#sorry if this is incoherent. i'm very normal about him as you can see.
aq2003 · 2 years
What would you say are some of Obi-Wan's biggest character flaws?
the biggest thing to me is his underlying fear that he's failing the people he cares about. you see it more at the forefront when he's a padawan but i think it's something that he still definitely ends up carrying into adulthood. the one thing that keeps haunting him is the fear that he isn't good enough to raise anakin/that if he had died in qui-gon's place anakin would've been better off. (side note: i like to think that qui-gon on mortis wasn't actually force ghost qui-gon but actually the direct manifestation of obi-wan's feelings at the time. bc obviously the chosen one prophecy put an unfair weight on anakin the most but it also affected obi-wan as well).
anyway it's just. like. the seed of self doubt of it all that causes him to crash and burn when his fears are realized. obi-wan immediately blames himself for anakin's fall—upon finding out abt it in the rots novel he basically says "i should've died, maul should've killed me on naboo". he goes into hiding on tatooine thinking he's in part responsible for his family's deaths. this is so very essential to me. the way he initially refuses bail to go save leia because for so much of his life he's had these horrible doubts about himself and then he was proven right. helping people is the core of what makes a jedi but he doesn't believe he can do that anymore because his loss of hope is centered at his loss of faith in himself. etc
the other thing is that (in the PT and tcw) he's got a mild arrogant streak and you see it best w/ maul, ventress, and grievous. by far not a major flaw but it's just. this detail about him that keeps him grounded i think. a lot of this gets ignored bc fandom calls it flirting but to me it's him just. constantly talking down to his enemies for fun. biggest example of this: the one ep in the ilum arc where he found the time to leave a snarky goodbye message to grievous telling him the ship he was on was about to self destruct. bro why did you do that. now grievous knows to actually escape the death trap you set for him. please
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ddollipop · 2 years
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#. synopsis! — the reader comes into contact with a peculiar flower in avidya forest that has some even more peculiar affects. tighnari steps in to clean up the mess.
#. contains! — explicitly nsfw content , multiple positions , multiple orgasms , oral sex , cunnilingus , sex pollen , overstimulation , light squirting , vaginal sex , mentor x underling , tighnari calls the reader "good girl" , slight praise .
#. word count! — 4.1k .
#. a/n! — happy kinktober, we'll see how many times i post this month lolol. this isn't proofread bc i'm lazy & just finished up midterms yesterday, so pls ignore any mistakes for the time being n enjoy.
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Don’t judge a book by its cover. As a well-educated scholar, you were well beyond aware of that advice. You’ve heard it more times than you’ll ever care to repeat it, and before now, you would have even ventured to say that you were quite good at following it. And yet, despite that, you’ve been left stumbling your way through the forest, an unquenched thirst lapping at every inch of you from the inside out, —and all of this over a few samples of some strange flower’s pollen? Really?
It’s embarrassing, to say the very least of it. There are a million and one ways you know you should have done better, should have been more careful, more cautious. . . But now is hardly the time to be giving yourself some sort of incoherent lecture. After all, Tighnari will likely have that covered anyway, and certainly in a much more concise manner. You can practically hear him now, going on and on as he helps you deal with whatever the hell this stuff has done to you. It’s hard not to kick yourself for such a novice level mistake, but it’s just as equally difficult to imagine taking any criticism well, from yourself or from Tighnari, in this admittedly sorry state of yours.
It’s an incredible feat within itself that you were able to find your way back to Tighnari’s woodland workshop. The forest is dense and full of twists and turns, —ones that you find yourself turned around in on even the best of days. Maybe after two months you’re finally getting used to it.
Whatever the case, you slink your way inside to the tempo of the rapidly setting sun. Your knees all but clink together as you fumble about, using the wall to keep yourself steady. Tighnari’s ears twitch at the sudden sounds of struggle, head popping up along with the perked ears atop it. Observant as he always is, he quickly realizes that something is wrong. What that something is, he’s not so sure yet, but he rushes to your side nonetheless.
“Y/n?” He questions, reaching a warm, gentle hand out to you. “What happened? Are you okay?”
Just the brush of his fingertips against the plane of your shoulder is enough to leave you stiffened and hissing under your breath. These reactions aren’t inherently unfamiliar to you, —but under such circumstances? They’re unheard of.
“I feel weird,” you say, inhibitions lowered, leaving you more honest than you normally would have been if everything weren’t buzzing so loud in your veins.
Your heartbeat is hammering away, legs squeezing together involuntarily. The heat between your legs is pulsing and you can feel arousal slicking you up. But why?
“Weird?” Tighnari parrots, “—weird how? As in. . .”
He cuts himself off mid-sentence, then pauses. His nose crinkles a bit, and you hear him suck in a sharp breath. When his eyes widen in an expression of realization, you can’t help but fear that this isn’t going to end very well. 
“Describe your symptoms,” he says finally, but it seems to you that he may well already know what you’re going to answer with.
Through the haze clouding your mind and the heat swimming through your body, you manage to list off a sizable index, excluding your dripping cunt. Weakness in the knees, racing heartbeat, shortness of breath. . .
“I know this smell,” he says, emphasizing his words with another quick breath in, nose scrunching up on the inhale. “The samples you collected today, —where are they?”
“The satchel,” you answer, vaguely directing your chin in the right direction as you shift your position, hoping that it might relieve you of some of the tension eating away at your core. (It doesn’t.)
Tighnari follows your gesture and scoops the brown bag up off the ground. You’d dropped it somewhere along the line as you’d stumbled in through the entrance, but the details are already much too blurry to work out, so you refuse to even try. The last thing you need now is more strain on your feeble little mind. He digs his way into the various pockets, rifling through your decent number of plant-life samples. One of the tiny containers has a selection of poisonous berries in it, but Tighnari is fairly certain you wouldn’t have been foolish enough to eat them without knowledge of them.
He asks anyway, —just to be sure. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
“You didn’t swallow any of these, right?”
Through the subtle arch of your back, you give him an offended glance. He takes that as his answer.
“No, no, no,” he mumbles, quickly but carefully carding through the rest of the samples, excluding non-toxic plant matter and otherwise harmless collections.
And then it hits him. Spread between two hands, he holds three containers of the same off-white, powder-like pollen. The sickeningly sweet smell sticking to your skin makes too much sense now. He knew that he’d smelled it before, but couldn’t place it. Now that two and two have been put together, Tighnari feels a pit grow in his gut.
“You collected this without gloves, didn’t you?” He questions, and you hate that even through your stupor, you can hear the disappointment ebbing along the edge of his words.
The least this feverish karma could do is offer you some sanctuary from your mentor’s subtle wrath.
“I. . .” You begin, but can’t bring yourself to admit it, instead settling for a nod.
It’s getting worse now. You’re shocked that you’re not sitting in a pool of your own arousal by this point, but fear you might be teetering on the cusp of it. The whine that escapes between your lips from the back of your throat is humiliating in spite of Tighnari’s indifference to it all.
“That was a poor decision,” he tells you. “The pollen of the flower you collected these samples from is genetically modified. It was designed to stimulate the sexual drive of mammals in the area due to a sudden population drop that was offsetting the forest’s ecosystem.”
“This,” Tighnari says sharply, holding one of your samples up for emphasis, “is a heightened aphrodisiac, and from the looks of it,” he pauses, taking your shivering form in with a scrutinizing gaze, “—you’re quite sensitive to it.”
That seems like an understatement, even to you and your staggering thoughts. Being sensitive was one thing, but this was on a completely different plane of reality. Every move you make sends a tantalizing mixture of shivers and shockwaves across your body, both inside and out, limiting your options for relief. It didn’t stop at the swelling heat festering and bubbling in your groin, —it spread to every part of you imaginable, from the dry hum in your clenched toes to the ringing in your ears. 
“How do I fix it?” You question breathlessly, hips dipping and rising to the catastrophic drum of your libido.
Tighnari’s ears flatten a bit in embarrassment as his cheeks dust themselves a light pink. It hardly dawns on you that he might be feeling some semblance of shame in this scenario as well.
“Well, you’ll have to. . .” He stops, as if preparing himself to say whatever’s coming next.
You’ve got a bad feeling about it now, even if it doesn’t register above the quiver in your thighs.
“Satisfy the drive.”
He turns away to put the pollen samples out of harm's way, busying his hands so as to not have to meet your eyes.
The broken “huh?” that falls from your lips sounds more like a moan of pleasure than it does a noise of inquiry, but it’s the best you can do given the circumstances. Tighnari is not proud of the way his cock twitches upon hearing it, but supposes that it can’t be helped. It’s undeniable that you’re attractive, both in general and to him. . . Especially to him.
Unable to force it down any longer, your hand travels between your thighs and you cup yourself roughly, begging for the warmth and friction it provides. Just that alone has a tattered moan rising to the back of your throat, head falling back against the wall that steadies the small bed in Tighnari’s workshop. It’s seen many bodies over the years, most of them ill or injured, but never like this. Your mentor thinks to himself that he’s glad it’s you before anyone else. He turns to you once more, eyes raking over your frame in this embarrassing state.
“T-Tighnari,” you sputter a bit, attempting to hold yourself in place long enough to escape the humiliation. “Can you please look away?”
Before he can filter it, (though he’s not sure he would have truly known how in the first place,) Tighnari’s lips part and words tumble from his tongue like heavy rainfall.
“I can help.”
It sounds more like a question than an assertion, but either way, you’re in no position to refuse.
“Please,” you whimper, desperation clinging to every letter.
Maybe some of the pollen has affected him too. Maybe Tighnari just wants to dive deeper into this moment to see just what’ll happen, like some kind of very hands-on experiment. Whatever the case, he nods, ears twitching rapidly as he leans over you, capturing your lips in a bruising kiss that leaves you gasping into his mouth. Somehow, you hadn’t expected that to be his mode of aid, but whatever he thinks is best, you’re more than willing to give it a try. For someone so consistently calm and collected, his tongue slides into your mouth in a matter of seconds, sliding smoothly against your own. There is no fight for dominance, —you’re far too gone to even think about being in control. Whatever Tighnari can offer, you’re ready and willing to accept with open arms.
Or, an open mouth and open legs, rather. . .
Your saliva is overwhelmingly sweet, and the quizzical side of Tighnari wonders if it’s always like that, or if the pollen’s effects have slithered into even the most crude of places. Not that he minds it, especially in the moment.
You mumble something against his lips that he doesn’t catch through the hum in his veins and his pounding heartbeat, but his guess hits the mark as he clumsily falls to his knees at the edge of the bed. Pulling the shoes from your feet with ease, he has a bit more difficult of a time pulling the bottom layers of your clothing from your body. It dawns on him then that he isn’t well-educated or well-experienced in this department. Thankfully, you’re so blissed out having only kissed him sloppily for a minute that he assumes you’ll take just about anything, and he’s free to make mistakes along the way.
He pauses for a moment, much to your displeasure, and you sit forward using the bulk of your strength.Your fingers split his ears apart, raking through his neatly groomed hair, and Tighnari shivers. Admittedly, you’ve wanted to touch his ears for a long time now, ever since you first met him. . . But it seemed inappropriate to ask given his station as your mentor, and even more than that, you could always tell he became quite agitated when others would request such a thing to his face. This isn’t how you thought such a thing would come to pass, but the dominos have fallen, and it is what it is.
Frankly, you’re more concerned with the way he slits you open: —first with his tongue, offering a small prodding with barely more than the tip to get a grasp on your flavor. The arousal slicking you up is sweet, maybe sweeter than your saliva had been, but even so, Tighnari isn’t certain if it’s just your natural secretion or if that pollen really does have something to do with it. The second time is with his fingers, separating the lips to catch a glimpse of the silken folds they cover. 
You’re glistening in the last rays of dying sunlight, legs perched on either side of yourself, and Tighnari wonders if this is all some strange fever dream. Every part of him feels as if it’s been consumed by you; lost to your tempo and your rhythm. He’s drowning in your ocean.
His second taste is brought about through a long, deliberate lick that uses the full flat of his tongue. It brushes past your swollen clit, dips into the needy opening, and lingers just below your mound before he pulls away and does it again. There’s something about the way you squirm and pant from so little that has him less than threads away from going feral. Your entire body is hotter than it’s ever been, temperature spiking more the longer he has his way between your thighs. Tighnari may well be a forest-dwelling man, but he certainly could have fooled you with this display of primal thirst. The way he works his tongue against every sweet spot it can reach is enough to make you see stars.
In the moment, he seems something more akin to a prowler of the desert than anything else.
You draw one of your stabilizing hands up, pressing the fingers firmly over your lips, keeping them sealed. Every inch of you is throbbing with need, even as Tighnari satisfies what urges he can with his mouth. Observant as ever, he notices the way your lone arm shakes under the pressure of it all, and after a moment of admiring the way your muscles quiver just under your skin, he pulls away and seeks a different position.
Even when riled up beyond any shred of comprehension, Tighnari is a gentleman at heart.
“Lay back,” he suggests, and you do: right against the top of the bed that’s houses but a single pillow.
He wastes no time positioning himself back between your legs, pushing your knees to the side and then up just a bit for ample access. This time, Tighnari skips the inquisitive gestures, spitting right onto your slit before suctioning his mouth around you. From above, your moans and the way you writhe around every so often encourages him to keep going as saliva bubbles up around his lips.
You claw at the thin sheets spread across the bed’s equally thin mattress, hips eventually bucking up into his mouth. He loves the way your pussy grinds against the flat of his tongue, moving with him as he pulls you closer and closer to orgasm. Pulling your knees nearer to your core, Tighnari matches your stride. Once more, he latches onto your sensitive clit, relishing in the little yelp you let out as he slides his tongue across it roughly. Above your own noises and the suckling sounds between your thighs, you can hear Tighnari’s sharp breaths. As your fingers find their way between his ears again, clutching and pulling at his hair, he draws little shapes along your clit with his tongue until you’re left cumming against his mouth.
Whether it’s Tighnari’s skill or the ever-present impact of the pollen, your eyes roll back and your fingernails dig into the flat of your palms even through the fabric of the sheets clutched between them. Somehow, though. . . It’s not enough.
“Better?” He asks, —but is secretly hoping for the answer to be a resounding “no.”
He’s embarrassingly elated when you shake your head, biting down on your bottom lip in the process. It’s not that he wants to take advantage of the situation, but what else is a man to do? You’re in desperate need, and he can offer you the assistance you require.
That, and he really wants to fuck you.
“It’ll be okay,” he says, extending his back as he sits on his knees to reach up and cup your cheek. “I’ll take care of it.”
Every cell inside you is on fire as you watch Tighnari undress. The sun has mostly finished setting, leaving the both of you in the care of torchlight from the entrance of the workshop. The warm glow of the fire accentuates his lean muscle and the subtle pigment of his skin. Without thinking, your hand travels to the heat between your legs, rubbing circles against yourself as Tighnari had done with his tongue. Just the sight of you masturbating to him undressing is enough to make pre-cum pool along the slit of his cock.
“I don’t even think you realize how hot you are right now,” he breathes out, as if unable to keep that sentiment holed up inside any longer.
You really didn’t have a clue.
He returns to the bed, tugging you up to position you on his lap. Your dripping cunt hangs just over the reddened tip of his cock, and Tighnari holds your hips steady as he coaxes you down on it. Albeit average in girth, he was surprisingly long, —at least longer than you’d been expecting. It takes you a few moments to slink down completely, but when you do, he reaches up to pull you into another sloppy kiss. He was hoping it would distract you from any sting of pain.
