#sorry for my face y’all i’m just. so excited. also rip not us being post shibuya n.obamaki on halloween lol
yo halloween pictures under the cut! @zukkaoru​ was maki and i was nobara (both post-shibuya)! grace looks AMAZING and i did my best interpretation of what nobara may look like post-shibuya!
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
Do you think Eddie would tell Wayne about reader wanting a double date?? How would that go?👀 I know Wayne would knock some sense into him!😂❤️
Hiii lovey!!! So I wasn’t sure if I was gonna actually post this or not but I’m in a really good mood so I’m gonna give y’all this (sorry it’s at a random ass time lol) so I hope y’all enjoy💖
-find all things Trouble Next Door here✨
*also idk if it’s just me but this lowkey might make you sad? I hope not though!*
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“She wants to do what now?” “A double date…she thinks it’ll help us move on or something.” “Move on? From…Chrissy and Steve or…” “please don’t start Wayne.” “Sorry…so what are you gonna do?” “Since when have I ever told her no? She seems really set on the idea…been talking about it for the last day or two.” “Who is she thinking of asking on this date?” “No fucking clue…she hasn’t mentioned anyone for her or for me.” “You’re letting her pick who you go on a date with? Damn son…you’ve really got it bad huh?” “I just want her to be happy…that’s all I’ve always wanted for her…really thought Steve was gonna be it for her…fucking asshole.” “But what about you? What’s gonna make you happy Eddie?” “Being in her life..anyway I can.” “How long has it been?” “How long has it been since…what?” “How long have you been in love with her?” “Oh uhm…I uh…I don’t know?” “You don’t know? So it’s been that long then?” “I know there was this moment when I turned sixteen and just got the van…I remember picking her up and just driving around because I was just so excited to be driving on my own and wanted to take her somewhere…I rolled the windows down and had the music up loud and she…she looked over at me with this huge grin on her face and her hair was blowing everywhere and…and I remember wondering if her eyes always had that sort of glow to them when she smiled…and if her laugh always sounded like a melody to a song that I could listen to over and over again…I almost ran a stop sign because I just…couldn’t look away from her.” “Eddie…” “I love her…so fucking much and…and I just want her to be happy Wayne…I need her to be happy.” “What if you’re the one that’ll make her happy? She deserves to know how you’ve been feeling son.” “It’s pointless…She told me she loved Steve more than she loved me.” “Well he was her husband…and she doesn’t know how you feel so maybe she just hasn’t had her moment like you did in the van at sixteen yet…because maybe she doesn’t want to risk loosing you? Have you thought about that?” “I don’t know…” “you deserve to be happy just as much as she does…I think you owe it to yourself to get your feelings out there in the open before you have to watch her be with someone else who we both know won’t be good enough.” “What if she doesn’t feel the same?” “What if she does?…we both know either way you’re gonna cry so might as well just rip the bandaid off and see what happens.” “I hate to say it…but you’re right…” “damn straight I am…now come on…coffees getting cold.”
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auramindedd · 4 years
Fixed? Never - SMAU*
Part 3
CorpseHusband x FemReader
Warnings: cussing
A/N: again, any posts with a “ * ” attached to “smau” has writing in it. imma focus A LOT more on just the social media n message perspective, but y/n n corpse meet in this part soooo i had to add some writing :) something else b4 i forget; i’m updating my masterlist and changing it into a directory post that way you guys can also request through a google form! i’ll have requests open at all times unless i get too stressed out or if they overfill. due to me changing my masterlist, there’s gonna be about 6 posts i think. also,, thank you guys so much for 600 followers! i’ve been hitting a bunch of milestones and haven’t been remembering to say thank you, but just know that i appreciate every single one of you... also i love reading y’all’s comments 😭
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You make sure you’re set up before 6 PM, which was probably a mistake. You can’t sit still, you’re starting to get nervous, and you kind of just want to run away to McDonald’s.
Sure, you know Ludwig, Dream, and Rae, but it feels like you’re at school all over again. That anxious feeling of having to be with people while your best friends aren’t around.
You’re leg is bouncing, your nails are tapping on your desk, and you can’t stop running your hand through your hair. It probably looks like a fucking bird nest by now.
You start streaming, deciding that maybe talking to your supporters will make things a bit better.
“Hey, loves,” You greet in a not so Y/N-fashioned way. Of course, the chat catches on, and you’re being called out for it. You can’t help but giggle at the fact that your supporters know how you usually are.
@user: What happened to, “Hey, bitches!”
@user: Ou, someone is nervous.
Yeah, they obviously know you very well.
“Alright, let’s start over.” You clear your throat for dramatic effect because, well, when are you not dramatic? “Hey, bitches!” Yup, even you know that just feels right.
After a while of talking to your supporters, Rae sends you the Discord invite and the Among Us code. You join, feeling your nerves start to come back.
“Y/N!” Rae exclaims in excitement when she sees you’ve joined the Among Us lobby.
“Hi,” You say, shyness lacing your voice.
“Oh my God! The cutest voice.” Jack says. Wow, what a compliment coming from the Jack_Septic_Eye.
You take time to introduce yourself to everyone, trying to calm your nerves.
“Are we gonna start?” Ludwig’s impatient ass asks.
“We’re waiting for Corpse.” Rae explains.
Shit, another person you have to introduce yourself to?
“Hey, Corpse!” Sykkuno greets quickly, very obviously racing to be the first to say hi to Corpse.
“Hey, Sykkuno,” Corpse chuckles, and woah, the last thing you expected. You can’t help but be surprised, and you know it’s showing on your face. Why? Because your supporters are teasing you in the chat.
“Corpse,” Rae says in a sing-songy tone. “This is Y/N.” And your heart drops to your fucking stomach. Every single time it happens when you have to meet someone, but now your heart is beating even faster because you’re obviously the only one who hasn’t met Corpse. They’re all expecting a reaction out of you...
“Hey, Y/N.” His deep, husky voice says. You can hear the smile in his voice and it helps ease your nerves.
“Hi,” You greet, shyness still lacing your voice.
Corpse chuckles, “So cute.” Now you’re blushing. Great...
Rae starts the game, saving you before the others can start teasing you.
You’ve only played Among Us once, in a public server with Dream, George, Karl, and Alex, and then you got bullied for not knowing what the fuck to do.
To say the least, you’re pretty glad to be Crewmate and not Impostor.
“Y/N!” Jack shouts, walking up to you. You slightly jump, forgetting they’re playing with Proximity Chat.
“Jack!” You shout back, letting his astronaut catch up to you.
“We were expecting a reaction.” He says, and of course they were.
“Uh, yeah, I don’t know. I feel like he hears it a lot, don’t want to add on to the list of Things People Say To Him Everyday.”
“Yeah, he’s probably very grateful for that.”
“Grateful for what?” Charlie walks up to you two.
“Nothing,” Jack drawls. You’ve just met Charlie, but you know that he’d tease both you and Corpse about one another’s voices.
“Oh, I know!” Charlie exclaims, but before he can say what he knows-
“Okayyy! That’s enough interaction with Charlie for today.” Jack says, and you take that as a, ‘Walk the fuck away now, Y/N!’
You walk around, trying your best to finish tasks, but when it comes to the card swipe in Admin, you want to quit life as a whole.
“Ugh, I fucking quit.” You groan, slamming your hands on your desk. A deep, rumbling chuckle comes through on your headphones.
“Having trouble?” Corpse teases.
“Yeah. I wanna rip every strand of my fucking hair out.”
“Swipe it slower.” And with that, you try again. Voila! Just like magic.
“Well if I would’ve fucking known.” You groan, Corpse chuckling.
“Here, I can help you with the game.”
“Yes, please, I don’t know shit about it.”
“You know, you cuss a lot for having such a sweet, innocent, and cute voice.” Corpse laughs.
“Yeah,” You drawl. “I know, bad fucking habit.” You slap your hand over your mouth. How does someone cuss in every sentence? Get a filter, damn.
Corpse walks around with you as you both finish tasks, explaining how the game works, and giving you tips for when you do end up being an Impostor.
Honestly, you could listen to his voice all day. He’s also really sweet.
“What are you two up to?” Brooke asks, doing tasks in Electrical with you two. Corpse told you to make sure you’re always aware of your surroundings when you’re in Electrical. So, naturally, you’re freaking out, but silently and internally.
“Brooke,” Corpse warns. He doesn’t even have time to finish his warning. Brooke kills him, his body flopping over, the one bone sticking out from the top of his body. Your mouth falls open.
“Hey, Y/N. Let’s be besties!” You don’t know what to do, but ay, #girlsupportinggirls, right? So, you walk with her. She helps you along the way, also telling you tips on the game, explaining how everything works. Then, after about a minute, a whole 60 seconds, Corpse’s body is reported.
“Why Corpse? Such an innocent man with a beautiful voice.” Lud fake cries.
“Get over it,” Brooke says.
“It’s Brooke! Brooke’s an Impostor!” Lud shouts.
“What? No! I was with Y/N for a lot of this round.” Brooke defends herself, and oh fuck, who the fuck do you defend? You’ve just met both of them, one of them will possibly hate you forever.
“Y/N?” Sykkuno grabs your attention, snapping you out of your thinking.
“Yeah, she was. She wouldn’t have had time to kill Corpse. Where was the body?” Well, there you go, potentially ruining yours and Corpse’s blooming friendship. Sad Girl Hour, type beat.
“In Electrical,” Charlie says.
“Yeah, no way she would’ve had to time to kill him.”
Nobody’s voted out. Brooke hasn’t even told you who the second Impostor is so, you don’t know if you should stay with her or not.
As you and Brooke are walking around, or skipping as she sees it, and holding hands, Dream pops out of a vent. Well, there’s Imposter two.
“Woah! Dream, way to out yourself out.” You tease, throwing your head back and laughing.
“Please, you’ve been with Brooke the whole time. Don’t say anything.” Dream begs, making you and Brooke giggle.
“I won’t, I won’t.”
“Thank you,” He starts walking away from you guys, but not without finishing his sentence that you thought was already finished. “Cutie.” And there, finished.
Fucking finished! Tweedle-dee, tweedle dum! Whoopty-fucking-do! Fan-fucking-tastic! A-fucking-mazing!
And of course you’re blushing for the whole 80,000+ people watching to tease you about.
“Oh my God!” Brooke squeals. “What was that?!”
“I’ll explain later,”
“Y/N, how could you?” Corpse says, offended.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t know what to do.”
“She’s my enemy, Y/N. We were supposed to stick together. I told you some tips and tricks, explained how to be a badass Impostor, everything!” Wow, he’s a good fucking actor.
“I can very well do the same thing, bitch.” Brooke spits, all in a playful manner - you hope...
“Not better than me, bitch.” Corpse retorts, his astronaut getting closer.
With Corpse.
Your enemy. Or as he put it, “Enemy who he can maybe, and most likely, will become friends with in the near future.”
“Follow,” He says, and even though he’s your enemy, you do.
“I gotta do my own thing.”
“You don’t know how to do shit.” Corpse scoffs.
“Okay then, what the fuck are we gonna do?”
“Double kills, all the way, but only when we meet up with each other. So, right now, we’ll both go our own ways, but when we see each other again, we’ll walk to a pair and do a double kill if we can.” Corpse explains.
“Brooke told me not to do double kills often. It won’t help get through a game.”
Corpse snorts, “Brooke doesn’t know dog shit about this game.”
“Fine,” You groan, going along with it only because you don’t know dog shit about the game either.
As Corpse explained, you two do double kills every time you meet up. You two managed to get double kills where people rarely go - Shields, Comms, and the top of Cafeteria.
After killing Rae and Sykkuno, the game ends. You made sure to leave Brooke and Dream alive.
“Period, we did that!” You exclaim, everyone else groaning and complaining about how you two should never be an Impostor duo again. “But I still fucking hate you because you hate me!”
“Exactly!” Corpse retorts in the same tone as you.
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darylsgirl · 4 years
He’s just like the sun. Daryl Dixon x Reader 18+ Smut
*Second ever Fanfic! Exciting! I hope you guys enjoy this! Please let me know if there is anything you’d change about it or anything you like! I would love some tips on how to improve!  I will warn it does get pretty dark at points, but the story just kind of got away from me again haha! Younger reader and Older Daryl for the anonymous request! Hope this has lived up to your expectations! Hope y’all having a lovely day <3*
Warnings!: Domestic violence, Heavy cursing, Violence and Smut 
Summary: Daryl had saved you from a herd of walkers, When you reached Alexandria he became distant and you started dating Spencer. He stayed away from you fully until Carol brought it to his attention that Spencer could be hurting you. Long slow burn. Smutty ending with Confessions of love :) 
Part Two              Part three 
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“Good morning baby” He said rolling on top of you kissing you swiftly. 
“Good Mornin’ Spence' You replied squirming uncomfortably.
He enveloped you in his arms around you pulling you closer to him. 
“Sorry Spence, but carol’s expecting me. I really have to go!” 
His eyes flashed dark, He finally released you. “So just Carol? Or is there anyone else you will be seeing today?” 
You pushed your hand to the back of your neck rubbing it uncomfortably. “Urm yeah i think it’s just carol, She did say something about Rosita popping by to give us a hand” 
“Well you know what to do if anyone else turns up right? Or should I remind you?” He said with a smirk now. 
Your eyes met his panicked now “No i promise only Carol and Rosita. I know what to do i promise baby”
Ugh you hated calling him that but you knew it worked. You looked back at him and could see your words had placated him for now. Running to the bathroom you quickly got ready for the day, Checking over your appearance in the mirror you were satisfied that everything would look normal to anyone looking at her. You tucked your shirt into your jeans wincing as you did to make sure this didn’t rise up and left the bathroom. Sighing a breath of relief when you saw that Spencer had gotten up and left. Running a hand through your hair you ran downstairs, laced your boots up hastily, Leapt off the porch and headed towards Carol’s house.
You always loved your days with Carol, She was the most incredible woman. Tough, unrelenting and takes no nonsense but yet the mother of the group and loves everyone unconditionally, You’re pretty sure she would die for any one of you. She made you feel safe and at ease which is two feelings that were hard to come by these days. 
Smiling as you saw Carol in the front garden digging. You ran over and saw that there was a tray sitting on the porch with two cups of tea and some pancakes waiting. She nodded towards the porch “Go on help yourself Y/N. I'll be over in a minute” Another reason you just loved Carol. She. was. The. best. Cook. Even something as simple as pancakes you knew were going to be delicious.  “So I heard through the grapevine it’s your birthday soon?” Carol asked. You smiled at her “Yeah,I’ll be 22 on April 16th. Not that i’m even sure when that is now” 
“It seems silly now but sometimes i wonder what it would of been like to have my first drink, Never got a chance with the end of well….everything”
Carol looked over at you and checked the calendar. “Deana told me the date when we got here and I've been marking it ever since. Looks to be a week on Tuesday! Got anything nice planned?” “Nah, Just another day to me now!” You said shrugging. 
“Is Spencer planning anything?” 
“Um not sure, I don’t think i’ve told him if i'm honest”
“Well tell me then. If you could have anything in the world what would it be” 
You smiled the answer coming so easy to you now “A sunflower, I would really love to see a sunflower again” 
Carol nodded at you. “Now that would be something” 
Smiling happily again as you sat down you pulled a plate of pancakes on your lap and ravenously ate groaning as you did. “Carol, these are sooo good. What’s the secret?” 
“Y’all know if i tell you, i’d have to kill you” She said with a light hearted laugh and a wink. 
You had quickly finished your plate using the tea to wash it down. You thanked Carol, Grabbed the tray and walked in to clean the dishes. Carol followed in behind you talking about the day’s tasks. You didn’t really pay much attention as you were happy to do whatever as long as you weren’t stuck at home or with him. 
That’s when you heard him “Mornin’ Carol any o’ those fer me?” You body froze with fear, You needed to get out of here NOW. You scrubbed the plates and mugs as quick as you could and set them on the side of the sink to try. Spinning around you grabbed a dish cloth and wiped your hands. “I’m so sorry Carol, I just remembered I promised Spencer something, I have to go. I’ll see you soon?”
You started making your way briskly towards the door when a hand grabbed your wrist. “Y/N There a problem here?” You were too scared to look him in the eye, Those were your weakness so bright and beautiful. “No Daryl, Just cant be here” You muttered staring at your feet silently begging him to push and save you, But in true shy Daryl fashion he released your arm still staring at you. 
Carol cleared her throat “I thought you had made a promise not that you couldn’t be here?” She walked over to you, also staring at you intensely. “Same thing, Not allowed. Promised Spencer” Carol’s eyes burned looking at you she grabbed your face pulling your eyes up to meet yours. “Not allowed?” She asked softer than you expected. You nodded your head slightly “Please Carol i have to go” You begged her scared. She gripped your face tighter, Her eyes wandering quickly across your face. You ripped your face from her hands and Carol gasped. Panic building in you again you turned and ran through the front door with Carol and Daryl hot on your heels. 
As you hit the pavement you ran straight into him, You froze again,Fear in your eyes, your eyes downcast..
Spencer looked at you then looked at the porch seeing them both there he wrapped his hand around your lower back digging his nails painfully into your side. You jumped slightly. Spencer put his lips to your ear and whispered “Smile and wave and say goodbye to your friends” Putting an emphasis on the word friends. Tears stung your eyes. 
You looked up at carol placing an unconvincing smile on your face, “Bye guys, Thank you for breakfast Carol” The second the words had left your mouth Spencer was dragging you by the hip back to the house your eyes still not leaving Carol’s in a wordless plea. 
Back on the porch Carol turned to Daryl “Fuck, We gotta do something about that” “Bout what?” he asked puzzled “God Daryl you can be so blind sometimes!” “Didn’t you see her neck when she was leaving, Those bruises were finger marks. I’d bet my life on it” He looked over at Carol shocked “He like Ed?” She nodded mouth forming a thin line “The one thing that bastard was good for is he taught me to see the signs of that evil in others, That fear was mine not too long ago” She continued “We can’t just get involved that won’t help we need to watch him and catch him at it so he can’t make her lie” 
Daryl felt like something inside him had broken, He couldn’t believe that prick was doing this to her, To Y/N, A Girl like that deserved to be treated like an angel. He wished he could have told her how he felt before all this and saved her the pain. 
He had loved her from the first moment he had laid eyes on her. He had been the one to find her when they were on the road to DC. She was alone trying to fight off a herd of walkers with a determined look in her eye. Daryl had known he wasn’t supposed to get involved; he was supposed to be just observing and reporting back to the group. But the look in her eye  had made him charge forward “Hey!! Over here! Follow me!” She hadn’t even given it a second thought she just ran towards him and swung her leg over the back of his motorbike and they had ridden off. It had happened so quickly neither of them had the chance to wonder if the other could be dangerous. They both had connected at a base level without suspicion. 
Daryl had forced his bike to its limits, hightailing it back to the group with her arms around him. When he got back to them Rick had rushed forward to greet them looking warily at the pair, Daryl stopped the bike and started trying to explain to his friend when she fell sideways from the bike. Having to explain to the group that he didn’t even know her name was difficult but he just had to save her. By way of an explanation he just said “Any woman tha faces down a hoard alone earnt her chance” 
Daryl hadn’t left her side until she woke up. Seeing his reaction to this woman the group didn’t question it and just accepted her as one of their own. 
Daryl smiled thinking back to all the moments you two had been together on the road to here, To alexandria which had quickly become home. Before here he had barely left your side, He had thought you were incredible. A complete badass. From the first day you had defended and helped the group as if they were already family. You were a perfect fit. You were everything he wasn’t Light and beautiful. He knew a woman like you would never want the dark twisted man he had become but he couldn’t stop himself from being around you. You were magnetic. 
He never had the guts to tell you all of this, He knew you would reject him and everything your presence had healed in him would be shattered again. When they had gotten to Alexandria he had started seeing less of you as you had taken up your post at the infirmary and he had been going on more and more runs to keep the community fed and taken care of. He had started to wish for injuries just so he would have an excuse to feel your eye’s meet his again. He craved your touch with everything in him. But of course he could never tell you that, It would be so wrong of him. He was no good for you, he was atleast 20 years older for a start, An old redneck like him could never deserve a young beauty like you. 
About a week after you had all gotten here someone else had noticed you. You seemed to rebuff his advances at first which gave Daryl hope. A few weeks later Daryl was sent on a long run and when he came back there you were on Spencer's porch wrapped in his arms, Laughing at his words. That memory was the most painful for him, He had just gotten up the guts after a very close call to tell you how much he loved you and needed you to be his and there you were, Someone else’s now.
He couldn’t help but imagine what would happen if you had in fact been his, He spent all of his nights wondering what it would be like to have you in his arms lay next to him, Wondering what your lips would feel like on his, How your skin would feel under his fingers, Your breath on his skin. All of these nights ended in a hurried and urgent tug as he let his mind imagine your hands were his. Moaning your name night after night. Always opening his eyes to the empty space beside him and the gripping pain in his chest. 
“Daryl, Come in Daryl” Carol was waving her hand in front of your face. “Uhh Sorry, What did you say?”
“I said,'' Can you make an excuse to go to the infirmary tonight?” He balled his fists. He could definitely do that. He waited a few hours and then stormed towards the garage with Carol hot on his heels. He drew a deep breath and then punched his hand through the glass cabinet. Drawing his hand back and watching the blood seep down his wrist. Looking up at Carol expectantly “That’ll do nicely Daryl” With a glint in her eye. She turned and grabbed a rag off the side and wrapped it around his wrist. You go to the infirmary ill get Y/N. Daryl couldn’t feel the pain of what he had done yet, He could just feel the adrenaline rushing through him. 
Carol ran across and down the street stopping to take a deep breath before knocking she heard a whimper from inside. Fixing a panicked look on her face she knocked urgently. A few moments later Spencer tore the door open, “What?” He demanded. Unfazed Carol replied “Hey spence! I’m sorry to intrude so late but we need Y/N Its urgent” She smiled sweetly at him. “Whatever you need her for you either tell me or you can wait till tomorrow” Showing him the blood on her hands. “Well um there was an accident and we can’t find denise.” She said in an innocent voice. Hearing this you appeared at the door and looked up at spencer. “I need to go, I promise i'll be quick…. Please?” You smoothed your hair over your neck again and started out of the door towards Carol when Spencer caught your wrist pulling you back to him. “You better be, I aint done with you yet” He growled into your ear, Then pushed his lips to yours put a fake smile on his face “Okay honey, Be Careful”
You took this moment to pull your arm from his following Carol pressing her for more information. You arrived at the infirmary and saw Daryl on the steps blood dripping down his hand onto the steps. You unlocked the door and ushered him and Carol inside. 
Sitting Daryl down and not meeting his eyes you delicately removed the rag from his wrist and grimaced. Knowing better than to ask questions you set to work with a pair of tweezers and started removing the glass shards from his hand and wrist before cleaning the wound, Stitching and bandaging it as quick as you could. You braved a glimpse upwards and saw his eyes searching your body and then your eyes. 
Seeing those beautiful blue eyes hit yours you were fighting the tears. You wanted to spill and tell him everything. He had always had that effect on you all he had to do was look at you and you wanted to pour yourself into him. You had loved him from the very beginning, From the moment your eyes met you had craved him, Craved those beautiful strong arms around you keeping you safe from the world. 
You had always wished he would show even a spark of interest towards you, Well he was always around but he acted so indifferent. 
