#sorry this is my like first ever mcyt fic
ieatedyourcrayons · 2 months
I do have a request that would be fluffy and interesting i think, maybe some headcannons about a “MCYT with a s/o who has cold urticaria”? It’s basically a rare allergy to the cold with hives and rash and everything. Like Cold weather, showers, Cold anything on the skin basically.
I'm mostly interested in Sapnap, Tommy and Schlatt, if you could do small headcannons for the Three I'd live to! But you can also choose only one of them, it's up to you!
HELLO POOKIE!! THANK YOU AND THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST! I GOT YOU!! I will try my best to write these as accurate as possible, this is the first time i’ve heard of that so if anything is not accurate or seems wrong i am sorry!! i’ve also been WAITING for a sap request. i botched my sapnap fic and wanted a redemption😛
Various!myct x Gn!reader
Ft: Schlatt, sapnap, tommyinnit
-Schlatt would definitely do a ton of research after you told him about your allergy. He would want to make sure he knows EVERYTHING.
-he would stress if the AC in the house was too cold. Scared that you would break out. I don’t think it works like that though.
-He would make sure to let you shower first so you can get warm water. He also takes unnecessarily long showers and doesn’t want to make you wait on him.
-He has a jacket for you in his car incase there’s ever a drop in temperature when you guys are out and about.
-He also keeps burn and rash creams in his house and car for you.
-Same as schlatt, he takes the time to do research and educate himself and his roommate dream. He wants you to be comfortable and understood.
-He trust that you know your limits and boundaries. he’ll be cautious at times when his anxiety is high but then he remembers that you know yourself best and you’ve had this allergy for a while so you know how to handle yourself.
-He lets you have free rein of his hoodies and sweatpants, he thinks you look great in them as well.
-He would make stupid jokes like “Babe watch out! don’t die!” when you walk by the freezer section in the grocery store.
-He went out and bought medicine and lotions that help the rash and pain.
-Like the other two..He did research. you have to do research to understand complex things like that yk? Him and his mom sat down and did some research and listened to you explain it.
-He definitely sat down with you and asked ALLLL the questions he had, very specific ones.
-He jokes with you anytime the temperature slightly drops, tommy has the worst timing with jokes sometimes and they’ll occasionally land wrong. You guys make up fine though.
-Definitely has a stash of blankets in his closet and carries around those hot hands things. you know the things that you shake and they produce heat? yeah those.
-He likes putting the rash lotion on you whenever you do breakout , he’s very gentle with it and enjoys doing it because it makes you feel better.
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fence-time · 3 months
@wireman-au - you already know this one, but i think they updated since last time
Lifeline AU - by @/slash-magpie (sorry mags, unsure if you're ok with being pinged)! Good fic based off of a video game that i enjoy greatly. Changed my life nodders. llau!imp n skizz are very important to me they're so fucked up,, every mental illness ever about this au. Main characters... well, I don't wanna give too many spoilers, but let's stick with the first three: Impulse, Tango, Pearl! also joehills and zedaphplays are amazing human beings (COUGHS LOUDLY AT JOE IN LB) and i love them
Chasing the Horizon Line - by @nine-of-diamonds and @1watermelontea! Mers :3 they're fun and i also greatly enjoy imp n skizz here though it's less centered around them and more around gem... (first book, at least. also i inspired melon to add a Thing about skizz in this fic so im proud of that fact)
wanna break all the clocks and mirrors - very cute, pretty quick one-shot about imp n skizz and limited life!
The Haunts That Bind Us - *squints* im like. 90% sure rusty courage made this. it's good. phasmo :3 lots of angst and trauma and impulsesv
Birdsongs - OHHHHHHHH MY GOD THIS FIC. THIS. FIC. ranchers slowburn but subtle enough you can ignore it if you're not into shipping, people are correctly written for once, LATE 90'S-EARLY 2000'S MUSIC FESTIVAL AU. it's amazing. scott gets into a bar fight. jimmy steals something. first chapter is tango tek waking up from drunk music playing. skizz is amazing i love him. very very vague spoilers: weed + enjoys movies = pondering arson
i believe that we will see a better day - this fic has a special place in my heart for Reasons that i will not elaborate on as i do not want to have any personal information leaked don't think about it too hard <3 good fic
Natural Satellite - You probably aren't in this fandom but the fic is good i trust you can learn by context clues!! i love gay people!! this fandom is very good at visceral descriptions of love and also just visceral descriptions in general
Traveling Thieves - LOOOOOONG series but soso good! will not elaborate
And finally, if i may suggest some of my own headcanon/rarepair propaganda:
(how does it feel?) to be an expert in a dying field - i wrote this for mcyt aro week! grayro skizz, my beloved rarepair snowangel, title from my favorite band... yea :3 quite proud of it!!
...sorry if you've read any of these already
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mightbeorphanedidk · 2 months
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uh that's with the pre-written notes so the actual chapter is 14,200
I JUST FINISHED THE FINAL CHAPTER! The ending is DFGFTRFDFV but I'm set to edit it tonight. Expect to come out either today, tomorrow, or the day after because it's midnight and im tired lol. I might release it on sunday, you know why? Because I released the first chapter on a sunday.
Er sentiment times (cringe sorry but i have to get it off my chest)
It has been a LONG. Ride. A 3 MONTH ENDEAVOUR?? Damn! I didn't think it'd ever be this big. With 1000 comments (i digress, i think like half of those are my own), 20,000 hits, and i think 800 kudos, THIS IS A PRETTY FUCKING BIG FIC. Like, this fic is so big, it's actually sort of insane. IT MADE IT ONTO TWITTER HELLO??? SOMEONE MENTIONED IT ON TWITTER??? BY THEMSELVES??? WITHOUT MY PRODDING FOR ADVERTISEMENT???
