#soul contracts ; promo.
xluciifer · 5 months
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This is the first ever Shoutout Saturday post!! I've entered +100 roleplayer accounts into a spinner and let the wheel of fate decide! I will be doing this every week to honor more of my followers and bring a little light onto their roleplay blogs! Please reblog to spread and promote their blogs. It's nice being seen in such a large community. ❤️👑
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@holoharbinger / @creationtainted / @etcrnalust
Sai is absolutely such a joy to know and roleplay with. As much as they are funny and kind, I admire greatly their handle on their muses ( Vox/Adam/Asmodeus ). Though I've only roleplayed with their Vox, I do read their interactions on their other accounts and it always blows me away how they can jump from muse to muse and have their voices sing every time. Definitely worth the follow and getting to know better. I'll always recommend them. ❤️
Alyssa isn't someone I talk to often. But from the times I had, they're a total sweetheart who's always willing to compromise and plot together. Incredibly understanding; and don't get me started on their portrayals. They roleplay 8 characters from Helluva Boss and even if I haven't had the pleasure of really getting to roleplay with them or see everyone in their arsenal at play, I really think they have an amazing grasp of Stolas and Fizzarolli. ❤️
Jazzy has a relatively newer blog to the fandom! She roleplays Velvette, Vaggie, Cherri, Emily, Lute and Frank! Which I think is an interesting arsenal of characters to roleplay all together on his little roster. I haven't gotten to speak to them much nor roleplay with them, but the little bit I've seen has been enjoyable so far! Seems like life has gotten a little much for them but I'm sure some new faces and friends could be just what they need. ❤️
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sgiandubh · 8 months
What happened with Barbour ?
Dear Barbour Anon,
My favorite kind of Anon, even if I know the question has recently been asked again and not in this corner. Never mind, I think it's time to talk about it, too.
I bought my first Barbour (entry-level, so olive) Bedale wax jacket 25 years ago, from their (long gone, now) shop on Boulevard Raspail, in Paris. It was a mandatory clothing item to own if you wanted to properly mingle with the law school crowd (it still is) and it ended up being one of my most prized possessions, possibly a part of me. I still have it somewhere, back home. Two more followed, along with a fetishist array of shirts, scarves, beanies and even one of those sturdy crossbody bags you can fit half a house in. So you can imagine my absolute thrill when I found out, very very late, that S had had a rather substantial collaboration with them, from 2016 and until 2019.
I am very bad with timelines, as you probably know and possibly even cackle about, but still: S was appointed as the company's first ever Global Brand Ambassador on July 16, 2016. His mission statement was very precisely defined by the brand and for some reason we'll analyze a bit later, this is important:
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(Source, heh: https://www.astonbourne.co.uk/is-barbour-a-luxury-brand-unraveling-the-mystique-of-classic-outerwear/).
A shirt and vest signature collection followed in 2017 and 2018, with the contract being renewed. Advertisement was absolutely gorgeous and designed to shape a very positive image, both for S and the brand. Last autumn's SS Gin promo retained some of that irresistible aesthetic DNA and I discussed it at length.
See for yourself, Anon. The fandom endlessly discussed the first long clip (with the chocolate labrador), but I have no idea if these two have been seen, let alone debated. If they did, let that be my nostalgic mistake.
Spring/Summer 2018:
Fall 2018:
And then disaster stroke, with S's trip to Ha-wa-wee 1.0, in the spring of 2019. A short reel, featuring a rather agglomerated boat trip, was posted on socials. Unfortunately for S, it also featured an allegedly horrifying scene involving the 'traditional' bludgeoning to death of a tuna fish. Emotions ensued and as it often happens here, they spun out of control. Many people, including some of the most vocal S haters, tagged Barbour in their diatribes, filled with environmentalist indignation. They suggested this guy (who did not participate to the savagery and I would be even unsure he realized what was going on) was, by no reasonable means, a proper 'embodiment of the brand's identity, values and aspirations' (remember that mission statement?).
Tone deaf as ever in the midst of a serious PR crisis, S put friendship above anything else, and publicly praised the boat's owner, calling him 'the heart and soul of the island', if I remember well. I still would like to think he has no idea what the hell exactly happened. And then, when somebody finally (August 2019) asked Barbour on Insta about their collaboration with S, they got this politely dry, but clear answer:
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"We don't have any plans for a collaboration with SH in the near future" means, in my book and to my understanding, "we are never going to work with this guy again". Truly, some people in here who dare to give morality lessons to others, should be proud of themselves: they did it knowingly and in a very organized way, using multiple sock accounts, to give the impression of a collective retching reflex. To cut the story short, the dread of any ad campaign on this planet.
The effort was genuine. The result of that collaboration was very good. Take, for example, this somewhat heartbreaking customer review by an American guy who has no idea who SRH is and who bought one of those jackets from a Barbour factory warehouse, in 2021, with a hefty rebate (70% off). Clearly something Barbour wanted to get rid of at all costs - what a pity and really what a SHAME on all those hypocrites who will never admit to a public assassination by the book:
This time, I am absolutely not sorry for the length, Anon. This is something that still makes me boil. Unfairness and cheap nastiness simply disgust me.
