#sorry jdm
noots-trash · 2 years
funniest part about watching spn was that my friend was watching the walking dead at the same time. I kept complaining about a guy called John, she kept complaining about a guy called Negan, and when we CLICKED-
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ihatedean · 1 month
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season 1 gag reel
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angelsdean · 11 months
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hate that i can see the resemblance to dean / jensen in these young jdm pics. like GREAT casting bc dean literally looks exactly like what the biological child of jdm's john and sam smith's mary would look like but. also kinda hate it
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bloodydeanwinchester · 6 months
okay i haven’t listened to this yet so hopefully the sound is good lol
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dragonspiral-tower · 5 months
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Today's the Super GT qualifiers at Okayama International Circuit. Racing Miku is a witch this year, so our favorite witch Claire is here to help cheer on the team, along with Irida!
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meatsochism · 3 months
John Winchester I could match your freak
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deputygonebye · 5 months
I saw someone on this crazy site made a post about Maggie and Negan's chemistry - relating to their spinoff - and how they would be a perfect couple. Look, I support any and all opinions, and you are TOTALLY free to explore and share them. HOWEVER... that one does baffle me.
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theyarebothgunshot · 2 months
was reading an interview about the boys s4 and of course they ask jdm if he wants to work with jensen
"Jensen’s Soldier Boy was one of the single greatest characters I’ve seen in television in a long, long time. His performance blew me away. I did want to work with him — and we also have a really good time together, the two of us, especially. And, obviously, that was a carrot in front of my face that I was chasing after, sure."
and I can't help thinking about your jensen + jdm tag 😩
look i am reeaaalllyyy sorry but also since it's the summer of rpf i am also not <3
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litehase · 10 months
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He's just a boy in the city
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lostgirl1428 · 1 year
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Lend me your opinions lol
This also turned into an ADHD rant about natural resources some how.
⚠️Tried to be as spoiler free as possible but just in case⚠️
Just woke up to the news that Dead City has been renewed for a second season. I’m both MOTHER FUCKING THRILLED. But also kinda torn. Don’t get me wrong, Negan is ✨daddy✨ ffs I have a life size cardboard cut out of the fucker next to my bed. However, please someone just give this man his happy ending 😭 but also, I’m absolutely fucking thrilled to get the old Negan back. Idk how to feel about this. I don’t want the series dragged out too long. I came to terms it was probably going to be a limited series and I really don’t think we need another spin off like FTWD 😭 but also YES ALL THE NEGAN CONTENT PLEASE. I mean since it’s been renewed I’d personally say max it out 2-3 seasons, I really can’t see it going any further…I mean they did literally TRAP themselves on an island...
—-you can ignore literally the rest of this post unless you wanna hear a wildlife biology major rant about apocalyptic natural resources ——
SPEAKING OF. Natural resources. They MUST be limited as hell in a place like Manhattan. I mean sure, it can be a vast fortress if you can get the entire city under control (borough? Idk I’m from Boston not NY fuck the Yankees…something something ✨sports✨), but as far as Natural resources go you can only get so far with farming in an environment like that.
Let’s say ideal scenario here, they take over all of Manhattan, and build a decent functioning community.
Trips to the mainland would be a necessity, especially in the limitations of game to hunt. So like I mean in theory, I GUESS the plan to take the whole island is great and all but when you run out of food because you can’t even fish since the water around you is infested with floaters…eh 🤷🏻‍♀️. Long term survival they’d either have:
A: Scavenge and hunt on the Mainland, but again even then resources have become more and more scarce as we’ve seen in the main show.
B: Do trade with the mainland communities with their mass supply of methane (which logistically would work best depending on the size of the community but Manhattan aint that small and can potentially hold a large community)
C: Change a decent amount of infrastructure and gather farming resources from the mainland to cultivate their own crops and livestock. And we saw how well crops crew in the concrete Sanctuary….they DID NOT
Unless I’m way off about the geography of Manhattan, idk literally NEVER been.
Idk how this post turned into a rant in natrual resources of the zombie apocalypse but here we are. Happy Momday, it’s 4:30 am and I haven’t taken my Ritalin yet.
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souryoong · 1 year
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angelsdean · 2 years
lebanon isn't actually that bad of an episode like the daddy issues of it all IS delicious to me and seeing zachariah's stupid face again was fun actually and cas having no memory of them and fighting w/ dean was was also sexy and heartbreaking however. thee whole concept of lebanon could have been excuted 1000000% times better and most importantly. why tf didn't 2003-john have a wig !!! he looked so old and stupid i could not suspend my disbelief enough for that. angels are real? sure. magic pearl that grants wishes? absolutely. man from 2003 looking older than he did when he died in 2006? nah, can't do it man, can't do it.
