#sorry for any mistakes i am tired and no more editing will be done
chaioticcoffee · 1 year
A/N: what no I'm not cringing at this
listen idk what this is I'm sorry if its wonky I made it on a whim I'm 💀💀💀 also I KNOW that I'm gonna be back to edit this like at least 10 times BUT SHHH
we dont talk abt the fact that I wrote this even tho I convinced myself that Tech isnt dead
on another note, I'll go back to ignoring canon now
again, sorry if there are any english mistakes hhhhh
Reunited in Death
Tech x Jedi!Reader (gender not specified)
_______________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
He didn't know where he was, really. It seemed like a void, but bright.
The last thing he remembered, he had collided with the hard ground after severing the connection hinge. It was painful, but the agony also went away swiftly, leaving behind a faint phantom pain.
His only logical conclusion was that perhaps he was alive, but most likely in some sort of coma and his mind has trapped him in here.
"Hello, my love." His thoughts were interrupted once he heard an all too familiar voice from behind him and he turned around swiftly to assess whether he should be concerned about the issue or not.
You could see his eyes widen behind his goggles when his eyes finally caught yours, those same eyes he hasn't seen ever since Order 66 came through.
"(Y/N)?" Now he was convinced that his mind was playing tricks on him.
The calculating and searching for an answer to this situation was very visible on his face and you couldn't help but let out a chuckle. He's still the same, even if he looked more tired. "The Force works in mysterious ways, do you remember that?"
"I... do.. However, I am.. not force-sensitive, as are you and the rest of the Jedis." Stars, hearing just how lost Tech seemed at that moment, it truly broke your heart.
"The statement still stands, cyare." You take a couple steps towards him.
"So... I am truly dead, then?"
A breath.
His eyes shift to his feet first, before slowly moving to look behind him, as if he could still see his squad behind him, Hunter's hand on his shoulder and his brothers and his sister looking at him with the same smile they had once they found that peaceful place of Pabu and saw Omega finally having fun.
He is once again brought back from his racing mind when he feels you take both of his hands in yours, your body in front of him, facing him.
"Tech, you did wonderful, okay? There's nothing you could have done otherwise. They're going to be okay, I know it. Now it's time for you to finally rest, and calm your mind."
Your arms circle around his waist, and Tech is unsure how to react. Is this real? Why was this happening? Was this really you? How was he supposed to believe this? How was he supposed to rest, when he knew the empire still have Crosshair, when he left his family behind? Everything was just so much to process at once, even for someone like Tech.
So Tech focused on the only for he did know. And that one thing, was that you were here with him, holding him and speaking to him after all this time apart. He will think about rest when his mind is clearer, no matter if you're real or not, because right now, you were the only thing grounding him.
So he returns your embrace, buries his face in into your shoulder, and finally allows himself to breathe.
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noroi1000 · 2 years
Hello! I hope you are well. I need to say I really love and enjoy your work, specially yours yandere's ! 🖤 I want to take the opportunity to see the open request uwu ..I was thinking maybe a hanahaki Disease with Suguru...but with a happy ending because I'm tired of crying with pure angst XD my baby deserves love and a happy ending, I need more fluff things with my Susu 😭 can or not be NSFW... I hope you like the idea, if not it's ok, thanks for reading. Have a nice week! 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸💐
I can't stop loving you.
"Even if it makes me die. "
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paring: High School AU | Geto x reader
tw: heavy angst with happy ending, Hanahaki disease
Cw: 6,7k
a/n: This is the first time I am writing anything about Hanahaki disease. I hope it will be good. Please write to me if I wrote about it correctly 😄 The photo is edited by me. Sorry for the mistakes.
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Even if you die because of flowers, you will still love him. You just want Suguru to be with you. Even if he doesn't love you. You still want it. Hanahaki at one moment showed you that you can die for love. But you still want to love him. You can't stop loving him.
Why even unrequited love that hurts so much can turn out to be something beautiful? Not as beautiful as the roses you often see in your garden. Or maybe more than all those flowers...  Suguru is your friend. You know each other from school. But you don't really think he's just a friend. You love him sincerely. But you are not afraid of any reciprocity. And maybe it really is. It is all the fault of the pain. That's why you are suffering. That's why you need to know flowers. But you love flowers. You like flowers especially that remind you of his. You love him and you will never stop loving him. Even if this suffering never finds an end.  But you don't know he loves you too. He never told you. And he still won't tell you. He does not know. He doesn't know if his feelings are sincere. That's why he doesn't say anything, if it wasn't a real feeling, he would have hurt you. 
He doesn't know you love him, you don't know he loves you.
Now you are wandering in feelings together. In love. 
It doesn't matter that these feelings can kill you very quickly.
You will continue to love him. 
Because you can't stop loving him.
If you die because of it, you won't blame him. 
These beautiful flowers only remind you that you love him. And how you keep loving him. 
Even if they come out of your throat. Sometimes even covered with blood.
It's still a sign that you haven't stopped loving him.
And for the rest of your life you will not stop.
It doesn't matter that your life may not be long. 
It is only important that you love it. And maybe if you did something else, he might love you too. 
Your friend. The person you really love.
Geto Suguru.
The moment you look at him, you really think he is a nice and good-looking boy. 
The third year of high school might be a nightmare for some, but it's a very cool situation for you. You're already an adult. You even have your own apartment. You can finish school earlier than in second-year. You are still glad that you are in the same group of friends all the time. Still you, Suguru, Satoru and Shoko. And also Utahime and Mei in a different class. You A and they B. Same with Nanami and Haibara. You were so divided because of the list and the large number of people. It's been the same from the first year. And if it weren't for that, you wouldn't have met Suguru.  And if Shoko didn't want you in class with her, you'd be in 3B now. They swapped your place with Haibara. Besides, he's so kind he agreed.
You have been loving Suguru for a year. For everything he has done for you. You love him for his character. It's just perfect. And for some time you've only been thinking that he is your soul mate. Shoko and Utahime tell you you guys are a good match. That's why you feel like this more and more. You just want it to always be that way. They are your friends. You trust them. You treat them like family. And if they tell you that the dark haired one is your soul mate, and you feel it yourself, you just listen to them. That's why you really think it is. You have similar interests. Everything seems to connect. Everything in you. Additionally, you and he are friends.
But you are afraid to tell him about your feelings. That's why you decided that you would tell him when he too would be even closer to you. If he does something that might mean he's interested in you, you too will come even closer to him. 
Waiting was not difficult.
However, something you never expected happened. 
It's as if instead of getting closer to each other, you started to move away. And you had no influence on it. You could only feel the pain of your heart when he spent less time with you. 
You know it's important to him. However, he continued to do everything with Satoru. You know they are best friends. And they are inseparable. But it made you feel rejected. You've had so many times. But knowing that the person you love is doing this to you is even more painful than it would be if someone you know did. You know he has important things on his mind. Satoru told you this is something family and Suguru takes time. Everything should be fine in a while.
However, there are also reasons why you felt like you were sick. He ignored you. He wasn't paying attention to you and Shoko. He only spent time with Satoru. And you understand him. Sometimes you need to rest too. 
But that was what was painful. 
"Satoru, do you think Suguru will want to go for a coffee tomorrow?" you asked sitting down next to your white-haired friend. 
"I'm not sure. But I think he'll want to go out with you somewhere. But I really can't tell you. Today or tomorrow I am going to see him to cheer him up a little." he answered you, setting the juice in the carton on the table. 
"I see... But I'll try though." 
"Just don't insist so much. You know very well he's in a bad situation. His parents had an accident and he blames himself for it... It'll be fine with them, but he's still like that..." he muttered poking his drink. "He'll be at school tomorrow so you can ask him."
"Um... I will text him or give him a call. Maybe I can make an appointment with him for a day." you told him with a smile. 
"I believe in you. We have to somehow get him back to normal. In the end, it was okay to get depressed for any reason."
"I want him to be like before. Still happy..." You said sadly.
He looked at you seriously as he leaned forward a little. He was hunched over now as he grabbed your drink again. But before he took the straw in his mouth, he started talking to you.
"Look, I know you like him... And he also starts talking more about you and not someone else. I have the impression that there may be more to you. And maybe you would cheer him up if you told him about your feelings. I think you understand..."
"Satoru, I'm not sure about his feelings, and I don't want to make myself stupid. We are friends with Suguru and it is possible that he thinks of me as a friend. And it's a very low probability that he thinks I'm someone else. But thank you for saying so." You said to him with a smile and a blush on your cheeks.
You want Geto to give you a sign that you can be more than just friends. And you don't want to try until you know if he feels anything. Because if you made such a bold move and it turns out that he doesn't feel anything for you, you would destroy your friendship. 
You don't want to do this. Even if you love him. Besides, you don't want to stop loving him.
You: Hi, Suguru. Would you like to go out for a coffee today or tomorrow?
You: If you have time and feel like it, of course.
You waited ten minutes for him to text you back. Besides, you weren't happy with his answer.
Suguru: Hi. Sorry but I can't. I have something else to do today, and I'm leaving Satoru tomorrow. Sorry.
You're a little disappointed looking at this. But you understand him.
You: It's okay. See you later 🙂.
You felt bad when you put the phone on the bed. Just to sit in silence, wondering how you can comfort him otherwise. 
Until you got another message.
You checked it right away.
Suguru: We can go out for coffee in two days. If you want.
You didn't hesitate to answer.
You: Yeah.
Waiting for him in the cafe. You played games on your phone in your favorite coffee shop. He was late. Already by half an hour. However, you are not angry with him. It's a little further from his house than you are. You live closer. So maybe he missed the train or there are traffic jams. It's the norm in Japan. Therefore, everything is fine.
But it didn't feel good anymore when you looked at the messages he was sending you before. It was over an hour ago. You were focused on games. You've already had your coffee and the cookie you ordered.
An hour ago:
Suguru: Let's meet in twenty minutes there. If you will be faster, order our favorites 😋
And so you did.
You were there before him.
That's why you ordered two coffees and cookies. 
After you've waited an hour for heaven, you drank your coffee and ate your cake. And then you reached for it for him anyway.
He's not coming, is he?
After two hours of waiting, you had hope. And you were also worried because something might have happened to him. You had two coffees and two cakes. He will definitely not come anymore... 
But you still want to wait or maybe he'll let you know. Or maybe it will appear right at the door of the cafe.
But nothing.
That's why even the waiter started looking at you strangely. After all, you've been sitting in this one place for two hours, and you're constantly staring at the door. 
You kept hoping until you found him calling you. 
"(y/n), I'm very sorry. I remembered. I was already leaving the house. But suddenly my parents called me and I had to go to them. I just got home. Sorry."
"Suguru, it's okay." you said trying to sound cheerful. "I'm not angry. I'll just come home. You don't have to apologize. I just wanted to spend some time with you. It's after all than important. I'm glad your parents are fine." 
You tried to hide the breaking voice. But you don't know if you made it.
"Wait... You're still in the cafe?" He asked. You realized from his voice that he was surprised.
"Yes. I have been waiting for you with the hope that you will come."
"Uh... I'm really sorry. Wait for a while. I'll be right there and at least escort you home. I don't want anything to happen to you. It's getting late." 
Your heart skipped a beat as you heard his concern.
But you had to refuse. He also needs rest. Therefore, you will not force him to anything. If he is at home now, let him rest.
"No. You don't have to. I'll go home alone. Thank you for your suggestion."
"Are you sure? I really don't want anything to happen to you–."
"It's really okay. Take a break. You must have had a hard day. Do not worry about me. I'll just come home." you said cutting him off. He didn't finish the word to the end and you already answered him.
You heard him sigh...
"I'm really sorry. Tell me if I can make it up to you somehow. I know I acted like an asshole. I'm really sorry."
"Bye, Suguru."
When you hung up, you put your hand on your forehead.
Why did you wait so long for him, and he didn't come, hurt you so much? 
Because you love him.
And you can't stop loving him.
He really didn't want to set you up. You invited him for coffee. And he really wanted to go. But he couldn't.
He wanted forgiveness.
Because he really wanted to meet you. There is nothing else he wanted more.
Because he wanted you to be more than just a friend.
But he didn't dare to tell you about it. And he also wanted to know exactly that he really loves you.
Because he wanted you closer to him.
He didn't know you were suffering because of him.
"Suguru, I'm glad your parents are healthy!" You said cheerfully to him as you hugged him. 
He put his arms around you and let you hold on. He also hugged you. It was a great feeling.
You might think you were a couple. That you both love each other. Now. 
As he hugged you, you felt your love for him grow. It just felt so good.
But suddenly he pulled you away from his chest.
You widened your eyes by the sudden loss of his warmth.
"(y/n), thank you very much. Maybe we'll go outside? I've already seen Satoru go to the vending machines.." He gave you a sweet smile.
You agreed with a smile.
And the smile hid your breaking heart. The third time you felt really bad because of him. 
But you still love him.
He did it because he felt embarrassed. He wanted to keep hugging you. And even do more.
But he was afraid of how you might react when he held you too long or too hard.
But you didn't know that.
Just like he didn't know you wanted to hold him tighter too.
"Suguru, I bought you something! "You said cheerfully as you handed him a box with a bow.
He grabbed the box gently with a smile.
But then he stopped and the smile faded from his face.
He didn't want to use you. He believed that you are giving him a lot anyway. That's why he didn't want you to spend money on him.
That's why he grabbed your hands and, with a small smile, pulled the gift to your chest. 
"Thank you very much. It sure is beautiful. But I cannot accept it. It's too much."
He didn't know the words brought tears from your eyes. Especially when you were home alone.
You forgave him for that. He was finally smiling.
And you still don't know his feelings.
You can't say it didn't hurt you.
But you still love him and won't stop. Even until death.
"Suguru, I'll help you. You can do something else. I will do it for you. If that's important to you." You gave him a smile. You felt worse than ever. But you wanted to help him. After all, doing something more in a project is not difficult. You just have to put together what he did. 
You keep smiling at him. Just like he smiles at you. You love his smile. So sweet and kind. Additionally, he smiles at you very often. It also makes you show him a smile. 
You wanted to spend time outdoors with them. Just like you did. But now you've become more of a householder. You preferred to spend your time more often at home. You went out with all of them. You didn't say no to them. However, you did have a cold. Your lungs hurt a bit. However, everything is bearable. You complain of nothing more than a little pain. Besides, they know it. Therefore, they do not force you to do anything. They also try to help you get better faster.
But you are not sure if it does not get worse over time.
But everything is fine. 
That's why you offer him help. You are in hand in the project with Suguru. You cooperate. He came to your home to finish this. You don't have much left. Just a little, actually. 
Suddenly he had to go home. 
You know he has a lot on his mind. That's why you offered him such help. You can finish these details. After all, what is not done for friends...
He didn't want to overload you. overload He knew about your deteriorating health and wanted you to rest. Get enough sleep, eat well, drink something warm. Do whatever you want to keep it from getting worse. 
He didn't want you to be seriously ill. After all, he didn't want to lose you.
That's why he said something that was supposed to comfort you, but made the pain in your heart worse.
"(y/n), take a rest. Don't do anything for me. I'll finish it myself. Take care of yourself first. " 
He smiled at you and gave you a little hug goodbye.
And it was all enough for tears to fall out of your eyes after it came out.
He is cute. He worries about you. He wanted you to take care of your health. It was really nice and sweet. That's why you can't help but love him.
But the mere thought that it was a rejection of your offer hurts. As if he is hammering another dagger through your heart.
But you still love him. 
Still unsure of his feelings. Friend or someone else?
After he left, you went to the park near your apartment anyway. 
It was quiet and nice there. Especially because there are flowers there.
And hurting yourself by one of the little bushes, you looked at the purple flowers. All the colors were there. However, you liked a few. Purple, blue and white. 
Not only were they pretty. But you also loved those colors a lot. They showed it so much between you and Suguru.
Purple flowers: Love at first sight as well as enchantment.
You are charmed by Suguru. And you also love him almost from the very first meeting. 
Blue flowers: Faithfulness.
You don't love anyone else. Only him.
And then white flowers: perfect affection, humility and innocence. 
You were looking at the colorful flower petals. All the colors were beautiful. But these were the prettiest.  The delicate plants, or rather the sight of them, soothed your pain a little.
Because you have one dream. 
"I would like to get such flowers someday. From Suguru..."
Something has been scratching in your throat since this morning.
Like there's something stuck in your lungs.
You really don't like being sick. 
You started coughing to get rid of the terrible feeling. And when you put your hand to your mouth and the other to your chest, you felt a sudden sense of relief. But your lungs hurt anyway. 
However, you felt something strange on your hand. Did you spit yourself?
You took your hand away from your face, only to see the purple flower petal. 
From where?
It fell off your clothes or hair? 
Why was he slightly soiled in saliva? 
Suddenly you felt that unpleasant sensation in your throat again. You started coughing again. Just to see a blue petal fall out of your mouth straight into your hand. 
You widened your eyes and ran to the bathroom, peering down your throat. There was nothing there.
You thought you might have a fever.
You immediately thought about calling Suguru. Perhaps he could bring you some medicine. After all, it is not possible for palettes of flowers to fall out of your throat. It's ridiculous. There is no way that this is possible for you. 
As you thought that Suguru could take care of you, you started coughing and felt irritation in your lungs. As if something is tickling you painfully inside. 
You spit flower petals into the sink. More. Purple, blue and white. The colors you wanted in your bouquet. You looked in the mirror again. Again with wide frightened eyes you stared at your mouth. You opened it. And then you saw one dark lobe lying on the back of your mouth. Almost to the throat. 
You panicked in horror. You put your fingers in your mouth and pulled out a fresh flower petal. 
You started to cry. You kept looking inside your mouth. You were still trying to force a cough. To see if you can get rid of it.
However, the longer you did this, the more it seemed to you that there was no less flakes. 
You gave up calling anyone. They'd think you were crazy. Nobody can cough and spit flower petals. It can't be falling out of anyone's throat. People might not believe you, but you believe what you read on the internet.
That's all the tips you've read. 
„Why do my lungs hurt, I often cough and when I do this, flower petals fly out of my mouth?”
Most of the answers were the same. 
„This is hanahaki disease.”
Additionally, the longer you read specialized websites about it, the more you believe it. 
You really got sick of it... 
All reasons are right. Everything you've ever experienced is correct. Is it the fault of unrequited love?
So Suguru doesn't love you?
But Satoru was saying something about his feelings... 
Besides, Suguru has always been so loved to you. Or maybe your heart doesn't know what it is like? 
Perhaps it is also because you do not know his true feelings... And I guess it really is.
Everything that can make you sick is in line with what you've experienced. 
Something happened that was the first cause of your sudden illness. You waited a long time for him and he didn't come anyway. And he also refused your invitation earlier. This was the second reason.
Something else later. Third reason. When you hugged him, he reciprocated you. But later he also pushed you away with a smile. You didn't know his feelings.
Then he refused to accept your gift from you.
Until at the very end he refused you when you wanted to help him.
These were all the reasons why flower petals fell out of your mouth.
Now you finally get it. You got it all. Hanahaki disease has touched you because you love Suguru who is your soul mate. However, he doesn't love you like you love him. You never knew his feelings.
And besides...
This disease will kill you anyway...
You'll never know his feelings...
And you'll never see him again.
But you can't stop loving him anyway.
You have had enough of this. Your lungs still hurt. You keep coughing. But no one knows that petals of flowers are coming out of your throat. And you don't want anyone to know about it.
You haven't been to the doctor. Neither does anyone know what's happening to you. When anyone asks if you are sick, you say you have a cold and have lung problems. Because it's true. You have a painful lung problem. But no one knows why. 
Your lung problem is the flowers in them. And for a week you've already realized that everything is getting worse. It will not get better, but it will only get worse. The plants were filling your lungs unbearably more and more.  You could breathe normally. But you still wanted to cough because the plants irritated your lungs. Besides, it hurt a lot when the stalks bit lightly into the delicate walls of the lungs. 
You don't know how much time you have left, but you intend to live the way you want for at least a few more days. 
Besides, your disease developed very quickly.
However, the speed of development depends only on how much you love someone. And you love Suguru very much. That's why the flowers in your lungs grow fast. 
And it's really just a matter of time until you just choke. Or maybe the plants will pierce your heart faster and you will die... You don't even know if it's even possible, but a more convenient death for you would be instant death because your heart will no longer beat, than death by suffocation. You will try to draw air, your body will fight for it, but you will not be able to. So it's only a matter of time until the flowers block your entire trachea.
For now, all you can do is spit out the flower petals. Along with saliva and even a little blood. 
You don't know if it's time to quit school. You can say you have lung problems. After all, it's a disease. Probably everyone will understand this. You're an adult. You can justify yourself. 
Because you wish you had some peace. Maybe you will die at least at home. Lying in bed. And not in the school corridor. As you go now. 
You no longer have the strength to go to classes every day and then return home. You don't feel like spending time outside your home. You just feel you don't want it anymore. Not like a week ago. 
You've had it for two weeks. And during that one week, the pain is worse. As well as your heart and chest each time you inhale air. Besides, there is not enough room in your lungs for you to draw in a lot of air. Most of them are occupied by plants. Therefore, you can no longer exercise. 
Maybe it's time to give my life to a disease? What is going to happen will happen. You really don't care.
You always wanted only Suguru to love you as much as you love him. And now that you know that you are sick because of unrequited love... Does it even make sense?
You don't want to use ways to get rid of it and live. You are to forget about him in return for your life? You don't want this. You would have to change your school and city. Because wherever Shoko or Satoru is, Suguru will also be there. That's why you just don't want it. 
You are not doing any of the ways to get rid of it. You're not gonna do that. Even though one way is surgery, the other way is to get mutual feelings.
But it can't work. Because you can't make Suguru love you in a few days. Especially now that you really want to quit school.
It all just means death.
Walking calmly down the corridor, you made your way to the headmaster's office. You will say anything. And they will understand. 
You paused for a moment, and quickly taking out a handkerchief, put it to your mouth and began to cough. 
When it was over, you glanced briefly at the large number of colorful flower petals lying on the handkerchief. You carefully wrapped the handkerchief and threw it in the trash. 
You walked on, pressing against your chest where you felt an unpleasant sensation. 
"I have bad news for you." Yaga said to the whole class. He was your tutor at this school and teacher. So he could have said something in his lesson. "We will not see (y/n) for a long time at school. I am asking you not to bother her with questions about where she is or what happened." 
Satoru raised his hand and began to speak.
"Something happened to her?" 
"Well... She told me that if anyone asks, I can explain to you." He started. "She fell ill. For some time she had had lung problems that were getting worse. Therefore, she dropped out of school for a while to recover."
Hearing that, Geto widened his eyes. Basically the same as everyone. He, Gojo and Ieiri. 
They all thought the same thing: „Why didn't she tell me?”
Like the teacher told them, they didn't want to disturb you.
That's why they didn't. Even though each of them was worried about you. 
They asked for a visit. They wanted to visit you and keep you company a little.
You refused them saying everything was fine.
This is how you experienced the next week. With sadness you can't see your friends. Because you don't want them to see your condition. 
And you don't even think it makes sense anymore. Even helping you or even trying to help makes no sense. 
There are more and more petals. And you don't even want to keep cleaning it up anymore. If the petals aren't stained with saliva or blood, you leave it at that. Besides, the flower petals look nice. But it still makes you suffer. 
The bouquet you always wanted as a gift is now growing in your lungs, slowly closing your life. You also feel pain even in your throat and arms. Plants grow and spread. 
This is how nature works. Even if nature is very brutal.
You sat on the couch in the apartment. And you also put your head on the backrest. You can not sleep. You're still anxious. 
Or maybe it will be better when you meet a friend? 
Next time someone sends you a message, you'll agree. Only friends write to you, so you can write back even to just anyone. It will be a surprise for you, at least. Maybe your life will be a little different... 
At least for the days you have left...
      Suguru: I know you want to rest, and that's why I'm sorry to bother you now, but I'd like to ask you if I could visit you? It's really been a long time.
It's been over two weeks now... He didn't know that much. He was really worried. He didn't see you, you gave no sign of life. And he really does worry about you. 
He was bursting with longing for you. And he just wanted to meet you. Tell you you have backup. Show it to you. That he is with you and you are not alone. And that it will help you get better.
He waited impatiently for a reply from you.
Until he finally lived to see it. 
You: You can.
And that's it. You just wrote it.
But he felt very happy.
As soon as he saw your message, he began to prepare. He tied his hair, put on better clothes, and took the flowers he was going to give you. 
A bouquet of white roses with the tips of the petals pink in color. He knew you'd like it.
He ran to the nearest metro station to catch the earliest train. 
Later he ran to your house. Up the stairs. Until it came to your apartment.
He knocked on the door. He rang the bell. 
But you didn't open it.
However, the door was open. 
So he went in and called your name.
You had to be home. Everything was on. TV and lights. There was steaming tea on the table. 
He looked into the living room to see that you are curled up on the couch asleep.
He smiled slightly at the sight of your face. And then he looked at flower petals randomly scattered on the floor.
He blushed slightly as he thought you wanted to create a romantic atmosphere. But if you wanted to do that, you probably wouldn't fall asleep on the couch and there wouldn't be tea on the table. That's why his blush was gone, but not his smile.
He took off his shoes and the light jacket he had.
He put a bouquet of flowers on the table and started to come to you. 
There were more flower petals. Maybe you had flowers at home that were starting to wilt and lost their petals when you threw them away. After all, you always had plants in your house. Especially flowers. You like it. 
He came over to you.
His smile faded from his face as he saw the paler skin on your face and the dark circles under your eyes. Maybe you couldn't sleep and now you finally fell asleep?
After all, he knows well that sometimes the disease keeps you awake.
But he still hoped it wasn't serious.
But he wanted to take the opportunity to be closer when you don't know it. He sat down next to you and gently pulled you onto his lap. 
He put his head on yours as he wrapped his arms around you. You were so warm. He needed it so much. He loves you. But you don't know if you love him. He was just waiting for a signal from you. 
Basically the same as you.
Suddenly he felt your body move.
He thought: "If she wakes up now, maybe beyond my feelings..."
But instead of waking up, you started coughing in your sleep. 
He grabbed a handkerchief from the wrapper lying next to it on the small table and held it to your mouth. 
As your body trembled and you rested your head even more on his chest, he looked down at the handkerchief. 
His eyes widened and his breathing stopped.
Flower petals and tiny drops of blood...
He brought your body closer to his.
He thought in Fear, "Hanahaki ?! But how...?"
His jaw twitched. He wanted to wake you up. But if you are just asleep now, because flowers are suffocating you at night, he would not refuse you rest.
But suddenly you started coughing again.
This time he grabbed the petals with his hand. The same colors as in your home.
So it's all because of this disease?
Is that why you don't go to school?
But why didn't you tell him? 
What's worse... Who are you in love with that someone doesn't love you?
After it stopped, he dumped parts of the plants to the floor and saw a few still in your mouth.
He gently lifted your face and opened your mouth wider. He pulled out purple petals with his fingers. Or rather, it was a whole little flower. He tossed it on the floor and put his hand on your cheek.
Tears stung his eyes. 
He leaned down and kissed your forehead.
Then you opened your eyes looking at his neck. Later on the ears and hair.
Earrings and black long hair in a bun.
You felt his arms on you.
You pushed his face lightly.
He looked at you sadly.
"W-What are you doing here?! Cough..." 
"You let me come. But you... Why didn't you tell me? "
You turned your face away from him. 
When you suddenly felt that you were about to cough, you pushed away from him, landing on the floor. 
Leaning on your hands and knees, you began to push the flower petals out of your lungs. 
"Thank you for coming, but you can go now..." You muttered.
"I came here because I wanted to. Really."
"You can go now. Satoru might want to go somewhere. Leave me here. And please don't tell anyone you've seen it..."
"Why didn't you tell me...? Why Hanahaki?"
"You know about it... That's why I don't have to explain to you..."
"But who–"
You cut him off.
"Someone who doesn't love me. So please go ahead. I want to rest... I'm really tired..."
You wiped your saliva off the floor as you got up.
He left... He really left right now... 
"You could help me while I still had time... When it wasn't with me yet... And now... And now it's over..."
Two days he waited for your emotions to cool down a bit.
He showed up at your house this evening.
Back when you were sitting on the edge of the bed in your pajamas. Ready to go to sleep.
"What are you doing here?" you asked looking at the floor after looking at him.
"(y/n), i want to be here. How can I help you?" he said as he entered your room.
"You can't help me anymore. Nobody can... I really want to talk to you. Spend some time as before. But I already took my sleep pills." 
"What happened? Who do you Love? How can I help you?!"
You coughed a little in pain.
"You can't help me, Suguru. What happened... You won't take it back anymore."
"But you can–"
"I don't want to lose what I remember. I'd rather die than stop loving you. I just can't stop loving you." 
You smiled at him and turned to face him. He saw your arms and your whole face. 
A thin line of blood at the corner of your mouth. And also a tricolor rose sticking out above your collarbone. 
He widened his eyes as well, thinking about what you told him. 
Do you love him
Is it because of him now...
You thought he didn't love you, that's why you got sick. 
But he loves you.
But you... 
He looked at the rose on your skin. 
