#sorry i took forever mod
ask-dimension71542 · 4 months
Looking for a response from Lord Eclipse AND Servant Sun.
What does "Maintenance" mean? Why is Sun so afraid of it? (From what i've seen.
-From, The Rebels(the GATOs)
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I’ll assume you lot knew what everything was like before I reset this universe and built it from scratch, so I’ll spare you several details. The “maintenance” is how I keep Sun in line. Sometimes he’ll get too independent and rebellious so I have to go in and fix it. The pain just helps to hammer in the lesson. And if those things don’t work, I can always send him to the bloodmoons to play with. Their favorite game is “rip apart and put back together”
It’s very painful…….i don’t like talking about it…….. - ☀️
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youredreamingofroo · 6 months
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εїз Stardew Valley Profile εїз ʚ- Roo Norman -ɞ
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Made by : @bigeyedkitteh ( Profile maker ) Portraits from : Slightly Edited Portraits by Poltergeister Duck and Chicken icons from : Elle's Cuter Coop Animals by Elle/Uploaded by junimods
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(Just a fair warning, this got a LOTTTT longer than I expected it to 😭)
Because I got a little too invested in this, I'm gonna lengthily elaborate on most parts of the profile, enjoy :)
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Pequeño and Gräddkanna/Grädde
Pequeño is a 3 year old Mallard Duck. As a duckling, Pequeño lived with Marnie on her Ranch for a couple of weeks, Marnie was convinced he wouldn't live to see the next week, at this point, as he was scrawny and very obviously a runt compared to the rest of brood. In this same week, Roo was looking for another feathery friend to occupy his space with him and ended up visiting Marnie, and upon seeing the scrawny duckling, he asked Marnie if he could take him in, she warned him, but he was persistent- He left that Ranch with a duckling who could barely hold his own. It's taken three years of strenuous work to keep Pequeño well, but Roo didn't give up and now, at three years old, Pequeño is alive and, although he struggles from time to time, he is well and very happy. Roo calls him Pequeño because it means little, and Pequeño is a very little duck- Pequeño is also one of the only words Roo knows in Spanish. (Pequeño is also a reference to a tame I had in ARK LMAO)
Gräddkanna, or Grädde, is a 6 year old Cream colored Silkie Chicken. Roo has had Grädde for 4 years, like Pequeño, She was taken in from Marnie, although Grädde was in much better condition than Pequeño upon being adopted. Roo never considered himself to be a bird lover, and especially never considered himself to be a bird owner, but it was like love at first sight when he saw Grädde meandering Marnie's Ranch- So Roo began indirectly asking Marnie if Grädde (or Mila, as Marnie had originally named her) was available to buy, she said that Mila/Grädde was there to stay on her Ranch, but it was the saddened look in his eyes when he was exiting that had Marnie begin to reconsider her choice, and Roo left her place empty-handed. A week later, Marnie showed up at Roo's door, early in the morning with a Silkie chicken being cuddled in her arms, she knocked and was met with a rather grumpy Roo, however he lightened up when he saw Mila in Marnie's arms, She offered him Mila for a low price (15 dollars), while she was willing to give up Mila, she wasn't going to give up Mila for nothing- He happily paid Marnie and took Mila, now Grädde, in his arms. Grädde co-parented with Roo to raise Pequeño, Grädde was very happy and eager to take Pequeño under her wing (pun intended), and so she did. Grädde and Pequeño are now best friends and sometimes you'll see Pequeño hitching a ride on Grädde's back, this is more commonly seen when Roo is wandering the town and he isn't actively carrying Pequeño, he [Pequeño] does this mainly because he is too weak to walk for long and has to rest, and Grädde is just strong enough to carry around Pequeño for a moderate amount of time. Gräddkanna means Creamer and Grädde means Cream in Swedish, Roo named/nicknamed her that because of her Cream feathers and because the texture of her feathers reminds Roo of Cream.
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Roo Facts 1-5
- ♪ "Tends to wander town with Grädde and Pequeño" Roo loves his birds, and equally loves wandering as much as he does his birds, so during the day (during any season except Summer), you'll often find Roo wandering about in town or in the forest with Grädde and Pequeño, there's a couple different wandering variations, the most common being him carrying Pequeño with Grädde following suit, an uncommon variant will be of, as mentioned earlier, Pequeño on Grädde's back, and a rarer variant that will only occur later on during your playthrough (around year 2, and progressively becomes more common beyond year 2), is of Roo with only Grädde or Pequeño, this is due to Pequeño's condition and age and Grädde's age, Roo will only carry one of his two birds, as the birds age, Grädde becomes weaker and unable to walk as much and unable to carry Pequeño as long as she used to. As for Pequeño, he is unable to stay out for long at this point, meaning Roo has to leave him at home so he can stay warm, leaving Roo to carry Grädde around town (and vice versa, depending on how Grädde is doing). Another rare variant that only occurs VERY late in the playthrough (around year 4-5+, becomes more common in later years beyond year 6) is of Roo by himself- as mentioned, his birds are old at this point, and around year 4-6, they are too old to be able to even travel with Roo, this variant contains the least amount of dialogue lines from Roo and is the variant where most times, you will not be able to talk to him, due to him being sad about not having his birds (I did not want to include pet death in his story, so Roo's birds do live, however any year after year 6-8 will only include his last wandering variant)
- ♪ "He hates Summer, so most of his summer schedule is spent in his home" It's as the fact states, Roo hates the Summer and thus doesn't leave his home much for most of the day. You're more likely to see him wander around around sunset, as it's cooler and isn't nighttime where his birds won't get lost. Due to this, it is significantly harder to befriend and/or romance Roo during this season- it's still possible, just a bit frustrating/difficult to do so. To get a brief/broader look at his schedule during the summer, here's a time chart of his weekly summer schedule:
Mon-Thurs, Sat : [ 9:00 AM: Waking up [ 10:00 AM: Tending to his birds [ 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM: Hanging out around his home with his birds, awaiting sunset [ 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM: Nap [ 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Town wandering with his birds (or without, depending on the year)
Fri : [ 10:00 AM: Waking up [ 11:00 AM: Tending to his birds [ 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM: Cleaning house [ 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM: Nap [ 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Town wandering with his birds (or without, depending on the year)
Sun : [ 11:00 AM: Waking up [ 12:00 PM: Tending to his birds [ 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM: More house cleaning [ 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM: Hanging out around his home with his birds, awaiting sunset [ 5:00 - 5:30 PM: Nap [ 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Town wandering with his birds (or without, depending on the year)
- ♪ "Used to date Leo until he [Leo] moved to Zuzu City" Leo and Roo briefly dated/were friends with benefits (it was complicated), Leo was new to Pelican Town, and it didn't take long for him and Roo to hit it off, however, Leo did not fancy the small farm/town life, and left a couple of months later for Zuzu city, officially cutting it off with Roo. This took place before Roo got his birds and when he was also new to Pelican Town (albeit, not as new as Leo)
- ♪ "He resides in Cindersap Forest" Roo technically lives in Cindersap Forest, he lives in the forest gap between Cindersap Forest/Marnie's Ranch and 1 Willow Lane (Sam's house), i'm sure ya'll know what I mean, but here's where he is on the map (for all my visualizer homies out there):
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Roo's home is unavailable during the very beginning of a playthrough, and you cannot meet him properly until the Flower Dance. It IS possible to meet him during the Egg Festival, however he is off to the side somewhere beyond the bar, over by Dusty- At this point, Roo won't really talk to you, and will only say "Hello." before going back to watching the festival from afar, this will not count as meeting him. Going back to the Flower Dance, he is found standing awkwardly off to the side by Elliott and Leah, you can talk to him, and he'll, like before, say "Hello." and this will count as meeting him, and you will see him around town from here on out. After meeting Roo, two new areas will be introduced, when going between Cindersap and Pelican town, you will instead go to a small threeway intersection instead of going directly to and fro- going upwards will take you to another small area which is where Roo's home is. I don't have an exact image of what his home looks like right now, but just know it does have a little fenced off area for his birds, and the inside of his home is pretty duck/chicken-proofed. Roo's home cannot be entered until you get 2 hearts with him, and after reaching 2 hearts and entering his home, you will have to further your relationship with him (4 hearts) to be able to enter his bedroom.
