#sorry to everyone who wanted to see abbey wearing her glasses-
tart-miano · 1 year
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some g3 monster high show screenshots repainted in my style ^^
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dndeviants · 5 years
Walls of Krezk
They quickly returned to the carriage. Victor finished practicing his spellwork with Mr. Whiskers and waited for Mina to return from the woods with Harald, before gathering themselves into the carriage...
Aric felt satisfied with his prize: another of the Qysari rings... He had two on his person and was well on his way to earning another... He just needed to get to the winery.
Strahd seemed to be more relaxed since leaving the tower, and put on the guise of Vasili for Mina and Victor’s sake. Linda felt a little unsure of herself as she sat next to Strahd, pulling out the journal pieces...
He simply gathered them from her, and put them all in order for her, before mending the binding again. He gave a small nod to her, letting her know it was alright. He glanced over her shoulder, re-reading his own memories.
Both he and her were trying to gleam something from it.
Mina fiddled with her crossbow as Victor tried to keep Mr. Whiskers away from a curious Harald.
The carriage stopped after nearly two more hours of travel. Krezk... Vasili opened the door for them...
Aric stepped out first, and looked out. He was immediately blown away with the fortifications on the town. The walls were massive, ancient stone, with guards walking on the topside of the walls. Overlooking the entire town on top of a small mountain, a religious but imposing building loomed, waiting.
Linda looked to the walls as she exited the carriage. They were certainly built to withstand great force, but... They had been laid siege to-
Matted fur, large claw marks... Werewolves. And black char, scorch marks... A fire?
She shuddered... feeling as if she was being watched, as she looked up to the source: The large fortress-like building that perched atop the mountain.
Ruki stepped out and stood by Vasili... she looked to the walls and blinked at the damage, then turned to her adoptive father.
Vasili raised a brow at the damaged walls, “They seem to have been attacked by something... you’d think there would have been word of this...”
Vasili was troubled. Mina took note, and tried to reassure him, "Maybe they couldn't get a messenger out. Figure it's probably safer in Krezk's walls than trying to ask for outside help. They have enough supplies to sustain themselves indefinitely..."
"That is by design,” Vasili said.
Linda pointed to the wall, "There are signs of a werewolf attack, and scorch marks from something."
Victor adjusted his glasses, "Looks like magic to me... someone with magic tried to attack the town... with the werewolves? That doesn't make sense..."
Jeeves looked to Aric, "Actually... it might make more sense than you think..."
Aric nodded,  "All of this sounds like Mehmet, but why attack the town, I don't know."
Jeeves folded his arms, "Well he has proven to be singularly motivated... perhaps there is a ring here."
Aric shrugged, “Perhaps, assuming he didn't take it with him. Either way,” he looked at the burnt wall, “stealth didn't seem to be a factor for him..."
Linda tilted her hat back, scratching her head with it,  "Plus, I don't think they did so well in their attack."
"No it doesn't seem that way,” Aric agreed, then paused, “I wonder if he will come back for another attack."
Vasili looked over them all, "In any case, we need their information on the werewolves."
Vasili led everyone closer to the main gate, holding out his hand in friendly greeting. He called out to the guards on top of the walls, and smiled, “Hail, and well met!”
His greeting was less than well received. Guards whipped out their crossbows and pointed down at everyone, calling the other guards on alert. All in all, there were twenty angry and suspicious guards aimed to shoot.
Linda raised her hands defensively, crying out,  "Whoa, why the hostility?! I just came to investigate the werewolf attack!"
A few of the guards uncertainly lowered their crossbows and muttered amongst themselves. A few moments later, an older man wearing captain’s garb stepped forth, addressing them sternly:
"The town of Krezk is closed to all outsiders. Orders of the Burgomaster."
Linda huffed, "Well, how was I supposed to know? I'm not even from Barovia."
Vasili raised his hands innocently and spoke in a careful and concerned tone, "There's been no word from Krezk to any of the other villages, nor to Castle Ravenloft. If you need help with anything, we can provide it. But this silence isn't going to help anyone. Please, allow us to assist."
Vasili’s offer was met with renewed hostility. All of the guards pointed the crossbows at him.
“Closed. To outsiders,“ the captain repeated.
Linda glared at Vasili. Vasili returned her look with confusion.
It wasn’t his fault. She sighed and looked back up to the guards, "Look... It may not mean much but... I was just on my way here looking for the werewolves. I noticed that your walls have marks from an attack from them.”
She explained, “Where I am from, I am a renowned monster hunter and I have been tracking these werewolves to take care of them. They also kidnapped my apprentice...”
She looked up, pleading, “I just want some information so I can find them."
Aric raised his hand and spoke congenially, "I'm sure we can work this out, just let us in to speak to the burgomaster. We have plenty of skilled individuals who can lend a hand.
The guards stood down as the captain battled within himself... he made a judgement call in their favor. “Open the gates!“ he ordered, and allowed them to pass through.
They crossed through the gates to see a town in mourning.
Weeping, and keening carried in the air as a crowd gathered a little down the main road... someone had died. They had been laid out on a white stretcher and was being carried by people dressed in black through the town.
Linda blinked in horror... she could see the one who had died... a boy, only a few years younger than Timothy-
A bell’s chime rang out, interrupting her thoughts.
Her thoughts were not the only thing interrupted. The mourners looked up to the source- that ominous building atop the mountain- and drew back from the body, as if it were a bad omen.
People drew back from the crowd and whispered among themselves.
Aric took note of the reaction, and hung back from the crowd, looking for someone to talk to. It seemed Vasili- or Strahd, rather-  and Ruki both had the same idea... walking off in the opposite direction.
Aric walked up to a man, "Excuse me, I'm from out of town, what all has happened here?"
The man turned to face him. He was young, and wore religious vestments. He carried a basket of food, and held it off to the side. His earnest, but handsome face was framed by jet black hair that curled at the ends, and a strong jaw defined his face. Soft blue eyes looked Aric over.
He looks... familiar somehow... Aric thought.
The man spoke in a quiet, but gentle voice, smiling softly, and sadly, "I'm afraid to say that... the Burgomaster's son... Ilya Krezkov... has just died. The town is in mourning for him...”
The man sighed, “The Abbot came down to try to save the son... but the Krezkovs refused his help... They were afraid of him, I think... most people are,”
He looked to Aric, “He's odd, but he means well. He comes down from the Abbey sometimes... teaches me spells..."
He paused, noticing Aric’s stare at him, "Ah, I'm sorry. I am sure you aren't all that interested in that. You are not from here, you said? Did they just let you in?"
“Yes, we believe we can help,” He pointed to the walls behind him, “Seems there was also a recent attack, done by someone who can use magic and some werewolves."
Linda walked over to Aric, joining in,  "We were looking for information. I am sorry to hear about their son. He is only a little younger than my apprentice that I'm looking for."
The man seemed tired, "Yes, the attacks have been happening quite frequently. They started just a little earlier this year... Some kind of foreign mage and all the werewolves... The Burgomaster has put the town on lock down. No one can enter, no one can leave... we are fine though...”
The man admitted, “But I am not sure for how much longer... I don't know the reason for the attacks, but the Abbot says that it is because our faith in the Morninglord is not as strong as it needs to be."
Linda shook her head,  "That probably isn't the case, though it doesn't hurt to be faithful. I don't think that the Morninglord would send werewolves to scare you into having more faith."
"No,” the man agreed, “Everyone here is pretty sure that the werewolves were sent by the Devil Strahd. They have a known allegiance. So it only makes sense... but...” he admitted, “...that doesn't seem right to me either."
Once more the Abbey bells began to chime, and the man excused himself, "Ah... I have to make my delivery. The Abbot won't be too pleased if I am late... again. Hey, if you need anything again, I'm always around here. I've been staying at the Shrine of the White Sun...”
He smiled, “My name is Sergei. It was nice to meet you..."
Sergei bowed his head respectfully, and adjusted the basket of goods in his arm, and turned away from them, heading further north, toward the Abbey, weaving into the crowd and out of sight.
Vasili rejoined them, with Ruki at his side.
"Alright, I think I may have a good lead,” he told them, “Let's get away from the crowd, and find the Burgomaster's cottage. We can speak with Dmitri there."
"Alright,” Linda agreed, “I think we also got someone who would be willing to talk with us again if we need to pick his brain."
Vasili seemed pleased, "That is good."
Mina tilted her head toward the stone, "I'm going to scout along the walls. See if any of the walls are in danger of breaching."
Mina walked along the walls with Victor, to see what they could do about the defenses.
Vasili paused, "If memory serves me correctly... the burgomaster's cottage should be just ahead."
They passed through the crowd and followed Vasili.
Krezk was a sort of commune, it appeared, centered around orchards with different varieties of plums and apples being grown. The houses here were cottages and farms... much different from the other Barovian houses they had seen so far.
They arrived at a slightly larger cottage, that sat off the side of the road, and a large green patch of grass that could have been used to hold meetings and events. The cottage had peeling white paint, and four graves in front of the house... from the dates listed on the tombstones, they were all children’s graves.
Here there were two people speaking with each other, a man and a woman. The man was short, and stocky... he had a friendly looking face that was distorted by grief. The woman was taller than the man, but very frail. Both of them were prematurely gray. They spoke to each other in hushed whispers, the man looking resigned...
The man felt their intrusive approach and stared at them, trying to force the water from his eyes, as he sniffled and spoke harshly, "I thought the gates were closed. They weren't supposed to open them for anyone...” He looked to Vasili with hurt anger, “...especially not for you, Vasili."
Vasili bowed apologetically, "I can truthfully tell you that they did not open the gates for me, Dmitri."
The woman held Dmitri's hand, fear in her voice, "Forgive him, Lord Holtz. We have just lost our son. This is a trying time for us,” she tried to explain the man’s ill behavior, “Among the mage, and Strahd's werewolves... you can certainly understand if we are less than friendly with you today."
Vasili spoke evenly, "I understand completely... But I don't appreciate it."
Linda stepped forward, "I am sorry for your loss. And for Vasili...” she shot him a glance, “My name is Melinda and this is Aric. We were the ones who were let into the village. Vasili and the others are helping us."
The burgomaster seemed to forget about Vasili for a moment, and turned to face Linda, "Good day to you, I am Dmitri Krezkov, and this is my wife, Anna. How may I help you today?"
"Seems you have been attacked by a mage a some werewolves recently,” Aric ventured, “What else can you tell us?"
Anna looked to her husband, then back to Aric, "The attacks started happening about a month ago... Werewolves were being led by a mage of sorts. The man was certainly foreign. Dark skin, red robes... strange accent...”
“We had our guards put up a defense,” she continued, “And had to rely on the defenses that have been here for centuries. The mage kept demanding for us to hand over the Abbot, that he had stolen something...”
She shook her head, “...but the Abbot never leaves the town... the mage must be mad.”
“The werewolves were also making demands that we surrender the town to them... that they would spare us if we gave up the one they were looking for. I have no idea what they are talking about. They've been attacking us once every week... and they are threatening to destroy us... tonight. The night of the fourteenth was our ultimatum. All we can do is pray that the walls hold up."
