#sorry guys but i don't feel comfortable being on this site anymore
applepi-1 · 1 year
Trauma - Kuroo
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You stayed to yourself, you never talked to anyone, you always stayed to yourself.  You always stared at the empty spaces as if there was nothing around you worth of your attention. You walked with no hurry, and you even looked pleased to have no one around.
Just your luck on a rainy day, you forgot your umbrella. You were walking to school with your bag over your head not in any rush to hurry up and get to school. You cursed yourself as you stepped in a puddle. You froze as you didn't feel the cold rain anymore. "Hey, there?" You slowly looked up surprised to see the captain of the volleyball team. He was just as surprised to see you, walking in the rain. "You can sick without an umbrella." You looked at him for a second before walking off again. "Hey!" You can hear him run up to you quickly. "Hey, what's up? Why are you running away."
"No." Was all you told him.
"I'm sorry."
"Just stop." You quickly walked off faster than you have all year and ran into the school. That's when life got complicated, ever since that run in with Kuroo, he's noticed your more.
Soon enough, he started to notice little things about you. He noticed how you fixed your things on your desk, and how you sited. Classes got more boring each passing day, and he started to notice other things, too. He started to notice how you fixed your hair, and all the things you did to keep yourself entertained in class. 
But he noticed something else.
You were always alone. You weren’t rude to anyone, or had a bad attitude. He had seen you help other classmates when needed. He was no stranger to people like you. His best friend, Kenma, was one of those people. He understood it existed certain pleasure in being alone. 
He wondered about you. Wondered why you were always alone, where did your mind wonder, how did you never get bored being alone?
And eventually the truth hit him.
He liked you. After that he tried to talk to you but always got the answer, no. He asked around about you and never got anything real. It frustrated him, so one day he waited after school, waited for you to walk by. "So, Y/n. Why are you always alone?" You looked over at the tall boy.
"You don't give up."
"You should ask my team that question. They'd laugh."
"Right." You began to walk off but he followed.
"Seriously, how come I never see you around anyone?"
"Okay, stop." You turned around cutting off his tracks. "Whatever game this is, stop. I'm alone for a reason okay? Just stop."
"Why? Why should I?"
"Why are you so invested in me all the sudden?"
"Because... I don't know actually. I just... I like you."
"You know nothing about me."
"I wanna know more about you." He stepped closer to you making you step back.
"I keep telling you no for a reason."
"Which is?"
"You won't like me once you know me. I'm better alone, I won't break things."
"You think you'll break me?"
"I know I will."
"I'm a pretty tough guy."
"Why are you so desperate?"
"Why are you so... difficult?"
"Kuroo... I let you in, I will ruin your life."
"Then.. it's on me. Just give me a chance."
"Why should I?" Kuroo reached for your hand, you flinched a little before allowing it.
"Because no one should be alone in the world." You looked up at him as he rubbed your knuckles. "And because... I want to get to know you."
"Okay." Kuroo wasted no time to put a smile on his face at the word thankful it wasn't another no. After that you still hid things from Kuroo, but you grew comfortable with him, and you eventually became his girlfriend.
He scheduled a date with the team to meet you, you were beyond nervous. To make matters worse your dad and mom were arguing and you accidently broke a glass, you jumped as your dad looked over at you. "I'm so sorry." You quickly ran out the house before he could do anything, and ran to the restaurant where you were meeting the team. You met Kuroo at the door and was greeted by a head kiss before walking into the restaurant. You sat down smiling at everyone, the dinner was going smoothly, everyone was talking telling you stories about Kuroo. Until you accidently spilt a cup. "I-I'm so sorry."
"Hey it's okay, it's just a cup of water. I'll get it." Kuroo said as he picked it up and placed napkins down.
"How come y'all aren't angry?" Kuroo looked at you in shock.
"Its just a cup, did you get cut?" You looked at Kenma and began to crying.
"Hey, love, why don't you stay at my house tonight, okay?"
"Yeah... ok." He stood up and helped you to his house. "I'm sorry about dinner."
"Hey no, are you okay though?"
"My dad hits me..." Kuroo looked at you in horror cutting off his steps.
"That's why... why I didn't want to date you."
"You won't break me. I won't break you. Okay?" You smiled up at him and nodded your head. "Because I love you..."
"You do?" You looked up at him with a wider smile.
"I do."
"I love you too." You leaned up and kissed him softly.
"I'll keep you safe. I promise."
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 months
Happy anniversary!
I'm hoping for some advice. I just feel so lost and bored with my life. I'm almost 32. I've had the same job (accountant/payroll specialist for an accounting firm) for almost 10 years. I spend so much of my time just sitting at my desk with no work to do, so I've been watching shows on my phone and coming on this hell-site to pass the time. I feel like life is just so negative and pointless. Everything has some kind of draw-back. I really wish someone could tell me what I'm supposed to be doing in my life. I get bored pretty easily. I need multiple things going at a time. Even watching a tv show, I almost always have my phone, computer or tablet going too, doing something. I've been asking myself the same question for over a decade: what do I want? I still have no freaking clue.
I feel like I'm caught in a circle. I don't have many friends because I don't go out much and when I do go anywhere I feel like I have nothing to contribute to conversations because 90% of my life is watching tv. I've never been on a date. I've been on a couple dating websites, but only ugly (sorry, but it's true) and creepy guys have sent me messages. I don't know. That probably doesn't really tell you anything to give advice on, but I typed it out, so I'll still send it.
Hey there! Fellow single 31 year old here that also works in the finance world! I definitely go through phases my self of why haven’t you accomplished this yet, you should be happier because xyz, etc. This is gonna sound really dumb but getting out of that mindset comes down to two things for me.
First thing is what are my goals? I’m not talking the stereotypical ones of get married, have kids, a house, yada yada. Is there anywhere you want to travel to someday? See a musician in concert? Try a new restaurant? Learn to play an instrument? Bake a cake from scratch? Run a 5K? The big goals are great. But so are the little ones. I have sooo many little goals in life and they give me things to strive for or look forward to a week from now and twenty years from now. Life gets a little bleak when you stop allowing yourself to have those things in mind. The little stuff is something you can work on today and see real results. For me goals give me excitement and sometimes my goal is to binge watch a show over the weekend and there’s nothing wrong with that! And if you feel like watching TV is all you do well you know what? Expand on that! Maybe make that a hobby by trying to do a reaction video on YouTube. Learn how to edit, how to share, etc. That’s just one super simple way of making a new goal from something you already do. Just try to get out of your comfort zone a smidge and good things can happen.
And maybe as you try those little things you’ll find you need more stimulation during the day because a toxic work environment can wreck havoc on your personal life too. Maybe it’s time for a career change even.
The second thing, and this one takes serious effort to change is…
Stop being mean to yourself. You are ONLY 31. You got a loooot of life ahead of you. Life does not happen on a timetable and there is no such thing as being “too late” to do things. Honestly you could be 80 years old and I’d say the same thing. You don’t need a man to make you happy. You can make you happy and if a guy comes along, great, that’s a bonus but you right now are just as valid as every other person out there. People with houses, kids, spouses, the people always bragging about their lives, they don’t have that shit figured out anymore than you or I do. We’re all just going with it. I’m not sure if any of this is helpful or not but I hope maybe something stood out for you! 🧡
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belltrigger · 1 year
Hello again ! It is I, the anonymous headcanon guy !
(I'd like to thank you for your kind words from the last time, first. I am still trying to figure out how tumblr works, but hopfully i'll be able to not be anonymous anymore !)
I came up with another headcanon, i hope you won't mind too much about me sharing it with you !
I see often with the twins that Emmet, the little brother, is a little shit and irresponsible, whereas Ingo is the epitome of the Dad Friend(tm).
I don't think it should go that way. Twins are differents than normal siblings. First, they are born together, so the normal(tm) sibling behavior don't stick to them (it also bother me a little to see Emmet getting the full little brother instinct whereas Ingo only get the Dad Friend one. Older siblings often bullies their younger siblings, but we don't see that hmm ? Anyway-)
I think their personality towards each other should be more equal, like both goofy and responsible.
Also, and this one is a little more personal, i heard that siblings (often seen with twins) have some sort of pack thing going on, like one being the leader and the other following. It may seems like, since Emmet is the LB(tm), he should follow and Ingo should lead, but it doesn't feel right to me (i often see that Ingo will lead in discussions, or do some things like going to someone or things like that. I know that Emmet is heavily autism coded, but Ingo has been portrayed as well, and I don't see why, just because he is less heavily portrayed he should carry the "leader" role. It feels like, since he is more normal, he can function. I find that bad, for lack of better words)
I think they should both lead, as they share a job with the same responsibilities, and both are good trainers with diverses pokemons (meaning one didn't dictate how both of their teams should look like, they both chose).
Anyway, to make it short, i think that both of them should be equal, and not simply little and big brothers (especially for twins, this is kind of a stupid thing. I mean, I get the little and big brother jokes, but in all seriousness, it shouldn't matters.)
Sorry for the long, long post but it really is something that i wanted to share, as it is something that's very close to me.
I hope you found it interesting !
Hello AHG! ヾ(•ω•`)o I hope you are doing well! Tumblr can be a little bit different from other sites, this is true! Take your time, lurk where you'd like, and if you ever feel comfortable (or capable!) of coming off Anon, I'd love for you to let me know!
And yeah!! Send me your head-canons, even once you figure out how tumblr works! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ Or post them and let me know where you're doing it so that I can follow you! I love reading head-canons! It's cool to hear people explain why they have them and the twins are SO open to interpretation! (As a preamble to your head-canon, so much is fanon and sometimes it can be quite frustrating that a certain thing has taken hold.)
I do think official media with them, despite having quite a few variations (Anime Submas, Manga/Special Submas, Original Game Submas, Masters Submas are the big ones), is a bit more close to how you are thinking about it. They're both shown as responsible in certain ways, and goofy in others.
In fact, fanart on the Japanese side of things often interprets Anime Emmet as the responsible one. The only problem with that is the anime is also technically the source of your woes, as I am pretty certain that is where people found out that Ingo being the older twin is 'canon.' If you look at content older than that, you'll find it was pretty even on who was treated as the younger brother and/or it not mattering as much.
Personally, I have gone back and forth for how I like to portray them in my stories. Like you, I love them being equal, them reveling in the idea of their twinship, and being each other's biggest rivals.
Alas, I think we can "blame" Pokemon Legends Arceus for people treating Ingo like "the dad friend" in current fanon. Between people seeing him anywhere between a protective uncle to outright finding him attractive and appealing as a romantic partner, Ingo has become "an adult to trust" to many people. As I am older than the twins' accepted fanon age, I really and truly don't have any Uncle or Dad feelings towards him, so perhaps that's why I treat him more like a brother than anything.
Something I do like to note is the fact that Ingo (in the Japanese version of the anime) uses 'kyoudai (siblings)' to refer to them, and not 'futago(twins).' However, Emmet (also in the Japanese version of the anime) calls Ingo "Nii-san(older brother)." So, clearly the anime is hung up on creating older brother/younger brother dynamics between them, and despite people not liking the design choices of Ingo (not having the :< expression), it is a pretty sizable chunk of characterization and screen time. It's possible that people are leaning into that for their fanon.
