#sorry should've read the original ask before posting!
beomboomboom · 2 months
Boy's a Liar
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genre: fluff, best friends to lovers, drunken confession
pairing: Mingyu x reader
summary: Yes, it's not good to lie to your best friend of 10 years after drunkenly confessing to them. But, desperate times call for desperate measures, and this definitely counts as a desperate time.
warnings: mentions of drinking and alcohol
note: I originally wrote this on Mingyu's birthday, but wasn't able to post this until now. So I guess happy late Mingyu day 😭! This fic is part of an ask for drunken confession fics. Enjoy reading <33
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"Can we talk about what happened yesterday?"
Mingyu freezes when he hears your words from his phone, already knowing exactly what you're on about.
It was a mistake.
A stupid mistake that will probably cost him his friendship with you.
So, in a fit of desperation, Mingyu chooses to value his friendship with you over his feelings by doing what seems to be the only way out.
Which in hindsight, was a terrible idea.
"Uh...what about yesterday?"
"You know...when you confessed?"
"I don't remember ever doing that? You must've been dreaming. How much did you drink last night??" With every word Mingyu lets out, he feels a pang of guilt. Yes, it's not good to lie to your best friend of 10 years after drunkenly confessing to them. But, desperate times call for desperate measures, and this definitely counts as a desperate time.
"oh...nevermind then," he hears your disappointed voice say on the other end of the line before uttering a quick goodbye and hanging up.
Mingyu sits on his bed in a guilty silence before groaning at the unfortunate way things turned out.
He wasn't supposed to reveal his more-than-just-best-friend love to you last night. But one drink with you quickly turned into ten, and before he knew it he was telling you how much he loved you and wanted you to be in his life forever.
And with the way you responded...
How exactly did you respond to his confession?
Mingyu furrows his brow as he tries to remember what happened but to no avail.
It's not until later when he's cleaning the couch, where you and him drank, when he remembers.
And that's when the regret of lying to you starts to kick in.
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"You're so pretty," Mingyu murmurs fondly while tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "And a bit blurry, but you're definitely always so pretty."
"Mingyu...don't say things you don't mean," you say warily. As much as you wanted to believe what he was saying and kiss him on his lips, you were on your fourth drink and Mingyu on his fifth. So at that point you both were pretty tipsy and practically saying nonsense to one another. Which was why you thought he was just joking at first.
But it seemed less like a joke when he replied smoothly while scooching closer to you to lean his head on your shoulder," No, I mean it. I like you. Let's be together forever."
"I like you too Mingyu, you're my best friend," you reply, still unclear about what kind of 'like' he meant. The friend kind or the more than friend kind? But thankfully, in only seconds your question was quickly answered.
"Noo, I meant I like like you. Like, I like you so much I love you."
Your heart speeds up the minute you hear his clarification, happiness flushing through your entire body at the realization that what you thought was a one-sided crush wasn't one-sided after all.
"Oh Mingyu, you should've told me sooner. I like you too."
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"Oh Mingyu, you should've told me sooner. I like you too."
Your words play over and over again in Mingyu's head. He just can't believe it.
Liking him.
He didn't have to lie out of fear for ruining his friendship with you anymore, not when he could have a relationship with you instead.
He didn't have to lie, period.
Because now he was stuck with resolving all the problems his lies caused him.
Taking out his phone, Mingyu quickly dials your number, and lets out a nervous scream when you pick up within seconds.
"I'm sorry, I was lying."
"Wait what?" Mingyu can hear your voice amid the background clatter of the dishes that you're probably washing right now in the doggy slippers he had gifted you for your birthday. "Mingyu, give me some context here."
"I was lying about not remembering when I drunkenly confessed to you," Mingyu explains while pacing back and forth in his room nervously.
"And, why would you do that?" you question after a pause of silence.
"I was scared."
"Scared of what?"
"Loosing you," Mingyu admits sheepishly.
"Okay, give me a second. I'm coming over to your house," you reply suddenly, Mingyu being able to hear the rustle of your jacket and keys as you make your way to the car.
"Wait why a-," Mingyu begins to question before you hang up on him, leaving him in a state of confusion.
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"Hey-," Mingyu says when he sees you outside his front door, "why did you hang up on me?"
"Because-," you begin to say before gently taking Mingyu's face in your hands and making him lean down so that you can give him a chaste kiss on the lips.
"Because I've been wanting to do that for so long."
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g0ry0re0 · 4 months
"Valentine", Mike Schmidt (Five Nights At Freddy's, 2023, Film) - Imagine
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Description: You and Mike take the day off for Valentine's Day, spending quality time with one another. / Mike Schmidt x GN!Reader
General Notes: Established Relationship (reader lives with Mike and Abby), Gender Neutral Reader (no use of Y/N), Pure Fluff, Second Person POV, Takes Place After The Film's Events (no mention of movie plot, mostly just mentioned for the character and relationship development), Set In The Movie Year (2000), Brief Scene With Abby In The Beginning, Lots Of Physical Touch
Author's Note: The song choice is soooo not original lol, but I love Laufey and had to do something really cute for Valentine's Day (song is linked at the bottom of the post). This was also heavily inspired by a tweet from @/whycraves on twitter (screenshot at bottom of post). Also, my best friend, @anal-spaghetti-monster (I'm sorry lol) helped me choose the gif for Mike! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: The morning before posting this, I read @sleepyhutcherson's Mike Schmidt Valentine's Day prompt and noticed a lot of similarities. I just want to throw it out there that this is purely a coincidence and that I reached out to her to confirm that posting this was still okay. Besides that, check out her work as well, as she did an amazing job with a similar prompt!
Word Count: 1,693 Words
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"Alright, Abbs, you got everything?" Mike turns around in the car seat to face her.
Your car is temporarily parked by the elementary school curb with a handful of others, you're sitting in the driver's seat and looking back and forth between your boyfriend and his younger sister. This was one of the rare days you and Mike could drop her off at school together, as you had both taken the day off work. The three of you spent an easy-going morning together, not as hectic as it usually is when trying to get ready as fast as possible for work and school. Mike in particular had woken up early and made a small breakfast for you and Abby. He woke you up with coffee and Abby with the promise of bacon, causing you both to rise quickly out of your beds and immediately join him in the kitchen. The time was spent enjoying each other's company and getting ready leisurely before heading out the door.
Abby rolls her eyes playfully and smiles. "Yes, Mike."
You smile as well and add, "Sounds like something you should've asked before we even got in the car. Definitely not when we're already at school."
It's Mike's turn to roll his eyes, but he quickly looks back at Abby.
"And you have your...love- heart candy letter things for your friends?"
"They're Valentine's Day cards, Mike! And, yes," she shakes a pink and red decorated, emptied-out, tissue box filled with cards and candy. "I have them right here."
Before Mike can even think about a response, Abby opens the car door excitedly and jumps out, shouting her goodbyes while running to the school entrance. Mike tries to yell something out the window about staying safe and paying attention to her teacher, but Abby is inside before he can try. You laugh while putting the car in drive and pulling out of the parking lot, Mike still flustered and slightly worried.
"She- she didn't even...I didn't get to-" Mike stutters out, speechless.
"Mike," You laugh again. "She's excited about Valentine's Day and seeing her friends. Can you blame her?" You glance at him, smiling before turning back to the road and continuing your short drive home.
Mike grumbles unintelligibly and looks out the window, but still grabs your free hand that's set on the center console and squeezes it lightly.
Getting out of the car causes a harsh chill to run through your body pulling your jacket around the front of your torso while closing the car door. Mike pulls out his keys and quickly opens up the front door, both out of anticipation for your day together and to get you both out of the cold as soon as possible. You rush in side by side, slightly stumbling and sighing as the warmth of your shared home dethaws your frozen bodies. Mike locks the door and watches you fondly as you remove your scarf, your gloves, your coat, and finally your shoes, leaving them by the front door. Not going unnoticed by you, you smirk while walking towards the living room.
"You're staring again, lover boy." You comment teasingly, walking around the couch and plopping down.
Mike blushes, a little embarrassed, but smiling at the nickname. He removes his excess layers as well, following you to the couch shortly after. He sits directly beside you and wraps one arm around your shoulders, the other snaking around your front, then burying his face into your neck.
A muffled, "I can't help it," vibrates against your neck while Mike rubs his thumb along your hip.
You lean into Mike's embrace, laughing a bit at his breath tickling your neck. He pulls you closer and starts peppering kisses along your neck, the act of affection making you giggle as you lightly try to push him away playfully.
"Mike, come on." You whine, weakly pushing at his face this time, trying to turn him away.
"What? I can't kiss you, my love?" He speaks against your throat again, his smile causing his stubble to scratch your skin a little bit.
You resign, defeatedly leaving your hands to rest on his chest and sighing out of fake annoyance. He leaves quick, gentle kisses along your neck, collarbone, shoulder, and trails up your jaw. Getting closer to your lips, he brings his hand up from your waist to cup your cheek, He finally presses his lips against yours sweetly, the most innocent of kisses, Mike's signature. He was pouring every ounce of his love into this one kiss, taking his time, lips moving slowly against yours. His thumb now softly grazes your cheek as he pulls away a few minutes later. He's got kind of a shy look on his face when you open your eyes.
"I got you something...for today." He whispers, glancing up from your lips to make eye contact.
"You did?" You inquire back, looking up affectionately, but feeling a slight twinge of guilt. "You didn't have to do that."
Mike gives you one final peck on the lips before pulling away. He stands up, grinning.
"Gimme one sec- " He says right before turning and walking down the hallway to your shared room.
You both had anticipated spending the day together, but you didn't expect any gifts. You loved Mike to death, but sometimes you never knew what to expect from him. All that really mattered to you was spending time together, which you didn't get to do often despite living together. If you were lucky, you got to spend time with both the Schmidt siblings, like this morning. Today was about you and Mike, though, and all you wanted to do was cuddle and talk each other's ears off until you couldn't think of anything else to say. Lost in thought, you barely notice as Mike walks back to you, holding a small object. He sits back down next to you, bringing your attention back to him. His body facing you, he smiles nervously and rubs his hand on the back of his neck.
"It's not much, but..." He trails off, holding out the item and presenting it to you.
You look down and your heart melts. In his hand is a cassette tape with your name scrawled on the front. You beam up at him while grabbing the tape, and then you look at your name written in the center. You can tell Mike put a lot of effort into printing your name as nicely as his hands allowed him to, noticing also the miscellaneous tiny, slightly sloppy, hearts surrounding it. You hold the cassette to your chest and look back up at him.
"Michael Schmidt, did you make me a mixtape?" You ask playfully.
He loved hearing you say his name. You can see a light blush spread across his face as he smiles shyly, his hand still anxiously messing with the back of his neck.
"Yeah, I tried- well, it's got, like, songs that remind me of you and stuff. Songs that remind me of us," he stammers, bashfully looking down at the tape. "Do you like it?"
He looks back up at you hopefully, using his other hand to nervously pull at the bottom of his shirt. You smirk and stand up, still clutching the cassette to your chest.
"Well, let's see..." You trail off, teasingly, walking across the living room to the cassette deck near the entertainment center.
A familiar song begins to play and you smile softly now. You turn towards Mike and walk back to the couch, standing over him. He looks up at you quizzically before you reach your hand out to him.
"Wanna dance?"
He looks slightly relieved and grabs your hand, standing up and pulling you to the center of the room. One pair of hands intertwined, his other on your waist, your other on his shoulder. You stare at one another lovingly, almost sickeningly sweet the moment being shared. The tempo of the song didn't matter, you both slowly swayed back and forth, taking in the tranquility of the scene. You squeeze his hand and he squeezes back, rubbing his thumb over yours.
"No one's ever made me a mixtape before," you comment distractedly, most of your focus being on Mike's puppy dog eyes that you loved so dearly. "it's definitely worth however much time you spent on it. When did you get a chance to do this anyway?"
A lopsided smile appears on his face.
"A little too much time," he laughs a little. "And I put it together while you were sleeping the other night. Though, most of the time I spent was thinking of songs to put on it. That took me a few weeks."
You move the hand that was resting on his shoulder up to cup his cheek. Mike leans into your touch and closes his eyes, humming in contentment. You lean forward and capture his lips in a quick kiss, his eyes fluttering in pleasant surprise, kissing you back. You pull away, using the hand holding his face as leverage to start peppering kisses all over his face. You go from the corner of his lips, to his stubbled cheeks, his forehead, his nose, his chin, and finally back to his lips. He smirks knowingly and opens his eyes to look at you.
"What are you doing, love?"
"Paying you back for earlier," you smirk back at him, pinching his cheek before resuming your hand's previous position. "And for the amazing Valentine's Day gift."
You take both of your hands now and place them on the sides of his face. His eyebrows furrow but he's still smiling, both of his hands now placed on your hips to keep you both balanced. You start placing soft, quick smooches everywhere now. Rapidly placing kisses all over his face, causing you both to laugh, smiling against his skin. Your laughter in unison with the music playing sounds like heaven to Mike, knowing that moments like these are rare. Though treasuring the moment, both of you feel tenderness in knowing more memories like these will happen as your merged existences face what everyone craves more of, time.
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Divider: saradika and saradika-graphics on tumblr
Gif: charlie-eppes-blog on tumblr
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the-owl-tree · 20 days
I'm sorry if I've asked you this before, I genuinely don't remember, but why does everyone dislike yellowfang's secret? I like it a lot as a story, I find her powers silly but no one seems to have that issue... What is it?
It's been a while since I've read it so I'm going off of memory but my general reasons why I had so many problems getting through the book were:
Yellowfang herself isn't really Yellowfang? She's not snappy or grumpy and doesn't really act in the same way she does in TNP. She's just kind of the punching bag of the book without any of her signature sass to at least make her as a protagonist enjoyable.
The power in itself is an unnecessary retcon, it's only there to force Yellowfang into becoming a medcat and, well, there lies an even bigger issue: we are once again recycling the plotline of a cat forced to be a medcat when oooghgh they just wanna be average :( it's frustrating to me that Yellowfang gets so much of her own autonomy ripped away in this book, to the point where she can't even CHOOSE to be a medcat.
Her backstory in the original books was that she was a Warriors turned medcat and that's interesting. The life of the warrior is glamorized, it's the ideal life for Clan cats, so characters who CHOOSE to turn their back on it to heal are really interesting conceptually! The powers completely ruin this, it's a cheap cop out that's forgotten as soon as the book doesn't have to force Yellowfang into a job she should've wanted.
Why do books treat this position like a punishment or something embarrassing. It's Bad Writing above all because the position is important! It is a necessary part of the Clan to function, medcats should be treated with respect! But that's a whole other response.
That's also where Sagewhisker comes in, the mentor figure who, uh, pressures Yellowfang into doing something she doesn't want to do and yet the narrative continues to affirm is Correct.
I could go on but Bonefall has a good post on Sagewhisker that I personally agree with that adds screenshots and details.
It's just....miserable watching Yellowfang be dragged into a position she doesn't want and I don't know why they would choose the most miserable possible route with this character.
That's not even getting into Raggedstar, the good ol' abusive male love interest who's actions are swept under the rug as he guilt trips, berates, and generally treats Yellowfang like garbage! Despite an entire super edition of abuse and the website acknowledging he's abusive - his actions will never fully be held accountable and he will consistently be portrayed as the Nice Leader who just wanted what was best for his Clan <3
His own abuse of Yellowfang is never acknowledged and fuck's sakes the books play the Nightcloud card and go "well, guess what, it's a WOMAN'S fault that Brokenstar happened!"
In a book already swimming with misogynistic writing, the authors decided to up the ante and introduce Lizardstripe: the mean bitch mom who doesn't want to be a mom and that's all you need to be told to know she's an abusive evil woman.
The book will never actually show you scenes of her being abusive, they will literally just write scenes of her saying she doesn't want to be a mother as a shorthand of her being abusive.
I'm sure this definitely doesn't factor into the writing team's incredibly conservative ideology towards motherhood's and women's roles.
I'm gonna link Bonefall again, he's just good posts that really delve into the problems with this and I'd honestly just be reiterating a lot of his posts if I talked on my own lol
Yellowfang's Secret takes everything interesting about Yellowfang and just flat out ignores it or makes it worse. It's miserable to read, it's just page after page of Yellowfang getting beaten down.
And you could argue that's the point, that Yellowfang believes she deserves her troubles, but I don't think that's the case. I think the book is just troubling in its handling of motherhood and abuse, it handles them poorly.
Bad Book i guess. sucks! i think Yellowfang as a character could fill up an entire super edition, but the one they wrote is miserable garbage.
I can't even remember the plot outside the medcat stuff. Idk mean clan cat invasion time for no reason?? Uuhh kittypet attack?? i don't find it memorable outside of the stuff that actively upset me.
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jisunghannie · 7 months
Choose Me
PAIRING: Hyunjin x fem!reader
WARNING: Swearing is used in this story. Lots of angst. Angst to fluff
SUMMARY: You and Hyunjin are dating. You were originally his makeup artist and quit because you wanted to be with him. That was your sacrifice. However, he betrayed you and cheated on you, or so you thought anyway.
