#sorry for my endless rambling for this post
ramenwithbroccoli · 4 months
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hiiiiii i know i wasn't really that active lately. things are piling in my head, which is in dire need of decluttering but the hands can't match the rhythm dictated by the mind and trip in the dance much too often. just wanted to let you all know i think about you and your guys daily. rotating them in my head. i'm not quitting yet alright 💥💥💥
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rustic-space-fiddle · 2 years
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(Warning: absolutely no structure to this, this is a rant, this is “POV: you asked me what I thought of Sarah Hawkins while on my lunch break and I spent the entire lunch break rambling at you)
So, Sarah Hawkins. Let’s establish a few things about this woman that are very obvious: she is an exceedingly patient mother; she runs that inn almost entirely alone; Leland’s leaving hurt her just as much as Jim; she loves her son to the moon and back. Now let’s establish a few things that, while not explicitly stated, are kind of assumed: she built that inn herself out of her own home; she doesn’t resent Jim despite his selfish behavior; she fears for his safety, and that he’ll leave her the way Leland did.
According to the art book, Leland and Sarah settled there because the mining on Montressor was supposed to be pOPPIN’. That was Leland’s plan, to make money on Montressor. Plan SUCKED. But Sarah stuck with Leland for eight years, probably listening to his promises that he’d make it big and get them off this rock, and that he’d be home to stay one day. And then one day, he was gone, and he left her with their little Jimbo and that house. She was probably heartbroken, not just for Jim. Just watching her face in the flashbacks and the way she cried when he finally left, she loved that man (trash though he be). But what did she do?
She looked at her little boy, rolled up her sleeves, and turned her house into a way to support her little family. She planted a garden in the back, turned the other rooms into guest rooms; her own little kitchen into a place to make meals for guests, and hauled tables into the main space. She she did all of this presumably alone, maybe with Jim’s limited help (he was freakin 8) and maybe Doppler’s help, though I think they became friends a little later judging by the way he interacts and talks about Jim. From what we see, Sarah works all day and probably well into the night, still finding time to look after Jim and watch over her. And she did this for SEVEN YEARS. The entire time, watching her son slip away and become secluded and sullen and lose his spark. She probably tried to encourage him and prod him in the right direction, but every one of her efforts seemed to fail. STILL, she woke up every day and ran that inn and looked out for her kid. Never a word of complaint. The closest we get to hearing her “complain” is telling Jim that it’d be super great if he didn’t get himself arrested and add to her list of things to do. When she vents to Doppler, she says: “I’m at the end of my rope.” She doesn’t mean she’s fed up with running the inn. She means she’s run out of ideas for reaching Jim. She doesn’t care how much work she has to do, as long as it keeps Jim cared for and on the right path, but it doesn’t feel like she’s done enough or any of the right things.
Then the inn was burned down. Seemingly a freak raid, potentially brought in by Jim after he dragged some unsavory character inside. That was her ENTIRE life, built so carefully out of the rubble and tended for years, and it was burned to the ground in seconds. If any of that was gonna keep Jim steady, it’s gone now. The look of DEFEAT on her face after she looked back at it makes me wanna die every time. When Doppler puts that blanket around her shoulders and she just sits, not hearing anything he’s saying, refusing to look at Jim. WHAT’S SHE THINKING IN THAT SCENE?!? Is she angry with Jim? Just a little? Angry that he couldn’t just for once leave well enough alone?? Or does she think she FAILED??!!?! Like her last effort had been snuffed out and she’d failed Jim?! I hope not. But who knows.
AND WHEN SHE LET’S HIM GO ON THE JOURNEY?! You can tell that even after Jim promises that he’ll come back and make her proud, she isn’t truly convinced. You can tell she wants to be! She wants to believe that. That’s probably what Leland said to her. Jim’s probably made similar empty promises to turn it around in the past as well. She wants to believe this time it’ll be different, but she always believes that, and it never is. But she smiles at him and lets him go anyway, because maybe it will be. She loves him, and she knows she has nothing left to give him. Whatever it is that will help him, she doesn’t have it.
So then, Sarah is alone. Doppler is a bachelor. There’s no one else there for her to talk to. There’s no more inn, which was her life for seven years. No Jim, who was basically all she had for even longer. Now she’s just stuck in this observatory with nothing to do but wait. Maybe she even watched the stars through that massive telescope, wondering where Jim was, and if he’d come back. I’m not sure how long the journey was, but I’m assuming a few months (much shorter cuz of their instant zoom back). I wonder if she was surprised when she got notice of their return, and not just because of how fast it was. When we see her at the spaceport and she sees Jim, she genuinely looks surprised, even before he hugs her! How big had the part of her that feared he’d never come back become?! Either that he’d die out there or take for the distant stars like her scumbag husband.
BUT HE CAME BACK! For the first time in ages it’s her HOPES that are confirmed instead of her fears! And then when he hugs her—how many years had it been since he’d done that? You can see on her face that for the first time in forever, she knows everything will be okay. The weight come off her shoulders. The years of work are made worth it. She looks at him and he’s so different. Taller, a new shine in his eyes, a smile she hasn’t seen in years, but older. She sees that her boy is back and now he’s a young man who KEEPS his promises. Maybe whatever he needed was out there and not with her, but everything she did was exactly what she needed to do, even letting him go, and we see she knows it and it brings youth to her face. She had never failed—she’d done everything he needed.
AND THEN, SHE STILL RUNS HER INN! As a passion now! With that new inn Jim has built for her, she has a new life! She runs it with help, to keep giving that place to the community around her, safe and secure in the knowledge that she did good and will keep doing good.
Basically, Sarah Hawkins is a powerhouse. She is faithful, strong, persevering, clever, loving, and selfless. Never demanding anything for herself, only for her son, and receiving everything she could ever need in turn. She held on for the boy that needed her most, even when she feared she would be left behind for her troubles. She’s a wonderful person, and I wanna be like her.
The real treasure in Treasure Planet was Sarah Freakin Hawkins.
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pinovapie · 9 months
Chapter 2 Theories!! SPOILERS!!
Okay so,,, hello drdt tumblr! I have no idea how to use this site well lmao,,, i couldn't sleep so random Chapt 2 secret n' culprit theories :D!!
Some make more sense than others! Also i'm writing this at like 2am lol
TW: Vague mentions of S3lf H4rm, Sewerslide, Murder ig??, Rlly bad sleep deprived rambles-
Okay so first i want to talk about the secrets!!
"You only took on your talent to stop your need to harm yourself for fun" (not exact wording!) - Most people think this is Veronika's. For good reason, her boredom and desire to be entertained have been super emphasised this chapter. It's almost too obvious. Sometimes the obvious answer is the correct one. However, i believe this secret to be Levi's! For starters, i believe he mentions in the prologue /chapt 1 that his talent is new to him? Plus, i'm pretty sure he's more concerned with trying to protect the group rather than the fact he was injured in the prologue. Now, the main reasons people believe the murder secret to be his are his lack or grief and his secret quote. However, i believe both can also indicate the s/h secret as his! First, his lack of grief. Levi has shown to being very unaffected by people's death and admits to not knowing how to grieve. But why would his apathy stop at other people? I believe he feels apathetic towards his own life too, but since he's determined to protect the group i doubt he'd want anyone to pity him. (i feel like this was worded better in my mind-) Okay, now his secret quote "i always believed a person is defined by their actions, maybe that's just a poor excuse for my heartlessness" (again not exact words). It's easy to assume heartlessness --> no remorse. But i read it more as "as long as i can protect and help everyone, it will make up for my inability to feel" or something along those lines. I would love to hear others interpretations too though :D
2. Levi's is the only one i feel super strongly about, i think the Min and Xander recieving each others secrets makes complete sense and it seems obvious that David has Teruko's.
3. That leaves Veronika and Hu with the "Hopeless Child" and "Murderer without remorse" secrets. I think they can be interchangable but based on what we know i do believe Hu is the "Hopeless Child" secret and Veronika the "Murderer" secret.
4. Alternatively it's possible Veronika is the "Hopeless Child" based on a few things she's said. (" i used to be quite the outdoorsey person" (not word for word). Plus her keeping it secret for fun seems contradictory since so far revealing the secrets has caused more chaos than keeping them hidden. Unless she got her own (i believe she got the "hopeless child" secret right?) in which case her hiding that does make it harder to assign secrets. Plus her hidden quote is something to do with "once somethings broken it's impossible to piece back together, especially people" (or something along those lines). That does indicate some sort of harmful mindset... Or maybe she just killed someone for shits and giggles or something lol
5. Hu does seem to be more likely to be the "hopeless child" based on what she's said during the trial. However, during chapt 1 she scolded Arei by pinching her ear and in chapt 2 she slaps Ace. She doesn't seem to regret doing it as she deemed them to be in the wrong. It's possible she could of killed someone she deemed an irredeemable bully. It could also explain why she defended Nico despite 3 of the more unbiased individuals claiming that Nico did try and kill Ace. Plus, her hidden quote "i want to pay for what i've done but i still want to live" (not word for word) may refer to something that happens in the killing game rather than being related to the secret motive.
6. Another funny idea is the murderer secret is blown out of proportion. Like what if they spent the whole trial like "omg someone here is a murderer?? Wtf??" Only for MonoTV to be like "yeah actually Min stepped on a spider once and didn't even apologise! Can you believe it?!"
Now! Who i think the culprit could be? Tbh honeset everyone and their mother is super suspicious, like if you told me everyone other than Teruko was in on it i'd be like "yeah, seems legit-"
Anyways, my top 3 suspects are 1) Ace (unfortunately,, i love him -), 2) Eden (Eden Culprit Essays made me believe-), 3) Hu (a classic-)
3. Starting off with the classic answer of Hu. I'm not going into it because other people have said it better. However, i feel like she still needs to go through her character arc y'know?? I guess if she had the murderer secret maybe it could prove Teruko's mindset without getting rid of Eden?? I do feel like Teruko will be proven that she can't trust yet again this chapter. Then in future chapters when people like Eden and Charles stick around without hurting or betraying her she'll eventually open back up. It could also be interesting to see how characters like Eden, Nico, Ace, Etc. React to Hu in the after trial if this is the case.
2. I don't want Eden to be the culprit. But if she is i don't think it would be out of malice. I believe that she wanted to stop the motive but now that secrets were revealed anyways she probably feels horrible or ashamed. I think the way this would go is when she's finally accused she wouldn't fight it, she'd break down and admit she felt horrible about it (possibly Hu or Levi would refuse to accept that someone like Eden would kill). Since the victim's Arei i assume either Eden didn't take what she said at face value. OR they worked together and tossed a coin on who'd be the victim. It's pretty obvious someone (or some people--) saw the body and edited the scene for various reasons (Ace or David probably-). That's all on that.