(Thank you, sweetheart, for the screenshot, always. You know who you are 😘😘😘).
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bijouxcarys · 2 months
I seriously can’t stop thinking about Roman’s return at Summerslam, and it’s not just because I’m a huge Reigns fan and a huge fan of the Samoan dynasty.
This man grew up with a father whose job was a professional wrestler in the biggest wrestling federation in the world. Anyone who knows anything about that industry knows it’s one hell of a feat to be able to maintain a family in tandem with working for the WW(F).
This man was a talented football player. He worked hard to get somewhere in that field. He had a good woman by his side, a good career, a tight family. He was heading straight to the top. The NFL. And then found out about the leukaemia. Back to square one.
This man got released from two football contracts after his diagnosis, headed home and worked in a furniture installation warehouse with his cousins for 2 years.
This man’s father saw it in him. Just as it was in his older brother. One push, into the deep end, and he was training tirelessly to make it in the WWE. To garner the same respect his old man had, the same respect his cousins had, the same respect given to the Samoan wrestling dynasty.
This man smashes it in FCW, smashes it in NXT, smashes a Survivor Series debut at the age of 27.
This man has a long-time girlfriend, a 6/7 year old daughter, his cousins are working in the same company, he’s getting there, he’s working it. And then the beloved faction—The Shield—implodes.
This man is then shoved down everyone’s throats. This is the guy. The new face. The new Cena.
This man loses autonomy as a wrestler. Loses his creative freedom.
This man wins the 2015 Royal Rumble, only to be booed to no end, despite him supposedly being a baby face. A good guy. No guys, this is who you should be cheering for! See how we are pushing him? This should have been the biggest night of his life, but it was marred by a crowd so hateful towards his character, that he’d rather not remember it!
This man is now married. Is the official face of WWE, whose fan base doesn’t want him. They want him gone. They chant their disdain. Every. Single. Time.
This man continues to be given poor promos, poorly written scripts, is made to say lines that make him into a mockery. But he does it. He plays the game. He knows how this goes. It doesn’t take away the fact he is still one of the most gifted wrestlers of the modern era. But the fans don’t see that. They don’t want to.
This man has his championship opportunity taken from him at Wrestlemania. Fuck.
This man, for the next few years, continues to be pushed and pushed and pushed. Fights with his whole soul. He needs that respect. He deserves that respect. His nose is shattered, his face is split open by a former UFC champion.
This man, still billed as the face of WWE, is now to do what nobody expects of him. Defeat the phenom. The Undertaker. Potentially the most beloved character in the history of pro wrestling. More booing. Nobody believes he deserves it. Just more negativity.
And then, the same exact year, this man’s big brother passes away. But what does he do? He keeps it pushing. He will endure these challenges in order to earn that respect he so desperately needs.
This man continues to be booed and mocked and undermined, under appreciated. Until late 2018.
This man announces that his real name is Joe and he’s been living with leukaemia for 11 years. And it’s back.
For the first time, the WWE universe realise this is a real man. And the absence of said man highlights just how important he is.
This man, in February 2019, announces he’s in remission. Gets a taste of the humanity in the WWE universe. But now he’s floating about. He doesn’t know who he is. He’s pushed as a face, but knows he’s destined for something different, something that will command that respect.
In 2020, this man takes a break. Reinvents himself a bit. Taps into who he is, his culture, his family, his traditions.
And then at Summerslam 2020, The Big Dog returns. And there’s something different about him.
The Big Dog is now The Tribal Chief. The Head of the Table.
And you will Acknowledge Him.
For the next few years, this man raises the bar, lifts up his cousins, has the likes of John Cena, The Undertaker, Steve Austin, Hulk Hogan, and Triple H, praising him. The greats can see it. That respect is so close, he can almost taste it.
By April 2024, this man has had one of the longest title reigns in WWE history. Over 1,300 days as the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion. He’s been pinned less than a handful of times within 4 years. He carried the company through COVID. He’s become the real face of the company whilst being himself, controlling his destiny, his promos, his image.
Yet… he’s still overlooked by the crowd. An undeserving champion some would say.
So you know what? Let’s give this to the man everyone loves. Another prodigy of a legendary family. Cody Rhodes.
Roman’s absence between Wrestlemania 40 and Summerslam 2024 proved just how loved he is. The fans thought they wanted one thing, they thought they wanted Cody. But once Roman Reigns is taken out of the equation… damn, this shit is kinda boring.
The “we want Roman” chants start. The world starts to crave his presence. They need him to come back. To have that genius moment of cinema. The way he commands a room without saying a single word.
During this man’s absence, the wrestling world mourns the loss of Sika Anoa’i. Roman Reigns’ father.
Married, 5 kids, a wife of 10 years, a career like no other, living with leukaemia, constantly working on himself… and now, the man who pushed him, the man who saw something in him, has passed on to the other side.
When those drums rang out in Cleveland on August 3rd 2024, everybody knew how big of a moment this was. Historical. Monumental. And as the Original Tribal Chief turns that corner, showing himself to the WWE universe for the first time since April… he got it.
