#sorry jason hope you can forgive me pal :)
What It Takes to Survive
Whumptober Day 19: Bitten
(Yes I hate zombie apocalypse AUs because they’re sad, yes I’m writing one anyway. It’s okay when I do it)
Jason: man i sure do love having two hands :)
Me, halfway through sawing his arm off: what
(Basically it's a zombie apocalypse AU and Jason gets bitten so Steph has to cut his arm off. Lots of fun for the whole family!)
Trigger Warnings: Amputation, Gore, uhhhh idk general blood and zombie stuff
“What about fish?” “What about ‘em?” “You know. The virus,” Steph says. She taps the end of her baseball bat against the pavement as she walks. “Could a fish turn?” Jason makes a face. “Who would wanna bite a fish?” He shoves aside an abandoned tire with his foot. They watch it trundle down the cracked sidewalk ahead of them before rolling to a stop and falling on its side. Steph shrugs, conceding the point. “I guess it’s more of a ‘science for the sake of science’ kind of experiment. Unless it was bitten by another fish in the wild, but that would still require someone to bite the first fish.” “I don’t think fish have teeth.” “Sure they do. They gotta chew those flakes somehow.” The street ahead of them is deserted, as is the street behind them. And in every other direction. Today it’s Steph and Jason’s turn to scavenge for supplies, which means it’s their turn to venture into the zombie-infested wasteland that used to be Gotham City. Usually they stick closer to their hideout than this, but Duke has been sick for over a week now. Dick is pretty sure it’s just an infection, but Duke won’t get better without antibiotics.
“Maybe it’s in the water supply,” Jason muses. “Y’know, a zombie decays in a lake, gets its germs in the water. Fish catch the virus…” He spreads his hands. “Zombie fish.” “I think it would be cool. Like keeping a pet shark, but smaller and more deadly.” Steph stops at the edge of the deserted parking lot. She holds a hand over her eyes, blocking them from the sun so she can read the unlit sign of the pharmacy. “You sure this place will have something?” “Nope,” Jason says. “Let’s go.” A few zombies mill mindlessly around the lot. Careful not to be spotted by the horde, Steph stands on top of a tipped-over shopping cart. She lifts up on her toes and scans the outside of the building. “There,” she says, pointing. “They won’t see us if we go in through there.” A window has been smashed at the northern side of the store, out of sight of any zombies who still have eyes. Jason lets out a curse when he follows her gaze to the broken window. “Hopefully the last scavengers left some stuff for us.” They sneak through the lot quietly, Steph gripping her baseball bat for dear life and Jason swinging his crowbar like he's already gearing up to start bashing skulls. They make it to the window without being noticed, mercifully. Steph gives Jason a boost. She grimaces at the smear of dirt his sneaker leaves on her palm. He peers in through the window. “Clear,” he whispers back to her. He climbs in, wriggling through the gap. In a way, it’s lucky that they’ve all been on the brink of starvation since the virus first hit, or this might have been difficult. Jason turns back to pull Stephanie up behind him. She lands soundlessly on the linoleum, instincts bared and at the ready. They stay silent, being wary of every dark corner and hidden nook where a zombie could be lurking. After a sweep of the place comes up without results, Steph lets out a breath. “I think we’re good.” Jason nods. “I’ll look for the meds. Try and scavenge whatever you can carry.” He heads for the pharmacy at the back of the store. The aisles have been just about picked clean of anything useful, but Steph makes do. Some expired-but-still-good gummy worms for Tim. A three-in-one puzzle set for Cass. Some nail polish for Dick and new crayons for Damian. Steph gets basic toiletries and food, along with some cheap novels that didn’t make the cut to be in a regular bookstore, but they’ll be enough to keep the group entertained on quiet nights. Absently, Steph wonders if any of the authors are still alive. If they are, do they still write? Is there a point to it if the majority of their audience is either zombiefied or dead? The end of the world makes even the little things seem pointless when she thinks about it too hard, so she doesn’t. Instead, Steph thinks about how relieved Dick will be when she and Jason return in one piece. She thinks about Duke’s smile and about teaching Tim how to do a cartwheel. She thinks about warm nights on a bare mattress with Damian on one side of her and Cass on the other. It’s enough to keep her moving. Steph is in the middle of ripping open a box of semi-stale crackers when she hears a crash at the back of the store. She stands from her crouch, the box slipping from her fingers. She waits. There is no telltale sound of zombies shuffling over from outside, drawn in by the noise, so she risks voicing a quiet, “Jay? Everything okay?” She tightens her grip on her bat. Then she hears it. Growling. “Jay!” Steph abandons her supplies and races for the back of the store, bat up and primed to swing. She bursts in on Jason grappling with a zombie outside the open door of what looks like a long-abandoned office. Two more stumble out—probably shut away in the office by the last survivors who came through here. Should’ve checked the office. Hesitation means death in this new world, so Steph doesn’t hesitate. She bashes her bat through the decaying skull of the zombie closest to Jason’s unprotected back. Brain matter splatters on the floor. Another one claws at Steph’s hair, yanking her back with its rotting fingers. She smashes
her bat into its chest to knock it back. “Any others I should know about?” she asks breathlessly. Jason doesn’t answer, too busy trying not to get bitten or gutted. His opponent snaps its jaws at him, perilously close to nipping skin. He shoves it back with his arms and jams a screwdriver through its eye. The zombie falls to the ground, lifeless for the second time. Steph takes hers out soon after. She wipes blood off her face with her sleeve, panting. There’s blood spatter on her purple hoodie. “We should really come up with a signal for next time one of us is getting attacked by zombies. I like ‘pumpernickel.’ Did you find the meds?” Jason doesn’t seem to hear her. He’s staring blankly at his arm, caught in a trance. His skin has gone ghostly pale. Steph’s stomach sinks down through her body, through the floor, down, down to the center of the earth and out the other side. “Jason?” His name comes out like a denial. He doesn’t answer. Steph reaches for him, but Jason stumbles back at once, flinging a hand out to stop her. “D-Don’t touch me, Steph.” His eyes are wild. Scared. Steph doesn’t want to look because she knows what she’ll find, and then there’s no going back. But she has to. The first thing she sees is the orange pill bottle clenched in his hand. Then the bite—bleeding and jagged and real. The zombie tore into a spot halfway down his forearm, tearing through the muscle and leaving a gaping wound in the shape of teeth. The skin on the edges of it is already turning a sickly red. “You—you need to get out of here,” Jason tells her. He holds his arm out almost like, if he keeps the bite far enough from his body, it can’t poison him. “No,” Steph says, her voice hoarse. “Steph.” “I said no. Maybe you’re still okay. Maybe it’s not—” She can’t finish. They both know it is. “We’re out of time,” Jason says. He tosses her the medicine and his bag of supplies. Lastly, he hands her the crowbar. “Go for the head, and then get the fuck out of here as fast as you can. Tell the others I’m sorry.” The crowbar feels enormous in Steph’s hands. Cold. Deadly. “I’m not killing you, Jason.” “Steph, please.” Jason’s voice breaks. He’s crying almost as much as she is. “I don’t want to be one of them.” Steph still doesn’t move, so Jason steps back, out of her reach. “Fine.” He takes the backup pistol from his waistband. “Then I’ll fucking do it.” He raises the gun to his head. “Jay, wait.” Steph seizes his wrist before he can pull the trigger. “Please, we can—there has to be something we can do.” “I’m bit, Steph. There’s no coming back from this.” “Bullshit.” She wrenches the gun from his hand. “It’s only been a few minutes. Maybe...maybe it hasn’t reached your bloodstream yet. Maybe we can still save you.” Every victim turns within four hours of being bitten. There’s no way to know when you’ve reached the point of no return, but Steph isn’t losing another family member. Not without a fight. “You don’t know it’ll work,” Jason says weakly. His arm trembles in her grasp. “Well, I’m not going back there to tell them all that you—” Steph chokes back a sob. She tightens her hold on his wrist like she can keep him tethered here in the land of the living through sheer will. “Just let me try. Please, Jason. We can’t lose you.” Jason is silent for a moment. His eyes are glossy, turquoise pools tainted with fear. “If I turn…” “I know. I will. Just let me try.” Jason bites his lip. Steph tries not to imagine those teeth biting through flesh, mindless and hungry. “You’ll need a knife. Something—something sturdy. It’s gotta cut through bone.” A shiver rattles down Steph’s spine. God. They’re really doing this. Steph tries to steady her wobbly nerves; she won’t be of any use to Jason if she’s a terrified mess. He needs her to be strong right now. “Sit down,” Steph says, jumping into action-mode. “I’m going to grab the rest of the supplies.” She stares him down, tucking his pistol into her own waistband. “Don’t do anything stupid until I get back.” Read as: Don’t try to kill yourself or I’ll drag you back from the dead
and skin you alive. She leaves Jason in the back office and goes to fetch her things. She makes quick work of it, grabbing whatever additional supplies she can get her hands on because once the arm is off, it’s going to be a race against the clock to make it back home before he bleeds out. Not to mention the very real possibility of him succumbing to infection on the way. Don’t think about it, Steph tells herself as she shoves as many ravioli cans into her bag as she can fit. Dick and Barbara will be able to handle everything from there. All she has to do is cut the arm off and get Jason to the hideout. She just needs to be strong until then. After she has everything packed, Steph locks and blocks every entrance. They can’t afford another attack now. She starts for the back of the store, then, as an afterthought, doubles back for the novelty bottles of booze by the gift section. She closes the office door behind her when she returns, relieved to find Jason sitting on the floor, still in one piece. The infection has already spread, turning the skin an inch around the wound pale green. Steph kneels beside him and dumps her spoils on the floor: peroxide, gauze, and her biggest knife. She eyes his bag full of pill bottles. “Painkillers?” Jason shakes his head. Steph doesn’t ask if that means he couldn’t find any, or if he’s unwilling to take drugs even now, when she’s about to… “I could knock you out,” Steph offers. “You can’t drag me back yourself.” Which is true, but Steph still feels awful that she can’t take away his pain. “Drink this,” she instructs, shoving the alcohol at him. Jason snorts. “S’not gonna do much.” But he unscrews the top of the first bottle and starts chugging. With trembling hands, Steph takes off her belt and cinches it tightly above Jason’s elbow. He winces. “I don’t know if I should pour the peroxide on before or after,” Steph admits. “After, I guess. Not much you can do for it now.” He means it jokingly, but Jason sounds as petrified as she is. “Could be worse,” Steph offers. “You could’ve been a lefty.” Jason doesn’t laugh. Steph tightens the tourniquet again. She’s stalling, she knows. She wants to go back to five minutes ago when the world was ruined but they were still okay. “Here, lie down.” She pushes gently on his shoulder so he’s lying on his back, the infected arm stretched out beside him. Steph takes a deep breath. She picks up the knife. “Wait, wait,” Jason says, grabbing her arm. His palm is slick with sweat. He’s shaking so badly it’s hard to get the words out. “Outside. They’ll hear.” He’s right. It’s unlikely that this place is soundproof, and the last thing they need is more zombies coming for them when Jason is already incapacitated. Steph takes the scarf she grabbed for Barbara and folds it up the best she can. “Bite down on this,” she instructs him. Jason hesitates. “Promise me you’ll do it if this doesn’t work.” “I promise.” Jason takes the fabric between his teeth and lies back, all of him shaking. Steph lifts the knife again. She can’t prolong this any longer. “Want me to count to three?” Jason shakes his head, closing his eyes. “Okay,” she says. She lays the knife against Jason’s arm, two inches above the bite. Jason flinches at the cold metal. They haven’t even reached the worst part yet. “I’m sorry,” Steph says. She presses down. Jason strains to keep himself quiet for all of five seconds. Even through the gag, his screams ring in Steph’s ears and echo around the small room. She saw faster, knowing it’s only a matter of time before the zombies outside hear and come to investigate. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry—” She doesn’t stop cutting, not even when she hits bone. Jason howls, tears streaming down his face. His legs kick out desperately. His other arm flails, nails scraping on the linoleum as they scramble for something to hold onto. This part is harder. Steph has to lean her full weight on the knife until, finally, there’s a resounding crack and Jason screams. “Okay, okay, it’s over,” Steph says when she’s made it all the way through.
