#sour gout
sugarpopss · 6 months
Lamb, Pig, It's All The Same
Alright here's more Aegon with gout fic. idk. I don't have a tag list but I am gonna tag @bucknastysbabe bc I bounced some of this off of her before it sat in my drafts for two months, and @who-told-you-this-was-butter and @khaleesihel bc they're my howl drool cream over Aegon buddies
Fem reader, Aegon being a pathetic whore but like in a fun sexy way
The gout preferred to strike at night. It would violently jerk Aegon from his slumber and have him crying out with the sudden pain, panicked thrashing hindered by both his afflicted joint and his swollen stomach-for your husband did so love to gorge himself into drowsiness, despite repeated warnings from the maesters and scoldings from his own mother. 
It was Aegons gasping and crying that usually awoke you. The overwhelming panic you’d felt at the beginning of your marriage, when you’d known nothing of the crown princes illness-possibly by design, but you’d not be caught making the accusation-had been overcome in the months since the first, terrifying night. By the time the summertime warmth of your wedding had frozen into winter, you were wrapping your arms around Aegon before you were even fully awake. He always leaned into you with all of his weight, seeking the comfort you provided him like a lamb searching for its mothers shadow. 
“Hush, dearheart, it’ll fade. You know it will fade soon enough.” 
It was all nonsense, really, that you murmured into his hair, but your soothing words and safe embrace gave Aegon something to anchor himself to while the pain ran its violent course. Despite the constant, grating irritation that usually marked Aegons presence in a room-and that ground your nerves to dust time and time again-his cries made your heart ache. Perhaps you were simply weak for a beautiful man in distress, because you always found yourself coming to his side when he glutted himself like a prized hog then whined so pathetically for you to soothe his belly. 
When Aegon sniffled against your shoulder you just couldn’t help but to coo and stroke his hair. Nevermind the tears and mucus he was no doubt spreading all over the fine Myrish lace of your nightgown, the idiot usurper-your idiot usurper-was in pain and frightened. And although it surely made you a damnably terrible person, you found Aegon to be at his sweetest when he was reeling and needy. Not completely lost in the throes of the pain, of course, but when the attack began to ease and he nuzzled against your skin, seeking warmth and comfort and kind words and rewarding you with his gorgeous lilac eyes, red rimmed and watery, turned up to you with all of the mindless trust of a newborn lamb. 
The knowledge that Aegon only sought your comfort because you happened to be closer at hand than a jug of wine did little to sour how much you enjoyed peppering kisses over his fever warm cheeks-cheeks which only seemed to grow fuller and rounder time trod on, but gout was not called the ‘fat mans disease’ for nothing. The fool was nearly incapable of self soothing without something in his mouth, a fact that had perhaps led your mind towards less appropriate thoughts of a hypothetical night upon which, after the pain had faded to a more manageable ache, you’d shrug off your nightgown and offer him your breast. You were confident that Aegon would take it eagerly, after all. Doesn’t every pathetic lamb need something to nurse? 
Sometimes you gave up on holding him altogether and applied a cold herbal compress to his inflamed knee. As you sat on the edge of your own marital bed and pressed the damp, sticky rags to Aegons knee and watched him writhe and cry, your thoughts always grew strange. The affection-fine, perhaps a little bit of power as well-you felt while holding and comforting your husband went quiet. In its place arose thoughts of the Queen Consort tending to her own ailing Targaryen. You didn’t enjoy these thoughts, but they came nonetheless. Perhaps these men with dragons blood in their veins were somehow prone to affliction, or perhaps it was as simple as the fact that a loyal wife and a nursemaid were very much interchangeable. 
Even if you were slightly uncertain whether you’d care for Aegons pain at all if he wasn’t so beautiful and needy and helpless when it struck. 
Perhaps this man, this family, this city-they all brought out the worst in you. Or perhaps you were just a little too fond of your husbands flushed face and hitching cries. 
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ancient-myth-daily · 4 months
Coptic Egyptian Healing Spells
In the ancient and early medieval world, "magic", religion, and medicine were not so separate of categories as we may think of them today! Below is a spell from the manuscript Michigan Ms. 136, which is thought to be from 300-400CE. The translation is from the book "Ancient Christian Magic: Coptic Texts of Ritual Power" by Marvin Meyer & Richard Smith.
One of the features of some of these spells in Meyer & Smith book is the use of historiolae, or the recalling of mythological precedents for the healing of specific ailments (for example, a spell to heal a snakebite might reference a myth about a snakebite). Some spells also use Homeric verses. Another thing that you might notice is that even though these spells are coming from a Christian community, some will reference polytheistic gods or myths, and some will make references to figures from Gnostic belief. where there is an "N." in the text, that is where you put relevant names to the people who the spell was being cast on/for. Also PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS AS MEDICAL ADVICE!!! It is just a cool piece of history.
TEXT of the spell is below the cut (it's long)!
... and over some oil, and you anoint him a little. I These are the names that you will speak over I the oil and (the) metal leaf:
Anax Sabrex Apemenon Borau Peritrara Nouannoonospetala Kenan Onesinne. You write them on ' the metal leaf; they are these. Write the ' other names and the characters: '
(signs) PETPOI (signs and ring letters)  For gout -- (it is) proven: (signs and ring letters) ARDABAI MAKOUM .
Write on a piece of silver when the moon is waning, and while you pour warm sea (water), utter the name. Perform it very well. Do this for 44 days:
I invoke you, great Isis, ruling in the perfect blackness, mistress of the gods of heaven from birth, Atherneklesia Athernebouni Labisachthi Chomochoochi Isi Souse Mounte Tntoreo Iobast Bastai Ribat Chribat Oeresibat  Chamarei Churithibath Souere Thartha Thabaaththa Thath Bathath Lathai  Achra Abathai Ae. Make the womb of N. whom N. bore attain the (condition) from god and be without inflammation, without danger, always without pain, now, 2 (times), at once, 2 (times)!
Dip a tuft of white wool. Put it under it, and immediately attend to the healing.
For a spleen, a proven salve. From early morning until the sixth hour of the day: barley meal and lard from pigs and very sour vinegar; salt.
For eyelids, that they not swell: blood of bats and blood of shrimp, when the moon is waning.
For chills:
And just as someone who sees a snake' in a mountain glen shrinks back, and trembling takes hold of' his limbs under him, and he withdraws again.... Gabriel, heal N. child of N., now 2 (times), at once, at once.
So when you make 7 strings, whether of warp or of woof, bind them and make 7 knots, and look toward the east and say 7 (times),
Lord Gabriel, lord Gabriel, lord Gabriel, heal the patient.
For a little child, to make the child's teeth grow before that child has pain: Put the foam from wax on the child's swollen (gums).
For a person who is swollen: gold brine in which the gold is immersed. Grind it with oil. Anoint the person until that person gets better. 
Voice of winds when there are no winds, voice of waves when there are no waves, voice of Amun, the three deities. Amun, where are you going in this way, in this manner? I am going from the south wind northward- neither reed nor rush nor- I am going to Abydos - nor these two mountains nor these two hills- I am mounted on a silver horse, with a black horse under me,  the books of Thoth with me,  those of the Great One of Five in my hands. I make those who are pregnant give birth, I close up those who miscarry, I make all eggs productive except infertile eggs. Hail, Thoth! He has come forth to me. Amun, where are you going, the three of Isis?  Today she is in labor, (for) four days of how many... It is freed from the seals to give birth. Let it happen. You have not found me, you have not I found my name, you have not found a little oil for disclosing ...  and you put it against her spine toward the bottom, and you say, Young woman, young woman over there,  restore yourself, restore your womb, serve your child, give milk to Horus your son,  through the power of the lord god.  Cow, cow of Amun, mother of the cattle, they have drawn near you. In the morning you must go forth to feed (them). They have drawn near you. In the evening you must come in to let them drink.  Say, Watch out for these 7 things that are bad for producing milk:
the sheath, the lid, the worm of Paape that has not yet spread, the barley that has not yet produced shoots, the real weed that does not provide shelter (?) for a shepherd, does not provide a staff for a herder, does not provide a goad for a cowherd.