Finally, my number 1 suspect is unfortunately my favourite character: Ace. As much as i don't want him to die he's extremely suspicious and i feel it would make narrative sense?? (i'm not a writter lol-). First, there's his behaviour during the trial: hiding evidence until it's convenient for him, ,, actually idk what else exactly other than David wanting to call him a liar?? Anyway he's giving suspicious vibes. Alright, so, let's talk about Nico's murder attempt! They admitted to trying to kill him after he pushed them past their limits. He did the same to Levi in the first trial. Other than that we know almost nothing about it. Nico keeping quiet makes sense, they tried to kill someone and now people are questioning them. They are clearly someone who doesn't like confrontation, obviously they're going to just be quiet. But why is Ace refusing to talk? It could be multiple reasons: He doesn't want to admit Nico was able to overpower him, He doesn't want people to know he goes to the gym at night in case it happens again or maybe even he's too pissed off at Nico to calmly explain anything. These all seem valid options. But what if he's not talking because Nico walked in on him setting up a murder and in a spur or fear/panic (not anger) they lashed out. That would explain the seemingly complex murder method but Nico "not thinking". It could also explain why Hu's defending them. If they confided in her about this it makes sense why she'd defend them. Also, the fact that the murder methods seem similar and no one talking about the attempt in detail imply it's probably important. (it could also mean Nico's the culprit and Ace get's to go on a 'I told you! I was right! Who's dumb now assholes?!' Hype train next chapter lol, would be interesting to see how Hu reacts to that situation too. Like someone she tried to protect went off the deep end and killed and her close friend is going through his Ace kinnie arc- imagine that-)
Anyways- there's the parallels to the canon games too. In chapt 1 of THH, Sayaka tries to kill Leon and Frame Makoto but she ends up dead. In DRDT Xander tries to kill Teruko and Frame Charles but he ends up dead. How does this relate to chapt 2? In THH there is a secrets motive. Chihiro and Mondo both want to change/become stronger. Chihiro tries to become stronger so he can be the person he wants to be. Mondo can't handle change and kills in rage/jealousy. What about DRDT? Well first there's the secrets motive. Then Arei and Ace are both bully characters. However, whether it's a result of the secrets or other influences they go in opposite directions as characters. Arei opens up and confides in David and the later Eden who both show support about her want to be a 'good person'. Arei wants to change and become better. Ace on the other hand breaks down and lashes out due to constant paranoia. After the trial where Levi threatened him and then later when Teruko said Levi should give up and abandon him, he lashes out and decides to 'only look out for himself'. If Ace were the killer it would parrallel THH in that Arei (someone who wanted to change) was killed by Ace (someone who refused to change and actively got worse). Plus, if Arei was lured by the note it could demonstrate that trusting too much (Arei) and trusting too little (Ace) both have negative consequences and it's better to have a balance.
Anyways those are my thoughts, i'm clinging to my 'Ace is somehow a traitor even though there's been no mentions of traitors' theory in the hopes he's too plot relevant to die (unlikely).
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Okay I'm finally cracking and posting this here: for the past month or so, I've been entertaining a rather disturbing thought experiment regarding whether or not Dream eating dream food constitutes a sort of metaphysical autocannibalism and why on earth THIS is the move. Warning, this contains a ridiculous amount of conjecture.
So, we know he generally eats food from others' dreams, but does occasionally have food prepared by palace staff; this means that either way, the food consists of dream-stuff, which is what constitutes his being. Dream-stuff is what I refer to everything in the Dreaming being made out of since it seems to be a psychic plane rather than a more "physical" or carbon based one. The Dreaming is, in its own way, connected to all of the other Endless' realms as a plane accessible by all, but not necessarily through entirely physical means. This is important because each Endless' realm is tied to the being as a part similar to their bodily manifestations in that they are both a tangible expression of a concept, though the realm is not so neatly tied to a consciousness as any bodily manifestation, but it does contain a separate expression of consciousness.
This aspect of my understanding is a combination of stated fact and intense conjecture; Multiple times, it's stated that their realms are apart of their being in a more abstract sense, but we can understand from Dream's imprisonment that it's tied to the bodily manifestations as two portions of a larger, omnipresent whole. Now, how the numerous bodily manifestations and multiple-species expressions they can take as part and separate from the rest of the whole factors into this... dude, I don't know. That's an entirely different post I am not qualified to write because that shit gets confusing real quick. Despite this, what it tells us is that when a portion of the being is isolated from one, the other decays due to a severance in connection between the greater whole conducted through the manifestations.
that the Dreaming and everything it contains is apart of who we know as Dream, and vice versa. He and the realm are one, which happen to exist separately* in space* meaning that anything done to the realm impacts Dream, and vice versa as well. This explains his weakness when the Dreaming gets taken over and partially destroyed, and the Dreaming being destroyed when he gets imprisoned, and the literal omnipotence he demonstrates within the realm. This means they're made of the same stuff. Can you see where I'm going with this?
If the dream-stuff from which everything in the Dreaming is derived is the fabric of the Dreaming, and the Dreaming is Dream, does that mean anything inanimate (understanding that when sentience is given it ceases to be of the same will, therefore making it separate from the conscious of the Dreaming) still counts as Dream (as a concept they're both apart of)? Or more succinctly, is dream stuff an extension of Dream?
If so, this would mean that eating anything made of dreamstuff is metaphysical cannibalism.
Now, eating from dreamers. That's a different chapter of the same story. We have now moved past mechanics and know that individual dreams aren't made of Dreams (if that makes sense), since they can exist separately, uncultivated by a conscious will to better serve a purpose. However, being dreams, they form the wider Dream as an omnipresent concept from which each manifestation is derived. Without dreams there is no Dream, but without Dream there are still dreams. This means that while the food there is derived from dreams, it's apart of what constitutes Dreams, i.e. what Dream and the Dreaming is made of. It's still all Dream.
This means that no matter what, food eaten in the dreamscape by Dream is food apart of his being, meaning that he is eating himself in a metaphysical sense. It could be argued that just because they're both constituted of the same stuff doesn't mean they're the same thing, like animals eating other animals, which is not cannibalism, just the food chain. Thing is, I don't know which one is which because it's not ever stated how closely tied these two portions of Dream are, and interpretation ranges wildly from reader to reader. This could all be a very carefully made moot point, but it could also not be and I have no clue, and judging by the wiki, no one else does either.
Finally, to entertain this point to its fruition and go back around the beginning, why the fuck is this the conscious choice. He is the only one who does this, which means it's not necessary, but a personal preference. When I presented this to someone, they compared it to the process of your body metabolizing fat, which could be considered autocannibalism but isn't because that's what fat is there for because it's self consumption on a very micro level; they have a point, if looked at on a very, very large scale as if Dream's bodily manifestations are just cells apart of the not quite living, not quite tissue of some massive immaterial being then yes, this is like metabolism. But I categorically don't like thinking about a giant incorporeal space body and everything we know as this character to which we are so attached as nothing but an animate mechanism, so I'm not going to! If you want to, be my guest, but that is not where I'm at right now. One can support or rebuke this point by stating that he gets hungry (but doesn't actually need to eat?), which implies a metabolic process within the "body" since cells get hungry but so do the things they're apart of (oh god what would the giant space body eat? filing that away to never touch again).
Understanding this, it's a personal, conscious choice, which leaves only one last unanswered or raised question: WHY. WHY. WHAT IS THE REASON. WHY IS HE LIKE THIS AND WHY DO I CARE.
okay rant over open and tell me your thoughts about this deeply disturbing thought experiment which won't leave me alone :)
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goldiipond · 2 years
ohhhh i love ray so much *draws him having the worst time of his life*
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justabunchofdragons · 20 days
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i love you. I LOVE YOU. modern day sidney farber and i LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!
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sexbot300 · 7 months
౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ brat-tamer!toji
authors note: no thots, just him. this is just pure smut, sorry lollllll. need him so bad u don’t understand. with that being said, minors dni, 18+ ! thank you for the love on my first few posts! i appreciate it all of it <3 i'm not ignoring my messages btw, just extremely busy with my studies! ♡
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ʚɞ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
brat-tamer!toji who notices you acting up and simply asks, “cranky because you ain’t got dick today?”
brat-tamer!toji who only looks at you with a raised brow and (huge) arms across his chest when you purposely try to piss him off. so cute.
brat-tamer!toji who purposely puts his entire body weight on top of you when you beg him to stop due to overstimulation. he tugs you even closer, just laughing in your face.
brat-tamer!toji who stops thinking coherent thoughts when he sees you in a sundress.
brat-tamer!toji who rewards your good behavior with head (lets you squirt) and also punishes your bad behavior with head (denies you relief, gives in eventually, sometimes).
brat-tamer!toji who loooovessssss shoving your face into the pillow while you whine, pant, and moan. he loves to put your head into a headlock with his bicep, as drool escapes your lips, and you’re babbling like an idiot while he’s hitting it from the back.
brat-tamer!toji who casually lifts you up and fucks you in the air as if just anyone can do it. “such a perfect little pocket pussy,” he snickers.
brat-tamer!toji who gets you cock drunk so often (he’s starting to think that it’s your normal state).
brat-tamer!toji who likes to make you count every time he spanks the fat of your ass when arched up across his lap. slap! “24…” you say with a slight moan, biting your bottom lip in, as he soothes the red outline forming on your cheek. he grins above you, “should’ve known a cock-bent whore like you would take this as pleasurable rather than punishment.”
brat-tamer!toji who makes a safe word with you early on (which you tease him for doing so early, he only tsks because he knows YOU know how much you mean to him and he puts your well-being above anything else).
brat-tamer!toji who has a hidden collection of pictures on his phone with you smiling, his cum decorating your face.
brat-tamer!toji who grips your face in the middle of a make out session, pulling away as he notices your fucked out, panting expression. “open.” you quickly open up your mouth as he slowly lets spit hit onto your tongue. he lightly chuckles. “obedient slut.” you look at him, eyebrows furrowed and eyes wanting more. “swallow.”