Engrossed in his eyes just staring at each other it was like there was no one else in the world, He was the sun pulling you in. His hand came up and moved the hair from your face, His fingers lingering before moving your hair completely away from your neck, his eye’s darting downwards inspecting you. His eyes grew dark then “Please Y/N what has he done to you?” his eyes were fixed on your neck as he reached forward and brushed his fingers across your throat tracing the bruises. 
Your breath hitched in your throat enjoying his touch. Carol cleared her throat from the corner “Guys we got company” Daryl dropped his hand and darted forwards blocking the doorway as it flung open. 
Spencer, He was fucking everywhere. 
“Can i help you?” Daryl growled. “What are you doing man, Where’s my girl?” Spencer asked. “She’s Busy and she’s gon be busy for a long time. Why don’t you take off kid” Daryl said still not moving from spencer’s way “I’ll take off when i’ve got my girl, Get the fuck out of the way” You could hear the change in his tone turn from polite to the voice that sent fear through your bones. 
You stepped forward. “I’m right here. It’s okay i won't be long” Daryl looked back at you pained “Yeah ya will. We aint letting ya go back with him” Roaring “Fucking look at yaself Y/N look at those bruises!” He span back at spencer “Ya needa take a fuckin hike, Touch her again ill kill you” He growled. Spencer looked amused “Yeah, Ok redneck scurry on to your moonshine and skinning possums'' He half laughed. “You think that little bitch wants you? She’s mine. Now get your ass here Y/N before i get fucking angry.” 
Daryl was heaving now Carol rushed forwards and grabbed his arms as he went to lunge forward. You forced your body forward in between them both tears freely running down your face now. “It’s okay, Daryl I’m okay. I’m not worth it” You winced when you felt Spencer's hands dig into your already bruised hips again. Daryl saw this “Ya gotta be kiddin me Y/N Ya worth 10 o’ him'' His eyes searched yours again desperate. “Please Daryl don’t make this any worse” “You heard her white trash” Spencer then pulled you from the room back down the infirmary steps, Daryl watched as he pulled her down the street and threw her back through the front door” 
Anger boiling through his veins he took off in the other direction, grabbed his bike and took off out of the gate and into the night. 
A week had passed since that night, It had taken a week to recover from the beating he gave you. You knew the rules No talking to either of them now. You were to go to work and come home, No more out of hours calls. You watched when Daryl finally rode back into town. Covered in walker blood his face still contorted in anger when he rushed back into the house. You saw the light come on in the basement and watched as he smashed up what few belongings he had before settling onto his bed. This had become your favourite pass time you loved that you could see straight into his room and the garage when he was in there. Spencer had already noted they could see into this house and had kept the curtains drawn on all rooms at all times. 
When you finally did go back to work Spencer walked you to and from the infirmary for the first week until he started to relax again. You liked it better when he relaxed, He could be sweet and loving towards you and you did everything you could to prolong it to avoid his rages again. 
On the tuesday you now knew was your birthday, You went to work with a half smile on your face. Denise pointed over to a desk “That was dropped off for you earlier” You walked over and found a slightly dirty Pin. Flipping it over you saw it was a beautiful painted sunflower. Beaming you turned back to denise “Who was it?” “Ahh sworn to secrecy! Sorry Y/N” You playfully growled at her “ooh terrified! I’m more scared of them, than I am of you Y/N Sorry still not telling!” You laughed and decided to let it go and just enjoy your beautiful thoughtful gift. 
Since Spencer had relaxed he had let you walk to work and back alone on the second day of this you heard him. “Y/N wait up!” Shit not now! What if he’s watching. You darted your eyes around and picked up the pace towards home. Running to catch up with you, Daryl ran in front of you and made you stop. 
“Please not now Daryl, If he sees...I’m not allowed….I’m not allowed to be near you” You stuttered. You gazed up at him pleading. His eyes went hard. “No! NO! I aint allowing it! Ya not going back to him Y/N I aint allowing him to hurt ya again!” You started shaking at his raised voice. Daryl noticed this and looked to be struggling with himself before finally lunging towards you and taking your head in his hands making your eyes stay on his. There it was again he was the sun and you couldn’t pull away even if you wanted to. 
“I love ya Y/N, I fuckin love ya! I can’t watch him not treat you like how you deserve! I’ll take care of you please, please let me i'll protect you with everythin i have!” His eyes looked wild and desperate. You couldn’t stop yourself, you pushed your lips forward meeting his hurriedly matching his desperation. The world could have ended again right then. You wouldn’t have cared one bit as he wrapped his arms around you and you melted into him feeling safe at last. 
Your hands made their way to his hair no longer caring who was watching and pulled him closer to you. He pulled away reluctantly. “Come on we’re getting ya stuff now. I’m not having ya there for another second '' Your brain still foggy you nodded giggling and let him pull you towards your house. Panic setting in again. Spencer should still be on guard duty the house should be empty so why were you so afraid. 
You looked back at Daryl and melted again. “Wait here, I won't be long, there's not much I need” He nodded at you taking a defensive stance and staring into the street. 
You ran up the stairs and threw the door open shutting it softly behind you and ran up the stairs grabbed your bag from under the bed and stuffing clothes in at random, Next you turned to the bathroom and grabbed your tooth brush and other bits. Smiling at yourself in the mirror not recognising the happy woman in front of you. 
It was then you saw him leaning against the doorway behind you. “That was quite a show Y/N, Well there’s only one thing for it! You ain’t goin nowhere with him with fuckin nobody but me bitch” He smirked at you and dove forward grabbing fistfuls of hair in his hands he threw your head forward smashing it into the mirror. You screamed begging him to let go as he continued to pull your head back and hit it back into the wall. You could feel the blood running down your face. Clouding your eyesight. Suddenly the hands were gone you gripped the sink fighting to stay up right. Grabbing a cloth and rubbing the blood out of your eyes you saw Spencer being dragged from the room. You followed as quick as your stumbling legs would carry you. 
You made it out onto the street to see spencer in the middle of the road and Daryl over him punching everywhere he could “I fuckin told ya, I’d Fuckin told ya i’d kill ya” He was screaming into his face. You looked around and saw a crowd had formed. Deana, Spencer’s mother was screaming for Daryl to stop. Which brought Rick and the others running. Carol ran straight for you taking your head in her hands and pulling you close. Whispering “It’s okay now Y/N. It’s okay i’ve got you” 
Rick ran straight at Daryl pulling him away from Spencer. Spencer pulled himself up and spat the blood from his mouth glaring at you now He pulled himself to his feet stumbling, eyes locked on you glaring he screamed “You little bitch” and ran at you. Rick couldn’t restrain Daryl any more as Daryl ran forward grabbing Spencer and throwing him to the ground again just before he reached you. Rick and a few others ran forward again and stood in front of you guarding you from Spencer. Daryl saw the fear in your eyes and rounded back on him. 
Crouching over Spencer on the floor Daryl yelled “Ya don’t listen do ya, Rick was trying to save ya miserable piece of shit life” He punched him again. “Me, I want to see ya as an undead asshole and I wanna be the one to do it, So keep pushing it Spencer” He pulled his crossbow from off his back and pointed it at the man on the ground, his chest heaving now. A strangled cry left your throat then.
Pushing yourself out of Carol’s arms you made your way to Daryl, You put your hand over his on the bow and pushed it down. Internally begging him to look at you. He finally did “Please Daryl it doesn’t matter, I don’t matter. I won’t have you being a murderer for me” 
Daryl’s eyes softened before turning back to spencer “Twice in a day someone else has saved ya fuckin life. Don’ even think about coming near her again. I even smell you near her or catch you looking at MY WOMAN again. ill rip ya fucking eyes out” He roared
Deanna was at her sons side now “He gets it please, Please leave so i can take my son home”
Daryl turned to you “Come on baby, We need to go home too” He dropped his crossbow back over his shoulder and wrapped his arm around your shoulders pulling you to him and pressing his lips to your forehead. You instantly relaxed grinning into him and you let him guide you again over to his house and down to his basement. You looked at him sadly when he pulled his arms from around your shoulders and turned to lock the door behind you pulling the deadbolt across. 
He turned smiling at you “Come on let’s get a good look at ya” Putting his hand in yours he brought you to the bed and sat you down inspecting the gash on your head. “We needa get you to Denise to get ya patched up” You grimaced “No she will be busy with him, I can do it. You got a needle and wire?” He looked at you shocked “Um yeah somewhere here” He busied himself getting those for you. He came back to you with them and some rubbing alcohol and bandages “Ya sure ya don’t want Denise? I’d do it but i'd probably make it worse” You smiled at him again sighing “It’s okay Daryl, It’s not my first rodeo” You made your way to the mirror and calmly cleaning and stitching yourself up. 
Daryl was half fascinated and half horrified as he watched you work. You looked so calm and didn’t even flinch when you were stitching yourself. It disturbed him to know you had probably gotten used to giving yourself medical attention. He waited patiently for you to be done. When you finally made your way back to him he pulled you back into his arms breathing deeply “I ain’t ever gonna let anyone hurt ya again Y/N not ever.” 
You reluctantly pulled yourself away now looking up at him with tired eyes. “I um didn’t get a chance to get my bag. Could I borrow something? I think I need to lie down, If that’s okay? Or I could go ask Carol if she minds me going upstairs?” 
“Ya kiddin aren’t ya? I aint letting you out of my sight” Getting nervous suddenly “Unless ya don’t want to be here. I aint gonna force you to stay or anything else'' You smiled at him again “Daryl i want to be here, With you. It’s all i’ve ever wanted” He grinned relieved, turned to his dresser and pulled out one of his shirts. “This alright?” You pulled the shirt up to your face smelling it briefly, It was clean but still smelled distinctly like motor oil and cigarettes. Just like him. You smiled sweetly at him “It’s perfect, Thank you” 
You looked pointedly at him, He laughed awkwardly, lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling above giving you your privacy. You slowly started removing your clothes wincing at points where your skin was still tender. Gratefully pulling his shirt over you and Scooping your hair out of the neck. 
“I don’t suppose the infamous Daryl Dixon owns a comb or brush does he?” You said amused. He jumped up again grabbing a brush from another drawer and bringing it over to you. His eyes assessed you “I don’t think ya going to manage to brush that out. Needs washin” 
“Oh and you're the authority on washing now?” You winked at him. You brought your hand to your hair and realised he probably had a point, Looking at him meekly this time. “Sorry I'm being such pain. Would you mind?” “Course not Darlin” He led you to the bathroom just off his room. He grabbed a towel and some shampoo from the cupboard and handed them to you, He turned the shower on “Give it a sec, Generator needs ta kick in” 
You shooed him out of the bathroom, Unwillingly pulling his shirt back off you and stepped under the shower. You couldn’t help but cry out the pain in your head was back, You ran your hand through your hair and felt a sharp pain in your palm. Reaching back you pulled out a piece of mirror that had embedded itself in your scalp, dropped it and let your head back into the water again, Whimpering again as you did. 
Daryl came crashing back into the bathroom “Y/N You okay?” “I'm okay” You stuttered. Not convinced he lingered in the doorway a moment more before leaving. 
The pain had started to recede and you enjoyed the water cascading over you. Once you had managed to wash the blood from your face and hair you turned the water off and stood naked in front of the mirror assessing the general damage to your body. This isn’t something you usually liked to do but it was time for the denial to be lifted and face facts. 
Daryl heard the water shut off and when you hadn’t reappeared after a few minutes he went to check on you again and thats where he found you on the floor sobbing holding your chest. He rushed down to you and scooped you into his arms still naked and shaking from the cold. 
“It’s okay Y/N I got ya now, I got ya always” He carried you to the bed pulling the towel with you and wrapping it around you. He lay you down on the bed stepping back. He finally saw the marks he had been searching for on you for weeks and he wished he hadn’t. They were everywhere old and new mixed together indistinguishable from each other. 
He dropped to his knees at the side of the bed burying his head into the mattress at the side of you. “Y/N please tell me what to do, Ya want him dead. I’ll do it, Ya wanna leave, I’ll take ya. Ya want to be alone, Ya can have my home. Please tell me what you want. Anything. I’ll get it Ya.” 
You looked at him sleepily “I just want to sleep” He looked at you standing and pulled the covers over you. “Okay, Ya need me shout and i'll be upstairs” You looked at him and panicked “No please don’t leave me” He ran his hand through his hand and was suddenly nervous again. 
“Ok, Y/N move over” He put his arm around your shoulder and pulled you toward him, You nuzzled into his shoulder. “Thank you” You murmured groggily and fell into a deep sleep instantly feeling safe.
Daryl lay by her side all night. Watching over her as she slept. The adrenaline was still pumping through his veins from the day's events, He looked over at you worried as you started mumbling and thrashing in your sleep. He tried to calm you by pulling you closer to him and whispering “It’s ok Y/N Your safe now.” Her mumbilings became more frantic “noo, Pleasee stop” Daryl’s heart felt like it was breaking as he held you. 
Suddenly you jolted upright sitting up with the ghost of a scream on your lips. You jumped up and dove across the room panicking, Collapsing into the corner hyperventilating. He was on you in seconds pulling you close again. Telling you it was going to be okay. It took you a minute to realise you really were safe and you relaxed into his arms allowing him to carry you back to the bed. 
You stayed by Daryl’s side for the next few days, They had been amazing, Everything was starting to feel like it was before Spencer; Spencer had been staying with Deanna while he recovered from the beating Daryl gave him which gave you a chance to clear everything of yours out of there. You were offered the house but with the memories you had there you couldn’t stay and besides you were much happier in that little basement room with Daryl than you had been in that huge house with him. 
Rick had agreed with Deanna that Spencer was to stay in her home and be monitored for as long as it took to see he had learnt his lesson and would stay away from you. The alternative being that Rick would let Daryl do what he wanted to him or he would be banished from the town. Depending on the severity of his possible future actions. 
Daryl hadn’t said a word to you about that day since, You can understand him not mentioning Spencer or those events but he hadn’t brought up the kiss or made any form of move since. You had come to think that he hadn’t meant it and that was just him trying to get through to you.
You really wanted to hate him for it, For making you believe someone as amazing as him could possibly care about you but Maybe Spencer was right, Maybe he was the only one who could ever love you. The thought was painful but just as you had decided to face facts about what he had done to you, You also needed to face facts about yourself and your limitations. 
It was only when you were both alone in bed that he ever slightly lowered his walls, When he would open his arms to you in bed and you would both snuggle while you slept. You would always wake alone with Daryl either working in the garage or out running jobs for Rick. 
One morning you woke up alone as always and found Daryl in the kitchen waiting for you, Trying to keep the grin from your face “Good morning!” You said brightly. He looked at you exhausted. “Mornin Y/N, I have to go on a run may be a day or two, You gonna be okay?” 
“Oh, Yeah sure. Do you need me to find somewhere else to stay while you're gone?” The happiness at seeing him already dissipating. “Course not, Me and Carol want ya here. Ya welcome for as long as ya want.” He then muttered “I don’t ever want ya to leave” under his breath. 
“Thank you Daryl, You don’t know how much this means to me, so…? when are you leaving?” 
“Uhm, Now actually. Just wanted to wait for ya to get up to let ya know, Anythin ya want me to keep an eye out for?” “No Daryl it’s ok. I couldn’t live with myself if anyone got hurt looking for something I wanted. The only thing I need is for you to come back to me, Unhurt…. Promise?” He smiled briefly at her taking her hand in his. “I promise Y/N. I promised to protect ya, It’ll take more than a few walkers to stop me keepin tha promise” 
Cuddling up in bed that night you knew it would be difficult to get any sleep, It always was when he left even before when you were with Spencer. You could never quite get a decent night's sleep until Daryl was home safe. You snuggled up to this pillow on his side of the bed breathing in his scent imagining his arms were wrapped around you safe. 
Half way through the next day he returned. Daryl and the group came flooding through the doors of the infirmary carrying an unfamiliar woman between them, She was passed out with blood covering her clothes. Wishing you had a moment to greet him, You and Denise flew into action looking over the woman and cleaning any wounds you could find. Once you were done and determined that she hadn’t been bitten and had no life threatening wounds, You stepped back “Is it ok if i leave you to finish?” You asked denise. She looked to you and then to Daryl pacing at the other end “Yeah” She nodded. “Can you fill those guys in?” You nodded back at her and walked over to them. 
“Hey, She’s ok. No severe injuries Just a bit dehydrated and probably hungry. Shouldn’t be too long before she wakes up.” A few relieved mutters were shared around the group before they departed for home to see their loved ones. You ran into Daryl’s arms and then held him in front of you checking over him for any cuts or marks that may need to be seen to. “m’ok , Really Y/N I’m ok jus’ tired. Can we go home? I needa talk to you” He looked at you desperately.
You nod your head taking his hand and following him towards your house. 
As you were walking you could feel his fingers nervously gripping your hand. He stopped suddenly and stepped in front of you. Reaching his hand to your jumper brushing his fingers over your sunflower, You looked at him with sudden realisation. “It was you?” 
“I heard ya with Carol that day, I couldn’t let your birthday go by and not get ya anything” He blushed looking away from you. 
You reached up and caressed his face gently pulling his face to face you again. “Thank you Daryl. That was incredibly sweet.” You pushed yourself up towards him pressing your lips to his softly, He moaned and tangling his fingers into your hair pulling you closer.” Just like last time it was over far too quickly, He started pacing in front of you. 
“No.no.no” he muttered “I can’t do this, It will take me weeks to forget again” He started pacing faster, his hands ripping at his hair. 
“Daryl stop!” You grabbed his hands pulling them out of his hair. “Please look at me! Why can’t you do this?! You told me you loved me for fuck sake and then act like it never happened! Tell me why!!” You were almost screaming, battling with your tears. How could he turn a moment so perfect into such a mess! 
“I’m 24 years older than ya, Did ya know that Y/N? I’m a filthy good for nuthin OLD redneck, I aint go no right to be with someone like ya! No matter what i want!!” He stopped pacing and looked straight at you again.
“I don’t care about your age! Why would that matter? What about what I want Daryl? You told me that night if i wanted anything you would get it for me, Well i’ve decided. I WANT YOU! It’s always been you!” Your tears are flowing freely now. The nosey neighbours of Alexandria started to gather at the noise, Trying to tune them out and you turned back to Daryl. “WELL? Don’t go all broody Dixon on me now!” 
He looked torn between pain and anger at the scene you two were now creating. Still not speaking to you. 
“You know what, Fuck you Dixon” You put your hands up to the sunflower pin he had got for you, You pulled it off and threw it at his head. He caught it easily, finally breaking his silence. “Ya got any idea what i went through to get this for ya!” He charged back at you, stopping inches from you.
“Ya should care, I’m no good Y/N, I don’t deserve ya” He gazed into your eyes those brilliant blue eyes misting over. “That ain't your decision or your place to tell me what i deserve. It’s mine” You glared at each other for a moment before he couldn’t take it any longer he gripped your face again slamming his lips to yours now, His tongue urgently pressing against your lips begging for entrance. You opened your lips moaning as his tongue touched yours and took charge of it, Kissing you furiously. You moaned into his mouth feeling your eyes rolling back in your head. 
You had never had anyone kiss you like this before, Everything else melted away all of your anger, pain and fear. All that was left was him, Glorious, Gorgeous all consuming Daryl fucking Dixon. 
You heard Carol chuckle behind you “Hey guys, You might wanna think about getting a room. You’ve got quite an audience here” Daryl smiled into your lips as he pulled away. He turned to Carol “Ya know what i think we will” Quick as a flash he had bent down and grabbed you behind your knees throwing you over his shoulder and running with you back to your home and down into your favourite place. When he had locked the door he turned to the bed with you still over his shoulder and put you down gently on the bed. 
“Did ya mean it Y/N? Ya really want me?” He looked down at you searching your eyes for an answer. “I have never wanted anything more in my life, I want you. I want all of you and i want it right now Daryl” You replied feeling the hunger from him burning you. 
Still standing over you, His eyes growing dark. “Lie down” He growled.. 
Grinning you kicked off your shoes and pushed yourself up the bed laying your head on the pillow. He followed you shadowing your body with his pressing himself to you before leaning close to your face lips barely brushing yours. 
“Tell me what else ya want Y/N…..Exactly what you want” 
You looked at him nervously for a second seeing the lust in his eyes matching yours you decided to just go for it. 
“I want your hands….Everywhere” As you spoke you felt his hands grab your hips moving slowly to your stomach then up and under your top. Frustratingly slowly, Your breath hitched as he finally pushed his hands to your breasts gripping them roughly. 
He pulled his hands away and back down to the bottom of your shirt grabbing it and pulling it upwards you raised your arms and let him remove it fully. He reached back down to you, His hands quickly unclasping your bra and throwing it harshly at the wall. His hands were back to your chest, Rolling your nipples with his thumbs. 
You moaned arching your back pushing your chest into his hands. He hit his hips into yours grinding on your core. “Oh shit Darylll” You moaned feeling how hard he was for you. 
He moved his mouth to your chest feverishly kissing your breasts and nibbled on your nipple making you squirm. Daryl then kissed a line down your stomach to your hips stopping to bite each one gently. 
Every touch was heaven, Every time he dragged his tongue over your soft skin it was like a thousand shocks spreading across your skin. He was undoing the zip on your jeans now, You lifted your hips to help him pull them off you. He settled between your legs pushing them wider open and running his finger over the material of your gratefully black lace underwear. 
Daryl looked up at you. Lifting and turning you slightly to look at the back “Holy Shit ya need to wear these all the time!” Still without removing your panties he pressed his lips to your sensitive nub while his fingers scooped the lace out of his way. His fingers then moved to your opening feeling how dripping wet you had gotten for him. 
“Shit Y/N that cuz of me?” He moaned as he pressed his lips back to your clit starting slowly circling his tongue around it and sucking gently. “Oh godd” You had never even get close to going down on you before, It was everything and more. You had to fight yourself from coming undone too soon, You wanted to savour every delicious second of this.
He plunged two fingers into you eliciting an even louder moan from you “Oh goddd Daryl! Please don’t stop, Don’t ever fucking stop.” You moaned between breaths. His mouth and fingers started moving quicker as he could feel your walls tightening on him and your breaths growing shorter, Panting for him. You couldn’t take any more and erupted feeling the wildfire of sensations running across your skin, Screaming his name. He slowed his fingers allowing you to ride your orgasm out onto him. When you slowed he put his lips further down on you licking every drop that gushed out of you. You entwined your fingers into his hair gently pulling him up towards you. 
“You taste so sweet baby, I could do that all day” Your eyes grew hard as you felt your core growing hot again and the wetness returned at his words.
He leant down and gave you another kiss, You put your hands to his chest and pushed him onto his back on the bed. 
“Your turn baby, I've been dreaming of getting my lips around you” You purred. “But first i need to see you, The man i’ve been dreaming of all this time” Moving your hands to his buttons he nodded at you briefly watching you crawl over him almost naked. 
You quickly pulled his shirt off of him, Roaming your hands all over his tight muscled chest and down over his thick arms. Biting your bottom lip trying to memorise every single inch. 
“If ya don’t stop biting that lip woman i ain't gonna give you a chance for those dreams to happen” He winked at you eyes blazing. You quickly dropped your hands to his jeans, Ripping his jeans and boxers down together and throwing them without a thought. You knelt between his legs licking your lips as you saw the size of him. He must’ve  been at least 9 inches long. Your eyes went wide with need as you wrapped your hands around it you brought your mouth to his tip slowly licking the dew from the eye. Moving your hands you licked him from base to tip and swirled your tongue around the tip. 
“Fuck Y/N Get that cock in your mouth now” He demanded. You didn’t need telling twice! You lowered your lips over him, Sheathing your teeth and pushing most of him in your mouth moaning as you felt his huge length hit the back of your throat.
