#sorry for just dumping a bunch of stuff here like this
eggdrawsthings · 2 years
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The Mandalorian // The Sandman
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devilsskettle · 2 months
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i feel like i’ve been WAITING for the other shoe to drop wrt people’s opinions about watcher for this very reason. not that i think the reaction is completely not understandable but the greater the parasocial relationship, the greater the fallout as soon as public opinion shifts. you don’t have a relationship with these people they’re just content creators, chill
#ready to see all the people coming out of the woodwork to say how they’ve never liked watcher/unsolved/etc#and act like it’s ‘cringe’ now that their fanbase feels ‘betrayed’#it’s great to have a fanbase but parasocial relationships will bite you in the ass every single time#it’s interesting too though because i’ve seen watcher have a LOT of support as they’ve tried to build something separate from buzzfeed#so this is the first time they’re getting real pushback about a decision they’ve made wrt shifting their platform/expanding their brand#so ig we’ll have to see how they react moving forward#but it’s soooo interesting to see how enthusiastically people dump on buzzfeed#AND how many people dump on youtube and how over the years so much of its functionality has been stripped away#how many ads you have to sit through. how much sponsored content there is now. etc#but when they try to do the same thing with youtube that they did with buzzfeed it’s like how dare you not lick their boots#because if you lick their boots and we lick their boots we can watch stuff for free#anyway.#even if you don’t any to say it’s a bad business decision. it’s not like there’s not precedent for it#1) the move away from buzzfeed was successful and 2) what about the dnd shows or whatever#don’t you guys watch those dnd shows that are ‘behind a paywall’#don’t you guys have netflix hulu disney hbo amazon etc ad nauseum that are actually owned by billion dollar corporations#don’t you guys get on your high horses about supporting independent artists all the time#it’s interesting that people will profess to be such big fans!!! and feel like they’re friends!!!!#but how dare they think their work might be worth paying for#idk. idk. it’s entitlement though#sorry for the rant i’m ALSO not trying to blindly defend a bunch of people i don’t know#but you guys are being soooo fucking annoying about it lol#anyway i’m still waiting to see what their response is going to be from here before jumping to conclusions#also to be fair i am biased to be lenient about decisions made by independent filmmakers vs big studios etc#like everybody freaking out about the ai art used in late night with the devil. who cares honestly#‘they should’ve paid a real artist!!’ idk maybe their budget didn’t cover that#i don’t want it to become the industry norm but at the end of the day i would rather see indie shit getting made then only seeing#the big studios (who don’t have equitable practices anyway!!) making shit#but that’s another conversation. just to be transparent about my viewpoint on this kind of thing#maybe controversial but also can’t we have nuance. for once.
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squigglyoctosquigglez · 4 months
assinging each cpds member a milgram song (except Undercover. no one is Es here. except maybe Lucy. yeah Lucy is Es now she gives the verdicts for each of their murders-)
for those who don't know, milgram is a fictional music project that involves a prison that hold 10 prisoners, each had been the sole cause of someones death (not just murder) and the only real clues to their "sin" is through songs !! there's also es they're the prison warden
i got this idea at like 10 pm today in my timezone, i say random ass shit here too please dont judge im tired
chris - Throw Down (uhh reading the lyrics chris is the kind to like really care but hes just done with everyone), Triage (he does not want to be deemed INNOCENT [he's still getting voted innocent])
dennis - After Pain ("“I’m sorry” won’t reach anyone (I hope it will someday) " dennis seems like the kind of kid to be bullied in school), Magic (dennis is at heart, childish. and also probably had shit parents. nothing wrong with the first one, everything wrong with the second one), The Purge March (eh hes probably not in a cult but like still he follows orders a bit too much to order idk how to explain it he remembers everything exactly except his own lines so like)
robert - half (kazui literally starts preforming an opera in the mv for this, anyways uhhh denise), It's Not My Fault (its literally in the name), Cat ("Love (plus) Destiny = Crap, smash it, shatter it, bye-bye / That sticky-sweet sequence: Dinner + Camouflage + You-Know-What / Loving Affection (minus) Love, it’s tacky, this two-way deceit / Victim and Perpetrator, let’s keep it simple" continuing half "Phew, oh wow I’m drunk, Hey, so what if I said I liked-liked you, what would you do?" this song is so painfully robert its insane idk why also kazui (prisoner singing the song) eats a fucking dove in the mv btw do with that info what you want idk)
sandra - MeMe (i have no actual reason for this just take my word for this one), It's Not My Fault (datte datte warekurai mon-), I Love You / Daisuki (see max's description) (im sorry there's still like 1 trial left, idk there's only like 20 songs)
max - This is how to be in love with you (title speaks for itself, max is a very loving person! sometimes too loving… like mahiru (prisoner singing the song) i think they would get along actually), I Love You / Daisuki (this song goes too hard to have that title, anyways Mon-mon-monstrously in love in love / Mon-mon-monstrous, cuz I love you so much / Mon-mon-monstrously in love in love / A monstrous dilemma!!!) (someone protect him)
johnathan - Weakness (idfk "ahHaHA, Please notice me. ahHaHA, Someone please notice me."), All-Knowing And All-Agony (probaby was neglected as a child or something idk now he indirectly relys on robert please dont listen to me im jsut spouting random shit atp im tired its 11 pmg now)
vanessa - Umbilical (i actually have no good reason for this), Tear Drop (i dont think she wants to be voted innocent for her murder [news flash, shes still getting voted innocent]), Double (or not innocent! idk man shes not mikoto (prisoner singing the song) but i gotta give his songs to someone and she kinda fits)
annie - HARROW (annie and trevor are similar in goals, to take down sin and make them pay for what they've done. however they do it in two different ways. idk those two different ways probably direct death threats (trevor) and an indirect slow death (annie). i have no fucking clue what im talking about actually), Deep Cover ("Don’t you dare stop now I want a reason for judgment execution, I want it" idk what kotoko (prisoner singing the song) ment by this but uhh do what you want with that)
trevor - Bring It On (see HARROW), Backdraft (LISTEN TO THE SONG ITS A FUCKING BANGER- anyways i have no reason for this than this connects with bring it on Burn, burn! An ever-victorious FIRE, burn so high till it becomes ash / Burn, burn! Deliciously scorched, till your mouth waters / Flames closing in, can’t douse this FIRE)
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sinfulforrest · 1 year
gehhh I can feel my brain starting to turn pretty fucky wucky and I would really prefer to not have that happen again cause it was really bad last timeee
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reddnpinkepiphanyz · 3 months
doodle dump!!
most of these were made in class, but I have a couple of others from the weekend
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this V turned out pretty decent I think, though, I thinl I should work on the legs lol
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simple little chibis(?) of V and Uzi, i loooove making these. I love drawing them tiny and simple, and It's very easy to make a lot of! so maybe i'll do stuff with more of these!
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seperate Uzi (Sorry it's blurry! I'll edit if I get a better one)
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seperate V
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whole page of doodles I did in english, I realized I like NEVER draw the characters in their prom fits??? so I did a bunch of that Really proud of that Doll one though, I think I did a pretty good job at portraying the head looking behind? Lizzy's ponytail is cute too
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here they all are seperatly
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dinky little N i did in like, a min while I was fineshed with a test
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A few drawing of Nnnnnn I love him, he's so pretty I can'tttt (You'd never know which character is my favorite-) I like the top right one the most, It's just cute ig I dunno
That's all I got! Hope you all like these!
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centipedelightning · 1 year
headcanons about what kind of hobbies i think some of the skeles have. this post includes undertale and underfell sans and papyrus. i want to smooch these guys so bad y’all.
| Undertale & Underfell || fluff |
Hobbies: you are here | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4
words: 1045
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Canonically it’s trombone, and he knows how to sew
He started learning how to sew pretty young (out of necessity) so he’s really good now. He made papyrus’s costume after all! He’s actually a pretty skilled seamstress and super super good at making barely visible, perfectly blended alterations to clothing. He’d be better at mending if he cared to, but he isn’t bad.
The trombone was probably in whatever the underground equivalent of his second year of high school.
Yes he was and still is a band kid sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️
Other than in game canon, I see him doing origami. He found a box set of books (beginner, intermediate, and advanced) at the dump in great condition and decided to take it up.
He used to make a bunch of little characters and animals for babybones Papyrus to play with.
He makes so many paper stars. Like two of those really big mason jar fulls with a third actively being filled.
It became a bit of a coping mechanism to be able to pick up scraps of paper and make little things quickly and mindlessly. Not to mention the chance to make a wish
More than once he may or may not have used torn slips of blueprints and schematics for projects…. Oops
He’s so babygirl girliepop
He loves puzzles but that’s already covered by playing the game and this is not written to rehash the canon
So instead I will tell you about the million and one crafts he does (no I won't)
He so so crafty and creative so technically he does a lot of different things, but I see him loving making decor items. Stuff like rock painting and recycled garden decor. Yk those bottle cap flowers for your garden? Stuff like that.
His front garden is so cute because of all the stuff he put in it.
