#sorry for not white hair!! i totally forgot about that
sleepypalpita · 6 months
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superstar mf rockin jay!!!!!!!!
read tags if you interested 🤫
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sewerfight · 9 months
when I was around twelve I used to sit at the family computer and send hatemail to a white french dude named Jacques who was a self proclaimed communist on Tumblr. This was back in the day when you didn't need a blog to send anon hate. I had no real beef with him but I just didn't like his tone. used to send him "SHUT UP Jacques" periodically. and he'd answer every single one of my asks like "who is this?? show your face or I'll fucking kill you" and I'd be like "now now, that doesn't make sense, jacques" all haughty and he'd get so fucking mad at me. One time he posted a selfie and I sent him an ask claiming I was a psychologist and that his hair parting suggested that he wasn't a communist at all. and he took it deliriously serious and went off on a 2,000 word rant. I can remember going to stay at my grandparents over that weekend, so I didn't even respond to the rant until I came back. I could've chosen to end it there, but when I returned, I sent him another ask which was like "psychologist here again: if you were a communist your hair parting would be in the middle. evenly distributed. All behavioural signs point to someone who doesn't take their own values seriously." and he went ballistic. really swearing at me. all caps type beat. he never turned the asks off, btw. which always made me wonder if he didn't know how to, or if he didn't want to cause he was convinced he was fighting a war, and this action would ensure he lost it. anyway this went on for weeks until one day I completely forgot about him like he was some kind of childhood imaginary friend I'd conjured up in my loneliness. but yesterday I happened to recall the whole scenario, because my buddy was like "remember when you were twelve and I came over to your house, and you showed me on the computer how you'd been terrorizing this random French guy for days on end. And you were laughing like fucking crazy. and I said it wasn't funny because he probably had problems, and you were like 'oh.' and you looked a bit guilty for a second, but then you went and got a grapefruit from the kitchen and threw it out of the second story window at my kid brother, who was playing in the street, and then you started laughing again?" Well. when she put it like that, needless to say I felt bad. so Jacques if you're out there I'm sorry I was such a little shit. you had totally normal hair, and you only wanted people to share stuff. If it's any consolation I know every day of my life that I'm probably going to hell for the sick things I have done
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hughes86-43 · 5 months
An Hour and Half | L.Hughes
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summary - what happens when your flight seat mate happens to be a super cute guy and you only have an hour and half to talk to him
warnings/note- none; i have no clue how long a plane ride is from new jersey to detroit is sooo im guessing
“Hi, excuse me, my seat is by the window, if you don’t care to let me through?” You ask the young guy sitting in the middle seat in your row. He was wearing a ‘drew’ hoodie with black sweatpants.
Looking up at you from his phone, he immediately gets out of his seat. “Oh gosh, sorry! Of course, go ahead.” You give him a small smile and squeeze through to get to your seat. You loved taking the window seat, however you hated the awkwardness of getting through the row.
“Thank you,” You wince. “Oh, wait! Before you sit down, I hate to ask, but can you grab my water bottle out of the black and white carry on up above? I’m so sorry, I completely forgot about it!” The guy nods and opens the compartment and finds the water bottle.
“It’s no problem, really. Is there anything else you need?” He asks as he hands the bottle over to you.
You shake your head. “No, I think I’m all set.” The guy nods once again and sits back down in his seat.
You go back to getting comfortable in your seat and reply back to your mom telling her that you made it on to the plane. While the flight attendants go over the safety precautions, you can’t help but to side eye the cute guy sitting next to you. He had roughly curled hair and some small stubble on his face. He looked a bit tired.
He must’ve noticed you side eyeing him because he removes his earbud and asks, “Did you need out? Sorry, I can’t hear anything with these,” he points to his earbud.
Immediately blushing, because there’s no way that he totally didn’t see you checking him out, you reply, “Oh, no! I’m all good! Also, doesn’t seem like anybody else is in the row so that’s good!”
The guy smiles at your nervousness. “Yeah, it makes the plane ride ten times better when nobody is at the end of the row. Although for you, you would have to ask me to move but still, one person is better than two to get through,” the guy laughs out.
“Honestly though. Last plane ride I was on, none of the people sitting in my row would move, so I had to awkwardly try to go over them. Gosh, it was so embarrassing but why not just move out of the way!” The guy laughs at that, putting his earbuds back into his case.
“Well, if you need me to move, just ask and I will. Since we’re here for a bit, guess I’ll introduce myself, my name is Luke.” He sticks his hand out for you to shake and introduce yourself. You’re not one to talk much to the person sitting next to you on the plane, but something about him honestly has you intrigued.
Shaking his hand, you say, “My name is Y/N, nice to meet you.”
“Y/N, lovely name. So are you heading to Michigan as a trip or do you have family there?” He asks as he returns his hand back to his lap.
You lean against the window. “I actually have some family there, and it’s my grandmother’s 90th birthday so I’m heading back to that. I’ll stay for a bit. What about you? What has you going to Michigan?” You raise your eyebrow waiting on his answer.
“Wow, 90 years old, go her,” he smiles, “Well, long story is my team just finished for the season and I’m heading home to be with the family and spend time with friends that I need to catch up with.”
You nod. “If that’s the long story, what would the short story be?”
He laughs and tries to think, “Um, the short story would probably be going home, but the long story was better.” You laugh as you fiddle with the water bottle in your hand.
You go back to asking about his team he mentioned. “So your team? What sport do you play?”
He looks at you weirdly for a second before giving a toothy grin. “Do you live in New Jersey?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Have you heard of the New Jersey Devils?” Luke asks.
You think back to a sign you saw. “Honestly, I saw a billboard about them, and I think my co-worker is obsessed with them, but mostly no.”
He lets out another laugh, and you raise your eyebrow. “You live in New Jersey, and you barely know about the New Jersey Devils? Do you know or watch anything about hockey?”
“I mean, I seen that one movie. Gosh, what is it? Is it like called ‘sensation’ or something?” You try to think. “Oh gosh, no! It wasn’t called ‘sensation’ it was called—”
He cuts you off, “Miracle.”
You scream out, “Yes!” Then wince as you realize that was a bit loud. Lowering your voice, you continue, “Yes, the hockey movie called Miracle. My dad made me watch all the time, but that’s all I know about hockey really.” You shrug.
If Luke didn’t know better, he already knows that he wants to get to know you better. “Miracle’s a good movie. Anyway, back to my team, I actually play for the New Jersey Devils.”
You shake your head, not believing him. “No way, prove it!”
Luke grabs his phone out of his pocket and shows you a recent game day photo of him in his jersey. “See, jersey, skates, and everything. I play on the defense side.”
You take a minute, probably too long, to look at the photo. Gosh, he did look in his jersey, and his hair was a bit longer in that photo. “Okay, I believe you. So, do you like it? Sorry, if that’s a bit too much to ask, I’m just a curious person.”
“No, it’s okay. Honestly, I love it. Some days and games are a bit tougher than others, but I still love it no matter what. I actually play with one of my older brothers on the team,” Luke says, a bit proud of playing with his brother.
“That’s awesome, I couldn’t imagine playing with my brother on a team, so that’s really awesome,” you say.
“Yeah, it really is,” he beams, “Anyway, the season just ended for us last week due to getting eliminated from the playoffs.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. That must suck!”
“Yeah, but we have a chance to look over the season and come back better next season. Like yeah it sucks, but I also get to go home early. It’s a win lose situation,” he shrugs.
“Still, I see how it would suck, but if you didn’t get eliminated, you wouldn’t be on this plane talking to me right now,” you smile.
“Ha, I guess you’re right,” he guides a hand through his curls. “Enough about my job, what do you do back in New Jersey?”
You wince at the mention of talking about what you do for work. Your job recently wasn’t doing it for you. You had been working at an advertising agency for a while now, but after awhile, you decided it was not for you. You wanted a new job, but you also haven’t been looking. “Eh, I work at an advertising agency. Overall, it pays the bills, but it’s not my favorite.”
Luke replies, “Did you go to school for advertising or something related?”
You shake your head, “No, I actually went for public relations, but somehow I got this job in advertising. One of my friends put in a good word for me, but I have slowly started to dread going to work.”
Luke nods, “I’m sorry that you don’t like your job.”
You shrug, looking passed him to the couple across the aisle. “Honestly, I should really get a new job if I hate it so much, but the idea of going through the process of applying and interviewing is so nerve wracking for me.”
Luke listens to see if you’re going to add anymore before talking. Truthfully, you’ve never seen a guy take the time to listen so well about your problems, let alone a stranger you just met. He speaks up again, “Although that would be nerve wracking, it would mean that you get a chance to get a new job. I say go for it, especially since you’re not loving the job you already have. You should have a job that you love to do, not a job that just pays the bills.” Honestly, Luke has no idea where all these encouraging words are coming from, but he was just letting them spill out in the chance it would help you.
“You’re right, I totally should. You’ve changed my perspective, I guess when I head back to New Jersey I’ll look at job openings related to what I want to do,” you say, smiling up at him.
You and Luke continue to talk for the next hour on the plane. Talking about various adventures you’ll both get into when you’re back in Michigan, he talks about his brothers and how they both play in the NHL, and you talk about your grandparents and how they are you’re world. Time has a sense of flying by when you’re enjoying time with someone, and surprisingly you’re enjoying and loving the time talking to Luke. Even though you both just met, you two could talk forever. You really didn’t want to get off the plane as that would mean you wouldn’t be able to talk to him much more.
An hour or so later, the moment you had been dreading since talking to him has come, time to depart the plane. You’re walking down the hallway leading out of the plane when Luke speaks up next to you. “I know it’s crazy that we just met, but honestly you’re the easiest person to talk to that I have ever met. Hopefully that made sense?”
You nod, looking into his eyes, trying to savor the last look at him. “It made sense. I think the same goes for me. You listened to what I had to say, which is surprising because most people stop listening to me after awhile,” you blush at his intense stare, actually noticing how tall he was when you stood next to him.
You both make it through the exit. Luke turns to you again and tries to say, “Since we’re both gonna be here in Michigan for a bit, we should—” but he gets cut off by someone yelling. “LUKE!”
You both turn to where the sudden yelling was from. He mumbles, a hint of red touching his cheeks, “my brother, Quinn.” You nod, moving to the side so he can hug his brother.
Quinn must notice you, because he says to Luke, “Oh, sorry for interrupting, go ahead.” He pushed Luke to go back talking to you, but when he does, he notices that you have walked off to meet with, what he assumes is, your grandparents.
He smiles as he watches you hug and kiss them both. He watches as you hold a finger, signaling them to hold on for a second, and you walk back over to him. “I’m sorry, I gotta head on out, it was so lovely to meet you and talk to you, Luke.”
He smiles, “It was great to meet you, too, Y/N. As I was trying to say before, since we’re both in Michigan for a bit, how about we try and hang out?”
You try to stay cool, but you still let out a massive grin. “Yes, absolutely! I would love to!”
“Great! Reach out to me!” He moves closer to you, before he chickens out, he pulls you into a hug. You instantly hug him back, thinking it was crazy how you just met him and now don’t want him to go. “Bye, see you soon,” he says, pulling away and walking towards his brother.
You stand there a bit in shock before yelling across to him, “Wait, but I don’t have your number!”
Luke turns around, he gives you a grin, “Check your bag! I might’ve put it in there while I was getting it down!” You blush, giving him a thumbs up before heading over to your grandparents with the biggest grin on your face.
Later on, you finally get to unpacking your bag. Upon unzipping it, a piece of paper falls out. He must’ve written it when you went to the bathroom. Written on it, it says…
“It was great meeting you, and you’re the best person ever to talk to. If you ever need someone to listen, call me… xxxxxxxx”
Needless to say, you did call him, and he listened to you all night long. Both of you were in over your heads with each other.
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puckinghischier · 6 months
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nico hischier x fem!reader, jack hughes x platonic!reader, luke hughes x platonic!reader
summary: reader gets dragged to the bar by jack to meet all of his teammates, but finds herself drawn to a certain swiss captain
notes: part 2 to locksmith!! probably some inaccuracies about various player’s personalities, but all in the name of entertainment, right? i didn’t proofread either, oops. don’t know if i’m happy with how this turned out but here it is nonetheless. hope you enjoy!! 🫶🏼
part 1, part 3, part 4
The bar that Jack picked is surprisingly busy for a week night. It’s not overcrowded, but it’s busy enough to where you’re having to hold on to the back of his shirt so you don’t lose him. He leads the two of you over to a set of tables tucked away at the back of the bar. Jack is greeted with shouts and hugs as you drop your grip on him and simply stand back, letting him have his moment. You recognize a few of the faces, no names coming to mind, but most of the faces you’ve never seen before. You should know the names and faces of who you’re assuming are Jack’s teammates, but the truth is, despite your relationship with the Hughes family, you’ve never been one to follow hockey very closely. You don’t come from an area where hockey is a big deal, and though you understand the logistics of the game and you’ve traveled to watch all three brothers in some of their biggest games pre-NHL, your knowledge of the league’s players pretty much begins and ends with Jack, Luke, and Quinn.
“Long time no see, hallway sleeper,” you’re pulled from your thoughts at the sound of a voice in your ear. You turn to see Nico, no hat this time, soft, brown hair on full display. He was still wearing a white t-shirt, only his sweats have been swapped for jeans this time.
“Long time no see, locksmith.”
Nico laughs, and for the second time today you allow yourself to think about how lovely the sound is. “You know, all in a day’s work.”