“Y/N no gag reflex? Oh god how did i get so lucky” He groaned putting his hands into your hair and pushing your head back down. You choked as your mouth hit his base, your eyes watering, You hummed to vibrate your throat on his length before pulling up again. It was your turn to watch his eyes roll into the back of his head “Fuck Y/N fuckkkk Your mouth’s incredbile” You could feel your pressure building as you watched him fall apart under your lips. You bobbed your head faster and faster over him. 
“Oh shit, Stop Y/N I’m gonna cum ” He moaned looking down at you seeing you had no intention of stopping. He started thrusting into your mouth meeting your lips in perfect time. It wasn’t long before he exploded down your throat holding your head down to his hilt while he emptied his load straight into your stomach. When he released your head you pulled off slowly then licked his full length clean swallowing every drop. 
He watched you in wonder “Come here Y/N” You crawled back up him straddling his hips staring down at him sweetly. “Ya soooo fucking good at that” You brought your lips to his hungrily biting his bottom lip and started to grind your core onto him. You both moaned into each other's mouths enjoying the friction. You could already feel him below you growing harder again by the second. 
“I need to feel you baby” You moaned into his lips. Daryl pushed himself upright and pulled you with him as he sat up against the bed head. Daryl put his hands under your hips lifting you up and positioning you over his cock, Swiftly moving your panties to the side he started to lower you on to him. 
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders holding your weight as you tried to fit more of him into you. 
“Yesssss, So tight Y/N”. He groaned trying to push further. His eyes locked yours and saw you were struggling; he held you in place for a moment. “Ya ok?” 
“I’m good, You're just so big.The biggest i ever…. It hurts a little” Softening his gaze He kissed you softly. “Let me help ya with that. He brought his mouth to your nipple swirling and nipping here and there while his hand snaked its way to your clit again following the same circle as his mouth, You could feel yourself getting wetter and able to take more of him in. You cautiously tested it out moving your hips slowly up and down until he had filled you fully. You thought he had felt good before it was nothing on this. Pure unadulterated ecstasy. You started moving faster, becoming more confident with the lack of pain. 
Soon you were bouncing wildly onto his length screaming his name as he quickly brought you to another earth shattering orgasm. He brought your mouth to his kissing you swiftly “Shh baby ya know how thin these walls are. Carol & everyone on the street will be listening to ya!” 
“Mmphh, I don’t fucking care let them hear how good my man is fucking me” You rode your high out enjoying every second when you slowed again Daryl lifted you again standing up with you still skewered on him, Carrying you over to the wall beside the door he slammed you into it. Bucking his hips into yours furiously. 
“Y/N I’ve been waiting all ma daym life for a girl like you” He pushed his lips back to yours again. You melted into his lips his words dampening you for the third time, You hadn’t even known it was possible for someone to turn you on so much, To make you want them with every fibre of your being. 
Daryl started panting faster now sweat dripping off of his glistening muscles, You could feel his cock twitching inside you as he jackhammered into you harder and harder each time. 
“Ahhhh” You screamed “That’s it baby….Right there....Your cock is filling me so fucking good. Cum in me Daryl i need it” 
“Oh fuck Y/N Ya so fucking tight, Ya fuckin incredible, I’m gonna cum for you Y/N” 
You both hit your highs at the same time, You screaming his name into the air, eyes rolling backwards and him sinking his teeth into your shoulder exploding deep into you. You collapsed into his chest seeing stars as you felt him pulsing inside you, Your tight pussy milking him of every drop. 
Panting Daryl carried you back to the bed laying you down gently and collapsing with you, He leant forward and pressed sweet loving kisses on your lips. 
You curled into his chest exhausted, Looking up at him with pure love in your eyes. 
“By the way, What you said that day….” He looked at you puzzled brain still cloudy coming down from his climax. He murmured into your hair. “What baby?”
“Well...I love you too. I always have” Daryl smiled into your hair. He chuckled “Well what a relief, How could i have ever known otherwise”
You jabbed him in the ribs gently “Hey, Not fair!” He pulled your face up to his and stared lovingly into your eyes. 
“Ya know i love ya Y/N” His eyes grew serious. “I’d do anything for ya, I’d die for ya even” 
Your lips met his in a sweet kiss. You couldn’t believe he was finally yours, Allll yours. 
You snuggled into his chest feeling him tighten his arms around you and fell into a relaxed deep sleep. 
Next Chapter ---->
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spiked-tea-writing · 3 years
and they were roommates?!
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Summary: Imagine being in love with your roommate, couldn't be you.
Pronouns: She/her
Warning: Swearing
Word Count: 2.3k
A/n: I don’t watch or know anything, I just like these people and I had a concept. Also, he and Dream aren’t roommates in this for the sake of I can’t figure that out. Also also, my timeline is probably fucked but who cares
The dynamic in the apartment was...interesting to say the least
In the two years of living together, it had shifted a lot
In the beginning, you and Sapnap had been... less than cordial to each other
Both eighteen, fresh out of high school, off to college thinking that you knew everything.
There was lots of fighting, to say the least.
All of the “No it’s your turn to vacuum”, and “I swear to god Sapnap I will punt you halfway across the world if you eat my pineapple again”
The only reason you didn’t slit each other’s throats was that if the other person was dead, who would pay rent?
It was the summer before college started at the time, and you were working long hours minimum wage so coming]’/ home to an annoying prick caused a crap ton of conflict
After a few months of being little bitches to each other, y’all got piss drunk in the apartment and it all just sorta fell apart
Got that good drunk therapy, spilling your deepest secrets
(y’all were underage but shhh)
So by the time college started, the two of you had become actual friends and started enjoying each others company
A few months into the friendship, you encouraged him to post the video of “Minecraft, but it’s Raining Cats and Dogs” on a whim
Lmao little did you know what you had created (we’ll get to that later)
You mocked his train of thought constantly, laughing at the timing of it all.
“Ahhh yes, I am Sapnap, the genius who thought it’d be great to become a YouTuber while in my first year of college.”
He’d always just laugh and roll his eyes, playfully shoving you while stealing your chips.
The next few months were a haze of studying, work, and him.
It was truly a friendship of convenience since you guys were so busy, him starting his youtube career, and you working restaurants, then school on top of that, it was just easy to find friendship in your roommate.
Of course, he had his close friends which he spoke to over the internet, and you had your friends from back home, but as for college, it really was only him.
You guys had a fun time just hanging around the apartment, and it became so easy to be friends with him
And it WAS truly platonic (we’ll get back to that as well)
The best thing he brought to the friendship was his animals
You got on fabulously with Cash and the cats
They were all so cuddly and honestly loved you more than him lmao
You guys were just trying to get degrees and not be too stupid, was that too much to ask???
Well to a certain 2020, it was
The beginning of that year was great.
He was sorta realizing that he liked putting himself on social media, but on top of that, it seemed like a great start to a year.
February brought him to twitch, which you loved
You found it hilarious how he would just sorta play games and have people watch him live.
But you were incredibly supportive, as a friend, of course
He really liked it so, you tried to ignore the shouting at three am, and the loud anthems at night
Sure you’d give him hell in the morning, but why kill his fun?
March started great, as it was his birthday.
You got him a glittery lighter as a gag, but it was the perfect gift for a broke-ass college student
Then a certain pandemic came a-knockin’ on y’all’s door
It was a hard hit on both of you.
An executive decision was made that you two would stay put, but being away from your families was incredibly tough.
That spring was the birth of The SMP.
It brought him so much joy, which in turn made you happier.
The rest of the school year was a blur of zooms and test
Nick nearly killed you on multiple occasions when you made fun of the fact that he was learning computer science over the computer or made him help you figure out what the fuck zoom was since it was tangentially related to his major
Yall got more than a handful of noise complaints shhhh
That summer was fill was spent trying to fill the time in weird ways
Note to self, he can’t cook (which you learned the hard way)
Yall spent so much time trying to cook and bake, then sweating off the calories working out with The Fitness Marshall lmao
As sucky as the situation was, that summer was so incredibly fun for the both of you, and truthfully the only arguments were about what music to blast
“Y/n I swear if I listen to Cosmicandy one more time I will drown you.”
“Well if I hear American Idiot one more time someone’s knee caps are getting harvested.”
(that argument was settled with Elton John.)
When school started up again that fall, something shifted
After a year of actual friendship, you guys were no longer just friends, and the tension was so thick it could be cut with a knife
You had watched every single one of his streams since day one, but within 2 seconds of his Love or Host, you felt the need to hurl for some peculiar reason
It was bizarre because there was no way you could ever like him, of course not.
Within the apartment, you guys suddenly got a lot more touchy, but only because it was getting cold with winter and all that jazz.
It wasn’t because yall were secretly in love, what is this, a romcom?
The number of times you guys woke up on the couch, definitely not cuddling was too many to count
You started sitting in his room while he streamed, definitely not watching him with heart eyes because of how excited he got
He always had a pot of coffee full and a 6-pack of monster in the fridge since he knew you ran on spite and caffeine, and definitely not so that he could spend more time with you in the early hours of the morning.
The laundry started getting all mixed around, resulting in just sharing any sweats, hoodies, or socks.
The same thing went for food.
No longer was anything labeled with a name, if it was in the fridge, it was fair game (unless there was a post-it because come on, yall weren’t monsters)
But no, y’all were just roommates, not dating, lets make that clear.
Feelings? We don’t know her.
This entire time, his friends have had to hear about you rip.
But they got front row seats to your relationship development
“OMG my roommate is the worst she ate all of the frozen strawberries”
“Y/n kidnapped Storm all day while she studied and I thought I lost the fucking cat asjvdk”
“I had to run down and talk to the landlord because we dropped a pot of pasta sauce all over the carpet and couldn’t get the damn stain out.”
“She is so nice in preparation for a family dinner zoom, she ran out to the local Filipino food place and pick stuff up.”
“Sorry I’m late I overslept and didn’t want to wake up Y/n.”
They weren’t stupid, and could clearly see how whipped he was.
Dream and Geroge teased him about it constantly.
“Woah, calm down Sap, you should probably tell her you love her before you propose.”
“Yeah Dream’s right, it’s kinda weird that you’re living together before ever dating.”
He always flushed and denied it with a shake of his head.
He wasn’t into you, are they crazy?
Quackity and Karl messed with him in more unorthodox ways
There are a solid number of clips where they are fake crying over how he’s cheating on them, and even more tweets to match
It only got worse when you met them accidentally.
He was chatting post-stream on a video channel with George, Dream, Karl, and Quackity, and just his luck, you came into his room.
Like of all the times you could walk in, it was the time he was with his five closest friends but I digress
“Yo I got some extra tips yesterday so I picked up some extra Red Bull if you want to do one of your weird all-nighter streams.”
“Y/n I’m on channel.”
“Oh shit sorry my b. Catch.”
All the guys heard was a thud and a groan from Sapnap as the six-pack hit him in the chest.
Dream was the one to recognize your name.
You could hear Dream’s voice through his headphones
“Sap… who is that?”
“No one. I’ll be out in a sec to help with dinner.”
You could hear a British voice come through.
“Oh so we are no one now, huh.”
Another voice piped through.
“Common... ¿Qué intentas ocultar?”
You cut in.
“Your headset it shit my guy. I can hear everything. I’m down to talk to them.”
He let out a groan.
“Fine. But you’re gonna have to do the dishes tonight.”
“Deal. Now move.”
“What? No.”
“Fine bitch.”
You collapsed onto his lap, plucking the headphones off of him.
“Hello, Sapnap’s friends. I am Y/n. A pleasure to meet y’all. Can you hear me?”
You heard a series of laughs through the headset, and a voice came through.
“Yes, we can see you too. I’m Karl, it’s so nice to finally meet his girlfriend.”
A blush rose on both of your faces, and another voice came through.
“Yeah, we’ve heard lots about you. Plus we can’t see your face in that picture Sap sent us. I’m Quackity”
That remark stopped your embarrassment in its tracks.
“What the fuck? How do you guys know me? I’m not even his girlfriend? And what picture?”
Sapnap grabbed your arm to calm you down as another voice cut in, but his one you recognized as his friend Dream.
“Hey, it’s okay. He just talks about you a bit, and the picture I believe was of you holding like three cats with like a red bull can on your head.”
“Jesus fucking christ why do they have that photo??”
He looked guilty but chuckled.
“Because that photo is a damn masterpiece.”
Karl’s voice came back in with a giggled.
“Soooo, Y/n we’d love to hear about you. Specifically anything funny or embarrassing that you have learned by living with him.”
Sapnap let out a groan from behind you as you went off.
“WELL lemme tell y’all, he has no cooking knowledge, well I mean, now he does, but one time, about a year ago, I had I been keeping a pot of water boiling for about an hour, soft boiling eggs, cooing noodles, blanching bok choy, etc. but this fucking genius is like ‘oH tHe HaNdLe Is StIcKiNg OuT. LeMmE mOvE iT wItH mY bArE hAnD.’ Needless to say, he burnt the crap outta his hand and kept the bag of frozen blueberries on it for the entire night. It took me like a solid five seconds to actually help him because I was laughing.”
By the time you had finished that story, you had seen Nick roll his eyes like 5 five times while the rest of the guys were wheezing.
“Yeah, well remember the time you were trying to imitate Rapunzel after we had watched it over Zoom with my sister, and you swung the edge of the frying pan into our head and got a nasty bump on it? At least I moved quick enough to put some ice on it.”
“Ice? It was the damn leftover Slushy that I had been freezing.”
“True, but you got to drink it after, so it was a win-win situation.”
“Sap, I had a bump the size of a golfball coming off of my temple. There was no winning.”
“Fine, you’re just making me sound like such a shit roommate.”
“No that’s not true, you do all of the talking to the landlord, and you at least tried to muffle the noise when you stream.”
“I guess that’s true, but you do like 80% of the cleaning.”
“Yeah but only because you’re working. Plus in the past 6 months, you’ve made coffee every morning, AND made sure I was taking my meds.”
“Those things aren’t that hard and I do it to make sure you don’t die because I lo- care about you.”
You heard Dream’s wheeze laugh and remembered that you guys were still on call.
You both went red, and Sap moved his arm around you to leave the channel.
The next few moments were complete torture, the two of you just sitting in silence.
You were wondering if he meant what he was about to say and he was scared that you had heard it.
He was the one to break the silence. (mind you you’re still sitting on his lap lmao)
“I’m sorry about that.”
You weren’t sure how to respond. Should you ask him if he meant it? Because that wouldn’t be that bad. Or just pretend it never happened. Nah that’d be hella awkward. Or-
“I love you too.”
“You what?”
Wow, okay your brain is being a little bitch rn, but fuck it. Balls to the walls baby.
“I love you, and I have for a while now. I just want you to know.”
You finally looked him in the eye, and he was grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
“Thank god. I love you, and nearly fucking told you for the first time in front of my friends accidentally. Damn, I’m smooth.”
You laughed and he smiled wider.
“Can I kiss you?”
After a quick nod he swooped in and holy hell his lips felt great. His arm wound around your waist and your hands made their way to his jaw as he pulled you closer to him.
The only thing playing in your mind was “and they were roommates”
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mercieshana · 4 years
My Dog’s Bitch
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Teaser: There’s an unexpected (sexual) turn of events when your dog turns out to not actually be just a dog, but a werewolf!
Characters: Reader x Jungkook 
“Warning”: Werewolf Jungkook!!! Fingering, biting, oral sex (reader receiving), actual unprotected sex, creampie, domination, force,...just a whole lotta dominant shi babyyyyy! So prepare your underwear lol! 
Word count: ~ 3.5k 
Note: I know I’m a sucker for not having posted in so long and I apologize. I’m also sorry I haven’t gotten to some of the requests, but I hope this makes up for it. I also hope y’all enjoy this and as per usual PLEASE do not mind the typos, it’s like past 1am out here.. I will correct them asap. Enjoy~
“Kota,” you called happily, as you held a silver bowl full of meat in your hand. Not even a second later a dark grey wolf appeared in front of you, its tail wagging and its tongue hanging out of its mouth, as it anticipated what was to come. 
“Sit, Kota,” you held up your index finger and the wolf sat down in front of you. 
“Good boy!” you praised him with a few rubs and then sat the bowl down in front of him. He didn’t hesitate and immediately began to dig in. Honestly, you didn’t know where Kota had come from. He just appeared in front of you one day, looking hungry. He didn’t seem aggressive or wild, on the contrary, he seemed to be familiar with humans and maybe he was abandoned by his owner or something of the sort. Well, it didn’t matter much, because you took him in, had him checked by the vet who found nothing wrong with him and had him stay with you. It had been about a month since you had found him and you were sincerely glad to have him. Living on your own had proven to be a bit scary and unusual, so you appreciated his companionship. Although, there were some strange things Kota did, like follow you into the bathroom, sniff your underwear and growl at any male company you had over, you’d just dismissed it as a “dog thing”, until that fateful day. 
It happened in the kitchen. You were casually preparing Kota’s breakfast by chopping up some meat and some fish among other things, until you heard a voice ring from behind you. 
“What’s for breakfast? The usual?” 
“Yep, fish and-,” you froze. Who was talking? You lived alone in the apartment with Kota. Was it a stalker? You gripped the knife you were using to chop meat a little tighter. Where was Kota? Your train of thought was interrupted when two large hands came down on either side of the counter, trapping you against the counter. 
“You smell good as usual,” you felt the stranger take a whiff of your scent and suddenly you became painfully aware of the fact that you were only wearing an oversized t-shirt and some panties. 
“D-don’t,” you shouted as you swiftly turned around with your knife in hand, forcing the stranger to back off. Finally, you were able to get a good look at him...he was...hot?! He had dark grey-ish silver-ish hair with strands of it dangling in front of his dark green eyes. He was quite tall and had a rather athletic body and was dressed in nothing but your robe. You were so confused and as if he could read your mind, he smirked, letting you have a glance at his overly sharp and prominent canines. 
“Wow there. We were getting along so well...Put down the knife, (Y/N), pleasssee?” he batted his eyes at you. 
“Who are you? And how do you know my name?” you asked and the boy gave you an amused look.
“It’s me, (Y/N). “Kota”, but, well, I prefer to be called Jungkook,” the boy stated, as he ran one of his large hands through his hair.
“K-Kota?” you nearly dropped your knife in shock, “How?! You were a-”
“Wolf, yes,” he finished your sentence with his arms folded, “Well, technically I am what you would call a werewolf, but I feel like you’re already too overwhelmed to be able to absorb that information.”
“A werewolf? What? How?” were the last words you said before you fainted. 
The next thing you knew you were in your bed, staring up at the ceiling. You must’ve been dreaming, you thought. There is no way Kota would ever just become an amazingly sexy dude out of nowhere. Your mind was definitely playing tricks on you. You chuckled to yourself. What a crazy dream. You sat up and the covers slipped down, exposing your bare chest. You must’ve gone to sleep naked, as per usual.
“Oh, so you’re finally awake,” a familiar unfamiliar voice uttered. Confused your eyes travelled to the foot of the bed, only to see Kota—no Jungkook—staring back at you, only dressed in a robe that barely covered anything of his, since it was way too small. 
Your face turned red and your hands shot up to cover your upper body, as soon as you realized that his eyes went from staring at yours to staring at your chest. 
“Don’t worry, I’ve seen it plenty of times,” he chucked and you blushed, turning away to hide your flushed face in your pillows. 
“Don’t hide from me,” he hissed and shivers ran down your spine, as you felt the bed shift and suddenly, his breath was tickling the nape of your neck. The way his hot breath was hitting your sensitive skin turned you on, but you’d never admit it, because if what he was saying was true then...he was Kota and Kota was your dog. Getting turned on by your dog was just wrong and you weren’t about to have any of it. 
“I know you heard me,” his suddenly authoritarian voice rang through your ears, and you felt him get closer and closer, until his lips were nearly pressed against the shell of your ear. 
“I said,” he growled, as the covers were suddenly ripped off of you, exposing your naked body to him, “Don’t hide from me.” 
“W-what are you doing?!” you lifted your face from the pillows and found Jungkook towering above you, his fixed gaze seemed like it was piercing through you, with his green eyes darkening mysteriously. 
“What I’ve wanted to do for a long time,” you watched him lower his head, until his lips touched the skin between your shoulder and the nape of the neck. First, he simply caressed your skin carefully, watching amusedly as you tried to fight the whimpers that were threatening to slip past your lips. 
“Are you enjoying this?” you could hear the smirk in his voice. 
“No, I’m not!” you nearly shouted, “Now let me go!” You tried to sit up and felt something hard press against the soft skin of your ass. You swallowed hard. If it was what you thought it was...then it was his d—
“Get off of me,” you somehow managed to get the man to fall down on the bed next to you, allowing you enough time to hop off of the bed and pick up one of the t-shirts on the floor that you held against your body like a knight would a shield. 
“Feisty..I like that,” the wolf-boy smirked, licking his lips, as he eyes you like a predator does its prey.
“N-now, now, Kota. I am your owner and I’m in control. You listen to me,” you backed up until your body hit the wall. You glanced at the door that was on the opposite side of you and then down at Kota who slowly sat up on the bed and began to make his way towards you, with the robe now hanging down his shoulders, exposing his perfectly sculpted and chiseled upper body. 
“Sit, Kota! Stay back!” you waved your index finger in the air, shouting the commands that had worked countless times when Kota was in his dog form. 
“I’m in control now, (Y/N),” he flashed you his canines yet again, as he slowly stalked towards you. Your heart was going 1000mph and you felt your core heat up at the sound of his voice. It was so wrong, but the fact that it was turned you on even more. 
“Look at how wet you are for me already,” you froze. How did he know? You gulped down and took a look at your lower body that was partially covered by your t-shirt. 
“Oh, I don’t need to see. I can smell you,” he laughed devilishly and you only became more excited. 
“That’s a lie,” you swiftly retorted, now deciding to try and make a run for the door, as the distance between the two of you was becoming smaller and smaller by the second. 
“It’s the truth. Let me prove it,” were the only words you heard before you found yourself pushed against the wall you had just sprinted away from, your arms on either side of you with your ponytail tangled in Kota’s hand, holding you there against the wall. Your heart skipped a beat when you realized that your t-shirt was on the floor next to you, meaning that your body was completely exposed to him.
“See,” shivers ran down your spine as soon as you heard his playful voice, “you’re wet, (Y/N).” He ran a finger through your slick folds, earning a suppressed whimper from you. Fuck, did that feel good.
“I-I’m not w-wet! I’m n-not enjoying this at all. I just have to pee,” you made up a stupid lie, hoping that he wouldn’t catch on to the fact that your body was craving him. 
“Ohhhh,” you heard him chuckle mischievously, before you felt his finger push past your folds and inside of your core, “let me help.”
“W-wait, Kota, ah~,” you squirmed, as his finger began to push in and out of you making lewd noises. You couldn’t even fight him. You were completely at his mercy. The squelching only increased when he added a second one of his large, long fingers and you moaned when he found your g-spot.
“There we go,” he repeatedly began to aim for that spot, earning increasingly louder whines from you, as his fingers fucked you better than anyone ever had, hell, better than you had ever fucked yourself. 
“Kota, please, I can’t take it anymore,” your legs began to shiver, as you were rushing towards the edge. 
“What? Another finger? Gotcha,” as soon as he stuffed his third finger inside of your tight cavern you were forced to let go. The orgasm hit you harder than a train and you moaned, not even being able to throw you read back, let alone move it, as Jungkook was firmly holding it in place, so he could watch your every facial expression. Your legs gave out, as you became a bit lightheaded and Jungkook caught you, before you could hit the floor. You glanced up at him and realized his gaze had turned hungry. Your chest heaved up and down, as you attempted to regain your breath. 