They have come to me, my shepherd, my herder, my cowherd, with their garments torn, a strap on the front of their shoe(s) I fastened with ... of reed. What is it with you, that you are running, that you are in a hurry, my shepherd, my herder, my cowherd, with your garments torn? What is it with you,  with a strap on the front of your shoe fastened with fibers of reed? 7 white (?) sheep, 7 black sheep, 7 young heifers, 7 great cows- let every cow and every domestic animal receive its offspring, for Yao Sabaoth has spoken. Go north of Abydos, go south of Thinis, until you find these two brothers calling and running north and you run after them and they run south. Then say, Express the thoughts of your heart(s), that every domestic animal may receive its offspring.
Anousph, ,Anousph, Anousph, Anousph, Anousph, , Anousph, Anousph, Ibiach, hold back the blood in every member of N. child ofN. What do you order? I know, I have it in mind. 
Greetings to the sun, greetings to those who are with you,  greetings to the one who is yours.  Greetings, greetings,Michael, greetings, Gabriel, greetings, Semesilamps.
Give me the power of Yao, the strength of Abrasax, the favor of Sabaoth, before all people... especially before N. child of N., face to face, now, 2 (times), or at once, 2 (times)!
Amulet for the stomach and for a headache: On a piece of tin write: (ring signs within a square) AEEIOUO OUOIEEA AEEIOU OUOIEE AEEIO OUOIE AEEI OUOI AEE OUO AE  OU A O
For the malignant disease: a measure of Philanis, three measures of Ebriaam, three measures of celery seed, three measures of dill seed. You put honey on them and grind them together, and put them into a cup of beer and a cup of... wine, and grind them together well and divide it into three portions and take a portion with you every day for three days, and drink seven cups in the...  and stretch yourself out on your belly, and people take your feet and stretch them out ... and turn you seven times. After this you go down to the warm (bath).
Osphe, Osphe, Osphe, Yosphe, Yosphe, Yosphe,  Bibiou, Bibiou, Bibiou, Yasabaoth Adonai, the one who rules over the four corners of the world, in whatever I want- I, N. child of N.- now, now, at once, at once! 
You drink seven more cups, and go to the swimming bath of warm water and drink seven more cups, and come up and drink seven more cups, and spend three days doing this every day, drinking (?)....
For a woman whose womb hurts: Take oil, fat, or the (fat) of a cow (?), and a little hair of an old woman. Put them on coals of sycamore wood. Let her squat over their smoke. She will get better.
If there is a woman for whom it has kept on hurting: a small amount of milk from a sow. Put it in a little sweet wine. Let her drink it. She will get better. 
For those who will be sick in their mind(s), if their mind(s) oppress them and they have a demon: His stele makes them get better.
(signs) (signs and letters in a stele-shaped area)
CHOUBAROCH Those who are sick, grant healing Write it on a vulva stone.
For all vermin that you want to remove from your house: a little galbanum, a little sulfide of arsenic, a little fat from goats. Place it on a coal  like a... poultice of bad laurel. Put it in the water until it dissolves, and sprinkle it around the house.
For the skin disease that makes crusty skin peel: a shoot of artemisia (?), four staters of soda of arsenic. Grind them together. Apply them with an ibis feather.
For a skin disease on the person's face: frankincense from abroad, seven palm fibers (?), along with a black sheep, a burned horn of the sheep, a little pure urine, a lok of sour vinegar. Put them in a new, blackened... bake them together. Apply them with an ibis feather.
If there is someone who is ...: Smear his neck with calf gall.
A great lizard: In this way, while it is still fresh, burn it, grind it with vinegar, put it with incense. Put it on eyes that have discharge. They will get better. A little fresh fat from a sow: Grind it. Put it on sores that have appeared at the anus, along with real honey. 
For teeth that hurt: a small amount of warm milk from an ass. Wash out your mouth with it, and they will get better. 
For ears that hurt: a little calf gall. Put it into his ear and under his teeth, and they will get better.
A person who has trouble taking a shit: Smear his belly with calf <marrow>, and he will get better.
If there is a little child crying: Smear the child's skull with calf marrow or calf brains. A... that is in the house: white lead. Put it into salt water. Sprinkle it in the house.
For the...  or the black lizards: a pint of genuine (olive) oil, a pint of aged vinegar, a pound of Helkiera, three staters of white lead. You put them into bowls with fire underneath until it is mixed in, while you stir them with fresh palm shoots. 
For the hip- (it is) proven: an ounce of wax, an ounce of aged vinegar. Melt in turbid vegetable oil. Two grams of aloes. Loosen branches in a date palm that has [never] been struck by iron, from which branches have not been gathered [...] and work on pieces of wood... when they are soft, and place it upon them, and mix them with the palm branch until they dissolve.
The foot that is sick: The corresponding hand is the one that anoints it after you have been silent; and [you] call out three times, and anoint yourself after you have been silent and have not moved for any reason....
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mariacallous · 1 year
Gershom Mendes Seixas, the American patriot and chazzan or spiritual leader of the Shearith Israel Synagogue in New York City during the Revolution, closed the synagogue rather than worship under British rule. He rescued the Torah and carried it in his arms to Philadelphia. Eventually, after organizing Mikveh Israel Synagogue there, he returned to New York. This Revolutionary lay rabbit certainly liked to cook and eat rich food, and he suffered from gout. He had the odd habit of shelling peas while listening to boys prepare their bar mitzvah portions. His letters to his children were chatty missives full of notations about food. "On my way home supplied myself with some turnips, potatoes, 2 cabbages, celery, beets, thyme, parsley, etc. and one half peck of apples for the children," he write. "Ma's own cookery, in addition a large bread fritter as large as a plate with Madeira sauce ... nothin but alibut and asparagus for dinner and some stew and olmendigas for Shabbas..." He continued however, with "good appetite". The olmendigas were meatballs, known as albondigas in Spanish and Sephardic cookbooks. Non-Jewish versions are usually larger and often made with pork. Old recipes call for a tamarind vinegar sauce, sometimes a pomegranate sauce as in the Persian fesenjan, or a Syrian lemon sauce with a cream of rice filling. All predate the more popular tomato sauces, which to Europe after Columbus.
From Joan Nathan's Jewish Cooking in America.
This precedes several meatball recipes, from a modern version of albondigas to her mother's sweet and sour meatballs to kibbe hamda (Syrian stuffed meatballs with a lemony vegetable stew) and Edja (Syrian hamburgers)
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delightingintragedy · 8 months
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Saturn Correspondences
From Christian Astrology by William Lilly
(It is mostly word for word. I tried to format it to fit into a nice correspondence list, but the information itself is untouched.)
Zodiac: His houses are Capricorn as his Night-house, and Aquarius as his Day-house. Exalted in Libra, Fall in Aries, and Rules Aquarius.
Nature: Diurnal Planet, Cold and Dry and moist Vapors, Melancholic, Earthly, Masculine, the greater Infortune, author of Solitariness, Malevolent
Profession: Curriers, Night-farmers, Miners under ground, Tinners, Potters, Broom-men, Plumbers, Brick-makers, Malsters, Chimney-sweepers, Sextons of Churches, Bearers of dead corpses, Scavengers, Hostlers, Colliers, Carters, Gardeners, Ditchers, Chandlers, Dyers of black Cloth, a Herdsman, Shepherd or Cow-keeper.
Sicknesses: All Impediments in the right Ear, Teeth, all quartan Agues proceeding of cold, dry and melancholy Distempers, Leprosies, Rheumes, Consumption, black Jaundice, Palsies, Tremblings, vain Fears, Fantasies, Dropsy, the Hand and Foot-gout, Apoplexies, Dog-hunger, too much flux of the Hemorrhoids, Ruptures if in Scorpio or Leo, in any ill aspect with Venus.
