#sorry if this seems short I am just. overwhelmed by emotion and can't express it properly
lavenoon · 2 years
honestly I don't know how to start this, I don't know how to spend time here looking at your drawings and wanting to have the courage coming now... things happened to me behind the scenes
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, I'm talking while my cell phone texts me because I feel slightly.nervous..so it's...
I'm a regular follower of yours, whenever you post I'm there reading it...your drawings and your stories have made a lot of my sad nights much warmer..my old name was littlemsrose and I'm definitely on your huge list of followers, but you helped me so much... that I just want to thank you
Recently I'm trying to do something that I really miss, my depression won't let me, so it's taking longer... but every time it takes longer than usual I come back here, to read your cryptic sythings comics and so imagine myself as Y/N.
You don't need to know what it is but you've helped me a lot...
Thank you so much
I've been reading this over and over again and I'm getting slightly weepy every time
I am SO happy to hear that my art has helped you through some rough times - is still helping you even. That just makes me feel like my heart is about to burst - I'm so glad it's been good to you, and I don't think I can properly express just how much that means to me.
I'm wishing you the best of luck - depression fucking sucks, and getting out of it is so so hard. But I'm rooting for you! Baby steps, and be kind to yourself <3 Recovery isn't linear, but I've got my fingers crossed for you, I'm sure you'll get there <3
Thank you for dropping by, have a hot cocoa and a hug if you wish - I hope your day or night is kind to you <3
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yulin-pop · 2 years
Hello! ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ ♡
Can I request a matchup please?
I'm short, about 5'1-5'2 almost like an IKEA nightstand and slightly plump like a padded bag chair. I have pale pink dyed hair and brown eyes. I also have a lot of moles on my body and barely noticeable freckles. Usually i wear comfortable loose clothes, something like sweatpants and some kind of oversize T-shirt, not super luxury :D
I’m gemini, ISFP and i can describe myself as a person who have trust issues, so it’s hard for me to open up to people at first. Despite of this i love affections in various expressions. Compliments, hugs, smooches - I really like to show attachment to my family and friends! Even if it seems so clingy tbh.
Sometimes i'm overwhelmed by emotions and i became rude and harsh in communication, for which I later regret. Let's says my mood always changes by unexplained reasons, yeah…
I'm a bit sarcastic and also unconsciously criticize myself by making self-destructive jokes, thanks to my past, but however my small circle of closed friends says that I mostly looks like a chihuahua - just as small, chaotic and bitey in a good way tho. Even if i more on introverted side i'm eccentric and active in some ways. I mean who one day came to university with invoices mustache and beard just because wanted to? Yep, me. A little weird me.
I have specific tastes in everything from eating french fries with ice cream as sauce to non-standard combination of clothes and colors. It maybe sounds oddly but i like strange and absurd memes, dumb puns and black humour, and i quite often use them in conversations.
I adore astrology and mysticism. Some kind of mystery of the world attracts me, gives me ground for reflection, thereby forcing me to spend almost all my free time on it, and I find it really interesting. I also like everything related to maritime culture and mythology. Warm rainy days, autumn season and evening time of day when the sun slowly sets over the horizon. And I also really like such simple little things as cute pebbles that can be found not only on the beach, but also on an ordinary street, key rings and other seemingly unnecessary trinkets.
What about dislikes? Well, at first it’s wasps. Thank God that I didn't have to come into close contact with them. In my opinion, it's better to run from a flock of geese than from a gang of wasps. The second is acute. I can't and don't like too spicy food and dishes. One day I ate very spicy noodles and my lips cried from burning for half an hour. Not a very good feeling, especially when they are cracked...
When I was a little girl, I attended every school circle, but I didn't stay in any of them due to my frequent variability in both character and interests, and it's a little difficult for me to understand which hobby has sunk into my soul more, heh. I knitted, drew, and excelled in sports - everything in a row, but a little. If singing in the bathroom is considered a hobby, then this is one of them that stayed with me throughout my growing up, ha ha. I will give preference to drawing and writing more, perhaps.
Since no one has ever shown romantic feelings towards me, for me it would be something unusual, perhaps shocking. At first glance, this may also scare me, especially if I don't consider this person not only as an "object of sighing", but also just as a friend (I mean a ordinary acquaintance with whom you don't really communicate due to various factors by type of interests, life position, etc.). Although, to be honest, even if a very good, close friend suddenly began to show me loving attentions, I would also be confused and puzzled due to the fact that I simply am not familiar with this and do not know how to react to it heh.
I'm sorry, if it came out quite a lot, but I was happy to share! Thank you for your work, I hope you have a lovely day! ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)❤️
↛ ❀ Match up; @Idontknowwhatwritenow
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I match you with Jade Leech
He’s good with all sorts of people. He’s always calm and composed and very trust worthy. He may be intimidating at first but things will work itself out. He’s used to people being harsh with him and he reassures that it’s ok when you apologize for your outbursts. He can handle your emotions well, but he might be a bit puzzled with your affection towards him. He’s used to Floyd harshfully hugging him in a playful way but with you, you’re just genuine.
He’s come used to aggressive people, with Floyd being Floyd and Azul’s outbursts. He can handle you well and can calm you down.
He listens to you talk and talk about all sorts of topics out of curiosity. He doesn’t really care for the things you’re talking about but he wants to see how passionate you.
He wonders why he’s so… careful with you. He can’t think of a reason until he arrives at the conclusion he’s extremely fond of you, more than anything he’s ever felt. He gets flirty, making jokes about you getting special treatment from him, him being your “servant”. He notices that you it’s difficult to take a hint that he views you in that way so he gets progressively more forward with his teasing.
He plans out when he’s going to confess extremely carefully and strategically. He makes sure it’s the right moment, atmosphere, location. He thinks it down to each second. His confession came out a bit more bashful than he intended.
He gives you time if needed but will get impatient after a while, in that waiting time, he will continue flirting.
He’s playful with the ones he likes. Him teasing is his own way of showing affection, hopefully you don’t mind.
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tweekadeek · 2 years
Ok... I usually don't do this kind of post... But, OH MY GOD.
I am going to get my hair cut sometime this week. And I mean like, a MASC haircut. And I have been absolutely riveting and so... ecstatic about it that I've been barely able to hold it in...I've barely been able to even SLEEP I've been so excited... I'm equally as nervous but my excitement has kinda been overpowering it. Everytime I think of myself with the hair cut I'm getting, I get butterflies in my stomach and can't help but to almost laugh... One thing is though, my family doesn't realize the haircut I'm getting is a guys haircut. I found one I liked (which took like 3 weeks of shaking hands and anxiousness of too many overwhelming decisions and choices to choose from and backtracking when I did find one and scrolling for hours upon hours... heh. And that was before i got confirmation that I would even be TOOK To get the haircut) and blocked out the person's face in the photo so nobody will realize it's a guy... Yeah, And for some reason that worked? (Though I had my hair short short before, but it was still just a women's haircut, and not even a good one at that... And that was like idk, 3 years ago.) And I'm 99.9 percent sure as far as I know, everyone in my close family that I actually interact with, (and other relatives too more than likely but I only mostly care about where my close family stands) are... Uhm well, are phobics of pretty much ANYTHING to do with being Queer... especially trans it seems. At least to my general knowledge, and of plenty of conversations I've heard in the past, and remarks I've heard when there is a gay and or lesbian couple in a commercial once in a blue moon. Or in a movie we watch on movie night. So that, definitely sucks... (Except my younger sister though, considering we talk about that kind of stuff. But I haven't even told her the reasoning behind my specific haircut.) But basically, I just get really happy emotions and even overwhelmed and nervous thinking and knowing I will soon look somewhat to how I imagine myself soon. So, yeah... sorry about this Long Post, 😅 I just wanted to vent a little bit on here to let out some of my excitement that I can't express the true feelings behind to anyone irl. Have a good day/night. Thanks 💖
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whumpmatsus · 3 years
Hmm could do one where one one of boys has rough day, that leads to emotional overeating, and bellyache that they try to hide until they can't. Please and thank.
aaaaaa, lovely!
I went with Totty because it feels like I haven't written him in a while
and there's a tiny bit of Allmatsu, buuuut really it's mostly Cybermatsu :D
hope you like it, I had a lot of fun with it!
Most of the time, Totty thinks he does a pretty good job being composed at work.
However, that’s easy to do when the majority of the days are okay. Sometimes there’s a bad moment or two that he can recover from by the time he gets home; never before has it been an entire day full of nothing but bad moments.