“Sounds like someone really should have a conversation with the big heads at the NHL. Their poor players work so hard, only to have to pick up second jobs on their off days in order to pay the bills. Shame on them,” you joke.
“I know! Maybe it’s time I go on strike, put my full attention to helping pretty girls break into their apartments full time,” he responds, a small blush forming on your cheeks.
“Well I don’t know about all that, I need my own personal locksmith on call at all times. You can’t abandon me in my time of need!”
“Wouldn’t ever dream of it,” Nico places his hand over his chest, feigning offense. You glance over his shoulder, eyeing the bar, thinking about the vodka cranberry that’s calling your name. He turns and follows your eyes. “Did you want to go get something to drink-“
“Neeks!! What’s up man! We missed you today!” Jack cuts Nico off as he turns around, sticking a hand out in-between himself and his captain. “The kids were asking where you were, you totally have to come with us next time!”
“Yeah, man. Next time, for sure. Just needed a rest day, y’know?” Nico responds, slapping Jack’s outstretched hand.
The two begin their own conversation about the charity skate while you stand in the background. You know Jack isn’t ignoring you on purpose, but you’re getting a little tired of just standing around, deciding that you need that drink sooner than later to loosen yourself up a bit and prepare yourself for the endless stream of socializing you know is about to come your way.
“Hey, J, I’m gonna get a drink, okay? I’ll be right back,” you interrupt the conversation, knowing Jack would be worried if he looked up and you were nowhere to be found.
“Oh shit, Y/N I’m so sorry, I totally forgot to introduce you to everyone. Neeks, this is Y/N, Y/N, Nico.”
“Yeah, we met earlier. When you decided to lock the door on your way out this morning and Nico seems to be the only person with a spare key to the place,” you deadpan, watching a confused look glaze over Jack’s features.
“I left the door unlocked, I swear! I even double checked as I was leaving, because Lu-“ Jack suddenly pauses. “Luke must have locked it when he went to grab his beanie he forgot. I’m so sorry, Bouy,” Jack apologizes, letting the nickname he gave you when you were kids slip out of his mouth.
“Bouy?” you hear Nico’s confusion, looking between the two of you, clearly confused.
“We’re not even going there right now, just a stupid nickname from one summer as a kid, not even important. What is important is that I get a drink, ASAP,” you say, once again trying to make your way to the bar.
You walk away from the two men, sights set on an empty spot near the end of the bar. Admittedly, getting a drink seemed way easier in theory than in execution, because no matter how hard you tried, you cannot get the attention of the bartender. You’ve tried waving, yelling, and following her as she makes her way down the line of patrons, but to no avail. You give up with a huff, turning around and leaning your back against the bar, trying to brainstorm how to get a drink in your hand sooner rather than later. “What if I just go take someone’s drink, what would they do then?” you speak aloud to no one other than yourself.
“I would advise against that. Who knows what concoctions some of these people are drinking.”
You whip your head around to find no other than Nico himself standing to your left. You begin to think him sneaking up on people is a habit of his, seeing as this is the second time he’s both surprised you and caught you talking to yourself today.
“You’ve got to stop sneaking up on me, Jesus.”
“Sorry. You just seemed so lost in that head of yours. I’d ask you what you’re thinking, but I’ve learned if I stand here long enough you’ll just say it out loud,” Nico jabs, amusement once again present in his brown eyes. It seems that’s a common occurrence whenever you’re in his presence.
“If you think I speak my mind now, just wait until I actually get a few drinks in me. You’ll be begging me to shut up,” you joke, turning slightly to see if the bartender is anywhere near your area.
“How about we test the theory. Need help?” he asks, challenging your words.
“I mean, be my guest, but I’ve been trying for what seems like forever,” you grumble, moving over slightly to make room for him at the bar.
You watch him stick his hand out, the bartender almost immediately looking over and nodding, signaling she’ll be right over. Your jaw drops. You were a little pissed, honestly. How in the hell did he just do that? You turn your head to look at him, eyes narrowed.
“How in the hell did you just do that?” your mouth mirrors your thoughts.
“Oh y’know, I have my ways,” he says, eyes twinkling, smirk on his lips.
“No, I demand to know. There’s no way I’ve been standing up here for the better part of fifteen minutes with not even a glance in my direction, yet all you have to do is stick your hand out two inches from your face and suddenly you’re next in line,” you spit out, your tone showing your frustration at the situation.
Nico opens his mouth to respond, but a voice from the other side of the bar sounds before he can get a word out.
“Hey, Neeks, what can I get for ya? Your usual?” the woman serving drinks asks, using the same nickname Jack calls Nico.
“Nah, just a Michelob for me tonight. Got morning skate tomorrow,” he tells her, seeming familiar with the woman. She turns to you, giving you the opportunity to really look at the girl. She was short, but not shorter than yourself. She had platinum blonde hair that was tied back into a high ponytail, a pen stuck right through the middle of it. She was wearing a bright green cropped tank top with black leggings. Her make-up was the perfect combination of natural, yet bold. She was….really fucking pretty. Like, intimidatingly pretty. The kind of girl that would make even the most confident of women feel slightly insecure, to no fault of her own.
“Is that all or…?” she trailed off, looking at you expectantly.
“Can I just get a vodka cranberry? Double?” you asked, suddenly regretting your decision to not even wear make-up tonight.
You hear her scoff through a “Of course, coming right up,” before looking at Nico once again, then hurrying off to grab Nico’s beer and your cocktail.
“Is there something wrong with a vodka cran up here? Why the attitude?” you spit out, annoyed that she clearly found an issue with your choice of drink.
“You just have to ignore Jess, she’s a bit of an alcohol snob. Thinks everyone should drink top shelf or not even bother drinking at all,” Nico gives you the girl’s name.
You were going to respond to the fact that the two are on a first name basis, but your drinks arrived before you had the chance. You looked up to thank the girl, Jess as you now know, but shut your mouth when you saw the exchange happening before you.
“Just add it to my tab, Jess. Both of them,” Nico tells her, grabbing the bottle of Michelob sitting in front of him.
“Sure thing, Neeks. If you need anything else just give me a shout. You know where to find me,” Jess lets her hand linger, briefly brushing against Nico’s. You look up to her face, seeing the sultry look in her eyes, her chin slightly dropped. She’s looking at Nico like he’s a meal and she hasn’t eaten in days. Glancing over at the man standing next to you, you notice his entire face is flushed red, up to the tips of his ears.
Your brows shoot up in both surprise and understanding. These two have slept together! Her actions a dead giveaway, albeit subtle. Girls recognize girls, you know? It surely explains why he was so quick to get her attention when you couldn’t even get so much as a glance. You’re fighting against every single muscle in your face to not break out into laughter, finding this amusing for some reason.
“Yeah, gotcha. Thanks, Jess,” Nico replies to the girl, stepping back a few inches from the bar.
You turn and follow him in the direction of the tables from earlier, trying your hardest to not get lost in the crowd of bodies you’re having to weave through.
“So, you didn’t tell me that all I had to do to get the bartender’s attention was sleep with her,” you said, stopping Nico in his tracks.
He turns to look at you, eyes wide and face red, seeming a little embarrassed. You worry you’ve already stuck your foot in your mouth much too early into the night.
“How did you- What makes you think-“ he fumbles over his words.
“I’m a girl, silly. I know when another girl is giving a man the ‘you gave me one of the best nights of my life and I want to do you again’ eyes. Nothing to be ashamed of, she’s gorgeous,” you interrupt, amused at his embarrassment.
You actually think its kind of sweet he seems embarrassed. You half expected him to meet your comments with a smirk and puff his chest out a bit, proud that he’d scored such a beautiful woman, but he’s not. You’ve met plenty of Jack’s previous teammates over the years, most of them cocky assholes that care about nothing more than who they can sleep with next. Never missing the chance to boast to all of his buddies about the blonde chick he managed to sneak into his room last night.
Nico’s response was the complete opposite of that. He almost recoiled at your words, looking like he wanted to crawl under the nearest table he could find and hide there until the end of the night. It’s a refreshing contrast to what you’re used to. You start to feel a little bad for even bringing it up.
Nico stands still, staring at you like he’d rather be anywhere else at the moment, beer forgotten in his hand. You can see the wheels turning in his head on how he’s going to get out of this situation. “Hey, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. It’s none of my business. I didn’t mean anything by it, I’m just used to Jack’s other friends that never shut up about who they sleep with. My filter has a few holes in it I need to patch up I guess. I haven’t even had a drink and I’m already sticking my foot in my mouth-“
“I haven’t slept with her.”
Your mouth snaps shut mid-sentence. You stare at the man in front of you, noticing how he keeps fidgeting, clearly uncomfortable. He keeps shifting his weight from foot to foot, switching his beer from left to right to run whichever hand is free through his hair. His eyes keep darting anywhere but your face, clearly uncomfortable with the topic.
“Well if you haven’t then she sure wants to,” you try to backtrack a bit, hoping you can humor your way out of the mess you walked yourself into.
“Yeah, I’m sure she does. Just like she wants to sleep with the rest of the team,” he scoffs out. “Don’t get me wrong, Jess is nice and all, but she hits on all of us. It’s worked on a few of the guys. I’ve seen her drop a few of them off at practice in the mornings, but she never lets it go farther than that. Some of the guys prefer…arrangements like that, but it’s not really my style,” Nico replies, shocking you with his sudden honesty.
“I find it hard to believe that beautiful blondes aren’t your type, but I’ll let it slide for now,” you narrow your eyes, not sure how else to respond to his unexpected candor.
“It seems that my type is talkative strangers, but I’ll let you know if it changes,” Nico tells you with a smirk, his shift in personality giving you whiplash as he walks off without another word.
“So, where exactly are you from, Y/N?” you get asked for the fourth time in about 5 minutes from the man sitting to your right. You can’t exactly remember his name, only that he’s drank about 4 beers in the time you’ve been sitting here. Considering Jack went down the line and literally rapid fired names at you once you returned to the tables, you forgive yourself for not remembering.
“Dawson, she already told you three times, dude. She’s from Tennessee!” the man to your left shouts across you a little too loudly. You flinch a bit at just how loud these guys can be, having been shuffled around from conversation to conversation for the past hour, each man reaching a volume you didn’t know was humanly possible.
Jack will come by whatever table you’re currently at about every 30 minutes and tug you in whatever direction he sees fit, going on and on about how you just HAVE to meet so and so because they’ll love you. You love that he’s trying to include you and integrate you into the group dynamic the team has going on, but you really wish he would just let you mingle on your own.
His teammates have been nothing but welcoming and kind, but most of them are more than a few drinks deep and have been talking about whatever upcoming game they have and what strategies they need to improve on, leaving you left out and unable to add anything to the conversation.
“Virginia, actually. But close! I lived right on the border of Tennessee and Virginia, so it’s almost like I’m from both,” you shout back, explaining your origin…again.
“Wait, Virginia and Tennessee border each other?” Mr. four beers questions, Dawson you’ve just learned.
“Mercer you idiot, of course they border each other. Have you ever even looked at a fucking map?” the man to your left responds, reaching behind you and slapping Dawson on the back of the head.
“Ow! I’m from Canada, Johnny! How am I supposed to know? Do you know what Canadian states border one another?” Dawson fires back at the man to your left, Johnny.
“Canada has provinces, not states, Dawson,” Johnny says, a blank look on his face as he stares at Dawson.
“Fuck you. And your Harvard degree,” Dawson crosses his arms and puffs up like a kid. It’s amusing really, watching the two bicker like siblings.
As the two continue to go back and forth, you can’t help but let your eyes wander around the bar, searching for a pair of brown ones. You haven’t spoken to Nico since he walked away from you earlier, after he all but told you that you were his type. His words took you by surprise, having only known the man for a few hours. You can’t lie and say you didn’t find him attractive from the moment you saw him standing in his doorway this morning, but you can’t let yourself go there, can you? You’ve been in the city less than twenty-four hours. You haven’t even fully unpacked all of your clothes yet, and here you are, unable to get your best friend’s captain off of your mind.
Just as you try to shake the thoughts running through your head, a pair of eyes find yours, causing you to sit up a little straighter. He’s standing at a table with Jack and a man that you remember to be named Timo. He’s Swiss, too, you learned when Jack introduced the two of you. He told you that he and Nico played together before they both found themselves with the Devils, the pair having hockey history.
Nico glances away, only briefly, before finding your eyes again, noticing the two men arguing on either side of you. He raises his eyebrow, as if asking you if you need help, but you just shrug and give a little half smile, rolling your eyes as if to say ‘boys, right?’. He lets out a chuckle, his shoulders shaking slightly. You see him exchange a few words with Jack and Timo before stepping away from the table, walking in the direction of the table you’re sitting at.
Just as Nico is only a few steps away, you feel your phone buzzing from where its laying on your thigh. You look at the screen, your mother’s name flashing across the screen. Realizing you hadn’t called her since your plane landed earlier in the day, you decide you should probably take the call.
“Sorry, guys, I gotta take this call,” you slide out from in-between the two hockey players, still arguing away. They don’t even notice your departure, too lost in discussing geography.
You look over to see Nico stop in his tracks, a confused look on his face. You hold up your phone and point to the screen, mouthing the word ‘mom’ before walking over to a secluded corner of the bar for some quiet.
“Hey, mom. Sorry I forgot to call earlier. It’s been a long day,” you sigh, leaning against the cool brick wall.
