#sorry it took so long to answer this i just got an inspiration boost ok
highoncatfood · 6 months
Yomi definitely had a phase in school where he believed he was secretly a vampire/monster and he'd try to subtly show signs of it to his classmates, while going "they'll never know my secret..." meanwhile his classmates are going "man yomi really likes cranberry juice" and yakou's going "Oh yeah. He's the one"
oh u bet he did. u dont even know how much i love imagining him being a cringy emo kid hes so special to me
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i spent all night drawing some of it cuz these guys never leave my head and i love thinking abt them. leaving it kinda vague how old they both r here jst how its never specified in raincode but theyre in school still.. could be middle school could be highschool u decide
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mullet yakou and hes pre top surgery here........ oughh my son. also yomi with a cane ^_^ oh also another hc i have is yomi chews on his shirt collars. all of his cool band tees r ruined
i always forget how freaking tall yakou is canonically.. he has shorty energy to me but i think itd be funny if he skyrocketed after highschool
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and yeah yakou is not immune to yomis cringefail charm. and neither am i
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obx-adventures · 4 years
The Introverted Twin
Summary - Being John B’s bookish twin isn’t easy. Especially with my best friend, Pope, being weird about me getting closer with JJ.
Flashbacks in italics
Warning: Mild smut at the end 😁
Catch up here: Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4
Chapter 5
When I get back to the Chateau, I run inside to find JJ. John B calls out for me but I ignore him. I’m on a mission and not even my brother can stop me. Once I determine JJ isn’t at my house, I jump back in the van and drive to the beach. I finally find him 30 minutes later sitting alone on a pier, lost in his own thoughts.
I give myself a pep talk and remember what Sarah told me. I walk over and sit beside him, nervously reaching out to take his hand.
“Hi JJ,” I start tentatively. “I’m sorry I ran from you earlier.”
“It’s ok, Y/N,” he mutters. It makes me anxious that he is using my real name. “It’s probably best that you left.”
“J, what’s wrong?” JJ’s eyes are red and tears are streaming down his face.
“John B and I got into it after you left. He called me out on some stuff and then told me to leave.”
“Was it about me?” I whisper, afraid that I’m the source of his pain.
He doesn’t answer but turns to look at me. I reach out to brush away his tears and he shudders at my touch. We get lost in each other’s eyes for a few minutes. His are filled with emotion but he looks so conflicted. I’m overcome with the desire to kiss him, but I can’t risk doing that until I know where he stands.
“JJ, you’ve known me for a long time,” I begin anxiously. “You know that I have a hard time expressing how I feel, especially when it’s something big. But it’s you so I’m going to take a leap of faith. Is that ok?”
“Sunshine, you can tell me anything.” JJ gently squeezes my hand to encourage me.
“I… umm, shit, ok… I… damnit, I don’t know why I can’t just say what I want to,” I exclaim, frustrated with myself.
“How about I go first? Give you some time to find the words?”
I can only nod in response, frozen in my own anxiety. He’s staring into my eyes and it’s the most intimate moment of my life. It feels like he’s boring into my soul and I’m worried he won’t like what he sees.
“I want you,” he confesses. “All of you. Your amazing brain, your beautiful heart, your gorgeous eyes. I want every part of you even though I know I shouldn’t. I know that you deserve so much more than I can give you. You are supposed to be the one to get out of here and I would be an anchor around your waist. I’ve been trying to push this down and let you go. But then you look at me like you are right now and it takes everything in me not to kiss you.”
His admission gives me the boost of confidence I need to act. Before I can think too much about it, I lean in and kiss him. His lips are salty from the ocean and his tears, but they are soft and gentle. Our lips move together slowly at first and I feel his hand reach up to cradle my cheek. His thumb brushes along my jaw while he runs his tongue along my lower lip. I open my mouth to give him access and he deepens the kiss as my hands reach up to run my fingers through his hair. When we break apart to catch our breath, I lean my forehead to his and sigh in contentment.
“JJ, I think I’m in love with you,” I whisper.
“But I’m not good enough for you, Sunshine,” he whines as he pulls back from me.
“I’m the only person who gets to decide who’s good enough for me. And you’re the person I want. You pull me out of shell and pay attention to the details of my life. You planned this amazing trip to the planetarium for us even though I haven’t talked about going in at least a year. You can tell when and why I get lost in my own head and help me come back to reality. You make me laugh more than anyone else. You have this vision of yourself as a fuck up who isn’t worthy of love. But that’s so wrong. You are so amazing.”
JJ stares at me in awe. I can see that he’s trying to process everything I just said so I give him a minute. Without warning, he stands up and drags me up with him. He continues holding my hand as he walks down the pier back to the beach. We walk in silence for a while and I begin to get anxious. Suddenly, he stops walking and moves to stand in front of me.
“Sunshine, John B basically banned me from dating you,” JJ tells me as he looks down to the sand.
“Wait, what?! That chauvinistic ass! He does not get to dictate my life.” John B has always tried to protect me but this is way out of bounds.
“Let me explain a little better... After you left the Chateau, I went inside to find out where you were going. John B said he wanted to talk to me.”
“Dude, what’s the deal with you and my sister?” John B can’t unsee the confused expression on Y/N’s face when he asked if something was going on between them.
“I like her, JB, a lot,” JJ admits. “But nothing has happened between us. Sometimes I think she likes me too but then she pulls back. I don’t know, man.”
“JJ, you can’t fuck around with Y/N,” John B knows JJ wouldn’t intentionally hurt his sister, but he also knows that JJ has never committed more than one night to a girl. “You know her, and you know how you are with girls. You can’t just mack on her and then disappear. That would kill her.”
“Bro, that is not what I want.” JJ run his hand through his hair, trying to contain his temper. He can’t believe his best friend thinks that he would do that. “She isn’t the type of girl that you just mack on.”
“What happens when it falls apart? You’re my best friend but it doesn’t mean I won’t beat your ass when you hurt her.”
“Why do you think I’m going to hurt her? I’m not stupid. I know how special she is.”
“Right, she has a chance to get out of here,” John B responds quickly. He has always known that his sister’s destiny is outside the Outer Banks. “She’s crazy smart but once she commits to something, she doesn’t let it go. I don’t want her to get stuck here.”
“I don’t want to hold her back! I want more for her than this bullshit, scrimping and scraping all the time to make ends meet.”
“But she’ll stay” John B explains. “For you, she’ll stay, and she’ll never do all the shit she wants to.”
“I could go with her,” JJ pleads, unsure if he’s trying to convince his best friend or himself. “I could be part of that life.”
“JJ come on. You and I, we’re lifers here. You can’t drag her down to our level. Go think about it before you do anything stupid. I need to try to find my sister.”
I am shocked at my brother’s behavior. Shocked that he would say such hurtful things to his best friend. He knows the verbal abuse that JJ gets from his father. Why the hell would he add fuel to that fire?
“JJ, listen to me,” I tell him as I gently grab his cheeks. “Do you want to be with me? And I don’t want you to think about the reasons why you think you shouldn’t. Just a yes or no.”
“Yes, of course I do,” JJ replies earnestly. “But –”
“No buts, JJ. If you want to be with me and I want to be with you, that’s enough. The rest of the shit will get figured out.”
“What about JB and Pope?”
“I’ll deal with them. John B was right about one thing, though. Once I’m in, I’m all in. Before I fully commit, I need to know that you aren’t going to bail. Are you in this for real?”
JJ pulls me in for a passionate kiss. He’s holding my face gently with both hands and claiming me as his own. He tilts my face slightly to gain deeper access as he slowly slides one hand down to my neck and the other down to my lower back to pull me closer. With my whole body pressed against his and his tongue exploring my mouth, every part of me feels like it’s on fire. I place my hands against his chest and roam over his rippling muscles, trying to memorize every dip and curve. He slowly pulls back and returns both of his hands to my face.
“I am in, 100%. Let’s go back to my place to figure all of this out. My dad is out on a fishing trip so we don’t need to worry about him.”
“JJ, we can go to the Chateau,” I tell him, thinking he’s anxious about seeing my brother again. “I told you I’ll deal with John B.”
“Sunshine, can we just have some time together before we bring our whole world into this?” The idea of alone time with JJ sends a shiver through my body. It feels like we are in our own delicate bubble and I realize that I’m not ready for that bubble to pop yet either.
I nod at him and he pulls me along to the van. I don’t want to leave John B stranded at home, so he follows behind me on his bike back to the Chateau. I hastily write a note telling my brother that I’m ok and I’ll be back in the morning. I leave the keys and note on the driver’s seat and run over to JJ. I’m a little nervous about riding on his bike but don’t hesitate to climb on behind him and wrap my arms around his torso.
When we get to his house, JJ leads me by the hand to his room. Even though he knows his father isn’t home, he locks his bedroom door as a precaution. I haven’t been in JJ’s room since we were kids and I take a moment to explore the one space in the world that is completely his own.
I’m surprised to find so much of his personality in the room since he spends so much time at my house. He has a wall completely dedicated to the Pogues, covered in pictures and mementos of all of our adventures. I stop exploring when I see a piece of art that I don’t recognize. It’s a pencil drawing of me hunched over studying. I’m in profile, so he must have been sitting on the couch while I was studying at the table. My hair is thrown up into a messy bun, held in place by two pens. I’m wearing one of my dad’s old sweatshirts and have a pencil resting on my temple while I chew on my bottom lip.
“I didn’t know that you draw,” I say quietly as I continue to take in all the details of the picture.
“Only when I’m inspired. You were studying for the SATs the first time you took them. I think you sat in that position for 6 hours. I’m pretty sure you didn’t even know I was there. You were so focused and intent, I couldn’t help watching you and sketching. That was when I realized I have feelings for you.”
I turn to JJ and study his face. He looks vulnerable, something I’m not used to with him. I walk over and pull him into another kiss. This kiss feels different than the others we’ve shared today. JJ slowly walks me backwards until my legs bump into his bed. He guides me down to the pillow and settles next to me with one arm tucked under my neck. I turn so I can look at him and our noses are inches apart.
“You are so damn beautiful,” he whispers as his hand slowly glides down my cheek to feel along my neck. He traces his fingers along the exposed skin on my chest and I rest my hand on his waist, feeling his muscles contract as he breath shallowly. I move my hand slightly to get under his shirt and touch his soft skin. I smile when I feel goosebumps form. He follows my lead and trails his hand down my side, and I can’t help the small gasp that escapes as he brushes along the side of my breast. His hand continues down to the hem of my shirt and I sigh when his warm fingers touch my bare skin.
I lean towards his face and press delicate kisses along his cheek bones and down his jawline. I’ve never kissed someone like this, so I rely on instinct and JJ’s reactions as a guide. My mouth travels down to his neck and I slowly work my way up behind his ear. I lick along his ear lobe and he hums in response. I nibble gently along his ear and feel his hand tighten on my waist. I give him deep kisses down the side of his neck and then leave feather light kisses as I move back up to meet his mouth.
When our mouths connect, it’s like an explosion. His tongue slowly runs along my lower lip and then he catches it with his teeth. I moan as he tugs my lip slightly and I move my hand up his back. He swipes his tongue into my mouth and kisses me hungrily. I dig my fingers into his back, and he smiles against my mouth. He kisses along my cheek and then moves to the spot behind my ear. I shiver at the contact and scrape my nails down his back. He pulls me closer to him as his hand roams up my side, under my shirt. He hesitates before touching my breasts until I nod in consent. He then firmly cups my breast in his large hands and trails his finger under the top of my bra to brush against my nipple.
I throw my leg over his hip and use the momentum to flip him on his back with me straddling his lap. His hands automatically rest on my waist and his eyes are filled with lust. I grab the bottom hem of my shirt and pull it off in one smooth motion. I watch JJ take in my lace bra as his hands roam up to touch me. I lean forward and meet his mouth again as his hands explore my body. I feel his erection under my core, and I rock slightly against him, eliciting a moan.
He rolls us over and trails kisses down my neck and makes his way to my breast. He sucks my skin on the top of breast while his fingers tease my other nipple through the lace. I groan and arch my back to give him more access. He roughly pulls down the lace to swirl his tongue around my nipple while he continues to the tease the other. I drag my fingernails up the bare skin on his sides and feel him shiver. I move my hand along his waist band and hook my fingers into the top of his shorts to pull him closer.
“Wait, wait, wait,” he says as he pulls away.
“Did I do something wrong?” I ask timidly.
“Fuck no, Sunshine... we just need to call timeout.” I’ve never heard JJ sound so unsteady.
“You don’t want to keep going?” I can’t hide the insecurity in my voice.
“No, I definitely do.” He rubs my cheek tenderly with his thumb. “But I don’t want to rush into this. I want this to be different. I want your first time, our first time, to be special.”
“JJ, everything I do with you is already special,” I insist as I cup his face. “It’s not the circumstances that make something special, it’s the person that you do it with.”
“I know, I just want to do this right, is that ok?” I can tell from his voice and the way he’s looking at me that he’s as new to this as I am. He may not be a virgin, but this is still a totally novel situation for him.
“Of course, J” I cuddle into him and enjoy the feeling of his strong arms around me.
“Can I take you on a date tomorrow, Sunshine?” He traces his fingers over my still exposed skin while he awaits my answer.
“I would love that, J. I just need to go home first for a bit.”
“You going to talk to John B?”
“Yes, my brother and I will be having a firm conversation about his role in my life.”
“I don’t want to get between - ” I stop JJ with a kiss.
“Stop, don’t worry about me and John B,” I insist. “We’ll be fine. And you two will be fine.”
“What about Pope?”
“I’m not sure... The last thing I want to do is hurt him even more. He’s my best friend but I can’t make myself feel something that isn’t there.”
“He’s one of my best friends, too.” I hear the guilt in his voice. “But Pope is a good guy, he would want us to be happy, right?”
“I hope so. I’ll try to talk to him tomorrow too.”
We spend the rest of the evening talking and cuddling. I feel safe in JJ’s arms and fall asleep listening to his steady heartbeat as he combs through my hair with his nimble fingers.
Ch 6
Taglist: @agirlwholovescoffee @obxlife @meaganjm @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @velyssaraptor @lunaposey @http-cherries @prejudic3 @love-youu-softly @rudyismymanperiod @justcallmesams @celestialmaybank @yasminesameh @chaoticbisous @liloddcora
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hey-hey-chan · 5 years
Friend-zoned - Seungmin
❀ Comedy&slightangst
❀ Word Count: 8.7K
❀ Tired of being friend-zoned, Kim Seungmin swears to not let the next girl think of him only as a friend. Unfortunately, his plans start to fall through as a spunky and eccentric girl comes into his life, knocking him on his feet. Will he finally win his crush’s heart or will he be friend-zoned once again?
❀ a/n: YES THIS IS A SPINOFF TO “Fake Boyfriend - Changbin” hehe , this is Seungmin’s life! I brought back the o/c in Fake Boyfriend as well as Changbin too heeheh I hope you guys like this despite this being hecka long :)
P.S. You don’t need to read Fake Boyfriend to understand this fic but it is recommended! :)
❀ ❀ ❀
I stood awkwardly to the side as my best friend, Kyungmi, made out with her boyfriend in the hallway. The two of them had negative zero shame about PDA, which was absolutely disgusting. I was no prude, but I certainly disliked seeing people stick their tongues down each other’s throats. It was horrific.
I coughed loudly to make sure they both knew I was still there. My best friend leaned away with her eyes glazed and starstruck. Her boyfriend, Changbin, aka the biggest asshole with an attitude on campus, smirked at me and shrugged like he did nothing wrong. That prick.
