#sorry for the ramble i’m just. really really glad that i’ve been lucky enough to have this improvement
mer-birdman · 2 years
this is neither here nor there but
GOSH am i so, so glad for the passage of time. on the one hand, it’s terrifying in so many ways, but
2020 was a Bad Year for me. i lost several friends between january and march (my fault, which didn’t mean it didn’t still hurt), and then the pandemic came and hit right in time for my final term of university to be spent stuck at home. there are a lot of people i never got to say goodbye to properly, friends and teachers and coworkers. my capstone, which was going to involve a gallery display on campus, was chopped down to just the online portion. i didn’t have a graduation ceremony. and then in june i had to move back home to live with my dad, because both my jobs were student positions that i couldn’t keep after graduation!
i got really depressed that year. barely drew, stuck up in my room a lot, feeling incredibly isolated and frustrated with myself. im not saying things were entirely bad — there were ups and downs, and some positives to the situation — just that for me, it was a low point.
but late in 2020 things finally started looking up, and then in 2021, i got real work again! temp work, but REAL, enough that i saved up money to apply for my own apartment! i moved out in august and finally had My Own Place to live. i even took my financial independence and took a trip out of state to see a show and meet friends i’d made online over the past year.
and 2022 continued to improve, with an ongoing temp gig that allowed me to do something i’d wanted to do for ages — take myself and others to shows! i saw three concerts and four musicals in 2022, five of which i bought my own tickets to and two of which i bought tix for one of my parents as well, as a gift. because for the first time in my life, i was able to safely DO that. i started trying to learn guitar, i played D&D with my friends, i kept plants alive for the whole year! i read new books for the first time in an embarrassingly long time!
going into 2023, things are even brighter. i have a new job, a permanent one instead of temp, that’s the sort of thing i’ve been wanting to do for most of the past two years. my apartment is starting to really become a home, and i’m hoping to get a couch this year. i’m happier with my art than i’ve been in a while. i put my mom’s solstice cards up on the wall. i’ve already got one concert picked out for this year, with my eye out for more. i’ve got a lot of things i hope to achieve, and it almost feels like i actually can.
nothing is perfect, but it’s so many miles better than where i was in 2020, and i’m just a little amazed by that.
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drakiandh · 9 months
Shifting Jewels - Chapter Two, Strawberry Trip
Another one. Imma update every Saturday in hopes that I can make these chapters without stress. I am in love so far, and am currently making their designs. Anyways, happy reading! Words - 4,265
Star’s gaze lingered on the fallen gem, its vibrant red hues now dulled by the golden corruption that had taken hold. His weapons returned to their places within his gem with the flick on his true hand. The air around him hung heavy with a mix of emotions, a complex tapestry woven from joy, grief, and fear.
Joy surfaced at the sight of Painite, an old companion he thought lost to the ravages of time. Grief welled within him, knowing that despite the years that had passed, Painite still harbored resentment and hatred. Fear, however, clutched at his core, an icy grip that tightened with the looming threat of the corruption that had claimed his friend.
Approaching cautiously, Star moved towards the gem as if the very act of proximity might trigger the other’s reform. He hesitated before gently nudging it with his foot, as though testing the waters. When no reaction followed, he reached down and cradled the corrupted gem in his hands, a sense of regret lingering in his touch.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, his voice barely audible, as if speaking too loudly might shatter the fragile moment. His finger traced the intricate cracks on the gem’s surface. “I’m sorry I didn’t find you sooner.”
Before Painite could attempt to reform, Star enveloped the gem in a sphere of deep navy blue, cradling it gently. He hesitated to send the other gem to the temple back in Beach City, opting instead to shrink down the bubble small enough to fit it into his pockets. Clutching the bubbled gem in his hands, he stood and walked over to the nearby pillar. Retrieving his jacket, Star concealed the gem under the fabric, beginning the journey back to the nearby human town. As he walked, he couldn’t bear the silence, so he decided to speak aloud.
“Things have gotten better, at least in my combat skills,” Star murmured into the open air, absentmindedly rubbing the bubble with his thumb. “When I last visited Rose, I could handle nearly three whole minutes in a fight with her. I wonder how she is; it’s been, what, a hundred years since I’ve visited?”
He was certain that if Painite could hear him, he’d be complaining about Star talking his ears off. Star weakly chuckled at the thought, the memory quickly tainted by their current relationship. “It wasn’t my fault,” he began, hopping down the stone path while keeping the gem within the bubble steady. “Well, it was, but could you blame me? I couldn’t bear the feeling of being just some slave to them. Blue was cold and rude to me, assigning me a purpose without even checking if I was functioning properly. Sure, I’m glad she didn’t, because if I wasn’t, she would’ve shattered me, but the thought would’ve been nice. Yellow was just an ass to me, telling me to ensure Pink would win the war. I’m not even going to mention White; she was terrifying. Pink was a lot better before, well, you know. She was the only one who treated me like someone alive, but even then, she was distant and only really interacted for war-related matters.” Star rambled.
“When Rose offered my freedom, she treated me like I was something alive, not just some tool to see into the future. How could you have stayed? Did you like being their slave? Being nothing more than what you were made to do?”
Star could already imagine the words Painite would say if he wasn’t poofed and bubbled in his hands. “My purpose is what I am made to do. Why should I fight it?”
“But what about after it?” Star responded to the whispers of the question. “After the war, would you be shattered? Poofed? If you were lucky, you’d be taken by Yellow and sent to fight there. But is there really nothing for you other than just claiming worlds filled with life to make more repressed gems? Earth is a free world, Painite. It’s not too late to renounce your allegiance to the Diamonds. I doubt they would even take you back if you somehow get to Homeworld again. They’ve probably already made thousands of Painites on some claimed world of theirs, and maybe they’ve already created thousands of Star Sapphires too. So what’s the point when they’ve already got copies of us?”
They arrived in town before Star could continue, prompting the blue gem to sigh and tuck the blue bubble safely into his pocket. After ensuring the bubble wouldn’t pop when he moved, he shook his still-blue hands back into their false brown color and began his trek toward the nearest warp pad, conveniently located on the other side of the human town.
“Hey, Star!” The Sapphire turned his head toward the human who walked up to him, smiling nervously. He recognized this person as the one who had encountered him in the forest.
“Hey, Carl,” Star greeted, faking a warm smile. He chuckled, clearly nervous.
“I heard a big bang earlier; did you find that big beast and take care of it?” The human asked. Star’s hand drifted down to the bubble hidden in his pocket.
“Yep!” he responded, popping the ‘p’. “You won’t have to worry about it now.”
“Thank god,” the human sighed before offering a genuine smile. “Want to stay over for a while? I know a good hotel-”
“No, thank you, though.” Star cut the human off, still smiling. “I’ve got to get back home.”
“You sure?” The human asked.
“Sure,” Star nodded. The human watched him for a moment before shrugging.
“Your loss.”
Star walked off before the human could say more, his smile falling when the human was out of sight. The Sapphire pulled his hood up to cover his expression, walking as casually and as fast as he could. He’d been to this town many times before, unintentionally earning himself a friendly traveler reputation. And true to his nature, he strived for everything to be pleasant around him.
He smiled and waved at each human that greeted him, engaging in brief conversations with those who asked him questions, and graciously accepting any small gifts offered. By the time he arrived at the edge of the village, the sun was dipping down the horizon, and Star felt the weight of exhaustion settling in.
“Alright,” he muttered, more to the gem in his pocket than to himself. “The warp pad should just be down this road.” The shadows of the night devoured the last remnants of sunlight, and hidden pockets of light illuminated his path. His own gem began to glow with its blue hue, casting a gentle radiance that helped him navigate through the darkness. Intrigued, he took out Painite’s gem, holding it in his hand to see if it, too, would glow. Surprisingly, it did, but the light was subdued and took on a purple hue due to the blue bubble encasing it. Star wondered how Painite’s true red color would look in the dark, but he dismissed the thought, assuming it would be dull and muted, much like Painite’s current appearance. Star pondered what might have happened to his once-vibrant friend for his colors to fade into a pale pink. Was it the corruption? It seemed unlikely, as most of the Corrupted gems he encountered retained the vibrant colors of their original forms. So, what had happened to change Painite’s appearance?
The warp pad glowed subtly in the surroundings, concealed yet unmistakable. Star felt a tired smile spread across his face as he stepped onto it, clutching Painite’s gem close to his chest to ensure it wouldn’t slip from his grasp in the beam. The white light enveloped him, a low hum filling the air as he traversed to his home. The journey took only a few moments, and as the light dissipated upon arrival, he stepped off the pad and took a deep, unnecessary breath. His home, Mask Island, was saturated with the sweet scents of nature and pure water. Though he didn’t require air, he appreciated the olfactory experiences it offered. His smile grew a bit as he strolled down the familiar path he had tread countless times.
His eyes lifted to the split mountain in the center of the island, a frown creasing his features as he recalled the event that had caused it to crack open. He was grateful that Rose, Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst had managed to thwart the Cluster, just as he had foreseen many years ago. When he first glimpsed that timeline, concern had gripped him about Rose’s fate, fearing that it might be altered, as if she wasn’t truly there. Yet, as the world beneath his feet still flourished under the first rays of the sun, he found ease, finding he had nothing to worry about.
His home, aside from being part of Mask Island itself, consisted of a simple cave within the mountain that had remained unscathed. While it lacked the embellishments he had envisioned, its dull grey walls still emitted the comforting yellow bioluminescence. It wasn’t filled to the brim with decorations, but it was home—his home. However, he knew there was one more task to accomplish before he could retire for the night. Stepping to the center of the cave, he summoned his shadows, drawing them from his gem’s light to form a large, protective dome. Placing Painite’s gem at the dome’s center, he stepped outside, ensuring Painite wouldn’t escape. Using one of his shadow hands, he punctured the blue bubble, and Painite’s gem fell to the ground.
Star stared at the freed gem, nerves coiling in his chest as he waited. He recalled that Painite had only poofed once before during the many years they’d known each other, and it had taken a considerable amount of time for him to reform. Star wondered how long it would take now that he was corrupted.
As it turned out, not very long. Painite’s gem began to glow in its vibrant red hue, illuminating the cave as his form emerged. Star winced as it shivered and glitched from the crack, but Painite reformed with a gasp. The red gem fell to his knees, frantically surveying his surroundings, eyes wide with shock. Upon spotting Star, an animalistic hiss escaped from his mouth, and he instinctively retreated as far as he could. Star winced, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender to try and calm the other gem down.
“Hey, it’s okay, I’m not gonna hurt you,” Star said softly, slowly, keeping a careful eye on Painite. The red gem continued to stare back, his mind not fully present, as he emitted a low growl. Star took a few steps back, recognizing it as a warning growl from past experiences. He patiently waited as Painite gradually regained his composure. After a few minutes, Painite blinked and slowly looked around.
“…Where am I?” Painite asked, his gaze returning to Star. The Sapphire didn’t respond immediately, lowering his hands and allowing Painite to stand, leaning on the dark navy of his containment.
“You’re on Mask Island,” Star explained gently, enunciating carefully to ensure his words reached the red gem. “You’re in my home.” To his surprise, Painite emitted a sharp laugh.
“I’m in your home? This hardly looks like a temple,” Painite remarked, his voice trembling slightly from exhaustion. Star frowned, torn between leaving Painite to rest and pressing for the information he sought.
“How did you survive the Diamonds’ blast?” he inquired, stepping forward until he was a foot away from the dome. Painite glared at him, his teeth clenched and bared in an obvious threat, but he appeared too weary to do more. In fact, it seemed Painite knew he was too fatigued to fight, so he opted to provide an answer instead.
“I hid in Earth’s crust,” Painite replied simply.
“But how?” Star pressed, unsatisfied with the brevity of the explanation. His insistence drew a hiss from Painite.
“The Cluster didn’t get corrupted,” Painite explained slowly. “It was too deep for that. I thought if I got deep enough, I would be safe.” He paused, shifting his weight slightly. “I was not fast enough.”
That was all Star needed to hear. “Okay,” he breathed, nodding to himself. His eyes snapped to Painite’s leg as it glitched, forcing the red gem down with a shout. Star responded by shouting the other’s name and bringing a hand to his gem, summoning the old healing liquid from the depths of his memories. Luckily, the glitching on Painite’s form faded quickly, leaving the red gem on the ground. “Pain,” Star called, waiting until the other’s single eye stared at him. He lifted the liquid floating in his hand, holding it out in an offering. “I can heal your gem if-”
“No!” Painite hissed, wincing as he got to his feet again. Star recoiled as if he’d been hit, surprise evident on his features.
“No?” Star repeated, confused. “What do you mean no?”
“I will heal my own gem,” Painite responded, leaning heavily on the wall of the dome. “I do not need your help to do so.”
“Dude,” Star said incredulously. “Your gem is cracked, a good hit and it would shatter.”
“Then so be it,” Painite responded, finally gaining enough strength to only leave a hand on the wall in case he fell again. “But I will heal on my own.” Star stared at him, mouth slightly open in confusion.
“Wait? You don’t mind being shattered?” He asked, watching as Painite slowly began to walk closer, using the wall to guide him.
“No,” Painite responded simply. Star waited for something else, an explanation, a reason, anything, but all he got was silence. So instead he prodded. “Why?”
“Why?” Painite repeated, stepping closer. “Why not?”
“Why not? Because if you get shattered, you’d die,” Star said. “You want to die?”
“I don’t mind dying,” Painite responded, his arm slowly lifting in a gesture Star recognized well.
“Well, you should,” Star responded, keeping his eyes on Painite’s face. “You shouldn’t mind dying. There’s so much to live for on this planet.” That got a laugh from the other, short and fake.
“There is nothing on this planet worth living for, other than it being a good gem-producer planet,” Painite responded. “Besides, it has a new purpose. Soon the cluster should emerge; I felt those quakes.”
“The cluster has already been calmed,” Star said, causing Painite to pause. “I saw it 5321 years and two weeks ago. The cluster has been subdued, and I don’t see it returning anytime soon.” Star didn’t flinch as Painite’s arm thrust forward in a pathetic attempt to hurt the other. He did flinch when Painite’s arm pushed against the dome before recoiling with much more force than necessary, forcing the gem back and knocking him off balance.
Painite landed on his back, and a horrified gasp escaped Star as he heard the tell-tell sounds of a gem cracking. Painite’s form erupted into glitches, lasting much longer than the one before. When it settled down enough for Painite to reform fully, the red gem rolled onto his side and laid there. Star saw a few small yellow shards fall to the floor, bringing a kind of dread Star hadn’t felt since the Diamonds decided to corrupt the rebellion.
“Painite! Your gem!” He said, dissipating the dome and rushing forward. He knelt by the other, earning himself a weak hiss. He held out his hand with the healing water, his hand shaking slightly. “Please, please, please just let me heal you.” He begged, hating how the Diamonds had made him. To never give, to never act without being asked first. He hated how he was made to just be a future seeing and better pearl.
“…Only the Diamonds… can heal a gem…” Painite said weakly, glaring at Star.
“Come on dude, all you have to say is yes! You know how I was made, you know!” Star begged, tears beginning to pool in his eyes as fear caused him to shake. Painite simply stared, his expression softening from the hardness Star was so unused to. But just as quickly as it came, it vanished, leaving Painite to turn away.
“No.” He hissed.
“What is your problem?!” Star yelled, dropping the water and allowing it to fall to the ground as he stood up. He was tired of his friend’s attitude, hating the stubborn nature he had once loved. “Why won’t you let me heal you?!” Painite didn’t respond, only laying still as he looked away. Star groaned, burying his hands into his hair as he fought the urge to go destroy something.
“Fine!” He finally yelled. “Be that way! I’ll be back in the morning, and when I do, I better get an explanation as to why you’re being such a stubborn and stupid ass!” He reerected the dome with a grunt and turned on his heel, storming out in the open night. He left for the warp pad, knowing exactly where to go to vent his frustrations.
┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊
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When Star returned to Mask Island the next morning, he wasn’t surprised to find his cave empty. Instead, he stood there, gazing at the tiny yellow shards scattered on the ground. A heavy sigh escaped from Star’s lips as he stepped off the wall he had leaned on, embarking on the paths he had etched into the earth. He wandered aimlessly, not actively seeking Painite, already resigned to the likelihood of not encountering the other gem for another millennium or so. The idea of visiting Rose crossed his mind—it had indeed been a substantial span of time.
With that contemplation, he altered his course toward the island’s warp pad. As he strolled, he observed the quaint watermelon creatures that now populated the island. Star had even picked up a smattering of their language, learning from them that his vision of the Malachite fusion had indeed come to fruition. The thought was disheartening, but he found solace in knowing that the remaining Crystal Gems had managed to handle the situation in his absence.