“Come on. I’m far from done with you,” he growled assertively, before his strong arms tossed you on the bed. You were laying on your back, propped up on your elbows, as you watched Jungkook stalk up the bed and towards the area between your legs. 
“Kota, wait—” 
“Jungkook and no. I’ve been wanting to taste this. It smells delicious,” he interrupted you, as he grabbed ahold of both of your legs and spread them apart. Suddenly, images of him sniffing your panties as a wolf flashed back into your head and you blushed. Was he getting turned on by your scent even back then? 
You tried to close your legs, but his hands wouldn’t budge. In fact, he spread them apart even farther to the point where it was nearly painful. You winced and he glared up at you from between your legs, famished. 
“Don’t deny me what is mine,” he said dominantly, making sure you knew that he was in charge and you were at his mercy. 
“(Y/N), tell me, whose pussy is this right here?” he asked, as he lowered his head between your thighs, making sure they stayed spread with his two hands that were firmly keeping them apart. 
“Jungkook, wait. This is wrong. Y-you’re my dog and—,” your protests were cut short by him saying “It’s alright. I’ll remind you by spelling his name for you.”
And with that he spread your folds apart and had his tongue lick a stripe up your sex. 
“Ahhahh~,” you threw your head back in pleasure, the initial feeling of his tongue against your not-yet-satisfied core rendering you unable to form words. Jungkook smiled cockily, knowing exactly what he was doing to your body that he studied as your pet whenever you went and took a shower, whenever you walked around in only an oversized t-shirt, whenever you went to bed naked and whenever you were masturbating in your room and you forgot that he was there. He knew everything about your body, well in theory at least and he was so excited that he was now able to touch it and pleasure you, as well as himself. 
“Now, it starts with a J,” he stated, before having his tongue spell the letter “J” against your sensitive skin, flicking your clit in the process, winning yet another lewd moan from you. His cock was already hard as a rock and was ready to explore your core from the inside, but Jungkook wanted to taste the sweetness he had smelled on your panties so many times before and it was no surprise to him that you tasted exactly like you smelled — like candy. He simply couldn’t get enough of you and after spelling out his name on your pussy, he began to hungrily lap at it, like a dog, and it drove you absolutely crazy. You could no longer suppress any of your moans and by now your whole body was tembling in pleasure. He was eating you out so good you nearly forgot your own name. Who cared that he was your pet wolf/dog about an hour ago or whatever? You had never felt like this before, but you were so turned on all you could think about was getting to your orgasm. 
“Ahahhhahhh~,” he made your toes curl, as he shoved his tongue into your tight pussy, tasting the inside of you with his wet muscle. Suddenly, the pleasure halted and you were left confused and wanting for more. You swiftly propped yourself back up and found Jungkook staring at you through the strands of his hair with his angry big, fat and long cock in his right hand with pre-cum dripping from it. 
You swallowed hard. It was absolutely humongous. Was he planning on putting that inside of you? It would never fit!! 
“W-wait..you’re not planning on—,” he moved up and towered over you, your back pressed against your mattress with your eyes staring up at his face. He was staring down at you with his lusty green eyes, with his hands placed on either side of your head and one of his knees between your legs, so you couldn’t close them. He must’ve lost the robe at some point, because you just now realized that he was no longer wearing it which would explain why you were able to see his full nakedness. Before you could even utter a word, his lips came crashing into yours. It felt magical and it was a kiss you never knew you needed. It was soft, but rough at the same time. The way his tongue forced its way into your mouth and engaged into a fiery tango for dominance against your tongue, which it easily won, turned you on. You were dripping wet and there was nothing you could do about it. He really was unlike anything you’d ever known. You subconsciously kissed him back and before you knew it he was kissing down your body, leaving marks all over it. It was as if he was leaving evidence of his presence behind, so you wouldn’t forget who you belonged to.
“Now, (Y/N),” he suddenly flipped you over on all fours and positioned himself behind you. Your heart rate increased when you felt the tip of his enormous dick run through your folds. 
“Who’s pussy is this?” you could yet again hear the smirk in his voice and you paused for a moment. You were literally about to get fucked by your dog. This really wasn’t right. You had to stop it before it was too late. 
“Wait,” you started, until you, all of the sudden, felt his big member push past your lips and into your core forcefully, filling you all the way up, as if it were about to rip you in half, eliciting a loud “JUNGKOOK!” from you. 
“That’s right, (Y/N). Your pussy is mine,” wanting to feel more of your heavenly, sweet walls, he leaned all the way against your ass, pushing his cock deeper and deeper inside of you, forcing you to let out a string of curses. His dick was so gigantic it hurt. You couldn’t take it. You tried to move away, but he caught on too fast and before you knew it, he had you by the ponytail and pulled you back onto his member. 
“Don’t you run from me, (Y/N),” he growled, as he began to fuck you harder than you had ever been fucked in your life. At first you screamed in pain, the stretch was uncomfortable, but once you got used to it you started to scream in pleasure. He was making you feel so good your eyes rolled tot he back of your head. He was literally fucking you like a dog. The two of you were in a doggy-style position on the bed and he was nearly laying on you, pushing you down onto the mattress, so you had no choice, but to take his dick that he was ramming so deep inside of you that only his balls were left hanging out. 
“You like it, (Y/N)?” he questioned, his canines sinking into your skin, leaving bite marks on the area around your shoulder. 
“J-jungkook—ah~,” you were hardly able to speak, let alone form a sentence. You don’t know what he was doing to you, but it was intoxicating. 
“Should I really mark you as mine, (Y/N)? Make it so every dog, wolf and werewolf can smell that you are mine? Hm?” the dirty words he was uttering only made you wetter—if that was even possible. You couldn’t even really comprehend his intention behind those words anymore. He could do whatever he wanted to you. His dick was like a drug and it made you completely helpless. At this point you were down for whatever. Jungkook was now the master and you were the pet. The roles had been reversed. 
“Fuck, (Y/N). I’m gonna cum,” he barked, his thrusts slowly becoming erratic. What would his cum feel like inside of you? Warm? Would it fill you up even more? You don’t know how, but for a brief moment those thoughts crossed your mind that had been completely unable to think at all a second ago. 
“(Y/N), say it. Say Jungkook, I’m your bitch,” he snarled violently, his dick still thrusting deep inside of you. 
“J-J—,” you were interrupted by is loud hiss, “Say it, (Y/N)!”
You don’t know what came over you, but before you could even understand what was happening, you moaned, “Jungkook, I’m your bitch!”
And that did it to him. You felt his cock twitch, as his orgasm ran through him, inciting your own orgasm as well. You felt his seed spill into you and paint your walls white, as he groaned. It was so much and he wasn’t pulling out. He buried his dick deep inside of you, as your walls convulsed around him, milking him of his cum. You stayed like that for a few minutes, while he was unloading his seed inside of you, just like a dog would. You were incapacitated by his body that was resting on top of yours, but you don’t think you would’ve moved even if it hadn’t been there. Just the thought and the fact that he was ejaculating inside of you made you reach your peak yet again. He had made you cum at least three times and that was insane. It was like he had put you in a trance. 
“Ughhh,” he growled, as he carefully pulled his sensitive cock out of you. His cum spilled out the moment he did and you were glad he couldn’t see the sinfully lewd expression you were wearing on your face. It felt so good. 
You suddenly felt his presence right next to your right ear as he whispered, “Now the whole neighborhood will know you’re mine.” 
You blushed, as shivers made their way down the length of your spine yet again. What was he saying?! You slipped away from under him and rushed to the bathroom to process what had happened. This had to be a dream! This couldn’t be real! You leaned against the door and quickly locked it, exhaling loudly. You needed to wake up. You turned on the sink and splashed your face with cold water. Wake up, wake up, wake up! However, nothing was changing. You were still standing in front of the sink looking at your reflection in the mirror. Your body was covered with hickeys and bite marks, your hair was all messed up and cum was leaking from your red and abused pussy. 
Your jaw dropped, as you screamed internally. You had really just become your dog’s bitch! 
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nyctophilin · 4 years
Fake Affection | III
Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV, Epilogue
Description: Han Jisung has been rejected by the girl he likes one to many times. He decides that he has had enough and is set on making her want him back. What could possibly make her want him more than seeing him with her rival after she boldly assumed he can’t find anyone better. That way Jisung and Y/N are stuck in a fake relationship until Jisung’s crush falls for him. Or he falls for someone else.
All rights reserved © nyctophilin 2020. Re-posting, copying and translating any of my works is prohibited.
Pairing: Han x fem!Reader, Hyunjin x fem!Reader
Word count: 5.1k
Genre: College!AU, Fake dating!AU, Angst, Fluff, eventual Smut
Warnings: swearing, mild groping, mild violence
Pearl note -> This got long. Yeah, things got interesting in this part. :)) Also, I realized I forgot to add something so I had to come back last minute and edit it. Yeah, sorry for the delay. :/ I hope y’all enjoy it! Feedback is very much appreciated.
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      The sun was shining brightly despite it being almost 6 PM. The temperature outside reached unusually high numbers for that time of the year, and Y/N decided to take advantage of that. Dressed in a forest green spring dress that reached her mid-thighs and offered a modest view of her cleavage, she was waiting for Jisung in front of her apartment complex. The dress she was wearing had short sleeves, but she decided not to take any jackets with her thanks to the weather forecast that predicted the temperatures to be high until later in the night.
      She was clutching the strap of her purse tightly and impatiently checking the time on her phone every few minutes. It has been such a long time since she went on a date. Just because she was going there to make Mina jealous didn’t mean she couldn’t have fun. What better way to convince the other girl that she missed on a lot of fun than have fun?
      Coming from the left side, she heard the sound of an engine approaching. Soon, a black Range Rover came to a gradual stop right in front of her, the front wheel almost climbing the sidewalk. From inside the car, Jisung gestured her to get in. She opened the door and climbed in, placing her purse over her knees before fastening her seatbelt.
      Without much of a word, Jisung turned the steering wheel and started driving to a destination unknown to Y/N.
      “I didn’t know you had a car.” She spoke, trying to get rid of the awkward atmosphere.
      Jisung threw her a look before concentrating on the road again.
      “It’s Chan’s. He let me borrow it for today.” A long sigh left his mouth. “After a long talk where he told me that if I hurt his baby, I’m dead.”
      Y/N let out a chuckle, and Jisung smiled as well, as the memory of the silly conversation he had with the older man flooded his mind. Another minute passed, and the silence in the car was being filled by the pop music coming from the radio.
      “You look pretty!” Jisung complimented, stealing another glance at her.
      A bright smile invaded her facial features at his words. 
      “Thank you! I didn’t know where we were going, but I figured a dress would be appropriate for many activities.” She chirped, the tiniest bit of excitement rolling off her tongue.
      “What if we are going hiking?” Jisung said, and a smirk appeared on his face when he noticed her rolling her eyes from the corner of his eye.
      “Then you can turn the car. I’m not coming!” Y/N crossed her hands under her chest and her mouth formed into a small pout.
      “I’m joking. We are going to an outdoor cinema.”
      She gave him a side look and raised an eyebrow.
      “No offence, but how do you know when outdoor cinemas are happening? They don’t seem…” She eyes him up and down on the driver’s seat. “...your style.”
      Jisung resisted the urge to roll his eyes at her comment. After a moment of silence, he sighed silently accepting her words.
      “Mina told me about it three weeks ago. She said it was a rom-com she really wanted to see. We planned to go together.” He explained taking a right turn.
      “Then how do you know if she’s going to come if you planned to go together. I don’t know if you realised, but you are supposed to be dating me, and she’s dating no one. Girls don’t usually go to this kind of thing without a boyfriend or a potential one.”
      “There’s this guy from Theatre and Film that she used to hook up with when I wasn’t around. I know from someone that they are coming together.” 
      Y/N let a pitiful smile involuntarily invade her features. It was kind of pathetic how he knew about her whereabouts and still didn’t say anything. She understood that they weren’t together, but they were heavily flirting and behaving like a couple, hence why she and a lot of other people thought they were actually in a relationship.
      She let her teeth sink in the flesh of her bottom lip holding back from telling him a piece of her mind. He was old enough. He knew what he was doing. Or at least she hoped he did.
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      The rest of the way to the outdoor cinema was spent in silence. The only audible sounds being the radio and Jisung’s soft humming from time to time. When they reached, their destination Y/N got out of the car and let Jisung find a parking spot somewhere further away from the location of the cinema due to the parking there overflowing with vehicles.
      Checking her phone, she noticed the time indicating 7:17 PM, and only then she realised how much time they spent in the car. Walking lazily on the pathway to where space was designated for blankets and chairs she saw a sea of people. Maybe not really a sea but there were enough people to fill two of the auditorium in their university.
      For a second she thought she'd lay out the blanket, but then she remembered the only thing she had on her was her purse. On top of that, they needed to ‘accidentally’ bump into Mina and her date and hope they end up sitting next to each other.
      Just as she was thinking about that a squeal deafened her and a pair of delicate arms wrapped around her. When the girl let go of her, and she met Mina’s face, she grimaced, but she regained her composure fast. She smiled at her and her date, a guy she had seen occasionally in some of her classes.
      “What a coincidence you are here!” Mina’s fake excitement was pissing her off. Coincidence her ass. Y/N was sure she knew they were going to be there.
      “Yeah, what a small world.” She gave the two a visibly fake smile and prayed for Jisung to hurry.
      “Are you alone?” The girl asked, moving her head in different directions as if she was looking for the person she came with.
      “No. I actually came with Jisung.” As if on cue Jisung appeared from behind the two, a blanket in hand.
      “Are you looking for me, princess?” A jolt of surprise went through her at the new nickname he used, but she didn’t let it show.
      Observing the angry expression on Mina’s face at his words, she figured that was how he used to call her before they broke up whatever they had going on. She surpassed a smirk from painting her lips.
      “Mhhm.” She extended her hand, which he gladly held and went in for a short kiss. “Look who I found. Isn’t it lovely seeing your friends here?” She sarcastically said, smiling up at him.
      “You guys should come sit with us!” Mina’s date said, and a victorious smile spread across her face.
      “We’ll love to if that is okay with Mina, of course. We wouldn’t wanna disrupt you!” Y/N faked concern and gave Mina doe eyes.
      Mina’s jaw slightly clenched before immediately relaxing and letting out a forced giggle.
      “Of course you can. Why wouldn’t I be okay with that?”
      After that, the four of them went and found a place at the back of the crowd where they could sit. It wasn’t exactly the back of the crowd since there were some more people behind them, but they were reasonably behind. 
      Jisung spread the blanket on the fluffy grass, and Mina’s date, whose name she found out was Jay, did the same as Jisung. Their blankets were almost touching, the distance between them millimetric. 
      There were still 20 minutes before the movie was supposed to start. They sat down on the blankets, and Y/N stretched her legs, finally relaxing for not having to stand on the platform shoes she was wearing.
      “So, are you guys dating or…” Jay asked, fixing his body position so he could see them better.
      Y/N rolled her eyes at his question. The guy wasn’t the best at reading the room.
      “Of course we are. Why would we be here together if we weren’t?” Annoyance was dripping off her tongue. She only wanted to relax for a bit before having to spend two hours watching some boring rom-com.
      “Oh…” His voice sounded almost disappointed as his gaze lingered a second too long on her exposed legs. “Mina and I are not a couple. And since she and Jisung have had a thing before, I thought...” He bit his bottom lip while looking at her thighs that were pretty much bare thanks to her dress riding up when she sat down. “Never mind!” 
      Y/N shifted uncomfortably and placed her hands on her thighs in an attempt to cover them even a little. Mina wasn’t aware of her date’s actions as her eyes were concentrated on Jisung and on the way he looked under the golden rays of the sun that was preparing to set.
      Jisung, however, was burning holes with his eyes into the other man’s head. Upon seeing him biting his lip while looking at Y/N in a less than appropriate way, he felt an unexplainable feeling of rage penetrate his body. What he wanted to do at that moment was to get up and punch that pig into next week for daring to look at her like that. But he kept his composure and decided not to make a big deal out of it. 
      There was literally no reason for him to get that angry. Besides the apparent reason that it made her uncomfortable and he shouldn’t allow something like that, especially when he is playing her boyfriend. But the sudden feeling to rip his head off filled him with turmoil.
      Jisung decided to ignore it for now, and he took his jacket off and placed it over her legs. Her head shot in his direction, confusion and at the same time relief present in her eyes.
      “What is that?” She asked, trying to act unaffected by Jay’s actions.
      “I just thought you might sit more comfortably with this over your legs. It stops unwanted attention.” He subtly glared at Jay, but he didn’t seem to pay him any mind as his eyes were now fixed on Mina’s chest.
      “Thank you!” She said, bringing the jacket further up to cover her thighs better.
      Jisung inched just a little bit closer to her and cupped her face. Placing his lips on hers, he forcefully pushed his tongue in her mouth, taking her by surprise. He made sure their heads were positioned in such a way that the two on the blanket next to them will be able to see the exchange of their mouths. 
      Mina was watching Jisung drag his tongue inside Y/N’s mouth, his eyes closed in satisfaction. The exchange wasn’t rushed, and the way his thumb would caress her cheek so gently had her bursting with jealousy. Jisung had never kissed her like that. Their kisses were always rushed and sloppy, driven by sexual needs.
      When she first heard about their little relationship, she laughed. She thought it was some kind of stupid joke. But then she saw how they behaved. The kisses, the hugs, the hand holding, how he would always have a hand around her shoulders. In the three days, they dated he showed Y/N more love than he showed her in a year and a half.
      Her initial plan was to tease him a little bit, then finally accept to be his girlfriend. She didn’t think he'd go and find himself a girlfriend. And especially not her. From all the people he could choose it had to be her. Looking at them now, Mina regretted her decision.
      Jisung broke the kiss and looked into her fluttering eyes before placing a peck on her nose. Y/N was sitting there dizzy from everything that happened. His sudden boldness left her speechless and burning hot from the embarrassment of being seen doing something like that.
      She wanted to question him. Ask him why he suddenly did something like that. However, a loud sound erupted from the speakers surrounding them, signaling the start of the movie. So she focused her vision on the big cloth in front of her and decided to ignore it.
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      She shivered discreetly as a wave of cold hit her body. The movie was only half done, and with the midnight approaching slowly, a chilly air adorned their surroundings. The weather forecast predicted high temperatures, but at that moment she was far away from her city, and so the weather was different.
      Y/N rubbed one of her arms with her hand, regretting not taking a jacket with her just in case something like that was to happen. From the corner of his eye, Jisung noticed her actions, and he leaned in close to her to whisper in her ear.
      “Hey, are you ok?” His hot breath on her ear made the hair at the back of her neck stand up.
      “Yeah, I’m just a little bit cold. I’ll be fine!” She whispered back giving him reassuring eyes.
      Jisung thought for a second of what he could do. He didn’t have another jacket, and he didn’t want her to uncover her legs. At least not when Jay was around. An idea finally struck him, and he softly called her name, catching her attention again.
      When she turned to look at him, he tapped the space between his spread legs. Y/N raised an eyebrow at his gesture.
      “What does that mean?” She sounded a little bit annoyed.
      “Come sit here. I’ll cuddle you so you won’t be cold anymore.” Y/N threw him a weirded out look. “We are ‘dating’. No one will find it weird. Or you could just stay there and freeze to death.” The man explained his voice a little bit louder than before.
      She pondered his offer for a bit before getting up and making her way between his legs. She let herself fall backwards until her back hit his chest softly. Jisung put his arms around her, and warmth started enveloping her almost instantly. Y/N let out a purr at the newfound comfort, and her eyes shot open at the realisation of what she just did.
      “Hey, don’t get too comfortable, you hear me? I’m doing this just because Mina might be watching.” She warned, her voice stern hoping he missed her last action.
      Jisung rolled his eyes but decided not to bring up the sound she just let out. For now, he just wanted to enjoy the newfound proximity. Only so they can make Mina jealous. Right?
      They sat like that, none of them daring to move. For some reason, Jisung found the position really comfortable. A few days prior at the start of their relationship he found skinship really awkward but now it wasn’t like that anymore. It felt almost natural. Like they have been doing it for a long time.
      Some more time passed, but Jisung wasn’t sure how much. The movie was approaching its climax, and the man felt bored out of his mind. Was it really worth going through that only to get his dick wet? But then he remembered who he was doing it for. He was doing it so he and Mina, the girl who he has been in love with for the longest time, could finally be together. And when it happens, he will be able to slide his hand through her silky hair, and feel her smooth skin and kiss her soft lips without having to call it a friendly gesture.
      His trail of thoughts was interrupted by a quiet mumbling coming from Y/N. Her voice was so small that Jisung couldn’t hear her.
      “What?” He leaned his head down in order to hear her when she talks.
      For a minute, there was silence. Thinking that she didn’t hear him, Jisung wanted to repeat the question when a puff of air left her mouth. Right after, she turned slightly to the side, pushing her head more against his chest, and that is when he realised that she fell asleep.
      An involuntary smile tugged at his lips, and his heart started beating faster. He couldn’t explain why he was so happy about it. It was going to be a pain in the ass. Having to wake her up and wait for her to recover from her dazed form. They were going to be the last ones to leave after the movie was over.
      A whistle-like noise left Y/N’s nose when she expired the cold air of the night, and his smile turned into a grin. Jisung moved a few strands of hair from her face before wrapping his hands better around her to keep her warm. He placed a kiss on top of her head and rested his chin on her head, swaying slightly while continuing to watch the movie.
      If you were to ask Mina what has happened so far in the movie, she couldn’t give you an answer. As much as she wanted to see the film, the girl’s eyes seemed to be more interested in whatever was happening on the blanket on her left. 
      She watched as they were cuddling and whispering to each other things she couldn’t hear. Then Y/N fell asleep, and Jisung seemed to be even more loving, hugging her even tighter and kissing her. She was wondering if he has ever done that to her on the many nights they shared a bed.
      Mina never thought she would be that affected by the fact that Jisung has found himself a girlfriend. After all, he was just one of the many boys she was hooking up with. She never thought she would have feelings for him, but here she was, being jealous of the last person she ever thought she would.
      She had to somehow get the boy back. She wanted to see it as a challenge, but she couldn’t. It had barely been two weeks since they ‘broke up’ and scarcely four days since he started dating that perfect little missy. Love doesn’t fade away that fast. She’ll have him back in no time.
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      Y/N felt someone shaking her arm gently, and she mumbled some incoherent words, pushing the hand away. She was sleeping so well, she didn’t want to wake up. A hand pushed a hair strand that was ticking her nose out of the way before grabbing her shoulder and shaking it again. She groaned in annoyance.
      “Wake up, Y/N! You have to go home. Unless you want me to take you to my place.” Someone whispered close to her face, and her eyes fluttered open, trying to make up her surroundings.
      The first thing she saw when she finally managed to blink the sleep away was Jisung’s smirking face. God, he was so annoying. Ignoring him and looking around, she noticed she was in his parked car in front of her apartment complex. She vaguely remembered falling asleep, but she doesn’t remember waking up to get to the car.
      “How did I get here? Did you wake me up?” Y/N asked, straightening her body and inhaling the cold air of the night.
      Jisung held her hand and helped her out of the car before slamming the door closed. He let her lean against the front door and opened the back door to fish her purse from the back seat.
      “I didn’t. You were way too cute when you shut up. Like a little obedient kitty. I had to enjoy the moment a little bit longer.” He teased, putting a hand around her waist and making their way to the entrance in the complex.