Until today, of course.
It’s just been one awful thing after another. One of his brothers accidentally turned off the alarm clock, probably by hitting it or steadying themself against it while going to the bathroom… so he was late to work. When he finally got behind the register, there was already a decent-sized line and the early morning customers were irritable before their coffee. Nearly every single customer during his shift snapped at him in some way even when he was trying to be helpful.
His coworkers were less than pleasant, especially after a couple hours when one of them had to take over for him because he had to go pee. To make things worse, toward the end of the day he managed to smash his fingers in the cash drawer while closing it.
The highlight of the day was when he was on his way out and a customer wanted help. Company policy being that he wasn’t allowed to work in any way while he was off the clock, he told them he was actually heading home and pointed to one of his coworkers. Which apparently wasn’t good enough, as he was accused of being lazy and not wanting to do his job and told that the customer was going to talk to his manager and have him fired.
Is it any wonder he’s spent almost the whole train ride home in tears? It hasn’t been a great day to be Matsuno Todomatsu.
He feels a little better by the time he gets home, but he’s exhausted and overwhelmed by everything that went wrong. Part of him wants to find one of his brothers and bitch his heart out. The other part just wants to shove food into his mouth and pretend none of it ever happened.
Sutabaa allows employees to eat some of the cheap things for free during their break, which Totty doesn’t often take advantage of. He’d rather have a snack at home so he doesn’t have to scarf it down in ten minutes. Today, though, he managed to put away a chocolate croissant plus a couple of cookies, so he shouldn’t be hungry at all when he gets home.
And he’s not… really hungry. He just wants to eat something for the sake of it, so that maybe eating something tasty will make it seem like nothing went wrong today. The food during his break made things seem better for a minute while he ate it. All he wants is more of that feeling, to make believe it wasn’t such a bad day.
He doesn’t know where any of his brothers are, and he doesn’t particularly care. He doesn’t think he’d give half a shit if one of them walked in on him raiding the fridge and pantry as if he’s preparing to hibernate through the winter. They all stuff their faces at any available opportunity, so why would it be surprising to find him doing it, especially after a long day at work which none of the rest of them do?
It doesn’t even really matter to him what he’s eating, either. Just things that don’t require too much time between being in his hand and sliding down his throat.
There’s about a portion’s worth of takoyaki left in the fridge from dinner last night, so he finishes that off. Some daifukumochi that was in the cabinet, along with a packet of konpeitō. A bag of arare disappears pretty quickly, too. He doesn’t really know if the imagawayaki that was sitting on the counter was left for him or if it was a single treat that nobody had fought over yet ― regardless, he eats it anyway.
Each bite is a violent attempt to deny the shittiness of this whole day. It all tastes delicious, so he can lose himself inside it for a moment. What never really occurs to him is that every moment doesn’t last too long, and even though his stomach isn’t built for this kind of eating, he’s reaching for another snack as soon as the last one has dissolved on his tongue.
He throws packaging away as he goes, just to keep things neat. He’s just biting into his latest snack when someone else walks into the kitchen, and looking up, it turns out to be Choromatsu.
“O-oh, hey, Totty, you’re home. How was work?” He starts ducking into the refrigerator, then suddenly straightens up and gives his youngest brother a curious look. “… Uh. That’s my Big Katsu. Why are you eating it??”
Given that his teeth are currently sunk into it, Totty feels a little guilty. So at least he doesn’t have to fake the expression on his face. “Oh… sorry, Choro-nii-san! I’m just really hungry… I’ll buy you another one tomorrow.”
After a moment, Choromatsu sighs, evidently deciding to let Totty off the hook rather than fight with him about it. “Yeah, that’s fine. I was saving it, but if I haven’t craved it this long, I can wait. There’s other stuff I can have for a snack.” He opens the refrigerator door and pulls out a single mini carton of milk, then frowns. “Hey, wasn’t there some leftover takoyaki in here?”
He huffs as he closes the fridge. “Dammit. Osomatsu probably ate the rest of it while I wasn’t paying attention, the douche.”
He shakes his head and gets in the pantry for a bag of potato chips instead. “Guess these’ll do till dinner. Hey, Totty, you’re probably still hungry, right? Why don’t you share with me? I’m not starving or anything… half a bag would do it for me, I think.”
Totty’s stomach twinges suddenly, alerting him that he may have eaten too much. He’s not used to shoveling down this much at one time, though the realization that he’s uncomfortably full doesn’t stop him from hurriedly cramming the rest of the Big Katsu into his mouth.
And, honestly, it’s not like he can say no to the offer. He just told his big brother he was hungry and he’s been gulping down food at an insatiable pace. Thinking about the taste of potato chips sort of makes him want some.
Plus… Choromatsu is being nice by sharing, despite the fact that Totty already took one of his snacks without even asking. It would be mean to turn that down when he’s just trying to make sure Totty gets fed properly.
So he plasters a smile on and tosses the wrapper before stepping toward his older brother. Everything’s fine. “Ah, yeah… sounds good.”
Everything is not fine.
Dinner is beginning to be a struggle to get through. Totty hates wasting the food, but his thought is to put it away for later when his stomach isn’t actively trying to kill him. The pain is different to anything he’s ever experienced, a feeling like he’s full all the way up to his chest and so can’t get a decent breath in. He feels cold and clammy even though he knows he’s sweating. In short, it sucks.
The one thing he counted on was his brothers not noticing that he wasn’t eating anything. After sharing the chips with Choromatsu, he started to feel like he was going to burst. Even though the sensation quieted down a little bit, it never quite went away.
Now that he’s been faced with a table full of food, it’s even worse. His stomach is gurgling and swirling and nothing helps. Not taking deep breaths through his nose, not taking tiny sips of his tea, not focusing on any other thoughts. Nothing. It’s all useless. He thinks that as soon as dinner is over, he’s gonna have to go throw up. No ifs, ands, or buts; one way or another, he’s gonna be sick.
His only hope now is that he can ride it out long enough for everyone to head their separate ways so he doesn’t have to face the humiliation of admitting that he ate too much and hurt his stomach.
“U-uh, Totty,” Choromatsu speaks up suddenly, “aren’t you gonna eat anything? You were hungry enough to eat my Big Katsu earlier, I’d have thought you were really looking forward to dinner.”
Ugh. Did he have to???
Totty forces a smile onto his face. “Oh, yeah, I… I guess I’m just not in the mood for this stuff tonight, you know?”
The look on Osomatsu’s face could be mistaken for someone who’d just swallowed a lemon. “What?! But Totty, this is your favorite! You’re not gonna eat any of it? You can’t just skip meals like that, dude.”
“Yeah,” Ichimatsu hums thoughtfully. “You’re not gonna be any more healthy or attractive if you’re starving, you know.”
Geez. His brothers are so fucking embarrassing. Choromatsu is giving him some backhanded concern, Osomatsu is overzealous as usual, and Ichimatsu sounds like a Goddamn after-school special.
Karamatsu, meanwhile, is scrutinizing him just the same. “Yes, Totty, my brother… you look rather pale. You really should eat something!”
“Yeah, yeah!” Jyushimatsu practically launches himself over the table, holding a bite of food from his own plate between chopsticks toward his little brother’s mouth. “Here! Winding up for the pitch… batter uuuuuup!”
“Ughhhhh!” Totty leans back, even though any movement unsettles his stomach further. “You guys are ridiculous! I’m fine! W-what, am I not allowed to have just lost my appetite without every single one of my big brothers making a federal case of it?!”
All the others share a silent look, then there comes a unanimous, “Nope.”
He groans and leans his arm against the table. Shit, it’s getting worse. All he wants to do is run to the bathroom and puke, so that maybe he’ll actually feel better. If he does that, though, everyone will be on his case about how much he ate instead of how little he’s eating right now. He doesn’t need nor want a lecture.
Actually, what he wants more than anything is to just be taken care of and told that it’s okay, he screwed up a bit, it’s not the end of the world. That would require confessing to this stupid mistake, though… and he really doesn’t want to do that. He’s so sure that if he does, he’s just going to get scolded instead of comforted.
When he looks around the table again, he notices that Choromatsu in particular looks worried. “C’mon, Totty. You know we care about you. Osomatsu and Ichimatsu are right; it’s not healthy to skip meals.”
“Dammit, I know that, Fappymatsu! Just because I’m pretty doesn’t mean I’m stupid.” Totty scowls down at the food before lifting his eyes back up. “If I take one bite, will you all get off my back?”
