#sorry for the late post! ran a bit pressed for time today
plural-affirmations · 7 months
Here's to introjects who are vastly different people compared to what they're based on!
Contrary to what some might believe, being an introject does not equate to being a carbon copy of the person that was introjected. For example, a fictive of a villain certainly doesn't make them an inherently bad, unkind, or problematic person. So, here's to the ones who are drastically different from their source!
Shoutout to:
Antagonist fictives who have roles such as caretakers/protectors/syskids/etc.
Protagonist fictives who are persecutors/prosecutors/avengers/etc.
Those who are kinder, more polite, or more thoughtful than their source
The ones who are angrier, more traumatized, or more aloof than their source
Introjects who look like a completely different person in the innerworld
Factives of figures that have done bad things who actively try to do good in the present
Introjects of objects who identify as fully or partly something else
Introjects of animals who don't act animalistic
And anyone else I missed!
You deserve to be treated with respect, kindness, and like you're your own person (because you are!). You may identify with your source, and that's totally ok! But, it's also ok to be as different from it as you are now. You have the ability to do absolutely whatever you want to!
Please remember how special you are! /pos
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morinuu · 4 months
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☢|tamaki x reader. 2,4k words. sorry this is so late i literally forgot to post it last week anw the next n final part is coming in 2 weeks while i work n post some other stuff hehehe
“yes, love?”
“how did you not lose it when you realised dad was going away for good?”
that was the first thing you’d asked your mum on a saturday morning after waving her good morning. needless to say, the woman was taken aback to hear this question from you. she knew her daughter never asked about her parents’ divorce, not wanting to dissect those wounds.
it took her some time to come up with a response.
“i had you to look after.” she lied, not looking at you and instead focusing on her cake. “you kept me going.”
“but how was i helping in that situation? wouldn’t i make it worse?” you pressed on. if there was one thing your mum knew about you, it was that you were weirdly emotionally intelligent for a teenage girl.
she frowned, putting down the fruit she was decorating her cake with, and sighed deeply. she didn’t like lying to you.
“well.” she inhaled, “your question is phrased wrong.” she finally looked you in the eye. “because i did lose it. but before i was too far gone, i got back up. i couldn’t have you suffer like i did.”
the conversation replayed over and over in your head for the following week back to school. you wondered if heartbreak ran in the family. while not knowing much about your parents’ separation, you knew your grandparents also had a bad history. maybe love was just something the gods didn’t want to bestow upon your bloodline.
tamaki’s visit had, surprisingly, not been very pleasant. partly because your sickness made you… well, sick, and partly because tamaki was distracted the whole time. he’d brought you commoners’ food (haruhi’s recommendation), along with some more commoner candy ‘to sweeten your mood’ (what haruhi’s dad would take to work, according to haruhi). oh, and of course, you can’t forget how he would glance at his phone every so often. you ignored it at first, figuring out it’s the host club group chat, but your patience had its limits.
he’d come to your house, to check up on your health - his friend. supposedly. had you already been demoted to client status? well, you had the entire week to think about it as you rested.
during that time, tamaki seemed to reach out a bit more than usual, and once more, you believed he cared. you believed he realised you were important to him, even if your feelings weren’t exactly reciprocated.
and once again you’d been wrong.
because as time passed and you started making weekly appointments again, you began to feel that something was off. what exactly it was you couldn’t tell, but your gut was telling you to be suspicious. ‘suspicious of what, or who? tamaki?’ you didn’t like that feeling one bit.
no matter how many times he screwed up and misunderstood or failed to satisfy you in a host-client setting, you couldn’t give up on him. your mum’s words echoed in your ears, reminding you that men are a waste of time, that they just suck the soul out of you, that they’re not worth the heartbreak — but you were weak. and especially weaker than your mother. she disagreed, of course, but what did she know?
time seemed to start flowing normally again, tamaki wasn’t distant, haruhi and you never spoke to exchange more than greeting words, and your obsession was flourishing once more. you’d shower the halfer with gifts, spending a stupid amount of money — which the host club’s “mum” greatly appreciated — and you didn’t regret it one bit. everything was going smoothly, except for that tiny voice in your head.
it wasn’t until one of the host club’s organised excursions at the beach when your gut proved to be right. you wore your favourite swimwear for tamaki, and his compliments became straight up electricity up your spine. and just as you went to flirt with him like always,
“yo milord don’t forget about y/n’s gift today!” a familiar voice echoed by the palm trees. you could immediately tell it was hikaru, but you didn’t really understand what he meant. ah! perhaps they were expecting you to bring tamaki a gift again? well, you did, but this one felt a bit more personal so maybe you should tell him not to talk about it with the hosts— “even if it’s something stupid again, you ought to thank her for—”
the twins emerged from the bushes only to see you standing by the corner, hidden by the wall from their previous view. tamaki stood there, next to you, frozen. his facial expression almost screaming at the ginger to shut up but he’d been too late.
you furrowed your eyebrows at the two boys before turning your head to that stupid boy you were head over heels for.
“what?” you asked, obviously confused. but it didn’t take long to understand the situation.
tamaki thought your gifts were stupid, and he discussed it with his friends. and none of them thought to tell you. at least that's what the situation told you.
for what reason? well it could be a) manners or b) they didn’t care enough to.
but jokes on you because it wasn’t any of the above, it was c) they had to keep you happy because your mother asked for a favour. the favour being to make sure tamaki didn’t abandon you.
well, that’s not exactly what tamaki said when he pulled you to the side to explain, but it’s what the twins confessed to when you started poking for the truth.
you were more than disappointed with the news, your gut feeling now transferring to your throat and making it so tight you couldn’t get any words out, so you returned to your beach bed, dragging it away from tamaki’s. but the universe seemed to really hate you that day.
“miss l/n, is everything okay?” haruhi’s ever-annoying voice reached your ears and all you wanted to do was turn around and strangle her small little neck until it snapped. it was her fault. it was because of her that the boy you swore would become your boyfriend before graduation would no longer be apart of that plan. her. her, that stupid bi—
“i’m fine haruhi.” you smiled at her and continued dragging your bed across the sand to get away from this madness. you didn’t bother with any formalities.
“do you need help? i could bring your things so you don’t—”
“for fuck’s sake will you shut up?!” you snapped, raising your voice at the host. she didn’t say anything, just nodding and bowing before leaving. thankfully nobody else had been around to witness the scene, or you would’ve been involved in ouran gossip. only gods know how tiresome that is.
tamaki didn’t come to talk to you after that, you wanted to believe he wanted to and the hosts told him to give you space, but at this point you gave up all hope. he wanted haruhi, some cross-dressing nobody, a commoner, and you could do nothing about it.
the bracelet you had in your bag stayed there, and there it would remain for the rest of your trip. you’re kind of glad you never got to give it to him, at least it saved you the embarrassment of possibly being ridiculed by a bunch of boys calling themselves “hosts” with no shame.
but you guessed you were the one who should be ashamed; for wanting a host — a man notorious for seeing women as bank accounts.
when you went back home, you didn’t talk to your mum about the twins’ confession. sure, you were angry, but you knew she just wanted you happy. as for tamaki, he’d texted you a couple times but you knew if you called him you’d just burst into tears, so you went straight to bed, not bothering to wash the sand and sea salt off your body.
the following month had been… weird. you didn’t bother dropping by the host club anymore. kyouya, expecting this, just sighed and deleted you from the list of clients. he didn’t think you’d come back again after the fiasco at the beach.
haruhi, however, felt bad for some reason. like, okay, yeah, you were a bit more than mean sometimes and yeah, you barely looked at her if not to glare at her to get lost, but you didn’t seem like a bad person. your affection toward tamaki seemed genuine, and your last interaction didn’t sit well with her. it wasn’t the usual glare, eye roll, scoff, avoidant gesture or whatever else you “greeted” her with. this time it seemed more hurt, more… defeated. and she was right. because you’d been defeated.
haruhi had won.
she didn’t know, but she didn’t have to. because at the end of the day, it was all one-sided. one-sided affection, and one-sided dispute.
the twins both had different reactions to this revelation. kaoru (being the emotionally intelligent one) felt guilty for not handling the situation better but hikaru (the… other one) told him not to bother, and that they did what they could. he’d miss having you around, but you were never super close to begin with.
as for tamaki, he didn’t really register what had happened at first. when his hosting routine started again but without you in it, his clients had some questions.
“is it true that you kicked l/n out of the host club?”
“i mean what did you expect, she had it coming after harassing haruhi like that.”
“yeah, i agree. i mean, i understand some jealousy, but wasn’t that a bit too much? it’s not like tamaki’s her boyfriend.”
“i don’t think she was too harsh, but i guess the hosts know better…”
tamaki didn’t know what to make of this. he’d never kicked you out of the club, he thought you’d come back. you always did. if you were jealous, all you had to do was say you wanted more attention and he’d give it it to you. after all, you were a client, you had every right.
wait, what was that?
“whatever do you mean, princess?” he questioned in that melodic voice of his. “haruhi and y/n are on perfectly good terms, we’re all friends here!” he smiled widely and sat his cup down, using his pinky to erase the klank! noise.
“come on tamaki, you don’t have to keep such appearances around us.” one of the clients giggled. “we could all see it. to be honest, i never really noticed her much until haruhi came around.”
another girl continued, “yeah, totally. i hope it wasn’t a repeat of anayokoji, at least.” she rolled her eyes. “she seemed nice… such a shame.”
“i… don’t understand, ladies. what are you saying?” tamaki looked puzzled. the four girls looked back at him and at each other. it was times like these that tamaki showed he was a little dumb.
“tamaki… l/n is totally into you. she’s, like, super jealous of haruhi.”
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tamaki didn’t know what to do with this information. he was pretty annoyed when kaoru made fun of him for not noticing until now. and really, he didn’t notice. he was told.
“why do you think our mums got involved? this is what the female sex calls ‘girl issues’, sir.”
tamaki resisted biting their heads off; he had no time for their bullshit. he had to meet with you and apologise, right?
y/n>.< : y/n? can we talk please?
you didn’t respond. neither to that, nor to the other 10 messages he spammed you with. calling you sent him straight to voicemail, and he swore if he heard that damn automatic message voice again he would explode.
why did it happen this way? why were you even jealous of haruhi? did he look gay to you? but then you wouldn’t want him, right? his head was filled with so many questions, until haruhi answered them all with a single sentence.
“don’t sulk too much senpai, it was inevitable that she’d find out about me and get suspicious.” she patted his shoulder, “i guess that’s what happens when you’re a popular boy surrounded by women.”
tamaki’s head rose from his knees, his eyes wide staring at haruhi’s. “wait, what do you mean ‘she’d find out about you’?”
haruhi sighed and sent him a look of pity. “oh yeah, you guys don’t know. y/n’s known about my sex for a while now.” she shrugged. “she saw me changing.”
a light bulb went off in most of the hosts’ heads (wait, i’ve seen this before) before they all glanced at each other in mutual understanding.
“i wish we would’ve gotten closer since we’re both girls and you’re so obsessed with me having female friends, but i would feel horrible if i made her feel sad whenever she’s around me.” haruhi continued.
oh, so he didn’t look gay, you just knew haruhi was also a girl.
but why would you get jealous of his little girl? he was just protecting her like a father would.
“oh will you stop with that crap, milord?” hikaru whined “we all know, there’s no point in denying it anymore.” he stopped when his brother slapped him on the head and they left the room.
“well, club activity’s over. we’ll see you guys tomorrow.” they all waved goodbyes and soon enough so did haruhi, but tamaki just sat on the club couch, thinking about his (very) recent discovery.
so he came to the conclusion:
you like(d?) him → he likes (???) haruhi → you realised and grew jealous → he prioritised her over you → he ended up looking like an asshole.
because he is an asshole.
“guess that’s what happens when you’re just too pretty.” he joked to himself, but he had a feeling you wouldn’t find it funny if you were here.
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“mum, why did you and dad divorce?” you finally found the courage to ask the woman when she was relaxing in her bedroom one night. she sighed and looked at you, putting her book to the side and patting the spot on the bed next to her. you got in, looking at her expectantly.
“i didn’t want to tell you this because you were so young. you looked up to him very much.” she gave you a sad smile and caressed your cheek. “your father fell in love with someone else, darling.”
you stayed quiet for a bit, and your mum grew worried. should she not have told you?
“is that why you asked tamaki not to leave me?” you asked and your voice cracked. your mother sighed and apologised, wrapping her arms around you.
“i want you to be happy, y/n. don’t be like me. please.”
maybe love really wasn’t something the gods wanted to bestow upon your bloodline.
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multiqts · 1 year
plss write for brat james teasing u in public and like.. hes hoping for a good spanking but instead you ignore him just to see him get all desperate like "pls dont do this to me 😢" when he's the one who started it
sorry this is oddly specific lol
B for Bambi (and Brat) | J.P
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Pairing: James Potter x gn!reader Warnings: NSFW mentions dom/sub themes, smut, dom!reader, sub!brat!James, spanking mention, denial Word Count: 515 Description: James gets bratty thinking it's gonna get your attention but he has another thing coming. A/N: so, funny story... I started writing this, forgot about it, then finished it so I could post it... anyways I'm sorry this is so late anon :') (it's only been like a year /s)
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If there was one thing James was good at, it was getting what he wanted. But that was partly because you always gave him what he wanted. You could never say no to your precious baby boy. But, today that changed. James was never the type to flat-out ask for something. You always had to coax it out of him. Or rather, he coaxed it out of you. Today he did his regular song and dance. Pushing your buttons at Hogsmeade while you were out with your friends.
"C'mon baby just a little," he whispered. His head was placed on your shoulder with lips ghosting your neck. Sirius and Remus were used to your PDA already and sneered light-heartedly. When Remus and Sirius got up to get drinks you carefully ran your hand up to James' hair. You pulled at the brown strands and James' hand came flying back. He moaned theatrically with a big grin on his face.
"You think this funny?" You threatened. "You like acting like a little slut?" You barely spoke above a whisper to avoid suspicion. "Mmm, yes sir," the little shit was basically begging for punishment. You knew he was. But this time, you weren't gonna let him have it. This time he wasn't gonna brat his way into what he wanted. Your face drew a smile.
"And, you think this is the way to get my attention?" He didn't answer his eyes just flickered back and forth from your eyes to your lips. He bit his lips and he fell into you but you pulled away and let him go. You get up and walk to the bathroom without another word. James took this as an invitation. He tapped his foot and waited to follow you into the small restroom. He made his way to the wooden door once you had been in there for a minute and turned the old handle to see you sitting over the lidded toilet with a displeased expression.
You got up and held him against the wall. Your hand traveled down his uniform and cupped his bulge. "Feel that, Jamie? That's my cock. I decide when it gets some reprieve, not you." James whimpered. He didn't dare move a muscle as you chastised him. He just had a lost, almost fearful look on his face. You knew he was expecting some kind of punishment: spanking or edging. But that was far from what he was going to get, instead you just backed away from him with crossed arms. "Don't think I don't know what you're doing, bratting out for attention." He looked absolutely ruined and you hadn't even touched him. His hair was all over the place and his clothes crinkled from how you pressed against him. "Fix yourself up and I expect you back outside..." His face dropped even more (if that was even possible) when he realized you really weren't gonna give him anything.
" 'M-m sorry..." He mumbled. You passed him on the way out to the door but not before whispering in his ear,
"It's too late for sorry."
