones and kissing them.
“you’re excused…” you smiled.
“think about his proposal and do what is best for you, at the end of the day it’s me you’re coming home too, and i couldn’t be happier” he said, making you genuinely smile.
damian supported you, no matter what and that was everything for you.
bonus gif :
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cera-writes · 2 days
Requesting Nightcrawler with a mutant who prefers animals to people. They tolerate and later fall for Kurt because he treats everyone and everything around him with gentleness and genuine care.
A/N: thanks for requesting this! I think we can all agree Kurt is a huge lover of animals <3 Pairing: Kurt Wagner x gn!reader Tags: Introvert/extrovert friendship, developing feelings, mutual respect, empathy, animal communication, feeling like an outsider, found family
Kindred Spirits
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The Danger Room hummed as it deactivated, the acrid tang of burnt wires filling the air. You sank against the deactivated training bot, massaging your temples. Another grueling session of hand-to-hand combat left you feeling drained. You weren't built for close-quarters fights. Your mutation, while interesting, wasn't exactly combat-oriented. You could converse with animals, understand their thoughts and emotions. A skill that, you often felt, was wasted in the X-Mansion's focus on battle.
A soft thud caught your attention. Nightcrawler perched on the bot beside you, his tail swishing gently. "Rough session?" he asked, his voice laced with concern that felt genuine, a rarity amongst the boisterous X-Men.
You shrugged, a low sigh escaping your lips. "It's not my forte." Truthfully, it wasn't just the fighting. You yearned for the quiet companionship of animals, a yearning your fellow X-Men didn't quite understand. They found solace in training, in the camaraderie of shared experiences. You craved the solitude of the woods, the gentle understanding of a curious deer or a wise old owl.
Nightcrawler tilted his head, his yellow eyes filled with empathy. "I understand," he said softly. "Sometimes, the chaos can be overwhelming. Even for someone who thrives on it."
You glanced at him, surprised. "You get it?"
"Of course," he chuckled, a sound like wind chimes. "Being different can sometimes make you feel like you don't belong. But that doesn't make you any less valuable."
His words struck a chord. You'd always felt like an outsider, more comfortable deciphering the chirps of sparrows than the banter of humans. Yet, there was Nightcrawler, a walking embodiment of "different," accepting you with open arms.
The following weeks saw an unexpected friendship blossom. You found yourself drawn to Nightcrawler's quiet gentleness. He wasn't just kind to people, but to everything around him. You watched him patiently soothe a scared kitty in a back alley, his voice a soothing murmur that calmed even the most agitated beast. He spoke to stray dogs on the city's streets, his words eliciting happy tail wags. You, the introvert, found yourself drawn out of your shell, enjoying the quiet conversations you shared with him, the gentle teasing tinged with a genuine respect that warmed your heart.
One afternoon at the park, you found him by the koi pond, his blue form a stark contrast to the vibrant fish. You approached hesitantly, your voice barely a whisper. "What are you doing?"
He looked up, a smile gracing his pointed features. "Just admiring the silence," he said, gesturing to the fish. "They have such a peaceful energy, don't they?"
You sat beside him, drawn to his peaceful aura. You confessed your introversion, your longing for the quiet companionship of animals. The words that usually felt awkward tumbled out easily, unburdened by judgment.
He listened intently, his expression filled with understanding. "Many find strength in crowds," he said softly, "but there's nothing wrong with finding solace in solitude. It's a different kind of strength, but strength nonetheless." He met your gaze with his warm yellow eyes. "And your ability to connect with animals," he continued, "that's a gift, Mein Freund. It shows a depth of empathy most people can only dream of."
His words filled you with a newfound sense of confidence. For the first time, you saw your introversion not as a weakness, but as a strength. And your connection with animals, a skill often scoffed at by others, was a gift.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the pond, you leaned your head against his shoulder, a silent gesture of gratitude. He didn't need words. His smile, warm and genuine, spoke volumes. In that quiet moment, you realized you weren't alone. You had found a kindred spirit, someone who understood your need for solitude, someone who saw the beauty in your differences, someone who, just like you, possessed a heart that resonated with the quiet whispers of the natural world.
A wistful look crossed Nightcrawler's face as he spoke of his past. "Back at the circus," he said softly, "I used to spend hours with the animals. They never judged me for my appearance. We understood each other in a way most humans couldn't."
You reached out, placing a hand on his arm. A silent understanding passed between you, a shared love for creatures who offered companionship without judgment. In that quiet moment, you realized you weren't alone. Not anymore.
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fishermanshook · 1 day
( batter ) aka GANJI GUPTA.
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TW: MY H/C’s 😨 , this layout is giving cheese , grammar and spelling warning
Who is Ganji Gupta? And how do you know him? As a friend, a loved one, or as a nobody?
*manor au where they are trapped inside.
꒰wc꒱ 641
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GANJI GUPTA, also known as the manor's one and only Batter, acts as a lone wolf. He most likely won’t start conversations and will keep his answers short. Though, it’s just another barrier he puts up out of the need for protection. He doesn’t know who he can confide in here and, in his eyes, everyone seems to be another untrustworthy person out for their wants and needs. That’s all that they are sized down to at the beginning.
GANJI GUPTA struggles with being alone, at least, less than most others. He has experience with the feeling, but everyone caves eventually. He, on the other hand, can withstand it for quite some time.
GANJI GUPTA who, after quite some time, starts to warm up a bit more to the manor inhabitants. Realizing that it’s better not to hold any grudges if you’re going to be stuck here for all eternity.
GANJI GUPTA enjoys the company of others most when they play cricket with him. It doesn’t even matter if they’re good or not, he finds the act endearing and appreciates it more than anyone could imagine.