"I know what it looks like... It's beautiful, but it hurts a lot..."
"(y/n), I–"
"You could bring me a glass of water?"
With a sigh, he walked into the kitchen.
You were already sitting under the covers. With a sad smile.
There was no blood on your face anymore.
Approaching you, he sat down on the bed and handed you a glass.
After you took a few small sips, you coughed.
He pushed the glass away from your lips as he watched the petals float in the water. 
He wiped the water off your chin and told you to lie down.
You took sleeping pills. You must be sleepy. I leaned my back against the pillows.
You have a hard time breathing. It's even very hard. Your breaths don't fill your lungs.
Will your last night be like this? That's why you told him about your feelings.
You reached out to his with a smile and also with tears running down your cheeks.
"Could you stay? I want to know for the last time that someone is there for me. Please. One last time. And never again. Can I hug you? One and last time... I just want to know that the person I love is with me in my last moments..."
He looked at you sadly.
It's like if he refuses you.
You know this will be your last night. This is the last time you go to bed. 
"So what if he doesn't love me... I love him. And even if he is just my friend, maybe he will fulfill my last request..." you thought, still holding your hands up. 
You saw the tears starting to run down his face. 
"It can't be..."
Hearing these words, your smile faded a little, and you also lowered your hands a little.
Does he not want to? 
Your shallow breathing was not audible as he quickly approached you.
He lay down in bed next to you and pressed you to his chest.
"It can't be! It can't end like this!" He screamed. 
"... I'm sorry..." You grunted as you wrapped your arms around him. You want to go to sleep. 
"(y/n), no. Don't sleep yet. Please don't fall asleep... Not now..."
"Sorry..." you nestled closer to him, resting your head against his chest
Suddenly he pushed you away.
You looked at him surprised but also sad.
"I love you... That's why you can't..." 
He kissed your lips but there was no return.
Crying, he pulled away and suddenly hugged you tightly. Just like you wanted...
All the flowers will not fade away.
But the ones in your body will disappear.
"(y/n), I love you..."
"I know you can hear me. Look at me. Let me see your eyes."
eyes You want to continue to sleep.
It's Suguru, isn't it?
You want to keep sleeping. Do not open your eyes.
You don't feel the pain anymore.
You only feel warm.
Suddenly you felt something wet on your lips.
If you're dead, why do you feel it?
You opened your eyes.
You didn't see the light.
You saw purple eyes. 
"Good morning..." he muttered with a smile.
You widened your eyes looking at him.
He was in your bed. Loose hair, loose clothes.
You can't be dead. After all, Suguru didn't die.
"Did you sleep well?" 
"Are you surprised that I'm talking to you now? You were asleep. And the flowers are gone."
You pulled air into your lungs. So normal. Not like before.
"The only flowers in the house are the ones I brought."
"It's you, isn't it...?" you muttered lying on his hands.
He laughed softly.
"No one else."
"That is..." 
"I love you. Always been like that. But I didn't know if I could tell you this." 
"Do not say anything. We're here together. Nothing's going to happen to you. Nothing will happen to you."
"I love you..."
"I love you too, (y/n)."
Even if you could die then. You didn't die.
You are together. You love each other. 
Neither of you dared.
And now...
You managed to connect at the last minute.
You love him and he loves you.
The hanahaki have brought you together.
And nothing will separate you anymore.
That's why you couldn't stop loving him.
Even if it made you die, you still couldn't stop loving him.
Your Suguru... 
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theplanetplu20 · 1 year
Date Night
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pairing(s): Larissa Weems x ftm!reader
warnings: none this is just a bunch of fluff
word count: 2.5k
A/N: first of all i did not reread this or edit it so i’m sorry for any mistakes. i don’t really know what this is i’m just obsessed with Weems and there just wasn’t enough fluffy fics for her so here and ofc i had to make it ftm although I think you can prob read it as gender neutral but it briefly mentions binding and top surgery. i sorta based it off myself so your shorter than her and i’m still pretty feminine pls don’t fight me on my transness i’ll fight u anyways if u don’t like that uhhh i’m not sorry just don’t read this bdhd (this is from your point of view)
It’s early in the morning and I was lying in my apartment waiting for my girlfriend to come home from a school trip that had lasted a few days due to how far away the trip was. We’ve been dating for a few months now and since day one Larissa has been my person, she’s the only person who looks at me and really sees me. I’ve been trying to get some work done but all I can think about is if she’s home yet. I had gotten a text around 7am that they were on their way back, but I'm impatient and I haven't seen Larissa for a couple days, so I sat at the couch waiting. My eyes started to grow heavy as i waited since i haven’t been sleeping all that well, i always slept better with her next to me. I fought the sleep as best I could but I guess I fell asleep because a few minutes later I was awakened by the one person I wanted to see.
“honey,” She says softly, shaking me slightly. I love how gentle she is, it's adorable. I opened my eyes, still not ready to get up but wanting to see her. Oh was it worth it though so see her beautiful smile, the one that’s reserved only for me. I sit up, reaching up slightly to hug her.
“I missed you so much my love” I say finally feeling okay again with her in my arms.
“You haven’t been sleeping?” She knows me so well and I love how worried she gets.
“I have!” I protest “Just not as much as you would probably like….” I trail off. she sighs softly I know she’s not actually upset with me, just wishes there was some way to help.
“It’s okay I don’t sleep half as well without you either, why don’t we go to bed and take a quick nap, I still want to do something later though” She says pulling away slightly but not enough to leave my arms. I give her a confused look.
“What are we doing later?” I ask knowing she probably won’t tell me, she loves her surprises.
“wouldn’t you like to know? I guess you just have to wait” she smiles at me. I knew she was going to say that i was waiting for it, I immediately lean in to kiss her. I am so in love with this woman it’s crazy everything she does makes me fall more and more. I take her hand and start to walk to our room. Once we get in the room I kiss Larissa passionately trying to convey all that I feel for her and she kisses me back just as passionately. It feels like only a few seconds when Larissa pulls away but I know it’s been at least five minutes.
“weren’t we going to take a nap?” she says wanting to keep going but knowing if I don’t sleep a little longer now I will be tired for whatever she has planned later.
“Hey it isn’t my fault I have the most intoxicating girlfriend in the world that keeps me distracted” She laughs at this
“okay sweet talker go lay in bed I’m going to change really quick” She gives me a quick peck before pushing my towards the direction of our bed
“Remember to take your binder off and stretch honey don’t think I don’t know you and if you want to wear it later you’ll take it off now for a break” She looks glaring slightly with nothing behind it. I look at her sheepishly, she does know me so well but reluctantly I listen knowing she’ll be upset if i don’t. Listen I know it’s bad to wear it for more than 8 hours but you can’t blame a guy, I’ve been trying to save up enough money for top surgery without Larissa’s help but that shit is expensive. I get into bed and look at Larissa putting on my tshirt and smile just thinking about how i’m just the luckiest fucking guy in the world right now. She turns to face me seeing me already looking at her like she’s the only girl in the world and blushes slightly not used to being watched with such loving eyes which is crazy to me. She walks over and gets under the covers quickly setting our alarms then immediately cuddling into my side with her head tucked in my neck. Even though she’s slightly taller than me she loves to be the little spoon and she knows i will always hold her. I sigh lightly, loving the feel of her back in my arms again. I pull her impossibly closer.
“Sleep well my love” I whisper to her and give her a small kiss on her head.
“you too honey” she whispers back sleepily and we both fall asleep. I hear a very annoying noise that pulls me out from the best sleep I've had in the few days since Larissa has been gone. I reach my arm over and turn the alarm off. I look at the time and it’s 2pm. Then I glance down to see Larissa still tucked into my side. She looks so peaceful and absolutely gorgeous I can’t help but smother her in kisses. Her eyes flutter open and she giggles trying to push my face away with no real effort.
“How'd you sleep, beautiful?” I ask her pulling her impossibly close “good as always” she leans up to peck my lips but when she goes to pull away I chase her lips not letting her go just yet. She hums sweetly into my mouth and I give her one more quick kiss before pulling away to get up.
“Okay if we don’t get up now we’ll never leave this bed and i’m excited for what you have planned, so let’s go” She protests lightly to stay for five more minutes but she knows i’m right and she is clearly also excited for the day too. I give her another kiss and watch her get up and leave the bathroom. I could stay with Larissa in bed all day but I haven’t seen her in days. I wanna do something with her before she gets swept off to deal with evermore. I get up and put on my binder, a pair of beige khakis with a brown belt and a white undershirt with a brown crew neck sweater with a nice pattern on top. I put on a couple necklaces and two rings then walk into the bathroom where Larissa is in the shower. I had showered this morning so there was no need for me to shower. I quickly brush my hair and put a little bit of product in it to keep it looking slightly messy and then I put on some of the cologne Larissa got me. The water turns off and Larissa gets out and pulls her towel around her already cold from the slight chill due to the door being just opened. She looks at my outfit then back up to my face and I can already tell what she's gonna say.
“You look so handsome” I pull her into me by her waist not caring if some water gets on my clothes and she puts her hands onto the sides of my face “my beautiful boy” she pulls me into a searing kiss and I feel fucking euphoric. She was the first to pull away being cold just standing there in a towel. “Okay I'm gonna get ready, do you wanna sit with me and watch?”
it takes me a minute to respond still a little dazed from her kiss. “Um of course, you know i do” i say smiling bright. I find it so relaxing just sitting with her while she gets ready, music softly playing in the background. She starts with drying her hair, before getting dressed. She goes to her vanity to put on her makeup and jewelry so I take the opportunity to wrap my arms around her from behind. “You look so beautiful as always my love” I reach up slightly to put my head into her neck giving her soft kisses. I glance at her in the mirror from her neck to see her smiling at me. “Thank you” She turns in my arms after finishing putting on the last of her jewelry. She looks down into my eyes and I catch that sparkle of adoration in them. I give her a kiss before I take her hand walking to the elevator. “So where are we going?” I ask impatiently knowing she won’t tell me. She gives me a look that says you know what my answer is.
“You’ll see soon enough” I sigh
“Fineeee don’t tell me i’ll just die of curiosity” She laughs at my antics
“Well curiosity did kill the cat,” she says back. Just then the elevator doors open and I put my arm around her waist as we walk out and are greeted by the security guard who i know pretty well since i’ve been living here a long time.
“Have a good night you two!” Paul says as we get into Larissa’s car.
“Thank you, Paul, we will” i smile back at him. I put my hand over onto Larissa’s thigh as she drives to wherever we’re going. We’ve only been driving for about fifteen minutes before Larissa pulls the car into a bowling alley parking lot. I laugh lightly
“Really baby?” I look over at her smiling actually thinking it’s adorable. She smiles back at me knowing I’m just messing with her
“Yes really” She pulls the car into park and moves to get out before I put my arm out.
“Wait, wait” I say quickly before getting out and shuffling around the car to open the door for her. She laughs at me again.
“You’re such a gentleman” I close the door and give her a kiss.
“I know right who knew i was so romantic” I say jokingly and she giggled at my stupid joke. I put my arm around her waist and pull her close while we walk in. We get up there and Larissa apparently already made a lane reservation. I look over at her questioning because it’s not a busy night and we usually just assume there will be a lane open.
“I knew you would try to pay so I wanted to pay ahead of time” She explains. Of course she did, she knows that even when I try to save up I always pay for her for no reason. I kiss her quickly just because i can and we grab our shoes and move to the lane she reserved. We play for about an hour and a half enjoying being together and being slightly competitive, not actually caring for the outcome. By the end of our time she had ended up winning only because she was cheating though! she was very distracting so it’s not my fault.
“I wonnn!” she sings gloating. I pout at her not being serious. “awww did my big strong man lose?” she says sarcastically, pulling herself to me. I roll my eyes playing along “you can win me a stuffed animal at the claw machine. How about that?” I laugh loudly at that but agree knowing she probably does actually want the stuffed animal.
“Okay I’ll win u one which one do you want love?” She looks over them and then excitedly points to a small bee.
“That one please” she says sweetly wrapping her arms around me and resting her head on my shoulder. she gives me a kiss on the cheek for good luck. It actually takes me a couple tries but I do end up getting her the bee. She takes it with a big smile on her face and even though I just lost horribly to my girlfriend I won for seeing her smile. I take her hand and we walk out. “Okay now we have one last stop” she says, glancing over to me.
“Dinner?” I say smiling. she laughs a little knowing I’d be hungry.
“Yes but i’m not telling you what restaurant” I nod just happy for food. As soon as we get on the street I already know it’s my favorite restaurant. I smile happy she knows because my favorite things change constantly. I squeeze her thigh lightly to get her attention. She looks over smiling knowingly. “Do you want to take it to go or sit in the restaurant?” She asks knowing I get tired of all the people around me although I never get tired of her.
“takeout?” I smile, just wanting to be with her and not have the anxiety of thinking about if I pass or not or how if I'm acting manly enough. I never feel that way just around Larissa. I'm just me with her. I don't have to think about passing or acting a certain way just to be seen as valid.
“Of course honey” She is always so understanding since I always talk to her about my gender dysphoria and how draining it is. We quickly go in to grab the food and then make our way back home. We move in a comfortable silence up to our floor level. Once we make it to the kitchen we take our food out and eat at our table together smiling and talking about the stupid things that the kids did or details about the trip. I could never tire of being with her, everything we do, from going out to just sitting at our table. It's always my favorite.
“Y/nn” Larissa says clearly having tried to get my attention multiple times. I had been staring at her talk about something Wednesday did or didn’t do. I sorta of got lost in thought early on. I blush having been caught clearly not paying attention.
“I’m sorry love I didn’t mean to get distracted” I say sincerely. she smiles, not mad at all.
“whatcha thinking about?” she says genuinely curious.
“Just about how much I love you and spending time with you” Now she was the one blushing.
“Of course you were” she laughs jokingly “I love you too and I love every second we spend together” We lean across the table slightly to give the other a kiss.
“You’re adorable and I love you so much, but I’m also tired” I laugh
“do you wanna go to bed?” I smiled. If I didn’t know she was a shapeshifter, I would've thought she was a mind reader.
“Lead the way” I take her hand and we walk to our room changing into our pajamas. I crawl into bed waiting for Larissa to join me after taking her makeup off. She comes into the room, turns off the lights and gets into the bed with me going back to the spot she was this morning in my neck. She lightly kisses where she is before leaning up to actually kiss me. I deepen our kiss and put my hands onto her face pulling her closer before pulling away a few minutes later. I give her another small kiss, not able to get enough of her.
“Goodnight my love, sleep well” I say quietly
“Goodnight honey I love you” she says laying back down onto my chest.
“I love you too” I say and hug her close before drifting to sleep.
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mindmeltonabun-blog · 2 years
Alchemy of Souls: Theories and Analysis for Eps 15-16
Hello readers and plagiarists,
I am done being nice. People have truly tested my patience.
Let's take a look at some examples of people who have been stealing my ideas/theories from this blog and reposting it as their own.
Exhibit #1
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Huh...interesting....I wonder who uses the line "thinking caps on"........oh right....ME. Apparently this person loves wearing my thinking cap! Illusions and memories...so thought provoking.....would they have arrived at the same conclusions if they hadn't read my blog? Nope.
Exhibit #2
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Wow.....the whole never seeing the King and Jang Gang swap back and only knowing based on the conversation they had after the swap back.......AMAZING!!! ASTONISHING!!! Too bad I was the only one who pointed these things out. Naksu being able to heal her eyes because she had gathered energy after learning many spells/skills in her previous body.....WOW...wonder where they got this from? They even used the word "data" hahahahaha. You know who else uses the word "data"? People in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM)....... aka me...the scientist. In a recent dm with this person on Tumblr, I described to them how my thinking process worked (basically an adaptation of the scientific method). I told them I researched things I did not know, collected/gathered data (i.e things from the show), formed a hypothesis, analyzed data, reexamine my hypothesis if needed. So, if you see stuff about AOS endgames from this person, just know they didn't come up with those things. I was the one who told them mostly everything during a private message. It was my mistake for trusting such a despicable human being. The nerve for this person to say they had the "same thoughts" as me....same thoughts my ass.
Actually... good luck to all the plagiarists....I will not be here to explain everything that happens in Part 2!
Stupid people taking smart people's ideas just so they can receive praise. All they wanted was to feel good about themselves at my expense. They did not stop for a second to consider that this blogger right here had sacrificed time to eat and sleep just to come up with all of these ideas in the first place. All of my theories were a result of spending countless hours researching, rewatching episodes, and thinking about everything. Not to mention the many hours I spent writing and editing all these posts. These plagiarists also did not have to endure all the personal attacks I had received for all of my theories either. They received all the good things and none of the bad.
From Reddit to Facebook to Twitter, I am sick and tired of seeing so many people steal from me. I have had enough. I am trying to find the proper words to express how I feel right now, but I cannot. I am at a loss for words. I have never experienced this amount of plagiarism until now. Not when I wrote posts for TKEM, TOTNT, or DAYS. I cannot even think straight at this point.
For those who have done nothing wrong and have always given me credit for my ideas/theories, I want to thank you from the deepest parts of my heart. I am incredibly sorry for how things turned out.
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To those who have come here to take more of my ideas/theories...
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This will be my last T&A post for Part 1. I had written 11 pages and 5370 words, but thanks to all these plagiarists, I deleted nearly everything. What is left are some skeleton theories. I won't be including stuff about Part 2 and I will not be answering any more questions. For Part 2, I will be creating a separate password protected blog.
I do not even feel like saying "thinking caps on" anymore...
Shaman Choi and Jin Mu's Evil Plan
Past..Present..same but different.
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Who's Jin Bu Yeon's Daddy?
Jang Gang.
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Knowledge is Liberation
Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon-Jang Uk -Seo Yul
Jang Uk successfully gets Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon the Ice Stone.
Final Endgames
Jang Uk x Heo Yun Ok
Seo Yul x Jin Bu Yeon
Park Dang Gu x Jin Cho Yeon
Part 1 Ending
Takes place back on the icy lake from Ep1. Trapping of souls. Bad guys die. Bigger fish to fry at the western borders of Daeho.
Part 2
See ya in Seoho Fortress!
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pepperonibread · 9 months
Across The Great Divide: Chapter Nine - Ripple
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Read on A03 or after the line break below. Chapter Index
He let out a brief huff, a mix of amusement and something deeper stirring in his eyes. "Not so much bombardin'," he replied, his voice carrying a trace of his characteristic drawl. "More so wonderin' where I've been. Worried about what had gotten into me – all of that nonsense." His words held a gruffness that belied the motions that must be swirling within him. Kiran recognized the vulnerability he was tentatively revealing, the tumult of feelings that accompanied his return to the fold.
a/n: Second to last chapter. :') I kind of scoot along the story a bit - because at the end of the day who really wants to read the entire game as fanfic. I may have already mentioned this, but I may have taken some liberties regarding actual stuff that happens in the story for the sake of fic writing. I am very tired at this point, so if there are any mistakes I am sorry! If you've read up until this point - thank you so much! Be sure to let me know what you think. I can't believe it's almost over. I am so tired of editing this.
The sound of the gunshot was deafening, a sharp crack that reverberated through the air, accompanied by a burst of acrid smoke. The bullet's trajectory had changed in the blink of an eye, its intended path thwarted by Kiran's resolute intervention. Pain erupted within her, searing through her abdomen as the bullet grazed her side. The impact sent her crashing to the ground, the world around her swirling into a hazy vortex of agony and confusion.
As she lay there, her vision blurring, Kiran's mind was awash with swirling thoughts. The pain was real, tangible proof of her daring act, and yet a profound sense of clarity enveloped her. Logan's sacrifice for the town sparked her own willingness to risk everything to shield him from harm. She had willingly stepped into danger to protect someone who had done the same for Sandrock.
Kiran's vision swam, her gaze flickering between the sky and the gathering chaos around her. A searing pain pulsed through her side where the bullet had grazed her, a vivid reminder of the split-second decision she'd made to shield Logan from harm. Her trembling hand pressed against the wound as Grace's face materialized above her, relief flooding Kiran's senses despite the throbbing ache.
"You're late," Kiran managed to quip, summoning a faint smile despite the pain. "You missed the whole show." The cacophony of voices filled the air, Mayor Trudy's stern commands slicing through the confusion, and the uproar of questions and exclamations creating noise.
As the turmoil unfolded, Kiran's attention remained fixed on Grace, who knelt beside her with a steady hand.
Amid the flurry of activity, Logan's figure emerged, drawing nearer to Kiran as she lay there. Her fingers curled instinctively into the fabric of his collar, tugging him closer. The pain that coursed through her side was a constant reminder of her audacious intervention. Despite the agony, she managed a grin, her defiant spirit undimmed.
"I just saved your ass," Kiran quipped, her words punctuated by a wince as Grace worked, a blend of compassion and medical expertise. The pain was intense, each touch and movement a poignant reminder of the price she had paid for her impulsive act.
Logan's response was swift, his hand reaching up to remove the mask that concealed his face. He extended it to Grace, who accepted it with a nod of gratitude. The sight of Logan's unmasked features, his eyes meeting hers without the guise that had shrouded his identity, was a poignant moment; especially in front of others.
"That you did, Kiran," Logan acknowledged, his tone both wry and genuine. His fingers brushed a strand of hair away from her forehead, his gaze holding a mixture of concern and appreciation. "Mighty stupid of you," he added softly, his voice laced with a hint of warmth that she couldn't quite place.
"You could have just, you know, jumped out of the way yourself," Kiran teased, a wry smile tugging at the corner of her lips. Despite the discomfort, her eyes sparkled with a mix of humor and something deeper that transcended the situation at hand.
Logan's lips quirked into a half-smile, a playful glint dancing in his eyes. "Well, where's the fun in that?" he quipped, his voice tinged with a touch of amusement. His fingers brushed against her hand, taking it and gripping it tightly.
"She should be okay, but she's gotta get to the doctor," Grace concluded, her concern palpable in her voice. Her gaze then shifted toward Logan, "And you," she directed her attention at him, "probably have a lot of questions from these people – I'll take care of this."
Kiran felt the gentle yet firm grip of Grace's assistance as she helped her to her feet. The contact with Logan's hand reluctantly slipped away as Grace guided Kiran away from the scene. As they walked, the chaos of the square gradually receded, replaced by the sounds of Pen and Pastor Miguel's voices, now silenced by justice - and the actual Justice.
Amid the quiet of their walk, Kiran's curiosity got the best of her, and she turned to Grace. "How did Logan know?" she inquired.
Grace's reply was delivered with a sense of purpose. "I met up with him to tell him what was going on," she explained, shedding light on his timely intervention.
Their conversation was interrupted by the voice of Unsuur, approaching them from behind. It was no surprise that he had caught up with them; he always seemed to have a way of inserting himself into the midst of things - especially when it came to Kiran. His presence was a mix of determination and a genuine desire to help. "Let me carry Kiran up to the doctor," he offered, his tone leaving little room for debate.
Before Kiran or Grace could respond, Unsuur had already acted, sweeping Kiran into his arms with a sense of urgency that took her by surprise. The gesture spoke volumes about his concern, and in a way made Kiran feel even worse over the events that had transpired between her and him.
"Thought you hated my guts, deputy," Kiran confessed, a mixture of vulnerability and playfulness in her voice as she looked up at his stoic expression. His eyes remained fixed ahead, and a small smirk tugged at the corner of her lips. She knew he was just being his usual self. If he chose to remain silent, Kiran would happily go along with it. But then, his voice broke the silence.
"Deputy-in-training," he corrected with a teasing glint in his eyes, the hint of a smile playing on his lips. "And I don't hate you, Kiran. It's quite the opposite." His words held a familiar warmth, the kind that stirred up old memories and feelings she thought she had tucked away. She didn't let herself get carried away just yet.
The weight of the moment hung in the air/ She wanted to say something, but he continued before she could find the right words.
"And I couldn't quite figure out your motivations," he continued, his voice softening as he spoke, "But then again, maybe I just don't fully comprehend you, Kiran." His pause felt like an invitation, a chance for her to step into a space where honesty could mend what had been broken. He met her gaze, his eyes holding a mixture of sincerity and acceptance, as he gently set her down on her feet in front of the clinic door, Grace not far behind.
Kiran met his gaze; and nodded in response, her own vulnerabilities laid bare in the moment. There was a shared history between them, a story that hadn't reached its conclusion yet - but it was on the cusp of being finished, even if part of her didn't want to close that book just yet. With a soft smile, she whispered, "Thank you, Unsuur." Her words carried the weight of gratitude.
Kiran leaned back in the clinic chair, her fingers gently probing the bandaged wound on her side. Dr. Fang's meticulous care had brought her relief, his reassuring words a balm for her worry. "Rest...change dressings....daily," his instructions were simple, a lifeline to her recovery. She nodded her gratitude, appreciating his patience as he gathered supplies for her to take home.
Just as she settled into the quiet rhythm of the clinic, the door swung open with a burst of energy. Justice strode in, nearly colliding with Grace in his eagerness. His genuine concern was palpable, his voice a warm embrace. "You alright, Kiran?" he inquired, his eyes reflecting the deep worry he held for her.
Kiran offered him a small, yet sincere smile. "I'll live, I think," she responded, the corners of her lips twitching upward as she met his gaze. "Just a flesh wound."
Justice's tense shoulders seemed to relax just a fraction, a tiny sigh escaping his lips. His gaze turned contemplative as if he held something he wanted to say.
"Kiran, I want to apologize for pushing you about Logan the other day."
Her gaze softened, understanding the motive behind his inquiry. He had been on the brink of finding Logan, only to be blindsided by her unexpected connection to him. Justice's deductive abilities had astounded her, especially given the rather lackluster detective efforts of the Civil Corps before.
"It's alright," she reassured him, her voice carrying the weight of her understanding.
"There's always a reason for things," he mused, his words carrying a sense of acceptance. "We're just relieved you're safe. And this water ordeal, it's finally behind us – at least for now." His voice held a hint of unresolved sentiment, a desire to share more.
Curiosity sparked within Kiran, and she couldn't help but prod gently. "What's on your mind?"
He let out a sigh, his gaze searching hers as if gauging her reaction. "Mayor Trudy wants us in her office bright and early tomorrow morning," he revealed, his words laced with a mix of seriousness and humor. "We're going over the whole Duvos spy situation." He cast a fleeting glance at Grace, who nodded in affirmation, before returning his focus to Kiran. "And surprisingly, you too, Kiran. Even Logan, for some reason. I guess he's been roped in now, considering his role in unraveling the mystery in the first place." A chuckle escaped him, a touch of irony in his tone. "Funny how life turns, isn't it? The former bandit as our detective - without us evening knowing."
Kiran's eyes brightened. "Does that mean Logan's caught a break?" she ventured, a thread of optimism woven into her words. "He was only trying to shield Sandrock, after all." Her gaze turned toward Justice, attempting to glean his sentiment from the subtle nuances of his expression.
Justice's response came after a brief pause, his voice measured yet laden with implications. "For the time being," he acknowledged, his words carrying the weight of a conditional reprieve. "Until we untangle this entire web. Then, he won't escape the consequences." His steps carried him toward the exit, but he pivoted to face Kiran once more, his intention unmistakable.
"Tomorrow, I'll also need your assistance in questioning Pen and Miguel." A nod gestured toward Grace and the doctor before he departed, his resolve evident in his stride. As he disappeared from view, Kiran shook her head with a wry smile, amused by the swift turnaround of her earlier musings about Justice's detective prowess.
A soft chuckle slipped from Grace's lips, her gaze warm as she addressed Kiran. "Seems like you've got a rather packed day ahead of you." Her observation held a hint of playfulness, a shared understanding between them. "Ready to head back home?"
Kiran's shoulders relaxed as she absorbed Grace's reassuring connection amidst the unfolding events. She nodded with a thankful smile, grateful for the companionship she had found in this dusty yet vibrant town. "Absolutely," she replied, her voice carrying a note of readiness as she prepared to step out into the sunlit streets of Sandrock once again.
Exhausted both mentally and emotionally after the morning's revelations, Kiran found herself returning home in the company of Grace. The weight of it all settled upon her shoulders as she stepped through her front door, a drawn-out yawn escaping her lips. The events that had unfolded had left her head spinning.
The familiarity of her home provided a small comfort, yet her mind was far from settled. As she entered her dwelling, her weariness seemed to seep into her bones. The events of the morning replayed in her mind like an unending loop, the puzzle pieces that had fallen into place raising more questions than answers. With each step she took, the magnitude of the situation became clearer, but it was also clear that there was much more to uncover.
Kiran wandered into her bedroom, her body sinking onto the mattress with a sigh. She had barely registered the weight of her clothes as she lay there, thoughts racing through her mind like a torrent. The room was quiet, the soft light filtering in through the curtains casting a serene atmosphere. The world outside continued its rhythm, oblivious.
As she lay there, face pressed into her pillow, her mind wandered through the web of revelations. The truth she had learned about her own existence, her connection to events larger than herself, and the enigmatic role of the Duvos empire all swirled together in her thoughts. The pieces of a puzzle were scattered before her, and she was determined to fit them together, no matter how complex or daunting the task.