I can't speak to the autism thing as I am not diagnosed with austim myself, but what I can say is that English fanon for how they speak is somewhat different from the Japanese tone of their speech is. It's clearly the work of localization, because honestly the way Emmet and Ingo talk is extremely heavily loaded with stuff that doesn't translate easily. None of this negates people identifying with the twins, assigning stim or tics to them, or any head-canons revolving around it. I just think there's fascinating tone changes between each version!
For example! English fanon says that Emmet speaks very stilted, which has been translated as him possibly scripting, not liking to talk, having anxiety, etc. And while it is true that Emmet speaks in short sentences, he also talks in childish, improper, and 'rude' ways in the Japanese version. This is counter-balance to Ingo who speaks in an incredibley archaic, old-man style, absolutely stuffed with politeness. (And Ingo's method of speech is entirely why I suspect *he* was the twin thrown into Hisui, if they only picked one.)
Interestingly, their method of talking about themselves in Masters is also fascinating! Everyone knows that Emmet says "I am Emmet." (I feel his 'Boku Kudari' in Japanese is cuter, but I am biased, I think). But he *also* talks like he's a dude who works at the Subway with his brother, although he really appreciates his position and feels so much honor and respect for it. Ingo, however, speaks like he is *intrinsically* part of the Subway, as though he is a fixture there and not a guy who puts on a uniform he greatly respects. The Subway is something bigger than him, and he is a part of it; Emmet on the other hand is himself and the Subway is part of *him.*
The above is just my interepretation of their speech patterns and how they carry themselves because honestly *there is just so much space to fill.*
This got SUPER BRAVO long, so-! Oops! But I do find your headcanons verrrrry interesting! When I am done working on my commission, perhaps I will think about writing a fic where they are equals! I would like to think some of my stories would suit your needs, but perhaps I need to make more! Eheh
Thank you so so much for your ask!! o(*°▽°*)o
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highdefinitions · 1 year
i think it might be glaringly obvious by now but i feel like you all at least deserve to not be left hanging. moving forward, i don't think i'm going to posting anything else for and so it goes (i literally don't have anything else written for it anyway) and i don't plan on finishing it. my heart isn't in this fic. i'm really sorry about that guys. don't think my heart's been in it since the dead don't die ended if i'm being honest with you all. i probably won't be writing for gvf anymore, at least for the time being. i have other projects i'm working on and things that i've been writing about and posting on other sites that i'm far more passionate about and more comfortable writing. i know this might be a little disappointing for you all. i'm sorry. i know you're here for what i write and not much else, but i hope if i eventually (maybe) share what i've been writing elsewhere with you guys, you support it too. thank you. this kind of sounds like a goodbye. it's not. i'll still be around on tumblr i just won't be posting as much gvf stuff.
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mugunghwc · 5 months
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@badheart said: "I mean, .. it did come handy at times," she had to admit, and in the end was her friendship towards Rei way too important, so Idachi had little chance to change her mind, especially with his bias being so apparent. "I had... some bad luck recently... with men. He kind of rescued me," she added and bit her lip. "I don't want to be alone." Not tonight at least, knowing that Idachi had his limits too with tolerating her around, albeit she still hoped that he would eventually really like her again. "He's scary." Shaking her head at the mere thought of doing something. It seemed to be impossible anyway, and in the end, it was not her goal to fabricate some kind of break up scenario between them. She was not out to marry Rei after all. "I'm not, ... I'm just befriended with Rei, while trying to stay as far away from him as possible." She felt almost ashamed near his presence, considering he sure seemed determined or even concerned about her? "I'm sorry." For disappointing him, but she really did not want to get involved in this mess and just have him for herself. "Ass, I'm not a child anymore" she huffed, while blushing at the mere image of waking up in a wet mattress. She would occupy his bathroom, before changing into some fresh pyjama, which were more made for comfort than sexiness. She had forgotten to remove the tags though. She was excited but at the same time unsure, as she had expected to sleep on the couch or something. It made her smile, believing he really did like her more than he usually let on. "Do you need to work tomorrow?" she asked, as she got out of the bathroom and quickly looked away, so he would not focus too much on her face, that lacked any make-up now. But she really wanted to look at him; always glancing at his groin. She would love to make some photos of him.
upon hearing her speak, he could not help the inquisitive expression that he gave in turn. that man? handy to her? he'd understand it coming from rei, but that guy didn't strike him as the kind that would bother with someone like fang. none of what she said made sense with what little context she had given him. "if that's how you feel, perhaps you should've asked your new friends to keep you safe." his words were followed by a scoff.
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"your friend will get hurt too with that kind of man by her side, but whatever. i doubt you could convince her." the phrasing that he used purposely tried to diminish their friendship—hopefully planting a seed of doubt within her head. not a subject he'd dwell too much on, but that she may ponder on her own.
his eyes would roll over her remark, because she certainly acted like one with how needy she had become. any traces of confidence that were there before, had vanished, along with her functionality of her lower half. idachi placed his phone on the side table & went about his routine like every other night, so when fang re-appeared, he was already siting on the edge of the bed. "of course i do, so don't think about oversleeping." as he did not trust to leave her alone in his apartment. not to mention, it wasn't accommodated for a wheelchair. he watched her, expecting on her next move until catching sight of where he hands would wander, eliciting a chuckle out of him. "you never change... you won't be able to suck it from afar."
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tetsvhoe · 3 years
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thank you for 4k even though i've been away! i will be archiving my works one by one and possibly (no promises) be moving to a new, casual blog. thank you for everything up until now and i hope you keep this blog in a special place in your heart, as i did for all of you. :)
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tldr: i'm getting vibe checked so hard by real life drama and responsibilities, and burnout. idk when or if i'll be back.
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hello i'm sure you've noticed my decreasing presence on here day by day. a lot of my mutuals have been leaving as well. to be honest, i've been contemplating this for a while now. i tend to go on and off a few weeks at a time, but i'm more of an all or nothing girl so it's either i'm putting out as much content as i can or nothing at all. i didn't think this blog would grow as much as it did. i still have a lot of plans, wips, and on going series i really want to make, but i'm not as inspired to complete any of them anymore. i started this blog for myself as a hobby, an escape, a distraction. but it became more of a chore and a responsibility more than anything else. i just feel drained and pressured to put out content most of the time. i'd honestly just say i'm taking another break, but if i'm being honest i don't know how long it will take for me to come back, if i will at all. i actually find it really hard for me to stay out of this hell site. i just miss the feeling of coming on here every night to read hurt/comfort.
on top of that i also have a lot on my plate in terms of real life responsibilities but i don't want to disclose that on here.
i'm really thankful for everyone who supported my works until now and for the friends i've made these past few months. i'm sorry to disappoint everyone who has been looking forward to my posts and series. i really hope i find the motivation and inspiration to finish what i started. i put my entire heart out on everything i write and i hope you've enjoyed it all so far! as for now i won't be deleting the blog so you can still come back to my existing posts. i hope everyone is well and remembers to take care of themselves. i'm gonna miss u all and i hope to see u all soon again. <3
EDIT (10/13): i hope you have all been well this blog is no longer shadow banned so i put it back to public so you can still come back to my old works. missing you guys always stay safe and be happy. love you!!!
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haikyuu-sins · 3 years
Ok, first of all I love your writing, it's just soooo good and second, since I saw the requests are opened I wanted to ask for a little scenario, ok here we go.
So it's Law x fem!Reader from the strawhats and both crews are fighting against some kind of enemy and their army, this enemy it's like a mad scientist and shots the reader with a strange sustance but nobody really notices because they are fighting and she doesn't want them to get preoccupied.
The things is, some days later strange white marks begin to appear on her skin and yes, it's the amber lead, she tries to hide it but at some point Law sees it and when I don't know, I will leave the rest to you.
Thank you so much ❤❤
Thank you! I loved how interesting this request was! I hope you enjoy :) (I realized too late into this thatI didn’t make them a strawhat so my apologies for that! I’ve been trying to work on this one for so long and it slipped my mind :( also I’m sorry that this kind of ends a little abruptly, I wasn’t sure where I really wanted it to go in the end
Warnings: Getting shot/blood
****Law x Reader
This was supposed to be quick. An in, out kind of deal. What was going to be a quick trade, ended up being a ruse. When Law was finished with his end of the deal, which was healing a member of this scientist’s crew and in return he’d give Law a medicine that he had been looking for that he would only be able to get from this island.
But things went south as soon as the deal was finished. It all started happening so quickly that you almost didn’t have time to react. Once the sound of a gunshot filled the air, Law was quick to act. He was already after the ringleader and was telling the rest of the crew to fight and stay alive until he got back from dealing with the scientist.
The once peaceful surroundings were now a small battlefield. You watched Bepo and the rest of the crew fighting with the others and you had your own hands full with a few of the men from the other crew. But what you didn’t notice was that there was a sniper off in the distance with a fresh batch of bullets that were coated and infused with different diseases; new and old.
His sights were set on you as you seemed to be giving his crewmates the most trouble. There was so much noise on the battlefield that you didn’t even know where the next gunshot came from. All you knew was that you felt a sharp pain in your thigh, then moments later, another right above your knee cap. Your mind went white for a moment. The searing pain made your head go blank before you felt a fist connect with your face that brought you back to reality.
You wanted to pass out but Law told you all to stay alive because he knew that you could handle yourselves. That meant you couldn’t afford to lose consciousness. Law put his trust in you and the rest of his crew so you needed to show him that you could be trusted.
Blood trickled down your left leg and your pants were sticking to you uncomfortably. You felt useless not being able to even use one of your legs. But no matter how much it hurt, you put your weight on it and continued to fight. Another bullet came your way but this time you sensed it. There was something different about this one. It almost seemed to have some sort of heavy aura around it.
You deflected it with the knife you held in your hand. The bullet ricocheted off and hit one of the men you were brawling with, and straight into his shoulder.
He hissed in pain, not knowing what exactly had happened, but when you saw what that bullet began doing to his body you realized why it was so different from the other two. His skin started to melt from where the bullet entered and he screamed in agony. Your eyes were wide with fear, hoping that that wouldn’t be your fate. While your skin wasn’t melting off like his, you knew that there had to have been something wrong with this bullet as well.
But you didn’t have much time to process what could happen to you because the fighting continued and now you had the added bonus of trying to figure out if there would be a bullet coming at you. In a moment there was a sharp stinging in your side. You heard no gun shots but there was a clear wound in your abdomen.
Within minutes though, everything suddenly stopped, you and the rest of the crew had taken notice that there was a slight blue tinge that covered the area. In that moment, you knew that you could finally relax. Your legs buckled under you and the next thing you knew, you were in the sub.
You ached. Your entire body ached and you heard a soft beeping noise right beside you. Slowly your eyes began to open and you squint. The bright lights nearly blinding you.
Law glanced over and heard the rustling of the bed sheets. “Don’t touch the IV, Y/n-ya.” he spoke as he watched you reaching for it. You sigh and your hand falls onto the bed. “And don’t even think about moving.” he stood from his chair next to you and gently pushed your shoulder down.
