#sonic sprite community
inkabelledesigns · 10 months
Hey so have I ever told you guys about the most ridiculous thing to happen to me online as a teenager? Yeah I got trolled and harassed by the same guy for so many years that I lost count. And it was all because I told him you shouldn't steal people's Sonic fan character sprite sheets. Here's the story.
So as a teenager, I was really into those SSS Sprite Show videos. It was a genre of Sonic content on YouTube that consisted of Sonic and Shadow with Sonic Advance style sprites, and Silver with a Genesis styled sprite, over realistic photo backgrounds, using Speakonia voices to talk. The humor was often pretty terribly written. The three would often live together, Shadow would beat the crap out of Silver, Sonic was obsessed with the Sex and the City Franchise, Amy was constantly written to be a horrible, obsessive antagonist which sucked, and so many people would recolor Sonic Advance sprites to be their fan characters, which would slowly take over the show and lead to more wacky adventures, becoming more about them than the canon cast. Some were pretty basic recolors, others put a lot of effort in. And as I said, this was a genre, as in, multiple people made sprite series with this setup, all using the same voices and formula, and they all lived in the mansion with the SSS. They were baaaaaaad, but y'know, the kids were having fun, and I used to know a lot of people in this community. I even tried my hand at spriting and got actively told to quit by one of my former boyfriends so I couldn't be better at it than him. Yeah he was a peach. This is sarcasm, he was a dick and incredibly sexist towards me. Hell the amount of sexism I faced from guys in this community was kind of ridiculous. The stuff I went through just for being a girl on the internet in the 2010s was something else. If this part of the sprite community somehow still exists, I hope people have gotten better about that.
Anyway, it was incredibly common for fan character sprite sheets to cross over into each other's series, but not everyone consented to people using your sheets. So often, you'd email people your sheet, and only people who had permission would use it. That is, until some assholes leaked them. One of my friends had their sheet leaked and given to someone else who abused the use of it so much, and then there was all this stuff with emailing where some confident lil shit decided to flaunt that he had all these sheets he wasn't supposed to have. We never found definitive evidence as to who leaked them, but I feel confident that I know who it was. But the person flaunting it, I and this other person called him out. He was not only flaunting the sheets under a false name and using them in hisain account videos (often turning my friend's character into a bitch to make them look bad), but he was also making fake accounts to troll himself to generate sympathy and get people's attention off of it. And when we called him on this, he proceeded to harass us for the better part of a decade. Impersonating me on YouTube to say things I would never say in grammar I would never use, hell, he did that to a lot of people that would go on to call him out. He'd make entire videos on his main account telling us we were awful and to stop harassing him when we weren't, he was the one actively harassing us. The drama was real, and this continued to happen for YEARS after all of us stopped interacting with him, on YouTube, DeviantArt, it was bad, and it bugged me. I would be on vacation with my family, completely unplugged, and then come back to hundreds of messages gumming up my DA inbox from him under fake accounts.
But like, at a certain point you learn to block it out. Like as a teenager, I was worried people would think his impersonation was actually me, and some people did! But anyone who like, actually knew me wasn't fooled, and if you're willing to believe that sort of thing on sight without questioning it in the slightest, maybe you're not someone I need in my life or should care about the opinions of. It was a valuable lesson that not everyone is someone you need to hold in high regard. Be respectful, but also know that not everyone respects you, and their opinions don't need to hold as much weight for you emotionally as someone who does.
The last time I logged into my old DeviantArt, I had like ten messages from deactivated accounts telling me to go fuck myself, from this guy, still impersonating someone else, the same way he had for all that time. It'd gotten a little less frequent while I was still active, but my account has been dead for years. I couldn't believe it, I haven't used my DA since I was what, finishing college? And the messages were recent, it was kind of pathetic.
Like, we just wanted him to stop stealing shit, and there he was, having learned nothing. Consent matters, if you have not been given permission to use someone's character in your creative work, you ask first, and if they say no, you respect that no. You don't get someone to send you their materials, abuse those materials, and then harass people for telling you to knock it off. Yeah, I probably could have been nicer in the way I handled things, I regret that, but knowing what I know now? Regardless of how I behaved, this guy had some unacceptable behavior. And I hope wherever he is now, he's grown up a little. Like, if I really lived rent free in your head for that long, all because I told you not to be a butt to my friend, to respect their boundaries, maybe I'm not the villain in this scenario. Trying to control my actions and obsessing over the fact that I thought you were doing something ugly, when I was an absolute nobody that no one took seriously anyway, isn't nearly as productive as working on bettering yourself. Like genuinely, I hope he's doing better. I felt no sympathy in the moment these things happened, but I do feel a little bad for him now. I've been there, in a place where I cared too much about people's views of me, and it left me wrecked and trying to people please far more than was reasonable. I changed all of who I was in an effort to be liked, and it didn't do me any favors, just made me miserable. It took me so long to learn that hey, you're likable and loveable just by being you, you're not a bad person or failing at being human, you just hadn't found the right people yet. And now you've found people who are in fact great people, and you're gonna be okay. (Yes I went through a character arc and changed as a person for the better, I am far from exactly the same person that I was as a teenager, I've grown. But I'd like to think that some of why people want me around and value me as a friend is because of things I've had inside me all along, things that are core parts of my character. As I often say, maybe being Kat isn't such a bad thing to be after all. Self love and self improvement is a process folks.)
Anyway another community's struggles came up on my feed today, and it reminded me of this story, that's why I'm telling it. To anyone out there that's had to deal with a troll, well, I can't say all experiences are equal, and the internet has changed quite a bit since this happened to me. There are some troll experiences that you can't ignore that will turn into something serious and bad, but there are others that you can brush off, because those trolls don't matter. And there are some that are a complex mix of it all. It's often not worth it to interact with someone that attacks you in bad faith. What I can say is that if someone makes it their life mission to take you down, without really knowing you? Think long and hard about how much time you really want to dedicate to that. Not everyone is going to like you, some people are going to hate you with no real basis or reason for it sometimes. Some people are going to believe things about you that aren't true. The best thing you can do is put your best foot forward, be kind, be courteous, be a thoughtful person, and surround yourself with people who are also kind and thoughtful. Of course, have some self reflection. If someone says your behavior is hurtful, really think about it and analyze yourself, work on yourself, we can always improve. But know that you're not gonna please everyone, and that in and of itself is not a moral failing. It's what you choose to do about it that matters.
The bottom line is this: You can't control how anyone feels about you or behaves, all you can do is control your own actions and make smart choices.
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bkchaos · 3 months
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Some Majins funkin' it up! ✨
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cosmicheartzone · 23 days
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Tails: For all the questions on if her family and friends knew about me, Yes, I’ve mostly talked to them all over the communicator on Cosmo’s old ship… and that does include the ones that are… no longer with us. 
I’ve only been to Green Gate once when Cosmo personally flew me to show her home planet. It was one of our earliest dates, though it wasn’t our first. This was obviously before the Black Arms attacked, so Green Gate was still the natural wonder it used to be. We assumed there’d be other chances for me to come back, but after what happened. That’s unlikely to be anytime soon with them still rebuilding the damage done and most of the citizens still picking up the pieces after so many lost loved ones.
Galaxina and Daisy did do some playful teasing with Cosmo, but both were ultimately supportive. While everyone else was just happy for Cosmo and quite friendly towards me. The only one that we encountered some resistance to our relationship was with Cosmo’s father. But he’s never going to get the chance to warm up to us. Since he too perished against the Black Arms.
