#sotus fic
thebroccolination · 2 years
I’m reading a WinTeam and KongArt crossover AU and I have not felt this level of serotonin in a long time. My two favorite pairings. T__T
Anyway I’m only halfway done but please join me in crossover bliss. Kongphob is an actor in a secret relationship with Arthit, and Team is his personal assistant; Win is an actor who takes an interest in Team. It’s DELIGHTFUL.
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guzhufuren · 2 months
i will be using chinese words in MYATB gifsets cause i always deeply disliked subbers translating terms from asian languages to english ones (changing hyung/phi to brother is stupid, let the audience learn new cultural stuff and figure it out), so wanted to make a few notes in case there are people in the tag who haven't watched cdramas or read chinese novels before
guniang = young lady
gongzi = young gentleman
ge = older brother, man older than you (like thai phi)
jie = older sister, woman older than you
didi = younger brother, man younger than you
meimei = younger sister, woman younger than you
laoshi = teacher
if you want to use names of the character or an actor in a less formal and more affectionate way, you can double the last syllable, like Jin Xiaobao can be called Baobao. to make it pointed that the one you are referring to is cute/small/young, you can also use prefix "Xiao", like most chinese fans call Wang Yunkai as Xiaokai
example: i have been calling Li Le either Li-di (because he is younger than me, surname + younger brother) or Lele when talking about him to people cause full name feels too distanced and formal
you can read more about how to use chinese names in your speaking correctly, some suffixes and similar stuff here and here
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cherrymagicake · 4 months
Hey Peraya Community ~
Don't know how many people this post will reach but giving it a shot.
I am looking to read some ffs on KongArt. Can you please share your favs or classics or must read in the fandom? Platform doesn't matter. Tropes also doesn't matter. Setting preferably university. Please help this poor soul who is dearly missing Kongphob and Arthit.
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toomoonfic · 1 month
Title: Press your lips to the sculptures (surely you'll stay)
Pairing: Kongpob/Arthit (KongArt)
Summary: In Kongpob's second year and Arthit's fourth, they navigate the escalating tensions on campus as a new hazer takes his bullying too far. Amidst the chaos, new relationships start to blossom, and the strength of their bond is tested in ways they never anticipated.
Did I think I would be writing KongArt fic in the year of our lord 2024? Absolutely not. Did I enjoy it? Absolutely yes.
Thank you @thebroccolination for organizing the KongArt 8th Anniversary Exchange 💕
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lunakosh · 2 years
#3 Sotus AU
I was just sitting and looking YouTube 👀
And then I saw Singto is singing and I realized 🤯 I want to read ZoSan in Sotus setting.
Have you ever see Sotus?
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KongArt Exchange for SOTUS 8th Anniversary! Really had a good time writing this, it was fun to get back into KongArt fic again.
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bifangirl09er · 2 years
BL/GL Prompts CHAPTER 33!
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rythyme · 5 months
hello ok so i saw your recent ex-morning posts and like i watched sotus but i have No Idea what's going on at the moment. f it's not too much effort can you explain why the ex-morning stuff is so, i dunno how to say it, noteworthy, i guess? like just what's up maybe?
Tl;dr: The Ex-Morning is GMMTV's literal RPF with the serial numbers filed off, starring the actors from said RPF.
i'll do my best to explain more under the cut
ok let's do this
SOTUS and KristSingto were some of the biggest cash cows GMMTV has ever had. I would argue that the success of SOTUS in 2016 is the main reason we have a BL renaissance today.
Krist and Singto have not acted together since 2018. Until recently, it was assumed that they would never be paired up again.
There were rumors that they had a falling out, which supposedly explained why they stopped acting together. Mostly speculation, but who knows.
Krist made a poor taste comment a while back that led to him being somewhat "cancelled" for a few years. He only started dipping his toes back into BL last year.
Singto, on the other hand, never stopped acting in BLs and has had at least 6 on-screen male acting partners since then (maybe more if you count his one-sided crushes on Mike and Lee Thanat in Baker Boys, or whatever the hell was going on in Shadow). This is very notable, since the BL business model tends to keep acting pairs in the same "ship" for years at a time.
Acting pairs almost never "get back together" after getting a new male acting partner. The literal only exception I can think of is when Tay Tawan acted with Joss Wayar in 3 Will Be Free and then continued to act with New in DBK/Cherry Magic.