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blanketforcas · 1 year
"i know brains sometimes try to protect you because i keep forgetting there's 2 jdm/jensen panels tomorrow" thinking back to when jdm and jensen were on the spn then and now podcast and it was like The John Winchester Apologists Hour™ ...💀
look. i don't want to start that discourse again but that's kind of what i'm afraid of - jdm saying something questionable again and jensen not really pushing back enough 😅
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witchofinterest · 1 year
truly nothing makes me upset in the way that the walking dead still can
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frownyalfred · 2 months
« it took him longer to die in that alley than people realized. Alfred, when reading the autopsy report, believed it was due to his need to ensure Bruce was safe. Martha died nearly instantly. » That's why I love Snyder's version of the Waynes' death so much.
Also, do you think that Thomas actually tried to defend his family by directly dealing with the mugger with violence, like in Snyder's version, or was he more cooperative with the mugger ? Maybe both ?
Yeah! It's such a cool version -- contrasts very nicely with the Dark Knight trilogy version. It answered the question a lot of people asked after Batman Begins -- why didn't Thomas fight back? Why did he try to de-escalate when the mugger was so twitchy? Why was he weak (Ra's word for him, said to Bruce) when he could have protected his family?
BVS Thomas does exactly that -- he sees the gun, he puts his family behind him, and he goes after the mugger. JDM is a big man in that movie. He looks intimidating. I'd believe him as Flashpoint Batman, tbh. And yet, he still dies. And then Martha dies. And he's still alive to see the life go out of her eyes. It's crushing.
I suppose my take on the pivotal alley scene depends on if you truly believe the Waynes were cursed to die in that alley no matter what. The common advice when being mugged is to just hand everything over without a fight. Most muggers aren't out for a murder charge. They just want stuff. Hand over the wallet, and your family is fine.
But in the Dark Knight movies, Thomas hands over the wallet. And he still dies. It's explained as the mugger being twitchy, the gunshot is a surprise and then Martha freaking out causes him to overcommit and shoot her too. In BVS, it's much more of an execution. The mugger takes a moment to thread the gun through Martha's pearls and shoot her, almost intimately.
So Thomas loses whichever path he chooses, de-escalation or fighting. He is still at the mercy of the gun, even as strong and as capable as he is. And if he doesn't die, if Martha isn't shot, then Bruce is, as we see in the Flashpoint Paradox. No winning, in any timeline.
People make bad choices in tense situations, like getting mugged. If you're not used to that kind of situation, it's so hard to stay calm and make the "right" choice. There's a LOT of victim blaming that goes on about Thomas, some of it poking fun at him, some of it highlighting more of the Wayne's naiveté about living above Gotham. But in his shoes, in that split second, what exactly WAS the right choice?
I always thought that a combo of the two "styles" of this scene would be best -- Thomas fighting back the mugger after trying to negotiate, getting shot, and then using the last of his strength to try and stem the bleeding from Martha. When that doesn't work, he collapses on/around Bruce so the mugger thinks he's dead too, and tells Bruce to stay down and that he loves him. It also works this way if you buy into the "the Waynes were taken out as a hit disguised as a mugging" theory/storyline -- Bruce survived, when he shouldn't have, because of Thomas.
Sorry to ramble. I have a lot of loosely formed thoughts about this. Curious what others think.
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saintescuderia · 4 months
pancakes (pt. 7)
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AKA - the story of how the naive australian rookie befriended the gym junkie F1 hospitality worker with the shoe collection - and inadvertently broke the grid's most treasured and unspoken rule: you don't go for y/n.
series masterlist here :) // the pancakes recipe here :)
A/N: here we are! and CHARLES WON MONACO! (also sorry for the lance slander RPM influences me far too much)
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P7 - 2.5L water bottle
"Oh for fuck's sake."
The lyrics rapping over the Metro Boomin beat were cut off as you turned off your engine. You huffed spotting the asshole in green getting out of the Aston Martin in front of you.
Mother fucking Lance Stroll.
Stroll got on your every nerve from the fact that he, as a paid driver, was the epitome of what you hated about F1 and the cash is king nature of the sport. It didn't help your opinion of him that his treatment of the Hospitality workers was very telling of his personality (i.e a spoiled little bitch) - but he also treated the rest of Aston Martin like that.
His engineers he bossed around. His PR team he bossed around. His fucking team principle he bossed around. You had never ever seen a driver be able to literally pick and choose what Media they wanted to do until Lance Stroll. Not even Räikkönen had gotten away with things that way Stroll did.
The worst part of it all, though, was that Lance's attitude of I can do whatever I want meant that he really thought he could get any girl he wanted.
Namely - you.
Your Supra wasn't exactly inconspicuous and Lance had (unfortunately) been in F1 long enough to make the connection that the flash JDM car parked in the lot tended to belong to you. And even though your windows were tinted a few shades darker than legal limit, Lance was getting out of the car right next to you. There was no chance he didn't know that it was you.
If anything, he likely made his driver park next to your Supra on purpose.
"Lord give me strength." You muttered seeing him come up to your window.
But then Lance Stroll had the fucking audacity to tap on your window.
You immediately reached for the handle and opened the door which caused him to stumble for the lack of space as you did so. "Oh, woah! Hey!" The Canadian accent pissed you off for no other reason than it reminded you of Drake. Someone else you fucking despised.
"Don't touch my car." You said, voice flat.