Gradually, she shifted her position, turning to gaze at her ceiling. The surface seemed to hold its own secrets, a silent witness to the thoughts and contemplations that occupied her mind. She lay there for a while, her arm draping over her eyes, seeking solace from the world outside.
As time passed, Kiran found herself teetering on the edge of sleep, the weight of her thoughts gradually giving way to exhaustion. The tranquility of her surroundings enveloped her, and her eyelids drooped as the promise of rest beckoned. However, her respite was interrupted by an unexpected sensation – the gentle thud of an object landing on her, causing her to stir.
Logan's entrance into her room had been remarkably stealthy, and his nonchalant action of throwing his hat onto her was met with a mix of surprise and amusement. Her eyes fluttered open, her gaze meeting his as he stood there, an intrigued expression dancing upon his features. His smirk seemed to suggest that he had expected her to be more startled by his unexpected intrusion.
"You always sleep with your boots on, girl?" he quipped, his tone laced with playful curiosity. The corners of her lips twitched into a half-smile as she glanced at her feet, realizing that, indeed, her boots were still firmly in place. The room's ambiance seemed to have shifted in the presence of Logan, who had seamlessly invaded her personal space.
With a sense of ease that had grown between them, he approached her bed and deftly lifted her legs, positioning them comfortably on his lap as he sat. His fingers moved with practiced grace, expertly undoing the laces of her boots. A weary sigh escaped her lips, the sensation of his touch providing a curious blend of familiarity and intimacy.
Her weariness seemed to dissipate somewhat as his fingers worked the laces, quiet gratitude forming within her for his unexpected yet comforting intrusion into her world at that moment.
In response to his earlier inquiry, all she managed was a tired groan, her voice still heavy with the remnants of sleep. The day's events had taken a toll on her, leaving her emotionally and mentally drained.
Her gaze met his once again, the weariness in her eyes mingling with a sense of companionship between them. With her boots finally off, she shifted slightly on the bed, finding a more comfortable position as her eyelids drooped, her awareness waning.
Her gaze, though half-lidded, focused on him as he leaned forward, his fingers delicately lifting the edge of her shirt. The bandages beneath were a testament to the events that had unfolded earlier that morning – a reminder of the bullet she had almost taken in order to protect him. His grimace was not lost on her, a silent acknowledgment of the close call they had narrowly avoided.
"Not too bad, is it?" he inquired, his voice laced with a touch of concern.
Her response was a weary shake of her head, her lips curving into a faint smile despite her fatigue. "No, just a flesh wound," she replied, her voice tinged with a mixture of exhaustion and resilience. At this moment, the pain seemed secondary.
His nod was accompanied by a reassuring touch, his hand settling gently on her thigh. The sensation of his warmth against her skin was oddly comforting.
And then, with a gesture that was both unexpected and yet oddly characteristic, he gave her a playful shove. "Scoot over," he instructed. Her response was a sleepy grumble, a testament to her reluctance to move from her current position.
Rolling over with an exaggerated sigh, she shifted her body to the other side of the bed. The fabric of the pillow welcomed her as she nestled her head against it, her face obscured from view.
From the cusp of sleep, Kiran registered his voice once more, his words woven into the fabric of her semi-conscious state. "That really was silly of you, Kiran," he remarked his tone a blend of bemusement and reproach. The words stirred her from the brink of slumber, prompting her to rouse herself enough to comprehend his presence.
Lifting her head from the pillow, she shifted her gaze toward him, their eyes meeting in the soft illumination of the room. He lay beside her, his posture relaxed as his hands beneath his head. The contours of his face were illuminated by gentle light, casting an intriguing play of shadows across his features. Yet, despite the casualness of his demeanor, there was an unmistakable expression of contemplation on his face, as if he was slowly unraveling the complexities of the situation they found themselves in.
"It had to be done," she found herself saying, her words carrying a quiet conviction that surprised even her. Her response felt like a mere reflection of the truth that resided beneath the surface – a truth that bound them together in ways they were only beginning to grasp.
He tilted his head slightly, his gaze penetrating her own as he raised an eyebrow inquisitively. The intensity of his scrutiny held a magnetic pull, drawing her into a silent exchange of thoughts and emotions.
"Well, don't do it again," he warned her, his words carrying a hint of concern beneath their straightforwardness. It was as if his protective instincts had momentarily taken center stage, a reminder of the depth of his feelings for her.
Drawing closer to him, Kiran extended a gentle gesture of affection, her lips brushing against his cheek in a soft kiss. It was a fleeting touch, a silent reassurance that conveyed more than words ever could. In the quiet simplicity of that act, a balm for any emotions he might be wrestling with at that moment.
The notion of an apology flickered in her thoughts, yet she found herself grappling with the realization that she wasn't truly sorry for her actions. Despite the circumstances that had unfolded, her convictions remained steadfast, unshaken by the consequences. There was a raw honesty in her intentions, a determination to stand by her choices regardless of the challenges they posed. The only semblance of regret she felt was for the physical pain the wound had inflicted upon her, a trivial concern in comparison to the gravity of their situation.
"I bet everyone was bombarding you with questions, huh?" she ventured, her fingers delicately sweeping aside a wayward strand of his hair that had fallen across his forehead. She watched his expression carefully, sensing the layers of emotion he tried to conceal behind a facade of nonchalance.
He let out a brief huff, a mix of amusement and something deeper stirring in his eyes. "Not so much bombardin'," he replied, his voice carrying a trace of his characteristic drawl. "More so wonderin' where I've been. Worried about what had gotten into me – all of that nonsense." His words held a gruffness that belied the motions that must be swirling within him. Kiran recognized the vulnerability he was tentatively revealing, the tumult of feelings that accompanied his return to the fold.
His gaze held a mixture of bemusement and something deeper as he continued to speak. "Elsie was real happy," he admitted, a wistful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "But in a way, it's just, overwhelmin', I guess – all of 'em just being concerned for me at the end of the day." His words carried a weight that hinted at his struggle to reconcile the outpouring of care he had received.
Kiran regarded him with a soft yet playful smile, her fingers tracing an absent pattern on the bedspread as she considered his words. "Well, to be fair – you kind of walked right into that one," she said, her tone light with a hint of teasing.
Logan chuckled softly, his gaze meeting hers. "Yeah, reckon you're right," he conceded.
Kiran shifted closer to him, her body finding a comfortable nook against his as she nestled her head against his chest. "Now, be quiet," she playfully instructed, the gentle rise and fall of his chest offering a soothing rhythm to lean into.
He obliged, resting a warm hand on her back as she settled against him. A faint chuckle rumbled in his chest. "So, now you're the one who's tired?" he teased, a hint of amusement coloring his words. "Maybe I'll wait till you're about to fall asleep and start askin' you about nonsense."
A soft groan escaped her lips, muffled against his chest. "I would prefer if you didn't," she responded, her voice a sleepy murmur. The sensation of his hand against her back was surprisingly comforting, and she could feel herself succumbing to the gentle pull of drowsiness.
As Kiran teetered on the edge of sleep, the tranquility of the moment wrapped around her like a warm embrace. The rhythm of Logan's breathing and the gentle beat of his heart created a soothing lullaby, coaxing her closer to the realm of dreams. Her thoughts drifted hazily, images and sensations blending into a soft tapestry of relaxation.
He shifted slightly beneath her, his fingers lightly tapping her shoulder. "Hey, Kiran," he murmured, his voice a conspiratorial whisper.
"Mmm?" Kiran responded her voice a drowsy murmur as she mumbled her reply.
"What do you think goats dream about?" Logan's question carried a playful curiosity, his words tinged with a hint of amusement.
Kiran's brows furrowed slightly as she was pulled back from the brink of sleep. Her lips curved into a sleepy smile, and she opened her eyes to meet his gaze.
"Goats?" she repeated, the word sounding a bit bemused in her half-asleep state.
Logan nodded, his expression still bearing that mischievous spark. "Yeah, goats. You know, like Rambo and Merle - when they're dozin' off in the sun or restin' in the shade, what do you reckon goes on in their heads?"
She huffed in a good-natured way and playfully pushed at his face with her hand. "Just let me sleep," she muttered, her words tinged with gentle amusement.
Logan chuckled his warm laughter a soft melody in the quiet room. "Alright, alright," he conceded, his fingers reaching up to gently catch her hand and hold it in his.
Grace was in the midst of a spirited discussion with Mayor Trudy as Kiran entered the town hall alongside Logan the following morning. The room was alive with voices, and a map lay spread out on the table around which the group had gathered. The atmosphere was tense, filled with an air of urgency and determination.
Kiran observed as Grace leaned forward, her palms pressed against the table's surface, her gaze fixed on the mayor. It was clear that Grace was in her element, the determined glint in her eyes accentuating her resolve. The room seemed to be divided into those who believed in Grace's approach and those who still held reservations, as evidenced by the exchange of glances and the occasional side comment.
Unsuur stood to the side, his expression pensive, while Heidi was huddled with Justice nearby, occasionally chiming in with a point of view. The mayor appeared slightly bewildered by the discourse.
Grace's voice rang out, commanding attention as she continued to argue her case. "I understand your inclination to contact the Alliance, Trudy," she emphasized the mayor's name, her tone firm but not unfriendly. "But consider this—Duvos is in the dark about our successful counteraction. If we send word now, they'll become wary, potentially jeopardizing our advantage."
Mayor Trudy's face exhibited a mix of comprehension and apprehension. "So, you're suggesting we maintain the element of surprise?" she inquired, seeking clarification.
"Exactly," Grace affirmed, her fingers tapping the map with emphasis. "We've got a temporary window here—a chance to delve deeper into Duvos' operations and uncover the extent of their involvement."
Justice interjected, his tone serious and measured. "If we can establish contact before they realize the extent of their loss, we might be able to gather valuable intel and expose their plans."
Grace's voice carried an air of conviction as she unveiled her plan. "We just need Pen or Miguel to crack and reveal how they're receiving their orders. Once we have that information, we can establish contact with their headquarters. The encrypted telegrams they've been sending from Sandrock to Duvos, under the codename 'Tiger,' will be our key to their operation."
Justice's voice interjected, his skepticism evident. "Getting them to spill the beans won't be a walk in the park."
Grace's arms crossed with determination. "Well, I've been known to be quite persuasive when needed."
Logan chimed in with a touch of humor. "Ain't that the truth."
The mayor's gaze shifted between the faces in the room, the weight of the decision apparent in her expression as she addressed Grace. "I suppose I'll have to put my trust in your judgment."
A triumphant smirk played across Grace's lips as she stood a little taller, her confidence unwavering. "You won't regret it, Trudy. As for security, rest assured, I've already reached out to HQ. A team is on their way to take custody of the criminals. In the meantime, Justice, we'll keep a close watch on them."
Justice's nod was resolute. "I won't let them out of my sight."
Unsuur leaned in, his tone slightly sheepish. "Hey boss, we sorta left them unattended back there."
Justice gave him an amused nudge. "Alright, Captain Obvious, let's rectify that."
As Justice and Unsuur began to make their exit, Justice halted and glanced back at Logan, his tone carrying a mix of seriousness and jest. "Keep in mind what I told you earlier, Logan. No sudden disappearances. We still got to put you through the legal wringer, my friend."
Logan's response was lighthearted as he raised his hands in mock surrender. "You got it, boss. I ain't goin' anywhere."
With a satisfied nod, Justice left the room, Unsuur trailing behind him - Heidi following not long after. The atmosphere lightened with their departure, but the weight of recent events still lingered heavily on Kiran's mind. She felt as if she was in the middle of it, struggling to process the enormity of her involvement in this complex situation.
Grace turned her attention back to Kiran, her tone both businesslike and understanding. "Kiran, once you're ready, we need to go and question those two. It's a crucial step in cracking this case wide open."
Kiran gave a determined nod, trying to push aside the thoughts that threatened to overwhelm her.
Kiran observed as Grace made her exit, her mind still abuzz with thoughts about the unfolding situation. As she turned to head towards the door herself, her footsteps slowed upon hearing Trudy's voice, addressing Logan.
"Actually, Logan," Trudy's voice held a note of seriousness, "I was hoping you could stay for a moment."
Pausing in her steps, Kiran hesitated before turning back around. She exchanged a quick glance with Logan, silently wondering if she should respect their privacy and leave. However, Trudy's nod in her direction seemed to indicate that she was welcome to stay.
Logan's response was amiable as he addressed the mayor. "Sure thing, Trudy. We can catch up."
Trudy appeared hesitant, as if uncertain about how to approach the topic she wanted to discuss. "So, your Pa..." she trailed off, her tone careful.
Logan's expression took on a somber look, and he nodded in acknowledgment. "Yeah, it's been real tough."
"Are you... okay?" Trudy's voice held empathy as she addressed Logan, and Kiran couldn't help but notice the underlying sense of familiarity between the two. It was evident that they might have shared a close relationship at some point. Trudy's words were gentle yet probing. "Sad? Angry?" She seemed to be trying to unravel the tangle of emotions that Logan might be experiencing.
Logan released a heavy sigh, a clear sign of the weight he carried. "Ain't nothin' gonna bring him back," his voice was laced with a sense of resignation, revealing the depth of his grief.
"Is there anything we can do for you? Anything at all?"
"I'll manage, Trudy," Logan reassured her, his tone carrying a hint of gratitude. Then, in a surprising gesture that caught Kiran off guard, he draped an arm around her shoulder. The unexpected physical contact seemed to serve as a way of affirming his response.
Trudy's gaze flickered between Kiran and Logan for a moment, as if silently acknowledging the connection between them, before turning back to address Logan once more. "I'm truly sorry for doubting you, Logan," she spoke with a tone of remorse in her voice.
Logan offered a small, understanding smile. "Don't worry 'bout it," he replied. "The hardest part's over now."
Trudy's voice was tinged with sincerity as she continued, her words carrying a sense of admiration. "I believe your father would be proud of you, Logan. Your actions have shown great courage and determination." Her eyes then drifted to Kiran momentarily before returning to Logan. "And I'm proud of you too, even if your methods have been, well, a bit unconventional."
Logan's lips curved into a lopsided grin. "Well, unconventional is one way to put it," he replied with a touch of amusement.
Kiran observed the interaction, recognizing the mutual respect and history between Logan and Trudy. It was clear that Logan's efforts had not gone unnoticed, even if they had been met with skepticism initially.
With a fluid motion, Logan settled his hat onto his head, offering a nod and a half-smile to Mayor Trudy before he turned and gestured for Kiran to follow him out of the door. The creaking hinges marked their exit from the town hall's confines.
"I'm gonna go visit my Pa," Logan announced once they were outside, the sunlight casting a warm glow over his features. Kiran recognized the significance of those words; he intended to pay a visit to the graveyard. She nodded in response.
"Sure thing," she replied, her voice gentle. "And I've got to go interrogate those dimwits, anyway."
A chuckle rumbled from Logan's throat, his hand finding a place on her shoulder. "Well, you give 'em hell, darlin'," he advised with a smirk, his gaze filled with that familiar mixture of affection and mischievousness. With that, he began to walk away, his steps carrying him in the opposite direction, leaving Kiran to navigate the path that led her to the Civil Corps office.
The interrogation of Pen and Pastor Miguel yielded less fruit than Kiran had hoped for. Pen, ever the master of deflection, managed to steer the conversation away from any implication of guilt on his part. Pastor Miguel, on the other hand, seemed to have a lot more to say. He elaborated on how his alignment with Duvos was rooted in his Church of Light ideology, asserting that his actions were taken with the intention of saving lives. His words were wrapped in a conviction that made Kiran's head spin, leaving her grappling with the tangled web of motivations and allegiances.
Yan, who now found himself under interrogation as well, proved to be equally stubborn. His tenacity was matched only by his refusal to divulge any information that could potentially implicate him further. As Kiran sat amidst the questioning, she felt a wave of confusion sweep over her. The puzzle pieces were scattered across the table, and she struggled to find the thread that connected them all.
In the midst of the uncertainty, Kiran found solace in the trust she had placed in Grace. While Kiran herself was still grappling with the complexities of the situation, she knew that Grace's expertise and experience as a secret agent would guide them through this intricate maze of deceit. As the interrogation continued, Kiran's thoughts swirled, knowing that beneath the surface, there was a larger game being played, one where alliances were shifting and truths were being obscured.
As Grace and Kiran delved deeper into the mountain of evidence, Kiran's sense of confusion only seemed to deepen. While Grace was a master at deciphering the hidden patterns and connections within the data, Kiran often found herself lost in a sea of technical jargon and complex deductions. Grace's ability to pinpoint the telegraph frequency that Pen and Miguel had used to contact Duvos was impressive, even if Kiran struggled to fully grasp the mechanics behind it. The concept of a secret telegraph station and its connection to the town's own telegraph machine left Kiran feeling like she was trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces.
In the midst of her befuddlement, Kiran was given a new task by Grace. She was to speak with Director Qi about building a signal triangulation device. The term itself sounded like a mouthful, and Kiran couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation as she considered the technical complexities that awaited her conversation with Director Qi. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was about to step into a world of even more intricate technology and concepts that were beyond her current understanding.
As Kiran left the room, she couldn't help but marvel at Grace's ability to navigate this intricate web of information and strategy.
When she stepped into the research center, she was greeted by the familiar scent of sand tea that always seemed to linger in the air. Director Qi was engrossed in his work, his attention captured by the intricate details of his research. He only spared her a partial glance as she closed the door behind her, his focus undeniably dedicated to his current task.
"Recovering well after that debacle in town square the other day, I hope?" His voice was laced with a wry tone as he maneuvered his chair to the center of the room, facing her. His sharp eyes met hers, his expression a mixture of curiosity and something else she couldn't quite decipher.
Kiran managed a small, wry smile. "As well as I can, considering the circumstances," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of playful exasperation.
Director Qi gestured to a nearby chair, an unspoken invitation for her to sit. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit? I assume it's not just a social call." His words were accompanied by a quirk of his eyebrow, an indication of his keen intuition.
Kiran took a seat, leaning back slightly as she contemplated how best to approach the topic.
"You're right, it's not just a social call," she began, her tone becoming more serious. "Grace believes we need a signal triangulation device to track down a secret telegraph station. She thinks you might be able to help with that."
The director's eyebrow raised a fraction higher, his interest clearly piqued. "A signal triangulation device, you say? Quite an ambitious endeavor. But why does Grace believe I would be able to assist with such a project?"
Kiran took a moment to gather her thoughts, carefully choosing her words. "Well, from what I understand, it involves technology and precision, two things I know you're well-versed in."
Director Qi pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, his gaze focused intently on Kiran. With a contemplative expression, he stood from his chair, moving around the room with a sense of purpose. Kiran watched his movements, her curiosity piqued by his actions. To her surprise, he returned with a cup of tea in his hands, offering it to her as if he could read her thoughts.
"The technology already exists for that, Kiran," he began, his voice taking on a professorial tone. "In fact, my grandfather developed something quite similar years ago. He used it to locate underwater relics, a feat that was quite remarkable for its time."
As he settled back into his chair, Kiran couldn't help but feel a mixture of intrigue and apprehension. She knew that Director Qi's mind was a treasure trove of knowledge and ingenuity, but she also braced herself for the inevitable technical explanations that were likely to follow. Seeking a brief reprieve, she held up the tea mug he had provided.
"Got any milk, Director?" she inquired, her tone light and casual as she attempted to divert his attention momentarily.
He arched an eyebrow, a hint of amusement flickering in his gaze. "Right," he said. He rose from his chair once more, moving to a small fridge in the corner of the room. "How could I forget?"
As he removed the cap from the milk bottle, Director Qi continued his musings with a sense of focused excitement. "We could simply run a check on all the frequencies being broadcast anywhere nearby—seek out the one in question—and then build a highly directional large antenna that would lead us straight to the source." Kiran's watchful eye caught the milk level dangerously close to overflowing her mug, prompting her to reach out and quickly steady the bottle.
Director Qi, seemingly undeterred by the minor interruption, set the milk bottle down and resumed his explanation with enthusiasm. "However, this method relies on the assumption that the signals are being sent out regularly. Given the clandestine nature of this secret telegraph station, I'm inclined to believe that isn't the case."
Kiran listened intently, her brow furrowing as she attempted to grasp the intricacies of the plan he was outlining. His words were filled with jargon and intricate details, and while she was doing her best to follow along, she couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed.
He brought his hand down onto the table, emphasizing his next point. "Therefore, we will need three highly directional large antennae."
"Three?" Kiran repeated, her voice tinged with both curiosity and confusion. As the realization dawned on her, she chuckled softly. "Oh yeah, triangulation!" The concept suddenly clicked into place, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment for understanding the intricate plan he was proposing.
He nodded, seeming impressed by her deduction. "Right." Leaning forward, Director Qi seemed to be preparing to share some critical information. "Now, pay close attention, Kiran."
Kiran knew that focusing on long explanations wasn't her strong suit, but she was determined to make an effort. She leaned in slightly, bracing herself for the coming details.
He began to explain, his words filled with technicalities that made her head spin. "Triangulating the signal will allow us to determine the source's location within a roughly 0.2-league radius. To accomplish this, we only need a single outgoing signal to identify the station's location. We'll set up three tracers strategically around the potential area where the station might be hidden. These tracers will register the direction from which the signal arrives at each of our locations—"
Somewhere along the line, Kiran's attention had drifted, her gaze involuntarily drawn to the flurry of symbols and numbers flashing across the computer screen behind Director Qi. She realized she had lost track of his explanation and looked back at him, feeling a bit sheepish.
"Kiran," he snapped, his tone indicating a mild impatience. "Are you following?"
Her admission of defeat came with a self-deprecating chuckle. "No," she confessed, giving him an apologetic look. She knew all too well that this was a common occurrence whenever anyone attempted to explain something intricate to her. "Sorry, Director."
He let out a sigh, though it was accompanied by a somewhat empathetic look. "No matter. I'll provide you with diagrams to build the devices. And, I'll assist you in placing them once you're done."
A playful grin tugged at the corner of her lips as she couldn't resist teasing him. "You'll actually leave your den for me? I'm honored."
Director Qi managed a small, almost reluctant smile. "Yes, well - I won’t be able to do my research in the middle of a war, will I?" He straightened his posture. "Now, let's get you those diagrams."
Director Qi proved himself true to his word, accompanying Kiran outside the research center to assist in setting up the triangulation devices once she was done building them. Together, they carefully positioned the antennae in strategic locations, each contributing to the intricate network that would pinpoint the source of the secret telegraph station.
Once the devices were in place and properly calibrated, Grace seized the opportunity to put them to use. With a mix of anticipation and trepidation, Kiran watched as Grace skillfully operated the telegraph machine in the Town Hall, assuming the identity of Pen to communicate with Duvos. The response was both bewildering and concerning.
As the messages flowed through the telegraph, Kiran struggled to process the information. The signal pointed northeast, indicating a direction, but the situation quickly took a turn. A message about switching plans and jamming signals added a layer of confusion to an already tense situation. Kiran's brow furrowed as she tried to piece together the unfolding events.
The conversation buzzed around her like a whirlwind, voices overlapping, and snippets of information jumbled together. "Whale is in route..." Grace's words seemed to hang in the air, her tone grave and contemplative. Kiran couldn't help but wonder what the term "Whale" referred to, and her mind raced to make sense of it until it was speculated to be an airship.
The growing sense of urgency was palpable. "An airship?" Kiran repeated, her voice edged with disbelief. The signal jamming was a crippling blow to their ability to call for help. Justice's frustration was evident in his voice as he highlighted the dire situation they were facing.
Grace's continued analysis of the messages painted a troubling picture. The mention of "extraction" raised alarm bells, a word that hinted at something valuable, something that was causing Duvos to disregard even the most fundamental boundaries. Kiran's mind raced to grasp the full scope of the unfolding crisis, but panic loomed, threatening to overwhelm her thoughts.
Duvos was on the move, their airship casting a shadow of impending danger. Kiran couldn't escape the reality of the situation – the airships that belonged to Duvos weren't just vessels; they were formidable war machines - each potentially carrying an entire army. As Justice voiced these concerns, the gravity of the moment weighed heavily on Kiran's shoulders.
The transition from the intense telegraph conversation to the research center felt like a jolt for Kiran. The room was a refuge of technology and calculations, but her mind was still tangled in the urgency of the situation. Director Qi, Mi-an, and Kiran were gathered around a table strewn with diagrams of defensive mechanisms, but the details blurred as her thoughts struggled to catch up.
As Director Qi explained the workings of a peculiar turret designed to harness the power of wind for defense, Kiran's focus wavered. She found herself lost in a sea of unfamiliar terminology and intricate designs. It was as if the words were swimming before her eyes, refusing to take shape into a coherent understanding.
Lost in her thoughts, Kiran was startled when Director Qi's voice finally managed to penetrate her distracted state. His waving hand snapped her attention back to the present, her eyes refocusing on the room around her. The director's patient gaze met hers, and for a moment, she felt a pang of embarrassment at her lack of attention.
"Kiran," Director Qi's tone was even, his words carrying a mixture of concern and reassurance. "I've already calculated the odds of our survival. However, I won't share the specifics with you. Sometimes knowing the odds can create a false sense of security or anxiety that hampers performance."
Kiran couldn't help but let out a dry chuckle at his attempt to lighten the mood. His straightforward logic had a way of cutting through the noise, even though it didn't ease her worry. His next words, though well-intended, didn't offer the comfort she sought. "But let me put it this way: I have yet to flee town." The statement, laced with a touch of humor, was meant to be grounding, yet it only seemed to amplify the gravity of the situation.
Mayor Trudy surged into action, displaying a newfound determination that took even Kiran by surprise. The typically reserved mayor had shed her timidity, driven by the responsibility to protect the town she held dear. With the town's communication channels compromised by the jammed telegraph machine and the impending threat from Duvos, Trudy swiftly organized a crucial mission.
The task at hand was to establish contact with the Alliance, their potential saviors, in the most efficient way possible given the circumstances. Two riders were needed—one for Atara, the swift and reliable horse, and another for Highwind, the majestic and powerful one. Unsurprisingly, Haru, a skilled rider, stepped up without hesitation. Joining him was Rian, the carpenter who was seizing this moment to shine as a hero.
With the telegraph machine compromised and the railways threatened, horseback was the most viable means of communication with the Alliance. Every second counted, and the riders embarked on their perilous journey with the weight of their mission resting heavily on their shoulders. Kiran watched them go, the fleeting figures in the distance, and the gravity of the situation became even more pronounced.
As the chaos of preparations unfolded around her, Kiran found herself in her workshop yard alongside Mi-an, the two of them working tirelessly. Despite their concentrated efforts, the unease in Kiran's heart couldn't be quelled. The impending confrontation with Duvos was looming, and a sense of vulnerability gripped her. She couldn't shake off the feeling that they were being watched, an invisible gaze that sent shivers down her spine. Every sound seemed amplified, and even the comfort of her familiar surroundings couldn't dispel the sense of impending danger that hung heavily in the air.
"Kiran, you have to snap out of it," Mi-an's voice cut through Kiran's haze of anxiety and fear. The Battle of Sandrock was imminent, a pivotal moment that had engendered a torrent of emotions within her. Her gaze had unconsciously drifted skyward, a manifestation of her racing thoughts, and she took a moment to gather herself and turn to face Mi-an's concerned expression.
The weight of the situation bore down on her, almost suffocating in its intensity. The impending clash with Duvos, the uncertainty of the outcome—it was all becoming too much to bear. The wrench she had been holding slipped from her grasp, clattering onto the ground as if echoing her own sense of helplessness.
"I can't do this," Kiran admitted, her voice wavering. It was a stark contrast to the Kiran who had confronted challenges head-on, who had confronted Pastor Miguel and shielded Logan from a bullet without a second thought. Yet, at this moment, she found herself trembling, her confidence eroded by the overwhelming storm of emotions.
Amidst her internal turmoil, a memory of her father surfaced. The tales he had shared about his time in The Flying Pigs—a group that resisted Duvos's influence—came to the forefront of her mind. He had recounted stories of battling Duvos's robots along the Lucien border, of facing danger with the specter of the empire looming over them. The price he had paid was evident in the wounds he carried, both visible and hidden.
As Mi-an's words attempted to reach her, Kiran grappled with the same question that had often crossed her mind: How had her father managed to navigate such perilous circumstances? How had he found the strength to keep pushing forward despite the overwhelming odds and personal sacrifices?
"I need to take a walk," Kiran murmured softly, the ache for solitude and a moment of respite from the intricate machinery pulling her away.
"Be back soon," Mi-an called after her, concern lacing her voice. But Kiran had already distanced herself, her steps carrying her out of earshot and into the open expanse beyond.
There was something unsettlingly familiar about this scenario as if he had mentally rehearsed it in some corner of his mind. Unsuur observed as Justice sprang into action with fervor, the sheriff's anxiety radiating from him like a beacon. Unsuur's own calm demeanor seemed to contrast sharply with Justice's frantic energy, and he couldn't quite pinpoint why he remained so composed.
"How can you be so level-headed right now?" Justice had asked him, a mixture of frustration and bewilderment in his voice. Unsuur's answer remained elusive even to himself, but he felt compelled to escape the chaos that had engulfed the Civil Corps office. Watching Justice whirl about, attempting to keep things under control, became more than he could bear. Even Yan's occasional taunts from behind bars couldn't lighten the heavy atmosphere.