Originally I wrote the first chapter thinking it to be some normal shitty 25k fic that I could wrap up, but NO? ITS NOW OVER 100K WORDS??? AND YOU GUYS LIKE IT??? A LOT??? It's honestly so flattering. Like, I can tell you, if I went back to quarantine to my 2020 self and told her that I would produce something so big 2020 me would call me insane and continue writing MCYT FANFICTION.
I went from
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and honestly, deny it all I want, I have im-PROVED. Definitely prouder of Plastered Smile than any of the other fics I've ever written.
Thank you all so much :) You have no idea what it means for me, to be finally able to share my stories and images with a crowd who will listen. I don't often get a lot of people to talk with about my work because they either pry too much or don't care at all. I've no doubt that in due time, if I hadn't made this ao3 account, I would have stopped writing, simply from the lack of motivation.
Afterall, to tell a story is to entertain, and if there is no crowd, whom is there to entertain?
I've met so many people online who have been just so fun and cool to talk to, and I remember them all vividly :D Thank you to those people I often converse with, it's so sweet ToT
I know it's kinda stupid to be dumping all this on a post that is a mere update on a chapter, but now that we're reaching the end, I really wanted to talk about it.
Also I wanted to mention that I drafted the ENTIRE story on a saturday at like 3am, fueled by determination and a dare coffee so shoutout to dare. All those action moments, character developments, those moments you all adored? ALL MADE BY MY 3AM SLEEP DEPRIVED BRAIN. You can thank me in 3 hours when it's 3am but i think i'll be asleep maybe idk
I think that's all I have to say. Bye :D
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zedif-y · 6 months
Fanfic ask meme!
C; D for BAYAB, vampire fic and fabriz fic; G; H; L; N; R; S; T; Z
Now suffer :3
Putting this under the cut because it's Long
C: What character do you identify with most?
As of rn? Fabian Seacaster LKJSDSDG Impulse wasn't really someone i identified with as much as i felt like i just really Got his character , but fabian.... hoo boy . he's not Me as in 'that's how i act' (that title would be given to Riz) but he's me because of experiences KLSHDGJ somewhat . anyway watch fantasy high /silly
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [insert fic]?
All the songs they're titled after, basically .
BAYAB = Be by Hozier
vampire fic = Angel Of Small Death & The Codeine Scene by Hozier
fabriz fic = anything by Adrianne Lenker
G: Care to share a favorite crack fic?
Behold. the Impulse Dick Timer AU.
H: How would you describe your style?
Honestly? I'm not super sure ! I think i definitely lean towards dialogue and imagery though . I think of writing as a bit like painting, and i think it definitely colors my style of writing :0 like layering stuff w imagery and abstract prose . no idea if this makes sense LK:JHSDG
L: What’s the weirdest AU you’ve ever come up with?
Still the dick timer au ngl
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
Hmmm... Probably the zedpulse thing i started for imptober? because like. yeah no i'm not finishing that LKSJHDG but actually maybe if someone could write my shapeshifter joel au fic series for me, thatd be awesome KLJSDHGSDG but . well. doubt that's happening anytime soon
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
Yes, definitely! I've read a lot of fics that have made an impact on my writing, and I'm. so sorry to tag this writer on this long and somewhat cursed post but @milo-hypno's works have inspired my writing and was honestly one of my inspirations that made me start posting HC/mcyt writing in the first place :] you're awesome!
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
Hanahaki, i guess? i can't think of anything else off the top of my head, but this also just depends on the execution . generally i steer clear of those though, it just makes me feel Blegh as someone who's on the aro spectrum
Z: Major character death–do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate?
Hmm... Sometimes, maybe? It really depends, but it has to be something that specifically caters to My tastes because there's no way i'm just reading a hurt no comfort fic LKJHDSGJKDSG it's too sad for me !! i can't take it !!
Thanks for the ask, ref!! :D
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trappedinmymind · 4 months
1, 5, 14, 18, 20 from this ask game
1. What is your favorite trope to write?
In theory? Found family.
In practice? Some secret gets revealed that completely upends any sense of normalcy and/or understanding that the characters have in their life, and it seems like it's gonna completely destroy (sometimes metaphorically, usually physically) the characters but in the end, while the story doesn't end with everything being "fine", the characters and their relationships end up stronger and with a sense of (cautious) hope
I don't know if there's a name for that, but I've written it... 4 or 5 times now, probably for reasons I don't want to touch with a 10 foot pole
5. The fic you're most proud of writing?
You're Like Me. It's probably the longest I've ever been able to stay with a fic, both in terms of chapters and word count. I'm also really proud of how I've woven the allegory in with the plot, although I could have probably planned out the plot a bit more. Oh well
14. First fandom you ever wrote fanfiction for?
MCYT, though it's unpublished for what should be obvious reasons to anyone who's ever been in the MCYT fandom for an extended period of time
18. Most words/chapters ever written for one fic or oneshot?
So far, only counting published chapters, I'm at 15 chapters and three words shy of 38,000 words for You're Like Me. The next closest is 6 chapters and 25,500 words.
20. Hardest character to write/get the characterization correct for?
For Nimona specifically, I struggle with Ballister, Ambrosius, and Rurosiv (an OC in You're Like Me), each for different reasons.