"Oh, er. My bad. Nice looking ride."
"Thanks." You said curtly, internally cringing at how he said 'ride' like that. You went around and grabbed the vast array of things you always hauled with you. Said items for today consisted of your gym bag, your workbag, your lunch bag and your comically large 2.5L water bottle. You always were carrying a lot.
"Need help?"
"I insist."
"Why you always gotta play hard to get?"
You said nothing, forcefully biting your tongue. You were out of practice with Lance Stroll's shit since Domenicali had finally relented and cut the amount of shifts you would be rostered on Aston Martin. Which had been a shame since the crew were quite nice and you really taking the piss with Nando.
Still, Lance Stroll was insufferable - and you were evidently out of practice dealing with his spoiled delusions. You were just glad his father wasn't around. God help you when it came to the European races.
"I have to get to work." You said and locked your car. There was a call from behind where some Aston Martin people were waiting Lance but he ignored them. Instead, falling into step with you.
"I don't see you around Aston Martin anymore." He said, trying to make conversation.
You kept ignoring him, hoping he'd get the hint. Pulling out your phone, you started to compose a to text to Oscar. He would coming here with Lily and had said something about finally introducing the two of you. Your eyes checked the time at the top of your phone screen. Based on what time it was, Oscar should've been here by now - and could save you from Lance Stroll.
to: piazzas 👼
where the fuck are u ?? lance stroll is trying to talk to me send help
"I don't know." Was all you said, typing away with one hand as the other held a bag, hoodie, bottle and lanyard. You lifted the arm to tap in through the gate and then continued to ignore Lance - who continued to walk beside you and speak.
"That wouldn't be because you're working for McLaren." Lance said. This made you fingers pause as the blatant comment caught you off-guard. You sucked your teeth and took a deep breath. You adjusted your grip on your bags and continued to type another message.
to: piazzas 👼
srsly im gonna fucking rage at this point
"I don't know what you're on about." You said and felt relief seeing the Read time-stamp arrive below your sent message and three dots finally pop up as Oscar typed a response.
Lance made that irritating sound - his laugh. "You know my dad will pay you double what they're paying."
from: piazzas 👼
I'm at the McLaren motorhome. In a meeting with some PR. Can you come?
You huffed and pocketed your phone. Your shift was at Ferrari today and so there was no logical reason for you to walk into McLaren. Then again, it was early and you were yet to get dressed. It should be okay. People rarely noticed you since you looked like some random trainer with the amount of stuff you always carried.
Except, right now, Lance Stroll was not getting the hint and pissing off. Meaning you couldn't exactly freely walk into McLaren no questions asked.
Especially after that comment about you working for McLaren.
"What do you say?" The annoying idiot stood there, still waiting on you apparently.
"What?" You asked, shifting the items in your hand and pausing in your steps. You were in front of Ferrari right now and considered going in to dump your stuff before sneaking off to McLaren. That would at least get rid of Lance.
"Just say the number. How much. Dad wants you onboard and so do I. And all that legal stuff we can sort out." Lance said with a nonchalant shrug that pissed you off more than it should've. "My trainer isn't really working for me anyway."
You stared at him. Was he being serious right now? Your mouth fell open at the audacity and you glanced at his manager behind him who was looking up at the sky, clearly uncomfortable.
But, of course, unable to say anything.
"Ah, Stroll! Mademoiselle is with us today!" You turned your head to the French accent of your other favourite Team Principle. Fred Vasseur arrived with one half of the Scuderia drivers beside him. Your eyes widened on the sight of Carlos there, sunglasses pushed up in the head of hair that had its own fan-accounts and was the star of many, many Tiktok thirst edits.
Last night, your uncle had thrown you for a loop. Carlos Sainz had somehow infiltrated your uncle's sphere with a video of him refusing to sign a Barcelona jersey.
This, your uncle took as a good omen and a worth his approval.
"Approval for what?"
"None of these drivers are worth your time. But this one seems good." Your uncle's voice had sounded through the speaker function of your phone as you balanced a ball on your head. Last night you had present for his usual call to his sister and Dia was adamant you cop it.
And cop it you did. His newest idea was not Jude or Vinicius - but apparently Carlos Sainz.
"What? Because Carlos didn't sign a Messi jersey?"
"His name is Carlos?" Your uncle had asked and you had, in turn, just groaned. You half expected him to make some ridiculous comment about the similar names being a good omen or something.
"Yeah. Carlos Sainz."
"Sainz? Hm." There was a short pause from your uncle. "Is his father a rally driver?"
"Yes." You had frowned, not expecting that.
"Ah! I know him. Good family."
"What?" You said, still stuck on how your uncle knew the Sainz family. "How do you know him?"
"Why didn't you tell me about him before?"
"Because... I never noticed Carlos." The football you had been kicking slowed as you found yourself frowning at the phone on the kitchen table. "It's... I don't know. It's just Carlos."
"I want you to talk to him. To 'Just Carlos' as you say." Your uncle was not relenting. "Go have dinner together. He has a good face."
