#sorry but for me personally this. is a case of an actor interfering with the enjoy-ability of the character. i would not feel safe around em
give-grian-rights · 1 year
i've gotten dropped into the DC franchise (primarily a handful of animated series) pretty hard, and i just fucking said to my self "god, i think nearly every portrayal of Barry Allen is great, he's literally such a great guy-" and then remembered that the character is currently being played in Cinema by a misogynist with kidnapping allegations
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isagrimorie · 4 years
[initial reactions] Doctor Who - Revolution of the Daleks
TLDR: I liked it! But I do have some nitpicks. But bottom line, I liked it! Especially the exit! 
Apologies going in, if it’s rambling and incoherent.
First off, I’m going to get my criticisms out of the way:
- They really need to hire these two people:
a) Sensitivity readers
b) They need to have people of color in charge of casting. Andy Pryor has done a great job casting people but. Since they opened up casting more actors of color to be more diverse... most people in guest roles die. So it ends up being Not A Great Look.
It’s the kind of breezy: We’re hiring more actors of color without really considering the optics of it. Colorblind casting in this way shouldn’t be colorblind. More diversity behind the scenes is needed, especially in casting.
Colorblind casting isn’t representation. Execs have to consider how it looks that a black man is helping create ‘Security Drones’ for the government.
c) I get why Jack Robertson lived, and I’m actually okay with it because I know Chibbs is going somewhere and he’s interconnecting Specials to be their own kind of continuity, so next Special or series we will have Robertson appearing. But I can’t believe the Doctor believed Robertson. Unless she’s really learned from not interfering with politics, but man I wish there’s more vindication to that. I do have a sense of where this is going though, more on that later.  
d) I wish they’d gone harder with the Dalek = Police thing.
e) I really kind of wish the Doctor escaped on her own.
And now for my thoughts and the happy!
RYAN! I LOVE RYAN. I LOVE RYAN BEING EMOTIONALLY MATURE AND PUSHING BACK ON THE DOCTOR. It felt... earned that they do and, Ryan’s always been the more hesitant of the three and the more grounded. I love that it’s Ryan that the Doctor confided in, I’ve always felt like Ryan was the one Thirteen connected to the most after Grace died. And I love his development, ever since Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos Ryan is the first to quote the Doctor back to herself from the guns rule and now here to ‘New can be scary’, reminding the Doctor of her own words.
But also, I love that Ryan felt more connected to Earth, with his friends. Yaz was always the one who looks to the horizon. I like that Ryan pushed back on the smokescreen the Doctor tried to put up. Ryan was tired of the smokescreen. He had 10 months to work on his feelings about it and realized... he liked being home.
I wish we saw more what they were doing at home, like what Chibnall wrote for the Ponds in Power of Three. I did see this was his arc he was building to.
I liked that Graham was torn but eventually his loyalties are with Ryan.
I honestly think the fam thought the Doctor was just gone for a week, her time.
NO MORE TRAPPED IN A PARALLEL UNIVERSE OR DYING OR BEING CONVERTED PLEASE. Anyway, that is why I was vindicated because I was getting pretty antsy at all the twitter posts almost gleeful at the thought of companion death.
Nope. No more please. No more world ending, universe ending, heartbreaking ends. I want a Jo Grant walk away, and that is what happened. (Er, I hope we don’t get a Tegan leaving from Yaz, though. Sad and disillusioned walk away).
Yaz. Oh, dear, Yaz, who seems to have tossed her career away running after the Doctor’s shining star. I loved her conversation with Jack, he was a nice contrast and sounding board. Also, Jack was much kinder to the Doctor because they didn’t miss each other, the Doctor (according to RTD’s retcon) deliberately left Jack on Satellite Five.
Yaz is willing to run and jump without looking because of the Doctor and I love that we got her feelings about this.
And, of course, the Doctor. The moment Ryan said she missed 10 months, I felt she knew the clock was ticking on her ‘fam’. She’s trying to be good to them and do right by them.
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(The Doctor knows Ryan’s ready to leave, she knew it. She’s trying to be in denial about it. But she knows).
It’s a small detail but when she processed the ‘ten months’ bit, she quickly looked to Ryan. Because if it’s one of the subtext things around is that she wanted to be a better father to Ryan than his real dad. But she still skipped out on him unknowingly.
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The way he just brushed it off, because the worst part is. Ryan is used to it.
It’s sad that the Doctor opening up to the fam was brought on after a decades’ long solitary, and probably a promise to be better. But, she calculated wrong, or the TARDIS deliberately chose to go to that time. Whatever the case, just when she’s opening up to them is when Ryan decided his time with the Doctor was at an end.
God, the moment when Thirteen said: “Mostly... angry.”
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I felt this. hard.
I think it was @ssaalexblake​ who mentioned that Thirteen acknowledging she’s angry might help with all of Thirteen’s repressed anger issues. And I think these are baby steps towards that.
She’s actually been so angry for so long, but she kept pushing it down. Like I said, Thirteen, in a way, reminds me of Raylan Givens of Justified. People think he’s mild mannered, but as his ex-wife amicably opined, Raylan was the angriest man she knew.
And I feel this for this Doctor but at least, now she’s addressing it. The first step in fixing a problem, is identifying the problem.
This was made in 2019. Thirteen being in a repeating lockdown felt very 2020 to me. The things that made me go: Oof, was the Harry Potter thing, the Doctor’s always loved HP. Unfortunately it’s post-2020 hindsight where we go: whoof.
I love Thirteen still mouthing off and being obnoxious towards other Doctor Who baddies. The Weeping Angel thing is cool and so are the Silents. BUT ALSO THE DOCTOR CALLED THE P’TING TINY! AND SHE TRIED TO EAT THE PRISON BARS. 
And then, of course, being more obnoxious with the Daleks. It’s pretty clear the difference in rawness of the Doctor’s feelings for the Daleks and the Cybermen. The Daleks’s an old ember. Her feelings for them are ice cold. A purity of feeling. The Daleks are evil and she has no compunction on killing them, the Cybermen? More personal and a raw nerve.
She’s willing to be cold towards the Daleks. 
I really like that Yaz has more skin in the game, and she knows what she can lose now. And after her talking with Jack, after seeing his perspective on it, and from his words knows that sometimes the Doctor just disappears from people’s lives.
And I love the pushback:
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But true because she is trying to stay still and be with the fam and not leave them. But the unfortunate truth is, the Doctor does run away, and the Doctor does leave people behind and a lot of the times, the Doctor doesn’t come back because they’re an emotional coward.
The thing about Thirteen is she’s probably the longest of the Doctors to not disappoint her companions. She’s always managed to stop bad guys and always been there for them.  It’s an impressive track record for the Doctor. She’s built herself up in their eyes as someone they can rely on, and then she failed them by not getting back to them in time.
It’s not her fault, and none of them know how long it’s been for the Doctor, by the way she’s asked them I feel like they think she’s only been gone for a week.
Honestly, I’m impressed how the Doctor didn’t make it about her -- being in prison for longer than they thought. She’s looking at it from their point of view, because she already knows what big leaps in time would affect her friends.
TBH Revolution of the Daleks felt like shades of Last Christmas in that the Doctor regretted missing out time with her companion/s. In Last Christmas, the Doctor got his time back with Clara, in RotD, time passed.
Back to the Doctor and the Daleks tho.
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This reminded of Twelve’s: “You are monsters. That is the role you seem determined to play. So it seems I must play mine. The Man that stops the Monsters.”
(Look, Chibnall’s Moffat references aren’t as sledgehammer, but he does reference a lot of Moffat’s things.).
Except with Thirteen, I’m actually more terrified. Jodie does this thing where her eyes goes black and she kind of disappears into herself, this is what happened here. This promise isn’t actually good IMO.
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This is not a comforting face. This is a ‘I’m gonna kill a whole boatload of Daleks face and I’m not sorry, in fact I might enjoy doing that’ face.
(And, a brief aside to Robertson, I feel like the Specials have their own kind of special ‘movie’ continuity and more of his story will play out in the Specials, where hopefully he will get his comeuppance because, to me, I feel that’s where it’s going. This is more groundwork laying.
I don’t like it when the Doctor interferes with Human affairs, especially government -- because look what happened with Harriet Jones and how the Doctor broke the Golden Age. Also, I don’t want real world leaders to exist in the Whoverse because I want them to have a completely different track from us. So. Yeah, New Year’s Specials have their ongoing storyline. I’m actually not mad about it, and I enjoy Mr. Big’s performance. He’s a sleezeball. A sleezeball that knows more now. (He isn’t T rump but he isn’t better either). At least I find him enjoyable and not outright offensive. I’m okay seeing him again for the next Specials. I hope next time he does get his comeuppance.)
Now, the goodbyes:
 The HUG.
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We’ve been waiting for the Doctor to be more physically affectionate with the fam, and it took the Doctor being locked down for decades (maybe?), and Ryan and Graham leaving for her to hug them. And we’re all right, Thirteen gives great hugs.
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The feeling Thirteen’s been running away from is here, sadness. It’s good that Yaz decided to stay other wise... she’s just going to run headlong into forgetting her problems, Doctor Style.
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And again, learning and re-learning things: ‘It’s okay to be sad.’
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Oh, Thirteen.
(Before Twelve, I don’t think I was this sympathetic to the Doctor -- no wait, I was with Nine. Ten and Eleven tested my patience but it’s with Twelve and Thirteen where I’m 100% invested in the Doctor.
I also love that they’re kind of soft touching the Timeless Child thing, and as someone on twitter mentioned, this feels like an examination of an adoption story. The Doctor is going to search for their identity, their home).
I honestly wish Jack stayed in the TARDIS with Thirteen and Yaz. Jack’s a great balance, especially pushing back at the Doctor and her tactics. Her NUCLEAR tactics. I am glad that the Doctor’s still a dick to Jack, not much of an asshole as they were when the Doctor was Ten but still a dick.
Also, one thing I really love about Barrowman is that when he’s in Doctor Who, he knows it’s not his show and he doesn’t showboat, and the man can showboat. 
I’d rather Jack than random guy that I didn’t even know was gonna happen until very late.
Anyway, TLDR to all this: I enjoyed this very much! Still a lot to be parsed through in things that needs to be parsed through as I mentioned, but on the whole? I loved it.
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its-me-jessi · 4 years
Back To The History PT11
Pairing: Hvitserk X Reader
Summary: Y/N and Hvitserk find their way back to each other.
A/N: I really hope the 11th part of this story turned out well and you’ll enjoy reading it. I'm sorry it took me so long.🙈 As always, I’d appreciate any kind of feedback.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
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What were I thinking? How could I possibly believe that he could come with me? He is and will always be a historical person. I sighed and looked at the church. As I watched the construction workers remodel the church, exchanging the windows with some new windows out of artistic glass, since the old ones had some cracks, I wondered if the remodeling could have an impact on time travelling. The change to the church might symbolize the end of time travelling. This thought hit me hard and I realized, I wouldn’t see Hvitserk again. It was the end. And again, I didn’t really say goodbye to him. I pressed my lips together, forcing me not to cry. There were too many people around me and even if me crying won’t let them think I’m crazy, my clothing would and I had the feeling that was already the case, because everyone that went past me eyed me puzzled. Too bad it wasn’t Halloween. If it had been, my middle-age-like dress wouldn’t have attracted that much attention.
To step out of the center of attention and calm down a bit I rushed home and let myself fall down on my bed. I let out a heavy sigh as I landed on my comfy bed. At least I didn’t have to worry about Ivar any longer. I was back in my own safe four walls, could enjoy future’s features and could meet up with my family and friends again. As great that was and as thankful I was for that, I was still far from being happy. I was missing the love of my life and I always would.
At least this time he knows how I feel about him.
Days went by and I slowly got used to my normal and somewhat lonely life again. I met up with my family and friends, been to work, I simply enjoyed my normal life with all the benefits future offered, but I would’ve enjoyed them a lot more if Hvitserk would have been with me. How often did I imagine, introducing him to my family members and friends and how amusing it would have been watching him struggle with using electronic devices? I would have had a lot to explain to him and he would have had a lot to get used to. A lot has changed and what if the changes would have been too much for him to handle? Sometimes I thought it was better this way, at least for him. Back then they believed in Nordic gods and fought against Christianity, now the majority of the people were Christians, and nobody believed in Nordic gods anymore.
I was sitting on my sofa watching some tv as a thought struck me. Since Hvitserk stayed in his own time zone, wouldn’t he be mentioned in the book again? I had to find out.
It wasn’t with me. I realized after I looked everywhere. Ivar had it. 
Hvitserk’s POV
I was sitting at a table trying to get at least a bit of the food down but all I did was pushing the food around on the plate. Since the night Y/N left, I’ve been lost in thoughts although there wasn’t anything left to think about anymore. It was impossible for me to come with her, to travel in time otherwise I would already be with her and I couldn’t do anything to change that. So, instead of racking my brain I should accept my fate and move on.
Easier said than done.
“Still pouting, huh?”, Ivar knocked on the table in front of me and laughed and I breathed in deeply and tried to hold myself back. “Just leave me alone, Ivar!”, I didn’t even look at him, because I knew I would snap at him. “Get over it; Hvitserk. It’s better that way, and you know it!”, Ivar said, “You’re a Viking after all!”. “Are you done talking?”, I glared at him obviously not amused. Must be easy for him to say that since he was the one who prevented me from going. If it hadn’t been for him, I wouldn’t have been sitting there.
Ivar shrugged and went past me to his throne. “You’ll get over it soon. Sooner or later you’ll find a new woman. There are plenty of women out there to choose from.”, now Ivar had said too much. “You know how much Y/N meant and still means to me! If it wasn’t for you, I would be with her right now and wouldn’t sit here listening to your meaningless advice.”, I got worked up, “I don’t want another woman, I want Y/N because I love her, but you don’t understand the meaning of love, do you?”. Ivar opened his mouth to protest, but he didn’t know exactly what to say. He knew I was right. Up to that moment Ivar didn’t know love. “You don’t, because if you knew, you wouldn’t have interfered when I was about to go with Y/N, you would’ve let me!”, I got up, “As my brother, I expected you to support me as I always supported you, brother!”. I left my food nearly untouched and made my way out. I needed to calm down.
“Hvitserk!”, I heard Ivar’s voice coming from behind me as I was strolling the town. What now? I sighed and waited for Ivar to come to me. As he came nearer, I became aware of the book he brought with him. It was Y/N’s book. I got even more curious as he gave it to me. Hesitantly I took it and watched him with a questioning look on my face, “Why do you give it to me?”. “I thought you might need it; as a keepsake or as a connection to the future. It might help.”, Ivar shrugged with his shoulders. I looked down at the book and thought back to what Y/N has told me:“ The more clearer you imagine the place you want to time travel to, the higher is the chance you actually get there.”. I smiled to myself hoping it would really work that way and the book fires my imagination, but then I wondered what made Ivar change his mind. “Why do you help me?”, I asked. “I had the feeling I might regret it if I don’t. So, what are you waiting for? Use it, do whatever you want with it, but make it work this time. I’m not going to stop you.”, Ivar turned around but before he could leave, I thanked him. “Farewell, Brother”, we said to each other before I started to study the book and indeed, I found a postcard which showed a statue in its full colors. While wondering how such a snapshot could actually exist, I delved deeply into it.
As I were walking through the city, I went past a lot of amused and at the same time irritated looking people. If it had been just one or two, I would have shrugged it off easily but nearly everyone looked that way. I also overheard a few people talking about a man who was wearing weird clothes. A few of them assumed he was a stage actor. Their irritated facial expressions and their conversations made me curious and I wanted to know what this was all about.
When I reached the market square, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I expected anything but that. The person I thought I would never see again stood right in front of me and I realized the person everyone was talking about and were irritated by was no other than Hvitserk. My love. Am I dreaming? For a moment I just stood there as if I were a statue myself, almost like the one Hvitserk was standing next to. I stared at Hvitserk. He seemed overwhelmed and unsure what to do and how to behave. Compared to all of these people he was by far the most irritated one. I had to get him out of here.
I rushed to him, grabbed his hand and made him come with me. I pulled him behind a building and hugged him without hesitation. “You made it!”, I said happily. Hvitserk hugged me back and kissed my forehead, “I’m so glad, it worked!”. We looked at each other and I started laughing, “Let’s get you changed!”. I pulled out my mobile phone and called a taxi while Hvitserk was curiously looking at me or rather at the thing in my hand. “A lot has changed!”, I grinned at him, “But don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. I’ll help you!”, I kissed his nose.
With the taxi we were not only driving home but also to a completely new stage of life. There were a lot of happy and exciting times ahead of us.
The End
Thank you so so much for reading!!🤗🧡🥳
Tagged: @thefightingdragon @buckysjuicyplums @alexa4040 @lordsexmachine
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365days365movies · 4 years
January 17, 2021: Atomic Blonde (Epilogue)
I genuinely really enjoyed this film! And then...about 2 minutes after it ended...I started to think. And I continued to think. I wrote those two posts, and then took a little bit more time to think.
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And then...I came to my final realization.
John Wick REALLY screwed this movie. Because the perception of this movie for most, myself included, was that of a new John Wick, with a female protagonist. A lot of people referred to it as “Jane Wick.” But it’s definitely not John Wick. It’s trying to be a spy movie, especially like James Bond films.
