#soooo many examples came to mind
tellafairy · 17 days
thoughts on shifting + manifesting with ease. (as someone who's shifted many times, alongside manifesting)
coming back to this side of tumblr after spending years away from it has made me realized how many do you are truly the problem, it might sound kinda harsh but really. so many of you ask the same questions over and over again.. "but HOW do i do it?" "how do i shift" "how do i manifest" JUST DO IT. stop looking for signs, stop looking for methods or "cheat codes". just do it man.
your mind is so powerful and it actually kinda irritates me how many of you doubt it, just because it "seems to easy". you don't understand how you've been manipulated by society to not see your power. how have you been on loa social media, shifting social media, for soooo long — yet still don't see it?? let me tell you..
the moment i got off social media, the moment i took time to erase everything in my head and stop overthinking everything, was the moment everything came to me. i already had it, i just needed to stop telling myself i didn't.
it took me less than two weeks to get used to convincing myself i had everything i wanted, i shifted to my desired realities, and everything worked out in my favour. AFFIRMING IS ALL YOU NEED. I AM YELLING AT YOU. JUST AFFIRM.
really, please, affirm. the routine is so simple.
1. any bad thought is instantly turned positive.
ex: "i really want her waist"
"am i stupid ... i have her waist.. tbh mine even looks a little better.. am i crazy?? like actually? this must be a glitch or something cause my waist is practically identical to hers.. i literally love my waist"
exaggerate, say what you need to say to erase the negativity.
2. it's yours, so act like it..
ex: talk about ur DR normally. it's your reality, not a fantasy land you made up in a dream. ITS REAL. it's a reality. for example, i'd watch videos of my s/o in this reality, and speak about our lives in my dr. "i can't wait to see __ tonight... god i love __, it's so nice hanging out with them everyday.. wow they look so pretty in this video — i'm so lucky their mine". it's natural, they're yours aren't they? exactly, so act like it.. this is used the exact same way when manifesting..
you see someone with something you want? thinking of something you wanna do? something you wanna be? ... it's urs... so can you act like it?? like whyre u feeling sad someone else got a job promotion 😹😹 you literally got a better one ...
3. that's literally it
you don't need a fancy method (although it can give u some peace of mind.. let's be real, a lot of methods set y'all back and make you overwhelmed, blocking ur beliefs and making everything seem harder). you literally just need to live. tell yourself it's done, over and over again. nothing matters. it's done, it's yours, you have it, you're happy and fulfilled. other peoples sucess should really mean nothing to you negatively. it shouldn't make you stressed, shouldn't make you feel behind.. why would it when you have everything, you can do everything, go anywhere, and you can be anything.
it'll seem like manifesting blogs and shifting blogs just repeat the same things.. which is true, they do, because i'm telling you there's nothing more to it than what you've already read. it is that easy. all it takes is your mind. decide, and tell yourself.
as i said before, it took me barely anytime to switch my mindset once i actually started focusing on myself, my journey and not every body else's results. repeating stuff to yourself WORKS. repeating is literally ALL i did. choose what i want, told myself it's mine in any way i could describe it. and there, it's mine. ive shifted to many different realities, along side gaining a better life in this one after years of convincing myself there was nothing for me. if i can break out of the cycle, trust me you can too. i cannot describe how desperate i was at the beginning, how long i took in false info and wasted time on methods all while doubting every single thing.
so why don't you believe it? you'll sit there and tell yourself over and over again that you're ugly, or broke, or friendless... but you won't tell urself that you've shifted? that you have your dream body...? girl okay i guess....
once you realize nothing besides your mind truly matters, is when you'll be free with yourself. circumstances don't matter, past feelings don't matter, doubts don't matter, your mind is all you need.
yes this is just loa explained longer, that's the point of the post because some of u still can't get it in ur heads
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astro-royale · 9 months
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Disclaimer: my opinion
Taurus placements can get really caught up in unhealthy habits or just may find it very hard to break out of patterns in general. They’re super stubborn and life usually has to teach them interesting lessons for them to acknowledge that they’re on the wrong path.
Neptune on the rising or conjuct can give a very ungrounded “leaf in the wind” kind of vibe to a person, or ethereal if it is actualised lol
Brad Pitt and Marilyn Monroe both have cancer in their north node… know that he was one of the producers which directed the Marilyn Monroe movie which came out with Ana de Armas.
Heavy Aries in the chart can give someone a rebellious or “bad girl/boy” look and vibe. Rihanna is such a good example of the Aries archetype, she has Aries as her moon, rising and venus.
12th house synastry sounds A LOT like the description of “twin flame” connection
I think many sugar babies can have prominent Leo, Cancer and Taurus placements
I’ve also noticed that Scorpio risings don’t mind being a bit “risqué” online
Gemini risings are soooo free spirited bro just look at Pamela Anderson
Sagittarius 12th house people may be drawn to psychedelics or travelling to other countries specifically to do rituals which open up their unconscious mind.
THAT’s all today folks, but guess what,
If you’re a beginner in astrology or know someone who wants to get into it I’ve made a beginner series on the houses on my YT channel .
They’re in short format and very digestible and easy to understand and it’s great for anyone who wants to have a rough idea.
I have created a playlist with them “The houses in astrology- shorts”
Consider sharing it and checking it out if that sounds like something you or someone you know may need ;)
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gigidragonbbxxx · 7 months
lil twist on the "movie star role"/"memoir method" for visualizing a dream life - another suggested method for the manifesting hotties
spoiler: this may help you figure out what techniques are right for you!
disclaimer: remember that these methods and techniques are just tools to get your mind saturated with thinking in your favor, stay grounded in the basics of the law and have fun with the varied tools!
I love the "movie star role" method. For those who don't know, it's a lil visualization technique where manifesting baddies act as if they're preparing to play the role of X. So if you want to be your SP's girlfriend, they "prep" for the role by living in the end state of already being SP's girlfriend. This includes embodying the attitude, saying affirmations like "I love being in a committed relationship" or "SP changed soooo much to gain my trust. We're so happy now!". Some baddies take a step further and apply it to their self-concept (this is genius btw) and begin saying affirmations like "I'm so beautiful and unforgettable, it is really not that surprising he came back begging for me. Giving him a chance was only fair with how much he groveled!"
Now, enter the "memoir method". This is usually a scripting technique but give Gigi a sec to explain! There are many variations of this method but it's essentially writing the reality you want to happen and putting the date in the future aka the deadline you wanna experience this by. Most encourage baddies to write in the past tense like "I'm so grateful I received enough money to cover my vacation, my bonuses keep increasing."
Now enter Gigi's lil twist on these methods - COMBINE THEM INTO WHAT I LIKE TO CALL:
The Interview Method
Imagine being interviewed by other loass baddies asking you "How did you achieve this?"
Visualize your dream self, the ultimate version of you that would warrant this type of attention and the answers that version of you would give.
Imagine an older Beyonce giving the "tell all" interview of a lifetime - THAT LEVEL OF HYPE.
Gigi's example:
I know I look glamorous and ageless. My skin is smooth and clear, my hair is long, inky black, blown out and curled. My body looks like an advertisement for hourglasses. The dress I'm wearing is flattering, accentuating my curves. I'm as sexy as I am elegant. The interviewer looks on with eagerness, practically spilling over with admiration.
"The Law of Assumption girlies wanna know Gigi, how the hell did you get results like this? Hollywood actresses would get insecure being in the same room as you! What are your methods? What's your daily routine?"
bc guess what reader? all the answers are within you. your job is to let them out. coax them out with these exercises. feel empowered.
if your first reaction is: Idk Gigi. I don't know what methods work for me.
My answer to that is: then this technique is not for you. This method favors the baddies who are more familiar with the different modalities of manifesting. I encourage you to go and explore different things. Try them out. See which ones you like and then circle back to this and think about which ones resonated with you.
I encourage you to write it out. Script it as you visualize.
My own experience:
From this method I learned that my subconscious viewed my dream self as someone who was very disciplined and consistent. So I started to include these in my daily affirmations (I am disciplined, etc.). I realized that my dream self would let this quality seep into every facet of her life. I'm big into makeup and skincare so I thought, my dream self would probably affirm out loud or in her mind as she looked in the mirror and did her routine.
then the lil interviewer popped up in my head: "What happens on the days you don't feel well enough to do your routine?"
My mind (thinking in its favor) immediately went: that's rare that I don't have the discipline to stick to my routine so if I'm sick or in an emergency, I would just do a basic routine and play an affirmation tape.