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is this thing on, taglist?: @uwiuwi @i-cant-stfu @coffee-styles @thuggpassionn @toxicwaves @blisfuloverdose @digital-charlie
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yangkitties · 1 year
Sleepy Hearts ✩ s.cb
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pairing: seo changbin x gn!reader [established relationship] || word count: 0.3k genre: fluff || warnings: proof read but its been a while since i wrote this so it might be a shitty read 😔, you might end up needing to hug changbin real bad by the end of this btw 😁 synopsis: Tossing and turning in bed, Changbin tries to find a comfortable position to hopefully fall asleep in. Unsuccessful in his endeavours, he accidentally succeeds in waking you up. note: school has started for me and the anxiety of it all has been making me want to write a lot more but bc im an all science student im swamped with work even though it has only been 3 days :( so i will make do with posting an older piece of writing :] anyways, as always, i hope you enjoy reading it and ofc, my ask box is always open 🫶
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Changbin hadn’t been sleeping very well. He had a bunch of deadlines comping up but he’d been going through a bit of a writer’s block lately, and the stress was getting to him.
And today wasn’t any different. Changbin laid there, covered in a warm duvet, sinking into a pile of pillows, staring at the ceiling listening to your shallow breaths and soft snores. He tried to focus on your breathing, to calm his mind so he could hopefully get some sleep. 
But to no avail, Changbin was left sleepless for a while longer. Growing impatient, Changbin wiggled under the blankets, trying to get into a comfortable position to sleep in. But all he did was wake you up. 
‘Bin.. baby? Are you still awake?’ You slurred, blinking your eyes and turning towards him. 
He pushed himself closer to you, guilty he woke you up, but happy you were here now. ‘Yeah.. ‘m sorry I woke you up..’ he said slowly, eyes shining up at you. You dragged him closer, his buff body making it harder to complete the task. 
‘S okay love.. is there anything wrong?’ You wrapped a leg around his waist, only to pull him impossibly close to you so that he was tucked into the frame of your body.  ‘Just have a lot on my mind.. I’m worried I’ll disappoint Chan hyung if I can’t submit these songs on time,’ whispering sadly, he cuddled up to you. ‘Oh baby. You know Chan’s never going to be disappointed in you for something you can’t control right? It’s absolutely okay to go through slumps my little beloved..’ you spoke into his hair, pressing careless kisses into his soft curls. 
You ran your fingers through his hair, gently scratching his scalp. ‘You’re doing so well, and everyone is so proud of you. As long as you’re trying your best baby, no one is ever going to be disappointed in you.’ Changbin smiled, grateful to have you by his side. 
‘Y/N.. what can I ever do to tell you how much I love you.. thank you.’ He nuzzled into your neck, giving you a bunch of little kisses. ‘Well why don’t you try sleeping then?’ 
Changbin just giggled, managing to cuddle into you more. And just like that, to the sound of your heartbeat, Changbin falls asleep.
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©️ yangkitties 2023 do not copy, plagiarise, or repost 
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spectersgirl · 7 months
i love love love any and all domestic harvey specter posts. i have pots which causes me to faint sometimes (but i love the attention so it’s whatever). what would it look like if harvey had a wife with pots? much love xx
"but i love the attention" I am CRYING LMAO
I actually had to research this a bit because I've heard of it but didn't really know what it was. if anyone else is curious, this is the article I read!
I'm sorry this is so late, I really didn't know where I was going with this so I just had it rotting in my drafts
I hope you enjoy it, I probably was not super accurate but I tried!
Tough Days
Harvey Specter x Reader
The morning sunlight streamed through flowy white curtains as Harvey Specter woke up to find you already stirring in bed. He blinked away the remnants of sleep, taking a moment to appreciate your beauty.
"Morning, gorgeous," Harvey greeted, his voice warm with affection as he propped himself up on an elbow.
You smiled softly, though there was a hint of exhaustion in your eyes. "Morning, handsome."
He could tell it was going to be one of your tough days. You had been diagnosed with POTS a few years ago, and while you and Harvey had learned to manage it together, some days were still more challenging than others.
"Need anything?" Harvey asked, already shifting into protective husband mode.
"Just some water and maybe breakfast in bed?" You replied with a faint grin, voice laced with tiredness.
"Consider it done." Harvey slipped out of bed, tucking the duvet around you and dropping a kiss onto your forehead before heading to the kitchen.
He returned with a tray bearing a glass of water, a bowl of oatmeal, and a side of fruit. Setting it down carefully, he made sure everything was within your reach. Harvey sat on the edge of the bed, watching you eat.
"How are you feeling today?" he asked gently, concern visible on his face.
You sighed, setting the spoon down. "Dizzy and fatigued, but I'll manage."
"You shouldn't have to 'manage'" Harvey said firmly. "You've got me."
You smiled gratefully, reaching out to take his hand. "I know, and I'm thankful for that every day."
Harvey leaned over, pressing a tender kiss to your temple. "Let's take it easy today. I'll cancel my morning, we'll just relax and take care of you."
You snuggled closer to Harvey, feeling the warmth of his presence soothing you. But suddenly, a wave of dizziness swept over you, and your vision blurred. Before you could even voice a warning, the room spun, and your strength wavered. You struggled to sit up, gasping for breath.
"Y/N?" Harvey's voice was laced with worry as he noticed the change in your demeanor. In an instant, he was upright at your side, steadying you.
"I'm okay," you managed, though your words were shaky.
But before you could finish the sentence, the world tilted, and everything went dark.
Panic surged through Harvey as he caught his wife, your body slumping against him. "Y/N! Hey, baby, stay with me," he urged, laying you gently on the bed.
Your eyelids fluttered weakly as consciousness returned. You blinked, disoriented and weak, trying to focus on Harvey's concerned face.
"Easy, take deep breaths," he coached, his voice calm despite the worry etched on his features.
"I'm sorry," you whispered, feeling embarrassed and frustrated by your body's betrayal.
Harvey shook his head gently. "No apologies. You don't have to apologize for something you can't control."
He quickly ran to get a cold towel and placed it on your forehead, helping you sit up slowly. He monitored your pulse and made sure you were comfortable, something he'd done countless times before on days like this.
"You scared me for a second there," Harvey admitted softly, his thumb brushing against your cheek.
You managed a weak smile. "Sorry you have to deal with that."
"Don't be ridiculous," Harvey replied firmly. "You're my priority, always."
He stayed by your side, ensuring you had fully recovered before he even considered leaving you alone. As you regained your strength, you felt grateful for Harvey's unwavering support.
"Thank you for being here," you murmured, leaning into his comforting presence.
"For you, always," Harvey assured, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
As the morning passed, Harvey stayed by your side, making sure you had everything you needed. He adjusted the room temperature, brought your favorite books, and even ran a warm bath to help ease your discomfort.
"You're spoiling me today," you teased as Harvey helped you into the bath.
He chuckled softly. "With everything you do for me all the time, it's the least I can do."
Once you were settled, Harvey stayed close, chatting about anything and everything to keep your mind off the discomfort. He'd perfected this art, knowing when to distract you and when to let you rest.
Later in the evening, as you settled back into bed, feeling a bit better, you looked at Harvey with gratitude in your eyes. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
"You'll never have to find out," he assured, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "I'll always be here, taking care of you."
And as they curled up together, you felt a wave of love and appreciation wash over you for the man next to you. He always put you first and made sure you were taken care of, and while this felt unnatural to you at first, you'd learned to stop fighting it and just let him care for you.
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lfghughes · 1 year
Hi!!! I luv ur writing! Could u plz write a Jack Hughes piece using Change Your Ticket by 1D?
a/n: thank you for reminding me about this song i have been jamming to it all day now but thank you really for this cute request
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A groan fell from Jacks lips as the sunlight streamed into the room, he opened them slowly still half asleep as he watched you at the foot of the bed getting dressed. “Why are you running off?” He asked, sitting up in the bed, hitting the spot next to him so you’d come back to his bed. “Because I have a flight in two hours and I know the airport is crazy here so I’d like to not miss my flight because I ran late.”
There was a little bit of snippiness coming from you and it caught Jack off guard a little considering you had flown out here to spend some time with him and there had been no issue for the past few days that would explain your snippiness. “Did I say something in my sleep to piss you off?” He asked and you let out a frustrated sigh. You just wished he would know why you were still frustrated.
“I’m tired of being a secret.” You told him because that’s exactly what you were. At first you didn’t really mind, it was still early on in whatever this was. You wanted that time with just him and without all the public focus. But now you were flying out here to spend time with him when you could and it was like he avoided going out with you places. “Who said you’re a secret? The boys know about you.”
As if that was enough. It’s not that you wanted him to make a post declaring his love for you but you wanted to be able to go out to brunch or something aside from being on his couch or bed all day. “Come here, please.” He asked, his tone was gentle and well as irritated as you were you still listened. You went over, sitting in front of him on the bed.
He placed his fingers under your chin, tilting it up slightly so he could look you directly in the eye. “You are not a secret, I’m sorry if that’s how I made you feel when you visit. Honestly the reason I don’t offer to go out when you’re here is pretty dumb.” You had no clue where this was really going but you remained silent so he could continue.
“I like staying in because I barely get to be with you much less alone with you. I want to be able to focus on just us but I didn’t realize you thought it was because I was hiding you. We can go out for lunch if you want today.” You appreciated the offer and it was such a relief hearing those words from him but you shook your head. “Jack, I have a flight to catch but maybe next time I come here we can do that.”
He wrapped his arms around you, dragging you down onto the bed with him as he started pressing kisses to your jaw and neck. “Or and hear me out, you change your ticket and stay here with me a little longer. Just a couple more days, please?"
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mimisempai · 2 months
The embrace we deserve
Crowley is back, and he and the angel experience for the first time the reunion to which they are entitled and which they have denied each other all these years.
50 Types of Kisses - Writing Prompts
Kiss #47: A kiss paired with a tight hug, knocking the breath out of the person being hugged.
On Ao3
Rating G -  448 words
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Aziraphale glanced at the wall clock and chuckled to himself as it had been less than five minutes since he'd last checked the time.
Today was the day Crowley was due to return from his little trip as part of his job at the planetarium, and he wasn't due to arrive for a few hours in the late afternoon, so the Angel called himself an idiot for being so impatient. 
The three days had passed rather quickly, and Nina, Maggie and Muriel had had something to do with it. He suspected that the owner of the coffee shop had told the other two about his condition after Crowley's departure, and every day they had come to keep him company in one way or another, Maggie taking him to the record shop to suggest new musical treasures, Nina arriving every day with a new pastry, and Muriel never ceasing to ask him questions and get him to discuss his current readings.
Aziraphale had to admit that it touched him deeply to know that he and Crowley now had this little group of friends, almost a family, as part of their lives.
He said aloud, "Come on, you've made it three days, you can wait a few more hours, can't you?"
"Angel, I've barely been gone three days and you're talking to yourself?"
Aziraphale turned sharply towards the bookshop door and shouted, "Crowley!"
Then he ran to him and wrapped his arms around the demon in a tight embrace, pressing his lips to his.
After a few seconds, Crowley patted him on the back, causing him to loosen his arms without letting go, and the demon said, panting slightly, "Oh dear, I don't mind such fervour, but just let me breathe."
Aziraphale bit his lip and, as he tried to pull away, replied sheepishly, "Sorry, I-" 
But the demon would have none of it, and wrapping his arms around the angel's neck, he said softly, "Don't apologize, I was just so surprised that I really didn't have time to breathe."
He pressed a light kiss to the angel's lips, and when he pulled away, the angel asked, his sheepish expression now absolutely delighted, "How come you're here already? You weren't supposed to arrive until this late afternoon."
Crowley planted another kiss on the angel's smile and simply replied, "I missed you too much."
Aziraphale lifted his hand and rested it on the demon's cheek, saying, "I missed you too. A lot."
Then he buried his face in the demon's neck as the demon held him close, the two of them basking in the contentment of being together again. 
Granting each other the embrace they had been denied all these years. 
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable kisses series : here
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here
Ineffable Growing Love - Series post S2
Part 1 Story 1-99
Part 2 Story 100-?
41 notes · View notes
btsxmalereaders · 2 years
break my heart myself
♡ pairing — lee minho x male reader
> genre — fluff | angst
> word count — 4,02k
> summary — despite being integrated into stray kids a little late, minho and you quickly clicked and started a great relationship. unfortunately, some fans can't still see it.
> tags — 9th!member, idol!au, jealousy, happy ending.
> a/n — hihi! i hope you enjoy this, and i'm sorry i'm a bit late posting your request u.u happy belated birthday, lovely anon! 
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You were certainly not having the best time now. Starting off by these couple of days have been really tough since your group is having a comeback soon; so you had to deal with rehearsals that didn’t seem to have an ending soon, a lot of photograph sessions with tons of makeup and dress changes, and endless nights locked up in the studio to write and record songs. 
You tried to tell yourself it’s easy. Reminding yourself and repeating comforting words like it’ll all be over soon, and you’d be able to enjoy performing and connect with fans once the promotions started, but you were getting tired. 
“Hey, are you ready for today’s recording? Everyone but us and Minho are already at the studio.” Changbin pats your shoulder and brings you back down to earth, to later nod get up from the couch. You were still sleepy and wanted to take a quick nap in the living room while everyone was getting ready, but you got too deep in your thoughts and you couldn’t get the chance to do it.
Minho exits your shared bedroom and sweetly smiles at you, approaching quickly and opening his arms to embrace you right after. 
“Are you okay, sleepyhead?” He softly murmurs, making you chuckle. 
“Yeah, just a bit tired. I’ll be better once we get to the studio, though.” You tell him not to worry him too much; Minho already had enough on his plate. 
“Alright, the minivan is outside now, let’s go quickly before everyone starts complaining.” Changbin says.
It’s a quiet ride. Changbin decided to put on his headphones and listen to, you suppose, things he composed late night hours the past few weeks, meanwhile your head is resting on Minho’s shoulder as he scrolls down tiktok and laughs with you, liking cute kitty videos and some other random stuff about Stray Kids and another accounts he follows, obviously on a secret account.
Suddenly, an edit from a fan pops up. Short clips and photos of your boyfriend and Han at the rhythm of a love song. You don't say a thing, not even flinch, and Minho just keeps scrolling as if nothing happened. 
Certainly, you have noticed all those fan edits, tweets and messages on vlive about the friendship between Minho and Jisung. It started even before you joined the group, so you understood where they were coming from, it still didn't make you feel comfortable about it. Because, even though you respected and loved their friendship, you didn't like the fact that your boyfriend was being shipped with another person by lots of people, while the attention of your dynamics, despite it being a little bit more subtle for obvious reasons, was being underestimated. 
Nothing much was said in the way, Minho locked his phone a few minutes right before arriving and pressed a soft kiss on your forehead. You walk separately, just in case, but as soon as you're on the 5th floor of the building, he takes your hand and smoothly squeezes. 
"Oh god, you're finally here. What took you so long?" Hyunjin groans and stands up from his chair as soon as you enter Chan's studio. 
"Sorry, I actually took my time to have breakfast, not like you who ate under 5 minutes and ran away."
Changbin tries to defend himself and leaves his belongings on the desk.
"It's not our fault you eat so slowly." Hyunjin continues to joke, so Bin furrows.
"Okay, okay, enough. We have a lot of work to do today." Chan steps up with a smile and starts giving updates for you guys and general directions.