- ♪ "Roo rarely visits Calico Desert, but when he does, him and Sandy chat up a storm" Perhaps one of the biggest surprise facts LMAO Him and Sandy are really good friends, unfortunately he doesn't visit a lot cause he hates the warmth of the Desert, but he does occasionally visit her, and their vibes actually compliment each other well and they like to chat and even sometimes gossip between each other (although Roo doesn't like to gossip a lot so it's moreso them just chatting).
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Favorite Thing
I just wanted to briefly elaborate on this one, but it's kind of two things (ofc I couldn't put two), Leo is his favorite thing/person, but since Leo has left and since Roo has... mostly... moved on, Roo's new favorite "thing" is Elliott, he's absolutely enamored with him. (It seems Roo's growing type is long hair...)
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Favorite Villagers
His absolute favorite villager is Elliott, he could marry Elliott if he could, and while Elliott does like him back, Elliott has established that he doesn't want to take their relationship further. Following Elliott (in order of most liked to least), is Sebastian, they both share a very familiar emo/grunge-y vibe... Next is Sandy, who I've talked about- Then it's Alex, who's kind of a guilty-like/crush, Roo doesn't really like some of Alex's ideals/outlooks, but he can't help but catch himself admiring Alex's face when he's near- and lastly is Harvey, Roo thinks Harvey is cute and they're good friends, but Roo is a little weirded out by the fact that Harvey's name is... well, Harvey- If you know Roo lore, you'll know that Roo's birthname is Harvey and thus why Roo getting with Harvey would be a little strange. Saying Roo doesn't like any of the aforementioned villagers isn't right, he loves all his friends (and Elliott a little moreso), however there are a couple of villagers he doesn't like... 👀
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Other Random Facts
★ Roo and Elliott, ironically enough, have the same birthday hehe
★ While Roo is romancable, his sexuality is still in place, and is the only villager/character who is only romancable to male villagers/characters/farmers. If a female character tries to romance Roo (Asking him to the flower dance, Bouquet... etc), He will reject them and their advances, you'll lose a heart with him initially and if you try again a second time, you'll lose 2 hearts and if you REALLY just cannot give it up and try again, you'll lose all your hearts with him and all his dialogue with the farmer will change (basically being distant), you can regain hearts with him, but it takes twice as long and if you do end up trying again for a FOURTH TIME, he'll reject you and will become incredibly distant to the farmer, and you will not be able to regain hearts with him.
★ Most of Roo's disliked items are items that can only be acquired during the Summer (Spice berry, Hops, etc), which goes hand in hand with his general dislike for Summer altogether- While most of his liked items are catered towards Fall items (Fairy Rose, Wild Plum, Plum Jam, etc). Even though his likes/dislikes are catered toward preferred seasons, he also has separate reasons for liking/not liking those things (not liking Hops because he doesn't like beer / liking Fairy rose because of the color)
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thekindisco · 4 months
☆ID pack for Lampert! from Regretevator☆
-Requested by anon!☆
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Hobert/Bert, Lucien, Rupert
Lamp, Robin, Lux, Cleanth, Light
Clara, Ellie, Pheobe
Lamp/lamps, light/lights, shine/shines, grey/greys, shade/shades, roblox/robloxs, clean/cleans, shock/shocks, 🔌/🔌s,💡/💡s,⚡️/⚡️s
Lampertcharic, regretevatorgender, lampgender, lightsic, phoshadegender, phosmetalial, genderobjehead, infiniteakea, mondayechoen, ikeanightdrivic
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(I wish I could use yellow instead of orange, but oh well)☆
Please let me know if you were looking for something else (this is my first time doing one of these)☆
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my haaaaaands are still fucked uuuuuup but when they’re unfucked up i’m gonna draw smth so sexy and delicious for my new skyrim oc i can see the comp in my mind’s eye it’d just make my hands fall off if i tried to draw it
#he’s a liiiiiiitle bit of a serial killer so i’m envisioning him in like a white gown/robe with his hair up like in fucking. ella enchanted#in the garden with caryalind thallery but the knife behind his back is just coated in blood and there’s a pile of bodies behind him that we#can see but cary can’t see. i LOVE cary btw if you haven’t tried him as a follower highly highly recommend#vaynis is a character i didn’t think i’d get all that attached to i just wanted to try out the ancient falmer mod and then i got like. SO#attached to him immediately. he’s not actually an ancient falmer he’s just like. a non betrayed falmer who’s 23. his dad was like the#ultimate ‘i survive everything bc i’m good at hiding’ kinda guy who was a child when the snow prince died and he just fucked off into the#jerall mountains for forever basically. and another falmer (much younger) stumbled on him up there and was like ‘dude wtf if you have#immortality magic why do you live in a wizard shack in the mountains’ and he was like ‘well. i’m wicked scared all the time you see’#so in exchange for teaching her the immortality spell he was like ‘will you have a baby with me so the falmer don’t die out’ and she was#like ‘yeah ok but i’m not raising this fucking baby. i’m leaving i’m not a mom. you won’t make me a mom’ and he was like ‘yeah sure ok’#secretly thinking if he built her a tower she’d stay. so every day he’d build the tower bit by bit with magic and everyday she’d plan to#leave and like in a fairytale they had the ‘i’m going to leave’ ‘i know’ conversation but then vaynis was born and she actually DID leave bc#she wasn’t a mom! she told him that! but he was like shocked bc he was a moron. and so he locked vaynis in his wizard tower and only let him#out to teach him how to hunt and track and forage. and vaynis really wanted to see the world but his dad would never change. so he planned#to leave and he picked himself out a nice breton adventurer to seduce into taking him along only when his dad found out he killed the breton#and locked vaynis back in the tower. and vaynis waited and watched and planned and pretended like he was sorry. and then one day he#knifed him in his sleep. and took his shit and escaped. but auriel wasn’t super happy about that so he shipwrecked him. and ever since theb#vaynis has been pretty pathetic. he’s working on it but like. it really is kinda embarassing to watch. anyway his new scheme for glory is to#join the thalmor and he IS really pretty so this thalmor agent in solitude was like ‘hey the heir to the aldmeri dominion is also here and#we like. really need him back and with his head in the game. the nords are stupid they think you’re a altmer but like. i know a bitch whose#race is supposed to be extinct when i see one. you seduce caryalind thallery back into line and we’ll help you do whatever you wanna do to#restore the falmer. ideally it’s integrate with us.’ so vaynis obviously takes that fucking opportunity but problems arise bc caryalind#isn’t quite as seduceable as previously thought. yeah he’s flirty but he’s also looking for something serious and trying to become a better#person. so vaynis is on a journey of ‘get aldmeri prince to marry me and have his baby to achieve greatness’ when they stumble into helgen#after alduin attacks (bc as we all know i’m addicted to the ‘the prisoner dies and akatosh has to pick a new dragonborn’ narrative’ and he#) and akatosh picks vaynis honestly? to be funny. i love interpreting akatosh as a smartass it’s so funny to me#‘yeah there’s a whole world riding on this but like. wouldn’t it be kinda hilarious to see what happens?’#alternatively maybe akatosh and auriel are one in the same. you decide#anyway becoming the dragonborn really complicates this plan like. MOST severely
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To Be Abnormal for a second Every Frame A Painting If Jo Is In It right... an exquisite top pick... his attitude and body language are So Cunty when he's in control of a situation... he's just very fun to watch and the Context that the cap is part such a sequence and what comes before and after elevates it...