He hates that those words just came out of his mouth. Even if it’s just a single bite, he doesn’t think his stomach will be happy with him. The idea of eating anything isn’t sitting well with him.
What else can he do, though? Just like with literally everything else, his brothers won’t stop bugging him until he caves in and does whatever they want.
The others exchange a look and Osomatsu shrugs. “Yeah, that should do it! Maybe after you take a bite you’ll realize how good it is and how hungry you are.”
Shit. Well, now he doesn’t really have a way out.
He takes as deep a breath as he feels he can, and collects a bite of food with his chopsticks. Although he isn’t sure how noticeable it is, it feels like his hand is shaking as he raises it to his lips.
Maybe it’s better to do it fast and get it over with. So, that’s what he does. The food in his chopsticks disappears in rapid time, and even though it feels like swallowing a spoonful of glue, he manages to get it down.
“Th-there,” he announces as he slams his chopsticks down. A hiccup squeaks out of him, followed by a fist pressed to his mouth, then he glares around the table at his brothers. “Ha… happy now? God, you guys are… you’re such… such…”
His stomach roils aggressively, almost like he’s just been punched in the gut. He cuts himself off with a loud, painful belch… and whines softly, because he knows what’s coming next. There’s no possible way he can stop it, nor can he get up fast enough to make it to the bathroom.
He tries to clap his other hand over his mouth in some childish belief that if he just blocks the exit, so to speak, he won’t be sick. Predictably, it doesn’t work.
Only a second and a couple of retches later, Totty has vomited through his hands into his lap. It’s perhaps more than a little ironic that his attempt to avoid lectures and feeling shameful has led to something incredibly humiliating.
The tears well up almost immediately, and it doesn’t take long for him to be sitting here coughing, not quite knowing what to do except cry.
“A-ah, Totty!!” Someone’s up from their seat, grabbing him gently by the shoulders. It sounds like Choromatsu, he thinks. “Hey… hey, it’s okay. O-oh, no, no, guys, it’s okay ― yeah, Mom, Dad, it’s fine, I-I’ve got him. Totty, hey, c’mon. I’m gonna help you to the bathroom and we’ll get you cleaned up. Okay?”
All he can do is nod, and it seems like even the fact that he leans against Choromatsu, all streaked with puke, doesn’t bother his brother.
It’s a short walk to the bathroom. He thinks he hears one of the others getting up to clean whatever mess he’s left behind. He just concerns himself with getting into the bathroom, then with lifting his arms when told so Choromatsu can help peel the soiled clothes off.
“It’s okay, Totty. E-everything’s alright.” His voice is low and gentle as he manages to also get Totty’s pants off, hanging everything over the side of the bathtub. If he’s lucky, one of the others will come rinse them off so they can go right in the wash while he tries to take care of getting Totty situated on the couch or something. “I’m gonna take care of you. You just cry as much as you need to, as long as you cooperate with me, okay?”
Totty sniffles, doing his best to stop crying. This is so embarrassing. “O-okay…”
Eventually the crying tapers off a bit, to the point that he can breathe normally again. His mouth has a bad taste and his throat hurts; at least his stomach feels a lot better, though. He’s just so mortified that he threw up on himself in front of his entire family after trying to save himself from this fate.
What did you think was gonna happen when you ate something else after already being stuffed and nauseous, dummy?? His mind is exactly no help at all, unfortunately.
Choromatsu is careful as he tries to get his little brother cleaned. As soon as all his dirty clothes are off, he wipes a wet cloth over Totty’s mouth to wash off any remnants of vomit and helps Totty wash his hands in the sink. He holds a couple pieces of toilet paper over Totty’s nose so he can blow, which makes him feel slightly less gross.
Once there’s no more danger of new clothes having leftover puke dripped on them, he darts out to the closet in the other room and comes back with a pair of Totty’s pajamas. It feels somuch better to be in fresh clothes after Choromatsu gingerly tugs them on.
With all of that done, Choromatsu sets a hand against Totty’s forehead and gives a contemplative hum. “Well, you don’t feel warm… you might still be coming down with something, though. I think maybe you should just go right to bed. We’ll get you settled on the couch in the other room so that hopefully the rest of us don’t catch it, and I’ll get you some ginger ale or something, okay?”
The idea of all that sounds nice, sure. He feels a little guilty for not being honest, however, so… “Um, Choromatsu-nii-san… I-I’m not… I’m not sick. I… I think I ate too much today, and… that bite I took out there was just kind of… th-the last straw, you know?”
Choromatsu frowns. “You ate too much? You said you were really hungry when you got home. And all I remember seeing you eat was my Big Katsu and some of the chips.”
“I ate a lot more than that,” he confesses, rubbing at his teary eyes. “There was some stuff I had while I was at work, a-and… and I was the one who ate the last of the takoyaki. I was just going through the fridge and the cupboards for a while before you walked in.”
“Oh… okay, I get that. Why didn’t you just tell us you overate today instead of forcing yourself to eat?”
More tears bubble up and start rolling down his cheeks. “B-because… because I thought if I did, you’d all just lecture me and tell me, ‘Oh, you shouldn’t do that, Totty!’ The day was so bad already…”
The more he talks, the more tears fall. “It was just one thing a-after another! Work was shitty, everything that could go wrong did,and I didn’t want you guys harping on me! I-I know I fucked up eating a lot, but doing it just… made me feel better for a minute… like the day wasn’t so crappy, like I could pretend everything was okay because I was eating something good. So I just… d-didn’t wanna tell you guys… I-I know you’d say it’s bad for me…”
Quietly, Choromatsu pulls Totty up off the toilet and into a hug. His hand rubs calmingly between his little brother’s shoulder blades, shortly after switching to a series of pats. “Hey, you learned your lesson. I know you think we’d give you some big speech… and maybe you’re not wrong. But I’m sorry it felt like you had to hide it and suffer on your own. That’s not what we want! We just wanna take care of you. If we lecture like that, it’s just because we love you.”
“I-I know,” Totty mumbles into Choromatsu’s shoulder. “Are you… are you mad at me? For doing it in the first place and for not telling you?”
“Mad? No! No, no, no way. I’m not mad!” Choromatsu presses a brief kiss to the top of Totty’s head. “You’re my baby brother. How could I be mad at you for this? Just… you know… next time, come talk to us instead of going to the food. I’d rather listen to you complain for hours than have you eat yourself sick.”
He gives a cautious squeeze, somewhat reassured when Totty squeezes back. They stay like this for a few minutes, with Totty burying his face against Choromatsu’s shoulder and Choromatsu rubbing Totty’s back.
Finally Choromatsu lets out a sigh. “Just so you know… even if we lecture you a little, we’ll still try to take care of you if there’s anything we can do. But we’ll… also do our best not to lecture as much when you come to us. Do you feel any better?”
“Yeah… it doesn’t hurt that much anymore.” He mirrors the sigh and just sinks into his big brother’s embrace. “Can I still go lie down, though? In the futon?”
Choromatsu nods and pulls Totty up when he gets to his feet. “Yeah, of course. That’s probably a good idea even though you’re not really sick.”
“And… can I still have some ginger ale?”
“Yeah, I’ll get that for you after we get you settled.”
Totty is silent for a few seconds while they walk down the hall, then he speaks up again. “… Will you maybe stay and cuddle with me for a minute, too? Even though I’m not sick?”
Choromatsu glances down before chuckling. Does he really think he has to tack on that condition, as if Choromatsu won’t cuddle just because Totty isn’t actually sick? “I… o-of course, Totty. All you have to do is ask, even if you’re not sick.”
“Okay…” By this time they’ve reached the bedroom, so he stands aside while Choromatsu unrolls the futon. Before too long he’s lying down, and Choromatsu has both arms around him, gently stroking his hair.
He closes his eyes and nuzzles against his brother. “Thank you… you’re the best nii-chan ever.”
He can feel Choromatsu grinning. “Am I even better than leftover takoyaki?”
Totty pouts at the jab, but snuggles closer regardless. “Way better.”
