#sorry too much information LOLOL
allornothinglove · 1 year
I just want my pussy ate.
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crackedpumpkin · 1 year
|| ʙʟᴀɴᴋ ᴄᴀɴᴠᴀꜱ || ᴘᴛ. ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ||
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a/n: Hello loves! So sorry I kept y'all waiting for part three, I hope you enjoy this! Just wanted to let y'all know that I'll be flying off to South Korea for a vacation, and will only be back on the 22nd of June so updates will be paused till then. I'll try to continue writing on my trip, but there are no guarantees I won't be too tired lolol. Love, pumpkin.
[ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 ] | [ 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ] | [ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ]
Blackmail — The act of attempting to force someone to do something or give up something valuable by threatening negative consequences if they don’t, especially revealing negative information about them.
That's what the online dictionary says anyway, which is perfect! 
As such, it wouldn't be blackmail as much as it would be....persuasive negotiation. Which is the exact opposite of blackmail, which, again, is perfect! 
Yeah, you’re getting nowhere with this.
You stifle a defeated groan as you collapse onto the plush mattress of your bed, dragging your hands down your face. Your phone beeps with a message, startling you out of your thoughts.
Nicole [ 7.15 PM ]: Did you find what you were looking for?
Nicole [ 7.15 PM ]: ? 
Nicole [ 7.30 PM ]: Update me tomorrow.
Right. Nicole. Your hand falls limply to the side, fingers loosely gripping the device.
How would you explain it to her? She’s always been good at sniffing out your lies. To tell, or not to tell. That is the question. Maybe you should just pretend nothing happened. That’d be the only reasonable thing to do in this situation, right? 
But your art is at risk here. And if it’s anything you’ve learnt over your many years of living, it’s that you’re a stubborn bull that can’t back down once you’re set on something. And right now, you’re set on getting Spiderman to be your model. 
You might get your mojo back if you draw him enough times. Maybe your art block won’t be so constipated anymore, and perhaps you might even get into the art school you have your eye on.
And maybe, just maybe, you might catch the eye of the art scouts at the end-of-year exhibition.
So there’s no way you can afford to give this up. 
You’ll convince him. You have to.
— — — — — 
“So, why’d you ignore my messages yesterday?” 
You flinch away from the sudden hand on your shoulder, fingers decorated with rings glinting in the sun. Michael winces from where he’s standing opposite you, taking a long, slow sip of his juice box. 
You stammer out Nicole’s name in surprise, the girl in question looking at you with a raised brow and serious eyes. She scans your nervous smile and flushed cheeks, letting go of you with a nod. 
“You met him. How was it?”
Damn it.
“I didn’t end up meeting him,” You say with a defeated sigh, hoping it’s not excessive. Being under Nicole’s observant gaze is one of the scariest experiences in the world, with pigeons in close proximity a close second. 
“Okay,” Her dubious tone gives you a slight sense of hope, only for your heart to drop at her next question. “So, why’d you ask me for Miles’s photo?”
“I, uh, ran into him and thought he looked familiar. So, I asked for his picture to double check,” You admit, hoping the truth mixed into some lies would be enough to convince her. 
“Right…What’s your impression of him, then?”
“Cute?” You blurt out without thinking, recalling the framed picture of his young self with his parents on the small table.
“You think he’s cute?”
“M-maybe?” You try, but it clicks once you see the disgust in her eyes. “Yes! I do, in fact, find him very attractive. One might even say that he is now my…crush?” 
You pray she doesn’t notice the underlying wince in your words. Nicole shudders, taking a small step away from you. “You need to get your eyes checked or something. I’ve known the guy since we were in diapers, and trust me when I say that he’s nothing but trouble.”
“I won’t do anything, I promise. Besides, I’m sure the crush is just temporary. It’ll blow over before you even know it!” Mainly because you don’t have a crush on the guy in the first place. But you do need to figure out a way to trap him to persuade him into being your model.
“Wait, you met Miles?”
“Why’re you glossing over the fact that she likes him?” Nicole says incredulously, gesturing to you with wide eyes. It��s probably the most expressive you’ve ever seen her, save for the time you invited them to go cafe hopping with you on a sweltering Monday. 
You’d never heard so many variations of curses before, all of which Nicole unintentionally introduced you to. Since then, you’ve learnt to only hang out on cooler days with better weather and cafes within walking distance.
“So?” Michael shrugs nonchalantly, but the amused smile on his lips suggests otherwise. “Why are you so affected?”
“Because it’s my best friend liking Miles Morales - the guy I’ve known since we were babies. He’s not good enough for her.” Nicole decides with a frown. You turn to her, tears brimming in the corner of your eyes as you place your hands on your heart.
“I’m your best friend?” Nicole rolls her eyes at your words, crossing her arms. “You can drop from that tier anytime, so you better watch out.” She replies simply with a halfhearted glare, but her words have no bite to them. Her ears are tinted red.
“Aww,” You coo, throwing your arms around the girl who baulks in surprise, almost falling to the ground had you not steadied both of you. She wriggles under your tight hug, giving up quickly with a groan. 
“Let me get in on that, chicas-” Michael is cut off when you kick his ankle, biting back a pained cry while you continue to hug Nicole, who has a satisfied smirk at your action. “Good job.” She pats your arm, and you reluctantly let go, dramatically wiping the tears away.
At least you succeeded in distracting her.
The rest of the day practically flies by, your body on autopilot and going through the motions of taking out your textbooks and doodling on them. Math, Science, and History were all meaningless in your eyes as you tried to make another plan to meet him. The past three attempts had shown you exactly how difficult it was to meet with the hero, much less alone. 
You’re not one to give up, though. You stare down at the piece of paper filled with doodles and scribbled words — an outline of a plan, circling Spiderman’s name in red. 
Okay, let’s try this again. 
Attempt #1: Meet Him At The Park - The Friendly Way.
You take a tentative glance around. Good, No dogs are in sight. You look over to the park's far end, where you had set up a sign saying that dog treats were being given out for free if they assembled there.
Sometimes, lying is an essential means of survival. Another quick scan of your surroundings confirms that no one is in the path of the taco truck, and feeling only slightly guilty when you spot the owner’s surprised expression, wondering why his usual customers aren’t present. 
However, you try not to linger on that, choosing to double-check if everything you need is on you.
Phone? Check. Earbuds? Check. Wallet? Check. Spiderman?
You grin once you spot the masked hero landing in front of the taco truck, right on schedule. 
Standing up, you slowly make your way over, giving him time to place his order. Every step is light, your heart oddly calm as you approach him. Yeah. You got this. It’s just getting him to agree that’s the hard part.
Okay. You got this. Play it cool.
Walking up to the taco truck, you clear your throat, propping your elbow onto the small metal platform near the baskets of condiments. You casually glance at him, scanning his suit from head to toe before meeting his eyes.
“Hey,” he replies slowly with a slight tilt of his head, surprised by your sudden presence. He taps his fingers against the cold metal of the taco truck in a steady rhythm. You take a slow breath. You can take your time. It’s just a boy under the mask, after all.
“So, how’s being Spiderman going?” You ask absentmindedly, looking down at your nails and only now noticing that you’re in desperate need of a manicure. 
“It’s going good. And you?”
“Could be better.”
“That doesn’t sound good. Is it anything your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman can help with?” His words are filled with worry, now giving you his full attention.
Got him.
“Well…” You trail off, barely managing to hide the excitement in your eyes and voice. Now’s the time to approach him carefully. If you’re careless, you could lose one of the few opportunities to get him to be your muse. 
“Uh-huh?” He grabs the paper bag of tacos the owner hands him, handing him a crumpled bill from a hidden pocket in his suit with a quick nod of thanks in one smooth movement. However, he hears a slight commotion a short distance away, eyes narrowing as he tries to determine the source.