“Oh, sweetie, it’s okay. I just wanted to see how you were settling in. See how the boys were,” she pauses. “Where are you? What’s all that noise in the background?” she questions, slight concern in her voice.
“You know Jack, he wanted to come out and ‘celebrate’ the fact that I live in Jersey now. Tried to get out of it, but Jack never misses a chance to go out. Still have a ton of unpacking to do. I hope to have it all done before too long, though.”
“I should’ve known Jack would be ready to party as soon as you got there. You were always his favorite tag along,” she chuckles, referencing all the time Jack would drag you to various outings and events during the summer.
“Yeah, well this tag along is ready to make her way to her bed for the night, but I have to drive Jack home, so I’ll probably still be here awhile.”
“Honey just tell him you’re ready to go home. I’m sure he’ll understand.”
“Nah, I can wait it out a little bit longer. He’s too busy introducing me to everyone. He was so excited for me to meet his teammates,” you quickly glance towards where Jack stands. “You’d think I was some local celebrity or something the way he’s been shuffling me from table to table for meet and greets,” you laugh into the phone.
“He’s just happy to have you around again, sweetheart. I know how much you missed him, I’m sure he missed you just as much. He’s just trying to make sure you’re included.”
“I know, I know. It’s sweet, really, I just wish he would’ve let me have a few days before throwing me into a group of drunk hockey players, as usual,” you tell your mom, trying not to sound ungrateful. You do appreciate how eager Jack is to have all his friends meet you, but you’re growing sleepier by the minute.
“Welcome to life with Rowdy…again,” your mom laughs, using Jack’s childhood nickname.
“At least it’s sure to be an interesting one,” you reply, causing her laugh to grow. “Alright, momma, I better go before Jack comes looking for me. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay? I love you,” you say, looking over towards Jack’s table, watching him look around, likely noticing your absence.
“Alright, honey. I love you!” she says, hanging up the phone.
You lean your head back against the wall, closing your eyes for a second and taking a deep breath before returning to the chaos of bodies across the room.
“Did Dawson and Johnny really make that bad of a first impression that you’re hiding in a dark corner?”
Yet again, you jump at the voice that seems to be following you around today. You raise your head up and open your eyes, Nico standing a few feet away from you. You simply close your eyes once again and lay your head back against the wall once more, needing another minute to collect yourself.
“You know, I think I’m going to buy you some of those shoes with squeakers in them, that way I can always know when you’re coming,” you tell him, enjoying the feeling of the cool concrete against your head.
All you hear in response is a laugh, which has you raising your head to look at Nico again. You admire the way he scrunches his nose when he laughs, already thinking about how you can coax the sound out of him again.
“Where’s the fun in that now…Bouy, was it?” he recalls your nickname from earlier, earning a glare from you.
“Don’t you even start,” you warn.
“You’re really not going to tell me why Jack called you that? I’ve been trying to get the story out of him for the past two hours. He won’t budge, saying only you can tell it.”
“Trust me, it’s not even worth your time. I don’t even understand why the nickname stuck. They’re all stupid, the lot of them,” you shut down the request.
“Don’t worry, I’ll pry it out of you one day. I’ll solve the Bouy mystery eventually,” Nico persists, not letting the subject drop that easily.
You remove yourself from the wall, sliding your phone into your back pocket. You run your hand through your hair with a huff, preparing yourself to join the others once again.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. My mom called, so I figured I’d better take it. A little tired, but I’m all good. Just hope Jack tires out sooner rather than later,” you shrug your shoulders.
“I can give him a ride home if you want to leave? I don’t mind, really. Not like it’s exactly out of the way,” Nico offers.
“No, I should stay. He was really excited for me to meet everyone tonight so I feel like I should at least stay a little bit longer. I don’t want to bail on him this soon.”
“Trust me, if it was up to Jack he wouldn’t leave until they kicked him out,” Nico states, nothing but seriousness in his tone.
“Well, we don’t call him Rowdy for nothing,” you joke. “Speaking of, we’ve been spotted,” you notice Jack making his way over to where the two of you stand.
“Hey, everything alright? I couldn’t find you and Timo said he saw you come over here awhile ago, then said he saw Nico come over here too. You okay?” Jack says as he approaches, glancing towards Nico before looking at you, concern in his tone and on his face.
“No, yeah, I’m fine. Mom called and I came over here so I could hear her better, then Nico came to check on me. We were about to come join everyone again, I was just enjoying the quiet for another minute,” you tell Jack, watching the worry fall from his face.
“Oh tell momma Y/L/N that her favorite surrogate son misses her,” Jack brightens at the mention of your mom, both of you viewing the other’s parents as a second set, just as close to them as you were your own.
“I will when she calls tomorrow,” you chuckle, knowing your mom will get a kick out of this conversation.
“I actually came over here to see if you were ready to go? We have morning skate tomorrow and Luke just texted me asking when we were coming home, which usually means he’s lonely and feeling left out, so we should probably get going,” Jack says, surprising you by granting your earlier wishes.
“Oh my god yes, please. I’m so tired,” you sigh, letting your shoulders slump, relieved that you’re only a few minutes away from climbing in your bed.
“I thought so, you looked like you were having a grand time with Dawson and Johnny,” Jack laughs, recalling your earlier position between the two geography enthusiasts.
“They were literally yelling at each other about the geography of the U.S. and Canada,” you told the two men standing with you, both of them breaking out into laughter.
“That’s nothing. Once they argued for a full two hours on if pterodactyl was spelled with a p or not,” Nico adds in, having been silent until now, causing you to be the one filled with laughter.
Jack looks over, seeming to just now remember Nico was also standing with the two of you.
“You need a ride home, cap?” Jack offers, looking over at you with suspicious eyes before looking back at Nico.
“Nah, I’ve only had two beers. I’m good to drive. Plus, I should probably make sure Dawson gets home and in bed. He’s going to regret all those tequila shots when we have to be on the ice at eight tomorrow morning.”
“Exactly why I’m tapping out now. Be careful, Neeks. See you at practice,” Jack tells his captain before turning to you. “You ready to blow this popsicle stand?”
“Like it’s a hot summer day.”
Jack smiles, the phrase becoming a trademark of yours over the years. You don’t even remember what started it, just that it’s become the signature end to many nights of fun for the two of you. He turns to walk away and you go to follow him before you realized you didn’t say goodbye to Nico. Not wanting to feel rude, you turn around to say your goodbyes to the captain.
“Goodnight, Nico. Have a good practice tomorrow.”
“Thanks. Goodnight, Bouy,” he responds, a shit-eating grin breaking out on his face.
Fuck you, Jack Hughes.
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msxrik · 8 months
I'm in my era so catch the 1st and prob the only Dr.masacrik smut on this app.
Curiosity killed the Cat
Fem!reader x Masacrik
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warnings: this is obv a little fucked up so just a heads up. Heavy bdsm, dubcon, breeding kink, choking, blood, abuse just a little ill make it as mild as i can, sexual content, mimi isn't mentioned as you are in her place atm the ending is rushed its 3am
Sorry for the mistakes i have to go to sleep man
You woke up in the same room as always, white walls, a small window, dark floor with a grey rug. But something felt different. You turned your head to catch a glimpse of the door when you saw it crooked open your heart skipped a beat. Then you felt an exhale on your head. You totally forgot you fell asleep on his lap while he was stroking your hair. You looked up gently thinking masacrik might be asleep but there he meets your eyes with a smile on his face. You shivered. Were you scared of him? No he never hit you, just ordered you around the house and you do appreciate him for saving your life. Were you manipulated? Probably yes! But you never thought about it. You shoot him a crooked smile as you try to wipe the blush off your face.
-Ah look who finally woke up- he says stroking your head lovingly.
-sorry i fell asleep i should get up-
He shushed you
-come on i have work to do and you are going with me.
He got up and you followed him to his room. After getting a few things he sat down by his desk patting his thigh. You sat on his lap as he rests his chin on the top of your head
-You see i have to focus so don't you move a muscle you hear me?- his tone changed as a shiver runs up your spine you nod your head. In response you get a pleased hum and a kiss on the top of your head.
You tried to relax there not moving as he asked of you. You knew his mood swings but he got so angry at one point you flinched. He froze in response.
- i-im sorry this won't happen again...
- get out. - he said.
Now, getting his negative and abusive attention is better than receiving none. You thought for a second, deciding to disobey him, you were curious. You turned around facing him cupping his face into your hands. As you gave him a small kiss on his lips. Shutting your eyes you felt so much fear but at the same time that familiar heat in your stomach you got every time he called your name or smiled at you.
There was silence, but he didn't kick you out of the room, he didn't hit you, he just looked at you.
-uh.. im- im really sorry i have no idea what's gotten into me im- ill leave now...-you sighed attempting to get off of his lap. You both were together for three months now and it was getting harder for you to please yourself.
-Stay - he slurred out holding you by your waist.
You looked up at his face as he leaned in to kiss you. It was a deep kiss he bit at your lower lip drawing blood from it as it dribbled down your and his chin. You pulled away gasping for air. The eyes you gave him flipped some kind of switch inside him. He got up with you in his arms. It was easy you were nearly half his size. You heard your heartbeat as he threw you onto the bed, he kissed you deeply once again you felt his hand undoing the collar you had on. Then he pulled off your turtle neck leaving you in just a bra skirt and tights.
You reached your hands out for him as he leaned to you kissing your neck leaving bite marks and bruises all over your body. He pulled at your tights ripping them just enough to have a clear way to your crotch then he sat back on the bed. The room was dimmed you just saw his hungry gaze almost eating up your body.
-touch yourself for me.
-h-huh?-you barely stuttered that out he made you feel fear and embarrassment but it was turning you on more.
- I'm not repeating myself. You think that your room is unsupervised? I see you doing it all the time now don't be shy show me.
You sigh in embarrassment as you reach down your crotch sliding your underwear away rubbing your clit with your free hand, your legs shaking already. You slid one finger inside pushing that spot that made you see stars. Then you added another one and as you were about to reach your climax you made the terrible mistake of closing your legs. You felt his hands on your legs in seconds pushing them open, his hard grasp bruising your soft flesh as you gasped
- m-mnh... Im sorry...- you sighed out as you kept pushing your fingers in and out. Just to once again as you were closer then ever get stopped by him
- wait, i want to feel you cum on my dick.
He said that like it was the most casual thing on earth. You took your hand away and felt something cold touching your crotch you looked down to see a pair of scissors you shivered as he cut your underwear out of the way. He wanted to have you in those cute tights but taking the underwear off and putting them back on was too big of a struggle for him. Then you finally felt the thing you wished for for the past 2 months.
He slammed his hips sliding inside you as you moaned arching your back.
-A-agh! Mngh.. im- im cumming, please can i..?
-mmh not yet..
he was so amused with you and the second he felt your walls spasm on his dick he clicked his tongue as his hand went right to your throat squeezing it
-what did i tell you? -he growled but then his expression changed
-did you just tighten up from having my hand around your neck? Disgusting..
he smiled to himself as you clawed at his hand. When he finally let go of your neck you gasped for air
-f-fuck mnh... Please please move faster i need this i-...
He bucked his hips faster he wasn't that happy with how you were acting but he could handle it at that moment..
-im gonna cum inside you you'll never leave me then right?
-i-i would never leave you either w-way.. mnhh..~
He laughed his voice now breaking
-oh you a-are so pathe-etic..
He finally came inside you as you shook through another orgasm. But this wasn't the end of that night... Oh hell no
After you passed out from the rough treatment he gave you and blood loss from the bites and cuts he made he cleaned you up then tuck you into bed hugging you
-Goodnight Ushka~
This man makes me BLUSH
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voxmortuus · 3 months
Hi! Please can you write promt 1 with Benny from Bikeriders?
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⇘ PAIRING:⇙ Benny Cross x F!Reader ⇘ UNIVERSE:⇙ The Bikeriders ⇘ WORD COUNT:⇙ 681 ⇘ TRIGGER WARNINGS:⇙ Handjob | Blowjob in the back seat | Swallowing because you're not a quitter. | PLEASE TELL ME IF I FORGOT ANYTHING!!! I want to make sure readers are fully aware of what they are getting themselves into when they read this… ⇘ NOTES:⇙ Sorry if this is total ass... but I hope this brings you some joy. Prompt from this list. ⇘ DIVIDER CREDIT:⇙ @nyxvuxoa ⇘ IMAGE CREDIT:⇙ Pennywises ⇘ My Master Masterlist ⇙
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It was a warm summer night, and taking the car instead of taking the motorcycle just seemed like a better idea. You and Benny had decided to go for a late-night drive. You wanted to just go for a joy ride, and have no destination in mind. He decided to drive out to the middle of nowhere so you could watch the night sky without any light pollution from the city. It was going to be a good night, it was going to be a quiet night, and it was needed for you both.
When you get to this open field, you decide to climb in the back. Laying on top of him he holds you close. Stroking your hair with his hand that doesn't habitually have a cigarette between his fingers. Comfortable, you two don't need to exchange words, just staring out the back window as you watch the stars.
It seems like everything is going good, going perfectly, you two are mad about each other, happy and utterly in love. You aren't put off by his riding, or the club, in fact, you're a fan favorite among the girls that they bring around. Everyone knows your name, and they know who you belong to. It's like a little home, a large family, and you feel so safe with them.