Your voice was hoarse when you spoke softly. “Is everyone okay?” glancing around the room, you noticed that there was no one else but you and Law.
“Everyone is fine. I was able to patch them up. You one the other hand were the one who had the most damage done. You were shot three times. I’m not sure why but I couldn’t find the bullets even though there wasn’t an exit wound.”
He had even used his Scan on you thanks to his Ope-Ope no mi but still wasn’t able to find anything wrong. For some reason, you thought it would be a good idea to omit the fact that a bullet that was aimed for you hit someone else and melting the man’s skin off. There wasn’t anything wrong with you now. But what you didn’t know was that the bullets were still inside you. They had dissolved and a deadly and what was thought to be an incurable disease was now making its way through your body.
“I’m going to run some tests-”
“Please, I’m fine! Will you just let me get back to work?”
The look on Law’s face said it all as he turned to you. ‘Absolutely not’ was plastered all over and you knew better than to argue with him, but you felt like a terrible burden.
“You should be doing Captain things, not treating me.” you slumped back into the bed.
“You seem to forget that your captain is also your doctor.”
Your lips made an ‘O’ and your cheeks flushed slightly. “I didn’t forget...It just slipped my mind for a second.”
“I’m going to run your tests tomorrow. You’ve lost a lot of blood and need rest, so I’ll leave you be for a few hours and come back to check on you. Let me know if you need anything. You shouldn’t be in too much pain but I can put more medicine in your IV-that you better not take out-if you need it.” With that, he left the room while you glared at the IV that was stuck in you. It was best that you left it in and you knew it, It soon didn’t worry you anymore and before you knew it, your eyelids fluttered close with the darkness of a promising sleep overcoming.
It was about a week before Law let you out of the infirmary. He made sure you were okay to walk on your own, and he wanted you to take antibiotics for another week in case of an infection. The tests he had taken all came back normal for now. Nothing was out of the ordinary, but he still wanted you to check in with him every so often.
Law was wary of letting you out of his site, something had been worrying him about the fact he couldn’t find the bullets but you spoke of nothing out of the ordinary no matter how much he knew tried to get the information out of you.
The next time Law saw you, you looked like a ghost. He noticed how your knees were trembling and quickly urged you to sit down, guiding you to a chair. “I told you to come by and see me if there was anything wrong, Y/N-ya.”
“I’m fine… really. I’m just a little tired.”
His grey eyes narrowed slightly at you then his brows furrowed. There was a spot in your hair that hadn’t been there before that was beginning to go white--not grey like a normal aging person, but white. Quickly, he grabbed your arm and shoved the material of your sleeve up. You had no strength to pull back and his eyes now widened when he noticed the white patches that were covering you.
“Law it hurts… Everything hurts. I ache all the time and it feels like there’s nothing I can do to make it stop.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about this?!” the taller man quickly scooped you out of the chair and rushed you into the infirmary.
“That bullet…I think there was something in it.” you managed to croak out. “One of their guys got shot with a bullet that I dodged and his skin, it started to melt off his body.” You knew that he’d be scolding you after this, not telling him all of the details the first time is one of Law’s pet peeves.
“This could have all been avoided if you told me this in the first place!” While this would be an easy fix for Law, he was still upset that you were putting yourself in unnecessary pain. You didn’t need to suffer and if you weren't stubborn then you wouldn’t be in this position. He knew exactly what it was like to have this incurable disease, but you were lucky enough to have a captain who could cure anything. Including Amber Lead.
He put you on the bed in the infirmary and it didn’t take him long to get this out of your body. On the way there you had passed out which did make it easier for Law work, but he was scared. This disease was supposed to be gone. So how did this scientist get a hold of something this deadly?
One thing he did know--he wasn’t going to lose anyone else to this forsaken illness. Not again. He had already lost his entire family to it and he would be damned if he’d let it happen to his crew.
It only took Law a few minutes to finish this up and make sure that all of the Amber Lead was out of your body. He ran tests on you all throughout the night, almost never leaving your side. It was comforting knowing that the first face you saw when you opened your eyes was him. Though you knew he probably wasn’t the happiest with you, you did know that he would always do his best to save you and that’s why your eyes were opening in the first place.
Besides the quiet beeps of the monitor, the next thing you heard was his gruff voice. “You sure do leave out some important information when it’s needed.”
You bit your lip. “Sorry…”
“I don’t think ‘sorry’ cuts it when you nearly had a death wish. You’d be dead if you weren’t here with me, you know that? What you were shot with was a bullet that had Amber Lead poisoning which is normally incurable.”
“Guess I’m really lucky then, huh?” you smile weakly over to him, hoping that maybe he’ll see the bright side. “I’m alive at least, that counts for something, right?”
“Yeah, you’re lucky enough to be alive so you can do all of the extra chores around the sub.”
“Oh come on!” you groaned out in protest. “This is what I get for pulling thought and making it out alive?!”
“No. This is what you get for nearly getting yourself killed for leaving out information that could have prevented this from getting as bad as it did. Maybe next time you should think twice about being as stubborn as you usually are.”
“But that’s my best quality!”
“Trust me, you have better qualities than that, Y/N-ya.” and with that, he left the room, leaving you with a pink tinted face.
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potatotrash0 · 3 years
Oh? You've been into Childhood alternative universes lately?*slides Mastermind Nagito file back and pulls seperate piece of paper out* Let's work with that. *sits in the worn down swivel chair that I imagine myself keeping in this hellscape of a fictional office* Now :).
Hinata and Nagito first met when they were six. Nagito was still sick at this time, so his parents were taking him to a doctor in a different country in hopes of being able to treat him. Nagito was sitting on a street corner waiting as some of the servants packed up the car for their plane trip, when he notices a little boy with the greenest eyes and the oddest cowlick crying on the other side of the street. When he goes up to the child to ask what's wrong, he sees the big scrape on his knee, and the busted skateboard lying next to him. Nagito offers a hand to him. "Komaeda Nagito. Need some help?" He says with a smile that wasn't yet tainted with anxiety and despair. The kid crying grabs the hand, still bursting at the seams with his tears, and manages to say "H-hinata Hajime." in a shaky voice. When Hajime's taken inside for a glass of water and bandages, and is able to talk in a less shaky voice, they make a fond promise to hang out when Nagito gets back.
When Nagito gets back from the "trip", Hajime is in absolute shock. This sweet kid who helped him without hesitation had to deal with all this... terrible luck. Hajime does his best to look up ways to feel better, gets a bucket of a water and a handful of chocolates ( drinking water can help stop crying and chocolate can give ranged waves of dopamine [if I remember right]- Hajime doesn't know what dopamine means but it was on a site to help sadness and shit and he's just doin his best), and heads to Nagito's house. He's allowed in, and when he eventually finds Nagito curled up in the corner of his room, he stupidly drops the bucket and chocolates in front of him with a grin. Nagito responds by crawling over to him and crying on his shoulder for seemingly hours, and Hajime lets him.
Nagito was glad he had someone who wouldn't judge him for his "good luck" now.
( afterwards, Nagito says that it was alright, that he heard the servants talking about how it was good luck, since he inherited a large estate, and Hajime says he heard his parents say the same thing, and they both agree that it must have been good luck, since everyone else said so, despite the countless bruises and tears that it caused. Neither of them realize that their views on luck were permanently obscured since then.)
They grow closer after that, and don't seperate once, not as they grow older, not as life beats Nagito inwards which each traumatic event and curls into his beliefs of hope, despair, and talent, not as Hajime realizes he can't save Nagito from himself. Which each day, they grow closer and closer to the hip, practically seamed to each other.
That is, until Hope's Peak academy came into the picture. Nagito and Hajime immediately jumped for whatever chance they had to get in (both reasons are personal, but more tied to the character- Nagito still desires to be amongst the greatest, while Hajime still desires to be remembered [mostly by Nagito, though he doesn't entirely realize that's why].), but when they're still separated by the two courses, that's ywhere the problem lies. You see, Nagito is still an insensitive dumbfuck that doesn't realize how his words affect other people, and when he keeps actively degrading the reserve course students even in front of Hajime, it takes a toll. Hajime starts believing that Nagito hates him because of his status as a reserve course student now, and between the pressure of all the bullshit that happens to him because of his status and now this bs drama, he's willing to pay a price for his affection once again. A price that'll be much too permanent for either's liking.
This is where I add the Kamakura project in. I'm sorry for this upcoming angst shit but I always find my way back here.
When Hajime is presented the Kamakura project, he thinks about being able to join Nagito in the talent course and that Nagito won't be hate him for it anymore. He thinks of Nagito showering him with hugs and praise for finally being able to join him and his classmates. He thinks of the joy it'll bring to Nagito and his parents- but mostly Nagito. He thinks of Nagito, Nagito, Nagito as he signs his name. He didn't think he'd be shoved into a pod. He didn't think he wouldn't be able to see Nagito ever again. As he dies, he thinks about the little boy who offered his hand to him when his other friends left. Nagito, Nagito, Nagito. Izuru is born thinking of this boy, and it sticks. Nagito, Nagito, Nagito. He doesn't stop thinking of him, even when Enoshima and Ikusaba appeared with their proposition of despair (a part of him told him to not do it, let Nagito keep his hope, this man he couldn't remember), even when Chiaki dies in front of him (he feels... guilty, about her death, but not exactly sorrow. he wonders if he'd feel this way if the sheep man died.).
Nagito realizes who Izuru was when he turned around to aim at him. He saw the cold, dead eyes of this man, and for a moment he saw the boy who remembered him and brought him water and chocolate to help him feel better. The one person Nagito thought couldn't be affected by his luck was gone now. This was how Nagito fell into despair.
They generally stayed together for most of the apocalypse, still attached to the hip, although it was... different now. There were no more subconscious handholding moments as they traveled through the streets. There was no more trying to stop Servant from berating himself. There was no more helping Hinata's injuries. No more ice cream "dates". No more... love, in their presence.
Izuru tells Servant about his plan as they sit together on the boat to Jabberwock. Servant is sitting in the other's lap, stroking their hair as they speak. He responds with expressing his excitement, and Izuru feels a wave of guilt wash over him, though he drowns it out immediately.
Hajime wakes up to see his best friend standing over him. "Hey, Hajime, are you alright?" Nagito says, with a smile tainted with fear and despair as he offers his hand to help him up. Hajime briefly feels a sense of Deja vu, and grabs the offered hand.
