#sorry loki your mom is here to love you whether you want it or not
lokisprettygirl · 11 months
Under his influence (Post Avengers! Loki x female reader)
Read chapter 33 here/ Series Masterlist
Chapter 34
Summary : You go back to Minesotta to see Mrs Geller, You meet an actual Mark Johnson and all the weirdness leads Loki to believe that perhaps there's something going on in this timeline as well.
Warning: 18+, filthy smut , cunnilingus, HUGE Canon divergence (Just me making shit up), Dalia, Reader needs to seek professional help for her trust issues, topics dealing with cheating and falling out of love,
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You were in the hospital at the moment, biting on your fingernails and waiting for the news regarding Mrs Geller, her condition hasn't improved and you were starting to lose hope, you should have been here, maybe she wouldn't have gotten hurt if you were here. You couldn't help but wonder if you caused all of this by messing with your timelines and changing fate.
Your phone started ringing so you sighed and picked it up,
"Darling are you alright?" He asked you softly and you couldn't help but smile at the sound of his voice. He wanted to be here with you, he really did and he was ready to risk it all but you convinced him not to do anything that would jeopardize things between him and other Avengers, and it would have been hella suspicious for him to come all the way here for his…Assistant.
"Yeahhh I'm just worried, I think should got to my apartment and come back again after i have slept" you took a deep breath as you said that.
"You did not go there first?"
"No I came here right from the airport" he sighed.
"You need to go get some sleep alright?" He said softly. Last night after he proposed to you and you said yes, just a few minutes later you got a call from your mom that Mrs Geller was in the hospital and your heart almost stopped beating for a second. It's been more than a month since you had seen her last and you missed her terribly, she had been like a motherly figure to you from the past few years.
"Yeahh are you busy?" You asked him so he was quiet for a moment before he answered.
"We are going for a convention darling..i wish you were here, I miss you already" he said softly so you smiled.
"I miss you too baby"
"I'll see you soon. Will convince Thor to take me there after dark, would you want that or you need your space my love?" Your eyes teared up as he said that,
"Why are you like this?"
"Like what?"
"So considerate all the time"
"Because I love you my sweet princess, you're mine to treat this way aren't you?" Your heart fluttered as he said that.
"I am yours" you said sheepishly and somehow he could picture your face being all warm and giddy, if he was there he'd have kissed the tip of your nose and continued to make you flush that way with his words and kisses.
"Be careful on the way home, alright?" He said to you so you hummed. Once he hung up, you got up to leave but you saw the doctor coming out of Mrs Geller's room so you decided to talk to him.
"Excuse me, how's she doing?" You asked him as he reached closer, he had dark brown hair, he was tall, almost 6 feet but shorter than Loki.
"Are you her daughter? Monica?" He asked you. British accent.
"Uhhh no i am y/n…her neighbor" he finally looked up at you from his clipboard as you said that.
"I'm Doctor Mark Johnson, I performed the surgery on her after–"
You chuckled so he stopped mid sentence and gave you a glare "What amused you?" You looked at him and stopped smiling as he questioned.
"Not just your..Wait, that's your actual name? For real"
"You think you're the first person to mock me for my name?" He said to you sternly, he seemed offended and rightly so.
"Oh Nooo I'm sorry I wasn't mocking you ..it's just..it sounds made up…never mind I'm sorry, what were you saying?" You asked him so he shook his head,
"She's in a coma for now and I can't say for certain whether her condition will improve or not"
Your eyes teared up as he revealed that information and his expressions softened a little because of your reaction.
"You should call her daughter "
"She'll be here soon" you said to him so he nodded.
"Is there any chance she'll be okay?" You asked him so he nodded again,
"Miracles happen all the time, just hope for that" you nodded, a miracle had to happen, you couldn't lose her, not like this, she didn't deserve that.
"Thank you for…uhhh..I'm sorry for the .. chuckling.. I didn't mean to..I was leaving anyways.. byeee" you turned around and bolted out of there before you'd embarrass yourself further in front of him.
How could his name be Mark Johnson? It's true that there were several people on earth with that name but what were the odds that he was someone you would meet?
As you walked inside your apartment you couldn't help but cry from all emotions you were feeling at the moment..you really needed to cry and cry as much as possible because everything that has been happening since you shifted your reality was starting to overwhelm you.
After taking a shower, you made a cup of tea and sat down on the couch, you couldn't deny how good it felt to have your privacy back. You just wished Loki was there with you as well.
After falling asleep on the couch when you woke up it was already 7 pm so you decided to go see Mrs Geller again. As you entered her room you saw Mark so you gave him a smile but he stared at you and went back to fiddling with his clipboard, you still couldn't wrap your head around his name but decided to not dwell on it for now.
Mrs Geller's daughter Monica was there too and as soon as you saw her she walked towards you and hugged you, you two weren't close but everytime she visited her mother all of you hung out together.
"I'm so sorry" you whispered softly as she cried and soon after she pulled away,
"I should have been here, she's getting older and i just –"
"Don't blame yourself, it could have happened anywhere, stop blaming yourself okay? She'll be okay I just know she'll pull through, she's just strong like that" You told her so she nodded.
The fact was, not Monica but perhaps you needed to be here as you were supposed to be, you couldn't help but wonder that if you were here, maybe just maybe her fate would have been different.
"Get some coffee" Mark said to Monica so she nodded and excused herself, you noticed how he was looking at her as she walked out.
"She's single" you bit on your tongue as soon as the words left your mouth.
"I'm sure i didn't ask" he said nonchalantly.
"Rightt" you mumbled in your mouth after digging a huge hole for yourself, all over again "Is she any better?" You asked to change the topic and avoid any further embarrassment.
"Can't say..were you two close? Don't often see neighbors visiting their neighbors like this"
"Yeah we are close..she's like a mother to me" your eyes teared up as you looked at her, you just wanted her to wake up and live the rest of her life, even after everything she had been through when she lost her husband she was still optimistic about life and she always looked out for you.
After visiting her you and Monica went for dinner to a nearby diner, as much as you missed Loki right now and god you missed him alot, it's barely been a day, but you had also missed doing all this normal people stuff, nobody was staring at you and looking for flaws to put you down here.
"Engaged?" Monica asked so you quickly took off the ring Loki had given you after he proposed and put it inside the pocket of your jeans.
"No it's just a ring" you chuckled nervously, you didn't know what to say to her. Did you say yes to getting married? You knew you wanted it with him but this isn't how you expected it to happen, you didn't want him to propose to you just because you felt insecure about yourself.
"Mom is always worried about you" she smiled as she said that you nodded.
"Well there's someone but we are not..engaged...yet"
You didn't even get a chance to tell Mrs Geller about Loki in this timeline, you remembered how happy she was when she met Loki and he gave her the sweater, but that didn't even happen, everything you had been through in the previous timeline never even happened.
When you made your way back to the apartment you called Loki but he was probably busy so you texted him but he didn't respond to that either.
What was he doing? Who was he with? You started to feel awful again as you thought about him being with a woman or Dalia, that man just proposed to you last night and you still doubted that he wanted to be yours forever.
Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves you then laid down on the couch and dozed off again, it felt good to have the freedom to sleep whenever you wanted. The more serious your relationship got the more insecure you became because your mind couldn't stop asking that one question. When will he finally be done with you?
Around 12 am you heard knocks on your window so you immediately sat up and smiled as you saw Loki on the other side, you ran towards your window and opened it immediately to get him inside, he hugged you as tightly as he could before he cupped your cheeks and kissed you.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were busy" you giggled so he kissed you again, he conjured a bouquet of your favorite flowers and it made you gasp and then he conjured something else, It was a box of cake,
"You don't remember, do you?" He grabbed your hand and walked towards the kitchen counter to put the cake down. It was your birthday, he remembered it even if you didn't.
You kissed him as lovingly as you could at the gesture and after you both were done celebrating you laid down with him on the bed, it reminded you of the old times
"This is the first time I'm celebrating my birthday twice in a year" he chuckled as you said that, he got on top of you and looked in your eyes before he kissed you sweetly.
"How are you feeling?" He asked as he caressed your hair with his fingers. He knew how much she meant to you and he was worried about Mrs Geller as well, she was a kind lady and didn't deserve this at all.
"I just want her to wake up and talk to me again, i didn't call her even once in the last month, she must have thought I forgot all about her as soon as I moved away" your eyes teared up so he smiled and caressed your cheek with the pad of his thumb,
"She'd never think of you like that Princess, you didn't have time to even breathe and I know she would understand if she knew. She will wake up and you will talk to her again I promise" you nodded as he said that, you needed assurance even if it wasn't really the truth.
"Lately all I have been doing is complaining about myself, tell me your thoughts, your feelings, I need to know please" he smiled and kissed you again as you said that
"I am alright as long as I have my princess, I don't think I would have been so eager to redeem myself if I didn't have you by my side" your eyes welled up even more so you kissed him passionately, his fingers linked with yours and as soon as he rubbed his thumb over your ring finger you knew the question would follow,
"Took the ring off I see?" He looked confused and slightly worried as he brought your hand up to inspect.
"I want to marry you lo ..i really do, I don't think I would want anything more than that, I never thought I'd ever want to get married because I was pretty sure I'd never fall so deeply in love, with you however I'd do it in a heartbeat But–" you hesitated to speak so he caressed your cheekbones with his fingers
"I don't want you to marry me because you think you have to prove your trust or your loyalty to me"
"That's not why I wanted to marry you–"
"I know lo, i know your intentions are always so pure when it comes to me..but I want to let go of my issues and not think of you like that in my worst moments.. I need time for that and I know I'm not there just yet"
He cupped your cheeks as you said that and kissed you, he wanted nothing more than for you to heal from the traumas of your past, he wanted you to put your faith in him completely but he knew a thing or two about traumas, he knew it was never easy and as someone who understood how painful it was for your mind to be suffering that way he knew he'd be patient with you, he knew he would never be annoyed by your suffering because that's just what you'd do for him him as well.
"Alright I understand my little darling, what can I do for you today hmm? It's your birthday, what do you want us to do, though it's happening under unwanted circumstances but we are away from the tower like you had wanted" you smiled as he said that
"I just want to stay here baby ..just me and you like old times" a small smile crept on his lips as you said that, he snuggled his face between your neck and cuddled you like a baby. It's been several nights since you two had gotten the opportunity to be with each other like this, and it couldn't have been better than this, he dreamt of this place often, your tiny apartment and him cuddling with you on this tiny bed.
"I forgot to mention, the guy treating Mrs Geller, you won't believe what his name is" he chuckled as you said that.
"What is it?"
"Mark Johnson, do you remember that name?" He looked at you as you said that.
"That is ..weird i assume"
"Yeahhh I mean in the original timeline we weren't supposed to meet each other until later, do you think we are messing with the time right now and Mark Johnson is like a warning or something?" You asked him and he sighed deeply,
"I don't know darling, if it was supposed to be like that then why did we remember each other? Perhaps Strange messed with the spell but Our lives could have only gone as destined if we had forgotten each other completely but we didn't, i couldn't have left for Asgard leaving you all alone here, you couldn't have married Strange knowing you are in love with me"
"I know but it's just so weird, I felt weird seeing him, do you think the only reason I used that name for you in the previous timeline is because I was supposed to meet him for real in this one?"
"I don't understand what you mean"
"I know it doesn't make sense baby, but what if that is exactly what was supposed to happen to us, like in movies, there's always a time loop right? So what if in this timeline timeline we had done what was meant to happen, like you got back to Asgard, I found Strange and married him, But what if the marriage didn't work out because deep down I was always in love with you even though I didn't remember you? Like a timeloop, and maybe that's the reason why we got married in six months of knowing each other was because the connection between us was undeniable. I know I'm not making sense but I'm trying so hard to explain it" .
"You're trying to tell me that it's a constant loop? That we were supposed to meet years later and aren't supposed to be together right now?"
"Yes ..part of what I'm trying to say..may be we were never supposed to remember each other but we do somehow and that scares me. What if he comes back again and tries to take it all away from us again?" you sighed deeply and he looked as if he was thinking about it too now.
"I won't let it happen darling, this is the correct timeline, it won't make any sense, what would he try to prevent this time?"
"I am so confused, I wish we could have just talked to him but he's not even the witch doctor just yet, is he?"
He shook his head as you said that but he knew where he had to go to find some answers. Doctor Strange would become sorcerer supreme later but there must be one who already exists before him. He had to find the Sorcerer Supreme to find answers.
"I'll try to dig deeper but for now I need you to calm down, can you do that for me?" He asked softly so you snuggled into him. You didn't want to waste this night away thinking about your messed up life.
Your hands snuck inside his shirt and he hummed in response,
"What are you doing?" He asked, there was a sense of mischief in his tone,
"Enjoying my birthday gift" you whispered softly as you unbuttoned his pants and trailed your hand inside to grab his cock, he moaned in your ears before he proceeded to place wet kisses on your neck, his hand snuck inside your pajamas as well and he rubbed his fingers over the fabric of your underwear, he could feel it getting drenched more and more as he continued to touch you intimately.
"Fuck me baby please" you whispered in his ears and he chuckled in a condescending manner.
"Such an impatient little darling" you bit on your lips as he pulled your pants down and underwear at the same time, he grabbed your hands and placed them over your head, his black shirt was unbuttoned but you didn't take it off, he didn't remove your t-shirt either, his mouth latched onto your erect nipples and he gave it a few kitten licks over the fabric itself.
You couldn't stop moaning, everytime you tried to wrap your arms around his neck he grabbed your hands and placed them over your head again.
"Don't make me tie you up sweetheart" a gasp escaped your mouth as he said that
He got on his knees and lowered down his pants, you looked down as he stroked himself slowly with one hand while the other one pushed his hair behind so they were not obscuring his view, there was something about your man just pleasing himself that always made you want to lose all decency. If you had any with him.
Loki moaned at the sight of your open legs and the view of your soaked cunt in front of him.
He brought his other hand down to touch your lips before his fingers found your clit, your back arched at the sensation, it felt too much, he was so sexy you couldn't even believe he was all yours at times.
"So fucking beautiful you are love, look at you..spread them legs wider for me, will you?" his voice came out raspy as he praised you and then commanded you to do something in the same sentence. You felt so shy but it was thrilling as you exposed yourself more to him.
"That's my girl, so submissive" he grabbed your thighs and leaned between your legs,
"Lokiii–" before you could finish your words he already had his mouth on your cunt. Licking, sucking and nipping on your flesh as if you were his last meal. The vulgar sounds that escaped his mouth made you lose all your inhibitions, you grabbed onto the headboard to keep your hands under control because he wanted you on his mercy, he didn't want you to touch him just yet.
He spread your lips wide with his fingers before he licked over and over again, his tongue finally made its way inside your entrance and you couldn't control the sounds that left your throat at the moment, you were so loud but you didn't want to stop.
His tongue moved in and out of your cunt slowly and he couldn't help but keep his eyes on your form. Your back was arched, eyes rolling into your head, your hands clutched the top of the headboard so harshly that he was afraid you were hurting yourself. Best of all, you couldn't stop chanting his name like a prayer, he pressed his nose deeper into your clit to provide more stimulation as his tongue continued to fuck you slowly. He could tell just from your quivering body that you were close but he didn't want you to cum just yet, he wanted you to shatter completely tonight, so he got back on his knees, pulled a condom on and slowly thrusted inside your wet sloppy cunt.
He leaned over you and grabbed your hands to wrap them around his neck as he began to fuck you slowly, you finally opened your eyes and looked at him, his mouth was soaked from your juices so you brought your fingers up and wiped it before you pressed your finger inside his mouth, he sucked on it slowly and moaned at the sweet taste before he kissed you deeply, his tongue played with yours and you could hear the sounds of his balls smacking against your cunt as he fucked you hard and fast but at the same time he was as tender as he could be.
"You have no idea how beautiful you are, do you?" You smiled as he murmured against your mouth
"So are you my pretty baby..I'm so sorry for hurting you like that all the time" your eyes teared up, you felt overwhelmed, his fingers gripped your hair and he kissed you again before he spoke,
"You hurt yourself more than you hurt me with those thoughts, I just need you to remember how much I love you whenever you are having such horrible thoughts about us"
You nodded as he said that but he wasn't done just yet, he thrusted in and out of you quickly as he continued to speak to you.
"Where else would I find a girl like you, my love? You were made just for me, your heart so kind and accepting to take me with all my flaws, your body is heavenly underneath me and on top of me, your cunt wraps around me perfectly, always so tight and eager for my cock. Your whole existence makes my own existence worth it, it makes me believe in fate and now I know that it wasn't all for nothing, I know every decision I made led me to you and I'd do it all over again, over and over again I'd choose only you because you make my life worth living"
Tears rolled down your eyes as he said that, you pulled him as close as you could without suffocating him and as his cock twitched and he let go, you squeezed your walls around him, the stimulation was all you needed to push over the edge.
Both of your breaths were heavy and bodies sweaty from the mind numbing pleasure, you needed more than a few minutes to recover from this. This is one of the best nights you had with him in the past few weeks and you truly, desperately needed it. He was all you needed and you fell asleep in his arms just like that with his cock still inside you.
However, what you had said though was troubling him a little. Did you two mess with the timeline when you both decided to change the path? He knew you were meant to end up with him, but had you two hurried the process and ruined a few things? What if you were right? What if it's because of that decision Mrs Geller was hurt right now?
What if more such instances will occur in future?
He knew had to find the answers before something worse would happen. That is why he seeked the Sorcerer Supreme to learn more about their situation, however he had a feeling he wouldn't enjoy whatever he was going to find out from her.