I wish we were in the part of the multiverse where nothing went wrong for us and we remained the kids in love having fun before the Black Arms invaded. But one silver lining is: Ever since the Black Arms invasion of Earth, we've become battle hardened now, we can defend ourselves, each other, and we don’t take things for granted. Our bond was pretty strong before, but now we’re ironclad tight. I still follow Sonic for many of his adventures, but Cosmo usually sticks close behind. We’re rarely apart for very long.
((While mentioned already in the blog description, this is to help make it clear that this isn't Sonic X's Tails and/or Cosmo. However, some aspects remain the same as X... including unfortunate events happening to most of the Seedrians. Although, as awful as this is. Sonic X's Cosmo still had it worse. At least here, her sister and mother still live. And while a large percentage was decimated, she is not the last of her kind. And there's still hope for Green Gate to rebuild at some point))
[Credit to Shadowbot for the Angel Island Zone and Neo Green Hill sheet/background and Ren Foxx Ramos for the Amy and Tails sprites. Credit to QuadFactor for Shadow and Rouge]
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thankskenpenders · 10 months
Have you ever tried to make your own Sonic game? Would you? Any ideas??
I've never seriously tried to make a Sonic fangame, no. As a kid I was more drawn to the idea of making a Mega Man fangame, mainly due to the fact that I was already editing Mega Man sprites all the time and also because I loved the level editor in Powered Up. (I never put any real effort into making a Mega Man fangame either, though.)
The thought has definitely crossed my mind as an adult, although if I was to ever make a Sonic fangame it would probably be very different from the traditional Sonic gameplay. I'm not sure I could really wrap my brain around the twisty, interweaving paths of 2D Sonic level design, and also there are already plenty of fangames and indie spiritual successors that play like Genesis era Sonic out there.
Unsurprisingly, the two main ideas I have are both Archie-based. (For as big as the Sonic fangame community is, there really isn't much out there inspired by the Archie comics. Most of the fangames I've seen with the Freedom Fighters are based directly on SatAM. This seems like an obvious niche to fill.) The first and most obvious idea is to do a Metroidvania starring Bunnie, where she gets different upgrades for her robot parts along the way. The thought of doing something kinda like Battle Network with Sally and Nicole, with Sally exploring the physical world and Nicole exploring cyberspace, has also crossed my mind.
These would be fun things to work on, but I'm not sure how much effort I'd be able to put into them because, you know... I couldn't sell them. SLARPG's done well - better than I hoped, even - but from a financial standpoint I don't know if I could dedicate multiple years to a freeware fangame before moving on to my next commercial project, and from an energy standpoint I'm not sure I could juggle two games at once. But I've thought about the possibility of doing something very small as a fun experiment while I learn Godot. So who knows.
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weirdmarioenemies · 2 years
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Name: Snail
Debut: Snail Maze
This is a snail. I love snails, and so do you! But this is no ordinary snail. This snail is a Video Game Hero! The star of its very own game, on a true video game console! What kind of game could this be? What does Snail Maze entail?
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If you guessed “it is a maze”, you are incorrect. If you guessed that I was lying just now, you ARE correct! Sorry for lying to you. Snail Maze is a maze, and it is a very simple maze, but I would call it a-maze-ing, because it stars a snail, and it really does not need to! It could star anything at all. A square or a circle or slithering sandwich. But with one very simple choice, they made a Snail Game!
The snail, who I will refer to as Snail, is in a maze, and must get to the goal, and that is it. The goal is a G! G for Goal! G for Good or Great, which the player is if they can reach the goal. G for Goodies, which Snail is probably hoping will be at the end of the maze! Maybe even G for Gadzooks, which is what the skeptics might say when Snail reaches the goal, as they did not have any faith in its abilities.
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Snail actually has TWO sprites. The second one looks like this. Do you know about the Snail Emoticon?
Various little snails, all at various stages of peeking out of their shells! Please use those all over the place, it would be nice to fill the world with more little snails.
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Snail Maze is sort of a rare game, because it was never released on its own! It is pretty much only officially playable on certain models of the SEGA Master System, and only by pressing a certain button combination when no game is inserted. Sadly, later models would replace Snail Maze as the built-in game. Some would replace it with Sonic the Hedgehog 1. That game doesn’t have snails! There wouldn’t be a snail in Sonic until Sonic 3!
I have heard that Snail Maze is repetitive and mediocre. I do not care. I want to play Snail Maze! I want to play the snail game! If you look up images about Snail Maze, you may find what appear to be images of its cover art, but remember, it did not have its own release like that- what you are seeing is fanart! And I think it is lovely that even for something as humble as Snail Maze, there are people who love it enough to make hypothetical cover art. It is less lovely that this art is often seen as official and used without credit, but now you know the truth! The Snail Maze community is small, but passionate!
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benis-chillin · 8 months
Thoughts and theories on Sonic Prime
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So, Sonic Prime has ended, good fellers, and since it's a Sonic thing, I shall simply say…
My feelings are mixed.
So, let's start off with just saying that the animation and voice acting? All good. If the English game cast blew up in a mysterious gas leak, these guys would make for fine replacements. The fight scenes are fluid, though do get a bit repetitive in the final few episodes(cause I think they were running low on budget), and everyone moves better than they have in the games…Maybe ever? Music is passable, but outside of the main theme, it's fairly forgettable. I think they used some game music in those sprites scenes that suck ass, so I don't see why they couldn't use a tune or two. At least use "All Hail Shadow" once, dude.
However, I feel that the writing and premise lets it all down. The premise feels like it would be better for a game or IDW arc instead of the rare animated series, especially since this show doesn't establish what Sonic's world is SUPPOSED to be like for new audiences. Sure, the games are at a decent level of popularity recently, and the movies have boosted the brand considerably in the public consciousness, but at least one episode before we start hopping around the multiverse would've made the stakes feel a bit tighter. Just because this is the game world doesn't mean you can skip basic shit like that. A status quo needs to be established for it to be shaken up.
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And yes, I did say this is the game world. Prime is, by standards I will explain in a bit, canon. Sonic fans have been arguing against this because of little details, like Green Hill being used interchangeably with Sonic's world(even though they never outright state that they're the same thing, leading me to believe this is simply a weird writing quirk), Sonic not noting other Metal Sonics exist when Chaos Sonic is introduced(even though he never says, "I have never seen a Metal Sonic before in my life!" Or anything like that), and Sonic having particularly shaky characterization(bad writing doesn't dictate canonicity, as otherwise the 2010's games wouldn't be canon either).
All of this is not good writing, to be sure, and Sega should've cracked down a bit harder on that stuff while making this show, but nothing here outright contradicts canon, if you know what a contradiction ACTUALLY is. It's an ongoing problem in the Sonic community that they don't know how to lore at all, and Prime is a good example of this. You don't have to like Prime, but if you count Colors or Lost World as canon, then you have no reason to not include Prime. Otherwise, you're just basing canon on what you do or don't like, which is an AWFUL approach to canonicity.
Personally, I slot it between Lost World and Forces for the moment, but this could change at a later date. Now, let's sit down and speculate on some things.
What are the Shatterspaces?
Long explanation short, I don’t believe the Shatterspaces to be a traditional multiverse setup. They aren’t variants of Sonic’s universe in the traditional sense, but rather partial worlds built on “fragments” of Sonic and company’s collective psyche, and this concept can explain a few things.