Plus the lighting and color grading in the office is very suited to Jo's design with the purple and pink undertones, and the general framing/negative space/value distribution in that particular shot is Just Good; the blinds also make for a nice backdrop and the way he casts this really soft shadow behind him does a lot to make him subtly stand out from the background... ALSO I love the detail of the blinds being Kind Of Fucked Up In Places like he put his hands on them with a little too much force at some point and [being dragged away to be institutionalized]
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It's not JUST that it's A Disservice To Mr. Tsutsumi it's that... as I was sort of talking about at the stream with young [i.e. eighties] Jo although I didn't elaborate... this and some other decisions age him so much. Like, when Tsutsumi was actually around that age, he looked like this. A Baby.
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And I just think... NOT having that wide-eyed innocence isn't as fitting. It's like buying into Jo's Belief that he's all-grown-up when really he's still got the mentality and coping mechanisms of a child at fifteen and hangs onto a great deal of it well into adulthood... I think it was important to give him a face people'd instantly want to protect to place visual emphasis on the enormity of everything going on in Jo's monologue.
Would also apply to what you were talking about in the MineDai-AraSawa comparison ask, how Arakawa might feel extra-concerned for him because he's younger [I can't say much because my age gap with most of my friends is big anyway, but I frequently see my friends in their mid-twenties or later feel that way with their friends in their early-twenties]
Like it's THERE I just want it to be there visually... in a visual medium... in the ONLY visual medium where de-aging someone with 100% accuracy would be possible... is that so much to ask...
HIS CUNTINESS YEAH that's the way to put it (❁´◡`❁) tbf i color corrected the scene Just A Little since the cap i had was just Weirdly Dark BUT the colors ARE still there.... his suit and overall character does just Pop against how white/grey everything is around him
AND YEAYEA THE FACT HIS BLINDS ARE A LITTLE BENT IN SOME PLACES it's a tiny detail but it's one of my favorite things i noticed- i didnt think it was worth mentioning but im glad you noticed it too (╯▽╰ )
BUT BEHIND THE LORE REASONS™️ TO NERF TTM'S LIPS YEAH lowkey that's how ive forever chosen to interpret jo's flashbacks and why he seems so much older in them (Alongside with arakawa sounding older than he reasonably should at that point BUT ig you can make a case of The Yakuza Aging Someone idk not the main point). i think rgg just knew that if they kept ttm's natural lips i wasn't going to take sawashiro seriously for any longer than five seconds before being wholeheartedly distracted.. ( ̄人 ̄)
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webzkinz · 1 month
cleaned out the inbox, feel free to send requests of what kind of posts or toys you guys would like to see 🐶🍬🧸🪀🌈🍀🐛!!!
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ask-the-attorneys · 5 months
Kuroiwa: “well that’s gonna be a bit tricky. How do you suppose we do that Eleanor?”
We need to find evidence, obviously, but the only way that we can do that right now is just continuing the investigation...
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undertaleafterdark · 2 years
Anon lifts their head, quickly getting to work, burying their head between her thighs, moaning and sending vibrations up her cunt before latching on to her clit
* She shudders, rolling her hips down onto you.
Ah, how refined~...
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
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A lot has happened in 25 years, but some new faces in town are stirring up rivalries and creating tension for the once happy families. Can anything be done to get the neighborhood feeling good again?
It's finally here: the sim dump I promised approximately 500 years ago. I'm picky and I'm sorry!!! I feel so so very pleased with how all these families turned out though... so I guess I'm not super sorry... but still, I know this took forever. Forgive me ❤️.
Info and download below ↓
Up close and full body screenshots can be found on the download page!
All the CC I used is BGC! That being said, their eyes and some skin details fall in the “occult scar” category. (If you don’t have vampires or werewolves you’ll need the CAS unlock mod to get the hidden occult categories.)
Please note that the only family not technically in-line with TS2 lore is The Goths: I just made them over as they appear in TS4. Feel free to make Bella get abducted though and age Cassandra up: I support the camp and drama of TS2 ❤️
All I ask is that…
You do not dramatically change their appearance (lightening skin, making major changes to their bodies, etc.) Don't be weird!
You don't claim them as your own.
You tag me if you play with any of them in your game!
Thank you to all the CC creators. Let me know if you have any issues! I hope you all have lots of fun with them!
DL: Patreon (always free)
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usbkinitopet · 5 months
mmm ;; took a breaktime for myself for a few days now its time to see my favorite axolotl<3
niiitooo your user thinks you're talking to yourself and have gone crazy (i SOUND crazy just by saying this but guys i swear it's in the user's entries) can you describe how you're seeing asks/anons ? are they uhh like..,, jpgs on your screen? have you tried touching them/us yet? maybe you could take an internal screenshot of us and show your user?^^c -🕊️
"Welcome Back!.. taking breaks, is always good for mental health!!.. my [USER] takes breaks all the time!!"
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"..My.. [USER] thinks I'm talking to myself?.. and thinks I'm crazy?.. well.. I already knew that, Friend!.. but.. I'm still trying to get them to see what your all saying!.."
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"as for what I'm seeing.. usually it's in the form of a window!.. I'm.. too afraid to touch it, because it might disappear forever, and I might lose contact with all of you!!.. and that terrifies me to think about!.."
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"I don't ever want to be alone again!.." "Kinito?.. are you okay??" "Ahem.. sorry!.. I.. got scared there for a moment.. and a bit off track.. but here.. let me show you, what I see!.. I finally got a screenshot!!"
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"There we go!!, Tada!!.." "Woah.. how'd you do that, dude!?.."
