#sons of nerdanel
kanafinwe-makalaure · 2 years
Rotating a possible headcanon of Nerdanel's mother being a (minor) Maia of the sea:
The aesthetic of Mahtan being a smith (fire) and his wife relating to water. Frothing at the mouth
(also, since Thingols hair became silver when he married Melian, maybe that's why Mahtan had red hair and a beard??? Maybe??)
Nerdanel having both "fire" and "water" qualities which is why she gets along with fiery boy Fëanáro so well; she both relates to him in the fire aspect but also her presence tempers him/ prevents him from overheating so to speak. Not saying she like babysits him actively, it's more a passive thing, an explanation for why they get along - they're the same where it fits and different where they need to be, all in the exact right places to be compatible (oh I love this pairing!!)
She and her sons inherit small bits and pieces of Maiarin qualities; it's possibly why Nelyo is so tall. It's why Maglor feels such a strange kinship with the sea, and with music (the music of Ea can be heard in the sea after all!). It's why Celegorm feels so drawn to the Ainur - Oromë and, tragically, Luthien - and why Tyelpë trusts Mairon too easily.
This is not the reason Nerdanel is Fëanor's equal, or a great artist, or particularly wise. She is all those things simply because that's who she is, regardless of whether she has Maiarin heritage. I just think the concept is cool okay
I actually really like the idea that elf/Maia pairings could be more common, especially in Aman. I think this makes Melian/Thingol more believable (as something that can happen?) WHILE ALSO not diminishing its status as unique simply because 1) it's probably the only elf/Maia pairing in Beleriand and 2) (in my understanding) Melian has uniquely high status/ is very powerful as a Maia, so she remains Special.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 1 year
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As a homage to @elentarial's upcoming TRSB fic, here are the raw materials Nerdanel, the great sculptures, was working with...
Nerdanel is the best. She's an artist. She's my girl.
Three cheers for Nerdanel.
Also stupid art from me 🎉🎉🎉
Made during a vc with a dear friend ❤️
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red-raven-reading · 6 months
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lidoshka · 6 months
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@feanorianweek #1 Maedhros - Diving
Diving lessons with dad,
@feanorianweek #1 Maedhros - Buceo
Lecciones de buceo con papá
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whovianofmidgard · 2 months
I think the Noldor, but especially the Fëanorians would enjoy flyting.
If you don't know what flyting is, it's basically a form of improvised poetry competition between two and perhaps more people and the goal is to dish out the most offencive insults at your opponent as you can possibly imagine.
With how confrontational the Fëanorians are and also linguistically inclined it seems like a pastime they would engage in and use as a form of venting/hashing out conflicts to avoid resorting to physical fights.
I'd imagine Maglor and Fëanor would be unbeatable champions of flyting, both of them easily coming up with rhyming insults, and Curufin would be close behind, the three of them would have the largest vocabulary stored in their heads.
Maedhros is also good with words, but I think he would take his time to think through his verses, the poetry aspect of it not coming as naturally to him. He'd also probably only participate in friendly competition, he'd rarely have any real beef with anyone. Oh but when he does get angry it's a sight to behold.
Maglor wouldn't have much beef with anyone either, though he might fabricate some for the drama. He still participates in as many flyting matches as he can for the fun of it.
Fëanor and Curufin on the other hand are genuinely out there to call everyone a fucking idiot, full offence. If you get on their bad side or they just simply hate you, then get ready for the most cruel yet still somehow artistic verbal lashing you ever heard.
Caranthir would halfway through a flyting get too angry to express himself, and being tongue tied just makes him even more angry, falling into a negative feedback loop.
Celegorm has zero artistic bone in his body. Poetry whom? He just starts listing off the most crude insults and curses he knows. No rhymes, no rhythm, no musicallity to his cadence, just word vomit.
Ambarussa are clumsy in their rhymes, but they're entertaining to watch as they toss lines back and forth to each other, challenging the other to come up with a rhyme for their words. Also, the one who isn't performing the verse beatboxes in the background.
Nerdanel says one scathing haiku then leaves.
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sesamenom · 9 months
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Gil-galad Variations, featuring all the gil galad theories i've encountered.
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 4 months
Macalaurë is the spitting image of Fëanáro, even more so than Curufinwë.
At a first glance, Curvo looks more like their father, but that is in large part because he has Fëanáro's RBF, and Cáno smiles more. Macalaurë is closer to Fëanáro's height (there weren't many tall genes left for Curvo after Nelyo, Tyelko, and Moryo, and as such Curufinwë is the shortest of the Sons at Nerdanel's height). Macalaurë's hair has the same wavy pattern whereas Curvo's is straight. His eyes are the same mithril compared to Curvo's iron hue. Macalaurë has Fëanáro nose, chin, judgemental eyebrows, even hands and toes!
This is because Nelyo took a lot out of Nerdanel, so much so that Fëanáro was worried she'd Fade. It took her until Nelyo was nearly full grown to convince her husband to have another, and he did most of the work in creating their second son. (He would've done everything save carry Cáno if he had his way.)
Macalaurë Cánafinwë popped out a little clone of baby Fëanáro, only even louder.
By the time they got to Tyelko, Nerdanel and Fëanáro had figured out the best way to craft their children. Their five other sons were about a 50/50 split effort.
Anyone who knew Fëanáro can see him in Cána. When he laughs, one of those rich belly laughs and not a polite chuckle. When he's enraged and his lips curl into a snarl. When his face is empty and expressionless.
(Upon meeting Maglor in Middle Earth, Fingolfin believed him to be his brother until Maglor spoke.)