(Note: This is purely fan speculation, and not Objective Canon Zone. We’ve gotten past that point)
Let’s break down each Shatterspace.
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New Yoke is a dimension entirely overrun by the Chaos Counsel. Nature has been weeded out, and people live by the “mercy” of the Eggmen.
However, this Space is the only one with any Eggman variants, and this is very deliberate, because New Yoke is Eggman’s dream made manifest by the Prism. Remember, his robot was holding it when Sonic shattered it, so it’s logical that at least SOME of that energy came into his control. Hey, if anyone besides Sonic could control it, it would probably be Eggman, right? And when they make a giant construct at the end of Season 2, it looks like regular Eggman, so maybe there’s something to that?
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But of course, that begs the question: Why 5 Eggmen?
Well, 5 Shatterspaces.
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New Yoke-Mr. Doctor Eggman
The most similar to mainline Eggman, it feels best that he represent this Shatterspace.
Boscage Maze-Dr. Deep
The more zen of the 5, who may have more of a connection to nature than the others. For the crime of possibly having touched grass, I give this Shatterspace to him. The closest to a nature side that Eggman has.
No Zone-Dr. Don’t
This one is a stretch, but bear with me.
This version of Eggman is still a youth, likely to have wanted adventure and freedom before reality set in and he chose instead to zone out to his video games and other electronic forms of entertainment as a substitute for the action he craved. Eggman’s a playful sort when he’s not trying to rule the world, so it’s JUST possible enough.
The Grim-Dr. Babble
(Where the hell did he get a doctorate as an infant?)
A Shatterspace fairly undeveloped, its potential not yet fully tapped, much like dear Babble himself. Also a representation of Eggman’s childishness, though perhaps it more links to his feelings of being neglected as a child, as hinted at in the Frontiers audio logs? Who knows?
Ghost Hill-Dr. Done-it.
A shadow of the past, barely hanging on, just waiting to die out so the new hotness can take over completely.
Also looks oddly like Eggman Nega? Idk.
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However, these are merely reflections of what the Shatterspaces already represent, which are aspects of Sonic's Personality…Save for New Yoke and Ghost Hill. The former is mostly Eggman’s domain, and the latter is just what was left after the Shattering.
Also, I believe the Shattering to be an event localized to Green Hill, and not encompassing all of Sonic’s world, which would explain why they use the terms interchangeably. I can’t fully explain WHY I feel that way, just have a gut feeling this is how it works. My main basis for this is the flashback in New Yoke where Rouge and Knuckles are just in Green Hill when the Eggmen take over, suggesting that perhaps they were “localized” when the Shattering redistributed them.
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Oh yeah, let’s explain that. It seems that Sonic’s friends, along with ALL of Green Hill’s residents, didn’t have much control over how they were split among the Shatterspaces, but aspects of them clearly adapted to the worlds they were placed in. For example, Rouge and Knuckles both took charge of the Resistance in New Yoke, which fits them well enough. Knuckles commanded the Resistance in Forces, and Rouge is literally a government spy in the main universe, after all.  Amy likely defended nature in this world, and paid the price for it when the Eggmen turned her into a cyborg. Tails seems to have withdrawn into himself completely, becoming Nine. This universe was made by a villain, so these versions are the darkest ones we could get. The bad ending.
Anyway, back to the other ones.
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Boscage Maze represents Sonic’s love of nature, and is thus dominated by it. The people who live in this Space are thus devoted to their natural world, which adapts to be a primitive society led by more primitive urges driven by the need for survival. Rouge naturally leads again, and her more devious nature shines through as a part of her survival instincts, but she’s still doing better than her New Yoke version. Knuckles leans so far into his naivete from growing up on Angel Island alone that it gets remixed into paranoia, Big is Big, Tails seems to have still been isolated to the point of going somewhat feral, but is accepted nowadays by his peers(and has a knack for technology when he finds himself somewhere that it exists), and Amy vehemently defends nature to the point of absurdity. Much like how New Yoke is an example of technology being too dominant,  Boscage leans towards going too far in the other direction. The people don’t suffer as much, but they still DO suffer in the end if they don’t work together for a better tomorrow.
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No Zone is Sonic’s love of adventure, and everyone in this space represents that. Tails is at his best, being very sociable and accepted by his peers with no hesitancies, clearly. Knuckles' desire for “me beauty” might be a memory of the Master Emerald, but I wouldn’t put too much money in that. Another theory is that it ties into his role as a treasure hunter, without any echidna honor to reel in any greed. This is overall the most positive Space here, tbh. 
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The Grim is simple possibility. The future, what lies ahead for Sonic. He rarely looks to it, never plans it out, instead choosing to just live in the moment, but it’s always there waiting for him.
And yeah, that’s it. The only remaining question is where are these Shatterspaces now that the Prism is restored, and the main universe returned to normal? Well, Sonic gave the energy back that the Prism needed and it didn’t kill anyone, so it’s likely that they exist permanently now, stable outside of the main “multiverse.” Different from a dimension like Blaze’s, and the split timeline caused by Generations. But that’s just speculation. Who knows if these concepts will ever appear again?
Idk, could make for a good fanfic.
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pico-digital-studios · 6 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Cast: Superstars Amy
Origin: Sonic Superstars Replaces: Anna-May Parker / Spiderling
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"It doesn't matter what challenges they try to slow me down with, for I'm ready to give it my all to save any dimension! You can count on me to do it right!"
Another iteration of Amy Rose herself, this time from a familiar voyage to the North Star Islands. Though of course, it stretches quite past that.
Her tale begins just as you'd expect; while enjoying time over at Green Hill Zone, she caught sight of Sonic and Tails flying by in the Tornado after Fang the Hunter, and knew this was the call for another adventure. She followed them straight to Bridge Island, where she discovered the usual heinous plan on Robotnik's part to enslave the island's critters.
Things went just as you'd expect for the first couple of zones, with Fang and Trip trying to interfere with the team's actions while they sent ol' Eggy up and packing each time. However, when they got to Sky Temple Zone, the team had to split up to cover more ground in the huge area, which soon led to Amy getting pulled into a portal generated by Hellsin.
She found herself in an altered version of Hill Top Zone, where Hellsin attempted to kill her using the lava within the mountain, alongside his own attempts to make her fall. However, thanks to a unique ring she found, she could neutralise him long enough to make her first escape.
As it happened, she wasn't alone in having been pulled into this world. She was also joined by five other girls; the Sonic X counterpart of Cream, Sally Acorn from Sonic SatAM, Tiara's Sonic X-Treme self, the Honey the Cat native to the universe, and OMT!Mina. All six of them had the common goal of getting back to their home universes and stopping Hellsin to ensure he couldn't continue his reign of terror.
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(X!Cream sprite by FroggyMudd, SAT!Sally sprite by E-122-Psi, XT!Tiara sprite by AkumaTh, and DΩ!Honey sprite by Xeric)
However, when they reached the depths of Hidden Palace Zone, Hellsin caught them by surprise and warped them all to differing realms he had summoned, each with their own themes that they had to escape from.
X!Cream wound up in a sub-universe known as Asymmetry Acres Zone, a land based on all the crazy memes that are abound in the Sonic community. Compared to the other girls, she got it off easiest.