GANJI GUPTA would need a partner who takes things slow with him. Someone who understands that he (sometimes) has his moments, and will give him the time and space to sort through them. That might mean leaving your side for a while or hitting some cricket balls as far as he possibly can, imagining that all his anger flies away with it.
               ↳ However, there are moments where neither of these things can help him and he needs you instead. Help him to breathe again, and talk him through it instead. Distract his mind from thinking about why he was so upset in the first place. Just, don’t treat him like a child.
GANJI GUPTA who can’t help but feel jealous as you laugh and joke around with the others. There’s a part of him that sometimes wishes he too could enjoy the company of the rest but is too shy to say it. Although, if you happen to pick up on it, grab his hand and pull him into the conversation. He’ll find the flow, eventually.
GANJI GUPTA also hates the pit of spitefulness that pools in the bottom of his stomach when he notices someone else flirting with you. He goes red in the face with his arms crossed and looks furious. The Batter can’t seem to grasp how other people aren’t yet aware of your relationship and is quick to wrap an arm around your waist and come up with some lossy excuse to pull you away elsewhere.
↳ You can't help but whine a bit as the Batter pulls you away. You had a friendly conversation going on with the “Prisoner”, what’s the matter? As you continue your complaining, it dawns on Ganji that, you hadn’t realized he’d been trying to court you the entire time.
GANJI GUPTA will always use his last cricket ball to benefit you in a match. Whether it’s to save you from your third chair or to help prolong your kite, he never hesitates to use it for your sake. He’s gotten some rather harsh comments on it before, but he just ignores them and carries on with his day.
GANJI GUPTA deals with frequent night terrors that wake the both of you up. He’s quick to apologize, brushing it off as if it were nothing. Unfortunately, the tears in his eyes give him away. You don’t ask what they were about, and you probably shouldn’t for now. All he wants is to fall asleep in your embrace with the reminder that you’re here. That you are alive.
note: you thought I was gonna post that painter fic? erm whattttt? why would you ever think that???? that’s so weird what….
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fishermanshook — no stealing , translating , plagiarizing or reposting my work on other any other sites + reblogs adored !!
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hannahssimblr · 3 days
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“Wahey!” It’s Kasper who sees us first, skidding around the side of the beach house on our bicycles, firelighters held triumphantly beneath our arms as though we have even the slightest ounce of confidence in our fire-making abilities. They’re all just happy to see us anyway, Kasper, manning the barbeque, and the rest of the small crowd gathered around the old weather beaten table sipping drinks from glass bottles.
The heat is being zapped from the evening, I feel it in the sand as I lay my bike down, so a fire will be welcome, and the sooner the better. Most people are in shorts and t-shirts.  
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“Which one of you lucky ducks wants to help Jude bring some sticks around and make a pile for the fire?” Jen says, as though presenting the opportunity of a lifetime. Personally I don’t think that I should have to do it, seeing as I just lugged my bones all the way to the shop and back, but everyone is looking so settled.
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“Not you, no?” I say , and she snorts, “You’re on your own. I am wrecked after that cycle. It was uphill all the way there and all the way back,” She slumps into a chair next to Liam, who I forgot was invited. He’s with Evie, the brunette, holding her hand tightly on the rattan seat of the couch between them. 
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I tell Jen she’s lazy and ruffle her hair a bit for good measure, but it’s fine. I’m resigned to getting the sticks on my own. 
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“I’ll come,” says Liam. 
“Nah, it’s okay.”
“No, really, I want to help.”
I exhale slowly from my nose. “You sure, man?”
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“Yeah, it’s no bother!” He leaps up, but appears to have forgotten that he has to let go of Evie’s hand first. Flustered, he apologises, then she does, somehow even more awkwardly and when he finally remembers to drop her hand, she waits for him to stop looking at her to subtly wipe it on the side of her t-shirt.
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“That your girlfriend?” I ask him at the wood pile. 
“Yeah, pretty much!”
“Where’d you meet her?”
“Ah, you know, just around the beach and stuff.” I watch him stack more logs into his arms than he needs to, “She’s so cool.”
“Uh huh. How long has this been going on?”
He hesitates, “Not that long.”
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I have to enlist Shane’s help to start the fire, which is mildly embarrassing, but when it’s full bodied and roaring, and there are plates of hot food in front of me I feel nothing but satisfaction. God, I love eating. Sometimes I feel like my body is a rubbish bin that I’ll never fill up all the way to the top, but will have the best time trying to. The group has broken off into their own conversations, but I’m not really listening to any, I’m just thinking about this burger and having fantasies about what I’ll put on my second one. 
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Liam interrupts me to ask for the ketchup, which I toss to him, and then moments later I hear Evie giggle and say softly, “oh, God. You’ve gotten some of it on your cheek, no, no, not there… hold on, let me get it for you.”
She wraps a serviette around her finger and gently wipes it away for him while he smiles affectionately at her with his mouth full. He’s got another blob of it on his bottom lip. I wonder if he’ll be romantic and ask her to kiss it off in front of all of us as a special treat. 
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“You two are so cute.” Kelly barrels in, her voice slurred and indistinct. I glance at her in alarm. I’d hardly registered her presence all evening. How is she suddenly so incredibly drunk? “Two little love birds. I knew you’d be right for each other. When I was thinking of finding a boy for Evie to kiss this summer I thought, wow, wouldn’t little Liam be perfect for her.”
What an awkward thing to say. She glances around the group to see if someone agrees with her, but everyone is avoiding eye contact. 
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It’s Liam who breaks the excruciating pause with a hollow laugh. “Little Liam?”
“No no, seriously, take it as a compliment, she doesn’t let any boys near her. I always feel like I have to force her.” 
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“That’s not really true.” Evie says, and for a split second she looks at me. Me, for some reason, as though what I think about any of this matters. I shrug. 