I came to the conclusion that Dream Self would
be reliable
come across as intelligent - immediately
pride herself on good self-care
have a healthy relationship with SP
have friends who knew the law and would be encouraging
be calm and have a calm energy bc she knows everything is in her favor
be seen as a caring, beautiful, deep soul with much to give
never be taken for granted
always be spoiled by life - wealthy in finance and health
I also reversed this method: what would my Dream Self NOT do?
Dream Self wouldn't
talk badly about herself
put others down
get bothered by the 3D
surround herself with people who have limiting thoughts
be lazy
think that the worst would happen to her
This is the type of inner convo I want more loass baddies to have with themselves because it's important to be clear WITHIN yourself what you WANT.
and remember to have fun. Include questions about the silliest things like your favorite lipstick or fav playlist or opinions about dumb tv shows. One of my favorite visualizations is me telling the interviewer that I watched all of Sex and the City and that I vowed to never be a Carrie LOL.
okay, happy manifesting loass baddies!!
xx, gigi
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myfairkatiecat · 1 month
hello ‘tis I 😊
I have strong (and negative) feelings about the MBS show. I think that almost everything they did and changed was a betrayal of the books. So I’m curious as to why you like it! (No hate at all, I think parts of it were good, I’m just curious)
Okay so. I really like the MBS books, and I really like the show, but boy oh boy are those different pieces of media! And they should be treated as such. If someone turns on the MBS tv show looking for an adaptation of the books, they will be sorely disappointed! Initially, that was me. “What do you mean curtain has no wheelchair and sunglasses and narcoleptic seizures we’ll only recognize were that later??” Katie asked herself, and if she had continued in this mindset, she would have probably thrown something at the tv when season two came on with its entirely different plot that was pulled out of thin air.
What’s charming to me about the MBS show is hard to place. It might be the way the whimsical nature of the books was captured so well, or perhaps the extremely loveable main characters. I came to love the changes after a while, but I had to start seeing them as different.
For example, I’ll only ever find obstinate two-year-old Constance at the library or bookstore. However, sarcastic Russian 10-year-old Constance lives in the google drive of pirated tmbs episodes, and I love her just as much!
And the brotherly betrayal?? I’m a sucker for that stuff! Having Mr. Benedict already know he had a twin, having lingering guilt about being the one to be adopted, was a twist I actually really appreciated. I think I actually prefer show Benedict brothers dynamic to the one in the book! However, they’re different things, both of which I enjoy reading about.
If you look at each Curtain under a magnifying glass, you’ll find that Book Curtain and Nathaniel Benedict are very different beneath the surface (far more different than we can even see! Which is saying something! Because there are a lot of visible differences!) and this changes each villain’s motivations and complexity as a character. (What do you mean there’s too many show Benedict brothers fanfics on my ao3? Whaaaat…..) for example! The happiness thing from season two! Him wanting his brother to believe he is a good person and only getting worse and worse while trying!!! *loses my mind*
It’s an enjoyable plot line, it’s just not what’s in the MBS books.
Also!! SQ being Curtain’s adopted kid who is an artist! It’s a different character from book SQ, yes, but he’s fascinating! And the dynamic there! I love book SQ, and I can still read about him, so I don’t give up that character by finding enjoyment in this other one, if you get what I mean.
Martina in the show? The tetherball obsession? Her budding friendship with Kate and the way she doesn’t feel like anyone gets her AGDKDHSJSHD listen book Martina is also awesome and super interesting, but this Martina is too, even though she’s different. She’s not a bad different, she’s a different different!
Honestly? The characterizations make me want to hug that show soooo tightly. Reynie is so endearing. Sticky is so relatable. Kate is so fun, even with her difference from her book self, and so is Constance! Mr. Benedict is lively and quirky, Rhonda and Number Two are distinct characters with lots of interesting traits, SQ (loses mind) and Dr. Garrison is such an interesting villain, especially once she breaks apart from Curtain. And the implication that Milligan worked with Curtain willingly before his memories were wiped in this universe?? No that’s not what was written in the books, but it’s in the show and it’s fascinating.
I love that show. I love its resemblance to the books I love and the nostalgic moments that remind me of that book series. But I also love its unique plot and character dynamics. It’s just… different!
Honestly, things that aren’t faithful to the book are kinda hit or miss (Percy Jackson movies being a huge miss!) but this show maintained the spirit of the book with a new and enjoyable plot line! I got to be on the edge of my seat again, not knowing what was going to happen. Instead of seeing character dynamics I knew I enjoyed play out in front of me on a screen (which I also would have liked to see, don’t get me wrong), I got to see new character dynamics I hadn’t already explored, also deeply fascinating!
I think watching and enjoying the MBS show requires letting go of elements of the MBS books, in a way, in order to enjoy what the writers did with it. The MBS books are still there, with the same characters and setting and dynamics, and I’ll always love them, but the show gives me a new thing to love as well! In the end it’s a universe I enjoy playing with dolls in, and the show gave me some new dolls to play with!
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cinnamonest · 4 months
I know nothing about Persona let alone Goro Akechi but after reading the bsf and yan profile post I want to give this man a hug (and my tits). His story seems so sad ;-; and he's so pretty and for what?? 💢
Honestly, as much as I enjoy genshin I never truly found it to have any meaningful or extremely well written characters (which is not a bad thing, I just can't take them seriously when they all look like that lmao). All credit to making me think twice about them goes to writers and artists in the fandom. So the change in content feels soooooo nice. Made me appreciate your writing in another way
I've heard about Persona a LOT for years, but I didn't have a huge drive to play it until your liveposting (p.s I love the LP so much) and especially the posts with that one insane policeman guy who is a loser (affectionate, also giving him my pussy). Any recs? 😅
HE IS MY BABY BOY you're so right he is so pretty 😖😖😖 Akechi is genuinely an excellently written character, and Persona 5 Royal is one of the few games I think fully deserves to be so hyped as it is.
Tbh I think the problem genshin and similar games has is that there's so many characters, you have to essentially go out of your way to dig into lore to get anything beyond surface level from them. This happens a lot in series with lots of characters — like with Danganronpa for example, your experience of a lot of characters completely changes upon playing their free time events. A lot of genshin characters get very little screen time on the main story, so all their characterization is in their quests, lines, and character profile content. Which to be fair, with a game of this nature that's kinda the only way to really do it, so, I'm just glad they give us that extra content tbh. I've played some gachas that would introduce new characters but give very little beyond a design and name which is kinda sad when you want to know more about the lil guy you're playing with.
But AAAAAAAAAAAAAA thank you so much anon I am going to ramble here, but I'll put a tl;dr at the bottom!
Soooo if you want to get into Persona, I'd recommend the series in a certain order with some notes. There's 5 main entries in the series and a lot of spinoffs.
A word of advice in general with marathoning a game series: with any series it's a good idea to play in order of chronological and thus technological progression, especially if you intend to play the series back to back, otherwise going from a more recent game to an older one can damper your experience due to the decrease in graphical quality, gameplay smoothness, and general content quantity.
However for this series, the ideal order to play really depends on the factors of 1) which version of Persona 3 you choose to play, and 2) if you want to play Persona 1 & 2.
Regarding Persona 1 and 2: These are some of those games where your enjoyment will strongly depend on whether or not you're a person who is okay with some of the frustrations, limitations and slowness/jankiness common to old games (they came out between 1996-1999). I know some people don't mind or see it as a sort of vintage charm, while others get very frustrated with that — if you're the latter, I'd recommend saving yourself the frustration and skipping them, but if you like old games or have a high tolerance for jankiness, you could start here. I will also say that, even amongst the vintage/90s games fan crowd, P2 is definitely more popular and considered better than P1. It's also much better on the aforementioned issues.
Also, unless you have an original PlayStation or PSP, you'll have to emulate these.
Regarding Persona 3: there's several versions — the original came out in like 2006, then there was a remake version called P3 FES which added an epilogue (which is being added to the recent remake soon anyway), then a PSP remake called Persona 3 Portable (which has ports on modern consoles), then the most recent remake, Persona 3 Reload, came out just a few months ago in 2024.
Obviously the newest remake has vastly improved graphics and added lots of gameplay content. However, one of the biggest differences is that P3 Portable had the option to play as a female protagonist — this altered a lot of aspects of the game and is exclusive to that version (which has disappointed a lot of people hoping she'd be in the 2024 remake), so you can't play as her if you play Reload (unless, I believe, you play PC, there's a volunteer team currently making a mod for her).