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edennill · 3 months
The house of Fëanor at the airport:
still making hasty additions to his luggage ten minutes before leaving
incurably absentminded in the terminal because he just had a new idea for a project enter his mind and is upset he hasn't got time to take out his notebook
still tries to wrote something down every time there's a queue
lost the twins twice
"some of us have also got stuff we'd rather be doing and can manage to put it aside for a moment, Fëanor"
frighteningly efficient
still stops every few minutes to remark that she would like to sculpt this or that random passerby
assigned third parent™
will do everything he's tasked with without question
responsible for the well-being of at least two of the younger ones
inwardly exasperated and outwardly an example of patience
small, efficiently packed suitcase
has taken 3 different musical instruments with him
whines if you tell him to take care of his younger brothers
walks three yards before the rest of the family
has quarelled twice with Celegorm and once with Caranthir since they started check-in
wants to go into souvenir shops
was planning to smuggle his pets into his luggage but was informed they might be confiscated at the airport
dressed way too cold for the weather
teases his brothers and gets yelled at by everyone
runs circles around the rest of the group
tries to get on the luggage conveyor belt
finds souvenir shops boring; crashes a vase in one
tired and cranky
lags behind the rest
nose in a book
terrified he will forget something made of metal at security
packed way too much but later people will always ask to borrow stuff from him
model child
unless he's running after Celegorm
or teasing Caranthir
insists on pulling his own luggage but quickly gives up
thankfully can be trusted to keep next to his father at all times
pulls his father into souvenir shops
Amrod and Amras:
seem to be attempting to roleplay Home Alone in New York
categorically forbidden from entering souvenir shops
try to poke inside the security scanner
Bonus - Celebrimbor:
model child no.2
makes new friends who don't even speak the same language as him
bought reams of overpriced stuff in souvenir boutiques by the rest of the family
has no concept of stranger danger
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carmisse · 7 months
Simarillion random moments pt 2
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anittmyer · 5 months
A bit of drama this time around!
Celegorm is the only physical anomaly in his family. Everyone has black, dark brown, or red hair, but he was born with a shock of near white blond hair. This shocked everyone except for Feanor, Nerdanel, and Finwè. Celegorm looked so unlike his parents and siblings that some even suggested, for the first time in their history, that Nerdanel had Celegorm with another Ellon and had betrayed her marriage to Feanor.
The rumors flew around Valinor for a long time and Feanor, Maedhros, and Maglor would receive looks of pity or they would be whispered about. They stopped wandering the streets when a particular comment made Maglor cry and ask loudly why they were so mean to his mother.
Feanor finally broke at all the accusations. One, at the impossible idea of Nerdanel cheating and conceiving a child with another, two, the fact that nearly all the Elves of Valinor had forgotten that Feanor's late mother also had white blond hair. Feanor was livid that they spoke of Nerdanel in such a manner, but his anger was fueled by the fact that the Elves of Valinor seemed quite quick to even forget their late queen, his mother.
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aotearoa20 · 2 years
In my brain the entire house of Fëanor in Valinor pre everything going wrong has a strong “I love that you love what you do’ dynamic with each other. 
Maedhros practises his speeches on obscure legislature while modelling for Nerdanel while she listens intently. She’s completely lost and completely invested, interrupting him only once to ask he keep his hand up a little higher.
Celegorm discussing with Fëanor late into the night about the grammatical structure of the language of rabbits and how it affects their hierarchical structures. Everything he’s saying sort of scratches the part of Fëanor’s brain still hung up on his linguistics hyperfixations way back when.
Caranthir knows nothing about musical theory but after hearing Maglor complaining about all the way through breakfast about this tune he just can’t get right, his math brain is like ‘the rhythm is off’ and Maglor has to switch on his music brain to translate but then is like “Valar above! I was using a mismatched time signature”
Curufin patiently sitting through Amras’ tea tasting test from random leaves he’s foraged while hunting. Amrod patiently waiting as Curufin halts his cartography expedition because “Ambraussa LOOK silver deposits!!”
Just like, the Noldorin meraki was strong in that family. They may not understand what it is so interesting about each others Things but they totally get being excited about a Thing so they happily listen to an info dump on rocks when they know their tirade on fabric pigments was up next,
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thelandswemadeofpaper · 9 months
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overlord-of-fantasy · 9 months
A wild Fingolfin appears
Nerdanel: You know, when Fingolfin comes over, your Adar can get a little… Maedhros: Psycho? Maglor: Scary? Celegorm: Drunk? Nerdanel: All three.
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albuum · 9 months
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Нерданэль и трое старших
Nerdanel and the three elders
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tanoraqui · 11 months
Nerdanel Istarnië would name a child of hers “Waterfall” because they drooled so much as a baby, and 10,000 years later (after Professor Tolkien found some notes about them in an old book in a barn) we’d all be writing profound and poetic fanfiction about how waterfalls represent their fall from innocence into monstrosity, or snapshots over time of them observing clean, Tree-lit waterfalls then blood falling off of piers; freezing downpour laced with poisonous fumes; wine from a tipped goblet as the world suddenly burns at their gates; blood again off the tip of their sword and maybe from their own mortal wound; and finally clean water again, seawater this time, scouring and sinking the land of their grave. But the whole time, they were named “Waterfall” because they drooled a lot as a baby and Nerdanel thought it was adorable.
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echo-bleu · 9 months
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Fëanorian winter fun.
Fëanor and Nerdanel in the background got too absorbed in making a snow Aulë (with real gem eyes) to stem the chaos that is their sons. Maitimo is doing his best. Tyelko and Huan are having too much fun launching the sledge in the air and are probably going to crash into someone soon.
I got bored halfway through and spent to much time staring at it to tell if it's any good, so it's rougher than most of my usual art but have it anyway.
Bonus monochrome version because I like it:
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