#sotp sun
weirdenbyferret · 5 months
I've been thinking about this since @aturtletotz made that little platypus sight on the prize moon gif
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pluck-heartstrings · 3 months
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Magma dump! Some assorted PMH drawings from @daycarefriendpickup as well as @aturtletotz ‘s Moon and @venomous-qwille ‘s Fool
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nikolliver · 3 months
Magma doodles after I burned my braincells with other projects
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[Feat @aturtletotz Game show Host Sun!]
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sandinthepipes · 5 months
Simon sugar baby drake
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nerdygirlfailure · 7 months
"Abed thinks that if Troy is the Sun, he might be Mercury; closest to the sun, with wild fluctuations in temperature and a completely black sky. "
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mitski-slope · 9 months
OKK :33 So first we've got ...
"Jebem li ti sunce žarko" !! Meaning (most literal translation I could come up w): "fuck your vibrant sun" (??)
I already told you about "jebem ti mater" which literally means "fuck your mom/I'm fhcming your mom" ,..
seems like a lot of Serbian insults have to do with fucking stuff ?? 😭😭 But sometimes they are the most random stuff (like the sun example given above.) idfk
Sometimes I forget that these phrases are actually like. Used as insults so I sometimes deeply offend ppl w these phrases bc i was being silly. oops.
i lvoe the firsr oen bc like . fuck ur virbant usun . imagien soemone cursinh ur one souruce of life etc etc . devastatihgn
i alslo appreaciate the classic 'fucj ur mom' btw i thinbk it coudl be a universal languagje thing . we might nkt habe finsihed babel bjt we coudl destroy ut with this
i avctually rlly wanmt to knwo where fuck urvirbant sun comes fkrm . savw me etymology ..,,. save me
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
She is mustering her; mulling over appearance & information gathered so far if only to coerce mind into having an epiphany (Signet. Status. Name; you merely know the latter, meaning you might as well consider her an uncertain variable). Right, have you been paying attention? Counting vessels & having people gathered & met align? - yeah. All but her & those still dwelling in the Deep End.
Fine. Speculations will lead nowhere.
" Zarina. That's your name, correct? " - taciturn. Stoic. With a tone holding commonplace edge / she strikes abruptly, akin to one's namesake, whilst keeping distance; arms in a loose fold, violent eyes narrowed beneath brows' furrow. A part of her considers to continue own unusual greeting; to elaborate further [be polite] . Ah, but the other part, the one that wins, merely waits for a retort. - silence too an expression, no?
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The current era continues to disapoint her more and more aside from certain miracles that keep her wish to stay there to see if she will witness it for herself. The miracle. The moment where humanity might show itself right and correct. she is fighting for those who have died already, this movement forward is only pushed by her utter stubborness and she always returns here, drowning in the past. They say the dead can drag you into an early grave, but honestly? If dead were people whom she cared about this much, it didn’t sound like a bad end. Even if she will never be remembered, there isn’t a way to leave a legacy nor is there a way for her to continue moving on once the end to Honkai will come forth. This existence of hers is nothing but to wait for the right moment when the power must be used for one last strike. She is a weapon more than a human, it’s not that hard for her to accept it. 
That’s why when Jackal reaches out to her, she returns without wasting time. A Herrscher core was brought in by their newest member - Herrscher of Thunder, a young maiden who will start to gather her powers. The core was accepted and returned to the ‘rightful’ owner, the one who did not hesitate nor bend the knee for the Will of Honkai not now not in the previous era. The current Herrscher of Ice, Ana Schariac, she will be erased from this core’s memory and existence like a white paint that she will scratch away. This is her power and she will dominate over it. A girl who lost control is not permitted to wield such powers. It doesn’t matter if she held back or not, the end result was obvious: she gave in, she lost, she was weak. Zarina Sokolova will not be, she was not and she will never be. This power is just another power like MANTISes, there isn’t much difference between them in her eyes. Her return both in power and in person made it obvious she’ll spend her time in the Elysian Realm, speaking to those who remain there and who will never leave that place. Zarina doesn’t want to leave either, but Kevin’s orders were orders she couldn’t deny. Not when he was the only one living and going towards the same project she put her hopes in as well. Hopes... No, her last wish to be here. 
