#song: Carnaval Del Barrio
Musical Theatre Song Contest: Round One A
Submitter’s propaganda under the cut
Carnaval del Barrio
Because it's SO FUN and it makes me feel SO GREAT! Also “I'm chiledominicurican… but I always say I'm from Queens!”
Michael in the Bathroom
i think michael in the bathroom was a crucial point for all angsty middle schoolers
George Salazar's golden vocals and classic teenage angst
It's incredibly sad and relatable and George Salazar does amazing singing it
this is THE teen angst song. Have you ever felt alone? Unloved? Weird? Well. Have I got the song for you.
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pardonmydelays · 11 months
IN THE HEIGHTS countdown: 8 DAYS!
song for today:
maybe you’re right, sonny, call in the coroners! maybe we’re powerless, a corner full of foreigners maybe this neighborhood’s changing forever maybe tonight is our last night together, however! how do you want to face it? do you wanna waste it, when the end is so close you can taste it? y’all could cry with your head in the sand i’m a fly this flag that i got in my hand!
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georgiedoodles · 5 months
📚Broppy CollegeAU | "Campus Days"
Part 7: Picnic Lunch
Tuesday, Week 4 of 16
This was a particularly special day for the college. Once a semester, the students who had botany classes or were members of the gardening club hosted a nursery day on campus. In front of the school’s cafeteria was a large quad, accompanied by tall, lush trees that shaded the grass. The event took place on this quad, it was popular for all kinds of affairs, including festivals and college orientations. On this day, the quad held the botany students’ nurseries, where they sold flowers, vegetables, seeds, and fruits that were all grown in the campus garden. It buzzed with life, and of course, Poppy had to be a part of it.
At the beginning of class, the professor was in the process of giving his lecture when his phone rang. He quickly pulled it out of his pocket to mute when he noticed who was calling him.
“Oh- excuse me, everyone, I must take this call. It’s my wife.” He sheepishly said, quietly hushing everyone while he stepped outside the classroom. Immediately, Poppy turns to Branch.
“BRANCH” Her voice boomed, Branch was startled and held his chest to feel his heart race, “YES, Poppy??” His voice cracked; his eyes darted around to see if there was any danger.
“Okay so, outside there is an event and I really want to go. If we have any time after class, can we pleeaasee peek at the booths set up?” She pleaded. Poppy’s hands were clasped under her chin as she pouted, her eyes looked sad as she held her gaze at Branch. All he could do was stare into her eyes and blushed, he couldn’t resist and held eye contact with her. For a moment, Poppy felt butterflies in her stomach, something was aching for more when she kept her eyes on him, almost like she wanted to kiss him again.
Unexpectedly, the professor ran back into the classroom; he was gathering all his belongings when he spoke up again.
“I’m so sorry everyone, I have to dismiss class early, my wife is in labor, and I need to meet her at the hospital!” The professor was frantically resetting the office part of the class for the next professor. When he left, the class cheered for him and congratulated him on his newborn troll.
After the commotion calmed down, all the students gathered their supplies, high-fiving each other for the sudden dismissal. Branch and Poppy had broken their gaze in the beginning, they were startled by the sudden announcement from the professor. Slowly, the two turned back to each other and gave each other a smug smile.
When the pair left their belongings in their locker, they both made their way to the event. Poppy was humming a tune from the movie “In the Heights” and shimmied to the melody. Branch couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight, she was swinging her hips in a rhythmic motion, her feet stepped to a familiar choreography. No one else around to see.
“Carnaval del barrio~” She was ahead of Branch, quietly singing the chorus of the song.
“Carnaval del barrio~” She turned around to stop Branch from walking any further, snaked her hands into his, and laced their fingers together. Her singing slowly escalated in volume and sang the acapella.
“Carnaval del barrio~” Poppy swayed her hips side to side with each step. This enticed Branch to join in.
“Carnaval del Barrio~!” Her voice went up a note, she felt him quickly move her left hand on his shoulder and held her by the waist. Branch joined in to sing.
“Alza la bandera la bandera Dominicana~” In unison they sang, Branch mirrored Poppy’s steps and swayed his hips with her, keeping her secure in his grasp.
“Alza la bandera, la bandera Puertorriquena~” He gently spun them both, their bodies were close in contact, and their hips connected.
“Alza la bandera, la bandera Mexicana~” As if the music was playing in real-time, they both continued to sing along. Branch brought Poppy closer to himself, her right leg in between his legs, swaying to the beat. They felt the music in the air.
“Alza la bandera, la bandera-” He dipped her with his right leg once.
“La bandera- “, He dipped her a second time.
“La bandera- “, He dipped her a third time.
“La bandera~”, He dipped her a fourth time, bringing her back up one last time.
“Alza la bandera!” Poppy held Branch’s right hand as she let him spin her, before he tugged her back into his arms, dipping her one last time.