Savors: Sour, Bitter, Sharp
Herbs: Bearsfoot, Starwort, Wolf-bane, Hemlock, Fern, Hellebore the white and black, Henbane, Ceterach or Finger-fern, Clotbur or Burdock, Parsnip, Dragon, Pulse, Vervain, Mandrake, Poppy, Moss, Nightshade, Bythwind, Angelica, Sage, Box, Tutsan, Orage or golden Herb, Spinach, Shepherd's Purse, Cumin, Horsetail, Fumitory
Plants & Trees: Tamarisk, Savine, Senna, Capers, Rue or Herbgrace, Polypody, Willow or Sallow Tree, Yew-tree, Cypress tree, Hemp, Pine-tree
Beasts: The Ass, Cat, Hare, Mouse, Mole, Elephant, Bear, Dog, Wolf, Basilisk, Crocodile, Scorpion, Toad, Serpent, Adder, Hog, all manner of creeping Creatures breeding of putrefaction, either in the Earth, Water or Ruins of House.
Fishes: The Eel, Tortoise, Shell-fishes
Birds, etc: The Bat or Blude-black, Crow, Lapwing, Owl, Gnat, Crane, Peacock, Grasshopper, Thrush, Blackbird, Ostrich, Cuckoo
Places: Deserts, Woods, obscure Valleys, Caves, Dens, Holes, Mountains, or where men have been burried, Churchyards, etc. Ruined Buildings, Coal-mines, Sinks, Dirty or Stinking Muddy Places, Wells and Houses of Offices
Minerals: Lead, Loadstone, the Dross of all Metals, as also the Dust and Rubbish of everything.
Stones: Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, all black, ugly Country Stones not polishable, and of a sad ashy or black color.
Weather: Cloudy, Dark, obscure Air, cold and hurtful, thick, black and cadense Clouds: but of this more particularly in a Treatise by itself.
Winds: Eastern Winds
Angel: Cassiel
Planetary Alliances: Works well with Jupiter, the Sun, and Mercury. Does not work well with Mars and Venus.
Week day: Saturday
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Correspondence posts for the other planets: [Sun] [Moon] [Mercury] [Venus] [Mars] [Jupiter]
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Witchy Herbs: Wood Sorrel
This plant is edible and used for medicinal purposes.
This plant was used by the native tribes the Kiowa people chewed wood sorrel to alleviate thirst on long trips, the Potawatomi cooked it with sugar to make a dessert, the Algonquin considered it an aphrodisiac, the Cherokee ate wood sorrel to alleviate mouth sores and a sore throat, and the Iroquois ate wood sorrel to help with cramps, fever and nausea.
Yellow wood sorrel is also known as sour grass because its leaves have a mildly sour taste. In fact, every part of this flower, including the leaves, flowers, and seed pods, are edible. Sorrel is a common addition to salads, soups, and sauces and can be used to make tea.
It contains high levels of vitamin C, potassium oxalate, and oxalic acid, the last two of which can be potentially hazardous to people with kidney disease, arthritis, or gout. Medicinally, in moderate dosages, wood sorrel is soothing to the stomach, relieves indigestion, astringent, and catalytic. It's also attributed with blood cleansing properties and is sometimes taken by cancer patients.
To make a tea:
1 cup common wood sorrel.
2 cups boiling water.
Steep the leaves in the boiling water for 10 minutes. It is delicious unsweetened but you can also stir in some honey. The cold tea is lemonade-like and can be added to home-made juices and punch.
Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. Always use at your own risk!
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eva-cybele · 1 year
wolmeric week day 3: AU
Kaede sighed and shoved a rogue lock of blonde hair behind one sharply pointed ear. Usually, the chance to leave the circle tower was a welcome change of pace – there were only so many times a girl could read the same books or blow up the same training dummy – but this assignment was… less than ideal.
Stupid Orlesians.
Her escort cast her an amused glance from behind his shaggy hair. “You know, you seem awfully sour for a woman who just got a free pass to live somewhere that’s not a tower in the middle of nowhere.”
Wrinkling her nose in distaste, Kaede grumbled a quiet, “Shut it, Waters,” in his direction.
Most mages wouldn’t dare speak to a templar like that, but Thancred wasn’t like most templars – they were the only Fereldans in the Ostwick Circle, and had always gotten along well. He was human, but they were both Denerim street rats at heart, even if his path had led to the Order, while hers landed her in the Circle. He had a few other reasons to treat her more kindly than the other mages in the Circle, but, well. Those didn’t bear dwelling on in the cold light of day.
“Oh, don’t be like that. Orlesians aren’t all bad.” His serious expression lasted for about five seconds before dissolving into a snicker. “Damn, I can’t say that with a straight face after all.”
As they passed through a part of the forest that seemed darker and thicker than the relatively sparse woods they had been traveling through for nearly a day now, Kaede finally asked the question that had been on her mind for the entire trip – “Why in Andraste’s name does an Orlesian country vicomte need a mage? And more specifically, why does he need an elven mage from bloody Ostwick? Orlais has Circles, surely he could have found one closer.”
Thancred shrugged, catching hold of the reins of Kaede’s mare in an attempt to guide the beast around a tree that had fallen half over the path. “Apparently he asked for a Knight-Enchanter, specifically. And seeing as how those are in short supply, First Enchanter Matoya determined you were the best candidate.”
“Do you know why he needed a battlemage? And, well… anything about him?” Thancred was always the man who knew things – had things been different, he would have made a great bard, Kaede was sure.
Shoving his bangs out of his face, Thancred cast a look around, then urged his horse a bit closer to hers. “I don’t know much, but rumor is, he’s the Divine’s bastard son.”
Kaede opened her mouth to respond to that – though with what, she did not know – but before she could, a horrifying scream rent the air and a large creature darted directly into their path, trailing blood from several wounds.
“Andraste’s tits, is that a drake?” Even Thancred, who approached most things in life with the same laconic humor, seemed startled by the appearance of dragonkin.
Adrenaline hummed in Kaede’s veins, and she all but leapt down from her saddle, raising her left hand and forming a complex sigil in midair. Recognizing her as a threat, the drake reared his head back to spew a gout of flames their direction, but the fire flowed to the sides and around the shield that hung, invisible, in the air in front of her.
Apparently irritated at the lack of immolation of his prey, the drake lashed out with fang and claw, narrowly missing Kaede as she rolled out of the way, only to find herself face to face with a smaller – but still larger than her – dragonling. And if the cursing behind her was anything to go by, Thancred had met a few of his own.
Kaede braced herself for an attack that never came, for at the moment that the dragonling lunged, a brilliant blue blade lodged itself in the side of the creature’s neck and sliced through muscle and tendon, leaving it half-beheaded and bleeding on the forest floor.
A gloved hand reached down and pulled her to her feet, and Kaede found herself face to face with possibly the most handsome human man she had ever set eyes on, even though his armor was spattered with dragon blood and his wavy black hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat.
“Are you hurt?” A warm, masculine voice with an Orlesian accent was barely audible over the screech of the remaining dragonkin surrounding them, and Kaede shook her head.
Movement caught her eye behind the man, and she abruptly pushed him to the side as the drake rushed forward towards them, reaching for her magic and pushing outwards, until ice crystallized around the creature’s legs, stopping it in its tracks. An arrow immediately lodged itself in a eye socket and the drake screamed as it crumpled.
A strong arm caught her around the shoulder and pulled her close against the mystery man’s chest, spinning to keep her beyond the reach of another dragonling’s lunge, when a lance came down and skewered it between its shoulderblades.
A quick glance over her shoulder revealed Thancred and another human man, with a lance in his hand, fending off the last two dragonlings, and then, finally, everything was quiet.
As she willed her heart to slow back down to a normal pace, the arm around her shoulders relaxed a bit, and her eyes were drawn back up to lock with pale blue ones. “My thanks, my lady. I take it that you are the Knight-Enchantress I sent for, then?”
Blinking in surprise that this was the vicomte she’d been assigned to serve, Kaede couldn’t resist a second look at him – she didn’t know of many Orlesian nobles who fought in places other than the dueling rings of tourneys, but this one looked well at home amongst the chaos of a battlefield.