.°•○>><<○•°. = POV switch
.°• ✿ •°. = Flashback/Present time
`○°.• ✿ •.°○` = Timeskip
-ssi is used to describe someone older (Maknaes use this to address you!)
-ah is used to describe someone younger (Hyungs use this to address you!)
I should've written that in the first part. So sorry, that was my mistake. I took the full day writing and revising. Sorry if it's not long enough! I really wanted to post part 2 for those reading!
Part 1 is here!
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"Can you just stop!? God. I already told you. I don't want an explanation!" You yelled at Hyunjin. "I'm trying to explain because I care about you. So please. Don't go... I need you..." He pleaded. Hoping you would listen to him. "Hyunjin. There's nothing for you to explain. No matter how out of it you were or how tired you were you still should've been able to prevent it!" You yelled at him. "When will you get that through your thick skull?!"
"I won't leave you alone until you listen! I want to save this relationship with you!" He yelled back. You held your tongue, trying to bite back your tears. "So please..." He said gently, this time caressing your cheek. "Listen to me y/n..." He kissed your forehead. "Please... I'm begging you... just... listen..." He said sadly, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"No... I'm not going to listen." You said firmly. "I'm not listening because I would've NEVER! EVER! Done that to you." You said yelling, tears pouring down your cheeks as well.
"We're done Hyunjin." You said. Breaking away from his grasp.
"Then why do you still cry..?" He asked gently with a hurt tone. You stopped in your tracks. As you turn to face him. "Why do you still care so much..? How can you say we're done when you're crying the same way I am..?" He asked, wanting an answer. You wanted to answer. You wanted to say you loved him so much and wanted to work it out with him.
And then, you woke up.
You woke up in a cold sweat. Tears rolling down your cheeks. You turned to the window to see it was still dark.
"Damn.. you scared me there y/n-ssi." Jisung said. He saw your sad and scared expression. "Another nightmare huh?" He asked as you nodded, wiping your face. "Come here angel." He said as you crawled over and comforted you. "What was it this time?"
As you explained to him he sighed.
It had been a week since you'd seen Hyunjin and all these nightmares had just gotten worse. You dreamt of the argument you had before you walked out. You understood that it was your fault, and the more you replayed the scene in your head. Your nightmares had made the argument worse and worse.
"Y/n-ssi... maybe it's time to go talk to him..." Jisung suggested as you looked him in the eye, "But how could I Ji..." He saw the genuine hurt in your eyes. "I didn't tell him we're over but it definitely feels that way and I'm not even sure if he wants to see me and-" You were cut off by a tired Minho.
"He does miss you y/n-ah. Incredibly. He texts us how you're doing. Not only that but how do you think we know your favorite food and stuff." He says sitting down next to you. "It's because Hyunjin tells us."
You felt more tears rush down your face the more you tried to wipe them away. You missed Hyunjin so much, but couldn't help the fact that you felt guilty. You were the reason why you two were away from each other. Maybe if you had been more understanding, then maybe you two wouldn't be without each other.
Hyunjin has been doing better because his friends were picking him up. However he would be lying if he said that he didn't miss being by your side, waking up next to you, seeing your morning texts, and even eating with him.
Hyunjin's phone went off as he looked at the notification, hoping it was you. But it wasn't of course. Instead he was met by a text from the Maknae that started this.
Unknown: Hello Hyunnie! It's Ha-Yun!
Unknown: I hope it's okay that I'm calling you Hyunnie!
Unknown: Let's meet up sometime! Just you and I!
Hyunjin didn't bother to save her number. As he was going to clear his notifications he saw a reminder.
'Reminder for next week! 1 Year Anniversary!'
It was your guys' 1 year anniversary next week. He was even more heartbroken. He spent so little time with you within the 1 year you two have been together. Maybe he has been a bad boyfriend. He looked even more sad, and just then, Chan walked over to him.
"No sad faces. If you miss her so much we can go see her." Chan said, trying to cheer him up. Seeing his dejected face he sat next to him. "What's on your mind?" He asked. "Our 1 year anniversary is next week and I still haven't made up with her. How will we ever make up if we can't even talk to each other." Hyunjin said as Chan smiled.
"It's easy. You forgive her right?" Chan asked as Hyunjin nodded. "Then you have to make her forgive you." Chan said as Hyunjin looked confused. "How is that easy?" He asked, wanting an answer from the cocky hyung in front of him. "You know what she loves, you know her better than we do, just try to explain to her about the situation from your perspective." Chan explained. "How will that change anything? She's probably heard it from Minho or I.N or Jisung already..."
"You never know until you try." Chan reassured him. As Changbin sat next to Hyunjin. "She loves you so it'll be another talk. Trust me, y/n-ah is understanding so she would definitely listen. She might've not listened at that moment because she was upset but it's been a week already. I'm sure she's ready to listen." He tried reasoning with Hyunjin.
Hyunjin sighed. He understood what they meant but something about it. He couldn't bring himself to do it. He was too much in his head to properly apologize.
"On the bright side." Chan said standing up. "We have a Q&A with our stay."
"When is that again?" Felix asked, butting his head in.
"Oh come on Felix, that's next week." Seungmin said knowing better.
"But next week is my 1 year anniversary!" Hyunjin said with a desperate tone. "Can't we postpone it?!" He asked, his voice raised.
"Easy, easy. I tried but we couldn't. It was actually supposed to be the last week of our work week but we had to train the new soonly debut group." Chan said trying his best to keep a nonchalant tone and face on. Hyunjin looked horrified. He didn't know what to do. Chan, noticing the worried expression that Hyunjin wore, he sighed. "We will only be there from 3-6 pm. It won't be long. You'll still have time to make up with y/n-ah if that's what you want to do."
Hyunjin looked relieved but he still was paranoid. How would he talk to you? It had been a week and this was your guys' first actual fight. How would he make it up to you?
"Chan said we have a Q&A with the stay next week." I.N said as they ate breakfast.
"Alreary? We hust hot hack." Han said, his mouth full. Not being able to decipher what he really said. Minho knew what he said.
"Yes, already, and so what if we just got back? Don't talk with your mouth full, that's disgusting." Minho said after finishing the food in his mouth as you giggled.
Han finished the food in his mouth and was incredibly snarky with his next words, "What are you? My mom?"
Minho said and threw his chopstick at Han's head. "Just eat, and get me a new chopstick." Han sighed as he picked up the chopstick on the floor and dropped it in the sink, grabbing Minho a new one.
"If you have nothing planned you should come to the Q&A y/n-ah." Minho said, giving you a smile. "I'd love to-" You were cut off by a notification on your phone.
'Reminder next week! 1 Year Anniversary with Hyunnie <3'
Your heart broke again reading the words on the screen.
"Hey, what's wrong..? Is it Hyunjin?" I.N asked as you shook your head. "Our 1 year anniversary is next week... the same day of the Q&A..." You stated simply as Minho sighed. "Chan probably knows it's not that long, in the past our Q&As range from 3-6 pm sometimes 7 pm. But they always start at 3 and end around 6 or 7." Minho said as you took a big sigh of relief.
"What should I even get him?" You asked the 3 males with you at the table. "Well he loves art so you could anyways get him a new pack of paints or a canvas." Jisung said. "Or even a piece of art from his favorite artist." I.N suggested. "Nonetheless, he'll appreciate whatever you get him so don't worry." Minho said as you smiled. "Or you could surprise him at the Q&A!" I.N said excitedly. "That's a great idea!" Jisung said. "But Hyunjin is a private person. He doesn't like his relationships out there..." You said almost as if you were insecure.
Minho sighed as he looked at you. "You should come to the Q&A. But only if you want to. If not, you could always surprise him at your guys' home after the Q&A." Minho suggested as you nodded. "That sounds a lot better." You said, your tone, much more calm, actually excited given the predicament you guys were in.
`○°.• ✿ •.°○`
It had been 3 days since the talk of what to get Hyunjin for your guys' 1 year anniversary. You were planning to give him the element of surprise for his gift. You were going to show up at the Q&A and once it was done you were going to give him an apology and tell him that you were sorry because he didn't get a chance to explain, and more!
You smiled at this thought. Right now you were with Jisung, choosing an outfit for the Q&A.
"This outfit maybe?" He asked, showing you a comfortable outfit he had picked out with a large white puffer jacket with gold embroidery, a beige turtleneck shirt, with beige cargo pants to match it. A chunky white belt with gold embellishments to match the puffer jacket. Along with white chunky boots.
"That's beautiful Ji... but how much is it?" You asked, not wanting to go over the price limit. "Ah, ah, ah!" He said pulling the clothes away making you puff your cheeks in irritation. "You told me to find an outfit and since I did I will take care of expenses!" He said with a smile. "You can't! That means it must be super expensive!" You said looking horrified. Not even Hyunjin spent that much on you before. "Trust me, Hyunjin will love this." Jisung said as you finally gave in. "Fine... Thank you Jisung." You said as he smiled. "Now go get changed."
As you changed into it. You really felt like Hyunjin couldn't take his eyes off you in this outfit. You felt worthy of being his girlfriend in this outfit. I guess asking Jisung to pick out an outfit wasn't too bad.
"Ji, this outfit is perfect. Are you sure you want to buy this?" You asked once again for confirmation. "Yes! Now go get changed and I will pay for it." He said as you nodded. You really couldn't wait to see Hyunjin again.
`○°.• ✿ •.°○`
It was the day before their Q&A. You wanted to practice your makeup. You still did it here and there but it wasn't as much as you used to put on. As you grabbed your products you realized some of them expired. So you told Minho that you were going to go to the store to buy makeup.
As you got there. The people there recognized you immediately. One of your old coworkers jumped on you for a hug.
"I was so sad when you quit and didn't come back! What even happened?" She asked as you smiled. "Sorry for leaving without warning, but I need some more makeup." You said as she nodded. "Are you still working for you know..?" She said quietly, trying not to expose your work. "No, we are dating. Funny enough, we got into an argument before our 1 year anniversary which is tomorrow. I'm planning on surprising him tomorrow at his Q&A event." You said as you realized your friend's mouth was open so wide that it would've been hitting the floor. "Y/n that's amazing!! You're dating him now! Not only that but for damn near a year?!" She exclaimed loudly. "Hush, hush!" You teased smacking her shoulder lightly. "Sorry, uh take my number I gotta get back to my work." She said as you exchanged numbers. "I'll see you!" She said, giving you a big smile.
You missed this place a lot. You stopped working here when you got together with Hyunjin, wanting to support his work with everything you had. Of course it was a sacrifice but a sacrifice you were willing to make.
As you were reaching for your usual concealer, someone's hand touched yours as it seemed they were looking for it too.
"Sorry-" You said but before you got to finish the person cut you off. "Sorry, do you mind if I take it? I need it for tomorrow." She said as you looked at her. 'She's so pretty.' You thought. "What's tomorrow?" You asked without thinking. "I have a Q&A, a collab with another group. I'm sure you've heard of them. Stray Kids." She said as you looked at her. "I have but how come you guys are collabing?" You said, it must've come out wrong because the girl took major offense to it. "How dare you! I'm someone important. Ha-Yun! Remember that name before you start coming to ask for an autograph." She said, grabbing the concealer and walking off, bumping into your shoulder before leaving to pay for her stuff.
You were hurt but you genuinely didn't understand why she was so offended. You've never met her so what was her deal with Hyunjin and his group? You chose to forget about it and saw another shade of your concealer misplaced and grabbed that and went to check out with other products.
As you went back to Minho's place. You didn't mention your encounter with that girl as she might've been a crazy, obsessed stay and didn't want to scare Minho.
The next day when you woke up. You did your skincare and ate. You took care of the dishes and did your laundry as you packed your stuff.
"So you're finally going home?" Minho asked, smiling. "Yeah, thank you for keeping me here Minho." You said bowing in respect. "Of course, any time little one." He said. "I have to get going, but my bathroom is clean so feel free to do your makeup in there." Minho said as you smiled. "Thank you."
You then took your makeup bags and unopened products and got to work. When you finished you felt beautiful. After you put on the outfit, you put on your matching pair of earrings and necklace that Hyunjin bought you on your first date. You smiled at the memory of him giving you the gift. It was definitely a night to remember.
As you looked at the time. You saw that it was 4:38 pm. You were so late. You grabbed your bag and your important makeup needs and rushed out to the location where the Q&A was taking place.
When you got there it was 5 pm. You saw the boys sitting down as another station was empty. You heard Felix's voice and looked up. "So you guys have been wondering why we have 6 unopened seats. It's because we are here to tell you guys that we have another group. It is going to debut soon. Welcome them onto the stage!" Felix announced as the stays went crazy and once they took a seat. You recognized one of their faces. You couldn't put your finger on it, but you definitely recognized one of the girls.
"Now for introductions!" Chan said as you tried to dig in your memory for a while. It came to that girl's turn. "For introductions, remember, name, position, and favorite memory as a trainee." Minho said. As she stood up. "Hey guys! I'm Ha-Yun, I'm lead dancer, and," She said walking out to the group of males next to her. "My favorite memory as a trainee was probably working with Hyunjin. Who trained me as a center!" She said, placing her hands on his shoulders. "I love him so much! Hopefully you'll see us working together more often!" She said smiling. "Isn't that right Hyunnie?" She said as Hyunjin just looked awkward.
You didn't understand what their relationship was to each other until you saw her give him a kiss on the cheek. In front of paparazzi and all of the stays. "Let this be a reminder that Hyunjin is taken by this soon to be!" She said as Hyunjin just sat there. He gave a chuckle. "Okay, thank you for that Ha-Yun... moving on..." Hyunjin said.
Ha-Yun... Now that name sounded familiar. 'How dare you! I'm someone important. Ha-Yun! Remember that name before you start coming to ask for an autograph.' She remembered. She was so pretty. Prettier than you ever would've been. So why did Minho not mention her looks before.
You clutched your bag. Tears pricking your eyes. 'This was a mistake...' You thought. 'I shouldn't have come... he would look so much better with her...' You thought as tears were clouding your vision.
Just then you and Hyunjin made eye contact.
'Oh no...' You thought as you took steps backwards. You then turned away and started to run away from there. You didn't want to see his face. Not again. Why did she have to do that? Why didn't he push her away? Why did he laugh? Why? None of this made sense to you as you ran away. Hurt that Hyunjin would even accept that from her.
You ran back, calling a taxi back to your place. You didn't care. You were cleaning up all your things and leaving for good.
'Oh god. Not again.' Hyunjin thought. He then stood up. His members looked at him. Minho, knowing what had just happened by Hyunjin's expression, stood up with Hyunjin.
"Sorry guys! We just got word from staff that this event was only until 5! Until next time!" Minho said. As the other members were confused.
As they left the stage. Chan looked at Minho confused. "There's no time. Hyunjin. Go now." Minho commanded as Hyunjin nodded. "Thank you..." He said quietly. "Go! Now!" Minho yelled at him as he ran back home.
Chan was so confused. "Mind explaining?" Changbin asked as Minho turned and explained the situation from the beginning of the week.
Hyunjin was horrified that he had messed up. Not only that but on your guys' 1 year anniversary. He didn't want to end, not like this, not ever.
When he got home. He saw that you were sobbing, packing all your things. "Y/n what are you doing..." He asked as you turned.
"Y/n what are you doing..." You heard Hyunjin's voice and you turned to look at him. "I'm leaving for good what does it look like..?" You said with obvious hurt in your voice.
"What... please... no..!" He said reaching for your hands causing you to drop whatever was in them. The coldness of his hands touching the warmth of yours. You looked at him. His nose was all red. Tears, glistening his eyes. You were hurt by his expression but you knew that you had to go. You couldn't keep playing the girlfriend who pretended to be clueless just because of your love or the amount of time you spent with him.
"Don't go... don't not like this... please..." He said bringing your hand to his face as your felt his cold face. "There's no point in begging-" You were cut off by Hyunjin yelling. "Listen to me damn it please!" He sounded desperate now. "What's there to listen to?!" You yelled back. More tears rolling down your face.
"How are you going to tell me to listen?! I saw it with my own 2 eyes, Hyunjin. My own eyes. How she kissed your cheek. The one I'm fucking holding. The one that I used to kiss. As you laughed at that gesture. How are you going to tell me to listen?! The chemistry between you guys on that stage was real. How are you going to tell me otherwise?!" You yelled at him with genuine hurt in your voice. “You're trying to explain what to me Hyunjin?! That I'm dumb? An idiot that's blind that doesn't see that her own damn boyfriend of a year get kissed by another girl on the cheek?! Yeah! Go on! Say what you have to say then! I'm listening-”
"Just listen!" His voice cracked, "Please... for goodness sake... do you love me or not..." He asked, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Of course I do!" You yelled pulling away. "How could you even ask me that?! I love you with every bit of my heart. My soul even if you want to go that far! I would sacrifice anything for you!" You yelled back. "Only for you to treat me like this. Like I don't mean anything to you! After all I did for you! I don't even know where to start with you! After I healed for you so I could apologize! Only for me to look like a fool waiting for you patiently. I'm not some stupid girl who's going to turn a blind eye Hyunjin!"