Linda whispered to Aric, "Sounds like we need to see the Abbot and try to stop the werewolves from killing everyone."
Aric nodded in agreement.
Vasili let his frustration show, "Why not send for help? If you had asked for it, Castle Ravenloft would have provided it. How are we supposed to rally defenses by tonight?"
Dmitri huffed at him, "Quite simply put, Vasili, we don't know if we can trust that Strahd won't aid his allies in taking down Krezk as one of the last holy places that can defend against the Devil! The werewolves are known agents of the vampire. And who knows about the mad mage..."
Vasili fumed, "The werewolves were associates, yes, but that has been severed ever since they began to brazenly attack the peoples of Barovia-”
Vasili’s voice was short, “You know what? That doesn't matter. You need to rally a proper defense. I didn't want to stay here any longer than necessary, but I, at least am going to make sure Krezk doesn't fall."
Vasili huffed, then forced himself to calm, "I'm sorry for the loss of your son. Good day to you."
Vasili turned his back on them, and walked toward the mountain... toward the Abbey.
Linda blinked at Strahd’s frustration, then turned to the Burgomaster, "If you would excuse us, I am sorry. Thank you for the information. We will do what we can."
Linda followed after him, Ruki close behind. Jeeves looked to Aric, musing in Alzhedo, “I think you have a rival in dramatics.”
Aric shrugged, “Give it a few minutes, I’m sure I will win.”
The boys hurried after them.
Strahd waited to be away from the populace to be open with them, alone on the path to the Abbey.
He fumed, "I hate when the people who are supposed to be running my villages, my towns, don't do their jobs...”
He made a gesture of disgust, “How am I supposed to be Lord and Protector if they can't even report to me that there is a danger?”
He growled, “I may be the Land, but I am only one man."
Linda spoke in a low voice to him, "Maybe they aren't the only ones who need help with their jobs..."
Strahd turned to her, glaring, his eyes glowing red.
He forced himself to calm, and conceded, "I am... more than aware of that."
Linda nodded, reassuringly, "That's why we're here."
Strahd forced himself to regain his composure and thought to himself. He knew he needed the help... Krezk was strong and fortified, and had been so even before he came to Barovia...
But it was foolish to rely on the strength of the walls and walls alone. They had fallen before by his hand, and rebuilt... and reinforced... Krezk was a strategic point... with its resources, vantage, and walls... If one had Krezk, they had Barovia...
That is what disturbed him. It reeked of a plot to overthrow him. He looked up to his former fortress turned holy site... and saw Mina and Victor there. He quickly resumed his guise of Vasili... and saw one more...
Who is that?
They approached the three gathered at the gates of the Abbey together.
Linda and Aric saw the man they spoke with earlier, Sergei... peering through the gates to the other side.
“Oh dear...“ he murmured, “Am I allowed to go in? He usually meets me here..“ the man turned to face everyone, “Oh, hello there...“
Strahd felt as if he had been hit by a blast as he saw the man for the first time... There was no mistaking it.
He paled as he saw the man’s curly black hair, the friendly face, the eyes of his mother, Queen Ravenovia, the Von Zarovich jawline... he felt weak as he looked at the face of his brother...
That he murdered...
"Sergei?" Strahd barely whispered, unable to hide his reaction.
Linda heard the way Strahd said the name and looked over to the Sergei she had met- then it hit her... This was Strahd’s brother... But how?
Sergei waved at all of them, smiling, oblivious to Vasili’s reaction, "Are you here to see the Abbot too? I wasn't sure if I could just walk in, but he usually meets me here...” he shyly scratched his head, “I think I'd feel less awkward if I had company."
Rustling in the bushes caught everyone’s attention. They turned to see two hunched over figures... shaped like people, but with motley animal features...
Mina lifted her crossbow, uncertainly, "The hell are those things?"
Strahd forced himself to regain composure, and he put on the airs of Vasili. He walked up to the gate, taking out his pipe... and paused at the gate. He put away his pipe and stepped through...
His expression darkened, "Yes, I believe that we can... pay the Abbot a visit."
Linda’s eyes widened. Strahd wasn’t supposed to be able to walk on holy ground... but he hadn’t performed the spell Aric had discovered.
A pit formed in her stomach, "This place isn't holy anymore..." she whispered to Aric.
They walked over to the entrance of the Abbey courtyard and paused.
Sergei hesitated, seeming disturbed, "Do- do you hear that?"
Groaning and discomforted voices carried from beyond... Howling, whimpering, crying, wailing... a cacophony of voices... Then there was the stench... sewage and death...
Linda held on to her revolver for comfort. She couldn’t shake the feeling of something terribly, terribly wrong.
Vasili made an arcane gesture, opening the doors.
They were greeted with a pitiable sight. Grotesque forms of humanoid shapes- crammed together, chained, crying... They saw the party approach, and shrank back in fear...
Vasili, Sergei, Victor, and Ruki felt anger... All of these creatures were once people- twisted and mutilated by magic, then subjected to further torture by being put being put into cages and maltreated...
Jeeves and Aric clung to each other, looking for comfort. Mina held back and gripped tightly to her crossbow.
Linda felt water come to her eyes and covered her mouth. What kind of... thing... would do this? This place wasn’t holy any more, “This is why...” she answered herself, her voice a wavering whisper.
Vasili forced a calm to his surface, but everyone could feel anger stirring below, "Yes, it is about time we spoke with the Abbot."
Vasili put a hand on Ruki’s shoulder, and spoke quietly, "Ruki... where is the Abbot here?"
Ruki snapped to attention. The entire time in Krezk, she had felt... off and absent. But she focused herself to the present and channeled her psionic energy to drown out the poor creatures around her, and searched for the most powerful presence here other than Strahd. She closed her eyes... and felt....
She walked toward the presence.
Vasili followed her, Linda followed him, trying to focus on the mission.
Jeeves held back with Aric, frantically speaking with him in their shared language, "Maybe we should leave the Abbot to Mehmet. Is that such a bad idea?"
Aric stared at a girl with spider eyes and bat wings that was chained down,  "At this point it doesn't seem like it,” he shook himself, determined, “But we can't just leave, he needs to be stopped, and so does this!"
The boys followed slowly behind everyone else.
Ruki sauntered over to a large, dark oaken door on the southwest side of the Abbey.
Vasili put a hand on his sword, “Here?”
Ruki nodded.
Vasili raised his hand to knock on the door, but it creaked open before he had the chance. He stood there, annoyed, and muttering, "Well... it seems someone took a page from my book..."
They entered a dark room, violin music played softly... A handsome man with dark brown hair in simple vestments danced with a woman...
The woman had red hair, her motions disjointed...
Linda was able to make out small, silver thread marks in her flesh... distortion in her skin... Linda felt her stomach churn. She was certain that this was a flesh golem... But not like any she had seen before.
The man must have been the Abbot.
The Abbot twirled the woman and bowed to her, speaking in a whispery, silver voice, "Good job, Vasilka. Be seated. We have guests."
Vasilka hobbled over to a chair. The Abbot glided over to the door and bowed before Vasili, "Welcome, Lord Strahd...” He turned to everyone else, “...and his allies... come in.”
He gestured to the table, “Be seated. Be merry. And leave some of the joy you bring..."
Mina and Victor glanced to each other in confusion at the mention of Strahd’s name, both realizing the truth of the situation.
Strahd abandoned his Vasili persona, disgruntled, but defeated, "Very well."
The Abbot seated himself at the head of the table, Strahd sat next to him, doing his best to appear unfazed by the magical horror witnessed. 
Everyone filed in. Linda chose to sit next to Strahd. Somehow, being close to the vampire was less scary than this... odd Abbot.
Sergei seemed uncertain about his tutor and sat far away. Everyone else seemed to have the same idea.
Jeeves sat next to Aric, shuddering, "Somehow, I didn't think that this holy man would end up being more creepy than a vampire."
The Abbot flourished a hand, and lit up the room. As light spilled down, all could see that Vasilka’s flesh mismatched, and was held together by thread... a golem of flesh.
The Abbot seemed to not notice everyone’s dread, and turned to Strahd, "What brings you here today? I wasn't expecting to see my protegee...”
Sergei squirmed uneasily under his tutor’s gaze.
“... or you, Strahd. This is indeed a pleasant surprise. I have a gift for you..." The Abbot folded his hands.
Linda sat, terror gripping her. She held on to the edge of her seat, mute and lost in her own thoughts.
Strahd also became visibly uneasy, "I don't require any gifts.”
Strahd became stern, “I just want to know what the hell you were doing when all these werewolves attacked..."
The Abbot’s eye’s flickered dangerously, flashing silver light, "Language, my lord..."
Strahd clenched his jaw and remained silent. He knew what the Abbot really was, and he did not intend to get into a fight with him. The Abbey itself may not have been a holy place anymore, but the Abbot himself was innately, a holy creature.
The Abbot paused, explaining, "The people lack faith. I was busy trying to divine the symbols of the Morninglord, and pass knowledge onto my protegee..."
The Abbot indicated Sergei. Sergei squirmed uncomfortably.
 "They refuse to come here to pay homage to the Morninglord,” continued the Abbot. “They must learn to respect the faith,” he tilted his head toward Strahd, “as must you."
Strahd blinked, "Right..."
The Abbot stared unblinkingly at Strahd for a few minutes. Strahd held his gaze unflinchingly.
Finally the Abbot broke away and looked to the rest of his party, though they very much wished he hadn’t.
The Abbot tilted his head, "What of your friends?"
Strahd's voice was stern, "We are just concerned with the werewolves at the moment."
The Abbot tapped his fingers absently on the table. Aric glanced over-
Another Qysari ring...
The Abbot removed his hand before Aric could identify it.
He spoke, completely emotionless, "I heard that Dmitri's son died. That is awful."
The Abbot folded his hands, "I was actually going to offer to protect the town tonight... in exchange for... a few things,” he admitted, “I was going to resurrect Ilya with this ring I found... and smite the werecreatures with the wrath of a god... with the wrath of the Morninglord... All I need is something so I can complete my gift for you... It is your birthday soon, after all..."
Strahd was very uncomfortable at the mention of his birthday, "No, truthfully, I don't want any gifts."
The Abbot looked over to Strahd, confused at his reaction, then smiled, "Ah, it is because she isn't ready yet... she needs that dress, then she will be perfect. You see, I made Vasilka to be the perfect bride for you..."
The Abbot reached over and pinched Vasilka’s cheek, "I made her in Tatayana's image... but she won't talk back, or fight you...”
He smiled at Strahd, “Best of all, she won't even die... she'll obey your every command... it's what every man dreams of...” 
The Abbot added, “And I only sourced the finest for you my lord..."
A chill passed over those gathered when the Abbot spoke those words.
Strahd narrowed his eyes, "What do you mean, sourced?"
Linda had enough. She stood and slammed her fist on the table, a fury overtaking her. Vasilka was a flesh golem. She knew that in order to create a flesh golem, the creator needed at least ten bodies... Most stole corpses from the grave, but Vasilka was too perfect. Her flesh was intact, and...