“I’m an art student, and I need a muse,” You continue, encouraged by his questioning hum and failing to notice the way his gaze is focused on something happening behind you. “So I was thinking-”
“Right, uh, miss. You seem like an absolutely wonderful lady. I’m so sorry, but we’ll have to continue this conversation another day. Duty’s kinda calling right now. I’ll pass by the basketball court tomorrow, and you can ask me your question there?” You can’t tell if he’s smiling, grinning, or even scowling under the mask. But it didn’t exactly sound hostile, so that’s that you suppose.
“Meet me at the sub shop on Fifth Avenue, two lefts after the huge statue and a right at the Lego store. Two-thirty P.M.,” You reply immediately. Why Mr Perez’s shop, in particular, you didn’t know. But you’re not about to chase after his ass again after the last few times. Not a chance in hell.
He agrees with a quick but apologetic nod, already swinging off with his paper bag of tacos and heading toward the angry horde of dog parents around the sign you placed earlier. You watch him land before them, trying to calm the group down.
Well, at least you got an appointment with him tomorrow. The problem now is how to make sure he accepts. Plus, him constantly running off isn’t the most ideal scenario in your situation.
So, you have to make sure he stays put.
You walk off, heading to the sub shop with the beginnings of an idea. (While simultaneously forgetting about the horde of dog parents who’re growing increasingly angrier from the absence of promised dog treats).
— — — — — 
“Mr Perez, nice shirt! Did you separate the whites from the colours? It looks so clean!” You greet as soon as you walk in, taking a deep breath and smiling at the scent of pickle brine. The store is relatively empty, the last customer leaving through the door just as you walked in. 
The store owner walks to the glass door, flipping the sign around to read Closed. He sends you a wary glance, walking back behind the counter to start cleaning up while you lean against the glass display case.
“What do you want?”
“Who said I wanted anything?” 
“You only compliment my laundry when you want something.” It’s true. You do tend to do that. You suppose it’s time to be rid of the habit. But not today, for you have much more important goals to pursue. 
“Okay. I need to borrow the storeroom for, like, a couple of hours tomorrow afternoon. No disturbances, complete privacy. Not even Didi is allowed in.” You get straight to the point, not bothering to beat around the bush.
“...Are you doing drugs?”
“That’s gross. And unsanitary. If I were doing drugs, I’d do it in the Science lab at school.” You point out, scrunching your nose in disgust. 
“Are you smoking? Vaping?”
“No, and no. C’mon, Mr Perez, I thought you knew me better than that!” You huff, though you know that he’s just joking from the amused twinkle in his eyes. 
“Fine. Just give me the signal. Besides, Didi’s at preschool tomorrow till five.” He says simply, wiping down his workstation with a clean cloth. 
“Really? No takebacks!” You say with an exaggerated gasp, not expecting him to actually agree. The bright smile on your face makes him chuckle, shaking his head fondly as he washes up the kitchen knives in the sink. 
“What time will you be coming?”
“Two-thirty. Remember, you promised no questions asked!” You call out over your shoulder as you exit while raising your hand in a quick salute. You saunter on home with your hands in your pockets, chest swelling with pride that you got a guaranteed meeting with the very boy you’ve been trying to convince to be your muse. 
You’ve definitely got this.
— — — — — 
Attempt #2: Kidnap Meet Him At The Sub Store - The Friendly Way.
Two-fifteen P.M.
You glance over at the IKEA clock hanging from the wall opposite you in the storeroom, tying the string securely around the metal shelf. Taking a step back, you survey the setup, scanning it for flaws in your otherwise perfect plan.
You arrange the chair to sit behind a wobbly table that’s about to break any day now due to countless playtimes with Didi’s mischievous ideas. (And maybe some of your own, but Mr Perez doesn’t need to know that.)
The bright light in the slightly cramped storeroom only adds to the ambience (of what, you don’t really know yourself). The punching bag hanging in the corner of the room is definitely no cause for concern. Maybe he’d think that you’re really into exercise. All that’s left is for Spiderman to get caught in your perfect trap. You’re pretty sure he won’t get hurt in the process. 
The only thing left now is to wait. You head out into the front of the store, waving Spiderman over as soon as you see him enter. He follows with a skip in his step, only to slow down when you guide him into the storeroom. 
“Uh…This is new, even for me.” He comments, looking around at the stacked boxes and metal shelves, unsure of what to make of this sudden change in vibe. You gesture at the chair, closing the door behind you. 
“Sorry, I just needed a place away from prying eyes.” You sigh, discreetly watching him take a seat. He does so without hesitation, and you immediately grab the end of the string that’s hooked onto the metal shelf, using all of your strength (and the help of a pulley) to yank it. 
Spiderman yelps, dangling from the ceiling by a tightly secured string around his ankle. “What the-? You said you needed help!” 
“And I do!” You reply, a tinge of desperation in your words. “Just…just hang on.” You breathe out, taking the frying pan on the shelf next to you after securing the string and leaving him dangling still. You approach him, Spiderman failing to notice, too preoccupied with trying to escape.
“Michael better be right about this,” You mumble under your breath, taking a quick swing and hitting the spot on his head that Michael promised would knock anyone out instantly. Spiderman’s eyes close, his cry of protest cut off as his hands fall limply to his sides. 
“Oh.” You stare down at him, squatting down and reaching your hand out to gently massage the spot where you hit him with a guilty smile. You hadn’t expected it to actually work. “Sorry, Morales. My goals aren’t to harm you, promise.”
Standing back up with a wince, you can feel the joints in your body popping from the sudden stretch. You never really bothered with exercise, categorizing your sketching and painting as such.
You huff, grabbing his arms and pulling him across the room after untying him from the string around his ankle. “But one of them might be to start working out,” You say through gritted teeth, finally reaching the punching bag. You take a deep breath, doing your best to pick him up and hold him against it while you tie him up.
“No-” Your muffled cry is cut short when your arms give out, and you fall onto your back with the unconscious hero lying on top of you. You groan, pushing him off you, eyeing the punching bag with distaste.
Another repeated attempt ends in the same result, and your back starts to ache from the impact of the hard surface against your back. You see him starting to stir, your eyes widening in panic, instinctively grabbing the frying pan and hitting him again. He falls back to the floor with a hushed groan while you breathe a sigh of relief.
You stand back up, eyeing the punching bag, before an idea hits you. 
Finally, you sit in the chair in front of the punching bag, taking out your sketchbook from the bag you'd placed on one of the shelves this afternoon and beginning to sketch him leisurely. You spot him slowly blinking, regaining his consciousness as he realises that he’s tied up.
"So..." You drawl, leaning back in your seat with a lazy grin. The city's local hero, Spiderman, dangles upside down in your trap. You actually did it. You got him to stay put.
He struggles to get free from the tightly bound ropes, almost tugging off his mask in the process before giving up seconds after. “Not again…” You hear him groan in defeat, looking back up at you with a deadpan stare.
"I have to admit, I love the new suit." You comment, grabbing a pencil and doing a quick sketch, ignoring his earlier words.
"What do you want from me?"
You pause, looking up from your sketchbook. "You sound pretty young to be a hero." You purse your lips, trying to guess his age.
"W-what? No, I don't." His voice turns gruff, and you chuckle from how obvious he was forcing it to be.
"I don't really want much. Just to draw you is all." You hum, flipping a page and letting pencil meet paper.
You don't respond, eyes trained on sketching the dimensions of his midnight black suit. "I like the spray paint."
"Thanks," He's surprised by your comment, hands still furiously working to free himself. 
"Aren't you a villain?" He questions, unable to hold back his curiosity. You weren't really doing anything to him either, not like the muggers or robbers that roam the streets at night.
You were just... drawing him.