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“Oh my god! It is!” Kelly gesticulates wildly in some attempt to illustrate just how true it all is, almost knocking her drink off the arm of her chair, “But it’s fine, we accept you for it. Evie’s such a good girl, and most boys are too ugly and boring for her, I’d be flattered if I was Liam. I really would.”
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“Okay,” his mouth flattens as he glances at Evie, and she just shakes her head in disbelief.
But Kelly barrels on. “She’s going for it this time. We’re proud of her, no really, we are. She got there in the end. Better late than never, I always say.”
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Claire comes out of nowhere and snatches Kelly’s hand, practically lifting her right out of her seat, “Hey, will you come to the bathroom with me?” 
“I don’t need to-” Kelly begins, but her protests are futile. She is going. We all watch as she’s marched into the house, and let the silence linger for several moments after the door slams behind them while Evie stares down at her feet.
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I don’t think I’ve ever seen a person blush so hard. The agony of it is incredible, it's like something I shouldn’t even be watching, and now I don’t even think I should be eating either. Perhaps someone should do something. Liam should. If he were any good he’d put his arm around her and tell her it’s not a big deal, but he doesn’t do that. He sits there sulking like the ‘little Liam’ comment was more hurtful than any other part of what just occurred. 
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It’s Jen that comes to the rescue, murmuring soothing things to Evie about how they should go for a walk together, and I’m relieved that she does. I watch them walk down the beach side by side, further and further from the light of the house, and that’s when I decide to ask if anyone knows exactly what Kelly was drinking.
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“Tequila,” Joe confirms guiltily, “I let her have some when she asked me for it. I probably shouldn’t.”
“She goes a bit mad sometimes,” Shane says, “she doesn’t really mean anything by it.”
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“Do you think she was making all that stuff up, then?” wonders Liam, “about Evie being picky and all.” and I squint at him. I think there is something a bit pathetic about the fact he is focusing on this point, that a girl who is supposedly selective about who she goes out with is somehow choosing him.
“Yeah it’s probably all bullshit, I wouldn't read into it.” I say. 
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“I don’t really want to think about or talk about her on those terms anyway,” Shane says with a shudder, “It’s too weird for me.”
Kasper frowns, “Why? She is pretty.”
He laughs awkwardly, “I dunno about that or anything, but I’ve just known her my whole life. It’s a bit weird to be having these conversations about her when it seems like she was twelve, like, last week or something.”
“She’s finished fifth year,” Liam says defensively. “She's seventeen.”
“Yeah, I’m not saying that she’s literally twelve, I’m saying that I see her like a sister or something, rather than someone who goes out with people.”
“She’s going out with me.”
“Is she though?”
“...kind of.”
Beginning // Prev // Next
Corresponding LG Chapter
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Vacker sibling headcanons go 👀
Alvar was the first person Fitz ever reached out to telepathically after he manifested, and that created a pathway in Fitz's brain that made connecting to Alvar a muscle memory thing.
When Alvar was in the elite levels, Fitz would transmit thoughts to him all day long to make him laugh or to ask about his day because he really loved his big brother
Alvar would entertain this, but found it all deeply annoying, and like Fitz was trying to rub it in his face that he had the 'cooler' ability
Biana taught Fitz and Alvar how to braid hair. Fitz complained, but learned
Alvar LOVED it. He doted on Biana. He took her shopping, and he did his best (along with Della) to make sure Biana felt seen, because both of them were shoved out of the picture as soon as Fitz manifested it seemed.
Fitz always noticed Alvar's apparent favoritism, but didn't like bringing it up because Alvar's rebuttal was always "And your dad's favorite. It's okay to just let other people have things, you know."
A lot of Alvar and Fitz's interactions growing up were rather negative, and sometimes Fitz would get really upset, but most of the time he just liked that Alvar was paying attention to him
For mothers and fathers day, the three of them would get together and bake treats for their parents and write cards. However, this usually brought up a lot of feelings regarding the unspoken sibling rivalry.
Biana and Fitz got closer as they got older, especially once the two of them were shoved into the limelight. they became rather emotionally reliant on one another, Fitz on Biana more so than the other way around
she was good at shutting down rumors surrounding him, and always left a seat empty at the foxfire lunch table for him
Alvar was pretty absent by the time Sophie got to the lost cities
but Fitz's mind still connected to his brothers as easily as breathing. he never realized what evil lurked in his big brother's mind, and he feels a knot in his stomach every time he thinks about it
Biana no longer finds her similarities to Alvar comforting. She doesn't like that Alvar saw himself in her. That he said she was most likely to understand why he was doing what he did
she looks in the mirror and is comforted by the fact that her eyes are teal, like Fitz's.
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sombritas-des · 20 hours
I woke up with thoughts
The beheaded change a bit since meeting the drifter for example, he's seen been more caring, don't get me wrong he's still an ass but a caring ass. You'll see them traveling with the drifter always keeping him in close range, in many occasions drifter would venture by himself just to end up with a pissed off flaming head gesturing angrily at him.
Town folks always seem suspicious of them, by themselves the beheaded just tend to be annoyed with people around although everything changed with drifter's presence. The beheaded learned to protect others sometimes jumping into action when something attacks the town folks, they don't know that but the drifter finds it adorable.
They would always run off from sick people, everything reminds them of the malaise so it's more of an instinct to run away, once in this new world they'll feel disgusted by the sick people in the town even thinking of helping them finish with their lives more in a selfish gesture than to help, now you'll see the beheaded running out with a hurry every time the drifter cough, either to hold him close and keep him secured or to find one of those weird syringe he always use. They would even expend whole nights just tenting the drifter making sure his sickness won't bother him, they learned how to treat him and what to do when the hallucinations come, even found ways to ease the drifters breathing by just holding him while sleeping.