Personally, I bought P3 Reload, and couldn't get into it, so I dropped it. Then I bought P3P on a whim and LOVE it so far. Getting to play as the girl protagonist makes a massive difference in my opinion, and more than compensates for the older graphics/gameplay. It's not just the romance routes either, her dialogue options, interactions, music, and overall vibe is different enough that it changes the feel of the story.
It really depends on what you value more — 2024-tier visual quality/gameplay and the epilogue, versus the Female Protagonist experience, so just pick which you prefer.
For the order thing, if you choose to play P3P (or the original/FES for whatever reason), I'd start here, but if you want to play Reload, I'd play it either last or just before P5 Royal.
Moving on, Persona 4: Golden and Persona 5: Royal are both the definitive editions of their respective games. They're remakes of the originals with a lot of added content, and unlike Persona 3, there's no reason to play the older versions over these. Notably their themes/vibes are kinda opposite of each other (big city world-scale societal rebellion versus small rural town murder mystery), I wouldn't say either story is better or worse, they're not really comparable and more a matter of personal taste.
As for the stories, admittedly if you've read my posts, you've essentially already been spoiled on the identity of the killers, but honestly it's still worth experiencing the story, there's multiple big plot twists before and after the reveals regarding Akechi/Adachi.
I would play Persona 5 Royal last, largely because it's widely considered the best entry to the series and is by far the longest. However if you only intend to play one game, it should definitely be P5 Royal. The only real flaw to P5 is it's much easier than previous games.
From here, there's a few more spinoff games, whether or not you want to play them really just depends on if you enjoy the genre. There's a bit of lore in some of them but nothing critical.
Dancing All Night/Starlight/Moonlight - dancing rhythm games
Arena Ultimax - fighting game, acts as an epilogue to P3&4
Persona Q 1&2
These are Nintendo DS spinoffs with chibi style art. I haven't played these and admittedly don't know much about them, I think they're dungeon crawler genre? It's popular for the aspect of which it involves the characters of the different main games, so you get to see them interact with each other.
The downside is that these games are oddly expensive, I think because there weren't too many copies. I intend to get them eventually.
Persona 5 Tactica/Strikers:
These are P5 spinoffs that put the cast in alternate stories, strikers is the closest to a true sequel from my understanding, tactica is more of a dungeon-crawler. I didn't get them because Akechi isn't in strikers and is just minor dlc for tactica.
The Phantom X
This is upcoming I believe, it's going to be a mobile game with a new cast.
The TL;DR of my advice:
- Play P2 only if you're into vintage gaming
- Play P1 only if you're REALLY into vintage gaming
- Play Persona 3 Portable if you really value the female protagonist/male character romance experience, otherwise play Persona 3 Reload
- If you play the original Persona 3, FES, or P3 Portable: start with that, then P4 Golden, then P5 Royal
- If you play Persona 3 Reload: play P4 Golden FIRST, then both P5 Royal and P3 Reload in either order.
- Play the spinoffs just based on what type of games you like, if any.
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dangermousie · 8 months
Here is a list of cdrama actors who I used to avoid watching at all costs that I changed my mind about after watching them be good in something - an incomplete list since I am sure I am forgetting people. (I won’t make a kdrama one because I only had like three MLs on it in terms of working actors and no FLs and two of MLs come off it by now)
Hu Yitian - the most wooden block to ever block thought I. And then saw the 1930s pilot epic Defying the Storm.
Ju Jingyi - never thought she was capable of any impression until Chinese Paladin 4
Dylan Wang - probably the biggest example on this list. I remember mocking whoever was insane enough to cast him in LBFAD. And then I had to eat all of those words.
Zhang Jingyi - I was so appalled by her acting in Fall in Love that I decided to skip anything she was ever in from then on. And then I watched L&P because I had the first ep downloaded on my phone and nothing else available and went aaaaa!!! I adore her now.
Deng Wei - he was background noise in so many dramas; it’s not that I disliked him per se, he just didn’t register. And then I watched LYF1 and he ended up being so good and playing arguably my favorite male cdrama character of the year.
Yang Zi - before all the howls start, yes she’s a huge A-list star in a ton of beloved dramas. And I adored her so much in Battle of Changsha (which is a masterpiece btw, go watch!) The problem is I didn’t enjoy her in anything since and Changsha was in 2013. To me it felt she was just coasting and then…LYF1 - my fave female character of the year hands down and she was soooo good! In fact, an OTP portrayed by her and Deng Wei, were my OTP of the year and if someone told me that before summer, I’d have checked them for concussion.
Joseph Zeng - I thought he couldn’t act much but in retrospect nobody could have performed well in the horrifying dramas I first saw him in (that one with Li Landi is guaranteed to induce a stroke in anyone) and then I saw Heroes and went bzuuuuhhhh and everything I’ve seen him in since he was good.
Zhang Zhehan - until Word of Honor. And then we all know how that went.
Wu Lei - ok this is an odd duck on the list because even when I didn’t like him, I couldn’t deny he was a solid actor. I just loathed his miscasting in TLB so much - he was visually all wrong and there was zero chemistry with DD and honestly he was so boring to watch on screen. So after that drama I went I guess he’s growing into a bad actor, huh? And then came LLTG and it turned that TLB was an aberration not a trend.
Then there are a couple of actors where I admit they are wooden as hell but I find them so good to look at I don’t care - Yukee Chen and Alan Yu. Some actors who I used to love but who I shudder when I see cast now (Peng Xiaoran is a great example), and of course the remaining Hall of You Are a Pretty Tree Plant Yourself Far From Me - Cheng Xiao, Yang Chaoye, Fan Cheng Cheng, Gulinazha, Yang Yang, the no longer working Zheng Shuang, Neo Hu, Ao Ruipeng, Wang Churan, Chen Duling (tho I have some small hope for Wang Churan and ARP if they get a good enough director and YCY was watchable in Heroes so if she gets a miracle director like Li Muge you never know. And CDL is an odd duck where I don’t think she has much range or is likable as a heroine but she mostly picks roles where she’s 90% rbf and it works so keep trucking!)
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emblemxeno · 9 months
I've been playing Fates again (thanks gay fates mod ily kiss kiss) and after (re)reading through counter-critiques of its story and generally thinking about it again I'm kinda left with the following thoughts and wanted to share as you're our resident Fates Was Good, Actually blogger.
a) so much of Fates critique falls into cinemasins-level "this isn't explicitly stated therefore BAD" territory (or otherwise stuff that shouldn't be, and often isn't, a problem in other games in the series)
b) we wouldn't need to bring up the Japanese script in contrast with the localization in the first place if the fandom hadn't completely poisoned the well in regards to talking about Fates' story. I had no idea about any of the localization changes my first play-through and I still thought Fates' plot was fine. Good, even!
The fatescourse is what made me leave the fandom around the time 3H came out, and every time I take a peek back in the subreddit or other fandom spaces it still seems to be just as much of a toxic cesspool as ever. Which sucks because I want to talk about Blorbo from my Emblems again, but I really don't want to have to deal with The Discourse & general toxicity
Hope you don't mind me posting this!
I feel you 100% and the sentiments are very appreciated, thanks!
For your first point, yeah, that's what it feels like. Saying it's CinemaSins-esque feels like a low blow, but it honestly does remind me of those videos. And they aren't meant to be actual critique! They're sarcastic entertainment and little else! But so much of Fates criticism is "why doesn't X just do Y? never explained by in-game text, so therefore story bad" or "why isn't Z plot point expanded upon? game never tells me so story bad." It's cheap and shallow, above all else. It's reminiscent of the Blue Curtains literary discourse, in that people only go with what's written explicitly rather than connect the dots from plot point to plot point. You're supposed to connect Azura's pacifying song to Mikoto's pacifying magic to Valla's history of magical development due to being directly blessed by Anankos; same with the crystal ball, water motifs, and future sight, those are all Valla-centered traits. But because the game never says "oh this is because of Valla", people think the place is just a nameless evil nation with no history or unique aspects.