"I just thought the suit was cool." You respond simply with a shrug, looking straight at the white material on his mask that hides his eyes.
He flinches, surprised by the sudden eye contact. "And you trapped me because...?"
"I wanted to draw it."
"You could've just asked."
"I tried. You weren't really paying attention, or you weren’t available. Hero duties and all, remember? "
Now that you mentioned it, the hero does remember you from the mugging and the excuses he’d made, shrugging sheepishly in response. 
"Oh. My bad."
The corner of your lips tugs upwards into a slight smile. At least he has the common decency to admit it.
"Could you untie me, though? It's getting a little uncomfortable." He voices out, fingers still trying to wriggle free.
"Sure, but I'll need something in exchange."
He sighs. Of course, you did. People always wanted something from him as Spiderman, be it a photo or to gain clout.
"What is it?" He's wary now.
You grin, hands closing the sketchbook with a loud snap as you place your pencil on your chair, getting up.
"That's easy," You walk towards him with ease, eyes filled with certainty. You're inches away from his upside-down figure, leaning in slightly until your lips are next to where his ear would be under the mask.
"Be my model, Miles Morales.”
He stills at the mention of his name. “Wh-what? I don’t know who this Miles guy is, but I’m obviously not him.” He laughs nervously, shaking his head.
You can practically see the waves of panic flooding through his mind. “You just changed the pitch of your voice,” You point out casually instead, leaning back against the wall with a smirk, your hands in your pockets.
“I’m telling you, I’m not this Miles guy you think I am. Though I’m very sure he may be cool enough to be Spiderman, I am not him.” He almost trips over his words, flinching when you move your hand close to his mask.
“Then I guess you won’t mind if I take this off?” You hum, spotting him trying to use his electric powers to break free. “Don’t bother. The strings are made out of insulated material.”
He flinches away from your fingers brushing against the side of his face, his eyes meeting yours and knowing he’s already lost this battle. “Fine.” He surrenders, his eyes narrowed into a hostile glare directed at you.
“Don’t be like that,” You chide, sitting cross-legged in front of him with a disapproving shake of your head. “Besides, I’m just here to make a deal with you.” 
“Is this about the model thing?”
“Yeap,” You confirm, popping the ‘p’. “Here’s all I’m asking. Let me meet up with you twice a week. I’ll even pay you ten bucks per session. All you gotta do is sit there.” The intensity of his glare lessens somewhat, though you can still sense his wariness. Makes sense, though, considering you’ve just essentially ensured he can’t say no. Besides, your terms and conditions aren’t half bad either.
You wait patiently for his response, giving him time to mull over it. 
“Deal. Now let me go.” 
“Uh-uh, not just yet,” You tut, moving over to your bag, grabbing the makeshift contract you drafted last night, and showing it to him with a triumphant grin. “I even added two different lines for both of your signatures. Spiderman’s and Miles Morales.” 
He rolls his eyes, and you take that as a good sign, cutting him loose. He falls gracefully to the floor, landing in a perfect superhero pose. You applaud, giving yourself a mental pat on the back for staying calm throughout the entire exchange. He takes the pen you hand to him, scrawling his name on the dotted line. You smile widely and keep the contract back in your bag, practically on cloud nine with this accomplishment.
Unfortunately, the euphoria makes you forget you’re still in a cramped storeroom.
Wincing when your elbow knocks against a loosely stacked box, you and Spiderman watch it slowly topple on its side, landing on the floor with a loud bang before looking at each other with wide eyes. 
Okay, so maybe you don’t got this as much as you thought.
You freeze when the door opens, looking behind you to see Mr Perez with his hand on the doorknob. His eyes flit from you to Spiderman, his gaze settling on the open box on the ground with vegetables spilling out of it before looking back at you with furrowed brows.
As soon as your eyes meet, you smile sheepishly. 
“I’ll babysit on Friday.”
— — — — — — —
taglist: (definitely not because I forgot I said I'd tag people lol)
@oh-kurva @brunnetteiwik @queerponcho @sleepingnova @1theestallionyas
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pix3lplays · 6 months
This is so silly lolol
Zagreus and playfighting with Underworlder!s/o but things go wrong and he accidentally kills you. So you come back down the River Styx and make him sleep on the couch for the night lol
I KNOW I should do requests in order, and I’ll get back to it but this request is living rent free in my brain, I can literally not stop thinking about it😭😭😭
Cw! Reader technically dies, violence, sharing a bed, just silly
-Zagreus accidentally kills you-
He hadn’t realized just how Strong fighting his way through the underworld was making him…he had never even hurt you before when you would play fight, but this time, after not sparring with him for a while…you couldn’t help but notice Zagreus’s fighting style had…Improved with time. And yeah maybe it’s Partly your fault for not backing down, or telling him he was playing too rough, but it wasn’t YOU who jabbed a pretty little spear into your abdomen. The last thing you heard was a panicked: “Whoops!” followed by your vision turning black and the sensation of being dragged into a liquid. And the second you regain consciousness, as you float down the river Styx…your only thought is:“Zagreus >:(“ When you emerge, guess who’s waiting for you there with an apology Towel™ and a bottle of ambrosia. He’s very much like: “I’m so sorry for accidentally killing you…are we…still sharing a bed tonight?” You accept the towel and ambrosia. And inform him that NO you will not be sharing a bed tonight. He can get comfy in the lounge. “How long are you going to stay mad at me?” he asks hesitantly, and you respond by crossing your arms and glaring at him. Yeah, you don’t share a bed with Zag that night, and admittedly your bed feels a little (a lot) colder without him, but the burning flames of your temporary hatred towards him kept you warm alllll night.
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hunieday · 11 months
Momo - Idol Star Prince Stage Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access it, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Yuki: Momo, I’m coming over with Okarin right now.
Yuki: I think we'll be there in about 10 minutes.
Yuki: Momo?
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Momo: Roger that~~!!
Momo: Sorry for replying late 😭 I was taking a nap!
Yuki: I got scared.
Yuki: You always contact me first, so
Yuki: Were you up late last night?
Momo: Yeah 🥺
I had the morning off today, so I went for drinks with Mitsuki and got carried away 😆🍻
Momo: Sorry for worrying you ( ;∀;)
Yuki: If it's Mitsuki-kun, it's fine.
Yuki: As long as it’s not a suspicious person who came from who-knows-where to lure you away from me
Momo: Eek! Yuki...! Your handsome levels are so high that I’m fully alert and awake now 🤩💫
Yuki: Sometimes I could be the one who wakes you up. Not bad.
Momo: Then can Momo-chan pretend to be asleep tomorrow morning so you’d wake me up with your super handsome move? 🫶✨
Yuki: Hmm?
Yuki: Your text is too small for some reason. I can’t read it.
Momo: You’re hitting it aren’t you lololololol
Momo: How about we wake up early together once in a while ~(*´艸`)
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Momo: Ah! ! You're distracting me with a sticker!
Momo: I’ll have pull all the tricks i have under my sleeves to wake you up 😤
Yuki: I was really surprised when I got shoved into the car in my futon.
Momo: That’s the day I couldn’t come and wake you up right? because I had to go to another job. Okarin took drastic measures lolololol
Yuki: Isn’t Okarin too strong?
Momo: I heard that Maneko-chan was teaching him some good muscle training methods 😤
Yuki: You’re telling me that the cute Okarin is buff under those clothes? i hate it
Momo: It's funny when you imagine it so stop it lolol
Momo: Oh right!!! That day Okarin and I bombarded you with a demonic amount of rabbichats, but you didn’t wake up at all. And even after Okarin came and woke you up, you ignored my messages completely!
Momo: Just as you were worried about me because I responded late just now, at that time I was worried too !!!!
Yuki: Is that so?
Momo: Yes!! Go reread the rabbichat!!