Until then, this cycle will continue just like Jormungandr will continue to embrace the planet, a sign of infinity that Mobius once held so dear. Speaking of which, the doctor made sure to appear more often than others aside from Elysia and her visits to Aponia, the scientist would be asking questions regarding her body and how the experiments have affected her in these fifty thousand years. The butterfly’s discipline also holds true, chaining the wings of a hawk (sokol) from letting it fly too high and abandon the earthly pleasures (become an enemy). Golden eyes continue to scan the Elysian Realm, a glass of wine in her right hand as her left arm rests on the back of the couch, legs crossed as she indulges in the calm scenery until she hears clicks of heels. Elysia immediately gets up and chuckles, knowing of the plan they both came up for the fun of it to see how things will turn out. Another sip of the wine is done, Eden’s taste is exquisite as always... even though it was Sokolova who brought this wine. 
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The appearance of Herrscher of Thunder reminded her of Dr. MEI, but only appearance wise. Thy were too different. All too different. She could appreciate the sharpness of her violet gaze and the power she already stood with before her. One who made a sacrifice. One who had something to lose. One who was going to do everything she can. A good thing to see, a small number of people will be able to stand here without looking away. The politeness that she hears is a surprising one, but a pleasant one nonetheless. Kevin had told her about what happened with the Herrscher of Ice from this era. The way she and Raven alongside Durandal had defeated the one who combined two cores inside her. A saddening tale of tragedy of a certain valkyrie. A tragic tale. What a familiar combination of words as it made her remember the very tragedy that led her to turn into a Herrscher back then. Raiden Mei had a strong name to go with a strong gaze, but to the one who lived for fifty thousand years she was still young. How will decades change her if she survives? Will this sternness and this stubbornness persist or will it within away? This blade must remain sharp, it must not become dull and hesitate. Even if someone beloved to her will turn into an enemy. Zarina knew how much hesitation could cot. 
Then again, there won’t be much truth in their first interaction. Not outright, oh no. There is a wish to tease and to hide, a prank was only a prank when another person wholeheartedly believed that this was the truth. It made her wonder who will give out the secret first and who will figure out this circus first. It made her laugh inside but she kept herself calm and collected, meeting the sharpness with sharpness. Instead of answering right away, she gives Raiden an attitude by taking another sip of her wine. 
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“ Correct. And you are? I believe it’s best to introduce yourself first despite what others could have told me, ” she responds as Mei asks, but there is monotone as if she isn’t interested in another at all. This attitude is a game and she is here to play it until she’s satisfied, which will be the next meeting. It’d be quite hilarious to meet Mei next time. “ Have people of your era completely lost their manners? I don’t speak to those who don’t show respect. ”
Ah, so it begins.
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cherrywished · 4 years
👫 : I feel like in terms of verses my loosely pro hero verse for mi kyong I feel like her and fuyumi would be good friends!! probably either created a portal right above fuyumi and crashed into her or just fell into a portal right behind her and kinda just goes “ Oh hi there ! “ she is very reckless in how she conducts her work , and does a lot of things that tetter onto vigilante and ends up in all sorts of trouble with chasing down creeps and what not , additionally i have scene in my head where fuyumi is getting flirted with and mi kyong’s head pops out of a wall and goes “hmmm nice of you to shoot your shot , but I don’t think the pretty lady’s interested” and laughs coming through the wall entirely while getting lectured slightly by fuyumi 
👫 : in terms of a normal verse , I feel like Meraki would have little cooking workshops from time to time to the general public and both mi kyong & nao are conducting them both! fuyumi attends one of them and mi kyong makes sure to show fuyumi careful instructions and a little mishaps happens and flour goes everywhere , mi kyong bursts out laughing completely at peace what happened despite nao glaring at the pair from behind them both. after this little exchange they’d change contact info and slowly learn good ways to learn how to cook from each other and mi kyong learning more abt literature and gardening from fuyu ! 
👫 : for road and fuyumi , I feel like the Noah always has a watchful eye and ears on whatever the order may be doing. Road is shifting through the different intel they’ve received from controlled exorcists or akuma , but sees a certain girl that peaks her own interest. at first , road approaches fuyumi in a very different way that she’s approached previously to how shes gone about things in terms of the order, more calculating fashion. similar to how tyki has a double life, using instead a human guise to trick and befriend her. over time, Road begins to really enjoy herself being Fuyumi’s friend and even forgets who she is for a moment, facing a rather big dilemma in terms of what should happen and doesn’t want to destroy what’s she has created thus far. 
👫 : nao & fuyumi special time , these both just radiate trying to get through the day slightly exhausted. I see them having a rather dry but platonic relationship with one another, just watching the chaos day in day out, trying to get through the day without too much trouble. often they’ll say what the other is thinking and laugh about it, they talk softly about their hobbies together and even aspirations, then look to see whoever they came with getting intro trouble saying their goodbyes and bailing out whoever just got into trouble. 