brat-tamer!toji who finds his favorite position to be when his massive balls are hitting your clit and he mercilessly pounds, abusing your little cunt from the back as he strings profanity out of his mouth. or a full nelson where he just tells you to, “shut the fuck up and take it.” or even a mating press where he can pummel his cum into you while seeing your face contort in pure bliss. “y-yeah. ‘ust let loose. go dumb on this dick.”
brat-tamer!toji who regularly calls you; “slut, (needy or cock) whore, vixen, pretty, disgusting, (stupid) bitch, brat, bad girl, good girl, perfect, beautiful, gorgeous, princess, angel, (sex or fuck) toy, doll, bunny, cum-slut, cum-dumpster, sugar… etc”
brat-tamer!toji who gets annoyed at your endless ramblings about your day, he sighs and tells you to get on your knees. you promptly do that, but to push his buttons you don’t stop rambling on and on and on. somehow, this man manages to get his 8 (girthy) inches down your throat. “cant complain with my cock in your mouth, huh?” he only smirks as you become teary-eyed, moaning a little at his statement, lapping your tongue up and down like a starving dog. he throws his head back, forearms supporting him while you bob your head back and forth on his thick length. “hey… never said that my cock doesn’t appreciate your tongue. s’ch a good girl when you do what you’re made for. unh!”
brat-tamer!toji who presses against you into a mirror, his broader, massive frame encasing you while he stares into your soul. “i-i don’t understand what i did?” you look up at him feigning innocence, batting your eyelashes. fingers caress his forearms, down his hard bicep, and lightly trace his hardened outline. his eyes never leave yours, a stern, menacing look to the average person, but you can tell he’s about to have you praying for mercy in another way. “of course you don’t understand what you did.” you whine slightly when his fingers suddenly grab a fist full of your hair, burning your scalp, his voice turns mockingly softer. “all you know in that pretty, empty, head of yours is just fucking. nothing else.” he quickly releases you, eliciting a gasp, magically flipping you around in an instant so you’re staring at yourself in the mirror now. “told you not to play with yourself until i came home. but you just haaad to be difficult.” he gripped the vibrator in one hand that was tucked away, pressing it against your lips. “spit.” you spat on it, eyes full of want. he only snickered and smirked. “good luck thinking I’m going to let you cum. stare in the mirror while I do this.” he turned the toy on, a vibrating tune humming throughout the room. “need you to realize how pathetic you look begging.” you gasped slightly, “b-but-" he proceeds to pry your legs apart with one massive thigh, his hand gripping the front of your neck, forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror. “push your skirt up. you lost your right to cum, stupid whore. cum without permission, see what happens.”
brat-tamer!toji who loves to fuck you on his fingers. he loves the lewd noise it makes while ramming his two middle fingers in and out, or up and down. he loves to see your jaw go slack as you beg him to stop. “i-it’s… uhhhhhh! t-to- ah! -ji, toooooo-uhhh much!” he never loses focus, “yeah? yeah?” he presses his hand on your lower abdomen, “quite honestly, don’t care what you think.” he only licks his lips, his scarred lip grins with anticipation to finally taste you when you unfold.
brat-tamer!toji who degrades you like it’s a living but LIVES for your filthy mouth. he loves that you talk back, he’ll never admit it. he loves putting cum sluts like you in their place.
brat-tamer!toji who weirdly… gets needy at times when you finish. he’ll hold you from behind, shutting his eyes while his arms are wrapped around, practically glued to your torso, the backside of your body molds perfectly to the front of his. legs intertwined, your head against his chest, a moment of pure bliss shared between you two. “who knew the big bad toji likes to cuddle?” “shut up.”
(silly toji! i need him to ruin me)
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86espresso · 5 months
can I get the "too much communication" with jack?
I think that's what your last post was for 😭
shut up (with affection!) | jh86
sum: in which jack likes to hear himself talk
prompt: too much communication (💀)
warnings: smut, angst, fluff ☺️ use of y/n :/ ,use of she/her pronouns for reader, short
wc: 908
a/n: help yes, im sorry i wasn’t clear with what i wanted but if you haven’t noticed im pretty small on hockeyblr 😔 so i didn’t think anyone would actually ask but omg so happy you did ❤️ also not sure why im seeing this decades later.
LIGHT shone through the curtains in Y/N’s bedroom, though that wasn’t what woke her up.
An arm was slung across her waist, legs were tangled with hers, a face was buried in the crevice of her neck, and soft lips were moving up and down her shoulder. She felt something go off in her stomach. She could get used to this.
“Awake, angel?” Jack’s rough morning voice reached Y/N’s ears and could’ve just melted right then. He had been with her for close to ten months now; meaning they had practically moved in with eachother, she was at every home game, he was at every soccer match, she had a drawer at his, he had a toothbrush at hers. They were slowly intertwining in each other’s lives and neither of them wanted to stop anytime soon.
And then he started.
The endless rambling that half annoyed, half endeared Y/N.
“Wait no- I mean that I should use a different word instead of pretty because you’re so many things and you like when i use long words, don’t you ? I should-”
“Jack, my love, slow down,” Y/N says, facing him and cupping his cheek. His hair is tousled, eyes droopy, bottom lip jutted out, and brows furrowed. He’s shirtless and the sunlight bathes him in a soft golden light. Her heart skips a beat as she assures him that complimenting her in any way would melt her even if it was the same thing, every day, for the rest of their lives.
The room was dark and hot and the bed rocked with Jack’s movements. He had one hand loose around Y/N’s throat and the other supporting her leg that was thrown over his shoulder.
It was all going fine until
“Y’know what Trev told me the other day.”
Y/N’s eyes snapped open. What the fuck???
His hair was falling in his eyes and a thin sheet of sweat covered his body. He looked so good and was doing so well.
“Jack? What-” she stopped short when he thrusted particularly roughly making her jaw drop and her eyes roll to the back of her head. Jack wasn’t phased though.
“He- told me how-oh fuck I’m so close, baby-” Y/N quickly shut him up by yanking his mouth down to hers. She really didn’t want to hear how fucking Zegras did whatever in her current position.
Y/N stood off to the side as Jack abruptly wraps up the post game interview after giving curt responses. She raised her eyebrows; normally it could get hard to not make him overshare.
Jack had already showered and changed into a delicious suit that was for sure coming off as soon as they got home.
“Hi, angel.” Y/N got on her tip toes to press a soft kiss against Jack’s lips. He wrapped his arms around her and sighed, pulling back and resting his forehead against hers. “Hey.”
It was short and quiet and so unlike Jack (even after a loss) and she hated it.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Y/N reached forward to cup his cheek and lightly caresses it with her thumb. He leans against her hand and his eyes droop.
“Nothin’, sweets. Just tired.” Y/N knew there had to be more, she could tell by the way his fingers were fiddling with eachother and the almost unnoticeable clinch of his eyebrows.
“C’mon, baby, talk to me,” Y/N softly murmurs, Jack’s new behavior doesn’t feel natural at all. He was so full of energy all the time (definitely because of the three hour naps) that she didn’t even have to match it if she was tired; he had enough for both of them.
“D’you-,” he pauses and steps back, removing his arms from her and running a quick hand through his hair. “Do you think I talk too much? Or I over share? Does it bother you?” His brows furrow deeper and Y/N’s heart stutters. She understood why he got so closed off all of a sudden. Her tough, strong boyfriend had such a sweet heart she could cry.
“Oh hon, well yes you do but it’s never bothered me. I actually really love it. You’re able to talk so much all the time and there’s nothing I love more than the sound of your voice.” Y/N watches as Jack’s expression softens. She steps closer and weaves her arms around him from the inside of his suit jacket.
“I love that you’re so expressive. I love how you just say anything no matter, I love how-” Y/N pauses. The three words dancing on the tip of her tongue, waiting and anticipating. She takes a deep breath and sneaks a glance at Jack, who had the hint of a smile that reached his eyes.
“I love you.”
He goes limp in her arms.
“Y/N I-”
“One second. Let me finish.” Y/N steps back and fully looks into his eyes. “And I know you love me too. You know why, angel? Because you tell me every single day. Every sweet nothing, all the random babbling about how I’m so sweet to you at any given time, gave me enough courage to say it right now.”
Jack looked like he could cry; Y/N didn’t get the chance to see it though, because of the soul crushing hug he just pulled her into.
“I love you so much more.”
“I might get dry as fuck during sex though.”
“Yeah? Wanna take me up on that?”
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risestarkiss · 8 months
Being Purple ○ Part Two
Rise Ramblings #315
Previous | Being Purple ○ Part One This post is a continuation, so I recommend reading Part One before reading this Part Two. ••••
We’ve talked about what Donatello was and his role in the family.
But, we never examined why. Why is Donnie so gung ho on physically providing for his family?
Well, to understand why he feels that way, we need to go back to the beginning. After Splinter and the turtles were mutated, Yoshi was obviously unable to access any of the funds or resources he held as Lou Jitsu due to, you know, him now being a giant rat. He had to start life a new from the bottom of society.
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We don’t know what happened during their time on the streets, but we can make some inferences as to what happened next. Splinter eventually moved the boys down into the sewers and was able find a comfortable space for himself and his little family.
Here is where I’m going to try my best to piece together the order of events regarding Donatello’s earliest contributions. I’ll be using two episodes: the season one finale, “End Game,” and the Nick web exclusive mini-episode, “Turtle Tots.”
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In Turtle Tots, the family has gathered in Splinter’s room. We can also see the den through Splinter’s doorway. This home is, indeed, the home that we are familiar with in the show. Thus, we now know that at this age the boys were already living in the sewers. We also know that the den has already been outfitted with a tv, electricity, and probably some kind of cable hookup.
Is it possible that Splints did this electrical work all on his own? “End Game” gives us a clue that can lead us to an answer.
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Here he is, the boy of the hour. In this picture, given the perspective, young Donnie is much shorter than Splinter. Their heights here are actually comparable to their height difference in the “Turtle Tots” clip. Therefore, I believe it’s fair to conclude that Donatello is about the same height in both instances, and likewise, relatively the same age.  
Given that new piece of information, now we can speculate further.
When you look at the room that crying Dondon is in, he’s surrounded by wires, batteries, boxes, and what appears to be little bits of tech that he was working on, hence the booboo. There’s a small rotary plane of some sort, a tiny workbench, and other bits and pieces. So, we can deduce that Donnie is familiar with electrical work and is building things for himself, even at this young age.
Donatello is already cooking.
With that evidence, I believe it’s reasonable to surmise that Donatello had a hand in hooking the den up with a refurbished TV and in wiring the house with electricity, which is such a big job for such a little guy.  