A sudden voice interrupted his musings, prompting him to shake off the inquisitive watermelon beings who had tagged along. Swiftly and quietly, he dashed towards the voice, halting in astonishment when he beheld Painite, forcefully pressing his corrupted foot onto the warp pad. Painite’s countenance twisted into a snarl, and it seemed as though he was barely restraining himself from summoning his weapon and assaulting the pad. “Why won’t you work?!” Painite bellowed in frustration.
Star hesitated, well aware of Painite’s propensity for coldness and hostility. Despite the lingering anger that urged him to confront Painite, his concern for his former companion took precedence. “Painite?” he called out tentatively, taking a cautious step forward. Painite’s head snapped towards him with a sickening crack, and for a fleeting moment, Painite softened slightly with surprise. Yet, that softness vanished as quickly as it came, replaced by a snarl as the red gem bared his teeth.
“What do you want?” Painite hissed, his attention fixated on activating the warp. Star assumed Painite regarded him as either too insignificant a threat or had already accepted his fate.
“I was just going to visit someplace,” Star said, maintaining a distance. Painite continued to glare, and Star respected his space. “Is something wrong?”
“You,” Painite hissed bitterly. “You’re the problem. If it wasn’t for you cracking my gem further, I would be able to leave this diamond-forsaken planet.” Star sighed, nodding apologetically.
“I am sorry for that,” Star said earnestly. “I can heal you if you want.” He flinched as Painite’s glare intensified.
Painite scoffed, and his expression hardened. “You think I’d trust you after what you did? I don’t need your help. I will find that damn fountain of yours and heal myself.”
Star paused. “Wait, fountain?”
Painite sighed. “Yes, the rumor of some healing fountain the rebellion used to heal gems. If it exists, I intend to find it.”
“Oh, it does,” Star said, earning a slightly less angry, confused look from Painite. “I helped make it.” Painite stared at him for a long moment, causing Star to fidget slightly under the gaze. Suddenly, Painite seized Star’s coat, pulling them close enough that their noses nearly touched. Due to Painite being on the warp pad, Star found himself shorter than the other, causing his face to redden from the unexpected proximity.
“Take me to the fountain,” Painite commanded, utilizing the authoritative tone Star had missed. The closeness and the rough voice almost next to his ear made Star melt momentarily, surrendering himself to the unexpected intensity. A good shake, however, brought him back to his senses, and he straightened up.
“R-Right! Sure!” Star stammered out, offering a crooked grin. Painite scoffed and released the Sapphire. Star yelped as he fell, his legs too jelly-like to hold him up. He groaned as he hit the ground, laying there for a moment before sitting up and rubbing the back of his head.
“You’ve been around too many humans,” Painite stated. “You’re acting like one.” Star laughed sheepishly before standing and hopping onto the warp pad, determined to push aside the warmth of the other’s breath on his face. Now was not the time to dwell on past connections.
“To the garden!” Star declared, waiting for the white light of the warp pad to envelop them. Nervousness crept over Star as the warp pad failed to illuminate, and Painite shot him a pointed look.
“Well?” Star flinched, rubbing the back of his neck.
“The warp pad to the garden must’ve been damaged,” he admitted, laughing nervously in an attempt to defuse the growing tension beside him.
“What?” Painite demanded. Panicking, Star scrambled to find a solution.
“I can take you to the next closest warp pad!” he suggested hurriedly. “A-And I can take you there directly!”
Painite seemed to ponder the option, studying Star intensely. Just as Star was about to propose another alternative, Painite spoke, his tone gruff, “Fine.”
“Wait, really?” Star asked, taken aback.
“Do not act like an idiot, Sapphire,” Painite hissed. “Just take me to the fountain, and I will let you live until I can repair the homeworld warp.” Star furrowed his brow but nodded nonetheless. With a simple thought, the warp pad activated, transporting them to the next nearest warp. The short journey was enveloped in silence, with only the subtle hum of the light surrounding them. Star considered offering an apology, as he had done millennia ago, but he hesitated, turning his gaze away.
The light subsided, revealing a sprawling field of strawberries and butterflies drifting gently on the breeze. Painite inhaled sharply, prompting Star to steal a glance at his reaction. The corrupted gem appeared lost, gazing over the field with an expression Star couldn’t quite decipher. After a moment, Painite blinked and stepped off the pad, unintentionally crushing a strawberry in the process. He then turned toward Star with a pointed look, his expression now devoid of the earlier confusion. Star nodded and hopped off, following an invisible path. Yet, curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn’t resist the allure of conversation.
“Sooo….” Star began, glancing at Painite from the corner of his eye. “Did you ever fight here?” Painite remained silent, and Star assumed he wouldn’t respond.
“Yes,” Painite finally replied, prompting a surprised “huh?” from Star.
“Wait, really? That’s cool! What was it like?” Star inquired, turning around and walking backward to face his travel companion. Painite frowned and swatted away a curious butterfly.
“Were you not there? You should have seen it for our Diamond,” Painite retorted, earning a wince from Star.
“Well, I had foreseen it. I told Pink that the battle would be horrible, but that there were going to be multiple. There were so many that I don’t exactly remember the details,” Star responded.
“Speak her name with respect,” Painite hissed before continuing. “This place is where the rebellion turned the tide of the war. And I was there from the beginning.”
“Really?” Star asked. “What was the biggest one? I remember you were a commander then.” Painite frowned, but Star knew just how to encourage him to share war stories.
Star could see the internal struggle on Painite’s face, but eventually, he sighed and began recounting the tales, much to Star’s delight. “The most significant battle I led was the one that changed the tide. It was destructive, and in the first half, we were winning.” A slight smile appeared on Painite’s face, lost in reminiscence. “We nearly shattered half of the rebellion forces with barely a scratch on our own. I could easily see their attempts and their paths, making it easy to thwart their plans.”
However, his smile quickly faded into a solemn expression, and Star noticed Painite absentmindedly rubbing his gem. “I became too confident, too cocky, and I paid the price. A single gem’s strike took out the leader of our forces, and the battle shifted in their favor. With my crack, I couldn’t fight on the front lines or guide my forces, and that’s the only reason you won.”
As the atmosphere turned somber, Star chimed in with a meek “Oh.” After a brief pause, he ventured, “I remember that day. I’m sorry.”
“Your apologies will not change the past, Star,” Painite responded, saying the name with a surprising absence of hatred, momentarily catching Star off guard. However, the resurgence of resentment was swift, and Painite’s gaze transformed into a piercing glare. “Now, how long will this ‘trip’ take?”
“Oh, just a little over a month.”
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weinerhutcircus · 7 months
Oh My goodness... Gearshift and Octagon.. I just thought you guys were too CUUTE together>\\\< I even made a little picture of you guys.. Together... I hope you truly love it ...
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OH. UM, WOW.. buddy… I’m sorry to disappoint your er strange and disturbing fantasy, but my PAL Gearshift and I are just REALLY close coworkers! now, I know the way HE acts can sometimes imply otherwise, but that’s simply how he is! I mean, is it towards me specifically most of the time..? yes… but that really doesn’t mean anything. also, im pretty sure he must have his eyes on some pretty and surely lucky lady. he’s just too close to anyone but me. NOT THAT that’s aproblem of course I’m so glad that he has as much support as he has. ahard WORKING man really needs that you know! and, above all, were both straight men, of course! ohh that’s enough from me… i don’t even remember what I’ve been rambling on about for so long… goodness! but please calm down with these strange inputs, (I’m assuming) lovely customer. we’re grown men with jobs and personal lives. I could have a wife for all you know! I don’t… but I could!
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ah anyway, it’s back to work for me!
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wroetospotterwp · 3 years
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Potion Partners
Pairing ✨- Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Summary 💓: Y/N is a quiet girl that stays clear from trouble, but that becomes difficult once she has to partner up with Fred Weasley in Potions.
Word Count 🖊: 1,724
A/N 🗣: hello all!! this is my first ever imagine on tumblr and first i’ve ever written really, so this is quite different to what i’m used to! but i hope you all enjoy anyway!
Warnings ⚠️: this is just fluff so i think we should be good
Requested? 📮 - nope
It had been the one class Y/N had been dreading all day: Potions. It wasn’t that she wasn’t any good at the subject, she just didn’t like how Professor Snape treated the students and favoured others.
Y/N was not one of those favoured, unfortunately.
As soon as she had finished Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall, she raced to Potions, Snape couldn’t take housepoints from her if she arrived early. It took some time, but she finally arrived, only a few other students waiting outside the classroom. Clearly they had the same idea as her.
With a smile to her fellow classmates, she walked over to the stone wall and opened one of her books. Might as well spend the rest of time preparing for the class. It was quite peaceful, only the flames from the torches and quiet chatter from students were heard.
But of course, it didn’t stay quiet for long. A door behind Y/N swung open, slamming against the stone loudly. The noise completely startled the girl, dropping her books on the floor. Y/N quickly glanced up to see it was the Weasley twins that had just entered the corridor.
Fred and George Weasley. The class clowns of Hogwarts and two heartthrobs that the students of the school adored. Would Y/N be lying if she said she hadn’t fancied one of them? Completely. Fred Weasley had always a been a secret crush of hers since she first saw him, but who could blame her?
Unfortunately, girls like her didn’t stand chances with boys like him, and she had accepted that a long time ago.
Before the red head could catch her looking at him, she focused her attention back on the fact her books were completely sprawled along the stone floor. Y/N bent down and started to try and gather her books, lucky for her one of her fellow classmates started to help her pick them up.
“Thank you.” Y/N muttered before she stood back up and accepted the books from the classmate.
“No problem.” The voice accepted, Y/N looking up and seeing it was none other than Fred Weasley. Her eyes widened slightly, mentally kicking herself as she realised how strange she looked.
Y/N didn’t say anything, just gave a small smile and turned away from the tall Weasley. But he didn’t seem to be finished talking to her.
“That’s a lot of books you have there, Y/N.” Fred pointed out, which almost made Y/N’s heart leave her body. He knew her name?! She kept to herself and only had a few friends, nothing that would put herself out there enough for Fred to know her name.
“You know who I am?” Y/N quietly muttered, her cheeks starting to turn a bashful red. Oh how she was thankful that everyone else was focused on their own conversations to see what was happening.
Fred raised an eyebrow and let out a breathy laugh. “Course I do.” He replied, like it was just so obvious.
Fred Weasley had messed up here, he had only found out who Y/N was just a few months ago thanks to Angelina and Alicia. He was dragged to the library by his two friends and seen Y/N reading at the table herself. Immediately, he caught himself staring, how had he never noticed her before? She was beautiful.
He questioned his two friends and they informed him who Y/N was, but they didn’t know much about her themselves. Fred was desperate to find out more about the mystery girl, starting to try sit near her in classes and in the Grand Hall, hoping she didn’t think he was weird.
She didn’t notice most of these advances, and if she did, she avoided eye contact with him at all times, which he didn’t understand why, had he pulled a prank and she had fallen victim to it? He wasn’t sure.
Y/N didn’t have the chance to reply to Fred as the Potion’s classroom door opened, Professor Snape walking out and sternly looking at them all.
“Most of you will be unable to do this, but enter the classroom and stand by your desk.” Snape eyes fixated on Fred and George.” “Calmly”
Fred and George just smirked at their Professor as the rest of the class entered his classroom. Y/N smiled at Alicia Spinnet, who she shared a desk with, as they settled into the seats.
Snape didn’t seem to trust the Weasley Twins today, motioning them to get up from their seats as soon as they sat beside each other.
“I don’t believe that either of you can be trusted working with each other. So today you’ll be split up.” Snape informed them, Fred and George usually always worked together so most of the class were shocked at their Professor’s demand.
Snape had a very slight smile. “George with Miss Spinnet, Fred with Miss Y/L/N.” He requested them. Y/N couldn’t believe it, how was she going to work with Fred? Alicia got up from her seat and walked over to where George stayed seated, Fred getting up and walking over to where Y/N was seated.
“Alright?” He greeted as he sat down, Y/N nodding slightly, Godric how she hoped that it wouldn’t be this awkward the whole period.
Snape explained to them what potion they would have to produce today, Y/N writing down all the ingredients while Fred was busy balancing his quill on his forehead out of boredom.
“Do you want me to go collect the ingredients?” Y/N questioned, bringing back Fred into reality, who had just realised that the class had began to make the potion.
“I’ll go up.” Fred offered, getting up from his seat. “Are they all written down here?” Y/N nodded as she handed him the piece of parchment, her hand briefly brushing his, sending butterfly’s to her stomach.
Fred didn’t have a clue what half of these ingredients were, grabbing what he thought was each product and hoped for the best. He brought the stuff back over to Y/N, who raised a brow.
“Are you sure this is all the right stuff?” Y/N asked, scanning the stuff Fred had picked up.
“Of course.” Fred confidently replied. Y/N shrugged, picking up a bottle to start the potion when a hand went on top of hers. “I’ll do the potion, you can sit and relax.” He offered.
“Oh, Fred, it’s no problem.” Y/N gave a small smile. “Everyone else is working in partners, you don’t need to do everything.” She didn’t trust he knew what he was doing anyway, so she just hoped he let her help.
“I’m actually quite the potion’s master, Y/N.” Fred smirked as he began to add random ingredients to the caldron. That smirk kept the girl quiet, her face turning bright red and unable to respond.
Fred was surprised that Y/N was actually talking to him, and actually holding eye contact. He hoped for his sake that his random ingredients he picked up would benefit him and make the potion that was required.
But life would be too easy if that happened.
The potion exploded up in the air, barely missing both Fred and Y/N’s face. Fred let out a laugh at what just happened, not noticing the complete shock present on Y/N’s face. Her eyes looked to the front of the class to see Snape’s face.
Safe to say he was pissed off.
Snape gave them both detention, something Fred was used to and Y/N not so much. They stayed after class since it was the last period of the day and Snape demanded that they cleaned every caldron to be completely spotless.
Snape had left to go to speak to Professor Flitwick, so it was just Fred and Y/N, alone. For the first few minutes, it was silence. Y/N too busy scrubbing one of the cauldrons to notice that Fred had walked up beside her.
“You know, I’m quite happy we’re in detention together.” Fred smirked at her, Y/N thought he was having a joke around.
Y/N smiled at him. “Fred, you basically live in detention, why would this be any different?”
Fred faked offence to this. “You wound me woman, I actually have a life outside of detention.” He joked, Y/N letting out a laugh. “Seriously though, this had been my favourite one.”
“I’m glad my company has been fun.” Y/N giggled, starting to feel more confident around the red head.
“I’m just gonna go straight to the point.” Fred informed her, making Y/N stop cleaning the caldron for a moment. “Do you want to go to Hogsmeade together at the weekend? To the Three Broomsticks?”
Y/N raised a brow at the boy. “Are you asking me on a date?” She questioned, quite confused.
“That’s typically what a man does when he fancies a girl, yes.�� Fred replied, Y/N didn’t trust him, this must be some sort of joke.
“Is this some sort of prank?” Y/N asked. “Make me think you’re interested and make a fool out of me for believing?”
“What kind of pranks do you think I do, Y/N?” Fred let out a laugh. “I’m sorry if I’ve pranked you in the past-“
“You’ve never pranked me, Fred.” Y/N interrupted. “I just didn’t think you liked me.”
“Lucky for you, I do.” Fred smirked, Y/N playfully rolling her eyes.
“So charming, Weasley.” Y/N beamed, she felt so much better about talking to him, she needed to tell him she felt the same way. “I’ve liked you…for a quite a while now.”
“No one can resist me so it’s understandable.” Fred joked, he couldn’t help himself, could he? Always making a joke about anything and everything.
Fred began to lean closer, eyes flickering from Y/N’s plump lips and her gorgeous eyes. Y/N leaned forward too, this would be her first kiss, she hoped it would go alright.
Their lips pressed together and it was like the both of them had been together for years, they fit together like jigsaw pieces. They were too busy in the moment with each other to notice the classroom door swing open, the Slytherin head entering.
Professor Snape never partnered Y/N and Fred ever again after what he seen.
i ramble on so much and at the end i felt like i rushed it! i need to figure out how to write these because i’m not sure this was that good, but i tried! first imagine so go easy on me if this is bad!! i’m used to writing fics hahah
my requests are open btw! :)
taglist: @malfoysstilinski @drearyxo @just-a-bittersweet-tragedy @fizzleberries
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gubler-me-up · 4 years
The Cure
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Request: Not sure if you are taking requests but I’d love to see a one shot of that scene where Reid is getting washed down bc of anthrax and he asks the reader “I’m about to get naked, do you really wanna see that?” And the reader is like yeah and leads to some sexy times later lmaooo
A/N: Thank you for the request, anon! While I was writing this I was like how do I turn this moment into something sexy??? but I think I figured it out so I hope it makes for a good smutty read!! Enjoy!