“HEY!” They chanted the last lyric, and the couple stared at each other, out of breath. Poppy was enchanted by this, she never thought that he would join her in the song. Branch took this opportunity and kissed her on her cheek, overlapping the corner of her lips. “I love ‘In the Heights’, it’s one of my favorite musicals.” He grinned, bringing her back up on her feet, and walked away.
Poppy was stunned, Branch had kissed her on the cheek. She felt her cheeks deeply redden and held her hands on her face, feeling the heat radiate off her.
“Are you coming to the event or am I going by myself?” Branch shouted; he was 10 feet away when he realized that she wasn’t moving. This brought Poppy out of her trance, and she faced him.
She smiled and touched the spot he kissed; the feeling of his lips lingered on her skin. “I’m coming~!” In a sing-song voice, she responded, skipping her way next to his side and linked her arm with his, walking together to the quad.
Once they were at the quad, they both browsed the booths together. One row had vendors selling all kinds of flowers that ranged from decoration, food, herbs, and spices. On the next row was a lineup of vendors selling makeup and accessories made of dried flowers, one booth caught Poppy’s eyes and she made a B-line to them. When Branch caught up to her, he saw a tent filled with handmade baskets and blankets, they were made using materials on campus, even from the wool of the barn sheep.
Poppy was admiring all the different baskets they made, but Branch had his eyes on a large square blanket. It was a light pink and strawberry color checkered blanket, large enough to sprawl out on if he wished. The texture was dense enough to keep him warm but also keep water from seeping through, the blanket was only half an inch thick.
“I’ll buy this one please.” He waved to the vendor and pulled out his wallet to pay in cash, leaving the leftover to tip. Poppy walked up behind Branch to see what he had bought, only to feel him plop the blanket into her arms, neatly rolled up with a bow to secure it.
“Ohhhh~ This is nice! It feels soft and dense, this would be perfect for a picnic!” She giggled, she rubbed a corner of the blanket in between her fingers to admire the craftmanship.
“It’s for you.” Branch warmly said, he smiled and stuffed his wallet back into his pocket.
“Wait what? You bought this for me?” Poppy’s eyes widened at his statement, her heart skipped a beat, and she held the blanket closer to her chest. She seemed unsure and waited for his response.
Branch simply nodded, “Yup, it reminded me of you and your vibrant personality.” A blush crept up on him, his confidence was depleted after that kiss on the cheek he gave her.  
Poppy felt butterflies in her stomach, she was flattered at the gift and now she knew exactly what to do to pay it forward.
She gave him a toothy smile, “Thank you Branch, I know exactly what we can do for lunch!” She excitedly danced in her spot, her feet quickly tapped on the grassy floor of the tent, and she quickly grabbed his hand.
“Thank you!” She beamed at the vendor before she dragged him outside.
Branch was tasked with setting up a spot away from the event. He found a nice, shaded area, it was secluded, and the music could still be heard faintly in the distance. After he laid out the blanket, he sat down in the middle with his shoes off. He listened to the breeze brush the trees and leaned on his hands behind him, he felt relaxed and closed his eyes.
Poppy came to their spot after 10 minutes. She brought chicken katsu bento boxes in a bag, hanging from her left arm, and two sodas in both of her hands. She stopped from a short distance to watch Branch, he was peacefully enjoying the moment, and this was a sight she cherished in her heart. Something about his resting face made her heart beat a bit harder, and the sudden urge to kiss him came up again. Poppy shook her head and mentally kicked herself for thinking of something ridiculous. To keep herself from imagining such scenarios again, she rustled the bag in her arm to bring Branch’s attention to her. Branch opened his eyes and made eye contact with Poppy, he scooted over and patted the spot to his left, it was free from any sun peeking through the leaves.
Quickly, Poppy carefully set down the bag of food and sodas. She sat down to his left, opened the bag to reveal their lunches, and passed his soda to Branch.
“Thank you for the food, you really didn’t have to buy me lunch.” He hummed, slowly opened his bento box, and slipped the chopsticks out of their paper wrapper. Poppy poured her katsu sauce over the meat and opened her canned soda.
“It’s a thank you for the gift, it really means a lot to me that you thought of me Branch.” She smiled and kept her eyes on her food, avoiding eye contact to suppress her urge to kiss the troll again, he just looked so sweet.
Branch looked at her, watching her prepare her food and stuffing the largest piece of chicken in her mouth which made him laugh.
Poppy reacted quickly and stared at Branch, “What’s so funny?” she said with her mouth full, still chewing the meat.
He laughed harder and held his mouth to stop himself. “It’s just- “ He chuckled, “You look like a hamster when they stuff all those seeds in their cheeks!” He stifled his giggle. Poppy rolled her eyes and pouted, she swallowed her food and began, “I do not look like a hamster!! Hmph!” She pouted again, turning her face away from Branch.