Note : Definitely casting young Courtney Cox as Monica (because duh it's Mrs Geller's daughter 😂)
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And I found Mark Johnson as well
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@annoyingsweetsstranger @mcufan72 @nixymarvelkins @stupidthoughtsinwriting @fictive-sl0th @eleniblue @violethaze @anukulee @ladymischief11 @12-pm-510 @wolfsmom1 @whylokiissocute @pics-and-fanfics @daddylokisqueen @olivertwistrabbit @blog-the-lilly @prettylittlepluviophile @vanilla-daydreaming @somewiseguy @yaaamadaa-blog @dragonmurray @elthreetimes @gruftiela @thenotoriouserg @greep215 @yallgotkik @janineb86 @sflame15-blog @nyxlaufeyson @lokidokieokie @purplekitten30 @sunnixart @nikkig496-blog @frozenhuntress67 @qardasngan @rosecentury @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @hrefna-the-raven @jennyggggrrr
@cosniffee @lotsoflokilove23
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could I request a story where Loki and the reader are both magic time variants captured by the TVA, and they become closer and plot to escape together, but even though the reader wants to help him they're afraid of getting too close or opening up about their past because in the past they had been really hurt by the alternate Loki in their timeline? I'm sorry that's very long, you don't have to write it if you don't want to I just love your work so much and Reality Check is so perfect :')
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I'm sorry this took forever! Honestly, I should've just made this a whole miniseries to really flesh it out, but with MOM I wasn't sure if I wanted to dedicate all my time for that. Hope this is alright! <3
You watched the man before you smirk once he recognized who you were. "Y/N L/N, I never expected you to wind up here," He commented, scanning you. You scoffed, turning your head away to look at Mobius.
"You expect me to work with him?" You asked, pointing lazily. Mobius nodded.
"You two are the best of the best. He never seems to die and you have the ability to control him. Not many can say they can do that," He responded.
"I don't want to work with him," You replied, sharply.
"And why is that? I want a better explanation than he hurt your feelings a while ago," Mobius said. You rolled your eyes, knowing Loki must have grinned at his statement.
"No hard feelings, promise! I'm not the same Loki you knew after all," Loki said.
"No, but the sacred timeline forces it to be exactly the same. I know you haven't done it yet, but you will. Eventually. If you ever decide to stop being a little shit and go back to your timeline." You walked closer to Loki, trying to seem intimidating.
"Ouch," Loki winced, stepping forward, "I see Midgard taught you some vulgar language."
"Seemed only appropriate for a man who killed 80 people in a matter of two days," You suddenly realized how close you were to him, eyes widening as you backed off. Loki rose an eyebrow at this.
Mobius chuckled. "This is going to be interesting."
"I need you two to go to a small town in Oklahoma from a few hundred years ago to inspect something," Mobius said, pulling up a file on the desk in front of you. You sat next to Loki (Though it was not willingly) and waited impatiently to hear more about the mission.
"Oklahoma?" Loki questioned.
"It's on Midgard. It's a lot of farmland. Prone to tornadoes." You briefly stated.
"Seems like you know the place quite well."
"I lived there for a while. Until the TVA decided that I messed up something in their precious timeline. I mean, really. Do you guys think another war would happen when most people don't even know this place exists?!"
Mobius chuckled. "See, that's why I like you. You're realistic. But, unfortunately, rules are rules, and the timekeepers aren't ones for breaking tradition."
You shook your head in response, leaning back in the chair. Loki leaned forward towards the desk to get a better look at the file. It had several reports scattered across it, all describing the deaths of several minutemen from the T.V.A. "What happened?" He asked.
"Someone supposedly time traveled to the 1800s and broke the timeline. When our minutemen arrived at the scene, they set fire to the surrounding grasses and burned them all to crisps. We suspect the variant is another timeline's you, Loki." Mobius explained, showing several photos of the scene.
Your eyes widened. "Another timeline of him is running rampant and you imbeciles can't catch them?" You asked.
Mobius shook his head. "Loki is hard to catch. This one," He pointed to the man before him, "Not so much. The other one? Different story."
"And you expect us to just find Loki and bring them back?" You asked, leaning your head against your hand.
"It's either that or being reset by the woman who wants your heads on a silver platter."
Both you and Loki looked at each other for a brief moment, nodding slightly. Looking back at Mobius, you spoke at the same time.
"We'll do it."
You arrived in Oklahoma with Loki, taking a look at the burned farmland around you. Several bodies laid around the area, their weapons scattered. "God, these men didn't stand a chance," You said, crouching down to take a closer look.
"And neither do we if we can't find a trace of myself," Loki replied. He used his magic to trace where the fire started. "Over there," He pointed.
You looked over, seeing nothing special. "Looks just like everywhere else," You said.
"No, it's an illusion. I must have cast an illusion to make sure only those with magic would be able to find it. Or, well, another me did it. Why would he have done that though?" Loki asked, contemplating it for a moment. You walked up to him, showing him the collar and remote you had stolen from the agency only moments before arriving in Oklahoma.
"If anything goes wrong when we see them, I've got backup."
Loki grinned. "You're always so dependable. That's why I love you." You knew it was a weak attempt to make you soft. You shook your head, walking away from him.
"Not the same Y/N you know."
"The Sacred Timeline makes you the same."
"The same to an extent, but for me you're in the past. A lot changes in the upcoming years." You mentioned.
"Oh come now, old feelings can't die that easily, can they?"
"No, but you sure can."
You made your way to the Loki pointed to. The spot seemed to be as burnt up as the rest until Loki unveiled the illusion. It didn't take much of his magic to lift it, probably because the universe recognized it as the same signature. When it was revealed, the area hadn't been burned by the fire at all. The grasses were tall, reaching up to your shoulders at times. One spot was completely flattened though, with a singular note on the ground.
You picked it up, unfolding the paper carefully. Loki stood directly behind you, looking over your shoulder. "What does it say?" He asked.
"Meet me where we once called home," You read it out loud. The note crumpled as you tightened your hold on it.
"What does that mean? Once called home?"
"It means this Loki is in fact my Loki."
"Please tell me I don't have any hard feelings that you clearly harbor for me."
"That depends on whether or not you forgive me for the incident."
Loki quirked an eyebrow at this. You shook your head. "Not here. Let's find a place to stay. I know where home is. We're not far from it."
"Then shouldn't we go there first?" He asked, placing a hand on your shoulder to ensure you didn't walk away. You shook your head.
"No, I can't go there yet. There's a lot to explain before you see Loki."
You found an inn close by and decided to rest there. Because it was the 1800s you had to be careful about what you did. In a different century they wouldn't have minded you being in a TVA shirt and jeans. Now, they would.
Luckily for you, Loki was able to cast an illusion so that only you two knew what you were wearing. He even had to cast an illusion on himself to blend in more. He used fake currency to buy the room, which was about as small and cramped as you expected.
With only candles to light the room, it would've been considered quaint and cozy by most. A single bed with comforters, a drawer and chest, and a small desk. It was all you needed for your journey after all.
You sat down at the desk as Loki sat on the bed, feeling the comforter. "Softer than I expected," He commented.
"You lived through the 19th century, you should know it wasn't as bad as history books make it out to be."
He nodded in response, relaxing slightly. "Well? You said you would explain it to me. I should know what's going on before we go face off against myself."
You sighed, fiddling with a pen you had found in your shirt pocket. "Time travel isn't as uncommon as people may think. You and I both know that."
"Of course. You've time traveled a few times yourself."
"Exactly. Well, in my timeline, after the events in New York in 2012, you went to prison in Asgard and were eventually freed during the Dark Elves attack."
"I know what happens there," He said, sharply. You knew he must've known what happened to his mother.
You looked down at your hand, placing the pen down on the desk. "Well, you know what happens in the Sacred Timeline. Remember, you're a variant in this timeline too. In this timeline, you ended up going back to the 1800s, to this time."
"Why would I do that?" He tilted his head.
"To see me."
"What were you doing in this time?"
"I was running. I got into some nasty trouble with not only the Avengers but the federal government as well. It was just easier to go back to a time where I wouldn't have to worry about it. Plus, I didn't know what I was doing, so I wanted to hang out in a place where I knew I would never run into myself. I didn't account for you finding out." You sighed, fiddling with your fingers.
"And what happens after that? We were just fine before I... Well," He hesitated, "Tried to take over Asgard and then Midgard," He said, sheepishly.
A soft smile graced your lips as you thought about what had happened next. "We shared a life together. We were married, secretly of course, but we were happy. We moved into an old farmhouse around here and decided we would start a family here. It was in the middle of nowhere. No one was going to find us after all. We could be happy here."
"What changed?" He asked, leaning in. He couldn't understand where it would've gone wrong.
"The T.V.A," A scowl corrupted your smile as you looked up at him for the first time in minutes. "We were variants. What happened between us should never have happened."
Loki shook his head. "I can't believe that's what divided us. What did they do?"
"You gave me a chance to escape. You kept them off me and I ran off. See, I ran off and you went into the T.V.A to be charged for your crimes. They were going to prune you. Unless you told them where I was," You scoffed.
"Did I?"
"You did. Because no matter what you would always do everything in your power to save your own skin. Even if it meant ratting me out when I was protecting the child we had just taken in." Your tone quickly turned to ice at the thought.
Loki stayed quiet at the revelation. He didn't know what to say. "What happened next?" He asked quietly.
You shrugged. "I went in, you got out. You were reset. I don't know how you became a variant again. I guess they couldn't wipe your memory if you were able to remember our home."
"I don't understand. I don't understand how I could do that," He said as he stood up from the bed, pacing the room.
"The version of you in this timeline is different. He changed after escaping. I just hadn't realized it until it was too late."
Loki stopped in his tracks suddenly, staring you dead in the eyes. "Is that why you're with the T.V.A? To get revenge?"
You nodded. "The T.V.A, while I despise them, are my one way of getting to him. I want to make sure the agency brings him in once and for all. I'll prune him myself if I have to. And then I'm out of there. I have a plan to escape."
"And what will you do after that?"
You looked out at the window, "Find my little girl, I suppose. Make sure she's okay."
"Then perhaps you would like a partner to join you," He grinned.
Making your way to the farmhouse, Loki decided to stay back a little. The plan was for you to make sure Loki was in a vulnerable state, giving you just enough time to alert the T.V.A. Then, your partner Loki could capture the criminal Loki using the collar and remote you brought. It wasn't much of a plan, but it was enough for you to feel comfortable facing off against him.
Loki stayed outside, watching from a patch of wildflowers that sat outside the house. They were your favorites.
The house was cold and creaking from weight and pressure it hadn't felt in years. It looked abandoned. No one must have moved in after you did. The sight sent shivers down your spine. All seemed quiet except for a single door opening across from you. There stood the man that ruined your life - Your version of him.
"Hello, darling," He greeted you, a small sheepish smile plastered on his face.
"I know these are probably not the circumstances you would've wanted for this-"
"Not the circumstances?" You interrupted harshly. "I never wanted this situation to ever happen. You're lucky I haven't tried to shoot you in the face with a magnum."
Loki raised his hands up in mock surrender. "What I had done was uncalled for."
"Uncalled for?! You exposed me which put our family in harm's way! I have no idea where Rose is! None!"
His expression softened at the mention of Rose. You knew it struck a chord in his heart. It had to. Rose was adopted just like he was. All he wanted was to be a better father to her than his own was. If he were a better person you may have cared about hitting a sensitive spot like this.
"That's unfair. I had no idea she would possibly be reset by them," He said.
"Oh come on! What else did you think would have happened?! They were after us and so they were after her too." You moved your finger slightly to the communicator in your jacket pocket, signaling for the T.V.A to arrive and for Loki to step in.
"I never meant for her to get hurt," He said, his voice shaking slightly.
"No, but you meant for me to get hurt."
"I never wanted either of you to get hurt. It's just that-"
"Just what?" You grit your teeth.
"I was scared. You know how I am. I'm a coward!"
"That's no excuse for what you've done," You glanced up, seeing your partner sneak up behind the man. He wrapped the collar around him and quickly backed away, holding the remote up.
"What are you doing?!" Variant Loki exclaimed.
"Getting justice. Revenge. Everything I've wanted for years from you," You glared at him. The other Loki smirked, proud of you for what you had done.
The minutemen from the T.V.A quickly stepped in, arresting Variant Loki as soon as possible. Mobius followed them, looking the man up and down. "So you're the one who's caused all this trouble. And all because of a girl you crumbled. Gotta admit, it's not a good look for you," He said. You nearly laughed. "Take him away."
The minutemen began to drag Variant Loki through the portals, though he didn't go through without one last word to you, "Y/N! I will get out of this!"
You scoffed. "Sure you will."
Mobius decided to allow you and Loki to stay behind, giving you a moment to examine the home around you. He trusted you two enough to have a few minutes of peace alone. "So what's the plan, love?" Loki asked.
"Mobius has given us this much. If we gain his trust for a little while longer then we'll be able to have far more time and perhaps even a way to travel through the multiverse on our own. I hate to say it, but I'll stick with the T.V.A a little while longer. The endgame is long-term here."
Loki nodded thoughtfully. "It's smart. But I'm smarter," He held his hand up, revealing one of the portal remotes in his hand. Your eyes widened.
"How did you get that?!"
"I stole it from one of the men as they went through. I'm sure they won't miss this, but if they find out we have this when we go back it won't be pretty," He said, walking up to you, grinning.
You stifled a laugh as you looked down at the remote in his hands. You shook your head looking back up at him. "You're insane."
"Perhaps I am," His grin widened, "But I know you want this as much as I do. So, what do you say?"
He held his empty hand out to you, waiting for your response. Instead of giving it a moment's hesitation, you held out your own, taking his.
And with that, you never looked back.
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lozzypoz321 · 3 years
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Word count: 2.2k
A/N: I’m so sorry I haven’t posted in so long!!! But I am quite surprised that my current 200 followers (wow) haven’t unfollowed by now but this is my 200 celebration fic even though I’m a bit late- also I’m sorry if this sucks I just haven’t written in ages! Please bare with me! Kindly proofread by @canadianhufflepuffavenger 💗
Warnings: angst, past break up
Your real dad
Steve tightened his grip around your draw-string bag that he had convinced you to part ways with, as you, him and your mother made your way into the tower. He was dreading the reunion with Bucky after not seeing the team for about 2 weeks. You were practically bouncing on your feet to see your real dad. While Steve was there watching you treat your dad like a hero but not even spare him a glance.
Your family relationship was complicated yet simple at the same time: you hated your mom but tolerated her, loved your dad with all your heart, hated your stepdad as much as he tried, treated Peter like your brother and Thor exactly like your uncle.
Why did you hate your stepdad so much?
Well, first of all, he pretended like he was your real dad and tried to do all of the things with you that you and Bucky did together. Second, he always stole all your moms attention and made you feel like you were alone (whether he meant it or not)
The elevator door dinged, indicating that the three of you had reached your floor where currently Bucky, Thor, Tony, Natasha and Sam were hanging out, waiting for your “family”. The others were in the kitchen, trying to get a sneak taste of the food that had been ordered.
“Dad!” You yelled and raced up to the super soldier, he broke out into a grin and picked you up off the ground to invade you into a bone-breakinghug. “Hiya doll face.”
You grinned back at him and got down from his arms briefly to run across the room to retrieve your drawstring back so you could show your dad your new spiderman action figure that had been bought by your cousin Peter.
“Look! Look!”
He smirked slightly at your excited demeanour as you held up the toy as high as you could while jumping up and down for him to see. Once he’d figured out who the character was, you had already gone running off to see what Wanda and Vision had baked in one of the many kitchens.
“Hey Buck” Steve acknowledged as friendly as he could, it wasn’t that the two ‘friends’ hated each other, but there was definitely some tension in the room as the two sat parallel. Tony cleared his throat and mentioned something about having a cough as he quickly left the room.
“I better see where he got off to” Natasha and your mother said at exactly the same time, not wanting to experience what they thought was about to go down.
“Hi Steve” the older soldier greeted back, not sure what the intentions of the conversation were exactly. In the tower, the history between both soldiers and your mother was known but not really spoke of- Bucky dated your mother for quite a while (almost four entire years), and got her pregnant with you, but- as everybody was sure to know- all good things must come to an end- and the two broke up on good terms. That was before Steve Rogers himself got involved at a certain billionaire’s party when they realized they were (and this is in your mother's words) “meant for each other.”
“I’m erm, here to speak to you about something.” As if the awkwardness present in the room was no longer enough before, by now it was almost too much. Thor and Sam took the most obvious hint and left the room in search of something else to occupy their time.
“Well, you’re free to speak-“ Bucky was interrupted by the loud sound of laughing from behind the wooden door and almost instantly after a hushing sound. The two men had completely different reactions to this, Steve was utmostly confused, both eyebrows scrunching together, while Bucky’s face held a small smile. He knew exactly who was trying to eavesdrop and it just proved how much Steve did not know his stepdaughter from the fact he didn’t immediately know. “(Y/N),” he called out, the humour evident in his voice, “Parker, we know you're out there.”
“Awww, Peter you gave our secret identities up!”
By now Steve had caught on to the two of you and laughed lightly, trying to cover up the fact that his only chance to ask Bucky his question alone, was interrupted.
The wooden door creaked open, revealing Peter, dressed up in his spiderman suit for dramatic effect and you with a bandana on, which you thought made you look like a ninja and you held your action figure tightly in your left hand.
“(Y/N), you know it’s rude to eavesdrop” Steve scolded you, trying to be firm. You ignored him and shrugged your shoulders before going to follow the scent of Chinese food.
“Doll,” your dad stopped you “don’t ignore people, you know not to do that” he stood up from his spot on the sofa and began to also make his way to the kitchen, you right beside him muttering a small “okay dad.”
Steve tried not to let his heart sink as his best friend walked away. He would just have to try and get Bucky alone at another point in the night. If he didn’t get an answer, then he would have no use for the small box that was sitting in his trouser pocket.
“Bonjour,” Clint greeted the two of you as you both arrived for food, the island set up with enough plastic plates for everyone (Tony couldn’t be bothered with hiring people to wash normal, expensive ones multiple times a day)
Your mother smiled at you from the other side of the kitchen, but she was immediately confused when you didn’t smile back. The reason you had not, is because you had a feeling you knew exactly what question your stepdad had for Bucky and did not at all like the sound of it.
“Fries?” Bruce offered, tilting the box of food towards you. You nodded gratefully and grabbed a handful. The conversations at the table were mixed; Thor ranting passionately about the food at his home planet, Tony mumbling something about not even being hungry anyway (you thought he was just being salty since he didn’t get his Shawarma), Bucky and Sam having a silent argument across the table, and Peter was busy singing Christmas songs in his best Santa Claus voice.
“Have a holly jolly Christmas, and in case you didn’t seeeee” Natasha rolled her eyes dramatically at the teenager making everyone laugh.
“Hey don’t get annoyed at me! Everyone loves Christmas!”