Your uncle's attempts to get you married to what he deemed was a 'respectable man' and not, in his opinion, 'some limpy Frenchman' (you would often remind him Charles was from Monaco nor was it was like that between you two) or 'some tatted up Australian wanna be Italian' (you would also remind that Daniel barely identified as Italian). However, all of your uncle Carlo's options had always been footballers which, you and Dia knew, was just a ploy to move you from car circuits to football pitches.
But last night, you found, Carlos Sainz apparently had the Ancelotti tick of approval and he was adamant you and Carlos apparently go out for dinner.
You took your uncle's comments to be why you suddenly found yourself feeling a little awkward seeing the driver in the flesh. The on you admittedly never paid much attention to before.
"Maybe next race you can have her." The Spanish driver - who apparently had your uncle's approval - said. Carlos took a sip from the small coffee cup in hand. He was on his piccolo, you noted.
Carlos came up to you and you felt yourself caught out and taken aback by him openly reaching for the strap of your gym bag and your bottle, prying them for your hands. The surprise had you letting go and once Carlos had a grip on them, he nodded at everyone in green. "See you guys on track." And put a hand on your back to guide you into the home. His clear dismissal towards Lance made you smile and it made your face warm up even more.
Your smile dropped.
What the fuck?
"Um. Thank you." You said, once you were out of earshot.
"He's an idiot." Carlos said, with a tired sigh. This made you laugh.
"You're telling me."
It was then that you realised your laugh was nervous. You cleared your throat. You were going to rip into your uncle. And then yourself for being so stupid. Because this was stupid. You barely ever noticed Carlos. What? You find out he really hates Barcelona and has really, really great hair and suddenly you're tongue-tied around him?
"Ha. Yeah. I get that. And I can hold that." You went to reach for the strap of your bag on his shoulder. Carlos moved away.
"Don't insult me." He said, tsking you with a grin on his face. "Let's go. Fred spoke all morning about your pizzas."
"Yes! I did." Fred said, reappearing with his assistant who was handing him a paper he was half reading as he spoke. "Guenther didn't let me have any last time."
You couldn't but smile, remembering Guenther's loud curses echoing throughout all of Haas when he found you plating some aside for Fred. You gave Fred a salute. "I'll get right to it. Let me just dump my things in the backroom."
"I'll take them there." Carlos said, evidently not relenting. You sighed and let him carry them for you as you both made your way to the backroom.
Unfortunately, this meant walking through the entire motorhome in which case many Ferrari staff did a double take seeing you walk with Carlos. Whilst it wasn't uncommon to see you around, nor for you to have any interactions with drivers - you literally made their food and coffee - but Carlos was holding all your many, many belongings and walking to the small backroom that were reserved for Hospitality.
"Thank you." You said, appreciating the chivalry. What you didn't appreciate, however, was how your body was reacting to Carlos.
You didn't get why you were suddenly so... hyperaware around Carlos. Seeing driver content wasn't something new to you. Why did it affect you like this? Maybe addressing it would just help.
And so your mouth just came out with it.
"My uncle likes you."
You quickly elaborated. "He saw a video of you refusing to sign a Barca jersey."
Your uncle had even sent you said video of Carlos, the driver windswept in his Ferrari, driving off when a fan passed him a pen and the jersey. You had to admit he did look good in the video and the way he drove off like that had made your eyebrows shoot up, impressed.
"Your uncle... Don Ancelotti?"
"Yeah." You said with a laugh at the name. The Don. You were proud of your uncle and what he achieved, earning him such a nickname. Dia always said her brother's intimidating Don cigar smoking aura had been passed down to you - and not his own children/your cousins.
You weren't surprised Carlos knew about who your uncle was. It wasn't exactly a secret. And considering the world of Formula 1, that wasn't even the craziest connection for someone working in the Paddock. An Alpine techie was distant cousins with Mbappé, a Haas mechanic was close cousins with LeBron, and Valentino Rossi's babysister's best friend's brother was a PR manager for George Russell.
So, no. No one really paid much attention to you and your uncle. The most it had ever come up was the odd few comments of the Paddock's EPL fans coming to you lamenting Carlo Ancelotti moving from Everton to Real Madrid.
"Woah, that's pretty cool." Carlos said, his eyes widening. "I definitely need to let my dad know."
"Apparently they know each other?" You asked, hoping he might shed more light on the connection your uncle somehow had to Sainz Sr. Your uncle hadn't managed to explain that curious bit.
"Do they? He never said." He said and you blew a raspberry. You really were going to give your uncle a piece of your mind. You shook your head and Carlos laughed, saying something that went to deaf ears as he took his sunglasses off his head - causing some strands to fall across his forehead as he was looking down at you.
He used the other hand to run through said black locks.
Double fuck.
The man seriously could've made it as a hair model.
You looked down from his hair to meet his eyes and felt yourself flush even more knowing he'd caught you staring at his hair. You cleared your throat again - when had it gotten so dry? - and spoke. "You um, you could really make bank doing hair endorsements, you know?"
"Bank?" Carlos asked, not picking up the slang.