SAT!Sally found herself in Deception Depths Zone, a world reflecting some of the more classic Sonic creepypastas outside of Sonic.exe. With some of the cases, like Cyber City and A Frozen Trap, she found herself sympathising for the victims of those troubles.
DΩ!Honey uncovered Fearful Folly Zone, a land with iterations of the more classic Sonic.exe entities that she had to survive.
OMT!Mina ended up in the Crazy Creations Zone, with numerous YouTube-based Sonic works showing up in those lands. Some goofy, like the Hues of Metal or Scamic, and some an absolute mess, like Secret History Tails.
XT!Tiara fell into Analog Abyss Zone, also known as the world where Sonath resided. It took her wits and a little help from a replica of James (the victim of Lost Cartridge's first season) to escape.
And finally, SS!Amy was in Terror Towers Zone, based on the more recent Sonic creepypastas and horrorbrews from the New 20s; examples including Fatal Error (who's still so big a threat that a mass protection system is keeping him out of Sonic worlds until there's a definitive way to stop him), Eclipse and a new iteration of 2017 X.
Of course, one of her encounters before she escaped would change a lot later on. Whilst traversing through a parallel Hidden Palace Zone, she encountered an alternate Sonic standing on one of the crystals, who soon revealed himself to be none other than Crimtake before smashing through the crystal into the tube below.
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SS!Amy pursued the killer hedgehog, knowing she had to fight off at least one of those freaks before her escape was available. She eventually cornered Crimtake in an altered Wing Fortress Zone, and the two engaged in direct combat. Needless to say, she lasted MUCH longer than the Amy who perished to Crimtake beforehand did.
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Eventually, Crimtake was forced to retreat, making a leap out of the airship to continue his killing spree off-screen whilst Amy left. And after the six girls banded together to overpower Hellsin and restore the world he tarnished, they all returned home safely.
That said, the whole multiverse crossover did set off Lost Memory Sonic's ire, since it now left opportunities open for foes from different universes to end up in the wrong universe, and he felt angry at having to be part of cleaning up the mess before, in his words, "time and space collapsed".
Once Amy returned home, she arrived at Lagoon City Zone, which was full of giant fruits to get past with her hammer. She even retrieved a small apple from her entry, holding onto it for a little later on if she needed it.
During her trek through, she found Trip sobbing alone in the tunnels, having fallen into one of her own traps just a few minutes prior. Amy was really quick to sympathise with her and offered to carry her back out. Once they were out, Amy shared her apple with Trip, fully accenting that this was just the beginning of a beautiful friendship! Trip even cleared a special route for Amy to take where the rest of Team Sonic couldn't access.
Once Team Sonic got to Golden Capital, Fang decided to steal all of the Chaos Emeralds for his uses, but was soon cornered by the team and Trip, who had finally had enough of his constant abuse. Once Fang's mech fell, Amy and Trip well and truly accented themselves as besties, and Trip could now call herself a member of Team Sonic, though she was shy on the first introduction.
With that, the five heroes worked together to continue after Robotnik and take down his space station, and a few hours after, they banded together to take on the Dark Dragon, who awoke of its own volition, and seal it inside a special gem found in Bridge Island, well and truly saving the day.
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Over the next few days, Trip's feelings began to grow for her new friends. She was most comfortable around Amy and Tails, and felt hilariously embarrassed by her universe's Mighty giving her lots of gifts and flirting with her. Amy was most happy to help guide Trip on a potential love life while they remained simply friends for now.
Some time later were the events of Into the Sonic-verse, when Trip ended up being pulled from the Superstars universe. This worried Amy immensely, which made her more relieved once she came back safe and sound, thanks to the efforts of the Blur Gang and a few Sonics from other worlds.
After sorting out Robotnik again in Press Factory, everyone had to flee before Dr. Finitevus erased the Superstars universe outright. Fortunately, they escaped safely, though Amy was deeply saddened at losing the home she loved. Fortunately, her friends were there to comfort her, and she made sure it was personal for Finitevus during the final encounter.
Once Finitevus was defeated, and the other villains gave themselves up (save for Scourge, who needed another pummelling), Superstars Team Sonic were welcome to stay in Dimension EV-2019, and both Amy and Trip were especially happy to have this as a new home for them both. They were essentially a non-timeline-damaging version of the classic cast. Errorverse Eggman must've had a headache from having another version of himself present all the time, though. XD
Trip felt very comfortable around her new Blur Gang friends and decided to stick around with them as the eighteenth member, whilst SS!Amy applied to be a member of the Quill Society to gain some new friends. She enjoyed hanging out with other Amys, and felt comfortable in the company of Milly, though her relationship with LM!Sonic was rough from the get-go, especially since him insulting Trip just earned him her frustrated scoffing and refusal to associate with him.
When Crimtake's threat returned in Many More Heroes, after the Chimera Virus broke loose from containment in Nega's base's destruction and corrupted a Powerless counterpart of Fleetway Sonic, LM!Amy and OMT!Mina were both dispatched to go after him and aim to capture him the second his power wore down. Whilst OMT!Mina spent some time with OMT!Tails, SS!Amy surprise-ambushed Crimtake, but just couldn't stop him from building his mini-energiser and increasing his strength.
The two continued their pursuit after Crimtake, arriving at Dimension BK-2009 while OMT!Tails secretly followed behind, knowing the hedgehog still had beef with him. They did their best to stop Crimtake, with a little help from BK!Amy and Pana Der Hejhog, but just couldn't stop his power boost in time, his energy levels now off the scales. While he escaped, the five worked together with BK!Sonic to help keep the surrounding area safe and avert what would've been BK!Amy's canon event.
Once they got back to Gust Planet, they began their tour of the place, which included a small visit to Sector 16; the prison area, where villains being prepared for a trip back to their dimensions were temporarily being held. Pana and SS!Amy had worked together to catch Speedy, being one of the interdimensional Emerl threats, who apparently tripped, if Speedy's comment is anything to go by.
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After the tour, and OMT!Tails and Barry working together to rat out LM!Sonic, SS!Amy met them at the meeting hall in Sector 3, where LM!Sonic was forced to reveal the reality of his canon event theory, AND the fact that OMT!Cream was scheduled to die at Crimtake's hands in the next 12 hours. SS!Amy was one of the first to jump on the call to stop this from happening, and accompanied OMT!Tails the whole way to the Transport Hub while evading LM!Sonic's insane fury.
Once they made it through, they got to where Crimtake currently was; Dimension ZONE-ANTI-1994, or Moebius, where OMT!Tails had been prior. The two took some time to breathe after the kid was under a lot of stress, and hugged it out to show they had each other's support. Alicia Acorn and Anti-Miles were on the scene as well, and both agreed to help stop Crimtake, the former out of sympathy for Tails's losses, and the latter reluctantly.
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Once they got to the depths of the tower that Crimtake was at, OMT!Tails and SS!Amy began their combined assault to stop the now-very powerful monster before he could escape again. And here, the Anti-counterparts of Sally and Tails sealed the chamber to stop Crimtake from slipping out, meaning he HAD to take them on.
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In this final encounter, Crimtake's fatal flaw came through; his belief that everybody was predictable. When he dared Tails to take the Chaos Emerald from the podium, he didn't expect him to refuse, as he had sworn an oath to NEVER use a Chaos Emerald to his advantage again. And Crimtake's bigger mistake was taunting SS!Amy about Trip, which got him a full-on battering from the business end of her hammer, which happened to be enough to burn out all that excess power.