His laugh trailed off with a satisfied sigh before he reached over to cup her face. Slowly, Branch brought Poppy to face him again.
“Awe~ It’s just that you looked so cute with your cheeks stuffed with food!” He playfully teased her, squished her face, and smiled at her to cheer her up again. Poppy loosened up quickly and gave him a side smile, she softly pushed his face to hide her flustered cheeks.
Branch giggled and let go of her face, when he looked at her again, he noticed something.
“Hey, wait, you got some sauce on your chin.” Quickly, he used his thumb to wipe the sauce off her face and unintentionally brushed her bottom lip. Poppy froze in her spot, she let him wipe off the sauce and waited for him to turn back to his food. Internally, she was screaming and squealing like a fangirl who saw her bias on stage. She held back the urge to kick her feet and stuffed rice in her mouth again before she squealed externally.
Branch blissfully went back to eat and never saw her reaction.
After their lunch, Poppy felt energized and ready to get back to her adventures. On the other hand, Branch felt a food coma kicking in, he was never good at staying awake after a hearty meal. He began to nod off while Poppy went on a rant about the price of paint.
“Hey Poppy, I’m really sorry to cut you off during your rant but-“ He covered his mouth when he yawned, “ I think I’m being hit by a food coma.” Branch patted his stomach and lazily blinked at her. Immediately, Poppy had an idea. She moved further away from Branch and patted her thighs. “You can use me as a pillow if you’re sleepy, I can wake you up before your class starts.” She eagerly said she loved it when her friends slept on her, she felt useful and closer to them, perfect for bonding!
“Thanks, Poppy.” Branch didn’t hesitate and removed his cardigan. Carefully, he laid his head on Poppy’s legs and used his sweater as a blanket. Poppy gently brushed his hair with her fingers, she delicately gave him a head massage and instantly put Branch to sleep.
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After 5 minutes, Poppy had gotten lost in thought. She couldn’t help but feel this flame in her heart, she knew that she was developing feelings for her friend. Normally, she would confess right away at the first feeling of affection, but she didn’t want to scare him away. Her fingers traced shapes on his forehead and earned herself a sleepy smile from him.
Her eyes trailed from his hair to his eyes, then to his ears, and finally to his lips. Branch’s mouth was slightly parted. Poppy wondered, ‘What did it feel like to kiss him?’ She remembered the kiss she gave him on the cheek, only she focused on the corner of his lips she ‘accidentally’ felt. She blushed and remembered how soft they felt, she touched her lips and reminisced. Slowly, she leaned down to inch closer to his lips. She hesitated and thought, ‘This is wrong’ Then she moved up to his forehead, gently kissing his temple, letting her lips linger to embrace the feeling.
He smelled amazing, this time he embodied a green apple-like scent, sweet and fresh. She sat back up to enjoy the moment. Time passed and it was finally time to wake up Branch for his next class.
She gently caressed his cheek and softly called his name. He slowly blinked awake and looked up at Poppy, the sunlight made her glow. Butterflies were a constant recurrence to Branch.
“It’s time to wake up sleepy head.”
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In The Heights • Breathe • Benny's Dispatch • It Won't Be Long Now • Inútil • No Me Diga • 96,000 • Paciencia Y Fe • When You're Home • Piragua • The Club • Blackout • Sunrise • Hundreds Of Stories • Enough • Carnaval Del Barrio • Atención • Alabanza • Everything I Know • Piragua (Reprise) • Champagne • When The Sun Goes Down • Finale
Submitter's Note: This is the Broadway stage version, not the movie
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(Headcanoned) Spotify Playlists For All The Aru Shah Characters
had a stroke of inspiration while scrolling through @namesarehard123's blog, and armed with (probably expired) lemonade, I had at it.
Plant Stalking Skillz- playlist by spider_shah
Royals by Lorde
All You Had To Do Was Stay- Taylor Swift
Everybody Talks- Neon Trees
There Are Worse Things I Could Do- Grease
Interlude: I'm Not Angry Anymore- Paramore
Adhd- Truslow
Dead Girl Walking- Heathers
All The Single Ladies- Beyonce
Carnaval Del Barrio- In the Heights
Dandelions- Ruth B.
Gorgeous- Taylor Swift
Mr. Brightside- The Killers
History Hates Lovers- Oublaire
The Dumb Song- AJR
U Wished U Were This Emo- playlist by shadowfaxnotprinter
Lover- Taylor Swift
Yellow- Coldplay
Producer Man- Lyn Lapid
Boy Bi- Mad Tsai
Numb Little Bug- Em Beihold
Overwhelmed (Ryan Mack Remix)- Ryan Mack
Mad At Disney- Salem Ilese
Riptide- Vance Joy
Detached- Lyn Lapid
Cruel Summer- Taylor Swift
Until I Found Her (Em Beihold Vers.)- Stephen Sanchez
Dancing With Our Hands Tied- Taylor Swift
Still Into You- Paramore
Romantic Stylz- playlist by prince snekkyboi
Happier Than Ever- Billie Eilish
Come And Get your Love- Redbone
Bad Dream- Stellar
Dancing Queen- ABBA
Kiss Her You Fool- Kids That Fly
Don't Blame Me- Taylor Swift
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go- Wham!