Yuki: I don't remember when it happened so I can't find it
Momo: Try searching for "bird-brain" 💥
Yuki: Bird-brain
Yuki: It's true, you got angry
Yuki: I probably answered you out loud
Momo: But I couldn’t hear you obviously ?! ヾ(o゚Д゚o)ノ
Momo: I got angry because Okarin sent me a report about your maintenance being over, but you yourself didn't inform me about it!
Yuki: What even is the end of maintenance?
Momo: A report from Okarin saying that Yuki has started service again (see: he’s awake) 😤
Momo: I can stay calm until the regular maintenance is over, but an unexpected emergency maintenance is troublesome cuz I don’t anticipate it 😤😤
Yuki: Somehow that sounds tough
Momo: A formidable enemy even😤‼️
Momo: By the way, hear me out…
Momo: Even my bedhead is too much of a formidable enemy today!!
Yuki: That’s hilarious
Momo: It looks like a japanese top knot 😆
Yuki: We’ll be there in about five minutes.
Momo: yikes~ lololol this is the kind of hair that would break even a makeup artist's spirit lolol
Yuki: Well then, today I'll wear my hair in a japanese top knot so we’d be matching.
Momo: Huhhh !? We’re not filming a variety show today, we have the Idol Star pamphlet shoot?!
Yuki: If we match, you wouldn’t feel lonely, right?
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Momo: Yuki, so handsome,,,😭 Coming up with the concept of a japanese top knot prince out of nowhere😭
Yuki: I just proposed the idea to Okarin and he immediately rejected it.
Yuki: Are you changing Idol Star’s concept into one of a lord?, he said.
Yuki: Aren't lords and princes the same thing?
Momo: You’re right lololol
Momo: But I think Yuki can become a handsome prince even with a japanese top knot! ! (*'ω'*)
Yuki: Really? You were angry at me earlier, did you calm down?
Momo: What?! You were actually worried about that?! I’m not mad at all !!!!!
Momo: Even if you’re a sleepyhead, even if you reply out loud to a rabbit chat, Yuki really is a super handsome super darling prince ‼️😭🫶
Yuki: The super handsome super darling prince will soon arrive at your house, Okarin is parking the car.
Momo: Yay‼️
Momo: I'll roll out the red carpet and wait (*ノωノ)
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whole-circus · 11 months
could I request any of the creepypastas with a ftm reader who’s basically like urumi akamaki from alice in borderland please? this can be seen as platonic or romantic btw :)
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Nina the Killer and Eyeless Jack with ftm Urumi Akamari like reader!
➥ Hi hello!! Im actually pretty fine, comparing to other days lolol. Hope you are fine too!! Ohh i remeber my huge AiB phase lol. Anyways here you go dove!!! If you wanna someone specific too then feel free to inform me, I will always gladly update!! :) Ah im so so so sorry that you waited so long :((
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˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
Nina the Killer
You and Nina are definitely pretty similar in some aspects - even if its hard to believe! Nina tend to be pretty..well pretty crazy and insane, so its not like you will be freaked out by her..! From the killing part to some stupid ideas (for real, every adult who would see what she wanna do would  clutched one's head in disbelief). Sooo, I guess she would need someone like you! With your tendency to be total control freak, you can easly make most of decision for her and Nina would even thank you! Also she isnt scared to take any risk, as i said earlier - Nina is a bit of adrenaline junkie!! Your a bit distant and mysterious mask would be the perfect balance to Nina, who is really out-going and a huge chatterbox!! And your fake persona will perfectly match hers!
When it comes to you being trans, she is such a huge sweetheart i swear!! Well, by accepting and not treating you any diffrent she isnt doing anything super special - its just the bare minimum! But Nina is always ready to soothe you if you feelin dysphoric - she tries talk to you and she never ignore your feeling, all you say and do is valid! Be ready for lots of complements - she means every single one of them! You are the coolest boy she had ever met, how could she not like you??
Eyeless Jack
Okay, Jack just loves smart people!! Is all into brain > body thing, so you are perfect! He is an intelectual person (demon, im sick), and appreciates these things in people. With you, being all two-sided and often using manipulation in order to get what you want - man, you are just his type of person i swear!! He enjoyes psychological games, and will gladly team with you against someone..you guys will be partner in crimes 100%! Enjoys that you are such a mysterious person, and no one can see through your sweet and cute persona, you have so much power! Would like to see what you are really like, he can guess that there is so much more in you. Yet, i think that Jacks personality makes him easy to get along with, and you kinda seem similar in some aspects. Jack also isnt scared to take a risk, becasue well..its not like he has anything to lose. But he got the right spirit!
Jack absolutey wouldnt mind if you are trans or not - you are still this handsome boy he liked and nothing will change that! He literally would eat kidneys from people that were trasnphobic (thats all what they good at i guess). He is the first one to be always by your side and reassure you how many times you need it if you feel dysphoric. Would also try to help you the best he can, trying to find you some healthy ways in order to make you feel at least slightly better. Jack is also patient, and wont be mad if you yell at him or be mean during your bad days - he gets how hard it can be for you, and wants to be your safe place!
˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
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smt-obsessed · 4 months
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Hello! I'm a part of a lot of fandoms and I like to write!
Here's my Masterlist of all of the fandoms/characters I'll be writing for, and all of my works and works in progress.
But I write slower than fuck, please bear with me lol.
requests are open ♡
(check out my pinned post for more information.)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ☆ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
American Horror Story
(I can see this one being the cause of a lot of darkfics, especially Hotel. There will always be a trigger warnings list before anything I write, so please read it if you feel like you might need it.)
Kit Walker
Lana Winters
Cordelia Goode
Madison Montgomery
Misty Day
The Countess
James Patrick March
John Lowe
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Attack On Titan
(I'm gonna be honest; I haven't finished it. But I want to, even though I know the ending! But I've also been wanting to write for them... So please forgive me if they seem a little out of character, it'll get better I promise! I'll also probably be rewatching and getting caught up on it while writing these lol. I'll update y'all!)
Armin Arlert
Connie Springer
Eren Jaeger
Hange Zoë
Jean Kirstein
Levi Ackerman
Mikasa Ackerman
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Criminal Minds
(I had a really bad "Criminal Minds" hyper fixation 2 years ago, but I got out of it before I could finish any of the fics I had set up for them, so I deleted most of them like a year ago 😭)
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Emily Prentiss
Jennifer Jareau
Penelope Garcia
Spencer Reid
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I just recently rewatched the first "Deadpool" movie and remembered how much I love it, so I'll hopefully be writing for him soon, as well as Harley Quinn! I'm also thinking that maybe I'll write about both of them x reader... But I'm not sure, we'll see!
Harley Quinn
Wade Wilson / Deadpool
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Jujustu Kaisen
So I haven't watched the second season 🙈 I was really liking it! but, in all honesty-
I got spoiled on pretty much everything and I just could not continue on, knowing almost all of them were gonna die 😭.
Gojo Satoru
Megumi Fushiguro
Nanami Kento
Nobara Kugisaki
Yuji Itadori
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Life is Strange
(Fun fact! I've never played this myself, I've just watched Jacksepticeye play it a lot, lolol. ♡ I'll probably add Rachel and Sean to this list but I definitely need to re-watch those two first.)
Chloe Price
Max Caulfield
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
My Hero Academia
(This is the first place I tried to shift too (iykyk), It never happened- but I might try again soon!)
Denki Kaminari
Eijiro Kirishima
Iiada Tenya
Izuku Midoriya
JiTn BuWbaIigaCwaEra
Katsuki Bakugo
Kyoka Jiro
Momo Yaoyorozu
Shoto Todoroki
Tamaki Amajiki
Toya Todoroki
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Ouran High School Host Club
(My comfort anime. it's problematic but so good.)