Stepping outside, he eventually found himself on the railway bridge spanning the canyon. The town was in a state of frantic preparation, and solitude seemed like an impossible luxury. He gazed out at the vast expanse of the canyon, taking in the rugged landscape. But solitude was short-lived as he noticed another figure on the bridge – Kiran, her gaze fixed on the same canyon that surrounded them.
Kiran had been thrust into the maelstrom of events in Sandrock, grappling with challenges that seemed to multiply each day. Unsuur acknowledged the weight she bore, her responsibility amplified by the impending threat. However, he also recognized that Kiran's frustrations weren't directed at him. She was a force of her own, independent and determined, and the approaching military confrontation was undoubtedly stretching her capacity to its limits.
As he approached her, he felt a mix of emotions – a blend of concern for her well-being and an unspoken yearning for resolution. He couldn't help but reflect on their past interactions. Kiran had become entangled with Logan, their paths interwoven in ways he couldn't entirely grasp. The concept of betrayal was foreign to him, his memories unmarked by such experiences. Had he truly been betrayed, or was this a result of miscommunication, his inability to read her thoughts?
Kiran glanced his way, her expression etched with a complex mixture of emotions. Her frustration was visible, but it wasn't aimed at him. The upcoming conflict loomed over them all, and her shoulders sagged under the weight of it. Unsuur's calm presence wasn't meant to diminish the gravity of the situation but rather to offer a counterbalance, a steadying force amidst the storm of emotions. Approaching her, he couldn't help but wonder if the answers he sought would ever be within reach.
As he approached, her cerulean gaze remained fixed on the canyon's rugged expanse, seemingly lost in its vastness. He positioned himself beside her, resting his hands on the bridge's rail and letting his gaze roam over the landscape. The grandeur of the canyon and the swirling emotions of the moment were palpable, yet he found his mind wandering to a more practical consideration – had Kiran developed a fear of heights following her miraculous survival from the fall? It was a thought that flitted through his mind, but he refrained from voicing it. Now wasn't the time to probe such matters.
Then, Kiran did something that caught him off guard. Her hand moved to rest on top of his, which clung tightly to the rail. A subtle gesture. Unsuur felt his heart skip a beat at the unexpected touch, realizing that his stoic presence beside her was perhaps more meaningful than he had anticipated.
The bridge itself seemed to vibrate with tension, mirroring the uncertainty that loomed over Sandrock. He glanced down at their hands, their fingers intertwined on the cold metal railing, and a sense of solace washed over him.
Rather than attempting to offer comforting words – what words could adequately address the looming threat and the tangled emotions that accompanied it? – he simply squeezed her hand gently, an unspoken affirmation that he was there beside her.
As the winds swept through the canyon, carrying with them an undercurrent of tension, Kiran's voice finally broke the silence. Her words emerged as a fragile whisper, carrying the weight of her apprehensions and fears. Unsuur's attentiveness sharpened as he listened.
"I'm scared," she confessed, her admission hanging between them like a delicate thread. The words resonated deeply within him, a reminder of the gravity of their situation and the uncertainty that lay ahead. He understood her trepidation, the gnawing unease that came with the impending conflict, the possibility of loss, and the shadow of the unknown that loomed over them.
Her admission struck a chord within him, evoking a surge of protective instinct. He longed to offer comfort, to ease her fears, but he also recognized that platitudes would fall short in the face of their reality. He wanted to tell her that he shared her fears, that he too grappled with uncertainties and concerns, but he knew that honesty mattered more.
And so, he chose his words carefully, "I know," he replied, his tone imbued with a sense of understanding that transcended mere sympathy. He met her gaze with a steady intensity, conveying through his eyes a silent promise. But what he was promising her, he wasn’t exactly sure.
In the days that followed, Kiran found herself navigating a series of unexpected turns. Completing the project assigned by Director Qi with Mi-an was certainly not something she had anticipated achieving, yet there they were, staring at the intricate setup they had managed to assemble. The weight of their accomplishment bore down on her, mixed with a nagging sense of uncertainty.
Then, news arrived that Kiran would be the one entrusted with operating the weapon should the forces of Duvos dare to reveal themselves. The gravity of that responsibility pressed heavily against her chest, a stark reminder of the imminent danger that threatened her town. Amidst this, Sandrock defied her expectations, uniting with a fervor she hadn't predicted. The sight of the community rallying together brought a mixture of hope and trepidation to her heart.
However, amidst the chaos and intense preparation, an unexpected clash erupted between Kiran and Logan. The fierce blaze of his anger caught her off guard, fueled by an underlying concern for her well-being. She couldn't deny that his suggestion for her to hide out in the desert had struck a chord, even if she deemed it impractical. Frustration and fear mingled within her, and in the heat of the moment, words escaped her lips that she instantly regretted.
As he stormed away, his shoulders tense with emotions unspoken, Kiran's heart sank. She hadn't intended to call him a coward—she knew the bravery that coursed through his veins, the sacrifices he'd made for Sandrock. Love and concern for her safety were the driving forces behind his irrational proposition, yet the tension between them seemed to deepen the divide. The silence that followed his departure was heavy, laden with unspoken apologies and a yearning for reconciliation.
The long-awaited day arrived, ominous and heavy with anticipation—the day when the forces of Duvos would descend upon Sandrock. Despite the relentless efforts of the townspeople to prepare for the impending battle, there was an unexpected twist that sent shockwaves through Kiran's senses, leaving her reeling in disbelief.
As the confrontation with Duvos began to unfold, the realization hit like a thunderclap. Minister Matilda, whose usual demeanor held an air of complacency and aloofness, revealed herself to be an unlikely ally of the enemy. The ground beneath Kiran's feet seemed to shift as the minister stepped forward, her actions defying all expectations. With a chilling resolve, Matilda raised her hand and wielded an unfathomable power, laying waste to the intricate machine that Kiran and Mi-an had painstakingly assembled.
The destruction of their creation felt like a betrayal, a violation of trust that cut deep. Kiran's shock gave way to a mixture of anger, confusion, and a sense of vulnerability. It was as if the very foundation of reality had fractured, and the revelation of Matilda's allegiance was a jarring reminder that appearances could be deceiving.
Yet, amidst the chaos and destruction, Matilda's audacious move was followed by an unexpected apology—a twisted act of contrition that only further fueled Kiran's sense of disbelief. How could someone who had been a part of their community, someone who had interacted with them on a daily basis, align herself with the enemy? The paradox of the situation left Kiran grappling for comprehension. But she knew that Matilda was the spy, the “Tiger” positioned in Sandrock all along.
As the occupying forces established their control, Kiran found herself caught in the midst of a tumultuous storm of emotions and circumstances.
In the aftermath of the occupation, Kiran's capture had initially seemed inevitable, yet a curious turn of events spared her from immediate imprisonment. Yan, the very traitor who had played a part in the upheaval, unexpectedly intervened. He offered Kiran as a substitute for Mi-an, his motives shrouded in the complex machinations of the new regime. This twist of fate cast Kiran into a precarious position, as she navigated the shifting landscape of Sandrock now under Duvos' control.
Left to her own devices, Kiran was granted a certain autonomy but not without vigilant surveillance. She found herself under the watchful eye of an aloof officer, whose overly candid conversations about his personal life seemed both an odd intrusion and a glimpse into the enigma of Duvos' personnel. Amidst the new order, Kiran's thoughts often strayed to the fate of her friends and the town she had grown to love.
Through snippets of conversation among the soldiers, Kiran gained a chilling insight into life under the oppressive rule of Duvos. The barren wastelands that surrounded their territory mirrored the desolation of their ideals, with a relentless focus on advancing their ominous technology. These developments were less about progress and more about destruction—a grim reminder that the path they had chosen was one that aimed to eradicate cities and control their populace.
As Kiran awaited orders from the new authorities that had taken control, her mind was a swirl of confusion and questions. The very term "extraction" that Grace had gleaned from the intercepted telegrams gnawed at her thoughts. What was it referring to? What kind of operation or scheme was Duvos planning that necessitated such a cryptic term? Kiran's mind churned, searching for any clues that might unlock the puzzle before her.
Amidst the uncertainty of her situation and the town's occupation, Logan's absence weighed heavily on Kiran's mind. She wondered about his well-being if he was safe, and if he still harbored anger towards her after their heated argument. Her thoughts oscillated between concern for him and a tinge of guilt for their unresolved disagreement.
Logan's boots kicked up a small trail of sand as he walked through the desert, his steps heavy with a mix of frustration and determination. The desert stretched before him, a vast expanse of golden sand dunes that seemed to go on forever. The sun beat down relentlessly, casting a blinding glare over the landscape, and the heat pressed against him like an invisible weight.
His mind was still full of thoughts, the argument with Kiran replaying in his head like a broken record. He knew he was being stubborn, but admitting that to himself was a different matter altogether. As the desert wind swept by each day, he couldn't shake the image of her standing her ground, her voice unwavering as she defended her decision. He admired her for that, even if it did get under his skin.
He kicked a loose pebble as he walked, the desert silence broken only by the soft rustling of sand and the occasional distant caw of a desert bird. His thoughts drifted to Kiran again, and he couldn't deny the gnawing feeling in his chest. It wasn't just frustration he felt; it was something deeper, a mix of worry, anger at himself for leaving, and an overwhelming sense of longing.
He glanced at the horizon, squinting against the sun's glare. In some ways, the desert seemed to mirror his emotions – vast, unpredictable, and sometimes unforgiving. But as he walked, he found his mind wandering to memories of Kiran – her infectious laughter, the way she always questioned things, even the moments of vulnerability she had shown him.
He knew he loved her, a whole lot more than he was willing to admit. And maybe that's why he was so stubborn, so quick to react. The thought of losing her, of something happening to her in the midst of the chaos, scared him more than he cared to admit. But pride and fear tangled within him, keeping him from fully embracing his feelings.
With a sigh, he continued his trek through the desert, the landscape shifting and changing around him. He wished he could shift his own perspective as easily, to be less stubborn and more open about what he felt.
When it came to matters of the heart, Logan often found himself navigating uncharted waters. His upbringing hadn't exactly provided a template for healthy relationships, what with the absence of a mother figure in his life. That void had never really bothered him – until Kiran. Her story of having a child out there in the world, a child she might never know, resonated with something deep within him. It was a connection he couldn't put into words, a mixture of empathy, and a touch of longing.
But it wasn't just their shared experiences of loss that drew him to her. There was something about her spirit and her unyielding sense of right and wrong that captured his attention from the moment he first encountered her in the desert. He found himself captivated, almost spellbound, by the way her blue hair caught the sunlight and the fierce fire in her eyes as she stood up for what she believed in.
He realized he had been infatuated with her from the very beginning, even if he hadn't fully comprehended it at the time. There was a vulnerability in her that he recognized, a vulnerability that mirrored his own, and it tugged at his heartstrings in a way he couldn't deny.
He kicked a stone as he walked, watching it bounce ahead of him. What was he supposed to do with these feelings? How was he supposed to navigate this new terrain? His instincts told him to be stubborn, to push her away, but there was another voice, a softer one, urging him to take a chance.
The desert stretched out around him, a vast and unforgiving landscape that mirrored the complexity of his own emotions. He wished he had someone to talk to, someone to offer him guidance, but at this moment, all he had was the wind whispering through the dunes and the distant calls of desert creatures.
Of course, Rambo had ambled along behind him, his heavy hooves making a rhythmic thud on the desert floor. The giant goat seemed to have grown tired of the journey, occasionally emitting exasperated huffs that mirrored Logan's own growing frustration.
Rambo's disgruntled snorts snapped him out of his reverie, and Logan cast a sideways glance at the giant goat. It was almost as if the creature could sense his irritability and was expressing its own dissatisfaction with the situation. Logan let out a sigh, wondering if he was projecting his feelings onto the goat or if Rambo truly was as fed up as he was.
And then it happened – out of nowhere, Rambo suddenly charged toward him with a force that took him by surprise. The impact knocked Logan off his feet, the gritty sand embracing him as he landed with an unceremonious thud. He stared up at Rambo in a mixture of confusion and annoyance, not sure what had prompted the usually docile creature to launch such an assault.
"What the hell was that?" Logan muttered, rubbing his sore backside as he sat up. Rambo's large eyes stared back at him, seemingly unperturbed by the chaos he had caused. Logan's frustration grew as he dusted himself off, a small cloud of sand rising.
"Do you have a death wish or somethin’?" he grumbled at Rambo, receiving nothing more than an unblinking gaze in return. He huffed, pushing himself to his feet. "You think I should just turn back, huh?" he mused aloud, more to himself than to the goat. Rambo's presence was a reminder of home, of Sandrock, of Kiran. And perhaps, in his own way, Rambo was urging him to retrace his steps, to make amends.
Logan's gaze flicked between the endless desert expanse and his stubborn companion. He wished, just for a moment, that Rambo could talk, that he could offer some guidance or insight. But as always, Rambo remained silent, leaving Logan to make his own decision.
His calloused fingers brushed against the brim of his hat, the familiar sensation grounding him for a moment. He lifted the hat and placed it atop his head, its weathered leather comforting in its familiarity. His eyes scanned the vast desert landscape, a barren expanse that seemed to stretch on infinitely in every direction. The sun hung high in the sky, casting relentless rays of heat down upon him.
As he shifted his gaze, something caught his eye in the distance to the north. His brows furrowed, and he squinted against the glare of the sun to get a better look. An airship. But this wasn't just any airship – it wasn't an alliance vessel. A sinking feeling settled in his gut, a mixture of dread and frustration washing over him.
"Well, fuck," Logan muttered under his breath, his voice carried away by the dry desert breeze.
Title of this chapter Ripple - which is a Grateful Dead song. If you've enjoyed what you've read so far, I would really appreciate your comments. Take care! Can't believe the last chapter is next.
6 notes · View notes
prompt: secret
whumpee: kurt wallander
fandom: young wallander
hey! it’s been a sec since i did a fic for this month lol, so here is this one. hope you like it! 
It’s so stupid, Kurt thinks, afterwards. Of all the dumbest ways to get hurt…
Kurt has just come back from a quick morning trip to the store. He’s walking up the staircase to get to his apartment (the elevator is broken again) when there’s a loud clang from somewhere outside. It startles him, and his foot misses the step, and he trips. He’s holding a bag of groceries in his right hand, so he sticks out the left to break his fall.
His hand hits the ground hard, and the wrist folds under him, pinned between his body and the ground. There’s a crunching feeling and he swears he can actually hear a snap and then his wrist, all through his hand, is white hot with pain. He screams and his eyes fill with tears and fuck, he really can’t do this now. He has work today!
He allows himself a few seconds of pain before forcing himself to his feet. He picks up the single apple that had fallen out of his grocery bag, replaces it, then gets moving. His wrist hurts like it’s been smashed with a hammer or something similarly horrible, and it feels hot with the pain. He imagines flames licking up his arm and hopes that he’ll have enough time before work to fix this up - he’s got an ice pack and some painkillers and maybe he can even find something to brace his wrist with. Anything to lessen the pain of his almost-certainly-broken wrist without going to the doctor. 
He can’t go to the doctor. If anyone finds out that he’s hurt, he’s sure Rask will bench him and he’ll be left filling out paperwork while everyone else is out in the field. This sounds like a fate worse than death, and certainly worse than a little bit of discomfort. So it’s decided. He’ll just keep this little injury a secret from everyone he knows, and he’ll take care of it himself, as best as he can. 
Back in his apartment, Kurt quickly downs a few painkillers (though he doubts they’ll do much for him - there’s only so much pain that they’re capable of killing). He checks the time and groans. He’d hoped that he might have time to put some ice on his wrist, maybe even wrap it, but no such luck. He must’ve wallowed in his pain in the stairwell for longer than he’d thought. He needs to leave for work now if he wants to be on time. 
By the time he arrives at work, his wrist has started to swell. It’s also sort of floppy and weird-looking, and he adjusts it with his right hand as best as he can, hissing sharply when the movement sends a jolt of pain through his entire lower arm. 
Fortunately, no one had been around to witness this, and Kurt quickly gets to his desk before anyone can notice him. He is definitely not in the mood for conversation right now. 
He sinks down at his desk and eyes the fresh stack of paperwork sitting atop it. He sits there and looks at the papers and tries to get himself to focus, but no such luck. His wrist is throbbing and aching and just plain hurting and it takes all of his effort to make himself sit there and not whimper or cry or scream or do something similarly unbusinesslike. 
“Morning,” comes Reza’s voice, and Kurt looks up from the paperwork. Reza is just sitting down at his desk, opposite Kurt’s, with a steaming cup of coffee and a smile on his face. 
“Morning,” Kurt replies, voice strained. 
“You good?” Reza asks. Kurt nods. 
“You sure? You kind of look...I dunno. Off.”
Kurt tries to make himself not look off, and aims for a smile. It must not come across very well. 
“Are you sick? Did you get hurt?”
He shakes his head. Reza can’t know, because then he’ll want Kurt to go to the doctor, and then he’ll get stuck behind this desk for several weeks, and probably die from a lack of things to do. 
Reza raises his eyebrows at Kurt’s response, but doesn’t push any more. “Alright. Well, listen, Rask said she wants me to get some of these old files from the evidence storage. There’s like, at least 20 boxes. Wanna help?”
Kurt can’t exactly say no to that without sounding like he’s got something to hide (which he has), so he agrees. He stands up, acutely aware of the positioning of his left arm, and follows Reza to evidence storage. 
As soon as they’re in the room, Kurt realizes that he’s in trouble. The shelves are lined with cardboard boxes, none of which look small or light enough to be carried in one hand. Maybe he can balance them on his arms instead…
“First one,” Reza announces, and Kurt hurries to join him. Reza is pulling a box off a shelf that is labeled “Files - 2018.” He holds it out to Kurt, who takes a deep breath and then extends both of his arms. 
Reza looks at him quizzically when Kurt doesn’t reach out to grab the box. “Hello?” he says. “You gonna take it?”
“Put it on my arms,” Kurt instructs, and Reza looks at him like he’s crazy, but sets it down as Kurt had asked. 
He manages to avoid hitting Kurt’s injured wrist, and for a second, Kurt thinks, I can do this, but boxes aren’t really meant for sitting atop human arms. The cardboard slides against the fabric of Kurt’s jacket, and before he can stop it, the box is tumbling to the floor, lid flying off, files going in every direction.
He doesn’t have the energy to be upset. He just looks at the spread of papers for a few seconds, sighing, before slowly crouching to the ground and grabbing a couple in his right hand. 
Reza, who had been in the middle of retrieving another box, sets it down and comes to help. “What happened?” he asks, and Kurt shrugs, carefully setting the papers into the box. 
Reza reaches out and grabs Kurt’s wrist - the right one, thankfully - and Kurt turns to look at him. 
“Seriously, man, you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Kurt says stiffly, pulling his wrist out of Reza’s grasp. He resolutely goes back to his paper-gathering, and Reza silently goes back to his other box, taking it out of the room. 
A few minutes later, Reza returns. Kurt is still in the process of picking up the loose papers, which is taking him much longer than it should due to his only having one usable hand. He’s trying very hard not to keep glancing at his unusable hand, which has begun to bruise around the wrist and all down the back. 
He hears Reza sigh behind him, then speak. “Did something happen to your hand?”
Kurt quickly pulls the sleeve of his jacket down to cover his hand. “No.”
Reza crouches down in front of him, staring at his face until Kurt has no choice but to meet his eyes. “Kurt. What’s wrong.”
“Nothing,” Kurt insists, reaching for another file. 
Reza sighs again. “Fine, then come here,” he instructs. Kurt can tell that he doesn’t have much of a choice, so he obeys, carefully pushing himself to his feet with his right hand. 
“Take this,” Reza says, and he holds out another box of files. Kurt swallows nervously, thinks, this is about to go terribly wrong, then reaches out both of his hands and grabs the box. 
Which promptly drops from his grasp with a cry of pain. Trying to move his hand and close his fingers had been bad enough, but adding on the fact that his wrist is trying to support a weight - the pain is so intense that his vision goes blurry, and he sits down hard, nearly collapsing. Out of instinct, he cradles his left hand to his chest, wanting at once to touch it and keep it secure and to leave it alone so he doesn’t hurt himself even more. 
He doesn’t even realize that Reza is still there until something touches his left hand. He winces and tries to pull away, but there’s nowhere for him to go. Reza’s hand gently pulls Kurt’s own hand away from his body, his fingers light against the tender skin. It hurts a lot anyway, and Kurt kind of hates himself for the hot tears that have started gathering in his eyes for the second time that day. 
“Kurt…” Reza says, and Kurt closes his eyes. He can’t do this, it hurts so much, he doesn’t want to be here, god, it hurts…
“Your wrist is broken,” Reza continues, after a beat. Kurt had been expecting anger, but Reza’s voice is decidedly calm. He can’t decide whether he likes this or hates it. 
“Yeah,” Kurt agrees, because there’s really no point in lying now. 
“You need to see a doctor.”
“I don’t want to,” Kurt says, and he’s aware that he probably sounds like a child, but it’s the truth. 
“You need to, Kurt. I will force you, if I have to.”
He definitely doesn’t want that. He is unfortunately well aware of the fact that Reza is capable of picking him up, and further, that Reza has no qualms about picking him up. He doesn’t exactly feel like being bodily removed from the police station and forced to the doctor, so he acquiesces. 
“Good decision.”
Reza helps him to his feet, being overly careful to avoid his left side completely. He keeps a hand on Kurt’s shoulder as they walk out of evidence storage, leaving behind several files still strewn across the floor. 
“We’re telling Rask first,” Reza says, the hand on Kurt’s shoulder guiding him towards her office. Kurt groans, but it’s too late to back out now. Reza knocks on the door and Rask waves them in. 
In the end, it’s not so bad. Rask gives him a stern talking-to that is half anger, half concern, and the doctor gives him an x-ray and then a cast and then some painkillers which work a good deal better than the ones from home. He also instructs Kurt to take a few days off of work before returning to desk duty (instructions that Kurt - and probably Reza, too - knows full well he’s not going to follow).
When it’s all done, Reza drives him home (Rask had been quite firm that he was to take the remainder of the day off). He insists upon Kurt settling himself onto the couch with an ice pack on his wrist and the painkillers in easy reach. He won’t leave until he’s satisfied that everything is in order, and even then, Kurt has to prod him with reminders that he still has 19 boxes of evidence to remove from storage. 
“And whose fault is that, I wonder,” Reza says, making his way to the door at long last. “I’d be done with those boxes by now if it weren’t for you.”
“I’m not mad. But would it kill you to occasionally tell other people about your problems?”
Kurt considers this. “Maybe,” he decides at last. Reza shakes his head and laughs as he opens the door. 
“See you tomorrow,” he says, and Kurt actually manages to smile at him.
“See you tomorrow.”
thanks for reading this! hope you liked it :)
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amistytown · 3 years
The Brothers Comfort MC During a Panic Attack
This is my first attempt at writing down my headcanons for the brothers, so I apologize if anything is out of character. I meant it to be short and sweet, but it grew out of my control after a while. I’m a perfectionist and wanted to rewrite everything. I made minor edits and am posting it anyway or it’ll sit in my drafts forever; I admit I put the most effort into Lucifer’s, forgive me. Also sorry for the repetitiveness and any typos you may find. I decided to write how the brothers would comfort MC during a panic attack, especially as someone who suffers from anxiety and panic attacks themselves. Honestly, I wrote this as a way to comfort myself since I’ve been dealing with terrible anxiety lately. Of course, everyone experiences anxiety differently, so I can only speak from my own experiences. I didn’t go into detail when it comes to the symptoms themselves because it’s from the point of view of the brothers and only so many are visible to the eye. Trigger warning for depictions of anxiety and panic attacks. Thank you for reading!
Lucifer is troubled. Following lunch, you disappeared, currently absent from class. This is unlike you, his worry intensifying every minute you’re out of his sight. Yet he maintains his composure, resigning himself to scouring the academy grounds. Time passes at a torturous pace, his thoughts beginning to take a turn for the worst. He contemplates whether to involve his brothers and Lord Diavolo himself at this rate, however the sound of his D.D.D diverts his attention. A wave of relief washes over him at the sight of your name lighting up his screen, chased by frustration at you, your silence, and himself for losing track of you so easily; he couldn’t bear living if anything happened to you under his watch. He expects this behavior from his brothers, not you. Though his heart sinks, the Avatar of Pride uncharacteristically overcome with guilt while he reads your message. Of course, you are not his brothers. He should not have doubted you.
Your texts are apprehensive, a weighty pause between them as you hesitate to lay bare the darkest depths of your soul. He approaches you cautiously, to avoid upsetting you further. Your words alone convey the sheer panic taking possession of you, the last of your strength used to press send. Outside he discovers you, huddled miserably in an isolated corner of the building, swathed in shadow. The desire to shelter you from the world burns within him, but your eyes widen fearfully in his presence, wounding his pride. Immediately, you apologize. Sorry you’re missing class, that you left without telling anyone, and upset him—especially when you’re aware of his busy schedule. You’re sorry for not having the courage to pull yourself together, succumbing to your anxiety, your shame palpable. The hand clutching your D.D.D is trembling, your chest heaving as you struggle to breathe. He aches for you, each tear shed hurting more than the last, your pain managing to touch the very core of his being and set him alight.
If anyone is sorry, it’s him, pride be damned. Kneeling in front of you, he assures you an apology isn’t necessary—your wellbeing of great importance to him. He wants you to rely on him, grateful you confided in him despite your doubts. Hopefully, he can eventually put your mind at ease. His voice low, soothing, he continues to console you, making sure you’re aware he’s not upset, and your feelings are valid. Although he’s not familiar with the inner workings of anxiety itself, he’s willing to listen, learning how to support you to the best of his ability—starting today, providing you’re comfortable accepting his offer. Initially, he prioritized your safety for the sake of the exchange program and Lord Diavolo’s wish to unite the three realms, now it’s merely out of adoration for you, his beloved. Once you’re ready, he’ll let you know you’re not alone. He’s never too busy on your behalf. 
Offering you his hand, a smile graces his features as you accept. Slowly, he helps you to your feet, steadying you against him. He notes the way you relax at his touch, shoulders sagging and head coming to rest on his chest. Only you exist in this moment, his gaze not leaving you, not even for a second. Standing in silence until your breathing settles and you regain your balance, he sees you through the height of your attack before escorting you back to the House of Lamentation. He’ll personally excuse you from the remainder of your classes, understanding you need a quiet place to recover. Classical music plays softly in the background of his room, and he’s content to have you in his embrace, drawing you onto his lap after you finish the tea he brewed to calm your nerves. Lucifer pays you special attention, massaging your tired body and kissing you tenderly, his breath fanning across your lips as he reminds you how special you truly are—brave, compassionate, and incredibly loved.
Mammon mourns his loss, wondering how he let them gain the upper hand; admittedly, a foolish mistake on his part. He dreads breaking the news to Lucifer, and the resentment that shows on his brothers’ faces once he confesses does little to ease his mind. Still, he worries about your reaction most of all, knowing his stupidity has put you in a precarious position. In that moment he believes their words—only a greedy scumbag like himself dares to place his human’s happiness on the line. Although certain of his win at the time, he should consider how his actions affect you more often; otherwise, how can he claim he’s the Great Mammon? His confidence is his downfall in the end. Now you’ll suffer along with him. Yet you feign optimism, attempting to soothe everything over despite your innocence. His guilt only grows, a heavy weight on his shoulders. One he deserves.
Three days of waiting on and performing for large crowds at The Fall proves hectic for everyone. He can tell you’re struggling beneath the façade of a composed and hospitable server, going above and beyond to ensure the patrons leave satisfied. Furthermore, you lend him and his brothers a hand, coming to their rescue; it should be him making it as easy on you as possible. His concern for you runs deep, no matter how hard he tries to maintain his usual air of indifference, but you have the nerve to reassure him—it’s meant to be the opposite, dammit. Each night he goes out of his way to check on you, frustrated that you continue to dance around the subject. He can see the exhaustion on your face, hear the slight tremor in your voice, the toll his stupid decision is taking on you, and it stung. You comfort him, even when he’s undeserving, so why won’t you allow him to hold you and kiss the pain away? Not that he’s asked. You should realize by now you can rely on him, right?
Watching you suffer in silence tortures him. He can’t deny it regardless of his best effort to make light of the situation. You barely eat or spend time outside your room, saying you’re tired, which isn’t a lie—working is exhausting, no doubt about it—but he understands you well enough to notice the subtle signs of your anxiety, your smile unable to trick him into believing otherwise. Perhaps you find him as insufferable as his brothers do, or worse, and don’t want to see his face after what he’s done. That doesn’t stop him from showing up at your door, hoping he can offer some form of comfort. However, you keep up appearances, supporting the seven of them during the longest weekend of their lives. You work hard too, his chest swelling with pride as he watches you care for his brothers and customers alike. How can you like an idiot like him? You’re selfless and loving, looking past his flaws to see what lay beneath his sin. His human. His angel. He wants—no needs—you to be okay.