But the problem is...it isn’t either. To be a spy movie, it tries a little too hard with a pretty standard plot. And then, it intercuts that with John Wick-caliber fight sequences, detracting from the spy movie aesthetic. And then, because you do have those fight scenes, but still need to fit in the spy stuff, it creates a distinct disparity in tone and pace throughout the movie.
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In other words...let’s get to the Recap. I have some more thoughts. And don’t worry! Many of them are positive. Just...not all of them.
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Cast and Acting
Let’s start, of course, with Charlize Theron. Outside of the action sequences, Theron goes well as Broughton, portraying the tough character traits we see in spy characters like her and James Bond. And with the character she’s given, Theron does wonderfully. James McAvoy, on the other hand, seems like he’s having a HELL of a lot of fun with his role. He’s an underrated actor, honestly, and it’s very cool to see him play this sort-of anarchist punk spy. Sofia Boutella also deserves a shout-out for Delphine, playing her character’s naivete well, as well as remaining likeable. Also, Bill Skarsgård deserves a shout-out! I liked Merkel a lot, even despite his shorter screentime. Goodman, Jones, Marsan all do fine in their roles. The USSR characters...eh. They aren’t really given much spotlight...which is weird, given the fact that this is a Cold War drama, but OK. Basically, we’re going with an 9/10. Great; not the best I’ve ever seen all around, but still great!
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Plot and Writing
Yeah...here’s the thing. I might like this movie, but the plot’s kind of a massive mess. Writing’s fine, but the plot is both extremely cliche spy movie, while also being extremely muddled in terms of story. Remember what I said up there about this film trying to be both a spy movie and John Wick, and that not working really well? Yeah, basically that. It attempts to balance the two concepts, but also corrupts what makes those concepts work in the first place. The Bourne Identity is arguably a better version of that combination. It’s too bad, because elements of the plot really take away from the rest of the movie. 
And then...there’s the tacked on ending. Because, yeah, the whole American spy thing? Wasn’t in the original graphic novel. What I genuinely think they should’ve done was end it RIGHT at the interview’s terminus. Or, at least, right as she greets Bremovych as Satchel, as is done in the original novel. And, just to be clear, I thought this BEFORE reading the book. That ending feels...pander-y, for lack of a better term. I realize that we always want our protagonists to be heroic, but how great would it have been if Lorraine actually was kind of a villain? I dunno, I think not adding that extra twist at the end makes the movie stronger and more provocative, in a good way. Sorry, Kurt Johnstad, I know you did a good job on a technical standpoint, but...5/10 here.
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Directing and Action
David Leitch, Jonathan Sela, and Sam Hargrave, the director, cinematographer, and stunt coordinator/fight choreographer, respectively. Full points for the action sequences, because MAN, those were some good action sequences! Rough and gritty, but extremely well-choreographed and shot at the same time, the action deserves the praise that it’s gotten. How about the cinematography? Stylistic, and very bold colors make this film very memorable. But...they don’t have much clear tie-in to the theming, and I think there’s some missed opportunity there. And the direction overall is great, even if I don’t think it’s perfect. It is Leitch’s first film as solo director, after all. 8/10!
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Production and Art Design
Changed the title of this section! Turns out that I’ve been conflating the two concepts, so let’s include them both from now on, shall we? But OK, what did I think of it? Costume design was iconic...in the case for Charlize Theron, at least. James McAvoy a little bit, too, but it’s clear that Cindy Evans focused more upon Charlize than anyone else in the film, really. Which, for a spy, isn’t the best of ideas. Still, that combined with Zsuzsa Kismarty-Lechner’s art direction for the sets and set pieces (almost all of which are splashed with graffiti, in a very 1980′s flair) do bring you back to the time period in which the film is set. This, of course, is also due to the work of David Scheunmann, the production designer who’s actually from Berlin, and whose experiences were vital into making this film look as good as it does. If you’re not sold on the set design, check out the differences, obvious and subtle, between West and East Germany in the film. While some of it is clear, some of it carries some surprisingly subtle messaging (Stalker and Tetris, for example). So, even if Charlize got most of the costume attention, a lot of credit should be given to this movie. 8/10 for this one!
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Music and Editing
Maybe the most well-known aspect of this movie, outside of the dramatic lighting, is the ‘80s soundtrack. Some love it, some criticize it quite a bit for overwhelming the film. And honestly...I think they’re both right? Here’s the thing, the music is great, and some of it is used in unexpectedly creative ways that critics didn’t seem to pick up on. Biggest and best example of this is Nena’s 99 Luftballons. That song if you didn’t know, is inspired by the separation between East and West Berlin. It’s literally a song about the cost of political strife, leading to war between countries over something as trivial as a red balloon. And when do they play it during the movie? When Bremovych is waging interrogating young East Berliners celebrating the culture of the west. It’s surprisingly profound! However...using Flock of Seagulls’ I Ran during a chase scene is...less so. That’s one’s a little on the nose, let’s be honest here. And that basically sums up the music for the movie. It’s all good music, but it’s either used well, or it just isn’t. Also, there actually is music composed for this movie, by Tyler Bates, and it is good...but I had to listen to the soundtrack to remember that it was even in the movie. So, yeah, not fantastic.
OK, how about the editing? The flashback sequence intercuts as part of the movie have been criticized by some for interfering with the pace and tone. And...eh. Wasn’t too much of a problem for me, to be honest. And other than that, it didn’t stand out too much to me. I’m finding that editing is the hardest thing to judge in these movies, but who knows? I think this little project might improve my film judgment skills. Also, those long shots? Not true long shots, as they were edited in post. So, good job to Elísabet Ronaldsdóttir! Overall, though, this category’s getting a 7/10 from me.
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That’d be a...68% Really?
I’m legitimately surprised, because I do like this movie! Really, I do! But breaking it up piece by piece...it’s only really OK. My personal preference doesn’t necessarily dictate my score, and vice verse. So, I like this movie...even if it’s not as good as it can be. It’s a distinctive and stylish film with great action, and if you wanna see Charlize Theron be cool and kick ass, then WATCH THIS MOVIE! 
And by the way, I didn’t touch too much upon the fact that this is the rare bisexual protagonist, and this is Tumblr, so I know that that’s something you guys know. And honestly...eh. Fact of the matter is that it’s a part of her character, but...we don’t really get to know the real her throughout the entire movie, so...is it? I’m honestly not sure. But, representation is representation, I get it. Also, fun fact, Delphine actually is in the graphic novel, but as a guy. So, interesting change, that!
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OK, I think we’re done with the spy movies for a bit, now. Let’s switch subgenres a day. Let’s inject a little more adventure into this month, and let’s trade fists...with swords. It’s swashbuckler time.
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January 18, 2021: The Mask of Zorro
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elletolentino · 5 years
Lie to Me - 2x03 - CONTROL FACTOR
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The cases: While on vacation in Mexico, Cal gets involved in a case of an American missing woman; back home Gillian teams up with Cal’s rival Jack Rader to find out why five people have grown gravely ill after receiving blood transfusions. What we learned: Cal goes on vacation with Emily. He hasn’t had a vacation in 6 years (probably since he and Gillian started the Lightman Group). Gillian feels like Cal doesn't trust she can handle matters while he's gone. Cal and Emily go on vacation to a fictional destination in Mexico called Zulia.
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We meet Jack Rader, who used to work for Cal. He thinks Rader only works for the money and publicity. Gillian doesn't like Rader very much either. It seems that Loker doesn't believe Gillian can work a case on her own as he keeps asking where Cal is. Emily seems very interested in helping her dad with the case. Cal was Jack Rader’s mentor. He left because he was ambitious and had a better business sense. Rader feels like Cal doesn't know how good Gillian is. But he admires Cal. It seems like Rader had a thing for Gillian. Rader says that Cal doesn't acknowledge the true potential of his employees. Loker feels related and also angry about this comment. Torres in fluent in Spanish. Cal gets angry at Emily for interfering with the investigation. Torres and Cal pose as a married couple in Mexico to find the missing woman (sorry, no chemistry there, guys).
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Cal tells Emily he has a right to be overprotective so they make a deal: he'll continue to be overprotective on ocassions and she can throw a tantrum and spend all his money. Emily recommends Cal to do yoga and meditation to live longer. 
How they know you’re lying: About Gillian and Jack’s act: “Staging a distraction that might cause an innocent person to complain about the delay while a person who is guilty doesn’t say anything, in an attempt to not draw attention.” More here: https://www.ekmaninternational.com/lie-to-me-season-2-episode-3-control-factor/ I really like this, pointing out micro-expressions:
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Favorite Gillian outfit: This one!
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Where have I seen this actor: Mary Mouser She’s starred in shows like Body of Proof, Scandal, Cobra Kai and also appeared as a guest star in CSI.
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Marc Blucas Another Buffy alumn! He’s been in a couple of Hallmark films and more recently in the series The Fix. 
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José Zúñiga He’s been in many TV shows, like CSI, Agentes de S.H.I.E.L.D., and films like Alive! and Con Air.
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  Rebecca Field She has a long list of guest star appearances on shows like Bones, The Mentalist, CSI, and more recently, The Resident and L.A.’s Finest.
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There isn't a town in Mexico called Zulia. There is one in Venezuela though.One more thing: Mexico’s tourist destinations don’t look like that! They don’t look old.
Cal and Gillian moments: I love how Cal observes Gillian on his laptop:
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Torres detects jealousy on Cal’s answer when she tells him Gillian is impressed by Rader’s work. 
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Cal teases Gillian when she gets flowers from Rader as a thank you for working together. He admits he’s the “jealous type”.
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Gillian pushing Cal and telling him he’ll lose his flight. Cal handing his phone to Gillian (he trusts his phone to her! How many men do that? Though he had another one when he was in México).
What I liked / would’ve liked:
Gillian being mad about Cal calling Torres because he was on vacation rather than “I need her here, why are you taking her”.
How Emily felt so protective of Tyler.
Cal kissing Gillian good-bye before leaving ❤️
What I didn’t like:
That Gillian felt she couldn’t solve a case without Cal. It’s nice because they’re a team, and one figures out what the other one doesn’t and it seems that Cal is the expert and has like the last word in each case, but she’s also very good at what she does so she should be more confident. She solved the case in the end which was great.
Gillian gets angry when she realizes Rader agreed to an interview about the case. Then he acknowledges her on national TV. Why would she feel embarrassed? She should’ve felt proud. But she is such a nice person.
Infertility caused by the Coriolis Effect? That made me laugh.
Ria Torres Aprecciation Gif (’cause Monica is so gorgeous):
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anxietymymiddlename · 5 years
His and hers circumstances
Pairing: Jumin Han x MC4
Summary: Jeahee is going out with Zen? The surprising news leave her with a broken heart, still she can not find the courage to confess her feelings to her afraid that she will not accept her. Trying to confront her confusing emotions, Jumin enters her every day life like a storm while dealing with his own issues. A little bit more than friends, but with their emotions not sorted out yet, what will happen when they will end up under the same roof? 
Author's note
Hello and thanks for reading. I hope that you will enjoy the first chapter. Just a simple note; as I was writing down this story, I realized that it just felt a bit awkward to refer to the main character as MC, so I decided it to name her since Creritz lets you name her anyway. I choose the name Min-Seo because it does sound a bit like MC (and also because I'm bad at naming characters). I do hope it will not weird you out. Your thoughts are always very much appreciated.
[Chapter 1: A sip of love, bitter than coffee]
“I thought… me and you together, surrounded by the smell of coffee, in our cozy cafe and your smile… was everything I ever needed. Because I felt at ease by your side, more than I ever was. But I was so dither, I could not ask you to be mine and ultimately, you never were.”
The luxurious, black car stopped in front of the familiar coffee shop. His eyes glanced at the sign and he blinked as its sight snapped him out of his thoughts. “Rêver”. What a pretentious choice for name and in French in addition to that; was what he told them when they first revealed it. The storefront was neatly decorated or Christmas, he had expected nothing less from Jaehee. Driver Kim announced that they had reached their destination in a cold, monotonous voice per usual to keep the formality. He checked the time on his watch slipping his sleeve down with a smooth, professional move and took a big breath. Almost punctual, he wished they had stuck in traffic a bit more. It would give him the perfect excuse to be a bit late to the occasion.
His hand grabbed the deluxe package of the expensive wine. He had meticulously picked it himself,  so he could guarantee its taste. He also didn’t have any doubts that a bottle of wine was a great present to gift; not very personal but you could attune your pick to the receiver’s taste. Plus, you could easily enjoy it alone or with company, how perfect was that? It was evidently a choice that suited his character, unlike the one he had in his pocket. For something that was meant for a present exchange, it was too personal and that fact troubled him so much he had ended up not going to the Christmas party. Since he had already avoided them once using a lame excuse, he’d feel guilty to avoid Jaehee’s birthday as well and it would also be unfair to her. Maybe him being there would help him sort out his thoughts or at least help him understand why he wouldn’t stop carrying that present on him; he tried to think positively.
Straightening up his suit, he opened the door drawing the attention of the groups sitting on the tables nearby. A huge Christmas tree was hulking at the back. Couples and groups of friends were dominating the place chatting merrily while soft jazz music was playing in the background. Christmas day had already passed, but with New Years Day just around the corner the cheesy atmosphere had not fainted. He could not avoid it even during business hours, since his assistant could not miss a chance to talk about how he had spent Christmas day with his family until he got fed up with it and made it clear to him that he was not interested to know the details.
His gray eyes scanned the room and stopped at a familiar back. Her hair, just like Jaehee’s had grown with years, now covering her back. She was standing by the table, chatting cheerfully with the odd trio. The redhead was the first one to notice him and waved enthusiastically gesturing at him to join them. That drew her attention to him and she smiled softly as usual when she was welcoming him to their shop. Her uniform, simple as it was, suited her perfectly. Black pants and a white shirt which was complimenting her darker complexion. They had switched to a green apron for Christmas, unlike the black one they were usually wearing.
“Good evening,” he greeted taking off his jacket. “Oh, the CEO finally granted us with his presence!” Saeyoung teased and stood up, bowing comically to him. “What an honor!” “Come on, you know he wouldn’t miss Jaehee’s birthday,” she said. “Well, he shouldn’t miss our Christmas party either,” Zen frowned. “Everyone was waiting for him. Canceling at the last moment and not even saying sorry…” “Maybe the three ghosts paid him a sudden visit,” Saeyoung commented. “So he couldn’t come.” “Of course I would not deny an invitation from assistant Kang,” he explained ignoring Saeyoung’s reference. “Since she is a person I respect, despite the events that led to the establishment of this place.” “It’s been over two years, why are you still hang up on that?” she sighed. “I feel this place was built upon my baby’s body and oil,” Saeyoung sniffed. “Don’t put it like that, it sounds weird,” Yoosung grimaced. “I am not,” he looked down at her. “Yet, you still bring it up whenever you have the chance,” Zen noted. “Get over it already.” “Not to mention that Jaehee does not like it when you call her assistant Kang,” she added. “You shall be remembered,” Saeyoung swept his eyes with the table cloth. “My poor baby.” “Stop it,” Yoosung slapped his hand. “It’s out of habit, I don’t mean to offend her.” “I know that, I just wish you could fix hat habit,” she pouted. “Well, you are one of the reasons she is not my assistant anymore,” he said taking a seat. “...So I don’t want to hear that from you.”
She blinked for a moment and cupped her chin chuckling.
“Well, you do have a point.” “Dude, you are the sole reason she left!” Zen frowned. “Min-Seo, you know you should get a bit mad at him when he talks to you like that,” he advised. “It’s fine,” she laughed.
Her fingers run through her dark brown hair before she places them behind her ear. She was in a better mood that usual but that did not surprise him. Whatever had to do with Jaehee was always bringing a smile to her face. Just a simple mention of his ex-assistant’s name and her whole face would light up. He knew, he watched it happening so many times already. He looked away, feeling bothered by the thought and placed the box he was carrying on the table.