For your second point, god, yes. Soooo many take any localization criticism as either a) alignment with unsavory anti-censorship anti-sjw chuds who are mostly complaining about not getting to boink lolis or b) not worth the time because "it wasn't gonna make a bad story any better anyway" which is such a gutter thing to say because localizations have literally changed things and removed crucial information in the series before Fates. The big examples being stuff with the Black Knight in the Tellius games, the long script removal in Radiant Dawn, and lines relating to Nergal's backstory in FE7 being mistranslated. Awakening had its share of localization discourse and criticism due to characters like Henry being changed, as well.
And I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a little resentful that 3H of all games is when people started giving a shit, cuz now that a "good game with a good story is being affected, it's now worth our time."
Plus this shit is still happening, considering that FEH consistently gets stuff wrong or mistranslated to this day.
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youremyheaven · 3 months
Man Russell brand is problematic I don't want jk to become like that 😔 , and tattoos are a spiritual part of so many tribes , that man got an eye tattoo ( which people mistook as illuminati so he got it covered) in a live he said he got the eye tattoo so he can feel he is being watched and don't take wrong decisions in life that shows good moral compass ( Jupiter trait) and if I am not wrong he has jupiter in 1st house in cancer exalted in d9 .
Russell brand is so not it and apart jk releasing that song 3d( that song rap is so fucking misogynistic) , if I leave that thing I think he is pretty spiritual just not mainstream way but I believe he asked jimin to go with him at a temple. Ketuvians idts can live that sanely if they don't feel spiritual or don't have a feminine in their life to drain( mostly Ashlesha)
I know he's problematic as hell (sexually assaulted multiple women???) and I wasn't seriously implying that JK will turn into him,, I just meant that he'd channel the vibes of a guy who just seemed super spiritual and philosophical and the first name that came to my mind was Russell Brand 😬😬I admit that its a poor comparison considering Russell is known for being an asshole as well (even without the SA allegations) but I ONLY meant his spiritual philosophical vibe, like take any interview of his and he's just talking about existential things
tattoos are deeply spiritual to me and they're connected to Ketu for a reason,, Claire explained this in her tattoo video about how getting tattoos and piercings are a way to open up certain energetic channels and how marking your body permanently can have spiritual consequences
ive heard that getting your nose piercing is a remedy for Mercury related issues
and ear piercings are supposed to help both your Venus and Jupiter apparently
there's more but i cant remember them rn
idk if he has Jup in 1h but he has struck me a "good" person so he probably channels healthy Jup energy (his Ketu is in Purvabhadrapada in D1, idk which house but generally the Ketu placement is very apparent with artists because they have to reach that deep down within themselves to make art. It can be more dormant or less obvious with other people tho but generally I've noticed/sensed the Ketu nak's energy with manyyy artists, for example, Namjoon has Ketu in Bharani and everything he writes, how he talks about life etc is soooo Bharani influenced, its hard to miss. His dignified stoic kinda vibe (which I also attribute to him most likely being Vishaka Rising) kinda comes from there because Purvaphalguni can exhibit similar Venusian traits but Namjoon's unique brand of Venusian male behaviour also feels heavily Bharani (all that eternal love he sings about = Bharani, him singing about being horny = Purvaphalguni lmao)
idk whether or not JK is spiritual but he seems connected to that energy at least a little. he said he'd hear bells when he met his soulmate lmao, ik that sounds like a cheesy fanservice-y thing to say but i also feel like its very Venusian of him (he's Purvaphalguni Sun)
Ketuvian men draining women is so real UGHHHHH i think they're hot but i could never date them due to this very reason,, they suck the life out of me :///
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kairiscorner · 1 year
HI PO ULIT!!!! 🫶🫶
ang galing nyo po talaga magsulat lagi akong natutuwa HAAHAHAHA
not a request po (yet hehehe), pero ask ko lang po, who do u think the atsv characters would be if nasa like regency fantasy au sila?? may kingdoms elves ganunn HAHAHA
un lang po, ok lang po kung wala kayong maisip question ko lang din HAHAHAHA
Thank u po, have a great day!!! 🫶🫶🫶
-🫶 anon
HI 🫶ANON :DDD omg kaaaaa ang cute ng idea <:) OKOK soooo here's what i think our atsv babes would be in a fantasy au !! (do be warned, i am not that well-versed in fantasy aus so i'm sorry if i repeat too many roles 😭😭😭)
atsv characters in a fantasy au
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miles (earth 1610 - young wizard, formerly wizard's apprentice)
ok, i like to think that our boy here happened upon peter b in a time when magic was hardly practiced the right way anymore (think of the world of onward for example, where they rely on modern day inventions and less on magic to get by) and it was considered a dangerous discipline to practice so only few have mastered it and know how to use it.
miles would've, in my mind, been gifted with magic even if no one in his family for centuries have been magic users or whatever else related to magic, but his uncle aaron and dad used to dabble in some dark magic as young boys so that kinda fits in with the spider man parallels and also lowkey would introduce miles to the world of magic maybe if he went through their old stuff and found out they dabbled in that stuff? (idk i'm just mad delulu)
since magic was kinda banned he didn't really have any interest in it until signs of him being a natural magic user came to light and he started freaking out because magic isn't allowed n stuff so he tries his hardest not to let it show.
when he met peter b, he was taught how to keep the magic in control while also using it for good and not harming others :DD then he realizes that magic is only evil when you make it evil, hence he becomes less anxious about his powers and learns to use them right and accept himself.
his alignment would be lawful and/or neutral good i think
miles (earth 42 - bandit and mage)
ok so since 42 miles is pretty much a stark contrast to 1610 miles, i like to think that in this miles' universe, he was never born with any abilities and was like the rest of his family.
his uncle aaron and dad still dabbled in some dark magic as young boys, so when his dad died, his uncle aaron taught him how to use dark magic properly and how to be a mage.
he used the dark magic to become a bandit, hence his role, and he uses everything he steals for his mom's like healing........ fantasy place....... WHAT IS IT CALLED I'M SORRY 😭😭😭 but yeah, he's kind of true neutral imo, he's not particularly evil nor is he particularly good, he's in very in-between about it all.
gwen stacy (female knight, formerly bandit)
ok so gwen formerly being a bandit would kind of be like, she didn't steal from innocent people, she was more of a vigilante robin hood figure that 'stole from the rich and gave back to the poor' kinda deal.
she wouldn't be too fond of the guards in their homeland :(
she became a female knight when she joined the elite force led by miguel and became one of their greatest warriors n stuff and she quit being a bandit, but a part of her longs to be helping people in a more free and less strict way.
their job is to hunt down and stop wizards and active magic users even though a lot of people are pushing for them to be part of society again, and she hates having to stop them because they all mean well anyway and not all of them are evil ok >:(
she'd probably be neutral good/lawful neutral
pavitr prabhakar (male elf and knight)
oh he'd be a trickster, a fun one to have in your party. he'd be a mischievous elf that can outsmart you in any fight.
he just recently joined the ranks of miguel's elite force and is one of their craftiest ones, he can make a friend out of any enemy, his charisma is THROUGH THE ROOF
he and hobie are a dynamic duo together !!
he'd be...... chaotic good :>
hobie brown (bard and rogue ex-knight turned bandit)
he was a bard and a bandit ever since, just like gwen, he disliked the guards in his homeland for their crappy treatment of the poor and havenots, so he does their job for them and steals from the corrupt rich and gives back to the poor.
he took in gwen when she ran away from her homeland, and from one bandit to another, he taught her more efficient tricks at foraging and a little bit of stealth.
when he joined miguel's elite force, he really didn't feel right about it since the minute he joined. he had avoided them for the longest time and decided this place wasn't for him way before miles tried joining.
he's chaotic good/neutral >:)
miguel o'hara (ex-wizard and now commander of an elite force of multiversal guards)
okkkk lore dump: miggy used to be a self-made wizard who came from the very distant future of 2099 when magic was slowly being integrated back into the system along with technology. he was a very powerful wizard, but it was magic that killed his daughter when he opened a mystic portal that took him to a timeline where he was happy and had a daughter, but that whole timeline got erased because he wasn't supposed to be there, yadda yadda yadda, and so he abandoned magic in favor of technology because no magic could resurrect his daughter from the dead. what he could do now was assemble a bunch of elite knights that would protect the multiverse from magic users who posed as threats.
he still has magic in his veins and he hates himself for it :(
when he met miles and tried to explain how magic is evil, and miles defending himself and his powers, claiming magic is only evil when you use it for evil--he fucking broke down inside because he knew that what he did wasn't supposed to be done.
he's lawful/neutral good (or thinks of himself as, well tbh he doesn't fall in any of these categories tbh..........? he just does what has to be done.)
peter b parker (magician who's also a mentor, formerly a wizard)
now peter b was a magician after his wizard career, it was because he was a wizard that he and mj split up, with him wanting to prove to the world that magic wasn't evil and he could help change that but mj couldn't believe in him and wanted him to change his view on it.
he hated magic for ruining his relationship with mj, but when he met miles and taught him how to use his magic for good, he was so glad to know he was right through miles, his best and only student.
he stopped being a wizard though because he wanted to have a family with mj when she took him back, and now, he just practices like party magic for kids (he feels offended bc it ain't real magic, but it pays well in their world, surprisingly)
he's be.......... neutral good ig (idk)
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year
I cannot STAND how a majority of the female heroes costume designs are just skintight suits, or skimpy outfits just to show some skin and appeal to the perverts that watch this show.