Here Comes The Sun- The Beatles
God, I Hate Shakespear- Something Rotten!
Therapy- Tick, Tick, Boom!
The World's Smallest Violin- AJR
Grace Kelly- MIKA
Freaks- Jordan Clarke
Times Are Hard For Dreamers- Amelie
Denim On Denim- playlist by eat-the-rich-and-good-biryani.
Sweater Weather- The Neighborhood
As It Was- Harry Styles
Gloria- The Lumineers
girls- girl in red
Teenager In Love- Neon Trees
Radio-Friendly Pop Song- Matt Fishel
Line Without A Hook- Ricky Montgomery
Turning Out- AJR
Take Me To Church- Hozier
Space Girl- Fraces Forever
Pink Triangle- Weezer
Jolene- Dolly Parton
Boy In The Bubble- Alec Benjamin
I Will Follow You Into The Dark- Death Cab For Cutie
Tear In My Heart- Twenty-One Pilots
Fuck Me (I Didn't Know How To Say)- Crawlers
Delicate- Taylor Swift
Bathe In Sanitizer, Elmo- playlist by YaKaMeLo
Someone You Like- The Girl and the Dreamcatcher
As The World Caves In- Matt Maltese
Fade To Black- Metallica
Wildest Dreams- Vitamin String Quartet Cover
In Case You Don't Live Forever- Ben Platt
The 30th- Billie Eilish
I Did Something Bad- Taylor Swift
Queen Of Kings- Alessandra
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy- Queen
Enemy- Imagine Dragons
I Write Sins Not Tragedies- Panic! At The Disco
London Boy- Taylor Swift
Brain Damage- Pink Floyd
Hiding In Your Hands- Dear Evan Hansen Bonus Track
Uptown Girl- Billy Joel
The Man- Taylor Swift
Dismantle The Sus- playlist by here?AHHHHHH
Ordinary- Alli Grace
Dress- Taylor Swift
Stairway To Heaven- Led Zepplin
The Takeover, The Break's Over- Fall Out Boy
Wake Me Up When September Ends- Green Day
we fell in love in october- Girl In Red
Material Girl- Madonna
Green, Green Dress- Tick, Tick, Boom!
Warriors- She-Ra And the Princesses Of Power Theme Song
American Idiot- Green Day
You Need To Calm Down- Taylor Swift
Family Line- Conan Gray
We Didn't Start the Fire- Billy Joel and the Fall Out Boy cover
Question...?- Taylor Swift
Devil Doesn't Bargain- Alec Benjamin
Away We Go- Bad Suns
Misery Business- Paramore
pt. 2 coming... eventually. add in the tags any songs that I might have missed
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dykrophone · 9 months
not me realizing after THREE whole years of listening to it that carnaval del barrio is a 7+ minute song
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gluion · 1 year
thanks for the tag @wuahae !!
last song: carnaval del barrio from in the heights (lmfao back to listening to showtunes... watching hamilton this weekend also!)
last movie: past lives :] really good story but wasn't too happy about its execution as a movie :')
currently reading: rereading little women & also in the middle of crying in hmart (i'm buddy reading that's why!) but also i put a little life on hold for the time being </3 just haven't found a lot time to read bc i do it so much in uni... sigh
currently watching: sex education & rewatching cowboy bebop (like always)!!
current obsession: imessage games... cat is well aware of this (pls hmu if u play PLS!!!)
tagging @sungbeam @mosviqu @winterchimez <3 no pressure!!!
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Thanks to the lovely @kaymardsa for the tag!
Currently Reading:
marginalia by @spindrifters (a wonderful look into classism and magical racism of the wizarding world that i am absolutely devouring <3)
EPILOGUE by @dogstarmoonheart as well as her amazing snapchat and texting series
Underneath It All by @kaymardsa (growing up :( )
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
Favorite Color: navy blue
Last Song: "Carnaval del Barrio" from In the Heights by Lin Manuel Miranda
Last Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3
Sweet/spicy/savory: sweet!
Currently working on: oh jesus, what am i not working on? part 3 of wolf, chapter 7 of Keeping the Faith, and two wips that i'm really excited about (and are the only thing i have inspiration for atm)
No pressure tags: @ivedonemywaiting, @atlasdoe
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occasional-musings · 1 year
For the Ask game, how about 🧁 (favorite memory with a specific song/album) and/or 🏡 (where is your dream house)?