Unfortunately, Crimtake was NOT planning to come quietly.
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He started overclocking his body as a self-destructive approach to finish the two young heroes once and for all, and while they survived, the attacks were enough to send OMT!Tails flying to Dimension BL-2017, whilst SS!Amy watched as Crimtake's body dissolved into nothing, his threat gone for good.
She returned back to Gust Planet where LM!Sonic was apprehended and banned from ever coming back to the Quill Society, and mentioned about what happened to EV!Sonic, alongside Trip, SS!Tails and SS!Mighty. You gotta hear what she said about Crimtake's fate, though:
SS!Amy: Sir, I did not murder Crimtake for insulting Trip like that. I simply healed him, but in reverse. UvU SS!Mighty (baffled): Amy, that's NOT helping! It's making Trip even more scared! SS!Amy (annoyed at Mighty): Well, what other way am I to explain it?! Trip (simply trying to defuse the argument while smiling sheepishly): Er, guys... SS!Mighty: Healing in reverse is basically saying you've got rid of his energy source! Trip (smiling): Erm... How about we have pancakes? SS!Amy (smiling too): Oh, sure! SS!Mighty: Hmph, fine. But make them strawberry-flavoured, because it really fits your pretty face~. ;) (Trip hides her face with her helmet in embarrassment) SS!Tails (snarking): Wow, what a real charmer you are there, Mighty. SS!Mighty: Save the sarcasm for later kid, I'm starving like a very hungry caterpillar. Trip: Don't worry, I'm on it! SS!Mighty: Make it snappy! I'm dying to bite into something sweet! Unless I'd like to do that with those precious lips of yours~. SS!Tails: (faceplams, finding that really corny) Oh, brother...
Afterwards, Trip made it a promise to help the Blur Gang track down OMT!Tails and bring him back to Gust Planet for safety, which SS!Amy was happy about. She also giggled when hearing about the side bet Mini Sonic and Mr. Needlemouse made during that time. Once OMT!Tails returned in Cosmic Discoveries, she learned about the early signs of him catching some of Crimtake's DNA and got him quickly cured to keep him from being corrupted like Powerless Sonic was.
Once that was sorted, they got a picnic sorted out in the gardens in Sector 24, where OMT!Tails and Blitz!Tails introduced Skye and Melody to the team and SS!Amy. SS!Amy was happy to meet them both, while SS!Tails was surprised at the thought of a version of himself being a dad. The last act I can recall SS!Amy doing for now is lending OMT!Tails one of her spare hammers to help him out against LM!Sonic in the finale, and the two have gone their separate ways for the time being.
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omgpurplefattie · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
I have two WIPs I am writing at the moment, the Mysterious Lotus Casebook Star Trek AU and the last instalment of my modern AU; so have a bit of both:
from Tomb Raiding for Beginners, chapter 5:
Fang Duobing dragged his eyes back up to the Klingon’s face, his almost translucent eyes of a color like warm amber, and his very insolent smirk. “You’re A-Fei,” he said, lamely. “Li Lianhua made oven gloves from parts of your uniform, and your AI runs our ship. He’s a very excellent AI and does a great job. Well done, A-Fei.” Fang Duobing stood, and stretched. Li Lianhua was picking up books from around the room, but only very few of them ended up in his bag. Apparently, his boasts about knowing ancient Nanyin had not been exaggerated. “Why don’t you take those?” Fang Duobing asked when Li Lianhua put several slim green volumes back down. “This was the command center of a science station,” Li Lianhua said. “What books do you think they would have had on hand? Manuals of emergency protocols, references for programming languages or communication codes. Very interesting for researchers, I am sure, but not really useful for me. I am already taking everything on stellar cartography as well as references to non-Nanyin languages.” “Programming languages please,” A-Fei said, holding out his hand. Li Lianhua handed him a hefty stack of dog-eared books which the Klingon took without flinching. “I am going to re-integrate my AI using Nanyin machinery,” he explained to Fang Duobing, “so all references are useful. I don’t want to harm your friend Wuyan. My own copy hasn’t gained sentience.” So that was the copy Li Lianhua had mentioned earlier. “Your copy was in the cat? The cat is an electronic device, not a person?” “Congratulations,” Li Lianhua said, “the contestant gets 99 points. For a hundred points, he might win a sonic toothbrush.” A-Fei threw a small book at him; Fang Duobing followed with half a broken Nanyin pen from a nearby console. “Good to see you have a similar opinion about his sense of humor,” A-Fei nodded. “We’ll be able to get on, aboard your so-called ship.”
from Detoxify, chapter 31:
Lan Hui had a secret passion for old cartoons where animal people did ridiculously dangerous things to each other and still weren’t hurt at the end; but he could see why the grown-ups didn’t think them valuable for building, well, their kids’ values, so green-haired wood sprites it was. He had a little TV on the computer in his own room now, and there he could watch silly old animal cartoons about greedy cats and clever mice with A-Liu as much as they both liked. “If you feel that A-Liu is uneasy about something you are watching, stop the show,” A-Fei had explained, “otherwise, just go ahead and watch fun things instead of educational ones.” A-Fei knew best how to take care of a kid that had been unhappy in their life before, because he had been unhappy in a very similar way when he was a kid, which was a long time ago and in China. “And look what a great guy you have become!” Lan Hui had said, and A-Liu had giggled and hugged A-Fei. A-Fei, whom he ought to call Di-gege because he was a grown-up, but he’d first heard of him as A-Fei, back on Halloween in the coffee shop near where Teddy’s dad lived. A-Fei who didn’t really like kids because when he had been a kid, all the kids around him had been little monsters, and so had he been (he said). But on both points, exceptions were made for Lan Hui, and now also for Feng Yangliu, who was called A-Liu for short.
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I saw Underevent and got Inspired so…
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FOR @hellspawntale-rebooted-take-2!
Do YOU want to help me make HELLSPAWNTALE REBOOTED reach it’s full potential?
Join the team for @hellspawntale-rebooted-take-2!
You may be wondering, how DO I join?
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Well, I’ll tell you!
You can join by asking on the new DISCORD SERVER!
Now if you’re seeing this and HAVE NO IDEA what hellspawntale rebooted is, lemme summarize it!
It’s Undertale, with old and new friends.
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You’ll see Not only friends, but foes!
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Oh, but who am I? I’ll tell you! Heya, I’m UNIVER!
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Nice to meet you. I like Undertale, Deltarune, Omori, Pokemon, DDLC, Mario, Sonic, FNAF, etc. I made these sprites of myself!
Now what’ll I need help with?
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I’ll need some help with MUSIC!
I’ll need help with making BATTLES!
And lastly, I’ll need help with SPRITING!
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I hope you guys think about it and join the team! Or at least the Discord server!
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dipplin-daycare · 8 months
Blog Info...
Hello and welcome to our age(d)re + pet(d)re blog. Take a good look and feel free get comfortable 'cause we're all about comfy things! Though this blog is still new we're looking forward to posting original content and interacting with the community. One day we might even open requests, who knows... And, of course, feel free to shoot us an ask! Our ask box is always open
Tagging System...
#🍎-❝by leaf❞🍃 ...for leaf's posts #🍎-❝by blu❞🌧️ ... for blu' posts #🍎-❝by rosa❞🌸 ... for rosa's posts #🍎-❝text❞💬 ... for text based posts #🍎-❝edits❞📸 ... for icons and edits #🍎-❝boards❞✏️ ... for agere moodboards #🍎-❝reblogs❞🔁 ... for reblogs
Do not interact...
