#sorry for the slow response anon
dimitrscu · 1 year
Not trying to be morally superior, but it'll be fantastic if I never see inc*st pairings again. Oh why did this game have to have so many siblings le sigh. If you don't mind answering a question. I must've missed something. But are you saying Malenia stopped at Shaded Castle during the war? Thanks.
I wouldn’t say it makes you morally superior to not like incest, anon. Kind of a hot take here but it is weird and gross how people are so obsessed with it all the time, and the ones who try to make you out to be wrong for not liking their fetish are the worst actually. When the game first came out and I learned they were all related I knew people would be weird about it. They act like GRRM invented incest and so it needs to play a major role in everything he touches. Thank god for blocking and filtering because honestly that’s the safest, healthiest thing you can do for yourself in fandom spaces these days. Anyway, on to your question. As far as I’m aware it’s never stated if Malenia herself ever visited the castle.
This is quite long so I'll put it under a read more.
His mask and armor description read:
Marais Mask
“Mask in the image of a white-haired young noble. Customarily worn by the head of House Marais. Increases arcane.
The Marais family has a duel history spanning generations, serving as both executioners and castellans of the Shaded Castle. This mask bears the likeness of the first of their line.”
Marais Robe
“Robe with a black mantle across the shoulders. Customarily worn by the head of House Marais.
The sons of House Marais are all sickly born. Little wonder that Maleigh Marais would be so beguiled by the beautiful and fierce goddess who was born into rot.”
So this just gives us his family’s lore and a bit of context as to why he is so captivated by Malenia. Then there’s his weapon, the Antspur Rapier, which reads:
“Spur of a giant ant which has been fashioned into a rapier. The blade drips with scarlet rot.
Scarlet rot is an old legend, of which Maleigh Marais of the Shaded Castle was a private believer. And indeed, he eventually found his own personal goddess.”
Similar to his armor description it only tells us that he came to worship Malenia because of the rot. None of this suggests he’s ever met her in person though. It’s also interesting that it implies he worshipped the rot before he learned of Malenia. Saying that he eventually found his own personal goddess. I wonder if it was common knowledge that Malenia harboured the rot, or if for a long time it was kept secret.
Then we have the Valkyrie’s Prosthesis which reads:
“Golden prosthesis once used by the one-armed valkyrie. A masterwork of craftsmanship, with practice and skill it can be used as proficiently as a real arm.
When Maleigh Marais, Lord of Shaded Castle, embraced this prosthesis, he claimed to feel the presence of his personal goddess.”
I love how it’s always worded “his personal goddess” like he views her as something only for him. Anyway, we never learn how he came to acquire the arm. Perhaps it was gifted to him? I’ve seen people say that he forges armaments for the cleanrot knights, but again unless I’m missing something, I don’t think it ever says anywhere that he supplies them with gear? It’s a popular theory that he makes the prosthetics for her, but her prosthetics are made of unalloyed gold and so more than likely made by Miquella. His hall is decorated with arm and leg prosthetics and cleanrot armor, but that doesn’t mean he forges any of it. It’s said that he comes from a line of executioners, not smiths. To me it looks more like a fanboy decorating his house with merch of his favourite band or something.
Then we also have this guy.
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“Falling for that severed harpy” ah yes, bad Malenia for making that man lose his house and fortune /s. But seriously this line is so funny to me. The dire ramifications of simping too hard I fear. Again though, it doesn’t necessarily mean she was there. Only implying Marais was somewhat remiss in his duties and Elemer saw the opportunity to escape. I don’t think Malenia was there and that was what distracted him during this time. I’m sure if that were the case Elemer would be dead. I doubt she would have allowed a prisoner to kill everyone and take the castle if she were currently housed there with her knights.
So the only reason why I guess some might believe she had visited the castle at some point is because there are a few cleanrot knights there. The other places we find cleanrot knights are places we know Malenia has been. Namely Caelid and Elphael. There’s a few in the catacomb in the snowfield too, but I don’t honestly know if there’s a lore reason for that, or if they are simply there because it’s an area close to the Haligtree and they wanted to add enemies relevant to the area.
TL;DR we don’t actually know for certain if she ever visited in person. However there is a possibility that she may have stopped there on the way to Caelid. The march south would have been long and they may have gone there to rest and restock on provisions.
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basketobread · 5 months
my dumb fuck ass just spent 30 minutes trying to find Save Us White Girl and caved and "help white girl bg3" immediately returned it via google,,,,, had help white girl, white girl help stuck in my head,,,,,
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THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO MUCH TBH I CANNOT BELIEVE IT CAN IMMEDIATELY BE FOUND LIKE THAT???? everyday this comic finds its way back to me and i'm unsure if i'll ever be able to outdo it... it might be my magnum opus, i fear... (this is a good thing)
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nibbelraz · 8 months
SQH + An Ding Idea
-An Ding runs similar to a sort of college campus, everyone writes about An Ding basically doing everything for the whole peak.