I had supported their relationship, even when they both mutually lied to me, but Changbin was still irritating. I was used to winning every argument, but this boy would start screaming out of nowhere which caused me to go crazy. 
We didn’t get along to say the least.
“Sorry, Seungmin. Got a lil’ carried away there.” The girl smiled shyly at the older boy while he gave her a soft kiss back. 
“Maybe if Seungmin had a girl, he wouldn’t be so uptight.” Changbin closed his locker and nudged me to the side. 
Changbin always, and I mean always, pressured me to get into a relationship. And I would never admit this out loud, but I just wasn’t the type of guy girls wanted to date. I was always friend-zoned left and right which left me no girls to flirt with.
“Yeah, what’s the hold up, Minnie? You are a good-looking dude with charm! Girls should be falling at your feet.” I blushed at the girl’s compliments. 
“Maybe it’s you who we should be setting up on tons of dates.” 
As soon as Changbin said those words, my best friend punched him on the shoulder in excitement. I shuddered. 
“YES! That’s fantastic! Oh please, Seungmin, let us set you up with girls! Please??” The girl whined while tugging on my arm. Changbin smirked at me like he was finally getting his revenge on me. I raised a brow and sighed, knowing I was going to lose this fight. Plus, I was better than my best friend at talking to the opposite sex. If this turned out badly, I would just make more friends. Which would hurt my ego once again, but what can I do about being “best guy friend material”?
“Ok, fine, set it up.” I looked up at the clock in the hallway, eager to get away from the devious couple. “Look, I gotta go, but text me the details I guess.”
“No worries, bro, you’re in good hands.” 
When I looked back, Changbin was giving me a devious smile. I knew he still didn’t forgive me yet for forcing Kyungmi for going on dates she didn’t want to go on, but that was just our dynamic. If she wasn’t up for it, she would’ve told me. 
I gave the boy a glare back and walked into my first class of the day: English.
❀ ❀ ❀
As soon as I plopped down in my chair, I felt another presence plop next to me. 
“Hey, where were you all morning? I was waiting for you.” My other friend, or classmate, or whatever, Yeji, noted. I took off my glasses and wiped them on my shirt for dramatic effect.
“The couple caught up to me again.” Since the two always stuck together, everyone just called them ‘the couple’. Demeaning yet cute at the same time. 
“Ah, as always. I still can’t believe your cute little best friend ended up with... Changbin.” I laughed loudly and nodded. 
“You and me both. I still can’t wrap my mind around it. But, she always had a knack for liking bad boys.” I shrugged. My best friend was constantly reading books about nerd girls ending up with the baddest boy in school. It was rotting her mind obviously.
“Hm, most girls do.” Yeji noted. I examined her cute and sharp features that were now scrunched together. “I’ll admit, even I fall for them sometimes, but the nice guys always win my heart in the end.” I gave her a small smile back as she looked flushed.
Okay, okay, I like this girl. 
She was cute, but intense; shy, yet independent. She was perfect. 
“Hey, are you going to prom?” I asked curiously. It was only the biggest event of junior and senior year. I was always at the event, as it comes with the title of being class president every year.
The girl blushed and looked down. I had enough female friends that I knew what that meant. “Um, I-”
“KIM SEUNGMIN!” I heard a female voice yell my name. I recognized the irritating voice immediately. I smiled tightly at Yeji who was now staring at me with confused eyes. 
I sighed and turned sadly, which now I was staring at a girl who I had always found annoying.
“What, y/n?” 
She was the typical emo kid in high school. She was annoying, but she really only had a few close friends. She only talked to you if it benefited her and her only. She had dark black hair but it was dyed purple at the tips. Her eyeliner was thick, and no, I don’t makeup shame, but it definitely made her look more like the “rockstar” she claimed to be. She wore all black; black skinny jeans that were ripped everywhere and probably breaking dress code, black long sleeves that hugged her every curve, and even paired her outfit with black Doc Martens. She screamed angst. 
We never got along and we had gone to school since our freshman year of high school. She was the only girl, or person really, in our grade that I never could befriend. 
“Well, today I talked to the principal about my band playing at prom, but they said to ask you, mister president. So, what is it?” 
I rolled my eyes at the girl. “Y/N, I told you, no one wants a live band. Everyone just wants stuff that’s on the radio or whatever.”
“Well, shitty music plays on the radio. And shitty singers. That I can sing better than. So, that’s why you should let me play at prom. Plus, wouldn’t letting us play promote like... school spirit?”
“Yes, a group of angsty teenagers would really boost the moral of the school.” 
That poked the wrong buttons on the girl. She bent down to my level and glared at me. “Really? Stereotyping me now?” She spat. 
I felt myself waver at her intense gaze, but I wouldn’t let myself lean back. “It’s nothing personal.”
She scoffed. “Yeah, because no matter how ‘angsty’ I appear to be, I probably have higher self-esteem than any of these bobble heads.” She raised a brow at the girl sitting next to me, Yeji, which made me feel territorial. 
“Hey, you’re talking to me. You don’t need to drag other people into this.” Yeji shrank back in fear at y/n who was now smiling.
“Aw sorry, I don’t mean to upset the girlfriend.” 
“Oh, you’ve misunderstood, we’re not together.” Yeji answered quickly which sparked sadness in my heart. I tried to not look hurt, but after hearing those words so many times, I was used to them. 
I never understood girls’ needs to shoot down dating someone so quickly. Especially when they’re sitting right next to the accused.
Yeji’s words and my reaction caused y/n’s eyes to flicker with interest. 
“Well, I hope you’ll take my proposition seriously. Bye, Seungmin.” She strutted away with a little sway in her hips. I tried not to look at her ass since that was rude.
I quickly snapped out of it and turned to Yeji. “Um, sorry about her. She’s kind of... a lot.” Yeji nodded.
“It’s ok, I’ve heard rumors about her. She’s bad news, everyone knows that.” 
For some reason, I accepted her words. Y/N technically was bad news. Everyone knew she skipped school too much to count, but I wouldn’t necessarily call her a bad girl. But to impress Yeji, I just nodded.
“Yeah, um, so prom?”
Yeji’s eyes wavered now, which was a bad sign. Bad bad sign. “Uh, yeah, thinking about it.” 
My confidence diminished and I decided to go the friendly route. “Well, hopefully if you go, they’ll be playing shitty pop music than whatever y/n wants to play.”
The girl laughed, which shot my confidence back up. 
I not going to be friend-zoned, not this time. 
Before I could plot out how to win Yeji’s heart, the teacher walked into the class. 
“Good morning class.” 
“Good morning, Mrs. Park.” The class hummed back. Mrs. Park set a pile of packets on her table, which caused the class to stare at the large stack.
“Today class, I’ve been wondering what to do since it’s your senior year and all. I was thinking about fun English inspired things.” 
“This doesn’t sound good.” Yeji hummed under her breath. I chuckled, making sure she knew I was interested in what she wanted to say. 
“And finally, the idea popped into my head! A group project!” The class groaned, even me. Everyone hated group projects. “Oh hush! This will be fun! I’ll be pairing you guys up in pairs of 2 to write your own creative story. It has to be at least 10 pages and fit all the components of what I’m about to hand out. I have some prompts on here as well, but you’re free to write what you want. The prompts are just to get you guys started.”
The class glared daggers at her head as she droned on about how good this project would be and how excited she was to read our stories. All we heard was how we had to arrange irrational times with our classmates who had completely different lives than us. Fantastic.
“Now, I’m sure you guys have been anxiously waiting about who you’re paired with.” 
Mrs. Park slid a piece of paper out of her folder and started reading.
“Yeji and Hyunjin.” 
Hyunjin, who was sitting in the front row, turned around to smile at Yeji. Who had turned a light shade of pink at the boy. Oh great. 
“Jeno and Jaemin. Haechan and Somi.”
Mrs. Park droned on with names until I perked up at mine. 
“Seungmin and....”
Please don’t be y/n. Please don’t be y/n.
“And y/n.” 
I looked over at the girl who was already looking in my direction with a smirk. She gave me an evil wave and laughed silently. 
“The story is due 2 weeks from now. It shouldn’t be too hard with two heads working together and you guys would be surprised on how quickly 10 pages will go. Good luck!” 
The last 10 minutes of class were dedicated to meeting up with your partner and scheduling times to write the paper and how to organize it.
“So, are you going to write our paper mister president?” y/n asked mockingly. I hated when she called me that.
“First of all, my name is Seungmin. And second, no way in hell am I going to write this for you.” The girl rolled her eyes as I opened the packet. 
“Well good to see you still have strong morals even when working with me. So, I have rehearsals with my band every Friday night, and Saturday and Sunday afternoons. but anytime besides that I’m free.” 
I groaned internally.
“Well, I have leadership meetings every Monday and Thursday after school. So I guess that leaves most of the weekdays.” She nodded. 
“How about on Wednesday after school?” She suggested. I nodded, surprised she was the one who initiated a time. She gave me a cool smile. “Fantastic. See you then, lover boy.” She whispered the last two words in my ear, which I couldn’t lie, made me tingle at the close proximity. 
She walked away with a smirk and this time, I refused to check her out. 
I had morals.
❀ ❀ ❀
“Wednesday. 6pm. The Red Lobster across from that Subway.” My best friend, Kyungmi stated. Changbin was attached to her by the hip.
I sighed and shook my head. I had already forgotten about their plans to set me up with random girls. “Already got plans that day.” 
Kyungmi gave me a suspicious stare. “What plans?”
“Plans to whack off?” I glared at Changbin who was giggling at his joke which wasn’t even funny. Kyungmi smiled, but hit the boy. I never knew she was such a perv. 
“No. I have this project I have to do with y/n and Wednesday is one of the only days we have free this week. And the project is already due in 2 weeks so...” 
“Y/N? She’s the annoying bitch, right?” Kyungmi pinched his arm.
“Hey, don’t call her that... She’s just annoying and emo.” The two laughed.
“Yes, that y/n. But I mean, I have no choice. We have to work together.” I argued. I unwrapped my ham and cheese sandwich and bit into it. 
Kyungmi shook her head. “No, I mean, you could just write it and slap her name on it too.” I rolled my eyes.
“Yeah, nerd.” Changbin poked my side which made me want to slap him in the face.
“I already told her I wouldn’t do that. So, sorry, but you’ll have to reschedule or just cancel.” Kyungmi and Changbin sighed unanimously. 
Changbin then pulled out his phone and started to type something in. “Maybe you would change your mind when you see the girl.” 
I furrowed my brows in interest. As the egotistical boy stuck his phone in my face, my eyes widened. 
“Is that Yeji?” 
Kyungmi smirked, knowing she had gotten me. “Yup, Changbin’s friend is friends with her and heard she wanted to start dating so she would have a date to prom. And luckily, Changbin had overheard their conversation.” 
My head spun with excitement. “And I know you’re sorta into her. I’ve seen you look at her in the halls.” Kyungmi squealed giddly. 
“So you in?” 
I took a sip of my juice and my eyes fell on Y/N who had walked into the cafeteria. She raised a brow at me when she saw my stare. What, she mouthed. I rolled my eyes. 
“I’m in.”
❀ ❀ ❀
It was 5:30pm and my date with Yeji was in 30 minutes
It took lots of convincing with y/n to cancel. After I lied to her that my mom was sick and I had to take care of her, she finally let it go. I felt bad for lying, but her being busy on every day of the weekend caused this. 
Thankfully, the girl said she could push back her Saturday practice to night time and we could use the morning-afternoon to write the story. 
I threw on my best looking shirt and dark jeans. For some reason, girls liked dark jeans on boys. I looked at my hair and saw the mess. I groaned and started to style it. I felt dumb with the small straightener in my hands, but I had to do what had to be done to look good.
Once I was satisfied, I threw on my fanciest shoes and ran out the door. Yeji was coming from cheer practice and she said she would just meet me at the restaurant. I sped all the way there, hoping to be early. 
I looked down at my watch. 5:53pm. I looked around and there was no sign of her. 
This was a blind date, so she didn’t know who I was. Changbin just told her I would be waiting under the large Red Lobster sign.
“Seungmin? Is that you?” I spun around after hearing the feminine voice. I gave the girl a shocked look.
“Yeji, oh wow, what a surprise.” I lied lamely. The girl smiled and hugged me. I wasn’t sure if this was a friend hug or a happy hug or what. But I mean, I liked it. 
“I’m so glad it’s you! I was so nervous I was going to get a weirdo or something, but I’m glad Changbin set me up with someone as nice as you.” Nice. What a word. A word for friend-zoning. 
I smiled forcefully at her. “Let’s get inside so we don’t freeze our asses off.” She laughed loudly at me joke, probably more exaggerate since it wasn’t that funny. That boosted my ego slightly. 
“Table for 2.” I said to one of the staff. The girl nodded and led us to a table. I was glad it wasn’t extremely crowded on a Wednesday night. 
“Thank you,” Yeji said to the staff. I nodded in thanks as the waitress walked away. 
“So, getting into the dating scene are we, Kim Seungmin?” Yeji teased. I blushed, but grinned at her curious glance.
“Yeah, after Kyungmi and Changbin spent so much time together, I realized I was either sick of seeing them together or wanted to have a relationship like theirs.” Yeji cooed at my words. 
“Aw, that’s so cute! They’re really a cute couple, aren’t they?” I nodded. 
“Hi guys, are you guys ready to order?” We both nodded. 
Once I looked up from my menu, I saw someone I hadn’t planned on seeing here tonight.
I could spot that dark, yet wild hair from anywhere. Her black and purple hair was tied into a ponytail and she looked calm as she sat across from a boy much older than her, Chan, who I remembered was her brother.
She looked like she was finishing up her meal as she stood up from her booth. As soon as she stood up, her eyes met mine. 
Fuck. I was in deep shit now. 
Expecting her to call me out on my bullshit, I held my breath. 
Contrary to what I believed, the girl only looked at me with fed up eyes and walked away with her brother. I couldn’t help but feel like shit. 
“Seungmin?” Yeji’s voice snapped me out of my trance. 
I glanced up at the waitress who was waiting for me to order. Great, now I look like a weirdo.
“Sorry, um, I’ll get the steak and lobster.”
I forced myself to carry a conversation with Yeji, but all I could think about was why y/n didn’t stomp her way to my table while I obviously was on a date. 
Maybe she’s different than what everyone thinks about her.
I shook my head, no, that girl is bad news.
❀ ❀ ❀
I had done a great job at avoiding y/n all week. It was helpful she wasn’t here Friday either.
But it was Saturday now and I worse knowing that she pushed back her scheduled practice with her band when we had scheduled a time I should’ve been free for. 
I was dressed more casually today with blue jeans and a red hoodie. I wasn’t impressing anyone today. 
I drove to y/n’s house, scared of how she would react when I saw her again. Her house wasn’t far from mine. I held my breath as I walked to the front step. 
Her house looked more normal than I thought it would. For some reason, I thought it would be dark and gloomy like how she dressed, but it was a light brown with flowers all around it.
“Are you going to just stand there or are you going to ring the doorbell?” 
The voice startled me as I jumped back. 
Y/N was staring at me with judgmental eyes. I noticed the leash in her hand and then felt a small dog jump on my leg. I smiled, forgetting the scary girl right next to me, and pet the happy thing.
“Aw, aren’t you the cutest?” I cooed. Y/N scoffed and unlocked her front door.
“You’re early. Probably to make up for cancelling on Wednesday for some girl?” She taunted. I turned a dark red at her accusation, even though it was true.