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lilyharvord · 2 years
Hiii 🙂I know you're really busy right now, so you don't have to answer if you don´t want to, but i still wanted to ask this question. What are your top 5 favorite RQ ships?
OOF this question is like telling a kid in a candy store that they get to pick 5 candies and every single one is amazing and they can pick imaginary candies too. But alright I'll try.
MARECAL (period. No one else comes close. They are literally lapping people in Mario Cart and finishing the race before any of the other ships even leave the starting line. I used to hate the "prince falls in love with the commoner" trope/ship UNTIL these two just did it so stupidly well. You think I'm kidding but I actually used to pull stars on reviews if authors used it, now I'm using it in my own damn trilogy because I want to write my own version of Marecal.)
Fade (these two hold a special place in my heart. As time goes on, they grown on me more and more. The more I mature and have my own relationships, the more I realize I want what they had. They appear a lot in my modern fics where they get to stay together forever because it's what they both deserve)
Evalane (these two shook me to my core. I realized my sexuality as a bi woman right about the time King's Cage came out and these two got to have page time. I remember reading about them and crying a little bit under the covers of my bed because I felt so closely connected to Evangeline and her struggle. They come in hot at number 3 because I don't like that they didn't get as much page time as I would have liked, and I'm scared to write them because that involves looking in at myself as bisexual woman and exploring a part of myself that I am still to this day struggling with.)
GisaxCameron (this is my unicorn ship. I love the idea of these two. They give me sun and moon vibes and I LOVE that for them. I also hate the Victoria didn't give it to us, when it was clearly right there. They get number 4 cause they're not canon and we did not get enough Cameron for me to really write about her in love with another young woman.)
Elara and a bed of nails? a torture room? a cold, decrepit grave? eternal suffering? I'm just kidding. Well, not really, but in all seriousness... Number 5 is Maven and Thomas. NOW before you all jump my dick and come for me screaming about the fact that I NEVER write about Maven and I NEVER talk about him and "oh my god lily for real? You picked the bury your gays ship?" I will say that this ship has so much potential and if I actually find the will to continue writing Song of the Pheonix you will get my full digest on them and how Elara destroying Maven's love for Thomas lead to his inherent need to latch onto Mare, and how that "love" turned into an obsession with wanting to get what he had with Thomas back. Unfortunately, I think I have lost the will with SotP but I may yet find it again.
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shirokodomo · 4 years
SEASONAL  AESTHETICS  . bold  what  applies  to  your  muse     /     repost,  don’t  reblog  !
𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑.   a chill right down to the bones.    tobogganing.    teeth chattering.    sleeping all day.   sitting by the fireplace (modern & sotp verses).    spending time with family.    layered clothing (modern & sotp verses). seeing another’s breath.  loving the cold.    a state of inactivity.   cold hands.    blistering winds shaking the closed windows.    a bookcase full of brand new books and all of the time in the world to read them (modern verse).   cable knit socks.   a bitter remark. a log cabin in the middle of nowhere.   hating the cold.    full-length windows to peer out of. pale skin.  deep conversations.    watching the snow fall. sharp edges.   hot cocoa.    smelling every candle in the store.   a wild snow storm. melancholy (modern verse).    lighting candles around the bathtub.    snow globes (modern verse).   expressing yourself but never finding quite the right words. the softest of blankets.  liking, but not loving something or someone.
𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆.     the smell after it rains. being in control of yourself.  a soft breeze blowing your hair. lightning when it strikes.    cherry blossoms.    bright mornings.  the first sign of hope.    the relief of finding something you lost.    paris in the spring.  birds chirping.    the art of growing.   a kiss on the cheek (modern, sotp & white bell verses).   the clap of thunder.    a tornado in the valley. smiling at a stranger.  planning.   saccharine pinks.    making promises.  trying something new.   hugs when you need them most (modern, sotp & white bell verses).  a bee sting.  sitting on the steps of the met.  coming inside drenched from the thunderstorm. picnics on a red checkered blanket in the new sun.   that feeling you get when you put on a good dress.    a long hike.  rushing when you can take your time.   going to the gym at ungodly hours.  excitement for what’s coming.   becoming yourself.    rain boots.