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!reader
Category: Smut
Content warning: Unprotected sex, penetrative sex, fingering, creampie, swearing, mentions of anthrax
Word count: 2.7k
“Go help Hotch,” Spencer insisted.
“Hotch has plenty of people helping him,” you assured.
The biohazard team was hosing him down with water to eliminate any traces of anthrax possibly lingering on his body. You felt bad you had let him wander off by himself even though he continuously insisted it was his fault. You wanted to stay by his side until he was taken to the hospital. You wanted to make sure he was okay throughout the whole process.
“He needs you more than I do,” he said.
You shook your head in protest. “Spence, I’m going to see you off to the hospital.”
“I’m about to get naked so they can scrub me down. Is that something you really wanna see?” He asked.
Without thinking you answered. “Yes.”
You quickly pressed your lips together as you realized what you had said. He looked at you in shock and you could feel the embarrassment tingling in your gut. The biohazard team looked on as if nothing had occurred but you could tell they heard you just by the brief looks they gave you. They seemed intrigued by what would be the next words to leave either of your mouths.
“Uh, maybe I will go see if Hotch needs help,” you said as you turned around.
“Y/N,” you heard him call.
You immediately turned around. You thought you turned around too eagerly because he looked thrown off by how quickly you switched your attention back to him. Or maybe he was still thrown off by your response to him. Either way you stood there waiting for him to say another word.
“I wa-”
“Dr. Reid, did you cut your hand?” Dr. Kimura asked.
Spencer looked at his left hand and you could see the instant look of panic wash over his face. You felt your heart drop as you saw how scared he looked and you were deeply scared for him. You both had thought he was in the clear for about an hour at that point which scared you even more. While they were hosing him down the anthrax had been going into his bloodstream.
He then let out a raspy cough. The panic started to come over you and you went right up to the glass that separated the both of you. He looked up at you and tried to tell you something but he was interrupted by a series of raspy coughs.
“He needs to get to the hospital now,” Dr. Kimura said.
“Spence, you’re going to be okay. Please tell him he’s going to be okay,” you begged.
“He’ll be okay once we get him to a hospital,” she reassured you.
She grabbed him by the arm and escorted him out of the room. The other biohazard team members rushed to the ambulance in the driveway. You ran out the door to meet them in the driveway. They took out the gurney and helped Spencer onto it.
You looked on in horror as he had trouble catching his breath. You didn’t even think your steps through as you walked towards the ambulance. As they put him in you were ready to climb in along with him. Dr. Kimura had to stop you immediately.
“Agent, you can’t be in the ambulance,” she said.
“But I have to make sure he’s okay,” you said.
“I know you do but I don’t want you to be put at risk. Meet us at the hospital to find out any further details about his health,” she said.
Before you could protest any further she hopped into the ambulance and closed the doors. You heard the sirens blare as they rushed out of the driveway towards the hospital. You ran towards the SUV and hopped into the driver’s side to get ready to follow them.
You took out your phone and called Hotch before you followed them. You impatiently waited for him to answer. You wanted to be by Spencer’s side as soon as possible so he had someone by his side to make sure he was okay. As soon as Hotch answered you frantically babbled everything you had to say to him.
“Hotch, Reid’s going to the hospital because the anthrax is probably in his bloodstream, so I’m going there right now to make sure he’s going to be okay,” you said.
“Y/L/N, how did that even happen? I thought they were going to hose him off,” he said.
“Hotch, I’ll fill you in later but I have to go. Bye,” you said and hung up on him.
You knew Hotch would call you out for your irrational need to panic but you didn’t care. You had to make sure Spencer had some sort of support. He had been through so much by himself and you couldn’t let him go through another downfall in his life alone. You put on your sirens and pulled out of the driveway before rushing to the hospital.
It had been an agonizing three hours of waiting for Spencer to wake up. Lucky for him he found the cure before he was rushed to the hospital. When he did wake up you made sure he was the first person he saw. It would have been you and Morgan but he went to go get an extra jello for Spencer for when he woke up. You and Morgan had eaten both of the jello’s in his room because you both got hungry as you waited for him to open his eyes.
You were over the moon when he had woken up. You couldn’t contain your excitement and went in for a hug immediately. You made sure it wasn’t too tight but close enough so he could feel the warmth you had to give to him. He wrapped his arms around you to hold you tight to him.
He couldn’t thank you enough for being by his side the whole three hours he was asleep. You assured him you would have waited longer if need be. The need did arise when Dr. Kimura informed him she wanted to keep him overnight to make sure he was fully stabilized. You told him you would stay with him as long as possible before the hospital had to send guests home for the night.
You were walking back to his hospital room with a paper bag full of fresh fries from the mom and pop diner from across the street. Spencer said he wished he had some fries to balance out his plain Jane hospital ham and cheese sandwich. You took it upon yourself to get it for him. It was the least you could do for him after everything he had been through in the day.
You knocked on his hospital room door before entering. He was reading a sports magazine Morgan had left behind in his room. From the look of confusion and dissatisfaction on his face you didn’t think he liked it very much. He looked up at you and instantly smiled as he tossed the magazine onto the side table.
“Hey, I got those fries you wanted,” you said.
“Aw, Y/N, you really didn’t have to,” he said.
“Spence, this isn’t the time for you to be overly considerate about my time or money. You almost died today,” you said as you closed the door behind you.
“That’s no excuse to splurge on me,” he said.
You chuckled as you rolled your eyes. “You’re impossible sometimes. If you don’t want them I’ll gladly eat them for you.”
“I didn’t say I didn’t want them, I just said you didn’t have to but since they’re here I’ll eat them,” he said.
You laughed as you walked up to his hospital bed. You sat on the edge and handed over the bag. He smiled as he gladly took the bag from you.
“Thank you for everything, Y/N. I really appreciate you,” he said.
“No problem. Anytime,” you said.
“Can I ask you for one last favour?” He asked.
“Of course,” you said.
“Can you pull the curtains? I don’t feel comfortable with people watching me eat through the windows,” he said.
You got up and walked over to the big curtain to pull it across to block out anyone from looking in. The only light pouring in now was from the little gap of space at the top. You looked over at him with a smile but soon noticed he had put the bag of fries on the side table.
“Aren’t you hungry?” You asked.
“I’m actually curious about what you had said earlier,” he said.
You raised an eyebrow in question to what he meant but you already knew what he was asking about. You walked back over to him and sat on the edge of his hospital bed. You knew he could see through your disguise of playing dumb. You sighed and decided to come clean instead of trying to lie to a profiler.
“I wouldn’t mind seeing you naked. I know it was totally inappropriate and unprofessional and I’m sorry,” you rambled.
“Don’t be sorry,” he said.
“What do you mean?” You asked.
“Because I wanted you to stay,” he admitted.
It took a second for you to comprehend what he said. Your eyes widened as you took in his desire for you to be there as he got naked. You didn’t have any words to say to that. On the inside you were screaming at a high pitch that only dogs could hear but nothing left your mouth. You could see Spencer’s open expression soon fade into a worried one.
“Uh, sorry. Maybe you didn’t mean-”
You leaned in and kissed him briefly on the lips to prevent him from continuing his sentence. When you leaned up from him you could see a thrill spark in his eyes. You softly giggled as you felt adrenaline come over you.
“I think you’re really special, Spence and for months now I’ve had you on my mind,” you confessed.
“So have I. Eight months, twelve days and eight hours to be exact,” he said.
You chuckled. “I’m glad we’re on the same basis. If my profiler skills are on point you didn’t want me to close the blinds so you could eat.”
He smirked. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You chuckled as you crawled onto the bed and swung your leg over him so you could straddle him. You leaned closer to him so you were right in front of his face. He couldn’t hide his true intentions from you now. He couldn’t help but laugh as you caught him red-handed.
“How about we stop talking and start doing?” You asked before planting a heavy kiss on him.
He latched his hands onto your hips. He lowered your body down so your pelvis could touch his. You could feel how hard he was through his hospital gown. You slowly grinded on his hard bulge to get him even harder. He moaned through the kiss and you loved hearing him being unable to even form a proper word to express how you made him feel.
He slid his hands down to the bottom of your skirt and moved his hands up to pull it up. He managed to slip his fingers underneath you and slowly stroked the cloth of your underwear. You started to moan yourself and you wanted more of what he was doing to you. You moved your underwear out of his way so he could get to stroke you properly.
He didn’t hesitate to run his fingers up and down your folds. He made sure not to forget to pay your clit a visit here and there. You moaned in pleasure as you let him feel you for the first time. You unbuttoned the first four buttons of your blouse because you were getting hot. Spencer had no problem with you revealing more of yourself to him. In fact he looked ecstatic to see you loosen up even more.
He then inserted two fingers into you. You nearly lost your mind as he pumped his fingers in and out of you. He looked you in your eyes as he did. He had a small smirk on his face in response to how you could barely contain yourself anymore. He leaned forward to trap you in another lengthy kiss. From your lips he kissed along the side of your face until he reached your ear.
“I’ve been waiting for a long time to know how you feel,” he whispered.
“I hope it’s everything you’ve ever desired,” you moaned.
“It’s more than I could ever desire,” he whispered.
His words alone could send you over the edge. You pulled back the sheets from under you and proceeded to lift his hospital gown. You gently took his fingers out of you as it was time for you to show him how good you could feel.
You grabbed his dick from underneath you to hold it in place. You gently slid down onto it and you both let out a moan in unison. You grabbed onto his shoulders for support as you gently rode him. You would go faster but you thought he had already been through a wild ride during the day.
The way he grabbed your hips to motion you to go faster indicated to you his heart could take it. You obliged and quickened your pace as you continued to let out countless moans. You looked in his eyes as you rode him and you could see how lost in lust he looked.
“How do I feel now?” You asked.
“Amazing,” he said.
You smiled and leaned down to kiss him again. You couldn’t get over how amazing his kisses were. You didn’t know if you liked his kisses more or his dick. He was definitely the whole package all around and you couldn’t get off the high he made you feel.
You continued to ride him for a few minutes and it was becoming harder and harder for both of you to contain your moans. You then felt him grab your hips to hold them still. You were confused until he started to buck his hips up into you. You accidentally moaned louder than expected so he hushed you as he continued to buck his hips.
“I’m about-”
“Just fucking cum in me.”
“You su-”
“Yes, just do it.”
He grunted as he came in you. You moaned out a sigh and eased up off of his dick. You two were heavily breathing but catching your breaths didn’t stop you from kissing each other. You could have kissed him for hours on end but a knock on the door scared you so deeply you jumped off of him. You fixed your skirt and buttoned your blouse as quickly as possible as Spencer pulled down his nightgown before covering himself with his sheet.
“Come in,” he said.
A security guard came in. He looked at the both of you and for a second you were nervous he knew what you two did. You didn’t exactly care if you two were caught by him but it didn’t make a good first-time story to remember. You immediately grabbed your bag because you came back down to reality and realized what he was going to say.
“Visitation hours are up, miss,” he said.
“I know, I’m leaving now,” you said.
He nodded and left, closing the door behind him. You looked over at Spencer and the both of you laughed. You leaned in and gave him one last kiss.
“I’ll be back tomorrow morning to pick you up,” you said.
“Thank you. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow,” he said.
You smiled. “Me either. See you tomorrow.”
You turned around to walk towards the door. You couldn’t stop smiling to yourself as you thought about the possibilities of tomorrow and the future with Spencer held. Before you turned the doorknob to leave, you heard him call you.
“Y/N,” he said.
You turned your head. “Yes?”
“I can’t let you leave without asking you on a date. Would you like to go on a date next week?” He asked.
You giggled. Even though the two of you just had sex in his hospital bed, he still had to be a gentleman about the whole thing. He was definitely the best guy you had ever known. You nodded in excitement.
“I would love to, Spence,” you replied.
He smiled. “Awesome. I can’t wait. Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Spence."
Tagged: @shadyladyperfection, @slutforthegubes, @pinkdiamond1016, @spencerreidsthings, @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto, @slutforsr @bxtchboy69, @fallinallinmendes @haihappen5 @mgg-theprettiestboy @siltuz-png @ptrs-prkrs @tclaerh @agentadhd @alexmarie29 @closetedreidstan @mac99martin @blxckhearthood @jesspavlik0vsky @katexrichardson @keniaasf @reidbuck @corishirogane3 @thegoddamncrazycatlady @keniaasf @pastelbabygirl19 @shadybagelsludgecolor @bootycrackraisinjuice @vintagebeauty1496 @laneybobeczko-g @littlewierdalien @cynbx
964 notes · View notes
echos-newlegs · 3 years
Hello There! I was wondering if you'd write 11 an 13 for Tech, please? I may request some other stuff for my favourite bad batcher and maybe even Rex later, but if you did that one i would be so happy!!! Have fun writing!! “I think I may be falling in love with you, and it scares me.." + “I just wanted an excuse to hold your hand.”
What's with you?
Bro he has been on my mind non stop since I read this request. He is literally so cute and I love him. He needs more love 😔 so thank you for sharing this and yes, yes I will be writing a story about this because these ideas you have are ADORABLE-
Tech x Reader: "I think I may be falling in love with you and it scares me.." + "I just wanted an excuse to hold your hand."
Warnings: nothing but fluff
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You and Tech out of the bad batch were two of the closest. You were a no body before you met the bad batch. You studied things, a scientist of sorts. Though nothing official. You did do a lot of things when it came to researching and trying to come up with theories for why things happened. Plus you were good with your hands when it came to building things. So, instinctively. Hunter took you in, along with everyone else.
You didn’t really have a family. Where you grew up you were lucky you were still even alive. Though, Tech was obviously thankful. He cared for you so much. Even just the after the first time you spoke with him. You were shy at first, but after some warming up you were rather obnoxious. Plus. You knew your stuff, and the two of you could have a conversation on everything and anything for hours on end.
Useless information was your game, and you loved that you finally had someone to share it with.
It didn’t take long for you both to develop feelings. You were both fairly good at hiding it though. You were never one that was good with expressing feelings. The fear of abandonment and ruining the friendship you had always lurked in your conscious.
Tech was just scared. He had never felt this way before. Sure he’s had a couple hookups from 79’s, but never anything that mad him feel like you do. How you make him smile anytime even just a thought of you crosses his mind. How he gets butterflies in his stomach from just your laugh.
Or how his mind lurks and picks up the things you like. From how you enjoy your caf, to your favorite candies or flowers.
Or the thoughts that lurk within his mind when he’s alone and no one else is around.
He was so scared of all of it though. He was a clone. A defective one for Makers sake! He couldn’t like someone when his sole purpose in life was to fight and then be killed off like every other clone on existence. No thought to it, no remorse. No remembrance.
Though, one day when Hunter caught him staring at you while you were target practicing with Crosshair. Hunter told him something that made him a little less scared of the whole ordeal.
“You know it’s okay to like y/n, right?” Tech was shocked by his words. Blush creeping up the back of his neck. “Ah-what? I don’t- don’t be ridiculous.” He would stammer. A nervous chuckle escaping his lips. “Vod, don’t lie to me, I see the way you look at them.” He spoke, “I can sense the way you both feel for each other. Why don’t you do something about it? Live your life, enjoy what you can.” And before he could protest or ask anything Hunter was walking off. Leaving him to ponder.
It was simple. But it had the gears in his brain turning. Fast enough he nearly felt nauseous. ‘Both? As in y/n has feelings, too?’ He had to be kidding, right? Right. Who would like someone like.. Well like him.
Weeks had passed since that incident and he still thought about it. Hunter shooting him looks when it was just you and Tech talking to one another. Or when you two would sit next to one another. You hadn’t noticed, but Tech did.
So one day out on the field, Hunter had set up the plans where you went with Tech. Tech knew what he was trying to do. He was for sure it wouldn’t work. He was horrible with words when it came to flirting. Plus he knew for a fact that he would get nervous and stammer. Or jumble his words.
The two of you were in a lab like area. Bottles and beakers scattered around. Though your guy’s main interest was the large computer system towards the back. The data base that had all the information you guys needed.
Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair were out being your distraction while the two of you got to work on hacking into the system. You taking over for a bit while tech worked on something else. You could tell he was nervous, but you weren’t sure why. It wasn’t like him. He was normally always comfortable around him. It made you wonder if you did something wrong?
Once the files were transferred Tech grabbed what you two needed, and then your hand. Pulling you out of the room and back to the exit.
You were internally screaming. His fingers laced around your hand. His was a bit larger than yours, and you had never realized it. Not until now. Your heart racing a marathon. Techs was, too.
You let go when he did. Which was when the two of you made it back to the group. “You get it?” Hunter asked, and you nodded. Tech speaking a quick, ‘affirmative.’ You and the rest of the boys heading out of the facility and booking it for the ship.
No use sticking around and waiting for more droids to be deployed.