You used to love Christmas before your parents separated and you weren’t allowed to spend the holiday with your dad.
“I don’t like Christmas,” your dad shrugged half mindedly while taking a sip of his soda. Peter looked at him like he had two heads and exclaimed in shock, “that impossible!”
“It ain’t kid,” Bucky chuckled while your mother shifted in her seat uncomfortably, realizing the reasoning.
While you worked your way through the pile of noodles, Thor’s incessant ranting came to an end, and the teenager had seemingly run out of songs, the group of superheroes decided to hang out in the living room and watch a movie before you, Steve and your mother had to go home.
“Which one?” Nat asked the room while holding up two movies, the nightmare before Christmas and the corpse bride. Both Halloween movies, neither particularly scary.
“How could one have a nightmare on the day before Christmas? Surely that is against the rules of the Holiday Christmas, that is based on happiness?” Thor asked, earning a quizzical look from you. “Stop tryna act like Shakespeare big man” Tony laughed while grabbing a handful of popcorn and shoving it all into his mouth.
Steve ignored the billionaire, and while no one seemed to be paying attention he directed his attention to Bucky, swallowing nervously. “Hey Buck, can I speak to you for a sec outside?”
Confusion spread over the soldier’s face for a split second before complying and getting up from the couch with Steve as discreetly as possible as to not raise suspicion from the rest of the team and you.
“What’s up?” He asked once they’d reached the hallway outside, he didn’t know what was up with the younger man but he could easily tell that he’d been acting nervous around himself and your mom.
“Um, I have a question, you don’t have to say yes or no or anything-“
“Your ranting.”
He stopped and thought for a second, wondering how to put it. “I know it’s been complicated recently, and I know this might make it worse with all your history with (Y/M/N) and (Y/N) but I really do love both of them and since (Y/M/N)’s parents passed a while ago, there’s no one to really ask for their blessing so I guess I’m here to ask you, can I have your blessing to propose to (Y/M/N)?”
Bucky stood emotionless for a second, not knowing how to react. He wasn’t sure whether to be happy for Steve and support him or to be angry. He had both reasonable attributes for each option but was cut short when he heard the sound of a door banging against its hinges on the floor above.
Both of your dad’s eyebrows scrunched together, who was that? Everyone in the tower knew not to do it because Tony despised it, and everyone with a brain knew that when Tony got annoyed, bad things happened.
Then almost instantly after the door entering the living room revealing an awkward Loki “I’m sorry to interrupt this conversation but your daughter slash stepdaughter, just ran upstairs in tears so if you could quickly wrap this little moment up, it would be greatly appreciated”
Bucky’s heart stopped, why were you crying?
He and Steve completely forgot about their previous conversation and quickly headed upstairs, nearly running Peter over in the process coming from the toilet. But just as they reached the door where you normally stayed when you came for sleepovers, Bucky stopped and put a finger to his lips.
“I think I should go in.” Instead of arguing, and saying that it would be good ‘bonding time’ to get you to like him, Steve silently agreed and let your dad go in.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he gently closed the door behind himself, instantly catching sight of you sat on the carpeted floor, furiously wiping your eyes with the sleeve of your hoodie.
“Hey, hey, don’t hurt yourself,” he took ahold of both of your wrists and set them down on your lap, “why’re you crying doll?”
Tears continued to stream unapologetically down your cheeks, you didn’t know how to tell him. That you had snuck out of the living room to see where the two had gone and then eavesdropped into their conversation, and once hearing your stepdad (who you did not like at all) was going to become a permanent part of your life, ran off crying.
“I don’t wanna talk about it” you shook your head, making him sigh. “Please tell me, I wanna know why. You trust me right (Y/N)?”
The simple nod was all he needed, yet his heart still ached. Seeing his only daughter in tears and didn’t trust him enough to tell him why? It was heartbreaking for him. “I don’t want him to marry mom,” you quietly admitted, “the only reason I’m still allowed to see you is because she thinks I still need a father figure, so now he’s gonna be here forever I won’t be- I won’t be able to see you anymore.”
He sighed deeply, trying to find a way to comfort you. “You will, I promise. I’ll always be apart of your life doll. No one can ever take you away from me because you're my daughter and I love you so so much, m’kay?”
You sniffled and wiped the final tears from your cheeks. “Okay.”
Before you could both get up and return downstairs to finish the movie, Bucky stopped you and lifted you up to whisper something to you.
Once he had finished you pulled back and nodded hesitantly, realizing that you should put your grudge behind you and face a fear.
Your dad and you returned outside, Steve waiting patiently while resting on the wall, gently smiling at you to make sure you were okay.
“Go on doll,” Bucky quietly urged, making you take a deep breath and just go for it.
“I give you my blessing to marry mom.” Steve’s heart skipped multiple beats as his brain tried to process what you had said. You’d finally accepted him into your life?
He broke out into a grin, trying to form words to thank you without seeming like this meant the absolute world to him. “Thank you (Y/N). I appreciate it so much.”
Bucky was proud of you for taking a leap and letting Steve into your life when you were scared. He realized at that moment that even if you did have a dad and a stepdad at the same time, he’d fulfilled his role already.
Taglist: @marvel-ous-hobbit @snarky--starky @rae-is-typing @stargazingfangirl18 @canadianhufflepuffavenger @herecomesthewriterwitch @every-marveler-ever @hera-the-writer @lovers-in-japan-reign-of-love @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @rooskaya-yelena @deephideoutmilkshake @kidney9-9 @js3639 @am3l1a-24 @bonkybarnes107 @ilovemarvel-andcats @sapphireplums @deannawallacee @keenmarvellover @garbage-potato @mollbt @spookybooisa
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I’ve discovered something interesting…
… about the way Loki talks about his mother.
In Thor: The Dark World, we get a little scene where Frigga - through some form of illusionistic sorcery - appears in Loki’s cell in the dungeon to speak with him.
Loki, sardonically: “Odin continues to bring me new friends. How thoughtful.”
Frigga: “The books I sent, did they not interest you?”
Loki: “Is that how I’m to while away for eternity? Reading?”
Frigga: “I’ve done everything in my power to make you comfortable, Loki.”
Loki: “Have you? Does Odin share your concern? Does Thor? It must be so inconvenient, then, asking after me day and night.”
Frigga: “You know full well that it was your actions that brought you here.”
Loki: “My actions? I was merely giving truth to the lie that I’ve been fed my entire life: that I was born to be a king.”
Frigga: “A king? A true king admits his faults. What of the lives you took on Earth?”
Loki: “A mere handful compared to the number that Odin has taken himself.”
Frigga: “Your father-”
Loki, verbally exploding from years of repressed anger, sadness, and a whole host of other emotions: “HE IS NOT MY FATHER!!”
Frigga, after a small pause: “Then am I not your mother?”
Loki, after a sad exhale, “… you’re not.”
Frigga, smiling sadly but knowingly: “You’re always so perceptive about everyone but yourself.”
Loki shakes his head remorsefully, and reaches out to his mother, whose illusion slowly fades away.
In the third episode of the Loki series, we see our titular anti-hero onboard a train, talking to Sylvie, when they have a conversation about Frigga and magic.
Sylvie: “I’m not going to waste my time rooting around for the Tempad when someone taught you fairly decent magic.”
Loki: “… my mother.”
Sylvie, after a contemplative pause: “What was she like?”
Loki, quietly and thoughtfully: “She was, um, a Queen of Asgard. She’s good. Purely decent.”
Sylvie: “Are you sure she’s your mother?”
Loki: “Oh, no, she’s not, actually. I was adopted. Is that a bit of a spoiler for you? I’m sorry about that.”
Sylvie: “No, I knew I was adopted.”
Loki: “What? They told you?”
Sylvie: “…Yeah. Did they not tell you?”
Loki: “No! I mean, I mean, they did, eventually…. Hang on a second. So, tell me, who, tell me about your mother.”
Sylvie: “I barely remember her. Just blips of a dream at this point.”
Loki: “You know, when I was young, she’d do these little bits of magic for me. Like, turn a flower into a frog, or cast fireworks over the water. And it all seemed impossible, but she told me that one day, I’d be able to do it too, because… because I can do anything.” Sylvie nods. “Want to see?” Sylvie nods again, so Loki smiles as he conjures up a miniature version of the fireworks, the kind that his mother used to do for him.
Sylvie: “Not bad.” Loki ends the little show.
Loki: “She was the kind of person who’d want to believe in you.”
Sylvie: “Sounds like she does.”
Loki: “Well, she did.”
I love the contrast between both sets of conversations, because the first one was just before Frigga was murdered. Loki’s attitude toward his mother when he spoke with her, was admittedly cold - expected of someone like him who’d once stated that he’d been nothing more than a mere shadow living in the shade of Thor’s and Odin’s greatness. I don’t have much of a doubt that not just did it break Frigga’s heart to ask her wayward son if he considered her to be his mother, it also broke Loki’s heart to say, “You’re not”. 
Which, in a twisted way, is actually true, since Frigga is not Loki’s biological mother. But it’s not so much who created him, but the focus is on who raised him, who looked after him, who clothed him, fed him, raised him, taught him magic, LOVED him the way Odin could never have. When you watch the scene when Loki says, “You’re not,” and just focus on his face in the next half a minute after, he’s shaking his head in remorse, his eyes are downcast, his posture no longer holding in that rage that he’d just released after proclaiming Odin to not be his father, which in the same twisted way is also true.
Loki knew full well that Frigga loved him to the ends of the universe and back, why else would she have sent books down to the dungeon for him? She literally made the place more comfortable for him.
Now, when we get to the series, at which point the episode must’ve taken place roughly not long after Frigga died in the main timeline (which Loki had seen the reel of), Loki spoke of his mother in soft tones, openly and honestly. He did - when Sylvie asks whether Frigga was really his mother - admit, rather matter-of-factly, that, “Oh, no, she’s not, actually. I was adopted.” Here, he doesn’t display any of the hurt and anger, but gives a simple statement, that yes, it’s true, Frigga was not in fact his mother in the sense that she was not his biological mom.
But then, he goes on to tell Sylvie about how Frigga taught him magic when he was young, and that she believed in him. It’s clear to us that Loki was clearly a momma’s boy, because we get to know, through how he speaks of her, how much he still loves his mother, and how much she loved him, up until the very end. Loki reveals that his mother “was the kind of person who’d want to believe” in him, which is what “she did”, confirms Loki. Though he knows that it’s unlikely he’ll ever see his mother again, he speaks of and about her with reverence, respect, and a whole lot of love, tinged with sadness around the edges.
Though Frigga never was, never is, and never will be Loki’s biological mother, she was his mother regardless, in the sense that she raised him as her own son in a way that Odin never did.
Though Frigga could never mend the hole in Loki’s heart, she filled it with so much love and care and attention, not to mention magic.
Though Loki mourned his mother’s death in both the main timeline and in the TVA’s Time Theatre outside of time and space, he spoke highly and fondly of her even though he was not her biological son.
Loki had always loved his mother, because it was clear as day to him that she had always loved him, right from the very beginning, up until the very end.
Though Frigga may have died, her spirit certainly lives on in her beloved son Loki.
Though Loki would always be Laufey’s son by acknowledging his creator, and though he may refuse to admit that he is Odin’s son (which we know he eventually did in his main timeline), Loki - our beloved Prince of Asgard, rightful king of Jotunheim, and God of Mischief to boot - will always and forever be Frigga’s son.
After all…
What is grief if not love persevering?
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redhoodssweetheart · 3 years
Redhoodssweetheart’s 1.5K Celebration
I’ve hit 1.5K!  Thank you to everyone who follows me and likes and reblogs my stories.  It brings me immense happiness that my stories bring you some sort of comfort or joy.  I honestly never thought I’d make it to this many followers and I’m grateful for every one of you.
So I’m going to list the rules and prompts you can choose from below.  Have fun!
This will run for a week starting today (April 18th) and ending (April 25th at 11:59 PM).  If the prompts fill up before the end date then I will close the requests and announce that it’s over.
I will list prompts below and if you would like to elaborate on what you want (say it’s a soulmate AU you want, specify if there’s a specific type of soulmate trope you want written about like matching tattoos, timers, ect.)
Please specify the gender of the reader if none is specified then it will be left gender neutral.
No smut, sexual abuse, rape, drug use, heavy topics
I will allow three characters per prompt.  There will be no repeat characters per one prompt.  Let’s say I get two requests for a Bucky Barnes soulmate AU, I will do the first request that I get.
If I am overloaded with one character (like I did with Damian one weekend) I won’t be taking anymore prompts for that character.  I’m sorry but it’s not fun for me if I have to write for the same character over and over again during events like this.
You can choose two prompts, whether you want those two prompts used in the same story (like an AU prompt with a quote prompt) or if you want two separate stories.  If you are requesting separate stories you have to choose two different characters.  You can’t say you want a Steve Rogers with a High School AU and a story with one of the quote prompts.  It would have to be Steve Rogers High School AU and Thor with a quote prompt.
Anons are welcome
If you have questions please feel free to ask me and I will specify anything you need.
You may also request a prompt with one of my existing stories, like my Alpha/Beta/Omega story with Jason Todd “With All My Love” or my Mom!Carol x Mom!Reader story “Adventures of Motherhood”
Requests will be done in order and I can refuse a request if I am not comfortable with it.
Wanda Maximoff requests are now CLOSED
Tim Drake requests are now CLOSED
Jason Todd Requests are now CLOSED
Damian Wayne Requests are now CLOSED
Dick Grayson requests are now CLOSED
High School (Wanda Maximoff, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne)
College (Wanda Maximoff, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne) *CLOSED*
Coffee Shop (Wanda Maximoff)
Alpha/Beta/Omega (Damian Wayne)
Tattoo Shop/Flower Shop (Wanda Maximoff, Loki)
Fairytale (Damian Wayne)
Mythology (Please specify which mythological retelling you would like) (Natasha Romanoff, Diana Prince, Jason Todd)
Soulmate (Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Kara Danvers, Dick Grayson) *CLOSED*
Neighbors (Clark Kent, Dick Grayson)
Supernatural/Paranormal (Jason Todd, Bucky Barnes)
Hanahaki (Jason Todd, Clark Kent, Dick Grayson)
Historical (please specify what time period) (Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne)
“I blame you for this.”  “Me?!” “Yes, this was your dumb idea.” (Wanda Maximoff)
“Go on vacation they said.  It’ll be fun they said.  So tell me how is us on a stakeout supposed to be fun?” (Sam Wilson)
“Boy meets girl, girl hates boy’s guts.  It’s a tale as old as time really.” (Damian Wayne, Tim Drake)
“Why can’t someone nice just fall out of the sky and into my life for once?” *insert character here falling into the reader’s life... literally* (Bucky Barnes, Clark Kent)
“I never loved you.” (Jason Todd)
“Here to kill me, my love?” (Dick Grayson)
“It’s just a little bullet wound.” “Little bullet wound?! You’re bleeding out on my couch!” (Wanda Maximoff, Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne)
“Uh-uh! Don't you think about running off doing no derrin'-do. We've been planning this dinner for two months!” “Babe did you just quote The Incredibles?” “Maybe, maybe not.” (Dick Grayson, Joaquin Torres)
“I need to feel better so we’re gonna binge watch Disney movies and sing along like the children we are.” (Jason Todd)
“You had one job.” “But-“ “One job!” (Carol Danvers, Bucky Barnes)
Accidental love confession (Wanda Maximoff, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne) *CLOSED*
Haunted house (Jason Todd)
Pen pals (Dick Grayson)
Enemies to lovers (Wanda Maximoff, Dick Grayson, Kara Danvers, Tim Drake) *CLOSED*
Friends to lovers (Wanda Maximoff, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson) *CLOSED*
Adopting a pet (Thor, Pietro Maximoff, Dick Grayson)
Masquerade ball (Damian Wayne)
Secret romance (Damian Wayne, Tim Drake)
We keep running into one another and I think the universe is trying to tell us something (Pietro Maximoff, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Wanda Maximoff) *CLOSED*
Opposites attract  (Wanda Maximoff)
Tears of Gold by Faouzia (Jason Todd, Tim Drake)
Your Side of the Bed by Loote feat. Eric Nam (Damian Wayne)
What Lovers Do by Maroon 5 ft. SZA (Tim Drake)
Insomnia by Ashley Tisdale 
Sucker by The Jonas Brothers (Tim Drake, Damian Wayne)
Pull Me Deep by Logan Henderson (Damian Wayne)
Craving You by Thomas Rhett ft. Maren Morris (Steve Rogers)
God is a woman by Ariana Grande (Tim Drake)
Rewrite the Stars by Zac Efron and Zendaya (Jason Todd) 
Rumors by Adam Lambert feat. Tove Lo (Damian Wayne)
Beautiful to Me by Olly Murs
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avengerscompound · 3 years
The Tower: Happily Ever After - 5
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The Tower: Happily Ever After An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist | Character Refrence PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1601
Warnings:  Pregnancy
Synopsis: Almost 40 years after Elise Cooper first crashed into Natasha Romanoff outside the library at Columbia University, she and the Avengers are adapting to a near-immortal life together with their large brood of children.  Yet things aren’t perfect.  Life is moving on without them and they’re starting to discover who isolating being immortal can be.When Angela comes and asks Thor to take the throne of Asgard once more, the group leaves Earth in the hopes that they will find their Happily Ever After there.
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Chapter 5: Farewell to Our Old Life
It was kind of strange how little there was to organize for us regarding our move.  There was packing, but we couldn’t exactly hire a moving truck so it needed to fit in bags that we could carry or it had to stay behind.  That was difficult.  We had had a long time to collect a lot of things we considered precious to us.  The glass artwork that Thor and I had inadvertently made on our honeymoon was the thing I wished we could bring the most.  It would stay in the fountain in the entry and hopefully, we’d come back sometimes and see it.
Thankfully, most of our things were fairly portable.  We also wouldn’t need a lot of clothes because Asgard would provide things more fitting for the palace, and it’s not like we would need any furniture.  Mostly it was just personal effects and tech that Tony wanted to use there.
Other than that it was just letting the doctors know I was leaving, pulling Marya out of school, and organizing the party.
It was still leaning on the stressful side though - especially considering we were still waiting to hear what the rest of the kids were going to do.