If it had stopped there, I wouldn’t bring it up, but as we can plainly see…
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It never stopped. His labors are endless. Everything from the turtles’ transportation, their living space, and their comforts at home was created, built, enhanced, and refurbished by Donatello. Consequently, he internalized the idea that his usefulness equated to the safety and security of his family. And that’s just how he lived his life.
He doesn’t know any different, and I’m sure at this point he wouldn’t want any different. This is his role. This is his place. Besides, his beneficence makes his brothers happy, and his father happy, and by extension it makes him happy.
Hence, his “gift giving” love language.
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If Donnie is happy, then where’s the problem?
I’m sorry, but external validation as a primary source of happiness, or even worse, as a source of self-esteem, is dangerous…
But I digress…
From the outside looking in, it’s easy to assume that his genius is best utilized as a tool for the team’s benefit. But as a child, the weight of ensuring their entire family’s physical infrastructure is a large burden to bear…and it is almost the exact definition of Instrumental Parentification.
Parentification is a process in which a role reversal occurs where the child or adolescent is obligated to act as a parent would to their siblings or to their actual parent. Instrumental Parentification involves a child assuming the responsibilities of maintaining a household through physical means. In this case, Donatello literally maintains the household.
I’ve said all of that to say this.
Donatello has been subjected to Instrumental Parentification for almost his entire life. He doesn’t know life without providing for his family, but he’s happiest when his family is comfortable and safe.
So when we ask, why does Donatello make these sacrifices for his family, the answer is obvious. Love. And that answer reigns true in the past, present, and future…
Anyways, Donatello is such a complex and intriguing character, I could go on about him forever. But I think this as good a place as any to put a pin in my deep dive on this fiery little grape, because our next dive’s focus is on the true pinnacle of the Hamato clan…
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Previous | Being Big Red • Being Baby Blue • Being Purple ○ Part One
Next | Orange, Baby!
Finale | Being Hamato Yoshi
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xazse · 4 months
the afab gojo x male reader is so good ! but i lowkey want gojo to get his lick back and make male reader jealous like i get it’s unrequited but i lowkey feel like mreader is attached to him a bit.
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Idk about you but I feel like the best revenge is to slowly drive the other person insane.
Male!reader is a scumbag and might not align with you, like forreal scumbag!
Warnings: Fem!Satoru x Male Reader, Pussy-eating, sexting, jealous!reader, mean!reader, patheticmale!reader
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Oh m!reader is most definitely in love with Satoru, that night When you were fucking Suguru he realized how much you would ramble on how much you hated Satoru’s guts and the only thing he’s good for is his body and pussy. But he seen the slight light in your eyes when you were describing him, by the end of the night Suguru just wanted to go home , he hadn’t even realized you were involved with Satoru so he felt like shit by the end as well, so ready to go home and tell Satoru to avoid you like the plague.
Satoru does eventually start to slowly distance himself from you, no longer is he blowing up your phone wondering where you are, he’s barely responding to your messages, and he most definitely stopped begging you to see him and look at him. He finds himself not entertaining your attempts to make him jealous or angry. He does work on himself, meaning he’s buying a new wardrobe and posting cute selfies, basically in your words auctioning himself off to other people.
You do notice the things he’s doing, ignoring you in favor of other people who aren’t even worth his time or yours. Two can play that game, Satoru is clearly going through something and needs a little convincing to get him back in the right mind, so you’ll give him the space he so clearly fucking needs, and it’s most definitely not gonna drive you crazy.
A week later your at a party, attempting to look for someone even as half as pretty as Satoru, he’s also present, so beautiful and a beaming smile gracing his face, he looks a little brighter, and it’s definitely not because of you. He’s with his usual group of friends, looking so dull compared to him. There’s a hand behind his back, seemingly going up and down in a soothing motion, you follow the hand and you scoff loudly from across the room.
A dude who looks plain and most definitely not Satoru’s type.
You see Satoru peek at the man and give him a kiss on the cheek whilst he whispers something in his ear, a giggle leaves his pretty pink lips before he’s departing somewhere. You’re quick to follow him outside to talk.
“What’s with you lately? Why are you avoiding me? And who’s that dude in there?” You pester Satoru with endless questions, not letting him even get a breath in.
“He’s someone I’m talking to right now, and why are you so worried?” Satoru glares, his eyebrows furrowed and yet you still find him to be so pretty when he’s frustrated.
“Not worried , just wondering why you aren’t picking up my calls.”
“Been busy, enjoy the party.” Satoru is quick to push through you and back to party, forgetting what he came in the kitchen for. He peers over his shoulder to see you standing there staring daggers at him with an expression he doesn’t recognize, oh you’re fucking pissed. It makes his body shiver and his cunt clench around nothing, he wants to see just how much he can push you.
One night while Satoru is alone in his room he does the unthinkable, he props his phone up and spreads himself wide in front of his camera, his pretty pussy on display, he grabs his favorite dildo and begins working it inside of himself, slow and steady is how he starts, he makes sure the video gets everything, every sound, every movement is captured. The dildo reaches so deep while it stretches his hole and makes him so wet, he’s heaving as he continues to abuse himself to completion. When that’s all done with he sends it to you, but he makes it look like it wasn’t for you, an accident is what he wants you to think.
A few hours later Satoru’s doorbell rings and to his amazement it’s you, looking a fucking mess, dressed like as soon as he sent the message you were out the door and on your way to his place. There’s a fiery but pathetic look in your eyes.
“Toru’ please” your voice sounds raw as you beg?
And a few minutes Satoru has you on your knees eating him out, you flatten your tongue and lick a stripe up his pussy, you’ve been wanting him for as long as he’s been torturing you, starving just to even touch him a little bit. You’re ravenous with your tongue work, licking up all his essence as it seeps out of him.
Satoru is rough with his hands, shoving your face even deeper so you can lick all the parts of him, he snaps at you to suck on his clit, and you listen like the obedient thing you’ve become, he’s moaning and mewling so cutely, you’ve missed his sweet honeyed voice, though he isn’t yelling your name you’ll take what you can get.
Your balls feel heavy when you unbuckle and pull your pants down to rest around your thighs. Fat cock already fully hard you begin stroking yourself slow and steady, precum already dripping you use that as lubricant. The burn in your body ignites, the combined sucking on Satoru’s clit and jerking your cock off feels so damn good, everything feels right, but also twisted.
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yutarot · 1 month
DEAL OR NO DEAL [mark lee smau]
wc: 1.3k
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— 5 months after the deal.
you loved life. the people you had in it, the endless memories you’d been making with the band. the time you had been spending with mark, it was endless.
or so you thought.
it hadn’t dawned on you the entire year that soon you would have to say goodbye, to college, to the band, to your friends…
and to him.
it hadn’t dawned on you until that day. your graduation.
you wore your robes and your hat with a sense of fear that you’d never feel such belonging in a place ever again. and it haunted you undoubtedly as you made your way across the stage, shaking hands with multiple people and holding back tears.
it was bittersweet, yet you felt you had more to learn, more to experience, more to see.
you have been successful as to not cry the entire day, but as you reached the end of the stage and stood shoulder to shoulder with your boyfriend, you let yourself go.
his proud smile faded.
“yn..?” he said softly, as if your name was something that shouldn’t be spoken, forbidden, just for him. “what’s wrong?”
you looked up at him and when his eyes connected to yours, he understood, he understood it all.
“you don’t want to leave.” he stated.
but you shook your head.
something about this moment made you realise why you were really crying.
“no,” you said, confusion etched into his brows, “i don’t want to leave you.”
he smiled, and it’s comfort, it’s everything you’d ever expect from him and he whispered his next words to you as if they would only ever be meant to you, for you.
“i’ll keep my side of the deal. no matter what.”
and that’s all you’d ever need.
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— 1 year and 5 months after the deal.
you were so unbelievably proud the day that mark received his basketball contract. although you and mark had lost contact with donghyuck as he’d moved to another college before you could graduate, you immediately let the rest of the group know about marks success, sending message after message in the group chat. nothing had made you happier than seeing the smile on his face when he came back home to your shared apartment that night, tears of joy running down his face as he came to hug you.
“i can’t believe it!” he had said. had kept you awake that entire night, rambling about his basketball career, all the people he was going to meet and all the games his going to play. he was happy, and so were you.
but you couldn’t help but feel sorry for yourself; watching your bestest friend and boyfriend do so well for himself, you felt as if you were letting him down.
not only had you given up with your music career, but that meant you had broken your side of the promise.
and although mark still loved you anyways, it wasn’t enough for you.
so that night, as soon as mark had rambled his way to sleep, you put up a social media post.
‘looking for members for a band. no past experience needed.’
nothing could have prepared you for what came. not in the slightest, as you received three dms.
three very familiar dms.
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— 5 years after the deal.
marks career was growing fast to say the least, signed to one of the biggest basketball teams in the nation, you had supported him, indefinitely, along the way.
just as much as he supported you.
so as you sat, cheesy smile on your face as you watched your best friend natty walk down the aisle, nothing could have hindered your happiness. it was perfect, every last moment, as chenle took her hand, forever.
as the ceremony ended to make way for a night of partying, you and mark chatting away to chenle and natty about their new married life, you noticed a certain someone try to grab your attention.
“one song.” he mouthed from a distance, “please.”
it was mingi.
if you were honest, when you received that dm from him 4 years ago asking to join the band with you, you were skeptical. but reuniting with the other members, you felt at home. it was where you were meant to be.
besides, mingi had spent the past 4 years trying his best to slowly build up your friendship, with the help of mark who was, suprisingly, happy to see the original band back together. it was nothing like before, which only meant you were happy to let him back into your life as a band member.
it felt right.
and so here you were, hands tracing the drum sticks sat lazily on top of the the drum set, jeno, yunho and mingi with smiles plastered on their faces.
it had been 5 years, and still, here you were, the same, old group from college, performing together.
mark grinned up from the dance floor, and though you wished he was on stage with you, you knew that he never truly cared for guitar and the band.
for all he ever wanted was for you to be able to play.
and after all these years, as you drum the rhythm to one of your old songs, mark has got everything he’s ever wanted.
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— 11 years after the deal.
it had been a while since ncity records had decided to sign you, it had been a while since you had released your first album, it had been a while, since you and mark had decided to take your relationship that one step further. and nothing compared to that night.
the night that mark proposed.
it was windy, yes, but the stars that shone above you illuminated the skyline in a way you had never seen before. there was something about that night that was different from the rest. so as mark got down on one knee, diamond ring in one hand and your trembling palm in the other, you felt nothing but the comfort of saying yes.
you had cried and cried and cried, mark holding onto you, laughing and crying with you.
who knew that the stupid bet you had made with eachother so many years ago in college, could have led to this?
and you wouldn’t wish it to be any other way.