A loud, Antivan-accented woman’s voice interrupted whatever answer Kaede thought to give, as a dark-skinned elven woman with a face covered in tattoos strode over to the drake and gave its corpse a kick. “Well. At least these aren’t bloody tainted. Unlike the last bunch.”
The grey-haired human man answered with a grunt, nudging the dragonling in front of him with his lance, before pronouncing in a gruff voice, “Aye, but that makes them harder to track.” Silver griffins emblazoned both their armor, and Kaede wasn’t sure which to be more confused by – the appearance of a Dalish elf, or the presence of two Maker-forsaken Grey Wardens.
Finally realizing that she was still more or less in the arms of an Orlesian lordling, Kaede took a step back and looked around the clearing in complete bewilderment – “What in Andraste’s name is going on here?”
The handsome human bent in a shallow bow, his sharp blue gaze never wavering from her face. “My apologies for the late introduction. My name is Aymeric de Borel, and as you can see, we have something of a dragon problem.”
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keepsdeathhiscourt · 1 month
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Pairing: Aleksander Moroza x Original Female Character
Rating: Mature (18+ Only)
Summary: Alyra Koshkova has always lived in the shadows, concealing her true nature to survive. But when tragedy forces her into the heart of Ravka's Second Army, she finds herself under the watchful eye of General Kirigan, the Darkling—a man as enigmatic as he is powerful. Struggling to come to terms with her newfound role, Alyra must navigate a world of hidden threats and dangerous alliances. As secrets unravel and the Darkling’s intentions grow ever more unclear, Alyra’s choices could reshape the fate of a nation—or lead to her own undoing.
Series Masterlist
Read on A03
Additional Tags: Canon Divergence, Language, Depictions of Violence, War, Political Intrigue, Horror Elements, The Darkling has a Heart, Grisha!OC, Grisha Sympathetic, Alcohol, The Darkling was right about a lot of things
Chapter 1: Drüsje
The ancient floorboards groaned under Alyra’s boots as she stepped into the dim sanctuary of Obratsov’s Apothecary. The mingling scents of incense, spice, and damp greeted her like an old friend. Behind the counter, Pavel Obratsov was too engrossed in his work to notice her.
Alyra watched as he, gray-speckled mustache twitching in concentration, fought a battle of wills with a stubborn root. Armed with a pestle, he hammered the tuberous tendrils against the stone mortar until a piece finally broke free. A triumphant grin spread across his face.
A soft chuckle escaped Alyra, drawing his attention. Pavel pushed his spectacles up his long nose, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow as he looked up.
“Good morning, Alyra,” he greeted, setting the mortar down on the worn wood. “Back so soon?”
Alyra slipped the moth-eaten scarf from her hair, tucking it beneath her arm as she stepped forward. “It’s afternoon,” she corrected, a teasing lilt in her voice as she rifled through her canvas bag. She produced a small satchel of fresh herbs with a satisfied smile. “Slow day?”
Pavel shrugged, accepting the satchel. “Mrs. Yeshevsky came in earlier for a poultice.”
“For Vlad’s gout?” Alyra asked, leaning against the counter and blowing a flyaway hair out of her face.
He nodded. “He loves his liquor too much. Her son Leo is on leave, staying for at least a month. Always a handsome boy, that one.
Alyra resisted the urge to roll her eyes, leveling him with a skeptical look. She had known the baker’s son since they were twelve. And while Leo, with his soft blue eyes and dimples, had undoubtedly grown into an attractive man, it was soured by his own acute awareness of his looks.
Pavel chuckled, raising a hand in supplication. “I just wanted to see you happy, Alyosha. And with Mash in Os Alta, who else’s life do I have to meddle in?”
“Lucky me,” she sighed but planted an affectionate peck on his cheek. “Anyways, Andrei should be landside soon,” she added, ignoring the disapproving snort he gave in response. “Now that the ports are open…”
Orbratsov, who had upended the satchel and spread the contents on the counter in front of him for inspection stilled, his eyes locking with hers. “The ports are open?”
The news had been the talk of the town from the moment Alyra set out this morning. Bracing either side of the Sokol River, Ryevost was the largest of the Ravkan port cities. Resting in the southern foothills of the Petrazoi with Os Alta only a short journey east, it had become an economic center. With the country sundered in two by the fold and entrenched in war on two borders, its importance had only grown tenfold. Merchants and military alike relied on the waterways for a constant flow of supplies, while fishermen and netmakers made their living off the river’s steady through.
Three months ago, the cycle of life around the Sokol came to an abrupt stop. The arrival of summer meant safer passage through the mountains and with it came an uptick in Northern raids, which quickly escalated from shelling into full-blown armed conflict between Fjerda and the Ravkan First Army. In a desperate attempt to protect supply lines and cut off further hostile expansion into the country, the mouth of the Sokol had been damned. Trade ground to a standstill and no one from the quayside fishmongers to the Silk Quarter elite was spared the effects. In the last months as resources grew scarce and men desperate, hollowed cheeks and sharp knives became the latest fashion. The city had been holding its breath ever since. 
“Early this morning. They’ve been working since dawn to clear the rubble.”
“How? Why?” Pavel mopped at his bald head with a patched kerchief, his face creased with confusion.
Alyra leaned closer, lowering her voice. “The king must have realized Fjerda is better equipped. Word is they sent in the Second Army and it was quick work after that.
Pavel’s expression darkened. “It is always in when the Black General is involved.”
She hummed in agreement. “First ship came through just before noon.”
“And the cargo?”
Alyra’s finger traced the rough woodgrain of the counter. “Would definitely interest you.”
Pavel’s lips pressed into a thin line as he eyed the front door. “You trust this information?”
She nodded. “Paid Dima a full vlancka and a favor for it.  But you know his father’s worked the docks his whole life. If he says it, I believe him.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “Pavel, that’s not all. There are rumors of Druskelle raids a few miles north.”
“It hasn’t stopped me before,” Pavel replied, though there was a hint of unease in his tone.
Alyra placed a hand over his. “Pavel, with the added security at the gates, it’s riskier than usual. And if they catch you…You remember Yelena—“
“Of course, I remember,” he said sharply, then softened when he saw the worry in her eyes. “I’ve done this a hundred times. We just need to be extra cautious.
She followed his gaze to the wall behind him, where shelves lined with glass bottles reflected the afternoon sunlight filtering through the filmy window. As she watched the sun motes dance in the light, she tried to not think of Yelena Volskya’s screams when the Druskelle dragged her from her home.
When she turned back to him, Pavel’s gray eyes were pleading. “No, Pavel. Absolutely not,” she said, shaking her head. “You know I don’t mix myself up in that business.
“The Satrinov job—“
“Was a one-time deal and nearly a disaster,” she countered, her voice firm. “Besides, the night watch doesn’t try me the way they do you.”
Memories of that desperate nighttime flight flooded back—damp air clinging to her skin, the sharp jolts of fear when the guards nearly caught her. She fought down the urge to shiver.
She sighed, shifting her weight onto her forearms. “If you need a message delivered or someone to keep an eye on Galina, you know I’m your girl. But I can’t risk it. You know I can’t.”
Pavel squeezed her hands between his own, voice gentle. “Alyosha, I understand. But Galina’s health has been so poor this summer, and I’m hesitant to leave her. Tironsky was picked up last week for brawling, and Vikhrov is with her mother in Adena. There is no one else.”
Alyra’s resolve wavered as she thought of Galina’s frail form, coughing through the night. She tried to pull away, but Pavel’s grip tightened.
“This is bigger than you or me. And you can’t hide in the shadows forever, my darling girl. That is no life.”
His words hung heavy in the air, filling every corner of the room. Alyra stared out the window, her jaw clenched, fingers drumming on the counter. The weight of her plea bore down on her, and finally, she sagged, shoulders slumping in defeat.
“Fine, I’ll do it,” she muttered, resigned. “But never again, Pavel. I mean it.”