Despite everything, KristSingto is still extremely popular among fans to this day and is still one of the most popular "ships" of all time.
When Singto's schedule opened up, GMMTV finally got the opportunity to profit off of it again -- in the most intentional and transparent way possible.
The plot of The Ex-Morning -- exes reuniting and falling for each other again -- mirrors the careers and relationship of Singto and Krist. The fact that Krist's character has a publicity blunder and has to restore his reputation is even more fuel for the fire.
The director for The Ex-Morning is the same director who made SOTUS
The flashback in The Ex-Morning shows Krist and Singto with their signature iced coffee and pink milk, which intentionally calls back to their characters in SOTUS.
P'Aof, who is said to be writing some of the screenplay for The Ex-Morning, said that he wrote it to match Krist and Singto's relationship. This story was tailor made for them.
Conclusion: GMMTV is going for the SOTUS / KristSingto cash grab by essentially having Aof write some kind of amalgamation of KristSingto RPF and SOTUS post-canon future fic.
Do I know that it's a blatant cash grab? Yes. Will I will be watching it anyway because it looks low-key good in its own right? Also yes.
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 3 months
Favorite Kiss Game
Rules: create a poll with five of your all time favorite onscreen kisses, setting any standard for qualification you choose. Then tag more friends to join in!
tagged by @incandescentflower!!
okay let's see what i can remember because like what do i remember lmao
neung/kay in hotel stars
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did you know that the best best friends to lovers arc ever is in a show that no one has watched? did you know that? it's so good and this show is so bad. like it's just. a bad show. but y'know it's my bad show and i'm gonna write my 500th fic on these two because it was the show that actually got me into fandom
2. the kisses of my personal weatherman
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that time don momotaro kissed zox goldtsuiker. extremely well.
3. seven days
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me going into these movies: i am going to watch this for the like. actually kinda not great "rep" actor because i love that character in donbros but like ugh high schoolers.
me coming out of these movies: holy fucking shit everyone should go watch this (TOKU MUTUALS THAT MEANS YOU GO WATCH SONOSHI FAKE DATE!!)
4. old fashion cupcake
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y'know. good lord
5. sotus
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so sotus WAS my first bl. that tie grab bro!!!! and they kiss!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH and the grin against it!!!
god who are my bl mutuals...
tagging @thelastoftheredhotswamis2 @lelephantsnail @lee-donghun @yuneyn
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firstkanaphans · 7 months
Hello idk if it's odd but I'm not a firstkhao fan (not yet at least) and have never seen any of their shows yet but I just finished reading the eclipse (thanks to oomf who kept reposting your posts and I liked the cover page I'm weird like that). I liked the novel and seeing some of your posts I assume the show is a bit better (?) So I'm planning on watching it. Anything else you might suggest for a possibly new fan of them? Also I'm not totally new to Thai bl scene I was an avid watcher of older shows like sotus and dark blue kiss but haven't seen anything for a long time so you might just count me as someone who's new to it (bc I have no idea what went on all these years) btw dope translation and after watching the show I'll definitely dive into your fics too
Oh, how exciting! That’s such an interesting way to enter into the fandom. I feel honored 😂
As far as First and Khaotung are concerned, I would definitely recommend watching The Eclipse first. It was their first show and although it does have a bit of that high school cheesiness, I’m still obsessed with it. I do feel that it’s a stronger product overall than the novel, but it keeps the heart of the novel intact. It just leans more heavily on the romance and that’s why I watch BLs in the first place.
Both of FK’s other shows are definitely worth watching as well. They are only supporting characters in Moonlight Chicken, but I feel like Moonlight Chicken is required BL viewing regardless. It’s such a brilliant show that touches on very adult themes like loss and poverty and both First and Khao do some of their best acting in it.
Their most recent show was Only Friends, which is messy and sexy and an all-around good time. Very different vibes, but if you want something a little less PG, this is the show for you.
You can also check out the FK Primer I wrote a few weeks ago if you’re interested in learning more about the actors.
Since you were previously in the fandom but took a long hiatus, I think you’re going to be pleasantly surprised by just how much things have changed. The industry overall has grown quite a lot. Pretty much any genre you could possibly want now comes in BL flavor and there’s a lot less rampant homophobia in the industry. The heterosexual dysmorphia that plagued early BL offerings has almost entirely been eradicated. Now, with very few exceptions, these shows feel queer.