      Y/N scoffed at his childish remark but decided to ignore it. She didn’t have the necessary energy to argue with him.
      “So you carried me to the car? What about the blanket and the other stuff you had there? Did you go back for them?”
      “No, I had Jay get them for me, so I don’t wake you up.” 
      Stopping in front of the elevator, Jisung pushed the button, and they waited a few seconds for the doors to open. Stepping inside, Y/N pushed the button for the third floor before leaning back against Jisung.
      “Talking about Jay. Thank you for today!” The man threw her a questioning look, acting as nonchalant as he could.
      “What do you mean?”
      “Don’t act dumb! I know you didn’t give me your jacket just because you are nice like that. You saw how he looked at me.” She wanted to sound more aggressive, but her voice came out soft and calm since she was still sleepy.
      Jisung found that adorable but surpassed a smile. Adopting a disinterested expression, he spoke.
      “He did? I didn’t notice. I just thought that, as your boyfriend, I shouldn’t let everyone see your underwear.” Y/N punched him in the stomach lightly, and Jisung dramatically bent down, letting out a fake grunt.
      “You are such an asshole!”
      A loud ding echoed in the restricted space, and the doors opened, revealing the dirty wall of the third floor. They stepped out of the elevator and slowly walked down the hallway to where Y/N’s apartment door was. Taking her purse from Jisung’s hand and finding her keys, she unlocked the door and opened it.
      She leaned against the door frame and looked up at Jisung, giving him a bright smile.
      “I'd like to say that I had fun, but I fell asleep halfway through the date.” She giggled, trying to mask her embarrassment. “But it was nice getting out of the house. Thank you for today!”
      The man put his hands in his jean’s pockets and scoffed.
      “You are lucky Mina got upset by you sleeping on me. Otherwise, I would have gotten angry. My shoulders are so stiff from having to support your weight. I might not recover for a few days.” A fake pained groan left his throat, and Y/N rolled her eyes.
      Lifting herself on her tiptoes, she placed one hand on his shoulder and brought his head lower. She connected her lips with his in a short kiss. Breaking the kiss, she stepped inside her apartment and kept the door open enough for her head to be visible.
      “See you on Monday!” With that, she closed the door all the way and made her way into her bedroom.
      She wasn’t sure what was the time, but it must have been well past 11 PM. Taking off the dress, she discarded it on the floor before grabbing the oversized t-shirt from the back of the desk chair. She put it on and threw herself on the bed, letting the sheets envelop her body before falling asleep.
      Y/N’s eyes shot open, and her mouth fell open as the realisation of what she did only moments prior sank in. Putting the back of her hand over her forehead and exhaling deeply, her eyes closed and her brows furrowed. Why did she kiss him? She’ll never interact with anyone while she’s still drunk on sleep.
      Meanwhile, Jisung that just exited the complex couldn’t contain his smile. He couldn’t understand why that was happening. They kissed before to make Mina jealous. But maybe that was precisely the reasons such an insignificant gesture brought him so much joy. Mina was nowhere near. A spark erupted in his stomach at the thought that the girl might have a crush on him.
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      “Do it again! With more love this time. Come on. You want me! You desire me!” Y/N ordered to Jeongin.
      The man let out a frustrated groan, using the script to cover his eyes from the brightness of the sun.
      Both of them, Hyunjin and Jisung, were outside, in front of the university. They had a free period and decided to practice the script for the short movie they were playing in. Hyunjin, although not part of the film itself, was always with them thanks to Mrs. Bae’s affinity towards him. 
      Jisung, however, was new in the picture. Ever since they went on that date a week and a half ago, he seemed to be spending more time with her. She felt mildly suffocated by that but decided not to question it. As long as he wasn’t distracting her from her usual activities, she didn’t mind him tagging along.
      “You don’t make desiring you really easy. We’ve done it four times already. We will start filming in three months. I don't have to be perfect right now!” Jeongin exclaimed letting his body fall on the bench on which Jisung and Hyunjin were seated.
      “Hey! Be careful of what you say. My girlfriend is very, much desirable!” Jisung said in a jokingly offended tone earning disgusted groans from the other two men.
      “Really dude? I could have lived my life without knowing that information.” Jeongin started fanning himself with the script. It was a sweltering day.
      “I don’t understand why you are here. You are only four-wheeling us.” Hyunjin remarked, earning himself a dirty look from Jisung.
      “A car needs all four wheels to be functional.”
      “Yeah, babe, but we are a tricycle.”
      Hyunjin, Jeongin and Y/N erupted into laughter at Jisung’s dumbfounded expression. From behind Y/N, they heard even louder laughter and Hyunjin scoffed at the scene unfolding under his eyes. 
      “I swear to God! Mina has been so annoying lately. Much more than when she used to hang out with Jisung. It’s as if she’s following us around.” The man rolled his eyes as he remembered how many times Mina ‘coincidentally’ happened to be in the same place as them the past week.
      “Tell me about it. And how she is always with Jay from our major. If I wanted to watch live porn, I would have signed up on one of those porn sites.” Jeongin seemed as annoyed as the other man.
      “Don’t stress about that guys. I’m pretty sure these are just coincidences.” Y/N tried telling them, even though she knew everything they said was right.
      “No, I’m pretty sure they are not. There’s someone between us whose attention she’s trying to catch.” Hyunjin gave Jisung a side look.
      “You can’t be sure of that.” She played dumb, wanting more than anything to change the subject.
      “ Oh, please! She’s always watching him. In the cafeteria, when we are hanging around on our free periods, when she’s kissing that loser. It’s like he’s a good movie she can’t tear her eyes from.” Jeongin snapped, tired of the whole situation.
      “Then let’s give them something to look at!” Jisung smirked smugly.
      “What do..”
      In the next second, Y/N has been pulled on Jisungs lap, and he captured her lips in an urgent kiss. One hand was on the nape of her head forcefully holding her in the kiss, and the other one was on her ass cheek, squeezing it. 
      She heard someone awkwardly clearing their throat from her right, and all her senses heightened. Y/N placed her hands on Jisung’s shoulders and tried lightly pushing him away while uncomfortably shifting in his lap. As a response, the man groaned lowly and slid his hand from her neck to her chest, cupping it.
      Her eyes widened in shock at his action and mustering all the force she had in her, she pushed him away, finally breaking the kiss. A loud bang ringed around them as her hand made contact with his cheek. Jumping off his lap, she gathered her bag from the leg of the bench.
      “You are a fucking asshole!” She shouted in his face before storming off inside the university.
      The stomping of her boots was echoing in the empty halls, and the few students that were around decided to make her space to pass. Her thinking was clogged at the moment, and all she could feel was rage and shame. She was angrily making her way down the halls, but her destination was uncertain. She just wanted to be as far away from him as possible.
      Y/N heard quick steps from behind her, and a hand pulled at her shoulder. Without turning around, she shrugged it off and started walking faster. The person behind her also increased their walking speed, but this time around, they grabbed her wrist.
      Just as she was preparing to scream in their face, she was pulled into a hug, her face forced into a firm chest. Y/N felt herself calm down as the smell of a cologne she grew accustomed to in the last week invaded her lungs. His hand was gently rubbing her back, and she relaxed under her touch.
      “Are you okay?” Hyunjin whispered softly in her ear.
      She hid her face more in his chest, feeling shame overcome her.
      “I’m sorry you had to see that. I swear it’s not what you think! We’ve never…” Her voice was shaky, as if she was about to cry. Hyunjin cupped her face forcing her to look in his eyes. She could see concern and sadness hiding behind his brown orbs.
      “Why are you apologising to me? You are the one who’s been wronged here. I just wanna make sure you are okay.” His soft voice was acting as a calmative for her racing heartbeat.
      Y/N felt her insides flip at his caring words. His hands on her cheeks were hot, and she decided to blame them for the blush that acaparated her face.
      “Hey! Step away from my girlfriend, you motherfucker!” Jisung’s voice filled her ears, and she saw Hyunjin roll his eyes.
      The warmth of his body left her, and he crossed his arms as Jisung finally arrived in front of them. Hyunjin was looking down at the other man, and both their expressions were filled with anger.
      “I was just making sure she’s fine. It looks like you took your time deciding to do the same.” The taller man spat venom dripping off his tongue.
      “It’s none of your business how I handle my relationship!” Jisung adopted a louder tone bringing his face closer to Hyunjin’s.
      “But it is when you decide to act like a bitch in heat and make your girlfriend uncomfortable. This is why Mina never dated you and why you and Y/N won’t last long!”
      Jisung clenched his jaw upon hearing the other man’s words, and before anyone could register what was happening, he plunged his fist into Hyunjin’s face.
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cevansprincess · 4 years
summary of ask: 36, 64, 74. reader is distancing herself away from chris because of commitment issues. “y/n is mine”.
36. “i can’t get enough of you”
64. “you look so good under me”
74. “you were made for me”
Things from the past can greatly affect your emotions, friendships, relationships, and interactions with people as a whole. For you, it affected all these things, subconsciously.
You had a history of bad relationships were you felt like you were giving more that you were receiving and then ended up getting left in the end. “No more.” you told yourself. Now it’s affecting your relationship with Chris.
You and Chris were going great, always laughing and smiling. Kisses and hugs. Small soft touches that made the hairs on your neck stand up. But something switched. You no longer felt the need to touch chris or for chris to touch you.
Chris ignored it, he just thought you were going through something but didn’t want to make anything worse by asking.
Your responses to messages got slower, sometimes you didn’t respond at all. You were all of a sudden “busy”, you were always in “meetings”, you decided to “use your phone less”. It was all a lie.
You were falling for Chris too fast. There was always a pattern.
Starts out
Things go smooth
Fall in love
Things start getting rocky
They leave without saying anything
You couldn’t let yourself go through that pattern again. Chris always said he was different but “that’s what they all say.” So to protect yourself you grew distant from Chris.
He didn’t understand it, you guys were good. He tried contacting you, sending you flowers and gifts, even showing up at your job but it was no use.
Chris’ gifts were nice and showed that he cared but you weren’t absolutely sure. After you heard he had came to your job, you knew that it was really affecting him.
You decided to call him. The phone only rang once before Chris picked it up.
“Hello.” He said eagerly.
You froze not knowing what to say. The moment paralyzed you. You couldn’t back out now though. He was on the phone, waiting.
You cleared your throat before saying anything.
A soft “I’m sorry.” was all you could you get out,
Chris sighed into the phone. He was happy that you had called. Atleast he knew you were ok but frustrated that you didn’t say anything. He didn’t need an apology he needed you. He hung up the phone, not to be mean but he knew you needed face-to-face conversation to get your feelings out.
You were devastated, he just hung up in your face. Maybe he was over it and wanted to move on. That wasn’t how you planned it, not that you had a plan, but if you did that wouldn’t be it.
“Good job.” You said to yourself sarcastically. “Now he’s never coming back.”
Chris was far from gone.
It took him half the time to get to your house than it usually would. He couldn’t help but speed, he was on a mission.
A knock at your door came as a surprise. You weren’t expecting anyone. Looking through the peephole you saw Chris looking right back at you.
“Look baby just open the door. We don’t-” His voice broke.
“We don’t have to talk I just want to hold you one last time.” He pleaded.
You hesitated to open the door but decided it was for the best. If he was breaking up with you atleast he wasn’t ghosting you.
“God I missed this.” He bear hugged you.
You just stood there. Chris didn’t mind it though. Atleast you weren’t saying something to hurting his feelings. He held you like that for a while. In that time you knew what you wanted to say to him.
“I missed you.”
“What?” Chris sounded shocked.
“I missed you.” You said a little less confidently but louder than the last. Maybe he could forget your little hiatus.
“Really?” He pulled back from the hug. He looked excited but mostly unreadable.
“Yes Chris. I know it seemed like I didn’t but I did. I missed our talks, watching movies, cuddling, kissing, and hand holding.” You rambled.
“If you missed me why didn’t you call or text? Why’d you tell your coworkers to say you’re weren’t at work? Why did you throw my gifts away hm?” He scolded.
He was angry, angry that you had neglected him. He was angry that he let it happen. He was angry that he tried so hard only for you to to not care.
“Chris I’m sorry.” You started.
“I-I was scared.”
“Scared of what? Me being like everyone else?” His voice raised.
A tear dropped from your eye as you nodded slowly, then the rest started falling down.
“Awe sweetheart I’m sorry for yelling at you. You probably think I’m like the rest of them now don’t you.” Chris started worrying. Had he fucked up big time?
“No you’re not. They never would’ve came back.” You brought chris into a hug and he gladly hugged you back. Chris knew about your past but he didnt think it had that much of an affect.
“Hey, hey, it’s ok. I’m here.” His touch was soft as he comforted you.
“I missed you too, sweetheart.” He kissed your forehead and smiled to himself. You had missed him just as much as he missed you.
You guys stood there for a time not talking, just existing.
“Y’know, I really do think you were made for me. Before we started dating I would always say to myself ‘y/n is mine.’ Even told a few people.” You looked up at him confused.
“I just knew it. The way that we connect. The way your body connects with mine. Our fingers interlock perfectly, our lips melt together, our minds think the same way, our heartbeats synced together like we were made for each other.” You were mesmerized by all the things he noticed and cared about.
“And don’t even get me started on that tight little pussy of yours that grips me just right. Seems like it’s contoured to every little detail of my cock. It’s just perfect. God. The way it stretches for me and remembers makes me weak-”
“Chris!” You interrupted.
“Sorry I got carried away.”
“Well now that I think about it, keep going.”
“I’d much rather experience it though.”
“I’d rather you do that too.” You kissed him and he quickly took it to the next level.
he made his way to your room, bumping you both into a couple of walls before getting there
you both fell into the bed
you both kissed a little longer
“fuck i can’t wait” he said once he pulled away from the kiss
he knew you were already wet which excited him more
chris quickly ripped off both of you guy’s clothes
he saved your panties for last
they were soaked just the way he liked
he kissed your panties before sliding them off
he pushed your legs back before entering you
this is what he was saying, you guys fit together so perfectly
“you look so good under me”
chris moved your leg to his shoulder but making sure to kiss your ankle before placing it there
he knew just how to make you weak
chris continued to make love to you
he wanted to savor this moment
he knew you guys would have sex again but these emotions are what made it this special
“chris i’m about to cum” you whispered to him
“cum for me then” he said in a low tone picking up the pace.
chris finished not too long after you
he cleaned you both up then climbed in bed beside you
“i love you.” he kissed your forehead watching you drift off. he laughed as you mumbled it back
this is what he wanted for the rest of his life
so i’m a stupid idiot who accidentally posted a ask that wasn’t done. y’all -
sorry to this anon i’m a dufus. please don’t be mad i didn’t mean to. also if i got the summary wrong too i’m sorry.
don’t make fun i know it’s bad ok.
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koreanmadeingreece · 4 years
Why, why, why (3)
University student!Yuta x reader
Genre: slight enemies to lovers au, a bit of angst, a lot of fluff, and several mixups
Summary: You just got into uni and decided to move in with your childhood friend!Taeyong at the city where you are going to study. As you’re about to start your new, adult life, you meet his friends, and you realize that not everyone likes you. Nakamoto Yuta in particular almost seems like he hates you.
A/N: In this fic, Jonghyun from NU’EST appears for a while (just to avoid confusion). Also, wow I never thought I’d post this. I hope you guys like it. Also I thought I’d update every Sunday but I couldn’t restrain myself. Welp. 
Warnings: n/a
Word count: 1.8K (I should let you know that I’ve finished writing it so I’ll update it every 3 or 4 days!)
Part 3/I don’t remember First / Previous / Next
Taglist: @melitadala @chxotickpoptrash (please let me know if you’d like to be tagged!)
When you entered the house, V ran into your arms for an embrace, calling you his savior, as you had just brought the food, which made the others laugh. When you reassured them again that you were okay with treating them, you all sat down in your freshly cleaned living room to eat. 
That was when you noticed Yuta sitting a bit further than the others, eating quietly, and decided to come a bit closer to him.
“You’re not very talkative, are you?” You tried to joke around since no one would listen to you. The others were arguing about one of the professors at uni and if he’s single, so they wouldn’t even notice you switching places. 
“Oh, sorry, it was just that I was thinking about something. It shouldn’t make you worry, really,” he answered.
“Are you sure? Because you haven’t talked to me all day. I mean, I know you just met me this morning and that I’m not your friend, but I’d love to get to know you a bit better.” 
“I’m okay with that, don’t worry about me. I’m just paranoid sometimes and I’m thinking a bit too much about certain things, so just ignore me when I do that, okay?”
“So, we’re off to a good start, I guess.”
“Yeah, I guess you can say that.” He smiled at you. This was the second smile he had offered you ever since this morning, and it kind of made you light up a bit. You still didn’t know what made you so interested in him. You just had to get to know him. 
The next day was similar to the first, as you had to finish cleaning and start unpacking both yours and Taeyong’s things and decorate the living room. Thankfully, Taeyong didn’t have a much different taste than yours, so it was actually easy to decide what you’d hang on the walls and what color the couch pillows would be. The biggest issue was your rooms and what you’d do with them. 
You took the boxes with your stuff and Johnny immediately came to help, offering to also help you with your room. V followed you and Yuta went to help Taeyong. You enjoyed their company a lot if you were going to be completely honest, and you secretly thought they’d let you join them sometimes. You really thought you weren’t a burden for them, as they’ve been friends for years and you just came to disrupt their lives. You’d never even think of causing a problem to them, so you waited patiently for any signs that would show you how they felt about you. There was just one thing you had to ask.
“So, how did you guys meet?” you asked, as you were placing your clothes in the closet.
“Do you mean us two, or…”
“All of you. How did you become like… a group?” 
“Ah, funny story,” V said, “I got into a fight on my first day of uni. Someone just came straight to me and called me names because I was zoning out, and Johnny with Taeyong came to my rescue.”
“Aw, they’re true heroes,” you laughed.
“Something like that. Taeyong and Johnny met right there in front of me, and then we all decided to go to lunch together. Then Yuta came. Taeyong had met him a few hours earlier and told him to go to lunch with him, so we all sat together. And we clicked.” 
Johnny nodded in agreement and gave you a stack of clothes to put away, while V was telling the story from your bed. You hadn’t put the sheets on it yet, so it was only a mattress, but it worked well for him. 
“I don’t know if I should be asking this but are Taeyong and Yuta that close? I mean, he doesn’t tell me much over the phone, and with all the stuff going on because of the house we haven’t really talked yet,” you asked.
“They’re close. They’re not together if that’s what you’re asking. They’re just really good friends. If you ask me, we make a great group. It’s just that he always was a bit more protective over Taeyong, but Yuta’s definitely straight. If he wasn’t I’m sure they’d already been together by now,” Johnny told you and you continued putting clothes away, when Johnny interrupted your thoughts. “Don’t mind him. He might seem a bit distant, but he’ll open up eventually. It’s probably that you’ve been friends with Taeyong for so long and he feels kind of left out.”
“Oh my god, have I done anything like that?”
“No, no. Don’t worry about it. He was thinking about it ever since he found out you’d move with Taeyong but, trust me, you haven’t done anything. I mean, you didn’t make any of us feel bad. You’re actually fun to be around. You can come to hang out with us whenever you want, okay?” Johnny’s words were music to your ears. What you were hoping for was coming true. Your new life had officially started taking its form, and you were ecstatic about it. 
Your house was finally ready, your posters were on the walls and your clothes were in the closet. After you made your bed and had V try it out, you could finally sit and enjoy it.
“Did you call your mom? She’s probably scared to death that she just let you handle a new house on our own,” Taeyong told you after the guys left.
“I did and I also sent her pictures. She’s thrilled.”
“Your dad?”
“Mom said he just nodded. I wouldn’t expect anything else.” You sat on the couch next to Taeyong.
“He doesn’t get really involved, does he?”
“Only when he’s in the mood. Which happens about… five times a year?”
“Sucks to be you.”
“Yeah, especially when he missed my gymnastics performance.” You took a bite of your sandwich. 
“Well, now you’re here. If he doesn’t want to lose you, he has some work to do. Now, will you give me a bite?” And that was how the evening passed with Taeyong. You were calm, relaxed and it was exactly how you imagined it to be. All you had to worry about for the time being was the first day of uni. 
You woke up the next morning and looked too pale to be human, as you had barely managed to sleep last night. You got dressed in one of your favorite outfits, a loose red shirt and black ripped jeans, and washed your face before putting some mascara and lipstick on. When Taeyong confirmed you looked hot, you were ready to go. Taeyong left you outside of the building of your first class and left for his class.
You went inside and found a seat not too close to the professor, and soon after, you noticed a tall guy approaching you and taking the seat next to you.
“First day, huh?” he asked you. “Are you excited?”
“Yeah, pretty much. I’m kind of stressed too. What’s your name, by the way?”
“I’m Yugyeom. It’s nice to meet you.” He extended his arm to you for a handshake. 
“I’m Y/N.” And that was your first acquaintance. He seemed really nice. Kind, at least. You liked him at a first glance. He turned to speak to you quite a few times during our first class, but he didn’t annoy you. He was quite pleasant to be around. 
After a while, you heard someone enter the room, stumbling on the stairs. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” he said and took the seat next to you, on the opposite side of Yugyeom. “Was I too loud?” he whispered to you. 
“No, don’t worry about it. No one’s going to remember it tomorrow anyway,” you smiled at him. 
“I hope so. And, if they do, at least I made them laugh.” He smiled back. “I’m Chan.”
“I’m Y/N and this is Yugyeom,” you said and shook hands with him as well.
When the first class was over, you headed to the other classroom for the next period and sat next to the two boys you had just met. They were extremely fun to be with, especially Chan, who was a walking mess and extremely clumsy. 
You suggested going for coffee after class, so you texted Taeyong not to pick you up and walked next to Chan and Yugyeom, who knew a nice coffee shop around the corner. You found a table and sat down when you saw a guy approaching your table. 
“Hey, Yugyeom, wasn’t he sitting close to us in class?”
“Now that you mention it, yeah. Should we tell him to sit with us?” And, before you could even answer, Yugyeom was already standing up from his chair. “Hey! Wanna sit with us?”
“Uh, sure.”
“We saw you in class, we’re not creeps, I promise,” you reassured him. “This is Yugyeom and this is Chan.”
“I’m BamBam.”
“BamBam?” Chan asked. “Is it a nickname?”
“Yeah, I’m from Thailand and no one actually remembers my real name, so I use this one instead.”
“Oh, that’s so interesting!” Yugyeom was amazed and started talking to BamBam nonstop, which he didn’t seem to mind, so you just talked to Chan until Yugyeom’s rant ended.
“Would you like to order?” The waiter interrupted you. He was standing next to your table for a while, but no one had noticed him.
“Yeah, sorry,” you said and turned towards him, as he was standing beside you. That was when you noticed how hot he looked and, right after everyone ordered, you turned to Chan. “I don’t know if you’re gay, straight, or anything else, but that one was hot as fuck.”
“I’m bi, and yes he was. You should ask for his number.”
“Chan, I’m not that bold.”
“Yeah, but you have nothing to lose. Look, we can send you to pay when we’re done, so you can talk to him without us there. That doesn’t involve any flirting, right?”
“Fine. Give me your money, y’all.” The other two guys turned to you in shock, but Chan promised to explain while you were gone. So, you got up and walked towards the register. 
“Hi,” you told him. When he turned towards you, you deeply wished you hadn’t agreed to this. He was too handsome for you to handle.
“Ah, they sent you to pay?” He laughed.