But one things never changed in the beheaded, their might anger. Daring to hurt the drifter now is a way to have a sword through your throat, the beheaded fighting stances have always been a delight to see , brute force and speed, but with the drifter this always changes, instead they'll always try to impress him by doing more clean and precise attacks more like a dead dance than a slaughter. It doesn't last long, once the drifter somehow gets hurt in combat the true beheaded power gets seen, they'll go mercilessly in anything, turning his battle in a complete slaughter, beheaded doesn't know but for the drifter pov is always a show, kind of a hot one if you ask him.
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fanofthelamb · 1 day
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u know i was gonna make a whole big comic about narinder's first impression of the goat and it going horribly (and ending with him dying) but.... i really aint about to finish that comic ngl idc i cant get it to go how i want """""orz
so let me just type some junk out instead!! (with some doodles and described gore + mentions & depiction of self harm and suicide reader beware)
1) narinder's chains can only be summoned from the floor 2) the floor can be anything (even walls) as long as he can plant his feet on em
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3) he can and will use the chains he summons in his curses to travel around if he has the fervor to
4) the lamb is allowed to treat him like shit bc he feels guilty. he may be kind enough to not kill the other cultists(except pigs), but even that has a limit. the goat is no cultist and he certainly isnt the lamb. narinder will happily fucking maul him.
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5) goat is a bit of an asshole. and NOT in an endearing way. he abuses his powers a lot but he also listens when cultists tell him he's crossed a line. he WILL try to make it up to u if he goes too far, except if ur a bishop. if u are u can honestly go get fucked in his opinion.
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6)lute suit canon. ( @paintpaintpaintman)
7) he makes fun of and talks shit to all of the bishops a lot for falling to the lamb and having their crowns stolen by them. he will happily fight ANY of them,, Except Kallamar. That guy is huge.
8) Narinder does a FULL heart of damage when fighting, not just half. Same goes to the other bishops, the goat, and the lamb.
9) lamb and goat might fight a lot but they consider each other friends. Narinder considers the goat his enemy. narinder WILL maul the goat even at the cost of his own life. the goat a tiny bit scared of him for it. he also finds out the hard way narinder has a thing where he rips people's face off with his teeth.
10) narinder has absolutely NO fear in killing/maiming himself if he feels it necessary to complete a goal. none. zero. zip. absolutely not afraid of dying because he knows the lamb will always brings him back. (may we not forget this man grew up in the valley he is no stranger to agony)
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anyway ya das it. i hope u like the shitty doodles bc i cannot physically complete this comic even tho i really wanted to. i was so into it i literally forgot to sleep LOL (SORRY RUE ILY/p)
so ya the goat is extra mean to the bishops and is a lil soft on the cultists but is an all around prick that absolutely deserves to get his ass kicked sometimes(and nari happily takes care of that responsibility). he at least gets along w/ everyone besides the bishops... it'll be very fun writing these two me thinks.
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gothicada · 2 days
Qᴜᴇᴇɴ ᴏꜰ ᴄᴜᴘꜱ
ᴍᴇᴀɴɪɴɢ ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴄᴀʀᴇᴇʀ/ꜱᴄʜᴏᴏʟ ꜰᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ ꜰɪɴᴀɴᴄᴇ ʜᴏᴡ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ꜰᴇᴇʟꜱ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴏᴡ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴛʀᴇᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴏᴡ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴘᴇʀᴄᴇɪᴠᴇꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀʀᴅ ᴀꜱ ᴀ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ ꜱᴇx
⟶ Qᴜᴇᴇɴ ᴏꜰ ᴄᴜᴘꜱ ᴜᴘʀɪɢʜᴛ
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ʚїɞ ᴍᴇᴀɴɪɴɢ ⟶ the meaning of the queen of cups is about being compassionate, being able to tap into your intuition, being someone who is supportive and creative. someone who is a good caretaker, good mother. the queen of cups is about reflections, seeing a new light into something, learning how to love yourself and being able to think.
ʚїɞ ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴄᴇ ⟶ for romance, the queen of cups is a good card to get. it means the romance will be compassionate, a relationship that is supportive and kind. the connection between the two of you being able to deepen the connection you have but this could be an indicator of advice, having to learn how to put up boundaries so people can respect you.
ʚїɞ ᴄᴀʀᴇᴇʀ/ꜱᴄʜᴏᴏʟ ⟶ the queen of cups for a career/school reading could mean that you could have someone help you with something. could find love in that scenario, the work you're doing could be emotionally fulfilling. the queen of cups for school could mean you could do fine with the grades you're going to get. or you could get a re-submission.
ʚїɞ ꜰᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ ⟶ for a future reading, the queen of cups is about putting up your boundaries, finding someone you can lean on. you getting a kind gesture, or you doing a kind gesture. the queen of cups in a future reading could be about you healing, finding a group that will heal your wounds, or being in an environment that will be good for you.
ʚїɞ ꜰɪɴᴀɴᴄᴇ ⟶ in a finance reading, the queen of cups could be able getting help, or you helping other people. this card can also mean feeling generous and learning that money isnt everything. could be about a nearing promotion, "nearing". an a circumstance where you could contribute to a charity.
ʚїɞ ʜᴏᴡ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ꜰᴇᴇʟꜱ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ⟶ when it comes to how someone feels about you, the queen of cups shows that they will feel deeply loved by you, they will feel that you are supportive. the queen of cups shows that this person cares much about you, they likely have a soft spot for you and would be supportive to you and would do a lot for you. this could also mean that they will feel like you're someone they can lean on.
ʚїɞ ʜᴏᴡ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴛʀᴇᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ⟶ like in the name, the person would treat you like a queen. they would want to be the type of person "you" can lean on, and they would be very caring. sometimes they could be over-whelming with the much love they'll give, but in the end, it is for a good reason. they would empathise with you and even be very protective.