Since you mentioned SOTUS and DBK as series you’ve seen before, I would also recommend you try Be My Favorite and Cherry Magic Thailand. BMF is a time travel romance that aired last year and Cherry Magic Thailand is a remake of a Japanese classic that is currently airing, but you’ll see some familiar faces there.
Other Thai BLs I would strongly recommend are My School President, Not Me, and You’re My Sky.
All of the shows I’ve listed should be available for free on YouTube except Cherry Magic and You’re My Sky, which I’ve linked above.
Happy watching and thank you so much for reading my translation! I’m glad you enjoyed it 💕
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dropthedemiurge · 9 months
2023 Year Results
I have lost my ranking of favorite Thai BL/QLs that I made during half of the year, so I'm just going to write it anew^^
My Top BLs by the end of 2023:
1. Be My Favorite
2. Moonlight Chicken
3. Not Me
4. The Eclipse
5. Semantic Error (or if we talk only Thai series, then Bad Buddy!)
Honorable mentions: Only Friends, SOTUS, Laws of Attraction, Kieta Hatsukoi, My Ride...
I keep changing the places and Moonlight Chicken held such a strong place in my heart but now I'm also taking into account whether I liked all pairings and characters, so BMF finally took over. But I still can't decide whether The Eclipse is higher than Not Me, I might rewatch it endlessly but Not Me was a cultural reset :D As well as Semantic Error who's done so good and finally broke through the typical Korean BL setting and public's favor.
Bad Buddy has done amazingly as well but there are only 5 places in Top 5 ranking 🥲 I guess, the Our Skyy just dimmed my good memories about it a little bit x)
I love how this year we got shows that have expanded beyond the borders of usual BLs, they added mystery and mystic, action, time travelling, sitcom etc, mixed gentes, kept speaking out about many important things - from marriage legalisation to equal rights - that definitely had its own impact on real life, actors went on many fanmeetings overseas, from West to East, and overall... This was a good year, story and fandom wise.
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My Fanfic Statistics
I stopped writing metas and somewhat distanced myself from the fandom when I felt that my views often didn't align with majority (and also got shadowbanned by tumblr?), but I wrote ~ 80k words on AO3 and drew >10-15 arts that I really enjoyed. I still have many wips so look forward to them!
I wrote way too many Only Friends fics whole I watched the show xD This was definitely a show that gave out ideas (and sometimes outrage) and lots of angst.
But Not Me fics are still my number one (though mostly because of all the crossovers with other series I keep writing about)
Also somehow Bad Buddy OT4 fic is now the longest fanfic I've ever written (both in Neglish and my native language). And it's still not finished but tbh even I don't know exactly how it will end, that's how self-indulgent this is but I'm so happy rhat many people were excited about this idea with me!
My Fandom
I also had a blast having various discussions in my own small community and people who wanted to share opinions and watch series together. You guys keep inspiring and supporting me in exploring many ideas, drawing art and writing many fics, I truly admire and adore you all, especially my fam @springkitten @xagan and also @thepancakelady @wereflamingo (I'm surprised how often we agreed with each other on somethjng but that's what makes discussions interesting xD).
Also I want to hug bad buddy server was a joyful discover this year too that inspired me to start learning Thai, our not me server that keeps being my safe comfort space and many hugs to some tumblr folks who I talk in replies and reblogs (I am truly bad at remembering usernames but if I ever chatted with you here, I am definitely thinking about you and your profile picture <3)
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Here's to 2024 and more projects
I also started my FirstKhao AU visual novel, and though I thought I would be able to make it in a month or two and then got struck by Health Doing Bad for a long time, I'm definitely determined to finish it next year.
And we keep talking about making Poetry Zines with @springkitten inspired by lakorns/bls we watched and I'd like to try and make it happen 👀
I also want to return to commissions in a better way, because of political situation I haven't been able to continue drawing for my foreign friends but thanks to my other friends who are generous to help me with handling finances for me, I might be able to start drawing requests again! I also spent like 5 months fixing my health that kept me from creating I want to finish old ones and I'm really itching to return to drawings and other projects :D
And I have in my mind mastering pixel and 3d art as a part of my Changing Profession and Career Path in 2024 so let's hope I can lighten up everyone's mood with cooler art and animations 👀
Happy New Year and Happy holidays, everyone!