And I know there are going to be some assholes that try to justify them by saying something along the lines of.
"Well it HAS to look like that or else her quirk won't work!"
First off let's use Momo for example. So you're saying you're okay with her ripping her costume and exposing herself in public than simply coming up with a redesign that WON'T expose a minor?
Not to mention it's been established by Mirio's costume that it IS possible to use their DNA to make a costume to prevent something like that happening soooo...
Oopsy poopsy! Your arguement is now moot!
And this was literally a line from a fanfic I remember reading where the part Ochako said she commented on her suit being skintight came up.
"Oh with it being skintight it'll decrease the likeness of you getting nauseous."
... Did the author just forget that it's the accessories on her costume that does it and not the skintightness of the suit?
It makes me sad that the way they're designed are just... shown off like this is literally Hori being a pervert.
Hi @theloganator101 👋,
Yeah. The female hero outfits do feel a lot like fan service to Hori as well as his demographic (since it's a Shonen.)
However, the problem with this is consistency. As you rightly pointed out Mirio's treatment vs Momo and Hagakure (for me they have some of the worst costumes of the 1A Girls.)
Mirio's power also has him lose his clothing while he used it for a time - but the costume department adapted and made him a costume that permeates with him. Great! So why can't this be done for any of the girls?
Why can't Momo have a costume that allows her objects to move through it because it's enthused with her DNA?
Why can't Hagakure (because she literally bends light) have a costume that turns invisible with her? Wouldn't it be cool to have her have a chameleon-esque costume? Having her be literally naked on the battlefield would cause so many issues with safety in general it's just mind boggling that UA just lets her out out like that without a care.
And as you pointed out Ochaco, she's one of the ones that I have less of a problem with (vs Momo and Hagakure) but you do have a point. The skin-tight nature of her suit is unnecessary. (Infact her skin tight clothes would increase nausea, especially around her stomach.)
Personally speaking, this may be an unpopular opinion, I find some aspects of Ochaco's costume idiotic / plain ugly.
For example - I don't like how her boots look at all. As an artist they look plain ugly and impratical to me - how does Ochaco walk/ run in them? Where's her foot support? Are you telling me she won't get her foot stuck somewhere on the battlefield in those clunky things?
Then there's her wrist adaptors - which are wildly impractical too. If they were able to be inflated as needed to help combat Ocha's sickness I wouldn't care. However as they are permenatly spheres around her wrists it would obviously; inhibit movement, get caught on things, she wouldn't be able to reach into small places (I.e into rubble to reach buried people.)
TLDR: the 1A Girls (especially Momo and Hagakure) deserve better costume design - if Mirio can have a costume that works with him they should be able to have a costume that works with their quirks as well.
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Thuyết for character ask game also hi bro we are women
favorite thing about them
WHERE DO I BEGIN i think the whole microscope and morse motif is soooo fucking good. uhhh i like her fixation with strange buildings. i like her whole backstage arc about feeling conflicted about harming peixin via the visions but not really being able to do anything about it because of míra and also cas to an extent.... its fine its cool
least favorite thing about them
i say this wholly in jest and it mostly sticks in my mind as being really funny because of your reaction to me mentioning it for the first time. anyway yeah the vague idea i had of just like. oh yeah maybe this character stanley designs could be like some kind of slav/eastern european in general WRONG she is french now
favorite line
first ones that came to mind. smiles serenely
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the things we've discussed about like. her and isel talking are forever lodged in my brain. like yeah had she not only talked to him once before dying im sure they wouldve gotten along wouldve loved inspecting each other about the stupidest shit. isels paintings and her buildings orbiting around each other inspiring each other.... its niceys to me....
i also think the connections she has with cas and lusine are sweet. like "yeah the only person whos in the exact same situation im in who actually is more capable of protecting me than myself" and "person who requires a lot of stimulation and attention to recover (overseen by guy who hardly gets the chance to talk about asinine archaic tech and architecture and music etc etc.)" smiles
SIGH you hear about incomprehensible yaoi. yeah. her and olzhas. theyre both sick in the head they love each other but will never say it outright and one of them will die before anything happens. yuuuup. its all fine and good
special mention to thuyết and cas though. the original yaoi
i dont know theres many bad examples.... uhhhh mentioning thuyết and míra because theyd be terrible for each other but i do think the idea of thuyết having like a momentary crush on míra that very quickly gets pulverised is pretty funny
random headcanon
hmm i think her classic pet cat. name of marteau. was just like a tortoiseshell that was completely brown save for having a gray head. so that it looks like a hammer. i should draw that hah ive had that idea in mind for ages
unpopular opinion
shouldve lived or something
song i associate with them
have spent the past few minutes listening to this which. yuuuup. her and olzhas song to me. sighs serenely
favorite picture of them
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its classic.
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felikatze · 11 months
Plusquam Chapter 7 director's commentary because i adore being a blabbermouth
hi hi hello. i am going to talk about my fic and nobody can stop me but i don't want to turn the ao3 author's notes into their own 30k novel so yelling on tumblr it is!!
if you are interested in SOME of the machenations of my enigmatic mind, feel free to read. If not. Well i don't care really it's your life. I'm writing this for MY enjoyment.
First of!! I dunno if I talked about them before!! (I have the memory of a goldfish). The silly codenames!!
As I may or may not have mentioned before, the inspiration for this came from the Project Thabes mod for Awakening. In the ferox duel, the mod replaces the generics with inigo, severa, owain, and gerome. The awakening trio get their fates names (a coward's move, but one i understand), but gerome is named michalis, which i just enjoy soooo much???
so when i initially planned out for all the future kids to band together with lucina, i decided they all had to have codenames! otherwise there's really no point in lucina having one....
merric for laurent was the biggest no brainer of all of them, with caeda for severa being a close second. feel free to interpret why. gerome was obviously taken from the thabes mod, and the rest were... a challenge... to come up with!
owain actually gave me a lot of trouble. what WOULD he name himself? i've not finished shadow dragon myself (I only played the prologue so far... haha...), and most i know of the cast comes from mitosis. and scarf's new mystery lunatic reverse run on youtube. and it was that run that reminded me. that kris's confect is an item in the game. meaning that awakening era people know kris exists. except wasn't kris' deal that they like. did not want to be noted down in history.
hence kris being a "heavily debated historical subject". which of COURSE owain would name himself after an unsung but vitally important hero of the shadows.
others i may discuss as they come up? eh, we'll see. not every future kid is gonna be important (god knows that's way too many characters for me to handle), but they will be There. main focus of course being the fp3 squad, with the addition of two others. it is very obvious who it will be, i think.
next up, pairings!
most pairings werent set, outside the ones that are my obvious favorites (panne/lonqu, henlivia, chrobin (duh)). others were up in the air and just happened as i wrote. as i thought about gerome in this, and chatted about the subject with friends, frederick/cherche came to be for this fic! (and for the shrek au, oddly enough. it may have just been on my mind, and i thought chrom missing freddie's wedding was funny.)
it suited my purposes best if gerome had a stronger emotional tie to the blueberry siblings, and a knightly duty to protect them served just that. hence the dialogue of lucina being his liege. he's so utterly disinterested in getting to know the people of the past that i needed that extra bit to keep him coherent. he won't get close to anyone, but he'll do anything to support lucina's aims as though they were his own.
which brings me to the next subject, lucina's PoV! This is the first perspective switch in all of plusquam (not just because I couldn't meet my 4k benchmark with morgan alone this time). Since Morgan and Lucina act separately and won't encounter often, I needed the extra time to establish her character here. To me, there's a clear dissonance between how Morgan views her and how Lucina is. Both of them are unreliable narrators to varying degrees, yet how they differ is where the meat is.