🧁: My favorite memory with listening to "Carnaval del Barrio" from the musical In The Heights is mouthing along to the lyrics with my lab partner during a summer internship. I secretly had a crush on him at the time, and we were on a high of having completed a difficult lab procedure. Nothing came of it, but we have remained friends.
🏠: Currently, in my mind, my dream house is a cottage in upstate NY. The climate is cool and predictable (spring comes in March, summer comes in June, fall starts in late September/early October, and winter starts in late November/December). I adore the trees and wildlife there (especially the birds). But I also wish to travel a bit before sticking to one location, so this answer may change over time.
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Hi! I finished up the list of songs that made it in, I still need to make the brackets, and will post those once they’re done! Complete list under the cut
A Little Fall of Rain - Les Misérables
A Little Priest - Sweeney Todd
A Musical - Something Rotten
Agony - Into the Woods
All you wanna do - Six
Another National Anthem - Assassins
Another Suitcase in Another Hall - Evita
Anthem - Chess
Any Kind of Dead Person - Ghost Quartet
Anything you can do (I can do better) - Annie Get Your Gun
Balaga - Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812
Being Alive - Company
Belle - Notre-Dame de Paris
Brain Dead - A New Brain
Burn - Hamilton
Cabaret - Cabaret
Carnaval del Barrio - In the Heights
Carrying the Banner - Newsies
Cell Block Tango - Chicago
Chant - Hadestown
Come what may - Moulin Rouge
Confrontation - Jekyll & Hyde
Costume Party - Come from Away
Dead Girl Walking - Heathers
Dead Mom - Beetlejuice
Defying Gravity - Wicked
Dentist! - Little Shop of Horrors
Die Schatten werden länger - Elisabeth
Don’t Rain On My Parade - Funny Girl
Drink with me - Les Misérables
Dust and Ashes - Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812
El tango de Roxanne - Moulin Rouge
Epic III - Hadestown
Epiphany - Sweeney Todd
Esmeralda - the Hunchback of Notre-Dame
Everybody’s got the right - Assassins
Feast or famine - Black Friday
Feed Me (Git It!) - Little Shop of Horrors
For Good - Wicked
Get Down - Six
Gethsemane (I only want to say) - Jesus Christ Superstar
Giants in the sky - Into the Woods
Glory - Pippin
Go Tonight - The Mad One’s
Good Kid - the lightning thief
Heaven on their Minds - Jesus Christ Superstar
Holding to the Ground - Falsettos
How Can Love Survive - The Sound of Music
I’m Alive - Next to Normal
I’m Breaking Down - Falsettos
Ich gehör nur mir - Elisabeth
If I had my time again - Groundhog Day
If I were a rich man - Fiddler on the Roof
Inevitable - The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
Independently Owned - Shucked
Joseon Swag (조선수액) - Swag Age: Shout Out, Joseon! (스웨그에이지: 외쳐, 조선!)
Judas - Clown Bible
Juntton - Gambämark
King of New York - Newsies
Land of Yesterday - Anastasia
Le Monde est Stone - Starmania
Les Rois du Monde - Roméo et Juliette, de la haine à l’amour
Let it out - The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
Letters - Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812
Lilacs - Preludes
Loser Geek Whatever - Be More Chill
Losing My Mind - Follies
Love will come and find me again - Bandstand
Madame Guillotine - The Scarlet Pimpernel
Michael in the Bathroom - Be More Chill
My Grand Plan - the lightning thief
No One Else - Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812
No One Remembers Achmed - Twisted
Noel’s Lament - Ride the Cyclone
Nonstop - Hamilton
On My Own - Les Misérables
On the Verge - Women on the Edge of a Nervous Breakdown
Once and for all - Newsies
One Day More - Les Misérables
Place, je passe - Mozart l’opéra rock
Popular - Wicked
Prologue - Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812
Prologue: Tradition - Fiddler on the Roof
Quartet at the Ballet - Anastasia
Quiet - Matilda
Rebecca Reprise - Rebecca
Requiem - Dear Evan Hansen
Revolting Children - Matilda
Ring of Keys - Fun Home
Santa Fe - Newsies
Seize the Day - Newsies
Sick to Death of Alice-ness - Alice by Heart
Skid Row (Downtown) - Little Shop of Horrors
Solo - Octet
Starchild - Ghost Quartet
Sweet Transvestite - Rocky Horror Show
Talia - Ride the Cyclone
Telephone Wire - Fun Home
The Ballad of Jane Doe - Ride the Cyclone
The I Love You Song - The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
The New World - Songs for a New World
The Opera - Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812
The Pitiful Children - Be More Chill
The Point of No Return - The Phantom of the Opera
The Song of Purple Summer - Spring Awakening
The Starry Night - Starry
The Thrill of First Love - Falsettos
The Torture Tango - Spies are Forever
The Turning of the Key - The Clockmaker’s Daughter
There! Right There! - Legally Blonde
This World Will Remember Us - Bonnie & Clyde
Time Warp - Rocky Horror Show
Tonight (Quintet) - West Side Story
Touch Me - Spring Awakening
Twisted - Twisted
Unlikely Lovers - Falsettos
Usher Pt. 3 - Ghost Quartet
Wait For Me - Hadestown
Wait For Me (Reprise) - Hadestown
Waving Through A Window - Dear Evan Hansen
Wenn ich tanzen will - Elisabeth
What would I do - Falsettos
When the going gets tough - Spongebob Squarepants
Wilkommen - Cabaret
You Gotta Die Sometime - Falsettos
Your Daddy’s Son - Ragtime
Your Fault/Last Midnight - Into the Woods
30/90 - Tick, Tick… Boom
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pardonmydelays · 10 months
"i don't think i'll ever understand musicals the way you do" is something i've heard from one of my friends a couple of days ago when i told him i'm about to cross the whole country just to see one of those (my favourite one!) live in theatre. and i can't blame him. if you'd have told me a year ago that i would do something like that, i'd probably have laughed in your face. life is so unpredictable. i guess i have changed a lot. and i could write thousands of essays about how musicals helped me get through the shittiest period of my life, but we are not going to talk about this today. today we are talking about in the heights, the first musical i got a chance to experience live in theatre, hopefully not last. so grab a cup of coffee and make yourself comfortable, this is going to be the longest essay you've ever seen, friends.