Haruhi Fujioka
Hikaru Hitachiin
Kaoru Hitachiin
Kyoya Ootori
Takashi Morinozuka
Tamaki Suoh
Mitskuni Haninozuka
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Spy X Family
(I love this show, I haven't finished it yet- but that's only because I'm waiting for the second part of the second season to be dubbed on Hulu!)
Loid Forger
Yor Forger
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The Sturniolo Triplets
(I'm hyper-fixating on Matt at the moment, so I'm really sorry if I'm slow at writing for literally anyone else. 😭)
Chris Sturniolo
Matt Sturniolo
Nick Sturniolo
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The Umbrella Academy
(I absolutely love this show, I'm happy to talk about it with whoever wants to!)
Allison Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Lila Pitts
Luther Hargreeves
Viktor Hargreeves
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The Walking Dead
(This is probably my favorite show ever; I've been watching it from the very start. Talk with me about it in my asks or messages!)
Beth Greene
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Maggie Rhee
Negan Smith
Rick Grimes
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ☆ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
And that's it!
(for now at least)
I would like to restate what I said at the top of this post; I really do want to write. I love thinking of ideas, planning it out and writing it!
But I'm very indecisive person as well as a perfectionist and so honestly, I'm just very slow at it. 😅
I promise I'll try to post as often as I can though.
I love y'all! Ttyl. ♡
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rosenongrata · 9 months
⋯ 𓆩♡𓆪 A/N. I ALMOST CRIED OVER THIS LOLOL :(... pls appreciate Thems™... i love them very much...wahhhhh
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This morning is particularly foggy today, the Iudex notes while staring out the window. It isn't quite cold enough to frost the glass, but the fog is certainly thick enough that it obscures much of the cityscape. His lilac, slitted eyes stare back down at his crisp cup of water—this one right from Mondstadt. He can barely detect a sweet fragrance from it, giving him a little more energy than he thinks he needs. Is there sugar in here? How strange…
While pondering the genuine nature of this water, Lepus slinks into the kitchen. With silent steps, they walk up behind him where he sits at the small polished table. One hand props his head up as the other holds the pristine glass cup. With golden eyes running up and down his form, they notice the rather taut muscles in his bare back.
He must be so stressed, the bunny thinks before trotting up to him and looping their arms around his neck. While they nuzzle the fluff of his unbrushed hair, he visibly jolts when touched. He's quick to relax, at least, allowing his small lover to continue stuffing their face in his white locks.
Turning to the side, his legs shifting to rest over the side of the polished wooden chair, he notices something…peculiar.
…Are they wearing his shirt?
He blushes at the very thought. When it dawns on him that it is, in fact, his shirt from last night, his whole face turns pink.
Lepus notices this, of course, they can almost feel the heat coming from him. While they don't tease him about it, they plant a sweet, chaste kiss on his burning cheek. With laden eyes, they watch him carefully. His expression proceeds to turn from embarrassed to flustered and surprised. He clears his throat several times, giving the small bunny ample time to speak first,
"Your shoulders are so tight… Will you let me give you a massage?" Their hands drag from looping around his neck to rest on his very tight shoulders, their thumbs idly rubbing his warm skin. "It'll help, I promise." They whisper, their voice only half-unintentionally soft from sleepiness.
"I—" He sputters, losing his normal cool, collected composure. It seems to happen too often around them. "…Go ahead." He gives in, his voice small as he turns back around to allow them better access to his back.
As his eyes flutter shut, he immediately hisses at the pain that shoots through his body from the massage. He never realized he was ever quite this tense and knotted. If he had to be honest, he thought he was totally fine.
…It turns out he deluded himself into believing that.
"I'm sorry it hurts, but your shoulders are very knotted and taut. You should try meditation on your breaks." They recommend, voice sweet as the water he was drinking earlier. "Or… At least let me give you massages regularly."
"Alright, I will…think about it—ACK!" He yelps in pain and surprise, his deep voice cracking as his shoulders tighten. "I did not think a simple massage could be quite this painful…" He sighs, a cool feeling running down his body like a waterfall—relaxation following shortly after.
"It happens when you don't take care of yourself, Neuvi." They inform, their smile thin with worry. "I know you have a busy and tough life, but your poor body needs good treatment like everyone else."
"You…you are right." He shakes his head before pivoting his neck to the side to glance at them. Seeing them smile makes him smile.
"By the way… Braid your hair before you sleep." They advise, eyes pinching closer together with their smile when their gazes meet.
"…Why?" He blinks, losing his sweet smile quicker than Lepus' appreciates.
"It lessens the likelihood of nasty knots and matting in your pretty, fluffy hair!" They grin.
He chuckles, his smile returning to his pale features.
"You quite like my hair, hm?"
"Yes. It'd be a shame to cut it all off because someone didn't take care of it."
"Ah…" He murmurs, "You are right, as in all matters of the body…hair included."
"Hehe," They snicker before pressing sugary sweet kisses to his shoulders, and soon, his neck. "You're so much happier than you let on…"
"Hmm…" He hums, "Only because of you, Mon Chéri."
"Huh?! Me?! N-No… That's…that's not quite right."
"Why wouldn't it be?" He retorts.
"Uhm… Because I'm me…?"
"Do not put yourself down, Lepus." He rises to his full height, towering over his tiny lover. His hands move to their face, thumbs brushing along the fullness of their cheeks. "You are a shimmering ray of sunshine on a cloudy day."
Their eyes immediately begin to water, causing him a big fright. He hushes them with a slender finger to their lips, and his own expression dampens. He didn't mean to make them cry, they're the last person he'd ever desire to hurt.
"I… It's been a long time since I've heard anyone tell me something like that…" They sniffle as he brushes away their tears.
"Truly?" He sighs, "What a shame… You are a wonderful person, Lepus, your heart is made of gold. Perhaps something even more beautiful and rarer." He smiles down at them, hands dancing their way to their bunny ears to pet them. It helps them relax in times like these, or so they've told him.
Their face turns bright pink while their golden gaze glues to the floor.
"Hah, how cute…" He murmurs.
With swift arms, he hoists them up into the air—snug against his chest as he carries them. He sighs happily, smiling at them with nothing short of pure joy.
"You make me truly happy, Lepus." He whispers, craning his head down to brush his lips against their plush cheek. "Never forget that."
"And never forget, that no matter the time of day after you leave this world, I will watch the skies for your return."
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marsbotz · 5 months
(disco elysium anon, wanted to send this separately) (and i'm sorry if this is invasive/whatever, also no pressure to respond to this at all! but if you want to talk more/ask questions then let me know however you'd like, i'm happy to send you a proper message and whatever you need)
anyway my point is: you mentioned a gender clinic referral in a tag and i'm a trans man also in the uk with a lot of experience in that area so i thought this might help in some way 👌🏼
if you've gone through the nhs, the wait times are astronomical (the shortest one is about 15 months, the longest around 62 months). the current legal limit on nhs referrals is a matter of weeks so it's literally criminal but that's another story lmao
if you go on the 'transgenderuk' subreddit there's a pinned post with current wait times and there's a wealth of information and people happy to help with anything from name changes to 3 stage surgery. also the nhs are notorious for just. not referring people to their gender clinics so if you did go through them it may make sense to give them a ring and check they did their job!