“Ok, I’m sorry-”
“For what Seungmin? Getting caught or for lying? Or for causing me to push back my already scheduled plans for your impromptu dates? Hm?” 
I felt a rush of anger run through me even though I had no right to be mad. 
“Why are you acting as if we’re dating? We’re not even friends. I have no loyalties to you.” 
I wanted to take back the words as soon as I said them. Y/N’s jaw dropped.
“Wow, you’re an even bigger asshole than I thought. We made plans and if you were a decent human being, you would keep them. We could be arch enemies but you still had a commitment, especially since we don’t have many free days.” She spat. I had nothing to say and took her words in.
“I’m sorry, fuck, I didn’t mean to say that. And I’m sorry for cancelling plans, but I just really like Yeji so I just had to take the chance. I’m sorry.” 
Y/N stood in silence for a few moments before taking a step back. 
“Maybe if you let me play at prom I would be more forgiving.” 
I rolled my eyes. “I-”
“I’m teasing. I don’t want to hold this over your head since Yeji is hot. A shitty person, but hot.” 
Y/N opened the door for me to let me in, but her words didn’t go over my head. I quietly shut the door and examined her house that I knew she was secretive about. It looked... peaceful. Normal.
“What? Yeji is not a shitty person.” Y/n smiled at me.
“Oh really? Are the things she says about me nice?” I had nothing to say to that.
“She’s only saying what’s true.” Y/N stopped walking and glared at me.
“What? That I skip class? Big whoop, everyone does that. She makes huge accusations about me when I only characterize her because of the things she says about me and the way she looks at me and the way she talks to me.” 
Before I could get a word out, the girl shoved me into her room. 
“Now, that’s a good story idea. We could write about a bitchy cheerleader and how she sabotages people’s lives so that she looks good.” The girl suggested. I rolled my eyes. 
“Or, we could write about not that.” I tugged the packet out of her hands and stared at the prompts. “Write about a boy who finds a time machine and travels through all of his best/worst memories.”
“Lame. I hate time travel stories. They confuse and bore me simultaneously.” I sighed and looked at more prompts. 
The girl sat in her spinny chair and spun around like a child. I couldn’t help but scan her. She was wearing shorts, probably because she only left the house to walk her dog. Even when being at home, her clothes were still all black. She was wearing a black over the shoulder t-shirt with black shorts.
It felt weird to notice this, but her nails were painted black as well. Both her fingernails and toenails were the same color which Kyungmi told me girls liked to do.
“Wow, checking me out even when you have another girl in your heart? Hm, I didn’t know you were such a bad boy, Seungmin.” 
I felt my heart skip, noticing how she said my name when she usually called me “mister president”. 
I blushed at her words and looked away quickly. “S-sorry, um, I was just curious as to why you wear black clothes all the time.” The girl laughed softly and twisted her hair over her shoulder.
I tried not to read into her movements but girls playing with their hair always meant something. At least according to web articles.
“Well, I wear black clothes because I like the color. You wear blue a lot, probably because blue is your favorite color right?” I nodded slowly, but surprised she noticed the clothes I wore. 
I felt proud of myself for some reason, my felt my heart warm as she paid attention to the small details of me.
“Uh, I guess. Anyways, any more story ideas? Maybe a character you would wanna write about?” The girl crinkled her nose and swiped her side bangs out of her face. She scooted closer to me and suddenly, my male hormones were heightened. 
She smelled fruity, but her scent wasn’t that heavy that I was choking. Her hair matched the fruit theme of her perfume and I couldn’t help but get lost in it. I hated myself at this moment.
I hadn’t been so close to a girl who wasn’t a friend in so long. 
"You’re wearing perfume.” I noted lamely as she was taking a while to think. She looked up me in surprise and smiled. It was different than her usual smiles, but they always made my heart flutter.
Stop, you like Yeji, stop letting your hormones take over you like some basic asshole.
“Hm, yeah I am. I wear it whenever I go out or whenever I have guests over. I’m surprised you noticed.” She wiggled her brows and opened a word document on her laptop. “Is there any genre you prefer writing?” 
I snapped out of the girl’s charm and looked at the laptop. “Yeah, yeah, I like to write fantasy I guess.” Y/N smiled.
“Good. We’re on the same page then. Do you like supernatural themes like ghosts, fae, vampires, werewolves...?” She babbled on. I wasn’t that surprised y/n was that into this stuff since she was quite weird. I guess that made me weird too when I was excited. 
“All of the above.” 
“And before we get ahead of our selves, let’s remind us that the expected page count is 10 and we only have 2 weeks to write this.” The girl noted smartly. I nodded and adjusted my glasses as she leaned over me to grab her pencil. “Sorry, I like to plan on paper.” 
I watched as she grabbed a piece of paper and started drawing circles. I let out a chuckle before I could stop myself. She glanced up at me with rough eyes.
I shrugged. “Nothing. Just you planning things out is cute.” She froze at my words, and even I was surprised at my confidence. 
“Shut up,” she said, but I knew there was a faint blush on her cheeks. 
Huh, maybe this flirting thing isn’t so hard after all.
❀ ❀ ❀
After discussing for a long 30 minutes, we had finally decided on a basic plot and characters. 
“After being assigned a dangerous mission, Yoon Sehun’s life starts to crumble. He is tasked with the mission to infiltrate a high school and seduce and kill an innocent girl who is holding secrets of her own. Is that a good summary for Mrs. Park?” I nodded at the girl who looked much happier at writing than I did.
She smiled happily and kept going. “And basically, he starts to fall in love with her seriously... do we want a happy ending or sad?” 
I fiddled with my glasses, a habit I had when I was thinking. “Um, which do you prefer?” The girl groaned.
“Making me do all the hard work. Ugh, well, I like to read happy endings more, but with the short time limit we have and page limit of 15, I’d say we just leave it off on a cliffhanger.” 
I agreed. “You right. Now, let’s get it started.”
❀ ❀ ❀
We had been typing for hours, constantly asking one another if writing something was ok. We switched off every 30 minutes to write which made the flow hard, but we agreed we would edit it in the end. I was surprised to see how good of a writer she was. 
And I was more surprised on how well we were getting along. 
“Wow, this is looking really good. You’re a really good writer.” I complimented. Y/N was laying on her bed, scrolling through her phone as I scanned over her work. 
I heard her snort. “Well, I do write songs on the daily. I am in a band you know.” 
“Ah, right.”
“Talking about my band, any new thoughts about us performing at prom?” I sighed, but said nothing for a few moments, trying to decide on what to do. 
I settled with a question. “Why do you want to perform at prom so badly? No offense, but you don’t seem that connected to this school.” 
I heard the bed rustle and I knew she was walking over to me. Her hair was messy and I tried not to imagine if I was laying next to her on that bed.
Her face was serious as she sat next to me.
“First things first, we go to a rich school that has major connections. If my band performs there and some rich kids likes it and has connections to the music scene, it could be big for my band. Second, I really love performing, as do my band mates. And third, rich kids with connections.” 
I chuckled at her honesty. 
“Ok, how about I let you perform a few songs-”
I saw her eyes light up. 
“Wait, seriously, you would let me perform?!” Her voice was laced with excitement and shock that I couldn’t help but smile. 
“Um, yeah, you put up a good argument and-” She didn’t wait for me to finish before pulling me in for a hug. It felt weird since I was sitting down and she was standing up. She felt the same and pulled me up to stand. I laughed as she pulled me in for a proper hug when we were standing.
“Thank you thank you thank you!” She cheered. “You’re the best, Seungmin.” She then released me and sat down. 
“Speaking of prom, are you thinking of asking anyone?” She looked at me with curiosity in her eyes.
I took a while to answer, but before I could, I heard her phone alarm go off. 
“Shit, that means my band mates are coming over real soon. Um, we can finish on Wednesday, of course, if you aren’t busy?” I rolled my eyes even though I still felt guilty. It wasn’t like me to cancel on people for a date. 
“Sure. After school Wednesday and if I cancel, you can whip my ass.” 
“And what a fine ass it is.” She teased with a hint of flirtiness in her tone. 
I choked from shock. “Wha-”
“Bye, Seungmin. See you Wednesday.” 
She closed the door on me as I was left in the cold to think about what just happened and why the girl I had thought was annoying was super attractive all of a sudden.
❀ ❀ ❀
“Hey, Seungmin.” I gave a small nod to Yeji who I surprisingly didn’t think about to much over the weekend. 
“Hey, how was your weekend?” I asked respectfully. Kyungmi told me that girls always liked to be asked on how their day was. It showed like the boy cared.
She smiled and curled a strand of hair behind her ear. “It was good! I got lots of cleaning done, ugh, my room was an absolute mess. How about you? How was working with y/n?” 
I didn’t miss her nose crinkle as she said y/n’s name. I felt a burn of anger run through me as she did that. 
“Hey, y/n isn’t that bad as I thought. She was actually really helpful.” I defended. I didn’t know why I was defending a girl to the girl I was interested in, but the words left my mouth as soon as I said them.
Yeji looked guilty. “I-I didn’t mean anything bad, I thought we were on the same page about her.” Now I felt guilty. I had a soft spot for blubbering girls.
“Hey, I get it, but surprisingly I didn’t go mad with her around.” Yeji nodded and looked to Hyunjin.
She leaned close to me. I felt my nerves come alive as I felt her hair tickle my neck. “Just between us, Hyunjin is good-looking and all, but he sucks at writing. He couldn’t decide on characters and a plot. We had a rough time. I’d rather have you as a partner.” 
As she pulled away, I noticed how she was biting her lip slightly which tugged at my heart. Her smell was much stronger than y/n’s though, which forced me to hold down a cough. I wasn’t fond of floral smells which Yeji reeked of. 
The door opened once again which caught my attention. 
The familiar girl walked in with a sway in her steps. I felt my breathing stop as she locked eyes with me. She gave me one of her infamous smiles and sat down. 
“You two seem friendly.” Yeji whispered. 
“Oh no, no, it’s not like that.” I defended. Now I knew how girls felt when they were accused of dating someone.
“Not like what?” Yeji teased. I realized then that she said nothing about a romantic relationship. I’d just assumed it. I blushed as she squeezed my hand.
“You’re cute.”
❀ ❀ ❀
It was a normal Monday night that I was spending with Kyungmi and Changbin. I swear the two lived together at this point.
“So, spill about your date with Yeji! You’ve been holding out on us for way too long!” Kyungmi cried out. Changbin and I were immersed into the video game were playing, but Kyungmi paused it.
“Hey, we were-” Changbin was cut off by Kyungmi’s glare. “Yeah, Seungmin, how was your date?” 
The boy was whipped.
I sunk back to the couch and tried to remember the events. My mind wasn’t in the moment on the date. I kept feeling guilty about ditching y/n. 
“Um, it was good.” I settled on saying. 
The two narrowed their eyes at me. 
“Good? That’s it?” Kyungmi interrogated.
I shrugged her off as she got too close to me. “Yes, good, she’s pretty and nice and sometimes funny.” 
“Dude.” Changbin added.
“Good isn’t the way you’re supposed to describe a date. Did you even feel a connection with her?” Kyungmi asked.
I shrugged. “I mean, yeah, I guess? It wasn’t awkward. And she seemed to be flirting with me today so I would take this as a good sign.” 
Kyungmi then hit me with a pillow. “Ow, what the fu-”
“Do you like, not like her anymore? What’s the deal with you?” Kyungmi babbled. I was confused. I had said I had a good time with her, I didn’t understand the problem.
“Ok, honestly, I was sort of out of it on the date. I saw y/n there and she saw me and I felt bad about cancelling and lying to her about why I cancelled.” I confessed.
I thought the two would show signs of disgust of the girl, but the two simply just looked at each other. I hated when they did that.
“What?” I barked. Changbin held up his hands in surrender.
“Well, I’m going to just say it, I didn’t think y/n was your type.” Kyungmi hit his shoulder to shut him up, but the damage was already done. 
“What do you mean by that?” I tried to think back on past girlfriends I had which never lasted long because they realized I was “better as a friend”, but they weren’t that different.
“Changbin, stop it.”
The boy shrugged and kept spilling. “What? It’s true. The girls you’ve dated before are like... nice. And social. Y/N is... not those things.” 
I felt something burn in my chest. I wasn’t sure what it was but I recognized part of it was anger. 
“Don’t be an asshole, Changbin. I’m not even into y/n anyways.”
Kyungmi sighed and sat next to me. She patted my head like she always did and spoke softly. “Just, be careful not to get hurt. And try not to hurt anyone in the process.”
“What do you mean? Y/N doesn’t even like me. She thinks of me as a friend.” 
I felt my phone vibrate and I peered down at it.
‘Hey Seungmin, I am highkey bored in my room on a Monday night with millions of story ideas running through my mind. is it ok if i add to our story and edit it?? u can change it wednesday if u dont like it but i felt the need to ask u first’
“If that’s from y/n, I’m going to scream.” 
I glared at Changbin. “Well it is and don’t fucking scream or else I’m leaving.” Changbin and Kyungmi both attacked me for my phone. 
Changbin started laughing and tossed me my phone back.
“Dude, she totally likes you. She’s trying to start a conversation with you.”
“She literally just asked me about our essay, how the hell is that a sign at all?” I spat.
I texted the girl back.
‘yeah sure youre a great writer anyways’
Soon, she was typing back. 
‘yay thanks~ for both complimenting me and letting me write lol’
“What did she say?” 
“None of your fucking business.” 
Y/N couldn’t like me... there was no way. She knows I’m into Yeji.. right?
❀ ❀ ❀
Wednesday came soon enough and I was instead in a library with y/n. She had snagged our own private room for a couple hours and we were currently adding and editing to our story.
She came in wearing a red shirt and I was shocked at the change. I hated that I noticed it. And that I liked it. 
“You’re wearing color.” I said before I could stop myself.
Y/N looked down at her outfit and shrugged. “What? I can’t wear color now?” She crossed her arms in that defensive way girls did. 
“I just mean you look good.” She raised her brows.
“Well, you should’ve started with that.”
The girl sat down and I tried not to check out how good her legs looked in her black skinny jeans. 
“Anyways, thank you for letting my band perform at prom. It means a lot to us.” She thanked while getting out her things. I noticed how her black nail polish had changed to dark purple. I wondered if she redid her toes as well.
I gulped and stopped thinking about her so much. “Uh, no problem. I hope you won’t let me regret it.” She laughed.
“No sir. Anyways, are you going with anyone to prom? Mister president has to have girls lined up at his door, right?” She teased but I could tell there was a hint of curiosity in her eyes. 
I laughed and felt nervous at her question. “Uh, if I’m being honest with you, there aren’t many girls lining up at my door.” 
She looked surprised at my comment. “Really? I find that surprising.” 
I shrugged. “I get friend-zoned by most girls. When I say most, I mean all.” I said spitefully. I heard y/n sigh and blow out a large amount of air. 
The girl shrugged. “Nothing, it’s just so, so, annoying when boys say that.” I furrowed my eyebrows at her statement. 
“It’s annoying when girls do that.” 
She gasped at my statement. She stared at me with her jaw dropped and judgmental eyes. “Oh wow, I didn’t know girls had to fall for you if a boy becomes their friend or if a boy shows interest in them. Excuse me for that.” 
I rolled my eyes at her, but the more I talked about it, the dumber I sounded. “Ok, I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just... frustrating when all the girls I like end up only thinking of me as a friend. And I know that they don’t have to like me, but after so many, it just bums me out I guess.”