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— 12 years after the deal. present day.
so now here you are, head held high, once again holding back tears as you walk your way down the aisle. surrounded by everyone who has ever been dear to you, you scan your eyes around the room. natty, chenle, jeno, julie..
and mark. there he was.
you turned face to face to him, a smile twitching in his lips when he finally sees your face fully.
but your not listening as the registrar asks the next question.
“should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
the room is silent. so, incredibly silent, that you look up.
nothing could have prepared you for the face that you see, a smug grin plastered on his face as he stands in the doorway.
it’s donghyuck.
he speaks. “i think that, if there’s anyone who should be married today..”
“donghyuck?” mark asks in sheer disbelief, finally seeing his college bestfriend after twelve years of not hearing from him. and god, how he had changed.
“it should be yn and mark. my two bestfriends.”
a sigh of relief leaves you as marks face retorts from one of panic to annoyance.
“that’s not funny, man!” he complains, but donghyuck only laughs, along with the rest of the room and eventually mark too.
as the laughter subsides, you continue with the rest of the ceremony.
but unlike the deal you had made with mark in college, it was nothing compared to the deal you were making with him today, the deal which could only be summed up by two words. two words that you said with nothing but pride and warmth, holding the hand of the man who you made a stupid bet with when you were twenty.
“i do.”
and the deal, at last, was done.
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NOTES: this was actually so painful to write im hurting so bad
TAGLIST - CLOSED - @therealbobbyshloby @lostinneocity @aek1ra @haechansleftshoulder @sunghoonsgfreal @cyjzzl @nanaxwi @neocrashed @candied-czennie @alethea-moon @vantxx95 @nerdsungie @morkiee @sthwaaberry @sunnystarred @p-d1ddy @starfilledgaze @markeroolee @polarisjisung @222brainrot @grassbutneo @minsugahh @neogothyuckie
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oneshotnewbie · 1 month
soooooo HIIIII !!!! tis i again back from another tumblr hiatus bc college work womp womp!
hear me out,,
amelia shepherd x fem!reader
where they are both surgeons and one of the interns flirts with reader and amelia gets jealous when she sees and walks up behind reader wrapping her arms around reader as she questions the intern on why they thought it be appropriate to flirt with a head of department and amelia establishes that reader is hers, fluff!! ☺️ ☺️ 💗💗
(sorry for the ramble, i’ve had this thought on my brain for a WHILE)
from yours truly,
- ❤️‍🩹 anon !
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Authors note: My beloved ❤️‍🩹 anon!! I'm so sorry that I'm only posting this now, but life is really hectic at the moment and I'm totally behind!! I hope you read this anyway if you're still following me <3
Amelia Shepherd hurried through the busy hallways of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, her thoughts revolving around the surgery that should start soon and the endless list of patient files she still had to sift through. As one of the hospital's most renowned neurosurgeons, her schedule was always full, but today it seemed particularly overflowing.
In the distance she saw you, her partner and colleague, engaging in a conversation with one of the young interns. A slight smile graced Amelia's lip as she watched you patiently listen to the intern's questions and share your experiences as a renowned surgeon. She not only admired your medical expertise, but also your ability and competence to pass on your knowledge to the next generation.
However, as Amelia got closer, she noticed another intern approaching with a mischievous grin as the gaps in the other intern's knowledge were filled. "Hey, Dr. l/n, I was wondering if you would mind going out for a drink after your shift?" the male intern asked with a hint of confidence in her voice.
You, who accepted the question with a friendly smile, answered politely but slightly dismissively. "Thanks for the invitation, but I'm afraid I already have other commitments tonight."
However, the trainee wasn't easily brushed off and continued, with a hint of persistence as he edged further towards you at the counter where you stood to write a few remaining notes in your newest patient´s file. "Come on, it'll be fun. I could show you some great bars nearby and maybe you could pass on some knowledge to me afterwards."
Amelia felt a slight tension building up inside her as she listened to the dialogue between you and the young medical student. Even though she knew it was unreasonable to be jealous, she couldn't deny that her heart was beating faster and her mind was racing.
You continued to respond politely, but you felt slightly harassed. It was as if the newbie didn't understand that you had no interest in him. "I really appreciate your offer, but I already have plans. And I think I'm out of your league."
The trainee still didn't seem to want to fully accept the rejection, but before he could elaborate further, Amelia intervened and stepped next to you. She noticed your tension and the slight look around for help. "Hey, y/n, I received the results of the latest MRI scans. We should look at them together before we start the surgery."
You nodded gratefully at her with a smile of relief and turned to the young man in front of you. "Excuse me, but I really have to go now. You should get on with your work rather than standing here."
The intern mumbled a vague and quiet agreement before finally turning away as you and Amelia walked towards the operating room. Although the brunette remained calm on the outside, she felt an uncomfortable feeling spreading inside her.
Amelia entered the hospital break room, a place of momentary calm amidst the hectic hustle and bustle of everyday hospital life and the last successful operation. Her eyes searched for you, her partner and colleague, who found her standing at one of the coffee machines with a serious expression on her face. A slight tension ran through her body as she noticed that the same young intern who had flirted with you before was standing near you again and seemed to be talking animatedly to you.
The neurosurgeon approached slowly, her eyes on you and the young medical student as she tried to keep the rising jealousy at bay. But as she got closer, she could not only see the Intern's relaxed posture and teasing look, but also the words he spoke and the rejection you showed him.
"So Dr. l/n, I just wanted to say that I really admired your approach in the last surgery. You have such a calm and competent way of dealing with the most difficult situations. It would be an honor for me to have someone like you to learn."
Amelia felt her heart heavy as she heard the intern's words of praise. A mixture of pride and jealousy permeated her thoughts as she watched you nod and thank him briefly, wanting to end the conversation as quickly as possible.
Jealousy flared up inside her as she watched the Intern continue to hold on to you, and she couldn't help but feel the need to make her presence known. With a determined step she came behind you and her arms wrapped around your middle. Her head rested on your shoulder from behind and a loving look etched on her face, although her darkened pupils gave a hint that she was driven by jealousy before she looked at the young medical student with a cool look.
"I'm sorry for disturbing you," the brunette began in a quiet voice, but there was a distinct edge to her words, "but I'm wondering why you think it's appropriate to flirt with the chief of cardiology while she obviously is in a relationship."
The intern looked surprised to hear Amelia's words and cleared his throat nervously. His hand slid up and down his head as he touched his lips, embarrassed. "Um, I.. I just wanted to express my admiration for Dr. l/n. It wasn't my intention to cross any boundaries."
The neurosurgeon didn't let up and fixed the intern with a penetrating look. "Well, it's important that you know what those boundaries are. Flirting in the workplace can be inappropriate, especially when it crosses the boundaries of professional relationships. This morning was enough, and now you're trying again?"
You felt the tension in the air and in your girlfriend's body. You quickly pulled a hand out of your gown and turned it back to touch Amelia's thigh, calming her. "Thanks for the compliment, but I think it's important to maintain clear boundaries. I'm your boss. I think we should maintain a professional work environment."
The young man nodded sheepishly and quickly retreated, leaving Amelia and you alone in the room, surrounded by an atmosphere of jealousy that radiated from her.
When your eyes met, Amelia felt the simmering passion blazing between you. With a demanding look, Amelia lured you into a nearby chamber and pulled you into a hug. Her lips found yours in a hungry kiss that ignited her longing and desire.
You returned the kiss with equal desire, your hands roaming over the brunette's body as you pulled her closer to you. You felt the fire of your passion burning your skin and you longed for more. With a hand on your throat and a passionate glint in her eyes, she whispered in a seductive voice. "You're mine, y/n. Only mine."
You moaned in need as you felt the dominance in Amelia's voice, and you couldn't help but give yourself completely to her. Your hands found their way to her back as you kissed her passionately, as if you were confirming her words in every moment of touch.
The neurosurgeon felt the heat of her desire as she let herself fall further into the vortex of passion, without fear of loss or getting caught. Her hands greedily explored your body, each touch a promise of pleasure and devotion.
She pushed you against the nearest wall, her breathing hot and heavy as she cuddled close to you, one of her hands slightly squeezing your throat. She whispered with a sensual smile. "You are mine, y/n. All of you and no one else's."
You gasped as you felt the obsession in Amelia's touch, and you couldn't help yourself from completely succumbing to it. Your fingers dug into her skin as you desperately pulled her even closer, as if you never wanted to let her go again.
Your bodies joined together in a passionate dance, the flames of your desire consuming you in an intoxicating rush of pleasure. You were one in your passion, inextricably linked by the bond of your love and obsession for each other.
When you finally sank into a sea, you could feel that you were forever connected through the heat of your love. United in the flames, you didn't even notice the two beepers going off almost in sync, separating you from the heated moment between you.
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bxeckersz · 2 months
Let You Go | Caitlin Clark x Ex gf!reader
Summary: Y/n just can’t seem to let Caitlin go.
Warnings: language
A/n: hey guys, i’m locking in and posting all my drafts today 💪🏽.
I don’t understand. You said you’d never leave. You told me that you’d be there but you lied again to me.
It’s been 2 months since me and Caitlin broke up. Our relationship spiraled to shit after 3 years. I pick up my phone, scrolling through the photo album of her titled “Cait 💍🤍”
“I can’t do this anymore Y/n.” Caitlin yells, pinching the bridge of her nose. “What- What do you mean.” My heart drops to my stomach.
“This. Us! I can’t do this anymore. All we do is argue!” She screams, motioning between us. “Cait- please don’t say that. I- We could talk this out. Please.” I plead, grabbing a hold of her arm. Caitlin shakes her head, moving her arm.
“Cait-“ I say, tears falling. “I- i’m sorry. Please.” I beg, watching as she packs her bag. “I’m done, y/n. this shit is miserable.” She mutters, walking towards the door.
“Caitlin, please don’t walk away from me.” I cry. “I’m sorry, Y/n.” Is all she mutters before walking out and slamming the door. I notice she takes the ring and necklace off that i bought her.
All I can do is cry.
You’re always on my mind, and when it’s late at night I think of what you’re doing. Do you think of me sometimes?
Tears fall from my face as I scroll through the photo album that seems endless. I wipe my tears with the sleeve of her hoodie that i’m wearing.
