#sosuke Natsukawa
galina · 10 months
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I wasn't sure how I felt about this one overall, but I laughed a lot at this little bit of The Cat Who Saved Books – it's giving the energy of those book bloggers who read more books than seems humanly possible. Nothing but love to all my quick readers out there 🤍
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samireads · 6 months
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Japanese books with cats on the cover 🐈
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bibliophilecats · 1 year
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Currently reading: The Cat Who Saved Books by Sosuke Natsukawa
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highsummonertemptress · 3 months
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Books about bookshops and booksellers 📚
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tinynavajoreads · 2 years
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Currently Reading: The Cat Who Saved Books by Sosuke Natsukawa
I love this book so far...it truly speaks to the heart of being a bookworm, a lover of books, someone who hides away from the world when the world is far too hard to stand.
Rintaro has just lost his grandfather and I'm doing so, gained a friend in a tabby cat named Tiger who needs Rintaro's help in saving other books in the world.
Being a book lover, take a look at this book and see if it speaks to you...with or without the cat.
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mydailybookquotes · 1 year
“A book that sits on a shelf is nothing but a bundle of paper. Unless it is opened, a book possessing great power or an epic story is mere scraps of paper. But a book that has been cherished and loved, filled with human thoughts, has been endowed with a soul.”
-Sosuke Natsukawa, The Cat Who Saved Books
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lifeinbooks · 6 months
Lijepo je pročitati knjigu, ali nakon što je završiš, valja se vratiti među ljude.
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gozlerdegokyuzu · 1 year
Kitapların gücü vardır…
✨ Kitapları kurtaran kedi | Sosuke Natsukawa
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letitshy · 1 year
En el mundo suceden muchas cosas absurdas, carentes de sentido. Y la mejor arma para sobrevivir en este mundo lleno de sufrimiento no es la razón ni la fuerza física, sino el sentido del humor.
Sosuke Natsukawa, El gato que amaba los libros.
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«Perderse muchas cosas de la vida por ir demasiado deprisa es propio del ser humano. Si coges un tren llegarás más lejos, pero te equivocas si crees que así aumentará tu conocimiento. Quien camina con pasos despreocupados por su propio pie ve las flores que bordean el camino y los pájaros posados en las copas de los árboles.»
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library-child · 2 years
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What a deplorable life...
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v-67 · 11 months
Completed The cat who saved books by Sosuke Natsukawa and lemme tell you. This is such a beautiful book. It was so beautifully written and the labyrinths so amazingly portrayed.
It was very simple. It stated the obvious things. And it made a point to remind us that The obvious is no longer obvious in today's world. And these words deeply resonated with me.
I'm happy I read this book, and I'd recommend everyone to give it a read too.
Rintaro and his way through the grief, his personal journey, his finding himself, everything about this book has a personal touch. Because we're all humans and in whichever way we deal with things, sometimes things are just, stuck. This book reminds us of things that should be remembered.
I have a lot to say, and maybe what I've said above would not make much sense, but I'm okay with it. So here I'm sharing some of the lines that I loved from this beautiful book.
And some of the lines which deeply resonated with me and some which gave me a reality check.
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But whatever it was, he had decided it was time to strike out on his own. There was no such thing as having no choice. Rintaro knew that now. There were many roads to choose from. What was important was not to let yourself roll along aimlessly, but to pick a road.
It’s all very well to read a book, but when you’ve finished, it’s time to set foot in the world.
Reading isn’t only for pleasure or entertainment. Sometimes you need to examine the same lines deeply, read the same sentences over again. Sometimes you sit there, head in hands, only progressing at a painstakingly slow pace. And the result of all this hard work and careful study is that suddenly you’re there and your field of vision expands. It’s like finding a great view at the end of a long climbing trail.
“If you’re going to climb, make it a tall mountain. The view will be so much better.”
In the end, chopped-up sentences were nothing more than fragments.
Hurrying means that you miss out on many things.
“This is the speed at which this song should be heard. Fast-forwarding sucks.”
In our stifling daily lives, we’re all so occupied with ourselves that we stop thinking about others. When a person loses their own heart, they can’t feel another’s pain. They lie, they hurt others, use weaker people as stepping-stones to get ahead—they stop feeling anything. The world has become full of those kinds of people.”
Don’t hurt anyone. Never bully people weaker than yourself. Help out those in need. Some would say that these rules are obvious. But the truth is, the obvious is no longer obvious in today’s world. What’s worse is that some people even ask why. They don’t understand why they shouldn’t hurt other people. It’s not a simple thing to explain. It’s not logical. But if they read books they will understand. It’s far more important than using logic to explain something. Human beings don’t live alone, and a book is a way to show them that.”
Empathy—that’s the power of books.
Walk with courage the path you have chosen. Don’t be one of those bystanders who complains that nothing ever changes. Continue your journey, just as Melos kept running to the end.
“If you find a book easy to read, that means it’s all stuff that you already know,” he went on. “That’s why it’s easy. If you find it difficult, then that’s proof it’s something brand new.”
How can I move on if I don’t believe in myself?
A yellow delivery bicycle went past, bright against the blue of the sky.
A gentle breeze brushed the doorbell, and it gave a cheerful ring.
offering readers a chance to encounter other lives and other points of view via the language of the imagination.
And I'm done, If you've read so far and have some lines from the book that are your favourite, would you like to share them?
I would love to hear them. (⁠^⁠^⁠)
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modfic-heatherbee · 9 months
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-Sōsuke Natsukawa, The Cat Who Saved Books, page 185
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bibliophilecats · 1 year
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01 September 2023: Happy Cat Month
So like, a regular month?
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tinynavajoreads · 1 year
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Seven Covers in Seven Days: The Cat Who Saved Books by Sosuke Natsukawa
Tagged by: @bigcats-birds-and-books
Every day post the cover of a book you love and tag someone else to do the same!
Tagging: @beardedbookdragon
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mydailybookquotes · 1 year
“No matter how much knowledge you cram into your head, unless you think with your own mind, walk with your own feet, the knowledge you acquire will never be anything more than empty and borrowed.”
-Sosuke Natsukawa, The Cat Who Saved Books
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