"I know..." He said, giving a breathy sigh. "I know that already..."
"Then why do you keep putting me in these situations that I have to endure?!" You yelled at him.
"It's not that y/n!" He yelled even louder. You held your tongue. "Fuck... where do I even begin. You're the most amazing, loving, most beautiful girl this world has ever seen. I'd wait for heaven and earth even in the next life to see you again... You don't even know what I would sacrifice for you to see what I see in you. You don't see the things I see. The-the things that I love. Fuck. Like," He said, stuttering as he caressed your cheek. "The cheek I'm holding..." He kissed your forehead. "The forehead I kissed..." He saw the jewelry you were wearing. "The jewelry I bought..." He said looking you in the eye. "It's the person I love... right in front of me..." He said, his voice cracking. "Can't you see... I love you..." He said gently as you cried. You both fell onto your knees on the floor.
"I'm sorry Hyunjin... I'm so... so... sorry..." You cried as he sighed. "I'm sorry too... I'm sorry for the stress I caused you love… I'm so sorry…" He said running his fingers through your hair as he kissed your head. "It's all okay..." He said relieved. "Do you forgive me..?" He asked. "Yes... a million times yes..!" You said hugging him tightly. "I forgive you too love..." He said as you both hugged on the floor.
As you both cleaned up. You both agreed to get your things from Minho's place tomorrow morning. You both slept in your shared bed. You fell asleep first as Hyunjin took a picture of you both in bed with you sleeping, sending it to the group chat.
Hyunnie: We worked everything out. Thank you guys. You guys don't even know how grateful I am.
I.Nnie: About time, and no problem
LK: Good.
Channie: Oh goodness
Yongbok: Congrats!
Minnie: 👍🏻
Binnie: That’s wonderful
Hannie: Yay!!
Hyunjin smiled at the texts as he put his phone down and kissed your forehead.
"Happy 1 year anniversary…”
@straykeedz @httpswilloww
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bunnyywritings · 18 days
extra credit assignment with the professor and honey bunny
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[a/n: sorry sorry! i'm falling behind...my motivation is waning BUT i am determined to finish this series so here's what should've been posted yesterday on my birthday ! professor stein will always be so fucking hot in my eyes...he can tie me down and dissect me any day lol anyways, once again: my use of the term 'little' has nothing to do with any body size or weight, this fic is also a little more on the 'plus size reader' side, sorry it just came out that way, i also dropped the ball and made him an ethics teacher instead of a bio/chem teacher like i originally thought...i blame @gojonanami and her amazing professor suguru series...i'm obsessed !!🫶🏼]
© bunnyywritings pls don't use my headers or writing without permission
wc: 3.1k words
WARNINGS: teacher/student dynamic (OF AGE), power dynamic, age gap, "shy" reader, skewed descriptions of ethics cause i googled and read like two things, sir kink, hair pulling, cowgirl, stein bends you over his desk, mating press, breeding kink, creampie, no use of y/n, reader is called: bunny, sweetheart, good girl, sweet girl, honey
“You need my measurements?” You asked, not sure if you heard him right. “What for?” 
“Well for your outfit, of course.” He chuckled, finding it amusing that you had already forgotten what the two of you had spoken about.Especially when your confusion led to a small lull of silence on the line. 
“Oh…oh right! Right, the whole school girl thing…uh okay-” You rattled them out and he wrote them down, scrolling through the website on his laptop to try and find the right look for you. 
When you two finally met, you were pleased with the tasteful outfit he had chosen. It looked like a legitimate look you’d wear to school. The light brown plaid skirt was paired with a white button up, a knit sweater vest, sheer pantyhose and brown loafers. 
He was sat behind a gorgeous mahogany desk, a small smile on his lips. “Have you ever done a scene like this?” You were flicking through the short script he had given you…more of a guideline really. 
“Uhmm n-no, not as in depth as this or with a partner. I did it for a live cam once…” You blushed, feeling somewhat insecure beneath his gaze. 
Stein was one of the more seasoned creators on the platform. His production quality was always high and his scenes balanced with both porn and plot. He was also extremely attractive. His dyed silver locks framed his face beautifully, his eyes reminded you of green sea glass as they sat behind his silver eyewear and his build…God. He was tall and lean with broad shoulders and thick arms. His hands were big, lithe fingers just the right amount of thickness, knuckles prominent against his smooth, pale skin. 
Not to mention the age gap between the two of you…the power dynamic was going to be a little more believable when he was 14 years older than you. 
“You ready, sweetheart?” 
“Mhmm, yes…Professor.” 
And so, you stepped out of his office. Standing at the door for a good minute or two before rapping your knuckles against the shining wood. 
“Come in!” His voice was muffled but you took your cue and pushed the door open, making sure to shut it softly behind you. “Ah, bunny! Come on in, have a seat.” He gestured to the cushioned seat in front of his desk. His smile was soft as you stood by the door for a few moments before finally moving. 
“R-Right. Thank you, P-Professor.” You gingerly sat in the seat, back straight and stiff as you tugged the hem of your skirt. 
“So, what brings you to my office hours, hmm?” 
“Uhm well, I-I hate to admit it but I’ve been h-having a little trouble with our uhm, our new unit…” 
“Oh! Well, no need to be embarrassed, Kantism is a challenging subject. What exactly were you having trouble with?” 
“Categorical imperatives…” You shift your eyes away, cheeks flushing. 
“I see…well-” He starts to ramble on with the definition, rubbing his chin as he did so and you found it difficult to not stare at his fingers. “-does that make sense?” 
You blink yourself out of your daze before nodding, “I-I’m following.” 
A subtle smirk tugs his lips as he continues. “Kant also says that there are three different moral actions-” You wring your hands in your lap, playing up the nervous, jumpy act. As he continues to explain how utilitarianism plays a part in this subject, you tune back in. “That should be a bit more clarifying for you.” You nodded eagerly. “Did you have any other questions? Kant or otherwise?” 
“Y-yes actually.” You bit your lip, eyes widening as you clarified. “Not-not about Kant! I uhm…I was hoping to ask about some…extra credit opportunities?” He frowned, head tilting to the side. “My uhm, my grade isn’t where I-I’d like it to be…” You trailed off, eyes dropping to read the name placard displayed on his desk. He turns to his laptop, ‘typing and scrolling’ before the tension in his forehead releases. “Ah, a B- isn’t so bad, is it?” 
“W-Well no but I…I would like to keep my grade point average and grad-graduate summa cum laude…” 
“Hmm right, right…an understandable goal.” He closed his laptop, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose. “Has my unit been so difficult that you’re falling behind? Is everything alright?” The slight twinge of concern in his voice made your thighs clench. Something that did not go unnoticed. 
“I’m sorry, Professor. I just seem to be dis-distracted…lately.” Your confession leaves him amused and you with bright, flushed cheeks. 
“Distracted?” He leans forward, elbows resting on the top of the desk, his chin in his palm. “I see…is it a boy, perhaps?” 
“N-No!” You grip the fabric of your skirt. “No…I uhm-I’m not seeing any-anyone.” 
His eyebrows jump. “Really? Forgive me for saying so but, surely you have boys throwing themselves at you?” 
A quiet, almost nervous laugh leaves your lips. “Yeah…n-no. Not that I’d really want the attention from guys here…guys my age, they uhm…well, they tend to be vulgar and simple minded.” 
“Hmm, yes, I suppose you’re right.” A silence lingers after his words. “A pretty, intelligent little thing like you should be treated with reverence.” 
Your eyes widen to the size of saucers, squeaking out a, “Professor…” 
“Ah right, forgive me. That was highly inappropriate”. He sighed. “So, extra credit…I usually don’t make it a habit to offer it, since students use it as an excuse to lag behind-” He catched how your lips drop into a pout, eyes glistening with unspoken pleas. “But, if you tell me what’s been so distracting as of late, maybe we can come up with a solution to help you out, hmm? You’re a bright student and I’d hate to be the reason you lose your sheen.” 
You shake your head with earnest. That’s the worst thing you could do…how could you possibly tell him that-
“There’s no need to be shy, hmm? We’re both adults here and I’ve been teaching for years, I’m sure I can stomach it.” 
You mumble out a reason, as quiet and jumbled as you could, hoping to God that he’d give up and drop the subject. Your eyes trained in your lap in fear that you might give it away. Your deepest, darkest, secret…
He stands, rounding the desk and leaning on the edge of it. Gently but firmly, he grips your chin and forces you to meet his gaze. “I’m sorry, dear. I didn’t quite catch that…” His thumb caressed the skin below your bottom lip and you had to fight the urge to tilt your head down and take his digit between your lips. 
“I’m sorry, come again?” 
“It’s you, s-sir!” And oh, the way your lips wrapped around the honorific made his dick twitch against his slacks. 
“Is that right?” He felt like a fox playing with his dinner, the way your wide eyes stared up into his, begging to be devoured whole. 
He gripped your chin tighter, ignoring the whine that left your throat as he growled a hoarse. “Yes, what?”
“Yes sir!” 
“Hmm good…” He sneered. “What exactly is it about me that’s so distracting?” He hummed, removing his hand from your chin, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Y-You can’t ask-ask me something like that…”
He chuckled, “Of course I can…and I expect an answer.” His eyes darkened lustfully. “So tell me, bunny. What’s distracting?” 
You fidgeted in your seat, fingers clenching the fabric of your skirt again. “Uhm…y-your voice…your hands-” 
He found it hard to resist a scoffed laugh and in the blink of an eye he stood behind you, leaned over just above your shoulder. “You like my voice?” His lips brushed against the shell of your ear, his silky voice sending shivers down your spine and a rush of heat to your core. “Do you rewatch my lectures when you’re in your room? Touch that pretty pussy to the sound of my voice, hmm?” His lips pressed a feather light kiss behind your ear as you whined and as he trailed down your neck, the messier they got. His lips were surprisingly soft, massaging the sensitive skin at the hollow of your neck. 
You tilted your head back against his shoulder, opening yourself up to him. “Why don’t you show me.” He reached around the sides of the chair and roughly gripped your thighs watching as your flesh squished between his fingers, splitting your legs open for him and before you could even think to protest, a loud rip! filled the office. He had torn the crotch of your sheer pantyhose to reveal your soaked panties. “Is this all for me? You’re soaked…” He tsked, pushing your panties aside and tugging your folds open, caressing your pulsing clit with barely there touches. 
“Mhmm, all-all for you, sir…s’yours, all yours.” You keened at his gentle touches, hips twitching and desperate for more friction. 
“Then be a good girl and show me how you touch yourself to my voice.” You replaced your hands with his, starting to circle your bud in slow, soft circles, a drawn out moan leaving your glossed lips. 
“Good girl…” He purred. “Now suck on my fingers, show me how much you love my hands…that’s it.”
You wrapped your lips around his fingers, tongue swirling around his cold digits in earnest before taking them deeper into your mouth, gagging softly when his fingertips met the back of your throat before pulling back and taking them back in.
As you began to bob your head on his fingers, he couldn’t help pawing himself through the front of his gray slacks. His precum, no doubt staining the front of the fabric. “Oh look at you! Such a shy and prude girl, getting herself off while choking on her Professor’s fingers…fuck.” Your thighs twitched as you neared your first orgasm, sucking on his fingers bringing you more arousal than you thought possible. 
“Don’t even think about it.” He almost snarled, shoving his fingers roughly to the back of your throat. Your shoulders jolting as a particularly harsh gag wracked through your body. “Put your hands by your side.” Reluctantly, you did as instructed and he pulled his fingers from your mouth, giving your poor lungs a reprieve. 
As you attempted to catch your breath, he wrapped your hair around his fingers and pulled roughly, the action pulling you up from your seat before he was shoving you towards his desk. “Ahh! P-Professor!” With his fist still tugging at your locks, he bent you over and pushed your head down against the desk, your cheek landing harshly on a notebook and a few stray papers. 
“I’ve got to say…you’ve been quite the distraction as well. Always sitting in the front of my class, chewing on your lips or your pens-” He unbuckled his belt, popping his trousers open and letting them drop down around his thighs. “Always in your cute little outfits and short skirts.” He flipped your skirt over your ass. “I’ve dreamed of having you bent over my desk, creaming all over my cock.” He stroked himself a few times before tapping his heavy tip against your stocking covered ass. 
Not being able to help it, you wiggle your hips tauntingly. He groaned, “Oh just look at you…” He muttered before grasping the base of his cock and lining himself up with your entrance.
Your nails dug into the wood of the desk as he pushed himself in. Entranced with the way you seemed to be sucking him in, inch by agonizing inch, your poor pussy being stretched to accommodate his girth. You tried to push yourself further up the desk in an attempt to get respite from his sweltering length. 
“Nuh uh…don’t run, sweet girl. Don’t run…” He roughly gripped your hips and pulled you back onto him, sheathing himself entirely in your warm, gummy walls. “Stay right there.” 
Stein was brutal, bullying his dick into you repeatedly, meeting your womb in a deliciously painful kiss so much so that you lost track of time. “S’too much! T-Too…much!” 
Completely ignoring your cries, he snapped his hips once more and stilled them against your behind, pulling you with him as he sat in the chair you had been previously sitting in, situating you on his lap.“You wanted extra credit, right?” 
“Y-Yes sir…but-” 
“Then put in the work, bunny.” He brought his hand down in a rough slap against your ass cheek. “Show me how much you deserve that A.” 
Arching your back, you leaned forward and rested your hands on the tops of his thighs. Taking a deep breath, you lifted yourself slowly. Making it only halfway up before dropping yourself back down. It only took two thrusts before your legs were threatening to give out. The pleasure was overwhelming, Steins low moans and grunts only adding fuel to the fire. 
“S-Stein! I’m- M’gonna…!” You dropped back down on his length, back hunching over as your orgasm ripped through your entire body, mind reeling as you completely forgot to play up the whole ‘sir’ thing while Stein’s grip tightened around your waist so you didn’t fall over. 
Stein brushed your hair over your shoulder, pressing gentle kisses to the nape of your neck, tongue licking up the salty perspiration gathered there. “Shhh…shh, that’s a good girl…I made you feel that good, hmm?” 
A delirious giggle left your lips as you let Stein pick you up, inhaling sharply as he pulled out of you, your release dripping down his, still painfully hard, cock and onto the trimmed blonde hair at its base. 
Gaining a second wind, you shoved his name placard and a few other things aside before sitting on his desk, reaching for the hem of your sweater vest and tugging it off over your head along with your button up shirt and mindlessly tossing it aside. He watched hungrily as you kicked off your skirt and widened your thighs, the heels of your loafers resting on the edge of his desk. Your folds were dripping with arousal, your skin flushed and puffy as you clenched around nothing. 
“C’mon Professor, don’t keep your favorite student waiting…” 
Scoffing, he shrugged his tweed jacket off and you started to salivate. His mock neck shirt was short sleeved and tight. Almost like it was painted on him. His biceps bulged deliciously against the thin fabric, the urge to run your tongue across the veins running down his arms was strong but you held onto whatever self control you had left and waited for him to make his way between your legs. 
“And who said you were my favorite student?” A wet slap! slap! echoed his words as he tapped his tip against your clit. 
“You do this with all your students then?” You whined. “That’s no fair…” A pout tugged at your lips. 
He laughed softly, leaning down to capture your lips in a tender embrace, biting your bottom lip before pulling away. “I’m just teasing, bunny. You are, by far, my favorite…student.” He punctuated his statement by snapping his hips forward and burying himself into your sloppy core. 
“Ah-!” You lost your balance and landed onto the desk with a soft thump against the wood. He gripped the bottom of your thighs and pushed your legs up and folding you in half, straight into a mating press. The fabric of your pantyhose tightening against your skin.
His desk creaked with each of his heavy thrusts, scraping against the hardwood floor once or twice. “God, it was like this cunt was made for me! She’s swallowing me up so well…so warm…n’wet!” 
Your eyes rolled back in your head, the press he had you in made it feel like he was quite literally rearranging your insides, your mind quickly growing fuzzy and clouded with thoughts of his huge, thick cock and the way his scent enveloped you entirely as he leaned over to plant kisses down your neck, no doubt sucking marks into it. 
Stein felt himself twitch inside you as he gazed down at you. Your face was screwed up in pleasure, lips glossy with spit and parted as moans and whimpers fell from your lips. “Let me see those pretty eyes, honey. Come on.” Your eyelids fluttered open, lined with tears and the pretty color of your iris was swallowed up by your blown out pupils, hazy with euphoria. 
He shifted your hips and slipped deeper into you, if it was even possible, and found that spot that made you see stars. You fought to keep your eyes on him as you became consumed by one thing only. Your second orgasm. 
“Fuck…I-” He whimpered as you clamped down around him. “I-I’m gonna cum…” He groaned, attempting to keep a steady pace to bring you over the edge with him. “Where-?” He grunted, choked with pleasure. 
“Inside me, please! I want- fill me up, sir…p-please -!” Your mouth dropped open in a silent scream, your release shaking your body, thighs burning as your legs shook. Overstimulation creeping up on you as he chased his end. 
“Want me to breed this pretty little cunt? Huh? Make you a momma for extra credit?”