The rocks he paints are just random local forest and river stones. The paints are all natural and watershed safe. Ecological awareness queen.
He mostly does those dot patterns when and places them all around the garden and pathways. Sometimes he’ll do little faces or bugs to mix it up
He’s such a Zumba girl you have no clue. He loves the fun danciness of it while still being a good workout. He’s very 90s fashion-wise so you know he’s in those brightly colored body suits.
He lovesss putting together and painting model figures. Kinda like dnd minis but I see him being more into put it together yourself robot sets (like Gundams or whatever they’re called)
Y’all he’s so down bad for sexy robots you can’t tell me he wouldn’t love Gundams. Just look at how he acts towards his action figures AND METTATON HIMSELF. He’s so tragic and so real tbh.
He’s my artsy babygirl.
If you’ve read my headcanon post about him you’ll know.
He’s not very good, but he does do landscape paintings every now and then. Those times are more when he randomly decides to take a walk around a local park or something. He’s more interested in studying other artists’ work than doing it himself.
Onto an actual hobby: Whittling!
He discovered the hobby kinda on his own in the underground. Whenever he was forced to show up to his sentry station and couldn’t find a way to run off, he’d pick up sticks and cut them down to nothing with a pocket knife. Over time he started carving little shapes and figures into the sticks. He’d usually just make simple bone attacks or snow poffs. Sometimes if he found a bigger branch, he’d make replicas of some of the other royal guards or random machines.
Topside he makes so many animals. Like so many. His favorite things to make are birds. He has so many different types of whittled birds all over his room. There’s boxes in his closet overflowing with finished and half finished bird carvings. They’re also in the windows and you can see them walking past their house.
If he’s feeling fancy he’ll pull out the woodstain and give them a little depth to make the species more obvious.
He makes other animals too of course, but they’re usually gifts. He makes a bunch of forest animals for Frisk (their favorites are rabbits and deer).
He made an MTT carving Once when Edge was going through it and was increasingly stressed for like a month straight. Red is a bit of a hater so jacking anything MTT was like pulling teeth. You gotta do what you gotta do for the happiness of your siblings I'm afraid.
A lot of people see him working as a mechanic and I agree, but that’s his career and jobs can’t be hobbies so I’m not gonna go into depth.
Ok consider for a second: (silk) flower arranging
For one, I headcanon him working as a professional makeup artist on the surface so its not completely left field,
For two, I’m right and you know it.
He does it as casually as you can imagine Edge being casual. Mostly dining table centerpieces and hallways vases. He does silk flowers for places he doesn’t check as often (like hallways) but since he’s classy he dumps the extra G for the fancy fake flowers.
The real flowers are in foyers and on tables. He even takes the occasional flower arranging class in different disciplines to be able to have the skill to arrange any flower in any style.
Edge is such a granny so I think weaving would be reasonable too.
Originally he started out darning his clothes so they would last a few more months, but since he got topside he does a lot of more artsy woven pieces on those small lap sized looms.
He’s not too picky about the actual design; they’re usually classy and fancy and a bit pretentious like him but he’s not actually all that picky about it. He mostly makes scarves and wall hangs that he sells at the local farmers market and craft fairs.
All his friends do have specially designed and stunningly made scarves that he spent hours laboring away on. He gets to critical levels of happiness when he sees them wearing his hard work.
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thathastagbiotch · 2 months
Run away
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•Donatello x fugitive/on the run from the law! reader
•Romantic :D
•What if……vigilante meets cute thief?
Oh no. See, you were currently being hunted by the police for stealing stuff from target. Why target? That’s literally the worst store to rob from, it’s been proven. Why couldn’t you think?
Moving on, you decided that the best tactic was to stay underground. Just for a while. Dress yourself up undercover until it blows over.
The police were hot on your trail. What target item requires this much security? Like genuinely, why are the police chasing you? That’s so stupid.
You hid in an alley. You quickly changed from your black suit(hey, what’s the point of stealing if you’re not looking slutty doing ur?) into a fluffy pink dress with a wave of your hand, and tied your hair into a ponytail.
Oh yeah, did I mention you’re a mutant? Well, kind of. You got caught in a radioactive nuclear blast that resulted in you getting random pink splotches on your body(work with me here, I’m just spitballing) and some cool powers. You were like, Eleven, but more badass.
The police were searching the block, looking for you. Seriously, what did you steal? You just stole a cool looking figurine from the back of the target supply room that was held in a glass box. No biggie. Nonetheless, you needed to hide, and fast. You quickly used your powers to move a manhole cover, and climbed down into the sewers.
Wow. You have been reduced to this. A rat. A pink, thief, rich, rat. Not a desirable outcome, I must admit. Nonetheless, you could back this. It’s got lots of space, a bunch of exits, and it’s stealthy.
Eh, who are you kidding? You’re in the fucking sewers. It’s the pits. It’s where all the dumped human feces go. And you’ve gotta chill here for the next, what, month?
You wandered around. Some many twists and turns, so many different ways to go and get lost. You began to map out everything in your little pocket sketchbook. Atleast you wouldn’t get lost.
Anywa- wait. Is that…..sounds? Like a Lou Jitsu movie? Le gasp! Lou Jitsu is like, the greatest action hero of all time! Whatever was going on, you had to check it out.
When you reached the sound, you found out that someone had made a home in the sewers. With a bed. And a tv. And FOOD! God, you were hungry. It wouldn’t hurt to sneak in, grab some food, and leave, right? You’ve been reduced to common thief anyway, might as well.
So you teleported in. You looked through the kitchen till you spotted something. Something glorious. A box of pizza. You quickly reached in to grab a slice when ‘knocks down entire pile of pots and pans cutely’.
So much for inconspicuous..
Whatever. You quickly grabbed the pizza and began to eat silently. Not your idea of a perfect Sunday, but it’s cool. Suddenly, you heard someone come around the corner.
“Raph, I’m telling you, there’s no one in the kitche-“
What the hell is that? Is-is that a fucking mutant turtle? Sorry, turtles?
Hehe. You like? Took three days.
Part 1(ur here), Part two
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munsonownsmyass · 10 months
Healing takes time
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Frank Castle x plus size!reader
Summary: At a low point in life, you meet someone who might just help you get through it.
Notes: I'm going through some stuff and put it in a fic. Is there any other way to cope with life?
@itwasthereaminuteago wrote me three little words (workout with Frank) yesterday and it inspired this.
Warnings: reader had bad self imagine. Insecurities. Some fluff at the end. We do like a happy ending.
Words: 1.5 K
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Panting heavily, you finally stop for a break. Almost at a breaking point, feeling the tears threatening to spill. Every muscle aching and nausea building. Is it like this for everyone or just you?
The breathing is still not back to normal as you lean against the wall, chugging down the cold water in your bottle. This is horrible. Working out is horrible. You’re about to break into tears again with the thought of doing this again tomorrow.
“You’re pushing yourself to hard, princess.”
You look up, finding a handsome stranger in front of you. The type of guy you fear meeting going to the gym as a thick woman. Very attractive, muscular, actually looking like he belongs at a gym, whereas you were here for the first time, and it definitely showed.
“I know.” You said, no need to lie to the stranger. He and everyone else here had looked at you, finding all your flaws, probably had an inner monologue about all your rolls and how obvious it was that you were totally new to this. Not even in proper workout clothes, you felt like a fraud.
“You should ease up, let-”
“Thank you,” You interrupt him, not needing a lecture right now. You were already so close to crying that another word might break you. “But I don’t need your help. I know I probably do it all wrong, but at least I’m here.”
Your voice crack at the last word, and you just know you have to leave now unless you want to sob and then you definitely couldn’t show your face here again. You look into his eyes and to your surprise, you find compassion in his eyes.
“Who hurt you?” He asks softly, his voice full of sympathy and it’s too much. You walk off, grabbing your bag and walk out, not even looking back. You fight back the tears all the way to your car, fumbling with the keys when a gentle hand lands on your shoulder. Turning around, you see the man from the gym.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t-”
“It’s okay. This is not about you and I’m sorry. I’m just having the worst week of my life.” You say with a shivering voice, wiping away a few tears. “The man I thought I was gonna marry just left me because I’m not good enough. So I feel like shit and wanted to change. That’s why I came here. But I suck at this, and I should just give up and be one of those women who have a bunch of cats and live alone…”
You sob silently, regretting pouring your heart out to this stranger, but you already feel better, getting it of your chest.
“Do you always interrupt people so much?” He smiles, tilting his head to the side as he cocks a brow at you. You sniffle softly, huffing out a small laugh.
“No, and I’m so sorry for that too.”
“No need to apologize. Sounds like you’ve had a rough time.” He takes a step closer, leaning against your car beside you. “I can help you, if you want.”
“Could you kill him?” You laugh trough your tears and he just smile, the smirk on his face making you question if he took it as a joke or not.
“I meant with the workout. Now, I’m no personal trainer, but I could show you how everything works.” He offers, looking at you with soft eyes. Really pretty eyes. You want to say yes, but you’d be too self-conscious to have this hunk see you all sweaty and weak.