Hours had passed since the mission, and you were sitting on your bunk after a short shower. You normally were able to relax in the shower, but now? No, you couldn’t. You were still in shock by Techs actions. He was in the cockpit. Flying the ship, and you wanted to ask about it so badly, but you were anxious. It had to be a mistake. You were overthinking it. You had to be.
Though, you were walking to the cockpit without thinking. When you realized it you were already at the door. No use turning back now. You entered, and saw him dozing off in the seat. Ship in hyperdrive. “Oh sorry,” you blurted when he looked up with a tired gaze. “Oh, no, you’re fine.” Tech spoke a bit quickly. “Did you need something?” He asked, moving his goggles to rub his eyes. Then pulled them back down.
You were tempted to back out. Say you were just looking for him and head back for your bunk, but your curiosity got the best of you. “Can I sit with you?” He nodded. Shifting in his seat as you sat in the copilot seat. The door shutting behind you.
He was watching you now. His own curiosity striking him. Thoughts running through his own mind as to why you were there and what you wanted. “I just uhm.. you licked your lips and sighed. Looking down to your hands. Which were fidgeting in your lap. Then back to him. “Why’d you grab my hand earlier?”
You saw him freeze up, and you grew more nervous. “I mean, I don’t mind but you just- you’ve never grabbed my hand before.” You spoke, fidgeting more. “You always just tell me to follow you, I was just wondering, is all.” You rambled. Looking to his eyes, you could practically see his brain turning.
“Well..” he spoke, clearing his throat. Then turning to look back out the front of the ship. “In all honesty, y/n, I just wanted an excuse to hold your hand.” The bluntness of his own statement shocked the both of you.
You were surprised, and you caught yourself staring off into space, figuratively. Eyes looking back up to Techs face when he looked back to you. Catching his eyes with your own. “Really?” You asked, and watched as his tanned skin turned nearly pink. Your own skin it’s own rosy shad as well. “Yes, I’m sorry.”
You frowned a bit at the apology. Reaching over to place your hand on his shoulder. “Don’t apologize, Tech.” You added, watching as he looked down to your hand then back to your face. “I told you, I didn’t mind.” You grew a bit sheepish. Retracting your hand a bit at your next words. “I liked it, actually.”
He reached up to grab your hand before you could pull it away fully. Turning in his seat to face you completely now. Squeezing at your hand a bit and you looked back with a curious gaze. “Really?” You smiled at the look of hope and shock written in his eyes. “Yeah, really.”
You both stared at each other like love sick teens. Until tech looked down to your hands. Breaking the gaze. “Can I tell you something now?” You nodded, watching as he played with your fingers anxiously. “Of course, what is it, Tech?”
“I think I may be falling in love with you,” his voice was softer and more timid than before. “And it scares me.” He looked up to you, with worried eyes. You were at a loss for words, to say the least. Mouth slightly agape, and his eyes lowered again.
“I went too far, didn’t I? I didn’t mean to upset you,” he let go of your hand and you reached up to place it on his cheek. Shaking your head with a small smile. A smile that screamed, ‘I love you, too.’ “No, Tech, you didn’t go too far. Tech, I think I’m, no— I know I’ve fallen in love with you. I’m just,” you trailed off. “I’m not the best with stating feelings, I have had issues with past relationships and I didn’t want to scare you.” You admitted, and he leaned into your touch. Watching you carefully.
“I’ve just never met anyone else who makes me feel the way you do.” The words made you melt. Leaning forward to hug the other, kissing his cheek. “Well, I’m glad you told me,” he chuckled. Pulling you out of your seat and over to sit on his lap. Nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. “If I waited any longer Hunter would have went insane.” That made you chuckle a bit. Smiling softly as he placed a chaste kiss to your shoulder.
“What does this make us then?” You pulled back to look at him, grinning softly as you rested your head against his forehead. “I guess.. an item? Is that what they call it? Partners, lovers..” your trailed on, and he giggled a bit at that. “I like lovers,” you were internally squealing at that. Smiling as he leant in and pressed a short and soft kiss to your lips. Humming contently. “Lovers it is.”
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so happy u reached 300! maybe u could write about what it would be like when peter introduces you to the avengers (ik everyone writes these but i love the concept and ur writing so much 😭)
and it can be anything, blurb, headcannon it’s up to you !!!
Thank you and I’m happy to give my take on this! I decided to just make it a little blurb, I'm very, very sorry it's so late, I hope you like it hun, love you xx
Nervous Introductions
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader 
Summary: You're a little nervous to meet the other Avengers
If Peter was considered soft and quiet, then his girlfriend was just the opposite. She was confident and outgoing, everyone she met fell in love with her. A people person to say the least, and Peter felt incredibly lucky to have someone like her as his person. For some reason he couldn't quite figure out she had fallen just as hard as he had. Peter loved her more than anything, he thought she was the best person in the world, and he wanted to show her off. To his friends, to aunt May, to random passerby's in the street, and of course, to the Avengers.
As soon as she'd found out he was Spiderman he'd brought up the idea. He wanted to show off his pretty girlfriend, and prove once and for all that she was real. Despite the pictures and texts he'd show everyone, they still seemed to think she was fake. They insisted she was just a friend no matter what he did. She had seemed excited at the prospect, until the day of. She'd been uncharacteristically nervous since he picked her up.
"Are you ready?" Peter squeezed her shoulders, pressing a kiss to her forehead as they entered the elevator.
She took a deep breath and nodded, "Yeah."
"You seem nervous."
"I'm not," she shook her head, "I'm excited to meet them, I know how important this is to you."
"It's okay if you are, they're the Avengers, most people would be nervous."
"I'm not nervous."
"Okay," he chuckled, pressing another kiss to her head, "But I'm right here if you are."
"No, no, you know me P, I'm not really a nervous person."
"I know, but it's okay if you get nervous sometimes."
"I'm not nervous," she groaned, "Come on Peter, I got this, hype me up."
"I don't need to hype you up if you aren't nervous," he smirked.
"Shut up," she rolled her eyes, "I'm just worried they won't like me or something."
"Everyone likes you," he laughed, "It's okay that you're nervous, I can do the talking if you need."
"I'm not nervous," she snapped, rolling her eyes as the elevator doors opened once more, "I've got this."
He just nodded, pulling her behind him with a small smirk on his lips, "Well come on then, we don't want to keep anyone waiting."
She followed behind him silently, examining everything they passed by, looking out for any superhero that may have been lurking in the halls. Ironman, Captain America, and Black Widow. Those were the only people supposed to be there, so she wasn't ready for anyone else. She was glad it was such a small roster, three a-listers was more than enough if you asked her.
"Would you look at that? I guess he wasn't making her up after all," Tony smirked as he spotted them in the doorway.
She clenched Peter's hand tight, "Guys this is (y/n), (y/n) this is Mr. Stark, and that's Steve, he's Cap-"
"I know who they are," she spoke in a small voice that only he could make out.
He was shocked, she'd never been so quiet before, "Right, just making sure."
"It's nice to meet you, I'm Natasha," Natasha smiled, offering her a hand.
(y/n) shook it once, "You too."
"So, how'd you two meet?" Steve beamed, seeming oblivious to her obviously nervous state.
"We go to school together," Peter reminded, "(y/n)'s from Brooklyn."
"Really?" his eyes lit up excitedly, "Me too, where'd you grow up?"
"Right by the Brooklyn bridge," she blushed.
"Alright no one cares what street she grew up on," Tony rolled his eyes, "There are much more important questions to ask. Like what do you see in Peter?"
"Hey!" Peter's cheeks flushed, "Don't ask her that!"
A small smile kept onto her lips, finally cracking her nervous shell.
"I'm just trying to make sure she's got good intentions," Tony defended, hands raised in surrender, "I gotta make sure she's not a spy, or encouraging you to drink underage or something."
"Like you're one to talk about underage drinking," Natasha scoffed, rolling her eyes before addressing the girl again, "You can ignore them."
"I'm not trying to corrupt Peter," she assured, "Or spy on you guys or anything, well maybe find out some embarrassing stuff about Peter, but nothing malicious."
Peter groaned while Tony smirked, "Well if you want embarrassing I've got hours and hours of Peter's mission audios on back log."
"No," Peter shook his head, "We are not going through those."
"Aw, why not? I bet you're just rambling on about Star Wars or something," she giggled.
"Well last week he wouldn't shut up about how he was gonna bring his girlfriend over and we'd all see that you were real," Natasha snickered, "I'm still not sure he didn't pay you."
"He did," she laughed, "He's doing my homework for the next two weeks."
"Babe," Peter groaned.
"What? Am I not supposed to tell them?" she teased, "Sorry, I thought I only had to pretend we were actual dating around May."
"We are dating," he rolled his eyes, "Is it really that hard to believe I'm dating someone?"
"Well, kid, you don't exactly have game," Tony hummed.
"What? Peter's got mad game," (y/n) smirked, "Didn't he tell you guys how he asked me out?"
"Please don't tell them," he groaned.
"Tell us," Tony demanded.
"We were in P.E," she began, a small smirk starting to creep onto her lips, "We were on opposite basketball teams guarding each other and Peter got the ball. So I'm trying to like, steal it right? And I'm getting in his face and everything and when I tried to grab the ball we ended up slipping and Peter fell on top of me. So I try to get up but he's just sitting there staring at me and I asked him what was up. And you know what he says?" she glanced at Peter, who's cheeks were about to catch fire, "Come on, tell 'em P."
"I told her she looked pretty on the floor," he sighed.
"So I started laughing and he didn't say another word until class ended, where he asked me if I'd ever gone on a date and then asked me if something I would be interested in doing with him."
Peter pressed his forehead to her shoulder, hiding his face while everyone burst into laughter. He watched quietly as her nerves dissipated and she turned back into her normal bubbly self. It was easy to see that they were hanging off her every word, as almost everyone she spoke to did. Pride bubbled in his chest as he watched the rest of the Avenger's fall for her the same way he had. By the time they left he was sure they wanted her on the team more than him.
"I love you, you know that?" he wrapped an arms tightly around her shoulders, kissing the top of her head as the entered the elevator.
"I love you more," she sang back, wrapping her own arm around his torso, "So, how'd I do?"
"I think they were crazy about you."
Her cheeks dusted red, "They weren't as intimidating without the superhero get-ups on. You really think it went well?"
"I think it went absolutely amazing, but I knew it was going to because you're you."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"That you're the most amazing person in the world and everyone who meets you falls for you. It was bound to go well."
"Sap," she rolled her eyes before getting onto her tip toes to kiss his cheek, "It wouldn't have gone nearly as well without you there, I think I would have been a bit of a wreck without you."
"I'm glad I could help. I'm always here for you if you get nervous okay?"
She nodded, "Same goes here. I got your back P."
"And I've got yours, always."
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shysneeze · 3 years
Colour Me Surprised | George Weasley x F!Reader
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Description : the reader and George are perfect for one another, which complicates things when fates is telling them otherwise
 soulmate au in which you only see colour when you meet your soulmate - from this request
Warnings: kinda angsty, arguments (if I’ve missed anything please tell me so I can add it) 
general taglist: @accioweaslcy 
george taglist: @amourtentiaa ,  @omghufflepuff , @daisyyy2516 , @i-padfootblack-things , @imtooanonymousforyou 
(this is the form for anyone wanting to join :))
“Leave me alone, George!”
The intensity of (Y/N)’s voice sends several younger pupils scattering from the common room before the door has even swung shut behind her and a second voice joins her, just as full of the same sharp anger.
Stumbling in behind her, George reaches for her, fingers curling around her wrist before she can storm up to her dorm. (Y/N) pulls from his grasp with a huffed breath, though his touch has left that warm buzz on her skin as it’s prone to do.
“Please,” He pants, “Let me talk-“
“No, George,” She seethes, “What are you going to say that can justify setting off a portable swamp underneath my date's chair!?”
He grimaces.
“It was only a small one?” 
Even as the remaining pupils scatter from the common room, no one can blame them. It’s cruel in a way really, that the world should throw together two people so perfect for one another, and allow fate to tell them otherwise.
Although, perhaps the whole theory of soulmates is cruel by itself.
It’s fine when you’re a child, when seeing the world in shades of black and white is normal. When you’re so young, colour is just one of the unsolved mysteries brought by youth, like where the moon goes in the morning or why the clouds seem to be in such a hurry to pass us by.
It’s growing older that brings that itch, that thirst for colour, the desire to know the different shades of the sky and the pigments of petals so warmly spoken of in stories.
Colour comes with soulmates, it’s the rule of life… but life has never been rumoured to be fair.
While a large portion of wizards and witches meet their soulmates when they start Hogwarts, and upon doing so are thrown into a world colour, no longer strangers to the warm oranges of sunshine and the cool greens of the leaves on the trees, many aren’t quite so lucky. 
It can take years, lifetimes for the truly unlucky, to meet, the person the universe has tied your soul to, the perfect match, the missing piece of an incomplete heart. It’s what anyone might look at George Weasley and (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and see… a perfect pair. 
In fact it was Fred who first believed so. So excited to introduce them back in third year, so convinced by ‘twin’s instinct’ of their destiny for one another that he practically dragged George to her, only to be sorely disappointed when their faces never brightened with the joy of seeing colour for the first time. 
It’s left them with only friendship, one strained by the desire for more. Years of getting to know each other, of the quirks and habits so perfect for one another’s, has only added to the frustration of being destined for other people.
“It was an accident!”
He falters under her warning gaze.
“Well, kind of- I was planning to prank him anyway.” He admits, “ I’m very sorry it interfered with your date.”
She wishes he were lying, it might make it easier to be this angry at him for it. Though from years of friendship, of wishing for more, she’s able to pick out every edge to his voice and there's no lift in his tone where there would be with a lie.
“I mean I did help you dodge a bullet.”
Like that, the anger is again justified.
“Oh come on, everyone knows about Liam, (Y/N),” He argues, “He’s a player and you deserve better.”
“That’s my decision to make!”
He falters, nodding reluctantly.
“I know and I’m sorry but-“ He sighs, “He’s not your soulmate.”
Neither are you
It sits there on her tongue like fire, held back as not to burn him, and most likely, herself, with its truth.
“I know that,” (Y/N) spits weakly, her resolve to be angry crumbling with the newly returned pain in her chest, longing she assumes. “That doesn’t mean I can’t date. Who knows when I’ll meet my soulmate? Is it so bad to want to be loved in the meantime?”
You are.
It’s written all over his face and her heart twists with it. Every fibre of her being wants to love him, in fact she’s already sure she does, but to be with him now will only hurt more when, inevitably, he leaves for somebody else, the person who brings colours to his eyes.
“Don’t say it.”
It comes out pleading, her eyes scrunched and lips beginning to wobble in the anticipation of tears. Eyes shut though, she can still hear the way his breath hitches.
“Clearly you already know.”
One last spark of anger ignites in her chest, though as the words tumble out she’s not sure it’s at him as much as it is at fate, whatever cruel, twisted thing put him in her life, taunting her with something that can never be hers.
“I know!” She seethes, eyes opening only to frown, “Everything tells me it’s you. Every bit of me wants it to be you and yet every time i look at you all I see is grey and it hurts!”
When she meets his gaze, her tight knit frown is mimicked with the same frustration as her own.
But his eyes.
His eyes aren’t the same as she’s always seen them, bursting with a colour she doesn’t know, but warm, like the feeling of the sun on her skin on a late summer afternoon and they’re glittered by speckles of something else that she craves the name of.
His hair is bright and vibrant and just a shade darker than the millions of freckles that dot his cheeks, that hide in his dimples and the crease between his brow that is slowly easing in surprise.
“You’re beautiful...”
Something warm floods his pale cheeks and he hears her breath hitch at the sight. She’s not sure how she’s lived  her whole life deprived of something as wonderful as this.
“We’re soulmates.”
“Colour me surprised.”
A second passes for him to grow sheepish under her disapproving gaze.
“Too soon?”
“I knew it,” He says quietly, as if saying then any louder will take away their truth and fling them back into the dull world they were in only moments ago. “I just knew it,”
Yet she can’t find the same joy he has, held back only by the question of why, why now of all times? This isn’t their first meeting, this isn’t how it works.
“I can practically hear your brain working on overdrive.”
“I don’t understand,” She begins to frown again, “I’ve known you for so long- soulmates are supposed to see colour the first time they meet and we- we met years ago.”
“I know.”
“I guess you hear of g-glitches sometimes...” (Y/N) begins to ramble, finger pulling nervously at her sleeves, “It’s rare but-“
“It doesn’t matter,” George blurts softly, warm hand pulling her own from her sleeves and clasping it reassuringly, “We’re soulmates, (Y/N).”