“I brought a present,” he said in an awkward attempt to chance the subject. “Oh, wine again, what a surprise,” Zen could not hold back his sarcasm. “Expensive wine,” he corrected confidently. “Thank you, Jumin,” she interfered before Zen’s retort. “You picked a good one. I’m sure Jaehee will like it.” “Jumin brought a present but he missed our present exchange during the Christmas party,” Saeyoung shook his head dismissively. “Maybe he got a bit stingy?” “Like he’d miss a chance to show off… But like you’re the one to talk… Who brings Honey Buddha Chips as a gift for an exchange? I felt sorry for Min-Seo,” Zen scolded him. “Well, Yoosung was happy to trade though,” she smiled. “You brought the BD of your last drama, so what makes your present better that mine?” Saeyoung looked offended. “And Yoosung brought a gift card for LOLOL, clearly picking something only he’d like to get. At least mine was edible!” “You and Min-Seo also play LOLOL occasionally, so I picked it considering the odds one of you two might getting it,” Yoosung defended his choice teary. “I put a lot of thought to it!” “Jaehee also enjoyed the BD we exchanged,” Min-Seo comforted him. “So I was glad you accepted the trade.” “Well, I do prefer Honey Buddha Chips to it, so...” “Heard that? He just admitted my that present was beer,”  Saeyoung patted Yoosung on the back excited, Zen raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t mean that! I’m just not into police dramas and Zen didn’t have a major role anyway,” he tried to justify his choice. “What do you mean?” Zen placed his hands on the table looking a bit insulted. “It was not a major part but I had a key role in it. I played the host the victim was in relationship with before she gets murdered. I was one of the main suspects and I also provided important evidence.” “Sounds lame” Jumin added fuel to the fire. “Will not watch.” “You never watch my works anyway!” “Well, I don’t have the time. Also, when I do, I spent it with Elizabeth the 3rd, it’s more productive.” “How is spending time with the fur ball considered more productive than watching art?” “Now, calling it art is a bit…” “Jeahee was touched when it was revealed that your character truly loved the victim but he didn’t want to drag her into his world or sully her name, since she was a married woman, thus he denied that he knew anything about her at first,” she commented. “Right?” Zen looked happy. “I’m glad you understand.” “Jo Won’s role as Detective Park was really captivating! I liked how he dealt with the loss of his own daughter and the struggles within his family while he was working on the case. His emotional portrayal of the character was definitely the best part!” “So she says,” Jumin said. “Oh, but Zen was also great! I can’t wait to see you play in another detective drama. Whether it’d be a detective or a villain, I bet you could portray it perfectly,” she did her best to sound supportive seeing him depressed. “Too late to say that now… Though I know that I can’t compare to seasoned tv actors.” “What about playing Policeman B, you could definitely pull that off and it’s within your reach,” Jumin said and Saeyoung snickered challenging Zen’s temper. “Jumin, that was mean...” she gave him a scolding look. “Well, I’m trying my best, so I don’t care what you think! And you didn’t even have the right to butt in the conversation… You didn’t even bring a present!”
He unconsciously touched the box in his pocket; not loosing eye contact with the furious actor. Zen had jumped on his feet, with the hands on the table supporting his body while looking at him challengingly. Yoosung was munching a biscuit watching them anxiously while Saeyoung didn’t even try to hide that he was enjoying himself. He closed his eyes feeling tired already, why did he have to deal with this? He was hoping they would not bring it up in the first place, but the conversation ended back at it even though it had deviated a bit.
“I had bought one, but I returned it to the shop since I could not make it to the party. No point keeping it since I could not attend,” he folded his arms irritated that he had to explain himself to him and because he felt the need to lie no less. “Zen got lucky, he ended up with Jaehee’s hand-knitted scarf,” Min-Seo tried to light up the conversations. “It really suited you, Zen.” “Of course,” he scratched his nose feeling flattered. “With a face and body like mine, it’s hard for something not to suit me.” “What about your gift?”
The question came naturally to him, he wanted to know and somehow he was regretting that he had not joined them… just a bit. Maybe he was over-thinking things, everyone had brought gifts they personally liked or something only one or two out of six of them would like. Was it wrong for him to pick something with her on his mind? But on the other hand, his choice was obviously the worst, of course a guy would have no need for a hair ornament and the group was consisted by four of them, so the more he was thinking of it, it was needless to say that it was suited for a direct exchange. Did he sound too eager for an answer? She looked surprised by his question.
“Got curious?” she finally smiled brightly. “I made a panda keychain. I was a bit hesitant since I thought it’d be too cute for a guy, so I was glad that Saeyoung did not mind.” “I like it,” he said and waved a cute panda holding a read heart hanging from his keys. “It’s cute.” “Isn’t it? Jaehee suggested we should make something handmade for the occasion and I found the instructions while I browsing the net looking for something easy to make. I thought it’d be something I could manage to make. It proved harder than I thought and the first attempts were a failure,” she revealed hers taking it out of her pocket, it was similar but it was not holding a heart. “But it was addictive and though I threw out a dozen of them, it started taking shape.” “Oh, so now we match!” Saeyoung adjusted his glassed.
She chuckled at his comment.
“Well, it’s nice that you liked it, I regretted not being able to learn how to make another pattern before Christmas. I’m sorry.” “Panda’s are cute, I like them! No need to apologize.” “Thank you,” she smiled again. “I’m honestly glad you didn’t mind.” “I wouldn’t mind either,” he blurted out with a straight face.
They were taken aback by his words, unsure if they had heard him correctly or if it was an attempt to crack a joke. The truth was that he was surprised himself, but Saeyoung’s comment annoyed him a bit, he almost wanted to snatch the keychain away.
“You wouldn’t?” Zen hesitantly asked in order to confirm it. “I wouldn’t. Pandas are almost as charming as cats. Well, nothing is cutter than Elizabeth the 3rd though.” “Still, I could not picture him holding this keychain,” Zen murmured. “Would a CEO go around carrying a keychain like this? What would your executives think?” Yoosung asked “Hm? I don’t really care about that. It’s not like I go around showing them my keychain anyway.” “Are you serious?” Zen asked in disbelief. “Well, I can picture it,” she laughed. “Jumin not caring about what the rest of the world thinks is one of his best merits sometimes.”
His heart skipped a bit again; he did not like this feeling.
“You are exaggerating, but yes.” “Maybe I should make one for you too then.”
That startled him.
“Don’t make it the same as Seven’s.” “Dude, she just offered to make one for you for free on her free time, just be thankful instead of making requests.” “It’s ok, maybe I should add a different colored heart, thought since it’s handmade and I’ve not completely gotten the hand of it, it’ll look a bit different anyway.” “Then, make it purple.” “Just how selfish can you get?” Zen asked. “Yeah… Mr. CEO,” Saeyoung leaned in and whispered by his ear. “You penthouse is card locked, so why do you even need a keychain anyway?” “Sorry to interrupt but what about Jaehee? When are we going to see her?” Yoosung asked. “It’s supposed to be her birthday.”
Yoosung had a godly timing asking that, it distracted the ex-hacker’s attention and gave him an excuse to avoid his stare. It made him anxious that he could not answer his question, what was the feeling that made him ask for one too, he could not tell.
“Oh, she is busy with her cake,” Min-Seo explained. “She said she wanted to decorate it herself. I’ll go fetch her and bring you re-fills. Jumin didn’t even get a drink yet, I’m sorry.” “No need, the customer service is always awful here after all,” he said. “Hey!” Zen was about to argue with him again. “You say that but you always come back,” she grinned. “Really?” Saeyoung asked. “Yeah, he drops by for coffee pretty often.” “I’m just supporting an ex-employee… and it’s not too far from my office so it’s convinient.” “It’s not too close either,” Saeyoung narrowed his eyes. “Well, thanks for your support anyway. Be right back.” “Gosh, Jumin, be a bit more honest,” Yoosung sighed. “The place is really friendly and I really like their cakes and their coffee.” “Hm? But I was? They often neglect me if I drop by in rush hours just because I’m their acquaintance. They think that offering me free cake and then chat with be for a bit can make up for it but it’s not very professional.” “A rich guy… whining for free cake,” Zen was done with him; he didn’t even have the energy to argue.
Even though he complained, he couldn’t help but to recognize the progress the place had made over the two years it was open. Jaehee not only had picked a nice location but also created an efficient campaign targeting working young adults. The décor was tasteful, the prices affordable and the service very friendly, so it gained quite a few faithful customers in a short time who were visiting during their breaks or after their work. That helped them spread their name mouth to mouth too and after just one year they had to hire a few employees as the demand grew higher. His ex-assistant was indeed a capable woman and one who would explore her options and keep studying on the field she had chosen after her resignation. No wonder it was hard to replace her after she left. As a businessman he could not help but admire her efforts as she was striving for a healthy business within a withering local market, he wouldn’t even hesitate to invest in acquiring the brand name if it meant having her as a partner.
At first he did not want to visit the place and he could not deny that his first visits where not very pleasant as, displeased as he was by her resignation, he ensured to note every single flaw he could find. But even as he did that, Min-Seo, who was in charge of the customer service, always smiled and nodded at him and by the next time he visited the place it was fixed. However, after a while he was not sure why he kept visiting even though he had recognized their will, nor he could explain the fuzzy feeling inside of him every time she took the time to chat with him. After a while, he had even managed to fix his visits to her schedule almost perfectly. He could not understand his actions completely but he knew that he was thinking of her a lot and that he was missing her smile when he could not see her for days.
Troubled over his thoughts, he was barely paying attention to the other guys; Yoosung was complaining about being single, nothing new there. It was unlikely he’d find a girlfriend before New Year’s Eve, so hearing him making a big deal out of it seemed like a waste of his time. Zen’s advice to him were obviously useless too and clearly based on his experience, but since their personalities were completely different, Yoosung would hardly put any of them into practice unless he’d magically gain unfathomable confidence. It seemed that it was clear to Saeyoung as it was to him, because he did not let the chance to tease the poor, blond boy pass by. The bespectacled man was always perspective, to the point it was scary sometimes. As for him, he had plans to spend that day with his beloved cat, so he didn’t even feel the need to get involved in their conversation.
“Finally, the birthday girl is here!” Saeyoug stood up and everyone followed his example.
Jaehee was smiling shyly. Her hair were long now, she was dressed more feminine. A beautiful, mature woman. His decision to force a dress code on her while he was working under him was on point; just thinking that there was even a small chance his father would get into her and make a move made him sick, thus he did not regret it. She greeted everyone whole-heartily, thanking them for their presence there and their gifts. Even though he greeted her back properly wishing her happy birthday as they shook hands, he could not focus on her. His attention was anchored on Min-Seo instead; her smile looked so fake -unlike a few minutes ago- and her eyes which were shining brightly now looked empty, almost like she was detached from reality, it made him feel uneasy.
Up went his eyebrows, ignoring the others who were complimenting the cake’s decoration. What had happened in the span of a few minutes? He glanced sideways feeling that Yoosung of all people had sensed that he was staring at her too much. His uneasiness grew by the minute but he tried to bury his desire to approach her. Soon enough, everyone was singing happy birthday. He knew that she would normally sing louder and happier and louder than everyone else, but she just mumbled the song, clapping along with the others without much enthusiasm as long as it finished. The customers joined them congratulating Jaehee on her birthday, those who frequented the place even approached her to shake hands.
She was standing by her side, as Jaehee was busy thanking them, staring into space. He could not tell if she had sensed him staring at some point, but her eyes finally locked with his. That seemed to bring her back to reality as her plastered smile vanished for a moment. She looked away sadly and kind of embarrassed and then offered him an awkward smile. He squinted his eyes, but she avoided his gaze again. He could not stand seeing such a lonely expression on her face, he felt like something her grabbed his heart squeezing it hard.
“I want to thank everyone for coming here today,” Jaehee smiled slyly when the customers finally went back to their tables. “Today is a special day, not only because I am getting a year older,” she joked. “…Or because everyone is celebrating with me in this special place for me… But also because I… Actually… we’d like to make an announcement,” she flushed and her fingers softly touched Zen’s hand. He accepted them, lacing his between them and smiled at her encouragingly. “We decided that we’d like to try… start living together.” “Eh? Where did this come from? Aren’t you roommates with Min-Seo already anyway? “ Yoosung innocently asked eating his cake. “You guys were dating? Since when?” Saeyoung asked more quick on the uptake but still shocked at the news. “What?” Yoosung choked. “Just how oblivious can you be?” Jumin offered him his glass of water. “Well, we wanted to be sure it’ll work out first, considering it might affect RFA if it wouldn’t. We didn’t mean to keep it a secret this long, but we somehow lost the timing to reveal it,” Zen explained it. “So it does seem sudden, but we’ve properly dated for a while now.” “Did you practice your lines before saying this?” Saeyoung asked raising an eyebrow. “I didn’t!” “We also had to consider Zen’s career…” Jaehee added.
Everything was clear to him after that. The source of that painful expression was laid before him, but why was his heart aching too? It was not supposed to be like this; he didn’t want to see her trying so hard to conceal it in front of everyone, but if he had to be honest to himself, he was hurting more over something he was suspecting for a while now.
“Assistant Kang…” “Yes, Mr. Han,” she replied as a reflex and immediately covered her mouth realizing her blunder. “Are you sure about this decision?” “What are you even asking her?” Zen stood up confused. “I am,” Jaehee answered without even a hint of hesitation in her voice. “Then I will support you, since I trust your judgment… So I will not hold back too.” “What the hell?” the young actor cried. “Since when did you like her?” “The drama!” Saeyoung raised this spoon and took a bite of his cake while watching them. “How did you even get that idea?” Jumin replied coldly. “But… you just said.” “Kang’s taste is questionable, but her boldness is inspiring. It’s nothing more than that.” “Thank you,” she looked at him puzzled. “I think we should bring wine to celebrate. Right, Min-Seo?” “Eh?” she turned to him. “Ah! Right… Wine,” she put up a smile. “I think red wine would suit the happy occasion. I’ll go bring it.” “Then, I should also-” Jaehee was ready to stand up. “The couple should stay together,” he stopped her by placing a hand on her shoulder.
The truth was that, even though he applauded their decision to take their life and their relationship to the next step, no matter how cold that’d sound, he couldn’t care less about it at that moment. Trying to stay collected, he followed her calmly to the kitchen, trying to avoid raising any suspicion. He opened the door and walked into a perfectly clean and organized kitchen to the surprise of a couple of the kitchen stuff. She was standing in front of their cellar with her hand lingering over a bottle of wine like she was frozen in time, lost in her thoughts, her other hand gripping her apron. The shoulders tensed the moment he touched them and he turned to him in daze. Her hair brushed against his hand and for a moment he could not help but to twixt a strand between his fingers.
“I can choose one for you,” he said and picked one before she manages to stop him. “Christmas time is a busy period; it looks like fatigue already got to you. We are also busy during these days, so I can understand the toll it can cause to your body and mind. Why don’t you take a short break? I’ll tell the others.” “I don’t-“ he flinched her forehead. “Don’t let the customers see you like this. It’s unprofessional,” he turned his back to her taking the bottle with him. “You’ll also worry her…”
He stopped on the spot with the door half-closed and glanced at her over his shoulder. In reality he was taking more about himself and not Jaehee; it was hard seeing her in this state. She was trying to find her words but gave up soon and smiled softly.
“Thank you,” she simply said.
He nodded. He couldn’t tell her that he didn’t want to see her wearing this expression, that he felt happy seeing her smile and his heart raced every time he called his name. But he understood that her heart was not beating for him at that moment. So he just left…
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Phanniemay Day 15: Alternate Ending
Word count: 3595
“The ghost boy is Jack’s son?” Vlad was taken aback by the revelation, though, he had to admit, he wasn’t particularly surprised that Jack’s idiocy had claimed a second victim. He turned human and smiled in a way that an onlooker might reasonably describe as sinister. “Well, whadaya know?”  
Vlad knelt next to Daniel’s unconscious form and carefully lifted him. He was initially worried about waking him, but he seemed to be completely out cold. Vlad felt briefly guilty, but he banished the feeling as quickly as it had come. He couldn’t possibly have known who he was attacking, and, of course, he had no plans to hurt him any further. No, his plans for Daniel were far grander.
As Vlad walked back to the guest bedroom Daniel was sleeping in, he smiled again, the same sinister expression but tinged with a genuine warmth that was unusual for him. No matter their differences, and it was clear already that there were many, Daniel was like him in a way that no one else was, and that, indeed, he hadn’t been certain anyone else could be. Both hurt by the same man, both granted the same powers. It had taken Vlad no time at all to perceive the potential for an alliance. And Daniel was but a child; he needed someone in his life to guide him. He had Maddie already, of course, but she could only help him so much when the challenges he faced were so unique. Vlad would be in a much better position to train him with the use of his ghost powers - training that he sorely needed, as evidenced by his utter devastation in their earlier fight. And, he was sure, Daniel wouldn’t turn down the many benefits that his wealth offered.
Vlad phased through the door of the guest bedroom and walked over to the bed. He could feel that Daniel was starting to stir, so he quickly tucked him under the blanket. As he did so, images sprang unbidden into his mind. He saw himself tucking Daniel in night after night, reading him stories, teaching him how to ride a bike - stereotypical images of fatherhood that were based far more on tv shows he once watched than anything in his own life. Still, those images affected him deeply, and he had to pause to catch his breath, aware that Daniel’s own breath was coming faster and faster.
Vlad walked to the door and pushed it open, apparently forgetting for a moment that he could turn intangible. He had meant to just keep walking, but he could hear Daniel muttering something very quietly. He turned around, standing just outside the door. After a few more seconds, the muttering resolved into words.
“No, please. No, get away!” With that, Daniel started awake, pulling the blanket off of himself. “Huh? Where am I? What happened?” Vlad realized that he was still standing in the open doorway, very much visible. He needed an excuse. Luckily, Daniel had just given him a decent opening.
“I was going to ask you the same question, young man.” Vlad stepped casually into the room as if he had meant to do so all along. Daniel scratched the back of his head.
“I must have been worn out from the long car trip.” That made no sense at all, but Vlad supposed he could forgive the boy for not being able to come up with a good explanation; he had just been knocked unconscious, after all, and now had to deal with a veritable stranger in his bedroom asking questions. “I-I’ll be okay in the morning. I’m sorry for the scare.” Vlad smiled amicably.
“Oh, what’s a little scare between friends, son, hm?” Had Vlad just called Daniel ‘son’? It felt so natural, but Vlad wondered if it was too soon for that. “And I do want us to be friends, Daniel. If you need anything-” Daniel raised his hand to stop him.