Pavel’s eyes misted with gratitude as he rounded the counter, pulling her into a tight embrace. “Thank you, zaika,” he whispered, planting a kiss on each cheek. “Thank you.”
It was long past dark when Alyra limped back to Lowtown, exhausted and sore. Curfew had come and gone, and slipping past the guards had been a nerve-wracking ordeal, fitting for the chaos of the last three days.
The first snag in Pavel’s air-tight plan had been the late arrival of the Wave Viper. Known for its speed and the captain’s discretion, the barnacle-laden fishing vessel had docked hours behind schedule due to an impromptu inspection. Waiting by the river, Alyra’s breath had caught, fearing the worst, but the captain assured her the cargo—a handful of Grisha families seeking sanctuary—had gone unnoticed.   The summer storm that followed drenched her and her frightened charges to the bone, emptying the busy streets she had counted on for cover. Forced to change course, she led them out through the east gate, far from the bribed guard at the south. A small fortune she would never see again. But they made it out, passing the group off to Pavel’s contact in a small village south of the city. Her involvement should have ended there.
Now, as she navigated the narrow streets of Lowtown, the paranoia of discovery still gnawed at her. Her legs felt leaden, her heart leaping at every moment as if each shadow hid an enemy.
Rounding the corner, she almost wept with relief at the familiar warm glow at the end of the street. Her salvation—a chipped, plum-colored door—was in sight. She was already imagining Pavel’s gratitude, a hot cup of tea, and a cushioned chair when a resounding crash shattered her thoughts.
The front window exploded into a million pieces, glass raining down, and a man stepped out, his uniform dark and silver-trimmed. Alyra’s head leapt into his throat, recognizing him instantly— a Druskelle.
Heavy footfalls echoed as he was joined by another man. Inside, she heard barked orders in a language she didn’t understand. They had been found out.
Flattening herself against the nearest wall, she prayed the shadows would hide her. Her mind churned with possible actions, but each led to the same dead end. There was no one to call for help, no one would risk their lives for Lowtown apothecary and his family. So she watched.
The first Druskelle scanned the street, his cold eyes passing over her hiding spot. She held her breath, sure he’d seen her, but then he turned away to murmur something to his comrade.
She took a cautious step away from the scene, only to collide with something solid. 
“Going somewhere, little mouse?” a voice growled in fragmented Ravkan. Alyra spun around, her heart thundering as she met cold blue eyes. Panic surged. She darted back, but he snatched her arm, grip like iron. Without missing a beat, he dragged her towards the shattered window, her struggles an exercise in futility.
No matter how she kicked and wrenched, trying to break free, she was no match for his strength. Even when the heel of her boot met his shin, his grip only tightened.
The first thing she saw was Pavel, bound and bloodied, a deep gash on his forehead. When their eyes met, she saw fear and regret mirrored back at her.
“Let her go,” Pavel begged the two uniformed men flanking him. “She’s just my apprentice, she had no part in this.”
One of them laughed harshly as they frog-marched her inside. A kick to the back of her knee nearly sent her sprawling, but she managed to stay upright, defiant even as she was forced to her knees beside Pavel.
A shadow loomed over her. The sandy-bearded man towering above them exuded authority, his coat finer than the rest and adorned with medals. The leader.
“Be careful what lies you tell, old man,” he warned, voice smooth and deadly. “We have been watching your operation for some time.”
“And what operation is that?” Pavel asked, voice steady.
“Smuggling drüsje into this wicked country is a crime against the King of Fjerda, as well as Djel.”
It didn’t matter that they were neither Fjerdan citizens nor followers of their religion. Pavel stared at him, chin high. “We’ve done no such thing.”
The commander’s eyes narrowed, his expression darkening. “Do not take me for a fool. We know about the Grisha you’ve been hiding, the ones you’ve helped cross the border.
Anger flared in her, a white-hot knife slicing through the fear. “It’s easy to find conspiracies where there are none, especially for witch-hunters. Isn’t it funny that your big, bad target is a healer and his sick wife?”
“Alyra, be quiet,” Pavel snapped, his voice sharp with a conviction she had rarely heard from him.
The commander’s smile was thin, cruel as he turned his attention to her. “A sharp tongue will bring you nothing but suffering, genta,” he sneered. “I would cut it out, but I need for a least a little longer.”
Alyra swallowed hard as she met his gaze, defiance warring with the fear that twisted her insides. Her hands trembled, but she kept her jaw set. Pavel, however, was quick to step in.
“Leave her be. She’s just a girl.”
The commander raised an eyebrow. “A girl you used to help smuggle grisha into your country. Now talk, or we will make you.”
Before Pavel could respond, the door to the upstairs apartment creaked open, and Alyra’s heart sank. She knew who she would see before she even turned her head, but the sigh was no less painful. 
Galina Obratsov, Pavel’s wife, stood in the doorway. Her hazel eyes, wide with shock, narrowed as she took in the scene before her. Her fingers turned white around the handle of her walking stick.
“What is the meaning of this? Let them go immediately,” she demanded, all five feet of her radiating the authority of a woman who a run a shop in the slums for years.
Laughter rippled through the ranks of the Druskelle, their leader amused at the sight of her. “And who are you to give orders, old woman?”
Galina’s lined face hardened, exhausted eyes hardening. With a swift motion, she raised her hand, and the shattered glass littering the floor began to stir. Shard lifted into the air, tiny, shimmering daggers glinting with menace. With a flick of her wrist, they shot forward, tearing through flesh. One of the men staggered, clutching his arm while another less fortunate fell to the ground, a fragment buried deep in his throat.
“Alyoshka,” Galina called, moving towards Alyra with surprising speed for her age. Her face was flushed from exertion, strands of gray hair escaping the confines of her braid to hand in her face. “Get out of here.”
“What?” Alyra asked, bewildered as the Druskelle dodged the last of the broken glass. “I’m not leaving you—“
“Do as you're told, child,” Galina growled. “Now, go.”
Alyra hesitated, torn between staying to fight and obeying Galina’s command. The decision was made for her when the Druskelle recovered, expressions shifting from shock to fury. She couldn’t waste the gift they were giving her—this final kindness.
With a last lingering look at Pavel and a squeeze from Galina, she dove between bodies and broken glass, avoiding grasping hands and angry shouts. The night was calm, beyond the shouting and shuffling feet that followed her out of the apothecary’s shop.
But Alyra did not stop running, not even when she heard the punctuating bursts of gunfire. All she could do was muffle her choked sobs as she fled into the dark, tears streaming down her face.