Shit, there’s so much blood. How much blood loss is too much? She frantically pours on the peroxide, cursing her limited fourteen-year-old knowledge. Jason whines through the makeshift gag. Steph wraps layer after layer of gauze around the bloody stump. She has nothing to stitch it with and no way to cauterize it, so the tourniquet will have to hold until they get back to base and the others can take over. She finishes wrapping the wound the best she can. “Alright, I think—I think it’s done.” She shoves the bloody supplies into her bag. “C’mon, Jay, we need to go. You lost a lot of blood.” Jason doesn’t move. He’s breathing raggedly, fresh tears sliding down his sweaty cheeks. Steph tugs on his remaining arm, urging him to sit up. “Come on, Jason. Worst part’s over. We have to get back to the others.” “Just go,” Jason whimpers, his voice shuddering. Steph wants to scream at him. “No. Get up. We’re going back to the hideout, and you’re gonna be fine.” Whether you like it or not. Jason shakes his head. He’s too pale already. How much blood has he lost? How much does he have left? “Jason Peter Todd,” Steph snaps. She grabs the front of his bloodied shirt, trying to pull him upright. “You don’t get to do this. I’m not letting you lie down here and die. What about the others, huh? Dick and Cass and Damian, what about them? They need you, Jason. They need us to get back alive, but I can’t do that if you don’t get the fuck up.” She pulls harder, a sob punching its way out of her lungs. “Please.” Jason looks up at her, tears trailing down to his temples. Finally, he nods. Steph bullies him up to his feet, keeping a firm hold on him when he sways. She shrugs both of their bags over her shoulder and supports Jason’s weight on her other side. “See? We got this. You’re going to be fine. We’re both going to be fine.” Please, she sends up to the universe. Don’t let it all be for nothing. Steph makes an effort not to think about the severed arm on the floor as they shuffle out of the office, a tangled creature of boy and girl. It’ll probably be picked clean by zombies before morning, not unlike a chicken wing at a Superbowl party. Steph’s already unsteady gag reflex threatens to give, so she focuses on the task at hand. “It’s just three blocks. We can make it,” she says, more for herself than for Jason, whose eyelids droop dangerously as they walk. “We’ll make it.” It’s a long walk—longer than three blocks should be. But Jason is weak from pain and blood loss, so a slow stumble is already more than Steph can ask for. The gauze is staining through with red. Steph is the only thing keeping Jason’s barely conscious form upright at this point, but she doesn’t dare quit. She can’t.
“Thank god,” Tim says, throwing open the door of their disheveled excuse of a house, tucked in one of the few relatively safe areas of Gotham left. “I thought you two were—” That’s when Tim sees Jason’s arm, or lack thereof, and visibly pales. “Oh, crap.” “They’re back?” Dick appears behind Tim, nearly knocking the kid over in his haste. He’s grinning, but it quickly melts into horror. “Jason!” Dick rushes forward, supporting Jason’s other side. He helps Steph hobble him into the house. Jason’s head lolls forward dangerously. “What the hell happened?” “Bite,” is all Steph says. She can’t remember the last time she was so drained. “Had to cut it off. He’s lost a lot of blood.” “Jesus,” Dick breathes. He shouts into the house, “Barbara! Get the medical kit!” Everything after that happens in blurry, distorted flashes. Getting Jason to the room farthest from the rest, in case he still turns despite Steph’s efforts. Handing over the bag of pills to Barbara with a shaking hand that makes the bottles rattle like a thousand snakes. Backing out of the room while Dick and Barbara do their best to get the bleeding under control, preparing one of the bags of O-negative they scavenged from a fruitful run to the abandoned hospital last week. Steph doesn’t know how long she stands there outside the door, staring blankly at the cracked wood in front of her. “Steph?” Blue, blue eyes appear in front of hers, brimming with concern. “Are you…?” Tim’s eyes flick down to Steph’s shirt and hands. She’s covered in Jason’s blood. She feels it on her knees, crusted and sticky. She feels the rusty flakes between her fingers. Steph can’t hold in the sob that bursts through, having been held back for what feels like an eternity. She throws her arms around Tim’s neck and cries into his shoulder. He doesn’t complain about the blood that’s surely staining his own clothes. “It’s okay, Steph,” Tim tells her, holding her tight. “Barbara said he’ll be okay. You did the right thing. I know he won’t hold it against you.” Steph can’t respond, so she buries her face in his neck and cries harder instead.
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zambie-trashart · 4 years
Land of the Free and Home of the Wayne pt 10
ao3 whole story
Summary: Alya figures out that Lila is a liar and Lila sets out a personal attack at Jon to weaken her opponents.
Marinette sat on her bed looking up at the ceiling wondering how she had gotten herself into this mess and what she did to deserve everything that was happening to her. Lila was becoming more powerful, Damian was becoming more intriguing, and this trip was becoming a disaster. There was no way that she would make it to the end of the trip, she had to find a way to get home, there was no other option. She heard a knock on her door and opened it to see Alya standing there nervously wringing her wrists. Marinette tried to close the door but Alya put a hand out trying to stop it.
"I know the truth, you were right," Alya said, making Marinette freeze and Alya slipped inside the room.
"You'd have to be more specific, I'm right about 99.9% of the time," Marinette said sitting back down on her bed.
"About everything with Lila, she doesn't know the prince, she never saved Jagged's cat cause he doesn't have one and never did, she isn't dating Damian Wayne cause I just saw them threaten her down the hallway, everything she said sounded ridiculous but it sounded cool. I shouldn't have wanted to be friends with a liar like that and I'm sorry. I just hope that you can try to forgive me," Alya said sitting at the foot of her bed and Marinette sighed.
"Could I just have some time? I need to think," Marinette said and Alya got up and left the room. If Alya knew about the lies then what's to say that the rest of the class wouldn't turn on her too? Alya would be an outcast but a well-resourced outcast. Marinette's thoughts were interrupted by another knock on the door. She got up and flung the door open. "What?" she asked before really looking at who was there and seeing Jon's shocked face and wide eyes made her immediately apologize.
"No, no it's fine Marinette, how are things?" Jon asked, walking in awkwardly.
"Fine," Marinette said just as awkward.
"I'm not going to beat around the bush, I know that you're the pen pal that won the contest raffle thing to get here and I'm so happy that it's you and not one of the other girls who think that they would go on some romantic double date with Lila and Damian who aren't really a couple, in fact, Damian kind of hates Lila... a lot," Jon rambled and Marinette just smiled at him.
"Makes sense that it would be you, you are a friend of the Waynes," Marinette said, smiling slightly at him.
"Glad we got that out there, but that also means that I know how long Lila's been bullying you and as much as I hate to end the fun that Damian, Mar'i, and I have been having, I think we should at least tell Bruce or Dick cause they could put an end to it," Jon said and Marinette sighed before straightening up.
"What do you mean by fun?" Marinette asked, wondering what he was up to.
"Just some pranking and threatening, it's not that abnormal in this house," Jon said and Marinette got up and opened her door going to walk out of her room but Lila was standing there and Jon was rushing over to Marinette's side in an instant.
"Wow, I should have known that you were faking being gay, what was it, just a phase or something? I can't believe it was a brat like her who finally made you realize that you were faking your pathetic excuse of homosexuality. At least now you won't have to burn in hell," Lila said flipping her hair and walking away.
Jon stared after her eyes wide, not breathing. It was a hard hit but not an unfamiliar hit either. Girls had tried to ask him out all the time wondering when he might get over his "homosexual phase" and started showing more and more skin. His friend Kathy was the only one who understood what he was going through since she was a closet lesbian in a relationship with another closeted girl in the school. The words just a phase stung.
Marinette started shaking her friend as he blinked fast trying to will tears away. "Jon?" Marinette asked, cupping his face to look into his eyes.
"I have to go," Jon said, running out of the room and to the living room with the entrance to the batcave. Surprisingly everyone was in there but Bruce. Jon started crying and Dick and Kory rushed over to him as he collapsed in their arms and they led him over to the couch.
"You're not really gay, just give me one night and I can prove it," a girl that Jon had never seen before came up to him.
"Yeah, not really interested plus I'm like thirteen," Jon said trying to push her away without hurting her.
"Really, you look so much older," the girl said getting even closer into his personal space. "Are you sure that one night couldn't hurt you?" Jon now knew who this girl was, she was the senior that hooked up with everyone in the school. Jon pushed her back and watched as she drunkenly fell to the floor.
Jon looked up into Jason’s eyes as he yelled trying to get his attention. “What the fuck did this bitch do to you?” Jason asked and Damian sighed.
“There’s no way that she can stay here anymore,” Dick said pulling out his phone to call Bruce down to the room but Jon ran over taking it.
“What the hell kid?” Jason said pulling out his phone.
“Sh-she can’t go a-anywhere until we p-prove Marinette i-innocent,” Jon said, wiping away fresh tears.
“We could always introduce her to Clark,” Mar’i said from the corner. The bats started talking about a plan to get Clark to take Lila down a level and Jon snuck out of the room and down the hall to his favorite window sitting on the large ledge curling a leg close to his body. The stars looked especially clear and he became focused on the solar systems and planets that he had visited until he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, what are you up to?” Adrien asked standing next to him.
“Just thinking, people think that I’m just going to grow out of being gay like an old pair of shoes and start liking girls. It’s like they don’t trust my judgment,” Jon said looking back out the window chin finding its way back to his knee.
“Here, stand up,” Adrien said, offering a hand. “You will never be just some phase to me,” Adrien said lifting Jon’s chin to look in his eyes.
“Good, 'cause you aren’t either.” Adrien’s eyes widened slightly for a second before smiling down at Jon.