“That’s understandable, but also, how are you so sure that those girls only thought of you as a friend? Did you ask them?” 
I furrowed my brows. “Uh no, I can just tell.” Y/N gave me a tight smile like she was holding back. 
“Wow. Amazing that you have that talent.” I scowled at her.
“Ok, well, sometimes I get signs a girl doesn’t like me and then I don’t want to make her uncomfortable. Plus, girls always fawn over the bad boys which I’m not. I’m just a nerdy nice dude with some attitude.” 
The girl sitting next to me said nothing, which made me nervous. 
“Not all girls like bad boys.” She noted. I licked my lips while she scooted closer to me. “Bad girls don’t like bad boys. That’s too much bad for one relationship.”
“Then what do bad girls like?” The question slipped from my lips before I couldn’t stop myself, but I didn’t regret my question. 
The girl lifted an eyebrow and lightly flicked her tongue over her teeth.
“Hm, bad girls like good boys.” 
Suddenly, the atmosphere in this tiny, private room changed. 
I tried not to focus on the way her hand rested on my thigh. I tried not to focus on her lips that had a sheer coating of lip gloss across them. I tried so hard but I failed as she pulled me closer to her.
“Want a sign? I’ll give you one.” 
Before I could process what was happening, she kissed me.
Her lips hovered above mine for a split movement before she kissed my bottom lip slowly. I felt my heart pounding out of my chest. I felt more alive than I’ve ever felt before. 
I didn’t know when she got on my lap, but I felt a jolt when she get comfy. 
She ran her fingers through my hair as I tried not to let out any noise. I gained courage and deepened the kiss which made her sign in content. 
Oh fuck. 
I gripped her waist to keep her from falling. She took off my glasses and rested them on the table. 
“So, right now, you have the option whether to keep kissing me or to finish this essay. Which do you prefer?” My head was spinning. All I could feel were her legs on mine and her hands in my hair. All I could think about was how much I wanted to kiss her, not some stupid essay for English.
“Kissing you.” 
She chuckled.
“Good choice.” She whispered before taking me lips again.
❀ ❀ ❀
I slammed my door shut, wondering what the fuck just happened.
Did I just make out with y/n for... god knows how long. Did I just do that? What even happened? We were just talking about how bitchy I was and then she did that. How did that even escalate? What am I doing? Was this just a one time thing or does she like me? Do I like her? 
I took a deep breath and laid on my bed. 
What about Yeji? Am I still into her? Was I ever really that into her? I didn’t even know her.
I slapped myself. “You shit, stop thinking about this.” 
I tried not to fantasize about how much further we could’ve gone if our time wasn’t up in that tiny room but that’s all I could think about.
“Fuck, Changbin was right. She’s into me.”
❀ ❀ ❀
The essay was due on Monday and luckily, y/n had written enough that we didn’t need to meet up again. I decided to write the ending then edit, and then she edited it. 
I hadn’t talking to y/n much since Wednesday and my lips burned every time we made eye contact. 
Y/N was right. I had never gone after girls who were adamant about what they wanted and it excited and scared me at the same time. 
“Hey, stranger.” 
I jumped up, forgetting I was in a public place. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Yeji said with a small smile. I shook my head and gave her a forced grin.
“No, no, it’s okay. Um, how did your story turn out?” I asked. 
Yeji’s eyes zoned out for a few moments before focusing on mine. “Um, the story was okay, but things with Hyunjin? Way better.” 
I raised my brows in surprise. Not just from surprise at her infatuation with the boy, but surprise I didn’t care that much. 
“Oh? Do tell.” I teased. Yeji fidddled with her thumbs nervously.
“Ok, ok, so, we were just working on the essay and then he just asks me to prom. It was kinda cute ‘cause he stuttered over his words, but still cute nonetheless. So, yeah!” She grinned widely with hearts in her eyes. 
I smiled back at her. “That’s awesome, Yeji. You two are cute together.” 
She nodded, barely hearing what I was saying when Hyunjin walked in the room. Hyunjin gave her a nod in acknowledgment, but he didn’t say anything. 
He was just those types of guys. 
❀ ❀ ❀
Prom night.
The biggest event of the year. 
The time of year when mainly juniors and seniors lost themselves in one big crowd and the night when everyone lost their virginity. It was a mess honestly, but it was a mess that we all experienced together. With it being my senior year, prom held a deeper meaning for me this time. 
Since I was a senior this year, I wasn’t required to come early, but I did so anyways. 
“Hey mister president, here so early? Don’t you have some pictures to take at a lake or something?” 
I turned and saw Y/N. She was wearing a dark black dress that hugged her in all the right places. Her hair was curled and more voluminous than usual. I couldn’t help but notice she put on a stronger amount of perfume.
I grinned at her teasing words, but shook my head. 
“Nope, I came to set up. As the president should do.” 
She frowned faintly. “Aw, you should be having fun. I’m only here early to help my band set up.” 
I had almost forgot her band was performing two songs tonight. I had never heard them play and prayed they were good. 
“Hey, um, you’ll watch my performance right?” 
I snapped out of my trance and looked at her. Her eyes were wide and hopeful as she gave me her best puppy-eyed look.
I smiled at her as she jut out her bottom lip. “Of course, I wouldn’t miss it since you worked so hard to play.” 
She laughed wildly and held my arm in that flirty way. I started to wonder what she wanted us to be. Were we just friends who made out with each other sometimes or enemies who made out with each other or did she actually want an actual relationship? 
Girls are so confusing. 
Suddenly, we both heard someone call her name. 
“Um, I gotta go set up now. See you soon?” She said hopefully. I nodded and gently sent her off. 
❀ ❀ ❀
It was 9pm which was the official time prom started. The music was blaring as the band hadn’t gotten on stage yet and someone brought streamers of their own, which coated the dance floor. 
Kyungmi and Changbin were somewhere dirty dancing and on the verge of being kicked out while I hung in the bigger crowd.
Kids were kicking their shoes off and soon there was a dance contest in the middle of the dance floor. Cheers and hollers erupted through the air as rowdy people flew through the air. 
Suddenly, the music was turned down and I saw people come on stage. 
I smiled at the beautiful girl standing on stage. She was the only girl in the band which made her shine brighter.
I heard her introduce her band name and the song she was going to be singing, but when I turned my head for a split moment, I saw some girl crying out of the room. 
I squinted and saw that the girl was Yeji. Suddenly, we locked eyes. Her eyes were full of desperation and sadness as she turned away. 
I looked to my left and saw Hyunjin, dancing with a girl who didn’t look like Yeji. I felt my heart tighten. 
Oh no.
“Um, this song is dedicated to a really great friend I made near the end of my senior year. Here’s to change!” 
The crowd erupted into cheers but I doubt anyone just heard what Y/N just said since they were all drunk. 
I looked back and saw that Yeji was still staring at me with longing in her eyes. Like she was waiting for me to chase after her.
I mean, that was the type of guy I was. The type of guy who left whatever he was doing to help a sad girl. A girl who needed my help. 
I looked back at the stage and saw Y/N starting to sing, but when I saw Yeji walk out of the room, I felt something in me snap. 
I pushed my way out of the dance floor and went to follow Yeji. 
This better be worth it.
The girl was sitting outside on the bench. I sighed and opened the door to the outside. She jolted up, but gave me a weak smile. 
“You came.” She said softly.
I felt my knees weak at her words. “Yeah, uh, you looked like you needed a friend.” I heard her sniffle which made me notice the cold air.
I pulled off my jacket and pulled it over her shoulders. “Thank you. For the jacket and for coming out here.” I gave her a small smile, trying not to think about Y/N who most likely saw me run out here. I didn’t know what I was thinking. It was in my nature to chase after crying girls. Y/N would understand.
“Hyunjin he, he-” She was cut off by her small sobs. “He left me for some other girl. He was openly grinding on her and I couldn’t do anything. I hate him.” She spat. I held her close to me and let her lay her head on my shoulder.
“It’s okay, let it out.” 
We sat there for a while, with her just calming her breathing and I was just trying to be a good friend. 
Inside, the music was dying down and I knew the band had stopped playing. I felt like shit knowing I had just missed a song dedicated to me and that I didn’t keep my promise. But I had known Yeji longer, I was her friend. I had a commitment to her. 
❀ ❀ ❀
My night seemed like it went by too quickly.
Yeji’s parents came and picked her up. She tried not to look too embarrassed as her parents greeted me fondly and reprimanded her for going out with Hyunjin and not me. 
Soon, I saw more and more students flow out of the school. The students always had to evacuate quickly since the staff didn’t want to waste their whole night cleaning up our mess. 
I searched the crowd for a sign of Y/N, but I didn’t see her ‘til the very end. 
Her hair was messy from performing and the sweat glowed in the moonlight. She looked stunning even when she was dead tired. 
She turned my way, and once I smiled, she looked away.
Wait, what was that? 
I ran after her. “Y/N, wait-”
She whipped her hair around, with tears filling her eyes. 
“Are you serious? You have the fucking nerve to come after me right now? You must be stupid.” I ignored her harsh words and took a deep breath.
“Y/N, please, I’m sorry, I really am. But Yeji was crying and Hyunjin left her, I couldn’t just leave her alone. I’m her friend, you know-” 
“Oh my god, please just stop talking.” She blurt. I was stunned at the amount of anger she had. We weren’t even a couple. 
“You know, you complain so fucking much about the bad boys getting all the credit and all the attention and how all girls like bad boys, but you know what? You do get the girls obviously and you’re not even a ‘bad boy’, you’re just mean. You play with girls like it’s nothing and I’m not going to stand here for it. You’ve been into me and Yeji at the same time and I’m not going to stay here and let you choose me or her like we are options in a buffet line.”
I saw a tears fall down her cheek as she adjusted her shoes. 
“You know, unlike Yeji, I didn’t wait for a bad boy to break up with me before I went for the nice guy. I always wanted the nice guy.” 
I didn’t realize I was crying until she walked away, leaving me with all my emotions. 
She shrugged in that fake nonchalant way and gave me a tight smile with tears dancing in her eyes.
“Goodbye, Seungmin. I hope you treat the next girl right.”
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lazulifoster · 5 years
An Unexpected Visitor (Loki X Reader) Part 2
Prompt: Sex by The 1975, Million Dollar Man by Lana Del Rey, and If I Never See Your Face Again by Maroon 5 feat Rihanna
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Swearing; angst; arguing; mild sexual content
Word Count: 3k+
A/N: Inspiration from my Spotify Playlist again lol I think I say this every time I post something but sorry if its a slow burn, I actually have a lot of ideas for this fic but I like a slow build ;) Hope you enjoy part 2 if there are typos, from the bottom of my heart, my bad :)
Brief Summary: Loki and you dated back in college before he up and vanished. You have moved on with your life, even started a family, but an unexpected visitor makes his way back into your life.
||5 years earlier||
“Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate.” “Loki…” “Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, but bears it out, even to the edge of doom.”
Loki.” “…by heaven, I think my love as rare as any she belied with false compare.” “LOKI!  I’m going to fail this quiz if you don’t shut up and quit reciting Shakespeare!” “Oh, hush, love. There is no reason to study, anyway. You know all the answers already.”
“I just want to double check and make sure. Because last time this happened, I practically failed my quiz.” “I seriously doubt you’re capable of failure, Y/N. Besides, your beauty alone deserves to be glorified at every waking moment.” “ Oh pleeease, your flattery won't work this time.” “Won’t it?” Loki leaned in close to me, placing gentle kisses along my neck, causing my will to study to wane dramatically.
Loki then pushed my notes and books of my bed, and we both rapidly undressed, making me completely forget about my upcoming quiz.
“You better start fucking explaining yourself, Loki!”
I began a feeble attempt to reel in the myriad of thoughts flooding my mind. My emotions were a chaotic blend of utter confusion and absolute joy. Loki was here, in the flesh; holding me, kissing me, and telling me we belonged together.
I had pictured this moment so many times over the years, and nothing was happening like I had imagined it. But as much as I missed Loki and secretly yearned for his over the years, reality slowly crept in. Loki was gone far too long to go without explaining himself. I needed answers. Lots of answers.
“My love, I promise you, I will explain everything, but this is hardly the time or place—” “Oh no, no, I am not playing games with you Loki! The “time and place” is right now! You’re the one who left and decided to just randomly show up out of nowhere!” My voice cracked, and I forced myself to hold back more tears, annoyed at myself for getting emotional again.
“I need to know what happened to you, Loki. You owe me that much.”
I could see Loki felt guilty. I knew that behind his devil-may-care attitude and playful demeanor he felt awful for deserting me. I started to feel sorry for getting heated with him again. The Loki I knew would never just leave without a legitimate reason. But suspicious thoughts kept lurking in my head. He’s just trying to manipulate you. I shook the feeling aside, I already had too much to think about. I reached up and rubbed my hand through his beautiful black hair.
“I’m sorry, Loki. I’m just—I don’t know, there is a lot to take in.”
Loki gave a slight grin, placing both of his hands on my waist.
“As much as I’d love to chat with you about everything that's happened, darling, your mum has prepared something for dinner that smells absolutely delicious, and it would be a shame to let all her hard work go to waste.”
I gave a slight chuckle. Loki was right. If I wanted to know the full story, it would be best to wait till my parents and ex weren’t around. Also, I hadn’t eaten all my food at the restaurant with David, so I was actually quite hungry as well.
“Fine. But this isn’t over.” I reminded Loki. He nodded and leaned forward and gave me a soft peck on my forehead before both of us walked in the house. Neither my mom, dad, or David noticed Loki had ever left; still speaking with his illusion.
“Did you find what you were looking for?” Mom asked suspiciously
“Oh yeah—um—no I didn’t.” I stumbled over my words like a nervous school girl. Keep it together.
Rachel waddled up to me babbling what sounded like, “Mama.” She wasn’t really speaking yet, but her little attempts always made me so proud. I picked her up off the floor, and she looked around at us five adults standing around talking. Rachel’s eyes met Loki’s, to which Loki made a silly face at Rachel, causing her to laugh loudly. The brief moment between them made me and my parents chuckle. Seeing Loki interact with Rachel made my heart melt; it was almost too adorable for me to handle. The sweet moment ended abruptly however when I looked over at David and saw an irritated scowl cross his face. Knowing David’s temper, I cleared my throat to break the building tension.
“So…what did you make for dinner, mom?” “Oh, just some roast chicken with mash potatoes and Brussel sprouts, nothing fancy.”
“A regular feast, I cannot wait to try, Mrs. Y/L/N.” Loki smiled
“Well, come on in the dining room then, we don’t want the food getting cold.” Mom began ushering us to the dinner table.
“I already ate,” David interjected.
Mom, still walking away, yelled behind her, “Well I guess you can go home then, David.”
My dad laughed from the dining room at my mom’s sassy comment, making David looked at me and whispered, “What the hell?”
"It’s ok, we’ll talk later. I’ll text you.”
David gave me an annoyed look but decided it would be better to leave before he left my parent's good graces entirely. David gave Rachel a quick kiss goodbye and made a quiet exit.
When David left, all of us inadvertently let out a collective sigh of relief.
“Finally got him out of here, goodness gracious,” Dad grumbled.
“Dad, can we not…”
“I just want a relaxing family dinner with all of, it’s been too long.” Mom was beaming. Sometimes I wondered if mom loved Loki more than I do.