(I keep making these too long dkckakkflakfkalfk f u c k)
sobs.........every time you get to the kamukura project i just brace myself bc it hurts like hell 100% of the time without fail......but ahhhhhhh i love this.......
for a moment i thought this was gonna be childhood friends and mastermind komaeda and i nearly had a heart attack?? mmm i’m still buzzing with the ideas but i’ll put it under the cut
just like. hajime finding comfort in having at least one person to rely on in this bizarre situation. komaeda really does ground him, he realizes, but that stability seems to crumble beneath him during that first trial. watching nagito, someone he thought he knew so well, reveal that he had been the one behind this elaborate plan to get himself or someone else killed? there’s no way hajime could okay after that, no way he could look at him the same way.
and he doesn’t, but he doesn’t look at him completely differently either. this komaeda, someone who’s unstable and actively looks forward to the next murder, is still komaeda. he’s still the same guy who goes through whole novels like they’re picture books, who pokes at his food at meal times and has to be nagged at to eat. he’s still nagito. and even if he wanted to, hajime couldn’t find it in himself to just ditch the guy he grew up with for all those years.
so, he reaches out again. gets to know his childhood friend for a second time, relearning his beliefs, his likes, his dislikes. even discovers some things he never noticed before. in a way, they were driven apart, but also brought back together again.
and that’s part of the reason it’s such a shock to see komaeda in monokuma’s place during that last trial, grinning down at them. he looks and sounds like nagito, but he couldn’t be him. someone who put them through all this couldn’t be that same boy who helped him when he fell off his skateboard all those years ago......right?
all of this information, from the world being a simulation to his childhood friend being the one to basically kill all of their classmates, it all throws him off. not to mention that he might not even exist outside of this program. choosing between staying with someone who betrayed him twice over or disappearing entirely........can he even make a decision like that?
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wendystales · 3 years
Memories - lrh (Chapter Three)
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Memories (also on Wattpad)
Chapter Two ※※※※※ Chapter Four
My mother spent the night with me and early in the morning I managed to convince her to go home and sort out her own things. Stephen was supposed to arrive at 8 am and I didn't want her here when that happened, she wouldn't like to see him at all.
“If there's anything I'll call, you can go, really.” I assure her, who goes reluctantly.
The clock struck five to eight and I was for the thousandth time running my hands through my hospital gown and my hair. My hands were sweating and my stomach was churning, I stared at the door as if I wanted to open it with the power of my mind, until it opened.
It was shocking to see him so different from what I remembered. His hair was shaved and bleached, almost white. Now he had a colorless rose on his neck that took up half of his left side and a piercing in his septum. He was a different person, just like me, it really had been years.
“Only Marnie McGonagall manages to remain exuberant even all run down.” he cracks a wide smile to break the tension. “These are for you!” he hands me a bouquet of daisies. They're not my favorite, but I thank him.
“Thank you, they are beautiful. Thank you for coming.” I try to control my breathing. It's all so strange.
“I was surprised by the call, I swore that after you left you would never speak to me again.” he throws himself on the chair beside the bed.
“So our breakup was real?”
“Yes, but not the way you were told, you met this famous guy and fell for him. We had already broken up when I started going out with Bethany.” he talks as if he is talking about the weather. The mention of him and Bethany together makes me nauseous, maybe it was jealousy.
“My mother talked about cheating, that I caught you guys.” I introduce the subject calmly, I know how much Stephen hates to be accused of anything. He rolls his eyes like he' s saying ‘I knew it.’.
“It impresses me that you buy that, Lizzie. You know how much your parents hate me. You broke up with me, that's true, but because you met this guy. He bewitched you, and it wasn't easy to get over you.”
I take a deep breath trying to control myself. It was too much information, too much information. I had broken up with Stephen for Luke, this didn't make any sense. I loved Stephen, I still do. Maybe this memory loss was a chance for us to get back to the way things were before.
“Did you and Bethany...?”
“No! It didn't work out, then she moved to Canada with her family, it wasn't going to work out, and deep down…” he comes closer, sitting on the bed and holding my hand. “I still love you.”
I open my mouth, but can't say anything, the statement takes me in total surprise. Stephen seizes the moment and kisses me. Nostalgia overwhelms me and all the moments we have lived through take over my mind, but deep, deep down, something screams in my head, it wasn't right, it didn't feel right. It wasn't him.
I lower my head breaking the kiss, feeling more lost than before. Stephen holds himself in place, but my urge is to push him away. Something bubbles up inside me and it is not happiness or passion.
“I think it's time for you to go.” I let out a harsher tone than I expected. I still don't face his eyes, maybe out of fear, maybe because I can't bear to look at him.
“You call me here and send me away like this?” he asks incredulously and offended. “You are unbelievable, Marnie. I don't know why I still waste my time with you. Your memory may have faded, but deep down you are still under his spell.” at that moment I abruptly turn my face to meet his. I know that my eyes are burning with anger, and so are his.
“I said, it's time for you to go.” I say in a broken voice, listening to my heartbeat rise.
Stephen stares for a few seconds before he gets up, picks up the daisies, and slams the door. I sink into bed, trying to calm myself. It really wasn't one of my better ideas to call Stephen here, but maybe it was necessary.
I turn on the TV and flip through the channels until I notice a picture of me. I go back to the channel and turn up the volume. They are talking about my accident and without me being able to prepare myself, they play the video of how it all happened.
I hold my breath as the pickup truck crashes into my side, causing my car to spin on the road and crash into the pole. They play it one more time, but in slow motion. The tip of my nose tingles and my eyes start to fill up.
Still watching the TV, my mind brings back the moment of the accident.
"I crank up the starter and before I can send the audio, I feel a loud impact on my left side. A deafening noise fills the entire car. Quite faintly, I watch the track spin and feel the shards of glass hit me, before I give myself over to that uncontrollable sleep."
The video changes and they show my attending, I cover my mouth, watching my unconscious body being pulled from the car.
My stomach clenches and I feel like vomiting from the nervousness. I turn off the TV and grab my cell phone, going back to researching my life in an attempt to distract myself.
Unlike yesterday, I Google my name and see what headlines pop up about me. Some sites give a brief summary of my trajectory, which helps me a little.
I watch some videos of rehearsals, interviews, fashion shows, even those videos of paparazzi leaving restaurants, with him. I look again at Instagram calmly, photo by photo, video by video, even the stories archives. There are several parties, trips, slumber nights, bts from photo rehearsals, and a lot of stuff with him, again. Of course, he is your boyfriend. Asshole!
I barely recognize myself on the screen. The Marnie I watch is outgoing, funny and charismatic, and I was never like that, at least as far back as I can remember. Which leads me to believe that this Marnie, model, famous and full of important friends, is a character.
Leah, Noah, Calum, Ashton, Mike and Kyleen. They don't just seem like friends, they seem like my family, brothers, I don't know. While it is fun to watch some of these videos, of all of us fooling around and messing up, on the other hand it hurts not to have any memories of them.
“How is my little girl doing?” I snap out of my trance and run my eyes to the door. I feel my eyes water as I recognize the middle-aged man.
“Dad!” I hadn't realized the urge to cry until I saw him. Until I felt his embrace.
“ It's okay, my love. I'm here. It's going to be all right, I swear!” he comforts me while I soak his shirt.
“ I'm sorry.” I pull away, trying to control my tears.
“For what?” he looks at me curiously. I shrug, not knowing what to say. Lately I feel I have to apologize for everything. “Honey, none of this is your fault. This amnesia is just a sequel, in a little while it will go away and you will remember everything.”
“I hope so. Even because everything I've forgotten has been very hard to remember.” I comment, playing with the bar of the blanket.
“ It's been a busy three years. You went from just my little girl, to one of the top models of 2019. That's quite a breakthrough.” he laughs, which makes me crack a smile. Only my dad could make me find that funny.
“Apparently I'm dating a rock star.” I join in with him.
“A very nice guy, I must say. He gave me a Gibson guitar.” he widens his eyes, emphasizing how awesome that was.
“Dad, you play guitar?” that would be nothing compared to what I couldn't remember.
“No, but it is amazing to have it on the wall.” for the first time since this whole nightmare, I allow myself to laugh.
My father spent the rest of the morning with me. He told me about his new job and how he was traveling the world now, helping his boss. I don't know how my mother was dealing with all this, she hated to be away from him.
“Mom must not like this new job of yours at all, huh?” I ask, scraping my red Jell-O.
I glare at my father when I notice his silence. We were sharing the bed space, he also had a Jell-O and we looked like two little girls gossiping while stuffing themselves with ice cream. I find his silence strange and wonder if something is wrong.
“Dad?” I call him once more.
“I was trying to find the best way to tell you this.” he sits up straight.
“What? Did you and Mom have a fight?” that was normal, not that big a deal.
“No! Actually, a little more than two years ago, your mother and I talked and we thought it was better to go our separate ways... with different people.” he speaks very slowly, calmly, and a little fearfully. I blink a few times, taking in the words and what they meant together. They got divorced?
I sit up like him, feeling uneasy. I start to breathe deeply. My relationship went down the drain. My parents broke up. Bethany disappeared across Canada. Nothing, absolutely nothing, that I had before had survived.
“Honey?” he brings me back to reality.
“Why? What? What happened?’ I ask. He opens his mouth a few times, saying nothing, trying to find what to say.
“Things were not going very well anymore. We were arguing too much and not even looking at each other anymore.” he takes a deep breath, visibly uncomfortable. “And I had an affair with a woman from my old job, that was the end of it.” he says so low, I can hardly hear, and honestly, it was better not to listen.
I always grew up thinking that my father was the best man in the world. My superhero. Prince Charming from all the Disney movies. The kind of man I would like to meet in my life. And then I find out that my father was none of these things. He is just like all the others.
“How could you?” disgust overflows in my mouth. “You have a family.” again something bubbles up inside me.
“I have no excuse, no justification, I was wrong and I regret the way things turned out. It didn't have to be this way. Okay, today your mother and I are friends and we go our separate ways, but there was no need for all that suffering to happen.” he stares again at the jelly, ashamed.
Silence fills the room. Nobody knows what to say. I don't recognize the man next to me. I don't even know what is going on in my head at the moment, there are so many thoughts and assumptions that I feel like I'm going crazy.
“Have you found someone yet? I mean, are you still with that woman from your old job?” I ask softly, poking the skin on my finger.
“No, she was just a fling. It didn't work out. Your mother was seeing someone until last month, but apparently it didn't work out.” he shrugs, which shocks me a little. I know it's so natural for them, but I'm still absorbing it here. “I met someone, Meredith. We've been together for a year now.” he gives me a beautiful, passionate smile. “Let me show you some pictures.” He gets as excited as a teenager. “Unless you don't want to.” he looks at me fearfully.
“I want to.” I crack a tight smile.
My father is back to being the excited teenager as he shows me the pictures of Meredith and her children. Children?
“They're yours?” I ask slightly jealous.
“No, Kendall and Samantha are from her first marriage, they are twins.” he smiles. “But I love them as if they were my own, the same way I love you.” he gives me a kiss on the side of my head.
He passes me another picture and my heart races as soon as I see them both, he on my lap and she on Luke's lap. I hold up the cell phone and stare at the picture with an ache in my chest.
“This was at my wedding, you both looked beautiful.” my father comments softly. I bite my lip, trying to control my crying and smiling at the same time. We really did look beautiful.
“I always wanted to have brothers, remember?” I ask with my voice shaking. I pass another picture and now my father and Meredith are posing with the four of us.
“They think you are the best big sister in the world.” I grimace, letting the tears come over me. They are not from sadness. Honestly, I don't even know what they are from, but the feeling is good.
Around lunchtime my father left, as he was exhausted, he had come straight here from the airport after a 12 hour flight. I was alone for the rest of the afternoon reading, until my mother arrived at 4pm to pick me up.
When we left the room, I noticed that Luke didn't come, which I find strange, since I remember my mother had commented that he was coming with her.