“Y-Yes! Yes!” You started to babble, a few tears slipping down your cheeks. 
His moans became hoarse, desperate whimpers, hips twitching before he stilled in you. Balls tightening as he emptied his load into you. A full, warm feeling taking over your body as your chest heaves to catch your breath. 
He pulled out with a hiss, watching his spend trickle out of you before fucking it back into you with his fingers, laughing softly as you whimpered. Your hips twitch to get away from him, and he apologizes. 
“M’sorry bunny, don’t want it to go to waste…” He then eased your legs down around his waist, massaging his fingertips into your tense skin. He watched in amusement as you leaned forward, lips pursed subtly and he met your lips. Exchanging a few kisses before easing you to sit up and wrapping his arms around you, cuddling you into his chest.
“I’d say that’s earned you an A+...” 
You cackled against his chest. “Yeah, it better have.” 
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@seireiteihellbutterfly @xxstarlightxx @indieburn
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hikennosabo · 5 months
#tristampparty day 8, episode 8: our home
okay i was very busy (read: distracted) today so i'm posting this late but LET'S GOOOO
let's start out with some psychic damage targeting me personally 👍 my heart hurts so much already
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thinking about how both young vash and nai relate to food... they have opposite needs, but it must be an isolating experience for both of them. nai is different from vash and rem, vash is different from nai and other plants... they're both in between humans and plants without really belonging to either.
nai specifically, though... he doesn't seem happy that rem made him food, but it might be equally isolating if he was the only one who didn't get served food... so it's awkward either way. rem did the best she could.
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what if i died right now
the geranium on the table... is it... i wonder... if rem put it there for tesla...
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i don't know what it is but something about the footprints is getting to me, man. the way that nai's go on ahead of vash...
is it the composition maybe. nai's footprints leading down to the bottom of the frame... down... fallen angel... etc etc am i just making things up- no i'm right. i'm right.
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brad is the one who noticed vash... even though he acted pretty hostile to him for a while after... he's the one who saved him... i wonder if that's some of the reason for his hostility? like if vash did turn out to be dangerous brad would have been the one responsible... idk
also brad is voiced by junichi suwabe my beloved
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this has gotta be an orange original, right? we never learn how plants are made in the manga...
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"sinners"... i've heard that word before... wait a sec...
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here!! the EoM broadcast right at the start of episode 5!! what does it mean...
why would scientists call themselves Sinners, as like a formal(?) group name(??) is it because they know they're playing god by studying plants? i wonder about the radio program, too. here it could simply be referring to humanity as a whole, but then why the capital S? conrad is the one who ties this all together... the "team leader," huh...
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"plant research," huh...
(insert "she should've been at the club" joke here)
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much to think about. lying about nai being dead yes but. not the only thing he's keeping from them. "just one" more independent?
brad is so mean sometimes, lol... tbh i think they really nailed his personality. his role in the story and his relationship with vash are both very different than in the manga but he's still recognizably brad, and i think that's cool. it shows orange really understands the core of his character.
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it's probably natural that this is the first question she asks, but it's also kind of mean... not on purpose ofc, but it probably hurts a lot for him to be asked that, especially now...
also vash isn't eating again. his unhealthy relationship with food... not eating as a form of self-harm... when we got reminded just at the beginning of this episode that it's something he needs to do. i remember reading a meta post a while back about his relationship with food but idk if i have it in me to try and find it right now...
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once again glad i can watch this in hd so i can notice that vash covers his ears when luida says this hahahahahaha (<- in pain)
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we see the one on the left the most so we need to look at the other family photos for a second. they're so cute what the heck... rem's big smile in the bottom right one... and i see both vash and nai are right-handed... *jots that down*
wasn't there a theory post about vash's number tally on the walls. i don't remember what it said.
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she asked "who did this" so she knew it wasn't something like a computer error. Did She Know.
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ohhh sister i'm so sorry but no they will not be
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this is such a blink-and-you-miss-it, but brad shielding vash from this guy is really sweet. because as we've seen the other residents of the ship haven't exactly been nice to vash. brad's been mean too but he's just... a tsundere, really.
sorry this post lacks substance, there is probably a lot more to say but my brain just isn't working at full capacity and i need to go to bed
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mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah. up until now the only clear, non-obstructed shots of nai's face were from when he was a little kid. he's still young here, and the shot itself is pretty dark, but here he is... the boy...
next episode is going to kill me dead! goodnight
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I know you've been getting a lot of male reader requests and I'm so sorry to add on to it-
Could I request a fic where Jason is bullying reader about being "Eddie's boy" or something like that and Eddie gets protective and possessive?
Maybe some smut with rough but loving Eddie? Eddie's absolutely wrecking the reader but still being the sweetheart that he is
Hi! I'll be happy to do my best.
I'm building off a continuation of this blurb, "Teach Me How to Love You" and combining it with another request:
Can you do an Eddie x Male Reader smut where the reader teases Eddie all day in school which makes him really horny. Then as soon as school ends Eddie quickly drags the reader to his trailer and things just go from there. (Sub/bottom reader btw). thank you!
The goal is to try and keep myself from burnout and honor the requests that come in at the same time. Thanks for understanding. Reader is 18.
Eddie Munson x Male Reader.
CW: 18+ Content (Smut--Handjobs and blowjobs specifically)
Feel free to look through my masterlist here!
Perhaps it was also naive to think that wearing your tightest jeans was just a coincidence on the day that you and Jason had to present your scene. The entire time, while glancing between your piece of paper and the classroom, you stole glances to Eddie. When you two caught gazes, you'd smile and Eddie would send you a wink. But then his eyes would drop down to the front of your jeans and when you turned to the side, he'd tilt his head just a little to catch a side view of your ass.
At the end, after the class finishes their clapping, you lean a bit of your chair to Eddie's seat, sliding a note onto the corner of his desk. Ms. Barlowe is much too distracted by her praise to notice the pass.
You are being so obvious. Perhaps I should get you a bucket.
Eddie scoffs when he reads it, flipping you bird. You laugh, turning back into your seat to face the front as the next pair goes up to the front to talk about the scene they translated and perform it. But the entire time you're staring at pairs, you can feel Eddie's stare boring in the side of your head.
"My place?" Eddie asks at the end of the day, fingers tracing over your palm.
"I have to get my mom from work. I've got the only working car right now."
Eddie nods, understanding the necessity of your part. "Just call when you get back home, yeah? Wanna make sure you're safe."
"Absolutely." You kiss his cheek, aware of the setting though the parking lot is full, most people are too focused on themselves to quite notice. You don't want to push it though.
Eddie opens your car door and closes it once you're situated inside. You roll down the window, through which Eddie leans in. "Still coming to the show tomorrow?"
"I wouldn't dream of missing it. Not with my man performing."
Eddie grins, head lolling gently to the side. "Oh, say that again."
"In your dreams, Munson. But seriously, I gotta go."
"Yeah, yeah, drive safe," he states, stepping away from the car and letting you back out of the spot. Eddie watches until your headlights are just ghosts of themselves before he climbs into the van and starts towards Gareth for band practice. He'd offered his plan as interim and for post practice originally, hoping to get more than just a kiss on the cheek. And if Eddie had anything to do with it, he would.
You seem to make it your life's mission to find every possible piece of distracting clothing and to wear it for Eddie the entire week. When it's not the jeans, it's the tight muscle tee that you wear, Corroded Coffin's logo etched into the front of it with fabric paint, or the button up shirt that most definitely should've been button up more to hide away your chest, but none of the teachers stopped you, or the cologne that isn't one Eddie's noticed you wearing before but smells absolutely fucking delicious. When it's none of that, it's the rings you unearth from where in your closet. Rings were Eddie's thing. And that he didn't want to sharing things, but he takes notes of the way you purposefully talk with your hands more with the rings, like you want to bring attention to them.
And the entire week, because your mom's car is still down, Eddie can't have you. He can't sit you on his lap, can't tug and pull you to a release in his fist like he wants and while it's literally had him rubbing one out nearly every night in the shower, Eddie can be a patient man when he wants to be.
Because Friday night you are all his. Your mother's car is fixed and returned Thursday evening and though Eddie has Dungeons and Dragons to head, there's nothing else that can get in the way.
That is until Jason's pestering comes to a head. He'd been on your ass since you two got assigned as partners and managed to get cordial enough to actually ace the project. However, the days post the presentation, he'd found every reason to corner you.
Today, a rather dry and crisp morning, Jason finds you leaning against the hood of your car, arms folded over your chest as you wait for Eddie. "Oh, are you missing your master? Sitting here like a lost fucking puppet." A slur follows it and you really and truly only want to turn away from him.
He'd gone from bumping you in the hallways, to openly mocking you when you weren't with Eddie. The less you gave in, the harder he tried to get a reaction. Today wouldn't be any different for you.
"You deaf? You hear me talking to you?" Jason hollers. Spit flies off the end of his lip.
You say nothing, staring at him and the crew that's assembled. It would be four against one and if you managed to get a good hit on two of them, the other two would be on your ass in a heartbeat. You're no fool, even if you can feel the tick of your own jaw.
"I'm talking to you," Jason huffs. "Ain't anybody ever tell you it's rude not to talk when someone's talking to you."
"You're yelling. You're not talking."
"You're a fucking freak who's fucking a freak and it's vile," he spits.
"Did Chrissy not put out? Or is it your time of the month?" you return. You hate to bring her into this--Chrissy's always been nice to you. But you know it's going to crawl under Jason's skin and eat him alive. The two of them had been on the rocks. Everyone could see it.
And like a match only needs gasoline Jason rushes you, hands tightening around the collar of your t-shirt. "The fuck did you say to me?"
"I don't think I need to repeat myself," you laugh.
The call interrupts Jason's wild gaze and when he looks over, he spots Eddie rushing over. Eddie shoves past Patrick, who truly is the meeker of the group. How Sinclair could ever want to get in with the likes of them is beyond Eddie and though it pissed him off, Sinclair and yet to miss a campaign session so Eddie would let it slide until it became a problem. And Sinclair's not a problem, not someone Eddie thinks could be easily poison but Jason was a toxic cloud and strong enough to take almost anyone under.
Jason's grip loosen around your shirt and you swat at his hands. He steps away as Eddie steps between your body and his. "What kind of problem do we have here?" Eddie asks.
Jason grins. "Looks like we've got a freak problem right now. What do you say boys?"
You push up from the hood of the car. It's four against two, still terrible odds, but Eddie's scrappy, you've seen it. And so are you. These are odds you are willing to take and for a fleeting moment, you think the heavens you wore rings today.
You don't know who threw the first punch. It could've been Josh, maybe it was Chance. All you know is that when the gym teachers get involved to break up the fight, your lip may be busted but Josh's eye has seen better day. You're pretty sure Chance as a broken nose. Jason face seems mostly untouched as if he used the other three to shield himself from most of the damage and Patrick's eye and lip are swollen.
You let Mr. Jenkins haul you away, arms going up in defense before you look to find Eddie, who's not even looking at Mr. Polinsky but looking at you. The brawl lands you and Eddie a week of in-school suspension. Two brave witness came to attest that Jason, Chance, Patrick, and Josh instigated the fight but you know the precious Hawkin's basketball team will only get a slap on the wrist in the end.
As you and Eddie leave the principal's office, you notice how thick the silence is between the two of you. You hadn't spoken a word to each other when Eddie came up to intervene and you couldn't really say much as you took fist to your faces and the occasional foot to your rib.
"A beautiful way to start the day, huh?" you tease, nudging at his elbow with your own.
"How long has Jason been antagonizing you?" Eddie ask instead, pulling you of the direction of the nurses office where the two of you were sent with directions to go immediately to the ISS room.
You shrug. "I wouldn't call it antagonizing as much as I would call Jason pathetic."
"He is pathetic. I hate that Sinclair's going to the dark side, but you were severely outnumbered there. How long as he been on your case?"
"A couple of days."
Eddie stares at you, big eyes pleading as you can see the bruises blossoming his face.
"A week," you sigh, casting your gaze down to the ground. "Ever since we presented in English, he's been up my ass."
Your heart drops when you catch sight of the frown on Eddie's face. He speaks before you can ask about it. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"It wasn't like he'd threaten to jump me until today," you defend.
"No, but, like, why didn't you tell me when it first started happening? I could've helped."
You laugh. "You helped today."
"I'm being serious." It leaves Eddie's throat in almost a growl and he's fingers wrap around your chin tip of his thumb gingerly grazing where your lip split.
You wince just a little at the touch. "There were so many other things I had to focus on. I just--I didn't think it was a big deal."
"And now you're handsome little face is bruised to all hell," Eddie sighs. He gets that other things were higher priority for you but damn it hurts worse to see you injured.
"I'm tough," you laugh.
"You are. You've always been, but goddamn, I don't want to have to be."
You watch his face, eyes flickering over the injuries you've noticeably sustained. "Don't look at me like that," you sigh. His eyes ooze with regret and a little bit of sadness. He doesn't look at you like you're fragile, but he he does look at you like the whole world might reside in the expanse of your being. "My heart won't be able to take it," you tease.
Eddie grins, it's short lived, his face no doubt sore too. "C'mon," he states gingerly, hands interlacing with yours and pulling you in the direction of the front doors.
"We have nurse passes and then ISS."
"The school can kiss my ass. No doubt she's not done patching up the airhead jocks."
You continue to trail behind Eddie, glancing every couple of seconds to see if the doors will open again. "They're going to go to the ISS room and we're not going to be there."
"I'll call up to the nurse's office. She'll get our work."
"Don't tell me you used the Munson boyish charm on Mrs. Yeates. Poor sweet Yeates subjected to your wilds is unfair. Her late husband's been dead longer than we've been alive."
Eddie snorts at your taunts. "She's one of the few people left at this school that gives a shit about me. She scratches my back, I scratch hers."
"That--but not like that that, you know?"
"Mrs. Yeates very occasionally buys, most of the time I help her out with stuff around the office or her house."
"The school nurse?" you whisper, finding your keys in your pocket. You're thankful now that they didn't fall out or get trashed in the fight. "Buys? From you?"
"She tips well too," Eddie laughs. "Meet me at my place. You can still see, right?"
You nod. "Yeah, but I should be asking you that?"
"If you see Hopper just floor it. The man loves a good speed chase."
You're not shocked that Eddie would know that. So you leave it be and settle yourself in the driver seat before following Eddie out of the parking school lot.
At his trailer, Eddie hoists you up onto the counter. And it's less he does it all himself, you help, but when he pats the side of the sink, hands running under the water, you slip up onto it and his hands hover to make sure you don't fall.
He's gentle as he dabs off the dried blood. His warning that the cleanser is going to sting comes from softly in his chest and you grip the edge of the counter to keep from jerking away too much at the sting. It's soothed by Eddie's hand along your thigh. "You did good," he praises, flipping through the content of the first aid kit.
He fishes out the ointment, finding q-tips to apply it. The cut on your cheek is cleansed and bandaged too before Eddie works on himself in his reflection. All the while you sit and watch. His eye doesn't look nearly as bad as Josh's but it still doesn't look great. You slip down as Eddie moves to get his cuts bandaged up to find the frozen peas you know are still probably haunting the freezer for these exact purposes. Your knuckles are in great shape, but they'll be okay.
You return to the bathroom to hand the bag over to Eddie. "For your eye," you tell him.
Eddie laughs. "I can't exactly suck you off and hold a bag of peas to my face at the same time."
The brashness catches you off guard, your mouth hanging open like a fish for a moment. "What-what are you talking about?"
Eddie hooks a finger into the collar of your shirt bringing your chest firmly against his. "You have been a goddamn tease this entire week. New cologne."
"It's actually old. I only wear it fancy occasions." That isn't a lie, but it's not fully true either.
"Tight jeans."
"I-I hadn't done laundry yet." Absolutely that one is a lie, but those jeans are usually reserved for the bottom of the barrel for that specific reason. It does help that you had a feeling the outline of your bulge would set Eddie off.
"A button up that wasn't even worthy of the title of shirt considering how many buttons you had undone."
"It gets hot in the school," you defend. And that is true. Once the heat is turned on in the school, it is on and it is boiling hot.
"Rings," Eddie continues to list off.
"Okay, that was on purpose." You'll concede that point but not the others as you enjoy the way Eddie walks you out of the bathroom, pausing to get the peas back into the freezer and then continuing back to his room.
"And that goddamn tight muscle t-shirt Tuesday night."
"The bar gets stuffy, Eds." Another piece of the truth tainted in a tiny bit of a lie. You wouldn't be oblivious to the fact that the muscle tee did show off your biceps and you would, and did, use that to your advantage.
Eddie brings you, not by dragging but by stalking so you walk backwards throughout the trailer to his bedroom, kicking the door close with his foot. "Over my dead body," Eddie laughs. He closes in, like he wants to kiss you but he knows it's going to cause too much pain.
"On the bed. Now."
You debate only for a moment what you're going to do but then turn and walk to the edge of his bed before you sit. The last thing you're going to do is deny him or yourself the pleasure of this experience. Though you weren't sure how far it would or could go given your injuries, you'd take the risk of pushing the envelope.