“I really appreciate it, but I can’t.”
“Come on, princess. Gotta make that asshole regret he ever left you.” He nudges your shoulder softly and you hate how it gives you butterflies. You shouldn’t even go there. You’d never be good enough for a guy like that. And you just got dumped! This would be a mess. But you already knew you’d say yes.
“Okay then. But I’m warning you. I’m lazy and weak.”
“You’re stronger than you think, princess. You just gotta believe it yourself.” He smiles again, pushing off your car. “See you here Thursday.”
“But… what about tomorrow?” You ask, already having mentally prepared yourself for some daily torture at the gym.
“Your body needs some rest. Thursday.” He turns to walk back to the gym, but then turns around, smiling at you. “Do you even want a bunch of cats?”
“No, I hate cats. I’m a dog person.” You yell back at him, only to see a wide smile on his face. “I’m y/n, by the way.”
“Frank.” He says, before turning back towards the gym, waving back at you.
That’s how you found yourself at the gym twice a week with him from then on. Frank Castle. At first, he didn’t say much, just showed you how the machines worked, gave you some simple exercises and gradually increased the weight and the difficulty of the exercises.
But over time as you opened up more about your past, he did too. How he was born and raised in Hell’s Kitchen to Sicilian parents, how he’d been a major troublemaker as a kid and later joined the marines. The day he told you how he lost his wife and kids, was the first day your new friendship was taken outside of the gym. You invited him to dinner at a nearby pizza place and you had talked for hours until the owner threw you out at closing time.
Frank had helped you heal so much over the past few months and had giving you back the thirst for life. You smiled more when you were with him and felt better than you had in years. Also why you had invited him to your little party tonight, celebrating finally getting a place of your own, sticking to working out for 4 months and starting to feel like yourself again.
With the party at full swing, you look around and can’t find Frank anywhere, but notice the window to the fire escape is open. Peeking out, you find him smiling back at you with a beer in hand.
“Hiding, are we?” You giggle, before climbing through to join him. He just gives you a soft smile as he scoots over, making room for you.
“Yeah, that Louisa girl was getting a little too close.” He grins as he takes a sip of his beer.
“Shit, sorry. But I thought you were single, so I told her to go for it.”
“I am.” He responds softly, looking at the bottle as he fiddles with the label.
“Oh…” You turn a little and look at him, unsure why he’d reject Louisa. Possibly the hottest of your friends and definitely a catch. “Then… Why would you hide from her? I promise, she’s amazing.”
“Maybe she is.” He looks up from the bottle and into your eyes, his softening as soon as his gaze falls on you. “But I like someone else.”
“Damn, you should have told me. Then I wouldn’t have set her loose on you.” You giggle softly, shrugging apologetically. Truth be told, you would have hated for her to date Frank, but you couldn’t just keep him to yourself when a guy like that deserved so much better.
“I want to. I was just waiting until she’s ready.”
“Ready for what? I can’t imagine anyone not being ready for you, Frankie.” You laugh it off as a joke, but deep down you’re serious. How anyone could not be willing to be with Frank was a mystery. He was so kind, had been a rock for you these past four months and he was fine as hell.
“It takes time to heal, sweetheart. Especially after a failed engagement. And I don’t mind waiting a little longer for you.”
“For… me?” You ask, your voice barely above a whisper. You can’t really believe what you just heard. Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe he’s just drunk. It couldn’t be. “B-but… why? I’m not…”
Special. You trail off before you can finish the sentence. At that he just chuckles softly, like you’ve just asked the most ridiculous question in the world. “I wish you could see yourself through my eyes.”
“But how? When? I…” You stumble over your words, not sure you’ll ever be able to form a coherent sentence again.
“You’ve said that I’ve helped you heal. Truth is… You healed me too.” He reaches out for you, his hand gently cupping your cheek as his dark eyes stare into yours. There are so many unspoken questions hanging in the air, but you try to silence the voices.
He closes the distance, letting his lips claim yours in a kiss that takes your breath away, but it’s over too soon. For a moment, nothing exists beside you and Frank. The music gone, the city silent.
Tagging: @idrinkcoffeeandobsess @e-dubbc11 @theradioactivespidergwen @mattmurdocksscars @murdock-and-the-sea @mindidjarin @chvoswxtch @boliv-jenta @lucy-sky @darlingshane @saintmurd0ck
For the first time in a long time, you know things will get better. They say anything happens for a reason and you now know you were meant to meet Frank. You had been broken, but he had put you back together. Healing takes time, it takes practice… and a little bit of love.
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sky-kenobye · 4 months
Fic idea that I've been obsessing over in the last couple of days:
TLDR: Obi-Wan gets dumped on his wedding day, Anakin suggests they get married instead to save Obi-Wan the humiliation (and money), he agrees, they get married and nobody realises the stunt they pulled (except for the few people they told), and they both realise that actually it's great to be married to each other and that they wouldn't have it any other way, and probably get their happily ever after.
(A lot more details under the cut for those who are interested!)
Obi-Wan is getting married to someone (I was thinking Satine at first but I don't want to bash on her just because she's in the way of my ship so let's say an original character 🤷), Anakin is his best man, and it's a kinda big and traditional wedding and they did the 'you can't see your bride until the ceremony' stuff, so Obi-Wan is already at the city hall(?), while the bride will be coming later, just before the start of the ceremony.
It's less than an hour before the start and some early guests are already getting there. One of the bride's guest (Padmé?) is arriving when she gets a phone call from the bride, telling her that the wedding is canceled, sorry for calling at the last minute but she had to call all the guests and she was the last one. At the same time Anakin is coming out of the building for whatever reason and Padmé is like 'wdym it's canceled? The best man is here, and I can see other guests!'. The bride kinda panicks and hangs up, and Padmé flags Anakin down to ask what's going on.
He's also baffled because Obi-Wan didn't say it was cancelled, he's ready to get married and everything and he saw him about 10 seconds ago. They try to call the bride back but she doesn't answer, then they try to call another guest of the bride that Padmé knows. She answers and they learn that apparently the bride called in the morning and said that Obi-Wan had cancelled the wedding and dumped her at the last minute and they were each calling their half of the guests to tell them not to show up (which is clearly a bunch of lies from the bride).
They go and explain all of this to Obi-Wan who's confused and angry and heartbroken. He manages to get on the phone with the bride who properly dumps him, and by that time there's very little time before the ceremony was supposed to start. Most of the (Obi-Wan's) guests are there, and it's kind of (very) humiliating to have to go in front of all these people that he knows and tell them "wedding cancelled, I've been dumped, you can go home", and on top of that it wasn't a super cheap wedding so that sucks, and the catering is already ready so he'll have to throw away a ton of food? Not a great situation.
So Anakin has an idea: what if they get married instead? It's crazy so Obi-Wan tries to argue against it:
We can't get fake married! Then let's get real married!
People will still know I've been dumped and I'm pathetically trying to save face! None of the bride's guests will be there so i doubt it.
It was still her name on the wedding announcement. Okay then, maybe she dumped you like idk a month ago and I took the opportunity to declare my secret love for you!
And we got married less than a month later? It's hard and expensive as shit to cancel a wedding on such a short notice so we took the opportunity! It's not so unrealistic for me and I could probably convince you to do it.
But then we'll be married. Yeah, so? There are worst things in the world.
Obi-Wan is skeptical but not saying no yet, and Padmé is like 'honestly coming from anybody else I'd think they lost it, but from you two? I can see it. Not even sure I'd be all that surprised tbh'.
Obi-Wan's not having a great time and getting married to Anakin sounds a thousand times better than telling people what actually happened so he says fuck it let's do it.
They form a quick battle plan: Obi-Wan will go talk to the officiant to change the bride's name to anakin's (is it legally possible in any country? Probably not but let's pretend it is and that the marriage is still valid), Anakin will find them new best men/women (probably quinlan for obi-wan and ahsoka for anakin? Or padmé since she's already in the loop) and brief them on the situation, and Padmé will find a ring that fits Anakin (she borrows one of the guest's, maybe Owen Lars'?).
Only a few minutes late, they come out in front of all the guests, do a quick speech explaining the unexpected change (with a few lies of course), and the ceremony begins. Everything goes smoothly, Obi-Wan improvises very moving (and actually 100% honest) wedding vows, Anakin is crying and forgot they needed wedding vows but manages to put a few sentences together which are equally as honest as Obi-Wan's and make people cry too (they think he forgot his vows because of the emotion). They put the rings on each other, kiss and all of that, and when they leave the building they're both beaming so wide that it doesn't occur to anybody to be suspicious, the grooms look so happy and in love!
Then it's time for the reception and everybody has a great time, the grooms have a very sweet first dance, and they're all over each other the entire evening, how adorable! And if they disappear for a little while (Obi-Wan may be happy to get married to Anakin but he still just got dumped, so he may want to have a few minutes to breath in a quiet corner and get a good hug) then everybody assumes they're making out in a closet or something. Owen laughs at them for forgetting the rings (which is what he assumes is the reason they needed his ring), and they get a lot of friendly ribbing for 'keeping their wedding a secret' from pretty much everybody.