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑.     lanterns lit around a campfire.   seeing the sunrise like its the first time again and again. melting ice cream.   the warmth of sun rays upon skin.  fireworks (modern & sotp verses).   the feeling of never wanting something to end (modern, sotp & white bell verses). beach days.    the lone blow up floaty left in the pool, drifting with the warm nights breeze and nothing else.    music blasting at 3am, loud and proud. palms trees on sunset boulevard.  longer days and shorter nights. wanderlust.  nights spent staring at the stars.    sand castles.    road trips.    blood orange sunsets. leaving the laundry to hang outside. flowers in bloom.    sneaking out of your room late at night.  pure contentment.   barefoot in the sand. the street lights coming on.   the sound of the ocean in a seashell. freshly squeezed lemonade. loose clothing.   a cannonball into the pool.    sunflowers. the hazy pink before dusk.   relaxation.
𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋.   the leaves changing colors. a heavy backpack (modern verse).    the smell of old books.   eating until you’re stuffed.    deep, dark woods. the silence in loudness.  abandoned houses.   ripped jeans.    crunching leaves beneath feet.   feeling like you’ve been somewhere before (sotp verse). sitting at a bay window.  having endless amount of homework.    charcoal drawings.   screaming into a pillow as loud as you can.   pumpkin patches (sotp). creaky floorboards.  accepting that some things do have to change (modern & white bell verses).   museums.  small talk.  being ignored.    procrastinating.   a door slamming shut (modern verse).   going to bed early.   baking pies (sotp verse).   the fear of walking alone in the dark.  feeling completely and terribly lost (abandoned verse). a twig snapping.  crisp, cool days. belly laughter (sotp).    converse.    foggy mornings at the shoreline.  writing a daily entry in a journal.   a lonely day (abandoned verse).
𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗴𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 :  @kagomiko 
𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴 : @thecursedpriestess | @adversitybloomed | @anchoredstowaways (lucy or ayame) |  @akuumo | @sctsvna | @windbxtch | @windcarnation | @konosesshomaru and anyone else who wants to do this!
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cgogs · 2 years
the song “never-ending summer” gives me strong c!dnf vibes and especially strong vibes for oxeye daisy ^-^
sotp sotop stop im already dead im already dead i
" So lets dance until the sun aches Love until our bones break Babe we only need each other "
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meowmerson · 7 years
My little sun, I congratulate you on the New Year! I wish you much, much love, happiness, health and that your wishes will come true this year! :*
SOTP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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( ✉ → sms ) even when i’m durnk ic ant sotp thinking about oyu // ( ✉ → sms ) oh fu cck thtatt ws to npeutne
[text]: dont worry[text]: relayed the message for you[text]: i know our names look v similar[text]: sun[text]: neptune[text]: its like our parents were on the same wavelength or something
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tumb1rprincess · 8 years
Thoughts on Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back
Yes, we finally get to see Yang again!  My baby is happy and strong and fighting again.  
I was hoping Weiss would get in cahoots with Kline to plan an escape.  I can’t wait to see where this leads.
So, Blake’s friend Ilia is a chameleon faunus or something?  That’s pretty cool.
Okay, when Blake was crying over Sun and going “Oh no, not again, please,” that hurt.  Hopefully though, this will lead her to opening up about Yang and how she’s afraid more of her friends will get hurt if she gets them involved.
So, when Qrow was mumbling “Tai, she’s not coming back,” I wonder if he was talking about Summer or Raven.  I felt like it could have meant both.  Like, maybe once Raven took off, Qrow kept saying that to Taiyang ‘cause he hoped she would return.  Or, when Summer left for that last mission and never came back, maybe he said that to him so he would sotp waiting around for her.  Odds are though, he was probably talking about Raven ‘cause that’s who’s been getting more emphasis this season.  I mean, in this episode alone, Taiyang and Yang had a conversation about her, and it looks like Ruby and Jaune might be running into her, if those marks are indeed her group of bandits.
Ugh, I hope team RNJR splitting up doesn’t have any dire consequences.  Please don’t let any of my babies die.
With the team splitting up though, I’m hoping we’ll get some more development going on.  Maybe we’ll get to learn more about Ren and Nora.  Maybe Jaune and Ruby will finally open up about Pyrrha and how her death is affecting them.  Maybe we’ll get some angsty delusions/flashbacks from Qrow.  This just opens up so many possibilities that I’m really excited for.
So, while this episode didn’t have a ton of major stuff happen, it’s set up for some stuff to be built up, and there’s a lot of possibilities opened, and I’m very pumped up about that.
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soundlinkmagazine · 7 years
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