“We are,”
The strange knot that has been tying itself in her chest with worry begins to come loose, eyes finding his again, those little specks of colour swimming in warmth. Then, his hair, his beautiful bright hair.
“Are you going to stop staring at my hair long enough to let me kiss you?”
“I don’t know, George,” Her lips twitched into a teasing smile, “It’s so bright-“
The rest of her sentence lodges itself in her throat with his face suddenly inches from her own. His breath tingles her lips and she feels herself gulping.
“I’m sure I can admire it more later...”
His lips meet hers with that same buzz left by his touch and she finds herself wondering momentarily if it’s a soulmate thing, though kissing him soon replaces all other thoughts.
It’s perfect, and somehow having missed out on this is worse than ever having missed out on colours. In fact, she’s sure she’d sooner give up colour all over again for the promise of getting to kiss him.
As he pulls back though with his cheeks awash with that bright blush, warm where her fingers have lifted to cup his cheeks subconsciously as they kissed, she’s glad she doesn’t have to.
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anxious2dsimp · 3 years
Reki, Miya and langa from sk8 ☁️♀
Hi anon! Thank you for requesting Sk8, I've been waiting for this one, turn it up >:) Since you didn't specify theme or format I'm just gonna write a random fluffy drabble for each!
Random Fluffy Drables! | Reki, Langa, & Platonic!Miya
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Pairings: Reki x Reader, Langa x Reader, Platonic!Miya & Reader
Flavor: Fluff ☁️
Reader: Fem!Reader (she/her)
Format: Drabbles
Warnings: None!
A/N: I decided Miya's is gonna be platonic bc I feel comfortable writting about him that way, sorry!
If there's two things that are consistent about Reki is that he loves skateboarding more than anything and he's great at it. How you managed to change those two main things about the redhead not even a minute into meeting him is truly baffling. It was a sunny afternoon when Reki was aimlessly riding his skateboard around town, his eyes drifting around the relatively busy store-filled street. That was, until you came out of one of the buildings a couple stores ahead, because once he spotted you he couldn't look away. You were putting on your headphones, brushing the hair out of your face to reveal the prettiest girl he'd ever seen, features graced by the warm sunlight as your eyes were lost somewhere among the clouds. A million thoughts raced through his mind; would it be creepy to approach you, there's no way you'd notice him, maybe he could impress you with a cool trick? Unfortunately for him he had nearly caught up to you and couldn't make up his mind, but suddenly he snapped out of his thoughts by a thunk and a force propelling him forward. He was so busy looking at you he didn't notice the uneven sidewalk, his front wheels getting stuck and sending him flying only to land in front of you. "Oh my god, are you ok?" You asked worriedly as you crouched down before the stranger that had been catapulted by his board. "I- uh- hi?" Reki sounded more panicked than you were, and mentally kicked himself for being such an idiot, but the sound of your stiffled laugh made him stop that line of thought in an instant. "Hi, please tell me you're ok, or else I should really stop laughing," you commented wittily as you offered him your hand. "No, it's fine! I'm fine, you can keep laughing, it sounds so pretty you're making me feel better," Reki confessed as he took your hand and brought himself up, dusting his jeans before his cheeks begun burning a darker shade of red when he lifted his gaze to meet your flustered face. Did he really just say that outloud? He must have hit his head hard then. "Thanks! I'm (y/n), and you are?" God, you're smile was making his heart race more than S. "Reki," he said, probably a little to quickly, but at that point he didn't care. "Well, Reki, you should probably be more careful when you're skating," you teased, silently hoping your conversation didn't end there and he was as intrigued in you as you were in him. Little did you know that he would try his best to get to see you again, because in that brief interaction, you had transformed his world and what he thought he knew.
"Langa! you were amazing out there," you exclaimed breathily as you jumped into your friend's arms after him winning the S race. The pale boy squeezed you in response and thanked you, his smile still ecstatic from all the adrenaline. "We've been friends for so long, I can't believe this is the first race you ever invite me to," you said once he put you down, only half joking. "To be fair, S is kind of dangerous, but it surprises me too," Langa said truthfully, but before you could reply you heard some new voices behind you. "Who's the new slime?" "Langa brought a girl, he's learning from me!" "Well this is unprecedented." You whirled around to find a black-haired middle schooler, and three rather unique looking adults. Not really knowing what to reply, you were lucky your other friend Reki made his way past them and introduced you in the process. "This is (y/n), Langa and I's friend from school," the redhead said proudly. After they introduced themselves, you made some small talk with the group, but had to excuse yourself to reply to a phonecall. "So, Snow, what's up with you two?" Joe asked as he wiggled his brows. "What do you mean?" Langa replied, clueless as ever as everyone else stared in disbelief. "We mean that this is the first person you invite to S, and whenever you look at her your eyes sparkle like you're talking about skateboarding," Cherry attempted to clarify. "Or how during the race you pulverized the guy who was hitting on her earlier," Shadow chimed in once he saw Langa was still not getting it. "They're asking if you like her bro," Reki said with a rowdy smile as Langa turned totally red at the suggestion. "Wha- I care for her as a friend! Right? That's what friends do?" Langa didn't know why he was getting defensive, but he felt that his heart was gonna explode if they didn't change the subject. "Well, your slime buddy is getting hit on again," Miya said, slightly amused as he pointed with his head. Langa's body moved before he could even tell, and next thing he knew he was standing beside you as he silently glared at the guy he won against. "I'm sorry," the guy who was now clearly uncomfortable said as he lifted his arms in fake surrender, "I should have known you two were together." You just became a flustered mess, watching the guy leave as you turned to face your friend, stoic as ever but with a faint pink dusting his cheeks. "What was that about?" You asked. "You looked uncomfortable," he stated simply as he grabbed your arm, softly dragging you back to the group, who were all smiling knowingly. "Also, I wouldn't oppose to it y'know," his voice was barely above a whisper, but you were sure you heard him right, the sound of your heartbeat filling your ears immediately after. That night definitely was important for your relationship, just not in the "friendly" way you both initially thought.
Miya's gaze fell to the floor as his name was called to come up front for the freestyle skateboarding competition he was at. You had promised to come see him and support him like the good friend you were, but had yet to show up, leading the boy grit his teeth to bear the dissapointment that weighed him down. 'Of course (y/n) wouldn't show up, she's another slime, I should have known I'm stuck in a single player game,' Miya thought to himself as he walked up to the center of the area, readjusting his helmet while turning to face the judges. He was so caught up in his head that he didn't notice the commotion going on in the corner, where amongst the crowd whispered complains were heard followed by a seemingly neverending loop of apologies. Out of breath and hoping you weren't late you finally managed to squeeze past the group to end up in the front row before the area, seeing that much to your delight Miya had yet to start. However, your content smile at having made it in time despite your setbacks quickly vanished at the sight of his frown. Did he think you had forgotten? "MIYA! GOOD LUCK!" You yelled over the loudspeaker music and monotone sound of conversation from the crowd, the blackette's eyes instantly lighting up at the familiar voice. His eyes finally landed on you, and you could visibly tell he was holding back from grinning too hard as he gave you a small nod of acknowledgement; I'm glad you made it. After a great routine, he got off the judging area and headed to the water fountains, where you two had previously scheduled to meet. "I'm so sorry I was late, I had some problems that held me back, but I'm glad I made it on time! You were great out there," you rambled to your friend as he took a swig from his water bottle. "It's whatever," he replied contently, yet you knew something was up with the way his eyes avoided yours. "Miya, I can tell something's bothering you, y'know." After a hesitant glance, the boy sighed and finally looked you in the eye. "Sorry, it's just... I was scared you were gonna ditch me," he confessed, adding in a voice barely above a whisper, "like my old friends." Your heart broke at his words; though he kept up this unbothered facade, he did care for all of this stuff on the inside. "I would never, Miya. You're a great friend, and you deserve nothing less from me," you reassured him, giving him a tight hug that he barely reciprocated, but you knew him well enough to see that he appreciated it from the look in his eyes. "You better keep your word, or else you'd go down from being a friend-slime to a regular one," he joked, earning a lighthearted chuckle from both of you as the sadness cleared from the air around you two.
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onlydreamofmysoul · 4 years
The new (and last 😭)sweater weather chapter put this situation in my head and I don’t have the talent to make it real:
How would Remus react after he learns he can be a player on the team? and how does the rest of the team react? and how does the media react? and what does Sirius say? and what is his first game like? And what does Jules and his family think? AND AND AND ????
Of course u don’t have to do anything and I adore your writing just thought I would share some of my frantic ramblings.
I’m getting lots of ones like these! My brain has been spinning with so many ideas but one that stuck with me were Remus’ old superstitions.
Characters and their wonderful world by @lumosinlove
Half Sheer Dumb Luck
Calf stretches before thigh
Remus just stared at coach Weasley.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“We’d like to offer you a place on the team.”
Remus wasn’t sure he could trust himself to blink, never mind talk. “Is this a joke?”
Arthur stepped forward, his face calm and reassuring. “Remus, no, of course not. I’m your friend. I wouldn’t do that to you. We, all of us, the organisation, the team, we’ve reviewed your tapes. We’ve seen you play. And we want you on the team.”
“The team knows.” It was a statement, not a question. 
Arthur nodded.
“Sirius knows.”
He nodded again.
“This is real?”
Arthur smiled as he nodded this time. “As real as me standing here right now.”
“I’ll have to be ready.” Remus’ hands were shaking. “There’s so much to do.”
Coach stepped forward and placed his hand on Remus’ shoulder. “Yeah, there is. But I don’t think there’s a better man up for the job.”
“Oh my god.” Remus thought his knees were going to give way.
Arthur grinned and pushed Remus away from him lightly. “Now go talk to your boy. Not being able to tell you has been killing him.”
Remus nodded and walked away in a daze. Sirius was right where he left him, chatting to Thomas and Noelle. He smiled when he saw Remus.
“He… he wants me to join the team?”
Thomas let out a whoop. “Loops knows!”
The tent went up in cheers but Remus could only see Sirius.
“Is.. Would that be okay for you?”
Sirius frowned, pulling Remus right up against his chest. “Would that be okay? Oh my love, there’s nothing in the world that I would love more.”
Remus laughed, tears beginning to pool in his eyes. “I’m going to be on the Lions.”
Sirius kissed him, slow and filled with love. “You already are.”
“I’m going to have to train non-stop.”
“I’ll help you.”
“You’ll train over the summer?” Remus asked disbelievingly. Sirius kissed his forehead, then his nose and finally his lips. “I’ll do anything for you.”
The rest of the team then decided they had enough waiting and piled on, a massive group hug in the middle of the wedding reception, Remus right in the centre.
Two bottles of water on the bench.
“Mom, I have some news.” Remus said over the video call, his voice shaking. He could practically see his mother looking at his hand to see if there was a ring.
“It’s not that mom jeez, can you grab dad and Jules too?”
Remus waited until they were all together for him to speak again.
“So, the Lions organisation found my old tapes.” He began, “They started looking after they saw me play at family skate.”
Jules was just listening, bouncing in his seat waiting for Remus to get to the point. His mother looked concerned, but his father looked, almost knowing.
Remus swallowed, wishing he could tell them in person - he and Sirius were visiting next week but Remus needed to tell them in order for it to feel real. He was glad he was sitting on the couch at home, he needed some sense of normality.
“I’ve been asked to join the Lions.”
“I don’t understand. You already work with the Lions?”
“No mom, not as staff. I’ve been asked to join. As a player.”
Julian let out a whoop so loud Remus might have heard it without a phone. “Re, did you say yes? You had to say yes, please tell me you said yes!”
Remus laughed, nodding his head. “Of course I said yes.”
Hope promptly burst into tears and there was a definite pool forming in his dad’s eyes.
“Oh Re,” His mother breathed, “Oh my darling this is so, so wonderful.”
“No one deserves this more than you.” His dad was saying. “I am so proud.”
“Re does that mean I get to come to all of your games! Oh my god, you’ll be famous! I mean, you’re already famous, but you’ll be more famous! Re! You’ll be rich!”
Remus burst out laughing, looking around at the ridiculously large house he was in already, “I don’t think I need the money Jules.” While his mother rolled her eyes.
Julian gasped as another thought flew into his head. “Remus! I need to get your jersey!”
Sirius walked into the room, and perked up, “Oui! We need your jersey Re!”
Remus covered his face with his hands. “I don’t even have a jersey.”
“Yet.” Sirius corrected, curling up next to him and kissing his cheek. “You don’t have a jersey yet.”
Right foot first to step onto the ice.
“Es-tu prêt?” Sirius asked as they stood outside the locker room. Remus took a deep breath in.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
The clamour of the locker room was deafening, but Remus wouldn't have it any other way.. He nearly cried laughing when he saw that Nado and Kuny had decorated his new stall with pictures of Sirius, all copied and printed from social media with edits of Sirius shirtless and captions and endless heart-eyed emojis. He hugged Leo who was in the stall next to him and when he sat down to lace up his skates, he relished the feeling that he was part of the team. Because he was part of the team now, really and truly.
He met the new PT - Dorcas, with whom he knew he’d become fast friends. He also set about telling her all the ins and outs of working with the boys, their little superstitions, their tells when they were lying about their injuries. She just smiled and thanked him and told him to kindly fuck off and enjoy his first day, he could tell her all this another time.
The boys made a big show of letting Remus be the first out onto the ice (After you my good man) and while Remus rolled his eyes and smacked the back of a few heads playfully (Finn, Thomas and James), this was the moment he had waited for all of his life.
Right foot first, he stepped onto the ice.
Pasta and marinara before home games,
“Loops, what are you doing? I told you I would cook before your first game!”
Remus smiled and tilted his head up to kiss his boyfriend, placing both hands on his chest. “Baby, I love you, but you can cook precisely three dishes, and this isn’t one of them.”
Sirius pouted. “Your mom is teaching me.”
Remus nodded, “I know, that’s the only reason you can make those three dishes.”
Sirius shook his head smiling but he kissed Remus, nipping his bottom lip playfully.
“Are you nervous?”
“You’ll be incredible.”
“And if I’m not.”
Sirius kissed him. “If you’re not well then,” Sirius shrugged with one shoulder, “Then you try again next time. What was it a wise man once said? You always have more than one shot.”
Remus scrunched his nose. “That makes me sound like an old man.”
“A sexy old man.” Sirius commented and Remus just groaned. “Oh my god get out of here.”
Chicken and broccoli before away.
“Ha!” Sirius exclaimed when Remus walked into the kitchen and stopped short at the sight of his boyfriend cooking. “Je prépare le dîner ce soir.”
“... You don’t know how to make this one.”
Sirius put a hand to his chest in a wounded gesture. “You think I would give you food that is not good on a game day? Mon loup, how little faith you have.”
Remus felt a smile playing on his lips. “So you’ve magically learned how to cook?”
Sirius shook his head. “Non, that wouldn’t be magic, that would be a miracle. I have however, been taking lessons from your mother. Secret face-time lessons, when you’re out. I’m getting quite good.”
“You’ve been taking secret fact-time cooking lessons from my mother?”
Sirius nodded and held out a spoon for Remus to try. Remus dodged the spoon and kissed him instead. “I love you.”
Eggs morning of, pancakes after a win
“So,” Remus said, stepping into the locker room. “Who’s up for some pancakes?”
The roaring affirmative made Remus laugh before a warm weight barrelled into him.
“Hi Jules!”
Jules had taken to wearing both Remus and Sirius’ jersey at the same time to games, because he apparently couldn’t choose a favourite. He alternated between which one he wore on the outside. Today, it was Remus’, with LUPIN splashed across the back, the number 6 bold in the centre.
“Can I come get pancakes too?”
Sirius appeared behind Julian and threw him up into the air before setting him back on his feet, Jules giggling the whole time. 
“We could never get pancakes without my favourite Lupin!”
“Hey!” Remus protested, but he looked at Julian’s set of jerseys and smiled. 
“I suppose you can have two favourites.”
Finn, walking by, cupped his hands to his mouth. “Preach!”
Drag the puck around the crease twelve times.
“Hey Loops, are you coming to stretch?”
Remus smiled at James. “I’ll be over in a second Pots, I just have to do something first.”
James nodded and went to skate away before pausing. “Wait!” He looked at Remus sheepishly. “Blue?”
Remus shook his head fondly. “You’re so lucky I knew you’d ask for that.” He said ducking to grab a bottle of blue Gatorade he had taken from the kitchen for exactly this purpose. “Love you Fruit Loop!”
“Not as much as me, I hope.” Sirius commented as he stepped out onto the ice. “You coming?”
Remus shook his head. “Just gotta, you know.”
“Skate around the crease twelve times.” Sirius smirked. “I thought you weren’t superstitious.”
Remus flushed a dark red. “I’m not! But I’m not going to risk it either!” He laughed when he realised Sirius was teasing him and pushed him away lightly.