My mind was still an absolute whirlwind. Barely an hour ago, David and I were at dinner, talking about our daughter’s future and reconsidering where our relationship stood. Then I see Loki’s car in my parent's driveway with his stupid “God of Mischief” vanity plates, next thing I know were kissing, uprooting so many feelings I had pushed down over the last 3 years; and now Loki was eating dinner at my house like we had years ago. My emotions were a constant ebb and flow or fury, and affection One moment, I suppressed every urge I had to cause a scene and demand answers from Loki. The next, I wanted Loki to take me in his arms again and to pick up where we had left off. I still couldn’t comprehend how someone who I spent almost every day with since I was 18 to just suddenly vanished. I mean, I knew about Loki being a god. I knew about his brother, Asgard, and the Avengers. I didn’t know everything, but he had told me bits and pieces and opened up to me over the years. I also knew he would have to leave occasionally concerning “family squabbles” and things concerning the Avengers, but he would always let me know ahead of time and would even send his illusion to check in on me.
The leading theory I had settled on for Loki leaving was I thought I scared him off because of the last conversation we had. Petty, I know, but I couldn’t think of anything else it could possibly be.
I remembered every detail about our last conversation, probably because I played the moment repeatedly, trying to figure out what went wrong.
It was almost the end of the semester. Loki and I were in a local coffee shop, close enough to the college to walk, but not close enough where it was bombarded by other collegians studying for finals. Loki was actually helping me study for my other classes besides literature. I was studying for a freshman world geography class, an easy elective I took to boost my GPA. We had both ordered our drinks (Loki drank an Italian roast, black, and I had a cortado.)
While he was helping me study the countries of the Eastern Hemisphere, I looked up at him.
“Do you think you’ll ever get married? Or have kids?”
While Loki took a sip of his coffee, his eyes quickly shifted to me.
“I mean, one day. I’m not saying to me—or anything—um, I was just curious. Plus I’m bored of studying.” I gave an awkward laugh, trying to hide my cheeks turning a bright shade of crimson.
Loki bit his lip and tilted his head up and looked off in the distance. I felt like I could actually see wheels turning in his head. Then he spoke.
“I honestly cannot answer that.”
“Well, I don’t know, truthfully. Marriage seems so, arbitrary to me. Especially, as a god, time means nothing to me, but to Midgardians, time is so precious, so you decide one person to spend that time with until your dying breath. So if I were to marry an Asgardian, I would be tied to them for possibly, millennia. And if I was to marry a Midgardian, they will have already lived a quarter of their life. I’ve been alive far too long and have learned there is no point in getting attached to something I cannot keep.”
He spoke so matter-of-factly that it almost brought me to tears. Was that all I was to him? A mere mortal with 25% of my life over. I felt foolish for thinking I could be more to him than a Midgardian “friend with benefits.”
Pretending not to be hurt, however, I nodded nonchalantly as I listened to his rant and took a sip of my drink. He continued.
“I could see myself having children though, one day.”
“So you can’t see yourself getting married, but you can see yourself having children? Alrighty then.” I laughed, accidentally letting my hurt feelings slip into my reply.
“Do you see a problem with that, love?”
“No, not at all, to each his own. So kids huh?” He looked at me and gave me a rueful grin. 
“I would love to give my children the childhood I always craved.”
I gave a sympathetic groan and reached out for his arm and gave him a gentle squeeze. I didn’t want to press the issue further. I knew how sensitive he was about the subject. After a few moments, Loki spoke again, looking directly into my eyes.
“Did you ask me that, because I am someone you would want to marry?”
My eyes inadvertently widened and swallowed a little harder than necessary. I felt a little uneasy because Loki refused to break eye contact with me.
“Honestly, Loki…” I felt instant nausea from my nerves.
“You are someone I want to marry. Why wouldn’t I? You’re amazing, you’re well read, you’re kind, but more importantly, you’re my best friend, of course, you’re someone I would want to fucking marry! I don’t care if I’ve ‘lived a quarter of my life’ already if you love someone you choose to love them no matter what!” I spoke a little louder than I intended too because a few coffee shop patrons turned their heads toward our table.
Loki chuckled at my obvious embarrassment. I gave an awkward half-smile and placed my hands on my face as if trying to wipe away my blushing cheeks. Loki grinned at me and brushed a few strands of hair away from my face before he spoke again.
“Well, darling, I am very flattered.” He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. “Now how about we get back to studying? You need to do well on your exam.”
The quick change of subject confused me for a second before I agreed with him and I began to study for my exam again. After a while, I was ready to go call it a day. Loki offered to give me a ride home, but I initially declined and told him I’d walk; partly because that day was uncharacteristically mild for winter and I wanted to enjoy the lovely weather; also I was extremely embarrassed about the conversation we had inside the coffee shop. But Loki insisted that he take me home and I, not in a mood to argue, I caved. The car ride was awkward, neither of us said anything the whole trip which generally wouldn’t be all that unusual, but because the conversation did not go as planned on my part, I felt that maybe I had crossed the line. When Loki finally reached my driveway, he parked his car and looked at me.
“Y/n, I want to apologize if what I said hurt you. Please don’t misunderstand me, I care for you deeply. I may not know what the future holds but what I know for certain is that you belong to me, and I belong to you, no matter what happens.”
I smiled at him, exhaling a breath I held in the whole car ride; thankful for his reassurance. Loki and I never had any labels in our relationship which was alright for the most part because I knew he cared for me, but every once in a while it was nice to hear him tell me how he felt. Even if he did think marriage was just a quirky Midgardian tradition. But one part of what he said caught me off guard: ‘No matter what happens’”? What does that mean? Ultimately, I shook it off as me being too analytical and leaned in to kiss Loki.
“I love you too, Loki.”
I stepped out of his car and waved back at him, “See you tomorrow!”
He waved back at me and drove off. That was the last time I saw or spoke to Loki.
Dinner with Loki and my parents went as well as expected. The meal mom prepared was delicious, Rachel only threw half of her food on the floor, and mom and dad bombarded Loki with questions.
“So where have you been, Loki? We were starting to worry about ya.” Dad said, giving Loki a pat on his back.
“I have been rather busy with work, I’ve done a little bit of traveling, and also spending time with my family.”
I rolled my eyes. I swear to god he better not lie to me like that when he accounts for the last few years.
“Well, it’s good to have you back, Sweetheart.” Mom cut in, “Will we see more of you?”
Loki looked over at me when he answered, “Yes indeed. I’m not going anywhere as long as I can help it.”
I rolled my eyes again, trying to hide the smile forming on my lips.
Once dinner was over, leftovers and dishes put away, My parents said their “goodnights” and left for bed. I also excused myself for a brief moment, needing to get Rachel ready for bed. Before I carried Rachel to her room, Loki reached for Rachel’s little hand, “Goodnight little love, thank you for showing me all your toys this evening.” Rachel babbled incoherently and gave Loki a smile showing all the teeth she had.
“I think somebody likes you” I smirked, “Say ‘thank you Loki for playing with me’”
Rachel babbled again while Loki lowered himself to her eye level, giving her his undivided attention.
“Well, it was my pleasure, Rachel. Have pleasant dreams.”
I  left and tucked Rachel into her little bed, and she fell asleep shortly after. As she slept, I stared at her for a moment before heading back to the living room. I thought about how adorable Loki was with my daughter. Interacting with children seemingly came so naturally to him. I also wished that David would be the same way with Rachel. He was a great father in that he worked hard to provide for her, but that was the only way David showed he loved her, especially after we parted ways. David wouldn’t play with her, and would hardly make time to spend time alone with her. He blamed work for not being around Rachel as often as he should. David worked for his father’s law firm. Influential attorneys defending the most guilty and the richest. I know Rachel was far too young to understand the nuances of a father/daughter relationship, but whenever David would walk past her or halfheartedly acknowledge her, I could see in her little eyes, that it hurt her.
I made my way back to the living room and saw Loki sitting on the couch, waiting for me. He stood when I re-entered the room and made his way toward me.
“I should probably get going, I know we could all use a restful nights sleep.”
“We still need to talk—”
“I haven’t forgotten,” Loki gently interrupted, “Why don’t we meet in the morning for breakfast, we can go anywhere you want to go.”
“Well, my parents can’t watch Rachel tomorrow, they both have something they have to go to, so if we go anywhere, Rachel will have to come.”
Loki’s face lit up, “That sounds delightful! We shall make a day out of it then.” His hand reached down placed his palm on my face like he had earlier. This time I didn’t swat him away, instead, I wrapped my arms around him. I missed feeling his body against mine. Loki pulled me in closer and rested his chin on top of my head.
Sadly we were interrupted by my phone vibrating. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw a text from David reading: Hey, we need to finish talking when you get a chance. We couldn’t with that guy hanging around. Text me back ASAP.
I groaned. Loki peaked at David’s message and scoffed,“‘That guy’? Charming.”
“You have no idea,” I replied, more to myself than Loki.
Loki’s face turned concerned, “What do you mean?”
“Ugh, he’s just—sometimes he’s a dick, but otherwise he’s alright. He makes sure Rachel is taken care of, so that’s all I care about.” Giving me a dubious look, I reassured Loki that I was fine and that David was just annoying sometimes. Reaching for my hand, Loki made his way toward the front door.
“Well, I better go, love. I look forward to spending the day with you and Rachel.” Loki pulled me close and kissed me on the lips before closing the door behind him. I peeked out the front window and saw him stoop down into his car, rev his engine, and drive off. What have you been up to, Loki Odinson?
David, back at his penthouse apartment, reclined in his Eames chair, sipping away at bourbon and fiddled with his phone. He had searched the name “Loki Odinson” over and over on Google but only found references to Norse Mythology.
Who the fuck is this guy?
David exited his Google Search and began scrolling through his contact list until he found the name, Darren. He pressed the call icon and waited for him to answer.
“Hey David, you’re up late.” “Darren. I have a favor to ask.” “Anything Chief, what do you need?” “I need you to look into someone for me, the name: ‘Loki Odinson.’”
“You got it, boss. I’ll see what I can find.”
Darren ended the call, and David went to his iPhone photo album. He scrolled through his pictures until he found an old picture of Y/N.
This stupid bitch better be careful. She’s gonna get her heart broken all over again.
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captainkaithr · 6 years
Hi oops it’s been a while and I’ve been picking at this for months but I finally sat my ass down (in the middle of packing bc I have priorities) and finished the thing!
Right Here, Right Now
[AO3] [DA] [Ko-fi]
Adrien catches sight of Marinette when he’s racing across the rooftops as Chat Noir. He grins, and can’t help lunging down into the nearest alley and leaving the transformation behind him. “Hey, Mari!”
Plagg dives into his pocket seconds before Marinette twists to see him.
She yelps, one hand flying to the purse she always carrying, the other holding her sketchbook up as if to hit him. “Adrien!”
Adrien holds up his hands as he laughs, slowing so that he can walk beside her. “Didn’t mean to startle you. I just - couldn’t resist.”
“How did you get out of the house? You don’t have a shoot, or anything scheduled,” Marinette asks.
That she always knows his schedule – better than he does – is amazing. But as Chat Noir, he’s seen the inside of her room. She’s had his schedule pin to the underside of her trapdoor for a long time. As Adrien, he's seen her room too, but it's been curiously devoid of the masses of photoshoots and the schedule in those moments.
Since they started dating, it's been like that all the time. Just a few pictures left, of the four of them. Some of the rest of her class. Her family.
“Can you keep a secret?” He slings an arm about her shoulders, pulling her close to him so he can whisper in her ear.
She giggles and blushes bright red, and he thinks he’ll never get used to that. He doesn’t think he wants to.
“Did you sneak out?” she asks, her voice a stage-whisper.
Adrien grins and kisses her temple, because he can’t help himself.
She blushes again, and it’s red on red because her last hadn’t quite faded out.
“And I saw you and I couldn’t resist – is it terrible that I want to keep you for myself?” He steps back, because it’s awkward to walk that close, but his hand slips down to hold hers and she wraps her fingers about his hand. Or as much she can, with hands that small.
“Away from Nino and Alya?” Marinette asks.
Adrien nods as they wander down towards the Eiffel Tower. “I know we’re all dating and we shouldn’t <i>really</i> be jealous, but…”
Marinette laughs and bumps her hip against him. Her purse sways with the movement, nudging at his side. “I’m sure they won’t mind.”
“You think?”
“Certain,” she replies. “What, you don't think they sneak off to be a couply couple on their own? They were dating each other before us.”
“Oh, of course." He knew this. It makes sense, after all; and if they want to be alone, then for sure there's no harm in him here with Mari without them.
Mari's blushing again; there's something she's not telling him.
"Spill, Mari. What's got you glowing?"
"Don't." Mari laughs and pushes him away.
"No, come on." He's laughing, because he knows what she's thinking about. After so long, he can read her like his favourite book. "Tell me why we all started dating again?"
Mari groans and hits at him ineffectually with her sketchbook. "You know why."
"Sure, sure. Tell me anyway." Adrien catches her sketchbook and takes it from her, using it to shield them from the sun. “I like hearing you say it.”
“You dork.” Marinette groans, but she doesn’t let go of his hand.
Adrien laughs. “I’m waiting!” he half-sings, a spring still bouncing in his step.
“Because we all love each other,” she answers, grinning. “And this way we don't crash anyone's dates. You know that. We say it often enough.”
“Yes, but you in particular…” Adrien draws it out, laughter in his eyes like the sun.
Mari laughs and pushes him away with a hand running through his already wind tousled hair. “Because I had a massive crush on you. Happy?”
“Always.” Adrien ducks away from her hand and presses another kiss to her forehead.
“You dork,” Mari mutters, affectionately.
“Your dork.” Adrien grins.
"My dork," Mari agrees, sounding very self-satisfied. Very much the cat that got the cream.
And Adrien loves the sound of it, loves it so much that he can't help the joyous burst of laughter that escapes him out into the glorious Paris sunshine.
"Alya's and Nino's too, of course," Mari is saying. "They have a part in your dorkishness as well."
"Not as big a part as you, though."
"Well... since they're not here..."
As they reach the steps of the trocadero, overlooking the way down towards the Eiffel Tower, Adrien has a sudden urge – a feeling of everything, all at once, that makes him want to – to sing and dance, and just – live and laugh and love with Mari at his side. Normally it's a patrol feeling, it's messing about with Ladybug, it's their puns and quips and games, but even so it bleeds over into his unmasked life more and more, whenever she was there and laughing at his side.
It's second nature, then, to sweep Mari up with all the strength that bounding about the rooftops of Paris has given him and spin her around, delight splitting a sparkling grin that could be seen from the sun on his face.
Mari squeaks and buries her face in his neck, and he feels her laughter in his very being and it's beautiful.
He stumbles and comes up against the wall, and without much of a break swings Mari up to sit on it, boosting himself to her side before she's settled.
People are staring, but they're always staring. He's Adrien Agreste and he's with the prettiest (unmasked) girl in Paris, why wouldn't they stare?
But it catches him, for all of an unwanted moment, and he remembers just how many pictures Mari had had up on her walls of his modelling. Yes, she was a designer herself – they could've just been for inspiration – but why only him? Why – she had the talent to go far, but...
"Adrien?" Her hand is soft against his, and she's gesturing for her sketchbook. "Can I have that, please?"
"Oh – yes, of course." Almost distantly, he hands it to her. Lost in the turmoil of voices he doesn't want to believe, but...
There are a lot of them. Chief is his father's who had disapproved from the start. Had believed the worst of Mari, never liked Nino, thought Alya was too nosey and antagonistic.
He tries to bury the voice, but-
"Is everything ok? You've gone quiet," Mari says, her sketchbook closed in her lap.