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thebroccolination · 3 months
So @tungtung-thanawat is watching SOTUS for the first time, and I wanted to find a fic of mine that isn’t too spoilery, so I went through my KongArt AUs. All two of them. “Heart Like Gold” is incomplete, so that left “your world is my world”, the AU where AyanAkk are foster parents who take in teenage runaway Kongphob—and Arthit’s family lives next door.
Akk follows [Kong’s] line of sight behind them and thinks, Oh, and then, immediately after, Oh, no.
Casually picking through the instant ramen cups—with seven already in his basket—is Arthit Rojnapat, the boy next door. He picks up a Korean brand and chucks it into the basket before reaching for another. There isn’t a single perishable item in there, just ramen and chips.
I just reread it and I think it’s genuinely one of my favorite things I’ve ever written. Last year, my friend and I rewatched episode two of SOTUS S and got to talking about who among the pairings we like would actually want kids and we decided AyanAkk would definitely foster queer kids. And then we tried to decide who from my list of favorite characters would be a good runaway, and I liked the challenge of making it be Kongphob. He's so level-headed, but I wanted to play around with him thinking he's being mature but he's actually being super dramatic. (Less because he's fifteen and more because he's Kongphob.)
And the result was this gentle fic where everyone is trying their best and AyanAkk are husbands who have created this queer safe haven that they didn’t have, and KongArt just get to have this simple teenage romance while Kongphob hides from his family who aren’t bad people but don’t approve of him being gay.
Sometimes your most popular fics aren’t the ones you’re proudest of, so I wanted to write a little rec for this one. It’s Pride Month, and this fic really is imbued with the safety I wish all queer youth could have.
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So if you love KongArt or AyanAkk or just queer youth finding love and acceptance, I recommend “your world is my world”. 🏳️‍🌈
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
9 People You’d Like to Know More
Tagged by @shouldiusemyname and @recentadultburnout
Last song: Kenji Kawai - Utai IV Reawakening (Steve Aoki Remix), because I was watching this Street Dance of China performance:
Currently reading: I'm working my way through a thing I'm translating for a job, if that counts as reading? If we're just talking reading for pleasure: I just finished Yellowfever by R.F. Kuang and highly, highly recommend it. Content warnings out the wazoo (the narrator is an AWFUL person who doesn't come anywhere near realising how bad she is); I still couldn't put it down until I was finished. Next up is probably a few chapters of Queer Transfigurations and a whole lot of fanfic until Shelley Parker-Chan's He Who Drowned The World is released on the 24th.
Currently watching: Laws of Attraction, Be My Favorite, Tokyo in April is …, Not Me (re-watch for class purposes), SOTUS, Good Omens S2, and technically also 10 Years Ticket but I'm stalled on it
Next in line on my watchlist: I don't have a watch list as such, but I'd like to finish one of the shows I started but stalled on – other than 10 Years Ticket, maybe The Warp Effect?
Starting soon: Only Friends
Current obsession: gonna take a page out of @shouldiusemyname's book and try to narrow it down to just three:
in concrete fannish/fandom things, this is still Bad Buddy. I've watched and enjoyed other shows, but I keep coming back – to read fic, to analyse and speculate with friends and strangers, sometimes to write … and sometimes I go back and work through an episode or two in relation to 2.) or 3.).
slightly removed, there's Thai language and everything it connects to– I've dropped the ball on it a little for brickspace reasons, but I want to get back into it. Right now, the extent of my Thai practice is watching LoA without subs every week, preparing for and attending a class focussed around Not Me, and one 1-on-1 conversation class that's technically weekly but teacher and I have both been having life things happen, so it's not really been weekly for a while now. I wish I had the brainspace to challenge myself more, especially to speak. Feels hard to believe I had the spoons to do language exchange stuff daily and have regular convo classes for a while (u_u) I miss it.
and going into a slightly different direction again, BL academia/scholarship – I was fairly interested in this even back in university, but unfortunately it wasn't something I could pursue with the professors I had at the time, so I had to content myself with the classes and papers on gender studies, queer studies, and Japanese pop culture of the 20th century I could get, and reading whatever papers about BL "proper" I could get my hands on in my spare time. I'm glad to be getting back into it now, if a bit wistful.