"Money." You explained the slang and then thought of the Spanish translation. "El dinero."
"Ah, so was it the Don who taught you Spanish?" Carlos asked, lips turning up to grin.
"Nah I don't really speak Spanish." You shook your head and explained. "I just know that word from some from lyrics and stuff."
"Stuff? From living in Los Angeles?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. You blinked, surprised he knew that tidbit about you. "I remember you telling Max about it back in Torro Rosso."
Carlos' observational skills evidently had you in surprise. First it was him remembering your Egyptian heritage and now this?
"I, uh. Yeah for a year and a bit. I worked in a garage." You explained, feeling more awkward and, well, something else that you refused to acknowledge as nervousness.
You didn't get nervous. You had literally served countless celebrities and prided yourself on not getting starstruck or fucking nervous.
And yet, here was Carlos running a hand through his hair catching you off guard with how hyperaware you were of him.
"Ah." Carlos laughed and you stared at the way a thin gold chain glittered around his wrist. "Well, if you know any hair sponsors you'd recommend, let me know."
"Oh, yeah. Done." You said, going back to the previous conversation. "But I'm expecting a cut, then." You said, opening up a locker and beginning to stuff the bags into it. "Hoy por ti - "
" - mañana por mi." Carlos finished the phrase, amused. "It's different in Spanish, though, you know?"
"What is?"
"English you say scratch my back or something. In Spanish it's more about generosity. You take care of me so I will take care of you next."
"Oh." You said, taking in the mini Spanish lesson. Admittedly all your Spanish came from working with Tyler in the garage on Fairfax Ave and, of course, song lyrics. There had been a few funny conversations with Fernando - but nothing intimate such as I will take care of you.
You didn't really know what to say next. Your face was already flushed and you'd probably be able to cook something on your cheek from how hot it was.
You were going to kill your uncle. Real Madrid could win Champions League without him. And even if they didn't - well, Guenther would be happy to see another team finally have a chance.
"Also," Carlos casually continued, unfazed - or not noticing - your lull, "there's going to be a game tomorrow night. I'm not sure if you were planning to watch it."
Thankfully, his words momentarily did distract you from the inner monologue. Real Madrid wasn't playing this weekend. Atletico Madrid was.
Maybe it was Carlos being from Madrid or following the Spanish league religiously but, either way, it wasn't a game you had intended to watch.
"Oh, I mean I like Griezmann." You said, referring to the famed Atletico player, "but I don't watch La Liga games unless Real Madrid is playing." Besides, if you showed any interest in any other team, The Don would have your head. Your uncle still didn't know you owned a jersey of another team. Even if it was only for Mo Salah.
"No, the Liverpool game." Carlos corrected. "They're playing Manchester United, are they not?"
This was surprising. There had been no indication in the past of Carlos ever caring about any other team besides Real Madrid - let alone being that interested a whole other league. If you ever were going to talk EPL with a driver, it was probably a passing conversation with Lewis. Maybe George if the Wolves were involved. And that was when the drivers themselves initiated the conversation.
Max, and his love for your team's biggest rival Barcelona, was who you used to talk to about football, who you used to stay up and watch games or play Fifa with.
And since that was no more, you sort of lost any passion for it.
So this was very much news to you.
Carlos Sainz. Talking to you about EPL.
More than that - asking you if you were going to watch an EPL game.
"Uh, yeah maybe." You finally spoke. During your drive to work, you had vaguely thought about changing your schedule so as to be able to watch the game. You had played around with the idea of doing a workout after your shift tomorrow so you could stay up after qualifying and watch the match.
The only issue was that this would you mean you wouldn't be able to work out before the race on Sunday - and you were definitely going to be stressed working a whole weekend at Ferrari.
But if you watched it you could stream it on one of the TVs in the driver's gym - that way Oscar could workout with you also.
Suffice to say, you hadn't yet made up your mind.
"Lando and I were going to watch it. He's a fan of Manchester United." Carlos said, looking at you expectantly. "Don't worry, I won't tell the Don."
It was that look which made your eyes widen slightly, the thought suddenly dawning on you: was Carlos asking to watch the game together?
Something erupted in your stomach.
However, your reflex to any driver interaction had immediately kicked in.
"Oh, nice. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to watch it with the schedule. You guys enjoy, though."
Carlos opened his mouth but thankfully someone, a man dressed in the red uniform, appeared in the doorway calling for Carlos. The interruption was very much welcomed as the driver nodded and was resolved to leave you before your body gave you any more confusing signals.
You took a second, a steading second, before you slammed your locked shut and went out to look for Oscar.
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“And there’s the young rookie, Oscar Piastri. Looking really good after his amazing win in Jeddah. 9th, outperforming everyone’s expectations!"
“Yes! He’s just arrived with his - is that his trainer?”
“She looks tough enough to be one. Wait is that — “
The commentators immediately realise and change the subject to something else to do with Fernando’s winning streak and Aston Martin’s upgrades. You sigh at the clip that had been playing on the TV in front of you where you could be seen handing him the Antinal Dia had been adamant Oscar have.