Kink or NSFW accounts, ageplay and variants, pedo/zoos + supporters, any kind of bigot (incl. TERFs and transmeds), discourse and/or politic centric blogs, anti-recovery (incl. pro-ana pro-sh), anti-agere/petre, anti-therian !Interacting includes linking and reblogging posts!
.... about us under the cut!
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About us...
Starting with the basics... We're three brazilian young adults and we all love pokemon We're also a T4T polycule and been together for around a year at this point(and we're not looking for romantic relationships here), we all have some background with the agere community and agree that we prefer to not be a part of any specific community and just treat regression as an individual thing (non-community)
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I'm Leaf! I'm 21 and go by they/them. I'm a caregiver and care for both my partners whom I love very much <3. That aside, I'm a leafeon therian and sometimes I pet regress to a fox or cat Even though I'm not an age regressor I still deal with a fair amount of anxiety, OCD, dissociation and I'm neurodivergent Currently majoring pedadogy and I dream of working as a educator or school counselor, I have a fair amount of knowledge on sociology and neuropsychology as well. I'm also a pokemon fanatic, shiny hunter, and I love everything nintendo (Splatoon and Kirby are my other favorite franchises), roguelike and metroidvania games and TTRPGs. I enjoy collecting stuff and I'm very fond of lizards (snakes included!) My favorite pokemon is leafeon (and hydrapple) and I'd be a grass type trainer/gym leader
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I'm Rosabella, Rosa for short! I'm 20 and my pronouns are she/they/fae I'm a flip, that is, sometimes I'm my partner Blu's caregiver and sometimes my other partner Leaf is my caregiver! My little age is around 4-8, I started regressing recently and so far I love the idea of getting to live the ideal childhood I've never had. I'm a puppy regressor too, a pomski to be more specific I'm a DID system and switch between using we/us and I/me, I'm also autistic+ADHD and HoH. Because of that I'm very invested in disabled and Deaf/HoH rights activism I love pokémon (duh) Scarlet/Violet have been my favorite games so far! I also like Animal Crossing, nostalgic toys, The Owl House, Amphibia, Adventure Time, OTGW, and similar cartoons. And I love anything magical girls!! My favorite pokémon is the hatenna evolution line and I'd be a psychic type gym leader!
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I'm Blu, I'm 20 years old and go by he/they and occasionally it/its I'm a regressor and my two primaries act as my caregivers. My regressed age fluctuates from a little toddler to an edgy teen. I also heavily relate to birds, am a bird regressor and a swablu therian(that's where my name came from lol) I have OSDD1a, though I strictly refer to myself as singular person (I/me), I'm also autistic and physically disabled Majoring geography and specializing in meteorology, loooove storm spotting and retro videogames (my partners might disagree on that but I think the best pokemon games are the early ones + spin offs). Be sure that I know and have played the most obscure nintendo and sonic spin-offs My favorite pokemon is obviously swablu/altaria (murkrow is a close second) and I'd be a flying type trainer. That's it.
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dipplin sprite by RetroNC
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malwary · 1 year
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a little while ago @neuro-typical sent me this post by @bye2k of a popup that appeared when trying to right-click images on a shadow the hedgehog fan forum, known as Wishes are Eternal (after the SA2 line). this version of the site appears to be an archived snapshot on the wayback machine, and I'm happy to confirm that it is indeed real. though i couldn't get the popup to work in my own browser, the javascript does exist in the source code of the site, so it's very real and very cool.
i had a lot of things to say about this, but i didn't want to blast the notes of the OG post into oblivion with my big funny wall of text, so I've made my own post. below the readmore I'll explain javascript popups on the internet, some malware that has utilized this, and some very interesting sonic fan community history.
first of all: what is this? how did the webmaster manage to create a popup window in your computer to stop you from downloading images?
well, that would be javascript. because JS is just a normal script language that can do whatever you want, creating a popup is no exception. now, whoever ran the site did not write this script themself, this much is evident by the credit you can see in the source code for the site.
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this script is offered by a site called dynamicdrive.com, specifically for disabling right-clicks. you see how simple this is? javascript makes it possible to bother users in all sorts of creative ways. plenty of malware on the web utilizes javascript, and you're probably already aware of most good examples.
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you're most likely familiar with offiz, better known by the colloquial name "You Are An Idiot". though its status as malware is somewhat debated, most people can agree that the sites it was on abused a javascript function that allowed it to create hundreds upon hundreds of bouncing windows, slowing the user computer to a crawl and forcing the user to restart their machine, meaning any unsaved work they had open was now lost. in that way it was destructive, though indirectly.
offiz is an example of javascript malware that is harmless on its own, but not all JS malware is that friendly. javascript can be used to force your machine to download software, steal user data, serve you all manner of popups, employ many kinds of malicious code through xss, and more. although these cases are rarer than they were, say, a decade ago, that doesn't mean they don't still happen. here is a fascinating little instance of javascript being used maliciously very recently. it's hard to suggest ways to avoid these without just telling you to use common sense, but there's no other way to put it. as is the case with all malware, your best bet when it comes to not getting it is thinking before you click.
browser malware is extremely common. you may have encountered it going to a suspicious website. there is certainly a necessary aspect of social engineering to this type of malware, you have to be paying less attention to where you're going and what you're doing to stumble upon a site so unsecured that it could infect you. users who get themselves into these situations are typically looking for either p_rn or pirated stuff, so they're more likely to act in irrational or desperate ways to get to their content. don't be a fool online and you won't get played for one.
so, why? why does this old, obscure sonic fan forum have javascript that prevents you from right clicking images? prevents you from downloading images?
this forum is very, very old. the last posts on the entire site were about 10 years ago, even to this day. it's no surprise to me that a lot of this site is a relic of its time. the photobucket watermark on the header image, the collecton of midis of shadow themes playable on the site, the use of the term "ripped off" (as opposed to ripped) to describe the action of taking sprites from a game. it's all there on the very first page, the only one in this archive. despite what youtube video slideshows with a single text scroll that says "no copyright intended, pictures found on google" may imply, reposting images was indeed taken seriously at this time. this was a time when it wasn't too uncommon to see a credit to the person who made an anime girl image transparent (a render, for those unaware) in a forum signature. this was a time when someone got caught tracing every 5 days.
that's not to say there were no issues, but people were still very defensive over what they deemed to be theirs. this was especially prevalent in fanart. fan works are hard and are always a labor of love, so it's no surprise nobody wanted their work reposted, especially not without credit. this was especially clear when looking into some parts of the sprite ripping community. making spritesheets was much harder then than it is now, and it was especially impressive if sprites were hand-edited or even made from scratch. this incredibly painstaking work combined with sonic fans reputation for... unwavering passion... could often culminate in a very serious attitude towards doing something as simple as saving an image. in fact, for some people, this mindset has never truly left.