Even though Rose and Paul had appeared closest to deciding to come, it was Billy and Teddy who came back to us first with a yes.  They had also said they wanted to do a bonding ceremony when we were there, which added another level of excitement and another level of stress.
Rose and Paul came next.  They said that they would try it out and see.  The concern about their children’s lifespan was a big issue for them, but Paul also said he’d be crazy to give up at least trying to live on Asgard as actual royalty.
As expected it was Eddie who took the longest to decide.  He really did love his job, and I think even with his talk about having children, he, Lyra, and Rory were still right into the rich, young party lifestyle.  He was worried about what they’d lose going to Asgard, rather than focusing on the things he might gain. 
No one pressured him though.  Any questions the three had were answered as honestly as we could and if we didn’t know we’d send word back to Asgard and Loki would come and give the answers they were looking for if at all possible.  Eventually, he decided that he’d give it six months for us to settle and make sure things with Stark Industries and the Avengers was transitioning smoothly given our sudden departure, and then he and his family would join us there to try it out.  He mentioned maybe doing six months on each planet or returning to Earth for a month or two every year, but we were all just glad he was willing to try it out, and his delayed departure from Earth was a good idea.  He even promised to come and visit when his new siblings were born.
When our goodbye party began, the whole family was excited for this new chapter in our lives and sad to say goodbye to the last.
Many of our friends were elderly or had passed on, so the party was going to be a mixture of different people.  Clarke was still around, though Jax had passed a few years ago.  We’d lost Rhodey and Fury, though Hill was still running the day-to-day operations of the Avengers, even in her old age, and Coulson had retired after years as successfully being director of SHIELD.  Vision was the same as ever, and people often came to him for direction when it came to the Avengers.  Carol also hadn’t changed though she still spent more time in space than on Earth.  A lot of the people we had met that had seemed so young when we met them, were all not officially middle-aged.  Even Peter Parker who was only fifteen when I met him was now pushing fifty and had a wife and daughter of his own.
They would all be at the party, including a lot of the new Avengers lineup.  Most of whom were much heavier hitters than any of us, even when we were wielding Mjolnir.  It was definitely going to be sad to say goodbye.
“It’s going to be okay, you know?”  Wanda said, snapping me out of my mini-trance as she ran a brush methodically through my hair.
“No, I know,” I said, tilting my head back.
“Then tell your brain that,” she teased.
I giggled and leaned up and pecked her lips.  “I’m sorry.  I would if I could.  Just hormones I guess.  Feeling stressed.”
“Well, stop it,” she scolded playfully.  “It’s bad for the babies.”
She began to braid my hair and I hummed as her fingertips grazed over my scalp.  “Imagine it though, Elly,” Wanda said.  “All the kids nearby - the new babies.”
“You’re a baby-oholic,” I said, laughing softly.
“It’s true,” she says.  “I am.”
She ran a hand around my side and pressed it on my stomach.  “I can’t wait to meet them,” she said.  “They already have such busy thoughts.”
I looked up at her and I’m not sure whether it was the look of pure and complete love in her eyes or the way the light caught in her hair, but I was struck by how beautiful she was and how much I loved her.  She smiled and pressed a kiss to my forehead.  “I love you too,” she said and picked up a strand of silver wire with black opal and threaded it into my hair.  “All done.”
I stood carefully and straightened out the skirts on my blue lace cocktail dress.  “How do I look?” I asked.
“Perfect as always,” she said.  “Let's go say goodbye to our friends.”
We made our way down to the party deck where the party was only just starting up.  Bruce, Steve, and Clint were all already there, but there was no sign of Tony, Natasha, Clint, Sam, Thor, or Bucky.
Some of our kids were there and their kids all played out in the garden atrium that was built on the protruding wing of the tower and the party deck opened out into.  I greeted everyone and as I made my way around the room more people arrived.
Clarke came over and tapped me on the shoulder.  I turned and smiled, hugging her tightly.  She had aged well, not as well as I had obviously, but while her face was lined and she was a little frailer looking, she had kept in good shape and she continued to color her hair.  It would be easy to think she was in her early fifties rather than her mid-seventies.  Her eyes were what gave it away.  What had once been vivid violet had faded to pale lavender and were slightly cloudy.  They were heavily lined at the corners, the years having carved deep crevices to mark each time she was happy or sad or angry or worried.  It was still my Clarke though and I was going to miss her.
“I can’t believe you’re not going to be here when these two are born,” she said, indicating to my stomach as we pulled apart.  She was one of the select group of people I would be totally fine with touching my stomach unasked - but she never assumed.  “Where am I going to get my baby kisses from?”
I laughed and shook my head.  “I guess you’ll have to visit me on Asgard.”
“You can do that?”  She asked.
“I mean… I’m the Queen.  I think I can pull some strings,” I teased.
She laughed.  “God, thinking of you as a Queen is such a trip.”
“Hey Auntie Clarke,” Billy said, appearing behind us.  “I haven’t seen you for a while.”
Clarke hugged him and looked around.  “It’s been too long.  Where are those kids of yours.”
“Come on, I’ll take you to them,” he looked over at me and narrowed his eyes.  “You go sit down, mom.  You know you’re supposed to be taking it easy.”
“I am taking it easy,” I argued, holding up my hands.  “I’m just standing here.”
“Go on,” he said.  “Don’t make me page Dad Tony.”
“Heaven forbid,” I laughed and he wrinkled his nose at me and led Clarke out to the atrium.  I got myself a little plate of appetizers and a glass of punch and went and took a seat.
It wasn’t long until the whole room was teeming with people.  The Avengers had gotten to be a rather large collection of people since the original six had been reluctantly dragged together all those years ago.  Having so many of the people who meant so much to all of us here at the same time couldn’t help but make me think about how I’d first joined this group that would one day be my family.
All those years ago I had been a traumatized woman in her mid-twenties, just trying to get by.  I didn’t have many good friends, because it took a lot for me to trust people.  It took a superhero to get through and with her, so many other people flooded in after.  I was so grateful to them, and so in love with each of them to this day.  It would be hard letting this life of ours go, but it was inevitable.  I still had my 9 chosen people though, and I always would.  I was glad to be taking this next step with them at my side.
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loving-all-for-loki · 3 years
Voiceless Love Chapter 4: Little One
Loki x reader, Bucky x reader
Word count: 2061
Warnings: fluff, talk of family loss, depression (alludes to suicidal thoughts), mention of a boner, angst
Tag List: @caffeineoverloadandstudying @zizzlekwum @lokiyoulittle @magicalpieex @daddysfavoritesexkitten @buckylokisimp
A/N: Okay Loki lovers, this is a dozy. We’re gonna delve more into Y/N and Loki’s relationship and look at her background a little. There’s a little spice at the end then it ends with some angst so I’m sorry. Trigger warning, there is depression mentioned and there are a few sentences that could be taken as suicidal tendencies or attempts so a little warning there. 
You find yourself sitting at the kitchen island one day and  eating your cereal still contemplating how you got to bed the night before. Bits and pieces from the night before come back. You remember making Loki a sandwich and him reading a book to you, but after that everything goes blank. Loki comes into the kitchen and smiles as he sits next to you.
“Hello, little one.”
You smile up at him, looking at his shiny beautiful green eyes.
“Did you sleep well?”
You take out your pen and write yes on his forearm. He chuckles at the way you always have that pen on you.
“You really carry that around everywhere?”
Yes, I’m not scared of communicating, just talking
Loki nods his head in understandment, “can I ask why you don’t speak?”
You contemplate answering for a moment, not knowing whether you should answer that question or not. 
“I’m sorry I shouldn't-”
You grab his arm and start writing all the way up to his bicep.
I’ve lost a lot of people in my life by twisting my words and changing them, so I figured if I were to write everything or make solid proof of my words, no one could change them.
Loki reads what you wrote then stares at you with a melancholy look. You hate being pitied, especially when you know the person is stuck up or prideful. Loki seems like one of those people who carries themselves on a higher pedestal than the rest. The looks he gives you makes you comfortable, urging you to repress into a small ball and close yourself off to him.
“I’m sorry,” he says. Loki reaches his hand out to cover yours in comfort, but it only heightens your anxiety. You move your hand and lean away from him, which makes Loki feel bad. He doesn’t know how to act with you, one second you’re very sweet then you avoid him like the plague. That’s why he started to leave the room when you entered, he thought you’d hate him.
Don’t worry about it
You finish your bowl of cereal and set it in the sink before getting up and leaving. Loki follows you up to the library where you start reading a book and he continues his own. He keeps staring at you, this lonely girl who has more pain than he realized.
“Why are you here?”
You look up and over to him on his chair. His eyebrows are furrowed in confusion, waiting to know everything about you, including why he is so drawn to you. Getting up and setting your book down (with slight annoyance), you sit back down near him like the first time you two interacted. He reaches his arm out to you to use.
I’m an avenger.
“Well, clearly, but how?”
About two years ago, my parents and I got in a bad car accident. They both passed away and I survived, horribly injured and stuck in a hospital. I was in a horrible state to the point where I should have been dead, but somehow I was alive. That’s when we found out it was a targeted hit and why I wasn’t killed. My parents were the targets. S.H.I.E.L.D agents came to me and told me that they were involved and going to help me. A day or two later, a scientist came and talked to me about healing options and there was a “potion” of some sort they had been working on to completely heal any wounds. They said the risk of me dying from taking it was about 50/50 and I didn’t have much to live for. Without my parents, I was lost and depressed, so I agreed to take whatever liquid they had. It healed me, but it had side effects. I would trip and scuff up my leg, but I’d find the bruises and legs to completely go away in seconds. Turns out it had lingered somewhere in my bloodstream and not my injuries that it flowed through me, healing any wound. Then throughout time, I found out it gave me the power to heal others as well.
You run out of room on Loki’s forearm and switch over to his right side, making him chuckle.
It started with me accidently touching my friends' cuts and them completely healing. After SHIELD came by my house one day to check on me, I told them what had been going on and they took me to some lab or theirs. I was tested on for a little bit and they decided I would be a good asset to them as a healer for missions. Not having a plan for my life, I agreed to join and come help. 
“You have no fighting background or any defense?”
Not at all. I’m just a personal nurse/antidote.
“What about your parents? Did they ever find out what happened?”
Hydra attack. Apparently, my parents were SHIELD agents back in the day and worked on a post-Captain America frozen case and Hydra wanted to cover up and hide Bucky. My parents found out about him.
“Your parents found out Bucky was alive a year before the Avengers did?”
Loki nods his head, wrapping his brain around everything you just told him. No wonder you were so close with Bucky. You probably relate to him with how bad Hydra ruined your life. 
“Does Bucky know about this?”
No. No one does except for you and Fury. He was told everything of course, but in my file he only put my powers and selective mute in ‘important information’. He knows how private I can be about things so he didn’t want to inform everyone on it if I didn’t want them to know.
“Why are you telling me this?”
Because I trust you
“No one trusts me.”
I do.
Because I know who you are. I know what happened with New York and it’s not your fault. I know what it feels like to be at the lowest point and want to do anything to feel something or get attention. I know you’re not a bad man, just a hurt one.
“I underestimated you, little one.”
You smile at each other, knowing you have a deeper bond than before. Loki chuckles at your shy little face, now knowing how much strength and depth you carry. You are much more than just a healer girl.
“I’m sorry about your parents.”
It’s okay. I’ve gotten over it.
“I remember when I lost my mom. It was my fault. I’ll never forgive myself for it.” Loki looks down to see you staring with big doe eyes. He smiles at you, the features on his face softening. “You make me feel better, though.”
I’m glad I can help.
“Were you mute before your parents died?”
No, it was the Hydra agents that twisted my words. Trying to get me to agree to things or say things about my parents. I stopped speaking.
“Hydra agents ma-”
They were the ones with the potion, not SHIELD. They’re trying to find what Hydra used on me and they took me in to protect me, but Hydra would come every day and aim a gun at my head. Asking me questions and threatening me.
“I’m so sorry. That must have been traumatic.”
That is why I don’t speak anymore, saves me from trouble.
“I don’t blame you. You’re very strong, little one.”
You and Loki share a smile, but the awkward silence fills the air. Loki wants nothing more than to hug and hold her, protect her from all the evil things in the world, but you’re timid. He doesn’t want to scare you again.
“I’ll leave you to your book,” he says, “thank you, for telling me everything.”
Thank you for listening.
You smile and nod before heading back to your seat and finishing Wuthering Heights. Loki’s eyes never leave you, though.
Another day or two goes on and you and Loki are closer than before. His whole body is covered in your writings and smears from when he washed off parts for you to write again. He doesn’t ever want to wash it all off, knowing your words are precious and important. You notice the way he rereads what you wrote when he’s sitting or eating. There’s something about his fascination with you that makes you feel important and loved. You’ve caught him a couple times smiling as he reads, byt quickly becoming stoic again when he realises you’re looking.
You’re baking a bunch of cookies for when the team comes home. The mission should be over in about a day and you wanted to surprise them. Loki comes walking in to see you covered in flour and munching on some spare dough that was too little to make a cookie. He chuckles at the sight of you and comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“What in the good heavens are you doing?”
You turn around and chuckle silently, pointing to the over. Loki slightly opens it and sees the pan of cookies baking.
“I didn’t know you baked.”
You grab your pen off the counter and write on his shoulder. 
I love baking, music, and sewing.
“You learn something new every day,” he chuckles, “Can I help?”
I’d love that! I need these things mixed, you write as you point to the recipe, think you can do that?
“I think I can manage to mix some ingredients, little one.”
A couple minutes go by as the two of you mix and measure ingredients. You can’t help but watch the way Loki’s strong hands mix everything at a vigorous speed. You peel your eyes away, trying to not get caught and embarrass yourself.
What you don’t realize is the way Loki steals glances at you when you’re not looking. He loves the way your hair dances as you move around, the way you climb onto the counter to reach the highest shelves. You’re so focused while baking with your eyebrows furrowed and fingers skimming the bowls. He’s never seen a creature more adorable and divine. Then Loki notices the flour on your cheek and laughs, getting your attention.
“You have a little something on your face.”
Reaching out, he brushes the flour off of your forehead. The heat coming from your body is intimidating, calling him to get closer to you to warm up, but he denies himself. He brushes his hand against a towel to get rid of the flour before turning to you, who blows a little flour on him, covering his clothes in the white dust.
“Oh, you little-”
You start running around the island as Loki chases you. He laughs as you try to evade him, but he slips his arm around your bicep, pulling him into you. You fall on top of him, his body breaking the blow to your head. 
Lifting yourself up, you look down to see Loki under you, his arms still around your waist. His eyes go big as soon as he realizes you’re straddling him in the worst place possible. He prays to Odin that you don’t feel his boner as you lay on top of him. You blush as you two stare at one another in the tight embrace
“I uh-” Loki stutters as his eyes flicker to your lips, trying to focus on anything but the heat of your body on his.
All of a sudden, there’s a horrible sound coming from outside the tower. It pierces your ears, forcing you to cover them and drop on top of Loki fully. He pulls one arm around your whole body and cradles your head in his other.
“What is that sound?” he winces. Loki looks over to see the Quinjet landing and Sam Wilson running out of it.
Sam’s eyes go wide at the sight of you and Loki embracing on the floor. He notices the writing all over Loki’s arms and legs and the way he smiles as he looks up at you. He shakes it off as he goes in seeing that he has bigger problems at hand. “Y/N!” He shouts.
You look up to see Sam in a hurried scared face.
“We need you! Bucky got hurt and may not live! We need you to save him!”
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cevans16 · 3 years
Choosing Between Two Loves Part 2 - Civil War~2 (The Fight)
Summary: You were a Goddess named Elara, who had powers similar to Thor and even stronger, you joined the Avengers back when Loki had tried to take over New York. You were great friends with most of them. Tony Stark was someone you were always in love with even though you knew you could never have him. However that all changes when you get to know a certain super soldier....
You were running after Bucky and Sam in the airport with the new kid Peter Parker above you to aid. You weren’t sure where Tony pulled this kid out from but he seemed like he was going to be that annoying little brother you would always love no matter what. You were on Bucky’s heel when you spotted a rope on the side, you quickly went to grab it and attempted to lasso in Bucky to stop him from running. You were able to get ahold of his right foot, you yanked the rope towards you, pulling Bucky towards your feet. His face was stunned at who was looking down at him, he thought you were the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen in his long life, yet he was trying to understand how someone like you was strong enough to take him down. “Sargent Barnes....now I can see why Steve would protect you” you smirked at him, “I’m sorry but you’re going to have to let him go” you heard Sam warn you, “Let me guess a super soldier and a regular soldier against a Goddess, I know the odds and they’re not in your favor Sam” you teased. What you didn’t expect was to get hit by a stun gun specialized for you, you felt paralyzed for a few minutes while you heard Peter attempt to take them down and failed. You couldn’t erase the memory of Bucky’s beautiful blue eyes from your mind.
You heard Nat say where Steve and Bucky were headed, you heard through Tony that the original doctor had been murdered and the man who had committed the murder had framed it on Bucky. You felt guilty that you had chased after an innocent man even though your gut had told you otherwise. You hitched a ride with Tony, although you had been in love with him for many years, you knew he belonged to Pepper. “SO when are you and Pepper going to get married Tony?” you asked, “Ehhh we are kind of on a break” he said, “What?! Okay what did YOU do now?” you exasperated, he gasped looking at you, almost denying it, “Well whatever it is FIX it..... You know we messed up against Barnes” you said changing the subject, “Yeah, I know, Sam told me what happened” he replied, “we’re here, suit up” he said. There was a blizzard outside so you threw on a coat to cover most of your uniform, you both walked into the chamber looking around for any sign of Barnes or Steve. You walked up to a metal door that was closed down, Tony was going to open it but you held your hand to hold him back, “I got this Stark” you bent down to grab the bottom of the heavy door pushing it up with some extra strength, you looked up to see Steve holding his shield in front of him and Bucky aiming a gun towards you, you had to admit, they looked adorable scared. “Elara?” Steve said shocked to see you. You turned back towards Tony, “Look what I found” you joked. You guys walked towards them, Tony explaining that you had learned the truth. “Steve....I’m so sorry about this” you said genuinely, you then turned to look directly at Bucky, “I’m sorry Sargent Barnes” you added, “Call me Bucky” he said. You looked to Tony waiting for him to apologize, when he didn’t you playfully smacked him on his shoulder, he scoffed and then finally faced the other two, “We messed up.....hey this means its a truce Manchurian candidate” he teased Bucky, “Hahaha Manchurian candidate good one Tony.... come on Bucky I’m unarmed so I’m practically useless” you giggled, “I beg to differ on that Elara” Bucky joked back hinting that he would lay his guard down.