“Is it ok if I…” Jon pulled Adrien’s head down pressing their lips together. They stayed like that for a few seconds just feeling the other’s presence before hands shifted to hips and shoulders breathing each other in. Jon lowered his heels back down to the ground, breaking the kiss laughing slightly as Adrien tried to chase his lips downward.
“I’d say it’s pretty ok with me,” Jon said resting his head on Adrien’s shoulder holding him tight.
Mar’i peered from around the corner holding her phone to take pictures for Kagami.
Kagami: I’m surprised it took this long.
Mar’i: Only two more idiots left.
Kagami: I can not wait for our chat Sunfire.
Mar’i: Me too Kagami.
JPS:  @wannajointhecrabcult @loveswifi @ive-tumbled-down-a-rabbit-hole @liquid-luck-00 @mochegato@thatonecroc@mochinek0 @toodaloo-kangaroo @moonspiritwolf1 @ranger-gothamite @crystalangelluna @professionalfangirl1738
Tag list:  @abrx2002@finallyaniguana@danielslilangel@chocolateherringtacofan@animegirlweeb @fleur-de-jasmin-fdj@pawsitivelymiraculous@justcourttee@ayamestudios@greenteacz@thornalchemist23@vixen-uchiha@readeracctagmepls @tomanyfandomsinmymind @t1dwarrior-of-earth @michaelshadow7779 @i-is-mysterious
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contrabandhothead · 4 years
Hi! Do you think I could get a ship please? I’m 5’6” and have blue eyes and curly brown hair. I’m Syrian-American and working to join the Marines after HS. 💪 I’m competitive and energetic, and my mom says she can’t keep up with me. I know I can be overbearing sometimes but I can’t help it, I’m passionate! >:( My sense of humor is chaotic, I’ll laugh at anything. Also, hiking is how I relax. I love being part of a team, and my family, friends, and country mean everything to me. Thanks, be safe.
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Brad Colbert
yes i’m shipping you with the Iceman and i promise it’s a good ship so don’t @ me like that
you guys are like the most athletic/adventurous couple ever
basically you’re that one athletic couple that everyone wants to be
you and brad go on trips ALL THE TIME when you’re stateside
camping, hiking, scuba diving, road trips, etc.
welcome back to me having a total height difference kink... hi i’m short haha
brad is significantly taller than you (he’s literally 10 inches taller than you-)
Brad isn’t one to show PDA, but he’s very affectionate when you’re alone together
he’ll rest his head on top of yours, spoon, hold your hand, etc. (he grumbles about it but he secretly loves it)
Brad lovesss that you are joining the marines, it gives you both common ground and helps you understand just how important his career is to him
it can get a bit hectic, especially with you both having such busy schedules, but you both manage to put off a few hours a week to spend together
Brad loves how energetic you are, it keeps him on his toes and helps him live life a little more on the edge
he loves how passionate you are about things, but sometimes it can cause unnecessary arguments
your overbearing tendencies can be sort of a double edged sword
on one hand, it helps him make sure he’s taking care of himself and it also teaches him to put himself before others when necessary
however, it can cause a lot of arguments
it’s no secret that Brad can have quite the icy temper, and this can cause a few days of complete silence between you two
both of you always forgive each other, admit your mistakes, and move on
Brad loves how chaotic your humor is, it compliments him well and he’s always secretly trying to make you laugh
if Brad sees you getting ready to go on a hike after a long day, he’ll join you
unless you make it clear that you don’t want him there, he’s coming with you
he let’s you rant about the day while you both follow the trail, occasionally offering his own advice and weighing in on your decisions if necessary
Brad’s not always very open with his feelings, and he’s very insecure after his past relationship
just comfort him in return every once in a while and he should be fine
how you two met
you two actually met through a mutual friend, our good old pal Tony Espera
Tony had recently been introducing you to some of the members of Bravo Two during the party he was hosting, as he wanted to get you acquainted with some of the other Recon Marines before everyone stepped off
meeting Brad had been... an experience to say the least
at first, Brad had been very cold (i guess that nickname came from somewhere), barely even giving you a second glance at the Recon party
however, this changed when the majority of the people there had to go home and get some shut eye, so the only people left were you, Brad, Tony’s family, Nate, and a very drunk Ray
Ray was... not in good shape
he had decided to play beer pong against Doc Bryan (never a good move) which had resulted in him losing 4 times before he actually won because he refused to stop playing until he beat him
afterwards, he had decided to do Jell-O shots with Walt, Jason, and Q-Tip, who were all equally as drunk
thus, you were now stuck in the clusterfuck that was Ray throwing up all over the sidewalk as you helped (more like dragged) Ray to his car with Brad
you and Brad had begun to warm up to each other as the night went on, especially when you were the only person to get Ray to STOP drinking
plus Ray had thrown up on your shoes, and Brad felt pretty bad about that because he’s Ray’s designated babysitter
as you shut the passenger door behind Ray, you turned to Brad
“Are you sure you don’t want me to help you take him home? It’s partially my fault that he’s so drunk anyways, I dared him to drink more tequila than me....”
surprisingly, Brad laughed. “Nah, we’ll be fine. This isn’t the first time I’ve had to take him home drunk. I’m sorry about your shoes though, he normally has better aim.”
you grimaced, but a smile began to slowly spread over your face
“I’m sure you can make it up to me some other time!”
I’m so sorry this took so long!!!! I hope this was at least good enough for you, but I had a fun time writing it. Thanks so much for submitting your request, I hope you have a lovely week! 💕
~ Ky
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ardentlythieving · 6 years
First of all if ur reading this, merry christmas if u celebrate it and happy holidays if u don’t!!! Y’all are amazing people and I hope this time of year is a good one for you, and if it’s not I hope you find the time to do smth nice for urself!!
Dam this year has been crazy tho. I mean if ur dash is anything like mine you’ve prob seen all those posts talking about how long this year has felt re: the sheer amount of stuff happening. But on a more individual level there’s some stuff I wanna say I guess so in no particular order here is my Thoughts™ coz there’s been some good, some bad, and some weird this year. 
So, this year has been a kind of wild one for me in terms of things changing. The big one being that I started university and kinda lost contact with most of my pals from high school. All goods tho, coz I met some amazing new people thru tabletop gaming who idk if I’m at the friends point with yet, but I defo wanna try and get there coz they’re cool as heck. It’s true what people say that starting university is a big change coz DAM things have been wild and hopefully are gonna keep being wild next year espc coz one of my online friends is moving down to start at my university and I’m super excited to meet her in person!! Speaking of meeting people in person I finally got to hang out with @chipmunkwithwings at her place and that was one of the highlights of my year for sure! She’s a super cool person and that week was just utterly brilliant.
Anyways while we’re on the topic of friends this year sure has been exciting for that as well. I’ve made some amazing new ones, gotten closer with some older ones, had some drift apart and thru it all I’ve learnt something important. Namely that, there’s nothing wrong with the friends I had before, but I’ve felt so much better and it’s just been so much healthier for me now I’ve also started pursuing and focusing on friendships with people around my age. It sounds weird to say, but despite having a good collection of close friends there was a part of me that was lonely, and that part has kinda stopped being so much now not all my friends are 10ish years older than me. 
That’s one thing I’ve discovered, but this year has been a big one for discovery for me. I tried a bunch of different papers and found out that I hate international relations and love philosophy. I’ve started learning Swedish!! And probably the biggest and most important discovery: thanks to my friends telling me “dude you really need to do this” I’ve gotten on anti-depressants!!! Which have really been helping me so much. That’s probably.... my biggest regret is that I didn’t get on them a few years ago. Still, I’m on them now and my head is just working so much better. Also, and I’ve talked about this in an earlier post so if you wanna kno deets you can go read it, I properly I guess remembered? stopped repressing? how a friend abused me a few years ago and started working thru the issues I have because of that.  
At this point I’m gonna put things under a cut coz this is where shit is gonna get long. 
Some letters, to the people I’ve known this year. I know a LOT of people so I’m prob gonna not mention anyone so if I don’t mention you: I love y’all. Ur so so fucking brilliant all of u and I’m honored to know you and to have had this chance to be in contact with y’all. I’m deeply sorry for any way I might have wronged you over this year, and if any of you wronged ME I forgive you entirely. If any of you haven’t really talked to me, but want to; or if we’ve drifted outta contact and you wanna pick things back up or ANYTHING at all feel free to msg me anytime. My discord is ardentlyThieving#4893 and this is an open invitation to anyone reading this coz there’s a ton of cool ppl on here who I haven’t talked to as much as I’d like. Anyways onto the individual stuff.
To the afternoon gang. You guys all mean so so fucking much to me, more than probably anyone else. Ur my best support network, my greatest pals. Being friends with you all is a fucking delight. I know I’m not always active in our server, but trust me that it’s nothing on you. I’ve enjoyed every moment hanging out with you guys. Or well, most of them at least :P. We have the wildest conversations and trust me, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I know some of you guys have had a hard time this year and I’m so sorry that you guys are going thru that shit coz y’all deserve so much better. It’s my deepest hope that next year is a good one for all of you and if there’s every anything I can do you guys know where to find me. I love you so so so so so much and I hope these last few days of 2018 are as good for you as they can possibly be.
To the people of Eff’s servers. You guys are super duper cool. Being salty with y’all is so much fun and also so deeply annoying that people keep pulling this shit that we gotta be salty about. I love the fact that we can go from shitty meme posting (usually my fault) to having in depth n thoughtful conversations about just about anything (hopefully usually not my fault). Y’all are amazing people and it feels like you’ve all found urselves a bit more this year, which I’m so happy for you about.
To Sakshi. That’s right, u get an individual one. Ur like, my hero. Srsly dude the fact that ur so fucking patient with the utter dumbasses msging you and that u started this whole deep conversation that ur not backing down from? I’m so proud of you, I admire you so much, and you have my utmost support. Hmu if you ever need me to drag someone for you. Also i’m sorry to out you as a gamer to the fine people of tumblr dot com (actually I’m not that sorry) but it’s been so much fun playing swtor with you. And salt watching things with you. I love how fun our friendship is and also how we can have proper deep conversations like 10/10 A+ content. 
To Hammi. Dude you are awesomesauce. My fave lesbian pal. I love memeing with you and gaming with you and chatting with you. Here’s to another great year broski!
To Clare. We’ve only just met at the very end of this year and I’m so glad we did. Ur super cool and funny and I love ur art n posts.
To my swtor guild. Another group of wonderful people who I’ve only just met. i’m so fucking excited to get to know all of you better coz y’all have such great swtor opinions and are so much fun to play with. Sorry about what I did to the Gizka flagship bridge lmao.
To Sofa. DUDE HI! becoming friends with you this year has been one of the highlights. Thank you for all the support you’ve given me and for all the fun times we’ve had. I adore playing video games with you and I fucking love ur swtor ocs. You’ve been there for me so much, and I hope I’ve been there for you as well. Thank you for everything.