I have no idea who has and hasn't done this because I've been pretty awol from tumblr for a while, but as an attempt: @dimplesandfierceeyes, @ephemeral-hiraeth, @fanonplussed, @galauvant, @isaksbestpillow, @liyazaki, @loveongsa, @plantsarepeopletoo, and @sixohsixoheightfourtwo, (if you already did this and I missed it, I'm sorry and will be happy for a pointer that way!) Obviously no pressure to do this at all :D
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geekygirl24 · 1 year
BL Prompts - Chapter 35 Links
Prompt from Mlkleber: If Prompts are still open I can’t recall if I or someone has asked this and I forgot to check, but… a Zhao Zi topping Jack? https://archiveofourown.org/works/46255276/chapters/126908092
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Prompt from GuadaPandy000: Ok I was re reading the original series and now I had the necessity to ask for a 305 chapter (sotus Arthit is not part of the hazel AU) sequel, or more like Arthit point of view? https://archiveofourown.org/works/46207009/chapters/126843154
Prompt from MacReid: (Semantic Error). Soulmate/Soulmarks AU. Humour hopefully. Just trying to imagine how Sang Woo would react when his mark reveals that Jae Young is his soulmate. Could there ever be a worse 'error' made in history?! The horror! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46231810/chapters/126967381
Prompt from MisTResShawnie: Hello there👋🏽 Another great story. I'll like to see a chapter 20 sequel (and this one also I guess). More good luck kisses to rescue/save Kota, please. 😌
I think is more like a prequel actually :S https://archiveofourown.org/works/46179736/chapters/127033126
Prompt from PiscesXX - Would be interested to see how XiaoGe deals with jealousy and possessiveness. You can choose if it's a getting together or established relationship fic. https://archiveofourown.org/works/46279000/chapters/127101382
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bifangirl09er · 2 years
BL/GL Prompts CHAPTER 26!
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
2022 Overview (Shows, Ships) + Stats
Includes the BLs, GLs, and non-queerlove shows/movies/specials/shorts I’ve watched this year.
*Some ratings have changed after posting this but I'll just keep it here, go to MDL or my 2022 Masterlist to check if any changed
Favourite Shows
The shows released before 2022 will have (release year) beside them.
Top 3 4 Shows watched in 2022:
Bad Buddy
Not Me
The Eclipse = His (2020) 
Bad Buddy and Not Me were delightful binges that stayed in my brain for months after I finished watching and they’re still so good nearly a year later. The Eclipse was my first show that I watched while on-air and I think just the fact that I managed to not lose interest earns its spot; it was a great show in general and had me think so many thoughts. His (2020) took me by surprise with just how much I enjoyed it because it’s an older movie that’s not as hyped as the other 3 but wow, it touched me. 
The next 2 - tied:
Badhaai Do
Semantic Error
These didn’t quite manage to be my absolute favourites of the year but they’re two favourites nonetheless. Badhaai Do really touched me with the queer South Asian content and I thought they balanced the sadness and fun moments well. Semantic Error was truly so great and it honestly could’ve been tied with The Eclipse and His if I liked the ending a bit more; I’m also maybe kind of wanting a sequel after Park Seoham comes back from the military but only if it promises to be great.
These shows worked for me, had good to great production, and also took over my mind either intensely while I was watching or for weeks afterward (or both) - tied:
To Sir, With Love
But I'm A Cheerleader (1999)
UtsuKushii Kare (My Beautiful Man)
Graduation, Present + Propose (Strongberry Short)
The Gifted (non-QL) (2018)
The Gifted: Graduation (non-QL) (2020)
The Handmaiden (2016)
Secret Crush On You
We're Both Grooms
Life: Love on the Line (2020)
Love Mechanics
P.S. I Hate You (non-QL)
Intensely took over my life when watching but I got overstimulated so I haven’t thought much about since even though the production and my investment were both great: To Sir With Love, P.S I Hate You
Touched me in some way or was just a very good watch: But I’m A Cheerleader, The Handmaiden, We're Both Grooms, Life: Love on the Line, Graduation, Present + Propose
Realized how much I liked it or how it impacted me a few weeks after I’d finished watching: Blueming, UtsuKushii Kare
Some I just got attached to: Secret Crush On You, Love Mechanics, The Gifted
KinnPorsche gets it own category because I intensely hate parts of it and disliked the main characters (Kinn and Porsche) by the end but like... the acting, cinematography, VegasPete story (even though it was rushed and the after-credits was a bit hm) and how they took up my brain for months afterwards (I still read VP fic). It feels like I can’t rate it lower because of all that. This isn’t to the show’s credit but the 3 or so Kinn/Porsche fics I read before watching the show were incredible as well - this may actually be to the show’s detriment because I came in more than ready to love the show and the main pair, how did you make me manage to dislike these characters damn. 