Tonight though, it was about Benny, at least in your mind it was, it was always about Benny. You lived, ate, breathed, and worshipped this man. Everything you do, you do for him, and it's not this sort of unhealthy relationship sorta thing, no, this man makes you so happy, you'd do anything for him, just as he'd do pretty much anything for you.
An idea pops into your brain and you look over him and smirk, slowly lowering yourself you run your hands over the front of his pants, smirking you slowly unzip them, and glance up at him and he looks down at you and watches you carefully.
"What are you doing?" he asked you, his voice low and husky. He tilted his head and readjusted tossing his smoke outside.
You smirk and lick your lips as you stick your hand down his pants, pulling him from his pants, and freeing the flesh, you begin to work it, slowly, carefully, your grip just right, the perfect tightness. You slowly begin to work the flesh in your hand. Feeling it starting to stiffen you watch him a moment. Your hand is warm, and tight against him as you slowly move your hand a little more. Jerking a slow motion, watching his face as it relaxes and his jaw slightly slacks. But it wasn't until you brought the head of his cock against your lips.
He draws in a breath, letting out a low husky groan. You lower your mouth, your tongue flat against the underside of his cock as you slip him further into your mouth, warm, wet, taught-lipped. His groan gets a little louder as you begin to bob your head, your grip at the base of his cock as you continue to bob, swirling your tongue around the head and then it curls around the side as you lower, up and down a perfect bob.
Continuing on, his hips thrusting, his hands tangle in your hair as he uses your head, a perfect give and take as he feels himself grow close to a finish. Though not as long as he wanted this to last, this was a pleasant surprise and a much-needed one after a long day. Your bob faster, encouraging that finish, only after a good five, maybe ten to fifteen minutes max, do you feel these hot ribbons of thick white semen escape him. His cock twitches between your lips, filling your mouth, hitting the back of your throat, but you swallow, because you're his good girl.
Finishing you put him away and smile softly, grabbing the soda cup from the front cup holder, taking a sip washing him down, you look over his face he chuckles looking at you.
"You're perfect." he smiles.
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feyhunter78 · 8 months
Oooh how about nerd!miguel who gets so nervous when you come to his dorm for the first time? (maybe you forgot something and went there to pick it up) like he’d be eyeing you sitting on his bed but trying not to make it obvious ☺️
I definitely cannnn, I made this a bit more spicy than maybe you intended, and I had it be the second time y/n is at Miguel's apartment for plot reasons, but I hope you like it anyways!!!!
Door Frames and Doorways
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Artist cred: twitter jammunin
Miguel’s apartment complex is nice, like really nice. Four gates, elevators, 24-hour security, and you’re pretty sure you saw at least six Ferraris in the parking garage.
You punch in the code and wait until the gate opens, your phone in one hand while you walk, scanning the garage for the elevators. Once inside, you press the button for Miguel’s floor, and lean against the mirrored walls, watching the numbers climb. It’s fancy, more like a hotel elevator than an apartment. Finally, the doors ding and slide open, you step out onto plush carpet, the hall leading to his door is pristine, artwork—hotel style artwork—on the walls, everyone’s doors are decorated with name plates and their apartment number.
O’Hara 2099, Miguel’s nameplate reads, and you knock quietly. It is getting late, and you’d hate to disturb any of the other residents, but you really need your planner.
You wait a second, then knock again, nothing. You go to text Miguel, then the door swings open.
You’re greeted by Gabriel clad in the most typical college boy pajamas you’ve ever seen, red gingham pants and a white muscle shirt, his smile wide, and his eyebrows wriggling cartoonishly. “Well y/n, fancy seeing you here.”
“Hey Gabriel, I left my planner here yesterday, Miguel said I could come by and grab it?” You ask, looking past him for Miguel.
It’s not that you don’t like Gabriel, he’s friendly, sociable, funny, popular but not a dick, and he’s Miguel’s brother so he shares similar features, so he’s definitely not ugly. But he smells like weed, and as much as a small part of you wants to ask if you can take a hit—school has been a bitch, you need a break—you don’t know him like that. Plus, it’s late, and you still have to drive back to your own apartment.
The living room is empty behind him, the TV on, casting dim colors across the floor, the balcony doors open letting in the cool night air, and most likely the smell of weed out.
He opens the door wider, “of course, come in. Miguel’s in his room, did you text him?”
“No, I was going to, but then you opened the door, so.” You follow him in, and he shuts the door behind you. “I was already home when I realized I left it, I’m sorry to barge in on you guys’ night like this.”
“Don’t even worry about it.” He walks into the living room, where you can see a blunt resting in a novelty ashtray. You’re not totally sure, but it looks like a spider. “You want a hit?” He offers you the blunt, that tangy, almost sweet smell hits your nose, and you feel like a nicotine addict feigning for a cigarette, the way you take a half step forward, hand outstretched.
“I shouldn’t…” You tell yourself, and Gabriel, but really yourself.
Gabriel shrugs, “suit yourself. Yo Miguelito, y/n’s here.” He calls out, flopping onto the expensive looking leather couch and taking a deep inhale, holding it, then blowing the smoke out towards the open balcony doors.
There’s a heavy thud, then the jiggle of a door handle, and Miguel’s door bursts open. He looks…out of breath? His hair is tousled, his t-shirt half on, hem riding up, exposing his toned abdomen, his sweatpants sitting low on his hips. “Shit, y/n, I didn’t see your text.”
“She didn’t text you; I heard her knocking.” Gabriel says through a cloud of smoke.
“Well—um—your planner is in here, on my desk, I can grab it for you?” Miguel stutters out, running a hand through his hair, his glasses askew.
“I can get it myself, it’s no big deal.” You reassure him, slipping through the space between him and the door frame.
You’ve been in Miguel’s room before, literally yesterday, but you’re still amazed at how clean it is. His bed set against the far wall, framed photos of his family, awards, and scholarships up on the other. His bathroom door is ajar, and his desk light is off, your planner sitting in the very center of the huge desk with its multiple monitors.
There’s a candle lit, sitting atop his wardrobe, the scent of evergreen drifting through the room, and you detect a more musky undertone, but don’t let the thought linger.
You cross the wide expanse of plush carpet and grab your planner, holding it to your chest. “Thank you so much for finding it, I was freaking out thinking I lost it somewhere on campus.”
He nods his head, arms crossed over his chest as he leans against the door frame. “It’s no problem, I know you live and die by that thing.”
“Not all of us can keep a perfect schedule in our heads, Miguel.” You tease, sweeping your eyes around his room.
There’s a decorative pillow on the floor, beside his bed, and without thinking you bend over and grab it, before getting onto his bed and crawling forward placing it back in its rightful place.
Miguel sucks in a sharp breath, and you turn to look at him. His pupils are dilated, his face is flushed, and he keeps shifting his weight, unable to meet your eyes.
“You okay?” You ask, getting off his bed and placing a hand against his forehead.
“Y-Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” He says, taking a quick step back and bumping into the wall.
You laugh, finally connecting the dots. “Miguel, are you high?”
He blinks at you, then nods slowly. “Yeah, yeah, sorry, I don’t do it often, Gabri just brought it out, and I only started because my ex wanted me to, but now I only smoke with Gabri I sw—”
Squeezing his shoulder playfully, you look up at him, still laughing a bit. “Miguel, it’s cool, I smoke sometimes, with my sister Kenzie, I’m not judging you.” You explain, giving him a teasing smile, your hand instinctively sliding down to rest above his heart as your laughter dies down. “Look at you, Mr. Genetics Genius partaking of the devil’s lettuce on the weekend, it’s kinda hot.”
Did you really just say that? Why did you say that? What the fuck y/n?? Are you high???
“R-Really?” Miguel asks, his lips, his stupidly plush and perfect lips, parted in surprise.
“Yeah, it’s like a thing, the good boy with a secret dark side. Not that I’d call smoking weed a dark side, but still. I’m a little bummed, though, looks like someone else corrupted my good boy before I could.” You say, a faux pout on your lips.
You’re so glad Miguel can’t hear your heartbeat because you’re pretty sure it’s trying to bust out of your chest.
“Dígalo de nuevo.” Trsl: Say it again.
You tilt your head at him. “What?”
“Say it again, please.” He whispers, his pupil blown wide, his hands hovering over your hips.
“Say what? That I’m bummed someone else corrupted you?” You’re starting to feel self-conscious, doubt trickling in, but you try to push it to the side and loop your arms around Miguel’s neck, fingers threading in his thick locks. “That I’m upset someone else got to my good boy first?”
Miguel lets out a sound akin to a whimper, and heat rushes through you. You’re suddenly aware of just how close to him you are. You’ve practically got him pinned to the wall, and he looks so good, you just want to—
His hands clamp down on your hips, dragging you forward. “Soy tuyo y/n, tu buen chico, tuyo, tuyo, tuyo." Trsl: I’m yours y/n, your good boy, yours, yours, yours.
His words and lips ghost over your own, and you dig your fingers into his shirt, eyes fluttering shut.
“Tuyo?” You ask, head spinning, the scent of Miguel overwhelming your senses, driving every rational thought from your brain.
“Sí, eres mío, dulzura.” He breathes, his voice low, vibrating in your bones, intertwining with your synapses, and filling you with liquid heat. Trsl: Yes, you’re mine, sweetheart, sweetness, darling, etc.
You’re going to do it, you can’t wait any longer, the words are brimming at your lips, waiting to spill over. “Miguel, please, kiss m—”
“Yo, you find that planner or do you guys need help looking?” Gabriel’s voice cuts through the tension, and you all but fling yourself back.
“No—no, we found it, we’re good, thanks.” You call back, too embarrassed to even spare Miguel a glance as you rush out of his apartment, planner pressed to your chest to hide your rapid breathing.
It’s not until you’re halfway home, you realize you didn’t smell any weed on Miguel, but you definitely saw the lotion bottle that had been kicked under his bed.
Miguel’s version here👀👀
TL: @bat-bae, @nyctophilic0vitnir, @smokeywhalee, @obi-mom-kenobi, @prowlingforfood, @penggion, @crystal-crax, @oharasfilipinawife, @generalkenobitrash, @melsimps, @chrishy973, @farrowroyale, @palesatan, @scaryplanetdestroyer
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Hi guys :)
This a short one from a request . Sorry for the time it took me to write it dear anon!
Please enjoy it ♥
TW : Creepy nightmare, Angst.
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You feel uneasy, but you can’t explain why. You know the room you are sitting in, it’s the common room in the Arsenal building, but you have a strange feeling in your stomach. You are waiting for your girlfriend after a game, it has been so long that there are no one around you. No noise too, the stadium is empty now and the night has begun to fall. Katie never takes so much time to get ready.
You sigh softly before getting up and going to the locker room, where your girlfriend is supposed to be. The light on the ceiling made a noise while it gets on, showing you that there is no one here, only a bag forgotten by someone – probably Beth.
“Katie?” you try, even if you know there is no way that she’s here.
You shiver when your voice resonates, reverberating against the walls.
Maybe she went to the parking you decide, so you take that way too. You still have a strange feeling and can’t help but look over your shoulder from time to time while walking.
You just have to take a look at the parking to see that it’s empty and there is no car left. Did really Katie go home without you?
While looking for your phone in your pocket, you realize that you forgot it somewhere, probably where you were waiting for her. Going back make you groan, but it’s there that you finally find someone else. She’s back facing you and you only see that she has blond hair. It could be a lot of your teammates honestly. Leah, Alessia, Stina, Beth…
“Hello?” you call.
When the girl turns around, you are frozen in horror. She hasn’t a human face. Her eyes are black, and her large smile reveals disturbing white and sharps teeth. All of this on a pointed face.
You just have the time to scream before she jumps on you and you are suddenly sitting on your bed, screaming in real life too.
Coopurr jump off the bed while hissing and Katie probably has a heart attack next to you. Wide awake, she however sits too, looking around to find something who could make you scream in terror like that.
“Babe what’s happening?” she asks when she realizes that there is no one in your room.
“I - There was a - You weren’t…” you try to talk.
But your breathing is too unhinged, your heart is beating too fast. You aren’t able to make a sentence who means anything. Ignoring your sweaty face, Katie takes it softly between her hands and looks right in your eyes.
“I need you to breath, ok? It was just a dream. You’re home with me. You are safe.”
You nod, trying to steady your breathing. To help yourself, you copy it on the Irish women. You close your eyes when she strokes your cheeks with her thumbs, wiping the tears you don’t realize you had.
When Katie is happy with your breathing again, she takes you in her arms while she lies on the bed again. She is right. You feel safe in her arms like this.
“Do you want to talk about it?” she asks softly.
Her tone let you the choice, she would listen if you chose to talk about it. But if you answer no, you know that she won’t get mad. So, you tell her, without forgetting any details. Your feelings during it and everything that happened. Katie listens with attention, playing with your hair in a way that calm you every time.
“Must have been awful” she whispers before kissing your head. “But for the record, I will never leave without you.”
“You better” you mumble, rolling on your stomach to cuddle totally against her.
She hums and kiss your cheek softly several times. If it was anyone else, you probably have felt stupid about that dream and the way you wake all the house up.
(Ella will make a remark to you tomorrow morning, asking you with a smirk who made you scream this way, adding that it was certainly not her sister. That said sister who throw a book in her direction and almost knock her out.)
But with Katie you feel safe enough to talk about it and let yourself being vulnerable. You know that she will never make fun of you or that she will never say anything to anyone. Your nightmares were always a part of you, they sometimes are coming around for several nights before leaving for two months before coming back again.