“Good,” he mumbles against your lips, “that’s a good girl.”
Tighnari does away with the rest of your clothing, tossing your blouse and bra. . . Somewhere. You were far too preoccupied to check on the location. His lithe fingers trail their way up your exposed spine. You’re so warm and wet, your walls suckling on the hard cock of his buried deep within your needy snatch. He doesn’t want to rush you, but he’s aching too by now.
“Go on,” he whispers softly, encouraging you to ride him for the both of your sakes.
You do.
Overly sensitive and shaky from the get-go, your moves aren’t clean nor crisp, but Tighnari loves the rogueness of every motion. You’re left squelching around his length each time your desperate cunt swallows him up again, clit throbbing from the friction. Moans fall continuously from your lips, ringing in Tighnari’s ears like a melody the moment you rest your forehead against his bare shoulder as you ride him. Eventually, his hands find their way to your ass, helping you find a natural rhythm that suits your capabilities in the moment.
He can feel you quivering against him, and he thinks it’s cute.
“Good job,” he praises in a breathy voice, mumbling the words right into your ear. “Just keep it up and we’ll get all of this out of your system.”
Tighnari is by no means stingy with compliments. Now that he’d settled in, he was more than glad to whisper sweet nothings in your pink-tipped ear, mumbling about how nice it feels to be inside you and how beautiful you look speared on his cock like this. And every last word of it is painfully true.
You bounce and grind to your heart’s content on his member, digging your nails into his supple skin in the process. The little twinges of pain paired with the heat of your drooling pussy leaking arousal all over him is well past the point of blissing him out.
When he reaches between your bodies to slide the tip of his thumb over your clit, it doesn’t take long before you’ve been pushed over the edge. That first orgasm really loosened your nerves, making you that much more sensitive, which was somehow possible in spite of your skepticism. Tighnari loves the way your back arches when you cum, chest pressing right up against him. He’s yet to chase his own release with your body. That will undoubtedly come with time, —but this is about you, and Tighnari is nothing if not willing to put your pleasure before his own.
It just so happens that his coincides very much with yours, in this instance.
He doesn’t even rush you as your second orgasm wears off, instead waiting until your cunt stops periodically clenching around him before he suggests another position change.
This time, Tighnari wants you on your side; which offers you a welcome rest. His front matches the curve of your back as he wraps a single arm around your neck, pulling you close to him. With his free hand, he reaches out to grab hold of your leg, pulling it up to offer himself better access to your entrance. With both of his hands full, it’s up to you to guide him inside, and when you do it feels like heaven. There’s something special about the angle of this position that lets him poke and prod at all the right places, and when he cranes his neck forward, sticking his tongue out for you to suck, you waste no time in latching on to lap at his mouth.
The frantic desperation in your every move is somehow angelic, despite the lewdness of it all. Tighnari thinks to himself that he could sit here just like this, watching you wiggle and writhe against him, for an eternity or two.
Tighnari cants his hips, slapping himself against the flesh of your ass every time he slams back in. The head of his long cock eventually angles just right, and you squeal just a bit when he brushes against the sweetest spot inside you. A smirk pulls at Tighnari’s lips.
“That’s the spot, hm?” He asks, slowing his pace deliberately in order to offer you a series of slow, delicious hammerings that hit just right.
You slur something out through the fog on your brain that somewhat sounds like “yes” before bringing your hand down to play with yourself. Between your shaky fingertips swirling around your clit and the head of Tighnari’s cock slowly pumping against your g-spot, it’s less than sixty seconds before you’re cumming for the third time, pussy convulsing around your mentor. This time, liquid seeps out uncontrollably from the hole Tighnari is stuffed in. It’s not a lot, but it’s incredibly warm, and it dribbles down your thighs before soaking into the sheets.
He loves the way it feels as it trickles down his shaft when he finally decides to pull out.
“One more time, just for good measure,” Tighnari mumbles, pressing both your shoulders to the mattress. 
He’s yet to cum himself, and this time, he’ll be seeking his own release in tandem with yours. His thumb presses against your tongue for a moment as he waits for your breathing to even out. When it does, he pushes your legs apart once more and stations himself between your thighs. It’s an easy entrance, of course, but your walls still grip him just right. Cum slicks him up further and strings itself between your cunt and his length, as if emphasizing his every move.
He likes the way you bite down on the side of your hand, eyes half-lidded from pleasure. The trust you place in him is both sincere and incredibly stimulating for your fox-eared lover.
This position is simple, yet fulfilling all the same. Tighnari listens to your little noises, watches your eyes dance about in your skull, and has an equally thirst-quenching view of his own reddened cock shifting in and out of your cunt. His mouth waters from just the sight of it alone.
“This is an important lesson,” he says, emphasizing that with a particularly rough thrust that leaves your spine arching off the bed. “These are the things that happen when you collect unknown plant matter without gloves.”
Your body burns both from the shame of having disappointed him, and from the way his length fills you up.
Tighnari doesn’t say it, but he knows that you understand you don’t have to go and send your body into hyperdrive to garner his attention. You’re a smart girl, after all. . . All you have to do is ask.
With just a few more pumps in and out, Tighnari feels his own orgasm bubbling just under his skin. Your body mourns the loss when he pulls out for the final time, resting the tip of himself against your slit. As he rubs the head of his cock against your swollen clit, the both of you climax, your cunt throbbing and convulsing as he spills his seed between the lips of your pussy. It dribbles down so beautifully, like sticky sap from a tall tree.
Surprisingly composed given the circumstances and Tighnari’s rather conservative demeanor, he allows himself a bit of calming down before sliding off the bed and redressing. It’s a quick process, one that makes your head spin.
“Clean yourself up while I’m gone,” he tells you, seemingly back to his typical self. “I’ll dispose of the pollen before you find yourself in an even worse predicament.”
But, at least you were spared the majority of the lecture.
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respectthepetty · 29 days
hey! Sorry for the incoherent thoughts here but I finally watched the your dear daddy trailers and the way u keep talking about the colors and likening sila to being the Angel that lifts tharn up makes me think about how at some parts of the pilot it shows like, a huge difference in platform between them? Like the part where Sila and Tharn first meet in the club, Tharn is waaaay at the bottom of the floor looking up at Sila and Sila is looking down at him…I’ll need to rewatch the pilot to see how much they kinda emulate that
(the other one I can think of rn is near the end where sila is kneeling 🧎‍♀️ by tharn’s feet)
Idk I just wouldn’t have noticed these at all if u didn’t point out the symbolism haha
This is the energy I love to see, Anon!
Because there is clearly a height difference between the two leads.
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But the way the trailer escalates that difference is brilliant.
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I'm trying not to analyze the pilot too much, but as you so beautifully mentioned, it's very interesting that Saitharn, a man who doesn't believe in a higher power, immediately gravitates to Sila who 1) is initially shown to be physically higher than him and 2) has power.
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I already stated that I liked that even though Sila enters the club in the red and off-centered,
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He instantly walks into Saitharn's blue and centers himself.
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But the blue also envelopes him as a he looks down on Saitharn.
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And we get that visual again - Sila in the center, higher, and looking down at his farm. His home. His tiny universe where he is the master.
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However, Sila doesn't mingle with his people.
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He watches them from a distance.
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He doesn't even speak directly to them. His right-hand man gives Siatharn his gear while Sila just observes the exchange.
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He is an omnipresent god.
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And I'm going to go out on a limb and state he probably didn't want that responsibility.
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However, Saitharn seems to have changed this.
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Sila saves Saitharn.
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Sila helps Saitharn.
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Sila protects Saitharn.
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And even though Sila is still a god and higher than Siatharn, each time he interacts with Siatharn, the space between them shortens.
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Until Sila is on his knees, worshiping his god.
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So I think we are getting a story about two men who lost their way and gave each other something to believe in. I think Sila saves Siatharn from himself physically and emotionally, while Saitharn will give Sila a reason to care and embrace humanity.
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And even though I doubt Your Dear Daddy will give me this level of happiness, I do love when a god (who is white-color coded because he is heavenly yet actually devoid of color and love) wants to be seen as a man.
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And the way that god's love helps a blue boy rise.
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But, yeah, I'm not thinking that deeply about the pilot trailer.
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*I have not been normal about this since it dropped and I will NEVER be normal about it*
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minnielvr · 6 months
december - hwang hyunjin
˚ ༘ pairing bf! hyunjin x fem! idol! reader
˚ ༘ genre fluff, song fic
˚ ༘ wc 892
˚ ༘ listen to december - ariana grande (seriously, listen to it.)
˚ ༘ note the arianator inside me is coming out😭 this been sitting in my drafts since the beginning of december🙏
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you had just released your new solo song today. it was a christmas themed loved song. hyunjin was on your mind the whole time you were making it, so you guess it was a little early christmas gift for him.
you opened the door to your guys' shared apartment and kicked off your shoes. you ran towards hyunjins little art studio and barged in.
"babe babe! did you hear the new song i released?!?" you hoped he did already.
he chuckled softly and put down his art palette, wiping his hands and taking off his little apron, he invited you to sit down on his lap.
"no i have not baby, wanna show it to me?" his soft eyes were staring right into yours, making you shy. you nuzzled your face into his neck and muttered something incoherent to him.
"hm? what was that honey?" he tried to lift your face out of the crook of his neck but it was no use.
"j-just search it up and play it.." you looked up a little bit into his eyes.
"but thats no fun," he pouted. "how about you sing it for me? it can be an early christmas gift." he smirked. almost as if he knew it was for him.
"fine, but no laughing!" you took his phone and went to youtube to search up the song.
he giggled. "okay baby, i won't laugh, i promise." he moved you a little bit backwards on his lap so he could get the full view of you.
you pulled up the music on his phone and started singing, trying to avoid eye contact with him.
when december comes, i bet you want to wrap me all up and take me home with you see what i look like under them lights we'll keep it quiet, whatever we do
you winked at him after that verse. his mouth opened a little bit but he still smiled nonetheless. your voice sounded like honey to him. he liked where this song was going so far.
i'm just tryna keep my baby warm through the wintertime i'm just tryna give you something to remember through the summertime and whatever is on your list, i'll do it boy, whatever it is, you know i'll do it
his smile grew wider realizing that the song was about him, he grabbed your chin with two fingers and tilted your head up to meet him eyes. he really wanted to kiss you right now, but that can wait until after you're done.
merry christmas, here i am, boy gonna love you, gonna give you all i can, boy merry christmas, here i am, boy i'm the present and you know it, here i am, boy merry christmas, here i am, boy gonna love you, gonna give you all i can, boy merry christmas, here i am, boy i'm the present and you know it, boy
he smiled so softly but wide at you and his eyes did that thing when he smiled so big. everything about this moment was so perfect to him. your voice, the song, the lyrics, everything. he really couldn't believe you made a whole song dedicated to him
so he did the only normal thing anyone would do in a situation like this. he paused the music, grabbed your chin, and kissed you.
you felt fireworks going off in your stomach. this definitely wasn't your guys' first kiss, but it sure felt like it. you guys stayed like that for about five seconds until you both pulled away for some oxygen.
"y/n i seriously cant believe you, that was the cutest and hottest thing ever." he pulled you closer and let his head rest on your chest.
you started cascading your fingers through his soft hair, taking out any tangles. "well thank you very much," you giggle a little bit. "but i wasnt even finished singing." you pouted.
"oh honey i'm sorry. it's just that i thought it was so cute that i had to kiss you." he looked up at you and smiled. he then sat up properly and grabbed your cheeks. "i love you so much darling, thank you for writing that about me." he connected his forehead to yours and gave you a tiny peck on your lips.
"i love you more hyune, you don't have to thank me by the way. i would do it for you in a heart beat." you gave him a little peck on the lips back.
"so, im expecting you to be wrapped up in a bunch of bows on christmas day okay? since you're my present and all." he teased.
"in your dreams lover boy" you winked at him and got off his lap, making your way to the bathroom to go shower. it was hot in his studio, not to mention and the tension that was going on. he pouted at you and asked where you were going.
"i'm going to shower!" you called out from the main area.
hyunjin perked up at that statement. he scrambled off his stool and almost tripped to go catch up with you.
"w-wait for me!" he ran towards the bathroom but he was too late, you had already shut the door.
"get your head out of the gutter hyunjin" you called out from the bathroom and laughed at him.
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thevulturesquadron · 1 month
Okay okay I have many thoughts and I apologise if this is gonna end up very incoherent and disjointed but I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT BECAUSE AHHHHH
You know what the episode did very well (the writers, man)? Make the audience feel like they're taking crazy pills. There's this almost cognitive dissonance from the rest of the squad (Charles esp) with the way they say and behave because as Rogue stated "none of you were there". This is SO good in showcasing that you can be as understanding as you want, be literally a part of the same group... and STILL it's not enough because you didn't have the (in this case unfortunate) exact experience. The previous episode is a great addendum to this. The rest of humanity's (majorly the big wigs of course but you get what i mean) scared and at worst callous and apathetic reaction to the genocide. They're not scared because of what happened to those mutants, they're scared because of what Magneto would do in retaliation. Cooper is another example of how much actual experience can wholly change a person. She's not a mutant... but she was THERE. Erik and Rogue were there... right in the middle of it. How does anyone expect SOMETHING to not happen. You know who else saw what happened? Us, the audience. The latest episode felt frustrating and cathartic in the best way. It felt like decades of repressed righteous anger spilling in the most messiest manner, but it's OUT there. It needed to be said. Rogue's rant at the group before joining Erik, Erik's iconic "SHUT UP" line (yo lemme tell you istg i said the EXACT thing after that drivel Charles said). That's another thing that was so well done. Showcasing that no matter how well meaning Charles is... sometimes it feels like the dude's not LISTENING (Erik talks about watching a child be eviscerated in front of his very eyes, and I feel like all he's getting from others is an 'aw im sorry thoughts and prayers now can you please CHILL out') and does need this slap in the face. And the consequences keep piling up (the last big thing being what happened to Logan). Nothing will ever be normal and it's sad and scary and I'm very much looking forward to what comes next.
On a small note, showing how Roberto's decision was unsure with him trying to apologise to Jubilee and then his shocked reaction at her not wanting to hear him was so sad. It truly felt like a boy who only realised how massive of a consequence he's facing but just wanting his friend back.
I'm pretty sure I had more things to say and a more thoughtful way of saying them but anyway... 10/10. VERY ANGERING AND FANTASTIC. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE LAST EP!!!
HI!!! ✨SAME!! 💜💜💜💜 thanks for coming in kicking the door down and shouting my way cause I needed that!! My brain has been stuck on a loop with the events in E9.
I love, love, love this episode exactly because of the strong emotions it made me go through. To see the division, to see where everyone stands, to see what matters most to them: what they are going through or an ideal? It. Was. So. Good! It was skin itching to see it at the same time. Each episode has continued to take me by surprise and go beyond my expectations.
I love how well the writers have been able to portray the difference between people who have been through horrible events, and those who have seen them ‘on screen’. Remember in episode 7 when Amelia said 'a survivor is the last thing I’d wanna be.’? Now it resonates even more than ever. It’s poetry. And yes, Cooper isn’t just someone who ‘saw it Magneto’s way’. No. She was one of the perpetrators caught in the middle.