The respect.
This man is more than a wrestler. He’s a warrior. The pop, the reaction, for his return at Summerslam… it’s never been more deserving. 14 years of trial and error, pain, loss, lack of identity, all paid off.
Because now, we all know. Everyone knows.
They acknowledged him.
I’m so proud of him.
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twopoppies · 2 years
I usually don't comment on stuff like this, because I don't make a habit of pissing on people's parades, but some of the recent things people are using as "proof" (of bbg ending, of Larry communicating with us, etc) are really wild stretches.
And, I usually wouldn't let it bother me; I understand that people (especially newer larries) are just having fun. But, as someone who's been here for a long time and who was part of the fandom when "proof" really meant concrete, vetted, and consistent evidence, I think people are unaware of how creating, spreading, and encouraging these unsubstantiated stretches and theories only support the extremely damaging stereotype that larries are unhinged and that we can (and will) make a connection out of anything, if it suits our narrative. (Which is, literally, what hets and shippers do, so yeah, forgive me if I don't want to be lumped in with that crowd.)
When we talk about Larry signaling (through clothing, warnings, selfies, the bears, etc), I think it's really, really important to remember the context in which those things happened.
They were both banging on the glass closet and seemingly seeding a potential coming out. They were at the height of their 'enemies' narrative and banned from being seen interacting, even while they were living out of each other's pockets. They were restricted by extremely abusive public identities (homophobe and serial womanizer) and contract clauses. They were making music and money for oppressive management and labels, none of which was directly contributing to or even hinting at potential personal career growth outside One Direction. They were signaling not only because it's all they had in terms of connecting with their community, but as an act of extreme rebellion and as a means of winning over even an inch of personal freedom and self-expression. (Remember, Niall wasn't even allowed to keep his natural hair color.)
And, while yes, Harry and Louis are still heavily closeted and being made to participate in (especially in Louis' case) extremely vile and abusive stunts, the context, in terms of their need to be seen (whether it be as their own people, queer people, or as a couple), has actually changed. In terms of self-expression, they're both making music that resonates with their creative identities, that they have some level of control over, and that contribute to them, personally, as individual artists. This means they actually have a personal stake in whether or not their projects do well because its a direct indicator of whether they get to continue making music that they love. Taking that into consideration, its unlikely that they want to overshadow the soul of those projects by slipping in all these little clues about their relationship into their promo. They’ve also (thanks mostly to the fans) found other ways of connecting to the queer community (which is an entirely different objective from wanting people to know about their relationship, specifically.)
To be really honest, I think they’ve actually made a collective decision to work harder to protect the privacy of their relationship, even behind the scenes, for many reasons. (Harris Reed’s recent interview, where he mentioned not really knowing Harry all that well, but alluded to leaving space for his queerness is what swayed me the most.) Being older, and having a lot more at stake (personally and professionally), makes me think they’re now (maybe in the last four or so years) very, very selective about who they share this part of their life with, one, because they each have a lot more to lose now if they’re outed, but also because their relationship is their top priority, and as Harry has said (and no doubt learned), a relationship has never benefitted from being made public (and we have to remember that even “within the confines of the industry” is still very, very “public”).
But, I digress. My point is, they've been together for twelve years, they've written hundreds upon hundreds of love songs to each other, they have their love story tattooed all over their skin. I get if you, individually, need to read into every little clue to prove to yourself they're still together, but don’t confuse that with them needing us to know it.
Again, I'm not saying this to piss on anyone's parade. I love a Larry proof to death and god knows I believe in the real ones with my whole chest (Still the One still gives me chills, Princess Park is fucking perfection, ‘waiting to wrap your legs around me' and ‘tired eyes are the death of me’ are tattooed on my heart). What I'm saying is people need to take context into consideration to keep from devaluing and trivializing actual, solid, vetted Larry proof and signaling because the only people and reputations these stretches and theories are hurting are Larries’.
Anon, if I wasn’t already married, I would marry you. THANK YOU.
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radicheart-a · 1 year
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This is a role-play blog for a canon-divergent Alastor (who also goes by "Calloway" or "Cal") from Hazbin Hotel.
There are also guest muses here: Cotton (Alastor's shadow) and Radio (from The Brave Little Toaster)!
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Important Things To Know (Part 1 (aka Guidelines Simplified)):
I am NOT mutuals only in terms of interaction.
Minors, do not follow me or you will be blocked.
Personals, do not spam like my posts or reblog my interactions or you will be blocked.
Smut threads will be put underneath a Read More and be tagged with 'nsfw tw'.
Triggers/squicks are: animal abuse / needless death, politics, rpc drama, anon hate, constant self-hate, visuals of eye gore, and visuals of throats getting slit.
If you’re a mutual who no longer wishes to be mutuals, it would be greatly appreciated if you hard block my blog so I can also unfollow.
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Important Things To Know (Part 2 (aka How Is This Blog Canon-Divergent?)):
The main difference is his appearance. He has longer darker red hair that he usually ties up, has symbols of The Beast on either ear, freckles on his face and chest, wears glasses instead of a monocle, and has a tail. He also usually forgoes wearing the tattered jacket, leaving him in just a vest and shirt.