(Woah, I don't remember this apart of the ask!.. sorry technical difficulties!.. hehe) - Mod Soni
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aziraphales-library · 7 months
hey yall! i appreciate everything u do :] i wanted to know if you know of any bottom/sub crowley fics that heavily feature begging/desperation? if this is okay to request that is
tysm!! -haywire anon
Of course it's okay! Here are some begging bottom Crowley fics for you...
In Good Hands by tikli (E)
Thirsty Redhead Gets Railed By Blond Masseur
Reason Comes on the Common Tongue of Your Loving Me by Anonymous (E)
"Oh, yes, so very good, Crowley — oh, you were made for me, my darling," the angel continued in a low purr, tonguing along the length of Crowley's neck, sucking bruises along the line of his Adam's apple and making him tip his head back with a keening sound as he sank back down on Aziraphale's length. They both moaned, and as Aziraphale spoke again, his voice was low and filled with heat, filled with a possessiveness that made Crowley feel like he had caught fire that was consuming him from the inside out. (PWP with a focus on body worship and praise; lots of tender moments and sweet aftercare! Don't like, don't read, please!)
two mistakes make a… quickie? by revelations_chapter_six (E)
Aziraphale really hadn't meant to send Crowley that dick pic. But, fucking him up against the wall of the men's restroom, he's certainly not sorry he did it.
The Beauty of Indulgence by Ineffably_Yours (E)
Crowley and Aziraphale dine at the Ritz. (With a spicy twist.)
To Have and To Hold (forever and ever, amen.) by Theres_a_whore_loose_in_the_archives (E)
“Well you know I can have a terrible possessive streak, Crowley. I’m not proud of it.” “Can you Angel?” “Yes!! I mean look at this place. I can count on one hand the books I’ve let leave the shop in decades, maybe centuries. I’m greedy Crowley, I get awfully jealous at the thought... I can’t bear to let anyone else have them. I need to have them all to myself.” He was waving his hands around wildly. Crowley watched idly. “Alright.” Aziraphale was getting more and more flustered admitting this… whatever it was. “I need to have you all to myself.” He said, emphatically. Crowley chuckled. “Oh Angel, you’ve got me! I’m all yours.” “I need to show you, though. I feel that terrible… vice of mine come to the surface when I’m around you. And I keep having all these horrible thoughts, Crowley.” He took a step towards the demon.” I need to make you feel that you’re mine. Only mine.” Crowley put down his book slowly, paying full attention. “Ok.” The angel blinked. “What?” “Show me then.” --------------------------------- Aziraphale confesses an unexplored sin of his. Crowley wants to see it. 10 pages of possessive Aziraphale.
So Much More by ashaydamn (E)
After the onslaught of the Armageddon That Wasn’t, it seemed the only beings - organic or occult - left to occupy the space were the plants. The plants which adorned the bedroom, for instance, had found themselves in complete solitude for nearly the whole summer, by the looks of the slowly yellowing leaves on the trees outside their window. Wherever their master was, the silence and solitude was a nice change of pace from the typical leaf-shaking fear which accompanied the regular presence of the snarling beast that tended them. Today though, the silence was broken. A voice not unlike their long-lost master’s echoed through the wall, colored by affects of passion and exertion. Seems not only had someone brought home a guest, but if the muffled whimpers and frantic begging were any indication, it wasn’t their master that the plants should quake in fear of today. -- In which Crowley learns the consequences of cumming without permission.
- Mod D
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lunatic-harness · 3 months
a brief and informal history of unofficial team fortress
inspired by a reply i made explaining that fortress forever was developed during the interim between team fortress classic and team fortress 2.
so after the quakeworld team fortress (qwtf) devs got hired by valve, fans took it into their own hands to expand on the original team fortress formula. this post provides a brief summary of various notable TF mods for other games over the past two decades, from the first quakeworld tf mods to modern revivals of the old team fortress formula.
Mega Team Fortress (Quakeworld)
mostly an expansion of qwtf. scout has flashbangs and a jetpack, most classes can lay traps, sniper can call down airstrikes (jesus fucking christ), engineer has a mini sentry, and so on. admittedly had a hard time finding info on this one
Custom Team Fortress (Quakeworld)
each player gets cash (a la counter-strike) to customize their class with weapons, armor, and special abilities. abilities are pretty crazy like being able to summon quake enemies, give nearby teammates quad damage, and disarm enemy players.
Weapons Factory series (various games, initial version Quake 2)
as mentioned above, since the original TF team was busy working at valve, it was up to fans to continue TF into quake 2. weapons factory for quake 2 was pretty big at the time, even showing up in a french gaming magazine.
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this one deviates a lot more from qwtf because it wasn't intended to be team fortress at all; it began as a simple CTF with classes mod, but later updates bumped up the class count until there were 9 of them that vaguely followed the TF class setup. the cool thing about this one is that everyone has a grappling hook.
anyways look at these class names lol it's like dollar store team fortress.
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(while the analogues of which WF class is which TF class is kinda obvious, the cyborg is actually more like a mix of soldier and demo with a tf2 sapper)
weapons factory got sequels/ports for quake 3, quake 4, unreal tournament, and even half-life 2.
Quake 3 Fortress (Quake 3) and Enemy Territory Fortress (Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory)
while weapons factory was enough for people to get their tf fix in quake 2 and 3, and team fortress classic came out in 1999, some people decided to make a proper team fortress for quake 3 anyways. behold, at the turn of the millennium: q3f. all the classes play similarly to their qwtf counterparts, though quake 3's physics does change the gameplay a bit.
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the developers of quake 3 fortress formed splash damage in 2001, a studio that went on to work on the multiplayer components of various games like batman: arkham origins, halo mcc, and gears 5.
enemy territory fortress is a 2005 port of q3f to enemy territory wolfenstein, which ran on a heavily modified quake 3 engine. not much to say about it since it doesn't do anything particularly different from q3f.
Unreal Fortress (Unreal Tournament '99)
also coming in at the turn of the millennium was unreal fortress. abbreviated to "UnF" like the sound doomguy makes when he interacts with a wall. what stands out about unf is that engineer (sorry, "armourer") can attach a rocket launcher or flamethrower to his sentries, and non-armourer teammates could apply class-specific upgrades to them such as snipers improving sentry aim and spies adding enemy spy detection.
Quake 4 Fortress (Quake 4)
hey look, it's 2fort
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there's not a lot of info about this once since it didn't have much of an audience - feels like a mod nobody asked for for a game nobody asked for. mostly takes after qwtf with extra stuff like scout having flashbangs. quake 4 fortress was abandoned in development and released in an early state with full source code.
Attackers Go Red (Quakeworld)
released in 2006, attackers go red is a qwtf mod built around one team always being on the offensive and one team always on the defensive. it also carries over some abilities from custom tf.
in the days of qwtf capture the flag a common way to play was for one team to always be attacking and the other defending (known as o/d) -- this was great because the typical push and pull of symmetrical ctf didnt really work in qwtf, so it ensured constant action for both teams involved. problem is, there was nothing enforcing this: if the "attacking" team decides to go on the defensive the gameplay slows to a crawl because now both teams are turtling instead of fighting each other, and additionally there's nothing stopping a "defending" player from going behind the other team's back and stealing their flag what with them being occupied with offense.
attackers go red solves this problem by enforcing the attack/defend split: red gets points for capturing flags, blue gets points for defending for a certain amount of time.