You guys walked further into the building looking at the frozen super soldiers, you walked a bit ahead when you heard Bucky call you, “Yes?”, “Be careful” he advised, “I appreciate it but I can take care of myself” you assured him walking away from the group. You took a closer look at one of the super soldiers when you noticed a wound on their forehead, “They’re.....dead?” you said sadly. The guys walked up quicker to look at each one and confirm they had all been killed in their sleep. You heard a boom to your left and someone else appear through a window. You and Steve walked up to the man on the other side of the bunker. The man spoke about some nonsense on Steve not being perfect and about Sokovia....he was up to something. “You know hiding behind a bunker doesn’t make you brave” you said to him, he turned to look at you, “the righteous Goddess who’s always been fighting a war whether its with the world or in her own mind....I will tear the Avengers apart” he threatened, “Exactly how do you plan on doing that?” you asked, raising your eyebrow. 
You heard something click behind you like a video playing, “I know that road” you heard Tony say....”What’s this?” he asked the man. You walked towards him to face the screen, Bucky was on your right, Tony and Steve on your left. You looked slightly down to watch what was on the screen, in Russian lettering you could see the date, “December 16, 1991″ you said. You felt Bucky shift beside you, you looked at him to see fear in his eyes again, he looked at you ashamed, you didn’t know what was going on but your gut said something very bad was about to happen. You saw Howard Stark in the video, the crash, you looked at Tony, his eyes showed the same realization as yours, “Is it your...” you didn’t bother finishing as Tony nodded his head to confirm, it was his parents crash. You saw a motorcycle pull up next to the Stark’s vehicle, a man got off and walked towards Howard Stark, the face surprised you, it was the face of.... Bucky. You blinked a few more times trying to make sure you weren’t imagining it, you looked at Bucky again who was now almost shaking, he couldn’t even look at you in the eye this time. You could feel Tony looking back at Bucky and the video playing, hearing Tony’s mom say “Howard” over and over, in the video Bucky walked over to Maria’s side, choking her until you couldn’t hear anything, he then walked to look at the camera and shot at it. You stood looking at the blank screen feeling your breath shake, Tony next to you in disbelief, so many emotions running through his mind, stunned at what he saw, his parents killed and the person who had murdered them was right there in the building. Tony shifted towards Bucky but you stopped him with a hand on his chest, “Tony” Steve said, clearly a shake in his voice as well. “Did you know?” Tony asked him, “I didn’t know it was him” Steve replied, “Don’t BULLSHIT me Rogers, did YOU KNOW?”.....”Yes”. Your heart sank, you knew that one word changed everything. Tony took a step back and looked directly at you, “How about YOU, Elara, did YOU know?” he pleaded, “No Tony I didn’t” you replied. You had never seen Tony looked so hurt in his life, anger, betrayal, everything all at once. 
The air was thick between the four of you, you could hear the wind blowing outside. Suddenly you felt Tony grab you by your waist and throwing you away from Bucky, you looked up to see him charging towards Bucky, Steve behind him. You quickly took off your coat and ran towards the men, you knew what Bucky did wasn’t right but you couldn’t let Tony kill the man and you also had to make sure no one killed Tony. He blew a wall between you and Steve to buy time to catch up to Bucky, Steve plowed through it grabbing Tony’s foot and destroyed part of his flight system. You pushed Steve back, “Are you serious Elara!!” Steve yelled at you, “I won’t let you kill him” you said, “I can’t let him kill Buck” he fought with you pushing you back onto your butt. You chased after them seeing when they fell deeper into the bunker. 
You fought against Steve while Bucky and Tony went at it, somehow the four of you switched, Tony and Steve, you and Bucky, “Are you going to kill me Bucky” you yelled at him while he held your neck, “Are YOU going to kill me?” he returned the question, “No but this will hurt” you said landing a strong kick to his thigh causing him to kneel, you were about to run towards Steve when you felt Bucky’s hand grab your foot, throwing you onto the ground, pulling you to him, you gritted in anger, pushing him onto the floor, shoving his face on the concrete. You felt a sharp pain in your ribs, you looked down to see that he had stabbed you! “Oh this is how we’re playing” you said, taking out the knife from your ribs and throwing it on the other side. The pain hit you hard weakening you, allowing Bucky to take advantage, Tony saw Bucky was about to attack you again, he charged towards Bucky, knocking him out. Steve then took it as a chance to hit Tony on his back, throwing him onto the floor, Steve grabbed his shield and began banging it against Tony’s arc reactor. You could feel the tears in your eyes; tears of pain, anger, betrayal, and most of all sadness seeing you all being torn apart exactly like the man had said. You tried your best to gather your strength, pushing yourself up you ran towards Steve, “Stop it! You’re going to kill him!!” he tried to fight you back but you placed your forearm against his neck, “I am NOT going to ask again ROGERS!” you yelled furiously, Steve had never seen you so infuriated, he didn’t want to hurt you, he squeezed your arm to push you back, he walked away towards Bucky, “Don’t do this Rogers, you are giving that man exactly what he wanted!” you yelled at him, he didn’t listen, “Steve, I am.... begging you, don’t do this” you pleaded, tears running down your face, “He’s my friend” he replied looking at you sorrowfully, “So was I” you heard Tony say behind you. You looked at Steve pick up an injured Bucky, to be fair all four of you were injured, he then picked up his shield. “You don’t deserve that shield! My father made it!” Tony yelled furiously, you wiped away your tears and moved to help Tony, “You don’t deserve it!” Tony yelled, your back was facing Steve but you heard the metal shield clank loudly on the floor. This was it you said to yourself, you would never forgive Steve Rogers for this. 
You and Tony had returned to the compound, the place was eerily silent, you could feel the different energy around the place, the Avengers were scattered. You were helping Rhodey try to walk, he had taken a nasty fall at the airport causing him to be mostly paralyzed. Tony had gotten a package, he walked into his office, after a few minutes he called you in, “How are you doing?” he asked you. You had cuts and bruises around your face, a big gash on your lip, your body was healing quicker than Tony’s due to you being a Goddess, but you had a scar left from where Bucky had gotten you on your ribs. Mentally you were drained. “I’m hanging in there Tony” you faintly smiled at him, “You?”, “Ehhh could be worse....Rogers sent the package” he said showing you a phone and a letter, “Ohhhh the famous love letter” you teased, causing Tony to chuckle, “Don’t do that, my entire body hurts by laughing” he said, “And MINE doesn’t?”, “Oh come on you’re a strong....woman” he said, you were both silent for a few moments looking at each other, “I appreciate you having my back” Tony shared, “Any time Tony”, “He wrote you a ‘love’ letter too” he added, you rolled your eyes thinking he was kidding but he then handed you an enveloped with your name on it. You looked at Tony grabbing the letter from his hand, you opened it slightly but stopped yourself, “You know what, I don’t care. I will never accept his apology because no matter what his actions showed otherwise, I will never forget that” you said to him while ripping the letter into two pieces. Tony nodded, “Look Tony, you need to fix this with Pepper, I gotta go” you said, “Europe?” he asked, “Yes, I’ll be waiting for my invitation in the mail” you replied, you walked up to Tony giving him a kiss on his cheek, “If you need me, you know where I’ll be” you said and with that you walked out the door to find a new adventure. You didn’t think you would see Bucky or Steve ever again, or so you thought.
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alirhi · 3 years
more WF
Title: Winter's Frost Chapter: 12/? Fandom: MCU Rating: R to be on the safe side Pairing: Loki/Bucky Summary: Loki never told anyone the real reason he became so obsessed with Midgard. Much better to let them think he wanted to hurt his brother than draw their attention to the one thing in the universe that makes the God of Mischief truly vulnerable.
WARNINGS: nothing, really. This chapter's pretty tame Notes: I almost had Loki bang Darcy. XD almost. The temptation was so strong lol
"You need to go." Darcy's voice was oddly gentle as she traced little invisible patterns across the back of Loki's pale hand. Lacing her fingers with his, she murmured, "Absolutely everyone who's a danger to your little girl is going to come after you, and I've got a feeling you're way too tired to use whatever nifty little magic tricks might normally be up your sleeves, here."
He nodded, glancing at the door as if someone was going to come bursting through it at that very second. "I'm exhausted," he admitted with a wry twist of his lips that was supposed to be a smile. "It's been a long year."
Eira had fallen asleep in his lap. Delicately lifting her limp little body and shifting her into Darcy's waiting arms was almost physically painful. Darcy smiled, cradling the little girl against her shoulder and rocking her when she started to stir.
"Thank you, Darcy," Loki whispered as he stood, reaching out to stroke his daughter's soft black hair one last time, "for being so good to her."
"It hasn't been easy hiding her; Jane wanted me to come with her to Australia but I told her it was too short-notice."
"I'm sorry," he told her softly but quite sincerely. "We were hostages and there was no time to plan-"
"Loki?" He stopped and looked at her, unnerved by how direct her cool blue gaze was. "Why me? What made you think to send her here? You don't even know me."
This time he managed the ironic smile he was trying for. "That's why. She's only safe somewhere no one would think to look for her. And I trust you, my dear." When she shook her head and opened her mouth to ask why, he cut her off with a wave of his hand. "When I was watching my brother last year, I saw how fiercely you protected your friends. Gods were warring in your back yard, and you had the good sense to stay the hell out of the way."
"I tazed one of them," she reminded him, proud.
Loki chuckled. "Yes. Thank you for that. Sadly I missed it, but even knowing it happened, well... That's why I like you."
"That's how it goes." She grinned. "You freak me out, you meet the business end of my taser."
"I'm not sure that will always serve you so well, but please don't lose that instinct." As he turned toward the door, he paused and glanced back at her over his shoulder. "And thank you, for not using it on me."
With an odd little half-shrug as she did her best to avoid waking the sleeping demi goddess on her other shoulder, she said, "You literally dropped out of nowhere in the middle of my house. I wasn't sure it would affect you."
He laughed at that, and there was a long, awkward silence until Darcy shook her head and pointed at the door. "Alright, go! Cuz you're freakin' hot, and it feels like we're playing House, here. It's getting weird. Also, that whole... You being here puts me and your daughter in mortal danger thing. Come back when there aren't as many people with superpowers trying to kill you, okay?"
"If I wait for that day, I may never get her back," he pointed out. He'd meant it as a joke, but the sad fact was, it was true. Then he thought of Bucky, and he added, "The best I may be able to do is get backup."
As he thanked her and finally got around to opening the door, Darcy called out, "Hey, Loki?" She stood and stared him down, arms curled protectively around Eira's peacefully sleeping form. "I know you're her mother, but whether I wanted to be or not, I've been her mom for a year and I love this little worm. She's not leaving my side until I know for sure you're not gonna get her killed or deeply traumatized."
"Perhaps her father and I could simply move in here."
"Get out."
Laughing, he waved and finally left. He was still exhausted and aching all over, but at least his ears had stopped ringing and he was no longer seeing double. He wanted to say that Banner would pay for what he'd done, but as angry as he was, Loki wasn't stupid enough to think he could actually kill the beast, even at full power.
Using what little energy he had left, he teleported in a few random directions just to create as confusing a trail as possible. Then he landed in Siberia, buried himself under a snow bank – blessed his Jotun heritage for the first time since discovering it, since at least he wasn't cold – and relaxed his desperate death grip on consciousness.
Just before he passed out, he closed his eyes and whispered, "Heimdall, I know you can hear me. I know you know where I am. What I don't know is if you know or care what brought me here. If you do... Tell no one where to find me. I'm too tired for another fight."
He wasn't expecting an answer, so the shock nearly jolted him awake when he heard a familiar deep voice in his ear. "Rest, my Prince. If Odin asks, I must tell him. You will need your strength." There was a soft chuckle, and then Heimdall quipped, "Not your usual opulence, I see. Too tired to conjure a palace of ice?"
"I'm too tired to even turn the snow around me into an igloo," Loki grumbled, fidgeting. The cold didn't bother him, but a makeshift cave of snow didn't exactly make for the softest of beds. Thankfully, his bone-weariness caught up to him, and he was unconscious only a few seconds later.
He wasn't sure how much time had passed when he woke, but aside from a few cramped muscles from sleeping curled up on the ground, he felt fine. Bruises healed, mind sharp and alert, he cloaked himself and stood, shaking off the snow. Ugh. He'd slept in his leather armor. With a flick of his wrist, he conjured a clean, far more comfortable outfit and glanced around.
So, this was Siberia. Somewhere in this frozen wasteland was the bunker where HYDRA stored Bucky until they needed him. After all Loki had been through in the past few years, and all Bucky had suffered for decades, there was no way he was leaving this place without his beloved. And he sure as hell wasn't leaving without ensuring that every single HYDRA operative in the area, down to the bloody janitor, was dead. He'd deal with the ones lurking in SHIELD's ranks later.
"You know," came Heimdall's amused, rumbling voice in his ear again, "if you told your brother why you're there, what you've been fighting for all this time, you might just have an ally for once."
Loki stopped dead in his tracks. "You know-"
"About James Barnes, yes. You're very cunning, Loki, you always have been. But you're easily distracted when he's near." There was a pause, and then the all-seeing watcher sounded distinctly uncomfortable. "I learned rather quickly when to look away."
"Well, thank you for that, I suppose," he grumbled, hands on his hips. "And just what is it you think that oaf can accomplish that I can't do more easily without him underfoot?"
A low chuckle made his skin crawl, just for how near it seemed to be coming from. He hadn't actually known Heimdall could communicate telepathically like this; it was unsettling. Then Heimdall said four words that made him forget his discomfort, and his distaste for Thor's company:
"Burn it all down."
Next Masterlist
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lynnsfics · 4 years
In The Spotlight
Chapter Two
Pairing: Actor!Loki x Reader
<First Chapter
Next Chapter>
Word Count: Approx. 1.2k
Morning light filtered through the apartment window and you blinked awake. Your head felt heavy  and you sighed as you struggled to sit up. Yawning, you took a look around the room, trying to recall why you were in Meg’s apartment.
That was when everything came back in a flash. “Hey sleepyhead,” Meg called from the kitchen. “How did you sleep?”
“Like a baby,” you responded with a smile. “Thank you again, I’m sorry this was all so last minute. Everything happened all at once.”
“It’s alright,” she said soothingly. “I’m making pancakes for breakfast, why don’t you come in here and tell me all about it.”
Nodding, you stood up and walked into the kitchen. You could smell the sweet aroma of pancake batter and couldn’t help but grin. She knew what would make you feel better. “I hope you didn’t go to any trouble making these, you’ve already so much.”
“Oh nonsense! Besides, I was already up. You know how much I love my sunrise meditation.”
‘Of course she would get up early,‘ you thought to yourself, taking a seat at the table. That was so like her. “Well, where should I begin? The fight with my mother or the handsome stranger I almost cussed out?”
She smirked, “How about we start at the very beginning and then make our way to your new boyfriend.”
“Oh very funny,” you laughed. “But it all started yesterday afternoon, when I was looking for a job online. Evidently only job searching theatre companies is a crime in that house. My mom told me to start searching for a ‘real job’, and I told her that theatre could be a ‘real job’.”
“Technically if you’re being paid for goods or services anything is a real job,” Meg interjected.
“I pointed that out,” you nodded. “And that’s when she really lost it. Apparently I was being nothing but a good-for-nothing freeloader, and she was sick of it.” You looked down, trying to blink away the tears threatening to spill out of your eyes.
Although you could never explain it, you always sought your mother’s approval. After your dad left, you chased after support from the only parental figure you had left. That ended up being a bad decision. No matter what you tried, your mom shut you down. All she wanted for you was ‘the best’, or so she claimed. But she never asked what you thought was best. Sometimes it seemed she never really cared.
“Oh sweetie it’s alright, you know you can cry here.” Meg put a hand on your shoulder and you let the tears fall. 
“I told her that I didn’t need her seal of approval on my career choice. That was when she told me to get out. Told me that I couldn’t come back until I had an actual career.” 
“You don’t need her to be your only support system. I will always be here, no matter what road you take in life.”
Now there was no stopping the tears from falling, and you wiped them away quickly before whispering a quick, “Thank you.”
Meg placed a plate of pancakes in front of you, “I think that’s enough talking about her. Now, why don’t you tell me about this mysterious stranger who swept you off your feet.”
“More like almost swept me out of the parking lot,” you clarified with a light laugh. “Well, he was tall, with shoulder length black hair with these piercing eyes. I couldn’t tell if they were blue or green, but he was gorgeous. Anyways, he took my place at the only gas pump at the station.”
Shaking her head, she took a sip of coffee, “That’s such a jerk move. Did he at least apologize?”
“Not exactly,” you began, not sure how to explain the interaction you had with him. “He handed me fifty dollars and took off. It was weird, to say the least.”
“It’s always the handsome ones that think they can get away with whatever they want. But there’s something familiar…” Meg glanced at you and then looked down. “It’s probably nothing but,” her brow furrowed. “I feel like I know him. Or at least recognize him from somewhere. That description just reminds me of someone, but I’m sure it’s nothing.”
An alarm went off on her phone, causing you both to jump. “Sorry,” she laughed, silencing it, “I have to get to work. Although I can call off today if you want me to.”-
“No Meg, really, it’s fine. Besides, I need to try and do some job searching today. But, if you do happen to figure out anything about our mysterious stranger just text me,” you shot her a mischievous grin.
“Sure thing,” she gave you a quick hug before heading out the door.
With a sad smile, you finished the rest of your breakfast. As usual, it was delicious, making you feel a slight twinge of jealousy at her cooking skills. After placing the plates in the dishwasher, you pulled out your laptop. 
“Alright,” you said to yourself. Time to find a job.” 
Apparently finding a “real” job in the city wasn’t as easy you pictured. Fifteen job searches later, you almost felt like giving up. Sighing, you decided to take a personality test to find a career well-suited to you. Unsurprisingly, the result was Performing Arts. Of course it was.