“Yeah, they did.” You paused and contemplated if you should continue the conversation when your thoughts were interrupted.
“Um, I’m sorry if it’s weird to ask, but what’s your name.”
“I’m Y/N.”
“Ah, that’s a beautiful name. I’m Jonghyun. Do you happen to go to uni here?”
“Yeah, film major. This is my first year. What about you?”
“Me too! But I’m in the third year.” He smiled at you, but he was called to a table and had to go. “You should come by again tomorrow. I can treat you to a cup of warm coffee. My shift ends at 6.”
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slashmebois · 4 years
You make me breathless
“Hello! How are you? I hope you are very well ;) If you don't mind, could you write about Bo's reaction to an asthmatic reader? being fucking soft on him and freaking out when he tries too hard? How to mount your thigh? I suffer from asthma attacks, you know, it's hell when everyone treats me like a baby, but deep down I enjoy it, thanks in advance and see you!”
 Thank you so much for your request @ !! I hope this fits what you wanted! I kept this GN up until thigh riding, so if y’all aren’t the owners of a va-gi-na you may wanna stop reading at that point.
I’ve not written NSFW before so sorry if it’s a lil cringe haha.
Disclaimer: My only experience of asthma is a close family member who has pretty severe symptoms. If any of the information I put in is incorrect, please drop me a message and I’ll do my best to educate myself and edit the post! I used information from Asthma UK to inform my writing.
Okay first, some background.
When you first arrived in Ambrose and Bo was chasing you, he thought it was hilarious when your asthma started to act up (he’s an asshole, I’m sorry). But he did feel a little teensy bit guilty about that later…
Leading on from that, if anyone does anything that triggers your asthma, well Bo is gonna be pissed.
Both Lester and Vincent have been kicked in the ass for doing so. Vincent is just so quiet that he scared the heck out of you by accident, and Lester bought that cleaning product that sets you off because he wasn’t listening properly.
Boy really thought you needed CPR the first time you had a big attack (he just wanted an excuse to kiss you okay). He’s since learned to keep an eye on where your inhaler and Volumatic spacer are so he can grab them quick.
If you have a preventer inhaler, he tries to remind you to take it.
He’s also a little overprotective (see bullet point two) and panics a little because he doesn’t really understand that sometimes the cause won’t be obvious. He has literally run around holding up things to you and asking if that is what was causing it.
It can feel like he’s babying you since he drops whatever is happening if you get the slightest bit breathless.
But also he drops whatever he’s doing, which is kind of sweet.
Initially he got pretty proud when your symptoms triggered whilst you were getting it on. Once you’d recovered and explained it to him, he realised that whilst he loved the idea of you finding it hard to breathe around him, that maybe, just maybe it wasn’t actually a good thing.
 Tonight, was the night. You were determined. Tonight, was the night you would make Bo realise you are an independent and goddamn sexy adult who can take care of themselves.
He had been babying you all week. The pollen count in Ambrose currently was astronomical and setting off your asthma big time. You had been trying to get down and dirty, but every time you had felt your airways tightening and Bo had scrambled for your inhaler, before holding you and kissing your head. And he always refused sex after. You were pretty sure he thought that’s what was causing it at this point.
You dressed yourself in your tightest, most revealing clothes, adding a garter underneath for good luck. You felt sexy and powerful. You just hoped Vincent wasn’t chilling in the kitchen to see this. It had happened before and yes; it was embarrassing for everyone involved. Striding down the stairs you glance over to the kitchen table. Okay, phew. The coast is clear.
You’re thankful as you step into the street, that the air in Ambrose is always warm- come summer or winter. You hear the music coming from the garage before you see Bo come into view. He’s singing along, focused on the car engine in front of him. You lean against the garage door, watching him with that warm fuzzy feeling of love. You’re so thankful you found him.
He turns and jumps a little, before eyeing you up and down slowly- a devilish grin working its way onto his face.
“Well that is a nice view” he whistles, his eyes locking with yours, “what’s the occasion?”
“No occasion…just wanted to look nice for myself” you spin on the spot, giving him the full view.
“For yourself huh?”, he makes his way over to you, laying his hands on your hips and leaning in close to hum in your ear, “and could little old Bo get any of that, or are we strictly keeping this to ourselves?” he punctuates it, by pulling you close enough to feel his erection against your back.
You gasp audibly, “I guess I could share a little. Sharing is caring and all that”
His laughs rumbles, And he starts walking you towards the basement, gripping and grasping at you as he does.
By the time you reach the basement, you’re already moaning and can feel the growing arousal between your thighs. He manages to jostle the door open and picks you up, wrapping your legs round him to carry you over to the chair.
Bo, leans back and just studies you before going to town on your neck, nipping and sucking and groaning, “how the fuck did I get so lucky baby”.
You’re a mess before he’s even touched you down there, and struggling to form words, “Bo…uhh…oh my-YES”
His hands paw at your chest, kneading the flesh before moving south to cup you.
“Someone’s excited” he grins, but you can hear he’s nearly as breathless as you.
His fingers start to move down there and it’s little bits of electric. You’re panting and grabbing at his back,
“please please please”
He pulls his hand away and you groan in dismay. The sensation is quickly replaced, you squeak as he rips your bottoms off and kneels before you, putting his mouth on you and sucking hard.
You can feel yourself quickly approaching climax, but then it happens. Your throat tightens and you gasp inward, your breath not quite reaching your lungs.
Bo is immediately off you, “where’s your inhaler, where is it baby?”, he looks so worried, fuck. This is so unfair. You point over to your discarded bag and he rustles through it to find your saving grace. He tosses you the inhaler, and picks you up as you use your inhaler, placing you down in his lap.
You take breaths in, letting the medication sooth your airways until you can breathe again. All the time, Bo is muttering reassurances and sweeping you hair back from your face to kiss your eyelids.
“It’s okay baby, you’re all right. Don’t worry. We’ll get you to bed”
You can feel the angry tears threatening to spring from your eyes, “I don’t want to go to bed Bo. I am not a baby! I’m a fully grown adult and I want to fuck. Jesus!”
He stills, a little stunned, “You think I treat you like a baby?”, his tone is dark.
“Well…I…I just feel stupid.”
“Oh no, no, no. That’s fine. I can treat you different if you like”
Before you can respond he has you over his lap and his hand is coming down on your backside. You yelp in surprise, “B…Bo”
---GN ends, reader is person with vagina from here on out---
“Ah-ah, call me daddy babygirl”
You feel a shiver of delight pass through you, “yes daddy”, the groan that emits from Bo is unworldly.
He spanks you again, and you moan, squirming you legs together beneath him, “please daddy”
“Please, what?”
“Uhhhn, please touch me”
“Come sit on daddy’s knee”
You lift yourself, desperate to please him so he’d please you. You start to sit sideways across his knees, but he stops you and pulls you toward him so that you have a leg on either side of one of his knees.
Confused you start to question “what in the heck are you doing?” but before you can finish the sentence, he grinds his knee up into your core and ohhh…oh fuck, that feels good. Your legs clamp tightly around his leg, and you start to press down, “mmm. Please. Please daddy, that feels so good”.
He grinds his knee again and grabs your hips, pulling you down onto his thigh more. You don’t need more encouragement, you start moving your hips with him, mewling out his name and expletives. You leave a trail of your wetness along his leg, and fuck if that isn’t hot.
“Tell daddy how good it feels pet. Mm, you like that don’t you?”
“Daaaddy, it feels-mmmf-it feels so good.”
“Whose doing that to you?”
“Y…you are Bo. Oh my god. Oh my god. pleeeease”
Your face is flushed and your hair sticks to your forehead as you feel the mounting tightness in your stomach pooling down.
“Yeah I am baby. You gonna cum for me? Gonna make you cum just using my thigh huh?”
You try to respond but your orgasm tears through you, and you just wail in a mix of pleasure and slight pain. Your breath is short, but for a different reason this time. You’re still for a spell, trying to catch it again, and trying to decide if you’re still on this plane of existence. You realise that the whole time Bo is just staring at you, a big smile on his face.
“What?” you laugh.
“Nothing, just think I’ll have to stop treating you so precious huh? Kinda liked this side of you”
You pout, “I don’t mind you treating me a little like a baby. But only a little.”
He barks out a laugh, “Alright, alright. We’ll compromise. You can be my spoilt baby during the day”, he leans in close to your ear, his thighs movement against your slit making you jump, “but at night I’m treating you like this. You get an asthma attack, fine we’ll sort it. But I might have to punish you for making me worry”
You bite your lip, feeling a second wave of arousal hit you. Fuck, at this rate you’d be cumming a second time real soon. He catches the look in your eye, “Guess I better get to work on you again”
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He Could Be the one
Reggie Imagine
This is the fourth time I’ve posted this. For some reason it won’t come up in the tags. If it doesn’t for you, let me know! hehe I did it y’all!!! I’ve been thinking about this all day and I just had to write out!! i change the lyrics “hes a cutie” to guitar cutie because when I was little i was convinced it was guitar cutie
Based of the amazing Hannah Montana song, He Could Be the One. The band finds a song in your book about a “guitar cutie” and the boys tease Luke. However, the band quickly forgets that there are three boys that play guitar in the band.
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You had a massive crush on Reggie. There was no denying it. At first you thought there was no way you could a thing for your bandmate. But the more you were with him, the more you found yourself falling for him. And it wasn’t just band practice, you guys were always together.  Sometimes you just needed to get away from the boys for a while, but Reggie was always the first to make sure you were okay. He would find you in your little spot on the beach, or in your favorite music store looking at the new records and tapes. He would just plop down next to you and wrap his arm around you and talk about your day.
Reggie was so sweet. He was always your number one hype man during shows or practice. When you felt like you weren’t good enough for the band he was always there to show you your worth. “Y/N we wouldn’t be the same with out you! Your songs bring so much to band. They can connect to the fans and I don’t know how you do it!”
Not to mention, that face. That smile. That adorable, goofy, toothy smile he has had ever since he was little boy. Whenever he flashes his smile at you, you feel heart race and you pray nobody else can hear it. He was just so damn cute all the time. How is it possible? When on stage, you would look and see him dancing and jumping while playing his bass and you wished you could dance with him.
But you were scared to tell him. You didn’t want to cause any drama in the band.
But after awhile you realize how much you loved this boy, you had to let it somehow. So, you did what you did best; wrote a song.
You had a notebook, similar to Luke’s that was filled with songs. Some completed, other pages just had random versus. You were sat in a bean bag chair in the garage writing before band practice. You had your notebook propped up against your knees as you wrote down the song. Once you started, you couldn’t stop writing. Everything you had felt the past few months were being let out onto this piece of paper. The words flowed effortlessly on the page.
“Hey baby girl”
You jumped and fell of your chair. Your notebook slammed shut.
“Fuck Reggie!” your heart was pounding. You couldn’t tell if it was because Reggie scared you, or because he almost saw the song you were writing about him, or because he called you baby girl. Although “baby girl” was a daily thing with him.
“Woah okay. Sorry Y/N’ he gave his hand out for you to help you get up when he noticed your book in your hand.
“New song?” he asked.
“Something. It’s not that good though.” You tell him placing the book in your bag before he can see it.
“Y/N, how many times do we have to talk about this? You're the best song writer we have! You can do no wrong”
Your face started to heat up as you turned around to  look a Reggie. You tried to play it cool and roll your eyes. “Don’t let Luke hear you say that. But I do think Home Is where my horse deserves some credit”  you said jokingly.
“See, this is why I love you. You my girl, have great taste” he said while point at you with that boyish smile.
“my girl”
My god how does he get your heart to act like this?
“Taste is anything that isn’t Bobby’s songs” You tell him trying to busy yourself at your keyboard.
“That’s very true”
As he said that the rest of the band started to walk into the garage. Luke looked like he was about to explode with excitement. “Everything okay Luke?” Reggie asked.
“We got a gig tomorrow night on the Strip!”
Your eyes widened and mouth dropped. “The strip? Seriously? Where at?” you asked joining the rest of the group.
“Some new club is opening tomorrow night and they asked if we could perform!” Alex said.
“Oh my god! Think of the amount of people that are going to be there! This is great guys!” you said.
Luke said something about getting practiced but you told the boys that would be right back. You were going into the house for some water.
“New club, I’m thinking a new song” Luke said.
“Do you have anything written?” Alex asked
“I don't” Luke said
“ I have some-”
“Y/N was writing a song when I walked in” Reggie said interrupting Bobby.
“Great! lets look!” Luke said. He grabbed your bookbag off the ground and dumped the contents onto the small coffee table in front of the couch. Your school work, pens, random pieces of trash, and your notebook came falling out of your bag. Luke grabbed the notebook and flipped to the last written page.
Luke started to read the beginning of the song“Smooth talkin, so Rockin. He’s got everything a girls wanting …”
“ A lovesong? really? That’s not very us. Or Y/N” Bobby said.
“I don’t think we are meant to see this” Alex said.
“come on, Keep going Luke” Reggie said eagerly.
Luke took a deep breathe and started reading the song out loud again, “He’s a cutie, he plays it groovy. and I can’t keep myself from doin’ somethin’ stupid”
“Guys I really don’t think-”
“Woah! Wait a minute guys listen to this” Luke said, “He’s lightnin’, sparks are flyin’ Everywhere I go he’s always on my mind and I’m goin’ crazy about him lately And I can’t help myself from how my heart is racin’ Think I’m really diggin’ on his vibe He really blows me away”
“Yea Guys were definitely aren’t meant to to see this” Alex said
As Alex spoke Luke eyes went wide and he dropped the notebook on the table.
“What? what is it” Reggie asked. He walked over to where luke was standing and he pointed to the words, “guitar cutie”
“Guit-guitar cutie?” Reggie said in shock.
Alex popped up from his chair and went over to reggie, “Guitar cutie?”
Luke looked up at the boys and point to his guitar that was strapped around his neck and then to himself, “Guitar cutie”
“Y/N likes Luke?” Bobby said
“I guess! who else would be guitar cutie?” Luke said
“um I don’t know. me?” Bobby said.
“No she has taste” Reggie said without stuttering.
“Who has taste?”
The boys all screamed when they saw you walk in with a water for each of them.
“What are you looking at?” you ask them, your voice filled concern. Alex tried to hide the book but Luke took it out of his hands. “Guitar cutie?” he asked you.
Oh no
“Wh-what?” you asked
“Your song that you wrote. ‘Guitar Cutie’s, is that- is that me?“ Luke asked you
"You had no right to go through my stuff Luke!” You said. Your voice was mix of rage and embarrassment. “I don’t just flip through your song book without asking!
"I’m sorry Y/N we were just trying to find a new sing for the gig tomorrow. It was the first one we saw. We’re so sorry”
You were on the verge of tears,“You all saw the song?” You didn’t want to right.
“We all saw the song Y/N” Reggie said with his hand on the back of his neck.
“But Y/N” Alex said. “If you need to talk to us, or well um … Luke we can go”
“It’s not about him!” you said
“I knew it!” Bobby said with confidence
You walled away from Luke with daggers in your eyes and stormed over to Bobby. “And don’t flatter yourself Bobby because it sure as hell not about you either” You yelled at him. “You don’t know shit Bobby!” Your turned to look at the rest of them “Clearly none of you do”
You turned around and ripped your book out of Luke’s hands. You held the book to your chest as tears started to roll down your cheek as you walked out of the garage.
“Oh we really messed up this time” Alex said.
“Wait” Bobby said. “If it’s not about Me-”
“Or me” Like said.
“It’s clearly not me” Alex said.
“Then who is it?” Bobby asked.
All of the boys were looking around the room at each other. And then, a light bulb went off and Reggie’s eye went wide with the realization.
“I play bass” he simply said.
It finally dawned on the boys. “You’re guitar cute!?” They shouted together.
Reggie grabbed his leather jacket off the couch along with your bag. “I gotta go” Reggie said running out the door.
It took a little while, but Reggie finally found you on the beach near your house. He saw you sitting close to the water with your feet in the ocean. You had your head down in your hands. As sad as you were Reggie couldn’t help but be filled with happiness and pride at the thought that you like him back.
Reggie always liked you. Whenever his parents were fighting, he would go straight to your house. You never interrogated him like the rest of the boys did. If he wanted to talk, you’d talk with him about what happened. If not, you’d find a way to take his mind off it.
He swears when ever he hears you sing, it’s like listening to angels. You have the most beautiful voice he has ever heard. He loves just sitting with you at piano as you sing and mumble to yourself as you figure out how your new song should sound like.
Not to mention, you are the most beautiful girl he knows. Inside and out. You were smart, creative, goofy and kind. But he couldn’t help but want to stare into your Y/E/C eyes. He also love your hands. He loved watching how soft and delicately they moved over your piano at home or your keyboard you used in the band.
And the fact that you, his absolutely dream girl, wrote a song about him? My god he has to hear it to music.
He took his jacket off and carried it in his hand as he walked down to you on the beach. Without saying a word, he draped his jacket around your shoulders and sat down next you.
“Reggie now is not a good time” you said in your hands.
“We don’t have to talk about what happened” Reggie said. “But if you are gonna call me Guitar cutie, I reserve the right to call you Piano Cutie”
You took your head away from your hands and Reggie saw how red and puffy your eyes were from crying “Reginald if you came all the way down here to make fun of me I swear to god-”
“No!” Reggie exclaimed. “I just meant, ya know. After I ask you out, if your little nickname for me is going to be guitar cutie, I deserve to call you Piano Cutie. Or at least call me Bass Cutie. Cause honestly, the whole Guitar cutie thing confused the boys a lot”
“Wait. What?” You asked.
And in typical reggie fashion, he wrapped his arms around you. But his other hand went to cup your cheek and he leaned down and kissed you. Your body quickly tensed up after being able to process what was happening, your hand immediately went into Reggie’s hair and pulled him closer. Your noses were pushed together by how close the two of you were. Your hand moved from his hair to his cheek as you pulled away to get some air. As you pulled away Reggie was looking at you with the most loving look in his eyes.
“Got anymore songs about me, Piano Cutie?”
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shinsorokiri · 4 years
UA Idol | Chapter Fourteen
Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader
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Word Count: 2,516
Warnings: Language, dense Shinsou and (Y/n) (the usual)
A/N: I literally love the idea of Shinsou as a singer I can’t even right now. I hope you enjoy this chapter, it was fun to write! I also am sorry I got it out like ten minutes late, I have a lot of homework and had to write a whole outline for something as well as this, so it took a teeny bit longer to find the time to upload. I hope you like it, nonetheless, and hopefully I get a moment to breathe soon so I can write all those requests I have! (All the songs I used are listed at the bottom of the post!)
For the duet, the words only italicized are sung by (Y/n), the word only bold are sung by Shinsou, and the words both bolded and italicized are sung by both of them!
The alarm brought you out of a great dream. But it wasn’t too bad, because the main character of the amazing dream you just got ripped out of was quite literally right in front of you. Well, more like you were literally snuggled into him. And he had you as close as possible. Huh. Maybe this wasn’t too bad. You reluctantly start to wiggle your way out of his arms, before they pull you back into him. “Where do you think you’re going?” you hear his raspy, tired voice say to you, and you can hear the small smirk on his lips. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. His voice. His sleepy confidence. What the hell. How are you supposed to just lay there and not feel things? Luckily, before you even have the chance to respond, there’s some heavy knocking on the door to your little practice room. You hear a soft groan come from Shinsou, which causes you to giggle. You don’t see it because of the dark, but he smiles to himself. He likes making you laugh.
He stands up, allowing the blanket to stay draped over you. You don’t feel all that warm without him next to you, though. He opens the door, immediately squinting and grunting at the bright light that hits his eyes. “Woah, did you two actually get some sleep and not stay up for two more hours practicing the already perfect song I’m sure you have prepared?” Denki says, shock genuine in his voice. “Yes. Did you bring us clothes?” Shinsou asks, rubbing his eyes to try and begin to adjust to the light. “Uh, yeah. Obviously. You two are going to look so good together, Denki and I low-key coordinated your outfits so they look good together but not like they’re matching, oh and by the way, the list of who all is going was put up. It looks like you two, me and Denki, and Kirishima and Bakugo are in the same group,” Mina says, she’s obviously very excited about that.
“Yeah! They did this thing where they have three duets going and then they make the decision to keep or let go of some of them or all of them or none of them or whatever, so that’s fun!” Denki gives a thumbs up, and you stand up, wrapping the blanket around you. “Okay, so when are we going?”
“Oh, uh, yeah about that. We’re going at three. We’re the first group. And you guys are the first to go out of literally everyone. Fun…?!” Mina says, and you and Shinsou both immediately snap out of your drowsy states. You both snatch the clothes, running to your respective bathrooms and changing as fast as possible. Yeah, it was only noon, and you still had sound check, so you had time to prepare but this is some serious shit. You need to be more than 100% if you expect to go further in this competition than this week. Lucky for you, Mina perfectly encapsulated the look of “Falling Cardigan,” so you were actually very pleased with her outfit selection. You walk out of the bathroom, ready to thank her when you see Shinsou. He, too, had on something that worked for the song. How did Denki and Mina do that? You and Shinsou literally told them nothing other than we picked more than one song to sing. Anyways, the wonder was pushed to the back of your mind because the man standing in front of you? Attractive. So, so attractive. So very attractive. In fact, he kind of resembled Harry Styles right now. If Harry had even wilder hair that was indigo and he was constantly tired and Japanese. Point is, he looked good.
“Wow! Look at you two! I think Denki and I did a damn good job,” Mina says, and Denki smirks. “You look like a power couple,” he says and Shinsou punches his arm. “Can you stop saying shit like that?” Shinsou says, avoiding your eyes. “Yeah, people are gonna start thinking we’re actually a couple. When we aren’t,” you say, frowning and looking away from Denki and Shinsou. “You guys do that yourselves, plenty of people already believe y’all are dating, we don’t have to do that for you,” Denki says, smirking at the two of you. Before Shinsou can hit him again, one of the producers runs up to you two and tells you that it’s time to do your soundcheck. You both head onto the stage, and talk to the stage managers, telling them exactly what you want for the performance. They fulfill your wishes and before you know it there are two pianos onstage, set up so you and Shinsou can be back to back. You sit down at one of them, with Shinsou following suit at the other piano. For soundcheck, all the two of you really need to do is play a bit of your soon to be performance and make sure that the piano’s volume and the microphone’s volume with your voices is balanced and everything technical wise can go smoothly. You two begin playing and singing, and the technicians begin working out all the kinks in the sound. And any time you need to stop and let them adjust something else, you both do it no questions asked. The soundcheck for the two of you goes very fast considering how cooperative you are with the technicians, which by the way they really appreciate because normally, the singers just kind of brush them off, but you two are being very professional. And it’s a nice change of pace from the usual type of people they get on this show. Regardless, soundcheck goes very well. Of course, there were a few hiccups on yours and Shinsou’s parts considering you hadn’t rehearsed for a few hours, but all in all it went very well, and the two of you were very excited to perform what you’d created.
The next couple of hours went by very fast, the two of you rehearsing and practicing a few more times before feeling extremely confident, and then being interviewed by the camera crew. “So how does it feel knowing you are the ones who are setting off the duet challenge?” PM asks, and you give a nervous laugh. “Well, I mean it’s exciting, but also nerve-wracking because it’s the first time anyone is ever doing the duet challenge, so yeah it’s intense,” you say, and Shinsou nods. “Of course, we’re going to do our best and hopefully impress the judges enough to get through to the next challenge,” he adds. “I bet the two of you will set the bar high, and don’t worry about the nerves. Having nerves are good because that means you actually care about what you’re doing, so if anything, saying that shows that the two of you are willing to fight to make it to the next round,” PM says, and you grin. You’d never thought of it like that before, but yeah, it makes sense. Why would you get nervous for something that you didn’t care about? Obviously, this was important to you.