“I’ll let you know, Mister Masters. But, right now, I probably should get back to sleep.” Vlad nodded.
“Of course. Sleep tight, little badger.” Vlad walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. He paused for a moment, listening. It sounded like Daniel was, indeed, going back to sleep, so Vlad turned back into Plasmius and made his way to his lab. As expected, his ghost vultures were there, awaiting further instructions.
“You three really are absolutely useless, you know that?” They hung their heads, but Vlad could tell it was an act. “Oh, don’t give me that. I send you to kill the oaf, you come back empty handed. I bring him to you on a silver platter, and you let an inexperienced child knock that platter from your hands.” One of the vultures raised his head.
“Well, technically, boss, we don’t have any hands.” Vlad shot an energy beam from one finger, catching the shoulder of the vulture who had just spoken.
“Silence, you incompetent parrot!” Another of the vultures seemed about to speak, but Vlad dissuaded him with a look. “Tomorrow, guests will be arriving. Wait until there’s a crowd. Wait until Jack Fenton is in that crowd, and then kill him.”
“Uh, boss,” said the vulture with the injured shoulder, “I haven’t been an assassin for very long, but isn’t that kind of the opposite of how this usually works?” Vlad shot him again, and this time all three of the vultures winced.
“How this usually works,” Vlad said slowly, enunciating every syllable, “is that you are hired by someone, and that person tells you what to do, and then you do it. You three have already failed me twice. Frankly, you’re lucky to still be alive, let alone working for me. So shut up and do the job. I don’t want to hear any more complaints or snide remarks.” Vlad emphasised this last point by turning on his heel and walking away. He paused by the door, not turning around. “And don’t call me ‘boss.’ My name is Plasmius - use it.” Vlad walked out without waiting for a response.
Of course, Vlad knew he was going to have to kill the vultures. He needed Daniel to respect him, to see him as a friend, and, in time, as a father figure. Eventually, he would come to see Jack for the monster he was, but Vlad couldn’t expect that change to come overnight. For now, Daniel would have more fondness for his father’s saviour than his murderer. And it certainly wouldn’t do to have those loud-mouths around to implicate him.
Unfortunately, Daniel was well aware that someone had sent the vultures after his father, which meant that Vlad was going to need someone to pin that on. He hoped Skulker was a decent actor.
The next day, at the party, Vlad found Daniel sitting behind a suspiciously empty food table. He looked absolutely miserable, which seemed appropriate, given that his father was leading an absurd and dated dance in the middle of the room and paying no mind at all to what or whom he was hitting. He looked like a dying fish, flopping up and down, gasping for breath that would not come, slowly suffocating, his face turning blue, his organs beginning to fail as he convulsed on the ground -
Vlad shook the image from his mind and walked over to Daniel. He hesitated for an imperceptible fraction of a second, then placed a hand on Daniel’s shoulder. May as well test the waters.
“Well, son, you’re looking much better. I trust you had a restful sleep?”
“Oh, I did, thanks. But, call me, ‘Danny.’ ‘Son’ is what my dad calls me.” That stung more than it probably should have, but Vlad had decades of practice concealing his emotions, so his face remained neutral.
“Oh, yes of course. Now, I was wondering if you could do me a huge favour.”
“Sure thing, Mister Masters. What do you need?”
“Could you go to my lab, second door on the right upstairs? There’s a present up there for your father that I’d like you to bring down.”
“Okay.” Daniel rose and walked off, not even a hint of suspicion in his voice or movements. Vlad remembered the previous night, when he had easily lured Daniel through a wall and into a room whose contents Daniel didn’t know. Twice, now, in less than twenty-four hours, Daniel had willingly walked into a situation that could so easily have been an ambush or some other kind of trap. Indeed, it was a trap in this case, though not a lethal one.
Vlad wondered how Daniel was even still alive, and he suspected that it had rather a lot to do with luck. Well, Vlad was already planning on training him. Avoiding obvious traps would just have to be added to the lesson plan.
Danny approached the door to the lab and was surprised when it slid open. What, was Vlad a Star Trek nerd too? Inside, he saw a small, gift-wrapped box and started walking over to pick it up. He might have wondered why the present had been left in the lab in the first place if he hadn’t been interrupted just then by a net wrapping around him. The net knocked Danny into a wall, and then, just for kicks, electrocuted him. Danny looked up to see his attacker, who was standing ominously in a corner.
“Skulker?” This was bad. Danny tore through the net and flew at the ghost before he had time to react, landing a solid kick to his chest and returning the earlier favour by sending him flying backward. “How did you get back in your ecto-skeleton? What are you doing here?”
“All excellent questions. Catch.” Skulker tossed a small back cube toward Danny. It slid along the floor, stopping near his feet. Danny looked at the cube, and then at Skulker.
“You miss-gah!” The cube had suddenly started unfolding itself, forming into a large box that completely enveloped Danny in a second. He tried to phase out, but he couldn’t - the box was interfering with his powers somehow.
“You like my new spectral energy neutralizer? It’s perfect for containing pesky prey like you. And that’s not all it does.” He pushed a button on his arm, and Danny was overcome by searing pain. When the pain stopped, he felt his body reverting to human against his will, and he collapsed, suddenly exhausted.
“That should keep you out of the way long enough for my vultures to deal with Jack Fenton.” That brought Danny back to reality.
“Wait, you sent the vultures? Why?”
“Isn’t it obvious? He builds anti-ghost weapons, and I want them.”
“But why not go after him yourself? Is Jack Fenton too much of a threat for ‘the ghost zone’s greatest hunter’?” Skulker glared.
“Listen, whelp, I-” He was interrupted by a chime coming from his suit. He glanced at the screen on his arm, pouting. “I have to go to the library and check out a book on a gorilla.” He looked back at Danny and shrugged. “You see my dilemma.” With that, Skulker turned intangible as his hacked suit carried him through the roof, and, presumably, off to the library in Amity.
Vlad was chatting with one of the few people he actually had fond memories with, a fellow former member of the UW chess team named Nadya. Although this whole reunion had been planned mostly as a setup to get close to Maddie and her children, he had to admit that it was kind of nice to see some of these people. And it was very nice to see all the people who had bullied him suddenly kissing up, now that he was rich enough to buy and sell them.
But then Vlad felt the temperature drop, and he heard someone scream. Showtime. Amidst the panic that was caused by the sudden appearance of three ghost vultures, Vlad had no trouble slipping into an obscured alcove and transforming into Plasmius. He turned invisible and waited.
As Jack struggled against the vultures, Vlad noticed Maddie running outside, looking determined. No doubt she was rushing off to retrieve some anti-ghost weapons. Vlad had hoped to watch Jack get trounced by the birds for a bit longer, but he decided he should probably intervene before Maddie returned, lest he end up on the business end of one of her weapons.
Just as he was about to enter the melee, Danny Phantom flew in from upstairs. Vlad paused, raising an eyebrow. Had the boy really avoided the trap and defeated Skulker so quickly? Perhaps he needed to reevaluate Daniel’s skills.
“Hey, bird brains! Why don’t you peck on someone your own size!” The vultures all stopped what they were doing and looked toward Daniel. Then they looked back at Jack, who was now lying on the ground, apparently unconscious, and then at Daniel again. One of them said,
“Both of you are bigger than us.” Daniel raised a finger and opened his mouth, then paused. He put his finger down.
“I, uh, that’s true. But you heard me say ‘peck’ instead of ‘pick,’ right? Like, because you were pecking him.” Alright, Vlad thought, that was just about enough of that. He dropped his invisibility and flew up behind Daniel.
“Yes, it was a very clever pun. Now, how about we actually deal with the threat, hm?” Daniel looked confused, but not as confused as the vultures.
“B-Plasmius, I don’t -” Vlad didn’t wait for him to finish, shooting the vulture out of the air as easily as if he were swatting away a fly. His body crumpled on the ground; unconscious, but not dead. Disappointing.
Daniel took his cue and starting shooting at the remaining two birds. His aim was deplorable, but he managed to score a hit that knocked one of them right toward Vlad. Vlad created an energy wall in the vulture’s path, knocking this one unconscious, too, with the collision. Before the body could slide off to join the other on the floor, Vlad created a second energy wall and slammed it into the first, crushing the ghost in between. Vlad was knocked back by the wave of energy that was released when the vulture’s core was destroyed, but he managed to keep himself upright and floating.
The third vulture didn’t need any more reason than that to flee. Vlad raised a hand to shoot him in the back, but his arm was knocked away by an ecto-energy beam from his left. Vlad turned to see Daniel, hand raised, expression horrified.
“What the Hell are you doing?” Vlad looked back to where the third vulture had been, but he was long gone, now.
“What am I doing? You just let one of them get away!”
“That’s better than killing him!” Well, shoot. This wasn’t how Vlad had anticipated this going. If he were ever going to get Daniel on his side, he needed to convince him that this killing was justified.
“Killing in defence of a human. Surely you can understand that. Aren’t you a ghost hunter?”
“And what if I am? Aren’t you the one who made fun of me for using my powers for good?” Touché, Vlad thought. He really wished he hadn’t made those comments, but he was just going to have to deal with it.
“There’s a difference between being an all-around goody-two-shoes and having some morals, like, for example, killing an innocent person is bad, and we should try to stop people from doing that.” Vlad bristled at calling Jack innocent, but he trusted that Daniel would read the emotion as righteous indignation.
“There are other ways to stop someone besides killing them.”
“For now, perhaps. But what if they should return when you aren’t around? Are you really comfortable letting this man die because you were too obsessed with your own purity to get a little bit of blood on your hands?”
Daniel didn’t seem to have a response, but he was spared from having to admit that when their conversation was interrupted by an RV crashing through the wall. Vlad and Daniel both looked over to see the array of weapons that were being aimed at the two of them.
“We should leave,” Vlad said simply. Then he swept his cape around himself and teleported to his lab. He quickly turned back into Masters, and then leaned his forehead against his hand. Looking back, he should probably have predicted Daniel’s response. He was fourteen, and the very picture of a wide-eyed idealist. Life experience hadn’t yet taught him that sometimes one had to choose between the lesser of two evils.
Vlad straightened up. This was merely a setback. So Daniel wasn’t his biggest fan at the moment, that was fine. He had at least convinced him that he wasn’t evil - an extremist, perhaps, but someone with whom Daniel shared some basic moral beliefs. There would be time later to undo the damage that had been done and build a stronger relationship. Right now, there were other priorities.
Vlad looked around the lab. He was disappointed, if unsurprised, by the moderate amount of damage that had been sustained. It was a shame, but it had been unavoidable; this was the only soundproof room in the castle, and thus the only viable option for staging a fight while there was a party happening just downstairs. As Vlad mentally calculated the bill, his eyes landed on the small gift-wrapped box, which was tragically untouched. He shuddered. This next part was going to test his acting ability.
It had been a few hours since everyone else had left. After Maddie had used two of Vlad’s first aid kits to patch up her husband (Vlad was disappointed that it seemed he wouldn’t need to go to a hospital), the Fentons had packed up their things and were just about ready to leave. They all stood in the front hall with Vlad.
“I realize this reunion didn’t go … particularly well for you,” Vlad said, eyeing Jack’s many bandages, “and, for that, I apologize deeply.” Jack waved a hand dismissively, then winced in pain. Vlad gave no indication that Jack’s pain amused him.
“Don’t worry about it, V-man. I’m a ghost hunter; danger follows me. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just glad that no one else got hurt.” Vlad smiled.
“You always were so selfless, Jack. I’m sorry that we ever grew apart. Actually,” he began, taking the gift box out of his pocket as he did, “I got you something. I know twenty years is a lot of lost time to make up for, but I’d like to try.” Jack’s eyes grew wide as he took the box from Vlad’s hand. Vlad relinquished it immediately, carefully avoiding any contact with Jack’s skin.
“Oh, Vladdy, you shouldn’t have.” Jack started to unwrap the box, but he winced again, his injured hands apparently not up to the task.
“Here, dad, let me.” Jasmine took the box and unwrapped it herself before handing it back to him.
“Thank you, sweetie,” he said as he opened the box. “A watch? Oooh, I get it, a watch! Make up for lost time!” Jack tried to clap Vlad on the back, but Vlad stepped to the side. The force of the swing threw Jack off-balance, but, unfortunately, he managed to steady himself. “V-man you are a gas! Lost time! This is fantastic.”
“I’m glad you like it. And, Maddie, I have something for you as well.” Vlad procured a smaller box from a different pocket. This was just a simple jewelry box with a tiny metallic bow on the lid. Maddie took the box and cautiously opened the lid.
“It’s … a locket?” Vlad nodded. Maddie sounded a bit overwhelmed, and he wondered whether she was responding to the fact that it was made of solid gold, or the fact that it was shaped like a heart.
“There are pictures inside of you and me in college. Just in case you ever wanted to remember that time.” Maddie closed the lid.
“Thank you, Vlad. That’s very thoughtful. Now, we really should be heading out.” She looked down at Daniel and Jazz. “What do we say, kids?”
“Thank you for having us,” the children intoned emotionlessly. Vlad smiled at them.
“Thank you very much for coming. And know that you are welcome here anytime.” He looked back over at Maddie. “That goes for all of you.”
“Well, gosh,” Jack said, even though Vlad had been explicitly not looking at him, “that’s great to hear. You know, we might just take you up on that. And maybe we can take care of your ghost problem for you in return.”
“Hm, perhaps. Well, then, I’ll be seeing you. Have a safe trip.” The Fentons all picked up their bags and headed out the door, Vlad waving goodbye as they went. After the door closed behind them, Vlad waited until the count of ten, and then sighed heavily.
“I don’t look forward to having to keep pretending to enjoy your company, Jack. But it will be worth it soon enough, when you’re out of the picture and I finally have the life that you stole from me. And then you’ll know my pain when you have to watch your ex-wife call me ‘husband,’ and your children call me ‘father.’” Vlad smiled at the thought, his expression far more sinister than warm. It was a long game, to be sure, but it was one that Vlad was sure he would win.
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So it's rant time for me. Most of you probably don't care about this so you can probably just ignore it but I have some feelings I need to let out.
It's about this whole Vic Mignogna situation. And every day that goes by, these voice actors just further disgust me and I can't believe I ever supported them.
So the latest development in this case. When all of these allegations started popping up, conventions were cancelling Vic's appearances right and left. But then Kamehacon invited him back. For those of you who don't know, Kamehacon is a HUGE Dragonball convention located in Texas. If you're a fan of Dragonball, this is THE convention to go to. I've never gone as it's a little too far away from me but I would LOVE to go someday. But anyway, as Vic is the voice of Broly and with the huge success the movie was and probably by fan request, Kamehacon invited him back. But then, they received a lot of pressure from some other big names in the VA industry (I'm not going to name them but I'm sure if you follow this case, you know who they are). They basically badgered and badgered the owner of Kamehacon to disinvite Vic and told them if Vic goes to this convention, they won't. And by the by, this is a little thing known as tortious interference and is a very big deal in the school of law. Interfering with contracts? Very very bad. But these voice actors just kept on bullying this poor convention owner and it got to the point where the convention owner apparently doesn't even want to do the convention in the future, they bullied this poor person to that extent. But then, despite the bullying, Kamehacon decided to take a stand and made a final announcement that Vic would be appearing at Kamehacon. Some of the voice actors are now backing out of their contracts and justifying it by saying they feel unsafe going to this convention. And now I recently saw something today where in protest, Monica Rial (the current English voice actor for Bulma and she's been vocal about this whole Vic situation) is going to set up a mini convention, she's searching for a venue currently, where anyone who has a kamehacon ticket, is going to get in for free. I cannot even begin to tell you how incredibly illegal this is. And next, she claims that her reason for backing out of Kamehacon is that she felt unsafe. But she's going to feel safer in a place where she's probably going to have a lot less security? A convention like Kamehacon, you can bet that place is going to have top of the line security. Like I said, this convention is a big deal. But what really irks me about this whole situation, this whole case really, is how we're seeing exactly how these voice actors view the fanbase. Their mentality is, "are you good enough to be my fan?" when it should be the other way around. I'm still completely neutral on "is Vic innocent or guilty?" But everyday, I'm finding more and more that I legitimately don't care because I'm more stuck on "I can't condone these voice actors' behavior and the treatment of their fanbase". These conventions aren't for the voice actors, THEY'RE FOR THE FANS!!! And they want to take away these experiences from those same fans who ensure that these voice actors have a way to pay their bills? One of my favorite manga is Skip Beat and in this manga, there's a whole running theme that in the entertainment industry, you can't get far if you don't love and appreciate your fans. And that is very true about the entertainment industry, the entertainment industry cannot sustain itself without its audience. So what these voice actors are doing, I just find so incredibly disgusting. They are using extremely under-handed methods to destroy someone which is also showing their true colors on how they view their fanbase. And I hope they lose everything in this lawsuit. They've not only done irreparable damage to Vic's reputation and career, but they've alienated their fanbase and shown those fans what they truly think of them. And I’m sure some of the peeps over on the “kickvic” side are saying, “Well, good, we believe these voice actors and the istandwithvic side can go screw themselves.” And I’ll say, “I think you are incredibly naive in thinking that. These cannibalistic harpies pretended they were friends with Vic Mignogna FOR YEARS and then they stabbed him in the back. They continue to use underhanded methods to discredit anyone who opposes them. Sure, you and them might be standing on the same team right now but just wait until you start toting an opinion they don’t agree with. Watch how quickly they turn on you. Watch how quickly they start to eat you alive.” We’ve seen it with Vic Mignogna. We’re starting to see it with Todd  Haberkorn. This subsection of the anime community is the very definition of toxic and it sickens me that I ever gave my time and money to it. 