Fortress Forever
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the thing that separates fortress forever from all the other games just mentioned is that fortress forever takes more from team fortress classic than qwtf.
didn't last very long because tf2 managed to stop being vaporware in the middle of its development and even released before fortress forever did, but it still found a small niche as a continuation of tfc's gameplay style in the source engine. has new features like scout being able to build jump pads, spy being able to turn enemy sentries against its team, and pyro being able to use their flamethrower as an improvised jetpack.
i really like the industrial aesthetic it has going on. ff demoman looking like a white tf2 demoman is a hilarious coincidence -- he's styled after the old team fortress classic demoman. menu theme is a banger.
section break: everything from this line onwards came out after team fortress 2
Doom Fortress (Doom)
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it's team fortress 2 for doom (specifically, the zandronum source port)! all it actually brings over is the classes; not a difficult task since zandronum already provides a class system and some gamemodes. uses assets from other 90s fps games. i love how heavy is just the doom 2 chaingunner and pyro is just doom 64 doomguy. here's germanpeter's video on it and here's an abandoned attempt to update it from 2018
FortressOne (Quakeworld)
the latest revival of oldskool team fortress, as a result fortressone has a little bit of everything. you have to reload weapons like tf2/tfc; pyro has airblast and scout has double jump from tf2; most class loadouts are closer to tfc than qwtf; tfc and fortress forever maps are available. has a small but active community on discord and is still being actively worked on. check it out here
Typical Colors 2 (Roblox)
this one's just a tf2 clone in roblox. also includes some unofficial gamemodes like versus saxton hale and randomizer
TF2 Classic
based on the tf2 beta, team fortress classic brings back features that didn't see the light of day like scout's nailgun and demoman's dynamite bundle. tf2c is more well known for its custom weapon support though: the most popular servers have hundreds of custom weapons bundled in, most of which are unbalanced in a pretty fun way. check it out here
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kissalopa · 6 months
Dropping this in multiple aks boxes. Who have been inspirational to you lately? #spreadsimblrlove 🫶
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Hi! 👋
Sorry it took me forever to answer this ask, but I am just very slow 😅
All of these simblrs inspire me (and a lot of others, but I got overwhelmed compiling this list)
@akitasimblr I love how many different gameplays Ana has, and she's dedicated to all of them! I am also a big fan of Le Chat!
@aleksa-sims tells her real life story, it's so brave! And her screenshots are amazing! She is also a very nice person.
@cinamun is an amazing storyteller! I am so invested in her Things Fall Apart, it makes me laugh, cry and think.
@cyazurai has many different gameplays and also posts other games too. It reminds me that I love all kind of games and should play them too, not only sims 😅
@daisydezem is not very active lately, but I love her RainbowSin challenge. Her BACC, Supersim and own playthrough of RainbowSin are so interesting!
@dustbon plays mostly on short lifespan and quickly progresses through legacies. I love it! I'd love to play a legacy on a short lifespan one day too.
@faeriefrolic plays Sims 3. Her sims are cute and wholesome.
@introvertedfox plays vanilla. It inspired me to play vanilla myself, but I always end up with defaults first, them some mods, then some blushes and then it's not vanilla anymore 😅
@llamabees her sims and posts are so colourful! I also love her reshade preset and templates!
@loveryss her sims are cute and her posts are cozy! She also makes great cc!
@oswanily has completed the 100 baby challenge! And Seven Wonders challenge which she created and inspired me to play it too. It's one of the few challenges that I actually completed!
@shmoodlet are an amazing person! They are very supportive and friendly. And their gameplays are always with a bit of a story, which my gameplays are always lack of.
@silwermoon-sims has the cutest sims ever! Her lookbooks and gameplay inspire me to be more creative with my sims!
@simspaghetti plays Sims 3. Her editing inspired me to try out different editing style myself. Her gameplay rules and Sims 3 guides really helped me get into the game. I plan on using some of her Sims 3 gameplay rules for my Sims 4 gameplays too.
@tipsy-clouds inspired me to play one of the Sims 4 scenarios! I haven't posted it yet, though. Her lookbooks and resources are very helpful!
@waaneco post the most cutest Sims 3 and Sims 4 posts! And their Stardew Valley pics and gifs inspire me to play that game!
I'm so sorry I didn't mention more people! There are a lot more simblrs who inspire me, but it wasn't easy coming up with this list. I know I missed some blogs that I wanted to add, but as I said I got overwhelmed. If I didn't mention you it doesn't mean you don't inspire me! If I follow your blog you can almost 100% be sure that you inspire me 💜 🥰
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What About Me?
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Peter Parker x Female Reader!
Warnings: Angst. Reader is upset because Peter is off being busy as Spider-Man and he's stood her up one too many times for her liking
Word Count: 1.6k
Author's Note: Guys this is my first Peter Parker drabble! YAY!~ I absolutely adore Peter and I wrote this one up earlier tonight and figured it'd be good to share! I hope you all love it, I'm so used to writing fluff that sometimes I forget that writing angst is really good too! Let me know if you have any feedback or requests by sending in an ask, and remember to request Mod Shoyo to be specific! Have a great night (Or morning) everyone!
Also, PicsArt doesn't have the same scrabble letter thingies that Kenma and I have been using for our headers so this one is just a major WTF. Sorry if this looks ugly lol :,)
~Mod Shoyo <3
Y/N sat by her bedroom window, overlooking all of Queens from the seventh floor of her apartment building. Night had fallen and the stars were out, all of the buildings nearby had some office lights still on, people were probably still working, even at this ungodly hour.
That’s one thing that they had in common with her boyfriend Peter.
Being a web-slinging superhero was definitely not on Y/N's list of why Peter Parker could be so distant and just vanish all the time. However, when they first officially started dating, Peter took it upon himself to lay out all of his cards for her right then and there. Y/N was more than understanding and he thanked God for her every single day. Y/N knew that she said she’d be okay with the late nights and the canceled plans, that she’d be up waiting for him during late hours of the night just to make sure he came home safe.
But there was only so much she could take.
She stared down at her text messages with Peter. She asked him if he wanted to come and stay over at her apartment tonight since she’d been missing him a little extra these past couple days. Not only has Tony been working him to the bone, but the crime percentages in Queens seem to have only elevated since Peter would be out all night stopping robberies, saving people from getting mugged or kidnapped, the whole shebang. 
I’ll swing over in 10 love <3 11:45 p.m
Y/N looked at the top of her screen and saw that it was 1:57 in the morning. She knew that she got herself into this and she told herself that every time that he was late or had to cancel on her. It wasn’t his fault. Peter was just doing his job, what he signed up to do, so she couldn’t be mad at him. But who could she get mad at?