Alastor is still the facility manager of the Hazbin Hotel. That hasn't changed! He has his radio tower and a suite there, but he also has a personal home. He flip-flops between sleeping at the hotel and his home.
He does NOT hurt or threaten his contracted souls (see: how he treats Husk in episode 5). He treats them as if they were his friends. Whether or not they see him as a friend is up to their own discretion, but he has never and never will treat them badly.
He did NOT start beef with Lucifer when he arrived at the hotel after being invited by Charlie in episode 5. He welcomed him in and was just as eager to take him on a tour as Charlie was.
He is NOT contracted to Lilith. He IS contracted, but to whom (or what) hasn't been revealed yet.
NOTE: your muse is ALLOWED to assume he sticks to canon, but he WILL correct them!
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Other Blogs I Run:
hellizens - multiverse multiship Hellaverse multimuse
tuneonin - multiverse multiship canon-compliant Alastor
devildcd - multiverse multiship Lucifer
hellfrczencver - multiverse multiship "canon-divergent" 2P!Alastor (ON HIATUS)
axcat - multiverse multiship Mordecai Heller from Lackadaisy (ON HIATUS)
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sebaelis · 1 month
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#SEBAELIS:   an  independent, private &  selective roleplay  blog  for  𝕾𝖊𝖇𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖆𝖓 𝕸𝖎𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖘  from  Yana Toboso's  Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler.   Crossover,  multi-verse, multi-ship  &  OC  friendly.  NSFW  &  DARK  THEMES.  21+  only  minors  are not allowed.  .  low to medium  activity,  accepting  memes  &  plotting.
                         [     est. 06/24 .     ]   27+  .  loved  by  aoi  .  gmt +10  .
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𝐀  𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐘  𝐈𝐍: human sacrifice, occult, contract, soul, order, demonology, manipulation, cleanliness, faithfulness, perfection, disguise, double-life. 
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𝐍𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: promo.      rules.      muse.      mun. open starters. 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃: .aoik_ [ mutuals only ]
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 ㅤㅤㅤ  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤtemplate made by : , jessource
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goldenpinof · 2 years
I wonder if the promoters (and dan) relied on his view numbers to plan those many shows. His video count up until wiqy had millions, and his collabs with phil also had those number of views when otherwise phil hasn’t had any million viewed solo video after dml2 (devastated to report this). Maybe they thought “the anticipation of seeing dan after a while and see what he’s doing” that worked in his youtube uploads will translate to a paying live audience as well? Combined that with AEG not used to working with a youtuber and its audience? Idk im just saying speculations out loud since at the end of the day we don’t know what’s happening behind the scenes
wait, all true and AEG sucks. but i forgot something in all my answers. Europe's promoter is mainly A Comic Soul + locals. Iceland show's promoter was Sena (as was written on the venue's website). i don't know if AEG delegated Europe to A Comic Soul and the locals, Dan never mentioned anyone other than AEG. and looks like they are responsible for the site that died after they added shows. i wonder if Dan has a contract not only with AEG but also with A Comic Soul and etc. wouldn't that be too much considering that he didn't want to search for local promoters and book venues himself? a lot to think about. it would be so much easier if we knew what was happening behind the scenes, at least related to public information.
you mentioned Dan's views numbers and i wanted to bring dd into conversation. what was before dd is very inaccurate and i don't think people thought about it as much as they should have. Dan disappeared for 4 years. BIG doesn't count, WIQY also doesn't count – coming outs and call outs get views. it's not about Dan, it's about the importance of topics, of course it gets views (BIG is bigger than just a topic, but you know what i mean, shut up y'all). dystopia daily on the other hand shows how many of us remained and how interested in Dan's content we are. and the stats are very sad. 500k, that's the maximum he can get now without any extra help from the algorithm. and with 500k views you can't book venues of 3k capacity and expect them to sell out like they used to when there were Dan AND Phil on stage.
"seeing Dan after a while" damn, it could work if this tour wasn't so out of nowhere and after such a long period of silence. people stopped caring after 2020. he uploaded BIG, then was something Pride related and he disappeared again. why bother waiting for him, you know? (that's why i think Rihanna's new album may flop, it's been too long, people let go. all hopes are on super bowl, unfortunately) even i don't remember when and what he did between 2019 and 2022, and i was here all this time :( a book, pride thing, hometown showdown that was never on his channel – but i can't name you years when each of these happened because there's no associations with other things. we saw, we nodded, we forgot in 2 weeks. it's not a foundation for a tour, it's dust in the middle of nowhere. and wad didn't have a proper foundation/base.
but tour is a huge thing. mid 2022 – mid 2023 will be remembered as wad, dystopia daily will be on the side. dd is good for promo but the timing of this comeback wasn't ideal for it to be the foundation. and look, he will most likely disappear again after the tour ends. and who knows for how long.
so how the fuck is he gonna sell the next tour and what audience is he expecting?