"Why was it just my modelling photos that you had all over your walls?" Adrien asks, before he can really stop himself.
"How – how do you know about that?" Mari stutters, her blush threatening to return.
Oh. Oops. "Alya told me?"
Mari scowls, and Adrien worries that he's dropped Alya in it. "I'm a... a big fan of your father's works. I was using them for inspiration."
"But just the ones that I wore?" He pushes, because if she's going to talk about it, then it must... it must be ok, right?
"Because of that massive crush I had on you, remember?" The words fall flat, like they're supposed to be joking but aren't.
"Oh, of – course." Adrien's voice is light, his smile pleasing – as well practised as ever even as his feelings crash.
All those photos because of her crush, or her crush because of all those photos?
"Adrien." Her voice calls him back from spiralling, and he wonders if she would be able to do that were he an akuma. Probably.
He tilts sideways to look at her, and meets her defiantly earnest gaze.
"I didn't have any of those pictures before I knew you. Before I knew how kind and understanding you are, and how patient when you don't have to be, and that day – your umbrella-" she cuts off. "You were never just a pretty face," she says carefully.
“Ah, so you admit I’m pretty-” The teasing comes naturally to him, a by-product of the time spent free to say what he will behind a mask, and never have it reflected back on him by his father.
Mari laughs and pushes him away.
He rocks back easily, bending with the movement and feeling her hand - pencil hooked between her fingers - warm against his chest.
"I never got it back, you know." And she had taken down all of the magazine pictures.
"I couldn't bring myself to return it." Mari shrugs, reaching a hand up to tuck some of his hair back behind his ear. "It's a reminder. To keep me grounded. Or – well, as grounded as I can be."
Adrien laughs, and his hand tightens on hers again. “Do you spend a lot of time flying about the city?”
Mari considers him for a moment, then laughs at him. “If tripping over it counts.”
“As long as I’m there to catch you,” Adrien says, with all the intensity of his youthful heart. “My-”
Marinette blinks at him, and there isn’t even the hint of a blush this time.
Adrien reconsiders. That might have been too much coming from his unmasked self (and too close, neither of them were - she wasn’t-). “Sorry, that just-”
“Why Adrien,” Marinette cuts across him, recovering with a bat of her eyelashes that almost looks to have been plucked from Chloe’s books, “Did you mistake me for Ladybug there?” Her tone is teasing, her playful smirk almost Chat Noir’s own.
Adrien blanks, is caught unawares, and now it’s his turn to blush. His cheeks have never been so warm, and he’s sure he could be used as a warning light for ships passing in the night, they feel that bright.
Marinette laughs, delighted. “It is possible! I knew I could get you to blush. Payback!” She crows, victorious.
This was - oh, she was almost too much, she was brilliant and perfect and maybe she wasn’t Ladybug (or maybe she was, whispered Adrien’s most heartfelt feelings, because she hadn’t negated that as such, but-) but she was here and he was hers and he could - with that, he could do anything, he’d run up the Eiffel Tower to yell it, just to make sure the world knew, and-
“Adrien?” Marinette winds her fingers through his, sounding concerned. “Are you alright? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean - Alya said you couldn’t but I wanted to see and I took the chance because I couldn’t resist and-”
“Marinette.” Adrien catches her hands as they start flying, thankful she’d left both pencil and sketchbook in her lap. “You have my permission to do that at any point you think is necessary.”
Marinette giggles, high pitched and relieved. “I don’t think I can do that again.”
Adrien presses a kiss to her palm. “And I meant it, you know. Whatever you do, wherever you go. I want to be there at your side.”
Mari smiles, soft and slow. “I’d like that,” she whispers, tilting her hand in his grasp to stroke down his cheek. “I’d like that very much.”
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hawtsee · 7 years
I don’t know, my internet went down and this happened.
As far as Johanna Mason was concerned, there was only two reasons to consider spending a weekend in a remote cabin with three couples - the possibility of being asked to join in with one of them, or the chance of some juicy drama.
The former was very unlikely with this group, but the latter seemed highly probable. So Johanna packed her bags and copious amounts of alcohol, and trudged so far up a mountain she had no phone signal to spend the weekend with three loved up couples.
Johanna was anticipating fireworks as it was the first time the whole group had been together since Katniss and Gale’s acrimonious break up eight months earlier, and Katniss and Peeta finally hooking up two weeks later. For months, Gale had contended there had been overlap, Peeta couldn’t get over his lingering jealousy of Gale, and Katniss was just generally emotionally stunted and pissed at being the apex of a love triangle.
Stick the three of them together in a remote location, add in Gale’s new snobby girlfriend, throw in some alcohol, put Johanna in place to stir the pot, and it was the perfect recipe for some high drama.
Unfortunately, for Jo, there was no drama.
Katniss, Peeta and Gale had gotten over any lingering animosity. Madge, Gale’s new girlfriend, though quiet, wasn’t the least bit snobby and mixed well with the group. Finnick and Annie were playing an excellent game of interference whenever Johanna tried to inspire a little drama. The weekend was going swimmingly.
It was incredibly annoying.
Johanna had not given up her weekend to spend it being bored silly halfway up some godforsaken mountain. She was going to have some fun. So while Peeta and Madge made dinner, Jo made margaritas. She was especially generous with the tequila.
Over dinner, Jo made sure that everyone had plenty of drink. She only sipped her own though. She needed a sober head for this. Afterwards, they sat around the fireplace, with more drinks and when everyone was just the right amount of drunk, Jo suggested they play Truth or Dare.
The game commenced with a couple of benign dares for Finnick and Annie, then it was Katniss’ turn. She warily eyed Johanna who couldn���t hide her excited smirk.
“Dare,” Katniss decided.
Johanna’s smirk grew. “I dare you to tell us who’s better at sex, Peeta or Gale?”
Everyone hooted and laughed except Katniss who immediately reddened and started to protest.
She turned to Annie frantically, pointing out that Johanna’s dare was against the rules. Sober Annie would have sided with Katniss at once and never have admitted that she wanted to know the answer just as much as Johanna did; luckily, Drunk Annie was the one sitting on the couch. “I’ll allow it. I’ll allow it,” she yelled loudly, drowning out Katniss.
“So,” Johanna prodded gleefully. “Who’s better at sex, Peeta or Gale?”
Katniss glared furiously at Johanna for a moment before flitting between her boyfriend and her ex-boyfriend. “Um…”
The effect of her hesitancy was immediate. Peeta stiffened, Gale threw his hands in the air triumphantly, Madge buried her face in her hands, Annie and Finnick whistled.
Johanna felt elated and just a smidge of guilt.
“I didn’t say anything,” Katniss stuttered, confused by the reaction.
“You said ‘um’, which was enough,” Jo said. She had to twist the knife if she wanted fireworks. “If it was Peeta you would have said so straight away; but it’s Gale so you were either going to lie, which you’re terrible at, or your were trying to think of a diplomatic way of saying it.”
Gale leaned against the couch, looking incredibly smug. An unfortunate side effect that Jo really should have anticipated was that now his head was going to get even bigger. Madge patted his knee, stood up and left the room.
Peeta hadn't said anything, though he was trying to appear unaffected and almost pulling it off.
Johanna began to feel a smidge of guilt. She only wanted a little drama.
“Can I at least answer the question?” Katniss huffed.
“That depends; are you going to give us the lie or the diplomatic truth?” Jo asked.
Katniss rolled her eyes at her. “Just the answer.”
Madge came back into the room, her margarita glass replenished. She tossed a small tube at Peeta before taking her seat beside Gale.
Peeta raised the tube to read it, and Jo could see it was the burn cream that Madge had used when she'd splashed boiling water on herself while cooking dinner earlier. Peeta snorted, and it broke the tension in the room. “Well, let's hear it,” he said. “God knows Gale needs the ego boost.”
Gale tipped his beer in Peeta's direction. “Sorry, bud.”
Annie clapped her hands. “Answer, answer.”
“Fine.” Katniss took a long drink, glaring at Johanna as she did. “Gale has... a wider repertoire and um... more... stamina. On a technical level, he's probably better at …. doing sex things.”
“I'm OK with this answer,” Gale chimed in, looking very pleased with himself.
“BUT,” Katniss continued, briefly making him the recipient of her glare, but returning it to Johanna. “With Peeta, it's just... it's... We....” She flushed and turned to face Peeta who was watching her very intently. Her expression softened. “We connect emotionally. I mean, the sex is great. Peeta is really good at sex... I just mean... You know, with Gale it was just physical, and with Peeta, we make love and it's... it's better.”
Peeta smiled softly at her. “I'm OK with this answer,” he told her, leaning in for a kiss.
“Aw,” Finnick cooed sincerely. Moved by Katniss' awkward statement, he squeezed Annie closer and kissed her.
On the opposite couch, Gale and Madge were also smooching. Johanna huffed. Jesus, she'd just made things even worse. If she was going to be stuck with three sappy couples then it was time to hit the bottle and get very drunk.
“So, I think it's your turn now, Jo,” Finnick pointed out.
“Dare,” Jo said at once. She raised an eyebrow in challenge. Good luck trying to find something she wouldn't do.
“I got it,” Katniss said. “I dare you to only drink non-alcoholic drinks for the rest of the night.” To the sound of the other's laughter, she reached across the coffee table and prised Jo's glass from her hand.
A couple of hours later, everyone had drifted to bed.
Peeta walked into the bedroom he was sharing with Katniss after washing his teeth. She was sitting on the bed, chewing her lip. He posed dramatically against the door frame. “Ready for me to mildly rock your world?”
“Peeta,” Katniss sighed in frustration, grabbing his hand and pulling him over to the bed. “That's really not what I meant. Honestly, our sex life is really great. I said it's better, and I meant it. Gale has more tricks and stuff, but it was just physical with him. You and me, it's such much more.”
“I do have tricks you know,” Peeta said. He grinned wolfishly at her, and seized her by the waist and flipped her over onto her hands and knees.
Two doors down, Gale was watching quietly as Madge removed the last of her make up. “What?” she pressed, watching his reflection in the mirror.
He shrugged. “It's more than physical between us, right? We connect emotionally when we're having sex.”
Madge lowered herself onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Yes. We do.”
“Good. Because I love you,” he said.
“I love you too.” Madge pushed him onto his back and straddled him.
In the bedroom sandwiched between the two couples, alone and sober, Johanna didn't get very much sleep that night.  
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asaseya · 6 years
Something About Us: Chapter 13
Ok, so I’ve made it my New Year's resolution to finish all my fics. No matter how long they have been sitting. I pretty much know what happens it’s sitting down to write it that has been tripping me up. But I did participate in Nanowrimo this year and i’d dare to say that it has jump started my writing habit.
This fic might have one maybe two more chapters and then I’ll be going into the sequel. The sequel will be more like a series of drabbles than anything else. I just have some thought and scenes in my head about how their relationship progresses. And smut..lots and lots of smut. After I get that out of my system I’d actually like to write a fic focused on Lian, and some of the kids in her generation. Basically the kids will be visiting Kal’s place for that training camp.
Wish me luck, inspiration, and perseverance!
Here is a link to chapter 12
Read it on ao3
Chapter 13
It took the Hellenic Coast Guard forever to finish inspecting the ship. Jade hid on Kaldur’s boat while the inspection took place and almost fell asleep while waiting. The guard didn’t need much from Kaldur and Roy in order to get a full report. But after the work was done some insisted on getting Lian’s autograph. Much to her father's dismay. The ride back was relatively short, but cold for the three humans. Lian and Jade claimed the shower straight away.
Kaldur didn’t want to get his sofa wet so he suggested he and Roy wait in his courtyard for the ladies to finish. It felt...nice. They didn’t talk much, just stared up at the stars. Kaldur didn’t have much to say right now anyway. For once this week he felt completely comfortable around Roy.
Roy pulled off the top half of his red arrow suit.“How can you stand wet clothes Kal?” Roy asked once his head was free.
“It’s fine until it drys and the clothes become stiff.” Kaldur assured him, keeping his voice calm. Maybe he over exaggerated his own comfort level. “Should I find you a towel?”
“Nah, I’m just going to get in the shower anyway. You can go first if you like.”
“No Its fine. I wasn't planning on taking one, just drying off.”
Roy’s eyes narrowed. “Ok. You might be fine smelling like salt water but the smell is going to keep me up all night.”
Kaldur chuckled. “Maybe a short one then.”
Jade opened the door to announce that the bathroom was free. The men thanked her as she headed back inside.
“We may as well just take one together.” Roy suggested. “It would be quicker that way. I’m starting to wonder what your water bill is gonna be like after this week anyway.”
Kaldur’s brain fizzled out for a moment.
Roy blushed after realizing the implications. “I mean um...really just taking a shower, alright? It’s not like I’m going to try anything”
Kaldur took a deep breath. “It should be fine.”
“Yeah! Perfectly fine. We’re adults. We can handle it.”
Kaldur nodded and then stood. He made his way to his bedroom to gather something to sleep in first and then headed to the bathroom. Very thankful that no one was in the hallway. Thinking about it wouldn’t make this less awkward. It was just like when they were kids using the showers at the cave, he told himself. And really, what would they get up to with the girls just down the hall? All he had to do was control himself and it would be over before he knew it. Besides, if he couldn't handle this without combusting than anything more was out of the question.
Roy was standing in the bathroom, clothes still on, visibly nervous. It was kind of endearing.
“You are making it worse.” Kaldur said as he set his pajamas down.
“Sorry, I know I said this was no big deal but,” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Just don’t look down alright?”
“Down?” Kaldur asked as he stripped off his shirt.  Roy bit his lip, Kaldur wasn’t sure if Roy was really listening to him now or not. “Roy?”
“Ahh… Yeah sorry. I’m just warning you alright. I said I wouldn’t try anything. I didn’t say I wouldn’t react.” he answered emphasizing the word react.
“I’ll take it as a compliment then.” Kaldur said dryly. He was relieved that it wasn’t only him worried about such things. But he wasn't going to miss the chance to mess with Roy a bit. “Though,” Kaldur said while taking off his pants. “Watching me disrobe can't be helping.”
Roy’s eyes shot up to the ceiling. And Kaldur resisted the urge to laugh as he finished getting undressed. It had been way too long since someone he wanted to desire him actually did. It was a massive confidence boost. Kaldur got into the shower first. Resisting the urge to look Roy’s way when he joined him.
“Your calmness is irritating you know that…” Roy said a bit sourly as he reached over to grab the body wash.
Kaldur smiled a little. “Just take deep breaths and think calming thoughts.”
“Stop being sarcastic, God you’re enjoying this aren’t you?” Roy grabbed one of the hand held shower heads and used it to spray Kaldur.
That forced Kaldur to look at him. “What was that for?”
Roy squirted Kaldur again, right in the face. “I’m actually nervous over here you ass.”
Kaldur grabbed his own shower head and sprayed Roy in kind. “Don’t take your frustrations out on me.”
Roy pouted a little. “Who the fuck else am I supposed to take them out on?” he put the shower head back with a huff. “I think I’m fine now anyway.”
“See,” Kaldur said with a sly smile. “That wasn’t hard at all.” He put his shower head back as well.
“No..no it’s not. Fucking mood killer.”
“There will be no moods so long as your daughter and ex-wife are in the same house.”
“So...what does that mean when they leave?”
Kaldur wasn’t sure how to respond. Technically the answer was yes.  Just yes, no conditions whatever Roy wanted. “You haven’t even bought me dinner yet, and you're wondering about sex? ” It was an overused joke but it would do for now.