Eddie crouches down into your space, nose gently bumping over yours. "You had and go get punched, which means in order to spare your pain I can't kiss you properly."
"I didn't ask for it," you retort, intent on keeping the story line straight. Jason had started it but you'd finish it.
"I know. I just need to know though. What will you ask for?" The question is paired with Eddie's hands tugging your shirt up and out of your tucked in jeans.
"You." It's one word that falls from your chest in a whisper but it carries with it everything.
Eddie makes quick work of your t-shirt, discarding it haphazardly to the floor. His fingers skate down your chest, teasing your nipple and you hitch up, a groan knocking at your chest at the sensation. You can feel a throbbing--now the dull ache of your sore face and hard cock mingling together as Eddie disrobes you. His touch is gentle and sure, but his pace is quick. He is tender but he is not wasting time.
You reach out for his bicep as you pushes you back further up on the bed, dull fingernails digging into the flesh and muscle. Eddie laughs at the way you moan out his name. It sounds like music, but Eddie finds glee in the way you melt for him.
"I would apologize for how hasty this is, but I think you're too blissed out to even care," Eddie whispers into the skin of your neck.
"I-" you swallow down part of the moan that works up your throat at the suckle of Eddie's plumps lips. "Fuck, I really don't care."
"Figured as much," Eddie laughs. He kisses down your chest, working your jeans and boxers down too. The sight of you, hard and leaking onto your own stomach makes Eddie's mouth salivate and his own cock to twitch in his pants. "Fuck," he whispers before taking you into his mouth.
You throw your head back, and the throbbing that he'd pushed aside for the moment comes rushing back again so you angle your head down again and huff as the work of Eddie's tongue over you. His free hand keeps tight on your pelvis, pressing you down into the mattress as everything in you wants to rut up into the warmth of his mouth. his spongy tongue runs along the underside of your cock and it makes you see stars.
It's lewd--the sounds Eddie ms making but you don't care as you join in, your groans bursting from your chest. You're not going to last long, not with the way Eddie's tongue and hand are working over you.
You teeter right on the edge before Eddie pulls away firmly. "You fucker," you huff, the last tense edge of your impending orgasm floating away.
"I want to watch you when you cum," he states. It's even and measured no hesitation or uncertainty.
Eddie spits into his hand before grasping you again and he watches, every twitch of your face, every time your jaw goes slack--Eddie watches it all and the blinding edge comes back. You can feel it in your toes.
"Shit." It's all you can muster and his name falls broken just behind it.
"That's it," Eddie encourages. "That's what I want," he smiles, when the first hot spurt hits his hand. "Give me all you've got."
His hand keeps an steady stroke over you and you don't have any air to tell Eddie you can't come anymore, that you have given everything and then he lets go and you think you've plummeted back into the stratosphere all the way down back to Eddie's bed.
The frame creaks and then something warm and soft is against you. You realize now, probably a cloth to clean up the mess you've made. It's not until Eddie returns to the bed, how he brings your naked chest up into his chest--now stripped over the t-shirt he'd put on this morning--that you start to regather your thoughts again.
"Give me five and you're next," you mutter into his chest.
"I'll give you ten so I can ice my eye."
"Sounds perfect."
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autism-autobot · 6 days
LMK Angst Fic Part 5
Author's note: I think there need to be more platonic and friendship cuddling in media and in the world, so here we are. (Definitely not touch starved nope not me!)
Part 4:
It was around three in the morning in the celestial realm. Nezha had become accustomed to sleeping beside Sun Wukong every night and had even begun to enjoy it despite the reason why they started doing it. He had always thought of Wukong as a good friend and companion, which he didn't have very many of thanks to his workaholic attitude. Him and Wukong had even become quite comfortable with each other.
Nezha was aroace and Wukong still considered himself spoken for since his previous marriage had ended in death and not divorce. So it was as platonic as could be. However, they were both touch-starved and emotionally neglected as children, so there's that.
Wukong and Nezha had grown used to falling asleep snuggled up next to each other, with limbs tangled in weird form around each other. But neither of them were exactly still while they slept, so Nezha wasn't immediately concerned when he couldn't feel Wukong next to him when he flopped his arm around beside him to try and find the monkey he'd grown so close to.
Until he heard the whimpering.
That can't be good.
Nezha bolted upright in the bed. He searched the dark room for his friend's ginger-colored fur. He found it at the edge of the bed.
After clambering over to Wukong's side he gently and quietly asked:
Nezha: Wukong, are you awake? What's the matter?
SWK: *sobbing* I-it's my head! It's hurting! It hurts so bad! Please-
Nezha: Shhhhh, Wukong. It's alright. I'm here, it's okay. You'll be okay.
Nezha had become accustomed to Wukong's post-circlet migraines and various other symptoms of Wukong's traumas. It seemed as though even after Wukong had learned to cope with the physical damage done to him, his body had not, and was therefore having it's own posttraumatic episodes.
Nezha had found ways to sooth him luckily.
Nezha laid Wukong in his original position on his side of their shared bed and put an ice pack on his forehead. He then lit some incense and lightly wafted the fumes in Wukong's direction so he could smell it. That was more to soothe the monkey's panic than anything.
After laying back down beside Wukong, Nezha wrapped an arm around his chest.
Nezha: Are you comfortable enough?
SWK: I think so.....*gasps*
Nezha: Wukong what-
SWK: Hot flash. Don't worry, it's already over. Gosh, that felt bad.
Nezha: It will be alright my friend. I am here.
SWK: Thank you. For everything.
Nezha: No problem, I quite enjoy your company. I just wish you weren't in pain as often as you are.
SWK: You and me both.
They slept for a few more hours before getting up. Sun Wukong tended to be very weak during and after a migraine, as was the design of the circlet he once wore. Nezha helped him to the downstairs living room and set him up on the couch.
SWK: Ow.
Nezha: Sorry.
SWK: Nah, it's fine. I should be the one saying sorry to you.
Nezha: Whatever do you mean by that?
SWK: You're always having to help me out with stuff and getting me out of trouble.
Nezha: That is only half true. Besides, I do not mind taking care of you.
SWK: But don't you think of me as weak for needing help like this?
Nezha: No, not really. If I did, however, I'd be the world's biggest hypocrite.
SWK: What? How so?
Nezha went into the adjacent closet and pulled out a wheelchair, it was the active kind too, unlike the bulky ones you'd find in the hospital.
Nezha: I haven't told you this before, I probably should've by now but, I guess I share similar insecurities.
Nezha: I am disabled. I'm an ambulatory wheelchair user, meaning I can walk about easily at times, while others I cannot.
Nezha: That is also why I have my fire wheels, sash, and staff. They are mobility devices. Albeit they are a bit atypical.
SWK: Cool!
Nezha: Really? You think they're cool?
SWK: Well, yeah! I think that type of stuff is pretty interesting. I get why you wouldn't exactly want to show it off though.
Nezha: Thank you. Perhaps if you are ever needing some help after a migraine or other health complication, you can use one of my many wheelchairs! I hardly use most of them anymore, it's nice to have backups. Just in case.
SWK: Thanks for the offer. Maybe I'll give one a spin after I feel a little bit better. I still feel like my head will explode if I sit up.
Nezha: Alright then. I'll park this one next to you so you can have an easy transition when you are ready.
SWK: Thanks again.
Nezha: You are quite welcome.
Part 6:
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I had to go back because I didn’t read the full doc for Do Your Job, and it hurt even more!! Especially that Morse code! Once I realized it said “Help Me, Please Help Me, I’m Sorry” my heart just shattered. And how he didn’t want to die in the end!!
EEEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEE YAY!!! I originally added in the long blank space because, and I'm not fucking kidding here, in Hbomberguy's video on fucking CAD (THE COMIC WITH FUCKING LOSS.JPEG) which has horror elements and is genuinely great, there's a part after a whole analysis of the movie The Room I SWEAR NONE OF THIS IS A JOKE where (timestamp 22:54) there's a technical difficulties beep that decreases in pitch- that's what the decreasing squares was meant to be. Benrey dies, and it gets replaced with a long, descending beep, and then morse code. That was the vibe I was trying to get there. I was referencing a serious analysis of the Control Alt Delete webcomic. The comic that spawned from it fucking loss.jpeg.
(MAJOR cw for suicide under the cut as I discuss the last thing anon said)
YEAH because. That's a thing that really happens!! People try to kill themselves and regret it, try to back out. It's not a universal thing, of course, but it is fairly common. (Bojack Horseman had an entire poem about that in its penultimate episode and it's fucking heartbreaking.) And like, that doesn't just get rid of the suicidal thoughts. In my post-canon reunion fics, I've tried to show that even after Xen, Benrey's still suicidal. Like, in You're Still Here (which I consider my magnum opus), during his breakdown he had a whole PARAGRAPH where he just rants about how he should've died on Xen, and then later asks Gordon to kill him.
You get the point. A lot of times, when people try to kill themselves, they freak out and try to back out at the last second (suicides by falling from heights is fairly common, and the example Bojack Horseman uses in the View From Halfway Down poem, which if you can handle listening to it go do it, it's fairly short). And Benrey going "this isn't fair!!" in canon once Passport Guardian starts up is what made me wanna do that with him. Like, before that most of it was "oh noooooo, you're neeeeever gonna kill me, anyway i'm gonna hold up my passport for several seconds and make no attempt to defend myself." But after the final passport got destroyed (and specifically after the SuperPlayer feature was activated), he started freaking out.
My beta reader, when analyzing it, pointed out how that part specifically is horrifying not just because at that point I pulled out all the stops to show his Complete Breakdown, but at this point... It's too late for Benrey to back out. He edited the code to make himself into the final boss. At this point, he can't just go back and fix it, because the game needs a final boss, and the Nihilanth can't be that, BECAUSE IT'S DELETED. They compared it to jumping off a roof, and then screaming for help as you plummet to the bottom. (Except it's not directly jumping off yourself, it's sitting on the ledge and goading people who are angry at you to shove you off the roof.) There's nothing you can do, nothing he can do, nothing the others can (or will) do, because he's implemented his suicide into the fabric of the code.
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asoulsreverie · 2 years
Hold On Tighter
tasm!Peter × gn!reader
Word Count: 1.0 k
Genre: Flufffff <3
Summary: Your love of the sky led you to meet Peter. Inspired the song Afterglow by Ed Sheeran
Warnings: Probably a few years after Gwen's death, reader's hair length is not mentioned, use of Y/N (i think only once), no pronouns, I think that's it?
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Above image was originally posted by @bevongf
Reblogs appreciated
A/N: Hello! I was out walking a few days back and the sky was so pretty, with the sun setting and I kinda wanted to write something. I love the song Afterglow by Ed Sheeran, and I thought I could include something from there. So.... Yeah! This fic is gender neutral, so anyone can read it.
Also this is the first time I'm trying to write a song based fic and I'm not very confident about it, but here it goes!
Please be kind with your words :)
Please do not copy my work or translate them to any other languages. Please do not repost on any other platform.
Masterlist Peter Parker Masterlist
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You loved sunsets. There was just something about the orange hues of the sky that spoke to you. The way the clouds reflected the sun's rays, their ever changing shapes and colours made you feel real; as if there was still something genuine left in the world.
You often went to Central Park, to enjoy the late evening sun and see the sky. One such May evening, you met him.
Peter Parker. He had been out to click pictures of the New York skyline. His camera on a tripod, lens facing the sky as he adjusted the settings to get just the right picture. The weather had slightly cleared up after a day of rain. You were looking up at the day's especially beautiful clouds slowly walking backwards, not paying attention to your surroundings.
That's when you collided into him, his senses not having perceived you as a threat. The force was not enough to knock him and he held you as you fumbled with your footing on the still slippery grass.
"Hey are you…ok?" he trailed off as soon as he gazed into your eyes. He had not believed he could ever fall for someone so easily as he did the moment he saw you.
Stop the clocks it's amazing
You should see the way the light dances off your hair
A million colours of hazel, golden and red
You too were lost in the boy's eyes, all warm and brown, the setting sun making them look like honey. He was staring deeply into your eyes and you were sure he could've seen through your soul.
My eyes are caught in your gaze all over again
"I'm so sorry, I was looking at the sky… should've been more careful" you breathed out slowly.
"It's alright" he said, "I was also looking at the sky…. Through my camera to click pictures"
You smiled at him, and realised that he was still holding your waist to keep you steady. He seemed to have sensed your thoughts, slowly removing his hands. But as soon as they left you, you felt sad at the loss of the warmth that had spread through you when he had held you.
"Is this your hobby?" you asked him, head inclined to his camera, "If you don't mind me ask-"
"Yeah-yes it is. My hobby. I also take pictures for The Bugle sometimes" he said with a smile and you felt all fuzzy inside, despite the cold. "Is your hobby looking at the sky?"
"I don't think you can call it a hobby anymore, it's become an obsession. I love the evening skies" you said.
"I'm Peter, by the way. Peter Parker" he introduced himself.
"Hi Peter, I'm Y/N" you replied. He repeated your name under his breath. You had heard people say their names sounded much more pretty when certain people said it, but it was the first time you felt so. "That's a beautiful name" he told you and you felt your cheeks warm up.
The both of you talked for about half an hour, you admiring the sky while Peter took pictures of it, before it started getting really dark. You both said quick good byes and left.
Peter found himself going to Central Park more than he had, just so he could meet you again.
After a few more times of meeting you, he asked you if you'd like to grab a coffee.
"Only if you'd like to, of course. I mean-"
"I would like that, Peter." you said with a smile.
You and Peter became fast friends and it didn't take much time for both of you to realise your feelings for each other. Even Peter, who thought he'd never find anyone after Gwen.
What were coffee shop meet ups and walks around the park, turned to movie nights, dinner dates and late night conversations and soon you two had made things official.
He loved the fascinated look you had when you were out on picnic dates, looking at the sky as some song played from the radio. He had many candids of yours, all over his bedroom wall.
He told you about his nighttime superhero life as the year passed, having almost frozen himself one winter night. You were worried of course, but you had known Spider-Man from when he once saved your friend and you knew helping the city was his choice. He wanted to be there for the people. And you supported him in every way that you could.
We were love drunk, waiting on a miracle
Tryna find ourselves in the winter snow
So alone in love like the world had disappeared
You grounded each other. He made you feel more real than you ever had, and you made him feel seen. Every moment you spent with Peter was a bliss you had never felt before. With him you were sure of everything you did, he never rushed you for anything and he always supported your every decision.
You felt safe with him, his strong arms wrapped around your front as you worked. His presence was comforting, his love true. The world seemed to stop when you both looked at each other, and you had very early realised you would love him forever.
This is a new dimension
This is a level where we're losing track of time
I'm holding nothing against it, except you and I
There were nights when you both would be curled in a blanket on the couch, him tired after his patrol, you sleepy from a long day. He would place his hand around you protectively as you played with his soft hair, just basking in each other's love. These were the moments Peter realised nothing in the world was more important than you and he knew he'd never let you go.
I won't be silent and I won't let go
I will hold on tighter 'til the afterglow
And we'll burn so bright 'til the darkness softly clears
Oh, I will hold on to the afterglow
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asktheboxghosts · 6 years
(Mega)Spoopy!: Here you go little Slugma! Some chocolate crackers for you!
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httptokrev · 3 years
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Hello! I hope you're all having a good day, this is mod bae ♡ I just wanted to apologize for the sudden deactivation of the original HTTP:TOKREV account so in this post I'll explain.
TL;DR in case you don't want to bother reading: the original account was deactivated by temporary mods with intent I'm not sure of while I was planning and on a family trip but I'm back and will have the blog up and running again soon in time for National Girlfriend Day.
I had a family trip planned the week the original account got deactivated, it was supposed to last for at least 3 days and I wanted to enjoy myself so I asked a couple of my discord friends if they could act as temporary mods for me while I was away. I had planned to ask them to act as mods if the blog got more attention and the blog itself was also fairly new, I felt bad having to take a short break so soon.
They said "sure, no problem" and of course with them being my friends I trusted them. I had asked them very last minute for that favor since I still haven't packed for the trip at the time. They also told me that they'd be the ones to announce that they were going to be temporary mods of the blog.
Thankfully I brought my laptop and as I'm writing this, I'm currently on the 2nd day of said family trip and have a short window of free time before I have to get back to it. I only found out about the original account being deactivated a couple hours ago since I went to go check on it on a personal account. I went to confront my discord friends about it but unfortunately, they've blocked me on most social media platforms. As for their intentions, I don't know but I have some assumptions that I won't explain here since it involves personal matters.
The part where I was quick to trust them to make the announcement was a fault on my end since I was quite stressed at the time because I was also in charge for planning the itinerary of the trip, I should've did it myself and I'm truly sorry for it and I promise to be more careful in the future.
But no worries! It's just a minor setback, everything's fine (and thankfully no one's taken this URL :'D). Once I get back on the 31st, I'll fix up the blog once more and HTTP:TOKREV will be back up again in time for National Girlfriend Day since I plan to be online all day to answer your messages.
Please reblog so I'll be able to reach the accounts that followed me originally and again, I'm very sorry for this!!