These were generally good but just something was missing - either there was a production/story/acting issue that was bothering me a lot or the production was very good but it failed to take up any brain space after I finished watching. 
Love In The Air
Tale of a Thousand Stars
Summer Pasta Recipe (Strongberry Short)
A First Love Story (Strongberry short)
Theory of Love
His - I Didn't Mean To Fall In Love
Do Revenge
No Touching At All (2014)
Love and Leashes (non-QL)
Ghost Host, Ghost House
My Secret Love
Love of Secret
High enjoyment or fondness, lacked in either production/acting/writing: No Touching At All (this one gave me brainworms for only a short period but it was still severe and had me making gifs bruv), Ghost Host, Ghost House, Do Revenge (the writing kinda fell apart at the end)
High production/acting, but lacked in making me care or be as invested as I should’ve been: Tale of a Thousand Stars, SOTUS S, Theory of Love, Love and Leashes
The Strongberry shorts were too short but A First Love Story is still great. Love of Secret is also good enough for being as short as it is but would’ve been better as a longer show that we could sink our teeth into.
Love in the Air is fucked because I didn’t care much about Payu/Rain’s half (although they were cute enough) but I was so deeply invested in Sky/Pai despite despising their beginning eps and disliking Pai. I loved the couple in the last few eps and also ep 13 had me going through it idk.
these had medium levels of both production and fondness but not enough to think about often or be great: His - I Didn't Mean To Fall In Love, My Secret Love
Special Mentions: The rest of the shows I watched were rated lower than that, though there were still a few that I have some fondness for because I like the concept or the acting pair or it just gave me something I wanted. This includes Cupid’s Last Wish, Fish Upon The Sky (2021), School's Out, Let's Date Now! (2021), Love In The Air Special, History 2: Right or Wrong (2018), He She It (2019). 
Favourite Pairs (characters):
PatPran: my delightful couple, so good for each other and so good to each other T.T working to meet in the middle and always on each other’s sides T.T for my favourite ships that are cute and delightful like this, usually they at least have intense codependency issues (one of my fave tropes fr) but PatPran don’t even have that! doing what needs to be done with their family and with long distance and just :’) The fact that we’re getting Our Skyy 2 with them is sooooooooo good to me
VegasPete: the opposite of PatPran. just sooooo rancid but it’s great and gross. The post-canon possibilities for them are endless, how am I still reading fic months later? I used to mostly read fics where they slowly heal together with Macau in their own place but recently I’ve also been obsessed with fics where the dynamics are a little fucked up, Pete doesn’t verbalize his discomfort during nsfw scenes, Vegas has breakdowns, etc. so good either way. don’t really want a sequel for them but AO3 writers are keeping me fed, thank you.
SeanWhite: they’re great, really enjoyed their dynamics and progression. made me feel like they’re both invested rather than one just chasing after the other. also read a few fics after finishing the show. 
Special Mentions: 
SkyPai are here somehow? I hated Prapai and how he was stalking Sky and hurting him in the earlier eps but then... somehow... amidst my irritation... I started liking them together a lot because Sky started liking him. By the last 3 eps and the special, I was so on board agh
Aye/Akk belong here with how much I’ve thought about them but it’s just that I was so into them for the 2.5 months while watching but haven’t thought about them much in the 2 months since the show finished. Our Skyy 2 eps might make me lose my mind though who knows
VeeMark had me watching tiktoks of them being cute before I’d even started the show man
does ToddBlack count if I was only obsessed with them for like 2 weeks and wrote a fic in a daze in that time? they’re still so interesting though
Punn/Claire from Gifted (2018) is an older show and it’s a het couple but they’re so <333
Kiyoi/Hira are so. like what do i even say. brainworm inducing dynamics. they make me feral. can’t wait for the movie to do me i
Favourite Pairs (actors):
KhaoFirst is my current favourite pairing, though I’ve started keeping up with them less than when I was watching the Eclipse. They’re just two very good actors and endearing people, so I keep up with them casually and am interested in seeing what they have next. I also like them as individual actors, so I’m a little disappointed they don’t have non-ship related shows next year (hopefully Moonlight Chicken won’t pair them up though)
I was very into OhmNanon after watching Bad Buddy and OffGun after watching Not Me but both lasted like 1 month or 2 and now i’m back to being very peripherally interested/almost uninterested in them as people, though I remain interested in them as actors.