“Hey,” Roy said, his voice super soft.
“Hmm?”  Kaldur turned his head to see Roy looking at him.
The older man searched Kaldur’s face. “This is okay right?” Roy asked as he stepped closer. He cupped Kaldur’s face with his hands before touching his forehead to Kaldur’s.
Kaldur instinctively held his breath. He couldn’t see anything but Roy’s face. His face was hot where Roy touched. All he could hear was his own heartbeat and wondered his Roy could hear it too.
“We said we weren’t going to do anything.” Roy said as his hands moved, painfully slow, along Kaldur’s skin, from his face, down his neck, to his shoulders. He gripped Kaldurs arms and moved in a little closer. His body burned. “Do we have to keep that promise?” he asked, a little pain in his voice.
Kaldur forced himself to breathe. He closed his eyes, unable bear looking at Roy while giving his answer. “We have tomorrow.” He said, hoping that his voice didn’t shake. Roy huffed and Kaldur could feel Roy’s breath against his lips. Instinctively he licked them.
“Open your eyes,” Roy pleaded.
Kaldur smiled a little. “I am not falling for your trap.”
Roy let go of Kaldur’s arms and stepped away. “I guess,” he started, sounding disappointed. “I don’t want to have to explain to Lian what happened if she overheard anything.”
“That would certainly be awkward.” Kaldur gave himself a second before opening his eyes. He  concentrated on finishing his shower. Turning up the heat on his side in order to shock himself a bit so that he could calm down.
Jade was waiting outside of the shower, her hair in a towel, and a cheshire cat sized grin on her face. “I was going to ask Kaldur for a blow dry special. But I guess he was blowing something else?”
“You’re disgusting.” Roy said with no malice as he went on to Kaldur’s room.
Kaldur gestured for Jade to take off her hair towel and got to work once it was removed. “You’d never believe that we didn’t do anything would you?”
“That’s horrible. You really had him take a shower with you but didn’t offer a hand job or anything? You’re gonna make a horrible boyfriend.” Kaldur didn’t respond and just finished drawing the water from her hair. Jade ran her hands through her hair once it was dry. “You two aren’t gonna turn into a pair of monks or anything right?”
“Do we need to have this discussion?”
“He’s gonna tell me how it is later anyway if I get him drunk enough.” She laughed at Kaldur’s scandalized face. “Goodnight fishsticks.” Jade called before saunter off to the guest room
Somehow Roy and Kaldur got to sleep. Facing each other they chatted for a bit before drifting off. They were as close as they could be without touching. It felt as if even an accidental toe touch under the covers would spark all sorts of madness after what happened in the shower.
“Ok ok...I’m glad you’re getting an escort this time, but who’s Blake again?”  Roy asked after a bite his eggs. For some reason they all felt like eating inside. Roy sat beside Kal on the sofa. He balanced his plate on his knees.
“Thomas Blake…” Jade explained. She sighed then turned around on the bar stool to face Roy. “Catman.”
“What the fuck,” Roy rolled his eyes and put his fork down. “No I’m not watching my language Kal,” he said, noticing Kal’s look. “I just had my daughter kidnapped recently. I’m not trusting her to some dude who dresses like a cat just because he’s my ex wife’s most recent fuc-” Roy stuffed his mouth with bacon in order to stop himself.
“I’ll be there too,” Jade protested. “Besides Talia won’t try again so soon. You worry too much.”
“I worry too much!” Roy’s voice rose. “I think I worry just the right amount.”
“I’ll be fine dad,” Lian interjected. “I can look out for myself.”
Roy scoffed.
Kaldur placed his hand onto Roy’s shoulder. “I’m sure it will be fine. She won’t be alone and will be watching out for trouble this time. You have to trust her, otherwise you’ll be making the same mistake our mentor’s did.”
“Can you not be right for once?” Roy asked with a shy smile. He placed his hand on top of Kal’s and squeezed.
Jade’s eye roll was audible.  “You two are gross, you know that?”   
There was a sharp knock on Kaldur’s door. The four of them looked to each other before Roy rose to get the door.
Dick Grayson looked shocked to see Roy at the door. Roy was just as surprised. “Hey?!”
“Hey!” Dick pulled Roy in for a quick hug, because somehow Dick grew up to be a hugger. Most folks in the community just tolerated it. “Kal in?”
“Uh yeah…” Roy stepped aside to let Dick in. Closing the door once he was inside.
“Hey,” Dick said again, this time more sedately. He waved to Kaldur a bit.
“Hello,” Kaldur said as he stood. He knew that word would spread after what happened last night, but he wasn’t expecting such a fast response. At least it was Dick looking for him and not Bruce.
“Can we talk?” Dick asked.
“Someone’s in trouble.” Jade said in a sing song voice. She grinned wider when all three men glared at her.
“Sure,” Kaldur said. Not that he was ready for a talk but there was no escaping it now. He lead Dick out to the courtyard.
Dick waited until the door was closed behind them before speaking. “You’re an idiot.”
“I suppose that is one way of looking at the situation.”
“You’re just having an extended vacation. We couldn’t find you and we looked. I thought you’d be in some safe room somewhere, but no, you’re just living the high life out in the open.”
“We? As in you had help looking but still couldn’t find me?” Kaldur asked.
Kaldur smirked a bit. “But I am the idiot?”
Dick narrowed his eyes. “I hate you right now.” He moved in for a hug. Kal didn’t bother stopping him and  just patted Dick’s back absently. Dick squeezed a little tighter. “When are you coming home?” He let go when Kaldur didn’t answer. “You are coming home right?”
“I will be in touch. But I haven’t decided when I am returning to the United States. Living here is quite comfortable.”
Dick made a face. “I can see that, You can always keep this one as a vacation home.”
“Not everyone can afford more than one home.”
Dick waved away his concerns. “Rent this one out then.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“You know...for a second I thought you may have died. And that we’d just never find your body or something.”
Dick’s tone was light, noncommittal, but Kaldur knew what he was thinking. Wally’s absence was still felt. “Apologies, I was selfish.”
“No...we were selfish. We pushed a lot on you. You more than deserved the down time.” He smiled ruefully. “So uh...Cheshire’s in your house?”
“Jade? Yes, somehow I have been roped into hosting an impromptu family reunion.”
Dick didn’t look convinced.
“They aren’t together if that is what you are worried about.”
“You sure.”
Dick’s eyebrow rose. “Anything I should know about?”
“No,” Kaldur kept his face as neutral as possible. It felt weird lying but it wasn’t if they were established established yet. “The biggest status change is me being back in the open.”
Dick squinted at him. “I hate that I can’t read you like the others. Maybe I should ask Roy?”
Kaldur smiled and crossed his arms over his chest. “Why so suspicious?”
“Not suspicious really...just. If you two finally got together then that would be a good reason for you to come home.” Dick looked sheepish. “Who am I kidding. Roy’s straighter than his arrows.”
The irony was too much to bear. Kaldur laughed loudly. “You say that but you expect him to be with me?”
“Yeah, but like, everyone has at least one exception. If Roy had one it would definitely be you.”
“I don’t believe that’s how human sexuality works.”
Dick shrugged. “ I was surprised to see him here but it fits. It would be him to find you first. You know?”
“Yeah...”Lying was getting harder and harder.
“Oh god. There’s a good story behind how you two bumped into each other isn’t there?” Dick grinned.  
Lian interrupted them by poking her head out of the door. “You aren’t going full Batman on him are you Uncle D?”
Dick laughed loudly. “You got it all wrong. I’m the one who takes orders from him.” He jerked his thumb at Kaldur. He walked up to Lian and ruffled her hair.
She batted him away.
“God you’re getting tall. Makes me feel old.” Dick said as he entered the house.
“You are old.” Lian called after him. She turned her attention to Kaldur. “He really didn’t yell at you right?”
Kaldur smiled reassuringly. “No, he did not yell.” He guided Lian back inside by her shoulders. By the time they made it back to the living room Dick had grabbed a plate of food and set himself up on the arm chair.
It was a weird feeling having so many people who knew so much about him in one room.  He’d have to get used to it again after being somewhat anonymous for so long but he was actually looking forward to it.
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So many people got their panties in a bunch over what I said that I couldn't possibly answer them individually and it'd just be too confusing. So I'm just gonna do it in one post if that's ok ;)
ANON: Nope, i'm not backtracking. You just don't know how to read and use context clues. I originally said that it's obvious that not everything he does is PR and that he isn't a puppet. The fact that harries would use this as a rebuttal against me whenever I point out H's stunts makes them a moron in my eyes. Why? Because, like I already said, it's obvious. It's a given and it also has nothing to do with the points that I made. Harries go into panic mode whenever someone brings up valid points that go against the perfect christ-like figure of Harry that they've created in their heads. When the truth is, he's nothing of the sort. He has no shame in doing whatever he feels needs to be done to gain more fame and attention. I used the words "morally compromising" later on because that's how I view it. I don't respect people who rely on cheap gimmicks to sell their music instead of working hard and improving their craft. I never have and I never will.                             
( @hesonlyangel ) ( @tenaciousgiver ): Sorry, but I don't believe that he deserved that SNL performance. Atleast, not at the scale that it was broadcast. There is no reason to have Harry Styles on as a musical guest during a coast to coast broadcasting (Canada included). Absolutely NONE. He had done nothing at that point to deserve a gig of such an enormous scale. Maybe you think so, but I sure as hell don't. I believe that a person should work hard for something and not just have it handed to them. That was his first performance ever as a solo artist and you could tell that he was nervous as hell. His team did him a great disservice for allowing him to go out there when it was clear as day that he was not ready. Definitely not a smart business move since that performance made it seem like he couldn't sing. The week long appearances that he had on the LLS were excessive and clearly he was only able to book that because of his friendship with James Corden. I don't feel that this was well deserved either because like i already said he hasn't done ANYTHING! His music isn't in high demand, the general public doesn't give a damn about what he's doing, so there was no need for it! If he would have done all of this in celebration of having a successful year as a solo artist, then fine. I would have no issue. But that's not what happened. He got them before he had achieved anything which leads me to believe that it was all bought and paid for, which I find disgusting. Those were the only appearances that I took issue with, everything else was totally fine.                                                                                   
TO EVERYONE: Can you guys stop acting like Harry has no control over what is said about him? He is managed by one of the most powerful families in the music industry and his label is an extension of SONY. He has a powerful team behind him, so you're kidding yourself if you think they aren't on top of everything that is said about him. Harry definitely wants the comparisons to be made between him and iconic legends, there's no doubt in my mind. His music isn't good enough to be successful on it's own so he's being hyped up in the press to fucking mount olympus to make up for it. That's why we keep getting beat over the head with it. He's been compared to Bowie, Prince, Adele, and someone even have the gaul to compare Harry & Mitch to Mick & Keith. It's not a coincidence either that these are all people he has admitted to looking up to and being inspired by. It's all empty praise that is only there to boost his ego and make him appear greater than he actually is. Harry doesn't seem to mind though, which to me comes off as very arrogant.                                                                            
( @harrold-s ): I don't conclude that he has a girlfriend from what an article says. What are you talking about? I just find it suspicious that during the entirety of his hiatus, all romantic rumors about him were silent, but the week of his album release he JUST so happens to be spotted with an alleged girlfriend (I.e. Tess Ward)? Sorry, but I don't believe in coincidences. I don't care if he has a girlfriend, I don't care if he has a boyfriend, hell I wouldn't care if he fucks mermaids and werewolves. I just have a problem with fake people who do things to try and create a spectacle to garner more fame and attention. He has a great voice and can somewhat play the guitar. He should focus on harnessing his skills as a musician and gaining attention that way instead of having to rely on cheap gimmicks 
That's the end of my rant. Feel free to reply ladies! Toodles!
                                                              -Sincerely, a former Harrie 💔
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escapingreality1992 · 4 years
Secret Pen Pals Ch. 9
Keira’s POV
           I got back in New York late on the 30th; around 11 p.m. I had booked the flight later so I could spend a little more time with my parents. Thankfully, they wanted to have a restful holiday and didn’t pester me about finding a new job or that “special” someone. Instead, they chose to spend the rest of the days relaxed and we watched movies that we had yet to catch up on.
           I took my daily jogs, always bringing Newt along for the journey. After I had received the letter from Steve, I found my mood boosted and never strayed from it, even when it was time to head to the airport. My parents hadn’t questioned who Steve was, I suppose deciding I would tell them in time, when I wanted to share the matter. I planned on telling them; they would be the first to know. I would tell the rest of the family when the right moment came along. Maybe it was a bit selfish, but it was time I did things for myself.
           I’d been letting people walk over me as if I resembled a doormat. Time to stand up for myself; time to speak up if something was bothering me. Hey, a New Year’s Resolution. I’m getting a head start on them. I laughed as I lugged my suitcase and tote bags up the stairs to my apartment. I normally didn’t struggle with it, but the presents I had received weighed the suitcase down. By the time I had reached my door and unlocked it, sweat had begun to form on my forehead. I panted and rolled the suitcase behind me, propping it against the side of the couch.
           I sat down for a few minutes to catch my breath, shrugging out of my jacket to cool off. Taking a final deep breath to calm the fire in my chest, I got up and started to unpack everything in the bedroom. I threw dirty clothes in my hamper by my closet to wash tomorrow, clean ones and new ones I hung in the closet or folded to place in drawers. I know what you’re thinking. Maybe I should have gone to bed, unpacked in the morning.
           I didn’t want to leave things until morning; I had plans for New Year’s Eve and needed extra time to prepare for it. I’d be going out with my friends Jana, Charlotte, and Lena. Believe me, if they so much as insulted me, I planned to tell them how it was. I refused to be hurt any longer. I thought about inviting Natasha out, but I wasn’t sure if she was a night owl like me and didn’t want to text her late at night. Maybe I would send out a text in the morning to see what her plans were.
           With each new item I unpacked, I found a place for it, emptying the suitcase in its entirety. Once cleared out, I shoved it under my bed and set to work on both tote bags full to the brim with new trinkets from my family. Some were placed on my nightstands, others organized on the bookcase or shelves in the living room. I dared not place anything on my desk; the space I designated for Steve because he was dear to my heart.
           I still had the doodle of the dog with the ball of yarn near my computer and the other doodles I framed, two of the four on the desk and the other two I hung on the wall. They helped to inspire me when I wrote or if I needed comfort. I fingered the charm on the bracelet he had gifted me, satisfied with how I had things in my bedroom. Sighing, I changed into pajamas and wiped off my makeup to get in bed. Sliding down, I turned off the lamp on my nightstand and set an alarm to prepare for New Year’s Eve.
  Steve’s POV
           I sat in the living room by a window reading a book when Tony walked in the room.
           “Meeting in ten minutes Cap,” he announced, walking out again. Confused, I marked my place in the book and walked into the kitchen to retrieve a bottle of water. We hadn’t had a major battle in a few days, relaxing to be prepared for the next one. Maybe we were about to be called in for one tonight. By Tony’s tone, I didn’t get that feeling, hence the confusion. As usual, I entered the conference room early and sat down in my usual spot, waiting for the others to file in. Tony had already seated himself at the head of the table, spinning around in his chair like a child, making me question the topic of this meeting.
           Natasha, Bucky, Wanda, Sam and Bruce were next to arrive, followed by Thor, Loki, Rhodey and Clint. Each took their seats, Sam and Bucky on either side of me; Natasha had switched to sit beside Wanda, their hands linked. Silence went on for a few minutes, causing impatience within me.