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
Angie, I am kinda new in the Larrie fandom. I get this that all the so called gfs are actually stunts and all that promo narrative. But could it be possible that Louis is really the father? Why would he drag a child into a stunt for this long. It's not like he's not had a long term stable relationship on the side. Why the need for this extra coverup? I guess maybe he could be the father afterall. Maybe some surrogacy shit was involved. Could it be possibly?
Hello, angel! Merry Christmas ✨
I am going to take time to answer this, because I don’t want to say things that can be misinterpreted. First thing first: welcome to Larryland! It’s fucking nuts, ngl. Secondly… I get where you are coming from. I get it, really I do. But guys… shit happens all the time. I know we like to believe life is easy and people come with high morality and good at hearts. I know that would be incredible if the world wasn’t indeed populated by greedy men who will find any possible solution to make their plans work. I know, I see why many people like you have the hardest time digesting babygate.
I’m not here to convince you on this, because we are not here to bear the pain of this on our shoulders and you should always find yourself navigating what’s comfortable to you and if this is not a safe topic for you to enter, then don’t do it. At the end of the day, you are a fan of his music not of his gossip agenda am I right? Believe what makes your staying here more enjoyable.
There are plenty of timelines, masterposts and stuff explaining why nothing around it makes sense. Have a read, if you want. What wasn’t real 7 years ago isn’t real now just because they keep doing it. It’s funny how blogs handle the discourse actually, because many times their points of discussion are going nowhere. We know nothing. Let this sink in: we. Know. Nothing. We don’t know who is running it behind the scenes. We don’t know in what extent the people who play pretend are actually involved. We don’t know who thinks what. We don’t know who is gaining what and who is not. I’ve seen people talking about trauma for the kid and what not. But seriously this is dangerous territory and there are so many things to say. But we can’t really, cause we don’t know.
I know it feels gross to have a child involved in this, but how is it worse than coming up with this in the first place?
Mind you. This is not Louis’ fault. You will never see me saying that. Ever. When you are part of the wrong mechanism, in the wrong environment, with wrong people behind your back… it’s so easy to get trapped into a mess like this.
The bigger the bait, the bigger the fish.
And we are common people, their rules don’t apply to us. Try not to use your knowledge of society and common sense for big multimillion dollars companies who will literally sell their souls to the devil to help their business rise. There are fields where there is no ethic for the workers and for the consumers (music being one of them). I know your next question is why they would agree to this, is it worthy? I can’t answer to that, because it’s not my call. It’s not my life, my dream, my job. Based on the person I am, I would never do it in the first place, but I am me.
I strongly believe (for now at least) this was their way to buy Louis out of that nightmare of a major label and I bet it wasn’t the only one clausole of the contract (include here no radio support, no huge promo, no media or other kind of important support). But this is just my opinion. I don’t have any proofs or tools to act like I’m right. And as a kind anon said I’m just a “doctor of idiots at best” lmao
I don’t know if this replies to your question, but no, angel, Louis doesn’t happen to just have a baby with a random american girl after he broke up with his fake long lasting girlfriend in the meantime a potentially dangerous rumour about his queerness and gay relationship with his also rumoured to be gay ex bandmate could ruin not only his band career, but their (Harry’s mostly) solo career.
Edit (because I misunderstood the question maybe): A surrogacy was involved for sure. Think of the fertility clinic sonogram we got last year. I just do not think Louis was involved. Why would a 25 years old boybander want to be involved after all? Looking for a baby’s surrogate mother instead of trying to fix his relationship with his gf of 4 years and then start a family with her? Doesn’t make sense not even for a rich person imo
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jung-koook · 1 year
lol i hope seven is a s*x song idc how crazy ill get

also im late but just to add in, about the whole promo thing - i dont think its about "its gonna be MORE promo for him"
i guess its just about them (individually speaking), we know they all have a whole team but at the end its about them, what they like, what they can do, schedules we dont know about, like ..we can see its not all about music anymore (not a bad thing, i mean like they have contracts with fashion and stuff) so they have other things going on too
i know hybe can be shitty, i bet, but we cant blame them for EVERYTHING
the boys make different music between them, (just look at rapline, its SO DIFFERENT) its not the same, jimins promo was different because it had a different vibe if you may, jk's style we've seen its so street edgy idk you've seen the guy lol, and i bet taehyungs promo wont be anything like jk's either, theyre so different in style! thats it, i just think the style is different, it represents them in their own way, it cant be the same all the time, specially not after doing their solo projects, this is their chance to do whatever they want!
its jk first solo, no, it doesnt have to be about bangtan bc of a 7, maybe a reference SURE because we know how they cant live without each other, but lets give him credit, hes about to share with us something hes been working on God knows how long, these boys have experienced so much together but its time and he said so himself, its a new challenge for him, lets just support
i love this because we love them all but we get to see now a new piece of their souls as solo, its exciting!
go jk! go my boyss!!
yes, you're right. thats what I wanted to say there. but what i said did it imply that jeongguk was having more promo? if so i want to apologize because that was not what i wanted to say at all. what I wanted to say there is that we already saw that the promos will be different for each member. that from what we've seen so far, we're going to see different things for each member. I think I even mentioned that I really didn't like some things but that its "okay". like for example jimin wanted to have more mvs but that didn't happen. and I really wish that had happened. the little time difference there was between namjoon, jimin and yoongis albums. and i think the same thing looks like it will happen when tae releases his album. i really think there's a big chance that as soon as sevens promo is over bighit will announce taes album. that's all I wanted to say there. I'm so sorry if I implied something completely different from what I really meant to say.