So you all do as told, spending a good time deep in the lyrics of a new song and getting familiarized with it, owning it and adding everyone's details, singing with your hearts and praising each other. It's a song Jisung wrote and you all couldn’t help but be amazed by how great it was. 
After a few hours of singing and arranging, you all decided it was time to take a break and get something to have for lunch. The maknae line offered to go to the cafeteria and get you all food, meanwhile Chan, Minho, Changbin and you waited and threw some ideas to continue with the recording; well, it was mainly Changbin and Chan arranging some stuff, too deep in their world meanwhile you two were snuggled on the couch. 
His fingers on your hair, touching softly, a humming which you could say resembled the singing of an angel, and his other hand with a tight holding of your back. Yet so careful and subtle. You loved the way Minho made you feel; like home, safe and sound. Loved, above all.
You were so grateful to get the chance to be part of the group, since you joined a little later, but it still impressed you the easiness of how they welcomed you and how the fans were happy about it. After all, it was meant to be. You 'd like to think that, at least. 
In between the calmness that just set, you look up to find Minho with his eyes closed, so you admire him closely; every mole, his bright and soft skin, his calm breath, his humming alongside the rhythm of his heartbeat making you feel at ease. A feeling you wouldn't trade for anything.
A few minutes later, everyone gets back in the studio with bags in their hands, the smell of food makes you realize you're hungry, so you stand up and kiss the tip of Minho's nose and smile before helping the guys with the bags.
Everyone takes a seat and begins to unpack the food, rushing to eat something to put you all in a better mood for the next few hours of work ahead of you. Occasionally you discuss what you have done so far, but you try to make the rest of the break pleasant and distracting so that everyone feels a little less tense.
"Oh, guys," Felix speaks up as you're about to finish. "Why don't we pair up and upload some tiktoks of what we're doing? It could be like a little spoiler for stays."
"Yeah, it'd be cool, but couldn't we get in trouble for this?" Jeongin asks, concerned. 
Chan simply shrugs, "No, we won't. And if we do, I don't care. It's gonna be fun."
Everyone laughs and decides to go for it, so now Chan makes you all decide whether you should pick your partner or shall he assign them, so you all choose the last option. He knows you well and how you work together, and that ends up with you paired with Hyunjin, Chan is with Seungmin and Felix, Jeongin and Changbin are together and last but not least, Han and Minho.
Now, you didn't wanna seem upset about it, but a bad feeling just settles in you. You would probably not read the comments under their video, though. The tiny hope you'd get to do this with Minho vanished away, and you were not mad about it, just a little bit disappointed. 
"Alright, let's just record a few seconds of the song, meanwhile just do a lip sync and do something nice at the ending, I guess? Like we usually do." Chan indicates briefly as he takes his phone and opens the camera, and so the first ones are Changbin and Jeongin. They end up making finger hearts with a lovely expression on their faces that makes you all chuckle.
Felix, Chan and Seungmin are up next, and they send kisses to the camera, making you cringe a little, and consequently they laugh about it too, but thinking it's funny. Then, Hyunjin and you make a small and improvised choreography as well, and end up with a cool model pose, with your arm laying on his shoulder and looking empowered. 
And finally, Han and Minho simply make a heart with their arms and shortly wave goodbye before the video ends. Chan posts them right after and hopes it all goes well afterwards. 
The rest of the recording goes smooth and quick. You're too deep in your thoughts about this situation, that is clearly out of your control, but you guess that was what bothered you more. The fact that you couldn't stand up and for once and for all put an end to all those rumors and theories just makes you feel even more mad and helpless.
"Okay, that's it for today, let's go home, alright? I'll prepare dinner for you guys." Minho says, causing everyone to cheer up after the tiring day you all just had. He places a kiss on your forehead and picks up your belongings as you head to the back of the building, where the minivan waits for you.
Of course Minho notices you're suddenly quiet rather than being clingy, but he assumes you're tired and lets you sleep a bit on your way back to the apartment. 
As soon as everyone arrives home, Minho gets ready to start preparing dinner while the others take turns taking a shower, watching TV and others on their cell phones.
"Is there anything I can help you with, sweetheart?" you ask sweetly as you approach from behind his back, placing your hands on his waist. Minho lets out a nervous little laugh and looks you in the eye. 
"Don't worry, prince. Let your boyfriend take care of preparing something delicious for you. You just sit back and wait looking pretty as always."
"I heard that!" Seungmin passes laughing and unnoticed through the kitchen, making Minho blush. While everyone is aware of how mellow you guys can be, it was still something they were amused by.
“Okay, let me know if there’s anything I can do.’’ You simply state and go to the living room, taking a seat and opening tiktok. And you promised yourself you wouldn’t read the comments, but you couldn’t help it. You oftenly chuckled at all the things stay came up with, and liked some of them, as you were using your private account. Then, when Han and Minho’s clip popped up you hesitated a bit, but did it anyway. Honestly, you didn’t know what you were expecting, to everyone comment chill and light-hearted things and not focused on their ship? Of course that wouldn’t happen.
All those “They’re definitely dating’’, and “Minsung is real’’ type of comments were getting on your nerves lately, digging deep into the uncomfortableness and bother you’ve been bottling up the past few years. You just reached the point where you can’t hide your disappointment and jealousy anymore. 
After you take a shower and try to relax, you gather with your friends and boyfriend in the kitchen to have dinner. It’s the opposite of being quiet, of course. Everyone is laughing and joking around, as always. But you, on the other hand, are more serene; despite being the other way on the inside. Minho notices it and tries to understand why, but nothing comes to mind. He softly squeezes your knee under the table but you only look at him and give him a fake smile as you finish eating.
You are the first one to finish, so you stand up and wash your plate and utensils quickly, saying nothing more than a goodnight to everyone and go straight to your room, washing your teeth in a heartbeat and deciding to get in bed and sleep before Minho could enter and start asking questions regarding in your behavior tonight. But of course, as soon as you clean your face, Minho's steps in the room and sighs, heading to the bathroom.
"Hey," He says, taking his toothbrush and standing next to you. "Is everything alright? You were very quiet, is anything I c-"
"Don't worry," You interrupt him before he can say more. "I guess I'm too tired. I just want to sleep."
"Are you sure?" He insists.
"Yes," A kiss is placed on his cheek, making Minho blush. "Let's go get some rest, okay? I'll wait for you."
Still, Minho isn't at all convinced, but lets it slide for now.
The night is spent with you both intertwined, your face hidden on the crook of his neck, his heartbeat lullabies you into a heavy sleep and the comfortableness of his arms around you. Tomorrow will be a better day, you say to yourself before falling completely asleep. 
Truth is, the next day is slightly better. Minho is really attentive to you, because he is aware something is up, and even though he knows you're not ready to tell him yet, he wanted to make you feel better and let you know you could count on him and open up whenever you wanted. 
"Today we will just arrange the last track and tomorrow we will continue with dance practices." Chan says once you're all on your way to the studio, getting everyone's attention. "And I thought, after we finish, we can make a short vlive? It's been a while since we've done one together and it's a perfect occasion, in a few weeks we will be releasing this brand new album, right? So… are you in?"
No one hesitates to agree with the idea. Chan is right, it's been quite a while since you all gathered to make a live and have fun, so it sounds like it will be a pleasant and distracting activity after these past days of stress and overwork. 
So all said and done, once you guys are done with the recording of the last track of the album, you get some food and make yourselves comfortable to start with the live. Chan is sitting in his chair, while on the couch in the back is Changbin, right on the armrest, right next to him, Jeongin and Seungmin are along the couch, and on the opposite side to Changbin, Felix has taken a seat.
Minho and Han are on the left side of Chan, and Hyunjin has kept you company on the opposite side, so that everyone can be seen by Stay in front of the camera.
"Okay, is everyone ready?" Chan asks once he has set everything up to start, and presses the start live button when he gets a positive response from everyone.
And it's really nice. Everyone is having a pretty fun time, reading the stay comments, they're placing bets and asking about the songs they will hear next. You guys are joking around, making little spoilers in order to make them suffer a bit for the wait ahead until the album is released, thanking them for the kind comments about the last tiktoks you uploaded among some other comments. 
Suddenly the comments drift off to the actions everyone is doing while reading; Jeongin, for example, has started ponytailing Felix's hair and then asked for suggestions to further style his hair, Hyunjin has started feeding you the snacks you brought, while Minho and Han are pushing each other with their shoulders to get more camera, so suddenly some more comments about them catch your attention, which inevitably makes you raise your eyes towards them.
It's a simple, innocent game, but the comments paint it as flirting. And you don't like the way that makes you feel. 
Your spirits are now down, and Hyunjin notices it immediately, so he comforts you, hugging you a little, letting you know that you can count on him if you need to let off steam, and also taking your cell phone so you can no longer read those comments. 
He quickly sends a message to Chan to end the live broadcast promptly, which he does within a few minutes without question, just after everyone has said goodbye and sent good wishes for Stay.
"So, shall we go now?" Jeongin asks a bit concerned at the abrupt ending, to which Chan confirms and says it was gonna last a bit anyway, since he still needed to be at the studio longer and wanted everyone to get more rest.
"Okay, _____ and I are going to the bathroom real quick, meet you all downstairs?" Hyunjin quickly says and everyone agrees, walking off the room as soon as possible and heading to said place.
Once you're inside the big bathroom, you quickly check no one's in the stalls and let out a long sigh, Hyunjin following you.
"Are you okay?" He asks as you wash your face with the cold water.
"Yeah, yeah," You mumble, feeling terrible.  "It's just... ugh, this is stupid. I don't understand why I feel this way, it doesn't make any sense, I mean..." 
Hyunjin only manages to look at you, feeling empathetic. 
"I'm sorry, I'm acting very childish, aren't I? The jealousy I have is quite irrational."
Your friend doesn't know what to say so he simply gives you a hug. Good, his hugs make you feel better. He makes you feel understood. Hyunjin lets you know that what you feel is okay. He won't judge you, he will simply walk you through this.
"Let's go home, Jinnie. Thank you." You simply say and ignore the tears threatening to stream down your face. 
The ride home is quite quiet. Minho is beside you, his head on your shoulder as he plays a game on his phone, but your attention is on the road, your eyes lost in the scenery. And you didn't mean to be so heartless, but this whole situation has really overtaken you for the worse.
As much as you try to think about this and come up with a solution, the truth is that all you want now is to get to your dorm room and rest. Maybe cry a little as an outlet to clear your head and then talk it over with Minho.
So once in the apartment, you quickly head to the bedroom, ignoring Minho's calls, shouting your name so that you at least turn to look at him, but his attempts end up failing. Everyone seems to be puzzled by the situation, but they decide not to intervene; at least not for now. 
Minho is really surprised by your behavior, and once you have locked yourself in the room, he turns to Hyunjin for help, since he knows that he was the last person you talked to before all this happened.
"Go to him, he seems to be avoiding you, but he needs you." He instructs him, so Minho walks quickly and knocks on the door a couple of times before entering.
It's heartbreaking for him to hear you sobbing under the covers. He's so confused and worried, so he approaches quickly but cautiously, taking a seat right next to you.
"Hey, prince, what's wrong?" He whispers, his sweet voice reaching your ear but not stopping your crying. "My love..."
Minho reaches his hand to the edge of the blanket and slowly lifts it, revealing your sad, soaked face. He just wants to come closer to kiss you and hold you so much, he wants you to stop feeling bad.
"What's wrong, do you need anything, can I do anything for you? Tell me, please."
You look at him and try to stop crying, slowly getting closer as he rounds you with his arms and kisses the top of your head. 
Your crying starts to die down, "I'm sorry." You manage to say, with your voice still low, almost in a whisper.
Minho doesn’t understand why you are suddenly apologizing, but he listens to you and lets you continue. 
"I've... This is nonsense, I'm sorry, I don't want you to feel like I'm forbidding you to... I mean, I don't want to-"
"____, hey, it's okay, honey. Take a breath, take your time. It’s okay." He says, now placing a kiss on the tip of your nose and raising his hand to erase the tears on your face.
"It's just that..." A sigh leaves your mouth, in an attempt to calm down your nerves. "Lately, I have read and seen... things that are quite hard for me to process and, I know I shouldn't care about it, cause it's meaningless, but somehow, it gets in my head and now I can't simply ignore it. I hate how this makes me feel."
"What's wrong?" 
"Please don't hate me for this or laugh about it…"
"Of course I won't." He assures you, smiling up a bit to make you feel comfortable. 
"Okay, I'll just say it. This shipping culture the fans have… I try to understand it, it's fun sometimes, but, it's getting on my nerves that all I can see lately it's about you and Jisung… and, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm jealous about this."
You close your eyes, so you can't see Minho's reaction to your words. You said it so quickly you ran out of breath a little bit, and the fact that Minho hasn't said anything in what feels like an eternity, makes you feel nervous. Did you mess up? Is he holding up a laugh? Does he feel attacked? 
"Prince, look at me." He utters, holding your face, which is probably turning red, and caressing your cheek. 
You slowly do as told, cracking one eye open and quickly with the other one after seeing his face is serious. He's not laughing, but there's a small smile that denotes comprehension. 
"I love you." Minho says before pulling you for a kiss. His free hand sliding on your back and holding you tightly. When you run out of breath, he slowly separates, but his forehead is resting on yours and your noses touch up on a skimo kiss.  "I love you so, so much."
"I love you too…" You whisper. "I'm sorry."
"No. Don't be." He quickly says, separating a bit so he can stare into your eyes. "You don't have to be sorry, okay? I understand where you're coming from. What you feel is completely understandable. I just… I wish you had told me before you felt this bad."
A smile is finally drawn in your lips, "I honestly didn't know it affected me that much until now. I mean, I just didn't care about it at the beginning, but now it's… everywhere. In a lot of comments on every single video, every live; on signs at the concerts, on fansigns… It got into my head."
"I'm sorry, prince." He says and kisses you again. "Uhm, I'm sure we can talk it out and maybe, if it makes you feel like this, Jisung and I can stop it by not interacting too much-"
"No!" You interrupt him, making him feel surprised. "No way, no. This isn't what I want to happen. It's not your fault, not Jisung's. I don't want you to stop being friends or having your friendship affected by this. I don't think this is in our hands to solve, I'll have to find a way to ignore it and move on."
"Love, I'd do anything to make you feel better. I don't want you to ever feel sad about this situation, we can look out for a solution with Jisung. I'm sure he'll understand." He says.
"I know, but I love and respect your friendship with him too. You've been friends since forever, even before I took part in the group, and I will never forgive myself if that is ruined somehow because of this." 
Minho looks at you with adoration, "Are you sure? Because we can come up with a solution."
You smile, "I'm sure. I just needed to let it all out to feel better. It's gonna be okay, eventually."
"Okay, just let me know if you ever feel like this again, please." 
"Sure. Thank you, love." 
"No need to, my prince." He says and kisses you again. "Now let's wash up your pretty face and watch a movie? I'll let you pick."
Minho doesn’t separate from you the rest of the night. He showers you with kisses and whispers sweet words to your ears until you fall asleep between each other's arms. From now on, you know everything will be okay.
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vintagepresley · 1 year
If you’re not comfortable with writing this I totally understand but with all the appreciation of Elvis’ ass lately, could I request reader giving big daddy elvis a blowjob only she keeps going lower and lower if you know what I mean :)(basically the reader eats elvis’ ass)
OHMYGOD. Please this is certainly not out of my comfort zone. I love this man’s ass. I’ve been wanting to write something like this, but wasn’t too sure how others would feel. Thank you!!! This is inspired by that video of his ass I posted yesterday! I’m not sure who wants to be tagged in this so I won’t tag anyone, lol. I've never written anything like this before so if it's not good.. Well, sorry!