To Marie. Yet another person I met later on this year and haven’t had the chance to get so close with. Defo my bad there I need to msg you more often. Thanks for being there for me, even though I was kind of a shitty friend to you at one point. I didn’t deserve ur patience but you gave it to me anyway and I’m so fuckin grateful for that. I hope to make that up to you in the coming year. <3
To Jason. We were tight at the start of the year and kinda drifted apart which I regret. Msg me anytime dude and if you ever reinstall swtor you should totally hmu coz playing it with you was a ton of fun!! 
To Traya. I know we’ve only talked on and off this year, but I’m so excited for you to be at my university and to hang out in person!! Hang in there dude, coz there’s so many cool people for you to meet and take it from me that university really is so much better than college.
Ok this is where the happy positivity ends!! Again I love y’all so much and I hope that next year is better for all of you then this one was!!! Thanks for being pals with me, I appreciate it so much even when I’m not great at showing it.
Coz there’s one more letter I gotta write coz after however many years I want closure. This is where it ends.
To Teri. Wow. I never thought I’d be saying ur name again. Well typing, but w/e. That first year we were friends was so fucking good and I’m glad we had that, coz you were a pretty cool person. I dunno why you decided to change all that and start hurting me and I’m probably never gonna understand but you know what? That’s ok. I don’t need to. You hurt me, I got out. I’m not sure, but I think you were being hurt by people as well and I hope you got out like I did. No matter how badly you treated me you still don’t deserve to be abused urself. Nobody deserves that. I don’t know if I forgive you, and I don’t know if I ever will, but I hope things are better for you now. I’m sorry for the times I wronged you while we were friends. This isn’t me saying I deserved to be abused by you, because I sure as hell didn’t, but well. Two wrongs don’t make a right and ur abuse doesn’t magically erase the times I wasn’t the greatest friend. I thought ignoring the things you did to me would make things better, but instead I let it all fester inside me and change my behaviour without realizing that’s what happened. So this is me letting go of it all. Coz you don’t get to fuckin take anything else away from me. I’m better now than I was then despite everything you did to me. This is me, making a conscious choice to heal and move on and grow. It’s not gonna be easy, but imma do it and it’s gonna be so fucking wonderful. This is Arden signing out because you don’t GET to have any control over my life anymore. Never ever again.
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Summer of 1997
The girls were once again waiting in the lounge for the day to start
“Remember, do not be bad mouthing the head of the church’s daughter Casey, ”reminded Lizzy.
“Whatever, I don’t start fights, I end them,”
“Uh, technically you did,” reminded Lizzy!
Marcela walked in with a box of baked goods from her bakery on Telephone Road. 
“Good morning girls” she cheered.
“Good morning Marcela”
“I brought you all some goodies, even though one of you doesn't deserve it,” she jokingly stated.
“Ha, ha, ha to forgive is to be Christian,”
“Oh, how right you are Casey, here girls, have some Pastor Emmanuel and I made them fresh at 5:00am this morning,”
“You were up that early!” exclaimed Casey.
“Oh, yes we get a rush at 6:00am-9:30 am during the week.”
The girls reached in and grabbed the sweet bread in the box. They got the regalos and conchas before anyone else showed up.
“Is there coffee?” asked Lizzy.
“Why yes, mija, in my office. I didn’t know you liked coffee Lizzy,” remarked Marcela.
“I didn’t sleep so well last night,” she explained.
Lizzy stepped out and went into the office and grabbed a cup for her coffee. Truth is, she stayed up all night thinking about what she witnessed. She didn’t know how she could tell her best friend, since childhood, she saw Edward’s manhood. If she couldn’t figure a way to tell her about Evan, how could she ever mention Edward and Sara sinning. Well Edward since Sara wasn’t even there. Lizzy walked out of the office and back into the hallway to head back towards the lounge when she ran into Edward alone. 
“Good morning Lizzy,” he nervously whispered with a toothy grin.
“Hi,” she replied while avoiding eye contact.
“Lizzy, in order for us to keep our little secret, you’re gonna have to act like everything is fine,” he demanded.
“I’m the wallflower anyway don’t worry,”
“Yea, but now every time you see me you get so red, it’s like you saw my privates, you didn't? Not that I  mind because it’s normal,”
“No, no I didn’t,” she said while quickly walking away.
 Edward quickly ran from behind her and grabbed her by the wrist before she could get into the lounge.
“Lizzy!” he sternly whispered. She looked at him. “You need to start acting right, you’re 17 years old, grow up! There’s going to come a point in your life as a woman where you will have to fulfill your womanly duties to your husband. But until then, we both have a reputation to maintain so act normal or people are going to assume you and I did something, and Sara won’t take kindly to that and I don’t think Casey would either.”
“Casey,” she whispered.
“Yes, Casey!”
“How did you know,”
“It’s obvious, she throws herself at me with her eager eyes, look I won't ever say a word, I’ll keep your secret if you keep mine and Sara’s okay?” he stated.
 Lizzy shook her head in agreement, not noticing the spilled coffee on her white shoes.
“Shit!” she whispered.
“Watch your language,'' Edward stated before going into the lounge before her. 
Lizzy walked back to Marcela’s office and made herself another cup of coffee. This time she remained inside Marcela’s office and drank it.  She hoped this cup of coffee never ended because aside from not wanting to be near Mary Ann or her family, now she wanted to avoid Edward. She looked at the time and saw it was 9:00am. The thirty minutes went by quickly. The door opened and in came Mary Elizabeth.
“Lizzy, what are you doing here in the dark?”
“Praying” she quickly answered.
“Oh, well don’t mind me dear, I am gonna get me a cup of coffee too you keep praying.” 
Mary Elizabeth grabbed a tray and placed four cups of coffee on it. She walked out as quickly as she walked in. Being the head of the church Mary Elizabeth's hosting skills were phenomenal. Anytime a party was to be thrown for Templo Nuestro everyone always wanted Mary Elizabeth to be in charge of it all. Or, if Mary Elizabeth was to host a party, everyone wanted to go!  
Lizzy looked at the clock once more and saw it was 9:15am. She got up and walked back towards the lounge despite every thought in her head shouting no. She opened the door and walked in with her normal facing the ground entrance. While avoiding Edward, Lizzy walked to where Casey had been sitting. Across the room was Mary Ann, Katheryn, Marcela, and Mary Elizabeth. 
“Where have you been?” asked Casey.
“I was praying.”
“Yeah for some strength since I couldn’t sleep so well last night,”
“Why not?”
“I was just thinking about college admissions,” fretted Lizzy.
“Lizzy, it’s barely June, calm down, we got plenty of time.” assured Casey.
Pastor Glenn walked in along with the other 5 members of the Pray Troupe. 
“Ahh, there you are Edward,'' he shouted, hearing his name made Lizzy shudder.
“My man,” yelled Edward!
“Your Spurs got lucky last night” teased Pastor Glen.
“Nah man ,they’re just awesome!” insisted Edward
“Alright, anyway back to business,” stated Pastor Glen in a serious tone, “today is the second to last day of the camp and tomorrow we say goodbye to our pals from PRAY here.”
“Awww,” every woman in the lounge except Lizzy groaned.
“Now, now we have their mailing address so we may send letters to them,” comforted Pastor Glen.
“Indeed!” boasted Mary Ann while looking at Casey and Lizzy.
“Now, Isaiah I believe you have the floor, we have to go finish with breakfast and be ready for morning prayer, and you guessed it another game of Bible trivia except this time it will be like family feud!” Pastor Glen, walked out.
“Okay liaison, today we will be needing your help with some skits,” he stated.
“Ooh, “ they all shouted. 
“Yes we will be needing a girl and boy to do some acting. Today we will be talking about abstinence,” stated Isaiah. The lounge suddenly quiet. “So I  need a girl to pretend to not want to and mention a Purity Ring to her boyfriend, all pretend of course, because aside from talking about abstinence and STDs, we are going to be taking pledges to our Lord about saving ourselves for marriage.”
Hearing those words escape Isaiah’s mouth made Lizzy wince. She wondered if Edward and Sara were wearing purity rings. She looked at Sara's finger and saw one. Edward was sitting behind her and Casey, she would have to wait for that. However, knowing that Sara is wearing one and Edward is begging her to stay mum about what she knows, she imagines he too took the pledge which is why he wants Lizzy quiet. 
“After the abstinence lesson, Edward will take the stage and do a comedy routine for an hour. Now who wants to be my Betty, the name of the girl in the play we wrote” asked Isaiah enthusiastically.
Mary Ann, Katheryn, and Casey quickly shot their hands up. 
“Why not have Mary Ann and Julio do it,” suggested Mary Elizabeth “they are the head of the youth bible group!”
“Very, well then, Mary Ann and Julio,” winced Isaiah. “Come here so we can begin rehearsing your lines and let’s find Julio.” 
Isaiah and Mary Ann left the lounge in search of Julio who was at the breakfast line helping Pastor Gilbert, Pastor Emmanuel, and the custodians. 
“Now, the rest of you will be helping us with, you guessed it, props and the pledges,” instructed Hannah. “We are gonna need someone to organize the purity rings, someone to laminate the purity ring pledges, someone to get the black markers ready, and someone to make a backdrop of starry night.” 
Lizzy and Casey volunteered to be the ones to draw the starry night backdrop since they were familiar with backdrops. Katheryn was in charge of going to the office to laminate the pledges. Edward and Sara organized the purity rings, Joshua and Marcela gathered the black markers, and Hannah made goodie bags for the Q&A portion of the abstinence lecture. 
“Are you gonna wait until marriage Lizzy,” asked Casey
“I don’t know,”
“You don’t know!”
“Shh, Casey shut up!”
“No, I don’t know. I mean I want to but what if I meet my husband and we you know before marriage,”
“You mean you’ll wait until your engaged,”
“I don’t know, I never thought about it honestly, I just know it has to be special,”
“Just, I don’t know it’s a big commitment, I mean what if I take the ring and then sin,”
“What do you mean Lizzy”
“All I’m saying no one is perfect,”
“That's exactly right Lizzy” said an all too familiar voice from behind them. 
Both girls faced Edward. 
             "Hi Eddie" excitedly greeted Casey. 
              "Hi" quietly added Lizzy. 
              "What are you girls talking about, " he asked.
              "About the pledge,"
             "Oh okay, okay, okay, I see. You know, I'm studying to get a degree in pastoral counseling, if you all need advice I'm your man," Edward informed.. 
       "Really," asked Casey disappointedly?
       "Yeah, yeah yeah, I took the pledge and,  still going strong. Look at my awesome  purity ring," he stated whole shoving the ring in both Lizzy and Casey faces. Gold trim, with a white background hosting green crosses all over. "Take it, it's the best deal you can make with God!"
He walked away and began rehearsing his comedy routine in front of the other four members of the troupe. 
    "Why did you sound so down all of the sudden Casey, is he no longer your husband to be," Asked Lizzy? 
      "Oh, knowing that he wants to be a pastor and is kind of not hot,"
       "Well pastors are...you know Pastor Glen, Pastor Emmanuel, Pastor Gilberto and Pastor Lucinda. They're not hot."