Ambrosius is difficult for me in terms of just plain characterization. I feel like I don't have enough data to pull from for him; he's clearly a complex and dynamic character in the movie, but pretty much every scene with him he's either doing knight stuff or being a loverboy, and there's only so much I can comfortably extrapolate from that.
Ballister is more complicated when it comes to the allegory in You're Like Me. Specifically, I'm trying to have Ballister be kind of a "peacekeeper ally" (idk the actual term for it); someone who is an ally to a community (in this case the trans community), and is very well informed on issues the community faces, but struggles to call out when someone around them is being actively harmful to the community they're an ally to, especially if they believe the other person will get upset at being called out. I sometimes struggle to reconcile this with his canon personality, and sometimes feel as though he comes across as too naive. He's not naive, he is used to letting people get away with things they probably shouldn't.
Rurosiv is hard for a kind of similar kind of different reason to Ballister. Rurosiv was developed specifically to represent the disability community, and from there a lot of her trauma (and by extension a lot of her mannerisms) revolve around being forcibly hidden away, whether that be just the parts people don't want to see or her whole person. There's a lot more to her than this, but it affects a lot of how I write her. Having been in fandom spaces for as long as I have, my biggest challenge with her is writing her in a way that avoids her 1) being infantilized, 2) being seen as a woe-is-me helpless character, or 3) being seen as an emotionless/buzzkill character. I think I’ve got her balanced now, but it is very important to me that I get her right, so I am constantly analyzing how she comes across when I write her
Sorry that turned into a bit of a rant at the end, but Thanks so much for the ask! These were really fun, and of course if anyone wants to ask about other numbers from the ask game, or about writing in general, I’d love to answer!
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nomsfaultau · 2 months
Daily ask №32
Finale edition!
This has went on for entirely too long, and since I cannot keep this up, I have decided to officially close the daily asks. So, this is a finale of sorts.
1. What was your favourite question out of all? Or just a question that you found particularly interesting.
2. What was your favourite edition out of all? Aka a favourite ask.
3. Did you expect for this to go on for as long as it did? A month? That's not too long but still. What were your general thoughts about it at the start?
4. What questions you hoped I'd ask but I never did? Just in case you have those. Or take this as a space for rambling.
5. Replying to Tubbo from like the 4th or 5th ask, yes the wife revival does work on your wife too. And Rosalind. Boom they're alive now (if they still want them to be) woohoo
6. Any final words from you or the fault crew? Hope they had fun too in theory. With all of the scenarios that I put them into anyways.
Thank YOU for answering all of those questions, giving me the opportunity to ask them in the first place and giving me the opportunity to get to know you and your creations better. Sorry if I was ever annoying or uncreative or anything like that. GOOD LUCK!! CONTINUE CREATING BECAUSE WHAT YOU'RE DOING IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! FAULT MY BELOVED
I'll probably send asks after that too but maybe not every day. So.. be ready : D
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its been an honor
1.Undertale ask. Or the swap one. Very difficult to choose. Brain went brrrr and I had to stop myself from making a whole fic.
2. 15, the one about all the symbolism in that bad boy. And Evil Mole. Also the questions about Ranboo inspired new plot points given I was forced to really interrogate that part. 
3.I did not! Very long time, and like ~150 questions! I was honestly amazed you kept thinking up more and in such different directions. I think at the start it would be in that format of asking about the mcyt characters involved that it was initially, and so figured there’d be five of them. Obviously that was blown out of the water ^-^
4.I thought Niki might come up, but honestly she’s still in the oven so information given would be subject to change. Or potentially the NPCs. 
5.Tubbo: welp we did a whole lotta character growth for no reason! 
But for real though everyone is super stoked about it. Makes getting help from Rosalind’s family easier, plus she can safely get supplies from human civilization without needing to worry about discovery. Probably doesn’t really get rid of 100% all Tubbo angst since they still like made that decision and know that about themselves, but still. Feel like everyone (-tommy) might have some reserves because well Foundation employee, but The Blade remembers how she tried to rescue Tommy and so she’s cool in his books. The Rosalind and Wilbur dynamic would be so complicated between the human + Foundation, but nice? helped? nonthreatening? 
As for Martha. Oh she is so confused and so old. Very lovely lady, but life on the run is not meant for her at all. Not necessarily shocked about all the anomalies since she was less skeptical than Rhodes. Also her husband is now the kid she raised, which is like strange ngl. Freud would have a field day with this one. 
6.They’re mostly relieved with the scenarios, since they tend to be a nice laidback break from the Foundation. Plus the cookies were nice. Nom. 
As for me, thank you for caring so much about the story I’ve poured so much love into! From the start I kinda just intended to throw Fault out into the void to get it out of my head, and the fact little Creetures have decided to gather around a poke it is very warming. Especially having actual conversations, translating abstract numbers into real people. Making it seem real. Like, talking, connecting with someone through it, its very overwhelming in a positive way.
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
once again thank you for putting into words some of the worst problems i've seen/found in mcyt fandom that i just could not put my finger on. ever since i was first getting into dsmp & especially sbi, it always felt so baffling to try and talk about fanfic in the fandom because it was like people (vague hand wavey reference to twt fandom) were just picking and choosing at random which things were and weren't okay with NO basis. but like yeah oh my god its because of kink things. it's because they don't realize it's all kink things, but they'll latch onto and condemn the ones that "stick out" as objectively horny and make call out posts for it. without realizing they're writing the same exact things and just not realizing it's kink. like I'm remembering when sbi twt went to war about petnames and if using them in fic was okay or if it was creepy and it genuinely just boiled down to "it's okay when /I/ do it because I know I'm writing it in an affectionate/platonic way but when YOU do it it's weird because it reads as creepy/sexual!!" meanwhile the fics in question were written in the exact same manner and using the exact same words. LIKE ??