Warnings:18+SMUTMSUTSMUT Oral (male receiving), deepthroating, anilingus, anal play. 
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The roar of the crowd could be heard backstage as his fans excitedly waited for him to take the stage soon. Elvis was backstage not yet in his jumpsuit as he was still getting ready and you sat on the couch watching him as you always did. Your favorite thing to do was just watch him get ready for his shows and slip into his jumpsuits, which was your favorite part. You could never keep your eyes off him in that thing especially with the way his ass fit into it. Elvis was fully aware of your obsession with his ass with all your constant grabbing and slapping of it. He didn’t mind it, but sometimes he’d have to fight you off him. But you couldn’t help yourself. It was so round and thick that when he wore his jumpsuits it made his ass look so tight and juicy, it practically had you salivating at the sight of it. 
He had some time before he had to go out onstage because crowds were still coming in and filling seats and with the guys elsewhere. Since he wasn’t dressed yet you had gotten a naughty little idea into your head. When Elvis came to sit beside you he glanced over to see you smiling at him. He raised an eyebrow at you. “What?” he mumbled. 
You chewed on your bottom lip and let out a soft giggle. “Mm.. I was thinking I’d like to give you something to wish you luck on your show tonight.” you hummed. 
“Oh yeah? And what might that be, honey?” he grinned. 
You stood up from the couch and walked in front of him, standing in between his legs and you leaned down to press a little kiss to his soft lips. “You just sit back and let me show you..” you whispered to him as you slowly sank down to your knees in front of him, the harsh carpeting brushing up against your bare knees. A little smirk played on his lips as he stared down at you on your knees, he wouldn’t say no to an offer like this. He let out a soft content sigh as he leaned back against the couch, getting comfortable and you could see him already getting excited at the very thought of you giving him a blowjob that his cock was already pitching a tent in his pants. You bit down on your bottom lip watching his large member growing before you, which only excited you even more as you eagerly slipped your fingers between the waistband of his sweatsuit pants and you began to tug them down and he slightly lifted his hips up to help you slip his pants down with ease and then you stripped them off him completely, tossing them to the side. Now you were face to face with his aching cock that dangled in front you and precum slowly moistening the tip of his cock. 
He let out a soft exhale as he kept his eyes on you, reaching down to tuck your hair behind your ears as he licked over his lips, anticipating the feeling of your mouth around him. Your lashes fluttered as you stared up at him, wrapping your hand around his cock and causing his hips to slightly buck. “Daddy’s so sensitive today, huh?” you giggled watching his chest rise and fall rapidly, he nodded at your words. You grinned and stuck your tongue out swirling it around the tip of his cock and then gliding it down the shaft, feeling him twitch and throb against your tongue as you ran it back up to the tip, he groaned and let out soft whimpers as you slowly started stroking his cock as your teased his tip a little more before you took his cock inch by inch into your mouth until he hit back of your throat. His head rested back against the couch as he let out a louder groan, reaching down to tangle his hand into your hair. 
“Damn, that feels so good, baby..” he mumbled between heavy breaths. 
His words made you happy as you sucked his cock slowly, making soft slurping sounds as your tongue swirled around him as he guided your head, bobbing it slowly and causing you to gag when his cock hit the back of your throat with each slow movement. You let out soft moans around him and small pools of saliva already gathering at the sides of your mouth and dripping along his swollen cock and down his balls. You loved hearing him groan louder as he fell deeper into his arousal, you stared up at him with wide eyes seeing how much he was enjoying it and then you slipped his cock out of your mouth, watching the saliva drip down his cock and then you laid your tongue flat against his shaft and slid it down toward his balls, licking each one and then taking them into your mouth and sucking on them as you stroked his cock above you and with your other hand you grasped his balls which caused a loud needy whimper to escape him as you squeezed his balls in your hand, massaging them slowly as your mouth continued to suck on them until you released and teased your tongue over his swollen balls. Your tongue inched lower and lower below his balls and he raised an eyebrow when he noticed you going so low and then your hands grasped his legs, tugging at them for him to push himself off the couch a bit and he did so without hesitation. You lifted his legs up just enough to hover above the floor and for you to have access to his ass. 
He continued to stare down at you as your tongue laid flat against his balls, flicking and licking them slowly and you placed your hands onto his inner thighs and spread his legs further apart as your tongue found its way down to his rim. The moment your warm wet tongue dipped against his rim you felt him jump a bit and you let out a soft giggle. He was not expecting that and didn’t know how to feel about it, but he wasn’t doing anything to stop either. He was curious. He never had a woman do what you were about to do for him. When you saw he wasn’t stopping you a smirked formed on your lips and you teased your tongue around his rim slowly, laying your tongue flat up against it and giving it wide lick and you reached up to take his cock back in your hand and stroking it as your tongue worked its way around his rim and you felt his body shudder at the feeling and he moaned softly. The stimulation of your tongue and stroking his cock was doing things for him he had never felt before and he had to admit.. He loved it. 
He was so sensitive already that each time your tongue hit up against his asshole he whimpered in pleasure and now his hand that was still tangled in your hair pushed your face deeper between his ass and your eyes widened with delight as you stared up at him, stroking his cock nice and slow as you spit onto his needy tight heat and then slowly dipping your tongue inside of him and his eyes rolled back and he moaned loudly and you began to pump your tongue inside of his tight ass, getting it in deeper with each pump and circling around inside of him. “Oh god.. T-That feels so good..” he cried, as his moans grew louder and his body responded in a way he wasn’t used to. It was so overstimulating for him and just feeling your tongue fuck him made him crave more. You loved how much he was enjoying it because you were loving it even more. You slipped your tongue out of his ass and traced it along the rim and the feeling of your warm breath hitting against his sensitive hole drove him wild. You dragged your tongue up and down between his ass, touching every sensitive nerve as you played with his hole. You licked your lips, kitten licking him all the way back up to his balls and over the shaft of his cock and you took him back into your mouth and this time taking his cock deep into your throat, wanting to get saliva all over him so it leaked down between his ass. 
Elvis let out soft noises and his whimpers only grew as you deepthroated his cock, gagging around him quietly and releasing his saliva covered cock and giggling softly seeing the look of pleasure on his face as your stroke all the saliva along his cock and you took some on your fingers and ran them down between his ass, tracing your wet fingers along his stretched rim and his hips convulsed feeling your fingers tease him in that way as you got him nice and wet. “I-I want to feel your tongue again, baby.. Please..” he begged so needily. You nodded at his words with a grin. Your hand around his cock pumping the head at a steady pace and your face buried back between his ass and you shoved your tongue deep inside of him, pumping quickly and wiggling your tongue around inside of him, staring up at him through your lashes and seeing how much pleasure you were giving him that he was grasping the couch beneath him, breathing heavily, panting between each loud desperate moan as he begged for more. You quickened your pace, fucking his tight hole with your tongue deeper until your tongue completely disappeared inside of him and that sent him over the edge. He could feel his orgasm building within him and he felt his body becoming numb and his mind was running wild and felt as if the room was spinning as his vision went fuzzy as his orgasm rose to the surface. You were stroking his cock and tongue fucking his ass at the same fast pace that he couldn’t hold on any longer. He felt like he was going to explode and he grabbed a hold of your hair, tugging at it as he pulled your head back and your tongue slipping out of him and he shoved his cock back into your mouth, releasing his warm load down your throat and you moaned softly, swallowing every bit of him down and your hand grabbed his balls, squeezing and working them in your grasped as you traced your fingertips over his stretched rim and suckling at the tip of his cock as you milked every last drop of his cum out of him as he fed you a big load. 
“Goddamn, baby… Fuck..” he moaned loudly as he finished and he pulled your head back as his body collapsed against the couch tiredly, his body nearly trembling and his cock twitching as it slowly grew flaccid. You watched him and smirked to yourself a soft giggle escaping you as you licked his cum off your lips and slipped your fingers that played with his ass into your mouth, sucking the taste of him off before you got up from the floor and climbed into his lap, grabbing a hold of his face and kissing him deeply, making him taste himself and he wrapped his arms around you and deepen the kiss, moaning against your lips until he pulled back from the kiss and looking at you with such a surprised look upon his face. “Jesus, that was uh.. I liked that..” he admitted shyly. You laughed softly, running your hands along his chest.
“Mm, something told me that you would..” you hummed, smirking. 
Elvis exhaled sharply, forgetting he still had a show to do until he heard the crowd again, he had no idea how he was going to focus without thinking about what you did to him. He was hooked and was already wanting to do it again. 
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oh-surprise-its-me · 10 months
Roy/Jaime Prompt: A guy that looks just like Jamie is found murdered and everyone thinks it's him, especially when they try to reach Jamie and he doesn't answer. Roy is completely shattered, and then a very much alive Jamie Tartt walks in, grumbling about his broken phone and apologizing for being late. He is summarily pulled into a rib bending hug and kissed fucking senseless by Roy Fucking Kent. He's gonna want an explanation later, for now Jamie just wants to keep kissing Roy and hug him back just as hard because the man he's loved forever is shaking uncontrollably. Richmond fam surround them in no time.
YOOOO PAIN? YOU WANT PAIN? ILL GIVE YOU PAIN- kidding actually but I’ll try to give you a bit but there will be crack.
Roy can’t breathe. He saw the Twitter headline and started calling Jamie before he even double checked.
Voicemail again. All the guys are out in the locker room calling people trying to find out if it’s true.
It’s looking truer and truer by the passing moment.
News sites are running the story. Georgie left him a voicemail to call her.
Christ Jamie is dead.
Roy stumbles out into the locker room again. He needs the noise and to not be alone. Colin sees him and comes over to hold his hand. Christ. He’d normally smack someone if they tried this but he just holds on tighter.
“Christ sorry I’m so late lads, dropped my phone and a taxi ran over it.”
Jamie comes waltzing into the locker room. Great. Roy is already hallucinating his dead boyfriend.
Colin slaps Roy.
Roy instinctually slaps Colin back. “Hey! Stop hitting each other!”
Dead Jamie walks over to Roy, “bad rest of the day?”
He touches Roy’s furrowed brows.
He touches Roy.
He’s alive.
Roy gasps all at once. He stands and lunges forward, he grabs Jamie so hard he hears air leave his lungs. “Woah!”
He can’t let go but he starts kissing all the skin he can reach, mostly Jamie’s neck. “Roy cut it out we are literally in the locker room.” But Jamie just holds onto the back of Roy’s neck.
Roy loosens his grip on Jamie to pull him into a bruising kiss. He hears Jamie let out a shocked but quiet moan.
Jamie pulls away gasping, “what the fuck happened. Is Roy dying?”
All of a sudden it’s like the guys realize they can move, they all grab onto Jamie. Sam starts explaining, while Roy just keeps holding onto Jamie.
Once everyone settles down a bit Roy pulls Jamie next to him on the bench. “No practice today, come over, we’ll order dinner.”
Everyone trickles out to their cars get to Roy’s house.
“I really didn’t know I’m sorry.”
Roy laughs. “Sorry? No don’t be sorry. But Christ Jamie that was terrifying. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
“Gonna have to do a press release and say you aren’t dead.”
“Fuck what if I just post something on Instagram? Us kissing maybe?”
“Fuck it sure go ahead.”
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redbleedingrose · 1 year
im sorry i havent been interacting much lately- im having a rough time atm and havnt felt like myself but im working on it!
ANYWAY this has been on my mind and it is genuinely getting me thru the day so i j have to share:) imagine ur having a bad day. like the worst of the worst, everything that could have gone wrong has. and to top it off you woke up feeling awful about yourself- total bad brain day. you get home irritated and exhausted and on the verge of tears and go straight to ur room, completely bypassing eris (this can be pre twins or post twins) and hes just sitting there confused as to why you j kept walking. at least until u accidentally let a bit of emotion down the bond and IMMEDIATELY eris is coming to you. he sees u crying and it shatters his heart bc why is the love of his life crying. so u explain ur day and how bad ur feeling ab urself and he just sits and listens and reassures u and makes you feel like the most loved person in the universe (bc by him you are).
v much realizing how heavy hurt/comfort it is so u can definitely ignore it but im fr wishing for an eris to help me thru it rn <3
Hi my dear,
I am sorry you are going through it rn, I totally understand and get it. You are not alone and don’t worry, Girl dad!Eris will always save the day because you are his heart, soul, and world. 
Okay, so you just wake up not knowing that today was going to be a rough day. Honestly you had a lot of hope that the day was going to go really well!
Eris woke up early this morning because he has been busy adjusting the laws that Beron had set into place. He is working hard to undo them to make Autumn Court a better place for his people, for his little girls, and for you. 
When he finishes getting ready, he crosses the room towards your form that is still laying in bed, fast asleep. He wakes you to give you your first good morning, a habit that formed when your bond had initially snapped into place centuries ago 
He kisses your forehead, stroking your hair back as he gently murmurs, “I have to go to my office, I love you so so much my pretty, and I will see you at breakfast.” 
And you smile back, bleary eyed, leaning up to peck him on the lips, telling him you would be up soon, sending a stroke of love down your mating bond in reassurance. 
You watch tiredly as he tip-toes to his favorite babes who were still sleeping peacefully in their bassinets, and gives them each individual kisses.
You are too tired to hear what he whispers down at the two, but you are 100% positive it is something along the lines of, “Be good for your mama my beautiful babes. Papa will be back soon, and he loves you more than anything.” 
And then he walks out the door, winking at you as he shuts it softly behind him. 
By the time you fully wake, it’s been almost an hour since Eris started his day. Marwa and Twila are still asleep, and so you get up with a sense of motivation to get yourself ready. 
Since the babes were born, it had become increasingly difficult to find time in the morning to get yourself ready before breakfast. Usually, you would need to get yourself dressed and appearing somewhat presentable after you fed the girls their breakfast. 
At first, this worried you. You didn’t want to appear like you were lazy or “letting yourself go” when you arrive to breakfast, frazzled from wrangling the girls out of bed and to the kitchem still in your pajama’s with some dried drool at the corner of your lips from the night before
But the way Eris would look up from where he was seated at the dining table when you would wake in with your babes hand in hand... 
The way his eyes would spark with the fire that ran within his veins... the way his face would illuminate with utter joy and peace... the way he always stood in greeting, hugging his babes and putting them in their seats... the way he would pull your chair back for you like the gentlemale he was, tucking you in your seat right next to him before pressing a kiss onto the back of your hand
And if he was feeling incredibly risky, whenever the girls would be focused on eating their breakfast, he would press kisses all the way up your bare arm, right up to your shoulder, whispering something along the lines of how stunning you look this morning 
And you would always flush at his compliments, preening under his gaze, any worries that you previously carried slipping away like a leaf within the wind drifting to the ground off a tree
But this morning... you had the time to get ready. Your perfect babes had decided to sleep in. So after taking a quick peak to ensure that both were still dreaming happily, you race towards the en-suite bathroom to rush to take a bath 
You soak in the tub for 15 minutes, scrubbing every inch of your skin and allowing for the sunflower oil to hydrate any dryness you were experiencing. You even have time to wash your hair with your favorite rose scented shampoo and conditioner.
You smile, knowing that you have your morning all planned out perfectly. The moment you get out of the bath, you will apply some light rogue to your lips and cheeks to brighten you up today. And if you have the time, you will make sure that your hair is somewhat tame from the bird-nest it was from last night’s late night activities with your husband...