      "Ummm….I guess."
       "And purity rings are for nerds,"
       "You're only saying that because of Jason,"
        "Jason is dreamy,"
      "And a jerk, remember he told everyone about it,"
        "No he didn't, it was Mary Ann being jealous as always,"
       "Oh really, according to whom?"
   "Of course," stated Lizzy. "Focus and help me add the stars and the moon. " 
Both girls quietly painted the stars into the dark night and then added the crescent moon on the corner of the backdrop. 
“Okay, that should do it,” Casey stated.
“Hmm, should we add city buildings or a grassy hill,” asked Lizzy?
“What, why?”
“Well, like in one act the background helps set the story,” reasoned Lizzy.
“OH, okay, but where is the play even gonna take place?” asked Casey.
“They’ll be taking place out on a lovers lane,” said Edward from behind the girls once more. Hearing he had not permanently gone, made both girls jump.
“How long have you been back there?” asked Casey.
“Just got here, I was rehearing my jokes for the comedy special,” he explained.
Mary Elizabeth stood in the middle of the room.
“Alright y ’all, it’s about 10:30AM, We need to go help the other pastors get ready for Bible Trivia, Hannah, have you finished the 5 goodie bags for the winners, sug,” she asked?
“Yes ma’am,” responded Hannah.
“Good bless you hun,” exclaimed Mary Elizabeth!
“Now, Lizzy and Casey have you finished the backdrops?”
“Yes, Mary Elizabeth,” they both responded.
“Excellent girls! Katheryn are you done cutting the laminated pledges?”
“Yes Mary Elizabeth,” she responded.
“Are the rest of you ready,” she asked referring to the troupe?
“Always,” replied Isaiah.
“Okay, now let’s go out there and have some fun in the name of our Lord and Savior y ’all!” Mary Elizabeth shouted. She walked out of the lounge and everyone else followed in suit. Casey and Lizzy purposely stayed behind to chat.
“What do you think a person studying to be pastor laughs about,” queried Casey.
“I don’t know who turned water to win with the pope’s ring,” jested Lizzy.
“Those are Catholics Lizzy!''
 Both girls began laughing as they made their way into the assembly hall. Once backstage, the tranquil mood changed to a more upbeat one. Backstage were the remaining youth leaders. Mary Ann and Julio were sitting on two folding chairs rehearsing lines. Julio was pretending to be driving a car. Jason, Mario, Marcus, Michael, Evan, and Henry were all surrounding Pastor Ramiro and Pastor Gilberto laughing. Not knowing what to do, the girls stood looking around the backstage. 
“Wow, not like the lounge,” awed Casey, "No, was it like this yesterday?”
“Not even close,” Lizzy answered. 
“What do we do?”
“Nothing, just wait until you are needed like good little liaisons,” Edward once more said from behind the girls.
“Yo, Eddie, you move a little too quietly there,” joked Casey.
“Ha, ha, really?” he gushed
“Yeah, we are gonna need to put a bell around you,” added Lizzy, who normally didn’t let anything slip. Both Edward and Casey looked shocked.
“Ha, ha, ha, kidding,” Lizzy nervously laughed. 
“Well, I got to go, it’s almost time to handout prizes,” he said while walking away towards the stage where pastor Glen and Lucinda were at.
“If only he was a prize,” whispered Casey.
“Girl, I thought you didn't like him anymore,”
“Well, after right now, I do again,” declared Casey.
“Ahí, Casey quien te entiende,” Lizzy jokingly stated.
“That’s correct,” shouted Edward over the speakers. He ran out into the crowd and handed a goodie bag to a little girl who was standing up next to Marcela. The time was now for lunch. 
“Girls, if you could help out with handing out the sack lunches that’d be great,” ordered Mary Elizabeth. Both Casey and Lizzy went outside towards the parking lot where the crates of milks and brown bags had been placed. 
“Just the two of us for nearly 600 kids,” asked Casey?
“I’m sure they’ll send someone to help us,” assured Lizzy.
“Did you do this yesterday?”
“No, but if four pastors and four students could handle it, I am sure it will be fine,” Lizzy reassured.
Just then, the door of the assembly halls opened and out came Edward, Isaiah, Sara, Joanna, Hannah, Joshua, Evan, Henry, Julio, Marcus, Mario, and everyone else who was backstage to help the girls hand out the lunches and the milks. Edward got in the crate next to Lizzy and Sara stood next to Edward. From time to time Lizzy would catch Edward shooting glances at her, almost as if he was trying to make sure Lizzy never breathed a word to Casey about the day before. 
“Okay, that was a successful lunch y ’all,” thanked Mary Elizabeth, “ thank the heavens for you all may you forever stay blessed.”
The youth leaders, PRAY troupe, and pastors all headed back to the assembly hall for the talk on abstinence. Lizzy and Casey stood on the wings of the stage and watched as Isaiah took center stage, while the remaining five stood behind him.
“Boy, that was an amazing lunch wasn’t it, I don't know about you all but, I love me a good submarine sandwich with mustard mmm,” Isaiah greeted, which made all the children laugh.
“Now boys and girls today we are going to talk about something serious,”
“Is it about saying no to drugs again,” a random voice shouted from the crowd.
“No, no, good answer though, but today we are going to be talking about abstinence, can anyone tell me what abstinence is?” he paused and waited for the crowd to answer, no one responded. 
“Okay, well abstinence is when you take a pledge to refrain from premarital sex,”
“Oooooooh,” the children all shouted and laughed.
“I know, I know ‘sex’ is a funny word, but what premarital sex means is having sex before you are married, now can anyone tell me why that’s bad?” he asked
“Oh, oh, oh, because it is against God’s law,” answered a little boy from the crowd.
“Very good!” shouted Isaiah, “Hannah, toss him a PRAY shirt.” Hannah tossed the shirt to the little boy.
“Now, besides it being against God’s will, why is having premarital sex bad?”
“B-b-b-b-ecause you can get pregnant,” shouted a teenage girl in the crowd.
“That’s exactly right, we don’t want any teenage pregnancies! Go ahead and toss her a shirt.”
 Edward tossed the shirt towards the teenager.
“Now can anyone find another reason as to why premarital sex is bad?” Isaiah asked once more, yet this time no one answered. “Okay, another reason why premarital sex is bad is because of the dangers of catching STDs ,” he explained. “Does anyone know what STDs stand for?”
“Noooo,” they all shouted.
“Well, STDs stand for sinfully transmitted diseases,” he said jokingly, to which the crowd laughed, “ just kidding, it stands for sexually transmitted diseases.”
“Most of the time when people are having premarital sex, they’re not using protection or prayer and therefore end up getting pregnant or catching STDs,” Isaiah further explained.
“Ooooooh” they once more stated.
“Yeah, so today I will be explaining about the STDs, dangers of premarital sex, teen pregnancy, and what you could do to stay safe from the wrath of God and STDs.”
Isaiah went on explaining the various infectious diseases one can get via sex such as: ghonerra, chlamydia, herpes, genital warts, syphilis, etc. He even talked about peer pressure and how temptation will try to mess with the best of them.
“Now, boys and girls, we are gonna show you  skit about peer pressure,” he announced.
Onto the stage ran Mary Ann and Julio holding their folding chairs. Then Joshua and Edward quickly dragged the lover’s lane backdrop onto the stage.  Julio began pretending to drive, with his arms extended as if there truly was a driver’s wheel.
“Hey, babe it’s a nice night,” he said.
“Thank the Lord it is,” responded Mary Ann in a fake voice.
“Look at beautiful night sky, almost as beautiful as you babe,”
Julio and Mary Ann pretended to make out on stage. 
“Oooh” erupted from the crowd.
“You ready to go all the way babe?”
“ I don’t know, I did promise God I’d save myself for marriage,”
“Come on babe, all the other guys on the football team are doing it with the cheerleaders, why not you know us too,”
“PAUSE! Shouted Isaiah. “Boys and girls what Julio is doing is called what?”
“PEER PRESSURE!” they all shouted in unison.
“Now, what is Mary Ann referring to?”
“Abstinence,” again they shouted!
“Now, if you were Mary Ann and Julio what would you do,” he posed?
“Pray instead,” one shouted
“Leave the car,” another joked.
“Ha, those are good answers but what Mary Ann should do is not only set the limits because girls, it’s your duty, but remind Julio of S, T, D, s!” he shouted,
“Now a way to protect themselves from STDs and the Lord's wrath, Julio and Mary Ann are going to do something, now watch and pay attention, boy and girls!”
Julio and Mary Ann resumed their acting. 
“Well, I know but they didn’t take the pledge I did at Templo Nuestro Christian Church, and I don’t want to upset God, Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.”
“ I know that, but a pledge? Upset God how? I don’t want to upset God either,”
“Yeah, I signed this paper and promised God, I would refrain from having sex and save myself for marriage,”
“Oh, how do I take a pledge, I don’t want to burn in Hell,”
“You sign right here, and once you sign it, you wear this ring here too,”
“A ring?” asked a perplexed Julio.
“Yeah, a symbol of purity, they’re called Purity Ring, when the team sees you wearing this, they too will want to abstain from premarital sex and take the pledge too,”
“Wow, Mary Ann, I am so glad you told me about abstinence and purity rings, I would’ve never known, from now on I’m going to be right with the Lord,” exclaimed Julio.
“And cut!” shouted Isaiah. “Let’s give a big hand to our actors who were pretending right now.”
All the children clapped and Mary Ann and Julio stood up and took a bow. 
“Now boys and girls, your pastors and youth leaders are going to be handing out pledges and markers. You are going to sign the Purity Pledge that states ‘I blank’ and you are going to put your name on there not mine, ‘I blank commit to a pure life from this day forward and abstain from premarital sex until marriage. I do so for the following reasons to obey God, honor my parents, honor my future spouse, be free of unwanted pregnancy, to be free of STDs or HIV, and to be free of sin’, and you put the date on the bottom. Once you are done taking the pledge you will be wearing your Purity Ring,” Isaiah instructed. 
The assembly hall was packed with noise of children and youth leaders alike taking the  pledge and putting their rings on. Lizzy couldn’t help but feel a sinking pit in her stomach. 
“The hypocrisy of it all, to wear a purity ring and to soil by having premarital sex. They were adults anyway so why weren’t Sara and Edward married,” she thought, “being an adult is complicated.”
"Okay boys and girls are we done with our pledges?" Asked Pastor Glen. 
"Yes! "they shouted.
"Okay good, now we have a special treat for your all, we have a comedy routine by Edward, now please help me welcome him onto the stage with a big round of applause," instructed Pastor Glen. 
The children applauded and cheered as Edward made his way onto the stage while simultaneously clapping and dancing robotically to music. The music cut. 
       "Hello, hello, good afternoon Templo Nuestro Christain Church, home of the Houston Rockets and awesome Space Cadets, can I get a 'woop, woop'." He shouted into the microphone. 
       "Woop! Woop!" They all shouted. 