So that when Scott goes around saying ‘Magneto is responsible for this.’ When Wolverine is out for blood - it should make you angry cause it feels like the crimes that Bastion has orchestrated are secondary to the X-men's agenda of 'righting a wrong'. Bastion is just a battle, another villain they need to defeat. But the call was coming from inside the house all along.
I’ve seen people online saying that this episode did Magneto dirty. But I think it’s the opposite. Magneto had always been capable of awful things in his pain and anger, but that’s not the point the writers are trying to make. The name of the episodes is ‘Tolerance is extinction’ - the whole point is to put the viewer in the uncomfortable position of understanding Magneto’s anger, but knowing his actions have big consequences, all the while making you lose your mind at how backwards and ignorant Charles' side seems. People are dying because ultimately his dream is more important than the people the dream is made for. And Rogue and Magneto are calling him out on it. The beauty of it is that Charles is preaching an ethical way where everyone matters, but how entitled and arrogant he must come across when everyone else around him is just ‘sacrifices he is willing to make’ for the sake of an ideal. It’s beautiful and awful that the cry for battle and survival is coming from the mouth of those that have nothing left but violence in them, while the champions of the just offer shackles and tell those that suffer to endure more for the greater good.
Yes this episode is supposed to make people angry and confused. And I think it succeeds.
If there is one less positive thing to say about the show, it's the pacing. You can feel that they were forced to put everything in just 10 episodes because there are a lot of moments throughout the show that are either missing or rushed. (For ex. in this last episode I would have liked to have scene with Rogue and Roberto on Asteroid M, in a similar fashion to what we got for the two X-men squads; just a glimpse at how things are impacting them instead of immediately seeing them in a 'villain guards' roles.) But I am not going to hold it against the show; from what they've delivered it reads a lot like cuts that they needed to live with.
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idv-sunsxin3 · 5 months
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Horropedia // 3 AM Thoughts
Notes// Late night moments with him- I sometimes can't or don't even want to sleep just because I wanna make a snack and binge on my fav stuff/ih
{When you can't sleep}
Usually. Horropedia is a big night owl- he definitely would go all-nighters at times just to spend his only time on his favorite hobby after a long day of work. Relying on the art of coffee to keep him awake...
But of course, sometimes he does sleep at normal hours. Especially when you come over to stay over after a little indoor date or because you both just comfortably decided to.
Knowing yourself... there are times you get hungry at night and make chocolate pudding in the middle of the night- or using whatever you have that is still in the fridge.
But well... late night snacks at Joshua's is a different story-- at first, you're not even sure if is right to just raid someone's fridge like that. Last time you tried to make lunch for him, he tries everything to prevent you from moving a finger while being his "guest"-- well, that's a very too special treatment for a typical guest at his place 🤔
Nonetheless, you gotta.... nudge your boyfriend awake??? You took a second to contemplate before "screw it, I'm hungry and that's important-"/ih
You nudge Horropedia by the shoulder lightly. His arms are wrapped around you, asleep with his face half-buried in the pillow and glasses put away by the nightstand.
He doesn't respond the first time, merely twitching slightly while still muttering random things that sound incoherent, so you try again with more force.
"Babe," you raise your tone a bit while whispering. He then grumbles under his breath, slowly rousing from sleep.
"...What?" he asks, voice raspy before he takes one hard to rub his eyes a bit. What time is it...?
"I'm hungry," you tell him quietly, whispering not to break the tranquility of the night.
'What....?" He mutters, leaning on the back of your neck as he keeps his cheekbone laying on his pillow. Small groans can be heard as warm breath brushes over your nape.
"I'm hungry.... Food, please." you politely request him, but louder this time.
Horropedia wakes up a little bit more at your request. Blinking once or twice before pulling away to stare at the back of your skull for a moment. He frowns at you. Glancing at the clock on the wall, before giving you a slightly frustrated stare once more. Carefully reaching out his hand for his glasses through the dark before wearing them. His eyes can be vaguely seen as tired and in disbelief.
"At this hour...???" he asks dryly. "It couldn't wait until breakfast at least?"
You shake your head, knowing yourself very well that you'll go more edgy by the time the sun rises.
"No... I don't think l'Il be able to sleep." You sincerely say as in slight sorry tone, "I can make you your coffee, if you want...--"
He sighs as a response, but doesn't contest further. Instead, he presses a kiss to your cheek, and then one to your lips a bit lazily... seeming to want to feel its familiar softness one more time before stretching a bit.
"You're silly..." he says it fondly though his breath, and you beam up at him tiredly. I mean, he doesn't seem to mind it much.
He slips out of bed. "I'II just make you a snack that you like, okay?" he suggests through his remaining hiarse tone, "I gotta have to get myself a coffee too anyway... you silly menace of society-"
Before walking out of the room, he throws another playful glare as he says that, obviously intending to tease you.
You can only nod happily,
climbing out of the sheets after him.
{When he can't sleep}
Sometimes, he wants to sleep beside you. And there are times he struggles to sleep because he's too excited to see tomorrow with you. Thinking about all the things he reminisces... the things he wants to talk with you.
You can feel a pair of eyes staring through the pitch-black room, windows shut closes with curtains on and the door locked.
It almost sounds like a horror movie, the typical story about monsters underneath your bed... except that you is just your lover having this strange 3am thoughts while staring at you in your sleep. Laying beside you on his bed as you're trying to keep yourself warm... Horropedia has this nature of keeping the room cold with the AC on.
"So the killer was named William Afton, and his modus operandi was to abduct a child and hide their bodies in the fursuits of the animatronic performers. Afton was never caught, and the spirits of those victims melded with the Freddy's cast — which is why they seek vengeance in the fiction.---"
His feathery voice softly rambles on as he plays around your hair. Before shifting his tiny attention on your unattended fingers, brushing your palms in slow and small circular motion before carefully interwining its fingers with his.
His eyes shifting to different angles as his hand lightly motion around. Yet, his glance never fail to look away from your sleepy face for more than a second.
The only light present is the dim-lit dot that comes from his watch. His gun is put away on his desk from afar, sloghtly blinking whole it's charging. Your eyes go heavy by the slight soothing feeling of his hands tightly rubbing your scalp, as you snuggle more into the sheets.
"Mm..." That’s what you manage to say through your groggy voice, as if unconsciously making sure that you're listening to him. So the music of his chatty voice would never stop like a radiobox.
"While the story of the ghost children remains consistent with the Five Nights at Freddy's video game lore, there's an extra component in the movie. When Mike was younger, he watched his younger brother Garrett be kidnapped by an unknown assailant...---" Horropedia goes on as he starts pointing out the lore changes and additions to the fandom by the new horror movie. He goes on and on and on with the topic... from analisis to personal theories- until he notices the silence from you.
His heads slowly gets closer to your figure, which happens to be now in full sleeping mode. He sighs silently with a warm smile before planting a kiss on your forehead and softly booping your nose goodnight.
"We'll talk more when the sunrise comes, then."
The brunette declares quietly. He still cannot sleep... So he ends up smiling like a dork as he listens to your light snoring... until his eyes decide to rest once more.
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youaintnothinbuta · 10 months
hello i am back ! thank you sm for your last post, i really enjoyed it!! anyways i have fallen down the jd rabbit hole. could i request a jd x reader where reader is very affectionate but jd is hesitant bc of veronica (he saw her suicide but moved before he knew it was fake and feels super guilty) then reader starts to get a little more distant because of the lack of reciprocation on jd's end. anyways this is gonna go on for too long, could u make it end with reader finding out what happened and reader comforts jd, and he just suddenly melts from the affection. (IM CRYING THIS DOES NOT MAKE SENSE I'M SORRY )
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Summary: ^^
Pairing: Jd x reader
Warnings: mention of suicide, pretty much all warnings that come with anything heathers related. also probably typos and grammatical errors cos I’m tired
Word count: 774
Request something here !
Relief washed over you when you heard the familiar creak of your window opening. Looking up, you found your boyfriend, Jd, gracefully climbing into your room, a mischievous glint in his eyes as always. He got comfy beside you in your bed, snuggling up as he pulled your diary towards him, trying to peek.
“No.” You snapped it closed and popped it on your bedside table, telling him off.
“You’re really never gonna let me read that thing?”
“Maybe one day, when we’re 40 and I randomly find it after having forgotten about it for years.” You replied.
Jd laughed with a little shake of his head.
The evening went by much per normal, him climbing back out your window to head back to his own home, “I’ll see you at school,” he says as you shut your window behind him.
You let your body sit heavily on your bed, sighing. He had never been the most affectionate, you figured that was just the way he was. But lately he’s been even less affectionate. He’ll still let you be touchy with him, cuddling him and kissing on him but everything on his end has pretty much dissipated. Not even an arm around you as you walk together anymore. It felt like this big wedge was being driven through the middle of your relationship, and he -for some reason- wasn’t noticing it.
Another week or so passed, and the distance between you two had grew exponentially. You couldn’t entirely blame him, for you somewhat adopted this mindset of ‘if he wants to be distant, fine, I can be distant too.’
But it had gone on for too long now, and had gotten worse than you ever thought it could. You barely even talked at school, you just sort of sat together in this weird unresolved silence.
You had had enough. One evening you got yourself out of bed and marched yourself over to Jd’s house, not planning on leaving until you figured out what his deal was.
“Jd, I can’t do this anymore.” You wasted no time, immediately speaking as you crawled though his window, startling him.
“What are we doing?” You stood in front of him, arms crossed.
“What are we doing? You and I. What is happening?”
His confusion was evident, his voice a mix of curiosity and bewilderment, “What are you talking about?”
“Jd, don’t be a dick. You're distant. We barely talk. You haven’t even held my hand in a month. I feel like I've lost you. Have I done something wrong?”
Jd's sigh carried a weight, his figure rising from the bed. “Y/N, I…” he hesitated, the words escaping him reluctantly, “My ex— she hung her herself in front of me. It haunts me. I just feel guilty and I'm terrified that I might drive you to the same point.”
The room fell into a stunned silence, your mind grappling with the enormity of his confession. Your mouth opened to speak, only managing to stutter incoherently. Before he could continue, you closed the gap between you, enfolding him in a heartfelt embrace. Silence enveloped the room, broken only by the sound of your steady breaths. “I had no idea,” you whispered softly, your voice carrying a mixture of sympathy and understanding “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Jd choked out, unsure exactly of what the emotions his brain was trying to process were. You shook your head against him slightly, still holding him in a hug, “I can’t imagine how heavy that must feel.”
Jd winced, beginning to cry into your shoulder, tears starting to flow without reservation. That was the first time anyone has ever acknowledged how much pain he has experienced, ever. Your touch was a silent reassurance to him that he could let his guard down.
Amidst his quiet sobs, you murmured calmingly to him, “Shh, it's alright, Jd. You're not alone anymore. I'm here for you.” Your voice was a steady presence, comfort in a way he’d received from no one except his mom when he was a kid.
As his tears subsided, you held him a little tighter, your fingers tracing soothing circles on his back. “You don't have to be afraid with me,” you whispered, your words carrying the weight of your sincerity. “I'm not your ex, Jd. I just want to see you happy.”
His grip on you tightened, his vulnerability a testament to the trust he was beginning to place in you. He gave you a watery smile. “Thank you,” he managed to whisper, his voice raw, “you wanna just stay here tonight?” He asked. You nodded, getting comfortable in his bed.
A/N: LMFAO I’m so sorry this is SHIT but I had already left it sitting in my inbox so long and I didn’t wanna keep u waiting any longer. I kinda gave up with the end so sorry I hope it’s okay I tried to stick as closely as I could to the request 😭🫶🏼
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Vaguely incoherent stuff about what might have become my favourite episode of the Robins/James radio show. Not for any one particular reason, it was just very funny. The whole post could basically be summarized in those few sentences.
Reached episode 220 of the Radio X shows, from May 2018, and I think it might be the funniest one I've heard so far.
Normally, to be honest, I like that this show is nice easy listening. I'm sorry that this is a massively backhanded compliment because I don't mean it that way and love the show, but I do like that it's something I can easily listen to on the commute to work or on a break at work or something, and it's not going to make me fall apart laughing in public. I mean, I always try to get a spot at the front of the train and facing the wall so I can laugh a bit without people seeing me. But I won't necessarily laugh out loud to the point of it being a problem.
For whatever reason, on this day in May 2018, they hit a stride to the point where I found it difficult to listen on a break at work because I didn't want my coworkers to hear laughter coming from the empty classroom in which I'd barricaded myself. They were both just on for the entire time. I should maybe say they were all on, because Vin was good too. It was so much fun to listen to.
They do repeatedly announce that they were both at a party last night and are both hungover, and John repeatedly announces that he's in a terrible mood for at least the first half of the episode, so we have further confirmation that alcohol always makes people better at their jobs and John Robins should never be allowed to be happy. Although he did mention on the next episode that he was almost a week into things with his new girlfriend, which I realized probably explained why there was the sort of manic giddiness alongside his irritability and hangover the previous week, which I think was the recipe for why everything he said was so funny. But that's not sustainable, you can't have John Robins acquire a girlfriend every week just because it might put him in a particularly excitable broadcasting mood. That's definitely not a good idea. When they announced that, I did have a brief reaction of "Oh my God, again? He's doing it again? Oh God, I forgot that that he's going to do it again. Isn't he tired? How does he have the energy to do this all over again? I barely have the energy to listen to him do it all over again." The radio episodes were quite a rollercoaster during his previous relationship, turning up every other week with anecdotes that made me wince and think this is a terrible idea, and then there was the breakup phase that was even more of a rollercoaster, and I was vaguely aware from having read his Wikipedia page that between the point I'm at (mid-2018) and present day he gets into an other relationship, gets engaged, and then it ends again. But I'd forgotten it was going to happen until they actually mentioned it. It was pretty similar to my reaction when any of my friends tell me they've got into a relationship, which is "Oh I'm going to have to spend so much time listening to stories about how your relationship is going that always make me think you should definitely not be in it anymore, and I'll have to stand there and not say that, and hanging out will get awkward because I have to pretend I think your relationship is a good idea, and then eventually there will be a breakup phase where you'll be very upset but I still won't really be allowed to tell you the whole thing's a terrible idea, until you're finally done and then the cycle will just repeat, and it's fine and I'll be supportive but don't you get tired?" (People reading this blog excepted, and I mean that genuinely, the couple of people I've met online in healthy relationships make me wonder if I just happen to have only ever met in person people who have terrible relationships.) Anyway, the commercial indie Radio X show is going to do another romance storyline, even though honestly, it's been in a pretty good place and I'm not sure they needed to throw in that kind of subplot.
(Disclaimer: Obviously alcohol is bad for you and quitting it is good and people should be happy and digital DJs should pursue both happiness and relationships at the rate that makes sense for their own lives and not according to what makes good radio. Although pursuing relationships and frequently discussing their ups and downs on air are two different things, and the latter maybe could be done according to a bit more of a "good radio" schedule, because I'm currently three episodes into the new relationship and there have already been multiple stories based on it that are slightly exhausting to listen to, we've got several years of this ahead. I don't genuinely wish unhappiness on people, I hope all my favourite tortured single comedians are secretly very happy and just doing a character, I would love it if it turned out Daniel Kitson's been happily married since 2007 and Michael Legge's been sober his whole life and it's all an elaborate ruse. I just don't need to hear the relationship updates in their work all the time.)