“He had an upcoming incident with the band, but he should be at your apartment later.”
The fact that I have to wait longer to talk to him makes me nervous and anxious. I just wish he would show up soon so he could help me with everything and clear up the sea of curiosity.
Along the way, I am talking to my mother about her and my father. I was so distracted by the conversation that I didn't even notice when we arrived in front of a beautiful building.
“Are you sure we are at the right address?” I ask looking out the window. My mother laughs and gets out of the car. I live here?
When we get to my floor, I realize that there is only one apartment per floor. We must be at the wrong address. My jaw drops as I enter the hall of the apartment.
Right away I find a huge painting of myself on the wall to my left. I was wearing that strange make-up and an even stranger outfit. The tone is black and white, but I am sure that the color picture is very colorful.
“This was the picture of your first magazine cover.” my mother clarifies with a huge smile on her face. I stare at my picture again, still frowning.
I follow my mother into the living room, once again letting my jaw drop. I had a living room right at the entrance, to my right was the living room with a huge TV, and to my left was the dining room. Slowly, I walk through the space, looking at everything breathlessly.
“Is this my apartment?” I ask in surprise. My mother lets out a short laugh before confirming. “I bought it?” she nods. “With my money?” she nods again. “As a model?” she laughs. “Okay! This is still too much for me.”
I walk curiously around the apartment again, looking at the kitchen, living rooms and, of course, the bedrooms. Two guest rooms and mine. When I reach the second floor, I am confronted with a hallway full of pictures. They range from personal photos to work photos. I pay more attention to the pictures of me and Luke. We are a beautiful couple.
I go into my room and find everything arranged. I let the excitement take over me when I see the closet. I look at the clothes, amazed, besides several boxes of brands like Gucci, Prada and Chanel still unopened.
On the last shelf, I see an older looking box, the slightly faded color catches my eye. I pull out a small ladder and carefully pull the box onto my lap, it wasn't heavy, but doing this with a broken arm and a twisted leg is not easy.
I sit down on the closet floor itself and open the box, wishing I hadn't seen it and maybe never opened it. I gently run my hand over those little souvenirs with tears in my eyes once again. I need to stop crying.
Movie and concert tickets, dried flowers, empty peanut cans, cards, cabin photos, and beer caps, everything I lived through with Luke. The feeling that takes over me is almost suffocating. My body feels and radiates all that it represented, but my mind would not let the image load.
Underneath it all, I pull out a diary and, at the same time that curiosity eats away at me, fear also takes over. I close my eyes and open to a random page.
"I can't believe I modeled at NYFW. OMG! OMG! OMG! It's unbelievable. I'm going to need to watch the runway show about a thousand times before I can believe it."
I flip back a few sheets and stop when I see Luke's name.
"I know it's not a good sign that I'm thinking about him and being so close to him, but I can't help it. Luke is amazing. The way he looks at me, how he listens to me, how he understands me, and his kiss...I can't forget his kiss..."
“Sweetheart?” I hear my mother scream. I wipe away the tears and put the little box under the skirt of some dresses. I get up as fast as I can and walk to the bedroom door.
“I thought I'd help you in the shower, what do you think? Get rid of that hospital smell.” I accept the idea, which sounds very good.
After a good shower, I put on some pajamas and get to know my room, opening all the drawers, looking at all the makeup, everything. I decide not to go through that box anymore, because I still don't know how to manage everything it represents.
Once again my mother calls me and I believe it's for dinner, but when I get to the living room I find a brunette girl and a guy with red hair.
“Hi?” I nod gracelessly.
“Hi!” they return the greeting a little nervous too.
I ‘know’ who they are. Ashton and Leah. They are in several pictures in my social networks, in my hallway and on the living room furniture.
I watch the brunette with long hair, crack a huge smile. I watch her fingers tightening, like a child trying to control herself. I smile fearfully, but it was enough for her to apologize before squeezing me in a hug.
“I know you don't remember me, but I am your best friend and I am so glad that you are okay.” I look at my mother, who is smiling, and at Ashton, with my eyes wide and patting her on the back.
“Leah, you don't have to suffocate her.” Ashton comments without manner, scratching his forehead.
She walks away gracelessly. I give her a smile, but thank her for the space. Ashton approaches a little fearfully and holds out his hand, respecting my space, but it is apparent that he also wants to give me a hug.
“You can hug me, I don't bite.” I joke, trying to break the tension.
He says nothing more and surrounds me with his arms. Unlike Leah, I manage to return the hug in the right way. His hug takes longer and I feel some tears on my shoulder.
“I thought we were going to lose you.” he squeezes me one more time, before pulling away, drying his tears clumsily.
“You won't get rid of me that easily.” I blink at them both.
“Well, the reason we came here was not just to see you. Of course we were worried to death and everyone wanted to come.” Leah begins.
“But we thought it better not to come all at once so as not to frighten you.” Ashton interrupts quickly. I thank him silently.
“Deep down, we wanted to bring you this.” she hands me a pen drive. “It's not perfect, but we made a powerpoint to explain everything that happened in these three years.” Leah gives a closed smile.
‘You made a power point?” I ask incredulously.
“Of course we did!” Ashton shakes his shoulders. “We hope it helps and that you remember something. Anything at all, any questions, just call.”
“Thank you very much!” I smile in appreciation for both of them.
“Don't you want to stay for dinner?” my mother offers. I look at them expectantly. They both look at each other and give a shrug.
“We don't have an appointment, right? It won't be a problem. The guys will just be really pissed off that they didn't come.” Leah warns Ashton.
“It will be a pleasure to have dinner.” Ashton smiles in appreciation.
Dinner was very quiet, I did most of the talking. They were very curious to know what amnesia was like and how I was feeling and dealing with everything.
“Depending on how things go for you this week, we thought we would have a dinner on Friday. Then if you feel comfortable, of course, you can see everyone again.” Ash suggests.
There is still time until Friday, but just the thought of seeing everyone makes my stomach turn. I know they are my friends and they know me, but I still get nervous. Not to mention that they are famous, I don't know how to deal with these people. Although I am too.
“That's fine, we'll confirm by Friday.” I open a nervous smile. “Huh, Luke didn't want to come?” I question, upset at his absence today.
How am I supposed to get to know and get close to him if he doesn't come?
I watch the two of them look at each other and wrap up the beginning of their answer. In the end, Ashton sighs and answers.
“He is having a hard time absorbing all this. He just needs some time to sort it all out in his head.” Ash shrugs, signaling that it was no big deal.
I understand that it is hard for him. I don't know how I would handle it if I were him, but I'm not going to pretend to be upset that he's not here either, although I can't do anything about it, I'm not going to force him to stay here if he doesn't want to.
“It's really weird having Luke as my boyfriend, you guys as best friends. It's so out of reality. It feels like I'm in a dream and soon I'll wake up.” I comment, playing with the cloth napkin.
“Look, the first time you handled and accepted all of this well. I'm sure you'll manage again.” Leah squeezes my hand on the table.
“So, a powerpoint, hm?” I change the subject not being able to prolong my curiosity any longer. Even though I'm scared, I want to see it.
Leah cheers up again and begins to explain everything very excitedly. With their help we go to the living room and I put the pen drive on the TV, ready to see what they have done. It is strange to think that this small object has all the answers I am looking for. Not to mention the fear of the unknown, in this case, the forgotten one.
“Ok, so this is Michael…” I watch her standing beside the screen, explaining everything to me, with extreme patience and good will. My god, she is an angel.
I look at all my friends and the things we have done. I notice how Ashton was a kind of older brother, overprotective, and Leah was a kind of sister. Always holding hands or holding arms. Or when we were drunk, trying to climb on each other's backs.
They put all the trips we took, my fashion shows and photo shoots, some interviews. It was a great summary. I stare at the screen feeling something strange welling up in me, I see flashes forming in my head, and I begin to force myself to remember.
“Don't skip.” I shout to her, not wanting to lose the flow of memory. “Play that video again.” I ask desperately.
I approach the TV watching Noah, Leah's brother, walking in front of the camera with a bag on his head and complaining that the product was burning. He was bleaching his hair.
" “Why does this shit burn so bad?” I hear Noah shouting from the room, pissed off.
“Because it's bleaching.” I answer, grabbing another cookie from the plate. I sit down on the couch next to Calum, who is very interested in the package of bleach.
“What do you think about me bleaching mine?” he asks, still focused on the package in his hand.
I stare at him for a few minutes, trying to imagine the look. I pout, signaling that it wouldn't look too bad, in my opinion.
“For God's sake, you're not going to do that ridiculous lock of hair again, are you?” Leah shouts from the bathroom.
“It wasn't ridiculous.” He defends himself loudly. “But I really wouldn't do it again.” he comments softly, making me laugh.
“OH MY GOD.” I hear Noah scream. We run into the bathroom to find his white hair, with a few colored dots, just like the ones in the bag.
I cover my mouth in shock. Leah starts to record trying to hold in her laughter, as do I, but we simply can't stand it when Calum reads the name of the pharmacy in Noah's head.
I see him leaning against the doorframe laughing with his hand on his stomach and eyes closed. Miserably, I still try to hold in my laughter, not lasting long and joining Calum, becoming almost breathless.
“Oh man.” he dries his tears, laughing again next."
“Noah didn't want to go out anymore that night. We ordered burritos and stayed at his place. Calum and I spent the whole night laughing about it.” I speak too fast, running over a few words. I replay the scene in my head a few more times still flustered.
They both look at me and Leah starts jumping up and down in celebration. I remembered, I remembered! I start yelling at her, celebrating.
“What's wrong?” my mother comes running from the bedroom.
“I remembered. I remembered Noah with bad hair!” I shout, out of breath. The three of them hug me and again we shout.
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kimtaegis · 3 years
Guys please stop attacking Annie, she said something because she felt sad and immediately yall attacked her so obviously she got defensive. Yeah idk why they made this episode feel so final, run hasn't done that before so it DOES make it feel like they might be taking a longer break then usual (a year, 2, we have no idea) so people are allowed to feel sad. Yall read to deep into her tone... and I get sad about so much bts content sometimes, it just can't be helped. Sometimes I'm just tired of the western content. Sometimes I'm just tired of life in general and then something bts related happens and I feel like my final thread gets cut so I react accordingly. Does that mean I need to get canceled???. Annie never said she hates bts, all she said was she feels sad because she's feeling like yet another thing that made her feel like she was at home with them got taken away and it sucks... yes people can unfollow if it bothers them, but also, like... idk I feel like it's weird that we expect eachother to always be happy online and never feel upset by things.
I get sad all the time because we don't get unplanned vlives 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ . Is that fair of me?? Idk.. but it's the vlives that made idols feel more approachable to me and when I only get the planned out content it feels less real and doesn't comfort me in the same way. Personal opinion. I'm not evil for having one.
Anyways. Yall need to chill out and watch a jimin vlive and eat a slice of cake and stop stressing about everything.