After being interviewed, you and Shinsou decided to sit down for a while and relax before performing. He could tell you were nervous, so without thinking, he pulled you into a hug. You calm him down by physically touching him in some way, so he hopes that the same will work for you. I mean, he’s right. Maybe it’s not necessarily his touch, but it’s certainly something about him that just eases your mind. And yes, you’re very thankful. You just want to do well so you can showcase him and not drag him down. If anyone deserves to go through to live shows, it’s Hitoshi Shinsou. “Calm down, kitten, everything is gonna be fine,” he says as you pull away from his embrace. The gentle smile he has on his face tied with the stupid nickname he’s given you tugs at your heart, and you give him a small grin and nod. Damn. Okay, so maybe you liked him? Maybe he’s attractive? That’s not a bad thing, it’s not like its love. Love is the bad thing. Like? Completely different. And acceptable. When you like someone, your feelings for them can go away entirely. That’s not love. And that’s fine. Because love never does anything good for you. It’s a painful chase with painful results, and you’re fine in the romantically loveless life you are living. You didn’t even want to think of this man hurting you. Or of you hurting this man. You’d honestly rather die and love inevitably ends in someone getting hurt. At least your experiences with it have.
“(Y/n)? You’re kind of zoning out, are you okay?” he asks, genuine concern in his voice. “Yeah, yeah, I’m good just… nervous,” you say. And you’re telling the truth. Not only are you nervous for the performance, you’re also nervous for your blossoming feelings for him. Hopefully, they just stay in the “I like you” range and not the “I love you” range. You can do that. You can make them stay there. “Well, if you need anything, just squeeze my hand, and I’ll do what I can to help. I’m nervous too, like PM said, it’s natural for us to be nervous, but if it gets to be too much just let me know. Because I’m here for you.” Fuck, you can stay in the I like you range, just pretend he didn’t say that because that was adorable. “Thanks, Shinsou,” you say, and he gives you a smile before starting to talk about something to distract you from your nerves. What a good fuckin guy.
Before you know it, it’s time for the two of you to perform. He squeezes your hand befor you walk out onstage together, sitting at the pianos that have been arranged for the two of you. In this round, the judges are unable to talk to you or give any feedback, so the two of you just jump right in. You feel him nudge his shoulder with yours, as you’re back to back, and you feel instantly comforted. You then begin singing.
“You’d come back to me,
And you’d come back to me
And you’d come back to me
And you’d come back…
Vintage tee, brand new phone,
High heels on cobblestones;
When you are young, they assume you know nothing…
Forget what I said
It's not what I meant
And I can't take it back
I can't unpack the baggage you left
But I knew you,
Dancin' in your Levi's
Drunk under a streetlight
I, I knew you
Hand under my sweatshirt,
Baby, kiss it better, right?
What if I'm down?
What if I'm out?
What if I'm someone you won't talk about?
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin'
A friend to all is a friend to none
Chase two girls, lose the one
When you are young, they assume you know nothing
And the coffee's out
At the Beachwood Café
And it kills me 'cause I know we've run out of things we can say
But I knew you
Playin' hide-and-seek and
Givin' me your weekends
I, I knew you
Your heartbeat on the High Line
Once in twenty lifetimes, I
What if I'm down?
What if I'm out?
What if I'm someone you won't talk about?
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin'
And I get the feelin' that you'll never need me again
Was all we needed
You drew stars around my scars
But now I'm bleedin'
'Cause I knew you
Steppin' on the last train
Marked me like a bloodstain
I, I knew you
Tried to change the ending
Peter losing Wendy, I
What if I'm down?
What if I'm out?
What if I'm someone you won't talk about?
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin'
But I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss
I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs
The smell of smoke would hang around this long
'Cause I knew everything when I was young
I knew I'd curse you for the longest time
Chasing shadows in the grocery line
I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired
And you'd be standin' in my front porch light
And I knew you'd come back to me
You'd come back to me
And you'd come back to me
And you'd come back
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan
Under someone's bed
You put me on and said I was your favorite.”
Immediately after you ended, everyone started clapping and cheering. Of course, you heard Denki and Mina screaming from backstage, and it caused you both to smile as you got up, walking over to where they were. “You two are actually crazy for even attempting that,” Denki says, and Shinsou shrugs. “What artist is entirely sane?”
“Touché,” Denki says, giving him a finger gun before he and Mina walk out together onstage. “You did really, really good,” you say to him and he grins. “You did better. I thought you were actually about to start crying, not gonna lie.”
“No way, I thought you were actually gonna start crying!” He chuckles, shaking his head at you while you smile at him. “Guess that means we killed it?” he suggests, and you grin. “I guess so,” you say, and he smiles at you. “I didn’t know those two song would sound so good together! That’s crazy, how did you guys figure that out?!” Kirishima whisper screams to the two of you and Shinsou shrugs. “I was playing the piano for Falling and (Y/n), being the genius that she is, started singing Cardigan. It just kind of… flowed after that.”
“Yeah, well I can’t even pretend it wasn’t fucking good and cool. Good job, losers,” Bakugo says, his arms crossed while Kirishima is beaming at the two of you. How… was their relationship even real? You were pulled out of your disbelief when you heard Denki and Mina start, and whew, the mood went from wow I’m sad to wow I’m horny in .5 seconds flat. They did extremely well, as expected, and then Bakugo and Kirishima go, and their voices are just heavenly together. Not to mention how cute it was that they sang Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls. Altogether, your song tones went from heartbreak, to horny, to pure love, and that is just… hilarious. The six of you were then instructed to go onstage while the judges made their decision. It took… barely any time for them to speak to each other before they all turned to you. “This may be the easiest decision we will make today. All six of you did an amazing job. And Shinsou and (Y/n), we’ve never seen anyone do what you did in this entire competition. Ever. So good job there by making yourselves stand out while also performing a song that’s already come out,” Keigo says, and Midnight grins. “All six of you are going onto the next round.”
Song list:
(Y/n) & Shinsou | Falling Cardigan - Harry Styles & Taylor Swift (CosmicMashups on YouTube)
Mina & Denki | break up with you’re girlfriend, i’m bored - Ariana Grande
Kirishima & Bakugo | Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls
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angelicmichael · 4 years
Is This Love?
Xavier Plympton x serial killer! reader
Summary: Reader is looking for her next victim but stumbles across Xavier, which changes everything.
Warnings: Smoking weed, not a lot of violence but it definetly talks about death and killing A LOT like not really in detail but just be careful when reading, no smut but a extremly steamy makeout scene happens, and sex is also mentioned I think once but it’s kept pretty vague.
Words: 5.5k+
A/N: First of all, sorry this is so fucking long lmao also I’m sorry this took me so long to write!! This fic was heavily inspired by the songs ‘Is this love’? By whitesnake and the music video ‘Your Body’ by Christina Aguilera. I love true crime so trying to write from a serial killers perspective was actually pretty hard but fun!! This fic was originally ALOT darker but I basically turned it to be really fluffy instead and I added some humor so enjoy :) please let me know if you wanna be on my tag list!!! This fic is also about to be posted on my AO3 if y’all are interested. Okay bye ♥️
Next Chapter
You had a itch but it wasn’t the kind that could be relieved by scratching. It more of a urge, a need, something you had to do..
You needed to kill.
And it had to be soon. This urge, this feeling wasn’t anything new to you. Ever since your last kill which was about a month ago, you could feel the urge building up stronger and stronger until now.. and you couldn’t suppress this urge any longer without literally losing your mind.
However you couldn’t just kill anyone. You needed the perfect victim, someone who was beautiful. Someone who had facial features that looked like they hand carved by god himself. Your victim also couldn’t be a random lowlife nobody. That would never do. That was the thrill of it for you, it had to be a risk - someone who would be missed if they were gone. You knew it was risky but you didn’t care - easy victims were boring. Simple as that.
However, today you had signed yourself up for a jazzercise class to of course work on your figure but more importantly to find your next victim. It’s not like you were gonna find your next target at a grocery store, and you didn’t want to make the mistake of killing a celebrity. Celebrities seemed to infest California like god damn cockroaches, and you knew if you killed one there would be a man hunt for you. That would also be a easy way to get on the FBIs most wanted list.. no thank you.
So that’s why you were here you were for another jazzercise class.
They were perfect for victim hunting, you had spotted many of your precious victims through jazzercise classes. You knew you were a couple minutes late for today’s class but you wouldn’t let that stop you - if anything it was good because it would draw attention to yourself and let your potential victims notice you first.
You quickly paced into the building and it was easy to tell the class had already started. You could hear the music blaring from outside, that grew increasingly louder as you approached the room. You wore your hair down - dancing with your hair down made it about 100x easier to seduce just about anyone you set your eyes on. You also sported a extra tight outfit that showed off all the right parts of your body.. You were going to find your dream victim today. You just knew it.
You carelessly threw your bag you carried with you outside of the dance room before entering, you were already pretty fucking late. You really didn’t have any time to spare to drop it off at the locker room, and plus, you were always here taking various dance classes here so it’s not like the workers didn’t know you. You ripped open the door that lead into the room where your class would be held and quickly threw yourself into the room.
You half whispered as you nearly ran past the instructor and found a empty spot in the room. When you turned around you noticed the instructor gave you a quick wink and you couldn’t help but notice how gorgeous he was. He had frizzy blond hair, eyes so blue you could nearly drown in them and a beyond perfect body. He looked like a fucking ken doll. You knew it right then, he had to be yours. He was perfect.. too perfect.
You could barely contain yourself from grinning or jumping with joy at being able to locate your next victim so easily but you instead channeled your energy into your dance moves. Even if you couldn’t talk to him quite yet, you might as well impress him with your moves.. right?
It must’ve been working because throughout the entire class Xavier kept his eyes mostly on you, in fact it was a wonder if he looked anywhere else in the room.
Even though you were covered in sweat by the time the class was over, and in a desperate need of a shower, you still made sure you were the last one in the room.. And finding ways to stall and not look suspicious was embarrassingly difficult.
You left your bag outside of the room so the only thing you could do was drink your water painfully slow and look busy..
You were so preoccupied with trying to keep the illusion up of looking busy that you didn’t even notice that everyone else besides you had filed out of the room. You also didn’t notice that your hottie instructor was approaching you until you felt a light hand on your shoulder..
You jumped about a foot in the air - effectively spilling all of the water from your water bottle onto you. You let out a sharp screech as well.. and immeaditly felt the embarrassment start to course through your body as if someone injected you with some kind of ‘instant embarrassment iv’ or some shit. You felt the blood start to rush to your cheeks as you could only think of how stupid you probably looked.. your body was starting to sweat again as well, you didn’t even know you had anymore sweat left in you after that class.
‘So much for catching the perfect victim’.
You thought cynically. You could feel the frustration starting to manifest inside you as well, frustration from the lack of killing and the fact that you were now soaking wet. And cold, very fucking cold.
You kind of just stood there as you threw your (plastic) water bottle onto the ground and glared at the man who was in front of you.
“I am so sorry, are you okay”?
He asked. The ruthless and stoic expression you wore seemed to melt away quickly after you heard his words and even looked at his face. His words and concern seemed so genuine, you couldn’t help but feel bad for even glaring at the poor guy about two seconds ago. Even just by looking at him, you could tell he actually felt bad for what had happened. However, no sweet he looked, the frustration and the lust that you still felt to claim another life still lingered within you.
You also couldn’t help but notice how gorgeous he was up close. Typically people who looked beautiful from far away showed some flaws when they were looked at up close but you swear this man had absolutely no flaws. His skin was perfect, his hair, his eyes - and his lips looked so deliciously soft. How was this man even real?
You blinked a couple times and licked your lips as you realized that he was still waiting for a reply from you. Duh.
“Yeah, I’m okay. I could use a towel though”.
You giggled as you looked back down at your wet clothes and your wet self with shame.
“Oh yeah, of course! Towels are back here”.
He led you out of the dance studio and across the building, it wasn’t too far of a walk. On the walk over to get towels you two ran into a couple of people he knew, you assumed his close friends or maybe coworkers? It was hard to tell at a first glance. You didn’t stop to talk but just wave.. and you assumed they were his close friends by how they were all looking at you. They all seemed to look you up and down and one even gave you a wink. You assumed that this guy didn’t talk to many women.. and maybe this was why his friends seemed so excited to see you with him? Oh fuck, could he be gay?
Oh fuck.
You knew this whole thing was too good to be true. You would still be able to kill him if he was gay of course, being gay did not give someone a out of jail free card when it came to being murdered but seduction would be out of the equation for sure - and the whole act of seducing your victims before death was your favorite part.
Typically what you did to your victims was lead them on and make them think you were going to have sex with them - and then right before either of you would take your clothes off you would slit their throat with the knife you kept on you. That same knife was even in your bag right now but if this guy was really gay, your previous plan to end this guy would be a no go. You would have to get creative with this one.. or just give up entirely.
You were brought back into reality when you realized he was trying to lead you into a locker room, a men’s locker room to be specific. He stood in the doorway, gesturing for you to come inside but you hesitated. You bit your lip and contamplaited.. a quick look over your shoulder showed you that his friend group was nowhere in sight and either was anyone else really. No one would see you.
You grinned as you quickly turned your attention back to the man in front of you and followed him inside the locker room. You quickly observed that the locker room was completely vacant execpt for you two, thank god.
“So do I get to know your name”?
You said, still keeping a sweet smile on your face.
“Only if I get to know yours”.
He said, also sporting a small smile as he tossed you a cream colored towel that you catched.
You replied.
“Makes sense that someone as pretty as you would have a pretty name to match”.
You said with a smirk, and you noticed how Xavier softly laughed and how his cheeks dusted a light pink color. He almost looked like he was embarrassed, it was fucking adorable really. You did a quick double take around the room to make sure you two were truly alone before you made your next move.
“There’s no cameras in here right”?
You asked, your fingers delicately holding the hem of your shirt. Xavier took a couple steps toward you, getting closer.
“No. There’s not babe”.
He said, he seemed to be studying you now - waiting for your next move. Maybe you were just imagining it but you swear you could just see a glint of lust in his eyes. You figured the fastest way to see if he was really gay or not would be to take your shirt off - his reaction would quickly tell you.
You took your other hand and hooked your fingers under your wet shirt and quickly pulled it off in one quick swipe, leaving you exposed in your bra. You dropped your shirt behind you on the floor, the wet noise it made as it hit the floor seemed to echo throughout the bare locker room. You gently put the towel Xavier gave you on the bench that was right next to you, judging by where things were going - you wouldn’t need the towel anymore.
“If I knew you were gonna take me here I wouldn’t have asked you for a towel, you know”.
You said, nearly whispering because he was so close now. You took a step closer to him, your faces only a couple inches a part now. You left your lips parted and you looked into his eyes.. and that was a fucking mistake. All of the common sense you were holding onto left and all thoughts you previously had seemed to thin out and dissolve into nothing.
You could taste his breath now he was so close. All it took was for him to put his hands on your waist and you gave in. You closed the distance that kept you two apart and you kissed him. Hard.
This was breaking one of your major rules that you kept for yourself as a serial killer. You tried to always make your victim make the first move - to kiss you first. This seemed to keep them on their toes and wanting more, and it kept you in control. However, being here with Xavier, all senseable thoughts you once had were long fucking gone. Right now, you didn’t care about anything else execpt for kissing him. Everything else seemed irrelevant, you just wanted to live in this moment forever.
The kiss started off sweet but it continued to grow more heated as you kissed him harder and harder. Your hands wasted no time in finding his shoulders as your nails started to dig into his skin. You impatiently bit his lower lip - wanting more.
You felt Xavier softly break away from you, but he didn’t move away too far from you, his face moved over to whisper in your ear,
You instantly jumped and you felt him catch your legs, essentially holding you up as he continued to keep kissing you. You felt him take a couple steps and in this moment you didn’t care where he was even going too - you just.. felt different. Maybe it was a new emotion, but you felt peaceful for once in your life. And it felt way too fucking good to let go of. Not to mention you were beyond happy he wasn’t gay like how you suspected.. but it wasn’t your fault that you knew zero straight guys that instructeted jazzercise classes or wore short shorts and actually looked good doing it.
However.. You also felt something else and that was unprepared. It was clear to see where this makeout sesh was really headed too and your knife which was in your bag, was no where near you. In fact you had no fucking clue where it was which meant you couldn’t kill him now, you would have to ask him out.
You felt Xavier gently put you down on the ground, you could feel the rough surface of lockers poking up against your back. You were on the verge of mentioning how uncomfterable you were when you heard a deafening loud creak echo throughout the locker room. Someone was opening the fucking locker room door. Fuck!
You felt a jolt of anxiety run through you like electricity as you two instantly seperated, and tried to look as innocent as possible. You wiped your mouth and you and Xavier both stood up before you actually bothered to look who came into the locker room in the first place.
“Hey love birds”!
You heard a chirp, female
Voice. You couldn’t help but laugh- was it common for girls to just waltz in the men’s locker room? When she walked forward and came into view, You easily recognized her as one of the people from Xaviers friend group that was waving at you two ealier... In fact, she was the one who winked at you ealier as well.
“Nice to see you too ‘Tana”.
Xavier grumbled back, after he swiftly rolled his eyes. You assumed ‘Tana was short for Montana and she certainly looked like a interesting character.. espically if she frequently went into men’s restrooms. Her hair was a white bleached blonde - so bleached that her hair looked entirely stripped and dryer than the god damn Sahara desert. She had heavy blue eyeshadow on her eyelids and you couldn’t help but admire that she atleast tried to put a effort in her appearance.
Montana stood right next to Xavier and it was obvious to tell by the looks they exchanged that she wanted to talk to him - alone. She awkwardly shifted glances between you and Xavier and you bit your tongue, the realization hitting you like a freight train - what if this was his fucking girlfriend? Normally with victims you didn’t have to jump through so many hoops but Xavier was different. Something about him was very different from the rest of your victims but you were still trying to put your finger on exactly why. You cleared your throat and figured before you left like they wanted you too, you should atleast introduce yourself.
“Hi, I’m (y/n)”.
You said, sporting a smile as you took a step forward toward Montana to shake her hand. She took it and shook it a bit too roughly and spotted a grin that would even make the Cheshire Cat jealous.
“I’m Montana! It’s nice to finally know the name of one Xavier’s girlfriends”.
She said with a excited look on her face. You quickly opened your mouth to speak - this girl was pretty straight forward wasn’t she? Atleast you knew she wasn’t dating Xavier.
“Oh - im not his girlfriend, we actually just met but you know.. I wouldn’t mind changing that”.
You said, adding a playful wink and biting your lip while staring instensily at Xavier. You knew you were being incredibly straight forward as well but at this point you didnt care, you just wanted to see him again.
Xavier finally stopped looking at Montana and met your gaze as he took a couple steps toward you.
“Me too, babe. My place tonight at six? I’ll pick you up”.
Xavier said and you quickly gave him your address and awkwardly left the locker room with Montana’s stare burning holes through your back. Maybe she was just jealous?
It didn’t matter, after tonight Xavier wouldn’t exsist anyway so who even cared what this supposed friend of his thought of you... but. Something weird was happening to you. The thought of actually killing again made you happy - yes. Just the act of taking another’s life and seeing them suffer but having it be Xavier? You barely knew the guy but it almost made you sad to not be able to see him again after tonight. He really did seem like a sweet guy with good intentions but that never seemed to stop you before.
You went back to the lobby and quickly picked up your bag that you had left there (albeit carelessly) and you figured tonight you would bring your knife just in case. You had a feeling that you wouldn’t be able to kill him tonight - the vibe felt off. Plus, since when had you been on a actual date that didn’t involve murder at the end?? The answer was never. You deserved to have a nice date, with a pretty person. Murder could wait until tommorow.
Montana and Xavier both stared at
you as you passed them, and watched as you left the locker room. However, they both held their breath until the locker room door completely shut close. Montana snapped her head forward once the door shut and decided to be the one who first spoke.
“Xavier, that person is not to be trusted”.
Montana took a couple steps toward him as she spoke. Xavier immeaditly furrowed his eyebrows in a look of confusion, he could feel himself automatically getting defensive. He loved Montana (as a friend of course) but he swore Montana took that love in a different way.. And this made it obvious. He just met you, why was Montana already investigating into you and making wild accusations? This made no sense unless perhaps Montana had feelings again for Xavier.
However Xavier merely crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head.
“That’s funny coming from you”.
However, Montana didn’t laugh or even smile. She continued to look completely serious, as she spoke.
“I’m not kidding. I don’t care if shes pretty or a good kisser or whatever the hell. You need to promise me you won’t see them tonight like you said”.
Her voice first started out as harsh and then grew soft and almost vulnerable.
Xavier shifted in place and nervously licked his lips.
“Montana what the hell. I’m not just gonna blindly follow what you say”.
Xavier said, his words spitting venom as he spoke. At this point he really didn’t care if he was coming out as harsh - Montana had a boyfriend.. why couldn’t she just leave Xavier alone with this new girl he just met?
Montana stepped closer to Xavier and put both of her hands of his shoulders and looked him dead in the eye as she spoke.
“You need to listen to me Xavier or your going to get yourself killed”.
Montana’s cherry red lips turned into a snarl.
“I saw their bag in the lobby and there was a knife in it. It was a fucking big knife Xav, no one just carries a knife like that”.
Montana added but Xavier was still in denial. Xavier looked at the ground as he slightly paced back and forth in place.
“How big of a knife”?
Xavier asked quietly.
“Its a fucking butchers knife. I wouldn’t be worried if it was a pocket knife, Xavier”!
Montana replied and Xavier kind of froze. He didn’t know how to react, he knew all of the men that had gone missing as of lately. And he also knew that they were all around the same age and had the same appearance that he had. Could he really be the next victim? He felt tears start to prick at his eyes, there was no way. This girl he had met ealier was so sweet, just because she had a knife didn’t mean she was a fucking killer.. right?
All that Xavier could think to do in response to this was to look up at Montana sadly.
“Why were you going through their bag in the first place”?
Xavier asked, his voice coming out as jagged and rough with emotion. However, Montana still continued to act stoic as she nearly yelled at him.
“You nearly hooked up with a fucking serial killer and your concerned about my priorities? Dude, you need to promise me you won’t see them again”.
Xavier stared at Montana blankly. It was obvious what this was about, he knew Montana really found no knife and he also knew Montana made up this whole story because she was jealous. That was it. Montana just didn’t wanna see Xavier with anyone else, that was the bottom line.. Xavier rolled his eyes.
“Whatever, Montana. I have another class to get too”.
He could hear Montana protesting and yelling his name as he walked past her but he didn’t care anymore. He was determined - he was going to meet you tonight at six, whether it killed him or not.
He had to admit to himself though, even though he was excited to see you again a part of him dreaded it. He knew there was a small chance that Montana could be right - and what if she was?
Even though Xavier knew he was in pretty good shape he knew his muscles magically became useless when it came to self defense. He was shit at self defense honestly. He was good at archery but he didn’t own a fucking bow and arrow.
He made a mental note to pick up a pocket knife before coming to pick you up. If you really were a fucking killer a pocket knife wasn’t going to stop you but it was sure better than nothing.
Six O’ Clock came and went and Xavier picked you up in the glamourus Vanta-C. Being in a van that smelled heavily of weed and nothing else wasn’t too exciting but somehow Xavier made it fun, like how he did with everything it seemed like.