Yeah and like, I'm taking a bit of a different stance than Twitter, because I do think a lot of stuff being written in the SBI tags is kinky, but most of the time the authors are also trying to keep it legitimately platonic, and yeah, the streamers shouldn't see that, but my stance on stuff that the streamers shouldn't see is that we should keep it away from streamers, not that we should harass the people writing it off the internet. Just keep it on Ao3 and tag it and you're fine.
Like, my intent with all of this is not to shame people for having kinks. Almost everybody has at least one kink of some kind or another, and that's fine, whether you get especially into mind control or you find the idea of someone powerful being condescending and mean to you being compelling, or again, you just want someone in a parental role to take care of you and tell you you're good. That's fine. I can't overemphasize how fine that is. Lots of people have that. You can be super ace and also super kinky, even.
I do sometimes feel bad when I see writers who have obvious kinks who are very afraid of exploring any element of sex with that— like I am sorry but vore is not normally a platonic kink, omegaverse being fun for you is fine but it's not normally platonic, but they're desperately toeing that line and attacking anyone who comes close to implying that they've crossed it.
Cause most of what I've read, I don't think the authors are conciously shipping it. You do get the rare person in the tag where I'm like "if kissing wasn't illegal, would this scene have ended in this specific way, huh 🤨", but most of the time I think people intend to be keeping it platonic. But uhhhhhh the fandom tropes that we're all working with now go along with ship and sex in any other fandom, even if everybody's pants stay on in this one. So the people who wrote it know that THEY very intentionally kept it platonic, so THEY are in the clear, but YOU are obviously using a shipping trope so YOU have to be called out— and then the twitter cancellation mill grinds through another cycle, which is not helpful to anyone. What are you gonna do, shrug emoji.
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squish--squash · 6 months
A03 Questions Tag Game
I got tagged by @coffincrows
I tag: @theroyalspiderart and well, anyone who wants to do this (my mind has drawn a blank)
1 – How many works do you have on AO3?
Okay, so, I actually have two ao3 accounts. One I don't use anymore and one I do currently. So I'm gonna count both of them
In total, it's at least 41. (14 on my current account, 24 on the old one, and there's 3 fics I've written that have since been orphaned that I remember having written)
2 – What's your total AO3 word count?
Roughly 150,549, but that's only from the unorphaned works, so it's gonna be a few thousand more, probably more like 152-155k
3 – What fandoms do you write for?
Currently just cotl, but I've written for a bunch of fandoms over the years, like mcyt, tgcf, mha, and a couple other fandoms, although those are the ones I've posted to ao3. Wattpad, where I started tho? Lot more lmao
4 – What are your top five fics by kudos?
I plead the fifth
5 – Do you respond to comments?
Yes!! I try to respond to every single comment I get, I appreciate and love my commenters so much <3
6 – What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't remember the name of it, but it was a fic from my old account. I typically don't do angsty endings, so it's rare for me to do
7 – What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Pretty much all of them aldhsha except a few with more ambiguous endings (sorry I'm being so vague)
8 – Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I've seen, no.
9 – Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've written smut like. 4-5 times in my life (default poses in asexual), and only 2 of them are published to ao3. I have NO CLUE what "kind" of smut it is, but people on both works have described it as "tender" so ig that'll work
10 – Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I do nawt like crossovers much, so I don't write them. Closest I do is aus based off or set in another media's universe, but there's no character meetups
11 – Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not! I have no clue tho
12 – Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! My biggest fic on my old account has been translated a least once or twice (with my permission)
13 – Have you ever co-written a fic?
Not on ao3, no, but I'd like to try it again one day
14 – What's your all-time favorite ship?
Hmmmmmmm. Idk actually, my favorites shift with time. Currently it's narilamb, but it was ineffable husbands a few months ago. We'll see how it changes again in the future
15 – What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Got a couple wips for good omens and mtp but idk if I'll ever finish them, they be sitting
16 – What are your writing strengths?
I've been told my characterizations have been a strong point while reading, but I wouldn't count that as a WRITING strength. I think, to me, my writing strength is setting up an environment
17 – What are your writing weaknesses?
Pacing and endings. I struggle with them every single time.
18 – Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I love it! I wish wish I knew more than English so I'd be comfy doing it myself (bc relying on online translators doesn't seem like a good idea slshs)
19 – First fandom you wrote for?
On ao3? I think mha?? Not sure I must have started posting ao3 fics over 5 years ago at this point (first fandom I wrote for period? Creepypasta fandom, on quotev.)
20 – Favorite fic you've written?
As of rn, maybe "of Harvest, of Celebration, and of Rest". I was so proud of it when I finished, and I love it :]
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sunofaraven · 7 months
What inspired Love Death + Grumbot?
Sorry for sitting on this ask for so long! This was a way harder question to answer than I anticipated, and I apologise in advance for the very long post XD
I started working on LD+G back in January 2023, just after the end of the Hermitcraft/Empires crossover event. I had just finished writing Soulbound, my first fic, and I was itching to start another. And... I was missing Mumbo. Grian was missing him too and Emperor Grumbot was ready to destroy a whole universe just because Mumbo wasn't in it; I was defenceless against the "I miss Mumbo" brainrot.