Anyway, this post wasn't meant to be about that at all. This post was about a radio episode where they started by both apologizing because they were hungover and not at their best, and then absolutely killed it for an hour and a half. So many parts that made me laugh too hard to be at work. I've said before that John Robins is quite quick normally and "Lee Mack quick" on a really good day, and this was the latter. Solid riffs. Classic arguments. A made-up game with regional accents and yelling at each other. What more could we want?
I said recently that the dynamic from the beginning of their radio show, John's the better comedian but Elis is more successful, is a gap that I think closes because John wins a massive award and gets some more work and Elis' major TV sitcoms end and I'm not sure how much else he gets. At this point, however, I'm less sure of that. John's had his award for some time and done a big tour off it but the gap does still seem to be there, as every single thing John Robins does gets plugged repeatedly on the radio show, while Elis clearly has enough on his plate so that every once in a while he'll just off-handedly mention some shit he's doing on Welsh TV that's common enough so he doesn't need to make a big deal of it every time. He's got a football podcast with some actual players that seems like a pretty big thing, though it's hard to tell how big because John yells at him for promoting the competition if he talks about it. Though John is about to host a (probably terrible, I'm guessing, though I've not seen it yet) TV panel show, which is definitely big. And I do think wherever they were in relation to each other in 2023, the Taskmaster bump is a big enough thing so that John's got to be pulling ahead now.
Anyway, that episode 220 has a bit that really calls attention to that, because they announce that they've both intentionally kept secret some recent part of their life to tell each other live on air, and John goes first and his story is that he got a speeding ticket and then did a remedial driving class, and Elis' story is that his football podcast has been nominated for an international award in New York. Which was a really funny contrast. And John took way too long to congratulate him, which is such a relatable flaw. In my thirties, I have to constantly remind myself that it isn't like when we were younger and our friends do successful things and we just immediately make fun of them for it, now we're older and their successes are genuinely important life things and we have to remember to sincerely say congratulations and not be a dick about it. A thing that I've had tested several times in the last few months specifically as my roommate keeps getting chosen for Team Canada coaching positions and I have been genuinely working hard to remember to say "Wow well done on the hard work" before I start saying "Oh cool you get to go work with that council of terrible people we've hated for 15 years" and then make jokes about how terrible the people are. Congratulations first, then jokes. And if they hadn't made such a thing about keeping it a secret until they were on air, I'd have assumed that John did the congratulations privately and is now just doing jokes on air, as is appropriate for a comedy show. But because it was his first time hearing it, the longer he went without saying "well done" the worse it sounded, and he went way too long. He said the words "This is like finding out your husband’s affair’s been nominated for best relationship" before he said "Well done." Then Producer Vin pointedly said "Well done Elis" like a parent saying "Thank you" to get a kid to realize they should also say that, and then he muttered "Well done" as well. It was a genuine moment of being a bad friend and it made me laugh so hard that I had to cover my mouth so my co-workers in the break room (because I work with people who can somehow get through a whole morning and still be up for socializing rather than barricading themselves in an empty room during the break) wouldn't hear me. It was so funny. Bitter snippy John Robins is really funny. Elis James deserves a Chortle Award for patience, but bitter snippy John Robins is really funny.
Oh, there were also several links worth of discussion about whether Jon Richardson is a dick and how annoying it is to have your ex-flatmates on panel shows where they get asked to tell embarassing stories about you, which was also very funny. Very good episode. They should broadcast hungover more often. Obviously not really, it's a very good thing that an alcoholic has quit drinking. I should say, I hope there are more episodes in the past where they're broadcasting hungover but also fairly giddy and in a basically bad but excitable mood. It's very funny.
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m1mk1d · 6 months
warning !!! this is a vent, please scroll past if you're uncomfortable with it.
cw: mentions of sexualizations, gore, blood, suicide and s/h and similar stuff.
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Okay so, this has been on my mind a lot.
Recently I had this friend, I trusted him a lot to the point we would hug or kiss platonically, usually that's very nice like "awww u have a best friend now" but no.
Somewhere during vacations I went to his house to hang out, play videogames stuff like that, but after a while he said " wanna see a video of two people being decapitated? " I said yes because I didn't think he was being serious and it wasn't until he said " It has gore, is that okay?".
That might've seen like a nice gesture protecting his friends from possibly being traumatized from it, but later that same month I was being my normal self, talking about Burt and all that shit and I said " I would do anything for Burt, except watch gore" I was expecting just a silly response since it was a joke, but I was met with the same exact video and the caption " If you really loved him you'd watch gore."
I was obviously freaked out because if you know me, I'm EXTREMELY sensitive to even mentions of blood let alone real life gore, I was asking in the nicest way " hey, can you stop? it makes me uncomfortable." but guess what, he didn't!!!!!! he kept sending the video to me to the point where i was literally shaking and even crying. All because " it was cute how I go so scared"
This led up to not being able to watch videos people sent to me out of fear, and ANY chainsaw noises or screams would trigger me.
He would also grab and squeeze my thighs, which at that time I consented to so I didn't mind, because it was a JOKE like "haha squishy thighs :3" until he actually started sexualizing it, and I got uncomfortable. I tried telling him this but he just started begging for me to let him so I did. He would squeeze my stomach, same thing happened.
At some point, he got fed up I didn't wanna give him the pleasure he wanting because I was uncomfortable with it and looked for more people go help him.
He started using my emotions as a way to take advantage of me claiming "If u weren't my friend I'd kms" and saying that every fucking day no matter what the circumstances. We were just in English class like normal ? he'd say he wants to die. Taking it as far as sending pictures of blood from his sh or claiming he had a rope ready.
Hell he triggered my trauma response a LOT of times because seeing him with someone else immediately made me think he was gonna replace me, because he would if he could. But when I called him out on his bullshit he went " I've always comforted you, I always cared for you"
I admit, I also had fault in this, because I was also struggling with suicidal thoughts I'd say "I wanna die too !!!!" but I fucked up on that part and also saying I'd replace him, when he was also scared of that. but I APOLOGIZED for all of that, he made fun of me because I got triggered by gore with his friends, he would show me full on hentai just because it was "hot " and obviously didn't give a fuck about me and my interests.
It was all planned. He confirmed it to me.
This affected me so fucking much, he stopped talking to me during October when they changed me to another classroom. Just like that I lived through my past traumatic experience yet again, I was left with tons of suicidal thoughts and was generally in the worst mindset, I couldn't even talk to my friends about it because the only one I trusted was his new comfort person and I still feel guilty because a lot of it was my fault. I can't fucking look at my thighs the same way.
And all because he wanted the comfort he never fucking got.
(sorry if its incoherent)
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rouge-variant · 2 years
heyy i wanted to request something
im a very affectionate and loving person, almost clingy, and i often feel like no one loves me as i love them and i dont recieve the same "love" that i give back. Sooo i wanted to request reader feeling like that with levi? like maybe he doesnt love them as much
its perfectly fine if you dont want to :))
No!!! You deserve to feel all the love you give x2!!!! I will give it to you! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ok I think I did it the way you wanted but if I'm going down the wrong path, let me know and I will fix. I did change it a little bit so that he does love you, just wasn't sure how to express it which is why he seemed different. Also if you have a better title for this, PLEASE tell me...titles are hard. So sorry about the wait! Thanks for your request and I hope you enjoy!!!
Levi Ackerman x Reader: Affecting Affection
Trigger Warning: Due to the nature of the request there is mentions of neglect and emotionally unstable relationship. Happy ending but please keep this in mind while you read.
Levi doesn't quite understand affection. The description of the word that his mind creates is blurry just like all of his memories of what it feels like to receive this much love.
At first he would be jerking away from your affection only because it was so new to him. It took weeks before he would let you hold his hand, let you play with his hair or even to cuddle against his chest. You be hardly ever seen his face while you initiate thats thing and any time you've asked him to looka t you, you're always greeted with glare and incoherent grumble.
Levi's never been the one to start something either. He just seems so distant and it's not a surprise to see him ignore the changes in your behavior. You've become less touchy, less persistent to get him to get him to take a break and lie with you for a while, you're there in the room but only the body of the person he loves.
It takes him a while but eventually he does notice. It's late...better term, its early morning, when he hears your sleepy voice from the cracked door of the bedroom. Its faint but there's nothing else to cause noise so he can hear you. Theres small whimpers and he gets up to check on you. As he reaches the door, you mutter and he feels his chest constrict.
"Why don't you love me anymore?" Its unclear to whom you're talking to in your dream but it triggers his mind to replay the last couple of weeks. Your absence is outline in red in his memories. The fallen look on your face when you leave him to his work, the way you silently deliver his tea and snacks, you even stopped staying goodnight before you retire.
Panic settles in his body and he backs away from the door so he won't wake you. He hates it. He hates that he's treated you like this because he was afraid of getting used to your affections. He was scared of it and scared of admitting it to you. Some partner he was.
He left his work on his desk and changed into something better to rest on before approuching the empty side of the bed. Slowly he joined you and turned onto his side. His arms reached under the blanket and loosely held your waist. He must've looked ridiculous and his cheeks burned at the thought of it but he managed to snuggle up to you. "I'm sorry" he mumbled into your hair while you continued to sleep. Your subconscious felt him there and you turned slightly to such your face in his chest. He smiled a little and stayed with you for the remaining hours of darkness.
When you woke up, your were greeted by the soft fabric of his shirt and the feeling of fingers in your hair. You looked up to see Levi's head facing the window. He had yet to notice your awakening. This was odd to you, normally he's already dressed and making tea in the messhall, but right now, he's in your shared bed, holding you. You squirm a little to sit up and the familiar flinch from Levi returns. He looks at you and you see the flicker of concern and shock in his eyes. He says nothing, eyes darting down, but his arms are still around you
"Did you...want me to move?" He asks and you blink in confusion. Why would you want that? He's being affection, awkward as hell maybe, but at least he's trying. "Did you want to?" You make him look at you and he sighs.
"I don't know...I'm-" he breaks off looking for the right words and a way to day it that wasn't going to make you feel bad.
"I'm uncomfortable with this, not because of you but because...I don't know how to do this. I heard you talking in your sleep earlier. I love you more than anything, I don't say it enough and I doubt that I express it enough but I do love you" he admits. His body has gone stiff and the silence that settled between the two of you, feels like its choking him.
"I want to know how I can make you feel loved...but I need you to teach me" he continues and looks at you. You're speechless. For good and bad reasons.
The bad being that it took him weeks to figure out that you were acting strange, for nearly ignoring since you guys got together, that even how he's still so hesitant about this.
But he's trying to make amends, and if you've learned anything about Levi, it's that he stays true to his word. The fact that he hasn't left you yet despite his own discomfort, is proof of that already.
"Alright, but that doesn't mean you're off the hook Ackerman" you tease and he relaxes.
"I'm well aware. Thank you" he nods.
"For starters, we are going to stay here for a bit longer and cuddle. If you're going to hold me like this, get comfortable first" you instruct and he does, lying down a bit more to relieve the ache in his back. You then nustled back into his side and he wrapped his arms around you yet again.
"Levi, if I'm gonna teach you how to do this, I need you to tell me what is comfortable, what's new and if you need time to adjust to it, and what not to do" you locked eyes with him.
"This is about you just as much as it's about me" you added and he nods.
"This, this is ok. Thank you for being so patient with me" he smiled a little.
"Thank you for taking this risk" you kissed his lips. He hummed as he returned the kiss, cupping you cheek. You smiled as you pulled away.
Over the next few weeks, you and Levi grew closer as you slowly made progress with him understanding your loving ways. He started to respond better to your touches, engaging with you more when you brought snacks during his late hours of work, even started to plan smaller dates and initiate more cuddles and kisses on his own.
There was a few times when things didn't work well, like when Levi attempted to help rub your back in after a long day of training but you were to ticklish to hold still and it stressed him about hurting you. Or when you tried to cover him with a blanket after he fell asleep at his desk but your fingers brushed his neck which woke him up and set him on guard. They were funny but equally embarrassing on both sides. But it's a work in progress and something you thought you would never see. Sure he still isn't as affectionate as you but at least now he's doing more to show his love for you. As more time passes, who knows, maybe Levi will become as affectionate as you.
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mlynar-nearl · 1 year
Hello! Hi, I promised some song recs, so here I am. I have a short Młynar playlist myself, but the catch is I keep the songs Polish-only for immersion, hah. I can quickly translate all of them for you though, so! If you'd like a full eng translation of any of those, lmk! This is getting a little long let me readmore this.
Wieża radości, wieża samotności by Sztywny Pal Azji (Tower of happiness, tower of loneliness). I see this song as very reminiscent of his mental state during his worst years, particularly the lyrics "I live in a high tower, it will defend me / I don't fight with anyone anymore, I don't fight for anything / On a stake are burning all my ideals", as a window into both his isolation and desolation, yet the chorus in itself is almost desperate for some form of getting out of it.
Next up, Chcemy być sobą by Perfect (We want to be ourselves). As the title suggests, it's a song about holding onto hope that one day the singer can simply be himself.. In regards to Młynar, the first verse in particular feels on-brand for him, as it describes a normal, mundane morning of bread, coffee, and a newspaper, before the singer describes throwing the mug at the wall and grabbing the first person he sees to yell at him I want to be myself yet, I want to be myself at last.
Halfway thru! Told you this is a long one haha. Jeszcze będzie przepięknie by Tilt (It will be beautiful yet). This is a very slow and quite a sad song, however it is ultimately about holding onto hope that one day, things will be beautiful, and normal. It opens with a very solemn description of the millions of faces and pains the singer has perceived, before it slowly shifts to a quiet, gradually building up chant of "It will be beautiful yet / It will be normal yet".
Last but not least, a shippy song, so Toland & Młynar get Na zawsze i na wieczność by Wilki (Forever and ever). It's a song about meeting someone for the first time... in the rain. It also has banger lyrics of "Our eyes finally met, like reflections of lost stars / You were close, I understood it all / The one who leaves will always be alone."