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in 2014, fangame creator Leemena Dan published Sonic Gather Battle on SAGE (the Sonic Amateur Games Expo) to mostly positive reception but ultimately little attention outside of sonic fans online. that is, until 2017, when after a seemingly inconspicuous update, players discovered what appeared to be an audaciously malicious form of DRM present in the game.
this malware had everything. all the bells and whistles. when a player would do any number of things from opening software made to decompile games to simply typing "sonic gather battle cheat" into their internet browser search bar, the payload would activate. (which, of course, means it tracks your keystrokes!)
it's difficult to find good footage of both layers of this DRM (or, rather, both payloads of this malware) that doesn't include a facecam of some gamer dude gawking and screaming at his computer screen. even so, I've found two decent ones. layer 1, and layer 2. this DRM also sends your IP address to a privately owned server, presumably so that the DRM would activate even when the game is uninstalled, and when trying to play it, a splash screen would show telling you to abide by the rules.
unsurprisingly, people did not consider this a proportionate way to respond to the threat of people ripping the sprites from a fangame, and the creator has since been banned from SAGE. to this very day, some people are simply so protective of their work that they'd be willing to go to any length to prevent you from saving it. as obnoxious as that can sometimes seem, it does make for some very interesting history.
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sminny-wew · 7 months
Dragon Ball is such a unique and interesting series to me. Even if you're only so familiar with it, it's more than likely affected or influenced you in a greater way than you realize. You could know absolutely nothing about Goku, but if someone showed you Goku, you'd know it was Goku. He has a distinct personality, distinct skills, a distinct silhouette. You recognize him even if you don't know him.
I was both a 90s and a 2000s kid, not really a Millennial but not really Gen Z. Right on the cusp of both. So when the mainstream American anime boom kicked off around that time, I was Team Sailor Moon. Of course I was; they were pretty like my Barbie dolls, but unlike Barbie, they got to beat the shit out of evildoers, and I LOVED it.
But as much as that show occupied my attention, I couldn't pretend that Dragon Ball Z didn't catch my eye on some level.
When I did manage to catch it on Toonami, I couldn't look away. I'd never seen such intense action scenes before. And even if I felt like things dragged on sometimes, when things got good, they got GOOD. I wouldn't have called myself a DBZ fan at the time, but I still understood the hype behind Vegeta, Frieza, Super Saiyan Goku, Future Trunks, the Androids, Perfect Cell, Majin Buu, Gotenks...all of it. I remember my older cousins were really into Dragon Ball Z. One of them had a black and white poster on their bedroom wall with all the Z Fighters. I remember when they would play with me, they'd pretend they were going to fire a Kamehameha at me, and I'd giggle with excitement because they sounded just like Goku.
The show's impact was not lost on American media; you can open YouTube, type "dragon ball references in tv shows" and see for yourself. And that's just in America; Dragon Ball has a massive presence in cultures across the globe, and back in Japan, it was turning out to be a strong influence on the likes of One Piece, Bleach, and shounen manga/anime as a genre.
Growing up as a Sonic fan in the early 2000s, I cannot understate the influence that DBZ had not just on the Sonic series itself, but on Sonic fan content in particular. I'm talking countless videos of Sonic X clips set to audio from DBZ, with Sonic as Goku and Shadow as Vegeta. All the fan art and sprite art of Sonic going Super Saiyan 3. One of the most widely-known fan projects in the community is the Newgrounds animation Nazo Unleashed; animator Chakra-X (who was in high school when he made this thing!!!) took an unused design for Super Sonic that showed up for 3 seconds in the first Sonic X trailer...
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...and, influenced by DBZ villains, permanently altered how most people perceive this design: not as a scrapped Sonic transformation, but as his own unforgettable villain. It didn't matter that Nazo wasn't canon, all we cared about was the jaw-dropping Dragon Ball-style fight scenes that Chakra-X gave us. I highly suggest you watch Nazo Unleashed on YouTube if you've never seen it before, it's an awesome piece of fandom history.
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(Also quick shoutout to Edwyn Tiong, his performance as Nazo absolutely gave Perfect Cell energy)
And as seen with games like Sonic Frontiers, and characters like Surge and Kit who (as it turns out, unintentionally!!) parallel the Androids, that influence carries on to this day.
Look at the first boss fight from Sonic Frontiers.
Look at this. Look at this and tell me this doesn't scream Dragon Ball.
The DBZ energy radiating from these boss fights was so hype that people started taking clips from DRAGON BALL ITSELF and setting them to the soundtrack!!! A complete 180 from what people were doing on YouTube in 2008!!
And this is just the influence of Dragon Ball. Unfortunately, I don't know enough about Dr. Slump, Chrono Trigger, or any of Akira Toriyama's other works to do them justice. All I can really say is that Toriyama went from writing gag manga to inventing modern shounen action tropes without even intending to. We've lost a genuine legend. But to quote the opening of DBZ Kai: "Nothing ever dies. We will rise again."
Rest in peace, Toriyama-san. Yours is a legacy that no one will ever forget, whether they know your name or not. And one of these days, when I'm able to sit down and properly watch through all of Dragon Ball, I'll be thinking of you and what we have because of you.
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Thank you for everything.
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cosmicheartzone · 19 days
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((Let's get some community interaction here! Send either an ask, reply to this post, or other method where I can see to give the sleeping chao in Cosmo's arms a name, alignment, type, and (optional) animal parts!.
The Submission deadline will be September 16th
Note that Anonymous asks will not count to prevent one person from spamming names. I want submissions, but gotta make sure it's from a diverse set of people. Only one submission per person))
[Credit to Ren Foxx Ramos for Tails sprites. Credit to QuadFactor for Shadow and Rouge and credit to MillowDow for the Cosmo over Sonic SA2 mod]
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mintmechs · 2 years
Hello, sorry for bothering you, but do you have any sny headcanons for how the Sonic characters would interact with an autistic character? (Sonic, Knuckles, etc.)
hello hello! thanks for the ask! hmmmmmmmm • tails would be really supportive of people's special interests! he'd love to listen and learn about new things, and he can resonate a lot with seeing someone be passionate about something, no matter what that might be or how "strange" or "out of the norm" it may be considered by others (think tails' backstory). the last thing he wants is for anyone to feel like they matter less for caring about what makes them happy. he'd encourage any and all rambling and chip in too! if there's anything he can do to help fuel someone's hobby, such as providing materials or tools, or making up a small gadget to aid with it, he'd be in full disposition to do so. he'd want to do everything possible with his skills in terms of accessibility, i.e. sensory, and with information by doing research on and helping the character's and his own friends to better understand autism • knuckles is good at listening for the needs of others and he has a great deal of patience, so i think he'd be very understanding of how nonverbal communication works, and i know he'd be great to just sit in silence with. he's no stranger to taking things literally or missing social cues that should seem "obvious" so he'd make sure that nobody has to go through unnecessary confusion and call out anyone who gives you a hard time with that. he'd try to gently steer the character away from self-harm, i.e. by giving alternatives to release that anxiety or create a more soothing environment. he'd be pretty concerned at first and i think it'd take him a bit to know exactly what to do but he's a fast learner • i bet sonic would be great with leading stimming sessions or joining in them, routines with lots of high energy and movement! he'd gladly accompany the character on a jog or shake his hands along with them (think sonic advance idle sprite animation where he does exactly this and also stretches his legs). he definitely won't be one to judge • i don't feel as confident in my understanding of shadow's character yet but i have a feeling he'd be surprisingly good at dealing with meltdowns. don't ask how it's just a gut feeling based on what little i've seen of him • espio + breathing exercises! that is all. also charmy bee would be the best drawing partner if they're an artist, he loves to draw
sorry i don't have too many thoughts on this but it was fun to think about! i hope that these were helpful to answer your question, anon. i tried to focus on ways of interacting that align with autism-specific experiences though ultimately the characters would treat a character with autism with the same respect as anyone else • bonus: amy smashes ableist folks with her hammer
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unlimitedtrees · 1 year
thinkin about 'Evil Mode' from 'Among the Others' , my last rom hack
so, after beating sylvie lime yesterday ,it got me thinkin about silly precision platformers and kaizo stuff ... U see , despite me being a Sonic CD-loving freak , i do like to play trial and error crazy platformers , such as N++ and celeste some other games im too lazy to think about right now . i just. like a fun and silly challenge sometimes. However , as i established in me last post , i am a Picky Bitch when it comes to platformers and i tend to prefer the controls and movement of the classic sonic games compared to every other platformer out there . i just Love the unique movement and interactions u have with environment in stuff like Sonic CD ... its something that no other game feels like and is something ive always wanted to see be experimented with in something like a kaizo sort of game .. but it hasnt really been done much before aside from a kaizo sonic rom hack that i thought handled the level design Very Poorly ..
there is also a rom hack named Sonic VR which i Really Really like ... but im probably gonna save that for its own post , teehee !!