(Architecture, Accounting, Business, Operations, Textiles, etc. etc.)
There's no way every disciple can learn all of the things An Ding does, and be able to perform them to a high quality.
So, perhaps SQH is the one who starts it because he realizes how kind of fucked the An Ding mechanics are. (Or system helped out, or possibly SQH god powers because that little guy is real busy and instituting all of these plans would take a whole long time)
But An Ding ends up running like some sort of campus, with a bunch of disciples specializing in different areas. Younger disciples take all of the essential classes, and then pick one or multiple areas of study/specialization. And they get real good at them, because specialization and not covering a million jobs at once means quality goes up. And I think SQH would just take in kids at the masses, just gathering up pretty much any kid with no place to go even if they have no real cultivation potential. Because running An Ding means they need a large number of disciples. He has a recruiting system or something, so there's a little girl in the street who fashioned her rags into a slightly cuter skirt. And an An Ding person is like 'hey, you like fashion? Textiles? You can do that for as long as you want if you join An Ding.' room, board, safety all for people who enjoy these sorts of trades to be able to specialize them and produce all the things the sects need. Street kids who are good with numbers or good with carpentry get taken into An Ding, no cultivation potential needed just kids who have passions but no way to enjoy them in their current situations.
This would also mean so much less outsourcing for the peak, much easier to work in house if it can be set up correctly.
Do the An Ding kids still get pushed around and shit on by other peaks, yeah for sure none of those peaks ever appreciate all the work An Ding does. But these kids are fine anyways because as soon as they get back on An Ding their solid, their doing what they enjoy and what they're good at. Who cares if some buff bai zhan kid teases them for being An Ding, they get to go to woodshop after this and the hall master is teaching embellishments and decor carving!
(one of the req. Classes would be a year long 'how to deal with Bai Zhan' training)
Qinghua running the peak that has each category to specialize in is great. They handle literally everything for course they need more man power and of COURSE THEY NEED PEOPLE TO LEARN SOME THINGS THAT ARE VERY SPECIFIC INSTEAD OF A THOUSAND THINGS AT ONCE ohhh OH I love the does that he takes in just anyone
I wonder if he takes in whoever doesn't make it from the other peaks. "Trust me you don't want to be at Bai Zhan peak. You actually get to do what you like here" also I feel like there has to be a group that does the heavy lifting from all the stuff they get so there IS a group that are ready to fight anyone who picks on the other An Ding kids
This means An Ding must have the most disciples of course its HUGE, imagine if he doesn't tell the other peak lords
He's just like "fuck it what are they going to do? Tell me I can't when efficiency has SKYROCKETED AFTER MY SYSTEM!"
Yes YES i would read a fic with this premise so FAST I absolutely love this idea
Wonder what the whole "campus" of kids think when Mobei Jun starts popping in randomly
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shalomniscient · 6 months
hey sev! new here i only see some iron fanfics (ptn) I'm asking if you can kindly create hcs of her pls (I'm a big fan of her)
hellooo !!! also yeah i agree, iron is vv underrated :(( once more, let's be the change we want to see in the world 🫡🫡🫡
firstly, iron is strict. like, super strict. everyone knows this. but what most in the mbcc miss is that she's strict because she cares. she cares so, so much and it shows in how she wants the absolute best for you. hence why she gets pushy and a little bossy at time when she sees you neglecting your health in even the most minor ways.
that being said, iron is terrible at taking care of herself. she can manage, for sure, but it's more surviving than living. she sustains herself on junk food and coffee, because that's whats efficient, but not necessarily good. hence, iron would appreciate it so much if you made or bought some proper meals for her and you to share. anything you bring her tastes far better than what she makes herself, and she loves it more when you make them yourself--especially if they're in those cute little bento boxes, not that she'd ever admit that.
another thing iron would appreciate, i think, are massages. i feel like she carries a lot of tension in her shoulders, so if you manage to catch her while she's free and forcefully sit her down for a few minutes to relax the tense muscles, she'd be just melting into your touch. all in all, iron is an acts of service kind of woman.
as for how iron likes to give affection, i think it's somewhat the same. she has your chart completely memorized, and always has your health in mind. if you go out on missions together, she's always a step ahead of you, shielding half your body with her own. she's a caretaker at her core, and though she's a doctor and injuries are nothing new to her, she hates seeing you hurt. she's good at keeping her emotions under check, but she can't stop her pulse from jumping if you cry out in pain or if she sees blood running down a wound somewhere on your body. iron's a busy woman, but she makes an exception when you're injured. she'll spend her nights by your bedside until you recover, nagging the whole way, but she'll hold your hand as you sleep, feeling the steady pulse of your wrist beneath her fingers and letting herself be grounded in the fact that you're here. you're alive. everything's going to be alright.