I have more but this ask is way too long haha. Have a nice listen, if you do!
it makes me grin like an idiot that "mlynar nearl music from polish bands" is now a genre of ask i get. sure i've gotten it twice now, but both times i've had so much fun and felt so Seen (pos) by other arknights fans that it's always a joy to get more. i really do love listening to non-english music! i'm one of those nerds who would love the power to speak any language fluently. i'm going to start rambling about how cool linguistics is to me if i keep offering my thanks for these so i won't do that and will just get to the point.
sorry if any of this is incoherent, i have mlynar nearl based autism and i haven't eaten anything all day.
first: OHHHH this is so perfect for how he thinks and feels and tries to pretend he is. i say pretend because he's not very good at making it perfectly that he is that person who doesn't care anymore. it's a very good mask, but it does slip, and it slips enough in narrative that we can say with confidence it's a lie he tells himself to try and survive. it's really difficult to be someone who cares but is so inherently helpless, especially when he inevitably has children and a family to care for. he has more going for him than the average kazimierzan, but in terms of what he can get away with, it's a lot less than a lot of people seem to think he's capable of. he tries so hard to be jaded and in some ways he is, in others, he can't fully desensitize himself to the suffering of others and the fact that he has beliefs of his own. and of course, how he would like to stop being in this in between place, but has no idea how to even get out of it after so many years painting himself into being the callous one out of his family.
second: that perfectly flows into this one genuinely. i like the calm beat of it and the flow of the music -u-
it makes me think of post-obscure wanderer where he has a motive to want to get better, to try something else in his life. he has a lot going on and i think an important choice made in OW for him is to decide to put effort into life, something he hasn't really done for a long time thanks to his crushing depression. the idea that everyone kind of refers to with him in canon, especially to some extent that toland and czcibor touch on in NL and OW respectively, that mlynar nearl is not the person we get to see so far, and that he used to be someone else- someone who could, possibly, come back.
third: OOBH this is also good for the similar themes above. it feels a lot like. like. the imagery of him traveling thru kazimierz before and after OW looking for schnitz and yolanta and how he says at the end of OW that whatever hope he's had over the last decade or so barely compares to how he feels right now when he has the little hint czcibor gave him. which is depressing in the context of how little that hint was, but sweet in the context of...it's such a huge improvement for him. he can do better. he's going to do better. there's hope for him! aaah!!! i'm so Normal!!!!
fourth: SHIP MUSIC LET'S GO i'm so normal about these two in a romantic context Genuinely they're so fascinating and so in love. imagery of light and stars always goes miles and miles with them, especially because of toland's description of the night they met, mlynar's rain themes, and how light and rain play against each other visually. and "the one who leaves will always be alone" NGNGNH mlynar having to leave and being ultimately more alone for how nobody in the city or in his family really understands his perspective on things, let alone the way toland does. they have such a unique relationship where they're two of the only people who truly understand each other on a deep emotional level. even their other old friends as far as we know, ie, czcibor, can't actually say they understand either one of them very well. they interface and communicate as people in such a distinct way that even the reader looking at their conversations has to pick out piece by piece what they're really saying, because their conversations flow so well and so subtly. ugh. i love them, i love their nonverbal and between-the-lines communications, and how much they are, in their own ways, a little bit emotionally diminished without each other. because they love and miss each other! auauhghughh!! <- the autism takes over
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Then there’s Tommy’s creation which I skipped over for a bit. I love that Tubbo gets to crown him. I love Tubbo getting rewarded for his loyalty by being able to rise beyond his position adjust a servant. He’s on Tommy’s council now and he’s the person Tommy values most there.
So of course Tommy chooses Tubbo. Phil and Techno can’t do it cuz he needs to swear loyalty to them. (also Eldingvegr traditions) Wilbur can’t do it cuz again disrespectful, but also Wilbur isn’t on Tommy’s council and it would be kind of weird to have Wilbur crown Tommy and then be stripped of his title and crown and something else.
I really love the ritual though. The homage and respect to all the sides and cultures of Eldingvegr. Crowning and presenting Tommy to and for all of them. The wind playing a part of it too since windy season is such a big part of their culture.
Then there’s Tommy’s entire attitude changing the second he gets crowned. He’s still a kid but he has so much power. Wilbur being so proud. Tommy swearing loyalty to Phil and Techno even though they’ve been loyal to each other for years. Phil and Techno swearing to protect Tommy and Eldingvegr too.
Also, the entire flashback of Wilbur meaning Tommy for the first time and immediately knowing that that’s his little brother and he will love him forever. Just all the emotions. It’s good. I feel like this is very incoherent, but oh well. I might revisit some bits later, but at least I’ve caught up again.
YEAHHHH TUBBO MOMENT!! tbh I really struggled with deciding who should be the one to actually crown tommy because in the research I did for the coronation, pretty much all real life coronations are led by the priest of whatever church the monarchy follows. I didn't want to bring religion worldbuilding this late into the game so I just decided eldingvegr doesn't have a planet-wide religion so instead it's just a council member who does it, and I decided it should be tubbo because he deserves it :)
yeah I considered wilbur but then thought about how it would be weird with the timing and everything and also not make much sense since he's a bastard prince. and then phil and techno wouldn't make sense because they need to do the swearing loyalty thing to them, but also eldingvegr is not their planet. neither one of them grew up on that planet. that's not their crown to give and they both recognize that. it had to be someone who was truly from eldingvegr that did it, so tubbo fit perfectly.
oh I'm so glad you liked the ritual. I literally had several scenes from different shows/movies open in youtube tabs to reference while I wrote out the script for it. because yes I wrote out the script for the coronation lines before actually writing the scene itself since it's more traditional lines that are passed down through history compared to just normal dialogue, so a lot more thought had to be put into it. I'm really happy with how it turned out though. again, I thought it just made sense to emphasize the importance of the day/night sides of eldingvegr, along with the twilight ring and the winds themselves. because the winds are a huge part of their culture! it was just such a fun worldbuilding exercise for me
even though tommy's still a kid, when he gets crowned he feels that power. the weight on his shoulders is there, and he's the leader he was always supposed to become. he's filled with so much confidence that it just radiates out from him, and everyone can see the shift.
I loved coming up with that flashback. it was such a tiny bit that wasn't in my plan or anything, I just came up with it as I wrote it and it made me so soft. wilbur's loved his little brother with all his heart since the very beginning. despite everything, it's the two of them against everything else.
thank you so much for all your analysis on stars spruce. sorry it took so long to get to these, my inbox has been a mess lol. but your analysis always made my day to read while writing stars and it gave me so much motivation. so glad you enjoyed <3
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randynova · 3 years
There's something Im wondering: are Doma's children human? Do they have demon characteristics like disliking sunlight etc?
Did I forget to clear that part up? I'm so sorry for the confusion 😅
They're regular humans actually! Well, except the last one, obviously since I wrote a whole ask on it.
It's a little weird, honestly.
Doma's first four children are humans who are carbon copies of their father – down to their pale blonde hair, to their sweet smiles, and clingy nature. Save for their eyes, being your nice [E/C] hue.
However, like I mentioned before, the twins are the only ones who are entirely like Doma in terms of personality and looks.
The younger two are more "normal " and like doing regular activities babies do. Babble incoherently while giving mommy and papa gummy smiles, grabbing and pulling at their hair, putting their feet in their mouth, stuff like that.
Being a little shy, clinging to mommy, and crying when they're away from her. Also pulling her shirt down when they're hungry, whining, and pawing at her for milk.
Cute little behavior really.
The twins, on the other hand, aren't like that at all.
At least, not anymore.
They do like being by their mother's side, they do, but they love being by their father's side even more. Thus, they pick up his habits and start to mirror him.
The only demon characteristics the twins picked up would be from mimicking their father's behavior. Such as avoiding going out during the day, preferring juicy, tangy meat instead of vegetables, gritting their teeth when their upset – things like that.
They take late night walks with Doma in the mountains, playing with him in the fields under the moonlight, counting the stars, and tracing the night sky with their fingers as the draw out constellations. "Oh, yes, that's the Ursa Major — you have a good eye! If you move a little more to the left, my little rosebuds, you can see the Ursa Minor..."
"Papa, why are they both called Ursa?"
"If I can remember, it's because they're family. The story goes that these two are a mother and son who were saved from a terrible fate of death, where the mother was turned into a bear by the goddess Hera and her son was about to slay her. The two were saved by Zeus and given a place in the sky together, so they'll never be apart even in the afterlife – for you can never separate family."
The twins look at their father and smile, hugging him. One spoke, snuggling into his sides. "Do you promise we'll always be together, papa?"
"Of course, my rosebuds! Papa loves you two oh so very much! Mommy as well! I can promise you all of us will always be together... forever. "
The most unsettling things they mimic from Doma is the way he smiles when he's angry. How the warmth disappears from their eyes, how tight-lipped their grin is, only to unleash a flood of emotions onto you later on.
They picked up his violent tendencies as well when they don't get their way, though a more infantile form of it – throwing things all over the place, screaming at the top of their lungs, hitting anyone close to them, and more.
Doma rather deal with it in a more intimate manner than they do. Perhaps the difference being that they love you in different ways.
Though sometimes, you question if the twins even love you or not.
Once, they began to hit you when you tried weening them off breast milk at the age of four – which was at a much later date than you wanted due to them begging you and you just couldn’t say no to them, their father not helping in the decision much either.
Trust me, parents' friends had a five year old still breastfeeding and uh,, shits wack.
Their small fists pounded against your skin, screaming at you, clawing at your kimono as they tried to get their fair share of milk. "Mommy! We're hungry! We want milk! Give us milk!"
They had just watched you feed their youngest sibling, finally settling the small infant into their crib as they slipped into a peaceful slumber, belly full. As you tucked your kimono back into place, walking our of your bedroom, you run into your twins. They stand in front of you with blank expressions, eyes bring into you as they it slowly morphs into one of displeasure.
"Stop ignoring us! We want milk too!! Stop, I want some!!!"
You never thought your sweet sons would ever try hurting you, it was such a foreign idea – ridiculous even – that you never even considered it. It did pain you actually, to the point your arms and abdomen began to throb and ache.
They ignored your pleads to stop, only hitting harder until you actually let a cry out.
You never saw your husband appear until his shadow loomed over all three of you.
It took Doma roughly snatching them off of you, grabbing the back of their haori, and pulling them away from your crying form with a growl. He nearly snapped at them, his own children, for hurting you and daring to lay a hand on his wife.
His smile was gone and all that was left was a dark, empty expression on his face, the void look in his eyes scaring his children into silence and shock. He lifted them into the air and looked between them, breathing heavily as he began to bear his fangs, corners of his mouths twitching.
"How dare you hit your own mother?" Doma snarled, wide gaze taking in the terrified expression on his children's faces. "Didn't I teach you to never harm my pretty petal? I should punish you..."
Your sniffling was all he heard, your broken pleads to let your sons down, that they didn't mean it, and were just hungry.
"Oh no, petal, this is why our children are like this. You're too soft with them. As much as it hurts me, I will make sure they never even think to do it again."
"N-No, Doma! Please...!" You cry, clinging onto his arm and pulling him back. "No, they're too young! Please, I-I'll take the punishment this time! I'll teach them from now on! Just please, don't hurt my babies!"
"A few spanks and scratches should be a good place to start, or should I break a little bone or two as a warning? It'll be more quicker than the first..."
Your heart drops and you shake your head, falling you your knees, blubbering over your tears as you beg him to let them go. "No, no, no, do whatever you want to me, Doma! Just leave our boys alone...!"
Hearing your cries makes his blood rush and chest swell, but even then, his eyes never leave his boys once.
Glancing at you, he sees how you shake with every sob wracking your body, how you bunch up his pants leg whilst burying your face into it, weakly tugging at it as you plead and cry. Going over your words in his head, his anger starts to simmer and cool.
How can a man deny such a tempting offer from his beautiful, dutiful wife?
The demon stays silent, pondering your words before letting the boys fall to the floor with an audible loud thump. Without warning, he wastes no time to grab your upper arm, forcing you onto your feet, and leaving without another word. You stumble behind him, thanking God for your husband falling victim to his own desires.
As he drags you back to your shared bedroom, you look over your shoulder to meet the curious, yet fearful gaze of the twins. Even in as they witness their father lose his cool, some part if them believed it was another game, similar to the ones that he always played with them.
They would never understand Doma and never see or comprehend his true nature.
For that, you are both grateful and cursing the heavens for it.
"Mommy's gonna get in trouble from papa for not feeding us... good. I still want my milk."
"Me too..."
A mother's love is the greatest strength and blessing the world can offer.
They're willing to do anything for their children and shield them from the world's cruelty if it means they're safe.
Like you did to save them from your monster of a husband.
You didn't want your children to go through the same pain you did under Doma.
Even if they admired him, saw him as a good person, their little minds would surely break through his twisted form of punishment, leaving nothing but a shell of your sweet boys.
Thus, you put yourself between them and sacrificed yourself to a punishment no one deserves.
As Doma slashed your skin and pumped into you, crooning with a low, chilling voice, breathing heavily as he dug his claws into your wrists," I'm doing this because I love you, my petal. But you need to learn how to be a good mother from now on. I'm so disappointed that my own children turned into spoiled brats because of our negligence."
"N-Negli...Negligence?" You whisper, wanting to laugh at the statement. Even if Doma was the father of your children, you made sure to always love and care for them. Never were they not fed, clothed, and clean. You always made raising them to know the difference between good and bad a mission, one you carried out diligently. Always making an attempt to discipline them when necessary, punishment wasn't rare.
It wasn't your fault Doma doted on them and gave into their pleas, making sure they had everything they could ever wish for and more.
"Don't worry, we won't make that mistake again. They'll learn to respect us, to respect you." Doma giggled and sighed in bliss, tilting his head down at you. "No child of mine will hurt their mother, but neither will I allow another soul to harm my pretty petal."
Snapping his hips at a fast, painful pace, he gleefully sings his words, making sure every thrust had you gasping and whimpering. "You are my petal first, my wife second, and the mother of my children last. As much as it will be painful to do it, I will not hesitate to protect you and put them in their place."
"D-Doma—Fuck..!" Tears freely rolled down your cheeks, vision blurring as you struggle to grasp the last string of sanity you had, head spinning from the pain and overstimulation. "N-No...!"
"Don't cry, my sweet [Name]. This is necessary for us to live a happy life! We have all the time in the world to have more children."
You look up at him, knitting your brows together and holding onto his biceps, soft whines leaving you. A part of you didn't want to hear his next words, but with the way he stretched your walls already had you seeing stars, enough to distract your from his unsettling declaration.
"As long as I have a family with the woman I love, I do not mind what I have to do to achieve it, even if it means I have to punish my own children."
Your two youngest wouldn't dream of hurting mommy. No, they love her too much to do so.
The twins, though, they are willing to follow papa's example to get what they want - whenever they want.
Demon or not, they show the same characteristics as Doma.
All you could do is hope and pray that they don't turn the same way as your husband and continue the cruel cycle of a nightmare.
©𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚢𝚗𝚘𝚟𝚊 || 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚍 || 𝚗𝚘 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜, 𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚜, 𝚌𝚘𝚙𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚎𝚝𝚌. 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚌𝚒𝚛𝚌𝚞𝚖𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜.
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hydrachea · 2 years
I’ve known this blog for a few days but if I had a penny for every thought you gave me I’d be rich. The Posessed!Volo AU especially, HoLy shietttt!?¿!!?
I saw the ’Laventon experiments w/Volo’ asks and that made me think of all the abilities that Volo would remain with permanently. I LOVE the crack idea that he uncontrollably phases through things and the Mirror traveling? Glorious. I personally hc that he regains his ’typing’, particularly that Giratina’s presence kinda modified his body and now he’s a literal Ghost-type lmao. A Snorlax about to bodyslam his has absolutely no effect and Lucario’s Close Combat passes harmlessly. Dark Pulse would obliterate him tho.
Also I like to think all the ”Heavy ball throwing at Volo” -art comes from the fact ppl want to test if he can be captured (and thinking that Yes, he can be, is hilarious)
Then he lets Akari catch him so no one else can. Also now he is always with her (and has a convinient private place to sulk/plan).
It’s 3:30 AM. I have to sleep now sorry for the nightly ramble that has 50/50 chance of making any sense in the morning.
((Btw if I make possible art/content of this AU in the future, is there a specific tag you want me to add?))
Let me preface this by saying I woke up to your message and it gave me warm fuzzies all morning. I'm so happy you've been enjoying my thoughts and that it's inspired you! And please never apologize for incoherent rambles or any kind of rambles, I love them dearly!
If you ever want to make any sort of content for it, I use "possessed volo au" as a tag to compile the stuff relating to it on my blog - and feel more than free to @ me or DM me your stuff! I'd love to see it!!