I was also into YinWar for a bit after watching Love Mechanics and I want them to have a show next year so bad, whether it be Partner in Crime or not
idk what happened with netjames but i’m randomly into them recently and can’t wait for bed friend. Net especially is so beautiful
I’ve started following an account that translates PondPhuwin stuff, so I’m kinda interested in them and that might increase after I start watching Never Let Me Go
I’ve only watched a few videos of Seoham and Jaechan outside of their show but I do keep an eye on their rise, especially Jaechan since he’s not in the military and is rather in the public eye
Favourite Side Pairs
A few ships were really great and sometimes I liked them even more than the main couple and for a few, I’m excited for their upcoming main series. (Doing this in 2023 after this has been posted bc I like seeing NuerSyn in Cutie Pie 2 You)
InkPa (Bad Buddy): they held their own against PatPran, which is a feat in itself and I’m excited for their GL series 23.5
NuerSyn (Cutie Pie): bro they’re sooooo cute, my fave couple out of Cutie Pie for sure, I love them so bad and getting glimpses of them in Cutie Pie 2 You is great. 
RamKing (My Engineer): this isn’t unexpected, though I don’t love them quite as much as other people
PunnClaire (The Gifted): I love them, can’t believe they broke up ahhh the way Claire protected Punn from himself T.T
TouchDaisy (Secret Crush On You): I’m so mad they weren’t there more tf I loved them they were so cute
PuKhun (PS I Hate You): they were great, wish they had more screentime. glad the gays got a happy ending even though nobody else did. also i was won over by Pluem/Pat and Mond/Aye’s character’s couples by the end
ParkLee (My Secret Love): the established couple for 7 years ahh cute
Not Me could’ve been here if they gave me ToddBlack, GramNuch, EugeneNamo
Biggest Disappointments
To be a disappointment, I had to have at least semi-high hopes
Cutie Pie: This was one of my most anticipated of the year because I love the arranged marriage trope in fics and thought the hidden identity aspect would be so fun as well but yeah, shit writing rip didn’t like how they dealt with the tropes or characters or plot and it’s so frustrating to think about the wasted potential. hopefully domundi gets better writers for next year’s works because they’ve got a very intriguing batch
Cupid’s Last Wish: Also another of my most anticipated of the year because Win is in Lin’s body but despite being in a girl body, we and his love interest see him as a boy... ah so good of a concept. it wasn’t terrible and it delivered on the fun gender front but the writing for it was also weak
KinnPorsche: i’ve talked about this before but the writing is seriously such a big weakness for this show because how did you ruin Kinn and Porsche for me by the end and the plot is a mess
General Stats
Number of shows/movies/specials/shorts watched: 104 (+2 DNFs - these won’t be counted in the following stats) (also the Our Skyy appeared multiple times on my life bc I was watching one ep at a time but I counted them all as 1 show)
Release Date 2022 vs Earlier: 40 vs 64
QL vs non-QL: 97 vs 7 (rip)
BL vs GL (mains only. can be 0.5 if there are main couples of diff variations): idk like 104-7-13 = ~84 vs 13. 
The GLs I watched this year were all youtube shorts or had 1-3 hours of runtime and most of them were from before 2022. Since I’ve watched these already, next year might have fewer shows in terms of numbers but maybe longer runtime depending on what’s released next year (though there are some shorter ones from this year also that i haven't finished watching)
# of shows per month: ~8, 13, 15, 8, 12, 8, 6, 8, 5, 11, 4, 6
average rating: 5.87 (💀 umm I think I'll try to better choose the shows I watch next year)
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