“Oh shove off, you can’t say anything.”
Sirius just continued to smirk at him as he skated backwards. “Love you too.”
Remus looked around the packed stadium as the anthem played and he pressed his star necklace to his lips. Looks like he had another tradition.
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Beautiful Mischief [Pt. 6]
Bad Batch x Reader • Angst/Fluff/NSFW (yknow the whole deal) • Mechanic [hidden Jedi] ! Reader • Female reader
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She’s going to be okay, Cross.
I didn’t trust her
This isn’t our fault. Nor was it hers
Trust is earned. She knew that
Maybe this could’ve been prevented
Maybe. But not exactly.
Y/N sighs sitting up in a bunk instead of gurney realizing she is in Havoc Marauder. She looked at her person seeing herself in a set of blacks and all areas bandaged were bandaged. At the foot of the bunk was her droid and her lightsabers, she got out of the bunk immediately feeling the weight and falling to her knees catching the side of the bunk.
“Shit...” Y/N frowns hearing the door slide open and quick steps over to her. “It’s been forever since I’ve felt like this...”
“Well. You have all the time in the world to tell me such, doll face” Cross states wrapping her arm around his shoulder and helping her back on her feet quickly moving his hands to her waist to keep her up. “What are you doing out of bed anyway?”
“How long was I out for?”
“Hm. A day? Nothing really happened. We’ve just been flying this entire time you were out cold.” He frowns feeling her hands hold onto the chest piece like she was going to die if let go again. “I’m sorry”
“For what? You didn’t—“
“I was angry. With the information of you being a Jedi. Then well. Your past came clear with that dathomirian”
“Cross...” Y/N frowns leaning against his body feeling him hold onto her with his dear life. “I’m too tired to stay mad...”
Crosshair held her close, anxious out of his mind thinking someone so small can be used to their breaking point. But what’s he to say about it.
The Bad Batch has been used countless times.
Isn’t a place
But a person
Y/N frowns stepping out of the Havoc and onto the small patch of grass in a small field surrounded by the forest. Endor’s moon was always beautiful even torn a few times. She felt her presence and stepped a few steps forward before eventually stopping when she locked eyes with the twi’lek with bluish green markings over the moss skin tone. She drops her supply bag and immediately ran toward Y/N holding her arms out before quickly picking the pace when Y/N fell forward wanting to run and meet half way. But her injuries said otherwise. But
“Thank god I’m a good catch right?” The twi’lek laughs holding Y/N tight feeling her squeeze.
“I missed you Reylen”
“Hey...you were going to come back one day” Reylen smiles with tears rolling off her cheeks. “Just had to find me first”
“Mhm....” Y/N held her tight sighing. “I really missed you Reylen”
“I know, fuck, me too”
After getting the batch’s ship in the underground facility’s hanger, Reylen took Y/N into the medical center she started up on Endor with respect of the Ewoks. She looked at every member of the batch while Y/N got into a gown for her own imaging.
The skull gives off a complete different attitude
He must’ve been through so much
Explosive personality
Something about him doesn’t match with the exterior
He’s anxious about her...so am I
“So you found Y/N in a hanger as a mechanic?”
“Mhm. Took her into our crew obviously. Didn’t know she was a Jedi at first”
“Mmm. When we first found out we just said someone with the force. She never really liked the Jedi. But that didn’t make her evil. She just. Couldn’t say no to it for much longer when they pursued her” Reylen states seeing Y/N step out and she thought it wasn’t going to be so bad externally. But the scars and bandaging says otherwise. “Uhm. I’d love to hear what happened but can I just say I’m lucky you’re still alive”
“Me too”
Y/N screams off the top of her lungs until the whole room shook with the agony. Odious just watched as she screams in pain and suffering when they forced the chip in her after tearing at her body to make it weak enough to make it...easier.
“You’ll be all mine soon sweet girl”
“I don’t know you”
“I know but I need it out and I can’t promise I won’t hurt you”
“Mind having binders?”
“Republic grade?”
“I’m not a smuggler for nothing”
A complete stranger put magnetized binders on Y/N’s wrists and ankles letting them attach to the metal table. He grabbed his multi-medial tool and immediately without a warning cut into the side of her head where the first scar lied and the same scream echoed out of her.
“I’ll be quick” he reassures as it was a struggle to get the inhibitor chip out but once it was.
“You’re going to what? Here?”
“How do we know we can trust you?”
“Do you have medical training?”
“How long have you known this—-“
“Guys” Y/N stopped the batch from their rambling even if it was her safety on the line. “Reylen has medical training. She was a combat medic and now putting that into good use.”
“Echo told me what happened with Obi Wan. Don’t try and say this procedure could’ve happened at Coruscant at the Jedi temple”
“ECHO” Cross smacks his brother in the arm as Echo pushes him back.
“Obi Wan told everything about her to the council. The council banished her and forbid us from working with her until they investigated her inhibitor chip. We weren’t listening and just fucking left with her. Just be glad the 501st helped us smuggle her out of there!”
Reylen let’s them bicker before turning to Y/N and taking her hand into hers.
“You left me for them?”
“Rey. You’re always going to be a sister to me. These guys are...just the ones I needed after all that has happened. A wake up call and...a sense of protection”
“Well they’ll defend you alright. But seriously. The scanner says it’s beskar. We have to get it out sooner than later and you can stay here...with your boys. And recover”
“Reylen, what if Obi Wan doesn’t—“
“No. Shut up. We won’t think that way, alright? There’s a flaw with your chip that could lead to answers for the rest of the clone armies. Maybe explain the malfunctions that were reported years ago”
“I just....as much as I’m fine risking my life to die for them” Y/N looks at the five continuing to discuss their decision. “I can’t have them risk theirs for mine”
“Y/N, you have no idea how love works Huh?” Reylen teases patting her knee. “But as they continue to talk. I can get you prepped.”
As Reylen got up to go get what she needs, Y/N turned to the bad batch and was getting tired.
“UDESII” She yells catching them all off guard. Calm down.
“You know Mando’a”
“You have a lot of secrets”
“Yes, and I’m willing to share if you five shut up for a second...” Y/N glares at the five watching them all stop. “I’m getting the foreign body removed. Then I’ll be unable to do much. But afterward I’m going to work to get back up on my feet. You five don’t have to stay here if you want to get work out there while you’re on the run”
“Like we’re leaving you” Tech tells it dead on. “You’re apart of this crew rather you like it or not. Yes few didn’t like the fact that you kept the Jedi life a secret. But it all makes sense as to why. Not everybody shares their secrets or have them literally almost kill us on sight. But we went through that together recently. We—-I’m not leaving any time soon”
“Neither am I. Just. Hell. Tech puts it perfectly. We aren’t going anywhere” Wrecker states quickly out of nervousness.
“Exactly. You’re apart of this crew. You’re not going anywhere anytime soon” Hunter adds as Echo takes Y/N’s hand into his.
“With you until the end of the line”
“Ain’t going to leave, doll face. Going to take a whole lot more than an unexplainable past and a few dark faces” Crosshair states sitting with Y/N on the bed feeling her lean against him.
“Vor entye” Thank you
@xxeiraxx @fennign @meli-that-girl @Spp2011
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kai-uh-arcadian · 3 years
hi love!
can u write a hitch imagine where she and f!reader get high and go to a party and the reader and hitch separate, like the reader goes to play beer pong with connie sasha and jean while hitch goes to historia and annie to dance and reader watches her dance and pulls hitch with her to the bathroom and they fuck?
Hi my darling!!! I hope this encapsulated what you’re imagining!!
Full Disclosure: I do not know how to write smut nor have I ever attempted SOOOOO if anyone would like to expand on this with smut PLEASE GO AHEAD!!! The ending is open ended for smut but if you’re not into that it still makes perfect sense as is,
I apologize I couldn’t execute the entire ask but I hope you still enjoy! (:
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Word Count: 1.4k
CW: Mentions of drug use (weed, alcohol), being drunk/high, minor cussing
- “I’m here” you texted Hitch as you pulled into her driveway
- Your phone lit up and read “sorry I CANNOT come anymore, my fish is really sad rn😪😪😪”
- Two things:
- One: Hitch is already outside waiting for you with her backpack (filled with her overnight stuff)
- Two: she doesn’t even fucking have a fish?😾😾😾😾
- She gets into your car to which you greet her with “ah hi Bitch… I mean Hitch! DaMN I thought your fish was in distress?
- “Well be glad “Bitch” is here because she’s the one giving you free weed dumbass” she remarks while (sort of gently) punching your arm
- “Ooo, do I get the hot girl discount?” You smirk at her
- “Shut the fuck up!” She says sarcastically and starts to blush “just drive already” she shifts her knees toward the passenger door
- You got babygirl flustered😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩
- You begin your car ride to Sasha’s house
- The Blouse’s were on a 3-day vacation to who-knows-where, all we knew is that Sasha was having a lowkey get together
- The guest list consisted of Eren, Armin, Jean, Marco, Historia, Marlo, Ymir, Annie, Mikasa, Connie, Mina, Reiner, and Bertholt
- You arrived in the Blouse driveway and Hitch begins to pull out grape swisher pack container a blunt
- “Ahhhh~ look at this pearl I rolled!!” She holds it up in awe then shortly begins to light it
- You’re lucky your cars interiors is all leather and you have until tomorrow to air it out
- (You never smoke in your car nor let anyone smoke in your car but Hitch is the only exception cause she’s cute)
- You both share the blunt that is apparently “this amazing strain called Sour Diesel she got from her dealer for free because she made out with him”
- After about what seems like 2 hours (it was actually about 15 minutes) you both are pretty fckn stoned and decide to head in
- You let the group chat know you and trouble arrive and head for the door
- “Mikasa!” You exclaim and hug her as she opens the door
- “What did you say? It’s too loud in here…” she deadpans
- 🦗🦗🦗🦗
- “Huh? There’s no music playing tho…..😅” you reply
- Mikasa sees the gears working in you and Hitch’s head as you’re trying to process the “joke” she just said
- To give you a hint, she sniffs the air
- 👃🏼👃🏼👃🏼
- “OHHHHHHHH!!!!” You and Hitch say in unison after realizing she was insinuating you REEKED of weed
- “Dumb and dumber arrived!!” Mikasa announces to the gang
- You and Hitch head to the guest bedroom upstairs to drop of your overnight bags
- You both return to the basement only for you to be pulled to one half to play pong and Hitch to the other to go take shots with Annie
- Before the game starts Connie tells “YOOO let’s see who can shotgun the fastest!!”
- Why would you ever turn that down????😩 free beer
- You, Jean, Connie, and Sasha all puncture your cans and begin to go
- Ofc you win🥸🥸🥸 You’re a natural
- “That’s not fair!! I started later, I didn’t know we were supposed to go on “1”!!??” Sasha exclaims, declaring a rematch to which you all oblige
- “3, 2, 1” Mikasa counts down for you guys
- One rematch turned into 2 more 😵‍💫😵‍💫
- Now you’re 4 beers in and the night is barely starting
- the night continues on and pong has turned into a game of “Whichever team loses has to shotgun”
- Lemme tell you, Jean is DEAD WEIGHT
- bitch got no aim???👿
- Sasha and Connie are absolutely obliterating You and Jean so at this point it’s safe to say you’re about 9, Natty Ice’s in and about 3 shots that Hitch kept handing you in
- Speaking of Hitch….
- Where the fuck is she??
- Your dizzy eyes begin to scan the basement— she can only be in so many places down here
- as you’re getting distracted, Sasha and Connie decide to leave the pong table to do God knows what and Jean runs after them
- You decide it’s best to ignore whatever the fuck kind of trouble they’re getting themselves into
- That’s when you see it
- Historia, Mikasa (?!?!?!!), Annie (?!?!?!?), and Hitch making a Tik Tok
- For reference it’s this dance
- You can Ymir practically drooling over Historia and then yelling at Reiner for doing the same
- Marlo is drooling at Hitch
- The sight of Marlo alone ignited a fire of pure rage inside of you
- everyone, including Hitch, knows that he blatantly pines over her… some people even think they’d look cute together but who knows what Hitch thinks??? Does she like him back?
- ahhh~ your head is crowded with so many thoughts right now and decide to silence them with a disgusting shot of Pink Whitney left by your side from Hitch
- is this JEALOUSY????
- your throat and the pit of your stomach burns as the shot goes down but not as hot as the left side of your chest at the sight you’re seeing right now
- You find Historia, Mikasa and Annie VERY attractive bUT you cannot take your eyes off of Hitch
- It’s rude to stare but goddamn, she’s in a white tennis skirt that when she moves JUST enough you can see part of her bare ass
- (Go touch grass later)
- 1 of the 4 girls take turns (unintentionally) messing up causing them to retake the Tik Tok
- You are NOT complaining tho👀👀👀
- They FINALLY get the dance down
- Hitch comes over and stands in between your legs that are dangling off the table you’re sitting on and wraps her arms around your waist
- Marlo shoots you a look and you were about to say something to him but Hitch guides your chin back with her finger so you were looking at her again👿👿👿
- “Soooo~ what’d you think?” She slurs getting closer to your face with a mischievous look in her eyes
- If looks could kill, Marlo would have your head right about now
- “Huh? About what” you play dumb hoping she didn’t notice you blatantly staring
- “Sweetie you would’ve caught flies if you kept your mouth open any longer” she says right in your ear causing you to get goosebumps
- So she definitely noticed you staring
- And played into it😐😐😐
- You took the bait and she won this round
- She nuzzles her head into your chest and oh my god her scent intoxicates you
- A mix of vodka, a bit of sweat (naturally,,,, bitch just got done dancing her life away), strawberry herbal essence shampoo, and a shit ton of Victoria’s Secret bombshell perfume(or Tease, I can’t decide)
- “I have to pee~~ can you come with” she says grabbing your hand without waiting for your answer
- What’s up with drunk girls and tag team bathroom breaks
- (On a real note, I’ve been to a handful of parties and my friends always ask me to help them in the bathroom like what am I gonna do? Wipe their ass for them? Cheer them on like YES GIRL GO PISS!!!🥳🥳🥳🥳)
- Anyways
- She pulls you into the bathroom, does her business as you face the wall, washes her hands and youre ABOUT to open the door when pins you against the door slamming it shut
- “You’re an idiot???” she looks up at you with tears brimming at her eyes
- You’re just as drunk/high as she is (if not more??) she CANNOT blame you for not picking up the subtle hints
- You gave her this abhorrently shocked and confused face
- “Hitch wait what why are you crying I’m so sorry what did I do” you begin to ramble in panic
- “What did I do uhh I’m so sorry how can I fix thi—“
- She cuts you off by smashing her lips against yours
- This has to be a dream or just drunk Hitch actions because she is a flirty drunk so you don’t want to get your hopes up
- “That’s how you can fix it~” she hiccups as a tear goes down her face
- “I’ve liked you for a while and I didn’t want to ruin anything so I kept it in for so long but I just can’t anymore” now SHES rambling
- “Just *hic* seeing you everyday, being so close to you and not *hic* being able to do anything about it hurts so bad but I just had to get this out so I’ll leave you alone afte—“
- Now you cut off her rambling with a slightly less aggressive and more passionate kiss
- The smile on her face is the cutest mixture of shocked and pure happiness🥺🥺🥺
- “I want the exact opposite of you leaving me alone, I’ve liked you for so long Hitch” you kiss her forehead and she just happily sobs/giggles like a child into your chest
“Don’t tell Hitch this, but she’s everything I wanted and more” you give her a small chuckle, looking away as your cheeks turn pink
“I won’t say a word idiot” she says kissing the top of your nose
Anyone, Feel free to delete any part of the ending if you’d like to add the smut part of this request!! Hope you enjoyed
- K ( :
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imaginesfora3 · 3 years
Doorstep [Sakuma Sakuya/Reader] [NSFW]
(Also posted here on Ao3! Please enjoy my ramblings)
You’re surprised to see Sakuya on your doorstep.
Your boyfriend had been quite busy lately, juggling a part-time job as well as spending all his nights rehearsing with his troupe. If he had the energy left he’d text you a goodnight and an apology, to which you always responded that you understood perfectly well why you couldn’t see him. It left you feeling a little empty inside that it had been so long since you’d even gotten to lay eyes on him in person but there was nothing to be done about that, there was no way you were going to say that over text and make him feel bad for things outside of his control. You had been wary about not triggering any potential abandonment issues since you knew of his past, not wanting him to think you’ll up and leave him if he doesn’t bend to your will.
You were proud of him for finding a place for himself in the world, and you wanted him to retain that happiness while also having a little safe haven with you.