Linda’s voice shook with rage, “How many?” she demanded.
The Abbot 's eyes flickered at Linda, with a dangerous silver light. He hissed, "You shouldn't speak until spoken to-"
"Answer her question!" Strahd demanded. 
"Well,” The Abbot mused, “It took a lot of women to go through. Some children too. The lost and hopeless... people without cause, without purpose...”
“I gave them a better purpose,” the Abbot stated, “I would say somewhere around... sixteen lost souls."
Linda was shocked,"Sixteen...”
She breathed, “You killed somewhere around sixteen. Sixteen women and children...”
The Abbot stood, completely engulfed in a silver glow that turned to gold as he spoke:
“Those in the service of the Morninglord's work never truly die...” He pointed at Linda, hands aglow with divine power, “However, you- you nonbeliever... You blasphemer...”
He spat, “There will be death for you!"
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Not All Black and White
Part 1
I’m sorry this is late, and I hope you don’t mind I combined these challenges. This is for @impala-dreamer‘s title challenge, and @wi-deangirl77‘s fave supernatural episode challenge. It might be best to check out ALL CHARACTERS HERE, to get a better idea of the show and characters reader has been dumped into, if you’re not familiar with Downton Abbey. Title: Not All Black and White Fave Spn Ep: Changing Channels Gif: see below Word Count: 2000 ish Characters: Dean, Sam, Sister!Reader, Castiel, Trickster/Gabriel and other characters from that ep PLUS, Downton Abbey characters... Warnings: this is an un-beta’d 2 parter, fluff, confusion, heart break, judgy brothers, many characters... A/N: I’ve put page breaks to help discern between Reader’s Channel and the boy’s. P.S this was beta’d in it’s first draft by @whispersandwhiskerburn If you like it, please reblog and leave a comment or a gif, they make our world go round!
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“Doctor Sexy, M.D. returns after this short br--” YN changed the channel before the sentence was finished. "Why's it in black and white?" Dean asked, pulling the laptop towards him. "It's a special episode." YN answered, not even looking up from the TV. "Whatever, turn it down." Dean said, his voice demanding as he looked back to the work in front of him; hacking police records. “But it’s Downton Abbey.” YN complained, quickly turning it down when Dean threatened to stand up. The keys rattled in the door, making YN and Dean both reach towards their respective weapons, but as soon as the unmistakably tall silhouette of their brother entered, they relaxed. “How’d you go?” Dean asked as soon as Sam shut the door.
YN tried to tune her brothers out as they talked about the case. Jack Ross, the newest character on the show was hot and YN’s imagination was the best way to escape her older brothers. But she couldn’t help her ears pricking when the mention of a certain monster was made.
"It's all starting to make sense." Sam said, nodding at something Dean had just said. "How's it all starting to make sense?" Dean asked, eyebrows raised high. "I found something else at the crime scene." Sam reached into his pocket and pulled out wrappers. "Candy wrappers, lots of 'em." "Just desserts, sweet tooth, screwing with people before you kill them. We're dealing with the--" Dean began to spell out. "Trickster." YN snarled, turning from her spot on the bead. "Good, I've been wanting to gank that mother since mystery spot." Dean growled. "You sure?" Sam asked, looking between his siblings. "Yes." YN and Dean said in unison. "No, I know, I'm just saying..." "Son of a bitch didn't think twice about icing me a thousand times." Dean disputed. "If you don't wanna kill him, then what?" YN bit out, glaring at her brother. "Talk to him." Sam suggested. "What?" YN and Dean were really playing at this unison thing. "Think about it, he's one of the most powerful creatures we ever met... maybe we can use him?" Sam began to explain, ignoring his sister snorting and folding her arms.
"There's a murder here, and there's no police cars, no one here..." Dean said, slamming the door of the Impala. "How's that look to you?" YN was still annoyed at Sam for his stupid idea, equally annoyed at Dean for following through with it. "Crappy." Sam said, looking around. YN leant into the backseat of the car, pulling her favorite weapons out of the bag. You never know what you’re walking into with the Trickster. "You coming?" Dean called, following Sam towards the door of the factory. "Right behind ya." YN called back.
"Dean? Sam?" YN called into the mansion. "Miss Winchester?” A blonde woman in a black dress and white apron, with an English accent asked, seemingly stopped in her tracks at the other end of the foyer. YN squinted at the woman, hadn’t YN just seen her on TV? She looked around the room, the large staircase, the impressive chandeliers, the large oak double doors behind her. YN whipped back around to find the woman walking towards her.
“Anna?” YN asked, sure she was having a bizarre dream. “Are you alright? What are you wearing?” The blonde woman asked. “I was… I think… Are my brothers here?” YN asked, looking around again as Anna began to steer her towards the ascending staircase. “Brothers? Miss, did you fall?” Anna asked, very concerned. “Anna, or whoever you are, my brothers, where are they?” YN turned on the maid, yelling at her. “You don’t have brothers, Miss.” She answered, shocked at the flaring temper. “I don’t have-- how long have I been here?” YN’s temper was under control again as she began climbing the stairs, letting Anna guide her. “You’ve been here at Downton for the last two months visiting with Rose.” Anna’s voice was quiet as she walked YN down the length of the banister towards a room. “Anna?” She asked when the maid opened the door for her. “Yes, Miss?” “I think I’ve hit my head.”
“Where’s YN?” Dean barked at the trickster disguised as Dr Sexy. “YN? What are you talking about?” The doctor said, confused, eyes flicking between Dean and Sam. “What makes Dr Sexy sexy is he wears cowboy boots. Not white sneakers.” “Sure, not a fan.” Sam said with a snort. “You got me!” The trickster said, revealing his face. “Where’s our sister?” Sam snarled over his brother’s shoulder. “She’s safe. Unless you two knuckleheads don’t play along.” He threatened.
“We left you by the fountain, you said you’d walk Isis, you wanted some time to think. You don’t remember any of this?” Rose asked, holding YN’s hand, looking concerned about her friend. “None of it.” YN shook her head, looking around the room at the doctor, Rose, Edith and Anna. “It’s possible Miss Winchester fell and hit her head and has returned to the house as she knew it was safe.” Doctor Clarkson explained, packing his bag. He smiled kindly at YN. “Take it slow, don’t overexert yourself.” He prescribed.
Doctor Clarkson was followed out by Edith and Rose, while Anna remained, fussing over YN. “Anna,” YN caught the maid’s hand, making her stop. “Thank you for not telling them about the clothes or the whole brother thing.” She said, hoping her features were showing how grateful she was. “It’s okay, no need to concern everyone with that.” She said, patting YN’s hand.
“Sam!” Dean called as he was shot in the back. “It’s real. It’s real!” Dean chanted, dropping to his knees and falling to the floor. “Dean!” Sam grabbed at his brother, hands hovering over the wound at the older Winchester’s back. “Somebody get a doctor!” Sam called into the crowded hallway. “We need a Doctor!”
After dinner, the men moved into the drawing room, drinking scotch and smoking cigars, and the women swanned into the lounge, drinking champagne and gossiping about the day’s adventures. YN hadn’t said a word since dinner, she couldn’t get her mind off Jack Ross.
“Miss Winchester?” Mister Ross gently interrupted the circle of ladies talking. “Yes?” YN looked up to the handsome man. “May I steal you a moment?” He asked, looking between Rose and the Crawley women. YN looked to Rose who gave a nod and hid the faintest smirk. “For what purpose?” Lady Crawley asked, even sitting down she managed to look down her nose at the tall, dark, man.
“I remember Miss Winchester was telling me how she loves astrology and it is a very clear night tonight.” He explained, offering his hand to the huntress. “Of course. Please excuse me.” YN said, taking his hand as she stood from the lounge. Even if she did say so herself, she was getting much better at all this pomp and nonsense.
“I never thought I’d get you to myself.” Jack said as he closed the door behind them, giving them privacy on the balcony. “And why would you want me to yourse--” YN couldn’t even get the words out before his lips were on hers.
“Jack!” She hushed, pushing him off her and looking inside. “Relax, they can’t see out, the reflections on the polished glass are so strong!” He said, pulling her by her waist back to him. “Stop.” She insisted, pulling out of his reach. “Oh shit, your head. Of course, I’m so sorry. YN, forgive me.” He begged. YN’s mouth was hanging open, her eyes wide. Had one of the characters of Downton Abbey just sworn?
“You swore.” She whispered, a smile pulling at her lips. His eyebrows twitched in amusement, his own smile creeping across his face. “As if you haven’t said so much worse.” He hushed, extending his hand to her, hoping she’d take it. “How long has this been going on?” YN whispered as she let him pull her close again. “From the moment I arrived.” He placed a gentle peck to her lips, searching her eyes after he leaned back. “You really don’t remember?” YN simply shook her head, standing on tiptoes to reach his lips.
“Tell me.” She whispered against his mouth. “Well, you made the first move.” He breathed in reply, laughing when she nodded. “Of course I did.”
"Sam?" Dean whispered across the stage. "Yeah?" Sam's strained voice cracked as he looked up at his brother. "You okay?" "Dean? Sam?” The voice came from overhead, a speaker of sorts. “YN?” Dean called out, Sam’s head whipped up too, but he was still catching his breath from The Nutcracker!
“Where is she? Is this part of the show?” Dean growled as a confused Japanese host rounded Sam’s podium, approaching Dean. The host froze when there was a loud banging on the door behind them. “YN?” Sam’s voice cracked. The doors burst open and Cas pushed through. “Cas?” Dean called. “Is this another trick?” Sam asked, still in pain. “It’s me. Uh, what are you doing here? I’ve been looking for you for days. Where’s YN?” “Get us the hell outta here.” Sam begged. “Let’s go.” And as Cas extended his hands towards the boys, he flickered and disappeared.
“Cas?” Dean looked around the studio. “No, no, no. Mr. Trickstah does not like, pretty boy angels.” The Japanese host explained, looking between the brothers, “Mr. Trickstah keep little sistah safe.” Dean and Sam both visibly cringed at the last statement, both bearing their overprotective nature. “Dean Winchestah, Anata no okāsan…”
There was a cool breeze that stirred between the trees of the forest that lined the grounds of the Abbey. It caught at YN’s skirts, curling them around the trunk she was pressed against.
Jack’s lips gently caressed the skin of her neck and collarbone, kissing over the silver chain she always wore, TV show or not. “I love that you don’t string pearls around your neck.” He whispered into her ear, his finger tracing the neckline of her blouse, making her shiver under his light touch.
“What can I say? I’m before my time!” She teased at the truth. Jack’s finger dipped just under the collar then looped around the chain, pulling it out from her dress. “What’s this mean?” He asked, thumbing the carved pendant. “It’s an egyptian symbol. My Uncle gave it to me.” She explained, taking it from his hold and looking over it before tucking it back into her top.
“What does it stand for?” He asked, his hand splayed on the tree over her shoulder. Jack was leaning into her, he knew exactly how he made her feel, but he wasn’t just playing. “Eternal life, among other things.” YN smiled up at him, pulling at his jacket lapel.