And maybe after a few drink they do really disappear to make out and decide that marrying your best friend that you've always kind of been into without ever admitting it is pretty amazing actually.
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angel-shaw · 4 months
Here’s the Lasko/his listener one I made!
@annahxredaxted here you go!!
Thank you to @meepisindahouse for beta reading! <333
Kody is their little brother but they don’t know what he did, till Lasko tells them-
“Hon, you know I love you but you've to at least try, I cant keep doing this,” They said exasperated.
Their brother was sitting on their couch once again, venting about how people at his school were targeting him and even getting him kicked out of his dorm.
“I did! It's not my fault everything is against me!”
“I know bud, but this keeps happening, you know you have at least some part to play. You always blame the people around you for everything, so it makes sense why they don't like you. I'm not saying it's ok for them to get you kicked out, but you could at least try to be more pleasant and not as back-stabby.”
“Stop siding with them! The shit they accuse me of is total bullshit! I'm nothing but nice to these people and then they get their friends to target me! I had nothing to do with these other people!”
They sighed, “Look I know, but my neighbors are getting really fed up with you showing up randomly and making a bunch of noise. If they report me again it's going to start being an actual problem that can get me kicked out of here. I don't mind you staying here, hell, it's nice to see you, but it can't keep happening this way, /please/.”
Their brother sighed, rolled his eyes, and fell back onto the couch, “Ya ya, whatever. Your neighbors suck.”
“Thank you Kodes, Now I have to run out for some food. Any requests?”
“Mmm, I don't care. You can't just make something?”
“Tomorrow I can, but I’m having dinner with my boyfriend tonight so I'm just going to grab something for you.”
Once again their brother groned, “Can't you just tell your boy-toy that you can’t see him tonight?”
“Don't call him that. I actually really like him Kodes, I think this one’s gonna last.”
Defending their romantic relationships from their brother's scrutiny wasn't new. He was always annoyed whenever they got with someone. The two were always close growing up and Kody always hated when they went out with guys. There were quite a few relationships that ended poorly because Kody got in the way.
“Ya ya whatever, I doubt it. I just wish you would hang out with me and not with some guy who's probably gonna dump you.”
They sighed, “I'm gonna go to the store, I'll be back soon.”
“See ya,”
They grab their keys and head out.
Shopping didn't take long, but well they did they thought about how much their little brother had changed over the years. He used to be so sweet, but something happened after they had moved out. The next time they saw Kody was when he got into D.A.M.N, after they had become a teacher. They had tried to meet up with him multiple times before then but he never seemed interested.
When he started at D.A.M.N. he ignored them for months, they tried to talk with him but he always had some things to do, which was fair enough. He was grown up now and had classes. But at some point something had happened and he ended up getting expelled. He asked them not to do anything about it, but he did crash at their place for a while after it happened. They were ready to try to fight for him, but he practically begged them not to, saying that he didn't want their career to suffer. So they didn't, they just helped him get into a new place and get back on his feet.
As they walked back up to their apartment they saw a familiar face, “Lasko?”
Lasko turned, “Oh! H-hey, I was just on- on my way to pick y-you up.”
“Oh is it time already? I'm sorry, I went out to get some stuff for my brother.”
“Your br-brother? I didn't know you had one? Does he live with y-you?”
“No, he's just staying with me for a few days. I'm excited for our date tonight! Just let me drop this stuff off and put on something a bit nicer, ya?”
“Y-Ya that's totally fine!”
The two of them walked back to their apartment door.
“Do you want to come in? I'll be quick,”
“Ya, s-sure!”
They let themselves and Lasko in, “Kodes I’m back! Laskos here, so be nice!” They drop the bags off on the tables and see a scribbled note.
“Went out
Be back to eat”
They sigh, “Sorry Lasko, it looks like my brother went out so you'll have to wait to meet him,”
“Oh! That's alright! I’ll j-just sit on the couch till you're ready,” Lasko smiled and went to sit.
As they got ready, Lasko looked around. There wasn't much on the walls, but there were some framed pictures. Curiosity got the best of him so he started to look closer. He got up and smiled at his lover's happy face in the pictures.
There was one where they were holding their little brother when they were kids, they were both so cute. It was labeled “Kodes and me<3”. However as he looked, one of the pictures made him stop, his blood running cold. He could feel the air around him tighten in his anger. The picture was labeled just like the other. “Kodes and me<3” It was Kody. The same Kody who had hurt Freelancer, the same one who had led people to their deaths by being a dick during The Inversion. He was… their brother….
He didn't realize how much time had passed until their hand touched his shoulder, he jumped and turned around.
“Lasko? Are you alright?”
“Kody’s your brother?”
“Mhm, Do you know him? This doesn't feel like a good thing.. Did he say something to you too? I know he's not the best sometimes but I didn't think he knew you?” The worried laced their voice, they had no idea. They couldn't have any idea, they were so sweet, there was no way they would care for him if they knew. But how could they not??
“Oh I know him.” He could hear his own voice, he was angry. He stopped, took a deep breath, and looked at them.
“Do you not know why he was expelled from D.A.M.N?” He was quiet, he had to be.
They shook their head, “No, he asked me not to get involved, that it wasn't worth it. So I just figured he did something stupid and pissed the wrong people off…Did…Did he do something?”
“He was the one who hurt Freelancer.”
Everything stopped, their eyes widened as they processed what that meant. They had talked to Freelancer quite a bit. They had told them about the bad experiences with another student, but never said his name. The kid had bridged with them without them knowing what it meant, then continued to harass them. It only stopped when the kid was expelled and that only happened because their friends had convinced them to take action and helped along the way. That…that couldn't have been their baby brother. He was a jerk sure, but he wouldn't do that….He couldn't.
“It…it was him? Are you sure?? 100%?!”
Lasko nodded.
Their eyes began to water, completely overwhelmed, they sat on the floor. Lasko dropped with them, holding their hands tightly.
‘’I…I'm so sorry, I…I knew he was causing his own problems but I never imagined he could do something like that…”
“I know, it's not your fault.”
They shook their head, “What- What do I do? I- he’s my baby brother but..but he..I can’t..”
“I know, take a deep breath. I know this is hard.”
“I…can't, I can't have him here..I can't support him like this…He..he's really terrible isn't he? He really is a bad person isn't he??” They broke down into sobs, clutching onto Lasko.
He rubbed their back as they sobbed, they kept repeating that same question, “He really is a bad person now isn't he? Oh god he is, it really was him.”
After some time they pulled back, their breathing still heavy and their cheeks tear stained.
“What..what do I do?” They sounded so lost. “He, he can't stay here, I won't let him but how…how do I tell him to leave? It feels like I can't just kick him out…he's…he's my baby brother but…I can't…how do I…”
Lasko took a deep breath, “I know it's hard, I-I know it's hard to cut off family. You don't have to do this by yourself. I can call Freelancer and Gavin ask if Gavin can come help. I'm sure he wouldn't mind helping get Kody out. D-Damien and Hux too.”
“God, I have to tell Freelancer, don't I? I have to tell them he's my brother-”
“Hay,” Lasko’s soft voice cut through the impending second breakdown, “Freelancer won't blame you, they know you. They will not blame you, you didn't know and were just helping your brother. You know now and you're not trying to defend what he did. It's going to be ok.”
They nodded, “Can…can we call Freelancer? I don't think I'll be able to kick him out by myself…”
“Of course.”
One call later the two of them were on their way to Freelancer’s apartment. It wasn't a long drive but it felt like it. They were too emotional to drive so Lasko did, during the drive he held their hand and kept telling them it would be ok, but it didn't feel like it.
Once they reached the apartment Gavin let the two in instantly, his usual playfulness missing. The three went into the living room where Freelancer was sitting with several cups of tea.
“Hey, there you are,” Freelancer's voice was soft, they got up and hugged them.
“I'm so so sorry, I didn't know-” They held Freelancer tight and they could feel the tears start to resurface.
“No no no, it's alright. It's not your fault.” Freelancer lightly swayed the two of them, “You didn't know, you were just caring for your family, I can't and won't ever blame you for that. His actions are his own, never yours.”
“He hurt you..”
“He did, I didn't deserve what he did. But he does deserve what happened to him and he doesn't deserve someone as sweet as you as a sibling.”
“I'm so sorry.. I..I didn't know what to do..”
Freelancer pulled back, taking their hand and led them to sit on the couch. They handed them a cup of hot tea, “I know, I can't say I know what to do either, I've never been in a situation like this before.”
“I don't want him near me, I love him because he's my brother, but…but my baby brother wouldn't do something like this. I don't know what happened, I don't know why he turned out like this…’’
“I can understand that, I can't relate to having someone who I care for turn out to be like how Kody is. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this too. I might not understand the care you have for him, but you can vent to me about it, I know this is hard.”