ʚїɞ ʜᴏᴡ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴘᴇʀᴄᴇɪᴠᴇꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ⟶ on how someone could perceive you, they will think of you as someone who is kind, healing and warm. they will think of you as someone who is supportive, honorable and authentic. pulling out the queen of cups shows that they would think of you as someone who is beautiful, pretty, very feminine or how you interact with others can be endearing. they would think of you as a good listener as well.
ʚїɞ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀʀᴅ ᴀꜱ ᴀ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ ⟶ as a person, the queen of cups can be a mother, or someone who is the mother of a group, a mother-figure. they're someone who is faithful but sensitive, they have great creativity to them, and they can be very inspiring to the people around them. many people likely look up to them, this card for this question implies that the person can be very intuitive, psychic.
ʚїɞ ꜱᴇx ⟶ very passionate sex, the sex being generous and both parties wanting to satisfy the other party. could involve fingering, much orgasms, could lead to pregnancy if not careful, or if you want to become pregnant. the queen of cups is a good symbol to get. you will be nurtured, breast fondling, body worship, your partner knowing exactly what you like, very touchy sex.
⟶ Qᴜᴇᴇɴ ᴏꜰ ᴄᴜᴘꜱ ʀᴇᴠᴇʀꜱᴇᴅ
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ʚїɞ ʀᴇᴠᴇʀꜱᴀʟ ᴍᴇᴀɴɪɴɢ ⟶ in reverse, the queen of cups is about inner feelings, caring about yourself, self-love, but it can also be about not being able to express your feelings, it depends on what cards are around because it could mean various of things. the queen of cups in reverse could be about depression, self-centredness being immature and not knowing what to do etc.
ʚїɞ ʀᴇᴠᴇʀꜱᴀʟ ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴄᴇ ⟶ the queen of cups in reverse for a romance reading can involve one-sided love, someone putting all the efforts and not given anything back. could be about a lover who is too sensitive, and someone in the connection feeling like they're a parent more than a lover. someone can be very egotistical in the relationship and could lack emotionally maturity.
ʚїɞ ʀᴇᴠᴇʀꜱᴀʟ ᴄᴀʀᴇᴇʀ/ꜱᴄʜᴏᴏʟ ⟶ for school or work, the queen of cups in reverse could be about taking a break, if a group project, you might fee like you're the only one doing something. might feel like you're not getting the help you deserve, and not having a good direction, the job could be draining for your mental health.
ʚїɞ ʀᴇᴠᴇʀꜱᴀʟ ꜰᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ ⟶ for a future reading, the queen of cups can be about taking a time for yourself, having a creative block, and being in a moment when you're not thinking stuff through. the queen of cups in reverse here can be about feeling drained or over-whelmed, could get into an argument if not careful.
ʚїɞ ʀᴇᴠᴇʀꜱᴀʟ ꜰɪɴᴀɴᴄᴇ ⟶ in a finance reading, the queen of cups in reverse can mean that you could be spending more than you have. indulging in retail therapy, take care of your money, dont be too generous to other people. in a finance reading, the queen of cups in reverse can also mean being stingy with your money.
ʚїɞ ʀᴇᴠᴇʀꜱᴀʟ ʜᴏᴡ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ꜰᴇᴇʟꜱ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ⟶ on how someone feels about you, the queen of cups in reverse is about them feeling like you're clingy, they might feel unbalanced whenever you're around, if not, they might be the type of person who wants to have your attention all the time, could also mean they might have to walk on egg-shells around you.
ʚїɞ ʀᴇᴠᴇʀꜱᴀʟ ʜᴏᴡ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴛʀᴇᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ⟶ not a good card to get in reverse for this type of question, likely to get toxic, depressive, they will treat you like an option, like you're nothing. could get with you to get back at someone, you will know that you're a rebound, they will be very needy and sensitive, if not any of these, they can be someone who gives too much to the connection.
ʚїɞ ʀᴇᴠᴇʀꜱᴀʟ ʜᴏᴡ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴘᴇʀᴄᴇɪᴠᴇꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ⟶ with the queen of cups in reverse, it means they would perceive you to be someone who cares about themselves too much. they would think of you as someone who is lush, and someone who doesnt know what to do with themselves, might think of you as a bimbo and as someone who is easily upset.
ʚїɞ ʀᴇᴠᴇʀꜱᴀʟ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀʀᴅ ᴀꜱ ᴀ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ ⟶ as a person, the queen of cups in reverse is someone who likes to take care of themselves, but they can also be someone who depends on other people too much. could be a people-pleaser, and can be easily jealous. they're someone who can be manipulative, liking things to go their way so they're willing to do anything. they can be someone who rarely trusts other people though.
ʚїɞ ʀᴇᴠᴇʀꜱᴀʟ ꜱᴇx ⟶ for sex, the queen of cups in reverse could mean one of you might not know how to fuck. could mean someone might've been pushed into having sex, there's just a lack of intimacy happening here. not fun sex, someone climaxing too fast, the "passion" being embarrassing. not fulfilling.
ʚїɞ ɴᴇxᴛ ⟶ ᴋɪɴɢ ᴏꜰ ᴄᴜᴘꜱ
ʚїɞ ʙᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ ⟶ ᴋɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴄᴜᴘꜱ
ꜱᴜɪᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴄᴜᴘꜱ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
ɢᴏᴛʜɪᴄᴀᴅᴀ'ꜱ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
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iknowicanbutwhy · 2 days
by the time one of these sifs FINALLY manages to break the loops these guys are gonna be so exhausted they won't even have the energy to be mad. maybe they'll just form a suicide pact and kill themselves together instead of beating sif up about it idk
Au contraire they start a fighting arena amongst themselves except all of them have been sitting around for so long they're all really bad at it. And when they realize this - having hung around each other for so long they've formed SOME kind of connection - they all collectively decide to chase Sif around Dormont and then it's a game of Manhunt.