The initial idea for LD+G was more of a gritty, steampunk, two dudes and their cryptic robot son against the world thing. I wanted to write an apocalypse fic (I've actually got several original novels that are apocalypse/dystopian novels--I am only a little addicted to the genre...), and Cub was doing his whole sculk thing on empires, so it seemed as good a cause for an apocalypse as anything else. You can see all this in the very first notes I ever made for the fic:
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But, see, I LOVE zombies. I blame The Last of Us. I'd spent 2022 trying to play through the second game and getting frustrated with its cynical take on the world. It just doesn't feel believable to me that humanity would be at each other's throats. Sure, people are scared and impulsive, but it takes a lot for the average human to hurt another. Our strengths lie in our adaptability and how we support each other in times of need!!
Anyway, once I veered away from steampunk and started down the zombie route, a big inspiration for some of the characters was Hybbart's Rancher Apocalypse AU (I blame them entirely for my Ranchers obsession tbh). They also had some pretty fun ideas about the role of sculk in an apocalypse, and since I come from a biology background, the opportunity to have a symbiosis between zombies and sculk was just SO much fun for me.
So then, why did it become a story about grief? Well... I felt pretty trapped in my personal life at the time, so initially LD+G was both a way to process that and some much-needed escapism. I don't remember exactly when or why I decided that Grian was infected, but I do remember writing like I'd been possessed in early 2023. I wrote a whole list of scenes/moments that I wanted it to contain and then the plot just kinda... fell out of me one day.
To be melodramatic about it, I have written a lot of novels in my life, but none that felt so akin to bleeding out on the page as this one did. I needed to write this story, to have a place to channel my emotions as well as my eternal mcyt brainrot. I wasn't mourning a person, exactly, I was mourning my own perceived lack of agency and trying to gather the strength to end a whole chapter of my life and start anew.
So I wrote about love, I wrote about death.
And I wrote about Grumbot.
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tubborucho · 1 year
First of all just gotta say: this combination of images gave me Richie Tozier IT whiplash lmao, my old fandoms getting me
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c!clingy somehow appearing on the QSMP. listen, i just keep getting back to this thought in my head, i have a plan for the first chapter. i even have a person, who agreed to oversee my writing (and i am very sorry), but i just don’t think i will ever get to it
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There’s a lot of small details I really like. I can’t talk about them freely bcs I do not wish for my ao3 acc to be found, but just as an example:
i had a fic where characters were in a fake dating situation and one of them looked at another couple, that were acting clingy, thinking something like ‘i wish somebody would love me as much to miss me even if i was gone for just five minutes’ and then right afterwards they though ‘also, where is this fucker [their fake dating partner], it’s been ten minutes, where are they’. I think it’s a really neat detail, and all of my friends, who read it, found it cute
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Mmm, depending in what way ig. Like, opinions about formatting? plots? ‘chronically online’ things? I do have a lot of strong opinions, I guess, not a lot of them are controversial tho.
The most controversial one I have personally is that I don’t care what anyone writes no matter how ‘bad’ it is, until it’s tagged properly and secured from general audience (ESPECIALLY when it comes to fandoms like mcyt, where those things, that are considered bad, are usually about real people)((((and i am not calling minecraft characters real btw, just to avoid confusion in regards to recent stupid takes, i mean rpf here))))
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
Hello! I'm still not free enough to type everything out. But I'll be on vacation next week for the holidays so fingers crossed!
In the meantime,
What are your favourite fics in the mcyt fandom, or any fandom in general, and which ones have inspired you and motivated/reflected in your writing?
hi snowflake!! wishing you all the luck with whatever you're busy with, and I hope you have a lovely vacation once you're free!! <33 it's so good to hear from you I hope you're doing well :)
oooo good question lemme pull up my bookmarks. most of these are probably gonna be ones I've recced before just bc I don't read a ton of fics so my favorites usually stay the same for a long period of time. also, I'm just gonna put the favorites of mine that I specifically get writing style inspo from. I have a lot of other fics I adore that I just didn't really get a ton of writing inspo from that I'm not gonna include here.
maggot tongue by birdfeet - I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love eli's writing so goddamn much. they have some of the best crimeboys characterization I've ever seen in fics, and the way they write environments and atmosphere is so gritty and raw, it just scratches this specific part of my brain so perfectly, I read literally everything they write. maggot tongue is my fav fic of theirs though (at the moment, they have a wip going on rn that I helped them brainstorm and I know once it's done that's gonna be my new fav). maggot tongue just has fantastic characterization and such a gritty atmosphere, their descriptions make my skin crawl but in the best possible way. I really admire their word choice for descriptions, and their work is definitely something I've taken a lot of inspo from for my own writing
ritual purposes by thanotaphobia - again, i've talked about this fic before but I'm literally never gonna get over it. roxy writes so much amazing stuff, but there's just something about this fic that hits so hard for me. there's so many tiny details in it that just put me right at the archaelogical dig site the fic takes place at. I think my favorite part of roxy's writing here is the way they describe tiny physical interactions. there's one line in particular I always think of, and it's just this bit where phil has his hand resting on tommy's back, and his shirt is still warm from the sun he'd been standing in only minutes before. it's such a tiny line, but it's just so specific and I can think of exactly what that feels like—to have your hand on a child's back and feel the warmth soaking from their shirt into your hand. this fic is full of tiny moments like that that just make it so easy to place yourself in phil's shoes, and not to mention the subject matter is so interesting. I love when authors use really niche knowledge they have and make a fic on it.