I throw my phone down, sobbing louder and harder. I pull out a box from underneath my bed. It’s not just any box. It’s a box full of things that Caitlin has bought me.
I cry pulling out the items.
And when i’m feeling down, I lose all control. Emotions keep coming and i’m trying to let you go.
A teddy bear she won me at our first date to the fair.
So if you wanna talk to me again
Endless polaroid pictures of the two of us.
Don’t try to act like we were always friends
A candle she bought me because it reminded her of me.
When i’m all alone, I try to clear my mind
A charm bracelet she bought me for our one year anniversary.
But you’ll be coming back and you’ll be saying that all night
A bracelet she bought me with a ‘C’ and a basketball bead on it.
I never did you wrong. I’ve always had your side.
A matching necklace she bought me.
And you just took it all away, and make me wanna cry
A hoodie she bought me simply because it was my favorite color
And when i’m feeling down, I lose all control.
Everything in this apartment reminds me of her. I can still smell her in the air. Everyday I wait for her to arrive home from Practice.
Emotions keep coming and i’m trying to let you go
Everyday I wait for her to get home and ramble about her day.
So if you wanna talk to me again
She was my first love. and she threw it down the drain like i was nothing.
Don’t try to act like we were always friends
Sometimes I find myself doing our morning and night routine. Preparing things for her like I have the past three years.
And when i’m feeling down, I lose all control.
I even find myself buying her favorite foods and snacks when I go grocery shopping.
Emotions keep coming and i’m trying to let you go
I can’t get her off my mind. I can’t let her go. Her laugh. Her corny jokes. Her cheesy smile. The way she used to wrap her arms around me. Her touch. Her voice.
And when i’m feeling down, I lose all control.
I miss her so much. I spent three years of my life loving the same person. Catering for the same person. Just for her to turn away and throw it all away like I don’t matter.
Emotions keep coming and i’m trying to let you go.
I find myself Calling for her to open things for me. Or grab things off the top shelf. Or help me pick something you wear.
It hurts to remember she’s not with me to help anymore.
And when i’m feeling down I lose all control
I cry pulling all of the things out the box. I’ve never been this heart broken over someone. Never.
Emotions keep coming
“Please, come home.” I cry, hugging onto the stuffed teddy bear she bought me.
And i’m trying to let you go.
Thanks for reading all the way through!
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rainylana · 2 years
“Pinky promise.”
Eddie Munson x female reader
summary: you can only keep it in for so long without him knowing how shitty your life had been, and when the dam breaks, he’s there to help.
warnings: reader’s parents are getting divorced and has siblings, mentions of unhealthy eating habits and exhaustion, angst to fluff, talk of panic attacks, reader has a breakdown:( language.
a/n: hey there:) i know! it’s been a while since i posted and i’m sorry for that. i just didn’t feel like writing. but here i am:) it! i missed you all!:))) drop by in my inbox for any requests or questions or anything! i’d love to hear from you<3 i’m really happy with how this turned out and i hope you love it as much as i do! it tugs on the heart strings:)
@phantomxoxo @imdoingbetternow @eddiemania @eddiemunson @ohlovelyhollow @tessiemessie @rovckwell @delilahtaylorsverson @aa-li-yah @ches-86 @xx-hospitalforsouls-xx-blog @kellysimagines @blowing-mikey @underthebatcape @lillianofliterature @noturmom15 @supercalifragilisticprincess @tripthlightfantastic @edzmunsonswife @itiscj @hearts4laura @livasaurasrex @mic429 @avobabe87 @flowers-and-tsukki @lexthemess21 @nothisispatric @heeyitsg @genuine-possum @fvcking-gxddess @kneelforloki @actuallybarb @justaproudslytherpuff @no0neknowsm3 @cosmic-lavender @your-starless-eyes-remain @bellasfavoritesweatpants @antigoneidk @averysblog @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @chaos-incorp @kaqua @softyutae @ahzysauce @imangy @ultimate-sdmn-trash @fionnthebandersnacc @imabadarsebard @catherinnn @cheri86
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Eddie didn’t know how bad it was. And it wasn’t because he was oblivious or not smart enough to see. You were just that good of an actor. You truly knew deep down that he would not berate you for feeling the way you did, but the last thing you wanted to be was seen as an unstable girlfriend just looking for attention. But things really had been bad, and it all seemed to pile up on each other.
You found yourself getting mad at little things, your anxiety ticking away like an explosive ready to detonate. Your dreams were plagued with nightmares that lasted all night long, and damn it, you just found it hard to get up in the morning.
But Eddie, the poor boy, didn’t have a clue about your struggles. You kept up a smile at all times. You laughed and played your part like you were supposed to. Just because you were having a difficult time didn’t mean you had to bring down his party, or anyone else’s, for that matter.
It’s just your parents divorce was finally getting to you. You were happy they were calling it quits, as were your siblings, but the days up until it’s finalization was brutal. The fighting and screaming was endless and your siblings were scared and didn’t understand. You couldn’t concentrate in class and you failed a test that you’d thought you were going to pass. You were having panic attacks almost on the daily. You spilled grape juice on your white socks. It was just one thing after another.
Of course, Eddie did know about your parent’s separation, but any time he brought it up, you chalked it up to him believing you were taking it well. You were a good actress. Today however, your dam would break, because you could only take so much.
“You didn’t bring me a surprise snack today?” Dustin’s big eyes widened in a playful sadness that quirked your lips up in a smirk. “But you always bring me a surprise snack! What else am I going to have for dessert!”
“You’re cleaning out my girlfriend’s pantry, Henderson.” Eddie’s chair tipped backwards as he threw a pretzel at his friend across the cafeteria table. “Can’t you bring your own shit?”
“Sorry, bud.” You tucked your hair behind your ear, looking in your empty lunchbox. “If it makes you feel any better, I forgot my stuff too.”
Eddie internally frowned and scooted his snack over to you, pointing so you could eat. Gareth was rambling on about the movies playing at the cinema that weekend, so you didn’t speak to interrupt him, but you smiled softly as you picked up a pretzel. The cafeteria buzzed with loud conversation, making your head hurt worse than it already did. You weren’t eating as well as you should be, and you knew that wasn’t benefiting your mood, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to.
You felt guilty for being dramatic. You were being dramatic. Others had it worse, that was always what you told yourself, so there was no reason to wallow in your own misery. But god, all you wanted to do was lay your head on the table and plug your ears so hard that they bled and you wouldn’t have to hear a sound.
So instead, you forced yourself to smile and eat, leaning over to squeeze Eddie’s hand while Gareth continued holding the talking stick.
Your fingers were tapping anxiously against the steering wheel of your vehicle, head thrown back as you tried not to loose your shit. It was almost seven o’clock in the evening. You were parked outside of the school debating whether or not to go inside to find Eddie. Tears were rolling down your face, nose stuffy and crusted from your previous meltdown.
Your little sister came to you crying again, talking about how she’d overheard your parents screaming about who was going to have custody. It was the same old tune between them. You didn’t worry about custody, but the kids did, and that didn’t make it right. They were too young to hear that kind of thing and if absolutely broke your heart. She’d cried in your arms until she fell asleep in your bed, and then you broke.
It was just so stressful. Every little thing seemed a million times harder to accomplish. Simple tasks seemed almost unbelievable to approach. You just wanted a good nights sleep. You didn’t know how you ended up outside of the school, but Eddie was there. It was hellfire night, and damn it, you just couldn’t take it anymore. You needed him. You tried to wipe your tears as best as you could, wrapping your flannel sleeves around your torso as you scurried into the school. You had a quick walk to your step as your heart beat loudly in your ear.
Just the sound of his voice was enough to calm you, and you leaned against the door to take a few deep breaths and to wipe at your face. You began to regret coming over. He was having fun. His voice was loud and booming, the puppet master commanding his puppets to follow his every wish. You were about to ruin it.
Everyone’s eyes looked up when the door creaked open, and a wide smile beamed onto Eddie’s face at the sight of you. “There’s my princess!” He clapped his hands. “Come on, come on, we’re just getting started.” He waved you over.
The lights were dim enough that he couldn’t see the emotions on your face. You dug your nails in your palm was you walked over to his throne, smiling your best at the boy’s greetings. When you got to Eddie’s side, his free arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you close as he shook dice in his other hand. You had a lump in your throat that continued to build.
“Eddie,” You said softly, your voice cracking as you looked down bashfully. “Can I talk to you?”
He peeked up a little but didn’t look at you fully. “Yeah, baby, just give me one second.”
You melted more into his side, bringing up your fingers to naw on. You felt like you were going to faint. Your eyes began to burn and you squeezed his shoulder. He laughed loudly at everyone’s dismay at the roll of his dice. He looked up at you to see you laugh, but he wasn’t met with that. His eyes narrowed and his lips parted at the sight of your tearful eyes.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He panicked, scooting back in his chair.
Your face crumpled and you shook your head, crossing your arms shamefully in embarrassment. You looked so small and you hated yourself for it. He grabbed your elbows and scanned over your face, gulping in his own anxiety.
“Y/n, hey-” He looked over to the door across the room, and he cupped your cheek and turned you around to guide you to privacy.
Once he shut the door, leaving the guys confused and whispering back and forth, he turned around and stepped toward you. “Baby, what’s wrong?” He frowned deeply, voice an octave higher in concern.
You only buried yourself in his arms, sobbing in his shoulder like a little girl who couldn’t find her parents. Ironic.
“Hey, hey,” He wrapped his arms right around you. “What happened? What’s going on?”
It felt so nice to be held by him, like all your problems were going to melt away like snow in the spring. “Everything.” You blubbered against his jean jacket, his chin tucked aside of your head. “It’s everything, Eddie. Everything’s falling apart.”
He squeezed you tighter when you let out a string of wincing sobs, eyes narrowed in confusion at your sudden breakdown. “What’s falling apart, baby? Talk to me. Tell me what happened.” He rubbed your back soothingly.
You pushed your face into his chest so you didn’t have to breath, squeezing your eyes shut and your nose scrunching up where it hurt. You shook your head, whimpering, and he rocked you softly as he held the back of your head.
“Did someone hurt you?” He spoke with a protective tone.
You shook your head quickly. He didn’t need to start anymore fights. Your head pounded from the lack of air you allowed yourself, and Eddie’s eyes narrowed when you gulped loudly. He gently pulled you away and widened his eyes at your pale face. “Take a breath, baby.” He cupped each side of your face.