She looked like a lovesick puppy, just waiting at her window to see the red and blue suit that her boyfriend wore to come swinging over to her building. Tears were streaming down her face and she was making herself more upset by crying over something like this. She grabbed her phone off the windowsill and turned it off, chucking it into a random corner of her room and lying in her bed. She got under her throw blanket on top of her covers and threw it over her head. Her sniffles and soft sobs weren’t loud enough to wake anyone, but a small part of her wished that Peter would walk in and hear how devastated she was.
Being Peter’s girlfriend was a blessing. It was something like a mantra that she told herself every single morning when she woke up. She wanted to be the one he came home to, the one that would make all of his cuts and bruises better after she cleaned him up, she wanted to be the last woman he would ever love in his life. She wanted to be his. Forever. But being in a relationship didn’t always mean that Peter was the one she fussed over all the time. She was entitled to her own feelings and how she felt, and right now, she was sick and tired of waiting up for Peter.
As if right on cue, her bedroom window slid open and in crawled Peter. He was panting, short of breath as soon as he ripped his mask off his face. “I’m so sorry love, there was this guy in an alleyway that wouldn’t leave this group of middle schoolers alone and he-”
Peter stopped dead in his tracks as he looked at Y/N's shaking figure under her throw blanket. He raised an eyebrow and walked over to the bed, his ears picking up on the sounds of her soft sniffles and hiccups. He pulled the blanket off her head and saw her laying in the fetal position. Her hair was covering the side of her face and he couldn’t really see her expression, but he knew that she was upset. Obviously.
“Baby,...” Peter pushed her hair behind her ear and could see her puffy eyes and red nose. “Hey, hey, what’s the matter?”
Y/N sat up in bed and fixed her crazy hair, sniffling and wiping tears off of her cheeks with the sleeves of her shirt. She sputtered and tried to speak, but she didn’t even know what to tell him. Part of her wanted to be straight up and just tell him that this is the seventh time she’s been kept up waiting on him, but the other part of her knew it wasn’t his fault and that she was just upset because he’s been so busy. Just because she was always available for him, doesn’t mean that Peter was always at her dispense too, especially with what he does with his time.
Peter waited for her to explain, but she just looked down at her lap and started to cry again. He felt awful and he was so clueless. He thought back to the last time she cried and remembered that she had lost a grandfather recently that she was close to. Maybe it was that. He grabbed her hand and held it in his tightly.
“Is this about your grandpa again, love?”
Y/N shook her head and pulled her hand away from his. Now Peter was really confused. He racked his brain trying to figure out what else it could be, but every single option he came up with just came to a dead end. Y/N couldn’t help but notice how hard he was trying to think, and she found it ironic. He was so intelligent, the smartest guy she’s ever known. Yet he’s so oblivious when it comes to the small things, she always thought that maybe his brain was so big, that the most simple of questions really took a couple of seconds for him to think about.
“I’m just tired, Peter.” She finally croaked.
Peter’s heart fell into his chest. His gaze met hers instantly and he felt his heart pounding in his chest. He always thought about how Y/N never deserved to be with someone like him, not when he has the whole Spider-Man thing going for him. It’s unfair to her. And he always felt like one day she’d get tired of it all, but he was praying to God out of his own selfishness, that today was not that day.
“This…” She hiccuped. “This is the seventh time that I’ve stayed up past what we agreed to see each other at just to see if maybe you needed a little more time to come home.”
Now Peter understood. 
“You said you’d only be ten minutes at 11:45 and it's two in the morning now, Peter.” Peter looked down at her hands and noticed that they were trembling. “It’s been so hard for me these past couple times to just tell myself this is what I signed up for. But I miss you so much while you’re gone.”
She broke down in tears again, sobbing into her hands. Her sobs and her hiccups were muffled, but that only made them louder in Peter’s head. She was right, in every way imaginable. He hadn’t been much of a boyfriend recently, only texting her about how much he loved and missed her, sending her a quick selfie while he was mid-swing from one crime to the next. He couldn’t even imagine how lonely she must feel within those gaps of time that he wasn’t messaging her.
“Baby, I- I’m so sorry,” Peter cooed. “I know that I’ve been really busy recently, and I-I can’t even think about how lonely you must feel every single time I do this,”
Y/N looked up from her hands and wiped the snot that was running down her nose. She could barely keep her puffy eyes open enough to look at him.
“Don’t ever tell yourself that this is what you signed up for ever again.” Peter scolded. “I asked you to be my girlfriend because I knew in my heart that I was ready to be your boyfriend. And I still believe that. I haven’t been giving you the attention that you deserve and that’s completely on me. Okay?”
Y/N stayed quiet, staring at him with her bloodshot eyes and a quivering lip. The scary part was over. She was never good with calling people out and telling them how what they’re doing affects her. She’d rather just forgive them and never have to talk about it again. But then, when it happens again, she just puts herself through an endless cycle.
“I just miss you…” Y/N sobbed, wrapping her arms around Peter.
She dug her nose into the crook of his neck, bringing her hands up to the back of his head to feel his hair in between her fingers. When Peter hugged her back, her entire body relaxed and she just let him hold her while she cried into his suit. Peter was rubbing her back comfortingly, whispering sweet things into her ears in between pressing kisses to the top of her head and her temples.
“I’ll do better for you, baby. I promise, okay?”
Y/N nodded. 
Peter felt himself getting choked up the entire time Y/N was crying in front of him. The lump in the back of his throat was almost unbearable to push his spit past whenever he swallowed. He held Y/N in his arms for a while longer before finally taking his suit off and changing into some pajamas. He crawled into bed with Y/N and held her once more, the sound of her heart beat finally calming down bringing a soft smile to his face. He kissed the top of her head once more and closed his eyes.
That night, he made a promise to himself.
A promise that she was never going to feel like this ever again.
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honey-crypt · 21 days
Oh god because Elliott is my second favorite bachelor because Harvey is uh ( as much as I love him he gets a little boring from time to time) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ITS A HARD REQUEST BUT A LIBRARY DATE WITH ELLIOTT 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😻😻😻🥱
a/n: sorry this took forever and that it's kinda short, i'm recovering from a virus... but i hope you enjoy!