His Curse of Binding by bari_astralis - ignore the fact that the link says orphan account, poor bari's ao3 account got fucked one day and all her fics from before got orphaned but she's the author of this. ANYWAY, his curse of binding was probably my first Favorite fic in this fandom. I read it while it was still ongoing, and I remember how excited I would get anytime it updated. I love so many of bari's works because she's an excellent author, but his curse of binding is always gonna hold a special place in my heart. bari has this really perfect instinct for how to balance humor and drama in a way that doesn't lean too far on either side. his curse of binding is one of the funniest fics I've ever read, but it also made me sob. although a lot of my fics don't have a ton of humorous moments in them, I really admire bari's ability to balance those two contrasting moods, and also how distinct her voices for all the characters are. love her stuff.
still life by meridies - if you haven't read any meri meridies fics... I'm so sorry for your loss but you are missing out. I don't actually read or talk about meri's fics a lot mostly because they often hit me so hard, it takes me a lot of time to process my thoughts on them. still life is probably the one that's impacted me the most, but so many of their fics are just fantastic, I highly recommend reading any of them. meri has this really distinct writing style where they don't over describe anything and somehow that says so much more than anything else they could do. they don't dive super deep into thought process a lot of the time and focus more on character actions, which lets the readers make their own interpretations about what the characters are thinking or feeling in any given moment, and it creates a really powerful effect. everything they write feels so raw and human, and while it's drastically different from my own writing style, I love keeping their writing in mind when thinking about ways I can switch up my own methods if I ever want to. just go read their stuff you won't regret it.
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loud-whistling-yes · 2 years
💐 (... how many flowers do you think can i get way with- HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THIS THING THAT SHOWED UP ON MY KEYBOARD)
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anyways since there's 6 there i guess you get 6 sentences?... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The boy on the ground shakes too, whether in laughter, pain or both she doesn’t know until he cracks a grin of his own, massaging where a bruise would soon appear on his chest.  --- this one is from a mcyt writing/drawing event that i pulled out of a few weeks ago. not sure if i'll ever come around to finishing this fic since i have no need to anymore, but i think its a pretty nice read so far. this section's supposed to be a childhood fic of esmp!pearl and sausage lol
A lonely boy stands on a pillar in the clouds and all the sky can see is him. --- This one’s from an au i was working on?? p sure it was hermit!tommy and sun/moon/star grian/pearl/gem that came from that one post from @/hermitcrossovers. never actually got around to doing much with it though, the docs only has half a page filled 😭
No wonder their bodies break so quickly. It takes longer than a blink, of course. Longer than a sneeze. A yawn perhaps. Or maybe enough time to do a quick stretch only to come back and find out they’re gone. --- okay technically this is half a paragraph but this particular wip was made completely of short sentences that only made sense together so here’s a huge chunk of text from an abandoned drista fic. i have so many drista fics that i never finished you dont even know. something something to love things you can never comprehend 
(God, she hopes he’s scared. Hopes he’s hurting. Hopes that when she dies he dies and he finds out this is what he gets for leaving her alone.) --- yeah another rapid-fire short sentence paragraph so you just get a buy one get more for free deal. this one is a dl!galaxy duo fic i never finished? i think i started this one a few days after session 1 came out and never bothered to continue after session 2 came
The moon was so bright and round that he swore that if he reached for it he would've felt it. --- this one’s from the REALLY shitty old fic i wrote like 2 years ago?? again another dsmp fic i never got around to finishing... i might rewrite this one though, cause the idea itself was pretty neat the execution just sucked ass
Whether he was trembling from the cold water, the excitement, or the fear, Tommy didn’t know, and didn’t care. --- ALSO from previously said shitty fic, cause it actually has some good sentences in between the really really bad ones
oh yeah SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER MAE IT’S BEEN IN MY DRAFTS FOR MONTHS. my brain doesn’t like functioning apparently. also yeah the first wip sentence and everything before that was written the same day the ask was sent, then i got distracted somehow and it got saved into my drafts??? i dont know whats wrong with me
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Very tiredly made pinned post bc I'm always tired lol
Hi, I'm Knight and this is my personal blog. I go by they/them. Yes Knight is my irl name. you can use he/him for me also im. Confused
Cadanain or however you spell it. uh. 🇨🇦 <- from there
ask game
DNI: LGBTQphobes, racists, ableists, misogynists, xenophobes, pedos, nazis, TERFs/FARTs, h.arry p.otter enthusiasts, car enthusiasts, NFTbros
Not extensive but generally if you're a bigot or support bigots fuck off
Fandoms I'm in: chess, animation vs., steven universe, magic the gathering, smg4, baba is you, owl house (NOT s3), tadc, minecraft, hermitcraft, life series, lifesteal smp, mario (mostly smm2), gravity falls, fnaf (kinda), doom (.......kind of. yes it is because of myhouse.wad)
ramble about the bold ones to me. Do it.
Fandoms im Looking at, but unsure of: the magnus archives, the stanley parable, dr stone, full metal alchemist, made in abyss, splatoon
Random shit about me and tags i tag under cut
Don't spoil House of Leaves for me, I'm gonna read it soon maybe
If you try to start shit in my asks I will make fun of you and then block you (yes anons can be blocked too)
i watched all of soul eater and then proceeded to forget everything that happened because im stupid
I don't fuckign know!!!!!!!!! Redstone!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAHHHHHGG!!