a little warning: spoilers. a lot of them actually. so if, by any chance, you haven't seen/heard it yet and you are going to, don't read it.
first thing i feel like i need to mention is that they had this mini bar inside the theatre and you could order a lot of different drinks there and one of them was called abuela's coffee. i heard one lady explaining to someone that it's actually coffee with condensed milk. my jaw dropped and i was like CAN I STAY HERE FOREVER, PLEASE? for those who don't understand why, here's a quote from the first song:
USNAVI: abuela, my fridge broke, i got café but no con leche ABUELA CLAUDIA: try my mother's old recipe: one can of condensed milk
so this was my first "OH! THEY GET IT!" moment (a little note here: i had a lot of oh, they get it moments, mostly because i don't have any people around me who understand musicals the way i do... honestly, you'd have to live inside my brain). that was the first time ever when i could actually be in the room where it happens with all those people who get it and care about it as much as i do (mostly actors and people responsible for the whole show tho, but we will get to this later).
let's get to the show. so when i finally went inside and i saw the stage, i already had tears in my eyes (don't judge me please). usnavi's store, abuela's door, daniela and carla's salon, all those puerto rican, cuban and dominican flags (one couple behind me was trying to figure out which one is which and it was funny because i knew and i wanted to scream)... listening and memorizing the whole soundtrack is one thing. being able to experience it all live is something else. all those things around me were so familiar and this was the first time in months (MONTHS! OR EVEN YEARS!) i felt really understood. after all, it was all like a little celebration of lin's story (the one i love with all my heart) and i truly felt like home. so that was another OH! THEY GET IT! moment.
i don't think i'm going to talk about every single song here, that's not the point. i will talk about my favourite moments, but also about things that didn't work very well in my opinion (again: this was a polish version so all the songs were translated into polish. and they did a really great job here, surprisingly. but it wasn't perfect, more about that later).
one thing you need to understand is that i will never be normal about musicals so of course i had to burst into tears at the very first song (i don't even know why, i think i was a little bit too excited). i was actually crying in the most random moments like when i first saw nina or at the end of carnaval del barrio because I KNEW WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT (who the hell cries at carnaval del barrio when everyone is having the time of their lives lol, me apparently).
ok, so the first song. the choreography, oh my god. it was everything. the translation was also pretty good here, i need to say this was probably one of my favourite moments. imagine me leaving today giggling like a child when usnavi came on that stage and started rapping, i was in heaven. also, i have to admit, the cast was amazing. i could never imagine anyone better for this role (and again, i am talking about polish actors because everyone knows who's the best usnavi of them all). he was cute and charming and awkward and so adorkable and also really handsome. he was actually perfect in my opinion.
i kinda lost my mind when i saw nina for the first time. first of all: i already knew who was going to play her and let's just say i fell in love with this actress before i even saw her live on that stage. this was important to me, because (as some of you know) nina rosario is my favourite character. and oh my god, she was an absolute perfection. what a voice, sweet jesus. i'm being serious, this girl is so talented, give her every award (i honestly hope i will have a chance to see her again one day, i'm just crazy about her). and breathe was so good! polish version was amazing, i was so scared they would screw it up, but they didn't, so all's good (this song is very important to me, ok?). also, she's a phenomenal actress, i could feel all her emotions for real. and of course i cried, what did you expect?