Shaking your head, you pulled up the website for the local theatre. Although it wasn’t Broadway level, it was still a large company. It was unlikely you would find anything, but it was worth a try. 
An advertisement for their upcoming production of Romeo and Juliet appeared, and you had to stifle a laugh. Sure, it’s a big name play, but it had been so overdone. Scanning the page, you tried to find a link for auditions. Finally, a small tab that read “Audition Today!’ caught your eye. 
Clicking on the link, your heart seized. Apparently when they said “Audition Today” they meant it. There was an open workshop for paid extra roles and today was the final day. There was no harm in just looking into it, right?
The workshop began at 2, which gave you just less than four hours to get ready. Risking a glance in the mirror, you grimaced. You had some serious work to do. 
Once you had your hair fixed the way you liked it, you moved onto makeup. You weren’t sure whether you would need full stage makeup or a natural look, so you opted for a mix. Basic makeup with a bold lip and hint more blush than usual. There, that should work.
Looking back at the page, you double checked the requirements. From what you saw, all you needed was a valid form of identification. That should be easy enough. Searching through your purse, you fumbled for your driver’s license. 
Dumping everything out of your purse your heart raced. It wasn’t there. Your brain automatically jumped to the worst case scenario, that it was still at your mom’s place. Then you realized that wouldn’t be possible since you had it with you at the gas station. 
It was still at the gas station. At least you hoped it was. 
I haven't been feeling my best these past few days so this chapter is a bit shorter, sorry! Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist and as always, likes and reblogs are appreciated! Love you all! <3
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elisaphoenix13 · 4 years
Mainstream Barbeque
"Mama...up." Valerie says quietly as she reaches up toward Stephen and makes grabby hands at him.
"Just a minute cub."
The baby pouts but continues to cling to Stephen's leg as he sets up the table for the barbeque. It had been like this all day, and the more of the team that arrived, the more she stuck to the sorcerer and made it a little difficult to move around and help. She was comfortable with the team and trusted them, but the noise was still overwhelming for her and Stephen was safe and calming. He hoped she would be content to go to Natasha or Quill when they arrived but Valerie seemed intent on staying with Stephen today. Not even Tony was able to successfully pry her away. Maybe the two new teenagers made her nervous.
Stephen lifts a brow when the container of brownies he knew had been next to the plates suddenly disappears and pulls some plastic cups out of their packaging calmly.
"Put them back Thomas."
Said teen appears to his left with a small gust of wind to give away the fact that he had run over. "How did you know?"
"He's Mom. He knows everything." Bucky answers as he sets down the container of cookies he brought.
"Oh...I thought that was a joke."
Stephen huffs in amusement. "It started out that way...but then it stuck...and then Diana and Valerie kind of made it real."
He finally finishes setting up the table and bends down to pick up Valerie and place her on his hip, and then looks around. Peter, Cassie, Harley, and Diana were in their bathing suits giving Athena and Gerald baths, some of the men were either playing football or swimming in the lake (Clint was starting a trend of doing dangerous tricks off the tire swing and into the lake), and Laura was inside helping prep food. The Barton kids had been part of the lake shenanigans but looked to have joined in on giving the wolf and alpaca their baths.
Some further observation showed Wanda and Loki helping William practice his magic, and Thor and Quill were off in the distance sparri--
"No! Absolutely not!" Stephen shouts at the two gods as he sends a spell at them with a flick of his wrist to stop them.
"Quail was just going to show me how much he's improved with his powers!"
"It's Quill." The celestial corrects with some annoyance.
"Yes. That's what I said."
Stephen glares at them as he approaches them. "There will be no sparring between you two! Last time you sent out a shockwave and blew out every single one of the compound's windows! It had just finished being rebuilt too!"
"Pfft...it was one time--owowow!" Quill whines when Stephen grabs his ear.
"My husband had to pay for that!"
"He's a billionaire!"
"He's not going to be at the rate you break things! Find something else to do!" Stephen releases Quill and starts to walk away before calling over his shoulder. "That doesn't mean Scott either!"
"Well there goes my day." Quill grumbles.
Valerie rests her head on Stephen's shoulder and watches calmly as he walks around to check in on everyone. Even Carol, T'Challa, and Shuri had come to enjoy the barbeque, and Stephen takes the seat next to the king as they watch the rather rough football game. T'Challa looks over at Valerie and smiles at her softly, and the baby hides her face in Stephen's shoulder.
"The last time I was here, you only had Peter." He says and Stephen looks at him.
"That's right. You didn't come here with the rest of us after…"
"No. Now I see you have four children."
"Harley was adopted under similar circumstances to Peter, but Diana and Valerie are biologically both mine and Tony's thanks to magic."
"What about the other three? I met Clint's kids earlier but I'm not familiar with the others."
Stephen looks over at Cassie. "Cassie is Scott's...Quill parents her as well. The twins are William and Thomas. They're technically mine too but Wanda and Vision take care of them."
"Did you adopt them too?"
"No. Tony and I just have permanent guardianship over them."
"This really is a family." T'Challa mutters softly and Stephen looks back at him.
"Well I'm sure if you ask anyone, they'll all tell you that I parent everyone."
The king smirks. "Do you?"
"Well someone has to keep them all from doing stupid things."
T'Challa laughs and looks back to the football game and Stephen watches as Natasha and Carol occasionally flip the others onto their backs. Football was always played a little extremely, but as long as the right people were playing, Stephen didn't stop it. If there were any players that weren't enhanced or trained assassins (Nat was a force to deal with so Stephen never bothered to keep her away), the sorcerer would either tell the enhanced persons to take it easy or just have the others wait a little while so the enhanced could get it out of their system. The unenhanced were content to spend time in the lake for now.
Stephen looks over to the kids when he hears laughter, and sighs when he just manages to watch Athena shake the water from her body. Harley and Peter cover the wolf in towels and dry her as thoroughly as possible, and when they finish, the girls take over with the grooming. Athena actually liked the attention Cassie, Lila, and Diana were giving her, and stood very still so they could brush her down. The boys turned their attention to Gerald, and the alpaca barely paid the kids any kind as they gave him his bath. He just lazily munched on his hay as he was scrubbed down. Instead of towels being used though, Thomas ran over and used his speed to air dry Gerald. By the time his bath was finished, the girls had finished with Athena, and the wolf happily trotted over to Stephen to sit by him.
Loyal as ever.
"Athena pretty." Valerie mumbles against Stephen's shoulder as she reaches out to the wolf. Her tiny hand pets Athena gently and the baby smiles. "Soft, Mama."
"Is she?" Stephen humors his youngest by reaching down and petting his wolf as well. Valerie was right. It was like touching silk. The girls did a fantastic job grooming her.
"How do you have a wild creature so tame?" T'Challa asks from beside the sorcerer.
"Long story short, the kids and I were turned into wolves, Athena came across us and helped us, but when we were turned back, she wanted to come with us. She was by herself and I was able to use a spell to communicate what the rules were and what she would have to expect. Tony caved and let her come home with us, and Athena has yet to disappoint. She protects the kids and I only have to tell her who a friend is once. If I tell her to attack, she will...unless family is attacked first. That's the only time she won't wait for a command." Stephen explains.
"That's amazing." The king admits. "She acts like a pet."
"She is and isn't. She's a companion too. Although she does sleep at the foot of our bed." Stephen chuckles.
"How does Tony feel about it?"
"He doesn't care as long as she stays off the pillows."
Stephen then catches the king up with everything up to that point, and halfway through it, Tony announces that lunch is ready. The sorcerer got up so he could get Valerie's food, since kids got their food first, then the unenhanced, then the enhanced. He figured on getting both of their plates since going back a second time would be a waste of time and he wasn't enhanced, and let his daughter pick most of what she wanted. He had to persuade a little more vegetables on her plate, but it wasn't too big of a deal since Valerie enjoyed everything for the most part. As soon as they were finished, they sat down on one of the many laid out blankets, and Stephen made sure Valerie was all set before he started eating himself. Tony would take care of Diana, and Wanda would explain the process to the twins. Athena of course waited patiently until Stephen was situated before she joined him on the blankets and flopped onto her side next to him to doze.
"She won't bite me will she?" Stephen looks up when William speaks and smiles softly before turning his attention back to his food.
"No. She knows you're a friend. Everyone here is."
"... can I sit here?" The boy asks shyly and Stephen nods.
"Of course." When William sits down, the sorcerer glances over at him. "How are you and your brother adjusting?"
"It's...it takes some getting used to. We're not used to this kind of attention, but it's nice...and Wanda makes really good food."
"That's good."
"I don't get the ban on peppermint though." William brings up with confusion.
Stephen chuckles. "It makes Peter sick. A con of the spider bite. Just the smell itself drives him into his room. Last time I ate it, he avoided me like the plague for a full twenty-four hours. He can smell it on whoever ate it."
"Did he like peppermint before the bite?"
"Loved it."
"That sucks."
Lunch passed just like that. William asking questions about the Stark family (and in the background, Stephen noticed that Harley was at war with himself trying to figure out whether to join them or not. He didn't. He sat with Peter and Cooper with a defeated sigh). William asked Stephen about his magic and the girls' existence...and the sorcerer calmly answered each question. The teen was still learning after all.
William was then surprised when an alpaca decided to disturb the teen's personal bubble to steal the leftover apple slices on his plate. He shouted when Gerald bent down to Hoover the fruit and then actually held a hand over his heart to no doubt attempt to calm his pounding heart. Gerald was harmless, but he was pretty persistent about things he wanted. He had a bad habit of helping himself to people's fruits and vegetables and Stephen and Tony had been trying to kick the habit, but to no avail. Someone had to be sharing with the alpaca for their scolding to fall on deaf ears.
"Gerald! No! Get out of here you overgrown fuzzball." Tony shoos the animal away when he runs over, and huffs as the alpaca walks away with an annoyed grunt. "Sorry TinkerBell. Want me to get you some more fruit?"
William blinks and looks up at the engineer. "Wh-what did you call me?"
Stephen rolls his eyes. "Better get used to it. He gives everyone a nickname. Sometimes more than one."
"Your brother is Speedy Gonzalez." Tony informs the teen with a grin.
"That's... accurate." William sighs and drops his hand. "It's fine. I was done anyway. He did me a favor."
"Just push him away if it happens again. He's harmless." Stephen says as he gets up and Valerie follows him to throw their plates in the trash.
The cans were sitting behind the cabin and when the two were done tossing their garbage, Stephen looked around when he heard muttering. He raises an eyebrow and walks around the far corner to investigate and narrows his eyes when he finds Sam feeding Gerald some fruit from his own plate.
"You're the one teaching him this bad habit?!"
Sam jumps and looks up at him sheepishly. "Sorry Mama Bear."
"You in twouble." Valerie says quietly from her position at Stephen's leg.
"Stop feeding him from your plate and I won't make you clean his pen." Stephen compromises and the darker male nods quickly.
"He won't be getting anything from my plate anymore. Strictly treats I grab just for him."
"Thank you. He just gave William a heart attack."
"What? This guy?" Sam grins and pets the alpaca's neck. "He's--"
"Harmless. Yes. I told him."
"Mom!" Peter runs around the corner and nearly trips over his own feet as he stops. "Quill and Carol are about to spar."
"Absolutely not! She's on par with a god--all of you overgrown children are chipping away at my sanity…"
Sam smirks as Stephen picks up Valerie to stop the new attempt at a godly sparring session.
"Up for some ultimate frisbee in the mud?" Peter asks and Sam shrugs.
"Sure. Why not. I'll enjoy it while I can before Stephen finds out.
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all-sortsa-stuff · 4 years
This dance
Tumblr media
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 2191
Warning: Angst (You may cry.)
A/N: Steve never got his dance with Peggy before crashing into the ice.  Now years later in New York, a year after her death, could there be someone who teaches him to feel again?  Or is he the one to help another open their heart once more?
 The sun was just breaking over the horizon of the city as you snuck out of the tower.  Part of the team was off on a mission while the other half must have taken advantage of the down time and slept in.  The kitchen was quiet as you walked through looking for your boots.  You had left them by the television the previous night when you watched a movie with Bucky and Sam.  At least this time you knew where they were.  Most of the time you just took them off as soon as you entered the building, happy to be out of them, walking barefoot.  The team was always finding them in odd places.
The car ride to the cemetery did not take long this early in the morning.  Traffic, light this time of day.  You wanted to get there as soon as you could to be able to spend time before you were called back to do something.  Parking and the walk to the stone was done without really thinking about it.  You had done it so many times before over the last four years that it was now ingrained within you.  Cleaning the leaves off the stone before you sat in front of it, you sighed as you looked at the words sprawled across its face.  “I know it’s been a little while since I was here. But I wouldn’t have missed today. I almost bought a balloon again this year, but I heard your voice in the back of my mind telling me I better not buy another damn balloon that someone will just steal.”
You laughed quietly as you looked down at the grass.  “How is it another birthday is here, and it still feels like yesterday that I last saw you?”  The laugh turned into a sniff as you worked to hold back the tears.  “Four years, Jason.  It’s been four years and it still hurts like hell.  I still think about you every day.  Though there are hours that go by without you consuming all my thoughts.” The tears streamed down your cheeks and you wiped them away quickly.  “Saw your mom the other day.  She said she would be here sometime this week.  Probably tomorrow.  Says it hurts too much to come on your birthday.  She is going to make your favorite cake today for her and your dad. She invited me over too, but I just can’t.  Jason, I can’t walk in that house again.  Your pictures are everywhere.”
The lump in your throat grew and you could not say anything because if you did a sob would escape.  You took slow breaths trying to calm the emotions that were taking over.  It took a few minutes, but you were able to reign them in.  “Oh, you will love this.  She asked if I was seeing any nice young man.  I laughed and I think I startled her.  I told her I didn’t know if that would ever happen.  She gave me that look she would always give you and said that ‘you know Jason would want you to move on.’  Ugh I just told her I had to leave then to get back to work.  That just got her on another tangent.  You know how she gets. She asked what I was doing now that I wasn’t with the fire department anymore.  I just said I work for Stark Industries and left it at that.  She can’t exactly know what I am doing now.  You would be amazed at the things I can do now, Jas.”
 A few rows behind and across the small pond there was another at the cemetery who was visiting a stone.  He had been there since dawn wanting to think about the past year since her death. Steve had not said a word since he got there.  Instead he cleaned off the stone that he visited weekly, ensuring that it stayed as pristine as possible.  She deserved that.  He had been staring at the stone for well over an hour just thinking about Peggy and their brief but wonderful time together.  It was a year to the day since she had passed away in her sleep.  He could still remember the feeling, the weight of the casket that day.  It still hurt.  
He walked away back towards the entrance when he caught sight of a familiar form.  You were in front of a stone, sitting in the grass, talking.  Steve figured you were talking to who ever belonged to that stone as there was no one else around.  Though he was curious as who it could be.  No one really knew about your past, not personally at least.  The team know you were once a fire fighter and after the attack on New York by Loki and the Chitauri your powers were triggered. From there you were recruited by Fury and trained to become a part of the Avengers.  While you had made friends quickly with the team none of them could really break through the walls that you kept up when it came to some of the details of your life.  He was unsure of whether he should approach you, but he decided to take the chance.  
You were still talking and by the sounds of it crying when he put a hand on your shoulder. Instinct took over and you grabbed the arm flipping whoever it was over your shoulder before pulled the blade from your ankle and holding it to their throat.  When you realized it was Rogers you pulled back and scrambled to stand.  “Oh Gods, Steve I’m sorry.  I didn’t know it was you.”
He laughed as he lay on the ground before you extended your hand to help him up.  “I’m sorry I didn’t let you know it was me.  I should have made a sound or something.  Just thought I didn’t want to disturb you but wanted to make sure you were okay.”
You nodded nervously as he looked at your tear stained face.  “It’s okay.  I was just…” Looking at the stone then back to Steve you half smiled before shaking her head.  “I was just spending some time with Jason for his birthday.”
Steve looked at the stone noting the name and the date of death.  Jason Leonard, May 4, 2012.  He realized that was the day Loki attacked New York.  There was the Maltese Cross next to the name.  It was starting to make a lot more sense.  “He died in the attack.”
Closing your eyes, you nodded and began to sway back and forth, trying to keep more tears from coming. “Yeah, when one of the buildings collapsed.  He… he uh, we had been trying to get people out.  Lost him and a few other good people that day.  Look Steve..”
He could see the pleading in your eyes.  “I won’t ask anymore.  I won’t tell your story either.  If you want to talk, I’m here.  I was just here visiting Peg’s grave.  It’s been a year since… since she passed.”
You knew some of the story about Steve’s great lost love from before he was frozen.  How when he woke up, she had lived her life and was slowly losing her memory and hold on reality.  You had missed the funeral the year prior as you were off the week to spend time with Jason’s family.  “It hurts still I know the pain.”
Steve nodded as he put his hands on his hips.  “I was just about to leave but if you want some company…”
“Oh no.  I’m good.  I was just catching him up on things.  I don’t come here as often anymore.  But… you know its his birthday.  Thought… I should be here for it.”  He smiled sadly at you looking down at the ground.
“Alright.  I will see you later then.”  You watched him walk away out of sight before you took your seat once more.
“Probably would have been bad if I had to kill someone on your grave.”  The dry laugh at least brought some semblance of a smile to your face. “That’s Steve Rogers, Captain America himself.  You would like him.  You would like the whole team really.  I mean Tony can be a bit much, but he is a good guy.”
You spent another hour there just talking before you finally felt like you could take the rest of the day without as much pressure on your chest.  “I love you Jas.  I think it will be a while before I come back.  I need to learn to breathe again.”  Kissing your hand, you touched his stone before walking back to the car.  The tears streaming once more.
  The days that followed, everyone noticed the change in your demeanor.  You were quiet and almost sullen.  It was not like you, not really.  Your duties were completed without an issue but there was little interaction with the team.  Bucky was the first to ask you if you were alright during a sparring session.  You brushed him off telling him there were just things on your mind, that you would be fine.  That excuse was repeated when Wanda asked you the same.  Though she could sense there was so much more behind the words, but she did not press it further.  The whole team was concerned about you but were not sure how to approach it. You had been with the team now for three years and none of them, save for Steve now, knew about family or friends. Of course, all the brass knew but they did not share that sort of information.