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moonflms · 3 years
➷。˚ alcoholic — nct jaehyun
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PROLOGUE ༄ - —wherein jaehyun's cravings leads both of you to an alcoholic atmosphere.
"to be drunk and in love in seoul city" —johnny and jaehyun's cravings got the best of them. in the end, johnny had to call in you to pick up your husband who was tipsy over alcohol-flavored cookies.
PAIRING ༄ - husband! jaehyun x wife! fem reader, husband! johnny x fem reader's friend
GENREs ༄ - fluff, crack, night cravings, married life au, drinking, boy's night out, college squad
W. COUNT ༄ - around 1k+
NOTES ༄ - third oneshot here ! CONTAINS DRINKING THEMES. expect inaccuracies since i reffered to google for some info, i don't drink since i'm a minor. expect grammar and typo errors. simple wording.
do not repost. copyright belongs to @moonflms 2021. reblogs and likes are deeply appreciated! originally posted on my twitter (@suhhvsco) and wattpad (@johnsparrot) . enjoy reading!
cw // drinking, alcohol
happy nct day! <3
Incoming call... Johnny
(italic- jn, bold- y/n)
"Johnny? Hi! Any problem?"
"Uh... kind of? Don't get mad."
"Suh Youngho."
"She's doing the full name thing, Jae." You heard Johnny from the opposite line.
"Sooo, I invited you and Jae over right?" You remained silent.
"Well, we did what we usually do, hahaha." You listened to him giggle nervously.
"That is?" You asked as if you didn't knew the answer.
"...drinking." You could imagine his nervous face, gulping silently.
"I-I mean that uh, Yoonoh kinda dr– I mean not drink but—" You stopped Johnny from sugarcoating the problem.
"Cut to the chase, drunk?"
"Well, good thing he–"
"Johnny." you cut him off once again.
"He's leaning towards the tipsy side," Johnny admitted.
"Coming." You ended the call as you heard Johnny mumble a 'sorry'.
"And I was going to binge-watch that new drama," You sighed.
You took your car keys and walked out of the house, towards your car. Your car made a beep as it unlocked. You opened the driver's seat and sat inside. You started and prepped the engine for a while. Gripping the steering wheel, you stepped on the gas pedal. You were now on your way to Johnny's manor.
Johnny had invited both you and Jaehyun for some drinks at his place, having a small catch-up. It was quite a while since you three had sat down and relaxed. You three were together since college! You thought of the invite for a while, but declined and let Jaehyun go alone. You decided to give them their 'boys night' after all their business conferences and the likes. Plus, there's this new drama on Netflix you wanna start on.
It all started with those two, then 'til they met you and your other college squad members. You trusted Johnny and Jaehyun anyways.
You weren't mad at Johnny. You were simply annoyed by how your self-care night was disrupted by a call about your husband who was laying on Johnny's living room carpet.
You and Johnny knew he had great alcohol tolerance, so it brought you to a surprise when Johnny called earlier about picking him up. Usually, it was you who needed help to get home.
You also found it cute whenever Jaehyun was in a drunk-ish state. He could start by getting silent then becoming quite clingy and fluffy for the first few whiles. And you had to sigh in relief because you wouldn't have to struggle to get Jaehyun home.
God, he was a lot taller and buffer than you, knowing that the other buddy was too jelly-like drunk-ish as well to help you out. And who knows what Jaehyun has in store.
Thinking of the possible scenarios you avoided, you kinda need a shot or two now.
You were nearing Johnny's house, which was around the corner. Not that long after, your car was parked behind Jaehyun's.
You then turned the car off and stepped out. With the car key with you, closing the driver's door and locking it right after. You walked across the porch and stood in front of the doorstep, you rang the doorbell twice.
It didn't take long for Johnny to answer the door. There he stood in front of you, sheepishly smiling. It was obvious that he drank, noting the pinkish tint of his eyes –but he seemed completely sober. He first mumbled a sorry before hugging you.
"I'll have him pick up the ca–"
You didn't finish the sentence as you spotted his maroon polo had some white powder near the lower-stomach area, you shot him a somewhat concerning glare, Johnny –completely getting what you meant– stifled a chuckle
"And no. that's not any of that high stuff, y/n. flour," he cleared. Now you wondered why he was covered in flour.
He guided you inside the house as if you haven't drop by a million times. You decided to start a short conversation. In the end, you did end up coming over. "So, where's Y/f/n?" You asked Johnny where his wife was, and he simply answered 'out' as she went to Incheon in advance to pick up Johnny's in-laws later by dawn.
As he guided you, the living room started to appear before you, then there you saw. There you saw your husband sitting on the carpeted floor, leaning on the room's huge couch behind him, munching on a cookie, which explains the flour on Johnny's shirt. He looked at you and smiled, showing his dimples. "So Youngho, was exactly happened?" Unbothered, you asked for context.
"Okay before anything, he suggested it." As Johnny explained his right hand continuously rubbed his nape.
Johnny and Jaehyun craved for treats, so they baked cookies... with a twist. they decided to make the cookies chocolate chips and alcohol-flavored.
Johnny did confess that they experimented for a while and eye-balled the measurements, ending up putting a lot more alcohol than needed. Knowing that Jaehyun absolutely loves cookies (maybe his guilty pleasure) didn't hesitate to munch on more than 2 pieces. It may sound dumb, but hey, it's the creativity that counts you guess? Ever since you met the boys it felt like you were a mother to two huge babies.
"And what made you eyeball this recipe?" You took a skim at the recipe they printed out. "The batter was too dry and doughy, we did what needed to be fixed."
"Good. But you should've used water to thin out the batter instead of adding more liqueur. Look at the guy." Both you and Johnny's view diverted to Jaehyun who was blushed and smiley at your presence.
You walked over to the lounge and sat on the fluffy carpet beside Jaehyun. "Hey baby" Jaehyun gushed and kissed your cheek as he immediately rested his head on your shoulder, his arm snuggling around your body.
You held his wrist as you leveled his cookie to your mouth, taking a bite. The cookie was good and for sure, it was strong. You took Jaehyun's shot glass and took some shots straight. Johnny came over in time to see you getting in action, he continued himself to squat in front of the two of you, with the coffee table in between, occupied with the tray of cookies and some opened drinks.
"You guys sure make a great couple" Johnny laughed as he shook his head seeing you take some shots, you three loved drinking together. Silently, you were relieved that Jaehyun was mostly sober, 'semi-drunk'. Let's say he was too sleepy to drive himself home.
You stayed at Johnny's for a while, continuing some talks and snacking on those cookies. Jaehyun slowly fell asleep on your shoulder making both you and Johnny giggle at the rare sighting. You softly laid Jaehyun's head against the couch for a while as you stood up and started to clean up, helping Johnny who started.
After quite a while, making the chit-chat the main reason for the continuous delays, you both finished cleaning both the living room and the kitchen which was a mess from the baking. You left Johnny who was packing a few of the cookies for you to take home and headed again to Jaehyun, who was now stretching on his seat.
Jaehyun woke up from his nap, stretching out the stiffness from sitting for the past few hours. You softly pinched his cheeks as you helped him up. He was awake but groggy. You hugged him from the side acting as a support while he tried to gather himself, slightly leaning some weight on you. Johnny both escorted you out to the doorstep after he handed you the container of cookies.
"I gave you the rest or else Y/f/n's pregnancy cravings gets the best of her."
"Thanks! Still betting on blue, Johnny" With that Jaehyun scrunched his brows as pats Johnny's shoulder as he sides with him, rooting for a girl.
Jaehyun took some slow steps as he approached the car. You guided him to his side before heading back to the driver's seat.
When both of you were buckled into your seats you started the car engine. You honked as a sign for Johnny inside the house, letting him know about your departure. You were now on your way to your last destination, the Jung residences.
Jaehyun was napping peacefully as you played some music to fill the quiet air. After a few songs, Jaehyun woke up again and was up for the rest of the ride. He started to accompany you as he started to sing to whatever was playing, he started to sing with his eyes closed.
On red lights, you couldn't help but look at the male beside you, immersed in his element. Your husband singing off to a night drive playlist, lids shut, and his face was tinted with a light color of blush. The view was immaculate. Even if it's been a year after the marriage, you still felt butterflies like a teen gal.
The next song started, and perhaps it was one of Jaehyun's faves. He slowly opened his eyes as he looked at you, eyes sparkling. He rested his arm on the compartment in between the seats as he tries to get closer to you. "to be young and in love in– babe, green light." You snapped yourself out from adoring your man and continued driving. Jaehyun chuckled and continued on with singing.
"To be 'drunk' and in love in Seoul city" He tugged your hand that was resting on the hand brake as he intertwined his hand with yours, making it rest by his cheek. He played with your wedding ring, "damn" he whispered and smiled.
"I like me better when I'm with you." He slowly brought your intertwined hand to his lips as he placed a soft peck. You took a glance as he smiled. You felt your cheeks heat up.
The rest of the drive, you both vibed to the music, even singing along. You were both enjoying the atmosphere, the alcoholic atmosphere. Once you both arrived home, you hopped out of the car and took some breathers. Jaehyun managed to balance himself on the way inside the house.
Inside, Jaehyun plopped on the couch as he sighed. You brought back a glass of water from the fridge and placed it on the small table. Jaehyun held your hand and pulled you down, making you hover above him. His polo softly reeked of the alcohol he had, the smell slowly sent up your nose. He held you in place as his arms were around your hips, slowly after admiring you he laid his lips on yours.
The soft taste of chocolate from the cookies and liqueur filling up, leaving an aftertaste. Breaking away, you laid on top of him he continues to trap you in his arms. Your hand slowly made its way to his head, fiddling with his hair. You buried your face into his chest as you slowly started to close your eyes.
Jaehyun whispered to your crown "g'night baby" rubbing his palm against your back. "i love you to the moon and back."
the night ended with soft snores and you against him in his arm.
➷。min's letter: so liqueur is like a sweet version of liquor which is preferred for baking (esp sweet desserts). well, i got something to try out once i'm able to drink. btw let's be moots and check out my masterlist! all rights reserved @moonflms 2021
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purplellamanator · 3 years
Sorry for the delay! This is the first part of my contribution for @shinranweek The above link is to read the story on AO3 or if you prefer to read off of fanfic, just click here! Of course since this is a tumblr event, the chapter will be posted below the cut. I originally wanted this posted for day 1 for first meetings but unfortunately life got in the way. Just a little insight though, this is heavily inspired by movie 20 The Darkest Nightmare. This is not completed though and I'll post the next part later. Sorry if it seems rushed and thanks to @shinranweek for hosting the event! Loved all the shinran content this week!
Amnesia Part I
Her head. . . . It was pounding so hard she thought it'd implode in on itself.
She clutched at the source with one hand and continued walking forward blindly. Everything she did was blindly. Where she was going, where she came from, why her head hurt. . . who she was; it was all lost to her. And she kept moving forward.
Where was she anyways? Glancing around cautiously, her hand still pressed to her head and now as a slight shield from the blistering sun, she tried to discern her surroundings. It was hard though. Her head was pounding and she could barely think. There was so much noise going on around her to add to that and- she was going to pass out.
Eyes landing on a bench, the woman stumbled hurriedly to the wooden chair before collapsing on it. She felt slightly better now that she was off her feet but not by much. It did allow her to actually see through the fog that was clouding her already injured mind and she lost the need to hold herself together.
Laughing and talking; there was a lot of that. There were families milling about, smiling and chattering excitedly. Obviously she was in a family park of sorts . . . but what had brought her here? Was she here with her family? If so, where were they?
Eyes moving around slowly before seeing a massive ferris wheel in the distance, she felt a semblance of knowledge itch at the corners of her mind. Something was familiar. . Something was familiar about that wheel. .
Had that been why-?
She jerked suddenly when she realized she wasn't sitting alone anymore. Looking beside her, it was a man, not that old at all and maybe in his younger twenties. The surprise wasn't what made her jump though. He was- had he been smelling her?
Even after she jumped away and stared at him as if he lost his mind, the man continued to sniff at her as if he were some sort of dog.
Finally, she cleared her throat. "Um . . . " She wanted to cringe at how awkward the one sound had been. What do you say when one human being sniffs . . another. . ?
And if possible, the man leaned back against the bench completely nonchalant. As if he hadn't just been smelling her . . .
His voice had come so abruptly and her eyes blinked in confusion. "Excuse me?"
"Gasoline," the man repeated, a satisfied look in his blue eyes. "You smell very strongly of it."
Did she really? The woman raised her arm to her face and sniffed, brows furrowing when she discovered that he was right. The odd stranger was correct and she did smell very strongly of gasoline.
"Are you okay?" He asks when she was still trying to figure why she would smelled like she took a bath in a gas station.
Her eyes flit to his. "I- I think so."
The stranger's brows lifted curiously. She didn't blame him for looking so confused. How could she not know if she were alright? He didn't question her response though and instead said, "You don't look okay. You look and smell like you've been in an explosion." She was sure that was meant to sound like a joke but the possibility that that very well could be true reflected in his gaze; a hint of seriousness.
But for the first time, and only because this stranger pointed it out to her, she was actually taking in her appearance. Clothes disheveled and dirtied, hair tangled and a welt on her head; safe to say she looked and felt like she'd been through an explosion or two.
"Forgive me for cornering you like this but you appeared distressed," he apologized but somehow he didn't sound very sorry at all. "I just saw you stumbling around in those heels and I thought you'd pass out until you collapsed on this bench. Were you coming from work?"
"Work?" The woman mumbled to herself and again took notice of the gray pencil skirt and the white button-up blouse she wore. Where did she work? Did she even work? She could feel the headache coming back again. Or maybe it had never gone away and she had been able to forget about it momentarily. "I don't know," she finally said in a slow realization and his eyes widened even more.
"Do you know your name?"
Do you know your name?
The voice that resounded after his wasn't hers and she heard it only in her mind. A memory- but from what she didn't know. She had been asked that before but she couldn't remember when or why. For some reason, it made her head throb from trying to remember. "My name. . . ?" She was staring hard at the concrete before her on the ground as she continuously ran that question through her head.
"Can you remember?"
She could hear him right beside her- practically feel him leaning towards her when she didn't respond right away. But for some reason it felt like he was muffled and suddenly the man was miles away and she was stuck in her head. "What's my name. .?" So many thoughts rushed at her in that moment and she raised a hand to her welt to try to soothe the pain radiating from it. But it wasn't soothing it; it wasn't making it better and soon both hands were clutching her head as she attempted to recall something that should've been so simple. "My name?" she repeated again and now her breaths were coming out panicked.
Why couldn't she remember her name? It was hers and she couldn't say it?
"Hey!" She could barely feel a firm hand splay across her back as if to comfort her. "Breathe. I'll call an ambulance and we'll-"
"No!" She jerked away from him roughly and attempted to come to a stand. Her legs wobbled and she could barely make a decision between holding her head together or balancing on her own two feet. Something about his statement had her body reacting automatically though and she just knew she couldn't go to a hospital. Why? She didn't understand that yet but her instincts were telling her no and as of now, her instincts were all she had.
The man rose too and moved slowly towards her as if approaching a scared animal. "We'll get you help. We'll find where you came from," he tried again and went to help her stand.
Where I came from. . to take me back. . . ? Back to-
Nails digging into her head as the pain became intense, she stumbled away each time he moved closer. "No," she shook her head and it became apparent to her that tears were streaming down her cheeks from the pain. "I- I can't-!"
Couldn't what? Go to the hospital? Go back to some unknown place that her body was rejecting? It was all too much.
And suddenly startling them both and everybody in the vicinity, she began screaming from the pain as something tried to force its way to the forefront of her mind. It couldn't though and it was just so much pain and she couldn't stop yelling and before she knew it she was falling and falling.
Heavy lids blinking open a few times to adjust to the brightness, she felt weird. Her head was sore but that was a given. But she didn't feel herself as if she were a mind in someone else's body. That's what she really was in that moment considering she couldn't recall something so simple as her own name.
Her mouth felt dry and her eyes tight as she took in her surroundings. She was in a bed- a hospital room and hooked up to some IV that was probably full of saline. Something else she became apparent to was the fact she was all alone. No one else was in the room with her.
So why was the first thought to strike her was to sneak out that far window? It was like an unconscious reaction that she shouldn't be there in that room; that she had somewhere else she needed to be and that she knew deep down she was never to be in a hospital.
But why?
Thankfully, the woman didn't get the chance to act out her idea because in the next second the door was creaking open slowly and a head was peeking in. It was the stranger- the man from before. And when he saw that she was awake and sitting up in her bed, a grin cracked across his face.
"I'm glad you're awake. How are you feeling?"
Honestly, she felt terrible. "Better," she said instead. At least she could actually remember what happened before she landed herself here.
"Remember anything?"
She gave him a curious glance. "I remember my head hurting and passing out while we were talking." That was it and he understood fully what she meant. She still couldn't remember her name or anything else before they met.
He must've saw the way her eyes slowly slid around the room uneasily. "I took you to a friend. We're not in a hospital."
Those words really did bring a certain amount of relief for her. Though she still had this mild feeling of wanting to jump out the window, it felt like a weight had lifted off her.