Now! For thoughts! I hadn't thought of any long-term consequences aside from his ability to travel to the distortion world (first manifesting as "glitching"), but the typing is interesting! Especially considering that with his whole "phasing through things" deal, it can be justified - Normal and Fighting type moves just phase through him like he used to phase through things himself. Not all moves do, that would be unfair, but the types Giratina is immune to are fair game. It's a very surprising moment when it first happens, and neither he nor Akari are even sure what it was, but she convinces him to let Laventon do some tests and it confirms that he's somehow immune to both those types of moves from pokemon - Laventon speculating (correctly) that it's due to Giratina's influence on his body.
I still don't think he can be captured, since in PLA pokeballs work through wild pokemon's ability to change their own size (which... hoo boy, I'm not working out the implications of that so I'm not giving Volo that ability). A nice alternative inspired by something @feroluce came up with is that in lieu of being captured, he can come into the distortion world from wherever he is as long as there's a reflective surface nearby, and come out wherever Akari is through a pocket mirror she always carries with her. Not quite sending him out to battle with a pokeball, but still a link he chooses to have with her and nobody else.
(That won't stop Rei and Akari from throwing balls at him to mess with him, or Laventon from studying him like he's another page of the pokedex. But it's ok.)
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delaber · 3 years
Coming Home
Note: The fic no one asked for but I still wrote because I had to. Pretty sure this will be my last Rafa fic. It’s been a ride. Thank you!
Words: 7.7K
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It was one of those blisteringly hot days where all you wanted to do was to laze about in front of a fan with your feet up and eat popsicles in the hopes of cooling just a tiny bit down. The sun was scorching and there was little to no wind at all, making it close to unbearable to be out of the shade for more than two minutes at a time - but unfortunately, you found yourself stuck in the middle of a very sunny lawn at Nat's garden-themed birthday party. Several times during the day, you had caught yourself looking jealously towards the enticing pool area at the end of the lawn but unfortunately had to settle for self-administered time-outs in the shade under various palm trees that were lining the garden.
At one of said time-outs, the birthday girl Nat approached you with a huge smile and two drinks in hand, "oh, there you are!" She exclaimed happily as she reached the same tree as you and handed you one of the piña coladas she was holding, "I've been looking all over!"
"Sorry," you smiled at your best friend and accepted the cocktail she was offering you, "I needed to cool down for a bit," you said while fanning your hand in front of your face
"Ooh, great idea - make room for me," Nat too stepped under the shade of the palm tree and immediately started fanning her top, "Jesus Christ, it's hot today!"
"Well, you were the one to insist on not having gazebos for your party," you shot your best friend a small smile, "it ruins the aesthetic," you mimicked her words from a few days ago with a laugh.
"Oh, shut up!" Nat let out a chortle, "I clearly made a terrible decision."
"Yeah, you should always listen to me and Diggs," you chuckled while having a sip of your tropical drink, enjoying how it slowly seemed to lower your core temperature as soon as the cold liquid hit your oesophagus.
"Hey, speaking of; have you seen him?" Nat squinted her eyes while shooting her phone a glance, "he's not answering any of my texts."
"I talked to him over by the snacks a little over an hour ago," you pointed over your shoulder, "he said he had to take off for a bit."
"He had to take off?" Nat furrowed her eyebrows, looking directly at you with disbelief written all over her face. From her expression alone, you could tell what was going through her head; as Nat's long-term boyfriend, Diggs knew exactly how important her birthday was to her. "That's seems a bit out of character..." she mumbled sadly.
"Aww, don't worry - he'll be back in a bit."
"What was so important for him to do on today of all days?" Nat sounded crestfallen.
"Come on Nat, what kind of an errand could he possibly have to run on his girlfriend's birthday?" You rolled your eyes.
"...But he already got me a present," she fiddled with the shiny new bracelet around her wrist.
"Maybe he's getting you a surprise," you shrugged mysteriously.
"Really?" The sad look on Nat's face was quickly replaced by wide eyes accompanied by a broad smile, "A surprise?"
"Don't tell him I said anything!" you laughed.
"Well, did he tell you what it was?"
"Nope... He probably knew we'd end up having this conversation," you chuckled.
"Slick bastard," Nat muttered under her breath before her voice returned to normal, "well, I hope he gets back soon. Of course I'm excited about the surprise but I don't want him missing out on the party."
As if on cue, a loud clanking noise coming from the shrub-embedded gate at the other end of the lawn had both you and Nat whip your heads around; Diggs had stepped inside the closed-off garden with a huge smile plastered on his face, stopping as soon as his feet hit the soft grass. He scanned the area for the birthday girl, and when his gaze finally landed on Nat, you watched how his face immediately turned soft as their eyes met across the lawn.
"Ah, there he is," Nat sighed happily as she took in her handsome boyfriend.
"...yeah, but he's empty handed," you added with a sigh after a quick scan for a birthday present in his open palms.
"Oh, you're right. Must be something he can stow away in a pocket..."
"Or something that's too heavy for him to carry alone," you added.
"Either way I'm just glad he's back," Nat said dreamily and send Diggs a small wave to which he replied with a sappy smile and a wink.
"Ah, I'm third-wheeling so hard right now," you gagged and with a grin turned your back towards Diggs in the hopes of making it less awkward for yourself.
"Yeah, sorry babe," Nat was biting her lower lip, trying to contain herself as she gazed at her handsome boyfriend over your shoulder.
"You look terribly confused all of a sudden," you laughed as you took in Nat's furrowed eyebrows.
"Yeah, he's just... standing there - why is he not moving?"
"What? He's standing completely still?" you arched an eyebrow, looking at Nat who still wasn't sparing you a glance.
"No, he's... looking for something on the other side of the hedges. And he's talking to someone - I think?"
"On the phone?"
"No... - oh wait, looks like he brought someone along."
"He brought someone?" you repeated curiously, "who?"
"I don't know. I don't recognise him..." Nat looked confused as she squinted her eyes, trying to focus on what was happening at the other end of the lawn. Then suddenly, her face changed, "- hey, is that...? No - wait... - Oh my god! It is!" She finally whipped her head around, looking directly at you with huge eyes, "he's here."
"...Who is?" you looked at her confused.
Nat didn't have time to answer your question before a male voice that you didn't immediately recognise rang from behind you, "Ey yo, Nat!"
"I'm sorry..." Nat whispered, "- but I have to..." she shot you a pained look before she moved past you with a squeal as she briskly walked away from the shade under the palm tree.
Confused, you spun around and scanned the lawn for Diggs and his mystery companion. Diggs had put on one of his more colourful outfits, and your eyes were immediately drawn to him and the smug smile he was wearing as he took in Nat who was now running at full-speed towards a sharp-dressed man to his right.
"Rafa!" Nat exclaimed loudly as she fell into the well-dressed man's arms, "you're here! I can't believe it!" she squealed.
The mere sound of his name made the hairs on the back of your neck stand while the blood quickly drained from your face. You instantly felt your throat go dry and your head dizzying as Nat's words rang in your ears. Rafa was here? Rafa as in Rafael? No, it couldn't be...
You adjusted your gaze slightly but sure enough; there he was. In the middle of the lawn in a tight embrace with your best friend. None other than Rafael Casal.
That. Fucking. Prick.
"You're kidding me..." you mumbled under your breath.
What the fuck was he doing here?!
You immediately felt your heart rate increasing and your palms getting sweaty as you took him in. He had grown a beard and cut his hair short, making the area above his forehead strangely lonely without its familiar swoop of hair that he had been so fond of back when you had known him. Your eyes travelled across his face that was plastered with the toothy grin you had once loved, and down to the strong arms that you had once known every vein of. There weren't any tattoos on his arms that you didn't recognise but he had definitely built more muscle mass since the last time you'd seen him.
You had to admit that even though you were more than regularly annoyed with him, he looked good - he just didn't look like Rafa. Not your Rafa at least. He looked more man than jokester, a ghost of the boy you'd once called yours.
When the tight embrace in front of you finally ended, Rafa straightened up and looked over Nat's shoulder, his green eyes immediately piercing through you. He did a quick scan of you from the tip of your sneakers to the top of your head, and if it hadn't been for the fact that you knew that you looked good in your new dress, you might have grown flustered under his intense stare - but you didn't. He could stare all he wanted and meanwhile use the opportunity to think about what he had let go of - what he was missing out on!
He looked you up and down a few times and when his eyes reached yours, he sent you a tentative look and a careful smile that you didn't reciprocate. After all, pretending that Rafael Casal meant absolutely nothing to you was something you had perfected over the years.
When he finally realised that your face would remain stone cold and without the smallest trace of friendliness, he quickly looked back at Nat and sent her a broad smile as she began mumbling something to him about how he was the last person she'd expected to see today.
Meanwhile, you used the opportunity to march over to Diggs and pull him aside; "what the hell do you think you're doing?!" You hissed at him, your voice so low that only he could hear.
"Oh, I'm just watching my best friend and my girl reconcile after years apart," he smirked, his eyes still locked on the two friends talking excitedly in the middle of the lawn.
"Don't get smart with me, Diggs!" You said through gritted teeth, "why the fuck didn't you tell me that he was coming? You know how I feel about him! He's a snake!"
"Jesus Christ," Diggs rolled his eyes, "This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you. If you'd known that I was picking him up at the airport, you would've ended up faking an excuse to leave before I'd returned."
"And with good reason! You know what he did! I don't want to talk to him!"
"You need to resolve this shit between the two of you," he shrugged, "You need to learn to be in the same room as him. It's been way too long already, and it cannot go on like this forever."
"Oh, watch me!" You huffed childishly, looking over at Rafa's dumb smile as he said something incoherent to Nat.
"Bruh..." Daveed cocked his head and sent you an unimpressed look, "He didn't come to mess with you. He came for Nat... He misses her."
"- but," you tried to interject but Diggs immediately cut you off: "- And before you say anything -" he continued, "- look at how happy she is!" he gestured to Nat who had now gone back to hugging Rafa tightly, "I know that her loyalty to you dictates that she has to hate him or whatever, but she has clearly missed him too. So if you can't do it for yourself, please just behave yourself for Nat."
A guilty pang hit your chest when you looked at Nat's happy smile, and you realised that she had cut off all contact with Rafa for your sake. "For the record; I never told her she couldn't talk to him," you mumbled.
"I know," Diggs nodded, "that's just how good of a friend she is."
"Alright... I'll behave for Nat," you sighed with a slight scowl before you quickly continued, "- but I'm not going to talk to him! No way!"
Diggs shot his hands in the air in a surrendering manner, "hey: normal, regular behaviour is all I'm asking for! You can ignore him for all I care - just be civil."
You didn't answer Diggs but instead continued to scowl as you watched Rafa and Nat having a giggle about something. The sound of Rafa's obnoxiously loud laugh swimming in your ear canals made your stomach go annoyingly warm, and for a millisecond you actually wished that he was laughing at something dumb alongside you instead of Nat - or at least you wished for it until you reminded yourself of what he had done, and the familiar anger towards him soon returned.
"Aw, come on," Diggs let out a laugh when he saw your angry face. He gave your shoulder a playful shove before he put his arm around you, "let's get you a drink - you look like you need it."
"Yes, I need it!" you groaned as he led you away from Nat and Rafa, "- and a big one too 'cause my dumb friends had my nemesis fly in from New York behind my back."
Diggs laughed a little at your miserable tone of voice, "cheer up," he chuckled, pulling you a little closer, "...and to be fair, I did the inviting. Nat had nothing to do with this."
"God, you're the worst," you mumbled as you reached the self-service bar, "I cannot believe you'd spring this on me after what he did!"
"Come on. It's been three years," Daveed shrugged and smiled down at you before he pulled out two clean glasses.
"That's easy for you to say when you weren't implicated in it," you mumbled sourly without looking directly at him.
"I may not have been directly involved, but you know I still got caught up in the middle," Diggs sent you a short look before he poured both of you a drink, "- and I still am."
"How?" You said incredulously, "I literally never talk about him."
"Exactly," Diggs shot you a sideways glance as he screwed off the cap of a tonic water, "you never talk about him. It's forced."
"It's forced? Since when is not talking about your asshole of an ex-boyfriend forced?"
"I know you miss him," Diggs said softly and sent you a careful look.
You forced yourself to scoff as you accepted the gin tonic from him, "I have no idea what you're talking about! I literally could not care less about Rafael at all," you looked across the lawn and immediately caught Rafa's gaze that was aimed directly at you. His eyes were huge, his gaze soft and longing. You thought to yourself that he looked as if he was the one who'd been wronged all those years ago. As if you were the one who had disappeared off to New York before royally fucking everything up. Which you absolutely weren't!
Rafa had been annoying as hell all night! Whenever you were no more than a few milliseconds away from letting down your hair and forget about the fact that your nemesis was attending the same party as you, you could hear his annoying foghorn of a laugh in the group of people next to you. And although you were trying your absolute best to avoid him completely, he still seemed to be all over, somehow always within a ten-foot radius from you, his cutting-torch-like voice constantly poking at your eardrums.
You were successful in avoiding him up until around midnight when you unfortunately were careless enough to lay down your guard for a few seconds too long, not realising that he had approached you at the self-service bar while you had been looking around for a lime for your drink. "Hey," you heard a low growl behind you as you were cutting the citrus into wedges.
You didn't have to look up from the table to know who the voice belonged to. "Rafael," you said neutrally while screwing off the cap of the tequila bottle you were holding, pouring up a couple of ounces of liquid without sparing him a glance.
"Hmm... Ra-fa-el," he repeated slowly, dragging out the name and smacking his lips as if savouring how it rolled off his tongue, "you know what? I don't think I've ever heard you call me Ra-fa-el before."
With your gaze still firmly placed on the tequila-filled glass in front of you, you arched an eyebrow but didn't say anything as you continued working on the cocktail, desperate to not give in to his antics.
You could feel his gaze burning on your skin, his eyes following your every move as you poured Cointreau into the cocktail glass and quietly waited for him to leave you alone again. He didn't budge, however, and when he realised that you intended to keep your silence, he quietly asked, "...How are you doing?"
"Great," you said and pressed your lips firmly together.
"Good..." Out the corner of your eye, you could see his head bopping up and down as he took you in, "I - uhm - I always liked you in green, you know," he grinned cockily. You knew he was just acting this way to get your attention but annoyingly enough; it was working for him. His comment made you dart your eyes towards him, shooting him an unimpressed sigh that he reciprocated with a careful smile, anxious to see if his compliment had tugged at your heartstrings. But even though his words had made your head dizzy and your diaphragm contract considerably, you still managed to keep a straight face as you took him in. His gaze was soft and satisfied, and a strange feeling hit your guts when you looked into his green eyes for the first time in over three years. Seeing the familiarity of his overly confident gaze made you realise that he hadn't exactly turned into the destructive villain that you had made him out to be after he had moved to New York three years ago. Behind the masculine beard and the buzzcut, the jokester with the soft chin and the long quiff was still in there. Your Rafa was still in there, and for a tenth of a second it made your heart ache as you wished for a time that he had long ago ruined.
He had clearly realised that you were checking him out because slowly, yet surely, his smirk grew considerably while he maintained eye-contact. It made you furious! He. Did. Not. Have. The. Upper. Hand. Taking in your angry expression, he shifted the weight on his feet while giving out a low chuckle, "I guess what I mean to tell you is that you look good. Like really good! - even when you're fuming."
"You look old," you stated flatly to make him stop feeling so overly confident.