I'm really so excited for this new challenge for him and to learn more of the details he wants to share with us about seven. this recording film made me even more excited for seven and I thought that wasn't even possible 😆😭
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uncannyyarns · 2 years
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Here's a promo I made for Do We Have a Contract? for the print edition of @souls-foreclosed
These three goofballs are the mascots of my Comic Fury site, and they'll be fleshed out more in the next volume.
Shackle, Glory, and Ram (from top to bottom)—the husband, wife, husband trio of demons named after Ramshackle Glory, my favorite punk band.
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sebaelis-a · 3 months
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#SEBAELIS:   an  independent, private &  selective roleplay  blog  for  𝕾𝖊𝖇𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖆𝖓 𝕸𝖎𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖘  from  Yana Toboso's  Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler.   Crossover,  multi-verse, multi-ship  &  OC  friendly.  NSFW  &  DARK  THEMES.  21+  only  minors  are not allowed.  .  low to medium  activity,  accepting  memes  &  plotting. follows back from PCISIN .
                         [     est. 06/24 .     ]   27+  .  loved  by  aoi  .  gmt +10  .
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𝐀  𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐘  𝐈𝐍: human sacrifice, occult, contract, soul, order, demonology, manipulation, cleanliness, faithfulness, perfection, disguise, double-life. 
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𝐍𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: promo.      rules.      muse.      mun. starter call. 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃: .aoik_ [ mutuals only ]
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xluciifer · 5 months
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It's Shoutout Saturday!! I've entered +100 roleplayer accounts into a spinner and let the wheel of fate decide! I will be doing this every week to honor more of my followers and bring a little light onto their roleplay blogs! Please reblog to spread and promote their blogs. It's nice being seen in such a large community. ❤️👑
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Moonbeam is someone I've followed for a while now! We talk on very rare occasions but I enjoy seeing them on my dash and interact and roleplay with who they do. The mun is really sweet and they have a wide arrange of muses they roleplay! Even some I don't see much of! I hope to roleplay with them one day soon. ❤️
Pan is relatively new! They've been a little busy with life but their writing has been enjoyable to witness with @culling and in general. From the little we've gotten to talk, I love them already and the approach they're going with with their Vox. They should be around soon and we potentially have a thread here going soon and I'm so excited. ❤️
Fae is another person who we've only recently gotten to follow each other back! I've admired them from afar for a little and adore their mun! They're currently on a hiatus for vacation but their writing is such a treat to see when they're around to roleplay! Another roleplayer I haven't gotten the chance to write with yet but I'm looking forward to it once they're around. ❤️
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dvilsdesire · 4 months
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The Basics:
Haarlep from BG3 RP blog
Features Raphael by default
Sideblog to @lolthswcrn (I cannot follow from this blog)
Multi para and/or novella
21+ (ns//fw) will be tagged as 'Naughty Devil'
Highly OC friendly
Dash only blog
Selective but not mutual exclusive 
Highly headcanon based
🔴 Low activity blog 🔴
CW for very explicit sexual natures as Haarlep is an incubus.
Useful Links:
My art
Rules (you're here)
Monster Manual
Playlist (music)
Rules and Info under the cut:
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The Late Latin word incubus ("a nightmare induced by a demon") is derived from Latin incubō ("nightmare, what lies down on one whilst one sleeps") and further from incubāre ("to lie upon, to hatch").
About Haarlep:
First and foremost, this is a heavily headcanon based RP blog as in game we only see a few moments of Haarlep. What we do know is that Haarlep is an Incubus and he was sent to Raphael as a distraction via his father, Mephistopheles.
This blog will be following the more traditional style of Incubus, and therefore Haarlep identifies as a he/him (however, he still changes into a female glamours and will then go by she/her--depending on what his company prefers).
While Haarlep is mostly in the House of Hope, for RP sake, he is not bound to The House of Hope and can travel using the portal system inside the premises. Raphael may not like this, but he has no hold on Haarlep. Often, it is opportunistic for Raphael as he can gather more potential clients (souls).
Let it be known that there is a very sexual based relationship between Haarlep and Raphael, and that will be noted. However, Haarlep is in contract with Mephistopheles. This means he is willing to aid Tav with stealing the Orphic Hammer as his loyalty is not to Raphael. Haarlep's feelings when it comes to Raphael are... complicated, and more can be read in my headcanons tag.
Haarlep is a top. You will not have your way with him. Ever. Even if you think you do, it's a trick of charm.
Haarlep does not remember who he was before he was reborn as a fiend. My Haarlep was forged from Mephistopheles with the soul purpose of keeping tabs on Raphael.
If I am not writing with a Raphael, then I am happy to partake in writing him if the thread calls for it. There will be a constant presence of Raphael on this blog as well simply due to his ties with Haarlep (pics, gifs, artwork etc will be shared also).