Stepping further into the room, he took the seat beside her bed and she wondered if he had really been here the entire time waiting for her to wake up. "We'll figure it out soon enough. A detective is waiting to speak with you when you're ready."
Detective? Her insides clenched and that again was another red flag. She didn't want to speak with a detective. Swallowing away her body's natural panic, she attempted to pay it off. "Y-you called the police?" She wasn't fooling this man though and she briefly wondered how he could read her emotions so easily.
"Let's just say they're my friends as well," he gave a small but relaxed grin.
Other than for the heaviness of her head, she really felt better now. If he was telling the truth then he had saved her from having to worry about any legal consequences or actions. "Who are you?" He hadn't told her after all. He had been too busy . . smelling her and asking for her name. But he had helped her as well it would seem. Such an unusual person. . .
His blue eyes widened as if he just realized he never told her that. It seemed unlike him but his cheeks actually tinted a slight pink. "I can't believe I didn't even tell you my name," he scratched the back of his brown hair awkwardly and she could hear the unspoken apology in his tone. "I'm Kudou Shinichi." He said it so proudly and matter of fact that the woman was taking back her earlier accusation. He wasn't awkward because he had forgot to mention his name. He was just used to people already knowing it and since she didn't she hoped that didn't take him down a notch. After all, she couldn't even recall her own so why would she remember his?
Kudou Shinichi.
But then again, maybe she did. There was some sort of recognition that came with the name.
Again, that awakened a voice within her but this time she didn't push the fact. Last time she had given herself a migraine and she thought her brain would explode.
"Thank you then, Kudou-san," she said sincerely. "I'm sorry for any trouble this has caused you."
"Not at all," he waved her off. "I'm a de-."
A firm knock resounded around the room before the door creaked open slightly again. Only this time it was someone the woman did not recognize. Based off their clothes though, she was able to determine it was one of her nurses.
She was proven correct when the woman clad in her scrubs turned to another and said, "She's awake but the doctor doesn't want you questioning her long. We're still examining the severity of her brain damage and she doesn't need any stress." And then the door was held open farther so a couple could enter; one man and one woman.
She determined these were the detectives Kudou-san had warned her about. Instantly, she was on guard but she couldn't tell what was to blame. Her body seemed to do it unconsciously and she knew she couldn't speak freely with them. Why would it matter though? She couldn't remember anything not to speak freely with them. And Kudou-san had also said that they were there as his 'friends'.
As they stepped closer and she tensed even more, Kudou-san stood up in what seemed respect to greet the other two. Soon he was moving aside granting them full access to her bedside and she felt her chest cinch up nervously.
Her gaze instantly appraised the woman. She held a certain air of authority that demanded it. She seemed to be in her thirties maybe, the injured girl couldn't tell. But through her stern features she seemed kind enough so far. The man appeared much more at ease than her. She didn't want to mistake it for timidness but she could tell who was the boss in this partnership. Or better yet, who bad cop good cop was.
The woman was the first one to address her proving her theory even more. "I'm Detective Sato and this is my partner Detective Takagi." She paused to give her a chance to speak but all she could do was nod her head respectfully. It wasn't like she could respond with her own name.
"Kudou-kun suspects you've been in an accident of some kind. Not only would we like to find and hold whoever is accountable, our goal is also to identify whom you are."
"I don't think I'll be much help," she admitted apologetically. "I don't remember anything before meeting this stranger." Her eyes flit to the brown haired man that stood to the side.
The woman nodded her head as if she already knew this. "After what Kudou-kun described earlier today and what the doctor explained, I don't expect you to remember anything. So I'll ask you a few basic questions and if you can't answer them, that's okay."
She wasn't too sure that was a good idea. After the pain from last time. . .
The two detectives must've noticed the uneasiness on her features and Detective Takagi actually spoke up. "We don't want to further your condition. Don't push yourself."
Detective Sato nodded before clearing her throat. "It is to my understanding that you don't remember your name so I won't bother asking you about that. Instead, I'd like to know the first thing you do remember."
She swallowed uneasily as she watched the detectives before her. The woman couldn't really understand why but their presence bothered her a great deal. To forget about that, she tried focusing on the question. The very first thing she could remember . . .
"I-I was in an alleyway," she revealed. "My head hurt badly and I didn't know what was going. I could barely stand."
"Can you recall where this alleyway was?"
She shook her head slowly. "I hadn't stuck around for long." Her tone seemed curious about her actions; or maybe perturbed as to why she hadn't. It was something deep down inside of her that told her she had to keep moving.
"Why did you go to that park specifically? Why not the police?"
The ferris wheel.
The answer surfaced swiftly and assuredly through her thoughts. She didn't know why she went there just for the ferris wheel but the fact she knew even that much was something. Yet. . she didn't tell them.
"I don't know," she shrugged. "It felt safer and just calm. I wasn't thinking to go to the police." Of course she left out that she couldn't go to a police department. But she could just use the excuse of confusion until she knew what was going on with her. To be fair, she really was confused.
Detective Sato nodded before pulling a card from her pocket. "I didn't expect you to know much and you are on bed rest so I'll end this here." Handing the card to her, the injured girl looked at it curiously. "That's my number. If you remember anything about yourself or the accident, call me."
She nodded again and her cheeks tinted a slight pink. That's all she's done for the past few hours. How embarrassing it was that she couldn't even think to hold a conversation. "T-thank you," she choked out but it sounded completely forced and her grin appeared as a grimace. And either they didn't notice or they just didn't feel like making her even more uncomfortable because the detectives bowed their heads respectfully before exiting.
Not giving her a chance to relax, the door opened again and now what she assumed was her doctor entered. She watched the man even more uneasily. For some reason the doctor bothered her more than the detectives. The man didn't seem too bad. A normal middle aged man dressed in his medical coat and carrying a clip board; there was nothing particularly daunting about him but something . . frightened her.
She started sweating. Her heart beating furiously could be heard on the monitor and she felt her cheeks enflame even more.
"Looks like someone's afraid of the doctor's office," he joked with a warm smile and a wink. "I'm Doctor Araide. I've been looking after you since Kudou-san brought you in."
That didn't put her at ease at all and she swallowed through her dry throat. Forcing herself to breathe evenly, the beeps from the monitor slowly went back to normal. She was thankful the doctor hadn't made too much of a big deal over it but Kudou-san was actually looking at her with a calculating frown. All she could do was try to convince her brain that it was alright. They weren't really in a hospital and that she needed to calm down.
"Well," he went to sit on the chair beside her and she tensed up some more. He didn't point it out this time thankfully and continued with," I have some bad news and some good news."
"What's the bad?" she took the initiative to ask. She'd rather get that out of the way first.
Doctor Araide sighed before shaking his head. "We ran prints and DNA through our systems and through the police department's records as well to see if we could pin you with a name. You're not in any of the systems and no one has reported a missing persons case." Seeing the disheartened look on his features he said, "Don't worry. That could mean many things. You just might not be around from this part of Japan and thankfully you don't have a record to warrant the police's attention."
She nodded slowly, trying to focus on the positive side. It was hard though when she was so confused. She literally had nothing. Not even memories.
"Now for the slightly better news. . . " And for this he actually looked at his clipboard and flipped back a few pages. "I'd still like to do a few more brain scans just to make sure your condition hasn't worsened but it appears to be psychogenic amnesia."
"P-psychogenic. . . ?"
"Retrograde amnesia," he corrected for her in simpler terms. "It's a form of memory loss that can follow a physically or emotionally traumatic event. Luckily, I believe yours isn't too severe."
"So. . . I won't keep passing out?" she asked hopefully from her bed. It hadn't been a very nice feeling from what she could remember and waking up hadn't been any easier either.
Doctor Araide sighed as if he didn't want to make her any promises. He probably couldn't and instead said, "I think that was your body reacting to a memory that . . . psychologically," he finally settled on that word, "you wanted to avoid."
"Basically. . . I don't want to remember." The injured woman nodded but could feeling the beginnings of a headache; only this time it was different. Instead of just straight and abrupt pain this one seemed to stem from stress and disappointment. What had happened to her so bad in her life that she didn't want to remember any of it?
"Not necessarily," the doctor said anxiously. He must've saw what her own statement meant for her. "It was only a theory. What's more important is there was no physical damage to the brain. Cases like these- I don't want to give false hope, but typically my patients that have experienced something similar, all regained some form of memory to their life before their accident."
Though he basically told her not to get too excited, her heart grew brighter. Maybe she wouldn't be a nobody forever and like he said, at least there was no serious damage. "Is there anything I can do that will hasten the process?" The woman didn't want to lose her calm façade in front of the doctor but it was hard to hide it in her voice.
And like a doctor would, he detected it easily. "You're still on bed rest," he warned. "Besides the amnesia, you suffered some major bruising to your ribs and abrasions to your face."
Her eyes widened. She hadn't even noticed. Had she been walking around with bruised ribs all this time? It was hard to believe but maybe whatever accident she had been in numbed her.
"I-" She cut herself off nervously. She didn't want to stay here. Doctors were meant to help people; she knew that deep down. But a certain fear deep inside of her chest- she couldn't deal with that here and surrounded by it. "I don't want to stay here."
And just like that, both the doctor's and Kudou-san's eyes were flitting towards her incredulously.
"I don't think you understand the severity of your condition," Doctor Araide started. "Your wounds are ones fitting of a car accident. You are in no state to be living on your own. And legally, I cannot let you leave on your own."
She wasn't legally a patient here. She was sure of it from Kudou-san's words and she wasn't about to stay here longer than she had to. She didn't want to be here and as far as she was concerned, she didn't have to be. She tried to be nice and let them have their questioning and their tests. Now she wanted to leave. She was fine just on her own until that stranger started smelling her. She wished she jumped out that window when she had the chance.
"Any more stress could damage your chances of gaining anything from your past."
That had her pausing her retort, biting her lip in contemplation. She didn't want to stay here. This wasn't comfortable for her. In fact, it frightened her quite a bit and what was even worse- she didn't know why.
Seeing that she wasn't too fond of this place but also realizing she understood her condition, the stranger from before spoke up again only this time addressing the doctor. "She can stay with me."
The doctor was staring at her now, a frown on his face before turning that disapproving stare on Kudou-san. "It was already wrong of me not to send this woman to a hospital let alone to not call the police. How can you ask me to let her leave?"
"She'll stay at my house. I have more than enough room and I'll watch over her," he replied easily while giving her wary sideways glances. It looked like he was worried she was going to just jump and leave herself without listening to what they had to say.
It was tempting.
"I'll let you leave tomorrow morning if you stay the night," was the doctor's final offer. Either that or he would more than likely inform the law enforcement. She didn't want to risk getting any of them in trouble for hiding this for her.
Lips pursed uncomfortably, she nodded her head once. "And then I can leave?"
"Like I said earlier, I want to run a few more brain scans and make sure there's no lasting damage through the night. After that, I am letting you leave with Kudou-san to be in his care." Doctor Araide put extra emphasis so she knew she would not be leaving alone.
True to his word though, the next morning she and Kudou-san were filling out documents. The entire time Doctor Araide was standing over her- prattling her to stay. After the restless night she had however, that wouldn't be happening. It was like she was about to crawl out of her skin. She didn't feel safe.
"Ma'am," the doctor turned to face her. "I really do not recommend this." It was a last ditch effort really. The hours long process was finally over and Kudou-san was pulling his car around as she waited.
"I know. Thank you for all you've done," she bowed. If it hadn't been for the fact that this was his practice and they had in fact taken her to a hospital, she knew this wouldn't have gone done as smoothly as it did.
Doctor Araide sighed disappointedly. "Please come back if you experience any pain or illness. You have a head injury and that could make appearances as nausea, soreness- anything." And he too was handing her a card and she couldn't believe she was receiving a second one. "This is my work number. It's always on and do not hesitate to call. Kudou-kun has my number as well."
After a few more departing words on the doctor's part on how she needed to be careful, she was waiting in the passenger seat as Kudou-san talked privately with him. She didn't pay it any mind and figured the man had finally given up on trying to convince her to stay there. Instead, he must be giving Kudou-san explicit instructions as he had done prior with her.
She jumped when the door opened and he slid into the driver's seat. Not realizing he was done talking, the girl noticed the doctor was long gone and not even standing on the porch any longer.
"So," he began as he buckled his seatbelt. "Is there anything you'd like me to call you?"
His question actually threw her. She just assumed she'd be left a no-name until she either remembered or those two detectives identified her- whichever came first. The woman thought about it though before shaking her head. Thinking about it gave her a headache and she honestly didn't know what she'd like to be called. Her real name definitely but at the moment that wasn't a possibility. Then to make it even harder, she knew nothing about herself to conjure up some nickname.
Kudou-san waved her off. "We'll figure something out," he said reassuringly. "Let's get you settled in first."
"Where are we?" she piqued curiously. Somehow her brain had retained the information that she was indeed Japanese and still in Japan. Why it didn't know anything else she'd never figure out.
"I live in Beika."
All she could do was nod again. Nothing seemed familiar about the area or name. A little bit of her hope diminished with that but she wouldn't get too discouraged yet. The doctor had hinted that this loss was more than likely temporarily until her mind could come to grips with what happened.
For some reason, when she was informed that she'd be staying with this Kudou Shinichi, she had pictured an apartment. Maybe a two bedroom flat in the city. What their car pulled up to however, she was practically pressed to the window in amazement.
It was a mansion- and no, she was not exaggerating. The house was huge and gated in and everything. Again she had to ask, "Who are you?" Not just anybody could afford a place like this. He had to be somebody important.
He looked at her surprised as he walked up to the gate and pulled it open. It was already unlocked apparently. "I already told you." When he saw she was still looking up in awe at the place that would be her home for at least the next few days, he sighed. "My mother is an actress and my father is an author. They left me the place to live in the States."
Glancing at him, she had a brief moment to wonder if that's why she recognized his name. The fact he had famous parents was more than explanation enough. She was curious to just who his parents were now but he seemed uncomfortable on the topic so she respectfully didn't push it. Instead she said, "Is it just you here?" She was curious. He looked to be in his early twenties and he wasn't bad looking at all. Maybe he had a wife or girlfriend.
"Well now there's you," he pointed out.
Blinking, she was a little flabbergasted that he owned this mansion all to himself. "You live here alone?" Still staring at the hard iron gates blocking the entry way, she felt a sort of cold sensation overcome her. How could someone live in such a big building all by themselves? She knew already that she wouldn't want to and she didn't even know who she was.
Kudou-san took a moment to pause and look at her as if she needed to pay attention. "No. Now, you live here too."
She actually took a moment to glare at his retreating back. The woman wasn't able to tell he was joking until he turned and gave her a small smirk. It was hard to stay irritated when someone smiled at you like that. And the fact he kept this entire thing a secret also helped but she didn't really want to bring that up anymore. Instead, she wanted to focus on getting to know the new place she'd be staying at for however long he chose to deal with her.
After he shut the gate behind them and resumed strolling down the pathway, her gaze raked across the front entrance and the surrounding yard. There was grass and it was green and there was indeed paint on the shutters and front door, but something disturbed her about the scene. She couldn't explain it well but it all just seemed so . . . dead. The front area near the front windows was completely bare where it appeared a garden may of been there quite some time ago. Actually entering the house and into the foyer, the shoe cubby was empty except for one pair. And eyes scanning the barren walls and the way their voices echoed around the spacious house- it was empty.
And there she had the answers to her own curious questions. There was no wife. There was no girlfriend. And based off the shoe rack, there wasn't even any guests. Did he really live here. . ? A hollow feeling ironically filled her heart. She couldn't explain it but she had the weird urge to open the shades and start cleaning. Not that it was messy or anything. It was clean- too clean if possible.
Kudou-san didn't notice the way she scrutinized the building as she followed him up the stairs. If he did, he didn't say anything about it and she walked quietly in his slippers. She assumed they were his considering they were the only pair by the door and he was forced to walk around in his socks. He must not receive many visitors.
"You can stay in here," he said as he opened one of the many doors in the upstairs hallway. "Since I only really had the night to prepare, it's not much. We can go out and buy you some clothes and stuff tomorrow though if you're up to it." It came out unsurely and when she glanced back at him he was scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
The woman shook her head with a small grin. "This is fine. Thank you for allowing me to stay." She was still curious as to why he did it. He had no clue who she was and neither did she. She had absolutely no memory of her prior life and some possible health issues. If she was asked, she'd say she was more trouble than it was worth.
"I have a neighbor that is about your size. She lent me some clothes for you to use- if you don't mind them of course," he corrected quickly.
Eyes a bit wide from the fact he actually thought she'd care about having to borrow clothes, she shook her head again. "I am very thankful for her offer and would be more than happy to get out of these." She had been wearing the same clothes she woke up in the first day with Doctor Araide. He had given her a pair of hospital pants and a white t-shirt.
"I have your original clothes in the wash." He had a thumb pointing behind him in the direction she assumed was the laundry room.
All she could do was bob her head in acknowledgement. In a way, she was thankful. Those clothes were her only grasp on where she had come from. On the other hand, they sort of felt detached. She couldn't remember anything about them so they almost held no meaning to her. She just wished she could remember something.