...Okay but if i were to take this seriously, it was already really sad to see just one Loop disappear, but a whole lot of them? Suddenly this silly gaggle (nebula? constellation? murder) of stars that kept you company because they wouldn't shut up sometimes and were all too quiet other times disappears entirely? Leaving you all alone to brave the new future?
I love Loop so much because they didn't just feel like another, worse Siffrin. They felt like their own person, worthy of their own happy..ish ever after! It was so, so sad seeing them disappear. The thing about this silly AU is that all the Loops end up feeling like one singular entity in different bodies. And they'll probably stay like that, from the point of view I'm drawing. Because it's a funny AU and I'm drawing it for the funnies.
But to each other, they... Well? They actually feel the same way. Like copies. Like failed copies. Like the same person. Like it's easy to mistake each other and difficult to differentiate each other, even from themselves. Makes it easier to be mean to each other. I'm telling you, even the original Loop isn't entirely sure anymore if they're the original, and it hurts them the most. Pretending to be different people is a massive relief to all of them, because now they feel like individuals (even if they still feel like worse versions of another person). Little Loop is lucky to have always had a physically distinguishing figure, it really changes their perspective and everyone else's perspective on them.
So it's really easy to think they'd just kill each other, these other failed copies, or have gotten so used to the feeling of being "the failed ones" that they simply give up, but you know what I think? I think that, once you take an outside look at yourself and start treating yourself as a fellow human, you can be surprisingly empathetic. Towards yourself, I know! And they have the chance to start doing that.
When I write a story, it's like I'm letting little pieces of myself interact in ways that I can remain both distant from and very connected to. I feel like, when the Loops start playing these characters (these people, but they're ignoring that) they love, being silly and disconnecting from their own grief for a bit, they can have fun together. Like writing a story and smiling to yourself. Like laughing at your own thoughts.
I think maybe they'd get to have a talk, eventually. About how they want this story to end. About how they hope it's not already the end for them, that the worlds or timelines or whatever they came from aren't dead and gone.
Maybe... maybe they'd be really scared. But they wouldn't be "Loop who failed and Siffrin who succeeded," divided firmly by that line. Isolated by that line. I don't know what they would be? But it might feel less. lonely. to know that this Siffrin could just as easily been one of them. And was, many times. The physical evidence is right there, fading away one by one. And for the ones that remain for now, wouldn't you hope they're going home?
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satoruko · 2 days
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when we're alone ‐ simon "ghost" riley x oc
this fic is dedicated to @theolovesmen :)
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to other people in task force 141, ghost was a fucking mystery. to vincent, he was a puzzle. a puzzle that he was figuring out bit by bit.
when he first joined the task force as a medic, he was welcomed warmly by most of the team. yet the gloomy figure looming near the door didn't make a move.
vincent soon figured out the dynamic between the squad. soap was the little brother of the group, always making jabs at the others and joking around. they got along well together, soap always finding a way to make the boy smile while he was getting treated for injury.
captain price was a more serious type. he made small talk when getting treated, telling vince about their latest mission or some funny but stupid thing the squad had done. sometimes he wouldn't talk at all, taking the time to doze off.
gaz was a sweetheart, always saying thank you after getting patched up. most of the time, they stayed in a comfortable silence, occasionally swapping stories or small talk.
ghost was, well.
it was when vincent was eating his lunch that the six foot two man hauled himself into the room so quietly it took vince a second to realise he was there.
"oh," he said, placing his sandwich down and getting up. "what can i help you with, ghost?"
the man grunted. "m' shoulder."
after taking him to a bed and getting his shirt off, vincent's eyes moved to his shoulder, and sure enough, a nasty bruise was blooming around a cut that looked at least a few days old.
"what the - how long ago did this happen?" he huffed, immediately inspecting the probably infected cut.
"few days ago." was the reply. " 's nothing really."
"ghost you can't call this nothing. at all." vincent said, grabbing his sanitising equipment. "this might hurt," he warned, pouring alcohol onto a cotton pad. he pressed the pad onto the cut, but of course ghost didn't flinch at all.
his greyish blue eyes were trained on vincent, inspecting every aspect of the boy. the way his dusty blonde hair never managed to sit perfectly, or how his oak brown eyes had a dark ring around the pupils.
"uh," vincent's voice broke ghost out of his trance. "you need to sit up so i can put the bandage on."
ghost sat up with a wince. they sat in silence while vincent patched him up, not a comfortable silence like with gaz, a thick silence that made it hard to breathe.
"all done!" the blonde's hands were shaking as he packed away his medical equipment. "you need to rest for a bit, and don't put strain on your shoulder." ghost stared some more, and vincent could almost feel his gaze from the hole in his ragged skull mask.
"anything else, doc?" his voice was rugged, his thick english accent coming through.
"u-uh," vince replied. he refused to meet the eyes of the elder man, instead choosing to burn a hole into the floor. "you need to come back in three days so i can replace the bandages."
vincent didn't know if he was hallucinating, but he thought he heard a low chuckle. "y'sure that's not an excuse to see me again, doc?"
an actual joke. ghost had made an actual joke. vincent found himself smiling, glad that the nervous tension in the air had been broken. "it's so your wound doesn't get infected and you don't die."
"rightt," ghost nodded, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. vincent hadn't moved from his spot next to the bed, so ghost ended up with the boy standing between his legs. neither party seemed to notice. "where'd you put my shirt, doc?"
"oh," vince looked around and grabbed the dirty shirt of a chair. "you can't wear this right now because it was in direct contact with the cut."
"can't walk around without a shirt, can i?"
vincent looked around. he had spare scrubs, but they were all in his size, so he doubted they'd fit someone with a good seven and a half inches on him.
his eyes landed on a jumper a friend had sent him a while back. it was an oversized pastel jumper with a picture of a narwhal on it. if it was big on him, then it would fit ghost, right?