“I can't ask you for that! He violated you, I can't vent to you about-”
“Let me stop you there,” Freelancer interrupted, “You're not asking, I'm telling you and offering you to. I know what he did to me. It took me a long time to come to terms with it and well, I am still affected by what he did. That doesn't change that you are a friend of mine. He hurt you too by doing all of this. I might not be the person to tell how kind and sweet he used to be in a dream like way you can't talk to me about how this has hurt you too. Without my friends, Lasko, Damien, Hux, and Gavin, I wouldn't have recovered. Some of those conversions were about how Kody wronged them, or how they were upset about how he hurt me. And those helped, it was another perspective. I don't ever plan to forgive him and I never want people to try to defend him to me. You ranting to me isn't you defending him, it's just giving me another reason to never forgive him. He hurt another one of my friends.”
They nodded, “Thank you,” They sniffled and Freelancer placed their hand on their arm.
“I just don't understand how he could have turned out like this.. He used to be so sweet, I knew he changed and that that change wasn't good but I never thought he would do something like this.”
“We never expect the people we care about to be monsters,” Gavin said, he was standing behind the couch, his hand on his lover's shoulder, “It's hard to accept that sometimes they are.”
Freelancer nodded, “What do you want to do? I know you said you don't want him in your place anymore, but there are a few ways we can go about that.”
“I…I honestly don't know. I don't think I can just kick him out by myself. I don't want him there, but…”
“I understand don't worry, you don't have to explain yourself to us. Do you want Damien and Huxly to be there with you and Gavin? That way you're not alone? I would offer to go, but I don't want to be anywhere near him.”
They nodded, laughing breathlessly, “Ya, I get that. I don't want you to go anywhere near him either. I want to tell him to get out myself, having the others there would be nice. I don't think he will react well though, I don't want anyone getting hurt-”
“Oh trust me, Aquafina won't hurt any of us. He's learned that lesson. If he tries anything he won't get far.” Gavin said. His smile was slightly disconcerting. ‘:3’
They nodded, “Can you guys explain it to the others, I don't think I can explain it again..”
“Of course, Gavin and I will do that, you and Lasko can sit here while we call, ok? If you need something to eat feel free to rummage, ok? And all the tea is open for you.”
Lasko took Freelancer's place once they got up, “How are you doing?”
“Not good, honestly,” They laughed, though there was no humor in it. “It doesn't feel like I'm drowning at the moment, but this is so much to accept. It's a whole another layer that it's so easy to believe all of it… I think that's the worst part of it all. How easily I can believe Kody did all this..”
They let Lasko hold them. They both just sat there for a while.
After a while Freelancer and Gaivn walked back in, “The others are on their way. They were grabbing food so they grabbed some for all of us as well, Hux said food might help.”
“Hux is so sweet..”
“He really is.”
“Thank you, I know this has to be hard for you. I'm sorry for making you think about him all over again. But thank you for helping me.”
Freelancer smiled, “Of course. This is hard, but I mean hey, at least we have one more thing we can gossip about as if it wasn’t heavily traumatizing now?”
They laughed, caught completely off guard.
Over the next ten minutes the four of them talked lightly. They weren't ignoring what was going on, but more giving them a chance to calm down before having to do the hardest thing they needed to do.
Huxly and Damien arrived and Huxly immediately asked if they wanted a hug, they accepted. His hug felt safe and they stayed there for a while Damien handed out food. Once all of them settled down Lasko and Freelancer explained a bit more to the other two. They both listened intently.
They also immediately agreed to help get Kody out. The room heated up a few degrees even as Lasko explained.
“I want to talk to him…I want to tell him to get out,” They said. That was the only thing they were completely sure of.
“Ok, so we obviously want a game plan going in, Kody definitely isn't going to be happy. I wouldn't put it past him to try to get violent. Especially if he thinks you're alone.” Damien was logical and it helped them feel safe.
“If you want to be the one to tell him, I completely respect that, but I don't want to run the chance that he'll hurt you,” Huxly said. “Maybe we can wait out of sight until he tries something?”
“That still puts them in danger though,” Damein said.
“I mean..can..can you be in the room with me, Lasko? I know it's a lot to ask. I'm not worried about Kody really trying to hurt me but that's because I don't think he would. So that's based on an idealized version of him. I don't want to be alone in a room with him..”
“O-of course! I- I understand why you don't.”
“Ok. So here's the plan so far, Me, Hux and Gavin will be off the side, out of sight. Lasko will be in the room with you as you confront him and if he gets aggressive the three of us will step in and get him out and make it clear you don't want him to come crawling back. Freelancer are you going to stay here then?’’
“Ya, I’ll stay here and make sure all the wards and such are ready for when you guys come back.”
“What do you mean?” They asked, They were leaning against Lasko on the couch.
“Well, you're not going to stay at your place /obviously/. Kody is the type to try shit so once he assumes the others are gone, he's going to try to pull something. So we won't give him the chance. The best way to combat that is for everyone or at least most of us to stay here tonight. We have wards already set up against Kody, so even if he tries to follow you guys on the way back he won't be able to even come close. Plus I know it's not good to be alone after a bunch of stuff goes down.”
“I- Thank you..that..that means alot to me…I would really like that actually.”
Freelancer smiled, “Of course, you're our friend. We aren't going to let you go through this alone.”
They took a deep breath, “Let's do this. I want to get this over with.”
The others nodded.
Everyone except Gavin and Freelancer got into Lasko’s car. Gavin decided to rift ahead to make sure Kody wasn’t back yet. Damien drove this time.
“Hay dude, are you sure you wanna do it this way? This shit’s hard.” Hux asked.
They took a deep breath, “Yes. He's my brother, I have to be the one to do it. It will be hard but having someone else do it will make him think it wasn't my choice. If I need you guys I'll say so, don't worry. Just knowing you guys are there makes me feel safer..”
Hux smiled and patted their shoulder.
Once they got to the apartment building Gavin met them at the door.
“I'll text Kody to come back and you guys can just go into my room, it's a pretty small place so it's not far from the living room and you guys should be able to hear everything. Lasko if you want to be in sight you can be on the couch, if not the hall should work, He won't see you at first I don't think.”
“Ill s-sit with you. I don't w-want you do this al-alone.”
“Thank you Lasko,” They took his hand and pulled him into a tight hug.
Ten minutes later, Kody said he was on his way and the guys got into place, Lasko and them taking their seats on the couch.
Once Kody opened the door and walked in, he didn't immediately notice Lasko. “Finally you’re back, I didn't think your stupid date would be so long. What the hell were you even doi-” He stopped completely once he saw Lasko on the couch.
“Why the hell are you here?! Get away from them!” He yelled.
Kody yelling immediately caught them off guard, but they stood, “Don't talk to him like that. I know what you did, Kody.”
“I didn't do shit! Whatever bullshit he is telling you is a lie!”
“I know he's telling the truth, Kody. I want you out.”
“You barely know him and you're going to believe just anything that comes out of his mouth over me?! I’m your brother for fuck’s sake!”
“Kody you bridged with someone who didn't want that!”
“They said they did! I didn't do anything wrong!”
“They didn't know what that meant! You can't just say that and make it alright! What else have you done?? What else did you do and then come crawling to me for help when you got punished for it?! What the hell Kody?! I knew you were getting bad, but I never thought you would do something like this!”
‘You’re my sibling, you're supposed to support me! This is just that dumb fucking Freelancer trying to ruin my life even more!”
“Get out, Kody.”
Kody laughed, “You're not actually making me leave.”
“I'm your brother, I have nowhere else to go! Do you really want me out on the street??”
“You'll figure something out, I'm sure. But even if you don't it's what you had coming for pulling all of this shit.”
“I'm not going anywhere.’’
Kody looked confused for a split second until Gavin appeared right in front of him. He stumbled backwards. Domain and Huxy came out into the living room, Lasko now standing and holding his lover.
Kody immediately tried to attack but was immediately shut down by Gavin. “I don't think that's a good idea.” He said coldly.
“Oh?! So the Freelancer really is collecting everything they can?!! They're just as bad as what you are!” Kody spat.
Despite knowing this could happen they still held tightly to Lasko’s arm.
It didn't take long after that. The three others got Kody out and definitely made sure Kody knew they didn't want him back. They were pretty sure Hux had to stop Damien from punching him more than once.
Once Kody was out he banged on the door for a bit, but Gavin soon let them know he had stormed off.
They all spent some time in the living room, it wasn't long until they started to cry in Lasko’s arms. Gavin and Huxly were kind enough to go and get a bag ready for them. Well Lasko told them which clothes to grab and some other items.
After a while they were able to calm down, Damien and Lasko sitting with them as they breathed. Once Gavin and Huxly had gotten two bags ready for them they all went back out to Lasko’s car, Gavin deciding to rift ahead to let Freelancer know it was over. Lasko grabbed their blanket and wrapped them up in it.
They made it back to Freelancer’s without any problems which was nice. The four of them were mostly quiet, but once they got back to Freelancer’s the mood seemed to switch.