       "Today I'm going to be telling jokes because aside from being a part of this wonderful PRAY group, I'm also a world traveling motivational speaker. So I go around place to place and say jokes in many different languages, and talk to kids like you,"
      "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I can speak 7 different languages," he stated to the already amazed crowd. 
The routine went on for an hour. By the time Edward was done it was time to load the buses once more. The children moved faster and faster and the process became easier with each passing day. The good thing is that tomorrow, Friday was their last day. 
   "Thank the Lord we are done for today," sighed Casey. 
    "Amen to that," replied Lizzy. 
Both girls walked back to the administration building and waited for Casey's dad to come for them once more. It had been 4:15pm and still no sign of Mr. Fuentes. A door opened and out came Marcela. 
    "Casey, your dad got held up at a meeting, he said for you girls to take the bus back home." Marcela informed. 
    "We've never taken the bus before," added Lizzy 
    "It'll do you some good, you'll get to see the city," 
 "How do we get home using the bus?" Asked Casey. 
  "You're gonna take the bus here and ask for a transfer at the station to New Caney, you'll get to see downtown Houston, only 50 cents too," Marcela claimed.. 
  "Wow you know a lot about buses Marcela," exclaimed Casey. 
  "Rode them all the time to Galveston and back when I was your age, heck I even jogged on the beach,”
  "You ran track too?"
  "Oh no, no, I just wanted to look good like Farrah Faucet," gushed Marcela.
  "Who," they asked
   "Never mind girls, take the 115 in 20 minutes. Go wait at the bus stop," she ordered while handing Lizzy a dollar in quarters. "See you tomorrow sí dios quiere!"
 Both girls took off towards the bus stop. Twenty minutes in and the 115 sure did show up. Both girls boarded the bus, handing the 50 cents into the coin collector. They saw the last seat of the bus empty and made their way towards it. They sat down and began moving. Looking at the city skyline off of I-45 heading towards downtown Houston. 
   "Wow, so many cars," awed Casey. 
   "Yeah, nothing like the toll roads our fathers take,"
   " a lot more traffic,"
    "Think about it as an adventure," reasoned Lizzy. 
It was a good three hours before the girls headed back home. They had to wait 45 minutes for the 137 to New Caney but it had a flat so they had to wait an hour for it to be repaired. It was 7:00pm. 
    "Mija where have you been," asked Maria? 
   "Nowhere mami, just the bus took forever,"
    "Ay diosito santo, thank God you're okay, are you going to go out running still tonight?"
    "Claro que si mami,"
Casey ran upstairs and got dressed for running. She waited outside for Lizzy. Lizzy came out and they both took off running, once more making their way towards the estate. 
    "What's the plan for tonight now Case?"
  "The same one as Tuesday."
   "He has a girlfriend!"
  " and they can break up you know,"
  'I don't think so," 
  "What makes you say that, and furthermore what were you doing with him in the back on Wednesday," begrudgingly asked Casey. 
   "Uh, nothing, we were just talking about how he and Sara are a thing,"
    "How did you find out he and Sara are a thing," Casey asked in a shocked tone!
  "Okay, I didn't want to tell you this but I figure since tomorrow is the last day they'll be here, I might as well tell you," explained Lizzy. 
    "Tell me what,"
  "There's this creek behind the church that I love to go to,"
  "To pray!"
  "Pray for what,"
 "Focus Casey, after the skits on Wednesday I didn't know where you were so I decided to ditch bus loading,"
 "What a rebel!"
 "Shh, I was going back there and I saw Edward and….".
 "And Sara doing it,” shouted Casey!
  "Keep your voice down, we are almost there and he could be out running, but, no, not exactly."
 "Then what did you see?"
"Edward with, with,"
"No, but this is super embarrassing,"
"Just spit it out Lizzy!"
"He had his pants down and...,"
"Oh my god, did, did, did,  you see his thingy" Casey stuttered
"Lower your voice. I don't want anyone knowing, but yes and it wasn't a thingy but a THING!" Lizzy emphasized. 
"Oh wow! I wanna see,"
"Not the point, Casey,"
"Well what did you do, what did he say, remember I saw him first, is this why you don't want to take the purity pledge earlier"
"Just listen and let me finish telling you the story. Look nothing happened. I panicked and screamed and he got scared too. We both shouted and he quickly picked up his pants. When I asked why he was there he said he was waiting for Sara."
"...but didn't we just sign a "
"Yeah, yeah I know"
"...And don't they wear the ring,"
"Mmhmm, so it isn't that I did something with him, it's just that... if he and Sara can wear the ring, still be sexually active, and be in a position of power, why can't the rest of us," pondered Lizzy? 
"Well, it's just a paper Lizzy, if you pray to God for forgiveness, he'll forgive," said an all too familiar voice from behind the girls. 
Both girls turned and saw Edward standing there. Only it was night time, and the part of Winter Lane they were on didn't have a streetlight. 
   "I thought you could keep a secret" growled Edward. 
  "I uh-uh-uh..."
 "It's not her fault, I was asking, the way Sara follows you around," quickly reasoned Casey. 
  "Uh huh, just like you and Jason sneaking around the church," Edward stated. 
    "How did you...,"
  "I'll keep your secrets if you keep mine and Sara's," he haggled.
  "But why are you hiding it," questioned Casey?
  "Because we aren't ready for marriage and if the pastors were to find out they'd make us break up or get married. And we...,"
   "We understand," lamented Lizzy. 
  "Look, I'll give you girls whatever you want, just don't tell anyone, we can go jogging wherever you want tomorrow since I don't leave until Saturday and I'll even buy you girls a pizza; please, don't tell anyone, or it will break Sara," Edward pleaded. 
 Both girls nodded in agreement. 
     "Okay, cool, cool, cool, tomorrow after camp we will go to the beach and run together, pack your tracksuits," he commanded before sprinting off.  
     "Do you think we did the right thing," asked Lizzy. 
   "Ch, yeah," answered Casey who was smiling in the darkness. 
Casey was eagerly packing a track outfit into her backpack before heading downstairs for breakfast,  she could smell the pancakes her mom was making. 
   "Ya mero Casey,”  Maria shouted from downstairs! 
    "Ya mami!"
 Casey ran down the stairs and into the kitchen where her father was reading the Houston Chronicle and sipped his coffee. 
     "Here are your hotcakes mija with the syrup."
   "Gracias mami" she cheerfully stated. 
Casey was smiling ear to ear while pouring syrup on her pancakes. She was happy that by the end of the day, she would be jogging beachside with her crush. Even though he had a girlfriend. The fact that he didn't take his vows to abstain seriously meant he probably wasn't taking Sara seriously either. The same excuse he gave for not wanting to marry Sara, was the same one Jason Von Holtz gave her about being boyfriend and girlfriend. After all, all boys are the same deep down. She was going to attempt to sneak a kiss from Edward. She hoped by kissing him on the beach, he'd fall in love with her and wait for her to graduate. She was a good kisser after all, ask Jason! 
   "Why are you smiling so much mija is it because of the dance today after camp," Juan asked?
   "Yes, papi," she lied. 
    "Well I hope you and Lizzy take your Purity Pledge seriously."
  "What, I'm just saying I remember the dances and..., "
    "Are you saying you don't trust our bebita," angrily asked Maria? 
    "No, mi amor, I'm just saying I remember being a teenage boy, therefore I don't trust them,”' he explained. 
Casey finished her breakfast; Juan stood up and kissed his wife goodbye. Casey went up and hugged her mom goodbye. 
    "Let's hope I don't get caught up in another meeting today, it's Friday," Juan hoped. 
   "Lo que dios quiera amor," stated Maria. "Have a good day at camp mija. "
Juan and Casey went out to the LeSaber, Lizzy was already waiting by the car. 
    “Buenos días Mr. Fuentes,"
   "Morning Lizzy, ready for your final day of camp?"
   "Amen," she responded. 
They all got into the car and took off. It was bright and sunny, the sun was still rising, the weather felt beautiful, it was right before that dreaded humidity set. Lucky for the girls, today's adventure included a refresher at the beach. Jogging at the beach sounded relaxing for Lizzy, who wanted a change in scenery. They arrived to camp and waited in the lounge as per usual.
“Last day,” mentioned Lizzy
“More like the best day,” corrected Casey.
“We shall see,”
“Ah ye of little faith,” Casey retorted.
Both girls giggled as Pastor Glen walked in with Mary Elizabeth, Mary Ann, Marcela, and Pastor Emmanuel with boxes of what looked like Marcela’s baked goods. 
“Good morning liaisons, we brought you all a yummy batch of kolaches as a ‘thank you’ for helping us and doing a super fantastic job!” greeted Pastor Glen.
“God Bless you,” shouted Casey!
“Thank you,” greeted Lizzy.
“Lizzy, the coffee is being made in case you need any this morning,” noted Marcela.
“Oh, no, thank you Marce, I won’t be needing it this time!”
“Well, just in case you want some mija, it will be there!” she assured her. 
The girls grabbed  kolaches while they waited for the remainder of the youth leaders. It was only 8:45a.m buses arrived at 9:00am breakfast was handed out to the children as soon as they stepped off the bus. 
“Are you excited or the dance” asked Casey?
“Oh, snap, I had forgotten about that,” mentioned Lizzy.
“Yeah, it’s going to be after lunch,”
“Well, will we be dancing with your boyfriend” teased Lizzy.
“No, that’s later,” replied Casey sneakily.
“What are you up to now,” asked Lizzy?
“Nothing, just, going to try to sneak a kiss from Edward,”
“Casey! You ought to be ashamed, he has a girlfriend,”
“And he also wears a purity ring,”
“You’re point being,”
“If he wears a purity ring and then does it with her, yet refuses to marry her you think he won’t cheat on her?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Well, the whole not being ready thing is an excuse for them to not make anything official, it’s what Jason did to me, and I read it in a magazine my older sister reads.” Casey explained.
“Did that magazine also have bible verses about messing with taken men?”
“Oh my God Lizzy,”
“Language, and Ephesians 5:3 - But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;”
“Lizzy please! They’re not even married so they’re going to burn anyway, `Casey reasoned. 
“Didn’t you take the pledge?”
“Well, like Edward said, if we ask God for forgiveness afterwards he forgives!”
Jason and his gang walked out of the lounge to help the pastors with breakfast and unloading of the buses. Mary Elizabeth, Marcela, Katheryn, and Mary Ann Stayed behind. It was 9:00am, at 9:01am, the troupe walked in.
“Hello, hello,” greeted Isaiah
“Good morning,” they all greeted.
“What’s on the agenda for today,” asked Isaiah?
“Oh, the kids are gonna have a free day and watch a movie, then after lunch we have our annual youth summer dance; it lasts until the buses get here, the kids leave and that’s the end of the camp,” detailed Mary Elizabeth.
“Wow, this week went by so fast,” exclaimed Edward!
“It sure did,” Mary Elizabeth responded. 