sometimes life does get to iron. she thinks of all the people she couldn't save, all the promises she couldn't keep. on nights like these she finds solace in your arms, where she can set down the weight of being this cold, calculating doctor and just be human again. in these moments she lets herself be held by you, lets you run your hand through her dark hair. she lets you intertwine your fingers with the cold metal ones of her prosthetic, and she watches with tired but quietly loving eyes as you bring them to your lips and press the softest kiss to them. as if to say, you did your best. you did your best, and you still deserved to be loved for it all the same.
in the end, i think iron isn't a whirlwind romance kind or hot-blooded passion kind of woman. when it comes to love, iron needs it to be like something to come home to, something calm and quiet and a refuge from everything else, which is exactly what you give her.
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nightwonder7 · 6 months
I loovve your idv art/comics and how you characterize everyone its so silly and fun !! i love the fools gold series especially! i know you mentioned the concern of milking the joke once but i think its a really fun concept and i get super hyped when i see wips for another theyre all really good
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HHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you so much!! o/////////o 💖💖💖 That's so sweet of you! ;//0//; It honestly means a lot to hear you enjoy my art and comics! ;u;
The series has been a lot of fun for me to make, and I'm just happy to see others enjoy it as well! I understand that sometimes there can be too much of a good thing, which is why I was worried the same joke was overstaying, albeit in slightly different flavours. But ideas just kept coming to me, I guess fhsdjfgds
Something about Norton having to adjust to his new found role was a concept I came to like a lot and saw a lot of comedy potential in. I believe this is the first identity switch I've been around for since I joined the fandom, and it was for none other than my favourite character! Man, I had such a massive brain rot when Fool's Gold first got announced XD (I don't think I'm even over it yet fdsgfsgfdh). Anyway, I'm relieved to hear that this kind of content hasn't grown stale yet 😅 I'll keep making them as long as I have fun with it =u=
I still have more ideas with Norton's misadventures as a hunter that I want to get to eventually! People have also been pitching in some other ideas as well; namely regarding Luchino and Joker adjusting as survivors, which I have something in store for. Not as extensive as Norton's, mind you, but I hope you'll enjoy it nonetheless ^^; Right now I want to get some other stuff done that I've been putting off to ease my conscience a tiny bit gfjsdjdsfdj
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tojisun · 10 months
(this was about the prev toxic!simon post n not the recent one but)
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delirisse · 1 year
Narinder Fox roleswap?
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If the roles of Narinder and the Fox in-game were reversed, I think their stories would go like this:
The Fox is a cruel and sadistic God of Death. Unlike other Deaths who would offer a peaceful afterlife, any deceased souls in this universe will be devoured by the Fox. He is not trapped; instead he trades some of his crown power with the Lamb in exchange for horrendous deeds. The Lamb brings him more souls to eat, including those of the Bishops, who keep the peace and balance in the Lands of the Old Faith.
Narinder is a folklore-like creature that haunts the waters he is trapped in. It is said that he was once a mortal who had been betrayed and drowned by the ones he loved — perhaps justified. Tormented by eternal solitude, he will try to keep any visitor, fisherman or sailor close to him, often forgetting that mortals cannot breathe in water. He'll allow you to pass, if you bring him another being to stay by his side...
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ssreeder · 11 months
Conflicted on Jee holding Zuko back because on one hand I know Zuko would be in a lot more trouble if he killed him, but on the other hand it would’ve been funny if he bashed his head in like a watermelon
Also Iroh is getting some deep confirmations on his zukka suspicions. We love to see it
(Also also Bato x Jee? In a fantastic long fic? It’s more likely than you think)
Nothing would bring me more joy than to let Zuko smash that guys head in watermelon style…
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but I do think for mental health reasons & political reasons it’s good that was not allowed to happen. We know from canon zukos got some serious leg power… & yeah…. Good job Jee sorry about your nose.
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koibish · 9 months
yeah no crsentfairy was actually being an ableist pos. saying shit like how she don't want people with disorders like bpd around her cause she got daddy issues.
Yea I saw the screenshot on @stinkrascal ‘s blog and I understand why people are upset/hurt now! I like her cause she’s always been a mad shit talker, usually on the side of good, but even she is human and not impervious to bad takes. I’m sure ppl have her blocked now so if it’s any consolation I saw her respond to a post saying she is working on herself.
I hope you are all well and don’t let this make you feel less than. Much love!
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ethereal-messenger · 5 months
this little girl is such a ball of energy and joy, she occasionally ran past him but mostly just followed.
>>Despite his previous worry, he couldn't help but also feel a sense of happiness. It's nice to see someone being so carefree, despite.. everything else that's going on.