You were in college yourself so it’s not as though you weren’t busy, you had paper upon paper to finish, and the time you had left was good to recover what was left of your sanity. Would Sakuya being there make you feel better? Absolutely! But again, you didn’t want to push that pressure on him when he was already busy. Sakuya deserved someone who wasn’t selfish, he deserved someone who would only encourage him to keep living his life to the fullest and who would support him, stand by him, no matter what. You wanted to be that person because you loved him that much, Sakuya had been the only man to ever make you feel like you were walking on clouds, you couldn’t diminish how important he was in your life.
That’s why you just don’t get how this phone call went so sour when you were doing nothing but speaking the truth.
“Do you miss me?”
“Sakuya…” Ooh, that was a direct hit, it hurt to hear the way his voice cracked when he asked that. He couldn’t possibly imagine how badly you missed him, how much you just wanted to see him again, but for some reason those words won’t come out. You don’t want to pour your heart out to him over the phone, again worried that you would just be guilting the poor boy. You just don’t realize how unwanted you’re truly making him feel.
“You don’t miss me?”
“Of course I miss you! It’s just… It’s just okay that you’re busy, is all. We’ll see each other again. Got the rest of our lives, yeah?”
It didn’t sit right with Sakuya.
It’s not like he wanted someone to obsessively control or demand his time but to have you acting as though you didn’t care… It made his heart feel heavy in his chest. The odd amount of indifference made him feel on edge, like you weren’t being honest with him, but about what? Did you really not want to continue this relationship but you didn’t know how to break up with him? Sakuya just didn’t get it. He didn’t know how to confide his thoughts in his friends without seeming like a fool, this was his first real relationship after all and he wasn’t quite in the mood to hear that there were other fish in the sea.
“Sorry, I’m really tired tonight… I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“You don’t have to rehearse?”
“I was going to come over for a bit before we started, is that… not okay?” Sakuya is gnawing on his bottom lip nervously, his heart sinking further, wondering what you might say next. The few seconds of silence that followed after made his heart ache, made him want to sob into his pillow, but he bit back those overwhelming emotions since he didn’t want to attract Masumi’s attention.
“It’s okay, Sakuya! I look forward to it! So just get some rest and I’ll see you then, okay?”
You’re cursing yourself after hanging up, wondering why you couldn’t just say what you wanted to. You wanted to say that you loved him, that you missed his cute face, that you couldn’t wait to shower him with kisses. You wanted to tell him he’d be lucky if he ever left your house again because you were willing to take him hostage for a day or two if it meant getting him all to yourself. So selfish of you to think like that, you couldn’t help but scold yourself over it, laying down and hoping these weird feelings disappear once you finally see your boyfriend again.
They don’t.
Sakuya doesn’t greet you with his normal cheery smile or a hug and you don’t move in, sensing his odd mood immediately. You invited him in and watched as he went right to sitting down on the couch, hesitantly closing the door; you might’ve contemplated for at least a solid two seconds about running out so you didn’t have to deal with the heavy conversation that was sure to follow.
“You don’t have to hide things from me.” Sakuya said with a pout on his face, the little frown he gives after looking out of place. “I want you to… trust in me. If you don’t care about me the same way…”
“I do trust you it’s just…” Sakuya is frozen, face growing pale as he realized you completely ignored his second statement. Did that mean…?
“You don’t have to walk on eggshells around me! We love each other, right? So, if we love each other, we can make it through anything!” He must’ve been reading the more romantic plays lately to spout out such an ideal without blinking an eye but it was so endearingly him, to the point where you couldn’t stop yourself from holding Sakuya’s face in your hands. Tears were beginning to gather in the corner of his eyes, likely from frustration, and you began to realize that all you had done to ‘protect’ Sakuya had only put up a wall between you.
“I do. I do love you, very much. You know that, right?”
“I don’t know how you feel!” Sakuya cried out, “You won’t tell me!”
Another direct shot but probably a well-deserved one. You hated seeing the pain you were putting him through, wondering if maybe breaking up would be the best. You clearly weren’t adept at relationships either if you managed to let things get this bad, to the point your boyfriend was in tears in front of you
“I remember the first time I ever saw you on stage… It was before the company became an actual company again. And you weren’t very good…” You swiped away a stray tear with your thumb as Sakuya nodded, “But I was invested ‘cause I thought you were so damn cute. I’m really glad that you got a chance to really act and that you’ve grown as much as you have. Getting to see you up on stage with the others makes me so happy because I know how happy you are up there.”
“…I’m happy with you, too.” His voice is soft, almost too quiet for you to hear but you’ve leaned in close at this point, your body naturally drawn towards him. “I like being able to see you in the crowd when I’m on stage. I know if I look at you too long I’ll forget my lines but just that glance is enough to make me feel confident! I want you to feel that way about me.”
“I do feel that way about you… Ugh.” You leaned forward, forehead resting against his as his big, puppy dog eyes looked into yours. “It’s not you doing anything wrong, Saku, it’s me. I just don’t want to bring you down…”
“I’m stronger than you give me credit for, you know?” Sakuya is pouting again, “I know you met me when I first joined the company but so much has changed since then. We’ve both changed since then. I just want us to grow together and not apart; I promise that I can help! Or at least support you!”
“I’m sorry I’ve been so stupid, Sakuya. Can you forgive me?”
“I love you.” Sakuya sounded breathless, the look in his eyes changing within seconds; it was something a little different now, a look you hadn’t known your boyfriend was capable of making before you first had sex.
His lips pressed hard against yours, practically knocking you back on the couch with the intensity. You heard him mumble out some type of apology but you’re too lost in his touch to care, your entire body screaming that the emotional stress had to be worked out somehow. That whole kidnapping plan might become a reality if he kept this up, how were you ever supposed to give him up after this? You needed him here to heal your heart and you had to make sure all the damage that had been done closed up on him as well, arms wrapping around his neck to keep him plastered against you.
“Right here, please.”
Still so polite even while having a raging hard-on after a fight, the tears completely dried from his eyes now as he gave you a look of pure lust. The mood had switched so quickly once the air had been cleared and you were grateful for that, grateful for a chance to get rid of these sad feelings and replace them with a sensation that would make you both feel better. You’re both desperately stripping clothes but you’re faster, getting the jump on him as he’s just taken his pants off. You’re thankful he wore boxers for easy access because you can’t wait another moment for him to be inside you, straddling his lap while his hands rose to touch your hips.
“You’re so beautiful.” Sakuya smiled up at you, looking as if he was meeting a Goddess for the very first time. “I love you.”
“I love you even more.”
You both let out a gasp as he slid inside you, his head thrown back, revealing his throat to you in an act of submission. You’re pleased that he’s making your job easier for you as you leaned in to pepper all the kisses you could over it, giggling as he bucked his hips up in desperate need for friction. It had been so long since you had touched yourself let alone had sex, there was no doubt that Sakuya was in the same boat. You remembered the wide-eyed look he gave you after you asked if he even masturbated since he had to share a room, basking in the way your heart fluttered at how cute a totally red-faced Sakuya looked.
He was still noisy, just how you liked him, moaning at each movement and kiss you gave him. His head was only full of thoughts of you, just like they had been the past week. But these ones were more positive, full of happier memories, full of a hope for the future of your relationship. He could feel how much you loved him each time he thrust into you, your lips brushing against his ear as you whispered sweet nothings into them. He had been afraid that he’d mess up the first time you ever had sex and you had promised to keep him calm, giving him quiet encouragement while taking the lead. He discovered that, while he did want to make you feel good, he liked it better when you took the lead and allowed him to follow. He liked hearing your voice directly in his ear, he liked hearing you whimper his name and tell him how perfect he was at making you feel good.
“Aah- I don’t think I can last much longer…!” Sakuya is starting to sweat but is still making noble attempts to keep a steady rhythm, his arms wrapping around your middle to bring you close to him. “Can we come together? I want to-”
“Mmm, yeah we can, I’m really close…” You reached down to touch yourself to help you along but Sakuya beat you to it, looking up at you with half-lidded eyes and another smile; you couldn’t resist him any longer, leaning in to lock lips with him again as you both come. You feel the desperate twitching of his hips, the way his fingers are digging into the soft flesh of your hips but never enough to so much as leave a mark. He was always gentle with you even within the throes of passion and you truly loved that your body was such a naturally kind, caring soul.
“I love you.”
Again, those three little words are exchanged.
Again, you return them, meaning them now more than ever.
You’re no longer surprised to see Sakuya on your doorstep because you’ve come to one simple realization.
You are his home.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Hello! Hope you're safe. Covid is getting worse in India and we're stuck up here and desperately hoping to get those in need of help some resources.
Your account is so soothing!! Can you pls write something like a double date between kate and Anthony and daph and Simon? And how their wives end up teasing them and luring them in bed? Bcs I can completely imagine the wives doing this lol. No pressure, love you
I am safe and thank you so much for your well wishes! Australia has been very lucky with COVID, and I live in a small farming community in the Queensland Hinterlands (just off the great barrier reef actually!) and while we did have some Cases last year, they were all from people recently returned from overseas, and we were lucky enough not to have any community transmission! I’m so sorry your country is suffering at the moment, working in healthcare I’m astutely aware of how important resources like masks are and honestly, this world is a complete mess. And I hope you get the help you need soon. 
I’m so glad you find these little posts soothing. And if this is the only way I can help you, then how can I refuse? I very nearly made this a Spicy Sunday post, But I’m trying to keep those posts for requests that specifically request to be kept for Spicy Sundays because I don’t wanna defile anyone’s innocent post! So this is more of a precursor to Spicy Sunday I suppose.
Someone else was also curious about an idea like this
Anon Asked: Could we see Kate and Anthony going on a double date with Daphne and Simon? Maybe Kate finds it hilarious how protective Anthony still is over Daphne, even though she’s a married adult. I’d love to see even more of how they all interact together!
Kate really couldn’t say when this little game with Daphne had started. Maybe it was after a few drinks in Violet Bridgerton kitchen one night, maybe it was a little game to tease Anthony because really, how ridiculous was it that Anthony was still this protective of his adult sister who was practically married? Even if it was a little sweet. It had been a lovely dinner, as it always was, But as soon as dessert was cleared the game started, those were the rules. So this is how Kate found herself, her hand firmly on her boyfriend’s upper thigh, sat across the table from his sister and her fiancé, Who was currently smirking wildly as Anthony scowled at Simon’s hand wrapped tightly around her waist. 
Damnit, Anthony was barely paying attention tonight at all. She was never going to win.  “I don’t know that we stand much of a chance this year, Tottenham have a good team, and Man City and U are always in the mix I suppose.” Simon was saying clearly unperturbed by Daphne’s efforts tonight as well. A small victory, Kate supposed. Anthony hummed next to her, his hand settling over hers, keeping it in place. Kate could barely hold back her smirk, Daphne’s eyes flashed to hers. Irritated, as she rested her chin on Simon’s shoulder.   “Well, Chelsea always seems to make the best of it. I’m sure you’ll do alright.” Anthony was saying evenly, shifting in his seat just a little. Kate shifted just a little closer to him, Anthony shifted his hand from hers to wrap around her shoulders subconsciously. Another little victory. 
Kate let out a breathy little laugh, humming lightly, as Anthony shifted in his seat at the noise “I wouldn’t trust his opinion Simon. On our first date he told me he was more of a rugby fan, no idea about football apparently.” Kate said teasingly, running her finger’s through Anthony’s hair lightly as he turned towards her, indignation and betrayal on his face. Anthony scoffed, barely noticing that Daphne was now pressed tightly against Simon’s side. Simon who was watching Anthony with a mix of surprise and disgust.  “I told you that in confidence, Miss Sheffield. Is this where your loyalty is? Tragic” Anthony said, with such a handsome smirk on his face as he leaned even closer to her, so she could feel the heat of his body. And she went in for the kill. “Well perhaps you’ll have to punish me then, Mr Bridgerton.” A smirk on her own lips, as silence fell across the table. Daphne’s mouth falling open at the brazen play from the corner of her eye. Anthony cleared his throat turning towards his sister. “Well, lovely evening, but Kate and I had better head... no not head, go. Just go. Early start tomorrow. Simon. Daph.” He rambled quickly, Standing abruptly, ignoring Simon’s smirk and Daphne’s irritated look. Snatched Kate’s hand and tugged her from the table. 
“I believe this is the third time in a row I’ve gotten Anthony to crack first. Better luck next time Daph.” Kate smirked as she went. And as Anthony swept her from the restaurant she heard Daphne Bridgerton’s irritated voice say.
“For god’s sake Simon, you are absolutely useless!” 
Hope this helps!            
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imonthinice · 3 years
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 6/?
Word Count: 2.6-2.7k idk exact
Author’s Note: Y/N - Your name, A/N - Any name (your best friend’s name)
MUSIC IS INCLUDED THIS TIME! Please enjoy my personal music playlist, or at least a snippet of it.
TO THE PERSON WHO REBLOGGED AND SAID THIS WAS CUTE (at least the first part) you straight up made me cry omfg
Warnings: Swearing, gets really fucking heated at the end (no sex, yet), no beta bitch we die like Jason Todd
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
Outfit Context:
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(Cause I finally found an outfit I liked on the boy, men’s fashion isn’t my strong suit,,, heh :) )
“Sorry, is my mouth hung open?” he asked.
“Yes, sir. Very much so,” she mocked.
Jason closed his mouth and outstretched his hand for Y/N’s, cupping it with both hands and kissing the top of it.
“You just look so lovely, Y/N.”
“And you’re chivalrous, Jay. Now, should we get going?” she asked, putting her free hand on top of his two.
“Yes, let’s go,” he let one of his hands go of hers and lead her to the Porsche he brought with him, not intertwining his fingers with hers.
He opened the passenger’s side door and let Y/N get in, not letting go of her hand til the last moment he could hold it. He got in an turned on the radio,
It felt like a good night, for dancing in the moonlight,
In empty streets, well, everybody's got a reason why,
If we could only just get it right,
Maybe it will all work out like in the movies,
But I know Romeo must die before the ending,
With a final poison kiss delivered gently,
Because you don't get lucky twice, and that's the truth,
“Sing to me sweet just like my memory, 
If New York City Still moves me then I’ve found something real,
I’ll be okay, I could go on for days,
But I just don’t have the courage that it takes to be real,
And even if it’s dark at least we’ll be together,
Slowly sinking in the Earth to lay forever,
You better grab a hold and hold on for your life,
Because you don’t get lucky twice,
No, you don’t get lucky twice,” She sung with the tune.
Without the Bitter the Sweet Isn’t as Sweet - Mayday Parade
“You, you have the voice of an angel,” he said.
“It’s not that hard to mimic works of art with my voice.”
“Did you ever take singing lessons?”
“I did when I was younger, so I could sing French lullabies to my cousins.”
He placed a hand on her thigh as he drove them through the countryside of Gotham to Metropolis, taking the long way on what seemed like purpose. So he could encapsulate the moment in his memory for as long as he knew her and what she was to him. She was an adventure waiting to happen, a love story not yet written to tell for ages, a rock ‘n’ roll song written to please the masses in hidden corners of the world.
And to her, he was a masterwork of intertwining memories of pain, sadness, luck and beauty. A mind of complexity she was just waiting to dive into and see how it functioned. A story behind the white tuff of hair he had, why he was jacked to the masses if he was a book nerd. A story of his favourite book and his favourite sibling, his favourite trope, his love, his pain, him.
The moments where she stuck her hand out the window and traced symbols into the Autumn air swirling past the two as they cruised down the empty back roads. When he laughed as she sang Reste by GIMS and Sting. He didn’t understand the lyrics, but she did, and she called it a love song. Well, he got the parts Sting sung, but French wasn’t a language he knew like she did.
“I guess being Bilingual helped you out massively with that one, huh?”
“It’s a talent I never knew I needed, apparently.”
“Well, you did know you needed.”
“That’s fair,” she laughed, “ I guess I did always need it as a skill.”
“Do your cousins speak English too?” he asked.
“Yeah, a bit? It’s better English than my father.”
“Can he not speak English?”
“Well, he can, just not well. But my mother is also Bilingual in English and French so they never had to worry about my father being bad at English. My twin sister and I grew up knowing both languages,” she rambled, still playing with the wind, “I guess it’s a one-up I have on a lot of people, being able to just talk and talk in another language, travelling advantage,” she kept going, Jason intently listening to her as she went on and on, he liked the silence being filled by her voice, “You know? You might know, I don’t know how you were raised to a T,” she finished.
“Well, I can assure you I only know English so you have that theoretical one-up on me, too. But I choose to see that one-up as something you can teach me as time goes on and we progress,” he paused, “If you’re down to get serious eventually, that is,” he panicked.
“Well, maybe we’re at that point where we can say we’re casually seeing each other and exclusive, but not serious. Hopeful, but not pressuring ourselves into something that’s going to be put under a lot of pressure as we go on,” she said, still playing with the wind.
“We’ll see about that after dinner.”