Like, for example, Morgan completely rejecting that Lucina is Robin's child as well, and not just Chrom's, because Grima told them Lucina was different. As compared to the actual Lucina still deeply affected by Robin, and even engaging with grimleal theology on an even field because of him and the other plegian influences in her life.
there's also the matter of her narration style. I waffled back and forth on whether to give her second person narration as well, but ultimately decided on third person limited, with a catch - she exclusively refers to everyone, including herself, by their codenames.
in both their perspectives, i want to create separation between their original names and who they act as. With morgan, this succeeds because the viewpoint has no need to mention their name whatsoever, and with lucina, it succeeds because she's the one creating that distance in her own mind. it's fun to play with!
ah, siblings. so different, yet so similar.
as for the pronouns situation on lucina's pov. well. schrödinger's transgender.
minor thing. i hate adapting canon scenes close to script, hence me just freestyling when lucina and co meet chrom and squad. there's also just... no future portal risen roaming about, which would've made the point moot anyway. that's a very interesting consequence to play with.
having an endless army of generic undead is lame. having to draw on the actual dead of the immediate area - now we're getting spicy!
despite everything, i have grown attached to the risen wyvern and its chittering ways, but it sadly has to go. there's a reason morgan never named it. farewell my sweet prince. aurgh. i mean. this thing has been with morgan through the entire past so far. and it just fell apart more and more over time. crashing into a wall and breaking its neck, having half its throat torn out - poor thing. good thing it can't feel pain anymore.
that is, i think, all i wanted to blabber about? if you're a reader of plusquam, hi, i love you, i hope you have a great day, you may summon me for one turn of battle without expending an action and i will appear as a shimmering blue specter to protect you from harm.
that's all!! see you next time!! as usual, if anyone has questions of their own, or wants to yell at me for hurting their feelings, shoot me an ask, a comment, or anything at all! see ya!! ily!!
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mydaroga · 10 months
Follow up on the Tune In ask, Thank you for your response!! And please, never apologize for the length, it was greatly insightful. I actually haven't started on the book yet but it came highly recommended to me as The definitive Beatles biography so I was looking around to see what others think of it. Most of the critical opinions I found on this site seem consistent with your criticisms especially about Lewisohn's tendency to cherry pick quotes or imposing a new context on them...
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Well, that formatted weird. Sorry. Anyway, I will definitely try to give as thorough an answer as I have time for, so that may mean just a few examples. If you want a deeper dive I can recommend the Another Kind of Mind Series, Fine Tuning. I don't agree entirely with their approach, but I agree for the most part with their findings and concerns, if that makes sense. And then there's Serene's blog entry which does a more thorough examination of the way Lewisohn ... hrm, shall we say, stretches citations to mean... whatever he wants.
I don't know that I am going to be able to go into quite as much detail here as I didn't keep these good notes while reading. But I can think of a few things that stuck out to me before I listened/read these other takes. And I'm happy to keep talking about this or expand, I'm not saying I don't like doing this, just that I am not gonna ... okay I'm going to write an essay? But I won't be as meticulous as I should be.
The first thing that made me stop reading and just go track down what was actually going on was a passage in which Lewisohn is talking about teen Paul's resistance to getting a job, going against Jim. From Tune In:
Paul still hated anyone telling him what to do -- 'It just never occurred to me to listen to other people' -- but when Jim insisted, sometimes Paul did as bid... as John scathingly noted. He went down to the Labour Exchange and Renshaw Hall and landed a £10-a-week Christmas-period job with SPD Ltd, Speedy Prompt Deliveries.
Now, all on its own without context this is a great Paul McCartney quote because you go, "yeah that checks out." I plan on using it as a sort of Macca meme, you know? But it was soooo Paul I thought, "wait, in what context did he say that? Like, he doesn't listen ever? He's admitting he just doesn't listen to anyone?"
So weirdly, it's not actually footnoted, but I found the source. It's a 1980 interview with Tim Rice, which is entertaining in its own right because he tells the guy who co-wrote Jesus Christ Superstar and Evita and later The Lion King that, you know, musicals are boring. Anyway, not the point.
It took me awhile to find the actual quote, because it's really a throwaway, almost self-deprecating aside, in the context of how he's listening to people more now because he's realized too many smart people just talk and it might be good to listen some.
So okay. Paul did say that, and he's admitting there was a time he didn't take the time to listen, but he's doing it in a sort of jokey way. I guess it's fair to say, generally, sure, Paul has a tendency to be headstrong and go his own way and that certainly would have been a factor in his psychological battle with Jim Mac over going to get his teaching license or whatever. It's not like Lewisohn is bending the facts of anything. It's not really a big deal. But it was the moment that clued me in that he's not necessarily using like for like. There's plenty of quotes about how Paul felt about this time in his life without using a joke from 1980 to shore up your point about his resistance to dad, in a paragraph that implies he's saying it about his resistance to dad. And when you've decide that "it just never occurred to me to listen to other people" can mean "and that's why he didn't listen to Jim about work, except this time he did," I don't know. It leaves a funny taste in my mouth because then you could use it for anything Paul decides to do differently. If that makes sense. If it applies there, it applies to anything Paul does. And Paul obviously didn't mean that in 1980.
Also maybe this is more nuanced, but while "Paul still hated anyone telling him what to do" is a true statement in any time in his life, that quote itself? Is neither necessarily relevant to being told what to do or very revealing. It actually is entirely unnecessary. The passage would be completely benign and throw me no red flags without it.
Like any of the points I make or, frankly, I've heard others make, it's less that he's saying untrue things and more that by using these citations in ways that remove them from context and add them to a different context, he is painting a picture but passing it off as fact. In addition, he often will use a quote from John's angry, Lennon Remembers period to interpret Paul's motives in the early 60s, rather than using, oh I dunno, a quote from.... Paul? Or a nicer quote from John when he's contradicted himself again? Again it's all legit sourcing and citing! But the contextualizing creates something he's selling as free of interpretation which is anything but.
The other one I've been thinking about is laid out quite well in I think episode 3 of the AKOM pod, and it's about Paul's creative development. While John's is described as original and a free spirit and rebellious in his artistic ambitions--which he was--Paul's artistic endeavors almost always come with a weasel word or caveat. What I mean is, John is always described as inventive; Paul is a gifted mimic. This despite a lot of attention paid to how John was basically copying his favorite cartoonists and artists--he even says at some point everything he does is Just William and Lewis Carroll. But somehow when he does it, it's extraordinary. He's got his own voice, while Paul is a talented parrot. Lewisohn gives props to all of Paul's many accomplishments but there's always either some kind of adjective like that to take away from it or this thing that creeps in where everything Paul does is for show. There are numerous places in Tune In where Paul is ostentatiously reading difficult books so he can be seen reading them. Anytime he's trying something new or going to explore a new art form or theater experience, Lewisohn has to point out that he wants to be seen to be doing something clever. When he writes songs, Lewisohn points out that he's not just writing songs, he's thinking about the image of being a writer or something like that. It's never because he's artistic, or likes the thing. He needs to be seen as someone liking the thing.
Now, we do have a quote from Paul about this. He does mention thinking about the image of a poet with the pipe and the leather patches, and he does at one point get a pipe and you know, famously pretend to be French to try to pull birds. (He does this again on that little week off he takes in France, years later, reminiscing about imagining he's a novelist in a cafe.) It's not that I'm saying Paul isn't capable of being pretentious! (I still have the beret I insisted on getting for my birthday when I was 16. I'm not immune. I still look great in it.) But Paul's, again, self-deprecating description of himself as a goofy teen appears to be the only 'proof' Lewisohn has that his reading, his art, his going to shows alone no one else cares about, is a pretense.
Again. It's not a huge deal and it's not like Paul didn't factually do all of this. It's that in a text that he's insisted in the front matter is free of speculation, Lewisohn's included numerous interpretations of Paul's (and others') motives without any direct proof/citation for those interpretations. That, I'm afraid, is speculative. And that's fine for an author to engage in--but he needs to be clear about it.
For the record he does this with John, too. He interprets numerous, sometimes almost contradictory actions of John's as "evidence" of his ability to lead. Sometimes he's like, in front and sometimes he's doing nothing and Lewisohn will conclude this was John also leading.