>>He pushed the thought of those dreams he had aside.
>>He eventually stopped at a series of doors.
alright, there's.. quite a few rooms here. you can choose whichever one you want-
i.. honestly need a lot of rest right now, so i'll be in this room,
>>He gestures to the door he stands in front of.
but you go ahead and explore, alright?
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asheanon · 10 months
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The setup and preparation was perhaps a more humble one... befitting that of a traveler. A wayfarer, in particular.
Upon a makeshift surface sat a portable electric kettle (powered by unknown means) a container of sugar, two spoons and two ceramic saucers, clad in little more than solid white with minimal gilding, crowned by two teacups of complimentary design. Teabags occupied both cups, though, only one was met by the addition of the kettle's now steaming water.
It was jasmine green tea. One of her personal favorites. 💚 It was one that she carried with her everywhere she went in her "digital inventory." Something she would likely have quite the time trying to explain to the denizens of this planet...
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A small measure of sugar was spooned in to the readied cup and stirred, the golden hue of fragrant petals and leaves staining the water in turn. The utensil was then given a light tap and set aside. She brought the cup to her lips - though, not to sip on as of yet, but to simply smell. The aroma brought a smile to her face.
It would seem Sal anticipated company - or, at the very least, was ready to accommodate any that may show. Had a little tea time play date been scheduled in advance with one of her musically compelled companions? Was this little more than a random rendezvous?
Perhaps she was waiting for you?
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
I just read ATWMD (or WFRAU) in one night after seeing some of your posts about it and OH MY GOD I'M OBSESSED.
Some of my favourite parts so far:
REMUS LUPIN. God I love him
The interesting exploration of the magical world, voldemort's brainwashing, muggles and elves (it fits so well within the world, while also making sure that some of jkr's unfortunate world building ideas, like the idea that slaves "want to be slaves", is taken out)
Lily Evans. I love her in every universe, and this is no exception. I LOVE her friendship with Regulus, its so precious :')
The whole 'werewolf fighting ring' world; the collars, the sponsorships, is so interestinggg and really reveals Sirius' privilege
Sirius' whole journey coming to terms with the ways he's been brainwashed is <33
Sirius and James fighting!! I never thought I'd be excited to find a fic where they're not friends but it's actually HILARIOUS
SORRY FOR RAMBLING, I just needed to show you all my love for this fic. Also I'm excited to see where the jegulily love triangle is going ;)
ahh thank u!! i've been having lots of fun imagining how all these characters would be different in a voldemort-wins au, so i'm glad ur also enjoying those characterizations! + it has also been v fun rewriting the lore + changing things up, so i'm glad 2 know it's appreciated <3 one thing tho i would warn u rn as i have warned everyone else who has mentioned or asked similar things: u should not be counting on jegulily or any romantic relationships aside from wolfstar in this fic. i am also excited for where the relationships between james + regulus + lily will go but...just want to make expectations very clear so that i do not get people getting angry @ me for including/not including a ship they were expecting lol
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devildom-moss · 9 months
omg i wasn't criticizing you and your events overlapping or asking you to finish your fics faster either! 😭 i saw your poll on my dash and i was like how are they doing all this ��� so i guess i was kinda amazed and whole lotta confused and concerned... i didn't mean anything by it i swear 💔
Ah, I’m sorry, I was trying to find the right words to respond the first time but I think I picked the wrong ones.
I didn’t read the message in a mean way, but I’m also pretty bad at guessing tone and intent, so I did consider that it could be a criticism (which I think would have been fair because I definitely thought those criticisms myself). But I also figured it was more likely to be concern because I do (on occasion) worry people with my antics. (But that concern usually comes in the form of getting gently scolded by a friend or something)
I appreciate the concern - and the amazement - but it’s all okay.
I didn’t feel pressured by you to finish faster, either; I just feel the pressure internally. For the most part, I’ve been quite lucky in that no one has gotten too impatient with me.
I’m sorry. Please don’t feel bad or be worried about it. 🖤
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[Outside Paris's house is a spraypainted 'owo', it is unclear how it got there or when it happened]
[Paris stares at the graffiti, his expression unreadable. He twists his head around to look at the surrounding area... Nothing out of the ordinary. He unlocks his door and quickly enters the house, making sure to lock the door behind him.]
...He'll get rid of it tomorrow, maybe. It doesn't seem like the safest idea to try right now.
...He could use his own advice right about now.]
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Nai? said: "Your mind is still so unwell. And without me there to treat your illness, it's just going to fester and rot. You should have let me help you, brother." - Knives
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He can hear those words through the static just that little bit more. Brows twitch, and his mouth opens, then shuts.
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frozenpinetree · 2 years
hi! do you do commissions?
Hello! It's just a hobby for when I have time to spare but thank you for asking! 
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