“Where are we even going?”
“Fancy little restaurant with a balcony facing over the city,” he assured.
“Really out here living for the moments?”
“Well, most girls crack under the pressure of the paparazzi, you, however, flipped them off, and that’s being rewarded for showing that you can’t give a fuck about those dingy ass tabloids and how they treat you, by taking you out to nice places,” he said.
She laughed, “I’m glad I’m never going to live that one down, it was really fun to do.”
“I hope it continues as we go along, I would hate to see that behavior change when it brings a smile to everyone who’s ever been harassed by paparazzi” when they pulled over for a second, Jason quickly loosened his tie a tad, “Honestly, I want to ditch this fucking tie,”
“It’s not you,” she said, “It’s just not.”
“And you know me that well to take that guess?”
“I could see you struggling with it from a mile away, Jason. Maybe the fancy restaurant isn’t us,” she laughs, “But we aren’t going to not take that dinner date.”
“Oh we’re so going to take that date, but I’m thinking from here on out we do whatever the fuck we want, no fancy dates. Thoughts?” he asked.
“Done deal,” she said.
In the restaurant, the two of them were basically the worst people to be there, it was levels of fancy that neither of them actually wanted, they both wanted simplicity, but they both thought the presence of the other person was enough of a takeaway from the completely wrong choice of restaurant. They had Dick to blame for this one, and Jason made that clear to Dick in a joking text while Y/N snuck off to the bathroom to ‘fix her hair, she was actually checking her breath.
Dick, this fucking restaurant is a god damn bust, man. We aren’t you and Barbara, that’s what we’ve discovered today. lol.
Bummer! We really like that place.
I can see why it screams Dick and Barbs.
You kissed her yet though?
Wuss! Cat got your tongue? Just do it, man.
And at the same time, Y/N was texting A/N about Jason and what to do,
Girl! Thank you so much for reminding me to bring mints, my god, food ruins your breath so much.
You really want the pretty boy kiss huh?
No, I’m eating the mints to not kiss him, YES I WANT THE KISS.
Ha! Honesty is key, just go for it.
She laughed as she packed her phone into her dress pockets (Yeah there’s fucking pockets :) ) and went to leave the restroom to meet up with Jason again. To which, Jason had already paid and tipped the waiter.
“I could have at least helped on the tip, Jay.”
“I tipped him 200%, but if you want to drop more cash, go for it.”
“You tipped that much?” she asked while slipping in a 50$ she had on her.
“Of course, food service workers deserve a lot more than what they get, especially when they have to deal with terrible customers,” he said as he went and grabbed her hand again, not intertwining fingers again, “And my best friend, Will, he complains about people who don’t tip and praises people who quote ‘over tip’ but I think that he deserves 200% each bill for the shit he puts up with.”
“Did you tip him when we went there?”
“No, I called in a ‘No questions asked’ favour. And before you say anything, he did the same to make me babysit his daughter-”
“Your best friend has a daughter?”
“Well, he’s older than me, but yeah, he’s a single dad because her mum kind of sucks, lovely little girl, I’m her godfather.”
“Does she call you Uncle Jason?”
“Well, Uncle Jay, it’s like one of the only works she knows how to say properly, and Dada,” he laughed, “Great little girl,” he said, nervously, “This doesn’t change anything, does it? ‘Cause if he, knock on fucking wood, lord forbids, dies that will be my daughter.”
“Well, he’s not dead and you’re not worrying that he’s going to die, so nothing has to change. God kids are god kids, noble that you took on your best friend’s kid if, lord forbid, anything happens to the man, really,” she assured.
He sighed and kissed the back of her hand, “Then that is just a gift on top of what I did,” he smiled and lead her back to the Porsche once again, opening the car door for her and she slightly turned on the radio, he let out a small laugh to himself, he got the pretty girl. He got into the Porsche again and began backing out.
“There’s something about ditching a really expensive dinner date that leaves you wanting more,” she said, absent-mindedly.
“What kind of more?” he asked.
“The kind you see in the movies, fully exposed and adventurous, you know?”
“Well, we could always sneak into the Wayne Manor Gardens and dance the night away under the stars like lovers do,” he half-joked, placing a hand on her thigh again and pretending like he did it subconsciously, but he was hyper-aware, especially when he caught her smile as she laughed.
“Wayne Manor? With your brothers, sisters, dad, and grandfather?” she paused, “If you’re serious, then no, not tonight. If you’re pulling my leg then, hell fucking no,” she joked.
“Maybe one day, then, huh?”
“One day, for sure. When it isn’t scary to accidentally run into your family on their property running around with you,” she said.
“Well, we can always go into the Wayne Enterprises Ballroom and dance the night away, no one should be in the office for a while and even then since there are no classes in the entire school tomorrow you can just hide out in my office if we stay too long,” he paused to make sure she was still listening, “Security can’t question me because I’m Bruce Wayne’s son, and security is tight as fuck so paparazzi can’t get to us,” he paused to put a little bit of pressure on her thigh, “What do you say? Can I have this dance, Milady?” he half-joked.
“You want to know something Jason?
“Always, Y/N.”
“I took dance lessons when I was younger, can you Waltz?” she asked.
“Yes ma’am, I can.”
“Then I’m in, let’s go.”
She loved the feeling of being back in her new hometown, Gotham. So when they pulled into the massive black building, she felt even more welcomed, security at the gates did ask ‘Who’s the girl?’ but Jason just explained it very easily,
“You know that date of mine that flipped off the press and you lot loved it?” he asked.
“Yes, sir,” the man responded.
“You can call me Jason, you know that. But this is that girl.”
And they were let through the parking gates and into the underground parking system, they had to travel surprisingly far to Jason’s reserved spot in the lot, but the did get there before it hit AM. Once out of the car, Jason grabbed her hand and they ran into the building’s employees doors. It was a tight squeeze, but the feeling of Jason pressed so close to her sent chills down her spine. They went through many halls and reached the Ballroom, and entering it was like a dream for her.
Walls lined with intricate shapes and colours, but the colours never brought away from the stage at the far end from the door, the curtains seemed to redden with each step towards them, the 3, maybe 4 chandeliers hung above her like crystals in the ocean, it was amazing and beautiful. Checkered floorboards to give it a little bit of dimension, but it was the same colour as the main wall so your brain and eyes wouldn’t hurt after looking at it. It was stunningly beautiful and that’s what drew her in.
When he grabbed her hand and put on Never Let Me Go by Florence + The Machine, pulling her close to his chest and slowly Waltzing her around the room, spinning her when it felt right for him to do. Neither of them worried about the sloppiness or how it looked to the naked eye because it was for them. no one got satisfaction like they did at that moment. And grabbing her for one last dip was Jason’s goal when the ending of the song hit, although out of breath and his face stuffed in her chest as they both panted, he did pull her up so they were face-to-face on the dancefloor that they wiped clean.
“Did I tell you that you look stunning, Y/N?”
“I think you mentioned it a few times, Jay,” she said, staring directly into his eyes.
“Well, I mean it.”
“And I’m going to mean this,” she paused, taking her hand and placing it on his cheek, “ The way your eyes are a green-blue tint makes me lost in them, they’re like a sea of this mind I find myself liking more and more every day,” she paused to put her other hand on his other cheek, “And the way your nose and cheek freckles frame them is amazing.”
And he went for it. Somehow when he pressed his lips into hers, it felt like they were meant to match, and they both opened their mouths to play the coveted game of tongue-war, but they didn’t play by the rules, it was soft and sweet but full of passion and love, not lust. His hands would travel to her waist and lightly grip her, while her hands would travel to his neck and drape around the back of it.
They pulled away at the same moment to take in air, something they had clearly been missing as they were connected, they both let out a small chuckle before she put her hands in his hair and went in for round 2.
This time it was hungrier, and they both played with the shapes of the other so much more as time went on, he would grab her ass and she would pull on his hair slightly before he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and moved one of her hands to the nape of his neck, this time, they would break for seconds only to start moving towards his office, which, conveniently, had a couch.
To say he threw her on that couch would be an understatement, he fucking thrust her on that couch and climbed on top of her, it was like 3 days of passion and lust combined themselves in a matter of minutes from their first kiss to them meeting on the couch. They both knew deep down that it couldn’t escalate further than this, especially at 1 in the morning, but time moves fast when you’re connecting in this way.
They finally broke after their passionate exchange and he fell to her side and began to spoon her, “Worth it,” he whispered.
“Worth what?” she asked.
“It was worth it to take a chance and defy my anxieties to ask you on that first date.”
“I don’t like a reality where you didn’t ask me on that date.”
“Neither do I, and I’m positive of that.”
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bepp-ers · 4 years
Pretty little lie | S. Todoroki X Reader
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“[Name]-san, it is a pleasure to meet you.”
Currently, [Name] was not happy. Why?
Her parents had only gone and made an arranged marriage for her! To some goddamn celery stick of a guy!
Her blood boiled just remembering how she found out.
On the balcony of a large bedroom, several potted plants waved idly in the breeze, echoing [Name] ‘s feelings. 
Everything was peaceful, and every now and again she would activate her quirk to shoot some life into one of the plants and smile as it lifted a leaf to her, almost akin to a cat’s paw.
Then she was called into the main dining room. Not a good sign to start with, but what was coming next was much much worse.
“[Name], you’re here.” Her mother droned, not particularly caring as usual.
Her father did his best to act interested, and motioned for her to sit on a cushion. “Now, you’ve turned 18 recently and we have gone ahead and made a decision.”
[Name] sighed. “What, am I working as a botanist like I’ve wanted to for years?”
Her father scowled. “Enough of that cheek, young lady. You are getting married, as a matter of fact.”
The girl choked on her words and spluttered into panic. 
“I- you- what the fuck?!” “[Name]! Language!” “Sorry, but what the hell?! You can’t just marry me off to some random guy! This is a joke, tell me it’s a joke!”
Her mother sipped her drink and rolled her eyes.
“Grow up. The young man is part of a wealthy family and has a strong quirk. You should consider yourself lucky.”
[Name] stood up, slamming her drink on the table. 
“I already have a partner. And I don’t want to get married until I know I’m ready. I’m not going through with it.”
“Don’t be difficult. It’s already arranged. His name is Todoroki Shouto, and you are due to meet him next week, so I’d get those manners in check, miss.”
[Name] simply glared at them both and left the room, collapsing into her own bed after storming away.
Fumbling with her phone, she searched through her contacts before clicking on one of them.
“Hey fuzzy, you been too obsessed with those plants to talk to me?”
[Name] smiled weakly at the nickname, and sighed. “No... I’m afraid I’ve got bad news.”
“[Name] have you been crying? What’s going on?” “My parents.... have arranged a marriage for me. Crazy, right?”
She heard a yelp from the other end and frantic noises. “Wha- no! They can’t! Are they crazy?! You have a life! [Name] tell me you’re not going through with it?!”
She chuckled dryly. 
“I wish it were that simple. I’m meeting the guy next week. I’m sorry sugar, I’ll try to figure something out but who knows when I’ll be able to talk to you again? I’m so sorry...”
“No, no, I’m sorry for getting mad. I’ll get you out of there somehow, even if it takes a year. You’ll be with me finally and there’ll be no forced feelings. Oh fuzzy, baby, darling, we’ll manage.”
They were not, in fact, managing as [Name] was currently face to face with her fiancé and his scary-looking father. 
Now, [Name] had to admit he was decently good-looking, but nowhere near as perfect as her current partner, and he looked so dead inside. Like he would rather be anywhere else.
‘Feeling’s mutual buddy.’
“[Name]-san, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” The towering man gave a small bow and motioned for [Name]’s parents to follow him.
“Now, we’ll be leaving you two here to get to know each other better. Goodbye, Shouto, [Name]-san.”
The tall redhead man accompanied [Name]’s own parents out of the room, and soon it was just [Name] and uh... Todoroki? She barely remembered his name. Great start.
[Name] sighed and immediately flopped on one of the cushions, pulling out her phone and setting down her bags so that she could talk to her significant other.
“I’m just saying, I hate this, you probably hate this, don’t you have better things you could be doing?” She asked, scrolling through her contacts.
“Not particularly.” Wow, dead conversation much?
“Ri-i-ight. Well then, I guess I’m off.”
He gave her a hint of a confused look and [Name] pointed to her phone. “I have a partner. I don’t wanna marry you, no offense so I’m just going to go outside and call them. Then I’m gonna find my parents, and-”
“-They didn’t tell you?” He interrupted.
He frowned even more if that were possible. “You’re staying here. With me. Our parents decided it would be best, and they are all at your residence.”
[Name]’s phone clattered to the floor as she stood there, frozen.
“If you sit down, I can explain if you’d like.” He offered, though it sounded like a command more than anything.
“No, no, I thought my parents were assholes before, but--” She rambled, sitting down dejectedly on the cushion.
“Oh.” [Name] sighed. “What now?”
“Your phone, it’s...”
[Name] snatched her phone and gave an exasperated sigh. “Fuck. Can this get any better?” 
She looked down at the phone, completely shattered from being dropped onto traditional wooden floors.
“Now how the hell am I supposed to contact anyone..? I don’t remember numbers...” She slumped forwards, pushing the phone to one side.
Todoroki’s eyes trailed over the forlorn girl, and he smiled a bit.
“We’ll get you a new one.” “You realise I can’t talk to my partner now? Oh my god just... just.... ugh, I don’t know!”
“You seem tense. We have a lovely garden if you’d like to calm down.” Thinking quickly, [Name] sighed and nodded.
“Sure, I guess. Thanks.” 
It was a lovely garden, [Name] supposed, and as she stared at the Koi fish her mind calculated a plan.
“It is nice out here, I’ll admit...” She stood up, stretching a bit. Todoroki’s affection for the girl was growing every moment, so he was glad to hear it.
“Hey, what are those plants there?” She pointed to the flowers near the door.
“Hm? Oh, they’re an imported variant of rose. My mother was fond of them.” “I’ll bet, they’re really pretty.” 
“Hey, [Name]-chan c’mere a second.” She turned and trotted closer to him, so close to being able to achieve her plan.
Wordlessly, he plucked a flower and brought it up to [Name]’s hair, intertwining it with the locks so that it framed her face.
“There. It suits you.” He smiled warmly, thankful that his mother had chosen  [Name] for him.
“Thanks...” [Name] forced a warm smile. “You know, Todoroki-kun...” She leant in a little closer, a small smile across her lips.
“Hm?” “Everything here is so nice, are you sure it’s okay for me to just... be here?” “Of course. Why wouldn’t it be?”
“I don’t know. Just thinking out loud. I’m sorry for being annoyed at you earlier, I was certain this would be another awful idea by my parents.” “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“Thanks. Should we go inside? I want to see where I’ll be staying.” “Of course.”
“Wow. This sure is fancy.” “Mm, if you didn’t like it you could have picked another room, or even shared mine, but it seems you like this one?” “Yeah, it’s really nice. Hey would you do me a favour?”
“Do you want me to fetch your bags?” “Please?” [Name] batted her eyelashes and smiled as much as she could without vomiting.
“I’ll be back in a moment.”
For the rest of the evening, [Name] was not allowed to leave Todoroki’s side. It was torturous, the way he looked at her with such fondness seeing nothing wrong with the situation.
In the evening, [Name] feigned tiredness and requested to be left alone to sleep. In reality she was plotting her escape. “I’ll see you in the morning, Todoroki-kun. G’night.” “Are you sure you don’t need anything else?” “Positive, now quit fussing. Good night.” 
The moment he left the room, [Name] ran over to the window and opened it quietly, looking over to a nearby tree.
“Here, let me get out of this house.” She whispered, and the branched curled over to her. Hopping on, she sank down to the ground and began running.
Meanwhile, Todoroki had headed to his own room, when he saw one of [Name]’s bags on his floor.
He walked back over to her room and knocked, and walked in when he heard no answer.
“[Name]-chan you left this --  [Name]?!” He dropped the bags and sprinted to the window, where he saw [Name]‘s receding figure.
“[Name]!!” He yelled, and for a moment she stopped and turned.
“Sorry honey, but I’ve got a partner! I don’t want any part in this!” 
She had barely ran another few feet when the ground underneath her was covered in ice, and she stumbled forwards.
Todoroki was upon her before she could even yell, yanking her up by the arm, a furious scowl on his face.
“What the hell are you doing? I thought... I thought you were happy with this arrangement?” “Obviously not! Let go of me!”
She struggled, but though the ice had now dissapeared she could not remove herself from his grip.
“This is happening- you cannot stop us from being together. Not after everything we went through to get you here.” He hissed as he dragged her back to the house.
“You’re staying. It’s not your decision to make, darling. I’ll make sure of that.”
haha this has been in my drafts for months. okay that’s enough of bnha yay obey me shit incoming love yall sorry this one took forever aha
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