warnings: minor spoilers for LiveOnSUPERT's date night mod
★ endless pages - elliott x farmer ★
★ to elliott, the pelican town library was a refuge from the woes of life's demands and where he could escape into the endless pages of romance, thriller, comedy, and so on
★ so it makes sense that he would want you two's first date to be at the library! despite your initial confusion (usually first dates involve getting dinner or something simple), you go along with elliott's plan
★ by some miracle, the only person in the library on the day you had your date was gunther, leaving you and elliott the whole library to yourselves
★ you and elliott decide to read a novel together, a cheesy mystery about a detective trying to find a missing necklace
★ elliott's storytelling, the voices he made for each character, and his dash of lovely (although, longwinded) narration made the story more enjoyable than if you read it on your own
★ you felt as if you found yourself in the mist of the story's events, the detective's name bearing a strikingly familiar resemblance to your own name
★ the final twist left you and elliott in awe, as the villain/thief was revealed to be a good friend of the detective and whose name was an off-shoot of elliott
★ despite the simplistic premise, it took the entire of your library date to finish the book; gunther had to kick the two of you out by the time you concluded the book
★ after leaving the library, you promised elliott that next time, you would read a book to him; elliott couldn't help but grin like a goofball because that meant he had a second date with you
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ariseur · 3 months
Hello there! Thank you so much for addressing my request...I'm new to Tumblr app so I hope I'm messaging your inbox! So yes! I hope...this isn't too demanding. I anon requested zack x fair reader...and I'm gonna let it all hang out with you:
I simp for zack fair very very hard...and Im HUNGRY for fluff..all the gentle kisses, hair playing ...jawline holding, couch cuddling, sweet compliments, rainy days...holding...waist clutching, skin contact, lips grazing coffe sippinng...deep eye dinner dates, jokes , teasing silly ...I can handle!!! I don't do smut or too overly steamy. I'm too old for that shit
Maybe perhaps...on the opposite spectrum, zack boyfriend scenario, comforting s/o with anxiety...drying of tears, wiping tears away, consoling cuddling...hearing him hum reader to sleep...mentions of heartbeats being felt through chests....feeling of voice vibrations through MUSCULAR chest...comfort bare muscular arms , tender kisses...goosebumps...ok I'm sorry too demanding...if I'm blessed and you create chapters of like simple one date, fun.."friends to lovers" type of thing, casual playstation gaming hangouts, cooking dinner as friends...thinking of each other while away ..to eventually relationship and consoling s/o anxiety....full on love date..that close intimacy (i,crave safe for work) I'd wait FOREVER, however long it would take you to write chapters of joy....you'd be my hero!!!
I stress his scar (in my own ramblings i always place my finger tips on it, i kiss it gently, we discuss who gave it to him, how he feels about it).. Our first date I wear some tight fitting dress his favorite color, but as he gentlemanly removes my peacoat for the evening he notices I'm covered in tattoos, and he's memzmerized (I do have quite the collection of ink irl) he smells of sweet sandalwood and is wearing the black suit in that turks mod for remake... his eyes. I make my own feeble attempts at fanfic but I'm TOO new and insecure to really write anything as I REGULARLY indulge in AI chat and it proves so many USEFUL fever dream instances for me to write but for now...I let the experts handle it.
Should you accept, thank you for bringing JOY into my life....
Please do take your time...I know you amazing ppl are BUSY and mine isn't the only request and might even not be too interesting.
But I thank you so so so much...I've been searching for weeks ..no replies.
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ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ notes - omg!! i’m so sorry this has been sitting here for so long!! i’ve been trying to go about this and since i’m not that experienced with creating chapter fics, i decided— what the hell?? why not try it?? so— i hope i did somewhat of a good job and stay tuned for some more!!
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ warnings - none except one mention of suicide ( but like in a ‘social suicide’ way ), intended lowercase, you spar with zack as kids ( cardboard swords ) lmk if i missed anything 💕!!
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ word count - 2561 words, 13990 characters
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STRENGTH. that was what mattered most in this world.
strength was a word you had learned in the first grade, sitting next to a snot-nosed kid babbling to his friends as he completely took up all your attention with his nasally voice in your ear. the teacher seemed to pay no mind, only engulfed in tapping her stubby chalk piece against the board, stained with dashes of residual white from the previous words that had been written earlier today, as she barely looked back at the rest of you.
you remembered it so vividly, the smell of the sanitizing wipes she had used during the twenty minutes recess you always anticipated, eager to escape the boring rants of mrs. ozaki and her slow paced curriculum. you remembered the knock you felt on your chair from behind you, soft as to not alert the teacher — as if she couldn’t hear the noisy kid blabbering next to you known as ono, although you only referred to him as, “booger-face.”
craning your neck and grabbing ahold of the side of your chair in order to turn further, you looked behind you only to see the half-toothless, sanguine kid you knew as zack fair. his dark hair, slicked back with only a few strands sticking out, probably from all the activity he did during your break at recess. you two had met earlier this year as he had defended you from the previous, aforementioned offender— ,”booger-face.” you had remembered the way zack stood over you, hands on his hips as he surged forward at the boy to stop him from pushing you around. his eyes, always so bright and lively, squinted at you with his smile as he helped you up and helped dust off your skirt.
after that moment, zack fair had started hanging around you more and more, inviting you to play around with his friends on the merry-go-round’s or hanging out with you after school, running around and playing with rocks or cardboard swords before your parents’ both called you in for dinner, to which you would hastily say goodnight run to your guys’ houses awaiting dinner.
removing his hands from your chair and placing them neatly on his desk, he beamed at you, “you still up for some training after school?”
you rolled your eyes as your lips twitched upwards into a small smile, “duh,” you said. you turned your body completely in order to to fully face him. “near the water still?”
he chimed in agreement, “duh,” his eyes crinkled with the way his grin widened, identical to the day he had practically saved you. he chuckled a little bit before fixing his posture and sitting upright in his seat, the wooden chair creaking as he readjusted his position. your eyebrows knitted together before you heard a stern shout of your name.
you flinched, whipping around back to face the front as your face burned hot with embarrassment. upon your turning of the body, you were met with the stares of your classmates and the hard glare of your teacher, fixated on only you now. her arm was no longer raised up and scribbling nonsense of vocabulary on the board, instead it hung low and remained against her thigh as she impatiently tapped the piece of chalk against her knee-length skirt. her lips, a light pink as they contrasted with the darkness of her tied hair, were pressed into a thin line before she asserted, “pay more attention, first warning.”
you nodded shamefully as you ducked your head down, grabbing your small wooden pencil and gripping it in your hand, as if you’d use it to jot down notes of whatever she was talking about— although it lay unused and useless for the remainder of class, only a placeholder of a ‘what if’ factor your teacher always liked to use when she began the period.
skeptically, she let her raised brow drop as stopped tapping the chalk against her leg, turning around and beginning to explain the curriculum planned for tomorrow again.
you tried to ignore the feeling of holes being burned at the back of your head, multiple pairs of eyes staring at your fork while you made your attempt at keeping your eyes forward and your mouth shut. you ignored the small, boyish giggles emitted from behind you, you’d ‘kick his butt’ outside of school, you thought. you’d get your payback, but for now — you sighed. keeping your hands interlocked, your faced your palms on another area of the desk, the foreign spot now cold against your warm skin. trying to act somewhat proper and behaved, you waited out the rest of class ( which was only presumably about twenty minutes ) just to find that sublime feeling of escaping the torturous ‘h-e-double hockey sticks’ that you referred to as school.
and you held up to that promise of kicking zack fair’s butt — watching as he stumbled backwards with his hands flailing in the air, a flimsy cardboard cutout of a sword gripped tightly in his hand as he let out a loud, “woahh—!”
you giggled, “what’d i tell you about that stance, zack?” you put a hand on your hip as he yelped in surprise. his foot slipped in the body of water, making an animated sound while he skidded across a rock, luckily able to catch his balance in time. you could hear the small chattering of the people near you, the rivers of gongaga rushing as your laughs continue and rise up into the quiet air.