A week after the meeting at the cemetery Steve found you sitting on the roof, watching the sun set. It was your favorite time of day. It meant that whatever happened that day, if it were bad, it would be washed away with the dark and made new by the dawn.  “I thought I might find you up here.”
You heard the door when it slid open but ignored it to watch the sun slip beneath the skyline.  “Well you were right, I guess.  Need something?”
He took a seat beside you looking off in the direction of your gaze.  “No, I don’t need anything.  I was checking if you needed anything.  You have been off this week; I know it is a hard time for you.  Wanted to make sure there wasn’t something I could do to help make you feel better.”
It was sweet that he asked. Steve Rogers was just that type of person.  He cared about his team like they were family.  Though you were not exactly family like the rest of them.  You always felt on the outside of them all.  Even after all this time, but that was probably your fault.  “No there isn’t anything you can do.  I need to figure this out.  Learn to…” You laughed looking over at Steve. “I need to learn to breathe again.”
He looked puzzled by the laugh.
“I said that to Jason’s grave before I left.  I told him or myself really that I need to learn to breathe again.  I don’t know if I even understand what that means yet.  It’s a little ironic I think.”
Steve shrugged as he continued to watch you, study the woman who looked like she was trying to keep herself from falling apart.  He realized that your eyes always held that fight that was taking place within you. You were so strong doing what you did every day to keep the world safe, but you had not let go of any of the pain that had occurred in your life.  “Everyone is worried, [Y/N].  You haven’t been yourself and blown off anyone who had tried to get close.  But that is something you have done since you joined.  You know it wouldn’t hurt to let people know who you are, who you were.  Honestly, I think you would be surprised that everyone here has some screwed up story.  They have all lost people.  They could be family more than the distant friends that you keep at arm’s length if you just let them.”
Your eyes closed as he spoke, the tears beginning to flow.  It felt like there had been so many recently.  Every word he said was true, but it was difficult to think about actually doing it, bringing down the walls and allowing them to see the absolute wreck you truly were. You wanted to.  Gods did you want to.  It would be nice to have someone to be there even if just for a moment to cry on their shoulder.  Someone to know the pain that was still sharp in your chest.  Hell, it would be nice to just be able to talk about the good things in your past without worrying about sharing the bad parts too.  No, it was too much.  No.
“I got to go Steve.” You jumped up from your seat and all but ran back into the building.
“[Y/N] wait…  I didn’t mean to… push.”  The last word came out as the doors slid closed.  “Damnit.”
 Part 2
tags: @Feelmyroarrrr  @Bolontiku  @aquabrie   @malindacath  @almondbuttercup  @thedoctorscamanion
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Are you all still active? And do you accept oc rp accounts or only canon based ones?
((Oh boy.
So here’s the thing...I’m probably not going to give these blogs quite the attention I did in the beginning, and I should explain why because you all deserve that.
At first, I didn’t think these things would go anywhere. I figured they’d be fun to play around with, banter, get some jokes in and see a few likes, maybe a reblog or two. But then they started gaining traction, and before I knew it, people were invested in my silly little accounts.
I wrote down a quick sketch of a plot and some ground rules for myself, rules that I intended to follow. I essentially wrote a post-Endgame story before Endgame after I saw Infinity War incorporating the elements I wanted to see in the next movie. At the time I was one person. No one was helping me. I knew I wanted to tell a story you all could participate in and enjoy, and to do that I thought it was best if I laid out a groundwork for myself on ways to do that. Things like resolving to answer every Ask, even if it was just to warn the person to stop what they were doing. To adopt every kid (at first that wasn’t on Anon but then I gave in). To give you guys Milestone rewards as thank yous, because even when I just hit fifty subscribers on Tony’s blog, I was ecstatic and appreciated you all so much, and felt like you deserved something so I could show you my gratitude. Unfortunately, before they went up...someone forced me to use one I wasn’t expecting. Literally right after I had made the rule for myself.
I told myself that if anyone found an Infinity Stone, it would be the one Tony had.
The Soul Stone.
I needed the Soul Stone for the plot to work, but I needed Tony to have a safety precaution around it too since Thanos was (is?) still alive. I told myself that if someone found out Tony had the Stone and wasn’t supposed to, he would have a way to protect it. So I had to use the solution I gave him: FRIDAY sending the Stone to an unknown planet with one of the Iron Man suits and promptly wiping her databanks of its location so Thanos or anyone else would be unable to find it. 
So someone found an Infinity Stone...and it was just...gone. Before I’d figured out how Tony would get it back.
My fellow Admins all know this. I can’t begin to tell you how many discussions I’ve had with them trying to write myself out of this hole. Usually, I’m pretty good at getting characters out of seemingly impossible situations...but I haven’t come up with anything that feels believable, that I feel like justifies the plot I have in mind or really respects the characters and who they are.
Normally I would have just gotten rid of the plot point of the Soul Stone being lost completely...but this isn’t an unfinished chapter in my Google Docs. It already happened. I can’t change it.
I don’t know if you guys have read Mercy by Stephen King or watched the movie, but it makes an excellent point that I strongly agree with:
Annie Wilkes : When I was growing up in Bakersfield, my favourite thing in the whole world was to go to the movies on Saturday afternoons for the Chapter Plays.
Paul Sheldon : [nodding]  Cliffhangers.
Annie Wilkes : [shouting]  I know that, Mr. Man! They also called them serials. I'm not stupid ya know... Anyway, my favourite was Rocketman, and once it was a no breaks chapter. The bad guy stuck him in a car on a mountain road and knocked him out and welded the door shut and tore out the brakes and started him to his death, and he woke up and tried to steer and tried to get out but the car went off a cliff before he could escape! And it crashed and burned and I was so upset and excited, and the next week, you better believe I was first in line. And they always start with the end of the last week. And there was Rocketman, trying to get out, and here comes the cliff, and just before the car went off the cliff, he jumped free! And all the kids cheered! But I didn't cheer. I stood right up and started shouting. This isn't what happened last week! Have you all got amnesia? They just cheated us! This isn't fair! HE DID'NT GET OUT OF THE COCK - A - DOODIE CAR!
Paul Sheldon : [long pause]  They always cheated like that in cl... chapter plays.
I don’t want to cheat you all. As arrogant as it might sound, I think I’m a better writer than that. And you all certainly deserve better than that.
When I went to see Endgame (in full Tony Stark cosplay, might I add), I hoped to find inspiration to continue. And let’s just say that ending killed a part of me and I’m still dealing with nightmares and panic attacks over it. My mom asked me if I wanted an Avengers cake for my 22nd birthday and I burst into tears. I just...I can’t handle it right now.
But I recently got my inspiration back for this plot. I remembered how much I loved my ideas, the little timeline I had laid out for myself. I remembered how much fun it was for Tony and Stephen to interact with their kids, for Thor and Loki to talk to Midgardians. I remembered how much fun it was to use obscure ships. And I want to do it. For those reasons, I want to come back to it. I want to see that plot through to the end of the line, whatever that may be.
So I’ve added some elements, and I’ve decided to go in with firmer rules than I had at the beginning, where I would let anyone tell Tony and Stephen “yeah, so...I’ve been stabbed, ‘sup with you guys lol”.
The catch is...it won’t be on these blogs.
It would mean going through everything on them and pretending it didn’t happen, which hardly seems fair, especially when so many people still like and reblog some of my more popular posts. It doesn’t seem fair to just throw all of that away.
Like I said, I don’t want to cheat you, and doing that feels like cheating to me.
So instead I’m starting over. I’m in the process of setting up new blogs, a new Discord server, and I’m working with my Admins to put these new blogs into place.
The other big twist is...I won’t be advertising them here.
I don’t want you all to think I don’t value and appreciate all your kindness and support.
But I don’t want you all to join those new blogs just because I made a joke on Bucky’s account (in this set of blogs) that you liked. I want you to join because you’re invested, because you enjoy the interactions, because you like my writing for what it is and not just because it’s me typing it. It’s the same reason I have a separate AO3 account I never share.
I feel proud when people come to these blogs and see Tony confronting Steve and find out I was writing both of them, not bouncing off a fellow Admin.
I hope I don’t sound ungrateful. I’m swear not. But I want the new blogs to earn their following just like these did. You all saw something in these blogs, whether it was a joke, some advice; something that meant something to you. Maybe you saw family. Maybe you saw a friend. I don’t know. But I sincerely hope that whatever it was, I earned that follow from you. That I earned those likes and reblogs of my own volition.
All I ask of you is if you want to see where these new blogs will go, if you want to follow them, if you find them, please, don’t spoil what will happen for any newcomers who join the ranks. Certain plotpoints will carry over. I want any new fans to be as invested and surprised as you were.
Maybe one day I’ll tell you where the plot moved if you can’t find it and you want to know the big picture. Maybe you’ll just unfollow me or ignore the fact that I’m working on something else.
But I’m not going to just up and abandon these blogs. For a long time, they meant something to me, and at least to some of you. They’ll stay up, and I’ll answer your asks and engage with you. I can’t speak for the other Admins. But with me, you’ll always have someone to message, even if I take forever. But no more nitty-gritty plot. We’ll say Thanos got tired of holding Quill prisoner and fucked off somewhere. These blogs are now just for lighthearted family fun.
This is a long-winded rant to say that yes, I am still active in some ways, and I’m not in others.
As for OC accounts, they have always been welcome, but they don’t get put on the Masterlist or get OC-centric plots. Just be sure to follow certain rules- like Tony having no biological children.
I’m sorry for the rant.
TL;DR: I’m making new blogs to write this plot as I originally intended, but these will stay up and you can message them (at least mine). Also, OCs are cool and always welcome. ~Admin Chara))
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The Art of Love (Part 2) ~ Steve Rogers x Reader College!AU
A/N 10/17/2020: Formerly algorithm knows best and companion to cupid’s code. Whether an updated version of Cupid’s Code will be a companion is TBD. 
: Hello my lovelies! So my muse decided she wanted to wrok on this and Cupid’s Code. And my hope was to have both finished before I released but I’m impatient and wanted to share. But it looks like this will be my main focus over the next few weeks. Not to worry I’m still working on Queer Eye for the Cap Guy but I want it to be really good so it’s taking a bit more time than I planned. So I hope you can enjoy this in its place this week. 
Summary: You and Steve have been best friends since sophomore year. Everyone thinks you should be more, but neither of you believe it. That is until Tony Stark’s infallible dating algorithm matches you up. 
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers x reader (Platonic - for now), Wanda, Bucky 
Rating: K+
Warnings: None really. Maybe language? 
Word Count: 1165 
Main Masterlist | The Art of Love Masterlist | Broken Hearts and Robot Parts Masterlist (Companion Fic) ​
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“Well, well, well,” Wanda grinned from the couch as you walked into your apartment Saturday afternoon still wearing Steve’s clothes. “Looks like somebody’s date went well last night. Once he got there. You didn’t even bring your dress home.”
You looked down at your hands in confusion and realized that your dress was still on the floor of Steve’s bedroom.  Well actually, knowing him it was hanging on his closet door.
“Not exactly,” you grimaced.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I didn’t spend the night with him. I didn’t even order food.”
“Then whose clothes are those?”
“Steve’s,” you sighed.
“Should’ve known.” She patted the spot next to her on the couch. “Tell me all about it.”
“It was terrible, Wanda,” you groaned as you flopped down next to her. “He was thirty minutes late. And then he spent the twenty minutes I was there trying to get into the waitress’ pants. And then he suggested a threesome. Twenty minutes in! I bailed and went to the studio to work on my midterm. Steve happened to be working too and so we went back to his place and ate Chinese food and watched the Good Place.”
“I’m sorry, honey.”
“It’s just so frustrating. I don’t know why I bother. This is the fifth failed date in a month. Maybe I should give up on love and just focus on my dancing.”
“Don’t give up on love, y/n. Maybe it’s closer than you think,” she murmured, eyeing the Henley you were wearing.
“Don’t start that again, Wan. You know Steve doesn’t think of me like that.”  
“Because Steve let’s so many girls wear his clothes and sleep in his bed.”
“I didn’t…”
She cut you off with a stern look.
“Don’t lie to me.”
You sighed as you thought about waking up this morning, Steve’s soft snore and the weight of his arm around your waist. It was hardly the first time.
“Still, it’s not that weird for two best friends to sleep in the same bed together.”
“Really? Then how come you and Loki never share a bed when he stays over.”
“That’s different.”
“Oh really? Why?”
Damn it. She had you and she knew it.
“Look, all I’m saying is. What really went through your head when you went out with that guy last night?”
“I’d rather be with Steve,” you admitted, playing with the hem of the shirt. “But it’s not possible. He only sees me as a friend. He made that very clear. Very early on.”
“People can change their mind.”
“Yeah. But they usually don’t.”
“Well, if that’s actually what you believe. Why don’t you come with me tonight? I have to go to Pietro’s fundraiser thing.”
“Somehow I don’t think going to a frat event is going to help my love life. Besides aren’t they co-hosting with Gamma?”
“Yeah,” Wanda sighed. “I’m not thrilled about that part, but I promised Pietro.”
“I’m sure it will be fun. But I really need to go back to the studio. Choreographing to Loki’s music is proving harder than I expected. I’m just not sure what he’s trying to say with this one.”
Wanda nodded understandingly.
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out and it’ll be beautiful.”
“I hope so.”  
  Steve’s POV
Steve was sitting out on his fire escape attempting to sketch when his front door banged open.  
“Hey, punk, you home? Ooh cinnamon rolls.”
Steve rolled his eyes and crawled back in through the open window.
“You know you don’t live here anymore, right?”
“Did Smudge have another shitty date?” Bucky asked ignoring Steve’s comment as he plopped down on the couch with his second pastry.
“She knows she could’ve skipped the shitty date bit and gone straight to your bed right?”
“We didn’t sleep together.” Steve snapped, putting his notebook down on the end table and grabbing his own cinnamon roll. “I found her in the studio. We got take out and watched TV.”
“And then she fell asleep. You carried her to bed and she pouted at you to stay with her.”
Steve’s jaw clenched at Bucky’s description. It was entirely too accurate.
“What do you have cameras in here or somethin’?”
“No, punk. But I lived with you for three years. I’ve watched that same scenario play out a dozen different times. And every time there’s some sort of baked good as a thank you.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. Every shitty date she has ends up with her in your arms. Maybe she should just start there,” he remarked pointedly.  
“Don’t start with that again. We’re not in love with each other.”
“I didn’t say that you were,” Bucky argued with a smug smirk. “But you can’t honestly tell me you don’t wish that it was you she was going out with.”
Steve glared but Bucky simply stared right back with his quirked eyebrow.
“Fine. Of course I wish it was me. But she’ll never see me like that. I was in the right place at the right time to put myself firmly in the best friend zone. And I’m okay with that. I’m not going to throw away three years of friendship because I went and fell in love with her like an idiot.”
“Just don’t, Buck. Please,” he sighed. “Today sucks enough already.”
That comment was enough to derail him from the familiar argument.
“What’s going on?”
“I’ve been trying to work on my midterm for weeks and I can’t find any inspiration. This is all I’ve gotten out of a three hour session,” he huffed picking up the sketchpad and tossing it in Bucky’s lap.
“This is a blank sheet of paper,” Bucky observed.
“Exactly. I’m completely blocked. And my collection is due in two months.”
“What are you supposed to be painting?”
“Contentment,” Steve sighed. “But apparently I don’t know what that looks like. And I’m supposed to come up with four different paintings.”
“Why don’t you go for a run? Clear your mind a little. You always get your best ideas when you’re running.”
“That’s actually a pretty good idea.”
“I’ve been known to have them,” he quipped. “And then you should take your mind off of it. You could come to the fundraiser tonight.”
“Not my scene, Buck. Besides I really need to at least get started. Phil will kill me if I don’t have any progress when we meet on Tuesday."
“Yeah right. That man worships the ground you walk on. If he had it his your stuff would already be on display at the Met.”
“That’s not true.”
“It’s a little true. Well, if you change your mind. It’s at Triskellion at seven. I’ve got to head over there now and give them the approved drinks list.”
“Who’s bartending tonight?” Steve asked in a knowing tone.
“Shut up.”
“Just don’t be an ass to her. She’s working it’s not fair.”
“Yes, mom,” he muttered as he rolled his eyes. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“Yeah, see you man.”
A/N: Welp say hello to my new favorite idiots. I’m very much in love with them and I hope you will be too! 
Tag Lists are Open! (Please send an ask)
Update 3/15/2021: Hello, Lovelies. As some of you may have seen on the blog I have decided to suspend tag lists. If you would like to receive updates about new content please follow @naynay-writes​​ and turn on notifications. Thank you! Xoxo, Naynay
Steve/Chris Tag List @isaxhorror @peachykeen3502 @patzammit @wordlesscaptain @coffeebooksandfandom​ @hereisanapplepie @mywinterwolf
Marvel Tag List @hdthdthdt​   @sophiatomlinson23 @misty-panther @supermusicallee @scarlettsoldier @acupofhotlatte @slender--spirit @petitesmate @libbymouse
Permanent Tag List @iamwarrenspeace @jayzayy @bexboo616 @neoqueen306 @santheweird @rowenaravencalw @buckitybarnes @prxttybirdz @sergeantjbuckybarnes @captainsamwlsn @broitsmydick @ailynalonso15 @nyxveracity @queenoftrash97 @walkingtravesty97 @lamia-maizat @memyselfandmaddox @lowkeybuckyb @whiskey2011 @averyrogers83 @lovingpeterparker @buckybarneshairpullingkink @beansparker @coralphantomninja @xxashy999xx @thisismysecrethappyplace @ravennightingaleandavatempus @paintballkid711 @whosmarisaaarw @silverkitten547 @yknott81 @mmmmmmmmmchicken @thefridgeismybestie @crispy-kitten @isabelcrichards
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lokilickedme · 5 years
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Writing Update, 8/8
Haven’t done one of these in ages, I had to go searching for my old update art up there.  Ugggh I’ve missed those boys, but it may be time to make a new one.  Jake, Chief, and Loki perhaps?  I forget I still have an open King fic too, I suppose I could leave him on there but maybe update his pic, since he’s not doing too many CEO things these days :)
Anyway -
THE DEPARTMENT:  Chapter 6 is finished and ready for Sunday.  More character and world building and Saint, yay.  Chapter 7 is finished and ready for the Sunday after that.  The llama and Ted!  Yay!  Chapter 8 is mostly done and so are bits of chapter 9.  Chief needs some cardio and is gonna get it whether he wants it or not.  Yay?