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oasisofgalaxies · 3 years
okay first big batch of questions, starting off with grian because 1. god i love winged species and 2. i know the most about him any info at all about the elytrians/grian?like i know you mentioned grian is very in tune with the others emotions and such because he is one, so ill focus on that but you can say whatever other ideas you have too- im assuming elytrians are empaths/an empathetically linked species then, but does that change how he interacts with the others/how elytrians interact with each other? does he have to act a lot different around non-elytrians in order to communicate better? also, how far do you think it goes? does he just get Vibes from everyone he walks past or does he have to focus on someone in particular? if he does feel what everyone else does, are packed environments overwhelming or exciting? can he send out feelings to someone (maybe to calm them down or smth) or does he only receive them and then decide how act based on that? (if this is too much/you can’t answer it all dw about it lol i am just rambling)
Yeah i can give some info on the elytrians! Like I said a lot of this is referenced off of @/ratspeen's Human Error series because its pog as hell-
Anyways Elytrians are a very familial race which probably adds to how aware emotionally they are. They have to be in tune with everyone so that their flock is all safe and healthy. Usually Elytrians can tell how people are feeling on a base level but not so much that they know Exactly whats wrong. So they can get the gist of if someone is excited, sad, or even angry. It also helps that Elytrians express a lot of body language through their wings.
But since the other hermits on the ship aren't Elytrians, it takes a while for Grian to pick up everyone else's body language. He can still sort of tell what they're feeling but the communication through subconscious stuff helps a LOT in terms of narrowing it down. Once he's gotten familiar with everyone's body language he can better understand them, almost as well as other Elytrians. So yeah its kind of a mix of vibes And focusing. He can pick up the jist but if he studies their body language more it helps him get a better idea.
And yeah! He does act a lot different. Elytrians I think are a very vocal and contact oriented species so Grian can't be as touchy n stuff when around the hermits. He still is kinda clingy but not As Much. And Elytrian language is a lot of chirping and other bird noises. So when attempting to sooth someone feeling sad, Elytrian or not, he tends to default to cooing. A lot of those noises are stuff Elytrians make to their young, fledglings, so its a noise of comfort to a lot of their folk. So by making those noises he's really tryin' to comfort people.
Sorry if any of this is kinda weird or sounds janky, I am doing My Best! Anyways moving on-
So Elytrian's can't really send emotions, it's not magic or anything. They're just very good at understanding. So in crowded environments he doesn't really get bombarded by anything, he just gets the general vibe of the area. Like is everyone here interested in something? Excited? Or maybe nervous? It helps a lot when determining the danger of an area. If anyone seems on edge then he's on guard.
But ye!!! In short, Grian can get the vibes of how people are feeling based on how they hold themselves. He decides how to act around them based on those emotions :D If you have any more questions PLEASE let me know because this was very fun !!!!!
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curiousconch · 4 years
Rose-colored Glass 
Chapter 11 of Ricochet (An Open Heart AU)
Catch up here: Series Masterlist
Chapter Synopsis: As winter began its rein in Boston, Heather finds a way to cope with her trauma, discovering the truth while remembering her past. 
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x MC (Dr. Heather Song)
Words: 1.8k+ | Genre: Crime, Suspense/Thriller, Romance
Rating/Warnings: Mature (16+) / emotional trauma, death
Author's Notes: This week has been hard for me, and writing this chapter was unimaginably difficult because of it. Thankfully, like Heather, I found a way to cope, and people to help me get through with it. So instead of moping around, I finished this, inspired by the hauntingly beautiful classic song La Vie En Rose (I listened to this particular version on repeat). So, this is for you Nina, rest well in heaven. 
Thank you so much for taking time to read this series. Please let me know if you want me to include/remove you in the tags list. Also, disclaimer: Majority of the characters are owned by Pixelberry, except the main character Heather Song. I also do not claim ownership over the lyrics of La Vie en Rose embedded in this chapter.
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Heather's discharge went smoothly, contrary to the time she spent in recovery. Her friends needed to stay behind to complete their shifts, and although Kyra offered to take her home, she refused. She needed to do something first. Heather did agree to let her bring her things back to the apartment, with one exception.
 Her slimmed fingers tightly gripped on the straps of the small bag she was carrying. The sunglasses she brought along tucked on the collar of her salmon sweater, not needing it anymore due to the cluster of clouds that blocked out the sun. Although it was almost noon, the chilly weather provided some semblance of shade as the heels of her boots thumped softly against the soft white snow-covered ground. 
Her gray coat was sprinkled small flakes of snow, as she navigated herself easily amongst the unmarked path, that if a spectator observed, they would readily know that she visited this place often. 
Heather's steps halted as she neared a willow tree, standing in front of a moss-colored headstone, aged by the almost seven years of Boston rain. 
Despite the gloom of her surroundings, Heather's lips curled into a smile, as she kneeled down to gently place the bouquet of pink roses she bought along the way. 
"Hi mom," she said, as the tips of her fingers skimmed the name carved in stone. "I'm sorry it took me so long to visit again. Things have been a little rough." 
She went still for a moment, relishing the poignant silence in remembrance. 
More than her ambition of being trained by America's top diagnostician, this was the reason why she chose Edenbrook. To be near her, to be in her mother's home city, it somehow filled the emptiness of missing her so much. To walk on the same pavements, to spend time in the same parks and places she's been to brought Heather nothing but the strength and determination to make something out of her once miserable life. Whenever she doubted herself, or when she was about to give up, the thought of her mom fighting a sickness no one should endure, gave Heather the much needed relief and energy to get back up again. 
And that's the reason she stood there that cold winter morning. She needed her mom to come through her once again. 
Heather closed her eyes momentarily, letting the rush of the nauseating trauma of the past few weeks resurface. Her whole being has run out dry, weakening her knees. She just felt so numb inside. 
So without inhibitions, she recalled the recent events that turned her life upside down. She told about the threats over her life, and how close she was to her own death. She spoke about Raf and their recent fallout, how heartbreaking it was but relieving at the same time. She brought up Bryce last. 
"This man, mom... I can't even begin to explain how I feel about him," Heather said as she rubbed a hand over her temple. "There's something about him that I just couldn't describe. It's been there since I've first met him, and it's still here until now..." 
Her head dropped low in between her shoulders, as she remembered with fondness the emotions that Bryce stirred within her the first time they met, leading up to their frustrating confrontation. Heather irked as the thought of her failure came. 
"But somehow, I messed it up. I picked someone else, because I was too afraid..." she revealed. She knew what she felt around him, but did her best to bury it. "Although I often wondered of what we could be, or what we could have been, the deep-seated fears of heartbreak, of what you and dad went through... I just couldn't act on it." she admitted. 
"Yet when I was faced with the choice between life or death, all I had was his words, no one else's," she paused, recalling how she soldiered on towards her own escape, empowered by the same declaration during their day out in the trampolines. 
"But now I'm afraid I'm too late, mom. I may have missed out on something great... Your daughter is a coward," she bit her lip, her eyes glistening. "Am I really too late?" 
The question felt like a cliffhanger, never to be answered. 
Sighing deeply, she collected her remaining energy to unzip the small bag she brought with her. She wrapped her hands around the neck of the instrument, pulling out a mahogany-stained ukelele. It was the last gift that she received from her mom, the very same she used to play her songs during their rare downtime.
She tucked its body between her arm and chest, as she tightened its strings with the tuners. With one satisfied strum, she began to sing the song that she and her mom always sang during the roughest period of their lives. 
Hold me close and hold me fast
The magic spell you cast
This is la vie en rose
When you kiss me heaven sighs, 
And though I close my eyes 
I see la vie en rose
In a rush, those simple words tingled her sensations in reminiscence from flashes of her adolescence - the late night talks, the bonding over ramen noodles, her alcoholic initiation by soju, those times that they saw a movie together, the smell of pancakes and eggs in the morning. 
In the few short years they were given, Heather treasured each memory more than anything in her life. Even the tragedy of watching her mom deteriorate because of her sickness, of those last months spent in a cramped hospital ward, she wouldn't trade it even for a pot of gold. Though in pain, her mother would whisper promises that she'll always be there for her, no matter what. Until her last breath, she held her daughter's hand. Those were priceless, shared souvenirs of a life well-lived. Of a life Heather hoped she could lead. 
When you press me to your heart
I'm in a world apart, a world where roses bloom
And when you speak, angels sing from above
Everyday words seem to turn into love songs
Give your heart and soul to me
And life will always be
La vie en rose
Within those short verses contained the life lesson her mom taught her over and over again - to see life through rose colored glasses. Singing it reminded her that even if she was long gone, the memory of her will be embedded within, whispering that no matter what, there's a reason to continue living. 
Smiling through her tears, her head tilted up to the heavens, praying that the divine could carry her thanks to her mom. For once again, in the most difficult time of her life, she did follow through. 
As a sense of peace weaved itself through her, she opened her eyes and felt the clouds dissipate. With it were the frayed edges of the shadows of fear, regret and anger. And although she knew that it will still haunt her, she was content that healing has at least begun. 