The canals glistened in the morning sun as Alyra pressed through the bustling market crowd. The intermingling aromas of sweat, salt, and fish assaulted her senses, but she pushed on, ignoring the stiffness in her legs and the ache in her joints. She had been hiding in a back alley since the night before, terror and grief rooting her in place until the morning brought a better chance of escape. Now, she knew she had little time with the Druskelle hot on her trail once more. Tossing a glance over her shoulder, she counted three of them, their silver-trimmed uniforms flashing in the daylight as they pursued her through the maze of streets. Alyra’s boots skidded over the dusty cobblestones as she rounded a corner, slipping into a narrow alley between the butcher and the tanner. The passage was cramped, filled with shipping crates and refuse, but she knew it well. Under the cover of darkness, it was a spot for late-night trysts and below-board transactions. In the light of day, it was barely more than a shadowy crevice. She shimmied between the splintered crates, hugging close to the damp wall, trying hard not to think of the grime beneath her hands, clinging to her skirts. Salvation lay at the other end of the alley, where it opened onto an interior street. From there, she could disappear into the anonymity of the square, cross the next canal, and head for the gates. Freedom was so close, she could almost taste it. But the Druskelle were close now, their footsteps echoing off the walls. Her heart pounded as she heard one of them shout, “Drüsje!” Panic piqued, and she scrambled forward, her skirt snagging on a protruding nail. With a curse, she yanked the fabric free and emerged from the alley, blinking in the bright sunlight of the square.  The High Street marketplace was teeming with activity but offered little sanctuary. Her auburn hair, tumbling free from its style, was in a beacon in the crowd. Still, she was not a tall woman by any means. She ducked between stalls, dodging vendors and patrons alike, but the Druskelle were relentless. A rough hand shot out, wrapping around her wrist. Alyra recoiled, adrenaline coursing through her as she prepared to fight, but she was met with the rheumy dark eyes of an old woman. “Red is all the rage in Os Alta this season,” the merchant croaked. “I’ll give two whole vlachki for your lovely curls.” Alyra wrenched herself free, ignoring the woman’s cursing as she fled deeper into the crowd. She skirted around a vendor hawking love potions and ducking past a group of lacemakers, chest heaving. The center-town bridge loomed ahead, her last hurdle before the gate. But as she approached, her heart dropped through her boots. The bridge was out, reduced to a pile of rubble and broken planks. Workers swarmed the site, hauling materials to repair the damage. She hesitated, then surged forward, hoping in her desperation to scale the debris and clear the gap. But a broad-shouldered man blocked her path, his leather face scowling down at her.  “Bridge is out,” the foreman growled, shoving her back towards the crowd. “Go around.” Terror clawed at her, but she had no time for detours. The Druskelle were closing in, their shouts growing louder. With a last glance at the wreckage, she made a decision. She bolted for the bridge, but the forearm’s arms caged her in, dragging her back. “Did you not hear me? Bridge. Is. Out,” he snapped, tossing her down onto the cobblestones. “Find another way around, you daft bitch.” Frustration boiled over, and she scrambled to her feet, fists balled at her sides. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as she took a menacing step forward, but the man only laughed, incredulous. “Drüsje!” The cry snapped her back to reality. She shot the foreman a withering glare before sprinting away.
The sun tipped low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the buildings as she ran. Her lungs burned, every breath a struggle, but she couldn’t stop. Not now, not when death was licking at her heels. She crossed the next canal and darted into a narrow wynd, hoping the lose her pursuers in the labyrinth of streets. But when she reached the end of the alley, she bit back a sob. A stack of massive crates blocked the exit, leaving her trapped.
Alyra spun around, searching for another way out, but the Druskelle were already there, advancing on her with a grim determination. They pushed her back until her heels met the wall of crates, and there was nowhere left to run.
The formation shifted, parting to allow the lean figure of their commander to step forward. “There’s nowhere else to go, genta,” he said, extending his hand out like she was a frightened animal that he might soothe. “It will be better for you to come quietly. Djel is forgiving to the repentant.” Her chest was heavy and sweat plastered tendrils of hair to her brow. The sting of weariness thrummed in her bones, curled up in the space behind her skull. It would be easy to surrender, to let them take her. But as the commander stepped closer, her eyes flicked to the gun at his hip and she remembered the feeling of Galina’s hand on her shoulder, the sound of gunfire echoing off the streets. Djel may be forgiving, but she was not. She waited until he was within reach, then closed her eyes and focused on the steady beat of his heart. In one fluid motion, she raised her hands and tightened them into fists. The commander choked, stumbling to his knees. She didn’t hesitate, twisting her hands to the side. He cried out, clutching his chest. “Grisha bitch," he spat, blood bubbling at his lips. The alley erupted into chaos as the Druskelle rushed to their leader’s aid. Satisfaction flared in Alyra’s chest as she watched him fight for breath in the muck, but it was short-lived. She was still outnumbered, one woman against a throng of trained hunters. The fastest of the group was rapidly approaching. With a tug of her wrist, he lurched sideways, clutching the wall for support as he wheezed. “Sounds like a collapsed lung,” she said. “Pity.” Two more advanced. Her eyes drifted closed, her focus on drawing on a well of power. Nothing happened. Panic surged as she realized her power was faltering, drained by disuse and exhaustion. They were nearly upon her. One of them seized her by the wrists, yanking them apart and pulling her close. She shrieked, kicking and thrashing like a wild animal in his grip, but she was no match for his strength. Her nails collided with flesh. There was a hiss of pain, the hold on her loosened. A fist collided with her ribs, driving the air from her lungs. She gasped, the world tilting on its axis. Her arms dropped to her sides as the Druskelle’s arms wound around her waist, solid and unyielding. The air above her whistled, and she looked up just in time to see the club descending. “Fuck,” she whispered before everything went black.
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j-a-smiths-blog · 2 months
2009 5Aug24: Chapter 218
Long day due to Physical Therapy.
But in other news I ate the most delicious lunch/dinner... Luk Foo in Angeles City / Dau is probably the best Chinese restaurant I have found here in the Philippines.
Now... I am saying that I have found because well I haven't found anything to top that yet. Today I got adventurous. I got the sweet and sour pork of course.... but then the adventurous part is that I got the Braised Beef Brisket Wonton Noodle soup.
First off... I haven't had beef in so long due to Gout... so I took a gamble and so far so good.
In the end the best part is that it only cost $13.14 and there was so much food that I literally could have fed atleast 2 or 3 people.
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lazybee01 · 6 months
Cherries' Top 10 Health Benefits And Weight Loss Recipes
Greetings, and welcome to an enjoyable voyage into the world of cherries! The fantastic health advantages of cherries will be uncovered in this article, ranging from increasing antioxidant consumption to supporting heart health and weight loss. 
However, we're still going; we'll also go into some delectable cherry recipes to tantalise your palate. We also answer any questions concerning the nutritional value of these tiny red beauties. 
So, come along for a tasty and nourishing journey as we explore the various reasons to adore cherries.
A Cherry Fruit: What Is It?
Cherries are round little fruits that are frequently vividly crimson or blackish red. Prunus avium is their scientific name, and they belong to the Rosaceae family. Because they are delicious and healthy, cherries are unlike other fruits. Various types of cherries are available, such as sweet cherries that are suitable for eating raw and sour cherries that are ideal for baking and cooking.
Due to their extreme versatility, cherries are adored by people worldwide. They always provide a tasty twist to a variety of sweet recipes. In addition to being delicious, cherries are also healthy for your active fitness because they contain important antioxidants. Let's talk about a few of them. 
Cherries' Top 5 Health Benefits
Let's examine a few of the fantastic health advantages of cherries:
1. Plenty Of Antioxidant
Cherry health advantages include a wealth of antioxidants such as quercetin and anthocyanins, essential in preventing oxidative stress and providing defence against chronic illnesses. 
2. Inflammatory-Reduction Capabilities
Strong anti-inflammatory qualities found in cherries can aid in reducing the discomfort of ailments such as gout and arthritis. Moreover, Cherry's health advantages lessen pain in the muscles after exercise. A 2020 study that was published in the journal Nutrients found that consuming cherries improved older people's inflammation and post-exercise recovery.
3. Enhances Sleep Quality 
Melatonin, a hormone necessary for controlling sleep, is naturally found in cherries. You can improve the quality of your sleep and treat sleep-related disorders by eating cherries or drinking sour cherry juice.
4. Guardian Of Heart Health
Potassium, found in cherries, protects the heart's health by regulating blood pressure. Cherries also have the health advantage of lowering cholesterol, lowering the risk of heart disease.
5. The Joy Of Weight Watchers
Cherries are an excellent option for people starting weight control programmes because they are a calorie-friendly food with a high fibre content. Their fibre increases the feeling of fullness and facilitates efficient digestion.
6 Cherry Fruit Recipes To Help You Lose Weight
Let's examine a few easy cherry recipes, including some Indian ones, that will help you taste good and lose weight.
1. Strawberry-Berry Smoothie 
Ingredients: Greek yoghurt, spinach, cherries, mixed berries, and optional honey.
Blend a handful of spinach, Greek yoghurt, cherries, and mixed berries.
If you would want it sweeter, add more honey.
Have this cool smoothie for a nutrient-rich breakfast or midday snack.
2. Ingredients For Cherry Muesli
Almond milk, honey, chia seeds, roll oats and cherries.
Cook oats in almond milk, then mix with chia seeds, honey, and fresh or frozen cherries. For extra crunch, sprinkle sliced almonds on top. This hearty muesli is a filling way to start the day.