           “What’s this about Tony? Why did you call us in for a meeting? Is there trouble?” I asked, the impatience growing more intense.
           “Just a minute. We’re waiting for Strange,” he answered. I crossed my arms over my chest to keep from drumming my fingers on the table. I should have grabbed a pencil and some paper, I thought. A nudge in my side had me turning to face Bucky, who smiled.
           “Keira’s coming back tonight, isn’t she? Do you know what time?” he whispered. I shook my head. She hadn’t mentioned what time she’d be back, only that she’d be back today; I now had something to distract me from the growing boredom. After another few minutes went by, Strange arrived and sat down, prompting Tony to begin the meeting.
           “New Year’s Eve. What are we thinking? Party? How about drinks at our usual bar? Quiet night in?” he said. Really? This is what he called us in for? I thought, releasing a deep sigh.
           “Party. Here at the compound. The bar will be crowded as well as anywhere else. We can also avoid people who want to see the Avengers. We can relax here,” Sam chimed in. This comment received nods from everyone else.
           “Great. It’ll be just between those here. It’s much too late to get those who are away here in time. Strange, Wong’s invited too. Feel free to invite dates or friends you think might want to be here. Now let’s discuss themes…�� Tony said, going into more details. A vibration in my pocket alerted me to a text from Nat.
           ‘Want me to invite Keira? I have her number. You could finally meet her.’ It read. I looked up at her and shook my head. I typed out a message to send back.
           ‘I want to meet her alone. Talk to her by myself. I’ll introduce her to everyone during a better time.’ As much as I longed to see her, I still wanted it to be in a quiet place. I’d introduce Keira to my friends in time. I had my response to her in mind, but I didn’t want to compose it until another time; I wanted to try and wait until it got closer to the 18th. The meeting winded down, plans coming into place and we headed off to bed. I didn’t expect Keira and I to meet in just a few days’ time.
  Keira’s POV
           My alarm went off and I got up to start tidying up my apartment. I did laundry and vacuumed the floors until they were spotless. I set to taking down the decorations and placing them back in a spare closet where they’d stay until the next year. The laundry had to done in three separate loads, hanging and folding everything as it dried.
           I ran out to the grocery store and the ABC store to pick up meals for the week and supplies for later tonight once I got home from the wine bar with my friends. While out I sent a quick text to Natasha about coming out with us and shortly got a reply back.
           ‘Sorry. I can’t. I’ve made other plans. Want to get together later this week? I’ll introduce you to my fiancée,’ it read.
           ‘Sure. What about Saturday night? I’ll be happy to meet them. The more, the merrier I always say,’
           ‘Sounds good. Wanda is going to love you. See you Saturday. Would 8 be okay with you? We can meet at a bar on 6th. Unless you’d rather have a girls’ night in?’
           ‘8 is fine. I think a girls’ night in would be nice. I’m at the store now. Would you like me to pick up anything while I’m here?’
           ‘No, we can bring our own alcohol and snacks. If there are certain snacks you want, feel free to grab those. Since you’re hosting, that is. We’re not picky,’ I sent back ‘ok’ as my response, grabbing chips and brownie mix, deciding to add chocolate chips and marshmallows to it. I also threw in ingredients to make a feta garlic dip. Returning home, I unloaded the groceries and proceeded to get ready for my night out.
           I showered and wrapped myself in a towel, pulling out the dress I planned on wearing for tonight’s festivities. It was a black flapper-like dress and I paired it with a red leather jacket and black heels to complete the ensemble. In fact, it would go with my friends’ choices, all of us agreeing to be a little flashy tonight. It was about to be the 2020’s after all. It would be fitting to go out with a bang.
           I did my makeup a bit dark and smoky that might be enough to capture anyone’s attention. If only I’d been brave enough to ask for Steve’s number. I could have invited him out with me. He was the only one I wanted the attention from. Grabbing my keys, phone and purse, I exited my apartment taking a cab to the designated meeting place to hang out with my friends.
Thankfully, they were in a cheerful mood and celebrated the night without any insults. We stayed out together for three hours, going our separate ways; I head back to my apartment and celebrated the new year with a glass of champagne, indulging in spicy bloody marys until going to bed. I wouldn’t expect running into Steve at my favorite coffee shop.
  Steve’s POV
           Preparations were made for tonight’s party. We were having a simple feast; flatbreads, cheese plates and a multitude of dips. Wine would be provided ranging from whites and reds, rosés and champagne also included in the mix. If guests chose to have cocktails or beer, an open bar had all the items needed in order to fill their needs.
           I walked in from my usual run to see decorations of black and gold being put up and furniture being arranged to talk to each other. I made to go to my room when Tony asked me for my assistance while I was still in workout clothing. I helped to move couches and chairs, forming a complete circle; it resembled the round table from the legend of King Arthur.
           Funny, I never considered us knights. We were heroes, yes, but modern ones. Well, some of us were, Bucky and I both being from a different time; Thor and Loki from a completely different place. We moved the piano from the library in case those of us that played wanted to show off some skills. As everything came together, I was dismissed to get changed into a white, button up shirt and gray trousers. I combed my hair back in a slick back look, meeting my friends in the lounge. Natasha, who was wearing a gold, strapless dress, approached me, champagne flute in hand.
           “Keira invited me out tonight. I said no because of the party tonight. For a moment, I thought about giving her your number,” she told me.
           “You didn’t have to say no if you wanted to go out with her tonight. That’s way too tempting. I would have dropped everything to go out with her if she asked me. I’m trying to make it to the 18th. It’ll be worth it, though I’m still nervous about her reaction,” I said, grabbing a beer from the bar.
           “You shouldn’t be. I believe she’ll react well, even if she realizes who you are. My question is why you haven’t already gone over to her apartment. I know you’re being patient, but you’re also longing for her. Why not put an end to that longing?”
           “I’ve wanted to, but I don’t think barging in and kissing her is the answer. I think the reward for waiting will be breathtaking. And I still believe meeting in a place that’s quiet is ideal,” I said.
           “I see. You’re still a romantic Rogers. It’s sweet. You should know we’re hanging out Saturday night. Don’t give me that look. I can’t help it. She’s contagious in a good way. I’m getting used to the idea of becoming her friend. I’m bringing Wanda. It might be nice for her to have both of us as a friend,”
           “You’re unbelievable. But I love you for it. The three of you will be a good match as far as friendships go,” She laughed and we continued to talk among our friends, cheering when the new year rang in.
           “Here’s to new beginnings,” Tony said, raising his glass to toast everyone. New beginnings, indeed. My world was about to change, starting tomorrow.
  Keira’s POV            My alarm blared at me encouraging me to pull my body out of bed. I needed to go out for a run, energizing my mind for the day. I didn’t have much to do today and nobody to see. Work wouldn’t resume until the next day and I decided to grab coffee and maybe go see a movie or try something new. I could go ice skating, I thought. I was halfway through my run, only a half hour left, and my thoughts went to a chocolate chip muffin and an iced mocha for breakfast. I was determined to grab it after the jog; my favorite coffee shop wasn’t too far from my apartment.
           Finishing up, I went back to my apartment to grab my wallet, not bothering to change because I’d be going out in the afternoon anyway. New Yorkers didn’t care what you looked like as well. It was an easy way, about a mile and the atmosphere gave me motivation to keep coming back.
           The place was quieter than your average Starbucks and a little cheaper too. The aroma of it hit you as soon as you walked in; a blend of cinnamon and espresso, which created a nice smell in the building. It had shelves of little trinkets you could buy either to gift to somebody or to decorate your home with.
           There was also a small library with books people donated if they needed to. The furniture was vintage leather, dark in color, matched with midnight black tables, gold etching in the surfaces in a brilliant pattern. It was like you were taken back to the past while also being in a modern shop. There was wood paneling, the whorls in the wood making you feel as if you were on a pirate ship.
           I’m not sure most people even knew about it, but there were enough people who did so it would stay in business. I walked in and the barista all waved at me; I became a regular, plus some of them were clients of mine. They knew my order by heart and began making it before I reached the counter to pay for it. I didn’t know that among all the patrons sitting in the shop, the one person I longed to meet was among them. I didn’t know Steve Rogers was here until it happened. As soon as I received my iced mocha, I turned to sit down to wait on the muffin, I collided with someone.
  Steve’s POV
           New Year’s Day descended upon us and I still started the day with an early morning run. The route I took had me passing by a small coffee shop, which looked inviting. Normally, I wouldn’t have gone in it, settling for the coffee brewed at the compound. Today, I decided to do something new. I kept going, running until my workout came to an end; I returned to the compound and changed into a gray t-shirt, blue jeans, and a black jacket. I slipped on brown loafers, grabbed my wallet and a book, heading out to the coffee shop on my motorcycle.
           I needed quiet, a place to put my mind at ease. Read until my heart’s content. I entered, preparing for people to come up to me, to meet Captain America, but not one did. Most of the customers were engaged in reading the newspaper, working on their computers or indulging in a book of their own. I think some of the baristas recognized me, but they didn’t make a big show of it as I approached the counter.
           “What can I get you?” the girl behind one of the registers asked.
           “What do you recommend? It’s my first time in here,” I said.
           “We have a dark roast that’s popular with our customers. Or there’s an iced mocha that has extra chocolate in it. If you’re looking for breakfast items, the muffins are our best sellers. If you don’t want those, then the croissants are the next most people go for. Some of them come with jam in them of varying fruits. It just depends on what you’re in the mood for,”
           “I’ll take the dark roast, medium-sized and a…banana nut muffin,” I said. She rang up my order, asking my name out of policy reasons and I went to sit down at one of the tables. I opened my book and within five minutes my order was ready. While reading, I ate my muffin and sipped on the coffee. I lost track of time and didn’t realize the small amount of liquid sitting in the bottom of my cup had turned cold.
           I was too engaged in my book that I didn’t notice the door to the shop open or the woman who entered it. If I had, I wouldn’t know that the woman who came in was the one I’d been writing to for the past several months. I didn’t notice the baristas wave to her like they knew her from past visits. I took a sip of my coffee, grimaced at the coldness and got up to purchase a new cup.
           I had decided I wanted to stay a little longer instead of returning to the compound and wasting precious time training or being in my room, planning on getting refills for the next couple of hours. I didn’t pay attention to where I was going and didn’t see a woman turn to go sit down. The result of both of our actions caused us to collide…hard. Hard enough to knock her cup into her body and spill the coffee onto her shirt; mine also opened out onto her, both cups and ice hitting the floor.
           I heard her gasp as she took a step back from me. My head snapped open when it happened to see what a mess I caused. She was dressed in a white tank top and olive-green jogger pants, the same shade, which matched her eyes. Her long, light brown hair had been pulled up into a ponytail and none of the liquid had gotten into it.
           “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean…I didn’t see you. Let me get some napkins. I’m really sorry. It’s all my fault. I should’ve paid attention to where I was going,” I said, frantically grabbing nearby napkins to dry her stained shirt.
           “That’s alright. No harm done. I’m just glad I ordered iced coffee. It wouldn’t have been good if it had been scalding hot,” she said, taking the napkins from me. Our fingers brushed and my breath hitched as a shock went through my skin.
           “I am sorry. I got both of our coffees on you. And you just ordered it. Your shirt is stained. I apologize. I-,”
           “It’s fine. Really. I’m not upset about it. I planned on changing anyway. The stains will wash out. No big deal. You can stop apologizing. I guess I should have looked up instead of walking to the tables,” she said, placing her hand on my wrist. Her eyes flashed up at me and my mouth went dry. They were familiar, but not really. It made me think of Keira and I had to clear my throat to say something.
           “At least let me pay for another coffee for you. I was already going to get another one for myself anyway. What did you order?” I offered. Damn, she’s making me nervous. Why do I feel hot all of a sudden? I feel like I know her from somewhere, I thought.
           “Sure. Thank you. I had a medium iced mocha,” she answered, removing her hand to wipe off her shirt a little more. I felt bad because it now revealed her sports bra from where it had spilled on her.
           “Take my jacket. It might cover up the stain,” I said, shrugging it off and handing it to her. She took it and slipped it around her shoulders, the size too big but helpful to hide the giant stain.
           “Thank you. Not to be weird, but it smells good. Whatever cologne you wear, keep wearing it,” she told me, rolling up the sleeves.
           “Keira Macpherson,” one barista called out. Chills went down my spine. The name, the girl I had been writing to had been called for.
           “That’s me. I was waiting on that chocolate chip muffin. I’ll be waiting over there,” she pointed to a table by a window and glanced me. “Hey, are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” she said, placing a hand on my arm. The same electricity went through my body as she did so.
           “I’m fine. Uh, I’ll bring it to you. Would you mind if I joined you?” I said.
           “I don’t mind at all. It’s weird. I feel like I know you,” she said walking past me. My Keira. The woman I was falling in love with was the one I just spilled coffee on. I purchased another dark roast and another iced mocha for her, walking over to the table where she was seated. My hands were shaking. She noticed, the same olive-green eyes she told me about, appearing concerned.
           “Are you sure you’re okay?” She asked, taking the mocha from my hand.
           “Yeah. Your name is Keira? Keira Macpherson?”
           “That’s me. Forgive me. I just realized I haven’t asked you your name. I’d like to know the person who accidentally spilled coffee onto me. Though, I figured out who you are. I recognize you from the news. You’re Captain America. I don’t actually know your real name, however,” she said, leaning in and whispering the last part. She had a twinkle of amusement in her expression and tone, a hint she was laughing at me.
           “My name is Steve Rogers,” I noticed her smile falter as she registered the name. I tried not to wince. This wasn’t the reaction I wanted. “Nice to meet you,” I said, tensing waiting for her to say something.
           “You’re Steve Rogers? You’re the man I’ve been writing to this entire time? But you’re…”
           “Captain America. I’m painfully aware of that. It’s what I kept from you. I wanted to tell you, believe me, but I-,”
           “You were frightened. Of how I’d react. I understand. I know Captain America signed up for the event, but I didn’t know Gloria would assign me to you. How interesting,” I nodded, waiting for the rest to sink in. I expected her to get excited as all my fans did, to ask me all about the Avengers and what it was like being one. I expected her to get up and shout to the world she was here with Captain America and how she got to write to him. I was afraid she’d turn away from the man behind the mask.
           My expectation never came. Instead a smile, small and genuine, stretched across her lips. It was gentle enough to make my heart hammer in my chest, yet powerful enough to put an end to my fear.
           “You’re my Steve? The man I’ve been waiting for all these months, for all my life. The one I’m falling in love with,” she said. She hesitated to take my hand, but did it anyway, stroking the back of it with her thumb. The tension I’d been holding released, a calmness spread over me as I returned her smiled. This is the reaction I’d been wanting. For her to see me as I am.
           “You’re not disappointed?” I asked, closing my fingers around hers.
           “No, I’m not. I’m happy. Happy to finally meet you. I’ve wanted to see you for so long. I’ve wanted to feel your touch as I have it right now,” Keira replied.
           “I’m glad. If it’s no trouble, I’d love to talk to you. Alone. Unless you’d rather stay here. I want to spend the rest of the day with you. Get to know you. And then I’d like to ask if you’d like to go on a date with me. Is there some place we can go to do exactly that?” I said.
           “My apartment isn’t too far from here. We can go there. Unless you think it’s too forward,” she answered. I squeezed her hand, watched as a blush colored her cheeks.
           “It’s perfect,” I said. We got up, taking our coffees with us and began the journey to her apartment. We still held hands, talking along the way. In the few short moments it took to get to her home, we had also began a journey into the rest of our future together.
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