“Do you need quiet or noise? Either one is alright. If you want to try and just process everything it's alright, or if you want to relax for a bit and try to have some fun to get your mind off it. We've got Mario Kart and a bunch of other things we can all play.”
“Can…Can you guys play? I don't think I can focus on controls but I love watching you guys play.”
“Ya of course! Now, what do you want for food? Snacks? Drinks?”
They laughed lightly.
That's how they ended up sitting in between Lasko and Freelancer on the couch. Listening and laughing as the others played and yelled at each other. The day was hard and painful. That pain wouldn't go away fast but they had people who truly cared for them, and maybe that would be enough.
“Thank you,” They whispered to Freelancer once again.
Freelancer smiled and threw their arm around them, “Don't worry about it, Now you sure you don't want a turn? I bet you'll crush these losers.”
They laughed and took the controller, “I'll try once I guess.”
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buwheal · 17 days
Anon that was probably saying sorry, I said sorry because I find what clown roll was saying judgy, it's not easy being broke and not being able to afford food, the last thing a poor person needs is a lecture on how unhealthy their lifestyle is. Like of course it's not healthy, you think someone would CHOOSE to live like that? To eat nothing but trash? Pretty sure if spamton could be eating something not out of the trash he WOULD, he doesn't need someone rubbing how awful his life is in his face when he doesn't really have a way to make it better, like "oh yeah just get some food not in the trash" for free??? Or if you're expecting him to pay, with what money??? I swear financially well off people seem to just forget you need money to do almost anything because of how much they have. If clowny roll really cared so much they should give him some damn money to buy something, granted maybe they can't because of askbox rules, but still.
THAAANKK YOU DUDE arrghhhhh,, frustrates me a little because theres some people in this box talking to him like he has a choice!!! HE DOESNT!!! I already did a WHOLE nasty thing with a whole bunch of the asks rubbing that shit in his face as if it were an apology,, reminding CONSTANTLY with stuff like "I had trouble finding sucess once!" sorry but that doesnt help guys... This isnt some one time thing where hes down in the dumps cause he got fired or smth HES HOMELESS... thankfully ive stopped getting those, but now its THESE ones about how unhealthy his lifestyle is............... like yeah......... hes not fucking stupid he knows....... they talk to him like hes a child waaghhh /lh Like, heres some examples, sorry to these anons, but if i had chosen your ask you'd get yelled at by Spamton AND the audience anyways,, so heres some that i think maybe... they forgot he cant really do a whole lot....
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...do you see the irony in this one......
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guuuyyyysss do you see the freaking issue here???? "EAT HEALTHER!"
But. Dont go after anyone,, esp Clowny Roll!!!!! I think a lot of them dont ....really think about it. I also have a tinge of a feeling that Clowny Roll has a bit of bait intention with theirs!! nothing wrong with that!
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impactdial · 1 month
oh god this is kinda embarrassing but i was organizing some phone notes and i’m just dumping a bunch of n/sfw sanuso headcanons here. its not that graphic or anything but sorry in advance lol
-i said this in my other hc post but they’re both vers switches. sanji just tends to be more or less of a sub every time LOL he’s definitely within pathetic sub top territory.
-i think like maybe 7 out of 10 times they have non penetrative sex. not that either of them are opposed to it, it’s more that they both just get too excited and desperate, and touch and grind against each other before the question of getting naked even comes up (this has led to many awkward walk of shames to do laundry discreetly)
-they were absolutely virgins before they started dating (ok but truthfully usopp figured this on his own anyway BUT he was definitely relieved that sanji didn’t have any more of a clue of what to do than he did)
-usopp is really into feeling sanji’s body hair, especially his stomach and his chest. and sanji is a little obsessed with usopps curves and muscles
-ok sorry to indulge but i think sanji would have a praise kink and by extension would be a little into puppy play/collaring. sorry
-lowkey usopp also has a praise kink but he just prefers to indulge sanji more (he gets too embarrassed and in his own head about it sometimes if the focus is strictly just on him)
-kinda related to prev but even though they like to tease each other it never goes that far. they talk very sweet to each other and sanji especially makes it a point to be very affectionate and voice how good he feels with usopp
-usopps got tiny titties (compared to the rest of him anyway) and yet sanji gets so worked up seeing them when usopp doesn’t bind (binding tape specifically) he throws up like an overexcited dog
-they’re both so sappy and a little pathetic during sex ngl. sanji would be DISGUSTED if you called it anything other than love making
-this is also kinda self indulgent but usopp absolutely manhandles sanji during sex and most of the time it’s unintentional. it’s mostly reactionary and he’s just doing what feels good (putting his whole weight onto sanji while on top of him, etc) and sanji loves it. (“if i die, i die. what better way to go” “….man you’re into some weird stuff but ok!”)
-I’m so sorry class but i’m a small schlong sanji believer. nothing else to say i just want everyone to know that
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fictionfixations · 3 days
i had a thought
spoilers for up to book 6 (i thought dump. A LOT.)
remember the prologue
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i have a thought so im sharing it
question: what does he think we can even do to stop. well. anyone??? nobody really listened to us (considering we're magicless too a bunch of ppl would look down on us) until we became like friends to them n stuff?? well ace and deuce listened to us i think but we were united under a goal that at all costs had to be reached. to not get expelled. (except us i forgot what was going to happen to us. ..cause we're not actually students ??. ACTUALLY where the fuck are our papers? did crowley just. make them up? cause if you need papers to expel someone then you need some written form of proof then. which means each student probably has files for them, like. say. proof of 'hey this person goes to this school' etc etc. what did he do with us? did he just not admit we existed to the government? but literally everyone in the school knows we exist so surely one of them blabbed like. idk. maybe some stereotypical rich brat whose like 'EWW THERES sOME' uh 'MAGIcLESs PERSON COMMON fOLK wHAtever the fuck IN THIS prestigious SCHOOL!' and like idfk like how ig maybe some of the rich think the poor will give them a disease just by breathing the same air as them [actually maybe they could though but like YKNOW what i mean] but like. if we're just completely undocumented, excluding the unexplainable shift of some funds for ramshackle i IMAGINE so we can pay for shit and live then are we not really. documented anywhere else? styx probably has something but uhh. also theres probably a bunch of law violations attached that i cant even be bothered to touch at the moment. also there are magic diseases right? but so they also have immunities to stuff. but we're from a completely different world so we've never had contact with their sicknesses. so like. ...yknow how theres a ban around like this one island i cant remember the name of because if you interact with them you'll spread stuff to them theyve never been in contact before with that you might not even realize u have cause ur immune and they'll die? like its illegal to go there at all, they're living entirely without technology. also they're hostile. you will die if you go there [if you dont get caught by the people patrolling to make sure they stay without contact]. ..i mean stuff has happened outside of canon we can see. its canonical that the overblot peeps have gone to counseling and medical mages. so maybe im making a big deal out of nothing)
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im. sorry. i got really distracted i didnt intend to spiral down to papers i meant to talk about something else
so just. listen.
actually about the expelling ^ three as in Grim, Ace, and Deuce. oh (so wait if they got in trouble would we just. ..still be able to stay?? ?? he doesnt even address us?? well actually grim isnt a student yet but theres FOUR of us not three then so ????)
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wait sorry how did we get here ?? (why are we involved? i dont think crowley spoke to us at all when he was angry at the others with the chandelier 😭)
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the wiki might be outdated a little because it doesnt update itself when dialogue changes, people have to notice it and then take the time to add it if anything changed so this is from
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so if anything changed since then well huh
(if he blamed us for not being able to stop two teenagers with magic while im magicless though i wouldve been throwing hands but im glad crowley hasnt gone that far. ..he still put a firebreathing cat into our custody though. ramshackle dorm is very flammable isnt it? is dust flammable? idk. a lot of wood also i dont think they know what fire extinguishers are. youd think someone would deal with the flames during the entrance ceremony besides riddle and azul trying to catch the flame setter. or if we have one its very unmentioned.)
but so considering grim is our responsibility.. i have to ask how we're meant to stop him..?
like so this is before we really bond with him (aka we find him annoying. unless u got attached to him right away which good for you, i dont know when he wormed his way into my heart but he did at one point and i realized it at the end of i think book 5 aka ignihyde teaser) so grim wouldnt really listen to us (looks down on us)
also i dont know about you but burns HURT. ive burned myself a few times but they're not like the really bad ones (i dont know the difference between degrees and i feel like googling it will haunt me in my nightmares). i imagine grim cant shoot fire too far? maybe a little more shorter/mid range? what even is mid range idk (and the reason it lasted to hit the statue was because of ace's wind magic imo)
well either he can control the range or he can only shoot it out so far. so then. we'd be really close trying to catch him. maybe its in one of the twistunes where he's running away. he turns around and shoots fire at you. fucking OW (also its BLUE. i dont know how colored fire works, but assuming its blue because its even hotter than normal fire. um. ow.)