Without anything to do, the troupe and other girls sat around the lounge just talking. In came Pastor Glen, Pastor Gilberto, Pastor Emmanuel, and Pastor Ramiro. Lucinda and the other youth leaders were in the assembly hall watching the children play and talk. 
“Good morning everyone,” greeted pastor Glen
“Good morning,” the room responded.
“Well, as you may know today is our last day, it’s bittersweet but unfortunately camp is only a week and not the whole summer,” he stated. “So for today, relax and then after lunch have some fun and dance. Hey, hey! That rhymed!  Right now, the kiddos are playing and are about to watch a movie at 10:00am. Enjoy your free time, you've all earned it for being amazing liaisons.”
Pastor Glen and the other pastors left the room. Mary Elizabeth walked out behind them. Marcela, the Pray Troupe, Casey, Lizzy, Katheryn, and Mary Ann remained. The time was 9:55am. Casey and Lizzy were sitting together when suddenly, Katheryn and Mary Ann approached them.
“Hey,” greeted Mary Ann.
“Hi,” answered Casey.
“I just wanted to say, I’m sorry about the other day, it wasn’t right what I did and, being that we have known each other forever and go to the same school, I thought maybe we could try and be friends, not just you and me but, with my girls too, I mean we all are seniors,” Mary Ann proposed.
Looking stunned, Casey and Lizzy exchanged glances.
“I mean, I understand if you don't want to, I haven’t always been the nicest,” Mary Ann added.
“Mary, what kind of Christians would we be if we didn't forgive,” stated Lizzy.
“Yeah,” chimed Casey.
“We’ll be glad to be your friends if you want to be ours,” Lizzy stated.
“Okay, amazing,” smiled Mary Ann.
The girls sat down and shared their hopes and dreams for their upcoming senior year. Mary Ann wanted the homecoming nomination from cheer squad and Lizzy from track. Katheryn wanted to win cheer nationals, and Casey wanted to run the fastest at the meets. Amongst them talking, time went by even fast. By the time lunch came by, the girls were tired of  being cooped up inside. They wanted to have their lunch elsewhere, it was their last day.
“Hey, I know a spot where we could go eat,” mentioned Lizzy.
“Where,” asked Katheryn who walked besides Mary Ann?
“Back here,” Lizzy instructed as she led the group towards the creek she loved.
“Oh, wow, there’s a creek back here," marveled Mary Ann!
“Yeah,” added Casey.
“How long have you known about this,” asked Mary Ann?
“We didn’t Lizzy did,” added Casey.
“Oh,” responded Mary Ann. 
They sat down and began eating their sack lunches. Mary Ann snuck out some kolaches to add with their sandwiches and apples.  It was a nice windy day in Houston and the girls enjoyed their lunch a bit more with the pleasant scenery and breeze. When suddenly, their tranquil lunch was interrupted by a rustling in the bushes behind them. All scared, they jumped up. Mary Ann, Casey, and Katheryn stood behind Lizzy. They heard twigs snapping. Then some more rustling from the bushes before Edward and Sara emerged from them. 
“Oh, fuck” he shouted!
“What, what, “ Sara asked as she was pulling her shirt down still looking down. Once her shirt was down she looked up and saw the four girls.
 “Oh, no,”
“Now, now, girls you can’t say anything,” panicked Edward.
“What was going on,” asked Casey?
“It’s not, what it looks likes,” added Sara
“Then explain yourselves” added Mary Ann
“We were just,” explained Edward.
“Stop, Eddie,” said Sara. “Look girls, being that it is the last day of camp, how about we forget this ever happened; besides, I don’t think you all are even allowed to leave the church,” she reminded.
The four of them stood looking at Edward and Sara. They knew that if they told Pastor Glen that they’d be in trouble for leaving the premises instead of helping with the lunch lines. 
“So, how about you all go back and forget it ever happened,” she ordered.
The girls all ran back to the assembly hall as fast as they could leaving their sack lunches behind at the creek. The music from the dance was blasting and they all ran into the crowd of children. Once embedded enough into the crowd Mary Ann turned to Casey and Lizzy and asked
“What was that,”
“We don’t know” they both answered in a panic.
“Well, I’m telling my mom,”
“Mary Ann, you can’t do that, you heard what Sara said,” reminded Lizzy.
“Yeah, we will get in trouble for leaving the church,” added Casey.
“I don’t care, my mom is married to the head of the church and these people are leaving tomorrow anyway,” Mary Ann reasoned, “my mom wont get mad at us for having a picnic.”
Mary Ann and Katheryn walked out of the dance and went to find Mary Elizabeth. 
“Lizzy, we have to warn Edward!”
“What, why?”
“Because if not he will think WE told and, then he won't want to run with us anymore,”
“But Casey, what he and Sara were doing is wrong,” reasoned Lizzy.
“Mary Ann can’t sabotage my chance with him,” whined Casey.
“What chance, he is with Sara!”
“What about our community service hours, surely, we will get in trouble and not her or Katheryn.”
Lizzy listened to the sound logic Casey stated.
“Fine,” Lizzy stated.
Both girls ran out of the assembly building and went back towards the creek, halfway through the parking lot, they ran into Edward, alone.
“Hey,” he said flagging them down.
“Edward,” Casey shouted.
“What’s going on?”
“Mary Ann is gonna go tell her mom that you and Sara were...”
“Oh, no, no,” he said.
“Yeah,” Casey said.
Lizzy shaking her head in agreement. 
“Don’t worry girls, I’ll handle it at dinner later, but for now, do you still wanna go running at the beach?” he offered.
“sure,” Casey exclaimed!
“Okay, well let’s get going to beat traffic to Galveston.”
“I’ve never been there before,” said Casey.
“Well come on, let’s go,” he ordered.
The girls went into the lounge and grabbed their bags. They quickly followed Edward into his black mustang. 
“Buckled up” he asked?
“Yeah,” they replied.
“Okay let’s go,”
Edward took the I-10 merging to I-45 towards Galveston, the drive was a fifty-two minute drive; the scenery was beautiful. They passed the NASA Space Center, which was  something Lizzy and Casey hadn’t seen. The highway, surrounded by blue green emeralds. The Gulf on both sides. Once they arrived at Galveston, the time was 2:15 p.m. They wondered if anyone noticed they were gone. Hopefully, they weren’t in trouble for leaving. Casey would say her father picked them up early during the dance. Edward found an empty parking space right by the beach.
“Okay girls, we got to change in the car like surfers,”
“Woah, the beach is beautiful,” exclaimed Casey while looking out the window, ignoring the fact that Edward was undressing right next to her.
 Once he was dressed, he got out of the car and allowed the girls time to change into their running gear. He was kept guard making sure no passerby looked into the car. Once the girls were done dressing, they stepped out of the car.
“Okay, put your bags in the trunk so no one breaks in,” he ordered.
“Okay,” Casey said. Both girls put their gym bags in the trunk. Edward locked it and beeped the alarm.
“Alright ladies, let’s begin with a nice stretch,” he ordered
Lizzy looked out and saw a pier in the distance.
“What’s that,” she asked?
“Ahh, the pier, it’s called Pleasure Pier,” he informed them.
“Oh,” Casey cooed, while winking at Edward. Edward ignored her and turned around facing the waves. 
“I love the sound of that,” he said.
They quietly jogged on the sand listening to the crashing of the waves and seagulls. Lizzy and Casey enjoyed the ocean breeze caressing their hair. Edward ran ahead of the girls, occasionally turning around to motivate them. It was good forty-five minutes before reaching Pleasure Pier. Out of breath all three of them walked back to the car, this time taking an hour since they were chatting and enjoying the shore.
 Once in the car, they headed for the Pizza Hut on the island. It was 5:00 pm by the time the girls decided they wanted to head back home.
“Oh, you all don’t want to wait out traffic and get an ice cream instead?” suggested Edward. “I mean, the Houston to New Caney traffic doesn’t die down until about 7 and well diner isn’t until 8... by then it’s only forty-five minutes to get there. The ice cream shop is right around the corner,”
“Oh, okay” both girls agreed. 
They left the restaurant and once again hopped into the mustang. They drove around for a bit and found an ice cream shop. They sat down and began talking about how they wanted to achieve their goals by age twenty-five. The time was now 5:45pm. 
“Okay, girls I think it's time for us to head back,” he ordered.
“Okay,” Casey agreed. 
They dumped their cones in the  trash bin as they left the ice cream parlor. They loaded the ‘stang and made their way back towards I-45. They were thirty minutes on the highway when Edward pulled off into League City. 
    "Why are we here," asked Casey? 
   "Oh, I need to put gas in the ‘stang," he stated. 
     "Oh okay,"  answered Casey. 
He made a right on Brockport Dr followed by a left onto Big League Dreams Parkway, further down he turned onto Calder road; slowly he parked his car on the side of an empty field. 
   "There's no gas station here," noted Lizzy.  
   "Why are we stopping,'' asked Casey. 
Edward didn't answer, he stared out into the stretch of fields. On the corner of Calder and Irving. 
“Why couldn’t you all keep your mouths shut,” he asked in a monotone voice.
“You heard me, Lizzy,” he shouted as he locked the car doors.
“Are you trying to scare her,” shouted Casey!
“I am asking Lizzy a question, Casey, I want to know why she felt the need to tell you my business with Sara!”
“We are best friends, we tell each other everything, you can’t be that mad, and , and ,and ,and ,and...”
“And do you know the damage you’ve caused?”
“Damage,” asked Lizzy between sobs.
“I could get kicked out of my pastoral program, PRAY, and Sara dumped me!” he shouted
“We’re sorry”
“Not yet ya aren't” he grabbed Lizzy who was sitting in the backseat by the back of the neck and began applying pressure.
  “Tell me why you told Casey, why did you take Mary Ann and Katheryn back there, did you wanna see what makes a man a man?” he asked through clenched teeth. 
 Due to the pressure in her neck, Lizzy couldn’t answer. Casey desperately tried to open the car door. It was locked from the outside. 
“Stop it, let us go,” pleaded Casey, “you're hurting her!”
“Did you all ever think about how much gossip hurts others?” he retorted. 
“What about your dinner at Pastor Glen’s house,” she desperately reminded.
“There is no dinner with Pastor Glen, I lied,” he stated.
With one final squeeze Lizzy’s body gave and slumped over onto the seat. Casey looked at Edward. Eyes wide. 
“No, no, no, what have you done to Lizzy,” she cried!
“Don’t worry, you’ll be with her soon enough,”
“Why are you doing this over a ring?”
“It’s not over a ring,” he shouted as he pulled Casey in closer to him, “it’s over girls like you ruining my lives,” he placed his hands around her neck, Casey slapped his face.
“Ow” he shouted, he once more tried wrapping his hands around her neck. Casey poked him in the eye. “You little bitch!” he shouted.