Canon divergences:
If Tav has killed Raphael (and I'm not specifically writing with a Raphael), I tend to diverge from canon here in the fact that Mephistopheles did not kill Raphael when he was devoured. However, he has been imprisoned in Cania and will serve at least 9 years in said prison, stripped of his powers. Haarlep will maintain in contact with him.
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General rules:
Due to the sexual nature of this character and blog, this is a 21+ blog only. Minors please DNI. You will be blocked on sight. I generally will only write with other mods who are around my age, because it will honestly make me feel very uncomfortable if you aren't.
This is a sideblog. I can't follow from this blog, so your mutual tracker will not register that we're mutuals. All follows will come from @lolthswcrn
General RP etiquette applies. We're all here to have a good time, and I won't be involved in any drama.
If you don't like Haarlep, then don't interact. If you are uncomfortable with sexual themes, then don't interact. All NS//FW content will be put under a 'read more' and tagged as "Naughty Devil".
As a canon muse, you don't have to agree with everything I write, however, it isn't an invitation to be childish about it. This is my take on Haarlep, and I will write him how he comes to me.
I will not dilute his character. Haarlep is an Incubus, you should be aware of what comes with that. Despite being a devil, Incubus lore has flipflopped when it's come to demon/fiend/devil over the years. Whilst Haarlep is a devil and lawful evil, he is highly chaotic leaning. This blog will contain manipulative themes.
Shipping will still be chemistry based despite Haarlep's enjoyment for sex. Sex doesn't mean he has feelings for someone. In saying that, he is considered to be Raphael's lover and he will please him so long as Mephistopheles orders it (and a romantic ship can absolutely stem from this depending on RP partner).
No hate/phobia/ism of any kind tolerated here.
While it's obvious that this blog will have sexual themes, the mod is a big ol ace and therefore I would actually like to build relationships and not focus entirely about just smut in threads.
Mod =/= muse
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The Mod:
You can call me Owl 🦉 or my real name (if known). 30+, he/him, Australian E.S.T, metalhead. This blog is low activity as I have two jobs in healthcare and teaching that are rather demanding. I am also on the spectrum which means my social metre is incredibly fickle. Do not be afraid to approach me, just know my timezone and availability differs from most here.
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esonetwork · 2 years
You’re Gonna Die - Soul Forge Podcast 279
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/youre-gonna-die-im-gonna-die-we-are-all-going-to-die/
You’re Gonna Die - Soul Forge Podcast 279
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You’re gonna die. I’m gonna die. We are all going to die. That is why it is important to think about end of life planning while you still can. You’re gonna die. Therefore, it is up to you to plan how you wish to be taken care of.
Preplanning your final arrangements can save your family and friends from having to make decisions at a difficult time. It also gives you time to make the right choices.
The person you name in your will to handle your affairs (for example, your estate trustee) can change your plans at the time of your death, so it is important to discuss your wishes with him or her and your family members or friends.
This week on the podcast, Amanda is here to remind us all that we are going to die. She pre-planned her and her husband’s funerals. Because she knows you’re gonna die, she has much to say on this topic. The main take away is that pre-planning your funeral arrangements saves those left behind from having to do it during their grief. It also ensures you get what you want.
Remember to keep all important documents in a safe place where your legal representative(s) can find them easily and give a copy to the person who will likely make the arrangements. Keep in mind that your representative may not be able to have a safety deposit box opened until after the funeral.
At death, your legal representative should take your pre-arrangement documents to your chosen provider and any receipts or other evidence of payment.
The service provider will review the contract with your legal representative and let him or her know if there are any extra costs to be paid at that time.