After a few more moments of silence, she placed the ukelele back into the bag and glanced endearingly upon the headstone. She skimmed her fingers over her mother's name, vowing to come back soon. 
She swiveled herself to the opposite direction and began the path back to the cemetery gates, when her hazel orbs fell upon a pair of familiar leather shoes and gray slacks, making her stop in her tracks.
When she titled her head to see the face she expected to see, a pair of amber eyes met hers that made her breath hitch. They were filled with warmth and affection that heated the cold air and melted her inside.
"You're not too late," Bryce finally said, breaking into the quiet. His mouth formed a lopsided smile, his hands shoved into the pockets of his black coat which edges reached to his knees. 
"Seems like it," Heather replied, snapping out of the daze that suddenly came over her, lips curving. "Wait, you heard everything?" 
Bryce couldn't stifle a chuckle as he nodded, the adrenaline that rushed through him earlier as he tried to track her down slowly draining from him. A new and overwhelming feeling took its place as he planted the soles of his shoes on the soft snow, bridging the gap between them. 
Once he was near enough, he gently wrapped an arm around Heather's waist, pulling her close. The knuckles of his other hand brushed her jawline until his thumb grazed her chin. His gaze lingered down on hers, completely magnetized by the depths of the windows of her soul, begging for her consent. 
Heather's palms settled onto the nape of his neck, her lips parting to grant him permission. 
In a heartbeat, Bryce tenderly pressed his lips upon hers, releasing the long-running yearning they buried so well. Unspoken words no longer need to be said aloud, clarity dawning in them both as their mouths crashed. Soft moans escaped from them as they deepened their passionate kiss, unrestrained in expressing their newfound freedom. 
When at last they stopped to catch their breaths, Bryce leaned his forehead on hers, understanding that his unrequited love was never unanswered, only delayed. That after a year of pining, here she was, standing in front of him, a realization of a dream that for so many times he willed to come true. After all the nights of hoping and hurting, he couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the sight of her in his arms. A thought poked into his mind as he started to recall where they were. 
"Well this is awkward..." the young lawyer muttered,  with a sudden shift in his voice. 
"Hm?" Heather's eyes snapped open, dumbfounded. 
"I know I always wanted to kiss you," he grinned as he paused, before continuing, "but never in a million years did I think that the first time I did is in front of your mom."
At first her brows furrowed, but seeing Bryce's mischievous expression, Heather couldn't keep herself from laughing. 
Inspired by the music of her genuine laughter, Bryce joined in. The sound of their giggles echoing through the poignant space around them. 
Heather can't remember the last time when she laughed this hard. There were so many things that hung over her head that she almost forgot how to do it. But with Bryce, it came so easily. A sense of joy began to bloom in her, and when she saw the same glint in his eyes, she knew he felt exactly the same. 
With their fingers intertwined and arms around each other's, they walked the path that only earlier they trudged separately. And now with their hearts finally out in the open, their tracks carved into the thin sheet of snow, unveiling the lush greens of the grass hidden beneath, eager to leaving what's behind, together.
Tags: @eleanorbloom @ramsey-lahela @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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tenglows · 5 years
Hiii! Could I get crown prince!Yangyang with 29&36? Royalty AU and it's between him and his new maid but she is actually a little bit older than him and has worked in different parts of the palace (kitchen, horse stables, decoration, library...) and in different positions so when she gets assigned to him she knows how to run the place and she starts teaching him life skills for when he claims the throne. He admires her and falls in love, but she's reasonable until she can't resist him anymore...
[ 29: you know i can’t be found with you ] + [ 36: it's just a kiss ] i am completely in love with this, thank you so much for requesting such an incredible and detailed scenario!!! i was also waiting for someone to use prompt 29, so this was just perfect. i hope you love it as much as i did!!! i also made an aesthetic because i felt like it
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the prompts
yangyang sighed as the tailor left in search for more pins. there were still some months until the coronation, but all the preparations had the castle working like a factory.
he stared at himself in the mirror. that mantle made him look like his father, and that scared him. he didn't think he was ready to be king, but there was no turning back now. it never was in the first place.
“prince” a voice distracted him from his thoughts and he turned back to see you, bowing.
since you had been working in the palace for quite some time and knew your way around it, the queen didn't trust anyone more than you, and assigned you to be her son's advisor and maid. you were only two years older than him, so she figured you would be the best option for him to feel comfortable and accompanied.
“tailor shawn excelled himself with this one, hasn't him?”
the long fabric accentuated yangyang’s shoulders, but it was sort of loose. that's why it needed fitting.
“it's good shawn is working hard on perfecting the robe” you spoke, sensing how tired the boy was of being upright on that stand. “shall the clothes be to big on the prince, he's thought not to be qualified for the throne”
“that's stupid” he joked, as he usually did, but you sensed something different. he was playing with his hands and didn't lift his gaze from the floor.
“you're nervous” you stated and he looked at you just for a second, the tailor coming in again. “we'll talk about it later” you saluted him and the man and walked out of the dressing room.
night fell and yangyang had just gotten to his bed chamber. he was exhausted. the fitting process took some more hours and it still wasn't fully finished. then, he had to join his father on some of his tasks. so he could pick up some of his skills and knowledge.
there was a tap on his door, and he yelled an approval for them to come in with the minimum of voice he had left.
“not a good time?”
he didn't answer, but the way he gestured you to close the door told you he didn't want to be alone.
“do you want to talk about today?”
he laid back on the silk sheets and took a deep breath.
“it's too much work”
he didn't say more, but he didn't need to. you imagined what was going through his mind. he was too young to be responsible for all of this. on top of that, he didn't really like to talk about his feelings, so he also dealt with every burden on his own.
“you are going to be an admirable king, yangyang. the town already thinks highly of you”
“what if i let them down?” he looked at you with scared eyes. you sat next to him and in that damp night and big walls, you believed it was the first time yangyang had shared his torments out loud.
“you have your entire lifetime to slip up and learn” he stayed silent, staring up at the ceiling. “and” he looked back at you. “a prince, soon-to-be-king, can also open up about his feelings. goodnight, yangyang”
with that, you closed the door behind you, leaving yangyang in the lonesomeness of his big room.
as he struggled to fall asleep, he thought back to your words. you were right about the part of expressing his emotions. he had no reason to shut down. the thing was, he had never had someone to let loose with before. he would hang out with some of the maid's children when he was a kid, but apart from that, he didn't have any friends. being educated to be king was always what directed his life. and everytime he would get too overwhelmed and ask their parents for help they would brush it off, or tell him they didn't have time right now. or, at any time for that matter. nonetheless, he was raised by one of the best kings the country had ever had. he would come up with something about his fear of his newly obligations.
but after more tossing and turning in bed, he realized you had raised him more than his family ever did. sure, his father was good at teaching him fencing, but you were good at teaching him more human skills. you would explain how to approach people from different status, but never failing to be polite. you told him how to dress appropriately, and what colors were the best combinations. you taught him to make himself some easy dishes if ever needed.
for some reason, the thought of you accelerated the thumping of his heart. the image of your face rested above his eyelids. he pictured the eyes he had grown accustomed to. as his body was getting heavier, he thought of kissing you, a shiver running through his half asleep back as he did. he had never thought of you that way.
the next morning, yangyang’s body froze when he encountered you at the kitchen.
“good morning, did you rest well?” you asked, the same sweet smile as always. you had absolutely no idea about what was going through the boy’s mind: him finding it amusing, how he had lost so many sleep hours wondering off about you and your world just, continued. without a single clue.
“good” he sat on the chair as you placed an abundant plate in front of him.
“i’m glad. here, eat up that i believe you have quite the schedule today”
you have always prepared him breakfast, why did it feel different now? why was his heart excited? was it always like that and he had only recently noticed it?
you turned around to arrange some other things in the kitchen, and yangyang cleared his throat.
“erm, y/n? would you like to sit and have breakfast with me?”
“okay” you smiled and placed the dishcloth on the dishwasher, taking the seat facing his.
“how did you sleep?” you arched an eyebrow at his distinctive behaviour, his face tinting red. he had never shown such clear interest in you.
“i stayed up late catching up on my reading”
yangyang knew how much you liked to read, and how you always seemed to appear with a new book in the span of short days.
“what is this one about?”
“oh it’s romance, obviously” you rolled your eyes and laughed shyly. “you know i’ve always been kind of a romantic”
as he ate, you told him more about the story. he watched in delight how you got so excited explaining the relationship between the characters. you talked some more, until you looked at the time and sent him off to his daily duties.