Casey kicked the window open, stuck her hand outside the hole, and pulled the door handle. She was able to open it and quickly run out towards the fields. She figured by getting lost in the fields, he’d give up and leave; but what would she tell Lizzy’s parents. She made a right, then a left, and then another right. She was out of breath and decided to squat down. She figured by staying still she’d be able to hear if Edward was coming towards her. She could hear her heartbeat pounding in her ears. She felt it pulsating in her throat. Hidden between the tall stalks of grass and brush, Casey began praying to God that’ by some miracle, Lizzy would get up and run for help. However, deep down in the pit of her stomach, she knew she hadn’t seen a gas station nearby nor a home. She waited; nothing. Five painful minutes passed, she didn’t hear a thing. What felt like an hour was only a few minutes, but to a frightened Casey, it was eternity. 
She stayed sitting on the ground hoping Edward would go away. She waited a few more minutes and once more she heard nothing. Just the echo of  rushing cars riding the Gulf way Highway. She turned around and saw the highway. Miles away, if she screamed who would hear her, if she ran, who would help her? She didn’t know where she would run to, this was her first time visiting Galveston and League City.  Hearing the cars rushing by made her make a break for it. She stood up from where she was crouching and made a run towards the highway. As she began sprinting past the mustang, she noticed that Edward wasn’t there anymore, the car was empty.  She continued running and was trying to get towards Brockport Dr, when suddenly she tripped over something and landed face down. 
“Got you!” Edward suddenly shouted.
“No, no, no,” she cried
“Yes, yes, yes you are floozy anyway,” he stood up from where he was lying down, and unbuckled his pants and took off his belt. He had one knee on Casey’s lower back and the other on the grass. Casey was still trying to move but was overpowered, the pizza and ice cream came back up.
“Gross,” remarked Edward.
He then placed his thick belt strap around Casey’s neck and pulled tightly. 
“Noooo,” she yelled before gurgling on her vomit.
“Whores like you have to go, Jason told me what you allowed him to do, did you honestly think you’d be good enough for me,” he whispered.
He tightened the belt harder and Casey's neck snapped.  Her body slumped over and went limp. Edward placed it on the grass and pulled his pants back up. He looped his belt back on and walked back towards his car.  He opened the passenger door and slid it to the front. He grabbed Lizzy’s stiff body and dragged it across the field. He threw her onto the grass near where Casey had hidden, prior to being tripped by his leg; Edward had hidden, he reasoned by hiding, Casey would run towards the highway. He carefully stuck his foot out and waited. Sure enough, like a moth to a flame, Casey ran straight for the highway. 
 He drove with both windows down and made it in twenty minutes from League City, towards Houston, he then got on the I-90 north and kept on driving as the sun set over downtown Houston. The time was now 7:15p.m.
0 notes
aroselane · 4 years
Boone’s Memory: The Walls Have Ears
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The Walls Have Ears: Memory #4
It had been almost a month since she lit my arm on fire.
I was fortunate to have my arm heal, but the area around it was still burned. When my arm went back to normal the next day, all that was left was scarring.
The burn marks went up my left side, to my shoulder all the way up to my neck.
She didn’t try to see me once, but today she felt it necessary to pester me.
She stood in front of me, demanding that I play a game with her. I refused.
“You’re my friend!” she hissed, “You have to play with me!”
It was too late before I spoke. I had held in this anger towards her. I couldn’t control my words.
“Friend?” I demanded, “I am no such thing. I am your slave, here by force. I will never willingly be your friend!”
She stared back at me, almost like she was hurt.
She didn’t really have feelings, monsters don’t feel.
“I. Hate. You.” I said, slowly dragging out my words.
She looked down at the floor, “It’s because I’m a monster, isn’t it?”
I had to pull myself together when I heard her words. How many people have called her a monster? Was I any different? No, I was just like her.
We were brought up differently, but I no longer cared.
“You are a monster,” I hissed, “And you are a killer! You have no feelings!”
I found myself screaming at her, and I noticed once I stopped to breathe that she didn’t cry.
She looked like she had heard all of that before, and I felt terrible. Not for very long.
“Suck it up,” I hissed at her, “You have slaves. I am number ninety-six for crying out loud!”
Her expression didn’t change as she stared at me. Her eyes didn’t once change colors.
“You’ve killed almost a hundred people,” I stated, “And you almost killed me!”
She cocked her head to the side at the last thing I said.
“You promised,” I hissed at her, “And you broke it, I will never be your friend, so get away from me!”
She shifted her weight as she stood there, “How can I be better?”
Why did her words pierce through me?
“You can get away from me and never speak to me again!” I shouted, “Better yet, let me go!”
Fear spread across her face.
Before I knew it, I felt something rough collide with the back of my head, and I barely moved forward. That was when I felt something pierce my neck, and I fell to the floor before blacking out.
When I came to, I felt cold.
I wasn’t usually this sensitive to the temperature unless I was in my human form.
How many days had it been?
I shifted my weight, and I heard the familiar sound of metal rattling.
The chains that bound me connected me to the wall.
I was angry, starving, cold, tired, and I was in constant pain.
They must have figured out that they couldn’t hurt me when my demon arm was out.
Then I thought about the needle they stuck me with, they would send someone in three times a day to force the liquid into my neck, and I would ache everywhere.
My insides felt like they were tearing, and I didn’t know what to do to make it stop.
It didn’t take long for the door to the pitch-black room to open, and a stream of light nearly blinded me.
“Look who’s finally up,” it was a deep male voice.
“Do you see that?” the other man asked.
“Why yes, David, I believe I do,” he said.
They were clearly having more fun than they should.
I let out a low groan as the one called David pulled me up by the chain that bound my neck.
“That fucked up arm is gone,” he said, looking at his companion, “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
The other man smirked as he dropped the folded blanket he was carrying.
“Oh, I was hoping for this,” he said.
That was the first time I was tortured.
David and his pal Jason, whose name I find out while he is ripping out one of my canine teeth, began to visit me every day until I was human again, and they would start all over again.
A loud splat and the feel of liquid on face woke me.
I opened my eyes as much as I could, okay one eye because that’s all I could manage.
There was a bowl with food right in front of me.
It was month four, and they knew what day to come in on, the one day out of the month where I was utterly human.
I forced my hand forward to reach for the bowl only to have my hand crushed by a boot, and laughter filled the room.
“Look at this,” Jason spoke, “I think he might be hungry.”
“Really?” David asked, “I thought he just ate?”
“Did he?” Jason asked.
He didn’t hesitate to pick up the bowl and dump it over me, and I felt my stomach growl painfully.
I hadn’t eaten since the day before yesterday.
There was a loud knock on the door.
“I bet it’s that runt again,” Jason hissed.
Runt? Who was he talking about?
I used my hand to wipe the food from the floor, and I was quick to eat it. I was reaching the point of starvation, and I didn’t care if I had to eat insects. I just needed to get something in my stomach.
The large door opened, and all I heard was Jason’s harsh voice.
I couldn’t hear his exact words, but was pretty sure he told the ‘Runt’ to ‘fuck off.’
“What does she want?” David stood up to meet Jason at the door.
“You aren’t allowed down here, kid,” Jason hissed.
“We already have one monster down here. We don’t need another,” David chuckled.
“Stop!” I shouted.
They were calling her names, she already got that from me, and I was here. Why were they allowed to talk to her like that?
“Hear that?” Jason asked.
“I think someone wants more punishment,” David stated.
“Get lost runt,” Jason said.
I shut my eyes before a boot collided with my stomach. The next boot met my face, and I was quick to spit the blood from my mouth.
A scream echoed through the room. I opened my eyes quickly to see Jason on fire and David staring as the man fell to the ground. The scream ended almost as fast as it came, which meant he was dead.
I stared up at the small girl who looked furious at David.
He didn’t know what to do, and before I really thought about it, I latched onto his leg when he tried to lunge for her.
She stared confused before she grabbed the front of his shirt, and white fire swarmed him.
It was an instant death. I don’t know how I knew it, but I watched his body burn in less than five seconds.
“Boone!” Eaden cried.
Why was I helping her?
She sat down next to me, and she sobbed.
Why was she crying?
“I’m sorry,” she hiccupped, “Please forgive me!”
What the hell was she sorry for?
I don’t even think I remember why I was mad at her, well besides the whole burning me while I was a human thing.
“Aren’t you mad at me?” I asked her.
She looked at me confused before wiping her eyes, “Everyone thinks those things, you were the only one to say them.”
I don’t think I understood.
“You have to watch the things you say,” she said, “The walls have ears.”
The walls have ears?
“I told you I hated you,” I said, hearing my voice crack.
“You can hate me as much as you want to,” she said, “Just don’t die.”
Just don’t die?
She cried again, and I stared at her.
It was at that moment that I fell in love with her. She cried for me, even when I told her that I hated her.
She tugged at the chain, hoping that it would be the easiest thing to do. Which obviously it wasn’t.
I tried to move, but I couldn’t.
“This is going to hurt,” she warned me.
I braced myself as the shackle around my wrist began to burn, and she pulled it apart.
I stared at my newly freed wrist, and it wasn’t burned like I thought it was going to be.
“One down,” she said.
I rolled onto my back so she could get the one on my other wrist.
It was only a momentary burn, but it didn’t leave a mark either.
“This one might be hard,” she mumbled as she brought her hands to the one around my neck, and even I was nervous.
It was easier to get the scorching metal away from my wrist because of how far away it was from the rest of my skin, my neck was close to quite a few other parts of my body that I didn’t want to be burned.
She hesitated at my neck, and I nodded quickly.
The metal began to heat up, and she tried to pull it apart, the hot metal made contact with my chin, and I tried my best not to show that she burned me again.
She pulled them apart and sat there with a victorious grin.
I had to force myself up so that I sat next to her.
She really came down here to get me, didn’t she?
“Eaden,” I said whispered.
She looked at me and frowned, “Your chin, your eye, you… everywhere.”
I dropped my gaze to the floor, and she was quick to wrap her arms around me.
“I can help,” she said, “I can help!”
I shook my head slowly before feeling the warmth of her fire, and panic filled me.
What the hell was she doing?
I turned to face her, and the white flame engulfed us, but I didn’t feel a thing.
She screamed, and I could feel my body getting stronger. My eye opened, and the burn on my chin felt minuscule.
“Eaden!” I shouted as I moved to wrap my arms around her.
She continued to scream, and I couldn’t stop her. The fire around us got bigger and bigger.
It was beginning to feel cold.
“Eaden, stop!” I shouted, “I’m fine now! You helped me!”
As soon as the word ‘helped’ left my mouth, the fire stopped instantly, as if it were a candle that was simply blown out.
She dropped, and I didn’t let her hit the floor.
What the hell was that?
“Eaden?” I whispered.
She didn’t respond.
I felt a tightening in my chest.
What was going to happen now?
I forced myself off the ground, and I held onto her. I was going to take her to her room, but then I realized I had no idea where she slept.
I had to force myself up, even though it was hard, and my legs didn’t want to listen. I stood up with her still in my arms.
I made my way to my room, and I set her on the bed, and I sighed.
What was I going to do now?
Even though I said all those things, I couldn’t bring myself to hate her.
Maybe I hated myself more.
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