“You may want to find a new spot.” A woman’s voice caught them off guard, obviously pushing apart. “Relax,” Mary said with a roll of her eyes, “I’m not Granny.” Jack and YN both snorted.
“Mary, please--” YN tried but was cut off. “Spare me, I’m not telling anyone.” She said, pulling on riding gloves. “Thank--” Jack tried, but Mary was one for cutting people off mid word. “But if you two want to keep sneaking off together, I won’t have to tell.” She said with a pointed look before turning on her heel. YN smiled across at Jack once Mary had left. “That look is going to get me in trouble.” He bit his bottom lip, pushing YN back against the tree.
“Where’s YN?” Dean asked, looking up from the trickster’s body. The Winchester brother’s found themselves back in the warehouse after driving a stake through the Trickster’s back.
Part 2
This is part one of two, reblog and tell me what you think! I hope the link was helpful for you better understanding the Downton Abbey world!
Tagging: @atc74 @akshi8278 @dont-trust-humanity @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @redlipstickandplaid @lipstickandwhiskey @jensen-jarpad @avasmommy224 @munlis @arryn-nyxx @autopistaaningunaparte @babypieandwhiskey @beckawinchester @blacktithe7 @bringmesomepie56 @chaos-and-the-calm67 @charliebradbury1104 @chvalkenberg95 @clairese1980 @dancingalone21 @ellen-reincarnated1967 @eyes-of-a-disney-princess @fandoms-are-the-best-escape @frenchybell @gabby913   @grace-for-sale @green-love-red-fantasyhearts @hasta-impalasta @i-like-your-assbutt @ilostmyshoe-79 @impala-dreamer @impalaimagining @iwriteaboutdean @jalove-wecallhimdean @kazchester-fanfiction @kristaparadowski @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @lucifer-in-leather @lucis-unicorn @melonberri @manawhaat @mogaruke @mrswhozeewhatsis @nichelle-my-belle @notnaturalanahi @oriona75 @ruprecht0420 @sdavid09 @sherloki-moriartea @thegreatficmaster @waywardjoy @wheresthekillswitch @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @wi-deangirl77 @wideawakeandwriting @you-know-whodoesthat-crazypeople  @captainemwinchester @kittenofdoomage @room-with-a-cat @katymacsupernatural @emoryhemsworth 
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seriestrash · 7 years
The Story of Us
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Prologue || 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 
✮ Chapter Six: Balance ✮
Word Count: 7541
✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮
Monday sees Riley return to classes at Hillford High. At lunch she enters the cafeteria with Mabel and they sit together, later to be joined by Lucas, Thomas and Tristan. 
The conversation is - like it was all last week - basically just the boys talking to the girls as it was obvious the three family members were always in each others business so it wasn’t as if a simple ‘How was your weekend, what did you get up to?’ would suffice between them. 
They were so in each others business that Riley wonders how Lucas has a place that’s secret and separate from his cousins. How does he explain away the time? These are all thoughts that bounce around Rliey’s head and pull away her attention like a trance. 
“Earth to Riley,” Thomas snaps in the brunettes face to which she shakes her head in shock and quickly swats away his hand. 
“Where is it you went just now?” Tristan asks with a small smile. 
“Monday, brain,” Riley shrugs a shoulder with a slight laugh. “Forget it... So how did everyones short stories go? Mabel?” 
“I handed mine in before the weekend,” Mabel says quietly. “I’m not sure it’s worth an A but, I thought it was okay.” 
“I was still writing mine in the car this morning,” Thomas grimaces. 
“Well I finished mine early too but only because I couldn’t stand to talk to Addison any longer,” Tristan rolls his eyes. “Thanks a lot by the way guys, for leaving me with no choice but to lump with a cheer demon.” 
“It was Aunt Abbey who stipulated that we couldn’t pair up amongst ourselves.” Lucas gives him a stern look. 
“I want to know why we haven't properly discussed that fact that you went inside Jedediah’s house.” Thomas says to Lucas. 
“This whole ‘horror story villain’ thing is getting old quite quickly.” Riley fights an eye roll. 
“Sorry Riley, but it’s hard to erase ten years worth of scary stories from our minds just because you say he’s not scary.” Tristan says. 
“Yeah.” Thomas leans across the table and gets close to Riley’s face as he eyes her in a joking serious way. “How do we know you’re not covering for him? Come to think of it we don’t really know much about you...”
Riley flicks Thomas’ nose and he pulls away with a pouty face as he rubs the now tender spot. “If you don’t trust my word then ask Lucas. He and Jedediah were all pal-y yesterday.” Riley says, “You should have heard him; Such a nice boy he is, such a polite boy!”
“What?” Both Tristan and Thomas chuckle together in unison. 
“So now you know what it feels like,” Lucas scoffs at Riley, ignoring his cousins. “Before we even met it’s like my entire family was pro Riley. My mom, dad, sister- Even Pappy Joe, especially after you spoke to him about your assignment.” 
“Pappy Joe?” Thomas pricks up a brow. 
“Yeah, when I arrived back after the errands we ran for him on Saturday I found him with Riley on the sofa, laughing.” Lucas says really dramatically.  
“Laughing?” The twins say together as if it was actually a big deal which confuses Riley further. 
“I don’t know what disturbs me more,” Thomas frowns in deep thought, “The thought of Pappy Joe being warm and fuzzy or the idea that maybe Jed is a real life person...” 
“Well they’re apparently acquaintances so wrap your head around that.” Riley pokes at the carrots on her tray. 
“As in Pappy Joe and Jed?” Lucas asks. “As in my Pappy Joe and your Jed?” 
“Is there more than one Pappy Joe in this town?” Riley questions. 
“How?” Lucas says as he exchanges puzzled looks with his cousins. Riley sends a cross-eyed goofy face to Mabel which warrants a quiet giggle. Riley is quick to change the subject by asking Mabel about something they learnt in chemistry. 
✮ ✮ ✮
On Wednesday, English falls just before lunch and towards the end of the lesson the class are handed back their short stories. Mrs. Dunn weaves through the desks and gives a few words to each student as she hands their papers back. 
“Thomas.” She says sternly as she gives him back the story and in response he lets out a frustrated groan and mutters something under his breath that Riley couldn’t quite make out. 
Lucas earns a simple but genuine, ‘Good work’ comment but Riley was too far away from him to see his grade. 
“Very interesting idea, Mabel...” Mrs. Dunn sits her paper down and Mabel’s cheeks burn red. Riley fights the laughter and gives her friend an encouraging smile. 
“Riley, this was lovely,” Mrs. Dunn pats the paper fondly on the desk. 
Riley can’t help but smile at the big ‘A’ circled at the top of her story. 
“Nerd alert,” Thomas jokingly calls out which earns him an eye roll from Riley. 
The bell rings for the end of the lesson and quickly the students gather their belongings together in preparation to leave. 
“Riley, would you mind staying a minute after class?” Mrs. Dunn asks.
Riley nods and slows down the gathering of her books as she waits students to pile out. Thomas approaches his mother’s desk and with a whiney tone he asks why she gave him a ‘C’.
“Honestly Thomas, you’re lucky I didn’t fail you.” Abbey frowns. “The story was fine but you clearly didn’t make any effort to base it around someone in Mabel’s life.”
“Yes I did!” Thomas gets defensive.
“Oh right, then who?” Abbey folds her arms.
“Uh, her… Cousin?” Thomas asks more than answers.
“Tommy,” his mother sighs.
“Look, I’m sorry Ma, I thought about asking Mabel about her dad but I didn’t want to upset her…”
Abbey drops her arms and softens. “That very sweet of you Tommy but did you think that maybe the fact that you didn’t ask her about anyone might of hurt her feelings too?”
“No.” Thomas hangs his head.
“She’s a sweet girl baby, just remember that, okay?” Mrs. Dunn’s soft smile remains.
“Oh my god okay, mom.” Thomas pleas with her to stop.
Abbey sends her son off. On the way out he gives Riley a sheepish grin to which she smiles normally, pretending as if she hadn’t overheard his conversation.
Abbey thanks Riley for waiting back and begins to talk about her short story. Again she praises Rileys work. Bashfully Riley thanks her for each compliment she gives.
“Honestly it was nothing, I had the perfect story to write. It wasn’t even my own idea.” Riley dismisses. “The whole duration of their relationship felt worthy of telling so I actually found it hard to pick one specific point to write about.” 
“Inspiration is one thing, Riley and even with being told great details about the event, that doesn’t take away from the beauty of your words.” Mrs. Dunn says. “Have you ever expressed an interest in writing before?” 
“No,” Riley shakes her head and avoids her teachers gaze as the compliments overwhelmed her. 
“No?” Abbey seems unconvinced. 
“Maybe when I was younger I day dreamt a lot..” Riley shrugs her shoulder. “I don’t know.” 
“I’m quite familiar with the story of Joseph and Mae,” Abbey says, “And I can see the creative liberties your took with this piece. It captures the essence of them as a couple but you gave it new life.” 
“I don’t know about all that,” Riley continues to sway bashfully. 
“Riley, I mean it. If you meant what you said about struggling to keep the story short I implore you to entertain the idea of writing more. Even if it’s just practice for you,” Abbey smiles, “You have such a creative talent. You could really do something with it one day and I’m at your disposal if you ever need something read over.” 
Riley smiles at the thought of being called creative. Maya was always the talented one with her art, although she never liked to showcase it. The thought of being good at something made Riley all giddy. Even though she wasn’t sure if she’d go anywhere with it. After talking to Mrs. Dunn, Riley makes her way towards the cafeteria where she finds Mabel hovering outside by the doors.
“Mabel, hello.” Riley giggles as her otherwise silent approach spooked her friend.
“Oh Riley,” Mabel chuckles nervously, “I was just about to go inside.”
Riley pokes her head through the small glass panel in the door and finds Lucas, Thomas and Tristan all sitting at the table as she expected. “You weren’t waiting for me to get here were you?” Riley gives her friend a knowing look.
“I was expecting you to already be in there by the time I grabbed my lunch from my locker.” Mabel confesses quickly.
“Mabel!” Riley chuckles, “Don’t think I haven’t noticed you arrive either with or after me at lunch.”
“It’s easier if you’re already there.” Mabel explains. “I can’t just walk up and sit with them.”
“Why not?” Riley crinkles her brows, “A little over a week ago you didn’t know me or need me to go with you into the cafeteria..”
“A little over a week ago I sat alone.” Mabel didn’t say it for pity or even in a solemn way she was more so stating a fact. A fact that saddened Riley but she fights the sympathetic smile and gives her friend a happy one.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got your back.” Riley loops her arm with Mabel and leads them inside only to gently shove Mabel in front of her and towards the table. Mabel stumbles slightly and finds her footing, she’s quick to give Riley a quizzical look. Riley just nudges her head towards the table, urging her friend to go on while she goes to buy her lunch. Mabel grimaces but strolls over to the boys.