For personal reasons relating to Words (derogatory), do not talk to me about outer space
If you're not in my DNI you're probably a better person than me lol
First ever Chessboard Moment:
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#vent for venting
#grasping at straws for reaching out (e.g "help me with a project please?") Wait when did I make this tag also what does it rnean
#the fuck up won't shut up! for just talking about stuff
#nobody cares huh for stuff I'm actually proud of
#another ruined canvas for art, although most of that will go on @chess-is-art
#look! a blunder! for plugging stuff i have on other sites
#I'm not funny for stuff i add onto when reblogging
#chessboard? sleeping? in this economy? dreams tag
#sticks and stones can break my bones but Words Can Fucking Kill Me for specific vents hold on what the fuck is this tag
#negative iq takes for theories
#cringe comp for videos
#dumb writing for fics
#chessboard saying dumb shit for when I talk to people
#do you want bad or terrible? Polls
#shitty sleep september Have you seen an entire month's worth of nightmares in a row? WOULD YOU LIKE TO??
#knight and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad pun for puns. yes commas can go in tags. no i will not say how
I tag triggers as #tw [thing] (without the brackets when actual thing is involved) current triggers are #tw sui mention but i might forget to use it once in a while so uhh just block #vent sorry
I don't tag mcyt posts as #minecraft and you shouldn't either! It is #mcyt and the mcyt applicable!
Uh I'll think of more maybe. probably not
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t4tfitpac · 8 months
2 and 17 for the ask game? :3
oops ! sorry for the late answer to the ask game
2: What was the first SMP or cubito you ever wrote for? While I started watching MCYT with Joey Graceffa's Survival Games, I didn't start writing for MCYT until the DSMP happened. My first MCYT/DSMP fic is an SBI fic that I still dream of continuing. It's Phil-centric, so I guess he's my answer, lol.
17: Favorite dynamic to write? (ship, familial bond, friendship, qpr, rivalry, etc) Oh that's a toughie. It all depends on the people, tbh. I do enjoy exploring ships with different configurations of being ace/aro, but I also love writing chosen-family-turns-family, like I'll love writing Pac as Ramon's stepdad in an upcoming thing (and Fit as Richas', of course)!
0 notes
MCYT (2021/06/07)
It was suppose to be funny.
Tommy hadn't ever really dived into the world of fanfiction before. Sure, he knew there was plenty of it, and actually quite a lot centered around him, but he usually avoided it for the sake of not wanting to feel uncomfortable about the inevitable sexual fanfictions about him.
Still, despite these worry, Tommy decided it was time for him to take a dip into the fanfiction world, and read some of the fics about himself. So many other youtubers had done it, it was his turn.
Actually he was planning to live stream himself doing it, but to avoid looking like an idiot who didn't know what he was doing, he was planning to check out the site before hand and maybe even pick out a couple to read.
There was thousands of fanfictions centered around the Dream SMP storyline, honestly Tommy couldn't believe he was part of something so big. 
When he said it to show the stories with the most likes however, he couldn't help noticing a sort of trend.
Every single one one the first page had Dream being even more of a villain than he was in the storyline.
Sure, it was to be expected somewhat, Dream played the villain character, of course he'd be the villain in the stories. But fanfiction was suppose to deviate from the original story wasn't it? Yet Tommy couldn't find a single story where Dream was a good guy.
He went page after page, reading the descriptions. Some of them got really fucked up too, like Dream would drive Tommy to kill himself, or abuse him, or even rape-
Tommy choked out a small gasp of fear before he could stop himself, shutting the webpage down immediately. 
It was scary, why were these out there? Surely people knew Dream would never do anything like that.
And some of the stories weren't even taking place in the SMP storyline, they were in AU's that had nothing to do with it, yet Dream was always some kind of bully, murderer or rapist; a villain.
Tears blurred Tommy's vision as he loaded up Discord.
Why? Why would people do this? Dream was a good guy, a really good guy. He was always really kind to Tommy and Tubbo off-stream, always telling them how great they did at the roleplay, or giving them combat tips. And he was always ready to game with them too, even if it was the middle of the night for him.
So how could someone, even someone who doesn't know him well, ever dare to write him like that!?
"Whoa, Tommy what happened? Why are you crying!?" Dream asked, quite alarmed to see Tommy's crying face when he answered the call.
Tommy sniffled, wiping hard at his eyes. "I-I'm not crying, I'm sweating vigorously from my eyes, bitch!"
"...Okay, why are your eyes sweating so much?" Dream questioned instead, frowning.
Tommy felt more tears drip down his cheeks. "I-I wanted to read fanfiction for a video, I thought it'd be funny-"
"Oh God, did someone write something creepy? Sorry Tommy, unfortunately that seems to come with the job." Dream sighed. It didn't really bother Dream when people wrote about him, but he knew others weren't as open to it, especially with Tommy being so young.
Tommy gritted his teeth, shaking his head. "No that's not- that's not why...Dream, every story that contains both of us has you as a villain."
For a moment, Dream was silent.
And then, "Oh, yeah."
Tommy did a double-take. "What do you mean yeah!? It's fucked up! They're making you sound like a monster! T-They're not even keeping it in the SMP universe!"
"Well, Tommy it's bound to happen. My character is a villain, of course people will think of me as villainous." Dream chuckled a little.
"How does that not bother you? They make you a rapist, a fucking killer. They talk about you like that's how you are in real life, and they don't even know you!" He cried.
Dream bit his lip, then sighed softly. "Tommy, hey, shhh, listen."
Tommy whimpered a little, wiping at his eyes.
"It's because they don't know me that they write those things, I mean think about it, when we're streaming together I usually am just mean to you." Dream reasoned.