Zak had informed Oscar who had informed you about the conversations had between all the TPs about, well, you.
It was startling to say the least. 
"I'm afraid people are starting to catch on." Oscar's PR Manager said with a stern look as she stared at both you and Oscar. Her name was Sophie and despite her young age putting her in the same ball-park as you and Oscar... it still felt like you both were students in trouble, being told off by your teacher.
Oscar had asked you about a Sophie Wright a few months ago. You briefly knew of the girl from her interning days, following other PR members around the McLaren motorhome over the years. She was a little on the shorter side, the chubbier side and, unfortunately, these two appearance traits meant she was excluded from the other PR girls who definitely already had a group chat going.
However, you also knew this meant she would be good at her job. Sophie could blend in the background quietly, unnoticed and do her job well. You also doubted she would easily jump around for a better opportunity and do Oscar dirty. Then there was the fact that when you served her a skinny latte one time, she made sure to read your name badge and thank you with a genuine smile.
And so you had given Oscar the thumbs up.
Never, in a million years, did you think you would be here though. Getting a debrief from her as Sophie tapped on her iPad. You risked a glance at Oscar who looked indifferent and nonplussed.
"Sorry Soph," he said, "but I'm not exactly aware what this means exactly."
There was some noise at the door and in walked Zak Brown himself. He was still talking to someone outside in the hall and said a 'yep, bye!' and then finally turned to address the room he was halfway in. "Ah, here we are. Just the people I need to see." His eyes fell on you and you shifted uncomfortably in your seat.
"No trouble at all. I know you're friends with Oscar and just wanting to help him out." Zak said, coming to sit down. "Ah, so you've seen the clips." He looked at the TV where Sophie's iPad was still screensharing the clip from yesterday.
Thursday's media days was always the least loved day for everyone - save for the bloodthirsty journalists. Drivers hated all the mundane questions and the paranoia of microphones and cameras everywhere. And you hated media day because it meant extra long barista shifts.
"Yes, Sophie showed me before but I thought Tezza should see it." Oscar explained, using your nickname. Your heart warmed at how considerate that was. You met his eyes and smiled softly at him. Your love for the kid grew daily.
"Good thinking!" Zak said, nodding agreeably to his driver. You fought to keep your face passive as you regarded the McLaren CEO.
Your opinion of Zak Brown was that he got further than he ever dreamt to get from starring on Wheel of Fortune. And whilst you did admire him for not being brought up in the snobbery and pretentiousness of the generational wealth that F1 tends to circulate through... you did note how he sucked up to the those snobs and their pretentious generational wealth.
Namely, how he did anything and everything for to make Lando Norris happy. In your opinion, it was a lil cringe at times.
"Well, the problem is that it's getting harder and harder for me to just make it out to the rest of the Paddock that you and Oscar are just friends spotting one another at the gym." Zak said. "Christian Horner is running rampant, scared you'll turn Oscar into the next Max Verstappen."
You snorted at this. Unfortunately this drew everyone's attention to you and you knew you would need to explain. "Max and Oscar are polar opposites."
Oscar could very easily become a World Champion without you. He was smart, dedicated and very talented. And whilst Max was all those things, he didn't need someone to train him up so much as tame him down after all that Jos did to him. You guys had just as much sessions on anger management as you had sessions on endurance training.
"Either way, it's coming to be viewed as a breach." Zak said. "And if you breach your contract then - "
"I know." You interrupted him. He didn't need to explain that to you.
"There's also the issue that people think you two are dating." Sophie spoke up from the front. She tapped on her iPad a few times and up came up a few screenshots of Twitter threads hypothesising about the two of you. "Your Twitter had a followed increase of 150% since Oscar followed you. Which didn't help."
"And whose fault was that?" You said, looking at Oscar with an unimpressed look. "You're lucky I deleted that shit so quickly."
"Yeah look, my bad. The timing was off." He said, accepting responsibility. You still remember all the notifications of the Twitter shit-storm Oscar set off. You literally had to delete your account because of it.
"Yes, Christian did bring that up." Zak said. "And it's a good thing Oscar's lovely Lauren is here - "
"Lily, sir." Sophie quickly corrected her boss. You wanted to groan. Oscar just looked down to hide his smile. Under the table, you kicked at his legs.
"Lily! Sorry." He gave a sheepish look to Oscar. "Yes, you and Lily this morning was a good idea."
"Unfortunately, Daniel did like a few of these Tweets." Sophie added, bringing up the screenshots of a Tweet about you and Oscar that was liked by none other than @danielricciardo.
You clenched your fist, your nails digging into your palm as you thought of how fucking petty that was. Daniel wasn't a fucking idiot. Aside from the fact that he knew your type - (admittedly, the tall/dark features combination always got you) Oscar was so young.
If anything, you thought of Oscar, genuinely, as a younger brother. As you had Max. Daniel knew that. So he knew exactly what he was doing by liking those kind of fucking Tweets. Tweets you wouldn't put past Red Bull to send out themselves.