like SIR im new to this world i dont know how things work
its like... like being saddled with a baby after being suddenly kicked out of the house with no warning (and thus without any of your stuff besides the clothes youre wearing. ..but youve also been isolated from the world youre whole life so WHAT theres MAGIC? whats this about strange laws i dont know about-- wait THIS IS A BOYS ONLY SCHOOL? .........THERES FURRIES?) and the baby is VIOLENT
like HOLD on a second let me at least get a source of income first before giving me a being that utterly depends on me to survive (well. grim can probably survive on his own if we assume he's lived on his own for a bit until NRC. but um. ...well theres a reason there probably needs to be a bunch of childproofing for grim.) when i can barely figure out how to survive here
so. i feel i got very sidetracked. but its also nearing the time i sleep so my brain is slowing down on me and my thoughts have veered off the train tracks enough that this is just a whole mess of thoughts spewing out
i hope im making sense but im probably not
wanted to crowley bash because why are you putting me in charge of people probably the same age as me (minus grim) but with an advantage against me considering they have magic and i dont (not to say that people who know how to fight cant beat their asses but like. ...i dont know how to fight so.)
but he also hasnt given me reason to in canon i guess (if anythings happened outside of prologue i have no recollection of it. i just went through the wiki searching for every page with 'bill' or 'expense' in it)
surprisingly fanfiction either turns to 'crowley is an asshole' (and also actually pays attention to yuu and blames them like oh) or 'parent crowley' which speaks for itself (and is very cute in its own right but i also dont like him regardless as i dislike all adults that put responsibilities on children to be fucking idk child soldiers or to fight shit or deal with shit. i mean crowley doesnt go that far but i still dont like him)
those fics though start from prologue and go in order (some include vignettes and events) so i assumed that it followed it close enough to be a recreation but [so and so] but i was wrong apparently
still tho
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gwiyeounsonyeon · 21 days
Growing Pains End (MWC 13, 14!)
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Pairing: RE2 Leon Kennedy x Male(Intended) Reader Summary: College AU! Leon takes you out. Words: 2,282/200 Warnings: I think the reader was referred to as a guy but I might have deleted it, I'm throwing this in here just in case Notes: I really wanted this to go on longer, originally I had it planned out for a few more chapters, at least five extra but I didn't want to overwhelm myself. Maybe if I get better at writing longer-form stories without getting exhausted I'll write five more chapters with Leon and Reader after college.
Navigation | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
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The beginning of the movie was pretty decent but very quickly you were snoozing for the rest of it and only came to when the end credits rolled. Thankfully Leon didn’t seem to notice you’d fallen asleep and as you walked out of the theater side by side you listened intently to the retelling of his favorite parts, unable to stop yourself from thinking he was really cute with the way he was so animated as talked. The way he waved his hands around to emphasize what he was saying, the big smile on his face as he talked, and if you looked close enough at him you could see little dimples in his right cheek. Your stomach exploded uncomfortably in butterflies and your heartbeat quickened, you avert your eyes from his face and dump the empty bag of popcorn in the trash, and fidget with your, now empty hands. You both stop so he can grab his bike from the rack and once he’s got it, he starts walking while talking about what you assume to be the end of the movie, leaving you no choice but to follow after him. 
Throughout the conversation you zone out, the softness in his voice making you sleepy again but soon he stops to rack his bike once more, “I just wish they gave the guy a better ending…” He pouts and you zone back into the conversation just now realizing you were standing in front of some diner, “Hm?” Your brows raise as he leads you inside, greeting the hostess who seats you at his usual table. “You come here a lot?” You follow the hostess to a booth by the front window and sit down opposite to Leon, “Sometimes, yeah–and since exams are starting soon this is a great place to study.” You nod and look around, the waitress hadn’t come by yet and the hostess had disappeared somewhere into the kitchen. “You nervous about exams?” You fidget with your menu, not really hungry enough to get anything. Leon shrugs and nods “A little, I mean… I think I'm more nervous about becoming a sophomore.” You nod in turn feeling a little sympathy for him, “It's not too bad, do you know what you wanna major in?” You push your packaged straw around the table starting to feel a little nervous, this all seemed too much like a date. Leon perks up immediately and nods “I came here ‘cause of the STARS criminal justice courses.” You furrow your brows feeling a little confused, “I thought STARS only donated the football team.” Leon smiles and shakes his head, “The football stuff was only done this year, STARS was originally the first big donator for classes and stuff, they help fund the whole left wing.” You nod, not having a good idea of what he's talking about but you’ve been in the left wing once or twice, it's full of a bunch of law stuff that you’re not interested in at all. 
“So, you’re gonna be a cop.” He nods enthusiastically “I’ve known my whole life that I wanted to be a police officer, it's always been my dream to save people.” You watch his hands as he plays with his napkin, you can't help feeling really small next to him. He's got all these great plans and here you were studying for a major you had no idea if you wanted to keep or not. “What about you? What are you majoring in?” You open your mouth to say something but the waitress comes out first, “Sorry about that.” She smiles and sets two glasses of water on your table, “What can I get for the two of you today?” She pulls out a little notepad and pauses, waiting for either of you two to speak up first. Thankfully Leon takes the lead “Can I have my regular?” He turns to you with a big excited look on his face, “You have to try that one, it's just a burger but it's so good.” He points to the menu and you nod, “Uh… Yeah, sure. I’ll have that.” You don't really feel hungry, your stomach feels fluttery and nervous, the waitress smiles and takes your menus. Before she leaves she winks at Leon, “He’s cute, kid.” 
You don't get it but Leon goes bright red and sputters awkwardly, “What’s that mean?” His face goes a darker red and he hides behind his hands, now you’re even more confused. You go to speak but he beats you to it, mumbling from behind his hands, “I… um…” He drops his hands so he can take a long sip of his water, “You have to promise you won't laugh, okay?” He looks at you, the flush had died down a little but his cheeks were still bright pink. You nod and he takes a deep breath, “For… I dunno, like, a few weeks… maybe a month um…” He clears his throat, you put your hands in your lap and fidget under the table, your heart rate picking up slightly. “I uh… i've really liked you––a- and um… i've wanted to ask you out but…” It feels like your heart is going to beat out of your chest, your hands feel a little sweaty and there's a lump forming in your throat. “I- I’ve talked to her about how to ask you f- um forever a- and when I did, she was right. Uh- it wasn't as hard as I thought.” When he finishes he looks relieved but you feel like you’re about to have a heart attack. 
“Wha- um.” You stop to clear your throat and gather your thoughts, you have no idea what to think, all of this feels like it's happening so suddenly. You see Leon lose a little confidence and your stomach does this weird flop, you have no idea what to say, you don't even know what to feel. Does he want to be your boyfriend? Does he just want sex? Is this all an elaborate prank? Is this even real, are you dreaming? You have to be dreaming, you pinch yourself under the table but you dont wake up in your bed. “W- s- so… uh… it’s just- j- just a date?” You stutter lamely, starting to feel very conscious about how weird you're acting “-I mean… you’re not… like, asking to be my boyfriend, are you?” He looks a little upset and your palms grow sweatier, you lean back against the plush booth and rub the sweat from your palms. You feel like you might have a heart attack, your heart beating wildly against your ribcage, you press your hand to your chest hoping to quell the feeling.
Leon’s eyes follow your hand and his expression falls into an off sort of look like he’s deep in thought; “I want to, uh––e- eventually, I mean..” He finishes anxiously, looking back up at you to see your expression. He must've seen something in the way your looking at him because he relaxes a fraction and moves his hands from his lap to the table as your hand drops from your chest. “B- but we obviously don't have to do anything like that, if you don't want to I mean, it was just. I just didn't want to wait any longer to tell you and I had no idea how to tell you-” He’s rushing things out like he's starting to get anxious, fidgeting with his glass of water, but you stop him with a sigh. “I- Leon….” Your hand moves up to rub at your forehead, the ache from earlier coming back full force as you try to figure out how to navigate this situation. He seems to take your actions as rejection, wilting in his seat like a forgotten flower. 
“It's fine just…” You let out a wry chuckle, “Why me? Like, of all people?” He perks up a little, sitting up straighter when you ask the question. “Why?” You nod, he doesn't give your heart any time to rest as his expression is taken over by something bashful and sweet, your heart skips as a shy smile works onto his lips. “Why not?” He asks shakily, trying to work up his confidence, “I- I… You’re so…” He fumbles nervously. “I’m not sure how to…” He huffs, starting to get frustrated with his lack of eloquence. “I just do, okay? Y- you’re like, really hot a- and you're funny…” He takes a deep breath as the words tumble out, “And I can't stop thinking about you, like––when you laugh i- it makes my heart beat really fast a- and when you smile a- at me–and just when you smile in general, it makes my stomach feel fuzzy” His cheeks go pink as he talks, gesturing wildly with his hands. 
You feel like you might cry out in shock or awe, or like you might have a heart attack for real this time because your heart rate would put anyone else up into a hospital, But you don't keel over and die. Because Leon is right in front of you, and he's confessing to you that he thinks you're hot and these things that you worry over constantly gives him butterflies. Your fingers feel a little chill from the adrenalin that zips through your nervous system, your hands shake slightly as you look around the diner, no one seems very interested in your conversation but you can't help feeling a little paranoid. Your brain screams at you that this is a bad idea, that you shouldn't be doing this but you can't help yourself. You stand from the booth, for a split second Leon looks dejected but that shifts to confusion as you make your way around the table to sit directly next to him. 