To your dismay, however, he wasn't the least bit hurt by your comment but instead spluttered happily and let out a loud laugh, making the crow's feet around his green irises dance around as his eyes squinted tightly together in amusement. He looked irritatingly handsome, and it made you even more annoyed with him; he wasn't supposed to be amused by your low blow, he was supposed to be devastated!
You chewed your bottom lip as he annoyingly confident ran a hand through his beard and took you in with his forever playful smile. The fairy lights surrounding the self-service bar caught something shiny around his wrist as he caressed his chin, and you recognised the piece of metal immediately. It made you scoff, "you really still have that?" You nodded towards the golden band around his arm that you had given him for his 25th birthday some years ago. Even though it had been quite expensive, you'd figured that he had thrown it out long ago.
"You're kidding me?" He said incredulously, furrowing his brows and fiddling with the shiny links around his arm, "of course I still have this! It means a lot to me, I wear it every day!" He sent you a tentative smile, once again checking to see if he was so lucky that his words had defrosted you.
He wasn't.
"What?" He asked with an amused twinkle in his eyes when he took in your unimpressed face, "I swear; It's one of my most treasured possessions."
"Rafael... Just..." You let out a small sigh and folded your arms across your chest, "- just drop the pleasantries and tell me why you're really here," you demanded, "I highly doubt you're here to small talk."
"Aw come on - I'm just here for Nat's party. I didn't come to stir shit up. I promise!" He looked at you with honest eyes, still with a trace of a smile on his lips.
"Then why are you attacking me at the drinks table?" You were surprised to hear how steady you managed to keep your voice when it felt as if your entire body was shaking.
"I just wanted to say hi," he shot you a careful look, taking in every movement of your facial muscles, "You've been avoiding me all day."
"Wonder why," you clicked your tongue against the roof of your mouth, looking away from him.
"I know it seems like an unnecessary question but are you still angry with me?" He asked, his smile still in place but suddenly a bit stiff.
"I was angry at first. Now I don't really care about you anymore," you smiled overly-sweetly.
"Yeah okay," Rafa's stiff smile faltered a bit and it looked as if you'd finally managed to knock him slightly off his course. This probably wasn't how he had imagined the conversation to go. It was a nice feeling to see him slightly panicked. "Ehm..." he smacked his lips, "would you like me to leave?"
"Yes," you breathed, but even you could hear the thickness of the lie in your throat. Even though you were keen on keeping your distance to him, you were still terribly curious as to why he had passed you up three years after your horrible break-up. After all, it had ended in lies and angry tears.
His smirk turned amused, and he could barely hold back a triumphant chuckle when he spoke, "I can tell you're not being serious," he tilted his head to the side.
"My God, you are insufferable!" you said through gritted teeth, "just tell me why you're here!"
"Well..." he licked his lips before he slowly stated, "Sofía's pregnant."
He had barely finished pronouncing the word pregnant before you felt the blood immediately drain from your face. "You're... having a baby?" You breathed and blinked a few times, bracing yourself for his answer. After everything that had happened, you couldn't believe that the mental image of Rafa with someone else was still able to make your stomach ache horribly, and you were immediately reminded of the fact that you hadn't left him because you had fallen out of love with him.
"Am I having a...-? Oh God no!" He laughed when he understood, "Sofía as in my sister! My sister is pregnant! I'm about to be an uncle. Tio Rafa."
You felt a wave of relief wash over you when his words finally settled, and the blood quickly returned to your cheeks making them unbearably hot. "Well, congratulations then, I guess," you mumbled, trying to conceal your flustered face.
"Thanks!" He smiled proudly and put on a goofy expression.
"I still fail to see what your sister's pregnancy has to do with me."
"Well, you see..." he licked his lips, "Sofía and her boyfriend are constantly talking about baby-stuff, and who in their lives are important to them, and insurances, and dying wills, and things like that - and I guess it kinda made me think about stuff in my life too," he gave out an awkward shrug, shooting you a careful look, "you know... Unresolved matters and so on..."
"...and then you thought about me?" You scoffed.
"Yeah," he nodded carefully, "I miss you."
"Rafael..." you closed your eyes and sighed in disbelief.
"Oof," he winced and it made you open your eyes and look at him. "- could you stop calling me that?" He looked pained, "It's - it's weird!"
"Well it is your name, isn't it?"
"I know, I know... Hearing it from you is just - it's just weird..." he mumbled while rubbing his neck, "only strangers call me by my first name."
"We're practically strangers."
"We are?" He looked taken aback.
You shot him a sideways glance, "yes, we are Rafael," you sighed and watched how his nostrils did an involuntary twitch at the sound of his given name.
He merely grunted while shooting you a weird look.
"What?" You asked incredulously, "you don't agree?"
"No. No, not at all," he shook his head, "I know you."
"Not anymore you don't," you turned back to your drink, stirring it a little just to give your shaking hands something to do.
"I know every freckle of your body..." he said quietly, his voice so full of emotion that it made your heart ache. "I know why you have a scar on your left knee," he continued, "I know all your guilty pleasures. What makes you tick. Your likes. Your dislikes. Of course I realise that we didn't end optimally but you can't pretend that we don't know each other," he ran a hand through his beard.
As soon as the words had escaped his mouth, you shot him an angry look, "we didn't end optimally?!" You hissed at him, "well, it was your fucking choice to end it that way, wasn't it?"
"Ah, so you are still mad at me," He stated flatly, taking in your expression.
You managed to turn off some of the fire you felt in your eyes before you spoke, "No I'm not, Rafael. As I said, I don't care about you at all," you said coldly, "Is that all? Can I go back to my best friend's birthday party now, or are you in the mood to ruin yet another one of my nights?" You shot him a deadpan look.
"I can't force you to talk to me," he said quietly, his eyes huge with disappointment.
"What do you even want to talk about?" Your voice was laced with frustration, "it's been three years! I've moved on - I don't need this, Rafa!" You wanted to smack yourself when you realised that you had let his pet name slip.
"I just want to apologise. Properly..." he said quietly while awkwardly rubbing his elbow, decent enough to let the use of his nickname slide.
"Apologising is not going to change what happened."
"I know... but you still deserve a proper apology from the guy who hurt you."
You gave out a scoff but didn't say anything.
"Look," Rafa continued, "can you please just give me ten minutes alone with you? Some place quiet. Ten minutes and I swear, I'll never talk to you again if you don't want me to. I just want to tell you how sorry I am. I think we both need it."
You weighed the pros and cons. Maybe it would actually be good for you to get some closure so you could finally forget about him? You decided that you might as well try. It'd be nice to stop thinking about him for good. "Fine! You have ten minutes and not a second more!" you said sternly, "but let me be very clear about one thing: I am not doing this for you!"
"I know," he nodded slowly, and followed you to a deserted bench a little away from the rest of the party.
He sat down next to you with a content sound, "Cig?" he asked while holding out a crumbled package.
"I quit," you pushed the package away, your fingers briefly brushing over his. It made him smile slightly but he quickly concealed it by clearing his throat.
"Good for you," Rafa nodded while lighting a cigarette for himself, taking a long drag while looking at you. "So..." he said quietly, "I hear that you finally landed that job you used to work so hard for."
"If you just wanted to smoke cigarettes and small talk, we didn't have to go all the way back here," you crossed your arms.
"Tough crowd," he laughed, "come on. Just humour me for a bit... I miss talking to you."
You scoffed, "you have nine minutes and fourty-five seconds left, Casal."
"Nine minutes and fourty-five seconds," he nodded in agreement, "so... that job of yours - congratulations! Your hard work finally paid off, huh?" He tried again.
"Have you been stalking my linked-in?" You said sourly.
"Nah, Diggs gives me little updates," Rafa chuckled awkwardly, "-or he did for a while at least. Up until about a year ago when he got real angry with me," Rafa clenched his teeth tightly together, looking uncomfortable.
"Diggs got angry?" You said in disbelief. Out of the two, Rafa was definitely the hot-headed one.
"Oh shit, yeah!" He nodded with a laugh, "I know it's hard to believe because it's such a rare occurrence but that just made it so much scarier! For a second, I thought he would punch me in the face!"
"Well, that should teach you to keep your abnormally large nose out of my business," you scoffed slightly.
"That's what he said too," Rafa chuckled, "-and that if I wanted to know how you were doing, I should give you a call myself," he sent you a small smile, "- but I knew you would have my balls in a wrench if I suddenly called you up out of the blue."
He smiled, "yet here we are. Talking quietly without screaming at each other. My balls free as ever."
"You're lucky I left my wrench at home today, Casal."
He let out an amused snort and took another drag of the cigarette, "yeah, I can't believe my luck this evening," he smiled without looking at you, "hey, while we're on the subject of updates; I - uhm - I also want to let you know that I heard about your dad. I was very sad to learn about his passing."
You felt a sharp pain in your chest, and you held your arms a little closer to your chest, "Diggs told you about that too, huh?" You mumbled, unable to look Rafa in the eye. Even though little over two years had passed since your dad had died, thinking about him still hurt.
You felt Rafa nod beside you, "Yeah. He called me right after it happened... I know your dad meant a great deal to you. Meant a great deal to me too to be honest..." he sighed.
"I know..." you thought of the special bond the two men had always shared. Even long before you and Rafa had fallen in love, your dad had hoped that you would end up together.
"I was seconds away from flying home to see him off at the funeral, you know - but given how you and I ended things, I didn't think you should deal with me on top of losing your dad..." he shot you a sideways glance.
You decided not to tell Rafa about how you had woken up on the morning of the funeral, wishing that he had been there. Wishing that everything had magically gone back to normal overnight. Instead, you merely mumbled, "you should've come. My dad would've loved that... He always liked you."
"Yeah, I liked him too," Rafa nodded, "I still think about him every time I hear a terrible joke or see someone in a Laker's shirt."
"Oh god, all those fucking shirts," you groaned and thought of the hundreds of basketball shirts that your dad had had stacked neatly away in his closet. You couldn't believe that you had completely forgotten about them.
Rafa chuckled, "what did you end up doing with them? I imagine that you donated them in your dad's spirit."
"Naturally," you nodded and felt yourself uncross your arms for the first time since you'd sat down. "My mom kept one, and the orphanage got most but we auctioned off the rarest ones and gave the money to charity. That was what he wanted, you know."
"Ah, what an icon," Rafa sighed, "well, you should be proud of him and the work he did for the community. He was a great man. A proper role model for the bay."
You nodded in agreement while scanning Rafa. It was nice to talk about your dad with someone who knew him but who hadn't seen him fragile and sick. Someone who didn't think of him as his diagnosis, and you realised that for the first time since his passing, things actually seemed fairly back to normal. Sitting side by side with Rafa actually felt welcome and normal. Maybe you'd grant him a couple of minutes more of your time.
Rafa's eyes skirted away from you, and he nervously cleared his throat before he continued, "Uhm... not that it matters but did you - did you ever tell him about what happened between us?"
"My dad? No..." you shook your head with a sad sigh, "he loved you like his own son, and I didn't want to break his heart. So I just told him that we couldn't make the whole long distance-thing work."
"Oh, right... Thanks," Rafa nodded.
"I didn't do it for you."
"Still... I'm glad he didn't get to know that side of me. I'm not so sure he would've liked me if he'd known the truth about how I broke his daughter's heart."
"I'm not so sure either..."
"I - I hated myself after, you know," He looked over at you with a pained expression after a couple of seconds of silence, "I have never regretted anything more in my entire life."
"What? Not going to the funeral?"
"No. You know... What I did..." he said sheepishly.
"The minute I woke up I - I wanted to undo everything," he looked at you pleadingly, "I felt so fucking terrible. Still do. I can't even think about it without wanting to stab myself. It is without a doubt the worst thing I have ever done, and I am so sorry for the pain it caused you," he said softly, "please understand that I didn't do it because I didn't love you. It wasn't because you weren't enough or something like that. You were perfect to me. I take full responsibility for the fuck-up, and I am so, so horribly fucking sorry!"
"Rafa, it's..." you gulped, the words somehow stuck in your throat. You were having a hard time acting as if his words meant nothing to you.
He carefully put his hand on top of yours before he continued, "do you think we would've been able to work around the long distance if I hadn't...?"
"Please don't..." you whispered and sent him a soft yet warning look, "I don't want to talk about what might've been."
"No, no of course not..." he nodded quietly, "I just - I can't believe it's been three years... Fuck baby I've missed you so bad," he carefully moved his thumb over the back of your hand and searched your face with furrowed eyebrows, "You have no idea of the relief I felt when I finally saw you today," he said quietly.
"Don't do this..." you closed your eyes and whispered.
Rafa continued as if he hadn't heard you, "I know we didn't work out the way neither of us pictured it but that doesn't mean you weren't the best thing that's ever happened to me..." he sounded desperate, and you couldn't look at him. The words he was saying was making you want to fall into his arms, "...I never should've let you go."
"Rafa," you sighed and summoned all your strength and looked into his glossy eyes, "you didn't let me go," your voice barely a whisper, "I broke up with you."
"I know, I know," his voice was oozing with pain, "but I hope you realise that I would've done everything to win you back. I would've come back to California if you'd only asked me to. Fuck the record deal."
"There was a reason why I didn't ask you to come back," you shot him a glance in warning, "you know that."
"Still, I should have done... something."
"You did exactly what I asked of you."
"Yeah... I stayed the fuck away from you," he mumbled. You could tell that he was replaying your last tearful conversation in his mind before he heaved a big gulp of air and glanced over at you with a valiant look in his eyes, "but I've come back to remind you who I really am."
"You don't have to remind me of anything... I remember who you were. What we had."
"Then let me be that guy for you again," he looked at you pleadingly.
"What's the point when you're still 3,000 miles away?" You sighed, "It's not as if we'll happen upon each other at the supermarket and go out for spontaneous coffees."
"Could be," he said with a small shrug, "I - uh - I'm moving back," he nervously ran his fingers through his short hair, "I want to be close to Sofía and the baby - and you."
"You're coming home?" You gulped. You couldn't believe him. Was this a good thing?
"Yes," he breathed, "And I want to try things out with you again. Please give me another chance..." his fingers moved from your hand to your knee. You briefly considered his words while you felt his thumb caress you through the green fabric of your dress. Right now, you were fighting hard to not give in to his embrace and the familiar set of lips in front of you, but you weren't sure how you'd feel about it come morning, so you remained poised.
He sensed your hesitation, however, and carefully put his forehead to yours "come on, baby," he said quietly and softly kissed your cheek, his lips warm against your skin.
"I don't know," you gulped as you involuntarily closed your eyes and breathed him in.
"It's okay," he said with whispered words, the stubble on his chin rough against your cheekbone, "you don't have to give me an answer right away," he gently kissed your jawline while his hand travelled from your kneecap to your fingertips, clearly desperate to remind you of what you could have back if you only agreed to let him in again.
"Rafa, I don't know," you said quietly although it was becoming harder and harder to remain steadfast and ignore his burning lips on your skin.
"Just consider it," he kissed the corner of your mouth, "I'll crawl. I'll beg," he whispered and pursed his lips against yours, "I'll do anything," he moved his body closer to yours, "just consider it," he whispered and placed a particularly gentle kiss to your already buzzing lips, "please baby."
You couldn't help yourself any longer and you involuntarily twitched your lips against his before you felt yourself being completely engulfed by him. The passionate kiss you shared was soft and bittersweet, reminding both of you of what had been.