“hey, do you know how to ride a horse?”
“no, why?”
“i think it’s time that i teach you something”
after a while, you both came back from the shelter bursting out laughing.
“that was fun” you commented, leaving your jacket on the chair.
“i know, the horses loved you”
“i do feed them”
your chuckles died down as you contemplated each other’s eyes. he hadn’t noticed how close you were standing, and suddenly, the thoughts from the previous night came rushing back. the idea of kissing you seemed stronger now, nearer. he leaned in for the sake of it, but was interrupted by his mom’s voice.
“son, y/n” your breath caught in your throat as you immediately bowed down. “you were supposed to find your father by the garden half an hour ago”
“my apologies, mother. y/n was lending me a hand with the horses and i lost track of time”
“well, that’s her job, isn’t it?” the words were harsh but the tone wasn’t. the queen was always respectful and generous to everyone, especially you, but you still caught the idea that she was subtly scolding you.
you nodded and took another bow, the woman leaving and yangyang shooting a quick glance at you before following her.
when yangyang was finally dismissed, he didn’t waste any second before darting towards your bedroom. behind the door, he took a deep breath and knocked.
you were already on your nightwear when he set foot in your room. he had never been there before, taking a moment to inspect the place. it was undoubtedly much smaller than his, a single bed instead of a king sized one, but he still liked it. and it was, without a doubt, yours. with full bookshelves.
“i’m sorry about my mom” you shook your head.
“i had a great time with you today”
he didn’t know where this courage was coming from, but he guessed becoming a king was making him braver in more ways than one. he took a step forward and placed a hand on your cheek, asking for permission. when you let out a breath and leaned into his palm, he allowed himself to stroke your other cheek too.
“i did too. maybe i can be like prince charming from your book” he leaned in again. your noses were almost brushing, when you stood up straight again and kept your composure.
“yangyang, you know nothing can happen between us” you spoke softly, but the tenderness didn’t stop the words from hurting any less.
“a kiss won’t harm anyone. didn’t the main character kiss his forbidden love?”
“but that’s fiction, this is real life”
“and it’s just a kiss” he whispered over your mouth, your eyes looking down to his lips. both of your hearts were beating so loudly it resembled the tone of a thunderstom.
your breaths had blended in a way you didn’t know which one was yours anymore. and he was so close, so close to everything changing that you had to pull away.
“you should leave. good night, yangyang” you practically shoved him out of the door.
you didn’t make him breakfast the next day. or the one after that. another maid did, and yangyang felt his world crumbling. he didn’t even get to see you lately, and he didn’t know how much he relied on your daily smiles until he didn’t have them anymore.
it was at the gatehouse where he found you one thursday. you were cleaning a carriage, and you clearly hadn’t seen him, you would have ran away if you did. he approached you cautiously, and just as he suspected, when you did see him you dropped everything and stood on your feet.
“y/n, stop avoiding me” he yelled, making you stop. he ran to you and struggled to find your gaze. you refused to look at him. “it’s driving me crazy”
“your parents would kill me. you know i can’t be found with you”
“you won’t” he assured, pressing your foreheads together and cupping your face in his hands. he felt as if he had gone back to that night in your bedroom, and he was getting a second chance. “just please, stop running from me” he begged in a barely audible voice.
and in that moment, you decided to do as the protagonist in your book always did. you decided to let go. and with his lips on top of yours, it felt like flying. your feet rejected touching the ground, and you were lucky enough that yangyang didn’t want to come back to earth yet either.
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awkwardkitten13 · 4 years
Harry had had enough. Everything was crushing him;His work load for the Aurors, His friends, and especially Andromenda not letting him see his godson because he came out as gay. He walked down the muggle city streets looking for the nearest pub. he finally found one called The Witches Brew. He thought that was amusing. The pub was pretty empty, so he walked in and sat down at the bar. He noticed the bartender with long platinum blond hair, turned away from him placing some glasses on the shelves.
"Damn that's an amazing ass." He thought to himself. "Excuse me, can I get some whiskey?" He asked politely. He was shocked when the bar tender dropped the glass he was holding and froze for a minute. Harry's eyes went wide as the bar tender turned around and he was met with the piercing grey eyes he'd dream't about for years.
"Draco?" He said quietly.
"Yeah." Draco laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.
"What are you doing here?" Harry exclaimed.
"Well i work here, duh. Still a little slow, I see, Potter." Draco said but there was no malice in his voice like there used to be.
"I know that, but why are you working in a place like this? Shouldn't you be able to live off you family's money?" Harry said after rolling his eyes.
" Do you still want that whiskey?" Draco asked avoiding the question.
"Oh, yes please." Harry said as Draco poured him a glass. "Now are you gonna answer my question?"
Draco let out a deep sigh and slid the glass over to Harry, "I was disowned by my family."
"What, Why!?" Harry exclaimed.
"Still just as nosy as when we were in school? Huh, Potter?" Draco laughed. Harry took notice of how laid back and gentle he seemed now. His demeanor had changed so much since Hogwarts, five years ago.
"Sorry, Its a hard habit to break." Harry gave a shy smile.
"Well, if you must know," Draco looked down at his feet, "I came out as gay, and Father is against that so I was kicked out onto the streets, and i couldn't get work in the wizarding world thanks to the... you know. So i got this job. Could be worse i guess. atleast it pays the bills." Draco laughed again when he looked up and saw harry's shocked face. "What? don't tell me you hate gays too?" He rolled his eyes.
"No! No, actually..." Harry paused.
"No shit!? The famous Harry Potter is gay too?!" Draco exclaimed. Harry rubbed the back of his neck and nodded. "How long have you known?"
Harry downed his whiskey in one shot, "Can i have another?" Draco rolled his eyes and poured him another.
"So...?" Draco said waving his hands in a come on motion.
Harry looked down contemplating if he wanted to say it or not. He finally built up enough of his courage and decided to just come clean. "Well..." Draco leaned in closer, "when i first saw you actually."
Draco went pale and his eyes got wide as he realised he wasnt the only one with a crush, "R-really?" He stuttered.
"Yeah you've been my biggest crush since the day i laid eyes on you." Harry took another swig of his whiskey and refused to look up.
"I-I-I-b-but i was so mean to you." Draco had tears welling up in his eyes at the thought of Harry caring about him no matter what insult he threw at him.
"That's no joke." Harry chuckled still not looking up from his glass. "I guess i always knew that was just a front. I knew there was always something deeper inside you and one day it would shine." Harry finally looked up just as a tear slid down Draco's cheek. He nearly jumped over the counter, but he settled for clutching Draco's hand. The contact made them both shiver. "Hey! Hey, whats the matter. Please don't cry."
"I-it's just... I was so horrible to you, just because i wanted your attention. I cared about you so much and I just wanted to make sure you saw me. I shouldn't have been so terrible. I'm so sorry Harry." Draco cried. Harry's heart melted at the use of his first name.
Harry stood from the bar stool and leaned over the counter. Cupping Draco's face he wiped his tears away with his thumbs. "Hey, I forgave you years ago. You're a different person, a better person. I can see it and your absolutely stunning." Harry whispered the last part and Draco gave him a sad smile.
"Thank you, Harry." Draco whispered. They got lost in each others eyes for a minute. Till Harry shook his head and Draco looked away shyly.
" Wait a minute!? What do you mean 'you cared about me'?" Harry said sitting down again.
"Still so slow, Potter." Draco laughed, "You are my biggest crush too."
"'Are' as in i still am?" Harry was smiling from ear to ear now.
"Yes." Draco rolled his eyes and laughed.
"So if i asked you on a date tomorrow would you go?" Harry asked.
Draco looked down with a sad expression that made Harry's smile fade.
"I can't." Draco whispered.
"Can't as in have other plan or can't as in don't want to." Harry said sadly.
"No! No, i want to more then anything in this world. That's my biggest dream. It's just... I promised myself i wouldn't date for awhile. Till i'm comfortable on my feet."
"Oh." Harry said and they sat in silence for a few moments. "I should get going. I have an early morning tomorrow." Harry got up and started to leave.
"Harry!?" Draco exclaimed. Harry turned around. "Will i see you again?"
Harry smiled, "Gods, I hope so. I'd rather die than never see your perfect face ever again." with that he left leaving Draco smiling.
That night neither one of them could sleep. Draco was up all night thinking about how he might of missed the chance to be with the man he cared for so much. Harry was trying to think of any way he could get Draco to change his mind.