The last day comes and goes in a blur. Finally, he can toss these ridiculous clothes and rabbit ears in the trash and never perform that dance again. Better yet, you’re free of his burden, though the guilt remains. He can’t relax until he’s positive you’re okay, knowing he’s genuinely sorry. Standing outside your room, he tries to muster up the courage to open his heart to you—apologies not his strong suit—when he hears you crying. They’re small, muffled sobs that manage to shake him to his core, blood running cold. Yeah, he should knock, but he can’t control himself, throwing the door open without hesitation and rushing to your side. The sight of your tears is almost too much to bear, and he draws you into his embrace, face heating up at his own moment of vulnerability, but this is about you, not him. He can be strong for you too, telling you everything’s going to be okay, that the Great Mammon is here to help.
After his stupidity, you tell him you were afraid to bother him? He can hardly suppress the shock at your confession, the sadness in your eyes breaking his heart. You wanted to make sure it went smoothly for his sake? You suffer through Hell alone because you chose to put his feelings first? Crazy. Though he thanks you, not completely ashamed to admit he’s touched. However, he tells you that you don’t have to put aside your feelings for his benefit; he prefers to be by your side then know you’re having a rough time on your own. He is your first. Taking the initiative, he asks what he can do to make it up to you, no matter how big or small the request is because he’ll do it in a heartbeat. You opt to stay in his arms, burying your face into his chest, and he wipes away your remaining tears, being as gentle as he possibly can. He can feel how tense your body is, your skin unnaturally warm, and it takes a while until you stop shaking. It’s moments like these he’ll tell you how much you mean to him—that he loves you, okay—and he wants you to come to him for everything. He’ll hold you, taking your hand in his, and kiss you with all the adoration in the world because you’re incredibly important to him. Mammon can attest to that.
Leviathan invites you to his room to play video games, a daily routine the two of you have comfortably fallen into. He loves gaming with you, though on occasion you opt to watch instead, thoroughly enthralled by whatever is on the screen. Miraculously, you enjoy listening to him ramble—whether it’s about the game he’s playing, anime he’s watching, or TSL among other things—genuinely showing interest in his passions; he’s incapable of expressing how truly grateful he is for your company. His heart nearly bursts whenever you compliment him on his gaming prowess, encourage him during a particularly intense battle, or merely tell him how you enjoy hanging out. How in the Devildom did a gross otaku like him get so incredibly lucky? He can hardly believe you love him of all demons. The thought alone sounds crazy lmao. 
Unable to contain his excitement, he awaits your arrival that night, ensuring everything is perfect when he hears a knock on the door. However, his smile fades the moment he lays eyes on you, mind beginning to race as he wonders why you look miserable, your gaze trained on your hands. Before he can speak, you apologize, dissolving into tears while you return the game he let you borrow. You’re stuttering, completely winded, and he can barely hear you confess to accidentally corrupting his data in your panic. In fact, he loses track of the number of times you choke out a sorry. He treasures his games, his collection extensive, but he cherishes you most of all. The loss is a minor annoyance, nothing that lessens the feelings he harbors for you. Although difficult, he overcomes his insecurities to show you it’s okay—you’re loved.
Not only are you sad, but you’re also terrified, a part of him wanting to destroy the game itself if it means you never have to experience the pain that torments you now. Regarding you carefully, afraid to make matters worse, he reassures you that he’s not upset—far from it, honestly—and that he cares about you more than any game. No stranger to your panic attacks, he reaches out to take your hand in his, hoping you find comfort in what he has to offer. And when you finally glance up, hope shining in your tear-filled eyes, he can’t help but wrap you in his arms. A warmth spreads across his face, heart pounding in his ears, but he knows you need him, allowing his body to relax around yours.
Holding you against him, he tells you everything’s all right, stuttering out how he loves you and, most importantly, wants to you to feel better. Your arms circle around his waist, causing his heart to jump into his throat, but he only pulls you closer. You’re his Henry, and what friend is he if you can’t rely on him? Leviathan is understanding, wanting you to come to him for support at your most vulnerable. Now he puts his knowledge to the test, easing you into his room with continuous words of affirmation. You always know how to console him at his lowest, and he hopes he can return the favor. If anyone deserves to feel loved it’s you, who brought joy into his otherwise bleak world, and he’ll sit with you every day and night if you need him to. 
Satan knows he shouldn’t be awake, though he finds it difficult to satiate his curiosity as he peruses the books lining his shelves. He barely registers the sound of his D.D.D, reluctant to put the book aside to see who’s messaging him at this ungodly hour; Asmodeus most likely. His tune changes after he sees your name lighting up his screen, his annoyance replaced with worry. He knows you struggle, especially at night, but he can tell you’re hesitant to reach out. Nevertheless, you gradually begin to confide in him, his patience limitless if you’re concerned, and he feels a sense of relief that you choose to trust him at your most vulnerable instead of suffering on your own. Pouring over every book he can locate on anxiety, he studies it religiously, engraining each page into his memory. Not by giving unsolicited advice—he doesn’t want to make that mistake twice—but by comforting you the best he can, even if it simply means to stay by your side, waiting for the panic to pass.
A second later, he appears at your door, gaze softening as your eyes meet. In the darkness of your room, he can tell how exhausted you are. You apologize for bothering him, particularly this late, but he dismisses you with a shake of his head and a reassuring smile, sitting beside you on the bed. It saddens him that you feel the need to, but he’s familiar enough with anxiety by now that he understands how much of a manipulative monster it truly is; if only he can destroy it with his own two hands, strangling the life out of it so it no longer taints that innocent soul of yours. To watch you struggle fills him with a rage that he forces deep within himself, fully aware anger isn’t the answer no matter how great his desire to protect you is. So, he cups your face in his hands, your skin warm beneath his fingers as he strokes your flushed cheeks and presses your foreheads together. 
Focus on him, he tells you, the steady rhythm of his breathing, and his voice while he whispers words of love and encouragement. He never tires of letting you know how beautiful and strong you are, that he’s always here for you and loves you—all of you. You unravel in his arms, opening your heart up to him, and he listens intently, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips the moment you look uncertain. You’re not a burden he promises, hoping one day you’ll believe it yourself, but he’ll remind you every chance he gets; forever if he must. It’s worth it in the end, when you relax against him and smile, kissing him in return. Slowly, the anxiety leaves your body, Satan thankful that the waves of panic have receded enough to let you rest your weary mind. He remains next to you, pulling you down to lay your head on his chest and closing your hand in his, entwining your fingers. He’s content here with you, watching you fall asleep and chasing away the nightmares.
Asmodeus loves shopping, but he loves shopping with you most of all. The day is bright with you by his side, and he can’t help but buy you clothes and matching accessories to bring out your inherent charm. Your potential is endless, and he gushes over how gorgeous you are, unable to contain his excitement when your cheeks turn a beautiful shade of pink in return. He can hardly control himself around you, gaze fixated on your every movement and heart racing each time you flash him one of the sweetest smiles he’s ever seen; your very soul seeming to shine through and blind him. Nothing prepares him for the love he feels for you, but he considers it a welcome surprise, his desire to grow closer to you intensifying day after day. You captivate him, the Avatar of Lust of all demons. What an exciting turn of events!
Of course, he attracts attention wherever he goes, posing for pictures with adoring fans and basking in the compliments constantly thrown his way; nothing new, but he enjoys it, nonetheless. Who can resist the allure of his very presence? However, anger wells within him at the sight of you being shoved to the side, falling to the ground and lost to the crowd that has gathered. Their words of flattery fall on deaf ears as he rushes to you, throwing a heated glance at the lowly demon who dares to touch his darling human. He desires nothing more than to punish them for such an injustice, but the fear in your eyes tells him otherwise. By the time he scoops you up into his arms you’re trembling from head to toe, and he can feel your heart pounding against him. A part of him places the blame on himself, an unfamiliar feeling, but he chooses to ignore it for now, focusing on getting you home in your worsening state.
In the peace and quiet of his room, he sits you on the bed, wrapping you in his arms as he affectionately runs his fingers through your hair. He can tell you’re upset—in an absolute state of panic by the looks of it—and all he can do is hold you through it, quietly asking what you need and willing to answer your every beck and call if it means that adorable smile graces your features once more. For a moment he considers seeking out Lucifer, worried something has gone terribly wrong, but thankfully you find your voice, mumbling into his chest about anxiety and panic attacks, that you’ll be fine—eventually—and are sorry for ruining your date. He doesn’t understand completely, though he knows you need him, promising to stay by your side for as long as you want. Kissing your cheek, he assures you there’s no need to apologize to him, your safety more important than anything else; the demon who laid his hands on you won’t go without punishment either.
Admitting a bath helps calm you down, he prepares one for you, steam rising from the surface and the heady scent of roses filling the air. Together you slip into the water, enveloped by its warmth, and he hums in contentment as you lean into him, his arms coming to rest around your waist. He watches you carefully, making sure you’re able to relax and preparing himself in case you call on him; he’ll do anything for you if it brings you the happiness you deserve. Your eyes flutter close, Asmodeus showering you with delicate kisses, comforted by the fact your breathing has levelled out and you appear a lot calmer than before. The day didn’t go as planned, and he hopes to make it up to you, vowing that no one else will hurt you on his watch. He loves himself. He loves his brothers. But loves you most of all.
Beelzebub notices you haven’t touched your dinner and is beyond happy the moment you offer your plate to him. Yet he can’t bring himself to enjoy the food in front of him while you excuse yourself from the table, eyes downcast and voice quiet, the usual smile gone from your face and leaving behind an emptiness that rivals his own hunger. His mouth waters at the thought of seconds, but his concern for you grows, and he decides to follow you without question, disregarding the ravenous growl of his stomach. He catches you in the hallway, calling out your name. You turn to him, his brow furrowing in unease at the sight of your tears and the slight tremble of your lip. It hurts him to see you in obvious distress, and he earnestly offers his support.
The only sound is that of your sobbing. He desperately wishes to hold you tightly and rid you of your pain. However, he falters, studying you. Your gaze is trained on the floor, shoulders stiff with tension, and the color drains from your cheeks. When you speak, he’s surprised by how helpless you sound and the fact you’re trying to reassure him, putting his needs above your own although you’re struggling to hold yourself together. Fear flickers across your features at the echo of the brothers’ voices travelling up the stairs, and he mumbles out an apology as he carefully lifts you into his arms, cradling you to his chest. 
Before the others can round the corner, he hurries down the hall and slips into your room, determined to protect his vulnerable human. He notices you relax against him, your fingers curling into his shirt, and he can’t help but want to keep you close, relieved after you lean in closer to wrap your arms around his neck. Stroking your hair, he allows you to cry, his patience and love for you endless. Eventually, you mutter an embarrassed sorry, thanking him profusely, but he’s merely relieved you’re beginning to feel a bit better, reassuring you that you can always depend on him. 
Listening to you intently, he never breaks eye contact. You open up to him about your anxiety, his stomach twisting as you describe what you call a panic attack and how it wrecks you both mentally and physically. Beelzebub knows he has a lot to learn, but he expresses interest in understanding anxiety and, most importantly, how he can help you, so you don’t suffer alone. For the rest of the night, he keeps you company and eases you through the remainder of your attack, giving you plenty of hugs and rubbing your back in soothing circles until you no longer shake, and your heartbeat returns to its usual pace.
Belphegor enjoys the time you spend together, especially when the two of you are alone. He asks you to accompany him in the attic, and it’s not long before he curls around you, falling into a peaceful sleep as he listens to the steady beat of your heart. However, when he awakes it’s to the sound of your soft cries in the dark, which fill him with a fear he can’t seem to shake. Without hesitation he’s at your side, sitting up to softly place a hand on your shoulder and ask you what’s wrong. The sadness in your eyes as you glance up at him, tears staining your cheeks, tugs at his heartstrings. He can’t bear to see you upset.
Once he realizes you’re having a panic attack, he’s attentive to your needs, cradling you in his arms as you cry into his chest. You confided in him about your struggles with anxiety after you fell to pieces in front of him months ago. A part of him understands, the loss of Lilith haunting him throughout the years and instilling a similar feeling of unease within him, especially when his nightmares seem to blur the line between reality and the painful memories of his past. You always came to his rescue and now it’s his turn to comfort you in your time of need. Sleep can wait.
With you in his embrace, he brings you down to relax against the pillows, pulling the blanket around your shivering form. You rest your head on his shoulder, and he gently brushes the remaining tears from your face, whispering words of love and reassurance. He listens to you when you’re comfortable to talk, the slight tremble of your voice causing him to draw you closer and press a kiss to your forehead. Belphegor tells you he’s here for you—forever—and although he’s still learning about anxiety and finding the best ways to comfort you during an attack, he wants you to depend on him no matter what. Even if that means you wake him up in the middle of the night. He won’t rest until he knows you’re okay, and you’re peacefully sleeping in his arms.
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venusiangguk · 3 years
gold rush pt. 3 | jjk (m)
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>>pairing: jungkook x reader
>>genre: pwp, v little plot, smut, kinda fluffy, college au (kinda), established relationship
>>word count: 9.9k um?
>>warnings: pegging!!!, butt stuff!!!, sexy anal!!!, sub jk, soft dom oc, crying why do i always make everyone cry, fingering (m), strap on, dildos, vibrators, sex toys, sex shop adventures, explicit sex, like so explicit this bitch is basically 10k, mutual masturbation, coming untouched, kisses, aftercare in the form of snacks, titty squeezing, dirty talk, excessive use of pet names, yoongi exists
>>notes: i wasn’t gonna write this bc ur girl does not know the first thing about pegging, but jk sucking the strap came to me in a dream and i had to do it. it was highly requested so i hope u like it! i wrote and poorly edited this whole thing today so im sorry for any mistakes !! 
>>summary: jk wants the strap, and jk gets what he wants !!
pt.1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3
The sun is shining, and there’s just the perfect amount of breeze to cool Jeongguk as sweat runs down his temple. The soccer pitch just got cut, making the ball much easier to control, and therefore much easier to aim at Jimin’s ass. It’s cool-down time, so the team is in groups of three, idly kicking the ball between each other, for the last few minutes of practice. All in all, a great day to talk about getting pegged with his best friends.
Jeongguk glances around the field, making sure the other groups are far enough away from him and his friends before clearing his throat. “So… do you guys like… get pegged?”
When Taehyung passes the ball to Jimin, Jimin completely misses it due to the fact that he is looking at Jeongguk like he is the most pitiful human on the planet. Jeongguk adjusts his shin guard to avoid the scrutiny.
“Gguk… honey… are you dumb?”
Taehyung’s jogging back after retrieving the ball that ran astray. “No, Mini. He’s straight.” He kicks the ball to Jeongguk. “If by ‘pegged’ you mean fucked in the ass by a real dick, then yeah. We do.”
Jeongguk receives the ball with a ‘rainbow’ and juggles it from his thigh to his laces, balancing the ball for a second before kicking it to Jimin. He nods, contemplative. “Nice.”
“Okay ace.” He passes to Taehyung, before throwing Jeongguk a teasing look. “You thinking about taking it up the ass, Gukkie?”
“Perhaps I’m contemplating.” He sniffs nose in the air.
Taehyung laughs. “Got your button milked once and now you wanna take a phallic shaped object? Proud of you.” He places his hand over his heart, like the mere thought of Jeongguk getting railed makes his heart warm.
A whistle blows, and Jeongguk kicks the ball up to his arm, tucking it into the curve of his trim waist. “Why does everyone call it a button? And it hasn’t only been once.” He sounds exasperated and so so tired.
His friends jog to bump shoulders with him as they make their way to the locker rooms. “Hey, jokes aside, I think it’s cool you’re like comfortable enough, or whatever, with __ to explore the things you like.” Taehyung says.
Jeongguk rolls his eyes. “Okay Dad.”
“No seriously!” Jimin insists, holding the locker room door open for them. Fuck the rest of the team. “She seems good for you. Babys you like you need.” Jimin laughs.
Jeongguk’s shirt gets caught on his head as he squawks. “I don’t just like being babied, fuck you.”
“Okay so she also entertains your sadistic side. She’s the full package.”
Jeongguk looks down with a blush. He shrugs his shoulders lightly before bending over to get out of his gear. “She’s pretty cool I guess.”
Taehyung knees him while he’s still bent over making him stumble a bit. “Awe, Jeonggukkie is in love.”
“Shut up.” Jeongguk smacks him in the face with his smelly sock.
“When you gonna do it?” Jimin asks, buttoning his new pants. 
Apparently they aren’t showering today. Jeongguk will just have to stop at his dorm before heading to yours to help you study. That reminds him that you have a test on Friday, but are free this weekend. He just so happens to be free as well. The team they were supposed to play had to forfeit because their coach got caught sleeping with one of the cheerleaders. Sucks, but good for Jeongguk and his little asshole.
“Maybe this weekend.” With their backpacks on, they start the trek back to the dorms. It’s nearing night now, the sun just starting to set in the sky. Jeongguk pulls out his phone to tell you he’s stopping by his place before heading to you. You reply quickly.
wanna have sex instead of helping me study 
yeah but im not gonna 
just think about how good the sex will be when u get an a 
When Jeongguk pockets his phone, Taehyung speaks up.
“You think she’ll be down?”
Jeongguk doesn’t hesitate. “Yeah, probably.”
Ever since the first time you made him cum untouched, butt stuff has been a moderately regular occurrence for you both as a long-term, healthy, pro-ass eating couple. Honestly it was mostly him getting his butt played with, but he supposed it made sense. Like Jimin explained to his once naïve self, it was just biological- or something. Whatever. He wonders if three fingers will be enough to fit a fake dick in his ass. He asks his friends.
“Eh…” Jimin starts, looking up like he’s thinking. “Maybe, but you might wanna try to get to four, maybe five if you're using hers, since she’s tiny.”
Jeongguk’s mouth falls open and he pales. Taehyung notices and laughs.
“Don’t get scared. It’s just better to over-prep than under-prep. And like obviously you work up to it, she’s not just gonna shove her fist or her cock up your ass.”
Her cock. A little tingle settles in Jeongguk’s lower belly at the statement. He’s been thinking about this for a while, looking at porn in his free time. Seeing the way the guys moan on their girls’ strap always gets him hard. Seeing how hard their cocks get when the toy hits them just right. He throbs when he sees the guys cum just from the strap, no hands. Maybe he should fuck you when he gets to your dorm instead of helping you study. His cock is feeling a little plump.
“Alright well… Bye, thanks for being gay and answering my anal questions!”
As he’s pressing the button to his elevator, they lived on opposite sides of the athlete dorm and there were different elevators for each of the wings, Jimin chirps, “Don’t forget to empty your asshole really well, and don’t eat the day of! Also buy extra lube and put a spare blanket down!”
Jeongguk winces. Valuable information indeed, information he mentally pockets, but did he need to yell it in the dorm common room?
“Noted!” He yells back at the elevator dings and opens up. Jeongguk pretends like he doesn’t meet the curious, kind of confused gaze of one of his teammates. He must have walked in while Jimin was yelling and only caught the end of the conversation while waiting for the same elevator. Jeongguk gets in and immediately closes the doors. He can catch the next lift.
Jeongguk’s got his head in your lap and you’re running your fingers through his long, silky hair. He showered today, so waves of his aromatherapy lavender shampoo are wafting up to you. Sweet boy. He seems sidetracked, occasionally sighing and subtly twisting, but is still more or less purring on your thigh, feet tucked up onto the cushion of the couch. Netflix is on the small tv that was left by the last person who lived there, you’re mac book connected via HDMI. You’re not really paying attention. Mind kind of tired from all the studying you had done this week. Jeongguk fidgets a tiny bit again, wiggling like he’s trying to get comfortable. He huffs a sigh.
“Hey,” You say softly, getting his attention.
His body curves at the waist, causing his t-shirt to bunch up and show off the dip of his hip bone. He looks up at you with wide eyes. He seems surprisingly awake. Must have some busy little bees buzzing around his mind. He makes a little questioning noise.
“You okay? You’re kinda fussy.” You murmur.
He groans. “I-  am just thinking.”
“About?” You drag the word out in a singsong-y manner.
The way Jeongguk’s face flushes is so pretty, you have to stop yourself from cooing. 
He moves himself from your lap and sits facing you. He looks like he's thinking about what to say, or how to say what he’s thinking so hard about. 
Eloquently he states, “I’m horny.”
You glance at his cock. Not quite hard, but a little happy and excited. You chuckle, leaning towards him, giving him a playfully sexy look. “Okay, let’s fuck baby.”
Jeongguk blushes even more, cheeks tinted red, while he leans away from you.
You pout. “What?”
Again he pauses, a small pout on his lips. He seems to be in a soft, needy, difficult mood. You’re probably going to have to pry what he wants to say out of his mouth.
With another uncalled for exasperated huff, Jeongguk rolls his eyes and moves closer to you before catching you by surprise and swinging a leg over your lap. He’s facing you while he straddles your thighs. His arms are looped around your neck, he’s playing with a little bit of your hair, twirling the long length around his fingers. You smile up at him, gently. Your palms squeeze at his narrow hips encouragingly.
“I want to try something new…” He says. He sounds nervous and looks at you the same.
“Mhmm.” You say, fighting a smile. 
“Really bad. Like I want it really bad.” His hips roll, probably unconsciously from the way he closes his eyes to ground himself. 
You peek at his lap, and his cock is bulging, the fabric of his sweatpants doing nothing to help hide it. You bring your hand to it, and massage him through his pants.
He whines and pushes against your palm before a hand comes down and grabs your wrist, stopping the movement. “Quit it, I’m trying to talk.” He’s so petulant and whiny.
You move your hand away and place it back on his hip, giggling a little. “Well spit it out, then.”
He scowls. You reach up and smooth the wrinkle in his brow before trailing it down and cupping his cheek. He softens immediately, melts like butter in your hands. His eyes close and he lets out a soft sigh, body relaxing a little.
He’s whispering, kinda giggling out of embarrassment, when he says, “I want you to fuck me.” He pauses, peeking at you through his lashes. “Like for real.”
Almost instantly a little spark ignites in your belly, and you feel your pussy get that telltale heartbeat. You didn’t want to push Jeongguk into anything, but you’ve been thinking about taking the ‘next step’ with your… ass-plorations for some time. But you figured he would get to the same point on his own, and would come to you when he was ready. Turns out you know him as well as you thought you did.
“Yeah?” You rub your free hand up his side. 
He nods quickly, eagerly. You pinch his cheek lightly, and he retaliates by trying to bite at it. To avoid the attack it finds his way back to his waist.
“When did you want to? Tonight?”
He wiggles impossibly closer to you. Kisses you quick before nodding again. “Yeah. I um. I already like prepped… mostly. I prepped what I could by myself.” He pauses with a cute thinking face. “You will probably have to help me a little. But yeah. I got ready for you just in case.” He nods.
You hum, glancing at the old clock on the wall, another gift from the prior tenant. 11:52 pm. 
“If we hurry, we can make it to a sex shop? They don’t usually close until 2 or 3 in the morning.” You suggest.
Jeongguk bites his lip, smiling excitedly. “Really? Can we?”
You roll your eyes playfully. “Yeah, duh.” You lean up and give him a speedy, but thorough kiss, smiling into it. “Been wanting to peg you for so long.” 
His face scrunches endearingly. “Don’t call it that.”
He hops off your lap, and goes to grab the keys, wasting no time. He stands by the door expectantly. His cock is, extremely obviously, sticking out. Someone didn’t wear his briefs today.
“Can you like… kill that?” You’re laughing as you tug on some sweats of your own, having only been lounging in your panties and one of his shirts. Your usual at home attire.
He looks down, and has a smug grin on his face when he looks at you again. “It’ll go down in the car. Hurry up!”
A dildo looks so much bigger when one is looking at it knowing that it will be inside of them within the next few hours. And there are so many options and colors. Some vibrate, some have fake pubic hair on them. Some have balls that are squishy and feel eerily… accurate.
Jeongguk isn’t having second thoughts, no. But he is having thoughts. Very overwhelming thoughts. 
You’re next to your boyfriend, glancing between him and the varying selection of fake cocks displayed in front of you both, trying to gauge his reaction. He looks a little pale, but tentatively excited. Curious at the very least.
“Which one do you want?” You ask.
“No idea.” He responds, eyes wide.
Like most store clerks, one shows up, almost like they have a built in ‘customer needs help and has no idea which dildo to get to peg her super hot boyfriend’ radar. 
“You guys need help?” He is a small man, with a monotone voice. He looks like he would rather be anywhere else at 12:30am on a Saturday night. 
“NO!” Jeongguk says quickly and loudly. Very loudly.
Both you and the store clerk flinch, looking at him shocked.
Jeongguk shifts on his feet. “No.” He says in a more socially acceptable tone. “No- I’m sorry. But we’re uh-” He grabs your arm and pulls you closer. “We’re good, thanks.”
The clerk looks between you and Jeongguk and the dildos. “Um… Alright.” He starts to walk away before he turns back around. “Well if you change your mind, I’m Yoongi and I’ll be at the counter. If your toy is electric I’ll test it in the back before you leave… We uh- provide batteries with your purchase if needed…” With one last glance, a very judgmental one in Jeongguk’s opinion, Yoongi takes his place at said counter. His eyes flicker to you guys every once in a while.
“Baby,” You grab Jeongguk’s face between your palms and make him look at you. You squeeze and his lips poke out making him look like a guppy. He blinks. “I know you’re nervous, but it’s going to be okay.”
He rolls his eyes, guppy face and all. “Well obviously. I just- We don’t need help.” He wiggles out of your grip, much like a… guppy.
You grin, trying not to laugh, and just be the supportive girlfriend you are. “Okay, did you decide which one you want?”
A side glance. “Not yet…”
You walk up and go to grab a pink sparkly one.
“Uh, not that one.”
You quirk an eyebrow and move your hand to a larger one.
You play a little game of dildo hot or cold until you have a better idea of what Jeongguk wants. His preference seems to be skin tone, close to his own, with a more realistic feel. Normal balls though, not squishy. Also no faux hair. You thank him for that. If you actually had a penis it would surely be waxed. Bless Jeongguk for doing the same. As for size, he leaned more towards a very normal, moderate size. Maybe 5 or 6 inches at most, not too thick. Smaller than himself. One last option.
“Do you want it to vibrate?” You ask, holding one in your hand testing the numerous different settings.
He shakes his head, answering quick. “No.”
He pauses.
“Wait.” He thinks. “Maybe. Should we? You could use it too?” 
Sweet, kind, considerate angel. Always thinking about you and your pleasure. Couples who share the strap last the longest.
You shrug, pointing out, “I could use one that doesn’t vibrate too.”
He looks offended and sounds snotty. “Uh, you don’t need to.”
“Whatever. Why don’t we get both?”
You had a point. He pretends to ponder it, before nodding, already persuaded. “Okay.” 
“We need the harness now.”
You begin the harness hunt, walking through the store, coming across many a things, but for some reason you both keep missing them. They’re nowhere to be found. 
“Maybe they’re sold out?” He tries.
“Doubt it. Let’s go ask.” You grab him by his pinky and try to drag him to the counter. He resists. 
“Let’s not.”
“Koo.” You say giving him a look.
He whines, throwing his head back. Borderline throwing a fit. You hold your ground, smiling.
He’s easy to give in. Being a brat just on principle. “Fine but you’re talking.”
You stand on your tiptoes and kiss his cheek. “Of course, baby.” With his pinky in hand, you make your way to the counter.
The store clerk, Yoongi, if you remember correctly, is sitting behind the counter hunched over smiling at his phone. He doesn’t seem to notice you’re there.
You clear your throat gently, “Excuse me?”
Yoongi jumps, almost throwing his phone. “Fuck!” He exclaims. His fists come up ready to fight before he sees it’s you and Jeongguk. He then places his hand over his heart. “Shit, you scared me.” He chuckles, recovering quickly. “How can I help you?”
You stare at him for a moment longer before speaking up. “Um yeah, I was just wondering where your harnesses are?”
He leans on the counter, head in his hand looking kinda bored. “Hanresses? What kind? Hanging harness? Body harness?”
You glance at Jeongguk and he looks like he’s going to die.
“The um- strap on harnesses?” Your voice goes to a whisper when you say it, despite it just being you guys in the store.
Yoongi sits up, and looks at you, and then looks at Jeongguk. A look of understanding comes over his face along with an amused smile. He nods to himself, while getting up to help you. “Nice. Follow me.”
Jeongguk gapes at the ‘nice’ and looks at you in disbelief. You pat his butt telling him to get going. 
With some help from Yoongi you pick out a harness that looks supportive and comfortable, the ring that holds the dildo, compatible with both the ones that you plan on getting. It’s a simple adjustable black one. Yoongi recommended wearing something under it if the straps dig into you and irritate. He seems bored, but he’s actually very good at his job, and very knowledgeable.  
Finally you’re at the counter. You place all the items in Yoongi’s reach and he’s just about to tell you the total when Jeongguk perks up.
“Wait!” He says before scurrying off.
It’s quiet for a split second. Before the clerk speaks up.
“He’s cute.”
You smile, “Thanks, he’s mine.”
Yoongi laughs, small little fish teeth and gums on display. Must be a Pisces. You know Pisces teeth. “Does he have any cute friends?”