Your waists ghosted each other’s and his elbows nearly touched your shoulders as he held your face, wiping away tears as you sniffled and carried on. “I’m sorry.” You spewed, sobbing in his grasp.
“No, no,” He shook his head, whispering softly with a breath. “Don’t. You’re okay.”
He waited a minute for the color to return to your face, holding and softly rocking you as you tried to control your emotions. He wiped away each tear and tucked away strands of your soft hair. Once you began to calm down, you could barely look him in the eye.
“It’s my parents.” You blinked down to his stomach. “They’re fighting.”
“Fighting?” He rubbed the space behind your ear.
“A lot.” You forced out with a shake in your voice. “Like..like all the time and the kids are scared.”
Eddie’s heart swelled when you wouldn’t look at him. This sudden admittance about your family was shocking. As far as he had known, it was going smoothly.
“Bethy is worried about who’s going to custody over us,” Your eyes burned and you pressed your hand against your face, sobbing. “Eddie, all they do is fight. It’s constant and- and I don’t know how to make the girls feel any better. I feel so guilty and it’s- it’s not my job to make them f-feel better. Mom and dad should be doing that.”
Eddie rubbed up and down your arms as he listened to you, soft brown eyes pierced with concern and worry.
“And i’ve been having panic attacks.” You burned shamefully, barely looking up at him through wet lashes. “I keep waking up in the middle of the night just- just terrified and I don’t know why. My heart races so fast and I feel so..so freaked out and it scares me so bad.”
You wrapped your hand around his wrist, his thumb circulating your brow. “I can’t eat and I just- I just feel so tired all the time. My grades are slipping and I don’t even have fucking energy to take a shower.”
You covered your face with your hands and looked up to the ceiling with a groan. “And I spilled grape juice on my socks.”
It took Eddie a minute before he could figure out his next move. You didn’t blame him. You dumped a boatload of information on him when he’d fully believed everything in your life was peachy keen. He sighed deeply in guilt before he grabbed your shoulders and pulled you into him.
“Fuck- baby, I’m so sorry.” He sighed regretfully, burying his face in your shaking shoulders. “I didn’t realize things had gotten so bad.”
“It’s not your fault.” You sank into him. “I’m the one who’s been keeping it from you.”
“Why?” He kissed your temple, rubbing up and down your back.
“I didn’t want to bother you with my..well, my shitty life. I don’t want you to worry about me.”
Eddie pulled away to lift your chin up toward him, his eyes looking into yours. “You’re my girl, y/n. I’m always going to worry about you. I wish you would of told me about all this. I would have helped you.”
“I know.” You whimpered shamefully. “I’m sorry.”
“Quit that.” He gave your head a little shake, rocking your waist gently. “You have nothing to apologize for. You just need to tell me these things, okay? If you’re suffering then I want to know about it.”
God, he was amazing. You felt foolish for not letting him take care of you sooner. You blushed and leaned your forehead on his chin, groaning softly as your tears dried. “Why are you so perfect, Eddie? I’m an ugly mess.”
He ignored your statement with a roll of his eyes, shifting his weight and moving to lean against the cement wall, allowing you to fully and comfortably relax against him. “How long have you been having panic attacks?” His legs were kicked out slightly, yours atop of his as you cuddled his chest.
“A few weeks.” You said with a shameful mutter. “I thought I was having a heart attack at first. I got so close to going to the hospital.”
Eddie closed his eyes in disbelief. “Jesus, baby, I’m so sorry.” He hugged you. “Please, promise me you’ll let me know when you start feeling that way, please? I hate that you’ve been suffering alone.”
You nodded and held up your pinky, Eddie’s chest vibrating with an amused chuckle. He brought up his hand and wrapped his larger, callused finger around yours and gave it a gentle shake. “Pinky promise.” You kissed the tip of his finger.
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fifis-cosmos · 4 months
Peaches and Musk
Minho x Jisung
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Plot: No real plot… Minho smells Jisung’s heat during a concert and then they fuck.
Warnings: A/B/O, BxB, male on male, dirty talk, dom/sub dynamics, swearing, semi-public sex, nicknames (Hyung, daddy, baby, mutt, omega, alpha, jagi, slut), idol AU, Jisung rambles a lot, jerking off, almost sort of subspace, mention of heat, anal fingering, thigh grinding/riding (I think that’s everything?)
Author’s note: This is a satire post, sort of? It’s something my friends and I wrote a while ago as a joke. Inspired by my peach scented chapstick because it smells soooo good… Usually I won’t do BxB but I got bored and writing something with a more unusual topic is fun. Also! I think I may have a memory of reading something like this before? I don’t remember what it was, but if I got a bit close to somebody else’s idea, I’m not claiming it as mine. And one last thing… I had no idea how to end this… so apologies for the shitty finish.
Also, this is unedited, and not proofread.
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Minho knows he must be mistaken.
That light, peachy smell can’t be his boyfriend, standing a few steps away, who is bobbing his head to the rhythm of the music while he walks around the stage, waving.
It has to be something else. A body product, maybe Jeongin’s sweet smelling shampoo, but that’s not really realistic, is it?
When he inhales more deeply, he catches the giveaway. That telltale hint of spice behind the sweet scent, almost like nutmeg.
He turns to Jisung, sharp features accentuated by the concert lights, scanning the body of the man before him. He’s playing with his microphone, picking at the tacky jewels that surround the circumference of it.
Minho’s eyes narrow into a cat-like expression, the sweat on his forehead trickling down his temple in a glittery streak. He takes another whiff of the air.
It’s him.
His fingers find the little gadget in his ear and pops it out, covering the mic with the palm of his hand while he approaches his boyfriend.
He has to be discreet. There are too many fans. Prying eyes that are too eager and attentive. Endless cameras to catch a slip-up.
He taps Jisung’s thigh gently, and leans in to talk in his ear.
“…Jisung. I can smell you,”
Jisung offers nothing but a skeptical glance.
“That’s stupid, Hyung,” The boy says, eyes getting wider, almost comically. “I shouldn’t be in heat yet,”
He waves his hand, dismissing Minho, and turns to give a charming, gummy smile to the crowds. Minho grabs his wrist and speaks again.
“I’m serious, Jagi,”
Jisung looks at him sideways and rolls his brown eyes. His expression is almost pouty. He holds up his hand.
Minho wastes no time pressing the sharp tip of his nose to the soft flesh on the inside of his wrist, where his scent gland is.
Immediately his nose fills with the fruity, sweet smell of peaches. It’s delectable, makes Jisung’s soft, mochi cheeks look edible. It makes everything about him look edible.
Minho has to smack his boyfriend’s wrist away before he does something stupid in front of all these people.
“It’s you,”
Jisung’s pretty boba eyes get all big and wide, and he covers his wrist, as if it will help anything at all.
In a moment of reaction and panic, he holds his microphone up to his mouth and speaks.
“STAY! STAY, I’m so sorry… but I really, really have to go pee,”
He turns off the mic and runs backstage, laughs from the crowd filling the auditorium.
Minho just hopes Jisung can get it sorted quickly.
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Jisung stumbles into the dressing room, and Minho follows right after, locking the door. They both smell like sweat, covered in it from preforming, and the heat of the stage. The adrenaline lingers, as well.
As soon as the door is shut, Minho latches his lips onto Han’s, clawing into his hips and licking at his mouth recklessly.
“Can’t even wait until we get home,” He growls, biting down on the boy’s pouty lips. “So impatient, Jagi. Not even that patch can satiate you, can it?”
At the thought of the little sticker, Minho’s hands start searching his boyfriend’s body, as if he will be able to find it through his clothes. His hands land mindlessly on Jisung’s ass, kneading it while he kisses even deeper.
“I put it on my back…,” He mutters in a whiny tone, pulling away to cross his arms in front of his body so he can peel off the shirt obscuring his access.
Minho’s eyes scan his body, cute little tummy exposed by the rising hem. His thin waist, the shadow of hair growing up to his belly-button. He tries to pull the shirt off, but it catches on his chin, and his nose, popping off of his head and leaving his fluffy brown hair a mess.
His stretches his arms back and tries to reach the little paw-shaped patch between his shoulder blades, the exact thing that is preventing his body from releasing pheromones. His chest flexes, and Minho can’t help but stare at the rounded, honey-toned expanses of skin.
After watching him struggle for a bit too long, Minho grabs him by the hips and spins him around so his ass is facing him.
“Pathetic. Let me get it, Jagi,”
His fingers grip the edge of the little tab, and he tears it away from the skin, fine hairs getting caught in the sticky residue meant to last a whole day. As soon as it’s off, he leans over Jisung’s shoulder and grabs him by the waist, pulling him closer, mouthing hungrily at the scent glad that rests above the dip of his collarbone.
“Wanna smell you,”
He grumbles against the hot, flushed section of chest, lips wet and darkened from rough kisses earlier. The patch is still stuck to the pads of his fingers, and he tries to shake it off.
His runs his teeth over Jisung’s glad. That tasty, peachy smell returns, starting to flood the room. It makes his mouth water, his eyes roll back. It’s filling his senses. He moans and nips at the skin, trying to stimulate more of that delicious satisfaction.
The patch unsticks from Minho’s finger, and flitters to the ground, forgotten as soon as it left his body. He’s already moved on to better things by now, like sucking a nice mark into his boyfriend’s flesh.
“A-ah… Hyung… mm,” Jisung whimpers, eyes squeezed shut, grinding his ass against the crotch of Minho’s leather pants. “N-no marks… you know we’ll get in trouble,”
At the comment, Minho laves his tongue over the spot, and detaches with a pop. A string of saliva connects his lower lip to the reddened spot.
“You know I don’t care about that…”
He growls, licking over the skin and inhaling the sweet scent. Jisung is starting to catch onto a familiar musk, almost resembling a pine tree, wafting from his boyfriend. He lets a particularly slow drag roll against Minho’s hard dick.
Minho ruts back instinctually, making both of their sweaty bodies jolt. All he can think of is the way Jisung smells, the way he feels and sounds.
He wants to be inside of him. The thought of claiming his boyfriend during yet another heat makes his cock twitch.
He needs release.
His clipped nails dig into the plush skin of Jisung’s torso, and he ruts a few more times. All he wants to hear is those cute sounds his baby always makes for him.
Quick thrusts turning into grinding sooner rather than later, and Jisung is already feeling a bit foggy. He whines and pushes back, trying to get any kind of friction on his hole possible. His boxers are already soaked with slick, he just needs something inside.