The point of all this isn't, like I said in my original post, that I think any one of these things is that bad. Paul's kinda pretentious? Maybe sometimes he did like to be seen reading War and Peace or whatever? Maybe John sitting back and watching what his mates are going to do is leadership? The problem, for me, is that it's not presented in a way that meets the premise of Lewisohn's introduction, which promises a work free of the prejudices and unsubstantiated speculation of his forebears. And I really do think that Lewisohn has convinced himself that he's done enough research and been a keen enough "Paul watcher" that it no longer counts as interpretation. I fear he may actually believe that he's done the math.
Again, I think you should read it. I loved the attention to detail and you'll get a lot out of it. But just be aware of this tendency, which I no longer think I'm imagining. And these are just the first two things I thought of and wanted to rant about.
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butchviking · 2 years
could you elaborate on your idea of treating dysphoria with therapy. i guess you don't have it figured out yet because if you did you would've already therapied the dysphoria out of yourself. but like. what are your ideas? where do you think dysphoria comes from? how could one fix it with therapy? conversion therapy gets a bad rep, how different or similar is your idea of fixing dysphoria with therapy from the spooky idea people have of conversion therapy? anything else you want add
oh i sure the fuck don't have it figured out. i have no kind of education or training or qualifications in anything like that i am just another dysphoric dyke on the internet. i just wish anyone who IS in that field seemed 2 b listening lol
so im not aware of any standardised therapy to target dysphoria in any way, but ive known & heard from soooo many detrans/desisted/reidentified/etc women that therapy has either hugely helped w their dysphoria or in some cases they've been able to eliminate it entirely. a lot of the time ppl talk like dysphoria is smthn that is just ingrained into you as a person, something you're born with and something that - unless u transition - u will eventually die with. but that's not true! there are often very real causes that can be found out and dealt with. fr example a lot of women have identified the main cause of their dysphoria to be childhood trauma, often abuse and very often sexual abuse (it doesn't take a genius to figure out why this would lead to someone hating/resenting/feeling wrong in/being disgusted by their body. doesn't take a genius to figure out why they'd want to be male instead.) and i mean. listen talking with a group of women anyway there's usually a lot of trauma. but talking with a group of transmascs is like. jesus fucking christ there is so often so much awful shit that has happened to them. (in fact this def applies to transwomen too tbh, ive known a looot of transwomen w a history of sexual abuse. not as many as transmen but definitely higher than the general male population). physical abuse (or witnessing the physical abuse of a mother) can be another cause; that feeling of never wanting to be a scared helpless little girl again and wanting to be strong and able to defend yourself - things that are usually associated w men. these thoughts aren't usually conscious, its not like u think "i want to be a man bc i blame my body for what was done to me and i feel like if i could get out of my skin and be something more powerful i'd be safe and happy" - but thats what ppl often find out in therapy, and after coming 2 terms w that they find they don't have to take it out on themselves anymore and they manage to make peace with their body.
for a lot of women their dysphoria was caused by simple social restriction - ive no doubt in my mind that a huge reason for mine is not being able to be topless in public or have my shirt unbuttoned or jesus christ even just. just fucking EXIST without them having to be an ISSUE. i weaned myself off binding years ago and for a long time i managed 2 get to a place where i didnt even think abt my chest that much. and then some guy makes one comment abt how i never wear bras and its like. oh god i had tried to forget that you people can SEE them. and that sent me into a lil spiral for like a month lol 👍 pair that w going to mcr nj and forgetting to wear a bra the first night and finding my movement severely restricted due to not wanting my tits flying everywhere and i came back from that trip like. can someone just fuciing cut them off. (mcr PLEASE stop transing my gender im not strong enough...) (actually i was going to say that after that trip i wore a binder for the first time in years but i think im getting my timeline mixed up. i think that was before the show actually. bc i distinctly remember that i packed it for the trip 'just in case' and that was after i'd already worn it once around the house & once to a wedding) and obviously idk what the solution is for me there but i think a combination of therapy & lifestyle changes could help me get at least somewhere. i know that for other women lifestyle changes have been a huge factor - living & being around only women has been so healing fr a lot of detrans/dysphoric ladies & ive read some really moving things abt the impact going to womyns land has had fr some. misogyny in general can really wear down how u feel abt ur body over time, without u ever necessarily attributing your feelings to that. and when i say 'misogyny' im also including the simple existence of gender in that! to be born and to be separated into a category based on your body and to have that be something thats supposed to dictate how you live your entire life - you have a vagina so you have to wear this and act like this and people will have these expectations of u and you're limited by these restrictions and if you step out of line, if u dont do femininity or dont do it well enough, you will be punished. by god of course u grow to hate your body and your role in the world. of course u wish u could be a man and just fucking. live and breathe and exist without all these stupid fucking made-up rules & requirements! for a lot of ppl, recognising that & recognising that the problem doesn't lie with them, but with a society that made them feel that way, is huge. & after that realisation they can begin a process of forgiving their body. turning the blame out from where they've internalised it. & this is definitely why so many detrans/desisted/reidentified women get so hard into feminism. that's what brought me to radblr in the first place & started my own process of reidentification!
now obv i can't cover every possible cause of dysphoria here bc its as many & varied as ppl are. and listen im on mobile so i cant see how long this is but jesus christ i know it must be fucking long. and its still going to get much longer! so there is one last obvious cause of dysphoria that no-one likes to talk abt, but which is probably THE most concretely linked: being gay! for at LEAST hundreds of years (im sure there are some ladies around here who could attest to older sources tbh, it could be millenia for all i know) lesbians have written about feeling like they're a man's soul in a woman's body. sexual inversion theory was the default belief for how and why people were homosexual for a long, long time. and that theory is so completely alive and well. im not even going to say any more on this one. it's obvious and i think almost every single butch lesbian (& plenty of non-butch lesbians) feels this at SOME point. the proportion of homosexuals in the transgender population is definitely higher than in the general population. however even if ur het that can induce dysphoria too, cause u get ppl who say they don't want to date men as a woman, they want to do it as a man - which a lot of ppl put down to gay fetishisation but i don't think its all about that. i think its abt wanting to be on equal footing. so no-one is safe really!
ok. so what is the difference between this and conversion therapy. conversion therapy in my mind is smthn that seeks to 'correct' your behaviour/identity, rather than smthn with the goal of alleviating distress. like i don't think any of the stuff ive talked abt should b done w the goal of making someone not identify as trans anymore - idk identify how u want i guess. the identity isn't really the thing that matters. u don't even need to identify as trans in the first place for any of that stuff to b helpful - it's all abt lessening the distress u feel w ur own body. and the main thing 'trans conversion therapy' means 2 me is trying to force gender conformity on someone. like trying to get them to accept their assigned gender role. to get a gnc female who identifies as transmasc to ditch not only the identity but the gnc behaviours & presentation and accept their 'place' in the world as a woman. and gender (a word which to me is synonymous with the phrase 'gender roles' like they dont exist separately that is literally what gender is. its roles.) is my greatest enemy in the world FUCK gender and i don't ever ever think anyone should b forced to abide by it. i think it is the greatest evil on this planet. to me, the comparison of therapeutic dysphoria treatment to conversion therapy is like. say if someone was gay, and was severely distressed by being gay. they couldn't accept it and they hated it and they were depressed about it. this person would definitely benefit from therapy to help them ACCEPT the fact that they're gay and to help them feel comfortable with themselves about it. which is very very different from a 'therapy' which aims to make them not gay anymore. u know?
now im not going to pretend i know or even believe that everyone's dysphoria can be alleviated or erased with therapy. i have no idea how many ppl this would work for. maybe it would help 5% of ppl, maybe it would help 50%, or 95%. honest to god i have no idea. and sometimes figuring out the root causes of your dysphoria doesn't really do jack shit. there's a lot of things in my life i could point to that explain mine. but the trouble is that knowing that doesn't make it go away. it's a mental illness & it's as complicated & often stubborn as any other. chances are that therapy would help some ppl and not help others. and if u try it out & it doesn't help & u still think transition is the right path, then cool! if that's an informed choice and a medical risk/commitment you're willing to take then honestly i believe in giving ppl that right. but like i said the other day, the big thing is that without the OPTION of psychological treatment, there's really only the option of transition. well that's not tru actually, because some people do choose to simply live w their dysphoria, much as one might live w many other mental illnesses. i feel like that's also not an option spoken about often. u can actually just live with it. learn to manage it rather than try to cure it, let it ebb & flow. a lot of the time that will suck, but what mental illness doesn't? for many ppl, learning ways to manage & live w their dysphoria is a more sensible choice for their lifestyle than transition, which basically makes u a lifelong medical patient. for some ppl it's better than taking the health risks. sometimes u just gotta power thru.