“Your cat probably hates me now” you mumble tiredly.
It makes Katie laughs and she moves a little bit on the mattress to find a better position.
“Give him one of his damn cats treats tomorrow morning and you will be forgotten”
You smile softly, feeling sleepy again. You can tell that Katie is feeling the same, her breathing coming slower and deeper.
“Wake me up if you need me, yeah?” she asks before sleeping for good.
“Promised” you whispers.
She strokes your cheek with her nose and kisses it one more time before closing her eyes. In several seconds she’s off. You need a little more time, but you easily fall asleep too. You are safe in Katie arms, you know that she will protect you from everything, every day of your life if you need to.
You take some minutes to look at the face of your peaceful and asleep girlfriend. If only people could know how soft, caring and sweet she can be with the one she loves. It’s not a surprise that she has so many friends around her. Even if she doesn’t like to show her soft side to everyone, you love that part of her.
Well, to be honest, you love everything about her.
You kiss her jaw softly, putting your head on her shoulder before closing your eyes for good this time.
“I love you, Katie” you whisper against her skin.
“Love you too” she grumbles in her sleepy state.
It makes you smile. You will thank her properly tomorrow morning, but for now you both need to catch your sleep.
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lovebugism · 1 year
Ohh can I please request something fluffy and funny for Eddie with the prompt “ I forgot to pack my enthusiasm. ”? Maybe him, reader and all the gang (if you want to add them too) go to a trip to the beach and Eddie is not very enthusiastic about it because of you know, sunburn, sand everyone and then something touch his foot while he is in the water and he is like "nope, ok I'm out of here".
Sorry if it's too specific 😅
hi love! thanks for your request!! — the one where eddie hates the beach, but he's super in love with you (fluff, established relationship, 1.5k)
bug's summer fic fest ♡
“I just put on sunscreen!” Eddie grouses like a child as you smear the lotion over his milky white shoulders. 
The cool cream mixed with the magic of your touch makes his skin prickle with chill bumps. Despite his boyish dramatics, he sits obediently on the edge of your shared bed as you lather him with sun protectant. He’ll take any opportunity to be touched by you.
You scoff. “Yeah, on your tattoos.”
“Well, where else is it supposed to go?”
You want to scold him, but he flashes you a look from beneath his lashes before you can. His chocolate syrup eyes blink up at you, brows furrowed in a puppy-like pout. You don’t even realize you’re smiling at him until you’re already grinning like an idiot.
“What’s the point of only putting sunscreen in one place?” you ask, laughing while you smooth the cream over his arms. You hold his wrist in one hand and rub it in with the other, doing it for both arms until the white sheen is mostly gone. “You might as well just put it on the rest of your body.”
“I don’t care about the rest of my body.”
“Well, I care about the rest of your body, Eddie Munson,” you retort with a stern sort of gentleness. 
You see a twinkle form in the dark brown of his wide eyes and a smile quirk the edges of his pink lips. You can practically hear the sex joke bouncing around in his head — “you take extra good care of the rest of my body, too, sweetheart.” 
Before he can say anything, you continue.
“And I don’t want you to get skin cancer, alright?” you argue as you smear the sunscreen over his chest. 
He’s as soft as he is pale, almost obscenely so. Your fingers glide over his skin with ease, occasionally running over his tattoos and the sparse hair sprinkled on his sternum. You caress him absentmindedly — touching him just to touch him and totally forgetting you’re doing him a service. 
“Also, I really don’t wanna hear you complain about getting sunburnt.”
“Rude,” he pouts.
You meet his playful scowl with a smile. 
With what’s left over on your fingertips, you rub the rest of the sunscreen onto his face. Your thumbs smear over his chin, nose, and the apples of his cheeks. Your fingers disappear beneath his fluffy bangs when you make sure to get his forehead, too.
“For caring about you? Absolutely.”
He grins at your admission of love — not entirely an ‘I love you’ but basically the same thing. 
As your fingers dance over his face, his eyes flit down to the rest of your body. Your chest is level with his face now. He can’t be entirely blamed for his ogling.
You’re wearing the bathing suit he got you — his one condition to coming on this trip with you and the rest of the gang. 
It was black to match his swim trunks and mostly plain because he couldn’t really afford anything else. The high-waisted bottoms fan out in a pretty little skirt, and the bikini is clasped together with a metal heart in the center.
“Maybe we should stay in today,” Eddie advises with his head tilted to his shoulder. His hands creep around the backs of your thighs, urging you to step closer between his legs. His chocolate gaze lingers on the pendant between your breasts before his eyes flit up to yours. 
He smiles and his words drip from his mouth like honey. “We can have our own fun in here, you know?”
“As good as that sounds…” you singsong as you smooth a few ornery curls behind his ear. “…I sorta promised Max I’d let her teach me out to surf… And also, I really wanna swim.”
Eddie deflates. His boyish pout returns to him, and he groans.
You laugh when the boy flops dramatically back onto the mattress. 
“C’mon, Eds! You could at least try and have a good time!”
“Yeah, I think I forgot to pack my enthusiasm this trip, sweetheart…”
“Don’t be so dramatic,” you tease, climbing onto the bed beside him. You maneuver on your knees until you’re sitting just next to him, your feet curled beneath you. His hand rises to your thigh like its muscle memory for him. His warm palm spreads over your skin. You smooth a hand over his pale knuckles. “It’s gonna be fun, okay? I promise.”
“No. It’s gross,” he retorts with his features contorted in abhorrence. “The water is disgusting, and you get sand in places sand should never be, and I hate it.”
He tilts his cheek to the mattress to flash you a dramatic pout, wide-eyed and jut-lipped. You meet it with a more mischievous grin as you lean over him. Your smirking face is level with his, your breasts so achingly close. 
“Well, I’ll help you clean off when we get back, yeah? Make sure all the side is off you,” you offer, almost whispering in your honeyed tone. You arch a brow down at him. “Sound like a plan?”
Eddie nods, slow and sloppy, until the words catch up to him. 
He stammers, “Yeah— Yeah, that… That sounds… Yeah.”
You try and fail to surf. Max Mayfield turned out to be a pretty good teacher, and you actually got the hang of balancing pretty quickly, but salt water up the nose was no joke. You coughed until your chest ached, eyes watering and nostrils stinging.
Eddie sat on the shore with you, crouched at your side while he patted between your shoulder blades with a firm hand. “Shit, babe. You okay?” he questioned with his features scrunched in worry. You nodded even though your throat was raw. He begged you to stay out of the water, but you only begged him to play a game of chicken against Robin and Steve in return. 
It isn’t any wonder who won that argument.
You were sitting on Eddie’s shoulders some minutes later, wherein you also tried and failed to win at chicken. 
Robin Buckley was far stronger than anyone has ever given her credit for. You like to think you put up a good fight, but the second her hands curled around your forearms, you were a goner.
The water sparkles around you when you feel backwards into it. You plug your nose as you plunge, still distantly fearful of getting water up it again, but you don’t hurry to return to the surface. The water is warm and feels like the most vivid shade of blue. 
You revel in it for a few moments until you hear panicking from up above you.
“What the shit?” you hear Eddie shout, muffled until your head’s above water again. The waves jostle you as the boy begins to flail. “What the shit?!”
“What? What’s wrong?” Steve shouts for you because you haven’t got the breath for it yet.
“Something touched me!”
Your brows furrow. Through labored breaths, you wonder, “What?”
Eddie snaps his head over to you. His damp curls stick to his cheeks and forehead, glowing red from fleeting panic and a day in the sun. His eyes are wide and swimming with boyish horror. “Something touched my foot!”
Robin ducks underwater to look. 
Dustin, playing lifeguard some feet away, dives in behind her with his goggles. They’re almost cartoonishly too big for his round face. 
You stay on the surface with Eddie. Your eyes flit from his retreating figure to the two kids searching for whatever had frightened him.
Dustin comes up first. He inhales a sharp gasp before shouting, “Everyone stay calm! It’s just a turtle!” he announces, though most of the group is too far away to hear him. Or otherwise care.
“You hear that, Eds?” you shout to the boy walking to shore with one eye squinted to hide from the sun. A giggle sputters from your mouth before you can stop it. “It’s just a turtle, babe!”
Eddie shakes his head like a wet dog. He hates the feeling of it sticking to his face, even more so when it’s all straw-like from salt water. That, combined with grains of burning sand between his toes, is almost unbearable.
“Nope. Don’t care. I’m done,” he complains like a child.
“C’mon, Eds—”
“I love you, but I think I hate that beach more,” Eddie interjects as he wraps a towel around his shoulders. He stands beneath the shaded umbrella, crosses his arms over his chest, and shivers when a cooler breeze rolls by. It makes the water droplets on his reddened skin feel like ice. “I mean, it’s really close, babe, but I can’t take it anymore.”
You stay in the water, kicking your feet and moving your arms to stay afloat, as you admire the boy on the beach. He’s a raincloud standing underneath a yellow sun, otherworldly levels of cute despite how visibly grumpy he is.
You shake your head — both at his dramatics and how much you adore him despite them. 
“I love you, Eddie Munson,” you confess softly, looking at him with the fondest smile anyone’s ever looked at him with.
His chest warms. He can’t tell if it’s from your words or the sunburn he’s getting even though you spent several minutes putting sunscreen on him. 
He grumbles, too pouty to be kind, “I am never letting you do this to me again.”
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Meeting Royalty {Blurb}
Remus Lupin x Dutchess!Reader
English Love Affair 5sos
Summary: Meet cute but make it royalty}
If the phrase, ‘Money is no object.” Was a person, it would be {Y/N} {L/N}.
The {L/N}s were known for many things, the most significant being they were dukes and duchesses of Whales. True royalty in their simplest forms. All of the perks and notaries, no true rules and regulations. 
Your father was a tart man with more concerns about the latest lacrosse then what you were up to. It never bothered you, you could snap your fingers and have anything you ever wanted. People doted on you left and right, you were able to enjoy London to the fullest, and you had more money then you knew what to do with.
People had a habit of sucking up to you, you had never known trial in your life. 
Until you met them.
Four boys, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. You spent every day of your life memorizing and familiarizing yourself with the locals, especially the ones your age. You were a high society socialite, it was in your blood. Their faces were certainly new no doubt about it.
One in particular caught your eye and kept it like a promise. 
“Are you reading this?”
You were outside your favorite library in upper Kensington, a stack of books by your side. They were varieties of fantasy, but the long tanned finger in front of yours was gesturing to the one you just finished, ancient myth and mythos of Werewolves. 
Now, you had never been approached so casually before. People your age were a bit bold, but no bolder than longer glances your way, muttering a bit too loud, even occasionally copying your coffee order from the cashier.
Then again, they tended to know who you were.
His voice snapped you out of your trance. You lowered your sunglasses and looked up at him, eyes trailing his arm before you were met with a breathtaking sight. Tanned skin broken across with pale white scars, bordering on fleshy pinks. His eyes were rich with a creamy warmth, mint chocolate. He was giving you a curious look, before he slowly curled a corner of his lips into a smirk.
Oh god, how do you breathe again? Your throat was closed up and you forgot how to release it.
Slowly, you pulled down your glasses and began to chew idle on one of the ends. You were smirking at his sudden shyness, missing his smirk. Who speaks to royalty and shys away? You looked over his outfit, pressed shirt, steamed and starched trousers- was he 70? 
A cozy brown corduroy sweater you could totally picture yourself in, early morning, with that dazzling smile looking at you. His large hands over your bare lower back littered in love bites-
“Your grace? Is this intended company?” One of your chaperones called over, making Remus look up like a startled bird.
“Intended? No, but very welcomed.” You called back before looking back up at the scarred boy. He seemed distressed. “So, do you have a name, Mint Chocolate?”
“Mint Chocolate?” He muttered, a bit confused.
“Like your eyes.” You mused and leaned forward, resting your elbows on the table and crossing your legs. 
He opened and closed his mouth a few times, completely stunned by not only your forwardness, but the fact he wasn't being dragged off the patio by your company. Your grace? You were royalty. He just came up to royalty and asked for your book. Your book on werewolves. 
He must look like a complete imbecile.
“Still with me, handsome?” 
Oh and you were flirting with him. 
“Y-yeah, sorry I wasn't aware-”
“Moony! The hell are you doing? We are done waiting for you!” A voice called out to him. It was deep, thick, and a bit playful. You looked right past your current fascination and smirked at the black haired boy. He looked startled, slowing his step towards you as your two chaperones began to step forward, like dressed up bodyguards.
“Woah, Moony, what did you get yourself into?” He whistled low, looking you over a few times before he smirked. He was handsome, and he seemed ready to flirt, but you were already over it, looking back up at Remus with a flutter of your eyelashes. 
“My my moony, what have you gotten yourself into?” You hummed, and his jaw went slack. You grabbed the book he gestured to. It was a rather old one, supposedly donated to the library years ago. It cost a pretty penny to take it home. You looked it over before pressing the top to your chin, framing your face for him. 
Sirius glanced down at the book they had been looking for, for the past hour, and then back to Remus who looked as flustered as a school boy. He slowly smirked and put his hand up to James’s chest to stop him from walking over, shushing him in a smooth motion, like it was second nature.
Not that you noticed much other than those glossy spectacles in his head. “I'll tell you what.” 
You stood up and leaned forward, into his space. He didn't seem to have any problems with this, maybe there was a bit of fight behind his embarrassment? 