Your perfumed scent and fresh, soft skin is likely going to drive your mate insane during breakfast.
And, so, when the babes run off for their morning riding lessons with their Uncle Luc after breakfast... well... whose to say what Eris will do to you?  
Hopefully drag you into his office to have his way with you while the girls are away for a couple of hours before returning to work
But as you get ready... as you stare at yourself in the mirror... you can’t help but feel off. Something about the way you look today feels off.
Entirely off. 
The way your rogue is settling on your cheeks is not flattering, and no matter how many times you wipe it off and reapply, it is making you look like you painted yourself this morning to look like a clown. Even the way the rogue stains your lips is wrong. 
Fresh face without any makeup will have to do. Eris has never complained before, and he never will. He loves your bare face. He often prefers it because it let’s him paint your face with his cum. 
So you sigh in dissapointment, but let it go ultimately. At least you can still fix your hair the way you want. Maybe you will curl it to frame your face? Maybe you will straighten to highlight your cheeks? The possibilites are endless, right! 
Your hair is not working with you today. No matter how you try styling it, it falls right back into place, resting in a messy way. You even tried applying a small portion of the gel your mate uses in the morning to help with it, but your hair ends up feeling a bit crusty and greasy, even though that never happens to Eris. 
You’re now feeling a little demotivated... you take a quick peak into your room, noticing that both your babes are awake now. Thank the mother they are just babbling at each other, distracted by telling each other about their dreams. 
Soon they will realize that their papa is gone, and that mama is in the bathroom, and they will run to receive your morning lovings of hugs and kisses before you help them get ready for the day. 
That leaves you with a couple minutes to at least dress a little nicer this morning. So you run into the closet, picking out a flowy sage green dress that Eris had bought for you a couple of days ago despite your closet being full of other clothes. 
“I wanna spoil you my beloved. Besides, I already bought Marwa and Twila dresses that match yours. So maybe you can have them wear their dresses when you wear yours. Just so I can see my most beautiful girls and perfect mate matching.” 
Gods, the way he treated you had your heart fully leaping into his hands, without any hesitancy or doubt, for him to hold close to his own heart
But even the dress is not fitting right on you. The way it hugs your hips shows off the dips that had developed after having your girls. And you didn’t necessarily hate them per say... but it wasn’t something you wanted highlighted to your mate and the entire autumn court for that matter
And then you start to think maybe it’s not the rogue or the hair or the dress... maybe it’s me. I mean your body has changed a lot since having your girls. Your breasts had enlarged with milk for the babes, and your hips had widened for the birth. 
And you hadn’t bounced back like you thought you would. 
And obviously, Eris never gave you any pressure or stress about it. In fact, the male worshiped your body. Pre-pregnancy, during pregnancy, and post pregnancy. He was obsessed with you in the best way possible. 
But for some reason... today was just not working with you. And you felt dejected that you had wasted your time this morning trying to get ready for your husband, only for it to not work out, when you probably could’ve snuck into his office to have a quick few... private... moments. 
Alas, you didn’t have time to think on it too much because the girl’s came running into the room, clinging at your legs begging for their morning kisses and hugs. 
Your heart sung at their love, and you felt a small tug at your bond as the wave of emotion seeped down to where-ever Eris was this morning. 
So you lean down, pick up your girls, pressing kisses all over their faces as they giggle at you, and move to get them ready, pushing away any discontent to the back of your mind. 
You had no time to let this bother you anyway. After breakfast, and hopefully some alone time with Eris,  you needed to head out to different towns across Autumn Court to gather intel on any concerns the people had, to reassure the people that you and Eris were working hard as high lord and high lady to ensure their prosperity, to ensure that you would be different from Beron. 
The girls are incredibly difficult this morning. They want to see their papa, and they want their papa to get them ready this morning. So you press your lips together, promising them that papa will join them for breakfast if they get ready quickly. 
A couple of temper tantrums later, the three of you arrive at the breakfast nook only to discover Lucien in the place of Eris. He sends over a sympathetic smile at the downcast look that crosses your face, letting you and the babes know that their papa had to head out to the border to deal with something that had come up. 
You tug at your bond in worry, and your mate replies almost instantly with reassurance and apology which you wholeheartedly accept. Things like this happen. Things like this will happen as high lord and high lady. Things will come up and interrupt your morning and that is okay. 
But damn, does it mother above fucking suck.  
The only reason the babes don’t have a meltdown over the lack of thier papa’s presence is Lucien’s promise for some candies later if they eat quickly and get to the stables for their horse riding lessons. He squeezes your shoulder in warmth as he is pulled away by his favorite nieces, who immediately give you a hug and kiss in goodbye, once they finish eating. 
You head out to town as soon as you finish your own breakfast. 
The sooner you get this done, the sooner you can see Eris and spend some time with your babes, together as a family. That is the only thing you look forward to for the rest of the day. 
But your time in town only further worsens your mood. Compliant after compliant after compliant. All of them being valid and equally concerning. All of the citizens of the Autumn Court had suffered for centuries under Beron’s rule, and once the fear of Eris disappeared with his kindness, feelings of anger arose within the general population against the Vanserra family as a whole
At some point, you had closed off the bond to Eris because you feared he would pick up on your general distress that was progressing into outright sorrow, discomfort, and grief. 
There wasn’t much you could do besides take the brunt of the anger as high lady, reassure the people that you and Eris were working for them, for the people and not the members of court, to undo the heinous laws Beron had inacted, but advise them it would take time. 
Town after town after town. 
So many families, so many elderly, so many women, so many children had suffered. So many perished with the high taxes and tithes they would were forced to pay, not leaving them with enough money to even buy food. 
And the children... they looked at you with such hope... and once you earned their trust with a couple of candies and friendly conversation, they would sit near you trying to gain the favor of their high lady. They would tell you of losing their fathers to the war, losing their mothers to famine because they would sacrifice their food for their babes... 
It nearly broke you. 
And by the end of the day... by the end of the day you just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep the day away. Intense sadness squeezed at your heart, leaving a lump in your throat, and nausea that had your head spinning. 
You didn’t want the girls to see you like this. You only wanted them to see you happy, to see you content. You and Eris had agreed that the babes would grow up with no concern for either of their parents, that you would put on a front so they felt safe, so they felt normal. 
Nor did you want your mate to see you like this. You didn’t want him to worry about you. 
Part of your sadness stemmed from your overall day being couldron damned. Another part from your lack of time around your mate and babes. Another part from your doubt of yourself in terms of your ability as high lady and even in terms of your beauty. 
It just... the day was not working out the way you wanted it to. And the day refused to work out the way you expected it to. Every surprise was a sad one. There was nothing happy about what happened today. 
So when you got home, nearing sunset, you walked straight past where your mate and the babes were seated in the sitting room. The girls were in their own world, taking turns trying to read the book that was settled on the floor in front of them as the hounds cuddled into their laps and surrounded them in a protective circle. Eris had been leaning on the couch, a content look spanning his face with a soft smile crinkling his freckle covered cheek, watching his perfect babes politely hand off different pages to each other, watching them point at the little pictures in the book and pointing it out to the hounds that were around them who oddly looked like they understood every word the babes spoke to them. 
Your mate had been the first to notice your presence along with the hound he had gifted you for protection when you had accepted the mating bond. The hound trailed after you as Eris stared after your distancing form in confusion, you hadn’t even spared him or the babes so much as a glance as you stormed towards your bedroom. 
A sense of dread fills the male as he feels a pulse of sadness through the bond. He hadn’t felt anything from you since this morning, but he had chalked it up to you being busy. He hadn’t thought you were upset in any form. He felt his heart drop, maybe you were angry he had failed to join you and the girls for breakfast. 
“Watch over the babes,” he commanded the hounds who had sat up, ears pointing backward and down in alert at their masters orders, surrounding the girls in a circle. When the babes asked where their papa was going, “I’m gonna check on your mama, my Marwa, my Twila.  Don’t worry. we will be back with dinner okay?” 
They nodded in reply, confused because their mama usually always greeted them with kisses and hugs whenever she came back from work, but they didn’t ask their papa any other questions as he hurried after you.  
Eris finds you curled under the covers in bed, and you don’t even peak out to watch him approach you as he settles down on the bed on your side. His feet settle onto the floor on the side of the bed as he angles his body to face yours. He can smell the saltiness of your tears in the air which has his heart racing, trying to think of any reason you could be upset. 
Gods forbid, had you been hurt while out in town? Were you upset with him? Were the girls too rough to deal with alone this morning? 
He would never forgive himself if anything had happened to you. 
Nor would he forgive the person who was stupid enough to upset you like this. 
And Mother have mercy on him if he found out that he was the reason you were upset. He would rather light himself on fire alive than be the cause of your pain. 
“Beloved?” he whispers when he hears your sniffles coming from underneath the covers. He presses a firm hand into what looks to be the outline of your shoulder, before peeling the blanket away from you. 
Bile rises in his throat as he clocks in the tears streaming down your cheeks, your hand pressed into your mouth to muffle your sobs, and eyes squeezed shut to hide the pain that was no doubt reflected in your beautiful iris’. 
His heart shatters into a million pieces, not understanding what has happened that has upset you so. 
But he quickly jumps into action. 
Immediately shifting to lay on top of you, to allow his body weight to act as a grounding source, to allow his warmth to stabilize the adrenaline that is racing through your veins, to press kisses anywhere he has access to. 
His hands run up and down your sides, squeezing at your waist and hips before pulling you up into him, molding your body against his as his arm wraps tightly around your waist, his other arm reaching up to finger the ends of your hair. 
“What happened my beloved? Has something hurt you?” 
You don’t even reply, you just bury your head into the junction of his shoulder and neck, inhaling his cinnamon and apple scent, tinged with the afternoon rain and leaves, allowing for the sound of his heartbeat to calm your own. 
You finally open your side of the bond, allowing all your feelings to flood towards him. He takes a sharp inhale, overwhelmed by the rush of negative emotions, but doesn’t say anything. He wants you to share these feelings with him. He wants to lift the burden of these feelings in any way he can. And if that means letting it go onto him, then so be it. 
You shake against his body for a while, tears soaking into his shoulder as he strokes your hair, at some point pulling you into his lap and rocking you back and forth. 
And when you are ready,  you finally begin to tell your husband about your day. About how the day started off so perfectly with him waking you up, and how you felt so motivated to feel pretty for him. How nothing worked out and it left you feeling insecure. How the girls were upset that their papa wasn’t there in the morning, instead they were stuck with mama (even though you know that is not how they meant it to sound, they are only babes for mothers sake). How the towns people had so many concerns. How the children of the court had suffered. How upset you were that these things would take time to fix. How upset you were that you couldn’t relieve the peoples pain with one law, with one all included fix. How much you missed him throughout the day. How much you had wanted some alone time with him... some private time... how disappointed you were when he wasn’t there at breakfast, and how you just were not feeling good. Not feeling good about the day. Not feeling good about the state of the court. Not feeling good about yourself. 
And he listened. Stroking your back with one hand, and your hair with the other. Pressing kisses into your temple and forehead, onto your cheeks and corners of your eyes every time a new tear tried to slip out. 
He didn’t interrupt you once, allowing for you to get all your feelings out there. Only sending strokes of love, appreciation, pride, longing, and want down the bond that tied your two hearts together. 
And when you finally finished, tears all dried out, breathless from your rant, his hand came up to your chin, gripping it to force eye contact with you. The bond had tightened into one of pure devotion streaking down to reach your end, encasing you with your mates love. His amber iris’ stared into yours, flicking back and forth, reflecting only honesty and truth as he began thickly, “My beloved, you are the most stunning female I have ever seen, ever had the pleasure knowing, probably the most stunning female to have ever existed. You are the definition of ethereal, elegance, dazzling, enchanting, and alluring. Your beauty exceeds that of the stars, moon, and sun. There are not enough words to describe your beauty, really there are no words that can accurately describe it either. You are just going to have to take my word for it, and I promise you that I will prove to you ever day how bewitched I am by you. I am so sorry your day didn’t go as you wanted it to. I was actually hoping to join you sometime later today, but I got pulled away by the border issues and I just didn’t have enough time. I am sorry you had to deal with all that on your own. Things for the people are very emotionally charged right now, but I am so fucking proud of you. I am proud to have you as my high lady. I, and the people of this court, are incredibly blessed to have you as high lady, my beloved. You handled things beautifully, and in ways that I couldn’t have done better myself. You are allowed to have off days my love, but I am here for you. And I am going to remind you every time you have one of those days, actually, I am going to remind you every day, that you are my entire heart. My whole soul. And my world, along with the babes. My universe revolves around you. And you are the most loved person I know. The babes absolutely adore you, and while they were complaining in the morning for you, you should’ve seen how they cried when they realized you would be gone for the entire day. It took hours to console them beloved, hours. I was nearly about to rip my hair out before I brought in the hounds to distract them. You are their world. You are the perfect mama to them, and I assure you that you are their favorite being to exist, and I cannot help but feel the exact same. I love you so much, and it is going to be okay. I promise you.”
Your lip trembled at his devotion towards you. Everyday, your mate managed to surprise you with the amount of love and affection he held towards you. Everyday, over and over again, he proved that he was the only being that you could ever possibly want or need to be happy, to be content, to live. “Thank you, Er,” you whispered, leaning forward and capturing his lips against yours. They moved slowly and passionately against each other, pulling away and coming back. Gasping against each others lips for air before shifting to press against each other with no space left in between. His tongue slipped between your lips, ushering into your mouth to stroke at your tongue causing a shot of lust to course through your body. He leaned back, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth, eliciting a soft moan that had him surging forward again.
Both Marwa and Twila’s little voices squealed at their parents display of affection, you shoved Eris away at the sound of your babes, immediately glancing over his shoulder to see the two of them scrunching their tiny faces in disgust. The both of them must’ve snuck in at some point during Eris’ speech, and- 
“Mama, Papa was sucking your face off!” Twila screamed, leaping across the room towards you. Marwa following behind her just as quickly. Both landed on their papa, causing Eris to fall back with an “omph” 
Their tiny fingers shoved into Eris’ sides trying to tickle the male to get him away from their precious mama with their best effort. Luckily for their papa, he was not very ticklish. 
Unluckily for them, the babes were. 
He locked eyes with you, amber iris’ lined with mischief that caused you to giggle and nod. You both snatched one of the girls away, sending soft brushes across their torso and behind their knees where they tickled the most, sloppily kissing every inch of their faces you both could reach.  Their little screams of laughter that followed, soothing the last seed of ache in your heart. 
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strandbuckley · 6 months
What do you think danny would do/say about max being a menace in the twitch chat? 👀🤭
Not gonna lie, this one got away from me. I set this in the quartet verse because that's where I talk about this dynamic the most so apologies if that doesn't fit your vibe
Feel free to send me more of these little blurb prompts, I really enjoy them
Cross posted on ao3 here (just in case reading long posts on tumblr annoys you)
When Daniel returned home from running errands, the door to Max’s office was shut. That wasn’t an unusual sight, he usually liked to clock out the noise of the cats while he was sim racing or keep the other three boys out of sight when he was streaming with Redline. Daniel was almost positive he didn’t have a stream scheduled today, but he still knocked lightly, the secret code they’d established upon all of them transitioning to living together in Max and Daniel’s apartment.
There was a moment of silence from the other side of the door before Daniel heard Max call, “Come in.”