“that’s not fair—! no water knocks!” he exclaimed.
you shrugged as he approached you once more, “you never said that before we started,” you chided. he charged forward at you, being blocked as you held your sword up in a protective expression. stepping backwards, your arm raised and lowered with every hit that the dark-haired boy threw at you, his confident face flashing between every brown whoosh of the cardboard weapons.
he heaved, “you know how mrs. ozaki kept talking about strongness or whatever?”
“you mean— strength?” another blocked hit, this time you tried to kick him and sweep the leg — unfortunately, you underestimated zack a little more than you had thought as he kept a firm hold in the cold dirt, digging his shoes into the ground.
“same difference, yeah?”
“what about it, fair?”
he pursed his lips as he tensed his body, waiting for you to strike again. you held off for a second, flinching as if you would hit in order to try to keep him off balance. zack decided to speak again in this momentary pause of your sparring. “i’ve been thinking about those SOLDIERs and.. i want to be strong— hey!” he exclaimed as you landed a surprise attack on him, barely grazing his not-so-ironed-anymore jeans before he deflected your hit. “now, that’s really uncalled for, c’mon.”
“finish your thought before i hit you again.” you quirked a brow.
he wore a smug look on his face, putting his hands on his hips while he shook his head at you. “didn’t hit me but ‘kay,” that smugness didn’t last long as you feigned waving your sword at him, only for him to let out a small yelp and jolt backwards. you smiled, quirking an expectant brow while he groaned in exasperation. “i wanna be strong too, y’know. have some— strength,” he said; and that was almost the end of it . . until he had managed to mutter a quick hiss of, “unlike you.”
you watched as his arm raised, the sleeve of his uniform’s button-up lifting up a little to reveal his tan line that he had obtained after being outside with you for so long. his hand gripped the thin handle while he went overhead to try and strike you from above. making haste, you took one more step back as your hands flew up to catch his attack with your own sword. in your imagination, with the collision of your toy weapons, you envisioned a loud, ‘clank!’ as they clashed with each other — it felt much more awesome-r to imagine sounds of iron versus the soft flap of refraining yourself from putting too much pressure on the thin material of the cardboard.
you grinned at him, watching as his determined face managed a crack of a smirk while he tried scaring you and randomizing the amounts of pressure he’d put in an attempt to try and catch you in a daze. however, the swiftness in which you jolted to the side and flipped your sword flat so that the tip faced outwards, thrusting the faux weapon and jabbing it into his chest caught him off guard, rendering him the loser of that evening’s battle.
you watched as zack carefully looked down at his stomach, then finally bringing himself to peer back up at you. he placed a hand on his chest while he acted like he really was injured, even going so far as have spit dribble out of his mouth and act like it was blood.
“gross—!” you exclaimed, pushing him as he fell on his back in the dirt and raised a dramatic hand to the sky. you laughed while he let out his ‘last dying breath’ before ceremoniously lolling his head to the side.
with some more giggles, you judged him with your foot as he magically arose from the ‘dead’ and beamed at you, reveling in your laughter. although, in that moment he wouldn’t tell you. he didn’t want to admit his growing crush on you, he didn’t want cooties. that was practically suicide. you extended a gentle hand out to him, throwing your sword to the side as he took your offer and hoisted himself up. zack brushed the dirt off of his pants while you cleaned his back up, still laughing about the whole encounter.
you claimed victory for a long while, even when you both had sat by the water and skipped rocks onto the cerulean river, now being painted a harsh lilac as the sun began to set and the heat of the sky began to cool, a soft breeze coming to rest upon your bodies rather than the draining, blistering sun.
you let a small beat of silence pass over the both of you, spinning the cold stone in your hand before chucking it into the water. your chest began to tighten, for a reason you don’t know why but you could feel it— crawling up your throat as it engulfed your esophagus. it creeped up the inside of you. almost as if you were gonna throw up, the pit in your stomach began to settle. you felt it, twitching on your tongue as it settled, trying to escape its enclosure from past your lips. you held it in for so long, fighting this battle you were so determined to win as you tried to focus on anything; the birds chirping around you, the rushing of the water, zack’s stone skipping across it. you tried to hold it in until—
“do you really think you’ll become a SOLDIER one day?”
the rock he had grabbed remained lifeless in his hands, his fingers tightening around it while he contemplated his options. he turned to you— dirt on his face and his smile, gapped with all the recent teeth he had been losing. he never faltered with that smile, you thought to yourself; and you never forgot what he had said to you after you asked that, “i’ll make sure of it.”
you smiled back at him, before it dropped once you had heard the calls of your name coming from the huts above the creek, where both of your homes had been located. with not another second, zack had already gotten up and running. he swiveled back to face you, waving a goodbye with his lanky arm before he shouted, “i’ll see you tomorrow!” but, of course, he wouldn’t be zack if he didn’t get hurt every now and then, you thought, as you watched him trip over a small rock. but— you realized, he also wouldn’t be zack if he didn’t get up afterwards. still, he turned his head to make sure you didn’t see only to discover you had ( much to his embarrassment ), before getting up and running back home again.
you laughed under your breath, “dork.”
and now, you’re still you. sitting in a bakery in nibelheim, you had almost never changed. well— besides the fact that you grew a couple of feet and wore a wider range of clothes than your school uniform and an old, colorful your grandmother had gifted you when you were five. you wore your hair differently and went out of your way to try and make a difference in the world; specifically by starting and doing some jobs around town and seeing if anybody needed help with those.. things — that would appear around town. the day zack left for midgar had stained your brain permanently, his hug leaving a mark on your body as you knew you might not see him again— even if you chastised ( or more so threatened ) him that he stay in contact with you no matter what.
although it was a few years ago already, you never forget about it, your mind always traveled back to that day at the river. grabbing another hold of your pastry, you admired the vibrant frosting as it created the symbol of a chocobo, not even able to take a bite in fear of ruining the perfect design. you watched the simple villagers of nibelheim float around their daily life while you stayed under the canopy in front of the shop, seated at a little table with the shade covering you from the heat of the sun. you remained bored as you tapped your foot and listened to the bustle of the small town before you heard pairs of assertive footsteps and the, ‘ooh’s and ‘aah’s of the people.
tilting your head upwards, you only assumed maybe a few flat footed people or some kids running around was the answer but no— you’re met with the sight of a long, silver haired man with wide, white should plates while a shinra infantryman accompanied him along with another SOLDIER, only this time in black armor. you had watched the town guide, and even with your fuzzy memory you think you had recalled her name was tifa.
you squinted at them, watching as the SOLDIERs looked around at the small village. you gasped as the SOLDIER with the darker uniform turned his head, those eyes were all too familiar, and that familiar cowlick that peeked out from his thick, black hair was all too distinct. putting down the pastry, your eyes narrowed even further almost as if you couldn’t believe what you were seeing. you watched as he turned his head, his full face on display as he beamed at the environment— his smile still the same besides the fact that all of his adult teeth had grown in and his jaw became more defined.
you sat upright, your lips quirking upwards as you felt that childish wonder grow as it had all those years ago like when you had first met him, brave and confident as ever when he had defended you.
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