Riley didn’t notice but Lucas spied what was going on an quickly understood things and happily greeted Mabel as she sits down, the twins doing so too once they spot her. By the time Riley comes over - as she may have hung back with the lunch lady a little longer than needed - she hears laughter coming from the table. It’s mostly a mix of all the boys but the closer Riley got the more she could hear the faint anxious giggle of Mabel.
“What’s so funny?” Riley asks as she slips in beside Mabel.
“They’re laughing at my short story.” Mabel wears a look of anguish but there’s a softness to it, for lack of a better word, Riley thought she looked cute. Mabel didn’t look offended, like they were making fun of her story, just lightly embarrassed.
“It’s not Mabel’s fault she got lumped with Thomas,” Lucas chuckles.
“Oh yeah!” Thomas plays jokingly offended, “You get one B+ and suddenly you’re better than us C students?”
“So you’re going to give me a hard time about a B but no one is going to bring up Riley’s A?” Lucas shifts the attention. 
“But Riley’s smart, we already knew that because we looked-” Thomas stops abruptly when Tristan nudges his arm. “Nothing. Never mind.” 
“You looked at what?” Riley eyes them both. 
“Nothing.” Thomas shrugs innocently. 
“You looked at what?” Riley asks more firmly. Lucas throws his palms out defensively and claims he had no part in it. 
“Well on Monday I was joking about how we don’t really know you and it got me seriously thinking that we don’t... really know you...” Thomas avoids eye contact. “And that night our mom may have left her school issued computer open whilst she had a shower and we may have stumbled across your transcripts from New York.” 
“I wasn’t there!” Lucas claims his innocence. 
“You looked at my record?” Riley gasps turning her focus to the twins. “Are you serious?” 
“It was just a bit of fun, we thought it was no big deal...” Tristan says with half a smile. “I mean we saw how you’re a straight A student we thought finding out that about you was harmless...” 
Riley continues to eye them both thinking they’re holding something back. It’s Thomas who first cracks under the pressure. “We may have also saw that you were suspended before coming here...” 
Riley’s face sinks into a deep frown as her suspension wasn’t something she wanted to parade around about. 
“We’re sorry, Riley,” Thomas says genuinely, “We just wanted to know you better.” 
“And the constant annoying prying you do at lunch wasn’t working well enough for you?” Riley snaps. “How about tomorrow I just bring my diary and you guys can do some light reading?” 
“We don’t care that you got suspended, I actually think it’s pretty cool.” Thomas tries to say positively.”
Without another word, Riley storms out of the cafeteria with Mabel close behind. 
That afternoon Riley ignores Lucas’ attempts to catch her attention via her balcony. Riley knew Lucas wasn’t to blame, he was just guilty by association but still, Riley was too embarrassed about her suspension to face anyone.
✮ ✮ ✮
On Thursday Riley was still upset about the previous days events. At lunch she gave a glare so nasty that all three boys avoided the table and sat elsewhere. By the end of the day all was forgotten and apologies were accepted. A silent agreement to never bring it up again was understood by all. But, even with all forgiven, Riley still had a nervous feel when she was with them and she didn’t quite know why. 
✮ ✮ ✮
On Friday Riley and Mabel walk towards the cafeteria together but Riley halts abruptly. 
“Is something wrong?” Mabel questions. 
“No, nothing is wrong.” Riley says with a smile. “How would you feel about ditching the guys today and eating lunch together outside?” 
“Are you still angry at the twins for invading your privacy?” Mabel asks. 
“Maybe a little.” Riley shrugs. “But I think I’d like some girl time, just for us to talk.” 
Mabel likes the idea and the two girls make their way outside. Both teens sit at an abandoned table. It was so peculiar to Riley as she’s still getting used to the scarceness of things here, for example; one lonely bench outside. If Riley was to go sit outside back at Abigail Adams High, there would be at least twenty benches, most of which would already be occupied.
On the grassy field not too far away from them, the tiny cheer squad practice one of their routines. Riley spots Vanessa fronting the squad as she gives directions. Without really thinking Riley asks, “So what’s the deal with Vanessa?” 
Mabel looks a little surprised at first, this makes Riley realise she’s thought aloud. “I mean, the guys seem so anti-Vanessa and the cheer team...” Riley backtracks, “What’s up with that, I mean Mackenzie was unpleasant but Vanessa seemed.. Okay?” 
“She is okay,” Mabel nods with a small smile. “In freshman year she dated this boy after a long while of ‘will they won't they’. He was best friends with Lucas, Thomas and Tris so when he moved away and things got kind of messy during the breakup, the guys sort of adopted the bitterness towards her.” 
“And she doesn’t deserve it?” Riley asks, “The bitterness?” 
Mabel shakes her head. “Vanessa put on a really tough poker face after it happened but she was heartbroken.” 
“Were you friends?” Riley treads lightly. 
“Once upon a time.” Mabel gives a weak smile. 
“May I ask what happened?” Riley asks cautiously. 
“We were friends since we were little but we were always very different. Vanessa is personable and confident, a real people person and I’m painstakingly not..” Mabel chuckles but deflates quickly. “Once we got to high school the differences proved to be too much...” 
“Isn’t that ideal?” Riley tries to positively spin things. “If you’re nervous then she can do all the talking.” 
“That’s not how friendship works,” Mabel shakes her head. 
“What do you mean?” Riley frowns.  
“Two people, whatever their personalities are; different or alike, doesn’t mean anything if you can’t meet somewhere in the middle.” Mabel speaks as if she’s given this a lot of thought before. “I wasn’t shy with Vanessa, not when we were on our own. Things were natural... Kinda like how it is when we’re together,” Mabel smiles, “But as soon as someone else was added to the dynamic it’s like I disappeared. I’m not saying it’s Vanessa’s fault because I know it isn’t but our friendship made me insecure. Vanessa’s so confident and I’d often sink into the background.” 
“Doesn’t that make you sad, that you lost a friendship?” Riley is quiet. 
“Of course,” Mabel answers honestly, “But we couldn’t find the balance we needed to thrive. You’d think Vanessa would have helped me find my voice and I would have... I don’t know, helped with a softer approach?” Mabel laughs nervously not know what she could bring. 
“So people with the same personality are better fitted to be friends?” Riley questions as if Mabel had all the answers. 
“The balance isn’t about friends merging into one person because no two people are the same.” Mabel shakes her head. “Friends are supposed to compliment each other. For example, friend A inspires self appreciation whereas friend B inspires appreciation of others. If that makes any sense...” 
Riley nods slightly and jokes lightly, “So you have generally appreciative people.”
“Exactly,” Mabel shares her amusement. “But this is all coming from a girl who didn’t actually have any friends until you got here..” Mabel grimaces. Again, it wasn’t for the pity but just an awkward, self deprecating joke she slips out when she’s nervous. 
Riley’s mind is still processing everything Mabel just said and even though she knew it wasn’t, part of the New Yorker couldn’t help but feel like this was quietly directed at her. It was as if Cory and Topanga had gotten into Mabel’s head about how Riley’s trying too much to be like Maya rather than helping Maya be a better Maya by being Riley. In fact, the thought tunnel she quickly dove down made her feel sick and the look upon Riley’s face must have been quite alarming because Mabel notices and reaches for her friends hand across the table. “A literal example of the balance would be us. We sit together and people talk around me but you’re always watching and trying to get me to speak up.”
“I didn’t even realise...” Riley chews on her thumbnail nervously. 
“Exactly why it’s special,” Mabel says with a warm smile. “You’re helping me without even realising.” 
“You really think so?” Riley asks with a growing smile. 
“Put it this way…” Mabel folds her hands, “You could let me hide behind you every lunch or you could quite literally push me to join them on my own. You inspire confidence,” Mabel says with a warm smile. “Maybe, hopefully, you’ll get something out of this friendship too.” 
Riley’s smile creeps full wattage and another thing slips out of her mouth although this one she doesn’t regret nor want to revoke. “Do you want to have a sleepover tonight?” Maybe Mabel was helping Riley without even realising too. 
“Okay.” Mabel’s mouth curls into a sweet smile. “I’m supposed to go to gymnastics but I can miss it just this once.” Mabel says excitedly. “Would you like to stay at mine or Jed’s?”
“You wouldn’t be scared to stay over at Jed’s?” Riley pricks up a brow.
“I never really bought into that ‘horror story villain’ thing.” Mabel quotes Riley but means it genuinely.
Maybe it was Mabel’s natural quiet loner behaviour that understood something deeper about Jed or maybe she’s just braver than she gives herself credit for but whatever it was, Riley thought it was nice. It strangely made Riley really happy to know that someone else wasn’t afraid of him. Of a piece of her story.
After concluding that the bed Riley uses at Jed’s would be too small for the both of them the girls agree to sleep at Mabel’s. After school the two girls catch the bus together. Lucas is present for the trip too and he explains how there was no baseball game that night so he and the twins were probably just going to hang out at Chubbie’s for a while but before he could finish speaking Riley’s phone interrupts. Maya’s contact information flashing on the screen immediately draws Riley’s attention away from anything else. The New Yorker slips out of her seat and goes a few ahead of her friends to take the call in private.  
“Maya!” Riley beams as she answers but quickly the mood turns. 
Maya opens with another complaint about Riley not being there to which the brunette apologises and expresses how much she misses her. Riley didn’t know exactly what happened or what she did but their conversation turned into an argument quite quickly after Riley mentioned she was having a sleepover with her friend Mabel. Maya started accusing Riley of not caring whether she got home or not which aggravated Riley as she’s done nothing but worry about getting home in all the free time she had.  Since the very first night they spoke, it bothered Riley that bonding with Jed felt fake to her because she had this plan to ‘act’ a certain way around him and on the phone to her parents. It nagged in the back of her mind every night when they’d chat over dinner and all because she wanted to get home to Maya. The real connection she was forming with her grandfather felt tainted. This frustrates Riley that Maya was being snappy with her so she hangs up on a huffy note. Riley sheepishly turns her head around to Lucas and Mabel whom were pretending like they hadn’t caught the gist of her argument. 
After pretending like nothing was wrong the two girls bid Lucas farewell and exit the bus together. Since Riley wasn’t going to go to the trouble of traveling to Jed’s then back to Mabel’s the two girls just planned for Riley to just borrow some sleepwear off Mabel that night.
The strawberry blonde girl leads them into the house. Riley is taken back by the state of the living area. It wasn’t dirty but there was certainly a mess everywhere.
“Sorry about this,” Mabel gently kicks a few bits and pieces out of their path. “Mom works from home a lot.”
“Does she make clothes?” Riley asks looking around at the bits of fabric sprawled across the sofa. She notices a sewing machine off to the side.
“Yeah, I think you met her actually the first weekend you got here,” Mabel turns to give Riley a small smile. “At the market.”
Riley lets her mind wander back for a moment and suddenly it clicks. The woman with the knowing look and beautiful garments. “Of course! I remember.”
“She owns a store in town and does the markets on the weekend,” Mabel says before offering Riley something to drink.
The New Yorker politely declines and the two head upstairs to Mabel’s bedroom. The room is soft and understated much like Mabel herself, predominately white with subtle pastel touches.