SHRINE OF YOUR LIES:  I’ll update this randomly without doing a notification post each time, since it’s for a side fandom and not many of my regulars are into it.  Probably it’ll have a new short chapter going up tomorrow and another a few days later.  Most of the fic is complete.  Lots and lots of mystical angst and eternal immortal love, that sort of rubbish.  God I love that sort of rubbish.
HAMMER OF THE GODS:  Chapter 23 is in my head.  That doesn’t do us a lot of good, but at least I know what to write when I start writing it :)  Tatertot and Jake are so not meant to be together, but that’s probably not going to stop them from doing one more stupid thing.
SUNFLOWER:  I’ve currently got nothing here.  Sorry.  You know how shy Tommy and Chloe are...but Amy is hiding so there’s that at least.
AINGEAL ARD:  Will hammer out chapter 16 when I have a little extra time and am in the mood to think like a drunk Scotsman.  We’re getting closer and closer to the end of Sgaile Leannan here, and then I’ll decide if I want to attempt the absolute shrieking heartbreak that would be Samhach Mhiannan from King’s POV.
JACK MONTAGUE:  Chapter 63 is about half written.  Mentions of Doctor Strange, the Infinity stones, and Nicola Tesla.  Are they getting out of the portal system yet?  Who the hell knows, but I imagine somebody needs to pee pretty bad by now.
THE KING OF ALL THE REST:  God I’d love to work on this one.  But not yet.  Loki’s on his way home though, and that’s going to be all kinds of noisy.
KIZ YAN KAPI:  Ugh, Pasha and Kiran.  Sorry to abandon you like this, kiddos.  One of these days I’ll come back to you, I promise...I just gotta brush up on my Turkish again.
THE MCCLARY CHRONICLES BOOK 4:  Last I looked, it had an ending that’s likely to put everybody’s jaw on the floor.  The middle is a bit disjointed and at the moment it’s more like a collection of stories being told by all the people around Molly and King, and I’m not sure that’s how I want it to be...I’ll decide later when I start working on it again.  Get ready for grown-up Pod and a love story that rivals his mom and dad’s.
THE CARMICHAEL ADDENDUM BOOK 2 (The Magnussen Ultimatum):  Oh god I love this trilogy so much.  So so much.  SO MUCH.  I left Kaine and Aiden on a rooftop battling a mutant Lesser Harpy while Clarissa mocks their sloppy skills from the roof of a nearby building and refuses to help.  Business as usual, you know how it goes.  She’s mad at them both, which is pretty typical.  And the only innocent person this time around is Fausto.
NOW AND THEN (Strada Book 2):  I can’t even tell you how much I love writing this series.  Baltho and Keene...my heart, crikey.  My loins.  My damn hormones.  It’s maybe half finished and once I get over what just happened to Baltho I’ll get back on it.  Death and destruction, baby.
TRICKSTER TALES:  Well, this one is written, entirely, and has been for god knows how long.  I just need to finish editing and formatting it and it’ll go to publishing.  All Loki all the time, what’s better than that?
THE KING’S HEART:  Same as above, sort of just waiting for the right time to send it out into the world.
EIDOS:  Late 2020 for this one.  Too much intense work to be done, including the art.  Yeah, I’m doing in-book art for it.  Will it work out?  I dunno but I’m going to try it anyway, because why the hell not.
THE CHEMICAL PREHISTORIES:  Just waiting its turn :)
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distressedpanda · 4 years
Her Song (Loki x OFC) Part 7
Warnings: Mentions of blood, mentions of death
A/N: I will not apologize for posting late and I am adjusting my update schedule to as often as possible. I don’t think people understand how hard it is to write these stories sometimes. And writers like myself do this for free. I have a full time job, a son with autisim, and his therapy dog to attend to on a daily basis. Add on top of that, I have fibromyalgia, athritis (that is slowly crippling my hands), insomnia, and social anxiety. My plate is full, but writing has became an amazing outlet for me. I love it!
So anyway. . . rant over I promise. Notes about this chapter now. This is unfortunately sort of a filler chapter. I didn’t mean for it to end up that way, but tada! It happened. It finally explains Iloa’s back story and basically helps me move the story along.
As always comments and likes fuel my writing! If you want to be tagged just let me know!
Tags: @whosaidididthat​
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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 Over the next few days, the tower was in chaos. Tony called in contractors to inspect the building. Luckily, there was no structural damage, but the training area and the floors above and below it needed some serious repairs. Steve decided to help the contractors with the repairs, but Tony knew they could no longer stay in the tower. He needed to move everyone to the compound upstate.
No one, save the three involved, understood how this had happened. There had been no direct attack on the tower. Thor, Loki and especially Iloa, weren't answering any questions.
Iloa had locked herself in her room, only answering the door for Natasha when she brought food. But she would immediately lock the door again after taking the tray.
Loki knew this because he was sitting outside her room, refusing to leave. He refused food and water, sitting next to her door so that he might catch glimpses of her when she did open it. 
The Night of
Loki immediately took the elevator to her room and began beating on the door. “Iloa, please, open the door,” he begged, banging on the door with his fists until they bled. He begged and pleaded over and over, until his throat was raw and he could barely speak.
He slid down next to the door, “I am sorry,” he breathed, not sure if she was listening at all. He wept openly, the blood on his hands already starting to dry. He saw them with new eyes, and they no longer appeared to belong to him. 
“I should have listened. I should have earned answers. You tried to tell me all of this before, didn't you?” He chuckled at himself, but there was no joy in the sound. Wiping his nose on his sleeve, he sniffled, “I was afraid. I know I still am. I didn't want to lose you.” Foolish and vulnerable, his brain spat mercilessly. He didn't even bother listening this time, pressing forward with his confession, “You see, I couldn't see your seiðr. I was blinded by my fear and stubbornness, I know that now.”
Silence answered him, still he continued, “I know this is too little too late. I know that I ruined everything. Apparently, it's what I do best. Pushing people away.” He shook his head clearing his throat, the air from his lungs feeling trapped there, “But I do care for you, everything I have said before remains true. I just hope that eventually you can forgive me,” he chuckled again, nervously. “You said you would be here for me when I was ready. So now I will do the same. I am here, Iloa. And I will remain here, until you are ready.”
That was four days ago and there he had stayed, making good on his promise, even if it killed him. And as he sat there with no foreseeable end in site, his heart ached in his chest from her absence. He missed the smell of the ocean on her skin, the thick scent that he now knew as seiðr that wrapped around her, the electricity and warmth that radiated into him from her every touch. 
Natasha appeared at the corner of his vision. Apparently it was lunch time, she held a tray with two sandwiches and two apples. Instead of stepping in front of the door, as was her usual, she crouched next to him and presented the tray. “Ya need to eat,” she said.
He crossed his arms over his chest, which was just about all the energy he could muster, “I'm fine, thank you,” he replied, with a snark filled smirk, that didn't reach his eyes.
Natasha sighed loudly, the God looked awful. His eyes were sunken in, cheeks hollowing from lack of nutrition. His hair was messy and unkempt curtaining his face, he hadn't changed clothes and obviously wasn't sleeping well either, if the dark circles and bags under his eyes were any indication. Dried blood had cracked and formed angry patterns across his hands and down the sides of his neck.
“Yea, yea,” she argued, lowering herself to sit against the wall next to him. She placed the tray across her lap, picking up one of the sandwiches and an apple. She held them out to him, “You look like death warmed over, Loki. Now I don't really care much whether you sit here and waste away or not. But you know she will. Right now she feels guilty, you really want to add to that by putting your livelihood and health at risk. You know as well as I do, that she will blame herself if anything happens.”
He turned away from her, looking up at the door, his messy hair falling away from his face. “But I promised her.”
She dropped the sandwich and apple in his lap, causing the God to flinch and drop his arms. But Natasha was fed up with his self defeatist attitude, “Then don't die, you idiot.” He snapped his head back to her, “And go take a shower, get a good night's sleep. She doesn't want to see you like this.”
She expected some snappy snarling comeback from him, but he just stared at her in shocked silence. Then he picked up the items in his lap, carefully stood up using the wall for support, “Alright,” he said, shuffling carefully across the entry hall to the elevator.
He stopped before pushing the button, glancing back over his shoulder, “I will come back.”
She smiled in spite of herself. She didn't like the man, but she couldn't fault him on his conviction. He would be back, but maybe now he would take care of himself as well as waiting patiently to be forgiven.
“I know,” she assured him. And he pressed the button to call the lift, using the wall to support himself as he waited. 
She waited until the doors closed behind him. Then taking the now lighter tray, she stood and knocked on the door. “It's Nat, I.”
The sound of the lock being released, echoed in the silence of the hall. The door opened slowly to reveal the girl, who didn't look much better than Loki had. Her eyes were swollen and puffy from crying, with dark circles underneath from lack of sleep. Her hair a ratty halo around her face. Wearing a large dark gray t-shirt that hung to her knees, and exposed her shoulders. At least she wasn't malnourished, thanks to Natasha's efforts.
Iloa passed the breakfast tray to Natasha before grabbing the new one. “Thank you,” she said, her voice so small and broken, it tore at Natasha's heart.
“It's alright, I don't mind bringing you food,” she chided casually.
Iloa shook head slightly, her wild mane bouncing around her face, “Not for the food, Nat.” Her eyes were welling with unshed tears. She hiccuped trying to keep them at bay, “For Lo. . .” her throat caught on the man's name, she couldn't force it past her lips. “For him,” she edited weakly, looking at the floor.
“Yea well, he was really bringing down the décor,” she joked, pleased by the small yet brief upturn of lips from the other. “Got a serious question for you though?” she added.
Iloa looked back up at Natasha, she already knew what the question was. She nodded, “Yea, ok, but come in first. You know he will be back soon,” her voice broke and cracked around the words, “And I don't want him to see me like this.”
Natasha slid in through the open door, closing and locking it behind her for the other’s peace of mind. Iloa was already sitting on the edge of her bed, drawing her knees up to her chest and wrapping the thick white down comforter around her shoulders. She looked down right pitiful, as Natasha settled herself next to the poor girl, depositing the empty tray on the bedside table beneath the newest one.
“Eat first,” Nat said gesturing at the tray. Iloa groaned in feigned annoyance, but proceeded to pick up the sandwich without objection. 
Natasha waited patiently for her to finish.
“I already know what your question is,” Iloa admitted, keeping her eyes downcast when she had finished. She wrapped her arms around her knees, pulling the comforter more securely around herself. She wasn't cold, she had never really felt temperature. Her body seemed to produce its own heat when it was cold and vice versa. The blanket was a comfort item and a way to shield herself from the others eyes. “I don't really know how to answer it though, without telling you what I am. All I can really tell you about that is what Thor told me.”
Natasha nodded, “Then lets start there.”
Iloa shook her head and chuckled nervously, “Nah, I will have to start before then.” She glanced up, and watched Nat's brow furrow in confusion.
Iloa cast her eyes away again, and inhaled deeply, “I was born on Earth in 1902,” she answered, and caught the increasing furrow in the others brow. “My mother apparently died in the hospital, after,” she sighed heavily, squeezing her legs for comfort, “I never knew her and the people that raised me, my Mom and Dad adopted me three days later. Here in New York.”
She squirmed awkwardly, she had never shared her story with anyone and somehow this felt wrong. Like she was sharing this with the wrong person but when she looked up at Natasha, understanding flashed in the others eyes, “Want me to see if he is back outside yet?”
Iloa genuinely smiled for the first time in days, “Are you sure you aren't a mind reader?”
Natasha chuckled, “I am not, but I pay attention.”
Iloa nodded, “Do you mind?” she asked hesitantly.
Natasha shook her head, “Not as long as I get to hear it too.” Iloa nodded her head and the other asked, “Do you have any special requirements to him listening?”
Iloa bit her bottom lip thinking it over, but Natasha cut in, “I think I got it,” she winked. Then added, “Might want to brush out your hair at least, just a thought.”
Iloa shook her head, “There you go, reading my mind again.”
Natasha grinned, heading for the door. She opened the door and glanced behind it and of course Loki was there. Sitting atop a large pillow, a blanket folded neatly beside him, his arms and ankles crossed. He had showered, his hair still damp and curling, wearing a clean black button down and slacks. His face appeared less hollow, and Natasha hoped that meant he had actually eaten what she had provided.
She closed the door behind her and standing over the God with her hands on her hips, “She wants you to hear her story.” He quickly moved to stand, dropping his hands to the floor and drawing his knees up, but Natasha stopped him with a raised hand. “There are conditions, Loki.”
Loki paused, looking up at the woman. He tensed but nodded his head in agreement, “Alright.”
“First,” Nat said holding up a finger, “You say nothing. This is not about her forgiving you or not, she needs to tell someone this story and she wants it to be you and me. No interruptions, no sarcastic comments, not even words of encouragement,” she sighed, rubbing her other hand down her face, “It would be hard enough on her without your presence. So don't be a dick. Nod if you accept,” she tilted her head at him and he nodded. “Good, next you will sit on the floor in front of the door. You will not come closer and you will not touch her, period. Nod?” Loki again, obeyed without hesitation. 
“You are getting better at this whole listening to others thing,” Nat huffed. “Just don't make this about you, don't be an asshole, don't touch her and you get to stay until she says otherwise.”
He nodded, “Might I stand up now?”
Natasha chuckled, shaking her head, “Yea, yea, you can get up now.” He stood hesitantly, as though he wasn't certain she would actually allow the action. Once he was upright, she turned back to the door and slowly opened it, allowing Loki to step into the room before her. Natasha watched the man, sure he would make a mad dash across the room at seeing Iloa in her current condition. 
Loki stood stock still, staring across the room, but he made no attempts to move. His eyes radiating a soul deep anguish, he flicked them to Natasha and cleared his throat softly. He leaned in close to Natasha's ear, “Do you think leaving the door open would be a good idea? So that I might leave quickly should the need arise?” he breathed against her ear, barely loud enough for her to hear. 
She gave Loki a small sad smile, he was no longer looking at her but back to the other. He was thinking about Iloa first. At least he was trying. She placed her hands on his shoulders, pushing lightly to direct him next to the door frame. When she had him positioned just right, she pushed down and he followed her lead sitting on the floor, with his knees pulled to his chest. He was almost the mirror image of Iloa, except he didn't hug his legs, instead placing his hands on top of his knees. Natasha, pushed the door until it came into contact with the tip of Loki's shoe. 
Iloa said nothing the whole time this exchange was happening, simply watching out of the corner of her eye. She had taken Nat's advice and brushed out her mane, but she had wrapped herself back up in the comforter. When Natasha had sat down by her again, she quickly went back over her birth before continuing. 
“My parents were very wealthy, They had invested wisely in long standing stores and the Ford Motor Company. My childhood was normal, except for my appearance. I was always taller than the other children. Faster and stronger, too. I hit five foot at ten, that's when I stopped growing, that was the year the Titanic sank. I remember it like it was yesterday. 
“In that time, I was expected to be a lady, act a certain way. I rebelled constantly,” she chuckled, “Guess I never stopped. I used to steal my father's trousers, which swallowed me, but I hated the dresses I was forced to wear.” 
A single tear rolled down her cheek and she had to take a deep breath before continuing. “My father didn't make it to my eighteenth birthday, he was in an automobile accident. Some time after his passing, I had begun to notice that I had stopped aging around my twenty-second birthday. My mother had started to notice this as well, but I lost her to cancer just before the Great Depression.”
She took another deep breath as her voice started to crack around this part of her story. “I am sort of glad she didn't have to go through that scare. The fear she already had from my differences and then the fear of losing all stability. I don't think she would have been able to manage it and her sickness. Luckily, they hadn't invested in the stock market and I had received an anonymous tip to pull all of my money just before the crash. To this day I am still not sure who that mysterious savior was.
“After the crash scare, I realized that I couldn't stay in New York anymore. My lack of aging was becoming much more apparent to those around me. So I started traveling. I changed my identity when I needed to, but I got to see this world and all of its wonders. 
“During my travels, I discovered my voice. It just happened one day when I was in Paris. I was walking home through the Latin Quarter, when a man attempted to mug me. I yelped when he grabbed me and he went down. He didn't stay down though and I was so stunned by his reaction that I was still standing there like an idiot when he got back up. He grabbed my bag and I screamed, that time when he went down he stayed there. I had killed him with my voice. Slowly, I just figured it out. It was like my magic spoke to me, guiding me and helping me train.”
Finally she answered Natasha’s unasked question. “It was me. I lose control of my ability when I get angry or frustrated. The same thing can happen when I get scared or sad. I can’t reign myself in. I try to calm down, but if I have an agitator,” she gave a pointed look to Loki, he had the decency to bow his head, “I can’t cool my thoughts. I just end up exploding. The damage could have been much worse.” She sighed heavily, her shoulders tensing as she curled in on herself even more. “I didn’t mean to do any damage. I am so sorry, I am just glad I didn’t hurt anyone.”
She looked up at Loki then, his fists were clenched, knuckles turning white. Tears fell silently down his cheeks as he listened in rapt silence. She locked eyes with him, as she finished her story. “Your brother found me, after I ended up back here two years ago. He knew what I was and tried to explain it to me. He told me I was an Asgardian, that what I thought of as magic, he knew as seiðr. Then he tried to explain to me some prophecy that his father, your father had told him. Something about a Disir being born on Midgard that was destined to partner with and protect a foreign born Asgardian prince. I don't really understand it, but anyway, that's it. You both know just about everything now.”
Iloa looked back at Natasha and though her eyes were watery, she hadn't let any tears fall. “Please don't cry. I don't want pity from either of you.”
He knew he shouldn't, he knew he would be asked to leave. But the words poured from his heart and he couldn't stop them, “It's not pity, it's love.” He dropped his head into his hands. He waited to be told to get out, his heart aching at knowing he had overstepped the boundaries that had been set for him. 
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