Anyone rant over. Sorry, guys.
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
Zi-O 40: Shenanigans Intensify
Watched this live with @miyukomatsuda, wound up sticking some of my raw comments in here where they’re appropriate.
When last we saw our heroes (and Woz), Momotaros had just given Sougo the Den-O watch. That caused the rest of the ridewatches to warp over to him, and fuse into the Grand Zi-O watch.
TODAY, Yuuto and Deneb (who is wheezing, poor guy) run up, and tell Momo that “HEY! DON’T DO THAT! HE’S GONNA BE EVIL!”
So! Momo! Just! Grabs his watch back!
This causes the Grand Watch to dissolve, much to Sougo’s confusion… and causes Woz to pause time for his Recap. Because Woz.
...Er, Yuuto, I get that you don’t want Sougo & Co interfering, but…. You do know they have time machines of their own, right? Maybe you shouldn’t have said what date you were going to out loud? Just a suggestion.
Exposition time at 9-to-5! So, Button-up (...does he have a name?) was dating Takuya’s sister, who… oh dear. Yeah, she was a classic case of “ill sister in hospital,” and her condition worsened after button-up took her out of the hospital for a day. Whoops.
...hang on, I’m just gonna…
Okay, Button-up’s name is Yukihiro. Good to know, now I can use that, instead.
Also, it’s nice to know that it is, in fact, still Seiji Takaiwa in the Momotaros suit. It’s a lot easier to have the Imajin make guest appearances than a lot of characters, since they’ve pretty much always got at least two of the suit actors. Seiji Takaiwa is Momotaros, and Eitoku is Urataros, so they just need the VA’s to record lines, which is a lot less time-intensive than face-acting.
Okay, sorry, I. Had to get that out there, since Momotaros is posing it up in the background. Which makes sense, seeing as how his train is a bit… ‘stolen’ at the moment.
...okay, this whole next exchange is GOLD. Momo’s ticked, which is justifiable, since the DenLiner is a bit ‘stolen’ and currently is in 2017. So, since he’s not about to leave it to Yuuto to fix this whole mess, he’s gonna go get it back, and storms out the door – except WAIT NO HE CAN’T! He can’t travel in time without the DenLiner, which is kind of the entire problem here!
Sougo’s look of exasperation when Momo starts heading for the door gives me life. Just taps his fingers, sighs, and looks over his shoulder at Momo. (Finally, someone even more impulsive than him!)
So, Momotaros is ticked, because he’s stuck here. Geiz raises an eyebrow and smirks, and just says that they’re going back to 2017.
Geiz: Yeah, we’re not letting Another Den-O run unchecked. Come on, we’re going to 2017.
Momo: Alright!
Momo: ...wait, how?
Geiz: Shut up and come with me.
Sougo sighs towards the end of the exchange. He’s so done with the Imajin, he’s had it.
Quick jump to the DenLiner… where the remaining three Imajin are chained up. …Was Junichiro still on the train? Because last we saw him, he was driving it. Where is he?
Takuya’s determined to stop Yukihiro from taking Sayuri – his sister – out of the hospital that day. If he can just do that…
… YES. Geiz is driving his Time Mazine… with Momotaros and Woz on either side of him in the cockpit. There’s not enough room in there for three, especially when one of them is incredibly pointy. Momo tries to TAKE OVER STEERING.
(And he’s wondering why Zi-O didn’t come!)
May 11, 2017.
A Mole Imajin appears from Yukihiro. Another Den-O drops down from the DenLiner. Panic ensues in the hospital.
When the first away team shows up, one of the people running out yells about “OH GOD THERE’S A MONSTER OUT HERE, TOO!”
Momo: is offended
Woz: ...So, they’re in the hospital already, then.
Momo: LET’S GO!!
Geiz: Hey, dumbass, you’re just gonna freak ‘em out.
Momo: … OKAY THEN!
Momo prepares to jump into Geiz – again – but Geiz IS NOT HAVING THAT.
Just SHOVES Woz in the way!
I love Momo!Woz’s hair. They implemented the red streak into his usual pulled-back style really well.
oh god my ears mole imajin was the nails-on-a-chalkboard really necessary?! At least Momotaros agrees with me on the “Cut that OUT already” front.
But the thought of Momotaros with access to GINGA. OH GOD. And of course he’s still using his usual fighting style – aka PUNCH ALL THE THINGS. Pity that Ginga is basically a mage form.
(Momotaros being confused about the cape is excellent, too.)
Cut back to inside the hospital… where Another Den-O is… knocking… his past self… to the ground… saying that he’ll protect his sister.
Oh, no, there’s nothing that could go wrong here…
No, 2019!Takuya, there’s no reason that your sister would freak out over a monster saying he’ll protect her, why would you think that?
Momo!Woz: I don’t have time for introductions today!
Momo!Woz: immediately proceeds to start his introduction
(time pausing sound effect)
Momo: Hey! Why can’t I move?!
The catchphrases were TOO EMBARRASSING.
He’s just disgusted oh my god this is beautiful.
Oh, there’s Sougo’s Time Mazine! About time he catches up!
It’s such a shame that Sougo didn’t get to see Momo!Woz, though.
In the hospital, 2017!Takuya starts to wake up, and sees Yukihiro and Sayuri exiting her room.
Me: Oh no. Oh no he was getting her out of there Because Of Another DenO
Me: Because a monster was saying she was his sister
Okay, so. I LOVE Revive Typhoon, now that it’s not killing Geiz to use it. I REALLY love how we’re barely even getting AFTERIMAGES of his attacks right now. There’s just a blur of him moving forward, with an image of him standing there – he’s going back and forth too fast for the camera to bother trying to display it!
Geiz hypercharges the Claw Shot finisher – like, seriously, I can’t even COUNT how many times he hit the button for that – and that attack would DEFINITELY have finished off Another Den-O…
If he hadn’t been immediately blocked by the DenLiner going by.
Me: A mook. Hijacked. The train.
Miyuko: good lord this ep
Me: When in doubt: shenanigans
So… it turns out… Sayuri knew she was beyond saving. And that if Takuya knew that, it’s just break him. So… so what Yukihiro did… he brought her out of the hospital…
And it was, at least in part, so that Takuya would have someone to hate. So that he would have someone to blame for her death. Because that would be, in a way, easier for him to have a person to direct his anger at, instead of a formless frustration at fate.
The piano version of ‘Toki No Ouja’ is playing in the background of this scene – where we’re going back and forth from Sougo relating this story in 2017 to Takuya, and Yukihiro telling them in 2019.
You know. The song that’s kind of about how Sougo’s somewhat closed his eyes to potential consequences of his actions, not wanting to think about them, not wanting them to have the effect that everyone says they’re going to have.
...GOD I love ‘Toki No Ouja,’ and I can’t WAIT to have the full OST for Zi-O. This season’s music is so good. I mean, Rider music is always good, but DAMN. Getting this piano version is gonna be awesome.
2019!Takuya is trying to stop Yukihiro, because he doesn’t know that Sayuri’s death is inevitable, and that she’s basically asked to leave.
So 2017!Takuya, with this new knowledge, asks Sougo to stop the future him.
And Sougo is so kind, so of course he will.
Momo: You’re a pretty decent guy, aren’t ya? Where are they going?
Sougo: …well, I… don’t… actually know. Yukihiro said it was a place full of memories...
Momo: That is something you usually ask!
Miyuko: MOMO
Me: MOMO no
Woz, being absolutely done with the assorted tomfoolery, figures out where they’re going, via a picture on Sayuri’s side table.
Deneb, sweetie, you are not going to fool anyone with that doctor outfit.
But he is vouching for Sougo, saying that the overlord is actually a good guy!
Yuuto still thinks it’s a charade, because… well, time travel. And he also wants to know what the deal is with Deneb’s outfit.
So, we were watching this via a stream on one site, and chatting via discord, and. Well, come the scene change…
Me: Oh no chat has a point
Miyuko: this seems like a BAD plan
Miyuko: what
Me: This is where the grand fight happened
Miyuko: OH FUCK
Miyuko: U RITE
That’s a whole lot of Mole Imajin…
OH. HUH. Yuuto tells Momo to give Sougo the watch. It’s not that he trusts him, but he’ll deem him acceptable.
(Besides, he’s already seen this fight. He knows that Sougo is supposed to use Grand here, and since the fight is already happening…)
So, Momotaros tosses the Den-O watch to the future overlord. The other Ridewatches – which, mind you, are in 2019 – show up to once again fuse into the Grand watch.
Me: You know what-
Me: This is fine
Me: I don’t even care anymore
Miyuko: hahahahaha
Miyuko: i mean sougo has time powers
A golden fucking CLOCK TOWER rises up behind Sougo, while statues of the Riders in their signature poses rise next to him – all of them with a purplish dust/rock filter over them. They’re all in their signature poses, too.
And Miyuko and I had thought that it was the statues from 2068’s “commemoration of Tokiwa Sougo’s first transformation’ monument, and the opening, especially with how the rock filter flakes away.
Except that they can’t be.
For one, all of those statues are brown before the ‘rock’ flakes away, not purple. And they’re all static poses there, generically standing, and looking down. They’re in a different order, too – going back and forth between each rider, with the phase-two riders being the only ones really visible to us.
But THIS set? Purple covering that flakes away, in their signature pre-asskicking poses. The order is different, too. On one side, from left to right, it’s Kuuga through Decade – Kuuga further back, Decade right next to Sougo. On the other, left to right, it’s Zi-O through Double – Zi-O next to Sougo, and Double in back.
And each of those opens up, has the rider do their pose, and then the rider turns into the little figurines that we’ve seen on Grand. And the fact that they are, in fact, figures, as opposed to panels, is just. WOW this form is overkill.
This is so damned extra.
Woz: IWAE!!!!
woz please
Not that I can hear it, but still.
Okay, so. So Sougo is straight up lifting the riders out of time. He pulls Build out first, from his first episode – and I can tell, because that’s the only one where he launched himself out of the ground to use his kick. Then a time window opens, pulling the rider-kicking Build into this 2017, to kick the heck out of Another Den-O.
Then Kuuga gets pulled in.
Then Sougo taps the Kuuga figure again, and his icon appears briefly.
It’s nice to know that Sougo is going to be doing fighting of his own as Grand, anyway, because he uses said Titan Sword to exchange some blows with Another Den-O.
Next up, OOO – lifted right out of his fight with the Neko Yummy in episode three, as I said two weeks ago. As in, one of the few times he used his Scanning Charge kick. The time where he blasted through a series of broken columns that were in mid-air, and showed up here with him.
As in, the scene we saw when the history of OOO disappeared, back in the OOO arc.
So now OOO hasn’t kicked Another Den-O anymore, his attack is paused.
He uses that to beat the heck out of Another Den-O some more, and OOO’s kick resumes!
Now Gaim gets pulled into the picture, using his initial sword attack.
Momotaros, being Momotaros, wants to get in the action, too! So he pulls out his pass, and transforms! OR NOT. Because as Woz points out, he just gave his powers as Den-O to Sougo.
Whoops. Don’t worry, Momo, we want to know why that’s a thing, too.
Sougo, being Sougo, has an idea!
“Here, I’ll just use this!”
He summons Den-O out of 2007, who is almost immediately possessed by current!Momotaros. Because OF COURSE he is.
And Momotaros, being Momotaros, ACTIVATES CLIMAX FORM! Thus pulling the other three, who are presumably the ones on the slightly-stolen DenLiner, into the temporally displaced Den-O.
This is amazing.
So, Climax Form Den-O is going to town on the small horde of Moles, and Deneb wants in, so Yuuto goes into Vega form, so now we’ve got both the 2007 Super modes just WAILING on these mooks.
Now, for the finale~!
Grand Zi-O summons UPGRADED FORMS of the four Rider’s he summoned earlier. Build Genius, Watermelon Arms, a small horde of GataKiriBa OOO, and… one check of Rider Wiki later, Kuuga in his Pegasus form, riding the Gouram.
Another Den-O attacks them with his really cool slashes, and they all freeze in place – all in mid-air, mid-kick.
Grand Zi-O and Another Den-O trade some blows, Zi-O using his upgraded sword from Zi-O II, before he knocks Another Den-O into the air. At which point…
At which point the Zi-O figurine starts moving again, telling the others to go for it. Again, this is explicitly the figurine doing this.
YEAH. I should HOPE that’s enough to destroy the Another Den-O watch.
So, hey, remember the OP? And how it has two sections where the previous Riders are all frozen mid-kick? The one when the OP starts, with Sougo, Tsukuyomi, and Geiz walking among them; and the one later on with Geiz and Zi-O performing their own kick, before the others resume mid-motion?
Turns out, Sayuri had asked Yukihiro to bring her to that bridge. She wanted to see it together with him, one last time. She asks Takuya to not hate him for it.
And Takuya – 2019!Takuya, who’s hated his friend for two years, who just became a monster to try and save her – is glad for her. That this was her choice.
And so, he goes to look out at the scenery with them, while the piano of Over Quartzer plays.
Yuuto, while I’m glad that the sub confirms that I heard you correctly while watching live.
Yuuto, what sort of question is this?
“Are you really… Tokiwa Sougo?”
Yuuto heads off, Deneb still apologizing for him. Momo goes to say that ‘Yeah, kid, you’re kinda hot shot, aren’t ya? I mean, not as much as Ryotaro-’
You know.
The type Kasshin dropped out of in ep 15. (cough bad end Kikai cough)
The type we saw Oma Zi-O through in ep 30.
And now we have Grand Zi-O in a red-hued valley, with a few patches of the ground on fire.
Oma Zi-O’s here.
“Greetings, the Youthful me. I see you’ve obtained the powers of all the riders. However, you’re still no match for me.”
“We’ll see about that. I think I can do this.”
Oma Zi-O just LAUNCHES a pair of Blade cards at him, followed shortly by a green-and-purple tornado.
Sougo doesn’t get knocked down this time around.
We end the episode with Grand Zi-O charging at Oma Zi-O.
So, the preview… is made of fear.
Just. Pure. Fear.
Oma Zi-O saying that someone’s changed the flow of time.
Woz calling Hiryuu his ‘new overlord.’
The fact that apparently being Oma Zi-O means you lose ALL fashion sense, given the absurd outfit Hiryuu’s got going on.
Hiryuu’s got the Another Zi-O watch again, and it’s upgraded.
Apparently everyone has forgotten who Sougo is.
Me: one guy in the chat: “ALL WE NEED IS DRIVE AND YET YOU GIVE US THIS”
i can’t wait for next week
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drivingsideways · 6 years
Episodes 7 & 8
Spoilers and yelling under the cut
Well, just a note that I really love the theme music, esp the bit they use as the love theme. 
-honestly I feel bad for Feng Hao. Like sure, he’s not the sharpest tool in the box, and frankly, he’s like..entitled and annoying until this part of the series, but the dude has a point about the whole “at least tell me the truth before i die!!!” thing. 
-Anyways, the Feng/Qiu family dynamic is also so interesting- Feng Zhiwei and Feng Hao are such different personalities! My guess is that Mingying both devoted a lot of her resources to making sure Feng Zhiwei would be “ready” when the time came, but also held her to impossibly high standards! Feng Zhiwei is scared of her mom in ways that Feng Hao is not! And perhaps Qiu Mingying compensated for (placing Feng Zhiwei first) with spoiling Feng Hao, so that he basically got away with being an idiot most of the time. 
-Prince of Chu literally jumping in between Feng Zhiwei and a sword *starry eyes *
-Hahaha, Feng Zhiwei being all like “you better fucking save my mother and brother, PRINCE” before she realizes he’s actually wounded. Also, the fact that she calls him Mr.Tailor before she calls him Prince of Chu (oh no oh no!)
I think Ning Yi never realized the depth of her devotion to Qiu Mingying and Feng Hao, though honestly, he should have- starting from when she’s willing to take her mother’s crime upon her? Somehow he doesn’t seem to grasp, later, how much their deaths devastated her, especially since she blames her own existence for that.  
-Oh no, Ning Yi trying to tease her because he doesn’t know how to deal with her distress! (also the soft lighting and the general intimacy of that scene, THANKS FOR NOTHING SHOW)
-Feng Zhiwei blaming herself for everything-pretty similar to how Ning Yi also internalizes blame and guilt-in some ways they are both so similar in this, that’s perhaps one of the reasons that they can’t talk through things, later. 
-Ning Yi has like 50 expressions in the space of 1 minute going from “oh no i need to comfort her which is awkward and weird and i’d best deflect her by teasing to oh fuck what am i doing”, the entire thing is delicious, YOU COMPLETE IDIOT NING YI. 
-Chen Kun’s cheekbones should be declared illegal, that’s just a fact. 
-Ning Cheng is the best because he knows when he’d be An Intruder (the way he sneaks off while Feng Zhiwei is being nurse-maid to a sleeping Ning Yi is so cuuuuute) 
-I wish there were subs for the song that plays over this scene. 