3. Indian-style Cherry Salad With Cottage Cheese:
Cherries, paneer (cottage cheese), mint leaves, cumin powder, black salt, and salt.
In a bowl, mix cherries and cubed cottage cheese. Add some cumin powder, black salt, and salt to make this salad taste delicious. For added taste, garnish with fresh mint leaves.
4. Cherry Raita (An Indian Yoghurt Side Dish):
 Black salt, mint leaves, yoghurt, cherries, and roasted cumin powder.
pit, cut, and then stir cherries into Greek yoghurt. Garnish with mint leaves, a dash of black salt, and toasted cumin powder. Cherry raita is the ideal side dish for Indian cuisine.
5. Ingredients For Cherry Salsa: 
Ingredients :
lime juice, cilantro, red onion, jalapeño pepper, cherries, and salt.
Chop the jalapeño pepper, red onion, and cherries. Add chopped cilantro, lime juice, and a dash of salt. Serve this colourful salsa verde over fish or grilled chicken for a low-calorie supper.
6.  Cherry Almond Bars: 
Almond flour, oats, honey, almond butter, cherries.
Combine cherries, almond butter, oats, honey, and almond flour in a food processor.
After pressing the mixture into a pan, chill it.
Cut into bars for a homemade, healthful treat.
The Final Say
In summary, cherries are a delicious treat that offers many health advantages. Cherries have health benefits, from their high antioxidant content to their potential to support heart health, improve sleep, and much more.
In addition, there are many reasons to include cherries in your diet daily, especially considering how delicious and nutritious they are and how many health benefits they offer. 
So relish cherries' tart and sweet flavour, knowing that they are delicious and beneficial to your health. Chewing pleasure!
About ToneOp
ToneOp is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp.
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Benefit apples.
 An awesome and very taste apples growing in your garden . A  most benefit are fresh, not are keeping for many months.
 Eating fresh apples benefit in hypovitaminosis, iron deficit  anemia, dyskinesia gall ways, weak peristaltic bowel, chronic hard stool, disbacteriosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, edema, kidneys and liver diseases, bad face colour, sugar diabetes and here eating not sweet kinds, urinary stones, gout, obesity, localizations tumors, healthy peoples for.
In bowel atonic, chronic hard stool eat 2 apples or shredding of for 2-3 times/day before a meal.
Low acidity gastritis eat 2-3 sour-sweet apples on an empty stomach morning , after for 3-4 hours nothing eating , on 11.am you can to breakfast, course are cure 3-4 weeks.
Colitis in eat 2/3 of  shredding sweet apples without peel for 3-4 times/day before a meal.
In bowel disbacteriosis, hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis, atherosclerosis eat 1-2 baked apples for 2-3 times/day before meal or between a meal time.
In hypertension , atherosclerosis, obesity, gall bladder atonic, cholecystitis, cold diseases use 0.5 glass of apple juice for 5 times/day before a meal with right diet.
In gout, rheumatism, enterocolitis are 3 middle apples with peel cut, add 1 l. of th hot water, cook ten min on weak fire,, infuse 30 min, sweet by taste, drink this liquid within a day, cure is long.
In sugar diabetes for second type use 1/4 for juice Antonov s apples of for 2 times/day before half hours till meal with diet.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/3yJ7Aze via https://ift.tt/wkMUu57
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healinghandss · 1 year
Tumblr media
Homeopathic Cell Salts
Cell salts, also known as tissue salts or biochemic remedies, are a powerful and accessible tool for healing. With only 12 tissue salts, they are easy to understand and widely available for purchase in many different stores and online. They are safe, affordable, and have been used by many people as an introduction to homeopathy and home-prescribing.
The cell salts are 12 homeopathically prepared minerals and mineral salts that make up the inorganic constituents of the human body. When the body is cremated after death, these 12 inorganic materials make up a significant portion of the ashes. Dr. Schuessler discovered the importance of these minerals in maintaining health by analyzing the ashes of cremated bodies and correlating certain mineral deficiencies with patterns of ill health.
The potency of cell salts is always a 6X or 12X, which is below Avogadro’s number and means that there are trace molecules of the original substance left. This is why it is often thought of as micro-dosing of minerals. The cell salts rebalance the functioning of the body at the level of the cell, promoting health from the very basic level. Get in touch with The Healing hands Homeopathy clinic to get more details around what is a best suited salt for your condition.
Each of the 12 cell salts has its own specific uses and indications. Some common keywords and themes for each cell salt are listed, along with a few popular combinations.
If you are searching for a homeopathic doctor or homeopathy near you, you may want to explore our website or get in touch with us for more details around cell salts.
Calc Fluor supports the surface of bones and tooth enamel, as well as connective tissue, by promoting elasticity of fibers
Calc Phos is important for the solidity of bones, proper growth and nutrition, and nutritional absorption. It is also useful for growing pains and healing fractures
Calc Sulph aids in detoxification and is helpful for conditions such as catarrh, eruptions, purulent exudations, and liver action
Ferrum Phos is indicated for the first stage of inflammation and general inflammation, including symptoms such as pain, heat, swelling, redness, and fever.
Kali Mur is recommended for the second stage of inflammation, swollen glands, and white or grey exudations or coatings or discharges.
Kali Phos has anti-septic properties and is useful for decay, lack of nerve power, and as a nerve tonic during the recovery phase of illness.
Kali Sulph helps with yellowy deposits or discharges or secretions, cellular-level oxygen uptake, and desquamation.
Mag Phos is effective for cramps, pains, and paralysis, and has anti-spasmodic properties. It is better for warmth and pressure.
Nat Mur helps balance watery discharges and is useful for dryness, emaciation/malabsorption.
Nat Phos is recommended for excess of lactic acid, gout, rheumatism, heartburn, dyspepsia from fats, and sour-smelling discharges.
Nat Sulph aids in excess water removal and is helpful for urinary system and intestinal issues. Symptoms are generally worse in damp conditions.
Silicea is important for connective tissues, joints, and the structure of the body. It can help with deficient assimilation, pus-formation, and hastening suppuration.
Visit here- https://thehealinghands.ca/homeopathic-cell-salts/
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heliinx · 2 years
Wrote this eons ago and don’t remember if I ever posted it but--
The rift had appeared behind the forcefield, a jagged cut in the fabric of our world, bleeding a foul presence that had turned the gentle blue sky into a piercing green. No sooner had it did alarms blare, men and women mobilizing as more tears appeared. An attack on the capital! Such a thing hadn’t happened for years and when last it had, death and disarray followed. The sores in the sky began to weep, not blood, but rats. Man-sized rodents, with a fearsome and malign intelligence, surging across the grounds of the capital with verminous haste. The sheer drop killed many of them before they got the chance to do any damage, but there were so, so many more ready to replace them. Filthy pink paws landing on broken bodies, lurching forwards at the offensive and defensive measures. Guns, turrets—not enough to stop the tide of rats.
The silent day drowned in sea of screeching and squeaking, of battle cries and death throes of man and rat alike. More tears, closer to the ground. More ratmen, pushing fell machines through the opening into the new world; cannons and catapults. Bastards of both mad technology and raw, evil magic; they seared through the enemy opposition wherever they struck true. They struck allies as well, but the ratfolk had no care, gave no pause for the accidental (intentional?) friendly fire.
But the worst was yet to come. He was yet to come.
The sky boiled and rippled and bulged. It shrieked and finally ripped into the largest of the reality wounds, a gout of rats bursting forth like a ruptured boil. And behind them was the creature, more fearsome than anything on the battlefield. A creature that reminded the men cowering behind the walls, trying desperately to hold off the vermin horde, of a beast they faced over a decade ago. Their blood froze as they witnessed him, wearing the same blackened carapace, with the same malice in his hateful orange eyes, the same horns, the same gnashing teeth. Taking to the air with the same liquid grace to survey the damage done thus far.
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“Yes, yes!” He hissed. “Surged, my children! Kill for me! Burn them, break them, do what you must!”