Don't let the grumpy butts control you love, you're allowed to post what you want. You're not being malicious, you're human. Xx 💚💚💚💜💜💜Kat
Something I’ve always been proud of is that I’m quite an honest person, but that I can manage to mostly not be offensive, and it felt like those few anons wanted to make me feel exactly that and it sucked. I don’t know about you but I like seeing people’s take on things, and like seeing different opinions than mine, as long as they’re respectful. Why would you make someone feel bad because they feel differently than you? That’s so immature. Sorry Kat I’m just really fed up with what just happened, it proved my point about this site. Even though there’re amazing and kind people like you here too, I still have the urge to not post anything personal whatsoever on here anymore from now on. I’m aware that I’m not a very positive and bright presence on here, but I’ve never felt like I had to defend my own feelings before, and it’s not a very nice feeling
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takamakisu · 4 years
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This is a super indulgent fanfic where Mishima actually gets treated nicely by Akira and Co. so whoooo-
Being the admin of the Phan-Site, while a job of passion, was extremely tiring. Mishima spent many sleepless nights banning trolls, replying to comments, and creating forums. Life became a routine: go to school, do homework, manage the Phan-Site. Visit the shops, manage the Phan-Site. Eat, while managing the Phan-Site. Take a nap. Phan-Site. Phan-Site. 
His fingers flew like spider's legs over the keyboard of his phone and laptop, determined to carry the little world that he had created on his shoulders like a modern day Atlas. The Phantom Thieves needed him, he HAD to help them, he had to he had to-
Some jerk was going off about how the Phantom Thieves were "immoral" and "a danger to justice. Mishima automatically moved his finger to ban another troublemaker, then squinted at the username. 
Mishima blinked once, twice, and belatedly realized that Goro Akechi himself was on his site, wanting to start an argument about the moral ethics of the Phantom Thieves. A ghost of a smile flickered across Yuuki's lips, and instead of banning, he clicked the "reply" button instead. This could be a once in a lifetime opportunity, why not humor it? After letting Akechi have it, an argument between the two ensues. Other users joined the fray and laughed at the detective prince, and Mishima smugly banned the annoying, stuck up guy once he'd had his fun. What a moron. Felt good, to finally be in control.
Unfortunately, Mishima hadn't been paying attention to where he was going, and he bumped into the door of the cafeteria, shaking himself to bring his surroundings to standstill. A mild blush painted itself over his cheeks and he looked around nervously to see if anybody had noticed- and of course they had. They were hiding their mouths behind their hands with shaking shoulders, and Yuuki felt a wave of irritation wash over. "Oh yeah, sure, laugh!" he snapped. "Don't you guys have anything better to do?" In a huff, he entered the cafeteria, then stationed himself at a table in the back, as always. And as always, he kept an eagle eye on the Phan-Site. It was the last thing he checked before sleeping (if he slept at all) and the first thing he looked over in the morning. The days began to blur together, and tired became his neutral state of being. But he kept at it, because they needed him, and he needed to be needed. It was the only thing he had going for him, only thing that made him worth something..
Another day at a table alone in the cafeteria, and Mishima blinked somewhat blearily at his phone, scrolling through threads as words began to blur together. And then suddenly, his device was swiped away, and the boy looked up absolutely flabbergasted into the bespectacled face of Akira Kurusu. "Hey," Yuuki cried when the shock wore off, eyebrows furrowing. "That's mine. Give it back!" He reached for it, but Akira held it up higher, and irritation erupted in Mishima's chest. Shooting up from his chair, he angrily stared the other brunet down and leaped for his phone, clawing at it desperately. "Stop it!!!!!!" 
"You are absolutely obsessed with this thing," Kurusu replied calmly, his tenor voice mellow as he kept the phone just out of reach. "Every time I see you, your face is buried in it. When was the last time you slept?" he demanded, eyes narrowing. The anger was shocked away, and Yuuki merely stared, unable to formulate a response. "You don't even remember, do you Mishima?" he frowned. Students were watching them now, mouths and eyes wide open. 
"Why do you care?" Yuuki challenged, anger washing over again. "Just give me back my phone. I need it," he hollered, and his voice broke and his vision began to blur as he reached up and up and up but it wasn't enough, it wasn't enough.
"Why do you need it, Mishima?"
"Because I have to run the Phan-Site and if I don't have my phone, I can't do that!!" Yuuki's voice shot up into the higher ranges to the point he was almost shrieking, and hot tears began to leak out of his eyes and he hated it, he hated it so much. Why couldn't people just leave him alone?! "GIVE IT BACK, I SWEAR TO GOD-"
Akira grabbed his shoulders and shook him mildly, grey eyes stormy. "STOP IT."  Mishima was stunned into silence, and his chest heaved. "Do you see what this thing-" and he held up the phone- "is DOING to you? You're so consumed with it that it's become like a part of you and you don't even know who you are without it anymore. The Phan-Site is not going to crash and burn if you're not there for one day. It is going to be fine. You, on the other hand, are running yourself into the GROUND. Do you ever take any time to yourself? Outside of this??"
"This is an intervention, Mishima," Akira declared. "You are going to take better care of yourself. And I won't take no for an answer." With that, he pocketed the phone, and Yuuki stared hollowly, eyes and cheeks red from tears. "Now, come on."
"Huh? Where are we going?"
"You're coming to sit with me." Whispers began to rise like winds, and Kurusu turned on his heel to go back to his table. Mishima moved to follow him, but his surroundings became hazy and he stumbled, unbalanced. When did everything start moving….?
He was falling. The next thing he knew he was in Akira's arms, and the whispers had gotten louder. "What's the matter?" Kurusu asked, concern heavy. Yuuki didn't answer. His head felt like somebody had stuffed it full of cotton, and he couldn't think straight. "Okay, um," the taller boy stammered, "let's just..let's go to the nurse, yeah?" Putting Mishima's arm around his shoulder, the duo made their way to the nurse's office. Thankfully Yuuki wasn't ill, merely overtired, and he drifted off after a few minutes. When he came to, Akira was back. "Mornin' sleepyhead. Time to go."
"Go?" Mishima echoed, turning his head towards Akira. "Go where?"
"Home. Classes are over for the day."
The shorter boy shot up like a rocket, eyes huge. "WHAT?! I slept that long!?" 
"Sure did. You gotta take better care of yourself," was the calm reply, and Mishima felt a prickle of shame. "And since you passed out before eating lunch, dinner's on me." Through the sea of people they walked to Leblanc, and Akira grabbed two plates of curry, setting one in front of Mishima. "Oh, I almost forgot," he said, "I got your phone still. Eat up, and then you can have it back." Yuuki began to eat quietly, and Akira did as well, comfortable with the silence. After a few minutes, Mishima put his fork down, surroundings blurring again, and bit his lip, burying his face in his arms.
"Woah, hey," the messy haired boy gasped. "What are you crying for? I knew Boss's curry was good, but I didn't know it was that good-"
"Why do you care?" Yuuki choked, scrubbing at his eyes. "Nobody else does. Not my parents, not anybody in the school, so why do- it's my fault your record was leaked it's my fault people hate you, Kurusu!" 
"Mishima, that wasn't your fault," Akira said firmly. "Stop taking burdens that aren't yours to carry. I don't hold that against you, okay?"
"I'm sorry," Yuuki muttered, because he didn't know what else to do, or say.
"It's not your fault. And to answer your question, I care because it's what friends do."
"..friends?" Mishima whispered, looking up incredulously.
"Yup, you're my friend now. So you're stuck with me. Whoohoo!" Akira grinned, and in spite of himself, Yuuki grinned back, weakly. 
"You're a great guy, you know that?"
"Nah. I'm just doin' the right thing."
"Sounds like something a Phantom Thief would say," Mishima replied with a knowing smile, and Kurusu's eyes widened slightly. "You thought you were subtle? I know that was you. I'll bet Sakamoto and Takamaki are in on it too. But don't worry! I swear not to tell a soul. That's what friends do, yeah?" he nodded, going back to his curry. "They keep‎ secrets." Akira nodded in reply. 
"Thanks for being our biggest supporter. Just remember to take care of yourself, too." 
After eating, Mishima went home, feeling significantly lighter, and he realized as he stepped inside he'd left his phone with Kurusu. 
….oh well. He'd be okay. He had a lot to think about, anyway.
The next day, Yuuki plodded along to school, and during lunchtime began to make his way to his regular seat. But a gentle hand to his wrist stopped him in his tracks. "Hey," a feminine voice said, and he looked up into Ann Takamaki's baby blues. 
"Come sit with us," she went on, gesturing with her head towards the table with Sakamoto and Kurusu. "Nobody should be sitting alone!" 
Mishima blinked twice. "I don't wanna be a bother or anything-"
"You're not. Come on, silly!" Ann chirped, pulling him along to where her friends were gathered. Ryuji grinned at him from ear to ear, toothily. 
"Hey man! What's up?" 
"I'm...good?" Mishima ventured, hesitantly taking a seat. "Thanks for letting me sit with you guys, Takamaki-san."
"Just call me Ann!" she smiled, and he nodded, slowly. 
"Oh, uh- alright." 
Lunch was nice, and Mishima felt wanted for once. After it was over, he stood to go, but Ann tapped his shoulder. "Hey."
"What's your cell? So we can keep in touch." 
"Oh uh..I don't have my phone on me."
"Really?" Ryuji questioned, eyebrows raised. "That thing's so attached to you it's like it's your girlfriend or something," he joked, playfully punching the brunet in the arm. Wordlessly, Akira passed Mishima his device, face set. A beat.
"Wait, why do YOU have-"
"Ohhh," the blondes chorused, nodding and muttering in understanding. "So, Mishima," Ryuji went on, "I'm thinking about going to the arcade after school. You wanna come with?" 
Yuuki's grin is soft but full. "That sounds fun, Sakamoto. I'd love to."
"Ay man no need to be all formal and all that. Jus' call me Ryuji."
"Ah- okay Ryuji."
"Oh, hey!" Ann piped up, pulling out her 3DS, "Almost forgot to check on my town."
"You play Animal Crossing?!" Mishima cried excitedly, then shrank in embarrassment "Ah, sorry. I just- um."
But Ann just grinned at him. "Sure do! Wanna exchange friend codes?"
"What's so excitin' about picking fruit and talkin' to animals, anyways?" Ryuji wondered. "I don't get it."
"It's relaxing!" Ann huffed, puffing up her cheeks. Mishima nodded in agreement. 
"Yeah. The guy who created the game actually did so because he missed his family and he wanted the player to experience a sense of community," he explained, moving his hands as he talked. "It's helped a lot of people feel like they had somewhere to belong, if only for a while. You actually get closer to your villagers the more you talk to them too, and- they basically become like your friends!" He's rambling, and Mishima goes quiet, embarrassed again. "Um. Yeah."
"Huh. That's pretty cool," Ryuji nodded, and Yuuki grinned. 
Ann exchanged friend codes and phone numbers, and Mishima felt ten pounds lighter for the rest of the day. The arcade was really fun too, and the four of them went out to eat afterwards and by the time it was time to go home, Yuuki was tired, but in the best way. 
...he still hadn't checked the Phan-Site. Pulling it up, he was surprised to see that a post had been made by him, with several replies. 