Mabel sits herself on the bed and Riley situates herself at the desk. The brunette takes a moment to spin herself on the swivel chair a few times before giggling about how dizzy it made her. Once Riley’s loopy mind settles her eyes quickly find a framed photo on the desk.
“Is this you and Vanessa?” Riley points to the photo. The two young girls are wrapped around either side of a man with similar hair to Mabel. 
“Yeah,” Mabel says softly. “That was our first day of gymnastics, that’s my dad..”
Riley admired that Mabel still valued her friendship with Vanessa even though it ultimately upset her enough to end it. After Riley took a few more silent moments admiring the photo Mabel decides to open up a little more. Mabel shares the tragic truth about losing her father to cancer when she was eleven. An event that admittedly contributed to a lot of her quietness as she pulled away during that time. Riley comforts her friend and suddenly the hushed conversation between Thomas and his mother after class on Wednesday made sense. 
Riley wonders if she should mention what she overheard to Mabel. She didn’t want to upset her but she thought maybe knowing Thomas was being thoughtful would help or encourage her in some way.
On one hand it wasn’t a conversation she was apart of so Riley knew there was a moral dilemma there. Another thing was that Riley didn’t know if she should bring it up because she was questioning the boundaries between a gentle push and over the top meddling - In regards to match making. 
Also, the only real guidelines or boundaries she had to go off was her friendship with Maya. Once Riley pondered that thought it bothered her that she only had one thing to compare things to. Maya was her only real friend. (Before Texas). Farkle branched away from the girls during freshman year and they fell into different crowds so it was really just Maya and Riley from then on and when it came to Riley and Maya that meant that no secrets were left kept between them. Even secrets that weren’t their own.
With Mabel’s chat during lunch still present in Riley’s mind she decides not to share someone else's truth. Part of the reason she quickly abandons the thought was because Riley wanted to suppress the idea that Maya might not be good for her or vice versa because it made Riley feel guilty thinking about their magical bond in such a negative way. 
Instead, the conversation is switched to a lighter note and the two girls sit and chat for two hours without noticing the time go by around them. Ms. Becker arrives home after work and loudly projects her greeting as she makes her way upstairs.
“Hey, momma,” Mabel kisses her cheek when she enters the room. “This is Riley.”
“Of course,” Ms. Becker wears a warm and welcoming smile, “Mabel has told me a lot about you over the past two weeks.”
“Nice to officially meet you... Ms.- Is it Ms. Becker?” Riley grows awkward quite quickly.
“It is but please call me Mary.” She insists.
“Mom, Riley is going to sleep over tonight, is that alright?” Mabel asks.
“Of course, you’re always welcome.” Mary nods. “If you girls want to go out somewhere later just let me know and I’ll give you a lift into town.”
With that the kind lady parts and leaves to two teens to go about their business.
“So how are things with you and Thomas going?” Riley asks. “I feel like we never get any time to talk about him.” 
“Things aren't going at all.” Mabel frowns. “I mean sure, I’m his acquaintance now- at best, a surface level friend but it’s not like he notices me...” 
“I think he notices you.” Riley sits up straighter as she states that.
“Oh please,” Mabel scoffs. “He’s pretty much obsessed with you.” 
“Excuse me?” Riley laughs nervously. 
“He wanted to be your english partner, he looked up your file and he’s alway asking you questions.” Mabel frowns. 
“I think you’d be surprised,” Riley’s mind goes back to Thomas and his mother after English. “Maybe he’s just as nervous around you as you are him.” 
“I don’t think so,” Mabel shakes his head. “Maybe I should just accept the fact that in a romantic sense, I’m invisible to Thomas.” 
“If you see yourself that way how is anyone ever going to see you any different?” Riley coaxes her head. 
“And how do you suppose I capture his attention?” Mabel snorts, “Movie scene makeover and flaunt myself in front of him?” 
The smile on Riley’s face creeps wider and Mabel’s eyes do the same as a look of panic takes over her. “Riley, I was kidding!” Mabel squeaks. 
“I’m not.” Riley claps her hands excitedly. “Lucas said something about Chubbie’s, let’s get you dressed up and go there!” 
Eventually Mabel loses out in the end and Riley’s got her sitting in the desk chair as she makes magic around her. Riley takes some time to loosely curl Mabel’s long locks and she pins a few away from her face. Riley lightly paints her face with makeup knowing that subtlety is most certainly the key to Mabel’s beauty. Riley scans through Mabel’s wardrobe and picks out a pretty beige mini dress - made by Ms. Becker - and a denim jacket. Since Mabel’s day to day style consisted of blue jeans and pretty understated blouses it was an instant wow moment to see her in the dress. The whole look was simple and understated but packed such a punch with wow factor. 
Mabel squints at herself in the mirror and Riley giggles and hands her back the round frame glasses. “I never bought into that part of the makeover where the girl takes off her glasses and suddenly she’s beautiful, as if they really masked the human underneath. Plus these frames are really cute.” 
“I feel, pretty,” Mabel turns to Riley with a small smile. 
“This is all you,” Riley waves her hands about, “The clothes, hair, makeup. I’m just trying to help you see things differently.” 
Riley laces her fingers with Mabel’s and drags her downstairs to show off the finished result to Mary, whom looks at her daughter in awe. 
“Now you have to get ready,” Mabel bounces on her toes. 
“I am ready?” Riley looks down at the Rolling Stones T-shirt she wears. “This is all I brought, remember?” 
“Well you’re in luck.” Ms. Becker disappears around the corner only to return with the dress. The one that caught Riley’s attention the first time they met at the market.
“You can wear this.” Mary says with a warm smile. “I had a feeling you’d come back for it.”
Riley’s eyes admire the dress once more, just as beautiful as she remembers it but she shakes her head. “No, I couldn’t.”
“Riley, you must,” Mabel gives Riley’s arm a gentle squeeze, “This dress would look beautiful on you.”
“I insist.” Mary states firmly. It was the least she could do for Riley being so kind to her daughter. 
After a little more resistance Riley eventually gives in. She slips away to the bathroom to change.
The dress has a beautiful paisley floral pattern to it, the colours is burgundy with peachy tone details. The colours match perfectly with Riley’s skin. The dress is has a more fitted look to it around the halter neck section but overall it has a floaty feel to it as the material hangs loosely around Riley’s frame. The hem isn’t perfectly symmetrical with the dress coming up slightly shorter on either side. The longest part falling bellow Riley’s knee. It’s the kind of dress that makes you want to spin and see the fabric dance around you. Although she did have this urge, Riley resists.
Riley lets her hands feel the soft skirt part of the dress as she steps up to the basin and looks over herself in the mirror.  Even with the whole fashion change Riley had been going through lately she didn’t wear an obscene amount of makeup. That’s one thing that stayed the same about her over the years. Riley’s go to look, like the one she wore today is a very thin wing liner on each eye. Riley stares at herself in the mirror and finds it so strange how a simple change of her outfit  could make the makeup look softer and more understated whereas any sort of eye make seemed bold with her ‘regular’ outfit choices.
Riley shakes off the thought and undoes the braids in her hair, gently shaking out each woven stand so it falls in wavy tresses. Riley exhales loudly and tucks away the left side of hair behind her ear.
Riley returns to the living room in socks, feeling as though her chunky black boots with the silver studs didn’t quite mesh with the softness of this dress. Once Riley steps in the room both Mabel and her mother wear looks of awe as they coo compliments at Riley.
“I feel weird,” Riley fidgets nervously.
“Well you look beautiful.” Mabel says with a sweet smile. “And I have just the pair of shoes for you.”
Riley is given a pair of brown cowboy/girl boots (Sorry Idk if they have an actual name??) which she plays indifferent to but she secretly liked them. A lot.
The two girls arrive at Chubbie’s after Mary drops them off. Riley enters in the building behind Mabel, she lets her eyes wander up and around the room. The hang out spot has a rustic vibe to it with live music as Tristan mentioned. Riley bumps into Mabel’s back having not noticed she froze in fear under the gaze of Thomas. Riley spots him looking pleasantly surprised and a smile creeps onto her face as she loops her arm with Mabel’s and leads them over to the boys. Riley was so caught up in the awestruck expression Thomas shared for Mabel she had been oblivious to the doting gaze directed at her.
“Riley, you- look…” Lucas fumbles over his words.
Riley frowns down towards her outfit and pulls her worried expression back to Lucas but playfully says, “You’re not going to tell me ‘I told you so’ and start babbling about sheep and wolves are you?” She chuckles nervously.
“No I was just going to say you look pretty-“ Lucas’ eyes grow wider, “Pretty nice, that is.”
“Thanks..” Riley’s nervous giggling continues. “Where’s Tristan?” Riley asks noticing his absence.
“He went to the bathroom or something,” Lucas shrugs.
“Okay..” Riley nods and the awkwardness between the four teens lingers. “So…” Riley exhales loudly. “We dancing or what?”
“Us?” Lucas raises a brow. 
“Unless you guys are going to make Mabel and I dance alone,” Riley says casually. 
The two boys head towards the dance floor section and Mabel quietly panics but Riley gives her a few encouraging words, she ensures her friend that she’ll be okay, this is a group dance and she doesn’t even have to touch Thomas just stand by him.
The four teens make their own line, Riley and Mabel in the middle with Thomas on Mabel’s other side and Lucas on Riley’s. The New Yorker takes a concentrated moment to watch the people in front of her and she quickly picks up the steps of the dance and joins in. Riley has an ever-growing smile as she watches Mabel nervously fumble through the dance but what made it even more sweet to watch was that Thomas seemed just as, or even more nervous than Mabel as the two of them laugh together.
“You’ve done this before?” Lucas pulls Riley’s attention away. 
“Never.” Riley lets out a slight laugh. 
“Well you’re pretty good,” Lucas tries to hide his smirk, “You know, for a pineapple.” 
Lucas’ joke earns him a gentle shove in the arm and the music tapers out. Riley spots Tristan sitting at the table Lucas and Thomas were at when they first arrive and spins past Lucas on her way to him, the other three close behind. 
“Riley, Mabel,” Tristan grins, “You girls look beautiful.” 
“Thank you,” Riley shrugs one shoulder as she plants herself in the seat beside him. 
Thomas orders snacks for the table and the four fall into conversation. It seems Mabel found a little bit of confidence with her makeover and dance with Thomas as she contributes without the usual push from Riley. 
Then the conversation shifts towards Riley’s personal life again. This time it’s Mabel with the questions which surprises Riley for a moment. She asks about Riley’s boyfriend after highlighting that she doesn’t even know his name. 
“Charlie,” Riley announces. “We started dating in sophomore year.” 
“Was it a friendship turned romance kind of thing?” Mabel rests her chin in her palm as she leans towards Riley. 
“Not exactly,” Riley grows anxious about this topic. “It sort of came out of nowhere. He asked me to a dance at school. Flowers, balloons, the whole lot. Things kind of went from there.” 
“How romantic,” Mabel smiles. 
“Sounds stupid...” Lucas thinks aloud. 
“It wasn’t to me...” Riley deflates and an awkward tension lingers amongst the teens. 