"no," a gruff voice interrupted his thoughts. "m' not wearin' that thing."
"you can't walk around shirtless," vincent replied, moving towards the jumper that was slung carelessly over his desk chair.
after a lifetime of grumbling, they'd finally managed to put the jumper on ghost, much to his displeasure.
"it. looks good on you!" vincent managed while holding in a laugh.
"if the guys see me, m' never gonna hear the end of it."
"then you better get to your room quick." came the doctors reply.
a hum escaped ghosts lips. "thank you doc."
"it's my job, but you're welcome."
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deaconusdelirium · 2 days
Can you do adler and makarov how they gonna comfort me? I really really need it, please make it sweet like very, am very depressed and k really need it
I’m so sorry to hear that, love, and im real sorry I took forever to answer this. I was busy with school and I had a few personal things I needed to get to before I came back to my socials. Forgive me🧎‍♀️
Vladimir knows he probably the worst person to come to or even be around when you’re feeling down. The man knows nothing about how to comfort you, he knows he’ll say something wrong at one point. And he beats himself up about when he knows he struck a cord with you, so he often asks Yuri/Nolan if they know anything about helping and if they have any advice. But one thing for sure is he will let you tell him what’s bothering you, he’ll let you cry and he won’t say a word. It makes it a little harder when he’s traveling for work, knowing he can’t be there to rest your head against his shoulder while he wipes your tears away with his thumb. He can’t offer a supportive pat on the back or a very (awkward) tender cuddle. However, when he comes back home, he’ll treat you to a few gifts he brought back along the way. Handing you a bag as he stands there with his hands behind his back- hoping you’ll at least like what he got, which reminded him of you. Sometimes he curses to himself when the realization sets in that he actually really cares about you when he’s scrolling through his phone- shopping. Looking through your favorite comfort items, or even just anything in particular he thinks you’ll like. And he knows he can just have it shipped back to you, but he’d rather personally deliver it to you just to see that smile grow on your face. That or he just sends you money and lets you get whatever. Sits with you on the couch, watching as you go through the things he bought, silently hoping you’ll like what he got. Gently pulls you in closer as he kisses the top of your head and apologizes for how long and how far he was away from you. Whispers words of love and mainly asks himself how someone like you trust him of all people to help you during your state, in Russian
He knows a little more about feelings and what you’re going through. He’s more on the ‘know your peers’ side, he already gets how you feel when you have slightly smaller states of depression, if you want, he’ll let you have your space. But if he knows you really need him, he’ll let you do what you need him to. He’ll tell Woods and Mason to lay off you, gives you time off from work, he’s not one for much backlash against his coworkers. But if Hudson so much as says something he considers rude, he has no problem saying something back. Once he’s done with work for the day, he’ll come back and sit with you, asking if you’d like anything to make you feel a little better and comfortable before you both settle down. He’ll make your comfort food, offer a jacket or a shirt. Always makes sure you’re eating properly and drinking plenty of water. He knows it’s a far fetch to make you laugh and actually feel better, but he’ll be damned if he won’t make you smile by the end of the day. When night time rolls by he’ll scoot up on close to you. Asks you to tell him about your day, even if you did nothing interesting, he’ll ask you to go into detail about what you thought about. If there’s a specific memory that makes you smile all while he holds you close. He doesn’t like when you stay up late, he can see that some things are bothering you. And he hates to say it, but always tells you that even missing one nights sleep can really impact your week. He’ll make you tea, give you a massage because of how tense and anxious you get. He knows insomnia is a real pain, but he also doesn’t want you missing out on sleep. so he’ll cuddle behind you, one arm as your pillow the other- up and under your other as he smoothes your hair back. Fingers softly brushing against your temple as his legs tangle with yours, pulling you close as he keeps an eye on you throughout the night. Jumping up at anything you want or need
♡̩͙im a little rusty but im sure it’ll all come back to me soon. Im sorry i took so long without any updates and i didnt say that i was leaving. I just thought that my work was going unnoticed and i didnt need to explain. But I hope i got a bit of this right, it’s a little sloppy and doesn’t exactly fit everyone’s bill. But send me some ideas so I know what to put down the next time i write something like this. Much love, Deacon ♡̩͙
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jokeson-u · 1 day
okay heres the course of my full thoughts on the natvan friendship.
lets start with elementary. i dont think either of them were sent to pre-k or daycare. they were less socialized as kids than some of their peers (def not all. they arent the only lower class families in wiskayok.) i think they were buddies as kids, and played at recces and stuff.
most kids didnt wanna play w nat bc her clothes didnt smell very good and found her kind of offputting bc she was pretty quiet (the way children of abusive or neglectful parents often are). i think by the time 2nd/3rd grade rolled around most kids kinda picked up on the judgement from their own parents, which carries over for kids in their own interactions.
i think it was kinda similar for van. she wore the same striped shirt and khaki shorts almost everyday and her hair used to be realllly long as a kid bc her mom didnt get it cut often. kids found her long har cool at first and called her rapunzel, but got over it pretty quick when they realized van didnt like people braiding it and putting flowers in her hair. she was friendlier tho, and it took her a little longer than natalie to realize why she was treated differently. basically, van got used to hearing 'no' when she asked if people wanted to play with her or be her friend, but she didnt stop asking, whereas natalie stopped very quickly as she was often avoided.
van and nat became friends cus they were two of the only kids who consistently played with each other and would sit next to one another in circles and stuff. they ate lunch together, and that dynamic carried over to middle school.
when midle school starts, van gets a hair cut, and she and nat both wear fresher clothes and what not, but their reputations are already solidified. some people are nicer to van bc shes so social and makes some more friends. its not like she and nat have a friendship much deeper than elementary school bonds, but they still sit together at lunch and in classes they have.