Anyways. along with Sonic VR being a Huge Inspiration for me , and also seeing all those crazy kaizo mario hacks over the years , its something i wanted to try making myself for a Long, Long time . and well ... i finally got the chance in 2018, with my rom hack named 'Among the Others'.
so. Among the Others was a rom hack of Sonic 1 that i made. there is a Lot of history behind it that i wont get into for this post , but basically it was supposed to be my final, ambitious rom hack that eventually got cancelled and then i put a wall of text at the very end complaining about the rom hacking community. i then released it to the sonic hacking contest and then left the community .. but a few months before the contest begun, i still had a bunch of free time and the main game was already complete, so i decided to just add a bunch of random extra stuff just because .. and in the end there ended up being a Lot More content for a game that Was Technically unfinished...
one of the thing i added into the game was the secret 'Evil Mode' , something which not many people have played and is what im gonna get into in this post ... click da Read More thingy if u Dare !!!
So , in the level select (which u can just access by using the normal Sonic 1 level select code) , there are 3 evil mode levels in the game. these are basically extra levels based off the normal levels in the game, except these are completely redesigned to be Very Difficult and Evil. i wanted to make a sort of kaizo like thing ,where u have to get past all sorts of Deranged challenges that take advantage of the unique controls and movement of this game (which, btw, in case u dont know, this game has special abilities unique to it that make the movement Very Crazy , Lol !!).
There Is One Big Problem However... and it has to deal with the limitations of Making A Sonic ROM Hack When You Are Just A Dumb Little Creature Who Does Not Understand Assembly Programming.
You See, designing kaizo levels for a sonic rom hack is way more difficult than you may think. there comes a lot of Limitations to making sonic rom hacks that, combined with my limited skill, made making these levels very Annoying and Difficult to Create.
First Off, the game can only handle so many objects on screen. Which, well, i Suppose is fine. after all, im sure that's the case with mario world rom hacks. But In The Case Of A Sonic ROM Hack ... Well . Not only are you limited by having few sprites on screen, but you Also are limited by how many Types of objects can be in a level. You See.. all of the artwork for the objects are loaded in by 'pattern load cues'. each zone in the game has their own table which lists all the artwork thats loaded in ,including the level art and all the art for all the objects . not only was i limited by how Much art could be loaded in a single zone .. but Also i was limited by My Ability To Program. i could Not understand how the pattern load cues worked At All. getting objects from One Zone to work in Another Zone was Nearly Impossible for me ... idont know how to describe this fully. Basically , Most of the time , i could Not bring over another object from another zone Unless it used the same amount of tiles as an object from the current zone .. if that makes sense. idont know. All I Know Is ... I Was Greatly Limited by What objects i could use , and that's on Top of worrying about having too many objects on screen .
But That's Not The End Of It. you also have to worry about objects just. Disappearing in the game. sometimes , an object will just Not Load In and i have No Idea Why. i dont understand how any of it works .. all i know is that i was Unable to fully rely on building the level out of objects ,as id constantly have to worry if an important object would Unload , making progressing in the levels difficult.
because of all this , i was Severely Limited by how i could design the levels and what hazards i could even make . i couldnt even have too many spikes anywhere like a kaizo mario level ... it was very Limiting . and thats not even getting into the Level Chunks . you see, the levels themselves are also built out of Chunks of 128x128 pixels ,which have all the level art and collision. but i was also limited by How Many Chunks a zone could have , and these zones already were using the chunks from the normal levels which already used most of the chunks .... so i couldnt design much unique areas for these levels ...
despite it all , i tried my best to make levels that would be an interesting challenge ... and u know what. i am Kind Of proud of what i managed to accomplish , especially considering all the limitations i had to deal with. there's Definitely a ton of stuff i wish i couldve done with these levels, and theres stuff i probably couldve done better ,but Damn. playing through these dickish levels is kind of fun sometimes. Lol. i tried my best to make these levels use the physics and unique abilities to their fullest potential ... i just wish i coulda done More with em.
something i am pretty proud of that i think No One has done is playing the evil levels in Encore Mode. you see, in the game there is a secret encore mode that can be accessed by entering '81, 82, 80, 80' in the sound test ... and aside from letting you play as Pepsiman it also gives every level entirely different object layouts, along with new palettes and music. The Evil Mode levels in particular were fun to make Even More Evil , with The Core Zone specifically being made to be Actually Deranged , with its palette being Pitch Black and the evil mode level being Longer than the original one . and ,while i was also a bit limited with making these encore versions as i could only edit the object layouts , they were still fun to make and i am pretty proud of Encore Mode as a whole .
anyways. if you want something insane to go through, try the Evil Mode in Among the Others if you wish. you can download the game and its source code on github, if you wish.
anywayz thats all. there is so much about Among the Others ive ought to talk about .,,,, so much about this game that people dont even know about . maybe someday i can share more about it with you all ....
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fm-synthesizer · 9 months
I am a person of many varying interests. As a result it feels difficult to find people to click with because sometimes my interests clash. For example I like Megaman and Resident Evil. Yet many of those fans don't like the other franchise even though they are both Capcom. Megaman fans tend to think Resident Evil is too popular and are jealous of it's success because they tend to be starved for new Megaman games. It's such a travesty to see. Been kind of demotivated creatively because recently it came to my attention that some of my sprite animation videos got reuploaded to another channel. 1:1 reuploads with my logos intact. I reported the videos and they got taken down the next day afterwards but still...it makes me feel some kind of way that my work can be so shamelessly stolen by someone else with more subscribers than me. That was uncalled for. So even though I am continuing making more to my newest project, the Megaman X vs. Zombies Season 2 intro...idk. It feels weird working on it at this time. But at the same time I don't want to give in to the negativity. I'm not gonna stop creating because of thieves. Speaking of creativity...I feel like an outcast in the sprite animation communities. I'm an outsider with my own perspective on things. I try to come up with original ideas, and yet it's met with indifference. I love Sonic, but most of the time I see from them only Sonic sprite animations. No Megaman, no Rayman, etc. It's very homogeneous and tiring to see. Even in my own Discord server, which should be like my online home, I am met with indifference for anything, whenether I share WIPs of projects or talk there. It's like this irl too tbh. I'm sick of being this alien...sometimes I wonder if I am of this world at all, because most of the time I feel like an accident. Like I was meant for a better, different universe than this one.
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