anything else i want to add - yes, of course there is. there's a million things i could probably add. i could talk abt this for hours. actually i probably have bc i kept coming back 2 this on breaks at work so im sure ive put a couple of hrs into it by now. i didn't even mention eating disorders and how commonly comorbid they are w dysphoria; how it's all just different forms of body dysmorphia (but as many ppl have said, when an anorexic tells a doctor their body is wrong the doctor tell them no, your mind is wrong, and you need psychological treatment. not so with dysphoria.) the transwomen ive seen basically turn into plastic surgery addicts always seeking more and more changes bc they don't reach the end-point they'd imagined, where they're happy w their body now, bc the discomfort always came from inside their head and their body was never really the problem. the transmen who plan on just taking hormones but not getting top surgery, or vice versa, and then end up doing both AND getting phallo and often still finding themselves unsatisfied at the end. the unrealistic expectations people often have in the first place when starting transition, and the doctors who, instead of being realistic and helping patients to manage their expectations, promise the absolute world - leaving ppl completely mentally unprepared if things don’t go so well, where perhaps some therapy beforehand could have helped them accept what they’re getting into. the studies showing that although ppl REPORT being happier after transition, their life satisfaction scores on assessments aren't actually any higher than before. but i just got home and got to my computer and it turns out this reply is already. my god. over 2,000 words long. and holy shit even viewing it on desktop it’s enormous. so u gotta know when to quit i guess.
thank u so much for asking this. y’all know how much i love to talk abt this topic. i know everything is split into ‘sides’ on this sometimes, like it’s just some discourse, but it’s real people’s real lives and it’s so so important to me for everyone to see that. i want trans & dysphoric ppl to have more options, and to know about the options that they do have. there may not be any standardised dysphoria therapy but as i say, many women HAVE had life-changing results with other kinds of therapy, and there are many professionals out there who will absolutely work with you to the best of their ability if you want to get to the bottom of your dysphoria and come up with ways to lessen it or manage it. unfortunately, there are also many who will run for the hills because they don’t want to endanger their licence or reputation by being branded as conversion therapists. and i want feminists who see this as a solely political issue to see the humanity here and to recognise that dysphoria is a very real and often very debilitating mental illness that can’t always be cured by just explaining to someone that gender is made-up and bad. and no-one is a traitor to the female sex or an inherent misogynist for the choices they make to deal with that mental illness and live their happiest life.
and im. so sorry for all of ur dashboards. but hey, if u can scroll past 79 images per day of my chemical romance, then im sure u can scroll past this too if it’s of no interest to u. i hope not tho. if u read this all then god bless i am so thankful. everyone have a wonderful day <3 i am going to go have a nice big glass of mead bc it’s been a long night & all this thinking make hal head hurt. peace ✌️
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meear · 1 year
Tbh Albus Dumbledore is such a banger of a character. Imagine writing the usual, venerable white-bearded wizard archetype, and then dropping the Deathly Hallows.
For most of the story, Dumbledore fits the Wise Old Man trope: an elderly, kindly father figure, a sage whose role is to impart his great wisdom on the younger generation, before dying so as to allow the hero to grow on their own. He's got this air of mystery and mysticism about him, but that's just par for the course.
Then you get to the last book and it's like a deconstruction of that trope. Imagine the hero suddenly going "actually why was he speaking like that and being dramatic all the time. Why didn't he just tell me things. Who did he think he was anyway. Oh he thought he was soooo clever. Fuck that guy" and if I say Aberforth's perspective was one of the best piece of writing from that book then what?
Like yeah he's trash but at the same time Rowling didn't just pull a "haha he was actually the big villain the whole time >:)" because Albus was still one of the good guys, but actually villain!Albus is so big-brained, but he's more interesting as a good guy after all, and I don't even think Rowling ever fully realised the banger character she came up with.
Mind you I will absolutely reblog Dumbledore slander whenever I see it. He's my favourite character. I hate him so much.
There are so many different readings for him and tbh it makes him a way more compelling character than Snape (i say this because snape is usually regarded as the ultimate example of nuanced writing in Harry Potter, considering the story is otherwise pretty black-and-white. And yeah, the characters usually aren't all that great, which is why it baffles me how Rowling came up with Dumbledore. like what was she on that day.) I don't care for Snape's backstory at all, I don't like it, but the Albus lore?? It's so good bro.
My only criticism is that Grindelwald should really have been mentioned more in the books, because the last time he'd been mentioned before HP7 was in freaking HP1, on a random Chocolate Frog card. If Grindelwald was such an major figure in wizarding history and lore, there should've been more references to him, if only to remind us that he exists. Dumbledore having been friends with him should've been a big twist, but I didn't care because I barely remembered who he was and I don't think the story made a good enough job of explaining exactly what that means. Imagine if it was revealed that McGonagall and Voldemort had been friends when they were students together, and she'd been helping him! the implications of a twist like that would be obvious for any reader. But Grindelwald? I was confusing him for Gregorovitch half the time lol, but I was an inattentive kid so that's also my fault
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a-moth-to-the-light · 10 months
My Current Top 10 Itzy Songs
Context: I've been a fan since I first saw the Icy dance practice in late 2019, but I became a superfan with the release of Wannabe and haven't looked back since--well, except for a slight moment of hesitation with the release of MITM, but the delightful Crazy In Love album brought me back!!
I'm in the process of designing my dream Itzy comeback, like @nayeonline did! [link to their post] I wanted to share this top ten list first, so y'all have an idea of what kinds of songs I love most from these ladies! See, no matter how much I trash-talk Itzy's music (sorry, Not Shy, I was too mean to you for far too long), I really do love SO MANY of their songs--I only criticize some of their tracks as passionately as I do because the highs of their discography are soooo high for me. So let's talk about them!
1. Nobody Like You
Itzy are rock stars in my heart <3 Anything with them + a guitar brings me sooo much joy! Also, the second verse is SO pretty, it's what drew me to the song right from the day the album sampler was released :)
2. Wannabe
I don't think there's any other choice for my favorite Itzy title track--I'd be surprised if anyone has a favorite other than Wannabe. I really have to do an essay about this era one day...
3. Ting Ting Ting (with Oliver Heldens)
This song is totally just trolling all of us! I HATED it for that during the first few months after it came out, but now I don't mind at all--I'm completely in love with it, and all of its weird production choices! I love when songs make me laugh, because I don't find too many of those out there, and the prechorus in this one always gets at least a giggle out of me (JUST LISTEN FOR THE WEIRD GRUNTING SOUND IN THE INSTRUMENTAL WHAT EVEN IS THAT ITS BEEN THREE YEARS AND I CANT STOP LAUGHING ABOUT IT)
4. Icy
Yes, I'm THAT guy who likes Icy more than Dalla Dalla. I know minimalistic choruses are overdone nowadays, but this basic chorus format is so well-suited to such a charismatic group--they carry the energy of the song so well!
5. Be In Love
What did I say about me when Itzy + guitar? This song makes me soooooooo sentimental.
6. That's a No No
There are tracks I like more than this from the Wannabe album, but I'm sure this is my most-listened track from that comeback--most days, its infectious, chaotic energy is exactly what I need to get by :)
7. #Twenty
(This one and above are in the category of songs I would die for btw!!) Look, I just LOVE mean girl music! This is a song that barely manages to hold itself together--luckily, it has the Itzy members to give it some semblance of being a... something? (Whatever it is, I can't help but sing along, so here we are.)
8. Cherry
Minimalistic choruses for the win! Again, their charisma really gets to shine here.
9. Loco
Look, I know Itzy aren't anywhere near the best vocalists out there, but they sound SO strong on this song! I think it's one of their best vocally, and Itzy really is one of the first groups that comes to mind when I think about my favorite vocalists. So I love this one :)
10. Love Is
Yay, a sentimental coming-of-age movie pop ballad thing! I've heard better examples of this vibe (see: Playing Games by Anna of the North), but this still makes me feel Feelings, so I come back to it quite a bit!
Honorable Mentions: It'z Summer, 24 Hours, 365 (it's become a comfort song lately! so i don't hate it anymore hehe), Domino, Cake (it's CATCHY go away), None of My Business
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