if you went through a private gender clinic and haven't heard back in months, 1000% follow up. the longest reply time i've heard is a month or two and the longest appointment wait i've seen is 7 months
lastly: there is another route. it's a lot more popular for transfems to do it, given feminising hormones are legal here but masculinising ones aren't, but transmascs (myself included) can 'diy' hormones, if hormones are the transition route you're after. even after i checked with like... tons and tons of people and different resources i was still terrified but it does work! also i get if a stranger on tumblr dot com doesn't reassure you, but i wanted to let you know about the option because it honestly saved my life and i think more transmascs need to know about this as a route especially those in this hell country lolol
for more info i would recommend the diy hrt wiki, just google that term and it should come up. i should mention though, with this though you're probably going to have to inject yourself which i know isn't for everyone (i used to need to have someone on facetime with me for like 45 minutes hyping me up lol). there is gel available on some sites but it's super expensive. also some sites will have tablets for sale but they don't work to masculinise unfortunately. OH and it's also recommended that you do blood tests semi regularly (once or twice a year) to test sex hormones and some other things like your liver, which you'll probably have to pay for yourself if you diy - in saying this though, the cost of 6 private blood tests, and 3 years worth of T and injection equipment would cost about the same as the initial appointments you need with the more reliable of the 2 private gender clinics. something something seize the means of transition
anyway. this is an absolutely insanely long message and i'm so so sorry if this is too much and too like... invasive but whats the point of having trans resources if you dont share them and whats the point of having a trans community if you dont trans commune 😎🏳️‍⚧️
WHATTTT THSI IS CRAZY THANK U. LOVE YOU. i definitelyyyyy need to look into it all more and start DOING SHITTT bc yeah this stupid fuck country SUCKKKKS. i did go thru nhs and cant afford to do private rn but ill tryyy to chase it :] THANK UUUU this is so so sweet i cld cryyyy 😭😭😭
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brighteststar707 · 1 year
1, 4 and 7 for Saeyoung? :) sorry if you've done this already. Thank you!!
1. What type of video games do they play? How do they like to play?
He plays a mix of everything! He likes to buy new consoles and stay on top of the latest releases, so he plays a lot of different games. He likes to play LOLOL with Yoosung, and often hosts gaming nights at the bunker. He has a soft spot for classic games like tetris and pacman and the original mario games.
He's super competitive, so when he plays, he plays to win. He dedicates himself to being the best at whatever the game is. In story-driven games where there isn't really a way to win, he focuses more on being a completionist, getting all the possible endings and picking up every possible bite of information that's hidden around the world. In simulation games, he's an agent of chaos. He makes mods for the sims and plays ridiculous storylines that almost always end in too many children or a raging house fire.
4. What's something weird, unusual, or silly that they know too much about?
Saeyoung is a treasure trove of random information. He has a very good memory and has been exposed to many different situations thanks to the agency. Working in the underbelly of society leaves you with some niche knowledge. He knows the dirty secrets of many important figures, things that could probably cause great controversy if he cared to share them.
When something piques his interest - be it a historical event or a new videogame - he will seek out everything there is to know about the topic. Be it cats, the latest extensive fantasy series he started reading or the entire history of the horror movie genre. He can and will talk your ear off if you let him.
7. What do they do when they're bored, just to pass time?
He doesn't know how to be idle. His mind never stops, so he jumps from one activity to another without hesitation.
He has plans lying around in his office for different little robots and gadgets that he wants to build, just because he wants to see if he can. If left alone with nothing else to do, he'd have a small army of Meowys done in a week. He takes apart old electronics he has lying around to see if he can put them back together the same way. He borrows parts from other devices to upgrade the ones he's using.
He might not be a hacker anymore, but technology and the language of computers still fascinates him. Now that nothing is holding him back, he wants to experiment with his knowledge.
If he's not busy tinkering in his office, he'd probably go out to the garage and work on his cars. They're his pride and joy, beautiful machines that he wants to keep in perfect shape.
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greetingsapartment · 1 year
my very very very long introduction to the welcome home fandom + set of rules
hello everyone!!!!!!
i got into welcome home a little while ago now, and i have finally gotten enough courage to put my headcanons and writing out into the world! and of course, you can request! (when the askbox is open ^_^ of course!!) i do have a few obvious or not-so-obvious rules though, as per every blog! rules below the cut :) it's long!
you CAN; ✦ ask for '(character) and reader'! it is the only thing i specialize in after all on this particular blog lolol, types of pairings that that i don't do are in my 'cannot' section, and if your idea is not there, dm me and i'll see if i can do it! :o) ✦ if you guys have anything in particular you'd like to share, i would love to hear it! i encourage it!! i like hearing everybody's ideas on things! personal headcanons, ideas or thoughts on a character or two, it's all a-okay with me! you can even ask me what i think on a character @:) ✦ ask for fluff, some light angst, hurt/comfort, go wild with it! headcanons galore!!!!!! ✦ ask more than once!
✦ just send silly stuff into my askbox LOL, try not to blow it up though!! you CANNOT;
✢ ask for NSFW, incest, or anything of the like. the first of which (NSFW), clown themself has prohibited because they're not 100% sure if they're comfortable with it yet, and the rest of it is just a blatant, heavy no. ✢ ask for anything on gore or anything TOO heavy on a dark subject. please DM me if you're curious what goes over the line, it's just that i am a person too! sorry if this disappoints!! :( ✢ ask for anything other than GN reader. sorry :( i just prefer to stick with GN as it applies to everybody who might pass by my post, and if they decide to read it, i want it to apply to them!
✢ ask for oc/character :( again, i'm sorry! there's nothing wrong with that kinda stuff, i've just never been too good at it, as i don't know much about your oc! established characters have always just been easier for me, but i could change this in the future! ✢ ask for character/character yet! it's still undecided for me as i'm not quite sure how everybody feels on some ships, as even when all some ships are completely normal, the shipping discourse is REAL across every fandom.
✢ ask for frank x reader (romantic) or eddie x reader (romantic), sorry to all frank and eddie simps out there💔just not my place! extra info i will have to update my set of rules and the characters i will write for as time goes on, as new information will inevitably come out, and my writing may be TOTALLY out of character as well! but this blog is simply for fun, and as time goes on, things will change :) and i will adapt accordingly! if i get anything wrong about the characters, please do inform me in DMs! i will resolve the issue as quickly as possible, and make an attempt to edit, or delete the posts in the worst case scenario! i do keep myself updated on them to the best of my abilities, but sometimes i will miss things! even if it is something small, do not hesitate to inform me that that character actually HATES that food, or dislikes being around that kind of weather! and please link me to the source of the info you found if possible, or try to direct me better to it! if and when i receive a request for a reader with any disability or condition, i will try to write it the best i can, even if i do not personally have it or have ever experienced anything like it. if there is anything i can do to improve on my writing with certain subjects, DM me! i will take whatever you give and do my best to include it :) please do not criticize me too heavily for my writing skills. i am still improving on it as we go along, so try to hold back on anything like that! i am not the fastest at getting requests done, but i will definitely try, and i am hoping life doesn't get too busy! if the askbox is closed, do note that it is probably because i have at least 5 or more requests in it, and i need to sort through them, and take my time! or i may just want to write for myself atm! i hope that is reasonable :) i am a HUGE julie fan, if you request for her i am more likely to leave a huge chunk bitten out of my monitor and have eaten all the key caps to my keyboard with only the letters "J U L I" and "E" left. i love writing for julie LOL 😭😭😭 that is it, from what i know! do what you will with all of this, and enjoy yourself, neighbor!!!!!
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rayclubs · 1 year
Howdy there, I’ve been reading through your tf2 language/accent/dialect posts like the morning paper and they are soooo cool and fun to read:)
Like. The whole post dedicated to how to write Heavy’s dialogue was absolutely FASCINATING what with all of the grammar things that you mentioned! Things like pluralization, not using crutch/filler words, etc etc. Also. Order of adjectives?? That was one I never considered since it’s usually something that native english speakers just sort of Pick Up Intuitively as they learn how to speak, but it makes so much sense!! I’ll definitely be applying a little bit of that to any dialogue I put in comics and such in the future
And Scout’s section was so interesting to read as well, like. My general accent and dialect is like that (what with being from that region of the states and all) and I’m constantly surprised at how much I’ve noticed people try to write his accent phonetically since reading the main tf2 language breakdown post. Like. It will always be strange to see people try to phonetically spell out a non-rhotic dialect/accent lol. I’m also super surprised at how little people utilize “wicked” as an intensifier in his dialogue (typically used in place of “really” or wherever you could use “super” as an intensifier (at least in my experience lolol))
Anyway, I am so so super sorry if this ask is getting a little too long, I just wanted to say your posts are wicked cool, super fun and informative, and that I hope you have a lovely day!!