“Speaking of dances,” Tristan lets out a loud groan trying to shift the mood. “Bidding is on Monday.”
“Bidding?” Riley pricks up a brow.
“Since we have pretty low budgets for things like dances, a number of students sign up to be bid on as dates.” Tristan explains.
“Seriously?” Riley knits her brows.
“Deadly.” Tristan nods. “And every single time, mom signs Thomas, Lucas and I up against our will so we can’t ditch the dance.”
“Yikes..” Riley grimaces.
Before Riley could get more information they’re approached by three boys, one Riley recognises from class, the other two she thinks she may have seen at school but figures they’re probably in different year levels. Immediately Tristan tenses up beside Riley.
“Looks like the loners found themselves a couple of baaabes.” The boy Riley recognises says. 
“Would you get lost, Miles?” Thomas rolls his eyes. “I mean, it would be nice to go out for five minutes without you bothering us.” 
“I’m sorry, did I hurt your feelings?” Miles says in a condescending way. 
“No, I just find it pathetic that there’s nothing of interest going on in your life so you have to annoy us every five minutes.” 
Riley watches the ordeal unfold. Confusion present. After some back and forth banter the other boys leave. 
“What was all that about?” Riley expresses her confusion once they’re out of hearing distance. “Is he part sheep or something too?” Riley references Miles’ exaggerated ‘Baaa’s’.
“Part ass is more like it,” Thomas mutters. 
After Lucas pleas with his cousins to drop it he gives up and listens as Tristan retells Lucas’ childhood embarrassment with Judy the sheep. Thomas goes on to explain how Miles and the two other boys - Nathan and Eli - are rivals of sorts to them. They’re pretty much ‘dicks’ as he put it simply. 
“You fell off a sheep?” Riley fights the urge to giggle. 
“It sounds funny and it is pretty funny actually..” Thomas stops his attempt to defend Lucas and just laughs which earns him a mean glare from his cousin. 
“So you were what six?” Riley takes the encouraging roll now. “If it bothers you that much why don’t you just sign up for the next rodeo. You’re not six anymore I’m sure you could manage more than one second.” 
“You’re right...” It’s like a lightbulb went off in Lucas’ mind and this alarmed his cousins greatly. 
“Riley, no,” Tristan shakes his head. 
“What?” Riley narrows her brows in confusion.
“You don’t ride sheep at our age. You ride bulls.” Terror is present on Thomas’ face. 
“Like a man cow?” Riley says unfazed.
“Have you ever seen a man cow?” Both twins say and the freaky unison thing wasn’t getting any less freaky to Riley. 
“I don’t understand what the big deal is?” Riley laughs nervously. 
“There’s a rodeo just out of town next weekend. I’m going to sign up...” Lucas pauses. “I’m going to ride Tombstone.” 
Even Mabel wore a look of panic once Lucas made his announcement. 
“Oh, Riley.” Tristan buries his face in his palms. “You have no idea what you’ve just encouraged.” 
“It’s getting late,” Mabel says, “Maybe I should call my mom to come get us, Riley.” It was her plan to take Riley off the the side and explain the dangers Lucas faces if he was to ride the bull but somebody else had other plans. 
“I could walk you home, Mabel?” Thomas asks sheepishly. 
“Uh, Riley’s sleeping over so-” Mabel starts but Riley cuts her off. 
“So you can all walk us back.” Riley says with a wide smile and looks to Lucas for some assistance. 
“Sure, sounds like a plan.” Lucas nods.
“I’m actually going to give it a miss...” Tristan is still acting strange. “You guys go ahead, I’ll see you later.” 
After brushing off the weirdness the teens - with the exception of Tristan - set off en route to Mabel’s. Riley tugs at the back of Lucas’ flannel shirt and keeps him a few steps behind with her. 
“So things seem to be going well with them.” Lucas nudges towards Mabel and Thomas. 
“I hope so.” Riley says with a smile. 
“Doesn’t all this pushing interfere with fate or whatever?” Lucas asks. 
“Just because I gave Mabel a little push doesn’t mean she wasn’t meant to fall in the first place…” Riley says as they walk. 
Lucas had never thought of it that way before. Like they could be pawns in fates ultimate plan for someone else as well as their own. 
“I mean she’s very shy so I had to help.” Riley speaks up after Lucas remained silent to ponder his thoughts. 
“She’s not that nervous when she speaks to me,” Lucas says, “Well not always... On the bus this afternoon we spoke just fine whilst you were on the phone.”
“But that’s different!” Riley bounces a little as she says it. “She doesn’t like you like that.”
“So that’s what it’s like for girls when they like a boy?” Lucas questions. “They turn into a puddle of nerves?”
“For some,” Riley nods. “I can’t speak for all but yeah, nerves seem to be a big part of the crush package.”
“So that’s what it’s like for you?” Lucas asks. “...With Charlie I mean?”
“Charlie and I have been dating for almost a year now. It’s different.” Riley grows awkward talking about her relationship.
“But when you first started dating was it all butterflies and confusing thoughts?” Lucas pushes.
“He ticked the boxes.” Riley says with a small smile.
“Sorry I said the dance thing was stupid, I didn’t mean it.” Lucas apologises. 
“That’s okay.” Riley wears a small smile. 
“Since that whole privacy breach earlier in the week I feel like I should tell you something...” Lucas broaches the subject cautiously. 
“What?” Riley’s panic builds wondering what else he’s discovered. 
“Nothing bad,” Lucas says quickly, “It’s just that this afternoon I was at Tris and Tommy’s place and my mom was there having coffee with Aunt Abbey and Pappy Joe and my Aunt may have read your short story aloud to everyone.” 
It could have been worse but the news still makes Riley’s cheeks burn red with embarrassment. 
“It’s a total breech of the teacher whatever but Aunt Ab was just really impressed by your story.” Lucas adds. 
“It’s okay, I guess..” Riley frowns slightly. “I mean, your family kind of has a right to it but I could definitely of lived without you all hearing it...” 
“It was really good,” Lucas stresses. “If that was an A then I should have gotten a C at best!” 
“Don’t sell yourself short,” Riley nudges him with her elbow. “You all probably think my story is great because you have emotional investment in the people I based my characters around.” 
“No, you heard me at Pappy Joe’s, I was shamefully disinterested but approximately 4,000 words later you have me thinking about love at first sight and- that was the lamest thing I ever admitted aloud...” Lucas grows sheepish. 
“You say that to the girl who wrote about it...” Riley laughs softly. 
“Love at first sight completely trumps; middle aged man getting lost in corporate America,” Lucas sighs. 
“That’s the part of Jed’s life that you chose to write about?” Riley leaves her mouth slightly agape. A smirk quickly creeping onto her face. 
“It seemed like a good idea at the time.” Lucas frowns. “Smug isn’t a good look, Riley!” 
“Well then you look absolutely disgusting all the time.” Riley jokes.  
“Ouch,” Lucas raises a hand to his chest jokingly. “Okay, what would you have written if you were me?” 
Riley shakes her head, “I don’t know..” 
“Come on, the way you expressed surprised makes me think that you’ve thought about it. Unlike my over excited Aunt this story will remain just between us.” 
“Well, I don’t think that I have all the puzzle pieces yet,” Riley says, “From what I know so far I’d say Jed is suffering from a broken heart, for more reasons than one... I’d probably write about that.” 
“That’s...Sad..” Lucas wasn’t expecting such a heavy answer. 
“Sometimes love is sad,” Riley shrugs, “But since it’s my story I’d give Jedediah his happily ever after.. Whatever that entails.” 
“And that’s why you got an A.” Lucas has a shy smile. “You see the romantic value of things. Good or bad...” 
“Maybe,” Riley has a wandering gaze. “Oh, this is Mabel up here.” Riley points. 
Riley and Lucas catch up to the other two as they hovered on Mabel’s front porch and they all exchange goodbyes. 
“What just happened?” Thomas turns to Lucas after the girls disappear inside. 
“I think that’s what the kids these days call feelings.” Lucas wears a smirk as he pats his cousin on the shoulder. 
End Notes: 
Another long chapter... At first I thought about splitting it into two parts with the school stuff in one chapter and then the makeovers in another but I didn’t want you all to have to wait for it. Then I thought about writing the Monday and Wednesday stuff without the dialogue and make a brief summary of it but I thought elaboration was kinda important.... 
Charlie is Riley’s boyfriend, surprised? Of course not. I used to feel bad using Charlie as a plot device in stories but now I’m kind of like, why do I feel bad? His character was literally created to be a plot device in Riley’s story/ growth. 
In this version of reality Lucas never made it to NYC which ultimately meant Riley was ‘free’ to date. Notice my use of ‘he ticked the boxes’. More on Charlie in the chapter after next. 
There are many tiny little things in this chapter that serve of importance so lets see if you pick up on them. I mean the obvious one is how Mabel described friendship but there are a couple other little moments that aren't huge game changers if you missed but subtle touches... 
Next chapter: Date bidding. Some news. A favour. A mutual friend. A sad realisation. 
Please leave me a review and let me know how you’re liking the story so far! That would mean a lot!! 
people who wanted to be tagged, if I missed you/ you want to be added OR removed please let me know :)
@pamela-barron @siennese  @nicolecolin @brassqueen @mypenguinpatronus @renait-courageux @cute-seaa @roadnot-taken @hopeandbelieve5
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ᴏᴜʀ ᴡᴇʙ ᴏꜰ ʟᴏᴠᴇ – Peter Parker fanfic (7/of many)
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"What about this verse on page 17?... yes, Miss Lorens..."
Gradually, their voices fade into the background with each thought I have, my eyes exploring my notebook as the most entertaining thing in the world. I feel a sting in my bottom lip. I've beeing bitting it intently. Worried.
'psss' I hear someone at my right 'pssssss!'  
I turn to see Peter who waves at me so I wave back to him, he gets his phone out and signals me to do it too
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I wait for an answer but when I turn to see him, Mr. Solis is asking for his phone, Peter nods and gives it to him. I wince and mutter a "sorry".  At biology and Chemistry, I waited for him to talk to me but I think he's shyer than I thought. At recess, I look for Harley...
Harley! Oh shit.
What about what happened yesterday? Maybe I shouldn't overthink or maybe I should? I sigh leaning against my locker waiting for him. Fast steps across the hall and he rushes to his locker.
"You've been waiting a lot?" he catches his breath opening his locker and putting back his books
"Nope, just a century maybe. But don't worry"
"ha ha funny" he closes his locker and walks to me, my hands already clammy "are you ok?"
"Yes, just hungry" I mumble and he claps in excitement
So we walk to the cafeteria for him to get his food.
"So ummm, are we not going to discuss the fact that you kissed the corner of my lips?"