i don't have that much to say about benny, except that he was really cute and he had amazing chemistry with nina, so once again, the casting was really good. i mean, he is not chris jackson of course, but i have decided i'm not going to compare all those actors because everyone knows at this point how much i love OBC, i was trying to have an open mind. vanessa was also pretty great, amazing voice and her dancing skills, wow, just wow. i could talk about all those actors for days actually, but i'm not going to do that, so i will just quickly mention that i absolutely loved daniela and carla, abuela claudia made me cry, sonny was the funniest character in the whole play and i don't think i will ever recover after piragua guy's performance (i was the only person in the audience who was laughing when he came on that stage, they don't get it, ok? polish people have no sense of humour and that's a fact). actually, there were a lot of funny moments (obviously) and i was the only person who was laughing, god help me.
so let's get to the first thing that was a little disappointing for me. you will not believe it, but it was actually... 96,000 (this is one of my favourite songs and i seriously can't live like this). it's not the translation tho (it was honestly fine), it's the voice overlapping part at the end (again, the best thing ever, just listen to we don't talk about bruno from encanto and non-stop from hamilton and you will understand why it works so well in every lmm's song). the thing is, you could actually only hear vanessa's part and i wanted to die, because EXCUSE ME. i always sing usnavi's part and you could barely hear a word from it. but apart from that, the rest was fine, the choreography was amazing and it's just something i needed to mention because i had thoughts about it.
paciencia y fe! ok besties, i have thoughts, again. abuela claudia was absolutely incredible, also, her relationship with usnavi is something that you can't see in the movie version (they were so sweet i wanted to curl up and die. i knew about it before, i saw slime tutorial with obc on yt, ok? i'm pretty sure lin would be mad at me for watching bootlegs lol. i just wanted to say this). the translation didn't work out at the very end of the song tho, because when in the og version abuela sings about the "winning ticket", everyone knows already she won the lottery. i don't remember polish translation exactly, but it was something with double meaning, depends on how you interpret it, and i'm 100% sure people who didn't know the plot just didn't catch it. the rest of the song was absolutely beautiful tho.
when you're home. i was so afraid of this one, because i am totally crazy about this song (did i ever mention lin wrote this one after one of his first dates with vanessa? no? yes? ok i'll shut up about this now). oh, they did a really great job with it and it's a relief. i have nothing else to say, except that i was crying like a baby, but this song always makes me cry so what did you expect exactly? one of the best moments for sure. again, nina and benny's chemistry was absolutely incredible.
as much as i loved the club, i was actually really disappointed with one part, which is usnavi's famous "jealous i ain't jealous, i can take all these fellas, wHaTeVaaaaa". i've been waiting so long for this! and they messed it up with their stupid cringy translation which i don't even remember at the moment but usnavi was actually mad at benny and he cursed? ANYWAY. the rest of the song was great and the choreography was absolutely phenomenal, oh vanessa! let me get the next one! (i love her so much, she was amazing here). a little note from me: no one was laughing at the "no hablo ingles" part, NO ONE BUT ME!!! THEY DON'T GET IT! WTF! i was so mad (i am aware of the fact that most people probably didn't even know this story before and they just wanted to see a musical, not THE MUSICAL, which is totally fine. but sweet jesus, where is their sense of humour? they left it at home or what?).
and blackout was that part where the voice overlapping effect worked very well, so all's good. actually, one of the best moments for me as well. people were actually so confused when all the lights went down, but that was just so amazing. all the panic! everybody was screaming, crying! WE ARE POWERLESS! THE END OF ACT I!!! oh, i had the time of my life.
i had this weird feeling that they didn't exactly know how to translate most of hundreds of stories so they just made this song shorter than it actually is. which is fine i guess. honestly, it's better than bad translation, so i can forgive them. what i absolutely can't forgive tho is that the audience wasn't laughing at US NAVY. polish people, you have no fucking taste. i said what i said. and then again, usnavi and abuela's relationship was so sweet this song actually made me cry (mostly because i knew what was coming but also, i was just this weird girl who was sitting there in the second row and was crying at the most random moments).
ok, guys, honestly. carnaval del barrio was the best moment from the entire musical. oh, how much i want to experience it again! daniela was absolutely incredible, carla was so sweet, piragua guy stole the whole fucking show for me (seriously guys! he was just so amazing!). also, those little details i have never noticed before? i can't even tell if the same thing happened in the original version (the quality of that bootleg is actually terrible), but benny dancing with american flag somewhere in the background was so fucking funny and i don't think i will ever get over that part where at the end they were all still dancing and celebrating and nina and usnavi just ran away as fast as they could because... because you guys know what just happened. also, this is the moment i started crying.