Woah, thank you so much!
The order of adjectives is kind of a difficult subject because I never learned it properly, I know it's pretty strict in English but I honestly haven't yet gotten to researching how it works in Russian - I'm imagining there must be some logic to it too, just of a different kind, but it happens to come to me naturally because I am a native speaker, oof - maybe one day I'll make a separate post about it, even. Hopefully.
And I didn't know about "wicked"! This sucks because I say "wicked" and I'm not really too fond of the idea of being associated with Scout TF2 - ha! - but it's also awesome as a linguistic tool and I'll definitely be putting it in my writing. Thank you!
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fwacchi · 2 years
A few days late but I just wanted to gush about
Oliver Evans
Professor got new clothes I'M SO KDJCJDJJDNS H-he looks so good with the longer hair and and the turtleneck with the long coat
And and and also the v neck shirt and the no coat version and also his very nice glasses and I just-
I am just so gushy about his outfit I can't- I love it and him so much jdjjxjs
Also cause I dieded from your msg box but I've been so happy watching Yugo's telephone game with EN and JP members 🥺❤️
Im especially happy to see Volta members interacting more with EN and their JP senpais in general!!! They were so cute AAAAAA 🥹❤️
I've been watching more Enna recently because tbh I enjoy her humour so much. It's a major "I felt that" mood w her.
I haven't been watching a lot of streams live tho. More vod watching because been too busy with work and life to watch streams 🥹
If I do have the chance I try to keep Volta's stream up in the bg lolol
Seraph recently did a sort of totsu with Volta where he and the rest are just doing their own thing and it was so cute sjxjxjsjsj I love Volta so much you dont understand im so smitten with them and their dynamic AAAAA
ALSO FULGUR IS COMING TO A CON IN MY COUNTRY AND IM SO EXCITED XJJXJSJS i dont think there's a one on one meet and greet session unfortunately but AAAAAA Can't wait to see him 🥹❤️
Rambly one today HAHAHA SORRY! But do take care of yourself! If you are having exams, all the best (idk when the exam periods are-)
- 🌸 anon
Very late to reply but YES PROFESSOR????
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sorry professor stole every words from my lips i am now speechless.
i can't anymore. ⚰️🚶‍♀️
I'm sorry idk how or what to reply to everything you sent me HAHAHAHA but rest assured i read everything!! There were some things i missed and you literally filled me in on the information with your rant so thank you !!😭 i really love your rants please don't hesitate to send more :')
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mageofseven · 1 year
heyyy, can i get a match up?
U can match me up w anyone lolol
so uhm, ig my hobbies r video games, playing electric guitar.. watching movies/kdramas. Sometimes i watch anime,, music (i mostly listen to kpop, metal and rock 😭), dancing. My hobbies change a lot, but these r like my main ones that dont rlly change if that makes any sense..
Im an infj 4w5. Im also a january capricorn loool. I cant take criticism well and i get annoyed easily. Im either extremely sleepy or too energetic, no in between.. i try to get along with everyone. Even if i dont like the person, i try not to get into fights unless its necessary.
Im messy depressy so i make a lot of self deprecating jokes. I act carefree most of the time, but i can have serious/deep convos too. I tend to make jokes out of everything and be sarcastic..
Im interested in psychology and criminology! Oh and science too. I have no clue what I'd like to do w my life though ^○^!!
I tend to lie a lot, like its subconscious at this point lol. Or i manage to get myself into uncomfortable situations with my lying. I also sometimes shut myself in and ignore everyone. I also either talk too much or barely talk,,,
Im a cat person. Ive been a cat person since i was a kid. Ive been obsessed and i still am obsessed with them. Theyre just so cute (゜ロ゜). I dont even know what kind of genre it would be, but i really like animes similar to serial experiments lain. I like horror and coming of age movies, or anything that is sad..
I think this is it. I can be 🐈 anon. Oh and sorry if i said too much shit <//3. Tyyy •☆•
Oh!!! You're a 4w5 just like me! Hello 🥰
And trust me, you said just enough so no worries~
Okay! So let me break down some of your information.
Being an INFJ means your stack function is NiFeTiSe or NiFe.
This means your primary function is Introverted iNtuition. This is the function you use with how you perceive your inner world and how you store information. You collect a lot of info and have the ability to see it all as a whole and focus on the details, making it easier for you to cut through till you find the answer that seems the most likely.
Your auxiliary (or secondary) trait is Extraverted Feelings. This is the function you most use with the external world. This functions focuses on the emotions of others and works to support your Ni.
Next, your ennegram. Being a type 4 means you are creative and unique. You have a deep need to connect with others, but also feel that there are very few people in this world that can understand you. With your Wing being 5, this also shows that you are reserved, intelligent, and introspective.
Being a Capricorn means you are hardworking, direct, and persistent.
Combined with the rest of your information, there has been one Boy who stuck around I'm my head for you.
I pair you with...
A chill but depressed person who makes self-deprecating jokes who can switch from cracking jokes to having serious conversations? I found your man easily lol you two already share this together.
I can also see him really appreciate your sleepy and direct traits. I mean, this man gets a new nap buddy to cuddle up to and it's someone he never has to waste brainpower reading between the lines. What you say is what you mean and that makes things so much easier for this sleepy man.
I also see Belphie as the lazy genius kind of dude so I think he could really understand and keep up with you when talk a bunch science-y and would probably share your interest in criminology.
Lastly, your use of Fe would probably be really appreciated by this man, who is also "messy depressy" and needs comfort. Plus, it would make you remind him of Beel, who I see as also being an Fe user.
But ya! So you two have fun cuddling and talking science-y stuff 🤭💕
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lady-snow-flower · 6 months
22-24 for all of them
Favorite thing/part about sex—intimacy, role-playing, etc. Ber: the intimacy definitely. though he can get kinky, honestly his favourite position is just missionary because he wants to look into simba's eyes~ ew~ Hades: the release, definitely lol. He also likes the power dynamics in it-- likes to dominate, likes the high lol. Merida: similar to Hades, they would mostly love to dominate and probably wanna be praised lolol Nemo: Nemo loves fun, goofy sex. He likes to be silly and laugh with his partner the most. But also: compliment him during sex, thank u Pip: N/A this is private information Jun: N/A this is private information Amity: N/A she is exploring Snow: Snow's best sex she's ever had was with Estella and that was in part because...they had a lot of it and got to explore a lot of different things together. She also loves power dynamics. She loves roleplay. I think her favourite part was just the trust between partners to like-- be silly or be dangerous or to be vulnerable and so rip that Estella ripped that trust away and why she's had difficulty since!!! Penny: N/A she is exploring <3 Karen: They are all about new new new! They think it's a great way to get to know someone, learn their kinks and their likes/dislikes lol. Remy: Intimacy much like Berlioz, he wants things to be slooow and steamy~ and all about connection Least favorite thing/part about sex—cleanup, setup, etc
Ber: setup probably that would bore him to tears. he is very into spontaneous sex, loves sex where he shouldnt have sex Hades: answered Merida: emotions <3 keep that shit to yourself Nemo: clean-up he is veeery lazy and will moan and groan about taking a shower and wiping off etc (which sucks bc he loves~ messy sex. big fan of lube in this house) Pip: as a demisexual person most of sex honestly grosses pip out unless he is totally in love with you. in the future i do hc that he actually does not prefer anal. he'll do it when he's in the mood but is way more into other forms of sex. Jun: this is a stressful question for jun we can't answer that due to his anxieties Amity: n/a exploring Snow: for snow, sex is a ritual. if it's good sex, all parts of it are fun: the set-up is sexy, the foreplay is sexy, the clean-up and aftercare is sexy. She romanticizes every step idk what to tell u i guess if she feels like her partner isn't into it as much and she's putting in all the effort then she'd not like aspects of it lol Penny: n/a exploring Karen: actually is like snow, tho less sentimental lmfao, they're just like, bad part about sex??? its sex??? i like sex!!! Remy: also clean-up bc he's a bit of a neat freak so even tho he loooooves sex he'd probably get persnickety about the after.