-Poor Zhiwei- so conscious of the seriousness of her oath, which she doesn’t fully understand, and also this-something- she feels for Ning Yi, which she doesn’t quite understand, either. 
-Ning Yi watching her sleep, don’t be a creeper, Ning Yi, sorry, this whole trope was ruined for me with Twilight, and I can’t stand seeing it on screen anymore! 
-His exaggerating the pain to deflect- you’re such a loser, NY, omg. lol i love how she sees through him. That’s one of my favourite parts of this pairing at the start, how they intuit each other’s true feelings/intentions more often than not. But that can never be a substitute for actual talking???about things??? and you can see how they fail at the end. GOD I AM MAKING MYSELF SAD IN ADVANCE. 
- Ning Yan, you’re like not even playing in the same league as your brothers, I’m so glad you died fast. Like honestly, Ning Chuan’s expression alone should have made you run for the hills, but you actually thought you were getting somewhere. 
-Note on the sets at Prince of Chu’s residence- I fucking love that room with the opera masks - need to find a BTS video subbed in English to figure out more about them, but 100% that was a great choice for Ning Yi’s personality, and we often see him framed against those, as I recall. 
-The repeated theme of “hiding” from Feng Zhiwei- the first time they meet, he’s literally hiding from her behind a screen at the House of Lanxiang, until he knocks it down because he’s curious about her-and now he’s hiding in a different way, because he doesn’t want to answer her questions-but she’s literally like “there’s no place to hide” and just *sigh * i love how that’s both literal and metaphorical in this story between them. Ning Yi has spent his life hiding-his feelings, his skills, his intelligence- and Feng Zhiwei forces all of that out into the sunlight, so to speak. *starry eyed about it *
-I love how Ning Cheng is all of us, if he had popcorn, you bet he’d be eating it right now. 
-XZ being all passive aggressive about Feng Zhiwei *cough cough *
-XZ has no second thoughts about sacrificing the entire Qiu family if it will eliminate Ning Chuan, although the earlier, the killing of the canal workers troubled him quite a bit. It’s Ning Yi who says “I don’t want my throne to be tainted with innocent blood”. Idk why XZ feels differently about the canal workers vs the Qiu family- perhaps, on some level, he can justify this by saying that they *were * after all, “enemy of the state”- and their fate would be the same whether it was the Emperor who dealt the killing blow or them- so in XZ’s scheme of things, it just makes sense to use it to their advantage, as the outcome would not have varied, in any case. Unlike the canal workers, who were entirely caught up in this by accident. 
-I like how Ning Yi says the line “I’m the only one who can protect her”, twice; the first time is a justification to XZ, the second is a justification to *himself *.  And XZ knows it too. 
-lol NY’s absolute fury at Feng Zhiwei being like “so long and thanks for all the fish” - god, he hates having his plans interfered with, and this woman just won’t listen, will she?
-Idk if this is a subbing issue, but occasionally, there are lines,esp idioms that seem completely out of place in the show. For eg “Each man for himself, the devil take the hindmost” is something both Gu Yan and Col Qiu say; and in this episode Col Qiu says “Man proposes, God disposes” which seems really weird. Anyways. 
-Oh Ning Yi, the relief he feels when he sees Feng Zhiwei safe-under his roof, thanks to Chief Gu-after that whole dialogue earlier to Col Qiu about “Wouldn’t it be better if a person didn’t have to care for other people” . *cackling * My poor prince, having to spend his life pretending he doesn’t care, when the problem is that he cares *too much * (about some people!)
-The scene between Gu Yan and Qiu Mingying is one of the best scenes in the show! For one, it features Qiu Mingying who gets tooo few scenes, gdi. Second, god I love how she uses her silence as a weapon here- in the Qiu household, she had to stay silent, swallowing every insult until it became truly dangerous to be silent, and she makes her thoughts known very strongly- but here she reduces Gu Yan to tears with her silence. If she had (justifiably) given  vent to her anger, I don’t think it would have been half as effective! The person who holds the power in that room is not the Chief of the Royal Guards, it is that unyielding woman and her silence. 
-Honestly, all the actors in this series are so GOOD, like Hai Yitian as Ning Chuan is just perfect as the paranoid, menacing and not very competent Crown Prince. 
And finally, gosh, I love our manipulative Prince of Chu literally setting a “little cat” among the pigeons.
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calliecat93 · 6 years
RvB16 Episode 5 Review: Headshots
So far this season we’ve had time travel, alien Gods, pizza quests, and Tucker cockblocking himself twice at the same time. I’d say so far so good! The question now is what crazy shenanigans will our heroes get into next? Let's find out!
So last episode, Sarge wanted to try undoing the past again, but this time round up some recruits to ensure success. I wasn’t sure if it was going to go anywhere... but Joe proved me wrong! Simmons informs us through his log that they’re now in the near present (I guess at some former Red Base from the looks of it) and Sarge has rounded up three historical figures. Agent John, Agent George, and Agent Alex. In other words John Wayne, President George Washington (from how it sounds before the Revolutionary War ended), and a dying Alexander the Great. Well, that’s certainly a dream team I never would have thought up.
So what does Sarge plan to do now? Try Broken Ridge again? Nah, at least not for the moment. Instead, they’re going to go back to Season 15 and kill Temple back when they first met the Blues and Reds. Why? Well, Sarge wants to undo Temple convincing him to turn on the others because he still feels guilty about it, though he tries to not admit that it was him even though Simmons already knows. Of course, only George has any combat experience since John is an actor with a tough guy persona and Alex is... well, dying. But they’re gonna go for it anyways. So off to Season 15 they go!
Well... Simmons has one major concern first. Remember back in Episode 2 when Donut said that the portals could only fit two grown men at a time? Well, Simmons is concerned about what will happen with five people going in at once. But when does Sarge play the safe way? So they all go through and things seem okay with them having arrived at the initial meeting of the two teams... except Simmons points out that they were supposed to get there before their past selves showed up. Naturally, Simmons isn’t keen on the idea of his past self getting killed since he’d cease to exist and wants to back out. Sarge, however, decides to press on ‘cause... it’s Sarge, do I need to make an explanation as to why?
So George creates a plan that Sarge likes and ignores Simmons’ protests about accidentally killing their past selves, deciding that the risk is worth it. John proposes a simpler plan of causing a distraction, then getting in close and shooting Temple and therefore getting rid of that risk. They go for it by sending Alex out, which lets Sarge reach Temple and shoot him at point blank. Everyone panics as Sarge does his victory dance (aka, BEST PART OF THE EPISODE) and... Jax cuts the scene... yep, you heard me right. Jax calls cut. So remember during the S15 credits when Jax proposed the entire events as a feature film? Well... looks like Joe found a use for it. So yeah... Sarge killed an actor while Temple is still sitting in a jail cell with his fish. WELP.
Jax is pissed cause... you know, his scene got messed up, but cheers up upon recognizing Sarge and Simmons. So I imagine that those reading this who haven't seen the episode (which... why are you reading this and spoiling yourself? If you are a FIRST Member, GO WATCH IT NOW!) are probably very confused. Weren’t the Reds supposed to go back in time? Not forward? Well, we’ll come back to that later. For now, Sarge is upset that he didn’t get asked to be in the movie because as we learned in that Reservoir Dogs episode in S14, Sarge always wanted to be in a film. Jax explains that he DID try to reach out to them... but no one could find them for a year now. So yeah, they are one year in the future.
Anyways, Jax gives a tour of the set with everyone wearing armor because Halo/Jax forces them. Jax is also pretty much now the angry director which absolutely makes sense... though I wonder if Joe (who is Jax’s VA) did this so that he could vent his potential frustrations about directing the show XD Hey, we all get stressed and need to let it out. Jax is also pretty much trying to turn RvB into this universe’s version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe... that explains all the Norse God references... that we haven’t had in a while. When Jax leaves to deal with a problem, Simmons figures that they got sent forward in time due to the portal being unable to handle more than two men. He also hints that they spent a year gathering the recruits, so they are in the present... yes I know that is confusing as Hell, but it’s time travel. We were going to get confused at some point. Also... I guess that means Wash should be okay by now and I imagine that he and Carolina are NOT taking the guys being missing this long well. Hopefully, we see that soon... please?
But anyways, the Temple actor is dead... but he got caught in a scandal so if anything Jax gets free press. Sarge tries to get Jax to hire him... but Jax isn’t sure and then gets called away to deal with wardrobe. So Sarge gets Agent John to help him stage a scene in order to convince Jax to hire him. Yeah, do that against one of the most well known Old West actors. Simmons finds this stupid, but he can’t stop it. Sarge goes for it... and sucks. Like... REALLY sucks. Jax casts John cause... you know, famous professional actor and all. Sorry Sarge, stick to shotguns instead of headshots. Jax’s movie goes forward. This gets Simmons to throw in the towel regarding science and Sarge feels betrayed by one of his old heroes. So yeah, pretty much everyone has either given up on the mission or, in Caboose's case, has interpreted the mission wrong. So everything is officially off the rails now my friends... or is it? 
After what’s felt like forever, we FINALLY cut back to the Cosmic Gods. We finally get to see the head God we only got a glimpse of in Episode 1... and he is HUGE. Kalirama and a bunch of other Gods are there too as well as the golfing guy whose color scheme seems to spell out that he’s going to be the Loki. The designs of these guys are great by the way, all of them having either an orange or green color scheme and armors that give them a distinctly alien feel to them. There’s also this weird echo sound effect added to the voices that make them sound other-worldly. It’s just really well done.
So as we established before, the pizza quest has invoked a prophecy that spells out the end of the universe. Golfing Guy seems excited about it, but the Head God who we learn is named King Atlus Arcadius Rex, isn’t having any of the bullshit. We learn that it’s been eons since the Cosmic Gods interfered with human affairs and there is a reference to the three Fates of Greek mythology, but none of them have spoken for a long while. This is concerning to Atlus, who fears that the Reds and Blues have been having help from within which is causing this. Golfing Guy admits it was him, but really he’s just being an asshole and it’s hinted that he may be the Trickster God that Kalirama mentioned in her debut. 
Atlus shuts everyone up, saying that the Reds and Blues antics are weakening the chains that bind him, aka who I am assuming is the true antagonist. We’ll get more into that in the review section. For now, Atlus swears that one the Reds and Blues appear again, he’ll have Muggins find them and then he shall kill them personally. Kalirama says that they can't cause they’re under his protection (whether she’s referring to Donut or someone else IDK), but this doesn't deter Atlus who makes it very clear that no matter what, his will shall be carried out.
That got a lot longer than I had intended. So I wasn’t sure how to feel about the episode on my first watch... but TBF I’m about that with anything I watch. The second watch through though was a LOT more enjoyable, especially for review purposes. I honestly did not know what to talk about aside from the ending at first, but man I have so much to say about Sarge and Simmons now.
So let's do Simmons first. It’s been interesting seeing him stuck with Sarge this season. Because so far, while he has been going along with Sarge’s plans, he’s clearly not happy with it. He’s been either confused or just plain annoyed at Sarge’s antics and train of logic. Words cannot express how happy I am to see Simmons like this. Like yeah, he’s still going along with it, but compare this to Simmons in Blood Gulch. Regardless of how nonsensical Sarge was, he went with it without any question. He was a suck-up who would do ANYTHING for Sarge's approval. But as we saw with Chorus and Season 15, he’s become a lot more independent. Heck, the only reason he seems to be going with Sarge’s plan is for scientific purposes and because... well it’s either that or be stranded in the past. Plus at least it was an attempt at fixing the past, so they were trying to follow the mission. I’m kind of disappointed that Simmons didn’t finally blow up at him cause, but I guess that can come later now that he’s tossed science out the window, Still, I am so happy to see how far he’s come.
Sarge... it’s interesting really. First, it’s good to see that he still feels guilty for his actions last season, even if he doesn’t want to admit it. Him also feeling bad about killing an actor, even if he won’t admit it was him, is also good. Like it looks like Joe is hitting on that flaw specifically: Sarge’s inability to admit fault. Even last season, when Sarge did admit that he was wrong, he still couldn’t promise that he wouldn’t do it again. It was still a big step, but it shows that Sarge still has a lot of problems. Add that to the last PSA and.. yeah when you really think about it, Sarge has issues. A LOT of issues. It feels like he fucked up so many times that the only way that he can deal with it is to ignore that it was his own fault if he can't just blame something else. Him wanting to kill Temple to undo what he did makes sense and really illustrates how much it really weighs on him. IDK if this is to get Sarge past this or just Sarge being Sarge, but still, it’s incredibly noticeable in this episode.
Heck going off that, it really feels like Joe is putting a lot of emphasis on the Reds having issues. Donut is pretty much God, Grif’s got his vendetta against adventure and trying to ignore it, Sarge has his inability to admit guilt despite how much he feels, and Simmons... actually he’s probably the most stable ATM since he’s mostly grown out of his kissass phase. The Blues have had it more light-hearted in comparison and... I AM SO HAPPY! RED TEAM FOCUS HELL YES! I love the Blues, but they’ve had PLENTY of focus and same with Wash and Carolina. They’ve had their issues focused on and have had character development for years now. Last season felt like it was closing the book on it to make room for Red Team Problem. I think it’s pretty universally agreed that the Reds have gotten the shaft pretty hard since... well, pretty much the beginning. They’ve had some good moments and have had some character development (Simmons’ growing independence, Sarge coming to terms with the Reds and Blues war being a lie, Grif realizing that he doesn’t want to be alone) but it feels like there’s a larger push to give them more development this time over the Blues. This makes me SO happy you have no idea. Thank you Joe!
Alright, so Sarge’s recruits! They are exactly what I would expect from him. He mentioned John Wayne in Episode 2, and of course he would be a fan of him. A tough southern film star? I imagine that Sarge has a copy of every John Wayne movie ever, even the horrible Genghis Khan one. George Washington is a well-renowned war hero and probably one of the first American heroes, so that makes sense. And Alexander the Great was known for being a great militant and conquer, so that also makes sense.... too bad they pulled him while he was dying. So two well-known militants and essentially Sarge’s childhood hero. Yeah, all of these choices fit perfectly for Sarge. I approve! I mean history got flushed down the toilet, but eh, I’m sure they’ll work it out.
So with this episode, it looks like everyone has given up on Donut’s message. Grif never cared to begin with and is still on the pizza quest with Doc unable to convince him otherwise. Caboose interpreted it wrong and Lopez can’t do anything about it. Tucker and Sister are likely banging the Game of Thrones cast by now. And with this, Sarge and Simmons are fed up and call bullshit to science. So... I have zero idea what’s going to happen now. Personally, I hope we cut to Wash and Carolina to give the Reds and Blues a break, plus if it’s been a year now then I imagine that they’re turning every planet in the universe over trying to find them. Oh and sidenote, Jax was great in this episode. I know that some found him annoying and yeah the film references could be a little too much, but making him a frustrated film director who flip-flops between being cheery and pissed off at everything works SO WELL. But anyways, IDK if Sarge and Simmons are going to stick around in the present or send everyone back to their respective time periods, we’ll see. Hopefully, the next episode progresses the plot in some way.
Alright, I’ve held on long enough. Let's talk about the ending. Holy shit, the ending. So it looks like we have a hodgepodge of various mythologies. Kalirama is based off Hindu myth, Golfing Guy seems based off Loki who is Norse and known as a trickster, Huggins and Muggins we’ve already established as being based off Odin’s ravens so Norse also, and Atlas seems based off all the king-esque Gods like Zeus (Greek), Jupiter (Roman), Odin (Norse), etc. IDK who everyone else may be based on since we didn't have enough time with them. I already talked about the designs, color scheme, and audio so not much else to say there, other than to again say I love it. And that I also want a cast list because I NEED to know who all these voice actors are.
So based off of Atlas’ words, here is my thought. IDT these guys are evil. They’re clearly the antagonists because they’re going to try to kill the Reds and Blues, but they are at most morally gray. I think that whoever it is they’re trying to keep sealed away somehow managed to save Donut and convinced him that he was God and the others were evil. Who he is could be based on anyone like Hades, Satan, pretty much any kind of evil God or God of Death that exists. But clearly, they tricked Donut to send the Reds and Blues across time so that it can weaken whatever is keeping him imprisoned and allow him to free himself. I have zero idea how that works, but we’ll learn soon enough. So... kind of annoying that the Reds and Blues are being tricked AGAIN, but TBF the circumstances are WAAAY different from when it was Felix and Temple. Very least they’re going off Donut (who also isn’t with them... also WTF happened to him since Kalirama is clearly fine?!) instead of the manipulator being right under their noses.
Final Thoughts
It was good! It’s pretty much a filler episode aside from the last few minutes, but enjoyable filler. I feel like Joe is both trying to establish how the guns/the portals work as well as to just get the silly time travel antics out of the way before going forward with the plot. The ending seems to hint that the plot is going to hit soon. As I said, we'll hopefully see the Freelancers next since it’s been four episodes now and it’ll give the Reds and Blues a breather. Regardless, it was a fun episode and I really enjoyed it. Plus Sarge’s victory dance. That in itself made this episode perfection.