“I did just buy this, it cost me quite a bit.” You started and his jaw dropped. Who just casually buys an artifact like this? “But, I'll let you borrow it.” You mused and held it out to him.
He slowly took it, cautious before his eyes darted from the worn leather cover, back to you. “Is there.. a catch?”
“Smart boy.” You praised and he couldn't find it in himself to be offended. You sat back on the table and bit your lip. “I want to know how to reach you. To get my book back, of course.”
“I uhm-” He took a deep breath and began to feel around his pockets for a pen. Pulling out a sharpie you extended your arm to him.
“Ma'am, your skin-” You waved off your chaperone’s concerns. 
“Go ahead, sign it, Moony.” You teased in a song like voice and his breathing picked up a moment. He looked down and carefully took your elbow. Like you were fragile china. 
The pen glided across your skin so featherlite you prayed he'd have to write it again, just to feel the pen tip against your soft flesh, spelling his lovely name. You licked your lips at him and he almost choked. Running your fingertips along your forearm, tracing the new name, like a claim on your skin. 
“Remus?” You breathed and he closed the pen, putting it in his pocket. 
“Remus Lupin.” He seemed just as effected by the little intimate action. 
“{Y/N} {L/N}, Dutchess of Whales.” You offered your hand and he took it, kissing the back and shooting you a look. It was your turn to be flustered. Oh there was so much more beyond his initial embarrassment. 
You wanted all of it.
“I'll return this soon.” 
“Please. Very soon.” You whispered and he pulled back, biting his cheek before nodding.
“Your highness.”
“Call me by my first name, please.”
His eyebrows raised before he nodded. “Goodbye, {Y/N}.”
“See you soon, Moony.” 
You watched him leave, his friends patting him on his back and laughing at the poor boy's state. 
You could faintly hear the one you didn't hear shout. “You flirted with royalty!?” 
You gave a laugh and stared where he stood. Suddenly realizing you just gave a book worth a few thousand quid to an absolute stranger. You couldn't care less- the idea of seeing him again was enough.
Eventually, it was time to brave the ride home. The England rain came out of nowhere, leaving you and your sundress soaked when you came home.
But the only thing you seemed to care about, was how his damned number had melted off your arm. Leaving just his morphed signature in its place.
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hisokakissmeplz · 9 months
Omg ive genuinly had this is my mind for too long but IMAGINEEE JUST IMAGINE where succubus!reader meets hisoka cause she feels his strong aura and energy thinking its gonna be easy an easy target BUT THEN when the succubus!reader teleports in his room at night to gain energy from him, succubus!reader ends up getting her energy decreased by alot since yk succubus only gains energy when they dominate but we all know hisoka aint playin around so the succubus!reader ends up getting dominated by hisoka instead untill they have completely run out of energy and begging from overstim
Omg yay
Also sorry this is so late I low-key forgot about it
You were a succubus. An awful one at that. Downright mean and evil.
Always trying to manipulate and use every man you saw. You had to for energy, but you'd be lying if you said you didn't take any pleasure from it. And not just sexually, there was a certain thrill about taking them down and having them at your whim. It did get boring after a while, one man, one same routine round, but it was all you knew.
This time, you decided to go stalking for your next prey at the local arena. It was a real showy place, Heaven's Arena. Cute.
There were strong, body builder type fighters everywhere. Just waiting for you to come and dominante their energy away.
You heard over the intercom a fight that was set up for tonight, a big one at that, some reigning champ or whatever. Might as well go, you thought, what were you doing here anyways if you didn't check out a fight or two.
You reserved yourself a room, thanking the sweet girl behind the counter as she handed you the key.
You prettied yourself up before the fight, hoping to find someone while you were out. You weren't too tired, not yet, but it did help to always have an energy source.
You waited for the fight to begin, sitting near the front row, the guy beside you practically drooling over himself. He wasn't anything special but he was already begging you to dominate him so it was something.
The announcer began calling out the names of the fighters, lights, fire, and the big booms. The crowd cheered and hollered watching them come out on stage. You watched as an interesting, older looking man stepped out, his hair long and white, his clothes looked quite flashy with gold and silver and other shiny metals.
The other man stepped out. His hair was bright red and his eyes a shiny gold. Your eyes taking him in, desperately, like you couldn't see enough of him. His attire was jokerish, his long arms and tall silhouette emerging from the smoke. God he was beautiful. You had to have him.
You watched eagerly as the fight began. You heard the announcer call out different hits, most of which were by the red haired man. He moved so fast, his aura enveloping him and the other fighter. You could feel his energy, powerful and lustful, he was the perfect victim for you. Totally forgetting about the guy beside you, you were on the edge of your seat.
The other fighter called out, stopping the red haired man's next attack.
The announcer hollered about it over the intercom, but you were too invested in what you were seeing. The other fighter held his hands up, surrendering, his eyes pleading from his bruised and bloody face.
The announcer called off the fight, awarding the red haired man with the win. Although, he didn't seem pleased, more dissatisfied, like he was disgusted. He won the fight, why was he unhappy? Honestly didn't matter, you were already on your way to introduce yourself to your latest victim.
"You must be Hisoka." You said cheerful, asserted a seductive demeanour with the sway of your hips.
"Ah, yes." He turned around, letting his eyes drift down over your body, before making eye contact. "What can I do for you?"
His voice was like honey, thick and sweet. You could feel his lustful energy growing, easy target. He was already begging.
"I just wanted to introduce myself," You smiled at him, flipping your hair and licking your lips while talking with him. "I'm a big fan."
You let your voice slip into a more flirtatious tone, sticking out one of your hands delicatly.
He took your hand, pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles.
"Always nice to meet a fan." He held your hand in his a moment longer before letting go and turning away to leave. "Bye, bye."
Although he was walking away, you could still feel his strong energy. Something about it, the aura, pooling at your core.
You knew he would be easy prey, you could tell just how eager he would be for you, just from his aura. You could probably get a lot of energy from him, more than you really needed.
That night, you laid in your bed at the arena waiting. Checking the time once again you decided that now was a good enough time as any.
Standing up, adjusting your short red dress, and fixing your hair, you prepare yourself.
Appearing now in Hisoka's room, you could hear the shower running and decided to make yourself comfortable. You sat down in the bed, kicking off your heels and letting you dress ride up a bit as you waited.
Not much longer you heard the shower shut off, not sure why you were getting so excited over just another victim. You watched as he stepped out of the bathroom, drying his hair with the towel before wrapping it around his waist.
As he turned the corner of his room his eyes lit up with surprise only briefly, his face never showing it.
"Oh~" he only barely acknowledged you sitting in the bed, still you persisted, as he went about his room. "Usually I'm more prepared for guests."
"That's quite alright, sorry if I'm being too forward but," you played out your same, tired routine. Blah blah blah You're just so tempting blah blah blah.
Except this time, he interrupted.
"Don't be sorry, I prefer my women a little more forward." He came up to you, resting his hands on either side of you on the bed. "It's more fun that way."
God he was already puddy in your hands.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him a little closer, leaning in to his ear to whisper.
"How about I show you how forward I can be?" You flipped him over, and straddling his lap on the bed.
He let out a groan at the sudden motion and the feeling of you rubbing against him with only the towel around his waist between you.
He quickly recovered, supporting himself on his elbows and looking up at you. He smirked at you before speaking his his soft, honey like voice.
"As much fun as that sounds," his hand ran up your body and to your hands, rather intimate and sweet, like he was holding your hands. "I think I'll be taking charge."
He let go of your hands and made a small jerking motion. Within a blink of the eye, your hands were stuck to the headboard above you and you were now on your back.
Fucking Bungee gum.
He started first on your thighs, leaving big purple marks all over them before moving to your cunt.
His hands made their way to your hips, pulling you closer onto his face. All you could do was moan when his mouth made contact.
God he was so skilled with his tongue, sliding over your vulva up to your clit again and again before diving in to your sopping hole and slowly running his tongue over your gummy walls before pulling away and blowing on you softly. The cold air making you shiver, you can't help but moan out his name when you see the string of saliva connecting him to your wet cunt.
He must've stayed down there for hours, and all you could do was whine and struggle against your binds as he overstimulated your sensitive pussy.
Yours hands tugged his hair with every movement of his tongue on you, earning a groan from him each time. The vibration of his moans felt so nice against your sloppy lips.
"Hiso-Hisoka please!"
He didn't stop, his mouth didn't even break away from your cunt as he spoke.
"I know, I know."
He sound so soft and comforting, you wouldn't have been able to tell he was violently eating you out if it wasn't for the the muffle of you against his lips.
You knew if he didn't stop you'd pass out soon for m exhaustion, but that was so far away from you right now as you begged for more.
Don't worry though, he'll let you make up that lost energy in the mornings ng when you ride him.
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yandere-writer-momo · 9 months
Totally forgot to post this yesterday 😭
Merry Christmas @amisalami03 🎄💕
Yandere Baki Short Stories: Baby It’s Cold Outside
Yandere Baki Hanma x Older Fighter AFAB Reader
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Whoosh! The wind furiously covered the city in a white blanket of thick snow. A certain pair nearly trapped inside from the blizzard outside the door. An older woman attempted to comfort Baki, a man she saw as a little brother as he vented about his break up with his childhood sweetheart. The poor woman unaware that he saw her as a woman rather than a sister.
Muscular arms wrapped around (your name)’s waist and held her like a lifeline. The man’s body rocked with a sob. (your name) ran her fingers through his crimson hair to try to soothe him. She softly shushed him and comforted him.
“It’s okay, Baki.” (Your name) whispered while she calmly stroked his head. The younger man clung to her as he buried his face between her chest. “What did you expect?”
“I didn’t think Kozue would actually leave me! I just thought we’d be together forever…” Baki sniffled which made (your name) sigh. “She said that we never spend time together and that… that I see you more than her.”
“Baki, you’re a young man in your early twenties hanging out with a woman in her mid thirties, I’d be upset if I was your little girlfriend too.” (Your name) scolded the young man who only held her tighter. He was so ignorant to people’s emotions, but she knew she couldn’t blame him. Baki never had parents to teach him empathy and about basic decency… perhaps that was why he latched himself to her? “Baki, are you truly upset about the breakup? Is there a lingering feeling for Kozue or are you experiencing a different emotion?”
“I just felt so upset earlier but when I’m in your arms… everything is better.” Baki contentedly sighed into the fighter’s plump chest. (Your name) was so warm and soft… “I feel so safe with you.”
(Your name) clicked her tongue and went to sit up but Baki yanked her back down on her leather couch with him. “Baki, I think you should try to make it up with Kozue- hey!”
(Your name) smacked the young man in the head when he suddenly squeezed her chest, the red head stumbled back a bit in shock. A furious blush on his cheeks as he turned to look away in shame.
“I’m sorry, I just think I figured out what I’m feeling.” Baki whispered, his eyes tender. He sat up on his knees and bowed his head to (your name) in apology. “I like you. I like you a lot, (your name).”
(Your name) pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance. She glanced Baki over in distaste. “You’re confusing a platonic relationship for more because you’re searching for comfort. You won’t find that in this old woman’s arms.”
“I could make you happy!” Baki exclaimed with a frantic look on his pretty face. “We could work something out-“
“I think you should go-“
“But it’s cold outside!” Baki whined. He gave her the biggest puppy eyes he could. “Can’t you let me stay?”
(Your name) sighed when she saw how much snow was outside. There were practically shut in at this point and she really didn’t want Baki to get sick… he’d try to guilt her into taking care of him. So perhaps she should let him spend the night?
“Fine but you’re taking the guest room.”
“Thank you!” Baki pulled her into another hug, the young man buried his face between her chest with a content sigh. “Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas, Baki.”
When (your name) finally fell asleep, she failed to realize she didn’t lock the door so Baki snuck in. The redhead quickly snuggled beside her with a happy smile.
He was so happy to finally have her in his embrace… especially now that it was cold outside.
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floofeh-purpi · 3 months
Getting Isekai'd?! (Part 3)
Sagau! Genshin Fatui x Gn! Reader (ft. Your bsf)
『Beloved fluffball/s mentioned below! 💜』
Guys in sorry I haven't warned yall about how ooc the characters will be in the pervious part 😰🙌 but all jokes aside I FINALLY FINISHED WOOO!!!
Warnings: Swearing, maybe grammatical/spelling issues, you have asthma, mention of you having vitiligo (the mentioning is only once), your bsf totally not having a crush on you.
【Part 2】
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Y/b/f/n looked through the peephole on the door and sweatdropped at both the people and the amount of people waiting outside impatiently. "Wait aren't they the Harbingers from that one game y/n can't stop playing?! I forgot the name though. Oops." Y/b/f/n thought before noticing an unfamiliar woman that seemed to be their leader, judging from the 'ice queen vibe' she was giving. She had long white hair tied into a bun and a pair of icy blue eyes.
Y/b/f/n finally snapped out of their thoughts and opened the door. (Here goes the oocs yall...)
"Yes...? How can I help you all...?" Y/b/f/n asked, sucessfully hiding the dread they were feeling at the sight of these men and women that could most likely 'destroy' both of you. Excluding your dog cus big furbaby is sleeping rn.
"May we come in?" The white-haired lady infront of them asked. However, it was anything but a question but rather, a command. In y/b/f/n's opinion.
Literally scared shitless for their life, your best friend greeted them and letted them in. With the first thing the fellow visitors noticed was the palpable yet pleasant warmth present inside the chambers. However...