"But it's not fair! I'm seen as a fucking hero and shit even though I'm a dick to everyone, including you. But no one villainizes me! I'm seen as this precious child who needs to be protected from you at all costs." Tommy sniffed.
Dream smiled fondly. "Well good then, I wouldn't want it to be any other way."
"...I wish I could hug you..." Tommy whimpered.
Dream let out a small sigh, eyes sad and smile weak. 
"Yeah...I wish that too."
Tommy sniffled softly as he wiped his tears away. Sometimes Dream was too nice for his own good.
"Why don't we play some Among Us or something? Get your mind off this. I think maybe you should stay away from the fanfiction, if it upsets you this much." Dream told him.
Sighing softly, Tommy nodded. "Yeah, that would probably be best. Thanks Dream."
Dream grinned a little. "Any time."
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rrxnjun · 2 years
I LOVED EVERY SECONF OF THE YANGYANG FIC BOTH CUZ OF THE STORY AND THE SONG CHOICES!!!! awsten being a guitar teacher is just such a weird thing imo like i would've never imagined that about him ngl :o but now i see the fic in a new light might reread it once more later in the week🫢
I LOVE LOVEJOY SOOMUCH AND ITS SO RARE TO FIND SOMEONE WHO ALSO DOES!!!! (THAT IS ONE OF MY FAV PARTS FROM THE FIC!!! LIKE THE LOVEJOY LYRICS TOOK ME BY SURPRISE) perfume is one of their best songs istg!! i'm so glad tommy convinced them to release it!!! i was(and still am) such a diehard mc youtuber fan;-; wilbur and tommys vlogs are just so funny!! i'm glad they led u to lovejoy cuz their music is truly amaziiinnggggg;-;
aespa are so amazing i'm so excited about their upcoming album all of the songs sound like such a bop!! U SOULD CHECK OUT BEABADOBEE I HAVE BEEN IN LOVE WITH HER MUSIC SINCE SUMMER SHE IS SO GOOD!!! I RECOMMEND HER VERY MUCH!!! AND I HOPE U WILL ENJOY HER MUSIC AS WELL
HIHIHI OFC I LOVE 5SOS🫢🥰 tbh when i realized how many of the same artists we both listen to i was like this person was meant for me💆‍♀️i love ur music taste so much!!!! and i will check out wallows cuz i listened to a couple of their songs before that were popular but i never really checked them out so thank u💞💖💓 (i'm an avid listener for both chase atlantic and the driver era as well🫡) wahhh i will check out baekhyun too i always see his name but i never listened to him!!! (and the way u wrote that made me laugh so hard, i hope u will win against haechan some day don't give up the fight🤞)
i'm so scared to recommend cuz they might not be ur taste in music😟buuttt some of my fav songs atm: kár by elefánt, macskák by elefánt, bálnák by dzsúdló, sprint by dzsúdló, na mindegy by carson coma, porszem my carson coma (and tbh i recommend anything by carson coma i feel like they would fit ur music taste the best if u happened to like any of these)
i may happened to be from hungary yesss🫣so hi neighbor🥳🙋‍♀️
AAAAH thank u sm for saying that!!! awsten being a guitar teacher is a weird concept i agree but it strangely fits?? also i remember him saying he used to teach 5sos songs which made my heart so happy AHAHA anyways perfume is literally the best song ever and lovejoy slap idc what anyone says. tommy deserves the whole world for convincing them to keep the song i owe him my life AHAHA you being a mcyt fan is so valid of you. i had my mc phase when i was younger (mainly bc i have an older brother so we played together) so i was big on my slovak/czech mc youtubers back in the day HAHA but nowadays i dont watch many youtubers tbh,,, i WAS a big sidemen girlie tho DJFKLA i still watch their vids sometimes. also the uk commentery scene back in the day had such a chokehold on me that i still follow will, alex and memelous on instagram lmaoo
DID U SEE THE CLIPS FROM AESPAS CONCERT ningnings solo killed me. i love that girl w my whole heart and thIS ?? if they dont add the solos to the album im gonna riot
i havent had time to check up beabadobee but i promise to do so soon and then give u a report!! if u have any favorite songs from her pls send them my way!!
GIRL WE ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER our music taste matches so well what the fuck this never happened to me before AAA YOU EVEN LIKE THE DRIVER ERA????????? ross lynch was my first ever celebrity crush and im afraid to admit that he has the same hold on me now that im almost 20 than he had back when i was 9. i dont know ALL wallows songs btw im more of a casual fan but the ones i know are so good omg. also baekhyun!!! my kr&b king!! pls listen to his music he is such a good vocalist AAA (i dont think im winning against hyuck any time soon tho >:()
also im now listening to the songs you recommended so let me give you a live reaction. kár sounds very very vibey omg i love it actually ???? went straight to my playlist i love the synth?? macskák has very edgy depressed vibe i love it too omg?????? in my playlist you go. bálnák sounds like a nct dream b-side but in hungarian i stan. very very vibey. sprint has a very good beat!! its enjoyable to listen to but not really my vibe tbh. na mindegy is sO FUCKING GOOD WHAT ?? you were right this is truly my vibe i added this to my playlist too omg. porszem towards the end when it gets louder?? slaps. my favorites were definitely the first two and then na mindegy !!!!!
hello neighbor hhhh im slovak <33 (if you didnt know already bc i slap it to everyones face LMAO)
dont apologize for writing so much i really enjoyed talking abt music w you!!!!!! <33
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