Harry's mind continued to think all through his work as an Auror, but it was interrupted by his boss strolling into his office towards the end of the day.
"Hey Harry,"His boss said, "so, there's a big mission coming up in a couple days, and I need you on top of it. It's not going to be an easy one though."
"How so?" harry asked.
"Well we tracked down a couple of death eater that are still very loyal to you know who. Theyre not gonna come easy, and they're known for being dangerous. You'll be risking your life on this one." His boss said.
"Ok, I'll check out the files on them and start preparing myself." Harry said cracking his knuckles.
Before leaving work that night he grabbed the files he need and went home to start studying. He tried his hardest to focus on the information, but his mind was too preoccupied on blond hair and blue eyes. He would do anything to just touch him right now. Finally, he became overwhelmed by the thought, so he grabbed his coat and headed to the bar Hoping Draco would be there.
Not sure what to say, He paced outside for about 10 minutes. He decided to just wing it.
"Harry!" Draco exclaimed excited to see him.
"Hey, I'm sorry to bother you at work, but i really needed to talk to you."
"You can bother me anytime you like." Draco laughed. "What did you need to say?"
"Look, I'm leaving in two days to go on a dangerous mission and i just cant think straight knowing we might be missing our chance to be together. Seeing you again has stirred up so many emotions I haven't felt in so long. I care about you so much Draco, and i have for such a long time. I want you in my life. Please take me on." Harry blurted out. Draco stood in silence, not sure what to say. His heart was pounding so fast and he couldn't think. He wanted so badly to say yes but he couldn't break his promise. Could he?
"I see you need to think. I'm assuming you don't have flew so here's my number. Please get back to me soon. Like I said, I'm leaving in two days." Harry said sadly handing Draco a piece of paper then turning and leaving.
I've continued this story as its own short story. It's under "Take On Me (Drarry Short)"
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Shooting stars - Seo Changbin
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Pairing: Seo Changbin/reader
Words: 1642
Type: fluff
Warning: /
Changbin was tired; he had worked all day and hadn't even had a proper meal. His head was aching, he knew it was because he hadn't had a full night of sleep since a long time but he couldn't afford to rest when the comeback was near: the songs have to be perfect, he always told himself.
With a sigh, he opened the door of your small flat and took off his shoes. Every room was bathing in the dark and he couldn't hear anything. Where were you? He threw the keys on the coffee table then took his phone out of his back pocket to see if you had texted him but nothing. He began to feel uneasy, you knew he had a day off the next day, so he would have obviously spent all the time he could with you but still, you weren't there. Maybe you had to stay a little more at your university, it has happened before but not a Friday.
Without thinking more, he threw himself on the couch, feeling his mind drifting to sleep. Suddenly the sharp sound of his ringtone blasted in the tiny living room. His heart sped up but calmed down immediately and a wave of relief washed over him when he saw your name displayed on his bright screen. With a small smile he answered already feeling the comfort your voice would give him.
"Hey", he whispered, he didn't know why he did it but he felt like he needed to. "The sky is so beautiful..." he was puzzled, it's the least we could say, why bringing this out totally out of the blue. He giggled at your words but finally asked what he wanted to for a solid ten minutes. "Where are you?" "I don't know! Come find me." He smiled at your antics, you were always spontaneous and he needed it in his life. You were like a breeze of fresh air, so smooth against his skin.
"Give me a clue at least." "I already gave you one..." He could hear you smile, your voice was so light and it held something like happiness. You hung up without letting him say anything. He rolled his eyes but stood up anyways, ready to find you. At this moment he completely forgot his tiredness or the stressing comeback that was coming around. That was your effect on him, and he just heard your voice over the phone. He was such a softie for you.
He looked at the ceiling, black because of the lack of lights. The street lights were casting shadows on it, he was seeing a sky on a normally white and stern ceiling. Then everything clicked in his mind, you probably were on the rooftop. The first thing you said was that the sky was beautiful and your rooftop was the perfect place to watch what the roof of the world had to show.
He took his keys and practically ran up the stairs. When he opened the heavy door, he saw what seemed like to be a fairy world. Blankets and cushions were sprawled on the floor, not leaving space for the hard and cold concrete. There were lights and candles put on the table and the railings, giving a cozy vibe to the place. The view was breathtaking, Seoul was lying before him, the multiple lights sparkling, and the clear sky decorated of thousand stars, it was just beautiful. But the most beautiful scenery he could have seen was you in just his oversized black Tee, your black converse not even put on correctly. Your long hair tied in a messy bun and a smile that could lit the whole world. You were simply standing in front of him, leaning a little against the railings but the background and you in the front, and he just felt overwhelmed by the beauty of everything, of you. He smiled unconsciously and walked up to you to hug you.
You squeaked because you were so happy, it had been so long since you could have actually quite some time together. His embrace was strong and his perfume made you smile, it felt so familiar to be like this with him. He slightly broke apart of the hug and he looked at you grinning.
"I missed you" is all he said before kissing you, delicately but with all the feelings he was able to pour in it. Once you were down, you took his hand and brought him to the pile of cushions to sit down. The summer wind was messing with the small and soft locks that were falling out of your bun. He raised his hand to put it back in place, always a soft smile on display. You loved this smile because you knew this smile was just for you, never have you ever seen him use it for someone else, just for you. You blushed and pushed him away, he just laughed.
"Why are you like this after all this time?" "Because it's you! How do you expect me to react?" you cleared your voice and your blush deepened while you bowed your head. "Because of you I have butterflies in my stomach and a racing heart, I am pretty sure I could die because of that. It's your fault!" you pouted and he couldn't resist. He pinched your bright cheek and cooed because he had never seen someone so cute; you were the cutest thing to him. He sighed and laid down, staring at the sky. You followed his actions and put your head on his arm that was spread. It was perfect for the both of you.
"Anyway, why did you take me here?" he said bringing his mouth close to your ear, making you shiver. "There should be shooting stars tonight. It's so rare and special, I wanted to spend this beautiful night watching them with you." he kissed your temple and intertwined your fingers. He could do this all his life, he was sure of it.
"OH MY GOD! Did you see? It was amazing and it passed so fast!" you were squealing. You were hyper just because you had seen one of those shooting star, and it was a wonderful sight to Changbin.
"Did you make a wish?" "Oh no! I completely forgot! Do you think I can do it now? I think it could work" you were rambling so he pulled you back down, laughing. "I am pretty sure it's too late now, Y/N. Let's wait another one, and this time don't forget to make a wish" you laughed and began to watch again, Changbin doing the same. You waited, making small talks but not too much because you could miss the purpose of your night on this rooftop.
Then a flashing star went by, so fast and dashing. It left a blue and white trail behind, contrasting with the black of the sky. He automatically closed his eyes and made his dear wish that even you won't know before some years, but he would make sure that it will happen. When he opened them again you were still closing them and holding tightly the pale blanket. A sigh of relief left your mouth and you finally opened your eyes again, smiling lightly. His blood rushed to his cheeks without knowing why but it was because of you. You said he was making you feel all sort of things but you did exactly the same thing to him.
You turned your head and your eyes met his. Right at this moment he shut out the world, focusing on you only. He gulped and breathed, approaching his head. You watched his nervous face with the same expression; he was the only thing existing right now. His forehead rested on yours, his breath hitting lightly your soft skin. He looked right into your eyes and opened his mouth. "I love you."
You held your breath, your eyes were wide and shining because of the happiness you felt. You never thought he would say those three words first, it wasn't his type. It felt surreal but a good kind of surreal. You didn't move, neither did he. Regaining your voice, you finally talked.
"I love you too, Seo Changbin." You whispered it, but the smile that grew on his face was enough for you to know that he heard you. You just looked at each other for god knew how long, but it felt too short because both of your eyes held so much love and the time had just stopped because of that.
He suddenly kissed the tip of your nose then moved away from you looking back at the sky. The blush on his cheeks was still prominent and a warm sensation filled you because you knew you made him just as nervous as you. He felt the same. You toyed a little with his hand, loving the contact between you two, also looking at the sky. The silence was peaceful and warm, just your emotions gravitating around you.
"You know, my wish was to hear you say that to me. I wanted to hear it so bad and I can't believe it happened this fast." you heard him scoff and maybe you were also close to hear him roll his eyes, but the smile on his face was so soothing.