i was so scared of it. let me tell you one thing, i experienced abuela's death at least fifty times and i still cry every single time. so atención is something i have to mention, because all the emotions and kevin's shaky voice made me burst into tears right away, and this time i wasn't the only one because i saw a lot of people crying when they realized what happened (i also heard a lot of OHs when he said abuela passed away, so yes, most of them didn't know this story and they were surprised). and alabanza was something else. believe me when i tell you i am writing this with tears in my eyes, i have never cried so much in public. this was the moment i was the most scared of and i was absolutely right because holy fuck. i was a mess. all the actors with those candles singing alabanza a doña claudia! (yes, they didn't translate it, all the spanish parts were left like in the original version and i am so grateful for that), it was just so sad and so beautiful. and this time i was actually like oh, they get it now (everyone was speechless and people were crying).
everyone must know at this point how much i adore champagne and i wasn't disappointed (thank god!). once again, usnavi was absolutely adorable here and people were actually laughing this time (also thank god!). how do you get this gold shit off? (my favourite line from the whole musical) was translated really well and the moment when usnavi and vanessa kissed! with all lights on them! this was so emotional and the audience reacted so well! we were all clapping (it was so funny to pretend like i didn't know it was gonna happen haha i was just as excited as all of them and once again i was like OH! THEY GET IT!). 10/10, would recommend.
if you think i wasn't crying during the last song, think again. one thing i absolutely hate about the movie version is that they actually changed the graffiti that made usnavi stay in washington heights, but i'm not gonna talk about that and i'm not gonna talk about vanessa also being there in the movie. in the original version it was a portrait of abuela claudia made by graffiti pete and oh boy, i lost my mind (i knew about it but i still lost my mind because it was absolutely beautiful). i got the feeling it was a little rushed in our polish version, but i can forgive them because it still made me cry. also, at the very end, usnavi did not only finally acknowledge he's home, when the song was over he pretty much told the audience that we are all home right now and may i just say... i felt that. i was home. they made me believe for the first time in my life i was where i belong, and somehow that was everything.
one thing about me is that this is actually all new to me. this was my first musical i saw live in theatre (and also lin's first child, which is exactly how it was supposed to be i think), and believe me when i tell you i've never had this much fun in my entire life, not even at all the concerts of my favourite artists. it was worth every money. it was worth spending 11 hours on the train and 11 more on my way back home, which by the way we should normalize (people are doing crazy things just to see their favourite artists on the stage and it's considered normal, so why can't we consider THIS normal?). anyway, i don't expect anyone around me to understand it the way i do, but i feel like i really found my thing, and it's all because of lin-manuel miranda, our beautiful puerto rican genius. he made me believe musicals can be cool and i truly wish i could thank him for that one day.
and like i said, in the heights is my favourite story with my favourite characters and i listened to it so many times i have memorized all the little details. experiencing it live is something completely different tho and i think it's safe to say this was the best night of my entire life. even tho most of the people in the audience didn't really get it, i finally felt like i was a part of this world created by my favourite genius and for the first time ever i felt understood. so i think i can say that now: i found my island, guys, i'm there, i'm home!
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missmeganlee · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite blogs 🎶✨
In an effort to not just put Omar's songs on here, I'll give you the last 5 songs I added to my "liked songs" playlist on Spotify, with 1 per music artist lol
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starstruckwillows · 2 years
They’re back with more bouquet 💐 songs!! This time we’re going musicals-only (😋).
“Dust and Ashes” from Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812.
“Broadway, Here I Come!” from SMASH.
“It Only Takes a Moment” from Hello, Dolly!.
“Do You Love Me?” from Fiddler on the Roof.
“Always Look On the Bright Side of Life” from Spamalot.
“What Baking Can Do” from Waitress.
“Home” from Beetlejuice.
“The Phantom of the Opera” from The Phantom of the Opera.
“Carnaval Del Barrio” from In the Heights.
Hope you like these recs, and that you’re doing well!! 🖤🖤🖤
fun fact - the high e opera note in phantom of the opera, my mum can hit. she starred in a production of it once
dust and ashes - 7/10
favourite lyric - "i taste every wasted minute"
broadway, here i come - 8/10
favourite lyric - "i'm focused on the prize"
it only takes a moment - 7/10
favourite lyric - "your heart knows in a moment"
do you love me - 6.5/10
favourite lyric - "you're upset, you're worn out"
always look on the bright side of life - 8/10
favourite lyric - "if life seems jolly rotton, then there's something you've forgotten"
what baking can do - 7/10
favourite lyric - "i'll bake a door to help me get through"
home - 8/10
favourite lyric - "i'm beaten up and bruised, confused by rules which alter everyday"
the phantom of the opera - 5/10
favourite lyric - "inside your mind"
carnaval del barrio - 9/10
favourite lyric - "come and join the parranda"
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zaniasky · 2 years
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
Sorry this took me forever to answer...it's mostly because I forgot! 😅
Here's the last 5 songs I listened to:
Rose-Colored Boy by Paramore
Paper Bag by Fiona Apple
Cozy by Beyoncé
Tiny Dancer by Elton John
Carnaval del Barrio - In the Heights Soundtrack
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🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
Thanks for this!!
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