Max was sitting at his sim setup, the title screen for one of his racing games pulled up on the monitor in front of him but no game running. Instead he was on his phone, grinning at what looked like a twitch stream. 
“Hey Maxy,” Daniel stood behind him, squeezing his shoulders lightly and dropping a kiss to his head. “Whatcha doing?”
“I just wanted to drop into the boys stream for a minute,” Max explained, closing the app and locking his phone, placing it face down on the desk to turn in his chair and give Daniel his attention.
“Didn’t feel like streaming with them?”
“Not today. Lando and Charles will be home tomorrow, so I wanted to spend some time with just us tonight.”
“That sounds perfect baby,” Daniel pressed another kiss to his head and ran his fingers through his hair, ruffling where his headset had pushed it flat against his head. “I’m gonna go get started on dinner.”
“Okay. I’ll be out in a minute.”
Daniel padded into the kitchen and started pulling out the pre-portioned ingredients for their meal. He wasn’t much of a chef but he could follow the instructions written on the lid of the container. Max made his way into the main room while Daniel was sauteeing the vegetables and took a seat at the island. He immediately started up his stream of consciousness chatter, filling Daniel in on all that he had missed from Max’s day while he was out. Daniel always found it amusing that Max was usually so reserved but almost never shut up when it was just the two of them. He wasn’t even this talkative with Charles and Lando, though Daniel thought that had a bit to do with Lando having no filter and barely even shutting his mouth when he was asleep (Daniel loved him more than anything but he wondered how his jaw didn’t constantly hurt from moving so much).
Max was half-way through a story about Jimmy terrorizing Sassy, which was almost a daily occurrence, when his phone pinged with a message. When he saw that it was from Lando, he turned down the heat on the stove top and picked his phone up, still half listening to Max.
Muppet: look at what Max has been up to today (link)
Danny: realnamegucci?
Daniel furrowed his brows in confusion as he scrolled through the twitter (yes he refused to accept the rebrand) post Lando had sent him. It was a series of screenshots of increasingly unhinged comments in the chat of today’s Redline stream.
Muppet: crane accidentally on purpose exposed Max’s burner account
Danny: oh shit
Muppet: i think Maxy needs a spanking
Danny: is it your place to decide what Max needs
Muppet: no sir
Danny: good boy. now go to sleep it’s way too fucking late where you are
Muppet: yes danny
Muppet: but if you spank him at least video it for us
Danny: lando
Muppet: sorry
“Everything okay?”
Daniel looked up to see Max staring at him with his head tilted to the side like a confused puppy. He realized that he’d become completely absorbed in his conversation with Lando and stopped listening to what Max was saying to him.
“Sorry baby I got distracted. Just Lando being a menace.”
“So a normal Tuesday then?”
“Pretty much.”
“Anything important?”
“Nah, just a link to some twitter post he wanted me to see.”
“You know it is “X” now don’t you Daniel?”
“Fuck you, you know I don’t accept that shit.”
Max chuckled, then yelped as Daniel threw a wadded up paper towel at him, nearly falling off his stool in his attempt to dodge it. 
Daniel plated their meals and sat Max’s in front of him, then joined him at the bar. MAx waited until Daniel had taken the first bite before digging into his own food.
“Good boy,” Daniel praised, reaching over to squeeze Max’s knee gently.
He hadn’t asked Max to be submissive tonight, but he loved the way his boy fell back into their old dynamic when it was just the two of them. He loved Charles and Lando and their relationship wouldn’t be complete without the two of them, but he missed Max’s submissive side sometimes and found it to be a crime that they didn’t have nearly enough time during the season for Max to sub like he used to. 
They ate in comfortable silence, Max occasionally leaning in to bump his shoulder against Daniel’s. There was no pressure, since they hadn’t planned a scene, but he could tell Max was slipping slightly and seeking the contact for comfort. When their plates were cleared, Max stood up without being asked, taking both of their dishes and loading them into the dishwasher. He started the cycle, then pulled the cleaning spray from under the sink and gave the counters a quick wipe-down. He also filled both of their water bottles with fresh ice and water before standing in front of Daniel, waiting for further instructions.
“You’re being a good boy for me tonight Max. Is there something you want to talk to me about?”
At some point, Daniel had caught on to what Max was doing. He was owning up to the comments in the twitch chat without even knowing if Daniel knew about them. 
“I may have done something today,” Max said quietly. “Something I probably shouldn’t have.”
“Alright,” Daniel kept his voice even. “Let’s go sit on the couch and talk about it then.”
Max nodded and Daniel took his hand gently, leading him to the living room. Daniel sat on the end of the chaise part of their sectional sofa and dropped a decorative pillow to the floor at his feet. Max didn’t need to be instructed to kneel, he did so of his own accord. He flipped open the straw to his water bottle and pressed it gently to Max’s lips.
Max took a few small sips then pulled away. Daniel sat the bottle by their feet and looked down at Max.
“Tell me what you need to tell me, Maxy. The floor is yours, I’m here to listen.”
“While you were gone I was watching the Redline stream. But I watched it on my other account because I didn’t want anyone to know I was there and then start overwhelming the chat trying to talk to me. And Crane and the guys were making jokes so I joined in. Then Crane sort of told everyone it was me. I’m sorry Danny.”
“What did you make jokes about Max?”
“Kinks and stuff,” Max mumbled, dropping his chin.
Daniel didn’t allow it, pressed his fingers under Max’s jaw to make him raise his head.
“Why tell me Max? I didn’t watch the stream, I never would have known.”
“Because those things are private. They’re for us and I know that everyone is taking it as a joke because that’s all it was really. But I don’t want you to think that I think this is a joke.”
He couldn’t help but smile at Max’s earnesty.
“I know you don’t think this is a joke Max. Thank you for being honest with me, I’m very proud of you. Now I’m going to be honest with you. Lando sent me a post that showed all of your comments. I’m not angry, I thought it was funny, just like everyone else. But I’ll ask you this since you felt the need to come clean. Do you think you deserve a punishment?”
“Why?” “Because I disobeyed a rule. Technically, one of the rules is to be careful what I say so that none of us gets caught and no one gets suspicious.”
“That is true. So what do you think I should do about it?”
“You know, that was also Lando’s suggestion.”
That made Max smile a little bit.
“Tell me your words baby, then I’ll talk you through my plan.”
“Green is everything is good, yellow is slow down and talk it through, red is stop immediately.”
“Very good boy. Now, I’m thinking twenty spanks with my hand. Standard and easy.”
“Green,” Max said dutifully when Daniel took a pause.
“I also want to video it. Lando asked and I think it would be fun to use a recording of you being spanked on him when he’s being a brat.”
“Very good boy. Wait here.”
Daniel stood from the couch and maneuvered to set his phone up on the tv stand to record the scene. Once he’d artfully fashioned one of their lamps into a tripod, he pressed record and made his way to sit back down in front of Max. He brushed the younger’s shoulder once as a single that the scene had started, then made himself comfortable.
“Over my lap Max.”
Max positioned himself so that his hips were over Daniel’s thighs and his chest was propped on the sofa. Daniel tugged his sweats and underwear down just enough that his ass and the tops of his thighs were exposed.
“Twenty spanks. Count them for me.”
Max counted right on cue as Daniel littered his skin with sharp hits. It wasn’t the intensity that he would have chosen for a harsher punishment, he didn’t feel that a few dumb jokes on a livestream were deserving of something too painful, but it was definitely enough to sting and he could feel Max’s pale skin growing warm under his palm. When twenty hits were up, he gave Max a moment to breathe before righting his pants and pulling him to sit. 
“Let me go turn off the camera baby,” he said, tucking Max into the corner of the couch with his water bottle and a soft blanket draped over his lap. 
The punishment wasn’t intense enough that he felt Max was in danger of sub-drop, but aftercare was still an important part of their routine. When he returned, Max had drained half of his water and was sitting comfortably waiting for him.
“Feel better now,” Daniel asked, joining him under the blanket and pulling his head to rest on his shoulder.
“Yes. Though now I’m angry at Lando for ratting me out. I should spank him when he gets home tomorrow.”
“Unfortunately it’s not a punishment when they enjoy it.”
“Fair enough.”
“Come on, let’s go lay down. It’s our last night with as much room as we want.”
“As much as I like being able to breathe without getting hair in my nose, I really do miss Charles and Lando.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“Honey, I’m home!”
Lando announced his presence upon arrival to the apartment.
“Bedroom!” Max called back, sushing Charles quietly when he stirred at the noise. As soon as he’d gotten home, Charles had dragged them to bed, not pausing to hear any protests. He’d sworn he was going to stay awake to wait for Lando, but that had gone out the window about five minutes after his head hit the pillow. So Max and Daniel had spent the better part of the morning snuggling Charles and waiting for their fourth partner to join them. 
Lando had already stripped himself of his outer layers by the time he reached them and stopped only to shimmy out of his sweats before joining them in only his underwear and a t-shirt. He wedged himself between Daniel and Max, laying mostly on top of the latter so he could prop his chin on his chest.
“Hi,” he smiled, flashing the gap between his teeth.
“Hello to you too,” Max greeted, pressing a kiss to his forehead. 
Lando turned to kiss Daniel, then manipulated his body into the strangest shape Max had ever seen to kiss the top of Charles’s head before settling again. 
“So,” he grinned up at Max mischievously. “How was your spanking?”
“Lando,” Daniel, swatted his ass playfully. “Leave him alone.”
“Did you film it at least? We never get to see Max get put in his place,” he pouted. “You always pick on us.”
“That’s because you’re a brat,” Max said, pinching him lightly.
“Both of you hush,” Daniel said. “You’re going to wake Charles.”
That put both of them to rest, knowing there would be hell to pay if Charles was woken before he was ready. It was silent for a few moments when Max leaned in to whisper in Lando’s ear.
“Don’t worry baby boy, Daniel recorded it. We’re just saving it for something special.”
Daniel groaned and tugged Lando back into his chest to put some separation between the two of them.
“Menaces, all of you.”
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sleeplessinspace · 2 years
two minutes [2/2] - murdock x afab!reader
sorry this took so long!
this got out of hand hoo boy *sprints away*
warning(s): nsfw, predator/prey kink, implied strength kink, knife mention, death mention, implied breeding kink, bondage (reader is restrained), dom/sub elements, orgasm denial
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For the first time today, you have a bit of sense and don't linger, sprinting out the backdoor and into the large forest that sits behind the edges of your neighborhood. When you'd signed the lease with Murdock on the location, you'd initially been awed by the soothing sounds of nature, the wind shifting through the trees and the chirping of various wildlife. Each of the homes were fairly isolated from each other, sitting in their own pocket of calm amidst the wood.
That calm is a foreign concept to you now.
As you run through the trees, you make a point to avoid the main path on the off chance you ran into anyone—it was late afternoon in the middle of the week, but you didn't want to take any chances, too afraid or curious? to see what would happen to any poor person Murdock would find you with. A faint flash of regret flickers through you, wondering what would be different if you hadn't responded to Murdock's posting looking for a roommate online.
Well, for one, you wouldn't be running for your life to get away from a serial killer.
Occasionally you glance behind you, thinking you'd see Murdock keeping pace with you as you tear through vegetation but there's nothing but the setting sun casting shadows on the forest floor.
Oddly enough, that makes you even more nervous.
You pass by a large collection of rocks, almost forming a makeshift cave and after a moment of deliberation, slide into the dark space. Murdock did say you could hide and this would probably be your best bet. After getting settled, you pat at the pockets of your jacket for your phone—Murdock's jacket, one you'd stolen after he left it on the couch one evening—and curse quietly, realizing you never unhooked it from the charger on your desk.
You're not sure of the time, but it feels like it's been much longer than two minutes. Inhaling slowly, you try to relax your breathing, which sounds especially loud in near-silence of your little nook. You were as hidden as you could get and all you could do now was listen out for Murdock.
So, you wait.
You wait and continue to wait for what feels like hours as the sun slowly falls below the horizon, the forest growing dimmer around you. Your leg starts to bounce, an odd mixture of anxiety and impatience building within and a part of you debates on getting up and running away even farther, because while you had put a significant amount of distance between you and the house, it never hurt to be safe.
Just as you start to get to your feet, a sharp whistle cuts through the air, the sound unlike any of the chirps of the birds you'd been hearing.
The sound of your name has you pressing further against the walls of the little cave, sticking as best as you can manage to the shadows of the space. It doesn't sound like he's anywhere nearby, but you don't dare take the chance.
"You can't run from me forever, pretty thing."
You bite your cheek to keep yourself from replying, the sheer arrogance in his voice making your face warm. He was so confident he was going to find you, and the thought of his hands on you—those fucking gloves—had you adjusting the way you were sitting, desperately ignoring the urge to chase that pulsing heat that'd been building between your thighs ever since you started running.
"By the way, I'm a little disappointed in you," Murdock continues, and this time he sounds further away, like he's walking in a direction opposite of your location. This knowledge doesn't make you happy like it should've. You wanted him to find you. "You left before I could finish explaining the rules of our little game. I didn't even get to tell you what your reward would be if you won."
He sounds like he's pouting and you can picture it near-perfectly, Murdock standing in the middle of the woods, covered in dried blood, more than likely still wielding that knife from earlier—pouting. The image is more than you can bear and you let out a little snort of laughter, wincing immediately afterwards. You slap your hand over your mouth and press your backs up against the rocks, hoping desperately he didn't hear anything.
"Aw. That's too bad." The dangerous purr comes from behind you and you whip to the side, catching the glint of Murdock's sunglasses in the dark. "I think you would've enjoyed it."
You spring to your feet, but Murdock is both faster and stronger than you are, easily tugging you back into the near darkness. He pins you against the rocks with his hips, the weight of them heavy against your own and you try to squirm out of his hold without inadvertently grinding against him. Too distracted with not trying to do so, he catches your wrists together with one hand, the other tugging something out of his back pocket.
You're more than a little ashamed of the whimpering noise you make when he gets the zip-ties around you wrists and slowly raises your bound hands above your head, together your fingers together in a mockery of a handhold.
This close you can just barely make out the color of his eyes when he glances down at you over the rims of his sunglasses, a pale red you'd hesitate to call pink, but a pretty shade nonetheless.
"Pl-please," you whine and he grins, leaning in to brush his nose up the side of your neck.
"Already begging and I haven't even done anything other than tie you up a little." Murdock says lowly, squeezing the hand he's holding captive up against the wall and you shudder, glancing down to stare at his shirt. His gaze was too much to look at this close. He laughs at this and nips at your ear to make you jump, whimpering softly because the heat between your legs is unbearable at this point.
Unconsciously shifting your hips, Murdock catches this movement and adjusts his grip, putting you in the perfect position to rut against his thigh. "You got all worked up waiting for me to find you, didn't you? Pretty little thing..."
"Ah—! W-wait, Murdock, wait I need—please, just—!"
You cry out when he lifts up and in, the muscle of his thigh applying just the right amount of pressure against your center.
Murdock kisses your pulse, his smile sharp on your skin. "What do you need, pretty thing? What can I do for my perfect little prize?"
Your shame has gone right out the window, right alongside your morals when you didn't immediately try to call the cops after finding your roommate killed someone in your basement.
"I wanna f-feel, the gloves, your hands, can you please touch—mm!" Your head drops forward and you moan in into Murdock's chest when he pulls his thigh away, the edge you were swaying against drifting away with his touch. He tugs one of your legs up, muttering under his breath at how cute you were—so perfect and pliant, look at how easily you bare yourself to me, sweet thing—and you flush horribly at the how chill the air feels between your legs, but it does nothing to cool your ardor.