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shadowtongued · 7 years
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NOTE: none of this is to be taken as canon unless it's annotated from canon. this is simply PERSONAL interpretation for the sake of character building/exploration/etc. for this roleplaying blog. you are still free to have your own opinions and such, this is just my take and not enforced as canon! thanks!!
this is long, get some popcorn. i have a lot of feelings.
As a preface; When Sliske had his falling out with Icthlarin, it's well known that they came to odds due to the Menaphite God of Death and Afterlife having a rather heavy dislike for Sliske's methods of fighting and his handling of necromancy/wight-taking. Icthlarin removed Sliske's army of wights by force when he refused to allow their souls to move on to an afterlife, which was interfering with Icthlarin's job as a deity.
After that, seething anger well hidden under his always complacent behavior, Sliske spitefully sought out the very enemy they had been at odds with when enlisted from Freneskæ to fight for the Menephites as their 'Stern Judges' or 'Faceless Ones'. Was it petty? Hell yes. Either way, Sliske was able to convince almost all of the Mahjarrat faction from one side into the open arms of previous ‘enemy’, Zaros, probably under the pretenses that Icthlarin and his 'family' had no insight to Mahjarrat culture and that they eventually would have grown bored had the war been ended, seeing as they are used to a constant state of warfare and were promised to be able to fight away from their home realm. Zaros had an understanding of the Mahjarrat due to similar creation, both coming directly from Mother Mah.
Due to their power, Mahjarrat were obviously placed in statuses and titles of high power, a long list of Legatus, Pontifex, Tribune, etc; placement within many sections of the church, military, and more. Where did 'unusual predilections' such as Sliske go? For his ‘liberation’ of the Mahjarrats unto Zaros, a unique branch, the Praetorians, was created. He was given the title, Praefectus Praetorio, roughly Head of the Secret Police. Most Zarosian titles ( and most of the Empire tbh ) were parallel to Roman military and stature ( Infernus is also legit Straight Up Latin™ ).  
In Roman titular services, the Praetorians were usually in charge of civil judgments, upholding law, and handling any traitorous actions. They were an imperial guard who delivered security details to the Emporer as well as providing protection. It's also to be stated that the ruler at the time could also be at the mercy of this elite faction ( which uh, lol, is ironic later considering the history of the Zarosian faction and that Sliske probably had a habit of keeping plenty of information to himself and out of the rest of his faction and Zaros. You cannot convince me that Sliske, not the other Praetorians, just him, didn't know about Zamorak's planned betrayal. There's no way he didn't and couldn't have intervened. At least that's how I see it. Fucker was everywhere. ) In real Roman history, it was really not unheard of for the Praetorian Guard to abuse their power by under the table operating assassinations for the right price and several coupes against their Emporers. Yeah, they were pretty unstable for a faction who is supposed to be upholding the law and practicing civil/political infrastructure. I'm no Roman history whiz so any of the above could be pretty shaky/incorrect.
What is the role of the Praetorians? Sliske: We are the secret police in Senntisten, you work 'with' us on a daily basis! Although I cannot understand why for the life of me. It is not like we need two sets of secret police when the Praetorians are already doing such a commendable job. Oh, so sorry, I appear to be ranting. Any more silly questions, inquisitor? Kharshai: Thank you for the sarcastic answer, but I was talking about your role in proceedings today. Sliske: Our 'role in proceedings' is to provide vital reports on potential threats. Plots, traitors, you know...that sort of thing. And if needed, we have our own methods for extracting information from suspects. I must admit, that is the part where I really come into my own. Kharshai: Hopefully you will not get the chance.
Did the Praetorians know about this ( the eventual usurping of Zaros ) already?
Sliske: Of course we did. Everyone is gathered here because of the intelligence WE gathered. I act on the authority of Zaros himself. Kharshai: He must place a lot of trust in you to act so strongly on your advice. Sliske: It can be oh so stressful ruling an empire. Busy work, you see, even for a god. Zaros relies on me and my Praetorians as his eyes and ears in Senntisten. I know, I know, I am such a charming individual, but I assure you the evidence is quite compelling in this case.
During his time, he abused his power fairly often for his own intellectual interests ( having members of a bar fight arrested or executed on the spot while pursuing personal missions ) or his own entertainment. Clarifications on entertainment? Sliske was a playwright of the Shakespearian level for the rich and high status, where he took "unwanted humans from the streets of the city, dressed them in brightly colored costumes, and placed upon each a crude wooden mask. At his command the masks spoke aloud and controlled the movements of the players, compelling them to jerkily act and dance and mime his play like puppets, with the person behind the mask able only to watch his own actions." Yikes, if that wasn't enough to make your skin crawl, often these 'actors' in the climax would fight and kill one another with no control of their bodies, one dying and continuing to move and speak posthumously.
Back to fiction, headcanon, and my interpretation cloud nine all below, Sliske was indeed the leader of his own branch and it goes to say that most of those under him had a similar mindset, such as his second in command, Trindine. Sliske and his underlings were in charge of handling treason, criminal acts, and inquisitions for information on their enemies/other gods and their followers at the time. It's also canonly assumed that the Praetorians were in charge of prisoners as well as information extortion and torture. Sliske has hinted that he enjoys interrogation and a Mod once stated that he found delight in persecuting vampyres due to their ability to remain alive in custody for months or even years.
Sliske had an office, probably oddly occupied from time to time considering his line of work and often absence. He abhorred having to do reports and paperwork ( "Let's just say I'm not looking forward to having to 'file reports' again." ) and made attempts to place this on his cohorts, even though eventually he would have to be the one to sign off on everything as Praefectus. He hated it either way and shirked this responsibility.....out of 'monotony'.
As elite spies, Praetorians were required to hold a resolve and keep their wits under the pretenses they were captured, albeit it was usually the other way around considering their prowess. Sliske was an adamant fan of being able to test the resolve of his own underlings for the sake of torture and interrogation resistance via kidnapping them himself with the possible aid of another of their own; even candidates for the Praetorian Guard were able to find themselves swept out from under their feet in the dark for their first test. Imagine being a member of the guard on a mission and purposely dragged against your will into a gruesome event of capture by the supposed enemy and to be able to not PANIC, understand what is going to happen because you've done this before, and know what to expect. Only for your captor to give up halfway through, grin and tell you 'congratulations, you lasted two minutes longer than the last.'
Nothing was sacred and everything was applicable, extreme heat and cold environments, pharmaceutical torture, infliction of mental and physical stressors and pain, electric and magical shock, good ol' beatings, and degradation. He too was submitted to this kind of routine on his own open armed suggestion, but it never really happened to work on him ( let alone none of his proteges stepped up to the plate under the subtle realization that afterward 'boss' might not treat you so kindly, no one wants a double dose of already given sugar venom from him. Not to mention he's already probably sadomasochistic.) When you're one the undercover agents of one of the most ancient and feared empires you’re expected a lot. 'no one simply withstands torture, it's just a matter of how long it takes for one to crack. you will experience familiarity and boredom with our methods to better yourself in that situation. learn to cope. there will be no loose lips here'.
all that aside. sliske did get attatched to many of his praetors and would often mourn in private if he lost a particularly good officer. the praetorians weren’t all pranks and fear. they were an effective and efficient branch under his guidance.
Tiny, canon last note to help you sleep at night: most of the Empire outright feared the Praetorian Guard when Sliske abused his power for fear of coming under their inquisition or public disgrace when it came to frowning upon their actions. And p.s. the irony of Sliske being ousted for treason when it was his job to handle treasonous behavior as number one of the secret police never ceases to tickle me pink.
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shenanigumi · 7 years
Some thoughts on Harada-hen
I’ll reserve final judgment for a more polished cut, like a DVD rip, but in the meantime…
Not that too many of you care at all, but it’s always easier for me to determine my opinion if I write it down! Throwing it under a read-more because length; sorry to any mobile users out there…
Re: our new actors –
New Chizuru (Isobe Karin): her voice isn’t quite my cup of tea, but she definitely hits the notes, and it’s ultimately just a stylistic difference so I’m ranking her a tentative tied-for-second with Fujikoso Yumi. She is very Chizuru-esque, after all—and props for drawing her sword once in awhile!!—but there’s simply no beating Tanoue Marina.
New Kodo (Kawamoto Hiroyuki): I really don’t have an opinion, other than Edogawa Manji was better and crazier. Although it’s worth noting that Kawamoto-san’s bald cap is on point, if he’s even wearing one.
New Saito (Naya Takeru): he does an awesome job for a newbie!! (Does anyone know whether he’s actually left-handed?) Honestly, he reads more like Saito than Hashimoto Shohei ever did to me, although of course not as much as Matsuda Ryo since we all know there’s no surpassing him.
New Nagakura (Fukuyama Shoudai): I know he was also in LIVE 2, but I resolved to wait until he played a more central role. I remain unimpressed by his singing, mostly because his voice is so gravelly I can’t really hear the tune. However, acting-wise, he’s spot-on, so I’m extremely happy about that.
New Heisuke (Kizu Tsubasa): likewise, I’ve been waiting for him to shine since LIVE 2. He’s not Ikeda Junya, but he’s cute, and he meshes well with the other two. Also, my big sister senses go off whenever any Heisuke at all drinks the Water of Life or gets emotional, so his non-Junyaness doesn’t stop me from tearing up at crucial moments.
New Sanan (Teruma): I know he was in Reimeiroku, but I only watched it once and had no idea what was going on. I personally think he does an amazing, if more than a little theatrical, job with the fury madness.
New Kazama (Sasaki Yoshihide): I will never not see Suzuki Shogo as canon!Kazama, which doesn’t help my impression of anyone else in the role. Sasaki-san carries the part fine and hits the notes he aims for, but it seems to me like he’s trying a little too hard to imitate Tsuda Kenji in his dialogue.
New Amagiri (Soutaro): …he’s good. I still prefer Gomoto Naoya, but Soutaro-san’s good. Like, he has major resting bitch face, which makes him seem a bit more menacing, but that’s fine considering the character.
Re: the soundtrack –
…I’m a little bit concerned about how quickly Higashi Keisuke seems to run out of breath. Not that it interfered with my enjoyment at all, just something I noticed.
It still kinda hurts in some cases to hear the new cast sing old songs, but they kept that to a merciful minimum (Sasaki Yoshihide singing the last part of “Orokamono Domo Yo” was objectively fine since he hit the notes but PLEASE DO NOT REMIND ME THAT SUZUKI SHOGO IS GONE). I loved the leitmotif-references though…
I really like Saito’s first, teeny-tiny song tbh
The “BEAUTIFUL DRUNKARDS” equivalent doesn’t sound quite upbeat enough to be a real party, but I can forgive it due to the adorable as fuck drunk ninja staggering around in the background, and also because Matsuda Gaku’s hips don’t lie. (Also my literal out-loud reaction to Harada taking off his mini-haori-whatever was “OH JESUS”.)
They brought back “Ano Hi no Chikai” AND ADDED SOME OF THAT SWEET HARMONY HELL YES. They’ve totally upped their harmonizing game since the reboot.
OH MY GOD SHIRANUI GETS A FUCKING SOLO THAT ISN’T A VERSE IN SOMEONE ELSE’S SONG. FINALLY. IT ONLY TOOK LITERALLY 10 MUSICALS JFC. Actually, make that two, counting the one close to the end. Also, is it me, or does he only ever sing about Takasugi? That’s a man in love if ever I’ve seen one (although I’m not sure I’ve seen one). I’m just gonna say Shiranui/Takasugi is motherfucking canon at this point. At the very least, it fits in flawlessly.
NEXT GEN “GIVE ME THE POWER” OH YEAH!!! Different Souji, different Saito, and I actually really like the way these two sound together, although Nayu-san’s voice isn’t as ‘strong’ a foundation for the duet/harmony as Hashimoto-san. Honestly, I was happy because it gave me something I could sing along to.
Sano and Shinpachi’s duet when they were dueling was actually awesome, mostly because of all that amazing harmony~
Re: complaints –
Most of my “but y tho” probably stems from a lack of subtitles and understanding of the Japanese language, so I won’t be mentioning too much of that since they’re minor issues anyway.
It’s usual for them to focus on Chizuru’s interactions with the guy whose route it is, but it still jars me a little that her only interaction after joining the Shinsengumi is with Harada even some time after Ikedaya. In fact, the pacing in general seems a little weird in this one, given that Heisuke and Saito barely even leave before they’re brought back—but of course, that’s certainly not to say this is the only musical with an ‘off’ pace. HakuMyu in general seems to be like that in most cases.
I… don’t understand why they had Yamazaki drink the Water of Life at Toba-Fushimi. Like, Harada’s musical is the definitive feel-good route, so why include something from The Darkest route/musical? You could just as easily have offed Yamazaki offstage, or otherwise had him die in passing, the same way he did in Toudou-hen…
I also don’t know why they decided to transition into the epilogue with Hijikata vs Kazama and a Yaisa! reprise. Like, typically that’s a final-battle interlude, not post-final-battle. Also, it’s completely irrelevant to Harada’s route. Although I’ll own that the Yamazaki-Kondou-Sanan dead-people trio was a nice touch.
Re: highlights –
…Okay, I’m never not gonna think Shiranui figuring out Chizuru is a demon first is the most hilarious thing ever. Like, he never even showed up at Ikedaya in the game, yet here he is going “what’s a demon like you doing in a place like this” in Kazama’s stead. Perfect.
It’s kind of a small thing, but I love how subtly Okita’s tuberculosis is introduced. A cough-laugh, then a coughing fit, both quickly cut off by other events, and finally the revelation. Nicely done for a musical that doesn’t focus on him.
I also appreciate how not-prude and curious Chizuru is shown to be from the beginning. Any Chizuru who participates in a drinking song without being coerced, and even carries a sake cup of her own instead of just pouring others’, is 100% fine by me.
I’m in absolute fucking love with how they handle Shiranui’s interactions with Chizuru. Just the right mix of antagonism and playfulness.
Speaking of adorable, Nagakura’s confusion during the “we’re leaving the Shinsengumi” scene is priceless. I have no idea what’s happening, but it’s really fucking cute.
It’s kinda nice to see where Kazama’s loyalties really lie on Harada’s route, since we never see that in-game. Like, Shiranui thinks he’s on Kodo’s side, so that colors our perception, but… evidently not. Of course, it could just be that they’re apparently integrating Sanan’s treachery into Harada’s route too, but…
HOLY SHIT THE EMOTION IN OKITA’S VOICE WHEN HE CONFRONTS HIJIKATA AFTER KONDOU’S DEATH. It takes a lot of skill to make me tear up at a scene I’ve seen acted out like 50,000 times before in the previous installments of HakuMyu. You can really see the 8-year-old Souji shining through. AND THEN THAT PUNCH OUT OF NOWHERE!! ON POINT.
Edit: Oh I guess I should spare a mention for the fact that The Scene actually happened, yup. Not that I’m not happy with what foreplay we were given, since I thought for sure they’d just shove it offstage, but it was so… stationary? Although letting Chizuru top before the fadeout was definitely a nice touch.
I am a-ok with Kazama offing Sanan tbfh although it did leave the non-Junya cinnamon roll an orphan of sorts. Also Hijikata as mama bear is the best thing. Honestly, I really like the interpersonal dynamics between members of the Shinsengumi as they’re portrayed here.