Because, if anything, they would be praying it wouldn't be true about you and Oscar. Otherwise Christian Horner wouldn't have any leg to stand on. That was how you got around being connected to Charles, anyway. Family was the exception.
"I know your contract has you tied to only working for Red Bull and Ferrari's drivers but--"
"Red Bull and Charles Leclerc." You corrected in a tight voice, your eyes falling down to the table in front of you. "I was only granted exemption to work with Charles as he was considered family."
This caused him to frown as he pulled out his phone and began typing at it. "I thought you were allowed to work for Red Bull or Ferrari. No new teams."
"Yeah, no." You said, making Oscar chuckle at the Australianism. "No new teams outside of Red Bull and Torro Rosso." You specified.
"Christian didn't say that." Zak said.
"It was kept really quiet." You explained. "Charles was, um, he granted exemption from my Red Bull contract because he - well, he was considered family." You cleared your throat, not able to even look at Oscar. "I was signed for Torro Rosso and Red Bull. Never Ferrari."
"That's not what Toto said at the meeting." Zak said, shaking his head. "He made it seem that you could work for Ferrari."
You said nothing. Toto Wolff had approached you once or twice but your answer had always been the same, no matter what he offered. Eventually, he dropped it. You just didn't realise he dropped it because Toto had sought out the fine print.
"Wait so why aren't you Charles' trainer?" Zak asked, looking up from his phone. "He'd be insane to not have you!"
You froze. How were you supposed to answer that? For once, you had hoped the F1 rumour mill had properly run its course and Zak would know better than to ask that obvious question.
"Eh, Leclerc's loss." Oscar interjected with a casual shrug. "Let's be glad we don't need to worry about that."
The hidden meaning behind his smooth words were clear and you felt your love for the boy increase tenfold at his save.
"What - if I may," Sophie started, trying to be sensitive with her wording and her eyes darted between you and Oscar, "what were the grounds for family?"
You took a moment to think of how you might answer. You really didn't want to but if this might help the boy beside you, you would. "Charles - and I, like, I dunno. We grew up together? Everyone just knew." You pulled at your hoodie sleeve, feeling every bit uncomfortable with the question.
"You didn't date?" Sophie asked. Your face must've shown something very unpleasant because she was quick to amend. "I'm only saying because the grounds for family are always a grey area."
You pressed your lips together and went back to staring at the table. "There was nothing romantic between Charles and I." You said. The room fell silent for a moment as Zak tapped on his screen a few times and then he spoke up.
"You also trained Daniel. He told me in 2021." Zak said and put the phone down and you wanted to roll you eyes. Of course Daniel would say that. "And I don't want to get into all the drama but you were dating him back when you were training Verstappen."
Zak did have a point.
A key point that you had forgotten.
You paused and watched the screen in front of you and the liked by @danielricciardo Tweet. "Christian's always had a soft spot for Daniel so..." You trailed off. "But yeah, you're right. It was fine even though I was contracted to Max under Torro Rosso then Red Bull."
"Hm." Zak said, bringing a hand to his chin as he leaned back, pensive, in his chair. "I can see how romantic grounds could be argued." He said it with a laugh, looking between you and Oscar.
You raised an eyebrow at the comment. You honestly weren't sure if this was just Zak Brown being Zak Brown - i.e saying dumb things to suck up since he was out of his element - or if he actually meant that. Either way, it pissed you off.
Because there was no fucking way you'd let that happen to Oscar.
"No it can't. Contracts aside, I'm not forcing someone I think of as my younger brother into a PR relationship with me." You said.
"It could work, though." Sophie said, taking a professional tone as you turned your glare to her. "This is what I was trying to say before. The Twitter comments about you and Oscar are not necessarily negative. If anything you've helped increased Oscar's public image and Red Bull wouldn't able to say anything about you two on romantic family grounds."
You were seething.
Thankfully, Oscar was more level-headed than you.
"Yeah, look guys. Tezza's pretty but not my type." He finally chimed in, lighthearted. "Besides, I think we should focus more on the car and that way it's a fair advantage to both me and Lando."
You looked back at him and took a deep breath. Oscar smiled at you, chill as always, and you took another breath. You wanted to give the boy a big hug.
"Look, Zak," you said, looking back at the TP, calming down a little more, "I'm sorry. I'm causing you all this shit."
"You got Oscar into the points." Zak waved off. "Don't worry about it. I just want to find a way that works for everyone." You sucked on your teeth. Whilst it was nice to know that Zak Brown was willing to take risks on you also wanted to know how this conversation would've gone if Oscar hadn't finished 9th in Jeddah last weekend.
Such was the way of F1.
Sophie then tapped on her iPad and the TV showed a picture taken by Ky Millman. It was of Oscar hugging you after the win in Jeddah. Some comments were displayed and you found your lips turning up as you read them. They were, as Sophie said, sort of positive.