Murdock releases your hands, whispering against your lips for you to keep them there and you obey readily, more focused on feeling him tug your underwear down your legs as he drops into a crouch. Your eyes widen and you go to drop your arms when he fixes you with a stare, one brow raised in warning.
"I won't tell you again, Y/N."
You bite your lip, an action that makes his gaze darken with a vicious heat. "I-I'll behave. I promise."
He smiles—your smile—and leans in to press a kiss against your clit. "Good. Oh, and try not to move."
Which is incredibly easy for him to say, as he presses a finger into your warmth, the size of it only intensified by the sensation of his gloves. Your hips jump, serving only to press him deeper and he clicks his tongue, brushing your clit with his thumb.
“Don’t you want to be good for me, pretty thing?” Murdock asks lowly and you whine, fisting your hands in your struggle to stay still.
“Y-yes, but—you’re making it hard. You’re cheating!”
He huffs out a laugh and leans down to lick a hot stripe up the side of your neck and continues to relish in your inability to stay still as he presses another finger into you. All you can do is focus on trying to keep your body still, losing yourself to the feeling of Murdock fucking you on his fingers. Before long, one more is sliding in alongside the others and you feel so—
“—taking my fingers so well, sweetheart, that’s it.” Murdock lifts his palm and God, that’s the perfect angle for you to grind against. Your moans reach a higher pitch, your hips now following his pace as best as they can manage and you’re so close…
Murdock pulls his fingers out of you the second you get to the edge and the denial burns, making you keen. He shushes you, leaning in to lick into your mouth, kissing away your frustration with slow sweeps of his tongue. You come down slowly, the burn of your arousal still present, and when Murdock pulls away you’re left flushed and panting. He groans, tugging you down onto the bulge in his pants and rocks up into you.
“Please, Murdock…” You drop your arms to hook them over his shoulders and he lifts a brow, his hips still pressing against yours in a lazy rhythm. A flash of impatience strikes you then and you fist a hand in his hair, tugging just hard enough for you to see his nostrils flare.
You watch somewhat helplessly as he leans back to shove his pants and boxers down enough to get his cock out—no, God, you wished you could feel those piercings inside you—using the hand he had inside of you to slick himself with your juices. He presses back against you but keeps just enough distance between your lower bodies, his other hand keeping your hips pinned back and you whine, unable to rub your thighs together for some level of stimulation with one of his legs keeping your own pinned. “Wait, no, I'm sorry for moving, please—” you say, frantically trying to get him to move closer but Murdock is completely unfazed by your desperation.
“I told you to stay still. So, instead of getting to cum all over my fingers, you get nothing.” Murdock lets out a growl then, his grip tightening slightly as his pace picks up. “Instead of getting to come on my cock, instead of letting my get you nice and full with my cum, you get to sit and watch.”
This is torture, you think, biting your lip hard enough to hurt as your eyes stay locked on the sight of Murdock jacking himself off between your legs and you go to look away, the denial burning in your veins. Your head is quickly yanked back to face him by a firm grip on your chin and you choke on whatever protest you had in mind.
“Eyes on me. I'm going to—mm, fuck—come all over these pretty little thighs of yours and you’re going to thank me for it,” he hisses and you make a noise of protest but he shakes his head. “After that you’ll get dressed and I'll give you another two minutes to run. Or hide. But you know how well that worked out for you last time, don’t you, sweetheart?”
Not well.
“Just because I know just how good you can be for me, I'm willing to give you another chance. Interested in trying again?”
Are you?
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ode-to-spring · 2 years
being a respected figure comes with many perks, but equally as many consequences. sometimes, it isn't a bad thing to seek help from people you trust . . .
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ੈ♡ barbara x reader (intended to be platonic, but interpret this however you'd like<3) ੈ♡ category :: sort of hurt/comfort? barbara isn't doing too well before the events of this, reader comes to comfort her for a bit ੈ♡ warnings :: barbara is vv tired, this sort of came out as a vent fic because of themes of being overwhelmed & overworked, not having time for yourself, and other things of the like ੈ♡ a/n :: omg emilia posting?? for the first time in forever ?!? i'm really sorry for the inactivity :( a lot of stuffs been happening but i'm hoping to become more active here soon!!
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the sun is already near disappearing into the horizon when you meet barbara at your designated spot. 
it’s nothing fancy, unlike what most would expect— it’s quite the opposite, if anything. you sat only atop a neatly placed picnic blanket by the roots of the great windrise tree, with a basket full of handmade goods set beside you, and casual clothing from the bottom of your wardrobe… just as barbara had requested. 
“i’m terribly sorry for the delay! something came up at the cathedral earlier, and all the sisters were looking to me for what to do, so i left later than i’d expected today—” she started blurting out when you ran to greet her. she did seem to be fresh from a stressed frenzy, if you looked at her closely. the signature pigtails she always wore were a mess (one being already half untied), she hadn’t changed out of her deaconess uniform yet (likely because she ran out of the city after realizing she was late), but most of all the bags under her eyes vaguely reminded you of the dark side of a half moon (and they told you much about how the past few days have been treating her).
“hey, don’t worry about it. i haven’t been waiting for long.” you interrupted her string of apologies while brushing some hair out of her face. “besides, i know you’ve been busy with everything lately. i don’t mind”
what you said was true, of course. between church work and the new events in her idol career, the poor girl had barely been able to catch a break in a while. surprising, considering jean was usually the most well known for overworking herself to no end. maybe it ran in the family. 
“are you sure? i’m sorry anyways, i really am.” she started, but upon seeing the reassuring look on your face, she knew it wasn’t needed anymore. “still… thank you for waiting for me. it's been a while since i've been outside the city and.. i was really looking forward to seeing you again like this. just like old times.”
it had been far too long since you'd been able to be with her like this, yes. every time you'd see her on the streets, instead of having a casual chat as both of you would hope, she'd be dragged away by some pressing matter. if anything, that was the very reason you’d organized this little meet up in the first place. away from the prying eyes of the city people, who all only saw her for who she wanted them to. whether it was as their reliable deaconess, their bubbly pop idol, or the kindhearted healer that gets visited a bit too often, you wanted to pull her out of that even only for a little while.
here, under the tree that heals spirits, it was only the two of you. as you talked well into the night until the stars twinkled happily above, it started feeling less and less like you were talking to the respected deaconess, and more like you were speaking to just barbara. and for you, that was more than enough.
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Whiskey and Guilt
Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Substance Abuse
Hurt Evan "Buck" Buckley
Emotionally Hurt Evan "Buck" Buckley
Eddie Diaz Takes Care of Evan "Buck" Buckley
Post-Tsunami (9-1-1)
Love Confessions
The house is so quiet. Chris is off at a sleepover with a friend from school. Usually, Buck would be here. The two of them would watch a movie, order some food in, and relax after a long shift. But Buck isn't here. So Eddie is sitting alone in the silence, staring at his ceiling. He should be sleeping. It's late. But he can't make himself feel tired, can't stop his mind from running. He's worried about Buck. Buck always comes over after work. But today, Buck had left before Eddie even got changed. He had run out like someone was chasing him.
Eddie knows why Buck left so fast. It's was the last call they had before their shift ended. It was a school bus crash, with three casualties. The driver and two kids. The calls with kids are always the worst. The bus driver had a stroke at the wheel, and the bus ran right over the side and into the ocean below. Buck dove in without a second thought. Eddie followed him in seconds later. Buck had kicked the emergency exits open. Then he and Eddie helped the kids to the surface. There had been two that they couldn't get to in time.
Buck carries guilt like it weighs nothing. Eddie knows that it weighs enough to snap your bones if you don't set it down. He carried guilt for years. It almost broke him. He can still remember the feeling of it pressing down on his chest, the way it cut into his shoulders as he held it. Buck carries so much guilt. Guilt that should never have been his to carry in the first place. He blames himself for things that were never his fault. Buck carries so much guilt. And the call today will be another stone on the mountain he lifts. There's no doubt that Buck is suffocating under self-hatred after all of this.
Eddie is calling Buck before he can think to stop himself. It goes to voicemail.
"Hey, Buck. It's Eddie. Sorry to call so late. I'm just- Today was hard. And I know you're not doing okay. I'm not either. If you want to come over, you know the door is always open. Or I can come to you. I think we could both use the company. Call me later."
He places the phone face down on his nightstand. He stares at the ceiling again. It always marvels him how easy it is to let his guard down with Buck. He's never been able to be this honest, this vulnerable, with anyone else. Buck has seen every side of him. Every crack and flaw. Eddie let Buck see his broken pieces, and Buck stayed. He loved Eddie anyway.
His phone buzzes on his nightstand. He flips it over and reads the notification, the light momentarily blinding. It's a text from Buck.
BUCK: Can you come over?
EDDIE: I'll be there in ten.
He clambers out of bed. The floor is cold against his bare feet. He quickly puts on some shoes and a jacket, hopping into his car. The streets are deserted at this hour. He makes it over to Buck's in half the time it normally takes. He lets himself in with his key.
When he opens the door, he sees Buck sitting at the living room table. He looks disheveled. His normally styled hair hangs loosely over his forehead. His eyes are rimmed with red from crying. A mostly empty bottle of whiskey is clasped in his hand.
"Hey." he slurs. Eddie can smell the alcohol on his breath from where he's standing.
"Jesus, Buck. Did you drink all of that?" There's no anger in Eddie's tone. Still, Buck shrugs apologetically.
"I'm s'rry. I needed to feel numb for a bit. Dn't feel numb though. Still hurts."
"What hurts?" Eddie asks gently.
"I don't know. Think something inside me is broken. I've always been broken. And I break people."
"You aren't broken. And you don't break people, Buck. You put them back together."
Buck scoffs. He takes another swig from the bottle. He tries to drink some more, but Eddie grabs the bottle from him. Buck tires to take it back, but he's too uncoordinated to do much. Eddie places it on the counter and out of Buck's immediate reach. He quickly fills a glass of water and hands it to Buck.
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
(@impishtubist dropped this prompt on my doorstep and i couldn't let it go. AU in which Remus is a leather-clad rebel with causes and Sirius is a soft-spoken, dorky, single dad.
this could probably be an entire fic, but i...apologize for not delivering that. there is a companion art piece to this though that hopefully will also be posted today.
about 5k
Sirius walked quickly between the stacks of the library, messenger bag over his shoulder, knowing exactly where he needed to go, and having exactly 7 minutes to get what he needed. He accounted for the errand down to the second, putting in a cushion of 15 minutes to stop and get a tea before class. His kid's voice in his head telling Sirius to stop and smell the roses every once in a while, Dad.
Today, the rose he was smelling was a strong cup of black tea. No cream, no sugar, just how he liked it. Even though he was certain Harry would also have something to say about the lack of adventure in this routine as well. Would it kill you to try something new? Maybe? Sirius had stopped trying to convince Harry that he tried new things in research every single day; numbers and calculations transforming before his eyes were exciting and different. To Sirius, anyway. Which was exactly why he was in the library in the first place, to look for a new book he could skim through, walking through the aisles confidently, reading the markers on the sides to signify he was almost--
Sirius's head collided with something hard, causing him to stumble a few paces backward, his glasses falling off his face. He thought it might have been a display fixture--Sirius had done that a few times before when he hadn't been paying attention and things were at precisely the wrong height--but the stream of violent swearwords that followed after told him otherwise.
"Shit, mate, you've got the hardest fuckin' head," said the other voice, and Sirius bent down to pick his glasses up off the floor.
"Sorry, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking and in a bit of a hurry. Just...sorry." Sirius muttered quickly, despite the throbbing in his head. He hadn't accounted for this.
He hadn't planned for a concussion.
He put his glasses on and stood up, pressing his palm to his forehead as he did so, the stranger with the voice and the swears finally coming into view.
An entire sleeve of tattoos including every single one of his fingers.
Leather pants.
"Oh," he said, amber eyes scanning Sirius slowly. Suddenly Sirius had wished he had listened to Harry when he had told him khakis weren't on trend anymore. The man removed ran a hand over long sandy hair, smoothing some of it back into place, and smiled warmly, "You've still got a hard head but uh," he raised an eyebrow at Sirius, "No need to be sorry. Not at all."
Sirius felt hot, hoping it wasn’t creeping onto his face, hoping he wasn’t about to sweat through the back of his collared shirt. But this stranger had on leather pants and a tight t-shirt and had no business being in a library, in the maths section any more than Sirius had business in the Arts department dicking around with paints. Two disparate things. It made very little logical sense, yet Sirius had a throbbing headache to prove that this was a reality and some man clad in leather with charming freckles and a low ponytail was staring at Sirius with a decidedly stupid and arrogant grin.
“Unless my head is harder than yours and I’ve permanently addled you?”
“Uh…no, no, sorry. I’m actually late. Are you okay?” Sirius asked looking at his watch. He had seven minutes exactly and this had taken up all of them and bled into his tea time. He needed to leave now if he wanted to make it to his lecture hall on time.
“I’ve never been better,” the man responded, tilting his head as he studied Sirius’ face, “In fact, this might have made my entire day. Week, even. Month potentially.”
Sirius cleared his throat, “I think you should get your head checked out…I’m late. Ice, maybe? 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off.” He gave the man a nod, before turning around and walking back down the stacks from where he came. He was not going to be late, and he certainly wasn’t going to be late for this.
“Are you a doctor?” he asked, following Sirius, nearly matching his stride and pace. Long, leather-clad, legs kept up just fine. Sirius pretending wasn’t looking at combat boots, transfixed by the bit of sock poking out over the top that was a soft pink. It wasn’t often Sirius cared about what he dressed in and most days he kept it simple, white shirts, smart tailored trousers, black shoes. His kid called him a dork sometimes but it was really just practical. Except at this particular moment, Sirius was wishing he hadn’t picked out khakis. His black ones at home were much nicer, fit better, Sirius had chosen khakis so he would look approachable to students, and oh, how this had backfired.
“Do we need a doctor?” he asked, looking at Sirius, and Sirius thought he might like to run into another wall. Start the day fresh and forget all about freckles.
“No, I’m fine. Why would you think I am?”
“You gave me medical advice.”
“I gave you basic first-aid.”
“So you’re a nurse?”
“No,” Sirius said, straightening slightly, “I’m late.”
“I’m Remus. Is that why you’re running?”
“I’m not running, I’m--”
“I was going to say--”
“Very fit.”
Sirius tripped over the threshold of the library, stubbing the toe of his black dress shoes on the concrete outside, trying to make sense of the verbal assault. He was definitely sweating now, and he was wearing khakis. He was about to teach his first class with sweat marks on his ass, and body odor, and his approachable first impression notion was slipping away.
“Careful,” Remus said, a tattooed hand reached out to grab Sirius’s forearm to ensure he didn’t fall completely. Two concussions in one day. On the first day. “Is this normal for you? The falling and running into people?”
“No,” Sirius stressed, pushing his glasses up his nose and running fingers through his hair, black curls escaping from the gel he had used that morning that was usually enough to last all day. Apparently not when he was rushing around and sweating and fighting down blushes from strangers, --from a Remus--that wouldn’t relent and wouldn’t simply let him go. “I told you I’m late, and I really need to go. I’m sorry I ran into you--”
“Sure know how to let a bloke down gently, don’t you?” Remus asked, giving Sirius another smile that sent flutters into Sirius’s stomach. He did not account for this at all when he left the house this morning.
