#sorry i meant bigger
pyr0frnzy · 29 days
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live laugh love genderbends (specifically the mtf kind)
(also zosan under the cut bc i need to draw Sanji being a girl failure it’s her fate)
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chungledown-bimothy · 4 months
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this is my "they're so tactical and so late" i can't fucking breathe i'm laughing so hard
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cynthrey · 3 months
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continuation to this piece cuz scott also deserves a wittle bit of a gay panic
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redbootsindoriath · 2 months
Apparently in my absence this post had its 1000-notes-iversary.
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This time we get to see the culprit responsible for ruining our heroes' lives as well.
I've really missed you guys, by the way. I know I've said that already, but I'm serious. Once or twice this year I've been right on the brink of coming back but schedule stuff always keeps me from letting myself commit to that again, and that in turn has kept me from posting anything at all. But I've been in an unexpected drawing mood lately and so if I can get enough stuff to set up a queue we might pretend I'm back for a month or so sometime this year. Maybe. Hopefully. We'll see. No promises though. That's why I'm hiding this paragraph under the cut.
[Beren:] "Uhhh...barkeep...I think he's had enough now..." [Tolkien:] "No, I don't think he has...!"
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skunkes · 7 months
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spidergangforever · 9 months
OK I've got one for Huntsman.
You're able to track through scent and a keen eye for tracks in various terrains. Have you ever tracked big game, like say...a moose? And if you did, have you kept anything as souvenir like the horns?
~ Princess Anon (👸)
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I always say "Morning" because if it was a good morning I would be Hunting
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classicintp · 1 year
There is this whole idea that flipping a two sided coin doesn't have a 50-50 probability. It's not a new idea by any means, but the explanation is if you measured the mass of the coin, the force of the flip, the temperature of the coin & of the room, the force of any breeze, wind, or vibration in the air as it traveled, and so on, you could accurately determine within a small margin of error what side the coin will land on every time, and if you kept those constant it would flip on the same side every time. And that idea is also KIND OF the explanation for the conclusion in quantum physics that there is no free will.
A lot of people hear that and either clutch their pearls, roll their eyes, or aren't interested either way. (I mean, when you say some shit like that you're just going to immediately turn off any interest most people would have otherwise had but I'm digressing now). We all like to think we make decisions and choices, and then amateurs who want to talk about quantum mechanics alienate everyone by saying it's not true: you were always going to make these choices with no chance to make the other one.
But what I said in the first paragraph is something-like (but not exactly) what it means when you hear or read that according to quantum physics we have no free will. That if we had an unfathomable device that has been measuring all the variables of every single particle that was expelled during the Big Bang, with an also-sufficient/also-currently-unfathomable algorithm to plug those variables into, all within a computer that could do all of the calulations for BILLIONS of years, we could compute exactly where every particle was going and where it would end up, including those that make up the stars and planets, that make up the ground and oceans, that make up the animals and plants, that make up your brain and all of the proteins and neurotransmitters. That if it could all be measured and an algorithm sufficiently built then the decisions you make are already determined by the ongoing relationships and interactions the particles that make up your brain had in the past and are having right now.
However, humans cannot measure that, they likely never ever will.
Anyone that tells me they don't like quantum mechanics because something something affront to nature blah blah "they" don't believe in free will, etc. literally doesn't know it's just a rescale of the coin toss description. You still believe coin tosses are 50-50 because you aren't going to measure the variables used to receive an answer, you can still believe in free will because you can't measure the variables used to determine the ultimate path of all particles; I mean, I wouldn't become a theoretical physicist if that meant so much to you but I'm not your dad, do what you want.
Edit: I know I described the science mostly wrong, please check out the replies and reblogs for others' corrections and feel free to add corrections of your own for mine and others' learning, thank you.