He had a sort of magic about him, the type of magic that made you actually start to feel things for once - feel different emotions that you had never felt before. Like would you even dare say it, love? Well, maybe love was a bit of a exaggeration - you just met the guy after all - but, you had no idea honestly.. you had nothing else to base this off of, you’ve never really had a crush or romantic interest on anyone before ever. The interest you’ve had in your other previous victims was always based off of looks - it was the thrill of the chase that appealed to you more than anything. However, you couldn’t say that about Xavier. After meeting him ealier - you were dying to get to know him better so that you could probably fall in love with him, if you were even capable of doing that.
Maybe it was foolish to assume that Xavier would be taking you back to his apartment, or house, or wherever the hell he lived but he didn’t. You two stayed in the Vanta-C which he drove and parked it in a park that was a couple blocks or so away from where you resided.
It took you two a while to decide on a decent place to park the car and go to - at first it was a matter of where to go. Whether to go and get food, or head over to someone’s place or just stay in the Vanta and obviously the last option won.
You had to admit the scene you two were in was starting to get rather romantic - not that you experienced this type of feeling before but rather You based this feeling off of movies and other various entertainment you’ve watched; this is what romance seemed like to you.
The sun was just starting to set; painting the sky a various different tones of purples, blues and pinks as the sun started to dip further and further into the tree line. You and Xavier both ditched the front and the passenger seat and both camped out in the very back of the van - where the seat was really more of a glorified couch than a actual seat.
The windows were all shut and so were the doors, essentially so that you two could hotbox. You never thought that a pretty boy like Xav would smoke weed, but you also thought he was gay at first so - you found it best not to assume anything about him anymore.
There was plenty of room left on the back seat but you and Xavier chose to sit incredibly close to eachother. You sat side by side and your shoulder and arms touched but you didn’t mind of course. The closer the better.
Your bag was pooled near your feet, near the door which was away from Xavier. Sure enough, the knife was inside but it was hidden under a couple of other objects that you kept in your bag. The longer you spent with him, the more you were regretting bringing the knife in the first place.. because it was making you fucking neurotic. When he first picked you up, all you could think about and focus on was that god damn knife and how it would end up slitting Xavier’s throat by the end of the night. However, you seemed to be more relaxed the longer you were around him. It was hard to tell whether it was just the vibes he gave off or the weed that relaxed you so much; maybe both.
By now, the thoughts of killing and that stupid knife had become lost and put somewhere far off in your brain - somewhere you couldn’t access when you were high. You barely even noticed you were Intensely staring down your bag until you felt a soft hand gently rub down your arm.
“Hey babe, are you okay”?
You looked back up at Xavier to only see him wearing a puzzled expression of his face - which looked adorable with his blue puppy dog eyes. You also noticed in his other hand (that wasn’t still on your arm) was the blunt you two were smoking - oops.
“Yeah, I’m okay”.
You replied, your voice small and rather quiet. You took the blunt from Xavier and took a deep hit, and sat with the smoke in your lungs for a couple seconds. It wasn’t until you felt the smoke burning and eating away at your lungs and throat was when you exhaled. You exhaled slowly, dreamily watching the smoke cloud up the Vanta-C even more so than it already was.
Before you even knew it, or consciously decided to - you heard yourself talking.
“Actually, no. I’m not okay.. I have something to tell you”.
You swallowed and took one last quick hit before handing the blunt back to your new lover and looking him in the eyes. You saw something in his eyes that was new to you - was it fear? Why he was he scared?? It was only a glimmer of fear that you caught in his eyes but still - it defintly threw you off guard. You just saw his lips part like he was about to say something when you quickly spoke first.
“Xavier, I’m crazy about you”.
You blurted out, with a embarrassing giggle. You blamed being incredibly straight forward on the weed, of course you would never be like this if you were sober. Never.
Your lips closed into a closed mouth smile, you had more to say but you figured to wait for some kind of reaction from Xavier first. The glimmer of fear you saw in his eye ealier seemed to morph into confusion, disbelief, and then happiness. Pure happiness.
He laughed.
“You heard me! I know I just met you, but Xav’ I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.. and I mean it”.
Xavier gently placed his hands on your face - on both of your cheeks - before deeply kissing you. You placed your hands on his chest which effectively made him start to lay down while you gently maneuvered your way on top of him so that you two would be laying down on the long back seat of his van.
You moved your leg up to straddle him when you felt your foot snag on something. At first you merely tried to pull it away free but to no avail. Xavier broke away from you since he could feel you moving your leg vigorously and you managed to get your leg free with one big final yank of your leg.
You snapped your head to see what the fuck dared make this gorgeous man stop kissing you when your heart stopped - it was your bag. You must’ve hooked your foot around your bag and when you freed your foot you managed to topple the bag and spill out all of the contents... which meant your butchers knife was on full fucking display for Xavier to see.
You felt your breath stop as the world seemed to come to a stand still. You felt frozen, bewildered and caught off guard but you definetly didn’t feel scared. You moved your leg over awkwardly to straddle him but the vibe had defintly changed. The romantic vibes that seemed in the air ealier had been swept clean and nearly were completly gone. You decided to try and save your ass and be the first to speak.
“Xavier I-“
“Get off of me”.
He spoke softly and his voice was lowered. You took a deep breath as you awkwardly climbed off of him and you two sat in the position that you two were in ealier - side by side execpt you two were farther apart this time.
You tried again to explain yourself but Xavier spoke first.
“What the hell is this? W-why did you bring that knife”?
You noted how his eyes started to have tears building up in them. You absentmindedly moved the knife back into your bag with your foot and noticed how badly Xavier flinched away from you when you did so. Your turned your focus back to Xavier.
“Look, I know it looks bad but I just keep it on me for self defense. You know, with the night stalker and all”?
You said, with a slight giggle. Instantly, the tension that built up was broken and it was almost like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. He laughed and he scooted up the seat to get closer to you - stepping on all of items from your bag that were still on the ground but you didn’t really care. You were just happy you were able to pull off that lie and convince him you were someone else you really weren’t.
A thought crossed the back of your mind of how easy it would really be to just reach down and grab the knife and easily slit his throat. It would be almost too easy, but no.
As Xavier pulled you into his arms and you layed down into the rough fabric of the back seat, you felt safe (which was incredibly ironic). You felt at home, and in love.
As you turned your head to continue where you two had left off at the locker room, you couldn’t help but hazily day dream about tommorow.
Just because Xavier’s life was spared didn’t mean your thirst or your itch to take another’s life was gone.. it just meant it would have to wait until tommorow.
Taglist: @guiltyfiend
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3 Years
1 month
“Goku, Gohan!” Chi-Chi called out the kitchen window hoping to get their attention that dinner was ready. The sun was setting quickly over the mountains and she knew they’d be hungry after a long day of training. Feeling like her husband and son needed a treat for all their hard work, Chi-Chi made extras of their favorite foods and their favorite dessert. Chi-Chi didn’t do this all the time, and she couldn’t contain her excitement at the anticipation of showing Gohan and Goku these surprises.
They have been working day and night preparing for the upcoming danger. Initially, she was very wary of this new change, especially with Piccolo being here constantly, but as the last month progressed, Chi-Chi got use to this new routine. Honestly, it has been nice to have her little family under one roof again, something that hasn’t happened since Gohan was younger. The biggest challenge though was getting adjusted to Goku living at home again.
A lot has happened to the both of them since they lived in the same house together. The first week or so that he was home, they were so out of sync and walking on egg shells. They both had sensed a change in each other but they did not know how to confront or talk about it. It also didn’t help that Chi-Chi was still healing from being hit through the wall of the house. But things seemed to be getting better. At least she thought so.
Noticing that dinner was growing cold and that Goku and Gohan were not at the table yet, Chi-Chi grew frustrated. Huffing, she walked outside to look around for them. Noticing the sounds of sparring above her, she marched over to the fighters.
“Hellooo!” She said but was still being ignored. Her frustration grew, and finally she screamed, “GOKU, GOHAN!”
The sparring immediately stopped and all three fighters froze as they looked down at Chi-Chi.
“Do you know how long I cooked dinner tonight? I put in all this effort and this is the thanks I get, ignored by my husband and son!? Fine, eat a cold meal for all I care. You can serve it yourself and clean up too. The nerve!” She spins on her heel and stomps away towards the house.
Annoyed and frustrated, Chi-Chi slams the front door and goes to the kitchen to clean up. As she does so, Gohan and Goku sheepishly walk through the door. She keeps her back turned towards them as she washes some dishes.
“Chi-Chi , we must have not heard you the first time and lost track of time. We’re really sorr-.”
“Dinner is on the stove and there is bread in the oven. Eat it or don’t eat it, starve for all I care, Goku.” Chi-Chi rips off her apron and throws it on the counter before storming off to their bedroom.
Trying to calm herself down at the sheer rudeness of Goku and Gohan, Chi-Chi gets ready for bed. She changes into her nightgown and goes to the bathroom for her nightly routine. Chi-Chi begins to wash her face and as she’s coming up to finish drying, she looks up to see Goku standing behind her through the mirror.
“I’m really sorry, Chi-Chi.”
Ignoring him, Chi-Chi pats her cheeks and sets down the towel. She brushes past Goku’s shoulder, her shoulder hitting him hard as she walks into their bedroom.
“Really, you’re just going to ignore me? I don’t know what else you want me to say, Chi-Chi.”
Still staying silent, Chi-Chi walks to her side of the bed, which is across from where her husband is standing. She glares at him and then shoves the comforter across the bed. Chi-Chi then climbs into bed, lays down and turns her back to Goku with a hmph.
A moment passes as they stay in their spots and neither speaks. Finally, Goku sighs and rolls his eyes before quietly leaving their bedroom.
Chi-Chi knows she’s being immature but her feelings are hurt. She spent the vast majority of her afternoon preparing the perfect dinner, something that she had hoped Gohan and Goku would have appreciated and enjoyed. Instead, they were too focused on training to even answer. Chi-Chi could care less about warming up food but it was their lack of respect and appreciation for her efforts that she can’t stand.
Closing her eyes and relaxing against the bed, she falls asleep and does not feel Goku come to bed. It’s not until the middle of the night that a jolt and a sharp gasp from her husband alerts her that he is on the other side. The bed vibrates with his body and she can hear him panting. A bright flash of light makes her open her eyes, but then the light is gone and the room is engulfed in darkness once more. Goku is still trying to calm down besides her and she hears him take a deep, shaky breath.
Unmoving from her position, Chi-Chi whispers, “Are you okay?”
Silence passes between them and Chi-Chi frowns before rolling over. In front of her, Goku’s shoulders are rising and falling as he is trying to control his breathing. His head is in his hands and his eyes are closed.
Concerned, Chi-Chi sits up and gently reaches to touch his shoulder. He flinches from her touch and his eyes flash open.
“Oh, it’s you Chi-Chi. Sorry I woke you up.” He says as he looks at her briefly before putting his head back into his hands.
“Goku, what’s wrong?”
“Just a bad dream. I’m okay, go back to bed Chi-Chi.” Goku says into his hands and Chi-Chi is not convinced that he’s fine.
“What happened?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Goku, you rarely have nightmares. At least you didn’t before.” Chi-Chi states.
Goku sighs and finally turns to face her. “I use to get these dreams while I was on Yardrat. They are usually about Frieza and they either end up with him blowing up Earth, killing Krillin or Gohan or sometimes it ends with me going Super Saiyan and not being able to control myself. I haven’t had one since I came back so it’s just odd. I’m sorry about waking you up.”
I scoot closer to him and say, “I know you’ve told me about Yardrat and how you had to get control of your transformation but, did you change into a Super Saiyan a moment ago?” Chi-Chi asks and Goku grimaces.
“You noticed that, huh?”
“Kind of hard not to in the dead of the night.”
Defeated, Goku responds, “I have a lot better control of it, but sometimes I slip up, especially when my emotions get the better of me. Tonight’s dream was too real.”
Chi-Chi looks into his eyes and she can tell that they are tired and stressed. Maybe this android challenge is starting to take its toll on him. Maybe he’s just been so wrapped up in it that he didn’t mean to hurt her feelings about dinner today. Maybe they are still off with each other because Chi-Chi would have noticed all of this before, but she’s just seeing this now. If that’s the case, Chi-Chi feels even worse about her actions.
“I think maybe you and Gohan should take a break from training for a bit. You’ve been working too hard. Maybe this dream is a sign to ease up.”
Goku shakes his head, “No, if anything, it showed me that I can’t give up. I don’t need a break, I just need to get some rest.”
“Goku, I really think-.” Chi-Chi answers and Goku interrupts and smiles back at her.
“Hey, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.”
She sighs and looks at him before laying back down. Goku lays back down in the bed too, and then they are staring at each other.
“I’m really sorry about today, Chi-Chi. I didn’t mean to make you upset or anything. I love your cooking and I know you work hard to make sure Gohan and I are taken care of. We just honestly lost track of time, it had nothing to do with you.”
“I’m sorry for overreacting too. I just think that we are all under a lot of stress and maybe we just have to do a better job at helping each other out.”
“Right. I’m going to try my best.”
“So will I. We’ve been through harder times than this, I just think we are still getting use to each other and relearning how to communicate. I know that I can do better with that.” Chi-Chi says and snuggles up against Goku’s chest. He wraps his arms tightly around her and kisses her head.
“I know. But, hey,” He gently pulls Chi-Chi back and stares down at her before he continues, “We are going to get through this though, Chi. You and I, okay?”
Chi-Chi nods lays her head back against his chest and he squeezes her tighter, trying to close whatever distance there is between them. He knows he’s not the easiest to live with, and that this has been hard for Chi-Chi. But, she’s the only person he’d go through this life with. They have been through so much together, and he knows that they just need some time to get back on the same page. Chi-Chi understands him better than anyone, and he’d do anything to make her happy. Goku feels Chi-Chi drift off against his chest and he leans down to kiss her hair again, smiling against her head.
He smiles knowing that even though she can be hot-tempered and irrational sometimes, she’s also the most supportive and caring person he knows. Chi-Chi doesn’t know this and maybe one of these days he’ll tell her, but it’s always been her. There’s never been anyone else, and there will never be anyone else that he loves more than her.
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beecherdrysdale · 4 years
Hehe ya I’m not the biggest fan but if I get really hyped up it’s kinda fun. Plus I did t really feel like doing leg day so I rescheduled that for tmr!!
Hot guy alert- everybody look!! Good tactic brigid lol. Got us in to help distract. We love you!! We would be so chaotic. Awww yes we love some team hand holding but acting like it isn’t happening. I don’t think quinner can feel his hand after this meet. Lol I’m sorry, but good thing imma make it up to you;) a hot makeout comin your ways lmao. Brigids busy doin other stuff w dyl and Jamie 😏😉. Oo thank you for the tip!! I didn’t know that it got hot during swim meets. I usually wear tanks or shirts underneath lol. I’m always to afraid to wear without. Hehe Dylan’s face in my hoodie and he’s like “I can’t look, did she win, is she swimming, why are they blowing the whistle” I’m just there to reassure him it’s a good distraction so that I don’t get to nervous lol. Team trample is happening, we would all fall down and that would be bad.
Brigid the chips, I’m sorry they will just be happening constantly like Ryan and I held off for many hours but that’s all we can handle lol. Aww Dylan and Jamie taking care of you, I love that!!. I’ll make sure they buy you some squeezy applesauce and some for myself cuz I wanna try. Wait seriously , you like green bananas?.
Ooo that’s a cool jersey brigid!! You would probably start yelling at everybody during the game lol.
Haha me crying during my match is like the funniest thing. People always think that if you cry something hurts but nothing hurts I just saw the best people!! Kesh, I’m excited you are excited !! I hope you enjoy. Lmao I’d probably also fling my resistance band at Ryan hehe. Ya that driving test was awful but I passed sooo:))) I can’t wait for you to pass your test. Oh for sure I would start laughing if I made eye contact w you. I’d probably get a warning tho lol. I’m sorry every time I read Ryan getting hit by a ball and you dying of laughter I just lose it. It’s so funny. Like Jamie is like omg omg she’s out of breath, why is she laughing so hard. Hehe brigid I can just see you yelling at me and being mildly stressed.
Y’all I just wanna go to Coachella !! Wtf I need to go now w you kesh and the team lol. Yaaa Dylan’s feeling special atm, Jamie is literally just glaring at the two of you for 30 mins straight. Dylan has some under appreciated hair so you play w it. Hehe yes braden was just being nice and Quinners mad because he was too late lol . Yes shoulder buddies! Kesh is just having the most chill time w Kirby. She’s just enjoying the music. I knowwww Jamie coming up and wrapping his arms around your waist and putting his chin on your shoulder is 🥺🥺 and swaying omg this is to cute. The kissing under the fireworks is just amazing. I want that to happen. Oo yes matching Dutch braids would be so cute, I might add a ribbon to be braided in or something lol. Or get ones of those hair charms like beads, mini stars to braid in hehe. water is a must and sunscreen!!
Kesh I’ve read until Greece! I love it! I’m excited to reply 💗 some airport ideas coming your way.
Xo Lexi.
Anonymous said:
Ooo I just saw keshs post about Coachella and sports so imma add a bit,
First - hehe yes we are super hype, and yes I am glad to be anywhere w you !!
Hehe thank you, it was a hectic day lol.
Lmao um guys does anybody have an ice pack?
Hehe yes Dylan is handsy but i think Brigid is enjoying it ?!.
Hmmm maybe Ryan and Braden find some girls but I don’t think we can last that long without chirping hehe
- kesh I agree you do have the best shoulders in the sense that Kirby is 6’4 and broad lol. You lucky gal.
Ok yes to all the insta pics!!! Ok we are matching again and I love it 🥰
Kesh thank you for replying !! Imma write about Greece, sports, Coachella and the road trip tmr!!
lmao i love that. i can never push off my workouts bc i just have to do what my coach makes me lol. but anyways another long post
hehe yep, i’ll get all the other girls out of their zone by pointing out the hot guys in the stands who may or may not have come with me lol. and then you guys will just be so chaotic up there and you’re all squeezing each other’s hands so hard but not admitting it lmao. haha yeah i don’t think quinner can feel his hand but once he realizes you’re gonna make it up to him he doesn’t care😏 haha maybe i am busy later😏😉 don’t tell kesh tho lol. haha yes it gets really hot unless you’re wet and then you’re freezing. so then dyl’s using you’re hoodie and refusing to look and asking you what’s happening every 5 seconds, so then you have to keep reassuring him. but i could also see you messing with him and saying i’m doing really bad when i’m actually winning just to see his reaction lmao. haha team trample at the end and we all end up on the ground, i stg if my suit rips y’all are paying for it
lmao as soon as i’m done you and ryan are chirping me bc you’ve held off way too long. maybe i’ll make dyl and jamie make you shut up if you annoy me too much lmao. but yes dyl and jamie taking care of me and helping me get ready for my race🥺 haha you would probably end up having to go with them to get the applesauce so they don’t get lost lmao. yes, ik i’m a weirdo but i can’t stand mushy bananas, i only like them when they’re super firm and green
hehe thank you! i love my o’c jersey. haha yes i would be yelling sm and i would be cheering for the US. we’d have to see what the guys had to say about that lmao. don’t think dyl and jamie would appreciate it very much, but you got to do what you got to do
lmao yes everyone would be so confused, and you would just be like no i’m fine i’m just happy they’re here. haha i can just see you hitting ryan with your resistance band and he tries to come after you, so then we have to keep him away from you so you can finish your warm-ups lmao. haha yes honestly i’ll start laughing too if we make eye contact. wait you could get a warning from laughing? that’s bad but also kind of funny lmao. haha yes now i really want to see ryan get hit in the face with the ball just to see the chaos ensue. and jamie is just simultaneously trying to make me drink water bc i’m just choking and being like ummmm i think ryan might need an icepack. and he’s like what is wrong with brigid bc it should not have been that funny but he can’t worry about it too much bc he’s worried about ryan and he’s trying to find an icepack somewhere. haha yes i’ll just be yelling at you sorry
yessss we have to go to coachella with everyone now. hehe yes dyl is getting handsy and i’m enjoying it, but jamie is getting super jealous and i don’t even realize lol (i’m sorry jamie ily). oooh yes, i get to play with dyl’s hair while i’m sitting on his shoulders. honestly he has really nice hair. hehe yes quinner is jealous that you’re sitting on braden’s shoulders, but it’s only bc braden offerred first. but then you get on my shoulder and ryan and braden wander off to find some girls lol. and then kesh is just chilling with kirby, and i’ll admit that she does have the best shoulders bc kirby is so broad. omg i need this now, jamie just coming up behind me and we’re swaying together to the music🥺 and we would all get our kisses under the fireworks from our men. oooh yes charms to braid into our hair would look so cool, and we could have all the best matching insta pics together. and ofc we need sunscreen and water
i’m excited to see all your replies!
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highsviolets · 4 years
since i haven’t emotionally recovered from the finale yet this is a list of positive things from the episode that made me happy
1. din choking that stormtrooper with the spear holy shit that’s the most unhinged bad!mando and i’m 🥵
2. LMAO when R2 sees the kid my first thought was that he literally just got attacked by a wild old yoda in empire and he probs still has some trauma from that and now he sees a baby version skskksksks
3. bobs fett saying little one and princess 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 whore knee
4. “he is my only priority”
5. “one x wing” and holy shit my heartbeat was like a vibrator AND LUKE’S ENTRANCE i know there are people who didn’t like him being there but like,,, the spectacle of it all??????? watching him on the lil screen and then irl??????? his POWER?????????? magnificent chef’s kiss
6. sebastian stan deep fake for young luke was so funny but seeing YOUNG LUKE on my screen once again was so unreal and brought me back to being a kid and discovering star wars for the first time
7. the post-credit scene @ boba i am literally on my knees and when fennec shoots the chain and lets that one run away???????????????? we love to see that
anyway my heart has been ripped out - 🪐
darling hello!!! i’m sorry i’m late to this; i’ve been adulting today (or trying to, anyway). 
i agree. happy things. happy happy time. i pretend i do not see --
2. sdlaj you know luke and artoo were like oh shit, another one? really? can the galaxy stop trolling us p l e a s e? 
3. listen. i’m not really a boba simp. but that -- that i can get behind. boba stans you win this round. 
4. ‘he’s such a good daddy’ (but really though he is a 15/10 parent in this essay i will --_
5. everyone can go home “my heartbeat was like a vibrator” is the best thing i’ve ever gotten in my inbox i’m WHEEZING omfg. but i literally screamed i was so excited THAT IS MY MAN LUKE SKYWALKER KICKING ASS we really do love to see it. you’ve got it exactly right -- that scene was about demonstrating luke’s power and the power of a fully trained jedi (also reinforcing the absolute need for Grogu to be trained, since he does, as Luke said, need to be able to protect himself). 
6. listen idk wtf they did to his face but,,,i have loved luke since the age of four and i’m not about to stop now. the sequels did him so dirty. but then again, i usually just pretend that the sequels don’t exist; i’m sorry y’all but i grew up on legends books aka the good shit(tm). and including luke in this way really did hit home that this is STAR WARS, after all, and it’s about jedi and laser swords and right & wrong and found family and letting go and *sigh* i have problems with this season but that is not one of them 
7. oh we really do love to see that. *chef’s kiss* oh to be fennec, a kickass sharpshooter sipping on spotchka or to be fennec’s lover what
i’m in mourning thank god we have wonder woman and we can be heroes to distract us from the pain honestly. :/// 
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