Sirius sighed, “I’m a professor. I have a class to teach that I am…barely going to make it for. I am sure you’re very nice, Remus, and I am glad you’re okay but I can’t stay and talk with you. Even if I really want to know why you were in the library.”
“Grabbing a book or two, of course.”
“Of course, right, sorry. That…was silly of me to wonder. Anyone…can read.”
“You think I look illiterate?”
“I think you look out of place, but that’s not the point,” Sirius straightened and extended his hand to Remus, “Please enjoy your classes, pleasure running into you.”
Remus grinned, and met Sirius’s hand, giving it a squeeze, “Hm…you know what they say about big hands, right?”
“Piano players.”
Remus laughed, “What?”
“People say that…if you have big hands you should play piano? I…do. So…no need to wonder.”
“Right, piano playing, exactly what I was thinking,” Remus nodded, biting down on his lip, the tiniest bit of tongue poking out and for the first time, Sirius saw a glinting of silver.
Tongue piercing.
“You can let go now.”
“Pity. Where do you teach?”
“Bartleby Hall,” Sirius said finally pulling himself away from the stranger, and heading towards the lecture hall, “I teach physics in case you were going to ask that next! But really, please get your head looked at, have a nice day--” Sirius didn’t wait for a response, he didn’t wait to see if he would be sucked into another round of 20 questions, or if he would start playing a game of look and find for other piercings on Remus’s body. The tattoos and the tongue piercing were enough surprises for a single day.
It was a long first day of classes. Sirius finished the day in his office, making sure everything was precisely where it should be. Paperclips in a jar, not one left loose on his desk; files were arranged by date; books were marked and his chair was pushed in. He had grabbed his trash bin, intending to put the bag into the larger receptible out front, not wanting anyone to clean up after him, before closing the door to his office.
“Did I miss office hours?”
Sirius dropped his keys.
“I have them again on Wednesday,” Sirius said simply, quietly, as he bent over to pick up his keys, a soft hum coming from the man behind him as he did so. Remus. This Remus was persistent. He was still here. “Did you get your head looked at?”
“Do you have anything else you can drop?”
Sirius nearly dropped his keys again at the question, turning around to look at Remus, tall and covered in leather, hair now out of its ponytail and falling in soft sandy waves over his shoulder. A widow's peak. Slight stubble. “Excuse me?”
“Sorry, did I cross a line?”
“I don’t even know where they are to be perfectly honest with you.”
“Then I’ll say you have a nice arse instead,” Remus shrugged stepping forward, “Professor Black.”
Sirius was used to being the smartest person in every room he walked into. Unfailingly bright and logical. He could see solutions and answers everywhere, his mind looking something like building blocks stacked neatly on top of one another, a game of Tetris where everything could fit together and work if you took the time to figure it out. Sirius had been playing Tetris all day, from the moment he woke up and dropped his kid off at school, to the time he spent calculating how much time he could spend in the library, somehow still managing to make things fit together and align despite the disruption. But Professor Black twisted a bunch of blocks the wrong way, and one by one they all toppled over, Sirius’s mind in complete disarray, his heart thudding in his chest, and the sweat, the blush, the fever.
“I think I’m ill…” muttered Sirius.
“I asked around about you. You’re very popular.”
“I’m not.”
“That’s not what your secretary said,” Remus inclined his head down the hall where the front desk was, “Beloved by all students, very smart, office hours are particularly popular…”
“I teach Physics. Quantum Physics. Hard sciences, hard subjects, of course, my office hours are popular.”
Remus chuckled biting back a smile, “Sure.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Finding you.”
“Oh, come on, you seem smart, I think you know why I wanted to find you.”
Very fit.
Nice. Arse.
Get a hold of yourself.
Sirius cleared his throat and began walking past Remus and out to the front. Remus followed. That shouldn’t have surprised him, but Sirius had things to do. He had things to do this morning when they had collided and now wasn’t any different. Dinner to make, a kid to pick up from school and get started on homework, lesson plans to review, and a cold as the antarctic shower to take after sweating all damn day.
“You walk fast.”
“You’re persistent.”
“I know.”
“And presumptuous.”
“I can be that too.”
Sirius sighed, hating that Remus was able to catch up with him, “I don’t understand why you’re so intent on following and finding me. You waited all day?”
“Now who’s presumptuous? I had class, thank you.”
“You’re a student?!”
“And even more, what, have you never seen a life-long learner, Professor? Late in life student?” asked Remus and Sirius kicked himself mentally for not thinking his comment through. Of course students came in all shapes and sizes.
“Don’t call me, Professor.” Weird way to say "sorry"....
“Well, I don’t have a first name and didn’t want to be rude.”
“Can talk to me about my arse but won’t address me without a title? Interesting."
“I didn’t know talking about your arse was rude. I thought it was a compliment. Still is, still stands.”
“Are you--” Sirius halted in his tracks on the pavement. He could see his car in the distance in the car park, students coming and going for the day. He turned around to face Remus who was wearing a smug grin, a lazy eyebrow raised, arms folded over his chest. “Are you staring at my arse?”
“And if I am?”
Sirius inhaled deeply, “What do you want?”
“Have dinner with me.”
“Dinner. Food. Do you eat?”
“I…yes…I do. But--”
“Tomorrow night?”
“It's Tuesday.”
“That’s not a date night.”
“It’s a date?” Remus gasped, “I’m flattered.”
“You asked me out! Didn’t you?” Didn’t you? Dear fucking god. Didn’t he? Wasn’t dinner a date invitation? Lunch wasn’t, coffee wasn’t necessarily a date, but all the books clearly said that dinner was a date material.
“Could’ve been an apology dinner, you know, for knocking skulls with you this morning.”
“...I am…so sorry. Today has been very weird, I didn’t mean to--”
Remus reached out and put his hand on Sirius’s arm again. Reassurance. “I’m messing with you. I definitely meant date. But I wasn’t aware that Tuesday couldn’t be a date night. Did you read that somewhere?”
“Uhm..no, I…just…”
“So are you free?”
“I…will have to let you know. Check my…planner.”
“Very cute.” Remus said, “Do you have a pen?”
“A pen, for writing, dear.”
Went right up there with Professor Black. Sirius reached into his bag, pulling out a pen and giving it to Remus, not pausing to question his intentions. Remus grabbed Sirius’s hand, opening it up and scrawling something on his palm, eyes only glancing up to catch Sirius’s for the briefest of seconds. Mischievous. Arrogant. Presumptuous.
Oh, you’re gone. This is it.
“Here’s my number. I don’t have a cellphone, but I do have a landline. Give me a call once you check your planner?”
“I…” Sirius took his hand back, staring at the set of numbers, “....Okay.”
“Can I keep the pen?”
“Are you an unprepared student?”
“No, it just means I’ll have to deliver it back, and I’ll have an excuse to come to your office again. One that isn’t rude and isn’t about your arse.”
Sirius was pacing around his room, nervous energy radiating out of every pore in his body, while his fifteen-year-old sat on the bed in his room, grinning from ear to ear at the sight in front of him. He hadn’t invited Harry into his room but hadn’t kicked him out, even though his teenager had nothing but fashion advice to give out, critiquing every aspect of Sirius’s outfit, enough for him to change his clothes three times. There were shirts on the floor, a pair of trousers as well, that Sirius was told to swap out for a pair of nice jeans instead, it’s a date, not a business meeting, Dad, and the entire idea, the prospect of going on a date in the first place, was entirely too stressful and made Sirius want to pull his hair out one by one.
“So how’d you meet this guy?” Harry asked, watching as Sirius ran a comb through his hair, pushing back dark curls away from his face. He needed a hair cut, he had been thinking that for weeks and had put it off, his hair the slightest bit too long. No wonder the hair gel hadn’t kept it in place.
“Just at work,” Sirius told him, “Have you started your homework?”
“In study hall today, almost done. And he gave you his number?”
“Well, when is he picking you up? Do I get to meet him? I think I should.”
“Meet him?”
“Yeah, you know, make sure he brings you home on time. Back by curfew…or not.”
Sirius raised an eyebrow at Harry through the mirror, his kid giving him a cheeky grin, wiggling his shoulders suggestively, “I’ll be home at a reasonable hour, I assure you, Harry.”
“I’m just saying, what if you have a good time? You can stay out. I’m almost sixteen--”
“You just turned fifteen.”
“Semantics, Dad,” Harry shrugged, “I’m saying you could stay out however long. Can’t Uncle Reg come? You can text him and say hey, I’m having a great time on this dinner date and would like to turn it to drinks, watch my brat for me. Oh! I’ll even take the bus tomorrow. in case you want to...you know have a sleepover.”
Sirius laughed softly as he picked up his jar of hair gel on the top of his dresser, putting some between his fingers and rubbing it to warm the product before putting it onto his hair. Taming curls had been a routine for him for the past ten years. Sirius often thought it was unfair that for someone who liked order and reason so well, he had been cursed with curly hair that had a mind of its own in the mornings. “I will be home by 10, I can guarantee that, love.”
“My dates last longer than that…” Harry said making a face, “Maybe you skip the hair gel today?”
“I’m sorry, with all these instructions you’re giving me today, one would think you have an issue with how I look.”
“I just mean, it’s a date,” Harry rolled his eyes, “You haven’t exactly been on one since--”
“I know, Harry,” Sirius said though he stopped his ministrations with his hair. He usually used two layers of gel, he hated when it came out of place. It drove him up a wall and Sirius was quite okay with avoiding spontaneity or unexpected occurrences such as hair troubles and…men in leather.
“It’s not so formal, Dad. That’s all. They’re supposed to be fun. You know what fun is, right? The kind that isn’t…organizing your files or rearranging the silverware or getting a new calculator.”
“Cheeky…” Sirius said, screwing the lid back on and putting the gel on his dresser, right next to his box of jewelry and a photograph of himself and Harry. He took a step back to examine himself in the full-length mirror. Black jeans cuffed at the bottom, his socks were black to match, pale blue sweater that he tucked into his jeans, gold watch on his wrist, hair pushed back away from his face. “Hand me my glasses, would you?”
“Dad, come on, you don’t need them. They’re for reading.”
“How am I going to read the menu?” Sirius asked, walking towards his bedside table to grab his glasses that were placed next to a stack of books, but Harry beat him to it.
“Dad, I love you, but you’re a bit of a dork, and you have nice eyes. Everyone says so.”
“Who says that?”
“I dunno. Mrs. Weasley? Bill? Oh, my English teacher Mr. Hastings. Though, I don’t think I was supposed to know that. There’s also some Mum on the school board who thinks it too…I told her she was barking up the wrong--”
Harry grinned again, “Kidding, I didn’t say anything. Now, I know you’re the adult here and you know way more than me, but given that I’ve been out on more dates than you in the past five years, I think I might have a little bit more experience…”
“You know, Harry, this man and I met when I looked just how I normally do and I still got his phone number so as much teenage experience you have to offer,” Sirius reached over and took his glasses from Harry, putting them on his face, “I can manage this on my own.”
“If you say so,” Harry shrugged, “Can you at least untuck your shirt? It works better.”
“Remind me to cancel your subscription to Teen Vogue.”
Sirius’s next day at work had him feeling entirely different. Arriving home well after 10pm, his brother in the sitting room with an amused expression as Sirius tried to talk his way out of what had actually occurred with I just lost track of the time and not that Sirius had sat across the table from a man who wore leather, even on dates, and talked for hours. A man who had picked Sirius up on a motorcycle, drove carefully and let Sirius hold onto his as tight as he wanted (though Sirius wasn’t holding tighter because he was worried necessarily). At first, it was terrifying, much like the entire scenario.
At first, he was sweating and nervous, hesitantly straddling the bike behind Remus, helmet on his head though he knew it was going to mess up his hair. At first, he barely touched Remus to hold on as they started out of Sirius’s neighborhood, the bike rumbling beneath them, exhaust fumes filling his senses, and cold air biting at his cheeks. But then it felt like flying as they moved down the streets together, nerves disappearing into the night sky with every turn, Sirius daring to hold on a bit tighter. By the time they had got to the restaurant, Remus was reaching for Sirius’s hand as if he had held it a thousand times before, as if it was meant to be held by his.
Sirius let him.
Remus let Sirius pull out his chair, and Remus let Sirius pay after a brief argument.
Sirius took off his helmet and let Remus fix his hair across the table, there’s a piece that’s sticking up, do you mind?
Remus filled the evening easily with stories of other adventures on that motorcycle--how he had traveled the world for years after his mother had passed, finding hidden locations to eat, working on farms for months at a time to get some money before moving on to the next thing. Time spent in strange cities where he didn’t speak the language, seeing the entire world before deciding it was time to go back to school.
School could wait, but I was only going to be young and have all the nerve in the world to travel once.
He collected postcards, from all the places he went to.
I’ll have to show them to you some time.
Sirius did his best and tried to make his life seem half as exciting as Remus’s was. Different sorts of adventures. Instead of traveling, Sirius had chosen to become a parent, deciding that his big house and his well-earned paycheck and reputation deserved to be shared with someone else. Boyfriends came in and out, Harry had been there the entire time. Instead of working odd jobs and experiencing and creating, Sirius got more degrees and research grants and a respectable teaching job at a University. Instead of exploration, Sirius chose simplicity. Monotony. Domesticity. And Sirius loved his life.
He didn’t expect a run in with leather to turn that upside down, Sirius still struggling to collect the Tetris pieces every time Remus opened his mouth and smiled at him. Laughed as his jokes. Asked about physics and actually seemed interested.
They closed the restaurant down and Sirius found himself wanting to stay with his hand entangled in one that was scarred and weathered and told stories that Sirius’s well-manicured ones never could. They took the longest walk.
Slow. Measured. No sense of urgency.
In step.
Smart dress shoes next to black combat boots.
Sirius was dropped off at his front door close to midnight, way past his bedtime, and unprepared for the way his fifteen-year-old would interrogate him in the morning when they drove to school.
I had the nicest time with you.
Remus kissed his cheek, having to stand on his toes to reach the top of Sirius’s cheekbone just under his temple.
Me too.
Sirius had managed to make it through a day of teaching classes without dissolving into giggles and having flashbacks of a night looking into amber eyes and letting himself laugh loudly and unapologetically. To the moments when Remus would innocently drop compliments, You’re quite handsome, and terms of endearment into conversation like they were commas. A pause between words only left space for dear and nothing else. Sirius was on his way to his office when the front secretary stopped him.
“Professor Black, this came for you while you were out.”
“Oh, thank you, it could’ve gone into my mailbox, no need to deliver everything personally, Haddie,” He said, and the young woman smiled a little.
“He…wanted to make sure you got it today and didn’t trust that you would check your mailbox. I may have told him you usually do that on Thursdays.”
“Right you are. Sorry,” Sirius said, taking the paper from the woman's outstretched hand and examining it, a smile spreading slowly onto his face, and his heart speeding up.
In bold bright yellow letters, across the scene of what looked like Barcelona, La Sagrada Familia depicted in an aerial photograph. Sirius flipped it over, biting down on his lip as he read the messy handwriting.
Had to miss your office hours again today, unfortunately. but…I might settle for dinner.
You can pick me up this time, and it can be on an actual date night.
You know where you can reach me. Find me. Call me. Everything.
Sirius’s breathing hitched softly, walking away from the front desk so no one was around to witness the faint pink hitting the tops of his cheeks.
An address.
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