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arolesbianism · 7 months
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Some concepts for the siblings
#keese draws#rain world#rain world survivor#rain world monk#just impulsive slug cat practice mostly but I also have been wanting to draw them#I wanna try my hand at making fun designs for some of the others so I needed to get my baseline first#I wanna go for more rodent vibes than cat but not too much so#I also wanna draw some of my other slugcat biology hcs but no promises I’ve been going thru it lately#oh yeah and I do imagine most slugcats as completely hairless so no fluffy arti sorry y’all#she does get the closest to having actual teeth of all of them tho so that’s a win for her#well ok all slugcats kind of have teeth but they’re more like small spines that line the front of their mouths#they don’t chew on food tho the teeth are for tearing bits of food off of things#carnivorous slugcats have bigger spines that more so resemble teeth but only in the sense that they’re much larger and easier to see#they also very much hurt more although usefulness in combat is often limited#as getting a good enough grip on a moving target ain’t easy#in fact these big ol teeth are more meant to be used for trapping prey while they like beat them to death or smth#but with larger prey becoming most carnivorous scugs main food source they don’t get used that way as often anymore#in my minds eye way way back slugcats used to be egg predators but as more and more dangerous predators started being common they adapted#a much more omnivorous diet with most of their protein coming from bugs#and hey now they eat bug eggs full circle Babey
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magpieddd · 6 months
Tormenting my little brother by playing god awful songs while he can't get away (he's building his lego set and he can't move all that shit elsewhere) is my god given right as an older sibling. Actually.
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spring-lxcked · 12 days
my ideal poly ship of:
a dimension-hopping ultra-powered girlfriend
a boyfriend who is always .00001 seconds away from violently and gleefully committing murder in the first degree
and henry em.ily
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follivora · 9 months
so I started thinking what kind of content we'd get if he didn't take his gf on the vacation but went with like Häärijä instead
and I came to the conclusion that it'd be probably most hilarious and all over the place, but then I realised that somebody would need to be there to film the stuff anyways
so either they'd have to either hire some local guy or bring his gf with but just to film the tiktoks
and because they can only afford one room they'd just get an extra baby bed for Häärijä 😄
well I don’t think that häärijä’s wife would be exactly thrilled about this lmao, i’m happy he’s got a holiday with someone he loves 🩷
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pulchrasilva · 3 months
Thinking about every time someone criticised me or acted like I was stupid over something that they were wrong about or didn't wait long enough to hear my explanation of and made assumptions about what I was saying. Exploding them all a hundred times. And I cant even bring it up yo clarify without looking petty and pathetic (because I am petty and pathetic)
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soulnottainted · 9 months
Me going to horr//or nights not expecting to be charmed by the icon and selling my soul to him and tHINKING ABOUT HIM BEING A PLATONIC FO AND UH
also different versions of him are scattered throughout the event so literally every single iteration has approached me and iM JUST-
he is very flattering and charming and also I didn't expect him to pull the motivational speaker role out of his hat bUT
For context, my friend got her sign read and "sold her soul" to Dr odd//fellow the very first night of horror nights on stage. And so I've bravely wanted to do that myself too. SO LAST NIGHT SHE PROCEEDED TO PUT HER ARMS AROUND MY SHOULDERS AND GO "T H I S ONE WANTS TO SELL YOU HER SOUL"
and therefore tHIS VIDEO EXISTS
it's very hard to hear, I'll try and transcribe it at a later time but
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side-of-honey · 11 months
Are you gonna keep making content for imaginary friends?
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dudefrommywesterns · 6 months
i can't stand clothes that are supposed to be "plus size" that make me wonder if any clothes could possibly be flattering on me at all. especially the "one size fits all" in the plus size section. i'm the smaller end of that section. you've fucked up.
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Tfw you get recommended a particular pastor-teacher by a peer and you have gotten just wise enough at this point to go look the person up before just ingesting their teaching, and the top two things they have recently said are "Christian Nationalism is a good thing and a God-ordained pursuit" and "Israel should by no means pause or cease fire" and you're just like. Aha. Ok then. Glad I checked first. 😅
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