And they did, joyously, for the rat folk hated man more completely than anything else. The Interloper simply basked in the bloody chaos below, men struggling against the foul rattish parodies of themselves, before a thunderous crack rang out behind him, like a great tree giving under an even greater force.
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“The portals are weak-brittle, leader-master. We must move quick-quick!” It was the rat on his shoulder, a single white-furred doe amongst of sea of black and brown bucks. The Interloper regarded her, his face briefly souring. He had wanted to bathe in the chaos, but the portals would not hold forever. He plucked her off his shoulder, securing her in one great, draconic hand, and then soared towards his target located deeper within the rings of the capital.
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The Accumulator. The source of their power and the key to his own. Finally, after months of planning and years of ridicule, he would finally have something to show for.
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garnishmestore · 2 years
The Flavorful Strength of Lemons and Limes
Lemons and limes are common fruit basics with several health advantages and are simple to employ all the time, even though you might only glance over them or occasionally buy them. We also provide a variety of Dried Lime Slices For Cocktails, from the delicate and fruity to the powerful and peppery. Each is produced from real lemons that have been hand-selected, expertly dried, and packaged by us. They're excellent for preparing a wide range of beverages, from mojitos to margaritas to pina Coladas—we're certain there's something here for any occasion. There is a better likelihood of providing higher quality online content with more lines offered.
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Convenience: Lemons and limes can be utilized in a selection of meals, consisting of sorbets, gelato, drinks, salads, seafood, jams, jellies, and even non-perishables, such as cosmetics, toothpaste, soaps, skin lotions, hair shampoos, mouthwashes, anti-bacterial, cleaning items, as well as body oils. They are reduced in calories and also fat, as well as are cholesterol cost-free. Yet, they are very high in Vitamin C and include an excellent resource of fiber, magnesium, calcium, Vitamins A, B6, C, E, K, potassium, and niacin. They have an acidic and sour taste, but when consumed, they are alkaline, creating in the belly. 
Small Fruit, Big Health and Wellness Benefits: Dehydrated Lime For Cocktails have a lot of health benefits, you can get an instant glow on your skin after drinking, improve digestion of food, benefits in treating eyes and macular degeneration, and Also shown to help those suffering from scurvy (absence of vitamin C). Treats constipation, gout, urinary system problems, and the common cold and aids in weight loss. Presently, lemon and lime can help you with both. They are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, which help eliminate free radicals that have harmful effects on the body.
Both lemons and limes are high in citric acid, an outstanding resource for melting fat and detoxifying the body. They can also aid with burping and also bloating. Due to their potassium content, lemons and limes can help remove toxicities, speed up the kidneys and bladder, and aid infections and uric acid accumulation. Lemons include Limonene, which has been revealed to have anti-cancer impacts and help enhance the enzyme levels in the body to assist detox health hazards.
Right here come lemons as well as limes to the rescue. Lime oils help reduce body smell due to their anti-bacterial, antibiotic, antioxidant homes, vitamin C, and flavonoid material. It can even aid with dry and also flaky skin. Merely rub the peel of lime on the dry areas of the skin. Rub a sliced-up lime over them to relieve pain as well as to get rid of contaminants in the pores of the feet.
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interactivetonki · 2 years
Fat cactus
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Fat cactus full#
Dorstenia gigas species seedling southern orange california county palmbob davesgarden socotra fig. Jatropha podagrica belly buddha plant care shrub gout succulent planta bonsai guatemalan rhubarb worldofsucculents genus tropical caudex plants batata succulents Columnar Cactus | Oro Valley | Tucson Cactus Company cactus columnar selection tucson Helianthocereus Terscheckii Fat Boy Cactus - Cactus Limon terscheckii mammillaria 7 Best Natural Herbs For Diabetes And Its Healthy Benefits - Natural cactus prickly pear edible cook pads pears natural fruit health nopales motherearthnews bloom articles tunas showing soldier stories PlantFiles Pictures: Dorstenia (Dorstenia Gigas) By Palmbob ĭorstenia gigas species seedling southern orange california county palmbob davesgarden socotra fig Pachyphytum 'Chiseled Stones' | Planting Succulents, Plant Fungus, Plants caledonia fungus pachyphytum chiseled Xeriscape Ninjas: Grigsby Cactus Gardens Review įat cactus on george street in new brunswick cited for violating covid. Miniature Cactus And Succulent Plant Collection (4) - Fat Plants San Diego įlowering Fat Cactus On George Street In New Brunswick Cited For Violating COVID brunswick tapinto cited violating taqueria resemble Jatropha Podagrica - Buddha Belly, Bottleplant Shrub | World Of Succulents 9 Pictures about Miniature Cactus and Succulent Plant Collection (4) - Fat Plants San Diego : Fat Cactus on George Street in New Brunswick Cited For Violating COVID, Miniature Cactus and Succulent Plant Collection (4) - Fat Plants San Diego and also Xeriscape Ninjas: Grigsby Cactus Gardens review. Miniature Cactus and Succulent Plant Collection (4) - Fat Plants San Diego. Well… at least I’d filled up on starters!! And of course we had to end the night on a couple more Tequilas… When in Mexico after all!!! The burgers however, which someone else had as a main course (The Chuck Norris Burger in particular) were really really good. The Blue was so strong I couldn’t taste anything else and overpowered all the other flavours in the Quesadilla. I ordered the Porky Quesos – Quesadillas stuffed with Cheddar, Cream and Blue Cheese and Chorizo – doesn’t that sound amazing? Unfortunately it was a huge let down 😦 The Blue Cheese and the not-so-spicy Chorizo did not make a good combination. Now after that, I was looking forward to a seriously good main course. Smoky, spicy, hot, sticky, sweet… What more could you ask for in a good rib?! Chipotle Ribs… Mmmmm The ribs on the other hand was all of ours favourite dish. I could have eaten 5! The Amazeballs were okay but they lacked flavour – the Chorizo they had used didn’t really taste like Chorizo, more like Bacon… And although Bacon is always tasty, I was looking forward to the spicy sausage the Spanish are so famous for. The Chilli Poppers were so good with just the right amount of heat. Fat Cactus Nachos 10.50 Nachos Smothered in Refried Beans, Queso, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Pico de Gallo, Avocado Crema, Sour Cream, Jalapeos, and Mixed Cheese Tamales 8.45 2 Homemade Masa Tamales Stuffed with your choice of Chicken or Pork Carnitas, served with a Red Enchilada Sauce or Salsa Verde and Topped with Sour Cream Fire Wontons 8. Let me just say, the Chocolate Fusion Tequila is a must try! We also got a jug of Moggyritas (basically a combination of Strawberry, Lime and Mango Margeritas) which was sweet but not sickly and had just enough tequila that you didn’t gag at the smell of it!! Chilli Bullets!įor starters we ordered Chilli Bullets (Jalapenos stuffed with Cream Cheese, Blue Cheese and Bacon), Amazeballs (Risotto Rice balls with Chorizo) and the Rib Basket (full of riblets covered in yummy smoky Chipotle sauce). Luckily I had reserved a table – doubt we would have gotten one other wise! Soon after we sat down we got this cool menu with amazingly creative names for normal Mexican restaurant type dishes and a HUMONGOUS, and I really mean LARGE, list of Tequilas on the back. You just know whether or not the food is good, you’re going to have a fun night!
Fat cactus full#
The whole place is packed full of people, eating, drinking, laughing and generally having a fabulous time (probably after quite a few of their famous Moggyritas and Tequilas). Immediately on entering this restaurant the friendly fun vibe hits you smack bang in the face.
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joyfulunion · 6 years
Sour Gout - Eclipse
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‘Eclipse’ was originally composed in 2017 and locked away, and until now. Sour Gout revisited the project this year, taking the stems and sounds from the original and reconstructing it. The separate versions of Eclipse serve to show Sour Gout’s growth as a musician and stylistic choices regarding the composition and deconstruction of his work over the past year. Out now on New Motion.
Purchase Cassette: Sour Gout - Eclipse
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sourgout · 7 years
(Sour Gout)
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