You nod. “Yeah, but they are dating.”
He shrugs. “Don’t care.”
“Uh… I can give you their Instagrams?”
He pulls out his phone, and follows them right there after a quick glance at their pages. Confidence is nice.
There’s a short lull in the conversation. And Jeongguk seems to be taking his sweet time getting something you guys must have forgotten. Or the poor things lost. It’s a big store. You speak up this time.
“Do you have like a manager I could leave a review for? You were really helpful, and seemed like you really knew what you were talking about.”
He shakes his head. “Nah, I own the place. You think I would be here on a Saturday night if it wasn’t obligatory? Thanks, though.”
“Oh.” You say. That was pretty impressive. The store was quite successful based on the reviews. You would make sure to let Jimin and Taehyung know Yoongi was a business man.
“Okay, I’m back.” Jeongguk announces. “Sorry I forgot where it was.”
He places 2 (two) large bottles of lube on the counter. You cough out a laugh.
“Baby, we have lube at home.”
“But do we have enough?”
“I think maybe one more would be more than enough.”
He ignores you, looking Yoongi in the eyes for the first time tonight. “Add both please.”
Yoongi nods, looking a little scared of Jeongguk’s seriousness, and does as he’s ordered.
After Jeongguk pays, and you both are making your way to the exit, Yoongi calls out, “Good luck, tell your friends to follow me back!”
“Uh- Okay?” Jeongguk yells back. When you’re in the parking lot, he asks, “What the heck was that about?”
You shake your head, laughing to yourself. “Don’t worry about it.”
As soon as you get back to your dorm, the atmosphere is thick, full of tension and nervous anticipation. Jeongguk’s fidgety, eager to get started. You’re not far off, but contain yourself a little more. Need to keep control of the situation in case Jeongguk gets deep into his mood.
You guys are in the bathroom now, each one washing a toy before you use it. You make sure to unwrap the harness and the lube as well, both at Jeongguk’s insistent request, ensuring you don’t have to stop and deal with it later. 
“Let’s just get undressed in here, it’s where my hamper is.” You say already tugging your shirt over your head, tits bouncing freely. Jeongguk went without briefs today, and you went without a bra.
Jeongguk quietly follows suit, and you don’t miss the way his hands are trembling a little in anticipation. When you’re both naked he kisses you quickly, and jiggles your boobs a little just because they are there and because he can, before saying, “Okay, lets go.” He’s out the bathroom before you can even respond. You laugh to yourself and gather the stuff he forgot in his excitement.
When you walk out with your hands full, you see Jeongguk spreading out a blanket over your comforter.
“Whatcha doin?” You ask curiously, placing the items on the nightstand.
“Gets messy. Wanna save your bedding.” He states.
You squawk, grabbing the blanket he set up on your bed. “Not my baby blanket you monster.”
He laughs, abs tensing. You notice he’s already hanging a little heavy between his thighs. “Sorry. Was the first one I saw.” He walks over to the couch and replaces the blanket that’s hanging over the back with your baby blanket and resets up. “Better?” he asks, extended his arm towards your bed to show off his work.
You nod, and take the few steps needed to close the space between you both. Your hand runs down his belly, and you feel his muscles jump, and you see little goosebumps sprout all over. His hands come up to cup your tits. You kiss softly where his heart is. You look up at him.
“I love you.” You smile.
He blushes. “Love you.” He whispers, before he leans down and slots your lips together.
It’s eager from the start. Your bodies press together, as your hands roam. When he takes a breath and surges back in, your teeth click together is his haste, before his tongue slips into your mouth. He groans into you, his hand going down to cup your ass, squeezing and pulling you impossibly closer. 
You feel his cock against your belly, almost fully hard already. You reach down to wrap a hand around him, wanting to help him get there before you get started. He hisses, thrusting forward instinctively before pulling away. He looks like he hates that he does.
“No- I,” He’s already short of breath, chest rising and falling a little bit faster than normal. “I wanna watch you cum. With the toy.” He reaches around you, grabbing the vibrating dildo. “Please?” He asks. His eyes are fervent.
You take the toy in your hand, and kiss him again softly. “Yeah, baby. Whatever you. It’s all about you tonight.”
He shakes his head. “Always about you too.” 
Your heart beats, happy in your chest. You thought about it earlier in the night, but Jeongguk really was the best lover. He always, always made sure you were taken care of, before, during, and after sex. He was so vocal and communicative, genuinely wanting you to know it was always about both of you, even if one was receiving more attention. He was caring like that in and out of the bedroom. You were so lucky to be his.
“You’re too good to me,” You laugh, climbing onto the bed. You settle back against your pillows, propping some behind you so you can see him, and watch him while you get off. He takes his place in front of you, looking at you expectantly.
He’s impatient, placing his hands on your knees, spreading you open so he can see your cunt. You let him get you into position before saying, “Keep your hands to yourself now, okay?”
He nods, eyes never leaving your pussy. He licks his lips. “Okay.” It’s said in a distracted kind of far away tone.
You hum as you bring the toy to your mouth, getting it wet. You wouldn’t need any lube, you would be dripping in no time. You don’t waste any time putting your free hand down between your legs and spreading your pussy lips, so your clit and the pretty pink center of your cunt are displayed for Jeongguk. You glance at him through your lashes, when you hear a small gasp fall from his lips. He’s already got a hand around himself. Just the tips of his fingers stroking his length, at a leisurely pace. 
“She’s so pretty… You’re so pretty.” His eye flick to your face before zeroing in on your center again.
“Tell me how to do it baby. Tell me what you want to see.” You say, voice salacious and soft. You circle your finger slowly around your nub, dipping inside just a bit to spread your slick around.
When he swallows, it’s audible, his Adam's apple jumping. “I want you to turn it on low, and put it on your clit. I want you to feel good.”
You smile, and drag the tip of it down your body to just above your clit, turning it on the lowest setting before making contact with your sensitive nub. Your legs jolt, almost closing when you feel the vibrations. Even the lowest setting was strong. Your head falls back, and your legs spread more for him once you get used to the strength of the toy. “Fuck…” You breathe.
“Does it feel good?” He asks, greedy for your pleasure.
You nod, eyes still closed, focusing. You move the vibrator in small circles over your clit. You can hear Jeongguk’s breaths speed up.
“Turn it up.” His voice gives away that he’s speeded up his hand on his cock too.
You do as he says, looking at him as you do. He’s sin personified. He’s on his knees, sitting back on his feet, so his thighs are flexed and bulging. His abs tense when his palm twists under the crown of his cock. His eyes almost look black, pupils blown so wide, lust taking over his face. He’s got his plump bottom lip drawn between his teeth. He looks up from your pussy and catches you staring. He smiles shyly.
You keep your eyes on him as you bring the toy back down to your core. A short high pitched moan falls from your lips, as your brows knit together, before your eyes roll back. He groans, your expression enough to make his cock start to leak.
“Feels so good, Jeongguk.” You moan. The vibrator is right where it feels best, pulsing against your clit, causing pleasure to bleed into your veins. 
“Yeah, baby?” He asks, he’s breathless, sounds like he’s in love. With you, your cunt. “Tell me.”
“‘S just right Koo, could make me cum just like this…” 
He curses, and you open your eyes just in time to see him grip the base of his cock, keeping himself in check. “Not yet, baby. Little longer, please.” Still so polite and good for you, even when he’s the one telling you what to do.
He has you keep the vibe there, for a while longer, right in the spot that’s gonna make you lose it. He watches as a tiny clear drop leaks from you pink little pussy. It looks like it’s heavy and about to drip down to the blanket under you. He doesn’t notice your legs shaking until you’re gasping, “Koo, I’m almost- I’m gonna-”
“No!” He says quickly, his hand reaches out to pull the vibrator from your cunt just before you get your high. Your pussy aches and throbs, wanting to cum so bad. 
Your chest is heaving when you ask, “Are… are you edging me?”
He shakes his head, even though your eyes are closed, trying to catch your breath. “No, no! I just. I got distracted.” He looks at that small drop of slick again. Fuck, he wants to lick it up and drink you down. “You’re leaking.” He states.
You laugh, breathing getting back to normal. “Yeah?” You reach your hand down to collect the distracting little droplet and bring it in front of you. You press the sticky finger to your thumb and then pull them apart to see the clear strings stay connected even as you pull. You hum, before offering your hand to Jeongguk. He sucks in a breath.
“Want some?” 
He’s quick as he crawls between you legs, cock fully hard now. He watches you as he sucks your fingers into his mouth, tongue swirling around getting every last bit, before he sucks off with a pop!
He crawls farther up your body to kiss you deep, wanting you to get a taste of yourself too. He pulls back just a bit, and whispers against your lips, “I want you to fuck yourself with it, okay? Just for a little bit, then you can cum?” He’s phrasing it as a question, knowing he really doesn't have the final say, not tonight. But his voice is shaking from how turned on he is, how could you ever say no?
“Sit back.” Is all you respond. He does as he’s told.
You buzz the toy over your clit again, just because you can. Wanting to see how long Jeongguk can be good before begging. Turns out it’s not long at all. 
“Put it in…” He moans. You look at him and his mouth is parted, and his eyes heavy as he watches you. His hand is moving fast over his cock, sticking straight up to his tummy. “Please.”
You drag the toy down to your slit, and tease it there before just barely pushing it in just a fraction of the length. Jeongguk whines, high and desperate. Apparently you’re moving to slow for him.
“More,” He begs. 
You sigh, “You’re so needy tonight, baby.” He nods, agreeable.
When the toy sinks inside of you all the way to the hilt, you and Jeongguk both moan a quiet, “Fuck.” simultaneously. You’re coherent enough to laugh a little at the jinx, but he seems to barely notice, too focused on watching the toy sink into you, and then come back out to vibrate your clit again. You keep up this teasing pattern, again waiting to be told what to do by him, waiting to see how long he makes it this time.
“Harder, do it harder,” He’s panting. Moaning every word that leaves his lips.
You do as he says, and finally push the toy in at a pace that gets you climbing to being close again. You won’t be able to come like this though, and he knows that. Knows that you can only cum from penetration with him. He leans over and grabs the other toy from the end table, spitting on it and spreading it around until it's covered well.
“Use them both, want you to cum for me.”
With two toys in your hands, one in your cunt, filling you up, and one on your clit, making your legs shake, you do your best to make yourself cum. But it’s not enough. A soft whine falls from your lips, you’re so close, but you need more. More than you can give yourself.
“Faster baby, faster. You’re so close.” He whispers. He got both hands working now too, one stroking and one down tugging on his balls. 
You whimper, “I can’t my arm hurts. It’s tired.”
Immediately he stops pleasing himself and gets right to pleasing you. Your pleasure taking priority. “Shh, don’t worry, I’ll help you baby.”
Jeongguk sits between your legs, and takes over the toy fucking into you, and turns up the one on your clit. With him pushing the toy in at a pace that you couldn’t do yourself, and the other toy vibing your clit incessantly, it takes barely any time at all for you to cum. You were so close already, just needed him to push you over. 
Your legs are shaking and your toes are curling, when you cry out, “Baby, I’m gonna cum.”
“Do it, baby. Wanna watch.” He’s quiet, paying close attention to your body and the reactions he’s helping pull from it. He’s part of the reason why your face looks so pornographic as you finish. He’s part of the reason why your back is arching off of the bed. He’s part of the reason why your toes are curling, and why your legs are shaking, and why your pussy is contracting over the toy he’s still thrusting inside of you, working you through every last second of your orgasm. He reads your body cues, and slows down and pulls it out when you start to come down. You look blissed out, and you bring a hand to your hair and fluff it a little before laughing.
“That was good.” You sigh smiling, and when you look at him an image forms in your head, and you have every intention of making him carry it out.
Right before your eyes, Jeongguk wraps his lips around the toy that is going to be inside of him in just a short while, sucking off your slick. He laps his tongue around it trying to get it all. He’s obscene. 
“Gimme,” You say sitting up with an extended hand. 
He pouts at being interrupted, but does as he’s told. He takes your spot on the bed, and you head to the bathroom, stopping by your dresser on the way.
When you get to the bathroom, you close the door and get to cleaning the toys once again. After, you get to the stuff you grabbed from the wardrobe. A lacy pair of black panties, and sheer black thigh highs with matching lace adorning the tops. You slip into them, and then move on to the strap on. You hold it in front of you and try to make sense of which part goes where, and which holes your legs go into. It takes a second, but you get into it, adjusting it so it's nice and snug. Your outfit probably won’t help much with protecting your thighs, but at least the little part above your pussy will be safe. You look at yourself in the mirror. Not too weird or scary yet. You glance at the dildo on the counter.
It’s not too big so hopefully it’s not too… jarring when you see yourself with it. You get to work, slipping the suction base of the non-vibrating toy into the ring that’s meant to hold it in place. You look at it sticking out from your crotch and take a deep breath before turning to the mirror.
You gasp, before cackling quietly. You knew it was going to be weird. Like you knew. But actually seeing yourself with the whole get up is funny. Right now at least. You know it’s going to be sexy, once you get used to it and into the moment and inside of Jeongguk. You wonder how he’s going to react. Only one way to find out.
While you're walking to your bedroom from the bathroom, the dildo bobs, and you're giggling distractedly until you lift your eyes to let your boyfriend know you're ready. Again you’re met with a scene so indecent it belongs in a porno.
Jeongguk’s eyes are closed and soft moans are falling from his lips as he strokes his cock. He’s got three fingers in his ass, opening himself up for you, for your cock. Such a good good boy. He was so patient and productive while you got ready for him.
“You’re so good baby,” You murmur softly.
Jeongguk blinks his eyes open slowly, and rolls his head to the side to look at you. He doesn’t even falter in his movements at all, hand still moving, fingers still thrusting. He smiles a little when he sees you, but his eyes are hazy and he sounds lust drunk when he simply says, “You look sexy.”
You blush and a fond smile graces your lips, any embarrassment or self consciousness you were feeling prior to seeing him spread out for you on your bed, quickly vanishing.
You settle on the bed between his legs and watch for a moment as his hole takes his long fingers in. “Want me to help?” You ask quietly.
“Mhmm,” He nods, eyes closed still, tongue peeking out from between his lips. He doesn’t take his fingers out, though.
You grab the lube next to him, and flip it open. “You gonna get out so I can get in?” 
He shakes his head. “Nuh uh. Put one in with mine.”
Something about that makes your body tingle. Inside of him with him. Opening him up. You can’t explain it, because you don’t really even get it yourself, but it makes you buzz and feel almost high.
You slick up your middle finger, and drizzle some more on his for good measure. He jumps slightly, and then giggles softly.
“Cold.” He says.
“Sorry,” You say distractedly. Your finger is lined up with his now.
“I’ve never done 4 before so you… have to go slow…” He pauses as he speaks, letting himself moan freely when his fingers graze over that secret spot that he’s grown to love so much.
“Tell me to stop if you need to.”
He doesn’t reply, just stops his fingers so you can wiggle yours in next to his. At the first push against his hole, there’s resistance. Very much expected. He’s quiet, teeth gritted, but he never says stop, knowing his body wants it, and knowing it will accommodate what he wants. After the second knuckle, your finger sinks in, almost gets sucked in, by his hole.
He lets out a shaky breath.
“You okay, baby?” You check in.
“Yeah just… full.” He moans when you wiggle your finger experimentally. “”S good. Move it some more.”
You do, and his start to move with yours. You can feel his fingers curl inside of himself to reach his prostate, and it’s pleasant in an out of body way, knowing when his face is going to contort in pleasure, and when he’s going to cry out, when you never really knew before. You’ve milked him before, of course, but feeling him do it to himself from the inside? It’s kind of thrilling.
“Pull, stretch me out.” He moans, voice impatient and needy.
He gets kinda slutty when something’s up his ass.
He swears when you do, his finger rubbing insistent circles on his prostate to distract himself from the minor sting of the stretch. His moans, start to raise in pitch and his hand that’s on his cock, still jerking it, starts to speed up. You can tell he’s close. He clenches against your finger that’s still stretching him open.
“Fuck,” He says, on a breathless giggle, “Take them out. Or I’m gonna cum.” He’s still stroking his cock, like he doesn’t wanna stop.
“You c-” 
“No. Out.” He demands, hand finally pulling away from his cock, and his fingers inside stop. You gently ease out of him.
When Jeongguk’s fingers slip out, you gasp. His little pink hole is clenching on nothing, still open just the tiniest bit, thoroughly stretched.
“You know how you always say my pussy is pretty?” You ask, fingers tracing around the puffy stretched rim.
He makes an affirmative noise, watching you with hooded, lazy eyes as you touch him. He even spreads farther so you can touch and see better. You marvel at the difference between the embarrassed boy you made cum untouched a couple months ago, and the one in front of you now, so comfortable and relaxed. It makes you happy.
“Well, your butthole is pretty.”
He snorts, and kicks you lightly. He smiles at you, soft and sluggish. “Just fuck me.” 
He sounds so wistful and just ready.
But you’re not.
You grip the base of your cock, and stand up. You walk to the head of the bed, next to his confused face. You stay there waiting for him to get it. He doesn’t.
“You want me inside of you right baby?” You ask, voice gentle.
He nods, eyes no longer hazy, but wide and confused. He looks between you and your cock.
“I think that means you have to get me ready. Get me nice and wet, right?”
You can physically see when Jeongguk gets it. When it clicks for him. His eyes darken, and he licks his lips. “Yeah… You’re right. I should… help you.” He whispers, sitting up. You back up enough for him to have a place on the floor.
Jeongguk on his knees for you isn’t a new sight. He’s eaten your pussy like this before, you either grinding onto his face, or him holding you still and making quick work of your clit. But Jeongguk on his knees for you to suck your cock? New, and lewd. 
He looks nervous, kind of hesitant. A hand is raised midway, like he isn't sure if he should grab it. 
“Lick it, baby.” You encourage.
He glances at you, doe eyes seeking approval as he leans forward and gives a kitten lick to the tip. You nod, letting him know he’s doing well. His hand comes up and replaces yours at the base and he opens his mouth enough to wrap his lips around the head, and he swirls his tongue.
He pops off, and strokes up to where his mouth was and spreads the little bit of spit. The silicone is still dry though, so he spits on it more, straight from his mouth. You suck in a breath.
“Fuck, you’re so hot baby.” You whisper a breathy moan as his hands move up and down your cock. He adds his mouth again.
He hums a little, before backing up and looking at you again. “Does that feel good?” He asks.
You laugh lightly, in pure awe of him. He’s so sexy, and so sweet, and so incredibly lust inducing. Your pussy aches behind your cock. “Feels so good, baby. You’re doing so good.”
He hums, still stroking you off. “I really want it inside me…” He says, hinting that he’s ready.
You have mercy on him, having fulfilled your newfound personal fantasy enough for the night. Maybe you could revisit it another time. But now it was time to fulfill a mutual fantasy.
“On the bed, hands and knees.” You tell him.
Excitedly he hops back onto the bed, and gets into position, his hole on display for you. His back is arched and you can see the plush swell where his lower back meets the top of his cheeks. You settle behind him, and his shoulder to waist to hip ratio, is sinful. He’s always had the daintiest waist, strong, but still so small. But at this angle, it’s cinched and the way his legs are spread makes his hips look wider, accentuating the dip at his middle. You rub your hands over the narrow curve, all the way to his cheeks, grabbing handfuls of the muscle. There’s a slight give when you squeeze your hands.
Jeongguk’s head drops, and he lets out a shuddering sigh, he’s got the chills again, and he’s got a constant thrum coursing through his body. “Please…” He moans, so quietly, so desperately.
You kiss the small of his back before grabbing the lube left abandoned on the bed. You lather 2 of your fingers, and push them into Jeongguk’s hole making sure he’s nice and slick. There’s no resistance at all, hole loose and ready enough for them to slip right in. Then you lather your cock, probably with too much lube, honestly, but you wanted to be so sure that he didn’t feel any more pain than absolutely necessary. You knew the first initial push in would be the worst, but you were hopeful you both had stretched him out enough to at least minimize or diminish it altogether. 
You grab the base of your cock and line it up with his hole. It flutters, when you barely press against his rim.
“Ready?” You ask, giving a heads up.
“Yeah.” He says softly.
He’s tight. His hole sinks in with the tip of your cock before the rim gives and swallows around it. Jeongguk tenses and his hands grip the blanket under you. 
“Shit…” He groans. He sounds like he’s clenching his teeth.
You rub soothingly at his lower back, fingers dipping when you run them over the dimples at the bottom of his spine. “You’re doing so good baby.” You tell him.
“Doesn’t really hurt, I’m just stretching.” He says through his teeth. “I can take it though, keep going.”
You grab the lube and drizzle more directly onto his hole. He doesn’t mention the cold this time, too focused on taking your cock. You push against him, and feel yourself sink deeper into him. It’s like after the tip was in, his body knew what to do to take the rest. The slide wasn’t a swift, fast stroke, but it was a smooth and slow glide. When you bottom out Jeongguk’s arms give out from under him, his face going to the bed. 
“Holy fuck.” He keens, resting his head on his arms. Your hands are constantly on him, soothing him in any way that you can.
“Tell me when.” You whisper patiently. He nods. With his head turned to the side and pillowed on his arms, you can see his eyes are squeezed shut. The inhales and exhales you can see in the expanding of his ribcage, tell you that he’s taking deep breaths working through the stretch, getting himself used to it.
“Okay… Ready.” He murmurs.
You pull out just a bit before pushing back in. Jeongguk moans softly. Spreads his legs even wider, arches his back even deeper. He’s pushing his ass out for you, his body begging you to make it feel good.
You keep a slow pace, kind of nervous to speed up. 
“You can go faster, feels nice.” He says. He’s been puffing out little gasps of air every time you bottom out with your slow pace.
With his consent, you grab at his hips and pull out to just the tip, before swiftly pushing back in, fast and hard. His cheeks bounce on the impact. You grab one and jiggle it a little, thrusting into him again, drinking down the whines that slip out.
“You’ve got such a bubble butt, I never noticed before. But it like… bounces.” You say, wonder in your tone. 
“Thanks, can you like tell me about it later?” He asks, voice strained.
Point taken. 
Your thrust game is kind of shitty, in reality. It’s hard to find a rhythm, your hips not used to moving this way. But Jeongguk is moaning freely underneath you, just happy to have something inside of him after thinking about it all week. So you keep going, and eventually, the pattern comes to you, still kind of messy, but now you’ve got him cursing beneath you. You’ve got one hand on his ass, the other braced on his arched spine.
A particularly good thrust has Jeongguk burying his face into the bed, teeth biting at the bedding. “Yeah fuck-” He groans with his mouth full of blanket. With his hands now free, he brings them behind him and settles them on his cheeks and spreads.
You watch clearly as your cock sinks into Jeongguk’s ass. You’re out of breath, but you make sure to tell him how good he looks, how pretty his hole looks swallowing your cock, like it was made to take it.
“Wanna ride you.” He says. His voice is pitifully wrecked and he sounds so thoroughly fucked, you feel a little proud. Still, you’re grateful for a break. You don’t know how he fucks you like he does. ‘Topping’ is tiring. You pull out of him, and realize that when you were in awe of his hole at taking your fingers, it was premature. Jeongguk’s hole after he takes your cock is vulgar. It’s properly gaped now. Not huge, but around a fingers width.
He rolls over, and settles on his back like he just needs a moment. His chest is heaving, similar to yours. You hop off the bed, and a needy keen comes from him. You glance back at him, and he looks like he’s going to get up and follow you, but you hush him gently.
“I’m just getting some water, baby. I’ll be right back.” 
He huffs flopping back onto his back. “Hurry please.” He whines.
You get back as soon as possible with a glass of water for you both to share. He sits up onto one elbow and makes a grabby hand for the cup after you’ve had your share. You swat his hand away and hold the cup to his lips. He hums, gulping the water down. He’s happy to be coddled and taken care of. When he finishes with a cute little gasp, you place the cup to the side, and brush your hand through his sweaty hair. 
He butts his head against your palm and laughs. His eyes shut, and crinkled at the corners. His water break seems to have perked him up. His cock hasn’t deflated one bit. Rock hard and red, throbbing against his tummy. It’s messy and wet too.
You’re about to ask if he touched himself while you were inside of him, but before you can, you’re getting manhandled until he’s on top of you. He’s got your hands pinned above your head, and he smiles at you playfully, before leaning down to kiss you, deep and slow. He sucks on your lip, and slowly grinds his cock onto your belly, soft whines spilling from his tongue. He brushes his nose against yours as he sighs into your mouth, finally allowing himself the pleasure of paying attention to his cock. 
He doesn’t allow himself relief for long, however. He’s sitting up and looking from side to side for the lube before finally spotting it. His movements are quick and hectic, like he’s too excited and overly eager.
You rub your hands over his strong thighs. “Hey, slow down. You don’t have to rush. We have all night.”
He sighs at your touch, and nods softly. He whispers. “Yeah… okay. I love you.”
The little affection makes you swoon, absolutely smitten. “I love you.” You squeeze at his legs, tenderly.
He hums. “Gonna ride you now.” He opens the lube and continues with eager actions, almost like you didn’t even slow him down just a moment ago. You smile fondly to yourself. Jeongguk’s too busy slicking up your cock again to notice the mushy look.
He’s got a hand reaching behind him and he’s gripping your cock to line it up with his hole. He wiggles to get into the right position before slowly starting to sink down. His eyebrows are pinched, and his mouth falls open. But his eyes roll back when he bottoms out. His hands are braced on your stomach.
“Oh, I love it like this.” He whimpers. His legs tense at your sides, almost like he’s trying to close his legs at the pleasure he feels from your cock being tucked inside of him, hitting all the right places. He starts to grind on your cock, soft pleasured little mewls just tumbling off his tongue.
He looks so good, whining, grinding on you with his weeping cock displayed. But you wanna see him lose it on your cock. See him fall apart at how good it feels, not watch him bask in it.
“Bounce on it.” You say, voice sounding almost as fucked out as his. You know your panties are soaked through at this point, pussy pulsing and neglected, tucked away behind the strap.
Jeongguk nods. “Yeah, wanna.” 
He’s lifting himself off your cock to the tip before sliding down on it again, hard and fast. It punches a sharp gasp from his lungs. He finds a pace he likes and keeps it up, his thighs tensing, and his abs flexing as he tests his stamina, chasing that euphoric feeling he wants so so badly. He’s so strong and fit, bouncing up and down on your cock as loud unabashed moans fill the room. 
The force of him riding you makes your tits jiggle, bouncing around until they catch his attention. He groans before his hands find them, squeezing hard, using them as leverage as he pulls and drags his hips over yours. Your cock must be rubbing over his prostate because he’s losing his mind. All kinds of noises leave his mouth, and the expressions he makes are filthy.
“Fuck baby. You make me feel so good. The best- I-” He eyes squeeze shut and his mouth opens in a silent moan, overwhelmed, before a guttural groan sounds from deep within his chest. “God. Wanna cum on your cock, baby. Fuck me-”
You laugh, wonderstruck, and kind of deliriously high on the satisfaction and fulfillment you get from seeing Jeongguk feel so just…. Good. “Yeah baby? You’re gonna cum for me? All over my cock?”
He whimpers and nods as he gets back to bouncing, a desperation to his movements that wasn’t there before. His cock is slapping against both of your stomachs with nasty wet noises due to his precum getting everywhere. You feel some fly and hit your neck, his cock just dripping, weeping and begging to cum. 
It won’t be long though, before he cums. You feel the way his thighs tense, and he gets that confused look on his face, and he’s got that puzzled pitch to his moans. It’s the way he always gets when he cums untouched, always in awe that he can do it himself, without a hand around his cock. His whole body is flushed and hot to the touch, sweat making him glow in the soft light of your bedroom lamp.
He throws his head back, neck extended, and veins bulging, before looking down at his bouncing cock. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” He’s so whiny and noisy when he moans.
“Yeah?” You ask again, “Do it baby, show me how. You can do it, cum for me.” 
He’s nodding frantically, “Yeah- I’m gonna... Fuck, yes- Yeah, I’m-” He bounces a few more times, silent aside from the obscene squelching noises of your skin meeting, before his body tenses one last time before that string in him snaps. “Cumming-” He chokes it out. His moans don’t stop the whole time his cock shoots out his load, landing on your tummy. The moans even turn into cries, actual tears filling his eyes and falling down his cheeks. His body jerks and twitches with his orgasm. But still, he’s grinding on you, your cock still rubbing that spot inside of him, it’s like he never wants the feeling to end, even if it’s devastating, bordering on too much to handle.
You smooth your hands all over his sweaty body, before firmly placing them on his hips, stopping him. “Hey. You’re good, you did so good baby, you don’t have to keep going.”
Jeongguk’s cries are quiet, and he takes a few deep stuttering breaths to try and calm himself down, nodding with your soothing words. He rubs the back of his hand at his eyes, trying to dry them. It doesn’t help much, he’s calmed himself some but a few silent tears still make their way out, along with some soft hiccupping breaths.
“Lay down, and wait for me, hmm?” You whisper gently. He nods and lifts himself slowly, wincing at the sore ache in his hole. It’s more prevalent now that the pleasure has subsided. He all but collapses onto your pillow. 