Hey guys! I'm not going to be quite as active for a little while, I've been super tired lately. I'll still be here of course, but I need some time to recuperate. ~Admin
To his shock, an overwhelming amount of the replies were positive. 
That's OK! Take care of yourself! 
Your health comes first man no sweat
get some rest king u deserve it 
He's crying again. Maybe people really did care. Maybe he really didn't have to put every waking moment into this. 
..but who got into his account? His phone had a password so somebody must've hacked it to- 
He'd have to thank Futaba later. For now, he was going to bed. Akira was right. It wouldn't die if he wasn't there 24/7, and he had friends now; people who cared about him. Pulling up the group chat, he sent a text:
hey guys! i had a great time today. thanks for everything. 
Three dots appeared, and then Ryuji replied.
 [no prob bro]
[we shud hang out more]
Ann was next. 
[yw! we had a good time too :)]
And then Akira.
im going to bed now gn]
[good night!]
Mishima put his phone away and drifted off, looking forward to school for the first time in a very long time. Life wasn't magically sunshine and rainbows now, but with 3 new friends, it was going to be a lot easier.
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alex-baebae · 5 years
Pieces of honor
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Chapter 3
Many guys have been knocked out. I don’t know what time it is. “Choi vs Li” the announcement for him “good luck” I tell him smiling, he smiles me back. The fight between them was rough but Seunghyun seemed to be the one who was controlling the situation, suddenly his opponent fell.
That was the first day of the exam, now we are in a special formation. They will give us new instructions in no time, I was next to Seunghyun. “So tomorrow, you will fight with the guys next to you, only the half will be here, you can leave now”. Seunghyun looks at me immediately trying to say something, I just put my hand on his arm “let’s go” I say walking towards our car.
“Ahj” Seunghyun complains “it hurts” I chuckle “of course it hurts! My lovely child look what they have done to you!” Miss Liu exclaims angry. We are sitting on the big couch of the Mansion's living room, I keep cleaning my face by myself “my little princess, I can do that” she says worried about my reddish face (you know there is blood mixed with ethyl alcohol) “no, I can do it Miss Liu… better help Seunghyun, he cannot reach his back” I try to smile with my broken lips.
12pm… I’m about to go to the bed “fuck that guy really punched me hard” I say looking at my face through the big mirror on my wall, someone knocks the door. I open it “Seunghyun” I whisper, he enters quickly.
“What are you doing here? You have to rest” I give him a non-sense look “not gonna fight you tommorow” he looks into my eyes locking the door behind him “you have to! I mean we have to!” he says nothing “I don’t want to, but we have to” I add. Then I sit on my bed “but, I can’t… I… I just cannot do anything in order to hurt you” he explains “Seunghyun you know how this works, you cannot change the rules” I say before looking down thinking about my next steps “I’ll renounce then, I cannot let you do such a thing” I say firmly “but your father, your mother what about them?” he says kneeling next to me “I’ll have more opportunities but you…” he interrupts me “you’ll dishonor them”.
I want so badly to have Seunghyun by side, this is the only way… it doesn’t matter what my parents say, after all, he is the only one who I feel less miserable with.
As I told you first, I have confidence problems since I was a child, plus now that I’m an adult for my parents.... I know all the things they do for money… I just can’t carry on by myself. I need someone, maybe I’m depressed.
“Seunghyun, better leave, someone can hear us” I say trying to escape from making decisions “how many times have we been doing this? We haven’t gotten caught” he insists to be here, I can’t think well. “Sorry” is all I can say, he smiles and caress my cheeks “I have to tell you something important” he says now holding my hands “I’m...” he’s hesitating “I can’t fight you tomorrow because... I’m so fucking in love with you”.
I'm surprised as hell. I mean, it's not like I had not feelings for him, but I have been forcing myself to see him as a friend. I was worried to show him my feelings, he could reject me and I would be alone again, I don’t want to be alone as I have told you.
"I shouldn't have told you that" he says, I'm still quiet "I'm leaving" he walks towards my dorm's door "where do you go?" I shut the door which was been barely open by him, I kiss him, he holds me and returns the kiss.
"Ouch!" My lips hurt, again some blood is on them "sorry, I was so excited" he is nervous as hell "sleep with me" I asked him kissing his jaw "N-no, someone can hear us" he has his hands over my waist "so, are you afraid of it?" I tease him a little "yes, your father will tear me up in seconds" I laugh "come on! He will not do it" I kiss again the both sides of his jaws "I'm not afraid of what he could do to me, but surely I will not be able to see you again" I kiss this time his lips.
"Do to really are scared of that?" he lifts me "of course" he peppers kisses all over my neck "I have been in love so much time that, I cannot be away from you anymore" he adds "neither" I whisper.
"Then let's sleep at your place" I suggest "at my...?" He seems confused "if someone see us they'll think that I was the one looking for your love, not vice versa" he chuckles "please" I hug him tighter "my bed is not comfortable" he says "I don't mind" I say "I must leave now, see you tomorrow... My beloved one" he kisses my forehead.
I let him leave, as soon as I hear his door being closed, I walk towards my window, his dorm is not so far. I climb quickly and I get into his room, he was laying down, his eyes closed "someone could have killed you" I comment.
I don't let him respond, I attack his lips before he can even open his eyes "you are stubborn as a mule" he says between the wet kisses, he places his hands over my waist, his thumbs caressing my skin.
"I bet you like it" kisses again, now his hands touching all over my back, he reaches my neck and holds it to make me be closer to him "yeah, I didn't locked the door, but you surprised me as always" we smash or lips again, a small taste of iron is in our mouths I guess my lips are bleeding
"Let's stop, your lips are going to be all red in the morning" I smile "don't want to" I remove his shirt, he only smiles like me "have you.... Did this with another person?" He's nervous I can notice it "have I had time?" I remove my shirt, I have no bra on, he immediately blushes "no".
That was true, I mean we have been together almost 24/7 all the highschool. We assisted to the same school, sometimes the same classes, we did our homework together, the same basketball club, and my mom's trainings after school... Well we hadn't any time for 'love'.
"Well... Let's just follow the 'instructions' of our bodies" I kissed him again "I have read about this and you know...maybe you have too" while he's speaking, I took his pants off. "Let me take care of you this time" he added "you are the most injured of the both of us" I chuckle "then, do what you want".
I sit in front of him, my legs are spread, he’s closer and closer. He kisses all my body while I touch my clit as when I’m alone pleasing me, he sucks my breasts as I moan with every single touch if his hands. I lay on his bed, he climbs onto me kissing my shoulders "you're so beautiful" he whispers in my ear before he licks my earlobe "Seunghyun" I caress his back with my both hands and his legs with my feet.
He takes off my underwear, he kisses around my wetness, suddenly he licks from down to up my pussy "Seunghyun" I moan his name again, he keeps licking me with his warm tongue, I'm getting wetter. Suddenly he sucks hard my clit causing me to lift my hips to increase the contact of his mouth to my skin.
"Maybe you will like this" he turns me around, now I'm on my knees. My legs wide spread for him, he starts to eat me out again, more moans come from my throat, my legs quiver.
Seunghyun puts a finger inside me "does it hurt?" His fingers are bigger than mine I can feel it well, my pussy tights around his index finger asking for more stimuli "it feels good" he puts another one, of course it stretches me more than my two fingers I used to put in when I was needy "give me a second" I say. It hurts only a little but I want to give time to my muscles to enjoy it more. Meanwhile he’s licking my butthole and touching my clit waiting for my instructions.
I move my hips thrusting me with his fingers, he instantaneously moves them rapidly "oh, that's great" I encourage him to don't stop. "Fuck you taste so well" he turns me around again I keep my legs spread, he's intense glance is on me, he makes eye contact and sucks his fingers looking at me all the time.
Maybe he is lying, maybe he had done this with other girls and I don't blame him because some days I wanted to do it as well. He is now between my legs "can I?" I smile, I have done it with dildos, and vibrators but not with a man. So the confidence I had before starts to disappear "sure" he moved a little "is it inside?" he asked me "no it is not" I smile "shit I believed I did it correctly" I laugh now.
"You seemed to be experienced" he laughs as well "I told you that I haven't done this before" he kisses my cheek "so where have you learn what you did before" I asked curious "one day you left open an article about how to masturbate on your laptop and... you know I remember well many things" my face is all red, fortunately the light of the garden only barely illuminated us.
"Then in that web site was another article about how to masturbate a woman, and I read it of course" I laugh hard "really?" I ask "yes, I thought you liked that page a lot because there were many tabs of them opened" l kiss him "so, you have been planning to fuck with me all this time, haven't you mister Seunghyun?" he gets embarrassed "maybe..." he laughs "to tell the truth, I thought that if someday I could have this opportunity... I wanted to make you feel good".
I took his sex in my hands "wanna know what I've learned in that articles?" I joke, he chuckles "next time, baby" he puts my hands asides my head. He takes his member to be sure this time he's going to not fail, he enters slowly I moan "are you alright?" He asks me worried "yes" he goes deeper "ugh!" I moan grabbing his shoulders "I'll stop" he says. I put my legs around his waist. "No, I guess my dildos are not this big". When I was buying my toys on line, I was worried of insert big shit in me, I guess that fear is normal, so I bought the slender and smaller ones.
Seunghyun gets more embarrassed and laughs "well, that's new" he comments "hey, try to move now" I ask, he did as I said, one of his hands reaches my clit, I soon start to feel nice. Our bodies are sweating, our breaths are crashing into each other's skin, soon I felt my orgasm being built, his name is all I'm able to say...
More updates, I will always love y'all!! ❤️
I'm busy, university is getting more difficult. However I'll do my best to update in less time 💞
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nyangibun · 7 years
hi, sorry idk who to talk to about this but. can you advice me on smth? see there's this guy who won't stop chatting me on another site. idk him personally. it was ok the first 3 times. but now i think he's too invested. i don't want to sound rude but it's actually creepy coz he keeps asking about way personal stuff. idk if he's just really that friendly but the more he talks to me the more uncomfortable i get. how do i uh, ask him to stop talking to me without being horrible? :(((
Hi Anonny!
I’m so sorry that’s happening to you. Honestly, if a person is making you uncomfortable, it’s not horrible of you to tell them so. But then I don’t know the situation so I can’t gauge what kind of reaction that’ll elicit. The problem with dealing with men in real life or online is even when you’re trying to be polite, it can still necessitate a bad reaction.
But you could just simply be honest and say politely that you’re not comfortable with his questions and exposing personal information online. If he responds angrily, just block him. 
Or you could start to phase him out. Reply less and with longer intervals in between replies. See if he gets bored and moves on. If he’s still being insistent, tell him that real life is just really busy and you’re not that active online anymore. If he’s still constantly pestering you, just block him. 
Or simply just block from the get-go if you know neither of those options is going to help at all. 
The truth is there just isn’t an easy way to tell someone you don’t want to speak to them anymore, but you have to know that it does not reflect badly on you if that’s how you feel. If someone is making you uncomfortable online or in real life, it is entirely your prerogative to cut them out of your life. Sometimes an explanation isn’t needed if you know it won’t be received well anyways. What matters most is your safety (physically and emotionally). 