They also felt a presence. A divine one to be exact, but they brushed it off. For now.
"Make yourselves at home... Visitors..." Nervously said y/b/f/n as they gestured them to sit down the grey, plush couch in the living room, in which they happily sit down almost immediatly. "Hey, this is actually pretty nice place." Tartaglia said as he lead onto the sofa. "Whats your name, comrade?" Asked Child the ginger head.
"Name's y/b/f/n." They said, making the harbingers and even the Tsaritsa we're shocked, isnt that the name of the first friend that their Divine Creator had made?! What a coincidence! Bbg its not. Its really not. 💀🙌
"Thats... Nevermind." Pantalone stopped himself from messing up infront of what could be one of their beloved Creator's acquaitances how tf do you spell this word 😰
"Whats that flat box over there, if I may ask~?" Columbina tilted her head curiously as she pointed towards the "flat box" that was above the fireplace. Its the tv by the way 😭 .
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This is what the living room looks like, pretend the couch is grey and the tv is off pookie :3
"Oh that?" Y/b/f/n pointed at the tv in which the Damselette nodded "Thats called a television, tv for short. *Insert your bsf explaining what a tv is in 2 case studies worth of essays because i dont know what the fuck im doing 💔*"
"So yeah, thats i-" Before y/b/f/n could finish their sentence, they were cutted off by the sound of you calling their name while coughing loudly. Oh how they loved it when you call their name but nows not the time to simp for their crush. "Wait, be right there!" They yelled back at you, before looking back at the 'visitors', as y/b/f/n called them in their head.
"Please, feel free to look around. Just dont... touch anything." Y/b/f/n said before ascending up the stairs.
As soon as they finally reach upstairs, the first thing they hear is coughing noises.
Oh shit.
"BITCH ARE YOU OK?!" Y/b/f/n asked as they fractically looked for your inhaler, you were having an asthma attack for the third time this day but shhhhh.
"W-wheres... my inhaler...–" You managed to say between coughs before Y/b/f/n responded "Wait here, I think you left it somewhere downstairs."
"O-oka—" You couldnt even finish saying that one single word as your coughing interrupted you. Why is it always the nicest people having to be cursed with something bad?! Your best friend thought as they hurrily went downstairs.
Childe looked curiously at the items that were just, well, existing on the shelf beside the tv when one of them in particular stood out. It was a photo of y/b/f/n and a familiar yet unfamiliar person. Surprise surprise, it just so happens to be you.
The person had a beautiful shade of h/c hair and s/c with... white patches of skin along their face and neck, hell, there was one small white patch right beside their mouth if he looked very closely. He couldn't see their eye color as they has their eyes closed while smiling more radiantly than the sun. Yeah, looks just like their Creator, but they still have one more thing to comfirm... To say that they looked ethereal is an absolute understatment. You look so pretty pookie ❤
"Thats Y/n, like the one with h/c." Y/b/f/n suddenly said behind him which almost made Childe's skeleton leave his soul, cus how the fuck did he not hear their footsteps?! "Now where..— there it is!" You best friend exclaimed happily and quickly got your inhaler before going back upstairs and leaving a shocked and traumatized Childe downstairs.
"Ey, I got your inh—" You immediatly grabbed it from them and took a few puffs before letting out a few shaky exhales... Here go the side effects. "Its okay bro, its only us. You can sit down." Y/b/f/n assured you and gently made you sit down. (Bro they made you lay down)
You letted out a grunt at the headache you were feeling after using the inhaler. And then lets just say that you fell asleep at some point <3 they were so tempted to kiss your forehead... :(
OMFG FINALLY GUYS IM SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER my fever had me on a chokehold
【Part 4】
Published: June 29 2024. 10:05pm.
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livlaughloveluke · 10 months
𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬- 𝐞.𝐥
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: ethan doesn’t believe in love at first sight until he sees you
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: lil cursing, non!ghostface ethan, a short lil fluff
𝐚/𝐧: hopefully this one is a little cuter since the last one was kinda sad 🥴💘 not proofread either! also should next imagine be jack or another ethan?
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ethan was sitting in the kitchen, scrolling through instagram on his phone. it was a friday night, and while most college kids were out partying, he was alone in his dorm. he had recently moved from california to attend the university. since he had moved on his own, he didnt know anyone in new york.
he had met his roommate , chad, the previous week. chad was friendly, but he was out with his friends most of time. speaking of which, where was chad tonight? 
while ethan was brainstorming possibilities, the door handle started jiggling, and chad and a group of around six entered, all laughing. 
however, the first thing ethan noticed was you.
your luscious hair slightly bounced as you walked inside with the group, and your bubbly aura immediately filled the room. 
ethan was completely unaware that chad was returning with friends, and was severely caught of guard by their presence. panic filled his mind when he realized what he was wearing. he thought he looked so childish, with his pajama pants and white wife beater. 
you however, thought he look amazing. he was so effortlessly gorgeous, with long, curly brown locks that draped over his forehead beautifully. 
when chad saw ethans freaked out look, he immediately started apologizing for not warning him. 
“holy shit man, im so sorry! i totally forgot to mention that they were coming over for a movie tonight.” chad says, panicking a little. everyone in the room was now fully aware of ethans awkward presence, and glared at him. 
“uh- its no problem. i can go hang out in my room or something. or if you want me to leave the dorm, thats okay too! i can maybe go the store or to-“ ethan stuttered out, now embarrassed and looking at the floor, before he was cut off by another voice. 
“ethan, right? you should join us! we were thinking about watching a horror movie, if you wanted to watch with us.” you say to the shy boy, who lifted his head up, now looking at you.
holy shit. he didn’t believe in love at first sight until he saw you there, the dim lighting somehow enhancing your features. cheesy, i know. but how could he not fall for you? you were caring, and not to mention, absolutely gorgeous. 
“yeah i’d love to!” ethan exclaimed, quickly realizing how desperate he sounded. you only giggled, settling his nerves.
the group was now spread out in the living room, debating what movie to watch. everyone had introduced themselves to ethan, and from listening to them, he concluded that everyone seemed pretty chill. 
anika and mindy were cuddled up together on one side of the couch, with tara and chad on the other side, also snuggling. sam was in her own recliner, which left you and ethan on the floor in the living room. you both sat in beanbag chairs that were very close together, making his heart speed up. 
everyone decided that The Conjuring was a good choice, so chad turned it on. it was around midnight, and with every minute you could feel your eyelids getting heavier and heavier. 
as the movie played, you started to subconsciously close your eyes and lean your head on ethans shoulder. 
your simple actions nearly caused the poor boys lungs to burst, butterflies swarming his stomach. he could no longer focus on the movie, for he was concentrated on keeping you asleep and comfortable. 
however, he wasnt a big night owl, and started to drift off into sleep, too. he rested his head on top of yours, and quickly fell into a deep slumber.
by the end of the movie, you both somehow turned in your sleep, and ended up on the same beanbag, cuddling. your head laid on his chest, and his arms were wrapped loosely around your waist. both deep asleep, probably dreaming about one another.
while the credits played, the group shifted their attention from the screen to you and ethan. well, everyone except anika, because she too had fallen asleep on mindys shoulder.
quiet “awws” echoed from most of the friends, besides mindy, who wasn’t big on other’s relationships. tara was busy thinking, and came to the conclusion that you and him would make the cutest couple.
chad however wasn’t big on thinking, and whipped out his phone to take a picture of the pair. everyone looked at him, a little confused, while he held the biggest grin on his face.
when he noticed everyones facial expressions, he explained his reasoning.
“what? this will be a cute photo for when they start dating!” he blurts out.
the group laughs, and they decide to all spend the night at the boys dorm, because of how late it was, and how tired they all were. 
chad was right. when you and ethan made it official a few months later, the photo never failed to stain his cheeks with a bright red hue.  
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[18+] Bertholdt Hoover x GN Reader
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒: N/SFW content, sub Bertholdt, dom reader, handjob, drooling, slight choking, reader’s lowkey pervy, pet names, praises, kind of overstim if you squint, y’all suck at studying, unestablished relationship, Bertholdt is into post-hardcore/punk cuz… fuck you, that’s why.
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So, Bertholdt. Breathe if you agree.
He’s always wearing some sort of collared shirt — be it a button-up or a polo — paired with a nice pair of slacks. Sometimes, he’ll even throw a nice looking sweater over it, and my, does he look so dapper. Such a handsome man walking around campus, from his perfectly combed hair to his leather dress shoes.
But, he doesn’t always dress up like that. And you found that out after showing up at his dorm for your scheduled weekend study session. When he opened the door, he was not wearing a collared shirt; instead, his torso was clad in a black American Idiot shirt (huh, you didn’t know he was into Greenday), surprisingly baggy for someone his stature, but you had to remind yourself that Bertholdt was just as lanky as he was tall, so finding shirts that fit must be an absolute nightmare for him. Grey sweatpants replaced his usual nice slacks, and holy shit, stop staring at his crotch, (Y/N)!!
Confusion overtook his features (for a second, you were afraid he caught you ogling at how nicely his sweatpants emphasized his package), and he asked if you needed something. Now it was your turn to be confused; did he forget about your study session? It was revealed that, yes, he did forget about your study session, and watching his eyes widen and his ears turn pink was… something else.
“Ah, shi… um… sorry, (Y/N),” he meekly mumbled (wait a minute, did he almost just swear??). “I forgot what day it is…”
You were quick to reassure him that it was okay, and if he was busy with something else, you could totally come back later, or reschedule your session for another day. But he rapidly shook his head and started to reassure you, inviting you in so you could start. This would actually be your first time in his room, so you took the time to admire every inch of it. It was fairly neat, save for the unmade bed, and it seemed as though everything had their place. Button ups ranging from white to navy blue were neatly hung up on clothing hangers. Books were neatly propped up on one side of his desk while notebooks were methodically stacked onto each other on the other. Not too much decoration made it on his walls, but you did take note of the Polaroid picture of him, Reiner, and Annie, along with the Coheed and Cambria poster adjacent to his door (since when did Bertholdt like post-hardcore—?).
“Sorry about the mess. If I didn’t forget, I would’ve cleaned up a bit.”
You wanted to let out a humored scoff; what mess? As far as you could tell, this was the cleanest dorm room you’ve ever seen a college student live in. After telling him that you didn’t mind, the study session commenced, and you couldn’t help but find yourself… distracted. At first, it started rather innocent; just wondering how you never knew Bertholdt’s music tastes, despite knowing each other for quite some time. Then he started saying something to grab your attention, which made you begin to study his face (instead of, you know, studying for your upcoming exam). Huh… did Bertholdt always have such pretty, pale green eyes? You thought they were more of a grey, but now that you took the time to actually look at them, you realized there was a hint of sage in his iris. They really complimented his chestnut hair… that you just now noticed was uncombed, sticking up in ways that just looked so endearing and soft… your hand twitched at the thought of reaching out and stroking it, carding your fingers all the way to the back of his bedhead and—
Woah, woah, woah. Let’s not go there.
So, pushing down those thoughts, you diligently returned to your gaze to your notes as you listened to him continue to speak. But you could only focus on his words for so long before you started to focus on his voice, and while his low notes had a roughness to them, his high notes were softer… breathy, even. It made you wonder just how high he could reach while you wrapped your hands around his—
Ayo. Quit it. You’re supposed to be studying, not thinking about your study partner in such a disgustingly gaudy way. Christ, have you no shame, you scolded yourself. Get a grip!
You managed to tune back into what Bertholdt was actually saying, just in time for him to pose a question on whether or not he should make flash cards. It sounded like a good idea, so you suggested the idea of making them on Quizlet to save time and notecards, which he agreed with, and immediately got to work on his laptop. The room fell into a comfortable silence, only the noises of clicking keys filling your ears. And, of course, your eyes had to wander from your notes to his face again, this time focusing on his lips. They were a bit chapped, yet still managed to look soft, and… oh… he just darted his tongue out to wet them. Now they were slightly glistening with his own spit. Great. How were you supposed to not think about hooking your index finger under his chin, smearing his spit by stroking his bottom lip with your thumb, huh?! What, is it wrong to feel the strong urge to press a finger down on the divot where his lip was cracked, watch as his mouth parted for you to stick your finger into the warm cavity—
I’m going to hell, you mentally groaned.
There was one final attempt to return to your studies; honestly, there was! But your attention was diverted by Bertholdt cursing underneath his breath (yes; Bertholdt Hoover. Cursing. Do you even know this man anymore?!), and your eyes just so happened to flick towards his long, extremely grab-able neck. To quel the sudden restlessness you felt in your hands, your gaze traveled down from his Adam’s apple to the exposed skin of his collar bone… which by no means did you any favors. That damn Green Day shirt was suddenly becoming the bane of your existence, because why the fuck did it have to sit on his body in such a teasing way, pooling around his waste in the valley between his pelvis and his…
And his…
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuCK—
And now every distraction comes to bite you in the ass, because of course Bertholdt’s soft voice called out to you as his green eyes were trained on your face, dark eyebrows quirked worriedly under his soft, tousled hair while his lips were stretched into a frown (god, if you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was pouting at you). With his head turned to face you, you could definitively see the strain of his neck muscles, his Green Day shirt shifting to reveal more olive skin underneath… and… his…
“… U-uhm… (Y/N)…?”