idk when i think taissa comes into the picture, but ive always imagined taivan having a friends to pining to lovers relationship. so i think some point, maybe 6th or 7th grade, van meets tai at soccer club and is smitten. tai lowkey is too and van feels really welcomed by her and they connect. van start spending a little less time w nat bc she wants to be w tai. its not intentional at all. yk how first crushes are, especially a sapphic one, AND in middle school.
seats are assigned after first pickings so van and nat still sit together and have a decent rapport, but nat does have her lil 12 y/o feelings kind of hurt by van spending more time w tai than her. shes always one to pretend she doesnt care tho, so as time goes on, nat never speaks up about it. she kinda lets her and van remain how they are, and allows the distance to grow.
van never stops caring about nat, its just that shes a little older now and is becoming friends with new people. in her mind, nats always her buddy, she just has different relationships now.
nat becomes kinda friends w kevyn around this time. he wasnt a dick to her in elementary, and played w her sometimes when van wasnt around. they get closer, and his friends are cool w nat too. nat and van are still absolutely cool w each other, they just dont talk as much.
all this establishes itself more in 8th grade, but as van is a little older and reflects a bit, she decides to reach out to nat more. shits not great at home for nat, shes more jaded, but she considers it when van asks her to join the soccer club. kevyn convinces her to do it, so she does. van is hyped, other girls in the club arent so much. nat sticks with it despite that because she does actually really enjoy playing soccer, but it takes some more convincing to get her to try out for the actual team once they enter high school. van says she'll probably be the only one from the club who drops soccer, and itll show that they all got to her. it resonates w nat and she decided to join the team and try not to let it seem like she gave a shit.
nat ends up kinda getting along w some members and being on the team gets a bit easier. vans enthusiasm made more people less openly cruel to her. lottie never talked shit about anyone who didnt deserve it, and they ended up getting along in a way they didnt expect (ill be making a detailed post at some point about my insight on lottienats friendship). shauna and nat vibe when jackie isnt around, and sometimes taissa takes it easier on her cus she respects that van liked nat as kids. still, nats not necessarily close to any of them, but she does have some people on the team shes cool w.
around the middle of sophmore year, tai and van realize they feel the same and date on the dl. again, high school relationship, its pretty immature, so van feels like it isnt her place anymore to tell taissa to stop when shes rude to nat (i have the 'bong to hit/dick to suck' scene in mind as van was the only one to not react). obviously she says something when other people cross a line, as seen w travis. nat doesnt mind, she kinda would rather taissa be honest than pretend to like her. it doesnt rly affect anything in the team, nat didnt talk to any of them much more than necessary from the get go. shes less hurt about it than she was in middle school, and shes already picked up on taivan being a thing, so shes chill. shes gotten closer w kevyn so she feels pretty good about things.
at the beginning of junior year, (maybe the end of sophmore year idk i cant decide,) the incident with natalies dad happens. nat doesnt show for a couple weeks, and van tries to ask kevyn what happened. no one really knows the full story, but lots of rumors go around once the news of mr. scatorccio dying by a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head got out. van didnt rly pay mind to them, and became more outspoken w tai about not contributing to rumors.
when nat returns, she doesnt go to soccer for a bit. she and kevyn mostly skip, and kevyns friend started bringing them weed to help nat out. she smoked a bit before, but it becomes a regular thing. same w drinking. she had access to it as a kid and would take swigs. her father sometimes even let her get tipsy when she was a preteen. but after his death, it becomes more of a crutch. all his alcohol is lying around, so she provides the drinks to their skip sessions.
when nat decides its time to act unbothered, she comes back to soccer. shes still, understandably, traumatized, so she zones out even more and talks even less. but shes there. everyone is either extra nice to her, or gives her total space. van just tries to be casual, which nat appreciates.
by the half way point of junior year, nats pretty heavily into drinking and weed and psychedelics, and its at this point it affects her day to day. skipping is a daily occurance, she barely keeps her grades up to stay on the team. van tries to let nat know shes still a friend, but it upsets her to see nat showing up drunk. it reminds her of her mother. and van.. just cant deal w that. shes struggled so much with having a neglectful parent due to alcohol. shes tried her hardest to not let the world get to her like her mother did, and avoid falling down that path. watching it happen to natalie is just disappointing for van.
this isnt to say van doesnt drink and smoke. she def does, she likes to let loose, but i see her as a strictly social smoker/drinker. nat obviously has a diff relationship with drugs and alcohol, and the her reliance is something that rubs van the wrong way for personal, but also caring reasons.
its a combination of nat distancing herself naturally bc of her subtance abuse, and van realizing she cant fix it + having her opinion on nat change a bit. she cares for natalie. she has for a long time, even if its not the same as with more day to day friends. but she decides that theyre older now, nats made her choices and van doesnt agree with them, as much as she understands them.
theyre friendly. but vans self preserverance, tai supporting her protecting herself, and her sometimes seeing nat ending up like her own mother, the distance grows on both sides. nat doesnt even really pick up on it. shes pretty clouded for the last two years of high school, and she doesnt care she has her vices and she has kevyn and she convinces herself thats enough.
i think maybe a part of nat is bitter that she feels things worked out so much better for van than her. its not entirely true but i mean.. it kinda is. at the same time, i think nat just sort of feels that way towards everyone and the entire universe.
its just all a cycle imo. they got close bc of their similar family dynamics, but those dynamics are what made them into the separate people they are. they no longer aligned bc they took different paths based on the cards they were dealt. nat became her parents in a way, and van did her best not to, and to not let anymore of that into her life.
then the crash happens, and none of it matters anymore.
tldr; van and nat got along as little kids bc they were treated differently. their friendship never developed past elementary school level bonds, and they drifted apart naturally due to different social circles and life choices
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cebwrites · 1 year
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i think these are fun to do 💕
(@riessene's meme template!)
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