“I’m gonna get some more water, and a towel okay?”
He grunts in response.
Before you go, you strip out of the gear, just tossing it on the ground, eager to get back to Jeongguk after getting the things you need.
When you get back, he is in the same exact position, and you laugh lightly. 
“Baby?” You ask, making sure he didn’t fall asleep.
Another grunt.
Good, he would hate you in the morning if you left him to sleep being so messy.
“Sit up, I have water and snacks and cleaning supplies.”
His head pops up. “Snacks?” His hair is sticking up on one side.
You laugh, endeared. He’s not crying anymore either, a good sign that he will be okay in just a little while after some kisses and love.
“Yeah, I got some of those seaweed chips you like, and some water.”
He sits up, leaning back on the pillows knowing the drill for after butt stuff. You hand him the water and the chips. He eats first.
“You hungry?” You ask, fitting yourself between his legs with the warm washcloth. He opens easily, munching away. You both are far past after sex shyness.
He talks with his mouth full. “Yeah. Jimin said not to eat the day off.”
You hum curiously, but don’t question it. Jimin partakes in butt stuff much more than you both. 
You’ve got all the lube cleaned off his thighs and cheeks, now all that’s left is his hole. You do it as gently as you can, knowing he’s sore just from how red and swollen and puffy it is.  But he still winces.
“How bad is it?” He mumbles.
You hesitate. “Um… You’re gonna be a little sore.” You tell him simply.
He groans, before downing his water. When he’s done, he says, “Practice is going to suck.”
You nod in agreement. It was. You wrap the used cloth in the blanket you used to protect your sheets, once again just tossing the bundle to the floor.
“Worth it though,” He smiles, pleased.
You chuckle as you find your place by him. He’s set his refreshments aside and lets you curl against him. His body sags with exhaustion when he feels your warmth press into him. You plant kisses on every inch of skin you can reach. He purrs.
“Why’d you keep going?” You ask, between smooches.
“I don’t know… it just felt so good. I guess I didn’t want it to stop.” He’s quiet, and his words are said on a sigh.
You nod, your kisses making your way to his lips. You just kiss him, slow and easy, for a few minutes until he yawns into it. He giggles.
“I’m so tired man.”
“I bet man.” You tease.
He kisses you one more time before asking, “Will you tickle my back until I fall asleep?” It’s hopeful and so sugary sweet.
“Yeah roll over.”
It’s barely a few minutes before you're met with his soft snores. You kiss his shoulder blade, before following right behind him.
you ask for pegging and you shall receive :] i hope you liked it and that it met ur pegging standards askdkhjd as always, comments and feedback and asks and notes are loved and appreciated. thank you for reading friends ily :* 
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Surprising them with hugs
Featuring:- Gojou Satoru, Nanami Kento, Itadori Yuji & Megumi Fushiguro
A/n:- My first time writing Itadori and Fushiguro . I hope you enjoy <3
Genre:- Fluff and some use of pet names!
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Gojou Satoru:-
He was simply scrolling on his phone when he heard the door creak open.
He looked up and saw a very exhausted you with the most unhappy expression on your face.
Gojou was kinda used to this because your work sucked and your coworkers weren’t cool either.
What made it worst was you had to look at their work and if they made any mistakes you had to edit the whole damn paperwork oof 😣.
As soon as you saw Gojou on the couch with the most gentle smile , you couldn’t contain it any longer.
You quickly made your way towards him and hugged him tightly like he is the only thing keeping you sane.
Gojou wasn’t used to your hugs or in general any form of physical contact.
He would have teased you about it but looking at your condition , he refrained from doing so.
Because you were just so beautiful 🥺.
“Angel face , are you okay?”
“Wasn’t but now I am”
Gojou held you tightly against his chest and he started to lull you to sleep.
You closed your eyes and fell asleep on his lap and your cheek squished against his chest.
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Nanami Kento:-
This guy I swear makes my heart go crazy .. anyways
Nanami was on his desk working on some documents which he had to submit.
He was quite tired, one of the bad habit he had was he never looked after his sleep cycle.
That changed when you came into his life, you made sure that he would rest well, eat well and take care of himself.
You would always get pouty when he told you that he had skipped his lunch or that he did not sleep.
So you guys came to a conclusion that , naps together is a must and checking on each other is important.
You were bored and after watching some series on repeat and looked at the time , it was past midnight and nanami was still working.
You huffed and stood right beside him , reminding him that he needs to sleep!
“More 5 minutes , love”
“You said that an hour ago, you need to rest babe . Come on let’s go.”
“Almost done.”
That continued for half an hour more.
You were pissed so you decided to do something.
You made your way towards him and plopped yourself on his lap .. sighing contentedly. Hugging his waist tightly .
He was flabbergasted because you never did this and it was kinda cute.
You looked so adorable under the desk light and with the pout prominent on your face.
Nanami got up from his desk chair holding you in his arms and placed you on the bed with him hugging you tightly, thanking you for looking after him.
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Itadori Yuji:-
I wanna protect him with all I have got I swear he is such a adorable bean 🤧🥺.
Itadori and you had gone out for shopping.
You guys were in a mall buying some clothes and were looking for a certain pair of shoes you liked.
You got everything except for the shoes you wanted .
So you guys decided to make a stop near the market which was just outside the mall.
What you guys did not know was , that it was so crowded in the market that someone would obviously go missing.
You tightly grabbed itadori’s hand not letting go.
He smiled at you , grabbing your shoulder and holding you tightly.
Suddenly the crowd started to move like crazy and your grip on itadori’s had loosened and you were lost in the crowd.
You looked nearby and saw that Itadori wasn’t around anymore.
“Yuji?” you were afraid because you never liked crowds and it was quite scary as you were ended in a very secluded area were no one was there.
“Y/n?” Itadori screams as he searches for you.
He then spots you in a corner , you were shivering.
He quickly made his way towards you and pats your head saying “ everything is okay, I am here , I am here baby”
You wipe your tears and hug him tightly, that caught him off guard and he smiled gently and kisses your forehead.
You were warm just like the hot chocolate during cold winter days.
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Megumi Fushiguro:-
Pretty boy , I love you so much 🥺.
Fushiguro was out exorcising, you were home because it was Saturday that means no work!
So you thought about sleeping in and cuddling with your boyfriend, movie marathon and ordering take out .
But Megumi was called early and he had to go.
So here you were missing him a lot and cooking his favourite meal because you knew he was gonna be tired.
You plop down on your couch , watching some anime . After some time you switch off your tv and grab your phone to check whether he had texted you or called you.
Zero missed calls and no new messages .
That made you worried , coz Megumi had promised you that he would text you time to time to check up on you.
He couldn’t, you were worried. Did something happen to him? Because exorcising is quite a risky job as there is always a possibility of something bad.
“I am home y/n”
You got scared because you were lost in thinking about what would have happened to him.
You sprint towards your doorstep and look at Megumi .
Megumi turns around and sees you standing behind him , who hug him tightly .
“Huh? Ar-are you alright y/n? Did something happen?” Megumi was clearly stuttering because this was unlike you.
You mumble something against his chest and look at him , he was blushing 🥺.
He leans down to place a chaste kiss on your forehead, but you steal a kiss and giggle.
“I was worried Gumi, I thought something bad happened to you and when I saw you I was just so happy and I couldn’t control myself, I missed you :( “
“ I missed you to and I am sorry I couldn’t inform you , so um let’s watch the movie you wanted to watch.”
After a while you fell asleep on Megumi’s lap and you smile contentedly. He blushes and strokes your hair gently lulling you back to sleep.
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Thanks for reading! Take care <3
Reblogs are highly appreciated <3
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carnationcreation · 4 years
Hiii can you do a Luke x Reader where Luke wants the reader’s attention for none other than cuddles but the reader is doing something for the band (maybe editing a video for the Jatp youtube channel) while Luke is being very tempting to cuddle with the reader finally gives in. :) Thank youuuu
TITLE: Take a break (Luke Patterson x reader)
✌🏻Masterlist Taglist, Requests, and Works in progress!
Prompt/summary:  Reader is busy editing a video for the band but her boyfriend Luke desperately wants cuddles.
Word Count: 1,003
Authors note: Sorry this is kinda short, I haven’t been home today so this is posted from my phone. If there’s any mistakes please lmk!
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It had taken roughly 13 hours to film this video over the span of two days. We took our time getting different shots and angles from inside the garage and getting the perfect mixing done on the song. We were so excited to get this video out there for the Fantoms to see, but to do that it required editing. A lot of editing.
So here I am, at my desk, editing for the past 6-8 hours trying to wrap this up today so it can post on schedule tomorrow. I sighed as I rubbed my face, this was taking a lot longer than normal due to the fact I wanted to add some special effects and jump cuts to make the video flow easier. I’m getting so sick of hearing the same section of audio over and over as I try to get it just right.
“(Y/n)?” I heard Luke yell from the hallway.
I slid one side of my headphones back, “In here Luke.”
He walked in with a big smile on his face that I couldn’t help but return.
He walked over and pulled me into a hug, which was kinda weird cause I was still sitting down in a chair but not like I’m gonna complain.
I noticed he had brought a big bag of food with him from a local restaurant.
“I figured you hadn’t eaten dinner yet. Have you taken a break?” He asked.
“No,” I sighed, “but I really need to finish this.”
“You need to eat,” he said. Unpacking the food and sitting it beside me with a fork and spoon.
“That smells so good,” I said, digging in, “thank you.”
“Did you eat anything?”
I paused trying to think, “I ate some cereal this morning but where I’ve been sitting I haven’t really gotten hungry.”
He sighed, “You need to remember to eat.”
“I know... I’ll eat this while I’m working on the rest of the video.”
He groaned and flopped down on my bed.
“It’ll only be a little bit,” I said. I turned back around and started the video again from the beginning.
I know he wasn’t meaning to annoy me. I had been at it for a long time and I had promised we would be out today, but there was just too much I needed to do before tomorrow.
“(Y/nnnnnn),” he groaned from my bed.
“Please come cuddle.”
I sighed, “Luke I really can’t right now.”
“Yes you can you just don’t want to.”
I turned around in my chair to face him, “Baby I need to finish this.”
He flips around so he’s lying on his stomach facing me, “Please?”
“Give me 10 minutes and I’ll try to finish up.”
He cheers and goes back to laying on the bed watching me.
Eventually ten minutes go by. The only reason I know this is because Luke walks up behind me and throws his arms around me.
“Babyyyyyyy,” he says, he placed a gentle kiss on my neck that I couldn’t help but giggle at.
“A few more minutes.”
He sighs, “You said that 10 minutes ago.”
“No,” I giggle, “I said give me 10 minutes 10 minutes ago.”
He rolls his eyes. My chair is quickly turned around and I’m being lifted up out of my chair before I could even protest.
“Don’t even try,” he said, “You promised me we would hang out and you haven’t even taken a break today. Give me an hour or two and when I’m gone you can go back to editing, okay?”
I sigh as he places me gently on the bed, crawling to lay on top of me, “Okayyyyyy.”
He laughs before reaching up to give me a kiss which I happily return.
“You’re doing so great on the video baby, don’t stress about it the fans are gonna love it,” he says.
I smile, “Thanks baby.”
I play with his hair as I slowly feel myself getting more tired by the minute.
I must’ve fallen asleep. When I finally woke up I saw the sun had already set and my boyfriend had flipped us so I was lying on his chest with his arms wrapped around my waist. Snores fell from his mouth as he nuzzled his face closer to my neck.
“Luke?” I said.
“Hey baby, did you sleep okay?”
“Yeah, I really needed that,” I smiled.
He kissed my hand, “Well I’m glad I could help with that.”
I looked over at the clock, “What time did I fall asleep?”
“Around 6:30 ish, why?”
“It’s already 8:46...” I said.
He pulled his head up to kiss my cheek, “Do you wanna get back to work?”
I thought for a moment, “I guess I can finish the rest of the editing tomorrow morning...”
He smiled.
“Stay?” I asked.
Taglist: @thebookwormlife @talksoprettyjjx @coolreallyfuzzystudentuniverse @igotabadfeelingabouteverything @larrystylinson-sus @lovesanimals @aunicornmademedoit @thexhotmess @ssprayberrythings @peachyxdream @catieiscute2001 @julieandthephantomsblogduh @fangirling-allday @ashleyleblancx @alltimekp @wcnderwoo @unipanda1006 @disgustedchild @aberette13 @dpaccione @whyworry27 @number-0-iz @musicconversedance @owlgirl1209 @angelxfics @hamdehlesmis @solophantoms @marinettepotterandplagg @sunsetcurve-h @peresphoncs @lolychu @joshy-obx @mochamiilk @starenemy @caitsymichelle13 @kiss-themoongoodbye @noncannonships @cherrybombboom @etherealexsistence @itskindyl @heidimortensen123
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beanieblanchett · 3 years
iii. “use me but as your spaniel”
Paring: Cate Blanchett x fem reader
Warnings: professor student relationship, slight smut, masterbation, dom/sub undertone, dirty talk
Read Chapter 2 here
(Sorry for the long wait I have been caught up with my personal and academic life lately🥺I know I’ve been a complete ass making people wait for so long. I’m so sorry)
*not my edits*
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The day has been long.
There’s a clock in your bedroom. An old fashioned one, and you could hear the second hand ticking in your room: time passes in the unit of a second at a time, and you are so aware of every second that has passed.
It is painful, really. You try to focus on the reading for your psychology class, but there’s an unsettling feeling in your chest, as if something is suspended in the air, waiting to fall.
To fall. Like gravity, so natural and irresistible. That is how you feel right now as you sigh and look at your planner for the third time in the past hour, a scheduled appointment for office hours with a professor, the professor…...highlighted in yellow, like the color of the sunlight that is now resting outside of your window.
And so you are thinking about her again. The other day when she was explaining the literary devices that Ovid used to show the depth of love. Love, when the word falls out of her mouth you can’t help but tremble. You take in a deep breath as you wander around the meeting link on the canvas site. There’s still 10 minutes before the scheduled time. Even though she has always said in the lecture that anyone’s welcomed to join the meeting room, you decide to wait. The amount of hesitation and a mix of other feelings pumping in your heart scares you. You hate to use the word love lightly, but what other word could you use to describe that feeling that’s dancing in your chest right now? that hopeless attraction, that constant longing you have for her? When you’ve barely even talked to her, you’ve fallen for her. You feel utterly alone, slightly ashamed, and immensely terrified.
You curse under your breath as your eyes refocus on the screen, dragging yourself back from your thoughts, you’re almost late. And so you click on the link, your body tense and your teeth biting your lower lips nervously as you enter the waiting room.
“Well Hello, so how are you doing today?”
She greets you with a smile, her voice reaffirms her presence and makes your heart miss a beat. She’s wearing a white shirt, the first three buttons casually opened, elongating her elegant neck, exposing her delicate collar bones...and the a peek of her cleavage that makes your cheeks burn. Yet you can’t take your eyes off, a silver necklace draping from her neck down to inside her shirt...almost luring you.
“Can you hear me alright?”
She spoke again, and you’re embarrassed by your lost focus...on her. It still feels slightly unreal that she’s addressing you—you’ve gotten used to not answering her questions, as you know someone else always will.
“I’m sorry...yes I can hear you. I’m doing good.” You open your mouth to realize that your voice is a little raspy from not talking all day.
She is looking slightly tired but genuine and kind as usual, staring into the camera with a satisfied smile as she nods to your answer. You can hear her clicking as you both fell silent. You try to focus on the presence of her so as to stop your thoughts from running into wild places, but that seems to do the opposite job.
“So I see you’ve got a 90.5 on your last essay, which isn’t bad at all.” She said with a keen smile as she praises you, which soon turned into a look of curiosity as she raises her eyebrows, “with such a grade you’re not required to come see me, but you still choose to. I wonder if you have any specific questions for me?”
“Oh…” no, you don’t really have any, but you look down on your notes for things you’ve prepared for this meeting, “I just wonder if you have any suggestions for my writing, you know, where can I improve, because I’d like to get a better grade for that upcoming essay.”
“Hmmm..understood.” She nods again, and you can see her eyes quickly scanning through your essay as she speaks.
And her left hand, that was supporting her chin, is now resting on her left cheek. And—an observation that scorched your cheeks—her fingers are now unconsciously touching her own lips...in a most casual, most usual but also insanely sensual way.
“Will you give me a minute? I’d like to inspect your words more closely so I can give you better suggestions.” She lifted her eyes to look at the camera with a subtle grin.
“Oh sure. I’m in no rush.”
Her fingers returned to her lips after she’s done talking. long, beautiful fingers that you have dreamed and thought about. You’ve imagined them on your face, on your hand, on your body...in your body...without realizing how bold a move you’re making, you feel your own touch on your thighs, moving closer and closer to the center before you find yourself messaging your desire, already aroused, over the thin fabric of your panties.
You gasp at the pleasure, a silent one, and then a louder one. You look into the screen to see her now flipping through a book on her desk, (Metamorphosis, you suppose, as that’s what your essay was about), feeling more daring and slipped a sweaty hand into your pantie.
You’re wetter than you expected, providing an easy entrance for your own finger. Your breath gets heavier and heavier with your slow thrusts, trying to maintain your posture until a soft moan slips from your lips.
She’s still intensely focused on the book, and so you gathered the courage and whispered her name, “Cate….”
“Cate...Cate…..” you say to yourself, words muffled with your now loud moans, which is not getting more and more intense as you get closer to the climax——
“Okay I think I’m done here,” she looks up to you, her sudden words scaring you, ruining your orgasm and now your pussy is pathetically wet, and exposed in the air.
She doesn’t seem to expect your response as she proceeds to give you a few suggestions about your writing. She praises your interesting perspectives, and points out a few flaws in your analysis, raising some other questions regarding the texts. As always, she seems to be most genuinely interested in your work, analyzing it as if it’s the work of Ovid himself. Her voice is incredibly captivating to you, and to your swollen desire, but her highly professional manner turns you on even more——the thought of you being naked with your ugly desire, almost dripping in such an academic discussion...how sinful, how humiliating, how dangerously attractive.
“Now would you mind sharing with me the passage you’ve chosen for the upcoming essay? The Shakespeare one.”
“Oh yes. Of course.” You nod, looking down to your notes to avoid looking at those eyes, and looking at your own picture on the screen. You could imagine yourself right now, cheeks red and sweat on your forehead, how weird she must have thought of you to be.
“I’ve chosen the passage in the Midsummer Night’s Dream. Helena’s confession and pursuit of Demetrius. I find that speech of her quite touching...the devotion of putting oneself in such a lowly place, almost an act of submission, but also an act of great courage, to go against societal norms…”
You pause yourself there to look up at her, she’s nodding and smiling as always, but in her eyes, you see almost a tint of a fleeting, mischievous smirk? you must have made a mistake. And you must have been illusioned by your heating desire, so you shake your thoughts and continued: “it’s this passage,
‘Use me but as your spaniel—spurn me, strike me,
Neglect me, lose me. Only give me leave,
Unworthy as I am, to follow you.
What worser place can I beg in your love—
And yet a place of high respect with me—
Than to be used as you use your dog?’”
Finishing off, you look up again, and you feel yourself shaking.
Silence. And you think you see that mischievous smile in her eyes grow stronger. You’re almost certain, yes there’s definitely something behind those eyes. Those eyes that shine with kindness and professionalism, sparkle with interests and curiosity...there must be something behind those eyes.
And now they’re staring at you.
“Professor?” You feel unease, breaking the long silence that felt like forever.
“Is that for your essay or is that for me?”
Your heart either stopped beating or was beating at an unnatural rate, you opened your mouth to find yourself stuttering, “I...this...the essay...sorry?”
She did not respond, but her eyes now burning with a wanton look.
“I don’t know what you mean.” Your voice is shaking.
“Oh yes you do.” She says, stopping the screen share of your essay so that you could see her and only her——eyes filled with mysterious lust, a smirk emerged on her face.
“You thought you muted yourself, didn’t you? Or did you think those filthy little noises that your pretty mouth was making could escape my ear? But I’ve heard them all, even those wet noises coming not from your mouth but from somewhere else. And did you think I didn’t notice you, looking like you’re having too much fun biting your lips with watery eyes in my lectures?”
Her stare was intense, burning you to the ground, to your knees, stripping you bare and making all your attempts to act decent seem useless and pathetic.
“You are quite a daring one, but a bashful one at the same time. How interesting.”
“‘To be used as you use your dog’...now look up and answer this: is that what you want from me?”
(To be continued.)
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kpop-cakepops · 3 years
hi !! i just thought of this really specific prompt where you and your best friend wonwoo go donate blood but afterwards he feels realllyyy sick and lightheaded so you hold onto him and help him walk bc he’s barely able to stand up. then you take him home to his bed and while trying to help him lie down, he kinda just passes out on you and he’s too heavy to move and you’re also rly tired so you kinda both just cuddle and fall asleep together
Hi Hi! This one sounds fun! Sorry I'm a bit late! I was a bit busy with my shop today! Enjoyyyy! (also I didn't get a chance to edit this so pls excuse any mistakes made)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,328
Genre: Fluff
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Snuggle Donation// Jeon WonwooxFem!Reader
"Have I ever told you I hate blood?" asked Wonwoo as he cautiously walked out of the taxi and waited for his best friend to pay the fee for him.
"Yeah, like 20 times on the way to the clinic and 20 times on the way back home" Y/N assured him lightly. Her eyes watching him closely.
"You really don't look good, Woo. Do you need me to help you up to your place?"
He shook his head adamantly. "No. Absolutely not. I'm fine!" However, it took only two steps for the young man to go stumbling into the pole right in front of him.
"WOO!" Y/N'S arms flailed in surprise as she watched the tall man drop to the ground with a whine. "Are you okay?! Oh my goodness!"
"I'm fine! I'm fine! I just tripped is all!"
"Yeah right. I knew this was going to happen. I just knew it. Wonwoo, when I told you to come with me to donate blood, I meant I would be doing the donating and you'd be doing the moral supporting. I know you better than I know myself, you're deathly afraid of needles and blood" The young woman's annoyed grumbles were hushed by Wonwoo's chest as she awkwardly tried to help his weakened limbs into the apartment complex.
"It was for a good cause" he retaliated, but Y/N knew it was about more than that. "I wanted to be a good citizen"
"Being a good citizen shouldn't equal to your fear reflex causing your blood pressure to drop so much you get SICK!" Y/N's continuous nagging caused her best friend to roll his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, okay mom"
"Shut up" she snapped and pressed the button to his floor, people in the elevator looking at the two of them dubiously. "He's not drunk. He's just an idiot" Y/N assured but it didn't exactly help with the looks.
After what would probably mark Y/N's most difficult 5-yard walk ever, the two friends arrived at the tall man's door. "Where's your key?"
He smiled shakily. "Back pocket"
"Jesus Christ. You seriously owe me for this. I'm being so serious right now. You're gonna owe me so much you won't be able to pay me back ever."
She slowly moved her hand to the back of his jeans, carefully pushing her hand into his back pocket only to freeze when a loud gasp interrupted her from behind. "Oh my... Y/N, I didn't take you for a public loving kind of girl, my god. I get that we all know you two are lowkey getting it on, but wowza, aren't you two being a little bit bold?"
The embarrassed girl didn't even have to look over her shoulder to know exactly who was standing behind them. "You have got to be kidding me. Hey Seokmin, how about instead of standing there being an idiot, you help-"
"No no, I am really sorry about this. I won't get in your way. Don't you worry a single bit. Oh and Hyung? Just a word of advice, don't be silly... wrap the willy." Y/N could hear the smirk in Seokmin's voice as he slowly retreated until eventually, all she could hear was the ding of the elevator doors opening. "Goodbyeeeeeeeee lovebirds"
"Let him go. He's an idiot. He won't come back. He's got too much 'tea to spill' as he likes to say." Wonwoo warned. "I'm seriously about to pass out here. Can you please hurry it up?"
"Wow. Just wow. I could drop you here and leave, you know that right?" Her empty threats were met by Wonwoo's uncharacteristic playfulness.
"You love me too much to do that."
The flustered girl refused to acknowledge his little tease as she finally managed to push his front door open. The struggle to keep her best friend on his feet did not lessen as she huffed and puffed moving him little by little into his bedroom.
"You are heavier than I ever thought you'd be" she admitted.
"It's all muscle mass" he smirked.
It irked her that even when he wasn't feeling his best he still managed to retort. "You're seriously annoying, ever tell you that?"
There was no further opportunity for him to answer her, it seemed that what little energy her best friend had been running on was gone. He went absolutely limp on her causing her to fall onto the bed with the very tall and very heavy man on top of her. "Oh my god. Oh my God. Oh my god." Y/N cursed internally as she felt her friend snuggle his face straight into the crook of her neck causing her skin to erupt with chilling goosebumps.
"Jeon Wonwoo" her tone was stiff as she attempted to push him off her. "No, seriously, Wonwoo I can't get you off me." All she received in response was an annoyed grunt from her sleepy friend and yet another uncalled for dose of snuggles.
Y/N had done her fair share of activities with Wonwoo. Anything from reading, to people watching, to skiing in Japan, you name it, she'd done it... but cuddling? With Wonwoo?! Out of question! Never done it, never wanted to do it... or so she thought because as she continued to lay there under him an inexplicable feeling of comfort began to take over her. The slow and steady breathing of the giant boy that lay on her lulling her slowly until eventually she too surrendered to sleep...
However, that peaceful sleep was brought to an end 2 hours later by the same obnoxious voice that had caught Y/N with her hand deep in her best friend's back pocket.
Both Y/N and Wonwoo stirred in their spot in the bed. They had somehow unknowingly shifted so Wonwoo was now lying next to her with a long arm draped over her top half, legs tangled in a sleepy mess. Anyone that happened to walk into the two of them would fOr sure get the wrong idea.
Seokmin was that anyone.
Wonwoo didn't even stand up to explain or even usher him out of the room. Instead, he grabbed the remote that was closest to him and flung it right at Seokmin's head. "I thought you said you weren't going to interrupt!" He hissed.
"No one's getting anything on. I just happened to fall asleep." She grunted as she tried to pull herself up, but Wonwoo's arms held her down and against him.
"Get out, we're tired."
Seokmin's eyes got big in realization. Wonwoo was being serious. Seokmin could see it in the way his older friend's face flushed flustered. "I- okay..." the soft smile on Seokmin's face serving to assure Wonwoo that what he had just seen would remain between the three of them.
Y/N shifted in Wonwoo's hold as soon as she heard his front door click shut in the distance. "Um, hey Woo? You can let me go now."
"No, it's warm this way," he said. "I like it."
Y/N cleared her throat awkwardly. "Uh, okay. That's okay... then." She squeaked as she nestled back into position. Her mind was racing as she felt her Best Friend snuggle back into her.
Wow, he smells good... he's so soft... since when was Wonwoo warm?
"Go back to sleep" Wonwoo murmured, his words slightly slurred letting her know he'd be sleeping again at any moment.
"Uh yeah... I'm trying" she lied.
Y/N wasn't sure what was going on or why she was liking the way they were both lying in a tangle of limbs, all she could gather in her just awoken mind was that she really liked cuddling and that she could use a few visits to the gym in the future.
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jschlattsbabydoll · 3 years
Thunderclouds (Chishiya Shuntaro x Reader) pt. 3 [end]
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I’m sorry for the delay, needed some stuffs to be done here. But thankfully I have finished this chapter.
 This is the last part for this story. I know, I’m kinda sad as well.
 Thank you for the kind messages I have received for this story. I’m happy that Thunderclouds made y’all happy!
 Here’s part 3! Enjoy!
  If you would want to check out the story, Here’s a directory
Part 1 // Part 2 // 
“How will you use me again this time, Chishiya?”
 Memories clouded Chishiya’s mind of you, he can’t stop thinking about what happened. He’s trying to accept that you’re gone, but inside him, his mind and heart can’t accept that you’re gone.
 Your warm, laugh and scent is gone. All he can go through are memories of you with him…
 And you leaving him.
 “I need to stop…” He said, as he walked through the department store inside the mall that you currently reside in,
 “but how fucking Ironic that I’m here….” He said in his mind as he was brought to where your hiding location is. He saw you in a department store bed, tucking yourself in the bed,
 He saw you cry multiple times and pray towards god about him, he heard you again and again.
 And he felt so hopeless, he can’t do anything at all. He can’t comfort you nor hug you or even kiss you.
 He saw you again in the same position as you have been for the last 8 days that you have stayed in that bed, looking up at the department ceiling while laying down while your hands are clasps together.
 “Kamisama….” he heard you speak, he was hiding not too far from you, good thing the fake wooden wall where they would usually display wallpapers are strong, he leaned his back down on the fake wall, and slid down to a sitting position. As he sat down, he placed his arms on his knees and his face on his hands.
 “Kamisama….” You started to cry, “Thank you… For keeping me alive through this journey that you have given me. I don’t understand why I am here and what’s my purpose… But I am just happy that you have guided me with everything.”