. A song they would fuck/get fucked to
Ber: 3WW by alt-j... wow alt-j throwback Hades: uhhhh... he'd never think to turn on music. i guess if they dont want the kids to hear he's cranking up the classical music channel FLMAOOO Merida: also would never think to turn on music sorry Nemo: would fuck himself to robbie's music and send it to robbie. probs would do like, bazzi or justin bieber otherwise fsalkf;aslkfj Pip: too many to name. ariana grande on repeat. Jun: this is so embarrassing he doesnt want to answer any of these. like water by wendy Amity: it'll be taylor swift muna boygenius etc Snow: entirely depends on the mood and the plot ok like is this a bridgerton roleplay. is snow tied up in satin and gagged? these are very different soundtrack choices Penny: it'll be taylor swift maude latour caroline polachek etc Karen: macarena by blitzers. also just the macarena. you know the one. thrwo in some cha cha slide too why not Remy: soft and tender by november ultra
Share a sample line of dirty-talk
this sdlkafja;lskdjfasdlkfjad;lkfajsdf;lkajlkdajlkjal i refuse to do this one im sorry. the cringe is 2 much for me.
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ohdudedhesflirting · 1 year
First off, congratulations on almost getting through your exams (or finishing it depending on when you read this!) 🥳
Also don’t worry about replying. Just reply when you feel like (or don’t if you don’t want to!). I take a bit to reply too 😬
First off, thank you for the kind words 🫶
Yeah, software development makes my brain hurt mostly because of the unrealistic deadlines and expectations. Imagine asking nine doctors to pull out a baby from a lady who’s one month pregnant. It's like ?????. Personally, I try to speak up about it (saying it's just not realistic) BUUTTT I'm typically the most junior in my team and though everyone secretly agrees with me, they just try to get it done by the deadline. Yeah, that didn't make sense but I hope you're getting the jist of what I'm trying to say. It's what I hate about when I first entered the field as a full-timer (they protect you from this kind of stuff as an intern).
“Having a brain fully developed is a flex.” 
LMAO. This made me laugh sooo much. You’re so funny 🥰
How long does one coding exercise generally takes ? Like 2/3 hours at least ? Depending on how hard it is ?
I’m not sure if you’re asking for one question or the entire challenges so I’ll answer both. In my experience, it depends on the question asked lolol. There were times I was able finish three problems in twelve minutes and there were times I couldn’t even finish one question. The timed ones usually only give you 1-2 hour(s) because intensity you know? 
The last exercise I did took me around six to seven hours. It wasn’t like a typical coding challenge but you had to explain a project you built entirely by yourself on a technical level and then they basically asked you how you would build a X system (ex/ "How would you build Twitter?", "How would you build a hotel reservation system?"). There wasn’t any word limit or time limit and I figured it was better to put more (it's the safer option). I figured it would also be useful for future interviews since a lot of times they ask you to explain a project you’ve worked on or how you would build X system.
AHHH and you’re a double major? Dang. If you don’t mind asking, what’s the second major? 
As always, take care of yourself 🍵
🤙 anon
Hii darling !
I took my last exam this morning (I actually saw your message just before but I wasn't in the right headspace to reply to it lol). Thank you for your kind words it truly means a lot to me 💛
I guess like every space of work always overwork and expect crazy deadlines... I'm sorry you have so much pressure to complete assignment in such a short time !
I'm also really proud for trying to speak up about it and try to make a space for discussion. It truly must no be the easiest as the youngest
Also I totally get the idea of complaining but still making it in time lol I totally understand !
I cant even imagine how hard it must be to sit in front of computer and work seven hours on something as complicated as what you are doing.. you have all my respect fr.
Knowing the time you need for each type of task is actually very good and very professional. It's always to have that information just in case they ask you in an interview. It shows your professionalism.
Yeah I did a double major for 2 years ! Here completing the major takes 3 years and you have to validate each year.
I did law and art history. Most people in my promo wanna be auctioneers. (Its the reason why this double major was created lol) But I personnaly don't wanna be an auctioneer and I hate law lol its making me feel really bad mentally wise.
We have this opportunity for our 3rd year to continue (and suffer even more), or drop one and validating the first major and lets say you take another year to validate the other. So you have two majors in 4 years instead of 6 which is good.
But I wouldn't do law anymore if I pass and I just would study art history !
(It's complicated lol)
Take care of yourself as well. Have some good sleep/ Hope you had a good sleep <3
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robin-the-enby · 1 year
Ive seen your black butler matchups and wanted to request a black butler one:)
I have acctuality met some people that tell me that my resting face scary and I seem cold😭 Even its totally not the truth, Im nice I swear😭
So I am from middle europe and can speak french, german, english and Im learning english and Italian in school rn ehehe
So Im infj, about 5'8, I have chubby (overall chubby tbh, but Im fine with it) cheeks and have blue eyes, everyone tells me that my eyes are quite big, I havent realized it before hehe
People always tell me that I seem confident, I AM NOT LOLOL, even a teacher once told me
Im in school good tho, If I have to do presentation, Im like, fuck it, Im just goona do it quick and then Im over with it
So to my personality I'm more on a shy side and get really embarassed at some things I say even If they are the most normal things:)
Im kinda a therapist for my friends, Im a great listener I belive:) I like hanging out with people, the perfect date would be just sitting in silence and watching sth while chilling and drinking tea ORRRR cooking with themmmm ahhaha
I talk wayyy to much when Im around people I really like, I could talk for hours about things Im interested in.
Im often soooo insecure about random things, was that wrong what I said? Do they even like me? Why did I just say that? So I need some that assures me that im doing alright
Im zooming out too much, I really need people to get me out of this *trance* I would even say
To say short I need someone that just can put me back in place
I like being with energetic people tho, everytime I see soma I would be like: uff Idk if I wanna be him or be with him ahahha
I am reallyyy stubborn, I always have to be right ( I SWEAR IM 90% ACCTUALITY RIGHT)
If I am in the mood I can be really flirty tho, I make dirty jokes wayyyy to often
Im acctuality really funny, thats what my family says at least
I loveeeee drawing but Im never really motivated to draw
I problaby love cuddles, Im so touch starved, cuddling in bed? Yes but it has to be cold lolol
Winter>>>summer, I love the cold
My biggest love are dogs frfr
What Im so motivated to do all the time is baking:DD I loveeeee baking and cooking, it relaxes me sooo muchh
I live for spicy food, Curry with rice? HELL YEAH
Im not a big choco fan tho, I mostly eat cookies, I still love to bake for some reason
I cant stand rwally loud noises, or kids. I have 3 nephews and I mean they are really sweet and shit, I just cant stand when they're loud
So short I never want to have kids
I loveeee songs like queen, kiss abba, omg theyre sooooooooo good
Sooo I hope that was enough Information, thank you so much :p
I'm sorry, but as stated in my bio and my pinned post,atchups aren't open atm 😅
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