This week’s podcast promo: Cigar Nerds
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dynapiner · 2 years
3rd bass the cactus album release date
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But It's not really a full attack, just MCA's verse that goes in on Serch.Ģ5. The Beastie’s dissed 3rd Bass back on the track “Professor Booty”. 3rd Bass saw the Spin article and wrote the dis.Ģ4. Then when he went to leave, Mike started throwing things at him. 2 is that he and Mike D met and were talking in Mike D’s apartment and were totally cool. The story Serch tells in Check the Technique Vol. 3rd Bass dissed the Beastie Boys on the song “Sons of 3rd Bass” It was the new Def Jam white guys dissing the old.Ģ3. I also have to ask-do famous rappers always have a guy in their crew to listen to other rapper’s albums to check for hit-worthy disses tucked away in the deep cuts?Ģ2. Can I buy it on E-Bay? And if so, will Hammer put a contract out on me?Ģ1. Sometimes I wonder where that giant hammer is. Or video with Hammer’s mother being, uh, contacted, by a giant cactus.Ģ0. And there was no video for it with a giant hammer getting knocked over in heavy rotation on Yo MTV Raps. It may have been the title track, but wasn’t released as a single. It seems weird that “The Cactus” is the song 3rd Bass blamed for all the drama. If true, this is perhaps the greatest example of the awesome power of award shows.ġ9. Serch says in the book that he believes Russell gave Concepcion tickets to the American Music Awards, sitting next to Michael Jackson, in exchange for vetoing their murder. There’s much I don’t know about the Crip’s organizational structure and work processes.ġ8. It doesn’t sound like it had been reported up to Concepcion’s office for approval, but he sure as hell had the power to call it off.ġ7. Russell Simmons asked Crips founder Mike Concepcion to cancel the hit. 3rd Bass found out about the death threat when they were on tour in LA. 3rd Bass also dissed Hammer in the song “The Cactus”, with the lyric “The cactus turned Hammer’s mother out.” According to the group, it’s actually this dis that prompted a death threat from Hammer that he contracted out through the Crips.ġ6. In the video, DMC and Jam Master Jay show up at the end to attack a giant hammer that’s wearing sun glasses. At the end of the song, Pete Nice expresses his wish that Hammer “Shut the _ up.” And Serch unleashes an effusive gas face.ġ4. The dismissive looks girls sometimes gave became known as the “gas face”.ġ3. It was inspired by times when 3rd Bass and Zev would try to talk to girls. The term and concept of the gas face were coined by guest rapper Zev Love X,ġ2. He said 3rd Bass would swipe Slick Rick promo albums from the Def Jam office to sell on the street to buy pizza.ġ1. Pete told Brian Coleman that he still had to work odd jobs after getting signed by Def Jam. 2's chapter on The Cactus Album, there’s some truth to it.ġ0. Pete Nice’s opening verse seems like a funny exaggeration of a shady record label, but according to Check the Technique Vol. The song was produced by De La Soul and Gravediggaz producer (and Stetsasonic DJ) Prince Paul. The piano sample at the beginning of each verse in “The Gas Face” is the intro to “Think” by Aretha Franklin.Ĩ. According to DJ Daddy Rich, DJing during performances of “The Gas Face” and “Steppin to the AM” was challenging because Serch’s dancing would shake his turntables.ħ. You know who didn’t have paper ankles? MC Serch. And of course, his ankles never got so bad that he needed the prop cane he carried around.Ħ. But not hooping gave him more time to work on the music. Nice blamed his “paper ankles” for derailing his college b-ball career. Pete Nice took a total of two shots playing forĥ. Before 3rd Bass, Serch’s day jobs included driving a truck for the USDA and driving a bus for a Jewish YeshivaĤ. Pete Nice graduated with an English degree from Columbia.ģ. MC Serch turned down an opera singing scholarship to focus on rap.Ģ. I highly recommend both it and Volume 1 for 80s and 90s hip hop aficionados.ġ. ( Important Note: I learned many of these nuggets from the book, Check the Technique Volume 2: More Liner Notes for Hip Hop Junkies by Brian Coleman. In honor of those 30 years, here are 30 facts about 3rd Bass and the song itself. Hard to believe it’s been 30 years since I made my first gas face.
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
Harry knew what he was doing yesterday, he just doesn't give a shit about that movie. He will pour his heart and soul into MP promo and I can't wait to see the difference. The movie is stunning - The chemistry!! - The heartache. Beautiful. As for dwd, they are not even kissing in the "sexy" scene.
As much as I think Harry really doesn’t give a shit about DWD at this point anymore - and he had no fucking clue what he was signing up to when he and his team thought the movie and the stunt were a good idea - I don’t think that this is the kind of situation he just gave up halfway through and was giving those answers because he didn’t care. A lot of people put a lot of money and time into this entire thing, especially the stunt. So ultimately I think we have two options when it comes to Harry’s behaviour and messy answers: 1) They didn’t prep him. He’s obviously not used to these kinds of situations and he was very nervous and uncomfortable about it, and it’s well-known that Harry doesn’t do well or is very eloquent when he’s feeling pressured. He usually just gets away with being cheeky and avoiding answering anything, but that wasn’t enough for a press conference of a movie that was already this messy. He was busy with the tour and his team should have known better.
Or 2) playing dumb and “I don’t know what I’m doing when it comes to acting” was some sort of strategy. And I’m only mentioning this because I remembered his answers on that Rolling Stone article where he was kind of playing down the entire acting thing like he didn’t have a contract with Marvel for god knows how long. That was so weird, he was clearly full of shit and I think the way he was being too broad with his words was leaving too much room for interpretation so people would obviously misinterpret what he was trying to say. Not sure if that could be some sort of strategy because they already knew his acting wasn’t that great on DWD (and the reviews of his cameo on Eternals weren’t great either) so trying to play it down like he had no idea what he was doing in the first place would come across better than if he was actually serious about trying to pursue a career on acting. I’m still very much inclined to believe the first option, where he was simply not ready for it and nervous, but I thought this another point of view was worth mentioning.
Either way, it backfired. And it doesn’t look good. I’m worried for MP because - again, bringing back that RS article - the very little he had to say about MP wasn’t perceived very well. People are already paying really close attention to it because he’s being accused of queerbaiting for ages, and he keeps trying to play both sides. And the DWD press is definitely not playing on his favor now when it comes to take him seriously. So. He’s cornered from anywhere you look at it. So yes I think MP is going to be a great movie and he will be much more confidant and passionate with the entire thing and comfortable with the cast. But if I were his team I’d be making sure he gets his answers right as we speak.
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