 Chishiya couldn’t understand you at all, you two have different beliefs. He didn’t pray at all because he believes that there is no god at all. But yet he is somehow with you, joining your prayers as well,
“I want to see him… “ You said, Chishiya’s head went up, that’s the first time that he has heard you with that line. His heart fluttered, “Oh…. I don’t know. Maybe my heart is wrong again this time. I’m finding a hard time to trust my heart again, is that bad?”
 “No… it’s not.” Chishiya whispered to himself,
 “I do really love him a lot… but if he’s going to use me again… I might---” you sighed, while wiping your tears over and over again… “I haven’t even really placed myself together. The thought of seeing him again in a game terrifies me. What if I fall again and break myself again? What do I do?”
 Chishiya knows what he has done and for the last 8 days, he has been repenting his sins towards you. He can’t even understand why is he even like this? Back then, when you were still by his side, he would always expect you to come to him everyday at the roof. He knows that whenever he kisses you that’s your weakness and you would melt in his arms until night comes and you two would share passionate nights together.
 He understands that he took you for granted… Maybe that’s why now… He’s paying for everything that he has done.
 He looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes…
 “Is this my payment for being selfish? For being manipulative? Using others for my gain?” he asked, “You brought me to someone who I can easily break, but can open my heart again for emotions… So that when time comes that I would get off my guard, you can tear her away from me to teach me a lesson. How cruel?” He didn’t realize that his tears are falling with you as of right now, He heard how slowly your cries became quiet. Still with his eyes close, he leaned his head towards the wooden fake wall.
 He didn’t notice that he as slowly giving up to his body... His heart, mind and body are too tired… He fell to a sleep.
 Guess he was human after all?
 Chishiya’s eyes slowly opened as he heard a loud squeak, “Wha--?” he opened his mouth to speak, but when he saw who was standing up in front of him, he saw you.
 You looked so surprised, but yet you still stayed where you stand. Looking at the man who was awoken by your surprised squeak. How you wanted to touch him again…
 “Chi… Chishiya, what are you doing here?” you asked him,
 “Hm?” he only replied, as he slowly stood up from where he was sitting,
 There was silence between you and Chishiya, you puffed your chest, “Even though I asked you for space, you still went here… Since when have you figured out that I was staying here?”
 Chishiya looked at you in the eyes, you just wanted to melt, “8 days ago.”
 Your eyes widened, “8 days ago?! That was when we spoke… Did you follow me here?!”
 “Yes.” That was his only reply,
 “You’re…. ugh…. I can’t with you!” you screamed, “I need to go… I need to find somewhere different! FAR FAR AWAY FROM YOU!”
 “maybe this is for the best…” you said in your mind. As you were about to leave, you felt Chishiya hold your hand to stop you, “Please don’t go.” You heard him say, you fought out of his grip, when Chishiya opened his mouth again,
 “I heard your prayers every night.” You stopped getting out of his grip, “I heard them every night… And you don’t know on how sorry I am. I took you for granted. I’m sorry.”
 Tears formed in your eyes, they slowly fell when they started to hurt and you blinked, “What I told you was true, I miscalculated everything. If I knew that Arisu would fail, I would have kept you by my side. I always took big risks, because I knew I was using a different person to do the deed for me. Watching people die every other day was something I got used to, even before back when I was in the real world. I never had feelings before since I never felt it with my parents.” He breathed in, and stopped then clicked his tongue,
  “I don’t know how to reciprocate my feelings back when I still had your trust, I thought that I’ve been clear. But now I understood that I just took you for granted.” You saw tears in his eyes fell one by one, “Funny, god is so unfair. When I’ve just understood what love is… he took you away from me… I don’t understand his ways.”
 He slowly fell down to his knees still holding you hand, “Please… I want to keep you safe. Stay with me.”
 “How can I assure myself that you won’t use me again? How do I know that those are real tears?” you asked, your tears fell with him, “How do I believe that I’m not some part of your plans.”
 “I love you.” Chishiya said as he looked up and went straight for your eyes,
 Your eyes widened, your tears kept flowing down, as you slowly realized that he said it… He finally did…
  “you would kill just to be with me. Do you love me?”
 “You’re becoming stupid.”
 “I love you so damn much that it hurts my chest to the point where I can’t breathe. Yet I want to come close and feel your warmth for the last 8 days… 8 days yet felt like 8 years. I love you so much, but the guilt inside has been killing me, telling me inside that I only deserve to watch you.” Chishiya stood up from the ground with tears in his eyes, “This is ridiculous… I’ll take my leave now.”
 He tries to let go of your hand, yet you gripped his, unable for him to leave.
 “I love you too.” You said, looking down towards his hands, “You’ve heard my prayers every night. I still really love you, Chishiya. Please don’t leave me now… I can----”
 You weren’t able to finish your sentence, as a warm body envelops you with a hug and lips that kissed yours. You felt things cleared out.
 You survived. No more thunderclouds.
  A/N after editing the story:
 Is it too cheesy? I wanted for it to be a sad ending. But… I felt that it would be unappropriate…
And Chishiya deserves a happy ending too….
Let me know if your liked the ending, if I have any lapses or mistakes! I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you so much!
If you would want to check out the story, Here’s a directory
Part 1 // Part 2 //
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ilovebeing-weird · 3 years
Fluffy Saturday 3
Cuddles make everything better
Thanks to @tim-drake-is-underrated who wrote and edited this with me!!! I know this is not a Saturday, but better late than never :D!!!!
Marinette was in pain and she was bleeding. Unfortunately, this was normal and she couldn't do anything other than just woman up and take it. She was on her periods. And it hurt like hell. She had cramps, bad cramps. All she wanted was to die now.
Fortunately, she had beaten Hawkmoth and was on a break right now. In Gotham. She was taking a break in Gotham?! You mean the crime capital, Gotham? Like where the most dangerous villains stay, that Gotham?!
Yes to all of the above. She was on a break in Gotham with her fiance and his family.
She was celebrating with her lovely nerdy fiance Tim and his family. They helped her a lot in discovering who Hawkmoth was. She and Tim met when he was in Paris for a business meeting with MDC, or her. Their meeting went well and soon she was collaborating with Wayne Enterprises.
"Bean? You okay?" Tim came into the room they were sharing in the Wayne Manor.
"No, I am in pain," Marinette said, making grabby hands at him.
"What’s wrong?" Tim climbed into their bed and took her in his lap.
Marinette immediately clung to him. "I am on my periods and I have really bad cramps." Marinette snuggled into Tim's chest while he rubbed her back.
"That sounds hard babe. You know what? Lie down and I'll grab you a hot water bottle. Okay?" Marinette got off his lap with a 'hm' sound and Tim kissed her forehead.
"I love you."
"Love you more Bean." Tim plugged in the heating bag and grabbed some chocolates from the cupboard. "I've heard chocolates help during these times? I don't know how, but do you want some?"
"Where did you know all of this? And yes, I would love some chocolates."
"I do have a sister and some female friends and you're not the first person I have ever dated, Bean."
"Valid." Only someone as sweet as Tim would understand that periods are painful and that the females are not being drama queens when they say that it hurts. That the women or girls are not weak when they are in pain because the cramps are so bad.
"Okay, the bottle is warm now."
"Thanks a lot, Timmy. You're really sweet." Marinette put the bottle on her stomach and Tim gave her the chocolates. She once again made grabby hands at Tim. "Cuddle me. I want cuddles."
"If it will make it better."
"Cuddles make everything better." Before Tim was even fully laid down, Marinette had snuggled into him. "Why are you so adorable Timmy?"
"You think I am adorable?"
"If I didn't think you were adorable I wouldn't have said yes to marrying you." Tim kissed the crown of Marinette's head. It was peaceful for a while before Marinette winced in pain because damn it hurt so much. She snuggled even more into Tim. "I hate it."
"I’m sure it's painful Bean, but it's gonna be okay. Do you need any meds?" Marinette just shook her head.
"Just stay here with me? Physical contact makes it better."
"I got you."
Time passed by and before long Marinette was asleep. He glanced at her and chuckled. She was adorable even when she slept. He took out his phone and began scrolling through it. There were emails about work, a lot of them. He ignored them in favour of admiring his sweet fiancée.
Some time passed and Marinette stirred. Tim looked at her, concerned. She groaned, her face scrunching up in pain. “What’s wrong, Bean?” Tim asked, rubbing her back comfortingly, silently telling her she was not alone and that he’s got her.
"It's really painful. I don't think I'll be able to fall asleep again."
"Do you wanna do something else? Like watch movies?" Tim asked, softly. He wished he could take away her pain. Sadly, he couldn't.
"Yeah, That sounds great." Marinette looked at Tim and she was glad that he was there with her. She didn't know what she'd do without him. "Thanks for always being here with me, Tim. I love you."
"I love you too. I can't wait for us to get married and start a family of our own." Marinette blushed. She had thought about that way many times, but discussing it- it felt real. She was going to be married to the love of her life.
Tim chuckled. He liked messing with her. She always got so flustered and adorable. "You're adorable when you're blushing like that." Marinette playfully shoved him away, groaning in pain from the sudden movement. Tim lost his playful-ness and grew concerned. “Bean?? Is everything okay?? I’m so sorry- did I hurt you??-”
"It's okay mon canard. You can never hurt me. It’s the stupid cramps again. I hate being a woman."
Tim immediately softened up, bringing her more close. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
"Just stay with me? that's all I need." Marinette said, looking into his eyes.
"Of course, Bean. Always. In sickness and in health." He said, tenderly kissing her forehead.
She snuggled up to him, closing her eyes in content. "You're really hot."
Tim smirked. "Thanks, for finally acknowledging the fact."
Marinette looked at him for a minute, before she turned red again "Not like that! I mean you’re warm, silly!"
Tim laughed and looked at her touching his nose to her. "You're adorable, like a chipmunk."
“Tiiiim!” Marinette whined. “How dare you tease me when I’m so miserable!” Tears started flowing out of her eyes. Damn the stupid period hormones.
Tim rushed to comfort her. "I am so sorry, Bean! I didn't mean to make you cry! I was just messing with you! I’m sorry if I said something wrong!" He took her hands off her eyes and gently wiped her tears away. "Don't cry."
She sniffled "I'm sorry, it's just these damn hormones going haywire. I don't know what to do anymore."
"Don't worry about it, I’m here for you." Marinette sniffled again and buried her face in his chest. They stayed like that for a while until Marinette was ready to get up.
"Let's go now," Marinette said, getting up. But, her legs wouldn't let her. They hurt on getting up. She was about to fall, but before she could fall Tim caught her.
"You okay?" Tim asked, concerned. She has to deal with it every month. And she had to deal with it, without him, without any help. That thought alone distressed him.
“It huurts,” She whined. Tim looked at her and decided that he couldn’t let her be in any more pain than she already is in. Without warning her he carried her bridal style. Her head snuggled into his chest.
"You comfy?" Tim asked gently. At her nod, they went out the door. He was going to spoil her till she couldn’t take it anymore. She didn’t deserve any of the pain, and he’d be damned if he didn’t try to take her pain away. Now they had one mission, don't let his brothers see them. They were annoying and wouldn't stop teasing his Bean, and she was in no condition to deal with that right now.
They stopped in the kitchen to grab some snacks, hot tea and some chocolates, in case Mari wanted any. “Anything else you want?” He asked, softly looking at the love of his life.
"Your love." Mari said, giggling a little.
"You already have all of it." Tim said back, softly kissing her forehead. If Marinette was not being carried by him she would've fallen on the floor in a puddle of goo from the look he gave her. It was so full of love and adoration, that look was reserved just for her. That thought made her even more happy.
There was a silent atmosphere, before there was a loud bang sound, that startled them. "Die demon spawn!"
"-TT- taking you in was father's biggest mistake!"
"Guys please don't fight."
"Shut up Dickhead!" "Shut up Grayson!"
Marinette involuntarily flinched from the noise, burying herself into Tim to try and block it out. Before Tim could say anything, Dick entered the kitchen. He paused, taking one look at Mari and her face, which was red and blotchy from pain and crying, he made a knowing face which immediately morphed into one of sympathy “Timmy!” He chided. “Put her down. She’s in pain!”
Tim gave Dick a deadpan look “That's why I have carried her, Dick.”
“Well you’re clearly not doing it right! She’s in pain!”
"You don't know anything, Dick. Mari, should I keep you down? Are you uncomfortable?" Mari, who had buried her face in his chest, looked at him.
"If you are tired, but I am not uncomfortable. I like it like this." Tim smirked at Dick.
"But she's crying."
"She is on her period, Dick. She has bad cramps. Now get out of here before I kill you."
“I can’t say the same thing about you. A wife and kid and you’re still 8 years old.”
“Shhhhhh” Mari shushed. “My head hurts!”
"Sorry, Bean." Tim said, adjusting her. "Let's go because someone won't leave us alone." He said pointedly looking at Dick. Marinette waved at Dick.
"Hey Sunshine!" It was peaceful once again before an angry Damian came running.
"GRAYSON! I demand that you tell father to emancipate Todd, right this moment!"
"I am not his son anyway! And neither do I care if he throws me out or not. He has done it once, he can do it twice."
"Li'l D, Little wing, is everything okay? And please don't make so much noise."
"Nothing's okay Grayson!"
"Guys, please don't make so much noise."
"Pixie are you okay? Did Tim do anything? Do I need to skin a Red Robin?"
"What did you do to Malaki, Drake! Did you hurt her?!"
"Why does everyone assume that I hurt her? She has cramps and we’re going now. No, you guys cannot come with us." With that said, Tim made his way to the movie room with Mari still in his arms.
He carefully put Marinette down with the snacks and covered her in blankets. The evening went by with Tim catering to Mari’s every need and Mari finally falling asleep, with Tim’s arm protectively draped over her.
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slasherbastard · 3 years
Brahms and
“I am damaged.”
(Gives me Heathers vibes lolol)
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(gif credit: toloveakiwi)
Warnings: Angst. A lot of Angst, swearing, suicide mention Word count: 2112 Notes: I was this close to writing a bad ending with the manor burning down but I felt bad for Brahms in this one - ALSO if you read this before I edited the first paragraph I’m sorry for the confusion lmao
A fresh start was what you needed. You managed to get away from your family once you took a job across the country as an accountant but you got lost on what felt like a never ending road heading to the middle of nowhere. When you first discovered the Manor it was by accident. You’d been walking for who knows how long among roads surrounded by trees, scared you’d eventually end up trespassing onto someone’s property - but instead you found yourself outside big open gothic gates.
The sun was starting to set and you tried calling out to whoever might’ve been inside the house behind the black spiked fences for a good half hour before going against your morals and just going inside. That’s when you discovered a few odd things. You didn’t know whether to start on the fact that there was drying blood on the floor or the chalk-like substance beside it next to the broken glass belonging to the mirror on the wall, it was a lot to take in.
You assumed that whoever was in the house had decided to flee or maybe someone had broken in - not counting yourself - it was a bit much to think about considering the fact that you were tired as hell and just wanted to sleep. You saw some bunched up blankets and pillows on the couch just feet away from what looked like a legitimate crime scene and decided that sleeping would be a terrible idea, but you were so tired that once again your morals were abandoned as you passed out curled on the white couch cuddling up to the blanket.
That morning, you met the man in the porcelain mask.
You watched him with wide eyes and worried yourself with thoughts of him hurting you and the blood puddle from last night flashed like a ‘life before your eyes’ memory as you tried to imagine what this large figure could do to you - not sexually, although those thoughts were close behind. He got close and as much as the mask creeped you out and you prayed you were dreaming, he didn’t turn hostile, instead he just asked for your name in a high pitched child-like voice.
“Y-Y/N. I am so sorry if I intruded - do you live here? I was just getting ready to go if-”
“No. Stay.” Stay?
“I can explain, sir. I was just so tired and the gates were open and I just needed to-” You gripped your head as an ache hit, you couldn’t tell whether or not it was caused by your own rambling or if it was from the confusion of the events you’d witnessed and were witnessing.
The man - who you later found out was named Brahms - explained as little as you’d wanted. A doll and a list of rules, why? Who knows? Definitely not you, he just expected you to roll with it and so you did. You were a little scared of him so you decided to follow the rules if it meant keeping you alive.
Cut to a few weeks down the line. You’re still living in this gothic daydream of a house with a mysterious man who gave you Phantom of the Opera vibes, things were surprisingly going well for you. For example, you weren’t dead and as weird as it sounded, you and Brahms were now a thing.
Was it weird kissing porcelain lips rather than real ones? Yes. Was it weird falling asleep next to that face? Yes. Was it weird how he never took that damn mask off unless your eyes were covered? Yes. But you managed to deal with it.
When you said you wanted a fresh start this isn’t what you had in mind but weren’t really complaining at the same time. At last, you were happy. You always dreamed of living away from everyone in a cottage in the woods where your only responsibility was to bake bread and not worry about anything, and this was just as close as you were gonna get to that - a manor, where your only responsibility was to care for Brahms. He’s so mysterious, it makes you feel something that you couldn’t explain. But as weird and unexplainable as it truly was to you, you were still happy.
However, things started going sour after an incident that occurred after lunch one day. Brahms’ had woken up on the wrong side of the bed and he was constantly throwing tantrums over the smallest things. You’d just finished the dishes and Brahms was sulking around the dining room table shoving at the chairs and kicking the table legs every time he passed one.
You were growing sick of him and threw the dirty rag you were holding onto the counter and squawked at the older man. “Brahms! What is your problem?”
He stopped and looked up at you for a few seconds before a string of apologies fell out of your mouth, as genuine as they were they also seemed so shallow as you watched Brahms’ eyes. You weren’t standing close enough to see any twitches or expression in those eyes, but you did see what looked to be tears. It broke you.
That’s when Brahms started growing distant. Usually he loved being around you and lived and breathed you but now it just feels like the real Brahms is actually dead and haunting you. You thought It’d blow over in a few days - or in Brahms’ case, a few hours - but it didn’t. He continued to just linger like a ghost, you could feel him watching you but he’d never speak a word and if you tried to initiate a conversation with him he’d disappear.
He began spending more time in the walls and his side of the bed was now occupied by nothing, growing cold. His guilt from the other day was eating him alive and you weren’t actually sure if he’d been eating either since the meals you left him in the freezer stayed there. It worried you, but you couldn’t get through to him, which made you even more worried.
That night you heard a loud bang come from downstairs and quickly sat up, swinging your legs over your bed and onto the floor you pushed yourself up and ran for the bedroom door. You opened it then stopped before going back in to grab your phone, switching the phone’s light on then making your way downstairs as quickly as you could. Brahms was on the floor, the fridge was open, and the pot of spaghetti you made for dinner was now sprawled across the kitchen floor. Brahms looked up at you and you expected to see shame in his eyes, but they looked dead instead - Not as if he didn’t regret his mistake or that he didn’t care, but he just seemed dead inside.
You knelt down beside him and reached for him but before you could say his name he was up and running for the closest entrance to the walls. “BRAHMS!” You called after him but he didn’t stop, so you ran after him. Being in the walls for the first time was weird but all those feelings felt as if they were miles away while Brahms was racing through your mind even quicker, he seemed to be moving faster as if he were trying to get away from you. You continued calling after him until he turned a corner into his loft and stopped dead in the middle of the room. He didn’t turn to meet your eyes or talk, he just stood there with his back to you looking down at the floor.
You took a few seconds to watch him just in case he was planning on doing something but he didn’t, he just stood there. You tried to step forward and reach for him but your limbs stayed put, so you let out the breath you’d been holding in. “Brahms, please.” Your words were shaky as you tried not to cry. “I told you, I’m sorry for raising my voice at you. I didn’t-”
You stopped when Brahms slowly turned to you - a part of you was relieved that he’d finally stopped ignoring you - and said those three words. “I am damaged.”
Neither of you spoke as you tried to collect your words but you couldn’t find the right words. “What?”
“I am damaged.”
“No you’re not Brahms-”
“YES I AM!” He raised his voice and you took a few steps back, bumping into the wall. “I am a monster.”
You were very confused at this moment, you thought Brahms was mad at you for yelling at him but he was mad at himself? You took a step forward but he took a step back, purposefully trying to keep some distance between the two of you.
“I’m a monster.”
“Brahms you are not a monster. You are not damaged, you’re not bad.” You tried to convince him as he began rummaging through a box on the floor, you began biting down on your thumbnail softly as he picked up what looked to be a news article and shoved it into your chest with a slight bit of force.
You looked down and grabbed the newspaper as he went to let go and you began reading. “I killed her.”
You clicked your tongue as you tried to take in this new information, you were finally starting to realise why he held so much back from you, especially when it came to his past. Letting out a breath you looked up at the man. “This doesn’t change how I feel about you.” You were shocked by the words that came out of your mouth and shocked that you meant everything you’d said. You were standing right next to a murderer and you weren’t scared.
Without warning Brahms ripped off his mask before stepping up to you, just inches away from your face as he screamed “What about this! Huh? I am not who you fucking think I am! I am fucking dam-” He bit his lip and quickly turned around, putting the mask back on and trying to quieten his sobs. “Just go. Before I hurt you, too.” he said in a hushed, calmer voice that you almost didn’t hear.
“No.” Brahms turned to you, he was just as confused as you were. “What else have you done. What else are you hiding from me?” You weren’t angry, still a little upset, but not angry.
“You’ll leave me, just like they all did.”
“Brahms trust me, I’m not going anywhere. I’ve done bad things too.” You let out an awkward laugh in an attempt to try to lighten the mood but it clearly failed as you cleared your throat and tried to act like it didn’t happen. “Please. I just want you to be honest with me.”
He didn’t respond. Instead he took the mask off and wiped away the stray tears before they could fall. Brahms began to dive into his past, from the murder of his childhood friend to the most recent murder that took place the night you arrived. He answered all your questions and watched you, still worried you’d go against your promises and run but you didn’t. You just stood there and listened, you were glad he was finally being honest - in return you told him about your past and even though it wasn’t as gruesome as his he still listened. By the end of that conversation you felt closer to Brahms, it felt like a twisted version of couple’s therapy but it worked. Brahms was still very surprised at the fact that you stayed even after he admitted to his crimes, he felt a bit sympathetic for you even.
That night the two of you fell asleep next to each other, woke up together, ate breakfast together, it was the most inseparable the two of you had been in months. After last night you’d expected a bittersweet ending - you expected to be kicked out, even - but you were only closer to him, the strange man who once wore a mask of porcelain.
This is as good as your life is going to get, and you’re still happy.
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darkmulti · 4 years
Hey! Can you do quick yandere reactions? If you can, Jungkook finding you after you escape from him. If you don’t, ignore this:) have a good night/day<3
A/N: I kinda got carried away. It's not good, I’m just horny, ya know. I apologize for any mistakes. It’s not edited
Pairing: Yandere & dominate! Jungkook x female reader
Word count: 1.4K
⚠️: Yandere behaviour, rough sex, ddlg, cum eating, blowjob, Jungkook pushes readers limits, dacryphilia kink, spanking, slapping, degradation, choking, saliva play, squirting, creampie, overstimulation, anal, fluffy ending 
When Jungkook left for work, you executed your plan. He was always paranoid about you leaving him, but since you’ve been with him for 3 years, he kinda trusted you.
He left like normal and about thirty minutes later, you also left. You didn’t bring much with you. Only some clothes and cash so he couldn’t track you down.
Jungkook has cameras inside the house. He checks them every 20 minutes. When he arrived at his office, he got started on paperwork and decided to check on you later. 15-20 minutes pass and he picks up his iPad to see what you’re doing.
He checked all the cameras and you were gone. He went back to see exactly when you left the house. Just when he starts trusting you, you leave him. He cursed to himself and raced to his car.
He whipped out his phone and started tracking you down. Even though your plan seemed to be perfect. Jungkook was always one step ahead.
There was a chip inside you without you knowing. Of course, Jungkook had done it. He knew that you were going to try to escape him some day.
He was close to your location. You were at your old apartment building. He thought you had sold your apartment like he told you to, but you’ve kept it a secret.
You were resting in your apartment. You were still terrified, but at least you’re away from him. Your next moves were to sell this apartment and move to a different city.
There was a knock on the door and you thought it was the landlord. When you opened the door, Jungkook stood in front of you.
You really fucked up.
This is bad.
You felt so overwhelmed, you started to cry. As sick as he is, his embrace never failed to make you feel safe and loved. You wanted to hug him so badly, but you were too afraid.
“So, you’ve been lying to me.”
He pushed you in and slammed the door.
“Were all the “I love you’s” fake? Fake smiles, fake laughter. You’re just a lying and cheating bitch!”
His words broke you down even more. You couldn’t find your voice. You were more than terrified. Your body started shaking as you walked backwards, away from him.
“I-I’m sorry!” You got down on your knees and cried your little heart out. “I’m sorry, daddy! Y-yesterday’s punishment really scared me a-and you weren’t listening to me!”
“Shut the fuck up!” He yelled. “I don’t want to hear your dumb excuses.”
You cried even harder. “I’m so so sorry daddy! I’ll do anything for your forgiveness! Anything! Please daddy, give me a chance. I won’t ever run away. I’ll let you use me. I-I’ll do anything, daddy.”
Jungkook takes his belt off and pulls down his pants till his cock springs out. “Come on, princess. You know the drill.”
You immediately take him in and suck as hard as you can. You stroke the remaining of his cock since you couldn’t take all of him in your mouth. His tattooed fingers ran through your smooth hair. He gripped your hair and controlled the pace. You took a deep breath in and deepthroated him, causing him to release a low groan.
“That’s it, princess. You know daddy’s cock too well, don’t you?”
You moan around him, sending vibrations down his cock, making him instantly cum. “Fuck!” He hissed. You swallowed all of his cum and waited for his next order. He picked up his belt and sat down on the couch with his legs wide open.
“Crawl to me princess.”
You shamefully crawled to him, looking down the entire time. Jungkook disliked that. He got up, flipped you onto your back and ripped your clothes off. “When I tell you to do something...” He harshly flipped you on your stomach and spanked your bare ass cheek. “You look me in the fucking eye...” another hard spank landed on your right cheek, “and do it.”
He leaned over and got his belt. “Ass up, head down.” You followed his orders and tried your best to keep your cries in. You did try your best, but you couldn’t do it. The moment the leather belt landed on your ass, you screamed in pain and gave up.
“Count, princess. Every time you miss one, I start over.”
He spanked you 20 times. One rough spank after another. You thought it would never stop. Small cuts were made on your bottom and it stung like a bitch.
Jungkook picked you up, off the floor and carried you to your bedroom. He threw you onto the bed, pinned down your arms and thrusted in. You knew well that he wasn’t going to go easy on you. So you didn’t fight back because the night will just worsen for you.
His nails were digging into your wrist as he managed to thrust harder and faster into you. Skin slapping, broken moans and soft cries filled the room. Your eyes were red and puffy. Your face was covered in tear stains.
The first round was rough, but you somewhat enjoyed it. Second round however, you found yourself growing tired. It was hard to keep your eyes open. You couldn’t fall asleep on Jungkook. He’ll fuck you till night turns into day. Jungkook’s done it before and he’ll do it again.
He noticed your slacking and slapped you across the face. “Am I not enough? You’re falling asleep on me. Seems like I should go harder.”
Oh, how badly you wanted to protest. But you couldn’t. I mean you could, but it would only get you in more trouble.
His hips smacked against your slit at an animalistic speed. You fully gave up under him. You were sobbing and kicking your legs, hoping to get some mercy. Seeing you in this state turned Jungkook on even more. The tears, the pleads, everything about you made him even more horny.
One hand was enough to keep both of your hands down because you were that weak under him. His other hand travelled down to your womanhood and played with the clit. The sudden pleasure on the clit made you clench around Jungkook and eventually squirt around him.
Tears leave your eyes as you cum for him again. Each thrust started hurting your insides and it kept getting worse. Jungkook was bruising your insides with each thrust. He only cared about his pleasure.
The night grew older. You were numb. The only thing you could feel is his cock ramming into you. You were trying your best to stay awake. That’s all that you focused on. You blinked rapidly, trying to keep them open.
Unfortunately the male in front of you noticed your struggles. He flipped you onto all fours and entered into the wrong hole.
Your body collapses on the bed as you sob into the blanket under you. He increased his speed, not letting you adjust and growled, “are you still sleeping princess?” He spanked you and thrusted harder. “Answer me when I ask you something!”
He wrapped his arm around your neck and pulled you up so your back was touching his chest. He took a look at your exhausted face. “Does it hurt, princess?”
“Y-yes daddy.” You whisper out.
Jungkook choked you harder with his arm. “Wrong answer. You’re supposed to love this. It’s the least you can do for me!”
He let go of you and pulled out of your aching hole. You thought he was done, but he thrusted into your pussy again. You were so close to passing out. If you did, it would be over by the time you wake up. But Jungkook wanted you to stay with him.
Jungkook always gets what he wants.
After another aggressive round, he came in you. His warm, thick fluid fills you until it spills out. He didn’t pull out right away. He picked you up and laid you down properly before pulling your into a dominating kiss. He pushed in all of his saliva with his tongue and made you swallow it.
He pulled the blankets over you two and slept on top of you. His arms wrapped around your body and his face was right next to yours.
“I love you so much. Never do anything stupid like that ever again.”
He pecked your lips and you both fell asleep.
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