I once dated a guy, who started out great and sweet, but sometime around the 4-month marker, he started to be emotionally manipulative. We’d argue all the time and he’d turn around and make everything my fault. He made me feel awful about myself despite me knowing exactly what he was doing. I tried to make it work but a month later, I had to break it off. I didn’t give him a real reason because I knew if I tried to explain to him what he was doing and how it was affecting me and our relationship, he would’ve gone on the defensive and gotten angry. It was better to just cut him out of my life and move on. And maybe he thinks I’m a complete bitch for not trying hard enough to make it work or to stay friends post-relationship, but I don’t care. I’m happier without him in my life. Yes, I feel guilty about it because I don’t like the idea that I’ve hurt anyone I care about (and despite it all, I did care about him) but I had to value my own well-being first and foremost. 
And that’s what you have to do. The guilt may come but in the end, your well-being is worth it. Better to cut this guy out before it gets worse. 
I really hope that helped. Please let me know if you need me to clarify something or for more advice. I’ll try to do my best
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thatcanadianfangirl · 7 years
*Isaac Lahey* Power Of Mates
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Isaac Lahey X Girl
Request: Challenge
Plot: Mates bring out the softer and more vulnerable side or each other. That’s was main character does to the murderous alpha Isaac.
Word Count: 2,039
A/N: This imagine, or what ever it is. I'm still knew to writing and Tumblr. Is for the What If writing challenge made by @sdavid09. My prompt is What if Isaac was the leader of his own pack? God bless her soul because she had to do a little research for me.
Siting comfortably on my home’s couch.  Silence wrapped around the room like a blanket in the McCall house hold. The pack meeting in slow process, but still continuing.
Glancing at Scott’s feet as he paced through the living room impatiently. Chewing lightly on his finger nails eagerly, you could almost see the concentrated thoughts write over his head in big bold letters. He’ s buried deep inside his chaotic mind.
Lydia and Stiles sitting side by side leaning into each other closely. Whispering their thoughts away together, I secretly smiled to myself. seeing in their eyes they adored one another. Shipping them in the dark was no shame. Liam sat on the couch across from me, fiddle with his thumbs violently. orbs wide as he bit his lip, rapidly thinking. Tapping his foot loudly on the floor sounding like a harsh slap.Everyone else engaged into something, blocking an ounce of the sound out. Malia was placed beside the pack’s pup, playing a game with a determined facial expression. The light sounds of swish, wee, and woo told me she was compelled by the angry birds game.
The fast movement of Liam interrupted my calmed down mind. Jumping up from the love seat, his fiddling was no longer keeping him chained down. “ I can’t wait anymore, you called a pack meeting. What’s going on?” He rambled out like it’ s been caged down for as long as he remembered. He breathed out and relaxed before taking a seat back down.
Scott stopped in his tracks, Lydia and Stiles stopped the flow of their words, Malia letting her phone drop into her lap. Most of the attention growing on the obnoxious puppy, Mine stayed on the alpha. Watching his every move, his eyes carefully becoming red and slowly turning back to a soft brown.  
You're right,” Scott Started, running his hand from the base of his neck then through his hair. “There is another pack in town.” He stated gently , letting us take in the new information we’ve been waiting for.
My heart skipped a single beat, making me think of my original pack. The one I left, the one that used to torture and brutally abuse humans. Just for the joy of watching them suffer. I couldn't stand there and hear human’s desperate cries for help. it wasn't who I was or ever will be, I ran from my brother, my alpha, and my pack.
Scott has said this a million times before, but my mind still thought it was them. If it was them, would they be back for me? That was a stupid question because deep down I new he would be here for me. It scared my heart till the last minute I knew for sure it wasn't his pack.
Never looking back was the best choice I’ve made. Scott and Stiles found me and hesitantly took me in under their wings. It’s wasn't long before Melissa started to take care of me like her own. I will forever be grateful for her pure heart.
“I would of called you guys in sooner, but I don't know what they’re here for. I wanted to know before I told you anything. Their scents are closer towards the preserve, they're slowly spreading towards the city. “  Scott informed us,
“Why don't we go see if they’re a threat at least.’ Malia said shrugging.
“I don't know how many there are.”
My heart clenched harder, my old pack had at least thirty  members. He wouldn't risk having every single strong werewolf member out there. Giving a chance  for the weaker ones to get attacked . I couldn't help,  but be sure it was them.
“There shouldn't be anymore than ten.” I spoke up getting everyone's attention. Scott’s eyebrows furrowed slightly at me.
“How would you know? You didn't know this pack exist until three minutes ago.” Stiles spat out at me sending me a harsh glare. In the past month he’s been giving me the darker side of him. I couldn't figure the real reason why, it was almost like a press of a button.
“I have a feel this is Isaac’s pack.” I stated confidently as a rush of cold washed over my body.
“who is Isaac?” Lydia asked with curiosity colored in her eyes.
“My previous Alpha.”
Tight clothing making me feel more comfortable than I should be in them. Light jeans reaching under my belly button, accompanied by a blue floral shirt. The pair making my body curve a little more than it usual is.
I picked at my nails letting them talk with a small click. What if Isaac is here for me? Wanting for me to be the alpha female by his side, I only got the title and not the power that was suppose to come along with it. I was terrified of him, that being the reason I ran and hide for as long as I can.
“Stop it before you explode for paranoia.”  Lydia spoke over her car radio, she pulled the stirring wheel to the left as she turned into the school parking lot. My hands dropped to my lap forcing a real smile to my lips. “You're right Lyds, I need to breath a little and stop thinking about him.” My tone more light and fluffy as we got out of her blue Toyota.
Trying to convince myself I was over thinking this I walked with Lydia towards the school with small conversation. The tiny tingle at the deep bottom of my heart told me otherwise.
More than half way through the day, the worried thoughts of Isaac drifted away into a rocky shore. Now my mind was focused on the small urge to pee. Not wanting to interrupt the whole class I started tapping my foot repeatedly on the floor quietly.
I’ve done that for awhile before Stiles who was sitting beside me on the left, nudged me harshly in the rib. Causing me to yelp out in pain, Everyone in the class turned their head towards me. The teacher lifting his eyebrows at me, I gulped preparing myself to talk.
“May I be excused?” I squeaked out feeling the sting in my ribs spread, Stiles is human, but Jesus can he jab hard. Mr. Allister nodded his head stiffly before continuing his lesson. I turned my head at Stiles shooting him a death glare, “Watch it Stilinski.” I growled out, he shrugged “Sorry omega, didn't realize you were that weak.” His tone dark and husky.
‘What did I ever do to you?” asked sounding disparate and breathless.  
“Not notice me.” He said gently  right before turning his head back to the lesson, Not giving me a chance to reply to him. I furrowed my eyebrows as I finally made it out of the class room. What did he even mean by that?
Was Stiles secretly interested in me and I didn't happen to see it? Don't get me wrong he’s cute and dorky, but He’s always been pining for Lydia, my now best friend. He’ s in a relationship with her, why would he hold a grudge?
The hallways filled with painful silence, a light ringing in my ears making me turn my head. Looking for the sound then realize that the sound was in my head.  my footsteps and the vague murmurs from the closed classroom doors was the only sound heard.
Now spotting the light pink sign with the person on the front wearing a dress, girls reading underneath her. I hurried my pace feeling the urge to pee build like a sand castle, fast and unpleasant. stretching out towards the metal handle and almost feeling the coldness, but not quite there before my body was whisked fast.
my heart racing with speed virtually missing several beats. My back slamming into the hallway wall forced by another being, my eyes locking in dark blue eyes. No matter how long I haven't seen those eyes, I will never forget who they belonged to..
My murderous mate.
I whimpered under his body, shocked that I didn't catch his intoxicating scent and still couldn't. His touch burning my skin forcing sparks to erupt through out my whole body.  his right hand capturing both my hands as the other one rested on the wall, trapping me either way.
A playful smirk appeared on his face feeling me struggle under his grip, but falling badly. “Try as you will, but I’m never letting you leave again.” His husky and thick tone sent scared tingles to my spine.
“You have no control over me.” I spat harshly at him, hiding the terrified feeling settling in my stomach. Feeling the power beginning to run natural in my veins from the presence of him. Our bond connecting easily, souls happier together after being away from one another for a long amount of time. No longer feeling terrified of him as I flicked my claws and ripped my wrists from his hands.
He backed away a little with wide eyes slightly surprised by my action. In the presence of your mate you got more stronger, more powerful. The pair becoming more dangerous than another pack. Alpha soul mates being unstoppable, and it’ s a huge risk to the human kind.
“I finally found you, my Luna, Don't think for a minute I’d let you go.” He spoke letting me step away from him, stunned he didn't force me back into the wall again. Understanding my power was equal with his for the first time.
“Why would I come back to your pack? Watch humans get harmed and killed when you could be saving their lives.”
“If you said anything about it I'd stop, for you.” he spoke trying to reach for me.
“I did do that, you slashed my cheek and told me never to do it again. You were the one in control and you didn't let me forget it.” I chocked out feeling my throat tighten.
“I loved you, love you. I didn't everything for you.” it physically hurt to heard him say that, he was too blind.
“No! Isaac you were too blinded by your blood thirst for power you didn't realize you were hurting me. That’s the reason I left.” I spoke harshly amazed no one came into the hall to see what was going on. I turned and stormed down the hall, hearing him following me.
“I love you!” he hollered.
I immediately stopped in my tracks, closing my eyes and sighing. Those were the words I was scared he’d say, It made them more believable that he sounded desperate for me to stay. his words were true and I hated it.
“I looked for you the whole time you were gone, Without you I felt my soul grow weak and I became feared by the pack.” 
“That’s who you are.” My breath hitched as I spoke.
“It hurts even more when you say it.” He mumbled, but to me it was clear as if he whispered in my ear.
“But I can’t help that my heart longs for you.” I said turning back around facing him. his dark shade of blue eyes transforming into a lighter shade. he’s powerful. I just couldn't ignore his vulnerable side. It was long before a smirked plastered on his lips.
“That’ my Luna.” He power walked towards me, grabbing behind my neck pulled me towards his lips, like mine were the last drop of water. Our lips moving Harshly in sync, my hands slowly traveling up his arms as his moved down to my hips. Giving them a quick squeeze before pulling me closer practically pulling us to one.
The ringing of the bell was the open gate, letting students flood through the halls. We pulled away from each other letting air back into our lungs. “From this moment on everything is about to change.” Isaac spoke, I smiled. “Good.” feeling happy, a feeling I’ve never real felt till now.
At the last second my eyes landed on Stiles, Leaning against a few lockers. His body tense as his face held disappointment and right now I could care less. I have my mate and I couldn't think of anything better.
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cartaphilus · 6 years
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Hey guys! Long time, no see, right? Yeah... Well, unfortunately, you won’t be seeing me on here for another long while. If at all. You see, with the way Tumblr’s heading, I don’t feel comfortable staying on this site anymore. I’ve sort of lost my will to RP anywhere except Discord, and with Tumblr’s new policy and horrendous flagging system, it feels like the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak.
You can catch me on Discord if you’d like to keep in contact with me, or you can follow me on Twitter.
My Discord is Axothotl (Vik)#8666!
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