“... I… This…” You make an aborted gesture between the two of you, unable to get your thoughts straight, and not really sure why you came to sit next to him. You take a deep breath and look around the diner again, all of these faces, so many more important things happening, some probably happening before your eyes, and here you are getting all choked up over a little crush. With that in mind you sober up slightly, you will your heart rate to slow and your hands to stop shaking while you straighten your back, “Im not… good at this kind of stuff.” You start, your anxiety leaves a chill within your chest and makes the hairs on your arms stand on end but you push through, not wanting to feel like a scared baby anymore. “But that… I dont think that means I dont want to try…” Leon perks up a little from beside you, and you feel like you might cry from relief. You had no idea how good it feels to get these things off your chest, “I…” You take a deep breath and clear your throat. “I like you, obviously-” You see Leon shift beside you but you keep your gaze firmly on the table in front of you both. 
“But it doesn't mean that e-…” You take a sip of your water, your throat feeling a little dry, “I have a lot of flaws and a lot of insecurities a- and I dont…” You pause as Leon’s hand envelops yours, “I dont care.” He says stopping to chew on his lip anxiously. “I- I mean, me too obviously. Everyone has to be like that, I think…” He's trying to comfort you and it works, your chest feels warmer and you feel a sting behind your eyes that could be tears or joy that someone is finally saying this to you, too many awful exes, too many nights alone. You swallow down the lump in your throat and turn to him, finally looking at his face; The look he has is so painfully sincere, his eyes are raw and open and pleading, like he's begging you to read his mind, to feel what he's feeling. “But I don’t uh… I- I don’t think you should keep worrying about that stuff…” He trails off. 
A spike of warmth floods your face as his eyes glance down at your lips, you lick your lips self-consciously and his eyes follow the movement. “‘Cause–” His voice comes out scratchy and he cuts himself off to clear his throat, “Because, I’m still going to like you anyway.” You forget about the diner, the other people in the building, everyone else in the world, it all gets pushed to the back of your head. Your breath catches in your throat, the world seems a little fuzzy and you feel like you’re on a merry-go-round, spinning as fast as you can and watching the world pass by you in a blur. You dont know who leans in first, but it doesn't matter. Leon kisses you like he looks at you; soft and hesitant but determined, it makes you feel dizzy, and when you pull back you aren't sure how to catch your breath.
“Okay…” You whisper shakily, your thoughts feel skewed. You hear the bell to the diner ring and Claire and Luis enter grinning like kids getting candy, they sit in front of you and Luis chuckles, “I didn’t think it would take you this long.” Your face goes red and you hide in your hands, suddenly very embarrassed. Claire laughs loudly, drawing the attention of other customers. “God, you guys are something else, you know that?” She says grinning, you feel her kick your shin lightly under the table, glad to see you come so far from the hell you were in almost a year ago now.
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A/N - I really enjoyed this chapter and writing more long-form stuff, it made me feel so good seeing it finished. The only thing I wish I'd done was plan it out more and go about it differently, when do this again I probably won't do it for a writing challenge, or do it all in a few days consecutively
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cybernightart · 2 months
I'm going to be doing a FNAF SB themed DnD game with a bunch of friends, And I am playing Freddy!
Small story dump then below is the art!
I made him into a 7-ft tall flaming tiefling sorcerer, Who was born into a guild of lightning sorcerers however, his magic mainly developed surrounding fire (for lore reasons shall not spoil), This along with him being a tiefling makes him a disappointment among the guild as they think he isn't very strong magically, however, what they don't realize is he could potentially end up being stronger than all of them. It is just because his magic isn't lightning based.
He is also forced to continuously shave down his horns so they're no longer visible, along with hiding or cutting off his tail. (Tieflings in our game can regrow limbs including their tail, also, their tails can basically be used as a third arm and are really strong allowing them to dangle upside down from their tails)
He ends up meeting the rest of the party leaving the walls of the guild to set out to prove himself and to show them that he can be a strong sorcerer. So he ends up signing up for a quest on a quest board where this particular quest has a group sign up thing so he ends up being put with a bunch of strangers which will eventually become the party!
Also, he has complete immunity to fire damage Even though tieflings only have resistance, And he has many other features which don't align with tieflings in this world. Almost implying he isn't entirely full Tiefling But perhaps something else as well 👀 (This is for lore reasons again So I can't explain why right now)
Also cool (heh heh cool lol) little aesthetic thing, He will literally burn up and be hot to the touch based on his emotions and the strength of them. So he has hair that literally lights on fire, And you can even see what looks to be fire where his blood should be running through his veins, all leading to his heart in the middle of his chest, which pulses with light and heat with every heartbeat. Also, eventually when his tail does grow out fully, the tip of his tail is fluffy and looks like a torch and can even act like one due to the fact like his hair. It also can light on fire.
Okay thank you for coming to my TED talk, now art time!
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Here is his design! I might change it up a little bit before we actually start the campaign, But for now this is it!
And some more doodles!
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Fun fact, I literally color picked his skin tone from a roasted marshmallow ✨
Also, you can see his little horns growing out in this one!
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Sorry for lack of posting, I honestly keep forgetting, along with school and stuff so I'm not making as much full drawings if any really XD
I still am working to convince myself that it's okay to just post sketches lol
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streaminn · 10 months
Military School AU
Wednesday gets (semi) seriously hurt in a challenge/Event and Addams' will fight to death (or just literally unable to continue) and Enid has a flashback to the night with the Hyde and her mind goes blank besides protecting Wednesday.
That's how the Nightshades/Wednesday realize Enid doesn't actually hate them/was just hurt and bitter. And how Enid's Pack realizes just how important Wednesday is to their Alpha/realize Enid Imprinted on Wednesday.
Or, Wednesday comes into contact with one of the Pack (handshake, combat, whatever), and has a vision of what Enid's been going through/feeling and how the Pack has been helping/taking care of her. And to everyone's surprise, Wednesday looks absolutely wrecked (but is trying hard not to show it), and gives them her gratitude and thanks for caring for her Wolf when she wasn't there (no matter how much she wanted to be).
[Sorry if this reads weird, I'm typing this in the car on my phone.]
its all good bud! sorry for answering this so late, my ass desperately tried to draw this but my hand is not handing today so lemme set the scene
Incoming huge werewolf lore dump!
Grimwolves are emotional beings. Any overwhelming emotion can lead to a partial shift! from the growing of teeth, a sudden burst of a werewolf paw or the shifting and dislocating of bones to a bigger form-
you can say its part of the reason why enid is so cold. During her time during her 'slump' in the 2nd semester of her sophomore year when the pack all settle into the dorm, there are times where they can see Enid desperately clenching her fists before slipping on her bracers.
Sometimes, when they wake up early enough to catch sight of Enid without them, they can see the way the muscles in her arms twitch and shift before settling.
They keep their mouth shut, all too aware of the fact that enid wears her muzzle during classes too. They aren't really dumb, they know of how Enid got her alpha rank after all but there's a difference between hearing and seeing
Sometimes, during the end of the semester when Enid seems to be coping all the more better and the muzzle wasn't such a need anymore, they can see the way she tends to pant with her mouth open at times. It wasn't anything new, most werewolves do that too at times
But it gives them an eyeful of the way too big teeth that most werewolves don't have
(aka enid still tends to get overwhelmed at times and having the ability to shift whenever isn't as much as a blessing like most think)
so! the pack are aware that enid's different. They don't know the exact name and she's a bit too big for her size whenever its time for monthly shifting but they never see her fully shift in distress
And that changes alot.
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So as explained briefly here, werewolves have the whole day to get ready for their shift in the night. Which means that they don't tend to be too aggressive, theyre a touch more rational and their body can properly regulate all that wolf magic hormone stuff
Which leads to them looking more wolf than man. Which was a good thing! Makes it easier to blend in with the normies of back then
But grimwolves?
Their shifts are sudden and there is no period to get ready. It's just snap and you're a wolf but normal werewolves aren't made for that and so the body accommodates
So most of the time, it leads to the image above! Grimwolves were rampant back then along with violence so it spread to normies that these were how werewolves are supposed to look like and thus reinforcing their monstrous nature etc etc you get the point
Obviously it's been disproven by outcasts and grimwolves are totally myths
Now, imagine being in a tournament fully expecting to be able to beat a bunch of trained dogs because hey its not like it's the full moon, what can they do?
They already took down the Addams girl and her flowery friends, what's wrong with besting those smug mutts too?
Anyways I suck at words rn but enid beats their ass. She's been trying to control her shifting since her second semester last year but honestly, Wednesday has always lead to her doing the craziest of things
Revealing her existence on live was certainly not one she expected to do but if it meant keeping Wednesday alive-
Well, it wouldn't be the worst thing Enid has done
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