His hands were caressing your neck and hairline and he hummed into your mouth as he savoured the feeling of finally having you kiss him back. "Fuck I've missed this," he gulped when he broke away and put his forehead to yours, his hand still on your cheek, "does this mean you'll at least consider it?"
"I'm still angry with you," you whispered without really answering his question.
"I know, love..." he caressed your cheek, "I was stupid," he searched your face, "it was a stupid mistake."
"Don't reduce it to a stupid mistake, Rafa," you whispered.
"Poor choice of words," he mumbled, "what I mean to say is that I hope you can forgive it," he placed a soft kiss to your jawline, "- forgive me."
"Even if I did forgive you, how do you expect me to ever trust you again?" You said quietly, and you knew that you couldn't dance around the elephant in the room any longer. "Rafa you had another girl's lips wrapped around your dick not even twenty-four hours after crying in my arms at the airport," you said with a heavy heart and watched him cringe his face at the harsh truth, "twenty-four after you'd sworn you'd do anything to make our relationship work despite the distance."
Rafa was still wincing when he spoke, "not that it's any excuse at all but I was exhausted and drunk and heartbroken," he croaked, "I had just left the love of my life behind in California... and this other girl was suddenly there and she got me high as balls and she-" he sighed without finishing his own sentence, "trust me when I say that it was the worst night of my life," he closed his eyes in a sad attempt at holding the tears at bay.
"Well at least you got a nice blowjob out of it." You smiled humourlessly, "I just wound up with all the lies you threw in my face."
"I never lied to you..." he mumbled, "I came clean as soon as you confronted me."
"How big of you!" you scoffed.
"Baby... I didn't tell you because I was so embarrassed," he gulped, the tears now evident under his green irises, "I wanted to throw myself off a cliff! I knew that if I told you, it would be the definite end of us," he looked at you with huge, bloodshot eyes, "I couldn't do that."
"I need you to understand that the worst part of it wasn't that you cheated on me. The worst part was that you pretended that nothing had happened at all," you couldn't tell whether the tears you felt in the corners of your eyes were from being angry or sad, "Imagine how dumb I felt when Diggs finally broke down and told me what you'd done," you said and Rafa suddenly couldn't hold back the tears any longer either.
"I wanted to tell you. Trust me, I wanted to," he sobbed.
"You had three weeks to say something to me for fuck's sake!"
"I'm so sorry," he whimpered.
"We facetimed every night for three weeks and you didn't say anything! You made a complete fool of me!"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" his eyes fixed at his own feet.
"Rafa, look at me!" you said in a harsh tone of voice.
Immediately, his red eyes found yours. He looked as ashamed of himself as he possibly could, "I was a coward," he whimpered, "-and I knew didn't deserve you."
"Then what makes you think you deserve me now?" You said coldly.
"I have spent the last three years trying to forget about you and what happened but no matter what I do, you still linger in the back of my mind. Even after all this time you're the only one I can ever see myself with. I always return to you. On sleepless nights, you're dancing on the back of my eyelids. I see you in other girls when I pass them by on the street. You're in all my poetry. All my songs. I think about you constantly. Maybe I don't deserve you but I at least had to try."
"Rafa you broke my heart," you looked him dead in the eye and he visibly gulped, "you betrayed my trust and you did it in the most despicable way I could ever imagine. It's been three years and I still cannot believe that you of all people would do that to me. You were my ride or die."
"I can still be that," he said desperately, clinging on to the last bit of hope he had in him, "I'm still that guy! The guy who cheated on you that wasn't me! I wasn't myself! I'm aware of the agony it caused, and trust me: I've learned from my mistakes," he looked at you resolutely before he whispered, "I'm still your ride or die."
His words made your stomach hurt and you felt the heat rise throughout your body as your throat clenched tightly together. You felt suffocated and stood up from the bench so fast that black spots distorted your vision. "I can't do this!" you said desperately, "it's too much!"
"Okay," he gulped, looking up at you with desperation written across his face.
"I have to go back to the party. Nat expects me to be there for her."
"Alright," he gulped. He was having a hard time concealing his obvious disappointment.
"Don't look at me like that!" you whimpered, "what did you expect? That you could shed a few tears and everything would be alright again?"
"No, of course not..."
"Then don't look so fucking disappointed! You're making me feel like the bad guy and I haven't even done anything!"
"I know," he gulped.
"Yet you still think a drunk conversation erases everything? That I will take you back just because you're feeling sorry? You obviously don't realise the damage you caused."
"Then tell me!" He too stood up from his seat, "I want to make things alright again," he pleaded.
"I don't need you to make things alright again! I was doing just fine before you showed up!"
"Okay, I'm sorry," he sheepishly picked at his own elbow, "I just thought that maybe you felt the same way about me."
"I don't want you back!" You said roughly.
As soon as the harsh words had escaped your lips, you could see the heartbreak on his face; his cheeks paled, his lips quivered, a single tear left his right eye as he looked away. He ran his hand over the corners of his mouth, unable to look directly at you, "right," he said as a fresh set of tears formed in his eyes, "I'm sorry... I - uh - I had to try,” he sobbed although he was fighting to hold his voice steady, “I - uhm - I don't know what to say…”
"Don't say anything..."
"...so this is it?" His eyes found yours, "...for good?"
You nodded slowly but didn't say anything.
You watched how he opened and closed his mouth repeatedly without any words escaping him. He looked flustered, panicked almost when you turned around and stepped away from him. You could hear him panic-shift around behind you but he still didn't talk. He had probably expected you to take him back with open arms - anything but this!
Good. He deserved to fry a little.
And maybe you'd call him tomorrow. Just maybe.
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COSMIC - S1:E2; Chapter Two, The Weirdo On Maple Street - [Pt. 3]
A Will Byers x Male!Reader Series
𝘠/𝘯, 𝘓𝘶𝘤𝘢𝘴, 𝘋𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘮𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘴𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯.
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|| 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
"Ready are you? What knows you of ready?" Mike spoke in a voice that was supposed be Yoda's.
Mike had been showing her his room; he was now showing her all of his toys. El gave him strange looks at his unusual voice. He continues in his normal voice.
"His name is Yoda. He can use the Force to move things with his mind, like this." Mike then quickly shoves all of the toys off the table.
Eleven looks around and all sorts of items she had never seen before on Mike's dresser. Mike, had now moved on to his favorite dinosaur toy.
"This is my dinosaur, Rory. Look, he has a speaker in his mouth so he can roar." He turns to show her, only to realize she was now by his dresser and was looking closely at everything in curiosity. He put down Rory and joined her.
Eleven took note of all the things before her; what appeared to be a shiny gold woman with wings and many other figurines like it that stood on wooden platforms.
"Oh, these are all my science fair trophies. We got first every year. Except for last year when we got third. Mr. Clarke said it was totally political."
El smiled at one of the trophies that read HAWKINS MIDDLE SCHOOL TEAM PROBLEM SOLVING CHAMPIONS, next to it a picture with five kids all holding a large trophy. El recognized everyone. She smiled when she saw the only friend of Mike's that offered to help her; Y/n. He was standing in the middle, one hand holding the trophy, the other one was behind a smiling boy, two of his fingers sticking up making it look like the other boy had bunny ears.
El's smile fell when it dawned on her that she recognized the boy. She gasped silently, her mouth agape. Mike took note of this and watched her carefully as she slowly brought her finger to the picture. Mike watched as finger landed on his missing friend.
He looked back at her in shock. "You know Will?" She didn't say anything, her mouth still open and a very concerned look on her face.
"Did you see him? Last night? On the road?"
Before she could say anything, the loud noise of halting vehicle broke the silence. Mike quickly ran to his window in a panic, his mom was pulling up the driveway.
He ran back over to El.
"We gotta go."
He grabs her hand, yanks open his bedroom door, and drags her down the steps. He halts at the landing of stairs, staring in horror as his mom is at the front door, closing it behind her. Her youngest, Holly was in her arms, and so was her groceries. Before she could see anything, Mike ran back upstairs with El, as quickly and quietly as possible.
Karen Wheeler stopped in her tracks when she thought she heard someone upstairs.
"Ted? Is that you?" She calls out.
"Just me mom!" Mike yelled out frantically as he ran through the hallway.
"Mike? What are you doing home?"
"One second!" He brought El back into his room and lead her to his closet, not before closing his bedroom door.
"In here. I'll be right back, okay?" Mike instructed, slightly out of breath.
El stood rooted in place, fear in her eyes.
But Mike was frantic. "Please, you have to get in, or my mom, she'll find you. Do you understand?" El only looked at the closet, then back at Mike.
"I won't tell her about you. I promise."
"Promise?" She asked, clearly confused.
"It means something that you can't break. Ever." He explained quickly.
"Michael?" Mike's mom could be heard from downstairs.
They both looked to the door, then back at each other. "Please?" Mike pleaded.
El looks between Mike and the closet, unsure before walking inside, and turning to Mike. He quickly closed the door and she began to back up further into the closet, panic setting in.
Eleven struggles to break free from the men's hold as they carry her by her arms down, back into the room.
Sobs racked her body as she uses all her strength to turn and look back at Papa.
"Papa!" He steps out into the hallway and remains standing, doing nothing to help her, yet she still calls for him.
"Papa! No!" She screams her throat raw and her legs never stop kicking.
They round the corner and at the end of the short hallway lays the dreaded room. The cold unwelcoming florescent light floods from the open door. Her resistance becomes stronger and more violent.
"No! No! No!"
Her screams become incoherent when the two men chuck her to the ground, she scrambles to feet in an attempt to stop the copper door from closing. Alas, she is too late for the steel door had slammed shut before her.
"Papa!" She yelled, slamming her palms against the cold copper.
"Papa!" She tries banging her fists, but to no avail.
"Papa! Papa! Papa!" Her screams turn to sobs.
She backs away from the door and retreats to the corner of the very small room where she tucked herself away. Her heart sinks to the floor with her, unable to do anything but curl up in a ball on the ice cold tile.
"Papa." She whimpers quietly.
Eleven backs up until her back hit the wall and she slides down till she is sitting on Mike's floor. She hugs her knees to her chest and allows her sobs to come.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"I just... I don't feel good." Mike was sat, hands folded together on his couch with his mother. He was giving her a false excuse of why he was at home during a school day.
"I woke up and my head, it really hurt bad, and my throat was all scratchy, and I wanted to tell you, but the last Tim's I told you I was sick you made me go to school anyway, and-"
"I'm not mad at you."
Mike was surprised to hear this from his mother.
"No, of course not." She adjusted herself so that she was closer to her son, grabbed his hand in her's and sighed.
"All this that's been going on with Will, I can't imagine what it's been like for you."
Mike looks down to his lap, taking it in. No one had asked how he was doing with his best friend missing. It was hard. The whole party was worried. He never considered that and it was... refreshing to hear that his mother understood. He looked back at his mother as she continued.
"I just... I want you to feel like you can talk to me. I never want you to feel like you have to hide anything from me. I'm here for you. Okay?"
He nods his head. They both look up when they hear a soft thud from upstairs.
"Is there someone else here?" She asks.
Michael considers what his mom just told him. "No."
"Huh. Weird. Hey by the way, did you do something to my plant out front? It looks amazing!"
"Oh, that? Um, well, no that was Y/n."
"Really? Wow! That's incredible, he needs to tell me his secret. I could really use his help! Say, speaking of Y/n," she nudged her son, a teasing smirk on her face. "Anything going on between you two? Do you like him? Does he like you?" She asked, getting more excited with each question.
Mike's face scrunched up. "Ugh! Mom! He's just a friend! He's, like... my brother! How many times do I have to say that?" He whines.
"You're right, you're right! I'm sorry, my bad." She throws her hands up in surrender. "It's just... you two would be so cute toge-"
Mike stands up from the couch quickly. "Mom!" He interrupts, then sighs. "Thank you for understanding and letting me stay home, it means a lot, really. But I should probably go upstairs now and lay down, okay? Okay. Bye."
He runs upstairs before she can respond, leaving her sitting on the couch, in confusion.
"...Okay," she says to no one in particular.
|| 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
Lucas, Dustin and I were biked to Mike's house to meet him there. Once we arrived, he quickly rushed us up to his room. El was sitting on Mike's bed, a blanket on her legs. I remain standing next to everyone else but I give El a smile and a wave. She timidly smiles and waves back.
"Are you out of your mind?" Lucas argued.
"Just listen to me." Mike began.
"You are out of your mind!"
"She knows about Will."
My head snaps up at the mention of him. "What?" I quickly look to El and then back at Mike, my eyes wide.
"What do you mean she knows about Will?" Dustin asks for me.
Mike took a few steps towards his dresser and picked up the picture of all five of us at the science fair.
"She pointed at him, at his picture. She knew he was missing. I could tell."
"You could tell?"
"Just think about it. Do you really think it was a coincidence that we found her on Mirkwood, the same place that Will disappeared?"
"That is weird." Dustin agreed.
I turned and slowly walked over to El, cautiously taking a seat next to her, but still giving her enough space. "Is that true?" I ask in a gentle whisper. She looked me in the eye and gulped, and ever so slightly nodded her head 'yes'.
I chuckle in disbelief and look at the boys hopefully.
"And she said bad people are after her. I think that maybe these bad people are the same ones who took Will."
"Guys, think about it. I think he's right. I think she might know what happened to him." I speak up, hope in my voice.
"Then why doesn't she tell us?"
"Well, maybe she's scared of you two!" I accuse.
"Why should she be scared? I'm tired of this." He walks straight over to her and starts raising his voice.
"Do you know where he is?"
"Lucas..." I warn, my hands subconsciously ball into a fist in anger.
Suddenly he grabs her by the shoulders, shaking her and begins yelling in her face. "Do you know where Will is?"
"LUCAS!" I bark. Standing up immediately, I rip his arms of her, she's cowering in fear. "Dammit man, get your hands off of her! And you wonder why she's scared," I scoffed, crossing my arms.
"She should be scared! If you know where he is, tell us!" She doesn't say anything and she bites her lip trying not to cry. "Lucas! Listen to me. I know you're scared and worried about Will, okay? We all are, but we have to be patient okay? She's scared, she's lost, she probably doesn't know who to trust, we just need to be kind to her alright?" I plead.
"Ya know what? No. There's no time. This is nuts. We have to take her to your mom." He says turning back to Mike.
"No! Eleven said telling any adult would put us in danger." Mike argues.
For the first time in a while, Dustin spoke up, his voice soft.
"What kind of danger?"
"Her name is Eleven?" Lucas asks.
"El for short." Mike corrected casually.
"Mike, what kind of danger?" Lucas pressed, his voice grew significantly louder.
"Danger danger," Mike yelled back.
I look around, breathing heavily as I take everything in. Mike puts his hand up to my brother's forehead in the shape of a gun. Then the same to Lucas. Lucas swats away Mike's hand almost immediately.
Lucas begins to panic. "No, no, no! We're going back to plan A. We're telling your mom."
I try to grab his arm as he stomps towards the door, but he shoves my hand away. He rips open the door, only for the door to be slammed shut all on it's own, making everything around the room shake. We all stare at the door in confusion. He tries it again, but the door continues to slam shut. Then, we all see the lock turn by itself.
'Okay, well... I know I didn't imagine that.'
Simultaneously, we all turn to El to find her standing, blood dripping from her nose giving Lucas quite possibly the sharpest glare I have ever seen.
"No." She states firmly. It's enough to send a chill down my spine.
It's silent for a few moments and I breathe out a shocked chuckle. "That... was the coolest thing I have ever seen."
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