GOOD JOB STABBING YOUR EVIL FATHER CHIZURU!!!!!!!! That’s more than any other Chizuru ever did, even Heisuke’s spunky gal~
CURTAIN CALL MOMENTS: Kazama and Hijikata doing the nightclub two-step and staring into one another’s eyes; the extras jumping around and high-fiving one another and one of them spinning Souji around; some confrontation between Harada and an extra over Chizuru; Shiranui getting really emotional about having been around since the beginning (AW POOR BABY WITH THE BROKEN VOICE); Harada having moments with both Shiranui and Chizuru (I’m beginning to form a polyamorous OT3)
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sherristockman · 7 years
Can You Stop Yourself From Blushing? Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola When your face gets red after you've made an embarrassing mistake or social faux pas, or because you've suddenly been made the center of attention or seen someone you think is attractive, it can feel like your body is turning on you, giving away your innermost feelings to the world. But blushing is a perfectly natural phenomenon, one that may even offer benefits in how others perceive you, and more. The pink tinge to your cheeks is the result of a sympathetic nervous system response to stress, embarrassment or other strong emotions. Your sympathetic nervous system activates your fight-or-flight response, releasing the hormone adrenaline which, along with speeding up your heart rate and breathing, also causes your blood vessels and the veins in your face to dilate, increasing blood flow and oxygen throughout your body while also leading to the characteristic pink hue in your cheeks known as blushing.1 Blushing is an involuntary response, which means technically there's no way to stop it. However, that doesn't mean you can't try. There are many strategies you can use to try to stop a blush from coming on, or make it fade quicker if it does. Before I get to those, though, you might want to reconsider your desire to stop it. Blushing May Not Deserve Such a Bad Rap Despite the fact that virtually everyone blushes, scientists are still trying to figure out its purpose. One theory is that it offers remedial value in cases when you’ve done something wrong. While facial redness can occur due to environmental factors like changes in temperature, hot or spicy foods or drinking alcohol, blushing is most often triggered by feelings of self-consciousness, often in situations when a person feels embarrassed or shameful. Writing in the journal Emotion, researchers pointed out:2 "Several theorists have stressed the functional properties of expressing embarrassment and shame, and have argued that these expressions may help restore the actor's public image after a mishap or transgression. That is, publicly conveying embarrassment or shame may signify the actor's recognition that she/he has committed a social or moral infraction, and regrets this." Blushing fits right in to the "publicly conveying embarrassment" theme, and when researchers showed study participants pictures of people with or without a blush, they evaluated them more favorably on items such as sympathy and trustworthiness when they were blushing. "Although people often consider blushing to be an undesirable response," the researchers concluded, "our results showed that, in the context of transgressions and mishaps, blushing is a helpful bodily signal with face-saving properties."3 A similar study using a computer game in which participants played with a virtual opponent who defected, causing the participant to lose money, revealed that a blushing opponent was considered to be more trusted, judged more positively and viewed as less likely to defect again compared to a non-blushing opponent.4 People who are easily embarrassed (a hallmark of blushing) are even perceived as being more generous and altruistic.5 Ironically, part of blushing's remedial power is also what makes many people loathe it: the fact that you can't control it. Cardiff University professor Ray Crozier told The Guardian:6 "Blushing is normal and can be socially very useful, because it signals a non-verbal form of apology. If I knock over goods in a shop or stand on someone's foot, I can apologize for all those things but, if I blush, it shows people a) that I'm sorry and b) that I'm sincere, because you can't control it." You're Probably Overestimating Your Blushing If you're the type of person who blushes when someone even glances in your direction, it may help to know that you're probably overestimating how that blushing is perceived by others. Not only may it make you seem more trustworthy, as the previous studies showed, but research suggests that, among people who are fearful of blushing, it's common to overestimate the social costs of displaying a blush, along with the probability of blushing.7 In most cases, Mark Leary, psychology professor and director of the Interdisciplinary Behavioral Research Center at Duke University, told Today that blushing is "a reaction to undesired social attention and a way of deflecting it."8 Quite simply, if someone sees you blushing and appearing to be publically embarrassed, they're likely to look away. However, it can be a vicious cycle, because even thinking about blushing can be enough to trigger it,9,10 and worrying about how you'll be perceived as a result can become debilitating for some people. While everyone blushes, certain people blush more frequently. You may be a more frequent blusher if you:11 Are prone to anxiety or anxious about your public image Have low self-esteem Worry about people evaluating you negatively Feel an intense need to be socially accepted by others Are sensitive to crass statements or gross situations The Atlantic also reported one man's story, who believes that frequent blushing has cost him relationships and promotions at work, highlighting how serious blushing can become for some people. He said:12 "I'm lucky to have a wonderful and understanding wife now, but for a long time blushing made it really hard to meet anyone. People think it's cute if you're a woman, but just off-putting if you're a man. I'm sure I'd be in a very different position in my career now if I didn't feel I had to avoid any kind of public scrutiny. Even speaking up in small meetings makes me uncomfortable and anxious. And when I blush my face actively hurts." Trying to Blush May Help You Stop Blushing If you want to stop blushing, ironically one of the best ways to do it is to try to blush. Leary suggests thinking to yourself to blush as hard as you can, which usually has the effect of making the opposite occur, perhaps because it takes your mind off whatever was triggering it in the first place.13 Psychologist Barbara Markway, author of “Painfully Shy: How to Overcome Social Anxiety and Reclaim Your Life,” also recommended this strategy, telling Today, “What you resist persists. The more you resist the blushing, the more likely it’s going to happen … [This] is a way to take the power out of it and put it more in perspective."14 So when you're at home or in private, try thinking about situations that would cause you to blush. Eventually, these triggers should become less problematic for you. Likewise, stop trying to fight it. The more you stress about blushing, the worse it's likely to become, as it will only heighten your fight-or-flight response. On the other hand, using relaxation strategies to calm down should help to quell a blush. This might include: Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Breathing exercises Guided imagery Progressive muscle relaxation Self-hypnosis Rhythmic movement Meditation Yoga Tai chi Massage therapy Biofeedback-assistance relaxation Autogenic training, in which you focus on physical sensations in your body Interestingly, another way to stop the blush is to avoid eye contact with those around you. Eye contact has been shown to be a major blushing trigger, independent of embarrassment and anxiety. In one study, participants took a stressful quiz and disclosed personal information. For the latter step, blushing increased when the participants made eye contact with the researcher as opposed to when he wore sunglasses or left the room.15 So, if you feel a blush coming on, look away from others in the room or even close your eyes for a moment to regroup. Reframe the Way You Think About Blushing Social anxiety and embarrassment are two major triggers for blushing, and the more you fear blushing, the worse it's likely to get. Instead, accept that blushing is normal, natural and makes others view you as charmingly human, vulnerable and even endearing. If you're feeling self-conscious, rather than apologizing for your blushing to those around you, simply make a lighthearted statement like, "My cheeks easily get red, it often happens to me" and then move on to a new topic. While there is a surgical option to stop blushing known as endoscopic thoracic surgery (ETS), which involves cutting nerves to keep blood vessels in your face closed, it comes with serious risks, including nerve damage, sweating and infection.16 A far less invasive option is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which is designed to help you deal more effectively with situations that fill you with anxiety. It can be helpful if blushing is interfering with your daily life, especially in helping you to stop putting yourself down because of it. Ultimately, while some of us blush more easily than others, virtually everyone is familiar with the feeling that comes when you feel your cheeks getting red. Recognizing that blushing isn't a poor reflection on you, but rather just a physiological response — even one that may put you in a more favorable light — is the key to keeping it from overpowering your life.
0 notes
Appearing before the Dramacourt: Man to Man Ep 01
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
Whether the sniper shooting scene was realistic
Whether the “prison break” was believable
Whether the evil scorpion man villain scene was the funniest thing ever
Whether the breakup with the mob boss’s daughter was legit
Whether ex-fangirls would really make the best managers
Whether the explanation on ‘how to contact a Ghost Agent’ was hilarious
The Rule(s):
Absolutely not. There’s a reason snipers don’t move around and jump across buildings when on a mission.
Somewhat. It started out strong and then its like the write gave up thinking halfway through.
Totally. Cheap, terrible CGI and random NYPD in the most un-New York environment is totally ridiculous.
No. It was totally not legit. So many unanswered questions.
Yes. Totally hilarious.
RedRosette J: Finally. A show that isn’t absolutely horrible right from the start. I have to say that I was waiting for this show ever since they announced it. I love James Bond-y spy shows, so this is totally up my alley! It got off to a rocky start with the ridiculous “sniper” scene (See Issue 1) at the beginning but after that the show picked up. There was all the super secret spy stuff, running around Europe, and things blowing up just like in any good spy show. There was definitely a LOT going on in this episode and I had to stop for breaks throughout (this probably has nothing to do with the actual plot though and more to do with the fact that my brain is tired from studying. Exams. Ugh). Park Hae Jin is totally believable as Agent Kim Seol Woo. He’s done previously “soul-less” roles before (Bad Guys and arguably Cheese in the Trap), so there’s no doubt he can deliver. I also like that he brings a little bit of a “I-give-no-shits” vibe to the character. I really liked the introduction of the movie star Yeo Woon Gwang and the people around him. They all seem to have unique and well developed characters. Right down to a Descendants of the Sun spoof! I’m excited to see how Park Hae Jin’s and Kim Min Jung’s characters interact as the show goes on. For right now, it seems to be the typical borderline love-hate situation. As for the political plot line, I got bored and sort of zoned out, but I’m hoping it gets better later on. The production is well done and the OST is decent too. So far, I don’t hate it and I’m really hoping it continues this way and doesn’t disappoint.
Jubiemon J: Overall, I’ve enjoyed this episode. We had a good mix of action and humour. I also liked how the episode showed a contrast between Kim Sulwoo and Yeo Woo Gwang through the transitions. When Sulwoo is suffering in prison, you have Woo Gwang being a jerk to all the workers around him. There’s a nice contrast between their personalities, yet they’re similar in many ways as well. Sulwoo can charm people like how Woo Gwang is great at acting as if he cares about the people around him (not his direct team; other directors/actors). However, Sulwoo seems to be less conceited and has a more serious, responsible personality unlike Woo Gwang who is really the arrogant type that you can’t hate completely since he’s still good at what he does. Also, though the spy scenes in the start were a bit cheesy at first and the long English scenes were kind of excessive, I still enjoyed seeing that setup for Park Haejin’s character. I felt like the crew intentionally had that long intro segment to lightly make fun of typical spy movies too. In spy movies, there’s always that femme fatale and how Haejin’s character ended the relationship he had with that woman in Hungary was hilarious and totally made fun of spy movies.
I wouldn’t say this episode was a 10/10 because there were still some parts that bug me. I did think that how Sulwoo entered the prison was on the ridiculous side; he could have just committed some crime and entered or acted as some prison guard. Instead, he had to go through that long saga with getting kidnapped by some peeps to get to the Russian military leader.  I also don’t particularly enjoy Cha Do Ha as a character. She seems to be the typical Mary Sue. She’s a kind, devoted woman with good intentions and is completely infatuated with Woo Gwang to the point that it’s embarrassing. She’s like at least 30 in this drama . . . and she fan girls like a teenager. I know it’s supposed to be cute/funny, yet I just cringe. Not to mention, did they HAVE to give her the worst bowl cut ever? She also keeps interfering with Sulwoo’s mission which sincerely irritates me. I’d rather watch how his mission will play out than have her believe he is some paparazzi. Even worse, it’s completely obvious how Sulwoo will eventually fall for her. There’s already some hint that something about her “bugs” him; his boss even alluded that there’s always a woman involved. Finally, the political parts were still . . . ugh. Can we just let go of all the corruption dramas going on? -0-‘ So sick of this theme. (I do have to say this drama has done the best so far in terms of dealing with the politics; not TOO TOO much like in some dramas like Defendant. God. No.)
We’d never get anything done if professors looked like this
Fake dating
Tea with a mob boss
Shady shit always goes down in alleys
Making sure everything is perfect because you have the boss from hell
When someone interrupts your “me time”
This guy tho
“Let me see your equipment” ;)
When you can’t believe he’s so pretty!
There’s some political stuff too…
Issue 1: Whether the sniper shooting scene was realistic
RedRosette J: I get what the drama was trying to do. I really do. They wanted to show him as a rebel who doesn’t follow the rules and does crazy stuff. I get it. But there are tons and tons of other much more realistic ways of showing that! There’s a reason that snipers lay in wait and don’t move. It’s all about precision and timing. It takes time to focus on your target and wait for the opportune moment. It is highly and I mean highly unrealistic for a sniper to be able to pick up his giant ass gun, run across a building, jump down said building and then aim and shoot a man. Seriously? Not to mention, those guns are really not meant to be “portable and user-friendly.” I just found this scene completely ridiculous and thought they could have done much much better.
Pretty sure that’s not how a sniper works
Breaking all the rules
Dude: “He doesn’t listen to anyone.” Dude 2: “Perfect let’s recruit him”
Issue 2: Whether the “prison break” was believable
RedRosette J: Let me just start off by saying that I am a HUGE fan of Prison Break (Season 5 airing now!). So, any show that does anything remotely related to a prison break, I expect Prison Break level standards for the breakout. I was super super excited when things started rolling towards a prison break: stuff got exchanged, soap molds were made, prison batteries were made, shank keys were cut and then the actual breakout was WTF? They just ran. Like ran through the prison. I’m sorry but where were the guards and the locked doors? It’s a prison. Not some hotel hallway where you can casually run down. It gets worse. They get to a grate in the wall which just opens and then they jump into some hole and the scene cuts to them sitting in a car by a helicopter. What? So many questions are unanswered!!! Where did the tunnel lead? How did they get out of the tunnel? Was it even a tunnel? Where was the car? How did they get the car? Did they talk to someone? I don’t know…It was really like the writer got too tired to think about the ending and was just like ‘whatever I’ll resolve it off screen’. No. Brah. You have to see it through!
Jubiemon J: What I did like about the prison break was the start of it, the part where Sulwoo stuffed something on that door which then led to something being lit up. The lights then all shut down. I quite liked that part. I wouldn’t say the prison break was THAT bad compared to the ones I’ve seen in other movies. It was just okay. What bugs me more is HOW Sulwoo ended up in prison. It was totally unnecessary to have to have dated that daughter of some evil guy and then get kidnapped by the dad and thrown to prison. Ha. Like I said before, he could have had a prison guard there. Also that ending part with the Russian military leader being sent off by his crew ? If he could have gotten a helicopter all set up, why couldn’t he have broken out earlier by himself? Was Sulwoo really necessary? I doubt it.
When you in prison but still got moves…
  When you in prison but you still chill af…
What is this? Where does it go?
Issue 3:  Whether the evil scorpion man villain scene was the funniest thing ever.
RedRosette J: I LOL’d so hard at this! This was the funniest thing ever. The dude was wearing like a full on body suit (Batman style) and had a massive scorpion tattoo on the side of his face that glowed! It was completely ridiculous and totally hilarious. The shitty CGI made it even funnier. It was also set in New York (?) but looked like it was actually outside a strip mall. LOL! Dead. So funny!
Jubiemon J: This part really, really confused me at first because I thought there was some supernatural element to this drama. I almost got really mad and wanted to say no to this drama. After I realized that he was just filming as a “bad” Superman, I thought it was all right. I guess they wanted to introduce a popular guy who does action films that can sometimes be cringey yet still popular. (Hinting at lots of those sequels and franchises I bet.)
That tattoo tho LOLOLOL
When you famous because you were in a corny movie, but still got swag
Issue 4: Whether the breakup with the mob boss’s daughter was legit
RedRosette J: I totally understand the logic behind why he had to die for there to be a proper wrap up of the relationship. He’s right. You do not want a scorned woman on your case if you are an international super spy. My only issue is with the execution of said death plot. The car explodes with him in it while she’s walking towards it. Cool. But how did he get out? And then he just walks away right in front of the burning car and she’s supposed to be right behind the car. How did she not see him walk away? I don’t get it. Again, this could have been written better, eg: engineered drive by shooting with a fake blood pack and a bulletproof vest or gets pushed off a cliff into the ocean, or I don’t know anything else that seemed a little bit more legit. It’s for the dramatic theatrics, yes, but still I hold spy dramas to a higher standard.
Jubiemon J: I can kind of see how she wouldn’t notice him going away. When someone is caught by surprise and he/she isn’t trained to be immune to these dangerous scenes, he/she would probably be caught up with whatever that surprised the person. It’s sort of how there has been this experiment that has shown that when there’s a fire, most people are way too shocked to even react and run away. They just freeze. I think it’s reasonable for her not to have noticed Sulwoo walking off. I do agree that we’re kind of left wondering how he escaped; I think that might have been the writer/director thinking that this would show us how awesome Sulwoo is as a spy. We’d never know how he escaped. That’s the beauty? A magician doesn’t reveal his/her tricks?
Issue 5: Whether ex-fan girls would really make the best managers
RedRosette J: You’d really have to make sure that she’s not some psycho stalker first. But in an ideal situation probably yes they’d make good managers. Case in point is Cha Do Ha (Kim Min Jung’s character), who literally picks up the Yeo Woon Gwang’s car with a forklift because he was making out with some random actress in it. Talk about an extreme deterrent. Ex-fangirls would definitely be willing to go to extremes to protect the star…that much I believe.
Jubiemon J: No. You don’t want someone that’s a crazy hormone-filled fan girl to act as your manager. Sure you will get someone who understands your pet peeves and habits, but you also have someone that’s likely fantasizing being with you or stalking you. It’s also unprofessional for her to be going goo-goo ga ga behind the scenes when there are co-workers around her. It’s cringey and embarrassing. I also think that having someone like her who only sees him as that perfect man will eventually end up stunting his career. He treats his closest staff so terribly that they will likely want to leave him later. Also, I think someone would want a manager to be able to bring some sense to the star like keep them grounded. I think the only reason that he has kept her around is that he is a narcissist. He wants someone to idolize him completely. (This is just on the first ep; his character assessment will likely change b/c we have that hint of him being all sensitive when the politician’s wife told him she managed that clothing brand.)
How you react when you an exfangirl and your bias does something cute
This is top notch deterrence
Issue 6: Whether the explanation on ‘how to contact a Ghost Agent’ was hilarious.
RedRosette J: This was absolutely hilarious. The best part was that what Seol Woo’s “handler” Lee Dong Hyun (Jeong Man Sik’s character) was explaining to the Director was totally realistic. You know how they say the best spies are the ones who wear no disguises? This is totally that except the best spies are the ones that act like regular people! The director was all “how do you contact him?” and Lee Dong Hyun is all “I texted him” LOL! Totally totally hilarious. He goes on to explain to Seol Woo later on that the Director thought he was kidding because it was too normal and realistic. I love it!
Conclusion: Appeal Allowed.
Rating: 3 = MM. Okay. Fine. (It was good. Not cookie worthy good, but still good. Here’s to hoping it gets better)
Dissent from Jubiemon J – 3.5 – that .5 comes in because Park Haejin really studied hard to execute his English lines! He executed his lines very well considering how English isn’t his mother tongue. I’d probably would have given this a 4 if it weren’t for the cringey Cha Do Ha. I think cutting her character out would be fabulous.
  File No: Man-To-Man-EP-01 Appearing before the Dramacourt: Man to Man Ep 01 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
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