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liked by mclaren, saintescuderia and 15'483 others
kymillman SUPPORT FOR SUCCESS! Oscar surprised many with his amazing performance in Jeddah and goes to celebrate with a F1 Hospitality worker and friend @ynusername!
view all 76 comments
halaaaamadrid girl help his shoe game pls
ln44girlieee @mclaren we need content from this duo plssss u have them right there
logansversion as if mclaren is going to post a couple?
f1fanforever they're friends?
ln44girlieee idc the level of sarcasm between them would be SO GOOD
oscarpastries i love THIS! 😫😫😫
justanotherinchident omg charles finna be RIOTING!
team44roscoes wait why would charles be upset ?? i thought @ynusername was with dannyric?
maxiel4eva_16 yeh 😒 jumping on all them aussies
You rolled your eyes at the last comment. Maybe it was a good thing you were off Twitter and barely used Instagram anymore.
"It'll be hard to argue that Oscar is family since you haven't known him as long as you did with Charles," Sophie spoke up, bringing your attention back to her, "but we can maybe try to build it up from a PR point a view."
"That Oscar and I are family and not dating?" You asked. Sophie nodded. You looked at Oscar, wanting his confirmation.
"Yeah, sure thing Vin Diesel." He laughed.
"Hey, hey. Fuck you." The grin on your face was contagious and he broke out laughing also. You liked this new idea and turned back to look at Sophie a lot more positively. You were glad McLaren gave Oscar the girl.
"Okay, so what do we do to show the world I've adopted Oscar?" You asked.
"I think you'll find my dad's already half adopted you." Oscar corrected. "He wants to see your Supra."
"That's perfect!" Sophie said, excited. "Maybe Oscar can post a story of the interaction sometime this weekend? Make sure Lily is there. Maybe you can play the tired third wheel of them!" Sophie looked at you as ranted off her ideas. You nodded, suddenly less excited.
Whilst it was nice to know there was a plan in place to help you and Oscar continue to work together, you didn't like the way Sophie said for you 'play' a role. The one, sole consolation you had going for you these past few years was the lack of needing to play any PR role. Hearing Sophie speak was giving you flashbacks to times long gone.
"Happy with that gang?" Zak said, placing his palms on the table. "We'll work on building the PR and hopefully that will get Red Bull off our back as we also improve the car!" He stood up and left, not joining Sophie and Oscar as they said goodbye to the boss.
"Wait, does this mean I need to actually start using Instagram?" You asked.
"Yes." Sophie said. Then she looked up from her iPad. "Don't you? You were tagged in it?"
"Like, I have an account but I stopped using it. I'm pretty sure I deleted the app." You said, pulling out your phone to see that yes, there was no pink app downloaded. You pressed the download button, knowing what was in store for you.
"Download it. You're already at 2.4k followers." She said, bringing up your profile on the TV screen.
"The fuck? I had like three hundred last time I checked."
"Five." Sophie corrected. "Your growth has increased since you started training the F2 winner who follower Y/N Tessio after the most controversial Formula 1 Tweet that ever was Tweeted." Sophie said, eyeing Oscar with a raised eyebrow.
"I already said sorry about that."
"Do you know how stressful you made my first day? Helen scared me!" Sophie asked, humour on her face. "Though, nothing like jumping in the deep end."
The Instagram app had finishing downloading and you logged onto it - thank you pre-saved passwords - to be met with a fucking plethora of notifications that suddenly had you overwhelmed. As such, you immediately went out of the app and put your phone in your pocket. You could deal with that all later.
"I'm not using Twitter again." You said, thinking back to the Tweets Daniel had liked. "Fuck that."
"Yes, only Tumblr or Reddit over here." Oscar said, pointing to you.
"Tumblr?" Sophie looked at you, surprised.
"Yeah? What of it?" You asked, defensive.
"Nothing. Just surprised. I would ask to follow you but Tumblr is the safe haven of anonymity. I get it." She nodded. "Alright, perfect. I'll draft up a PR plan. In the mean time, do you mind if I review your profile and send you some tips?" Looking at you for the last bit.
"By all means." You said, half wishing you could give her control of it like Oscar and be done with it. You just wanted to be able to work with Oscar without causing him any trouble and not having to worry about this PR bullshit.
"Perfect!" She said, beaming.
Your phone buzzed. It was a text reminder about you needing to go back to check on some dough you'd prepared. Back at Ferrari. You sighed and stood up.
"Alright, sounds good. I gotta get back to work. Take your supplements and electrolytes. The green one." The last bit was aimed at Oscar as you met his eyes and then turned to leave the room and walk, head down, out of the McLaren motorhome.
You took a deep breath as soon as you made it into the open air. With how things were going, it was likely that you would be having another gym session today. You arrived at Ferrari and saw the back of Carlos' head. You felt yourself gulp and turned to hide behind the coffee machine. Maybe you would watch Liverpool play.
The mention of your connection to soccer was also pointed out in the room you had just rushed out of. Sophie made a small sound and rounded on Oscar, shoving something in his face.
"Did you know that half of Real Madrid are following her? Jude Bellingham just commented on the post!"
She stared at Oscar, hoping he might provide an answer. The young driver just shrugged. "She did say something about her uncle coaching a team." Sophie stared at him, incredulous. "How was I to know? I don't watch soccer."
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