'Just rip off the band-aid, Tannie... being like that will save you lots of horrid moments' Nat voice sounds in my mind
He almost drops his tray and looks at me  "I was planning to talk to you at our usual spot..." his blue eyes dancing to both sides
As quietly like we never are, we pace to the benches to sit down
"Do you mind that while we talk I begin to eat?" I say already with my sandwich in my hand
"Dig in....... I like you" he adds exactly when I try to take a bite of my sandwich, I stop and look at him
"Holy shit" I simply say
"Well... that's a reaction" he laughs and starts eating
"Is that no one ever told me they like me before" I snort and cross my leg
"That's not true! many guys from my year always talk about you and that they already told you to go on a date with them but you said no"
"What??! no! they never did that" I confess "Seriously they talk about me?" I ask in surprise taking another bite
He rubs his temple "Yeah... they see you like an heiress or something yet everyone is a little uh... unsure to talk with you... you know, for your attitude"
I quirk a brow "My attitude? what attitude?"
"You're very intimidating and absolutely direct and trust me, I've dealt with your dad but you're something else..."
I snort " proceed with the compliments, please"
Harley rolls his eyes and swallows "listen... you don't have to say anything ok? but that's the latest..."
I shift and look at his eyes  "I think I need to uh think deeply all of this but if it helps... I don't hate you" I click my tongue and he laughs
"What about if we don't make it awkward?"
I sigh in relief "Hell yes please!!"
Music, blah, blah. Art and Robotics, fortunately, went by fast. Harley told me that his distant cousins were visiting so he needs to go and help his mom. I quickly jog out and find Happy.
"How was school?"
"Not a bad day today" I smile at him  "You know something about dad?"
"Yep, he just called me... he's coming here in some hours, his flight arrives at 5:30 am"
I buckle my seatbelt and sigh "Great! good news then... I miss him"
When I arrive I prepare myself some food and knock Wanda's door and leave her a tray with comfort food. I then go to do my homework while I search with Friday more news about Steve but they're off the radar. Minutes into variables I lift my head with the sudden reminder that there's a lap pool so I grab a towel and a swimsuit and start looking for it, 20 minutes later I finally discover the room. Still with the same white walls and marble tiles.
Already preparing for sleep I text with Harley who is mocking his cousins, I set an alarm earlier to see my dad.
I growl at the sound but quickly my mind remembers that my dad is almost arriving. I change and kill the rest of the time preparing breakfast. I hear the doors sliding and I quickly run to the shadowy figure.
"Dad!!" I jump hugging him tightly
"T!!" he returns the hug palming softly in my back  "I'm so glad you're safe"
A crane almost crushed me but ok...
"There was an accident at the centre you were in... are you ok? apart from that black eye"
"super-duper! now I'm an active-duty non-combatant and it feels weird" he says gently pushing me to walk with him upstairs "So uh... do you like this place?"
"I do, I'm still discovering shortcuts... oh, I made breakfast if you want"
"uh, yes... toast"  he grabs a slice and some strawberry preserve and starts eating "how's your mom?"
I gulp looking at his knitted brows "she's been busy these days but she seems fine, I guess uh, so what's your plan for today?"
"Going to Queens" he simply says filling his mouth with more food
"Oh, I need to talk to a friend there and I'll grab some pizza on the way back" he states "What's your plan T?"
"Well... today I have an Algebra quiz but I'm me so..."
"What do you know about Spider-man?" he suddenly asks "Pop culture is your thing, right?"
"umm I just know that everyone talks about him... they call him the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. I t's so weird because he webs and hangs all around the city dad, I don't know how he does it"
my dad grabs a napkin rubbing his mouth "So... you think he's a good person?"
"Yeah, he helps grandmas and cats, but he needs to seriously change that onesie he wears" I laugh "and maybe the glasses..."
"So now you're Joan Rivers or something?" he says and I slap him on his arm "I'll be at my new office ok?"
I grab my backpack "and I'll be at school, love you"
I walk to the car and see Happy there, all the way to Midtown he told me about the new episode of Downtown Abbey. With long steps, I walk to my locker and then to Geometry running into Ned.
"Hey, Ned! ready for some geometry?"
"Of course! I printed our work, I'll handle it don't worry"
"Thanks, so... have you seen Peter lately?"
he shifts his backpack in his shoulder "Yeah, why?"
"You're his best friend and maybe you know what is bothering him...?" I whisper stepping into the classroom settling in our seats
"I also told him he seemed strange and distracted" whispers back rapidly nodding "but he told me he feels the pressure of everything right now..."
I frown at that "It seems that's his generic answer for everything"
"...Maybe his body is changing or something..." he pauses looking at me for what he just said and both of us blurt in laughter
I search and I search and I search. Where the Flying fork is locker 1184? I moan in relief when I spot his neatly brushed-back hair and slim figure.
I stride towards him "Peter!"
He rubs his forehead "Tannie hey! it's physics right?"
"Yeah, it is... ready for the first Algebra quiz?"
"Totally, I've been studying nonstop" he smiles "by the way, thank you for offering me advise" His eyes dart to my face for just a second
"Sure, when you feel ready I'll be there, by the way, I like your pizza slash equation shirt" A toothy smile forms in his face and then someone grabs my shoulders making me flinch
"'Sup, Peter! Tannie..." Harley smiles at me squeezing my shoulder
"Hey! I-I see you in class" Peter awkwardly steps away from his locker into the crowd
I jerk my head "What's up Keener?"
"Just to tell you that you look decent today" he bounces in his feet
I snort "Is that your way of telling me I look nice?" I poke his chest making him laugh
He quickly walks to the other way of the hallway and spins to me "Nah don't flatter yourself" he's gone with a wink and my cheeks suddenly feel hot
I enter to Physics with a little smile plastered on my face.
"I like your smile T" Flash winks at me and as fast as the smile formed in my face it drops away
"Thanks, Eugene" I singsong his real name knowing he hates being called like that
Throughout the class, I tried to answer all the questions with the intention of getting Peter's attention and annoy him but he was deep thinking. While going to Algebra I rush to sit and review one last time the important stuff, yes I consider myself a Know-it-all.
"ok class! listen up, I'll give you the questions and some blank sheets for you to fill, complete name and date, no cheating please" the teacher instructs
I'm not trying to brag or anything but in less than fifteen minutes I finished the quiz. Earning some looks from the people in the class including Peter. I was allowed to wait in the hallway so I sit down on the floor leaning against the lockers. Absentmindedly scrolling through my phone.
"That was fast"
A pair of blue sneakers appear in front of me. I look up and see Peter bouncing on his feet
"Come, sit" I move a little for him to sit
"Thanks... care to tell me how on earth you did it so fast?" he leans the back of his head against the metal doors
"Oh, that's all my brain" I snort  "ok that sounded cocky... but you also finished fast"
"I uh like exams... it's silly I know"
"No, it's not... I like them as well, the best part is when you see everyone stressed and confused" he laughs stronger and I throw my arms in the air " finally! a true laugh! I did it!"
he clears his throat "Yeah... you did..."
"Have you talk to Liz?"
A sudden shade of pink crawls to his cheeks "Oh...ummm... no... why?"
"Maybe you should? she's a senior I get it but she's cool, you're cool... I don't see anything wrong"
A faint goofy smile appears in his face "Yeah, she is... what about Harrold? is Harrold?"
"Oh, you mean Harley? what about him"
He rolls his eyes. First time I see him flashing some sassiness.
"I think he likes you, he seems nice"
"He is... but I don't know... I am a handful" I shrug wrinkling my nose
"If someone wants to be with you... in the end, they'll be with you, you know what I mean? maybe not, I suck at advising" we laugh seeing how more people are coming out of the classroom.
"Hey, Penis Parker!" Flash walks past us holding a hall pass
"I'm gonna kill him" I whisper
"Get in line, Tannie"
I spent recess with Harley again at the benches, then I went to the changing lockers for P.E. I'm currently playing volleyball with some girls while boys are stupidly daring each other to climb a rope.
"wuuuu Tannie! show them who's the best" I hear a shout at the end of the benches, the voice echoes all around the gym
Soft giggles from the girls beside me. I spin and see Harley leaning against the wall so I quickly jog to him
"a lot of enthusiasm I see..."
"You need a cheerleader, moral support" he smiles scanning me from head to toes  "never seen you in sports uniform..."
I grunt and walk backwards "Please don't be a pervert and stare at my legs"
I feel how my head falls forwards but someone pokes my arm to stay awake. I flutter my eyes and realize I'm still in Ethics. I turn and see Peter.
"Thanks" I whisper rubbing my cheeks "what's that?" I jerk my head to something coming out of his backpack
"Uh, Ned asked me if he could borrow my DVD... he just returned it to me"
"Oh... is that a new backpack? I've seen at least three different in the last days"
he scratches the back of his neck  "I ummm... I'm clumsy so... I spill coffee or milk..."
"So... now that you don't have any clubs... what do you do the last period?" I slightly lean to him careful that the teacher doesn't notice us
"I-I go to the library and do my homework so when classes end I already finished everything" he assures me
Making my way to the street, I receive a text from Happy saying he's stuck with work between the compound and the tower and that I can take the subway only if I call him at every point. I rush across the street fully enjoying the freedom I'm granted today. I bounce with a smile on my face. Just walking through busy streets like a normal person even enjoying the traffic noise from the city. I take out my phone and open the GPS to walk to the nearest subway station. I study the route and decide to take the shortcut.
Kinda lame if I think about it. A New Yorker who doesn't know how city life is? Pitiful.
Minutes into the shortcut and debating if I got lost or not, I stop in a corner just in front of a set of buildings. I pinch the screen of the map and sigh in annoyance but my eyes stop in a bright orange spot just across the street. A car. An Audi. My dad's Audi. What? I jump back and quickly hide behind a pillar, only peeking my head. He's getting out and reads something on his phone. He enters the third building. When his figure is gone I cross the street and start following him.
The music inside is loud and the chattering of people echoes everywhere. I stop when I see him in front of the lift. Rapidly he enters and once the doors shut I read the counter... and it stops on the sixth floor. I gasp and use the emergency stairs, dodging people who are blocking the way up. He's visiting his friend, I guess.
I catch my breath when I arrive on the floor. I warily open the door and peek inside. He's just stepping out of the lift so I follow him quietly hiding behind a wall. He stops in a door, knocking only twice. A woman answers, I only cath her hair because my phone starts ringing and my heart skips a beat. I pat my pocket and quickly answer.
"He-hello??" I whisper covering my mouth to stifle the sound
"Young lady, I thought we had an agreement?" Happy says in the other line
"I was about to call you!, I'm entering the subway and I know signal could be bad in here" I chirp trying to sound as innocent as I can
"Good, I calculate at least ten stations, ok? be careful"
I hurriedly end the call and spin to see where my dad was standing but he's no longer there and the door is shut. I slide myself to the floor and just wait. So... hs friend is a woman, huh? Minutes later I hear the buzz of the lift. Slowly, the doors slide open and I spot the familiar backpack with orange coating on its sides and the DVD Player.
"oh fuck!" I whisper and try to get up but I slip on the floor and quickly turn my back on him
He lives here?
I lift my head to see where he's going and What. The. Hell? he opens the door my dad just knocked on... What? What is happening?... the only thing to do now is to wait.
A/N: Hope you liked it! Also available in Wattpad! https://my.w.tt/sw2CZNdCv1
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