"Is your head hurting?"
She almost wondered why he would be asking her that but then she took notice to the frown she had on her features. The girl hadn't even realized she'd been doing it. Straightening her features, she fixed her lips upward into a small grin. "Not at all."
Kudou-san had been in the process of saying something when the grand doorbell resounded around the massive home. A confused scrunch of his brows showed he wasn't expecting any visitors today. "Excuse me," he nodded his head at her before turning to go. "Go ahead and settle in."
Back facing her, the man wasn't able to see the puzzled and incredulous look she bore. Settle? Settle what. Turn down her sheets to go to bed? She had nothing. There was nothing to settle. Not saying anything though, she decided to just follow him. It might be those two detectives with a lead.
"I told you not on the first day," he came Kudou-san's disapproving tone. He didn't sound angry but there was hint of scolding in his tone and she wondered who was on the receiving end. "She just got back from the doctor's and she needs to rest today." He was glancing down, almost bent over at the waist to talk down. Now she was curious.
"I just wanted to give her these!" came a cheerful voice if she'd ever heard one.
Making her way further down the steps, she noticed the way Kudou-san gripped the door open enough for him to speak. Hoping it wasn't too forward of her, she pried the door open further. It was obvious they were talking about her anyway and she didn't feel like resting much.
Shocked at first, it was enough to catch him off guard and the door opened further. Eyes looking forward, her eyes had to flit down when she realized once again, it was a small child; a little girl. Her hair was dark and cut short, a headband with a bow on her head. All in all, she looked adorable and the woman felt a wide smile tug at her features.
Practically shoving the man out of the way- or even forgetting he was there, she came to a kneeling position. "What did you want to give me?" she asked softly at the child's wide eyes. She wasn't sure but she hoped her sudden appearance hadn't frightened the girl. She really was tiny and she had to wonder how old she was. Maybe seven, if she had to guess?
The small girl's cheeks turned a flustered pink as she hid her hands behind her, an embarrassed look as she glanced at her feet. "I can come back tomorrow. Shinichi-oniisan says you need to rest."
Unlike with Kudou-san, she was being shy. It was no surprise considering she had no clue who she was.
The woman made to appear as if she were thinking. "Well, we can tell Shinichi-oniisan that the sun's still up," she replied with a sideways glance in his direction and she almost laughed. That got the little girl looking up at her again she felt her heart warm as a small giggle escaped her.
"What's your name?"
Now a bit more at ease she excitedly said, "Yoshida Ayumi!"
"That's really pretty," she complimented and if possible, the pink on the small child's cheeks got pinker.
"My parents named me after my grandmother. It means to step or. . to walk your. . " She kept stuttering and cutting herself off as she thought really hard to remember.
The woman wasn't really sure where the burst of knowledge came from but she paused the struggling verbal thoughts of the girl. "To walk your own way," she corrected.
Ayumi gasped happily. "Yes! That's it!" She giggled herself when the girl bobbed her head excitedly.
"Here you go, Onee-chan!"
The woman had to blink at the sudden appearance of flowers in her face. When she realized this must've been what the girl was hiding behind her back, she smiled before grabbing the stem from the child's hand. They were orchids and they were almost a violet color. Where had she pulled this from?
Eyes moving back to Ayumi-chan's, she smiled wider. "Thank you. It's really pretty."
Ayumi-chan pointed at the woman's face. She had to blink again from the sudden closeness. "Just like your eyes!"
Her eyes? The woman hadn't really paid that any mind. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't even looked in a mirror yet. Surprisingly she hadn't thought to do so. Most of her time had spent in a doctor's office. It would be like staring at a stranger anyway.
"My eyes?" She still repeated as she stared into space. How could she not know the color of her own two eyes? She felt her head start to ache.
Ayumi-chan nodded surely. "Say. . . what's your name?" It must've just hit her that she wasn't aware who she was talking to. Truthfully, the woman had forgot herself too. So used to being a noname for the past two days, she didn't think to introduce herself.
"Um. . . "
Kudou-san saw her unease and appeared ready to turn this conversation around. Ayumi was way ahead of him however.
"I'll bet your name is Ran- like the orchid!" she chirped excitedly as she pointed at the flower that she still held in her hand.
Ran? Was that her name? There was nothing there; nothing familiar about the title. But as she twisted the violet orchid in her grasp, and turned the name over and over in her thoughts, she felt a slow smile return to her face. It did have a pretty ring to it.
Kudou-san looked fully prepared to scold her. He didn't want the woman to have another meltdown from trying to force a memory. "Ayumi-chan-!"
But she interrupted him. "How did you know?"
And the man had to take a second to wonder if she really remembered and that was indeed her name. But based off the humorous twist to her lips, he could tell it was mostly to amuse the small girl. If it really was her name, she didn't know but she didn't appear to be about to argue it.
"I knew it," Ayumi-chan gasped happily. "It's because of your pretty eyes!"
All three heads shot up to glance just before the Kudou manor gates. There were two boys that appeared to be the same age as the small girl and she figured they must be classmates.
"Oh! That's Genta-kun and Mitsuhiko-kun. I'm supposed to be working on school work with them." With that she practically skipped down the front entrance steps towards the two boys. "Bye Shinichi-onii-san! Bye Ran-nee-chan!"
Little girl long gone and now back Kudou-san glanced at her. "That was nice of you."
The woman was still sitting on the couch, violet orchid in her hand as she twirled the stem. "It's not like I had a name to begin with," she shrugged. She couldn't hide the warm feeling she felt though. For once, that she could remember, someone had given meaning to something in her life. Even if it was because of chance that her eyes happened to be the same color of that particular orchid. She had a name with a meaning. She had a meaning.
Her eyes slid over to Kudou-san whom hovered in the doorway. His own gaze shot to the floor and she couldn't really tell but it seemed like his cheeks gained a tint of color. Had he been watching her?
He cleared his throat. "I could get a small vase for that," he suggested looking up at her finally. "Did you want one, Ra-?"
He cut himself off abruptly and this time she was positive he turned red.
She wasn't at all offended by his forwardness. In fact, she felt better knowing that he now had a name for her. She wasn't nameless. He probably felt uncomfortable or rude calling her some child's nickname. "I have something else in mind . . and," glancing briefly at the flower again and back to him, a small grin twisted her lips. "You can call me Ran."
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❃ PAIRING tom holland x fem!reader
❃ DISCLAIMER i do not own the artists (and the reader) that are going to portray the characters, but i do own some of the their names. the plot of the story is inspired to the book and movie 'to all the boys i've loved before' but with changes. the gifs and photos used in this series are edited by me but i get credits to the originals. also, this series is first posted in wattpad by me. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST IT SOMEWHERE ELSE !
❃ WORD COUNT 1.5k words
WANNA BE ON THE TAGLIST? feel free to comment on this post if you wanna be added to this series' taglist to get notified for updates !
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"It's no good pretending that any relationship has a future if your record collections disagree violently or if your favorite films wouldn't even speak to each other if they met at a party." — Nick Hornby, High Fidelity
THE NEXT DAY, Y/N COULD STILL NOT BELIEVE that they were doing this.
Everything felt like slow motion the moment she and Tom went inside the cafeteria of the school. His hand was in her back pocket and both of them walked together.
Just like in the Sixteen Candles. Y/N thought.
People were looking at them with trays on their hands and all you had to do was smile. It was definitely working. As they got into the middle of the cafeteria, he spun her around while his hand was still in her pocket until her body faced his.
Y/N giggled at his action and Tom looked down at her, their foreheads almost touching and their body close to each other.
"What are you doing?" Y/N asked while giggling.
Tom reached out to his pocket and got the small note he wrote for Y/N and gave it to her.
"This one is for you," Tom said and Y/N could just smile and received the handwritten note. Even though they were just pretending, she could feel her stomach flutter as she received the note.
"Thank you."
Tom smiled at Y/N but he could see a glimpse of his ex-girlfriend, Camille across where they are and he saw her face stern the moment he gave the note to Y/N.
It's working.
Tom tucked a strand of hair to Y/N 's ear and whispered to it. "Good job."
Y/N looked up to him with a smile on her face.
"I'll see you in a bit, okay?" Tom said.
"Okay," Y/N answer and pecked on his cheek before walking away from the center of the cafeteria. She could see the look on people's faces but she couldn't care less about their reaction.
After all, this is all just pretend.
"Hey, Y/N!" An arm suddenly wrapped around her shoulders and Y/N jumped a little.
"Why didn't you tell me that you and Holland are a thing now? How long have you been keeping this from me?" Erika asked as they went out of the cafeteria.
"You should've seen the look on my cousin's face. I could just imagine it all day and make fun of it." Erika said and Y/N slapped her arm playfully. "Hey! What's that for?"
"Still can't believe you say such things to your cousin like that," Y/N said and chuckled.
"Couldn't care more," Erika said. "So tell me. How did things between you and Holland go? How? When? Why? Where—"
"Okay, you gotta stop asking a lot of questions. I am going to answer them." Y/N said.
"So you guys are not official yet?" Erika asked as she munched onto her burger.
"Nope. Hopefully, we will be." Y/N answered.
"Weird enough that he could move on from Camille because they have been together for a long time now," Erika said.
"I know. He even promised me that he will give me small notes every day and he never did that to her." Y/N said.
Keep acting. You can do this.
"Is this like a competition now?" Erika chuckled.
"I mean, she's the one who broke up with him," Y/N said.
"What about Aiden?" Erika suddenly asked and that made Y/N almost stop moving.
"W-what about him?" Y/N tried her best to not crack her voice. She could still feel her heart beating fast.
"Weren't you all over him days ago?" Erika asked.
Y/N sighed and placed down her soda on the table before speaking. "I just realized that he was just that typical crush that we all have."
Erika just raised one of her brows before she replied. That judgmental look she gives you.
"Well, you seemed happy with Holland. Just hoping that he won't break your heart or else." She stopped to drink her soda. "Or else he'll have a taste of my fist." Erika formed a fist with her free hand and Y/N just laughed.
"He won't. He promised." Y/N said, trying not to cringe at what she said.
Y/N was, as usual, walking towards her locker and placed her things inside. It was a Friday and thank God she could have rest.
As soon as she closed her locker and turned away from it, Aiden suddenly walked towards her. She could feel her heart beating fast as he was approaching her.
No. No. No.
"Hey Y/N," Aiden said.
"Hey, Aiden," Y/N replied with a small smile on her lips.
"So, you and Tom? You finally had the courage to confess to him ever since you had a crush on him during middle school." Aiden said.
"I-it stopped for a while but then it came back after a while. We aren't officially together—" Y/N was interrupted by a familiar British voice. An arm was wrapped around her shoulders that made her startle.
"Yet," Tom said. He turned to her and gave kissed her head. She giggled and playfully slapped Tom on his chest. She wrapped a hand to his and looked at him. "I'll walk you home?" He asked.
Y/N nodded and looked at Aiden again. "I'm going to walk with Tom now. I'm sorry, Aiden."
"Oh, I-I don't mind, Y/N. I have song practice anyway." Aiden said and scratched the back of his neck. "Take care." He said.
Y/N gave a smile. "You too." Tom and she walked away towards the crowd. A lot of people were still staring at them and she could hear people murmuring but she didn't mind that.
Several minutes later, both she and Tom walked together on the sidewalk. His hands were on the pocket of his jacket and his eyes just looking everywhere. They were already in Y/N's neighborhood and he wanted to be familiar with the place. If he would always walk her home then might as well be familiar with the place.
"Your place is peaceful." Tom suddenly spoke up and broke the silence.
"One of the reasons why I love to live here," Y/N answered.
"At least it's close to school. I don't have to drive you anymore." Tom said.
"You're lucky it's just near. I know you're not that walking-your-girlfriend-home type of a guy." Y/N said and she could just hear him chuckle.
They finally reached her house and they stopped at the doorstep.
"Thank you for walking with me," Y/N said.
"Great job today," Tom said and Y/N could just roll her eyes.
"I tried not to cringe for the whole time. It worked though." Y/N said.
"How about a kiss?" Tom joked and she punched his arm. "Ow!"
"No kissing, you dork," Y/N said. "We're alone now, we don't have to pretend."
The door suddenly opened revealing Y/N's dad with an apron around his waist.
"Thought I heard talking." He said. "Your home, sweetheart." Her dad gave Y/N a peck on her head and turned his head to Tom. "Who is this young man?"
"He's Tom. Tom Holland, dad. My-"
"Her boyfriend, Sir." Tom blurted out and shook hands with her dad. Y/N glared at Tom for what he said.
"How come you never told me about him, Y/N? I could've made more pasta." Her dad said.
"No. It's okay, Sir. I'm just here to drop Y/N. Didn't want her to be alone." Tom said with a smile.
"He's a good kid" Her dad whispered to Y/N and she just looked at him. "Dad." She heard Tom chuckle at her dad's actions.
"I'll get going now, Sir," Tom said.
"I'll leave you two love birds alone for a while." Her dad said. "It's nice to see you, Tom. Don't go breaking my girl's heart, okay?" Her dad said.
"I won't, Sir," Tom assured with a smile and that made her dad finally go back to the kitchen.
"I'm sorry about my dad. He's just like that." Y/N said.
"He seemed chill," Tom said.
"He is. Very." Y/N answered. "So, I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Of course. I don't wanna miss my girlfriend at school." Tom said before walking away to go home.
"Take care, Holland," Y/N said and Tom looked back at her with a smile and his hands on his pockets again and walked away.
Y/N leaned against the wall and watch him walk away until he couldn't be seen anymore. She remembered the note that Tom gave her in the morning and got it out of her pocket. She opened it and read it:
thank you for accepting this, y/n. can't wait to be your boyfriend. - T.H
A smile formed on her lips as she read the note and at the thought of Tom and the pretend they just did.
That wasn't so bad after all.
❃ TAGLIST @allthisfortommy @kait4073 @lovebittenbyevans @l0ve-0f-my-life @spiitfiires
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It's been many minutes or so since my first rewatch of Hilda And The Mountain King. I'm not gonna spoil anything huge. Yet I will make hints about some stuff.
I just wanna say I still love this movie. I love it so very much. Watching during the New Years time was a perfect idea. But I wanna clarify some things that bothered me. Somewhat criticisms or nitpicks. Because I love so much stuff about this film.
1. Trylla.....Baba's mother...let me explain. I don't mind her as a character. She's pretty fine as one. But as my dear friend @cinnamon-sparrow-scout explained it perfectly...
What she did...and I was thinking about this during my first rewatch of the movie. Even though yeah, what happens because of Hilda...
But Trylla and her actions are the catalyst for what happens. Her actions are what drives the story in the first place. And some of her moments...
I'm sorry, there needed to be a scene where she straight up gets chewed out. Even though I appreciate her efforts to help out during the final act. She has some good moments. But there needed to be a scene with her and Johanna after everything had settled. I wanted that.
I think Luke should've developed on that more. Because it feels VERY WEIRD that her actions afterwards are not a big focus or something.
2. I wished this movie was longer. Okay, not like 2 hours or anything. I understand making Hilda is maybe difficult. But the reasons why I'm asking this because Trylla and Erik could've used some extra scenes, along with other things. And maybe whatever else.
Also, I just love this movie. And this is gonna be the last Hilda related thing we might get until season 3. I don't mind the hiatuses at times. Especially with the movie feeling like an ending.
I just love this world and it's characters.
I also feel like maybe to make the movie feel like it's own thing. Maybe a recap of, "The Stone Forest" for any newcomers. I know that sounds strange. I was mainly imagining if this was a theatrical film. But it's overall fine or whatever.
I'm maybe wording it wrong. I still love how the movie plays out. Now I want to get to the final thing.
3. Erik.....I talked to Cinnamon about this. I totally understand the criticism. But to be honest...I strangely appreciate that they did that in the ending. It lines up a bit more with his original counterpart. But it also just...makes him more human in a sense.
Yeah, it goes really quick. I liked that they had the courage to straight up do that. Yet the ending...makes me sad a little. Even though it's a good thing concerning him.
Everything is literally beautiful. The way this movie ends is beautiful. I may have not cried like the first time I watched it. But I still love the ending.
I'm just gonna really miss Erik...so much that I made a silly, but stupid meme before I made this post. I'm not gonna share it yet...I'm worried of how people would respond to it. But it's stupid, yet funny.
Overall, everything else was great. I will say this. I wished the Bellkeeper showed up somehow. Especially with how some of the movie plays out.
But I still love this movie so much. This movie, along with the first two seasons are why I love the creator, writers, and so many other things about this show.
If this was showing in a theater (And I read in a tweet there were select theaters during the day it released that it must've possible), I would damn well go to the theater to see it.
Honestly, add "The Stone Forest" to make it more complete like a double feature. That would be legendary.
Edit update and took out s behind add. But I forgot to say this. And forgot to mention this in my first reaction to the movie. Where I straight rewinded it to hear it again during my first time watching it.
Trylla straight up has the Godzilla 1998 roar. XD I'm not kidding! The roar is in this video. It's so amusing to hear.
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