“H-hyung- please~ please…,”
He whimpers without thought. Minho nuzzles his nose against the now-wet gland.
“My jagi wants something in his greedy hole? Fuck yes…” His voice pushes out when Jisung moans and rolls his hips once more, gravelly and deeper than usual. “So fucking good… Your Hyung knows you so fucking good, doesn’t he?”
His hips buck, causing some of the friction Jisung needed. Just when the younger boy thinks he’s getting what he wants, Minho let’s go of him, crescent shaped marks on his skin from his boyfriend’s blunt nails.
“Shut your mouth,”
Jisung gets shoved onto the sleek leather bench at the back of the room, where he starts to climb onto it eagerly, ready to present his ass.
Instead, he feels a study arm wrap around his waist and pull him up onto his knees. His back is to Minho, and he’s facing the wall.
“Minho, what are you-“
“I told you to shut you mouth. Stop talking before I decide to leave you here. You wouldn’t like that, would you?”
Minho asks, palming his erection steadily.
Jisung would hate that. His leaking cock, more than that, his hot, slicked up asshole that clenches around nothing, need attention. There’s so much arousal drooling out of him, that there’s a wet patch on his the rump of his pants.
Minho delivers a swift smack to that exact spot, the tips of his fingers grazing his boyfriends balls at the lowly aimed attack.
“I asked you a question,”
“Ah! Y-yes! Sorry Hyung… no… I wouldn’t like it… I’ll be good,”
He wiggles his hips, which Minho finds indescribably cute, in an irritating way.
“Don’t move,” He commands with authority.
Before Jisung registers the lowly spoken words, he feels a toned, leather-clad thigh slip between his own. It nudges them apart, and drags against his dick a little.
The only reaction he can muster is a moan, and the action of grinding down on the expanse of muscle. He’s stopped almost immediately.
“I said stay still,” Minho breathes out. He gives Han a little push, forcing him to lean on the back of the couch with his palms. “You’re lucky I feel generous tonight..,” Minho cages his body in, and puts a palm beside Han’s left.
His lips attach to the dewy, tanned skin again.
“I’m gonna jerk you off, baby… Jagi..,”
He groans and ruts his hips upwards again.
“Oh- fuck yes- please?”
Jisung’s words are slurred, tongue thick with desire. His mind is foggy with lust, and the waves of heat washing over him. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, Minho’s wandering hand finds the bulge in his pants.
At just the first touch, he lets out a loud moan, and bucks his hip fowards.
Minho growls, something almost mistakable as a laugh. “Oh, you like that, don’t you, Jagi? Want me to touch your poor leaky little dick?”
“Yeah-! Hyung- Daddy- please… wan’ it…,”
“You’re filthy,” The whisper comes harsh against the shell of his flushed ear. Of course, it only gets him off more. Minho begins to unbutton the clasp of his jeans.
Even such slight friction has Jisung whining and canting his hips, trying to chase the feeling. Minho shucks the blue jeans down, and takes the soaked boxers along with them.
Before his focus even comes close to returning to Jisung’s dick, his eyes land on a certain spot. He runs a digit over the wetness leaking out of his boyfriends asshole, smirking at the amount of slick that gushes at such a small touch.
“Look at you… so desperate, Jagi. Tell me you want it,” He demands, slowly rubbing his rim with his thumb.
Jisung jolts and moans loudly. His hole throbs, and he pushes back, trying to rub his legs together.
“I wan’ it! Oh god, alpha, please- I want it so bad- touch me-”
Minho hooks his thumb into Jisung’s hole. The amount of slick makes it an easy task.
“I said tell me you want it, not beg. Slut,” He quips, wiggling his thumb softly. Jisung bucks his hips backwards, and tries to grind back. Minho grabs his hips.
“Dumb mutt” He snarls, other hand leaving the couch to mark a ring with his thumb and finger around the base of Jisung’s cock. He gives a quick stroke with the tiny ring, and settles back at the base. When the omega below him moans, he finds himself smiling. “That’s all you are, isn’t it? A dumb mutt? Stupid little omega begging for something in its slutty hole,”
Minho slaps Jisung’s dick, making it sway, and the younger moans and pushes back again.
“I bet you want my knot, don’t you?” He gives another slow stroke along the length of his boyfriend. Jisung nods frantically, bucking forwards. “Too bad. You get my thumb, and my hand to fuck into. That’s it. Now spit on it,”
Jisung pants and tilts his head down, trying to drool down onto his dick while Minho holds it up for him. Minho slips his hand up and palms over the pink tip, spreading the spit around while it leaks down his shaft, settling in his dark pubic hair.
“Ah! Ohmygod-,” Jisung try’s to buck forwards again, his balls dragging delectably over the leather covering Minho’s thigh. The alpha pulls his thumb out and slaps his ass.
“How many times do I have to tell you to stay fucking still?” He growls. His body pushes against the back of Jisung’s, and he crowds him flush against the back of the couch, body shadowing over him. He starts to stroke his omega’s cock steadily. “You really are desperate, aren’t you?”
“S’ good… too good,” Jisung whines, trying his hardest not to move so he can please his alpha.
“Too good,” Minho mocks in a high tone, repeating the boy’s breathy tone. He stops stroking and takes to running his fingers lightly up the underside of his cock. “I bet it is, isn’t it? Too good? You’re such a stupid little thing. Begging for my hands,”
He swaps to rubbing his fingers over Jisung’s slit. His cock jumps.
Minho latches his mouth onto his neck again, sucking gently before nipping at his skin. “Bounce on my thigh,” He demands, breath hot on the sweaty field of skin, shaking his leg that is wedged between Jisung’s as if to show him what exactly what to use.
It’s like a spell has been put over the younger as soon as those words grace his pinkened ears. He starts frantically grinding against the meaty appendage that rests below him, dragging his balls over the rough material. It hurts, but that just makes it better for him. At this point he’s been reduced to breathless moans.
Minho spits in his hand and lifts Jisung’s hips to smear it on the black leather pants, just to make the slide a bit easier. It wasn’t really all that needed, considering the mass amounts of slick pouring from the younger’s hole, dripping down his balls and making an embarrassing puddle.
“There it is… good omega,” He growls, bouncing his leg a little. He strips Jisung’s dick, the wet sounds downright sinful. With this much attention, the boy can’t last much longer.
“I-inside. Want something inside, please,” He begs in a shaky voice, grinding down just a bit harder.
“Inside? This isn’t enough for you?” He tightens his grip around his dick.
“Mm- please! Please, hyung,” His legs are shaking now, and his stomach is twitching with every breath. Minho ruts his hips against Jisung’s ass, and reaches forwards to rub his lip with his thumb. He’s delighted to find drool covering it.
“Oh… poor thing… what makes you deserve it?” His hand reaches down and collects slick, teasing the younger’s rim.
“Ah! I’ll be good! I’ll be so good, please, just put it in- please,”
Minho brings his thumb to his lips and smears slick over it.
“You’ll be good? I guess that’s a pretty good reason,” He teases and reaches down. The way his finger slides in with such ease. Even better, how the second one follows, and they curve up into his prostate, is exactly what he needed to send him tumbling over the edge of his orgasm.
He doesn’t notice how he shakes. Hot white ropes of cum shoot onto the back of the couch. He can’t hear anything, all he can sense is the feeling of his orgasm, the explosion in his gut and the tingling of his body.
When he finally opens his eyes, the fullness of his boyfriend’s fingers are gone, as well as the warmth of his thigh between his legs. But his boxers are handed to him.
“You’re giving me head on the ride to the hotel. If you do good enough, maybe I’ll knot you when we get back into our room,” Minho cocks his head to the cum splattered on the couch. “Clean that up, Jagi,”
He turns to leave, but before he does, he leans over Jisung’s shoulder and plants a gentle kiss on his sweaty cheek.
“You did well. I’ll go get some fresh clothes for you. I love you, Sungie”
“I love you too, Minho,”
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shares-a-vest · 3 months
🪱 🧠 Wiggly Wed-ursday 🧠 🪱
Let's just pretend timezones aren't real for a second and that it's still Wednesday for me. @kikidoesfanfic tagged me in this wonderful tag game weeks ago and I only remember when I see everyone else's on a Thursday my time. Also thank you to @penny00dreadful for the tag today which made me decide to finally do it!
I spend a stupid amount of time thinking about Steve's parents. So much so, that I have a fic in the pipeline that is from Steve's Mom's POV and lmao, my brain already wants to write a semi-sequel/companion piece (I swear to fucking christ I am determined to publish this fic this weekend – I am so sorry to all the people I have basically strung along with this long-gestating wip). We get like four sentences about Steve's parents the entire show ("she's super well-respected", "my dad's an asshole"). And while I guess you could argue that Steve's background isn't all that crucial in the show, he still grew into this fan-favourite character that ended up gaining more screen time than initially planned but... We still get nothing??? Steve's parents not getting a mention in extended material bugs me too (whyyy aren't they in that play!!!). Anyway, enough screaming and onto some brainworms. I am plagued by thoughts of Steve's Dad's POV – Somewhere between an outsider's POV and a character study. Does he notice when his son disappears for days at a time? Right on Spring Break when this young girl has been 'murdered'? Is he like the Wheeler's, watching the local news? Do he and Steve's Mom go to the town meeting? Maybe they sit at the back. Do they know who Claudia is? Maybe she awkwardly greets them, only to be left cold. She thinks they should be as concerned as she and Karen are. If their kids are involved in all of this somehow, Steve would be with them too. How about when the town splits in two? Steve's car must be gone from the house too, right? (Honestly, I lost track of everyone's vehicles in s4. steve changes into The Yellow Sweater, so he must have gone home). Do his parents know the Buckley's number? Surely they know of Robin. Do they go looking for him? What happens when they find him and his friends? Do they ask what the hell happened? What does he tell them?
Some general/possible fic ideas I have with all of this worminess:
Steve's POV, His Mom's POV, His Dad's POV all in the one event. Maybe it's Christmas or just some fancy party they are having. Maybe even the aftermath of some event/family drama.
Mr Harrington's POV of Season 4.
Steve's Parents meeting Robin for the first time. Somewhere between seasons 3 and 4. Robin's POV of this too.
Claudia's POV of Steve's parents.
I think I'll leave it there. Consider the end of this post me walking off into the sunset for the day, ramble-asking endless questions about Steve's parents.
No-pressure tags: @momotonescreaming @puppy-steve @sidekickjoey @tangerinesteve
@hellion-child @devondespresso
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