"You would have heard me say it with or without a shooting star, so you should catch another one to wish something a little more exceptional." you cuddled his side giggling,
"I should do that, but know that hearing you saying it is exceptional to me." he laughed and cuddled you back, watching the stars in the sky, wishing things that would fill both of your hearts to shooting stars, and for now it seemed like it was working.
The end~
Sorry if I made any mistakes, I am French so English isn't my first language. It is possible that I used french structure for some sentences without seeing it because, well it's confusing. I hope you still liked it 💞
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rhinozilla · 8 years
TF is staying at the Hilltop and Daryl has a panic attack in the middle of the night because he can't get easy street out of his head and he thinks he's back in the cell and TF tries to calm him down & they're all very worried
Bythis point, they were all light sleepers. The new world had trained theirbodies to rouse at every cracked twig, every soft moan, every rustle in theirperiphery. Even in sleep, arguably their most vulnerable state, they could beup, putting their shoes on and grabbing a weapon, ready to fight or ready torun, at a moment’s notice.
Sothe cacophony that erupted inside the Hilltop trailer immediately had them allscrambling for lights and knives. Carl had violently jerked out of sleep to theclatter of furniture scraping across the floor, someone crying out, and thesound of a body thrashing. The thoughts cascaded through his half-consciousmind.
Someonehad died in their sleep. They had turned. They were all inside the trailer likefish in a barrel, and someone that he loved was now a corpse trying to killthem all.
Andfor the first split second that the lights came on, blinding them all, thosefears looked like they’d been confirmed. Sasha had climbed over Maggie, puttingherself between the threat and her pregnant friend. Maggie had her knife drawn.Rick had his Python; Michonne had her sword. Rosita and Tara had triangulatedthemselves around Enid, holding whatever sharp objects had been within arms’reach. They were all blinking sleep and sudden light from their eyes, and Carl,his gun in his hand, spotted the cause of the commotion.
Therewas a trail of chaos leading from where Daryl had fallen asleep to where he wasnow: sitting on the floor, his back against the wall in the corner of the room,eyes wide and his gaze a hundred miles away. He was sweating and breathing inwheezes. A chair had been knocked over, breaking the lamp that was on it, andthe thin green blanket was still wrapped around one of his legs.
“Everybodyokay?” Maggie asked, lowering her knife first.
Noone was dead. No one had turned. They were all still here. Carl glanced around,doing a quick headcount before looking back to Daryl. He was sitting rigidly,hands in his lap. The others lowered their weapons, exhaustion leaking backinto their muscles now that the urgency had passed.
“Whatthe Hell?” Tara mumbled, rubbing her neck.
Acrossthe room, Rick spotted Daryl as well. “Daryl?”
Darylflinched and abruptly lowered his head, covering his ears with his hands. Theothers looked at him in concern, and Rick took a few steps closer to hisfriend. Carl stood from his seat, lifting a hand.
Rickpulled up, confused, and Michonne straightened, setting her sword down.
“Let’sgive him some space,” she said, her voice much softer than usual.
Sashaclimbed out of bed, frowning and eyes trained on Daryl. “What’s happening?”
“Nonononono…”Daryl was murmuring, tremors making his frame shake, close to hyperventilating.
Carlknelt down, the closest one to Daryl, keeping several feet between them.“Daryl?”
Daryltwitched and pushed his head farther down toward his chest, eyes screwed shut,and his knuckles turning white from pushing against his ears.
“Daryl,you’re okay,” Carl said quietly, taking a knee to move closer.
Heheard Rick make a noise that told him to be cautious, but Carl didn’t turnaround. He didn’t move closer, either.
“Daryl,are you awake? Can you look at us?” Rick asked, and Carl heard his fatherkneeling down as well.
Michonnestarted to usher the others out of the trailer, save for herself and Maggie.
Daryllaboriously lifted his head, his chest heaving as he took short, quick breaths.His eyes were somewhere in the middle distance, and Rick lifted a hand, movingcloser.
“Daryl,hey…Look right here. C’mon,” he coaxed.
Darylflinched back, eyes downcast again. Carl suddenly saw Daryl at the Saviors’compound, standing idle until someone told him what to do. Holding a tray forDwight. Holding a mop for Negan. Following them in and out of rooms becausethey ordered him to. Being kept behind chainlink fences with loose walkers.Wearing filthy clothes with a letter painted on it, like they could strip a manof his name just as easily as they could strip his clothes, his family, hispride.
“Whoam I?” Rick asked, a pained edge to his voice as Daryl looked at him.
Darylseemed to choke on the word, pushing farther against the wall at his back, likespeaking it would be a cause for punishment. “…Rick.”
Carldeflated a bit with relief. Rick shifted closer.
“You’reat the Hilltop. You aren’t there with them. You’re here. You’re safe.”
Daryl’seyes widened a bit, looking overwhelmed at this information, and Carl moved hishand, pushing his father’s hand down, silently asking him to stop.
“Youweren’t there,” Carl whispered to Rick. “You didn’t see it.”
Rickpaused and then didn’t push. Carl looked at him. Rick looked agonized andhelpless, and Carl quietly pleaded with him. Rick caved after a second ofdeliberation, carefully backing out of the situation and joining Michonne andMaggie. Daryl tracked his movements, but Carl wasn’t convinced that Daryl wasreally seeing Rick or the trailer or what he was seeing.
So,gingerly, Carl shifted from his knees to his seat on the floor, two meters fromDaryl.
“Itsmells like apple pie in here,” Carl remarked, as casually as possible.
Daryl’seyes snapped from Rick to Carl, hands still over his ears, his fingers pullinghis own hair a bit. Carl strained to keep his facial expression from lookinghow he felt: scared, worried, and furious for his friend.
“Someonefrom Hilltop made an apple pie for Maggie,” Carl went on. “And they actuallyuse detergent here. I can smell it on the blankets they gave us. I bet they useit on their clothes too, same as the clothes they gave you here, what you’rewearing. Can you smell it?”
Darylstared at him blankly, still wheezing, but no longer trembling. Withoutbreaking eye contact, Daryl shifted his elbow toward his face, sniffing at thefabric of his dark blue shirt. Something flashed across his face, but then itwas gone.
“I’mgonna ask for some to take back,” Carl continued. “Can you imagine Judith’sface when her clothes start smelling like Gain?” He chuckled.
Daryl’sfingers loosened around his ears, eyes locked on Carl.
“It’sso weird, seeing her make faces now,” Carl folded his legs on the floor, takingthe opportunity to shift a little closer.
Inhis state, Daryl didn’t notice, and he was clearly trying to get his breathingunder control.
“Andshe’s babbling, not real words yet, but we’ve got a betting pool on what her firstwords might be. Tara thinks it’s gonna be Dadda or my name…but I’m betting it’s‘bullshit’.”
Aharsh noise burst out of Daryl’s throat, close enough to a surprised bark of alaugh that Carl smiled a bit himself.
“Imean, c’mon.” Carl shrugged. “Not to mention, that’d be hilarious.”
Daryllowered his hands, the faraway look in his eyes clearing a bit as he seemed tofinally comprehend the room, the people around him, where he was. His face wentthrough a rapid transition of fear, apprehension, realization, relief,comprehension, and embarrassment. Eventually, his face reddened with shame, andhe looked away.
“Comeon,” Carl invited, holding out both hands. Then, with a gently teasing smile.“Wake up and smell the apple pie, dude.”
Daryllooked back at him swiftly, glared, and then seemed to deflate. He took Carl’shands, and Carl moved back onto his knees, levering them both up to their feettogether. Daryl teetered a bit but steadied quickly enough. His face was stillred as he chanced a look over to Rick, Michonne, and Maggie.
“Sorry,”he mumbled hoarsely.
Rickshook his head, and Maggie just looked agonized. Daryl’s breathing hitched.
“Where’sthe others?”
Michonneimmediately answered with: “They went for a walk.”
“Middleof the night,” Daryl said dubiously.
Michonneglanced toward the dark windows. “Well, it’s a beautiful night for a walk.”
Maggiemoved closer, stepping around Michonne and Carl and tenderly putting her armsaround Daryl. Carl thought he heard her whisper: “You’re okay.”
Darylheld her in his arms for a desperate few seconds before nodding against herneck and straightening. He exhaled heavily and looked to Carl. The sheepishgratitude in his gaze had Carl’s throat clogging with emotion.
“Applepie, huh?” Daryl mumbled, obviously still shaken by the episode, but tryinghard to come around.
Carlnodded, and Maggie smiled.
“Well,”she said. “There’s about one good sized piece of it left, and I think you’vewell earned it. C’mon, I’ll get it out.”
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