Your eyes snapped back to his, but you were too entranced by them to even muster a response. Those beautiful sage green eyes… framed perfectly by long dark lashes… they were practically beckoning your hand to find purchase on one of his flushed cheeks…
It was an innocent little gesture. Just lovingly cradling the side of his face in your hand, giving him ample time for him to pull away before you actually made contact with his warm skin. Worst case scenario, he asks what you were doing, and you could make up some bullshit excuse while you die a little inside, and this whole 30 second interaction could be forgotten with time, never to be brought up again.
That’s when he leaned into your touch.
And… uh… things sort of spiraled from there.
You don’t exactly remember how you started from point A and ended up here at point B. But all that matters is that you had him sitting in the space between your thighs, back against your front, and long, muscular legs spread so far apart, you couldn’t help but be amazed. While his hands gripped onto your thighs like they were his only lifeline, yours were multitasking between exploring his toned chest and giving steady strokes to his cock. Somehow, the end of his Green Day shirt ended up caught between his teeth (did you tell him to do that? Did he do that on his own? You couldn’t remember), barely doing much to muffle his high-pitched whines that you could only describe as adorable and hot. Grey sweatpants and plaid boxers were rolled down to his mid thigh in order for you to access his painfully red dick better.
The hand on his chest found one of his pretty pink nipples, causing a shudder to wreck through Bertholdt’s body as you circled the bud with your fingers. Then, after giving it an experimental tug, something mixed between a gasp and a moan left Bertholdt’s saliva-slicked lips, his back arching forwards. “Hhnrngh—!! Mm… (Y/N),” he managed to get out with a mouth full of fabric.
“I’m here, baby,” you softly cooed, continuing to play with his hardened nub in order to elicit more delicious sounds from him. “You’re being such a sweet thing for me… such a good boy!”
His cock jumped in your hand as beads of precum dribbled down from his slit. “Mmh—!! Ahh!! G-good boy f’you, (Y/N)!! Oh— (Y/N)! (Y-Y/N)! (Y/N)—!!” With every chant of your name, his voice seemed to rise an octave. You could hear it beginning to crack around the edges, cute little sobs and hiccups mixing with heavy breaths, and— oh, Christ, was he crying? “Nrhh… w’nna b… b’guh—ahh—!!”
Your mouth found the side of his neck, teeth sinking into one of the purple splotches you previously sucked into his skin. This received a broken keen from the giant, his hips bucking up desperately into your hand, and you couldn’t stop the adoring chuckle from escaping your chest. “Oh, my baby boy, you’re already so, so good.” With a skillful flick of your wrist, Bertholdt’s mouth fell open with the prettiest moan you’ve ever heard, shirt falling from his mouth while his head fell backwards to expose more of your little bite marks and hickies that littered his throat. “Yeah, that’s it,” you soothed, trailing your hand upwards from his nipple to the base of his neck. “Just like that, baby. Let me hear you, okay?”
“Oh— oh, fuck, please!!” One of his giant hands shot up to yours. Before you could even process it, he was applying pressure to your hand and indirectly squeezing his own throat. “Fuh… fuck— pleaseplease, (Y/N)!!”
You couldn’t ignore the way your heart jumped in your chest. Was he actually begging for you to choke him? No, he couldn’t be… that’s too good to be true… unless? “Hm? You like this?”
After applying the slightest pressure — just enough so he would know what you meant, but not enough to freak him out — a chorus of, “pl-please! Pleasepleaseplease—” fell from his lips. You slowly being to squeeze tighter and tighter until he let out a choked noise, followed by his breathless, “thah.. thank… thanky’h!! Hng!!”
With a high pitched cry as your only warning, his leaking cock spurt out white ropes, coating your hand and his torso in his hot release. Tiny sobs poured from his lips as you continued to stroke him through his sudden orgasm. You didn’t stop until he had to pathetically paw at your hand and gasp out, “hah… s’too much!! Too much!! Please!!” So, almost reluctantly, you released his cock from your grasp, his body slumping into yours as soon as you did. His tired pants filled the room, and you started to worry that you went a bit overboard.
“Hey,” you whispered, kissing the tip of his ear and reveling in the way he shivered. “How do you feel?”
“Hn… ‘mazing,” was his soft reply. Your sturdy grip was long gone from his neck (since y’know, it be a shame if you accidentally murdered him while jerking him off), which allowed you to see the bruises you left behind. Whoops. Hopefully, his shirt collars go high enough to hide that.
Getting him to lay down on the bed, you could finally admire the fruits of your labor. Drool dribbled down his chin, mingling with the tears of pleasure that leaked from his hooded and unfocused eyes. His face was a beautiful shade of red as sweat caused his hair to stick to his forehead. And… yikes… you should probably offer to wash his shirt for him, shouldn’t you? Tugging at its hem, you managed to slip it off of his body (with his help, of course. Even while totally fucked out, Bertholdt is a good boy), and then use its sleeve to wipe his face of sweat, drool, and tears before throwing it onto the floor. You could deal with that later; right now, a soft cuddle session was in order.
So, yeah. Moral of the story, you learned that Bertholdt doesn’t always dress up… among other things.
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cstlez · 5 months
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warnings ; explicit language, smoking, kissing, use of y/n,
"She's been in a daze for the last fifteen minutes I don't know how to get her back."
"Have you tried sticking a straw in her ear?"
"Why the hell would I do that?"
"You're no fun Georg—"
"Fine i'll do it!"
"What the hell dude!" I yelled, My ear tickled, I watched Tom bend over and start laughing,
His body shook as he laughed, I slumped further into the chair, watching as Georg silently laughed.
"I told you it'd work!" Tom yelped, his body soon settling into a chair beside me, he flicked my forehead, making me glare at him.
"Alright—" Georg took a deep breath as he stopped laughing, sitting beside me as well.
"What do you two want?" I asked, noticing how they both looked at me with a stern look, I raised a brow.
"Why'd you come over if you are just going to day dream all day?" Tom asked, digging into his pockets for what i'm assuming is a pack of gum.
I bit the inside of my cheek, "I'm not!- I'm not daydreaming.. I'm just thinking." I murmured.
"Womp womp.."
"Same fucking thing."
I rolled my eyes, rubbing my arms as I felt goosebumps grow over my skin. My entire body quivered as memories from Thursday replayed in my head over and over again.
"Can we head down to the studio later, we want you to fix up some of Bill's lyrics and maybe tweak around with my guitar, I just don't know how to make it match the new song." Georg asked, making me cough.
"oh— wait.. you want me to fix up some of Bill's lyrics?" I asked, wiping my mouth.
"Yeah?.. You've done it before.." Georg questioned, I glared at him.
"Is Bill gonna be there?" I asked, pushing some of my hair away from my eyes.
"Obviously he's part of the band yeah?.." I bit my tongue.
"Okay fine ye- yeah." I mumbled, nervous to see Bill because of the way we'd left things at the rink.
I stood up and grabbed my bag, scurrying to slip on my shoes.
"You're leaving already?" Tom asked, folding his hands over each other.
"Yeah- yeah I.. pfft... I forgot about an uh assignment due uh.. today! Yeah today!" I exclaimed, rushing to the door.
"Why is she acting so fucking weird?" Tom asked, Georg laughed.
"Your twin is why." Georg mumbled.
"Why would Bill have anything to do with her acting like a total idiot?" Tom asked, his hands now digging far into his pockets for a stick of gum.
"They have a bit of situation ship, it's been going on since last year." Georg mumbled.
"Eh- what?" Tom asked, regaining his breath.
Tom's eyes went white.
Georg laughed.
"I think it's about time you knew since no one told you." Georg mumbled.
"You guys are unbelievable. I can't believe no one mentioned it. Especially Bill!" Tom complained, grumbling as he chewed on his bottom lip.
"We thought you pieced it up by now." Georg mumbled.
"Oh come on don't get so prissy now!"
"Prissy are you serious!?"
— "Why is her head so far up her ass recently?"
"Don't say that.."
"Bill you have no say in this."
"Someone just snap her back I need her help with this next line."
"You do it!"
"Fuck off Tom!"
"I'll do it just shut it."
"Hey, y/n, Georg needs your help with something." Bill mumbled, shaking me lightly.
I blinked a couple times, slightly jumping as I saw him face to face with me, he smiled softly.
"Hey.." He mumbled with a smile. I swallowed hard looking from his eyes to his lips.
I bit down on my bottom lip, I could've sworn my face heated up.
"Hey, yeah sorry i've just- i've been lost in thought." I mumbled. Bill nodded, He stepped away to go scribble more things into his notebook and I made my way beside Georg.
"Okay.. What do you need." I asked him.
Georg scoffed, "I need your head in reality not wonderland. Just talk to him if your head is so far up your ass."
I glared at him, snatching his music sheets away from him.
"He doesn't even know what he wants so what's the point." I mumbled, looking over his notes.
"Georg a whole note wouldn't fit here use an eighth note instead." I mumbled, erasing it and replacing it with another note.
"He knows what he wants y/n." Georg mumbled ignoring my correction.
I shook my head, reading over his other notes.
" He just has an inability to express his feelings. "
"Big words you chose to use there." I muttered, licking my lips as I corrected a couple more things and even annotated to show how they match the lyrics.
"Come on you need to grow a pair too." Georg mumbled, looking over the now freshly annotated sheet, strumming his guitar as he looked at the notes.
"Shut up." I muttered, throwing his pencil at him. I stood up and began walking towards the back doors, I grabbed my coat and beanie and made my way out the door. I sat on some nearby bricks, digging into my pockets for a pack of camels.
I dug further into my pocket finding my lighter, carefully I pulled out a cigarette and lit it, licking my lips slightly before putting it in my mouth and shoving the pack and lighter back into my pockets,
I shivered softly, taking a long drag from the cigarette, letting out an exasperated sigh as the smoke left my lips.
"Since when do you smoke?"
His voice echoed through my ears, I swallowed hard, taking another drag from the cigarette.
"College.. Just stresses me out more than high-school ever did." I mumbled, Bill chuckled softly, sitting beside me his beanie making his hair stick to his face.
Bill licked his lips, gently grabbing the cigarette between my lips.
"May I?"
I nodded, he grinned, taking the cigarette away and putting it between his lips, taking a long drag before letting the smoke leave his lips, gently dusting off some of the ash.
"Are the guys stressing you out?" Bill asked, I sighed, but I nodded softly.
"Yeah. A little."
Bill chuckled, I nudged him.
"Fine.. A lot. Just been pretty serious lately." I mumbled.
I took the cigarette away from him, taking another long drag, I looked at him for a second before blowing the smoke out of my lips.
I rested my head on his shoulder, he was startled I could tell, But after a couple seconds he settled down, he began wrapping one of his arms around me, his nails tickling me slightly.
He took the cigarette back and took another drag, blowing the smoke out slightly. Somehow he didn't react to the cold that much. It may just be because he's used to it.
I admired how red his face was. It suited him.
Looking at him for this long felt wrong, but It also felt so right. He was my poison, He hurt me but the admiration and love only grew.
My heart yearned for him.
I watched him take another drag of the cigarette, His eyes shut momentarily.
The smoke slowly left his lips.
He looked so pretty under the moon, he had this glint in his eyes, this shine to his face, his pale skin made him even more alluring.
Every second with him was worth something to me. It was worth everything.
I watched his hand fall, the cigarette being put out by the snow, He turned to look at me and without warning, He cupped my face gently, his other hand slowly tracing up and down my back to finally cup my face.
Both of his hands held my face, his eyes, looking away, back at me again, and then at my lips.
I opened my mouth to speak, but he shook his head, I swallowed hard, my body ached.
His hands still felt warm despite the cold, His breath hitched.
"Just let me look at you for a moment yeah?"
My heart almost instantly started to race.
I swallowed hard, my eyes darting left to right avoiding his eyes.
He didn't say anything, He just looked at me, one of his hands dropped, tracing all the way down my neck and landing on my shoulder.
He squeezed it slightly, I watched him bite down on the inside of his cheek, he leaned forward, his breath tickling my neck.
Was all he mumbled, and before I knew it his lips had connected with mine. My breath hitched slightly, my eyes shutting slowly.
His hand tightened on my arm, making me deepen the kiss even further, he pulled away momentarily, catching his breath before he pushed his lips onto mine even harder.
I felt his tongue slip into my mouth, making me gasp slightly, his other hand dropped, roaming my torso.
He mumbled, making my whole body ache.
I swallowed hard, bringing my hands to surround the nape of his neck.
I felt all his hairs, small goosebumps trailed all over him, he pulled away kissing my cheek gently, his lips quivered slightly.
His tongue collided with my neck, swirling around for a second, he planted a small kiss before beginning to bite gently with his teeth, sucking softly.
An involuntary whine left my lips. I gripped his hair gently, not to hurt him but for some sort of support.
"It's- going to be noticeable.."
"Shh.. I know—"
My breath grew heavy, I shut my eyes to gain some sort of composure, my hands weakly gripping his clothing.
He pulled away from my neck, smoothing out the spot, he looked me in the eyes, they were filled with desperation and desire.
He bit his lip gently, connecting our lips yet again. This time it was more slow and gentle, he was trying to regain his own composure.
"What the fuck you said you'd get her not make out with her!"
Bill pulled away, my face slowly hiding behind him, I palmed my hands over my face embarrassed.
"Hey Georg.." I mumbled.
"Don't fucking ' hey ' me get your ass inside I need you to put some knowledge into Tom's brain!" Georg complained.
I rolled my eyes, I could see Bill's gentle smile, I smiled at him, I kissed his cheek, before standing up and walking back into the studio.
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